HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-11-21 Meeting PacketAgenda
Transportation Commission
City Of Edina, Minnesota
City Hall, Community Room
Thursday, November 21, 2019
6:00 PM
I.Call To Order
II.Roll Call
III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda
IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes
A.Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of October 24, 2019
V.Community Comment
During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues
or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the
number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items
that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment.
Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their
comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for
consideration at a future meeting.
A.Proposed 2020 Regular Meeting Dates
B.2019 Work Plan Updates
C.2020 Work Plan/Work Session Follow-Up
VII.Chair And Member Comments
VIII.Sta0 Comments
A.Metro Transit E-Line Bus Rapid Transit Project Update
IX.Calendar Of Events
A.Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events as of November 15,
The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public
process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli7cation, an
interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861
72 hours in advance of the meeting.
Date: November 21, 2019 Agenda Item #: IV.A.
To:Transportation Commission Item Type:
From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner
Item Activity:
Subject:Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of October
24, 2019
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Approve the minutes of the Transportation Commission regular meeting of October 24, 2019.
See attached draft minutes.
Draft ETC Minutes, October 24, 2019
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
City Of Edina, Minnesota
Transportation Commission
Community Conference Room
October 24, 2019
I. Call To Order
Vice-Chair Ahler called the meeting to order
II. Roll Call
Answering roll call were Commissioners Ahler, Erickson, Johnson, McCarthy, Olson, Plumb-Smith, Ruthruff,
Late: Commissioner Kane, Scherer
Absent: Commissioner Richman, Venell
III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda
Motion was made by Commissioner Ruthruff and seconded by Commissioner Plumb-Smith to
approve the agenda. All voted aye. Motion carried.
IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes
Motion was made by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Olson approving
the amended September 19, 2019 meeting minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried.
V. Special Recognitions and Presentations
A. Draft Travel Demand Management Ordinance Presentation and Discussion
TDM Committee presented their first draft of a TDM ordinance for developments in the City of Edina.
Discussion about suggested changes were noted by the committee and will be incorporated into the next
draft of the ordinance.
Commissioners Kane and Scherer arrived at 6:15 pm.
VI. Community Comment
VII. Reports/Recommendations
A. Traffic Safety Report
Commissioners reviewed the traffic safety report from September 24, 2019 and recommended no
B. 2020 Roadway Reconstruction Draft Engineering Studies
Assistant City Engineer Aaron Ditzler and Kevin Manzke with SEH, Inc. presented the draft studies for
the 2020 reconstruction projects. The following comments were made:
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
• W 58th St:
o The proposed 8’ shared-use path may feel uncomfortable to some users
without a buffer.
o Bicycle commuters may be more likely to travel in the roadway rather than on
the concrete shared-use path to minimize conflicts with vehicles in driveways.
o Staff should communicate with Metro Transit about future improvements at
France Ave as part of the E-Line Bus Rapid Transit project.
• Melody Lake A/Grandview A:
o In response to a question, staff clarified that the proposed sidewalks will be
funded by the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund, not special
o It was asked whether residents within the project area were notified about the
proposed project. Staff responded that property owners were invited to open
houses via mailings as early as 2017.
o Staff clarified a discrepancy in the draft study regarding parking on Hansen Rd.
Staff is proposing two-sided parking on Hansen Rd between Vernon Ave and
the railroad tracks and one-sided parking (west side) between the railroad
tracks and Grove St.
o In response to a question, staff clarified that the costs associated with
improving the existing railroad crossing will be funded by the City in the form
of special assessments.
• Prospect Knolls A:
o No comments.
C. 2019 Work Plan Updates
• #3 Working on an article to the Edina Sun Current
• #4 Making an adjustment to the route on the North Loop to allow riders to get to
Jerry’s sooner
• #5
- Staff is revising the PACS policy to include prioritization criteria using R & E
- Staff meeting with Edina Public Schools to discuss Active Routes to School Plan
- Draft will be available by November
• #7 Staff presented the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan to PARC October 7; this
initiative is considered completed as it is being handled by City staff
D. 2020 Work Plan Proposal/Work Session Follow Up
Planner Scipioni discussed the work plan proposal with ETC.
