HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-12-16_COUNCIL MEETINGAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 16, 2008 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Adoption of the Consent Agenda is made by the Commissioners as to HRA items and by the Council Members as to Council items. All agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) in bold print are Consent Agenda items and are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Commissioner, Council Member or citizen so requests it. In such cases the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. EDINA HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF HRA - Regular Meeting of December 2, 2008 * II. CONFIRMATION OF PAYMENT OF CLAIMS As per Pre -List dated December 4, 2008 TOTAL $70,265.00; and dated December 11, 2008 TOTAL $726.97 III. ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL Recognition of Member Masica * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting of December 2, 2008, Work Session of December 2, 2008, and December- 1, 2008, Truth In Taxation Minutes II. PUBLIC HEARINGS During "Public Hearings, " the Mayor will ask for public testimony after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to testify on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your testimony is relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: • Individuals must limit their testimony to three minutes. The Mayor may modify times, as deemed necessary. • Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit testimony to the matter under consideration. Agenda /Edina City Council December 16, 2008 Page 2 • In order to maintain a respectful environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. A. PUBLIC HEARING - FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN & VARIANCE Appeal Eberhardt Advisory Services, 3930 491/2 Street West - Resolution No. 2008 -126 (Favorable rollcall majority vote of Council Members present to approve) B. PUBLIC HEARING — PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN & PRELIMINARY REZONING - Ebenezer Society On Behalf Of 7500 York Avenue Cooperative - Resolution No. 2008 -127 (Favorable rollcall vote of three Council Members to approve) III. PUBLIC COMMENT During "Public Comment," the City Council will invite comments from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on tonight's agenda. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes and cannot speak to an issue for which a public hearing was held by the Council within the last thirty days or a matter scheduled for a future hearing on a specific date. Individuals should not expect the Mayor or Council to respond to their comments. Instead, the Council might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. IV. AWARD OF BID A. 2009 Pond Dredging Imp STS -357, Contract ENG 09 -1 V. REPORTS /RECOMMENDATIONS (Favorable vote of majority Council Members present to approve except where noted) A. Resolution No. 2008 -129 Accepting Various Donations (Favorable rollcall vote of four Council Members to approve) B. Traffic Safety Report of December 3, 2008 C. Reappointment of City Prosecutor D. Resolution No. 2008 -130 Amendment to Easement Agreement Lawrence C. & Cynthia B. Holtz VI. FINANCE (Favorable rollcall vote of majority Council Members present to approve) A. CONFIRMATION OF PAYMENT OF CLAIMS As per Pre -List dated December 4, 2008 TOTAL $541,684.02; and dated December 11, 2008 TOTAL $1,254,964.85 and for Credit Card Transactions Total $2,991.42 Agenda /Edina City Council December 16, 2008 Page 3 B. 2009 OPERATING BUDGET & 2009 TAX LEVY Resolution No. 2008 -128 Adopting the 2009 Operating Budget and Setting the 2009 Tax Levy (Favorable majority vote of Council Members present to approve) VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS VIII. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS IX. MANAGER'S COMMENTS X. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952 - 927 -8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Tues Dec 16 Tues Dec 16 Tues Dec 16 Wed Dec 24 Thur Dec 25 Wed Dec 31 Thur Jan 1 Tues Jan 6 Tues Jan 6 Mon Jan 19 Tues Jan 20 `jes Jan 27 _ies Feb 3 Mon Feb 16 Tues Feb 17 Wed Feb 18 Tues Feb 24 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /DATES /EVENTS Work Session With Edina's Legislative Delegation 4:00 P.M. Work Session - CIP 5:00 P.M. Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. CHRISTMAS EVE HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closes at noon CHRISTMAS DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed NEW YEAR'S DAY EVE HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closes at noon NEW YEAR'S DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed Work Session - CIP 5:00 P.M. Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. REV. MARTIN LUTHER KING HOLIDAY OBSERVED - City Hall Closed Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. Study Session - To be determined 7:00 A.M. Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. PRESIDENT'S DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED - City Hall Closed COMMUNITY ROOM ' COMMUNITY ROOM COUNCIL CHAMBERS COUNCIL CHAMBERS COUNCIL CHAMBERS COUNCIL CHAMBERS COMMUNITY ROOM COUNCIL CHAMBERS Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS State of Community 11:00 A.M. EDINBOROUGH GREAT HALL Study Session - To be determined 11:30 A.M. COMMUNITY ROOM MINUTES OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY DECEMBER 2, 2008 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson and Chair Hovland. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion by Commissioner Bennett and seconded by Commissioner Masica approving the Consent Agenda for the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF NOVEMBER 18, APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Bennett and seconded by Commissioner Masica approving the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority from November 18, 2008. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, the Chair declared the meeting adjourned at 7:06 P. M. Executive Director R55CKRE. JG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation 14017 12/412008 100668 URS CORPORATION 70,265.00 PROMENADE CONSTRUCTION 70,265.00 70,265.00 Grand Total CIT1 )INA Council Check Register 12/4/2008 — 12/4/2008 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 200794 3664034 9132.6103 Subledger Account Description PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 70,265.00 Total Payments 70,265.00 )8 7:52:26 Page - 1 Business Unit CENTENNIAL LAKE TAX DISTRICT R5561KSUM LOG20000 Company Amount 09000 HRA FUND 70,265.00 Report Totals 70,265.00 _ CITY OF EDINA Council Check Summary 12/4/2008 - 12/4/2008 We confirm to the best of our knowledge and belief, that these claims comply in all material respects with the requirements of the City of Edina purchasing pol'ci and -A-&- I �I a 12/3/2008 7:52:29 Page - 1 W60G20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # 14018 12/11/2008 102024 IRRIGATION BY DESIGN INC. 726.97 IRRIGATION - PROMENADE 726.97 726.97 Grand Total CIT1 TINA Council Check Register 12/11/2008 — 12/1112008 Doc No Inv No Account No 201260 00126452 9132.6103 Subledger Account Description Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 726.97 Total Payments 726.97 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES J08 7:56:08 Page - 1 Business Unit CENTENNIAL LAKE TAX DISTRICT R55CKSUM LOG20000 Company Amount 09000 HRA FUND 726.97 Report Totals 726.97 CITY OF EDINA Councll Check Summary 12111/2008 - 12111/2008 We confirm to the best of our knowledge and belief, that these claims comply in all material respects with the requirements of the City of Edina purchasing poHgiea and _ procedures 12/10/2008 7:56:13 Page - 1 �e 0 A �y % !9 ,aeB RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION WHEREAS, Linda Masica served the community on the Edina City Council and Housing and Redevelopment Authority for eight years, serving as a member from January 1, 2001, to December 31, 2oo8; and WHEREAS, Linda Masica also served Edina as a member of the Public Art Committee during her terms on the City Council; and WHEREAS, Linda Masica has been a champion of the community during her tenure, leaving a legacy to all Edina citizens; and WHEREAS, Linda Masica has exemplified the City's mission of providing effective and valued public services, maintaining a sound public infrastructure, offering premiere public services and guiding the development and redevelopment of lands within the City, all in a manner that sustains and improves the uncommonly high quality of life enjoyed by residents and businesses. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that her fellow Edina City Council members, City staff and all Edina residents hereby express their thanks and appreciation to Linda Masica for her years of dedication to the community as a member of the Edina City Council. Dated this 16th day of December, 2oo8. James B. Hovland, Mayor x MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL DECEMBER 2, 2008 7:06 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson and Mayor Hovland. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Member Bennett and seconded by Member Masica approving the Council Consent Agenda. