HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 Implementation Chapter 12-31-19 15-1 15. Implementation Chapter Highlights • This chapter provides some initial action steps for implementing the comprehensive plan, with a focus on the ten years prior to the next scheduled comprehensive plan update. • The chapter describes some of the commonly used tools and strategies that the City of Edina will deploy to achieve the goals and policies outlined in this plan. • The chapter also includes implementation steps from the topical chapters of the plan, with additional details added as to proposed timeline for implementation and the major entities that will be responsible for implementation. • As required, the chapter takes a closer look at zoning and land use regulation, since those are directly impacted by changes to land use guidance, and there are statutory requirements to ensure consistency between comprehensive plans and city zoning guidance. Introduction Plans are judged not only by the quality of their content but by the extent to which they are implemented as intended. The City of Edina undertook this plan update with the intention that it would provide a community vision of the future and be used by city staff and officials on a regular basis to guide decisions. The intent of this chapter is to show how goals and policies can be translated into action, guiding the ongoing work undertaken by the City and its partners. Another planning axiom is that a community plan is most worthwhile if it influences how a city writes its regulations or spends its money. Leadership and encouragement, while critical, are not sufficient alone to effect changes. To that end, this chapter makes a connection between policies and the City’s budgetary process, including the Capital Improvement Plan. While the comprehensive plan does not program specific yearly expenditures, it should be influential as to how those decisions are being made. Implementation Responsibility As this is the City of Edina’s comprehensive plan, the primary responsibility lies with the City itself to ensure the plan is implemented. However, the plan includes a vision beyond the scope of basic public services. To fully accomplish what the comprehensive plan envisions, partners are needed to work with the City on implementation. While this plan does not directly guide their actions, the intent it to show how ongoing work through a variety of partners can be coordinated together to increase overall impact and effectiveness in achieving shared goals. Definitions Official controls: locally adopted ordinances, policies, design guidelines, fiscal tools, and other regulations that direct, guide, and assist in development decisions Zoning ordinance: local ordinance that regulates the type, scale, and intensity of development in a community. Subdivision ordinance: local ordinance that regulates the subdivision and platting of land Capital improvement plan: a five-year financing plan created by a municipality to fund infrastructure such as roads, utilities, parks, and community buildings Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-2 Advisory Boards and Commissions City leadership and staff will implement the plan on an ongoing basis through decision-making, including city budgeting and provision of programs and services. One of the main ways the City of Edina implements the plan is through its system of advisory boards and commissions. The active volunteer members of these groups reflect the deep commitment of many Edina residents to support their city and maintain the community’s high quality of life. At this time, the list includes: • Arts and Culture Commission • Board of Appeal and Equalization • Community Health Commission • Construction Board of Appeals • Energy and Environment Commission • Heritage Preservation Commission • Housing and Redevelopment Authority • Human Rights and Relations Commission • Parks and Recreation Commission • Planning Commission • Race and Equity Task Force • Transportation Commission Many of these boards and commissions were involved in the development of this plan, to ensure that it was consistent with their own mission and goals to the extent applicable for a comprehensive plan. While the primary decision-making authority for the City of Edina remains with the City Council, these bodies of appointed members provide oversight, input, and guidance related to focus areas for the community. They are supported by Edina staff liaisons who provide direction for and assistance with meetings, activities, and initiatives. During the planning process for the comprehensive plan, the advisory boards and commissions guided the development of applicable draft chapters. During the plan implementation, their role will shift to providing oversight and input in the city’s work plan. Other Agencies Many other organizations and agencies are an important part of the implementation of the comprehensive plan. This is particularly true for areas that are important to the City of Edina, but the City itself is not the main implementing agency. Examples of these include Hennepin County, the Edina School District, Hennepin County Library, Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, adjacent cities, and various neighborhood and community groups in Edina. The City will continue to coordinate as appropriate with these organizations on areas of shared interest and responsibility. Implementation Tools The City has numerous tools at its disposal to shape development patterns, protect natural and built infrastructure, and protect the quality of life for residents. Implementation strategies can be separated into several distinct ‘tool’ categories. Each tool has distinct characteristics that make it suitable for specific goals and circumstances. The tools available to the City comprise the City’s implementation portfolio. These tools include: Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-3 Education and Promotion – Formal programs or informal efforts undertaken by the City or in conjunction with the City to encourage voluntary actions by individuals or businesses that help fulfill the City’s desired future as described in the Comprehensive Plan. Incentives and Incentive Regulation – Inducements offered by the City alone or in partnership with others to elicit actions by individuals or businesses that move the City toward its desired future. The inducements or incentives can include: • Direct financial assistance such as cost sharing • Indirect financial assistance such as assistance in applying for grants, or with infrastructure improvements • Regulatory incentives such as flexible regulations and guidelines • Professional assistance incentives such as technical assistance in façade or infrastructure design, integration of historic elements, or meeting state or federal regulatory standards City Ordinances and Other Regulation – City ordinances, including zoning, subdivision, environmental, and other standards, as well as the administrative approvals process. Regulation includes: • Threshold standards such as minimum or maximum lot sizes and height requirements • Performance standards that regulate development impacts such as traffic or sewer capacity • Administrative standards such as information or analyses required for a development • Application and the order and timing of approvals by regulating authorities Managing Public Processes and Resources – Public investments and management decisions for infrastructure, public services, public lands, and public processes. Such investment or decisions can include: • Programming of public improvements through the Capital Improvement Plan (see Appendix for the City’s current CIP) • Water, wastewater, and transportation investments made by the City or ultimately managed by the City • Land acquisition, sale, or exchange for the purpose of preservation or development • Management decisions and expenditures for public resources such as streets, parks, and deployment of public services • Conducting studies and making decisions on enhancing or modifying the Comprehensive Plan or supporting documents Rarely will a single tool or category of tools be sufficient to achieve Comprehensive Plan goals. Most policies, and most of the preferred mix of land uses shown on the future land use map, require the use of several tools from different categories in order to be realized and sustained. The City must take a ‘portfolio’ approach in its implementation choices, recognizing that each category of tools has unique strengths and weaknesses. Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-4 Figure 15.1: Existing Zoning Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-5 Key Official Controls This section focuses on the key implementation ordinances and regulations that are the official controls that the City will use to implement the City’s Comprehensive Plan Update. Zoning Ordinance Zoning is the primary means of land use control. Minnesota State Statues (MS § 462.357) provides the authority for municipalities to enact zoning ordinances. Section 850 of the Edina City Code (see Chapter 8 – Land Use, Plats, and Zoning) contains the Zoning Ordinance. The Findings, Purpose and Objectives of that Section (850.01) state: The Council finds that Edina has emerged from an era exemplified by unparalleled growth and development and has entered a period of stability, reuse, and redevelopment; that some of the standards and regulations which guided initial development of the City are not appropriate for guiding future development and redevelopment ; and that standards and regulations for guiding future development and redevelopment should be based upon the stated goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan of this City, as from time to time amended, which constitutes the City’s statement of philosophy concerning the use of land within its jurisdiction. Through enactment of this Section, the Council intends to implement this statement of philosophy so as to provide for the orderly and planned development and redevelopment of lands and waters in Edina, to maintain an attractive living and working environment in Edina, to preserve and enhance the high quality residential character of Edina and to promote the public health, safety and general welfare. Among the objectives cited are: Maintain, protect and enhance single family detached dwelling neighborhoods as the dominant land use. Encourage orderly development of multi-family housing that offers a wide range of housing choice, density and location while maintaining the overall high quality of residential development. Encourage orderly development, use and maintenance of office, commercial and industrial uses which are compatible with the residential character of the City. This Section divides the City into districts and establishes minimum requirements for these districts as to the location, height, parking, landscaping, bulk, mass, building coverage, density and setbacks of buildings and structures and the use of buildings, structures, and properties for residences, retailing, offices, industry, recreation, institutions and other uses. This Section also provides procedures for the transfer of property to another district, procedures for the issuance of conditional use permits, establishes the Zoning Board of Appeals, provides for the administration of this Section, and establishes penalties and remedies for violations. This Section also establishes overlay districts designed to preserve buildings, lands, areas and districts of historic or architectural significance and to protect surface and ground water supplies and minimize the possibility of periodic flooding resulting in the loss of life and property, health and safety hazards and related adverse effects. Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-6 Minnesota State Law also requires consistency between a community’s zoning ordinance and its Comprehensive Plan. The City’s Zoning Ordinance will be reviewed to ensure consistency with the 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update. The City of Edina’s current zoning districts currently include: • Single Dwelling Unit District (R-1). The Principal use permitted in R-1 are buildings containing not more than one dwelling unit. • Double Dwelling Unit District (R-2). The Principal use permitted in R-2 are buildings containing two dwelling units. • Planned Residence District (PRD and PSR). The principal uses vary between single dwelling unit buildings, double dwelling unit buildings and residential townhouses or residential buildings containing six or fewer dwelling units. PRD-5. Rest homes, convalescent homes and nursing homes. PSR-3 and PSR-4. Buildings containing four or more dwelling units, all but one of which are senior citizen dwelling units. • Mixed Development District (MDD). The principal uses permitted in the MDD include buildings containing not fewer than ten dwelling units or senior citizen dwelling units with publicly owned park and recreational facilities, publicly owned or operated civic or cultural institutions, offices, suites hotels and commercial in some districts. • Planned Office District (POD). Uses permitted in the POD include business and professional offices. • Planned Commercial District (PCD). Principal uses in the PCD include commercial retail, business and professional offices, restaurants, medical uses, hotels among other commercial uses. • Planned Industrial District (PID). Uses permitted in the PID include manufacturing, compounding, processing, packaging, treatment and assembly of products and materials and warehousing. • Regional Medical District (RMD). Uses permitted in the RMD include hospitals, medical and dental offices, clinics, laboratories for research, diagnostic testing, analytical or clinical work, having a direct relationship to the providing of health services. • Automobile Parking District (APD). Permitted uses in the Automobile Parking District (APD) include Parking lots and drive-through banking facilities. • Heritage Preservation Overlay District (HPD). • Floodplain Overlay District (FD). • Building Height Overlay District (HOD). • Planned Unit Development District (PUD). PUD are determined by an approved plan. These will be revisited and modified as part of the comprehensive plan implementation, as described in the following implementation table. Historic Preservation Ordinance Minnesota State Statutes (MS § 471.193) sets forth the enabling legislation that provides for municipalities to engage in a comprehensive program of historic preservation, and to promote the use and conservation of historic properties for the education, inspiration, pleasure, and enrichment of the citizens of Minnesota. This Statute also provides for a municipality to establish a Heritage Preservation Commission and to delegate or assign powers to enable it to carry out a program of historic preservation activities. Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-7 Section 801 of the Edina City Code (see Chapter 8 – Land Use, Plats, and Zoning) contains the Historic Preservation Ordinance which establishes the Heritage Preservation Board and includes its duties and responsibilities. Subdivision Ordinance Minnesota State Statutes (MS § 462.358) sets forth the enabling legislation that provides municipalities the authority to enact subdivision regulations and dedication requirements associated with subdividing land. Section 810 of the Edina City Code (see Chapter 8 – Land Use, Plats, and Zoning) contains the “Subdivision Ordinance: Plats and Subdivisions.” This Section establishes physical standards, design requirements and procedures for plats and subdivisions of land to allow flexibility in the design of plats and subdivisions, to develop a consistency with and to help implement the zoning, building, and other applicable sections and provisions of the City Code, and to support and further the City’s Comprehensive Plan. This nexus between the Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance is intended to provide for the establishment of uniform procedures and regulations for plats and subdivisions to preserve and enhance the value and viable economic use of property, to protect the character and symmetry of neighborhoods in the City, and to protect and further, and not frustrate, legitimate investment-backed expectations of property owners. The City will review, and update, the Subdivision Ordinance following Zoning Ordinance updates that will be needed to implement the Comprehensive Plan. Housing Plan The City will implement its Housing Plan through the goals, policies and action steps identified in Chapter 4: Housing. The City will continue to implement the adopted Livable Communities Act (LCA) Goals Agreement related to affordable housing, as further described in that chapter. Transportation Plan The implementation of the Transportation Plan will occur through many different avenues ranging from policy decisions to specific roadway improvements to multimodal enhancements such as bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Chapter 5: Transportation describes implementation strategies for the transportation element. The Capital Improvement Plan is an important tool for implementing this plan. Utilities and Infrastructure The most commonly used tools for utilities and infrastructure are described in Minnesota State Statutes (MS § 429), which confers the authority to cities to charge special assessments and user charges, as well as establish utilities, to pay for utilities and infrastructure. Chapter 7 Water Resources and its appendices provide additional information on the implementation plan for maintaining, upgrading, and expanding the city’s utility systems, including sanitary sewer, drinking water, and stormwater. The Capital Improvement Plan is an important tool for implementing utility and infrastructure improvements. Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-8 Implementation Actions The following table lists the major actions needed to implement the policy recommendations in each element of the plan. It briefly describes each action, designates its relative time frame (Short- term: 1-5 years, Medium-term: 6-10 years, and Long-term: 11+ years), and indicates which departments, agencies or interest groups should be involved, both in primary (bold) and secondary or advisory roles. This table is meant as a summary of chapter content, to allow viewing of actions in one location to make it more straightforward to track progress. See the individual chapter for more detail on implementation strategies, including a review of housing- specific tools in Chapter 4 Housing. Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies 3. Land Use and Community Design Land Use Topic 1: Zoning ordinance revisions Update the zoning code to be consistent with new future land use guidance. May include revisions to zoning district definitions, permitted densities, building height standards, building massing and setback standards, standards and guidelines for mixed use development, and other related changes that are consistent with the comprehensive plan. Short-term: within 9 months of plan adoption Planning Department, City Council, Planning Commission Land Use Topic 2: Subdivision ordinance revisions Review subdivision ordinance to ensure consistency with Living Streets Plan and other design guidelines for corridors in the city. Short-term Planning Department, Public Works, City Council, Planning Commission Land Use Topic 3: Development review process Evaluate and update the City’s development review process to clarify role and involvement of community input, including residents and neighborhood groups. Encourage review of plans at the conceptual plan level to incorporate feedback. Formal approval of plans by the City will still be based on fully engineered plan submittal. Short-term Planning Department, City Council, Planning Commission Land Use Topic 3: Subarea and topical studies Create small area or district plans for Edina’s business and industrial park areas, to provide guidance for area of potential change identified in land use chapter. Short-term Planning Department, Economic Development Office, City Council, Planning Commission Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-9 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies 4. Housing Housing Topic 1: Housing Supply and Community Growth Assign responsibility for implementing all of the housing plan policies. Provide an annual progress report. Ongoing Planning Department, Planning Commission, Housing & Redevelopment Authority Create a financing plan for implementing all of the housing plan policies. Short Term City Manager, Planning Department, City Manager Develop a housing implementation strategy to guide future housing priorities and actions. Short Term Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department Housing Topic 2: Housing Affordability Provide active leadership to meet affordable housing needs for residents and workforce through land use and fiscal policies, and to manage funds accordingly. Ongoing Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department, Edina Housing Foundation Collaborate with the public, nonprofit, and private sectors in planning and developing housing, especially focused on the provision of mixed income, affordable, and other housing types the marketplace does not sufficiently provide. Ongoing Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department Encourage long-term management strategies for affordable housing, in cooperation with affordable housing organizations, to ensure the continuation of its affordability features to successive households. Ongoing Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department Continue to fund and expand financial and technical support of community land trusts that provide affordable housing within the city. Ongoing Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department, City Council Expand educational outreach to the larger metropolitan community about programs that are available in Edina to foster housing affordability and maintenance. Short Term Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department Address any regulatory barriers that unnecessarily decrease housing affordability without a counterbalancing benefit to the community. Ongoing Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Commission, City Council Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-10 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies Continue to implement the City’s inclusionary affordable housing policy, and ensure that any accumulated funds are invested appropriately in expanding affordable housing options. Ongoing Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Commission, City Council Within appropriate areas, support flexibility in official controls that allow densities that are compatible with providing affordable housing options for residents. Ongoing Planning Department, Planning Commission, City Council Investigate the need for, and implement as deemed appropriate and practicable, tenant protections, including rental licensure and tracking, tenant notification requirements, or other approaches. Short Term Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department Planning Commission, City Council Identify additional creative funding approaches for affordable housing, such as socially oriented investing models, use of tax credits, modified forms of tax increment financing, and other alternative financing structures. Medium Term Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department, Edina Housing Foundation Review existing subsidized housing affordability agreements and use of housing vouchers to determine status. Short Term Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department, Edina Housing Foundation Provide mortgage assistance program to specifically target income-eligible workers employed