HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 3, 2018 Meeting PacketAgenda Human Rights and Relations Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota City Hall, Community Room Tuesday, April 3, 2018 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.February 27 Minutes V.Special Recognitions And Presentations A.Welcome New Members VI.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VII.Reports/Recommendations A.2018 Work Plan Updates B.Comprehensive Plan Updates C.Tom Oye Award D.Days of Remembrance E.Bus Circulator Task Force VIII.Chair And Member Comments IX.Sta1 Comments X.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli3cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: April 3, 2018 Agenda Item #: IV.A. To:Human Rights and Relations Commission Item Type: Minutes From:Chante Mitchell, City Management Fellow Item Activity: Subject:February 27 Minutes Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve February 28 HRRC Minutes. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description February 27 Minutes Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Human Rights and Relations Commission Edina City Hall, Community Room February 27, 2018 7:00pm I. Call To Order Chair Nelson called the February 27, 2018, meeting of the Human Rights and Relations Commission to order at 7:07pm. II. Roll Call Answering Roll Call: Chair Nelson and Commissioners Arseneault, Beringer, Edelson, Edwards, and Kennedy. Staff Present: Staff Liaison, MJ Lamon and City Management Fellow, Chante Mitchell. Arrived Late: Commissioner Meek. Members Absent: Student Commissioners Mangalick and Sinha. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion by Commissioner Arseneault to approve the meeting agenda for February 27, 2018, as amended to add VII.F. Scheduling and Next Meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion by Commissioner Arseneault to approve the January 30, 2018, Human Rights and Relations Commission meeting minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Edelson. Motion carried. V. Community Comment None. VI. Reports and Recommendations A. 2018 Work Plan Updates Commissioner Edelson will present topic areas for the Sharing Values, Sharing Communities initiative at our next meeting. B. Comprehensive Plan Updates Nelson and Edelson: Review of the recommendations for Housing chapter. Commissioner Meek arrived at 7:24pm. Kennedy: Review of recommendations for Community Services and Facilities. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Beringer: Review of the recommendations for Transportation chapter. Meek: No update for Energy, Environment, and Resilience chapter; we will review at next meeting. Arseneault and Edwards: Brief update on Parks, Open Space, and Natural Resources. At our next meeting, commission will review Heritage Preservation; Energy, Environment, and Resilience; and Water Resources Management; and will revisit Parks, Open Space, and Natural Resources; and the new Human Rights Chapter for the Comprehensive Plan. C. Tom Oye Award The annual awards reception was moved up to March 5th, so we will not be able to present the Tom Oye award at this event. Commission discussed presenting the 2018 Tom Oye award at a City Council meeting in December but decided not to populate the award committee until next meeting to give new commissioners an opportunity to become engaged in our work plan. D. 2018 Days of Remembrance At our next meeting, the DOR committee will present a date and details for this year’s event. E. Annual Chair and Vice Chair Election Motion by Commissioner Edelson to approve Chair Nelson as Chair for a second term. Seconded by Commissioner Edwards. Motion Carried. Motion by Chair Nelson to approve Commissioner Beringer as Vice Chair. Seconded by Edwards. Motion carried. F. Scheduling and next meeting Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to reschedule the HRRC meeting from March 26 to April 3, 2018. Seconded by Commissioner Meek. Motion Carried. Commissioners will present our Comprehension Plan review and recommendations to Planning Commission from 6:15pm-7:00pm on April 25, 2018. VII. Correspondence None. VIII. Chair and Member Comments Chair Nelson: Noted the controversy around the intent and role of the 311 hotline in Minneapolis which provides for the reporting of hate crimes. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Commissioner Kennedy: Provided information on a March 22nd event (The FBI and CIA: Law Enforcement and Intelligence) at The Woman’s Club of Minneapolis. Commissioner Beringer: Advised that the League of Women Voter’s town hall event on the upcoming legislative session is on March 6 at Edina Community Lutheran Church. Commissioner Meek: Noted the March 24th march related to gun violence in schools. Commissioner Edelson: Advised that background checks are on the agenda at the Capitol. IX. Staff Comments The Annual recognition event for Boards and Commissions will be held at Braemar Golf Course Clubhouse on April 16th and commissioners will receive an email invite and RSVP. X. Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Edelson. