HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-07-05 COUNCIL MEETING/4. AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS JULY 5, 2011 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA All agenda items listed on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless requested to be removed from the Consent Agenda by a Member of the City Council. In such cases the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered immediately following the adoption of the Consent Agenda. (Favorable rollcall vote of majority of Council Members present to approve.) A. Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting of June 21, 2011 and Work Session of June 21, 2011 B. Receive Payment Of Claims As Per: Pre -List Dated June 23, 2011, TOTAL $1,933,037.61; Pre -List Dated June 30, 2011, TOTAL $608,453.13 C. Taping & Broadcast Schedule Edina Park Board & Edina Transportation Commission D. Change Order — Final Landscaping For Edina Public Works Building at 7450 Metro Boulevard E. Traffic Safety Report of June 1, 2011 F. Ordinance No. 2011 -13 Amending Section 850.04 Regarding Findings For Variances G. Ordinance No. 2011 -14 Amending Section 1500 Regarding Planning Commission Attendance Requirements H. Flag Protocol Policy w Agenda /Edina City Council July 5, 2011 Page 2 V. SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS A. FM Global Insurance Donation to Edina Fire Department B. Receive Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for Year Ended December 31, 2010 VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS During "Public Hearings," the Mayor will ask for public testimony after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to testify on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your testimony is relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: • Individuals must limit their testimony to three minutes. The Mayor may modify times, as deemed necessary. • Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit testimony to the matter under consideration. • In order to maintain a respectful environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. A. Public Hearing — Valley View Sidewalk From McCauley Trail to Hilary Lane — Resolution No. 2011 -70 (Affirmative rollcall vote of majority Council Members to pass.) VII. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment," the City Council will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Council or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Mayor may limit the number of speaks on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Mayor or Council to respond to their comments tonight. Instead the Council might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VIII. REPORTS /RECOMMENDATIONS: (Favorable vote of majority of Council Members present to approve except where noted) A. Resolution No. 2011 -69 Accepting Various Donations 1 ,,,. Tues Tues Tues Tues Tues Wed Wed Mon Tues Tues Tues Mon s ,yes Tues Tues Agenda/Edina City Council July 5, 2011 Page 3 IX. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS X. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS XI. MANAGER'S COMMENTS XII. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952 - 927 - 886172 hours in advance of the meeting. SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /DATES /EVENTS Jul 5 Interviews Applicants ACB & HPB 6:15 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Jul 5 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS July 19 Work Session —Sports Dome 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Jul 19 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Aug 2 Night To Unite Aug 3 Work Session With — Bike Edina Task Force 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Aug 3 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Aug 15 Joint Meeting With Edina School Board 5:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Aug 16 Work Session — Budget Review 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Aug 16 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Aug 23 or 30 Work Session With Park Board 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Sept 5 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed Sept 6 Work Session — Budget Review 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Sept 6 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sept 20 Work Session With Energy & Environment Commission 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Sept 20 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JUNE 21, 2011 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. II. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Bennett, Sprague, Swenson and Mayor Hovland. Absent was Member Brindle. 111. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED Member Bennett made a motion, seconded by Member Sprague, approving the meeting agenda as amended to remove Consent Agenda Item IV.G., Public Improvement and Special Assessment Agreement, Minnehaha Woods Area, and to add Item VI.F., Ordinance 2011 -12, Amending Chapter 4 of Edina City Code concerning electric regulations. Ayes: Bennett, Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. IV. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Bennett, approving the consent agenda with the exception of Item G., Public Improvement and Special Assessment Agreement, Minnehaha Woods Area, as follows: W.A. Approve regular and work session meeting minutes of June 7, 2011 IV.B. Review payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated June 9, 2011, and consisting of 36 pages; General Fund $168,696.44; CDBG Fund $9,582.17; Communications Fund $237.55; Police Special Revenue $352.41; Braemar Memorial Fund $119.06; General Debt Service Fund $2,195.00; Working Capital Fund $155.973.59; Equipment Replacement Fund $33,694.21; Construction Fund $12,046.15; Art Center Fund $2,107.32; Golf Dome Fund $1,728.90; Aquatic Center Fund $15,471.97; Golf Course Fund $41,226.39; Ice Arena Fund $25,032.02; Edinborough /Centennial Lakes Fund $16,033.13; Liquor Fund $212,264.94; Utility Fund $577,066.00; Storm Sewer Fund $15,276.62; Recycling Fund $29.18; PSTF Agency Fund $156,182.29; TOTAL $1.445,315.34 and for approval of payment of claims dated June 16, 2011, and consisting of 31 pages; General Fund $212,189.89; Communications Fund $2,225.42; Police Special Revenue $104.80; Working Capital Fund $22,733.70; Equipment Replacement Fund $768.03; Art Center Fund $5,718.65; Aquatic Center Fund $3,729.76; Golf Course Fund $46,361.36; Ice Arena Fund $30,667.44; Edinborough /Centennial Lakes Fund $7,846.54; Liquor Fund $179,617.57; Utility Fund $38,988.15; Storm Sewer Fund $1,068.24; Recycling Fund $38,820.60; PSTF Agency Fund $10,446.75; Payroll Fund $3,093.42; TOTAL $604.380.32; and, Credit Card Transactions dated April 26 — May 25, 2011; TOTAL $ 5.941.35. IV.C. Award of Bid — 2012 Insurance Renewals: 1) Property; 2) General Liability; and, 3) Workers Compensation, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Traveler's at $842,969. IV.D. Approve Letters of Support for Federal Transportation Funding for Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail: West Segment and East Segment IV.E. Award of Bid — Edina Aquatic Center FlowRider Addition, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Aqua Logic for Base Bid "A" at $412,700.00 and Aquatic Development for Base Bid "B" at $608,430.00. IV.F. Award of Bid — Fire Hydrants, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Ferguson Waterworks at $51,941.25. Page 1 Minutes /Edina City Council /June 21, 2011 IV.H. Set Public Hearing (July 5, 2011) — Valley View Sidewalk from McCauley Trail to Hilary Lane, Improvement No. S -095. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA IV.G. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AGREEMENTS APPROVED — MINNEHAHA WOODS AREA Public Works Director /City Engineer Houle explained staff requested this item be removed from the Consent Agenda to consider remeaal temporary deletion of the assessment for David Turk, 5500 Park Place, because it the correct amount was less than indicated in the staff report. Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Sprague, approving Public Improvement and Special Assessment Agreements, Minnehaha Woods Area with the exception of 5500 Park Place. Ayes: Bennett, Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT Wayne Carlson, 523 Coventry Lane, stated his disagreement with Resolution No. 2011 -40 findings of fact that denied his request for more than three dogs. Vl. REPORTS/ RECOMMENDATIONS VI.A. REQUEST FOR MINOR CHANGES TO BUILDING REFERRED TO PLANNING COMMISSION — WATERS SENIOR HOUSING PROJECT Planning Director Teague noted the Council had considered the request of Waters Senior Housing to reduce -its building by 28 Feet the size of its proposed building by 28 feet and to eliminate 39 parking spaces at its June 7, 2011, meeting and continued consideration to solicit feedback from property owners within 1,000 feet. He reported a series of comments were received and requested direction whether the Council found this revision to be minor in nature. The Council reviewed its consideration from the June 7 2011, meeting and subsequent advice from Attorney Knutson that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission for a recommendation on whether or not the site plan should be amended to include the proposed modifications. The Plannin g fnedefieatien. The Council discussed the threshold of a minor revision. Mr. Teague stated if this was referred to the Planning Commission, a public hearing on the site plan amendment and preliminary plat would be held at Planning Commission's July 13, 2011 meeting. If the Planning Commission made a recommendation at the July 13th meeting, the City Council would consider the project at its first meeting in August. Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Sprague, referring the request of Waters Senior Housing for MORW ehang^° •^ •h^ b••0 4ng changes to its site plan to the Planning Commission for public hearing and recommendation and to ask that particular attention be paid to the formula for parking spaces to assure sufficiency for the Waters Senior project as well as the church. Ayes: Bennett, Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. VI. B. SKETCH PLAN REVIEW— JMS HOMES — 3020 AND 5024 INDIANOLA AVENUE Mr. Teague explained the sketch plan review process and presented the proposal of JMS Homes to tear down the existing single - family homes at 5020 and 5024 Indianola Avenue, combine two lots currently used as parking for the adjacent church and He stated jMS wished to build seven detached homes over the 26,730 square foot area resulting in a density of 11 units per acre. It ^ ^t^'' that twe of the gets we.e ^t'•• used as aFking feF the adja,.^ ^t G=hUF ". This density would require a Comprehensive Plan Page 2 Minutes /Edina City Council /June 21, 2011 amendment from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential and rezoning from Single Dwelling Unit District to Planned Residential District. Mr. Teague described the zoning of surrounding properties and summarized the Planning Commission's comments indicating that while the Planning Commission liked the concept, it had concerns relating to: the location, grading and drainage, unit storage space, orientation of the proposed homes, lack of site depth, that the increase in density may result in rezoning to Medium Density for the properties up to 50th Street, adequacy of church parking and point of access from Indianola Avenue. The Planning Commission recommended the applicant hold a neighborhood meeting prior to proceeding. Mr. Teague indicated staff shared the same concerns and noted the project would require a number of variances. Jeff Schoenwetter, JMS Homes, presented his company's development history in Edina and his sketch plan for Bishop's Walk, a set of seven single - family detached residences. He updated the Council on the neighborhood meeting that informed residents of JMS's PFOpesal f9F small sized ^ - ova heme Vith A„ Rot 19« ;., ...,long t„ the ehl and his assurances that the homes would be small, owner occupied, and result in no net loss of parking spaces for the church. Mr. Schoenwetter described the in this a a. proposed homes features and pre -sale interest from buyers who want transitional housing near 50th and France. ;Mr. Seheenwetter displayed a� site plan that- •ia cit•iE•ica thre ,eme - F w vtp.�;, s feet. Mr Scheem; etteF PFeseRted five PRReepts ef urban living 9#eFed by this type ef single family heusing-1 Mr. Schoenwetter displayed a site plan, claiming that the below -grade garages with a single entrance would remove significant hard surface coverage and that none of the proposed homes would exceed 2,200 square feet in size. Mr. Seheenwetter stated theprefeet would blend eld r:orlc- ffGhiteetu;yi- "crna,;;- USiAg FnedeF^ gFeen bull iRg Stand-a.a.- _R^d a pedeStFian appFeach. Mr. Schoenwetter promised the use of traditional architectural forms, modern green building standards, and a pedestrian - friendly design. Mr. Schoenwetter proposed using the City's existing right -of -way to create a sidewalk from 50th Street to the property as part of this project. A home owners association would address issues such as maintenance and snow removal. Aerial views of the subject site were presented and locations identified of commercial, duplex, and multi - family zones. The Council reviewed the sketch plan and asked questions of Mr. Schoenwetter who indicated the minimum rear yard space was code compliant at 25 feet. He suggested the need for a transitional zoning buffer on the south side of 50th Street and opined that Bishop's Walk would provide that "soft step" between the church parking lot and the single - family neighborhood. The Council noted a transition line already existed at Halifax and just west of Halifax. The Council discussed the proposed project and indicated that while it liked the concept of cottage -style single - family residences with under grade parking; this was not the appropriate location due to the proposed density. It was acknowledged that a church use was allowed in a residential neighborhood with a conditional use permit because it was thought to not be incompatible with single family housing or to require a buffer. The Council indicated a Comprehensive Plan amendment would require a four -fifths vote and it found no public purpose to contemplate the requested amendment at this time. Mr. Schoenwetter raised the option of razing the two homes south of the church to create parking and constructing single family homes on Jay Place rather than on Indianola Avenue. The Council indicated that may be appropriate if the project matched the housing style and average lot sizes of the neighborhood. Mr. Schoenwetter thanked the Council for its candor. VI.C. POLICY APPROVED FOR RECORDING AND BROADCASTING CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS Page 3 Minutes /Edina City Council /June 21, 2011 Manager Neal reviewed the proposed policy for recording and rebroadcasting City advisory commission meetings, which was also aad.e«ed previously had been discussed at a work session with the City's advisory boards and commissions chairs. The Council reviewed its past discussion and debated available options. The Council noted the Zoning Board of Appeals had not met on a regular basis due to a 2010 Minnesota Supreme Court ruling that had precluded cities from granting variances. Based on the support of the City Council, Mr. Neal indicated staff would organize a process that made City Board and Commission meeting agendas and packets available on the City's website. The Council suggested that Edina Community Health Committee, the body that reviewed services received from the City of Bloomington under the Health Contract; consider the Public Health Contract as the subject for a televised meeting. Member Sprague made a motion, seconded by Member Swenson, approving a policy for recording and broadcasting City Board and Commission meetings, effective July 1, 2011, as follows: 1. All regular meetings of the City Council shall be recorded and broadcast. 2. All regular meetings of the Planning Commission shall be recorded and broadcast. 3. Meetings of the Park Board and the Transportation Commission shall be recorded and broadcast once each quarter based on an annual calendar established by the City Council. 4. All other advisory boards and commissions will record and broadcast an annual meeting program once each year. S. An advisory board or commission meeting that includes an officially advertised or legally required public hearing on its agenda shall be recorded for broadcast. 6. The City Council may, under special circumstances, direct that any advisory board or commission meeting be recorded and broadcast. 7. All advisory board and commission meetings that are recorded for broadcast shall occur in the City Council Chambers. 8. All advisory board and commission meetings that are conducted in the City Council Chambers shall be conducted using the standard City Council dais. Ayes: Bennett, Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. VI.D. REPORT TO STATE OF MINNESOTA ENDORSED — AUTHORIZING THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT PROGRAM Mr. Neal advised that in 2010, the Legislature created the Council on Local Results and Innovation (CLRI). The CLRI released a standard set of ten performance measures for counties and ten performance measures for cities that would aid residents, taxpayers, and state and local elected officials in determining the efficacy of providing services and also measure residents' opinions of those services. Mr. Neal noted the City already collected this data and participation in the standard measures program was voluntary but cities and counties that participate might be eligible for a reimbursement in LGA and exemption from levy limits. Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Sprague, endorsing report to the State of Minnesota authorizing the City's participation in the Local Government Performance Measurement Program. Ayes: Bennett, Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. VI. E. RESOLUTION NO. 2011-68 ADOPTED —ACCEPTING VARIOUS DONATIONS Mayor Hovland explained that in order to comply with State Statutes; all donations to the City must be adopted by Resolution and approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donations. Page 4 Minutes /Edina City Council /June 21, 2011 Member Sumnran Bennett introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2011 -68 accepting various donations. Member Sprague seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. VI.F. ORDINANCE 2011 -12 ADOPTED — AMENDING CHAPTER 4 OF THE EDINA CITY CODE CONCERNING ELECTRIC REGULATIONS Mr. Neal explained the proposed ordinance would allow the City to conduct electrical inspections should the State of Minnesota offices be closed. Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Sprague, to grant First Reading and waive Second Reading adopting Ordinance 2011 -12, Amending Chapter 4 of the Edina City Code concerning electric regulations. Rollcall Ayes: Bennett, Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Vll. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS — Mayor Hovland acknowledged the Council's receipt of various correspondence. 1/111. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS — Received At the request of the Council, Mr. Teague provided an overview of a construction management plan that established expectations for larger - scaled commercial development. Council consensus was reached to direct staff to draft a building management process summary that could be provided to builders and posted on the City's website and to consider a construction management plan at an upcoming Work Session. The Council also requested input from staff and the Community Health Board relating to its meeting schedule. 1X. MANAGER'S COMMENTS — Received Mr. Houle updated the Council regarding Sunnyside Road traffic issues and proposed the use of a temporary speed table just east of Townes Road. If authorized, staff would draft a policy for use of this temporary device for consideration by the Transportation Commission and City Council. The Council supported staff's recommendation as well as increased enforcement to reduce speed in this location. IX.A. GRACE PERIOD APPROVED FOR PLANNING COMMISSION ATTENDANCE POLICY Floyd Grabiel, Planning Commission Chair, presented the Commission's request te— pFeuide for a grace period from now to the first of September in consideration of the Commission's assumption of duties as the Zoning of Appeals the resultant doubling of meetings from one to two each month, and the Commissioners' previously established summer vacation schedules. The Commission also suggested changing the sequential meeting absence requirement threshold from three to four. The Council indicated support to consider a grace period; however, concern was expressed with establishing a different attendance policy for one of the City's commissions. The C-" -neil stated its s u^^ ^�* %ya_,; nnterl th_t chn,-ld_ -a meeting he r eele.d i it . 7 .- uld act the C_nerent Fneeting threrhelrl The Council stated its support for revision of the sequential meeting absence standard for Planning Commissioners from three meetings to four because it would keep parity among board and commission members. It was noted that board and commissions should avoid canceling meetings because unanticipated cancellations can make it difficult for members to meet the requirement that they attend 75% of each year's meetings Mr. Neal indicated staff would draft an ordinance amendment for the Council's consideration. Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Sprague, authorizing the suspension of the attendance policy for the Planning Commission between June 21 and September 1, 2011 and directing staff to prepare the necessary ordinance. Page 5 Minutes /Edina City Council /June 21, 2011 Ayes: Bennett, Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. X. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jane Timm, Deputy City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, July 5, 2011. James B. Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the June 21, 2011, meeting available. Page 6 MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JUNE 21, 2011 5:36 P.M. Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 5:36 p.m. in the Community Room of City Hall. Answering rollcall were Members Bennett, Sprague, Swenson and Mayor Hovland. Staff attending the meeting included: Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications & Marketing Director; Kaylin Martin, Communications Assistant /Crime Prevention Coordinator; Scott Neal, City Manager; Joyce Repya, Associate Planner; Ceil Smith, Assistant to the City Manager; and Cary Teague, Planning Director. Mayor Hovland said the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the concept of City support of organized neighborhood associations. Manager Neal introduced Marney Olson, the City of St. Louis Park's Community Liaison, who provided a historical overview of St. Louis Park's program, reporting that the block captain and Neighborhood Home Watch program began in St. Louis Park in the 1980s. In 1992, a Neighborhood Revitalization Commission was established. In 1996, a pilot grant program was initiated to provide some funds to organized neighborhood associations. In 1998, a full -time staff position was created to support the work of the program. The program was established to create a stronger sense of community within neighborhoods, improve the appearance of neighborhoods, improve security and help residents achieve a high quality of life, according to Olson. St Louis s Park ",° ^'^y'^'^-"t-S ^'F'^*^'_9 neighbeFhe9 - � The City of St. Louis Park established boundaries for 35 different neighborhoods that include all of the households in the city. Of those, Olson said approximately 27 of the neighborhoods were organized. Neighborhoods vary in size from 200 or so households to more than 2,000. The St. Louis Park Comprehensive Plan calls for plans by neighborhood and the Police Department tracks calls by neighborhood. The City of St. Louis Park prints newsletters and fliers, provides speakers as requested at neighborhood events and meetings, provides a standardized web page on its City website, erects signage in the neighborhood and gives associations free use of park building and public facilities for meetings and events. In addition, neighborhoods can apply for grants to pay for such things as mailings, websites, service project materials and community - building events. Olson said that $31,000 was made available in grants in 2011. Neighborhoods must have bylaws and at a minimum hold an in- person annual meeting in order to be eligible for the City of St. Louis Park's program. Minutes — Work Session /Edina City Council /June 21, 2011 Council members asked questions about neighborhood association bylaws, grants and insurance. Mayor Hovland said it was important for the City to understand how many Edina neighborhoods were already organized or interested in organizing. Council members indicated their general support for City support of organized neighborhood associations in Edina and directed staff to report back with a proposed structure of City support, a process for defining neighborhood boundaries and timeline. There being no further business, Mayor Hovland adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications & Marketing Director Minutes approved by Edina City Council, July 5, 2011 James B. Hovland, Mayor 2 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6/2312011 - 6/2312011 Check # Date Amount : Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 348318 6/2312011 105696 3CMA 550.00 REGISTRATION - BENNEROTTE 264380 CONFERENCE 2210.6104 550.00 348319 6/23/2011 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 53.40 - .264485 0916376 5822.5515 79.00 264803 574841 5862.5515 90.00 264804 579854 5842.5515 103.40 264805 0916381 5862.5515 60.60 264806 0814626 5862.5515 101.80 264807 0916377 5842.5515 38.60 264808 0814627 5842.5515 526.80 348320 6/23/2011 100614 ACE SUPPLY CO. INC. 50.90 BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 00001215. 264335. ` 080980 1646.6530 50.90 348321 6/2312011 105485., ACME AWNING 5,465.00 AWNING 00006316 264714 000172BK 2410.6710 5,465.00 348322 612312011 102626 AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES 638.26 CONCRETE FOR PADS 00001039 264381 4279472 5650.6406 1,813.94 READY MIX. 00001838 264382 4279473 5913.6520 2,452.20 348323 6/2312011 100575 ALL SAFE INC. 194.48 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 264424 106236 5410.6610 194.48 348324 612312011 102109 ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER 140.00 RADIO SERVICE 264576 22454 1400.6230 140.00' 348325 6/23/2011 102382 ANDERSON, MOLLY 79.00 UNIFORM PURCHASE 264383 061311 1400.6203 79.00 348326 612312011 102172 APPERTS FOODSERVICE 882.73 FOOD 264425 1576350 5421.5510 882.73 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Page - 1 Subledger, Account Description Business Unit CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS COMMUNICATIONS COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX COST,.OF GOODS SOLD MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX REPAIR PARTS 50TH ST SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING BUILDING MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT BRAEMAR MEMORIAL FUND GENERAL SUPPLIES PROMENADE CONCRETE DISTRIBUTION SAFETY EQUIPMENT GOLF ADMINISTRATION SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL R55CKREG LOG20000 612312011 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 104069 B.B. WATSON GRAPHIC DESIGN COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE CITY OF EDINA COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 84.63 BUSINESS CARDS 264391 Council Check Register 1400.6104 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 84.63 YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 6/23/2011 - 6/2312011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 348327 612312011 12 SCRUB ROSES 00001994 100632 AQUA ENGINEERING 28930 1301.6406 250.13 121.45 IRRIGATION PARTS 00001149 264608 41870 5913.6530 REPAIR PARTS 100644 BARRETT MOVING AND STORAGE 121.45 396.00 CONTAINER RENTALS 348328 612312011 1470.6151 102646 AQUA LOGIC INC. 396.00 15.67 PH TABLETS 264609 37437 5311.6545 CHEMICALS 15.67 624.25 264486 58693300 5862.5512 348329 6/23/2011 268.10 120995 AVR INC. 264487 58693200 5842.5512 1,911.98 425.90 READY MIX 00001836 264384 45718 5913.6520 CONCRETE 238.20 963.48 58690200 264385 46213 5913.6520 CONCRETE 264490 1,263.26 5862.5515 264386 46714 5913.6520 CONCRETE 264671 6067500 2,080.86 264387 46806 5913.6520 CONCRETE 85317700 5862.5515 631.63 264388 46996 5913.6520 CONCRETE 5862.5515 503.38 671.70 264389 47324 5913.6520 CONCRETE 426.43 264390 47138 5913.6520 CONCRETE 348330 612312011 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 104069 B.B. WATSON GRAPHIC DESIGN COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 84.63 BUSINESS CARDS 264391 479 1400.6104 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 84.63 YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 348331 612312011 100638 BACHMAN'S 250.13 12 SCRUB ROSES 00001994 264392 28930 1301.6406 250.13 348332 6/23/2011 100644 BARRETT MOVING AND STORAGE 396.00 CONTAINER RENTALS 264715 8283- 1860 -1/1 1470.6151 396.00 348333 612312011 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 624.25 264486 58693300 5862.5512 268.10 264487 58693200 5842.5512 1,911.98 264488 58694900 5842.5513 238.20 264489 58690200 5822.5513 74.29 264490 85315400 5862.5515 327.01 264671 6067500 5862.5515 143.86 264672 85317700 5862.5515 41.43 264673 85279600 5862.5515 671.70 264809 58789300 5842.5512 2,099.03 264810 58785700 5842.5513 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Page - 2 Business Unit DISTRIBUTION POOL OPERATION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL GENERAL MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Page- 3 Business Unit YORK SELLING YORK SELLING PSTF OCCUPANCY MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON UTILITY BALANCE SHEET SENIOR CITIZENS ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 3,937.99 WEED CONTROL 00001399 264336 29441 1643.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL TURF CARE 3,937.99 .348339 6123/2011 125209 BISEK, KATIE 51.10 PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 264716• 061611 1554.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 51.10 f 348340 612312011 120510 BLOOMINGTON CUSTOM EMBROIDERY 92.00 FLEECE'SHIRTS 264577 30176 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 1 92.00 348341 612312011 124151 BLUE BOOK 48.95 MINN BLUE BOOKS 264393 2820 1400.6405 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 48.95 348342 612312011 1122688 BMK SOLUTIONS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL CITY OF EDINA R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register 6/23/2011 —6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation Po ft Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 150.92 264811 85348800. 5842.5515 — COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 6.73 264812 - 85348700 5842.6406 ;GENERAL SUPPLIES 6,557.50 348334 612312011 117379 BENIEK PROPERTY. SERVICES INC. 481.00 IRRIGATION SYSTEM STARTUP 264610 137496 7411.6136 SNOW & LAWN CARE:. 481.00 348336 612312011 129208 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PLUMBING 5,600.00 SEWER LINER REPLACEMENT 00001018 264766 A75933 03460.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION 5,250.00 00001016, 264767 A77918 03460.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION 4,850.00 00001677 264768 A76095 03460.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION 3,450.00 00001672 264769 875510 03460.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION 5,600.00 00001017 264770 B75528 03460.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION _. 24,750.00 348336 612312011 129262 BERGENE, BRETT - 175.00 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 264800 6900 ANTRIM RD 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND. - 175.00 348337 6123/2011 100648 BERTELSON OFFICE PRO_ DUCTS • 40.08 OFFICE SUPPLIES 264426 OE- 258172 -1 1628.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES 29.69 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00009185 264655 OE- 257488 -1 5110.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES 69.77 348338 612312011 122599 BIOLAWN 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Page- 3 Business Unit YORK SELLING YORK SELLING PSTF OCCUPANCY MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON UTILITY BALANCE SHEET SENIOR CITIZENS ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 3,937.99 WEED CONTROL 00001399 264336 29441 1643.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL TURF CARE 3,937.99 .348339 6123/2011 125209 BISEK, KATIE 51.10 PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 264716• 061611 1554.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 51.10 f 348340 612312011 120510 BLOOMINGTON CUSTOM EMBROIDERY 92.00 FLEECE'SHIRTS 264577 30176 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 1 92.00 348341 612312011 124151 BLUE BOOK 48.95 MINN BLUE BOOKS 264393 2820 1400.6405 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 48.95 348342 612312011 1122688 BMK SOLUTIONS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6122/2011 7:40:43 Council Check Register Page - 4 6123/2011 - 6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 32.76 OFFICE SUPPLIES 264337 68010 1495.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES INSPECTIONS 14.18 264338 68047 1495.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES INSPECTIONS 46.97 264339 68595 1495.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES INSPECTIONS 95.05 00001437 264340 68992 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 88.75 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00001437 264611 69140 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 277.71 348343 6123/2011 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 217.44 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003578 264427 87256247 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 124.28 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003582 264717 87257472 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,850.90 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003582 264718 87259883 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 2,192.62 348344 6/23/2011 100659 BOYER TRUCK PARTS 162.19 PANEL ASSEMBLY 00005050 264394 524521X1 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,392.42 FUEL TANK 00005097 264395 528748 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 56.58 STRAP KITS, STUDS 00005097 264578 528958 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 279.73 A/D KIT 00005101 264579 529259 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,890.92 348345 612312011 122496 BREAKTIME BEVERAGE INC. 271.30 CANDY 264719 2340:028078 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 271.30 348346 6/2312011 122074 BUIE, BARB 21.44 PETTY CASH 264701 061311 5631.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION 36.00 PETTY CASH 264701 061311 5631.6105 DUES 8 SUBSCRIPTIONS CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION 60.11 PETTY CASH 264701 061311 5631.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION 81.69 PETTY CASH 264701 061311 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 199.24 348347 612312011 102149 CALLAWAY GOLF 3,431.43 MERCHANDISE 264428 922577795 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 503.93 MERCHANDISE 264429 922583328 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 392.76 GOLF CLUBS 264430 922583460 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 222.87- CREDIT 264431 922553957 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 4,105.25 348348 6/23/2011 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 84.50 264432 911864 5430.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 6,478.15 264491 916258 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 42.60 264492 916259 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Council Check Register Page- 5 6/23/2011 -6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger. Account Description Business Unit 140.95 .264493 916257 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 31.40 264494 916256 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 6,777.60 348349 612312011 102064 CASH REGISTER SALES & SERVICE 80.00 PROGRAM CHANGES TO REGISTERS 264702 060711 5310.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POOL ADMINISTRATION 80.00 348350 6/23/2011 116683 CAT & FIDDLE BEVERAGE 711.00 264495 90387 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING - 1,094.00 264496 90367 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,805.00 348361 6/2312011 100681 CATCO, 2,651.57 DIFFERENTIAL 00005059 264341 3- 10998 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 11.38 STUDS 00005059 264342 90 -48986 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 2,662.95 348352 6/2312011 100897 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 14.06 264343 060211 5821.6186 HEAT 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 77.70 264343 060211 5861.6186 HEAT VERNON OCCUPANCY 91.59 264343 060211 5430.6186 HEAT RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 125.55 264343 060211 5841.6186 HEAT YORK OCCUPANCY 127.93 264343 060211 5422.6186 HEAT MAINT OF COURSE &GROUNDS 163.60 264343 060211 1481.6186 HEAT YORK FIRE STATION 387.88. 264343 060211 5913.6186 HEAT DISTRIBUTION 393.70 264343 060211 1552.6186 HEAT CENT SVC PW BUILDING 627.29 264343 060211 5630.6186 HEAT CENTENNIAL LAKES 665.16 264343 060211 5111.6186 HEAT ART CENTER BLDG / MAINT 711.72 264343 060211 5420.6186 HEAT CLUB HOUSE 815.20 264343 060211 5921.6186 HEAT SANITARY LIFT STATION MAINT 1,061.54 264343 060211 1628.6186 HEAT SENIOR CITIZENS 1,406.68 264343 060211 1646.6186 HEAT BUILDING MAINTENANCE . 2,205.92 264343 .060211 5911.6186 HEAT WELL PUMPS f 5,742.20 264343 060211 5511.6186 HEAT ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS ' 5,815.26 264343 060211 5210.6186 HEAT GOLF DOME PROGRAM 20,432.98 348353 612312011 103711 CENTERPOINT ENERGY SERVICES IN ' 41.83 - 264344 2202582 5311.6186 HEAT POOL OPERATION 1,917.09 264345 2200392 5620.6186 HEAT EDINBOROUGH PARK 1,958.92 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Council Check Register Page - 6 6/23/2011 -6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 348354 612312011 119661 CENTRAL ENVELOPE CORPORATION 143.00 EMPLOYEE NEWSLETTER 264396 69453 2210.6575 PRINTING COMMUNICATIONS 143.00 348355 6/23/2011 119725 CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTING CO 150.00 264497 447890 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 138.00 264498 447439 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 288.00 348356 612312011 102691 CHRISTOFFER, KELLI 70.00 CPR /AED TRAINING 264720 062011 1629.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ADAPTIVE RECREATION 70.00 348357 6/2312011 122084 CITY OF EDINA - UTILITIES 76.52 00102561 - 0112920000 264612 112920000 -6111 5841.6189 SEWER & WATER YORK OCCUPANCY 542.27 00103650- 0155251026 264613 155251026 -6/11 7411.6189 SEWER & WATER PSTF OCCUPANCY 20.71 00103650- 0155251008 264614 155251008 -6/11 7411.6189 SEWER & WATER PSTF OCCUPANCY 353.61 00103650- 0155252016 264615 155252016 -6/11 7411.6189 SEWER & WATER PSTF OCCUPANCY 47.36 00110793- 0173001001 264721 173001001 -6/11 5210.6189 SEWER & WATER GOLF DOME PROGRAM 47.36 00110793 - 0173001000 264722 173001000 -6/11 5424.6189 SEWER & WATER RANGE 47.36 00110793- 0155250009 264723 155250009 -6/11 5422.6189 SEWER & WATER MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 125.58 00110793 - 0155250018 264724 155250018 -6/11 5422.6189 SEWER & WATER MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 3,028.62 00110793- 0155200000 264725 155200000 -6/11 5420.6189 SEWER & WATER CLUB HOUSE 4,269.39 348358 6123/2011 100692 COCA -COLA BOTTLING CO. 451.00 264674 0138024326 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 271.80 264813 0148232315 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 722.80 348359 6/2312011 101119 COCKRIEL, VINCE 66.30 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 264726 061711 1600.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 66.30 348360 612312011 100695 CONTINENTAL CLAY CO. 395.97 CLAY 00009033 264656 INV000060443 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 1,352.60 CLAY 00009033 264656 INV000060443 5120.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 1,748.57 348361 6123/2011 100697 COOL AIR MECHANICAL INC. 1,344.23 CONDENSER REPAIR 00008055 264789 74611 5521.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA ICE MAINT CITY OF EDINA 6/22/2011 7:40:43 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 7 6/23/2011 - 6/2312011 Check # Date Amount Supplier I Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 1,344.23 348362 612312011 129259 CRONIN, LESLIE 183.00 SUMMER CLASS REFUND _ 264797 062011 5511.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 183.00 348363 6/2312011 102791 D2 SERVICES INC. 3,151.20 SCADA PROGRAMMING 00005430 264771 10071 05508.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS WM -508 SCADA SYSTEM 3,151.20 348364 6123/2011 104020 DALCO 215.89 DEGREASER 00005031 264346 2339379 1470.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 326.31 TOWELS, WIPES,- 00001454 _264616 2342394 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 247.04 ROLL TOWEL 00009037 264657 2337101 5111.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES ART CENTER.BLDG /MAINT 394.16 DEGREASER 00002303 264703 2342191 5630.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 21.25 SPOT REMOVER 264727 2343143 5421.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES GRILL 1,204.65 348365 612312011 100709 DANS REGISTER SERVICE 60.00 REGISTER REPAIR 264728 061711 4075.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VANVALKENBURG 60.00 348366 6/2312011 102286 DAVANNIS 63.20 OFFICERS LUNCH 264658 206155 -C 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 63.20 348367 6/2312011 100710 DAVE'S DAIRY 215.36 DAIRY - BRAEMAR GC 264433 060611 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 215.36 348368 6/2312011 102478 DAY DISTRIBUTING CO. 2,405.50 264499 604795 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 156.80 264500 604796 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 267.60 264501 604794 - 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 22.40 .264502 604793 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 3,165.20 264675 604792 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 6,017.50 348369 612312011 100718 DELEGARD TOOL CO. 151.84 TOOLS 00001238 264347 590516 1646.6556 TOOLS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 95.25 SOCKETS, BURR SET 00005058 264580 590900 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 26.45 PUNCH /CHISEL SET 00005661 264581 583190 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Council Check. Register Page - 8 6123/2011 -6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 273.54 348370 612312011 112363 DELIANEDIS, CHRISTINA .. 35.00 PLAYGROUND PROGRAM.REFUND 264582 061411 1600.4390.01 PLAYGROUND PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 35.00 348371 6/2312011 100720 DENNYS 5TH AVE. BAKERY 67.54 BAKERY 264434 371721 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 89.99 BAKERY 264435 372013. 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 72.35 BAKERY 264436 372014 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 29.96 BAKERY 264437 372242 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 58.12 BAKERY 264729 372321 `- 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 94.89 BAKERY `264730: 372581 ' 5421.5510 COST OF-GOODS SOLD GRILL 412.85 348372 6123/2011 102831 DEX MEDIA EAST INC. 6,809.84 110311893 264438! 110311893 -5127 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF ADMINISTRATION 148.75 650487671 264795 650487671 -6/11 5511.6188 TELEPHONE ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 6,958.59 348373 612312011 129157 DO- GOOD.BIZ INC 17.78 NEWSLETTER POSTAGE 264397 4178 -02 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 17.79 NEWSLETTER POSTAGE 264397;. 41.78 -02 5822.6466 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 17.79 NEWSLETTER POSTAGE 264397 4178 -02 . _ 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 53.36 348374 6/23/2011 100731 DPC INDUSTRIES 183.67 CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE 264398 82700750 -11 5311.6545 CHEMICALS POOL OPERATION 827.11 CHLORINE, CAUSTIC SODA 264399 82700728 -11 5311.6545 CHEMICALS POOL OPERATION 6,845.51 CHEMICALS 00001840 264772 82700749 -11 - 5915.6586 WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT 7,856.29 348375 6/2312011 126742 DUCHARME, RICHARD 309.00: SOFTBALL OFFICIATING 264650;. _ 061711 4077.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 309.00 348376 612312011 124749 EAGAN POLICE DEPARTMENT 75.00 K -9 TRAINING 264659 2011 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 75.00 348377 6/2312011 119716 EASTERN PACIFIC APPAREL INC. 1,262.99 MERCHANDISE 264731 460774 1 .5440.5511 " , COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 154.00 348382 6/23/2011 118010 EGAN, BILL CITY OF EDINA 6/22/2011 7:40:43 R55CKREG LOG20000 MUSKRAT CONTROL 264733 060811 5431.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 208.88 Council Check Register 6/2312011 Page - 9 100049 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 6123/2011 - 6/2312011 380:00 SOUTHDALE REMODEL . 264585 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation . PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 1,262.99 6123/2011 127590 ETTERMAN ENTERPRISES 348378 6123/2011 124503 :.EDEN PRAIRIE MNLECTRIC CO. BACKUP LIGHTS, CONNECTORS 00005087 264400 171957 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS - 59.99 ELECTRICAL PARTS 00001179 264348 08076301 5311.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION 348385 612312011 59.99 100146 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY - 348379 6/23/2011 ROTORS, PADS 00005026 264401 106417 EDINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 183.14 ROTORS, PADS 00005026 264402 7,500.00 ANNUAL STIPEND -264583 2011 1516.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HISTORICAL SOCIETY CREDIT 264439 1- 3651090 7,500.00 REPAIR PARTS 10.38 FILTER 00005026 264586 348380 612312011 REPAIR PARTS 105224 EDINA POLICE RESERVES 67.62 DIFFERENTIAL SET, FILTERS 00005026 264587 69- 039987 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 1,260.00- POLICEISECURITY FOR RACE 264584 061611 1428.6010 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT REPAIR PARTS 1,260.00 80.61 ROD 00005026 264618 69- 040271 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 348381 612312011 665.49 101630 EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS 348386 6123/2011 154.00 GYM RENTAL - PERMIT #39324 264732 11490 1629.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ADAPTIVE RECREATION RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 154.00 348382 6/23/2011 118010 EGAN, BILL 208.88 MUSKRAT CONTROL 264733 060811 5431.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 208.88 348383 6/2312011 100049 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 380:00 SOUTHDALE REMODEL . 264585 342873 1000.1303 DUE FROM HRA 360.00 348384 6123/2011 127590 ETTERMAN ENTERPRISES 347.20 BACKUP LIGHTS, CONNECTORS 00005087 264400 171957 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS - 347.20 348385 612312011 100146 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY - 366.28 ROTORS, PADS 00005026 264401 69- 039718 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 183.14 ROTORS, PADS 00005026 264402 70- 056945 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 100.00- CREDIT 264439 1- 3651090 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 10.38 FILTER 00005026 264586 70- 057325 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 67.62 DIFFERENTIAL SET, FILTERS 00005026 264587 69- 039987 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 57.46 SEALANT 00005026 264617 - 70= 057354 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 80.61 ROD 00005026 264618 69- 040271 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 665.49 348386 6123/2011 122649 FARNER - BOCKEN COMPANY 544.05. FOOD 264734 8267106 5430.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN RICHARDS GOLF COURSE R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6123/2011 — 6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description SERVICES CUSTODIANS 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Page - 10 Business Unit YORK OCCUPANCY EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT SPECIAL OPS FIRE EQUIPMENT CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CHOWEN PK PLAYGROUND COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN LAUNDRY MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS LAUNDRY MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS COURSE BEAUTIFICATION MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS PLANTINGS & TREES TREES & MAINTENANCE 544.05 348387 6/2312011 105420 FIKES SERVICES 41.25 AIR DEODORIZERS 264588 24126 5841.6162 41.25 348388 6/2312011 120329 FIRE EQUIPMENT SPECIALTIES INC 799.38 HARNESSES 00003550 264349 7084 421480.6710 799.38 348389 612312011 129261 FITITA, STEVEN 19.75 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 264801 5120 LINCOLN 5900.2015 CIR 19.75 348390 612312011 120975 FITOL -HINTZ CONSTRUCTION INC. 20,771.27 CHOWEN PARK PLAYGROUND 264481 APPL #2- 11 -01PK 47070.6710 20,771.27 348391 612312011 101475 FOOTJOY 97.97 SHOES 264440 3773628 5440.5511 97.97 348392 612312011 102727 FORCE AMERICA 283.82 TOP ENCLOSURE 00005098 264619 01365199 1553.6530 283.82 348393 612312011 100764 G & K SERVICES 77.27 SHOP TOWELS 264735 1006189152 5422.6201 77.27 264736 1006210824 5422.6201 154.54 348394 6/2312011 120776 GAGE, NATHALIE 43.25 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 264787 062011 2210.6107 43.25 348395 6123/2011 123080 GARDENVIEW GREENHOUSE 152.65 FLOWERS 264737 1198 5422.6275 152.65 348396 6123/2011 103185 GERTENS 76.14 PLANTS FOR ROSLAND PK 00001247 264664 225602 1644.6541 SERVICES CUSTODIANS 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Page - 10 Business Unit YORK OCCUPANCY EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT SPECIAL OPS FIRE EQUIPMENT CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CHOWEN PK PLAYGROUND COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN LAUNDRY MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS LAUNDRY MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS COURSE BEAUTIFICATION MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS PLANTINGS & TREES TREES & MAINTENANCE R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6123/2011 -6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier /.Explanation PO # Doc No. Inv No Account No. Subledger Account Description 537.00 PLANTS FOR CHOWEN PK 00001061 264704.- 225529 47070:6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 613.14 348397 6/23/2011 101351 GILBERT MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS - 3,038.03 BOILER REPAIRS 264350 95793 5311.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 3,038.03 348398 6/23/2011 118936 GLOBAL OAK . 112.50 CENT LAKES ECOMMERCE 264589 010819 5630.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 131.25 PARK & REC ECOMMERCE 264589 010819 1627.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 150.00 BRAEMAR GOLF ECOMMERCE 264589. 010819 5410.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 243.75 AQUATIC CENTER ECOMMERCE 264589 010819 5310.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 562.50 EDIN PARK.-ECOMMERCE 264589 010819 5620.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,181.25 WEBSITE MAINTENANCE _ 264589 010819 2210.6124 WEB DEVELOPMENT 1,575.00 ART CENTER ECOMMERCE 264589 010819 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3,956.25 348399 612312011 100778 GOODIN COMPANY 365.73 CHLORINATOR PUMP 00007062 264403 01970867 -00 5311.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 365.73 348400 612312011 101103 GRAINGER 25.67 KEY, BATTERIES 00001212 264351 9554361171 1301.6556 TOOLS 57.57 BATTERIES 00001212 264352 9554361163 1301.6556 TOOLS 111.58 THERMOSTAT 00001212 264352 9554361163 5431.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 8.78 GRINDING WHEELS 00001054 264353 9553333650 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 66.13 GREASE, LUBRICANT, CABLE TIES 00001054 264354 9553333668 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 7.74- CREDIT 00001929 264355 9552995392 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS 46.51 FUSES 264620 ` 9560392699 7412.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 147.89 FURNACE/AC PARTS 00001758 264665 9506875542 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS 170.04 FLUSH KITS 00006078 264738 9554539883 5420.6530 REPAIR PARTS 626:43 348401 6123/2011 126633 GRAPHIC SOURCE INC. 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Page - 11 Business Unit CHOWEN PK PLAYGROUND POOL OPERATION CENTENNIAL LAKES SPECIAL ACTIVITIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION POOL ADMINISTRATION EDINBOROUGH PARK COMMUNICATIONS ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION POOL OPERATION GENERAL MAINTENANCE GENERAL MAINTENANCE RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINTENANCE PSTF RANGE BUILDING MAINTENANCE CLUB HOUSE 249.00 NEW WINDOW SIGN 264705 34640 5311.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POOL OPERATION 249.00 348402 6123/2011 100784 GRAZZINI BROTHERS AND CO. 490.00 REPAIR GROUT IN LOCKER RM 264356 130646 5311.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS POOL OPERATION 490.00 348403 612312011 102125 GREG LESSMAN SALES R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY'OF EDINA 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Council Check Register Page - 12 6/23/2011 -6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount. Supplier I Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger. Account Description Business Unit 192.11 MERCHANDISE 264441 44634 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 192.11 348404 6/23/2011 129248 GROTH SEWER & WATER 7,300.00 SEWER SERVICE AT 5501 DEVER DMOO1038 264621 5475 03460.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION' MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON 7,300.00 348405 6/23/2011 100787 GRUBER'S POWER EQUIPMENT 75.08 TRIMMER SUPPLIES 00001251, 264357 96936 5911.