HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-24 MinutesDraft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: November 21, 2019 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Transportation Commission Community Conference Room October 24, 2019 I. Call To Order Vice-Chair Ahler called the meeting to order II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Commissioners Ahler, Erickson, Johnson, McCarthy, Olson, Plumb-Smith, Ruthruff, Late: Commissioner Kane, Scherer Absent: Commissioner Richman, Venell III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion was made by Commissioner Ruthruff and seconded by Commissioner Plumb-Smith to approve the agenda. All voted aye. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion was made by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Olson approving the amended September 19, 2019 meeting minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. Draft Travel Demand Management Ordinance Presentation and Discussion TDM Committee presented their first draft of a TDM ordinance for developments in the City of Edina. Discussion about suggested changes were noted by the committee and will be incorporated into the next draft of the ordinance. Commissioners Kane and Scherer arrived at 6:15 pm. VI. Community Comment None. VII. Reports/Recommendations A. Traffic Safety Report Commissioners reviewed the traffic safety report from September 24, 2019 and recommended no changes. B. 2020 Roadway Reconstruction Draft Engineering Studies Assistant City Engineer Aaron Ditzler and Kevin Manzke with SEH, Inc. presented the draft studies for the 2020 reconstruction projects. The following comments were made: Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: November 21, 2019 • W 58th St: o The proposed 8’ shared-use path may feel uncomfortable to some users without a buffer. o Bicycle commuters may be more likely to travel in the roadway rather than on the concrete shared-use path to minimize conflicts with vehicles in driveways. o Staff should communicate with Metro Transit about future improvements at France Ave as part of the E-Line Bus Rapid Transit project. • Melody Lake A/Grandview A: o In response to a question, staff clarified that the proposed sidewalks will be funded by the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund, not special assessments. o It was asked whether residents within the project area were notified about the proposed project. Staff responded that property owners were invited to open houses via mailings as early as 2017. o Staff clarified a discrepancy in the draft study regarding parking on Hansen Rd. Staff is proposing two-sided parking on Hansen Rd between Vernon Ave and the railroad tracks and one-sided parking (west side) between the railroad tracks and Grove St. o In response to a question, staff clarified that the costs associated with improving the existing railroad crossing will be funded by the City in the form of special assessments. • Prospect Knolls A: o No comments. C. 2019 Work Plan Updates • #3 Working on an article to the Edina Sun Current • #4 Making an adjustment to the route on the North Loop to allow riders to get to Jerry’s sooner • #5 - Staff is revising the PACS policy to include prioritization criteria using R & E - Staff meeting with Edina Public Schools to discuss Active Routes to School Plan implementation - Draft will be available by November • #7 Staff presented the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan to PARC October 7; this initiative is considered completed as it is being handled by City staff D. 2020 Work Plan Proposal/Work Session Follow Up Planner Scipioni discussed the work plan proposal with ETC. • ETC suggested adding more information to initiative #7 such as types of tree recommendations and tree replacement policy Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: November 21, 2019 VIII. Chair and Member Comments Commissioner Ruthruff said there is an emphasis on scooters in the TDM and asked if it could be removed as the city moves away from them. Commissioner Scherer expressed dislike of e-scooters. Commissioner Olson said scooters work great in Washington, D.C. because they have the infrastructure to support them. Commissioner Plumb-Smith mentioned an abandoned scooter in the Country Club neighborhood. Commissioner Ahler said Mayor Hovland recommended having an industry expert come in and present on the future of transportation. IX. Staff Comments • 2019 PACS projects o Beard Ave sidewalk is complete (part of Chowen Park A/B reconstruction) o Lincoln Dr trail is substantially completed o Wooddale/Valley View traffic signal materials should arrive by the end of the month o W 70th St trail is anticipated to be paved next week • New draft of the Comprehensive Plan is posted on Better Together Edina website o Slight changes to some graphics in Transportation chapter o Municipal review ends Nov 8 o Planning Commission public hearing Nov 13 o City Council public hearing Dec 3 • Planner Scipioni will be absent for the November 21 regular meeting; Director of Engineering Chad Millner will substitute X. Schedule of Meeting and Events as of October 18, 2019 For information purposes only, no discussion. XI. Adjournment at 8:45 p.m. Motion was made by Commissioner Olson and seconded by Commissioner McCarthy to adjourn the October 24, 2019 meeting. All voted Aye. Motion Carried. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: November 21, 2019 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE J F M A M J J A S O N D # of Mtgs Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 NAME Ahler, Mindy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 70% Johnson, Kirk 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 100% Kane, Bocar 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 90% McCarthy, Bruce 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 70% Olson, Larry 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 70% Plumb-Smith, Jill 1 1 1 1 1 5 83% Richman, Lori 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 90% Ruthruff, Erik 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 100% Scherer, Matthew 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 70% Veluvali, Shankar 1 RESIGNED 1 N/A Emmanual Ayelomi (s) 1 1 10% Yeukai Zimbwa (s) 0 0% Tayden Erickson (s) 1 1 50% Simon Venell (s) 1 1 50%