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:36pm. Date: April 3, 2018 Agenda Item #: VII.A. To:Human Rights and Relations Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From:MJ Lamon, Project Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:2018 Work Plan Updates Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Work Plan discussion and any updates as needed. 1. Sharing Values, Sharing Communities (Edelson) - Topic: Mental Health - Possible panel presenters 2. Bias Offense (Nelson) - Establish review committee 3. Race & Equity Update (Meek/Arseneault/Edelson) - ATTACHMENTS: Description 2018 Approved Work Plan Approved by City Council 2017.12.05 Commission: Human Rights and Relations Commission 2018 Annual Work Plan Proposal Initiative # 1 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒☒☒☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ Ongoing Responsibility April 2018 ☒ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs__10 ☒ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs_____________ Tom Oye Award (Martin) ($75 for plaque + possible cost for new printed materials) • Coordinate recognition • Track nominations • Update website ☐ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Progress Report: Click here to enter text. Initiative # 2 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒☒☒☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ Ongoing Responsibility August 2018 ☐ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs__8 ☐ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs_____________ Bias Offense Response Plan • Review and update, if needed, annually ☒ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Progress Report: Click here to enter text. Approved by City Council 2017.12.05 Initiative # 3 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒☒☒☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility October 2018 ☒ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs__10 ☒ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs_____________ Sharing Values, Sharing Communities (Edelson/Meek): Commission will coordinate 1 or 2 annual community events. ($300 for marketing materials and refreshments, depending on event) • Topic to be determine by commission • Event Coordination • Communications/Marketing ☐ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Progress Report: Click here to enter text. Initiative # 4 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒☒☒☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ Ongoing Responsibility April 2018 ☒ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs__15 ☒ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs_____________ Days of Remembrance ($75 for printed materials, $100 for refreshments) • Speakers and focus to be determined by commission • Event coordination • Communications/Marketing ☐ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Progress Report: Click here to enter text. Approved by City Council 2017.12.05 Initiative # 5 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒☒☒☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility December 2018 ☐ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs__10 ☐ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs_____________ Comprehensive Plan • Assist with reviewing and updating of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan ☒ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Progress Report: Click here to enter text. Parking Lot: (These items have been considered by the BC, but not proposed as part of this year’s work plan. If the BC decides they would like to work on them in the current year, it would need to be approved by Council.) 1. Partnership with School District 2. Affirmation of Edina, as a Human Rights City, as a Welcoming Community for all residents, including immigrants and refugees. Proposed Month for Joint Work Session (one time per year, up to 60 minutes): ☐ Mar ☐ April ☐ May ☒ June ☐ July ☐ Aug ☐ Sept ☐ Oct ☐ Nov Council Comments: Date: April 3, 2018 Agenda Item #: VII.B. To:Human Rights and Relations Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From:MJ Lamon, Project Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Comprehensive Plan Updates Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Members provide chapter updates: Human Right Chapter: Ellen Energy, Environment, Resilience: Michelle/Prasoon/Saumya Parks, Open Spaces, Natural Resources: Cindy/Pat Heritage Preservation: Ellen The HRRC will meet with the Planning Commission April 25 at 6:15pm. ATTACHMENTS: Description Responsibilities by dates Chapter 9 Assessment Ch.11 Review for Comp. Plan EHRRC Recs for HPC Comprehensive Plan HR Chapter Memo Comprehensive Plan, Midterm Check In Water Management Resources Chapter Title Commission Member(s) Community Profile Michelle (January) Landuse & Community Design Jim/Heather/Robert (January) Housing Jim/Heather/Robert (January) Heritage Preservation Ellen (February) Transportation Catherine ( January) Water Resources Management Catherine (February) Parks, Open Space and Natural Resources Pat/ Cindy (February) Energy, Environment, and Resilience* Michelle/ Prasoon/ Saumya (January) Community Services and Facilities Ellen (January) Comprehensive Plan: Chapter Assessment ToolChapter Title: 9: Parks, Open Space, and Natural ResourcesCommission Name: HRRCGoal or Policy #Goal/Policy Area Eliminate from 2018 planStill Relevant, Include in 2018 planStill Relevant, but