HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-12-02_COUNCIL MEETINGs AGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 2, 2008 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Adoption of the Consent Agenda is made by the Commissioners as to HRA items and by the Council Members as to Council items. All agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) in bold print are Consent Agenda items and are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Commissioner, Council Member or citizen so requests it. In such cases the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. EDINA HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF HRA - Regular Meeting of November 18, 2008 III. ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting of November 18, 2008, Work Session of November 18, 2008, Recount Canvass of November 18, 2008 and Work Session of November 13, 2008 II. PUBLIC HEARINGS During "Public Hearings, " the Mayor will ask for public testimony after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to testify on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your testimony is relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: . • Individuals must limit their testimony to three minutes. The Mayor may modify times, as deemed necessary. • Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit testimony to the matter under consideration. • In order to maintain a respectful environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. A. PUBLIC HEARING ON PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT NO. S -101 - France Avenue South Sidewalk - Continued To January 6, 2009 Agenda /Edina City Council December 2, 2008 Page 2 B. PUBLIC HEARING - PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT - Galleria Shopping Center Resolution No. 2008 -115 (Favorable rollcall majority vote of Council Members present to approve) C. PUBLIC HEARING - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - (Favorable rollcall vote of four Council Members to approve) D. PUBLIC HEARING — LIQUOR FEE INCREASES FOR 2009 - FIRST READING ORDINANCE NO. 2008 -10 Amending Code Section 185 — Increasing Certain Fees III. PUBLIC COMMENT During "Public Comment," the City Council will invite comments from those in .attendance who would like to speak about something not on tonight's agenda. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes and cannot speak to an issue for which a public hearing was held by the Council within the last thirty days or a matter scheduled for a future hearing on a specific date. Individuals should not expect the Mayor or Council to respond to their comments. Instead, the Council might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. IV. AWARD OF BID * A. One 2009 Ford Crown Victoria Squad Car V. REPORTS /RECOMMENDATIONS (Favorable vote of majority Council Members present to approve except where noted) A. Resolution No. 2008 -123 Accepting Various Donations (Favorable rollcall vote of four Council Members to approve) * B. Resolution 2008 -125 Authorizing Resolution Authorizing An Application To The Met Council For A Livable Communities Act Tax Base Revitalization Grant. * C. Set Hearing Date (12/16/08) Preliminary Development Plan & Preliminary Rezoning. Ebenezer Society On Behalf Of 7500 York Avenue Cooperative VI. FINANCE (Favorable rollcall vote of majority Council Members present to approve) * A. CONFIRMATION OF PAYMENT OF CLAIMS As per Pre -List dated November 20, 2008 TOTAL $639,045.10; and dated November 27, 2008 TOTAL $3,175,077.06. B. RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -120 — Year 2009 Park and Recreation Fees and Charges C. RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -121 — Year 2009 Ambulance Fees M Agenda /Edina City Council December 2, 2008 Page 3 D. RESOLUTION NO. 2007 -122 — Year 2009 Miscellaneous Fees VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS VIII. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS IX. MANAGER'S COMMENTS X. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952 - 927 -8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /DATES /EVENTS Mon Dec 1 Truth In Taxation Hearing 5:00 P.M. Tues Dec 2 Work Session - Joint Session With Energy & Env. Comm 5:30 P.M. Tues Dec 2 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. Mon Dec 8 Truth In Taxation (Continuation Date) If needed Tues Dec 16 Work Session - CIP 5:00 P.M. Tues Dec 16 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. Wed Dec 24 CHRISTMAS EVE HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closes at noon Thur Dec 25 CHRISTMAS DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall- Closed Wed Dec 31 NEW YEAR'S DAY EVE HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closes at noon Thur Jan 1 NEW YEAR'S DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed Tues Jan 6 Work Session - CIP 5:00 P.M. Tues Jan 6 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. Mon Jan 19 REV. MARTIN LUTHER KING HOLIDAY OBSERVED - City Hall Closed Tues Jan 20 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. 'ties Jan 27 Study Session - To be determined 7:00 A.M. jes Feb 3 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. iJlon Feb 16 PRESIDENT'S DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED - City Hall Closed Tues Feb 17 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. Tues Feb 24 Study Session - To be determined 11:30 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS COMMUNITY ROOM COUNCIL CHAMBERS COMMUNITY ROOM COUNCIL CHAMBERS COUNCIL CHAMBERS COUNCIL CHAMBERS COUNCIL CHAMBERS COMMUNITY ROOM COUNCIL CHAMBERS COUNCIL CHAMBERS COMMUNITY ROOM MINUTES OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY NOVEMBER 18, 2008 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson and Chair Hovland. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion by Commissioner Swenson and seconded by Commissioner Masica approving the Consent Agenda for the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, H sou h, Masica, ;$ sne on Hovland Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -3 ADOPTING ADMINISTRATIVE MODIFICATION TO THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENTS FINANCING DISTRICTS NOS. 1200, 1201 AND 1203 Finance Director Wallin gave a brief overview of the needed budget amendments. He explained that two of the City's Tax Increment Districts were classified as "pre -79" districts according to the tax increment statutes. According to the statutes, pre -79 districts (50th and France and Edinborough) may only expend funds to pay debt service after April 1, 2001. The City issued "pooled debt" for the acquisition and construction of Centennial Lakes Park in 1988 and 1989. By issuing "pooled debt ", the principal and interest for the debt could be paid by 3 tax increment districts — Centennial Lakes, Edinborough, and 50th and France TIF districts. Under the current structure, the City pays the debt service out of the Centennial Lakes District and transfers funds from the 50th and Edinborough districts to help pay the debt service. At the time of issuance, this made the most sense since the debt is directly attributable to the Centennial district. The original 50th and France budget of $10,000,000 was increased to $15,000,000 in December 2005 and as of December 31, 2007 $675,000 remains in the budget for transfers to Centennial Lakes. For Edinborough, $168,301 remains in the original budget of $17,000,000 for transfers to Centennial Lakes. According to the estimated tax increment revenues expected to be received in 2008 and the first half of 2009, if no further transfers over the current balance were made between the 50th and France and Edinborough districts and the Centennial Lakes district, the 501h district would decertify in 2009 with a balance of approximately $1,300,000 and the Edinborough district would decertify with a balance of approximately $4,000,000. Decertifying the 50th and France and Edinborough districts with the above balances would mean the transfer of the balance to Hennepin County with the County reallocating the payments back to the taxing jurisdictions based on their percentage share of the tax dollar which for The City of Edina is approximately 20 %. Transferring the proposed amount would add to the potential for additional projects to be funded in the Centennial Lakes District and the entire Southdale Development District in the future. The Centennial Lakes tax increment district will not be decertified until December 31, 2014. The City adopted the last budget amendment in December 2005. Member Masica made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Housh to adopt Resolution No. 2008 -03 adopting the required administrative modification to the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District Nos. 1200, 1201 and 1203. Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland. Motion Carried. *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF NOVEMBER 3, APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Swenson and seconded by Commissioner Masica approving the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority from November 3, 2008. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, the Chair declared the meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Executive Director MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT- CITY HALL NOVEMBER 18, 2008 7:10 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson and Mayor Hovland. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Member Swenson and seconded by Member Masica approving the Council Consent Agenda with the exceptions of Item IV.D., Resolution No. 2008 -119, MnDOT Safe Routes to School. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. TIGER CUB DEN #5 — CUB SCOUT PACK 123 — GOVERNANCE BADGE RECOGNIZED Mayor Hovland recognized Jennifer Livingston, Scout Leader of Tiger Cub Den #5, and Cub Scout Pack 123 who were in attendance to work on their Governance Badge. Jennifer Livingston, 4445 Parkside Lane, introduced the Tiger Cub Scouts from Highlands Elementary. POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMENDATION AWARDS PRESENTED Police Chief Siitari described two life- saving incidents and presented Awards of Commendation to Police Officers Brian Hubbard, Jim Rygg, Phil Larsen, Joy Fragodt, Eric Carlson, Nicole Pesek and Lisa Kapala. The Council and audience showed their appreciation with a round of applause. REQUEST TO REVISE AGENDA APPROVED Mayor Hovland requested, and Council agreed, to next consider Resolution No. 2008 -117, Accepting Various Donations. RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -117 APPROVED ACCEPTING VARIOUS DONATIONS Mayor Hovland explained that in order to comply with State Statutes; all donations to the City must be adopted by Resolution and approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donations. Member Housh introduced Resolution No. 2008 -117 Accepting Various Donations including the Centerpoint Energy Community Partnership Grant. Member Bennett seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. CENTERPOINT ENERGY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP GRANT PRESENTED John Heer, Director of Gas Control and Production at Centerpoint Energy and resident at 4222 Scott Terrace,' presented the Edina Police Department with a Community Grant of $2,500 for the purchase of hostage crisis rescue telephones. Police Chief Siitari thanked Centerpoint Energy for this grant and advised of the need for a rescue telephone. PROCLAMATION APPROVED — MINNESOTA CHEMICAL HEALTH WEEK Member Masica made a motion, seconded by Member Swenson, to approve a Proclamation declaring November 17 — 23, 2008, as Minnesota Chemical Health Week in Edina. Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Mayor Hovland read in full and presented the proclamation to Kathy Iverson who thanked the City for this recognition and advised of activities that would take place. Page 1 Minutes /Edina City Council /November.18. 2008 *MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 3, 2008, WORK SESSION OF NOVEMBER 3, 2008, AND CANVASS OF ELECTION RETURNS OF NOVEMBER 6. 2008, APPROVED Motion made by Member Swenson and seconded by Member Masica approving the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 3, 2008, Work Session of November 3, 2008, and Canvass of Election Returns of November 6, 2008. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. PUBLIC HEARING HELD ON APPEAL OF VARIANCE DENIAL — SOUTHDALE MEDICAL CENTER — RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -116 APPROVED Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. Associate Planner Presentation Associate Planner Repya advised that the owner of Southdale Medical Center at 6525 and 6545 France Avenue had appealed the October 16, 2008, Zoning Board of Appeals decision to deny a variance for additional wall signage for tenants at the Southdale Medical Building. She explained that the original variance requested 17 additional signs, and prior to the vote by the Zoning Board of Appeals, it was suggested by a Board Member that they consider allowing the Urgent Care sign since it would relieve a hardship. The proponent requested a continuance to complete an amended request. She reported Southdale Medical Center then presented an amended request for four additional signs. Ms. Repya displayed a picture depicting the signs requested. She advised staff found that while the number of signs had been reduced, the considerations had not changed from the original request and again recommended denial. The Zoning Board of Appeals found that only the Urgent Care sign met the test for variance consideration and voted to approve a variance for the Urgent Care sign but to deny the variance request for the other three clinic signs. Ms. Repya said that decision was the subject of Southdale Medical Center's appeal. In response to Council's questions, . Ms. Repya reviewed that in 2004, Southdale Medical Center requested sign variances for way- finding signage plus variances for increased address numerals. At that time, the Zoning Board of Appeals suggested the Code be looked at to allow larger address numerals rather than requiring a variance. Appellant Presentation Bruce Carlson, representing Southdale Medical Center, presented the proponent's rational for their appeal. He stated the building addition accommodated several critical care facilities. Mr. Carlson said two of the three signs being requested were essentially replacement for two signs taken down when the addition was constructed. He displayed pictures of the Southdale Medical Center before the addition depicting the InterBank and MedSearch Corp. signs, and the post - expansion fagade, noting the two retail tenants had relocated their signs near the entrance of the building. Fairview Crosstown Clinic has relocated to the new building. Mr. Carlson stated they recognize the Sign Ordinance, as written, related to accessory retail uses in the building, thus the need for a variance. He stated he had prepared possible findings to support a hardship and presented a proposal to add two signs (Minnesota Oncology and Suburban Imaging) based on the rationale that these clinics would be operating during non - business hours caring for sick and injured patients, some aging, who would need signage to find the correct offices. Mr. Carlson referenced the Sign Ordinance and requirements for exterior signage, suggesting the Council consider a more comprehensive handling of medical clinics. He said that when the tenants had moved into the building signage had been referenced in their leases, albeit subject to City approval. Mr. Carlson stated that based on their past sign request experience, Southdale Medical thought their sign requests were unreasonable and could be accomplished. Mr. Carlson referenced the 2003 staff report that concluded: "signage needs in the Regional Medical District (RMD) are often unique, and not fully addressed in the City's sign code, and are best reviewed on an individual basis through the variance process." Mr. Jim Tierney, CEO of Suburban Imaging, 6015 N. Normandale Drive, Bloomington, stated the first decision a patient needed to make when coming to the clinic was which ramp /parking lot to Page 2 Minutes /Edina City Council /November 18. 2008 use. Then the patient entered the building and looked for the suite number. He suggested that in many cases it was difficult to tell where the. service provider was located within the building, and their sign request was to assure that most of the time patients would park close to the appropriate building, allowing them to more quickly find their service provider. Mr. Tierney stated Suburban Imaging saw between 75 and 100 patients per day, wanted a professional - looking building of .tasteful design, and believed access through simple exterior signs was at least as important as design. Dr. Owen O'Neil, 4913 Rolling Green Parkway, stated he was an orthopedic surgeon and specialist. He suggested there were unique 'considerations that made it imperative to have signage, advising that many of his orthopedic patients have the need for external assistance (walker /cane) making it very important that they can easily identify the correct building and access. He displayed. an image of the building and explained his practice moved to the first floor of Southdale Medical Center from Centennial Lakes to provide access to their patients without the need for an elevator. . Dr. O'Neil described the route patients need to use through the 6525 building even though their facility was in the 6545 building. He read a petition signed by 57 of his patients, who signed it since November 14, 2008, describing their difficulty in finding his office and requesting the City allow the requested signage. Dr. O'Neil stated their sign needed to indicate "Orthopedic Urgent Care" to differentiate it from the other Urgent Care. Dr. Eric Weinshel, 5405 Bonnie Point Road, Minnetonka, stated he was a physician with Minnesota Oncology, and had officed on France Avenue for 15 years. They just moved to the new space and his office hours were Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Dr. Weinshel stated they saw about 120 patients per day who were quite ill with cancer and blood disease, the vast majority being elderly and wheelchair bound or using a walker. He stated it was not acceptable for his patients to be walking around the "maze of hallways" trying to find his office. Chuck Greenburg, representing the owner of the building, stated their company owned all of the buildings on the Southdale Medical Center campus with the exception of the hospital. They believed they own the premier medical complex in the west and southwest metropolitan area and a "crown jewel" of greater Edina. Mr. Greenburg suggested the hardship was not from a business standpoint but rather to help users of their facility who were ill patients. It was noted there are about 70 rental offices in the building under discussion. Upon request of the Council, Mr. Carlson used a diagram to point out and describe the four building entrance points, all being handicapped accessible, in relation to the ground level parking areas. Mr. Carlson outlined the hours the entrances were open to provide access to the Orthopedic Urgent Care facility. He stated if patients knew the location of their service provider, they typically park as close to that entrance as possible. Mr. Carlson advised there had not been a problem with availability of parking since the building was opened. It was noted that there were two building address numbers because the Southdale Medical Center sat upon two land parcels. Mr. Carlson stated if Southdale Medical Center had 15 -17 retail tenants on the first floor of the building, each retail tenant would be permitted, to =have a sign under the current Zoning Code. The Council discussion included: the benefit of using directional. signage, placed on a standard, especially during evening and weekend hours; the option that patients could be informed of directions to the office and which building entrance to use when an appointment was made; or perhaps a postcard /map could be mailed to the patient prior to the appointment date; and it was difficult to find a hardship because patients can be dropped off at the door needed. Mr. Carlson stated these medical practices provide an expanded level of care from others in the building and draw patients from regional areas who were not familiar with the facility. Also, the Code does not contain a definition of "retail ", and he believed it would make more sense to consider medical services in that way, noting the doctors felt a first floor location was important for the type of patients they serve. Page 3 Minutes /Edina City Council /November 18, 2008 The Council indicated they did not view any of .the tenants in this building to be retailers and acknowledged the need for way- finding signage, .which had to be balanced with Code requirements. City Manager Hughes advised that the signage requirements for the RMD were similar to that of the Office District, which may have multi tenants with a similar demand for signage. Planner Director Teague stated Edina's code was consistent with-other cities in not allowing multiple tenants to each have wall signage where there was not a direct storefront. In terms of retail space, they could not put a sign on the side of the building unless the retailer had a storefront. Mr. Teague clarified that retail space in this building would only be allowed ten percent of their total retail square footage since the facility was located in a RMD. The Council discussed that medical and retail have successfully coexisted in the Southdale area for a number of years; whether the Planning Commission should be asked to review the Code as it related to signage in the RMD; whether variances were the preferred method to deal with sign requests; Southdale Medical Center's 2003 request for larger building numbers (rather than clinic names) had been allowed to reduce confusion in a congested location; proponents had been informed in 2003 that the building identification sign variances maxed out allowable signage for the site; receiving a variance was a privilege; and, the precedence setting impact of this request for any office building in Edina to allow wall signage. Mr. Carlson stated it had been Southdale Medical Center's understanding that they had maxed out allowable signage only for that building addition, not the entire site, and he would hesitate to say this complex had stopped growing, noting the floor area ratio on this site would allow the addition of :100,000 sq. ft. of building space and there may be the need for additional signage at that time. Mr. Carlson noted that ten percent of the space in this building could be used for retail, each having a sign. He restated that the building was almost 300,000 sq. ft., and they hope to replace the two signs that were taken down for InterBank and MedSearch Corp. and to add an Orthopedic Urgent Care sign. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 8:32 p.m. Public Comment No one appeared to comment. Member Masica made a motion, - seconded by Member Swenson, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. The Council discussed that way- finding signage could resolve this issue; there was not a clear and consistent hardship present; patients using the Orthopedic Urgent Care have probably been to the facility previously or been given directions; the entrances needed at night were the most visible from the street, convenient to parking with a canopy at one and turnaround at the other; the site was well designed; and the danger of precedent setting was illustrated by the applicant's citing a decision made in the past. Member Swenson introduced Resolution No. 2008 -116, upholding the October 16, 2008, decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals and denying the requested signs. Member Masica seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. The Council discussed whether to ask the Planning Commission to review the issue of signage in the RMD and whether the Zoning Ordinance language was appropriate. It was suggested that a Page 4 Minutes /Edina Citv Council /November 18. 2008 The Council indicated they did not view any of the tenants in this building to be retailers and acknowledged the need for way- finding signage, which had to be balanced with Code requirements. City Manager Hughes advised that the signage requirements for the RMD were similar to that of the Office District, which may have multi tenants with a similar demand for signage. Planner Director Teague stated Edina's code was consistent with other cities in not allowing multiple tenants to each have wall signage where there was not a direct storefront. In terms of retail space, they could not put a sign on the side of the building unless the retailer had a storefront. Mr. Teague clarified that retail space in this building could constitute no more than ten percent of the building's weuld only be allowed ten peFGeR of their total retail square footage since the facility was located in the RMD. The Council discussed that medical and retail have successfully coexisted in the Southdale area for a number of years; whether the Planning Commission should be asked to review the Code as it related to signage in the RMD; whether variances were the preferred method to deal with sign requests; Southdale Medical Center's 2003 request for larger building numbers (rather than clinic names) had been allowed to reduce confusion in a congested location; proponents had been informed in 2003 that the building identification sign variances maxed out allowable signage for the site; receiving a variance was a privilege; and, the precedence setting impact of this request for any office building in Edina to allow wall signage. Mr. Carlson stated it had been Southdale Medical Center's understanding that they had maxed out allowable signage only for that building addition, not the entire site, and he would hesitate to say this complex had stopped growing, noting the floor area ratio on this site would allow the addition of 100,000 sq. ft. of building space and there may be the need for additional signage at that time. Mr. Carlson noted that ten percent of the space in this building could be used for retail, each retail use having a sign. He restated that the building was almost 300,000 sq. ft., and they hope to replace the two signs that were taken down for InterBank and MedSearch Corp. and to add an Orthopedic Urgent Care sign. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 8:32 p.m. Public Comment No one appeared to comment. Member Masica made a motion, seconded by Member Swenson, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. The Council discussed that way- finding signage could resolve this issue; there was not a clear and consistent hardship present; patients using the patients visiting all providers other than the Orthopedic Urgent Care have probably been to the facility previously or been given directions; the entrances needed at night were the most visible from the street, convenient to parking with a canopy at one and turnaround at the other; the site was well designed; and the danger of precedent setting was illustrated by the applicant's citing a decision made in the past. Member Swenson introduced Resolution No. 2008 -116, upholding the October 16, 2008, decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals and denying the requested signs. Member Masica seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. The Council discussed whether to ask the Planning Commission to review the issue of signage in the RMD and whether the Zoning Ordinance language was appropriate. It was suggested that a Page 4 Minutes /Edina City Council /November 18. 2008 more comprehensive review of the Sign Ordinance was needed to address lighting and signage in other zoning districts. Mr. Hughes recommended this fact finding ,and comparative study be conducted by the planning staff. The Council discussed timing for consideration. Member Housh made a motion, seconded by Member Swenson, to direct staff to review the signage requirements of the Regional Medical District and make a recommendation within 60 days and to conduct a more comprehensive review of the Sign Ordinance post Comprehensive Plan. Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING HELD ON PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT — GALLERIA SHOPPING CENTER — RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -115 TABLED Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. Planning Director Teague presented the replat application to create separate lots for the Crate & Barrel and Gabbert's stores and their associated parking areas. He advised there would be no building additions to accommodate this request. The Planning Commission reviewed this application and unanimously recommended approval of the Galleria Registered Land Survey date stamped September 26, 2008. In response to Council's concern about the impact on parking lots when ownership changed, Mr. Teague explained that the shared parking easement covered all parcels in the Galleria. It was noted that a parking study was completed when the Crave Restaurant was considering a small addition and it revealed they are over - parked by 50 -60 spaces because of the shared easement over the site. Mr. Teague stated this replat would not impact the parking arrangement described but allows Crate & Barrel to have their own parking rather than a lease basis. He advised that the replat would also have no impact on development rights because it was all zoned the same and does not recognize the interior lot lines. The Council discussed the rationale to divide the parking areas and expressed concern the parking spaces could become proprietary to a business. It was explained that the Southdale campus had the same situation with cross - parking easement to prove parking sufficiency. City Manager Hughes stated this could be tabled for two weeks so the proponent could be present to state the logic for the request. The Council asked whether the ownership of the parking would remain at the Galleria or be changed. Mr. Hughes stated a master parking variance covered the Galleria, so it may cause a conflict if the parking was split for private ownership. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 8:58 p.m. Public Comment No one appeared to comment. Member Masica made a motion, seconded by Member Bennett, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Housh, to table consideration of Resolution No. 2008 -115, regarding the Preliminary and Final Plat at the Galleria Shopping Center, 3501 Galleria, to the December 2, 2008, meeting. Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Page 5 s Minutes /Edina City Council /November 18, 2008 PUBLIC HEARING.HELD ON ISSUANCE OF LIQUOR LICENSE — ROMANO'S MACARONI GRILL, 7651 FRANCE AVENUE — APPROVED Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. City Manager Hughes advised that Romano's Macaroni Grill, had been operating on France Avenue since 1998 and would change ownership the end of November. Edina's code required that the new owners go through the licensing process. He advised that Mac Acquisition LLC dba Romano's Macaroni Grill had applied for new on -sale intoxicating and Sunday Sale liquor licenses, filed the necessary paperwork, and paid the applicable fees. Edina Code required a public hearing before the issuance of a new liquor license. Mr. Hughes said the Police Department had completed the necessary background check with no negative findings, and all appropriate departments have completed their review. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 9:01 p.m. Public Comment No one appeared to comment. Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Masica, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Member Masica made a motion, seconded by Member Swenson, to approve New On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License and Sunday On -Sale Liquor License to Mac Acquisition LLC dba Romano's Macaroni Grill, 7651 France Avenue South, for the period beginning November 20, 2008, and ending March 31, 2009. Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENT No one appeared to comment. *RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -118 APPROVED AUTHORIZING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEFERRALS Motion made by Member Swenson and seconded by Member Masica to approve Resolution No. 2008 -118 Approving Deferral of Special Assessments. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. *TRAFFIC SAFETY REPORT OF NOVEMBER 5, 2008 ACCEPTED Motion made by Member Swenson and seconded by Member Masica to accept the November 5, 2008 Traffic Safety Report. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -119 APPROVED MnDOT SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOLS Mr. Hughes explained this MnDOT Agreement was being amended to provide use of in -house staff to. perform some of the work on the project instead of going out for proposal. He noted a speed zone study was required to lower speeds by schools, which would proceed as soon as possible, and the grant would fully cover the costs of the study. Member Bennett introduced Resolution No. 2008 -119, Accepting the MnDOT Grant Agreement 93737. Member Masica seconded the motion. Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. *CONFIRMATION OF CLAIMS PAID Motion made by Member Swenson and seconded by Member Masica approving payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Page 6 r Minutes /Edina City Council /November 18, 2008 Register dated November 6, 2008, and consisting of 26 pages; General Fund $142,198.49; Communications Fund $1,079.54; Working Capital Fund $14,595.88; Art Center Fund $3,075.04; Golf Dome Fund $2,070.74; Aquatic Center Fund $322.53; Golf Course Fund $12,915.57; Ice Arena Fund $30,916.20; Edinborough /Centennial Lakes Fund $15,446.46; Liquor Fund $130,628.94; Utility Fund .$8,833.74; PSTF Agency Fund $4,277.55; TOTAL $366,360.68 and for approval of payment of claims dated November 13, 2008, and consisting of 31 pages: General Fund $226,456.83; Communications Fund $1,083.42; Working Capital Fund $33,975.37; Art Center Fund $3,672.77; Golf Dome Fund $26.60; Aquatic Center Fund $627.50; Golf Course Fund $19,341.91; Ice Arena Fund $21,687.62; Edinborough /Centennial Lakes Fund $2,912.99; Liquor Fund $258,432.53; Utility Fund $370,961.73; Storm Sewer Fund $488.18; PSTF Agency Fund $3,961.67; TOTAL $943,629.12; and Credit Card Transactions dated September 26, 2008, to October 28, 2008; TOTAL $6,048.93. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. CITY CLERK MANGEN AND ELECTION JUDGES RECOGNIZED Mayor Hovland and the Council Members thanked City Clerk Deb Mangen and the election judges for their work on the recent election and recount, noting it was well run. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Page 7 Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL NOVEMBER 18, 2008 5:00 P.M. Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 5 p.m. in the Community Room of City Hall. Answering rollcall were: Members Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson and Mayor Hovland. Staff present included: Gordon Hughes, City Manager; Heather Worthington, Assistant City Manager; Wayne Houle, City Engineer /Director of Public Works; John Keprios, Park and Recreation Director; Jack Sullivan, Assistant City Engineer; Cary Teague, Planning Director; and Debra Mangen, City Clerk. Mayor Hovland said the purpose of the work session was to continue to review the draft Comprehensive Plan. The Council continued its review of the draft plan beginning with Chapter 7, Transportation. Council discussion included the methodology used to model traffic volume projections, consensus that streets described as collector or above become residential thoroughfares, steps needed to remedy impaired waters, whether Todd Park should be downgraded to a neighborhood park, and the status of Chapter 10, Energy and Environment. Staff will make changes consistent with Council direction. Member Masica expressed her thanks to staff for the effort put into the Draft Comprehensive Plan. Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra Mangen, City Clerk MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD WEDNESDAY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2008 AT 5:00 P.M. Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Answering rollcall were Members Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson and Mayor Hovland. The Council reviewed the results from the November 13, 2008, City Council Election Recount. Member Masica made a motion, seconded by Member Housh to accept the Report of Canvass as follows: REPORT OF CANVASS OF ADMINISTRATIVE RECOUNT OF THE OFFICE OF COUNCIL MEMBER FROM THE GENERAL ELECTION, NOVEMBER 4, 2008 FOR THE CITY OF EDINA ELECTION HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2008 The Edina City Council inspected and compared the summary statement certified by the Election Judges following the administrative recount for the office of Council Member held Thursday, November 13, 2008 The votes cast were certified as follows: with Mary Brindle elected to a term as Council Member for a four year term commencing January 6, 2009: ADMINISTRATIVE RECOUNT 2008 CITY ELECTION COUNCIL MEMBER Precinct Name & No. IA-Shepherd of The Hills 11104108 Votes Counted For Brindle 430 11104108 Votes Counted For Sprague 425 RECOUNT Number of Ballots For Brindle 430 Difference 0 RECOUNT Number of Ballots For Sprague 429 Difference 4 1B -Cha el Hills 493 442 493 0 442 0 2 Edina Sr. Center 378 425 378 0 425 0 3 Covenent Church 439 477 439 0 477 0 4 Weber Park 420 470 420 0 470 0 5 Highlands School 496 579 496 0 579 0 6 Countryside School 528 437 528 0 437 0 7 Normandale Church 392 306 392 0 307 1 8 Southview School 432 419 432 0 419 0 9 Concord School 449 398 449 0 398 0 10 Creek Valley School 626 332 625 -1 331 -1 11 Creek Valley Church 575 494 575 0 493 -1 12 Cornelia School 218 447 218 0 447 0 13 Centrum Bldng 307 252 307 0 252 0 14 St. Peters Church 421 532 421 0 532 0 15 Valley View School 565 530 565 0 530 0 16 Arneson Acres Park 295 532 295 0 532 0 17 Southdale Library 536 427 534 -2 427 0 18 Edinborou h 332 252 332 0 252 0 19 Calvary Church 213 239 213 0 239 0 Totals 8545 8415 8542 -3 8418 3 MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL NOVEMBER 13, 2008 5:00 P.M. Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 5 p.m. in the Community Room of City Hall. Answering rollcall were: Members Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson and Mayor Hovland. Staff present included: Gordon Hughes, City Manager; Heather Worthington, Assistant City Manager; Wayne Houle, City Engineer /Director of Public Works; John Keprios, Park and Recreation Director; Jack Sullivan, Assistant City Engineer; Cary Teague, Planning Director; and Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications and Marketing Director. Mayor Hovland said the purpose of the work session was to continue to review the draft Comprehensive Plan. The Council began by continuing its review of the Land Use and Community Design chapter. The "Implementation" and "Housing" chapters were also reviewed. Council discussion included the expression of building height, the maximum height of the high- density residential area west of France Avenue, the maximum height of the industrial area east of Cahill Road, development review process and affordable housing. The Council was reminded that heights in some commercial areas were not analyzed as much as in other areas because staff was directed to conduct small area plans after adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. Time did not permit such plans to be developed along with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff will make changes consistent with Council direction. It was noted that an additional work session will be held 5 p.m. Nov. 18 to complete the Council's review of the draft Comprehensive Plan. Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra Mangen, City Clerk owe �t, H� � �y \�roRPORP��T °- 1888 N AGENDA ITEM: II. A. Public Hearing — France Ave. Sidewalk CONTINUED TO JANUARY 6, 2009 No packet data r. o e a° f REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item II.B Consent From: Cary Teague Planning Director Information Only Date: December 2, 2008 Mgr. Recommends To HRA 17To ® Council Subject: Preliminary & Final Plat at the Galleria Shopping Center Action ® Motion - 3501 Galleria ® Resolution Deadline for a City decision: January 20, 2008 F1 Ordinance Discussion Recommended Action: Approve the Preliminary & Final Plat for the Galleria Shopping Center. Info Back ,ground The applicant is proposing a plat to create separate lots for the Crate & Barrel and Gabbert's stores and their associated parking areas. (See page A6.) There would be no additions to any existing structures to accommodate this request (See the Planning Commission staff report and the proposed lots within the galleria site on pages Al -A6.) This item was continued at last months meeting to allow time for the city attorney to review the parking easement at the Galleria, and to have the applicant present to answer questions. The city attorney has reviewed the easement, and finds the current parking arrangement will remain in tack if the council approves the subdivision. Individual lot owners cannot opt out of the easement. All lots within the Galleria site are bound by the easement agreement. Planning Commission Recommendation: The Planning Commission unanimously approved the Galleria Registered Land Survey date stamped September 26, 2008. (See minutes on page A7.) RESOLUTION NO. 2008-115 CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN STATE OF MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION APPROVING A FINAL PLAT FOR A REGISTERED LAND SURVEY FOR THE GALLERIA City of Edina BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that the certain plat for the Galleria Shopping Center, platted by Warren Beck, property owner at the regular meeting of the City Council on December 2, 2008, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Passed and adopted by the city council of the city of Edina this 2nd day of December, 2008. Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN)SS CITY OF EDINA ) James B. Hovland, Mayor CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 2, 2008 and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 2008. City Clerk City Hall 952- 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX 952 - 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com TTY 952- 826 -0379 491N�!r o e t4 r U) �y PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Originator Meeting Date Agenda # Cary Teague October 29, 2008 2008- 015.08a Director of Planning Brief Description: Preliminary Plat of the Galleria Site for Gabbert and Beck at 3501 Galleria. (See location on pages Al— A2.) Recommended Action: Recommend that the city council approve the plat. Introduction The applicant is proposing a plat to create separate lots for the Crate & Barrel and Gabbert's stores and their associated parking areas. (See page A6.) There would be no additions to any existing structures to accommodate this request. (See existing and proposed lots within the galleria site on pages A5 —A6.) Primary Issue Is the proposed subdivision reasonable for this site? Yes. The applicant is simply creating a separate lot for the Crate & Barrel store to accommodate the recent remodeling /addition to the store and its parking area. The plat also creates a separate lot for the Gabbert's store. (See page A6.) Again, there are no changes proposed to any structures on the site. Staff Recommendation Recommend that the city council give preliminary approval to the Registered Land Survey, date stamped September 26, 2008. Approval is subject to the following conditions: • 1. The city must approve the final plat within one year of preliminary approval or receive a written application for a time extension or the preliminary approval will be void. 4 1.�T-.� ,■. . ^;t . • -. 1. \ e C - r°. .� rr 1 ; I � • ■• ' .-T t r -- e • �� � } F' =1 � •• aP�`4 - . r �;, •� -, -1 r Irr •, �' • 'Y'�y♦ rr On•;Ir �- 1;1- �l,1\A�111.•ifP 1 -r i r u11M 1 flr ., f< f •; �. L�:IJiI 11 •i•��.i..•rr� �_! 7 "ftr/trFlr rumor f�!1 I 'I -r'+MIMit pr i i 1 rl •r � Or� -� � - ' � �rtrO !! I� Pf ■ft 1 w■lIL� 1 1 -� nMM � r iF{ V [rho 'rNa11 !f �1�'�fuli'i�i � f r r'Irl Y I r ' ' c:rso rt r. r� YN . e((e or ' furl •,,y�C,� to • 1 r r j{j + '! t ^ '� • ISaO � f �r �{ ri�i.. � >r �"�'�! r y'�' • ,. .. -.. ... tiYiR/lTi'11�.• � ■1 �;� ^i r.l •.+r p1 s 1 11 11 !� R•tO .: -rT' Y ^.rrAfl1rfMl lFr?' r•!nr M •FN•�' a ��.IMI ������� t - rt - +.. F/ ■�' f 1�r1: ' ■�•IN rMMI''IFn•NI rY'1l'oon'rrf y�' ■111.1 i Mr- • 1r'� wlrr.l y 70TNS7TW li ' W /rMSr r.r.•r„ 1 'f! �lr r /iIYS ii ' '•{ _ _'y�',: �'e` - I1 " �' tic, IR or r Jl t zr T N l i.IPNMw i .? l' r - re �tF:t 'y �2 E r r•hI'�r� h Orr. - �,.yiM r` . • °r.•�•� tr► � h i : 1 r, Ia r doll 4lsoamdv:9AcP.IS :', ;O^.dS OlS 1'A7b .fit:..: fit: "I' r Aa REGISTERED LAND SURVEY N0. I bey ca19y 1b e1 b, accvdmcv NN W I1-- .1 M.plw SOB• YF 1. Slalom .1 1949 m —W. I b... amxPd W. IM-9 dl—lb" Pr 4 —W F Ib. Cwnly If .—WF and -t. W YFnoale 1. wl: . TNdCr G n.9m.cd Lmd Surly N. IBd4 ma r1UICT U. RI,,I— d Lmd Sumy x> 177C 1 barmy ­y Un Ibb n.9b1aW L— Surly b p tared 1W .mlvnm It Wa m.parly AcrbN I..ra: Wel UI. xnl.lI.d I—I Savvy . m ,l l b1 my v md.r my a I arp�N.lm and Wel I en d duty u.msd Lmd Surwp mds W. Ian a1 Wa Sl.la e1 0.,w lbb _ dpy al MIL BYIb E 9Wd, lkm..d land Sur+ap %.AJ M.—t. Lkmn N¢ —Is Td AVIUl SEUNCES O MTYENT, NmnyF l'.mnly YFn.ml l Wevmy wlity Wel le pvyWd. F 9(O__ eM pb y.s. ben Owl pWd b W. d dnoo.a m Ibb B.y.levd Lmd Survey. Opl.d Ibb _ d.y If 9004 al L. dl..wn, .a,.pF c..my wall> SUn9ET PN9Pt, NmngF Cwn11• YFnnala Pwml le YFnml. SI.NIa S.clbn S IM.", P...), Wb B.9b— Lmd —y M. b.m mprawl .1. _ d.1 .1 9008. n91vn P. W. —.—W. CWrnly Sump xEOSTBM M nILM H.Wt, Cmnlx YFn W OTT 9p mWA 1dR160Ty, 1 ba.p1 yllly Ur.l Ud. RIO—" Lmd Swwy xe. n. read F 0•b iN. U.9lalvad Lmd Surrey an wpre..e and awnl.d by W. Oly Camc9 If Eft.. YYn.nl.. It v .Fr— W. _ day al 2004 al r.9W.r —n g hWd W. — dal If 2008. Ylmatl M. Cunn11L B.&b -.I nU.. otwLy Yap W."-- SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS' REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. R.L.S. HO. 1641 R.L.S. MG. 629 NO. 1541, — — — — — — 'U.S. — — — — A =89.48'54" T 69TH STREE-T R-65.00 _mz 101.89 ^r; ------- - -.. 1359.04 N89*44W5e'E — — —_I:, aa..aT ----I F_ S00'203E 14.58 1 89-37-5-r-El 1 :20 -0 TRACT' C qv c4 TRACT A TRACT C z 1p- R. N A L.S. O. 1. M o " R . - - !� 6 wme .L.S. .=- SEE W. 69 1/2 ST. 0 t: d S8938 22 W PETAIL Ell 0 280.86 I to 0 io S89*49'20"W w M DEIML A S > 0 16 TRACT B ------ W, 140. TRACT 0 11.1 7 4 R.L.S. MO. 1774 R.L.S. IL 0 27.717 7 L 1459.74 R-25. 00 -.3Tjj STREEET EST 6=63'38,1 S8�6 C.Erg.-S31-49'05 E — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — - YORKTOY-1-1 DETAIL A DETAIL B 1. NO SCALE S89-49'20"If TRACT A NO SCALE 280.86 I E C IM 50 0 100 47 589-44'09'W TRACT A 47 TRACT C 12.00—,... 30,, 'E SCALE IN FEET q, 03 TRACT C I TRACT ", _�: SM-11,03E -W KAMvNM ARE 0ASE0 ON THE �M U.E OF S89-44*09"W 559-4;e2rW �& NO. IM MANS A KAMMO OF SlS%S0QrX 20.81 p --�24 OENOTES MON UGMA04T SET AND MAFKEO "M 250.00 sag'44!09"W So(ml,orE UCENSE NO. 16411L LWLEtS OMMUSE NOTED, Sa .14'-W 589.3wz" NSM4'09"W 5.58 1 1 S.0,,� o., 99.93 d 2212 S00*1 VCS'E NOO-21 38 W S89-42'41"W 3 .31.91 Sasso S44-5flr*W N001733 'W -W 9.10 S40ff3o'2S"W TRACT 8 TRACT B ' ° tRPg� •Ii iL IlLp, VIC, SHEET 2 OF 2 SHE ExrsT�6 DoT �s 6755 b a 24 24 24 6805 a OPT 3500 BOTH ST W 627H ST W 6900 6921 24 3501 6950 H 6975 � 2 24 24 3910 6996 4 AC y 70TH ST W 3901 7025 � h H 7001 501 3501 } 7000 s�9 7020 24 > C.Mo n al La as Park 7101 3650 7,110 3387 HAZfiTCWYW Mm aam! w:-i A-�It15 Cxp�vr. (C I tGGl3 GL 2YJi � 43511 ExrsT�6 DoT �s (proposed) REGISTERED LAND SURVEY WORKING DRAWING RESUBDIVISION OF TRACT C, R.L.S. RESUBDIVISION OF TRACT .13, R.L.S. WEST 69th STREET 0- Z U z F5 -4:2- 0--N WEST 70th STREET 1648 & 1774 WESTIN GALLERIA WESTIN GALLERIA PARKING RAMP NOT TO SC 9 0 in w Z3 . 6 Z < o 0 REVISED 03-28-08 o/ N` \�V MINUTE SUMMARY Regular Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission Wednesday, October 29, 2008, 7:00 PM Edina City Hall Council Chambers 4801 West 50th Street MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair John Lonsbury, Julie Risser, Nancy Scherer, Kevin Staunton, Michael Schroeder, Steve Brown, Floyd Grabiel, Arlene Forrest and Patrick Schnettler MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Fischer STAFF PRESENT: Cary Teague and Jackie Hoogenakker I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: The minutes of the October 1, 2008, Planning Commission Meeting were filed as submitted. II. NEW BUSINESS: 2008.15 Preliminary Plat Galleria Shopping Center 351070th Street West Planner Presentation Planner Teague informed the Commission the applicant is proposing a plat to create separate lots for the Crate & Barrel and Gabbert's stores and their associated parking areas. There would be no additions to any existing structures to accommodate this request. Planner Teague concluded staff recommends that the city council give preliminary approval to the Registered Land Survey, date stamped September 26, 2008. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The city must approve the final plat within one year of preliminary approval or receive a written application for a time extension or the preliminary approval will be void. Appearing for Applicant Keith Dahl, URS Commission Comments Commissioner Brown questioned if the Commission recommends approval of the replat could redevelopment or parking problems occur in the future. Planner Teague responded that he doesn't believe so. He explained setbacks and parking are looked at from the entire site, not the individual interior lot lines. Public Comments There were no public comments. Commissioner Brown moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Scherer seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. Commission Action Commissioner Staunton moved to recommend preliminary plat approval subject to staff conditions. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. 2008.0016.8a Final Development Plan Eberhardt Properties LLC/Thomas Nelson 3930 49 % Street Planner Presentation Planner Teague informed the Commission the applicant is proposing to tear down the existing two -story 14,000 square foot office building, and rebuild a new two -story 13,130 square foot office building. Planner Teague added the request 2), 2 w XWA REAM S Aw �p q 0 IBe REPORURECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL I Agenda Item II.0 From: Heather Worthington Consent ❑ Asst. City Manager Information Only ❑ Date: December 2, 2008 Mgr. ❑ To HRA Recommends ® To Council Subject: Resolution Approving the ❑ Motion Submission of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update to the Metropolitan Council ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion INFORMATION /BACKGROUND: Beginning in late 2006, the City undertook a process to update the City's Comprehensive Plan in accordance with statutory requirements. For the past two years, the public has been invited to participate in this process, which was led by the Planning Commission's Comp Plan Task Force, staff, and consultants. The City Council received the draft Comp Plan from the Planning Commission on March 3, 2008. The Council has now completed their review of the document, and has directed staff to schedule a public hearing for this evening. Staff has prepared a resolution that approves the submission of the plan to the Metropolitan Council. The Metropolitan Council will receive the plan this month, and begin their review process. As soon as that review is complete, the City Council will be asked to adopt the plan. At that time, the Council will be required to make any zoning code amendments within nine months to come into compliance with the land use, zoning or planning guidance contained in the Comp Plan. • o @ RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -124 APPROVING THE SUBMISSION OF THE H�o �y 2008 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE TO THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 0aa City of Edina WHEREAS, municipalities in the Metropolitan Council Region are required to update their Comprehensive Plans every ten years; and, WHEREAS, the City of Edina has now completed work in revising the Comprehensive Plan Update; WHEREAS, following notice and a public hearing the Planning Commission has reviewed the Comprehensive Plan and has forwarded its recommendation to the City Council; WHEREAS, In March 2008 The City submitted the proposed Comprehensive Plan to adjacent governmental units and affected school districts for review and comment; BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update is approved for submission to the Metropolitan Council. 7s: Attest Passed and adopted by the Edina City Council this 2nd day of December, Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of December 2, 2008, and as recorded in the Minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS, my hand and seal of said City this day of 200 City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk 952 - 927 -8861 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 TTY 952 - 826 -0379 q REPORURECOMMEN DATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # II.D. From: John Wallin Consent ❑ Finance Director Information Only ❑ Date: December 2, 2008 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: 2009 Fees and Charges Ordinance Action 11 Motion ❑ Resolution ® Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Hold public hearing on liquor fee increases as required by state statute. Discuss the proposed fees and charges to be adopted by ordinance. Approve first reading of Ordinance 2008 -10. Info /Background: Attached are the following schedules for fees and charges proposed for 2009. The fees that are proposed to change from 2008 to 2009 are in bold. 1) Schedule of General Code Provisions and Administration 185.01 — Schedule A. The rates reflect the overall increase as discussed during the budget assumption process. The Utility Fund fees are currently being reviewed by Ehlers & Associates as part of a rate study and will be brought to Council at a later date. Liquor licensees were notified of the public hearing on October 30. 2) Schedule of General Fund revenues as they appear in the budget. 3) Ordinance No. 2008 -10 amending Code Section 185 Increasing Certain Fees. City of Edina Prop SECTION SL_,cCTION PURPOSE OF FEE OR CHARGE 2008 206. General Code Provisions and Administration 185.01 - Schedule A AMOUNT T REV 200 200.04 Public Dance Permit 53.00 53.00 Clerk 4137 215 215.04 Bingo Occasion, Gambling Device, 15.00 15.00 per permit Clerk 43T3- Raffle Permit 220 220.04 Machine or Amusement Device License 15.00 15.00 annually per establishment, plus Health 4176 15.00 15.00 per machine Health 4176 225 225.04 Special Events Application Fee 50.00 52.00 Clerk 4125 300 300.02 Subd 2 Redemption of Impounded Animals 30.00 30.00 per day for feeding & care, any veterinarian services and impounding Police 4331 fee of: 40.00 40.00 a) If animal has not been impounded within one year prior to the date Police 4331 of impounding 65.00 65.00 b) If animal has been impounded once within the year prior to the date Police 4331 of impounding 115.00 115.00 c) If animal has been impounded twice or more within one year prior Police 4331 to the date of impounding 300 300.02 Subd 3 Disposal of Animal 40.00 40.00 per animal Police 4331 300 300.03 Subd. 3' Dog License 15.00 15.00 per dog Police 4120 10.00 10.00 per neutered dog Late charge after March 1 10.00 10.00 Police 4120 300 300.03 Subd. 4 Duplicate Dog License Tag 6.00 6.00 per duplicate tag Police 4120 300 300.04 Subd. 2 Commercial Kennel License 55.00 55.00 per year Police 4174 300 300.15 Permit for Extra Dogs or Cats 100.00 100.00 Police 4120 300 300.17 Subd.6A Dangerous Dog 100.00 Registration fee Police 4120 405 405.01 Landscaping, Screening, or Erosion 100.00 100.00 Planning 4361 Control Site Plan Permit 410 410.02 Subd. 1 Building Permit If total valuation of work is: Then amount is: $ 1 to 500 23.50 23.50 * Building 4111 501 to 2,000 23.50 23.50 * for first $500 plus Building 4111 3.05 3.05 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof to and including $2,000 Building 4111 2,001 to 25,000 69.25 69.25 * for first $2,000 plus Building 4111 14.00 14.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $25,000 Building 4111 25,001 to 50,000 391.25 391.25. * for first $25,000 plus Building 4111 10.10 10.10 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $50,000 Building 4111 50,001 to 100,000 643.75 643.75 * for first $50,000 plus Building 4111 7.00 7.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $100,000 Building 4111 100,001 to 500,000 993.75 993.75 * for first $100,000 plus Building 4111 5.60 5.60 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $500,000 Building 4111 500,001 to 1,000,000 3,233.75 3,233.75 * for the first $500,000 plus Building 4111 4.75 4.75 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including Building 4111 $1,000,000 1,000,001 and up 5,608.75 5,608.75 * for the first $1,000,000 plus Building 4111 3.65 3.65 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof Building 4111 * plus surcharge pursuant to M.S. 166.70 Building 4380 Plan Review 65% 65% of Permit Fee Building 4111 410 410.02 Subd. 2 Other Permit Related Fees 49.00 50.00 per hour or the total hourly cost to City, whichever Building 4111 is greatest. (includes supervision, overhead, G: \Budget \Fees & Charges\2009 Fees & Charges\2009 Proposed Fees & Charges.xls 11/25/2008 1:05 PM City of Edina Proposed SECTION SUBSECTION PURPOSE OF FEE OR CHARGE 2008 2009 General Code Provisions and Administration 185.01 - Schedule A AMOUNT DEPT REV G: \Bu• ees & Charges\2009 Fees & Charges\2009 Proposed Fees & Charges.xls 11/25/2 :05 PM equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of employees involved) 410 410.02 Subd. 3 Residential Building Contractor, 5.00 5.00 surcharge pursuant to M.S. 326.86 Building 4380 Remodeler or Specialty Contractor License Verification 415 415.02 Permit for Moving of Building 212.00 212.00 Building 4111 415 415.02 Subd. 3 Indemnity Deposit for Damages 530.00 530.00 unless licensed by Commissioner of Transportation Building 2605 Sustained by Moving of Building 421 421.03 R -O -W Work Annual Registration 200.00 200.00 Engineer 4341 421 421.04 R -O -W Excavation Permit Administrative 75.00 75.00 Engineer 4341 Fee Per Additional Excavation -Paved Area 35.00 35.00 Engineer 4341 Per Additional Excavation- Unpaved Area 20.00 20.00 Engineer 4341 Underground Utility/Telecom Installation 45.00 45.00 per 100 L. Ft. Engineer 4341 - Directional Boring or Tunneling (Plus Minimum Permit Fee) Underground Utility/Telecom Installation 60.00 60.00 per 100 L. Ft. Engineer 4341 .- Open Trenching (Plus Minimum Permit Fee) " Overhead Utility/Telecom Installation 5.00 5.00 per 100 L. Ft. Engineer 4341 (Plus Minimum Permit Fee) 421 421.07 Subd. 3 Street Surface Repair 50.00 50.00 Per square foot under 10 square feet Engineer 4343 40.00 40.00 Per square foot from 10 -25 square feet Engineer 4343 35.00 35.00 Per square foot over 25 square feet Engineer 4343 430 430.03 Subd. 8 Installer's Licenses: Oil Burner; Stoker; 55.00 55.00 Building 41.17 Steam or Hot Water Heating, Mechanical Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning; Refrigeration, and Gas Piping Installers 435 435.07 Gas Piping Permit; Oil Burner, Stoker, Minimum Fee: Steam or Hot Water Heating, Mechanical 22.00 22.00 Residential - plus surcharge pursuant to M.S. 166.70 Building 4115 Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning; 27.00 27.00 Commercial - plus surcharge pursuant to M.S. 166.70 Building 4115 or Refrigeration Permit Fee Calculations: $0 to 1,000 16.00 16.00 * plus 3.10 % >$ 500 Building 4115 1,001 to 5,000 31.50 31.50 * plus 2.60 %> $ 1,000 Building 4115 5,001 to 10,000 135.50 135.50 * plus 2.15% > $ 5,000 Building 4115 10,001 to 25,000 243.00 243.00 * plus 1.85% > $10,000 Building 4115 25,001 to 50;000 520.50 520.50 * plus 1.65% > $25,000 Building 4115 50,001 and over 933.00 933.00 * plus 1.30% > $50,000 Building 4115 * plus surcharge pursuant to M.S. 166.70 435 435.07 Subd. 1 Other Permit Related Fees 49.00 50.00 per hour or the total hourly cost to City, whichever is Building 4115 greatest (includes supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of employees involved G: \Bu• ees & Charges\2009 Fees & Charges\2009 Proposed Fees & Charges.xls 11/25/2 :05 PM City of Edina Prop SECTION SUBSECTION PURPOSE OF FEE OR CHARGE 2008 200b General Code Provisions and Administration 185.01 - Schedule A AMOUNT _rT REV 440 440.04 Plumbing or Water Conditioning Permit Minimum Fee: 15.00 15.00 Residential - plus surcharge pursuant to M.S. 16B.70 Building 4112~ 27.00 27.00 Commercial -plus surcharge pursuant to M.S. 166.70 Fee Calculations: $0 to 300 15.00 15.00 Building 4112 $301 to 700 15.00 15.00 * plus 1.75% >$300 Building 4112 $701 to 1,000 22.00 22.00 * plus 3.10 % >$700 Building 4112 1,001 to 5,000 31.50 31.50 * plus 2.60 %> $1,000 Building 4112 5,001 to 10,000 135.50 135.50 * plus 2.15% > $5,000 Building 4112 10,001 to 25;000 243.00 243.00 * plus 1.85% > $10,000 Building 4112 25,001 to 50,000 520.50 520.50 * plus 1.65% > $25,000 Building 4112 50,001 and over 933.00 933.00 * plus 1.30% > $50,000 Building 4112 * plus surcharge pursuant to M.S. 166.70 440 440.04 Installation or Testing of RPZ Backflow 27.00 27.00 Building 4306 Preventers 440 440.04 Subd. 1. Other Permit Related Fees 49.00 50.00 per hour or the total hourly cost to City, whichever Building 4306 is greatest. (includes supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of employees involved.) 445 445.08 Surcharge for Prohibited Connection to 100.00 100.00 per month Building 4391 Sanitary Sewer 450 450.05 Swimming Pool Construction Same as the fees for a building permit (See 410.02 Subd.1, fees) Building 4111 450 450.27 Subd. 4 Public or Semi - Public Swimming Pool 470.00 470.00 per year for each enclosed pool (partial or all of the year) Health 4173 License 300.00 310.00 per year for each outdoor pool Health 4173 450 450.27 Subd. 4 Public or Semi - Public Whirlpool Bath or 165.00 170.00 per year for each bath or pool Health 4173 Therapeutic Swimming Pool License 460 460.06 Subd. 1 Sign Permit 80.00 100.00 Planning 4185 460 460.06 Subd. 1 Courtesy Bench Sign Permit 15.00 25.00 per year Planning 4185 460 460.06 Subd 6 Sign Variance Fee 200.00 300.00 Residential Property Planning 4361 400.00 500.00 Commercial Property Planning 4361 475 475.03 Subd. 1 Parking Ramp License 125.00 125.00 per year Building 4134 605 605.05 Subd. 1 Operational permits required by MSFC 49.00 50.00 Per hour with a minimum 1 hour fee. (Includes supervision, code review, Fire Section 105.6 inspections, overhead, hourly wages and fringe benefits of employees involved) Non - business hours inspection 75.00 Per hour with a minimum 1 hour fee. G: \Budget \Fees & Charges\2009 Fees & Charges\2009 Proposed Fees & Charges.xls 11/25/2008 1:05 PM City of Edina Proposed SECTION SUBSECTION PURPOSE OF FEE OR CHARGE 2008 2009 General Code Provisions and Administration 185.01 - Schedule A AMOUNT DEPT REV 605 605.05 Subd. 1 Construction permits required by MSFC . Section 105.7 except for those covered in City Code Section 625 If total valuation of work is: Then amount is: $1 to 500 24.70 26.00 *minimum fee Fire 501 to 2,000 24.70 26.00 * for first $500 plus Fire 3.20 4.00 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof to and including $2,000 2,001 to 25,000 72.70 76.00 * for first $2,000 plus Fire 14.70 15.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $25,000 25,001 to 50,000 410.80 435.00 * for first $25,000 plus Fire 10.60 11.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $50,000 50,001 to 100,000 675.75 710.00 * for first $50,000 plus Fire 7.35 8.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $100,000 100,001 to 500,000 1,043.45 1,100.00 * for first $100,000 plus Fire 5.90 6.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $500,000 500,001 to 1,000,000 3,395.45 3,565.00 * for first $500,000 plus Fire 5.00 5.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $1,000,000 1,000,001 and up 5,889.20 6,180.00 * for first $1,000,000 plus Fire 3.85 4.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof Plan check 70% 70% of permit fee 605 605.05 Subd. 2 Code Compliance Inspection . 49.00 50.00 Per hour with a minimum 1 hour fee. (includes supervision, code review, Fire inspections, overhead, hourly wages and fringe benefits of employees involved) 615 615.03 License to Service Fire Extinguishers 50.00 55.00 per year per person licensed Fire 4325 620 620.04 Permit Fee for Cleaning Commercial 85.00 85.00 Fire 4321 Kitchen Exhaust Hood and Duct Systems 625 625.04 Subd. 1 Sprinkler Permit Fees: - Per Number of Heads: 1- 5 49.00 49.00 * (minimum fee) Fire 4161 6- 25 120.00 125.00 * - Fire 4161 26- 50 220.00 230.00 * Fire 4161 51- 75 290.00 305.00 * Fire 4161 76-100 350.00 370.00 * Fire 4161 101-125 385.00 400.00 * Fire 4161 126-150 415.00 435.00 * Fire 4161 151 -175 450.00 470.00 * Fire 4161 176-200 470.00 495.00 * Fire 4161 201 plus 545.00 570.00 * for first 200 + $3.00 for each additional head Fire 4161 625 625.04 Subd. 1 Fire Pump Installation and Associated 235.00 235.00 Fire 4325 Hardware Standpipe Installation 145.00 145.00 Fire 4325 Each Additional Standpipe 35.00 40.00 Fire 4325 G: \Bu( ees & Charges\2009 Fees & Charges\2009 Proposed Fees & Charges.xis 11/25/2 05 PM City of Edina Prop SECTION SUL,.jECTION PURPOSE OF FEE OR CHARGE 2008 200.. General Code Provisions and Administration 185.01 - Schedule A AMOUNT ,T REV 625 625.04 Subd. 1 Fire alarm & alternative fire suppression permit If total valuation of work is: - Then amount is: $1 to 500 24.70 26.00 *minimum fee Fire 501 to 2,000 24.70 26.00 * for first $500 plus Fire 3.20 3.50 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof to and including $2,000 2,001 to 25,000 72.70 76.00 * for first $2,000 plus Fire 14.70 15.50 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $25,000 25,001 to 50,000 410.80 430.00 * for first $25,000 plus Fire 10.60 11.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $50,000 50,001 to 100,000 675.75 710.00 * for first $50,000 plus Fire 7.35 7.50 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $100,000 100,001 to 500,000 1,04145 1,095.00 * for first $100,000 plus Fire 5.90 6.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $500,000 500,001 to 1,000,000 3,395.45 3,565.00 * for first $500,000 plus Fire 5.00 5.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $1,000,000 1,000,001'and up 5,889.20 6,185.00 * for first $1,000,000 plus Fire 3.85 4.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof Plan check 70% 70% of permit fee 625 625.04 Subd. 2 Other Permit Related Fees 49.00 50.00 Per hour with a minimum 1 hour fee. (Includes supervision, code review, Fire inspections, overhead, hourly wages and fringe benefits of employees involved) 635 635.02 False Fire Alarm 300.00 300.00 Residential Fire 4323 500.00 500.00 Commercial Fire 4323 640 640.02 License allowing sale of Fireworks 100.00 100.00 Per year Fire 4137 716 716.02 Recycling Service: 4.90 6.75 Per Quarter - Single Family Recycle 4640 4.90 6.75 Per Quarter - Double Bungalow Recycle 4640 4.10 6.15 Per Quarter - Apartments /Condos (2 -8 units) Recycle 4640 721 721.03 Subd. 1 Food Establishment 575.00 590.00 High risk food Health 4171 365.00 375.00 Medium risk food Health 4171 105.00 105.00 Low risk food Health 4171 130.00 135.00 Base fee Health 4171 55.00 55.00 Beer or wine table service Health 4171 125.00 125.00 Alcohol bar service Health 4171 138.00 138.00 Food vehicle Health 4171 135.00 140.00 Additional facility Health 4171 200.00 200.00 Pushcart Health 4171 120.00 120.00 Itinerant food Health 4171 15.00 15.00 Food vending machine Health 4172 721 721.03 Subd 1 Restaurant Plan Review Fee 100% of License Fee Health 4353 Restaurant Plan Review Fee for Remodel 50% of License Fee Minimum Restaurant Plan Review Fee 95.00 100.00 Health 4353 735 735.03 Lodging Establishment 7.00 7.00 per room Health 4177 Supervised Group Home 45.00 45.00 Health 4177 Boarding and Lodging House License 100.00 100.00 Health 4177 740 740.04 Multiple Dwelling Parking Garage 45.00 45.00 per single tract of land (may contain more than one building under Health 4179 same ownership) G: \Budget \Fees & Charges\2009 Fees & Charges\2009 Proposed Fees & Charges.xls 11/25/2008 1:05 PM City of Edina SECTION SUBSECTION PURPOSE OF FEE OR CHARGE General Code Provisions and Administration 185.01 - Schedule A Proposed 2008 2009 AMOUNT DEPT REV 740 740.04 Multiple Dwelling Parking Garage 80.00 80.00 per garage Health 4351 Inspection Fee 745 745.04 Subd. 2 Body Art Establishment License 260.00 270.00 Health 4137 810 810.09 Subd. 3C Neighborhood Property Owner List 1.00 1.00 per property owner name Planning 4361 810 810.09 Plat and Subdivision Filing Fee 100.00 100.00 per lot for division of one or more lots where no new buildable Planning 4361 lots are created 600.00 600.00 plus $50 /lot - all plats and subdivision other than above Planning 4361 810 810.09 Subd. 2 Developer's Agreement Fee for City 6.5% of the total construction cost of such public improvements Planning 4361 Services Rendered in Connection with Required Street, Water and Sewer Improvements 815 815.03 Antennas, Dish Antennas & Tower Same as for a building permit (See Subsection 410.02 Subd 1 fees) Building 4111 Permits 820 820.01 Filing of Application for Vacation of 425.00 435.00 Clerk 4391 Street, Alley or Easement 830 830.05 Subd. 2 Permit Fee for Tree Removal or Grading Building 4118 If total valuation of work is: Then amount is: 1 $1 to $5,000 150.00 150.00 $5,001 to $100,000 150.00 150.00 for first $5,000 plus 2.00 2.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $100,000 $100,001 and up 340.00 340.00 for first $100,000 plus 1.00 1.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof 830 830.05 Subd. 2 Permit Fee for Open Pit or Excavation Building 4118 If total valuation of work is: Then amount is: $1 to $5,000 150.00 150.00 $5,001 to $100,000 150.00 150.00 for first $5,000 plus 2.00 2.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $100,000 $100,001 and up 340.00 340.00 for first $100,000 plus 1.00 1.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof 830 830.05 Subd. 2 Other Permit Related Fees 49.00 50.00 per hour or the total hourly cost to City, whichever Building 4111 is greatest. (includes supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of employees involved.) 845 845.04 Restricted Access Parking Lot License 500.00 500.00 Planning 4137 Renewals: 100.00 100.00 0 - 50 spaces Planning 4137 150.00 150.00 51 - 100 spaces Planning 4137 250.00 250.00 100 - 200 spaces Planning 4137 400.00 400.00 Over 200 spaces Planning 4137 850 850.04 Subd. 1C "Variance Fee 200.00 300.00 Residential Planning 4361 400.00 500.00 - Commercial Planning 4361 850 850.04 Subd. 2A.2 Fee for Transfer of Land to Another 400.00 400.00 (One) R -2 Lot Planning 4361 Zoning District 500.00 500.00 (Two) R -2 Lots Planning 4361 1,000.00 1,000.00 All other Transfers Planning 4361 850 850.04 Subd. 2 -5 Mailed Notices 1.00 1.00 A parcel Planning 850 850.173 Subd. 4C.1a Temporary Retail Sales in PID Permit 300.00 400.00 First Permit Planning 4361 200.00 300.00 Subsequent Permits Planning 4361 G: \But ees & Charges\2009 Fees & Charges\2009 Proposed Fees & Charges.xls 11/25/2. 05 PM City of Edina Pror SECTION Ste_ cECTION PURPOSE OF FEE OR CHARGE 2008 20%. General Code Provisions and Administration 185.01 - Schedule A AMOUNT !T REV 850 850.04 Subd. 4 A.2 Conditional Use Permit 700.00 700.00 Fee shall be equal to City staff time expended and City's direct Planning 4361. cost incurred in processing applications. 860 75-00 75.00 Planning 4137 850 850.10 Subd. 1 D Landscaping Inspection 100.00 100.00 Planning 4361 850 850.04 Subd. 6 Final Development Plan Application Fee 750.00 750.00 Planning 4361 850 850.20 Subd. 10 Certificate of Appropriateness 175.00 175.00 Planning 4361 200.00 Accessory structure and facade change 400.00 New house 900 900.07 Subd. 1 Liquor License Fees (per year) Police 4130 300.00 300.00 Under 200 members 500.00 500.00 201 -500 members 650.00 650.00 501 -1000 members 850.00 850.00 1001 -2000 members 1,000.00 1,000.00 2001 -4000 members 2,000.00 2,000.00 4001 -6000 members 3,000.00 3,000.00 over 6000 members 8,500.00 8,755.00 On -Sale Intoxicating License - Restaurants only Police 4132 608.00 626.00 3.2 Beer License Off or On Sale Police 4130 2,000.00 2,000.00 Wine On -Sale - Restaurants only Police 4131 200.00 200.00 per event - Temporary On -Sale Intoxicating - Max 3 days by MS Police 4130 - 82.00 85.00 per event - Temporary On-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor Police 4130 200.00 200.00 Sunday On -Sale License - Restaurants only Police 4130 1020 1020 False Automatic Alarm 25.00 for the first response per calendar year Police 4332 110.00 110.00 for the 2nd thru 4th response within one calendar year' Police 4332 200.00 200.00 for the 5th and subsequent false alarm within one calendar year Police 4332 1040 1040.08 Loudspeaker Permit 19.00 20.00 Clerk 4137 1045 1045.05 Variance Fee RV's, Boats, etc. Storage 50.00 50.00 Planning 4361 1100 1100.03 Subd. 2 Sewer Service Charge: Based upon water usage during winter quarter. (November 1 to March 1) Single Family Dwellings, Townhouses, Two - Family Dwellings, Apartment Buildings Containing Four or Less 40.96 40.96 Per quarter up to and including 1600 cubic feet Finance 4641 Dwelling Units: 2.56 2.56 Additional from 1601 cubic feet and over Finance 4641 Apartment Buildings with More Than 36.86 36.86 Per quarter for each unit over four or Finance 4641 Four Dwelling Units: 2.56 2.56 per 100 cubic feet of water used during the quarter, whichever is greater Finance 4641 Commercial and Industrial Buildings, 40.96 40.96 Per water meter or approved sewage metering device on premises, or Finance 4641 Including Schools and Churches: 2.56 2.56 per 100 cubic feet of water used during the quarter, whichever is greater Finance 4641 1100 1100.03 Subd. 3 Industrial User Extra Strength Charges As allocated to City by Metropolitan Waste Control Commission Finance 4641 1100 1100.03 Subd. 4.A Shutting Off or Turning On Curb Water 25.00 35.00 For each turn -on and each shut -off. Finance 4628 Stops at Customer's Request or Due to Non - payment of Bill 1100 1100.04 Subd. 1.0 Issuance of Water Meter Cost of water meter, plus handling charges Finance 4627 G: \Budget \Fees & Charges\2009 Fees & Charges\2009 Proposed Fees & Charges.xls 11/25/2008 1:05 PM City of Edina Proposed SECTION SUBSECTION PURPOSE OF FEE OR CHARGE 2008 2009 General Code Provisions and Administration 185.01 - Schedule A AMOUNT DEPT REV 1100 1100.03 Subd. 2 Water Service 1. Per 100 cubic feet for areas of City, except as described in #2 below Finance 4626 0.99 0.99 Up to 3500 cubic feet 1.31 1.31 From 3600 cubic feet to 6500 cubic feet 2.05 2.05 Over 6500 cubic feet 2.86 2.86 2. Per 100 cubic feet - Morningside area and for east side of Beard Finance 4626 Ave. from West 54th to Fuller St. and both sides of Abbott PI. from West 54th St. to Beard Ave. Domestic accounts used by: Commercial and Industrial Buildings, 0.99 0.99 Up to 3500 cubic feet Including Schools and Churches: 1.31 1.31 Over 3500 cubic feet Lawn watering accounts used by: Commercial and Industrial Buildings, 1.31 1.31 Up to 3500 cubic feet Including Schools and Churches: 2.05 2.05 Over 3500 cubic feet Meter Charge: 12.01 12.01 Per quarter for up to 3/4 inch meter Finance 4627 16.36 16.36 Per quarter for 1 inch meter Finance 4627 18.66 18.66 Per quarter for 1 1/4 inch meter Finance 4627 21.00 21.00 Per quarter for 1 1/2 inch meter Finance 4627 33.81 33.81 Per quarter for 2 inch meter Finance 4627 128.40 128.40 Per quarter for 3 inch meter Finance 4627 163.44 163.44 Per quarter for 4 inch meter Finance 4627 Flat Annual Charges as Follows: 0.00 0.00 Park Department for water used for sprinkling and skating rinks Finance 4626 0.00 0.00 Street Department for water used for flushing street Finance 4626 1105 1105.01 Subd. 1 Service Availability Charge (SAC) 1,825.00. 