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. *MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, 2008, WORK SESSION OF NOVEMBER 18, 2008, RECOUNT CANVASS OF NOVEMBER 18, 2008, AND WORK SESSION OF NOVEMBER 13, 2008 APPROVED Motion made by Member Bennett and seconded by Member Masica approving the Regular Meeting of November 18, 2008, Work Session of November 18, 2008, Recount Canvass of November 18, 2008, and Work Session of November 13, 2008. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED ON PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT NO. S -101 — FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH SIDEWALK — CONTINUED TO JANUARY 6. 2009 Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. Motion made by Member Bennett and seconded by Member Masica continuing public hearing on Public Improvement No. S -101, France Avenue South Sidewalk, to January 6, 2009. Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING HELD ON PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT — GALLERIA SHOPPING CENTER RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -115 APPROVED Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. Planner Presentation Planning Director Teague stated that this plat to create separate lots for Crate and Barrel was continued from the past meeting to allow the applicant to be present and the City Attorney to review the easement documents. The City Attorney found the current parking arrangement would remain intact and individual lot owners could not opt out of the easement agreement. Proponent Presentation Warren Beck, 4700 Linwood Circle, Greenwood, representing the Galleria Shopping Center, explained the Galleria Shopping Center had two separate real estate tractks but operated as a single unit for daily operations, parking and common areas. He advised that leases are structured so each paid its own real estate taxes to Hennepin County. The purpose of this plat was to keep separate legal descriptions as well as separate tax parcels. The Council discussed that each store's use of its premises was governed by a lease and would not specifically provide the opportunity to expand without renegotiation of the lease and processing of a plan approval, if required by Edina. The properties are also governed by the final development plans that were filed for the property. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 7:13 p.m. Public Testimony No one appeared to testify. Page 1 Minutes /Edina City Council /December 2, 2008 Member Housh made a motion, seconded by Member Swenson, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Member Swenson introduced Resolution No. 2008 -115, Resolution Approving a Final Plat for a Registered Land Survey for the Galleria. Member Housh seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING HELD ON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN — RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -134 APPROVED Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. Mayor Hovland thanked the many citizens and groups for their participation and hard work in drafting the Comprehensive Plan. Assistant City Manager Worthington reviewed stated . that in late 2006 the City undertook ���„� -, to update the Comprehensive Plan as required by State Statute. She a ed reviewed of the process #akei, used, led by the Planning Commission, task force groups, citizens, staff members and consultants. The Council received the draft Comprehensive Plan on March 3, 2008, had now completed its review, and directed staff to schedule a public hearing for December 2, 2008. Ms. Worthington stated if the draft resolution was approved, the Comprehensive Plan would be submitted to the Metropolitan Council for its review process, which could take up to one year. When completed, the Council would be asked to adopt the Comprehensive Plan sometime in 2009 and then make Zoning Code amendments within nine months to comply with the guidelines of the Comprehensive Plan. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 7:18 p.m. Public Testimony Sharon Ming, 1103 Coventry Place, stated she was a 27 -year resident and served on the Human Rights and Relations Commission for 19 years. She also served on the Housing Task Force that helped draft the Housing Section of this Plan. Ms. Ming detailed the open process created by the Council that included over a hundred volunteers, hundreds of committee meetings and public listening sessions. These meetings were attended by hundreds of citizens who provided creative input that would guide the City's development and growth over the next 10 -15 years. Ms. Ming estimated that 120 meetings were held and at a value of $25 per hour, there was probably $100,000 worth of free volunteer time from people with expertise. Ms. Ming asserted that over the last nine months, since the Council undertook its review of the Plan, the Council had subverted its own public process. She suggested the Council made substantial changes without the benefit of community input and did not release the final draft to the public until just eight days ago, over the Thanksgiving weekend. Ms. Ming stated she felt this draft of the Comprehensive Plan had a lot of background and history; however, very little vision or strategy and very few ideas about what Edina wanted to see happen over next 10 -15 years. She encouraged the Council not to approve or submit this Plan to the Metropolitan Council because it would not serve Edina well. Cappy Moore, 6768 Valley View Road, stated she was a 24 -year resident and in 2000 was one of four residents representing three area churches who met to discuss Edina's housing situations through the eyes of the faith community who wondered what Edina would look like if it became more diverse. She advised of the 30 -40 meetings that were held over the next seven years including two public forums in 2004. Ms. Moore stated that Council Member Masica attended a public forum and had indicated her surprise to see 150 people in favor of affordable housing. Mayor Hovland had attended the 2006 public forum and gave the key address about change coming to Edina, a first -ring suburb, and the need to keep Edina moving into the future. Ms. Moore noted the public had spoken for more affordable housing, but it was cut from'the Comprehensive Plan. She reviewed her involvement to attend meetings with- diverse groups who spoke of their desire for an economically diverse city. Ms. Moore asked what happened to the Edina's vision and stated she did not understand why the Council disregarded the work charged to the Task Force and the public's input. She stated that as a member of a strong united faith community, a Page 2 It Minutes /Edina City Council /December 2, 2008 Task Force member, and mother to six grown children, she believed there was room in Edina for families, single moms with one income wanting a secure environment, and newly- arrived immigrants. Ms. Moore stated Edina would be a better community for saying "yes" to those who want a new life in Edina. She asked the Council to be responsive to the work and moral fiber of this community and to reconsider and look with fresh eyes at the recommendations originally presented in the Comprehensive Plan. Sister Mary Madonna Ashton, 4401 Valley View Road, Apartment 2, stated she was a 26 -year resident and excited to attend meetings about the Comprehensive Plan that showed an effort to revitalize the community by encouraging young families, professionals and skilled workers to live as well as work in Edina. Sister Ashton stated that young people were needed to revitalize the community and asked the Council to explain why, in Chapter 5, Section 10, the goals stated by the Housing Task Force and unanimously approved by the Council to study in 2006 got scraped from the Comprehensive Plan. She stated she was very disappointed. Sally Krusell, 6229 Hanson Road, stated she was a 24 -year resident who moved to Edina from Highland Park because she wanted her daughter to attend Edina schools. She was a single parent and served on the Housing Task Force, spent a lot of time volunteering and bringing in experts who volunteered their time to provide information. Ms. Krusell stated she was floored by all that was cut from the Housing Plan and asked why she wasted her time as a volunteer. She read a portion of the Housing Succession Plan indicating: "mix of housing types and values was necessary to insure that those who contribute to the community can live in the community if they desire" and asked why that was stricken from the Plan. Ms. Krusell stated her children attended Edina schools but now cannot afford to live here. Ms. Krusell urged the Council to not accept the Comprehensive Plan. Patrick Downey, 7501 Hyde Park Drive, stated he was a 25 -year resident, had sons and a career raising institutional capital for commercial developers. He followed the Comprehensive Plan cycle and was impressed with the professionalism and citizen input. However, he was shocked that the Council removed portions of the Housing Section. Mr. Downey referenced Chapter 5 -21, Item 3, and asked why the 500 -unit goal for affordable housing was reduced to 212 units, noting some units would have gone to seniors. He stated his son married