HomeMy WebLinkAbout392....... �eaa,— la.ev. aaoal laaaa. aaa.ur.nc. e.. o: lYlmn. { r1 9 !"Ae 22- B" 732 FASE389 Ota.te of Alinneota ss. AFFIDAVIT Vienne xn County of .................... . P.......... ............................... Gusta ;:cold ................................................ ........................................ .......................................................................................................................... I residing at .......... . .......................................................... ..... .......... .. ......... ................. .... .... ........ ........................... ................................................................ .............. I being firstduly sworn, on oath says: That ... S +W� ... is, ... one.... n ............................................................................................... .......................:....... (they are) (_ —he is) (_he knows) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................... th se the persons... named as ..........., grantee ................................................... ............................... in - certain instrumentsdated ......... ...... ............ �.,.. ;. 9J ... 'and filed for record .......... Thar. ch ... K............................................ 19..31....., Io��z 5 6 as Document No.S.e...� ,64 5 ............ , in the office of the Register .................. of........ ............................. oOf Hennepin County, Minnesota, relating to the following described real estate in said .................. ............................... County: Beginning at a poin6 on ',he 'L\?orth Line of Section Thirty (30), Tolemship Tirenty -eight (28) 1Torth, Mange Twenty -four (24) West oz' the 4th Principal Meridian, 525.5 Meet East of the tdest .line of the Northeast Gvuarter (MSu) of said Section; thence South, 4'18 -Feet; thence East parallel s•rith the liorth line of said Section Thirty (30), Toi nship T:rent;; -eight (28), -Range ri�:Tenty -:'our (24), a distance of 133 feet; thence North a distance of 438 feet; ;;hence „ est 133 fleet to the point of beinning, EXCEPT the South 170 feet thereof. That the said........ Cus' '-a Told... s........... Sixty- nine....( 69..) ........ ....................................... . .................. .......................... years of age._ ..................... ..............................; by occupation ..;:q ..... � housewife........ ..............................; with place of business at ......................................................................................................................................................... ..............................; and since October 16, 1930, resident That the said ......... ..................G.u:sta..li.o U.......................... ............................... .is not now ..................................... ............................... and has not been since October 16, 1940, in the armed forces of the United States. That there have been no proceedings in bankruptcy, divorce, insanity or incompetency and there are no unsatisfied judgments of record against the above named ...... af 1a n. t ............. .............................in any Courts, State or Federal; that there has never been and is not now, any old age assistance furnished to the above named ....................... art. ............................ and that there are no tax liens, State or Federal, filed against the abovenamed ................. a -f_` -U ant .............................. eaxheptr .......:............................................................................................. ........I...................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................... That any judgments, bankruptcies or old age assistance liens, State or Federal tax liens, of record against parties with same or similar names are not against the above named ........ .e ff ia.n L............... .... ... ........... .. .... .... That affiant knows the matters herein stated are true and makes this affidavit for the purpose of inducing the passing of the title to the premises heretofore, described, free and clear of all judgments, old age assistance liens, State or Federal tax liens, and questions of service in the armed forces of the United States, marital status, competency and bankruptcy. ..................................... ............................... ................. Gusta Wold. Su cribed dry sry e f ore me this ill d........... f�. ..�..... a o ....., 19. >....... ......... ............................... .......................... ....................... ..... a.. ..... i..: ....�M �+..... .... ............................... Notary ublic,; ,, ....... ...County, Minn. NY commissio t*' 'S ..... ............................... Notary Public Hertaiinty 3GSirit1, My Commission Expires jUj 19, 1962. Filed for record on the 15 day of Sep A. D. 1955 at 3 :40 o' clock Po hL F"% I a FileNo . ........ .................................... State of Minnesota, Countyof ........................................................ ........... Affidavit on Judgment, Old Age _;j s stance Liens '��, A Liens, Marital Status, Military Status Competency and B rupt��# 'po" m' ate of Minnesota, HENNEPIN Countyof ................... ................................................. �Wt%t of Deeds ...... F Office of Reffist ................................... I hereby certify that the within in- strument was filed for record in my offlce onthe .................................................. 1.5 ........ day Of ........... 9 at.... 4 .................... ........o'clock................ M. and recorded in Book ....................... .......o f ............ ....1.4� ....... at page...... .... . .. . ......... QONALD C. BENNYHOFF ................................... ..... I ........ I ............................................. R- * stef ©i Deeds o........... I .......... I ............ .. . . 7 ..... ................ .... Deputy Cr. Warranty Deed. Form No. 3-M. Miller-Davis Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Individual to Corporation. Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blanks (1931). 