HomeMy WebLinkAbout04401 WEMR STOEWE, EASEAWId- mms nmmvum. H%de this lt4 day 0:r 3-956., -oetwen Inc. ThoxW -,Pros./, a corporation -=4er the law of the State, of Mnmsota, PM*ty of the fix-rat part.,. and Village of Wim,, a mnialpal corporation uader the iw*-.; of the state of Minnesota; WITIMS=: 'That the said party of the first pant, in, comidera- tican Or -Ll-,.e am or Ove I)OIlar (4.00) aiA other good mad valuable consideration: to It in band paid by the said party of the second past, tte receipt vbereof is bereby acka*v,1AdC-pd,, does hereby Grant, Bargain., quitelmiz, and Cormy unto the said party of the seamd partp its successors and a"Igm, Forever, all the tract or parcel of land lyirs said being 14 the County of Hemepin and State of Mxmesota, dwm-lbed as follmm., to-vit; An easewnt for the purpose of flawage., overflow and storage of -mters,, matural or eta ervise., in;, on or above the folloving described property: Lot Thm (2 )., floc' Elgbt, (8), Soutbdale First Additionj aacordiiZ to the plat thereof' on Me in the office of the Registrar of Titles for Pepin Couvty., 141=4sotA. 7he V=tor, for its amcessors and assig., hereby sped. Vically <-,amnants and agrees t it will not in mW vV obstnxet the flounge or overflov of vatern, naturall or otherwise,., on to the above described property nor uill it in azq iny interfere with the storage of vz%tez%,, natux-al or other- wise,, on the ebove described property. It is :tether comnanted and agreed that the Sremtor,,, Its suceessors or aesigns,, sha'al not undertake to erect say structure on the abave described property nor vd-U it d-xmge the suxfwe or Sri level, of said lot. This easment shall remain in full. force and of -Tect until such tam as an adequate systM of storms severe is established in the Southdale First' and TI-4rd Additions ezea so- as to maIrm the storage of mater on the above doscrabed prcperty unneeessary,, at which t4me the Village of F-dim -1- fry � . to release this �u by a t cl ,,tae Vide of aball. be tw sole 4 ufte as. U when an q� to s of storm. sever' bas been ea'flisher3. TO HAVE N ME Toget r �dth 3. the'. beredit� ..ts s d pyarten=aes tier auto belaveing or In € y4ee mppertes.uinS, to the said party the second per, its wu=essvru azd asz ., Forever. �i pa* x w L ir7k = M 0 "wsk�s Presents to be eawacuted In its eorpar&te n=e b Y it$ v- ffs / 17 A"�vc�, -It's G l� ,� �r and its corporate l to be bereuAto affixed the day and year first 6owle Wittea- THORN BROS.. INC (ewporate ova) f CowsOF « H= W111 Oil this 4�4r a 49 1956, before +ze o -thin and for said C AffeWei duly Sb did �' rt3�e ✓�,.c.��, of Thorpe Br �, - of t� err r�ti�3�xs �d in the f iw;tro , and that the sew. affi=d to said instru- m t is the eor rate. seal d ear�ati .�k and It bat soy d i tr nt v signed d wed in bed of s� c orq tic x ° , .a th .t of its 'd rs, sd and � ��.ed d said instr� to 'fie to free act deed. q std. oorporat ou. (Notarial Sew ":Sga 6. l v�f fry � . to release this �u by a t cl ,,tae Vide of aball. be tw sole 4 ufte as. U when an q� to s of storm. sever' bas been ea'flisher3. TO HAVE N ME Toget r �dth 3. the'. beredit� ..ts s d pyarten=aes tier auto belaveing or In € y4ee mppertes.uinS, to the said party the second per, its wu=essvru azd asz ., Forever. �i pa* x w L ir7k = M 0 "wsk�s Presents to be eawacuted In its eorpar&te n=e b Y it$ v- ffs / 17 A"�vc�, -It's G l� ,� �r and its corporate l to be bereuAto affixed the day and year first 6owle Wittea- THORN BROS.. INC (ewporate ova) f CowsOF « H= W111 Oil this 4�4r a 49 1956, before +ze o -thin and for said C AffeWei duly Sb did �' rt3�e ✓�,.c.��, of Thorpe Br �, - of t� err r�ti�3�xs �d in the f iw;tro , and that the sew. affi=d to said instru- m t is the eor rate. seal d ear�ati .�k and It bat soy d i tr nt v signed d wed in bed of s� c orq tic x ° , .a th .t of its 'd rs, sd and � ��.ed d said instr� to 'fie to free act deed. q std. oorporat ou. (Notarial Sew ":Sga --2- 6. --2- NAMMOWN BE IT RESOLVBO by the Zdina Village Council thaat the Xayorr Pro Tom and the Villo$$ Clerk ore hereby authorized to execute a quit claim deed releasing an easem at for water storage on Lot 20 Block $,, South ► dale first Addition. ADMZU this 19th day of 'march, 1973. STAT19 Of KNOSOTA COU14Tx U' "18 SS VlUWX Of HDINA g =FJOTE Or V114M gaaaa I$ the undersigned duly appointed And acting Villager Clerk for the Village of 4dine, der hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was .duly adopted by the Edina Village Council at its regular meeting of March 19 19730 and as recorded in the minutes of said regular meeting WITNBSS my hand a-ad seal this 20th dap of 14arch, 1973. Village Clerk cc; _abert Dunn Thomas S. Erickson marab 211, 1913 Mrs. Sally Bans , Farmers and Mechanics Sank 90 S. 6th St. Wateapolls, W $3402 Dear Mrs. ftn$; Inelosedo as dirooted by the Edin*.Vill4ge Attorney, Mr, ThcutS S. Erjekson,, is 4 testified copy of a resolution adopted by the Wn& Village 0-ouncil, authorizing the Mayor and Village Clerk to exeOute a deed releasing an easement for issuer storage on tot 2, Block B. SouthdAle First Addition. Inolosad also you will find the origintl and thre* copies of BAU deed., Yours very truly# 'Village Clerk ano-losures "i Mr. ThovAs Erickson Mr. Robert Dm► mli I F_ 14 LL- 4. �l 33 0.�7�1 � b