HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 24, 2018 HRRC_Minutes_ApprovedDraft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 5/22/18 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Human Rights and Relations Commission Edina City Hall, Community Room April 24, 2018 7:02pm I. Call To Order Chair Nelson called the April 24, 2018, meeting of the Human Rights and Relations Commission to order at 7:02pm. II. Roll Call Answering Roll Call: Chair Nelson and Commissioners Arseneault, Beringer, Edelson, Edwards, Epstein, Kennedy, Meek, Moore Stringer, and Student Commissioner Sinha. Staff Present: Staff Liaison, MJ Lamon. Absent: Student Commissioner Mangalick. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to approve the meeting agenda for April 24, 2018. Seconded by Commissioner Edelson. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to approve the April 3, 2018, Human Rights and Relations Commission meeting minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Edelson. Motion carried. V. Community Comment Community member Rebecca Nicklay, 5920 Bonnie Brae Drive, spoke about her family’s experience when her son was cut from an Edina Baseball Association team this spring. She described the issue as a matter of how we treat kids with special needs. Kids Playing For Kids, a nonprofit organization that connects chronically ill kids with local sports team, was working with the family to get their son on a baseball team but when they were not successful in Edina, the organization was able to place their son on a Bloomington team. VI. Reports and Recommendations A. 2018 Work Plan Updates Sharing Values, Sharing Community Initiative Update: Commissioner Edelson reported that committee members will be meeting in May. Race and Equity Update: Staff Liaison Lamon gave an update on the Race and Equity Task Force work session with City Council on April 17. The Final Report will go to Council on May 15, and then the Report goes Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 5/22/18 to staff. Staff will provide comments on recommendations which they will put into an operational report. Lamon noted that the Taskforce has not completed their Accountability recommendation. Kennedy moved that HRRC would like to be a consulting partner in the ongoing implementation of the race and equity recommendations set forth by the Taskforce. Commissioner Beringer seconded. Motion carried. B. Comprehensive Plan Submission Chair Nelson discussed the work session meeting with the Planning Commission on April 25. Chair Nelson and Commissioner Kennedy summarized the commission’s recommendations for presentation to Planning Commission on April 25. Kennedy will present the HRRC’s proposed Human Rights Chapter and Chair Nelson will present an overall summary of the HRRC’s recommendations. Commissioner Arseneault will attend the Comprehensive Plan check-in meeting on May 3. C. 2018 Days of Remembrance Commissioner Arseneault reviewed the logistics for the May 6 event. The Mayor will give opening remarks. It was agreed that Commissioner Stringer Moore will MC the event. Commissioners volunteered for event day set up and poster distribution duties. VII. Correspondence None. VIII. Chair and Member Comments Nelson: Commented on article in Minnesota History magazine (published by Minnesota Historical Society) on slave holders making money in Minnesota even though slavery was not legal in Minnesota. Edelson: Reported on Bus Circular Taskforce meeting, including the outcome of the survey of seniors, and the plan to operate the bus on Fridays from 10 – 3, with 15 stops (grocery stores and medical places) during a one-hour loop. It will be free for seniors to ride. Meek: Advised that she has been talking to the public schools about race and equity and feels there is an opportunity for better communication with the schools about the work of the HRRC and the Taskforce. Kennedy: Informed about a Community Housing Forum on May 31 at 7 pm at Southdale library; and, that World Without Genocide will present an Upstanders Award to a Turkish scholar on the Armenian Genocide, Dr. Taner Akcam, on May 14. Also noted that the untested rape kits legislation is pending in the Minnesota House and Senate. Moore Stringer: Inquired whether there is a possibility to do a community round table discussion on the day of Starbuck’s training on May 29. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 5/22/18 Beringer: Noted that the Beacon Cooperative on 66 West has a request for funding for affordable housing organizations in the current bonding bill pending at the Minnesota legislature. IX. Staff Comments Staff Liaison Lamon reminded commissioners about the midpoint check-in meeting for the Comprehensive Plan with Councilmember Fischer on May 3 at 6:00 pm at Public Works. X. Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Edelson. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:07pm.