HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix B3 10228_Final_50th and France_TS_170120 Operations Summary ONE CARLSON PARKWAY, SUITE 150 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55447 | 763.475.0010 | WWW.SRFCONSULTING.COM SRF No. 01710228 To: Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager City of Edina From: Matt Pacyna, PE, Senior Associate Tom Sachi, PE, Engineer Date: January 20, 2017 Subject: 50th and France Transportation Study, Edina, MN Introduction As requested, SRF has completed a transportation study to evaluate potential development scenarios within the 50th and France retail area in the City of Edina, MN. The main objectives of this study are to review existing operations within the study area, evaluate transportation impacts to the adjacent network based on three potential development scenarios, and recommend any necessary improvements to accommodate the proposed development. The following information provides the assumptions, analysis, and study findings offered for consideration. Existing Conditions Existing conditions were reviewed to establish a baseline to identify any future impacts associated with the proposed development. The evaluation of existing conditions includes peak hour intersection turning movement counts, field observations, and an intersection capacity analysis. Turning movement counts were collected by SRF Consulting Group the week of December 12, 2017 at the following intersections.  50th Street and Wooddale Avenue  50th Street and Halifax Avenue  France Avenue and 49th-1/2 Street  France Avenue and 50th Street  France Avenue and 51st Street  50th Street and Chowen Avenue It should be noted that the southbound off-ramp from MN Highway 100 was closed during this time. However, review of historical traffic volumes within the area indicate the data collected represents typical conditions. Furthermore, the counts were collected during the busier retail season within the area. In addition to intersection turning movement counts, parking data for the three city owned parking ramps was provided by the City of Edina for two weeks in October and two weeks in December in order to understand the current parking conditions. Mr. Bill Neuendorf, City of Edina January 20, 2017 50th and France Transportation Study Page 2 Field observations were completed to confirm roadway geometry and traffic controls. All study roadways are primarily two-lane undivided roadways with select turn-lanes. All study roadways have a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour (mph). France Avenue and 50th Street are both functionally classified as minor arterial roadways. All study intersections are controlled by a traffic signal. Existing a.m. and p.m. peak hour turning movements, pedestrian volumes, geometry, and traffic controls are shown in Figure 1. Existing Intersection Capacity Analysis An existing intersection capacity analysis was completed to establish baseline conditions to which the future traffic conditions are compared. The existing intersections were analyzed using a combination of Synchro/SimTraffic software (V9.0) and the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). It should be noted that generally an overall LOS D is considered acceptable by drivers in the Twin Cities area. Results of the existing intersection capacity analysis shown in Table 1 indicate that all study intersections currently operate at an acceptable overall LOS C or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. The eastbound queues along 50th Street from France Avenue intersection extend approximately 475 feet during the p.m. peak hour. These queues extend through the western mid-block pedestrian crossing between France Avenue and Halifax Avenue approximately 10 to 15 percent of the peak hour. No other significant side-street delay or queuing issues were observed in the field or traffic simulation. Table 1. Existing Intersection Capacity Analysis Intersection Level of Service A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour 50th Street and Wooddale Avenue B C 50th Street and Halifax Avenue C B France Avenue and 49th-1/2 Street B B France Avenue and 50th Street B C France Avenue