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES WELL PUMPS 75.08 348406 6123/2011 104459 GS DIRECT INC. 25.24 HP PLOTTER PAPER- . 264358 278616 1495.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES INSPECTIONS 25.24 - 348407 6/23/2011 129108 HAAG COMPANIES INC. 166.74 SOD, BLACK DIRT, ROCK 264660 053111 5630.6540 FERTILIZER CENTENNIAL LAKES 220.14 SOD, BLACK DIRT, ROCK 264660 053111 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES `GENERAL MAINTENANCE 361.24 SOD, BLACK DIRT, ROCK 264660 053111 5311.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION 559.75 SOD, BLACK DIRT, ROCK 264660 053111 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,164.55 SOD, BLACK DIRT, ROCK 264660 053111 5913.6543 SOD & BLACK DIRT DISTRIBUTION 2,472.42 348408_ 612312011 129205 HARRIS MECHANICAL SERVICES LLC= 470.00 RPZ PLUMBING 00008057 264790 507000793 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 446.82 WATER HEATER REPAIR 00008056 264791; 507000792 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 916.82 348,409 612312011 122093. HEALTH PARTNERS 30,002.37 PREMIUM 264622 37750880 1550.6043 COBRA INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 187,886.46 PREMIUM 264623 37761206 1550.6040 HOSPITALIZATION CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 217,888.83 348410 6123/2011 101576 HEGGIES PIZZA 223.50 PIZZA - BRAEMAR GC 264442 1709118 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 223.50 348411 6/2312011 101209 HEIMARK FOODS 282.24 MEAT PATTIES 264443 061311 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS.SOLD GRILL 282.24 348412 612312011 106436 HENNEPIN COUNTY - INFORMATION J CITY OF EDINA 6/22/2011 7:40:43 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 13 612312011 - 6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO_# Doc No Inv No I Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit l 656.00 RADIO ADMIN FEE 00001275 264359 110538178 1553.6237 =- RADIO SERVICE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 656.00 348413 6.12312011 100802 HENNEPIN COUNTY, MEDICAL CENTER , 790.00 „EMT REFRESHER COURSES 264404 .24071 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 790.00 348414 612312011 101216 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFI 936.03 MAY 2011 BOOKINGS 264405 3655- 1195.6170 COURT CHARGES LEGAL SERVICES '- -. 936.03 _ 348415 612312011 102484 HIRSHFIELD'S PAINT MANUFACTURI 865.69 FIELD PAINT 00001721 264666 90941 1642.6544 LINE MARKING POWDER FIELD, MAINTENANCE 865.69 348416 6/23/2011 104376, HOHENSTEINS INC. 851.65 264503 562940 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 375.50 264504 562545 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS,SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 779.00 264505 562330 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 664.00 264814 563098 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 2,670.15 348417 6/2312011 122565 HYSER, TIMOTHY 77.25 SOFTBALL OFFICIATING 264651 061711 4077.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 77.25 348418 6/23/2011 112628 ICEE COMPANY, THE 313.14 CONCESSION PRODUCT 264739 903180 5320.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD POOL CONCESSIONS 313.14 ' 348419 6/2312011 104157 INTERNATIONAL' CODE COUNCIL INC 208.00 EC 'O6 CODES SUBSCRIPTION 264360 INVO015765 1495.6405 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS INSPECTIONS 208.00 348420 6/23/2011 126031 J.S. PALUCH COMPANY INC. 26.96 1225394 BRAEMAR AD 264444 ST. PATRICK 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF ADMINISTRATION ' CHURCH 26.96 348421 6/23/2011 102157 JEFF ELLIS & ASSOCIATES INC. 1,652.00 LIFEGUARD LICENSES 00007063 264482 20050647 5310.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POOL ADMINISTRATION 1,367.00 LIFEGUARD LICENSES 264624 20050800 5310.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POOL ADMINISTRATION R55CKREG LOG20000 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX CITY OF EDINA COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER Council Check Register COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 612312011 -6/23/2011 FERTILIZER Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 5862.5512 3,019.00 VERNON SELLING 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 348422 612312011 129260 JELLISONS BEST BLACKTOP 1,856.00 BLACKTOP WORK 00008037 264798 4061 5500.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 1,856.00 348423 6/2312011 100828 JERRY'S FOODS 17.97 264445 053111 1628.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 41.67 264445 053111 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 46.37 264445 053111 1470.6106 MEETING EXPENSE 98.30 264445 053111 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 165.12 264446 EDINA ART 5120.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTER 348424 612312011 100741 JJ TAYLOR DIST. OF MINN 361.80 264447 1567292 77.85 264506 1561950 3,908.00 264507 1561949 75.00 264740 1567336 8,709.25 264815 1561944 15.00 264816 1561945 8,874.30 264817 1561955 116.90 264818 1561956 22,138.10 348425 612312011 124104 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES INC. 357.05 ROUNDUP 00002083 264706 58104179 71.35 MOLE BAIT 00006466 264741 58040692 428.40 348427 612312011 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 151.58 264508 1072891 609.48 264509 1072892 2,238.78 264510 1071793 1,502.02 264511 1071791 4,623.45 264512 1071786 1,124.42 264513 1071804 37.84- 264514 498650 21.00- 264515 498649 224.24 264676 1076483 3,175.83 264677 1076488 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 5630.6540 FERTILIZER 5431.6545 CHEMICALS 6122/2011 7:40:43 Page - 14 Business Unit ICE ARENA BALANCE SHEET SENIOR CITIZENS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL GRILL ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP GRILL 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING GRILL VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CENTENNIAL LAKES RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING CITY OF EDINA 6/2212011 7:40:43 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 15 6123/2011 - 6/2312011 Check # Date Amount Supplier L Explanation . PO # Doc No ` - Inv No Account No SubledgerAccount.Description Business Unit 1,350.48 264678 1076478 5862:5512 COST OFJGOODS'SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1,366.32 264679 10764771:' 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 4,291.35 264680- 1076471 - 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,238.48 264661 1076484 5862:5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 31.37 264682 1076489 5862.5515 _ COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 1,750.52 264819 1076475 5842.6513- COSTOF GOODS.SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 638.67. .. 264820 1071792 5842.5512 - COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,789.21 264821 1076472 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 787.31 264822 1076479 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 724.04 264823 1076485 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 22.11 264824 1076480 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 157.54 264825 1076474 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 310.18 264826 1076473 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,821.61 264827 1076470 5822.5512 COST OF -GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 3,210.94 264828 1076481 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 31.37 264829 1076487 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 2,289.35 264830 1076486 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 302.36 264831 1076482 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,531.80 264832 1076476 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 7.63- 264833 499767 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE ..- YORK SELLING 6.24- 264834 499766 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 38.93- 264835 499768 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 40,183.17 348428. 612312011 102719 JOHNSON, PHILLIP 111.95 REIMBURSE FOR SUPPLIES 264661 061311 5125.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MEDIA STUDIO 111.95 348429 - 612312011 103230 JOHNSTONS SALES &SERVICE 82.51 VACUUM REPAIR 264742 112765 5841.6530 REPAIR PARTS YORK OCCUPANCY 82.51 348430 6/2312011 102824' KAY PARK -REC CORP. 4,690.00 - PADDLE BOATS 00002028 264406 00152076 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 4,690.00 348431 6123/2011 111018 KEEPRS INC. 89.78 GLOCK MAGAZINES 264407- 163415 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 458.96 UNIFORMS 00003574 264448 165117 -01 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 139.99 UNIFORMS 00003852 264449 165383 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS_; FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 426.43 GLOCK MAGAZINES 264590 163415 -02 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 183.95 UNIFORMS 00003581 264743 166179 1470.6558 DEPT.,UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL R55CKREG LOG20000 EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN REPAIR PARTS CITY OF EDINA GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING Council Check Register 6/23/2011 —6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 1,299.11 348432 612312011 117792 KIDDE FIRE TRAINERS INC. 3,074.00 MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 00007436 264625 0000007150 7413.6103 3,074.00 348433 612312011 119705 KLEIN, AARON 39.07 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 26478B 061611 2210.6107 39.07 348434 6123/2011 118334 KULLY SUPPLY INC. 101.25 FOUNTAIN REPAIR PARTS 00001248 264667 SI- 184808 1646.6530 101.25 348435 6123/2011 120511 KUSKE, BRANDON 18.38 TRAINING EXPENSES 264408 061311 1400.6104 44.60 TRAINING EXPENSES 264408 061311 1400.6107 62.98 348436 612312011 116776 KUSTOM KARRIERS 160.00 SERVICE 00005162 264626 66315 1553.6180 160.00 348437 612312011 113676 LAMETTI & SONS INC. 37,203.84 FINAL PAYMENT 264780 062411 10041.1705.30 37,203.84 348438 612312011 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 260.66 SCREWS, WASHERS 00005032 264361 0519420 1553.6530 209.41 METALIZE 00005037 264409 0523054 1553.6530 52.35 HAND CLEANER 00001221 264410 0527687 1553.6406 52.36 HAND CLEANER 00001221 264410 0527687 1552.6406 594.78 348439 6/2312011 100225 LIFEGUARD STORE INC, THE 24.10 LIFEGUARD HAT AND SHIRT 264411 INVO52737 5311.6201 24.10 348440 6/2312011 124810 LIFT BRIDGE BEER COMPANY 130.00 264516 11343 5862.5514 130.00 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Page - 16 Subledger Account Description Business Unit PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSTF FIRE TOWER MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS LS41 LIFT STATION 2 REHAB REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING LAUNDRY POOL OPERATION COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Council Check Register Page - 17 6/23/2011 -6/23/2011 Check # Date. Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 348441 612312011 100857 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC. 910.50 CLEVIS, CYLINDER 00005566 = 264591 00046843 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 910.50 348442 612312011 106301 LOFFLER COMPANIES INC. 116.58 COPIER USAGE 00005164 264627 1260056 1553.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 116.58 348443 612312011 101792 LUKE -TECH 7,527.18 LUBRICANTS 00005165 264628 1919474 1553.6584 LUBRICANTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,625.32 DIESEL 00006046 264744 1916339 5422.6581 GASOLINE MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS _ 851.81 GAS . 00006045 264745 1916881 5424.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES RANGE 870.44 GAS 00006046 264746 1916904 5431.6581 GASOLINE RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE 438.50 GAS 00006045 264747 1916340 5422.6581 GASOLINE MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 11, 313.25 348444 6123/2011 112577 M. AMUNDSON LLP 1,144.70 264836 110609 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD, MIX VERNON SELLING - 1,144.70 348445 6/23/2011 _ 114593 MAAP 10.00 DUES 264785 061711 1190.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ASSESSING 10.00 DUES 264785 061711 1190.6105 DUES 8,SUBSCRIPTIONS ASSESSING 75.00 CONFERENCE - ELIZABETH LOPEZ 264785 061711 1190.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ASSESSING 75.00 CONFERENCE - MITZI WICKLUND 264785 061711 1190.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ASSESSING 170.00 348446 6/2312011 105677 MAGC 15.00 DUPLICATE PLAQUE 264592 061611 2210.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 15.00 348447 6123/2011 126910 MARTHA BURNS SWIM SCHOOL - 2,517.79 RETAIL ITEMS FOR POOL 264483 . 350868 5310.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD POOL ADMINISTRATION 2,517.79 348448 6/2312011 126839: MCDON_ALD, LILLIAN 500.00 HOSTING FEE 264593 APRIL 2011 2210.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 500.00 348449 612312011 101483 MENARDS 44.62 PAINT 00006288 264450 82998 5420.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE 37.72 PAINT 00006288 264451 81775 5420.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 612212011 7:40:43 Council Check Register Page - 18 6/23/2011 — 6123/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 27.91 ROLLERS, BRUSHES 00006298 264452 73512 5420.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE 110.45 _ 348450 612312011 101987 MENARDS 14.49 BUILDING MATERIALS 00001234 264362 95566 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 27.51 FILTERS 00001220 264629 95643 1330.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE TRAFFIC SIGNALS 144.29 CLEANING SUPPLIES, PAINT 00002302 264707 95888 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 186.29 348451 6/2312011 101891 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY 172.98 FIELD MARKING PAINT 00001072 264363 132898 1642.6544 LINE MARKING POWDER FIELD MAINTENANCE 172.98 348452 6/2312011 100886 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 68,438.70 MAY 2011 SAC 264412 061311 1495.4307 SAC CHARGES INSPECTIONS 68,438.70 348453 612312011 100891 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORP. 1,429.75 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 264594 060811 03461.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS SS-461 RIDGE RD RECONSTRUCTION 48,624.61 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 264594 060811 01384.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS RIDGE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION 89,867.15 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 264594 060811 04374.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS STS -374 RIDGE ROAD 139,921.51 348454 612312011 101161 MIDWEST CHEMICAL SUPPLY 368.29 TISSUE, TOWELS 00003579 264364 31215 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 405.53 264365 31222 1551.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 1,025.19 264365 31222 1551.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 1,799.01 348455 6/23/2011 102582 MINN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY 25.00 BLDG OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION 264453 CERT 2023 1495.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS INSPECTIONS 25.00 348456 6/23/2011 103942 MINN FIRE SERVICE CERTIFICATIO 180.00 RECERTIFICATION FEES (9) 264454 061411 1470.6104 CONFERENCES 8 SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 180.00 348457 6/23/2011 100913 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN SEWER & 5,125.00 SEWER LINER REPLACEMENT 00001035 264773 33850 03460.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON 5,125.00 348468 6/23/2011 127062 MINNEHAHA BLDG. MAINT. INC. R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Council Check Register Page - 19 6123/2011 -6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account, Description Business Unit 5.34 WINDOW CLEANING .264630 921085215 5821:6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 16.03 WINDOW CLEANING 264631 9529035730 -VERN 5861.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS VERNON OCCUPANCY ON 21.37 348459 612312011 100522 MINNESOTA AIR INC. _- 10.93 CAPACITOR 00001223 264632 1245542 -00 5311.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION 10.93 348460 612312011 101638 MINNESOTA 'DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 150.00 PLAN REVIEW FEE 264595 061511 05499.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION WM -499 RAW WATER WELL2 TO WTP6 150.00 348461 612312011 106193 MINNESOTA HIGHWAY SAFETY AND 366.00 EVOC LAW ENFORCEMENT CLASS 264596 629430 -2456 2340.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS DWI FORFEITURE 366.00 348462 612312011 101537 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AG 23.00 LICENSE RENEWAL FEE ; 00001351 264597 DAVID GOERGEN 5919.6260 LICENSES & PERMITS TRAINING 23.00 348463 6123/2011 100908 MINNESOTA WANNER CO. 272.10 ALUMINUM PLATE .. 00005092 264366 0089586 -IN 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 272.10 348464 6123/2011 102812 MN DEPARTMENT OF LABOR & INDUS 35.00 LICENSE RENEWAL - ROBERT ATOL 264784 PL00332 5410.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS GOLF ADMINISTRATION 35.00 348466 612312011 102395 MDSE, WILLIAM 515.00 SOFTBALL OFFICIATING 264652 061711 4077.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 515.00 348466 6/2312011 100906 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC. 88.61 NOZZLES, REELS 00002092 264708 792841 -00 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 378.70 FOUNTAIN REPAIR KIT 00006465'264748 789470 -00 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 59.19 STARTER DRIVE 00006467 264749 789951 -00 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 526.70 348467 612312011 103665 NATIONAL ACADEMIES OF EMERGENC 500.00 CONFERENCE 00003033 264662 Nl l -10006 2310.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS E911 500.00 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA _ Council Check Register 6123/2011 —612312011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 348468 6/2312011 100922 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS 2,978.12 SIGNS 00001165 264774 TI- 0235416 1325.6531 SIGNS & POSTS 2,978.12 348469 612312011 106968 NHA HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 180.00 PROGRAM VFD 00006454 264750 '19605695. 5422.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 180.00 348470 612312011 120235 NORTH AMERICAN RESCUE LLC 25.48 GAUZE 00003054 264413 IN82594 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 25.48 348471 6/2312011 101620 NORTH SECOND STREET STEEL SUPP- J 967.71 PIPE 00001279 264633 206095 1325.6531 SIGNS &'.POSTS 967.71 348472 6/23/2011 100927 NORTHERN AIRE POOLS INC 41.70 CURVED WALL BRUSH 264598 51502 5311:6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 41.70 348473 612312011 121497 NORTHWEST ASPHALT INC. 28,314.46 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 264599- 053111 04369.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 38,450.98 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 264599 053111 05503.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 77,500.57 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 264599 053111 01367.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 144,266.01 348474 6/2312011 121497 NORTHWEST ASPHALT INC. 2,042.50 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 264634 062411 01373.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 19,533.90 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO: 1 264634 062411 03465.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 59,975.73 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 264634 062411 04379.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 103,276.52 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 264634 062411 05515.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 184,828.65 348475 612312011 121497 NORTHWEST ASPHALT INC. 5,937.50 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 264635 061711 01371.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 11,528.25 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 264635 061711 04377.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 16,354.25 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 264635 061711 05513.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 20,569.64 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 264635 061711 03463.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 54,389.64 348476 .612312011 116114 OCE _ 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Page - 20 Business Unit STREET NAME SIGNS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL STREET NAME SIGNS POOL OPERATION STS -369 W 70TH STREET WM -503 W70TH ST TRAFFIC STUDY BA -367 W70TH TRAFFIC IMPLEMENT BA -373 OSCAR ROBERTS RECON SS-465 OSCAR ROBERTS RECON OSCAR ROBERTS RECON OSCAR ROBERTS RECON BA -371 KILLARNEY SHORES KILLARNEY SHORES RECON KILLARNEY SHORES RECON SS -463 KILLARNEY:SHORES RECON R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6123/2011 - 6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No .. Subledger Account Description 121.96 APRIL USAGE 264367 987445140 1495.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 144.88 MAY USAGE 264368 .987474312 1495.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES- 266.84 348477 612312011 103578 .OFFICE DEPOT 13.62 ENVELOPES 264455 . '1349666094 5410.6513` OFFICE SUPPLIES 13.62 348478 6/23/2011 102712 OFFICE OF ENTER_ PRISE TECHNOLOG 362.82 264600 W11050666 5420.6188 TELEPHONE 23.12 264601 W11050660 1646.6188 TELEPHONE 23.12 264601 W11050660 1550.6188 TELEPHONE 46.24 264601 W11050660 5111.6188 TELEPHONE 4624 264601 W11050660 1646.6188 TELEPHONE 60.12 264601 W11050660 5311.6188 TELEPHONE 69.36 264601 W11050660 5861.6188 TELEPHONE 92.48 264601 W11050660 1481.6188 TELEPHONE 92.48 264601 W11050660 5821.6188 TELEPHONE 115.60 264601 W11050660 1646.6188 TELEPHONE 138.72 264601 W11050660 5841.6188 TELEPHONE 156.55 264601 W11050660 5210.6188 TELEPHONE 164.29 264601 W11050660 1646.6188 TELEPHONE 206.83 264601 W11050660 5631.6188 TELEPHONE 206.84 264601 W11050660 5621.6188 TELEPHONE 323.68 264601 W11050660 1622.6188 TELEPHONE 2,128.49 348479 612312011 124089 OHMANN, NANCY - 235.95 ART WORK SOLD' 264663 060911 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD 235.95 - 348480 6123/2011 100936 OLSEN COMPANIES 81.35 CABLE 00006464 264751 641434 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 81.35 348481 6/2312011 129214 OUVERSON SEWER AND WATER INC. 3,196.00 SEWER LINER REPLACEMENT 00001036 264775 2535 03460.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION 3,196.00 00001663 264776 2548 03460.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION 5,195.00 00001693 264777 2542- 03460.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION 3,996.00 00001684 264778 2551 03460.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION 4,316.00 00001314 264779 2544 03460.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION 19,899.00 6/2212011 7:40:43 Page- 21 Business Unit INSPECTIONS GOLF ADMINISTRATION CLUB HOUSE BUILDING MAINTENANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL ART CENTER BLDG / MAINT BUILDING MAINTENANCE- POOL OPERATION VERNON OCCUPANCY YORK FIRE STATION 50TH.ST OCCUPANCY BUILDING MAINTENANCE YORK OCCUPANCY GOLF DOME PROGRAM BUILDING MAINTENANCE CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION SKATING & HOCKEY -ART CENTER REVENUES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON MINNEHAHA.WOODS RECON MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON R55CKREG LOG20000 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE CITY OF EDINA YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX Council Check Register COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 6/23/2011 -6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 348482 612312011 100940 OWENS COMPANIES INC. 323.53 AIR CONDITIONING REPAIRS 00002301 264709 40816 5630.6180 323.53 348483 612312011 121026 PALDA & SONS INC. 11,628.00 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 264602 060811 04375.1705.30 133,588.84 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 264602 060811 01334.1705.30 168,291.12 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 264602 060811 05511.1705.30 214,257.23 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 264602 060811 03460.1705.30 527,765.19 348484 612312011 119486 PARAGON LAND SCULPTING 407.65 COMPOST 00001724 264668 3503 1644.6541 407.65 348485 6/2312011 100347 PAUSTIS & SONS 1,144.26 264517 8308331 -IN 5822.5513 2,842.53 264518 0000198 -IN 5862.5513 1,179.50 264519 8308321 -IN 51342.5513 429.50 264520 8308391 -IN 5842.5512 33.25 264683 8308343 -IN 5862.5515 5,629.04 348486 6123/2011 100945 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY 617.55 264456 67011864 5421.5510 107.80 264521 70120273 5822.5515 546.30 264684 70120285 5862.5515 990.09 264710 67011875 5630.5510 444.00 264837 67641652 5842.5515 2,705.74 348487 6/2312011 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 191.32 264522 2080790 5822.5513 4,610.84 264523 2079862 5842.5513 1,390.45 264524 2079864 5842.5513 48.00 264525 2080228 5842.5513 375.98 264526 2079866 5862.5512 1,452.09 264685 2083296 5862.5513 57.12 264686 2083297 5862.5515 383.90 264687 2083292 5862.5512 1,225.76 264688 2083293 5862.5513 Subledger Account Description CONTRACTED REPAIRS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS PLANTINGS & TREES 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Page - 22 Business Unit CENTENNIAL LAKES MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON BA -334 MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON MINNEHAHA WOODS RECON TREES & MAINTENANCE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX GRILL 50TH ST SELLING VERNON SELLING CENTENNIAL LAKES YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING CITY OF EDINA 6/2212011 7:40:43 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 23 6/23/2011 - 6123/2011 c - Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation •130 # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 216.25 264838 2083289_ 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 770.54 264839 2083288 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD•WINE YORK SELLING 711.23 264840 2083291 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3,909.49 264841 2063290 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,527.74 264842 2083295 5842.5513 COST.OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING - 1,060.70 264843 2079863 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 475.05 264844 2083286 5822.5512 COST OF,GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 1,014.68 264845 2083287 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 315.02 264846 2083294 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 20,736.16 348488 612312011 119620 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC. 289.61 TIRES 00005027 264369 475544 .1553.6583 TIRES 8 TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 289.61 348489 6/2312011 100961 • POSTMASTER - USPS 5,632.83 ABOUT TOWN POSTAGE 264786 062011 2210.6123 MAGAZINEINEWSLETTER EXPENSE COMMUNICATIONS 5,632.83 348490 612312011 118747 POTTERS INDUSTRIES INC. 4704:00 MARKING SPHERES 00001086 264636 90740885 1325.6532 PAINT STREET NAME SIGNS 4,704.00 348491 612312011 113629 PRO MAINTENANCE INC. 10,602.60 RECOAT EPDXY - STATION 2 264457 9403 45012.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FIRE STATION #2 FLOOR 10,602.60 348492 6123/2011 105690 PRO -TEC DESIGN INC. 232.79 ACCESS CARDS 264637 57958 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 232.79 - 348493 612312011 125065 PRONTO HEATING AND AIR COND 98.08 PERMIT REFUND 264370 ED107084 1495.4112 PLUMBING PERMITS INSPECTIONS 111.96 PERMIT REFUND 264414 ED107035 1495.4111 BUILDING PERMITS INSPECTIONS 210.04 348494 612312011 106322 PROSOURCE SUPPLY 738.16 LINERS, TOWELS, TISSUE 00002300 264711 5227 5630.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 738.16 348495 612312011 111600 PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER INC. 105.07 HAND CLEANER 264603 5250272 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6/23/2011 - 6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 105.07 348496 612312011 100971, QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Page - 24 . Business Unit 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON.SELLING - VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING TELEPHONE 671.60 TELEPHONE 264527 469862 -00 _ 5822.5513 f TELEPHONE 350.00, 264528 469657 -00 5822.5512 196.80 264529 .469443 -00 5822.5513 2,563.84 264530 469442 -00 5862.5513 1,990.31 264531 469860 -00 5862.5513 322.48 264532 469858 -CO 5842.5514'.` 1,219.34 264533 469441 -00 5842.5513 435.10 - 264534 469859 -00 5842.5513 2,284.54 264535' 469655 -00 5842.5512 - 9.83- 264536 466866 5822.5512 31.08- 264537 466496 -00 5862.5512 2,905.02 264689 46965640.. .5862,5512 632.00 264690: 466776 -00 5862.5513' 309.64 264847 466861 -00 , 5862.5514., 13,839276 348497 612312011 123898 QWEST 200.52 952 835 -6661 264371 6661.6/11 1552.6188 151.42 952 285 -2951 264458 2951 -6/11 ;1470.6188 60.26 952 944 -1841 264459 1841.6/11 1646.6188 58.65 952 944 -6522 264802 6522 -6/11 5511.6188 490.85 348498 6/23/2011 124537 RALPH, ROBERT 618.00 SOFTBALL OFFICIATING 264653 061711 4077.6103 618:00 348499 612312011 J 104642 RCM SPECIALTIES INC. - 982.82 EMULSION 00001231 264372 1341 1301.6519 982.82 348500 6/2312011 106324 READY WATT ELECTRIC 1,866.00 REPAIR SIREN #7 264415 95723 1460.6406 1,866.00 348501 6/23/2011 100977 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 248.90 URINAL REPAIR 264752 57396 5424.6180 248.90 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Page - 24 . Business Unit 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON.SELLING - VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING TELEPHONE CENT SVC PW BUILDING TELEPHONE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE TELEPHONE ARENA BLDGIGROUNDS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ROAD OIL GENERAL MAINTENANCE GENERAL SUPPLIES CIVILIAN DEFENSE CONTRACTED REPAIRS RANGE R55CKREG LOG20000 264538 . 1548100 5842.5513 CITY OF EDINA YORK SELLING 1,268.00 264539 1558341 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE Council Check Register 402.50 264540 1548693 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 6/23/2011 -6/2312011 1550874 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation, PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 348502 6/23/2011 100980 ROBERT B. HILL CO. 122.57 SOFTENER SALT 00003648 264460 00252365 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 143.42 SOFTENER SALT 264638 00252699 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 20.30 SOFTENER SALT 00003648 264753 00252606 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 286.29 348503 6/2312011 101634 'SAINTAGNES BAKING COMPANY 60.41 BAKERY 264754 314201 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 60.41 348504 6/23/2011 117807 SAM'S CLUB 57.87 REFRESHMENTS 264639 _ 000346 7413.6106 MEETING EXPENSE 57.87 348505 6/23/2011 101822 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 41.81 101 -****'**9350 264461 061411 4075.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 290.27 101= "" "9350 264461 061411 1624.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 332.08 348506 612312011 100990 SCHARBER &SONS 35.70 HANDLES, PINS 00001885 264416 1072065 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 35.70 348607 6123/2011 119799 SCHIMETZ, SCOTT 206.00 SOFTBALL OFFICIATING 264654 061711 4077.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 206.00 348506 6/23/2011 100995 SEH 1,342.70 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 264755 244872 47073.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 1,342.70 - 348509 6/23/2011 100998 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. 453.90 PAINT 00008035 264792 1994 -6 5511.6532 PAINT 233.36 PAINT 00008049 264793 3708-4 5511.6532 PAINT 481.15 PAINT 00008042 264794 2164 -5 5511.6532 PAINT 1,168.41 348510 6123/2011 127878 SOUTHERN WINE AND SPIRITS 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Page- 25 Business Unit FIRE DEPT. GENERAL CITY HALL GENERAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL GRILL PSTF FIRE TOWER VANVALKENBURG PLAYGROUND & THEATER EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION VETERANS MEMORIAL ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 1,282.50 264538 . 1548100 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,268.00 264539 1558341 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 402.50 264540 1548693 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 96.00- 264541 1550874 5642.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Council Check Register Page - 26 6/23/2011 - 6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 112.10 264542 1550729 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 273.50 264543 1489794 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 174.75 264691 1550734 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 482.73 264692 1558374 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 193.00 264693 1489797 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 144.50 264694 1489795 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 72.00- 264695 1546320 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 220.50 264848 1550730 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 507.00 264849 1489798 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 505.50 264850 1558375 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 424.00 264851 1550989 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 80.50 264852 1550998 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5,903.08 348511 612312011 101021 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA LLC 41.32 041 9133 038 264462 052311 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 259.34 041 9133 038 264462 052311 1314.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET RENOVATION 300.66 348512 612312011 100181 SPEEDY KEYS 55.00 STORAGE KEY 00005029 264781 Z110001 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 55.00 348513 612312011 100650 STANLEY SECURITY SOLUTIONS INC 42.41 KEYS CORED 264640 CH- 558119 5311.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION 42.41 348514 6/2312011 113490 STERLING FENCE INC. 1,182.00 BLACK CHAIN LINK, POSTS 00008033 264796 22016 5500.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS ICE ARENA BALANCE SHEET 1,182.00 348515 6/23/2011 101017 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 59.53 KEYS, CYLINDERS 00005100 264641 323403 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 148.19 ROD 00005068 264642 323953 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 207.72 348516 612312011 121161 SUPER MEDIA LLC 42.26 PHONE LISTING 264643 060411 5861.6188 TELEPHONE VERNON OCCUPANCY 42.27 PHONE LISTING 264643 060411 5821.6188 TELEPHONE 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 42.27 PHONE LISTING 264643 060411 5841.6188 TELEPHONE YORK OCCUPANCY 126.80 CITY OF EDINA 612212011 7:40:43 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 27 6123/2011 - 6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier I Explanation, P0# Doc No Inv No Account No -. Subledger. Account Description Business Unit 348517 612312011 120998 SURLY BREWING CO. _ 418.00 264544 Z00134 5822.5514 COST OF.. GOODS. SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 880.00 264545 Z00124 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER., VERNON SELLING 913.00 264546 200135 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 2,211.00 348518 612312011 122611 SWANK MOTTO_ N PICTURES INC. - 697.50 MOVIES IN THE`PARK 264417 DB1575770 5631.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION 697.50 348519 612312011 111616 - T.D. ANDERSON INC. 48.00 BEER LINE CLEANING 264463 392274 5421.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES GRILL 48.00 348520 612312011 104932 TAYLOR MADE 275.67 MERCHANDISE 264464 16182733 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS = PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 1,200.15 MERCHANDISE 264756 16150345 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 1,475.82 348521 612312011 - 101029 TESSMANSEEMCO. 983.25 REVOLUTION 264757 5143902 -IN 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 983.25 348522 6123/2011 129267 THAMMINENI; SRITHAN RAM 3.39 SEASON TICKET REFUND 264782 061711 5300.2039 SALES & USE TAX PAYABLE AQUATIC CENTER BALANCE SHEET 46.61 SEASON TICKET REFUND 264782 061711 5301.4532 SEASON TICKETS AQUATIC CENTER REVENUES 50.00 348623 6/2312011 105123 THEMESCAPES INC. 2,375.00 AQUATIC CENTER REPAIRS 264480 21146 -2 5311.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS POOL OPERATION 2,375.00 348524. 612312011 102471 THOLEN, BRIAN 49.99 UNIFORM PURCHASE 264604 061511 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 49.99 - 348525 6123/2011 101035 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 506.40 264465 643062 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 668.45 264466 00770026 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 295.40 264758 644029 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 685.00 264759 00770112 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL ' 4,514.65 264653 643639 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6/23/2011 - 6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 1470.6104 5410.6122 1553.6530 1553.6530 1553.6530 1624.6107 1400.6230 1400.6230 1400.6230 5410.6513 5820.6160 5840.6160 5860.6160 1553.6530 1553.6530 5422.6530 4402.1705.30 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ADVERTISING OTHER REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Page - 26 Business Unit FIRE DEPT. GENERAL GOLF ADMINISTRATION EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN PLAYGROUND & THEATER SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES DATA PROCESSING DATA PROCESSING DATA PROCESSING REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS GOLF ADMINISTRATION 50TH STREET GENERAL LIQUOR YORK GENERAL VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN MAINT OF COURSE 8 GROUNDS PW BUILDING 6,669.90 348526 6/2312011 127318 TIGER ATHLETICS INC. 600.00 FITNESS TRAINING 264467 INV390 600.00 348527 612312011 120700 TIGER OAK PUBLICATIONS INC. 300.00 AD LISTING 264468 2011 -64045 300.00 348528 612312011 103277 TITAN MACHINERY 392.48 GLASS, PLATE, HANDLE 00005088 264605 9C00018 345.29 COUPLERS 00005096 264644 9000130 39.80 ROD, BUSHINGS 00005062 264645 9C00245 777.57 348529 612312011 129246 TOBROXEN, JENNY 15.30 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 264469 061011 15.30 348530 6123/2011 122109 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 2.35 COPIER USAGE 264470 8137017 2.56 264471 8213058 5.75 264472 8302253 10.66 348531 6123/2011 101693 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEMS 117.41 THERMAL ROLL 00006313 264473 26656 14.25 MONTHLY FTP FOLDER 264646 26663 14.25 MONTHLY FTP FOLDER 264646 26663 14.25 MONTHLY FTP FOLDER 264646 26663 160.16 348532 6/2312011 118190 TURFWERKS LLC 62.91 LATCH 00005091 264418 M100389 248.27 WHEELS, FILTERS 00001239 264419 0124729 649.87 ACTUATOR, BEARINGS 00006463 264760 5127006 961.05 348533 6123/2011 101360 TWIN CITY HARDWARE CO. 5,817.02 FINAL PAYMENT 264799 062411 5,817.02 1470.6104 5410.6122 1553.6530 1553.6530 1553.6530 1624.6107 1400.6230 1400.6230 1400.6230 5410.6513 5820.6160 5840.6160 5860.6160 1553.6530 1553.6530 5422.6530 4402.1705.30 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ADVERTISING OTHER REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Page - 26 Business Unit FIRE DEPT. GENERAL GOLF ADMINISTRATION EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN PLAYGROUND & THEATER SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES DATA PROCESSING DATA PROCESSING DATA PROCESSING REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS GOLF ADMINISTRATION 50TH STREET GENERAL LIQUOR YORK GENERAL VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN MAINT OF COURSE 8 GROUNDS PW BUILDING CITY OF EDINA 6/22/2011 7:40:43 " R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 29 6/23/2011 -6/23/2011 Check # Dale Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 348534 612312011 102160 TWIN CITY SEED CO: 762.82 SEED 00006076 264761 25274 5422.6543 SOD & BLACK DIRT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 762.82 " 348535 6/2312011 103248 ULLRICH, CINDY 57.63 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 264762 061711. 5621.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 57.63 348536 6123/2011 100410 USA, MOBILITY WIRELESS INC. 426.93 264420 U0319246F 1400.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL, POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 426.93 348537 612312011 101058 VAN PAPER CO. 1,188.07 TOWELS, CUPS, TUMBLERS 264474 199746 -00 5421.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GRILL 42.70 LIDS 264475 199746 -01 5421.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GRILL 158.43 CUPS 264476 199746 -02 5421.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GRILL 160.60 PAPER BAGS_ 00007512 264606 199337 -01 5842.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 11.09- CREDIT 264607 200801CM 5842.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 209.72 TISSUE, TOWELS, LINERS 00001236 264669 200873 -00 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 177.18 TISSUE 00001242 264670 201008 -00 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,925.61 348638 612312011 103252 VEAP 21,645.00 2011 FUNDING 264421 061311 1504.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HUMAN RELATION COMMISSION 21,645.00 348539 6123/2011 101063 VERSATILE VEHICLES INC. 1,050.00 CART LEASE 264477 54568 5423.6216 LEASE LINES GOLF CARS 416.40 CART PARTS 00002085 264712 54584 5630.6530 REPAIR PARTS- CENTENNIAL LAKES 1,466.40 348540 6/2312011 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY .662.30 ELECTRICAL PA_ RTS 00001198 264373 5452056 5311.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION 607.27- RETURN 00001198 264374. CM695934 5311.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION 165.35 PLIERS 00001233 264647. 5481211 1322.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 96.50 ELECTRICAL PART 00001217 264648- 5469850 5311.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION 316.88 348541 612312011 119454 VINOCOPIA 398.00 264547 0040551 -1N 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 398.00 R55CKREG LOG20000 WINE YORK SELLING CITY OF EDINA YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD Council Check Register VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD 6/23/2011 - 6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 348642 6/2312011 120627 VISTAR CORPORATION 630.67 CONCESSION PRODUCT 264763 31145003 5320.5510 630.67 348543 612312011 104820 VOELKER, JAMES 126.00 AUTOMOTIVE TRAINING 264422 061411 1281.6104 126.00 348644 612312011 102798 WEST PAYMENT CENTER 721.99 MAY 2011 SERVICES 264423 822931089 1400.6103 721.99 348545 6/23/2011 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 562.53 264548 272172 -00 5822.5513 809.90 264549 272169 -00 5862.5513 725.55 264550 272175 -00 5642.5513 2,097.98 348646 6/2312011 101312 WINE MERCHANTS 3,149.72 264551 365078 5842.5513 338.40 264552 365076 5842.5513 121.12- 264553 53728 51322.5513 593.41 264696 366017 5862.5513 975.68 264854 366019 5842.5513 404.96 264855 366018 5642.5513 162.24 264856 366016 5822.5513 5,503.31 348547 612312011 124291 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 2,131.32 264554 586776 5822.5513 660.33 264555 586777 5622.5512 351.60 264556 585065 5862.5513 41.10 264557 566779 5842.5515 1,484.55 264558 586781 5842.5512 62.63 264559 586782 5842.5515 2,359.20 264560 579779 5842.5512 11,766.24 264561 566780 5842.5512 4,544.11 264562 586778 5842.5513 13.00- 264563 832855 5842.5512 118.40- 264564 833364 5642.5512 8.00- 264565 833386 5842.5513 Subledger Account Description COST OF GOODS SOLD 6/27/2011 7:40:43 Page - 30 Business Unit POOL CONCESSIONS CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING I R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/22/2011 7:40:43 Council Check Register Page - 31 6/23/2011 - 6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier I Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No - Subl_edger Account Description Business Unit 193.10- 264566 833258 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 41072.87 264697 586774 5862.5512 COST OF.00ODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 2,382.40 264698 579768 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 7,805.59 264699 586773 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 102.77 264700 586775 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 1,205.32 264857 588513 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 74.10 264858 588514 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 38,731.63 348548 6/23/2011 124529 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 829.50 264478 759463 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 21.50 264567 759707 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 3,239.63 264568 759706 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 21.50 264569 759454 5822.5515 COST OF.GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 2,331.35 264570 759453 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 2,191.30 264571 760035 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 5,427.91 264572 759732 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 136.50 264573 759733 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 2,927.25 264574 760612 5642.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 64.50 264575 760613 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 306.00 264764 762483 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 2,126.85 264859 762661 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 19,623.79 348649 612312011 101726 XCEL ENERGY 4,925.99 51- 5888961 -7 264375 284721509 1375.6185 LIGHT & POWER PARKING RAMP 300.17 51- 4197645 -8 264376 284688402 1322.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 1,546.32 51- 5619094 -8 264377 284715633 1552.6185 LIGHT & POWER CENT SVC PW BUILDING 21,692.76 51- 5605640 -1 264378 285070886. 5911.6185 LIGHT & POWER WELL PUMPS 2,631.64 51- 6227619 -3 264649 285264785 5630.6185 LIGHT & POWER CENTENNIAL LAKES 590.74 51- 4827232 -6 264713 285344490 5311.6185 LIGHT & POWER POOL OPERATION 31,687.62 - 348550 6123/2011 129258 YANDA, PETER 500.00 SPONSORSHIP REFUND 264783 SOFTBALL 4077.4390 REGISTRATION FEES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 500.00 348551 6123/2011 122316 ZACK'S INC. 642.55 BROOMS, PLIERS, SHOVELS 00001203 264379 26891 1301.6556 TOOLS GENERAL MAINTENANCE 134.34 HAND CLEANER, CHAIN 00006469 264765 26892 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 776.89 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/22/2011 7:40:43 . Council Check Register Page - 32 6/23/2011 — 6/23/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 348552 '' 612312011 101089 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 196.18 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 264479 54067394 5410.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT GOLF ADMINISTRATION 196.18 1,933,037.61 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 1,933,037.61 Total Payments 1,933,037.61 1 ' -i R55CKSUM LOG20000 Company Amount 01000 GENERAL FUND 379,421.41 02200 COMMUNICATIONS FUND 8,104.40 02300 POLICE SPECIAL REVENUE 866.00 02400 BRAEMAR MEMORIAL FUND 5,465.00 04000 WORKING CAPITAL FUND 175,502.83 04200- EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 799.38 04800 CONSTRUCTION FUND 133,588.84 ' 05100 ART CENTER FUND 4,824.72 05200 GOLF DOME FUND 6,019.17 05300 AQUATIC CENTER FUND 15,783.15 05400 GOLF COURSE FUND 37,693.38 05500 ICE ARENA FUND 12,600.06 05600 EDINBOROUGH/CENT LAKES FUND 16,166.55 05800 LIQUOR FUND 208,702.96 05900 UTILITY FUND 721,377.41 05930 STORM SEWER FUND 201,313.59 07400 PSTF AGENCY FUND 4,808.76 Report Totals 1,933,037.61 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Summary 6/23/2011 - 6/23/2011 We confirm to the best -of our knowledge and.belief that these claims comply in' all ;mated 1 respects with the requirements of -the City of Edina purchasing po icies nd Procedures date 3 cr ce r 6/22/2011 7:41:40 Page- 1 R65CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6129/2011 7:56:28 Council Check Register Page - 1 6/28/2011 - 6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 348553 612812011 119851 DIEKMAN, BETHANY 372.00 EDINA ART FAIR CLEANUP 265306 062711 1346.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC WORKS SPECIAL PROJECTS 372.00 348554 6128/2011 119850 DIEKMAN, MARLENE 432.00 EDINA ART FAIR CLEANUP 265307 062711 1346.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC WORKS SPECIAL PROJECTS 432.00 348555 6128/2011 115379 U.S. BANK 64.25 CABLE TIES 265177 5/11 -6/11 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 95.96 FEES 265177 5/11 -6/11 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 265.00 HENNEPIN COUNTY CONSULTING 265177 5/11 -6/11 01370.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION BA -370 CARSONS HILL RECON 425.21 348556 612812011 124396 WEBER, ANN 432.00 EDINA ART FAIR CLEANUP 265308 062711 1346.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC WORKS SPECIAL PROJECTS 432.00 348557 6128/2011 126599 WEBER, JESSE 432.00 EDINA ART FAIR CLEANUP 265309 062711 1346.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC WORKS SPECIAL PROJECTS 432.00 348558 6128/2011 124395 WEBER, STEPHANIE 432.00 EDINA ART FAIR CLEANUP 265310 062711 1346.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC WORKS SPECIAL PROJECTS 432.00 348559 6130/2011 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 70.50 264881 574602 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 70.00 264882 0916333 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 53.50 264883 0916419 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 65.80 264884 0916334 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 61.45 265187 0814698 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 48.40 265188 0814697 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 369.65 348560 6/3012011 100614 ACE SUPPLY CO. INC. 242.58 WIRE 00001230 264898 081859 5841.6530 REPAIR PARTS YORK OCCUPANCY 65.68 SNOW VENT, SCREWS 00001227 265085 081670 5100.1740 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT ART CENTER BALANCE SHEET 308.26 348561 6/30/2011 100575 ALL SAFE INC. 62.25 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 265051 106568 5311.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POOL OPERATION R55CKREG LOG20000 125.00 CITY OF EDINA 348568 613012011 Council Check Register 6/28/2011 —6/30/2011 00007070 264860 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 37505 5311.6180 62.25 R 782.84 348562 6/30/2011 112033 ALLDATA 6/3012011 103680 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SRVCS 1,500.00 SUBSCRIPTION 00005177 265086 070511 1553.6160 DATA PROCESSING 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,500.00 317.97 348563 6/3012011 348570 120168 ALLIANCE ELECTRIC INC. 100638 BACHMAN'S 3,313.43 ELECTRICAL FOR AC 00002134 265087 7658 5620.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 5422.6275 COURSE BEAUTIFICATION 3,313.43 478.59 PLANTINGS 00005173 265091 29439 348564 613012011 100867 ALSTAD, MARIAN 800.02 528.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 265311 062411 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 528.00 747.10 SPEAKER REPAIRS 00002306 264940 061411 348565 6/3012011 122312 ANDERSEN, IMOGENE 380.00 GIFT SHOP HELP 265312 062411 5120.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 380.00 348566 6130/2011 102172 APPERTS FOODSERVICE 923.24 FOOD 265088 1579371 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 923.24 348667 613012011 104235 APPLIED MEDIA 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Page- 2 Business Unit EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EDINBOROUGH PARK ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP GRILL 125.00 CL PERFORMANCE 7/12/11 264935 062011 5631.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION POOL OPERATION POOL OPERATION CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS TREES & MAINTENANCE CENTENNIAL LAKES 125.00 348568 613012011 102646 AQUA LOGIC INC. 283.92 FLOW SWITCH 00007070 264860 37459 5311.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 498.92 REPAIRS AT POOL 265089 37505 5311.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 782.84 348569 6/3012011 103680 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SRVCS 317.97 COFFEE 264939 420397 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 317.97 348570 6/3012011 100638 BACHMAN'S 321.43 MULCH, SOIL 00006474 265090 29332 5422.6275 COURSE BEAUTIFICATION 478.59 PLANTINGS 00005173 265091 29439 1644.6541 PLANTINGS & TREES 800.02 348571 613012011 104345 BARCLAYAUDIO 747.10 SPEAKER REPAIRS 00002306 264940 061411 5630.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS POOL OPERATION POOL OPERATION CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS TREES & MAINTENANCE CENTENNIAL LAKES 6129/2011 7:56:28 Page- 3 Business Unit POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE 173.65 264885 58785400 5822.5513 CITY OF EDINA 50TH ST SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 264886 58789400 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 675.35 264887 58790200 5862.5512 Council Check Register VERNON SELLING 29.00 264888 85348600 5862.6512 6/28/2011 -6/30/2011 VERNON SELLING Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 206.18 747.10 6071000 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 348572 6/3012011 264890 102195 BATTERIES PLUS 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 75.52 127.82 BATTERIES 265092 018 - 238052 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 65.49 12.78 85317900 265093 018 - 238046 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 442.82 24.58 58785600 00001310 265094 018- 238316 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS 20.77 165.18 58785500 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 348573 613012011 265189 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 6129/2011 7:56:28 Page- 3 Business Unit POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE 173.65 264885 58785400 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 271.55 264886 58789400 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 675.35 264887 58790200 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 29.00 264888 85348600 5862.