HomeMy WebLinkAbout504AMENDED EXAMINER'S DIRECTIVE TO REGISTRAR OF TITLES (Adding Land in Vacated Street /Alley) Pursuant to Minn. Stat. §508.73, subd. 2, the Registrar of Titles, upon the prior filing of a certified copy of R. T. Doc. No. 2719438, is hereby directed to show by memorial upon Certificate of Title No. 1062052 that there is added to the land description contained therein the following described land: That part of the West half of the vacated alley, dedicated in Block 2, "Brookline 1St Addition ", which lies between the easterly extensions of the north and south lines of said Lot 11, subject to an easement for public utility purposes in favor of the City of Edina, as reserved in R. T. Doc. No. 2719438. And in future Certificates of Title issued for lands described in said Certificate of Title, the Registrar place said added land description and easement reservation in the body of the Certificate of Title and omit the memorial of said vacation resolution and the memorial of this Directive. Edward A. Bock, Jr., Examiner of Titles Date: April 26, 2001 Donald H. Nordstrom Deputy Examiner of Titles �'33f35882co�:� x W 0 CrT, M ...., Cr 471 r;70Pn M -t Z C13 h M --I C �� M ` \ ` G r -d � > G O D S M M t 2001 -54 AMENDED EXAMINER'S DIRECTIVE TO REGISTRAR OF TITLES (Adding Land in Vacated Street /Alley) Pursuant to Minn. Stat. §508.73, subd. 2, the Registrar of Titles, upon the prior filing of a certified copy of R. T. Doc. No. 2719438, is hereby directed to show by memorial upon Certificate of Title No. 1062052 that there is added to the land description contained therein the following described land: That part of the West half of the vacated alley, dedicated in Block 2, "Brookline 1St Addition ", which lies between the easterly extensions of the north and south lines of said Lot 11, subject to an easement for public utility purposes in favor of the City of Edina, as reserved in R. T. Doc. No. 2719438. And in future Certificates of Title issued for lands described in said Certificate of Title, the Registrar place said added land description and easement reservation in the body of the Certificate of Title and omit the memorial of said vacation resolution and the memorial of this Directive. Edward A. Bock, Jr., Examiner of Titles Date: April 26, 2001 Donald H. Nordstrom Deputy Examiner of Titles ` 1 In X cn h� �! Q V yr 2'719438 M 516 FAt;E390 CkiTIy13b -OPT Av'SO'LU'iI0)`t 4AC1TIDiG ALL>r7C5 . ......... .. We, the Undersigned. C. J. CWSTOPM, President and BO'r= HAWTUOUT, Village C , leek of oY the 7i a ge 1I of Edina, Hennepin County, t ins allots, DO UERMY CERTIrY that at the rerular meeting of the Pillage Council of the Village of Edina duly called rind held at the Village; hall in the Pilla.re of Edina on the 24th dcLV of November, 1947, the foll.otifing - reaoluti.on - -waa duly adontod by the majority vote. of 'amid .nillape .Council, to -wits 11. MAS, a majority of the owners of the land catnat ,inr, on the alleys 'rnreinafter described, in the 7i11aPe of Edina, Hennepin County, llinnenota, have petitioned for tale vacation of avid alleys; and ,910:'etdAS, one week's rnablished notice and posted notice of hearing to be had on a41d petitions on November 24, 1947, at 8:0.0 P.11. , has been given and made,; said a ILPRrinr; has bean had thereon by the Village Council, 1TV,/ T:9:;WOR2, BX IT 'RZSOLVXD by the Villar,e Council on the Vill u►e of Edina, Hennepin County, Hir.nnro ►.a, that Thoso certain alleys describod mart followal 1. Tliat cortain alley running in a nortl.erly tint: !,WUtl nrl .,r 4iroction anet lyin;-betwecn the westerly lot line of Lots Onij (1) to Fi ?ht (rj) inclusive, Bloc!: Onn (1) , Broddine First Addition, And the oar.terly lot lino of Lots .:ins (9) and Snvnntecn (17), Block One (1) Brookline runt A!ditlon; (Korth- S•arth 1►1ley ')e-twevn Beard nrd C.howrn -;7th to "ath St.) �. That cortairs allay rwu.inr, in a northnrly and noutl.erly eire•ctirin rnel 1 {in., oetwn•;.n he wonterly lot line or Lots One (1) to Scvon (7J inclusivo, Bloex Two ('I), 3oltinmlthrn ALidi- tton, Lotn One (1) S-) four ( ?e) inclt,nivo, 81nck 2, Brookline First A'1.:ltion, send Lot Seven (7) Blpcl: 2, Abercrombie's Lidi- ;�� _ L tian, •tind the oxatrrly- lot line --uf Lots. SS ;lst ( &) to- Eleven �A? X4'..