and 51st Street B B 50th Street and Chowen Avenue B B 50th Street (11) 9(39) 49(25) 9Chowen Avenue39 (49)36 (36)67 (59) 50th Street (28) 8 (602) 253 (7) 3 41 (29) 624 (507) 4 (9) (151) 180(382) 252(64) 23France Avenue36 (43)425 (390)14 (37) 51st Street (20) 1 (139) 29 (152) 95 13 (27) 148 (114) 24 (23) (265) 290(112) 73(30) 11Halifax Avenue196 (168)74 (104)15 (20) 50th Street (125) 95 (348) 188 (255) 140 11 (32) 457 (252) 28 (49) (119) 178(137) 70(50) 40Wooddale Avenue108 (36)104 (148)30 (30) 50th Street (77) 39 (788) 387 (199) 53 15 (27) 1034 (641) 33 (46) (349) 230(70) 26Fance Avenue7 (25)391 (386)49 (163) 50th Street (20) 12 (394) 189 (34) 28 87 (94) 489 (308) 66 (60) (73) 38(382) 278(8) 13France Avenue230 (177)436 (505)7 (7) 49 and 1/2 Street (179) 77 (3) 10 (60) 5 7 (10) 13 (9) 6 (9) 51st Street 49 1/2 Street Halifax Avenue Chowen Avenue France Avenue Wooddale Avenue 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 (10) 3 (0) 2 (30) 3 (35) 4 (39) 5 (26) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 3 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (1) 0 (1) 1 (5) 1 (0) 01610228 January 2017 Existing Conditions Figure 1H:\Projects\010000\10228\TS\Figures\Fig01_Existing Conditions.cdr50th and France Transportation Study City of Edina, MN NORTHNorth 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) XX (XX) - A.M. Peak Hour Volume - P.M. Peak Hour Volume - Signalized Control - Ped/Bike Volume LEGEND Mr. Bill Neuendorf, City of Edina January 20, 2017 50th and France Transportation Study Page 4 Proposed Development Scenarios Based on discussions with City staff, three proposed development scenarios were reviewed. The proposed development area includes both the north and south sides of 49th-1/2 Street between Halifax Avenue to France Avenue. The development scenarios assumptions agreed upon by the City are shown in Table 2 and illustrated in Figures 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2. Development Scenario Assumptions Scenario Land Use Apartment (Units) Commercial (Restaurant versus General Retail) Scenario A 100 units 2,500 SF Restaurant / 7,500 SF General Retail Scenario B 200 units 5,000 SF Restaurant / 20,000 SF General Retail Scenario C 300 units 10,000 SF Restaurant / 40,000 SF General Retail The three scenarios include residential and retail land use and increase in intensity from Scenario A to Scenario C. Scenarios B and C include potential redevelopment of surface parking lots and parking ramps. It should be noted that under Scenarios B and C, the parking ramp on the south side of 49th- 1/2 Street is assumed to be replaced with underground parking. The parking ramp on the north side of 49th-1/2 Street was assumed to be expanded to accommodate the relocated parking. Traffic Forecasts Traffic forecasts were developed for year 2020 conditions. An annual growth rate of one-half percent was applied to the existing peak hour volumes to develop year 2020 background traffic forecasts. This growth rate is consistent with historical growth in the study area since year 2000 (based on MnDOT annual average daily traffic volumes) and the City of Edina’s Transportation Plan. To account for traffic impacts associated with the proposed development, trip generation estimates for the a.m. and p.m. peak hours and on a daily basis were developed using the ITE Trip Generation Manual, Ninth Edition. The trip generation estimates for all three land use scenarios are shown in Table 3 and are summarized as follows: a) Scenario A: 64 a.m. peak hour, 86 p.m. peak hour, and approximately 977 daily vehicle trips. b) Scenario B: 131 a.m. peak hour, 186 p.m. peak hour, and approximately 2,115 daily vehicle trips. c) Scenario C: 225 a.m. peak hour, 325 p.m. peak hour, and approximately 3,731 daily vehicle trips. 