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 69.39 264888 85348600 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 206.18 264889 6071000 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 6.73 264890 85317800 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 75.52 264891 85348500 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 65.49 264892 85317900 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 442.82 265002 58785600 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 20.77 265003 58785500 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 64.50 265189 58886500 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 155.10 265190 58886400 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 97.85 265191 85380800 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 346574 613012011 100661 BENN, BRADLEY 381.60 INSTRUCTOR AC 265313 062411 5110.6103 381.60 348575 613012011 129265 BENSON, JEANELL 185.00 RENTAL CANCELATION REFUND 264897 062111 1600.4722.03 185.00 348576 613012011 127386 BERGERON, CHERE SUZETTE 60.00 MEDIA INSTRUCTION 265314 062411 5125.6103 60.00 348577 613012011 125139 BERNICWS WINE 780.00 265192 26636 5842.5513 780.00 348578 613012011 100648 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCTS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARNESON ACRES RENTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMIN. GENERAL MEDIA STUDIO COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Council Check Register Page - 4 6/28/2011 -6130/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation 117.90 OFFICE SUPPLIES 76.94 CALCULATOR 76.84- RETURN 74.80- DEFECTIVE LAMP 2.97 PENCILS 46.07 PO # Doc No 264989 264990 264991 264992 265074 Inv No WO- 698033 -1 OE- 258454 -1 CP- WO- 698033 -1 CP- WO- 699040 -1 WO- 701220 -1 348579 613012011 119679 BIXBY PORTABLE TOILET SERVICE 34.34 TOILET SERVICE 00006326 265095 26082 34.34 265096 26083 34.34 265097 26084 34.34 00001393 265098 26214 94.34 265099 26215 34.34 265100 26216 34.34 265101 26217 300.38 348580 613012011 123329 BLOTZ, MOLLY 135.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 265315 062411 135.00 348581 613012011 122688 BMK SOLUTIONS 188.57 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00003591 265104 69348 188.57 348582 6130/2011 101010 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY 29.41 HEATER ELEMENT PARTS 00001196 264861 902482435 42.89 DISCONNECT 00001292 265102 902508709 365.42 FUSES 00001292 265102 902508709 9.83 RECEPTICLES, CABLE TIES 00001284 265103 902501330 36.49 RECEPTICLES, CABLE TIES 00001284 265103 9025/31330 41.36 RECEPTICLES, CABLE TIES 00001284 265103 902501330 61.13 RECEPTICLES, CABLE TIES 00001284 265103 902501330 586.53 348563 613012011 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 5,370.86 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003578 264993 87256656 326.58 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 00002139 265105 87259882 5,697.44 348584 613012011 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 715.02 265193 103904 Account No 1190.6406 1190.6406 1190.6406 1550.6406 1600.6406 5430.6182 5422.6182 5422.6182 1642.6103 1642.6103 1642.6103 1642.6103 5110.6103 1470.6513 5311.6406 5311.6406 1322.6406 1301.6556 1646.6406 1322.6406 1322.6406 1470.6510 5621.6610 5842.5513 Subledger Account Description GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES RUBBISH REMOVAL RUBBISH REMOVAL RUBBISH REMOVAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Business Unit ASSESSING ASSESSING ASSESSING CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL PARK ADMIN. GENERAL RICHARDS GOLF COURSE MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS FIELD MAINTENANCE FIELD MAINTENANCE FIELD MAINTENANCE FIELD MAINTENANCE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES TOOLS GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION POOL OPERATION STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL GENERAL MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINTENANCE STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING CITY OF EDINA 6/29/2011 7:56:28 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 5 6/28/2011 -6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 661.50 265194 103903 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,376.52 348585 613012011 129280 BOWMAN, SARAH 135.00 MEDIA INSTRUCTION 265316 062411 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 135.00 348586 613012011 100659 BOYER TRUCK PARTS 563.79 ROLLER KITS 00005044 264941 521254X1 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 563.79 348587 613012011 104470 BRIDGESTONE GOLF INC. 69.75 GOLF BALLS 265339 1001858852 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 664.78 265340 1001858851 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 734.53 348588 6/30/2011 103239 BRIN NORTHWESTERN. GLASS CO. 646.77 WINDOW GLAZING, LOCK REPAIR 265106 516120S 5620.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EDINBOROUGH PARK 646.77 348689 613012011 103254 BRO -TEX INC. 289.14 PIG MAT 00005161 264942 403959 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 289.14 348590 613012011 121118 BRUESKE, JEFF 200.00 CL PERFORMANCE 7/12111 264934 062011 5631.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION 200.00 348691 613012011 102398 BUDGET PROJECTOR REPAIR 40.00 REPAIRS 00009158 265107 3124 5125.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS MEDIA STUDIO 40.00 348592 613012011 103896 CAD ZONE, THE 209.00 PRE PLAN SOFTWARE 00003586 264994 27448 1470.6160 DATA PROCESSING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 209.00 348593 613012011 102083 CALHOUN ISLES COMMUNITY BAND 100.00 CL PERFORMANCE 7/6/11 264930 062011 5631.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION 100.00 348594 6/30/2011 102046 CAMPE, HARRIET 104.00 POTTERY MAINTENANCE 265317 062411 5111.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT R55CKREG LOG20000 265195 920150 CITY OF EDINA COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 6,008.50 265196 Council Check Register 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 63.80 6/28/2011 —6/30/2011 920152 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 920153 252.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 265317 062411 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 356.00 348598 6/3012011 348595 613012011 117187 CHEM SYSTEMS LTD 127500 CAPITAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES L 255.99 CLEANING SUPPLIES 265341 86696 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 516533 255.99 1,040.57 348596 613012011 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 348599 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Page- 6 Business Unit ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION PSTF OCCUPANCY 141.80 265195 920150 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 6,008.50 265196 920151 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 63.80 265197 920152 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 1,059.45 265198 920153 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 348597 6130/2011 116683 CAT & FIDDLE BEVERAGE 426.00 264899 90447 5842.5513 456.00 265004 90460 5862.5513 882.00 348598 6/3012011 117187 CHEM SYSTEMS LTD 1,040.57 TOWER TREATMENT 00008052 264862 516533 5521.6180 1,040.57 348599 6/30/2011 129281 CHEYENNE REAL ESTATE LLC 37.27 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 265342 6820 CHEYENNE 5900.2015 CIR 37.27 348600 613012011 129285 CHINOOK BOOK 320.00 EDINA ART CENTER AD 000MEDIA 265343 IM- 0000022522 5125.6122 320.00 348601 613012011 119725 CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTING CO 69.95 264900 448196 5842.5514 209.94 265005 448201 5862.5514 279.89 348602 613012011 100684 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON 6,513.24 LABORATORY SERVICES 264865 JUN2011 5915.6136 6,513.24 348603 613012011 100684 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING CONTRACTED REPAIRS CUSTOMER REFUND ADVERTISING OTHER ARENA ICE MAINT UTILITY BALANCE SHEET MEDIA STUDIO COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER WATER TREATMENT R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6/28/2011 -6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 13 976 00 PHER CONTRACT 265052 PH1023 4205.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SEWER & WATER SEWER & WATER SEWER & WATER SEWER & WATER SEWER & WATER GENERAL SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Page- 7 Business Unit PUBLIC HEALTH GRANT PHASE 1 &2 ARENA BLDGIGROUNDS ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT FIRE DEPT. GENERAL EDINBOROUGH PARK FIRE DEPT. GENERAL ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION MEDIA STUDIO SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT GOLF ADMINISTRATION CONTRACTED REPAIRS CLUB HOUSE COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING REPAIR PARTS PATHS & HARD SURFACE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT EDINBOROUGH PARK 13,976.00 348604 613012011 122084 CITY OF EDINA -UTILITIES 311.69 00079303 - 0155300018 264863 155300018 -6/11 5511.6189 47.36 00079303 - 0155300009 264864 155300009.6111 5511.6189 311.69 00113667- 0120835016 265053 120835016.6/11 5111.6189 234.65 00113607- 0170005201 265108 170005201 -6/11 1470.6189 916.80 00077479 - 0113317143 265109 113317143 -6111 5620.6189 1,822.19 348605 6/3012011 100689 CLAREYS SAFETY EQUIP. 430.35 BRACKET, PIKE POLES 00003521 265110 139535 1470.6406 430.35 348606 613012011 123941 CLAY, CAROL 303.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 265318 062411 5110.6103 303.00 348607 613012011 116304 CLAY, DON 246.75 MEDIA INSTRUCTION 265319 062411 5125.6103 246.75 348608 613012011 121616 COATES ROOFING INC. 460.00 PROSHOP ROOF REPAIR 265111 1165 5410.6230 875.00 ELEVATOR ROOF REPAIR 265112 1134 5420.6180 1,335.00 348609 6/3012011 100692 COCA -COLA BOTTLING CO. 98.80 264893 0138024416 5822.5515 98.80 348610 613012011 123451 COLUMBIA CASCADE COMPANY 2,115.00 PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT PARTS 00001880 265344 30213 -38 1647.6530 2,115.00 348611 6/3012011 120433 COMCAST 105.31 8772 10 614 0396908 264943 396908-6/11 5631.6105 82.60 8772 10 614 0220686 265113 220686 -6111 5620.6230 187.91 348612 613012011 129276 CONTECH BRIDGE SOLUTIONS SEWER & WATER SEWER & WATER SEWER & WATER SEWER & WATER SEWER & WATER GENERAL SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Page- 7 Business Unit PUBLIC HEALTH GRANT PHASE 1 &2 ARENA BLDGIGROUNDS ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT FIRE DEPT. GENERAL EDINBOROUGH PARK FIRE DEPT. GENERAL ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION MEDIA STUDIO SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT GOLF ADMINISTRATION CONTRACTED REPAIRS CLUB HOUSE COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING REPAIR PARTS PATHS & HARD SURFACE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT EDINBOROUGH PARK R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6128/2011 —6130/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 16,886.25 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE 00001414 265114 INV000002003 1647.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REPAIR PARTS COST OF GOODS SOLD PLANTINGS & TREES BUILDINGS GENERAL SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTR. IN PROGRESS REPAIR PARTS CLEANING SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Page - 8 Business Unit PATHS & HARD SURFACE ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP TREES & MAINTENANCE EB /CL BALANCE SHEET ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC ART WM -508 SCADA SYSTEM METER REPAIR ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 16,886.25 348613 6/3012011 100695 CONTINENTAL CLAY CO. 25.43 THERMOCOUPLE 00009038 265054 R200371201 5111.6530 138.94 CLAY, KEMPER TOOLS 00009038 265054 R200371201 5120.5510 164.37 348614 613012011 119899 CREEKSIDE SOILS 1,293.19 LANDSCAPE MULCH 00001253 265115 75737 -26297 1644.6541 1,293.19 348615 6130/2011 123653 CROSSTOWN CONCRETE 17,969.00 REPLACE PAVERS IN PARK 00002037 265116 042611 5600.1720 17,969.00 348616 613012011 102596 CROWN TROPHY 126.21 VOLUNTEER PLAQUE 00009027 265117 26348 5110.6406 67.10 EURO GOLD PLASTIC ENGRAVING 00009181 265118 26858 4105.6103 193.31 348617 613012011 102791 02 SERVICES INC. 6,293.20 SCADA PROGRAMMING 00005430 265124 10074 05508.1705 6,293.20 348618 613012011 121618 DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP 3,081.53 METERS 00001154 265119 6922317 5917.6530 3,081.53 348619 6130/2011 104020 DALCO 344.14 DEGREASER 00008028 264866 2340710 5511.6511 467.31 DEGREASER 00005117 265075 2345106 1553.6530 811.45 348620 613012011 104530 DANIELSON, GLORIA 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 250085 111710 1180.6013 160.88 348621 613012011 102478 DAY DISTRIBUTING CO. 3,191.75 264901 605728 5842.5514 67.20 264902 6212012 5842.5515 1,833.80 265006 605726 5862.5514 REPAIR PARTS COST OF GOODS SOLD PLANTINGS & TREES BUILDINGS GENERAL SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTR. IN PROGRESS REPAIR PARTS CLEANING SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Page - 8 Business Unit PATHS & HARD SURFACE ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP TREES & MAINTENANCE EB /CL BALANCE SHEET ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC ART WM -508 SCADA SYSTEM METER REPAIR ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING CITY OF EDINA 6/29/2011 7:56:28 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 9 6/28/2011 -6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 66.30 265007 6212013 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 1,613.15 265199 605727 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 6,772.20 348622 613012011 118490 DEEP ROCK WATER COMPANY 145.33 609425 WATER 265345 7251842 5311.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION 145.33 348623 613012011 100718 DELEGARD TOOL CO. 140.89 CROWFOOT SETS 00005099 264944 591663 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 71.46 TIE ROD 00005066 264945 592344 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 136.93 SOCKET SETS 00005929 265076 592044 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 349.28 348624 613012011 100720 DENNYS 6TH AVE. BAKERY 88.17 BAKERY 265120 372836 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 86.18 265121 372840 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 66.53 265122 373019 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 59.04 265123 373203 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 299.92 348625 613012011 102831 DEX MEDIA EAST INC. 101.80 650243624 265125 650243624 -6/11 5631.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION 101.80 348626 6130/2011 100726 DIESEL COMPONENTS INC. 816.94 GASKET KITS 00005163 265077 W6441 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 816.94 348627 613012011 124289 DISTRIBUTOR SALES INC. 19.34 CLAMP 264867 14053 5311.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION 22.98 PLUMBING REPAIR KIT 264868 14036 5311.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION 42.32 348628 6/3012011 129062 DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 2,065.00 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 265126 0050942 5600.1720 BUILDINGS EB /CL BALANCE SHEET 2,065.00 348629 613012011 124503 EDEN PRAIRIE WINLECTRIC CO. 68.81 PARTS FOR KILN 00001987 265055 08079000 5100.1740 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT ART CENTER BALANCE SHEET 9.98 CONDULET 00001163 265056 08059002 5100.1740 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT ART CENTER BALANCE SHEET 48.15 PARTS FOR KILN 00009194 265057 08081700 5100.1740 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT ART CENTER BALANCE SHEET R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6/28/2011 -6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 43.34 RETURN PART 00001163 265058 08081600 5100.1740 83.60 348630 613012011 100744 EDINA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 75.00 GMM JUNE 264869 30180 1120.6106 75.00 348631 613012011 105467 EDINA CRIME PREVENTION FUND 8,330.00 CREDIT CARD RECEIPTS 265346 ARTFAIR 5101.4607 8,330.00 348632 613012011 101321 EDINA HARDWARE 75.95 PAINT, STAPLE GUN 00009137 265127 83645 5111.6406 75.95 348633 6/3012011 100049 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 2,000.00 ARBITRAGE MONITORING 2007A 265126 61928 3101.6103 2,000.00 348634 613012011 100746 ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR 195.62 FASCO MOTOR 264903 385613 5841.6530 195.62 348636 6130/2011 101956 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINTENANC 4,098.10 E-81 REPAIRS 264995 55699 1470.6180 4,098.10 348636 613012011 100146 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 338.26 ROTORS, PADS, RODS 00005026 264946 69- 040223 1553.6530 112.75 JOINTS, LINK KIT 00005026 264947 1- 3657902 1553.6530 4.23 FUEL FILTER 00005026 264948 74012785 1553.6530 33.60 LINK KIT 00005026 264949 1- 3658060 1553.6530 16.79 RADIATOR HOSE 00005026 264950 1- 3660636 1553.6530 17.13 CERAMIC BRAKE LURE 00005026 264951 69- 040357 1553.6530 34.08 RADIATOR HOSE, FILTER 00005026 264952 69- 040532 1553.6530 39.00 CIRCUIT TESTERS 00005060 264953 1- 3661015 1553.6556 595.84 348637 613012011 126004 FERGUSON WATERWORKS 295.88 TEST AND REPAIR LOCATORS 00001322 264954 S01310020.001 1322.6530 295.88 Subledger Account Description MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT MEETING EXPENSE CLASS REGISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLIES 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Page - 10 Business Unit ART CENTER BALANCE SHEET ADMINISTRATION ART CENTER REVENUES ART CENTER BLDG / MAINT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL DEBT SERVICE REVENUES REPAIR PARTS YORK OCCUPANCY CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN REPAIR PARTS STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 612912011 7:56:28 Page - 11 Subledger Account Description Business Unit GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF RANGE COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES CONFERENCES 6 SCHOOLS GENERAL (BILLING) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION CONTRACTED REPAIRS CENT SVC PW BUILDING EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FIRE EQUIPMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION SAC CHARGES INSPECTIONS PAINT GENERAL SUPPLIES TOOLS GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EDINBOROUGH PARK MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS PSTF RANGE PSTF RANGE CITY OF EDINA R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register 6/2812011 — 6130/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 348638 613012011 116189 FILTRATION SYSTEMS INC. 972.45 FILTERS 265347 41683 7412.6406 972.45 348639 613012011 101475 FOOTJOY 1,402.68 MERCHANDISE 265348 3785209 5440.5511 1,402.68 348640 613012011 102273 FRED PRYOR SEMINARS 99.00 REGISTRATION - LORI LOHMANN 265349 SEMINAR 5910.6104 99.00 348641 613012011 103039 FREY, MICHAEL 2,304.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 265320 062411 5110.6103 2,304.00 348642 6/3012011 127385 GARAGE DOOR STORE 936.63 REPAIR GARAGE DOOR 00005174 265078 18548 1552.6180 936.63 348643 613012011 129282 GENERAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT LLC 200,319.00 FIRE TRUCK CHASSIS 00003589 265350 64953 421470.6710 200,319.00 348644 6/3012011 101867 GETSINGER, DONNA 188.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 265321 062411 5110.6103 188.00 348645 613012011 129279 GIK REAL ESTATE 2,100.00 REFUND - 7101 AMUNDSON AVE S 265351 SAC CREDIT 1495.4307 2,100.00 348646 613012011 101103 GRAINGER 137.64 MARKING PAINT 00001131 264955 9550876941 5913.6532 19.43 NITRILE GLOVES 00001294 264956 9564052604 1322.6406 27.42 PROTRACTOR 00005065 265079 9562962580 1553.6556 70.02 LIGHT BULBS 00002146 265129 9562405358 5620.6406 7.48- CREDIT 265130 9554361189 5422.6406 22.69 FUSE 265352 9494516017 7412.6406 13.44 RETURN 265353 9498016741 7412.6406 256.28 612912011 7:56:28 Page - 11 Subledger Account Description Business Unit GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF RANGE COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES CONFERENCES 6 SCHOOLS GENERAL (BILLING) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION CONTRACTED REPAIRS CENT SVC PW BUILDING EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FIRE EQUIPMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION SAC CHARGES INSPECTIONS PAINT GENERAL SUPPLIES TOOLS GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EDINBOROUGH PARK MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS PSTF RANGE PSTF RANGE R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/2912011 7:56:28 Council Check Register Page - 12 6/28/2011 - 6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 348647 6/3012011 102670 GRAND PERE WINES INC 99.00 265008 00027117 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 99.00 348648 6/3012011 124711 GRANDVIEW TIRE & AUTO - CAHILL 54.95 ALIGNMENT 00005167 264957 26600 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 54.95 348649 613012011 120201 GRANICUS INC. 180.00 JULY WEBSTREAMING 265059 27376 2210.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 180.00 348650 613012011 102217 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 571.25 265009 129103 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 425.00 265200 129105 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 196.50 265201 129104 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,192.75 348651 613012011 101518 GRAUSAM, STEVE 7.36 REIMBURSEMENT 265354 062711 5840.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 10.98 REIMBURSEMENT 265354 062711 5841.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK OCCUPANCY 30.00 REIMBURSEMENT 265354 062711 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 30.00 REIMBURSEMENT 265354 062711 5822.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 58.66 REIMBURSEMENT 265354 062711 5841.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK OCCUPANCY 137.00 348652 613012011 121536 GRAY MATTER CREATIVE LLC 612.50 FLOW RIDER CONCEPT RENDERINGS 264904 11094 5310.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POOL ADMINISTRATION 612.50 348653 613012011 100783 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. INC. 116.91 STRAIN RELIEFS 00001216 264958 954480726 1322.6530 REPAIR PARTS STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 116.91 348654 613012011 123946 GREENE, VANESSA 84.00 MEDIA INSTRUCTION 265322 062411 5125.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MEDIA STUDIO 84.00 348655 613012011 129167 GRIMES, JOHN P. 192.12 MEDIA INSTRUCTION 265323 062411 5125.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MEDIA STUDIO 192.12 R55CKREG LOG20000 250.00 CL PERFORMANCE 7/5/11 CITY OF EDINA 062011 5631.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION Council Check Register 6/28/2011 — 6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 348656 613012011 265132 121379 GRIMES, JUDITH 5822.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 105.90 1,275.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 265324 062511 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 348662 6130/2011 1,275.00 125270 HARTFORD -PRIORITY ACCOUNTS 348657 6130/2011 100155 GRITTON, KAY JULY PREMIUM 265355 5439050 -5 9900.2033.05 LIFE INSURANCE - 99 PAYROLL CLEARING 84.00 MEDIA INSTRUCTION 265325 062411 5125.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1550.6043 COBRA INSURANCE 84.00 5,039.49 348658 613012011 104482 GUNNAR ELECTRIC CO. INC. 348663 613012011 100012 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD 1,496.00 ELECTRICAL WORK ON KILNS 00009036 265131 11 -5-35 5100.1740 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 1,640.98 WATER MAIN FITTINGS 00001809 1,496.00 2921260 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 348659 613012011 100788 H&L MESABI 348664 613012011 8,002.81 PLOW BLADES 00005121 265080 83324 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 8,002.81 395.84 SOAP, SANITIZER 00002135 265134 6772605 5620.6511 348660 613012011 102426 HALE, WILLIAM 395.84 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Page - 13 Business Unit ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION MEDIA STUDIO ART CENTER BALANCE SHEET EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 250.00 CL PERFORMANCE 7/5/11 264928 062011 5631.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION 250.00 348661 613012011 102320 HAMCO DATA PRODUCTS 105.90 THERMAL PAPER 265132 97907 5822.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 105.90 348662 6130/2011 125270 HARTFORD -PRIORITY ACCOUNTS 5,036.64 JULY PREMIUM 265355 5439050 -5 9900.2033.05 LIFE INSURANCE - 99 PAYROLL CLEARING 2.85 COBRA SUPPLEMENTAL LIFE 265356 061711 1550.6043 COBRA INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 5,039.49 348663 613012011 100012 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD 1,640.98 WATER MAIN FITTINGS 00001809 265133 2921260 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 1,640.98 348664 613012011 103763 HILLYARD INC - MINNEAPOLIS 395.84 SOAP, SANITIZER 00002135 265134 6772605 5620.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 395.84 348665 613012011 101271 HINDING, CHRIS 150.00 CL FARMERS MARKET 7/14/11 264938 062011 5631.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION 150.00 348666 613012011 100805 HIRSHFIELD'S R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6/28/2011 — 6/3012011 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 11.88 PAINT BRUSHES 265135 003445176 5620.6532 PAINT AMBULANCE FEES 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Page - 14 Business Unit EDINBOROUGH PARK FIRE DEPT. GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TELEPHONE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION PSTF OCCUPANCY INSPECTIONS MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT ART CENTER BALANCE SHEET PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL ADMINISTRATION TREES & MAINTENANCE COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER RICHARDS GOLF COURSE COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 11.88 348667 613012011 129264 HOCH, VIRGINIA 1,286.91 AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 264880 062111 1470.4329 1,286.91 348668 613012011 104376 HOHENSTEINS INC. 1,324.00 265202 563705 5842.5514 1,324.00 348669 613012011 122565 HYSER, TIMOTHY 309.00 SOFTBALL OFFICIATING 265357 062711 4077.6103 309.00 348670 6/3012011 119808 INTEGRA TELECOM 303.96 INTERNET/ PHONES 265358 8437010 7411.6188 303.96 348671 6/3012011 104167 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL INC 125.00 MEMBERSHIP 264870 2835140 1495.6105 125.00 348672 613012011 101861 J.H. LARSON COMPANY 48.08 PARTS FOR KILN 00001195 265060 4334836-01 5100.1740 48.08 - 348673 613012011 102186 JAZZ ON THE PRAIRIE 150.00 CL PERFORMANCE 7 /13/11 264936 062011 5631.6136 150.00 348674 613012011 102157 JEFF ELLIS & ASSOCIATES INC. 800.00 SAFETY AUDIT 265061 20050722 5310.6103 800.00 348675 613012011 100830 JERRY S PRINTING 131.95 FORESTRY FORMS 00001257 265136 54058 1644.6406 131.95 348676 6130/2011 100741 JJ TAYLOR DIST. OF MINN 85.25 265203 1550529 5430.5514 73.90 265204 1561992 5842.5515 AMBULANCE FEES 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Page - 14 Business Unit EDINBOROUGH PARK FIRE DEPT. GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TELEPHONE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION PSTF OCCUPANCY INSPECTIONS MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT ART CENTER BALANCE SHEET PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL ADMINISTRATION TREES & MAINTENANCE COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER RICHARDS GOLF COURSE COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Council Check Register Page - 15 6/28/2011 -6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 43.20 265205 1561993 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 645.00 265206 1575607 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 3,106.25 265207 1561987 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 3,953.60 348677 613012011 124104 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES INC. 287.33 HERBICIDE 00001996 264871 58236652 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 574.22 MANCOZEB 00006481 265137 58278969 5422.6545 CHEMICALS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 861.55 348679 613012011 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 844.53 265010 1077515 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 81.12- 265011 500259 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 37.12- 265012 500326 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 118.86- 265013 499579 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5.42- 265014 499769 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 3.96- 265015 499925 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 8.24- 265016 499763 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,464.73 265208 1081060 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 4,624.31 265209 1081055 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1.12 265210 1081038 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,209.19 265211 1081058 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 9,150.71 265212 1081059 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1.12 265213 1081061 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 438.88 265214 1081057 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 2,087.67 265215 1081062 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1,894.82 265216 1081035 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE BOTH ST SELLING 31.37 265217 1081044 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX BOTH ST SELLING 589.01 265218 1081042 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 651.02 265219 1081041 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR BOTH ST SELLING 232.42 265220 1081039 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 125.64 265221 1081036 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 555.20 265222 1081040 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,018.50 265223 1081043 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 341.10 265224, 1082045 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 75.79 265225 1082046 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 157.34 265226 1082047 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE BOTH ST SELLING 4.48 265227 1081037 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3,952.97 265228 1081047 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3,828.58 265229 1081049 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 6,909.11 265230 1081053 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Council Check Register Page - 16 6/2812011 - 6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 1.12 265231 1081054 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 511.10 265232 1081048 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,342.83 265233 1081050 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,217.13 265234 1081051 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 29.12 265235 1081052 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 91.07- 265236 500260 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 45,945.12 348680 613012011 122239 KANDIKO, GEORGIA 90.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 265326 062411 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 90.00 348681 613012011 100553 KEEHR, GREGORY 18.18 PLANTS 264959 062111 5841.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK OCCUPANCY 27.03 PLANTS 264959 062111 5841.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK OCCUPANCY 36.52 PLANTS 264959 062111 5861.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON OCCUPANCY 39.10 DUSTERS 264959 062111 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 120.83 348682 613012011 111018 KEEPRS INC. 11.22 UNIFORMS 00003554 264996 166180 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 11.22 348683 613012011 126953 KIMM, RYAN 150.00 CL FARMERS MARKET 717111 264932 062011 5631.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION 150.00 348684 613012011 129277 KLOBUSNIKOVA, MARTINA 121.50 MEDIA INSTRUCTION 265327 062411 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 121.50 348686 6130/2011 101502 KONTERS, VIKTORS 128.39 UNIFORM PURCHASE 265138 062311 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 128.39 348686 613012011 118334 KULLY SUPPLY INC. 30.46 SOAP BOTTLE SUPPLIES 00004231 264960 SI- 184879 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 30.46 348687 613012011 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 299.73 SCREWS, WASHERS 00005160 264961 0536883 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 539.95 DRILL BITS, WASHERS 00005166 265139 0562236 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6/28/2011 -6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 401 68 FITTINGS COUPLERS 00005072 265140 0562237 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 1553.6584 LUBRICANTS 7410.6122 1,241.36 7413.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 7410.6106 348688 613012011 7410.6105 101792 LUBE -TECH 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 7414.6406 558.33 OIL 00005120 264962 1919935 GENERAL SUPPLIES 558.33 348689 6/3012011 122472 M & I BANK 30.02 FACILITY EXPENSES 265359 061411 31.41 FACILITY EXPENSES 265359 061411 46.27 FACILITY EXPENSES 265359 061411 49.00 FACILITY EXPENSES 265359 061411 165.28 FACILITY EXPENSES 265359 061411 216.57 FACILITY EXPENSES 265359 061411 265.95 FACILITY EXPENSES 265359 061411 281.90 FACILITY EXPENSES 265359 061411 1,086.40 348690 613012011 101165 M.AA.O. 170.00 WORKSHOP 265062 062211 170.00 348691 6/3012011 101165 MAA.0. 100.00 AD FOR PROPERTY APPRAISER 265063 4058573 100.00 348692 613012011 117804 MALLOY MONTAGUE KARNOWSKI 100.00 2010 AUDIT 264872 29307 600.00 2010 AUDIT 264872 29307 600.00 2010 AUDIT 264872 29307 600.00 2010 AUDIT 264872 29307 850.00 2010 AUDIT 264872 29307 850.00 2010 AUDIT 264872 29307 1,000.00 2010 AUDIT 264872 29307 2,500.00 2010 AUDIT 264872 29307 7,100.00 348693 613012011 101146 MATRIX 243.61 265141 607815446 243.61 348694 6/3012011 101264 MCCORMICK, CAROL 1553.6584 LUBRICANTS 7410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 7413.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 7410.6106 MEETING EXPENSE 7410.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 7414.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 7410.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 7412.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1190.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 1550.6121 4502.6130 5110.6130 5210.6130 5310.6130 5621.6130 5631.6130 1160.6130 5932.6130 1550.6188 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERV - AUDIT TELEPHONE 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Page - 17 Business Unit EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN PSTF ADMINISTRATION PSTF FIRE TOWER PSTF ADMINISTRATION PSTF ADMINISTRATION PSTF OCCUPANCY PUBLIC PROGRAMS PSTF ADMINISTRATION PSTF RANGE ASSESSING CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL FAIRVIEW FEE ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION GOLF DOME PROGRAM POOL ADMINISTRATION EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION FINANCE GENERAL STORM SEWER CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Council Check Register Page - 18 6/28/2011 -6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doe No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 150.00 CL PERFORMANCE 7/14/11 264937 062011 5631.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION 150.00 348695 613012011 113023 MEGGITT TRAINING SYSTEMS INC. 592.29 CONTROL PANEL 265360 INV- 0050415 7412.6530 REPAIR PARTS PSTF RANGE 592.29 348696 613012011 101483 MENARDS 72.72 LUMBER, CONCRETE MIX 00001749 265142 49152 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 110.79 LUMBER 00001090 265143 65460 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 183.51 348697 613012011 101987 MENARDS 84.40 PAINT, WOOD GLUE, NAILS 00002302 264964 98044 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 31.96 GROUNDCOVER 00002099 265144 98953 5630.6620 TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUBS CENTENNIAL LAKES 28.59 POTTING SOIL 00002137 265145 96579 5620.6540 FERTILIZER EDINBOROUGH PARK 35.75 BATTERIES, CAULK 00002150 265146 529 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 180.70 348698 613012011 122510 MERCHANTS OF GOLF 466.83 PUTTERS 00002039 264963 73956 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 466.83 348699 613012011 101891 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY 172.98 FIELD PAINT 00001266 265147 133241 1642.6544 LINE MARKING POWDER FIELD MAINTENANCE 567.03 FIELD PAINT 00001248 265148 133057 1642.6544 LINE MARKING POWDER FIELD MAINTENANCE 740.01 348700 613012011 100885 METRO SALES INC 143.21 COPIER USAGE 265064 411634 5110.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 143.21 348701 613012011 124301 METRO WEST IRRIGATION AND LAND 677.30 IRRIGATION REPAIRS 264997 8818 1470.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 677.30 348702 6130/2011 104650 MICRO CENTER 112.57 JEWEL CASE, PHOTOSCAN 00009191 265149 3368054 5125.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MEDIA STUDIO 74.80 LINKSYS 00009184 265150 3356831 5125.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MEDIA STUDIO 149.08 PC SUPPLIES 00004396 265361 3327059 05508.1705.31 MATERIALS /SUPPLIES WM -508 SCADA SYSTEM 101.91- RETURN 265362 3335476 05508.1705.31 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES WM -508 SCADA SYSTEM 26.81 265363 3325601 1554.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SERV GEN - MIS R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6/2812011 -6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 2681- 265364 3335479 1554.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Page - 19 Business Unit CENT SERV GEN - MIS ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP COLLECTION SYSTEMS PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION PLANTINGS & TREES ACCESSORIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN SALES & USE TAX PAYABLE AQUATIC CENTER BALANCE SHEET SEASON TICKETS AQUATIC CENTER REVENUES REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN REPAIR PARTS PATHS & HARD SURFACE REPAIR PARTS GENERAL TURF CARE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS REPAIR PARTS RANGE 234.54 348703 613012011 125297 MILLS- NOVOA, NICOLE 224.00 MEDIA INSTRUCTION 265328 062411 5120.6103 224.00 348704 613012011 100913 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN SEWER & 100.00 TV SEWER 00001356 264965 33854 5923.6103 100.00 348705 613012011 102386 MINNEAPOLIS POLICE CONCERT BAN 100.00 CL PERFORMANCE 7 /11/11 264933 062011 5631.6136 100.00 348706 613012011 120301 MINNESOTA MULCH & SOIL 1,060.54 MULCH 265151 D09126 5422.6541 1,060.54 348707 613012011 100908 MINNESOTA WANNER CO. 951.19 STEEL TANK 00005870 265152 0089959 -IN 1553.6585 951.19 348708 6130/2011 129273 MITCHELL, DENIS 13.46 SEASON TICKET REFUND 265065 062211 5300.2039 184.99 SEASON TICKET REFUND 265065 062211 5301.4532 198.45 348709 613012011 121491 MORRIE'S PARTS & SERVICE GROUP 292.13 SHAFT ASSEMBLIES 00005071 264966 493797F6W 1553.6530 292.13 348710 613012011 126981 MOST DEPENDABLE FOUNTAINS INC. 134.00 DRINKING FOUNTAIN PARTS 00001260 265365 INV22527 1647.6530 134.00 348711 6/3012011 100906 MTi DISTRIBUTING INC. 242.92 IRRIGATION PARTS 00001252 265153 793247 -00 1643.6530 105.99 COUPLINGS, TEES 00006478 265154 794032 -00 5422.6611 270.83 PICKER PARTS 00006479 265155 794006-00 5424.6530 619.74 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Page - 19 Business Unit CENT SERV GEN - MIS ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP COLLECTION SYSTEMS PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION PLANTINGS & TREES ACCESSORIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN SALES & USE TAX PAYABLE AQUATIC CENTER BALANCE SHEET SEASON TICKETS AQUATIC CENTER REVENUES REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN REPAIR PARTS PATHS & HARD SURFACE REPAIR PARTS GENERAL TURF CARE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS REPAIR PARTS RANGE R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Council Check Register Page - 20 6/28/2011 - 6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 348712 6130/2011 100916 MUZAK LLC 231.43 MUSIC SERVICE 264967 A331202 5631.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH PARK COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC PROGRAMS GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP OFFICE SUPPLIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION 231.43 348713 613012011 106662 NET LITIN DISTRIBUTORS 1,027.68 PLASTICWARE 265156 121932 5620.5510 1,027.68 348714 613012011 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO. 792.00 265237 67080 5842.5513 256.50 265238 67079 5862.5513 1,046.50 348716 613012011 122449 NEW LIFE ENTERPRISES INC. 54.80 PUNCH CARDS 265366 3311 7414.6406 54.80 348716 613012011 120236 NORTH AMERICAN RESCUE LLC 49.41 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 00003025 265367 IN77729 1400.6406 49.41 348717 613012011 100927 NORTHERN AIRE POOLS INC 36.28 LEAF RAKE PRO 265157 51569 5311.6406 36.28 348718 613012011 102199 NORTHERN SAFETY CO. INC. 284.91 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003583 264998 P303180601017 1470.6510 284.91 348719 613012011 100933 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY CO. 26.92 TUBE PAINTS 00009040 265066 40588601 5120.5510 130.44 ART SUPPLIES 00009159 265158 40591901 5120.5510 157.36 348720 613012011 103578 OFFICE DEPOT 54.71 PAPER 265159 1351242887 5410.6513 16.23 MAGNETS, NAME CARD 265160 1352326739 5410.6513 70.94 348721 613012011 124675 OKEE DOKEE BROTHERS 250.00 CL PERFORMANCE 7/7/11 264931 062011 5631.6136 250.00 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH PARK COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC PROGRAMS GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP OFFICE SUPPLIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION CITY OF EDINA 6129/2011 7:56:28 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 21 6/28/2011 - 6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 348722 6130/2011 100936 OLSEN COMPANIES 28.26 BELT 00006347 265161 643645 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 19.23 BLADE 00006347 265162 643644 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 47.49 348723 6130/2011 115669 ON CALL SERVICES 1,141.81 PEAK REPAIR PARTS 265163 2179 5620.6530 REPAIR PARTS EDINBOROUGH PARK 1,141.81 348724 613012011 101659 ORKIN PEST CONTROL 126.56 PEST CONTROL 265067 65400739 1551.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CITY HALL GENERAL 126.56 348725 6/3012011 104895 OVERHEAD DOOR CO. 1,540.00 OVERHEAD DOOR REPAIR 265164 69743 5422.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 1,540.00 348726 813012011 102440 PASS, GRACE 436.98 INSTRUCTOR AC 265329 062411 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 696.00 POTTERY MAINTENANCE 265329 062411 5111.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER BLDG / MAINT 1,132.98 348727 613012011 100347 PAUS71S & SONS 270.25 265017 8308697 -IN 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,110.45 265018 8309232 -IN 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 3,462.37 265239 8309198 -IN 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 521.75 265240 8309230 -IN 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 5,364.82 348726 613012011 100945 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY 618.70 265165 67068520 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 305.13 265166 67068513 5430.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 923.83 348730 613012011 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 156.00 264894 2083561 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 58.24 265019 2084919 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 29.12 265020 2083956 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 71.40 265021 2083957 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 145.12 265022 2084128 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 12.90- 265023 3461315 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Council Check Register Page - 22 6/28/2011 -6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier I Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 4.02- 265024 3461314 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 428.32 265241 2086511 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,966.82 265242 2086515 5642.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 804.74 265243 2087081 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 102.24 265244 2086514 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 45.37 265245 2086513 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 756.78 265246 2086510 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 284.78 265247 2086517 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 558.89 265248 2086512 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,402.49 265249 2086519 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 456.37 265250 2086516 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 10.23- 265251 3461412 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 18.00- 265252 3461448 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 25.02- 265253 3461409 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 9.00- 265254 3461410 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 7.23- 265255 3461411 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 41.40. 265256 3461447 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE BOTH ST SELLING 3.33- 265257 3461311 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 13.33- 265258 3461310 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 43.12- 265259 3461312 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 80.53- 265260 3461313 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3.33- 265261 3461356 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 6,995.24 348731 613012011 119620 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC. 323.67 TIRES 00005064 264968 499026 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 254.23 TIRES 00005063 264969 488934 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 577.90 348732 613012011 113629 PRO MAINTENANCE INC. 4,714.20 FLOOR INSTALLATION 265167 9434 45012.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FIRE STATION #2 FLOOR 4,714.20 348733 6/30/2011 100971 QUALITY WINE 954.39 265025 472050 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,538.42 265026 472582 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 544.04 265027 471010.00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,507.46 265028 472353 -00 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1,400.00- 265029 455302 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 100.00- 265030 442212 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 43.78- 265031 467270.00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 97.09- 265032 467253 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING CITY OF EDINA 6/29/2011 7:56:28 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 23 6/28/2011 -6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 483.00 265262 472351 -00 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,239.08 265263 472352 -00 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 420.93 265264 472049 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,128.81 265265 472569 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 37.20 265266 472570 -CO 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,234.41 265267 472571 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 400.48 265268 472354 -00 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 467.20 265269 472051 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 9,314.55 348734 613012011 126424 QUINN, MATTHEW 45.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 265330 062411 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 45.00 348735 613012011 104450 RAPID GRAPHICS & MAILING INC. 378.34 MAIL WATER BILLS 265068 5997 5910.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL (BILLING) 378.34 348736 613012011 100974 RAYMOND HAEG PLUMBING 1,074.90 PLUMBING REPAIRS 00001391 265168 13100 1646.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,074.90 348737 613012011 100977 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 424.35 TOILET REPAIR 264970 57454 1551.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CITY HALL GENERAL 424.35 348738 613012011 100980 ROBERT B. HILL CO. 607.67 SOFTENER SALT 00008051 264873 00253153 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 607.67 348739 613012011 129284 ROERS, DEREK 125.00 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 265368 6304 EWING AVE 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 125.00 348740 613012011 125140 SALEK, PATRICIA 130.20 INSTRUCTOR AC 265331 062411 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 130.20 348741 613012011 101822 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 41.28 101 '•""•9350 264874 062011 4075.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD VANVALKENBURG 147.82 101 - '•"`•'9350 264874 062011 1624.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PLAYGROUND & THEATER 189.10 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Council Check Register Page - 24 6/28/2011 -6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 348742 613012011 118168 SANSIO 50.00 EMS FAXING 264999 INV- 01859 -2011 1470.6160 DATA PROCESSING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 733.00 EMS SUBSCRIPTION 265000 INV -02142 -2011 1470.6160 DATA PROCESSING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 783.00 348743 613012011. 103836 SCHEERER, DANIEL 200.00 PATCH/TOUCH UP WALLS 265169 062411 1470.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 200.00 348744 613012011 105442 SCHERER BROS. LUMBER CO. 53.87 CEDAR SHINGLES 00001241 265170 40936578 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 53.87 348745 613012011 129283 SCHLIEVERT, PATRICK 115.47 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 265369 5305 BIRCHCREST 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 115.47 348746 613012011 127049 SCHNEIDER, KATHERINE 320.00 FITNESS TRAINING 265001 061611 1470.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 320.00 348747 613012011 129272 SCHULTZ, JENNY 115.07 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 265069 5124 INDIANOLA 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 115.07 348748 613012011 103249 SHANNON, JIM 140.00 CL PERFORMANCE 715111 264929 062011 5631.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION 140.00 348749 613012011 101380 SHAUGHNESSY, SANDRA 378.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 265332 062411 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 1,832.00 POTTERY MAINTENANCE 265332 062411 5111.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT 600.00 SLAB ROLLER 265333 052211 5110.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 2,810.00 .r 348750 6/3012011 102841 SHUTTERS'NSHADES 121.66 SHUTTER REPAIR 00006317 265171 SNS21304 5430.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 121.86 348751 613012011 129278 SMITH, ANDREA 90.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 265334 062411 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION R55CKREG LOG20000 VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE CITY OF EDINA 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR Council Check Register COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 6/28/2011 -6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No TELEPHONE 90.00 TELEPHONE STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS 348752 613012011 INSPECTIONS 103339 SMITHSHARPE FIRE BRICK SUPPLY 638.29 KILN REPAIR PARTS 00009186 265070 112039 5111.6530 638.29 348753 6/3012011 127878 SOUTHERN WINE AND SPIRITS 616.50 265033 1572422 5862.5513 1,433.50 265034 1489809 5862.5513 847.00 265035 1489808 5822.5513 58.95 265036 1554535 5862.5512 701.53 265270 1554536 5842.5512 228.50 265271 1594000 5842.5513 137.00 265272 1489807 5822.5513 355.13 265273 1572421 5822.5513 4,378.11 348754 613012011 110977 SOW, ADAMA 1,150.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 265335 062511 5110.6103 1,400.00 CLEANINGIMAINTENANCE 265335 062511 5111.6103 2,550.00 348755 6130/2011 122455 SPRING LAKE ENGINEERING 10,261.19 SCADA PROGRAMMING 00005430 265172 1146 05508.1705 10,261.19 348756 613012011 104672 SPRINT 18.29 264879 873184124 -103 1240.6188 40.31 264879 873184124 -103 7411.6188 51.26 264879 873184124 -103 5841.6188 51.58 264879 873184124 -103 1190.6188 52.13 264879 873184124 -103 1490.6188 56.60 264879 873184124 -103 1140.6188 88.72 264879 873184124 -103 1120.6188 117.16 264879 873184124 -103 1553.6188 117.74 264879 873184124 -103 5422.6188 136.69 264879 873184124 -103 1470.6188 143.84 264879 873184124 -103 4090.6188 186.09 264879 873184124 -103 1301.6188 191.11 264879 873184124 -103 1322.6188 193.99 264879 873184124 -103 2210.6188 283.04 264879 873184124 -103 1495.6188 Subledger Account Description REPAIR PARTS 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Page - 25 Business Unit ART CENTER BLDG / MAINT COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT CONSTR. IN PROGRESS WM -508 SCADA SYSTEM TELEPHONE PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN GENERAL TELEPHONE PSTF OCCUPANCY TELEPHONE YORK OCCUPANCY TELEPHONE ASSESSING TELEPHONE PUBLIC HEALTH TELEPHONE PLANNING TELEPHONE ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN TELEPHONE MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS TELEPHONE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL TELEPHONE 50TH &FRANCE MAINTENANCE TELEPHONE GENERAL MAINTENANCE TELEPHONE STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE INSPECTIONS R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Council Check Register Pege - 26 6/28/2011 - 6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 369.44 264879 873184124 -103 5620.6188 TELEPHONE EDINBOROUGH PARK 455.88 264879 873184124 -103 1640.6188 TELEPHONE PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL 477.34 264879 873184124 -103 5910.6188 TELEPHONE GENERAL (BILLING) 569.53 264879 873184124 -103 1260.6188 TELEPHONE ENGINEERING GENERAL 1,802.36 264879 873184124 -103 1400.6188 TELEPHONE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 39.99 DATA CARDS 264971 666109817 -043 1322.6188 TELEPHONE STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 39.99 DATA CARDS 264971 666109817 -043 5913.6188 TELEPHONE DISTRIBUTION 438.83 CARD READERS 265173 312188813-043 1470.