within the city to enable them to live in the city. The City may choose to collaborate with other organizations to develop this program. Medium Term Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department, Edina Housing Foundation Support the use of rental assistance programs for income- eligible households within the city Ongoing Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department, Edina Housing Foundation Ensure race and equity are addressed in the dissemination and publicizing of information on affordable units. Develop marketing plans for subsidized Short Term Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department, Edina Housing Foundation Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-11 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies affordable rental and ownership units targeted geographic areas or groups in the metropolitan area who may be unlikely to consider renting or purchasing housing in Edina due to inaccessibility of information or concerns about discrimination. Expand awareness and understanding of affordable housing. Engage the Edina community through neighborhood associations, faith institutions, Early Childhood, Senior Center, and other community resident and business organizations in regularly scheduled dialogues, education, and presentations on the city's need and commitment to provide affordable housing. Short Term Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department Housing Topic 3: Housing Quality and Design Maintain and update a citywide survey of housing conditions, to determine where additional investment may be needed. Ongoing Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department, Planning Commission, Building Inspections Encourage repairs and improvements to existing single- family homes that avoid tear- downs, extend their useful life, and ensure that they are designed and maintained in a manner that complements the dwelling’s character and is compatible with adjacent homes and the character of the surrounding neighborhood. Ongoing Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department, Planning Commission Consider program of assisting income eligible property owners with rehabilitating their homes to extend their useful life in a manner that also complements the dwelling’s character and is compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood Medium Term Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department, City Council Housing Topic 4: Housing Choice Support the development of a program that will assist workers employed within the city to live in the city and attract new residents to the area. Medium Term Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-12 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies Offer resources to support senior residents seeking to age-in-place. Medium Term Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department Assist neighborhoods in retaining starter housing stock that can accommodate young families. City programs and policies can promote such features as housing affordability, sidewalks, and proximity to recreational amenities such as parks (including pocket parks), playgrounds and community gardens that act as magnets to encourage young families to settle in the city. Medium Term Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department Develop and implement fair housing policy. Short Term Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Planning Department, City Council 5. Transportation Transportation Topic 1: Improve mobility for residents, visitors and businesses (including those with transportation disadvantages) through the creation and maintenance of a balanced system of transportation alternatives for transit users, pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists. Increase protected and separated bike facilities between nodes, parks, schools and City facilities as indicated in the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. Short-term Mid-term Ongoing Public Works Department Create safe and convenient pedestrian and bicycle connections between major traffic generators, with particular emphasis on continuity at roadway and other barrier crossings. Short-term Mid-term Ongoing Public Works Department Connect to regional non-motorized transportation networks by reviewing and recommending pedestrian and bicycle facilities throughout Edina cooperatively with the Three Rivers Park District and Hennepin County. Short-term Mid-term Ongoing Public Works Department Strive for transportation infrastructure designs that have a neutral to positive impact on the natural environment. Ongoing Public Works Department and Edina Transportation Commission Transportation Topic 2: Minimize the impacts of the transportation system Effectively balance access to/from and mobility on Edina’s roadways, prioritizing safe and efficient movement between the city’s Ongoing Public Works Department and Edina Transportation Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-13 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies on Edina’s environment and neighborhood quality of life and emphasize methods to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. primary nodes, parks, schools and community facilities. Commission Consider the consequences of land use development patterns on travel demand and costs incurred meeting the demand. Encourage land use development (type and scale and location) that supports live, work, play and minimizes travel demand. Short-term Mid-term Ongoing Edina Transportation Commission and City departments and staff. Transportation Topic 3: Reduce the overall dependence on and use of single- occupant vehicles by promoting land use patterns that can be served with shorter vehicular trips and the use of alternative travel options. Partner with Commuter Services to encourage all forms of travel demand management in order to reduce single occupancy vehicle travel, overall vehicle miles of travel, reduce petroleum consumption, and improve air quality. Short- term and Ongoing Public Works Department Transportation Topic 4: Promote a travel demand management (TDM) program through a coordinated program of regulations, marketing, and provision of alternative workplace and travel options. Review and recommend policies necessitating a TDM Plan and/or a transit component with all types of development and redevelopment. Review and implement substantive requirements associated with these TDM Plans, potentially including TDM escrow accounts, transit passes, preferential parking for car- poolers, and other measures. Short-term and Ongoing Public Works Department and Planning Department Review all major new developments in light of the potential for ridesharing including bus accessibility, preferential parking for carpools/vanpools, and mixed- use development. Short-term and Ongoing Public Works Department, Planning Department Support preferential treatments for transit and high occupancy vehicles on streets and highways. Short-term and Ongoing Public Works Department, Planning Department Include transit planning in the construction or upgrading of streets and highways. Short-term and Ongoing Public Works Department and Planning Department Increase transit options for Edina residents, focusing on: a) connecting Short-term and Public Works Department and Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-14 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies the underserved western segment of Edina with the eastern segment and b) areas outside Edina. Ongoing Edina Transportation Commission Transportation Topic 5: Encourage and support attractive and reliable high- performance transit service and connections. Provide transit service to connect nodes and commercial hubs. Short-term and Ongoing Public Works Department and Edina Transportation Commission Encourage and develop preferred locations in surface and structured parking for electric vehicles (personal and shared) and car pool/van pool vehicles. Short-term and Mid-term Public Works Department Transportation Topic 6: Develop and manage parking provision to encourage joint and shared use of facilities, ride-sharing (car pools and van pools), bicycle parking, bike share, on demand carshare, etc. Provide or require covered and secure bicycle parking (including e-bicycles) in all parking structures. Short-term Public Works Department Continuously evaluate the need for, and design of, parking facilities (e.g. effects of autonomous vehicles and future conversion of parking structures to inhabited buildings) and revise regulations as necessary. Ongoing Public Works Department and Edina Transportation Commission Continue to install chargers at City facilities where use can benefit residents, City fleet, and partners. Ongoing Public Works Department Transportation Topic 7: Invest in infrastructure to support the continued growth in low- to zero-emission technology and support regional and statewide efforts to educate and adopt electric vehicles. Ensure that the methodology to determine electric vehicle charging locations considers both public and private facilities with an inclusive and equitable lens. Short-term and Ongoing Public Works Department and Edina Transportation Commission Provide residents and businesses the opportunity to learn the benefits of zero emission vehicles through outreach, education and events. Short-term and Ongoing Public Works Department and Edina Transportation Commission Advocate for electric vehicle charging programs and incentives with the state, utilities, and car manufacturers. Short-term and Ongoing Public Works Department and Edina Transportation Commission Through the use of technology (connected vehicles, e.g.), minimize congestion on neighborhood streets and ensure the safety while balancing delivery service requirements. Short-term and Ongoing Public Works Department Transportation Serve major truck users and Mid-term and Public Works Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-15 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies Topic 8: Provide for efficient movement of goods within Edina, while minimizing the impacts of freight traffic on other trips and reducing negative impacts on land uses on freight corridors. intermodal facilities with good minor arterial access to the metropolitan highway system. Ongoing Department Investigate and implement solutions to minimize the impact of delivery of goods by drone in residential areas. Short-term Public Works Department Develop and implement methodology for consistent education of motorist, pedestrian and cyclist safety as indicated in the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. Ongoing Public Works Department and Edina Transportation Commission Transportation Topic 9: Engage, seek input from and educate all segments of the community regarding transportation-related issues and projects impacting the City. Seek inclusive, equitable and meaningful public participation throughout the community in all transportation studies and projects conducted by the City. Ongoing Public Works Department and Edina Transportation Commission Pursue and support regional or multi-community funding sources for improvements that provide regional or multi-community benefit. Short-term and Ongoing City Council, City Manager, Planning Department, Public Works Department Transportation Topic 10: Identify new and continuing sources for transportation infrastructure funding by seeking to partner where feasible with federal, state, county and adjacent community sources. Support research efforts into more efficient and cost-effective management, maintenance and replacement of street surfaces. Short-term and Ongoing Public Works Department Support governmental jurisdiction over roadways that reflect the role of the roadway in the overall transportation system. Ongoing Public Works Department Encourage the legislature to continue a dedicated source for funding for efficient mass