50th Street 49 1/2 Street Halifax Avenue France Avenue Scenario A 100 Residential Units 10,000 Square Feet of Retail (2,500 SF Restaurant, 7,500 SF Retail) 01610228 January 2017 Land Use Scenario A Figure 2AH:\Projects\010000\10228\TS\Figures\Fig02A_Scenario 1.cdr50th and France Transportation Study City of Edina, MN 50th Street 49 1/2 Street Halifax Avenue France Avenue Scenario B 200 Residential Units 25,000 Square Feet of Retail (5,000 SF Restaurant, 20,000 SF Retail) Parking May Be Added 01610228 January 2017 Land Use Scenario B Figure 2BH:\Projects\010000\10228\TS\Figures\Fig02B_Scenario 2.cdr50th and France Transportation Study City of Edina, MN 50th Street 49 1/2 Street Halifax Avenue France Avenue Scenario C 300 Residential Units 50,000 Square Feet of Retail (10,000 SF Restaurant, 40,000 SF Retail) Parking May Be Added 01610228 January 2017 Land Use Scenario C Figure 2CH:\Projects\010000\10228\TS\Figures\Fig02C_Scenario 3.cdr50th and France Transportation Study City of Edina, MN Mr. Bill Neuendorf, City of Edina January 20, 2017 50th and France Transportation Study Page 8 Table 3. Trip Generation Estimates Land Use Type (ITE Code) Size A.M. Trips P.M. Trips Daily Trips In Out In Out Scenario A Apartment (220) 100 Dwelling Units 10 41 40 22 665 Shopping Center (820) 7,500 Square Feet 4 3 13 14 320 High-Turnover Restaurant (932) 2,500 Square Feet 15 12 15 10 318 Subtotal 29 56 68 46 1,303 Transit Reduction (5%) (1) (3) (3) (2) (65) Walk/Bike Reduction (20%)* (6) (11) (14) (9) (261) Scenario A Vehicular Trips 22 42 51 35 977 Scenario B Apartment (220) 200 Dwelling Units 20 82 81 43 1,330 Shopping Center (820) 20,000 Square Feet 12 7 36 39 854 High-Turnover Restaurant (932) 5,000 Square Feet 30 24 30 20 636 Subtotal 62 113 147 102 2,820 Transit Reduction (5%) (3) (6) (7) (5) (141) Walk/Bike Reduction (20%)* (12) (23) (29) (20) (564) Scenario B Vehicular Trips 47 84 109 77 2,115 Scenario C Apartment (220) 300 Dwelling Units 31 122 121 65 1,995 Shopping Center (820) 40,000 Square Feet 24 15 71 77 1,708 High-Turnover Restaurant (932) 10,000 Square Feet 59 49 59 36 1,272 Subtotal 114 186 251 182 4,975 Transit Reduction (5%) (6) (9) (13) (9) (249) Walk/Bike Reduction (20%)* (23) (37) (50) (36) (995) Scenario C Vehicular Trips 85 140 188 137 3,731 *Walk/Bike reduction accounts for the multi-use component of patrons utilizing more than one land use during a visit. These trips were distributed throughout the area based on existing travel patterns and engineering judgment as shown in Figure 3. The resultant year 2020 peak hour traffic forecasts, which take into account the background growth and traffic generated by the proposed development, are included in Figures 4A, 4B, and 4C for Scenarios A, B, and C, respectively. 50th Street 51st Street 49 1/2 Street Halifax Avenue Chowen Avenue France Avenue Wooddale Avenue 20%25%25%30% 01610228 January 2017 Directional Distribution Figure 3H:\Projects\010000\10228\TS\Figures\Fig03_Directional Distribution.cdr50th and France Trasnportation Study City of Edina, MNNORTHNorth 01610228 January 2017 Year 2020 Scenario A Conditions Figure 4AH:\Projects\010000\10228\TS\Figures\Fig04A_Year 2020 Scenario 1 Conditions.cdr50th and France Transportation Study City of Edina, MN 50th Street Chowen Avenue50th Street France Avenue51st StreetHalifax Avenue50th Street Wooddale Avenue50th Street Fance Avenue50th StreetFrance Avenue49 and 1/2 Street 51st Street 49 1/2 Street Halifax Avenue Chowen Avenue France Avenue Wooddale Avenue 0 (0) 0 (0) 5 (10) 5 (0) 5 (30) 5 (35) 5 (40) 5 (30) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 5 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (5) 0 (5) 5 (5) 5 (0) NORTHNorth 0 (0) 5 (5) 5 (5) 0 (0) XX (XX) - A.M. Peak Hour Volume - P.M. Peak Hour Volume - Signalized Control - Ped/Bike Volume LEGEND (15) 10(40) 50(25) 1040 (50)40 (40)70 (60) (30) 10 (620) 270 (10) 5 45 (30) 640 (530) 5 (10) (160) 190(395) 260(65) 2540 (45)440 (400)15 (40) (20) 5 (145) 30 (160) 105 15 (30) 150 (120) 25 (25) (270) 295(120) 80(30) 15215 (185)80 (110)20 (25) (145) 105 (355) 195 (260) 145 15 (40) 465 (260) 30 (50) (125) 185(140) 75(55) 45110 (40)110 (150)30 (30) (80) 40 (815) 400 (205) 55 15 (30) 1065 (665) 35 (50) (360) 240(75) 3010 (25)405 (400)55 (170) (20) 15 (405) 200 (35) 30 95 (105) 500 (320) 70 (65) (90) 45(390) 285(10) 15240 (190)445 (515)10 (10) (190) 90 (5) 10 (70) 20 10 (10) 15 (10) 10 (10) 01610228 January 2017 Year 2020 Scenario B Conditions Figure 4BH:\Projects\010000\10228\TS\Figures\Fig04B_Year 2020 Scenario 2 Conditions.cdr50th and France Transportation Study City of Edina, MN 