2,000.00 Per SAC unit X number of SAC units computed pursuant to Subsection Building 4307 1105.01, Subd, 1 of this code 1105 1105.02 Charge for Connection to City Water or 800.00 800.00 Water connection charge per REC unit X number of SAC units Building 4116 Sewer System 400.00 400.00 Sewer connection charge per REC unit X number of SAC units 1110 1110.03 Storm Water Drainage Charge 15.54 15.54 Per quarter pursuant to formula in Subsection 1110.03 Finance 4642 1115 1115.03 Water Surcharges Surcharges for violation of the Irrigation Bans are determined based on the number of water restriction violations issued to an owner in the previous three years and are as follows: First Offense 0.00 0.00 Written warning Second Offense 50.00 50.00 Third Offense 100.00 100.00 Fourth Offense 200.00 200.00 Each Additional Offense 300.00 300.00 1205 1205.01 Curb Cut Permit 40.00 40.00 Engineer 4344 1230 1230.07 Sidewalk Cafe Permit 633.00 640.00 Clerk 4137 1230.08 Temporary Liquor License Special Permit 315.00 315.00 Per event Clerk 4137 1235 1235.03 Subd. 2 Parking Permit 4.00 4.00 per month pro -rated Police 4751 Refund Parking Permit - Sticker Must 4.00 4.00 per month pro -rated Police 4751 Be Returned - 1300 1300.02 Subd. 1 Refuse or Recycling Haulers License 300.00 300.00 per year for 1 st vehicle Health 4178 95.00 95.00 per year for each additional vehicle Health 4178 1311 1311.03 Peddler /Solicitor Permit 30.00 30.00 per permit - valid for 14 calendar days Police 4128 1311.04 Subd. 1 Registration for Peddling /Soliciting 50.00 50.00 per registration - valid for 90 calendar days Police 4128 1325 1325.03 Tobacco Sale License 350.00 350.00 per location Health 4170 1341 1341.02 Registration for Massage Therapists 15.00 16.00 Per therapist for those businesses exempt from licensure Clerk 7 4137 G: \Bu :ees & Charges\2009 Fees & Charges\2009 Proposed Fees & Charges.xls 11/25/2 :05 PM City of Edina Prol SECTION Su—jECTION PURPOSE OF FEE OR CHARGE 2008 20u_ General Code Provisions and Administration 185.01 - Schedule A AMOUNT _APT REV 1341 1341.05 Physical Culture & Health Service or 286.00 286.00 Business License Clerk 4137. Club, Reducing Club or Salon, Sauna Parlor, Massage Parlor or Escort Service License 1341 1341.05 Investigation Fee - Business License 1,500.00 1,500.00 Clerk 4314 1345 1345.05 Subd. 1 Sexually- oriented Business License 5,000.00 5,000.00 per year Clerk 4137 1345 1345.05 Subd. 2 Business License 1,500.00 1,500.00 At time of original application Clerk 4137 1350 1350.06 Subd. 1 Commercial Photography 30.00 31.00 Manager Permit - Still Photography Clerk 4133 120.00 124.00 Manager Permit - Motion Photography Clerk 4133 340.00 350.00 Council Permit Clerk 4133 1400 1400.12 Truck Restrictive Road Permit 100.00 100.00 Engineer 4190 1410 1410.01 Redemption of Impounded Vehicle Fee as posted in Police Department Police 4334 G: \Budget \Fees & Charges\2009 Fees & Charges\2009 Proposed Fees & Charges.xls 11/25/2008 1:05 PM CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE -18 FUND: I GENERAL REVENUE SUMMARY REVENUES SUMMARY 2006 2007 2008 2009 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED ESTIMATED BUDGETED TAXES: PROPERTY TAXES $18,153,570 $19,362,280 $ 20,314,404 $ 20,314,404 $ 21,202,691 PENALTIES AND INTEREST 12,450 17,431 12,000 12,000 12,000 LOSS DUE TO ABATEMENTS - - 85,000 85,000 162,000 TOTAL TAXES 18,166,020 19,379,711 20,241,404 20,241,404 21,052,691 LICENSE AND PERMITS: HEATNENT LICENSE 23,959 42,024 35,000 35,000 36,050 BUILDING PERMITS 2,474,588 1,766,370 1,775,000 1,771,200 1,815,000 PLUMBING PERMITS 175,017 196,749 175,000 175,000 185,000 MECHANICAL PERMITS 331,220 418,976 330,000 315,000 330,000 WATER CONNECTION 20,061 10,000 - - - GRADING /EXCAVATION PERMITS - 2,765 1,000 - 500 DOG LICENSES 20,472 31,689 30,000 22,000 22,660 BEER LICENSE 12,231 10,108 12,000 12,000 12,360 WINE LICENSE 28,970 20,167 22,000 27,000 27,800 LIQUOR LICENSE 123,165 126,500 140,000 126,000 130,000 '<ING RAMP 3,250 3,375 3,375 3,200 3,275 ,ER PERMITS & LICENSES 3,477 4,447 2,500 2,000 2,060 SPRINKLER PERMITS 49,747 44,319 32,000 32,000 32,960 ALARM PERMITS 21,365 14,251 18,000 14,000 14,500 TOBACCO LICENSE 8,523 14,890 10,500 10,000 10,250 FOOD ESTABLISHMENT LICENSE 88,351 81,445 91,000 91,000 93,000 FOOD VENDING LICENSE 1,388 1,140 2,000 2,000 2,000 POOL LICENSE 23,390 24,585 23,000 23,000 23,500 AMUSEMENT DEVICE LICENSE 2,207 2,025 1,700 2,000 2,000 LODGING LICENSE 627 705 1,500 650 1,000 GARBAGE COLLECTORS LICENSE 11,025 16,075 12,000 12,000 12,500 PARKING GARAGE LICENSE 3,237 3,228 3,200 3,000 3,200 SIGN PERMIT 7,030 12,245 9,000 9,000 9,250 ROAD RESTRICTION PERMITS 24,840 28,980 28,000 28,000 28,850 TOTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS 3,458,140 2,877,058 2,757,775 2,715,050 2,797,715 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AID: FEDERAL AID 197,308 118,395 35,000 35,000 36,000 STATE AID MAINTENANCE 195,000 195,000 195,000 195,000 195,000 OTHER STATE AID 181,322 134,038 50,000 50,000 51,000 STATE POLICE AID 354,676 362,190 345,000 345,000 355,000 STATE HEALTH AID 121,217 121,217 120,000 120,000 120,000 -7TAL INTERGOVERNMENT AID 1,049,523 930,840 745,000 745,000 757,000 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE - 1R FUND: 298,299 428,796 275,000 GENERAL I REVENUE SUMMARY 308,535 REVENUES SUMMARY 308,000 2006 2007 2008 2009 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED ESTIMATED BUDGETED FEES AND CHARGES: 5,000 5,000 6,000 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 719,252 BUILDING DEPARTMENT $ 6,867 $ 4,383 $ 5,000 $ 5,300 $ 5,300 CITY CLERK 10,473 12,430 14,500 5,000 5,300 FIRE DEPARTMENT 29,710 42,296 28,000 28,000 48,000 AMBULANCE 1,452,299 1,464,093 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,545,000 POLICE DEPARTMENT 199,046 263,056 160,000 230,000 200,950 ENGINEERING 227,757 191,768 149,500 149,500 155,000 HEALTH DEPARTMENT 7,978 7,265 7,500 7,500 7,700_ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 38,443 23,356 29,000 26,000 26,750 HOUSING FOUNDATION CONTRACT 23,655 28,821 24,000 24,000 24,000 SERVICES HRA 22,604 27,560 20,000 20,000 20,600 PARK REGISTRATION FEES 93,218 94,066 94,000 94,000 96,000 SENIOR,CENTER FEES 104,419 94,751 95,000 100,000 100,000 OTHER FEES 78,763 3,139 50,000 5,000 5,000 50TH & FRANCE ASSESSMENT 69,000 69,000 69,000 69,000 69,000 CHARGES TO OTHER FUNDS 277,488 359,568 374,088 374,088 392,880 TOTAL FEES AND CHARGES 2,641,720 2,685,552 2,619,588 2,637,388 2,701,480 FINES AND MUNICIPAL COURT FINES I 1,023,9351 971,486 925,000 925,000 900,00u OTHER REVENUES: INCOME ON INVESTMENTS 298,299 428,796 275,000 275,000 322,772 RENTAL OF PROPERTY 308,535 355,143 308,000 308,000 315,000 DONATIONS 15,539 32,977 .10,000 10,000 10,200 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 96,879 55,525 5,000 5,000 6,000 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 719,252 872,441 598,000 598,000 653,972 AL OPERATING REVENUE OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: SALE OF PROPERTY TRANSFER FROM LIQUOR TOTAL OTHER FINANCING 27,058,590 1 $ 27,717,088 1 $ 27,886,767 1 $ 27,861,842 1 $ 28,862,858 54,457 700,230 754.687 66,845 50,000 50,000 721,200 742,800 742,800 788.045 792,800 792,800 55,000 765,100 820.100 TOTAL AND OTHER GENERAL ANC IN REVENUE SOURCES I $ 27,813,277 1 $ 28;505,133 1 $ 28,679,567) $ 28,654,642 $ 29,682,9, ORDINANCE NO. 2008-10 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. The following described fees of Schedule A to Code Section 185 are amended to read as follows: SEG= SUBSEC PURPOSE OF AMOUNT T><o1v = FEE /CHARGE; ..., :. 225 225.04 Special Events Application Fee $52.00 300 300.17 Subd. 6A Dangerous Do $100.00 Registration fee 410 410.02 Subd. 2 Other Permit Related Fees $50.00 per hour or the total hourly cost to City, whichever is greatest. (includes supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of employe s involved 435 435.07 Subd. 1 Other Permit Related Fees $50.00 per hour or the total hourly cost to City, whichever is greatest. (includes supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of employees involved 440 440.04 Subd. 1 Other Permit Related Fees $50.00 per hour or the total hourly cost to City, whichever is greatest: (includes supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of employees involved 450 450.27 Subd. 4 Public or Semi - Public . $310.00 per year for each outdoor pool Swimming Pool License 450 .450.27 Subd. 4 Public or Semi - Public $170.00 per year for each bath or pool Whirlpool Bath or Therapeutic Swimming ool License 460 460.06 Subd. 1 Sign Permit . $100.00 460 460.06 Subd. 1 Courtesy Bench Sign Permit $25.00 per year 460 460.06 Subd. 6 Sign Variance Fee . $300.00 Residential Property $500.00 Commercial Property 605 605.05 Subd. 1 Operational Permits Required $50.00 per hour or the total hourly, cost to by MSFC Section 105.6 City, whichever is greatest. (includes supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of employees involved 605 605.05 SubdA Non - business hours inspection $75.00 Per hour with a minimum 1 hour fee 605 605.05 Subd. 1 Construction Permits Required by MSFC Section 105.7 except for those covered in City Code Section 625 If total valuation of work is: $1 to $500 $26.00 *minimum fee 501 to 2,000 $26.00 *for first $500 plus $4.00 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof to and including $2,000 2,001 to 25,000 $76.00 *for the first $2,000 plus $15.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $25,000 25,001 to 50,000 $435.00 *for the first $25,000 plus $11.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $50,000 50,001 to 100,000 $710.00 *for the first $50,000 plus $8.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $100,000 100,001 to 500,00 $1,100.00 *for the first $100,000 plus $6.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $500,000 500,001 to 1,000,000 $3,565.00 *for the first $500,000 plus $5.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction 1,000,001 and up thereof to and including $1,000,000 $6,180.00 *for the first $1,000,000 plus $4.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof 605 605.05 Subd. 2 Code Compliance Inspection $50.00 per hour or the total hourly cost to City, whichever is greatest. (includes supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of employees involved 615 615.03 License to Service Fire $55.00 Per year per person licensed Extin.Ruishers 625 625.04 Subd. 1 Sprinkler Permit Fees: Per number of heads: 1 - 5 $49.00 * (minimum fee) 6-25 $125.00 * 26-50 $230.00 * 51-75 $305.00 * 76-100 $370.00 * 101-125 $400.00 * 126-150 $435.00 151- 175 $470.00 * 176-200 $495.00 * 201 plus $570.00 *for first 200 + $3.00 for each additional head 625 625.04 Subd. 1 Each Additional Standpipe: $40.00 625 625.04 Subd. 1 Fire alarm & alternative fire Then amount is: suppression permit. If total valuation of work is: $1 to 500 $26.00 * minimum fee 501 to 2,000 $26.00 * for first $500 plus $3.50 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $2, 000 2,001 to 25,000 $76.00 * for first $2,000 plus $15.50 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $25, 000 25,001 to 50,000. $430.00 * for first $25,000 plus $11.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $50, 000 50,001 to 100,000 $710.00 * for first $50,000 plus $7.50 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $100, 000 100,001 to 500,000 $1,095.00 * for first $100,000 plus $6.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $500, 000 500,001 to 1,000,000 $3,565.00 * for first $500,000 plus $5.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $1,000, 000 1,000,001 and up $6,185.00 * for first $1,000,000 plus $4.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof 625 625.04 Subd. 2 Other Permit Related Fees $50.00 per hour or the total hourly cost to City, whichever is greatest. (includes supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of employees involved 716 716.02 Recycling Service: $6.75 Per Quarter - Single Family $6.75 Per Quarter - Double Bungalow $6.15 Per Quarter - Apartments/Condos (2 -8 units) 721 721.03 Subd. 1 Food Establishment $590.00 High risk food $375.00 Medium risk food $135.00 Base Fee $140.00 Additional facility 721 721.03 Subd. 1 Minimum Restaurant Plan $100.00 Review Fee 745 745.04 Subd. 2 Body Art Establishment $270.00 License 820 820.01 Filing of Application for $435.00 Vacation of Street, Alley or Easement 830 830.05 Subd. 2 Other Permit Related Fees $50.00 per hour or the total hourly cost to City, whichever is greatest. (includes supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of employees involved) 850 850.04 Subd. 1C Variance Fee $300.00 Residential $500.00 Commercial 850 850.173 Subd. Temporary Retail Sales in PID $400.00 First Permit 4C.1 a Permit $300.00 Subsequent Permits 850 850.20 Subd. 10 Certificate of Appropriateness $200.00 Accessory structure and fagade change $400.00 New house 900 900.07 Subd. 1 Liquor License Fees (per year) $8,755.00 On -Sale Intoxicating License - Restaurants only $626.00 3.2 Beer License Off or On Sale $85.00 Per event - Temporary On -Sale 3.2 Section 2. The effective date of this Ordinance shall be January 1, 2009. First Reading: Second Reading: Published: ATTEST: Debra Mangen -City Clerk James B. Hovland -Mayor 4 Malt Liquor 1020 1020 False Automatic Alarm $25.00 For the first response per calendar year 1040 1040.08 Loudspeaker Permit $20.00 1100 1100.03 Subd.4A Shutting Off or Turning on' $35.00 For each turn -on and each shut -off Curb Water Stops 1105 1105.02 Service Availability Charge $2,000.00 Per SAC unit x number of SAC units (SAC) computed pursuant to Subsection 1105.01 subd. 1 of this code 1230 1230.07 Sidewalk Cafe Permit $640.00 1341 1341.02 Registration for Massage $16.00 Per therapist for those businesses Therapists exempt from licensure 1350 1350.06 Subd. 1 Commercial Photography $31.00 Manager Permit — Still Photography $124.00 Manager Permit;- Motion Photography $350.00 Council Permit Section 2. The effective date of this Ordinance shall be January 1, 2009. First Reading: Second Reading: Published: ATTEST: Debra Mangen -City Clerk James B. Hovland -Mayor 4 AGENDA ITEM: IV.A. O(1 DATE: December 2, 2008 REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: CHIEF MICHAEL SIITARI VIA: GORDON L. HUGHES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS 0Y U5,uuu ITEM DESCRIPTION: One 2009 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor COMPANY BID AMOUNT. 1. Elk River Ford Crown Victoria 1. $22,276.36 II RECOMMENDED BID: State of MN Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Contract No. 438386 Release #A- 174(5) IIGENERAL, INFORMATION: Replacement of marked squad vehicle per equipment schedule. Signature The ReMmmeg4ed W is/ A (within budget) Hughes, City POLICE Department (not within budget) Wallin, Finance Director w9A, City of Edina, Minnesota 4 FINANCE DEPARTMENT o @ 0 4801 West 50`b Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 (612)927 -8861 FAX (952)826 -0390 PURCHASE REQUISITION Deliver Material To: Edina Police Department Address:4801 W. 50th Street. Edina. MN 55424 Material Needed Bv:ASAP Suggested /Usual Source: Elk River Ford Dodge Jeep Address: 17219 Hwy 10 NW, Elk River, MN, 55330 Attn: Ray McArthur DATE: November 19, 2008 P.O. NUMBER: 3032. Quantity Description Unit Cost Total Cost Acct. Code 1 2009 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor with specifications as listed on quote 22,276.36 $22,276.36 1400.6710 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: Assemble & Delivery: Tax: Total: $22,276.36 $22,276.36 Alternate Quotations for Purchases Over $2,500.00 SOURCES: AMOUNTS OF QUOTATIONS: State of Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Agreement $22,276.36 Contract No.438386 Release #A- 174(5) PREPARED BY: Jeff Long 1914 To: Mayor & City Council From: Debra Mangen City Clerk Date: December 2, 2008 Subject: Resolution Receiving Donations Recommendation: Adopt Resolution. REPORURECOMMENDATION Agenda Item V.A. Consent Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action ® Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Info /Background: In order to comply with State Statutes all donations to the City must be adopted by a resolution approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donation. I have prepared the attached resolution detailing the various donors, their gifts and the recipient departments for your consideration. RESOLUTION NO. 2008-125 ACCEPTING DONATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF EDINA City of Edina WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 465.03 allows cities to accept grants and donations of real or personal property for the benefit of its citizens; WHEREAS, said donations must be accepted via a resolution of the Council adopted by a two thirds majority of its members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council accepts with sincere appreciation the following listed donations on behalf of its citizens. Donation to City of Edina: Mount Olivet Rolling Acres $300.00 Voluntary Payment in lieu of taxes Donation to Edina Art Center: Heather Randall King $100.00 Donation to Edina Park Department: Peggy Loving . Sony 36" Television Used Dated: December 2, 2008 Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK James B. Hovland, Mayor I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 2, 2008 and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of 20_. City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com City Clerk 952 - 927 -8861 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 TTY 952 - 826 -0379 rw 4- U REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item V.B. Consent From: Cary Teague Planning Director Information Only Date: December 2, 2008 Mgr. Recommends FI To HRA ® To Council Subject: Resolution authorizing an application to the Met Action ® Motion Council for a Livable C6mmunities Act Tax Base ❑ Resolution Revitalization Grant F1Ordinance Discussion Recommended Action: Adopt the attached resolution that would authorize the City of Edina to apply to the Met Council for a Livable Communities Act Tax Base Revitalization Grant for funds to assist with the clean up of contamination within the Gateway redevelopment site. Information/Background This Grant is used for the investigation and clean-up of redevelopment sites and to make sites available for redevelopment, job retention and growth. In this specific case, the funds would be for the investigation costs and clean up of the phase one development (a -Loft Hotel) at Pentagon Park, for the demolition of the two westerly Pentagon Park Tower wing buildings at 7701 and 7703 West 77th Street Edina. The primary materials that will be cleaned up prior to demolition are asbestos, floor tile and mastic. These materials are found throughout the buildings due to the age (1960 -1970) construction and the materials that where used at that time. The developer has hired Nova Consulting Group to perform the testing and clean up. RESOLUTION NO. 2008-125 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN APPLICATION TO THE MET COUNCIL FOR A LIVABLE COMMUNITIES ACT TAX BASE REVITALIZATION ACCOUNT FOR THE GATEWAY REDEVELOPMENT AREA City of Edina BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: WHEREAS the City of Edina is a participant in the Livable Communities Act's Local Housing Incentives Account Program for 2008 as determined by the Metropolitan Council, and is therefore eligible to make application apply for funds under the Tax Base Revitalization Account; and WHEREAS the City has identified a contamination clean -up project within the City that meets the Tax Base Revitalization Account's purposes and criteria; and WHEREAS the City has the institutional, managerial and financial capability to ensure adequate project and grant administration; and WHEREAS the City certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in. the contract grant agreements; and WHEREAS the City finds that the required contamination cleanup will not occur through private or other public investment within the reasonably foreseeable future without Tax Base Revitalization Account grant funding; and WHEREAS the City represents that it has undertaken reasonable and good faith efforts to procure funding for the activities for which Livable Communities Act Tax Base Revitalization Account funding is sought but was not able to find or secure from other sources funding that is necessary for cleanup completion; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, if the City is awarded a Tax Base Revitalization Account grant for this project, the City Council of Edina, Minnesota acknowledges it will be the grantee and agrees to act as legal sponsor administer and be responsible for grant funds expended for the project contained in the Tax Base Revitalization grant application submitted on December 3, 2008. City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com 952 - 927 -8861 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 TTY 952 - 826 -0379 Adopted by the Edina City Council this _ day of , 2008. Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) James B. Hovland, Mayor CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing City Council Minutes is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of 2008, and as recorded in the Minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS, my hand and seal of said City this day of , 2008. Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 20.08-125 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN APPLICATION TO THE MET COUNCIL FOR A LIVABLE COMMUNITIES ACT TAX BASE REVITALIZATION ACCOUNT FOR THE GATEWAY REDEVELOPMENT AREA City of Edina BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: WHEREAS the City of Edina is a participant in the Livable Communities Act's Local Housing Incentives Account Program for 2008 as determined by the Metropolitan Council, and is therefore eligible to make application apply for funds under the Tax Base Revitalization Account; and WHEREAS the City has identified a contamination clean -up project within the City that meets the Tax Base Revitalization Account's purposes and criteria; and WHEREAS the City has the institutional, managerial and financial capability to ensure adequate project and grant administration; and WHEREAS the City certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the contract grant agreements; and WHEREAS the City finds that the required contamination cleanup will not occur through private or other public investment within the reasonably foreseeable future without Tax Base Revitalization Account grant funding; and WHEREAS the City represents that it has undertaken reasonable and good faith efforts to procure funding for the activities for which Livable Communities Act Tax Base Revitalization Account funding is sought but was not able to find or secure from other sources funding that is necessary for cleanup completion; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, if the City is awarded a Tax Base Revitalization Account grant for this project, the City Council of Edina, Minnesota acknowledges it will be the grantee and agrees to act as legal sponsor administer and be responsible for grant funds expended for the project contained in the Tax Base Revitalization grant application submitted on December 3, 2008. City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com 952 - 927 -8861 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 TTY 952 - 826 -0379 M Adopted by the Edina City Council this _ day of , 2008. Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA I ) James B. Hovland, Mayor CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk' for the City of Edina do. hereby certify that the attached and foregoing City Council Minutes is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of 2008, and as recorded in the Minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS, my hand and seal of said City this day of , 2008. Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk L-1 To: Mayor & City Council From: Cary Teague Planning Director Date: December 2, 2008 Subject: Set Hearing Date for a Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Rezoning - 7500 York Avenue KEFUK'1 1KEC:UMMEN VATIUN Agenda Item V.C. Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends F-1 To HRA ® To Council Action ® Motion Resolution Ordinance . Discussion Recommended Action: Set the Hearing Date for the December 16, 2008, City Council meeting. Info/Background See the attached Planning Commission staff report. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Rezoning. w91�Q�r� CD PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Originator Meeting Date Agenda # Cary Teague November 25, 2008 2008 - 017.08 Director of Planning INFORMATION & BACKGROUND Project Description The Ebenezer Society, on behalf of the 7500 York Cooperative are proposing to build a 76 -unit, 4 -story addition to the northwest side of the existing 337 -unit, 9- story senior housing development at 7500 York Avenue. (See project location on pages Al —A3; and see the Certification of Action by the 7500 Board of Directors authorizing Ebenezer to pursue the request on pages A6 —A7.) Of the 76 units, 47 units would be for assisted living; 16 would be of memory care and 13 elder care suites. Access to the site would be off Edinborough Way and Parklawn Avenue. Parking would be provided underground, and within a small surface lot off Parklawn Avenue. (See the applicant narrative and plans on pages A5 —A36, and within the attached development books.) The proposal before the Planning Commission is Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Rezoning. Ultimately, the proposal would require all of the following: Final Rezoning from PRD -4, Planned Residential District to PSR -4, to Planned Senior Development District. 2. Final Development Plan. 3. Variances. (To be reviewed by the Zoning Board of Appeals, if the Council approves the Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Rezoning.): a. A maximum square footage variance for 14 dwelling units. b. A 3 -foot setback variance from Edinborough Way. 4. Lot Division /Final Plat. The site exists as two lots today. The lot lines would be shifted to accommodate the new building. The site is currently zoned PRD-4, but exists with senior housing. As such, the site is non - conforming in regard to parking requirements. Senior housing does not require the same number of parking stalls as would an all -age residential development. The rezoning would bring the parking requirements into conformance with the city code. In order to obtain the above - mentioned approvals, the applicant must go through a two -step process. That process is as follows; 1. Preliminary Development Plan and Rezoning. Preliminary Development Plan and Rezoning is a review by the Planning Commission and City Council, in which approval simply allows the applicant to prepare a Final Development Plan. Approval of the Preliminary Development Plan requires a three -fifths vote of the City Council, but does not guarantee approval of the Rezoning, or Final Development Plan. 2. Final Development Plan and Rezoning_ The Final Development Plan process is generally the same as the Preliminary Development Plan. A three -fifths favorable vote of the City Council is again required. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: CommonBond Multi- family residential; zoned and guided for high density residential. Easterly: Yorkdale Townhomes; zoned and guided medium density housing. Southerly: Edinborough Condos; zoned and guided high density housing. Westerly: Multi- family residential; zoned and guided mixed use Existing Site Features The subject property is 11.6 acres in size and contains a nine -story senior housing building. (See page A3.) The existing facility is a housing cooperative_ , and was the first senior housing cooperative in the United States. Planning Guide Plan designation: High Density Residential Zoning: PRD -4, Planned Residential District Site Access The site currently has two access points off West 76th Street, and one off Edinborough Way. The proposal would add one access off Edinborough Way and one off Parklawn Avenue. (See page A14.) The access off of Parklawn 2 would be to the surface lot, and the new access of Edinborough would be to the underground parking. Traffic Wenck Associates conducted a traffic impact study based on the proposed development, and WSB & Associates reviewed the document to determine if it - was accurate. Both Wenck and WSB concluded that the existing roadway system could support the proposed project. (See traffic studies on pages A42 —A70.) . The Edina Transportation Commission met on November 20, 2008, and recommended that the project does not adversely affect the adjacent transportation systems. (See the minutes on pages A38 —A40.) Parking Including the existing building, a total of 317 parking stalls are required for senior housing, 103 of which must be enclosed. The applicant is proposing 465 parking stalls, 252 of which are enclosed. Access and parking easements would be established between the two parcels. Building The proposed building would be four stories, and made of stone, EFS, metal siding. (See building elevations and renderings on pages A8 —A10, and color pictures of the building materials on pages A27 —A31.) Colors would generally match the existing building (See pages A35 —A36.) Landscaping There are over 200 existing mature trees scattered around the subject property that will remain. Existing mature trees around the proposed new building would have to be removed. (See page A17.) However, 42 new overstory trees would be planted. Based on the perimeter of the site, 73 mature trees are required. With the existing and proposed trees the applicant will have over three times the number of trees that is required by City Code. (See landscape plan on pages All 5 —A16.) Density The maximum density allowed for the project is 44 units per acre. The proposed density of 36 units per acre would meet the city's code requirement for density in the Planned Senior Housing District. As demonstrated in the table on the following page, the density would be generally consistent with densities of existing multiple - family housing in the area. (See attached map locating multi -unit developments in the area on page A36a.) 3 Development Address Units Units Per Acre Yorktown Continental 7151 York 264 45 The.Durham 7201 York 264 46 York Plaza Condos 7200 -20 York 260 34 York Plaza Apartments 7240 -60 York 260 29, Edina Place Apartments 7300 -50 York 139 15. Walker Elder Suites 7400 York 72 40 Yorkdale Townhomes 7429 York 90 9 7500 York Cooperative 7500 York 416 36 Edinborough Condos 76xx York 392 36 South Haven 3400 Parklawn 100 42 Proposed New Apts. at the YMCA 7355 York 130 22' Grading /Drainage /Utilities The city engineer has reviewed the proposed plans and found them to be acceptable subject to the comments and conditions outlined on the attached page A37. A more detailed review would.be done as part of the Final Development Plan review. A Nine Mile Creek Watershed District review and approval is also required. Preliminary Plat The applicant is also requesting a re -plat of the lot by shifting the existing lot lines on the subject property. As demonstrated on pages Al —A3, the site exists as two lots today. The lot lines would simply be shifted to accommodate the new building and parking area. The result would be that the site would remain two lots. Platting would take place as part of the second phase of the review process, with the Final Development Plan. (See proposed Preliminary Plat on page Al 1.) 4 Compliance Table * Requires a Variance PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issues • Is the proposed use and rezoning reasonable for this site? Yes. The proposed use is reasonable for six reasons: The proposed additional multiple - family senior housing would be compatible within the area as there are multiple family residential facilities to the north, south, east and west. (See page A3 and A36a.) 2. The proposed density of 36 units per acre meets the city's code requirement for density in the planned senior housing district; and is generally consistent with densities of existing apartment buildings in the area. (See attached map locating multi -unit developments in the area on page A36a, and in the above table.) City Standard (PSR -4) Proposed Setbacks York Avenue 56 feet (based on height) 300 feet Edinborough Way 48 feet (based on height) 45 feet* Parklawn 45 feet (based on height) 45 feet Setback to R -1, Residential 340 feet 664 feet Building Height No maximum requirement 45 -66 feet Parking lot and drive aisle 20 feet (street) 35 feet setback 10 feet (interior) 10+ feet Building Coverage 35% 16% Maximum Floor area per 700 s.f. - 1 Bedroom (br) 5 —1 br units over 700 s.f. room 850 s.f. — 2 Bedroom (br) & 9— 2 br units would exceed 850 s. f.* Density Allowed 44 units per acre 36 units per acre Parking Stalls — PSR -4 317 total stalls required; 103 must be 465 stalls proposed, 252 District enclosed (based on 416 units; 27 are enclosed employees and 2 company vehicles) Over -story Trees 73 Trees 200+ Trees (42 new trees on new lot) * Requires a Variance PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issues • Is the proposed use and rezoning reasonable for this site? Yes. The proposed use is reasonable for six reasons: The proposed additional multiple - family senior housing would be compatible within the area as there are multiple family residential facilities to the north, south, east and west. (See page A3 and A36a.) 2. The proposed density of 36 units per acre meets the city's code requirement for density in the planned senior housing district; and is generally consistent with densities of existing apartment buildings in the area. (See attached map locating multi -unit developments in the area on page A36a, and in the above table.) 3. The sites close proximity to amenities that seniors would take advantage of, such as the YMCA, Centennial Lakes Park, and the Promenade. 4. Sustainable Design. The applicant is proposing sustainable design principles. (See pages A5a —A5c.) These would be required as part of the Final Development Plan. 5. As mentioned above, the existing roadways would support the project. Wenck Associates conducted a traffic impact study based on the proposed development, and WSB & Associates reviewed the document to determine if it was accurate. Both Wenck and WSB concluded that the existing roadway system could support the proposed project. (See traffic studies on pages A42 —A70.) The Edina Transportation Commission met on November 20, 2008, and recommended that the traffic generated would not adversely affect the adjacent transportation systems. (See the minutes on page A38.) 6. The project would provide an additional opportunity for senior housing within the City of Edina. Based on the demographic data from the Comprehensive Plan, and the fact that there is a lengthy waiting list to get into the existing facility, the proposed new senior housing would fill a need in the City. It may also allow existing residents in single - family homes within the city who want to remain in Edina, and opportunity to stay. The result may provide opportunity for a new family with kids to move to the city into the single - family home that was made available by a new resident to this facility. • Is the Planned Senior District appropriate for the site? Yes. Staff believes that the PSR -4 district is appropriate for the site. The rezoning would bring the existing site more into compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. The site exists today with senior housing, however, is zoned for "all -age" multiple - family residential. The site is parked for seniors; however, the current zoning requires parking for "all -age" multiple - family residential. If the addition were proposed under the existing zoning designation, additional variances would be required. A density variance and a parking stall variance would be required. The density requirement under the current zoning would allow only 27'additional units on the site. The parking stalls required under the current zoning would be 832 total spaces; and 395 are proposed. By rezoning the site to match the existing and proposed use of the site, the density and parking would be code compliant. • Are the proposed variances justified? Yes. Per Section 850.04.Subd.1.F., of the Zoning Ordinance, a variance should not be granted unless it is found that the strict enforcement of the ordinance would cause undue hardship. The following demonstrates that the proposal meets the variance standards when applying the three hardship tests. Should the R preliminary plan be approved, the variances would be considered in more detailed with the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. 1) Are there practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements? Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. "Practical difficulties" may include functional and aesthetic concerns. Staff believes the proposed variances are reasonable for this site. Existing units within the 7500 development do not conform to the maximum standard of 850 square feet for two- bedroom units and 700 square feet for one - bedroom units. It would be reasonable to allow housing units within the addition to be consistent with the existing units. The maximum standards were developed to ensure affordable housing for the Planned Senior Residential districts. The existing and proposed units within the 7500 development were and are not intended to be entirely for affordable housing. Of the total 76 units, 62 proposed units conform to the maximum requirement (82 %). However, five -one bedroom units, and nine two- bedroom units exceed the maximum requirement. In regard to the setback variance, the hardship is caused by the existing location of the underground parking garage. This structure was not built to support the weight of a four -story addition above it. Therefore, the applicant developed a site plan working around this structure. They also do not wish to disturb the open space and garden area along York Avenue. The proposed four -story addition is reasonably sized given the height of the existing building, and the height of buildings in the area. 2) Are there circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self - created? Yes. The unique circumstance is that this site exists with senior housing, and does not conform to'the maximum standards for senior housing, and an underground parking deck that cannot support an addition above it. 3) Would the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? No. The proposed four -story addition would not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. There are several buildings in the 7 immediate area that are taller and have greater densities than the proposed development. Recommendation Recommend that the.City Council approve the Preliminary Rezoning from PRD -4 'to PSR -4 and Preliminary Development Plan, which would authorize the applicant to apply for a Final Development Plan, Final Rezoning and Variances. Approval is subject to the following findings: 1. The proposed addition is consistent with the multiple family housing developments to the north, south, east and west. 2. The proposed density is compatible with densities in the area. 3. Given the City of Edina's aging population, senior housing is a need in the City. ✓ 4. The existing roadways would support the proposed project. Approval is subject to the following Conditions: 1. The Final Development Plan must be generally consistent with approved Preliminary Development Plans dated June 30, 2008. 2. Sustainable design. Final Development Plans must include the Sustainable Initiatives as outlined in the applicant's narrative on pages A5a —A5c of the staff report. 3. Compliance with the conditions outlined in the city engineer's memo dated September 24, 2008. Deadline for a city decision: No deadline T o �' "i 09 'yrr vim,' ^ ±� 7750 a� 7735�� • 7140 'y +.r... - 101624 1117 2_. 4II2.I. w,i', hetlK �'s Y • �r.� +' 1016 0 • �: ,• [4„1111 604 ti70 i �. �FO2�lo3 rip 7735 1000.915'414 7 U "1• ..s: -.t �'r v ! _ 8089094D6 >;9, — ,lr. i'..1355, yam, - �,�`,,m�• 7380 00 jt • 1 9 "&24 507 059 0 7 P1 1 217 213 203 501 390 - +, . �� •� 74o,7aoo 106 j g j c ' a M 3400 1400• 74057404 E 7400 .4'O r ✓ J03 W 7409 7d08 ' .! 74737612 —! 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' � � ^ .: " �- 7407 t ..x:14 0 } { �. .0 Y 7504 - bd 7506 III r .dl.w�tr i D r- �,,�'• •�'. 7512 k 7516 1 • �1 1 . , j♦ ii�� 7520 It .. 4 ' H 57 7600 3205 ,a,..' • �. .t r �� 7604 Ak • 3209 A, 7601 y • r" = 7612 „,A A 7616 7620 .•. � - D �,.^� i� u 7624 aa1 4 k3 FX15TING ZONIN6 City of Edina 7f717r10 7f7I 717 -- 7171 - 2933 —,4 3273 Legend 7175 7178 HOUS. Number Labels 7129 — 0 0 Steel Name Labels 7707 24 0 p l City Limit. — 7705 7230: OZ7209 7701 Creeks Lake Name. 7233 77w Lakes 7302 I I N Parks 1010,4 1117 ('N It! ♦�Yee24 Zoning 0 IDII 111! 910 4.1111 709 ® APO(AUt.m..We P —"D:e> ) 2321 ( 1�1I .IL 70] I o MOO11Nurp Oatnr�e.rvnt Oearv�<( 7325 71 1000*tVld yy�� " "1p'{,I wad t�19�t1' 73u ■ MOO sou— D— .— Onar..1 5/ MOD fume Oad� --0an fil 7710 300 901 N ® I 30► Psp 7777 2 217217 2�1' 71017100 PCD1lxen me canx>•�Dv1r� -11 3 7405 74H 3400 7 74097409 POO xIi nn.a cc:r,•.xcx Oslr�21 74137412 1— ® Pc0.7 (Pannvi Ca n•.nwcvl0 ut.7 A PA A A K 'i 7/2374301 ® P00<(P:>,:na7 Com.a+crac 0 4 Flat 0 74297431 1TIJ7�743 PN (Puente tn4uenr Oearcll 7107 PO0.1 (PNnnaC ORim OC.x -ttl l00 N I O POD- 21P. n.af OHm0.1r..1x1 71 73W ■ PRO11Pbnne•JRm -Jmr D-11 0 0 0 ® PRO-2 Pbnnel Rea4- D.— 21 1 1100 7170 7301 1311 © PRO-3 Perm.! Rae:Jen101nn_f -SI 4000 0 7320 ® PRDJIPI+ WRZs " Om-n l 71 ® PRO S IPannaJ ResHenlOeV+a 51 71 ]MS TWO ■ PSR -41►1 n.. Sena 11aolai 1111 —_ 0 0 3209 7601 Rt iin9a 0sawnp UnaDmbl 4175 7000 3601 .'6}T ® R-21 Deub%D -Ai, U.e 0.-1 E RMDIReloeal MoaraiD —J 1701 ;610 '631 � Parcels k 7631 N 7630 x:700 7104 ,{L.P� * 708 7740 4 700 — 770} 7601 21 - c�ti i i:S SS 4115 O ![En PID: 3202824310367 �, 3401 Parklawn Ave Edina, MN 55435 t� l)11TR74l AiE' FX15TING ZONIN6 AIPLI N�RRA�ri�E R14&hhlmt BACKGROUND 7500 York Cooperative, developed in 1978, was the first senior housing cooperative model in the United States. There are 337 units at 7500 York. The structure is member - owned and is governed through vast committees. Its mission statement is to provide a safe, healthy and pleasant home for its members to enjoy an active, independent lifestyle in a senior cooperative environment. The Cooperative has been guided and managed by Ebenezer since its inception in 1978. Ebenezer has been a provider of compassionate, community- centered care for older adults and others in need for over 90 years. They offer a full range of coordinated programs and services including senior housing, assisted living, memory care, transitional and long -term care, adult and intergenerational programs and a variety of community -based services throughout the state of Minnesota and one facility in Iowa. EXPLANATION OF REQUEST- PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN The shareholders at 7500 York Cooperative approached Ebenezer with a request for help in their aging in place needs at the cooperative. Over the years, shareholders have developed close friendships with their neighbors by their active participation in resident run activities. As the members age, some have had to move to assisted living and some into more skilled care facilities. The figures show that over the last few years there has been between 25 — 40 members leaving per year to move into assisted living, long term care and other housing because of health related care issues. The trend will continue to see 35 to 40 move outs per year for these reasons. It is hard for the existing shareholders to keep in touch and to visit their family members and friends who have had to move. There also are shareholders who are still living at 7500 York that could benefit from a facility with more care, but are reluctant to leave their friends and family. An answer to some of these aging in place issues is to build on to 7500 York Cooperative and add an Assisted Living, memory and elder care suite model. The model plan would have 76 units which would include 47 units of assisted living, 16 units of Memory care and 13 elder care suites. This is the first cooperative in the state of Minnesota that is requesting this vision to create a continuum of care for seniors in cooperative housing. All areas of life could benefit by this need. Currently, there are 500 people on the waiting list to move into 7500 York Cooperative, many of which are aging in their single family homes within the community. By establishing the assisted living building there will be options available for the current shareholders to move into. This would free up cooperative shares for those on the waiting list and thereby increase availability of existing single family housing within the city of Edina. The cooperative shareholders as well as Ebenezer are both committed to building an eco- friendly and sustainable addition to help create this continuum of care for older adults as they age at 7500 York. They want to work to include advance technological and green solutions to keep up with future building and senior care needs, while being respectful to the environment. At ' ral , Ebenezer Edina Assisted Living An Ecoo Friendly Environment Listed below are potential sustainable design features for Ebenezer Edina Assisted Living. Location and Neighborhood Fabric: A Project is located on 'a site with access to.existing roads, water, sewers and other infrastructure within or contiguous to existing development. ,A Project is located within walking distance of community facilities, retail establishments, and civic amenities. Include sidewalks or other suitable pathways within a multi - family property or single - family subdivision are included to encourage walking within and off the site and connectivity to the surrounding environment. Orient the building to make use of passive solar heating and cooling. Provide three separate connections to sidewalks or pathways in surrounding neighborhoods. Bike Racks for employees, residents and grandchildren. Site: Building position to take best advantage of day lighting, summer shading, winter solar benefit and protection'from prevailing winter weather patterns. Best Practices in Storm Water Management — reduce impervious surface, rain - gardens, and aquifer- recharge. Mark all storm drains or storm inlets. Rainwater — Capture the first inch of rainfall that falls in a twenty-four hour period. No Ponds Implement EPA Best Management Practices for erosion and sedimentation control during construction. Green -Space and Mature tree preservation- Some of the Mature trees will remain intact. Underground Storage Tanks Exterior light design for light - pollution control Water Efficiency: A Landscape design will incorporate as many plants as possible that require little irrigation. Select trees.and plants appropriate to the climate, including drought - tolerant species in regions with low levels of rainfall during the summer or throughout the year. -Use appliances and plumbing fixtures that reduce water use and sewage outflow. ks, °��'�c�V Energy and Atmosphere: Include high- efficiency Mechanical and Electrical Systems to reduce fuel and electrical consumption. Take advantage of local utility programs offering incentives Include commissioning of building systems to ensure proper system operation Daylight sensors that dim artificial lighting in presence of high natural light levels. Use Energy Star labeled appliances. Install Energy Star labeled lighting fixtures that use LED Bulbs. Exceed Energy Star standards, or exceed ASHRAE 90. Materials and Resources: Use locally sourced materials to reduce carbon impact from transportation Used recycled or salvaged materials wherever possible and cost effective • Recycled Rubber Terrace Product • Recycled Eco -Star Majestic Slate JamesHardie cement -based Siding: meets LEED Certification. (For more information, visit http: / /www.jameshardie.com) Provide 5 percent (by cost or value) of recycled content materials overall. Recycle construction waste materials. Windows — Low E coatings and good thermal performance qualities. Healthy Living Environmental Quality: A Commit to a smoke -free building (www.mnsmokefreehousing.org) sA Provide fresh air in accordance with energy codes (or exceed). Enhance occupant control of lighting and HVAC controls (individual space control) Use operable windows to bring fresh air into the building Design spaces to take advantage of day lighting and views Use low- emitting materials • Specify low volatile organic compound (VOC) sealants and adhesives • Specify low VOC paint and primers Use composite wood only if free of added urea formaldehyde or if sealed with a low VOC sealant or laminate for cabinetry/countertops and millwork. Use Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label certified carpet in carpeted areas. Do not install carpets in basements, entryways, laundry rooms, bathrooms, or kitchens. To ensure effective removal of moisture, install Energy Star- labeled bathroom fans that exhaust to the outdoors and are equipped with a humidistat sensor, or timer. Adequately ventilate all living areas by providing fresh air per occupant either via the HVAC system or through natural ventilation. Appropriately size HVAC system to prevent short- cycling of heating or air conditioning and ensure adequate dehumidification. To avoid moisture problems, use tank -less hot water heaters or install conventional hot water heaters so that overflow or leaks are captured by drains. Insulate cold water pipes in climates and building conditions susceptible to moisture condensation. Do not install mold - propagating materials, such as vinyl wallpaper and unsealed grout, in wet areas. Use highly durable moisture resistant materials in tub /shower. Provide surface drainage of water away from windows, walls and foundations. Clothes dryers must be exhausted directly to the outdoors. Seal all wall, floor and joint penetrations with low VOC caulk. 413-,b Page 2 of 3 Continued Operations and Maintenance: Provide a plan for educating employees and residents regarding the intent of integrated sustainable building and landscaping features as well as their proper use and maintenance. Use of Organic Fertilizer Basic Recycling practices of Glass/Plastic and Paper will be incorporated. Also, different recycle bins will be located outside the lower level - Lucite Bins that will encourage the collection for recycling of: • Eyeglasses • Batteries • Cell Phone • Soup Labels/Box Tops for Education • Wire Hangers • Plastic Bags ' r 15-,*C- Page 3 of 3 Bassford, Hanvik & Pyles, P.A. Attorneys at Law 19000 - 27`h Avenue North Plymouth, Minnesota 55447 CHARLES A. BASSFORD, JR. Office: (763) 208 -1456 Fax: (763) 205 -3600 email: acbassfordCgcomcast.net Home: (763) 475 -1730 November 4, 2008 Ms. Susan Farr Vice President of Business Development Ebenezer Manaeement Services 2722 Park Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 Re: Seventy Five Hundred Cooperative /Change of Zoning Dear Susan: Enclosed is the Secretary's Certification of Action Taken by the Board of Directors of Seventy Five Hundred York Cooperative at its Board of Directors' Meeting duly held on October 29, 2008, approving the change in zoning of the Cooperative's property located in the City of Edina. We assume that the Resolution will satisfy the requirements of the City. However, please don't hesitate to contact me should you or the City have any questions or require additional assistance from 7500 York in this matter. CAB /cmr Enclosure ZACA13\7500YORMPARR 110408.LTR Yours very truly, BASSFORD, ViK g PYLES, P.A. By Charles A. Bassford, Jr. WI SEVENTY FIVE HUNDRED YORK COOPERATIVE SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATION OF ACTION BOARD OF DIRECTORS I, Hulda Gieschen, Corporate Secretary of Seventy Five Hundred York Cooperative, a Minnesota cooperative corporation, do hereby certify, on behalf of the corporation, that, after the Cooperative's attorney, Charles A. Bassford, Jr. of the law firm of Bassford, Hanvik & Pyles, P.A., informed the Board that the legal description of the Cooperative's property is as follows: Ebenezer First Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, and Outlot C, South Edina Development Addition, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, the following Resolution was duly made, seconded and unanimously approved by the Board of Directors of the Cooperative at a duly called meeting of the Board on October 29, 2008: That Seventy Five Hundred York Cooperative hereby consents to the rezoning of the t«,o (2) parcels which comprise its real estate in the City of Edina to comply with the requirements of the Edina City Code for Planned Senior Residence zoned property, subject to the City granting a variance for unit sizes in Seventy Five Hundred York that exceed the square footage limitations set forth in the City's PSR ordinance. Ebenezer Society is hereby authorized to undertake on behalf of Seventy Five Hundred York preliminary rezoning proceedings with the City of Edina and preliminary site plan review for the proposed construction of up to seventy -six (76) senior assisted living and health care units on the above described property of Seventy Five Hundred York Cooperative. SEVENTYFIVE HUNDRED YORK COOPERATII'E Dated: November, 2008 By , Hulda Gieschen, Corporate Secretary Subscrib*and sworn to before me this = day of No�mber 250 Public z:\CAB \7500YORK)S[C[iRTARY CC•RTRCATION OF ACCfO \.2008 k-7 y�C .r NOT im �. 9 PROJECT 7500 York Edina, MN 06 -27.08 1 COMMISSION #21252 -7142 i PROJECT 7500 York Edina, MN 06.27.08 1 COMMISSION #21252 -7142 d L EAST ELEVATION W3211 '-W t/1 NORTH ELEVATION � RFC JUN 3 0 2008 WEST ELEVATION 11 Iii�fOf R E O1NLICnIIII�� t/1 NORTH ELEVATION � RFC JUN 3 0 2008 WEST ELEVATION PRELIMINARY PLAT OF: EBENEZER SOCIETY 2ND ADDITION NOTES CORRESPONDING TO EASEMENTS TO BE PLATTED AS: PROPOSED AREA: a..`._. °w' ti °i��v"' �'• +_ t +a 40 20 O 40 e0 OD EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1eM 1 aW L m.a 1. OII/4•IDI BOOErc m AoaOOL ... r�..� fanl l6ml..an al• ... 1e1 1, e1.a 1. MMM soa[tt m ,er cirri. n1�1's �r rr��+rm awwr o�1"rt c s5111 mu 11EYIIJp1ml1 .mnol. N.._vb A Amen .wd. 1]q]45 .we. M - z7u w y� a 1��r 11+, nm+r 3CALE d FEeT v.w xr �^a /° SUBDIVISION SUMMARY: .1. e.. lw L a_. I. ­M m LM 1. bbd 1. E9F1fID/ 90lIIlT 151 A9Yi�l A90111011 qr. 3 Mi wv. M . 60.L sos ���a Mail r� er w. rr iM l.r mn!_ .I leb b .p14 t. L la. bW A �w�. 1R _ hsr r ...m•a ¢ 41.1af Ibngh fanlh IOI.nm16 _w b 60.6M epv. IM - 11.]01 ae.i g 154 vr.Y�fKV N w[ @wi V/.-Ili ^ n r Tn•... 11 1r-- STATEMENT OF POSSIBLE ENCROACHMENTS I VhIVU/'1/.� I V//1 vf1V1V1�_; 4.1ea.._ ✓.e ll�w.V bw pry.e�_w �� I -. ♦ //1 -)li A . /ra 11 117 . .. IT _._ 6zzzs is 6vne" w 10r`I` v �I vvC _____ �=vv rl 150.33 5 356'09" w S0VY18"w _ — 90.41 a � -56. - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' :•/pia w"/ 21 wnl- a_r .°.. � w ter.- r%�..�.�� "f •Y. w _wer rw rvYWV.swuwn 5,1z AUUNCS.Y m I'oL lia I •"r`i� �1II &0 Y 1. A.mwe 6501 I'_r ""r 51pO •�• - ..v 1 1 m�1 44--1a Flb1o. Ylnnseote ZlP 55435 I y! 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N m N a. s Ybnml. 6.9 i34n PRELIMINARY PLAT OF EBENEZER SOCIETY 2ND ADDITION Fort EBENEZER I Srrlu YORNASSOTEO uwxa ®NA, YWNE60,A HENNEPIN COUNTY FIANII'/ S. AtIN60N OO. INC. LAND SURVEYORS 000 LynEeY Aw/me 9x1011 Blee/eY10m11.1Y100/ Te1a 0674101.041 Fa 092MAM .�aF_wA.ea PRELIMINARY PLAT OF: EBENEZER SOCIETY 2ND ADDITION_�°"� "' rroTt:s DORRESPOPmI?10 TO EASE�rts TO BE PLATTED AS: PROPOSED AREA: EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: z 0a1®1 ww * m .mno\ a 20 0 +o eo no —1: ,�,�; c..aRwMM''wna w1. w.. � ,, awa mo�a1 - m `..:.".,••; `�"°' w9w a mu,H mw. 9cwalmN •Ymnax. •9mnw .am 1u o .atw. 1.1 . z1u abe> r°�iR• +'r a oo4i1� ,w ,ee\ wwe SCALE 01 FEET womb C.aLx ubwwl¢ vb ero r a t%� �•tr - SUBDIVISION SUMMARY: '°' z aw +. mOCtO soaFn m„a",r'm•�� 'o Pemr 9ed t. ®®1 59@lY 1ST .tID90,1 •00190N 4tl..l®. 315 .W.'• M . am eca .Vr•ri w w ..s.• Oer sw wr•. ^ eh r Iw Nw.mb 0.w YM.wln ,e. leltl nbnlw el lel• h .wd le 1 ,.. 1.1d oY �,\ , �a M1e.nw, r ueCM. a etre, . a i vrv�c:: :. •,,, P!v STATEMENT OF P09918LE ENCROACHMENTS1��"�0 6r_aC i — ...r— — b— r ..+..r. r... 1p ' 1 �' ° _�- .1>�4T^_rd )` _ law a -d a _ .. rr r�.r�•.�,r� �• ° °p ` ^' -Po'";. •- -- .� - -_.. •- ..r^'-- 'r° --o• —� �- �— .rT'� +s ^ -1 �>Y -• -3i� --- �-- _�--- ------- - - - - -= I �-t— I��er.r.. �".°jw:o- 1-•`` Y ?i �� 6 9 y` •i C x+Y \li i_ 0 � ^/�� � I'�re• �+�rr�ri'rw r. w� �� °. .' 9 t_•>;_r, '1't g -.ry2 a e,¢ s '•3� :'S 4 >e ro � �g 9'!o,or19• w °,1 °�i•' a, n 1 v�� �� - �vv �sb. - -. � -99.41 I I SITE ADDRESS el °� r ", e �,� ° I d ! . • ��_ .'L 1, f } T ! Em. M--t. Zlp 55435 °N- I `Ftp. °* ♦ "4,1pl� ,dP • _ 6d 1 • . I w OWNER - `� 4 q -•� ° ,` r 8 w # 1 +r dP - "+ ' 4+ y wPo . w I I } 1 7 [] 1 P � �' k I _ i . T ' fi • N r <d r - ' : � -i .", dr"P a ✓ o.e $ a .d' r aP A 9, 'P .'' .e..ww : . ^ "'d .P %g � P w'baal I I I I I i I I CNTAT Se Fm (61A 2) 8 79 -1400 b m �L u L JI k-VailaMM m 5W 7 � ti w f 'r SURVEYOR y I I Ad1 a 1� �. I I )I I I ° MrACF .en fs.. ine. e• H i I ��j ° I IjI .`yl' , "f r - -- -- - -- -- P4. ------- -- - --��- � � � I Tan HOAmH (952) 894 -5]{7 M i.r i 1b°'I IC Y a : _•a , a f u,'F ° s av ' !:• e16699.^' 90e3 L a a�• Aw• sm m. A 65420 I ILJ ,� •a^1 -I� ra..,' i' T�;� •', i [ v��': `�,.� ��- ,. t ;� �. LL . 1.1s l .. SI I f _Ip I + µ� ol ',-.•��ljl` L.` �I ,�[� +lfi:m.- '��... ..•• +p_ -`v� 1i �' - II I I j 17 LEGEND it I• �� Tn r�• ��v e, ^�'• '.7•�-lf��-a�i 11 � + ��LN� l� !I . ry I I • I • .ay.b� I� 1 ^�° I �AAA��`n - x0v.yl1R� - +� �r 1 r 2• „r m I I �F -I I �© gka 'i • w (: )p iL L II !) ,•` Y -iy ' \�. 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I r'..,- � ^`'� p�I�` en Iy`o',1's i Kl' ,fJ: •���i; Tv1f. � .,, 4P �r _ _ � � el 11 . n:. c.etw s.t u.r�• �`.mthsv�m, ..� `� ri - _ -Y. ti '.11r+�X>N ar �= • —_ — =�- _ �csss•� — — — — — —1= — — — VICINITY MAP p .'a ✓ / 7� 1 1' s3, w _ r _ t _ _ = • � ' ' di -a� 619. alq - 04 •��:Pa °bt �'. ' - 4 6 .x -� 0659 N: O'19'IY " 'r`•pp. 61' - W .11LA Yom- -`- r ®-... - .__n`m ..a �. --.-�- 1•--"_ -' --•1• 1 �1• - �. _- -:--;�,� .— _.�_ ._.._�. =•-�� L1.+11 v 1 lLV cif i� .. r+ 1 _ -- -- — '— i— i -r,—wc t. —_ p I � 6 €fps' �' •a���s'` '•ta'' �"__ °, :"mom, u._. • � ,f° — — — — — — — 1 � � D I I I I : .,. w. ('` -..... :re.. PL Al i Sr . °r I'� 'a Jr i : .i/ / � 63i1�6'Ja'• -•�_ LOT I f I , ii f I. F,`aa•Mi�A'a f� • j ''19r a e i % R ? BLO�K L~JI .s.... ., , v I r ♦' `` .! 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M. _ ------ ,,4 ", . ! �, - - - — -. — - — — — — a' ' •� . 4.A _ — - - — — — — — — _. a— f fxcN. as vEer S Jr !a JJ�%. // 'tee I' =_.. �n'°r•.�'�e. hI f °' a• r ;.� r� � � � L.'..'� .. 4 �w „ ".�; t;�^""`,�A X91 _ I -- � I I11 ..._...._...._._ _ i Sr . °r I'� 'a Jr i : .i/ / � 63i1�6'Ja'• -•�_ LOT I f I , ii f I. F,`aa•Mi�A'a f� • j ''19r a e i % R ? BLO�K L~JI .s.... ., , v I r ♦' `` .! ' r• - Y I �I � i to �, .,,. {' I,r I'' !' f f !� afn r r r ` '• ,,,,� _ _ -- _ -- '- - -_..�_ �' YI ,- �: ;aS.'i;n• .:I ,':eena BOUNDARY& I- y LEGEND ..., ~TOe00 RVEY CAL . _ f - ,I� ESENEZER rauvm uvo.D HENNEPIN COUNTY . ✓�i�•f, �� I� r'y ., 9a ��� {�_ �'J' I I III •`.:�.:; `�:.. ,fxwr e.,wa.sa, ca.wc. VICINITY MAP LAND SURVEYORS •.'Y "+. j � ��.1"r' ...a,_. ^.�... r"� -- —�� ___ _ _ 1 _ _ ay � �. �• � � � eu.v.r�.w.m. raa, '�f s -'.' r r ^+,-.' .st-� -Y.} •�--ar- - ^ - --^ — �— .rr—^--- -:�... 6l�w �p 1 � ! mac= ,i ..r ,r ✓ `- sue'• — ` p > /"��� _. Iy tea[_". 7J_ -4716T ' {'•'p*e' t "�� - -yq- I f, - 2007440 3 ' �xisrl�v6 CoNpiTiDNS m L I w I 7 Z I Q Z I Y I � I D_ YORKDALETOWNHOMES YORK AVENUE ------ EDINBOROUGH WAY rz-- t SITE PLAN W W Lu N r y 3: 1 n �.• °nom . �.,...� �... t.,.�.�•t J4, aI V ' Nmy. I G I fto#6566 #J6 J ev t Q1�16 PARKLA. AVENUE • � C 1 OV'p.U151Ti PIAN SuN I- AO L Q 0 r CITY TREE CODE REQUIREMENTS: nUi PEMMETER OF THE NEW LOT IS I— V -I—M HY b - FS.TS UVFRSTUFY TRF }y RFOUIRFO, TIO: RFUUIIIED TRFF. ORFiSRDItWT1 IS AS FUI.IDWS' REOUI1% SHOWN ON PLS.V: 131 URM FNTAL l61 IIRICONPIJNFMART IT]I Ivl.SCCL\T NI pt PRIMARY 101 IEI FUII. (R) JT TOTAL V TOTAL PLAM RKQUOLE ILYT 15.UTK3: I'F IS USUALLY NOf RF1'OMMFNDEU TYl IIAVF SUCII A 111011 OI:ANUTYOF'NFWORRFIOIA TREF3TIIATAREGRFATPR MIAN T' OIA, CALIPFA OUT TO TIIF. IIIGII MORTALITY RATI! AND LACK OF SFAOILDY DUE TO THE AMOUNT OF THL ROOT SYSILM FHAT M LOS F. 5MALLER 1 RELS W ILL ROOF IN MULTI 'F11IT WILL IOCH ff W OR ILL DW R'FIISIUE L lAI' R OV M M ULN AI0D 0. ! T 11S I.E'IAEE W A RFLATIVFLY SIIORTAMOUNTUF TIME R.VSFDON THIS, IT IS RELVMMLNDED THATTNE CITY TAKE TNL5 INIU CONS —FION WHEN RE VILW INO'IIiE PLANS AS SHOWN. Plain Schcdule LANG StJ1t E PLAN Z. u Phu uw... 7500 YOR ASSISTED LIVIN EOINA. MINNESO- �IROtt- -� Ira U.•rr.. —dws, Overall Sit Plan L1 so t »� MI �® a LANG StJ1t E PLAN Z. u Phu uw... 7500 YOR ASSISTED LIVIN EOINA. MINNESO- �IROtt- -� Ira U.•rr.. —dws, Overall Sit Plan L1 L � wraw.nre run rr�nacnxvrt- mEpw,octi�cn m�wr • I LL. "N OjG 44f 6 Po si V 0 W W C,3 ED ED 10 6, - - - - - - - - — — CC L =1111"ilm"o,""o—M-1 COMA Puu F wvo w w As eP+n J J 7500 YO > ASSISTED LIVII U, 'Ili EDINA.MINNES( so -- PRELIMINARY E- DEVELOPMENT Em APPLICATION GRADD*,DRAMCt AND EROSION co\TmL nm Us-RE M—DE1 V C2.0 T. z e, �', fJ _ 1 .?` �''.:1,� S� , r"^i?.s�, I �` ^,: -b'f�� � � ' per; .ff'LL _, � PONG CONDrICINS —2 93 7 10 2V 0 w w h rr a F R4 V i i� I� � r I 1 . Li () 1 � I 3 1: FFE=870.67 EXISTING LFE- SSS.02 �I 3. .i 7500 YO �. • "� .W }- ..:�b�.- m......,.�.�...,.. -�� ASSISTEDLIVI' '`�'` `..,��,•j, d,."..a..�, �,,,.. �..�. e...w bm,,.���.e,.. EDINA, MINNES( IL - - -- -t ` rr� - r,••••p:mnau FlFxl6l rAaF�p - �.LL` - -i'1J - . • n �p- NNUnO VTILIYY PLAO unuwpw C3.0 Z-- r -------------------------------------------------- a] T T w -- --------- - yJ RIC *G MO GEOVE w a 0 w 417 3 T 9 ......... QRNE APRON M, i.4 —77777— ;&F MIRR SECTION 7500 YOF ASSISTED LIVIt EDINA. MINNESC PAWNIGAND GEOMEMC PLAN -137 C4.0 -V- 9L) v L ----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it UNEXCAVATED EXISTING PARKING GARAGE 13 •STAIR ---------- -------- QGARAGE PLAN - 18.422 S.F. 41* ELEV. t MAINT. IOSBY 77-1 EQUIP PARKING CORRIDOR UNEXCAVATED GARAGE ELEC. TRASH PARKING GARAGE 4 SERVICE -ECH . DRY C" R----------------- S OR FIRE STORAGE PROTECTION RECEMNG 13 •STAIR ---------- -------- QGARAGE PLAN - 18.422 S.F. 41* FIRST FLOOR PLAN - 29,081 S.F. L 2 BR Y. 852 SF 2BR 051 SF STUDIO 423 SF 1 BR ELEV. OPEN TO fi42 5F HOME EL LOBBY LOUNGE/ LOBBY STAIR 1 BR i BR 1 8R �� 28R HEALTH L03RARY BELOW 042 SF .2 SF B71 SF 1142 SF 16R STAIR 642 SF STUDIO , OR 642 SF 454 SF STUDIO _______________________I 771 SF 454 SF 1BR 612 SIF _ BARBER AN 642 SF 042 SF STUDIO 454 SF 1 BR ELEV. OPEN TO fi42 5F HOME EL LOBBY LOUNGE/ LOBBY STAIR 1 BR i BR 1 8R �� 28R HEALTH L03RARY BELOW 042 SF .2 SF B71 SF 1142 SF 1 BR* 70.7 SF "'�Ci•r)` "� 'Coy +, 550 SF 1 BR. 771 SF SUPPORT 325 SF BEAUTY/ CONCE55 THEATER 1BR 1 B _ BARBER AN 642 SF 042 SF TOILETS LAUNDRY 202 SF STUDIO 2BR } 423 SF 081 SF 1BR 650 SF STAIR SECOND FLOOR PLAN 1 BR* 70.7 SF "'�Ci•r)` "� 'Coy +, rl 1 28R 882 OF x 28R BSI OF Sniolo 423 SF IBR STABt 672 SF I OR STUDIO 642 SF 454 SF STUDIO U 454 SF 18R .2 SF 16R 672 OF 1 O 642 SF SUPPORT 362 SF 1 BR+ { 771 OF SUPPORT 325 SF LAUNDRY 262 SF x STUDIO 2BR 423 SF BBt SF ISR 650 OF STAIR L I OR I SR 423 SF I 7,206 SF I STAIR I 542 SF I 642 SF I SI BSF I STAIR I 1142 SF Z 18L7 18R 1BR 18R 18R 18R+ 72B SF 542 SF 542 SF 542 OF 542 SF 793 SF RE �� m , JUN 3 0 2000 THIRD FLOOR PLAN - 210 S.F. '4t=b ti j1 L FOURTH FLOOR PLAN - 16 963 S.F. snr =tw RECEIVED , ((( JUN 3 0 2008 R :M.e fuWr 7500 YOR ASSISTED LIVIN �}'�FLBL'N6LG PRELIMINAIRY DEVELOPMENT AP 6127MO FOURTH FLOG PLA �r A2.6 :1 a ,a :.`"ae, � ".l+ : i. •: , �;. 1. .�Z ..•..r 44 ,,.,ate, • �... , w� wtq� v IL 5, � k .-�: ✓ s J ��� M tr.e... rj' .. J' J'a".j .r'� 1,.� .. i - ' f ° :' r •j ''� } I � .. � �- - .� � _ � Ry...I. , .. ,rr ir•, t` #._�_'! -�' y of n �• 40 `yam , I '1 -'s t, - r��• 4 -° t 11111le Ilt-41i "Llte", 2 iw Ir 11 won EcoStar e=a ME 4p, AID 4T . < � \ :/ y � \�` � �� ••,,. ��.: a, a �2 _ _ tt ._ - --__ - - a P� I I! I! f! , ovoll 00 ■ No eoi If If mom o I 'I r .= If ■ All `" .1 bw.vii� Yik'dlt.11vMYfGi[ +�. ii �i.lf Ei/a � , � "• • � "' ;:I �..s.::,; �1 SsiS.SV..n'na.r., Mffi91��II - Y^:. -... [fir '1ri�6TAEt .:.. T'9fF.i C ) = UNITS PER ACRE A 3Gq. °R�oNY. WALKEA E( Wk julTrES C") VflO W- rh1.1V w9A,�� e 0 MEMORANDUM - Plan Review •,,•• ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT • CITY OF EDINA DATE: November 19, 2008 TO: Cary Teague - City Planner FROM: Wayne Houle - Director of Public Works / City Engineer "4;9— SUBJECT: 7500 York Assisted Living 7500 York Avenue Engineering has reviewed the plans for the above stated project and offer the following comments: • The Edina Transportation Commission (ETC) has accepted the Traffic Impact Study, see attached Traffic Impact Study and minutes from the July 17, 2008 ETC meeting. • A Ninemile Creek Watershed permit will be required, along with other agency permits such as MNDH, MPCA, and MCES. • All storm water from this site shall be treated on -site; no off -site pond expansions are available within the sub - drainage area. This is the first review of these plans. Staff will require a more detail review of the Civil Plans if this project is approved by the, City Council. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this first review. Thanks 43-7 G: \Englneering \General \Y Streets \7500 York\20081120 review of 7500 York Assisted Living.doc 0 N MINUTES OF THE Edina Transportation Commission Thursday, July 17, 2008 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Les Wanninger, Jean White, Paul Mooty, Steve Brown, Geof Workinger, Tom Bonneville MEMBERS ABSENT: Warren Plante, Hilah Almog, Marc Usem, STAFF PRESENT: Jack Sullivan, Sharon Allison I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order �by chair Workinger. II. Comments a. Chair Comments Chair Workinger said he would like Commissioner Brown to brief the ETC on the West 70�' Street/Cornelia Area Traffic Study. b. Public Comments None. III. Old Business None. IV. New Business a. 7500 York Avenue — Ebenezer Management Assistant City Engineer Sullivan said the proposal for 7500 York Avenue is to add 75 residential rooms (88 beds) to an already existing senior facility. Mr. Sullivan said the redevelopment proposal was applied for in March but was put on hold by the development team. However, staff and WSB reviewed the traffic study and made comments. The developers have since revised their proposal and incorporated staff's and WSB's comments into the traffic study and is seeking approval. Mr. Sullivan said the revised traffic study does not negatively impact traffic and staff is recommending approval. The developer's traffic engineer, Ed Terhaar of Wenck Associates, Inc., was present to answer questions. Commissioner Wanninger motioned to accept staff's recommendation "that traffic generated from the proposed 7500 York Avenue does not adversely affect the adjacent transportation system." The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bonneville. Motion carried. All voted ave. .k3.& b 7300 Bush Lake Road — Minnesota Made Assistant 'ty Engineer Sullivan said the original plan was for an inflated hockey dour but it was change to a permanent building with spectator seating. Mr. Sullivan said mo of the trips to and m the site will be off -peak times such as early mornings and wee ends and there are no a .sting operational issues at surrounding intersections. He said a proposal does not advers affect traffic therefore, staff is recommending approval. The (lowing is the Transportation Im ct Analysis Policy: The Transporta 'on Commission shall consider the following four effects i the evaluation of traffic studies \navnc arranted by certain zoning, land -use, condit' nal use permits and final develop applications prior to the application bet submitted to the Planning Commiouncil for consideration: i) Does the developfican tly affect the operation and con stion of the adjacent roadways or interseor result in a traffic hazard? AccordinTraffic Impact Study, no adve a impact to surrounding roadwayI ctions shall occur from this evelopment. ti) Does the development signi fi antly affect pedestrian The Traffic Impact Sludy did not addre industrial area with littIq pedestrian traffic iti) Does the development provide op %idirtunot nit car - pooling? The Traffic Impact Study iv) Does the development provide feasible or safety problem? There are no known traffic ov After discussion, the consensus was t at circul for patrons and emergency vehicles. w All voted ave. er m6tloned to to ' ems ii and in t e site: and iv do was seconded I ied by Commission k reauirements on t for V. Approvalpf Minutes a. Rjtgular Meeting of June 19, 2008 E pedestrian safety. This is an transit usage, vanpooling or the above usages. to address an existing traffic issue issues at this location. of traffic within the site will be challenging X3°1 B J ut VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Brow Commissione Brown reported that 6921 York Place and rosstown Medical, 4010 W. 65th Street, receive preliminary approval last month. He id final approval is expected next month. Commissioner Bro n, chair of the West 70th Study Advisory Co mittee (SAC) meeting Presbyterian Church. He said working with developed to finalize a ecommendation to t their review. After getti Council's feedba ETC and SAC. Commissi ner Brown said final recommendation to Co cil. Stree ornelia Area Traffic Study, said the next is sc eduled for July 28, 7 -9:00 p.m., at Christ st and the consultant, a 17 -step process was he ouncil and it was submitted to the Council for the 17 -step process will be distributed to the e anticipates two more SAC meetings and then a Assistant City Engineer Sulliva said 0 the information for the July 28 meeting will be posted to the.website and available for Vipwityg in the Engineering office. VII. Open Discussion Commissioner White said the' cket included information from Transit for Livable Communities regarding a grant at th Engineering Department applied for but did not receive approval. She asked what th applic tion was for. Mr. Sullivan said the grant money would have been used for bike ails an sidewalks. He explained that Transit for Livable Communities provides funds or alternati a modes of transportation. In reference to the Transp rtation Chapte of the Comp Plan, Commissioner Wanninger said they included two potenti I transit options t at will require feasibility studies to determine cost, etc. He asked when will a studies begin a d will the ETC play a leadership role. Mr. Sullivan will prepare a response or the next schedule meeting. Commissioner_ Bonne ille said the ETC should be concerned with the overall function of the City's traffic and tTsaff are two significant projects that are impacting the City, including the Crosstown, which should be updating the ETC on at regular intervals and therefore, making it public. T ext is the Edina Country Club for which staff can give progress reports when streets will b sed, etc. VIII. Adjournment Meeting adjourne at 6:50 p.m. 3 A40 Page 1 of 1 Edina Transportation Commission Item IV. a. REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Transportation Commissioners Agenda Item No.: IV. a. From: Jack Sullivan, P . � ACTION: Assistant City E veer ® Recommendation /Motion Date: July 17, 2008 ® Discussion Subject: Transportation ❑ Information Impact Analysis — 7500 York Avenue — Ebenezer Recommendation: Review the attached transportation impact analysis submitted by Wenck dated June 30, 2008 and review a memo dated April 2 and July 9, 2008 from WSB and Associates. If so desired by the Transportation Commission, adopt a motion recommending that traffic generated from the proposed 7500 York Avenue does not adversely affect the adjacent transportation system. Info /Background: Staff received a draft Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) on March 17, 2008 for the construction of a new 89,700 sq ft assisted living facility immediately north of the assisted senor house building located on 7500 York Avenue. The building would have 76 units and 80 beds. Shortly afterwards the project application was postponed by the developer. However, staff and WSB review the document and comments and question from our review can be seen in the April 2, 2008 memo from WSB. As of June 30, 2008 the applicant resubmitted the TIA with a revised building size of 110,595 square foot and 76 units and 88 beds. All comments from the April 2nd memo have been addressed in the June 30th submittal. 44( G:\Engineering\lnfrastructure \Streets \Traffic \Transportation Commission\Agendas\2008 R&R\20080717_7500_York.doc WSB & Associates. Ina Infrastructure ■ Engineering ■ Planning in Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541.4800 Fax: 763 541 -1700 Memorandum To: Wayne Houle, PE, Public. Works Director /City Engineer Jack Sullivan, PE, Assistant City Engineer City of Edina From: Chuck Rickart, PE, PTOE Transportation Engineer WSB & Associates, Inc. Date: July 9h, 2008 Res Assisted Living Facility — 7,500 York Traffic Study Review City of Edina WSB Project No. 1686 -02 As requested, we have reviewed the revised Traffic Study prepared by Wenck Associates, Inc. for the proposed Assisted Living Facility located at 7500 York Avenue. The proposed development is located south of Parklawn Avenue between Edinborough Way and York Avenue. The revised development is proposed to include the expansion of the existing senior housing with the Assisted Living facility. The new building will be 110,595 square feet with 76 units and 88 beds. The revised proposed development is slightly larger the original proposal. Comments were made on the original proposal in April 2008. These comments have been addressed as part of the revised study. Based on my review of the revised Assisted Living Facility Traffic Study I concur with the conclusions and agree that there will not be any significant impact from the proposed development on the adjacent street system. Therefore, based on my review I would recommend approval of the proposed development. I%a CMo Cas and sauossysuHim csbop\NEMO- anowo-o7osos.aoe WSB & Assadwe*. Ina Infrastructure ■ Engineering ■ Planning ■ Construction Memorandum To: Wayne Houle, PE, Public Works Director /City Engineer Jack Sullivan, PE, Assistant City Engineer City of Edina From: Chuck Rickart, PE, PTOE Transportation Engineer WSB & Associates, Inc. Date: April 2"d 2008 Re: Assisted Living Facility — 7500 York Traffic Study Review City of Edina WSB Project No. 1686-02 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541 -4800 Fax: 763 541 -1700 As requested, we have reviewed the Traffic Study prepared by Wenck Associates, Inc. for the proposed Assisted Living Facility located at 7500 York Avenue. The proposed development is located south of Parklawn Avenue between Edinborough Way and York Avenue. The development is proposed to include the expansion of the existing senior housing with the Assisted Living facility. The new building will be 89,700 square feet with 76 units and 80 beds. Based on the review of the Assisted Living Facility Traffic Study, the following questions /comments are made: 1. The Existing Conditions section indicates that traffic data was collected at the intersections during the AM and PM peak hours. It appears that these counts were in addition to those conducted as part of the SE area model project. A comparison should be made to assure that these counts are reasonable. There was also no indication if counts were also conducted at the site driveways. 