HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-02-19 City Council Regular MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL FEBRUARY 19, 2020 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. 11. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland. Absent: None. III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED AS PRESENTED Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Anderson, to approve the meeting agenda as presented. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT No one appeared. V.A. CITY MANAGER'S RESPONSE TO COMMUNITY COMMENTS Manager Neal responded to past Community Comments. VI. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED AS PRESENTED Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, approving the consent agenda as follows: VI.A. Approve minutes of the February 4, 2020, Regular Meeting and Work Session VI.B. Approve payment claims for Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 02.06.20-02.13.20 Total $1,814,322.60 VI.C. Adopt Resolution No. 2020-25; Supporting Local Cable Franchising Including Public, Educational and Governmental Access Channels VI.D. Adopt Ordinance No. 2020-02; Amending Chapter 4 Concerning Alcoholic Beverages VI.E. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, 2021 Ford F550 Truck with Stainless Steel Dump Box, Midway Ford and Aspen Equipment for $70,444 VI.F. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, 2020 Asphalt and Concrete Recycling; Doboszenski and Sons, Inc. for $59,550 VI.G. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Aquatic Vegetation Management, Contract ENG 20-INB-1; Lake Management, Inc. for $80,703 VI.H. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Mill Pond Mechanical Harvesting of Aquatic Vegetation, Contract ENG 20-I NB-5, Lake Aquatic Weed Removal for $38,858 VI.I. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Engineering Services for France Avenue Pedestrian Improvements, WSB for $54,782 VI.J. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Four Air Conditioning Units and One Building Automation System for Braemar Golf Course Club House, Gilbert Mechanical Contractors, Inc. for $141,699. VI.K. Adopt Resolution No. 2020-26; Parking Restrictions on France Avenue Page 1 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 19. 2020 VI.L. Adopt Resolution No. 2020-20; Authorizing Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Demonstration Account and Local Housing Incentives Account Grant Agreements; and Sub-Recipient Loan Agreements VI.M. Adopt Resolution No. 2020-27 and Ordinance No. 2019-11; Final Rezoning, Development Plan, SIPA and Final Plat for Amundson Flats at 7075-9 Amundson Avenue VI.N. Approve Out-of-State Travel for Mayor Hovland VI.O. 2020 Board and Commission Appointments Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS HELD — Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. VII.A. RESOLUTION NO. 2020-17 APPROVING PROPOSED APPLICATION FOR 2020 URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM FUNDS AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF SUBGRANTEE AGREEMENT — ADOPTED Community Development Director Teague stated the CDBG Program was a federal entitlement program administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and managed by Hennepin County to oversee the distribution of funds to cities. He said funds are to be used for improvements of housing and providing a suitable living environment for persons with low and moderate incomes. He reviewed Edina's estimated 2020 CDBG budget allotment of $136,470, which was the same amount as received in 2019 and of that total allocation, 15% ($20,470) would be set aside for Public Services and administered by Hennepin County and $116,000 would be available for the Community Development portion of the CDBG allocation which was approved by the City Council. Mr. Teague stated staff was recommending allocations be made to West Hennepin Land Trust (WHLT) to continue efforts to purchase single family homes and remain affordable for 99 years. He noted WHLT purchased one home last year for a total of 14 homes purchased since the program began in 1999. The Council spoke about the length of time needed to acquire a home and with this allocation would likely take three years to acquire such a home in Edina. Mr. Teague said WHLT had been able to purchase 14 homes over time which averaged one home per year. He explained how the amount dedicated covered approximately one-half the cost of a home and the Edina Housing Foundation had spoken about the possibility of managing these funds in the future. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 7:15 p.m. Public Testimony Hope Melton, 4825 Valley View Road, addressed the Council. Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Fischer, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. Member Fischer introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2020-17 approving proposed application for 2020 Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Funds and authorizing execution of Subrecipient Agreement with Urban Hennepin County and any third-party agreements. Member Anderson seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VII.B. RESOLUTION NO. 2020-22 APPROVING SITE PLAN MODIFICATION, 3121 WEST 69TH STREET, YORK PLACE APARTMENTS — ADOPTED Assistant Planner Aker stated the applicant was requesting site plan modification approval to convert the existing guest suite in the York Place Apartments into a studio apartment within the existing building at 3121 Page 2 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 19. 2020 West 69th Street. She said there would be no alterations to the site or the building with the exception of adding a kitchen and laundry in the bathroom of the existing guest suite. The unit count would increase from 114 units to 115 units in the building. The site was over the minimum required parking including the conversion of the guest suite into an additional unit and would continue to meet requirements of the original site plan approval. Rick Bjalik, 3025 Harbor Lane N, #410, Plymouth, explained how the guest suite rented during the holidays but otherwise remained empty so the property owner wanted to increase occupancy through this additional unit. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 7:26 p.m. Public Testimony No one appeared. Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Fischer, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. Member Brindle introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2020-22 approving a site plan modification to add one dwelling unit at 3121 69th Street West, York Place Apartments. Member Fischer seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VII.C. RESOLUTION NO. 2020-23 APPROVING PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR 7101 AND 7151 METRO BOULEVARD — ADOPTED Mr. Teague stated Chris Ambourn, on behalf of CREFIV-CCRP Metro Boulevard Edina, LLC was requesting a subdivision to create separate parcels for the two buildings currently located at 7101 and 7151 Metro Boulevard. Each building was originally assigned separate addresses, despite being located on the same lot. There was no proposed development associated with this request and the purpose was simply to create a separate lot for each address. He said the request was recommended unanimously by the Planning Commission based on the condition of filing of easements for shared parking and driveway access. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. Public Testimony No one appeared. Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Anderson, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. Member Brindle introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2020-23 approving a Preliminary and Final Plat at 7101 and 7151 Metro Boulevard. Member Fischer seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VII.D. RESOLUTION NO. 2020-24 APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT WITH VARIANCES FOR 5928 ASHCROFT AVENUE — RESOLUTION OF DENIAL ADOPTED Page 3 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 19. 2020 Mr. Teague stated Nathan Raich on behalf of the property owner Kevin Fischer was requesting a subdivision of 5928 Ashcroft Avenue. The existing home on the lot would be torn down and two new homes built on the new parcels. Both lots would gain access off Ashcroft Avenue. This lot was originally platted as two lots and the applicants were proposing to restore the original plat. He spoke about how the lots in this development were 50-foot wide and some property owners purchased two lots to construct one single- family home. He reviewed the lot width variance requests from 75 feet to 50 feet for both lots and lot area variances from 9,000 square feet to 6,813 and 6,790 square feet. He referred to a I 5-inch storm sewer pipe and need for an easement and stormwater ponds required in the rear of the lot. Mr. Teague shared a history of similar requests in the City where some were approved and others not and said while staff was recommending approval, an alternate resolution of denial was included in the meeting packet as the Planning Commission support was 3-3. He spoke about reasons of influence by the action on the corner that would reestablish the original plat with two 100-foot wide lots left on the block and the practical difficulty caused by the previous owner who combined the two lots. Mr. Teague stated the result would be reasonable within this block within the context of the original plat and neighborhood as only two lots were left of 100-feet wide. The Council asked about nearby lot sizes at 5825 and 5829 Ashcroft that were split and how that block was almost exclusively 50-foot lots then spoke about radius and median lot sizes and if that really worked if in the middle of a subdivision. The Council indicated in this case, the lot was on the edge of the plat and would need a variance. The Council asked how long this ordinance had been in place. Mr. Teague believed the ordinance was adopted in the 1980s and said the median established minimum lot size for lots larger than 9,000 square feet and wider than 75 feet. He noted the City had required applicants to run the median for even less area to visualize if the concept was a good fit. Nate Raich, Refined Lending/NR Properties, 3122 117th Avenue, spoke about the proposal and shared that 5825 and 5829 Ashcroft were the first homes their firm built in the community, which allowed them to get to know members of the community and introduce their brand to the City. He spoke about the difficulty of expectations of the community, retaining the Edina name, and how they spoke with neighbors regarding their concerns with trees, run-off, and the proposed redevelopment project. Mr. Raich said this was not a lot split but more redevelopment of an existing structure. He explained how 38 families had toured the existing home but wanted a smaller, more affordable and customized footprint. Mr. Raich said the market was looking for that right now and while Edina had a great school district, 80% were renovation buyers with an average salary of $400,000. He then spoke about the importance of transparency. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 7:49 p.m. Public Testimony Terri Joski-Lang, 5917 Ashcroft Avenue, addressed the Council. Paul Lang, 5917 Ashcrost Avenue, addressed the Council. Patty Crater, 5924 Ashcrost Avenue, addressed the Council. Janey Westin, 6136 Brookview Avenue, addressed the Council. Sarah Ableitner, 5916 Ashcroft Avenue, addressed the Council. Michael Dubois, on behalf of Lavonne Dubois of 5936 Ashcroft Avenue, addressed the Council. Jason Ableitner, 5916 Ashcroft Avenue, addressed the Council. Barry Crater, 5924 Ashcroft Avenue, addressed the Council. David Guy, 5924 Ashcroft Avenue, addressed the Council. Page 4 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 19. 2020 Jennifer Lee, 5921 Ashcroft Avenue, addressed the Council. Joe Bothwell, 4549 Zenith Avenue, Minneapolis, addressed the Council. Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. The Council spoke about concerns raised during public testimony regarding drainage and more effective water management and whether if it was easier to manage water from one new home or two new homes. Engineering Director Millner said if the lot was split, the applicant could not increase the rate or volume of the current stormwater today. Since this was a low-lying area and the drain pipe installed in 2005 was designed to a different standard, it was working less today. He said calculations showed no increase in rate but if approved, the City would require water to be sent to Ashcroft Avenue where there was more capacity. Mr. Millner noted no additional requirements would be made should the existing home remain. He stated we had a much better understanding today of rain events than in 2005 but that both would be held to the same standards. Member Staunton introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2020-24 denying a Preliminary Plat with Variances for 5928 Ashcroft Avenue. Member Anderson seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Brindle, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS VIII.A. CORRESPONDENCE - Received I. Mayor Hovland acknowledged the Council's receipt of various correspondence. VIII.B. COMMISSION CORRESPONDENCE (MINUTES AND ADVISORY COMMUNICATION)— Received I. ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 7, 2019 2. HUMAN RIGHTS AND RELATIONS COMMISSION, DECEMBER 3, 2019 3. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION, JANUARY 14, 2020 Informational; no action required. IX. AVIATION NOISE UPDATE — Received X. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS — Received XI. MANAGER'S COMMENTS — Received XII. CITY COUNCIL UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS — Received XIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 9:36 p.m. Page 5 Sha !lat ames B 'ovland, Mayor ity Clerk Minutes/Edina City Council/February 19, 2020 Respectfully submitted, Minutes approved by Edina City Council, March 4, 2020. Video Copy of the February 19, 2020, meeting available. Page 6