50th Street Chowen Avenue50th Street France Avenue51st StreetHalifax Avenue50th Street Wooddale Avenue50th Street Fance Avenue50th StreetFrance Avenue49 and 1/2 Street 51st Street 49 1/2 Street Halifax Avenue Chowen Avenue France Avenue Wooddale Avenue 0 (0) 0 (0) 5 (10) 5 (0) 10 (35) 10 (40) 10 (45) 10 (35) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 5 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 5 (5) 0 (5) 0 (5) 5 (5) 5 (0) NORTHNorth 0 (0) 5 (10) 5 (10) 0 (0) XX (XX) - A.M. Peak Hour Volume - P.M. Peak Hour Volume - Signalized Control - Ped/Bike Volume LEGEND (15) 10(40) 50(25) 1040 (50)40 (40)70 (60) (30) 10 (630) 280 (10) 5 45 (30) 645 (545) 5 (10) (170) 190(405) 265(65) 2540 (45)445 (410)15 (40) (20) 5 (145) 30 (165) 110 15 (30) 150 (120) 25 (25) (270) 295(130) 80(30) 15225 (195)90 (120)30 (30) (160) 110 (355) 195 (260) 145 20 (50) 465 (260) 30 (50) (125) 185(140) 75(55) 45110 (40)110 (150)30 (30) (80) 40 (835) 410 (205) 55 15 (30) 1080 (675) 35 (50) (370) 240(75) 3010 (25)410 (405)65 (175) (20) 15 (410) 205 (35) 30 95 (110) 505 (330) 70 (65) (105) 55(390) 285(10) 15245 (205)445 (515)10 (10) (200) 95 (5) 10 (80) 30 10 (10) 15 (10) 10 (10) 01610228 January 2017 Year 2020 Scenario C Conditions Figure 4CH:\Projects\010000\10228\TS\Figures\Fig4C_Year 2020 Scenario 3 Conditions.cdr50th and France Transportation Study City of Edina, MN 50th Street Chowen Avenue50th Street France Avenue51st StreetHalifax Avenue50th Street Wooddale Avenue50th Street Fance Avenue50th StreetFrance Avenue49 and 1/2 Street 51st Street 49 1/2 Street Halifax Avenue Chowen Avenue France Avenue Wooddale Avenue 0 (0) 0 (0) 5 (10) 5 (0) 10 (40) 10 (45) 10 (50) 10 (40) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 5 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 5 (10) 0 (5) 0 (5) 5 (5) 5 (0) NORTHNorth 0 (0) 5 (10) 5 (10) 0 (0) XX (XX) - A.M. Peak Hour Volume - P.M. Peak Hour Volume - Signalized Control - Ped/Bike Volume LEGEND (15) 10(40) 50(25) 1040 (50)40 (40)70 (60) (30) 10 (645) 295 (10) 5 45 (30) 655 (565) 5 (10) (180) 195(415) 270(65) 2540 (45)450 (415)15 (40) (20) 5 (145) 30 (175) 115 15 (30) 150 (120) 25 (25) (270) 295(140) 85(30) 15245 (215)95 (125)35 (40) (185) 125 (355) 195 (260) 145 25 (60) 465 (260) 30 (50) (125) 185(140) 75(55) 45110 (40)110 (150)30 (30) (80) 40 (860) 420 (205) 55 15 (30) 1095 (695) 35 (50) (380) 245(75) 3010 (25)415 (410)70 (185) (20) 15 (420) 210 (35) 30 100 (120) 510 (340) 70 (65) (125) 60(390) 285(10) 15250 (220)445 (515)10 (10) (210) 110 (5) 10 (95) 40 10 (10) 15 (10) 10 (10) Mr. Bill Neuendorf, City of Edina January 20, 2017 50th and France Transportation Study Page 13 Year 2020 Conditions Year 2020 Intersection Capacity Analysis To determine if the existing roadway network can accommodate the year 2020 traffic forecasts for the three development scenarios, a detailed intersection capacity analysis was completed. The study intersections were analyzed using Synchro/SimTraffic software and the HCM. Results of the intersection capacity analysis shown in Table 4 indicate that all study intersections are expected to operate at an acceptable overall LOS D or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. The eastbound queue along 50th Street from France Avenue is expected to extend between 500 and 550 feet under Scenarios B and C during the p.m. peak hours. Additionally, the westbound queue along 50th Street from France Avenue is expected to extend over 500 feet under Scenarios B and C during the p.m. peak hour. This westbound queue would extend through the 50th Street/ Ewing Avenue intersection over 50 percent of the p.m. peak hour. No other significant side-street delay or queuing issues are expected. Therefore based on this review, the area transportation network should be able to accommodate the proposed land use scenarios without any geometric or traffic control changes. Table 4. Year 2020 Intersection Capacity Analysis Intersection A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour Scenario A Scenario B Scenario C Scenario A Scenario B Scenario C 50th Street/Wooddale Avenue B B B C C C 50th Street/Halifax Avenue C C C B C C France Avenue/49th-1/2 Street B B B B B B France