(11) inclusive, 91-cck 7,, Abercro:abin'e A'tiition, Lots Five (5), {( Six (6) , and Snron (7), Bloc% ?, Brookline first Addition, .w,v Itot Elritt (C), Block Goldemitl,'r AdditLon, and Lots Aio.ht (s) to Eleven (11) inclusive, Block 2, Brookline first Addition, (North -South Alley botworn Chowen and Drew -57th to 53th St.) 3. That cartxin alley ru=iar, in a northerly and rutherlf diroctlon and lyinr, betwoon the westerly lot line of Lots One (1) to Sevnra (7) inclusive, Block Ooldomith's A141 tion and Lots One (1) to five (5). Block j, Drookline 71rst Addition, wnd the eanterly lot 1 anon of Lotr L'lebt (0) And Ying ( ) , block ), Aborcromblasn Addition, Lots Six (6) to N1116 (9 tnoluelve, Blnck ), Drookline first Addition, anti Lots Xi4ht (8) to Fourtoon (14) inclusive, Block 3, 0oldnmithls kitlitionj (Morth - South Alley between Drew end Vein -57th to 56th St.) ahnll. be, +end hereby are vncated; provided that said Yillsyle excepts from thin vacation Tirocendinr '. n And rnservs unto itsW and its sauna an eweomont for 1 puUlic utility purnooen, includin•;, without limitinr, the ,.annral. nature of 4! nid reaervntlon, an eaaemont for rinctrio, gas, sower, water, And tole. ,}eons eni ipment, on, over at,d under the' aenterX)fnot in vidth of oath of chn al leye �J hereby vnarttr.d, 1 E , • . w ;z W u.� m c� L4 I a A UC Q w C/3 w ' 0 Ir Q d V 10 a�a ,MATE O, MiNFtJESOTA, COUNTY OF HEN "PIN Ce!± t., b� a tene and co;rect co, y of ins crlgMal 01) fil., and of rocord inn -y office APR 18 2001 MICHAEL H. CUNNIF F, REGISTRAR OF TITLES 11 90- Lj e We, the Undersigned. C. J. CWSTOPM, President and BO'r= HAWTUOUT, Village C , leek of oY the 7i a ge 1I of Edina, Hennepin County, t ins allots, DO UERMY CERTIrY that at the rerular meeting of the Pillage Council of the Village of Edina duly called rind held at the Village; hall in the Pilla.re of Edina on the 24th dcLV of November, 1947, the foll.otifing - reaoluti.on - -waa duly adontod by the majority vote. of 'amid .nillape .Council, to -wits 11. MAS, a majority of the owners of the land catnat ,inr, on the alleys 'rnreinafter described, in the 7i11aPe of Edina, Hennepin County, llinnenota, have petitioned for tale vacation of avid alleys; and ,910:'etdAS, one week's rnablished notice and posted notice of hearing to be had on a41d petitions on November 24, 1947, at 8:0.0 P.11. , has been given and made,; said a ILPRrinr; has bean had thereon by the Village Council, 1TV,/ T:9:;WOR2, BX IT 'RZSOLVXD by the Villar,e Council on the Vill u►e of Edina, Hennepin County, Hir.nnro ►.a, that Thoso certain alleys describod mart followal 1. Tliat cortain alley running in a nortl.erly tint: !,WUtl nrl .,r 4iroction anet lyin;-betwecn the westerly lot line of Lots Onij (1) to Fi ?ht (rj) inclusive, Bloc!: Onn (1) , Broddine First Addition, And the oar.terly lot lino of Lots .:ins (9) and Snvnntecn (17), Block One (1) Brookline runt A!ditlon; (Korth- S•arth 1►1ley ')e-twevn Beard nrd C.howrn -;7th to "ath St.) �. That cortairs allay rwu.inr, in a northnrly and noutl.erly eire•ctirin rnel 1 {in., oetwn•;.n he wonterly lot line or Lots One (1) to Scvon (7J inclusivo, Bloex Two ('I), 3oltinmlthrn ALidi- tton, Lotn One (1) S-) four ( ?e) inclt,nivo, 81nck 2, Brookline First A'1.:ltion, send Lot Seven (7) Blpcl: 2, Abercrombie's Lidi- ;�� _ L tian, •tind the oxatrrly- lot line --uf Lots. SS ;lst ( &) to- Eleven �A? X4'..