HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-01-16 Meeting PacketAgenda Transportation Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota City Hall - Community Room Thursday, January 16, 2020 6:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of December 19, 2019 V.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Reports/Recommendations A.Tra&c Safety Report of January 9, 2019 B.Advisory Communication: West 58th Street Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities C.2020 Work Plan Updates VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Sta3 Comments IX.Calendar Of Events A.Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events as of January 10, 2020 X.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli8cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: January 16, 2020 Agenda Item #: IV.A. To:Transportation Commission Item Type: Minutes From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of December 19, 2019 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the minutes of the Transportation Commission regular meeting of December 19, 2019. INTRODUCTION: See attached draft minutes. ATTACHMENTS: Description Draft Minutes, December 19, 2019 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Transportation Commission Community Conference Room December 19, 2019 I. Call To Order Chair Richman called the meeting to order II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Commissioners Ahler, Johnson, Kane, McCarthy, Olson, Plumb-Smith, Richman, Ruthruff, Scherer, Venell Late: Commissioner Erickson III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion was made by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Ahler to approve the agenda. All voted aye. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion was made by Commissioner Olson and seconded by Commissioner Plumb-Smith approving the November 21, 2019 meeting minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. Community Comment Dennis Kudzy of 6212 Mildred Ave asked the Commission to carefully consider the Traffic Safety Report item regarding the corner of Mildred Ave and Valley View Rd. He said the corner was reconstructed and narrowed recently, making it more difficult to maneuver and causing accidents during bad weather. He said he did not want added signage as he did not believe that would be effective. He requested that the City consider reconstructing the corner to be more like the corner at Valley View Rd and Normandale Rd or that this area be a top priority for salting. He also noted that the adjacent telephone pole was relocated closer to the curb following the reconstruction project. He also requested enforcement of speed limits during peak hours. VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Traffic Safety Report of December 3, 2019 • Item A1 discussion A motion was made by Commissioner Richman and seconded by Commissioner McCarthy to recommend installing horizontal alignment signs with advisory speed placards and to recommend further study by the Traffic Safety Committee. All voted aye, motion carried. • Item B2 discussion A motion was made by Commissioner Scherer and seconded by Commissioner Olson to recommend extending the centerline striping to the east until the roadway narrows to 24’. All voted aye, motion carried. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: A motion was made by Commissioner Kane and seconded by Commissioner Olson to approve the Traffic Safety Report with changes. All voted aye, motion carried. Commissioner Erickson arrived at 6:26. B. Draft Equity Criteria for Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund Projects Planner Scipioni presented the draft equity criteria for PACS projects. Commissioners made the following comments/recommendations: • Consider prioritizing all facilities within busing limits of the schools rather than just those recommended in the Active Routes to School Plan. • Different criteria to prioritize pedestrian and bicycle facilities separately. • Utilize income data rather than or in addition to race. • Weight projects with cost sharing opportunities by percentage of the cost share. • Consider percentage of adjacent residents that sign a petition. • Include race/equity lens when selecting reconstruction areas. • Add park distance to the Neighborhood characteristics. • Community should be weighted the same as Neighborhood. • Don’t alienate rich/less dense areas. • Connections to other facilities should be weighted higher. • Consider factors that account for ADT and/or roadway classifications. C. Dockless Bicycle- and Scooter-Sharing Pilot Program Update Planner Scipioni presented an update on the bike and scooter sharing program. Commissioners made the following comments/recommendations: • Most motor vehicle operators prefer scooters on sidewalks and pedestrians prefer scooters on roadways. • A heat map of scooter usage could help the City prioritize infrastructure improvements. • In future, the City should consider a regional approach rather than an exclusive agreement. • What