WHWASI, a majority of the owners of the lam abutting on the allay
hsreinafter described in the Village of Edina, Hennepin County,
3dausee ta, hwm petitioned for the vacation of said alley; and
WMEAS, QRS (2) wsak*s publisbsd notice and poste is* of a bearing
to be had an said petition on August 890 1947 at GOO P.N.,, bas been
given and aads, and a bearing has boon had thereon by the Village Cesssill
NOW'O U&MMIM 83 IT RMLVID by the Tillage Coueail of the village of
Edix&$ in n CoontYs ximoota* that
Mmt sortads alley running in a early and southerly Arselies
and leg between the easterly line or lots Con () to 8i: is
insiusives, li2ook Rierres (n), Mondelssohn Addition and the Westerly
Use of lots Seven. (4) and Eight (O )o Block s (12)s, i ovAeissehe
Addition to hersbr va"tedl proAded that said villap onseptn frna
t s of eu pr0000dng and reserves auto itself and its assigns
an easement for all poblie utility purposes, inalading, without
Uniting the general nature of said reservattcn, an easonant fbr
electric, gas,, serer, water, and tolephAsto equipment en, error, and
under the center ten feet in width of the alley hereby vaeato&*
MRIM e �
deed this the 88th day of August# 1967*
2 -5s;5
f _
rs$urta 4i�cASntG nisi
M�6A8, a nEajoriLy or the ewlaers of the land abutting an the Epley hereinafter
dosoribed- in the Village of Edina, Hemepdn 060114Y, Minnssouil hors petitioned for the
vacation of said alley; and '
ii1�R6A8+t acs (1) weekis published notice and pasted notice of A. hearing to be had
an said petltian ca August 230 1947, at 8s00 P. K., and has been given and tirade, and a
hearing has been had thereon by the Village Council;
MOM, TH®B KU W IT. RS3WW by Us Village Council of the Village of Edina,
Hennepin Comity, Uzaota, that
That eertsfi alley running in a Northerly and Southerly direction and lying
between the Raere:ls lime of 9mts am (1 to Sic (6) inalmolve, Block Eleven
(11), . ltuld02*mq st Addition and ;the 1(i1EtW17:-Une of lots seven (7) and eight
(8), Mock �Leirwa (ll), ltrodilseoha Addition fs ha6eby vacated; provided that
said Village excepts from this vacation iwoceeding and reserves mato !itself
Gall its sssigme -am emmm * for all public 'utility purposed, including, • with -
out- Uniting the general nature of em. .revervatiaa, an easement for electric,
gas, aeW,'waaer, and telephone equipment-on, over, and under the center teas
feet in width of the alley hereby vacated.
Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Roilcall there were
three ayes and no nayr, as follcwes Child, aye; Hawthorne, &ye; and Walson, aye;
and the 4esolution was adopted.
President Pro Teti of the V1114841 GOWAII
AT?Zff t
Smiled) im age Clerk
STATE OF lQlitiB90TA )
COJWT : of .�1N�PDi
Gretchen Schgsaler, du],y appointed and acting papnty Village Clerk of the
Village Of $diate,.:Hennepdn Country. ILlnnescta, do. hereby certify that the above
i Resolution is a true and aorr"t -coppi of:.the•ResbIgUoa adopted at the Regular
Keeling of the:. Edina' Village Council held_liondey,. August 25, 1947, as recorded in
the..0ffieial liipgtres of this. :Villages
MY HAND and the Official V al, this.26th day ol" t r, 1948.
; :., t Deputy Village Cleric
Ci�lw� fM rl lxd on the 29 day It OCT X Q 190