2. It appears that the SE Edina area model files were not used for the analysis. These files would include "other" proposed developments in the area. The one percent per year growth should be added, in addition to the "other" development. 3. In the Trip Generation section there is no indication if the existing facility is full or if additional trips should be assumed for that facility? 4. The Traffic Distribution assumptions should be compared with adjacent proposed developments. GAEn&eein$Gmaz11Y StrMsi7500 Yuk\20080410_Omck_Rkhart_WSB MEMO- wboWc- 040208.doc J Mr. Wayne Houle, PE Jack Sullivan, PE City of Edina January 20, 2008 Page 2 of 2 5. The analysis of the proposed access �oints does not indicate if issues arise between the proposed driveway and existing driveway on Edinborough way. 6. The Conclusions and Recommendations should be updated to reflect the comments herein. Based on these comments and my general review of the site configuration and the Traffic Study, additional information and analysis should be provided. before any approval recommendation can be made. G, TngineeringlGene rahYSlree 'W500Yorkl2008O4J0_Chuck Richan _WSB_MEMO- rvhoule- 040208 -doe Wenck File #2058 -01 Prepared for: Ebenezer Management Prepared by: WENCK ASSOCIATES, INC. 1800 Pioneer Creek Center P.O. Box 249 Maple Plain, Minnesota 55359 -0249 (763) 479 -4200 �4� Transportation Impact Analysis for Assisted Living Facility 7500 York Avenue Edina, MN June 30, 2008 Wenck Table of Contents 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................. ............................1 -1 2.0 PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND .............................................:.... ............................... 2 -1 3.0 EXISTING CONDTd' IONS ..............:................................................... ...........................°3 -1 4.0 TRAFFIC IMPACTS ....................................................................... ............................... 4 -1 5.0 PARKING IMPACTS ......................................................................... ............................5 -1 6.0 TRANSIT, BICYCLE, AND PEDESTRIAN IMPACTS ............. ............................... 6 -1 7.0 CONCLUSIONS .............................:.................................................... ............................7 -1 8.0 APPENDIX ........................................................................................... ............................8 -1 FIGURES I PROJECT LOCATION 2 SITE PLAN 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS 4 WEEKDAY AM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES 5 WEEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES 6 WEEKDAY AM PEAK HOUR LEVELS OF SERVICE 7 WEEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR LEVELS OF SERVICE i. 41 0 1.0 Executive Summary The purpose of this Transportation Impact Analysis is to evaluate the impacts of the proposed assisted living facility located on the 7500 York Avenue site in Edina, MN. The project site is located in the.southeast quadrant of the Parklawn Avenue intersection with Edinborough Way. This study examined traffic impacts of the proposed development on the following intersections: • York Avenue/Parklawn Avenue • York Avenue /76th Street • _76th Street/Edinborough Way • Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way In addition to traffic related impacts, impacts to on -site parking, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and transit were also examined. The proposed project consists of constructing a new 110,595 square foot assisted living facility immediately adjacent to the existing senior housing building located at 7500 York Avenue. The facility would contain 76 dwelling units and a total of 88 beds for residents. The new assisted living facility would be built next to the existing underground parking ramp located in the northwest quadrant of the property. The project will include rezoning the entire property to the Planned Senior Residence category. The new building will have a full access point on Parklawn Avenue and a full access point on Edinborough Way. The existing access drive for the underground parking ramp would remain in its existing location. The project will add 62 additional parking stalls to the site. The project is expected to be complete in early 2010. The conclusions drawn from the information and analyses presented in this report are as follows: • The proposed development will generate 12 trips during the weekday AM peak hour, 19 trips during the weekday p.m. peak hour, and 234 daily trips. No changes are expected in the trip generation for the existing senior housing facility in conjunction with the proposed project. • The intersections of 76`h Street/Edinborough Way, York Avenue /761h Street, York Avenue/Parklawn Avenue, and Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way have adequate capacity with existing geometrics and control to accommodate the proposed development while maintaining acceptable levels of service. • The proposed access locations on Parklawn Avenue and Edinborough Way will provide adequate operations for trips to and from the site. On Edinborough Way, we do not anticipate any issues between the existing access and the proposed access. The low AV volume of traffic that uses each access point, combined with the low volume of traffic on Edinborough Way, will result in adequate operations at each access point. • With the inclusion of dedicated visitor and staff parking area, parking impacts for the proposed facility are expected to be minimal. • No significant impacts are expected to the existing transit, bicycle, or pedestrian facilities due to the proposed project. 1 -2 A4� 2.0 Purpose and Background The purpose of this Transportation Impact Analysis is to evaluate the impacts of the proposed assisted living facility located on the 7500 York Avenue site in Edina, MN. The project site is located in the southeast quadrant of the Parklawn Avenue intersection with Edinborough Way, as shown in Figure 1. This study examined traffic impacts of the proposed development on the following intersections: ■ York Avenue/Parklawn Avenue ■ York Avenue /761h Street ■ 76'h Street/Edinborough Way ■ Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way In addition to traffic related impacts, impacts to on -site parking, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and transit were also examined. Proposed Development Characteristics The proposed project consists of constructing a new 110,595 square foot assisted living facility immediately adjacent to the existing senior housing building located at 7500 York Avenue. The facility would contain 76 dwelling units and a total of 88 beds for residents. The new assisted living facility would be built next to the existing underground parking ramp located in the northwest quadrant of the property. The project will include rezoning the entire property to the Planned Senior Residence category. The current site plan is shown in Figure 2. The new building will have a full access point on Parklawn Avenue and a full access point on Edinborough Way. The existing access drive for the underground parking ramp would remain in its existing location. The project will add 62 additional parking stalls to the site. The project is expected to be complete in early 2010. 2 -1 th ° ST. u a r. " p Vl•� iq 60 th $T, z z z O Y p ' S1 ST. o E\ r Y- x ¢ V OO z O z w a Z Z; lV. 61 s t S T. -� W ��.... W. m z w 67 > ? = q �-• O 2 Z J w p p x C7 O ViEr,' CH OWEN V �„ V+ w 61 st a ST, A+0 J Y CU RVE Q' 3 Vl, 62 v1 5 ?. nd CTRC 4N - '•I - n- q W. 62 nd ST. 1 W x GARRI SON �+ - '� � > q p c w HERITAGE tr, 62 nd ST. 62 L4 > u a -i m DR. W. 63 rd ST. o u 6Z W, 64 th ST. a Vl. % 64th ST. J q v V U c p +Y. ST. W 31 W. 65th ST. 65 '/2 ST. ° ST. m 1166 -_— 66th -' a' :� W. th ST. 53 "' -- p 22. WARWICK PL. SOUTH DALE j , . { c • •• .' 1 y. -_ 23. MELODY LAKE RD. TT yj 24. NORAIANpALE CT. W. 67 $T. ! 0 •Oap - "�1 ..._ a 25. LANTANA LA. q. T rh 26. NOR+dAHDALE RD. .'� v r vi v u1 165 F ORREST FG FANZ ¢ p . '. 27. JOSEPHINE AVE. La > > W. th ST. RC. `=cV� 7 O 228. COLONIAL CT, q q 4 ` JUDS 29.VORTH FIELD AVE. i pN LA. vG M1` = 30. RIDGEv1cN AVE. ¢� z ci a7v W. 69th ST. Iy, 69 th q ST. O w w W vi w vi w s 70Th (D > ST. W. 70 th q ST. 'L C o> tr a )VER 80. 31. HOLBGRN AVE. W. 70Y2 ih ST. q MAvELL Ew~ m Sv a 32. ROLF AVE. N RE o 9� DR. 33. ROBEHTS PL. K Vl. 71st RICH IELD ST. LA o c o u i HAZELTON µ0' w x w. 71'/2 2000 POP. 7R. 4nf " o MDnf m 34. BIRCHCREST OR. > ST' 4 -?9 D Iv. Li s 72 nd 7 UN'Y4A+nD• 35. w, 63rd ST. W. 72r•d ST. yP aST. 36. NANCY LA. i n £LEST %ORTH Oy 37. MILLER'S LA. DR. w CifOi ? R 3E J JrONDEJ.DP a Project 31 W. T3 th Si. OR. w s r Location - N ILFOP.D o v o a JG W. Z n 74 th ¢ ST. WL' C a s 0PARKLAWIl v W I V CT. 4 AvE. W 7 ~ z ZO v1 ' C ' O ,\ Y : 2 2 7 Z Z a Fi�a o W. 'q > > 0 75th ° v ST. y A ° rev J Q P_AZ4 3 LJ 0 O Q �• J DR. W o Y a VV, 76th i ST. j i Vl, 76th -' ST. Z 4] x °z J s p n W. 77 th ST. Y N - --- - - MINNESOTA �. - - DR. - - - W. -- .. TBt z Li > �.: SOUTY.TOWN p q = c ST. o APPROXIMATE SCALE C7n, S'• �1 AMERICAN °� BLVD. O'= 1Y. 78Th z z C� _ w 0 2500' " Ir BLVD. TLA > m u q W. Blst ST. r > ; a yl. Blst 5T. ,Wenck TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN EDINA, MN �v FIGURE 1 PROJECT LOCATION ,y 0 � r� 0 i0 0 W t PARKLAWN AVENUE WEST 76TH STREET TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN EDINA, MN AS i FIGURE 2 SITE PLAN w z w 0 I� N APPROXIMATE SCALE 0 120' 3.0 Existing Conditions The proposed site currently consists of an underground parking ramp used by the senior housing building at 7500 York Avenue. The project site is bounded by Parklawn Avenue on the north, Edinborough Way on the west, the adjacent senior housing building on the south, and York Avenue on the east. York Avenue is a four -lane divided roadway with turn lanes at major intersections. Parklawn Avenue is afour -lane undivided roadway,east of Edinborough Way. Edinborough Way is a two -lane roadway which provides access to nearby residential properties. Existing conditions are shown in Figure 3. The signalized intersection of 76`h Street and Edinborough Way provides one lane shared by left turn, through, and right turn movements on the southbound approach. The southbound approach consists of one left turn/through lane and one right turn lane. The westbound 76`h Street approach consists of one left turn lane, two through lanes, and one right turn lane. The eastbound approach consists of one left turn lane, one through lane, and one through/right turn lane. Left turns operate on a protected /permissive basis for both 76`h Street approaches and on a permitted basis for both Edinborough Way approaches. The signalized intersection of York Avenue and 76h Street westbound approaches. one through lane, and one through/right turn lane both t he eastbound and The northbound approach consists of one left turn lane, one through lane, and one through/right turn lane. The southbound approach consists of two left turn lane, two through lanes, and one right turn lane. Left turns operate on a protected basis for all approaches. The intersection of York Avenue and Parklawn Avenue is controlled with stop signs on the Parklawn Avenue approaches. The northbound and southbound approaches consist of one left turn lane, two through lanes, and one right turn lane. The eastbound approach consists of one left tunVthrough lane and one through/right turn lane: The westbound approach consists of one lane shared by left turn, through, and right turn movements. The intersection of Parklawn Avenue with Edinborough Way is controlled with stop signs on the Edinborough Way approaches. The northbound and sout he a sd approaches and westbound one lane shared by left turn, through, and right turn movements. approaches consist of one left turn/through Jane and one through/right turn lane. Turn movement data was collected at the Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way intersection during the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak periods in January, 2008. Existing data for the other analysis intersections was obtained from the City's existing conditions Synchro model. 3 -1 A5 0a, 0 0 Z 5 w r. r a A .. PARKLAWN AVENUE APPRO�(IMAlE SCALE 30- rt PROJI( T LOCATIA 'qr IT' r f ri f.4 1' VVe I-)' l(I-r-li"". . [1, 4A 76TH STREET v W- ir TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN EDINA, MN A 3 ul D Z Lu 0 FIGURE 3 Ul ro EXISTING CONDITIONS 4.0 'traffic Impacts Traffic Forecast. Scenarios To adequately address the impacts of the proposed project, forecasts and analyses were completed for the year 2010. Specifically, weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour traffic forecasts were completed for the following scenarios: • Existing (2008). Existing volumes were determined through traffic counts at the subject intersections. 2010 No- Build. Existing volumes at the subject intersections were increased by one percent per year to determine 2010 no -build volumes. The one percent per year growth rate was determined based on historic traffic volume information on the surrounding roadway network. • 2010 Build. Trips generated by the proposed development were added to the 2010 no- build volumes to determine 2010 build volumes. Trip Generation of Proposed Uses Weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour trip generation for the proposed development were calculated based on data presented in the seventh edition of Trip Generation, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The resultant trip generation is shown in Table 1. Table 1 .aloolr.a .., A X4 cand PM PPAk Hnnr .Trin Generation for Proposed Uses T• a,a.nuu tea••. w - Weekday AM Weekday PM Use Size Units Peak Hour Peak Hour Dail In Out Total In Out Total Total Assisted living 88 Beds 8 4 12 8 11 19 234 The Trip Generation publication indicates that a study based on national and local data indicated that less than 5 percent of residents at assisted living facilities owned cars, which were rarely driven. The vast majority of trips generated are from visitors, staff, and deliveries. The trip generation shown in Table 1 is for the proposed facility only. No changes are expected in the trip generation for the existing senior housing facility in conjunction with the proposed project. 4 -1 ff Trip Distribution Percentages Trip distribution percentages for the subject development trips were established based on the nearby roadway network, existing and expected future traffic patterns, and location of the subject development in relation to major attractions and population concentrations. The distribution percentages for trips generated by the proposed development are as follows: • 25% to /from the north on York Avenue • 15% to /from the south on York Avenue • 5% to /from the west on Parklawn Avenue • 25% to /from the west on 76`h Street • 25% to /from the east on 76`h Street • 5% to /from the south on Edinborough Way The trip distribution percentages presented were developed based on careful review of the existing peak hour volumes at all of the. analysis intersections. This basis results in trip distribution percentages that are similar to the existing surrounding residential uses. Therefore, the trip distribution percentages presented are realistic for the proposed development. Traffic Volumes Development trips were assigned to the surrounding roadway network using the preceding trip distribution percentages. Traffic volumes were established for all the forecasting scenarios described earlier during both the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours. The resultant traffic volumes are presented in Figures 4 and 5. 4 -2 AS�- r� M ` = cC +--2/2/2 (D 'IT M +--4/4/5 ''' °' E- 104/107/107 F 113/1161117 �i - 7/7/9 PARKLAWN AVENUE f-- 443 c M 11/11/11 73/75/75 -� 1 57/59/60 o o cc -/-/2 �- N 7/7/7 O � tD L Z., Z o Lo CD to m T N r - PROJECT LOCATION v v= D n STAFF N 0 0 J ACCESS (D N Lo 0 O w O m z_ D W N (D 'IT M +--4/4/5 Lo N F 508/523/523 j �, ,F- 213/2191219 5/5/7 F 2/2/2 144/148/148 c M 11/11/11 N�Ln 2/2/2 -� M• M t 29130/31 7k a; N �ln WE nck 76TH STREET N NOT TO SCALE EXISTING 2008 2010 NO -BUILD II 2010 BUILD xx/xx/ xwxxl TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN EDINA, MN �S6 ti o� ca � N v � +-3/3/3 v v F 2/2/2 7/7/7 39/40/41 �' T 2/2/2 -� 29130/31 7k Se w U O � tD L o Lo m w z w a Y O FIGURE 4 WEEKDAY A.M. PEAK. HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES 0) N � N v � 'E- 161/166/167 - r- f- 562/5791580 54/56/56 40141/41 168/173/174 25/26/26 c o c cc) - OHO of m T_ CD O T FIGURE 4 WEEKDAY A.M. PEAK. HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES in M c n r E— 72174/75 j , �, f— 18/19/22. PARKLAWN AVENUE 2/212--t 1 T r 179/184/185--). 163/168/169 1 T r 24/25/25 =a= N 41/42142 -3, M 202 fn co v Li -/-/3 T� C N �! Q ,= Q V O O m Z 0 w PROJECT LOCATION STAFF ACCESS ti cc M � � '�-- 23/24/25 f— 419/432/432 rn N f-- 78/80/80 32/33/35.,' 1 T r 829/854/854 rn (D ,n 41/42142 -3, u M Q M 202 n LocDi O 61/63/65 toMf` c5 rn N Wenck E-- 112/115/116 f-- -/ -/3 n < (1) O 76TH STREET N NOT TO SCALE EXISTING 2008 2010 NO -BUILD I I 2010 BUILD XX/XX/XX/XX TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN. EDINA, MN 4. 1 w v cc M � � rn N +--6/6/6 rI- f-- 0 /0 /0 I�I EJ y y — 2/2/2 70/72/75 --+ If r 202 to M u') 61/63/65 C M u') �co O w z w Q Y O T L U Lo G�O}co �tDN �rnrn r0C14 J�� 156/161/161 --t 918/946/947 130/134/135 FIGURE 5 '- 261/269/270 <— 330/3401341 ,F— 55/57/57 If Coo C O O ti I co cD co (D v WEEKDAY P.M. PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES Intersection Analysis Traffic analyses were completed for the subject intersections for all scenarios described earlier during both the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours using Synchro software. The existing conditions Synchro model was obtained from the City. and used as the starting point for the analysis. The existing model was expanded to include the Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way intersection, which was not included in the City model. Initial analysis was completed using existing geometrics, control, and signal timing. Capacity analysis results are presented in terms of level of service .(LOS), which range from A to F. LOS A represents the best intersection operation, with very little delay for each vehicle using the intersection. LOS F represents the worst intersection operation, with excessive delay for each vehicle using the intersection. Level of service results are shown in Figures 5 and 6. Overall, the analyses show that all intersections have adequate capacity to accommodate the proposed development while maintaining acceptable levels of service. Discussion for each individual intersection is shown below. 76`h Street /Edinborough Way - During the a.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS C or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the a.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. During the p.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS C or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the p.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. York Avenue/76h Street - During the a.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS D or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the a.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. During the p.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS D or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the p.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. York Avenue /Parklawn Avenue - During the a.m. peak hour under all scenarios,. all movements operate at LOS C or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the a.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. During the p.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS C or better. No improvements are necessary at,this intersection during the p.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. Parklawn Avenue /Edinborough Way - During the a.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS A. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the a.m. peak hour to accommodate the.proposed development. 4 -5 A 5A During the p.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS B or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the p.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. Parklawn Avenue/VisitorAccess - During the a.m. and p.m. peak hours under the 2010 Build scenario, all movements operate at LOS A. Edinborough Way /Staff Access - During the. a.m. and p.m. peak hours under the 2010 Build scenario, all movements operate at LOS A. Adequacy of Access Locations As shown in the site plan, the proposed project includes two access points. One access point will be located on Parklawn Avenue approximately 260 feet west of York Avenue. This access will be used primarily by visitors. The second access is located on Edinborough Way approximately 300 feet south of Parklawn Avenue. This access will be used primarily by staff. As shown in the Level of Service analysis, both access points are expected to operate at acceptable levels of service. In addition to the Level of Service results, maximum queue lengths for the eastbound approach at Parklawn Avenue /York Avenue and the northbound approach at Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way were also reviewed. At Parklawn Avenue/York Avenue, the intersection analysis indicates a 95`h percentile maximum eastbound queue of 11 feet during the a.m. peak hour and 31 feet during the p.m. peak hour. At Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way, the intersection analysis indicates a 95`h percentile maximum eastbound queue of 5 feet during the a.m. peak hour and 8 feet during the p.m. peak hour. Therefore, adequate space exists on both roadways for the proposed access points. On Edinborough Way, we do not anticipate any issues between the existing access and the proposed access. The low volume of traffic that uses each access point, combined with the low volume of traffic on Edinborough Way, will result in adequate operations at each access point. 4 -6 ASIA a a a a a a A/A/A F- A/A/A - A/A/A PARKLAWN AVENUE F- A/A/A p- - / -/A a a a B/B/B F- B/B/B B/B/B A/A/A �` EI T A/A/A FI (� C /C /C -- < T <<< A/A/A -� A/A/A� ¢ ¢ ¢ �' Q ¢ A/B /B aaa aaa PROJECT LOCATION N as 0 `- EXISTING 2008 2010 NO -BUILD N ,�- - / -/A STAFF N 0 z XX/X)UXX/XX �. ACCESS w Q Q aZ � a 0 0 0 m z o w vv m 0 0 A/AIA f-- A/A/A A/A/A 76TH STREET <00 a U U +_ C/c/C E- C /C /C ,`- D /D /D AIA/A C /C /C -1 T A/A/A -3, UU¢ B /B /B B /B /B ` m m A/A/A VU a U Umm N NOT TO SCALE EXISTING 2008 2010 NO -BUILD FT2010 BUILD XX/X)UXX/XX "Herick TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FIGURE 6 f ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY WEEKDAY A.M. PEAK HOUR IN EDINA, MN LEVELS OF SERVICE /466 ca C13 Q DID /D -� a 3 3 A/A/A A/A/A F-- E- A/A/A f-- A/A/A PARKLAWN AVENUE - -/-/A A/A/A <1 T r A/A/A - tl A/A/A m m m - / -/A iii min- PROJECT LOCATION -I-IA a; T� QQ Q a' x 0 0 It 0 m z 0 w AIA/A a m m F-. A/A/A Li p- A/A/A A/A/A --l` I T r B /B /B -Do m m a BIB/B -1, m m a UUa ono STAFF ACCESS mD I < 0 N -=1 U) � 76TH STREET N NOT TO SCALE EXISTING 2008 F_2010 NO -BUILD [_F 2010 BUILD X)C/XX/XX/ XX 3 a a '-- B/B /B a a a F- B /B/B f- B /B/B C /C /C __+ T (� C /C /C -� B /B /B a a a w z w Q Y 0 m U o +L C /C /C m U a <-- C /C /C f-- D /DID D /D /D �` DID /D -� p U U DID /D --+ oUU pUU TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FIGURE 7 ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY WEEKDAY P.M. PEAK HOUR IN EDINA, MN LEVELS OF SERVICE At 5.0 Parking Impacts The existing senior housing facility includes 133 on -grade parking stalls and 227 enclosed parking stalls. Access for the enclosed parking stalls is provided on.both 76`h Street and on Edinborough Way. The proposed assisted living facility will include 42 additional on -grade parking stalls and 20 additional enclosed parking stalls. Access locations for the enclosed parking stalls will not be changed. As indicated in the Traffic Impacts section, the vast majority of residents of the proposed assisted living facility are not likely to have vehicles. The majority of trips generated by the proposed facility will be from visitors, staff, and deliveries. The proposed site plan includes 35 on -grade stalls dedicated to visitors, with.the remaining 7 stalls dedicated to staff. The parking impact of the proposed facility will be limited to visitor and staff. The proposed project includes dedicated visitor and staff parking areas. The overall parking impacts of this development are expected to be minimal. 5 -1 Aa 6.0 Transit, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Impacts . Transit Impacts Existing transit routes are located on York Avenue, 76th Street, and Edinborough Way. Bus stops with benches are located along 76th Street at regular intervals. Routes 538, 539, 540, and 578 provide regular transit service to this area. The proposed development is not expected to significantly impact the need for transit service in this area. Maps of the existing transit routes are shown in the Appendix. Bicycle and Pedestrian Impacts As shown in Figure 3, sidewalks are provided along all streets surrounding the proposed project. The proposed project will include access, from the building to the existing sidewalk system. No significant impacts to the sidewalk system are expected due to the proposed project. 6 -1 A43 7.0 Conclusions The conclusions drawn from the information and analyses presented in this report are as follows: • The proposed development will generate 12 trips during the weekday AM peak hour, 19 trips during the weekday p.m. peak hour, and 234 daily trips. No changes are expected in the "trip generation for the existing senior housing facility in conjunction with the proposed project. • The intersections of 76`h Street/Edinborough Way, York Avenue /76`h Street, York Avenue/Parklawn Avenue, and Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way have adequate capacity with existing geometrics and control to accommodate the proposed development while maintaining acceptable levels of service. • The proposed access locations on Parklawn Avenue and Edinborough Way will provide adequate operations for trips to and from the site: On Edinborough Way, we do not anticipate any issues between the existing access and the proposed access. The low volume of traffic that uses each access point, combined with the low volume of traffic on Edinborough Way, will result in adequate operations at each access point. • With the inclusion of dedicated visitor and staff parking area, parking impacts for the proposed facility are expected to be minimal. • No significant impacts are expected to the existing transit, bicycle, or pedestrian facilities due to the proposed project. 7 -1 d d�� 8.0 Appendix • Transit Maps • PedestrianBicycle Facilities Map 8 -I ,acs FE 0 c r-. cu v, w 00 UUMM SouthdaleTranslt Center '." 'I _ I 82nd St e < c Fairview- :: m Metro Transit Routes: BeLine Routes: m T South al rita e a Veterans m LL Hose N e g c m Memorial Passenger ye. 5---. 'U X z o Park Drop Oti- cn SW Metro: a q x 66th St 66th St a > rn _ Gate C ¢ ub Passenger - 5 L ¢> 661h St 4 76th St and - Pick Up a N L i N 69th St Newton Ave S m a Metro Transit Routes: v rl.. f j ¢' Cub Target 5 rC .�_0 .. w:' Metro Transit Routes: BeLine Routes: r, ��) 00 Door13 1 6 ' o Y. 73rd St w 1 tJ a 4 3400 3 it 7- i", E D, LL P rklawn 4 BeLine Routes: Old Shakopee Rd. ED c 76th 76th St `1 Killebrew jDr o -? Best, 8 h St t t MVTA Routes: > 69th St } vrSrr% 7 cc rget, a Bu '� 3 ( .i •,x,: �r'1, L E nboro ugh:.- L B g 494 ctiT� �,Statl N �. 78th .._et S argo ~ 3 nd I::%c edb American Blvd Southtown �I 82nd St v n W E Knoz c U Landing, 4B 10 ;ub o 0 v a x c z 86th SIC.; c1 '..- 8 ¢ 0 1 13 4 x ez L Oxbor N co Mlles PENN LAKE artners' 1 ¢ Oo w 2 Southd le I St Translt Center Metro Transit Routes: 1 76th St and a 3L 9t 70(h St Newton Ave S Metro Transit Routes: BeLine Route: VD �'i L BeLine Routes: D SIN Metro: 71 1 p 0 7 B QW) 86th: (OL x PENN LAKE i 90th St C C a_ 0) CD (JI �A wt St C) - ------ en er - 6 76th SI LU to andale Jefferson Minnesota Drive and France Ave S Minn capJI-4 2 ,, t Metro Transit Routes: L Pick Up 494 BeLine Route: I- Go CM QW) 86th: (OL x PENN LAKE i 90th St C C a_ 0) CD (JI �A wt St 981h bI Passenger - ------ en er - 6 Drop Offr C/3 a South Bloomington to andale Jefferson Gate C a) > Passenger 15 En a) 11 ge High School L Pick Up :F; Ca '0 Go CM 3rd St ON Metro Transit Routes: 0 1.811 V inwhSt Z Wes 0- .1— 1 77�IhSt BeLine Routes: Killebrew Dr Old Shakopee Rd. St �-NB Q-D Z 1� .494 MVTA Routes: 0 r C9 C D CM a d 28th Avenue ti Staon 82nd St �=O� 981h bI - ------ en er - 6 a South Bloomington to andale Jefferson x Transit Center 11 ge High School 10 Metro Transit Routes: dS Ca '0 C w ON BeLine Route: 0 1.811 V inwhSt Z Wes 0- .1— 1 77 /N Q > 4 < w Z5 a_ N NE oQ H ned, _So ,�t Svi L Miles th St 0 c LA A ' O N W" E 76th Street I and Newton Ave Metro Transit Routes. 0 C BeLine Routes:' U 73rd Sta o B I o 1 in Miles 76th S -7 M7;r 77th St Best 13 6 7 c,l 494 Buy Amenc 3outhtown 494 14 "Target 82nd St >' Mall of America: 8 BCth St 1 a Minnesota Drive and France Ave 100 Metro Transii Routes: c¢ 0 BeLine Route: c 3 > 5 m c CL 77 Z Edina °' c o U m Industrial e o Dewey Hill 74th (n o . " Q . Edina Blvd E = o _ 7Clh I Industrial U 77th aT w Area 78t11 3 4 - — . 2 Sherat n kMiOnesota 00 1 Pi.cture Dr , ` Hotel otel 78th �(� ,an Blvd 49 4 r • • r = Softel American Blvd C� m Americaan Blvd 10 12 0 9 84II� Sl �- a 11 C1 r� 0 - �? N > in N U F. Hyland Lake rT Em Park Reserve I m Normandale Lake E Office Park 0 8500 �. z Office v ' Tower'l -n T 10 merican Blva th St 0 c LA A ' O N W" E 76th Street I and Newton Ave Metro Transit Routes. 0 C BeLine Routes:' U 73rd Sta o B I o 1 in Miles 76th S -7 M7;r 77th St Best 13 6 7 c,l 494 Buy Amenc 3outhtown 494 14 "Target 82nd St >' Mall of America: 8 BCth St 1 a 0 C ca -0 ca U- -9 MVTA: G '0 0 C) W z 00 S So uth d al e LAKE Transit Center HARRIET 0 Metro Transit Routes: ■ J 5 0th St Miles BeLine Routes: ■ 0*' For additional service, additional SW Metro: see Route 146 0 C 100 Benton Ave F- E 14 6. MOD C � `WWW-N�O-mt 5 11111611 U2 wy Colonial Way 13 ca 7 U2 C.) U- erita e 65th 66th St �O _0 E 9 70th St 0 woo C < 12 11 70th St LAKE :E -0 2 0 c'5 m Z 6 2 Dewey Hill U E 74th c 0 (D _0 . 7th St :19 CLI 78th St cl: 18 . 76th 17 1 -. Minnesota Dr 311 H"Y 0 . Minnesota Drive 0 c' 7' - - 16 ca- and France Ave 83rd 0 Metro Transit Routes: 19 C: En 0) ighwood Dr 84th St 0 a) -- 0 BeLine Route: 0 C ca -0 ca U- -9 MVTA: G '0 0 C) W z 00 NTLRLACKEN GLVCL 9 C�' -6i , 7 . .... . W. SITH ST,. z�MNAWE. V{60nMST. . ... . ......... : CRO"WN MG�Ay t -V AOS STO P.. C J. A lm� SI. EDNA III w.yrrHSI N NCL OF 0.00�� o, -i�T' - - E 494 p 25 .5 1 mile — SRF No. 0993117 Jill' 4 of Edina Trans, Lion Plan '0, Figure 11 March 1999 Pedestrian /Bicycle Facilitie(L-. h70 Concreto Sd.,.Ik Is i EN"..0 SIdwak LI Ewgwv Pwk pawwway Prqwsed SLa%.ALd SidwAsk PrWa d S&4ci-Dualness swgAsk ,J ,, -� Corridors on Hennepin County Sy stem' 9 C�' -6i , 7 . .... . W. SITH ST,. z�MNAWE. V{60nMST. . ... . ......... : CRO"WN MG�Ay t -V AOS STO P.. C J. A lm� SI. EDNA III w.yrrHSI N NCL OF 0.00�� o, -i�T' - - E 494 p 25 .5 1 mile — SRF No. 0993117 Jill' 4 of Edina Trans, Lion Plan '0, Figure 11 March 1999 Pedestrian /Bicycle Facilitie(L-. h70 f 9 R55CKREL JG20000 CITY INA J08 7:41:23 Council Check Register Page - 1 11/20/2008 - 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316125 11/2012008 101734 AARCEE PARTY RENTAL 518.66 TENT RENTAL FOR WEBER PK 199139 2164534 1180.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ELECTION 451.56 TENT RENTAL FOR ARNESON PK 199140 2164533 1180.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ELECTION 970.22 316126 11/2012008 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 72.56 199215 499674 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 85.12 199216 0311539 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 70.64 199217 0311359 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 121.20 199218 0311442 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 19.04 199219 0311534 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 29.60 199531 0721572 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 398.16 316127 1112012008 100575 ALL SAFE INC. 457.23 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 199455 89751 7411.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSTF OCCUPANCY 457.23 316128 11/20/2008 100058 ALLIED WASTE SERVICES #894 35,380.00 RECYCLING 199141 1555531 5952.6183 RECYCLING CHARGES RECYCLING 35,380.00 316129 1112012008 123632 ALUMI -TIG LLC 390.00 BEVERAGE CART REPAIR 199456 234417 5423.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS GOLF CARS 390.00 316130 11/20/2008 102575 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIAT 150.00 TRAINING 00005021 199137 698382 1281.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 150.00 316131 1112012008 102575 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIAT 20.00 CEU REGISTRATIONS 199457 111308 1260.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ENGINEERING GENERAL 20.00 316132 11/2012008 123633 AMERICINN OF DULUTH /PROCTOR 301.96 LODGING 199458 EDI001 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 301.96 316133 11/20/2008 123617 ASCOLTA 2,895.00 CISCO NETWORKING CLASS 00004440 199287 1246912007849 1554.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS CENT SERV GEN - MIS 2,895.00 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 11/19/2008 7:41:23 Council Check Register Page - 2 11/20/2008 - 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316134 11/20/2008 102774 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS 33.95 199138 11/01/08 5821.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 40.27 199138 11/01/08 5111.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT 54.63 199138 11/01/08 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 54.63 199138 11/01/08 5430.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 74.22 199138 11101/08 5861.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL VERNON OCCUPANCY 92.47 199138 11/01108 1481.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL YORK FIRE STATION 109.17 199138 11/01/08 1470.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 135.11 199138 11/01/08 1628.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL SENIOR CITIZENS 178.22 199138 11/01/08 5841.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL YORK OCCUPANCY 191.37 199138 11/01/08 5422.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 215.01 199138 11/01/08 1551.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL CITY HALL GENERAL 221.74 199138 11/01/08 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 244.72 199138 11/01/08 5511.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 254.07 199138 11/09/08 1301.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL GENERAL MAINTENANCE 254.08 199138 11/01/08 1552.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL CENT SVC PW BUILDING 302.24 199138 11/01/08 1645.6182 - RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 407.07 199138 11/01/08 5420.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL CLUB HOUSE 551.76 199138 11/01/08 5620.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL EDINBOROUGH PARK 3,414.73 316135 11/2012008 100642 BANNERS TO GO 15.98 PARK SIGN 00005766 199288 27330 1647.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 15.98 316136 11/20/2008 102195 BATTERIES PLUS 57.13 BATTERIES 00003031 199459 18- 223671 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 57.13 316137 11/2012008 102449 BATTERY WHOLESALE INC. 101.00- CREDIT 199289 C7193 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 156.19 BATTERIES 00005949 199290 C7248 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 7.00 CORE CHARGE 00005949 199291 C7249 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 348.92 BATTERIES 00001065 199292 C7411 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 31.00 CORE CHARGE 00001065 199293 C7413 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 33.58 BATTERY 00001120 199294 C7443 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 475.69 316138 11/20/2008 123618 BECSOM CORPORATION 4,678.00 ROOF REPAIRS 00008054 199295 7501- 110608 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 4,678.00 316142 11/20/2008 100659 BOYER TRUCK PARTS 392.47 VEHICLE REPAIRS 54.72 ALUMINUM, BANDS 447.19 316143 11/20/2008 123621 BRAEMAR ARENA 1,600.00 CHANGE FUND 1,600.00 316144 1112012008 100664 BRAUN INTERTEC 1 J8 7:41:23 Page- 3 Subledger Account Description Business Unit COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING CITY. NA R55CKREG G20000 VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX Council Check Register VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 11/20/2008 - 11/2012008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 316139 11120/2008 50TH ST SELLING 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 215,82 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 199220 46838700 5822.5513 2,481.55 199221 46767800 5842.5513 4,541.74 199222 46838500 5842.5513 591.20 199223 46848900 5862.5512 1,501.44 199224 46838600 5862.5513 241.55 199225 46822600 5842.5512 214.67 199226 81514400 5862.5515 6.48- 199227 81460200 5862.5515 191.19 199228 81540200 5862.5515 45.20 199229 81541000 5822.5515 73.67 199230 81540300 5822.5515 108.74 199231 81540100 5842.5515 76.20 199366 81514300 5842.5515 74.40- 199367 81487200 5842.5515 69.33 199532 81575700 5822.5515 290.75 199533 46936300 5822.5513 409.10 199534 46936200 5862.5512 3.25- 199535 81538000 5862.5515 112.73 199536 81575600 5862.5515 11,080.75 316140 11/20/2008 100648 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCTS - 122.64 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00009433 199522 OE- 175749 -1 5110.6513 224.42 OFFICE SUPPLIES 199523 OE- 177119 -1 5820.6513 161.03- RETURN 199524 CP -WO- 528073 -1 1550.6406 186.03 316141 11/20/2008 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 197.00 199368 93907 5842.5513 197.00 316142 11/20/2008 100659 BOYER TRUCK PARTS 392.47 VEHICLE REPAIRS 54.72 ALUMINUM, BANDS 447.19 316143 11/20/2008 123621 BRAEMAR ARENA 1,600.00 CHANGE FUND 1,600.00 316144 1112012008 100664 BRAUN INTERTEC 1 J8 7:41:23 Page- 3 Subledger Account Description Business Unit COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING OFFICE SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 50TH STREET GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 00001007 199296 161896 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 00005908 199297 247613 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 199438 111308 5500.1040 CHANGE FUND EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN ICE ARENA BALANCE SHEET R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 11/19/2008 7:41:23 Council Check Register Page - 4 11/20/2008 - 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount' Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2,214.20 POOL INSPECTION 199298 301417 5311.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POOL OPERATION 2,214.20 316145 11/2012008 122195 BRUNSWICK ZONE - EDEN PRAIRIE - 55.72 BOWLING FEES 199525 111508 1629.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ADAPTIVE RECREATION 55.72 316146 11/20/2008 102083 CALHOUN ISLES COMMUNITY BAND 100.00 ENTERTAINMENT 11/18/08 199448 111208 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 100.00 316147 11/20/2008 120935 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 7,987.22 LEGAL 199460 2851G -10131 1195.6131 PROFESSIONAL SERV - LEGAL LEGAL SERVICES 7,987.22 316148 11/20/2008. 123615 CANADA GOOSE MANAGEMENT INC. 14,719.37 NUISANCE GEESE REMOVAL 00005761 199142 2008136 1647.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 14,719.37 316149 11/2012008 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 3,046.00 199232 13334 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 70.00 199233 13330 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 830.95 199234 13331 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 116.40 199537 13332 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 4,063.35 316150 11/20/2008 116683 CAT & FIDDLE BEVERAGE 610.00 199369' 80233 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 610.00 316151 11/20/2008 100681 CATCO 164.80 PIGGYBACK 00005646 199143 3 -62634 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 43.32 FITTINGS 00001064 199144 1 -57767 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 23.13 FITTINGS 00001064 199145 3 -62712 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 85.05 FITTINGS 00001064 199146 17 -12651 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 316.30 316152 11/20/2008 106390 CEMENT RAISING INC. 325.00 RAISED 8 WALKS 00002077 199461 110708 5630.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CENTENNIAL LAKES 325.00 316153 L 11/2012008 100897 CENTERPOINT ENERGY CITY iNA 1 08 7:41:23 R55CKRE(: �G20000 Council Check Register Page - 5 11/20/2008 - 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 11.04 199300 103108 5821.6186 HEAT 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 21.74 199300 103108 5422.6186 HEAT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 24.56 199300 103108 5841.6186 HEAT YORK OCCUPANCY 28.04 199300 103108 5861.6186 HEAT VERNON OCCUPANCY 37.28 199300 103108 1552.6186 HEAT CENT SVC PW BUILDING 38.99 199300 103108 5430.6186 HEAT RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 46.66 199300 103108 1481.6186 HEAT YORK FIRE STATION 55.03 199300 103108 5210.6186 HEAT GOLF DOME PROGRAM 93.76 199300 103108 5420.6186 HEAT CLUB HOUSE 103.90 199300 103108 5630.6186 HEAT CENTENNIAL LAKES 138.27 199300 103108 5911.6186 HEAT WELL PUMPS 377.67 199300 103108 5111.6186 HEAT ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 618.79 199300 103108 1628.6186 HEAT SENIOR CITIZENS 746.82 199300 103108 1646.6186 HEAT BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,262.12 199300 103108 5913.6186 HEAT DISTRIBUTION 8,866.91 199300 103108 5511.6186 HEAT ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 12,471.58 316154 11/20/2008 103711 CENTERPOINT ENERGY SERVICES IN 37.28 199462 1711242 5311.6186 HEAT POOL OPERATION 984.23 199463 1711232 1552.6186 HEAT CENT SVC PW BUILDING 1,969.57 199464 1711202 5620.6186 HEAT EDINBOROUGH PARK 2,991.08 316155 11/20/2008 114660 CENTRAL LANDSCAPING INC. 236.25 INSTALL EROSION BLANKET 00005767 199299 084147 -00 1647.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 236.25 316156 11/2012008 105038 CENTRAL MN TREE SERVICE LLC 532.50 TREE REMOVAL 00005773 199465 7/12/08 1644.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TREES & MAINTENANCE 532.50 316157 11/2012008 119725 CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTING CO 157.35 199235 377850 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 157.35 316158 11/20/2008 100685 CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE 150.00 ENTERTAINMENT 11/23/08 199450 111208 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 150.00 316159 11120/2008 100687 CITY OF RICHFIELD 139.38 ELECTRICAL BILLING 00005843 199301 3904 5932.6185 LIGHT & POWER GENERAL STORM SEWER R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 11/20/2008 - 11/2012008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 139.38 316160 11/2012008 100692 COCA -COLA BOTTLING CO. 493.20 199236 0108087607 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 435.00 199237 0188024523 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 590.90 199238 0188024522 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 500.50 199538 0118411911 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 2,019.60 316161 11/2012008 120826 COMCAST SPOTLIGHT 66.66 TV ADVERTISING 199302 338904 5822.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 66.66 TV ADVERTISING 199302 338904 5842.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 66.68 TV ADVERTISING 199302 338904 5862.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 200.00 316162 11/20/2008 103800 CORPORATE EXPRESS INC. 174.47 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00001068 199147 91391701 1552.6585 ACCESSORIES 174.47 316163 11/20/2008 104310 COUNTRY ENTERPRISES INC. 250.28 MARKERS 00005958 199148 17562 1318.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 250.28 316164 11/2012008 101495 CREATIVE IMAGES ON RIBBON INC. 43.19 SKATING CLASS RIBBONS 00008059 199466 8092 5510.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES 43.19 316165 11/20/2008 100699 CULLIGAN BOTTLED WATER 91.70 114 - 09855685 -4 WATER 199467 - 1060366 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 91.70 316166. 11/2012008 104020 DALCO 1,078.85 CAN LINERS 00005967 199149 2038739 1552.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES 172.17 ROLL TOWEL 00009397 199303 2024120 5111.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES 98.01 TISSUE DISPENSERS 00005959 199304 2038376 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 137.19 LPS #1 00005874 199305 2039094 1553.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES 456.74 BLUE MATTING 00005882 199306" 2039608 1552.6530 REPAIR PARTS 55.81 GLASS CLEANER 00008060 199468 2038732 5511.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES 169.34 CAN LINERS 00008061 199469 2038705 5511.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES 24.50- CREDIT 199470 2038705CR 5511.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES 149.10 URINAL SCREENS 00008062 199471 2039219 5511.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES 24.50- CREDIT 199472 2039219CR 5511.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES 11/19/2008 7:41:23 Page- 6 Business Unit VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING CENT SVC PW BUILDING SNOW & ICE REMOVAL ARENA ADMINISTRATION PSTF OCCUPANCY CENT SVC PW BUILDING ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT BUILDING MAINTENANCE EOUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CENT SVC PW BUILDING ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS r , R55CKREt_ .JG20000 CITY ANA Council Check Register 11/20/2008 - 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 24.50- CREDIT 199473 2032916CR 5511.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES 5952.6103 5822.5515 5822.5514 5842.5514 5842.5514 5842.5514 5862.5514 2210.6406 5840.6260 5860.6260 5820.6260 5610.6575 1400.6104 7410.6103 5840.6105 5861.6180 5860.6105 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GENERAL SUPPLIES LICENSES & PERMITS LICENSES & PERMITS LICENSES & PERMITS PRINTING CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CONTRACTED REPAIRS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS A08 7:41:23 Page- 7 Business Unit ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS RECYCLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING COMMUNICATIONS LIQUOR YORK GENERAL VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 50TH STREET GENERAL ED ADMINISTRATION POLICE DEPT. GENERAL PSTF ADMINISTRATION LIQUOR YORK GENERAL VERNON OCCUPANCY VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 2,243.71 316167 11120/2008 123634 DAN KRIVIT AND ASSOCIATES 3,220.10 CONSULTING 199474 415 3,220.10 316168 1112012008 102478 DAY DISTRIBUTING CO. 22.40 199239 481226 641.90 199240 481225 3,612.91 199241 481227 22.40 199242 481228 1,821.95 199243 480320 1,499.10 199539 481223 7,620.66 316169 11/20/2008 122135 DENFELD, SCOTT 66.00 TELEPROMPTER SOFTWARE 199475 111208 66.00 316170 11/2012008 103013 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 20.00 BUYERS CARD 199150 111208 20.00 BUYERS CARD 199150 111208 20.00 BUYERS CARD 199150 111208 60.00 316171 11120/2008 111120 DESIGN N PRINT 1,131.03 BIRTHDAY PARTY INVITES 199476 34534 1,131.03 316172 11/20/2008 121546 DICK, KENNA 157.07 CONFERENCE LODGING 199477 111308 157.07 316173 11120/2008 123162 DISH NETWORK 38.34 8255 70 708 1422839 199478 110408 38.34 316174 11/20/2008 100094 DMX INC. 661.85 YEARLY CONTRACT MUSIC 199307 A101362 190.00 RESET DMX SATELLITE 199308 A101360 661.85 YEARLY CONTRACT MUSIC 199308 A101360 5952.6103 5822.5515 5822.5514 5842.5514 5842.5514 5842.5514 5862.5514 2210.6406 5840.6260 5860.6260 5820.6260 5610.6575 1400.6104 7410.6103 5840.6105 5861.6180 5860.6105 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GENERAL SUPPLIES LICENSES & PERMITS LICENSES & PERMITS LICENSES & PERMITS PRINTING CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CONTRACTED REPAIRS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS A08 7:41:23 Page- 7 Business Unit ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS RECYCLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING COMMUNICATIONS LIQUOR YORK GENERAL VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 50TH STREET GENERAL ED ADMINISTRATION POLICE DEPT. GENERAL PSTF ADMINISTRATION LIQUOR YORK GENERAL VERNON OCCUPANCY VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 11/19/2008 7:41:23 Council Check Register Page - 8 11/20/2008 - 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 190.00 RESET DMX SATELLITE 199309 A101361 5821.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 661.85 YEARLY CONTRACT MUSIC 199309 A101361 5820.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 50TH STREET GENERAL 2,365.55 316175 11120/2008 120362 DOMKE, LISA 84.00 CLASS REFUND 199443 111208 5101.4607 CLASS REGISTRATION ART CENTER REVENUES 84.00 316176 11/2012008 100739 EAGLE WINE 41.05 199244 141818 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 192.24 199245 141817 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2;332.75 199246 141822 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 105.30 199247 140126 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 3.269.80 199370 141811 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 605.70 199540 143617 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 6.25- 199541 764770 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 6,540.59 316177 11120/2008 102955 EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS 157.63 GOLF ZONE TRIP 10 /26108 199310 08 -090 1629.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ADAPTIVE RECREATION 157.63 316178 11/20/2008 102340 EDMUNDS, LIZ 153.30 199248 922 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 551.20 199371 920 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 704.50 316179 11/2012008 100049 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 462.50 UTILITY RATE ANALYSIS 199311 338299 5910.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL (BILLING) 462.50 316180 11/20/2008 100752 ESS BROTHERS & SONS INC. 4,163.09 COVERS 00005923 199312 LL6230 5923.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COLLECTION SYSTEMS 4,163.09 316181 11120/2008 100018 EXPERT T BILLING 4,949.00 OCTOBER TRANSPORTS 199151 110708 1470.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 4,949.00 316182 11/20/2008 104195 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC. 315.00 199249 722772 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 315.00 1 j08 7:41:23 Page- 9 Business Unit EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN POLICE DEPT. GENERAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN POLICE DEPT. GENERAL ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS DISTRIBUTION BUILDING MAINTENANCE CENT SVC PW BUILDING EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN GENERAL MAINTENANCE DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CITY INA R55CKRE(: .1G20000 Council Check Register 11/2012008 - 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 316183 11/20/2008 100146 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 24.93 SWITCH 00005632 199152 6- 1076946 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 566.77- CREDIT 199153 6- 1077630 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 75.27 END KITS 00005897 199154 6- 1082343 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 21.03 OIL FILTER 00005644 199155 6- 1082650 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 304.03 MODULE 00005901 199156 6- 1083823 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 356.65 ROTORS, PADS 00005653 199157 6- 1086002 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 31.89 RAIN REPELLENT 00001063 199158 1- 2970376 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 247.03 316184 11/2012008 100756 FEDERAL EXPRESS 23.73 SHIPPING CHARGES 199479 2- 983 -56623 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 23.73 316185 11/20/2008 102727 FORCE AMERICA 352.14 JOYSTICK 00005657 199313 01311407 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 330.15- CREDIT 00005730 199314 01310771 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 21.99 316186 1112012008 121634 FORMS & SYSTEMS OF MINNESOTA 1,203.45 THERMAL ROLL PAPER 00003027 199480 109714 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,203.45 316187 11/20/2008 100764 G & K SERVICES 73.68 199481 103108 5511.6201 LAUNDRY 230.80 199481 103108 5913.6201 LAUNDRY 551.20 199481 103108 1646.6201 LAUNDRY 576.67 199481 103108 1552.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES 760.00 199481 103108 1553.6201 LAUNDRY 882.16 199481 103108 1301.6201 LAUNDRY 3,074.51 316188 11/20/2008 123619 GENE'S WATER & SEWER INC. 1,580.00 WATER SERVICE REPAIR 00005844 199315 9754 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 1,580.00 316189 11/2012008 100920 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY - MINNEA 612.88 AUTO PARTS 199316 103108 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 612.88 316190 11/20/2008 100781 GRAFIX SHOPPE 1 j08 7:41:23 Page- 9 Business Unit EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN POLICE DEPT. GENERAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN POLICE DEPT. GENERAL ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS DISTRIBUTION BUILDING MAINTENANCE CENT SVC PW BUILDING EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN GENERAL MAINTENANCE DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 11/1912008 7:41:23 Council Check Register Page - 10 11/20/2008 -- 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 53.25 VEHICLE GRAPHICS 00001000 199159 61650 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 275.00 AMBULANCE GRAPHICS 00005185 199317 61707 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 328.25 316191 1112012008 101103 GRAINGER 167.84 BATTERIES, PAINT 00005972 199160 9771162774 1552.6585 ACCESSORIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 5.13 LAMPS 199482 9765138525 7412.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF RANGE 172.97 316192 11/20/2008 102217 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 434.75 199250 105132 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 98.25 199372 105316 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 199.17 199373 105315 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 883.75 199374 105314 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,615.92 316193 11/20/2008 101518 GRAUSAM, STEVE 31.10 CONTACT PAPER 199483 111408 5840.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 64.11 BATTERY BACKUP 199483 111408 5822.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 95.21 316194 11/20/2008 101350 GREEN ACRES SPRINKLER CO. 183.50 WINTERIZE IRRIGATION SYSTEM 00001062 199161 084209 4091.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GRANDVIEW REVOLVING 351.25 WINTERIZE IRRIGATION SYSTEM 00001062 199162 084210 4091.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GRANDVIEW REVOLVING 534.75 316195 11/20/2008 100782 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. 31.55 199251 141816 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 2,018.70 199252 141815 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1.15 199253 141619 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 142.55 199254 141824 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 205.78 199255 138163 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 35.10- 199256 763856 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 55.34 199375 141813 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 355.01 199376 . 141621 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 2,155.37 199377 141819 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 4,580.65 199378 141810 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 10,640.90 199379 141812 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 7,971.92 199380 141823 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 7,029.04 199381 136924 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 78.14- 199382 764478 .5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 257.70- 199383 764479 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING CITY INA 1 .08 7:41:23 R55CKREL .G20000 Council Check Register Page- 11 11/20/2008 — 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 55.37- 199384 764477 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1.15 199542 141618 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 34,762.80 316196 11/20/2008 104482 GUNNAR ELECTRIC CO. INC. 802.00 ASSEMBLE LIGHT POLES 00005495 199163 8- 9 -33 -1 1322.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 2,394.00 LABOR & BOOM TRUCK 00001042 199164 8- 9 -33 -2 1322.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 2,056.00 REPLACE LIGHT POLES 00005759 199165 8- 9 -33 -3 1322.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 5,252.00 316197 11/20/2008 100788 H &L MESABI 363.69 POLY BLADE 00005192 199318 75592 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 363.69 316198 11120/2008 100797 HAWKINS INC. 4,545.82 CHEMICALS 00005755 199166 1246892 5915.6586 WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT 2,390.85 TONKAZORB 00005755 199167 1248154 5915.6586 WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT 6,936.67 316199 11120/2008 100012 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD 130.73 VALVE BOX TOPS 00005839 199168 8196551 5913.6530 REPAIR PARTS DISTRIBUTION 130.73 316200 11/20/2008 122093 HEALTH PARTNERS 14,988.01 PREMIUM 199484 30915065 1550.6043 COBRA INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 158,333.31 PREMIUM 199485 30919132 1550.6040 HOSPITALIZATION CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 173,321.32 316201 11/20/2008 105436 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATION 143.20 RADIO ADMIN FEE 00001061 199169 28108485 1553.6237 RADIO SERVICE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 143.20 316202 11/20/2008 100802 HENNEPIN COUNTY MEDICAL CENTER 592.00 EMT REFRESHER CLASS 199486 19949 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 592.00 316203 11120/2008 101102 HIDDEN FENCE OF MINNESOTA 98.00 INSTALL WIRE BREAK 199319 13590 01342.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA-342 HIGHLANDS AREA 93.00 5209 DONCASTER WAY 199320 110308 01342.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -342 HIGHLANDS AREA 148.00 5309 AYRSHIRE BLVD 199320 110308 01342.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -342 HIGHLANDS AREA 339.00 R55CKREG LOG20000 713.19 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 11/20/2008 101632 HOLIDAY 11/20/2008 - 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger 'Account Description 316204 11/20/2008 1553.6581 122604 HIGH -TECH CLEANING INC. 64.49 1,046.42 GRAFFITI REMOVAL 00002076 199487 6473 5630.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 316209 1,046.42 121404 I -STATE TRUCK CENTER 316205 11/20/2008 102483 HILTI INC. 537.13 VEHICLE REPAIRS 303.78 ANCHOR STUDS 00005840 199170 1605603291 5923.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CONTRACTED REPAIRS 303.78 59.01- CREDIT 00005714 316206 11/20/2008 1553.6530 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC. 11/19/2008 7:41:23 Page - 12 Business Unit CENTENNIAL LAKES COLLECTION SYSTEMS 880.73 199257 469576 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 704.35 199543 469636 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 1,585.08 316207 11/20/2008 102044 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP INC. 713.19 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 199321 007 -054 -8 47056.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT MASTER PLAN: COUNTRYSIDE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 50TH ST OCCUPANCY YORK OCCUPANCY VERNON OCCUPANCY WATER TREATMENT STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 78.10 199258 1221042 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 713.19 316208 11/20/2008 101632 HOLIDAY 64.49 006.403 -557 00001132 199526 GAS 1553.6581 GASOLINE 64.49 316209 11/20/2008 121404 I -STATE TRUCK CENTER 537.13 VEHICLE REPAIRS 00001010 199322 R242013566:01 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 59.01- CREDIT 00005714 199323 C242046417:01 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 478.12 316210 11/20/2008 121161 IDEARC MEDIA CORP 149.58 PHONE LISTING 199324 390014036127 5821.6188 TELEPHONE 149.58 PHONE LISTING 199324 390014036127 5841.6188 TELEPHONE 149.59 PHONE LISTING 199324 390014036127 5861.6188 TELEPHONE 448.75 316211 11/20/2008 100409 IN- CONTROL INC. 500.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 00005838 199171 08111DBOl 5915.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 500.00 316212 11/20/2008 101861 J.H. LARSON COMPANY. 61.30 BALLAST 00001066 199172 4198550 -01 1322.6530 REPAIR PARTS 61.30 316213 11/20/2008 100741 JJ TAYLOR DIST, OF MINN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 50TH ST OCCUPANCY YORK OCCUPANCY VERNON OCCUPANCY WATER TREATMENT STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 78.10 199258 1221042 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 1455CKRE(. -)G20000 CITY INA 1 )08 7:41:23 Councll.Check Register Page - 13 11/20/2008 - 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 513.00 199259 1221041 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 1,316.00 199260 1221043 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 6,958.37 199385 926294 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 63.60 199386 926204 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 3,168.85 199387 1221063 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 6,034.80 199544 926198 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 1,050.50 199545 1221044 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 19,183.22 316216 11120/2008 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 620.50 199261 1480830 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 3.36- 199262 388764 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 57.12- 199263 398736 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,630.59 199388 1535692 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,206.00 199389 1535691 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 74.45 199390 1535683 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,510.48 199391 1535694 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,053.12 199392 1535693 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 6,878.92 199393 1535695 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1,434.32 199394 1535686 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3,521.22 199395 1535685 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 74.45 199396 1535680 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3,013.50 199397 1535688 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,064.51 199398 1535675 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 433.70 199399 1535676 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 3,117.36 199400 1535687 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 288.86 199401 1535684 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 3.36 199402 1535681 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 160.11 199403 1535689 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 229.60 199404 1535682 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 8,957.85 199405 1535690 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,453.27 199406 1535679 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 61.71 199407 1535678 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 942.13 199408 1535677 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 631.70- 199409 389229 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 57.12- 199410 389756 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 415.00 199546 1536006 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 6.13- 199547 399673 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 10.34- 199548 399672 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 12.58- 199549 399268 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 23.79- 199550 399267 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 11/19/2008 7:41:23 Council Check Register Page - 14 11/20/2008 - 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 26.02- 199551 398922 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 20.00- 199552 398788 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 11.33- 199553 398787 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 61.99- 199554 398742 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 20.99- 199555 398740 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 11.33- 199556 398739 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 10.67- 199557 398738 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 13:33- 199558 398737 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 28.29- 199559 398802 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 19.16- 199560 398741 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 6.25- 199561 399711 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 38,113.51 316217 11120/2008 123630 JOHNSON, PAULA 33.48 AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 199452 111408 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 33.48 316218 1112012008 100553 KEEHR, GREGORY 34.92 SWIFFER DUSTERS 199527 111408 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 97.87 TASTING CUPS 199527 111408 5840.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 132.79 316219 11/20/2008 119947 KRAEMER MINING & MATERIALS INC 77.27 CLASS 5 LIME 00005948 199173 198997 1314.6517 SAND GRAVEL & ROCK STREET RENOVATION 77.27 316220 11/20/2008 100845 KREMER SPRING & ALIGNMENT INC. 1,918.75 RUBBER BAR PIN REBUSH 00001013 199325 INV0031844 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,918.75 -- 316221 11/20/2008 123625 KURISKO, LARAINE 76.00 CLASS REFUND 199444 111208 5101.4607 CLASS REGISTRATION ART CENTER REVENUES 76.00 316222 11/20/2008 116776 KUSTOM KARRIERS 147.50 TOW TO BOYER FORD 00001117 199326 58706 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 147.50 316223 11/20/2008 100850 LAKELAND FLORIST SUPPLY. INC. 38.44 HALLOWEEN DECORATIONS 199488 666023 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 38.44 Subledger Account Description UNIFORM ALLOWANCE GENERAL SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS CLASS REGISTRATION 1 .08 7:41:23 Page- 15 Business Unit EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS STREET NAME SIGNS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN ART CENTER REVENUES 316227 11/20/2008 112577 M. AMUNDSON LLP CITY NA R55CKREG jG20000 2,081.07 199411 49842 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 875.61 Council Check Register 199562 50528 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 11/20/2008 - 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 316224 11/20/2008 100605 LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS 316228 11/20/2008 1,786.18 LOGO CLOTHING 199327 07033807 1513.6203 1,786.18 791.40 WELDMENT, BEARINGS 00005903 199176 2086393 316225 11/2012008 EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 791.40 164.12 SCREWS, RIVETS, NUTS 00005960 199174 7441101 1325.6406 133.90 CABLE TIES, BOLTS 00005961 199175 7441100 1553.6530 LINERS, TOWELS, TISSUE 199490 156.45 COTTER CLIPS, WASHERS 00001055 199489 7469970 1553.6530 420.60 454.47 316226 11120/2008 120502 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SOLUTIO 123626 LIPPINCOTT, TANYA 1,219.43 45.00 CLASS REFUND 199445 111208 5101.4607 50TH ST SELLING 45.00 Subledger Account Description UNIFORM ALLOWANCE GENERAL SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS CLASS REGISTRATION 1 .08 7:41:23 Page- 15 Business Unit EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS STREET NAME SIGNS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN ART CENTER REVENUES 316227 11/20/2008 112577 M. AMUNDSON LLP 2,081.07 199411 49842 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 875.61 199562 50528 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 688.24 199563 50485 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 3,644.92 316228 11/20/2008 100864 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. 791.40 WELDMENT, BEARINGS 00005903 199176 2086393 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 791.40 316229 11/20/2008 114699 MANAGED SERVICES INC. 420.60 LINERS, TOWELS, TISSUE 199490 W20535 7411.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 420.60 316230 11/2012008 120502 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SOLUTIO 1,219.43 REPLACE DVR 199328 1601 5822.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 1,219.43 316231 11/2012008 100868 MARK VII SALES 22.00 199264 398986 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 22.00 199265 399983 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 4,176.28 199266 399982 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 28.80- 199267 000835 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 66.00- 199412 000857 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 1,928.95 199413 398985 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 2,421.85 199564 401424 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 2,694.85 199565 399224 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 2,167.85 199566 399470 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 11/19/2008 7:41:23 Council Check Register Page - 16 11/20/2008 - 11/20/2008 . Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 219.20 199567 399471 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 2,045.90 199568 401604 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 15,604.08 316232 11/20/2008 123623 MATHESON ESTATE, WILLIAM 76.98 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 199441 111308 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 76.98 316233 11/20/2008 101483 MENARDS 139.47 CONCRETE MIX, LUMBER 00005758 199329 87797 1646.6577 LUMBER BUILDING MAINTENANCE 295.23 LUMBER, SCREWS, BITS 00005762 199330 88483 1646.6577 LUMBER BUILDING MAINTENANCE 71:41 FURRING STRIPS 00001057 199331 88657 1318.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 9.16 TIES, BOLTS, BANDS 00001059 199332 88691 1343.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BRIDGES GUARD RAILS 37.26 TOOL CHEST 00001060 199333 88693 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 85.69 FURRING STRIPS 00001073 199491 89737 1318.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SNOW 8 ICE REMOVAL 638.22 316234 11/2012008 101987 MENARDS 80.43 ANTIFREEZE 00002079 199492 36952 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 41.24 GLOVES, WASHER FLUID 00002295 199493 39001 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 121.67 316235 11/20/2008 101891 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY 165.23 BASKETBALL EQUIPMENT 199334 111849 4077.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 165.23 316236 11/20/2008 102507 METRO VOLLEYBALL OFFICIALS 132.50 OFFICIATING FEES 199494 3435 4077.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 132.50 316237 11120/2008 122304 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 5,777.68 DIAL -A -RIDE SEPT & OCT 199495 0000886850 1514.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DIAL -A -RIDE PROGRAM 5,777.68 316238 11/20/2008 100891 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORP. 560.29 ASPHALT 00005748 199335 97406MB 1314.6518 BLACKTOP STREET RENOVATION 560.29 316239 11/2012008 100895 MILWAUKEE ELECTRIC TOOL CORPOR 745.78 DRILL AND PARTS 00005968 199177 8143755 1301.6556 TOOLS GENERAL MAINTENANCE 745.78 CITY INA 1 j08 7:41:23 R55CKRE(� JG20000 Council Check Register Page - 17 11/20/2008 — 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316240 11/2012008 101638 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 22,283.00 CONNECTION FEE 199496 111208 5915.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER WATER TREATMENT 22,283.00 316241 11/20/2008 101376 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPMENT 125.63 CURB STOP WRENCHES 00005940 199178 0233288 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 125.63 316242 11120/2008 117015 MOLITOR & ASSOCIATES 307.81 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 199439 111308 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 307.81 316243 11/20/2008 108668 MORRIS, GRAYLYN 150.00 ENTERTAINMENT 11/20/08 199449 111208 5610.6136. PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 150.00 316244 11120/2008 101472 NEHA 95.00 MEMBERSHIP FEE - S. WILMOT 199497 ID63738 1490.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS PUBLIC HEALTH 95.00 316245 11/20/2008 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO. 733.50 199268 52117 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 170.00- 199269 51939 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 163.00 199414 52118 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,141.00 199415 52119 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,867.50 316246 1112012008 100922 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS 1,749.27 EXTRUDED BLADE, SIGNS 00005866 199179 TI -0200763 1325.6531 SIGNS & POSTS STREET NAME SIGNS 1,749.27 316247 11/20/2008 108678 NEWMECH COMPANIES INC. 807.50 PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE 199498 773557 7411.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE PSTF OCCUPANCY 807.50 316248 1112012008 123624 NICHOLS, DAVID 63.14 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 199442 111308 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 63.14 316249 1112012008 116480 NSITE MYSTERY SHOPPING 85.00 SECRET SHOPPING 199180 2042 5822.