• ETC suggested adding more information to initiative #7 such as types of tree
recommendations and tree replacement policy
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
VIII. Chair and Member Comments
Commissioner Ruthruff said there is an emphasis on scooters in the TDM and asked if it could be removed
as the city moves away from them.
Commissioner Scherer expressed dislike of e-scooters.
Commissioner Olson said scooters work great in Washington, D.C. because they have the infrastructure to
support them.
Commissioner Plumb-Smith mentioned an abandoned scooter in the Country Club neighborhood.
Commissioner Ahler said Mayor Hovland recommended having an industry expert come in and present on
the future of transportation.
IX. Staff Comments
• 2019 PACS projects
o Beard Ave sidewalk is complete (part of Chowen Park A/B reconstruction)
o Lincoln Dr trail is substantially completed
o Wooddale/Valley View traffic signal materials should arrive by the end of the
o W 70th St trail is anticipated to be paved next week
• New draft of the Comprehensive Plan is posted on Better Together Edina website
o Slight changes to some graphics in Transportation chapter
o Municipal review ends Nov 8
o Planning Commission public hearing Nov 13
o City Council public hearing Dec 3
• Planner Scipioni will be absent for the November 21 regular meeting; Director of
Engineering Chad Millner will substitute
X. Schedule of Meeting and Events as of October 18, 2019
For information purposes only, no discussion.
XI. Adjournment at 8:45 p.m.
Motion was made by Commissioner Olson and seconded by Commissioner McCarthy to
adjourn the October 24, 2019 meeting. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
J F M A M J J A S O N D # of Mtgs Attendance %
Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10
Ahler, Mindy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 70%
Johnson, Kirk 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 100%
Kane, Bocar 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 90%
McCarthy, Bruce 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 70%
Olson, Larry 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 70%
Plumb-Smith, Jill 1 1 1 1 1 5 83%
Richman, Lori 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 90%
Ruthruff, Erik 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 100%
Scherer, Matthew 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 70%
Veluvali, Shankar 1 RESIGNED 1 N/A
Emmanual Ayelomi (s) 1 1 10%
Yeukai Zimbwa (s) 0 0%
Tayden Erickson (s) 1 1 50%
Simon Venell (s) 1 1 50%
Date: November 21, 2019 Agenda Item #: VI.A.
To:Transportation Commission Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Commission
Item Activity:
Subject:Proposed 2020 Regular Meeting Dates Action
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Approve the proposed regular meeting dates of the Transportation Commission for the 2020 calendar year.
See attached staff report.
Proposed 2020 Regular Meeting Dates
City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424
November 21, 2019
Transportation Commission
Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner
Proposed 2020 Regular Meeting Dates
Approve the proposed regular meeting dates of the Transportation Commission for the 2020 calendar
Information / Background:
According to the bylaws of the Transportation Commission, regular meetings shall be held on the third
Thursday of each month at Edina City Hall (4801 West 50th Street, Edina, MN, 55424). For the 2020
calendar year, these dates are as follows;
January 16 July 16
February 20 August 20
March 19 September 17
April 21 October 22*
May 21 November 19
June 18 December 17
*The October regular meeting is proposed for the fourth Thursday of the month so as not to coincide with
the annual Minnesota Educators Academy (MEA) conference.
Date: November 21, 2019 Agenda Item #: VI.B.
To:Transportation Commission Item Type:
From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner
Item Activity:
Subject:2019 Work Plan Updates Discussion
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
ETC members will update the Commission regarding the status of the ETC's 2019 work plan items (unless an
item is elsewhere on the current meeting agenda). See attached work plan.
