HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 30, 2018 HRRC_Minutes_ApprovedDraft Minutes☐
Approved Minutes☒
Approved Date: 03/02/2018
City Of Edina, Minnesota
Human Rights and Relations Commission
Edina City Hall, Community Room
January 30, 2017 7:00pm
I. Call To Order
Chair Nelson called the January 30, 2017, meeting of the Human Rights and Relations Commission
to order at 7:02 pm.
II. Roll Call
Answering Roll Call: Chair Nelson and Commissioners Arseneault, Beringer, Edelson,
Edwards, Kennedy, Meek and Student Commissioners Sinha and Mangalick.
Staff Present: Staff Liaison, MJ Lamon and City Management Fellow, Chante Mitchell
III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda
Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to approve the meeting agenda for January
30, 2017. Seconded by Commissioner Arseneault. Motion carried.
IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes
Motion by Commissioner Arseneault to approve the December 5, 2017, Human
Rights and Relations Commission meeting minutes. Seconded by Commissioner
Kennedy. Motion carried.
V. Community Comment
Cathy Cozad, 4568 N. Ave.
Community member Cozad informed the Commission about an issue with the lack of
gender neutral restrooms in Edina public spaces and advised that she is seeking support for
making restrooms in Edina’s public buildings gender neutral.
Gabe Aderhold, 3529 W. 54th St.
Community member Aderhold informed the Commission about his work to ban conversion
therapy for minors in Edina. Aderhold’s presentation included information on the number of
states and cities that have banned conversion therapy for minors.
VI. Reports and Recommendations
A. Comprehensive Plan Committee Updates
Planning Commissioner Ian Nemerov discussed Comprehensive Plan updates.
Commission members discussed the stages of review for each chapter in the
Comprehensive Plan with Planning Commissioner Nemerov. In particular, commissioners
discussed the plan for a new and separate chapter on Human Rights, and difficulties
Draft Minutes☐
Approved Minutes☒
Approved Date: 03/02/2018
encountered in lacking specific knowledge on some chapters such as the one on Heritage
Preservation. For this chapter, Commissioner Beringer will assist Commissioner Kennedy
with the review and they will try to meet with City Planner Emily Bodeker to gain more
insight on how decisions are made to better inform our work on updating the Heritage
Preservation chapter.
Chapter reviews and comments will be given back to Planning Commission as they will be
the group reviewing the whole document. Commissioners are invited to be a part of a work
session on April 25th.
Commission members discussed Chair Nelson / Commissioner Edelson’s review of the
Housing chapter and Commissioner Kennedy’s Community Services and Facilities Goals as
templates for other Comprehensive Plan reviews.
Staff will send all Commission Reviews to the Commission.
B. Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan
Chair Nelson shared updates on the plan and is seeking feedback from Commissioners.
C. 2018 Human Rights and Relations Approved Work Plan
Work Plan has been reviewed and was approved at the December 5th Council Meeting.
D. Days of Remembrance
Commissioners Meek, Beringer, Arseneault, Edwards and Student Commissioners Sinha and
Mangalick will participate in the Working Group to plan Days of Remembrance. The
Working Group will need to meet to determine a date for the event.
VII. Correspondence
Correspondence was received and reviewed without discussion.
VIII. Chair and Member Comments
Commissioner Kennedy informed Commissioners about a February 15 event on the Next Steps
in Ending Sexual Harassment at Mitchell Hamline School of Law.
IX. Staff Comments
X. Adjournment
Draft Minutes☐
Approved Minutes☒
Approved Date: 03/02/2018
Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by
Commissioner Edelson. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55pm.