19MG50 PAK 4W xbiomen—turepmade this ............. ........................ day of........... .....................1 19..x.7...., between ...S vom ... ;';Qla ... and w . hug ........................................................................ ........................... of the CoUntyof .............. 7-Qn jae. Minnesota a . 1)ir ............................. .................... and State of ....................... I ... ­­­­ .... ................................................... part. .iez.. of the first part, and...... V111467�. ... Q- r ... 4dinp: ...... 4 ... rnlniciP4,j .................................................................................... .......... I ............................................................................ I ..................... I ............................................................................................................................................. &­corporation under the laws of the State of ....... .............. ................................. I party of the second part, WtntOetb, That the said partiez... of the first part, in consideration of the sum of One ... ... and ... other ... g, aad_aud ... valua:o1e ... Don&b.4 R-S,- - to ........ the-ii............ .............................in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do............ hereby Grant, Bargain, Sell, and Convey unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever, all the tract...... or parcel...... of land lying and being in the Countp of .......... �ppnppin a ............... .. ........................................ and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to-wit: - An easement to lay out, construct, use and maintain for a public street over and across the -_,"ollowinG: That part of the following described tract: The Easterly 133 eet of the Westerly 658.5 feet of (the Northerly 268 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (1,TWl oi" NEE-1) m- Section Thirty Township Twenty-eight (28 )4 North, range T,,.renty-four (24) west-, which lies between two lines dzaim parallel with and distant 50 feet on each side 0-:L"' the following described line: the t' %2059 e4a Ber �ifining at a point, on North line,of the Northeast "'uar to Im!) of said Section T 549 .thirty (70), distant -79 r ( 4 1'eeu East of the Northwest corner thereof; thence running Northwesterly at an angle of 260 36, with said Forth line (,%ien measured from 'v"est tuo North) for a distance of 50 'feet, to the point aft' beCinn-ing o-J" the line to be described; thence running Southeasterly '�r along the last above described course for a aist"ance of.' 250 feet and there terminating; containinc 0.13 acre, more or less, in addition to e,;isting- public right of way. To fbabe aib to 3balb the *alne, Together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, Or in anywise appertaining, to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever. .4nd the said ...... 2.V.en .. WjQ15d ... gna ... QqpUk..Kqld . ................................................................................................... I ........................................ ............ .......... ___ ................................................ ................................................................................................. parVies. of the first part, for....... ..................heirs, executors and administrators, do............ covenant with the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, that....... Y-hqY..A:P9 ....................well seized in fee of the lands and premises aforesaid, and ha.:V.Q ..... good right to sell and convey the same in manner and form aforesaid, and that the same are free, from all encumbrances, 4nd the above bargained and granted lands and pYeln•lSeS, in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, against all persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, subject to i7tcumbrances, if any, hereinbefore mentioned, the said parki-es.. of the first part will Warrant and Defend. 3n Tatimonp Mbjereof, The said part.. 0-:5.. of the first part ha..YP .... hereunto set ..... thei;r.: ......... hand.s.. the day and year first above written. ................................. 0 .......... . ............. ...... ......... W( ..... . ......... Sven Wold Giis td..Wdld ....................... I ........................... I .......... . ......................... ...................... ........................................................................................................................... .............. ...... *'****'* ..... *"*"****'*"** ........ ­** ........ ****"*'*"* .... ** ......... '* ... In Presence of *tatt of lfff nnOota, ss County of ............................. Rennepin . ....................... . On this ................. 12.th ...................................... ........dab of ................... September .................................... 1J.5.5......, before me, a ..................... idotary. ... P.u} alit ...................................................................... within and for said County, personally appeared .Y.en...W..old ... &nd, Gus:ta..Wold,...husoand.. and„ trire, ................................................................... ............................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................... to me known to be the persons...... described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that ... .y, ,executed (See Note) ti °s1 Ai the same as ..... the it ........... .......................... free act and deed........, .................. ...........,.................................. . �. (See Note) J Notary Public ........... fIennep ,n ................1. �'.: iscn>b ,r My commission expires ...... Janua.•x'Y..- 19 .............. h, 19...6 ... NOTE: The blank lines marked 'Bee Note" are for use when the instrument is executed by an attorney in fact. Filed for record on the 15 day of Sep A. D. 1955 at 3 40 O'clock P. III. Go s •h :' Ey r+ a M �; ���VVV •• �i Ro.I W € LLJ V i i d v Z: Ji c� •� W o z o 1 v Pt N , 4 ,;t rJ� �`ti duo M t 0 r � to •� d Al A e € o€ � � o i it � M t 0 r � to •� d Al