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 85.00 SECRET SHOPPING 199180 2042 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 11/20/2008 - 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 85.00 SECRET SHOPPING 199180 2042 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES , CUSTOMER REFUND 11/19/2008 7:41:23 Page - 18 Business Unit VERNON SELLING UTILITY BALANCE SHEET CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING TRAINING PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL CONTRACTED REPAIRS PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS EDINBOROUGH PARK POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 5101.4607 CLASS REGISTRATION ART CENTER REVENUES 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 255.00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5822.5513 316250 11120/2008 5862.5513 123622 OBERZUT, JOSEPH PAUL, MARCIA 172.11 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 199440 111308 5900.2015 172.11 316251 11/20/2008 100936 OLSEN COMPANIES PAUSTIS & SONS 40.00 TRAINING 00005680 199181 528158 5919.6104 20.00 RIGGING SEMINAR FEE 00005552 199336 528160 1640.6027 60.00 199416 8203813 -IN 316252 11/20/2008 1,762.15 100315 OMEGA INDUSTRIES 199417 8203815 -IN 113.74 LAWN MOWER REPAIR 00002293 199499 9953 5620.6180 316256 11120/2008 113.74 122319 PAVEMENT RESOURCES 316253 11/20/2008 1,054.35 100941 PARK NICOLLET CLINIC 199182 100778 1,054.35 228.00 FITNESS FOR DUTY 199337 9992000066 -1008 1400.6175 CUSTOMER REFUND 11/19/2008 7:41:23 Page - 18 Business Unit VERNON SELLING UTILITY BALANCE SHEET CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING TRAINING PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL CONTRACTED REPAIRS PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS EDINBOROUGH PARK POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 5101.4607 CLASS REGISTRATION ART CENTER REVENUES 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 228.00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5822.5513 316254 11/20/2008 5862.5513 121311 PAUL, MARCIA 166.00 CLASS REFUND 199446 111208 166.00 316255 11/20/2008 100347 PAUSTIS & SONS 1,451.25 199270 8203078 -IN 1,599.15 199271 8203810 -IN 900.15 199416 8203813 -IN 1,762.15 199417 8203815 -IN 5,712.70 316256 11120/2008 122319 PAVEMENT RESOURCES 1,054.35 CRS2 EMULSION 00005753 199182 100778 1,054.35 316257 11/20/2008 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 1,576.22 199418 2681318 3,051.09 199419 2681317 489.29 199420 2681319 3,442.56 199421 2681314 2,655.03 199422 2681313 77.36 199423 2681315 CUSTOMER REFUND 11/19/2008 7:41:23 Page - 18 Business Unit VERNON SELLING UTILITY BALANCE SHEET CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING TRAINING PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL CONTRACTED REPAIRS PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS EDINBOROUGH PARK POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 5101.4607 CLASS REGISTRATION ART CENTER REVENUES 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1314.6519 5862.5513 5862.5513 5862.5512 5842.5513 5842.5513 5842.5515 ROAD OIL STREET RENOVATION COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING CITY NA 1 08 7:41:23 R55CKRE(> G20000 Council Check Register Page - 19 11/20/2008 - 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 168.99 199424 2681316 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 929.98 199425 2681311 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 45.07 199426 2681312 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 2,323.00 199569 2681310 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 10.67 - 199570 3398431 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 105.12- 199571 3398118 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 87.79- 199572 3398121 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 9.33- 199573 3398120 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 16.67- 199574 3398119 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 7.58- 199575 3398117 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 14,521.43 316258 11120/2008 119620 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC. 67.46 BAL DUE 199338 577242COR 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 152.55- CREDIT 199339 17960 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 145.00 SCRAP TIRE PICKUP 00001119 199340 334660 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,410.80 TIRES 00005193 199341 334635 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 155.00 SCRAP TIRE PICKUP 00001119 199342 355943 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 700.56 TIRES 00005656 199343 355786 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 358.54 TIRES 00005660 199344 361735 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 2,684.81 316259 11120/2008 116396 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC 19.06 CO2 199500 31302881 7413.6545 CHEMICALS PSTF FIRE TOWER 19.06 316260 11/20/2008 100966 PRINTERS SERVICE INC 234.00 BLADE SHARPENING 00008058 199501 237914 5521.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE ARENA ICE MAINT 234.00 316261 11/20/2008 100968 PRIOR WINE COMPANY 555.25 199272 141825 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,280.15 199427 141814 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 97.05 199428 141820 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,932.45 316262 11120/2008 105690 PRO -TEC DESIGN INC. 256.56 ALARM SERVICE 199502 52802 7411.6250 ALARM SERVICE PSTF OCCUPANCY 256.56 316263 11/20/2008 113732 PROFESSIONAL TOOL SALES 193.65 CABLE TIES, CUT OFF DISCS 00005802 199345 80736 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation 193.65 316264 11/20/2008 100971 QUALITY WINE 1,578.07 1,098.70 2,074.34 59.20 441.50 865.90 45.60 2,677.67 2,016.00 573.20 3.223.95 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 11/20/2008 - 11/20/2008 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 199273 084155 -00 199274 084425 -00 199275 084081 -00 199276 084227 -00 199277 084156 -00 199278 083307 -00 199279 084082 -00 199280 084147 -00 199281 083306 -00 199282 084080 -00 199283 081092 -00 199429 084501 -00 316265 11/2012008 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 101965 QWEST COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 133.38 952 285 -2951 50TH ST SELLING 199503 2951 -11/08 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 133.38 YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 316266 11120/2008 YORK SELLING 123246 RADDE, JENNIFER 49.50 UNIFORM PURCHASE 199183 111208 49.50 316267 11/20/2008 100975 RED WING SHOE STORE 161.46 SAFETY BOOTS 00005189 199346 72500000894 203.15 SAFETY BOOTS 00005189 199346 72500000894 342.47 SAFETY BOOTS 00005189 199346 72500000894 518.64 SAFETY BOOTS 00005189 199346 72500000894 1,225.72 316268 11/20/2008 122163 RESPONSE LAW INC. 198.00 SEMINAR REGISTRATION 00003029 199504 8090309 198.00 316269 11120/2008 114489 RICOH AMERICAS CORPORATION 102.11 COPIER USAGE 199505 403932554 102.11 316270 11/2012008 123631 ROERING, GENE 1,262.00 AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 199454 111408 5862.5512 5862.5513 5862.5513 5862.5513 5822.5512 5822.5513 5822.5513 5842.5512 5842.5513 5842.5513 5842.5513 5842.5513 1470.6188 1400.6203 5913.6610 1553.6610 1301.6610 1646.6610 1400.6104 7410.6575 1470.4329 11/19/2008 7:41:23 Page - 20 Subledger Account Description Business Unit COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING TELEPHONE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTION SAFETY EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN SAFETY EQUIPMENT GENERAL MAINTENANCE SAFETY EQUIPMENT BUILDING MAINTENANCE CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL PRINTING PSTF ADMINISTRATION AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL R55CKRE%. jG20000 CITY INA J08 7:41:23 Council Check Register Page - 21 11/20/2008 - 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 1,262.00 316271 1112012008 101232 SALUD AMERICA INC. 421.00 199284 EMLS110708 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 421.00 316272 11/2012008 117807 SAM'S CLUB 51.41 771 5 09 0304872906 199506 COFFEE SUPPLY 7411.6406 35.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES 199521 999999DEB 7411.6406 FIELDS 5620.6180 5120.5510 1551.6180 44005.6710 44005.6710 5422.6180 5610.6136 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES CONTRACTED REPAIRS COST OF GOODS SOLD CONTRACTED REPAIRS PSTF OCCUPANCY PSTF OCCUPANCY EDINBOROUGH PARK ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP CITY HALL GENERAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CITY HALL BLDG IMPROVEMENTS EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CITY HALL BLDG IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACTED REPAIRS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 11.66 1 199187 8 86.41 1240.6188 T 316273 1112012008 118940 SAMS IRRIGATION SERVICE CO. 320.00 WINTERIZE IRRIGATION SYSTEM 00002284 199507 206 320.00 316274 11/2012008 105443 SAVOIR FAIRE 38.16 VENEZIA ART BOOKS 00009415 199347 114110 38.16 316275 11120/2008 100991 SCHWAB - VOLLHABER - LUBRATT 179.00 MCOUAY UNIT REPAIR 00001067 199184 080715-015 179.00 316276 11120/2008 104689 SERIGRAPHICS SIGN SYSTEMS INC. 328.56 FRAMED SIGNS 199185 40127 328.56 FRAMED SIGNS 199186 40142 657.12 316277 11120/2008 104786 SOUTHDALE PET HOSPITAL 106.00 BLOOD TEST FOR NAN 199508 189700 106.00 316278 11/2012008 103273 SOUTHSIDE BIG BAND 150.00 ENTERTAINMENT 11/16/08 199447 111208 150.00 316279 11120/2008 104672 SPRINT 5620.6180 5120.5510 1551.6180 44005.6710 44005.6710 5422.6180 5610.6136 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES CONTRACTED REPAIRS COST OF GOODS SOLD CONTRACTED REPAIRS PSTF OCCUPANCY PSTF OCCUPANCY EDINBOROUGH PARK ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP CITY HALL GENERAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CITY HALL BLDG IMPROVEMENTS EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CITY HALL BLDG IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACTED REPAIRS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 11.66 1 199187 8 873184124 -071 1 1240.6188 T CITY OF EDINA 11/19/2008 7:41:23 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 22 11/20/2008 - 11/2012008 Check # Date _ Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 22.85 199187 873184124 -071 1140.6188 TELEPHONE PLANNING 24.64 199187 873184124 -071 4090.6188 TELEPHONE STREET REVOLVING 26.30 199187 873184124 -071 1120.6188 TELEPHONE ADMINISTRATION 27.81 199187 873184124 -071 1490.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC HEALTH 28.82 199187 873184124 -071 1554.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 45.32 199187 873184124 -071 1553.6188 TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 58.74 199187 873184124 -071 1322.6188 TELEPHONE STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 117.03 199187 873184124 -071 1470.6188 TELEPHONE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 124.85 199187 873184124 -071 1495.6188 TELEPHONE INSPECTIONS 156.42 199187 873184124 -071 1301.6188 TELEPHONE GENERAL MAINTENANCE 156.95 199187 873184124 -071 2210.6188 TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS 228.69 199187 873184124 -071 1640.6188 TELEPHONE PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL 252.54 199187 873184124 -071 5620.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT EDINBOROUGH PARK 359.26 199187 873184124 -071 5910.6188 TELEPHONE GENERAL (BILLING) 360.29 199187 873184124 -071 1260.6188 TELEPHONE ENGINEERING GENERAL 600.04 199187 873184124 -071 1400.6188 TELEPHONE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 2,664.19 316280 11/2012008 123629 ST PAUL POLICE BAND 150.00 ENTERTAINMENT 11/25/08 199451 111208 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 150.00 316281 11/20/2008 103277 ST. JOSEPH EQUIPMENT CO INC 558.32- CREDIT 00001321 199188 SI66387 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 74.27 PINS 00006336 199189 SI66424 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 212.21 GLASS 00005529 199190 SI67060 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 25.05 SAFETY FLAGS 00005541 199191 SI67490 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 247.93 FILTERS, WIPER ARMS 00005652 199192 SI67964 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1.14 316282 11/20/2008 100650 STANLEY SECURITY SOLUTIONS INC 52.07 KEYS 00005071 199348 MN- 491399 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 69.75 CORES KEYED 00006238 199509 CH- 491350 5420.6530 REPAIR PARTS CLUB HOUSE 121.82 316283 11/2012008 102390 STRAND MANUFACTURING CO INC 311.19 PULLERS, PIPE CLAMPS 00005963 199193 26750 5923.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COLLECTION SYSTEMS 1,770.40 SET OF GATES 00005342 199194 26753 5923.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COLLECTION SYSTEMS 2,090.73 POSTS 00005343 199195 26754 5923.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COLLECTION SYSTEMS 4,172.32 316284 11/9 "'908 .101015 STREICHERS CITY iNA 1 .08 7:41:23 R55CKRE(, jG20000 Council Check Register Page - 23 11/20/2008 - 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 170.39 BUMPERS 00005640 199196 1566175 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 3,210.83 SQUAD BUILDUP 199197 1566166 1400.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 2,929.83 SQUAD BUILDUP 199198 1566183 1400.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 2,889.88 SQUAD BUILDUP 199199 1566189 1400.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 2,689.89 SQUAD BUILDUP 199200 . 1566192. 1400.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 477.11 SHOP SUPPLIES & PARTS 199201 1566165 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 837.08 IN SERVICE AMMO 199510 1567816 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 13,205.01 316285 11120/2008 101017 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 200.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS 00001005 199349 CTCB546667 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 525.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS 00001012 199350 CVCB545639 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 100.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS 00001008 199351 CVCB545854 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 100.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS 00001009 199352 CVCB546121 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 100.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS 00001013 199353 CVCB546368 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,594.14 VEHICLE REPAIRS 00001011 199354 CTCB545526 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 43.50 RESISTOR 00001001 199355 137099CVW 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 4.78 CAP 00005658 199356 138051CVW 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 2,667.42 316286 11/20/2008 102140 SUN MOUNTAIN SPORTS INC. 176.86 SPEED CART 00006342 199528 291210 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 81.86 GOLF BAG 00006342 199529 291776 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 258.72 316287 11/2012008 123620 SUNGRO INC. - 325.73 4401 BROWNDALE AVE 00005449 199357 PLANT 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN REPLACEMENTS 325.73 316288 1112012008 102925 SUPERIOR TECH PRODUCTS 2,498.49 GREENSGROOMERS 199202 1035 -RGR -M 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 2,498.49 316289 11/20/2008 110674 SUPERIOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATIO 10.65 PHONE REPAIR 00001122 199358 22962 1301.6188 TELEPHONE GENERAL MAINTENANCE 10.65 316290 11/20/2008 101035 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 76.00 199576 517712 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 1,293.70 199577 517711 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 72.00- 199578 517461 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 11/19/2008 7:41:23 Council Check Register. Page - 24 11/20/2008 - 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 1,297.70 316291 11/2012008 101038 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPLY 45.45 CYLINDERIDEMURRAGE 00001069 199203 468963 1553.6580 WELDING SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 26.53 WELDING GAS 00005845 199359 243219 5913.6580 WELDING SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 35.88 WELDING SUPPLIES 199511 466897 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 37.08 WELDING SUPPLIES 199512 468964 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 144.94 316292 1112012008 101048 TRI COUNTY BEVERAGE & SUPPLY 477.00 199285 212585 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 188.00 199430 212886 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 271.00 199579 212584 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 936.00 316293 11/20/2008 101042 TRIARCO 47.29 MAT BOARD 00009425 199360 680672 5120.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 47.29 316294 1112012008 101403 TRUCK BODIES & EQUIP INTL INC 2,305.93 CYLINDER 00005902 199361 44120 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 2,305.93 316295 11/20/2008 115379 U.S. BANK 59.77 MEETING EXPENSE 199204 110408 1120.6106 MEETING EXPENSE ADMINISTRATION 16.90 NET ZERO 199205 NOV408 1500.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTINGENCIES 78.20 PAYPAL INTERNET 199205 NOV408 1550.6155 BANK SERVICES CHARGES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 154.87 316296 11/20/2008 103590 VALLEY -RICH CO. INC. 2,491.26 WATER MAIN REPAIR 00005842 199362 13954 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 2,491.26 316297 11/20/2008 101063 VERSATILE VEHICLES INC. 85.95 FRONT AXLE 199513 40407 5423.6530 REPAIR PARTS GOLF CARS 85.95 316298 11/20/2008 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY 126.05 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 00001050 199363 3247700 1301.6556 TOOLS GENERAL MAINTENANCE 187.23 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 00001050 199363 3247700 1322.6530 REPAIR PARTS STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 313.28 R55CKREL JG20000 CIT4 jINA J08 7:41:23 Council Check Register Page - 25 11/20/2008 - 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316299 11/2012008 102218 VINTAGE ONE WINES 926.00 199431 12311 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 926.00 316300 11/2012008 101069 VOSS LIGHTING 219.29 LIGHTING 00001050 199206 15115601 -00 1322.6530 REPAIR PARTS STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 325.89 FLAG LIGHTS 00005811 199207 15113548 -03 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 91.96 BALLASTS 00001072 199208 15113343 -02 1322.6530 REPAIR PARTS STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 88.19 LIGHTING 00001053 199209 15115712 -00 1552.6585 ACCESSORIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 146.65 LIGHTING 00001053 199209 15115712 -00 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 871.98 316301 11/20/2008 106699 WALSER CHRYSLER JEEP 176.03 VEHICLE REPAIRS 00001015 199364 CHCS301898 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 176.03 316302 11/2012008 123616 WATER CONSERVATION SERVICE INC 226.10 LEAK LOCATING 00005842 199210 952 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 226.10 316303 11/20/2008 113961 WATSON FURNITURE GROUP INC. 808.59 E911 199514 32283 4608.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT POLICE COMPUTER SYSTEM 808.59 316304 11/20/2008 102100 WERRE, JIM 240.00 PICTURE FOR RESALE 199530 111408 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 240.00 316305 1112012006 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 1,956.80 199432 205713 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,674.25 199433 205716 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 4,631.05 316306 11120/2008 101312 WINE MERCHANTS 5,710.73 199434 252259 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,839.35 199435 252258 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 499.60 199436 252256 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 408.60 199437 252257 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 105.12- 199580 40927 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 9,353.16 316307 11/20/2008 112954 WISCONSIN TURF EQUIPMENT CORP. R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 11/19/2008 7:41:23 Council Check Register Page - 26 11/20/2008 -- 11/20/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 557.43 SPINDLE ASSEMBLIES 00005909 199515 553129 -000 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 196.39 COIL, COUPLER CHAIN 00006352 199516 552995-000 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 753.82 316308 11120/2008 101086 WORLD CLASS WINES INC 313.00 199286 219965 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 92.00- 199581 220113 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 221.00 316309 11/2012008 101726 XCEL ENERGY 273.02 51- 4197645 -8 199211 17498218 1322.6185 LIGHT & POWER . STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 3,973.20 51- 5888961 -7 199212 174068887 1375.6185 LIGHT & POWER PARKING RAMP 3,181.55 51- 5619094 -8 199213 174062728 1552.6185 LIGHT & POWER CENT SVC PW BUILDING 1,210.19 51 -0840050 -6 199214 174252945 5911.6185 LIGHT & POWER WELL PUMPS 23,208.45 51- 5605640 -1 199517 174585057 5913.6185 LIGHT &POWER DISTRIBUTION 2,823.99 51- 6227619 -3 199518 174776763 5630.6185 LIGHT & POWER CENTENNIAL LAKES 34,670.40 316310 11/20/2008 100568 XEROX CORPORATION 106.80 OCT USAGE 199365 036409406 5110.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 144.73 OCT USAGE - PARK & REC 00004322 199519 036409194 1550.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 30.09 OCT USAGE - BLDG /ENG 00004322 199520 036409193 1550.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 281.62 316311 11/2012008 105719 ZIEGLER, KRIS 5.00 AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 199453 111408 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 5.00 639,045.10 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 639,045.10 Total Payments 639,045.10 R55CKSUM [0000 CITY k JA 11 18 7:42:59 Council Check Summary Page - 1 11/20/2008 - 11/20/2008 Company Amount 01000 GENERAL FUND 277,407.48 02200 COMMUNICATIONS FUND 222.95 04000 WORKING CAPITAL FUND 3,700.75 05100 ART CENTER FUND 1,276.00 05200 GOLF DOME FUND 55.03 05300 AQUATIC CENTER FUND 2,251.48 05400 GOLF COURSE FUND 4,727.13 05500 ICE ARENA FUND 16,041.25 05600 EDINBOROUGH /CENT LAKES FUND 9,571.02 05800 LIQUOR FUND 211,756.04 05900 UTILITY FUND 70,669.46 05930 STORM SEWER FUND 139.38 05950 RECYCLING FUND 38,600.10 07400 PSTF AGENCY FUND 2,627.03 Report Totals 639,045.10 We codrm to the best of our knowledge and belief, that these claims comply in all material respects with the requirements of the City of Edina purchasing liclas a procedures 109 ! R55CKREG .JG20000 CITY INA 1 j08 7:41:20 Council Check Register Page - 1 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316312 11121/2008 100961 POSTMASTER - USPS 3,504.21 PARK & REC INSIDER POSTAGE 199780 112008 2210.6235 POSTAGE COMMUNICATIONS 3,504.21 316313 11/27/2008 123475 ABRAMOVITZ, OSHA 285.19 ELECTION JUDGE 199829 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 285.19 316314 11/27/2008 106467 ABY, KATHERINE 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 199876 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 146.25 316315 11127/2008 104517 ACKER, RITA 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199830 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316316 11/27/2008 120239 ALKIRE, DAVID 213.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199831 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 213.75 316317 11/27/2008 108555 ALT, JOHN 163.31 ELECTION JUDGE 199832 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 163.31 316318 11/27/2008 104518 ANDERSON, CAROLYN e 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 199833 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 316319 11/27/2008 123149 ANDREWS, NANCY 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199834 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316320 11/27/2008 114403 ANDRUS, PAT 180.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199835 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 180.38 316321 1112712008 123477 ASGRIMSON, JACQUELINE 183.59 ELECTION JUDGE 199836 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 183.59 316322 11127/2008 123478 BAIN, ROBERT 181.84 ELECTION JUDGE 199837 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/2712008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 181.84 316323 11127/2008 123479 BAKER, ZACHERY 170.63 ELECTION JUDGE 199838 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 170.63 316324 11127/2008 123480 BARD, MARSHA 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199839 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316325 11127/2008 123481 BARDEN, LAUREN 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199840 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316326 11/2712008 123482 BATDORF, LISA 521.63 ELECTION JUDGE 199841 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 521.63 316327 11/27/2008 108557 BAULEKE, CHRIS 195.00 ELECTION JUDGE 199842 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 195.00 316328 1112712008 123483 BEADLE, AMY 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199843 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316329 11/2712008 123484 BERGSTROM, MICHAEL 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199844 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316330 1112712008 106476 BERTELSON, CAROL M. 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199845 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 141.38 316331 1112712008 123150 BILLINGHAM, USA 151.13 ELECTION JUDGE 199846 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 151.13 316332 11127/2008 123485 WELLAND, ERIC 185.25 ELECTION JUDGE 199847 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 185.25 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page- 2 R55CKREC -)G20000 CITY INA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316333 11127/2008 123486 BJORNNES, ALEXANDRA 185.25 . ELECTION JUDGE 199848 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 185.25 316334 11127/2008 106418 BLEMASTER, LOU 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 199849 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 146.25 316335 11/27/2008 123151 BLOOSTON, JILL 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199850 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316336 11/2712008 106479 BOEMER, JULIET L. 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 199851 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 146.25 316337 11/27/2008 116939 BORGEN, HOLLY 151.13 ELECTION JUDGE 199852 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 151.13 316338 11/2712008 123487 BORGESON, BEN 180.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199853 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 180.38 316339 11/27/2008 104580 BRADBURY, KATHERINE 225.00 ELECTION JUDGE 199854 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 225.00 316340 11127/2008 106481 BRANDBERG, ZOE ANNE 225.00 ELECTION JUDGE 199855 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 225.00 316341 11/27/2008 123489 BRODSKY, PATRICIA 24.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199856 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 24.38 316342 11127/2008 123152 BRONNER, KATHY 137.48 ELECTION JUDGE 199857 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 137.48 316343 11127/2008 104581 BUIE, JOANN 225.00 ELECTION JUDGE 199858 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 1 X08 7 :41:20 Page - 3 R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation ELECTION Council Check Register 225.00 1180.6013 316344 11127/2008 - 11/27/2008 106485 BURNETT, JAMES H. 1180.6013 PO # Doc No 143.81 ELECTION JUDGE Subledger Account Description Business Unit 143.81 112108 316345 11/2712008 ELECTION 123153 BUSDICKER, HARRIET 112108 1180.6013 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199861 112108 141.38 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 316346 11127/2008 112108 106486 BUTTSCHAU, RAYMOND SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.31 ELECTION JUDGE 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 160.31 199864 316347 11127/2008 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 123490 BYE, MARILYN 199865 112108 177.94 ELECTION JUDGE ELECTION 177.94 316348 11/27/2008 106487 CALGREN, MARY C. 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 165.75 316349 11/27/2008 106488 CAMPION, CHRISTINE 190.13 ELECTION JUDGE 190.13 316350 11/27/2008 104583 CARDLE, JANET 80.44 ELECTION JUDGE 80.44 316351 11127/2008 104584 CARDLE, JOHN 225.00 ELECTION JUDGE 225.00 316352 1112712008 117116 CARLSON, JOHN 185.25 ELECTION JUDGE 185.25 316353 11/27/2008 117117 CARLSON, SANDRA 190.13 ELECTION JUDGE 190.13 199866 CITY OF EDINA 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION Council Check Register 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 112108 1180.6013 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 199859 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199860 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199861 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199862 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199863 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199864 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199865 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199866 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199867 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199868 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 4 R55CKREV jG20000 CITY INA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316354 1112712008 117118 CARMICHIEL, CAROL 24.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199869 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 24.38 316355 11127/2008 106490 CHAMBERLAIN, MARSHA 241.88 ELECTION JUDGE 199870 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 241.88 316356 11127/2008 106491 CHASE, MARLYS 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 199871 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 146.25 316357 11/2712008 106492 CHENG, RICHARD S. 213.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199872 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 213.75 316358 11/2712008 108561 CHRISTENSEN, LOUISE 180.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199873 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 180.38 316359 11127/2008 123156 CHRISTIANSEN, MARILYN 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199874 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316360 11127/2008 117121 CICH, CATHERINE 156.00 ELECTION JUDGE 199875 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 156.00 316361 11/27/2008 114404 CIPOLLA, JUDY 227.81 ELECTION JUDGE 199877 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION - 227.81 316362 11127/2008 106494 CLAY, JOSEPH P. 180.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199878 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 180.38 316363 11/27/2008 104586 CONLEY, KATHERINE 138.45 ELECTION JUDGE 199879 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 138.45 316364 11/2712008 123491 CONNORS, ERIN 175.50 ELECTION JUDGE 199880 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 1 j08 7:41:20 Page - 5 R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation 175.50 Council Check 316365 11/27/2008 104526 COOKE, EILEEN 156.00 ELECTION JUDGE 156.00 PO # Doc No 316366 11/27/2008 Account No 104527 CRACRAFT, JOHN Business Unit 175.50 ELECTION JUDGE 1180.6013 175.50 ELECTION 316367 1112712008 112108 104528 CRACRAFT, MARIAN SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 112108 146.25 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 316368 11/27/2008 199884 104529 CREW, COLLEEN 1180.6013 230.63 ELECTION JUDGE 199885 230.63 1180.6013 316369 11127/2008 ELECTION 123157 CROKER, DEBORAH 112108 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE ELECTION 165.75 112108 316370 1112712008 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 123492 CUNAGIN, CAITLIN 199888 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 160.88 199889 316371 11127/2008 1180.6013 123493 CURTIN, LORELEI ELECTION 143.81 ELECTION JUDGE 1180.6013 143.81 ELECTION 316372 1112712008 104530 DANIELSON, GLORIA 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 141.38 316373 11/27/2008 105392 DARRELL, PATRICE 163.31 ELECTION JUDGE 163.31 316374 11/27/2008 120361 DEAN, FRED 180.38 ELECTION JUDGE 180.38 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page- 1 6 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 199881 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199882 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199883 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199884 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199885 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199886 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199887 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199888 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199889 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199890 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page- 1 6 R55CKREL G20000 CITY INA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/2712008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316375 11/27/2008 123494 DELAHANTY, AVERY 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 199891 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 316376 11/27/2008 123158 DEMAREST, AMY 137.48 ELECTION JUDGE 199892 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 137.48 316377 11/27/2008 106513 DEZELLER, DELPHA 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199893 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 141.38 316378 11/27/2008 104531 DILL, PATRICIA , 222.19 ELECTION JUDGE 199894 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 222.19 316379 11/27/2008 123495 DOLAN, HANNAH 163.31 ELECTION JUDGE 199895 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 163.31 316380 11/27/2008 120362 DOMKE, LISA 117.00 ELECTION JUDGE 199896 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 117.00 316381 11/27/2008 108565 DOUGLAS, SUZANNE 182.81 ELECTION JUDGE 199897 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 182.81 316382 11/2712008 - 123496 DUCHON, JESSE 175.50 ELECTION JUDGE 199898 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 175.50 316383 11/27/2008 123160 DUKE, SONTRUD 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 199899 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 146.25 316384 11/2712008 123161 DUNN, SALLY 137.48 ELECTION JUDGE 199900 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 137.48 316385 11/27/2008 116946 EGGAN, CLAUDIA 163.31 ELECTION JUDGE 199901 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 1 .08 7:41:20 Page- 7 R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation Council Check Register 163.31 316386 11/27/2008 - 11/27/2008 123164 EIDAM, DON PO # Doc No 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE Subledger Account Description Business Unit 141.38 112108 316387 11/27/2008 ELECTION 120520 EIGEN, RITA 112108 1180.6013 46.31 ELECTION JUDGE 199904 112108 46.31 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 316388 11/27/2008 112108 123165 ENGELBERT, CLARA SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 165.75 199907 316389 11/2712008 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 116947 FALKMAN, KURT 199908 112108 163.31 ELECTION JUDGE ELECTION 199909 163.31 1180.6013 316390 11127/2008 199910 123497 FETTERMAN, MEGAN 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 112108 1180.6013 165.75 ELECTION 316391 11127/2008 116948 FIEDLER, BOB 156.00 ELECTION JUDGE 156.00 316392 11/27/2008 104534 FINK, PAUL 219.38 ELECTION JUDGE 219.38 316393 11/27/2008 116949 FLINT, LISA 502.13 ELECTION JUDGE 502.13 316394 11/2712008 116950 FLOR, ARDELLE 24.38 ELECTION JUDGE 24.38 316395 1112712008 106527 FLORENZANO, JOSEPH 225.00 ELECTION JUDGE 225.00 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 8 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 199902 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199903 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199904 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199905 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199906 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199907 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199908 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199909 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199910 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199911 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 8 R55CKREG JG20000 CITY INA 1 j08 7:41:20 Council Check Register Page - 9 11/21/2008 -11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316396 11127/2008 123166 FLYNN, MONICA 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199912 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 141.38 316397 11127/2008 106528 FRANA, VIOLA 143.81 ELECTION JUDGE 199913 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 143.81 316398 11/27/2008 104588 FREDERICK, REBECCA 102.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199914 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 102.38 316399 11/27/2008 106529 FREEMAN, EILEEN 24.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199915 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 24.38 316400 11/27/2008 123167 FREY, GINNY 258.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199916 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 258.75 316401 11/2712008 123498 FRYZEK, KAITLYN 153.56 ELECTION JUDGE 199917 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 153.56 316402 11/27/2008 104589 GAGNON, PAM 24.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199918 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 24.38 316403 11/27/2008 123168 GATTO, MARY 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 199919 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 146.25 316404 11/27/2008 123499 GEE, MATTHEW 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 199920 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 316405 11/2712008 123170 GEURTS, VALERIE 343.69 ELECTION JUDGE 199921 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 343.69 316406 11127/2008 123171 GISKE, MARCIA 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199922 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation ELECTION 199930 165.75 1180.6013 316407 11127/2008 199931 123172 GLAVAN, ANNIE 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 63.38 ELECTION JUDGE 112108 1180.6013 63.38 ELECTION 316408 11/27/2008 116951 GOLDSTEIN, DEVORAH 208.13 ELECTION JUDGE 208.13 316409 11/27/2008 106535 GOTTESMAN, CAROL 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 146.25 316410 11/27/2008 123500 GRASSL, MARLENE 117.00 ELECTION JUDGE 117.00 316411 11127/2008 103889 GRETTE, MYRTLE 180.38 ELECTION JUDGE 180.38 316412 11/2712008 117132 GRIES, PATRICIA 24.38 ELECTION JUDGE 24.38 316413 11/27/2008 106562 GRIFFITHS, GEORGE 111 153.56 ELECTION JUDGE 153.56 316414 11127/2008 106508 GROSCHEN, EUNICE 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 160.88 316415 11127/2008 106510 HABECK, MUZA 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 165.75 316416 11127/2008 123501 HAGEDORN, LYNNE 185.25 ELECTION JUDGE 185.25 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 199923 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199924 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199925 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199926 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199927 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199928 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199929 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199930 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199931 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199932 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 10 R55CKREG .G20000 CITY NA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 -- 11/27/2008 Check Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316417 11127/2008 120369 HALLORAN, BARBARA 153.56 ELECTION JUDGE 199933 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 153.56 316418 11/27/2008 106566 HAMAN, EUGENE E. 303.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199934 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 303.75 316419 11/2712008 106568 HANS, MARY ANN 136.50 ELECTION JUDGE 199935 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 136.50 316420 11/2712008 120269 HANSEN, BRIAN 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 199936 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 316421 11127/2008 106570 HANSON, JOAN B. 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199937 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 141.38 316422 11127/2008 108569 HARE, JEAN 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199938 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 141.38 316423 11/27/2008 123502 HARMON, PAIGE 107.25 ELECTION JUDGE 199939 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 107.25 316424 11/27/2008 120371 HARRIS, DELPHA 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199940 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316425 1112712008 120372 HARRIS, GEORGE 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199941 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 141.38 316426 11127/2008 108571 HARTUPEE, MARY 377.81 ELECTION JUDGE 199942 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 377.81 316427 11/2712008 120244 HASNUDEEN, BUDDY 24.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199943 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 1 .08 7:41:20 Page - 11 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Council Check Register Page - 12 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 24.38 316428 11/27/2008 120245 HASNUDEEN, MARY 136.50 ELECTION JUDGE 199944 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 136.50 316429 11/27/2008 123503 HATZUNG, LISA 180.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199945 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 180.38 316430 11/2712008 123504 HAYDOCK, CHERIE 190.13 ELECTION JUDGE 199946 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 190.13 316431 11/27/2008 123505 HEATHCOTE, HEATHER 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 199947 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 316432 11/27/2008 117136 HEGMAN, JACQUELINE 151.13 ELECTION JUDGE 199948 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 151.13 316433 1112712008 106576 HELEY, CHERYL 46.31 ELECTION JUDGE 199949 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 46.31 316434 11/27/2008 123174 HENDERSON, MARY 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199950 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 141.38 316435 11127/2008 123506 HENDRICKSON, PAIGE 170.63 ELECTION JUDGE 199951 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 170.63 316436 11/27/2008 117137 HIDEM, JAN 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199952 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 141.38 316437 11/27/2008 117138 HIDEM, MARIE 7b.69 ELECTION JUDGE 199953 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 70.69 1 . 08 7:41:20 Page - 13 Business Unit ELECTION ELECTION ELECTION 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 199957 CITY. NA SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES R55CKREG jG20000 146.25 316442 11/27/2008 Council Check Register 117139 HOPPE, JUDY 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 160.88 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 316438 11127/2008 120246 HOAGLUND, BETHEL 316443 11/27/2008 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199954 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199959 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 316439 11/27/2008 123507 HOLDEN, WILLIAM 24.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199955 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 24.38 345.94 ELECTION JUDGE 199960 316440 11/27/2008 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 104591 HOLMBERG, LISA 345.94 73.13 ELECTION JUDGE 199956 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 123508 HUTCHINSON, BRADY 73.13 316441 11/27/2008 199961 105396 HOPF, NANCY 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 1 . 08 7:41:20 Page - 13 Business Unit ELECTION ELECTION ELECTION 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 199957 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 'ELECTION 146.25 316442 11/27/2008 117139 HOPPE, JUDY 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 199958 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 316443 11/27/2008 104603 HORTON, ANNETTE 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199959 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316444 1112712008 108573 HUDOBA, TERRI 345.94 ELECTION JUDGE 199960 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 345.94 316445 11/27/2008 123508 HUTCHINSON, BRADY 170.63 ELECTION JUDGE 199961 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 170.63 316446 11/2712008 104604 HUTTON, PAULETTE 75.56 ELECTION JUDGE 199962 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 75.56 316447 11/27/2008 105397 HYKES, MYRA 219.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199963 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 219.38 316448 11/2712008 106594 ISAACSON, DELORES 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 199964 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Council Check Register Page - 14 11/21/2008 — 1112712008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 146.25 316449 11127/2008 116953 JACKSON, MARILYN P 107.25 ELECTION JUDGE 199965 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 107.25 316450 11127/2008 106598 JOHNSON, ALLEN C. 151.13. ELECTION JUDGE 199966 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 151.13 316451 1112712008 104605 JOHNSON, GERALDINE ANN 153.56 ELECTION JUDGE 199967 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 153.56 316452 11127/2008 123509 JOHNSON, JANE 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199968 112108 .1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316453 1112712008 104606 JOHNSON, KATE 129.19 ELECTION JUDGE 199970 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 129.19 316454 11127/2008 106600 JOHNSON, SHIRLEY M. 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199969 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316455 11127/2008 106605 JONES, SARAH 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199971 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 141.38 - 316456 11/27/2008 123510 JOST, MARCE 426.56 ELECTION JUDGE 199972 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 426.56 316457 11/27/2008 106608 KACHAN, MARY K. 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199973 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316458 11/27/2008 123511 KAJER, HANNAH 180.38 ELECTION JUDGE 199974 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 180.38 CITY INA 1 j08 7:41:20 R55CKRE(, _JG20000 Council Check Register Page - 15 11/21/2008 -- 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316459 11/27/2008 123512 KAKALIOS, LAURA 163.31 ELECTION JUDGE 199975 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 163.31 316460 11/27/2008 106538 KAPAUN, ANN 136.50 ELECTION JUDGE 199976 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 136.50 316461 11/27/2008 121622 KAPP, CHARLENE 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 199977 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 316462 11/27/2008 123513 KATZ, DALIA 163.31 ELECTION JUDGE 199978 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 163.31 316463 11/27/2008 116349 KAY, KATIE 187.69 ELECTION JUDGE 199979 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 187.69 316464 11/27/2008 106539 KEENAN, ANN 208.13 ELECTION JUDGE .199980 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 208.13 316465 11/27/2008 123176 KELLAMS, LOUISE 153.56 ELECTION JUDGE 199981 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 153.56 316466 11/27/2008 104636 KELTGEN, LUCILLE 68.25 ELECTION JUDGE 199982 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 68.25 316467 11127/2008 123514 KERZNER, DOROTHY 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 199983 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 316468 11/27/2008 123515 KING, KORBYH 170.63 ELECTION JUDGE 199984 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 170.63 316469 11127/2008 106540 KINGSTON, JESSICA 230.63 ELECTION JUDGE 199985 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation Council Check Register 230.63 316470 11/27/2008 - 11/27/2008 105399 KOESTER, MARCIA PO # Doc No 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE Subledger Account Description Business Unit 146.25 112108 316471 11/27/2008 ELECTION 101332 KOJETIN, ROBERT 112108 1180.6013 170.63 ELECTION JUDGE 199988 112108 170.63 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 316472 11/27/2008 112108 106543 KOPP, JANET SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 146.25 199991 316473 11/2712008 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 106545 KOSTERS, JULIA 199992 112108 170.63 ELECTION JUDGE ELECTION 199993 170.63 1180.6013 316474 11/2712008 199994 123177 KRINSKY -LEON, KAREN 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 112108 1180.6013 165.75 ELECTION 316475 11/27/2008 123516 KUCK, LEAH 175.50 ELECTION JUDGE 175.50 316476 11127/2008 123517 KUKOWSKI, WHITNEY 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 160.88 316477 11/2712008 123518 KULKA, VIRGINIA 24.38 ELECTION JUDGE 24.38 316478 11/2712008 123178 LABARRE, CANDICE 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 146.25 316479 1112712008 123179 LANDBERG, JAMES 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 165.75 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 16 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 199986 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199987 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199988 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199989 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199990 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199991 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199992 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199993 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199994 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199995 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 16 1 08 7:41:20 Page- 17 CITY NA R55CKREG jG20000 Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316480 11/2712008 106550 LANDBERG, MARY 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 199996 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316481 1112712008 121626 LANE, PAUL 163.31 ELECTION JUDGE 199997 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 163.31 316482 11/2712008 123519 LANGFORD, JACK 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 199998 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 316483 11/27/2008 123180 LANZ, KAREN 153.56 ELECTION JUDGE 199999 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 153.56 316484 11/2712008 123181 LARSEN, KRISTINE 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 200000 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 141.38 316485 11127/2008 123520 LARSON, LONNIE 190.13 ELECTION JUDGE 200001 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 190.13 316486 1112712008 106551 LEAK, MARY 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 200002 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316487 11/27/2008 121627 LEE, LAURA 180.38 ELECTION JUDGE 200003 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 180.38 316488 11127/2008 106553 LEEFELDT, PATRICIA 148.69 ELECTION JUDGE 200004 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 148.69 316489 11/27/2008 123182 LEER, BONNIE 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 200005 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 141.38 316490 11/2712008 123521 LEVOIR, ANDREA 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE - 200006 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 1 08 7:41:20 Page- 17 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11127/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 165.75 316491 11/27/2008 123522 LEWIS, DIXIE 197.44 ELECTION JUDGE 200007 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 197.44 316492 11127/2008 123523 LINDSAY, SUSAN 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 200008 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316493 11/2712008 106557 LINDSEY, ROBERT 136.50 ELECTION JUDGE 200009 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 136.50 316494 11/27/2008 123524 LIU, PATRICIA 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 200010 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 316495 1112712008 104544 LONG, SUSAN 214.50 ELECTION JUDGE 200011 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 214.50 316496 11/27/2008 120249 LUCAS, WILLIAM 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 200012 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316497 11/27/2008 106559 LUCKTENBERG, CELESTINE 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 200013 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 316498 11127/2008 123525 MACINNES, DANIELLE 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 200014 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316499 11/27/2008 123183 MAEDER, BARBARA 148.69 ELECTION JUDGE 200015 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 148.69 316500 11/27/2008 108574 MAETZOLD, LINDA 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 200016 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page- 18 R55CKREG jG20000 CITY iNA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business U 316501 11/2712008 123526 MARSHALL, ANNE 170.63 ELECTION JUDGE 200017 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 170.63 316502 11/2712008 106561 MARTIN, BARBARA 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 200018 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 146.25 316503 11127/2008 123184 MARTIN, MARY ANN 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 200019 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316504 1112712008 120365 MASE, CONNIE 436.31 ELECTION JUDGE 200020 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 436.31 316505 11/2712008 120386 MAST, BOYD 120.22 ELECTION JUDGE 200021 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 120.22 316506 11/27/2008 117148 MAYNARD, JOAN 170.63 ELECTION JUDGE 200022 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 170.63 316507 11127/2008 123185 MCBURNEY, MARIETTE 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 200023 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 141.38 316508 11127/2008 106586 MCFARLANE, BARBARA 225.00 ELECTION JUDGE 200024 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 225.00 316509 11/2712008 104546 MCGLYNN, ROSEMARY 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 200025 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 146.25 316510 11/27/2008 106589 MCGOLDRICK, FRANCIS 156.00 ELECTION JUDGE 200026 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 156.00 316511 11/27/2008 106592 MCHENRY, JOY 136.50 ELECTION JUDGE 200027 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 1 08 7:41:20 Page - 19 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 136.50 316512 1112712008 123186 MCKUSICK, SUSAN 78.00 ELECTION JUDGE 200028 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 78.00 316513 11/27/2008 104547 MELICHAR, MARGARET C. 225.00 ELECTION JUDGE 200029 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 225.00 316514 11127/2008 114407 MELL, RUTH 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 200030 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 316515 11127/2008 104612 MELLER, JANE 121.88 ELECTION JUDGE 200031 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 121.88 316516 11/27/2008 120250 MENZEL, MARVIN 156.00 ELECTION JUDGE 200032 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 156.00 316517 11/27/2008 116961 MILLER, NANCY 239.06 ELECTION JUDGE 200033 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 239.06 316518 11/27/2008 116962 MILLS, PATRICIA 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 200034 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 146.25 316519 11/27/2008 116963 MOLLICK, LOUISE 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 200035 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 146.25 316520 11/27/2008 106606 MONTEZ, PATRICIA 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 200036 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 146.25 316521 11/27/2008 104551 MONTGOMERY, BETH 213.75 ELECTION JUDGE 200037 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 213.75 11/2512008 7:41:20 Page - 20 R55CKREG -jG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation 316522 11/27/2008 Councll Check Register 104552 MOON, JON 236.25 ELECTION JUDGE 236.25 Inv No 316523 11/27/2008 Business Unit 104553 MORAN, JANE 112108 1180.6013 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 200039 112108 146.25 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 316524 11/27/2008 112108 116964 MOTL, LARRY SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 139.72 ELECTION JUDGE 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 139.72 316525 11127/2008 123192 MURPHY, MARGARET 78.00 ELECTION JUDGE 78.00 316526 11/2712008 105888 NAAE, RON 241.88 ELECTION JUDGE 241.88 316527 1112712008 108582 NATH, MARGARET E. 87.75 ELECTION JUDGE 87.75 316528 11/2712008 123527 NELSON, CAROLYN 170.63 ELECTION JUDGE 170.63 316529 11/27/2008 106616 NELSON, JANET 107.25 ELECTION JUDGE 107.25 316530 11/27/2008 123528 NELSON, KRISTEN 165.75 . ELECTION JUDGE 165.75 316531 11127/2008 106619 NIEFELD, SUSAN 202.50 ELECTION JUDGE 202.50 316532 1112712008 106623 NORBACK, JUDITH 78.00 ELECTION JUDGE 200042 112108 200043 112108 200044 112108 200045 112108 200046 112108 200047 112108 200048 112108 1180.6013 1180.6013 1180.6013 1180.6013 1180.6013 1180.6013 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 1 08 7:41:20 Page - 21 CITY NA Councll Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 200038 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200039 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200040 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200041 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200042 112108 200043 112108 200044 112108 200045 112108 200046 112108 200047 112108 200048 112108 1180.6013 1180.6013 1180.6013 1180.6013 1180.6013 1180.6013 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 1 08 7:41:20 Page - 21 R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation Council Check Register 78.00 316533 11/27/2008 - 11/27/2008 123193 NORDELL, JAN PO # Doc No 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE Subledger Account Description Business Unit 160.88 112108 316534 11/2712008 ELECTION 106626 NORLANDER, WALLACE 112108 1180.6013 170.63 ELECTION JUDGE 200054 112108 170.63 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 316535 11/27/2008 112108 120254 O'NEILL, ORDELL SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 160.88 200053 316536 11127/2008 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 104616 OLANDER, PATRICIA 200055 112108 517.50 ELECTION JUDGE ELECTION 200056 517.50 1180.6013 316537 11/2712008 200057 123529 OLSEN, CAROL 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 112108 1180.6013 165.75 ELECTION 316538 11/27/2008 123530 OLSEN, NEIL 170.63 ELECTION JUDGE 170.63 316539 11/27/2008 120255 OSBORN, MARY 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 160.88 316540 11127/2008 104617 OTNESS, FERDINANDA 112.13 ELECTION JUDGE 112.13 316541 11/27/2008 123531 OTTEN, JAMES 143.81 ELECTION JUDGE 143.81 316542 11127/2008 123194 OWENS, NORMAN 239.06 ELECTION JUDGE 239.06 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 22 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 200049 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200050 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200054 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200051 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200052 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200053 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200055 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200056 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200057 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200058 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 22 CITY NA 1 08 7:41:20 R55CKREG jG20000 Council Check Register Page - 23 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316543 1112712008 123532 PALMER, GLORIA 117.00 ELECTION JUDGE 200059 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 117.00 316544 11127/2008 106630 PAPPAS, PETER 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 200060 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 141.38 316545 1112712008 106632 PATE, MARY 225.00 ELECTION JUDGE 200061 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 225.00 316546 11/27/2008 106631 PAULSON, DARLA J 153.56 ELECTION JUDGE 200062 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 153.56 316547 11/27/2008 120256 PEARCE, JEAN 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 200063 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES, ELECTION 160.88 316548 11/27/2008 123195 PEARCE, WAIN 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 200064 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316549 11/27/2008 106637 PETERSEN, SUSAN 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 200065 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316550 11/2712008 104555 PETERSON, DORIS 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 200066 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 141.38 316551 1112712008 120257 PETERSON, JOHN 168.19 ELECTION JUDGE 200067 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 168.19 316552 11/27/2008 104556 POLLITT, BETTY 241.88 ELECTION JUDGE 200068 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 241.88 316553 1112712008 123196 POWELL, WENDY 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 200069 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation Council Check Register 146.25 316554 11127/2008 - 11/27/2008 104618 PRESTHUS, LINDA PO # Doc No 411.94 ELECTION JUDGE Subledger Account Description Business Unit 411.94 112108 316555 1112712008 ELECTION 106644 PRUDLO, PATRICIA 112108 1180.6013 214.50 ELECTION JUDGE 200072 112108 214.50 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 316556 11/27/2008 112108 120400 QUINN, JOYCE SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 24.38 ELECTION JUDGE 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 24.38 200075 316557 1112712008 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 123533 QUITMEYER, SEBASTIAN 200076 112108 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE ELECTION 200077 160.88 1180.6013 316558 1112712008. 200078 123534 RAUCH, MACKENZIE 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 131.63 ELECTION JUDGE 112108 1180.6013 131.63 ELECTION 316559 1112712008 120283 RAZIDLO, CONRAD 95.06 ELECTION JUDGE 95.06 316560 11/2712008 119667 RAZIDLO, TERESA 73.13 ELECTION JUDGE 73.13 316561 11/27/2008 120259 REED, ROBERT 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 141.38 316562 11127/2008 108585 REITZ, CAROL 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 165.75 316563 11/2712008 123197 REZAC, STELLA 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 141.38 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 24 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 200070 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200071 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200072 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200073 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200074 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200075 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200076 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200077 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200078 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200079 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 24 R55CKREL _jG20000 CITY INA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 316564 11/27/2008 106564 ROBERTSON, LOIS M 156.00 ELECTION JUDGE 200080 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 156.00 316565 11/27/2008 106275 RODGER, JUDITH 163.31 ELECTION JUDGE 200081 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 163.31 316566 11/27/2008 123535 ROGAS, LEE 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 200082 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 165.75 316567 11/2712008 106567 ROGERS, MARY 195.00 ELECTION JUDGE 200083 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 195.00 316568 11127/2008 123536 ROMENS, TAYLOR 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 200084 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 146.25 316569 11/27/2008 120261 ROSENTHAL- ERICKSON, LUANN 447.19 ELECTION JUDGE 200085 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 447.19 316570 11/27/2008 123537 RUSH, MILAGROS 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 200086 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 165.75 316571 11127/2008 123538 RUSH, WILLIAM 163.31 ELECTION JUDGE 200087 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 163.31 316572 11/27/2008 105404 RUSTAD, MARK 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 200088 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 160.88 316573 11/27/2008 106579 RYAN, MARY ANN 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 200089 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 165.75 316574 11/27/2008 105405 RYAN, MARY E. 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 200090 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 1 J08 7:41:20 Page- 25 Business Unit ELECTION ELECTION ELECTION ELECTION ELECTION ELECTION ELECTION ELECTION ELECTION ELECTION ELECTION R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 165.75 316575 11127/2008 105406 RYMAN, DUANE 156.00 ELECTION JUDGE' 200091 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 156.00 316576 11/2712008 120404 SANCHEZ, MARILYN 156.00 ELECTION JUDGE 200092 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 156.00 316577 11/27/2008 123539 SANNERUD, ERIC 180.38 ELECTION JUDGE 200093 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 180.38 316578 1112712008 123198 SAUSEN, JUDITH 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 200094 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 316579 11127/2008 123199 SAWATZKY, RANDY 306.56 ELECTION JUDGE 200095 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 306.56 316580 11/27/2008 117164 SCHMIDT, JESSICA 24.38 ELECTION JUDGE 200096 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 24.38 316581 11/27/2008 106587 SCHRAMM, CONSTANCE E. 136.50 ELECTION JUDGE 200097 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 136.50 316582 1112712008 120263 SCHROEDER, PAUL 170.63 ELECTION JUDGE 200098 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 170.63 316583 11/27/2008 123540 SCHWARTZ, DAVID 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 200099 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316584 11/2712008 108587 SCHWERDFEGER, CAROL 99.94 ELECTION JUDGE 200100 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 99.94 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 26 1 08 7:41:20 Page- 27 CITY iNA R55CKREL G20000 Council Check Register 11/2112008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316585 11/2712008 116970 SCHWIEBERT, SARA 148.69 ELECTION JUDGE 200101 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 148.69 316586 11/2712008 121624 SCOFIELD, CRAIG 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 200102 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP -EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 316587 11/27/2008 120264 SCOTT, AMY 151.13 ELECTION JUDGE 200103 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 151.13 316588 11/27/2008 123200 SEASHORE, CHARLES 73.13 ELECTION JUDGE 200104 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 73.13 316589 11127/2008 123201 SEASHORE, DELORES 75.56 ELECTION JUDGE 200105 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 75.56 316590 11/2712008 106595 SELID, MARION P. 143.81 ELECTION JUDGE 200106 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 143.81 316591 1112712008 106597 SEWALL, MICHAEL O 138.94 ELECTION JUDGE 200107 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 138.94 316592 11/27/2008 108588 SHAUGHNESSY, THOMAS 73.13 ELECTION JUDGE 200108 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 73.13 316593 11127/2008 121628 SHEA, FRANCES 195.00 ELECTION JUDGE 200109 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 195.00 316594 1112712008 121625 SHEA, LINCOLN 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 200110 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 141.38 316595 11127/2008 123202 SHOEMATE, JENIFER 43.88 ELECTION JUDGE 200111 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 1 08 7:41:20 Page- 27 R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation Council Check Register 43.88 316596 11/27/2008 - 11/27/2008 123203 SIMPSON, MYRNA PO # Doc No 53.63 ELECTION JUDGE Subledger Account Description Business Unit 53.63 112108 316597 11127/2008 ELECTION 123541 SIPKINS, JESSICA 112108 1180.6013 177.94 ELECTION JUDGE 200114 112108 177.94 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 316598 11127/2008 112108 123204 SKOY, MARY SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 165.75 200117 316599 11/27/2008 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 106601 SKUBE, MARY K. 200118 112108 185.25 ELECTION JUDGE ELECTION 200119 185.25 1180.6013 316600 11127/2008 200120 106603 SKUDSTAD, RONALD D 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 170.63 ELECTION JUDGE 112108 1180.6013 170.63 ELECTION 316601 11/27/2008 123205 SKUMATZ, JOANN 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 146.25 316602 11127/2008 123206 SMITH, DAVID 158.44 ELECTION JUDGE 158.44 316603 11/27/2008 123207 SMITH, JILL 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 141.38 316604 11/27/2008 104563 SMITH, LINDA 222.19 ELECTION JUDGE 222.19 316605 11127/2008 120412 SMITH, TERRI 53.63 ELECTION JUDGE 53.63 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 28 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 200112 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200113 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200114 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200115 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200116 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200117 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200118 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200119 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200120 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200121 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 28 R55CKREG .JG20000 CITY INA Council Check Register 11121/2008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316606 11/2712008 123542 SQUIRES, MONICA 170.63 ELECTION JUDGE 200122 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 170.63 316607 11/27/2008 120267 STANLEY, LYNNE 199.88 ELECTION JUDGE 200123 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 199.88 316608 11/27/2008 123543 STEINBERG, DAVID 168.19 ELECTION JUDGE 200124 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 168.19 316609 11/27/2008 106622 STRANG, LEE M 185.25 ELECTION JUDGE 200125 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 185.25 316610 11/27/2008 123209 SWANSON, ANN 153.56 ELECTION JUDGE 200126 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 153.56 316611 11/2712008 123210 SWEET, PHILOTHEA 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 200127 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 316612 11127/2008 120266 THISS, ABBIE 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 200128 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316613 11/27/2008 108593 THOMPSON, ANN 190.13 ELECTION JUDGE 200129 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 190.13 316614 11/27/2008 120420 THOMPSON, DIANA 92.63 ELECTION JUDGE 200130 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 92.63 316615 11/27/2008 116976 TIGGAS, ANDREA 219.38 ELECTION JUDGE 200131 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 219.38 316616 11127/2008 120519 TIMM, ALEX 180.38 ELECTION JUDGE 200132 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 'I J08 7:41:20 Page - 29 CITY OF EDINA 11/25/2008 7:41:20 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 30 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanatlon PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 180.38 316617 1112712008 106625 TINDALL, JAMES W 141.38 ELECTION JUDGE 200133 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 141.38 316618 11/2712008 123544 TORRES, FRANCISCO 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 200134 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 316619 11/27/2008 103851 TOWLER, MURIEL 177.94 ELECTION JUDGE 200135 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 177.94 316620 1112712008 123211 TREMMEL, DONNA 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 200136 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 146.25 316621 11127/2008 123545 TURNBULL, JULIE 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 200137 112106 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 165.75 316622 11/2712008 123546 TURNBULL, KATE 24.38 ELECTION JUDGE 200138 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 24.38 316623 11127/2008 116978 ULMER, ROBERT 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 200139 112108 1180.6013 SALARIESIEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 146.25 316624 11127/2008 106629 ULVIN, JANET M 213.75 ELECTION JUDGE 200140 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 213.75 316625 11/27/2008 123547 VAN VOORHIS, EMMA 180.38 ELECTION JUDGE 200141 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 180.38 316626 11127/2008 106633 VANMAASDAM, MARY SUSAN 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 200142 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 CITY NA 1 .08 7:41:20 R55CKREG .G20000 Council Check Register Page - 31 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316627 11/27/2008 104627 VAURIO, PATRICIA 182.81 ELECTION JUDGE 200143 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 182.81 316628 11/27/2008 123548 VINGE, JOLEE 124.31 ELECTION JUDGE 200144 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 124.31 316629 11/27/2008 116979 VOSS, RAY 138.94 ELECTION JUDGE 200145 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 138.94 316630 11/2712008 114471 WALES, PATTI 136.50 ELECTION JUDGE 200146 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 136.50 316631 11/27/2008 120515 WANNINGER, MARY 146.25 ELECTION JUDGE 200147 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 146.25 316632 11/27/2008 106638 WASHBURN, VIRGINIA 219.38 ELECTION JUDGE 200148 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 219.38 316633 11/27/2008 105410 WATKINS, JOAN 187.69 ELECTION JUDGE 200149 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 187.69 316634 1112712008 116981 WEBER, JENNY 213.75 ELECTION JUDGE 200150 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 213.75 316635 11/27/2008 117170 WEBSTER, EDDI 170.63 ELECTION JUDGE 200151 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 170.63 316636 11127/2008 108597 WEEKS, DEANNA 250.31 ELECTION JUDGE 200152 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 250.31 316637 11/27/2008 123212 WEHRMEISTER, PAUL 151.13 ELECTION JUDGE 200153 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation Council Check 151.13 316638 11127/2008 11/21/2008 123549 WEINBERG, TESS 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE Account No Subledger Account Description 165.75 200154 316639 1112712008 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 108598 WELBAUM, MIKE 200155 112108 156.00 ELECTION JUDGE ELECTION 200156 156.00 1180.6013 316640 11/2712008 200157 106640 WESTERDAHL, BIRDIE 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 170.63 ELECTION JUDGE 112108 1180.6013 170.63 ELECTION 316641 11127/2008 1180.6013 104630 WEXLER, ARDIS ELECTION 200160 427.50 ELECTION JUDGE SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 427.50 112108 316642 11127/2008 ELECTION 123550 WHEELER, ANDREW 112108 1180.6013 165.75 ELECTION JUDGE 200163 112108 165.75 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES 316643 11127/2008 123214 WIDELL, GARY 151.13 ELECTION JUDGE 151.13 316644 11/2712008 122796 WIKMAN, CART 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 160.88 316645 11/2712008 116982 WILEY, ELIZABETH 87.75 ELECTION JUDGE 87.75 316646 11/27/2008 116983 WILLIAMS, PATRICIA 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 160.88 316647 11/2712008 123215 WINNINGER, NICHOLAS 208.13 ELECTION JUDGE 208.13 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page- 32 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11127/2008 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 200154 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200155 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200156 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200157 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200158 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200159 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200160 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200161 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200162 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200163 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page- 32 R55CKREG jG20000 CITY iNA 1 08 7:41:20 Council Check Register Page- 33 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316648 11/2712008 104632 WOLD, LORETTA 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 200164 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 316649 11/27/2008 116984 WOOD, LINDA 208.13 ELECTION JUDGE 200165 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 208.13 316650 11127/2008 104633 WOODBECK, SHEILA 170.63 ELECTION JUDGE 200166 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 170.63 316651 1112712008 117172 WORKINGER, ELIZABETH 143.81 ELECTION JUDGE 200167 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 143.81 316652 11/27/2008 123217 WOXLAND, KATHRYN 160.88 ELECTION JUDGE 200168 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 160.88 316653 11/2712008 104634 YEE, MARY 112.13 ELECTION JUDGE 200169 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 112.13 316654 11/27/2008 120522 ZAHORSKY, JANET 78.00 ELECTION JUDGE 200170 112108 1180.6013 SALARIES TEMP EMPLOYEES ELECTION 78.00 316655 11/27/2008 123648 3B'S SEWER & DRAIN SERVICES 800.00 4" LINER - 4527 ARDEN AVE 00005467 199690 110508 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 800.00 316656 11/27/2008 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 18.56 199739 0311622 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 17.04 199740 0311619 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 42.08 200292 0311623 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 77.68 316657 11/27/2008 123309 ACTION FLEET INC. 436.65 SQUAD CAMERA INSTALLATION 199815 6133 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 436.65 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Council Check Register Page - 34 11/21/2008 — 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316658 1112712008 102626 AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES 601.18 READY MIX 00005752 200213 4237632 1314.6520 CONCRETE STREET RENOVATION 601.18 316659 11/2712008 123656 ALDRICH, TODD 402.87 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 199826 112008 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 402.87 316660 11/2712008 105262 ALEX AIR APPARATUS INC. 1,175.39 LUCASTOOL REPAIRS 200172 15313 1470.