statistics exist on how many single-occupancy vehicle trips are eliminated by scooters? D. West 72nd Street Pedestrian Safety Assessment Engagement Report Planner Scipioni provided and update the W 72nd Pedestrian Safety Assessment. Commissioners made the following comments/recommendations: • Consider bigger Better Together yard signs that can be read by motorists. • Consider installing multi-use paths on the south side of W 72nd St. E. 2019 Work Plan Updates • #1 TDM draft updated with input from developers, committee would like to schedule a joint work session with City Council to present and discuss • #4 Task Force to schedule a meeting in early 2020 • #5 Staff presented, will be back with updates in January/February • #6 Community health provided recommendation to Council Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: F. 2020 Work Plan Review • #3 Is promoting TDM considered a part of this initiative? • #6 Chair as lead commissioner • #7 Chair as lead commissioner VII. Chair and Member Comments Commissioner Olson watched the W 58th St public hearing where Council advised staff to get more feedback on different design options. He would like to draft an advisory communication in support of the design previously approved by Council in July. Commissioner McCarthy shared a link to an article about on-demand transit services. Commissioner Johnson said a resident in the Highlands area asked how they can request a shuttle bus between the new light rail station, Grandview and Opus, He also offered information on the City’s Bicycle- Friendly Community designation for the education initiative. Commissioner Ahler suggested that the Commission consider reevaluating the Living Streets Plan. She also asked how equity criteria can be utilized to encourage less single-occupancy vehicle trips and more bike/scooter trips. Commissioner Kane thanked Planner Scipioni for presenting the draft equity criteria for the PACS Fund and for his willingness to create a historical map of projects funded by the PACS Fund. VIII. Staff Comments • Council approved a Resolution of Support for the E Line BRT project on Tuesday. • MnDOT presented an update on the I-494 project to Council Tuesday; staff will share the presentation with the Commission. • 2020 Reconstruction Project updates o Melody Lake A/Grandview A has been postponed to 2021 after receiving a resident petition. o Council directed staff to evaluate alternative project scopes for Prospect Knolls A to reduce estimated assessments. o Council directed staff to collect additional resident feedback on 4 options for pedestrian and bicycle facilities as part of the W 58th St project; staff will report back to Council in late January. • Engineering staff and the school district are working on a grant application through MnDOT for Safe Routes to School engineering studies. • Planner Scipioni reminded commissioners of upcoming term expirations. IX. Schedule of Meeting and Events as of December 13, 2019 For information purposes only, no discussion. X. Adjournment at 8:48 p.m. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Motion was made by Commissioner McCarthy and seconded by Commissioner Olson to adjourn the December 19, 2019 meeting. All voted Aye. Motion Carried. TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE J F M A M J J A S O N D # of Mtgs Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 NAME Ahler, Mindy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 75% Johnson, Kirk 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 100% Kane, Bocar 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 92% McCarthy, Bruce 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 75% Olson, Larry 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 75% Plumb-Smith, Jill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 88% Richman, Lori 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 92% Ruthruff, Erik 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 100% Scherer, Matthew 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 75% Veluvali, Shankar 1 RESIGNED 1 N/A Emmanual Ayelomi (s) 1 1 8% Yeukai Zimbwa (s) 0 0% Tayden Erickson (s) 1 1 1 3 75% Simon Venell 1 1 1 3 75% Date: January 16, 2020 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Transportation Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From:Nick Bauler, Traffic Safety Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Traffic Safety Report of January 9, 2019 Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Review and comment on the Traffic Safety Report of January 9, 2020. INTRODUCTION: See attached staff report. An overview of comments received from the Transportation Commission will be included in the staff report provided to City Council at the February 4 regular meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Description Traffic Safety Report of Janaury 9, 2020 January 16, 2020 Transportation Commission Nick Bauler, Traffic Safety Coordinator Traffic Safety Report of January 9, 2020 Information / Background: The Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) review of traffic safety matters occurred on January 9. The Traffic Safety Coordinator, City Engineer, Traffic Safety Specialist, Transportation Planner, Public Works Director, Police lieutenant and Assistant City Planner were in attendance for this meeting. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, these comments can be included on the January 16 Transportation Commission and the February 4 City Council meeting agendas. Section A: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends action A1. Request for additional warning signage when approaching Valley View Road and Mildred Avenue • Two residents contacted Traffic Safety following two crashes at the intersection in November 2019 during a snow/ice event. • Two additional crashes occurred in November 2018. • These streets were reconstructed in 2017. • This intersection has a near 90-degree angle • Directional arrow signs are present; no horizontal alignment signs are present. • ETC recommended further study due to crash history. Suggested solutions included: i. Increased police patrol ii. Dynamic speed display sign iii. Reconstructing the roadway to reduce severity of turn Staff recommends installing a horizontal alignment sign with a 15-mph advisory speed placard for westbound traffic on Valley View Road. This will be studied for one year to evaluate the efficacy of the sign. Valley View Road and Mildred Avenue STAFF REPORT Page 2 A2. Request to review traffic conditions on Maloney Avenue • Resident is concerned with vehicles speeding and failing to stop at stop signs. • 85% speed and ADT in 2016 was 35.8 mph and 1,803, respectively. • Fog lines were installed in 2016 to narrow travel lanes to slow traffic. • 85% speed after fog line installation was 36.3 mph. • Speed trailer measured westbound 85% speeds and ADT at 31.4 mph and 1,620, respectively, in September 2019. • Increase of traffic on Maloney Avenue in 2019 coincided with adjacent road closures related to the Southwest LRT project in Hopkins. • Maloney Avenue is a Municipal State Aid roadway. • Maloney Avenue is 24.5’ wide (face-to-face) with parking restricted on both sides and a sidewalk on the north side. • An all-way stop exists at Maloney Avenue and Arthur Street. • Standard bike lanes are recommended on Maloney Avenue per the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. Staff recommends increasing police enforcement in this area. Staff will collect new data in 2020 and will continue research on dynamic speed display signs in an effort to create a policy for when and where they should be installed. A3. Request to review sight lines at the intersection of Valley View Road and Wooddale Avenue • New traffic signals installed in Fall 2019 led to change of grade on south leg of the intersection to accommodate ADA- compliant cross slopes. • Northbound drivers have poor sight lines looking west, which may result in accidents when attempting to turn right at a red light (existing sight lines are 150-180’ compared to 220’ required for ‘adequate sight distance’). • Turn counts from 2017 showed 157 northbound vehicles turning right and 3,655 eastbound thru vehicles. • No right turn crashes were reported prior to 2016. Staff recommends adding a No Turn on Red sign for northbound traffic. This restriction should improve the level of safety for vehicles making this movement. Maloney Avenue South leg of Valley View Road and Wooddale Avenue, facing west STAFF REPORT Page 3 Section B: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends no action B1. Request for a “Hill Blocks View” sign on Grimes Avenue • A resident is concerned with sight lines due to a hill on Grimes Avenue south of West 42nd Street. • When vehicles are parked on the street near the hill (east side of street), sight lines can be compromised. • 2005 ADT and 85% speed is 806 and 31.3, respectively. • If a sign is installed, it is required to have an advisory speed placard. With 225’ of sight distance at a grade of nearly 6%, the advisory speed limit would be 30 mph. • MnMUTCD states such signs are optional in an attempt to improve safety. Staff recommends no changes. Adequate stopping distance is available and additional signage is deemed unnecessary. B2. Request for a crosswalk at Eden Avenue, Grange Road and Willson Road • The intersection is located between City Hall and Perkins and has all-way stop control. • Eden Avenue and Willson Road have ADTs of 5,386 and 3,916, respectively. • 16 crosses were observed during the peak hour across the south leg of the intersection. Staff recommends no changes. The number of pedestrians crossing does not meet warrants for crosswalks at controlled intersections. Section D: Other Traffic Safety items handled D1. A request was made for seasonal on-street parking restrictions on Grimes Avenue along the hill, south of West 42nd Street. The focus of this concern was when vehicles are parked along the hill, it becomes dangerous for vehicles to pass when snow or ice is present. Staff recommends no changes as further restrictions would lead to an increase of