(11) inclusive, 91-cck 7,, Abercro:abin'e A'tiition, Lots Five (5), {( Six (6) , and Snron (7), Bloc% ?, Brookline first Addition, .w,v Itot Elritt (C), Block Goldemitl,'r AdditLon, and Lots Aio.ht (s) to Eleven (11) inclusive, Block 2, Brookline first Addition, (North -South Alley botworn Chowen and Drew -57th to 53th St.) 3. That cartxin alley ru=iar, in a northerly and rutherlf diroctlon and lyinr, betwoon the westerly lot line of Lots One (1) to Sevnra (7) inclusive, Block Ooldomith's A141 tion and Lots One (1) to five (5). Block j, Drookline 71rst Addition, wnd the eanterly lot 1 anon of Lotr L'lebt (0) And Ying ( ) , block ), Aborcromblasn Addition, Lots Six (6) to N1116 (9 tnoluelve, Blnck ), Drookline first Addition, anti Lots Xi4ht (8) to Fourtoon (14) inclusive, Block 3, 0oldnmithls kitlitionj (Morth - South Alley between Drew end Vein -57th to 56th St.) ahnll. be, +end hereby are vncated; provided that said Yillsyle excepts from thin vacation Tirocendinr '. n And rnservs unto itsW and its sauna an eweomont for 1 puUlic utility purnooen, includin•;, without limitinr, the ,.annral. nature of 4! nid reaervntlon, an eaaemont for rinctrio, gas, sower, water, And tole. ,}eons eni ipment, on, over at,d under the' aenterX)fnot in vidth of oath of chn al leye �J hereby vnarttr.d, 1 E , • . w ;z W u.� m c� L4 I a A UC Q w C/3 w ' 0 Ir Q d V 10 a�a ,MATE O, MiNFtJESOTA, COUNTY OF HEN "PIN Ce!± t., b� a tene and co;rect co, y of ins crlgMal 01) fil., and of rocord inn -y office APR 18 2001 MICHAEL H. CUNNIF F, REGISTRAR OF TITLES 11 90- Lj I 4 f. 27 510 mu-391 IN WaTms Wmam we hnvo'caused this" instrument to be execiited . by the President and the Village Clerk, roe . poctt-,917, of the Yills'" of %din&. and have hereunto affixed the corporate seal this ?Ath day of STATZ W HINMOTA SS COUM or HE MIPIN vlllin 07 EDINA 0 Pr. Ld4 L the j I I �.,. of. Tillade Co6cil 7 *so e***.** O-p o*0 *0 v,*** se,orfl* **0 On this 24th day of November; 1947, 'Kptore me, a, Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared C. J. CHRISTOPM and B(Yd'XR HAWTHOMM, to me rmrannally, known. who, beisle, each by me duly sworn, they did may that they are respectively the President and the Clerk of the adnth Vf -pl;kg—tn�Oampnt, A hs,t the corporate seal of said Villar,*. and that Said instrument was *14nocl and sealed in behalf of acid Villa" , by authority of the Villa& Council, and aid C. J. 01CRISTOACER and WUR ►THOM Ro'crtowletigod taLd Inatmuent to "'fvre act and deed of said Village Council. I 24 F at for record on the 17 day of MAR A. D. 1948 1. at J? . o'clock P M. TRANSFER ENTERED HENNEPIN COUNTY TAXPAYER $ERVIOM JUN 18 1996 tP -PIN COUNTY MINN. BY DEPUTY 27-19438 VEGISTERED VOL.a?." PAGE of THE Affilri RAR bF hTLES ilt-NNEPIN VJMY, MINNESOTA CKATIMb FILE-:D om JUN 2 71996 REGISTRAR OF TITLES By, DEPUTV 1 I RESOLUTION VACATING ALLEY WFMUAS, a majority of the owners of the land abutting on the alleys hereinafter described, in the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Fiinresota,, have petitioned for the vacation of said alleys; and VHMEAS, one week's published notice and posted notice of a hearing to be had on said petitions on November ?4. 1947, at S OO F.M., has been given and made; and a hAaring has been had thereon by the Villas Council, NO1,4 THEREFORE, LN IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the 'Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that Those certain alleys described as follows: 1. That certain alley running In a northerly and southerly direction and lying between the westerly lot line of Lots One (1) to Right (8) inclusive, Block One (1). Brookline First Addition, and the easterly lot Line of Lots mine (9) and Seventeen (17), Block One (1) Brookline First addition; 