HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-04-07 Work Session Meeting PacketAgenda City Council Work Session City of Edina, Minnesota VIRTUAL MEETING Call 800-374-0221, enter code 7997840 to listen to meeting. Tuesday, April 7, 2020 5:30 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Travel Demand Management Ordinance Recommendation IV.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli#cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: April 7, 2020 Agenda Item #: III. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Reports / Recommendation From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Travel Demand Management Ordinance Recommendation Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Discussion only; INTRODUCTION: Members of the Transportation and Planning Commissions will present their recommendation for a Travel Demand Management (TDM) ordinance. This item was a 2019 cross-commission Work Plan initiative lead by Transportation. Commissioners will seek Council comments and questions regarding their recommendation. This item is currently on the Engineering Department's 2020 Work P lan. Staff will consider the Commissions' recommendation along with Council's comments to develop a final recommendation for a TDM policy or ordinance. ATTACHMENTS: Description Draft TDM Ordinance Staff Presentation 1 DRAFT 11/1719 City of Edina Draft Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Ordinance 12/15/2019 Purpose and Intent The purpose of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) is to maximize the potential for alternatives to single occupancy vehicle (SOV) automobile transportation to reduce traffic congestion, mitigate the impact of auto emissions on the environment, and promote health. TDM is a combination of information, services, resources, incentives, facilities and actions that promote alternatives to SOV automobile trips. The intent of this ordinance is to ensure that new developments and redevelopments are designed in ways to support TDM. Applicability Recognizing development size and land use type directly affect automobile traffic congestion, the City has established two levels of TDM program applicability: A Tier 1 TDM program is required for all new developments and redevelopments consisting of: 1. Developments where the City Code requires the provision of more than 100 automobile parking spaces. 2. Redevelopments where the resulting number of automobile parking spaces is more than 100. 3. Mixed use or multi-family residential housing developments greater than 50 units. 4. Developments or redevelopments seeking flexibility from the standard City Code parking requirements. A Tier 2 TDM program is required for: 1. Developments and redevelopments with over 5,000 square feet in floor area, provided a Tier 1 TDM program is not required. 2. Developments and redevelopments consisting of 10 or more residential units or where City Code requires 20 or more parking spaces, provided a Tier 1 TDM program is not required. TDM Plan Requirements Mandatory TDM plan requirements for the two levels are as follows: Tier 1 TDM Programs shall include: 2 DRAFT 11/1719 1. A TDM study prepared by a qualified traffic consultant that includes: a. The projected transportation and parking impacts of the development at full site development, forecasts of SOV trips generated and the likely timing of those trips, and anticipated parking demand. The traffic study must be conducted in accordance with accepted methodology approved by the Community Development Director or the Director’s designee. The traffic study must be prepared by an independent traffic engineering professional, selected by the City, under the supervision of the Community Development Director or the Director’s designee, and paid for by the applicant. b. Impact of other planned developments in the area consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and approved Small Area Plans. 2. A Three-Year TDM plan, prepared by the property owner in the format specified in the TDM Policies and Procedures Document (Note*** Need this document finalized) maintained by the Community Development Director or otherwise in a format approved by the Director or the Director’s designee, describing: a. Goals, including peak and total SOV trip reduction goals. b. Strategies, implementation measures, and timeline. The TDM measures may include, but are not limited to, on-site transit facilities, preferential location for managed carpool and vanpool parking, telework, on-site bicycle, scooter and pedestrian facilities and financial incentives. c. Anticipated SOV trip reduction d. Compliance with Edina Code of Ordinances Sec. 36 – 1274 to provide off-street bicycle parking and other required elements. e. Evaluation measures and process to track implementation and determine the effectiveness of the TDM strategies and progress toward achieving the SOV trip reduction goals. f. Proposed total expenditures to implement the TDM strategies. 3. A TDM plan agreement prepared by the City Attorney’s office, executed by the property owner and the City, and filed by the property owner with the records for that property in the Registrar of Title’s or Recorder’s Office of Hennepin County with proof thereof presented to the issuing Authority prior to issuance of a building permit. Note*** need legal review 4. A Financial Guarantee in the amount established by the TDM ordinance based on the scope of the project. 5. Periodic status updates, as required by the City (at least annually) in the format specified in the TDM Policies and Procedures Document maintained by the Community Development 3 DRAFT 11/1719 Director, or otherwise approved by the Director or the Director’s designee, hereinafter referred to as the “Annual Status Report”. Tier 2 TDM Program shall include: 1. A TDM Plan describing: a. Goals, including SOV trip reduction goals. b. Strategies, implementation measures, and timeline. c. Compliance with Edina Code of Ordinances Sec. 36 – 1274 to provide off-street bicycle parking and other required elements. Tier 1 TDM Plan Financial Guarantee To ensure compliance, when a Tier 1 TDM Plan is required, the property owner shall provide a financial guarantee prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. 1. The financial guarantee rate will be $100 per parking space for new developments and $100 per added parking space for redevelopments. The financial guarantee may be provided in the form of cash, bond or letter of credit at the discretion of the City. 2. The City will retain the cash payment, bond, or letter of credit for three years from the date of issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. This date shall hereinafter be referred to as the “TDM Plan Implementation Date”. Administration Prior to granting a building permit there must be an approved TDM plan. Prior to granting a Certificate of Occupancy the building owner must demonstrate that they have complied with any structural elements of the TDM Plan required prior to occupancy unless an extension has been granted at the discretion of the Community Development Director. The Community Development Director, or the Director’s designee will administer Tier 1 and Tier 2 TDM Plans, including, but not limited to: 1. Reviewing and approving of TDM plans. 2. Maintaining files for approved TDM plans. 3. Recommending approval for Certificates of Occupancy. 4. Monitoring progress toward implementation of TDM strategies and evaluating success of efforts to achieve TDM plan goals. 5. Approving any amendments after the TDM plan has been approved. 4 DRAFT 11/1719 6. Determining compliance in implementing a Tier 1 TDM plan as this relates to the release or forfeiture of financial guarantees. 7. Holding and releasing TDM financial guarantees for Tier 1 TDM Plans. Compliance Tier 1 A property owner or its successors and assigns must: 1. Demonstrate compliance with the TDM Plan’s building and site structural elements and a good faith effort to implement administrative and behavioral strategies described in an approved TDM Plan. 2. Provide a TDM Annual Status Report within 30 days of the one-year, two-year and three-year anniversary dates of the TDM Plan Implementation Date (or more frequently if required by the City). The Annual Status Report must include at least the following: 1. Documentation of the implementation of TDM strategies listed in the approved TDM Plan. 2. Documentation of annual expenditures made to implement TDM strategies. 3. An evaluation of the success of planned strategies based on the measures in the approved TDM plan or on alternative measures proposed by the owner and approved at the discretion of the Community Development Director. Tier 2 A property owner or its successors and assigns must: 1. Demonstrate compliance with the TDM Plan’s building and site structural elements and a good faith effort to implement administrative and behavioral strategies described in an approved Tier 2 TDM Plan. Release of the Tier 1 TDM Plan Financial Guarantee The financial guarantee, less 10% retained as administrative fees, will be returned after three years (or any extension granted) if the TDM program has, in the opinion of the Community Development Director or designee, been successfully implemented. The Community Development Director will also have the discretion to release a portion of the financial guarantee once structural elements have been completed and may extend the term of a Tier 1 TDM Plan for up to one year. 5 DRAFT 11/1719 The TDM financial guarantee will be released to the property owner within 10 working days once released by the Community Development Director or the Director’s designee. Forfeiture of the Tier 1 TDM Financial Guarantee Failure to comply with the provisions of an approved Tier 1 TDM Plan after three years (or after any extension granted) constitutes a violation of this Section of the City Code. The following may, at the discretion of the Community Development Director, be considered a failure to comply: (1) Not satisfactorily implementing the TDM Plan’s building and site structural elements. (2) Failure to submit timely Annual Status Reports. (3) Not demonstrating a good faith effort to implement the approved TDM Plan strategies set forth in their approved Tier 1 TDM Plan. If the Community Development Director, or the Director’s designee, determines during the review of the Annual Status Reports that the failure to implement the elements of the TDM Plan is attributable to a lack of good faith effort on the part of the property owner, or its successors and assigns, the financial guarantee will be immediately forfeited to the City. Forfeited financial guarantees, less the 10% administrative fee, shall be distributed to Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Fund. Note*** Other considerations: Should we include a point system for evaluating TDM plans in the TDM Policies and Procedures Handbook? Transportation Demand Management Presentation to City Council Work Session April 7, 2020 Priorities for TDM in the 2018 Comp Plan •Minimize the impacts of the transportation system on Edina’s environment and neighborhood quality of life and emphasize methods to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. •Reduce the overall dependence on and use of single-occupant vehicles by promoting land use patterns that allow for shorter vehicular trips and the use of alternative travel options. Promote a travel demand management (TDM) program through a coordinated program of regulations, marketing, and provision of alternative workplace and travel options. •Develop and manage parking provision to encourage joint and shared use of facilities, ride-sharing (car pools and van pools), and bicycle parking. The TDM committee: •Bruce McCarthy - ETC •Kirk Johnson - ETC •Bocar Kane - ETC •Susan Lee – Planning Commission •Lou Miranda – Planning Commission •Melissa Madison, Exec. Director 494 Commission •Council member Mary Brindle -Advisor The Charge to the Transportation Commission: Chair/co-chair a cross-commission committee to review Travel Demand Management (TDM) options and recommend a TDM policy or ordinance for Council consideration. TDM Committee Process •Review TDM Ordinances and strategies from other cities •Boulder, CO, Sunnyvale, CA, Portland, OR, etc. •Bloomington, MN •Review of 494 Commission recommendations •Developer input meeting •Philip Cattanach (OPUS) •Alexander Leuthner (Frauenshuh) •Melissa Duce (Doran Development) •Written comments from Ted Carlson (Orion Investments) •Draft reviews with ETC Draft TDM Ordinance Key Features •Includes commercial, mixed use, and residential developments and redevelopments •Requirements based on scale •Tier 1 •Developments/redevelopments with > 100 required parking spaces •Mixed use/residential developments with > 50 units •Tier 2 •Developments/redevelopments with over 5,000 sq. ft. in floor area •Developments/redevelopments with > 20 required parking spaces or consisting of 10 or more residential units Draft TDM Ordinance Key Features Tier 1 Requirements 1. TDM study – independent consultant selected by city, to include impact of other planned developments, Comp Plan, and Small Area Plans 2. 3 Year TDM Plan •Goals •Strategies, implementation measures, and timeline •Evaluation measures 3. TDM Plan Agreement that includes the transferability of the obligation to a new owner. 4. Financial Guarantee •$100 per new/additional parking spaces 5. Periodic status reports to the City Draft TDM Ordinance Key Features Tier 2 Requirements 1. A TDM Plan •Goals •Strategies, implementation measures, and timeline 2. Demonstrate compliance with TDM plan building and structural elements and a good faith effort to implement strategies described in the plan Draft TDM Ordinance Key Questions 1. Is the scale right for Tier 1 and 2? 2. Are the requirements appropriate related to City goals? 3. Do the financial guarantees incent compliance without being overly burdensome? 4. Can we ensure transferability of obligation under the ordinance? 5. Ordinance vs guideline?