an Edina girl but lives in St. Louis Park because they cannot afford a house in Edina. Mr. Downey stated Edina needed to be revitalized by attracting young families to maintain its tax base and schools. He suggested affordable housing would provide better opportunity to attract young families, nurses, teachers and firefighters. Mr. Downey asked why the recommendation had been struck encouraging multiple building types or the expansion of mixed -use development. Mr. Downey urged the Council not to pass the Comprehensive Plan as written and to review the document as drafted by the Planning Commission that incorporated a long -term vision for the City and housing recommendations. Rev. Gregory Welch, Church of St. Patrick, 6820 St. Patrick's Lane, stated he speaks to-the question not of product or process but that the people who had come to the hearings and put together the Comprehensive Plan document were in an unresolved conundrum as to what was done. He pointed out it only takes two Council Members to see the document was not passed tonight. Rev. Welch stated the City Council and Mayor were credible people who listen and if they disagree, have an articulate way to do so; however, that negotiation takes time. He stated the deadline was the end of December but it could be extended for that type of reason. Rev. Welch commented that years ago, Edina was a "sandbox ", but development happened because of the creativity of community leaders. Now creativity was needed to provide housing for seniors and the people who work here, teaching in Edina's schools and serving on the police force. Rev. Welch urged the Council to take more time so there can be further dialogue. Stefan Helgeson, 3609 West 55th Street, stated he was a 28 -year resident and echoed the comments already-expressed tonight. He displayed Chapter 2, Vision. and Objectives of the Draft Plan, and drew attention to the areas that had been removed. He concurred with the opinion that the public process had been truncated, which was unfortunate because many people cared about what happened in Edina. Mr. Helgeson stated the Council had in its hands the vision of Edina and could stretch to serve the future or Page 3 Minutes /Edina City Council /December 2, 2008 squander it by not hearing the participants in this process. He stated he was a participant and was very concerned about the process and precedence this set in Edina. Mr. Helgeson suggested that Edina was sitting on its laurels while surrounding communities were getting award- winning developments. He stressed the need to become a leader in developing Edina, a suburban first -ring community, through an urban process. He felt the Comprehensive Plan did not address those future opportunities to become leaders, noting LRT had passed Edina by and the Council had said "no" to bike trails that would have provided connection to other communities. Mr. Helgeson suggested the Comprehensive Plan was the vehicle to bring Edina into the next decade and he could not understand how the Comprehensive Plan ended in its current state. He recommended the Council not approve the Comprehensive Plan and look at it again. Dan Gieseke, 6800 Point Drive, stated he was a 17 -year resident and attracted to Edina by its leadership, innovation and being a premier suburb. He stated the Comprehensive Plan should be the "tool" spoken about by others that would set Edina apart. Mr. Gieseke stated he participated in the public meetings and was excited about the process to provide input but now thought that residents were being short changed with this draft of the Comprehensive Plan. He urged the Council to reconsider the prior information from public input and consulting groups. He noted there had been considerable expense, time and effort in this process and that many of the people who worked on the Update to the Plan did not feel right about the outcome. Gene Persha, 6917 Cornelia Drive, stated he had attended more meetings of the Comprehensive Plan than most citizens and did not like how it started or finished but thanked all who participated. He stated he had read the document three or four times and while he was not satisfied with the document, he understood reality. Mr. Persha stated he took.strong exception to the sentence in Section 4 -1 indicating: "Land uses in Edina are the result of dynamic natural forces that shape the present landscape." He stated he had noticed that development went hand -in -hand with infrastructure, and there was a profound impact if infrastructure was lacking. He suggested some areas of the City would take Small Area Plans and stated his concern that Edina needed better citizen participation and citizens should be able to choose their own representatives instead of having them appointed by the Council. Mr. Persha referenced Section 5 -10, Neighborhood Character, and indicated that he liked to think Edina's neighborhoods had character, but it was incumbent on commercial and office uses to be incorporated into that character and complementary to the residential neighborhood. He suggested broadening the definition of rental property since residents in all parts of Edina had become concerned about rental of individual homes, which they believed were a defect in their neighborhood. Mr. Persha stated he was not sure whether licensing or a time limit was needed, but people who rented out homes had an obligation to keep up their loc t oa ii He felt that mixed -use was not the only answer to increased density, and green space was never a tradeoff for higher building height. He stated his concern that some of the pictures used for illustration in the Comprehensive Plan were not of Edina property. Bernadette Daly, 4521 Sedum Lane, stated she was a 26 -year resident with five children. Ms. Daly had followed with interest the public hearings and meetings at the Church of St. Patrick on housing and been impressed with the Council's engagement in seeking ways to help provide housing and economic diversity. She asked the Council to explain why, in Chapter 5, Page 19, Live Work Buildings and Mixed - Use Housing had been dropped. Ms. Daly suggested that other communities had wonderful examples of mixed -use buildings that were attractive, successful and visionary. She asked why Edina could not have the same and asked the Council to reconsider and put that type of housing back into the Comprehensive Plan. John Morial, 6566 France Avenue South, stated he moved from a smaller community when his children finished school and now lived at Point of France. Mr. Morial said Point of France had been built in 1976 and was state -of- the -art in design and worthy of Edina at that time. He stated he was now a senior citizen, had lived in Edina for 16 years and enjoyed having Lake Cornelia within two blocks, wooded areas, pathways; wonderful' neighborhoods; as well as all the services, stores and shops-,­ all- withirr. several blocks. Mr. Morial stated that Mayor Hovland's presentation at the Church of St. Patrick addressed the vision of the Comprehensive Plan and Southdale Plan. He had been impressed with the urban /suburban vision of bikeways, pathways and had looked forward to enjoying that combination. Mr. Page 4 Minutes /Edina Citv Council /December 2, 2008 Morial asked what had happened to the vision, because it appeared to have been removed from the original report on which many hours had been spent. He urged the Council to vote "no" on the Comprehensive Plan so the Council could put vision back into the Plan before its approval. John Bohan, 800 Coventry Place, stated he was a 12 -year resident and had lived the preceding 40 years in southeast Minneapolis, always aspiring to live in Edina but unable to afford it. Mr. Bohan indicated he felt. overwhelmed by people saying there was no vision and Edina was not doing the right thing. He stated he had heard a radio broadcast that there were no problems in Edina with foreclosures so something must be going right. Mr. Bohan said that initially the Draft Comprehensive Plan was the vision of a consultant whose focus was urban development. He suggested that over the course of 2007, the document began to reflect community input. Mr. Bohan stated he attended meetings and found interesting and sometimes heated discussions where the public got a chance to express their views, which caused changes in the original draft. For this reason, he said he felt it was not fair to say the Plan did not reflect the input from the community. Mr. Bohan stated that during 2008 the Council held many work sessions during which conflicts were resolved and ambiguities eliminated. He thought the Comprehensive Plan was a good representation and applauded the Council for their work. Mr. Bohan distributed seven suggestions to the Council. Douglas Mayo, 6041 Kellogg Avenue S., stated he returned to Minnesota in 1976 and chose to move to Edina where he became engaged in community activities including Chair of the Housing Task Force. Mr. Mayo explained he moved to Edina because it was a premier community where you could make a home, educate and raise your family. However, in the last few years he had come to question Edina's preeminence, which may no longer exist. Mr. Mayo stated his career was in real estate development, and he had seen competing communities