HomeMy WebLinkAbout0269i tEst Pitt trr, made, this ........ and ............................day of ..QG.t. caber..................................... in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and . .W.QA.t. .....elgb G .............. .............................., between John Yoore,j a_ tingle man Robert l:oor!,e , a single man , Eldred Moore and Harta Moore, his wife Walter Yoore and Frances Loore, his wife . Laura Dirks; and Herman Dirks, her husband of the County of ..... H. enne.pin ....................and State of .......... L Urine. so •ta............................ parti -W the first part and.. .......................Y.i.. " 'go ... pf ... Edina ....................... ............ . ............................................................. . ....................... I.............................. .... . ..................................................... . ........... . ............. .... ..... . ... .... : .................................................................................................................. -- .............................. of the County of...... UAnl}.t.PP? .D ...................and State of....... . w�.i, inne.aata..................... part.y.of the second part. itnrssr#h, That the said part..l e ...of the first part, in consideration of the sum of ........................ Dollar � 1.,. 0. 4� . i�NA .................. ..................................................... O...ne ..... ............................... ....................................................... ............................... to: ..... TH 1 ............... ":...In hand paid by the said part..y. ....... of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby "= acknowledged, do ............ hereby Grant, Bargain, Sell, Remise, Release, Quit -Claim and Convey unto the its succes said part ... y......of the second part, .... ............................... .Wand assigns, Forever, all the....................... ............................... .................................................................... ............................... following traett3 ...... or pareel.A .... of land lying and being in the County of ...... Henn. epin ........................... ............................and State of ............ 111inne.so•ta. .................................... described as follows, to -wit: All of lot 24,1 and the easterly five feet, measured at right angles to the west lin� of lot 24, of lots 20, 21, 22, and 23: and the westerly five feat, measured at right angles to the east line of lot 24, of lots 25j, 26, 31, and 32, all in Auditor's Subdivision Dumber 176, Hennepin County, Minnesota, according to the plat of same on file, and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said county i go 31aur nub to Tiatb, The Quit - Claimed Premises, together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belongin or in anywise appertaining, to the said part .... y.. .... of the second part, its successors and .4s8igns, FOREVER. ......- ...................................... i In M estimong 04errof, The said part.,t;A..of the first part ha..*.✓..hereunto set..... ............... hand.,: ... and seal.X ...the day and the year above Signed, Sealed and Delivered in �resenee of i ,... ll,.!.. ............ ........ ....... ! .......... I ............ :� .r..l•�!.... ....... ........... ..k .:.... t . .... . ................ ............................... SE.RL .. .. . '.1. . !... l t .:....... ..............................- (SRIL) ... .. ........... ........ 1;r ............. (SE.RL) . ..............................1 ...................................................................... ............................... (SE.1 L) QUIT -CLAI 4, ICE ............................... ................... ...................... I ....... . ................................. .. .... ......• ... ....... ....... ........... ........ ...... Office of Register of Deeds, State of County of I hereby certify that the within In- strument was filed in this office for record on the ................. - 4..........._ day of ..................... ..... ........1. D. 1.9.... at ...... /!.�f4L'clock. .... and-was duly 1150 recordedin Book ...................................................... fi of......... ..Do-ft e-qa Aar 1.60 .... at* ...... Taxes forthe yeo,7�U9 ........ 4p4he lands described within, paid this .............................. dayof ..................................................... --, 19............ ........................................................................................ County Treasurer. Taxes paid and Transfer entered this ........ I ............... day y of ... ............................... 19 ............ ......................................I ..I . ..................................... I ................ County .4uditor. By-- ............................... ............................... Depz* JAILL22-DAVIS CO., 39INXIA"US a DEC 20 1928 AL. P. UDITOR T o 29 e 00 All 6 a "A7. FROM: 12GAL 10 ' Moore, et al All of lot 24 and the easterl to the west line of lot 24, of the w*aterly five feet, measur, 269 of lot 24, of lot s 2b" 26,,-31,, s Number 176, Hennepin county, M, same on file, and of record iaa is and for said county. g PURPOSE measured at ri fit angle a - 21, 22, and 23; and, t angles to the east line 11 in Auditor 'a Subdivisioik according to the plat of e of the Register ofileda REC i cei Book