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,175.39 316661 1112712008 123667 ALLEN, JAMES 55.00 EARMUFFS 200171 111908 7412.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF RANGE 55.00 316662 11/2712008 100867 ALSTAD, MARIAN _ 854.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 200259 112108 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 854.00 316663 11127/2008 101874 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC. 219.66 ANTENNAS, MICROPHONES 00001121 199781 6364 1553.6237 RADIO SERVICE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 219.66 316664 11127/2008 122312 ANDERSEN, IMOGENE 504.00 GIFT SHOP DESK 200260 112108 5120.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 504.00 316665 11127/2008 100595 ANOKA COUNTY 300.00 OUT OF COUNTY WARRANT 200173 112008 1000.2055 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET - 300.00 316666 11/27/2008 103065 AQUA CITY IRRIGATION INC 687.88 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199582 27644 07100.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 5100 HALIFAX AV - 51ST TO 54TH 359.17 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199583 28616 01342.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -342 HIGHLANDS AREA 1,047.05 316667 11/27/2008 100632 AQUA ENGINEERING 383.03 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00001078 199584 29183 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 383.03 316668 11/27/2008 103680 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SRVCS R55CKREG _JG20000 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING CITY INA 122593 BELDE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,893.90 JANITORIAL SERVICE 200214 Council Check Register COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5842.5515 316674 11/27/2008 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 5842.5515 11/21/2008 -- 11/27/2008 329.10 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 200293 396.65 COFFEE 199827 410802 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 200295 396.65 66.29 200296 81575400 111.60 316669 11/27/2008 81575500 123654 ARIES INDUSTRIES INC. 200298 46364500 3.26- 200299 118,729.10 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 199771 111808 03448.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 123646 BENSON, TERESA 118,729.10 97.00 CLASS REFUND 199692 111808 97.00 316670 11127/2008 112108 123086 BAILEY CONSTRUCTION 190.00 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 200444 112608 07100A.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 1,901.90 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 200444 112608 07100.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 2,091.90 316671 11127/2008 123637 BANNIGAN, PATRICK 158.10 SEWER LINE REPAIR 199585 100508 03440.1705.20. CONSULTING DESIGN 158.10 316672 11/27/2008 100643 BARR ENGINEERING CO. 1,128.39 STORMWATER MGMT 199586 23270354.00 -165 5913.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9,262.50 SEWER COMP PLAN 199691 232701-106.00 -12 5923.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 10,390.89 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5842.5513 316673 11/27/2008 122593 BELDE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,893.90 JANITORIAL SERVICE 200214 921 1,893.90 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5842.5515 316674 11/27/2008 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 329.10 5862.5513 199741 46936400 1,060.10 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 199742 46364300 168.75 ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 200293 81575300 636.06 200294 46364000 574.35 200295 46936100 66.29 200296 81575400 111.60 200297 81575500 848.08 200298 46364500 3.26- 200299 81537900 3,791.07 316675 11127/2008 123646 BENSON, TERESA 97.00 CLASS REFUND 199692 111808 97.00 CLASS REFUND 200258 112108 194.00 5620.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES % J08 7:41:20 Page - 35 Business Unit CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL SSA48 SEWER TV INSPECTION S100A GORGAS AVE SIDEWALK 5100 HALIFAX AV - 51ST TO 54TH SS -440 WOODLAND CIR DISTRIBUTION COLLECTION SYSTEMS EDINBOROUGH PARK 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 5511.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 5511.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 316676 11/2712008 100648 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCTS 101.98 LABELS, MAILERS 199587 OE- 176118 -1 1260.6406 22.91 OFFICE SUPPLIES 199693 WO- 532981 -1 1190.6406 21.68 PACKAGING TAPE 199783 WO- 534216 -1 1550.6406 32.72 PLASTIC PITCHERS 199784 WO- 534063 -1 1550.6406 168.06 OFFICE SUPPLIES 199785 WO- 533630 -1 1550.6406 416.60 OFFICE SUPPLIES 199816 WO- 534319 -1 1400.6406 150.96 OFFICE SUPPLIES 200174 OE- 177284 -1 7410.6513 85.01 OFFICE SUPPLIES 200175 OE- 177747 -1 7410.6513 999.92 316677 11127/2008 123328 BESEMAN, CARLY 180.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 200261 112108 5110.6103 180.00 316678 11/27/2008 100653 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS 8,968.55 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 2 200445 112608 01348.1705.30 12,397.69 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO.2 200445 112608 01349.1705.30 21,366.24 316679 1112712008 119679 BIXBY PORTABLE TOILET SERVICE 90.45 TOILET SERVICE 199588 12742 5430.6182 158.18 TOILET SERVICE 199589 12741 5422.6182 158.18 TOILET SERVICE 199590 12740 5422.6182 406.81 316680 11/27/2008 123329 BLOTZ, MOLLY 360.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 200262 112108 5110.6103 360.00 316681 11127/2008 122688 BMK SOLUTIONS 240.27 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00003749 200426 45055 1470.6513 72.41- RETURN 200427 3440CM 1470.6513 167.86 316682 11127/2008 122942 BORNOWSKI, CLAY 221.30 MAINTENANCE 200263 112108 5111.6103 221.30 316683 1112712008 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 2,157.01 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003739 200176 87026944 1470.6510 552.80 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003738 200177 87024927 1470.6510 Subledger Account Description GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page- 36 Business Unit ENGINEERING GENERAL ASSESSING CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL PSTF ADMINISTRATION PSTF ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS BA -348 PARKLAWN - FRANCE TO YORK CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS BA-349 76TH ST- FRANCE TO YORK RUBBISH REMOVAL RICHARDS GOLF COURSE RUBBISH REMOVAL MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS RUBBISH REMOVAL MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL R55CKREG _JG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation CITY dNA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 -- 11/27/2008 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 1 A08 7:41:20 Page- 37 Business Unit EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 04297.1705.20 2,709.81 PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO ST 4402.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 316684 11/2712008 05480.1705.20 100659 BOYER TRUCK PARTS WM-480 NEW WELL #20 PHASE 2 01345.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 76.27 MUFFLER 00005908 199591 247591X1 BA -352 WOODEND DRIVE 76.27 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO WM 01213.1705.20 316685 1112712008 PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 100664 BRAUN INTERTEC CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN 1,098.17 MATERIALS TESTING 199592 301781 614.50 CONSULTING SERVICES 199593. 301674 627.50 MATERIALS TESTING 199594 301261 1,104.50 MATERIALS TESTING 199595 301788 902.50 MATERIALS TESTING 199596. 301789 120.00 MATERIALS TESTING 199597 301268 2,476.00 MATERIALS TESTING 199598 301267 839.50 MATERIALS TESTING 199599 301266 7,782.67 316686 11/2712008 100873 BROCKWAY, MAUREEN 315.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 200264 112108 315.00 316687 11/27/2008 101489 BROOKS, DARLENE 1,720.80 INSTRUCTOR AC 200265 112108 1,720.80 316688 11127/2008 122533 C & L EXCAVATING INC. 427.50 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 2 200448 112608 4,809.57 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 2 200448 112608 11,305.00 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 2 200448 112608 16,419.23 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 2 200448 112608 19,712.50 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 2 200448 112608 31,323.35 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO.2 200448 112608 48,386.92 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 2 200448 112608 92,329.26 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 2 200448 112608 224,713.33 316689 11/27/2008 102046 CAMPE, HARRIET 152.00 POTTERY MAINTENANCE 200266 112108 355.20 INSTRUCTOR AC 200266 112108 507.20 316690 11/2712008 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 1 A08 7:41:20 Page- 37 Business Unit EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 04297.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO ST 4402.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PW BUILDING 05480.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN WM-480 NEW WELL #20 PHASE 2 01345.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -345 WOODLAND CIR 01352.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -352 WOODEND DRIVE 05436.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO WM 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 03440.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS SS -440 WOODLAND CIR 05466.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS WM -466 WOODLAND LN TO WOODEND 03442.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS SS -442 WOODEND DRIVE 04349.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS STS -349 WOODEND DRIVE - 08052.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS L -52 WOODLAND LN & WOODEND DR 04346.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS STS -346 WOODLAND LN &WOODEND DR 01352.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS BA -352 WOODEND DRIVE 01345.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS BA-345 WOODLAND CIR 5112.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER POTTERY 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation 174.30 7,297.25 52.15 821.35 8,345.05 316691 11/27/2008 116683 CAT & FIDDLE BEVERAGE 200302 80326 200303 80294 316692 11/2712008 CITY OF EDINA 100681 CATCO 11/25/2008 7:41:20 EQUIPMENT OPERATION Council Check Register REPAIR PARTS Page - 38 COUPLERS 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 199600 3 -63096 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 199743 13430 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 199744 13431 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 200300 13427 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 200301 13429 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 200302 80326 200303 80294 316692 11/2712008 EQUIPMENT OPERATION 100681 CATCO - EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN REPAIR PARTS 38.63 COUPLERS 00005910 199600 3 -63096 REPAIR PARTS 46.01 VALVES 00005659 199601 17 -12761 HEAT 176.99 MULTIFASTERS 00005517 199602 3 -63149 PSTF FIRE TOWER 545.93 MULTIFASTERS 00001136 199694 3 -62893 181.94 HOSE ENDS, FITTINGS 00005914 199695 3 -63277 135.60 COUPLERS, ADAPTERS 00005914 199696 1 -59066 1,125.10 316693 11/27/2008 112561 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 34.52 5596524 -8 199786 111308 822.79 5584304 -9 200178 11/13/08 19.70 5584310 -6 200179 NOV1308 877.01 316694 11/27/2008 102804 CENTURY COLLEGE 650.00 RE- CERTIFICATION COURSE 200180 00314853 650.00 316695 11127/2008 119725 CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTING CO 232.50 199745 378553 316696 11/27/2008 240.00 240.00 316697 11/2712008 607.90 607.90 104363 CHOICEPOINT INC. AUTO TRACK SERIVCES 116304 CLAY, DON MEDIA INSTRUCTOR 5862.5513 5842.5513 1553.6530 1553.6530 1553.6530 1553.6530 1553.6530 1553.6530 5430.6186 7411.6186 7413.6186 1470.6104 5842.5514 199817 AB0001894791 1400.6103 200267 112108 5125.6103 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN HEAT RICHARDS GOLF COURSE HEAT PSTF OCCUPANCY HEAT PSTF FIRE TOWER CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL MEDIA STUDIO R55CKREG _JG20000 CITY iNA 1 j08 7:41:20 Council Check Register Page - 39 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316698 11/2712008 120433 COMCAST 22.65 8772 10 614 0220686 200215 110208 5620.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT EDINBOROUGH PARK GENERAL SUPPLIES PATHS & HARD SURFACE CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION CONTRACTED REPAIRS I STREET RENOVATION GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL (BILLING) REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET CLEANING SUPPLIES GRILL REPAIR PARTS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINBOROUGH PARK 22.65 316699 11127/2008 101329 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS INC. 122.69 T3 HOOPS 00005768 200181 0025384 -IN 1647.6406 122.69 316700 11127/2008 100695 CONTINENTAL CLAY CO. 360.34 CLAY, ART SUPPLIES 00009427 200216 INV000040208 5110.6564 469.33 CLAY, ART SUPPLIES 00009427 200216 INV000040208 5120.5510 13.82 SPONGES 00009427 200217 INV000040264 5120.5510 43.60- CREDIT 200218 R200349533 5110.6564 799.89 316701 11/27/2008 123653 CROSSTOWN CONCRETE 6,980.00 PAVER REPAIRS 00005298 199787 110408 1314.6180 6,980.00 316702 11/27/2008 101616 CRUCIAL TECHNOLOGY 508.97 FIRESTATION MEMORY UPGRADE 00004437 199697 243603534 1470.6406 508.97 316703 11/27/2008 100700 CURTIS 1000 1,237.32 ENVELOPES 00004143 199698 2180956 5910.6406 1,237.32 316704 11/2712008 100701 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. 554.02 CLUTCHES 00006357 200219 144967 5422.6530 554.02 316705 11/2712008 100130 DAKOTA COUNTY 250.00 OUT OF COUNTY WARRANT 200182 112008 1000.2055 250.00 316706 11/27/2008 104020 DALCO 336.65 WINDEX, SPOTTER 00006142 199603 2039659 5421.6511 215.13 PUNCHES 00003753 200183 2040998 1470.6530 551.78 316707 11/27/2008 112319 DARG BOLGREAN MENK INC. 740.00 ENGINEERING STUDY 200428 17344 5620.6103 GENERAL SUPPLIES PATHS & HARD SURFACE CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION CONTRACTED REPAIRS I STREET RENOVATION GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL (BILLING) REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET CLEANING SUPPLIES GRILL REPAIR PARTS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINBOROUGH PARK R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 — 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 740.00 316708 1112712008 100710 DAVE'S DAIRY 173.07 DAIRY 199604 110308 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 5842.5514 5842.5515 5822.5514 5511.6136 5421.5510 5421.5510 5110.6103 5110.6122 5620.6406 07048.1705.30 5110.6103 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 40 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 173.07 YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 316709 1112712008 102478 DAY DISTRIBUTING CO. 3,859.37 199746 482115 41.60 199747 482116 1,473.78 200304 482114 5,374.75 316710 11127/2008 123689 DEETS, CHRIS 97.00 CLASS REFUND 200443 112408 97.00 316711 1112712008 100720 DENNYS 5TH AVE. BAKERY 49.21 BAKERY 199605 287003 63.61 BAKERY 199788 287562 112.82 316712 11/27/2008 122234 DEVRIES, NICHOLAS 210.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 200268 112108 210.00 316713 1112712008 102831 DEX EAST 18.00 110350670 200184 111608 18.00 316714 11/27/2008 118805 DISCOUNT STEEL INC. 85.92 ALUMINUM PINS 00002296 200220 01500780 85.92 316715 11/27/2008 102155 DMJ CORPORATION 21,290.45 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 2 200446 112608 21,290.45 316716 11/27/2008 121500 DORMAN, SARAH - 162.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 200269 112108 162.00 316717 1112712008 121439 E GROUP INC. 5842.5514 5842.5515 5822.5514 5511.6136 5421.5510 5421.5510 5110.6103 5110.6122 5620.6406 07048.1705.30 5110.6103 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 40 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION EDINBOROUGH PARK CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS S048 SIDEWALK 100 W FRONTAGE R PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 1155CKRE(, -PG20000 CITY iNA 1 08 7:41:20 Council Check Register Page - 41 11121/2008 — 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subiedger Account Description Business Unit 960.50 T- SHIRTS FOR RESALE 200221 5125953 5620.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH PARK 1,861.35 T- SHIRTS FOR RESALE 200222 5125952 5620.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH PARK 2,821.85 426.00 316718 11/27/2008 100739 EAGLE WINE 100178 EDEN PRAIRIE FIRE DEPARTMENT 311.50 199748 145241 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 330.38 200305 145237 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,463.00 11/2712008 200306 145232 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING REPAIR PARTS PATHS & HARD SURFACE CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT ADAPTIVE RECREATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PONDS & LAKES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS DISTRIBUTION WMA80 NEW WELL #20 PHASE 2 WM-483 WELLHOUSE 5233 HALIFAX 3,104.88 316719 11/27/2008 100740 EARL F. ANDERSEN INC. 426.00 PLAYGROUND REPAIR PARTS 00005977 200185 0085304 -IN 1647.6530 426.00 316720 11127/2008 100178 EDEN PRAIRIE FIRE DEPARTMENT 711.00 TRAINING - NOV 5TH -6TH 200186 111208 1470.6104 711.00 316721 11/2712008 101321 EDINA HARDWARE 42.08 PAINT, ROLLER 00009924 200223 81865 5111.6406 42.08 316722 11/2712008 101630 EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS 22.50 GYM USE PERMIT #29086 199606 7346 1629.6406 22.50 316723 11/2712008 118010 EGAN, BILL 1,574.56 REMOVE BEAVERS FROM MILLPON(ID005980 200187 111908 5933.6103 1,574.56 316724 11/2712008 106194 EMA INC. 175.00 SCADA SUPPORT 199789 5604 - 90013733 5913.6103 175.00 316725 11/27/2008 100851 ENCOMM MIDWEST LLC 87,301.12 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO.3 199772 112608 05480.1705.30 87,301.12 316726 11/27/2008 100851 ENCOMM MIDWEST LLC 50,331.78 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO.4 199773 111808 05483.1705.30 50,331.78 REPAIR PARTS PATHS & HARD SURFACE CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT ADAPTIVE RECREATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PONDS & LAKES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS DISTRIBUTION WMA80 NEW WELL #20 PHASE 2 WM-483 WELLHOUSE 5233 HALIFAX R55CKREG LOG20000 2,755.00 CITY OF EDINA 316733 11/27/2008 Council Check Register 11/21/2008 -- 11/27/2008 INSTRUCTOR AC Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 316727 11127/2008 100146 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 316734 11127/2008 34.94 RESISTOR 00005654 199790 6- 1086151 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 34.94 SHOP TOWELS 199610 1006249091 5422.6201 316728 11/27/2008 102101 FEDEX KINKO'S INC. 233.91 PATRON APPLICATION CARDS 00006146 199607 062200013924 5410.6575 PRINTING 13.87 DIVIDERS 00006146 199608 062200013925 5410.6575 PRINTING 200431 117972 247.78 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 160.00 316729 11/27/2008 120831 FIRST SCRIBE INC. 316736 11/27/2008 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 42 Business Unit EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN GOLF ADMINISTRATION GOLF ADMINISTRATION 425.00 ROWAY 199609 16398 1260.6103 . PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENGINEERING GENERAL 425.00 316730 11/27/2008 101022 FRAME, SUSAN 698.40 INSTRUCTOR AC 200270 112108 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 698.40 316731 11/27/2008 105158 FRANKLIN, ELIZABETH 200.00 INSTRUCTOR 200271 112108 5125.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MEDIA STUDIO 200.00 316732 11/27/2008 103039 FREY, MICHAEL 2,755.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 200272 112108 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS GOLF ADMINISTRATION ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 2,755.00 316733 11/27/2008 118896 FRYKMAN, LAURA 525.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 200273 112108 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 525.00 316734 11127/2008 100764 G & K SERVICES 38.61 SHOP TOWELS 199610 1006249091 5422.6201 LAUNDRY 38.61 316735 11/2712008 101662 GCSAA 160.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES - JEFF LUGER 200431 117972 5410.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 160.00 316736 11/27/2008 101867 GETSINGER, DONNA 240.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 200274 112108 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 240.00 316737 11/27/2008 122115 GEXPRO ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS GOLF ADMINISTRATION ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION R55CKRE(> -jG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation 34.11 BALL WASHER PARTS 112.03 BALL WASHER PARTS 146.14 316738 11/27/2008 104652 GILLIS,LOUISE 240.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 240.00 316739 11/27/2008 120344 GLASS MASTERS INC. 404.00 GLASS REPLACEMENT 404.00 316740 11/27/2008 118941 GLOBALSTAR USA 45.27 R -91 PHONE 45.27 316741 11/27/2008 103855 GRAHN, LEON 102.38 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 102.38 316742 11/27/2008 101103 GRAINGER 21.94 SCREWS 259.14 PROBE, SOLDERING GUN 35.01 DEGREASER, TORCHES 100.00 DEGREASER, TORCHES 148.44 DEGREASER, TORCHES 200.00 DEGREASER, TORCHES 10.00 GLOVES, BATTERIES 17.60 GLOVES, BATTERIES 72.10 GLOVES, BATTERIES 72.11 GLOVES, BATTERIES 72.11 GLOVES, BATTERIES 100.00 GLOVES, BATTERIES 50.06 LIGHT BULBS 1,158.51 316743 11127/2008 102670 GRAND PERE WINES INC 1,151.00 480.00 1,631.00 316744 11/27/2008 102217 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC CITY Council C 11/21/2008 PO # Doc No Inv No 00006136 200429 795- 157025 00006136 200430 795 - 157024 iNA heck Register -- 11/27/2008 Account No Subledger Account Description 5424.6530 REPAIR PARTS 5424.6530 REPAIR PARTS 200275 112108 5110.6103 200224 13316 5620.6180 200188 1000001136917 1470.6188 199791 111908 00001058 199611 9774894266 00001058 199612 9774731708 00001076 199699 9778065145 00001076 199699 9778065145 00001076 199699 9778065145 00001076 199699 9778065145 00001125 199700 9779342105 00001125 199700 9779342105 00001125 199700 9779342105 00001125 199700 9779342105 00001125 199700 9779342105 00001125 199700 9779342105 00002294 200225 9779342097 200307 00022415 200308 00022470 5410.6107 5923.6406 5923.6406 5913.6406 1553.6406 1646.6406 1301.6406 2210.6406 5923.6406 1553.6406 1646.6406 1301.6406 5620.6406 5620.6406 5862.5513 5842.5513 0 Business Unit RANGE RANGE 1 X08 7:41:20 Page - 43 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION CONTRACTED REPAIRS TELEPHONE EDINBOROUGH PARK FIRE DEPT. GENERAL MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE GOLF ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COLLECTION SYSTEMS COLLECTION SYSTEMS DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN BUILDING MAINTENANCE GENERAL MAINTENANCE COMMUNICATIONS COLLECTION SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN BUILDING MAINTENANCE GENERAL MAINTENANCE EDINBOROUGH PARK EDINBOROUGH PARK VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Council Check Register Page - 44 11/21/2008 -- 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 783.75 200309 105542 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 671.25 200310 105543 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 363.91 200311 105360 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,818.91 316745 11/27/2008 100783 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. INC. 84.29 BULBS 00002084 200226 938046751 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 262.38 BULBS 00002084_200227 938049082 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 140.56 LIGHT BULBS 00002292 200228 937955316 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 487.23 316747 11/27/2008 101350 GREEN ACRES SPRINKLER CO. 92.58 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199613 085375 01342.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -342 HIGHLANDS AREA 889.83 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199614 085316 01345.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -345 WOODLAND CIR 1,257.09 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199615 085317 01345.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -345 WOODLAND CIR 1,030.46 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199616 085318 01345.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -345 WOODLAND CIR 588.39 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199617 085319 01345.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -345 WOODLAND CIR 603.11 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199618 085327 01345.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -345 WOODLAND CIR 795.76 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199619 085315 01345.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -345 WOODLAND CIR 1,072.33 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199620 085314 01345.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -345 WOODLAND CIR 1,802.62 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199621 085298 01345.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -345 WOODLAND CIR 772.27 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199622 085313 01345.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -345 WOODLAND CIR 578.50 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199623 085285 01342.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -342 HIGHLANDS AREA 373.49 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199624 085234 01342.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -342 HIGHLANDS AREA 647.81 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199625 085233 01342.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -342 HIGHLANDS AREA 607.41 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199626 085235 01342.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -342 HIGHLANDS AREA 474.63 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005443 199627 085230 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 529.56 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005442 199628 085229 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 333.24 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005440 199629 085113 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 402.87 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005437 199630 085105 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 812.50 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005439 199631 085106 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 354.74 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005441 199632 085108 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 438.88 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005444 199633 085232 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN 414.76 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005447 199634 085231 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN 259.35 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005448 199635 085111 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN 317.90 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005445 199636 085110 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN 676.84 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00001856 199637 085109 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN 385.03 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005446 199638 085107 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN 16,511.95 316748 11/27/2008 118195 GREEN HORIZONS 365.14 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005354 199639 128144 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN - PHASE 1 ARDEN, - '1E, CASCO R55CKREe. .JG20000 CITY INA J08 7:41:20 Council Check Register Page - 45 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanatlon PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 102.25 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005355 199640 128559 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 206.05 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005356 199641 128558 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 218.60 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005357 199642 128560 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 74.09 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005358 199643 128561 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 132.17 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199644 123483 07100.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN S100 HALIFAX AV - 51ST TO 54TH 134.80 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199645 123481 07100.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN S100 HALIFAX AV - 51ST TO 54TH 1,233.10 316749 11/27/2008 122746 GREEN, MICHELE 60.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 200276 112108 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 60.00 316750 11/2712008 100782 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. 2,000.15 199749 145242 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 6,763.41 199750 145243 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 252.57 199751 145051 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 642.00 199752 141821 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 135.62 199753 145244 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 79.09 200312 145235 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 3,190.15 200313 145238 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,895.04 200314 145239 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 2,345.19 200315 145234 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 3,488.10 200316 145233 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 181.61- 200317 764969 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 43.92- 200318 764789 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 275.34- 200319 765005 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 20,290.45 316751 11/27/2008 102680 GUEST SERVICES INC 232.20 NFA MEAL TICKET 00003751 200189 192730 1470.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 232.20 316752 11/27/2008 100788 H &L MESABI 2,368.64 PLOW BLADES 00001004 199646 75627 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 7,136.35 PLOW BLADES 00001148 199701 75578 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,175.76 NOSES 00001016 200229 75692 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 7,396.21 PLOW BLADES 00001148 200230 75691 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 18,076.96 316753 11127/2008 102210 HAGE CONCRETE WORKS 2,616.00 DRIVEWAY REPAIR 00001826 199647 00000244 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 2,616.00 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Council Check Register Page - 46 11/21/2008 -- 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316754 11/27/2008 100797 HAWKINS INC. 1,736.28 CHEMICALS 00005755 199792 1250062 5915.6586 WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT CRAFT SUPPLIES MEDIA STUDIO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MEDIA STUDIO DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ASSESSING EQUIPMENT RENTAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL COURT CHARGES LEGAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CITY HALL BLDG IMPROVEMENTS CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 1,736.28 BA -342 HIGHLANDS AREA CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN PRINTING 316755 11/27/2008 106062 HAYNES, STEPHEN 42.50 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 200277 112108 5125.6564 362.50 INSTRUCTOR 200277 112108 5125.6103 405.00 316756 11/2712008 105436 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATION 65.52 TRANSACTION PROCESSING 199648 28097416 1190.6105 1,441.14 RADIO ADMIN FEE 200190 28108422 1470.6151 1,506.66 316757 11/27/2008 101215 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFI 1,010.01 OCT 2008 BOOKING FEES 199818 2254 1195.6170 1,010.01 316758 1112712008 115377 HENRICKSEN PSG 819.41 REMODELING 199793 420939 44005.6710 819.41 316759 11/2712008 101102 HIDDEN FENCE OF MINNESOTA 168.00 REPAIR WIRE 199649 4507 BRUCE AVE 01213.1705.20 98.00 REPAIR WIRE 199650 5200 DUNCRAIG 01342.1705.20 RD 171.00 REPLACE WIRE - 4634 EDGEBROOK10001080 199702 110708 01214.1705.20 437.00 316760 11/2712008 104332 HILL, PRISCILLA 985.00 WINTER SCHEDULE 200278 112108 5110.6575 985.00 316761 11/27/2008 100805 HIRSHFIELD'S' 137.19 PAINT 200231 026259697 5620.6532 137.19 316762 11127/2008 105962 HOFF, BRUCE 144.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 200279 112108 5110.6103 144.00 CRAFT SUPPLIES MEDIA STUDIO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MEDIA STUDIO DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ASSESSING EQUIPMENT RENTAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL COURT CHARGES LEGAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CITY HALL BLDG IMPROVEMENTS CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO CONSULTING DESIGN BA -342 HIGHLANDS AREA CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN PRINTING ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION PAINT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINBOROUGH PARK ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION CITY iNA 1 08 7:41:20 R55CKREG jG20000 Council Check Register Page- 47 11/21/2008 — 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316763 11/27/2008 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC. 1,954.62 200320 470244 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 369.00 200321 470300 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 51.90 200322 470320 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 1,125.85 200323 470321 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 3,501.37 316764 11/27/2008 112092 HUB HOBBY CENTER INC. 160.03 TRAIN TRACK 200232 48952 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 160.03 316765 11/2712008 100812 IAAO 1,035.00 IAAO MEMBERSHIP DUES 199651 110108 1190.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ASSESSING 1,035.00 316766 11/2712008 100698 IMAGE TECH SERVICES 83.94 20# BOND PAPER 00005020 199652 0000112832 1260.6548 BLUE PRINTING ENGINEERING GENERAL 41.46 20# BOND PAPER 00004144 199653 0000112652 1260.6548 BLUE PRINTING ENGINEERING GENERAL 125.40 316767 11/27/2008 120941 INFINITY GEAR 1,754.11 UNIFORMS 00003732 200191 11110A 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,754.11 316768 11/2712008 123650 INNOVATIVE IRRIGATION SPEC. 355.00 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005367 199703 1082 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 355.00 316769 11/27/2008 123266 INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES USA IN 441,666.59 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 2 199774 111808 05481.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS WM-481 M'SIDE H2OMAIN PIPELINE 441,666.59 316770 11/27/2008 119808 INTEGRA TELECOM 287.29 PHONE SERVICE 200192 4205296 7411.6188 TELEPHONE PSTF OCCUPANCY 287.29 316771 11/27/2008 104572 INVISIBLE FENCE CO. OF MN 135.38 FENCE REPAIR 00001079 199704 114621 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN 135.38 316772 11/27/2008 102321 JACKSON -HIRSH INC 66.63 LAMINATING POUCHES 00003763 200193 0720997 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Council Check Register Page - 48 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 66.63 316773 11/27/2008 100828 JERRY'S FOODS 7.36 199794 110506 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 21.06 199794 110508 1400.6106 MEETING EXPENSE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 129.79 199794 110508 1470.6106 MEETING EXPENSE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 233.42 199794 110508 1460.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS CIVILIAN DEFENSE 391.63 316774 11/27/2008 100829 JERRY'S HARDWARE .87 199705 103108 5820.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH STREET GENERAL 8.65 199705 103108 1621.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES 9.78 199705 103108 5860.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 11.03 199705 103108 1260.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ENGINEERING GENERAL 11.92 199705 103108 1554.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 18.11 199705 103108 5840.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 18.78 199705 103108 4090.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET REVOLVING 21.28 199705 103108 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 29.20 199705 103108 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 39.49 199705 103108 1375.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARKING RAMP 40.36 199705 103108 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 43.82 199705 103108 5420.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE 44.07 199705 103108 1325.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET NAME SIGNS 45.29 199705 103108 5912.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES WELL HOUSES 59.83 199705 103108 1322.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 63.14 199705 103108 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE 8 GROUNDS 74.36 199705 103108 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 84.25 199705 103108 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 99.18 199705 103108 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 178.78 199705 10108 1553.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 263.36 199705 103108 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 482.24 199705 103108 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 800.85 199705 103108 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 2,448.64 316775 11/2712008 100741 JJ TAYLOR DIST. OF MINN 78.10 200324 1221097 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 12,355.83 200325 1221096 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 5,745.95 200326 1221086 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 30.00 200327 1221085 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 3,396.17 200328 1221087 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 150.00- 200329 1226804 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL R55CKREC> jG20000 Check # Date. Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # 21,456.05 CITY INA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/2712008 Doc No Inv No Account No 316777 11/27/2008 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 154.32 200330 1536005 183.24 200331 1539389 7,123.05 200332 1539394 1.59 200333 1539384 2,922.80 200334 1539392 74.45 200335 1539385 1,735.72 200336 1539390 3,965.58 200337 1539391 4,957.37 200338 1539393 1.68 200339 1539386 2.24 200340 1539395 1,092.95 200341 1539399 1.12 200342 1539388 5,844.87 200343 1539400 527.10 200344 1539396 665.19 200345 1539398 474.06 200346 1539397 74.45 200347 1539387 2,525.47 200348 1539401 969.63 200349 1539381 237.22 200350 1539380 645.82 200351 1539378 1,625.70 200352 1539382 375.59 200353 1539377 1.12 200354 1539379 16.20- 200355 400046 36,166.13 316778 11127/2008 103654 JOHNSON, DENISE 340.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 200280 112108 340.00 316779 1112712008 122239 KANDIKO, GEORGIA 262.50 INSTRUCTOR AC 200281 112108 325.00 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 200281 112108 587.50 316780 1112712008 104369 KARKHOFF, NANCY 95.95 UNIFORM PURCHASE 200449 112408 5842.5512 5842.5512 5842.5512 5842.5512 5842.5512 5842.5513 5842.5513 5842.5513 5842.5513 5842.5513 5842.5513 5862.5512 5862.5515 5862.5512 5862.5512 5862.5513 5862.5513 5862.5513 5862.5513 5822.5513 5822.5513 5822.5513 5822.5512 5822.5512 5822.5515 5842.5512 5110.6103 5110.6103 5125.6564 9400.6203 Subledger Account Description COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CRAFT SUPPLIES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 1 i08 7:41:20 Page - 49 Business Unit YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION MEDIA STUDIO POLICE DEPT. GENERAL R55CKREG LOG20000 41,013.88 CITY OF EDINA 199775 112608 05471.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS WM-471 NEW WELL #20 Council Check Register 41,013.88 11/21/2008 — 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 95.95 66.13 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 199709 316781 1112712008 CUSTOMER REFUND 123647 KCS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 66.13 1,929.20 PMT ON ACCT #200835007 199708 111708 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND 11/2712008 1,929.20 316782 11/27/2008 111018 KEEPRS INC. LICENSE UPGRADE 199795 111908 1281.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 239.98 UNIFORMS 00003733 200194 102338 -03 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS 239.98 316787 11/27/2008 316783 11/2712008 105990 KELLY GREEN IRRIGATION INC. 488.88 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199654 55590 01345.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 507.93 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005018 199706 55609 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 789.00 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005017 199707 55464 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 106094 KOUTSKY, DEAN 1,785.81 316784 11/2712008 INSTRUCTOR 105171 KEYS WELL DRILLING CO. 112108 5125.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 50 Business Unit UTILITY BALANCE SHEET FIRE DEPT. GENERAL BA -345 WOODLAND CIR PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO w , 41,013.88 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 10 199775 112608 05471.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS WM-471 NEW WELL #20 41,013.88 316785 11127/2008 123644 KINNEY, THOMAS A 66.13 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 199709 110508 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 66.13 316786 11/2712008 100285 KLAPPERICK, TERRY 19.00 LICENSE UPGRADE 199795 111908 1281.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 19.00 316787 11/27/2008 101340 KOCHENASH, RICK 750.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 200282 112108 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 750.00 316788 11/27/2008 106094 KOUTSKY, DEAN 296.00 INSTRUCTOR 200283 112108 5125.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MEDIA STUDIO 296.00 316789 11/27/2008 118660 LAKES AREA HOME IMPROVEMENT SE 313.00 WATER REPAIR SERVICE 00005849 199796 4641 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 313.00 316790 11/2712008 123675 LANDCARE EQUIPMENT CO. INC. 2,495.30 SPREADER KITS, HITCH 00001127 200233 29424 1305.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT w , 1 ,08 7:41:20 Page - 51 Business Unit EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS EDINBOROUGH PARK 90,331.71 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO..3 199776 111808 10091.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS BR -3 Browndale Avenue Bridge CITY iNA 90,331.71 R55CKREG _JG20000 316793 11/27/2008 Council Check Register - 11/2112008 — 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description CENTENNIAL LAKES 2,495.30 26.41 316791 11/2712008 100605 LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS 316794 11/27/2008 101.03 CITY LOGO CLOTHING 199797 07069712 1513.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 279.05 UNIFORMS 200234 07055030 5620.6201 LAUNDRY 7495544 380.08 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 316792 11/27/2008 123265 LANDWEHR CONSTRUCTION INC. 1 ,08 7:41:20 Page - 51 Business Unit EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS EDINBOROUGH PARK 90,331.71 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO..3 199776 111808 10091.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS BR -3 Browndale Avenue Bridge 90,331.71 316793 11/27/2008 101220 LAND EQUIPMENT INC. - 26.41 BOBCAT PARTS 00006068 200235 189594 5630.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENTENNIAL LAKES 26.41 316794 11/27/2008 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 178.21 WASHERS, HOLESAWS 00001128 200236 7495544 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 178.21 316795 11127/2008 103396 LENT, WILLIAM 1,181.23 SAFE FOR FIREARM SAFETY 199710 111808 1621.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES 1,181.23 316796 11/27/2008 106301 LOFFLER COMPANIES INC. 89.70 COPIER USAGE 00001512 199712 131963 5910.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL (BILLING) 89.70 316797 11/27/2008 100858 LOGIS 1,257.00 199711 30016 1554.6160 DATA PROCESSING CENT SERV GEN - MIS 2,526.50 199711 30016 1120.6160 DATA PROCESSING ADMINISTRATION 2,694.00 199711 30016 1554.6160 DATA PROCESSING CENT SERV GEN - MIS 2,717.00 199711 30016 1495.6160 DATA PROCESSING INSPECTIONS 4,760.00 199711 30016 1190.6160 DATA PROCESSING ASSESSING 5,194.00 199711 30016 5910.6160 DATA PROCESSING GENERAL (BILLING) 5,658.50 199711 30016 1160.6160 DATA PROCESSING FINANCE 24,807.00 316798 11/27/2008 101792 LUBE -TECH 571.72 OIL, WASHER FLUID 00001019 200237 1599487 1553.6584 LUBRICANTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 571.72 316799 11/27/2008 120742 M. MILLER TRUCKING INC. R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 11/2512008 7:41:20 Council Check Register Page- 52 11/21/2008 -- 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 811.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 00001203 200238 12553 1301.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL GENERAL MAINTENANCE 811.00 316800 11/2712008 118226 MAGIC BOUNCE PARTY RENTALS 576.93 MAGICIAN, BALLOON SCULPTURES 200239 2584 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 576.93 316801 11/27/2008 100868 MARK VII SALES 3,611.35 199754 402407 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 111.60 199755 402408 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 107.50 199756 402409 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 4,321.43 200356 404266 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 2,748.25 200357 404038 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 60.00 200358 401620 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 1,246.00 200359 401889 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 12,206.13 316802 11127/2008 118819 MASTER SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 606.88 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199655 16623 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 606.88 316803 11127/2008 102600 MATRIX COMMUNICATIONS INC 67.50 REMOTE SERVICE 199656 46350 1550.6188 TELEPHONE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 67.50 316804 11127/2008 105603 MEDICINE LAKE TOURS 2,643.75 VATICAN SPLENDORS TRIP 199828 111808 1628.6103.07 TRIPS PROF SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 2,643.75 316805 11/27/2008 101483 MENARDS 6.65 DRIPPER FLIPPER 00006140 199657 88440 5420.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE 45.66 WRENCH SETS, BITS 00001139 200240 92023 1301.6556 TOOLS GENERAL MAINTENANCE 85.69 FURRING STRIPS 00001130 200241 91651 1318.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 146.76 LUMBER 00002101 200242 91040 5620.6532 PAINT EDINBOROUGH PARK 284.76 316806 11/27/2008 101987 MENARDS 153.20 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS 200243 40805 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 153.20 316807 11/27/2008 102281 MENARDS 47.90 BATTERY 00005769 200195 23429 1646.6556 TOOLS BUILDING MAINTE "' ' ^E s CITY NA 1 08 7:41:20 R55CKREG jG20000 Council Check Register Page - 53 11/2112008 — 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 47.90 316808 11/27/2008 120605 METEORLOGIX 1,196.95 WEATHER SERVICE SUBSCRIPTION 199713 2492659 1552.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 1,196.95 316809 11/27/2008 102507 METRO VOLLEYBALL OFFICIALS 106.00 OFFICIATING FEES 200432 3443 4077.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 106.00 316810 11/27/2008 100891 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORP. - 336.26 ASPHALT 00005748 199658 97557MB 1314.6518 BLACKTOP STREET RENOVATION 336.26 316811 1112712008 121053 MILLER, SUSAN 266.58 PETTY CASH 200244 112108 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 266.58 316812 11/27/2008 122772 MINGER CONSTRUCTION 1,530.00 STORM SEWER REHAB 199714 OAK DRIVE 04345.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS STS -345 4506 -08 OAK DRIVE 29,275.15 STORM SEWER REHAB 199714 OAK DRIVE 04345.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS STS -345 4506 -08 OAK DRIVE 30,805.15 316813 11/27/2008 122772 MINGER CONSTRUCTION 2,166.48 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 6 199777 112608 05469.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS WM-469 NORTH PROMENADE 5,645.37 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 6 199777 112608 04347.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS STS -347 PROMENADE IMP PHASE 1 211,514.60 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO.6 199777 112608 07102.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 5102 PROMENADE IMP PHASE 1 219,326.45 316814 11/27/2008 122772 MINGER CONSTRUCTION 5,810.18 FINAL PAYMENT 199778 NOV2608 10037.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS LS37 LS REHAB @ WALNUT DRIVE 30,503.46 FINAL PAYMENT 199778 NOV2608 10038.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS LS38 LS REHAB @ FRANCE AVE 36,313.64 316815 11127/2008 102582 MINN DEPT. OF LABOR & INDUSTRY 20.00 LICENSE RENEWAL - T KLAPPERICI00001137 199715 006456 -CC 1280.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS SUPERVISION & OVERHEAD 20.00 316816 11/2712008 100913 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN SEWER& 880.00 SERVICE DISCONNECT 00005847 199798 33296 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 1,210.00 WATER SERVICE REPAIR 00005848 199799 33298 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 1,100.00 SERVICE LINE REPAIR 00005846 199800 33295 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Council Check Register Page - 54 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 3,190.00 316817 11/27/2008 102386 MINNEAPOLIS POLICE CONCERT BAN 100.00 ENTERTAINMENT 1217/08 200423 112108 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 100.00 316818 11/27/2008 100522 MINNESOTA AIR INC. 79.14 FAN CONTROL 00001134 200196 1146613 -00 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 79.14 316819 11/27/2008 101376 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPMENT 1,363.40 1° CURB STOPS 00005850 199801 0234169 5913.6530 REPAIR PARTS DISTRIBUTION 1,363.40 316820 11/27/2008 101779 MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATIO 235.00 CLASS FEE 200451 INV341191 1120.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATION 235.00 CLASS FEE 200452 INV341194 1120.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATION 470.00 316821 11/27/2008 100330 MINNESOTA STATE FIRE MARSHAL 40.00 TRAINING FEE 200197 111908 1470.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 40.00 316822 11/27/2008 100908 MINNESOTA WANNER CO. 131.73 SPRAYER PARTS 00006355 200245 0078506 -IN 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 131.73 316823 11/27/2008 122241 MONAHAN, KIMBERLY 702.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 200284 112108 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 702.00 316824 11/27/2008 121491 MORRIE'S PARTS & SERVICE GROUP 43.02 LOCK ASSEMBLY 00001159 199802 462145176W 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 43.02 316825 11/27/2008 108668 MORRIS, GRAYLYN 150.00 ENTERTAINMENT 12/11/08 200425 112108 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 150.00 316826 11/27/2008 100906 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC. 101.26 BOXES & COVERS 00005770 200198 646097 -00 1648.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SKATING RINK MAINTENANCE 140.76 YOKE, U -JOINT 00006356 200246 646270 -00 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS R55CKREG jG20000 CITY NA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 — 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description COST OF GOODS SOLD REPAIR PARTS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 1 .08 7:41:20 Page - 55 Business Unit EDINBOROUGH PARK CLUB HOUSE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MEDIA STUDIO CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO CONSULTING DESIGN S100 HALIFAX AV - 51ST TO 54TH CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS SIDEWALK- DONCASTER - VERNON A SS-438 HIGHLANDS AREA WM-476 HIGHLANDS AREA STS -343 HIGHLANDS AREA L -50 HIGHLANDS AREA BA -342 HIGHLANDS AREA COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 242.02 316827 11/27/2008 106662 NET LITIN DISTRIBUTORS 270.00 NAPKINS FOR RESALE 200247 32322 5620.5510 270.00 316828 11/2712008 103632 NEXT DAY GOURMET /SUPERIOR PROD 73.40 TABLE BASE 00006134 199659 8418772 5420.6530 73.40 316829 11/27/2008 101359 NIBBE, MICHAEL 79.50 UNIFORM PURCHASE 199819 112008 1400.6203 79.50 316830 11127/2008 101958 NICOL, JANET 605.00 MEDIA INSTRUCTOR 200285 112108 5125.6103 605.00 316831 11/27/2008 123638 NORTH COUNTRY IRRIGATION 282.50 SPRINKLER REPAIR 199660 4518 BRUCE ST 01213.1705.20 282.50 316832 11/27/2008 117089 NORTHLAND IRRIGATION & LANDSCA 528.00 SPRINKLER REPAIR -5133 HALIFAX 199716 1399 07100.1705.20 528.00 316833 11/2712008 121497 NORTHWEST ASPHALT 665.00 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 4 200447 112608 07092.1705.30 4,327.43 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 4 200447 112608 03438.1705.30 4,370.00 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 4 200447 112608 05476.1705.30 8,422.03 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO.4 200447 112608 04343.1705.30 10,689.40 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO.4 200447 112608 08050.1705.30 189,743.83 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO.4 200447 112608 01342.1705.30 218,217.69 316834 11/27/2008 100933 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY 243.85 TAPE, PAPER, CANVAS 00009432 200248 36674900 5120.5510 55.27- CREDIT 00009405 200249 36601500 5120.5510 188.58 316835 11/27/2008 100729 ODLAND, DOROTHY 264.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 200286 112108 5110.6103 COST OF GOODS SOLD REPAIR PARTS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 1 .08 7:41:20 Page - 55 Business Unit EDINBOROUGH PARK CLUB HOUSE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MEDIA STUDIO CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO CONSULTING DESIGN S100 HALIFAX AV - 51ST TO 54TH CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS SIDEWALK- DONCASTER - VERNON A SS-438 HIGHLANDS AREA WM-476 HIGHLANDS AREA STS -343 HIGHLANDS AREA L -50 HIGHLANDS AREA BA -342 HIGHLANDS AREA COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 11/21/2008 -- 11/27/2008 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS GENERAL SUPPLIES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE CONFERENCES 8 SCHOOLS GENERAL SUPPLIES COST OF GOODS SOLD 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 56 Business Unit GOLF ADMINISTRATION GOLF DOME PROGRAM ED ADMINISTRATION TRAINING DISTRIBUTION. POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POOL ADMINISTRATION SKATING RINK MAINTENANCE GRILL SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT GOLF DOME PROGRAM SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENTENNIAL LAKES CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO SS L-49 L-43 COUNTRY CLUB PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO ST PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO WM 264.00 316836 11/27/2008 103578 OFFICE DEPOT 141.84 TONER 00006034 199661 450142064 - 001 5410.6513 13.98 HOLE PUNCHERS, BINDERS 00006034 199803 450474543 -001 5210.6513 255.57 BATTERY BACK -UPS 200250 450885065-001 5610.6406 411.39 316837 11/27/2008 100936 OLSEN COMPANIES 20.00 RIGGING SEMINAR FEE 00005680 199662 528554 5919.6104 33.08 HANDY TOWELS 00001133 199804 529585 5913.6406 53.08 316838 11127/2008 102265 OLSON, TIM 193.36 UNIFORM PURCHASE 199820 112008 1400.6203 85.95 UNIFORM PURCHASE 199821 111908 1400.6203 279.31 316839 11/2712008 1009311 OLYMPIC POOLS 702.00 CLASS REGISTRATION 200433 112108 5310.6104 702.00 316840 11/27/2008 101484 OSWALD HOSE & ADAPTERS 1,035.18 FLOODING HOSE 00005978 200199 103960 1648.6406 1,035.18 316841 11127/2008 100939 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC. 333.47 COOKIES 199805 42645384 5421.5510 333.47 316842 11/2712008 100940 OWENS COMPANIES INC. 962.50 SERVICE CONTRACT 00006147 199806 25169 5210.6230 720.75 HVAC SERVICE CONTRACT 200251 25189 5630.6230 1,683.25 316843 11/27/2008 121026 PALDA & SONS INC. 263.06 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO.6 199779 111808 03413.1705.30 3,992.50 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO.6 199779 111808 08049.1705.30 64,573.54 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 6 199779 111808 08043.1705.30 76,654.60 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO.6 199779 111808 04297.1705.30 80,979.90 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO.6 199779 111808 01214.1705.30 171,107.77 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 6 199779 111808 05436.1705.30 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS GENERAL SUPPLIES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE CONFERENCES 8 SCHOOLS GENERAL SUPPLIES COST OF GOODS SOLD 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 56 Business Unit GOLF ADMINISTRATION GOLF DOME PROGRAM ED ADMINISTRATION TRAINING DISTRIBUTION. POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POOL ADMINISTRATION SKATING RINK MAINTENANCE GRILL SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT GOLF DOME PROGRAM SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENTENNIAL LAKES CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO SS L-49 L-43 COUNTRY CLUB PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO ST PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO WM I R55CKREG _JG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 531,185.68 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO.6 8204376 -IN 928,757.05 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 316844 1112712008 200362 102440 PASS, GRACE 5842.5513 589.82 INSTRUCTOR AC 200363 830.00 POTTERY MAINTENANCE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1,419.82 200364 316845 11/27/2008 5842.5513 100347 PAUSTIS & SONS YORK SELLING 761.25 8204197 -IN 5842.5513 531.25 YORK SELLING 200366 761.25 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 531.25 200367 8204698 -IN 2,523.25 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 417.00 8204705 -IN 5862.5513 56.25 VERNON SELLING 200369 1,197.15 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1,963.00 200370 2684190 17.00- 49.12 8,724.65 200371 316846 11/27/2008 5842.5515 123330 PEARSON, KARI 324.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 2684189 324.00 4,667.16 CITY iNA Council Check Register 11/2112008 - 11/27/2008 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 199779 111808 01213.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 200287 112108 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 200287 112108 5112.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1 ,08 7:41:20 Page - 57 Business Unit PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION ART CENTER POTTERY 200360 8204382 -IN 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 200361 8204376 -IN 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 200362 8204381 -IN 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 200363 8204375 -IN 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 200364 8204697 -IN 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 200365 8204197 -IN 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 200366 8204123 -IN 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 200367 8204698 -IN 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 200368 8204705 -IN 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 200369 8204242 -CM 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 200288 112108 5110.6103 316847 11/27/2008 100945 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,531.10 YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 199807 47222396 5210.5510 1,531.10 VERNON SELLING 316848 11127/2008 100948 PERKINS LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS 675.00 REPLACE PLANTS 199663 111008 01342.1705.20 670.00 REPAIR DRAINAGE TILE & TURF 199664 11/10/08 07100.1705.20 1,345.00 316849 11/27/2008 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 526.39 200370 2684190 5842.5512 49.12 200371 2684188 5842.5515 1,830.47 200372 2684189 5842.5513 4,667.16 200373 2684187 5842.5513 1.12 200374 2684186 5842.5513 106.62 200375 2684194 5862.5512 2,187.13 200376 2684193 5862.5513 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COST OF GOODS SOLD CONSULTING DESIGN CONSULTING DESIGN ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION GOLF DOME PROGRAM BA -342 HIGHLANDS AREA S100 HALIFAX AV - 51ST TO 54TH COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Council Check Register Page - 58 11/21/2008 - 11127/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2,579.28 200377 2684191 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 103.94 200378 2684192 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 1,164.52 200379 2684185 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,282.27 200380 2684183 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 129.49 200381 2684184 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 677.90 200382 2682112 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 57.12- 200383 3398122 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 103.64- 200384 3398430 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 8.30- 200385 3398123 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 13.78- 200386 3398190 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 6.89- 200387 3398561 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 10.96- 200388 3398562 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 17.58- 200389 3398189 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 16,087.14 316850 11/27/2008 100119 PING 113.74 PUTTER 199665 9541448 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 215.53 GOLF CLUB 199666 9528553 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 9.46 BAGSTAND PARTS 199667 9536214 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 338.73 316851 11/27/2008 119620 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC. 401.21 TIRES 00001138 199717 369032 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 401.21 316852 11/27/2008 114070 PRECISION AUTO UPHOLSTERY INC. 125.00 SEAT PAD REPAIR 00001156 199668 15399 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 125.00 316853 . 11/27/2008 123645 PREMIER REMODELING 198.94 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 199718 111808 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 198.94 316854 . 11/27/2008 100968 PRIOR WINE COMPANY 258.20 199757 145245 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 811.00 200390 145240 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,715.35 200391 145236 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,784.55 316855 11/27/2008 105774 PRO QUALITY CARPET CARE 2,226.76 CARPET CLEANING 00006150 199808 20405 5420.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CLUB HOUSE 2,226.76 1 08 7:41:20 Page - 59 Subledger Account Description Business Unit CONSULTING DESIGN BA -342 HIGHLANDS AREA GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET REVOLVING REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CONSULTING INSPECTION WM-480 NEW WELL #20 PHASE 2 CONSULTING INSPECTION WM-480 NEW WELL #20 PHASE 2 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING CITY. NA R55CKREG jG20000 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING Council Check Register 11121/2008 - 11/2712008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 316856 11/27/2008 - 118640 PRO TURF 134.03 SPRINKLER REPAIR -5269 LOCHLOY 199671 35611 01342.1705.20 134.03 316857 11/27/2008 120768 PRO -POWER CORDS INC. 58.00 WORK LIGHT 00001126 199719 2619 4090.6406 58.00 316858 11/2712008 113732 PROFESSIONAL TOOL SALES 102.05 DRILL BITS, CABLE TIES 00001054 199720 80779 1553.6530 102.05 316859 11/27/2008 100969 PROGRESSIVE CONSULTING ENGINEE 1,117.50 CONSULTANTS REVIEW 199669 07022.19 05480.1705.21 3,667.00 WELL HOUSE INSPECTION 199670 07037.12 05480.1705.21 4,784.50 316860 11/27/2008 106322 PROSOURCE SUPPLY 1,057.27 ICE MELT 00002085 200252 4349 5630.6406 1,057.27 316861 11/27/2008 100971 QUALITY WINE 1,524.50 199758 086274 -00 5842.5513 194.80 199759 087034 -00 5842.5513 1,253.80 199760 087036 -00 5842.5512 3,072.23 199761 087035 -00 5842.5512 12.00- 199762 084613 -00 5842.5513 1,933.50 200392 087508 -00 5862.5513 211.20 200393 087037 -00 5862.5513 1,744.81 200394 086275 -00 5822.5513 267.40 200395 087039 -00 5822.5513 875.83 200396 087071 -00 5822.5512 1,932.83 200397 087038 -00 5862.5512 85.60 200398 087116 -00 5862.5512 1,001.60 200399 087070 -00 5862.5512 14,086.10 316862 11/2712008 101965 QWEST 104.80 952 451 -6058 199822 6058 -11/08 1400.6188 104.80 _ 1 08 7:41:20 Page - 59 Subledger Account Description Business Unit CONSULTING DESIGN BA -342 HIGHLANDS AREA GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET REVOLVING REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CONSULTING INSPECTION WM-480 NEW WELL #20 PHASE 2 CONSULTING INSPECTION WM-480 NEW WELL #20 PHASE 2 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING TELEPHONE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Council Check Register Page - 60 11/21/2008 -- 11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316863 1112712008 100287 RAMSEY COUNTY 300.00 OUT OF COUNTY WARRANT 200200 112008 1000.2055 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 300.00 316864 11/27/2008 105324 READY WATT ELECTRIC 1,518.00 REMOVE FOUNTAINS 00002082 200253 93982 5630.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CENTENNIAL LAKES 1,518.00 316865 1112712008 104643 RECREATION SUPPLY COMPANY 157.04 POOL VAC HEAD 00002298 200254 168631 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 157.04 316866 1112712008 102986 RECYCOOL 167.75 ANTIFREEZE 00001153 199809 3811183 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 167.75 316867 11/2712008 100980 ROBERT B. HILL CO. 19.83 SOFTENER SALT 00003648 200201 00214263 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 100.48 SOFTENER SALT 00003648 200202 00213940 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 120.31 316868 11/2712008 123639 ROWE LANDSCAPE SERVICES INC. 300.00 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005431 199672 1115 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 300.00 316869 11/27/2008 104301 RUECKERT, MARY 150.00 ENTERTAINMENT 12/9/08 200424 112108 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 150.00 316870 11127/2008 101963 S & S SPECIALISTS 82.50 OAK WILT PROGRAM 00005979 200203 26618 1644.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TREES & MAINTENANCE 82.50 316871 11127/2008 123668 SA-SO 33.38 SIGNAGE 200204 5047567 7410.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF ADMINISTRATION 33.38 316872 11/27/2008 118168 SANSIO 1,050.81 EMS SUBSCRIPTION 200205 INV011378 1470.6160 DATA PROCESSING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,050.81 316873 11/2712008 100349 SCOTT COUNTY c � CITY . iNA 1 j08 7:41:20 R55CKREG _JG20000 Council Check Register Page - 61 11/21/2008 —11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 300.00 OUT OF COUNTY WARRANT 200450 112408 1000.2055 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 300.00 316874 11/27/2008 100995 SEH 9,041.29 MANHOLE INSPECTION 199721 210370 5923.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER COLLECTION SYSTEMS 3,598.08 COUNTRY CLUB PROJECT 199722 210610 08043.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION L43 COUNTRY CLUB 4,797.44 COUNTRY CLUB PROJECT 199722 210610 08049.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION L49 10,794.24 COUNTRY CLUB PROJECT 199722 210610 04297.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO ST 16,791.04 COUNTRY CLUB PROJECT 199722 210610 03413.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO SS 26,985.60 COUNTRY CLUB PROJECT 199722 210610 01213.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 26,985.60 COUNTRY CLUB PROJECT 199722 210610 01214.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN 29,984.00 COUNTRY CLUB PROJECT 199722 210610 05436.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO WM 128,977.29 316875 11/27/2008 104251 SHANNON, IDELLE 430.00 GREAT HALL MATTING REPAIR 200255 110708 5620.6160 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EDINBOROUGH PARK 430.00 316876 11/27/2008 101380 SHAUGHNESSY, SANDRA 702.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 200289 112108 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 792.00 POTTERY MAINTENANCE 200289 112108 5112.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER POTTERY 1,494.00 316877 1112712008 122800 SOUTH METRO CARPET & UPHOLSTER 213.00 CARPET CLEANING 200434 540 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 213.00 CARPET CLEANING 200435 539 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 319.50 CARPET CLEANING 200436 541 5822.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 745.50 316878 1112712008 110977 SOW, ADAMA 124.43 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 200290 112108 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 454.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 200290 112108 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 1,182.00 CLEANING 200290 112108 5111.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 1,760.43 316879 1112712008 101004 SPS COMPANIES 288.18 COPPER TUBING, PLIERS 00001070 199673 S1949630.001 5913.6530 REPAIR PARTS DISTRIBUTION 288.18 316880 11/27/2008 116175 ST. CROIX HARLEY- DAVIDSON 1,252.69 WORK ORDER 199823 518976 1400.