2019 Transportation Commission Work Plan Progress Report, May 7, 2019
Approved by Council 12/4/18 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Commission: Transportation Commission 2019 Annual Work Plan Progress Report: 5/7/2019 Initiative #1 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒☒☒☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type: ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility August 2019 ☐ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs_20_ ☐ CTS (including Video) ☒ Other Staff: Hrs_16__ Chair/co-chair a cross-commission committee (see partners) to review Travel Demand Management (TDM) options and recommend a TDM policy or ordinance for Council consideration. ☐ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Lead Commissioners: Bruce McCarthy Partners: Transportation Commission [LEAD] and Planning Commission Progress Report: ETC members have met with Planning Commission members for preliminary discussions. The subcommittee has reviewed existing policies, has developed areas of focus and has drafted a framework for their final recommendation. Initiative #2 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒☒☒☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type: ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility October 2019 ☐ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs_8 _ ☐ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs _ __ Serve on a cross-commission committee (see partners) to determine if a process is feasible for the Transportation Commission to provide input on transportation-related issues, including traffic study results associated with development/redevelopment. ☐ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Lead Commissioners: Lori Richman Partners: Transportation Commission and Planning Commission [LEAD] Progress Report: With input from the ETC, staff has hired a consultant to conduct an educational seminar on traffic impact studies. The seminar will be presented to ETC on June 20, and then will be recorded and made available for future commissioners.
Approved by Council 12/4/18 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Initiative #3 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒☒☒☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type: ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility September 2019 ☐ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs_8 _ ☒ CTS (including Video) ☒ Other Staff: Hrs _ 16_ Annually, spring through fall, the commission will coordinate an educational campaign to inform community members about pedestrian, bicycle and motorist safety which will include an annual community event. ☒ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project ((explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Lead Commissioners: Mindy Ahler Progress Report: ETC submitted a guest column to the Sun Current on the subject of patience and safety on our roadways. Commissioners and staff discussed other possible elements to include in the campaign. Initiative #4 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒☒☒☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒☒☒☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type: ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility June 2019 ☒ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs_12_ ☒ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs _ _ Monitor and evaluate the CloverRide circulator service (charge #4) and make recommendations to Council for future service after twelve-month agreement expires (charge #3). ☐ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Lead Commissioners: Larry Olson Progress Report: ETC and staff will recommend continuing existing service to City Council on May 21. The CloverRide Task Force is working with staff to implement a marketing campaign and is assessing the viability of a second circulator bus to serve other areas of Edina. Initiative #5 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒☒☒☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type: ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility December 2019 ☐ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs_8 _ ☐ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs _ _ Review and comment on PACS Fund allocating process with a race and equity lens. ☒ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project ((explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Lead Commissioners: Progress Report: Staff is in the early stages of developing this initiative.
Approved by Council 12/4/18 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Initiative #6 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒☒☒☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type: ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility December 2019 ☐ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs____ ☐ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs_____ Serve on a cross-commission committee (see partners) to complete requirements for Edina to receive the AARP City Designation. -Complete Walk Audit Tool Kit provided by AARP -October Senior Expo & Designation ☐ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Lead Commissioners: Bocar Kane Partners: Community Health Commission [LEAD], Human Rights & Relations Commission, Parks & Recreation Commission, Transportation Commission Progress Report: The committee is in the early stages of developing this initiative. Initiative #7 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM) ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒☒☒☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Target Completion Date Budget Required (Staff Liaison) Staff Support Required (Staff Liaison) Initiative Type: ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility December 2019 ☐ Funds available Funds are available for this project. ☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs 10 ☐ CTS (including Video) ☐ Other Staff: Hrs_____ Serve on a cross-commission committee (see partners) to develop a draft plan on Edina Grand Rounds, including wayfinding. ☐ Funds not available There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council approving initiative in liaison comments). Lead Commissioners: Erik Ruthruff Partners: Parks & Recreation Commission [LEAD] and Transportation Commission Progress Report: The committee is in the early stages of developing this initiative.
Date: November 21, 2019 Agenda Item #: VI.C.
To:Transportation Commission Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner
Item Activity:
Subject:2020 Work Plan/Work Session Follow-Up Discussion, Information
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
None, information and discussion only.
Staff will review revisions to the 2020 work plan and other comments from the November 19 City Council work
session.T he Commission can assign lead commissioners for proposed initiatives at the November 21 regular
meeting or the December 19 regular meeting.