vehicle speeds along the hill south of West 42nd Street. D2. A request was made to increase police enforcement at Todd Park as vehicles are traveling onto the park path when this is restricted. The police were informed of this concern and will enforce when available. D3. A request for traffic calming was made on Grimes Ave between Sunnyside Road and West 44th Street. This street was reconstructed in 2016 with a narrowed section (24’ face-to-face), with parking available on both sides and curb extensions at the intersection of West 45th Street. With an 85% speed at 26.7 mph, staff recommends no action. D4. A request was made to for speed data on Benton Avenue. Data was collected and provided to the resident. Grimes Avenue Map: Intersection between City Hall and Perkins Intersection between City Hall and Perkins STAFF REPORT Page 4 D5. A request was made for an RRFB adjacent to 4100 West 76th Street. A new affordable housing development is requesting a controlled crossing to improve pedestrian safety. No crossing is currently warranted, but staff will review again after the development is completed. D6. A request was made for increased enforcement for vehicles parking in a crosswalk on Arcadia Avenue at the drive-thru entrance of Starbucks. This concern was sent to the EPD for enforcement. D7. A request was submitted to restrict truck traffic along Timber Trail. The resident was concerned of increased truck traffic due to construction taking place at the Cross View Lutheren Church. Despite the Church having entrances from McCauley Trail, trucks are using Timber Trail. Staff does not recommend such restrictions on this street. D8. A resident requested a sidewalk on West 78th Street west of Bush Lake Road. A sidewalk is recommended per the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan; however, the bridge over the railroad along this section poses a significant obstacle in terms of cost and jurisdictional coordination. This sidewalk is not in the current five-year Captial Improvement Plan, but it was recommended to the resident to submit a petition to be reviewed by staff. Date: January 16, 2020 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Transportation Commission Item Type: Other From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Advisory Communication: West 58th Street Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities Action, Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Review and approve an advisory communication on pedestrian and bicycle facilities associated with the proposed West 58th Street Reconstruction Project. INTRODUCTION: See attached draft advisory communication. ATTACHMENTS: Description Draft Advisory Communication: W 58th St Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities Date: January 16, 2020 To: Mayor and City Council From: Transportation Commission Subject: West 58th Street Reconstruction Project Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities Situation: At the December 9 Public Hearing, Council directed staff to solicit more resident feedback on four design options for pedestrian and bicycle facilities to be included with the West 58th Street Reconstruction Project. Council had previously approved a design layout at the July 16 regular meeting after staff presented the public engagement report and their recommendation. Staff proposed an 8’ shared-use path on the north side with a 4’ boulevard The layout approved by Council included a 5’ sidewalk with a 2’ boulevard on the north side and an 8’ shared-use concrete path on the south side. Action Requested: The Commission recommends the City Council approves the design layout it previously approved on July 16, 2019. This layout includes the previously noted 5’ sidewalk with 2’ boulevard on the north side with an 8’ shared-use concrete path with no boulevard on the south side Background: This project has served as the official pilot for using public participation protocols developed by the International Association for Public Participation. West 58th Street was also a catalyst for the City pursuing a more robust on-line engagement platform, now known as Better Together Edina. In addition to the public participation protocol, the Engineering Department’s typical practice of notifying residents 2-3 years prior to a potential reconstruction project was also implemented. Residents were invited to two open houses between September 2017 and September 2018. Staff presented the draft Engineering Study for West 58th Street to the Transportation Commission at the October 24 regular meeting for review, and Commissioner comments were included in the final Engineering Study. Assessment: The work done and presented by staff acknowledges many of the comments and concerns raised by residents throughout the public participation process, while still maintaining the desired minimum standards of MSA, Engineering, Public Works and other City staff. Staff’s recommendation also is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the Living Streets Plan and supports the creation of the Twin Loops