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,252.69 R55CKREG LOG20000 150.00 CITY OF EDINA 316886 11/27/2008 Council Check Register 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 199723 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 136875CVW 316881 11/2712008 100650 STANLEY SECURITY SOLUTIONS INC 154.64 20.84 KEYS 199674 MN- 492708 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 29.28 KEYS 00005765 200206 MN- 492982 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 112108 5110.6103 50.12 990.00 316882 11/27/2008 123640 STAPLES, PAUL 11/27/2008 100900 SUN NEWSPAPERS 95.47 LANDSCAPING ITEMS 199675 110108 07100.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 1142742 4201.6406 95.47 1,693.00 316883 11/27/2008 123641 STONEWORKS ARCHITECTURAL PRECA 11127/2008 110674 SUPERIOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATIO 267.25 CONCRETE BOULDER 00005022 199676 1748 1301.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 23031 5913.6188 267.25 141.90 CELL PHONE BATTERY 199824 316884 11/27/2008 TELEPHONE 101015 STREICHERS 176.90 118.15 GUN CLEANING PATCHES 200207 1568171 7412.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 118.15 316885 11/27/2008 102639 STROHMYER, TOM 11/25/2008 7:41:20 Page - 62 Business Unit BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINTENANCE S100 HALIFAX AV - 51ST TO 54TH GENERAL MAINTENANCE PSTF RANGE 150.00 ENTERTAINMENT 12/4/08 200422 112108 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION I / EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION EDINA CHEMICAL AWARENESS DISTRIBUTION POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,228.00 199763 JM6287 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 150.00 316886 11/27/2008 101017 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 99.63 SENSORS 00001017 199723 139357CVW 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 55.01 CUT KEYS 00005651 199724 136875CVW 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 154.64 316887 11127/2008 101336 SULLIVAN, MONICA 990.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 200291 112108 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 990.00 316888 11/27/2008 100900 SUN NEWSPAPERS 1,693.00 CHEMICAL HEALTH AD 199810 1142742 4201.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,693.00 316889 11127/2008 110674 SUPERIOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATIO 35.00 RADIO REPAIR 00001146 199725 23031 5913.6188 TELEPHONE 141.90 CELL PHONE BATTERY 199824 23060 1400.6188 TELEPHONE 176.90 316890 11/27/2008 120998 SURLY BREWING CO. I / EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION EDINA CHEMICAL AWARENESS DISTRIBUTION POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,228.00 199763 JM6287 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING • CITY INA 1 X08 7:41:20 R55CKREG _JG20000 Council Check Register Page - 63 11/21/2008 —11127/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 1,228.00 316891 11/27/2008 123666 TACL, ANNE 21.06 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 200208 112108 1629.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ADAPTIVE RECREATION 21.06 316892 11/2712008 115355 TANDEM PRINTING 303.27 CHEMICAL HEALTH FLYERS 199811 45075 4201.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINA CHEMICAL AWARENESS 303.27 316893 11127/2008 102459 THECO INC 9,159.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 00005402 199726 15978 1314.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS STREET RENOVATION 9,159.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 00005402 199727 15991 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 4,579.50 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 00005402 199728 16001 1314.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS STREET RENOVATION, 4,579.50 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 00005402 199728 16001 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 27,477.00 316894 11/27/2008 101035 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 4,757.00 200400 518703 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 159.05 200401 518702 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 4,916.05 316895 11/27/2008 115601 TILE SHOP, THE 250.12 TILE 200437 3321.406 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 63.72- CREDIT ON ACCOUNT 200438 209015 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 186.40 316896 11/27/2008 123129 TIMESAVER OFF SITE SECRETARIAL 193.25 OCT 21 MINUTES DRAFT 199677 #M 16603 1120.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 223.50 NOV 3 MINUTES DRAFT 199678 #M 16630 1120.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 416.75 316897 11/2712008 102742 TKDA ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLAN 12,727.62 WATERMAIN LINING PROJECT 199729 000200804336 05481.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION WM-481 M'SIDE H20MAIN PIPELINE 12,727.62 316898 11127/2008 123649 TOWMASTER 603.86 12' CABLE 00001145 199730 309269 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 603.86 316899 11/27/2008 101047 TWIN CITY GARAGE DOOR CO 6,900.00 REPLACEMENT GARAGE DOOR 00005041 199731 304464 1552.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENT SVC PW BUILDING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 1112512008 7:41:20 Council Check Register Page- 64 11/21/2008 -11/27/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 6,900.00 316900 11/27/2008 115379 U.S. BANK 63.87 RAIN DIVERTER 199812 NOV4208 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 117.78 BOOKS & MATERIALS 199812 NOV4208 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 446.74 ART CENTER MATERIALS 199812 NOV4208 5111.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT 460.00 TRAINING 199812 NOV4208 1281.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 1,670.24 HEAT CABLE, THERMOSTAT 199812 NOV4208 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 2,758.63 316901 11/27/2008 101049 UHL COMPANY 149.00 QUARTERLY CONTRACT 00001143 199732 38518 1552.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 480.00 SERVICE CONTRACT 200209 38578 7412.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSTF RANGE 629.00 316902 11/27/2008 101053 UNITED ELECTRIC COMPANY 2,153.43 PANELVIEW REPLACEMENT 00005955 199813 570541 5915.6530 REPAIR PARTS WATER TREATMENT 2,153.43 316903 11/27/2008 122221 UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC. 63.98 GLOVES 00001043 199733 77851105 -001 1301.6201 LAUNDRY GENERAL MAINTENANCE 409.85 SPRAYERS, SAW, BITS 00001043 199733 77851105 -001 1301.6556 TOOLS GENERAL MAINTENANCE 473.83 316904 11/27/2008 100410 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC. 321.55 PAGERS 199825 R0319246K 1400.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL' 321.55 316905 11/27/2008 122554 VALLEY NATIONAL GASES,LLC 219.00 OXYGEN 00003649 200210 100136 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 219.00 316906 11/27/2008 101058 VAN PAPER CO. 419.82 LIQUOR BAGS 199679 102214 -00 5822.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 163.92 TOWELS, TISSUE, UTENSILS 00007513 199680 102242 -00 5860.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 543.57 LIQUOR BAGS 00007513 199680 102242 -00 5862.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 365.18 PLATES, NAPKINS, UTENSILS 00001057 199734 102381 -00 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 907.17 CAN LINERS 00005774 200211 102713 -00 1645.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES LITTER REMOVAL 180.45 LIQUOR BAGS 00007513 200439 102242 -01 5862.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 86.36 LIQUOR BAGS 00007512 200440 102211 -01 5842.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 468.53 LIQUOR BAGS 00007512 200441 102211 -00 5842.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 3,135.00 R55CKREG _JG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation 316907 11/2712008 106308 VEITH, MICHELLE 500.00 ARBLE WINTER CATALOG 500.00 316908 11/2712008 102970 VERIZON WIRELESS 4.38- 12341 .78 41.04 126.95 12349 199 A9 CITY INA Council Check Register 11/2112008 - 11/27/2008 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 199735 804 1629.6575 PRINTING 199814 1933476234 199814 1933476234 199814 1933476234 199814 1933476234 199814 1933476234 199814 1933476234 316909 11127/2008 102218 VINTAGE ONE WINES 758.00 200402 12341 848.75 200403 12349 1,606.75 316910 11/27/2008 102886 WAGNERS 85.59 TREETOPS 200256 110719 85.59 316911 11127/2008 123431 WATER WIZARD IRRIGATION 288.50 REPAIR - 5229 DONCASTER WAY 199681 010728 215.00 SPRINKLER REPAIR -4521 WOODDAO0001827 199736 082508 503.50 316912 11127/2608 103266 WELSH COMPANIES LLC 696.50 DEC 2008 MAINTENANCE 199737 111908 696.50 316913 11/27/2008 101078 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT 239.63 GAS KEYS 00001056 199738 0038355 -IN 239.63 316914 11/27/2008 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 384.25 199764 205715 -00 209.10 199765 204414 -00 202.80 199766 205479 -00 202.80- 199767 204294 -00 209.10- 199768 205478 -00 1490.6103 5420.6188 1120.6188 1600.6188 1640.6188 1470.6188 5822.5513 5842.5513 5620.6620 01342.1705.20 01214.1705.20 5841.6103 1553.6530 5842.5513 5842.5515 5842.5515 5842.5515 5842.5515 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 1 J08 7:41:20 Page - 65 Business Unit ADAPTIVE RECREATION PUBLIC HEALTH CLUB HOUSE ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMIN. GENERAL PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUBS EDINBOROUGH PARK CONSULTING DESIGN BA-342 HIGHLANDS AREA CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES YORK OCCUPANCY REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation 60.00 727.85 664.05 907.55 nae at 316915 11127/2008 101312 WINE MERCHANTS 732.02 1,563.76 1,137.06 949.26 543.17 7.58 - 7.33- 17 Al- 316916 11/27/2008 123655 WISCONSIN LIGHTING INC. 200410 253155 200411 253157 200412 253158 200413 253156 200414 253154 200415 41006 200416 41007 200417 41009 200418 41018 88.20 200442 40885 88.20 316917 11127/2008 112954 WISCONSIN TURF EQUIPMENT CORP. 141.73 CORE HARVESTOR PARTS 00006359 200257 553181 -000 141.73 316918 11/27/2008 101086 WORLD CLASS WINES INC 1,063.50 199769 220417 264.00 199770 220189 1,213.40 200419 220415 316.00 200420 220416 316919 11/27/2008 101726 XCEL ENERGY 34.69 51- 5276505 -8 199682 174922696 8,715.54 51- 6644819 -9 200453 175942825 8,750.23 316920 11/27/2008 120099 Z WINES USA LLC 213.00 200421 2012 5842.5513 5842.5513 5862.5513 5862.5513 5822.5513 5842.5513 5842.5513 5842.5513 5842.5513 5842.5515 5422.6530 5842.5513 5842.5513 5862.5513 5822.5513 1330.6185 5620.6185 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX REPAIR PARTS YORK SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE CITY OF EDINA COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 11/25/2008 7:41:20 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE Council Check Register COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE Page - 66 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No - Subledger Account Description Business Unit 200404 206312 -00 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 200405 206313 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 200406 206311 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 200407 206041 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 200408 206314 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 200409 206051 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 316916 11/27/2008 123655 WISCONSIN LIGHTING INC. 200410 253155 200411 253157 200412 253158 200413 253156 200414 253154 200415 41006 200416 41007 200417 41009 200418 41018 88.20 200442 40885 88.20 316917 11127/2008 112954 WISCONSIN TURF EQUIPMENT CORP. 141.73 CORE HARVESTOR PARTS 00006359 200257 553181 -000 141.73 316918 11/27/2008 101086 WORLD CLASS WINES INC 1,063.50 199769 220417 264.00 199770 220189 1,213.40 200419 220415 316.00 200420 220416 316919 11/27/2008 101726 XCEL ENERGY 34.69 51- 5276505 -8 199682 174922696 8,715.54 51- 6644819 -9 200453 175942825 8,750.23 316920 11/27/2008 120099 Z WINES USA LLC 213.00 200421 2012 5842.5513 5842.5513 5862.5513 5862.5513 5822.5513 5842.5513 5842.5513 5842.5513 5842.5513 5842.5515 5422.6530 5842.5513 5842.5513 5862.5513 5822.5513 1330.6185 5620.6185 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX REPAIR PARTS YORK SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER TRAFFIC SIGNALS EDINBOROUGH PARK COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING it -% R55CKRE. jG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation 213.00 316921 11/27/2008 101091 ZIEGLER INC 340.00 GENERATOR MAINTENANCE 340.00 3,175,077.06 Grand Total CITY )INA 108 7:41:20 Council Check Register Page - 67 11/21/2008 — 11/27/2008 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 200212 E6076403 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 3,175,077.06 Total Payments 3,175,077.06 R55CKSUM LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 11/25/2008 7:44:11 Council Check Summary Page - 1 11/21/2008 - 11/27/2008 Company Amount 01000 GENERAL FUND 166,362.81 02200 COMMUNICATIONS FUND 3,514.21 04000 WORKING CAPITAL FUND 1,398,923.60 04800 CONSTRUCTION FUND . 90,331.71 05100 ART CENTER FUND 22,922.64 05200 GOLF DOME FUND 2,507.58 05300 AQUATIC CENTER FUND 702.00 05400 GOLF COURSE FUND 5,812.97 05500 ICE ARENA FUND 331.36 05600 EDINBOROUGH /CENT LAKES FUND 22,403.45 05800 LIQUOR FUND 185,036.65 05900 UTILITY FUND 1,091,375.23 05930 STORM SEWER FUND 182,736.70 07400 PSTF AGENCY FUND 2,116.15 Report Totals 3,175,077.06 We confirm to the best of our knowledge and belief, that these claims comply in all material respects With the requirements of the City of Edina purchasing poligies and T REPORURECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # VI.B,C,D From: John Wallin Consent ❑ Finance Director Information Only ❑ Date: December 2, 2008 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Fees and Charges Action ❑ Motion ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Discuss the proposed fees and charges to be adopted by resolution. Approve resolutions 2008 -120, 2008 -121, and 2008 -122. Info /Background: Attached are the following schedules for fees and charges proposed for 2009. The fees that are proposed to change from 2008 to 2009 are in bold. 1) Resolution 2008 -120 setting fees for Park and Recreation. Park fees other than Art Center fees were approved by the Park Board. Art Center fees were approved by the Art Center Board. 2) Resolution 2008 -121 setting Ambulance fees (increased by 5% over 2008). 3) Resolution 2008 -122 setting Miscellaneous fees. O RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -120 SETTING 2009 PARK AND RECREATION FEES BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby approve and set the following 2009 Park and Recreation Fees. PARK AND RECREATION SUMMER 2008 2009 PLAYGROUND $25.00. $30.00 ADULT TENNIS INSTRUCTION $46.00 $48.00 YOUTH TENNIS INSTRUCTION $46.00 $48.00 PEE WEE TENNIS $32.00 $34.00 TEAM TENNIS $80.00 $90.00 TENNIS CAMP $94.00 $97.00 FAB 4 & 5 $70.00 $75.00 NATURE CAMP $60.00 $65.00 SAFETY CAMP $25.00 $25.00 SUPER 6 & 7 $42.00 $47.00 CHEERLEADING CAMP $46.00 $48.00 FISHING CLINIC $8.00 $8.00 SKYHAWKS (mini hawks, mighty hawks, basketball cam $99.00 $99.00 CREEPERS, CRITTERS, CRAWLERS $50.00 $55.00 PRE -TEEN PARTY $50.00 $90.00 TRAVELIN' TEENS $50.00 $90.00 SWEETHEART DANCE $40.00 /Couple $45.00/Couple FAMILY OPEN GYM NA $3.00 WINTER BREAK CAMP NA $45.00 PLAYGROUND PLUS NA $15.00 ADULT ATHLETIC FEES SUMMER SOFTBALL BASKETBALL 2008 2009 2008 2009 Co -Rec & Mens Classic League $425.00 $435.00 5 -Man C League $495.00 $500.00 Mens/Womens 35 & Over & Industrial Lea ue $390.00 $400.00 5 -Man B League $495.00 $500.00 Non - Resident Fee Individual $26.00 $26.00 HOCKEY Non - Resident Fee Team $160.00 $160.00 4 -Man League $250.00 $250.00 VOLLEYBALL BROOMBALL Officiated Leagues $330.00 $340.00 Co -Rec League $300.00 $300.00 Non - Resident Individual $10.00 $10.00 CO -REC KICKBALL CO -REC KICKBALL $125.00 $130.00 ART CENTER — 2008 Membership rates — FAMILY $40 - $30 INDIVIDUAL Edina Resident Members $5.00 o HOURS @ $7.35 /hour CLASS PRICE Non - Member, Member HOURS @ $8.00 /hour WORKSHOP PRICE (parent/child) $72/$65 30 $220/$198 9 24 $176/$158 8 $64/$48 22 $162/$146 7 $56/$50 20 $147/$132 6 $48/$43 18 $132/$119 5 $40/$36 16 $118/$106 15 $110/$99 HOURS @ $10.00 /hour 14 $103/$93 12 $88/$79 8 $80/$72 10 $73/$66 7 $70/$63 9 $66/$59 6 $60/$54 8 $59/$53 5 $50/$45 7 $51/$46 4 $40/$36 6 $44/$40 3 $30/$27 5 $37/$33 .2 $20/$18 4 $29/$26 1 $10/$9 ART CENTER —2009 Membership rates — FAMILY $45 - $30 INDIVIDUAL Edina Resident-Members $5.00 o HOURS @ $7.50 /hour CLASS PRICE Non- Member, Member HOURS @ $5.00 /hour . WORKSHOP PRICE (parent/child) $45/$40 30 $225/$202 9 24 $1801$162 8 $40/$36 22 $165/$148 7 $351$31 20 $1501$135 6 $30/$27 18 $140/$126 5 $25/$22 16 $120/$108 15 $113/$102 HOURS @ $12.00 /hour 14 $1051$94 12 $90/$81 8 $96/$86 10 $75/$67 7 $84/$76 9 $681$61 6 $721$65 8 $60/$54 5 $60/$54 7 $531$48 4 $48/$43 6 $45/$40 3 $36/$32 5 $381$34 2 $24/$22 4 $30/$27 1 $12/$11 PEGGY KELLY MEDIA ARTS STUDIOS DO -IT YOURSELF 2008 2009 EQUIPMENT 2008 2009 SERVICES HOURLY HOURLY RENTAL 2 DAY 2 DAY FEE FEE RENTAL RENTAL Transfer movies to video $20.00/ $25.00/ 35mm Slide $20.00 $25.00 VHS tape or DVD disk $40.00 $45.00 Projector 2009 fee includes blank DVD Pictures or slides to video $20.00/ $15.00/ Hi8mm Camcorder $25.00 $25.00 (album) $40.00' $40.00 Audio Dubbing or Transfer $15.00/ $15.00 MiniDV Camcorder N/A $50.00 $40.00 Digital Video Editing $25.00/ $30/ VHS Camcorder $25.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50 Duplicate Copy of DVD N/A $8.00 Overhead Projector $20.00 $20.00 2009 fee includes blank DVD 35mm Photo Copies $12.00 $12.00 16mm Movie $25.00 $25.00 Projector 35mm Slide Copies $12.00 $12.00 Super 8mm $30.00 $25.00 Projector with sound VHS Video Copies $8.00 $8.00 8mm Movie $25.00 $25.00 (up to 3 at one time) Projector Studio does it $15.00 $15.00 Foreign Conversion $15.00 $20.00 Lowell Light Kit $20.00 $20.00 (PAL, SECAM) Studio does it $21.00 $26.00 2009 fee includes blank DVD Audio Cassette Dupl. $1.00/ $1.501 Movie screen $5.00 $5.00 copy co Customer provides blank cassettes (video and audio), film and lamination supplies. * STUDIO COPYING/TRANSFERRING PHOTOIVIDEO STUDIO RENTAL 2008 2009 Photo Studio - not staffed $22.00 member $25.00 member non - members pay non - members pay add'I daily access add'I daily access fee fee COMPUTER OPEN STUDIO TIME 2008 2009 Macintosh G3 or Compaq 266 Mhz PC $15.00 /hr. $20.00 /hr. (includes use of Adobe Photoshop, PageMaker and non - members pay non - members pay an Illustrator software with Epson Color Stylus an add'I $10.00 add'I $ daily access printing - prints purchased separately) I daily access fee fee MEMBERSHIP 2008 2009 One day/one visit pass $15.00 $15.00 Annual Individual Membership 12 months $30..00 $30.00 Annual Family Membership 12 months $40.00 1 $45.00 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE GREEN FEES 2008 2009 18 hole - non - patron $36.00 $37.00 18 hole - patron $27.00 $29.00 9 hole - non-patron $19.00 $19.00, 9 hole - patron $15.00 $15.00 Junior 18 Hole Rate $18.00 $18.00 Junior 9 Hole Rate $10.00 $10.00 GROUP FEES - 18 holes $48.00 $49.00 GROUP FEES - 9 holes $20.00 $20.00 PATRON CARDS before April 1 2008 2009 Individual $65.00 $65.00 Executive Course $25.00 $25.00 PATRON CARDS (after March 31) 2008 2009 Individual Executive, Course COMPUTERIZED HANDICAPS Resident Non - Resident LOCKERS Men's 72 inch Men's 42 inch Ladies 72 inch CLUB STORAGE CLUB RENTAL PULL CARTS GOLF CARS 18 holes 9 holes 18 holes /person with disability /s Group Car Fees GROUP GOLF LESSONS Adult Junior Resident - wedding related Non - residents - wedding related Other events $70.00 $25.00 2008 $22.00 $27.00 2008 $40.00 $30.00 $20.00 $50.00 $8.50 $3.00 2008 $28.00 $16.00 1 rider $16.00 $36.00 2008 $99.00 $44.00 BRAEMAR ROOM 2008 $900.00 $1,000.00 $350.00/$1,000.00 New $70.00 $25.00 2009 $23.00 $28.00 2009 $40.00 $30.00 $20.00 $50.00 $8.50 $3.00 2009 $17.00 $16.00 $36.00 2009 $99.00 $46.00 2009 $900.00 $1,000.00 $350.00/$1,000.00 2008 2009 College Age Rate ID Card NA $5.00 College Age Rate NA. $25.00 Masters Senior (Patrons age 75 and NA $24.00 Non - Resident Parton Card I NA it 10.00 BRAEMAR EXECUTIVE COURSE GREEN FEES 2008 2009 Adult non - patron $13.00 $13.50 Adult patron $10.00 $10.50 Junior - non - patron $9.00 $9.50 Junior - patron $7.00 $7.50 Golf Cars (everyone) $14.00 $14.00 Pull Carts $2.50 $2.50 Group Fees $15.00 $16.00 DRIVING RANGE 2008 2009 Large Bucket $7.25 $7.50 Small Bucket $5.00 $5.00 Warm-Up Bucket $2.75 $2.75 FRED RICHARDS GOLF COURSE GREEN FEES 2008 2009 Adult - non-patron $13.00 $13.50 Adult - patron $10.00 $10.50 Junior - non - patron $9.00 $9.50 Junior - patron $7.00 $7.50 Golf Cars (everyone) $14.00 $14.00 Pull Carts $2.50 $2.50 Group Fees $15.00 $16.00 GOLF DOME 2008 2009 Large Bucket $7.00 $7.50 Senior Bucket $6.75 $7.00 Time Golf 'h hour $10.00 $10.50 Hourly Field Rental $130.00 $130.00 EDINBOROUGH PARK "PLAYPARK" EDINBOROUGH PARK 2008 2009 Playpark Daily Admission: 2008 T 2009 Pool & Track Daily Passes $5.50 $5.50 residents & non - residents $6.00 residents & non - residents $5.50 "POOL & TRACK" SEASON PASSES FREE FREE Adults Free With Paid Child 2008 2009 Edina Individual $6.00 Playpark Punch Pass - 10 Uses $250.00 $250.00 Each Additional Member $45.00 $50.00 $80.00 $90.00 Non -Edina Individual Resident: $280.00 $290.00 Each Additional Member $85.00 Each Additional Member 1 $90.00 $100.00 Locker Rental $0.25 $0.25 $110.00 Each Additional Member $85.00 $90.00 Total Facility Daily Admission: BUILDING RENTALS Resident $9.00 EXCLUSIVE RENTAL 2008 2009 NON - EXCLUSIVE RENTALS /HR Friday Evening $2,000.00 NA Great Hall $300:00 $350.00 Saturday Evening $2,000.00 NA Theater $200.00 $250.00 Prom $2,700.00 NA Grotto $150.00 $200.00 Adventure Peak $250.00 $300.00 ' Pool (swim team only) $30.00 $30.00 Commercial Photo Shoot hour) Domestic Photo Shoot (hourly) Any Park Area Blocked Off $ 200.00 $250.00 Any Park Area Blocked Off $150.00 $200.00 Grotto $ 200.00 $250.00 Grotto $150.00 $200.00 Theatre $ 200.00 $250.00 Theatre $150.00 $200.00 Great Hall $ 300.00 $350.00 Great Hall $300.00 $350.00 EDINBOROUGH PARK "PLAYPARK" 2008 2009 Playpark Daily Admission: Resident $5.50 $6.00 Non - resident $5.50 $6.00 Children Under 12 Months FREE FREE Adults Free With Paid Child Free With Paid Child Edinborough Association Members Daily Pass $5.00 $6.00 Playpark Punch Pass - 10 Uses Resident $45.00 $50.00 Non - resident $45.00 $50.00 Resident: First Member $80.00 $85.00 Each Additional Member $60.00 $65.00 Non - Resident: First Member $105.00 $110.00 Each Additional Member $85.00 $90.00 Total Facility Daily Admission: Resident $9.00 $10.00 Non - resident $9.00 1 $10.00 CENTENNIAL LAKES Rental Concession Items Weekend Rental - Full Evening 6 PM -12 AM Paddle Boats 2008 2009 First 2 members 2008 2009 4 person boat'/ hr $6.00 $7.00 Friday evening $995.00 $995.00 Winter sled per hr $6.00 $7.00 Saturday evening $995.00 $995.00 Ice Skates $4.00 $5.00 Champ! n Putting BUILDING RENTALS 9 hole $4.00 $5.00 day - Salon M -TH $225.00 $225.00 18 hole $8.00 $8.00 Sunday -'/2 day Salon $350.00 $350.00 Aquatic Instruction Contracted Contracted Amphitheater Rental Lawn Games Am hitheater Rental $250.00 $250.00 Per Court $15.00 /hr $15.00 /hr COMMERCIAL PHOTO SHOOT $50.00 /hr $50.00 /hr AQUATIC CENTER SEASON TICKETS 2008 RESIDENT FAMILY: 2008 2009 First 2 members *$85.00/$95.00 *$85.00/$95.00 Each additional member $45.00 $45.00 Maximum (8 members) $365.00 $365.00 RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL: *45.00/$50.00 *45.00/$50.00 NON- RESIDENT FAMILY: 2008 2009 First 2 members *$100.00/$110.00 *$100.00/$110.00 Each addition al member $50.00 $50.00 Maximum 8 members $410.00 $410.00 NON- RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL $55.00/$60.00 $55.00/$60.00 Daily Admission $9.00 $10.00 Admission after 6 P.M. $7.00 $8.00 Aquatic Instruction Contracted Contracted • Early Bird Special if purchased no later than April 30, 2009. ARENA 2008 2009 Hourly Rate (as of 9/95) $170.00 $175.00 skating Youth and Adult $4.00 $4.00 -Open Skate Rental $2.00 $2.00 Skate Sharpening $4.00 $4.00 SEASON TICKETS set first week of September RESIDENT FAMILY: 2008 2009 First 2 members $100.00 $105.00 Each additional member $5.00 $5.00 Maximum (7 persons) $125.00 $130.00 RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL: $90.00 $95.00 NON - RESIDENT FAMILY: First 2 members $115.00 $120.00 Each additional member $5.00 $5.00 Maximum (7 persons) $140.00 $145.00 NON - RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL $100.00 $105.00 CLASSES $105.00 $110.00 PARK DEPARTMENT RENTALS General Park Areas: Van Valkenburg /Courtney Fields Residents Only) 2008 2009 2008 2009 Resident Use /hour $45.00 $46.00 Per field /day includes building $160.00 $160.00 Resident Use /day $130.00 $135.00 Edina Athletic Associations Commercial Use (i.e. TV )/hour $70.00 $73.00 Field User fee /participant $9.00 $9.00 Commercial use with light/hour $125.00 $125.00 Gymnasium User fee/participant $9.00 $9.00 Showmobile /day $700.00 $700.00 Outdoor Hockey Rink User fee/participant $9.00 $9.00 Park Shelter Bull din s half -d Athletic Fields - Residents Onl : Weber Park $65.00 $65.00 Per field - per day $130.00 $135.00 Cornelia School Park $65.00 $65.00 Per field - per hour $45.00 $46.00 Todd Park $65.00 $65.00 Per field - per hour with lights) $70.00 $73.00 Walnut Ridge Park $65.00 $65.00 ARNESON ACRES PARK/TERRACE ROOM ONLY Park Shelter Bull din s full -d Per hour, first hour $50.00 $52.00 Weber Park $100.00 $100.00 Each additional hour up to 3 hours $35.00 $36.00 Cornelia School Park $100.00 $100.00 Per day 4 hours or more $160.00 $160.00 Todd Park $100.00 $100.00 ARNESON ACRES PARK/GAZEBO ONLY Walnut Ridge Park $100.00 $100.00 '/2 day (6 hrs or less) $50.00 $52.00 Rosland Park Pathway Full day over 6 hours $90.00 $90.00 Per hour $55.00 $55.00 Arneson Acres Terrace Room /Gazebo: Per day $210.00 $210.00 Per day (4 hours or more) $180.00 $180.00 Utley Park Fire Ring Rental Per hour, first hour $65.00 $67.00 Fire Ring - per day $25.00 $26.00 Each additional hour up to 3 hours $35.00 $36.00 Picnic Shelter Rentals (full day) Picnic Shelter Rentals (half-day) Chowen Park $40.00 $41.00 Chowen Park $25.00 $26.00 Sherwood Park $40.00 $41.00 Sherwood Park $25.00 $26.00 ' Rosland Park $140.00 $145.00 Wooddale Park $25.00 $26.00 Wooddale Park $40.00 $41.00 Braemar Park $40.00 $41.00 EDINA SENIOR CENTER FEES 2008 2009 Golf League Membershi p (Richards Golf Course $10.00 $10.00 55+ Softball League Membership Van Valkenbur $35.00 $35.00 Bowling League Membership $10.00 $10.00 Edina Senior Center Membership $17.00/$27.00 $17.00/$27.00 Greeting Cards $1.00 $1.00 Trips & Tours $2.50 $2.50 Defensive Driving $19.00 4 hr. class $24.00 8 hr. class $21.00 4 hr. class NA Elder Learning Institute Classes $18.00 $18.00 Card Tournaments $1.00/ person $1.00/ person Social Card Groups $.25 per person per day $.25 per person per day Podiatrist $1.00 /Patient $1.00 /Patient Community Education $2.00 /person per class per day $2.00 /person per class per day ROOM RENTAL Fireside Room & Classrooms per hour - minimum 2 hours $40.00 $40.00 Fireside Room & Classrooms per day $140.00 $140.00 Gathering /GRANDVIEW Room per hour - minimum 2 hours $50.00 $50.00 Gatherin /GRANDVIEW Room per day $190.00 $190.00 Wall Art Display Rental 15% of Sale 15% of Sale EQUIPMENT RENTAL Television/VCR/DVD $10.00 $10.00 Overhead Projector $5.00 $5.00 Portable Screen $5.00 $5.00 ATTEST: City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA Mayor COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) . CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 2, 2008, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 20_ City Clerk 0 RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -121 SETTING AMBULANCE FEES FOR 2009 BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby approve and set the following ambulance service fees for 2009. AMBULANCE FEES Service Level Fees for Ambulance Service, including medical treatment and /or transportation to a medical facilitv: 2008 2009 Level 1 - ON SCENE TREATMENT Specialized medical services performed at scene with no transport involved ALS TREATMENT — NO $320.00 $335.00 TRANSPORT Admin. of one or more medications with no transport Level 2 - MINOR CARE (BLS) BASIC LIFE SUPPORT Vital Signs, $715.00 $750.00 Splinting, Bandaging Level 3 - MODERATE CARE (ALS) ALS -1 ALS Assessment, 02 IV, Nitroglycerin Translingual $1205.00 $1,265.00 Spray,ASA, Nitrous Oxide, 3 -12 Lead EKG Monitoring, Spine Immobilization, Ultrasound, Glucose Monitoring, CO Monitoring, 02 Monitoring Level 4 - MAJOR CARE ALS -2 ALS Assessment and any of the following: 3 or more Medications, Cardiac Pacing, Cardioversion Defibrillation, Intraosseous Infusions, Surgical Airway $1,415.00 $1,485.00 Management, Chest Decompression, Endotracheal Intubation, Central Venous Line, End -Tital CO2 Monitoring, PCT (inflated), Cardio/ Pulmonary Resuscitation CPR RESPONSE TO SCENE AND NO TREATMENT OR No Charge No Charge TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED OXYGEN ADMINISTRATION included in above Included in above MILEAGE FROM SCENE TO $19.00 /mile $20.00 /mile HOSPITAL ADDITIONAL MANPOWER OR $525.00 /hour $550.00 /hour MECHANICAL EXTRICATION 1 hour minimum 1 hour minimum ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 2; 2008, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 20 City Clerk 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -122 SETTING MISCELLANEOUS FEES FOR 2009 BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby annrove and set the followina miscellaneous fees for 2009: SPECIALIZED RESPONSE 2008 2009 Engine/Fire Com an * $405.00 $425.00 Ladder Company* $540.00 $570.00 HazMat Unit* $610.00 $640.00 Special Operations Team* $730.00 $800.00 Limited Response* $205.00 $215.00 Gas Line Rupture Response* $400.00 $400.00 Specialized Equipment* Cost + 15% administrative charge Cost + 15% administrative charge Supplies Cost + 15% administrative charge Cost + 15% administrative charge Disposal Cost + 15% administrative charge Cost + 15% administrative charge Other City Resources Cost + 15% administrative charge Cost + 15% administrative charge Ambulance Standby* $180.00 $190.00 * Charges are oer hour — one hour minimum PLANNING DEPARTMENT 2008 2009 Zoning Compliance Letter $175.00 $175.00 ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 2, 2008, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 20 City Clerk To: Mayor & City Council From: Debra Mangen City Clerk Date: December 2, 2008 Subject: Correspondence Received Since Last Council Meeting Info /Background: REPORT /RECOMMENDATION Agenda Item VII. Consent ❑ Information Only Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance Discussion Attached are copies of a -mails and letters received since the last Council meeting. RECEIVED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Long, Robert C. Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 4:50 PM To: 'edinamail @ci.ediina.mn.us' Cc: Kirk Williams; 'Lane DeYoung'; Hubbell, Julie M. Subject: Dec. 11 Meeting with Councilmember Swenson Ann, As my voicemail indicated, congratulations on your much deserved re- election! We were also very happy that your husband was re- elected as our Chief Judge in Hennepin County. Kirk Williams from Cypress Development will be in town on Dec. 11 for an update on the Cypress Development in Edina. We would like to have a chance to meet with you at your convenience on that day for an update on the Development. We will also be setting up meetings with the Mayor and other Councilmembers, including Councilmember Elect Mary Brindle. Please let us know what a convenient time would be for you to meet on that day. We certainly could also meet with you and Mayor Hovland together as we did the last time we met. Looking forward to seeing you on Dec. 11. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks I. Robert C. Long, Esq. Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P 100 South Washington Avenue, Suite 2200 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Telephone: 612.596.4082 (Direct) Cell: 612.961.3805 Fax: 612.339.0981 Email: rclonq_Ca)locklaw.com * * * * * * * * ** This e-mail may contain information that is privileged, confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient or otherwise have received this message in error, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or disseminate this message or any part of it. If you are not the intended recipient or otherwise have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, discard any paper copies and delete all electronic files RECEIVED From: Long, Robert C. [mailto:rclong @locklaw.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 5:14 PM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Cc: Kirk Williams; Lane DeYoung; Schafer, Matthew S.; Hubbell, Julie M. Subject: Dec. 11 Meeting with Councilmember Housh Scott, Hope all is well with you and your family! Now that the elections(at least most of them) are finally over, we wanted to follow up with you on our lunch meeting we had a few months ago on Dave & Buster's. As my voicemail indicated, Kirk Williams from Cypress Development will be in town on Dec. 11 for an update on their Development in Edina. We would like to meet with you on Dec. 11 at. your convenience to provide an update on the Development. We will also be scheduling similar meetings with the Mayor and other Councilmembers, including Councilmember Elect Mary Brindle, on that day as well. Could you let us know what a good time to meet would be for you on that day and suggest place. We look forward to seeing you on Dec. 11. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks Bob Robert C. Long, Esq. Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P 100 South Washington Avenue, Suite 2200 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Telephone: 612.596.4082 (Direct) Cell: 612.961.3805 Fax: 612.339.0981 Email: rclong4 lock law. com * * * * * * * * ** This e-mail may contain information that is privileged, confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient or otherwise have received this message.in error, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or disseminate this message or any part of it. If you are not the intended recipient or otherwise have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, discard any paper copies and delete all electronic files Page 1 of 1 RECEIVED Susan Heiberg _ — - -� _ _ NOY 7,6-2W— From: Jennifer Bennerotte Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 8:16 AM Cc: Susan Heiberg Subject: FW: Sidewalk along west side of France Avenue between 48th & Sunnyside Jennifer Bennerotte Communications & Marketing Director City of Edina 952 -833 -9520 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 jennerotte @ci.edina.mn.us From: Dee Dege [mailto:ddege @visi.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 6:23 PM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Subject: Sidewalk along west side of France Avenue between 48th & Sunnyside I vote "yes" and heartily approve your willingness to do this. Thank you. D. Dege, Morningside 11/26/2008 e - C4 iv.G�- APJAC'Q-P� qo,) 1n.�aY V 2c 5604" LZ-S-A a Ld vl CL(lt e V' ems+ -e`� 1�A' a�a_.�� Some bev►1.eo9+--Y l . W41,A -111D wax (30 tavev) kk'r zoo t' q%N >� 6 ov` 1M 7 t.UO.y cl'ee v-- -P J IAA-1( b t- b� 'you see � C�C2Y- � v�e � 7 0 vud 2v Sa v-e'sS Kd 4- b<L�o u1 t v�q kovi b o'er 4v-0-- cd ke�� C c J V e0..0 -fi3 you aje- day v . t . RECEIVED NOV 2 5 2008 /2 RECEIVED NOV 15 2008 7- 714-9"61 t"Iv Ae= Pct cv� �C l` 2 008- IAC) MIA .555. "7l'3.:s, r '1,�7o•ST.a i!"�ro�'9 ..y 7 ��"L;.,��.�o�" , -s ' atwd tl M ti:: lsl.'..eL� . tl tlVl A' ` .w ., j�� yR - �•e .. .. zga..rd.:r• : 9'a Mike Siitari To: Personnel File Subject: FW: Officer Jordan Badge #149 FrQrn: Ginna Raming [mailto:ginnaraming @gwest.net] Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 10:40 AM To: Molly Anderson Subject: Officer Jordan Badge #149 RECEIVED NOV 15.1008 Page 1 of 1 Dear Chief Siitari, wanted to make sure that you knew about the exceptional conduct of one of your.officers, Officer Jordan (badge #149). 1 was rear ended at the intersection of 70th Street and Normandale Road while I was stopped at the stop light a few weeks ago. Officer Jordan reported to the scene and I cannot say enough kind things about her. She was very professional and thorough in handling the situation. Although it wasn't necessary for us to call the police to get a report written, she never made us feel otherwise and was so kind and considerate. She also showed a lot of concern in making sure I was ok and that I didn't wait to see my doctor since l didn't want an ambulance called. People most often communicate their complaints and I wanted to make sure you knew what a great person Officer Jordan is, although I'm sure you already know this. In the five years I've lived in Edina, this is the first time I've had an opportunity to talk to one of your officers and I walked away with very positive feelings. Approximately 8 or 9 years ago I had a situation with an officer in Bloomington and it was intimidating and I felt he was unfair and overused his influence. I would sincerely appreciate it if you could let Officer Jordan know how much I appreciate everything she did and I that I walked away with a very high opinion of her. Best Regards, Ginna Raming 11/20/2008 RECEIVED NOV 2 5 1008 Since I will be unable to attend the December 2 city council meeting, following are my 3 minutes of thoughts: CONNECTIVITY: the EXISTING ALTERNATIVES of Grimes Ave & Arden Ave and the east side of France Ave are BETTER for the Morningside residents who want to walk from their homes to 50th and France than the petitioned sidewalk down the west side of France. As a sometimes walker down the east side of France Ave, there is a parking lane to protect walkers from the splashing of rain, snow, slush, sand, salt, dust, and dirt that will not be available to anyone foolish enough to walk on the petitioned sidewalk on the west side. With approximately 7,500 cars, buses, and trucks traveling 30 -35 mph only several feet from the petitioned sidewalk, this clearly is not the best, or safest, side of France Ave to walk on. With existing crosswalks and stop lights at 44th, Sunnyside, 49th, 50th, and 51 st and France, there is no reason to walk on the petitioned west side sidewalk. Walking down Grimes Ave & Arden Ave is much nicer, safer, and stress free than anything France Ave has to offer. MAINTENANCE: At the present time, the street snowplows push the snow, sand, salt, chemicals, etc from France Ave on to the strip of ground where the petitioned sidewalk will be built. If the petitioned sidewalk is built, the city of Edina will have the options of 1) using the sidewalk snowplows to push it all back on to France Ave, 2) blowing the snow, sand, salt, chemicals, etc over the barrier fence on to the backyards of the residents living on Meadow Rd, or 3) bringing trucks in to haul it off. I don't think any of these options are acceptable. SECURITY: With the large number of attempted break -ins and burglaries in our neighborhood during the past few months, neighbors are understandably worried about this petitioned sidewalk providing quicker and easier access to the homes on Meadow Rd. We do not need to bring any more attention to our neighborhood as an easy place to make successful robberies. COST: The estimated cost of $250,000 to the city of Edina, plus whatever cost for the utilities to re- locate 8 utility poles, seems like money poorly spent, particularly in these uncertain economic times, for a project where EXISTING ALTERNATIVES have ZERO COST. There must be city projects that have a higher priority for this $250,000. The petitioned sidewalk almost has a make work/create jobs feel to it. Let's leave those type of projects to the Federal government for more worthwhile projects. PETITION: Over 80+ neighbors in the IMMEDIATE neighborhood of the petitioned sidewalk signed a petition asking the city of Edina to please not proceed with this sidewalk. CONCLUSION: This petitioned sidewalk is NOT NEEDED, DIFFICULT TO MAINTAIN, WASTE OF TAXPAYERS MONEY. Thanks for reading. Frank Johnson . 4701 White Oaks Rd Edina, MN 55424 (952) 920 -2891 peggyfran k0_)att. net Susan Heiberg From: Lynette Biunno Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 8:30 AM To: Wayne Houle; Jack Sullivan Cc: Susan Heiberg RECEIVED Subject: FW: Re sidewalk NOV :2 4 2008 - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Mob Nulty [ mailto :mkndogwalker@comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, November '23, 2008 4:14 PM To: Lynette Biunno Subject: Re sidewalk To City Council, City Staff; We would like to weigh in on the matter of building a sidewalk on France Ave between Sunnyside and 48th Street. France is an extremely busy street and it is very hard to cross ay any time of day so a sidewalk would be very helpful to those of us who walk around the neighborhood when possible to do our errands. We are Morningside residents of 18 years and can't imagine why parts of France Ave have existed this long without a sidewalk. If we are to keep moving into the 21st century we need to do what is possible to encourage foot traffic and discourage car use whenever practical. We support wholeheartedly this very basic step. Mob Nulty and Larry Sutin 1 James Van Valkenburg 4204 Philbrook Lane Edina, Minnesota 55424 (952) 922 -2982 To: Edina City Council November 20, 2008 From: Edina Art Center Board Re: Expansion of the Art Center Building 1. We interviewed 5 or 6 architectural firms and selected ATSR for preliminary work. 2. Their estimate of cost was 21/2 million dollars. See Exhibit #1 of their report. We then requested an estimate info for another building that was detached. Some do not like this concept, however, we save an estimated million dollars. See Exhibit #2. A committee was formed consisting of Ken Rosland and the undersigned. We met with the building inspector and the fire marshal. They indicated that to build a separate building we would not have to put in sprinkler systems. In our attempt to follow safety codes we found that we could save a million dollars. The new building addition would have an elevator (for handicapped) and bathrooms and a connection path to the exiting building and would meet all safety codes. We have reported regularly to the full Edina Art Center board and they have agreed to the separate building concept because of the savings of 1 million dollars and not have to move the present activities to install sprinkler systems. We have met with staff to discuss the current need for additional space at this time. Their analysis in lite of the current market conditions is that the "need " is reduced. Thus we (EAC Board) recommend at this time that we put this matter on hold until 2009. We have met with architect Mary Hustad for assistance in developing the "second bldg concept ". We will probably suggest entering a contract with her at that time. If you wish more information or analysis please advise. Yours truly, chair Edina Art Center ' .Omar 6UNG TORSE7}t SKOLD & RYDEEN, INC. -"oI MCTS AND EJJG)NEFRS ity of Edina din' Art Center Feasibiray Study Men." 01 Pry C °1�hmark: ATS&R Project No. 07065 5353.62 Mar 2008 Mmr h 2007 MIKSI New Construct,., arm local unit Cost Ama Su6Tom1 750 Entry G�ery 1,600 n Ceramics Skidlo 1.600 Re2rMM S 25 SOrito 500 GM � W 5187500 _ �� X2.000 81,289,720 500 Deck $320.000 S 200.00 5100.000 5 Medyrfeal / 1 Elevator space (1296loral) 1� 00 5 45.00 22 500 iAlterations 90000 Akxoy 5 180M 517,720 5100.00MM $100 0D0 'odigicagianS 300 Shop for (" 8 no new toilets) aepar ( S 150 � � a 35.00 521.0 8109,000 150 w areas Aeod lo bo@er 900 5 525.500 35A0 $21,000 he BcaBOr�s As lower cedar" mk Paklt doom._ S 1W 516.000 72.000 18.000 Cott j , $9.000 3500 517 500 1,000 Drop ON a � lots S 150 2.000 New -try "HS) 1.500 S 3.00 $ 136,500 Updates at otmta. lo manage starRl �� rlaf 3.00 .000 $ .00 _ 516/LF 3.000 Stone water d � 58 000. S 16.00 524.000 1.000 Slob art walk SS5 - C from 000 �"tsfTngbutlding S 63.040 S10,50p Provfde Fire Alarm tit NEC code $6.000 System (corridors) Provide ootvpany sensors j $3.000 g '55.000 $ 15.400 Provide ( W LTM - ws P) banal oA� in ) $1,200 17.905 ovir eximV bu8df � 8 S New wager _ main to support TemV ad m ft t4 system Recommfya�9 S 5'00 589,525 2000 echardoet system for 5 S1$,000 $207,2a0 pommy isweby dadr rm,gM y cord nn, attics ga ll ?,905 S 84,000 Add O'ermastats and control t� �osb system for 20 -00 540.000 cones 1.06 Inflation to Bid Date S 3.00 S53.77s SUB TOTAL. CONSTRUCTION COST 0.0% so 6.0% $105.472 5705,472 V li n o Services 57,863 8 1,863,332 A/E teknixasables 70.096 5188,333 S15.000 F-rft" / Fwlr,, / EgLdPmenl (FFE) $18.633 Special Cor -dtant Sew Environmental 10.00% $786 333 6�S eous ey $5,000 Sou Borings $8'385 Bwl ft Permits / City plan review f Win fees $70.000 Owner 310,000 fiotdshed 811dees Risk Off site Dev bPnerd (Sewer 570.435 / Water Roads) 1.OD% 50 TOTAL not incL PROJECT CONTINGENCY Site Prime 52 313,451 TOTAL PROJECT. COST 10.096 5231.345 - - . Pro,ers Xcelffor SO 454.10 52.544.796 e 5 s e - ne for m9 and i ky (Xcel .0 Pay to 5096 of the automated cost of 8re s N°�'^9 mterem (ERAS . Er,ar,�, Mend not lo exceed sis,000) syster"ilj . MSTFtONG TORSETH SKOLD & RYDEEN, INC. CHITECTS AND ENGINEERS IL y of Edina ina Art Center Feasibility Study - Separate Art Studio's not connected to existing building tatement of Probable Project Costs ENR index benchmark: ATS &R Project No. 07065 3 -Mar -08 5353.62 March 2007 (MPLS) The Edina Art Center would qualify for Xcel Energy Conservation Programs This could include money from Xcel for a Recommissioning Study (Xcel will pay up to 50% of the cost of the study, not to exceed $15,000) Also rebate money for purchasing and installing automated building systems (EMS - Energy Management System) Sib Total SubTotai PROJECT BUDGET Unit Cost by Area New Construction Entry Gallery/Circulation $ - $0 $1,118,400 1,600 Ceramics Studio $ 220.00 $352,000 1,600 Realism Studio $ 200.00 $320,000 400 Materials Storage (2 6.200 SF each) $ 180.00 $72,000 400 Project Storage space (2 @ 200 SF each) $ 180.00 $72,000 1,200 Circulation and Structure (30% of total) $ 180.00 $216,000 480 Mechanical /elechical/structural space (12% total) $ 180.00 $86,400 1 Elevator (if two stories) $100,000.00 not included required if 2 story bldg Site 6,000 Parking lot modifications for new building $ 1.50 $9,000 $20,000 Storm water drainage $5,000 1,000 Sidewalks - to new building $ 6.00 $8,000 Misc. costs Bid conditions 0.0% $0 1.06 Inflation to Bid Date 6.0% todays costs $68,304 SUB TOTAL - CONSTRUCTION COST $1,138,400 • • 10.0% $113,840 Architect / Engineering Services Verification of Existing Conditions $0 A/E reimbursables $11,384 Furniture / Fixtures / Equipment (FFE) 10.00% $113,840 Special Consultant Services Environmental $5,000 Independent Testing $5,123 Miscellaneous Costs Survey $10,000 Soil Borings $10,000 Building Permits / City Plan review fees $6,375 Water Connection Owner furnished Builder's Risk Insurance. 1.00% $0 . Off Site Development (Sewer / Water / Roads) not incl. TOTAL $1,413,962 PROJECT CONTINGENCY 10.0% $141,396 Site Purchase $0 TOTAL PROJECT COST 294.581 $1,555,358 The Edina Art Center would qualify for Xcel Energy Conservation Programs This could include money from Xcel for a Recommissioning Study (Xcel will pay up to 50% of the cost of the study, not to exceed $15,000) Also rebate money for purchasing and installing automated building systems (EMS - Energy Management System) To: Mayor & City Council From: Debra Mangen City Clerk Date: December 2, 2008 Subject: Correspondence REPORT /RECOMMENDATION Agenda Item VII. Consent ❑ Information Only Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance 11 1 U Discussion 11 Info /Background: Attached is correspondence received after the packets went out. F November 26, 2008 " Tim Hunter Edina Animal Control Dear Tim, RECEIVED NOV 2 6 2008 On behalf of our family I am providing notification of the transfer in ownership of our dog Freida toYvonne Jonk and Steven Brielmaier, 1941 Selby Ave, St. Paul, MN effective today, November 26, 2008. They have been working with the St. Paul Animal Control and their neighbors over the past several weeks to meet the State statute and St. Paul city ordinance for dangerous dogs. Having completed that, the St. Paul Animal Control issued a permit today allowing Freida to move to the above address. Sincerely, Ann Deshler 6621 Galway Drive Edina, MN 55439 Cc: Chief Siitari City Manager Hughes Mayor Hovland ., RECEIVED DEC 011008 4107 West 48h Street Edina, Minnesota November 24, 2008 Edina City Council Edina City Hall 4801 West 50'' Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re: Proposed sidewalk for the west side of France Avenue Dear Mayor Hovland and Council Members Bennett, Housh, Masica, and Swenson, I am writing in support of the sidewalk proposed for the west side of France Avenue beginning at West 48h Street and extending northward. As a frequent walker, armchair environmentalist, and concerned parent, I must admit a general bias in favor of sidewalks throughout our community. That this busy stretch of France Avenue to this date has not had a sidewalk is rather surprising in light of pedestrian safety issues. My perception is that there is a lot of misinformation in the community about the proposed sidewalk, particularly as to the source of funds for the sidewalk, the impact on privacy for adjacent property owners, and the creation of new safety issues. I believe that the effective dissemination of accurate information on those issues would help quell opposition to the sidewalks, perhaps even to the point of changing the minds of some of the people who signed the petition against the sidewalks. My hope is that the sidewalk installation will go forward, with every reasonable effort made to meet the concerns of the property owners directly affected. Safety concerns should be fully addressed. Reasonable steps should be taken to protect existing vegetation and to deal with privacy and other practical and aesthetic concerns. The greater good provided by the sidewalk plan to the larger community will be enhanced by executing it in a way that minimizes the negative effects for adjacent property owners. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Lynne E. Stanley R .r RECEIVED DEC 0 2 2008 //o V -7a1 'n Go s Iq A4Aa jw �dik r� �d%Z s.P y�'��5 X' le/ CA y -/ c .4 IV, 2eit)Jf GW do .J &ham 1 e SJ9'7/ i v G'h= A- Cop V &j L A ,b %il<c- Tc. /v c SGi US O�' /, �v� t `�n-ily� �✓�ov� � o� �-n /d' vx� 7�x es ��- /7`�.c C) Z' ij-6 vr;'- RECEIVED DEC 0 21008 December 2, 2008 The Honorable James Hovland Mayor of Edina 4801 W. 50" Street Edina, MN 55424 Re: Edina Comprehensive Plan Dear Mayor Hovland: I have just received and reviewed a copy of the Edina Comprehensive Plan and understand there is a public hearing scheduled for this evening to discuss this document. I am unable to attend this meeting in person due to a full family and work schedule, but respectfully request that you would share my comments as part of the public hearing process. As you are aware, I moved my family to this community over a decade ago. My two older children were educated in the Edina School District and participated in many activities our community generously sponsors. We also have three pre - schoolers in our home, and my wife and I have every expectation that these young ones will also spend their entire growing up years in the Edina community. I also spent almost two years on the Edina Housing Task Force, and I currently serve on the Board of the East Edina Housing Foundation. I have a strong vested interest in the long term health and vibrancy of our community. My overwhelming response to this comprehensive plan can be summed up in one word; disappointment! My expectation of publicly elected officials is that they will take a leadership role in positioning Edina to be the pre- eminent place to live, work and raise a family over the next 50 years, as our leaders have done over the past 50 years. This plan does not accomplish that. This leadership team has clearly communicated through this plan that, "we like Edina just the way it is — don't change anything." That is not leadership. That is not pre- eminence. That is a recipe for a long, slow decline. As a fully developed community, Edina's only growth opportunities will come through re- development. Re- development is unlikely without additional density. Virtually every change this leadership team has made to this plan lessens its density. For example, this leadership team has suggested the following: The Honorable James Hovland December 2, 2008 Page -2- - Eliminating the concept of a density bonus - Eliminating the "Mixed Use" zoning classification - Eliminating the Cahill Industrial Area as a potential re- development district - Modifying infill neighborhood re- development districts so that only low density proposals allowed by current zoning codes would be considered. Without additional density, how will our aging neighborhood commercial nodes be re- developed? How will our aging Southdale area compete over the next 50 years, if this plan discourages additional density? I would ask that you reverse the aforementioned changes and provide this community with the tools it needs to thrive for the next 50 years. I am also disappointed in the housing element of this plan. This leadership team received the Housing Succession Plan from the Edina Housing Task Force with the understanding that it would "form the philosophical basis for the housing chapter of the Edina Comprehensive Plan ". The Housing Succession Plan called for 500 units of affordable housing as Edina's fair share, and listed several comprehensive strategies for achieving this goal. This leadership team slashed that goal by almost 60 %, and then eliminated all of the tools for achieving even this substantially lower goal. The lower affordable housing goal was the minimum level the City had previously promised to the Metropolitan Council. Given that Edina is one of the wealthiest and best run cities in the Twin Cities, I would expect us to do more than just the minimum. Of course we all know that Edina has a stereotype with some as a bunch of "cake eaters" that do a fine job of looking out for their well tended mansions. The Edina that I know doesn't fit that stereotype. But how does a community that has so much justify doing so little to help provide affordable housing? I would ask you to consider expanding our community's affordable housing'goals and take a leadership role in this area. There are many people of goodwill in this community that would support such a leadership stance. I am hopeful that this leadership team is open- minded enough to make these needed changes to our comprehensive plan so that Edina will continue to be a leader in our region for the next 50 years. Sincere ,, Jeff y ug 4008 Wood En rive JRH:sl cc: Gordon Hughes, City Manager Heather Worthington, Assistant City Manager Scott Housh, Council Member Ann Swenson, Council Member Linda Masica, Council Member Cary Teague, Planning Director Page 1 of 1 RECEIVED DEC 0 2 M Susan Heiberg From: Lynette Biunno Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 2:33 PM Cc: Susan Heiberg Subject: FW: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - -BIKE LANES From: HBABB952 @aol.com [mailto:HBABB952 @ aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 2:29 PM To: Lynette Biunno Subject: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - -BIKE LANES TO MAYOR HOVLAND AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS: THERE SHOULD BE LANGUAGE INCLUDED IN SUBJECT PLAN TO SAVE LAND MARK AND ONE HUNDRED PLUS YEAR OLD TREES WHEN INPLEMENTENTING BIKE LANES AS WELL AS THE SAFETY AND INTEGETRY OF THE STREETS AND ITS INTERSECTIONS. BIKE LANES SHOULD NEVER COMPROMISE THE SAFE EGRESS AND INGRESS TO ANY STREET RESIDENCE. PLEASE CONSIDER THE ABOVE WHEN APPROVING THE COMP. PLAN THIS EVENING. THANK YOU, HAROLD BABB 952 - 926 -9521 Life should be easier. So should your homepage. Try the NEW AOL.com. 12/2/2008 a"_-v O�'/ \�v 0n •lam �� �� 18888 MINUTE SUMMARY Regular Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission Wednesday, October 29, 2008, 7:00 PM Edina City Hall Council Chambers 4801 West 50th Street MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair John Lonsbury, Julie Risser, Nancy Scherer, Kevin Staunton, Michael Schroeder, Steve Brown, Floyd Grabiel, Arlene Forrest and Patrick Schnettler MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Fischer STAFF PRESENT: Cary Teague and Jackie Hoogenakker I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: The minutes of the October 1, 2008, Planning Commission Meeting were filed as submitted. II. NEW BUSINESS: 2008.15 Preliminary Plat Galleria Shopping Center 351070th Street West Planner Presentation Planner Teague informed the Commission the applicant is proposing a plat to create separate lots for the Crate & Barrel and Gabbert's stores and their associated parking areas. There would be no additions to any existing structures to accommodate this request. Planner Teague concluded staff recommends that the city council give preliminary approval to the Registered Land Survey, date stamped September 26, 2008. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The city must approve the final plat within one year of preliminary approval or receive a written application for a time extension or the preliminary approval will be void. Appearinq for Applicant Keith Dahl, URS Commission Comments Commissioner Brown questioned if the Commission. recommends approval of the replat could redevelopment or parking problems occur in the future. Planner Teague responded that he doesn't believe so. He explained setbacks and parking are looked at from the entire site, not the individual interior lot lines. Public Comments There were no public comments. Commissioner Brown moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Scherer seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. Commission Action Commissioner Staunton moved to recommend preliminary plat approval subject to staff conditions. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. 2008.0016.8a Final Development Plan Eberhardt Properties LLC/Thomas Nelson 3930 49 % Street Planner Presentation Planner Teague informed the Commission the applicant is proposing to tear down the existing two -story 14,000 square foot office building, and rebuild a new two -story 13,130 square foot office building. Planner Teague added the request N requires a Final Development Plan and a 3 -foot parking lot setback variance from 10 to 7 feet. Planner Teague concluded staff recommends approval of the revised Final Development Plan and Variance to tear down and re -build a new office building at 3930 49 -1/2 Street West for Eberhardt Properties LLC based on the following findings: 1) With the exception of the variance, the proposal would meet the required standards and ordinances for a Final Development Plan. 2) The new building would be generally the same size as the existing building. 3) The proposal meets the required standards for a variance, because: a. The proposed use is reasonable. It provides a reasonable on -site parking area for a new building that would be the same size as the existing building. b. The new parking area is a minor encroachment into the rear yard setback. C. The encroachment would be located into a hill that separates the site from the adjacent residential property to the north; therefore, the proposed encroachment would not be visible from the residential property. The parking area sits 12 feet lower than the home to the north. Approval of the Final Development Plan is also subject to the following conditions: 1) The site must be developed and maintained in conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: • Site plan date stamped September 26, 2008. • Building elevations date stamped October 23, 2008. • Grading plan date stamped September 26, 2008. • Landscape plan date October 23, 2008. 2) Submit a copy of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Permit. The city may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the District's requirements. 3) Per Section 850.10. Subd. 3. B of the City's Zoning Ordinance, a letter of credit, performance bond or cash deposit must be submitted in the amount equal to 150% of the proposed landscaping prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the building. 4) The basement area shall not be remodeled into office space. The basement may be used for storage and mechanical space only. 5) Pavers along the front, side and rear of the building must be pervious, and subject to approval of the city engineer. 3 6) The on -site parking stalls must be striped. 7) Compliance with all conditions listed by the city engineer in his memo dated October 24, 2008. 8) The property owner must enter into a Skyway Agreement with the City of Edina to connect the second story walkway to the parking ramp. Cost of the connection would be the responsibility of the property owner of 3930 49 -1/2 Street West. The Skyway Agreement is subject to approval of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Applicant Presentation James Nelson, 7790 Lochmere Terrace, introduced members of his development team; Tom Nelson, Dan Green, and Ben Hartberg. Continuing, Mr. Nelson informed the Commission the 3930 building was constructed 50 years ago with a 2nd floor added in 1985. Mr. Nelson said he acquired the property in 1980. Mr. Nelson noted the uniqueness of the 50th & France neighborhood, adding Edina Realty has been a building tenant since the mid 1980's and the only tenant since 2003. Mr. Nelson stated Edina Realty intends to occupy the new building if the request for Final Development Plan is approved. Continuing, Mr. Nelson told the Board.the building as it exists today is in need of renovation and updated utilities. He told the Commission the building is un- sprinkled and not very energy efficient. Mr. Nelson reported the internal layout of the building also doesn't function as efficiently as it could. Concluding, Mr. Nelson said tearing down the building and constructing a new building technically the same size, but with better functionality, is a solution worth exploring. Mr. Green addressed the Commission and pointed out key elements of the project. Mr. Green noted the parking for the building continues to be located in the rear with access provided via a shared access drive to the east. Continuing, Mr. Green noted the landscaping for the site will be upgraded and additional storm water control will be implemented. Mr. Green said exterior building materials will be brick, stone and cast stone with metal panel accents. Concluding, Mr. Green said the building will also have a roof top mechanical system. Public Comment Chair Lonsbury opened the public hearing. Mr. Hosmar Brown, 7104 West Shore Drive, questioned the reasoning behind tearing down a 50 year old building. Mr. Brown also questioned if the driveway access is shared. Concluding, Mr. Brown pointed out traffic continues to grow in the 50th and France area. Commissioner Brown moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Scherer seconded the motion. All voted aye; public hearing closed. 4 Commission Comments A discussion ensued with Commissioners in general agreement that they could support the project as presented. Commissioners requested that the applicant make sure that the driveway or alley way located on the east side of the building that provides access to the parking stalls at the rear of the building is a legally recorded cross easement. Commissioners also discussed the rear yard parking setback variance, acknowledging that the angled parking stalls actually enhance parking and vehicle circulation. Concluding the Commission indicated their support for the project and requested variance. Commission Action Commissioner Forrest moved to recommend Final Development Plan approval with variance based on staff findings and subject to staff conditions including the change memo. Commissioner Grabiel seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. III. PUBLIC COMMENT: No additional public comment. IV. INTERGOVERNMENTAL BUSINESS: Commissioner Brown, representing the Transportation Commission told the Commission the West 70th Street surveys have been received and the response was very good. Commissioner Brown added that he will also be attending the SAC meeting in the next week. Commissioner Grabiel asked Commissioner Brown how many residents filled out and returned the surveys. Commissioner Brown responded the response was excellent -51 %. Commissioner Risser, representing the Energy and Environment Commission told the Commission their outreach continues and at this time the EEC is encouraging everyone to "get a blanket for their hot water heater'. Commissioner Risser said blanketing the hot water heater really helps. V. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Risser moved adjournment at 8:05 pm Submitted by M Minnesota House. of Representatives. Minnesota .Senate . Updated as of Nov 5, 2008 2009 -2010 House Membership Statistics Unofficial list as of Nov. 5, 2008 87 DFL members 47 Republican members 91 members are men 43 members are women 54 DFL men 37 Republican men 33 DFL women 10 Republican women Newly elected members 23 newly elected members 11 newly elected members are DFL 12 newly elected members are Republican 17.2 percent of House members did not serve last session 17 newly elected members are men 6 newly elected members are women 26.1 percent of newly elected members are women 32.1 percent of all House members are women 95 percent of incumbents were re- elected 3 Republican incumbents lost 3 DFL incumbents lost 13 seats were open at the time of the election No House races were uncontested New House DFL members Bobby Joe Champion .................... ............................58B Andrew Falk .................................. ............................20A JeffHayden .................................... ............................61B KoryKath ...................................... ............................26A Gail Kulick Jackson ....................... ............................16A JerryNewton ................................. ............................49B Paul Anderson ................ Greg Davids* .................. Connie Doepke .............. Keith Downey ................. Tim Kelly ........................ Mary Kiffineyer .............. New House Rep ............... ............................13A ............ ............................... 31B ............ ............................... 33B ............ ............................... 41A ............ ............................... 28A ............ ............................... 16B Mike Obermueller ......................... ............................38B 42B JohnPersell ..................................... .............................4A 37A RogerReinert ................................. .............................7B 10B Paul Rosenthal ............................... ............................41B 51A PhilSterner .................................... ............................37B 49A iublican members Jenifer Loon ...................... Tara Mack ......................... Mark Murdock ................. Tim Sanders ...................... Peggy Scott ........................ Paul lorkelson .................. ........ ............................... 42B ........ ............................... 37A ........ ............................... 10B ........ ............................... 51A ........ ............................... 49A ........ ............................... 21B On the cover: Mary Zabel, left, and Jean Kramer wait outside the Richland Town Hall in Rice County, to cast their ballots in the Nov. 4 election. Photo by Tom Olmscheid . Count includes Representative -elect Greg Davids (R- Preston) who was first elected in 1991. 2008 ELECTION DIRECTORY of the 2009 -2010 MINNESOTA LEGISLATURE Prepared by Minnesota House of Representatives Public Information Services 175 State Office Building 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55155 -1298 This document can be made available in alternative formats for people with disabilities by calling 651- 296 -2146 or 800- 657 -3550 toll free (voice); or the Minnesota Relay service at 711 or 800 - 627 -3529 (TTY). Nov. 5, 2008 2009 -2010 Minnesota House of Representatives Members -elect District Member /Party Room* Phone 651 -296- District Member /Party Room* Phone 651-296 - 48B Abeler, Jim ( R) ......... _ ........... ............................... 203... ...........................1729 16A ** Kul ick Jackson, Gail (DFL) ............................... NA ......................... 7-9001 t 19A Anderson, Bruce (R) .............. ............................201 ... ...........................5063 50A Laine, Carolyn (DFL) ................... .. ..................... 407 ................... _ ......... 4331 13A Anderson, Paul ( R) .............. ............................... NA......................... 7-9010t 9A Lanning, Morrie ( R) ........................ _ .................. 259 ..................... ........ 5515 43A Anderson, Sarah ( R) ...... _ ... ............................... 229... ...........................5511 40B Lenczewski, Ann (DFL) .............. _ ..................... 509 .............................. 4218 3AAnzelc, Tom ( DFL) ..... _ ....................................... 417 ................... __ ....... 4936 66A Lesch , John (DFL) .......... _ ................................... 537 .............. ............... 4224 39B Atkins, Joe (DFL) ................... _ ............................ 503 ..................... ........ 4192 30A Liebling, Tina ( DFL) ..................... _ ..................... 393 .............................. 0573 35A Beard, Michael (R) .................. ............................207 ... ...........................8872 is Lieder. Bernard (DFL) .................. ...................... 423 ... ...........................5091 43BBenson, John (DFL) ........................................... 517 ...................... ....... 9934 55A Lillie, Leon ( DFL) .................... _.. ...................... 353 ... ...........................1188 57A Bigham, Karla (DFL)...... .. ......... ..........................529.. ...................._......4342 59A Loeffler, Diane ( DFL) ............... .. ......... .............. 349 .............................. 4219 25B Bly, David (DFL) ..... . .................. .........................557... ...........................7065 42B Loon, Jenifer ( R) ...... _ .......................................... NA ............. ........... 7 -9010t 25ABrod. Laura (R) ..... ........................ ........... ..... 321 ... ...........................4229 37A Mack, Tara ( R) ............................. .__ ................... NA ......................... 7-9010t 27A Brown, Robin ( DFL) ............ ............................... 337... ...........................8216 22A Magnus, Doug (R) .... _ ....... ............ _ ...... ........... 217 ... ...........................5505 23B Brynaert, Kathy ( DFL) ..... _ .... ............................421 ... ...........................3248 67A Mahoney, Tim ( DFL) ........................................ _ 591 ... ...........................4277 35BBuesgens, Mark (R) ............. ..... ........................ 307 . ............................ 5185 65B Mariani, Carlos ( DFL) ..... ................. ............... 563 .................... _. 9714 56ABunn, Julie ( DFL) ........... ._ ...... ............................521 .................. ........... 4244 9B Marquart, Paul ( DFL).._ ........................ .... ...... 597 .......... .... ............. 6829 45B Carlson, Lyndon ( DFL) ............. .........................479... ...........................4255 38A Masin, Sandra ( DFL) ... _ ..................................... 527 .............................. 3533 58B Champion, Bobby Joe ( DFL) .......................... NA......................... 7 -90011 53B McFarlane, Carol ( R) ... ........... _ ......................... 223 ... ...........................5363 61A Clark, Karen (DFL) .................. ............................471 ... ...........................0294 57B McNamara, Denny (R) ....... .............. ............... 271 . .............. _ ... ........ 3135 24B Cornish, Tony (R) .......... ....... ............................. 281 ... ...........................4240 40A Morgan, Will (DFL) ............................................. 531 ... ...........................4212 31BDavids, Greg ( R) ............... _ .............. _ ....... ........ NA .............. .......... 7 -9010t 23A Morrow, Terry (DFL) ............................ _ ............ 415 ... ...........................8634 62ADavnie, Jim ( DFL) ......................... _ .................... 545 .......................... _.0173 58A Mullery, Joe ( DFL) ...... _ ........... .... .... .......... ..... 367 ... ...........................4262 52BDean, Matt ( R)._ .................. _ .............................. 327 ..................... ....... 3018 10B Murdock, Mark ( R) ..................... _ ...................... NA ......................... 7 -90101 29ADemmer, Randy (R) .................. .........................225... ...........................9236 64A Murphy, Erin (DFL)._ .......................................... 413 ... ...........................8799 52ADettmer, Bob ( R) .............. _ ................................. 329 ............ ........ ........ 4124 6B Murphy, Mary (DFL) ......... ........... .................... 343 ... ...........................2676 6A Dill, David (DFL) ... _ ................. ............................571 ... ...........................2190 46A Nelson, Michael V. ( DFL) ............... _ ................. 569 ... ... ...................... 3751 47A Dittrich, Denise ( DFL) ........ ............................... 371 ... ...........................5513 49B Newton, Jerry ( DFL) ........................ ................ NA......................... 7 -9001 t 33BDoepke, Connie ( R) ........ _ .. ............................... NA ......................... 7 -90101 10A Nornes, Bud (R) ......... ....... ........ _ ...................... 277 ......................... _ ... 4946 12B ** Doty, Al ( DFL) ..................... _. ...................... ....... 433 .................... ......... 4247 29B Norton, Kim ( DFL) ......................... _ .............. 387 .................... ........ 9249 41A Downey, Keith ( R) ............... ............................... NA ......................... 7-9010t 38B Obermueller, Mike ( DFL) ................ _.............. NA......................... 7 -9001 t 28BDrazkowski, Steve ( R) ....................................... 247 ................ _ ............ 2273 1 A Olin, Dave ( DFL) ......... ......... .... . ...... ................ 593 ............. ................ 9635 17A Eastlund, Rob ( R) .............. _ .............. _ ............... 243 .............. ............... 5364 11 B Otremba, Mary Ellen ( DFL ) ........ ..... .............. 445 ... ...........................3201 2A Eken, Kent ( DFL)...__ ......................................... 575.. ..................._.......9918 64B Paymar, Michael ( DFL) ..... _ ............. _ .............. 543 .............................. 4199 19BEmmer, Tom (R) ...................... _ ...................... _ ... 