2. That certain alley rtznn ug in a northerly and southerly direction and lying between the westerly lot fine of Lots.One (1) to Seven. (7) inclusive, Block 2, Goldsmith's Addition, Lots One (1) to Four (4) inclusive, Block 2, Brookline First Addition, and Lot Seven (7) Brock 2, Abercrombietw Addition, and the easterly lot line of Lots Eight (8) to Eleven (11) inclusive, Block 2. Abercrombie's Addition, Lots Five (5), Sias (b), and Seven (7), Block 2, Brookline First Addition, Lot Eight (8), Block 2, Aoldsmithts Addition., and Lots Eight (8) to Eleven. (11) inclusive, Block, 2, Brookline First Addition; 3. That certain alley running in a northerly and southerly �J � t on and lying between the westerly lot line of Lots One (1) to Seyren (7) inclusive, :, o dsmithts Addition and Lots One (1) to Five (5), Block 3, Brookline First :Addition, and the easterly lot lines of bats Eight (8) and Nine (9), Block 3, Abercrombie's Addition, Dots Six (b) to Nine (9) inclusive, Block 3 , Brookline First .Addition, and Lots Eight (8) to Fourteen (14) inclusive, Block 3, Goldsmith's Addition; shall be, and hereby are vacated; provided that said Village excepts from this vacation proceedings and reserves unto itself and its assigns an easement for all public utility purposes, including, without limiting the general nature of said reservation, an easement for electric, gas, sewer, water, and telephone equipment, on, over and under the center teen feet in width of each of the alleys hereby vacated. ATTNST: President of the Village Council Village Clerk ~33f35882 C-) o Gz Cri Z on 5 o00 m IU 1 Mme_ v .- m Q Cp J3 Plft C3 Fn 0J n F +•. C --I O r„ > N M Zo : D:E M m z 2007 -54 AMENDED EXAMINER'S DIRECTIVE TO REGISTRAR OF TITLES (Adding Land in Vacated Street /Alley) Pursuant to Minn. Stat. §508.73, subd. 2, the Registrar of Titles, upon the prior filing of a certified copy of R. T. Doc. No. 2719438, is hereby directed to show by memorial upon Certificate of Title No. 1062052 that there is added to the land description contained therein the following described land: That part of the West half of the vacated alley, dedicated in Block 2, "Brookline ls` Addition ", which lies between the easterly extensions of the north and south lines of said Lot 11, subject to an easement for public utility purposes in favor of the City of Edina, as reserved in R. T. Doc. No. 2719438. And in future Certificates of Title issued for lands described in said Certificate of Title, the Registrar place said added land description and easement reservation in the body of the Certificate of Title and omit the memorial of said vacation resolution and the memorial of this Directive. Edward A. Bock, Jr., Examiner of Titles Date: April 26, 2001 L�7-� WzLe�� Donald H. Nordstrom Deputy Examiner of Titles � 2719488 q� V 0z �t Z o 516 FAGE390 .. _ 01!lFTIei>ED COi�Y Or $ESQLV'a•ION PACITIIPG ALL.''YS . ry • We, the Undersigned. C. J. CFiRISTOFM, President and 1. BO'VW KAWTIMN>C, Village Clerk of the Village of Sdina, Hennepin County, t ins .,ota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that at the rerular meetinn, of the Village Council of the Village of ]Cdina duly called and held at the Vi l l age: ilai all in the Village of Edina on the 24th dc�, of November, 10,47, the following rASOlution -r+aa 4,:1y adontod by the majority vote of e.aisl. Tillage .Council, to -Witt W *.MREAS, a majority of the owners of the land a'aut tine; on the alleys hnreinafter described, in the Tillage of Edina, Hennepin County, ldinnesota, have petitioned for the vacation of said alleys; and d',0R:dAS, one week's ?published notice and posted notice of hearing to be had on said petitions on November cu, 1947, at 3:00 P.M., has bean p iven and made.; atld a llrPrine, hats bean had thereon by the Village Council, 11TCU T.Lgr FORZ, BE IT'RESOLVXD by the VillaP,e Council on the Vi11 u;e of Ulna, Hennepin County, Xir.nnr-oka, that Thoso certain alleys described nr, follownt 1. Ti;:tt certain alley running in a northerly n:t,: +.