facility recommended by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. The recommendation incorporated all feedback, as well as the goals and considerations for what best serves the neighborhood and the larger community. The layout approved by the Council in July is consistent with all. Page 2 Recommendation: The Commission recommends the City Council approve the plan it previously approved on July 16, 2019. Date: January 16, 2020 Agenda Item #: VI.C. To:Transportation Commission Item Type: Other From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:2020 Work Plan Updates Discussion, Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Commissioners will provide updates on the status of 2020 Work P lan initiatives (unless an item is elsewhere on the current agenda). See attached work plan. ATTACHMENTS: Description 2020 Work Plan Progress Report Approved by Council 12/3/19 Transportation Commission 2020 Work Plan Initiative #1 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Continue Q3 3 (review and recommend) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support NA Staff Liaison, CTS Initiative #2 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing Q4 2 (review and comment) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Staff Liaison NA Initiative #3 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New Q4 2 (review and comment) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Staff Liaison NA Progress Report: Review and Comment Review and comment on staff's recommendations for Travel Demand Management policy / ordinance. Bruce McCarthy, Kirk Johnson Progress Report: Review and Recommend Review and evaluate performance of CloverRide circulator services (North and South) and make recommendations to Council for future service after contracts expire.Erik Ruthruff Review and Comment Progress Report: Review and comment on traffic impact studies associated with proposed developments. Lori Richman Initiative #4 Initiative Type Completion Date New Q4 2 (review and comment) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Staff Liaison NA Initiative #5 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Continue Q4 4 (review and decide) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds not available Staff liaison, CTS Initiative #6 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing Q4 2 (review and comment) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds not available Staff Liaison Initiative #7 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing Q4 2 (review and comment) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Staff Liaison NA Review and Comment Review and comment on staff's framework for the completion of traffic impact studies conducted for proposed development / redevelopment projects.Bocar Kane, Jill Plumb-Smith Progress Report: Develop and coordinate up to six educational activities to inform the community about transportation safety (which will include an annual community event).Mindy Ahler Review and Decide Progress Report: Review and comment on proposed Capital Improvement projects, including roadway reconstructions and projects funded by the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund Lori Richman Progress Report: Review and Comment Progress Report: Review and comment on monthly Traffic Safety Reports Lori Richman Review and Comment Date: January 16, 2020 Agenda Item #: IX.A. To:Transportation Commission Item Type: Other From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events as of January 10, 2020 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: See attached schedule of upcoming meetings and events. ATTACHMENTS: Description Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events as of January 10, 2020 Transportation Commission Schedule of Upcoming Meetings/Events (as of January 10, 2020) Thursday Jan 16 6:00 PM City Hall, Community Room Regular Meeting Thursday Feb 20 6:00 PM City Hall, Community Room Regular Meeting Thursday Mar 19 6:00 PM City Hall, Community Room Regular Meeting Monday Mar 30 6:00 PM Braemar Golf Course Annual Board/Commission Recognition Event Thursday Apr 16 6:00 PM City Hall, Community Room Regular Meeting Tuesday May 19 6:15 PM City Hall, Community Room City Council Work Session (PARC/ETC) Thursday May 21 6:00 PM City Hall, Community Room Regular Meeting Thursday Jun 18 6:00 PM City Hall, Community Room Regular Meeting Thursday Jul 16 6:00 PM City Hall, Community Room Regular Meeting Thursday Aug 20 6:00 PM City Hall, Community Room Regular Meeting Thursday Sep 17 6:00 PM City Hall, Community Room Regular Meeting Tuesday Oct 6 5:30 PM City Hall, Community Room City Council Work Session – Board/Commission Work Plan Meeting (chair presentations) Thursday Oct 22 6:00 PM City Hall, Community Room Regular Meeting Tuesday Nov 17 5:30 PM City Hall, Community Room City Council Work Session – Board/Commission Work Plan Meeting (staff recommendations) Thursday Nov 19 6:00 PM City Hall, Community Room Regular Meeting Thursday Dec 17 6:00 PM City Hall, Community Room Regular Meeting