transit. Short-term and Ongoing City Council Encourage the legislature to provide stable, long-term roadway funding for capital, operating/traffic management, and maintenance. Short-term and Ongoing City Council Develop and support legislation permitting a transportation utility. Mid-Term City Council Upgrade existing roadways when warranted by demonstrated volume, safety or functional needs, taking into consideration environmental limitations. Transportation Topic 11: Design roadway facilities Design/enhance residential street systems to discourage through traffic and to be compatible with Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-16 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies according to their intended service function and neighborhood context. lower speed bicycling and walking. This includes consideration of traffic calming measures on local streets, local connectors and, in some cases, collector streets. Use adequate transitions and buffers including, but not limited to, earth berms, walls, landscaping and distance to mitigate the undesirable impact of high volume roadways. Consider the use of sound mitigating features for residential development adjacent to high volume roadways, and make property owners and land developers responsible for noise attenuation at new developments near high volume roadways. Encourage beautification of local roadways, where appropriate, with amenities such as boulevard trees, decorative street lighting, and monuments. Monitor and address transportation requirements associated with demographic trends, such as an aging population. Provide logical street networks to connect residential areas to the regional highway system and local activity centers. Mid-term Public Works Department Transportation Topic 12: Provide and maintain adequate access to and from, and safety on, local and regional roadways. Adequately control access points to the regional roadway system (including minor arterials) in terms of driveway openings and side street intersections. Short-term and Ongoing Public Works Department Provide access to the local street system (including collector, local connector and local streets) in a manner that balances the need to safely and efficiently operate the street system with the need for access to land. Short-term and Ongoing Public Works Department Separate, to the extent possible, conflicting uses on the roadway system in order to minimize safety problems. Give special attention to pedestrian and bicycle routes. Short-term and Ongoing Public Works Department Review and update regional and Mid-term and Public Works Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-17 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies local functional street classification and coordinate with adjacent cities and Hennepin County. Review and recommend traffic calming policies and consider traffic calming implementation where requested by residents using the Living Streets Plan as the primary guide. Long-term Department and Edina Transportation Commission Review and monitor citywide traffic volumes, congestion, existing traffic calming devices and measures, accident history, vehicle violation history, speed limits and enforcement. Ongoing Public Works Department and Edina Transportation Commission Educate public on vehicle operations including public relations campaigns that focus on individual responsibilities to each other rather than individual rights only. Short-term and Ongoing Public Works Department and Edina Transportation Commission When requested by the Edina Transportation Commission and/or the Planning Commission, review land use that may impact traffic implementations. Continue to monitor adjacent community redevelopment and other activity that potentially impacts the City of Edina. Ongoing Public Works Department Evaluate and implement measures required for school safety. Ongoing Public Works Department and Edina Transportation Commission Cooperate with other agencies having jurisdiction over streets and highways in Edina to assure implementation of Living Streets elements, good roadway conditions and operating efficiency. Ongoing Public Works Department and Edina Transportation Commission Transportation Topic 13: Manage, maintain and operate roadways to maximize wherever possible the safety and mobility of all users and all modes. Continue the implementation of the I-494 frontage road system through ongoing coordination with MnDOT, Hennepin County, and the cities of Richfield and Bloomington. Ongoing Public Works Department Maintain roads by repairing weather-related and other damage. Continue current on-going pavement improvement plan. Ongoing Public Works Department Use economic and environmentally Ongoing Public Works Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-18 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies sound management techniques for snow and ice removal. Department Replace substandard bridges and bridges that present safety or traffic problems. Ongoing Public Works Department Track developments regarding the most current transportation systems and technologies, evaluate and implement as warranted. Ongoing Public Works Department Support state legislation to decrease statutory urban speed limits from 30 to 25 miles per hour. Mid-term City Council Support state legislation to decrease statutory urban speed limits from 30 to 25 miles per hour. Mid-term City Council 6. Parks, Open Space, and Natural Resources Parks Topic 1: Maintain Regional Leadership Establish additional and more meaningful metrics to proactively assess the changing park and recreation needs of our community. Ongoing City Council and Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Match increased density of commercial and residential growth with the creation of new parks and open spaces, or connections to already existing nearby parks. Ongoing City Council and Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Ensure that park and recreation needs, facilities, and programs are considered when decisions are made about proposed, future developments Ongoing City Council and Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Coordinate with the Transportation Commission to implement the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan across Edina. Short-term Edina Parks and Recreation Commission and Edina Transportation Commission Parks Topic 2: Improve performance Coordinate with the Transportation Commission to develop and implement the Edina “Grand Rounds” that will link the City’s quadrants, activity nodes, and parks with trails for non-motorized transportation; i.e., walking, biking, skateboarding, etc. Short-term Edina Parks and Recreation Commission and Edina Transportation Commission Coordinate with the Transportation Commission to develop a city of Edina public transport circulator, electric bus that will link the city’s Short-term Edina Parks and Recreation Commission and Edina Transportation Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-19 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies quadrants, activity nodes, and parks. Commission Work collaboratively with the Arts and Culture Commission and Public Art Edina to develop and execute a plan that adds art to enhance these public spaces. Short-term Edina Parks and Recreation Commission and Edina Arts and Culture Commission Ensure that the diversity of our community is addressed through trails accessible for seniors, youth, and people with disabilities. Short-term Edina Parks and Recreation Commission and Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission Consider the community’s interest in exercise/fitness or additional nature trails, in addition to existing walking and biking trails. Short-term Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Parks Topic 3: Communicate and gather data and opinions. Conduct reviews and assessments of park land and open spaces within the City to assess value added to the community. Short-term Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Conduct reviews and assessments of land within the City, as it becomes available, to determine the appropriateness, need for, and feasibility of acquisition and development as park land; particularly as new developments are proposed. Short-term Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Review how community gardens in our parks and green spaces would help support this policy. Short-term and Ongoing Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Parks Topic 4: Promote and support the development of “neighborhood nodes,” with access to parks and trails, as focal points for community activity. Work toward providing a park, green space, or trail within one mile walking distance to all residents in Edina. Short-term and Ongoing Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Proactively engage neighborhood associations in planning and upkeep of associated parks and green space. Short-term and Ongoing Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Evaluate and prioritize parkland designated as Community Park space when increasing parkland. Short-term and Ongoing Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Consider additional multi-purpose athletic fields when evaluating future growth or utilization of parks and Short-term and Ongoing Edina Parks and Recreation Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-20 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies green space. Commission Establish a Natural Resources Conservation and Management Plan focused on natural resources, shorelines and wildlife habitat. Include in near term (first 1-3 years) annual action plan. Recommend appropriate budget to accomplish. Short-term Planning Department and Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Parks Topic 5: Preserve natural resources and sustainable parks Develop Master Park Plans that should include an assessment of all park’s energy and water usage, storm water runoff and management, solid waste management, use of fertilizers, pesticides, and salts, and invasive species control. In addition, opportunities for education and selective use of art will be considered within each park. Short-term Planning Department and Edina Parks, Recreation Commission, and Public Works Department Each Master Park Plan will take into consideration all relevant insights from the most recent Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan. Short-term Planning Department and Edina Parks, Recreation Commission, and Public Works Establish metrics to track progress. Partner with surrounding communities to engage in best practices and share resources. Mid-term Edina Parks and Recreation Commission, City Council, neighboring municipalities Participate in local, regional or national efforts to better understand the impact of climate change. Short-term and ongoing Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Develop a sustainability scorecard to guide meaningful actions to protect Edina’s green assets. Short-term and ongoing Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Reduce GHG (Greenhouse Gas) impact by reviewing options to utilize solar power on playing field or ice rink lights, making facility roofs solar panel ready, and increasing he use of LED lighting as appropriate. Short-term and Mid-term Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Emphasize recycling in the parks and enterprise facilities. Short-term Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Proactively address current and future needs for an Art Center, a Short-term and Mid-term Edina Arts and Culture Commission Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-21 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies Senior Center, and a Community Center. and Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Parks Topic 6: Recreation facilities Assess NRPA guidelines that indicate our community “need” for an additional 60,000 square feet of facility space, such as an activity