HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.22.19 HRRC_Minutes_Approved_Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 12/3/2019 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Human Rights & Relations Commission Edina City Hall, Community Room, Oct. 22, 2019, 7 p.m. I. Call To Order Chair Nelson called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering Roll Call: Chair Nelson, Commissioners Arseneault, Beringer, Edwards, Epstein, Kennedy, Ross, Stringer Moore and Student Commissioner Iyer. Staff Present: Heidi Lee, Race & Equity Coordinator, and Jennifer Garske, Executive Assistant. Absent: Commissioner Meek and Student Commissioner Waldron. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion by Commissioner Arseneault to approve the Oct. 22, 2019 meeting agenda, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Commissioners suggested several grammar-related edits to the meeting minutes. Motion by Commissioner Arseneault to approve the Sept. 24, 2019 meeting minutes with three changes, seconded by Commissioner Stringer Moore. Motion carried. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. Welcome to new Student Commissioner Mythili Iyer a. Student Commissioner Iyer told the Commission about herself. i. Senior at Edina High School ii. Interested in learning about policy-making at the city level. b. Commission introduced themselves to Student Commissioner Iyer. c. Chair Nelson encouraged the new student commissioner to be an active participant. VI. Community Comment—None VII. Reports/Recommendations A. Human Rights & Relations Commission 2019 Work Plan a. Initiative #1—Applying a Race and Equity Lens to Communication Content i. Subcommittee just got the materials from Staff Liaison Lee and set up a meeting for Oct. 29, to hit the Oct. 31 deadline for review. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 12/3/2019 b. Initiative #2—Naming of a Public Facility in the Grandview Area after BC and Ellen Yancey i. Talked at last meeting about Wooddale Park or Garden Park as HRRC’s suggestion. ii. Commission will send an email to Parks & Rec Commission with suggestions. Parks can let Commission know if they want to meet again. c. Initiative #3—Ensure City Facility Artwork and Décor Reflects Diversity of Race and Culture i. Staff Liaison Lee discussed with Commissioner Meek about the Advisory Communication. 1. Staff Liaison Lee will create a rubric so that what they do with City Hall foyer and Mayor’s Conference Room can be transferred to other facilities. 2. This item will be on Nov. 6 City Council agenda. 3. The 2020 Work Plan will have initiative to create what that rubric looks like. d. Initiative #4—Identify Barriers for Participation in Programming i. Commissioner Stringer Moore sent an email right after the last meeting in September to Parks & Recreation Commission members with a recap and asking for an update. e. Initiative #5—Race and Equity Policy Statement Developed by City Staff i. No update. f. Initiative #6—Bias Offense Response Plan i. Staff Liaison Lee set up meeting with Police Chief and City Manager and the sub- committee. ii. Commissioner shared that the city of Golden Valley has a wonderful advisory communication that we might be able to use. Staff Liaison Lee will find it and send it out to the Commission. iii. Staff Liaison Lee discussed having City Council create a race and equity policy. Can look at what other cities have done. 1. Bigger policy that would encompass more, so departments could lean on it. a. Not all departments would have to create their own. b. Don’t want to recreate the wheel for each commission. 2. This would not be instead of the bias offense response plan, but would go hand and hand. In alignment, not instead of, according to Staff Liaison Lee. 3. Commission asked if this would this be instead of the Advisory Communication the Commission discussed last time? a. Staff Liaison Lee shared it would be at the forefront when a racial equity plan is created. Chair Nelson will meet with Student Commissioner Iyer after the meeting to talk about what initiatives she is interested in joining. g. Initiative #7—Days of Remembrance Event i. .Commissioner Arseneault presented a draft Advisory Board & Commission Working Group Greenprint for the HRRC’s Days of Remembrance (DOR) 2020 event. 1. Commissioners requested that a press release announcing the formation of a DOR working group be issued. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 12/3/2019 2. The working group has to be published for 14 days. It needs to be published in time to approve applicants at next HRRC meeting. Motion made by Commissioner Kennedy to approve the 2020 Days of Remembrance Working Group Greenprint, seconded by Edwards. Motion carried. h. Initiative #8—AARP City Designation i. This is on Health Commission’s work plan for next year. i. Initiative #9—Tom Oye Award i. Will discuss with next agenda item. j. Initiative #10—Sharing Values, Sharing Community i. Rep. Heather Edelson had a town hall on this topic this month. k. Initiative #11—Public Art Program i. Council approved three-year plan in September. B. Tom Oye Award Nominations a. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding selecting 2019 award winners. The Commission asked for nominations in the regular category this year, as well as in the student category. After the commissioners discussed the candidates, motion was made by Commissioner Kennedy to award the 2019 Tom Oye Human Rights Award to Sandy Berman, seconded by Commissioner Ross. Motion carried. After further discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Arseneault to award the 2019 Tom Oye Human Rights Award, student category, to Olivia Pierce, seconded by Commissioner Stringer Moore. Motion carried. b. Commissioner Kennedy has contacted the daughter of the first recipient of the Tom Oye Award, who will give out the award for 2019. Commissioner Kennedy will communicate with the presenter about being at the Dec. 3 Council meeting. c. Chair Nelson will send out letters to the winners, nominators and other nominees. C. Human Rights & Relations Commission 2020 Work Plan Development a. Chair Nelson attended work session with City Council to discuss 2020 Work Plan. b. Next step is for Staff Liaison Lee to meet with City Council and other Boards & Commission staff liaisons in a work session Nov. 19. i. Staff Liaison Lee shared what her feedback will be to the Council on the work plan. VIII. Chair and Member Comments A. Commissioner Kennedy shared upcoming events with the group. B. Commissioner Beringer shared information about an art exhibit celebrating seniors in Edina. IX. Staff Comments A. November and December 2019 HRRC meeting dates Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 12/3/2019 a. Staff Liaison Lee asked the Commission to talk about the next meeting dates: Nov. 26 and Dec. 3. The Commission discussed what dates worked best for approving DOR Working Group applicants and attending the Tom Oye Award presentation at City Council Dec. 3. There was concern from the Commission that meeting the week of Thanksgiving might be difficult for some members. There was concern from staff that finding a meeting space at City Hall Nov. 19 would be difficult. b. Staff Liaison Lee will speak with guest speaker Mary Manderfeld and check her availability. c. Commission will keep Dec. 3 meeting date, and will gauge need for Nov. 26 meeting in the next weeks. X. Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Arseneault to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Ross. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m.