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 5,921.91 348757 613012011 100660 STANLEY SECURITY SOLUTIONS INC 40.27 MORTISE CYLINDER 264875 CH- 558416 5311.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION 40.27 348758 6130/2011 101015 STREICHERS 1,089.98 VEST 265174 1845589 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,089.98 348759 613012011 101017 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 152.43 ROD KITS 00005069 264972 324191 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,793.91 VEHICLE REPAIRS 00005172 264973 592315 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 148.19- CREDIT 00005068 264974 CM323953 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,798.15 348760 6130/2011 120998 SURLY BREWING CO. 623.00 265037 JM7027 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 388.00 265274 JM7028 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 1,011.00 348761 613012011 104932 TAYLOR MADE 2,136.00 MERCHANDISE 265370 16200342 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 764.36 265371 16207146 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 2,900.36 348762 6130/2011 116438 TC WELLNESS 110.00 EDINA ART CENTER AD 265372 062111 5110.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 110.00 348763 613012011 120602 TEAGUE, CARY 129.03 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 265081 061611 1140.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE PLANNING 129.03 CITY OF EDINA 6/29/2011 7:56:28 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 27 6/28/2011 - 6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 348764 613012011 101035 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 168.00 265038 644159 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 172.00 265275 00770182 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 340.00 348765 613012011 103277 TITAN MACHINERY 421.32 BUSHINGS, PINS, WASHERS 00005056 264975 9CO0206 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 62.31 SWITCH 00005103 264976 9C00355 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 483.63 348766 6/3012011 101474 TITLEIST 1,731.51 GOLF BALLS 265373 2712301 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 676.71 265374 2712832 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 2,408.22 348767 613012011 101036 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPLY 197.68 WELDING ACCESSORIES 00002098 264977 353914 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 197.68 348768 613012011 123649 TOWMASTER 2,493.39 DUMP TRUCK SANDER 00005122 265082 330822 421305.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT STREET EQUIPMENT 2,493.39 348769 613012011 100682 TRUGREEN - MTKA 5640 101.54 WEED CONTROL 00006392 265375 024212 1643.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL TURF CARE 106.88 265376 024213 1643.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL TURF CARE 64.13 265377 024214 1643.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL TURF CARE 106.88 265378 023487 1643.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL TURF CARE 90.85 265379 024196 1643.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL TURF CARE 112.22 265380 024215 1643.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL TURF CARE 90.85 265381 023486 1643.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL TURF CARE 673.35 348770 613012011 118190 TURFWERKS LLC 134.52 SWITCH, LATCH 00005061 264978 0124750 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 179.81 WHEELS/TIRES 00005170 264979 .1147382 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 54.46 SWITCH 00001265 265083 TI21391 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 368.79 348771 613012011 101460 TWIN CITIES WRECKER SALES INC 680.19 RECEIVERS 00005171 264980 223887 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 680.19 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6129/2011 7:56:28 Council Check Register Page - 28 6/28/2011 -6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 348772 6/3012011 101046 TWIN CITY FILTER SERVICE INC. 238.93 FILTERS 00008050 264876 0490608 -IN 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 238.93 348773 613012011 102150 TWIN CITY SEED CO. 858.47 FERTILIZER 00001245 265175 25376 1643.6540 FERTILIZER GENERAL TURF CARE 953.86 FERTILIZER 00001250 265176 25433 1643.6540 FERTILIZER GENERAL TURF CARE 1,812.33 348774 613012011 101058 VAN PAPER CO. 322.37 LIQUOR BAGS 264877 201539 -00 5822.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES BOTH ST SELLING 73.91 CAN LINERS 00007513 265071 201540 -00 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 712.97 LIQUOR BAGS 00007513 265071 201540-00 5862.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 533.78 LIQUOR BAGS 00007512 265178 201538 -00 5842.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 30.54 CAN LINERS 00001236 265179 200873 -01 1645.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES LITTER REMOVAL 1,673.57 348775 6/3012011 102970 VERIZON WIRELESS 32.69 264878 2585590617 5952.6188 TELEPHONE RECYCLING 37.22 264878 2585590617 1640.6188 TELEPHONE PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL 67.36 264878 2585590617 1495.6188 TELEPHONE INSPECTIONS 77.74 264878 2585590617 1120.6188 TELEPHONE ADMINISTRATION 137.20 264878 2585590617 1600.6188 TELEPHONE PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 286.13 264878 2585590617 1470.6188 TELEPHONE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 94.27 DISPATCH PHONE 265180 2584741023 1400.6188 TELEPHONE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 732.61 348776 6/30/2011 101063 VERSATILE VEHICLES INC. 68.40 BATTERY 00002085 264981 54692 5630.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENTENNIAL LAKES 71.14 FUEL PUMP 00002095 264982 54736 5630.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENTENNIAL LAKES 47.00 BATTERY WIRES 00002305 265181 54923 5630.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENTENNIAL LAKES 138.94 BATTERY 00006475 265182 54766 5423.6530 REPAIR PARTS GOLF CARS 325.48 348777 613012011 119454 VINOCOPIA 1,331.50 265039 0040908 -IN 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 234.50 265040 0040907 -IN 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 148.54 265041 0040909 -IN 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 612.00 265276 0040934 -IN 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 189.50 265277 0040933 -IN 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 94.26 265278 0040910 -IN 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6/28/2011 - 6/30/2011 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description CLEANING SUPPLIES COST OF GOODS SOLD LAUNDRY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES CONTRACTED REPAIRS REPAIR PARTS TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUBS COST OF GOODS SOLD PRINTING 6129/2011 7:56:28 Page - 29 Business Unit POOL OPERATION POOL CONCESSIONS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN MEDIA STUDIO CITY HALL GENERAL 50TH STREET GENERAL CITY HALL GENERAL POOL OPERATION EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EDINBOROUGH PARK ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,610.30 348778 613012011 120627 VISTAR CORPORATION 53.86 CAN LINERS 265072 31178421 5311.6511 861.50 CONCESSION PRODUCT 265072 31178421 5320.5510 915.36 348779 6130/2011 104820 VOELKER, JAMES 40.04 UNIFORM PURCHASE 264983 062111 1553.6201 40.04 348780 613012011 121611 VON BARGEN, AMY 288.00 MEDIA INSTRUCTION 265336 062411 5125.6103 288.00 348781 613012011 101069 VOSS LIGHTING 840.46 BULBS 00001164 264984 15181360 -01 1551.6406 76.96 LIGHTING 00001228 264985 15182247 -00 5820.6406 123.94 LIGHTING 00001228 264985 15182247 -00 1551.6406 1,041.36 348782 6/3012011 103410 W.W. GOETSCH ASSOCIATES INC. 531.08 PUMP REPAIRS 265185 85174 5311.6180 531.08 348783 613012011 100423 WACONIA FARM SUPPLY 835.66 WHEEL MOTOR, HUB 00001058 265084 74048 1553.6530 835.66 348784 613012011 102886 WAGNERS 107.73 PLANTS 265183 111174 5620.6620 107.73 348785 6/3012011 121042 WALLACE CARLSON PRINTING 550.00 BLACK T- SHIRTS 265073 42502 5120.5510 92.98 BUSINESS CARDS 00009028 265184 42365 5110.6575 642.98 348786 613012011 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 396.25 265279 272727 -00 5822.5513 388.40 265280 272717 -00 5842.5513 386.30 265281 272728 -00 5862.5513 CLEANING SUPPLIES COST OF GOODS SOLD LAUNDRY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES CONTRACTED REPAIRS REPAIR PARTS TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUBS COST OF GOODS SOLD PRINTING 6129/2011 7:56:28 Page - 29 Business Unit POOL OPERATION POOL CONCESSIONS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN MEDIA STUDIO CITY HALL GENERAL 50TH STREET GENERAL CITY HALL GENERAL POOL OPERATION EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EDINBOROUGH PARK ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation 1,170.95 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6/2812011 - 6130/2011 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 6/29/2011 7:56:28 Page - 30 348787 6130/2011 101312 WINE MERCHANTS 422.38 265282 366908 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,157.56 265283 366910 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 488.48 265284 366911 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 250.19 265285 366909 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 271.90 265286 366907 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,590.51 348788 613012011 124291 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 538.08 265287. 590058 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 963.73 265288 591759 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,674.64 265289 590059 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 6,608.56 265290 590061 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 151.66 265291 590062 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 5,338.89 265292 590063 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,203.95 265293 590060 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,203.95 265294 590057 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 6,032.07 265295 590054 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,203.95 265296 590056 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 57.10 265297 590055 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 2,628.20 265298 588512 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 9,466.75 265299 590051 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 136.11 265300 590052 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 40,207.64 348789 6130/2011 124529 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 1,552.45 264895 762459 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 21.50 264896 762460 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 2,694.15 264905 763602 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 86.00 264905 763603 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 2,458.00 265048 763017 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 3,234.93 265049 762708 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 108.00 265050 762709 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 248.90 265301 762451 5430.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 37.00 265302 765552 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 3,042.30 265303 765551 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 2,462.80 265304 765353 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 15,946.03 348790 613012011 101082 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation 330.59 MINI GOLF BALLS 330.59 348791 6130/2011 126944 WOODWARD, HALEY 280.00 MEDIA INSTRUCTION 280.00 348792 613012011 101726 XCEL ENERGY 46.60 51- 5276505 -8 12,226.38 51- 6644819 -9 12,272.98 348793 613012011 129276 XTREME PUBLICATIONS 69.63 EDINA PUBLIC ART BANNER 69.63 348794 613012011 120099 Z WINES USA LLC 221.00 221.00 348795 613012011 101091 23EGLER INC 225.99 COUPLINGS, HOSE 225.99 348796 6130/2011 101531 ZINN, BOBO 112.60 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 276.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 388.60 608,453.13 Grand Total CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6/28/2011 —6/30/2011 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 00002306 264986 261043 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 265337 062411 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 264987 285777214 1330.6185 265382 286803750 5620.6185 265186 620 4105.6406 265305 10344 5842.5513 00005102 264988 PCO01294790 1553.6530 LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER GENERAL SUPPLIES 6129/2011 7:56:26 Page- 31 Business Unit CENTENNIAL LAKES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION TRAFFIC SIGNALS EDINBOROUGH PARK PUBLIC ART COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING REPAIR PARTS 265338 062411 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES 265338 062411 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 608,453.13 Total Payments 608,453.13 EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION R55CKSUM LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Summary 6/28/2011 - 6/30/2011 Company Amount 01000 GENERAL FUND 78,150.37 02200 COMMUNICATIONS FUND 373.99 03100 GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND 2,000.00 04000 WORKING CAPITAL FUND 19,686.05 04200 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 202,812.39 05100 ART CENTER FUND 28,343.54 05200 GOLF DOME FUND 600.00 05300 AQUATIC CENTER FUND 4,838.98 05400 GOLF COURSE FUND. 15,899.45 05500 ICE ARENA FUND 2,590.36 05600 EDINBOROUGH/CENT LAKES FUND 46,683.94 05800 LIQUOR FUND 165,966.64 05900 UTILITY FUND 29,622.64 05930 STORM SEWER FUND 2,500.00 05950 RECYCLING FUND 32.69 07400 PSTF AGENCY FUND 3,315.45 09900 PAYROLL FUND 5,036.64 Report Totals 608,453.13 We confirm to the best of our knowledge and belief, that these claims comply in all material respects with the requirements of the. City of Edina purchasing pQiicies and Procedures 6/2912011 7:57:17 Page- 1 , lill� REPORURECOMMEN DATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item Item No. IV. C. From: Jennifer Bennerotte, Director ® Action Communications & Marketing Discussion Department Information Date: July 5, 2011 Subject: Taping Schedule for Park Board and Transportation Commission Meetings ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the 2011 -2012 taping schedule for Park Board and Transportation Commission meetings INFORMATIOWBACKGROUND: At the June 21, 2011 City Council meeting, the following Policy for Recording and Broadcasting City Meetings was approved: 1. All regular meetings of the City Council shall be recorded and broadcast. 2. All regular meetings of the Planning Commission shall be recorded and broadcast. 3. Meetings of the Park Board and the Transportation Commission shall be recorded and broadcast once each quarter based on an annual calendar established by the City Council. 4. All other advisory boards and commissions will record and broadcast an annual meeting or program once each year. 5. Advisory board and commission meetings that include an officially advertised or legally required public hearing on its agenda shall be recorded for broadcast. 6. The City Council may, under special circumstances, direct that any advisory board or commission meeting be recorded and broadcast. 7. All advisory board and commission meetings that are recorded for broadcast shall occur in the City Council Chambers. 8. All advisory board and commission meetings that are conducted in the City Council Chambers shall be conducted using the standard City Council dais. In 2011, the January and April meetings of the Transportation Commission have been recorded and broadcast. Following that pattern, the following recording schedule is proposed for 2011 and 2012: July 2011 October 2011 January 2012 April 2012 July 2012 October 2012 The Park Board was recorded in January, March, April and May 2011. Moving to a quarterly schedule, the following recording schedule is proposed: August 2011 November 2011 February 2012 May 2012 August 2012 November 2012 Videos of meetings will be available online and will air on Edina Community Channel 16 for two weeks following each meeting. & A, � MAIE 1 Jy REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $20,000 /CHANGE ORDER \roRPOP =T� • 1888 To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item No. IV. D. From: Wayne D. Houle, PE Director of Public Works / City Engineer Date: May 3, 2011 Subject: Change Order - Final Landscaping for Edina Public Works Building at 7450 Metro Boulevard Date Bid Opened or Quote Received: Bid or Quote Expiration Date: NA NA Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Applied Ecological Services, Inc. $ 5,786.20 RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Applied Ecological Services, Inc. $ 5,786.20 GENERAL INFORMATION: This change order is for the landscape items for the Edina Public works project. The change order includes work completed last fall, which included applying hydromulch to stabilize the soils. If you recall the landscaping plan included many low maintenance plantings such as no mow turf, upland seeding, and an extensive natural rain garden plantings, see attached plan. Staff has received many inquiries about the aesthetics of this site. The contractor for the project Applied Ecological Services, Inc. has a three year maintenance commitment for these plantings. This project was approved by City Council on May 18, 2010. This change order of $5,786.20 will bring the total increase of change orders to $7,052.20, which is 17.61% of the contract amount; original contract amount is $32,991.55. Staff has $103,926.70 outstanding or not yet paid invoices for the overall Public Works project, which includes a change order with the demolition contractor that staff is currently negotiating. According to the Finance Department there is $250,159.90 left within this account. Therefore, staff feels that we are still within budget for this project. r/L4 Signature The Recommended Bid is within budget not within bud Public Works Department . hn \/Vallin, Finance D I, city Ma G: \Engineering \Infrastructure \Public Buildings \PW - Misc \PW - Construction 7450 Metro Boulevard \Non - Contractual Agreements \Landscaping \Applied Ecological \Item IV. D. Change Order- Final Landscaping for Edina Public Works Building at 7450 Metro Boulevard.docx Copyright C 2010 The Kestrel Design Group PROJECT TEAM PROJECT CLIENT: City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Tel. 952 - 927 -8861 Contact Wayne Houle CONSULTANT: The Kestrel Design Group 7101 Ohms Lane Edina, MN 55439 Tel. 925 - 928 -9600 Fax. 952- 224 -9660 Contact Marcy Bean Improvement Plans for EDINA PUBLIC WORKS Edina, Minnesota City of Edina �!, - �ff�-- 7J17W-v55cGTO�.v VQ 1 li ; 1tj; It % .4: SITE PLAN rOTTOSME LANDSCAPE BID PACKAGE 5/4/2010 KestrelDesignGroup the green + blue infrastructure company 7101 Ohms Lane Minneapolis, MN 55439 Ph. 952 928 -9600 Fax 952 224 -9860 www.kestreldesigngroup.com SHEETINDEX 1 C Cover Sheet 2 L -1 Turf Plan 3 L -2 Native Landscap Plan Prepared By: 9 KestrelDesignGroup the preen + blue Ta —aura company 11610 L. MMamapoli MIN 11539 Po. 91. T_8 -9600 Fu 911131.9560 www.lntrcldnip,gmvpem 1 hnchymtiQ Dan Da plan ep¢ifiutiw n nyonwu prcprW br me m men my enKnt aepwblm ma an T.m. aaTy Liamd 4odnaP Nrhibn mdv a,v u.. alas sole er6mm�ww Deb: N— v Li®seNw:7atO1t PriorcdNmC �4pDom9i Sipumrc VJ v—a Nr. h 39 I Draawb hr. D- Y b1' STS. NhBi Doc YS Lm Bid daape Bie ParLp EDINA PUBLIC WORKS Edina, Minnesota Prepved For City ofEdim Ccn B t Wayne Hoote 9801 West 511Th Soon Edina, hod 55624 COVER J Copyright ® 2010 The Kestrel Design Group Papered By: KastretDeslgnGroup qe green blue Nfrestrueture eompenP npl a®6a M 9olabDl Ph 9139' Fn F. rig IISg660 �1- trelEeripipregi.® Ib by m'ry Ow tb P�l mtn- epc+r tiu mmppn:ped bym ame , d'vm evpmvin ed qrI I en a d.ly Lied Icdecape Arclui¢r nda the S1 of 3Ennvme. . N.:0 0 L vave No.: i101I P,.j. No.: 09639 Dre.ebyh 3 C6R by SAP. AA01 N. NNL010 LWDEWE M PAC6:AGE t o-MUerOSrpe ® UPIMlDSEED I9% O w D' >D Q EDINA PUBLIC WORKS Edina, Minnesola Prq. d Far. City of Edma 4901 wc91 slnn street Edim MN 53024.1390 Turf Plan L -1 Copyright ® 2010 The Kestrel Design Group ia. • d I� Imp, , A`/ Bj g. Td • ��i:K�d 0� I EROSION CONTROL BLANKET, AT SWALEN _80TTOM OF BASIN, AND TO STRUCTURES EXISTING SOD WHERE POSSIBLE PE EDGER AT TURF LIMITS a :TOTALmr TASa Qtl SOD NOIVIOW NR NO MOW TURF � SEED MIX COMPOST LOGS, TYP. ®UPLAND EROSION CONTROL BLANKET, AT SWALE CENTERLINES, r,.- {„ TMR, GRN, RCG, PPN, BOTTOM OF BASIN, AND TO STRUCTURES :'-,t `�.`s.v�• JPW, VWR, TBS, NEA LIMITS OF COMPOST BLANKET. TO BE INSTALLED - OVER NATIVE SEEDING AND PLUG AREAS VWR, TBS TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT, TO BE INSTALLED �m„en xam. w sulk AT CURB CUTS WITHIN NO MOW TURF AREA 90e DaDGramTm pauTN maUPeneut 4� PPN. NEA I MDW, CAN, ALX, 'mmmmalaDN MBS, WGS, BJG, IRS 0000000 FOX, RSH, MBS Ls 0000000 0 000000 SMW, BES, ARW, I_- _IMIx Gai _ RSH _' 5._ - - --]S CAR, FOX, CAN, ALX, Spa9b9luahtt lepls__ trt?zs.+ `r'.. • BJG E.. __ -_ _----- _----- IOI•S r. 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ONtl a¢ Ane nadenals d bald S>Ce Ademea I tl9altlw : 3 I -._ SufltMs_red CmOLpsl palmate... 6 8 FupamTi mddlahon I Boahm= _ - L de_o opirxa _ - - 3 Tdlggalq Sw LbtrlsgyvwvtadRa 4 Meadmlxadn{Star Uul IIVA -YU 3 I Ordnd ilorer Isbell Gvdlull _ 3 f m IaheO IObclb pNTdo 4 I ',MfdOBCr'amot Mm¢dandd 3. _ ;OeedkmM L PII�OepaNN 'and 3 _ _ NoWaln Mnl Pymumhomum Nr6lmmn 3 , Y n C9¢n Rdlddapl V fi bwm Fyed Suvn Mdeetld ub mma 9: t NlNrad�moa Solldad dgla � 'Aa.yGold and smdago ped. _ Y 391a[TwOrt Trail tl b dHV 2 L BlueVerMn Verbs hasiaO �_ -- I a _ vemma r maao 7 i OI xr ROOL v rmue,<tnnn updol = _ _ :Golden Ak-n&r `Ltlaawea STRAW MLLCH RANT HOLE BACKHLL: LOOSEN, PRESS SOIL GENTLY. WATER IMMECIATELY RANT THROUGH EXISTING EROSION COMROL mANNET AT MSH GPVCE!. INCORPORATE 1 TEASPOON 74YOO ENDO ECTO PLUS CUSTOM w7TH T% SUPERABSORfENT POLYMER OR EQUAL PER MANUFACTURER NSTRLCTIONS INN EACH PLANING HDLE p PLUG PLANTING - SECTION (TYP.) Nd b, Seax PLUG PLANTING GENERAL NOTES I CONTRACTOR 6INLL LAYOUT RANTS FOR APPROVAL BY PROJECT LANDSCAPEARCISTECf. RANTING STWL NOT BEGIN 111NTIL TMS APPRPJAIIl16 BEER NET. ANYPLANTSDSTALLEDIh RECTLY ORNMV2=RRECTLOCATKNS WILLREREPLANTEOATTKE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE 3 EXCAVATEIIDLETMaOUGH E%ISTIM3EIOSIWCONTROLBUW(ET VMt TROwF1TO 3TIYESTSEWIDTHOFTHEPLANTSROOT SYSTEM 3 SCONE OUTSIDE ROOT MLSS 7p IamtECr�aaNNG iTRItlTOUs eDmsAS rECESS4Rr. 4 SETPLANTATTIE PROPERTOEPT11TOTOPOFTHE ROOT PACKAGE STALL BE LEVEL MOTH F MSIEDGRAOE 6 BAQfFILLNTHSOLMIDWATEAIMYEDIATELY. P.P.d By: Kestr IDesignGroup the g.... blue Inymdrudura company 71010Mm Lane hIDmm n, MN 531;9 1 2921 W Fn 932 env IIY9Y4 .ddmip,pwq.eom I b—b' and %a -ddt P10 9-t"a'e0® ,syad mm peeved by vro a ®dm m) dvw ngm'u®aed Nv I am aduy Luzmd L.W� Anbimn mile pm hn of0e 5TV<ofAO®mela Dm' Y1R010 L®e No .110n P,mtd Name LPtlm MsDmaSb ". Nn: 00639 O=W br. SICP. Nh01 Doc YY .D LVNDSCAPB M PACKAGE R ili- I ®s.a,,.m. ■ • EDINA PUBLIC WORKS Edina, MITITIesola Prgmvd For City of Edin. 4801 Wed 501h Street Ed M MN 55424 -1394 Native Landscape Plan L -2 �ti, E-,o- 0-roo-n ° • 1888 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item Item No: IV.E. From: Wayne Houle, PE P4 ® Action Public Works Director / ❑ Discussion City Engineer Information Date: July 1, 2011 Subject: Traffic Safety Committee Report of June 1, 2011. ACTION REQUESTED: Review and approve Traffic Safety Staff Review of Wednesday June 1, 2011. INFORMATION /BACKGROUND: The Traffic Safety Committee Reports are now being routed to the Edina Transportation Commission (ETC) prior to being submitted to the City Council. This process will allow the ETC or the public to offer comments on the report. The reports will typically be submitted to the ETC on their consent agenda, unless staff knows of resident that might want to speak to an issue. The current staff report remained on the consent agenda. Therefore, the ETC did not have any comments, see attached draft ETC minutes. ATTACHMENTS: Traffic Safety Review for June 1, 2011. Draft Edina Transportation Commission Meeting Minutes of June 16, 2011. G: \Engineering \Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic \Traffic Advisory Committee \Staff Review Summaries \11 TSAC & MIn \Item IV. E. Traffic Safety Report of June 1, 2011.doc Page 1 of 1 Edina Transportation Commission Otte Item N.B. REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Transportation Commission From: Jack Sullivan Assistant City Engineer Date: June 16, 2011 Subject: Traffic Safety Report of June 1, 2011 Info /Background: Agenda Item No.: IV.B ACTION: ❑ Recommendation /Motion ® Discussion ❑ Information The City Council at their June 7, 2011 meeting approved amendments to Section 1509 — Transportation Commission. One of those amendments was 1509.03.G "Review and comment on citizen transportation concerns, traffic complaint reports, and data. The Traffic Safety Reports will now be submitted to the Transportation Commission for review and comment prior to submittal to the Council for approval. An overview of the comments supplied by the Transportation Commission will be included in the staff report provided to Council. G:\Engineering\Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic \Transportation CommissionW gendas\ 201IR &R\201I0616_Item.N.B_Traffic Safety Report.docx TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW Wednesday, June 1, 2011 The staff review of traffic safety matters occurred on June 1, 2011. Staff present included the City Engineer, Assistant City Engineer, Police Traffic Supervisor and Traffic Safety Coordinator. From that review, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were also informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can be included on the June 21, 2011, Council Agenda. SECTION A: Requests on which staff recommends approval of request: 1. A request for either a stop sign or yield sign at the intersection of Oaklawn Avenue and Gilford Drive to better determine the right -of -way. Requestor is a resident of the area who has had several near -miss accidents at this uncontrolled intersection. Oaklawn Ave is a 30 -foot wide City street with curb, gutter and no sidewalks. It has an average daily traffic count of 1785 vehicles with an 85th- percentile speed of 34.6 mph. Gilford Drive is also a 30 -foot wide City street with curb, gutter and no sidewalks. This is a 3 -leg (T) intersection. There have been no accidents reported from 2001 -2009. East bound Gilford traffic ends at Oaklawn Avenue and must turn north or south. Oaklawn Avenue, to the south of Gilford Drive, is a no outlet cul- de -sac. There are no sight line issues here. Warrants would not be met for a stop sign at this location. However, staff feels that a "Yield" sign for east bound Gilford Drive traffic would better define the right -of -way making this a safer intersection. Staff recommends the approval for a "Yield" sign at the above intersection for east bound Gilford Drive traffic to better define the right -of -way for motorists. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 1 of 5 June 1, 2011 2. RE- VISIT: Request to restrict parking to one side of the street only on West 59t` Street between Kellogg Avenue and Oaklawn Avenues. Staff brought this request to the Council on April 19, 2011 because the width of West 59th Street at this location is only 18 -feet. Vehicles parked on both sides of the street would not allow emergency vehicles to navigate this block. Staff at that time had recommended that the south side of the street be posted "No Parking Anytime." Staff recommended the south side be posted because more vehicles could be parked along the north side. There are four homes on this block that would be affected by this parking restriction. This request was approved by the City Council at the April 19, 2011 meeting. Since approval, some residents have contacted staff requesting the north side be signed for "No Parking Anytime ". Staff sent questionairies to the 4 effected properties asking which side to ban parking. Two properties indicated the north side, one indicated the south side and the fourth was inconclusive. side, for the above stated reason. SECTION B: the "No Parking Anytime" Requests on which staff recommends denial of request: 1. Request for a "Slow, Children at Play" sign on Evanswood Lane west of Blake Road. This request comes from a resident on Evanswood Lane who is concerned with the speed of traffic turning off of Blake Road onto Evanswood Lane. Requestor states that there are many small children on Evanswood Lane and is concerned for their safety. Evanswood Lane, a no- outlet cul -de -sac, is a 28 -foot wide city street with curb, gutter and no sidewalks. There has been one property damage accident reported at the intersection of Blake Road and Evanswood Lane from 2001 -2009. Staff is no longer putting up this type of advisory sign. Staff recommends the denial of the request for a "Slow, Children at Play" sign on Evanswood Lane lust west of Blake Road as a result of past practices. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 2 of 5 June 1, 2011 2. Request to install stop signs at various intersections on Valley View Road between Gleason Road and McCauley Trail South. Requestor is a resident on Valley View Road who is concerned with both the volume and speed of traffic. There are no stop signs for Valley View Road traffic from Gleason Road to the west City limits. Requestor feels a few added stop signs along Valley View Road would slow traffic down making it safer for pedestrians and bicycle riders. All intersecting streets along this section of Valley View Road have stop signs. Valley View Road west of Gleason Road is a state aid "Collector" street with an average daily traffic count of 2,117 with an 85th- percentil speed of 34.6 mph (2009 data). Speed limit signs are posted in both directions on this leg of Valley View Road. Staff is supporting sidewalks along this stretch of roadway. This request does not meet stop sign warrants for either the Minnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices or the Edina stop sign policy. Warrants clearly state, "Residential stop signs shall not be installed in an attempt to control speed. Residential stop signs shall not be installed in an attempt to control volume." Staff recommends the denial of the request to add stop signs along Valley View Road between Gleason Road and McCauley Trail South for lack of warrants. 3. Request for "In- Street Pedestrian Crossing" signs to be installed on West 66th Street at either Southcrest Drive, West Shore Drive or Brittany Road. This request comes from a resident on Southcrest Drive who states that the added traffic on West 66th generated by the West 701h Street detour is making it impossible for pedestrians to cross West 66th Street at the locations listed. She is concerned that a pedestrian may be hit if something is not done. She wants pedestrian crossing signs placed in the middle of the roadway at one or more of these three locations. Twelve traffic studies have been conducted since the West 70th Street detour began. Four studies along West 66th Street and the rest on the neighborhood streets to the south. Studies along West 66th street indicate that an additional 4,500 vehicles are now using West 66th Street. The average Mon. -Fri. daily traffic count is now 9,823 with an 85th- percentile speed of 33.5 mph. Studies indicate that while the traffic volume has increased, the speed has not. Police enforcement has been increased along this area since the West 70th Street detour began. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 3 of 5 June 1, 2011 The City Sign Coordinator states that the intersections of Cornelia Drive, West Shore Drive, Southcrest Drive and Brittany Road are too narrow for mid- street signs. These signs have been placed at these locations in the past and were constantly hit by garbage trucks and busses causing extensive damage to the signs. (Signs cost around $550.00 each). Staff would therefore recommend denial of this request. However, staff is studying the possibility of placing temporary crosswalks along West 66th Street with pedestrian crossing signs posted on the sides of the roadway with similar wordin& advising motorists that they must yield to pedestrians crossing West 66 Street. Staff recommends the denial of the request for "In- Street Pedestrian Crossing" signs for safety reasons, but would recommend approving the installation of temporary crosswalks and advisory signs on the sides of the roadway. Exact areas to be determined. SECTION C: Requests that are deferred to a later date or referred to others. 1. Request for an all -way stop at the intersection of Valley View Road and Tracy Avenue (north of Highway 62).— Requestor-states-it-s- impossible- to make a left turn off of Valley View Road. onto Tracy Avenue during peak driving hours. A study of this intersection is pending. 2. Request for an all -way stop at the intersection of Fuller Street and Drew Avenue. A traffic study will be conducted. SECTION D: Other traffic safety issues handled. 1. Clear view issue on the south west corner of West 42nd Street and Grimes Avenue. This was handled by the Edina Police Department who state that the area in question is within guidelines. 2. Complaint about non - residents parking on Coventry Lane, Coventry Court and Coventry Place (private roads) while using the park. Caller was referred to his building association. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 4 of 5 June 1, 2011 3. Complaint from a resident about the number of cars parking on her block during park events. Parking regulations were explained and the resident was advised to call EPD if cars are illegally parked. 4. Call from a resident on Dunberry Lane stating that the street name sign was missing (W. 69th Street/Brittany Road/Dunberry Lane). Sign was put up. 5. Call from a resident on Lake Ridge Road regarding the speed of vehicles on Blake Road. Discussed traffic volume and speed of Blake Road traffic with resident. 6. Call from a resident on West 66'h Street concerning the added volume of vehicles due to the closing of West 70th Street. See SECTION B -3. 7. Call from a resident on Belvidere Lane regarding the added traffic due to the closing of West 701h Street. Advised. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 5 of 5 June 1, 2011 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION COMMUNITY ROOM JUNE 16, 2011 6:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by chair Janovy. II. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Members Bass, Bonneville, Braden, Fra old Davis, Thompson and Nelson. III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA ff _W Chair Janovy moved for a change on the meeting agenda to- go��tem VI.0 immediately upon Mr. Steve Clark's arrival; Living Streets will include discussion on SHIP funding updat�'Commissioner Bass' fMi g update and Commissioner , Braden's report on her conversation with someone from h'e Humphrey Institute. ma Commissioner Bonneville asked to add updates:orn; W. 44`h St. and Cliai Ag novy recommended "at he sign up for City Extra to receive weekly updates on any project -in a th yffidates from Mr. Sullivan. Commissioner Franzen moved to approve the lavis. All voted aye. Motion carrieq,.,,,r IV. ADOPTION OF A. Approval of M To be completed. gff B.T�f"�affic Safety RW —.of J Regarding, Section {page 2, chairlanF0y city engineer Sullivan ;said the City does,' reconstruction, or not,being replaced wh and if they can be places in:the parking I lane and being used short termmhen chi she has observed the signs in areasfwher, the mot on, pas seconded by Commissioner Schold 19, 2011 ;kedif the City has written policy on "Child at Play" or similar signs. Assistant M have a'�wi•itten policy and they are being removed during street `r they become worn. She also inquired about "guy with flag" and similar signs Mr. Sullivan said staff would prefer that they are not placed in the parking are playing does not present a problem. Commissioner Schold Davis said ere are no children present and they are placed far out into the street. Commissioner Nelson asked about secffon D, item 5, where Mr. Tate suggested observation at the curve of Blake Rd around Mirror Lake to see if a slower speed sign should be posted. He said he observed a driver going around the curve at a high speed that went across the street and hit the curb. Mr. Sullivan said he will be looking to see if a lower speed sign should be posted. Commissioner Nelson motioned to approve the consent agenda and the motion was seconded by Commissioner Thompson. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT i4one. 1 9 o, REPORURECOM MEN RATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item Item No. IV.F. From: Cary Teague ® Action Planning Director Discussion 0 Information Date: July 5, 2011 Subject: Ordinance No. 2011 -13 Amending Section 850.04 Regarding Findings for Variances Deadline No Deadline for a City Decision: ACTION REQUESTED: Waive second reading and approve the attached Ordinance 2011 -13. INFORMATION /BACKGROUND: The attached Ordinance brings the City of Edina's Zoning Ordinance into compliance with the recent state law that was amended regarding Variances. The Ordinance was drafted by the City Attorney, and was reviewed and recommended for approval unanimously by the Planning Commission on June 1, 2011. Some minor revisions have been made regarding sequencing of the standards as recommended by the Planning Commission. ATTACHMENTS: • Ordinance 2011 -13 • Planning Commission Memorandum dated June 1, 2011 • Minutes from the June 1, 2011 Edina Planning Commission meeting ORDINANCE NO. 2011 -13 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EDINA CITY CODE CONCERNING VARIANCES The City Of Edina Ordains: Section 1. Subsection 850.04. Subd. 2 paragraphs F and I are'amended to read: F. Findings for Variances. The Board shall not grant a petition for a variance unless it finds: that the striot epfery Eieft of this VE 6tf9 n wa sld Ga se undue PFOpeFty and that the oFant of said varia�r_-e is in keeping with the "Undue n allowed by this SeGtiGnj (ii) the plight of the petitieneF is due to nirn� � nstanoes unique to the petitioner's propeFt, ��ibinh um re not GFeac d by the petitie enrl liii\ the variance � r) � if gFante ! not s alter the essenti I nharrooter of the property or its sUrroUnAinns hardship if reasonable --se for the netitinncr'c. property exists RdeF the terms of this SeGtinn. A favorable vote by the Q�a shall he deemed to inol4 ,rle faliorahle finrlino nn eanh of the resolution or the mini rtes of the Board meetinn P. that the variance would be in harmony with the genera J -puToses and intent of this section. �. that the variance would be- consistent with the comprehensive; plan; -and] c. that-the-re-are practical difficulties in complying with this section]-- - - - 2. "Practical difficulties" means the following:] a. that the property owner proposes to use the property in a treasonable manner notpermitted by this section;] Existing text — XXXX Stricken text — XXXX Added text — XXXX b that the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances; unique to the property -not created by the landowner- andi c.__that the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential! - — - character --------------- of -the locality. 3. Economic considerations alone -d- o not constitute practical] difficulties. -- - -- - - -- -- - -_ - - -- - 4. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems and 5 Variances shall be granted for earth sheltered construction as defined in Minnesota Statutes- 216C.06, Subd. 14 when_ inj harmony with this section.) - --- - - -- - - - - -- -- -- - -- - - - - - -- -------------- -- 6. Variances may not be approved —f for any use that is not allowed] under this section for property in the zone where the affected person's land is located 7_ -Variances--m ai ariances may be approved for the temporary use of a one family) dwelling as a two family dwelling.; 8. A favorable vote b- y the Board shall be deemed to include a favorable; ending on each of the foregoing matters even if not specifically set ut in the approval resolution or the minutes of the Board meeting Conditions on Variance Approvals. In granting a variance, the Board, or the Council on appeal, may impose conditions to ensure smempliaRGe vA#V in the granting of variances. pfepeFties_IA condition must be directly related to and must bear a� roug-hroportionality to the impact created by the variance. Section 2. This ordinance is effective immediately upon its passage and publication. . First Reading: Second Reading: Published: Existing text — XXXX Stricken text — XXXX Added text — XXX ATTEST: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk . James B. Hovland, Mayor Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on: Send two affidavits of publication. Bill to Edina City Clerk Existing text — XXXX Stricken text — XXXX Added text — XXXX CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of , 2011, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of 2011. City Clerk Existing text — XXXX 4 Stricken text — XXXX Added text —XXXX _f A • rtZ \J V> • MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Cary Teague, Planning Director DATE: June 1, 2011 RE: Ordinance Amendment Regarding Variances as a result of the Krummenacher decision The Planning Commission is asked to consider an Ordinance Amendment to revise the City Zoning Ordinance to be in compliance with the recent bill passed by the legislature regarding variance review. The attached Ordinance amendment was drafted by City Attorney, Roger Knutson. Also attached is the revised state statute language that was adopted into law, and a comparison of the old and new language. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the Ordinance Amendment as drafted to bring Edina's Ordinance into compliance with the new state law. VARIANCE LEGISLATION 15765401 RNK:05 /16/2011 OLD NEW 1 Undue Hardship Practical Difficulties (cannot be put to a reasonable use) (a reasonable use of the property) 2 In Keeping with Spirit & Integrity In Harmony with General Purpose of Zoning Ordinance and Intent of Zoning Ordinance 3 -- Consistent with the Compre- hensive Plan 4 Economic Consideration Alone Same. Not Sufficient 5 Use Variances Prohibited Same. 6 Not Alter Essential Character Same. of the Locality 7 Not a Self Created Hardship Same. 8 Can Impose Conditions to Ensure Conditions Must be Directly Compliance and to Protect Related to Any and Must Bear Adjacent Properties A Rough Proportionality to the Impact Created by the Variance 15765401 RNK:05 /16/2011 Chapter 19 - Revisor of Statutes Minnesota Session Laws Key: (1) Iamguage te be deleted (2) new lanau% e 2011, Regular Session Page 1 of 2 This document represents the act as presented to the governor.. The version passed by the legislature is the final engrossment. It does not represent the official 2011 session law, which will be available here summer 2011. CHAPTER 19-- H.F.No. 52 An act relating to local government; providing for variances from city, county, and town zoning controls and ordinances;amending Minnesota Statutes 2010, sections 394.27, subdivision 7; 462.357, subdivision 6. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 394.27, subdivision 7, is amended to read: Subd. 7. Variances; hat dsMp practical difficulties. The board of adjustment shall have the exclusive power to order the issuance of variances from the terms requirements of any official control including restrictions placed on nonconformities. Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the official control in eases when there prnetieal diffiettities or partieular hwdft and when the tenns -af the verriemee variances are consistent with the comprehensive plan. "Hardship" as use in v 1 7 granting _ f tnr the ,lropea 7 K 7 ' , if grwrted, will not after the essentW ehm meter of the loea4ity. Variances maybe granted when the gpplicant for the variance establishes that there are practical difficulties in complying with the official control "Practical difficulties." as used in connection with the granting of a variance means that the property owner proposes to use the properly in a reasonable manner not permitted by an official control; the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner. the variance if granted will not alter the essential character of the LocALi . Economic considerations alone sly do not constitute use for the-preperty exists- twder the terms. of. the wdin =q practical difficulties. Practical difficulties include but are not limited to inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. Variances shall be granted for earth sheltered construction as defined in section 216C.06, subdivision 14, when in harmony with the official controls. No variance may be granted that would allow any use that is pie! ited not allowed in the zoning district in which the subject property is located. The board of adjustment may impose conditions in the granting of variances rectly related to and must bear a rough proportionality to the impact created by the variance insure eemplianee EFFECTIVE DATE This section is effective the day following final enactment. Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 462.357, subdivision 6, is amended to read: Subd. 6. Appeals and adjustments. Appeals to the board of appeals and Search hqs: / /www.revisor.mn.gov / laws / ?id= 19 &doetype= Chapter &year =2011 &t... 5/16/2011 . Chapter 19 - Revisor of Statutes Page 2 of 2 adjustments may be taken by any affected person upon compliance with any reasonable conditions imposed by the zoning ordinance. The board of appeals and adjustments has the following powers with respect to the zoning ordinance: (1) To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged that there is an error in any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by an administrative officer in the enforcement of the zoning ordinance. (2) To hear requests for variances from the literal PLOTiSiO.S Of the ordinanee in instmees where their striet enfbreement would eause tindue hardship beeft"se 0 s n4y when it is demonstrated that sueh etetions wiH be in keeping with the sp and intent of the ordin=ee. "Undue hwdship" ets used in eor=eetien with the gImTtin eans the property in question ea=et be put to a reftsonable use if wed under requirements of the zoning ordinance including restrictions placed on nonconformities Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general 12pooses and intent of the ordinance and when the variances are consistent with the comprehensive plan Variances may be granted when the applicant for the variance establishes that there are practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance "Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance: the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner,; and the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Economic considerations alone slra* do not constitute = tmdt2e hardship if reasonable t2se for the property exists under the terms e the ordin=ee. Und= hardship also ine! ides practical difficulties. Practical difficulties include, but is are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. Variances shall be granted for earth sheltered construction as defined in section 216C.06, subdivision 14, when in harmony with the ordinance. The board of appeals and adjustments or the governing body as the case may be, may not permit as a variance any use that is not perrni4#ed allowed under the zonin ordinance for property in the zone where the affected person's land is located. The board or governing body as the case may be, may permit as a variance the temporary use of a one family dwelling as a two family dwelling. The board or governing body as the case may be may impose conditions in the granting of variances •• condition must be directly related to and must bear a rough proportionality to the impact created by the variance. EFFECTIVE DATE This section is effective the dgy following final enactment. Presented to the governor May 2, 2011 Signed by the governor May 5, 2011, 3:08 p.m. https: / /www.revisor.mn.gov /laws / ?id= 19 &doctype= Chapter &year --2011 &t... 5/16/2011 6 the site is a change and given the City's recent history it is very important to reach out to the neighborhood before a formal application is submitted to the City. Chair Grabiel asked if anyone present would like to speak to this proposal; being none, Chair Grabiel thanked Mr. Schoenwetter for his presentation. B. Ordinance Amendment Regarding Variances as a result of the Krummenacher Decision Planner Aaker noted the attached ordinance amendment was drafted by Roger Knutson, City Attorney. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the ordinance amendment as drafted to bring Edina's Ordinance into compliance with State Law. Discussion The Commission said in reviewing the proposed language that they observed what they considered sequencing issues under #4. "Practical difficulties" adding that the order of "practical difficulties" could matter in interpretation. The Commission also noted that #5 ends with the word and, which could signify that there would be a #6. Planner Aaker responded that she will raise those concerns to Roger Knutson . Motion Commissioner Staunton moved approval of the concept of the ordinance amendment noting the amended ordinance as drafted conforms to State Statutes and that the Commission has a few questions they would like clarified before the City Council meeting. Commissioner Scherer seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS Chair Grabiel noted receipt of the Council Connection VIII. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBERS COMMENTS: Commissioner Platteter said that he, along with Commissioner Potts continue to meet with the Energy and Environment Commission on ordinance language with the goal of presenting the ordinance to the Planning Commission late summer; early fall. Commissioner Staunton noted the Council's suggested a meeting with the Planning Commission on Rooftop Dining and wondered if that would occur. Commissioner Staunton said on May 12th the Grandview Small Area Plan Steering Committee met continuing their discussion on the Grandview area. Staunton noted that Page 8 of 9 y� I REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item Item No. IV.G. From: Cary Teague ® Action Planning Director ❑ Discussion ❑ Information Date: July 5, 2011 Subject: Ordinance No. 2011 -14 Amending Section 1500 Regarding Planning Commission Attendance Requirements Deadline No Deadline for a City Decision: ACTION REQUESTED: Waive second reading and approve the attached Ordinance 2011 -14. INFORMATION /BACKGROUND: Based on the recommendation of the City Council at the June 21St City Council meeting, attached is an Ordinance amendment that states that if a Planning Commission member misses four consecutive regular meetings they shall be deemed to have resigned their position on the Planning Commission. ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance 2011 -13 Planning Commission Memorandum dated June 1, 2011 .. ORDINANCE NO. 2011-14 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE REGARDING ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PLANNING COMMISSION The City Council Of Edina Ordains: Section 1. Subsection 1500.09 is amended to read: 1500.09 Attendance Requirements A. Purpose. To assist boards and commissions in fulfilling their purposes and duties and to ensure that they are not prevented from doing so by the repeated absence of their members, the Council hereby establishes an attendance policy for members serving on boards and commissions. B. Removal. Any member of a board or commission established by the Council who fails to attend three consecutive regular meetings, or in the case of members of the Planninq Commission, four consecutive regular meetings, or who fails to attend at least 75% of the scheduled meetings in any calendar year, whether regular or joint work sessions with the Council, shall be deemed to have resigned as a member of the board or commission. Section 2. This ordinance is effective immediately upon its passage and publication. First Reading: Second Reading: Published: ATTEST: Existing text — XXXX Stricken text — XXXX Added text — XXXX Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on: Send two affidavits of publication. Bill to Edina City Clerk CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of .1 2011, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of 2011. City Clerk —r A J 1 1 I.. 4 � �Jtlk fiMh�_.aJ/ �Q.._ .MIIM MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Cary Teague, Planning Director DATE: June 15, 2011 RE: Planning Commission Attendance Policy Based on previous direction from the Planning Commission, please consider the following policy recommendation to the City Council regarding attendance: In order to adjust to the new Planning Commission schedule, including the doubling of the number of official meetings now held by the Planning Commission, the City Council should waive the attendance requirements for the summer months of 2011; and beginning effective September 1 amend the City Code to allow Planning Commissioners to only be removed from their seat on the Commission if they miss four consecutive regular meetings. We recommend that the City Council adopt the following Policy Resolution and Code Amendment: 1. Policy: Whereas the Planning Commission has changed its regular meeting schedule whereby it shall meet twice per month; and Whereas this change has created for members conflicts with prior established commitments during the summer months; Therefore it shall be the policy to excuse reasonable absences from Commission meetings through 30 August 2011. 2. Section 1500.09 of the City Code should be amended effective as of September 1, 2011 as follows: 1500.09 Attendance Requirements A. Purpose. To assist boards and commissions in fulfilling their purposes and duties and to ensure that they are not prevented from doing so by the repeated absence of their members, the Council hereby establishes an attendance policy for members serving on boards and commissions. B. Removal. Any member of a board or commission established by the Council who fails to attend three consecutive regular meetings, or in the case of members of the Planning Commission, four consecutive regular meetings, or who fails to attend at least 75% of the scheduled meetings in any calendar year, whether regular or joint work sessions with the Council, shall be deemed to have resigned as a member of the board or commission. 