get superior developments, recreation, transportation facilities and schools to challenge Edina. He expressed concern that Edina was changing, and possibly not for the better. Mr. Mayo described areas of Edina that contained deteriorating housing, outdoor storage, vacant lease space, a decrepit shopping center and blighted neighborhoods. He stated the draft Comprehensive Plan prepared by the Planning Commission had strategies to deal with these conditions and a vision for Edina with exciting opportunities for redevelopment of designated areas through category and mixed -use, with a wide range of life cycle housing for people of all economic standings. Mr. Mayo asked why all the strategies were deleted. He suggested the Comprehensive Plan before Council would result in the status quo, discourage innovation, not attract young families, not provide a range of housing, sense of a future or positive direction. He stated that if you envisioned an Edina that strives, then the Council should revisit the Comprehensive Plan and consider the research, expertise, wisdom and input of the Planning Commission, Housing Task Force, residents and consultants. Joellen Deever, 7405 Oaklawn Avenue, stated that she had been listening to comments and believed that no one was going to agree on a single issue. She thanked all who participated and commented that it was good to see familiar faces tonight of those who had attended the many Comprehensive Plan meetings. She commented that she found it interesting that Lewis Park Area did not want a restaurant, coffee shop, filling station or tall building. She stated that like Father Welch, she also remembered when Edina was considered a "sand box." Ms. Deever stated it had been an experience, pleasure and there were many people to thank. Bob Aderhold, 3529 West 54th Street, stated he was a 12 -year resident and served on the Affordable Housing Task Force that submitted its report to the Council two years ago. He stated that report had been accepted by the Council and was to form the philosophical basis of the Housing Chapter in the Comprehensive Plan. He stated he had been part of that process and worked with wonderful people representing a broad cross section of Edina. Mr. Aderhold stated he felt the report provided very modest goals for the City, and he was disappointed to see that very few of those goals made it into the final Comprehensive Plan. He encourage the Council to revisit the Plan, which many felt was less visionary than hoped, especially in regard to the Housing chapter. Member Masica made a motion, seconded by Member Swenson, to close the public hearing. Ayes: -Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Page 5 Minutes /Edina City Council /December 2, 2008 The Council discussion included: Reading of Page 46 of the Housing Succession Plan that included five strategies recommended by the Task Forcc-Two of the strategies were incorporated in full and two incorporated in part in the Comprehensive Plan. Specifically, the Plan adopted the Metropolitan Council I of 212 new units of affordable housing, encouraged mix use development throughout most of the City where infrastructure was available or could be funded, advocated use of land trusts and second mortgages to facilitate affordable home ownership, and recommended be3tter coordination and , marketinq of existing programs. hi.,h number of afforrlahle heUGORq. U Ri +c mixed _u use in mom++ of the City' PFewam -' It was noted that mandatory exclusionary zoning had been eliminated from the draft Comprehensive Plan. The Council agreed the Comprehensive Plan had included one of the most complete processes ever seen and reflected e*a yy what was said in all the public meetings. The Council considered that this draft of the Comprehensive Plan was released to the public eight days in advance of this public hearing and during Thanksgiving weekend, but that the previous draft contain nin g many of the changes discussed this evening had been published at the end of OctoberLH^r�� It was felt that continuing the public hearing would not be a good use of time because additional substantive changes would not occur. The Council discussed that it was elected to incorporate the community's vision into the Comprehensive Plan and had spent a lot of time attending meetings to ascertain that vision. The Council had found Edina's citizens embrace diversity; and young families and citizens want people who work here to live here. That was the reason high density new development afi Cahill Gardens was found not to be timely because the area was already a successful core of employment with growing and expanding light industrial companies. The Council agreed it wanted to protect residential neighborhoods', — and create thriving commercial nodes, but de id d not want to jeopardize residential neighborhoods, so weF —was concerned about having too much rental housing. The Council had negotiated through vigorous d ,1 a Comprehensive Plan that struck a balance and equilibrium, which at least four Members could support . It was felt that Edina would continue to be innovative and attract people to live and work. The Council discussed its appreciation for those who participated in the process and that it should have informed the Housing Task Force earlier in the process that; mandatory inclusionary zoning did not have support'. so it was not a surprise to them. It was noted that Chapter 2, Vision ands Goals originally had incorporated Vision 20/20, the City's Vision Statement first adopted in 2000 and revised in 2003, with changes that had not been made by public process. In removing Vision 20/20/ from Chapter 2, the Council committed to hold a public process soon to revisit and update it. , was ^haRged +o 2-80-3. IR n.+ 1i+ fin a te F ese+ e 20- n RAMA l The Council reaffirmed that input from public listening sessions indicated a clear, strong and overwhelming majority of rer sidents did not expect the community would remain unchanged but the kind of place they moved to with a balance of residential neighborhoods and suburban environment, not an urban environment. T e—Live Work Buildings were struck from the Plan due to a Fire Code issue and Accessory s Dwelling rn sU tt were removed because public input indicated it ht ey would be destructive to the pattern of residential neighborhoods. The Council acknowledged that while each member had areas they'd like to "tweak," the Plan had been worked on for two years, there had been a lot of negotiation and the Plan wed embodied the community values and input heard from most wh oro ww to or testified e# Q y. The Council acknowledged the disappointment and feelings of disenfranchisement e# expressed by some residents. Mayor Hovland stated he believed the Plan did not reflect the majority opinion of this Council or his vision discussed at the Church of St. Patrick meeting but was a document fashioned to satisfy the requirements of the Metropolitan Council. He stated his concern that the elements of density, height and housing have fallen shbrt'of'the mark and would' not provide a °framework for transportation and sustainable communities. Mayor Hovland stated that he knew Council Members Masica and Bennett attended many meetings and felt the Plan reflected the vision of many in the community but he felt it reflected the vision of those who chose to show up. Page 6 Minutes /Edina City Council /December 2. 2008 Member Masica introduced Resolution No. 2008 -134, Approving the Submission of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update to the Metropolitan Council. Member Bennett seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING HELD ON LIQUOR FEE INCREASES FOR 2009 - ORDINANCE NO. 2008 -10 ADOPTED SETTING VARIOUS FEES FOR 2009 Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. City Manager Hughes explained that increasing liquor fees required the holding of a public hearing and adoption of an ordinance. He advised of the suggested fee increases and that the cost covered the City's expense to enforce the ordinance, process the application, conduct quarterly checks on restaurants for underage service and enforcement issues that could occur. Unique to Edina was to offer a license fee credit of $500 after completion of one calendar year and $1,000 after completion of two calendar years of successful license checks. Mr. Hughes explained that Ordinance No. 2008 -10 also contained the other fees set by ordinance that were annually adjusted. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 8:41 p.m. Public Testimony No one appeared to testimony. Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Housh, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Member Masica made a motion to grant First Reading and waive Second Reading, adopting Ordinance No. 2008 -10 Amending Code Section 185 Increasing Certain Fees effective January 1, 2009. Member Swenson seconded the motion. Roll call: Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENT No one appeared to comment. *AWARD OF BID - ONE 2009 FORD CROWN VICTORIA SQUAD CAR Motion made by Member Bennett and seconded by Member Masica awarding the bid for one 2009 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor to the recommended low bidder, Elk River Ford Crown Victoria at $22,276.36. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -123 APPROVED ACCEPTING VARIOUS DONATIONS Mayor Hovland explained that in order to comply with State Statutes, all donations to the City must be adopted by Resolution and approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donations. Member Bennett introduced Resolution No. 2008 -123 accepting Various Donations. Member Housh seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. * RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -125 APPROVED AUTHORIZING AN APPLICATION T4 THE MET COUNCIL FOR A LIVABLE COMMUNITIES ACT TAX BASE REVITALIZATION GRANT Motion made by Member Bennett and seconded by Member Masica to approve Resolution No. 2008 -125 Page 7 Minutes /Edina Citv Council /December 2. 2008 Authorizing An Application to the Met Council for a Livable Communities Act Tax Base Revitalization Grant. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. *HEARING DATE SET — DECEMBER 16, 2008 — PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PRELIMINARY REZONING, EBENEZER SOCIETY ON BEHALF OF 7500 YORK AVENUE COOPERATIVE Motion made by Member Bennett and seconded by Member. Masica to set the hearing date for December 16, 2008, Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Rezoning, Ebenezer Society on behalf of 7500 York Avenue. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. *CONFIRMATION OF CLAIMS PAID Motion made by Member Bennett and seconded by Member Masica approving payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated November 20, 2008, and consisting of 26 pages; General Fund $277,407.48; Communications Fund $222.95; Working Capital Fund $3,700.75; .Art Center Fund $1,276.00; Golf Dome Fund $55.03; Aquatic Center Fund $2,251.48; Golf Course Fund $4,727.13; Ice Arena Fund $16,041.25; Edinborough /Centennial Lakes Fund $9,571.02; Liquor Fund $211,756.04; Utility Fund $70,669.46; Storm Sewer Fund $139.38; Recycling Fund $38,600.10; PSTF. Agency Fund $2,627.03; TOTAL $639,045.10 and for approval of payment of claims dated November 27, 2008, and consisting of 66 pages: General Fund $166,362.81; Communications Fund $3,514.21; Working Capital Fund $1,398,923.60; Construction Fund $90,331.71; Art Center Fund $22,922.64; Golf Dome Fund $2,507.58; Aquatic Center Fund $702.00; Golf Course Fund $5,812.97; Ice Arena Fund $331.36; Edinborough /Centennial Lakes Fund $22,403.45; Liquor Fund $185,036.65; Utility Fund $1,091,375.23; Storm Sewer $182,736.70; PSTF Agency Fund $2,116.15; TOTAL $3,175,077.06. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -120 APPROVED — SETTING YEAR 2009 PARK AND RECREATION FEES AND CHARGES City Manager Hughes stated the fees were considered and recommended by the Park Board. Member Masica introduced Resolution No. 2008 -120 Setting Year 2009 Park and Recreation Fees and Charges. Member Housh seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -121 APPROVED — SETTING YEAR 2009 AMBULANCE FEES Fire Chief Scheerer reviewed the 2009 rates to be charged, noting Edina's rates are slightly below the median. He advised of the Medicare reimbursement, noting 67% of the calls receive this reimbursement. Member Masica introduced Resolution No. 2008 -120 Setting Year 2009 Ambulance Fees. Member Bennett seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -122 APPROVED — SETTING YEAR 2009 MISCELLANEOUS FEES City Manager Hughes stated the fees were for specialized responses from the Fire Department. Member Swenson introduced Resolution No. 2008 -122 Setting Year 2009 Miscellaneous Fees. Member Housh seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. MEETING' SCFfEDULED` -WITH LEGISLATIVE -DELEGATION Council consensus was. reached °to schedule a meeting on December 16, 2008, at 4 p.m. with Edina's legislative delegation if possible. Mr. Hughes would advise the Council whether the legislators were available. Page 8 Minutes /Edina City Council /December 2, 2008 There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Page 9 Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk MINUTES OF THE JOINT WORK SESSION OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL AND RECYCLING /SOLID WASTE SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISISON HELD AT CITY HALL DECEMBER 2, 2008 5:30 P.M. Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 5:36 p.m. in the Community Room of City Hall. Answering rollcall were: Members Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson and Mayor Hovland. Present from the Recycling /Solid Waste Subcommittee were: Commissioners Latham, O'Connell and Paterlini. Staff present included: Gordon Hughes, City Manager; Heather Worthington, Assistant City Manager; Sherry Engelman, Sanitarian; Solvei Wilmot, Assistant Sanitarian & Recycling Coordinator; and Debra Mangen, City Clerk. Consultant Dan Krivit was also in attendance. Mayor Hovland said the purpose of the work session was to review the proposed Request for Proposals for the City's Recycling Contract. He asked Commissioner Latham to lead off the discussion. Commissioner Latham stated that Dan Krivit, Consultant, recommended the work session to allow discussion of issues in the proposed RFP. The issues were: 1. Desire to meet with potential proposers to clarify the RFP and allow vendor input -- the vendors identified so far were Allied Waste, Eureka and Waste Management, 2. Preference for organics to be co- collected with yard waste and not with recycling 3. Use of dual sort recycling, and 4. Ranking of the four RFP criteria: environment, economic, education and qualifications. It was noted that the goal of this meeting was also to avoid the potential issues that occurred in the City of Plymouth when there was dissension with the process followed and the vendors encouraged Plymouth residents to bombard the Plymouth Council with messages. The Council and Recycling /Solid Waste Subcommittee discussed: Requests For Proposals vs. Requests For Bids, Manufacturing Recycling Facilities (MERFs), dual sort vs. single sort recycling, and the weighting of the four criteria used to evaluate the RFP's. The Council directed the Subcommittee to use: Environment 40 %, Economics 40 %, Education 15% and Qualifications 5 %. The term of the new contract will be three years, and it was noted this would be a good time to then re- evaluate the market, the economy and where technology has taken recycling. Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 6:42 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra Mangen, City Clerk MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL ON DECEMBER 1, 2008 AT 5:00 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were. Members Bennett, Housh, Swenson and Mayor Hovland. Member Masica entered the meeting at 5:10 p.m. TRUTH IN TAXATION PUBLIC HEARING HELD FOR PROPOSED 2009 CITY BUDGET Pursuant to published notice given, the Edina City Council conducted a public hearing on the proposed property tax increase in the 2009 Budget for the City of Edina. Mayor Hovland stated the purpose of the Truth in Taxation hearing would focus on the proposed 2009 City of Edina Budget. He said the budget review would relate to the monies' source and how the monies would be expended on the various functions and services of the City. Residents with questions relating to the valuation placed on their homes should plan to appear at.the Board of Review in the spring of 2009. Manager Hughes introduced a short video entitled 14 ,Reasons Property Taxes Go Up or Down produced by the League of MN Cities, the Association of MN Counties, and the MN School Boards' Association. Mr. Hughes said filming and technical work on the video was done by Tremendous Entertainment 2006. Following the video, Mr. Hughes reviewed the 2009 proposed expenditures of $32,437,957. He explained this would be an increase of $1,901,694 or approximately 6.23 %. Mr. Hughes noted that $588,453 of the increase represented the first year's debt service on bonds proposed to be issued to finance the purchase and reconstruction of the proposed Public Works Facility. Mr. Hughes said the City's tax revenues must increase $1,543,490 or 7.01% from 2008 to support the proposed expenditures. Mr. Hughes said the draft budget included no new staff, services or programs. Mayor Hovland asked for elaboration on the proposed levy to cover the Public Works Debt Services. Mr. Hughes replied the City had a purchase agreement for 7450 Metro Boulevard and was waiting for a letter from the State regarding some environmental concerns. He added the Council must decide whether to levy for debt service for bonds that will be sold to finance the purchase and reconstruction of the property into a Public Works facility. Mr. Hughes added that staff recommended levying in 2009 to save on capitalized interest. He referred the Council to a memorandum prepared for the Council by the City's bond consultant Ehlers & Associates. Public Testimony Jason Jones, 5109 Mirror Lakes Drive, asked the Council to look at the total money spent for 2009. He said his taxes had doubled since 2002, and in his opinion the rate of spending was too high. He was not concerned with his value, but said taxes must stop increasing. Don Hykes, 5527 West 70th Street, said he thought the City was efficiently operated, but that with the economic times seniors were in a difficult position. He asked that the budget be reviewed in hopes of reducing it. Tim Bjorklund, 6416. Timber Ridge, agreed with previous speakers. Mr. Bjorklund said the current economic situation should dictate how the City comprised their 2009 budget with lower taxes and cost cuts. Bill Nelson, 6400 York Avenue, asked how the largest increase since 2006 could be considered during the current economic times. Member- Swenson- made a motion, to close the, Truth in Taxation Hearing. Member Housh seconded the motion. Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Page 1 Minutes Truth In Taxation Hearing /Edina City Council /December 1. 2008 The Council asked Mr. Hughes to explain the budget process. Mr. Hughes said that beginning in June, assumptions were developed that were a forecast of the following year's needs based on legislative changes and programs of. the City. In June and July, the City Council established thresholds from which staff prepared a draft budget. In September, the Council adopted a maximum levy. He explained this maximum levy was used to develop the Truth In Taxation notices. Mr. Hughes said that a hearing was held in October at which time the City's boards and commissions offered input. The parcel - specific notices were sent out, and the Truth In Taxation hearing was held. The final step in the process was to adopt the 2009 Operating Budget at the December 16, 2008, Council meeting. It was noted that city government operations consisted of services to citizens in administration, public safety, or parks and recreation; therefore city budgets consisted largely of personal services. The process for developing the budget was discussed. Assumptions began with all departments submitting their "wish list" scenario which was then reviewed and three scenarios developed for the Council to review. The 2009 increases were driven by a 3.5% increase in personal service (2009 was the second year of labor contracts) and increases in commodities. When the draft was developed, commodities prices were rising at record levels. The budget as presented `^r sente ' maintained the same level of service as the previous year with no personnel increases, program increases or service increases. The Council's discussion included: the potential effect, if staff were directed to reduce the proposed budget to a lower than four percent increase, whether or not the levy should include the Public Works Debt Service, what would happen to the.Debt Service levy if the City were to decide not to move forward on the Public Works Facility, and some specific budget questions on the reduced overtime in the Police and Fire Department budgets. Mr. Hughes explained that if the Council adopted the proposed debt service levy and the Public Works Facility on Metro Boulevard did not move forward,. options included: reducing the 2010 levy or using the funds to work on the existing Public Works site. Chief Siitari explained the Police Department had gone to compressed scheduling where officers worked twelve hour shifts which reduced overtime. They also hired a part-time dispatcher to cover hours at a straight -time rate. Chief Scheerer said the Fire Department eliminated the Fire Department Open House for 2009 and reduced its training budget in order to reduce their overtime. The Council directed staff to review the draft budget and bring alternatives to the Council for consideration when adopting the final operating budget on December 16, 2008. Member Swenson made a motion cancelling the December 8, 2008, continuation date for the 2009 Truth in Taxation hearing. Member Masica seconded the motion. Ayes: Bennett, Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Mayor Hovland adjourned the meeting at 6:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk Page 2 t f To: Mayor & City Council From: Cary Teague Planning Director Date: December 16, 2008 Subject: Final Development Plan and Variance to tear down and rebuild a new office building at 3930 49 -1/2 street Deadline for a City decision: January 20, 2009 Planning Commission Recommendation: KhF0K'11KLCUMMCN UA 1 lUN Agenda Item II.A. Consent ❑ Information Only Mgr. Recommends To HRA ® To Council Action ® Motion ® Resolution Ordinance Discussion On October 29, 2008, the Planning Conunission unanimously recommended approval of the request subject to the findings and conditions outlined in the attached staff report. (See attached minutes on pages A40 -A43.) Zoning Board of Appeals Action: On December 4, 2008, the Zoning Board of Appeals unanimously recommended approval of the Variance request. (See attached minutes on pages A44 -A45.) Staff has appealed the Boards decision in order for the City Council to take final action on the entire project. I Info/Background See attached Planning Commission staff report and development plans. RESOLUTION NO. 2008-126 APPROVING A FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITH VARIANCES FOR EBERHARDT REAL ESTATE ADVISORY SERVICES City of Edina BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: Section 1. BACKGROUND. 1.01 Eberhardt Real Estate Advisory Services are requesting a Development Plan review with a a- foot, rear yard setback variance from 10 feet to 7 feet for the rear parking lot for the property at 3930 49 -1/2 Street West. 1.02 The specific proposal is to tear down the existing two -story 14,000 square foot office building, and rebuild a new two -story 13,130 square foot office building. 1.03 On October 29, 2008, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Final Development Plan and Variance. 1.04 On December 4, 2008, the Zoning Board of Appeals approved the variance. Staff appealed the decision in order for the City Council to take final action on the Final Development Plan and Variance. Section 2. FINDINGS 2.01 With the exception of the variance, the proposal would meet the required standards and ordinances for a Final Development Plan. 2.02 The proposal meets the required standards for a variance, because: 1) There is unique hardship to the property caused by: a. The property elevation drop of 12 feet from the north lot line. The encroachment would be located into a hill that separates the site from the adjacent residential property to the north. 2) The variance would meet the intent of the ordinance since: a. The proposed use is reasonable. It provides a reasonable on -site parking area for a new building that would be the same size as the existing building. b. The new parking area is a minor encroachment into the rear yard setback. C. The encroachment would not be visible from the residential property to the north. City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com 952 - 927 -8861 FAX 952 -826 -0390 TTY 952 - 826 -0379 RtSOLUTION NO. 2008-126 Section 3. APPROVAL NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina, approves the Final Development Plan and variance for the proposed building at 3930 49 -1/2 Street West. Approval of the Final Development Plan is subject to the following conditions: 1) The site must be developed and maintained in conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: • Site plan date stamped September 26, 2008. • Building elevations date stamped October 23, 2008. Grading plan date stamped September 26, 2008. • Landscape plan date October 23, 2008. 2) Submit a copy of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Permit. The city may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the District's requirements. 3) Per Section 850.10. Subd. 3.B of the City's Zoning Ordinance, a letter of credit, performance bond or cash deposit must be submitted in the amount equal to 150% of the proposed landscaping prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the building. 4) The basement area shall not be remodeled into office space. The basement may be used for storage and mechanical space only. 5) Pavers along the front, side and rear of the building must be pervious, and subject to approval of the city engineer. 6) The on -site parking stalls must be striped. 7) Compliance with all conditions listed by the city engineer in his memo dated October 24, 2008. 8) The property owner must enter into a Skyway Agreement with the City of Edina to connect the second story walkway to the parking ramp. Cost of the connection would be the responsibility of the property owner of 3930 49 -1/2 Street West. The Skyway Agreement is subject to approval of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Adopted by the city council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, on December 16, 2008. RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -126 ATTEST: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN CITY OF EDINA )SS James B. Hovland, Mayor CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 16, 2008, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 2008. City Clerk o e Cn rJ � �y PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Originator Meeting Date Agenda # Cary Teague October 29, 2008 2008- 0016.08a Director of Planning Brief Description: Redevelopment of the Edina Realty building at 3930 49 -1/2 Street West for Eberhardt Properties LLC. (See location on pages Al —A3.) I Recommendation: Recommend approval of the Final Development Plan. Information /Background The applicant is proposing to tear down the existing two -story 14,000 square foot office building, and rebuild a new two -story 13,130 square foot office building. (See proposed plans on pages A4 —A29, and in the attached development plan book.) The request requires the following: 1. A Final Development Plan. 2. A 3 -foot parking lot setback variance from 10 to 7 feet. Primary Issue • Is the proposed re- development reasonable for this site? Yes. Staff believes the proposal is reasonable for five reasons: 1. The proposed office use is permitted in the PCD -2, Planned Commercial District. 