center to support both winter and year round recreational programs. Short-term and Ongoing Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Ensure bathroom facilities meet the needs of community users and are ADA compliant. Short-term City Council and Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Develop plans, budgets and services to execute required activity. Short-term and Ongoing City Council, City Manager, Planning Department, Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Parks Topic 7: Finance and management Maintain or replace existing park infrastructure in a timely, cost effective manner. Short-term and Ongoing City Council and Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Support efforts of our athletic associations as needed to explore creative solutions for access to additional field or court space. Short-term and Ongoing Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Explore partnerships to expand exercise and fitness opportunities for Edina residents. Short-term and Ongoing Edina Parks and Recreation Commission and Edina Community Health Commission Partner with the Edina School System in order to best utilize facility, field and program assets to meet community needs. Short-term and Mid-term Edina Parks and Recreation Commission and Edina Public Schools Partner with organizations in the metropolitan area (such as Three Rivers Park District or Nine Mile Creek Watershed District) that would support similar objectives to those of our mission. Short-term and Mid-term Edina Parks and Recreation Commission and affected agencies and organizations Take a leadership role to proactively align with other Edina Commissions in mutual support of this Comprehensive Plan. Short-term and Ongoing Edina Parks and Recreation Commission and other Commissions Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-22 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies Explore alternative funding to support growth and accomplish our objectives (mission). Short-term and Ongoing Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Prioritize the use of web-based applications and communications in how we engage and communicate with our community. Short-term Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Evaluate adding Wi-Fi connectivity to select parks and enterprise facilities. Short-term Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Use benchmarking on the following items to maintain or achieve our strategic objectives: • Park acreage / resident • Ice sheet facilities • Operating expense cost recovery • Trails and total trail mileage • Capital budget level and funding sources • Expenditures on planning and development • Rectangular athletic fields • Expanding outdoor pavilions and/or picnic space • Additional dog parks • Additional volleyball courts • Additional pickle ball courts • Splash pads Skate parks Short-term and Mid-term Edina Parks and Recreation Commission • Conduct benchmarking on a regular basis, at least every 3-5 years, and provide a report and action plan to the City Council. Short-term and Mid-term Edina Parks and Recreation Commission Conduct benchmarking on a regular basis, at least every 3-5 years, and provide a report and action plan to the City Council. Short-term and Mid-term Edina Parks and Recreation Commission 7. Water Resources Sewer Topic 1: Aging infrastructure and management of assets over generations Review and implement best practices to promote financial awareness across departments. Ongoing Public Works and City Manager Improve financial asset register and physical asset register so they are complete and consistent with each other and useful for uncovering trends and for strategic planning. Short Term Public Works and City Manager Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-23 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies Improve information management systems and staff procedures to build awareness of customer and technical service issues. Short Term Public Works and Communications & Technology Services Track and classify key customer service requests and complaints. Ongoing Public Works Track number and duration of planned and unplanned service interruptions and reliability trends. Ongoing Public Works Build organizational tools to identify and track age, condition, and function of system. Ongoing Public Works Use results of condition assessments to inform replacement and renewal decisions. Ongoing Public Works Improve organizational line-of-sight by developing processes that build consensus on service and risk that are informed by data from all levels of the organization. Short Term Public Works and other departments Improve project selection procedures that involve staff from diverse functions between departments. Short Term Public Works and other departments Identify demonstration project that utilizes thermal resource in trunk sanitary sewer main and develop design and business case. Medium Term Public Works and Energy and Environment Commission Sewer Topic 2: Conservation and sustainability, one water Quantify utility energy use and associated environmental impact and consider renewable energy or credit purchase to offset. Medium Term Public Works and Energy and Environment Commission Review metering, SCADA, and billing system requirements jointly with water utility for opportunities relating to asset management and conservation business goals when major system replacements are considered. Medium Term Public Works and Energy and Environment Commission Complete York trunk extension. Medium Term Public Works Sewer Topic 3: Preparing for areas of growth Complete Fairview trunk extension and LS4 flow bypass. Medium Term Public Works Plan for Parklawn area lift and force extension coordinate easement acquisition when development opportunities allow. Medium Term Public Works and Planning Department Plan for Grandview area sanitary extension as development requires capacity. Medium Term Public Works and Planning Department Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-24 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies Consider Pentagon Park utility transition from Bloomington to Edina sewer operations to align with ownership in coordination with water system review. Medium Term Public Works Comprehensively assess risk jointly with stormwater utility using an international risk framework. Ongoing Public Works Sewer Topic 4: Risk, health, equity and engagement Consider range of options for enforcing or promoting private sewer inspection and repair. Ongoing Public Works Review and modify after-action and failure reporting processes to promote cross functional organization learning. Short Term Public Works Support citywide framework and criteria for purchasing, health, and race and equity in all business practices. Ongoing Public Works, City Manager, and Human Rights & Relations Commission Support citywide framework for engagement and public participation. Ongoing Public Works, City Manager, and Planning Department Complete flood protection strategy to demonstrate range of practices and levels of attainment in focus area of Morningside Neighborhood. Medium Term Public Works Stormwater Topic 1: Prioritization of service levels and rates of attainment Complete clean water strategy to demonstrate range of practices and levels of attainment in focus area of Lake Cornelia watershed. Medium Term Public Works Use results of each strategy to inform changes to codes and standards, and review internal processes for project selection. Medium Term Public Works and Planning Department Identify demonstration project that reuses stormwater or surface waters for irrigation at Braemar Golf Course jointly with Water Utility. Medium Term Public Works and Energy and Environment Commission Stormwater Topic 2: Conservation and sustainability, one water Quantify utility energy use and associated environmental impact and consider renewable energy or credit purchase to offset. Medium Term Public Works and Energy and Environment Commission Promote ecosystem services, such as native vegetation, that support clean water. Short Term Public Works and Energy and Environment Commission Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-25 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies Review and implement best practices to promote financial awareness across departments. Ongoing Public Works and City Manager Stormwater Topic 3: Aging infrastructure and management of assets over generations Improve financial asset register and physical asset register so they are complete and consistent with each other and useful for uncovering trends and for strategic planning. Short Term Public Works and City Manager Improve information management systems and staff procedures to build awareness of customer and technical service issues. Short Term Public Works and Communications & Technology Services Track and classify key customer service requests and complaints. Ongoing Public Works Build organization tools to identify and track age, condition, and function of system. Ongoing Public Works Use results of condition assessments to inform replacement and renewal decisions. Ongoing Public Works Improve organizational line-of-sight by developing processes that build consensus on service and risk that are informed by data from all levels of the organization. Short Term Public Works and other departments Improve project selection procedures that involve staff from diverse functions between departments. Short Term Public Works and other departments Comprehensively assess risk jointly with sanitary utility and water utility using an international risk framework. Ongoing Public Works Stormwater Topic 4: Risk, health, equity, and engagement Review and modify after-action and failure reporting processes to promote cross functional organization learning. Short Term Public Works Support citywide framework and criteria for purchasing, health, and race and equity in all business practices. Ongoing Public Works, City Manager, and Human Rights & Relations Commission Support citywide framework for engagement and public participation. Ongoing Public Works, City Manager, and Planning Department Review and implement best practices to promote financial awareness across departments. Ongoing Public Works and City Manager Water Topic 1: Aging infrastructure Improve financial asset register and physical asset register so they are Short Term Public Works and City Manager Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-26 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies and management of assets over generations complete and consistent with each other and useful for uncovering trends and for strategic planning. Improve information management systems and staff procedures to build awareness of customer and technical service issues. Short Term Public Works and Communications & Technology Services Track and classify key customer service requests and complaints. Ongoing Public Works Track number and duration of planned and unplanned service interruptions and trends. Ongoing Public Works Build organization tools to identify and track age, condition, and function of system. Ongoing Public Works Use results of condition assessments to inform replacement and renewal decisions. Ongoing Public Works Improve organizational line-of-sight by developing processes that build consensus on service and risk that are informed by data from all levels of the organization. Short Term Public Works and other departments Improve project selection procedures that involve staff from diverse functions between departments. Short Term Public Works and other departments Identify demonstration project for surface water irrigation reuse at Braemar Golf Course and develop design and business case for irrigation reuse practice. Medium Term Public Works and Energy and Environment Commission Water Topic 2: Conservation and sustainability, one water. Quantify utility energy use and associated environmental