2 :ql N REPORURECOMMEN DATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item Item No. IV. H. From: Jennifer Bennerotte, Director Communications & Marketing Department ® Action Discussion Information Date: July 5, 2011 Subject: Flag Protocol Policy ACTION REQUESTED: Approve a policy for lowering flags. INFORMATION /BACKGROUND: The City of Edina does not currently have a formal policy for lowering flags. Staff believes such a policy is important and recommends the following: Consistent with Flag Code, Title 36, U.S.C., Chapter 10, as amended, it shall be the policy of the City of Edina that whenever the President of the United States or the Governor of the State of Minnesota order U.S. flags lowered to half -staff on federal or state buildings, that the City of Edina will also lower its flags during the dates, times and /or holidays specified by presidential or gubernatorial order. REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item Item No. V.A. From: Jordan Gilgenbach Communications Coordinator ❑ Action 1-1 Discussion ® Information Date: July 5, 2011 Subject: FM Global Insurance Donation to Edina Fire Department ACTION REQUESTED: Allow FM Global Insurance the opportunity to present a grant to the Edina Fire Department. INFORMATION /BACKGROUND: The Edina Fire Department created EFD Pulse, a bi- monthly newsletter, in 2008 to share news and information "to protect what matters most." The Fire Department has not had the funds to print the newsletter; therefore, issues have been available exclusively online. This grant will enable the Fire Department to print several issues and distribute it to those who cannot get them through the internet. ATTACHMENTS: Volume 4, Issue 3 of the fire prevention newsletter, EFD Pulse. News to Protect What Matters Most Heep A Watchful Eye Around Water By Todd Porthan, Fire Lieutenant What claims the lives of approximately 800 children each year, is the leading cause of injury - related death among children ages 1 to 3 and is the second - leading cause of death among children under 15? It's water — and despite these alarming figures, many parents don't realize how dangerous it can be. The nonprofit organization "Safe Kids Worldwide" indicates that nine out of 10 children who died in water accidents were being "watched" by an adult. Many parents think, "It won't happen to me; I keep an eye on my kids." We sometimes forget that children are impulsive and move fast, and drowning is quick and silent. Many children who drown were seen just minutes before. As A Word from the Chief By Edina Fire Chief Marty Scheerer The Fire Depart- ment is in the business of saving lives — but it is still a business! Emergency Medi- cal Service (EMS) calls continue to occupy most of our time. In 2010, medical calls increased nearly 4 percent to more than 4,500 calls per year. While staffing levels have remained the same, we welcomed two new faces last year A pair of retirements resulted in the hiring parents, we are the first line of defense against drowning. Supervising children around water requires more than glancing up periodically while chatting on the cell phone or grilling burgers. Adults must engage in active supervision. That means being in the water with children who are learning to swim, and being only an arm's length away from the pool for more confident swimmers. Keep your eyes on swimming children every second. of Paramedic /Firefighters josh Link and Brandon Winkel, both of whom are very experienced. josh comes to us from a fire department in Kentucky and Brandon was one of our paid -on -call firefighters. Like many municipal entities, we have been working to maximize our budget over the last few years. We were fortunate to receive two significant grants to help temper budget reductions. Last year, we received a federal grant of over $156,000 to purchase new Self- Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) to replace our old units. These SCBAs provide breathable air to firefighters who enter toxic atmospheres. The second grant Abbey's Hope Please take a few minutes to learn about Abigail Rose Taylor, her inspiring parents, • Katey and Scott, and their mission to keep kids safe in and around water. Visit: www.Abbeyshope.org The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children start learning to swim by age 4. Don't assume that a child won't drown just because he or she is a good swimmer. At no age is a child drown - proof. Many people associate drowning with deep water — or at least water that is too deep for a child to touch the bottom. However, a child can drown in a a few inches of water. continued on page 2 came from the State of Minnesota — $76,000 to be used for equipment and training for our Special Operations Team. Budget reductions did not stop us from conducting top -notch training. We continue to work diligently on all aspects, including fire suppression, EMS, special operations, firefighter survival, vehicle extrication, rope and water rescue and fire prevention. Our training continues to expand as our mis- sion and roles to protect the community multiply. Visit www.CityolEdina.com /Fire Fire Marshal's Corner By Edina Fire Marshal Tom Jenson How often do you use your clothes dryer? Every day? Every other day? Now, how often do you think about your clothes dryer? For most of us, as long as the thing is tumbling and drying, we are more than content. However, clothes dryers present a risk of starting fires — most often because dryer lint hasn't been cleaned away from the lint filter and ductwork. We all know that a dryer's lint trap can get pretty filthy. Even a single load of laundry can cause enough lint buildup to reduce drying efficiency. Always make sure the lint filter is clean — either before or after every load. Not only will it reduce the risk of a fire, but it will help dry your clothes faster. Never use your dryer without its lint filter properly in place. Water Safety Always designate an adult to actively supervise children. Never consume alcohol while supervising children. Never leave toys in or around water. Never swim alone, or let your child swim alone. Never allow anyone to dive in less than eight feet of water. Swim only in designated areas. Prevent running around pool decks. Empty kiddy pools and bathtubs after each use. Take a basic lifesaving CPR course and have a phone with you to call 9 -1 -1 during an incident. Check the safety of the water — this includes drain covers, gates, locks, doors and water depth. Pay attention to strong waves, currents and weather. With the excessive amount of lint produced by clothes dryers, it's no surprise that the lint trap isn't the only place the dusty fuzz begins to accumulate. The only way to get rid of it is to clean it! (The only way it goes away on its own is if it burns.) Periodically check your dryer exhaust pipe to make sure it is not clogged with lint. It's a good idea to clean out the entire dryer Water ... continued from page I Small children have naturally top -heavy bodies and don't have the upper body strength to lift themselves from dangerous situations. They can easily drown in a bathtub, soft -sided inflatable pool, plastic kiddie pool or even a bucket of water. once a child's head goes under, it only takes a few minutes for the heart to stop and brain damage to occur. While most toddlers and preschoolers drown in swimming pools, kids age 5 to 14 are more likely to drown in oceans, lakes or rivers. Infants are at the greatest risk in bathtubs. Do not be lulled into a sense of security with floatation devices. Water wings and inflatable rings do not protect children from drowning. Use the same active supervision you would if your child was not wearing a flotation device. Whenever boating or around a body of water, children should wear a U.S. Coast Guard - approved life preserver. However, even with a size - appropriate, approved life jacket, do not let your guard down. Kids will often adjust or unbuckle life jackets to get comfortable. Lifeguards are a great asset to any body of water, but parents are still the first line of defense. just because a lifeguard is present does not mean you should alter your active vent pipe at least once a year. If you aren't comfortable doing this yourself, there are services that will do it for you. Also, check that the outdoor dryer vent flap is opening properly when the dryer is running. Foil or plastic dryer ducts can also increase the risk of a dryer fire. Your dryer should only be connected to metal dryer ducts, which won't sag and are less likely to ac- cumulate lint. Clean inside, behind and underneath the dryer as lint also tends to build up in these areas. If you are replacing an old dryer, make sure it is installed by a professional; dryers should be properly grounded. Follow manu- facturer's instructions and never overload it. It's also a good idea to turn the dryer off when you aren't home or are in bed! supervision. In fact, many public pools, beaches, hotels and living complexes don't have lifeguards present. If you own or live in a complex with a pool or have a neighbor who has one, check to make sure it has the proper barriers and locks. A child wandering into an unlocked or accessible pool is a leading cause of drowning. Since 1985, more than 34 children have died and another 130 have been injured after being entrapped by the powerful suction of drains at the bottom of pools or spas. Thanks to the federal Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act and Minnesota's Abigail Taylor Pool and Spa Safety Act, all public pools and spas are now mandated to have anti - entrapment drain covers installed and maintained in proper working order. These laws have drastically reduced the number of children injured in this way. "It happened so fast!" I could do without ever hearing those words from another parent again. Truth be told, as a parent, I have sat those exact words myself. Thankfully, it ha never been serious. It has, however, made me slow down, reflect on my priorities and focus my time and attention on protecting my family — and that's what matters most! ow Fe� J 0 0 -v 88 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item Item No. V.B. From: John Wallin Finance Director ® Action Discussion Information Date: July 5, 2011 Subject: Receive Comprehensive Annual Ended December 31, 2010 Financial Report (CAFR) for Year ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend receipt of 2010 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). James Eichten, CPA, from Malloy, Montague, Karnowski, Radosevich, & Co., P.A., (MMKR) the Principal in charge of the audit, will be present at the meeting to present the CAFR and Management Report. INFORMATION /BACKGROUND: The 2010 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, the Management Report, and the Special Purpose Audit Reports were sent by mail to the City Council. The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report can be viewed on the City's web site. Please bring the reports to the Council meeting so they can be discussed. The purpose of each report is as follows: The Management Report is a report by the auditors to communicate information relevant to city finances and to provide comments resulting from their audit process. The Special Purpose Audit Reports is the result of the extensive audit performed to assess the City's internal controls and to assure compliance with all of the State's and Federal Government's statutes, laws and regulations. The auditors this year did not find any occurrences where the City did not comply with State statutes and Federal laws and regulations. The auditors also did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that they consider to be material weaknesses. The 2010 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is the accumulation of all Finance functions compiled in a format prescribed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, The State of Minnesota, and The Federal Government. The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report consists of a number of sections: The Introductory Section has a letter from the Finance Director, a listing of elected and appointed officials and an organization chart. The Financial Section includes the Auditors' Opinion and Management's Discussion and Analysis letter. The Basic Financial Statements is the part of the report that details the 2010 accounting for the City, as well as the notes to the financial statements. The Required Supplementary Information includes the budgetary comparison schedule for the General Fund along with the related notes. The Combining and Individual Fund Statements and Schedules are the financial statements for the non -major funds. The Supplementary Financial Information includes various schedules of debt and assessed valuation. The Statistical Section has a number of schedules again required by the above mentioned boards and governments. w91N�11� ow e • �N PO e� REPORURECOMMEN DATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item Item No: VI. A. From: Wayne Houle, PE �j �ctor/ Action Public Works Di e F-1 Discussion City Engineer Information Date: July 5, 2011 Subject: Public Hearing — Valley View Sidewalk From McCauley Trail to Hilary Lane — Resolution No. 2011 -70 ACTION REQUESTED: If the Council determines the project to be necessary, cost - effective, and feasible, Council shall adopt Resolution No. 2011 -70 accepting the feasibility study and approving Valley View Sidewalk Improvement No. S -95 and authorize construction of the sidewalk. INFORMATION /BACKGROUND: The project was initiated as a petition by residents for sidewalk along Valley View Road. The project was recommended as a roadway reconstruction and sidewalk construction project by staff, however due to Municipal State Aid funding shortfalls the project has been scaled back to provide an interim raised sidewalk along the north and east side of the road. Staff has met on -site with residents at the northeast and northwest corner of Valley View Road and Sally Lane to address some concerns regarding sight lines. Staff is recommending working with these residents to replant the boulevards to prepare for the final project, which will include a boulevard style sidewalk. City projects typically replace trees and major shrubs that are taken, but do not replace other vegetation or landscaping. Additional correspondence has been submitted to staff from two other residents and is included in the feasibility study. The public hearing notice and mailing labels are also included. The estimated project cost is $90,000, which includes $10,000 for landscaping. Public Works street maintenance funds are proposed to be used to fund the project. Staff has analyzed the project and feels that the project is provides a necessary, cost - effective, and feasible interim improvement to the pedestrian safety along Valley View Road G: \Engineering \Improvements \BA377 Valley View Rd fr McCauley to Braemar Blvd (Hairpin) \S095 Valley View Rd tr McCauley to Braemar Blvd (HairPin) \PRELIM DESIGN \Feasibility \Item IVI.A. Public HearingValley View Sidewalk, Resolution No. 2011- 70.docx ATTACHMENTS: • Resolution 201 -1 -70 • Public Hearing Notice and mailing labels. • Resident Correspondence • Feasibility Report G: \Englneering \Improvements \BA377 Valley, Vlew Rd tr McCauley to Braemar Blvd (Halrpin) \S095 Valley View Rd fr McCauley to Braemar Blvd (HairPin) \PRELIM DESIGN \Feaslbllity \Item IVI.A. Public HearingV61ley Vlew Sidewalk„Resolutlon No. 2011- 70.docx RESOLUTION NO. 2011-70 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION VALLEY VIEW ROAD FROM MCCAULEY TRAIL TO BRAEMAR BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENT NO. S -095 WHEREAS, the Edina City Council on the 21St day of June, 2011, fixed a date for a Council hearing on the proposed sidewalk construction, Improvement No. S -095; and WHEREAS, ten days' mailed noticed of the hearing was given, and the hearing was held thereon on the 5th day of July, 2011, for Improvement No. S -095 constructing sidewalk along Valley View Road from McCauley Trail to Braemar Boulevard at which time all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts, does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement, including all proceedings which may be necessary in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Improvement No. S -095 constructing sidewalk along Valley View Road from McCauley Trail to Braemar Boulevard. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Improvement No. S -095 constructing sidewalk along Valley View Road from McCauley Trail to Braemar Boulevard is hereby ordered as proposed with construction of the improvement to be completed during the 2011 construction season. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the feasibility report for Improvement No. S -095 is hereby received by the Edina City Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Engineer is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. The engineer shall cause plans and specifications to be prepared for the making of such improvement. Attest: Adopted this 5th day of July, 2011. Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN)SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of July 5, 2011, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 20_. City Clerk City of Edina June 24, 2011 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT. NO. S -95 VALLEY VIEW ROAD FROM McCAULEY TRAIL TO BRAEMAR BOULEVARD The Edina City Council will meet at Edina City Hall, on Tuesday, July 5, 2011, at 7:00 p.m., to consider the public hearing for the Valley View Road from McCauley Trail to Braemar Boulevard. This hearing has been called as a recommendation from staff. The proposed project would be constructed in the summer of 2011. The cost of the project will be funded by City of Edina Maintenance funds and therefore, you will not be assessed for this project. Your receipt of this notice is an indication that property whose ownership is listed to you is among those properties within the project area. The City Council can authorize the proposed project immediately upon the close of the hearing. City Hall 952 -921 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX 952 - 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.CityofEdina.com TTY 952- 826 -0379 016213 0039 0611621330050 0611621330054 RESI E RESIDENT RESIDENT 6836 LLY LA 6923 MCCAULEY TR S EDIN V5439 EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 0711621210006 0711621210007 0711621210008 RESIDENT RESIDENT RESIDENT 7146 VALLEY VIEW RD 7144 VALLEY VIEW RD 7142 VALLEY VIEW RD EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 0711621210009 0711621210010 0711621210011 RESIDENT RESIDENT RESIDENT 7005 COMANCHE CT 7009 COMANCHE CT 7013 COMANCHE CT EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 0711621210012 0711621210013 0711621210014 RESIDENT RESIDENT RESIDENT 6625 PAIUTE PASS 6621 PAIUTE PASS 6617 PAIUTE PASS EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 0711621210015 0711621210017 0711621210022 RESIDENT RESIDENT RESIDENT 6613 PAIUTE PASS 7017 COMANCHE CT 7143 VALLEY VIEW RD EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 0711621210023 0711621210024 0711621210025 RESIDENT RESIDENT RESIDENT 7141 VALLEY VIEW RD 7138 VALLEY VIEW RD 7136 VALLEY VIEW RD EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 0711621210026 0711621210027 0711621210028 RESIDENT RESIDENT RESIDENT 7134 VALLEY VIEW RD 7132 VALLEY VIEW RD 7130 VALLEY VIEW RD EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 0711621210029 0711621210031 0711621210040 RESIDENT RESIDENT RESIDENT 7128 VALLEY VIEW RD 7126 VALLEY VIEW RD 6609 PAIUTE PASS EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 0711621210041 0711621210042 0711621210043 RESIDENT RESIDENT RESIDENT 7021 COMANCHE CT 7025 COMANCHE CT 7029 COMANCHE CT EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 0711621210044 0711621210045 0711621210046 RESIDENT RESIDENT RESIDENT 7033 COMANCHE CT 7137 VALLEY VIEW RD 7135 VALLEY VIEW RD EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 0711621210047 0711621210049 RESIDENT RESIDENT 43 VALLEY VIEW RD 7100 VALLEY VIEW RD VA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 0711621210064 0711621210065 . RESIDENT RESIDENT 7120 VALLEY VIEW RD 7108 VALLEY VIEW RD EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 0711621210067 0711621220006 RESIDENT . RESIDENT . 7104 ,VALLEY VIEW RD 71`49. VALLEY VIEW RD ' - EDINA MN 55439 EDINA.MN 55439 071 - 1621220008 0711621220010 RESIDENT RESIDENT 7145 VALLEY VIEW RD' 7001 SALLY LA EDINA.MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 0711621220012 0711621220013 RESIDENT RESIDENT 7009 SALLY LA 7013 SALLY LA EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 0711621220015 0711621220016 RESIDENT RESIDENT 7021 SALLY LA 7025 SALLY LA EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 0711621220018 0711621220019 RESIDENT - RESIDENT 7004 SALLY LA 7008 SALLY LA EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 0711621220021 0711621220022 _ RESIDENT RESIDENT 7016 SALLY LA 7020 SALLY LA EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 6711621220024 0711621220028 RESIDENT RESIDENT, 7028 SALLY LA 7009 -11 MCCAULEY TR S EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 0711621210063 RESIDENT 7116 VALLEY VIEW RD EDINA MN 55439 0711621210066 RESIDENT 7106 VALLEY VIEW RD EDINA MN 55439 0711621220007 RESIDENT 7147 VALLEY VIEW RD EDINA MN 55439 0711621220011 RESIDENT ' 7005 SALLY LA EDINA MN 55439 0711621220014 RESIDENT 7017 SALLY LA EDINA MN 55439 0711621220017 RESIDENT 7000 SALLY LA EDINA MN 55439 0711621220020 RESIDENT 7012 SALLY LA EDINA MN 55439 0711621220023 RESIDENT' 7024 SALLY LA EDINA MN 55439 0711621220029 RESIDENT 7005 -07 MCCAULEY TR S EDINA MN 55439 0711621220036 0711621220037 0711621220044 RESIDENT RESIDENT RESIDENT 7021 -23 MCCAULEY TR S 7003 MCCAULEY TR S EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 1027 0711621220045 0711621220046 0711621220047 RESIDENT RESIDENT RESIDENT 7001 MCCAULEY TR S 7025 MCCAULEY TR S 7027 MCCAULEY TR S EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 0711621220048 0711621220049 0711621220050 RESIDENT RESIDENT RESIDENT 7017 MCCAULEY TR S 7019 MCCAULEY TR S 7013 MCCAULEY TR S EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 0711621220051 0711621240001 RESIDENT RESIDENT 7015 MCCAULEY TR S EDINA MN 55439 EDINA MN 55439 City of Edina June 30, 2011 Larry J. Nesbitt 7132 Valley View Road Edina, MN 55439 RE: Valley View Road Sidewalk, Improvement No. S -95 Mr. Nesbitt, Thank you for writing the City to request postponing the public hearing for the Valley View Road Sidewalk, Improvement No. S -95. The City Council has set the public hearing for July 5, 2011 and they are the only entity that can change that date. Your letter will be included in the Council packet that is forwarded to all the members by this Friday, July 1, 2011 suggest that you contact the council members directly via phone or email to express your concerns prior to the Council meeting next Tuesday evening. Their email addresses and phone numbers can be.-found at the City website or by contacting the City directly at 952 - 927 - 8861. Please feel free to. give me a call at 952 - 826 -0445 if you : have any additional questions. Thank you, Jack Sullivan G: \Engineering \Improvements \BA377 Valley View Rd fr McCauley to Braemar Blvd (Hairpin) \S095 Valley View Rd fr McCauley to Braemar Blvd (HairPin) \ADMIN \CORR \20110630 Larry Nesbitt.doc City Hall 952- 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX 952 -826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.CityofEdina.com TTY 952- 826 -0379 Larry J. Nesbitt 7132 Valley View Road Edina, MN 55439 -1655 Mr. Jack D. Sullivan, P {.E. Assistant City Engineer 7450 Metro Boulevard Edina, MN 55439 6/27/11 Dear Mr Sullivan: I am a resident of the section of Valley View Road where the city plans proposed improvement no. S -95. I received notification of the July 5, 2011 City Council meeting yesterday by-mail. I am formally requesting that you change the meeting date for the project to July 21, 2011 for the following reasons: 1. Given just a few days notice isn't enough time those of us directly affected by this move to gather facts and present a coherent argument for any changes we might want to voice. Further, none of us have seen the actual project plans or documentation. 2. Given that it is right after a long holiday weekend, many people affected will still be out of town and will not be able to voice their opinions.. Please give my request serious consideration. Thank you. Larry J. Nesbitt ^ @\ June 28, 2011 ` Q�11 -� 1, Dear Edina City Council Members: My name is Mike Benner and I live at 7025 Sally Lane. I am 12 years old and will be in 7th grade this fall. I am writing to tell you what I think about the sidewalk project that will affect my home. First, I do not know why some people think a sidewalk needs to be on the north side of Valley View Road. My family has been told it is to help me and others on my street walk to school. Valley View Middle School is 1.4 miles from my house. School starts at 7:45, which means I really need to be at my locker by 7:35 to be at my first class on time. play the trumpet, which I carry to school for band, and on light homework days, my backpack weighs about 25 pounds. There is no way I am walking to school, ever! This is the worst logic I have ever heard of! Second, I play baseball and practice at Braemar several times a week every spring and summer. I am a big baseball fan and often walk over there to watch other leagues and our Legion team play. I am comfortable walking to Braemar on Valley View Road by myself. My parents walked with me when I was younger and taught me where it was safest. to walk and.where to cross the roads. We only drive there when I have a game that ends after dark, because the path out of the park to Hilary Lane is not lighted and you .cannot see.your hand in front of your face or the gate that closes the path off to cars: , I. :do not need a sidewalk to get to Braemar Park. Other kids in the neighborhood live further away from the park and could not carry golf clubs, hockey bags or baseball bags that far. Third, there is a chance that a sidewalk will take the trees and a good portion of our side yard that runs along Valley View Road. This will eliminate a place for me to play outside at my own home. It will make the yard too narrow for our volley ball net. If the trees are taken and replaced with a temporary sidewalk and no curb and gutter, my yard becomes an unsafe place for me, my friends and my family. Cars run up against our lawn on the Valley View street side all the time and I feel protected by those trees. Cutting trees down is not green. I learned in science that trees in urban areas remove carbon dioxide emitted by cars, reduce traffic sound for people who live on busy roads, and keep traffic moving at safe speeds on residential streets. Please do not support any plan that takes several trees from our neighborhoods! Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. Please consider my thoughts and feeling about this project and please vote NO to the temporary sidewalk proposed for Valley View Road. Sincerely yours, Mike Wrier... 7025 Sally Lane=. cc: Mayor Hovland Jack Sullivan A, 0 e �tA FEASIBILITY STUDY - S 095 N o ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ��• NroR��° ay CITY OF EDINA SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS VALLEY VIEW ROAD FROM MCCAULEY TRAIL TO BRAEMAR BOULEVARD JULY 5, 2011 LOCATION: The Valley View Road Sidewalk Project runs along the north side and east side of Valley View Road from McCauley Trail to the intersection of Valley View Road and Hilary Lane (Figure 1). sszl - 'i -6923 6836 5� 6921 .. 7001 - - I - 7000 ••••••. _ I x001 66176613.6609; 7005-07 7004 66256621 i - -- - _ 7009.11 7008 7005 7017 ' 7013 : 1137 7021 - 7012 ( 7009 ! 7013 -15 7016 7009 f — ! 7013 m 7025 ...... �— 7017 7020 Z 7017 7005 '' _w 7029 i ! ,,.. +• " "�z ! 7019 l..• .Q . •... - 7021 ' " ! 7021 -23 y.7142.0 7024 7033 a .,_a ' Lv �......,N: • ■ f 1 7135 7025 . 7025,. ! 7028 ! r s . 713 ■ ■dA� :■ ■ ■ ■■ 71451 7141 ♦ ••�a7149 ti...... 1147 7143\'�,.� 7136/ 6509 6505 6916 6920 14 l 17 iI 16 1 25 1 _ 33 Project Limits 42 7100 7033 _ 7104 7037 7106 7140 7136 7132 ■ 7116'• ••1 ' 71 r :- ■ 713 ■ 7128 • 7120 7128 19 ■j ! a H\�NV ! Q- 7347 S l3S1 ti........................................... ............................... 7359 N Preliminary Project Area wE e Valley View Road Sidewalk 5 ° o Improvement No: S -095 NEe "° July 2011 11 ■ ■ ■ ■ 00 00 ■ ■ ■ Proposed Sidewalk Location Figure 1. Proiect Area Map Feasibility Study Valley View Road Sidewalk Improvement No. S -095 July 5, 2011 INITIATION & HISTORY: This project was initially initiated by a petition accepted by City Council in 2004. After studying the project in more detail, staff believed a more comprehensive roadway project would be more appropriate. These improvements were scheduled for 2010 as part of the City of Edina Municipal State Aid (MSA) street reconstruction; however the 494/169 project has accounted for the majority of the City's Municipal State Aid funding. Additionally, staff recommended that Valley View Road not be reconstructed during the same time as 494/169 construction. The MnDOT construction will take place in 2011 and 2012. Due to funding shortfalls and other programed MSA street improvement projects around town, major improvements to Valley View Road have been pushed back to 2015. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The existing roadway width varies from 27 -ft to 31 -ft wide and the right -of -way for the majority of the roadway is 66 -feet with the existing roadway surface being bituminous. Photo 1. Lookina Northwest on Vallev View Roa Page 2 of 5 Feasibility Study Valley View Road Sidewalk Improvement No. S -095 July 5, 2011 Photo 2. Looking South at Comanche Court and Valley View Road PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Staff is proposing to construct a raised sidewalk on Valley View Road between McCauley Trail and Braemar Boulevard. This project will be constructed at no cost to the residents. The raised sidewalk will be constructed by widening the existing roadway pavement by 2 -3 feet to the north /east side of the road to create enough room for 5 -ft wide, 4" high raised bituminous walk. An example of this type of sidewalk can be seen in Photo 3. The raised sidewalk will have a white "fog line" paint stripe at both the lane edge and at the sidewalk edge to provide delineation for vehicles and sidewalk users. Page 3 of 5 Feasibility Study Valley View Road Sidewalk Improvement No. S -095 July 5, 2011 IL Photo 3. Raised Sidewalk FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS: Staff is proposing to completely reconstruct the roadway from McCauley Trail to Hilary Lane /Braemar Boulevard in 2015 with Municipal State Aid Funds. This reconstruction would be a more comprehensive project to correct drainage issues, realign the intersection near Hilary Lane /Braemar Boulevard and incorporate a boulevard style sidewalk along the north /east side of Valley View Road. This future project is estimated to cost one million dollars. The interim raised sidewalk would be removed and recycled into the new roadway at the time of the full reconstruction. MAINTENANCE OF SIDEWALK: The Edina Public Works Department will maintain the raised sidewalk, including snow removal. PROJECT COSTS: The total estimated project cost is $90,000 and this project will be done with Edina Public Works Staff. ASSESSMENTS: This project is funded through the Public Works Maintenance budget; therefore there is NO special assessment to property owners. IROJECT SCHEDULE: The following project is anticipated to be constructed the summer of 2011. Page 4 of 5 Feasibility Study Valley View Road Sidewalk Improvement No. S -095 July 5, 2011 FEASIBILITY: Staff believes the construction of this project is cost effective and feasible to create a safe pedestrian link along Valley View Road from McCauley Trail to the intersection of Valley View Road and Hilary Lane. ATTACHMENTS: 2004 Sidewalk petition August 2010 Open house invitation, presentation and sign in sheet June 2011 Open house invitation, presentation and sign in sheet June 21, 2011 Report/Recommendation to Call Public Hearing 2011 -2015 MSA street reconstruction schedule Page 5 of 5 o e City of Edina, Minnesota DATE: CITY COUNCIL 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 (612) 927 -8861 • (612) 927 - 7645 -FAX •. (612) 927 - 5461 -TDD PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL I SIDEWALK ❑ ALLEY PAVING ❑ WATERMAIN ❑ STORM SEWER ❑ SANITARY SEWER ❑ STREET LIGHTING ❑ CURB AND GUTTER ONLY ❑ PERMANENT,STREET ❑ -OTHER: SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER To the Mayor and City Council: The persons who have signed this petition ask the City Council to consider the improvements listed above to the locations listed below. __ V cu te- � V i t' u-� P—c L o between and LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS .between and LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS between and LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS between and LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY ST T NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS IMPORTANT NOTE: PERSONS HAVE:SIGN.ED THIS PE TION UNDERSTAND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL -Y AS S 'THE- COSTS OF-.. - SE IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTIES BENEFITING FR THE IIVIPRO S OUNTS DETERMINED BY THE COUNCIL AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 429; NIINNESO A TES. PROPERTY OWNER'S PROPER ADDRESS OWNER'S SIGNATURE PHONE 43-. cel 1, C -71.3 -7 VQkX ViUW N_ _ 9 U -4 4 74 I trite: v'e - -- t �Pu ' e br �14.i 3 D� 3 t �� Ate. n �°► \3 °�.O r` `�,-- Sp l�gb0 TW U k, Dv. � a — q 11e s. n 008 &Mud f5 its petition was circul y: -7 Jav,v%a H oVVI.ah �0�3 iMatiAe, NAME ADDRESS NE There is space for more signa ac 'or you rattach extra pages. SB-MMER IM OWNER'S iZ �3Q iY i� r� �v zZ Z� s. z7 33 35 °l O OWNER'S NAME PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER'S. RINTE) PHONE 670 CCA-/ n q52- 941- 6 Maral) -I Air A I�rrv, lal-�--- 1?1s;1-- Ae S 7a9- ,ems 3 ,1"4e Z- - a, �/ �)('o W . 2AaA / a WuaU,.ca c f q'D. �A►��oR.cl �. �R`� �c l� � 02S' Co ►vhy, e- Cz. 6 O IL4 . Coe `t S1- �Yr -aL a �or it; aj 951 fl y147Z3 qq(- -1ate azS S (- �aA Lo. a -a P., ;,�a PO.3j 41d�/'�r.�. ZI`-/�% �ia�IrLiUj�u�l�► �SZ ctiq ���1 Valley View Road Sidewalk Petition Fact Sheet Purpose of Petition ■ To expedite the process for placing a sidewalk along Valley View Road from Sally Lane to Braemar Park Key Facts The City of Edina has already identified the site as needing a sidewalk due to key facts: - 2800 - 4209 cars travel this stretch of Valley View Road each day Current level of pedestrian traffic All construction and maintenance related costs would be funded by the State Gas Tax Funds - Snow removal would be handled by the city and paid for by these funds Current project is slated for completion within 5 -7 years - Petition will help accelerate the process Benefits of Sidewalks - Why Yon Should Sign This Petition • First and foremost - pedestrian safety • Safe and easy access to Braemar Park • Promotes sense of community and neighborhood • Increases property values and marketability of homes • Potential reduction in traffic as residents utilize sidewalks vs. car travel Approval Process ■ Step 1 - Signed Petition will be submitted to City Clerk who will forward to City Council ■ Step 2 - City Council refers Petition to Engineering Department for Feasibility Study ■ Step 3 - Engineering Department surveys and prepares costs ■ Step 4 - Neighborhood Information Meeting will be held ■ Step 5 - Engineering Department completes Feasibility Study • Step 6 - Public Hearing is held - residents are notified per state law • Step 7 - City Council hears issue and votes - residents can speak publicly • Step 8 - Bids accepted and construction can begin Goal/Summary ■ Sidewalk by Summer of 2005 ■ Entire process can take 1 -2 years, BUT this project has been earmarked already so should be simpler August 4, 2010 RE: Proposed Roadway and Sidewalk Improvements for Valley View Road — from McCauley Trail to Braemar Boulevard Dear Resident: The City of Edina has initiated the planning phase for roadway and sidewalk improvements on Valley View Road from McCauley Trail to Braemar Boulevard. Please see the attached map for a more detailed location. You are invited to attend an informational meeting on Thursday, August 12, 7 -8 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, to learn more about the proposed improvements and to provide us with your feedback. The meeting will consist of a 20 minute presentation starting shortly after 7 p.m. covering such topics as work to be done and preliminary project costs followed by a question and answer session. If you cannot attend the meeting the presentation can be made available to you after the meeting. Please contact the Engineering Department at 952 - 826 -0371. Sincerely, Jack D. Sullivan, P.E. Assistant City Engineer G: \Engineering\Improvements\BA377 Valley View Rd fr McCauley to Braemar Blvd (Hairpin)\PRELIM DESIGNUNFORMATIONAL MEETING\20100804_BA377 Neighborhood _Informatioal_Meeting_Letter.doc 8921 4 6638 45 1 6921 88 ` 6509 7001` 7000 7003 7004 7001 25 216617 J6609. _ 7005 -07 ' 7008 7005 7017/ 7009 -11 7013 / 7021 ; 7137 7012 7009 046- 7016 7013 7009 w 7025 �......t _ \\ _ 7017 Z 7017 7 7005 7029 ......1 . 7019 7020 J >- --I \ 7142 a .•• '•. 7021 -23 7024 -J 7021. v v 7033 � •.• _ N rn\ \ \ 7135 7025 7028 = 7025 i �\. "i027 . - LYV1EW Rom 7138 i -- - 7145 7141 / 1 733 ti,�........q ' I7143 7136 7149 714 \ ....i . 7134 O } \ 7132 7116 _ 7130 7128 7120 7347 : . 7126 6505 A— 6916 6920 14 / 16 Project Limits 7 7100 7 25 - 33 42 7033 7037 Q � ------------------------- ------------------ ------- -- ---1 N Preliminary Project Area W +E ° e Valley View Road Neighborhood s ° Improvement No: BA -377 Engineering Dept P January. 2010 City of Edina August 12, 2010 Neighborhood Informational Meeting Valley View Road Roadway and Sidewalk Improvements BA -377 00 CITY OF EDINA Input Opportunities on PURPOSE OF MEETING IS TO INFORM AND TO GATHER PUBLIC INPUT FROM YOU • Use Post -it notes and place on map • Fill out comment cards • Tell us /Phone us • Write /Email us • Speak at Public Hearing HOLD ALL QUESTIONS UNTIL AFTER PRESENTATION '.� CITY OF EDINA Agenda • Introductions • Typical Project Process • Project Details • Project Schedule :: CITY OF EDINA Agenda • Introductions • Typical Project Process • Project Details • Project Schedule 1 Go CITY OF EDINA Typical Process . -so Special Assessed Projects Chapter 429 of MN State Statute -initiation of improvement project by Council (staff) or by petition. -Public Open House to Inform residents of project and to take comments and input. -Ten days notice is sent to affected property owners and legal notice Is placed In paper (Edina Sun) prior to Public Hearing. -Feasibility Report prepared by Professional Engineer and accepted by Council. ::Typical Process CITY OF EDINA (continued) -All preliminary (estimates) until project is completed at end of project. -Once City Council orders project, assessments become pending. -Final assessment cannot be more than 10% of pending assessment. -Typically assessments are lower than pending amount. :: Typical Process CITY OF EDINA (continued) -Conduct Public Hearing to order the project. -Ordering of improvement project requires a majority of Council if petitioned by residents (normally 3 of 5 Council votes if >35% signatures of assessed properties) or 4 of 5 Council votes if: project is not initiated by residents (or lacking 35% signatures). -Levy of special assessments is typically held at the completion of the project through a Final Assessment Hearing. :: CITY OF EDINA Assessment Policy Typical Process Neighborhood reconstruction: • Based on residential equivalent unit (REU) • Single family home is 1 REU • Adjacent properties with side yards are assessed 113 REU (Based on address of property). 2 0: CITY OF EDINA Typical Process I I Typical Process Assessment Pol Interest Rate: Typically 4% to 7% Based on: 10 year AAA bond rate plus 2% Payback Period: up to 10 years ,]o CITY OF EDINA Agenda • Introductions • Typical Project Process • Project Details • Project Schedule Assessment Policy Final assessment Hearing After Project is Complete Special Assessment Payment: 1. Pay entire balance 2. Partial payment (25% minimum) 3. Spread payment over 10 years 4. Senior deferral CITY of Project a Details . 0 •��.�: wow �, - •o e.an � on `T" "l- `�)''''' Project Details • Project initially initiated by sidewalk petition. • Roadway and utilities originally constructed in 1960s. • Roadway approaching end of life cycle. • Normal maintenance performed on roadway. • Typical life of roadway varies ( -35 years). • Rainwater drainage issues. Project Details • Bouldersllandscape in boulevard. • Varied driveway types. M 4 iY OF EDiNA Project Details a • Existing roadway width varies: -- 27 -ft to 314t Steep grades on driveways and sideslopes. Sharp corners at multiple locations. 0 CITY OF EDtNA Project Issues Issues /concerns we do know about: • Rainwater drainage issues. Irrigation systems and pet containment fences. • Boulders placed in boulevard. Cost of project. • Construction activity during school year. • Inconvenience (e.g. access, dust, noise, periods of no water service, etc.) Issues /concerns we don't know about? • Please forward comments to us. Let us know. '�: CITY OF EDINA Project Details Proposed Street Improvements: Street width to remain approximately the same Blacktop thickness increased - industry standards Barrier concrete curb and gutter along all streets Concrete driveway aprons in During Construction What to expect: Access to homes most days, definitely nightly. • No access to driveway for one week when concrete driveway apron is poured. • Disturbed items will be corrected (e.g. sprinkler systems, invisible fences, landscaping, etc.) S CITY OF EDINA Project Details Concrete Sidewalks `i'0 CITY OF EDINA Agenda • Introductions • Typical Project Process • Project Details • Project Schedule CITY OF EDINA Project Schedule • Informational Meeting ..................... Aug. 12, 2010 • Council Orders Public Hearing ................Fall 2010 • Public Hearing ............ ................FallfWinter2010 • Bid Opening ............ .........................Spring 2011 Award Contract ....... .........................Spring 2011 Begin Construction .... .........................Spring 2011 • Complete Construction ...........................Fall 2011 • Final Assessment Hearing ...........................2008 :: CITY OF EDINA Questions? Comments? VALLEY V ROAD ROADWAY AND SIDF-.wALK IMPROVEMENTS BA-377 INFORMATIONAL MEETING AUGUST 12, 2010 NAME ADDRESS % z 31 (.QA-4 Ivi I1- 41 51 T,1'21' n 6� 1 -7 r,'Z I K CltiW e '1,rc, 11 IL( Nje, eA-A) 61 71 k-) Kii C),/ 7 /,.1 1.1,11, 81 91 10 -71, 70 11, 121 131 141 151 161 171 181 4 20. June 2, 2011 RE: Proposed Sidewalk for Valley View Road — from McCauley Trail to Braemar Boulevard City of Edina, Improvement No. S -095 Dear Resident: You are invited to attend an informational meeting on June 15, 7 -8 p.m. at our new Public Works and Park Maintenance Facility, located at 7450 Metro Boulevard, to learn more about the proposed sidewalk along Valley View Road. The City of Edina has been studying the feasibility of road reconstruction along Valley View Road from McCauley Trail to Braemar Boulevard for a number of years. The project was first initiated by residents as a sidewalk petition in 2004. After studying the area in more detail, staff believed a more comprehensive roadway project to correct drainage issues, realign the intersection near Braemar Boulevard and incorporating a sidewalk would be the best long term solution for the area. These improvements were scheduled for 2010 as part of the City of Edina Municipal State Aid (MSA) Street Reconstruction program; however MnDOT accelerated their schedule for reconstructing the interchange of 169/494 requiring much of the funding allocated to Valley View Road to be used as the City's portion of the 169/494 interchange upgrades. Additionally, staff does not want to do a full reconstruction of Valley View Road at the same time that the 169/494 interchange is under construction. Therefore, staff is proposing an interim measure by placing a raised sidewalk on the north and east side of Valley View Road from McCauley Trail to Braemar Boulevard. This sidewalk will be constructed at no cost to the residents. An example of this type of walk can be seen in the following photograph. We expect this walk to be in place for 2 -6 years. It is our hope that additional MSA funds will be available for a complete road reconstruction at that time. The meeting will consist of a 20 minute presentation starting shortly after 7 p.m. followed by a question and answer session. If you cannot attend the meeting the presentation can be made available to you after the meeting. Please contact the Engineering Department at 952 - 826 -0371. Sincerely, Jack D. Sullivan, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Proposed Sidewalk Design along Valley View Road G: \Engineering \Improvements1BA377 Valley View Rd fr McCauley to Braemar Blvd (Hairpin)\S095 Valley View Rd fr McCauley to Braemar Blvd (HairPin)1ADMIN\CORR \UPDATE LETTERS\20110606 Neighborhood_ Informatioal_Meeting_Letter.doc City of Edina June 15, 2011 Neighborhood Informational Meeting Valley View Road Sidewalk Improvements S -095 CITY OF EDINA Project Details 1 Igo Ci I OF EDINA Agenda • Introductions • Project History • Proposed Project Details • Schedule CITY OF EDINA Project History • Project initially initiated by sidewalk petition in 2004. Sidewalk as a stand alone project is not feasible. State Aid Standards City practice of boulevard sidewalk • Roadway alignment and drainage issues to resolve • Roadway project was scheduled for 2010. Residents would be assessed. 3: CITY OF EDINA Proposed Realignment f Tar! I _ , Is ,fa - . Project Details • Raised sidewalk details 5 foot walk No cost to residents Minimal impact to road boulevards Will utilize Public Works budget Constructed in the coming weeks In place for 2 -6 years CITY OF EDINA Project History • Funding was used by MnDOT for 1691494 interchange reconstruction • Upfront cost of $1.4 million dollars to the City • 1691494 Road Closures • 78th Street closed to east bound traffic • Valley View Road may see a temporary increase in traffic Staff is suggesting an interim measure of a raised sidewalk along the north and east side of the road. Project Details d F i� i Raised Sidewalk 30 CITY OF EDINA Future Plans tin • A full reconstruction project is anticipated in 2014 - 16 • Roadway realignment • Drainage improvements • Boulevard sidewalk • Other amenities .:: CITY OF EDINA Project Details Raised Sidewalk 3: CITY OF EDINA Questions? Comments? 3M CITY OF EDINA Project Details Fixisting roadway width j 4 Varies: -- 27 -ft to 314t $teep grades on driveways and sideslopes. $harp corners at multiple locations. M 3 VALLEY VIEW ROAD SIDEWALK INFORMATIONAL MEETING JUNE 15, 2011 NAME ADDRESS - i W . ., -i - - 2 !l ;l• -'7 3 4 5 {j a to vs- io- tA. 6 C 1 7 8 4. 9 i o t-"-ApvL 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 291 301 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item Item No: IV. H. From: Wayne Houle, PE ® Action Public Works Director/ F-1 Discussion City Engineer Information Date: June 21, 2011 Subject: Set Public Hearing (07/05/2011) - Valley View Sidewalk From McCauley Trail to Hilary Lane ACTION REQUESTED: Set a Public Hearing on July 5, 2011 for Valley View Sidewalk from McCauley Trail to Hilary Lane, Improvement No. S -095. INFORMATION /BACKGROUND: City staff is requesting a public hearing for the construction of a raised sidewalk along the north and east side of Valley View Road from McCauley Trail to Hilary Lane. The project was initiated by petition and has included an extensive public process. The feasibility report for project will be presented to Council at the July 5, 2011 meeting. ATTACHMENTS: N/A G:\Engineedng \Improvements \BA377 Valley View Rd fr McCauley to Braemar Blvd (Hairpin) \S095 Valley View Rd fr McCauley to Braemar Blvd (HairPin)\PRELIM DESIGN\Feasibility\Item IV. H. Setting Public Hearings for Valley View Sidewalk.docx MUNICIPAL STATE -AID SYSTEM 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN PROJECT DESCRIPTION CIP No. YEAR FY 2011 2011 funding FY 2012 2012 funding FY 2013 2013 funding PUBLIC WORKS: MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJECTS TOTAL COST MSAS ASSESSM'T TOTAL COST MSAS ASSESSM'T TOTAL COST MSAS ASSESSM'T Reconstruct 44th Ave. (fH100- France) PW -00-012 2011 $ 2,592,900.00 $1,133,600.00 $1,459,300.00 Reconstruct W. 62nd St (Oaklawn - France) PW -01 -011 2015 Reconstruct W. 54th St (Wooddale to France) PW -01 -012 2014 Reconstruct W. 58th St (Wooddale to France) PW -02 -001 2016 Reconstruct W. 58th St (France to Xerxes) PW- 03.005 2014 Reconstruct Valley View Rd (Gleason to Antrim) PW -05.004 2018 Reconstruct Edina Industrial Blvd (Bush Lk to Metro) PW -05-005 2019 Reconstruct Valley View Road & Braemar Blvd (Sidewalk) PW -08-006 2015 Mill & Oveday.Benton Ave. (Hansen - Hwy 100) PW -00-004 2017 Mill & Oveday Olinger Blvd (Vemon to Tracy) PW -03-004 2014 Mill & Overlay W. 69th Street (France to York) PW- 09-001 2011 $ 110,000.00 $ 110,000.00 Mill & Overlay. Maloney Ave (Washington to Blake) I'M 1 -007 2011 $ 350,000.00 $ 350,000.00 Mill & Oveday: Galagher Dr (Park Lawn to France) PW -11 -008 2011 $ 140,000.00 $ 140,000.00 Concrete Rehab: Parklawn Ave. (France to W 77) PW -00-074 2016 Concrete Rehab: Tracy Ave. (Vemon - Benton) PW -00-015 2013 $ 600,000.00 $ 480,000.00 $ 120,000.00 Concrete Rehab: Tracy Ave. (Benton - TH62) 2015 Reconstruct W. 70th St (TH1 00 - France) PW -00-017 2011 $ 2,324,000.00 $1,800,000.00 $ 524,000.00 Signals: W. 50th St & Dale Ave PW -03-002 2018 Sidewalks/Pathways (MSA) PW -00-030 OG $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 Sidewalks: France Ave (48th to 46th) PW -09-002 2011 $ 300,000.00 $ 300,000.00 Sidewalks:lnterlachen Bedford to William) 12011 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 Sidewalks: Valley View Rd (Benton to Concord) 2011 $ 205,000.00 $ 205,000.00 1494 /TH169 Interchange Pmject PW -07 -002 2012 -2016 $ 1,386,478.07 $1,386,478.07 TOTAL COSTS $ 7,518,378 $ 5,535,078 $ 1,983,300 $ - $ - $ - $ 650,000 $ 530,000 $ 120,000 BEGINNING BALANCE YEAR EXPENDITURE 2012 $ 801,657 $ 2013 $ 545 756 $ 530 000 2011 $ 3,450,170 $ 5,1535 078 ENDING BALANCE $ 2,084,908 Note 1 $ 601,657) $ 15,756 Note: 1. Will need to advance MSA dollars. 2011 2012 2013 Page 1 3:18 PN O VC V, cc c,.,(- MUNICIPAL STATE-AID SYSTEM 6 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN PROJECT DESCRIPTION CIP. No. FY,2014 2014 funding FY 2015 2015 funding PUBLIC WORKS: MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJECTS , TOTAL COST VSAS ASiE-S—SWT :TOTAL COST MSAS ASSESSV'T Reconstruct 44th Ave: (rH.1 00 -' France) PW-00:012 Reconstruct W. 62nd SL (Oaklawn - France) P.W-011-011 $ 520,000:00 $ "A16,000.00 104,000.00 Reconstruct W. 54th St (Wo6ddale to France) PW-01 w012 $ 850.000.00 680,000.00 $ 170,000.00• Reconstruct W. 58th St(Wooddale to France) PW-02-001 Reconstruct W. 58th St (France to Xerxes) PW-03-005 $ 629,000.00 $ 503,200.00 $ 125.800.00 Reconstruct Valley View Rd (Gleason to Antrim) PW-05-004 ,tHMalolvd(gus LktDMetro) oad & BraemarBIv—dTTiTe-w-aTr—. PW-08-006 $ 650.000.00 $ 520,000.00 $ 1130,000.06 PW-00-004 lm� — ----- Mill & Overlay: Olinger Blvd (Vernon to Traci) PW-03-004 $ 275,000.00 $ 275,000.00 Mill & Overlay: W. 69th Street (France to York) PW-09-001 Mill & Overlay: Maloney Ave (Washington to Blake) PW-1 1-007 Mill & Overlay Galagher Dr (Park Lawn to France) PW-1 1-008 Concrete Rehab: Parklawn Ave. (France t6 W 77) PW-04074 Concrete Rehab: Tracy Ave. (Vernon - Benton) PW-O4015 Concrete Rehab: Tracy Ave. (Benton - TH62) $ 650.000.00 $ 520.000.00 $ 130,000.00 Reconstruct W. 70th SL (rHI00 - France) PW-04017 Signals: W. 50th St & Dale Ave PW-03-002 Sidewalks/Pathways (IVISA) PW-04030 $ 50.000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00- $ 50,000.00 Sidewalks: France Ave (48th to 46th), PW-09-002 Sidewalks: Interlachen (Bedford to Wilriam) Sidewalks: Way View Rd (Benton to Concord) 1494 TH1 69 Interchange Project PW-07-002 TOTAL COSTS 1,804,000 $ 1,508,200 $ 295,8001$ 1,870.-000'j $ $ .364,000 2014 BEGINNING BALANCE $ 1,430,541 YEAR EXPENDITURE $ 11508.2001 _1,506,000 •2015 $, 11,40T865 $ 1.5 6,000- ENDING BALANCE $ (77,659)1 $ — (98,135) Note: 1. Will need to advance IVISA dollars. 2014 2015 Page 2 3:18 PM 6/3012011 M June 28, 2011 Dear Edina City Council Members: Please vote, against the temporary sidewalk proposal S-95, Valley View Road from McCauley Trail to Braemar Boulevard. This sidewalk is being supported primarily by residents who do not live on or near Valley View. Road andiwho will not have their properties impacted by this proposal. We oppose our tax dollars being used for a temporary sidewalk that is not necessary, that will negatively impact properties along Valley View Road, and that will increase danger to residents living along this roadway (traffic will move faster along Valley View Road 'as a sidewalk and decreased foliage will make the road appear wider). As taxpayer's, we would appreciate that you, our elected representatives, will VOTE NO to proposal S -95, temporary sidewalk, Valley View Road from McCauley Trail to Braemar Boulevard! Sincerely, See attached „signature pages VOTE NO ON THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT NO. S -95 FOR A TEMPORARY SIDEWALK ON VALLEY VIEW ROAD 4jg&-- - ?�" Page 2 of 4 S atur e _ Street Address - © ! w , � 0 ,.. MCIMml lr,,Wlil�v MAO Nol c E ti�__�f� I • " '/A % Ul �ill 91 - Rd, a !iii / `�� � � �I � • � / MA—it M - rl ��: lf,/ ; n/v I F/a. I Wo 0 MAW, ' FRW'A� X .. 00MAll MERE "to fflv,�lq MLQM mMA ,.,, m V, 17- m N'. W I -�� 'mr IF9 4 11l ; RAN 1 - ' ANi,��, m - m - ®,A 4jg&-- - ?