should be updatedCurrent Goal #Current Goals - Parkland and Open Space Goals 1Continue to devote a minimum of 15 % of Edina's land area to parkland and open spaceX2As population density increases…provide additional parkland or open space, or connections to nearby parksx3Maintain existing parks and facilities in a fashion that maintains Edina as a premier place for living, learning, raising families, and doing business.Update by maintaining and improving parks and facilities including that parks and facilities are maintained as a premier place for people with a complete range of physical abilities, and that reflects the needs of a growing culturally diverse and greater senior population.4Retain, maintain, and protect and preserve all open space currently owned…x5Acquire additional park and open space land as more private land may become available for public acquisitionxPage 1 Goal or Policy #Goal/Policy Area Eliminate from 2018 planStill Relevant, Include in 2018 planStill Relevant, but should be updatedCurrent Goal #Current Goals - Walking and Biking Trails Pathways Plan1 Maintain existing walking/biking trailsInclude a focus on use by seniors and people with disabilities, e.g., accessible nature trails2 Develop additional walking/biking trails….Include a focus on use by seniors and people with disabilities, e.g., accessible nature trails3Create connectivity between Edina's interior trails and regional trails…particularly trails that are part of the greater regional trail systemxNEW GOAL:Add exercise / fitness trails, including stations for seniors; and accessible nature trailsCurrent Goal #Current Goals: Enterprise Facilities PlanPage 2 Goal or Policy #Goal/Policy Area Eliminate from 2018 planStill Relevant, Include in 2018 planStill Relevant, but should be updated1For each of Edina's enterprise facilities (Art Center; Braemar Golf Course & Dome; Aquatic Center; Edenborough/Centennial Lakes Park; Braemar Arena), provide recreational opportunities that are accessible and affordable to primarily, but not exclusively, Edina residentsx2Provide fee-based revenue generating recreation enterprise facilities that collectively cover all facility and program expenses….Consider sliding scale fees based on incomeNEW GOAL:Provide gender neutral / family restroom facilities including signage changes in all enterprise facilities and ensure restrooms are ADA compliantPolicy #Current Policies - Enterprise Facilities Plan1Update business plan for each facility every 6-7 yearsx2Conduct surveys on a routine as needed basis to provide critical informationEnsure that residents surveyed include seniors, residents of color, residents with disabilities, LGBTQ residents; when data is collected, disaggregate data (by race, age, etc.) for analysis3 Annually adjust fees and charges... Consider sliding scale fees based on income4City will continue to monitor each enterprise facility and its services…in a manner that reflects current identified and validated demand for recreational opportunitiesEnsure that all community voices are heard, particularly residents of color5…to not sell any park and/or open space property currently owned….exception…might include a property exchange for land of equal or greater valuexPage 3 Goal or Policy #Goal/Policy Area Eliminate from 2018 planStill Relevant, Include in 2018 planStill Relevant, but should be updatedPark Maintenance and Aging Infrastructure Renovation and Replacement PlanNEW GOAL:Renovate existing and / or construct new facilities that are gender neutral / family restroom facilities; including signage changes, and ensure restrooms are ADA compliant in all park shelters and buildingsPage 4 1 Chapter 11: Community Services and Facilities 11.2 PUBLIC SAFETY: POLICE PROTECTION Goals KEEP THESE CURRENT GOALS. 1. Maintain or improve police service levels in both response and prevention activities. Policies: a) Utilize new technology to plan for and allocate resources and maintain rapid responses. b) Expand crime prevention, with emphasis on seniors. 2. Promote traffic safety through enforcement and education. Policies: a) Provide presence and visibility on roadways. b) Use radar, digital display signs, etc. to increase driver awareness. c) Use statewide partnerships to increase funding and education efforts. 3. Make cost-effective use of technology to meet public safety goals. Policies: a) Monitor technological advances b) Maintain workforce digital skills c) Participate in joint task forces 4. Ensure that the community is prepared to mitigate and respond to disasters. Policies: a) Educate the community about preparedness. b) Update the Emergency Operations Plan regularly. c) Build collaborative efforts with state and county agencies. New goals 1. Create awareness programs about elder scams and protocols for detection and investigation of perpetrators and services for victims. 2. Develop best practices for policing that incorporate diversity training (refer to the Human Rights Chapter for the enumeration of relevant characteristics and to the “21st-Century Policing Report”) and operations throughout all positions; provide training in dealing with mentally-ill residents, employees, and visitors. 3. Raise awareness about, detect, and prevent internet crime, and all forms of sexual exploitation and human trafficking. 