impact and consider renewable energy or credit purchase to offset. Medium Term Public Works and Energy and Environment Commission Confirm water utility rates structure supports conservation outcomes. Medium Term Public Works and Energy and Environment Commission Review metering, SCADA and billing system requirements jointly with sanitary utility for opportunities relating to asset management and conservation business goals when major system replacements are considered. Medium Term Public Works and Energy and Environment Commission Add filtered treatment capacity for >95% of drought year. Medium Term Public Works Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-27 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies Water Topic 3: Preparing for areas of growth. Complete Grandview trunk facilities as growth opportunities allow. Medium Term Public Works and Planning Department Consider Pentagon Park utility transition from Bloomington to Edina water service in coordination with sanitary system review. Medium Term Public Works Improve fire flow capacity in northeast Edina as 50th and Wooddale road project opportunities allow. Medium Term Public Works and Edina Fire Department Water Topic 4: Risk, health, equity, and engagement. Comprehensively assess risk using an international risk framework. Ongoing Public Works Actively encourage sealing of unused, unmaintained, and abandoned private wells. Ongoing Public Works Review vulnerabilities related to updated flood model (CWRMP). Ongoing Public Works Review and modify after-action and failure reporting processes to promote cross functional organization learning. Ongoing Public Works Support citywide framework and criteria for purchasing, health, and race and equity in all business practices. Ongoing Public Works, City Manager, and Human Rights & Relations Commission Support citywide framework and criteria for purchasing, health, and race and equity in all business practices. Ongoing Public Works, City Manager, and Human Rights & Relations Commission 8. Energy and Environment The City will lead in sustainability both by example and by taking the lead role where possible. The City will plan for resilience regarding climate change. Future EECs will build on past experience. The City will meet or exceed its GHG reduction goals and solid waste reduction • Utilize a myriad of tools available, including policy, education, alliances, and measurements. • Understand there are different actors and their roles and impact on sustainability varies. • Incorporate sustainability into land use decisions. • Focus sustainable action on key areas, including energy, water, solid waste, air quality, trees, natural habitat, and environmental contamination. Ongoing Energy and Environment Commission and Sustainability Coordinator Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-28 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies goals. Future EECs will continue to research and educate the community on environmental best practices. 9. Community Services and Facilities Community Services and Facilities Topic 1: Public Safety Relocate Fire Station No. 2 to northwest area of the SE quadrant of the city and expand facility to be joint Police and Fire Station Short- Term Fire Department, Police Department Plan for and construct new Fire Station No. 3 in NE quadrant of the city Medium- Term Fire Department Update Emergency Operations Plan Short- Term Fire Department, Police Department Upgrade Emergency Medical Services delivery Short- Term Fire Department Encourage coordinated facilities planning among school districts serving Edina along with Edina Parks and Recreation Dept. and Hennepin County Library Ongoing Planning Department Economic Development Office, Edina School District, Parks and Recreation Dept., and Hennepin County Library Community Services and Facilities Topic 2: Education – Schools Encourage and support the upgrading of public schools programming to enhance the flexibly to accommodate multiple community- serving uses and adapt to changes in educational approaches, technology, and student needs over time, as well as to facilitate programming for intergenerational and lifelong learning. Ongoing Planning Department, Edina School District Encourage the continuation and potential expansion of multi- generational learning programs and activities at the Edina Library at Grandview Square. Ongoing Planning Department, Hennepin County Library Community Services and Facilities Topic 3: Education – Libraries Encourage a location, design, and programming for a new Southdale Library in ways that match the development pattern and character of the Greater Southdale District’s evolution, especially in response to Short- Term Planning Department, Economic Development Office, Hennepin County Library Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-29 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies the District’s growing multi- generational resident population. Encourage a location, design, and programming for a new Southdale Library in ways that match the development pattern and character of the Greater Southdale District’s evolution, especially in response to the District’s growing multi- generational resident population. Short- Term Planning Department, Economic Development Office, Hennepin County Library 10. Economic Competitiveness and Economic Development Economic Competitiveness Goal 1: Prepare small area plan(s) for the business and industrial park areas Create small area or district plans for Edina’s business and industrial park areas. Work with adjacent cities – Bloomington, Minnetonka, Eden Prairie. Involve developers and property owners in understanding the revitalization and investment challenges and in crafting a range of solutions. Work with adjacent suburbs and transit agencies to provide excellent transit service. Short-term Planning Department and Economic Development Office Upon completion of the small area plan(s), consider investments in sidewalks, transit amenities and public realm improvements to stimulate private sector investment in revitalization. Short-term City Council, Planning Department, City Manager Convene a health care task force to research the potential growth of the health care sector in Edina. Short- term Economic Development Office, Planning Department Economic Competitiveness Goal 2: Capitalize on growth trends in the health care sector. Identify and characterize the land use, real estate, workforce and transportation implications for redevelopment and revitalization of the Greater Southdale district. Short- term Economic Development Office Create a vision and a plan to create an exceptional health care district. Short- term Economic Development Office Collaborate with the private sector to become a desired location for innovative and creative industries such as technology and medical devices. Short- term Economic Development Office Economic Competitiveness Identify and create or encourage appropriate public and private sector Short-term Economic Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-30 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies Goal 3: Retain, attract and support employment opportunities in innovative and creative industries, such as technology and medical devices. retention, attraction and support tools and systems, including co- working. Development Office Support the creation of an association in the Greater Southdale area that engages major institutions and property owners to work together to revitalize the Greater Southdale area consistent with the small area plan guiding principles. Short- term Economic Development Office Economic Competitiveness Goal 4: Support strong public-private alliances, relationships and communication channels at 50th and France and the Greater Southdale. Provide support to the 50th and France Association to enable the association to adapt successfully to dynamic changes underway in the market. Short-term Economic Development Office Conduct short-term, research into implications of market changes and a strategic tenant mix could guide infill of the current influx of available retail space and future redevelopment opportunities. Short- term Economic Development Office Work with Metro Transit to provide Bus Rapid Transit service on “Line 6” (U of MN, Downtown, Uptown, France Ave) to reduce traffic congestion and improve employee and customer access to the regional retail areas, while reducing parking demand. Short- term Planning Department, Public Works Department, Economic Development Office Stimulate effective property and business owners’ associations at each of the neighborhood nodes, focusing on the area’s economic niche and tenant mix and strategies to support that economic niche including design and appearance, and marketing and promotion. Short- term and Mid-term Economic Development Office Economic Competitiveness Goal 5: Encourage vibrant neighborhood commercial nodes that meet resident needs for goods and services and build a sense of Develop policies to support the inclusion of locally-owned small businesses in new development projects – especially in cases that involve a significant change in rent. Short- term Economic Development Office Encourage location of co-working in neighborhood commercial nodes Mid-term Economic Development Office Work with Hennepin County’s Short-Economic Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-31 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies community. Take steps to encourage locally- owned small businesses. Open to Business to promote technical assistance services available to small business owners term Development Office Connect targeted employers in Edina to regional talent attraction and development initiatives led by GREATER MSP and other organizations. Short-term and Mid-term Economic Development Office Economic Competitiveness Goal 6: Participate in regional efforts to ensure that a highly skilled and productive workforce continues to be a competitive advantage of the MSP region. Strengthen and explore opportunities to diversify higher education access in Edina. Short-term and Mid-term Economic Development Office Explore city and chamber-led diversity and inclusion efforts. Identify approaches that are well- suited to Edina and pursue implementation. Short- term Economic Development Office and Human Rights and Relations Commission Establish a broadband taskforce with a charge to explore models used by other cities and counties to ensure world-class broadband infrastructure to residential and commercial/industrial areas as well as public institutions and spaces. Short- term Economic Development Office, Planning Department, and Public Works Department Economic Competitiveness Goal 7: Ensure that Edina residents and businesses have access to world-class broadband infrastructure at competitive rates. Evaluate “build-once” open-access options to encourage competition, and minimize the cost and disruptions associated with updating underground infrastructure. Short-term Economic Development Office, Planning Department, and Public Works Department Consider “broadband readiness” policies (Example: St. Louis Park) Short-term Economic Development Office, Planning Department, and Public Works Department Address social equity considerations associated with the provision of broadband access in older apartment buildings. Short-term Economic Development Office, Planning Department, and Public Works Department Address social equity considerations associated with the provision of broadband access in older apartment buildings. Short-term Economic Development Office, Planning Department, and Public Works Department 11. Human Rights and Relations Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-32 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies Human Rights and Relations Goal 1: Establish a Race Equity Plan Timely and fully implement the Race and Equity Task Force recommendations pursuant to the plan articulated