�" Page 2 of 4 VOTE NO ON THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT NO. S -95 FOR TEMPORARY SIDEWALK ON VALLEY VIEW ROAD Ii Page 3 of I Signature �r R f - ✓� ! I r ® ,ow "'frRow"m M Mom Fh4 A "m I qu No I �I� l • I � I • �`� /i /I / �% 1 ..moo /_ FA9,02M. (wzf/B Ii Page 3 of I SEAL VOTE NO ON THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT NO. S -95 FOR A . -5 2011 TEMPORARY SIDEWALK ON VALLEY VIEW ROAD r Page 4 of 4 . nature Street Address ® I BM * lap. 14 "10 MA i %I An m m Page 4 of 4 0 N t REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item Item No.VIII.A. From: Debra Mangen City Clerk ® Action ❑ Discussion ❑ Information Date: July 5, 2011 Subject: Resolution No. 2011 -69 Accepting Various Donations ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt Resolution. INFORMATION /BACKGROUND: In order to comply with State Statutes, all donations to the City must be adopted by a resolution approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donation. I have prepared the attached resolution detailing the various donors, their gifts and the recipient departments for your consideration. ATTACHMENT: Resolution No. 2011 -69 491/'1l� RESOLUTION NO. 2011-69 ay ACCEPTING DONATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF EDINA aaa City Of Mimi WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 465.03 allows cities to accept grants and donations of real or personal property for the benefit of its citizens; WHEREAS, said donations must be accepted via a resolution of the Council adopted by a two thirds majority of its members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council accepts "with sincere appreciation the following listed donations on behalf of its citizens. Edina Art Center: Margaret Lindlof Carol Urness Michael F. Kelly Edina Fire Department: SM Global Residential Mortgage Group Edina Park Department: Edina Community Foundation Dated: July 5, 2011 Attest: $50.00 Lillian Indeck $30.00 $500.00 General Mills Foundation Matching $30.00 $30.00 Funds Program Lillian Indeck $1800.00 Funding to print EFD Pulse $300.00 Three Trees Ceramic Sculpture by Artist Kevin Komadina Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK James B. Hovland, Mayor I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of July 5, 2011, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.CityofEdina.com City Clerk 952 - 927 -8861 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 TTY 952 - 826 -0379 ow e 0 REPORURECOM MEN ®ATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item IX. DEBRA MANGEN F-1 Action From: CITY CLERK ❑ Discussion ` ® Information Date: JULY 5, 2011 Subject: CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED SINCE LAST COUNCIL MEETING INFORMATION /BACKGROUND: Attached are copies of a -mails and letters received since the last Council meeting. Susan Howl METRO CITIES +1.fYUtcn t/ 14.9ct<M /'. 1fsv.f.V lr July 1, 2011 Hello – RECE9VED 1Ul 0 1 2011 With the lack of a global budget agreement between the Legislature and Governor, state government operations are now shut down. As a result, many government services are shuttered until the Governor and Legislature reach agreement on a budget for the next biennium. Certain "core" services relating to the courts, medical payments and public safety, as we reported yesterday, will continue during the shutdown. Per Judge Gearin's ruling released earlier this week, a "special master" has been appointed to provide a process for resolving requests for, or objections to, agency funding. The special master process is similar to that used during the state government shutdown in 2005. Former Supreme Court Justice Kathleen Blatz will serve as the Special Master to hear from interested parties on "core" function designations. The process began this morning and is expected to continue through next week. Looking for City Input The League of MN Cities is seeking input on state shutdown impacts that will adversely affect the ability of cities to maintain critical local government functions. If your city has staff or services that will be adversely impacted and the local effects would negatively impact the ability of your city to provide "core" government services – those directly related to a city's ability to protect life and property – please contact the League as soon as possible. (These would be issues separate from state aid payments that the Judge has determined were lawfully appropriated and should be paid). Legal counsel for the League will appear before the Special Master on Tuesday, July 5th, at 1:00 p.m. to highlight those negative impacts and possibly to argue for a continuation of services to avoid disruption of critical local government functions. It is also possible the League may seek your attendance at the hearing on Tuesday. Please contact Tom Grundhoefer, League Counsel at tgrundho @lmc.org, or 651 - 281 -1266 with specific information and examples. (I will check emails throughout the weekend, so you may also reply to this email with information, and I will forward it to the League for response. (patricia @metrocitiesmn.org) Metro Cities will provide updates as we receive information regarding the impacts of the shutdown and legislative budget negotiations. Have a safe and happy Fourth of July weekend! Sincerely, Patricia Nauman Metro Cities — Executive Director 145 University Avenue W St Paul, MN 55103 Susan Howl From: Lynette Biunno Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 12:56 PM Cc: Susan Howl Subject: FW: vote no on July 5 RECEO Vv JUL 0 1 2011 :.. Lynette Biunno, Receptionist 952 - 927 -8861 1 Fax 952 - 826 -0389 - _. Ibiunno(cDci.edina.mn.us I www.CityofEdina.com ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business From: Ruth McIntyre [mailto:irmcintyre @comcast.net] Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 12:34 PM To: Lynette Biunno Subject: vote no on July 5 To the city council, Please vote NO for proposed improvement 5 -95, temporary sidewalk on July 5. It seems that this issue requires more citizen involvement from that area of our city. Thank you for your help, Ruth McIntyre Susan Howl From: Lynette Biunno Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 8:57 AM Cc: Susan Howl luml EC E WE E Subject: FW: Valley View Sidewalk JUL 0 1 2011 Lynette Biunno, Receptionist 952-927-88611 Fax 952 - 826 -0389 Ibiunno ci.edina.mn.us I www.CityofEdina.com ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Amy Keating [mailto:aimkeating @hotmail.com] Sent: Thursday, June 30, 20118:29 PM To: Lynette Biunno Subject: Valley View Sidewalk Dear Edina City Council, I am writing you to show my support to the Valley View Rd sidewalk proposal from McCauley to Braemar Blvd (and hopefully beyond in the future). I am a resident of Edina and live on Valley View Rd. We are hoping the sidewalk eventually gets extended all the way up Valley View Rd to Gleason Rd as we live on that portion and live on a blinded curve of the street. People drive 40 -50 mph while kids, bikers, and walkers are almost getting hit. We welcome a sidewalk 100% to ensure the safety of the residents. Sincerely, Amy (and Mark) Keating 952 - 941 -9346 6926 Valley View Rd Sent from my iPhone Howl 6 -30 -11 Honorable Mayor Hovland and City Council Members, JUL 01 2011 I am writing in support of the proposed Valley View sidewalk, which will be on the July 5 City Council agenda. Our neighborhood has been waiting patiently for this sidewalk since we petitioned for one in 2004. Through this project I would like to see three objectives satisfied: 1. A safe way to walk from McCauley to Braemar Blvd on the north side of the street. 2. The traffic hazard at Valley View and Sally Lane caused by the conifer hedge and the lilac hedge must be corrected. 3. The street must be striped for a bicycle lane. Safe Walk Way - It is not safe to walk along the north side of the street because of the poison ivy covered hillside. Kids need to be able to walk to the nearby schools or to Braemar without having to walk in the street. Adults need to be able to go for a walk, or walk their dog. This street is included on the city sidewalk plan and we want to provide more sidewalks throughout the city as part of the city's Green Step Cities program and Safe Routs to School program. Traffic Safety - The conifer hedge and lilac hedge at Valley View & Sally Lane represents a substantial traffic hazard. To be able to see around the hedges I have to pull out into the intersection about one foot short of the striped center line. This is an accident waiting to happen. City Code Section 1050.04 prohibits residents from planting in an area 20 feet from the traveled portion of the street (curb). Consequently, planting in the City easement along city boulevards is done at a resident's own risk. The City Engineer has marked /staked the City Right of Way and both hedges are well within that easement giving the city the right to remove them. Cycling Safety — At the June 15 informational meeting held by the City Engineer, the engineering department proposed positioning the 5' wide sidewalk such that 2 ft were in the street and 3 ft were on the lawn. This is unacceptable. All of it should be on the lawn. This street is part of the city's bicycle plan. It needs to be striped for a bike lane, not narrowed so that two resident's hedges illegally planted in the City's easement can be saved. Valley View is frequently used by cyclists because it is the only street in the SW quadrant enabling cyclists to cross Hwy 169 into Eden Prairie. In addition, Valley View has one of the few good hills in Edina where cyclists can get a challenging workout. Consequently they frequently work out on it at high speed. You would not want cyclists traveling at over 15 mph, using the sidewalk. They have to ride on the street. Increased bicycle routes are an objective of the City's Green Step Cities program as well as part the Bike Edina Task Force's objectives and the Edina Transportation Commission's objectives. All City road improvements should be planned with bike routes in mind. Cost - The city does not have the funds to do the Valley View street reconstruction at this time because nearly all of Edina's State aid money has gone into the 169/494 interchange. The sidewalk therefore will be a temporary one for 2 — 6 years. Given that there are other street reconstruction projects in the queue ahead of this project, and given that funding is tight, my guess is that it would be closer to 6 years before our street reconstruction and permanent sidewalk project would be undertaken. The cost of the temporary sidewalk is $70,000 - $80,000. But if we don't use it, the funding will go for another neighborhood's sidewalk or street reconstruction and we will have missed the opportunity to correct some accidents waiting to happen in our neighborhood. We've been waiting patiently for a sidewalk since 2004. It's time to receive this benefit from our State Aid gas tax. Thank you for considering this recommendation. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. Dianne Plunkett Latham 7013 Comanche Ct Edina MN 55439 -1004 CECfEWE® Susan Howl Subject: Suggested Reading for all Edina City Council Members on Southdale - good overview Hi Josh, Just a quick note: Good History of the site to review on Southdale. A quick read. http• / /www Iabelscar com /miru-iesota/southdale- center - victor -gruen Thank you for your work Michael and Jitka Sebek Edina resident 4401 Fondell Drive Edina MN The information in this electronic mail message is the sender's confidential business and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee(s). Access to this internet electronic mail message by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. The sender believes that this E -mail and any attachments were free of any virus, worm, Trojan horse, and /or malicious code when sent. This message and its attachments could have been infected during transmission. By reading the message and opening any attachments, the recipient accepts full responsibility for taking protective and remedial action about viruses and other defects. The sender's employer is not liable for any loss or damage arising in any way from this message or its attachments. 1 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The Ret... Page 1 of 30 • Home • About Labelscar and its Authors • Disclaimers • Directory by State I News Archive • All the Malls of New England • Help Us! — Ads by Gooale Shopping Mail Mall Stores Mall Jobs La Plaza Mall Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota April 14, 2010 1 Minnesota I Posted by Prange Way This might be the most important one we've featured here. Southdale is the mall that started it all, from the man who started it all — Victor Gruen. Sure, there were shopping centers and arcades, bazaars and this and that all over the world predating Southdale, which opened in 1956, but Southdale was the model for everything that came after. http: / /www. Labelscar .com /minnesota/southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The Ret... Page 2 of 30 Southdale transformed shopping in America, shifting it away from downtowns and into the suburbs. Furthermore, it was built by an eccentric, energetic visionary, Victor Gruen, whose socialist ideals for retail development were infiltrated, bastardized (Gruen's word!) and changed by American capitalism, giving us the frenetic retail landscape we know today. He had some major help from U.S. Congress, though, who in 1954 passed a bill to stimulate manufacturing in America; instead, it unwittingly created the retail building boom and hastened a cultural change in the built environment as we know it. efore 1956, there were certainly shopping centers, plazas, and arcades dating back to the dawn of humans. There were even similarly "modern" enclosed shopping malls predating y, Southdale, like the Westminster Arcade in rovidence, Rhode Island, which opened in 1828, and even the modern Vallee Fair Mall, which opened in Appleton, Wisconsin in 1954. And here were others yet, to be certain, such as the North ,vate Mall in Seattle, which is said to be the first shopping center to coin the term mall, and opened in 1950. The idea of grouping like businesses in a marketplace dates as far back as history itself, and we're not arguing that Southdale started this at all. Southdale did, however, pioneer the grouping of like businesses with the idea of providing a controlled, sustained, uniquely socialized community under one roof. Anybody can throw up a mall, sign some leases, and be on their way, but Gruen gave malls meaning; he's largely the reason we have any collective attachment to memories of malls at all, and also the reason this website exists. Every mall in America and the world has followed his model, working to improve it along the way, and his original ideas have even given rise to the modern `mixed -use' development popular in today's new urbanism. Southdale's creator was mall mastermind Victor Gruen, an Austrian Jew who fled to the United States in 1938 during the Holocaust. Gruen grew up in a privileged class of artists, and before the war he attended the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts for architecture and performed in cabaret theatre in Vienna's vervey night club scene. When he arrived in New York, with "an architect's degree, eight dollars, and no English" — his own words — and immediately formed a cabaret troupe. Then, one day Gruen ran into one of his old friends from Vienna in midtown Manhattan, and the old friend hired him to design his new Fifth Avenue leather goods boutique. When designing the boutique, Gruen trademarked his famous Gruen transfer, innovating the way stores were designed and the way people shopped. Instead of the traditional shop layout with entire store space flush to the street, Gruen created nuggets http:// www. labelscar .com /minnesota/southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The Ret... Page 3 of 30 of interest in the entryway in the form of mini - arcade. The nuggets were a scripted disorientation, drawing the shopper in. The Gruen transfer refers to the moment when a consumer enters a shopping environment, and, surrounded by an intentionally confusing layout combined with music and an elaborate decor, loses track of their original intentions. The effects of the transfer include a slower shopper pace, glazed eyes and, of course, spending more money. The design was an instant hit, driving sales through the roof at the boutique, and Gruen spent the 1940s designing more stores around New York in the same manner, perfecting his Gruen transfer at this smaller scale. Then, in the early 1950s, Gruen turned his sights to the American suburbs and designed his first large -scale suburban -style shopping center near Detroit for J.L. Hudson department store, Northland Center. Hailing from Austria, Gruen was a socialist, and viewed the suburban built environment of post -war 1950s America as ugly, brutalist, and lacking in spaces where people could congregate and linger. All the retail strips that popped up weren't pedestrian friendly and didn't encouage people to stay at all; instead, people drove their cars up and down the street to patronize individual businesses, using the ample seas of parking in and around every building, all the while not interacting with each other as they ran in and out, to and from their cars. Gruen bemoaned this, and wished he could create a prototype community where he still had the control of building a suburban shopping mall but also with a real sense of community infused. Gruen saw pieces of his Vienna in American downtowns, which had the critical mass necessary for his model but were beginning to die and lose out to suburban developments, so he knew he had to act fast. Also, Gruen felt he could improve on http: / /www. Labelscar .com /minnesota/southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The Ret... Page 4 of 30 downtowns by building his own in the suburbs, and perfecting the mistakes that were made. The way Gruen saw it, downtowns were organic developments, and, over time, they developed mistakes that could not be easily controlled by a planner — the extant built environment built its own pattern, and you couldn't just put a large parking structure wherever you wanted, or place like businesses in adjacency like you could in an environment you built yourself. So, Gruen embarked on a grand experiment in retail ith Southdale Center, which. broke ground in Edina, Minnesota - a southwest suburb of Minneapolis — in 1954. Southdale was, in Gruen's view, not an alternative to downtown Minneapolis, but what " downtown Minneapolis could be if you ironed out all he mistakes and could build it all over again from he beginning. The Southdale development was not supposed to be only a retail development either, but a mixed -use development as well, one of the first of its kind, combining all of the ingredients of a model city — retail, residence, offices, medical facilities, recreation, schools and more. Gruen, like many other retail developers, also took advantage of a tax loophole in a recently enacted federal law. In 1954, Congress passed a bill accelerating the tax depreciation process for new construction. They did this to stimulate the manufacturing industry, which had slowed a bit since World War II, in order to construct new factories with new technology. This law applied to all new construction, though, not just factories, and commercial real estate investors used it to make fat profits from new retail construction. Before this law was enacted, it took an investor a long time to reap profits from new construction, but after the law assed, he or she could set aside a signifcant amount of the profits of the business tax -free. This is the basic way it worked: it was assumed by the government that buildings would last approximately 40 years, so an investor could take off 1 /40th the value of the building each year tax -free. This rewarded investors for building new malls, because the depreciation of the building's value in the first few years was enormous, and they could reap a likewise enormous tax savings. Some developers even routinely operated at a tax loss this way, even though they were making tons of profit. This law was a major catalyst for the glot of retail and suburban new construction which has taken place ever since, changing the retail built evironment exponentially instead of gradually. Southdale opened to impressive fanfare on October 8, 1956, to 40,000 visitors as well as national press that included a story in Life Magazine. The centerpiece of the Southdale development was a two - story, 800,000 square -foot enclosed mall, anchored by two Minneapolis -based department stores — Dayton's, who financed and developed the mall, and Donaldson's — along with space for 72 in -line stores, including majors http: / /www.labelscar.com /minnesota /southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The Ret... Page 5 of 30 Woolworths, Walgreens, and a Red Owl grocery store. At the time, an enclosed mall was a dramati departure from the outdoor malls popping up all over the country, but Gruen reasoned that an enclosed mall would be beneficial to this development, and his means, for several reasons. First, an enclosed mall would suit Gruen's means of providing a built environment encouraging the social, community- inspired culture he wanted to import from Vienna. It would provide a gathering place for not only the residents of Edina, but for the greater Twin Cities as a whole, and as such als invented the super - regional mall. Gruen also wanted Southdale to be an entire community, too, so he placed much more than retail in this initial development. Many useful services as well as recreational leisure -time activities were combined with retail under one roof, giving Minnesota residents not only respite from their long, cold winters, but also no reason to go elsewhere. These services included a large restaurant in the middle of the mall, a post office, ample tropical foliage, a petting zoo, statues, fountains, stages for community events, pageants, trade shows, and even a game show hosted by none other than Bob Barker. All of these accoutrements were in Southdale's wide, enclosed Garden Court, which ran the main length of the two -story mall on the first level, connecting Dayton's to Donaldson's. Gruen also exiled cars from this enclosed development because he felt they were noisy and rude, which was a strong stance in post -war suburban America where cars were king, but Gruen felt they did not help his communal vision. To effectively house this enclosed community -of- tomorrow, Gruen designed Southdale with a more socialist lilt than modern -day malls. The main mallway, Garden Court, is impressively wide, which became Gruen's trademark style when designing malls. This design allowed for the functional space necessary for all the non - retail activity taking place at the mall. It also gave a more human, communal element to the mall — listening to the sound of people laughing and enjoying each other in the middle of the mall while eating at the restaurant in their shirt sleeves in January imprinted warm, fuzzy feelings upon the shoppers' subconscious. To this end, Gruen also installed public art in the mall, as well as two large bird cages which lasted until the 1990s. Some of the original art, including a two -story metal sculpture which hung in center court, is still there today. Southdale, featured in Life Magazine in 1956, from kottke.org: http:// www. labeIscar .com /minnesota/southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The Ret... Page 6 of 30 Southdale all decked out for the holidays. If you look on the left, you can see the prominent bird cage: Southdale's Garden Court in 1963, from lileks.com.: http : //www.labelscar.com /minnesota /southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The Ret... Page 7 of 30 As time progressed, Southdale was copied both locally in the Twin Cities — by Brookdale (1962), Rosedale (1969), and Ridgedale (1974) - as well as nationwide. In response to this competition, Southdale embarked on an expansion that added a three -level addition northeast of the original mall. The centerpiece of this addition was a brand -new 247,902 square foot JCPenney. The new addition was connected to the original mall via two disparate hallways on different levels, one on the first level and one on the second, both of which led to the JCPenney court. Also, a basement court was built in front of JCPenney with more retail space connecting to the Garden Court through the basement. This space would eventually become a 44,000 square -foot Marshalls, which had entrances leading out toward the basement court in front of JCPenney as well as escalators leading directly up to the original mall's Garden Court. This addition was complete in 1972 and gave the mall a totally unique, yet architecturally incoherent layout. We think it's amazing, though. Gruen's original vision for Southdale as being much more than an enclosed mall was unfortunately never ruly realized the area around the mall did develop a hospital, residences, and recreation, but it wasn't as organized as Gruen would have liked, and it wasn't self contained. Also, France Avenue south of the mall 3 became the nightmarish car - oriented antisocial strip Gruen abhored, and strips like it popped up around nearly every other mall that copied Southdale in the years and decades to follow. In fact, in the early 1980s, a 417,000 square foot mall, anchored by a Gabbert's furniture store, popped up just a few hundred feet of Southdale. Galleria Edina was never a major competitor to Southdale, though, as it houses mostly upscale boutique stores in a mix of half local to half national. http:// www. labelscar .com /minnesota/southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The Ret... Page 8 of 30 Gruen also eventually grew to loathe malls themselves. Near the end of his life, in the late 1970s, Gruen remarked at what a travesty modern retail was, and how much it had diverged from his ideal vision, perfected in theory. Gone were the wide berths of central space in enclosed malls — they were too expensive to construct. Gone too were the public artwork, zoos, supermarkets, restaurants, and other public spaces in American enclosed malls, and gone before they were ever constructed were the full realizations of the mixed -use projects intended to go with these malls. Even though new malls were being constructed at a breakneck pace, the corridors got narrower and the warm, fuzzy accoutrements began to disappear. The typical kiosl<- laden mall of today, with a minimalist design and the removal of most extraneous decor for maximized profit, would certainly send shivers down Gruen's spine. Disillusioned and disgusted, Gruen left America and returned to Austria a broken man in 1978, torn up by the soul -less, antisocial, monoliths of dispassionate retail development surrounded by seas of parking lots malls had become. At the very end of his life, a mall even opened in the suburbs of Vienna, and he called it "a gigantic shopping machine" with none of the community - inspiring amenities he imparted in his designs. Ironically, the mall began to kill the downtown Vienna culture he wanted to share with the world. Instead of bringing a little Viennese socialism and culture to America, Gruen unwittingly brought American capitalism to the world. Even before Gruen's death in 1980, Southdale lost much of its originality and charm, becoming lost in the sea of shopping options in the Twin Cities — a testament of Southdale's influence. By 1980 there were 8 super - regional shopping malls in the Twin Cities, and in 1992 the big_�est mall in the country opened just four miles away — the Mall of America. In yet another tale of Mall David and Mall Goliath, where one can expect predictable outcomes, Mall Goliath usually wins and Mall David usually dies, either slowly or catastrophically. David is sometimes redeveloped, and occasionally saved due to proactive management and an oddly quirky set of locals who might even prefer it. Thankfully, this was one of those cases. http://www. Labelscar .com /minnesota/southdal e- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The Ret... Page 9 of 30 i In 1991, a full year before Mall of America debuted, Southdale's owner saw Goliath appearing on the horizon and decided on an expansion and renovation. Dayton's, the northwest anchor and original mall developer, moved to a mammoth 359,000 square -foot four level store adjacent to its original store, and the old store was gutted and turned into three levels of mall space in a new wing extending southwest of the original Garden Court. This addition also included a large food court at the end of the new southwest wing, on the third level, and an expansion of the Garden Court. A new parking deck was also added. This expansion and repositioning allowed Southdale to compete against the Mall of America, and as it turns out shoppers were much more fickle about dealing with the mammoth mega mall four miles to the east, and preferred shopping at a more convenient mall close to home. To Southdale's delight, it held its own against the Mall of America, and being located in one of the nicer, monied areas of the Twin Cities certainly didn't hurt. x Some notable anchor changes have also taken place at z� ' Southdale. Fairly early on, the Red Owl supermarket was kicked out, and in 1987 the Donaldson's .� chain went out of business - most became Chicago- based Carson Pirie Scott. However, Carson's was `— ............. nable to make their Minnesota stores profitable, so hey sold them to then - Minneapolis -based Mervyn's, a discounter that was originally from California but was purchased by Minneapolis -based Dayton- Hudson in 1978. Meanwhile, Dayton's was converted to Marshall Field's in 2001 when Dayton - Hudson (now renamed Target Corporation, after their most profitable venture) wanted to combine all their upscale department stores under one banner, and decided the Chicago -based Marshall Field's name carried the most clout. Then, in 2004, Target wanted to get out of the upscale department store business and focus on Target, so they sold Marshall Field's to May Company and Mervyn's to a capital management group. May then sold Marshall Field's to Federated in 2005, who converted all of the Marshall Field's to Macy's stores in. 2006, and the new owner of Mervyn's decided to exit the http:// www. labelscar .com /minnesota/southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The ... Page 10 of 30 Minnesota market completely in 2004. Today, Southdale is anchored by Macy's, Marshall's, JCPenney, and dead. The next expansion and repositioning at Southdale took place in 2001 -2002, coinciding with the dramatic renovation of Eden Prairie Center, a super - regional mall located just 6 miles southeast of Southdale. Eden Prairie Center, which was featured in the movie Mallrats, had fallen on hard times during the 1990s. However, developers realized the area around Eden Prairie Center, one of the wealthiest areas in the Twin Cities, could support a redeveloped mall, and they tore most of the mall down — sans anchors - and rebuilt the entire thing. They added mid -level as well as upscale stores, including the upscale Iowa -based Von Maur department store. All of this was bad news for Southdale, sandwiched in between Eden Prairie Center, the Mall of America, and successful Ridgedale Center, so another expansion and repositioning was in order. Southdale's owners constructed a multi - million dollar lifestyle addition onto the mall's south end in 2002, but instead of mainline retail they added mostly destination restaurants and entertainment options instead. They were keenly aware that bringing more than retail to the mall would be a boon for its future success, so they brought in a 16- screen AMC Theater, California Pizza Kitchen, Maggiano's Little Italy, PF Chang's, Cheesecake Factory, and Ruby Tuesday. It was given the name The District on France. At the same time, they focused an area of Southdale's third level, between the Garden Court and the food court, on teen - oriented fashions such as Pac Sun, The Buckle, and Zumiez. Called Trendz on Top (I know, kind of dorky, right ?), the newly focused area not only made use of an area of the mall which might have become neglected, but gave teens a specific reason to go there, dragging their parents through the rest of the mall. Trendz on Top premiered about the same time as The District on France, between 2001 -2002. Since the most recent addition, Southdale has struggled a little due to the economv and competition, and its vacancy rate has ticked upward. In 2004, Southdale received a major blow as the southern anchor Mervyn's closed when that retailer pulled out of Minnesota. As of April 2010, it is still vacant; however, in 2006 the Mills Corporation, who owned the mall at the time, proposed another renovation and expansion at Southdale that would have brought a Nordstrom to the space, as well as a `lifestyle center' addition to the mall and possibly even Neiman Marcus. Unfortunately, though, Mills went broke and was acquired by Simon. Simon is better poised to manage the http : //www.labelscar.com /minnesota /southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The ... Page 11 of 30 1, and also talked of renovation as recently as 2008, the economy has ultimately shelved these plans for Southdale is still a viable, popular mall, but ever since he economy tanked the vacancy rate at Southdale has �-` icked up, and as of January 2010 was 22 percent. This r 4 •; $ > r is not an alarming figure, considering the economy, and Southdale still has many destinational and upscale stores, including an Apple Store, H &M, Coach, J Crew, Banana Republic, all of the restaurants, and the 16- screen AMC. However, despite these popular destinations, parts of Southdale are extremely troubled. The three -level JCPenney court is pocked with vacancy, a dollar store, some services, and an ancient Arby's, and; across the mall the gigantic food court only has. two remaining stalls open. In addition, in 2008 Crate and Barrel jumped ship and moved a few hundred feet away to a two -level location at the Edina Galleria mall, and in early 2009 Maggiano's and B. Dalton closed. Most of the central Garden Court as well as the three level wing in front of Macy's is well- tenanted, though. Caldor and I visited Southdale on one of our first -ever mall trips in 1998, and I've been back many times since. Gruen might not be proud of what his vision ultimately created, but even he couldn't deny that his influence did at least some good. I mean, we created this site, and we all appreciate and have fond, warm memories of the malls of our youth. The photos below were taken in April 2010. I encourage you to leave your own comments about Southdale, Twin Cities retail, or Victor Gruen; we appreciate them. http:// www. labelscar .com /minnesota/southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The ... Page 12 of 30 ;.j i : A FRI I�7P 'K � z 3 tin uua `i k� http:// www. labelscar .com /minnesota/southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The ... Page 13 of 30 w yF r 0 http:// www. labelscar .com /minnesota/southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The ... Page 14 of 30 rz ; http: / /www.labelscar.com /minnesota /southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The ... Page 15 of 30 http:// www. labelscar .com /minnesota /southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The.. I i f Share this: fresh Page 16 of 30 22 Responses to "Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota" 1. Gary April 1.4th, 2010 at 12:27 pm. It's a damn shame to know that Gruen's idea of a community around a mall didn't hold to his vision, but I don't think he would be surprised either to know that the enclosed mall concept that he once envisioned and later hated would start to wither away by the late 1990s and moreso today. I wonder what he would say about lifestyle centers though if he was still alive. [Reply] 2. alpha April 1. 4th, 20 1. 0 at 1:49 pm http:// www. labelscar .com /minnesota/southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The ... Page 17 of 30 Gruen Malls always had great attention to detail. I love the parking lot animals. The problem with a lot of `socialist architects' is that they fail to realize an economic case needs to be made for mall design decisions. Malls are at their basis a very closed machine for retail, and if it's not good at that then that fancy landscaping becomes a liability. As much as I hate lifestyle centers, this is why they're popular- their `modular' design that doesn't require X amount of anchors to stay successful and they can take on a more `organic' form as retail conditions change. I wish more developers would try to push the mall concept forward, but oh well. That 90's renovation is not aging well either. This thing needs to be updated. [Replv] 3. Pseudo3 D April .1.4th, 201.0 at 4:50 prn Interesting how the Minneapolis area is home to the largest enclosed mall in America* and the first enclosed mall in America. * King of Prussia Mall is two malls connected by an outdoor walkway. [Reply] 4. Gary April 14th, 2010 at 6:40 pm Also, I think this mall reminds me of Palisades Center in a way, it's not so much the space as it is the decor, some elements like the signs with the store names on them. Perhaps if they did more things to the interior to make it more exciting, it could go head in head with Mall of America and its entertaining vibe. [Reply] 5. tylers85 April 1. 4th, 20.1.0 at 8:30 pm Southdale has a great Macy's. I used to work at Marshall Field's and the southdale location was always duking it out with the Downtown Minneapolis for 2nd highest sales volume behind the State Street store. I love the mall and hope that Simon comes up with a viable remodel for this mall to replace the Vacant anchor and update the penney wing. http:// www. labelscar .com /minnesota/southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The ... Page 18 of 30 On the note of Twin Cities retail, as someone who lived there for 5 years, you grow to hate the MOA, you basically only went there when people from out of town were visiting. Southdale and Rosedale mall are so much more shoppable. [Reply] 6. JT Anri l 15th. 2010 at 3:09 am Funny before you posted this I did not even realize nobody had posted photos of this mall today. Even though I think it is incredibly cool, I tend to think that if vacancies get worse that in order to save the original Gruen Mall perhaps they need to demolish the three -level addition. This would consolidate the successful stores into a smaller structure, which would keep it viable longer without threat of losing a historical landmark. Quite honestly it sounds like the area is a bit overmalled. I'm assuming the local economy there for years must have been spectacular to keep so many large malls alive like that. Of course, in my suggestion of tearing down in addition, I say that as somebody who wishes that Lenox Square and Phipps Plaza could somehow be joined into one mega mall lol. [Reply] Prange Way Reply: April 15th, 2010 at 10:06 am @JT, They should skywalk Lenox and Phipps together somehow, that would be amazing! They're only about 1000 feet apart, and they'd only have to go across 2 streets. Somerset Collection in Michigan has a skywalk connecting the two pieces that is about 500 feet long, and crosses the two parking lots as well as'a 6 lane boulevard. [Reply] Rich Reply: April 15th, 2010 at 3:06 pm @Prange Way, Atlantans would still want to drive. http: //v ww. labelscar .com /minnesota/southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The ... Page 19 of 30 There are grade issues that would make this difficult— they'd probably need to do something with Lenox's Peachtree Street lot, which is sunken from the road, where as Phipps is on higher ground. It would wind up being >500 feet and rather complicated. Phipps has had a lot of ups and downs. It mmight make more sense for Lenox to take over the strip next door that used to have Tower Records (a really crappy one) and expand in that direction, perhaps incorporating the nearby hotel. Phipps has had its ups and downs and is no longer the Tiffany property it once was. Replacing it with something else wouldn't be the end of the world. [Reply] BK Reply: April 16th, 2010 at 12:56 am @JT, As someone who formerly lived in the Twin Cities Metro for 10 years I can honestly say you get into the habit of going to the malls for everything, mainly because of the cold winters, but also because the `dales were just really conveniently located wherever you happen to be in the metro. We'd regularly go to just about all of them (well except Brookdale after it really started to get ghetto) As for Southdale, I studied it pretty closely in college while studying architecture at the UofvlN and honestly there's very little of anything of historical value left in the mall after years of renovations. At least it was all hidden to my eyes before I left for the greener (and warmer) pastures of Atlanta. I'd have to dig for my old papers and pictures to be sure, but nothing sticks out in my memory. I agree the JCP wing needs to come down, or be gutted and connected better to the original space and be less dungeon like. [Reply] JT Reply: April 18th, 2010 at 10:13 pm @BK, While the mall today seems architecturally much more bland (much like Lenox), you can still tell it is the same basic structure. To me, what really destroyed some of the effect aside from the bland remodels is what they did with the overhead skylights. It looks like they had some kind of screen over them originally that muted the light to give it a golden glow... something apprently only done in the earliest malls. Today, that is just a plain old overhead skylight. The http:// www. labelscar .com /minnesota/southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The ... Page 20 of 30 wood paneling is also noted to be lost. Perhaps if they tore down the addition, they could restore the mall to how it looked in 1954...I imagine the retro look would have some real appeal to shoppers if you asked me. [Reply] 7. SEAN April 15th, 2010 at 8:22 am One striking element can be sene in the above photos. I meen the white staircases between the escalators. For some reason durring the 1950s & 60s, malls & menny department stores would not only have a center escalator, but also a stairwell with off white tile & stripes marking the edge of each stair. The Kohl's in Port Chester NY had this feature when it was a corvets & remained through it's Caldor days. Also gimble's/ Stern's at Roosevelt Field had this feature. Today that store is Dicks/ Bloomingdale's Home. [Reply] 8. Will April 15th, 2010 at 8:57 am How can there be only two tenants in the food court? I've seen half -empty malls that still have more or less thriving food courts. Are they charging too much rent or something? [Reply] Gary Reply: April 15th, 2010 at 12:04 pm @Will, it might have more to do with the presence of all those restaurants such as PF Chang's and the Cheesecake Factory. It wouldn't hurt them if they just did away with the food court altogether. [Reply] http:// www. labelscar .com /minnesota/southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota I Labelscar: The ... Page 21 of 30 superstar Reply: April 15th, 2010 at 6:52 pm @Gary, It probably also hurts that the food court was tacked on to the top floor, Usually (but not always) food courts work best when near a mall entrance. Also this was one of my favorite posts to read, the detailed attention to history coupled + the Gruen story was great [Reply] 9. Stacy April l 8th, 201.0 at 8:53 am This is a great post. I love Labelscar. The link to Lileks is broken, but you can see his Southdale pages here: h.ttp://www.IiIek.s.coi.-.n./mpls/modei-ii/southdale/ I think it's been a while since he updated this wing of his gigantic website, but he still has some worthy pictures up there. [Reply] 10. Steven. Swain April 23rd, 2010 at 6:45 pm Aside from the newish Macy's and typical but decent looking Penney's, i hate what they've done to the place. A renovation to restore what was lost in the Garden Court is in order. [Reply] 11. dan April 27th, 2010 at 1:33 pm Gladwell has two distinctions that slay Southdale's competition: it was enclosed and introverted. Meaning, that Gruen could control the weather inside the mall, and that the mall only exposed retail to the inner area. Valley Fair was not so much enclosed, and was extroverted. Northgate wasn't enclosed until 1974, by which time the Gruen concept mall dominated the American social imaginary. After substantial archival research, it is difficult to seriously entertain any challenge to Southdale being the first. http: / /www.labelscar .com /minnesota/southdale - center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 Southdale Center and Victor Gruen; Edina, Minnesota Labelscar: The ... Page 22 of 30 [Reply] 12. Connie Mav 15th, 2010 at 10:08 am wonderful photos! I grew up in Bloomington and Southdale was my teen hangout. I forgot about the birdcage — that was always our "meeting place" if my family or friends separated to shop. My friends & I could also take a bus from Southdale to downtown Minneapolis to shop & eat and just spend the whole day exploring downtown. It was safe back then for 13 -14 year olds. Does anyone remember the Southdale "Alice In Wonderland" display next to the birdcage back in the 60's? They had a little door especially for kids & a larger one for adults to go into a fantasy set from Alice in Wonderland. I would love to see pics if anyone has them. [Reply] Lori Reply: December 14th, 2010 at 11:24 am @Connie, I remember the Alice in Wonderland display. Actually, every year at Christmas all of the `Dales' malls would set up Disney story - themed displays that guests could enter and wander through. I can only vaguely remember them, but as a kid we looked forward to it every year. I think the various malls would rotate their themes from year to year. We used to go out to visit all of the malls each year to see these displays. Great family memories! ! I sure would love to see some photos of those days!! [Reply] 13. Anna Landanna December 2nd, 2010 at 1.2:56 pm As the nation's first enclosed, climate controlled mall, Southdale is an historic place, and I'd love to see Southdale restored to its original design and decor. Southdale has significance to those of us who love architecture and history, and that in, and of itself, may become a big traffic draw, especially since Southdale is in an upscale area of educated, affluent people. [Reply] http:// www. labelscar .com /minnesota/southdale- center - victor -gruen 6/30/2011 June 28, 2011 JUN 3 0 2011 Dear Edina City Council Members: My name is Mike Benner and I live at 7025 Sally Lane. I am 12 years old and will be in 7th grade this fall. I am writing to tell you what I think about the sidewalk project that will affect my home. First, I do not know why some people think a sidewalk needs to be on the north side of Valley View Road. My family has been told it is to help me and others on my street walk to school. Valley View Middle School is 1.4 miles from my house. School starts at 7:45, which means I really need to be at my locker by 7:35 to be at my first class on time. I play the trumpet, which I carry to school for band, and on light homework days, my backpack weighs about 25 pounds. There is no way I am walking to school, ever! This is the worst logic I have ever heard of! Second, I play baseball and practice at Braemar several times a week every spring and summer. I am a big baseball fan and often walk over there to watch other leagues and our Legion team play. I am comfortable walking to Braemar on Valley View Road by myself. My parents walked with me when I was younger and taught me where it was safest to walk and where to cross the roads. We only drive there when I have a game that ends after dark, because the path out of the park to Hilary Lane is not lighted and you cannot see your hand in front of your face or the gate that closes the path off to cars. I do not need a sidewalk to get to Braemar Park. Other kids in the neighborhood live further away from the park and could not carry golf clubs, hockey bags or baseball bags that far. Third, there is a chance that a sidewalk will take the trees and a good portion of our side yard that runs along Valley View Road. This will eliminate a place for me to play outside at my own home. It will make the yard too narrow for our volley ball net. If the trees are taken and replaced with a temporary sidewalk and no curb and gutter, my yard becomes an unsafe place for me, my friends and my family. Cars run up against our lawn on the Valley View street side all the time and I feel protected by those trees. Cutting trees down is not green. I learned in science that trees in urban areas remove carbon dioxide emitted by cars, reduce traffic sound for people who live on busy roads, and keep traffic moving at safe speeds on residential streets. Please do not sppport any plan that takes several trees from our neighborhoods! Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. Please consider my thoughts and feeling about this project and please vote NO to the temporary sidewalk proposed for Valley View Road. Sincerely yours, Mike Benner 7025 Sally Lane cc: Mayor Hovland Jack Sullivan Larry J. Nesbitt 7132 Valley View Road Edina, MN 55439 -1655 Mr. Josh Sprague Council Member 4720 West 701" St. Edina, MN 55439 6/27/11 Dear Council Man Sprague: RECEWED JUN 3 0 2011 I am a resident of the section of Valley View Road where the city plans proposed improvement no. S -95. I received notification of the July 5, 2011 City Council meeting yesterday by mail. I am formally requesting that you change the meeting date for the project to July 21, 2011 for the following reasons: 1. Given just a few days notice isn't enough time those of us directly affected by this move to gather facts and present a coherent argument for any changes we might want to voice. Further, none of us have seen the actual project plans or documentation. 2. Given that it is right after a long holiday weekend, many people affected will still be out of town and will not be able to voice their opinions.. Please give my request serious consideration. Thank you. / Larry J. Nesbitt Susan Howl RECEWED JUN 2 9 2011 From: Lynette Biunno L Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 4:14 PM Cc: Susan Howl Subject: FW: Please vote NO for proposed improvement S -95, temporary sidewalk on July 5th Lynette Biunno, Receptionist 952-927-88611 Fax 952 - 826 -0389 Ibiunno @ci.edina.mn.us I www.CitvofEdina.com ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Hokemeir -Seim, Kathleen [mailto:kathleen .hokemeir -seim @medtronic.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 20114:06 PM To: Lynette Biunno Subject: Please vote NO for proposed improvement S -95, temporary sidewalk on July 5th To Edina City Hall, I am writing to ask you to please vote NO for proposed improvement S -95, temporary sidewalk on July 5. 1 do not feel a temporary sidewalk is a good use of tax payers dollars especially given all the cuts that are being made in our school system. As a concerned parent with two children in the Edina Public School system, I am again asking you to please vote NO for proposed improvement S -95, temporary sidewalk on July 5th. Thank you. Kathleen Hokemeir -Seim 4514 Oak Drive Edina, MN 55424 [CONFIDENTIALITY AND PRIVACY NOTICE] . Information transmitted by this email is proprietary to Medtronic and is intended for use only by the individual or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is private, privileged, confidential or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient or it appears that this mail has been forwarded to you without proper authority, you are notified that any use or dissemination of this information in any manner is strictly prohibited. In such cases, please delete this mail from your records. To view this notice in other languages you can either select the following link or manually copy and paste the link into the address bar of a web browser: http: / /emaildisclaimer.medtronic.com Susan Howl JUN 2 9 2011 From: Stephen Grabb [mailto:sgrabber @earthlink.net] Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 12:06 PM To: Lynette Biunno Subject: Transportation Commission Why do we have so many garbage carriers in Edina ? The damage they cause to the roads that we get assessed for is greatly increased. If there was one garbage collector I wouldn't have 25 trucks going by my house. Granted some of the trucks go by more than once, like Allied whose drivers can only take right turns, go by 4 to 5 times. Stephen Grabb 6844 Point DR. 952 927 5281 The information in this electronic mail message is the sender's confidential business and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee(s). Access to this internet electronic mail message by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. The sender believes that this E -mail and any attachments were free of any virus, worm, Trojan horse, and /or malicious code when sent. This message and its attachments could have been infected during transmission. By reading the message and opening any attachments, the recipient accepts full responsibility for taking protective and remedial action about viruses and other defects. The sender's employer is not liable for any loss or damage arising in any way from this message or its attachments. WED JUN 2 8 2011 --------- ------- I VILLAGE HOMES AT CENTENNIAL LAKES CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. 