HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 27, 2018 HRRC_Minutes_ApprovedDraft Minutes☐
Approved Minutes☒
Approved Date: 04/03/18
City Of Edina, Minnesota
Human Rights and Relations Commission
Edina City Hall, Community Room
February 27, 2018 7:00pm
I. Call To Order
Chair Nelson called the February 27, 2018, meeting of the Human Rights and Relations
Commission to order at 7:07pm.
II. Roll Call
Answering Roll Call: Chair Nelson and Commissioners Arseneault, Beringer, Edelson,
Edwards, and Kennedy.
Staff Present: Staff Liaison, MJ Lamon and City Management Fellow, Chante Mitchell.
Arrived Late: Commissioner Meek.
Members Absent: Student Commissioners Mangalick and Sinha.
III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda
Motion by Commissioner Arseneault to approve the meeting agenda for
February 27, 2018, as amended to add VII.F. Scheduling and Next Meeting.
Seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. Motion carried.
IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes
Motion by Commissioner Arseneault to approve the January 30, 2018, Human
Rights and Relations Commission meeting minutes. Seconded by Commissioner
Edelson. Motion carried.
V. Community Comment
VI. Reports and Recommendations
A. 2018 Work Plan Updates
Commissioner Edelson will present topic areas for the Sharing Values, Sharing
Communities initiative at our next meeting.
B. Comprehensive Plan Updates
Nelson and Edelson: Review of the recommendations for Housing chapter.
Commissioner Meek arrived at 7:24pm.
Kennedy: Review of recommendations for Community Services and Facilities.
Draft Minutes☐
Approved Minutes☒
Approved Date: 04/03/18
Beringer: Review of the recommendations for Transportation chapter.
Meek: No update for Energy, Environment, and Resilience chapter; we will review at
next meeting.
Arseneault and Edwards: Brief update on Parks, Open Space, and Natural Resources.
At our next meeting, commission will review Heritage Preservation; Energy,
Environment, and Resilience; and Water Resources Management; and will revisit Parks,
Open Space, and Natural Resources; and the new Human Rights Chapter for the
Comprehensive Plan.
C. Tom Oye Award
The annual awards reception was moved up to March 5th, so we will not be able to
present the Tom Oye award at this event. Commission discussed presenting the 2018
Tom Oye award at a City Council meeting in December but decided not to populate
the award committee until next meeting to give new commissioners an opportunity to
become engaged in our work plan.
D. 2018 Days of Remembrance
At our next meeting, the DOR committee will present a date and details for this year’s
E. Annual Chair and Vice Chair Election
Motion by Commissioner Edelson to approve Chair Nelson as Chair for a
second term. Seconded by Commissioner Edwards. Motion Carried.
Motion by Chair Nelson to approve Commissioner Beringer as Vice Chair.
Seconded by Edwards. Motion carried.
F. Scheduling and next meeting
Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to reschedule the HRRC meeting from
March 26 to April 3, 2018. Seconded by Commissioner Meek. Motion
Commissioners will present our Comprehension Plan review and recommendations to
Planning Commission from 6:15pm-7:00pm on April 25, 2018.
VII. Correspondence
VIII. Chair and Member Comments
Chair Nelson: Noted the controversy around the intent and role of the 311 hotline in Minneapolis
which provides for the reporting of hate crimes.
Draft Minutes☐
Approved Minutes☒
Approved Date: 04/03/18
Commissioner Kennedy: Provided information on a March 22nd event (The FBI and CIA: Law
Enforcement and Intelligence) at The Woman’s Club of Minneapolis.
Commissioner Beringer: Advised that the League of Women Voter’s town hall event on the
upcoming legislative session is on March 6 at Edina Community Lutheran Church.
Commissioner Meek: Noted the March 24th march related to gun violence in schools.
Commissioner Edelson: Advised that background checks are on the agenda at the Capitol.
IX. Staff Comments
The Annual recognition event for Boards and Commissions will be held at Braemar Golf Course
Clubhouse on April 16th and commissioners will receive an email invite and RSVP.
X. Adjournment
Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by
Commissioner Edelson. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:36pm.