in the September 5, 2018 Race Equity Implementation Report. Short-term City Council, City Departments, Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission Employ or identify staff responsible for overseeing implementation of the Edina Race and Equity Task Force recommendations per the Race Equity Implementation plan. Short-term City Council, City Manager, Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission Create an Annual Report on progress toward established race equity goals to be provided to City Council, the Human Rights and Relations Commission, and the public. Short-term and Ongoing City Manager Include race equity goals in all department work plans. Short-term City Manager Task the Human Rights and Relations Commission to develop and implement educational and other related projects designed to advance this goal as needed by including such projects in the Commission’s annual work plan. Short-term and Mid-term City Council, Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission, and department directors Human Rights and Relations Goal 2: Ensure equal access and opportunities for all residents regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. Include reporting of results for quality-of-life surveys by race /ethnicity to determine how residents of color are served by city programs and services, and whether residents of color believe they are served by and participate in community and government matters. Short-term and Ongoing City Manager and department directors Human Rights and Relations Goal 3: Ensure that the City welcomes all members of the community to participate in its social, employment, economic, political, and recreational activities. Employ or identify staff responsible for overseeing and directing community engagement work. Short- term and Ongoing City Manager and department directors Through the normal course of review and modification, departments will evaluate existing goals, policies, and practices to determine their impact on the ten social capital/social well-being indicators listed above and modify as needed. Short- term and Ongoing Department directors Human Rights and Apply race equity criteria in the Short-term and City Council, City Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-33 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies Relations Goal 4: Ensure that the City supports and fosters economic equity and justice for all residents. Economic harm should not be an intended or unintended consequence of City programs, initiatives, or activities allocation of funds through the city budgeting process for Capital Improvement Projects, the Pedestrian and Cycling Safety (PACS) Fund, and the Operating Budget. Ongoing Manager, department directors Assess the number and type of minority-run and minority-owned businesses. Identify opportunities for the City to contract with these businesses. Short-term and Ongoing Economic Development Office, Planning Department, Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission. Work in strong collaboration with the Edina City Council and Mayor to establish an effective working model for including the perspective of arts and culture as a meaningful contribution to decision-making and creative placemaking Short-term Edina Arts and Culture Commission, City Council, and Mayor. Human Rights and Relations Goal 5: Establish a formal role for artists and other creative thinkers to participate in forward-looking plans for Edina. Based upon Implementation Step 1 above, establish a review panel for design as it pertains to new buildings and other structures constructed in Edina. Short- term and Long-term City Council with input from City Manager, Community Development Department and Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Based on Implementation Step 1 above, establish a review panel to focus on City policies, ordinances and statutes from the perspective of arts and culture, in order to make recommendations. Short- term and Long-term City Council with input from City Manager, Community Development Department and Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Select individuals to participate on the panels listed in Implementation. Long-term City Council with input from Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Utilize the skills and connections of the individuals above to enliven and strengthen Edina neighborhoods through outreach and communication with residents, including community artists, to understand specific goals for arts and culture and other designed elements of the neighborhood environment (Long-term). Long-term Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-34 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies Pending funding, enhance the experience and visibility of arts and culture in Edina through artist-in- residence, writer-in-residence, and/or musician-in- residence programs. Short- term Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Plan for financial sustainability, such as the creation of a benefactor group that can generate contributed revenue to accelerate the role and importance of the Arts and Culture in Edina. Short- term City Council with input from City Manager, Community Development Department and Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Human Rights and Relations Goal 6: Research, decide on, and implement the necessary funding and governance plans for supporting arts and culture in Edina. Determine the feasibility of creating a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (or similar structure) to oversee and coordinate the Edina Art Center and/or other arts and culture venues and activities. Decide whether this is the best option for the future of the EAC. Ongoing City Council with input from City Manager, Community Development Department and Edina Arts and Culture Commission Determine the feasibility of a staff position within the City of Edina that would have direct responsibility for arts and culture initiatives, similar to other existing positions that currently serve as liaisons between the City and its commissions. Short-term and Ongoing City Council with input from City Manager, Community Development Department and Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Investigate sources for Ongoing funding for the appropriate maintenance of the works of art in the Public Art Edina Permanent Collection and recommend next steps. Short-term Edina Arts and Culture Commission with input from Planning Department. Coordinate the efforts of the Arts and Culture Commission and the Planning Commission to research the feasibility and - where practical - implement effective methods to increase funding for arts and culture in Edina via local development fees and/or sales and use taxes. For an illustrative example of a similar approach, see the SCFD model used in Denver, Colorado. Long-term Edina Arts and Culture Commission with input from Planning Department. Establish consistent revenue base, earned and contributed, to support arts and culture initiatives in Edina. Long-term City Council with input from the Edina Arts and Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-35 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies Culture Commission Establish consistent revenue base, earned and contributed, to support arts and culture initiatives in Edina. Long-term City Council with input from the Edina Arts and Culture Commission 12. Community Health Community Health Goal 1: Improve the quality and availability of city-specific public health data in Edina to inform policy development and monitor impacts. Research and invest in collection methods for quality, city-specific health data to better inform local decisions. Short-term Health Division Study best practices, including around privacy protections, and work to design a comprehensive public health survey that can be used consistently from year to year with flexibility to ask detailed questions about emerging trends. Short-term Health Division Work with public and private sector partners on joint data collection and data sharing initiatives, particularly when providing community-specific results. Short-term and Mid-term Health Division and other partners, including MN Dept. of Health and other cities Work with city staff and leadership to identify and address elements of the social determinants of health that are impacted by city policy and activities. Short-term Health Division and other city departments Community Health Goal 2: Address how all city policy and activities impact the social determinants of health, and explore changes to strategically increase health and reduce disparities for all. Pursue a collaborative approach to improve health by incorporating health considerations into decision- making across all policy areas. Ongoing Health Division and other city departments Work with city staff and leadership to determine how policies support physical, mental, and social well- being, reduce health disparities, and improve health equity. Short Term Health Division and other city departments Community Health Goal 3: Use a Health in All Policies Approach to improve health by incorporating health considerations into decision-making across all policy areas. Work with city staff and leadership to determine how policies support physical, mental, and social well- being, reduce health disparities, and improve health equity. Short Term Health Division and other city departments 13. Heritage Preservation Program Area 1: Carry out a systematic city-wide Short-term and Planning Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-36 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies Preservation Planning Program Area 2: Identification of Heritage Resources Program Area 3: Evaluation of Heritage Resources survey to identify and evaluate the heritage preservation value of buildings, structures, sites, objects and districts. Ongoing Department and Edina Heritage Preservation Commission Update the information in the heritage resources inventory and convert it to a digital format so that it can be conveniently manipulated, used, and retrieved. Short-term and Ongoing Planning Department and Edina Heritage Preservation Commission Create a Geographic Information System (GIS) for the heritage resources inventory. Short-term Planning Department and Edina Heritage Preservation Commission Designate historically significant properties as Edina Heritage Landmarks or Heritage Landmark Districts. Short- term and Ongoing City Council with input from Planning Commission and Edina Heritage Preservation Commission Program Area 4: Designation of Heritage Landmarks Use existing planning tools more effectively and create a better “tool box” to address emerging heritage preservation challenges. Short- term and Ongoing Planning Department and Edina Heritage Preservation Commission Program Area 5: Design Review and Compliance Explore economic incentives for the preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, and reconstruction of privately owned heritage resources. Short- term and Ongoing Planning Department and Edina Heritage Preservation Commission Redirect the resources of the Heritage Preservation Commission toward an increased emphasis on education and technical assistance programming aimed at historic property owners. Short- term and Ongoing City Council with input from Planning Department and Edina Heritage Preservation Commission Program Area 6: Public Education and Outreach Improve partnerships with other agencies, organizations, and individual property owners to ensure that historically significant heritage resources are preserved, protected, and used in a manner that is consistent with appropriate preservation standards. Short- term and Ongoing Edina Heritage Preservation Commission Initiate innovative demonstration projects and disseminate information about the economic and cultural benefits of heritage preservation. Short- term and Ongoing Edina Heritage Preservation Commission