4. Implement the use of body cams by all officers and appropriate review of data. 5. Increase strategies to prevent and to prosecute DWIs (Driving While Impaired). 6. Enforce prohibitions on hand-held cell phone use while driving. 2 11.3 PUBLIC SAFETY: FIRE PREVENTION Goals KEEP CURRENT GOALS 1. Prevent fire ignition wherever possible. 2. When fires occur, minimize impact on lives and property. 3. Perform pro-active information management, to allow the City to forecast needs in areas of building fire protection systems, operational support, and program development. Policies a) Fire detection, automatic suppression, structural compartmentalization, building access, and site controls. b) Prevention information to emphasize citizen survival by teaching proven fire safety techniques c) Public information programs. d) Smoke detector installation e) Building inspection activities New Goals 1. Develop and distribute information programs in multiple languages and in Braille. 2. Provide fire detection devices for the hearing-impaired at low or no cost. 11.3 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH/PUBLIC HEALTH Goals KEEP CURRENT GOALS 1. Ensure an effective local government public health system 2. Reduce behavioral risks that contribute to morbidity/mortality (tobacco, alcohol, drug use, physical inactivity, poor nutrition, weight control; through education) 3. Promote health for all children, adolescents, and their families 4. Promote well-being of elderly, disabled, those with disease or chronic illness 5. Reduce exposure to environmental health hazards 6. Develop a public health emergency preparedness plan New goals 1. Address toxic waste and disposal. 2. Implement procedures that are more rigorous than the 2017 EPA changes that increase toxic substances in air, water, soil. 3. Increase health care access and screening. 4. Increase access for elderly and low-income residents to free or reduced-cost routine prophylaxis: flu shots, glaucoma checkups, blood pressure monitoring, diabetes screening, etc. 5. Design and implement increased education programs for prevention and management of Type 2 Diabetes (weight management, exercise and activity, evaluation and assessment), particularly among youth, where the incidence of obesity continues to increase. 3 6. Develop city-wide information programs, including at South View and Valley View Middle Schools and Edina High School, about opioid addiction, addiction prevention, and addiction treatment. A pilot program has begun in Minnetonka through the Minneapolis FBI and is being replicated throughout the state. 7. Prohibit the use of electronic cigarettes in all public venues and by all people under age 21, and sale to all people under age 21. 8. Develop public health resources for survivors and perpetrators of sexual abuse and sexual harassment. 11.5 EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES: Schools Goals KEEP CURRENT GOALS 1. Maximize achievement of all students. 2. Work in partnership with the community to create a safe, inspiring, and welcoming learning environment. 3. Work in partnership with the community to develop all students as responsible citizens and leaders. 4. Work in partnership with the community to provide learning opportunities beyond the classroom through innovation and creativity. 5. Expand leadership expectations for all members of the school district. 6. Expand and maximize the district’s resources of time, talent, and finances. New goals 1. Address discrimination in the schools, targeted at youth based on their race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, sexual identity, gender orientation, ability, economic status, or other indicators, through proactive education and programming. 2. Develop policies to meet the needs of LGBTQ students. 3. Provide language and culture classes for the increasing immigrant and refugee adult populations. 4. Review school programs for the public and for parents to insure appropriate programming and inclusion of all who are represented in the schools. 5. Despite federal rollback of transgender equity policies, develop and implement policies to enhance transgender equal rights. 6. Assess policies and procedures for fully integrating out-of-district students and families into the Edina School District, to insure maximum success for each student. 7. Provide free access to extra-curricular and co-curricular activities so that economic barriers do not prohibit participation by all youth. 8. Since Sobriety High School’s closure in 2013, there is no Edina-based program for youth in recovery. Review area programs, determine needs, and assess the feasibility of a southwest metro program. Review counseling services, especially resources for youth struggling with opioid addiction. 9. Review promotion of the Post-Secondary Educational Option (PSEO) option and recruitment into that program for all eligible students. 4 10. Review access to and recruitment for AP courses to insure representative student participation across all groups. 11.6 EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES: LIBRARIES No goals, no policies. New goals 1. Review library collections to insure cultural, social, and historical representation for all library users. 2. Review computer facilities to include appropriate hardware for those with vision challenges. 