261 ... ...........................4336 31A Pelowski Jr., Gene (DFL) ................................... 491 ... ...........................8637 20AFalk, Andrew ( DFL) ............. ............................... NA ........ _............... 7 -9001 t 32A Peppin, Joyce (R) .... _ ....................... _ ............... 331 ......................... .... 7806 8B Faust, Tim (DFL) ................................ _ ................ 567 .............................. 0518 4A Perseil, John ( DFL) ......... ..................... _ ............ NA ........... ............. 7 -9001t 26BFritz, Patti (DFL) ...................... ............................551 ... ...........................8237 45A Peterson, Sandra (DFL) .................................... 345 .............................. 4176 53A Gardner, Paul ( DFL) .............. _ ........................... 581 ... ...........................2907 27B Poppe, Jeanne ( DFL) ..................... _ .................. 487 ...... ............. .... _ ... 4193 36BGarofalo, Pat (R)._ ................... ............................221 .................... ........ 1069 7B Reinert, Roger (DFL)..... .................................... NA......................... 7 -9001 t 15A Gottwalt, Steve (R) ..................... ............_.......... 231 .............................. 6316 41B Rosenthal, Paul ( DFL) ................ _ .................... NA ........... .......... ..7 -9001t 54A Greiling, Mindy ( DFL) .... .................... .............381 ... ...........................5387 5A Rukavina, Tom ( DFL) ... ................ _ ........... _ ..... 477 .............................. 0170 24A Gunther, Bob ( R) ............... ...... .................._...... 289 .............................. 3240 42A Ruud, Maria ( DFL) .... _ .... .............. ....... ........... 515 . ............................ 3964 48A Hackbarth, Tom ( R) ......................................... _. 209 ................ _ ........... 2439 2B Sailer, Brita ( DFL)._ .................... __ .................... 577 .............................. 4265 22B Hamilton, Rod ( R)_ ...... _ ...... ............................. 215 ._...............__.......5373 51A Sanders, Tim( R) ................. _ ............................... NA ......................... 7 -9010t 39A Hansen, Rick ( DFL) .............. ._ .... ...................... 401 ... ...........................6828 54B Scalze, Bev ( DFL) ....... _ ..................... ............... 357. .................... ....... 7153 66BHausman, Alice (DFL) ..... _ .... ............................453 ... ...........................3824 49A Scott, Peggy ( R) ...................................... .......... NA ........... ............. 7 -90101 15BHaws, Larry ( DFL) ............ ........ ......................... 473 ......._........_........_.6612 21A Seifert, Marty ( R) ............................. _ ................. 267 .............. ....... ....... 5374 61B Hayden, Jeff ( DFL) ............. _.............................. NA ................ ...... . 7 -9001 t 5B Sertich, Anthony "Tony" (DFL) ..................... 459 ... ...........................0172 46BHilstrom, Debra ( DFL) ........ ............................... 379... ...........................3709 14A Severson, Dan (R) ...................... ........ ............... 233 ... ...........................7808 8AHilly, Bill ( DFL) ............ _ .... ................................ 559.. .................._........4308 18A Shimanski, Ron ( R) ............ ... ... ......... _ ............. 227 ... ...........................1534 36A Holberg, Mary Liz ( R) .... ................. .._........_... 303.. ..................._.......6926 44A Simon, Steve ( DFL) ............. ..... .__ ................... 375 ......................... _ ... 9889 34B Hoppe, Joe ( R) .......................................... _ ......... 317 ..................... ........ 5066 55B Slawik, Nora ( DFL) ................. ..... ._ .......... _ ...... 403 ................. _. ......... 7807 60B Hornstein, Frank ( DFL) ..................................... 437 ........... _ ................. 9281 63B Slocum, Linda (DFL) ....... _ ................................. 523 ... ...........................7158 47B Hortman, Melissa ( DFL)_ ...................... ... ...... 377 ................ _ ............ 4280 33A Smith, Steve ( R) ............... ... ....... .._ ................. 253 ..................... ........ 9188 14B Hosch, Larry ( DFL) ............ _ ..... ..........................565 ............................. 4373 3B Solberg, Loren ( DFL) ..................... _ ........... ...... 443 ..................... ........ 2365 4B Howes, Larry (R)...... .......................................... 287 ............................. 2451 37B Sterner, Phil ( DFL)._ .................. -_ .................... NA .... .................... 7 -9001t 7A Huntley, Thomas (DFL) .... . .. ............................585 ................... .... _ ... 2228 56B Swails, Marsha ( DFL). ........... _ ........ ................. 409 ... ................. ........ 1147 67B Johnson, Sheldon ( DFL) ........................ _ ........ 549 ._ ............... _._ ....... 4201 65A Thao, Cy ( DFL) ............ ..... _ ........ _ ...... _ ...... _._..359 .... ................. .... _.5158 13B Juhnke, AI (DFL) ..._..._...._... . ...........................485 ... ...........................6206 63A Thissen, Paul (DFL) _.. .................. ..... .... ... ...... 351 ........ ..................... 5375 59B Kahn, Phyllis ( DFL) ... _ ...... _ ....................... _ .... 365 _ ............................ 4257 51B Tillberry,Tom ( DFL) ................. _ ........................ 501 ... ...........................5510 17B Kalin, Jeremy ( DFL) ....... ..... ............... ..... ........ 579 ...................... ....... 5377 21B Torkelson, Paul ( R) ....... .......... .. ................. ..... NA......................... 7 -90101 26AKath, Kory ( DFL) .... _ . .......................................... NA ...................... ..7 -9001t 18B Urdahl, Dean ( R).._ .................... ........................ 239 ............................. 4344 60A Kelliher, Margaret Anderson ( DFL) .............. 463 ................. __ ......... 0171 62B Wagenius, lean ( DFL) ........ .............................. 449 ._..._........._...........4200 28A Kelly, Tim ( R) ......... ............ __ ....... ....... ............. NA ..................... 7 -9010t 12A Ward, John ( DFL) ................ .......................... 533 ... ...........................4333 16B Kiffmeyer, Mary ( R) .... .......................... _..... ......NA................_....._ 7-9010t 30B Welti, Andy ( DFL) ....... __ .... ....... ....... .............. 389 .............. ... _ ......... 4378 50BKnuth, Kate (DFL) .................................... _......429 _ ............. _ ............ 0141 11A Westrom, Torrey ( R) ......................... _ ................ 273 ..... .... ................... 4929 20B Koenen, Lyle ( DFL). ........................... ............ 439.. .............._............4346 44B Winkler, Ryan ( DFL) ................. ._. ......... _ ...... 525 .... ..................... _..7026 34A Kohls, Paul ( R) ........................... _ ......... .............. 313 .............................. 4282 326 Zellers, Kurt ( R)_ ..... ........ _ .._ ................ _ ........... 315 ............... .............. 5502 " Pending recount according to state statute -All rooms are in the State Office Building unless otherwise noted, St. Paul, MN 55155 -1298 t Phone numbers for members -elect are valid through 1/5/09 only. List as ofNov. 5, 2008 2008 ELECTION DIRECTORY 2009-2010 Minnesota House of Representatives Leadership To be determined Abeler, Jim (R) 48B 203 State Office Building ............... ................. 651 - 296 -1729 E -mail: rep.jim.abeler @house.mn Home: Anoka 3400 Ruin River Drive 55303 ...........................612 - 245 -3764 "Business: Anoka 600 E. Main St. 55303 ............ ...........................763 - 421 -3722 Occupation- Chiropractor. Education: Hamline University; University of Minnesota,Twin Cities; D.C., chiropractic,North- western College of Chiropractic. Elected: 1998. Term: 6th. Anderson, Bruce (R) 19A "201 State Office Building ............... .. .............. 651 -296 -5063 E-mail: rep.bruce.anderson @house.mn Home: Buffalo Township 3222 Aadland Ave. 55313 ............... _ ................ 763 - 682 -1480 Occupation: Agribusiness, military. Education: B.S., busi- ness administration, Northwestern College. Elected: 1994. Term: 8th. Anderson, Paul (R) 13A NA State Office Building ............. .................. 651- 297 -90101 E -mail: NA Home: Starbuck "22935 - 270th Ave. 56381 .... ...........................320 - 239 -2726 Business: Same Occupation: Farmer. Education: B.A., physical education/ education, University of Minnesota Morris. Elected: 2008. Term: I st. Anderson, Sarah (R) 43A 229 State Office Building ..... ............................651 -296 -5511 E-mail: rep.sarah.anderson @house.mn Home: Plymouth *5050 1 Jolly Lane N. No. 5 55446 . ...................763 -383 -9504 Occupation: Manager. Education: B.A., political science and sociology, University of Minnesota Duluth. Elected 2006. Term: 2nd. Anzelc, Tom (DFL) 3A 417 State Office Building ...... ...........................651 - 296 -4936 E -mail: rep.tom.anzelc @house.mn Home: Balsam Township '44205 Burrows Lake Lane 55709 ...................218 -327 -7924 Education: B-S., political science, St. Cloud State University. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. 2008 ELECTION DIRECTORY House Public Information Services j , 01V Atkins, Joe (DFL) 39B 503 State Office Building .............. ...................651 -296 -4192 E-mail: rep.joe.atkins @house.mn Home. Inver Grove Heights 2463 - 78th St. E. 55076 ................ ...................651 -451 -3837 "Business: South St. Paul 222 %V. Grand Ave., No. t00 55075 .................. 651 -451 -641 1 Occupation: Attorney. Education: B.A., political science, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; ).D., William Mitchell College of Law. Elected: 2002. Term: 4th. Beard, Michael (R) 35A 207 State Office Building ...... ...........................651 - 296 -8872 E-mail: rep. mike.beard @house.mn Home: Shakopee "8434 Horizon Drive 55379 ........... ..................952 - 445 -9374 Business: Same Occupation: Business. Education: B.A., Bethany College of Missions; entrepreneurial classes, University of St. Thomas. Elected: 2002. Term: 4th. Benson, John (DFL) 43B 517 State Office Building ...... ...........................651 - 296 -9934 E -mail: rcp.john.bcnson @house.mn Home: Minnetonka '3828 Huntingdon Drive 55305 ......................952 - 933 -2396 Business: Minnetonka P.O. Box 5508 55343 Occupation: Retired teacher. Education: B.S., language arts and social science, Minnesota Slate University, Mankato; M.A., political science, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. Bigham, Karla (DFL) 57A *5' Z9 State Office Building .... ...........................651 - 296 -4342 E -mail: rep.karla.bigham@house.mn Home: Cottage Grove P.O. Box 223 55016 .............. ............................. 651 - 493 -3121 Occupation: Paralegal. Education: B.S., paralegal, Winona State University. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. Bly, David (DFL) 25B •557 State Office Building .... ...........................651 - 296 -7065 E-mail: rep.david.bly@house.mn Home: Northfield 211 N. Lincoln St. 55057 ......... .........................507 -645 -8328 Occupation: Educator. Education: A.A., English, St. Olaf College; M.A. education, St. Mary's University. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. k h t 4 t Phone numbers for members -elect are valid through 1/5/09 only. "Prefers interim mail at this address Room numbers are valid through 1/5/09 only. 2008 ELECTION DIRECTORY House Public Information Services Brod, Laura (R) 25A 321 State Office Building ........... ....................651 -296 -4229 800 -341 -0510 E -mail: rep.laura.brod @house.mn Home. New Prague 28758 - 141 st Ave. 56071 ............. ............... ......952 - 758 -5184 Business: New Prague Occupation: Small- business owner. Education: B.A.. ge- ography, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; M.A., urban and regional studies, Minnesota State University, Mankato. Elected: 2002. Term: 4th. Brown, Robin (DFL) 27A 337 State Office Building .............. ...................651 - 296 -8216 E -mail: rep.robin.bmwn @house.mn Home. Moscow Township "27667 Mower - Freeborn Road 55912...... cell 507 -438 -9086 Business: Albert Lea Senior High School 2000 "Ciger Lane 55007 .......... ...........................507 - 389 -5482 Occupation: Art and photography teacher. Education: B.S., art education, Minnesota State University, Mankato; M.A. education, St. Mary's University. Ekcted: 2006. Term: 2nd. Brynaert, Kathy (DFL) 23B 421 State Office Building .............. ...................651 - 296 -3248 E -mail: rep.kathy.brynaert @ house.mn . Home. Mankato ' 1416 Carney Ave. 56001 .............. ...................507 - 388 -2264 a- Occupation: Legislator. Education: B.A., philosophy. Col - lege of St. Teresa; M.A., philosophy, Duquesne University. Elected. 2006. Term: 2nd. Buesgens, Mark (R) 35B Bunn, Julie (DFL) 56A "521 State Office Building ............ ...................651 - 296 -4244 E -mail: rep.julie.bunn@house.mn Home: Lake Elmo 2986 Lake Elmo Ave. N. 55042 ........................651 -748 -1448 Occupation: Economist. Education: A.B., economics, Oc- cidental College; MA, economics, Stanford University; Ph.D., economics, Stanford University. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. `Prefers interim mail at this address Carlson, Lyndon (DFL) 45B '479 State Office Building .... ...........................651 - 296 -4255 E -mail: rep.lyndon.carlson @house.mn Home: Crystal 8216 - 35th Ave. N. 55427 ..... ...........................763 -533 -9779 Occupation: Retired teacher. Education: B.S., social studies, graduate work, MinnesotaState L;niversity, Mankato; graduate work, University of St. Thomas. Elected: 1972. Term: 19th. Champion, Bobby Joe (DFL) 58B NA State Office Building...._ ....... .................. 651- 297 -90011 E -mail: NA Home. Minneapolis 1501 Hall Curve 55411 ....... ...........................612 -521 -0237 Occupation: Attorney. Education: B.A., political science, Macalester College; J.D., William Mitchell College of Law. Elected: 2008. Term: I st. Clark, Karen (DFL) 61A 471 State Office Building .. ...................... ..... 651 - 296 -0294 - E -mail: rep.karen.dark @house.mn Home: Minneapolis • 2633 - 18th Avc. S. 55407 .............. ...................612 -722 -7728 Occupation: College instructor. Education: B.S., nursing, College of St. Teresa; M.P.A., Harvard University. Elected: 1980. Term: 15th. Cornish, Tony (R) 24B '281 State Office Building ............ ...................651 - 296 -4240 800 - 704 -8525 E -mail: rep.tony.comish @house.mn Home: Good Thunder P.O. Box 128 56037 .................. _ ....................... 507 -549 -3349 Occupation: Retired game warden, chief of police of Lake Crystal. Elected: 2002- Term 4th. Davids, Greg (R) 31B *NA State Office Building ......................... _.. 651- 297 -90101 l; E -mail: NA �.� Home: Preston " P.O. Box 32 55965 .................. ...........................507 - 765 -4795 Occupation: Business. Education: B.S.,social science,Winona State University. Elected: 1991. Term 9th. t Phone numbers for members -elect are valid through 1 /5/09 only. 5 Room numbers are valid through 1/5/09 only. 307 Slate Office Building ........................ ........ 65] - 296 -5185 E -mail: rep.mark.buesgens @ house.mn Home: Jordan '4500 Golfview Drive 55352 ............................ 952-492-2992 Occupation: Educator. Education: B.S., mathematics, Min- nesota State University, Mankato; Specialist, educational ad- ministration, Minnesota State University, Mankato. Elected. 1998. Term 6th. Bunn, Julie (DFL) 56A "521 State Office Building ............ ...................651 - 296 -4244 E -mail: rep.julie.bunn@house.mn Home: Lake Elmo 2986 Lake Elmo Ave. N. 55042 ........................651 -748 -1448 Occupation: Economist. Education: A.B., economics, Oc- cidental College; MA, economics, Stanford University; Ph.D., economics, Stanford University. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. `Prefers interim mail at this address Carlson, Lyndon (DFL) 45B '479 State Office Building .... ...........................651 - 296 -4255 E -mail: rep.lyndon.carlson @house.mn Home: Crystal 8216 - 35th Ave. N. 55427 ..... ...........................763 -533 -9779 Occupation: Retired teacher. Education: B.S., social studies, graduate work, MinnesotaState L;niversity, Mankato; graduate work, University of St. Thomas. Elected: 1972. Term: 19th. Champion, Bobby Joe (DFL) 58B NA State Office Building...._ ....... .................. 651- 297 -90011 E -mail: NA Home. Minneapolis 1501 Hall Curve 55411 ....... ...........................612 -521 -0237 Occupation: Attorney. Education: B.A., political science, Macalester College; J.D., William Mitchell College of Law. Elected: 2008. Term: I st. Clark, Karen (DFL) 61A 471 State Office Building .. ...................... ..... 651 - 296 -0294 - E -mail: rep.karen.dark @house.mn Home: Minneapolis • 2633 - 18th Avc. S. 55407 .............. ...................612 -722 -7728 Occupation: College instructor. Education: B.S., nursing, College of St. Teresa; M.P.A., Harvard University. Elected: 1980. Term: 15th. Cornish, Tony (R) 24B '281 State Office Building ............ ...................651 - 296 -4240 800 - 704 -8525 E -mail: rep.tony.comish @house.mn Home: Good Thunder P.O. Box 128 56037 .................. _ ....................... 507 -549 -3349 Occupation: Retired game warden, chief of police of Lake Crystal. Elected: 2002- Term 4th. Davids, Greg (R) 31B *NA State Office Building ......................... _.. 651- 297 -90101 l; E -mail: NA �.� Home: Preston " P.O. Box 32 55965 .................. ...........................507 - 765 -4795 Occupation: Business. Education: B.S.,social science,Winona State University. Elected: 1991. Term 9th. t Phone numbers for members -elect are valid through 1 /5/09 only. 5 Room numbers are valid through 1/5/09 only. 2008 ELECTION DIRECTORY House Public Information Services Davnie, Jim (DFL) 62A '545 State Office Building .... ...........................651 - 296 -0173 E -mail- rep.jim.davnie @house.mn Home: Minneapolis 2741 - 39th Ave. S. 55406 ...... ...........................612 - 724 -5163 Business: Buffalo 1300 N. Highway 25 55313 ........... ...................763 - 682 -8260 Occupation: Teacher. Education: B.S., psychology /social work, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities: M.Ed., educa- tion, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 2000. Term: 5th. Dean, Matt (R) 52B "327 State Office Building .... ...........................651 - 296 -3018 E -mail: rep.matt.dean@house.mn Home: Dellwood Business: St. Paul 2478 University Ave. W. 55114 ...... ...................651 - 225 -1867 Occupation: Architect. Education: B.Arch., University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 2004. Term: 3rd. Demmer, Randy (R) 29A 225 State Office Building ...... ...........................651 - 296 -9236 800 -387 -6453 E -mail: rep.randy.demmer @house.mn Home: Hayfield "PO. Box 47 55940 ........................ ...................507 - 477 -3655 Business: Same ................................... ............. S07 -477 -3655 Occupation: Business. Education: B.A., agricultural business administration, Universityof Minnesota,Twin Cities.Elected: 2002. Term: 4th. Dettmer, Bob (R) 52A 329 State Office Building .... .. ........................... 651 - 296 -4124 E -mail: rep.bob.dettmer @house.mn Home: Forest Lake *20617 Everton Court N. 55025 .. ....................651 - 464 -4475 Occupation: Educator. Education: B.S., health /physical education, Bemidji State University; M.A., education cur- riculum and instruction, University of St. Thomas. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. Dill, David (DFL) 6A 571 State Office Building ...... ...........................651 - 296 -2190 800- 339 -0466 E -mail: rep.david.dill@house.nnt Home: Crane Lake '423 Bear Island 55725 ......... ...........................218 - 993 -2252 Business: Same Occupation: Commercial pilot, aircraft and powerplant mechanic. Elected: 2002. Term: 4th. 6 t Phone numbers for members -elect are valid through 1/5/09 only. Room numbers are valid through 1/5/09 only. Dittrich, Denise (DFL) 47A '371 State Office Building ............ ................... 651 - 296 -5513 E -mail: rep.denise.dittrich @house.mn Home. Champlin 11260 W. River Road 55316 .. ...........................763 - 323 -1278 Occupation: homemaker. Education: B.S., elementary education, University of Minnesota. Twin Cities. Elected: 2004. Term: 3rd. Doepke, Connie (R) 33B NA State Office Building ............................... 651- 297 -90101 E -mail: NA Home: Wayzata '265 Hollander Road 55391 . ...........................952 - 449 -8696 Occupation: Consultant. Education: B.A., communication, Michigan State University. Elected: 2008. Term: I st. Doty, Al (DFL) 12B 433 State Office Building .. ............................... 651 - 296 -4247 E-mail: rep.al.doty@house.mn Home: Royalton '302 N. Hickory St. 56373 ............................... Occupation: Senior advocate, retired educator. Education: B.A., political science, history and social studies, University of Minnesota Morris; graduate work, University of M ani toba. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. Downey, Keith (R) 41A NA State Office Building ............................... 651- 297 -9010t E-mail- NA Home: Edina "4620 Bruce Ave. 55424 ............. ......................952 -926 -1676 Occupation: Consultant. Education: B.B.A., MIS, University of Wisconsin -Eau Claire. Elected: 2008. Term: 1st. Drazkowski, Steve (R) 28B '247 State Office Building .... ...........................651 - 296 -2273 E-mail: rep.steve.drazkowski @house.mn Home: Wabasha 14369 - 654th St. 55981 ................ ....................651 - 565 -3711 Occupation: Agriculture /education. Education: B.S., agricul- ture, Universityof Wisconsin -River Falls; M.Ed., agricultural education, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 2007. Term: 2n d. *Prefers interim mail at this address 2008 ELECTION DIRECTORY House Public Information Services Eastlund, Rob (R) 17A *243 State Office Building ............................... 651 -296- 5364 E -mail rep.rob.eastlund @ house.mn 551 State Office Building ...... ...........................651 - 296 -8237 Home. Isanti 800- 292 -0012 E -nuih rep.patti.fritz@house.mn 2123 - 305th Ave. N.E. 55040 ................_.......763 - 689 -1746 Business: Cambridge 1625 - 250th Court E. 55021 ..........................507 - 332 -8143 355 S. Garfield St. 55008 ............... ...................763 - 689 -0349 Occupation: Property manager. Education: B.S., mathemat- ics, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 2000. Term 5th. 3rd. Eken, Kent (DFL) 2A 575 State Office Building ................. _ .............. 651 - 296 -9918 E -mail• rep.kent.eken @house.mn Horne: Twin Valley "3463 - 170th Ave. 56584 ..... ............................218 -584 -8109 Business: Same Occupation: Educator. Education: B.A., political science/ education, Concordia College; M.A., history, St. Cloud State l;niversity. Elected: 2002. Term: 4th. Emmer, Tom (R) 19B "261 State Office Building ............ ...................651 -296 -4336 800 - 474 -3425 E -ma6: rep.tom.emmer@house.mn Home. Delano 1190 Hidden Hills Drive 55328 .... ...................763 - 670 -5562 Business: Delano P.O. Box 650 55328 ................ ...........................763 - 972 -5111 Occupation: Attorney. Education: ).D., William Mitchell College of law. Elected: 2004, Term: 3rd. Falk, Andrew (DFL) 20A "NA State Office Building ...................... _..... 651- 297 -9001t E -mail: NA Home. Murdock 1170 1 iwy. 9 N.E. 56271 ................ ...................320 -444 -5017 Business- Same Occupation: Farmer /renewable energy developer. Education: B.B.S.,entrepreneurial management and finance, Carlson School of Management. Elected: 2008. Term: 1st. Faust, Tim (DFL) 8B 567 State Office Buil ding ...... ...........................651 - 296 -0518 800 - 704 -8185 E -mail: rep.tim.faust @house.mn Home: Mora ' 150 Ford Ave. 55051 ........ ...........................320 - 679 -1870 Education: B.S, agriculture economics, North Dakota State University. Elected: 2006. Term 2nd. 'Prefers interim mail at this address Gardner, Paul (DFL) 53A 581 State Office Building .... ...........................651 - 296 -2907 E -mail: rep.paul.gardner@house.mn Home. Shoreview 890 Dawn Ave. SSt26 ............ _ .........................612 - 227 -4582 Occupation: Nonprofit executive. Education: B.A., history, Grinnell College; M.P.A., public and nonprofit manage- N, ment, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 2006. Term 2nd. Fritz, Patti (DFL) 268 '•' 551 State Office Building ...... ...........................651 - 296 -8237 r 800- 292 -0012 E -nuih rep.patti.fritz@house.mn _ t Home Fan -bault ' 1625 - 250th Court E. 55021 ..........................507 - 332 -8143 Business: Same Occupation: Licensed practical nurse. Education: L.P.N., Faribault School of Practical Nursing. Elected: 2004. Term: 3rd. Gardner, Paul (DFL) 53A 581 State Office Building .... ...........................651 - 296 -2907 E -mail: rep.paul.gardner@house.mn Home. Shoreview 890 Dawn Ave. SSt26 ............ _ .........................612 - 227 -4582 Occupation: Nonprofit executive. Education: B.A., history, Grinnell College; M.P.A., public and nonprofit manage- N, ment, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 2006. Term 2nd. Greiling, Mindy (DFL) 54A "381 State Office Building ... ............................651 -296 -5387 E -mail: rep.mindygreiling@house.mn Home: Roseville 2495 Marion St. 55113 .......... ...........................651 - 490 -0013 Occupat ion: Legislatorthomemaker. Education: R.A., educa- tion, GustavusAdolphusCollege; M.A., education,University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 1992. Term 9th. t Phone numbers for members -elect are valid through 1/5/09 only. 7 Room numbers are valid through 1/5/09 only. Garofalo, Pat (R) 36B 221 State Office Building .......651- 296 -1069 888- 667 -3337 _ t E -mail• rep.pat.garofalo @house.mn g Home: Farmington 5997 - 193rd St. W. 55024 ... ...........................651 - 463 -2112 Occupation: Network engineer. Education. B.S., law en- forcement, Minnesota State University, Mankato. Elected: 2004. Term. 3rd. Gottwalt, Steve (R) 15A 231 State Office Building ...... ...........................651 - 296 -6316 800 - 683- 0886,Fax:651 -297 -7523 1 x + E -mail: rrpsteve.gnttwalt @ house.mn Home: St. Cloud 1753 Cottonwood Circle 56303 ....................320 - 259 -6098 Business: .......................................................... 320-252-4222 Occupation: Business. Education: B.A. Journabsm and Eng- lish, University of St. Thomas. Elected: 2006. Terrin 2nd. Greiling, Mindy (DFL) 54A "381 State Office Building ... ............................651 -296 -5387 E -mail: rep.mindygreiling@house.mn Home: Roseville 2495 Marion St. 55113 .......... ...........................651 - 490 -0013 Occupat ion: Legislatorthomemaker. Education: R.A., educa- tion, GustavusAdolphusCollege; M.A., education,University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 1992. Term 9th. t Phone numbers for members -elect are valid through 1/5/09 only. 7 Room numbers are valid through 1/5/09 only. 2008 ELECTION DIRECTORY House Public Information Services Gunther, Bob (R) 24A Haws, Larry (DFL) 15BL 289 State Office Building..... ......_ ....................65] - 296 -3240 473 State Office Building ....................... ..........651 - 296 -6612 800 - 684 -4598 800 -920 -5884 E-mail: rep.bob.gunther @ house.mn #' Email: rep.larry.haws @house.mn Home: Fairmont Home: St. Cloud •530 Kings Road 56031 ............................... ..... 507 - 235 -6154 '555 N.Fifth Ave. 56303 ................................... 320-252-9156 Occupation: Business. Education: B.S., marketing, SL Cloud Business: Same State University. Elected: 1995. Term: 8th. Occupation: Retired. Education: B.S., mathematics and phys;�al education, Minnesota State University, Mankato; S.E.S., recreation and biology, St. Cloud State University. Elected: 2005. Term: 3rd. Hackbarth, Tom (R) 48A Hayden, Jeff (DFL) 61B "209 State Office Building .... ...........................651 - 296 -2439 NA State Office Building ............................. 651 - 2297 -90011 E-mail: rcp.tom.hackbarth @house.mnM E -mail: NA Home: Cedar Home- Minneapolis 19255 Eidelweiss St. N.W. 55011 .................. .763 - 753 -3215 , "; `4018 Third Avc. S. 55409 ..... ...........................612 - 722 -2855 Occupation: Retired. Education: North HennepinComrnu- Occupation: Non-profit manager. Elected: 2008. Term Ist. nity College. Elected: 1994. Ternr 7th (non - consecutive). ,a Hamilton, Rod (R) 22B - _ Hilstrom, Debra (DFL) 46B :• .. "215 State Office Building ... ............................651 -296 -5373 ;'lid •379 Slate Office Building... ..................... .......651 -296 -3709 800 - 735 -2463 Email: rep.debra.hilstrom @ house.mn E -mail: rep.rod.hamilton @ house.mn v Home: Brooklyn Center Home: Mountain Lake e r' _ 3509 - 66th Ave. N. 55429 ................... _ ........... 763 -561 -6487 ' 1717 Second Ave. 56159 ........ ...........................507 - 427 -3916 Education: B.A., sociology, University of Minnesota, Twin Occupation: Pork producer. Elected: 2004. Term: 3rd. Cities. Elected: 2000. Term: 5th.*` -•„ Hilty, Bill (DFL) 8A 6 Hansen, Rick (DFL) 39A 559 State Office Building .............. ...................651 -296 -4308 a, •4111 State Office Building .... ...........................651 - 296 -6828 800- 788 -1329 E -mail: rep.rick.hansen @ house.mn E-mail: rep.bill.hilty@house.mn Home. South St. Paul Home. Finlayson 1007 - 15th Ave. N. 55075 .... ............................651 - 451 -1189 '64105 Norway Spruce Road 55735...............320 - 233 -6626 Occupation: Business. Education: B.S., biology, Upper Iowa Eduation:B.S., psychology, Purdue University; M.A., English, University; M.S., soil management, Iowa State University. Purdue University. Elected: 1996. Term: 7th. Elected: 2004. Term: 3rd. �Y Hausman, Alice (DFL) 666 Holberg, Mary Liz (R) 36A o;` F •453 State Office Building ............ ...................651 - 296 -3824 "303 State Office Building ............................... 651-296-6926 Emat7: rep.alice.hausman @ house.mn Email: rep.maryliz.holberg @ house.mn Home: St. Paul ° Home: Lakeville ............................ ...................952 - 435 -5778 1447 Chelmsford St. 55108 ... ...........................651 - 646 -6220 Occupation: Homemaker. Education: Elementaryeducation, Occupation: Legislator. Education: B.S., education,Concordia St. Cloud State University. Elected: 1998. Term: 6th. University; M.A., education, Concordia University, Elected: 1989. Term: I I th.$ 8 t Phone numbers for members -elect are valid through 1/5/09 only. Room numbers are valid through 1/5/09 only. "Prefers interim mail at this address 2 002 ELECTION DIRECTORY House Public Information Services Hoppe, Joe (R) 34B , z Huntley, Thomas (DFL) 7A 317 State Office Building .................... ............. 651 -296 -5066 "> `585 State Office Building 651 - 296 -2228 ............................... E -mail: rep.joe.hoppe @house.mn 1 E null: rep.thomas.huntley@house.mn Home:Chaska .952- 368 -9617 t Home: Duluth 935 Weston Ridge Pkwy. 55318 ..................... � 7 1924 Wallace Ave. 55803 .................................. 218-724-6568 ..w.� % Business: Same ' '"` �'" . Business: Duluth Occupation: Business. Education: B.A., history, St. John's w ': 10 University Drive 55812 .............. _ ............... 218 -726 -7509 University. Elected: 2002. Term: 4th. Occupation: Associate professor of biochemistry and molecular biology. Education: B.S., chemistry, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Ph.D., biochemistry, Iowa State University. Elected: 1992. Terra: 9th. Hornstein, Frank (DFL) 606 Johnson, Sheldon (DFL) 676 437 State Office Building ......... ........................651 -296 -9281 549 State Office Building ................................. 651 -2% -4201 E -mail• rep. frank.hornstein @house.mnl " Email: repsheldon.johnson @ huuse.mn Home- Minneapolis Home: St. Paul `4344 Drew Ave. S. 55410 ..... ...........................612 - 926 -3406 �� 2031 Howard St. S. 55119.................... - rr ',� � ..........651- 738 -3143 Occupation: Community organizer. Education: B.A., -' Business: Maplewood environmental studies, Macalester College; M.A., urban 297 S. Century Ave. 55119 ....................... ........651- 266 -1433 and environmental policy, Tufts University. Elected: 2002. Occupation: Corrections. Education: B.A., social work, Term: 4th. ak Bethel University; M.A., psychology, University ofSt- Thomas. Elected: 2000. Term: 5th. Hortman, Melissa (DFL) 47B iris Juhnke, Al (DFL) 13B "377 State Office Building ............................... 651-296-4280 485 State Office Building ................................. 651 - 296 -6206 E -mail: rep.melissa.horthnan @ house.mn Email: rcp.al.juhnke @house.mn Home: Brooklyn Park Home. Willmar 8710 Windsor Terrace 55443 ...........................763 - 425 -5279 'A "3951 Horizon Hills Circle 56201 ...................320 - 235 -4442 Business: Blaine Business: Willmar 10506 Central Ave. 55434 ...................... ..........612- 386 -4808 P.O. Box 992 56201 ............................ _ ............. 320 -894 -7088 Occupation: Businessperson. Education: B.A., political Occupation: Real estate appraiser. Education: B.S., soil sci- science /philosophy, Boston University; J.D., University of ence, B.S., agronomy, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 2004. Term: 3rd. Elected: 1996. Term: 7th. Hosch, Larry (DFL) 14B Kahn, Phyllis (DFL) 59B 565 State Office Building ...... ...........................651 - 296 -4373 •365 State Office Building ............................... 651-296-4257 a 800- 947 - 8264 E-mail: rep.phyllis.kahn @house.mn E -mail- rep.larry.hosch @ house.mn Home, Minneapolis d Home: St. Joseph 115 West Island Ave. 55401 ... ...........................612 - 378 -2591 - • 630 Gumtree Court 56374 Occupation: Legislator. Education: BA., physics, Cornell a Business: Same ................................... ............. 320 -761 -4570 „ University; Ph.D., biophysics, Yale University; M.P.A., public Occupation: Business owner. Education: B.A., social work, administration, Harvard University. Elected: 1972. Term: '� St. John's University; M.A., social work, Augsburg College. 19th. Elected: 2004. Term: 3rd. Howes, Larry (R) 4B P Kalin, Jeremy (DFL) 17B 287 State Office Building .... ........... .......651- 296 -2451 579 State Office Building ................................. 651 -296 -5377 E -mail• rep.larryhowes @ house.mn E-mail- rep.jeremy.kalin@house.mn Home: Walker` Home: North Branch 4r *5340Iadyslipper Lane N.W. 56484 ...............218 -547 -4707 i `11629 Luftman Trail 55056 ...... .. .................... 651 -257 -9861 Occupation: Manager. Elected: 1998. Term: 6th. Occupation: Designer /draftsman. Education: B. F.A., ceram- q, ics, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; graduate work in architec ture,University ofNew Mexico School ofArchitecture and Planning. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. "Prefers interim mail at this address t Phone numbers for members -elect are valid through 1/5/09 only. 9 Room numbers are valid through 1/5/09 only. Kath, Kory (DFL) 26A NA State Office Building ............. ................. 651 - 297 -9001t E -mail: NA Home: Owatonna '2070 Sunlight Ave. 55060 .... ...........................507 -451 -0601 Occupation: High school economics /political science teacher. Education: B.A., political science and secondary education, Gustavus Adolphus College; M.S., educational leadership; Southwest Minnesota State University. Elected: 2008. Term: I st. Kelliher, Margaret Anderson (DFL) 60A •463 State Office Building .... ...........................651 - 296 -0171 E -mail: rep.margaret.kelliher @house.mn Home: Minneapolis 620 Morgan Ave. S. 55405 ..... ...........................612 - 377 -9836 Occupation: Consultant. Education: B.A., history, political science, Gustavus Adolphus College; M.P.A., Harvard Univer- ,ity. Elected: 1998. Term: 6th. Kelly, Tim (R) 28A NA State Office Building, ........... ... _ .............651 - 297 -9010) E -mail: NA Home: Red Wing *P.O. Box 412 55066 .............. ...........................651 - 380 -4345 Occupation: Financial advisor. Education: B.S., marketing management, Minnesota State University, Mankato. Elected: 2008. Term: I st. Kiffmeyer, Mary (R) 16B *NA State Office Building ............................. 651- 297 -9010t E -mail: NA Home: Big lake 16160 - 201 Ave. N.W. 55309 ........ ...................763 -263 -3876 Occupation: Business, consultant, health care. Education: Registered nurse. Elected: 2008. Term: 1st. Knuth, Kate (DFL) 50B '429 State Office Building .... _ ............ _ ........... 651 - 296 -0141 E-mail: rep.kate.knuth @house.mn Home. New Brighton 2189 Mississippi Circle 551 12 .........................651 - 697 -7029 Occupation: Environmental educator. Education: B..A., biology /philosophy, University ofChicago; M.Sc.,biodiversity conservation and management, Oxford University. Elected. 2006. Term: 2nd. 2008 ELECTION DIRECTORY House Public Information Services 1 '<s 10 t Phone numbers for members -elect are valid through 1/5/09 only. Room numbers are valid through 1/5/09 only. Koenen, Lyle (DFL) 20B 439 State Office Building .............. ...................651 -296 -4346 800 -341 -5897 E -mail• rep.lyle.koenen @house.nm Home: Clara City * 1017 N. Division St., P.O. Box 327 56222......320- 847 -4305 Occupation: Farmcr.Educalion:A.A., agriculture,Ridgewater College. Elected: 2002. Term: 41h. Kohls, Paul (R) 34A 313 State Office Building ............ .....................651 - 296-4282 E-mail: rep.paul.kohls @house.mn Home: Victoria `8555 Allegheny Circle 55386 ....... ...................952 - 443 -0048 Business: Minneapolis 5701 Golden Hills Drive 5541 6 .......................763 -765 -6500 Occupation: Business. Education: B.A., political science, University of St. Thomas; I.D., University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 2002. Term: 4th. Kulick Jackson, Gail (DFL) 16A 'NA State Office Building .. ...........................651 - 297 -90011 E-mail: NA Home: Milaca 12692 - 190th St., P.O. Box 192 56353 .............320 -983 -4043 Business: Milaca 155 S. Central Ave., P.O. Box 192 56353..........320 - 983 -2577 Occupation: Attorn ey. Education: B.A., music, St. Cloud State University; J.U., law, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 2008. Term: 1 st. Laine, Carolyn (DFL) 50A 407 State Office Building ........... _...._ ..............651 -296 -4331 E-mail: rep.camlyn.laine @ house.mn Home: Columbia Heights " 1908 - 4 I st Ave. N.E. 55421 ...... ......................763 -788 -1864 Occupation: Educator. Education: B.S., education, University of Minnesota Duluth; M.A., psychology, St. Mary's University; some Ph.D. work in health psychology at Saybrook Graduate School. Elected: 2006. Tetra: 2nd. Lanning, Morrie (R) 9A 259 State Office Building .............. ...................651 - 296 -5515 800 - 657 -3742 E-mail: rep.morrie.lanning @house.mn Home: Moorhead "PO. Box 813 56561 .............. ...........................218 - 236 -5566 Occupation: Retired college administrator. Education: A.A., psychology and history- - political science, Concordia College; M.S., guidance and counseling, North Dakota State University. Elected: 2002. Term: 4th. *Prefers interim mail at this address 2008 ELECTION DIRECTORY House Public Information Services Lenczewski, Ann (DFL) 408 509 State Office Building ...... ...........................651 - 296 -4218 w E- mail: rep.ann.lenczewski @house.mn Home: Bloomington "10306 Humboldt Circle 55431 ... ...................952 -881 -8627 Occupation: Full -time legislator. Education: B.A., psychol- ogy, College of St. Benedict; public policy, Hubert Fl. Hum- phrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 1998. Term: 6th. Lesch, John (DFL) 66A '537 State Office Building ........................... -..651-296-4224 x E-mail: rep.john.lesch @house.mn ,r Home. St. Paul 1254 Dale St. N. 55117 .......... ...........................651 - 489 -7238 Business: St. Paul ," 400 City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. 55102........651 - 266 -8740 Occupation: Prosecutor. Education: B.A., philosophy and psychology, St. Louis University; J.D., Hamline University. Elected: 2002. Term: 4th. Liebling, Tina (DFL) 30A 393 State Office Building ...... ...........................651 - 296 -0573 800 - 339 -9038 E -mail: rep. tina.liebling@house.mn Home: Rochester 'Business: Rochester P.O. Box 6332 55903 .............. ...........................507 - 289 -4664 Occupation: Attorney. Education: B.A., Spanish, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; M.S., public health, University of Massachusetts; J.D., Boston University. Elected: 2004. Term 3rd. Lieder, Bernard (DFL) 1B 423 State Office Building .......................... _ ..... 651 - 296 -5091 E -mail: repbemie.lieder @house.mn Home. Crookston '911 Thorndale Ave. 56716 ...... ........................218 -281 -1991 Occupation: Retired engineer. Education: Engineering, University of Illinois, Purdue University. Elected: 1984. Term 13th. "Prefers interim mail at this address Loeffler, Diane (DFL) 59A '349 State Office Building ... ............................651 -296 -4219 E -mail: rep.diane.loeffler @house.mn Home: Minneapolis 224.5 Ulysses St. N.E. No. 2 55418 ...................612 - 781 -1307 Occupation: Government. Education: B.A., social science, Augsburg College; educational administration /public ad- ministration, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 2004. Term: 3rd. Loon, Jenifer (R) 42B NA State Office Building ............................... 651- 297 -90101 E-mail: NA Home: Eden Prairie ' 10131 Phaeton Drive 55347 ........ ...................952 -829 -1792 Occupation: legislative policy consultant. Education: B.A., government/international affairsAugustana College.Elected 2008. Term: I st. Lillie, Leon (DFL) 55A 353 State Office Building ................................ .651 -296 - 1 188 " E -mail: rep.leon.lillie@house.mn It 1, Home: North SL Paul '2667 E. First Ave. 55109 ....................... _ ........ 651 - 770 -9260 Occupation: Airline employee. Education B.S., political science, Luther College. Ekcted: 2004. Term: 3rd. Rr "15400 Frost Path 55124 ....... ...........................612 -532 -9052 "Prefers interim mail at this address Loeffler, Diane (DFL) 59A '349 State Office Building ... ............................651 -296 -4219 E -mail: rep.diane.loeffler @house.mn Home: Minneapolis 224.5 Ulysses St. N.E. No. 2 55418 ...................612 - 781 -1307 Occupation: Government. Education: B.A., social science, Augsburg College; educational administration /public ad- ministration, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 2004. Term: 3rd. Loon, Jenifer (R) 42B NA State Office Building ............................... 651- 297 -90101 E-mail: NA Home: Eden Prairie ' 10131 Phaeton Drive 55347 ........ ...................952 -829 -1792 Occupation: legislative policy consultant. Education: B.A., government/international affairsAugustana College.Elected 2008. Term: I st. Magnus, Doug (R) 22A 217 State Office Building ................ ................. 651 - 296 -5505 888 - 727 -6307 E-mail: rep.doug.magnus @house.mn Home: Slayton '865 Hwy. 59 56172 .............. ...........................507 - 836 -8613 Occupation: Farmer. Education: B.S., animal science, South Dakota State University. Elected- 2002. Term 4th. Mahoney, Tim (DFL) 67A '591 State Office Building ... ............................651 -296 -4277 E-»rail: rep.tim.mahoney@house.mn Home: St. Paul 1091 Hyacinth 55106 ............ ...........................651 - 776 -3200 Occupation: Pipelitter. Education: Pnpefitting, SL Paul Col- lege. Elected. 1998. Term 6th. t Phone numbers for members -elect are valid through 1/5/09 only. 11 Room numbers are valid through 1/5/09 only. Mack, Tara (R) 37A NA State Office Building ............................... 651- 297 -90101 " E -mail: NA Home: Apple Valley "15400 Frost Path 55124 ....... ...........................612 -532 -9052 Business: ................. ........................................ 952-215-1538 Occupation: Legislative assistant. Education: B.A., political science /global studies, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 2008. Terre 1st. Magnus, Doug (R) 22A 217 State Office Building ................ ................. 651 - 296 -5505 888 - 727 -6307 E-mail: rep.doug.magnus @house.mn Home: Slayton '865 Hwy. 59 56172 .............. ...........................507 - 836 -8613 Occupation: Farmer. Education: B.S., animal science, South Dakota State University. Elected- 2002. Term 4th. Mahoney, Tim (DFL) 67A '591 State Office Building ... ............................651 -296 -4277 E-»rail: rep.tim.mahoney@house.mn Home: St. Paul 1091 Hyacinth 55106 ............ ...........................651 - 776 -3200 Occupation: Pipelitter. Education: Pnpefitting, SL Paul Col- lege. Elected. 1998. Term 6th. t Phone numbers for members -elect are valid through 1/5/09 only. 11 Room numbers are valid through 1/5/09 only. Mariani, Carlos (DFL) 65B '563 State Office Building ... ............................ 651 - 296 -9714 E -mail: rep.carlos.mariani @house.mn Home: St. Paul 187 W. Congress 55107 ......... ...........................651 - 224 -6647 Occupation: Non -profit management. Education: B.A. his- tory, M acal ester College. Elected: 1990. Term: I Oth. Marquart, Paul (DFL) 913 597 State Office Building ... ...........................651 - 296 -6829 800 -551 -552n E -mail: rep.paul.marquart @ house.mn Home: Dilworth '605 First St. N.E. 56529 ...... .. ........................ ..218 -233 -9200 Business. Glyndon DGF School, 513 Parke Ave. 56547 .................218 - 498 -2263 Occupation: Teacher. Education: B.S., education - social studies, University of North Dakota; M.S., education ad- ministration, Tri- College University, Moorhead. Elected: 2000. Term: 5th. Masin, Sandra (DFL) 38A 52716tate Office Building .............. ...................651 -296 -3533 E -mail: rep.sandra.masin@house.mn Home- Eagan . 1795 Carnelian lane 55122 ...........................651 - 452 -3411 Business: Eagan P.O. Box 21621 55121 ............ ...........................651 - 405 -1857 Occupation: Business. Education: B.A., government, Val- paraiso University. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. McFarlane, Carol (R) 53B 223 State Office Building ............. ....................651 - 296 -5363 E -mail: rep. carol.mcfarlane @house.mn Home: White Bear Lake '2237 Southwood Drive 55110 ........................651 -429 -6511 Occupat ion: Small - business officer. Education: A.A., gen- eral studies, Lakewood State Junior College. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. McNamara, Denny (R) 57B 271 State Office Building ...... ...........................651 - 296 -3135 Email: rep.denny.mcnamara @house.mn Home. Hastings 1368 Featherstone Court 55033 ................... 651 -437 -2597 Business: Same Occupation: Small- business owner. Education: B.S., busi- ness administration. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 2002. Term: 4th. 2008 ELECTION DIRECTORY House Public information Services xB _ r �� ca 12 t Phone numbers for members -elect are valid through 1/5/09 only. Room numbers are valid through 1/5/09 only. Morgan, Will (DFL) 40A 531 State Office Building .............. ...................651 - 296 -4212 Ismail: rep.will.morgan @house.mn Home: Burnsville "409 Oakland Lane 55337 ..... ...........................952 - 892 -5788 Business: Burnsville Senior High School 600 E. Hwy. 13 55337 Occupation: Physics and chemistry teacher. Education: B.A., physics, Carleton College; M.A., education, St. Mary's University. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. Morrow, Terry (DFL) 23A 415 State Office Building .............. ...................651 - 296 -8634 E-mail: rep.terry.morrow @house.mn Home: St. Peter '614 S. Washington Ave. 56082 .......................507 - 327 -8226 Business- St. Peter 800 W. College Ave. 56082 ............ ...................507 - 933 -7366 MANOccupation: Educator /teacher. Education: B.A., rhetoric, University of California - Berkeley; J.D., University of Cali- fornia- Davis; Ph. D., communication studies, Northwestern University. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. Mullery, Joe (DFL) 58A "367 State Office Building .... ...........................651 - 296 -4262 E -mail: rcp.joc.mullery@housc.mn Home: Minneapolis 4101 Vincent Ave. N. 55412 .. ...........................612 -521 -4921 Occupation: Attorney. Education: BA., University of Min - nesota,Twin Cities, J.D., Universityof Minnesota,Twin Cities. Elected: 1996. Term: 7th. Murdock, Mark (R) 10B NA State Office Building ............................... 651- 297 -9010t E-mail: NA Home. Ottertail "43620 Round Lake Drive 56571 .....................218 - 346 -4517 Business: Perham 130 W. Main 56573 ............... ...........................218 - 346 -2070 Occupation: Hardware store owner. Education: B.A., his- tory/political science, Southwest Minnesota State University. Elected: 2008. Term: I st. Murphy, Erin (DFL) 64A '413 State Office Building .... ...........................651 - 296 -8799 E-mail: rep.erin- murphy @house.mn Home: St. Paul 898 Osceola Ave. 55105 .................................... 651 - 298 -1916 Occupation: Executive director. Education: B.S., nursing, Uni- versityof Wisconsin- Oshkosh; M.A., organizational leadership, College of St. Catherine. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. '4 "Prefers interim mail at this address 2M ELECTION DIRECTORY House Public Information Services Murphy, Mary (DFL) 6B 343 State Office Building .... ...........................651 - 296 -2676 800 - 890 -5428 E -mail: rep.m --rymurphy @house.mn Home. Hermantown 5180 W. Arrowhead Road 55811 .....................218 - 729 -6399 Occupation: Grounds manager /historical preservation. Education: B.A., history, College of St. Scholaatica; gradu- ate work, University of Minnesota Duluth. Elected: 1976. Term 17th. Nelson, Michael V. (DFL) 46A 569 State Office Building ........................ ...... 651 - 296 -3751 E -mail: rep.michael.nelson @house.mn Home: Brooklyn Park *7441 Hampshire Ave. N. 55428 ......................763 -561 -2795 Occupation: Trades. Education: Carpentry, Hennepin Technical College. Elected: 2002. Term: 4th. Newton, Jerry (DFL) 49B NA State Office Building............................... 651 - 297 -9001 t E-mail: NA Home- Coon Rapids * 12095 Dogwood St. N.W. 55448 ....................763 - 755 -2161 Occupation: School board director. Education: B.A.,govern- ment, University of Maryland; M.A., international relations, Boston University. Elected: 2008. Term: IsL Nornes, Bud (R) 10A 277 State Office Building ......... _ ........... .......... 651 - 296 -494( 800 -336 -8017 E -mail: rep.bud.nomes @house.mn Home. Fergus Falls *22195 River Oaks Drive 56537 ......................218 - 736 -7777 Occupation: Communications. Education: Broadcasting, Brown College. Elected: 1996. Term: 7th. Norton, Kim (DFL) 29B 387 State Office Building ......................... _ ...... 651 - 296 -9249 E -mail: rep.kim.norton @house.mn Homr. Rochester *539 Lowry Court N.W. 55901 .................. _ .... 507 - 280 -7683 Occupation: Substitute teacher. Education: B.S., human development and special education, University of Ncbraska. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. *Prefers interim mail at this address E� tow R Obermueller, Mike (DFL) 38B NA State Office Building ............................... 651- 297 -9001t E -mail: NA Home: Eagan *3874 Danbury Trail 55123 .. ...........................651 - 493 -4382 Business: Minneapolis 225 S. Sixth St- 55402 ............ ...........................612 - 604 -6483 Occupation: Attorney. Education: B.A., communications, Loras College; J.D., law, University of Iowa. Elected: 2008. Term: I st. Olin, Dave (DFL) 1A '593 State Office Building ... ............................651 -296 -9635 E-maib rep.dave.olin @house.mn Home: Thief River Falls 901 Spruce Ave. S. 56701 .......... ........................218 -681 -7216 Occupation: Attorney. Education: B.A., political science/ history, Concordia College; J.D., University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. Otremba, Mary Ellen (DFL) 11B 445 State Office Building ......... ..........651- 296 -3201 800- 709 -07% &mail! rep .maryellen.otremba(alhouse.mn Home: Long Prairie *21616 Ginseng Road 56347 ... ........................320 -732 -6201 Occupation: Substitute teacher /farmer. Education: B.A., home and community service; College of St. Benedict; M.A., child and family studies, St. Cloud State University. Elected: 1997. Term: 7th. Paymar, Michael (DFL) 64B *543 State Office Building .... ...........................651 - 296 -4199 E-mail: rep.michael.paymar @house.mn Home: St. Paul Occupation: Resource specialist. Education: B.A., educa- tion, College of St. Scholastica; M.A., public administration, Hamline University. Elected 1996. Term: 7th. Pelowski Jr., Gene (DFL) 31A „ y 491 State Office Building ............. ...................651 - 296 -8637 888- 681 -8226 E-mail: rep.gene.pelowski @house.mn Home: Winona w.. s "257 Wilson St. 55987 ... ........ ...........................507 - 459 -3282 Business: Winona Senior High School 901 Gilmore Ave. 55987 Occupation: Educator. Education: B.S -, social studies, Winona State University; M.S., education, Winona State University. Elected: 1986. Term: 12th. t Phone numbers for members -elect are valid through 1/5/09 only. 13 Room numbers are valid through 1/5/09 only. 2002 ELECTION DIRECTORY House Public Information Services Peppin, Joyce (R) 32A Rosenthal, Paul (DFL) 41 B '331 State Office Building ................ ...............651 - 296 -7806 NA State Office Building ............................... 651 - 297 -90011 E-mail: rep.joyce.peppin @house.mn E -mail: NA, Home: Rogers Home: Edina 14535 Edgewood Road 55374 .......... ............... 763 - 428 -4626 *4721 Hibiscus Ave. 55435 ............................... 651 -271 -8131 Occupation: Couonunieationa /public relations. Education: Occupation: Currency trader. Education: B.A., metropolitan , B. A., pol itical science and speech communications. University studies and urban planning, New York University. Elected of Minnesota Duluth. Elected: 2004. Term: 3rd. 2008. Term I st. • AV- Persell, John (DFL) 4A Rukavina, Tom (DFL) 5A NA State Office Building ................ ............. 651- 297 -90011 477 State Office Building ................................. 651-296-0170 E -mail: NA aa; ,.11 888- 682 -3205 Home: Bemidji -: E -mail: rep. tom.rukavina@house.mn" "2435 Staghorn Lane 56601. ............................ 218-751-2770 4„ Home-.Virginia ; Business: ................................................... 218-556-1812 "6930 Hwy. 169 55792 ........ ............................. 218 - 749 -5690 ' Occupation: Government. Education: Biology, Bemidji Stale Occupation: Legislator. Education: B.A.,political science, Un i University. Elected: 2008. Term: I st. versity of Minnesota Duluth. Elected: 1986. Term 12th. Peterson, Sandra (DFL) 45A Ruud, Maria (DFL) 42A 345 State Office Building ..... ...........................651 - 296 -4176 '515 State Office Building .............. _ ............... 651 - 296 -3964 E -mail: rep.sandra.peterson @ hAuse.mn E -mail: rep. maria.ruud@house.rnn a a�. •N Home: New i lope Home: Minnetonka '2733 Yukon Ave. N. 55427 ...... _ ......................763 - 545 -4898 4719 Diane Drive 55343 .................................. 952-935-3397 Occupation: Teacher. Education: B.S., education,Macalester Business: Brooklyn Center College; GraduateLicense (LD), Graduate License (EBD),Uni- 6000 Earle Brown Drive 55430 versity of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 2004. Term 3rd. Occupation: Nurse practitioner. Education: B.S.N.,nursing, ;Y University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; M.S.N., nursing, Univer- sity of California, San Francisco. Elected: 2004. Term 3rd. Poppe, Jeanne (DFL) 27B 487 State Office Building ............ _ ...................651.296 -4193 888 -682 -3180 E-mail: rep.jeanne.poppe @house.mn Sailer, Brita (DFL) 2B Home: Austin > 577 State Office Building 651- 296 -4265 '900 Fourth St. N.W. 55912 .......... ...................507 - 438 -7857 800- 920 -5867 Business: Austin E -mail: rep.brita.sailer @house.mn 1900 Eighth Ave. N.W. 55912 ..........................507 - 433 - 0518 Home. Park Rapids Occupation: Educator /counselor. Education: B.A., sociology, a 13578- 146th St. 56470 .. ................................ 218 - 732 -4562 „ UniversityofWisconsin- River Falls; M.S „coanseling,Winona Occupation: Consultant. Education: B.A., art, Minnesota N , State University. Elected: 2004. Term: 3rd. State University, Moorhead. Elected: 2004. Term: 3rd. Reinert, Roger (DFL) 7B NA State Office Building .............................. 651 -297 -90011 t ” E -mail: NA Sanders, Tim (R) 51A Home- Duluth „`! ` *NA State Office Building ....._ ...................... 651- 297 -90101 926 W. Fifth St. 55806 E -mail: NA "Business: Duluth Home: Blaine 115 N. Third Ave. W. 55802 .. ...........................218 - 733 -2037 1213 - 96th Lane N.E. 55434 ...........................612 - 877 -1283" Occupation: Educator/Teacher. Education: B.S., second- Occupation: Commercial insurance.Education:B.A.,political ary education, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities M.S., science, University of Minnesota. Elected: 2008. Term: 1st. education, Minnesota State University, Mankato. Ekcted 2008. Term I st. 14 t Phone numbers for members -elect are valid through 1/5/09 only. *Prefers interim mail at this address Room numbers are valid through 1/5/09 only. 2008 ELECTION DIRECTORY House Public Information Services Scalze, Bev (DFL) 54B 357 State Office Building .......... . ...................... 651 -296 -7153 E -mail: rep.bev.scalze @house.mn Home. Little Canada *969 Beam Ave. 55109 ........... ...........................651 - 483 -1055 Business: White Bear Lake 2086 E County Road E 55110 ...................... ...651 -484 -3322 Occupation: Business. Education: A.A., art, Century College and College of Visual Arts. Elected: 2004. Term: 3rd. Scott, Peggy (R) 49A NA State Office Building, ......................... .... 651- 297 -901 Ot E -mail- NA Home: Andover * 1363 - 146th Ave. N.W. 55304 .... ............. .....763 - 434 -6282 Business: Same Occupation: Small- business owner. Education: Fashion mer- chandising, Lowthian College. Elected: 2008. Term: 1st. Seifert, Marty (R) 21A 267 State Office Building ............. _ .................. 651 - 296 -5374 888 -234 -1242 E -mail: rep.martyseifert@house.mn Home: Marshall *1113 E. Lyon St. 56258 Business: Marshall 1501 State St. 56258 Occupation: Property management, university admissions counselor (unpaid leave). Education: B.A., political sci- ence, Southwest Minnesota State University. Elected: 1996. Term: 7th. Sertich, Anthony "Tony" (DFL) 5B *459 State Office Building ...... _ ..................... _651 - 296 -0172 E -mail: rep.tonysertich @house.mn Home. Chisholm P.O. Box 3 55719 .................... ...........................218 - 254 -1936 Occupation: Small- business manager. Education: B.A., theatre arts/political science, Hamlin University. Elected: 2000. Term: 5th. Severson, Dan (R) 14A *233 State Office Building ..................... ..........651- 296 -7808 800- 920 -9984 E -mog: rep.dan.severson @house.mn Home. Sauk Rapids 1025 Water Ave. 56379 .......... ...........................320 - 230 -2353 Occupation: Retired military. Education: B.A., physics, St. Cloud State University; graduate classes in transportation. Elected: 2002. Term: 4th. 'Prefers interim mail at this address k " ^; Shimanski, Ron (R) 1 S 227 State Office Building .............. ...................651 -296 -1534 E -mail: rep. ron.shimanski @house.mn Home: Silver Lake * 23808 Jet Ave. 55381 ............... ........................320 -327 -0112 Occupation: Farmer, layout and design technician. Educ- tion: A.S., agricultural business, Ridgewater College. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. Simon, Steve (DFL) 44A 375 State Office Building ...... ...........................651 - 296 -9889 E-mail. rep.steve.simon @house.mn v -�" Home. St. Louis Park *3000 Raleigh Ave. S. No. 407 55416 ...............952 - 920 -1611 Business: Minneapolis 800 LaSalle Ave., No. 2800 55402 . ...................612 - 349 -8205 Occupation: Attorney. Education: B.A., political science, Tufts University; J.D., University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 2004. Term: 3rd. Slawik, Nora (DFL) 55B 403 State Office Building ...... ...........................651 - 296 -7807 E -mail: rcp.nora.slawik @house.mn Home: Maplewood *2335 Snowshoe Lane E. 55119 .......................651 - 738 -7099 Occupation: Educator. Education: B.S., Arizona State Uni- versity; M.P.A. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Elected: 1996. Term: 6th (non - consecutive). Slocum, Linda (DFL) 63B 523 State Office Building 651- 296 -7158 E-mail: rep.linda.slocum@house.mn Home. Richfield '`• *6421 - 12th Ave. S. 55423 .... ...........................612 - 866 -3962 . "' Occupation: Teacher. Education: B.A., psychology, Simpson College; graduate work education, Augsburg College. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. Smith, Steve (R) 33A *253 State Office Building ............ ...................651 - 296-9188 E maB: rep.steve.smith @house.mn Home: Mound 2710 Clare Lane 55364 .......... ...........................952 - 472 -7664 l.. Business: Richfield Smith - Fisher Attorneys 1401 W. 76th St. 55423 ............ ........................612 -861 -4556 Occupation: Attorney. Education: B.A., political science, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; J.D., Oklahoma City University School of Law. Elected: 1990. Term: 10th. t Phone numbers for members -elect are valid through 1/5/09 only. 15 Room numbers are valid through 1/5/09 only. Solberg, Loren (DFL) 3B 443 State Office Building ..... ............................651 -2% -2365 888 -682 -6154 E -mail: rep.loren.solberg @house.mn Home: Grand Rapids *21 14 S.W. Third Ave. 55744 .........................218 - 327 -1292 Business: Same Occupation: Retired educator /legislator. Education: B.S., M.S., mathematicseducation,Bemidji State University; M.P. A., Harvard University. Elected: 1982. Term: 14th. Sterner, Phil (DFL) 37B "NA State Office Building ..._ ........................ 651- 297 -9001t E -mail: NA Home: Rosemount 15666 Cicerone Path 55068 Business: Apple Valley 7373 147th St. W., Suite 196 55124 Occupation: Insurance agen [/small - businessowner. Elected- 2008. Term: 1 st. Swails, Marsha (DFL) 56B 409 State Office Building ...... ...........................651 - 296 -1147 E -mail: rep.rnarsha.swafls@house.mn Home: Woodbury "3501 Rae Court 55125 ......... ...........................651 - 730 -1010 Occupation: Advanced Placement English teacher. Education: B.A., English, Graceland University; M. F.A., writing, Hamlin e University. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. Thao, Cy (DFL) 65A 359 State Office Building .............. ...................651 -296 -5158 E -mail: rep.cy.thao @house.mn Home: St. Paul '338 Aurora Ave. 55103 ................ ...................651 -646 -0397 Occupation: Artist. Education: B.A., political science, Uni- versity of Minnesota Morris; B.A., studio art, University of Minnesota Morris. Elected: 2002- Term: 4th. Thissen, Paul (DFL) 63A 351 State Office. Building ...... ...........................651 - 296 -5375 E -mail: rep.paul.thissen @house.mn Home: Minneapolis '1219 W. 51st St. 55419 .. ............................... (612) 824 -6697 Business: Minneapolis 2200 IDS Center; 80 S. Eighth St. 55402 Occupation: Attorney. Education: A.B., Harvard University; J.D.. University of Chicago. Elected: 2002. Term: 4th. 2008 ELECTION DIRECTORY House Public Information Services 16 t Phone numbers for members -elect are valid through 1/5/09 only. Room numbers are valid through 1/5/09 only. Tillberry, Tom (DFL) 51B "501 State Office Building .... ...........................651 - 296 -5510 E-mail: rep.tom.tillberry @house.mn Home. Fridley 700 Mississippi St. N.E. 55432 ........................763 -571 -7969 Occupation: Educator /teacher. Education: B.A., political science, Winona State University; M.A., counseling, Winona State University. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. Torkelson, Paul (R) 21B NA State Office Building .................. 651- 297 -90101 E -mail: NA Home: St. James 171664 - 320th St. 56081 .............. . ................... 507 - 375 -7315 Occupation: Farmer. Education: B.A., education, Gustavus Adolphus College. Elected: 2008. Term: I st. Urdahl, Dean (R) 18B 239 State Office Building ...... ...........................651 - 296 -4344 800- 920 -5861 E-mail: rep.dean.urdahl @house.mn Home: Grove City "54880 - 253rd St. 56243 ....... ...........................320 - 857 -2600 Occupation: Retired. Education: B.S., loci al studies, St. Cloud State University. Elected: 2002. Term: 4th. Wagenius, lean (DFL) 628 "449 State Office Building ............................. _651 -296 -4200 E -mail: rep. jean.wagenius@house.mn Home.. Minneapolis 4804 - I I th Ave. S. 55417 .............. ...................612 - 822 -3347 Occupation: Legislator. Education: B.A., George Washington University; J.D., William Mitchell College of law. Elected: 1986. Terra: 12th. Ward, John (DFL) 12A 533 State Office Building ..... ............................651 -296 -4333 E-mail: rep.john.ward @house.mn Homr. Brainerd .1602 - 13th St. S.E. 56401 .................... ........... 218 - 828 -3626 Business: Same Occupation: Retired educator /teacher. Education: B.S.,physi- cal education and health, University of Minnesota Duluth; M.A., learning disabilities, University of Minnesota Duluth. Elected: 2006. Term: 2nd. *Prefers interim mail at this address 2008 ELECTION DIRECTORY House Public Information Services Welti, Andy (DFL) 30B Winkler, Ryan (DFL) 44B 389 State Office Budding ...... ...........................651 - 296 -4378 525 State Office Building ................................. 651 - 296 -7026 888 - 858 - 4753 &mall: rep.ryan.winkler @house.mn E -mail: rep.andy.welti @house.mn , „. Home: Golden Valley Home. Plainview "505 Ardmore Drive 55422 ... ...........................763 - 377 -9354 ' 54506 -275 Ave. 55964 .... ................_ ............. Occupation: Attorney /lawyer. Education: B.A., history, EA Occupation: Educator /teacher, legislator. Education: B.S., Harvard College; J.D., University of Minnesota, Twin Citie& secondary social studies education, Minnesota State Uni- Elected 2006. Term: 2nd. versity, Mankato. Elected: 2004. Term: 3rd. Westrom, Torrey (R) 11A g,” , '273 State Office Building ........... ....................651 - 296 -4929 E-mail: rep.torrey.westrom @ house.mn y Home. Elbow Lake P.O. Box 210 56531 ................. .218 -685 -6266 s Business: Saute OeeupatioaAttorncy /lawyer and small - business. Education: B. A., politicalscienre, Bemidji State University; J.D.,Wiiliam I e..,3 Mitchell College of Law. Elected: 1996. Term: 71h. Zellers, Kurt (R) 32B 315 State Office Building ...... ...........................651 - 296 -5502 E-mail: rep.kurt.zellers @house.mn Home. Maple Grove '9433 Minnesota Lane N. 55369 .. ...................763 -416 -0484 Business: Minneapolis 1101 W. River Pkwy. 55415 ... ...........................612 - 455 -1700 Occupation: Senior account executive. Education: B.S., political science, University of North Dakota. Elected 2003. Term: 4th. `Prefers interim mail at this address t Phone numbers for members -elect are valid through 1/5/09 only. 17 Room numbers are valid through 1/5/09 only. Name Pronunciation Guide 2009 -2010 Minnesota House of Representatives -elect Abeler, Jim ABE -ler Haws, Larry Murphy, Erin Anderson, Bruce Hayden, Jeff Nelson, Michael V. Anderson, Paul Hilstrom, Debra HILL -strum Newton, Jerry Anderson, Sarah Hilty, Bill Nornes, Bud Anzelc, Tom AN -zles Holberg, Mary Liz Norton, Kim Atkins, Joe Hoppe, Joe HOP -py Obermueller, Mike Beard, Michael Hornstein, Frank HORN -steen Olin, Dave Benson, John Hortman, Melissa Otremba, Mary Ellen Bigham, Karla Hosch, Larry Paymar, Michael Bly, David Howes, Larry Pelowski Jr., Gene Brod, Laura BROAD Huntley, Thomas Peppin, Joyce Brown, Robin Johnson, Sheldon Persell, John Brynaert, Kathy Brineart Juhnke, Al JUNK -ee Peterson, Sandra Buesgens, Mark BISK -ens Kahn, Phyllis Poppe, Jeanne Bunn, Julie Kalin, Jeremy Reinert, Roger Carlson, Lyndon Kath, Kory . Rosenthal, Paul Champion, Bobby Joe Kelliher, Margaret Anderson KELL -a -her Rukavina,Tom Clark, Karen Kelly,Tim Ruud, Maria Cornish, Tony Kiffmeyer, Mary Sailer, Brita Davids, Greg Knuth, Kate Ka -neuth Sanders,Tim Davnie, Jim DAV -nee Koenen, Lyle KOO -nen Scalze, Bev Dean, Matt Kohls, Paul Scott, Peggy Demmer, Randy Kulick Jackson, Gail Seifert, Marty Dettmer, Bob Laine, Carolyn Lane Sertich, Anthony "Tony" Dill, David Lanning, Morrie Severson, Dan Dittrich, Denise Deetrick Lenczewski, Ann len- CHESS -key Shimanski, Ron Doepke, Connie Lesch, John LESH Simon, Steve Doty, Al Liebling,Tina LEE -bling Slawik, Nora Downey, Keith Lieder, Bernard LIED -er Slocum, Linda Drazkowski, Steve Draz - cow -ski Lillie, Leon Smith, Steve Eastlund, Rob Loeffler, Diane LAW -fler Solberg, Loren Eken, Kent EE -ken Loon, Jenifer Stemet, Phil Emmer, Tom Mack, Tara Swails, Marsha Falk, Andrew Magnus, Doug MAG -nuns Thao, Cy Faust, Tim Mahoney, Tim Thissen, Paul Fritz, Patti Mariani, Carlos ma- ree -AH -nee Tillberry,Tom Gardner, Paul Marquart, Paul MAR -qwort Torkelson, Paul Garofalo, Pat Ga -ra -fa -low Masin, Sandra Mason Urdahl, Dean Gottwalt, Steve Got -walt McFarlane, Carol Wagenius, Jean Greiling, Mindy GRY -ling McNamara, Denny Ward, John Gunther, Bob Morgan, Will Welti, Andy Hackbarth, Tom Morrow, Terry Westrom, Torrey Hamilton, Rod Mullery, Joe MULL -ery Winkler, Ryan Hansen, Rick Murdock, Mark Zellers, Kurt Hausman, Alice Murphy, Mary 18 NOR -ness Oh -lynn oh- TREM -ba POPP -ee roo- ka- VEEN -a rude Breetah SY -fert SIR -tich SLAH -wick Slow -come SOUL -berg TA -oh TEE -sen wa- GHEEN -yus Well -tee WES -strum Prepared by: Minnesota Senate Publications • State Capitol • St. Paul, MN 55155 • (651) 296 -8154 11/5108 - 12:30 p.m. 0 s Q 0 d s. 0 d x i Minnesota Senate Leadership Assistant Majority Leader Tarryl L Clark Majority Whips Ron Latz Kathy L. Saltzman Tom Saxhaug Kathy Sheran Dan Skogen Patricia Torres Ray Majority Leader Lawrence J. Pogemiller Minority Leader David H. Senjem Assistant Minority Leaders Michelle L. Fischbach Joe Gimse David W. Hann Amy Koch Geoff Michel The Minnesota Senate was not up for election this year. However, there were two special elections in Senate District 16 and Senate District 63. The results of those special elections are included in this directory. The information in this directory concerning committee assignments is for those assignments in effect until the start of the new Legislative Session, January 6, 2009. Dist. Member (Party) Senators Office Phone Dist. Member (Party) 1651) 29 1 Stumpf, LeRoy N. (DFL) 208 Cap. 6 -8660 2 Skoe, Rod (DFL) 303 Cap. 6 -4196 3 Saxhaug, Tom (DFL) 124 Cap. 6 -4136 4 Olson, Mary A. (DFL) 124 Cap. 6 -4913 5 Tomassoni, David J. (DFL) 317 Cap. 6 -8017 6 Bakk, Thomas M. (DFL) 226 Cap. 6 -8881 7 Prettner Solon, Yvonne (DFL) G -9 Cap. 6 -4188 8 Lourey, Tony (DFL) 205 Cap. 6 -0293 9 Langseth, Keith (DFL) 122 Cap. 6 -3205 10 Skogen, Dan (DFL) 303 Cap. 6 -5655 11 Ingebrigtsen, Bill G. (R) 123 SOB 7 -8063 12 Koering, Paul E. (R) 131 SOB 6 -4875 13 Gimse, Joe R. (R) 105 SOB 6 -3826 14 Fischbach, Michelle L. (R) 153 SOB 6 -2084 15 Clark, Tarryl L. (DFL) 208 Cap. 6 -6455 16 *Fobbe, Lisa A. (DFL) Cap. 6 -8075 17 Olseen, Rick E. (DFL) G -24 Cap. 6 -5419 18 Dille, Steve (R) 103 SOB 6 -4131 19 Koch, Amy T. (R) 115 SOB 6 -5981 20 Kubly, Gary W. (DFL) 301 Cap. 6 -5094 21 Frederickson, Dennis R. (R) 139 SOB 6 -8138 22 Vickerman, Jim (DFL) 226 Cap. 6 -5650 23 Sheran, Kathy (DFL) G -24 Cap. 6 -6153 24 Rosen, Julie A. (R) 109 SOB '6-5713 25 Dahle, Kevin L. (DFL) 306 Cap. 6 -1279 26 Day, Dick (R) 113 SOB 6 -9457 27 Sparks, Dan (DFL) 317 Cap. 6 -9248 28 Murphy, Steve (DFL) 325 Cap. 6 -4264 29 Senjem, David H. (R) 147 SOB 6 -3903 30 Lynch, Ann (DFL) G -24 Cap. 6 -4848 31 Erickson Ropes, Sharon L. (DFL) G -24 Cap. 6 -5649 32 Limmer, Warren (R) 141 SOB 6 -2159 33 Olson, Gen (R) 119 SOB 6 -1282 34 Ortman, Julianne E. (R) 125 SOB 6 -4837 *Pending recount. Office Phone (651) 29 35 Robling, Claire A. (R) 143 SOB 6 -4123 36 Pariseau, Pat (R) 117 SOB 6 -5252 37 Gerlach, Chris (R) 129 SOB 6 -4120 38 Carlson, Jim (DFL) G -9 Cap. 7 -8073 39 Metzen, James P (DFL) 322 Cap. 6 -4370 40 Doll, John P (DFL) G -9 Cap. 6 -5975 41 Michel, Geoff (R) 133 SOB 6 -6238 42 Hann, David W (R) 127 SOB 6 -1749 43 Bonoff, Terri E. (DFL) 325 Cap. 6 -4314 44 Latz, Ron (DFL) 306 Cap. 7 -8065 45 Rest, Ann H. (DFL) 205 Cap. 6 -2889 46 Scheid, Linda (DFL) G -9 Cap. 6 -8869 47 Foley, Leo T. (DFL) G -24 Cap. 6 -4154 48 Jungbauer, Michael J. (R) 121 SOB 6 -3733 49 Johnson, Debbie J. (R) 135 SOB 6 -3219 50 Chaudhary, Satveer S. (DFL) 205 Cap. 6 -4334 51 Betzold, Don (DFL) 111 Cap. 6 -2556 52 Vandeveer, Ray (R) 107 SOB 6 -4351 53 Rummel, Sandy (DFL) 323 Cap. 6 -1253 54 Marty, John (DFL) 328 Cap. 6 -5645 55 Wiger, Charles W (DFL) 323 Cap. 6 -6820 56 Saltzman, Kathy L. (DFL) 306 Cap. 6 -4166 57 Sieben, Katie (DFL) 321 Cap. 7 -8060 58 Higgins, Linda (DFL) 328 Cap. 6 -9246 59 Pogemiller, Lawrence J. (DFL) 235 Cap. 6 -7809 60 Dibble, D. Scott (DFL) 111 Cap. 6 -4191 61 Berglin, Linda (DFL) 309 Cap. 6 -4261 62 Torres Ray, Patricia (DFL) 124 Cap. 6 -4274 63 Kelash, Kenneth S. (DFL) Cap. 7 -8061 64 Cohen, Richard J. (DFL) 121 Cap. 6 -5931 65 Pappas, Sandra L. (DFL) 120 Cap. 6 -1802 66 Anderson, Ellen R. (DFL) 120 Cap. 6 -5537 67 Moua, Mee (DFL) 120 Cap. 6 -5285 Capitol (DFL) or State Office Building (R), St. Paul, MN 55155 Senate Information (651) 296 -0504 or toll free 1 -888- 234-1112 TTY (651) 296-0250 or toll free 1-888 -234 -1216 Minnesota Senate Election Directory Anderson, Ellen R. (DFL) 66 °, Bonoff, Terri E. (DFL) 43 * 120 Capitol (651) 296 -5537 k 325 Capitol (651) 296 -4314 http://www.senate.mri/5cnatorandemnemail scn.teni.bonoff @scnatemn Home: St. Paul ., *Home: Minnetonka 905 Lakeview Ave 55117 (651) 488 -7403 3325 E Eldorado Trail 55305 (952) 935 -5168 Born: 11/25/1059 Married: Spouse Andy Dawkins, Born: 08/01 /1957. Married: Spouse Matthew Knopf, 2 children. Occupation: Attorney. college instructor. 