Avenue/50th Street B B B C D D France Avenue/51st Street B B C B C C 50th Street/Chowen Avenue B B B B B B Other Considerations Although the existing roadway infrastructure can accommodate the level of proposed development assumed as part of this study, the following other items should be considered as planning continues. a) Locate access to area land uses to minimize queuing impacts and conflicts for entering/exiting motorists, as well as with pedestrians/bicyclists. An illustration of proposed development access and queuing considerations are shown in Figure 5. b) Consider traffic signal modifications to include flashing yellow arrow left-turn phasing. This type of phasing would help operations, particularly during off-peak periods. The eastbound/ westbound left-turn lanes at 50th Street and Halifax Avenue would be a good candidates. 50th Street 49 1/2 Street Halifax Avenue France Avenue 01610228 January 2017 Development Area Queuing and Access Considerations Figure 5H:\Projects\010000\10228\TS\Figures\Fig05_Access and Queuing.cdr50th and France Transportation Study City of Edina, MN Max Queue 200 ft Max Queue 175 ft Max Queue 200 ft Ideal Development Access Potential Development Access Potential Traffic Control Change Existing Exit Existing Entrance Mr. Bill Neuendorf, City of Edina January 20, 2017 50th and France Transportation Study Page 15 Parking Impacts As noted previously, the parking ramp on the south side of 49th-1/2 Street was assumed to be redeveloped under Scenarios B and C. The parking ramp on the north side of 49th-1/2 Street may be expanded to accommodate the relocated parking, if necessary: Therefore, a review of the parking information from October and December, provided by the City of Edina, was completed to determine if expansion of the north ramp would be necessary. The results are shown in Table 5. Table 5. Parking Supply and Demand Ramps Supply Demand October Weekday October Saturday December Weekday December Saturday North Ramp 269 51% 29% 59% 36% Center Ramp 271 91% 85% 98% 90% South Ramp 329 95% 95% 113% 103% Total 869 80% 72% 92% 78% A review of the October parking information indicates that on a typical weekday, the North Ramp on 49th-1/2 Street is approximately 50 percent occupied while the Center Ramp on the south side of 49th-1/2 Street and the South Ramp on 51st Street are approximately 90 to 95 percent occupied. The peak parking period typically occurs between 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. during both weekdays and Saturdays. On Saturdays, the North Ramp demand drops to approximately 30 percent, likely in part due to the office-related jobs within the immediate area. Parking demand on Sunday was found to be significantly lower than weekdays and Saturdays and therefore was not analyzed. Overall, peak parking demand in October for the 50th and France area is approximately 70 to 80 percent. A review of the December parking data (i.e. holiday shopping season) indicates that weekday parking demand in the Center and South Ramps is near 100 percent (the over 100 percent demand indicates a high number of circulating vehicles inside the ramp) on both weekdays and Saturday. The North Ramp demand is approximately 60 percent on the weekday and drops to approximately 35 percent on Saturday. Overall, peak parking demand in December for the 50th and France area is approximately 80 to 95 percent. The hourly parking utilization for a December weekday is shown in Figure 6. Based on the parking data collected, the existing parking supply for the area will need to be maintained to accommodate peak parking demand during December. If the Center Ramp is removed, along with the surface lot in the southeast corner of the Halifax Avenue and 49th-1/2 Street intersection, this parking should be accommodated within an expanded north parking ramp and potentially within the new development underground parking lots. Mr. Bill Neuendorf, City of Edina January 20, 2017 50th and France Transportation Study Page 16 Figure 6. December Weekday Parking Utilization Summary and Conclusions The following study conclusions and recommendations are offered for your consideration: 1) Study intersections currently operate at