Draft 2020 Work Plan
2020 DRAFT Commission Work Plan Template
Initiative #1 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge
Continue Q3 3 (review and recommend)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Funds available Staff Liaison, CTS (including video)
Initiative #2 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge
Continue Q4 2 (review and comment)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Funds not available Staff Liaison
City Manager Comments:
Progress Report:
Staff Liaison Comments: Commission members will serve on the Task Force, along with staff, DARTS representatives and community partners. The Task Force will regularly
review operations, communications and marketing strategies and recommend changes, as necessary.
Review and Recommend
Review and evaluate performance of CloverRide circulator services (North
and South) and make recommendations to Council for future service after
contracts expire.
Review and Comment
Review and comment on traffic impact studies associated with proposed
developments as requested by the Planning Commission. Serve on a cross-
commission committee with the Planning Commission to discuss traffic
impacts associated with development/redevelopment projects and evaluate
implementation of Travel Demand Management policy/ordinance.
Staff Liaison Comments: Staff recommends that this initiative be divided into two separate initiatives; 1) Review and comment on traffic impact studies associated with proposed
developments (on-going), and 2) review and comment on staff's recommendations for Travel Demand Management policy/ordinance (continued).
City Manager Comments:
Progress Report:
Initiative #3 Initiative Type Completion Date
New Q4 2 (review and comment)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Funds not available Staff Liaison
Initiative #4 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge
Continue Q4 4 (review and decide)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Funds not available Staff Liaison, CTS (including video)
Initiative #5 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge
Ongoing Q4 2 (review and comment)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Funds not available Staff Liaison
Review and Comment
Staff Liaison Comments: ETC will review reports after regular Traffic Safety Committee meetings and provide comments prior to City Council approval.
City Manager Comments:
Progress Report:
Review and comment on monthly Traffic Safety Reports
Review and Recommend
Prepare and recommend standards and best practices for traffic impact
studies conducted for proposed development/redevelopment projects for
the purpose of ensuring high-quality studies are performed for the City.
Review and Decide
Staff Liaison Comments: Staff recommends changing the Council Charge for this initiative to Study and Report. This initiative is related to Initiative #2, but is strictly related to
the creation of a document of recommended standards and best practices.
City Manager Comments:
Progress Report:
City Manager Comments:
Progress Report:
Develop and coordinate educational activities to inform community
members about transportation safety (which will include an annual
community event).
Staff Liaison Comments: Similar efforts were launched in 2015, 2016, and 2019 with involvement from Engineering, Police and CTS staff. This will address all modes of
transportation, including but not limited to pedestrian, bicycle, scooters, and motor vehicles. There may be costs associated with publications or social media; these costs may
be covered by the Pedestrian and Cyclists Safety Fund or the Transportation Division's annual budget at staff's discretion.
Initiative #6 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge
Ongoing Q4 2 (review and comment)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Funds not available Staff Liaison
Initiative #7 Initiative Type Completion Date
New Q4 3 (review and recommend)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Funds not available Staff Liaison
City Forester
Parking Lot
Review and Recommend
Develop and recommend a boulevard tree policy in conjunction with the
Energy and Environment Commission
Staff Liaison Comments: The Commission is interested in exploring the benefits of trees related to traffic calming and the City's policy on tree removal and replacement
associated with public improvement projects and developments. Given multiple commissions have expressed interest in trees for a variety of reasons, I recommend removing
this initiative and referring this topic to City staff. Staff can review and discuss the competing tree interests and provide more specific guidance for potential future commission
work on the topic.
City Manager Comments:
Review and Comment
Review and comment on proposed Capital Improvement projects, including
roadway reconstructions and projects funded by the Pedestrian and Cyclist
Safety (PACS) Fund
Staff Liaison Comments: Staff recommends changing iniative language to "review and comment on proposed roadway reconstruction projects and projects funded by the
Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund." ETC will be given the opportunity to comment on these projects prior to presentations to City Council.
City Manager Comments:
Progress Report:
Progress Report:
Date: November 21, 2019 Agenda Item #: VIII.A.