7400 Edinborough Way #5206 Edina, Minnesota 55435 Mayor James Hovland Edina City Council Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mayor Hovland and Council Members: The Board of Directors of the Village Homes of Centennial Lakes wishes to implore the City Council and Planning Commission of Edina to enforce the noise compliance ordinance which has been violated by York Gardens. Many of our residents have already communicated to you through emails, letters and a survey about how the chiller at York Gardens has negatively impacted their enjoyment of living at Centennial Lakes, i.e. disturbed sleep, windows having to be closed, limited use of their balconies, etc. From your discussion on this subject which our Board members viewed on Youtube it was stated that this structure was not on the plans or permit application submitted to the city prior to construction. Also, it was stated that the structure did not meet the noise ordinance or the setback regulations. Since the owners and builders have violated procedures it would seem the logical conclusion would be to remove the structure. It is our understanding that the owners have submitted a modification plan to remedy the situation. We received emails over the weekend that York Gardens has proposed moving the chiller to the east side of their property. We urge that the noise issue be resolved and the structure be moved as suggested in their new plan. However, we are still concerned about the timeline for approval. We understand it will not be taken up by the Council until the nineteenth of July. We would appreciate it if this matter could be expedited so that our residents could enjoy the benefits of the chiller's removal from Edinborough Way as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and we look forward to a speedy resolution that will satisfy our owners. Sincerely, The Board of Directors Village Homes of Centennial Lakes Susan Howl From: Mary DeWitt <dewit002 @umn.edu> Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2011 2:25 PM To: Susan Howl Subject: Trapping coyotes RECE V E® JUN 2 2 2011 Using steel leg traps to catch any animal is cruel. You should be ashamed of yourselves! Susan Howl From: Clifford S. Anderson <csanderson @hjlawfirm.com> q Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 5:00 PM JUN Z L 1011 To: Cary Teague; Susan Howl Subject: Edina Resident's Petition Opposing Proposed Zoning Change ------- Attachments: Petition in Opposition to Zoning Change.pdf; Spot Zoning Article.pdf L ------- Importance: High Cary and Susan: Enclosed is a PDF copy of a Petition opposing a zoning change in the Indianola /Juanita /Arden Avenue area of our neighborhood as mentioned in our June 17, 2011, Memorandum. As you know, the topic of this zoning change will be discussed at tonight's City Council meeting. To the extent possible, recognizing it is late in the day, we would appreciate your circulating the enclosed Petition to the Mayor, City Council Members, and Planning Commission Members via email. Of course, if that is not possible, please circulate it at your convenience tomorrow. I have also enclosed a relevant article about unlawful "Spot Zoning" that we believe the Mayor, City Council Members, and Planning Commission Members would find informative as they consider the matter before them. Finally, it has been called to my attention that the addressees on our June 17 Memorandum were partially obsolete and that some Planning Commission Members have recently changed. We apologize for that error. However, we took the information off of a website that obviously was not up to date. I believe you circulated our Memorandum to all addressees on the Memorandum nonetheless as well as current planning commission members. We appreciate your doing so and would ask that you do the same with the enclosed materials. Thank you for your assistance and consideration. Very truly yours, Clifford S. Anderson Attorney at Law Direct dial: (952) 746 -2190 Cell Phone: (952) 201 -3722 csanderson(o)hjlawfirm.com HELMUTH JOHNSON,' - IN r! r r r: 1, r 1 4, 8050 West 78th Street Edina, MN 55439 Phn: (952) 941 -4005 Fax: (952) 941 -2337 ..-I'fiwlegc.:nd Confidenhalay Notice` . I'hies e!ectrernc !-tail mess aye and any attached files contain irforinalion into nde;d for th(' ex ^lui >ivt: use of the speoric uulivuival or entity to vsbont it is addressed and may contain information thai is c"roprietary. privileged, confidential and /or exempt from disclosure. If you are not the intended recip ent, you are hereby notified that any vaG;tding. copying, disclosure, or distribution of this information is prohibited an may be subject to legal restriction or sanction release notify the sender, by reply election!r; mail or telephone. of any unintended recipients and delete the original message and any attachments without making any copies. Thank you From: Clifford S. Anderson Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 1:18 PM To: 'Cary Teague'; 'Susan Howl' Cc: ' Ginny Anderson' Subject: RE: Edina Resident's Memorandum Opposing Proposed Zoning Change Cary and Susan: We just noticed an unfortunate typo in the spelling of Mayor Hovland's name. I would appreciate it if you would kindly circulate this corrected version. Perhaps you could simply send note that a typo in the Mayor's name was spotted and you were asked to re- circulate a corrected version. Thank you so much. Sorry for this inconvenience. Clifford S. Anderson Attorney at Law Direct dial: (952) 746 -2190 Cell Phone: (952) 201 -3722 csanderson(cD-hllawfirm.com FELLMUTH , JOHNSON -- FN 8050 West 78th Street Edina, NIN 55439 Phn: (952) 941 -4005 Fax: (952) 941 -2337 — Privilege and Confidentielily Notice"" This electronic mail rnessage and any attached files co, tai inforn at! or: 'ritended for the exclusive use o f t he specific individual or entity to whon it is addressed and may contain information that is proprielaty. privileged, confidential and /or exempt from disclosure. If you are riot the !rite ded recipient, you are hereby notified that any viewing, copying, disclosure cr distribution of this information is prohibited an may be subject to legal restriction or sanction. Please nolify the sende. by retily electronic; mail or telephone, of any unintended recipients and delete the original message and any attac.:hments withoi.rt making any copies. 1 hank you. From: Cary Teague [mailto:cteague @ci.edina.mn.us] Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 12:40 PM To: Clifford S. Anderson; Susan Howl Cc: Ginny Anderson Subject: RE: Edina Resident's Memorandum Opposing Proposed Zoning Change Your memorandum was just forwarded to the Planning Commission and City Council. Please let me know if you need anything else, or have any questions. Thank you! Cary Teague, Planning Director �� 1'=, 952 - 826 -04601 Fax 952 - 826 -0389 1 Cell 952 - 826 -0236 is cteague &i.edina.mn.us I www.CityofEdina.com /Planning ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business From: Clifford S. Anderson [ mailto :csanderson @hjlawFiirm.com] Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 12:18 PM To: Susan Howl; Cary Teague 2 Cc: ' Ginny Anderson' Subject: Edina Resident's Memorandum Opposing Proposed Zoning Change Dear Ms. Howl and Mr. Teague: Per my wife Ginny Anderson's discussions and /or voice mails to each of you today, enclosed is a self- explanatory memorandum that a number of homeowners and other interested parties request that you provide to the Mayor, Members of the Edina City Council, and Members of the Edina Planning Commission concerning the recent project proposed by JMS Custom Homes for our neighborhood near 501h & France. Please note that this email with the enclosed Memorandum is being sent from my work email because, unfortunately, our home computer was damaged last evening due to a power outage so my wife is unable to send it from her work email address that originates from our home computer. I state that fact only to make clear that my Edina law firm, Hellmuth & Johnson, is not involved in this matter nor have I nor any of my colleagues been retained in any respect to represent anybody involved in this matter. I do, personally, join in the efforts of those supporting the content of the enclosed Memorandum as I and my wife are affected residents in this matter in that we reside at 5029 Indianola Avenue, Edina, Minnesota 55424. We would greatly appreciate it if one or both of you would ensure that the Mayor, all Members of the Edina City Council, and all Members of the Edina Planning Commission receive a copy of this Memorandum as soon as possible, and preferably through email circulation yet today, before the close of business. Please do not hesitate to contact me at my work or cell phone number below should you have any questions. Thank you for your assistance and consideration. Very truly yours, Clifford S. Anderson Attorney at Law Direct dial: (952) 746 -2190 Cell Phone: (952) 201 -3722 csanderson(oDhilawfirm.com HELLM.UTH JOHNSON.... 8050 West 78th Street Edina, MN .55439 Phn: (952) 941 -4005 Fax: (952) 941 -2337 '--Privilege and Confidr:,nlia0ty IJoiice— This e..ieell0nlc mail moss age and any wtached Ilcs contain in':fonnation intended for the: exclusive use of the specific, indlviduil or entity to whom it is addressed : rid may contain in`orralion that is proprietary privileged. confiocnfial andlorexefnpi from disclnSLI(e If you I m:, nol he intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any viewiri9, copying, disclosure cr distribution of this information is prohibited an may he subject to legal re shiclion of san:.choo Pleases notify the sender. by reply electronic m=il of to le'phone:, of any unintended recipients and de:le'le: [lie erigirial nicssage and any attachnierits without m aiking :any copies 1'hanle you. PETITION We, the undersigned, are property owners (the "Opposition Single Family Homeowners ") who reside in single family homes in the neighborhood encompassing Indianola, Juanita and Arden Avenues in Edina, Minnesota (the "Subject Neighborhood ") or are other interested parties (the "Other Interested Parties "). For the reasons set forth in a June 17, 2011, Memorandum prepared by us sent to the Mayor of Edina, the Edina City Council, and the Edina Planning Commission, we oppose the proposed redevelopment and rezoning of the .land located at 5020 and 5024 Indianola Avenue and encompassing the southern portion of the Edina Covenant Church located at 4201 West 50`h Street from R1 single family residential status to PSR -3 or PRD -3 medium density status. Thank you for your consideration of our concerns. � 1 4. + ��� � ' v L' / 7 r VOW 95A 1A J owl ��... s Dl •i • '��� ��- ��1 4/ MI, X. Fit• ` • a_ �L' "S _ Ll--) Hennepin County Property Map Print Hennepin County Property Map - Tax Year: 2011 The data contained on this page Is derived from a compilation of records and maps and may contain discrepancies that can only be disclosed by an accurate survey performed by a licensed land surveyor. The perimeter and area (square footage and acres) are approximates and may contain discrepancies. The information on this page should be used for reference purposes only. Hennepin County does not guarantee the accuracy of material herein contained and Is not responsible for any misuse or misrepresentation of this information or Its derivatives. r 4909_ 4910 ,•,,...._�„ 4911 4924 4911 4912 4915 sooll 4928 4914 ............. L_ .......... .... .......... _ 491 r ............. ..............._.............,. 4917 4213 4932 4916 II 5003 5002 5003 4919 4920 4919 4936 5021 ` � i 117.0 j > ..... -..._ __.'_•_.. 5027' 5100 ; 5109 5108 5022 f �1...._. _._ c ! 5103 re 5025 ; 5104 5113 5112 5027 ; 5029 I 5105 ...... -.._ .. . ........ __ .._ _..__ . I I ---- ---••---- - - - - -- 5108 5117 5116 I 5107 Selected Parcel Data Parcel ID: 18 -028 -24-41 -0171 Owner Name: D T SUNDT & L E SUNDT Parcel Address: 5024 INDIANOtA AVE, EDINA , MN 55424 Property Type: RESIDENTIAL Homestead: HOMESTEAD Area (sgft): 7364 Area (acres): 0.17 A -T -B: ABSTRACT Market Total: $383,200.00 Tax Total: $5,262.78 5101 1 5100 5105 5104 5109 5108 s > X > C 24 24 3930 24 3945 slot 5105 5109 5115 Date Printed: 6/19/2011 8:06:12 PM Current Parcel Date: 6/7/2011 Sale Price: $0.00 Sale Date: 07/1994 Sale Code: Page 1 of http://gis.co.hennepin.mn.us/HCPropertyMap/Locator.aspx 6/19/201 SOT" ST W 5001 5000 sooll 4213 4209 2C II 5003 5002 5003 5005 5004 5005 r \ \ , t 501E O 5017 j O _. _....._...._... -. 5007 5006 zlp- 11 5007 _ Iff 5021 so 09 5009 j 5009 5011} 50:0 I soil 5025 5000 5630 ,012 _....__._ 5013 t 5012 q� 5013 ., �5D28 ' I 5029 5028 C 5040 5015 5014 �} 5 50X i r 5037 5032 .. .,. .... ..... I 5 016 5017 5017 _.I � 5 101 5100 ..............._.......... 1�-- �._.._...._.i ... 5044 SOIT 5076 9019 i ............. ................. ........__...._...._.. 5019 i SO10 I ._.1 _ _ _.... -� `- .........._...._..._.,.. _ .............. ......... I S1ST ST W 51ST ST w 5021 ` � i 117.0 j > ..... -..._ __.'_•_.. 5027' 5100 ; 5109 5108 5022 f �1...._. _._ c ! 5103 re 5025 ; 5104 5113 5112 5027 ; 5029 I 5105 ...... -.._ .. . ........ __ .._ _..__ . I I ---- ---••---- - - - - -- 5108 5117 5116 I 5107 Selected Parcel Data Parcel ID: 18 -028 -24-41 -0171 Owner Name: D T SUNDT & L E SUNDT Parcel Address: 5024 INDIANOtA AVE, EDINA , MN 55424 Property Type: RESIDENTIAL Homestead: HOMESTEAD Area (sgft): 7364 Area (acres): 0.17 A -T -B: ABSTRACT Market Total: $383,200.00 Tax Total: $5,262.78 5101 1 5100 5105 5104 5109 5108 s > X > C 24 24 3930 24 3945 slot 5105 5109 5115 Date Printed: 6/19/2011 8:06:12 PM Current Parcel Date: 6/7/2011 Sale Price: $0.00 Sale Date: 07/1994 Sale Code: Page 1 of http://gis.co.hennepin.mn.us/HCPropertyMap/Locator.aspx 6/19/201 PlanncrsWeb®:.�� PLANNING COMMISSIONERS JOURNAL Understanding Spot Zoning by Robert C. Widner, Esq. About the Author "Understanding Spot Zoning" is included in our Taking a Closer Look: Planning Law Printer collection of articles from the Planning Commissioners Journal. The booklet is delivered by 1 st class mail. From Issue 13 of the PCJ, Winter 1994 Read exceg)ts from more than 275 articles; most are available to download 1 Taking a Closer Lo*k Wry } Most planning commissioners have heard the impassioned cry that a particular rezoning decision will constitute an invalid "spot zoning." This allegation typically arises where the community is considering the rezoning of a single lot or small parcel of property held by a single owner and the rezoning will permit land uses not available to the adjacent property. Because spot zoning often focuses on the single parcel without considering the broader context, that is, the area and land uses surrounding the parcel, it is commonly considered the antithesis of planned zoning. While rezoning decisions that only affect a single parcel or small amount of land are most often the subject of spot zoning claims (as opposed to rezonings of larger areas), a locality can lawfully rezone a single parcel if its action is shown to be consistent with the community's land use policies. As I will discuss shortly, courts look to the community's comprehensive plan, or to other planning studies, in determining whether the rezoning is, in fact, consistent with local land use policies. Of course, whether a particular rezoning constitutes an unlawful spot zoning depends largely upon the facts surrounding the zoning decision and upon the judicial decisions of each state. However, courts commonly note that the underlying question is whether the zoning decision advances the health, safety, and welfare of the community. A zoning decision that merely provides for individual benefit without a relationship to public benefit cannot be legally supported. Where a particular zoning decision is not supported by a public purpose, the zoning decision is arbitrary and may be subject to invalidation as unlawful spot zoning. Although courts throughout the nation differ in their specific approaches when reviewing spot zoning claims, the majority consider: 1. the size of the parcel subject to rezoning; 2. the zoning both prior to and after the local government's decision; 3. the existing zoning and use of the adjacent properties; 4. the benefits and detriments to the landowner, neighboring property owners, and the community resulting from the rezoning; and 5. the relationship between the zoning change and the local government's stated land use policies and objectives. This last factor -- the relationship of the rezoning decision to the community's land use policies and objectives -- is perhaps the most important one. As a result, when a planning commission (or governing body) initially considers a rezoning request it should determine whether the request is consistent with the comprehensive or master plan. Many communities' zoning codes also require a separate planning study that examines the merits of the proposed rezoning. This further ensures that any rezoning is consistent with the community's land use objectives, and not a case of spot zoning. The bottom line is that courts will give considerable weight to evidence that the locality's rezoning decision reflects thoughtful consideration of planning factors. It should be noted that there is one situation where a rezoning decision that does not conform to the comprehensive plan may nevertheless be upheld. That is where there is evidence showing significant changes in the community since the adoption of the plan that would justify a rezoning of the property. This is especially true where a review of other factors, such as benefit to the community and the size of the rezoned parcel, indicate that the rezoning was not merely intended to confer a benefit to the property owner. Please note that this article is copyright protected by the Planning Commissioners Journal. You are welcome to download or print the article for your own personal use -- or to provide a link to this article from another Web site. For other use of the article, please contact the Planning Commissioners Journal. PlannersWeb home page Metropolitan Council June 21, 2011 James Hovland, Mayor City Of Edina 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mayor Hovland: RECEWED JUN 2 B 2011 As required by Minnesota Statutes 473.24, the Metropolitan Council annually prepares population estimates as of April 1 of the previous year. The annual estimates are used for State government purposes, including the allocation of local government aid (LGA) and local street aid. For the 2010 estimates cycle, the Metropolitan Council intends to certify a tabulation of 2010 Census counts published by US Census Bureau: The 2010 Census counted 47,941 people and 20,672 households in the City Of Edina, as of April 1, 2010. Household size averaged 2.31 persons per household. US Census Bureau communicated these counts to chief elected officials in letters sent March 2011. These numbers will serve as Metropolitan Council's annual population estimates for 2010, a deliverable required by Minnesota Statutes 473.24. Please be aware of the following: US Census Bureau acknowledges that the 2010 Census counts could include scattered errors and undercounts. Errors can occur where the Census used inaccurate geocoding of addresses. Miscounts also result from exclusion or duplication of enumerated population, due to processing. errors. US Census Bureau has established a Count Question Resolution (CQR) process through which local governments may challenge the 2010 Census counts, and the Bureau may issue corrected counts. Corrected counts would then become the starting point for annual population estimates in years 2012 -19. Further details from US'Census Bureau can be found online at littp: //2010. census .gov /2010census /about/cgr.plip Given the potential for scattered errors, Metropolitan Council staff advise local governments to evaluate the 2010 Census counts within their jurisdiction, and participate in the CQR process if discrepancies are detected. Further details from Metropolitan Council will be provided in technical assistance workshops to be offered in Fall 2011. Council staff welcomes discussion of the 2010 Census counts and their use as "annual population estimates" for 2010. Please send any written comments or questions to Todd Graham, Metropolitan Council Research, 390 North Robert Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101, or by e -snail to todd.graham @metc.state.mn.us Sincerely, Todd Graham Principal Forecaster www.metrocouncil.org 390 Robert Street North • St. Paul, MN 55101 -1805 • (651) 602 -1000 • Fax (651) 602 -1550 •TTY (651) 291 -0904 An Equal Opportunity Employer Susan Howl From: Lynette Biunno Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 8:17 AM To: Scott Neal; Jeff Long Cc: Susan Howl Subject: FW: Coyotes Hello there, JUN 2 2 2011 This message has been forwarded to the Mayor and Council members, Scott Neal and Jeff Long. Lynette Biunno, Receptionist 952-927-88611 Fax 952 - 826 -0389 Ibiunno(ZDci.edina.mn.us 1 www.CityofEdina.com ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business From: Laura Raseman [mailto:raseman.laura @gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 20114:29 PM To: Lynette Biunno Subject: Coyotes I have heard that the city of Edina is considering using cruel steel jaw traps to catch and kill coyotes Steel jaw traps, even rubber- coated ones, cause immense pain and injury. Terrified, the trapped animals are further injured in their frantic struggle to get free. Bones snap, flesh tears, and many victims chew or twist off their own limbs in order to escape. These traps are also indiscriminant. Any animal, including beloved companion animals, can fall prey. I am urging you to oppose all cruel trapping efforts. Sincerly, Laura Raseman (507)450 -1263 A ,ZN owe w W • j�roRPORP�FPo �sss REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item IX. -2 DEBRA MANGEN Action From: CITY CLERK Discussion ® Information Date: JULY 5, 2011 Subject: CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED AFTER PACKETS INFORMATION /BACKGROUND: Attached are copies of a -mails and letters received after the packets were delivered to you. Susan Howl From: Barb Deegan [mailto:badeegan @comcast.net] _T �ECEOVEC Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 12:04 PM To: Lynette Biunno JUL 0 5 2011 Subject: FW: Edina City Council Meeting tonight 7/5 Barbara and Dan Deegan we live on Sally Lane and vote NO to S_95 From: Laurie Deegan [mailto:ldeegan @tpdtech.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 11:45 AM To: Martinez Family (jjmtcm @aol.com); Julie Cologne ; Sue Walker; Kate Shoemaker; Val Stidman; Azar Family (leeazar @hotmail.com); Linda Deegan; Tim Deegan; colleen.glass @parknicollet.com; cocog6 @comcast.net; plarson8 @gmail.com; badeegan @comcast.net; Ringham; ddeegan @htk.com; kevin.deegan @bestbuy.com Subject: Edina City Council Meeting tonight 7/5 I know this is a bit short notice, but if you could send an email to the Edina City Council at edinamailgci.edina.mn. us with the following in the subject. -,Vote NO for proposed improvement S -95, temporary sidewalk on July 5." David's friend, Mike Benner, will be affected by this proposal and will loose trees in his yard that protect him from the busy Valleyview traffic. He will also be loosing a large area of his yard that he plays in. I have attached the letter that Mike wrote to the city council members. Please feel free to foward to other people in Edina. Here is more information. On July 5, there will be a public hearing at 7 P.M., Edina City Hall at which time the council will hear from the public and then vote immediately on the construction of a temporary sidewalk on Valley View Road from McCauley Trail to Braemar Boulevard. If you are opposed to $80,000+ of your tax dollars being spent on a temporary sidewalk, please send the following email to the city: Vote No for proposed improvement S -95, temporary sidewalk on July 5. Thanks! -- - - -- - - - Laurie Deegan June 28, 2011 JUL 0 5 2011 --------------- Dear Edina City Council Members: My name is Mike Benner and I live at 7025 Sally Lane. I am 12 years old and will be in 7th grade this fall. I am writing to tell you what I think about the sidewalk project that will affect my home. First, I do not know why some people think a sidewalk needs to be on the north side of Valley View Road. My family has been told it is to help me and others on my street walk to school. Valley View Middle School is 1.4 miles from my house. School starts at 7:45, which means I really need to be at my locker by 7:35 to be at my first class on time. I play the trumpet, which I carry to school for band, and on light homework days, my backpack weighs about 25 pounds. There is no way I am walking to school, ever! This is the worst logic I have ever heard of! Second, I play baseball and practice at Braemar several times a week every spring and summer. I am a big baseball fan and often walk over there to watch other leagues and our Legion team play. I am comfortable walking to Braemar on Valley View Road by myself. My parents walked with me when I was younger and taught me where it was safest to walk and where to cross the roads. We only drive there when I have a game that ends after dark, because the path out of the park to Hilary Lane is not lighted and you cannot see your hand in front of your face or the gate that closes the path off to cars. I do not need a sidewalk to get to Braemar Park. Other kids in the neighborhood live further away from the park and could not carry golf clubs, hockey bags or baseball bags that far. Third, there is a chance that a sidewalk will take the trees and a good portion of our side yard that runs along Valley View Road. This will eliminate a place for me to play outside at my own home. It will make the yard too narrow for our volley ball net. If the trees are taken and replaced with a temporary sidewalk and no curb and gutter, my yard becomes an unsafe place for me, my friends and my family. Cars run up against our lawn on the Valley View street side all the time and I feel protected by those trees. Cutting trees down is not green. I learned in science that trees in urban areas remove carbon dioxide emitted by cars, reduce traffic sound for people who live on busy roads, and keep traffic moving at safe speeds on residential streets. Please do not support any plan that takes several trees from our neighborhoods! Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and please vote NO to the temporary sidewalk proposed for Valley View Road. Sincerely yours, Mike Benner Susan Howl From: Lynette Biunno Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 2:22 PM Cc: Susan Howl Subject: FW: Vote NO for proposed improvement S -95, temporary sidewalk on July 5 Importance: High RECEUVEDWI Lynette Biunno, Receptionist JUL 0 5 1011 1952-927-88611 b5unno(cD cedna mn.us I w it ww.CityofEdina.com I --------- - - - - -- ` ...For Living,, Learning, Raising Families Si. Doing Business From: Laurie Deegan [mailto:ldeegan @tpdtech.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 11:28 AM To: Lynette Biunno Subject: Vote NO for proposed improvement S -95, temporary sidewalk on July 5 Importance: High Please Vote NO for proposed improvement S -95, temporary sidewalk on July 5 Concerned Edina resident /taxpayer. Laurie Deegan 6501 Tingdale Ave Edina Susan Howl From: Lynette Biunno Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 10:19 AM Cc: Susan Howl Subject: FW: vote on proposed improvement S -95 FA RC E —0V t to) JUL 0 5 261 Lynette Biunno, Receptionist - - -- .If 14I� i 952-927-88611 Fax 952 - 826 -0389 �tl 3 ? Ibiunno(aDci.edina.mn.us I www.CitvofEdina.com For Living, Learning, Raising Families �� Doing Business From: Kent Nielsen [ mailto:kentnielsen92 @gmail.com] Sent: Monday, July 04, 20118:28 AM To: Lynette Biunno Subject: Re: vote on proposed improvement S -95 To Whom it may concern, Vote NO for proposed improvement S -95, temporary sidewalk on July 5. 1 would prefer any improvements be permanent. I see no reason to spend $80,000.00 on a sidewalk that will be torn up in a few years when the street is improved. Thank You Kent Nielsen 6341 Tingdale Av. Susan Howl From: Lynette Biunno Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 10:21 AM Cc: Susan Howl pp R E D E D Subject: FW: sidewalk on Valley View L(� AC W JUL 0 5 20411 Lynette Biunno, Receptionist 952-927-88611 Fax 952 - 826 -0389 Ibiunno @ci.edina.mn.us I www.CityofEdina.com ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Lynn Kron [mailto:lkron3 @gmail.com] Sent: Monday, July 04, 201111:22 AM To: Lynette Biunno Cc: josh @joshsprague.com Subject: sidewalk on Valley View To the Edina City Council: It has come to my attention that there is a sudden push to put a temporary sidewalk on a section of Valley View Road. This seems a poor use of funds at a time resources need to be used with particular care. If spent at all, I think those funds could be better used to repair the sides of the roadway that are falling away. Also, there seems to be a push to get this measure passed without time spent gathering information on costs and benefits to the community. Projects rushed through might soon be regretted. If the reason for the rush is to avoid public scrutiny, perhaps motivation is in question. I request no further move be made without further thought and deliberation. Lynn Kron, Edina resident 7401 Hyde Park Drive Susan Howl RECEIV JUL 0 5 2011 From: Bradley Nelson [mailto:nels5101 @umn.edu] Sent: Monday, July 04, 2011 11:33 PM To: Lynette Biunno Subject: S -95 Road Improvement To Whom it May Concern; It has recently come to my attention that the Edina City Council is considering constructing an temporary sidewalk on Valley View Road. We live at 6820 Valley View Road and strongly oppose this project. The scenic appearance of Valley View Road was important to us in the selection of our home. We are concerned about changing the natural beauty of our neighborhood. In addition, we are concerned that the addition of this temporary sidewalk will result in increased traffic speed due to the appearance of widened street. We are most frustrated that this project is not supported by many (if any) residents who live on Valley View Road. The project seems to be rushed to a vote without meaningful public input. We wonder who is behind this project and who stands to benefit. We strongly urge the City Council to stop this project. Please feel free to contact us at 952.217.4433. Sincerely; Bradley and Teresa Nelson Bradley J. Nelson, MD Assoc Professor, Sports Medicine & Shoulder Division Department of Orthopaedic Surgery University of Minnesota 2450 Riverside Ave, R -200 Minneapolis, MN 55454 -1450 Office: (612) 273 -8058 FAX: (612) 273 -7959 E -mail: nels5101 @umn.edu Susan Howl From: Lynette Biunno Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 10:33 AM Cc: Susan Howl Subject: FW: Tonight's Meeting RECEOVED JUL 0 5 2011 t = Lynette Biunno, Receptionist /( 1 952- 927 -8861 i Fax 952 - 826 -0389 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �( "° _I� Ibiunno(a�ci.edina.mn.us I www.CitvofEdina.com J ...For Livin -, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business r From: Wes Anderson [ mailto:wesanderson @comcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 20117:43 AM To: Lynette Biunno Subject: Tonight's Meeting Dear City Council, First, I thank you for all the great work you do. I'm especially appreciative after watching yesterday's parade and being reminded once again of our many freedoms as well as the dedication of our public servants. I do have one request that relates to a current issue, and that is regarding a public hearing and vote tonight for a temporary sidewalk on Valley View Road between McCauley Trail and Braemar Blvd. I'm opposed to this as I believe more sidewalks will actually increase vehicle speed and traffic levels. Our roads are being used too often by non- residents to avoid congested highway traffic areas. Though adding sidewalks on a local road seems like a logical response for safety, they will actually help facilitate much more non - resident traffic, driving at "rush hour" speeds which negates the effect. I'm therefore opposed to the proposed temporary sidewalk and urge you to vote NO. Kindest regards, Wes & Anne Anderson 6208 Balder Lane F;ECE IVE n Susan Howl ionorable Mayor Hovland and City Council Members: Thank you very much for all you do for the City of Edina. Your public service is part of what makes our city, and our nation, so great. As a former Marine, I understand and appreciate your service. I am writing to urge you to vote NO on proposed project S -95, temporary sidewalk on July 5, for six reasons. 1. I, and many of our neighbors, do not want our tax dollars spent this way. 2. The temporary sidewalk will be unsightly. I have seen the example sent by the city to area residents, and it's not a pretty sight! 3. The city engineers have confirmed that a sidewalk will make Valley View Road appear wider to drivers, who will drive even faster as a result. This will ironically reduce safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, drivers, and the residents who live along the road. 4. Installing a sidewalk willdestroy a good portion of many resident's yards, especially ours. 5. One reason we have heard in support of a sidewak is that the road is unsafe for walkers and runners. I, and several of my neighbors, run along Valley View and feel there is no real problem. 6. Another reason we hear is that the ultimate goal is to have a sidewalk for students to walk to Valley View Middle School and Edina High School. In our neighborhood mothers have indicated they would never allow their children to walk all the way up to school, in the cold weather we have for most of the school year and with their 30 pound backpacks. It's ironic that the support for the sidewalk is driven by people that do not even live on Valley View, and is opposed primarily by people that DO live on Valley View. In fact, a petition against the sidewalk has been signed by over 65 resident, representing the majority along Valley View, to include many up the hill. Please hear your constituents and vote NO. Thank you! Doug Benner 7025 Sally Lane MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION MAY 24, 2011 7:03 PM I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Kingston called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. IL ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Brosius, Cashmore, Finsness, Kingston, Mayer, Newell, Seidman and Winnick. 111. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED Motion by Member Cashmore and seconded by Member Winnick approving the meeting agenda. Ayes: Cashmore, Finsness, Kingston, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Winnick Motion carried. IV. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED Motion by Member Seidman and seconded by Member Cashmore approving the consent agenda as follows: W.A. Approve regular meeting minutes of March 22, 2011 with one edit, and notes from the Anti - Bullying Forum on April 26, 2011. Ayes: Cashmore, Finsness, Kingston, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Winnick Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT There were no community comments. Vl. REPORTS /RECOMMENDATIONS VI.A. CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION WITH COMMISSION CHAIRS Chair Kingston shared draft minutes from the City Council Work Session with commission chairs which was held on May 3, 2011. Items discussed by the City Council were: 1) Filming and Rebroadcasting Meetings, suggesting that one meeting of each commission, titled the "Annual Meeting ", would be filmed annually in the Council Chambers; 2) Standardization of Agendas, Bylaws, Minutes and Meeting Protocol; 3) Working Group, Subcommittee and Task Force Protocol, noting that such bodies must comply with the Open Meeting Law; 4) Commissioner Orientation and Training, including the possibility of providing opportunities for specialized training; 5) Synchronization of Work Plans and City Council Priorities, possibly accomplished at each commission's Annual Meeting; and 6) Website Presence, with HRRC indicating an interest in adding more information to its website. VI.B. "NAZI PERSECUTION OF HOMOSEXUALS" TRAVELING EXHIBIT Chair Kingston shared an outline for sponsorship of /involvement of the "Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals" Traveling Exhibit. It had been submitted by Laura Zelle, JCRC Director of Tolerance Minnesota & Holocaust Education. The JCRC will be coordinating a Midwest tour of the exhibit, and it will be previewing at the University of Minnesota in the Andersen Library from April 1St through May 15t', 2012. The following issues /comments were raised: 1) Is this serving the community of Edina? 2) There is the need to develop criteria for this kind of decision - making. 3) HRRC would be supporting an educational effort in the amount of $500. 4) The number one criteria for approving such opportunities is that it should make an impact on Edina. 5) Could HRRC be misunderstood as a funding vehicle? 6) Is there a way to tie the event into the anti - bullying initiative? 7) Is more information necessary in the nature of a formal request or a recommendation from the Mayor? 8) The event would be a catalyst for continuing dialogues. 9) Participate and use this event as anecdotal evidence for developing standards for `I evaluating RFP's. 10) The event could be noteworthy for Edina and HRRC. 11) There were 2000 people at the exhibit in Seattle, and it has also traveled to Norfolk, VA. 12) We should "hop on the train" and solidify Edina standing up for human rights. 13) Because the 2012 Exhibit in Minneapolis will occur during the time of Edina's "Days of Remembrance" event, HRRC could dovetail with the Exhibit's event and focus on its mission. 14) An Edina dialogue could be scheduled on one of the nights during the Exhibit, which would be a way to reach out and demonstrate HRRC's purpose and commitment. 15) This should not be about HRRC becoming well -known and getting recognition by attaching its name to the Exhibit. Member Newell made a motion, seconded by Member Finsness, to create a work group to report back to the Commission with ideas focusing on involving the youth in a dialogue in order for HRRC to be a participator of the Exhibit and not just a sponsor. Ayes: Finsness, Newell Nays: Cashmore, Kingston, Mayer, Seidman, Winnick Motion denied. Member Mayer made a motion, seconded by Member Cashmore, to support the Exhibit in the amount of $500, for an activity to be determined through collaboration with JCRC. Ayes: Cashmore, Kingston, Seidman, Winnick Nays: Finsness, Mayer, Newell Motion carried. VI.C. TIME OFF Chair Kingston recommended that the Commission take a month off. The following comments were made: 1) Summer is not opportune for time off from a meeting, as work needs to be done regarding the next Dialogue. 2) Because Commissioners all have different schedules, it may be better to have a flexible vacation schedule that meets personal needs. 3) The City Council does not appear to take a meeting off, therefore, the Members must have a way to miss a meeting for a vacation. 4) The new student members do not begin until September. Perhaps June or August could be skipped. 5) Having time off would be an opportunity for Commissioners to "re- charge." 6) June would be an ideal month for discussing a number of things —no action items. The June agenda should include a dialogue about what the criteria should be regarding sponsoring events. Chair Kingston made a motion, seconded by Member Cashmore, for HRRC to take off the month of June this year. Ayes: Cashmore, Kingston Nays: Finsness, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Winnick Motion denied. VI.D. CITY WEBSITE— COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT Member Winnick reported that he has had the opportunity to peruse the City's website and history books, focusing on the Country Club district. In doing so, he suggests that the City evaluate the website for complete disclosure of the early covenants and private deed restrictions. He indicated that the City should reveal its history and that the website could be improved to positively impact the future. Staff shared the recommendation that a hyperlink to the summary of the early restrictions and covenants be added to the Heritage Landmarks' page on the City's website. Comments and observations were as follows: 1) Information on the website should be explicit and not just direct the reader to another site. 2) Improving the website with additional information would be an opportunity to educate the citizens of Edina. 3) If an expanded paragraph is developed on the website, there could be a link to HRRC. 4) The About Town has been and could also continue to be a good source for this information. 5) The Edina Historical Society maintains historical records regarding Edina. I I Member Winnick will share an update with the Commissioners at the June meeting. VI.E. EVENTS DEBRIEF Due to time constraints, Chair Kingston recommended tabling the debriefing of two events — "Reflections on Bullying" and "Days of Remembrance." The June meeting will be ideal for doing this — posting notes with ideas, documenting resources and identifying contacts. Vll. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS An Edina resident, Sanford Berman, contacted Chair Kingston after the "Days of Remembrance" event had been highlighted in the Sun - Current. Since that time, he has sent the Commission copies of letters to the Minnesota Twins and the State of Minnesota's elected officials, referencing his concern about a team's logo being racist and elected officials' "faith -based prejudice" regarding same -sex marriage. The Commissioners raised various questions: 1) Mr. Berman has been an active member of the community for a long time. His reputation is reputable among fellow librarians. 2) Does his correspondence require a response from HRRC? 3) Should HRRC acknowledge and thank him for his interest in Domestic Partnerships? 4) Should there be any response to him, or is this considered "for information only "? Because Mr. Berman's communication to HRRC was by "bc" (blind copy), no action was deemed necessary. VIII. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS Member Cashmore reported that he is now a graduate of the Police Department's Citizen's Academy, a ten -week program led by Officer Brian Hubbard. The next class will be held in the spring of 2012. He highly recommended the class to his fellow Commissioners. Member Mayer reported that there has been positive publicity of the Tom Oye Award in a number of media outlets. IX. STAFF COMMENTS Staff Liaison, Susan Howl, shared that the Commission is operating in full throttle with passionate and professional people on board. All discussion within the Commission has resulted in healthy consensus and positive outcomes. X. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Commission Agenda, Chair Kingston declared the meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. Respectfully submitted, Minutes approved by HRRC, June 28, 2011. Susan Howl, HRRC Staff Liaison Jessi Kingston, HRRC Chair MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE VETERANS MEMORIAL COMMITTEE HELD AT CITY HALL MAY 20, 2011 7:30 AM Mr. Keprios informed the committee that the City Council has directed all boards and commissions to use a new format for al I agendas, staff reports and minutes. L CALL TO ORDER Chairman Goergen called the meeting to order at 7:30 am II. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Goergen, Cardarelle, Reed, Christiaansen, Kojetin, Bender, Benson III. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED Motion by Member Cardarelle and seconded by Member Bender approving the consent agenda as follows: IV CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED Motion made by Member Kojetin and seconded by Member Cardarelle approving the consent as follows: IV.A. Approve regular meeting minutes of March 18, 2011 IV.B. Approve regular meeting minutes of April 15, 2011 V. REPORTS /RECOMMENDATIONS V.A. VETERANS MEMORJAL LOCATION WITHIN UTLEY PARK Member Cardarelle made a motion, seconded by Member Benson, to place the Veterans Memorial at Utley Park where it is shown on Exhibit A. Mr. Goergen informed the committee that six members met at Utley Park on Monday and decided on a location, that being Exhibit A. Member Benson asked Mr. Kost if he had any reservations about the site that was chosen to which Mr. Kost replied there are none he can think of. Member Kojetin informed Mr. Kost that one of the things they have talked about is when there is some type of dedication or memorial at the site that people can sit and kind of look at the water. Member Kojetin also pointed out there are a couple of maple trees at the site that are not going to last very long and the roots are on top so if concrete is put there it will probably pull them up. He noted that it's his feeling that those trees don't need to be there and that they can plant new trees. Mr. Kost replied that typically they like to work with what they have and noted that they will take a look at what the existing vegetation is. He pointed out to the committee in terms of their attitude towards vegetation is they may want to look at some thinning along the creek edge now that they are getting to that time of year where they will be there for a while and just see how things fill in because that may be part of the memorial. He explained that another thing to realize is that some people have a different attitude towards big trees these days in that they are learning more about the role they play for the ecology of the area in terms of providing oxygen, filtering water and also sequestering carbon which is something people didn't give much thought to 10 to 20 years ago. Mr. Kost commented a big tree sequesters a lot of carbon which is good for the environment and when you remove a big tree and chip it or burn it that carbon goes back into the atmosphere. He added it may be only one or two trees but it's a big world and these kinds of things add up and knowing the committee's concern regarding sustainability and if you want people to look at the park and memorial as a sustainable operation it is something you will probably want to be mindful of. Mr. Kost noted that Mr. Kojetin did bring up a good point if those roots are really shallow and it has issues what they don't want to do is recommend construction or installation out there that somehow gets undermined by other factors. He stated that they balance everything out and it's important that they are mindful of everything they are going to do out there. Mr. Keprios commented that he likes the ideas of the parking.and driveway improvements someday but thinks they should hold off on those things until they are done with the project so that they spend their money working on the memorial. He indicated that for the other park related amenities and accessories that also serve the entire park, they will try to find a way to fund that through their capital improvement plan that will come at a later date. He added there are some restrooms improvements that will need to be done that will eventually have to be added; however, that serves the park as a whole and shouldn't be put on the shoulders of this committee to fundraise. Member Goergen asked the committee based on the decision for the site that was chosen was it because it was the strongest one or was it that the other sites were lacking something or had shortcomings. Mr. Christiaansen responded they were saying between sites 2 and 3 and this was in the middle. So it really was between the two and that's where the actual stake was placed. Ayes: Goergen, Cardarelle, Reed, Christiaansen, Kojetin, Bender, Benson Motion carried. V.B. BLUE STAR MEMORIAL PROPOSAL Mr. Keprios informed the committee that after last month's meeting when the Garden Council suggested they may donate a Blue Star Memorial he went ahead and secured the application guideline information from the National Garden Club and received a little more background information. He explained that in his view this would be a wonderful thing for a park that didn't have a memorial where a nice plaque could be placed on a rock stating that this is a Blue Star Memorial; however, they already have a very defined and set purpose so to him it seems a duplication effort and doesn't feel it would be a good fit at Utley Park. Mr. Keprios explained that originally the Blue Star Memorial Marker Program was intended mainly for highways and has since found its way into cemeteries, parks, gardens, etc. Member Goergen informed the committee that hopefully the Garden Council will be part of their support group to handle the annual plantings and maintenance of them. He noted that the Garden Council does have their own recognition symbol logo that is put in various flower beds that they have worked on throughout the city. Therefore he thinks the Garden Council could have their recognition in that way and if they assume responsibility for the plantings within the Veterans Memorial every year. 2 Mr. Benson commented maybe there could be a way the Blue Star Memorial could be incorporated into a project and not be obtrusive yet blend in. Member Benson asked Mr. Kost if he had any thoughts in terms of how it could maybe be integrated. Mr. Kost replied he would say the issue is what would be the advantage because Edina has a strong garden council that is committed to doing gardening in community parks and so if you didn't have that he would say let's try to figure out a way to get these people involved so that you can leverage that resource. He commented that he really doesn't know a lot about the program but if there is an advantage to getting some national recognition or ideally getting some funds then it may not be a bad idea. However; if it's simply something where they typically do roadside memorials and help you figure out how to put in a plaque he thinks they are way beyond that. Member Reed asked the committee if they thought if they said no to the Blue Star would it jeopardize their relationship with the Garden Club. Member Kojetin responded that he was going to bring that up with the Garden Council and pointed out that the Edina Garden Club is affiliated with the National Federation of Garden Council. He noted that he would like to see some information between our Federated Garden Club and the Blue Star program and see what they have to say about it. Mr. Keprios stated that he is not sure if the Garden Council itself has voted, approved and recommended this or is it coming from a couple of individuals. Mr. Keprios indicated that another concern he has as staff is if this is something that should not be part of the $400,000 budget. If they want to add things later and they want to donate it that's different. Member Bender stated her concern is where you draw the line because there really are a lot meritorious organizations that support memories of the veterans. She indicated that once they open that door how do they say no to the next program of merit. Member Goergen pointed out that is one of his concerns as well because he has already been approached by the POW/MIA organizations wanting individual recognition. He added that he doesn't think it's a good fit for them but does think it's a good highway recognition project through the highway system. Mr. Keprios indicated that he would be willing to invite himself to a Garden Council meeting to ask for their support in whatever capacity they would like to be involved. Member Cardarelle made a motion, seconded by Member Benson, to not incorporate the Blue Star Memorial as part of the design within the memorial itself, open for future consideration after the completion of the memorial outside of the project but in the future. Ayes: Goergen, Cardarelle, Reed, Christiaansen, Kojetin, Bender, Benson Motion carried. V.C. CALL FOR ARTISTS Mr. Keprios indicated that he would like to ask for forgiveness rather than ask for permission from the committee. He explained that the EPAC had suggested that if they want to do this right in looking for an artist that they should have $500. He noted that Diana Hedges, Edina Art Center Director, helped secure the grant to which the check has been written and should be in the bank at the Edina Community Foundation. He added that the reason he did this is because they are running out of time and felt it needed to be moved on right away. He stated that he would like a formal recommendation from the committee that this is an appropriate expenditure. Member Reed asked if they had any problem getting the $500. Mr. Keprios responded no, that the $500 was from a group where he was a luncheon speaker and did mention the veterans' memorial as part of his power point presentation and added there were a lot of the veterans in the group. Mr. Goergen pointed out that the funding was unsolicited. Mr. Keprios commented that it was a smaller group and they were more than happy to help. Member Bender made a motion to accept the $500 donation to be used as a stipend for the chosen artist, seconded by member Cardarelle Ayes: Goergen, Cardarelle, Reed, Christiaansen, Kojetin, Bender, Benson Motion carried. Mr. Keprios noted that the committee as a whole will ultimately select the artist, they will listen to recommendations from EPAC and Mr. Kost but this group will be making that decision. VII. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS VILA. FUNDRAISINGITREASURER Mr. Goergen informed the committee that he had hoped to have a progress report from member Lefler; however, he was not at the meeting. Member Goergen indicated that he has been informed that currently their balance in the Edina Foundation is $200.00 plus the $500.00 that was just deposited. VII.B. RESEARCH (KL4s) Member Benson informed the committee that member Schwartz only has a couple of people that he is doing further research on and other than that he is pretty well done with his research. Member Goergen noted that he believes member Schwartz has 30 to 35 KIAs from Edina that he would like to present to the committee. He noted there are a couple of exceptions that he would like the committee to discuss because they don't quite meet the criteria that the committee established for Edina KIAs research. Member Goergen pointed out that Member Schwartz has worked awfully hard and has done an outstanding job in his research as well as Member Benson, who has been helping Member Schwartz with the research. FINAL COMMENTS /QUESTIONS Mr. Keprios asked Mr. Kost if there is anything he would. like the committee to start to think about or do you feel you will have some questions that will need to be answered sooner rather than later that they should start thinking about for the design process. Mr. Kost replied that he thinks his April 25`h e-mail outlines and recaps the design process and some of the decisions that they see the group needing to be sure they keep on their radar screen. He pointed out that what he plans to do over the next couple of weeks is to come up with a variety of ideas for how to place the memorial with the program elements in the location that has been chosen. Mr. Kost commented that he has received a lot of calls and a -mails from artists looking for guidance and having questions to which he gives everyone the same information you do not want a sculpture of a person rather something like an eagle, globe, start, etc., but nothing to abstract. Mr. Reed stated that he does not want to limit the artist to just eagles because he feels eagles are used too much. Mr. Kost replied that he has been cautioning the artists to get a little out of their comfort limit and maybe do something a little different. He noted he also has told them that Edina is 4 very committed to elegance and sort of subtle; it doesn't have be something massive, because it's not the only part of the memorial. Mr. Kost indicated that he is also encouraging people to think about stone and other kinds of materials besides steel and bronze because it could be something a little more unique that might be an attraction. Mr. Keprios informed the committee that he will distribute Mr. Kost's e-mail from April 25th to all members. Mr. Kost explained that now it's going to be a matter of the shape of the plaza, the shape of the space and how they define that space. He noted that one of the things that are going to be critical is to try to create a bit of an outdoor room without it feeling too enclosed but also without it feeling too open. He commented that at the next meeting there will be a lot of sketches and other things for the committee to go through. ADJOURNED VETERANS MEMORIAL COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FROM APRIL 15, 2011 The following are Minutes from the Veterans Memorial Committee held in the Community Room at City Hall on Friday, April 15, 2011 at 7:30 a.m. Volunteers in attendance: Chairman Mike Goergen, Frank Cardarelle, Marshall Schwartz, Robert Reed, Jason Christiaansen, Bob Kojetin, John Lonsbury, Barbara Bender, Herb Lefler, Bob Benson Volunteers unable to attend: Justin Kieffer Staff in attendance: John Keprios, Edina Park and Recreation Department Director Janet Canton, Edina Park and Recreation Office Coordinator I. APPROVAL OF THE MARCH 18.2011 MINUTES Approval of the March 18, 2011 Veterans Memorial Committee minutes will take place at the next meeting due to the fact they were not done in enough time for the committee members to look over. II. WELCOME EDINA GARDEN COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Goergen welcomed the representatives from the Edina Public Art Committee (EPAC) and from the Edina Garden Council. He indicated that as they proceed during the next few months they are going to be relying heavily on both groups for their expertise and input. III. DESIGN CONCEPTS — BOB KOST AND VERONICA ANDERSON WITH SEH Bob Kost, architect, asked the committee if they have decided anything regarding the art piece focal point such as whether it would be figurative, modern or symbolic. Mr. Goergen replied that they did discuss the issue to great length at their last meeting and have decided against a human figurine. He noted that they kind of keyed in on potentially an eagle figure in either bronze or stone and perhaps on a pedestal or column of granite to support the eagle. He stated that beyond that they have not narrowed it down. Mr. Kost informed the committee that also with him today is Veronica Anderson and Rachel Baudler who is a graduate student intern from the University of Minnesota who will be sitting in on the meeting. He noted that from their perspective the focus right now really needs to be with determining the exact location within Utley Park. Mr. Kost showed the committee a map of the site and pointed out three places from their perspective where they think it would be appropriate for the memorial feature. Mr. Kost went through and explained each of the three sites. Mr. Kost revisited the various components they recently talked about regarding the Veterans memorial: 1. Three or possibly four flags. 