+,v.ti nrly li ,r.-ction and lyin;-betwetn the westerly lot, lino of Lots Onei (1) to Fi -,,ht (r) inclusive, Bloc!; Onn (1), BrodAine firRt% Addition, -Lnd thi, rar.Larly lot lino of Lots ::inr (9) and Snvnntecn (17), Block One (1) Br-oo'rline Tarot Addition; (Forth- S•+uth Ailey 'r -twevn BnarC-, snit C,howen -57th to "sth St.) :. That certain alloy =u.ing, in a porthnrly :end 'nout:.rr17 ?irection rend l {in•� oetwP -:•n the westerly lot line of Lots One (1) to Seven (7J Inclusive. Block Two ( ?), Oo,%'nnith'n Acidi- tine, Lo :z Onc (1) -I Your (4) incl�.r:ivr, 31nc.: w, Brookline on Firrt Ai.'i: ton, and Lot Seven ( "r) Bl�cl: C, Abrrcronbie's A.idi- y `- tian, tihd ti;r ounterly.:ot linn-•uf Lotn. $1 ;ht (8) to- Elavca �� ..(11) inclusive, Blo k 7•, Aborcrombie's L'dition, Lots rive (.5), ' rJ Six (5), and Seven (7) , Bloc.;:., Brookline First Addition, r4ot Eirllt (C), Block 1. 4oldsmitl,'s At1dItIon, And Lots light r (b) to Eleven (11) Inclusive, Block 2, Brookline first Additinn'. (I.nrth -South Alley botworn Chowen and Drew -57th to 58th St.) �. That certain alley runninr, in a northerly and southerl,Y direction and lying, between the westerly lot line of Lots One (1) to 3evon (7) inclunlvo, Block 3, OoldsmWils A.lclition and Lots One (1) to five (5), Block j, Drookline First Addition, +and the eanterly lot lines of Lnta 91rht t0) and Nine (9), block �, Aborcrombiers Addition, Lots Six (6) to Nine (9) inclusive, Block 3, Brookline first Addition, and Lots lto.ht (8) to Fourteen (14) inclusivo, Block 3, doldnmith's Addition= (north - South Alley between Drew rand Xwinr,»57th to 56th St.) shell- be, end horrby are vncatsdl provided that *lid Vill"o excepts from thin vacation procoodings and rmnervs unto. itsdlf and its asmigne an e,aaaraant for -*Al puUlic utility purpoeen, Includin•., without limitlrv, the i,onnrnl- nature of �void reaervntion, an aasomont for electric, oas, sewer, water, nn,l tads. J:one enr i ent, on, over ai,d under the a r stib X)foot in width of aaeh or the al leye l,eroby vnntt�•ri. O C3 CC) CJ c..a w m t� .J Q C w c�G O DC w ' O � Q cre ' e y OA ,. e0N STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF HEN-4"� -PIN Cetfr P,d to be a true and ccrrcrt COPY of the orig,nal on file and of record in my office APR 18 2001 MICHAEL H. CUNNIFF, REGSTRAR OF TITLES ey - � De��aty aba�J) 1 f r:.. Mix 510 >391 IN Wi MS WMM=, we have caused this instrument to be exectiited by the President and the Village Clerk, resj ect rely. of the Yillw of Xdina, and have hereunto affixed the corporate seal this nth - -.. day Of STM 0.* KINMOTA ) ) SS COUNTY Or ii2K:IEPIN } YIT,L GN 07 3DINA 0 n=�- pr. ido ot.the Pillager C ail on this 24th da,Y of November; 1947, before me, a notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared C. J. CHRISTOP>3Nil and 301M HAWTFIORbM, to me neronnally known, who, being, each by roe duly sworn, they did sAy that they are respectively the President and the Clerk of the Yillase gaped in.. the,. fore %oink. 1�5! 4t_.sl,,is ---� -� the corpornte seal of said Tillage. and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of srid Pillage by authority of the Pillage Council, and said C. J. CHRUTOMM and Ba -W iiAWTNOW naknowledaod said Instrument to Pope Rat and deed of said Pillage Council. TRANSFER ENTERED HENNEPIN O"TY TAXPAYER 3ERVIOM f o oyar rr record on the 17 day of 1n A. D. 19+48 ; at .P 94 , O'clock A M. ,JUN 19 1996 ft SPIN COUNTY MINN. 6Y DEPUTY 27-1943,S VEGISTERED VOL-6a" PAGE -21p OFFICE Of THE AVOISTRAR bF hTLES Nt-NNEPIN WUW , MINNESOTA Ofintiftlab FILED ON JUN 2 71996 REGISTRAR OF TITLES —OEPUTV