To:Transportation Commission Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner
Item Activity:
Subject:Metro Transit E-Line Bus Rapid Transit Project
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
See attached staff report.
Staff Report: E-Line BRT Project Update
November 21, 2019
Transportation Commission
Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner
Metro Transit E-Line Bus Rapid Transit Project Update
In the Metropolitan Council’s 2004 Transportation Policy Plan (TPP), a goal was set to double transit
ridership to approximately 147 million annual rides by 2030. In 2009, an update to the TPP established
arterial bus rapid transit as a concept for future study and recommended implementation along some of the
most heavily-traveled corridors in the Twin Cities. Two bus rapid transit lines have since been implemented
(the A-Line in 2016 and the C-Line in 2019), and several more are currently in development.
What is Bus Rapid Transit?
Bus rapid transit (BRT) is a high-frequency, limited-stop service which offers an improved customer
experience over traditional bus service. Upgrades to buses, stations and travel routes provide improved
speed, frequency and passenger experience without the higher costs, construction impacts and right-of-way
requirements of light rail transit (LRT). These upgrades can include enhanced shelters at stations, off-board
fare payment and traffic signal prioritization. BRT has been implemented in numerous communities across
the U.S. including Boston, Seattle, Los Angeles and New York City, generally resulting in decreased travel
times and increased ridership.
The E-Line is proposed to operate between the East Bank of the University of Minnesota campus in
Minneapolis and the Southdale Transit Center in Edina. It will substantially replace parts of Route 6 local bus
service, which serves Minneapolis, Edina, Richfield and Bloomington. The City of Edina is represented on the
study’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC).
Three alignment alternatives were considered that would travel through or near Edina:
• Alternative 4 – France Avenue, West 50th Street and Xerxes Avenue
• Alternative 5 – France Avenue and West 44th Street
• Alternative 6 – Xerxes Avenue
(Alternatives 1-3 were removed from further consideration earlier in the development process)
Metro Transit collected input from the public and partner agencies on these alternatives, as well as
compared qualitative metrics of potential benefits (jobs served, benefit to low-income and minority
populations and overall impact to existing Route 6 riders). Alternative 4 was subsequently eliminated from
further consideration due to its reliance on a new Route 36 local bus for viability.
Ultimately, Metro Transit is recommending Alternative 5 along France Avenue and West 44th Street. The
results of the public engagement indicated a preference for this alternative. While the qualitative evaluation
presented little significant difference between Alternatives 5 and 6, Metro Transit recognized that
Alternative 5 would provide access to more key regional destinations. These include Fairview Southdale
Hospital and the 50th & France and 44th and France commercial districts. Additionally, Metro Transit
determined that the required capital and operating resources for these two alternatives were comparable.
Impact on Edina
The E-Line has the potential to significantly contribute to Edina’s long-term transportation goals. One of the
13 goals stated in the Transportation Chapter of the draft 2018 Comprehensive Plan is to “encourage and
support attractive and reliable high-performance transit service and connections.” Additionally, the Small
Area Plans for 44th & France, 50th & France, and the Greater Southdale District all acknowledge the
importance of enhanced transit service to sustainable growth and reducing the impact of single-occupancy
passenger vehicles (the latter two SAPs specifically mention the proposed E-Line project).
Enhanced Stations
The E-Line would tentatively have eight enhanced station locations in Edina, spaced approximately ½
mile apart:
Transit Center
(Southdale Mall)
W 65th Street
(Fairview Southdale
W 62nd Street and
France Avenue
W 58th Street and
France Avenue
W 54th Street and
France Avenue
W 50th Street and
France Avenue
W 47th Street and
France Avenue
W 44th Street and
France Avenue
Table 1: Proposed E-Line Station Locations
Each of the above locations would feature two BRT stations, one for each direction of travel
(northbound and southbound). Unlike traditional bus stops, BRT stations contain similar amenities
to light rail stations, including:
• Shelters with heat and improved lighting
• Ticket machines for pre-boarding fare payment
• Real-time departure information (NexTrip)
• Security cameras and emergency phones
• Trash and recycling containers
• Seating and bike racks
BRT stations vary in size, depending on anticipated ridership, access to the site, adjacent land use
and available right-of-way. Figures 1-3 show examples of the three variations of BRT stations
previously installed in the Twin Cities.