3. Review availability of ASL translators for public programs, especially for programs geared to youth. 11.7 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Goals and policies – KEEP CURRENT GOALS 1. Continue expansion of fiber-optic network. 2. Create city-wide wi-fi access. 3. Keep Edina’s IT on par with industry standards. 11.8 COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING Goals and policies – KEEP CURRENT GOALS 1. Match communications initiatives to needs and desires of residents and businesses. 2. Redesign website every five years. 3. Develop a plan for programming on EDINA 16. 4. Expand neighborhood block captain program. 5. Enhance Edina’s community vision. New Goals 1. Review access to and training in electronic communications among seniors and foreign-born residents. Review the extent of wi-fi accessibility and education in places where elderly and new residents from overseas live/recreate/shop/etc. 2. Review public access to voice-activated technology. 5 Chapter 6. Heritage Preservation Hard to evaluate; have no knowledge of sites established by or important to recent arrivals or to ethnic/religious minorities. Have contacted a member of the Heritage Preservation Commission but have not received a response about the nature of sites that have been selected recently for designation. Heritage Preservation Commission Recommendations from the Human Rights and Relations Commission 1. Create and publicize widely the criteria for nominating spaces to be designated for Heritage Preservation. These criteria should include clear descriptions of • Criteria to use for final evaluation • The process of development of the criteria in considering whose heritage is to be included. The current criterion of evaluating spaces that are more than 50 years old may not give appropriate consideration of all communities represented in Edina. • Opportunities for public engagement and discussion in decision-making. 2. Reach out to immigrant communities to document their stories. The Heritage Preservation Commission members noted that they have had difficulty with successful outreach. EHRRC could facilitate this relationship and the subsequent dialogue. 3. Create a partnership with the Heritage Preservation Commission, the Historical Society, and EHRRC to be sure that both public and private resources and spaces are adequately considered. 1 Comprehensive Plan: Human Rights Chapter 1 Introduction 2 Current Conditions 3 Trends and Challenges 4 Goals and Policies 5 Implementation 1 INTRODUCTION In 1970 the City of Edina established the Human Rights and Relations Commission. Its mission is “to advocate for basic human rights and needs in our community and to promote responsibility and integrity in our human relationships by providing service, information and recommendation, cooperating with other communities and governmental organizations, and sponsoring forums and community events.” In 2016 the City of Edina became a Human Rights City. This is a commitment to “provide leadership and advocacy to secure, protect, and promote human rights for all people” and to be “a model for communities in the United States and around the world.” Edina has made it an objective to pay attention to the needs of historically oppressed and marginalized groups. This includes people of color, Indigenous peoples, women, LGBTQ people, immigrants, people with disabilities, youth, older adults, and future generations. The policies that Edina supports and enacts must help to reduce inequalities in our community and should not impose new harms on vulnerable groups. This chapter will outline goals, policies, and practices that will foster a city where there truly is dignity and justice for all of us. 2 CURRENT CONDITIONS The City of Edina’s foreign-born population has increased 50% in the past decade, reaching about 10% of the City population, with Edina ranking 66th , or in the top ten percent, among the 613 Minnesota cities in the percentage of the population that is foreign-born. The U.S. Census estimates that 14% of Edina residents are nonwhite and fully 26% of all Edina public school district students are nonwhite. Affordable housing continues to be a concern for the City of Edina. The lack of affordable housing means that young families, service workers, and seniors are often priced out of the housing market, and people who work in the City cannot afford to live here. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that 4.6% of Edina residents are living in poverty (2015). While this is below the 9% average in Hennepin County, residents living in poverty in Edina face even greater challenges in finding affordable housing. In the last ten years, Edina, St. Louis Park, and Golden Valley combined have built fewer than 500 affordable housing units. As the City of Edina becomes increasingly diverse, the City will have to prioritize the human rights of all citizens when creating policies in all sectors of government. 2 3 TRENDS AND CHALLENGES The Minnesota Demographic Center estimates that almost 39% of Hennepin County residents will be Nonwhite or Latino by 2025. Minority populations in Hennepin County are less likely to have stable health insurance coverage and twice as likely to have difficulty paying health insurance premiums and copays as white residents. 