2. The building would be generally the same size as the.existing two -story building on the site, therefore, would not generate a need for any additional parking. The footprint of the building would be 8,000 square feet, as is.the existing building. The City Code defined square footage of the new building would be slightly smaller than the existing building. (14,000 s.f. vs. 13,130 s.f.) Stairwells, elevators, and restrooms are not included in the gross square footage calculation. The proposed new building would have larger stairwells, elevators and restrooms, which is why the gross square footage is smaller. The adjacent city parking ramp would continue to provide the parking for the site. The applicant also proposes to better define the parking stalls behind the building with 45 degree parking stalls and added green space. (See page A14.) A final development plan with a parking stall variance was granted for this site in 1985. (See minutes and plans on pages A33 —A39.) The variance allowed a second story to be built and the parking would be provided by the city parking ramp. The variance also allowed the site to expand to have a floor area ratio (FAR) of 1.0. The City's HRA policy for the 50th and France businesses allows property owners to expand to an FAR of 1.0 and use the City parking ramps for required parking. For any expansion over 1.0, the property owner must provide on -site parking. The proposed redevelopment of this site is consistent with the originally approved final development plan, and does not exceed an FAR of 1.0. 3. The proposed redevelopment would improve the site. The applicant would build a brick building; improve the site's landscaping; provide an attractive pedestrian mall /plaza on the west side of the building including pervious pavers, benches, tables, chairs; and would provide a better defined parking area behind the building. (See page A14.) 4. With the exception of the variance request, the project would meet all zoning ordinance requirements, as demonstrated within the supporting information of this report. 5. The proposed variance is reasonable and would meet the variance criteria. Per Section 850.04.Subd.1.F. of the Zoning Ordinance, a variance should not be granted unless it is found that the strict enforcement of the ordinance would cause undue hardship. The following are the variance standards, when applying the three hardship tests: a. Are there practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements? Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying 2 with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. "Practical difficulties" may include functional and aesthetic concerns. Staff believes that the requested variance is reasonable. The applicant proposes a minor encroachment into the rear yard setback for the purpose of creating a well defined parking area with increased green space surrounding the lot behind the new building. (See page A14.) The proposed new building has the same finished square footage as the existing building. Additionally, the encroachment would be into a hill that separates this site from the adjacent residential property to the north. Therefore, the proposed parking spaces would not be visible from the residential property. The parking area sits 12 feet lower than the home to the north. (See page A25.) The applicant is proposing a row of 8 -12 -foot tall Evergreen Trees to provide year -round screening of the building /parking area. (See pages A14 & A28.) b. Are there circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self - created? Yes. The unique circumstance is that the parking area sits 12 feet lower than the adjacent property to the north. (See page A25.) While this condition may exist else ware, it is not common. This circumstance is not self- created. c. Would the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? No. The use would not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. The residents to the north would not notice the encroachment due to the above mentioned grade change. Staff Recommendation Recommend approval of the revised Final Development Plan and Variance to tear down and re -build a new office building at 3930 49 -1/2 Street West for Eberhardt Properties LLC. Approval is based on the following findings: 1) With the exception of the variance, the proposal would meet the required standards and ordinances for a Final Development Plan. 2) The new building would be generally the same size as the existing building. 3) The proposal meets the required standards for a variance, because: a. The proposed use is reasonable. It provides a reasonable on -site parking area for a new building that would be the same size as the existing building. b. The new parking area is a minor encroachment into the rear yard setback. C. The encroachment would be located into a hill that separates the site from the adjacent residential property to the north; therefore, the proposed encroachment would not be visible from the residential property. The parking area sits 12 feet lower than the home to the north. Approval of the Final Development Plan is subject to the following conditions: 1) The site must be developed and maintained in conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: • Site plan date stamped September 26, 2008. • Building elevations date stamped October 23, 2008. • Grading plan date stamped September 26, 2008. • Landscape plan date October 23, 2008. 2) Submit a copy of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Permit. The city may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the District's requirements. 3) Per Section 850.10. Subd. 3.13 of the City's Zoning Ordinance, a letter of credit, performance bond or cash deposit must be submitted in the amount equal to 150% of the proposed landscaping prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the building. 4) The basement area shall not be remodeled into office space. The basement may be used for storage and mechanical space only. 5) Pavers along the front, side and rear of the building must be pervious, and subject to approval of the city engineer. 6) The on -site parking stalls must be striped. 7) Compliance with all conditions listed by the city engineer in his memo dated October 24, 2008. 4 8) The property owner must enter into a Skyway Agreement with the City of Edina to connect the second story walkway to the parking ramp. Cost of the connection would be the responsibility of the property owner of 3930 49 -1/2 Street West. The Skyway Agreement is subject to approval of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority. 5 SUPPORTING INFORMATION Surrounding Land .Uses Northerly: A duplex and single - family home; zoned and guided for low - density residential uses. Easterly: Retail building; zoned and guided for commercial uses. Southerly: City parking ramp. Westerly: City parking ramp. Existing Site Features The subject property is 14,984 square feet in size, and contains a two -story office building. (See pages A3 and All 2 —A13.) Planning Guide Plan designation: Industrial Zoning: PID, Planned Industrial District Final Development Plan Review Section 850.04.Subd. 2.5, requires the City Council to make the following findings for approval of a Final Development Plan: a) is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; The Comprehensive Plan designates the site for commercial uses. Office buildings are a permitted use in the PCD -2 Zoning District; therefore, the proposed uses would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. b) is consistent with the Preliminary Development Plan as approved and modified by the Council and contains the Council imposed conditions to the extent the conditions can be complied with by the Final Development Plan; Preliminary Development Plans are only required if a property is proposed for a rezoning. c) will not be detrimental to properties surrounding the tract, The proposed building would have the same square footage as the existing building, would be two- stories and generally within the same foot print. 