2. Focal point such as a sculpture of an eagle 3. Gathering space to set up podium 4. Accessible hard surface 5. Walkways & Plaza 6. Area for contemplation with benches 7. Some kind of display to feature tablets 8. Have the 5 military service emblems and quotations to thank and honor the veterans 9. Seasonal plantings Mr. Schwartz asked Mr. Kost if he is including recognition of those who have been killed in the same area in the memorial that gives thanks to veterans. Mr. Kost replied that is something the committee will need to tell them. Mr. Schwartz stated that it is an integral part of the plan and they should plan on approximately 30 veterans that were killed. Mr. Goergen pointed out that their thought is that it's a separate entity from the thank you to the veterans. He noted maybe there could be a few scripted sentences because they are not only thanking all of the veterans but the families and community as well as trying to balance the future of those who will serve. It's a separate entity from specific recognition of those who were killed while in service it's almost two -fold. Mr. Kost informed the committee that on work they've done with other memorials some groups have liked to list names alphabetically whiles other prefer to list them non- alphabetically. He suggested not doing it alphabetically so that names can always be added in the future. He also pointed out to the committee that they will probably want to do it in stone and not bronze because it's not hard to pull the stone off and send it back and have it engraved. Mr. Kost showed the committee the four different location concepts they came up with. Mr. Schwartz informed Mr. Kost that he has talked about the five services several times but that there is a small chance that they may be including the Merchant Marines so there is a possibility there could be six. To date they have not found anyone and the odds are very small that they will; however at this point they still cannot rule that out. The committee asked Mr. Kost questions regarding the site and location concepts. Mr. Cardarelle commented that visibility is very important wherever the memorial ends up and thinks they need to make sure that it is visible from 50`x' Street. Mr. Keprios pointed out that in addition to being highly visible they also would like it to be easily accessible, as short a distance from the parking lot as they can make it and obviously it needs to be handicapped accessible. He noted that it also needs to be large enough so they can have gatherings but it doesn't all have to be on hardscape, it can feather out into the grass. He indicated that he thinks the real challenge is going to try to make it a place for private reflection as well as there is a balance between that and being highly visible an area for large gatherings. Mr. Kojetin pointed out that they should also keep in mind that Wooddale and 50`h Street has almost as much traffic as 50'' Street because there are a lot of residents that go by on Wooddale. Mr. Lonsbury suggested, because some members need to leave early, that as a committee each person could express their top pick just to get a read of where everyone is at. He noted this way they would not need to spend a lot of time on a site that no one wants. A show of hands revealed: Site 1 — 2 members' first choice Site 2 — 4 members' first choice Site 3 - 4 members' first choice Mr. Kost made the suggestion that he be put on the agenda for their next meeting for just a short period of time. He noted that between now and the next meeting hopefully all of the committee members will get a chance to walk around the park and look at the different sites with the concepts so you can get a better feel for it. He indicated at that meeting maybe the committee will have a better idea of the direction they want to go, do you want an eagle, do you want a fourth flag at the entrance and try to narrow things down. Mr. Kost stated that should still give him sufficient time to really start working the design. He noted then when they come back they will have a palate of potential material; bricks, stone, steel, etc., and then start to lay out the design in term of trails, gardens, plantings and those sorts of things. Mr. Cardarelle commented that he thinks site 2 is the best site because it has ideal parking as well as more open space for special functions. V. Standing Committee Reports A. Fundraising/Treasurer — Mr. Goergen asked Mr. Lefler what he needs to continue on his fundraising plan. Mr. Lefler replied they need to identify the assets they have on this committee in terms of raising money. He explained that it takes a certain approach and once they've identified the people who are going to do it and the companies they are going to approach they need to get their foot in the door and be able to deal with them on a fairly professional basis. He noted that he thinks the question for the committee is do we have the capacity to do this ourselves or do we need to enlist somebody else to help them. Mr. Lefler pointed out that they don't have a lot of time to raise this money. He stated that he suspects there will be one approach for donors of a certain level and there will be another approach for donors at lesser levels. He commented that the question is what can the committee do versus what do they need help in doing. Mr. Lefler indicated he thinks initially they need to find out what they are capable of doing and be real honest about their capability because they don't have a lot of time, so get an assessment of their capabilities first, getting a concept and then if they feel they can't handle it themselves to talk to someone and see if they would be willing to help them. Mr. Goergen informed the committee that Richard Olson, Chair of the Fourth of July Committee, has offered to give them any expertise or advice he has, not necessarily involvement. He noted that Mr. Olson is the person in charge of fundraising at Benilde -St. Margaret School. Mr. Goergen indicated that his first thought is let's look at a plan and then bring him in; however, he may be able to assess what they need and indirectly what they have. Mr. Lefler commented that he would be happy to talk to Mr. Olson. Mr. Goergen pointed out that they also have General Schulstad who has indicated to him that he can identify substantial contributors and make the introduction but will not be a part of the presentation. Mr. Keprios suggested to the committee that they call a meeting with the Fundraising/Treasurer Committee, Richard Olson and Dick Crockett. Mr. Schwartz suggested that they also include the person that was mentioned at last month's meeting, Todd Tepple, who has offered his expertise in fundraising to which Mr. Keprios replied now would definitely be a good time to include him. Mr. Kojetin commented that they are kind of sitting in the middle before they really have a plan. He asked are they going to market a plan they are going to settle on or are they being a little premature. He indicated that he thinks they are trying to rush this and added that he doesn't think it's going to be completed in two years. He asked how do they market it when they don't have a plan because it would be difficult asking a company for money when they don't have a plan to show them. Mr. Goergen replied that he would like to see Mr. Lefler and his committee be proactive so that they can be up and running when they get to that point. He stated that he thinks they are way behind the curve if they wait two, three, four, six months for the final plan and then say let's come up with a fundraising/marketing plan. He commented that he was trying to be proactive by getting the committee together and decided on a rough plan. Mr. Lonsbury stated that the underlying question is what are our expectations because if the plan is to meet with the architects every other month they may not have drawings for six months, are they going to have a concept by the end of the summer. He stated that in his opinion it's pretty tough to get people excited and enthusiastic about something and say okay now wait for three months while we figure this out. He pointed out that the reason he hasn't been crazy about the marketing is because they have nothing to talk about yet. He added that he thought they would be a lot further along today and asked whether they are going to wait until October to have something or are they going to have something in June. He stated that he thinks that is a fair question for the committee to ask the architect. He added that he absolutely thinks they need to be working ahead of time but they don't want to be so far ahead of time that they are sitting here after getting everybody fired up and then go make calls and say well now you have to wait four months because they are going to lose interest. Mr. Lonsbury indicated that the bigger question is what are the expectations for having something that we can go talk to the community about. Mr. Christiaansen asked the committee if they could talk to the architect and say if they are able to pick a site at the next meeting, how long would it take for them to come up 4 with a design and then go ahead with the marketing material. Mr. Lonsbury replied that again they need to see how long it's going to take for them to get preliminary drawings before they can start marketing and fundraising. IV. WELCOME EDINA GARDEN COUNCIL AND EDINA PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Keprios asked the Edina Garden Council and the Edina Public Art Committee (EPAC) representatives to each introduce themselves. Barbara La Valleur indicated that she was appointed to the EPAC the end of January. She noted that she is a photojournalist by profession, has lived in Edina for six years and loves the Promenade and Edina Art Center. Diane Hedges, Director Edina Art Center, indicated that she has been the Director for the Art Center for 25 years and that she is very interested in what the committee is doing for the Veterans Memorial. She noted that her father is a WWII veteran and her husband is a Vietnam War Veteran and that she applauds the committee for what they are doing. Lois Ring, Chair of the EPAC, stated that she would encourage the committee to think about the design element of what the artist could do and at this point maybe don't limit it to an eagle but explore what some of the other possibilities could be. She indicated that artists are so creative and you might love some of their concepts. Mr. Goergen asked how the process works for finding artists. Ms. Ring informed the committee that the EPAC has a list of sculptors and they could ask them for simple drawings and see what concepts they come up with. She noted that you could list some limitations but not the subject and see what happens. Ms. Hedges added that you could state you are not looking for a human figurative. Mr. Goergen asked if they did that approach would they be ahead by saying we would like their ideas on an eagle plus other potential symbols. He noted the committee has discussed this to some length and an eagle seems to be coming to a.forefront as a universal symbol for several reasons. Mr. Keprios pointed out they have not voted on that. Ms. Ring replied that it could be mentioned. Mr. Goergen asked what kind of a time frame they are looking at to which Ms. Hedges replied they could do an RFP right away and mail it out as well as put it on -line. Mr. Keprios pointed out that one of the challenges the committee will have is they only have $30,000 to spend and they are going to spend it all on the architect. There will be no money for an artist or sculptor until it's f indraised. Ms. Ring responded that at this point she was just thinking of sketches so the artist could not have a lot of time in it and then you would do another step after that. Mr. Reed indicated that most artists when given broad parameters can come up with ideas. He noted they just need to state this is a Veterans Memorial; we do not want it dated, it's for the past, present and future and they do not want a figurine. He commented they may come up with some wonderful concepts that they never even thought about. Mr. Keprios commented that it has been repeated many times that they should get an artist before an 61 architect; however, he thinks this timing is still good because they are the very beginning stages. Ruth Valgame indicated that she is on the Art Center Board as well as the EPAC and is very interested in this project. She asked the committee how much they are thinking of getting the larger community involved whether it's an aspect for fundraising or something else. Mr. Keprios replied that is yet to be determined. He noted that the committee has done a great job advertising to anyone who wanted to apply to which they have an unbelievably good group of volunteers. Ms. Valgame stated that he was thinking more in terms of getting individuals in the community or school groups, scout groups, churches, etc., who are interested in contributing raising money for the memorial. Mr. Keprios stated that is a good idea. Mr. Kojetin pointed out that they need to remember that one of the things they talked about was that the memorial is for everyone and not just the military and people who were actually in battles. Mr. Schwartz informed the committee that he has a very interesting statistic. He noted that during WWII in Minnesota the casualty rate was approximately .28 which meant for every 350 people who were servicing one died from Minnesota. He noted for Edina the causality rate was .43 which means for every 230 people service one died. Mr. Schwartz indicated that if you assume there is a direct correlation between the number of people serving and the number that died Edina was half again more involved as a community in WWII than the average community in Minnesota. He statedihat is a pretty high rate when you think there were only 5,800 people in Edina in 1940. He commented that just about every family in Edina had a blue star or were living next door to a house that had a blue star in the window. Lisa Nelson, Secretary of the Edina Garden Council, introduced herself, Karen Platt who is the treasurer and Ellen Jones who is a member of the Garden Council as well as she is a member of the Park Board. Ms. Nelson indicated that she was glad that something was said about the blue star because that is one of the reasons they are here is to offer up a possibility of including a Blue Star Marker at Utley park. She informed the committee that since the end of WWII the Edina Garden Council has been a member of the National Garden Clubs. She stated that since the end of WWII the National Garden Clubs have had a Blue Star Marker program where the garden clubs still make Blue Star Markers. She noted that she has a brochure that she will leave with the chairman. She informed the committee that the Garden Council would be willing to use their money to donate a Blue Star Marker, is it something that would be installed on a rock or a post or a column or whatever is appropriate if it fits into the design of the park as a whole and the memorial aspect of the design. Ms. Nelson also pointed out that the Edina Garden Council raise most of the plants and flowers that are in the city parks and they would be more than happy to help with the garden design and garden planting. Ms. Jones informed the committee that her father was a veteran who is buried at the Lincoln National Cemetery in Illinois. She noted one of the really nice things they have is a place for families to wander and contemplate and the place you are talking about sounds very stationary. She asked the committee to consider something like that as they design the park for the memorial. Mr. Kojetin asked if there is something in the long range planning for having the bathrooms redone at Utley Park and if not maybe look at somehow trying to put it in the budget. He stated that there needs to be a park plan and maybe have some conversations with the architect. He noted that they've talked about what's going to be the future of this park besides the memorial. He commented that that conversation should be held between somebody who would design the park and think about, the memorial at the same time. He noted that they are concentrating so much on the memorial that they are all in an essence looking at taking over the whole park and the Park Board may say we don't want to take the whole park and turn it into a memorial they want an area just for the park too. Mr. Kojetin stated that he would like the Park Board to have a conversation and see what they think about for the future of the park; are there tennis courts and basketball court going to be there all the time. He pointed out that the watershed district is going to be moving the canoe landing to a different location because it's deteriorating so people will be walking through the memorial to put their canoes in the creek and they don't want that. He stated that he thinks this should be given some thought. Ms. Jones indicated that she appreciates that and it is something they need to seek some clarity on; is this going to become less of a neighborhood park and become a veteran's memorial park. She noted that this is the first time she has heard that you are talking about extending the veterans memorial to not just the veterans. Mr. Keprios pointed out that maybe the Park Board might want to consider that the section of the park they are looking at becomes Veterans Park and the remainder stays Utley Park, just a thought. Ms. Jones replied it could be Memorial Park with Veterans and then have the Veterans Memorial in Memorial park which would honor the community as a whole. Mr. Kojetin explained that Utley Park is considered the Country Club Park because 30 years ago it was a big concern because the County Club area had no park on the east side of Highway 100, Browndale Park was too small. However, once the school was destroyed they had Wooddale Park but they still look at Utley Park as the park where that community goes and explained this why be brought the issue up because it really should be considered. Mr. Schwartz informed the committee he has now identified 33 people who deserve serious consideration that have not yet been approved by the committee as a whole but have met the established criteria. He indicated that one person was killed during the opening minutes of WWII at Pearl Harbor on the Arizona and one person died within 48 hours of the end of WWII. The war had essentially stopped and there was a whole SS crew that led an attack and he was killed. Mr. Schwartz again pointed out that this community was very, very committed and very involved and having this memorial will do so much to bring everything together. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 am 7 VETERANS MEMORIAL COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FROM MARCH 18, 2011 The following are Minutes from the Veterans Memorial Committee held in the Mayor's Conference Room at City Hall on Friday, March 18, 2011 at 7:30 am Volunteers in attendance: Chairman Mike Goergen, Frank Cardarelle, Marshall Schwartz, Robert Reed, Justin Kieffer, Jason Christiaansen, Bob Kojetin, John Lonsbury Volunteers unable to attend: Barbara Bender, Herb Lefler, Bob Benson Staff in attendance: John Keprios, Edina Park and Recreation Department Director Janet Canton, Edina Park and Recreation Office Coordinator I. APPROVAL OF THE FEBRUARY 11, 2011 MINUTES Robert Reed MOVED TO APPROVE THE FEBRUARY 11, 2011 VETERANS MEMORIAL COMMITTEE MINUTES. Frank Cardarelle SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. H. FLAGS A. Location of Flays — Mr. Goergen informed the committee that in looking back at the old minutes they need to be clear and a little more specific on some of the elements before next month's meeting with the architects. He noted that the issue with the flags is both the location as well as some clarity on the POW/MIA flag. He indicated as far as location staff doesn't feel strongly one way or the other although he has some preference to keep all of the amenities as part of the memorial. Mr. Reed pointed out to the committee that he didn't realize there is a federal flag code from 1923 that states if the American flag is flown with other flags, not of other nations, the American flag should always be in the center and be higher than any other flag. Mr. Reed indicated as far as the POWIMIA flag in the federal flag code it actually gives days that the POW/MIA flag is recognized and flown and those days are: Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Fourth of July, National POW/MIA Recognition Day and Veteran's Day. He noted that after last month's discussion on the POW/MIA Flag he does think it's a meaningful flag, it is recognized and there isn't anything that says it doesn't have to be flown. Mr. Reed stated that for them to get into a location at this point without seeing the designer's ideas he thinks would be a little bit premature because the flag poles are an integral part of the overall design. He noted that he would like to see what the ideas are before they decide on the exact location. He commented that another point, which he stated last month, is if it is put right next to the street it might not be an integral part of 14 the design and when you drive right by it you won't be able to see it unless you were in a convertible. Mr. Kojetin commented that in reading last month's minutes it talked about the flag and monument that is currently there in the corner. He noted maybe that could be moved closer to the street or stay in the corner. Mr. Goergen replied that they did not discuss that in great length but kind of left it open. They did discuss using it not as the actual memorial but maybe as an entrance. Mr. Cardarelle stated that he thinks it's premature to say where they want the flag poles when they don't even know what the plan is going to be yet. Mr. Christiaansen replied that the architects will give them options and, if not, they could ask them for options. Mr. Goergen stated that to clarify for official action that they are set on three flags, the American flag being larger and higher (or whatever the protocol is), have it be lit so that it can be flown 24/7, and have a mechanical device so that an employee will not need to raise and lower it every day. Mr. Keprios stated to follow protocol the American flag will be in the center and is going to be the highest along with the POW/MIA flag and the City of Edina flag. Mr. Lonsbury pointed out that there are two different items on the agenda, one is location. Mr. Keprios replied it's his understanding that has been tabled. Mr. Lonsbury stated there should be a formal motion. John Lonsbury MOVED TO TABLE THE LOCATION OF THE FLAGS UNTIL AFTER THE ARCHITECTS PRESENT THEIR INITIAL PLAN. Bob Kojetin SECONDED THE MOTION. Mr. Goergen stated based on the fact their memorial is going to be relatively smaller than the other memorials they have seen that to take three flags away from the memorial itself he thinks would leave the memorial lacking. He thinks if you separate it and say here are the flags and here is the memorial focal point that the emphasis will kind of be in two places. He noted that he does agree to table it and see what the architects come up with. MOTION CARRIED TO TABLE THE LOCATION. Mr. Goergen stated that they need to get the particulars on the three flags they discussed, the American flag being higher with a light and some kind of mechanical device; does he hear that motion. Frank Cardarelle MOVED; Marshall Schwartz SECONDED. Mr. Cardarelle stated that he thought if they wanted they could put up other flags as well and not just the City of Edina flag. Mr. Keprios stated that the motion that was passed back in September indicated that two would be revolving so maybe what they are saying is the POW/MIA and the American flag would always be there but that the third could be revolving. Mr. Kojetin commented that he thinks they can also put two flags on one pole. 2 Mr. Lonsbury asked is the purpose of bringing this up again to discuss making the POW/MIA Flag a permanent part of the display. He noted that the motion they passed before gave them flexibility to fly what they wanted but now they would like to mandate that it's flown every day. He stated if that's the purpose then make that motion and, if not, then why are they doing this. Mr. Schwartz replied if that's the case then he would like to provide a little background. He stated there were at least two people from Edina who died as POWs. In addition, there were POWs who were able to come back. He indicated that it's not just a concept, it's a part of our community and a part of our history that will go into the memorial to have a flag like that. Mr. Goergen stated that he agrees the POW/MIA flag should be permanently flown and that the third flag would be the City of Edina flown on a daily basis unless there was a reason to fly the state flag or the United Nations flag. Mr. Keprios indicated the reason this was put on the agenda was because there seemed to be some opposition to the POW/MIA flag because the committee has previously had mixed views about the issue so he believes they need some closure to that. Mr. Goergen stated that he guesses he made the motion from the chair saying that we agreed on the three flags, the American flag being larger and taller than the other two, plus the light on the American flag and mechanical devices. After further clarification, Frank Cardarelle MOVED TO APPROVE THREE FLAGS, ONE BEING THE AMERICAN FLAG, ONE BEING THE POW FLAG AND THE THIRD WOULD BE A ROTATING FLAG, LIGHTS WOULD BE INCLUDED AND A MECHANICAL DEVICE TO RAISE AND LOWER THE FLAGS. Marshall Schwartz SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Kojetin suggested that since Mr. Schwartz has been doing a lot of investigating and has a lot of information perhaps he should give his report at the start of the meetings. III. SEATING A. Wood vs. Granite /Stone — Mr. Goergen stated they need to clarify what kind of a permanent seating they want for private reflection. He noted they need to use the most durable and maintenance friendly material possible. Mr. Kojetin replied that it has to be stone or granite; it can't be wood because they would go through too many of them and he is sure some would end up in the creek like they do at Centennial Lakes. He stated that granite will last forever, where with wood you will have to keep replacing them. Mr. Reed indicated that at one of their presentations one of the ideas was to incorporate some seating on raised planters so that it was part of the memorial. He noted that it could actually serve two purposes: when they have a celebration or a service people could use that as seating and it would go along with some raised planters for their flowers or foliage, etc. Mr. Reed pointed out that granite is not the greatest seating surface, it's cold and tough; however, no one would be able to throw it around. He indicated that maybe they could also look at some recycled plastic benches that a Minnesota company owns and since they are close by maybe they could even get a deal on them. He noted that they do make some very good looking things and they are very weather proof and much better than wood. Mr. Cardarelle stated that he would like to see a plan before they try to nail down that they are going to use a certain type of bench. Mr. Lonsbury noted that he would absolutely agree. Mr. Goergen stated that he doesn't think the architect is going to necessarily come up with the material; that is one item they didn't give them any direction on and that he thinks that's the purpose of this. Mr. Lonsbury stated that he believes they did state previously that they would like durable, maintenance friendly materials throughout the memorial and when the architect comes back with the plan they will have material recommendations. Mr. Christiaansen commented that the architect will probably come back with a palate of different choices to look at. Frank Cardarelle MOVED TO TABLE THIS UNTIL THEY SEE THE PLAN. John Lonsbury SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. IV. SCULPTURE FOCAL PIECE A. Human Figure or Symbol — Mr. Goergen passed around to the committee a packet of photographs showing all different kinds of veteran's memorials. He noted that the first issue is do they want a human figure or do they want a symbolic figure and from there they can get into more specifics. Mr. Christiaansen asked if they have any type of access to any type of military artifact that could be put in the memorial, if anyone would be interested in doing something like that. Mr. Schwartz stated that a lot of the photographs are very nice but noted that one in five of those killed from Edina were killed in the air and what he is looking at is clearly an infantry man with a particular weapon and is dated to a particular war. He indicated if they have a symbol then everyone is included and there are no omissions plus they do not know what's going to happen in 50 years. Mr. Kieffer informed the committee that the sculpture of the boots, helmet & gun is now how they honor a fallen soldier: air force, army, navy, etc. He noted if they are looking at past, present and future, it's mainly the present and the future because everyone is considered a ground soldier. Mr. Reed replied he doesn't agree with that to which Mr. Kieffer responded he was saying that's the way it is; that is how everyone is treated and that is how you honor the fallen soldiers. Mr. Goergen indicated that he agrees with what Mr. Kieffer is saying, that is the universal symbol although he has seen it for pilots with a helmet. Mr. Kojetin stated that a symbol like that does not symbolize the people that did the work back in the United States. He noted that he likes the symbol of the fallen soldier but also likes the eagle which symbolized everyone and not just the military. He indicated that to him this is going to be one of the toughest decisions they will have to make, are they going to symbolize the people on the home front or people that were serving. 4 Mr. Keprios commented that Mr. Kost talked about a star and asked the committee about their thoughts. Mr. Schwartz replied that he was hoping that for each deceased person there would be a star. He indicated that they started with a pentagon which has five points on it for each of the five services, but that a star also has five points and the stars in the flag are a patriotic symbol. He noted the shape would take form on the ground or something, but not the central thing. Mr. Reed stated that he thinks a stylized star could be part of the focal point. He indicated that he is against having a statue because it dates it and limits it mostly to ground infantry type people. He noted with a stylized star, flag, eagle, etc., there are lots of other representational things they could go with so he thinks the whole concept could be blending the five services; there are a lot of ideas. Mr. Schwartz added there are more and more women who are serving and if they gear it toward a particular sex then they are putting a barrier up for what's going forward, a symbol is much more universal and timeless. Mr. Lonsbury indicated that his opinion is the more abstract the better and really is more patriotic because it's honoring the service and not the combat or the war. He is not in favor of guns, tanks, etc. He noted that another thought he had, and can think of a dozen reasons why not to do this, maybe the focal point doesn't have to be in a sculpture it could be a water feature or a garden. He stated that he is just trying to think outside of the box, just a different idea than trying to create some sculpture, it could be a different kind of art. Mr. Cardarelle stated that his thought was the world, he likes the eagle on the world or the flag on the world because they have served all over the world plus here. He indicated he was hoping they would get something that took care of everybody at home and all over the world where we served. Mr. Christiaansen pointed out that another option one of the presenters made was a sculpture flame out of metal which he thought was an interesting idea that they hadn't considered. Mr. Goergen stated that he agrees with what everyone is saying and is of the opinion that the committee is veering away from the human figure. He noted that his personal observation for symbols is that the eagle is universal. He informed the committee that one that caught his eyes was a piece of granite that had the American flag carved in it. He noted that gave him the idea that if they chose a symbol and mounted it, whatever the idea was, on a piece of granite with a flag carved into it would be a nice combination. Mr. Kojetin commented that maybe they should give these minutes to the artist that has all of their ideas and let the artist give his thoughts. Mr. Goergen responded that he thinks they need to formally determine whether to have a human figure or something symbolic and then go from there. Mr. Kieffer commented that they are almost back to the point with the flags where they almost have to see what they come up with. He noted they can give the artist a general 5 idea or some criteria such as they would like a universal symbol or universal statue but he doesn't think they should nail themselves down right now. He indicated that he thinks they are going to have to wait and see what kind of space they come up with. Mr. Lonsbury stated that he thinks it's very healthy having the conversation about what they are thinking in terms of abstract or a figure. He noted that it's his expectation that the architects are going to have some input which he would like to hear what they think in terms of material, scale, etc. Mr. Lonsbury indicated that he is assuming after they go down the road a little further they are going to have to commission an artist which would be different from the architect. He stated that in order to pick an artist they need to figure out which medium they are working in; not only are they deciding what kind of sculpture they want, but what medium. He commented that he is thinking until they get the plans back next month it's hard to try to move this further to an artist because they don't know what size, scale, medium and all the rest of it is. Mr. Schwartz informed the committee that he asked Kevin Rofidal, a member on Eden Prairie's Veteran's Committee, if there was one thing they could do differently what would it be; he stated he would have brought in the artist earlier. He explained that by the time they got to the artist that architect had already made so many decisions that it confined the artist's ability. If they had the artist's concept first then they could have the architect build around it. Mr. Schwartz asked if the architect is going to bring in their own artist to which Mr. Keprios replied he envisions the committee hiring an artist with the help of the Edina Public Art Committee. Mr. Goergen stated that may be hard to do without knowing what kind of symbol they favor because an artist might not be able to create that or work in that medium. Mr. Reed pointed out to the committee that certain artists work with certain mediums and certain artists are well known for their figure representation as opposed to an abstract or a symbol. It is important to know what artist is best at those particular things. He also noted that he would not recommend bronze because it is too costly to maintain. His recommendation would be more in stone, so right there are only a few artists that work in stone because it's a whole different process. Mr. Reed stated that he thinks they could vote on some things now such as should it be a human figure or other representation and then the next step before they do any real deciding is get someone from the Public Art Committee to give us their feedback on what we've got locally and maybe they would know who does work with stone. Mr. Goergen indicated that his take on the architect was because they hadn't determined what the focal piece was going to be that they will be coming back with something very generic. He noted that he thinks they will say here is the place on the memorial plan for the piece of art without putting a specific thing there. Mr. Christiaansen stated that they said they wanted a focal point so that is going to lead it to have some type of central point rather than sort of a peripheral type of colonnade or something like that around it. He stated that he thinks that is sort of what they directed the architects to do but did not give them any more direction than that. He stated that he thinks the architect will give them a size at some point and then the artist will put that in. Mr. Kojetin suggested having someone from the Public Art Committee attend their next meeting. Mr. Keprios replied that he has made it very clear to the Public Art Committee that it is going to be the Veterans Committee's decision. He noted that what the Public Art Committee will bring to the table is their experience, their background, and help with the type of process they decide to use to hire an artist. Mr. Kojetin stated that he wonders if they should come to the next meeting so they can see where the committee is at and the committee can see where the Public Art Committee is at and then they can go out and hire an artist. Mr. Keprios stated that the Public Art Committee is going to ask the committee questions such as what do you have in mind and that's why he thought this would be a healthy discussion to try to narrow the focus a little bit: What is going to fit the character of the memorial; what do you want it to represent; do you want it to have dignity and respect to kind of tell the story past, present, future; what kind of a feel should it have more so than what it is. Mr. Keprios indicated that he really appreciates the comments about not celebrating the conflict and war itself but that the service and sacrifice is what it's about. He noted that one thing would steer the committee away from is having something that kids would end up playing on. Mr. Cardarelle stated that he would like for it to be a symbol somehow made with some type of granite or permanent material, however the artist can put something together. Mr. Lonsbury indicated that perhaps they don't need a motion because he thinks their minutes are pretty sufficient in terms of the conversation and the Public Art Committee can read the minutes. Mr. Goergen stated that he thinks they should vote on a formal motion should clarify if they want a human figure or a symbolic one. Mr. Lonsbury MOVED THAT THEY HAVE A SYMBOLIC FOCAL POINT PIECE OF ART AND THE MATERIALS SHOULD BE DURABLE AND LOW MAINTENANCE. Justin Kieffer SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Keprios noted that he will invite the Public Art Committee to their next meeting. Mr. Goergen commented that part of this is because they want to keep to a timeline and have been told an artist can take up to a year. Mr. Keprios pointed out that they cannot make a contractual agreement with an artist until they have money in their pocket and so they've got to put together their fundraising plan and have it ready when they have materials to present to potential donors. V. FUTURE MEETING SCHEDULE Mr. Keprios stated that aside from the three people that are not at this meeting would it be helpful to anyone who is here today to move the meetings to a different day or time. Mr. Goergen replied that the three people who are missing from today's meeting is because 7 they cannot fit it in their schedule for various reasons. It was decided to continue with the same meeting schedule. Mr. Schwartz asked the committee that now that they are this far down the road is there any gap in knowledge or experience that we might want to add somebody to the committee such as artist or somebody's expertise that would be valuable going forward. Mr. Keprios informed the committee that there is a resident who did apply to be on the committee or serve on a sub - committee if needed and his interest is in fundraising. He stated that he thinks this person has contacts and has the passion for it and thinks whether he is a committee member or not they could use his help one way or another. Mr. Goergen indicated that Mr. Lefler has agreed after some review of what he could do as a judge and what he couldn't to chair the sub - committee on fundraising. He stated that they need to ask him by next month to put a plan together and then start the marketing part of fundraising such as preparing various letters to the various entities and individuals, etc. He noted that initially he thought they might let Mr. Lefler and this new person, Todd Tepple, get together and pick his brain and then kind of let Mr. Lefler decide if the knowledge he gave is a one -time thing or if he should become part of the committee. Mr. Kojetin pointed out that Mr. Lonsbury is also involved in marketing to which Mr. Goergen replied that Mr. Lonsbury is then going to aid Mr. Lefler and that sub - committee on fundraising, which includes Ms. Bender and Mr. Kojetin, to then try to put that plan into effect so it's going to be two pronged. The first is to formalize the plan and then second is to sit down with Mr. Keprios and Ms. Bennerotte, Communications Director, and start working on the mechanics of letter writing and other publicity that we need to present to the community. Mr. Keprios pointed out that they shouldn't forget about General Schulstad and to keep him in mind when the time is appropriate because he did indicate that he wants to stay involved and help the committee. VI. STANDING COMMITTEES A. Fundraisin Treasurer — Mr. Goergen informed the committee that when he has been asked about fundraising the consistent line he gives is they are broaching that; however, they want to have some architectural renderings to kick off the fundraising phase of it and the publicity regarding the fundraising. He noted that should be forthcoming within the month or two months maximum. B. Research WAO — Mr. Goergen informed the committee that at some point in the near future they are going to have Mr. Schwartz give them an update because he has some questionable individuals on whether or not they should be included in their memorial honoring those who lost their lives. Mr. Schwartz informed the committee that Marci from the Historical Society is going to interview him for their newsletter. He stated right now he has found 32 or 33 people; however, there are still three that he needs information on and two that have to be tied more closely to Edina and one that he does not have a full date of birth. He noted that for all of the others he has all of the information. Mr. Schwarz noted that he is also collecting a lot more information because he would like to put together a booklet for the Historical Society on these people and hopes to have pictures, maps, etc. He commented that he thinks this makes it a little more human because some of the stories he has come across are terrible. Mr. Schwartz also informed the committee that he found a new source at the Minnesota History Center. He discovered that they have microfiche and that in 1949 and 1950 the government gave a bonus to all WWII veterans and they had a separate thing for the survivors of people who were killed and has been able to find a lot of different documents. Mr. Schwartz stated again that these things belong in a book so that people can see more than just a name and a date of birth; so as well as doing research he is gathering a lot of information. He noted that he also appreciates the help he has received from Mr. Kojetin and Mr. Cardarelle who have so much information on what has happened in the City of Edina. Mr. Goergen stated that he would like to acknowledge what Mr. Schwartz has been doing and to the extremes he has gone from taking Hennepin County lists and trying to place them as residents of Edina. Mr. Kojetin informed the committee that one of the things they've been talking about on the Historical Society Board is that next year will be Edina's 1251h anniversary and they have been discussing having some type of gathering on the Fourth of July in 2012. He commented that might be a nice time to have the Veteran's Memorial dedicated at the same time. However, that might be out of the picture because he doesn't think the memorial will be ready by then. He noted that he just wanted to give the committee a heads up that they have been discussing it. Mr. Goergen indicated that when Mr. Schwartz was telling him about his research what he didn't realize was the vast number of losses especially in WWII. He noted that during WWII Edina's population was 5,800 -5,900 people and when you look at the number who served and number killed those numbers are fantastic when you talk about service to your country from your community. He stated that Edina must have been totally mobilized. He noted they are going to acknowledge in one of their plaques not only the families but the community in very generic terms. He added that this community in WWII must have been totally focused on the war effort. Mr. Schwartz informed the committee that in a conversation he had yesterday with Mr. Benson he made some really valid points. He stated that Mr. Benson said the people who served in WWII or their parents are dying off and it's important that the new generation understand what this community did as a community. He indicated that Mr. Benson suggested under the authority of Park and Recreation that once this is done and a book has been put together for the history center that they consider doing to a community education thing for the schools. He noted that maybe they could take to these kids when they have history day so that they can grow up with a sense of pride in the community whether they grow up here or not. Mr. Schwartz stated that he thinks this would be a wonderful project and it would be something where they could put together all of the work that everyone is doing for this project and to keep it going. Mr. Cardarelle informed the committee that Mr. Kojetin and he talk to the schools about �1] history every year and noted that they certainly could incorporate this when it's put together. Mr. Schwartz pointed out that the majority of the people he found were killed in WWII but there were also three young people who died in the Vietnam War and two people from the Korean War. He noted that they cannot make this a WWII project. Everyone thanked Mr. Schwartz for the marvelous job he has done. Mr. Reed asked, in talking about timelines, it's his understanding that for fundraising it's best to have some concepts but they are waiting on that and he sees fundraising being a key element as far as a timeline goes. Mr. Goergen noted that right now they cannot contractually retain an artist or construction firm. Mr. Cardarelle indicated that he thinks the timeline is going to have to feature that this was done on the 125`x' anniversary of Edina but that it probably will not be completed until the following year. He stated that he thinks this should be included in their advertising and fundraising. Mr. Goergen informed the committee that sometimes Mr. Keprios and he receive inquiries from outside groups who have an element that they would like to talk about and added that he handled three of them last month. He indicated that recently a merchant marine, who represents a merchant marine association, stated that he was aware that the emblem will consist of the five military services and will not include the Merchant Marines. He noted that this person was very adamant about the need to include the Merchant Marine; however, he did inform this person that the topic has been discussed and it's the committee's opinion that except for WWII when they were considered part of the navy they have not been considered military. Mr. Goergen stated that this person told him that they may be hearing from some of the other members but that he thinks he did appease him by saying that if need be they would revisit the issue. Mr. Goergen noted that another person stated to him that he thought the whole memorial should be dedicated entirely for the POW/MIA. He noted that he did send him a package and was trying to resolve an MIA issue on two aviators, who he has some personal contact with from Minnesota, in Vietnam and he is helping this family and doing research about whether they are still alive. He stated that he informed this person they will have the POW/MIA flag as a permanent part of the memorial and he thinks that appeased him. Mr. Goergen indicated that he received a call from a guy who is in the 8t' Air Force Association but includes aviators from all branches. He noted it was very positive and the person wanted to be sure we let them know if there is anything they can do to help us to which he said they will probably stop by at some point to give them a presentation and may call on them when they get to the fundraising. He did state that they are a big group and represent all of the services as long as they were flyers. 10 Mr. Schwartz asked to address the Merchant Marine issue and stated to the best of his knowledge there have been no merchant marines from Edina although he has seen some from Minneapolis. Mr. Goergen noted that he thinks when they previously discussed this they said they would revisit it if they did have a casualty from the Merchant Marine. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 am 11 Susan Howl From: Jennifer Bennerotte Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 2:25 PM Subject: June website report Good afternoon! Activity on the City of Edina website reflected the following activity during the month of June 2011: Total visits: 122,948 Number of visitors: 56,012 Total number of hits: 3,978,841 Average time of each visit: 7 minutes, 59 seconds Total page views: 311,368 Average page views per day: 10,378 Busiest day of the month: June 6 with 183,517 hits The most visited page was City Manager Scott Neal's blog, with 6,439 visits. Other top pages included the following (with number of visits): Edina Aquatic Center -6,190 Centennial Lakes Park — 5,198 Edina Aquatic Center General Information — 5,045 Edina Aquatic Center Hours — 3,200 Centennial Lakes Park Cultural Events — 3,154 Centennial Lakes Park Attractions — 2,708 Job Listings — 2,523 Edina Aquatic Center Rates — 2,505 Park & Recreation Department — 2,505 The most frequently accessed PDF among visitors was the summer Park & Recreation Activities Directory, which was downloaded 7,120 times. Other frequently downloaded files included the following (with number of downloads): Centennial Lakes summer entertainment calendar -5,330 Hellmuth & Johnson project plans — 5,226 Bike plan — 4,783 New employee brochure — 3,014 Site Plan Review Application —1,928 Employment application —1,760 West 44th Street Layout of Planned Improvements —1,214 2011 Budget —1,090 Summer 2006 AboutBusiness -- 859 Ecommerce totaled $29,585 in June. Top sales were Art Center classes, $11,858; golf lesson registration, $5,919; tennis program registration, $2,541; Adventure Peak birthday parties, $2,199.95 and dog licenses, $1,050. We have been streaming video on our website for several years. The most requested videos on Granicus in June were the June 7 City Council meeting, 89 views; June episode of "In Edina," 81; June 1 Planning Commission meeting, 71; June episode of "Agenda: Edina," 59; June 21 City Council meeting, 55; 2011 employee appreciation video, 38; off -leash dog area promotional video, 32; June -July episode of "Beyond the Badge," 30; new Edina Liquor Commercial, 17; and May 3 City Council meeting, 11. All videos are also available on You Tube, greatly increasing the number of views. The Edina Liquor commercial, for example, has been viewed on YouTube 165 times and the June 7 City Council 40 times! The City now has a general Facebook page and pages for all of its enterprise facilities. The City has 4,874 "fans." Edinborough Park has 743 "fans." Centennial Lakes Park has 233. The Edina Art Center has 218. Braemar Golf Course has 208. The Edina Aquatic Center has 173. Braemar Arena has 141. Edina Liquor has 95. It is believed that the facilities' additional social media presence has driven increased traffic to their websites. Please continue to tell others about our website and think about ways to improve it. If you have suggestions or questions, please contact me. Thanks! Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications & Marketing Director 952- 833 -9520 1 Fax 952 - 826 -0389 JBennerofle( ci.edina.mn.us I www.CitvofEdina.com ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business