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........... :oa�" ..... +. ............. .... DEPARTME OF HIGHW (HIG AY EA MEN'S') ; h r ' k ���.......... {..} '� + . \J........ _net... �...� ...�...�:.. ....P V. .�...E.... Y .. ,� ' � 1_ kVVV{"' II i k t0 ........ ...... i f optate of Anntoota, A, County of............... ....:.... ....,......... t; Office of Register of Deeds. 4t YF I hereby certify that the within in- strument was Filed for record in this a office on the ..... ll......... day of.....U�.. } 19...1.., at ... �1....'?..0 o'clock. .M., and that the same was duly recorded inpy� Book.115.55 ...............of .... DlR.l ds..................... At on pafes ....... AQ .... 01.e..... A4, 6 M � 1 ARTHUR R..FERrt... , p,�,j 94 .............................. .............. ........... ................. R r .D,''� COUNT' Y, MANN U B.............................. � Cr . O n. 4 ef.+ O b �* C° .4 O cb" R v P V* N 0 P V:� tia (�ypN n v N N Og P p R � N N No. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Preparedby ................. ..................... ........... Checkedby ................................. I................. HIGHWAY EASEMENT Abbie N. Larsen and Violet Lcuis* Larson ( husband and wif e) Grantor-A., of ................ 'l ¢j� ®11J ........................... ............................... Minnesota, for and in consideration of ................ . One .. w... ®� 7777777777777777 ............................................................................................................. ............................... ........................Dollars ( .+►...........................) receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby convey ... 4 .....and warrant ..... It ...to the ........ T41-am ... !It.. 1diSt ........... ............. •-- •----- ••- - - -• -- grantee, for highway purposes, together with the unrestricted right to improve the same, free and clear of all incum- brances, the following described real estate in the County of ....... 3. 40 2. 11 ..... .............................in the State of Minnesota: .28 4V The .North 30 feet of the North 17.f /3 rods of that part of Go'ermtent Lot S, Booties 339 Township 1179 Range 31, lying West of Bast 1,0�5.555/1000 ,-rods thereof and the Bast 30 feet of the South 356 feet of the-Worth 886 feet of that part of Government Lot 5 lying West of the-Bast 53.555/1000 redg in Section 33, Township 117, Range it ':. 4;.40 'Sti, %lb That part of the South 12.13 reds of the North 58 reds of that part of Government Lot 5, Section 330 Township 117, Range SI, lying West of the best. 53.555/1000 roda._desoribed as follows; Commencing at Northeast corner of above described - trot, thence West along the North line. thereof 30 foot, thence South parallel with the Bast line thereof 14 feet$ thence Southeasterly to .e point, apt the Bast line thereof which is .40 feet South of point of beginning; thence North to point of be ginning. hIMM li a E And the said grantor......... for themselves, their heirs, executors and assigns, do........ covenant never to cut, damage, destroy or remove any tree or shrub or other natural growth upon the hereinbefore described premises for the continu- ance of this easement, and does hereby grant and convey to the __.. Vi4!kfo of Bdisa all grasses, shrubs, trees and natural growth now existing on said lands or that may be hereafter planted or grown hereon. him= lid And the said grantor........, for themselves, their heirs, executors and assigns do........ hereby release the ........... .. ..... _ ..... ._.__ .Vil14ge:..of Sdins its successors and assigns, from all claims for any and all damages resulting to the lands through and across which the parcel of land hereby conveyed is located by reason of the location, grading, construction, maintenance, and use of a public highway over and upon and the removal of materials from the premises hereby conveyed and from the uses incident thereto, and the ....... .... 1l3.4". ... © t.. I.M.A-4 .... ........ ............................................................... --............................................................... shall have the right to use and remove all earth and other materials lying within the parcel of land hereby conveyed and the right to construct and maintain, upon the lands adjoining the parcel hereby conveyed, such portable snow fences dur• in¢ such months as weather conditions make necessary. And the saw .. themselves, their heirs, executors and assig�than ...... f never to con- struct, erect, or maintain or allow or s erson to constr awn any sign or bill board or other advertising device upon the lands adjoining the + oser ne hundre d (100) feet from the said ses re or in writing shall have first been obtained from the . ............................... Datedthis ..............23T $......................:..day of...................... Y............. ..........................19..! x.:... Ira presence of: G fatness .... .......................7....... ........ �....:....... U.:.�=- r�-�.. .... , ............................................................................................... ............................... N O z {kl r m q F Otate of Annezota, sa. Countyof ............................................... ............................... Onthis .................................................. ........................ day of ........................ 19............ before me a .................................:............................................ ............................... .........................within and for said County, personally appeared to me known to be the person .......................... ................ - ,..described in, and who executed the foreffoinf instrument, ......................................................................................................................... ............................... and acknowled _§ed that ......he....'.. executed (See Note) thesame as ........... ............................... free act and deed............................................................................. ............................... (See Note) ................................................................ ............................... .............................. R NotaryPublic, ................. ............................... ........................County, .Minn. f Mycommission expires ....................................... ............................... 19............ Note: The blank lines marked "See Note" are for use when the instrument is executed by an attorney in fact. i N ! fs� 01 AV .00, F V ?.,'4, W ~ O ID O Ol OD N ! fs� 01 Quit Claim Deed Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis Individual to Individual Form No. 27-M Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blanks (1931) �C jfg �r�ber�ture, tirade this ............. ..�.............:. y of................................................................. !r'', a' between ....................!Ad......* ...!..# ... 4 !1......�.......a..:..:........ ............. ............................... of the Count of ..................... ..........and State Of ................. ..:......, part... of the first part, and ... ......... ]WAN ... or.. ►�...�: Ai:.11 ...4 gx.VM% 4W..�!...04........... .. ,14MRa..0...�M %u .4 113naM10tlt .........................................................................:...................:............................. .............................., of'the County of.:.:.:...! .... ............................and State of...................... NOM............ .............................., part..r...... of the second part, tes a Tha the said art... ........... o t rst part, in consideration of the sum of DOIAR D •U' =5: n",! DOLL�?RS, .................................... ............................... to ......... ..................in hand paid by the said part...,*..... of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do......:..... hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said part............ of the second part, ... ......�� ..................heirs and assigns, Forever, all the tract...... or parcel...... of land lying. and being in the County of............ ....... ............................and State of Afinnesota, described as follows, to -wit: lJww"t ' #30 too of •fir ft o t std, sad W Wi s of t" .ate jJ34 00 U&N of t #0r* !i!'lpr+sill nn ! YWO (3) ~ as, $0014a in y- fbros (39). Ono Niftalod ssosx t (117) � tr4ae (a) Woot a000riUns to Us »sp or plat thsrW an filo wad of >eoes iA !fir ottUft of Oe ReAstsr of DO04S In sad for said 4 1W of sow and "st o of 1ti"Wilotao fts saes is mWe 'apart the ss rots de►ndition that Ue hand bmix *ewer" "I U UNA is the oepwftc of a paliio niroot, r 90 jbabe ana to J001a tbt dame, Together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances there- unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said part ... 'i .... of the second part, ............ .. .i..:...................... heirs and assigns, Forever. 3n 9egftM Wbfftd. The said part.. of the first part ha.T:... hereunto set.... .................. hand.!.. the day and year first above written. In Presence of ..................... �.s!! ���.,..4.:................. � ........................... C :. .........4.. vJi' ......