Figure 1: Small BRT Station (Ford & Woodlawn on the A-Line in St. Paul)
Figure 2: Medium BRT Station (Olson & 7th Station on the C-Line in Minneapolis)
Figure 3: Large BRT Station (University & Snelling Station on the A-Line in St. Paul)
Based solely on current average ridership along Route 6, it is likely that many of the E-Line stations
will be of the small or medium variety.
Route 6 Service
The E-Line will replace all Route 6 service on France Avenue between W 65th Street and W 44th
Street. Some riders along France Avenue will have to walk further to get to a station, as BRT station
spacing is typically every ½ mile opposed to approximately every 1/8 mile with the existing bus
service. However, these riders will experience an increased level of service, as the E-Line is
anticipated to operate at a peak interval of 10 minutes (compared to 20 minutes for Route 6). As
previously mentioned, the E-Line will also have enhanced stations and amenities.
Riders along W 54th Street, Wooddale Avenue, Valley View Road and France Avenue north of W
44th Street will lose transit service, as this portion of Route 6 will be discontinued. Pedestrian and
bicycle facilities that have recently been installed or are proposed to be installed on W 54th Street,
W 56th Street, W 58th Street and W 62nd Street will provide some of these riders with connections
to E-Line service on France Avenue. Riders along Xerxes Avenue will experience no change in
service, as Route 6 will continue to operate along this corridor.
Pedestrian Facilities on France Avenue
As was noted by both Metro Transit and the City of Edina when the alignment alternatives were
being considered, there is a significant gap in pedestrian facilities on the east side of France Avenue
between W 65th Street and Fuller Street. A sidewalk is recommended to fill this gap in the City’s
Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. Some segments are already planned to be constructed in 2020
and 2021 as part of scheduled roadway and utility projects. The City will work with Hennepin
County, Fairview Southdale Hospital and other adjacent property owners to construct the
remaining sidewalk segments prior to the anticipated opening of the E-Line in 2024.
Next Steps
The Metropolitan Council will consider this alignment recommendation for adoption in January 2020.
Following adoption, more detailed station and corridor planning will occur in 2020. Pending full funding,
construction for the E-Line could begin as early as 2023.
Encl: E-Line Recommended Alignment
24th Street
26th Street
36th StreetExcelsior
39th Street
44th Street
50th Street
54th Street
WooddaleFranceXerxes66th Street
Southdale Center Stadium VillageWestgateMinneapolis
Saint Louis
Highway 62Sheridan58th Street
B Line
Green Line
A LineOrange LineD LineC LineBlue
Green Line ExtensionD LinePeak: 20”
Midday: 20”Peak: 20”Midday: 20”
Peak: 10”
Midday: 10”
6U Covered
by E Line
6K Covered
by Route 540
36 E 6
Terminal at either the METRO Green Line
West Gate Station or
Stadium Village Station
to be determined
Bde Maka Ska
0 1 20.5 Miles
Planned METRO Line
Existing METRO Line
E Line
Existing Route 6
Proposed Route 6
Potential Route 36
Connecting Bus Plan
E Line Initial Alignment 5 — Advanced
Date: November 21, 2019 Agenda Item #: IX.A.
To:Transportation Commission Item Type:
From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner
Item Activity:
Subject:Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events as of
November 15, 2019
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events as of November 15, 2019
Tuesday Nov 19 City Council Work Session – Board/Commission 5:30 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Work Plan Meeting (staff recommendations)
Thursday Nov 21 Regular Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Dec 19 Regular Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Jan 16 Regular Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Feb 20 Regular Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Mar 19 Regular Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Apr 16 Regular Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday May 21 Regular Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Jun 18 Regular Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Jul 16 Regular Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Aug 20 Regular Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Sep 17 Regular Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Oct 22 Regular Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM