HomeMy WebLinkAbout474THIS INONTLaB Made this day of January, A.D.,1924 by and between
The Minneapolis & St Paul Suburban Railroad CompwW, a Minnesota c orporat ion,party
of the first part, and the Village of 11dina, a Municipal dorporation, party of the
second part:
aWITNESSETHt, That the said party of the first part in c onsideration of
the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration to it in hand paid
by said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does
hereby grant, bargain ,sell,remise,release,quit claim and convey unto the said
party of the
second part, forever,
all the following tract
or parcel of
land lying
and being in
the Bounty of Hennepin
and State of Minnesota,
being that
tract or
parcel of land situated in Section Thirty (30), Township One Seventeen (117) North,
R1aWe Twenty -one (21) Neat and described as follows, to -wit;
"Apiece of land bounded on the gouth by the North line of block
Seven (7) Test Minneapolis Heights, according to the recorded plat there-
of on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and
for Hennepin. Qounty,Minnes ota; on the test by the East side of First
venue East in said West Minneapolis Heights; Qn the North by a straight
nine drawn from the Northwest Oorner of said Section Thirty (80) to the
Northwest Corner of block jix (6) and on the East by the West line of
Second Avenue Bast, all in said West Minneapolis Heights Addition; said
land being deeded for the use and purposes of a public street"
TO HAVE AUD TO HOLD the above gViit claimed premises together:_with
all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any way pppertain-
Ing as long as the same is used for a public highway and in case of abandonment or
vacation of said highway the same to revert to the grantor herein.
IN TESTIZIONY WHvMOP, The said party of the first part has caused these
presents to Ibe executed by its �<u c_�� and and its
corporate seal to be hereunto affixed the day and year first above written.
Signed,Sealed and Delivered in TE
Presence of,-
ounty of Hennepin }
On this 3 ) day of January, A. Do 9195_ � _ ,bef ore
me, a Notary Public within and for said 0 ounty, personally appeared
%- and & to me personally Down, who,
being each by me duly sworn did say that they are respectively the ---*-
and the of The Minneapolis;., &' St, Paul
Suburban Railroad Company, the corporation named in the foregoing insbrunent, and
that the seal affixed tc said instrunent is the corporate seal of said ,corporation,
and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation;,I,;y
authtrity of its Board of Directors and said
and said �,� acknowledged said ibstrunent to be the
free act and deed of said corporation.
Notary Public Hennepin I�Iountt,-Zinnesota
My Commission Expires \
J. E. Murray, Notary Public, xe nnepinz is junty, TvlinV'
My Counnission Expires January 2, 193Q.
•om: Legal De
St.Pau l That tract or yea reel lof land ei
)an Railroad Go.Township One Seventeen (117); PTO',
and described as follows, to -wily
the South by the North line of b
Heights, according to the record
record in the office of the Re*gi.
County, Minnesota; on the Vest b
East in sriid West Minneapolis He
lin- dr 7-n from the Yorthi%re -st Cc
to the Northwest Corner of block
lest line of Second Avenue, East,
Heights Addition; said land beir
of a public street"
eotion 'mirty ksU), For Public Hig}
Twenty -one (21) West
e of land bounded on-
(7) West Minneapolis'
ereo£ on file and of
eds in and for Hetnnepin�
si d® of First Avenue
the North by a strai get
ic; Section Thirty (30)
nd on the. East by the
id West Minneapolis
or the use aemd purposss
13 11121 MUMS Made this «..,,,...tUW of 3 rv,, +i.D, X1924 1W and bat'v9s�!'
The MiMeapolls & 3% Paul r uburb" Railroad G=pmV, a MX# sots oftoporation p ty
Of U-0 first part, and the Village of -Mina* a 'die ipal for orationy party of the
second psrti
41 ' 1,2 3M That OW, said party oL V*8 first pur't in c=al ration of
the sm of One Dollar ( 100) and oth r valuable +oonvideration to It in hand Paid
by said party Of the second part, the receipt whersof in herAW acknovIedged, does
hereby gray t, bargain, sell aremts*.r :,, J asa. quit claim and o vey unto tt* :said
party of the o0earad pjrt, core r, all the f')lloving tmot or peel of land lying
and b+aixg in 08 CountY of Tronnopin and Mate of ran(M ota, b9irg that tr&ct or
parcel of land situated In 3ection Thirty (30), .)wwJhip -:;ono Seaventser. (117) Xorth,
RS"VO rcntg- 0 (21) '100t and deseribed as follows, to-Witt
"A ple0e -iP land b0=40d on tb 0uth by ate North line of block
30VOn (1) 1,708t mir.neapaliz Frei hts, wcording to the raCordsad plat there-
of ou file and of record in t.ho o ='Flee, of the HOR.Jator of Deeds In and
tar Remmpin s t t: , ir::narsots an the `:rent by t) a '.4,ast aido of ?Irat
VOWS .';s3 t In Said -eta t 'i$.nrnca col le He i ti'te; on the '"orth by s, s trs igb t
line - x'r;am the 5orthwwt Corner 3C 2aid 3action TIArty ( ) to the
ortheest Corrvir of blowt 3i (6 ) and On tIM st by the ' ast line or
e03rad AvOuu* ;past, all in said Usst !41nnoa!-oiis HeIghts AdMtion; eai.d .
lazA bad daeded for the use and purposes of a ubl la street"
TFI1Ll) Niim above r1tit 1iL411+{ tied pi'(imIge,a itN✓,, .,x1 .
411 the heM,",'1tamftt# and appurten avea therountO bQloURUW or In mW Wsw 'pppertai,n-
ing as ltd as the SaMo is used for a public tz 39h� °ay and in case of aba on nt or
'rraaaetiz)u as said 1z:0 aY, the sum to re►vt�rt to t o grantor heroin*
S� yry s said party of tho rie -at port has aaussrci thecae
Presents to be Oxecuted by its and and I to
c0roorate 8841 to be harouato a,. rixed tFaaa dAy aid year first aboNre written,
Sid ned,Jeal.cdl and .t. elivored In IM:31 a +�,�ix.a °, #c��'.a'� 13 & ���'T �FI.�;: 'u��Bi' B,'� ' �G« %I Tx t�1 �y i"-'"�
.3ra�sexxs�e oi',..
OuTz Ow "Irr"- On )
) as
,-*%mt.v of IT*nnqpIA J
04 this day of J#nU=T• A.D. are
me, a Notary Public within arA far said 00DAV, parsinally appoared
and, to me personally Xn".n, wo.
being eseh by We ftly worn did any that they are respeetively the
and th-0 �Or the MunMapolis 6 St Paul
ftburb*n Railroad Glamparg,, the owporation namd In the rorrag-Arg Ins-trWqz*, and
that the seal affix9d V� oald instrwent is the eorporOe seal of sald corporatiola,
and that sold Instrtvaent vras signed and sealed In behalf of ,raid corporation by
avthfirity of Its Board oC Direetors and said
and said �—aa)cnowledged said ibstrumont to 1-ae the
free sat and deed of said earporation.
Rotary Pubile
MY Commission T-br-'Aras