42% of black Hennepin County residents face food insecurity sometimes or often. Black residents are twice as likely to skip breakfast and get no servings of fruits and vegetables as white residents. Fully 72% of black residents reported experiencing discrimination within the past year. Nearly 7% of Hennepin County residents identify as LGBTQ, 3.6% of whom live in suburban areas. Hennepin County LGBTQ residents are diagnosed with depression and anxiety/panic disorders and experience frequent mental distress and serious psychological distress (SPD) at double the rate of non- LGBTQ individuals. Hennepin County LGBTQ residents are also twice as likely to have unmet mental health care needs. At least 55% of LGBTQ individuals reported experiencing discrimination within the past year. 4 GOALS AND POLICIES Consider 10 social capital/social well-being indicators of Edina residents when making policy decisions. 1. Age 2. Race 3. Ability 4. Sexual orientation 5. Gender identity 6. Ethnicity 7. Religion 8. Health 9. Poverty/socioeconomic status 10. Education Economic Justice • Support social and economic policies that make human rights a primary objective. • Make it a policy priority to ensure adequate affordable housing for all residents. • Ensure access to affordable and nutritional food for all residents. • Implement policies that nurture and support locally-owned and minority-run and owned businesses. Education • Ensure public school funding enhances fairness and equitable opportunities and serves the nutritional and recreational needs as well as educational needs of all students. • Mandate that curricula provide a complete and accurate account of European settlement and slavery in North America and its impacts on Indigenous populations and other people of color. • Address the “opportunity gap” between students of different class and racial/ethnic/social backgrounds. • Develop policies to preserve transgender and disability rights. • Provide access to affordable early childhood development programs. 3 Environment • Adhere to the goals set out in the Paris Climate Agreement that the City of Edina has adopted. • Encourage and reward organizations and institutions that shift to alternative energy sources. • Promote educational programs to inform schools, businesses, and the public about recycling, energy efficient appliances, renewable energy options, and other environmentally responsible practices. Gender Justice • Use the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), passed in Edina in 2016, as a framework for improving the conditions of women and girls in Edina. • Support efforts to ensure equal pay and fair employment practices for all people regardless of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation. • Promote preventative education about gender-based violence, sexual assault, and sexual harassment in schools. • Train law enforcement to conduct trauma-informed interviews with sexual assault survivors. • Involve women and LGBTQ individuals in policy decisions. • Ensure that all public policy decisions account for the differential impacts on women and LGBTQ individuals. Police and Justice System Reforms • Work with community leaders to identify priorities and strategies to foster trust between law enforcement and the public, to cultivate respectful police-community relations, and to allow effective policing in our neighborhoods. • Provide police training on: diversity, color-blind policing, and on handling encounters with individuals with mental health issues. • Provide officers with body cameras to prevent racial profiling, discrimination, and excessive use of force, and to protect officers and foster trust between law enforcement and the community. • Develop and expand community-based alternatives to incarceration for nonviolent offenses. • Develop and expand community-based alternatives to juveniles entering the juvenile justice system. Racial Justice • Implement equitable, democratic, and just housing and development policies. Include residents in decisions about economic development in our neighborhoods. • Ensure all development decisions advance the goal of improving the lives of existing residents, regardless of their income levels. • Implement policies that eliminate discrimination in hiring, promotion, and housing. • Implement the Racial Equity Toolkit in local government. • Designate the second Monday of October of each year Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Social Inclusion • Designate the City of Edina as a “Welcoming City” to immigrants and refugees. 4 • Improve the accessibility of community organizations, facilities, and services for residents with physical and other disabilities. • Improve transparency and access to local government. 5 IMPLEMENTATION 1. Work with relevant departments, agencies, and organizations on the implementation of policies related to economic, age, gender, and racial justice, education, environment, police and the justice system, and social inclusion. 2. Include questions regarding the human rights concerns of residents regarding: economic, age, gender, and racial justice, education, environment, police and the justice system, and social inclusion on comprehensive City-wide surveys. 