an acceptable overall LOS C or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Eastbound queues along 50th Street from France Avenue extend approximately 475 feet during the p.m. peak hour, which impacts the western mid-block pedestrian crossing between France Avenue and Halifax Avenue approximately 10 to 15 percent of the p.m. peak hour. 2) The three land use scenarios evaluated as part of this review include a combination of residential and retail land uses. a) Scenario A: 100 Apartment Units; 2,500 SF Restaurant; 7,500 SF General Retail b) Scenario B: 200 Apartment Units; 5,000 SF Restaurant; 20,000 SF General Retail c) Scenario C: 300 Apartment Units; 10,000 SF Restaurant; 40,000 SF General Retail 3) An annual growth rate of one-half percent was applied to the existing peak hour volumes to develop year 2020 background traffic forecasts. 4) Trip generation for the proposed development scenarios is as follows: a) Scenario A: 64 a.m. peak hour, 86 p.m. peak hour, and 977 daily vehicle trips. b) Scenario B: 131 a.m. peak hour, 186 p.m. peak hour, and 2,115 daily vehicle trips. c) Scenario C: 225 a.m. peak hour, 325 p.m. peak hour, and 3,731 daily vehicle trips. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%12:00 AM1:00 AM2:00 AM3:00 AM4:00 AM5:00 AM6:00 AM7:00 AM8:00 AM9:00 AM10:00 AM11:00 AM12:00 PM1:00 PM2:00 PM3:00 PM4:00 PM5:00 PM6:00 PM7:00 PM8:00 PM9:00 PM10:00 PM11:00 PMPercent UtilizedTime Center Ramp North Ramp South Ramp Total (All Ramps) Utilization higher than 100% indicates the ramp is fully occuiped and Mr. Bill Neuendorf, City of Edina January 20, 2017 50th and France Transportation Study Page 17 5) Results of the year 2020 build intersection capacity analysis indicate that all study intersections are expected to operate at an acceptable overall LOS D or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Other operations findings include: a) Eastbound queues along 50th Street from France Avenue are expected to extend between 500 and 550 feet under Scenarios B and C during the p.m. peak hour. b) Westbound queues along 50th Street from France Avenue are expected to extend over 500 feet under Scenarios B and C during the p.m. peak hour. This westbound queue would extend through the 50th Street/Ewing Avenue intersection over 50 percent of the p.m. peak hour. 6) Based on this review, the area transportation network should be able to accommodate the proposed land use scenarios without any geometric or traffic control changes. 7) The following other items should be considered as planning continues. a) Locate access to area land uses to minimize queuing impacts and conflicts for entering/exiting motorists, as well as with pedestrians/bicyclists. b) Consider traffic signal modifications to include flashing yellow arrow left-turn phasing. This type of phasing would help operations, particularly during off-peak periods. The eastbound/ westbound left-turn lanes at 50th Street and Halifax Avenue would be a good candidates. 8) A review of the October parking information indicates that on a typical weekday, the North Ramp on 49th-1/2 Street is approximately 50 percent occupied, while the Center and South Ramps are approximately 90 to 95 percent occupied. a) The peak parking demand in October for the area is approximately 70 to 80 percent. 9) A review of the December parking data (i.e. holiday shopping season) indicates that weekday parking demand in the Center and South Ramps is near 100 percent on both weekdays and Saturday. The North Ramp demand is approximately 60 percent on the weekday and drops to approximately 35 percent on Saturday. a) The peak parking demand in December for the area is approximately 80 to 95 percent. 10) Based on the parking data collected, the existing parking supply for the area will need to be maintained to accommodate peak parking demand during December. If the Center Ramp is removed, along with the surface lot in the southeast corner of the Halifax Avenue/49th-1/2 Street intersection, this parking should be accommodated within an expanded North Ramp and potentially within the new development underground parking lots. H:\Projects\10000\10228\TS\Report\10228_Final_50th and France_TS_170120.docx