4 children. Occupation: Former business woman, Education: BA, Carleton College; JD, University of homemaker. Education: BA, Clark University Elected: Minnesota. Elected: 1992, reelected 1996, 2000, Special election 2005, re -elected 2006. Term: 2nd. 2002, 2006. Term: 5th. Special legislative concerns: Special legislative concerns: Education, transportation, Neighborhood revitalization, jobs and economic health care. environment. Committees: E -12 Education development, energy and environment, consumer Budget Division, vice chair: Business, Industry and jobs; protection, children§ issues, violence prevention. Education; Transportation Budget and Polity Division; Committees: Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Transportation. Budget Division, chair; Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications; Environment and Natural Resources; Finance; E -12 Education Budget Division. Bakk, Thomas M. (DFL) 06 Carlson, Jim (DFL) 38 *226 Capitol (651) 296 -8881 G -9 Capitol (651) 297 -8073 http: //w .senate.mritsenatorbakkemail sen.jim.carlson@senate.rnn - 1 Home: Cook *Home: Eagan z. 2361 Retreat Rd 55723 (218) 666 -5041 1247 Carlson Lake Lane 55123 (651) 454 -6295 N" Business: Virginia Born: 02/17 /1947. Married: Spouse Gayle, 2 children. 307 1st St N 55792 (218) 741 - 6010`' Occupation: Retired mechanical engineer. Education: Born: 06108/1954. Married: Spouse Laura, 4 children. BME, University of Minnesota; Certificate, Dunvoody Occupation: I.abor official. Education: BA, University of institute. Elected: 2006. Term: 1st. Special legislative Minnesota - Duluth. Elected: to the House 1994, re- elected concerns: Education, transportation, health care, 1996, 1998. 2000; to the Senate 2002, re- elected 2006. economic vitality. Committees: Transportation Budget Term: 2nd. Special legislative concerns: Economic and Policy Division, vice chair; Transportation, vice chair: development, taxes, natural resources. Committees: Business, Industry and Jobs; Education; Energy, Utilities, Taxes, chair; Business. Industry and Jobs; Environment. Technology and Communications. Energy and Natural Resources Budget Division; Property Tax Division; Rules and Administration. • Berglin, Linda (DFL) 61 Chaudhary, Saiveer S- (DFL) 50 *309 Capitol (651) 296 -4261 *205 Capitol (651) 296 -4334 http: //w w.senate.mn/senatorberglinemail sen.satvccr.chaudhary @senate.mn Home: Minneapolis Home: Fridley 4801 5th Ave S 55419 (612) 822 -0694 ,. 5290 St. Imier Dr 55421 (612) 207 -5745 ^.�..._,.. •• Born: 11119/1944. Married: Spouse Glenn Sampson, Born: 06112/1969. Married: Spouse Ike, 4 children. 1 child. Occupation: Legislator. Education: BFA, Occupation: Attorney, business consultant. Education: Minneapolis College of Art and Design. Elected: to the BS, St. Olaf College; ID, University of Minnesota School of House 1972, re - elected 1974, 1976, 1978; to the Senate Law. Elected: to the House 1996, re- elected 1998; to the 1980, re- elected 1982, 1986, 1990, 1992, 1996, 2000, Senate 2000, re- elected 2002, 2006. Term: 3rd. Special 2002, 2006. Tenn: 9th. Special legislative concerns: legislative concerns: Hunting and fishing, cybercrime. Health and welfare, corrections, urban affairs, woment education, health care, property taxes. Committees: issues, minorities and senior citizens. Committees: Environment and Natural Resources, chair; Agriculture Health and Human Services Budget Division, chair; and Veterans Budget and Policy Division; Agriculture and Capital Investment; Finance; Public Safety Budget Veterans; Capital Investment; Environment. Energy and Division; Health, Housing and Family Security; Rules and Natural Resources Budget Division. Administration. Betzold, Don (DFL) 51 Clark, Tarryl L. (DFL) 15 111 Capitol (651) 296 -2556 Assistant Majority Leader sen.don.betzold @senate.mn *208 Capitol (651) 296 -6455 *Home: Fridley http:// www.senate.mn/senatorclarkemail 6150 Briardale Court 55432 -5210 (763) 571 -0098 Home: St. Cloud •, °, Born: 0827/1950. Married: Spouse Leesa, I child. 5 Wondhill Rd 56301 Occupation: Lawyer, Colonel (Ret.) Judge Advocate Born: 07/31/1961. Married: Spouse Doug, 2 children. Generalls Corps, Army Reserves. Education: BA, Occupation: Attomey /consultant. Education: BA, Drake <k University of Minnesota; JD. Hamline University School of University; MEd, Arizona State University; JD, William i Law. Elected: 1992, re- elected 1996, 2000, 2002, 2006. Mitchell College of Law. Elected: Special election 2005, Term: 5th. Special legislative concerns: Data practices, re- elected 2006. Term: 2nd. Special legislative concerns: civil law, mental health, military. Committees: State Education, health care, jobs and economic development, Government Budget Division, chair; Finance; Judiciary strengthening communities. Committees: Rules and Budget Division; Judiciary; State and Local Government Administration, vice chair; E -12 Education Budget Operations and Oversight. Division; Higher Education; Higher Education Budget and Policy Division. Cohen, Richard J. (DFL) 64 `121 Capitol (651) 296 -5931 http: //w wsenate.mrdscnatorcohenemail Home: St. Paul 591 Cretin Ave 55116 (651) 699 -4476 Business: St. Paul 190 Midtown Commons 2334 University Ave 55114 -1897 (651) 645 -0511 Occupation: Attorney. Education: BA, Nonhwestem University; JD, William Mitchell College of Law. Elected: to the House 1976, re- elected 1982, 1984; to the Senate 1986, re- elected 1990, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2006. Term: 7th. Special legislative concerns: Finance, courts and justice, economic development. Committees: Finance, chair; Capital Investment; Economic Development Budget Division; Higher Education; Higher Education Budget and Policy Division; Judiciary Budget Division; Rules and Administration. Dahle, Kevin L. (DFL) 25 306 Capitol (651) 296 -1279 sen. kevin.dah le@senate. mn 'Home: Northfield 2311 Greenfield Dr E 55057 (507) 645 -0190 Business; Northfield Northfield High School 1400 Division St 55057 (507) 663 -0630 Born: 01/24/1960. Married: Spouse Beth, 3 children. Occupation: Secondary School Teacher. Education: BS, University of Northern Iowa; MA, St Mary's University. Elected: Special election 2008. Term: 1st. Special legislative concerns: E -12 education funding, health care, transportation. Committees: Commerce and Consumer Protection; Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communication; Finance E -12 Budget Division. Day, Dick (R) 26 •113 State Office Building (651) 296 -9457 send ick. dap@senate. mn Home: Owatonna 277 Cedar Cove Lane 55060 (507) 451 -0165 Married: Spouse Janet, 4 children. Occupation: Retired (IBM). Education: BA, Winona State College. Elected: 1990, re- elected 1992, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2006. Term: 6th. Special legislative concerns: Transportation, taxes, education, agriculture. Committees: Business, Industry and Jobs; Transportation Budget and Policy Division; Transportation; State and Local Government Operations and Oversight. Dibble, D. Scott (DFL) 60 •111 Capitol (651) 296 -4191 sen. scott.dibble@semate. mn Home: Minneapolis 4207 Blaisdell Ave 55409 (612) 824 -3823 Born: 08/27/1965. Partner: Richard Leyva. Occupation: Legislator. Education: University of Minnesota; University Of St. Thomas. Elected: to the House 2000; to the Senate 2002, re- elected 2006. Term: 2nd. Committees: Transit Subdivision, chair; Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications; Environment and Natural Resources; Economic Development Budget Division; Transportation Budget and Policy Division; Transportation; Taxes. Minnesota Senate Election Directory Dille, Steve (R) 18 103 State Office Building (651) 296 -4131 sen. steve.dille @senate.mn 'Home: Dassel 69800 305th St 55325 (320) 398 -6545 Born: 03/16/1945. Married: Spouse Pamela. 4 children. Occupation: Fanner, veterinarian. Education: BS, DVM, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota. Elected: to the House 1986, re- elected 1988. 1990; to the Senate 1992, re- elected 1996, 2000, 2002, 2006. Term: 5th. Special legislative concerns: health care, environment, agriculture, transportation, education. Committees: Agriculture and veterans Budget and Policv Division, ranking minority member; Agriculutre and Veterans, ranking minority member; Capital Investment; Environment and Natural Resources; Finance; Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Budget Division. Doll, John P. (DFL) 40 G -9 Capitol (651) 296 -5975 se n. j ohn. doll@sena te. mn 'Home: Burnsville 10918 Southview Dr 55337 (952) 894 -6890 Business: (612) 366 -6822 Born: 03/12/1961. Married: Spouse Robyn, 6 children. Occupation: Residential tile and stone contracting and design. Education: Attended University of Minnesota; attended Anoka Ramsey Community College. Elected: 2006. Term: 1st. Special legislative concerns: Health care, children's issues, education, environment, renewable energy, transportation. Committees: Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications, vice chair; Transportation Budget and Policy Division; Transportion; Health. Housing and Family Security. • Erickson Ropes, Sharon L (DFL) 31 •G -24 Capitol (651) 296 -5649 se n.sharon.e rickson.ropes @senate.mn Home: Winona 978 Gilmore Ave 55987 (507) 454 -5447 Born: 0123/1954. Married: Spouse Milton Ropes, 3 children. Occupation: Registered Nurse. Education: BS, College of St. Teresa; BA, College of St. Teresa. Elected: 2006. Term: Ist. Special legislative concerns: Health care, education, environment. Committees: Agriculture and Veterans Budget and Policy Division, vice chair; Education; Health and Human Services Budget Division; Health, Housing and Family Security. Fischbach, Michelle L. (R) 14 Assistant Minority Leader 153 State Office Building (651) 296 -2084 sen.michelle fischbach @senate_mn *Home: Paynesville 416 Burr St 56362 (320) 243 -7052 Born: 11/0311965. Married: Spouse Scott, 2 children. Education: College of St. Benedict; BA, St. Cloud State University Elected: Special election 1996, re- elected 1996, 2000, 2002, 2006. Term: 5th. Committees: Health and Human Services Budget Division, ranking minority member; Economic Development Budget Division; Finance; Transportation Budget and Policy Division; Transportation; Health, Housing and Family Security. Minnesota Senate Election Directory •Fobbe, Lisa, A. (DFL) 16 Gimse, Joe R. (R) 13 Capitol (651) 296 -8075 ° °" ", Assistant Minority Leader "Home: Zimmerman 'i 105 State Office Building (651) 296 -3826 19900 29003 138 St NW (763) 389 -9584 " senjoe.gimse@senate.mn Born: 0123 /1963. Married: Spouse Americo D. Fraboni, *Home: Willmar 3 children. Occupation: Homemaker. Education: Social 405 11th Ave SF 56701 (320) 235 -7371 work, College of St. Benedict. Elected: Special election f Business: (320) 235 -8626 2008. Term: 1st. Special legislative concerns: Education, `` Born: 07/31/1957, Married: Spouse Lanae, 4 children. health care, transportation, the economy. Occupation: Home builder, land developer. Education: • Pending recount. Ridgewater College. Elected: 2006. Term: 1st. Special legislative concerns: Transportation, education, health care, economic development. Committees: Agriculture and Veterans Budget and Policy Division; Agriculture and Veterans; Business, Industry and Jobs; Transportation Budget and Policy Division; Transportation; State and Local Government Operations and Oversight. Foley, Leo T. (DFL) 47 G -24 Capitol (651) 296 -4154 sen.leo. foley@senate.mn 'Home: Coon Rapids 12275 Hummingbird St NW 55448 (763) 757 -8379 Business: Anoka Government Center, 7th Floor 2100 3rd Ave 55303 -2265 (763) 323 -5676 Born: 1025/1928. Married: Spouse Kathryn, 4 children. Occupation: Attorney. Education: BA, Metropolitan State University; JD, William Mitchell College of Law; MA, Minnesota State University- Mankato. Elected: 1996, re- elected 2000, 2002, 2006. Term: 4th. Special legislative concerns: Education, health care, crime prevention, environment, transportation, social services. Committees: Judiciary Budget Division, chair; Capital Investment; Finance; Public Safety Budget Division; Judiciary Fredericksor-, Dennis R. (R) 21 President Pro Tem 139 State 011ice Building (651) 296 -8138 sen.dennis. frederickson@se.nate. mn *Home: New Ulm 4 Sunrise Dr 56073 (507) 359 -9482 Married: Spouse Marjorie, 3 children. Occupation: Retired fanner. Education: BS, University of Minnesota. Elected: 1980, re- elected 1982, 1986,19(A), 1992. 1996, 2000, 2002, 2006. Term: 9th. Special legislative concerns: Agriculture, natural resources, finance Committees: Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Budget Division, ranking minority member, Finance, ranking minority member; Capital Investment; Environment and Natural Resources; Rules and Administration. Gerlach, Chris (R) 37 ' 129 State Office Building (651) 296 -4120 se n. ch n s. gerlach @sen ate. mn Home: Apple Valley 173 County Rd 42 55124 (952) 432 -4100 Born: 11/17/1964. Married: Spouse Shelli, 2 children. Occupation: Self - employed, real estate. Education: BA, University of St. Thomas; MBA, University of South Dakota. Elected: to the House 1998, re- elected 2000, t 2002; to the Senate in special election 2004, re- elected 2006. Term: 2nd. Special legislative concerns: Tax relief, less government spending, education reform and public safety. Committees: State and Local Government Operations and Oversight, ranking minority member, Business, Industry and Jobs; Capital Investment; Commerce and Consumer Protection; E -12 Education Budget Division. Hann, David W. (R) 42 Assistant Minority Leader 127 State Office Building (651) 296 -1749 http: / /%w ..senate.mn/scnatorhannemail 'Home: Eden Prairie 8887 Sylvan Ridge 55347 (952) 934 -0361 Business: (952) 975 -0933 i< Born: 04/I611952. Married: Spouse Anne, 4 children. Occupation: Business process consultant. Education: BA, Gustavus Adolphus College; graduate studies, University of Chicago. Elected: 2002, re- elected 2006. Term: 2nd. Special legislative concerns: Education reform, tax relief, improved business climate, agriculture. Committees: Education, ranking minority member; Agriculture and Veterans Budget and Policy Division; Agriculture and Veterans; E -12 Education Budget Division; Envronment, Energy and Natural Resources Budget Division; Health, Housing and Family Security. Higgins, Linda (DFL) 58 328 Capitol (651) 296 -9246 sen.linda.h iggins@senate. mn 'Home: Minneapolis 1715 Emerson Ave N 55411- 3226 (612) 522 -2776 Born: 11/11/1950. Married: Spouse Brian Bushay. Occupation: Legislator /writes. Education: AA, Iowa Lakes Community College; BS, Mankato State College. Elected: 1996, re- elected 2000, 2002, 2006. Term: 4th. Special legislative concerns: Housing, early childhood issues, health, communities of color, environment. Committees: Public Safety Budget Division, chair; Finance; Judiciary Budget Division; Health. Housing and Family Security; Judiciary. Ingebrigtsen, Bill G. (R) 11 123 State Office Building (651) 297 -8063 sen. bill.ingebrigtsen @senate.mn Home: Alexandria 6968 Sunset Strip NW 56308 (320) 846 -1893 Born: 0326/1952. Married: Spouse Marilyn, 2 children. Occupation: Retired county sheriff. Education: AA, Alexandria Technical College. Elected: 2006. Term: 1st. Special legislative concerns: Public safety, environment and natural resources, agriculture, veterans affairs, rural economic development. Committees: Public Safety Budget Division, ranking minority member; Agriculture and Veterans Budget and Policy Division; Agriculture and Veterans; Environment and Natural Resources; Judiciary Budget Division; Johnson, DebbieJ.(R) 49 • 135 State Office Building (651) 296 -3219 sen.debbie. johnson@senate.mn Home: Ham Lake 3501 149th Lane NE 55304 (763) 434 -6446 Business: Blaine 13001 Central Avenue NE 55449 Born: 10/1957. Family: 2 children. Occupation: Business management. Elected: 2000, re- elected 2002, 2006. Term: 31d. Special legislative concerns: Education, commerce, taxes, transportation. Committees: Commerce and Consumer Protection; Education; Health, Housing and Family Security; Taxes. Jungbauer, Michael J. (R) 48 121 State Office Building (651) 296 -3733 sen. mike.jungbauer @Senate.mn *Home: East Bethel 21212 E Bethel Blvd 55011 (612) 490 -3142 Born: 02/09/1958. Married: Spouse Vicki, 4 children. Occupation: Wastewater treatment designer. Education: Moody Bible Institute. Elected: 2002, re- elected 2006. Term: 2nd. Special legislative concerns: Transportation, education, aviation issues. Committees: Transportation Budget and Policy Division, ranking minority member; Transportation, ranking minority member; Capital Investment; Education; Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications; State Government Budget Division. Kelash, Kenneth (DFL) 63 'Capitol (651) 297 -8061 Home: Minneapolis 5873 Sunrise Drive 55419 (612) 866 -3529 Born: 05/08/1952. Married: Spouse Elaine, 2 children. Occupation: Retired Education: BA, Metropolitan State University; MPA, Kennedy School of Government. Elected: Special election 2008. Term: 1 st. Special legislative concerns: Jobs, education, transportation. Koch, Amy T. (R) 19 Assistant Minority leader •115 State Office Building (651) 296 -5981 sen. amykoch @senate. mn Home: Buffalo 806 Natalie Dr 55313 (763) 300 -8492 Business: Buffalo 304 12th St 55313 Born: 10108/1971. Married: Spouse Christopher, l child. Occupation: Business owner, administrative. Education: BES, St. Cloud State University; Defense Language Institute. Elected: Special election 2005, re- elected 2006. Term: 2nd Special legislative concerns: Transportation, reducing the size of government. Committees: Economic Development Budget Division, ranking minority member; Business, Industry and Jobs; Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications; E -12 Education Budget Division; Transportation Budget and Policy Division; Transportation. Minnesota Senate Election Directory Koering, Paul E. (R) 12 131 State Office Building (651) 296 -4875 sen.paul. koering@senate.mn 'Home: Fort Ripley 4625 County Rd 121 56449 (218) 829 -0544 Business: (218) 829 -0587 Born: 12/17/1964. Single. Occupation: Small business owner. Education: High School. Elected: 2002, re- elected 2006. Term: 2nd. Special legislative concerns: Education, health care, transportation, agriculture. Committees: Health, Housing and Family Security, ranking minority member; Capital Investment; Agriculture and Veterans Budget and Policy Division; Agriculture and Veterans; Health and Human Services Budget Division; Higher Education Budget and Policy Division; Higher Education. Kubly, Gary W. (DFL) 20 •301 Capitol (651) 296 -5094 sen.gary. kubly@senate. ran Home: Granite Falls 125 Aadland Cir 56241 (320) 564 -4295 Married: Spouse Patricia, 3 children. Occupation: Lutheran pastor. Education: BA, Minnesota State University - Mankato; MDiv, Luther Seminary. Elected: to the House 1996, re- elected 1998, 2000; to the Senate 2002, re- elected 2006. Term: 2nd. Special legislative concerts: Agriculture, energy, jobs, education. Committees: Natural Resources Subdivision, chair; Capital Investment; Agriculture and Veterans Budget and Policy Division; Agriculture and Veterans; Economic Development Budget Division; Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Budget Division; State Government Budget Division. Langseth, Keith (DFL) 09 "122 Capitol (651) 296 -3205 http://www.5enaLe.mMcmtorlangsethemail Home: Glyndon 14043 70th Ave S 5654 7 -9 53 1 (218) 498 -2580 Home fax: (218) 498 -0412 Born: 0120/1938. Married: Spouse Lorraine, 3 children. Occupation: Dairy farmer. Education: High school. Elected: to the House 1974, re- elected 1976; to the Senate 1980, re- elected 1982, 1986, 1990, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2006. Term: 9th. Special legislative concerns., Bonding, tax policy, transportation, education, agriculture. Committees: Capital Investment, chair; Agriculture and Veterans Budget and Policy Division; Agriculture and Veterans; Transportation Budget and Policy Division; Transportation: Rules and Administration; Taxes. Latz, Ron (DFL) 44 Majority Whip •306 Capitol (651) 297 -8065 sen. ron.latz@senate.mn Home: St. Louis Park 1641 Utah Ave S 55426 (952) 545 -9065 Business: St. Louis Park 1660 S Highway 100 Ste 500 55416 (952) 697 -3605 Born: 08/09/1963. Married: Spouse Julia Shmidov Latz, 2 children. Occupation: Attorney. Education: BA, University of Wisconsin- Madison; JD, Harvard Law School. Elected: to the House 2002, re- elected 2004; to the Senate 2006. Term: 1st. Special legislative concerns: Education. Committees: Public Safety Budget Division, vice chair: Business, Industry and Jobs; Higher Education Budget and Policy Division: Higher Education. F Minnesota Senate Election Directory Limmer, Warren (R) 32 141 State 011ice Building (651) 296 -2159 sen. W arren. hmmer@senate. m n 'Home: itaple Grove 12888 N 73rd Ave 55369 (763) 493 -9646 Married: Spouse Lori. 3 children. Occupation: Real estate broker. Education: BA, St. Cloud State University Elected: to the House 1988, re- elected 1990. 1992, 1994; to the Senate in special election 1995, re- elected 1996, 2000, 2002, 2006. Term: 5th. Special legislative concerns: Criminal justice, public education, safe school legislation, economic development, tax reform. Committees: Judician, ranking minority member; Judiciary Budget Division, ranking minority member; Public Safety Budget Division; State Government Budget Division; Taxes. Lourey, Tony (DFL) 08 '205 Capitol (651) 296 -0293 sen.tony lourey@senate.mn Home: Kerrick 91173 KoecherRd 55756 (218) 496 -5893 Born: 08/15/1967. Married: Spouse Marlana Benzie- Lourcy, 3 children. Occupation: Small business owner. Education: BA, University of Minnesota. Elected: 2006. Term: Ist. Special legislative concerns: Health care, education. Committees: State and Local Government Operations and Oversight, vice chair; Agriculture and Veterans Budget and Policy Division; Agriculture and Veterans; Health and Human Services Budget Division, Health, Housing and Family Security. LLynch, Ann (DFL) 30 G -24 Capitol (651) 296 -4848 se n.an n.lynch@senat e. mn `Home: Rochester 4479 Etteamoor lane SW 55902 (507) 281 -9297 Born: 12127/1964. Married: Spouse Mike, 2 children. Education: BA, Hamlin University Elected: 2006. Term: Ist. Special legislative concerns: Health care, education, transportation. Committees: Health and Human Services Budget Division, vice chair; Capital Investment; Education; Higher Education Budget and Policy Division; Higher Education; Health, Housing and Family Security. Marty, John (DFL) 54 '328 Capitol (651) 296 -5645 sen.j ohn . marty@senate.mn ' Home: Roseville 2478 Lydia Ave W. 55113 (65L) 633 -8934 Boni: 11/01/1956. Married: Spouse Connie, 2 children. Occupation: Writer. Education: St. Olaf College. Elected: 1986, re- elected 1990, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2006. Term: 7th. Special legislative concerns: Education, environment, ethics, criminal justice. Committees: Health, Housing and Fancily Security, chair; Commerce and Consumer Protection; State and Local Government Operations and Oversight; Taxes. Metzen,James P. (DFL) 39 President of the Senate '322 Capitol (651) 296 -4370 sen.jim. metzen @senate.mn Home: South St. Paul 312 Deerwnnd G 55075 (651) 451 -0174 Born: 10/2611943. Married: Spouse Sandie, 2 children. Occupation: Banker. Education: University of Minnesota. Elected: to the House 1974, re- elected 1976, 1978, 1980, 1982, 1984: to the Senate 1986, re- elected 1990, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2006. Term: 7th. Special legislative concerns: Finance, employment, education, taxes, economic development. Committees: Business, Industry and jobs, chair: Capital Investment; Commerce and Consumer Protection; Finance; Economic Development Budget Division; Rules and Administration. Michel, Geoff (R) 41 Assistant Minority Leader • 13' , State Office Building (651) 296 -6238 sen.gcoff.rnichel @senate. mn Home: Edina 6617 Nordic Dr 55439 (952) 943 -0854 Business: St. Paul 400 Robert St N 55101 (651) 665 -5882 Born: 1 1/13/1963. Married: Spouse Annie, 4 children. Occupation: Corporate counsel. Education: BA, Dartmouth College: JD, University of Minnesota. Elected: 2002, re- elected 2006. Term: 2nd. Special legislative concerns: Education, transportation, taxes. Committees: Business, Industry and Jobs, ranking minority member, Capital Investment; Education; Higher Education Budget and Policy Division. Moua, Mee (DFL) 67 120 Capitol (651) 296 -5285 sen. mce.moua@senate.mn Home: St. Paul 1010 Oak Bluff Cir 55119 (651) 797 -4288 Born: 06130/1969. Married: Spouse Nha Yee Chang, 3 children. Occupation: Attorney. Education: BA, Brown University; JD, University of Minnesota; MPAff, Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas. Elected: Special election 2002, re- elected 2002, 2006. Term: 3rd. Special legislative concerns: Education, housing. economic development, safety. Committees: Judiciary; chair; Public Safety Budget Division; Property Tax Division; Transportation Budget and Policy Division; Transportation; Taxes. Murphy, Steve (DFL) 28 '325 Capitol (651) 296 -4264 ht tp: / /www.senate.mn/senatormurph yemail Home: Red Wing 2211 Bush St 55066 (651) 385 -7649 Born: 09/09/1957. Married: Spouse Brea, 2 children. Occupation: Retired, Xcel Energy. Education: Southeast Technical College. Elected: 1992, re- elected 1996, 2000, 2002, 2006. Term: 5th. Special legislative concerns: Jobs, veteran's issues, transportation, education, energy. Committees: Transportation Budget and Policy Division, chair; Transportation, chair; Agriculture and Veterans Budget and Policy Division; Agriculture and Veterans; Business, Industry and Jobs; Capital Investment; Finance. Minnesota Senate Election Directory Olseen, Rick E. (DFL) 17 Pappas, Sandra L. (DFL) 65 `G -24 Capitol (651) 296 -5419 "120 Capitol (651) 296 -1802 sen.rick.olseen @senate.mn http:// www.senate.mrVscnatorpappasemail Home: Harris Home: St. Paul 10448 Sunrise Rd 55032 (651) 674 -7510 182 Prospect Blvd 55107 (651) 227 -6032 Business: Fridley Born: 06/15/1949. Married: Spouse. Neal Gosman, «,ai 8170 Hickory St NE 55432 (763) 783 -0077 3 children. Occupation: Legislator. Education: BA, Born: 08/06/1956. Married: Spouse Bambi, 2 children. Metropolitan State. University; MPA, John F. Kennedy Occupation: Legislator, truck and trailer repair estimator. Education: 916 Vocational Technical, Elected: 2006. School of Government, Harvard University Elected: to the House 1984, re- elected 1986, 1988; to the Senate Term: Ist. Special legislative concerns: Transportation, 1990, re- elected 1992, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2006. Term: education, health care, property tax relief. Committees: 6th. Special legislative concerns: Education, consumer State Government Budget Division, vice chair; Education; protection, immigrant issues. Committees: Higher Energy Utilities, Technology and Communications; Education Budget and Policy Division, chair; Higher Transportation Budget and Policy Division; Transportation. Education, chair: Capital Investment; Finance; State Government Budget Division; State and Local Government Operations and Oversight. Olson, Gen (R) 33 Pariseau, Pat (R) 36 119 State Office Building (651) 296 -1282 '117 State Office Building (651) 296 -5252 se n. gen. olson@senate. mn sen.pat.pariseau@senate.mn Home: Minnetrista Home: Farmington 6750 County Rd l 10 W 55364 (952) 472 -3306 25660 Biscayne Ave W 55024 (651) 463 -8496 Born: 05/20/1938. Single. Occupation: Legislator. Widowed: 6 children. Occupation: Registered nurse;> Education: BS Ed with Dist., University of Minnesota; D (retired). Education: RN. Ravenswood Hospital Ed, university of Minnesota. Elected: 1982, re- elected School of Nursing. Elected: Special election 1988. re- 1986, 1990, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2002. 2006. Term: elected 1990, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2006. Term: 8th. Special legislative concerns: Education, property, 7th. Special legislative concerns: Agriculture, taxes, tax reform, cost of goverment, environmental issues, environment and sporting issues, business and jobs, Committees: E -12 Education Budget Division, ranking health issues. Committees: Environment and Natural minority member; Education; Environment and Natural Resources, ranking minority member; Finance; Economic Resources; Rules and Administration; Transportation Development Budget Division; Environment, Energy and Budget and Policy Division; Transponation. Natural Resources Budget Division; Judiciary Olson, Mary A. (DFL) 04 Pogemiller, Lawrence J. (DFL) 59 • 124 Capitol (651) 296 -4913 jT: Majority Leader sen.maryolson@senate.mn " '235 Capitol (651) 296 -7809 *Home: Bemidji sen.larrypogemiller@senate.mn 7332 Fergeson Ct NE 56601 (218) 444 -6339 Home: Minneapolis Born: 05/23/1958. Married: Spouse John, 4 children. 201 University Ave NE 55413 (612) 378 -1006 Occupation: Attorney. Education: BA, University of "3: Born: 09/18/1951. Family: 2 children. Occupation: North Dakota; JD, University of North Dakota Law School. System project analyst. Education: BS, University of (- Elected: 2006. Term: 1st. Special legislative concerns: Minnesota; MPA, Harvard University; Graduate School ' Health care, higher education, economic development, of Economics, University of Minnesota. Elected: to the environmental issues, judiciary and civil justice issues. House 1980; to the Senate 1982, re- elected 1986, 1990, Committees: Judiciary, vice chair; Commerce and 1992, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2006. Term: 8th. Committees: Consumer Protection; Economic Development Budget Rules and Administration, chair; Taxes. Division; Health and Human Services Budget Division. Ortman, ulianne E. (R) 34 Prettner Solon, Yvonne (DFL) 07 ' 125 State Office Building (651) 296 -4837 6 ;; 'G -9 Capitol p (651) 296 -4188 sen.julianne.onman @senate.mn http : /Yw w.. senate .rnn /SenatotprettneTsolonemail Home: Chanhassen:, Home: Duluth 8525 Mission Hills Lane 55317 (612) 386 -8523 1919 Minnesota Ave #9 55802 -2453 (218)727-3997 Business: Minneapolis 2N, - =' Business: Duluth •' 350 S 5th St 55415 « 220 N 6th Ave E 55805 (218) 249 -7060 Born: 08/29/1962. Married: Spouse Ray, 4 children. Widowed: 2 children. Occupation: Clinical psychologist. Occupation: Attorney Education: BA, Macalester College: Education: BSD, University of Minnesota- Duluth; MA, JD, University of Pennsylvania Law School. Elected: 2002, University of Minnesota. Elected: Special election 2002, re- elected 2006. Term: 2nd. Special legislative concerns: re- elected 2002. 2006. Tetra: 3rd. Special legislative Transportation, taxes, judiciary, public safety Committees: concerns: Health care, education, environment, Taxes, ranking minority member; Judiciary, Property transportation, jobs. Committees: Energy, Utilities, Tax Division; Transportation Budget and Policy Division, Technology and Communications, chair: Capital Transportation. Investment; Commerce and Consumer Protection; Health and Human Services Budget Division; Health, Housing and Family Security Minnesota Senate Election Directory Rest, Ann H. (DFL) 45 '205 Capitol (651) 296 -2889 htip: /M,ww. senate.mn/senatorrestema it Home: New Hope 3515 Hillsboro Ave N 55427 (763) 545 -8057 Born: 04Q4/1942. Family: 1 child_ Education: BA, Northwestern University; MA, university of Chicago; MAT, MPA, Harvard University; MBT, University of Minnesota. Elected: to the House 1984, re- elected 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998; to the Senate 2000, re- elected 2002, 2006. Term: 3rd. Special legislative concerns: Tax policy: education funding, transportation. Committees: State and Local Government Operations and Oversight, chair; Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications; State Government Budget Division; Transportation Budget and Policy Division; Transportation. Robling, Claire A. (R) 35 143 State Oifice Building (651) 296 -4123 sen.claire. robling @senate. mrn 'Home: Jordan 1169 Butterfly Lane 55352 (952) 492 -2241 Born: 10122/1956. Married: Spouse Tony, 2 children. *,. F ` Occupation: Freelance writer. Legislator. Education: Attended College of St. Catherine. Elected: 1996, re- elected 2000, 2002, 2006. Term: 4th. Special legislative concerns: Transportation, family and early childhood, education, environment Committees: State Government Budget Division, ranking minority member; Higher Education Budget and Policy Division, ranking minority member; Higher Education, ranking minority member; Capital Investment; E -12 Education Budget Division; Finance; State and Local Government Operations and Oversight. Rosen, Julie A. (R) 24 109 State Office Building (651) 296 -5713 sen.j ulie. rosen@senate.m n "Home: Fairmont 105 Cedar Bluff Dr 56031 (507) 238 -2304 Born: 08/09/1957. Married: Spouse Tom, 3 children. Education: BS, Colorado State University Elected: 2002, re- elected 2006. Term: 2nd. Special legislative concerns: Jobs, health care, agriculturelrenewable energy. drug treatment/education. Committees: Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications, ranking minority member; Business, industry and Jobs; Capital Investment; Health and Human Services Budget Division; Public Safety Budget Division. Rummel, Sandy (DFL) 53 '323 Capitol (651) 296 -1253 hitp://www.. enaic.mn/senatorrummelemail Home: White Bear Lake 4011 Lakehill Cir 55110 (651) 429 -5480 Born: 08/10/1942. Married: Spouse Jim, 2 children. Occupation: Communication consultant. Education: EdD, University of St. Thomas; MA, University of Iowa. Elected: 2006. Term: Ist. Special legislative concerns: Education, environment and natural resources, health and human services, family security, early childhood, jobs and energy. Committees: Education, vice chair; Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications; E -12 Education Budget Division; Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Budget Division. Saltzman, Kathy L. (DFL) 56 Majority Whip '306 Capitol (651) 296 -4166 sen. kathysaltzman @senate.mn Home: Woodbury 1119 Clipper Way 55125 (651) 730 -6181 Born: 06/04/1955. Married: Spouse Ted, 2 children. Occupation: Communications director, education advocate. Education: BS, University of Iowa. Elected: 2006. Term: 1st. Special legislative concerns: Education, economic competiveness, health care, property tax reform, transportation, water quality Committees: Business, Industry and Jobs, vice chair; Education: E -12 Education Budget Division; Transportation Budget and Policy Division; Transportation. Saxhaug, Tom (DFL) 03 Majority Whip ' 124 Capitol (651) 296 -4136 se n. tom.saxhaug@senate.mn Home: Grand Rapids 1032 1st Ave NW 55744 (218) 326 -8163 Born: 02/22/1948. Married: Spouse Nancy, 2 children. Occupation: LegislatorAnsurance agent. Education: BA, St. Olaf College. Elected: 2002, re- elected 2006. Term: 2nd. Special legislative concerns: Natural resources, economic development, education. Committees: Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Budget Division, vice chair; Environment and Natural Resources; E -12 Education Budget Division; Economic Development Budget Division. Scheid, Linda (DFL) 46 G -9 Capitol (651) 296 -8869 htip: / /www. senate. mn/senaLorscheidcmail 'Home: Brooklyn Park 66125 81st Ave N 55445 (763) 561 -5872 Born: 0611611942. Family: 2 children. Occupation: Substitute teacher. Education: BA, Coe College; JD, William Mitchell College of Law: Elected: to the House 1976, re- elected 1982, 1984, 1986, 1988,1990; to the Senate 1996, re- elected 2000, 2002, 2006. Term: 4th. Special legislative concerns: E -16 education, funding for roads and transit, elections and ethics, business. Committees: Commerce and Consumer Protection, chair; Business, industry and jobs; Capital lnvestment; E -12 Education Budget Division; Judiciary. Senjem, David H. (R) 29 Minority Leader '147 State Office Building (651) 296 -3903 y . ` scn.david.senjem@senate.mn Home. Rochester t 2423 12th Ave NW 55901 (507) 282 -7648 Business: Rochester 200 Ist St SW 55905 (507) 284 -8890 Born: 12/20/1942. Married: Spouse Marlys, 2 children. Occupation: Environmental affairs officer. Education: BA, Luther College. Elected: 2002, re- elected 2006. Term: 2nd. Special legislative concerns: Higher education, bonding, agriculture, medical research. Committees: Rules and Administration, ranking minority member; Capital Investment; Energy; Utilities, Technology and Communications; Higher Education Budget and Policy Division; Higher Education; Property Tax Division; Taxes. Sheran, Kathy (DFL) 23 Majority Whip 'G -24 Capitol (651) 296 -6153 sen.kathy shetan@senate.mn Home: Mankato 317 N Broad St 56001 (507) 344 -2155 Business: Mankato 201 N Broad St 56001 Born: 05/18/1947. Married: Spouse Dean Doyscher, 3 children. Occupation: nurse, nurse educator, small business partner. Education: BSN, College of St. Teresa, MS, Minnesota State University- Mankato. Elected: 2006. Term: 1st. Special legislative concerns: Health care, education, tax policy, agriculture, ransponation, environment. Committees: Higher Education Budget and Policy Division, vice chair; Higher Education, vice chair; Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications; Environment and Natural Resources, Health and Human Services Budget Division. Sieben, Katie (DFL) 57 *321 Capitol (651) 297 -8060 sen.katie.sieben @senate. mn Home: Newport PO Box 227 55055 (651) 458 -3194 Born: 0323. Married: Spouse Josh Straka, 1 child. Education: BA, Colorado College; Policy Fellow, Hubert 1 -1. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota. Elected: to the House 2002. re- elected 2004; to the Senate 2006. Term: Ist. Special legislative concerns: Transportation, education, health care. Committees: Capital Investment, vice chair; Environment and Natural Resources; Transportation Budget and Policy Division; Property Tax Division; Taxes. Skoe, Rod (DFL) 02 303 Capitol (651) 296 -4196 sen. rod. skoe@sena t e. mn *Home: Clearbrook Route 2. Box 80 56634 (218) 776 -3420 Born: 08/09/1954. Married: Spouse Sarah Hoagberg, 2 children. Occupation: Farmer. Education: BA, Augsburg College. Elected: to the House 1998, re- elected 2000; to the Senate 2002, re- elected 2006- Term: 2nd. Special legislative concerns: Economic development, education. Committees: Property Tax Division, chair; Business, Industry and Jobs; Agriculture and Veterans Budget and Policv Division; Agriculture and Veterans; Transportation Budget and Policy Division; Transportation; Taxes. Skogen, Dan (DFL) 10 Majority whip *303 Capitol (651) 296 -5655 sen.dan.skoge n @senate.mn Home: Hewitt 63141 260th St 56453 (218) 924 -4001 Business: Wadena 201 -12 S Jefferson 56482 (218) 63I -1803 Born: 12/14/1957. Married: Spouse Dee, 2 children. Occupation: Radio broadcaster. Education: Audio communications degree, Thief River Falls Technical College. Elected: 2006. Term: 15t. Special legislative concerns: Environment, agriculture, education. Committees: Environment and Natural Resources, vice chair; Agriculture and Veterans Budget and Policy Division; Agriculture and Veterans; Commerce and Consumer Protection; E -12 Education Budget Division. Minnesota Senate Election Directory Sparks, Dan (DFL) 27 317 Capitol (651) 296 -9248 se n. d amel. sparks @senate.mn *Home: Austin 2009 7th Ave SE 55912 (507) 438 -2898 Born: 07/05/1968. Married: Spouse Andrea, 3 children. Occupation: Loan officer. Education: St. Cloud State University; University of Minnesota. Elected: 2002, re- elected 2666. Term: 2nd. Special legislative concerns: Education funding. lowering prescription drug costs, economic development. Committees: Economic Development Budget Division, vice chair; Commerce and Consumer Protection, vice chair; Business, Industry and Jobs; Capital Investment; Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications. Stumpf, LeRoy A. (DFL) 01 *208 Capitol (651) 296 -8660 http: /Avww. senate- mri/senatorstuinpfemail Nome: Plummer 12501 240th Ave SE 56748 (218) 465 -4655 Born: 0529/1944. Married: Spouse Carol, 3 children. Occupation: Farmer. Education: BA, St. Paul Seminary; MPA, Syracuse University Elected: to the House 1980: to the Senate 1982. re- elected 1986, 1990, 1992, 1996, 20(V, 2002, 2006. Term: 8th. Special legislative concerns: Education, economic development. Committees: E -12 Education Budget Division, chair; Capital Investment, Education; Environment and Natural Resources; Finance. Tomassoni, David J. (DFL) 05 *317 Capitol (651) 296 -8017 sen. d avid. tomassoni@senate. mn Home: Chisholm 412 2nd St NW 55719 -1504 (218) 254 -3430 Business: Chisholm PO Box 29 55719 -0029 Born: 12/05/1952. Married: Spouse Charlotte, 3 children. Occupation: Legislator. Education: BSBA, University of Denver. Elected: to the House 1992, re- elected 1994, 1996, 1998; to the Senate 2000, re- elected 2002, 2006. Term: 3rd. Special legislative concerns: Education, taxes, economic development, seniors. Committees: Economic Development Budget Division, chair, Business, Industry and Jobs; Capital Investment; Finance; Higher Education Budget and Policy Division; Higher Education. Torres Ray, Patricia (DFL) 62 Majority Whip 124 Capitol (651) 296 -4274 sen.patricia. ton-es.ray @senate.mn *Home: Minneapolis 2916 43rd Ave S 55406 (612) 722 -1068 Born: 1964. Married: Spouse Jackson Ray, 2 children. Occupation: Consultant. Education: BA, University of Minnesota; MPA, University of Minnesota. Elected: 2006. Term: 1st. Special legislative concerns: Education, health and human services, environment, economic development. Committees: Health, Housing and Family Security, vice chair; Education; E -12 Education Budget Division; Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Budget Division. Minnesota Senate Election Directory Vandeveer, Ray (R) 52 107 State Office Building (651) 296 -4351 sen.rayvandeveeriTsenate. mn Home: Forest lake 1344 Baypoint Dr 55025 (651) 464 -7904 Business: St. Anthony 2812 Anthony lane 5 Ste 100 55418 (612) 781 -4100 Born: 07/08/1953. Married: Spouse Camille, 4 children. Occupation: Real estate appraiser. Education: BS, St. Cloud State university Elected: Special election to the House 1998, re- elected 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004; to the Senate 2006. Term: Ist. Special legislative concerns: Taxes, education, transportation, crime prevention. Committees: Commerce and Consumer Protection; Energy, Utilities, Technology and Communications; Economic Development Budget Division. Vickerman, Jim (DFL) 22 226 Capitol (651) 296 -5650 httpJ/www.senate.mn/senatorvickermanemail 'Home: Tracy 2252 221st St 56175 (507) 629 -4878 Born: 05/01/1931. Married: Spouse Wava. 6 children. Occupation: Farmer, former county commissioner. Elected: 1986, reelected 1990, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2006. Term: 7th. Special legislative concerns: Taxes, environment, health, agriculture, local and metro concerns, education. Committees: Agriculture and Veterans Budget and Policy Division, chair; Agriculture and Veterans, chair; Environment and Natural Resources; Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Budget Division; Finance; State and Local Government Operations and Oversight. Wiher, Charles W. (DFQ 55 323 Capitol (651) 296 -6820 sen. chuck wige r@senate. rot "Home: Maplewood 1611 Legacy Parkway #5 55109 (651) 770 -0283 Business: St. Paul 400 Robert St N 55101-2098 (651) 665 -4851 Born: 09/14/1951. Married: Spouse Christine, 5 children. Occupation: Attorney. Education: Graduate Institute of Organization Management, University of Colorado - Boulder; BA, JD, Hamline University Elected: 1996, re- elected 2000, 2002, 2006. Term: 4th. Special legislative concern: Education, economic development, health care, environment. Committees: Education, chair; E -12 Education Budget Division; Higher Education Budget and Policy Division; Higher Education. Pronunciation Guide Anderson, Ellen R. Lynch, Ann Bakk, Thomas M. BOCK Many, John Berglin, Linda Metzen, James P. Betzold, Don Michel, Geoff mish -EL Bonoff, Terri E. BAHN -off Moua, Mee MWAH Carlson, Jim Murphy, Steve Chaudhary, Satveer S. CHAW -dree Olseen, Rick E. Clark, Tarryl L Olson, Gen Cohen, Richard J. Olson, Mary A. Dahle, Kevin L. DOLL Ortman, Julianne E. Day, Dick Pappas, Sandra L. Dibble, D. Scott Pariseau, Pat PAIR -uh -so Dille, Steve DILL Pogemiller, Lawrence J. P0116-uh- miller Doll, John P. Pretiner Solon, Yvonne SO -lun Erickson Ropes, Sharon L. Rest, Ann H. Fischbach, Michelle L. FISH -bock Robling, Claire A. ROBE -ling Fobbe FOE -bee Rosen, Julie A. ROSE -en Foley, Leo T. Rummel, Sandy Frederickson, Dennis R. Saltzman, Kathy L. SALTZ -man Gerlach, Chris GER -lock Saxhaug, Tom SAX -hog Gimse, Joe GIM -see Scheid, Linda SITYD Hann, David W. HAN (rhymes with "fan ") Senjem, David H. SEN jum Higgins, Linda Sheran, Kathy Sharon ingebrigisen, Bill G. ING -uh- brit -son Sieben, Katie SEE -ben Johnson, Debbie J. Skoe, Rod SKOY (rhymes with "boy ") Jungbauer, Michael J. JUNG -bower (not YOUNG- bower) Skogen, Dan SKO -gen (hard g, not -jen) Kelash, Kenneth S. KEE -lash Sparks, Dan Koch, Amy T. COKE Stumpf, LeRoy A. Koering, Paul E. CORE -ring Tomassoni, David J. tom -ah -SO -nee Kubly, Gary W. KOO -blee Torres Ray, Patricia Langseth, Keith Vandeveer, Ray Latz, Ron Vickerman, Jim Limmer, Warren Wtger, Charles W. WEE -ger L.ourey, Tony LOH -tee Minnesota House and Senate Membership -elect 1 A Rep. Dave0lin -(DFL) B Re p. Bernie liedei -(DFU Sen.LeRoyXStumpf -(DFU A Rep. Steve Gotrwah -(R) 1 S BRep. Larry Haws -(DFU Sen.lanyl(lark -(DFL) /� Zy JJ A Rep. Randy Demmer -(R) BRep. Kim Nonon -(Dft) Sen. David H.Senjem -(R) 43 A Rep. Sarah Anderson -(R) B Rep. John Benson -(DFL) Sen. Terri E.BonoN -(DFL) 57 A Rep. Karla Bigham.(DFU B Rep. Denny McNamara -(R) Sen. KatieSieben-(DFU 2 A Rep. Kent Eken -(DFU B Rep. Britasailer -(DFU Sen. RodSkoe -WIL) A Rep. Gail Kulick Jackson- (DEEP' 16 B Rep. MaryKilfineyer -(R) Sen. LisaFobbe -(DFU" 30 A Rep. Tina tiebling -(DFU B Rep. AndyWelti -(DFU Sen. AnnLyn(h -(DFL) 44 A Rep. Steve Simon -011.) 8 Rep. Ryan Winkler -(DFU Sen. Ronlatz -(DFL) 58 A Rep. Joe Mullery -(DFU B Rep Bobby Joe Champion -(DFU Sen. Linda Higgins -(DFU 3A Rep. TomAnzelc -(DFL) BRep.LorenA.Solberg -(DFU Sen.TomSachau (DFU A Rep. RobEasilund -(R) 17 BRep. Jeremy Kalin -(DFL) Be'. Rick E.Obeen -(DFL) 21 3 A Rep. Gene PelowskiJiADFU 8 Rep. Greg Davids-(R) p Sen. Sharon L.EdrksonRa es -(DFL) 45 A Rep. Sandia Peterson -(DFU BRep Lyndon Carlson -(DFU Sen. Ann ti-(DFL) 5 A Rep. DianeLoe(Iler -(DFU B Rep. Phyllis Kahn -(DFU Sen. Lawrence I Pogemiller-(DFL) 4 A Rep. John Persell -(DFU B Rep. Larry Howes -(R) Sen. Mary A. Olson -(DFL) /� A Rep Ron Shimanski -(R) 18 B Rep. Dean Urdahl -(R) 8 Sen. Steve Dille-(R) 3 3 A Rep. Joyce Peppin -(R) B Rep. Kurt Zellers-(R) Sen. WarrenLimmer -(R) 46 A Rep Mlchael V. Nelson-(DFU B Rep Debra Hibtrom -(DELI Sen. Lindakheid -(DFU / V 60 ARep. Margaret Anderson Kelliher -(DFL) B Rep Frank Hornstein -(DFL) Sen. D. Scott Dibble -(DFU 5 A Rep. Tom Rukavina -;'.[L) B Rep. Anthony lony'Sertich -(DFU Sen. Davidl.lomassoni -(DFU A Rep. Bruce Anderson -(R) 1 A B Rep. TomEmmer -(R) // Sen. Amy IKoch -(R) 33 A Rep. Steve Smith -(R) B Rep (onnieDoepke -(R) Sen. Gen0lson.(R) 47 A Rep. Denise Ditifich -(DFU 8 Rep MelissaHortman -(DFL) Sen. Leo T. Foley -(DEL) 61 A Rep. Karen Clark -(DFU B Rep. Jeff Hayden -(DFL) Sen. LindaBeiglln -(DFU A Rep. David DDl -(DEL) 6 B Rep Mary Murphy -(DFU Sm.lhomasM.Bakk.(DFL) A Rep. Andrew Falk -(DfU 20 BRep Lyle Komen -(DFU Sen. Gary W.Kubly -(DfU 34 A Rep. Paul Kohb -(R) B Sen. lonHoppe -(R) Sen . lulianneE.Ortman -(A) 48 8 A Rep Tom ffactbarth -(A) B Rep Jim Abeler -(R) Sen. Michael IJungbauer -(R) LJ( 6 / A Rep. Jim Davnie -(DEL) B Rep)eanWagenius -(DFU Sen. Patricia Tones Ray -(DFU 7 A Rep. Thomas Huntley -(DFU B Rep Roger Reinen -(DFL) Sen. Yvonne Pretmer Solon -(DFU A Rep' ManySeifert-(R) 1 B Rep Paul lorkelson -(R) Sen. Dennis R. Frederickson -(R) 35 A Rep .Michael Beard -(R) B Rep. Mark Buesgens -(R) Sen. Claire A. Robling -(R) 4 49 A Rep. Peggy Scott-(R) 8 Rep. Jerry Newton -(DFU Sen. Debbie J. Johnson -(R) 63 A Rep. Paul Thissen -(DFU B Rep. Linda Slocum -(DFU Sen. Ken Kelash -(DFU gA Rep. Bill HRty -(DFU BRep.TimFaust -(DFU Sen.TOnytourey - (DFU 1 A Rep. Doug Magnus -(R) / BRep RedHamilmn -(R) L Sen. Jim YCkerman -{DFU / 2/1 36 A Rep. Mary Lb HolbergAR) B Rep. Pat Garofalo-(R) Sen. PatParbeau -(R) 50 A Rep. Carolyn Caine -(DFU BRep Kate Knuth -(DFU Sen. SaiveerS.(haudhary -(DFL) 64 A Rep. Erin Murphy -(DFU BRepMichaelPaymar(DFL) Sen. Richard 1. Cohen -(DFU gA Rep. Morrie fanning -(R) BRep. PaulMaaiquait -(DFU Sen. Keith Lan eth-(DJU A Rep. Terry Monow -01.) 23 BRepKyBrynaen -(DELI L Sen. Kathy h Sheran -(DFU 3� A Rep. lara Mack -(R) BRep.PhilStemn(DFU Sen. Chris Gerlach -(A) 51 A Rep. lim Sanders -(R) B Rep. lomlillbery -(DFI.) Sen. Don Betzold- DFU 65 A Rep. Cy lhao-(DFL) 8 Rep. Carlos Madani -(DEL) Sen. Sandra L Pappas -(DFU 10A Rep. BudNornes -(R) 8 Rep Mark Murdock -(A) Sen. Dan S Skagen-(D A Rep. Bob Gunther -(A) 24 BAep. Tony (ornish -(R) Sen.lulieA Rosen-(R) n 38BRep.Mike06er`Leller lJ A Rep. SandraMasin -(DFU -(DELI Sen. Jim Carlson -'DEL L 5 / A Rep. Bob Detimer -(R) BRep. Matt Dean -(R) Sen. Ray Vandeveer -(R) // 6/18 �L// A Rep. JohnLesch -(DFL) Rep. Alice Hausman -01.) Sen. Hlen R. Anderson -(DFU 8 Rep Mary EllenChremba -(DFL) 11 A Rep. ToneyWestrom -(R) Sen. Bill G. Ingebrigtsen -(RI ARep. Lama Bmd -(R) 25 B Rep DavidBly -(DFU Sen. Kevin Dahle -(DFL) J 39 A Rep. Rick Hansen -(DFU B Rep. Joe Atkins -(DFU Sen. James P Metzen -(DFU 53 A Rep. Paul GardnerFDFU B Rep. Carol McFarlane -(R) Sen. Sandy Rummel -(DFU 67 A Rep Tim Mahoney-(DFU B Rep. Sheldon Johnson -(DFL) Sen. Mee Moua -(DFL) A Rep. John Ward -(DFU 1 B Rep AI Doty- (DFU" Sen. Paul E. Koerirg -(R) / ARep. Kory Kath -(DFL) 6 B Rep Patti Ritz -(DELI 6 Sen. Dick Day -(R) 40 A Rep. Will Morgan -(DFL) 8 Aep. An Lenaewski- (DFU Sen. John Doll -(DFL) /' ♦ 4 5 A Rep. Mindy Gre frog -(DFL) B Rep Bev Scalze -(DFU Sen. John Many -(DFL) This document can be made B Rep. Al Juhnke-(OFl) 13 A Rep. Paul Anderson -(R) Sen. JoeGimse -IR) 8 RepLairyHosch -(DFU 14A Rep. Dan Severson -FR) Sen. Michelle L. Fischbach -(R) A Rep. Robin Brown -(DFU 7 B Rep. Jeanne Poppe-(DFL) Sen. Dan Sparks -(DEL) ^ A Rep. Tim Kelly -(R) 28 B Rep. Steve Drazkowski(R) 8 Sen. Steve Murphy -(DFU /� 41 42 A Rep. Keith Downey {R) 8 Rep Paul Rosenthal -(DFL) Sen. Geoff Mithel-(R) A Rep. Maria Ruud -(DFU 6Rep. lender loon -(R) Sen. Dav'MW. Hann(R) 5 5 56 A Rep. Leon Lillie -(DFU 8 Rep. Nora Slawik -(DFU Sen. Charles W.Wiger -(DFL) A Rep. Julie Bunn-(DFL) B Rep. Marsha Swails-(DFL) Sen. Kathy L. Saltzman -(DEL) availableinahernativefor- mats for people with dmlo & ties by calling 651- 2962146 or 800 -657 -3550 toll- free (voice); or the Minnesota Relay service at 711 or 806-627- 3529(M). **pending recount according to state statute. Photo by Tom Olmscheid Voters cast their ballots Nov. 4 at Como Park Lutheran Church in St. Paul. Nearly 78 percent of statewide eligible voters took part in the election. REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item TNT From: Eric Roggeman, Assistant Consent ❑ Finance Director Information Only ❑ Date: November 26, 2008 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Truth in Taxation (TNT) ❑ Motion Hearing on December 1, ❑ Resolution 2008. ❑ Ordinance ® Discussion RECOMMENDATION: Hold a public hearing on December 1, 2008 to discuss the 2009 proposed budget. A continuation hearing can be scheduled for December 8, 2008, if necessary. The final budget will be adopted during the December 16, 2008 Council meeting. INFORMATION /BACKGROUND: Our first public hearing on the 2009 budget was held on October 21, 2008. This public hearing is required to satisfy the State's Truth in Taxation (TNT) rules. Council may choose to hold a continuation hearing on December 8, 2008, but this has not been necessary in past years. Attached to this report are three additional pieces of information that were not available or have changed since the October public hearing. 1. Changes to the proposed budget document. 2. 2009 Budget Facts. 3. A memo from Ehlers regarding the proposed Public Works facility debt levy. ,'4: Memo To: Mayor & City Council From: Finance Department Date: November 26, 2008 Re: 2009 Proposed Budget Attached are revised pages 3-4, 41-44, and 91 -92 of the 2009 proposed budget. You may discard the old pages and replace them with thesek revised pages. The revisions are mostly to reflect the discussion at the October 21 public hearing on the proposed budget. On page 3, language was revised to more accurately reflect 2007 operating results. On page 43, the HSPC budget was reduced to $0 from $24,500 based on the recommendations at the public hearing. This amount was added to the contingencies budget on page 41. In addition, the narrative on page 92 was updated to reflect the activities of the Health Department in 2007. This proposed budget will be posted on the intemet for public review Please bring your revised copy of the proposed 2009 budget to the following meetings: December 1 Truth in Taxation hearing. December 8 Truth in Taxation hearing extension — if necessary. December 16 Adopt final levy. 4- w9s %�j CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA e , ` �0 CITY MANAGEMENT BUDGET MESSAGE ANNUAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL ANALYSIS The City is striving to stabilize taxes despite changes in the economic or legislative environment through a combination of conservative budgeting, long -term planning and strong financial policies. The City ended fiscal year 2007 with adequate fund balance in the general fund, including 45% of next year's budgeted tax revenue designated for cash flow, which is the maximum allowed under the City's fund balance policy. In addition, the City had $899,312 unreserved and undesignated fund balance in the general fund. 2007 revenues were $27,717,088, or $1,547,222 over budget, driven primarily by the Legislature's decision to restore the market value homestead credit (MVHC) reimbursement to cities and by higher than anticipated investment income. The City also received a number of unbudgeted grants in 2007, although these grants are generally offset by expenditure increases. 2007 expenditures were $27,380,639, or $189,573 over budget. Large variances were due to increasing commodities prices (oil, fuel, heat, etc.) for the Public Works department and several employee retirements. Edina maintains its AAA rating from Standard & Poor's and Aaa rating from Moody's. Additionally, Standard & Poor's gives the City a Financial Management Assessment of "Strong ". These ratings are primarily based -on the City's tax base, conservative financial practices, and moderate debt profile. Such ratings put Edina in good company as very few Cities achieve this rating level, which allows the City to borrow at attractive interest rates. BUDGET SUMMARY The 2009 budget maintains current service levels despite the conflicting pressures of commodity price increases and levy limits. Personnel costs remain the largest component of fund expenditures, accounting for about two- thirds of our general fund budget. This amount includes health insurance benefits, which are budgeted to increase 3.4% in 2009. Employees also will receive a 3.5% cost -of- living. wage increase on January 1, 2009. There are no new full -time positions included in the 2009 general fund budget. -3- CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE - 41 FUND: FUNCTION: r AREA: COMMISSIONS PROGRAM: GENERAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT & SPECIAL PROJECTS 1500-1516 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES 2006 2007 2008 2009 ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED ESTIMATED BUDGETED CONTINGENCIES -1500 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ 271,267 $ 231,779 $ 175,000 $ 126,900 $ 159,500 COMMODITIES: 6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 268 1,562 - TOTAL CONTINGENCIES $ 271,535 $ 233,341 $ 175,000 $ 126,900 $ 159,500 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS.- 1503 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: 6915 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS $ 23,056 $ 34,792 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 31,500 TOTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS $ 23,056 $ 34,792 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 31,500 EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS -1513 PERSONAL SERVICES: 6035 SEPARATION BENEFITS $ 68,884 $ 238,721 $ 123,600 $ 123,600 $ 130,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 6103 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 9,069 10,597 7,950 7,950. 8,400 6203 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 2,135 2,460 3,500 3,500 3,500 6218 EMPLOYEE WELLNESS - 4,109 5,150 5,150 5,150 11,204 17,166 16,600 16,600 17,050 TOTAL EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS $ 80,088 $ 255,887 $ 140,200 $ 140,200 $ 147,050 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE - 43 FUND: FUNCTION: AREA: COMMISSIONS PROGRAM: GENERAL I GENERAL GOVERNMENT I & SPECIAL PROJECTS 1500-1516 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES 2006 2007 2008 2009 ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPOSED ESTIMATED BUDGETED HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION -1504 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ 83,810 $ 86,350 $ 88,994 $ 88,994 $ 91,664 6104 CONTINUING EDUCATION - - 250 250 250 6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 247 247 200 200 200 6136 CHEMICAL HEALTH - 423 500 500 500 6218 EDUCATION PROGRAM 321 - 800 800 800 84,378 87,020 90,744 90,744 93,414 TOTAL HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION $ 84,378 $ 87,020 $ 90,744 $ 90,744 $ 93,414 SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY -1506 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 TOTAL SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 EDINA RESOURCE CENTER -1507 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ 34,040 $ 35,061 $ 36,113 $ 36,113 $ 37,000 TOTAL EDINA RESOURCE CENTER $ 34,040 $ 35,061 $ 36,113 $ 36,113 $ 37,000 HUMAN SERVICES PLANNING & COORDINATION -1508 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ 28,287 $ - $ 23,886 $ 23,886 $ - TOTAL HUMAN SERVICES PLANNING & COORDINATION $ 28,287 $ - $ 23,886 $ 23,886 $ - CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE - 91 FUND: GENERAL FUNCTION: PUBLIC SAFETY AREA: FIRE PROTECTION PROGRAM: 1470 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES ACCT. DESCRIPTION 2006 ACTUAL 2007 ACTUAL 2008 2009 PROPOSED ESTIMATED BUDGET D CENTRAL SERVICES: 6803 GENERAL 6808 EQUIPMENT OPERATION EQUIPMENT: 6710 REPLACEMENT TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION $ 125,171 152,757 $ 121,244 166,958 $ 142,476 195,000 $ 142,476 176,112 $ 139,776 203,640 277,928 288,202 337,476 318,588 343,416 239,952 256,738 201,247 201,247 201,247 239,952 256,738 201,247 201,247 201,247 $ 4,217,475 $ 4,452,328 $ 4,629,992 $ 4,611,104 $ 4,726,341 i Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Gordon Hughes, City Manager Date: November 26, 2008 Re: 2009 CITY BUDGET Enclosed is a packet concerning the 2009 City of Edina Truth in Taxation hearing. This packet together with a summary of the budget will be available to taxpayers attending the December 1, 2008, Truth in Taxation hearing. Copies of the entire budget will also be available for those desiring more detailed information. On September 2, 2008, the Council established dates and times for our Truth in Taxation hearings and also adopted the maximum property tax levy for 2009. This proposed levy is the amount used by Hennepin County for the purpose of calculating the proposed property tax bill for each tax parcel in the County. This calculation is then included in the Truth in Taxation notice sent to the owner of each parcel. In accordance with State law, the final property tax levy certified by the Council may not be greater than the preliminary levy adopted in September. The Truth in Taxation process allows a further opportunity for taxpayers to speak to the proposed budget prior to its adoption. The Truth in Taxation process is tightly regulated by the State which prescribes virtually all aspects of the process including notices, advertisements and meeting dates and times. Key Dates December 1, 2008 at 5:00 P.M. - City Council conducts a Truth in Taxation hearing. The Council may continue this hearing until December 8, 2008 at 5:00 P.M. if it feels additional time for testimony is needed. The Council typically has not needed such a "continuation hearing" in past years. December 16, 2008 at 7:00 P.M. - City Council conducts a Levy and Budget Adoption hearing. At this hearing, the Council must take official action to adopt the final levy and budget. 1 0� e 2009 Edina City Budget Facts • f�roRPOFtP�9 BBB Q. What is the dollar amount of the proposed City expenditures for 2009? A. $32,437,957. Q. How much of an increase is this from 2008? A. $1,901,694 or 6.23 %. $588,453 of this increase is due to the first year's debt service on bonds issued to finance the purchase and reconstruction of the proposed Public Works facility. Q. How much do tax revenues need to increase from 2008 to support the 2009 City Budget? A. $1,543,490 or 7.01 %. Q. What are the major categories of City Spending? A. Expenditures can be arranged by function or type — see charts below: Expenditures by Function Debt Service Transfers 10.2% 0.2% Parks & Recreation 12.0% Public Safety 44.5 General Government 13.3 Public Works 19.9 Expenditures by Type Debt Service Equipment 10.2% 3.1% Central Services Transfers 0.2% 10.1° \ Commodities 4.8% Contractual Services 11.8% Personal Services 59.9% Q. What are the sources for City revenues? Q. How are taxes determined for my home? A. For an owner- occupied house or condominium: The first step is to multiply the 2008 assessor's estimated market value (EMV) /Taxable Market Value of your home by the "class rates" imposed by State Law. The result is known as your home's "tax capacity" (i.e. its taxable value). (The class rates for owner- occupied housing are 1 % for the first $500,000 of market value and 1.25% for the market value in excess of $500, 000.) The next step is to multiply the tax capacity by the extension rate (i.e. tax rate) calculated for each taxing jurisdiction based upon their proposed expenditures. The final step is to multiply your tax capacity by the market value homestead credit rate. The result is a subtraction off your total tax bill. The maximum credit is $304.00 and is realized at $76,000 taxable market value. The credit diminishes after $76,000 taxable market value until it is a $0 credit at approximately $413,800 taxable market value. The result is your tax bill. Example $383,000 Home in the Edina School District $383,000 x 1 % _ $3,830 $ 0 x 1.25% _ $00 Tax Capacity 3,830 Extension Rate x 88.941 % Tax $3,406.44 Plus - School Bond Levy Market Value $383,000 Referendum Rate x .18321 % School Bond Tax $701.69 Plus - Park Bond Levy Market Value $383,000 Referendum Rate x .00596% Park Bond Tax $ 22.83 Plus - County Solid Waste Levy Market Value $383,000 Solid Waste Rate x.01096% Solid Waste Tax $ 41.98 Less — Market Value Homestead Credit Market Value Maximum Credit Balance Total Taxes on Home $383,000 76.000 X.40% 307,000 x.09% $4,145.24 304.00 Maximum Credit 276.30 Reduction to Credit 27.70 Homestead Credit Q. The median increase in taxes for residential properties is different from the increase /decrease shown on my TNT statement. Is this. unusual? A. Every residential property is different and not all will experience median increases or decreases. According to the County, taxes on over 30% of residential single family properties in Edina will actually decrease in 2009. About 60% will see increases between 0.1 % and 4.9 %, and about 10% will see increases of 5.0% or greater. Q. Why did my tax bill increase more than the City's increase in its property tax levy? A. Tax increases result from 1) spending /levy decisions made by the city, county and school district and 2) "non- spending" factors that adjust the tax burden shared by different types of properties. First, the spending decisions. The City's tax levy is proposed to increase by 7.01 % and the County's levy is proposed to increase by 6.98 %. The Edina School District's proposed increase is 5.95 %. These spending changes are reflected on your proposed property tax statement. Second. the "non - spending' factors. • In terms of tax capacity, the tax base -of the city increased by 2.2% for taxes payable in 2009. The tax base of residential property increased by 0.9 %. This means that, as a class, residential property will bear a lesser share of the tax burden in 2009 than in 2008, and commercial property will bear a greater share of the tax burden in 2009 than in 2008. • Limited Market Value. For taxes payable in 2007, 27% of the residential properties benefited from limited market value. For taxes payable in 2008, 9% of residential properties benefited from limited market value. For taxes payable in 2009, only 3% of residential properties will continue to have a limited market value. All limited market value is set to expire for payable 2010. • The median residential market value for taxes payable in 2009 (2008 assessment), decreased by 1.0 %. The median limited or taxable value decreased by 0.2 %. • Market Value Homestead Credit. Pursuant to State law, a portion of residential property taxes are "subsidized" by the State through the market value homestead credit. This credit is on a sliding scale that decreases as value increases. It phases out at $413,000 of value. Therefore, as valuations increase, the market value homestead credit comprises a smaller percentage of the tax bill. Q. Is there a program to offset unusually large increase in my tax bill? A. The State provides a maximum refund up to $1,750 for homeowners having incomes as high as $93,480. The actual refund depends on your individual income and tax bill. The targeting portion of the program offers tax relief no matter what your income is. If your taxes increase by more than 12 percent and at least $100, the State will refund 60% of any amount paid beyond those limits, up to a maximum of $1,000. The Minnesota Department of Revenue administers both the circuit breaker and targeted form of the Property Tax Refund. Q. The assessor's market value of my property seems too high. Can this be lowered? A. Taxes payable in 2009 are based upon the assessor's valuation of your property on January 2, 2008. This value cannot be changed. The 2009 valuation of your property will be sent to you early in 2009 and will be the basis for your 2010 tax bill. The value placed on your property should reflect a price that could be obtained on the open market between a willing buyer and seller. If you do not feel the value placed on your property on January 2, 2009 could be realized on the open market, it may be appealed to the Edina Board of Appeal and Equalization in April 2009. Q. Where does my tax dollar go? /0 2009 Property Tax Distribution Metro &Watershed 9% City of Edina 21% Hennepin County 37% Local Schools 33% Please note, this distribution represents taxes on a $383,000 home in the Edina School District ( #273). Some homes in Edina are in different school districts. Please reference the attached map to see what the school district boundaries are. Hennepin County Property Tax Comparison - Based on Payable 2008 Taxes and Proposed 2009 TRUTH IN TAXATION RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY PROPERTIES Munic' Code. Municipality. ' ,Name,_,.. Total # 6f., ; _._ PIDs .1%-4.9% 5.0%-9.9% 10.0% -14.9% .24 Edina 15,411 Nurnb`er and Percent _of fP�o erty by. Pe�cent;,of —Tax Decrease Increase .1%-4.9% 5.0%-9.9% 10.0% -14.9% 15.0% -19.9% 20.0% and over 4,738 30.74%,. 9,204 `59.72% `. .' 851= 4'-- 5.52% 175 1.14% 271 - 1.76% 172. Note: A property (PID) is included in this table only if it has the same homestead /non- homestead classification for both tax years (payable 2008 and proposed 2009). A property (PID) is excluded from this table if it has an improvement amount, multiple taxable subrecords or a partial constuction indicator for proposed 2009 taxes (2008 assessment). Property Tax Impact on Residential Homesteads in Edina 2008 Payable Taxable Value 2009 Payable Taxable Value 2008 Total Tax 2009 Proposed Total Tax $ Chan a % Change 2008 City Tax 2009 Proposed City Tax $ Change % Change 150,000 150,000 1,340 -1,397 57 4.25% 277 295 18 6.50% 200,000 200,000 1,910 1,987 77 4.03% 395 419 24 6.080y, 300,000 300,000 3,052 3,166 114 3.74% 632 668 36 5.700 383,000 383,000 500,000 500,000 5,257 5,448- 191 3.63% 1,088 1,150 62 5.70% 700,000 700,000 7,787 8,071 284 3.65% 1,612 1,703 91 5.65% 900,000 900,000 10,316 1 10,695 1 379 1 3.67%1 2,135 1 2,257 1 122 1 5.71% Note: The above chart: 1.) Assumes no change in taxable value. The actual value change varies from property to property. 2.) Median taxable value includes single - family, condominiums and townhouses. 3.) Is based upon proposed 2009 spending by all taxing jurisdictions. Property Tax Impact on Commercial Property in Edina 2008 Payable Taxable Value 2009 Payable Taxable Value 2008 Total Tax 2009 Proposed Total Tax $ Change % Change 2008 City Tax 2009 Proposed City Tax $ Change % Change 329,000 344,500 8,838 9,495 657 7.43% 889 .969 80 9.00% 603,000 631,300 17,076 18,294 1,218 7.13% 1,718 1,868 150 8.73% 877,000 918,200 25,313 27,097 1,784 7.05% 2,546 2,767 221 8.68% iii 1,863,000 000 1,950,600 48,282 54,956 51,637 58,774 3,355 3,818 6.950/6 6.95% 4,857 5,529 5,272- 6,001 415 472 8.�492 8.54% 2,082,000 2,180,000 61,540 65,813 4,273 6.94% 6,191 6,720 529 8.54% 2,302,000 2,410,200 ' 68,154 1 72,876 1 4,722 1 6.93%1 6,856 1 7,442 1 586 8.55% Note: The above chart : 1.) Assumes a 4.7% increase in median market value. The actual value change varies from property to property. 2.) Is based upon proposed 2009 spending by all taxing jurisdictions. 4 ® To: From: p ®® Date: MSubject: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina Mark Ruff and Jon North November 24, 2008 EHLERS LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE Public Works Facility Debt Levy for Taxes Payable 2009 The City of Edina had planned to issue $14,000,000 G.O. Capital Improvement Plan Bonds (the "CIP Bonds ") in October, 2008, to pay for acquisition costs and part of the renovation costs of the public works facility on the former Con -Agra site. The City expected to levy approximately $788,453 for the CIP Bond debt service beginning in 2008 for taxes payable in 2009. With an anticipated one -time return of excess TIF dollars of $200,000, the net levy for 2009 was expected to be $588,453. The City was then expecting to issue approximately $8,00.0,000 Lease Revenue Bonds (the "Lease Revenue Bonds ") at the end of 2009 to pay for the remainder of the construction costs on the facility. The combined debt service levy for both bonds was expected to be $1,882,000 for taxes payable in 2010. In 2010, the City would have a higher tax base due to the full decertification of the two TIF districts. This higher tax base would result in a net tax increase to the taxpayers of approximately $1,067,000 in 2010 and each year of the bond debt service. A summary of the expected levies is shown below. Table 1: Original Project Debt Service Levy Schedule for pay 2009 and increased 2010 * The one -time rebate could be as high as $450,000 depending upon values in the TIF district and relative tax rates of the City, County, and School Districts. Because the acquisition and renovation has been delayed, you have asked us to comment on the financial implications of continuing with a debt levy for taxes payable in 2009 or delaying that levy until the bonds are issued. Ehlers & Associates 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 -1105 Phone: 651-697-8505 Fax: 651-697-8555 mark @ ehlers - inc.com CIP Bonds Lease Revenue One -Time Total Public TIF District Projected Taxes Debt Service Bonds Debt Rebate Works Facility Decertification Net Impact Payable Levy Service Levy from TIF _ Debt Service Offset to Tax to Year District * Levy Impact Taxpayers 2009 788,453 0 - 200,000 588,500 0 588,453 2010 1 1,155,000 727,000 1 0 1,882,000 - 815,000 1,067,000 * The one -time rebate could be as high as $450,000 depending upon values in the TIF district and relative tax rates of the City, County, and School Districts. Because the acquisition and renovation has been delayed, you have asked us to comment on the financial implications of continuing with a debt levy for taxes payable in 2009 or delaying that levy until the bonds are issued. Ehlers & Associates 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 -1105 Phone: 651-697-8505 Fax: 651-697-8555 mark @ ehlers - inc.com Our comments on the tax levy are as follows: 1. The debt levy for the public works facility in 2009 is more a policy issue than a financial issue. If the public works facility is acquired in 2009, a debt service levy of over $588,000 for taxes payable in 2009 will provide a halfway step up in the debt service levy. If the facility is acquired in 2009 and no debt levy were implemented for taxes payable in 2009, the scheduled debt service levy would increase dramatically from no debt levy to a net impact to taxpayers of over $1M (after the TIF district offset is realized). It is a policy consideration for the City Council to decide how much of a tax levy increase it would like to see from one year to another. 2. The major financial benefit of a debt levy in taxes payable in 2009 is twofold: a. No capitalized interest. If the project commences in the first half of calendar 2009, the City would need to add an interest payment to be paid out of the bond issue of at least 6 months or approximately $300,000. If capitalized interest were added to the CIP Bonds, the Lease Revenue Bonds would need to be increased in size to reach the same level of net proceeds. Lease Revenue Bonds are a more - expensive method of borrowing. If the project were not undertaken until later in 2009, there would be no' need for capitalized interest because the first payment could be delayed until mid -2010. b. Lower overall interest cost.. By starting the payments on the debt earlier, the overall interest cost to the taxpayers would be lower. Bonds carry a higher interest rate when the average life of the debt is longer. 3. Not starting. the levy in taxes payable 2009 would be advantageous if the project were not to occur. It would eliminate any concern over an unused debt levy. The $588,000 in unused levy funds from taxes payable in 2009, based upon our discussions with the Dept. of Revenue on the levy limit process, would need to be credited against another payable 2010 levy debt levy or general fund levy. This credit could then lead to a sizeable increase in the payable 2011 levy because the credit would only occur once. It is important to note, however, that the City could use the $588,000 fund for another debt levy, such as a debt that would be issued to remodel the existing public works facility should the new facility not occur in 2009 or 2010. Approximately $1,000,000 of improvements are needed on the existing public works facility in the next year to maintain current service levels and meet employee health and safety needs. This obligation could be turned into a two year small debt issue to qualify for payment outside of levy limits. In summary, the City has options in either choice of levying for the public works facility for taxes payable in 2009. Commencing the levy next year does increase the efficiency of the bond issue if the project commences. If the project does not occur, even with levy limits, the City has options to utilize the debt levy if the project does not occur. 2 i I, Waiting until payable 2010 for an initial levy does eliminate the chance of a need to credit the unused funds against a future levy. To avoid a significant jump in debt service costs from 2009 to 2010, the City could structure the debt to phase in a levy in future years but this delay would make the debt slightly more expensive (by approximately $200,000 over the life of the issue assuming principal is delayed on year). Please contact us with any questions or comments.