3. Increase partnerships with other agencies and organizations to create community or neighborhood events that foster inclusion, equality, and a sense of community between residents. 4. Host town hall discussions about human rights concerns in the community that encourage public engagement. 5. Involve women, children (middle or high school students), minorities, elderly, and LGBTQ individuals in important policy discussions at all levels. 6. Provide information on the City of Edina website on discrimination and hate crimes and how to report such incidents. Date: March 29, 2018 To: Commission Chair and Vice-Chair From: Michael Fischer, Edina City Council and Jo Ann Olsen, Edina Planning Commission Cc: Commission Staff Liaison Subject: 2018 Comprehensive Plan Mid-Term Check-In Workshop Dear Chairs and Vice Chairs, The City Council and Planning Commission are co-hosting a Comprehensive Plan “Mid-Term check-in” workshop on Thursday, May 3 from 6-9pm at the public works large meeting room. This workshop is intended to be a working meeting for advisory groups who have been assigned to work on the 2018 comprehensive plan update. The goal of the Mid-Term check-in is to share all the great comprehensive plan work being completed by our Advisory Groups. This check-in will allow us to cross-fertilize the ideas before we get too far down the line in the planning process. In addition to your attendance, we are hoping you can invite your team to the event to ensure at least two members can be in attendance. Each group will have an opportunity to present (up to 3 minutes) of 3-5 top recommendations to the 2018 Comprehensive Plan that the group believes will have the greatest influence on the future of the Edina community. A google form has been created to compile your presentation summary prior to the meeting and capture who will be attending. We would like members to RSVP and provide the 3-5 top recommendations by Wednesday, April 25. This should give teams an opportunity to discuss how to fill out the form at an upcoming meeting prior to the workshop and give us some prep time with the information in hand. Before the meeting, think about how you might demonstrate the impact of your top initiatives on our “Big Picture” map. If you are not aware, the map was used in our “Big Ideas” workshop just prior to kicking off the comprehensive planning process on April 22, 2017. We have included a few pictures of that event to give you a flavor for our upcoming workshop when we once again roll out the big map. We look forward to a fun and creative evening of sharing. Make sure to wear your most colorful socks! (hint, see attached photos). If you have any questions, please contact Cary Teague at cteague@edinamn.gov. Sincerely, Michael Fischer Jo Ann Olsen Edina City Council Chair, Edina Planning Commission Water Management Resources Chapter, EHRRC Edina 2018 Comprehensive Plan 1. The 2008 Chapter is difficult to follow. Although the chapter is complex because it involves a lot of technical information, it should be easier for non-technical people to get the gist of the goals. From a human rights standpoint, communicating this information to a broader audience is essential. 2. There seem to be two main components to water resources management, dealing with run off (keeping the lakes, ponds, streams, clean) and providing clean water to all residents. From what I could tell, the 2008 chapter address all four quadrants of the city, but I would recommend adding “for all residents” and “”in all neighborhoods.” 3. I have not been able to locate information in the Comprehensive Plan regarding what happens if residents cannot pay a water bill. Some municipalities have an exemption if you qualify for SNAP or can prove they are below a certain income level. Date: April 3, 2018 Agenda Item #: VII.C. To:Human Rights and Relations Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From:MJ Lamon, Project Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Tom Oye Award Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Determine HRRC decided to inquire about giving the award at the December 4 City Council meeting. Date: April 3, 2018 Agenda Item #: VII.D. To:Human Rights and Relations Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From:MJ Lamon, Project Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Days of Remembrance Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: Discuss plan for 2018 Days of Remembrance. Date: April 3, 2018 Agenda Item #: VII.E. To:Human Rights and Relations Commission Item Type: Other From:MJ Lamon, Project Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Bus Circulator Task Force Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Select HRRC representative to serve on the task force. INTRODUCTION: Commissioner Edelson attended the first meeting and would be interested in continuing in this role. The ad hoc Edina Bus Circulator Task Force will meet about once per month, starting in March, for three or four months. Its primary responsibilities will be to determine the “loop” route and stops (about one hour per loop, with 10-15 stops), day/time (one day per week), etc. The group will report to the ETC via the Task Force chair (ETC member Larry Olson). The ET C has been given the “review and decide” charge from City Council for this effort.