Provide better public access to heritage preservation information Short- term and Edina Heritage Preservation Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-37 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies using appropriate media. Ongoing Commission Provide better public access to heritage preservation information using appropriate media. Short- term and Ongoing Edina Heritage Preservation Commission 14. Arts and Culture Arts and Culture Goal 1: Distribute and promote arts and culture across all of Edina. Create and maintain an online calendar listing all arts and culture activities in Edina. Short- term Edina Arts and Culture Commission Through strong collaboration with the Edina Parks and Recreation Commission, activate parks and park facilities with arts and culture initiatives, such as: • Develop and maintain a successful Art in the Parks program. • Select one park per year that is recognized as an arts and culture destination with displays, classes, and activities. • Expand successful arts and culture activities in several parks that include a range of age groups, including preschoolers, school-aged children, families, young adults and adults of all ages. Engage neighborhood citizens in a contest to propose designs and paint selected local park buildings each year. Ongoing Short- term Short- term Long-term Short-term Edina Arts and Culture Commission • Develop a successful traveling art classroom; e.g., an “Art Truck” similar in concept to the popular food truck phenomenon. Long-term Edina Arts and Culture Commission Propose and implement art installations at or near transit stops, bicycle parking facilities, and bike share locations. Long-term Edina Arts and Culture Commission, Planning Department, Department of Public Works, Police Department. Develop strong relationship between the ACC and the other City of Edina Commissions (ongoing). Ongoing Edina Arts and Culture Commission and affected City Commissions, agencies, Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-38 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies and institutions. Arts and Culture Goal 2: Leverage the Edina Arts and Culture Commission (ACC) to form strong and enduring collaborative partnerships with other Edina commissions and associations. Develop strong relationship between the ACC and the Edina Chamber of Commerce and other local business associations. Short- term Edina Arts and Culture Commission and affected City Commissions, agencies, and institutions. Develop strong relationship between the ACC and the Edina Library. Short- term Edina Arts and Culture Commission and affected City Commissions, agencies, and institutions. Develop strong relationship between the ACC and the Edina Historical Society and Museum. Short- term Edina Arts and Culture Commission and affected City Commissions, agencies, and institutions. Develop strong relationship between the ACC and the Edina Community Foundation. Short- term Edina Arts and Culture Commission and affected City Commissions, agencies, and institutions. Develop strong relationship between the ACC and Edina Community Education. Short- term Edina Arts and Culture Commission and affected City Commissions, agencies, and institutions. Develop strong relationship between the ACC and other community groups and organizations that embrace arts and culture, such as churches, schools, and senior homes. Short- term Edina Arts and Culture Commission and affected City Commissions, agencies, and institutions. Build a new Edina Art Center (EAC): Choose site, establish financial plan, complete construction. Long-term City Council with input from City Manager, Community Development Director, and Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Arts and Culture Goal 3: Improve and maintain dedicated spaces and venues for arts and culture. Increase the number of exhibitions and performances at multiple venues across Edina. Ongoing Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Increase the number of classes and other opportunities to participate in arts and culture (short-term). Short- term Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Increase the percentage of Edina residents utilizing the EAC, from a baseline of less than 2% to a goal of more Long- term Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-39 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies than 5% by 2028 (long-term) Research the feasibility of and make recommendations for a significant art presence in the Southdale area that is aligned with development plans. Examples to be considered might include a signature art installation, building, gallery space, etc. Short- term Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Create an annual event that highlights an important individual or work of art that is specific to the history/development of Edina. Short- term Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Implement Student Sculpture Competition in K-5 Edina Schools. Ongoing Edina Arts and Culture Commission and Edina School District. Arts and Culture Goal 4: Expand and continue to drive awareness of and participation in Edina’s Public Art program and art collection. Work with each Edina neighborhood to understand perspectives and ideas for public art and creative placemaking that is specific to location. Short- term Edina Arts and Culture Commission. While maintaining the outdoor sculptures that have long been a part of Public Art Edina, also incorporate new expressions of public art (examples might include: works of art that involve light, sound, and/or movement; 100 foot table for individuals to eat together and engage during the Fall into the Arts Festival; public performances; multi-season or season-specific experiences to celebrate the region’s four distinct seasons; something unique to Edina akin to the sidewalk poetry in St. Paul, MN). Short- term, Mid- term, and Long-term Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Work in strong collaboration with the Edina City Council and Mayor to establish an effective working model for including the perspective of arts and culture as a meaningful contribution to decision-making and creative placemaking.. Short- term Edina Arts and Culture Commission, City Council, and Mayor. Arts and Culture Goal 5: Establish a formal role for artists and other creative thinkers to participate Based upon Implementation Step 1 above, establish a review panel for design as it pertains to new buildings and other structures constructed in Edina. Short- term, Mid- term, and Long-term City Council with input from City Manager, Community Development Department and Edina Arts and Culture Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-40 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies in forward-looking plans for Edina. Commission. Based on Implementation Step 1 above, establish a review panel to focus on City policies, ordinances and statutes from the perspective of arts and culture, in order to make recommendations. Short- term, Mid- term, and Long-term City Council with input from City Manager, Community Development Department and Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Select individuals to participate on the panels listed in Implementation. Long-term City Council with input from Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Utilize the skills and connections of the individuals above to enliven and strengthen Edina neighborhoods through outreach and communication with residents, including community artists, to understand specific goals for arts and culture and other designed elements of the neighborhood environment (long-term). Long-term Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Pending funding, enhance the experience and visibility of arts and culture in Edina through artist-in- residence, writer-in-residence, and/or musician-in- residence programs. Short- term Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Plan for financial sustainability, such as the creation of a benefactor group that can generate contributed revenue to accelerate the role and importance of the Arts and Culture in Edina. Short- term City Council with input from City Manager, Community Development Department and Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Arts and Culture Goal 6: Research, decide on, and implement the necessary funding and governance plans for supporting arts and culture in Edina. Determine the feasibility of creating a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (or similar structure) to oversee and coordinate the Edina Art Center and/or other arts and culture venues and activities. Decide whether this is the best option for the future of the EAC. Ongoing City Council with input from City Manager, Community Development Department and Edina Arts and Culture Commission. Determine the feasibility of a staff position within the City of Edina that would have direct responsibility for arts and culture initiatives, similar to other existing positions that currently serve as liaisons Short- term and Ongoing City Council with input from City Manager, Community Development Department and Edina Arts and Culture Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-41 Table 15.1: Implementation Actions Goal/Policy Topic Strategy/Action Steps Timeline Lead/Coordinating Agencies between the City and its commissions. Commission. Investigate sources for ongoing funding for the appropriate maintenance of the works of art in the Public Art Edina Permanent Collection and recommend next steps. Short- term Edina Arts and Culture Commission with input from Planning Department. Coordinate the efforts of the Arts and Culture Commission and the Planning Commission to research the feasibility and - where practical - implement effective methods to increase funding for arts and culture in Edina via local development fees and/or sales and use taxes. For an illustrative example of a similar approach, see the SCFD model used in Denver, Colorado. Long-term Edina Arts and Culture Commission with input from Planning Department. Establish consistent revenue base, earned and contributed, to support arts and culture initiatives in Edina. Long-term City Council with input from the Edina Arts and Culture Commission Edina Comprehensive Plan 15. Implementation Chapter Draft 12-31-19 15-42 Plan Amendment Process The comprehensive plan is intended to apply to a wide range of circumstances, providing a balance between structure and flexibility. It is the intent of the City that the need to amend the plan should be primarily for major events, rather than routine actions. However, from time to time amendments to the plan will be needed to address changing conditions, emerging opportunities, and other factors. The City of Edina should periodically review of the plan to see if amendments are needed to address changing conditions or shifting priorities. Additionally, plan amendments may be requested in response to a specific proposal or project, such as new development project. When considering amendments to this plan, the City of Edina will follow procedures described in city ordinances. Depending on the circumstances, landowners, developers, organizations, individuals, the City Council, and Planning Commission may initiate amendments to the comprehensive plan. After an amendment is proposed, the Planning Commission will direct staff to prepare a thorough analysis of the proposed amendment. Staff will present to the Planning Commission a report analyzing the proposed changes, including their findings and recommendations regarding the proposed plan amendment. The Planning Commission will determine whether to proceed with the proposed amendment. If a decision to proceed is made, a formal public hearing will be held, followed by action by the Planning Commission and City Council. If approved by the City Council, the amendment will be submitted for review to the Metropolitan Council, following established procedure and notification requirements.