2 d) will not result in an overly- intensive land use; and e) will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards; The building would be the size and would continue to be occupied by Edina Realty. Therefore, there should be no impact to adjacent roadways. Because the use and square footage of the building would remain the same, no transportation study is required. The existing and proposed footprint of the buildings is 8,000 square feet. e) conforms to the provisions of this Section and other applicable provisions of the Code; and With the exception of the proposed variance, the proposal conforms to the zoning ordinance. t) provides a proper relationship between the proposed improvements, existing structures, open space and natural features. Staff believes the proposal would meet this criterion. Grading /Drainage /Utilities The city engineer has reviewed the proposed grading and drainage plans and found them to be acceptable. A permit would be required from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. (See page A29a.) Building Design The addition would be constructed of brick, cast stone, limestone, and metal panels. (See pages Al5 —A18.) Mechanical equipment for the building would be located on the top of the roof. (See page Al5 —A17.) Landscaping Based on the perimeter of the site, 12 over -story trees are required. The applicant is proposing 20 over -story trees. In addition to over -story trees, a full complement of understory trees and shrubs would be provided. Green space has been added to the back parking lot to separate the building from the parking lot. (See pages A14 and A28.) The existing site contains 2,094 square feet of green space. The proposed site would provide 2,029 square feet plus 90 square feet of raised planters. (See page A28.) 7 Compliance Table * Variance requested Deadline for a city decision: January 20, 2009 City Standard Proposed Front 6 feet 6 feet Side No setback required 7 feet Side No setback required 10 feet Rear 31 feet 47 feet Building 50 feet or four stories 31 feet & two stories Height Floor Area 150% 88% Ratio Parking lot 20 feet (street) 50+ feet and drive aisle setback 10 feet (rear) 7 feet* Over -story 12 required 20 proposed Trees (number is based on the perimeter of the site) * Variance requested Deadline for a city decision: January 20, 2009 ZONING Aa Legend House Number Labels Street Name Labels ./ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ i♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦o♦i Creeks ❑ Lake Names Lakes Parke Zaning ❑ APO fAalpn`ah,fa P.Xna ►♦ i♦ i♦ i♦ i♦ i!►♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦• ► ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦1 ►♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦� ♦♦♦♦♦H♦♦♦♦♦►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ■ MDO•$fMrmi DawlaPmenl O,svut.5( ® MDD•81Mvpp Dpw!apmanl D.N,p •DI ❑ P� ■ Jp ® PCD•21Poenn c:.maW O,eret -Zt ® PCD-](PWnaJ Ca-0 O__31 ► ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦• ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦� ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦1►♦♦4♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦9 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦� DPOD fpgrnee tnaumrW Dnanyl POD-t1►W naa gr�ORiM_11 ► ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ► ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦1 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦�► ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦• ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ■PRO - 11PLannod 0.mAcniDmr:p11 ® ♦ ♦ Oil ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦fir114 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦�• fir♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦tr ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦t !♦♦♦ ♦ ♦� ► ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦r ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ •♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦� ♦ ♦1� ♦1 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦� ► ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦l ♦• ►♦ ♦ ♦i� ♦ ♦� /♦ ♦ ♦t ♦ ♦t •♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦1W ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦t► ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦t ® PROA(P --d RpmlWt D. ­,_.I ® PRD -5(Plm Amdant Oml.: —51 / PSRa1P�mn• -•a 3nnrRmdcncpa F7 R -t (3-lo On ` u" c a 1 0 r ❑ RMO(Ropnnal M. Oa yl ❑ Parcels Poo r tl %/////// ZONING Aa Legend House Number Labels Street Name Labels ./ Criy Llmlts Creeks ❑ Lake Names Lakes Parke Zaning ❑ APO fAalpn`ah,fa P.Xna MDD.afMrpe Doa,apn,aat D .,r,n.al ■ MDO•$fMrmi DawlaPmenl O,svut.5( ® MDD•81Mvpp Dpw!apmanl D.N,p •DI ❑ P� ■ PCO.1lrtmrnal Camann�ea•Dirrcttl ® PCD•21Poenn c:.maW O,eret -Zt ® PCD-](PWnaJ Ca-0 O__31 ❑ PCO- 4IPlc..Can•.ra 4Datr.gq DPOD fpgrnee tnaumrW Dnanyl POD-t1►W naa gr�ORiM_11 OP013- 21P1annm Off - (),atop 21 ■PRO - 11PLannod 0.mAcniDmr:p11 ® PRD- 2(Pmnnoi Rmdcnt Os ® .21 PRO- )(Pu_. Rm:lam Dn:irX51 ® PROA(P --d RpmlWt D. ­,_.I ® PRD -5(Plm Amdant Oml.: —51 ■ PSRa1P�mn• -•a 3nnrRmdcncpa F7 R -t (3-lo On ` u" c a 1 0 A 2(Dpapk Dwamna Ua Ora I ❑ RMO(Ropnnal M. Oa yl ❑ Parcels ` 49TH ti'1?r �.f. •�'a k1 t' 3925 k -•� y F ,r .1, , i . M p�3936• IL 3 r �.. R rig+" �'aa'i*'• i. -�' r` at I F.r.N d.: w ' P50 q 3901 f 3923 * 4 1 r . r 3 �• 3830 r 49 112 ST W A w I °•� r ' �r0•d i 1� 1 A3 e� At to' tA 0 T P A kRATIU MEMORANDUM miller d u nwi d d i e 123 North Third Street Suite 106 Minneapolis MN 55401 -1657 www.millerdunwiddie.com p 612- 337 -0000 f 612 - 337 -0031 ARCHITECTURE A.01 Project Narrative 3930 Edina Office Building Final Development Plan Owner / Developer: James Nelson 3930 Building LLC c/o Eberhardt Properties, Inc. Tom Nelson Eberhardt Properties, Inc. 2888 Joppa Avenue St. Louis Park MN 55416 Architect: Miller Dunwiddie Architecture Contact: Daniel J. Green, AIA LEED AP 123 North 3'd St. Ste 104 Minneapolis, MN 55401 (612) 337 -0000 Location: 3930 49 1/2 Street, Edina MN 50th and France Commercial District Owners Goals for Development: The property is owned by the 3930 Building LLC, whose sole'member is Jim Nelson, president of Eberhardt Advisory, LLC. It is managed and being redeveloped in conjunction with Jim Nelson's son, Tom Nelson, president of Eberhardt Properties, Inc. Jim Nelson and /or Eberhardt affiliates have owned the property since 1980. A second story was added in 1986, bringing the total square footage to approximately 16,000. The property has been occupied by Edina Realty and other retail uses since 1986, becoming fully occupied by Edina Realty in 2003. The occupancy of Edina Realty represents the continuation of Edina Realty's presence in the 50th and France area since the company opened its first office on the then unpaved France Avenue in 1955. Edina Realty intends to return to this location as the primary tenant. The existing building is quickly nearing the end of its useful life. The structure is un- sprinkled and without an elevator. Its design, functionality and systems are all out - dated, which leads to wasteful and excessive energy use, high insurance costs and difficult floor plan layouts. Ownership has determined that given the high quality location of the real estate, the best use of its capital is to invest in a new building. It is the owner /developer's intent to remove the existing structure and replace it with an attractive, energy efficient building that follows sustainable design principles for the benefit of Edina Realty in the near term while remaining flexible for other neighborhood enhancing uses in the future. The owner /developer is confident that the design and intent of the new building will add value to the 50th and France Business District and one of its longest standing and most prominent businesses. A4 u. \ebe \ebe07O2\ present \dd\ 2008_09_26_ final_ development _plan\final_document \a0l _project narrative.doc MDA(Project #EBE0702) 3930 Edina Office, Building Zoning Summary: September 25, 2008 Page 2 Zoning District PCD -2. Total Lot area 15,850 SF. Total Building Gross Square Footage is approximately 16,000 SF. The "50th & France Commercial Area Plan ", dated December 3, 1974 initially established area limits and parking requirements for the then 29 year old structure. In 1978, an HRA policy allowed expansion of the building up to an FAR of 1.0 to utilize the public parking ramp; however, expansion over 1.0 would require that parking be provided on site. At the time of the addition, a variance was granted for this site to be 35 spaces short of the parking requirement. Current Zoning allows an FAR of 1.5 if additional parking is added on site. Setbacks per Sections 850.08 Subd. 4, B and 850.16, Sub. 11, B and Sub. 12, A & B Existing parking on site and within the North Ramp parking structure, as noted in Section of the Zoning Code, allows construction of a building of equal use and square footage on the site without requiring additional parking stalls. Proposed Building and Site Summary: The proposed building measures 80' x 100' for a total footprint of 8,000 gross square feet. With two stories above grade, the total area of the building is 16,000 gross square feet. A basement is proposed for mechanical and storage purposes. The project proposes to add 2 parking stalls to the existing rear parking area, allowing approximately 400 additional gross square feet above existing in the new building. (per 850.08, Subd 2, A & B) Planning Review and Variance Request: o Final Development Plan Review o Variances 1. Rear Yard Parking Setback reduction from 10' -0" to 7' -0 ". "Additional information regarding variance requests follows in this document under separate heading Existing Building: The existing building on the site was originally constructed as a single- story, wood- framed building in 1955. The second story was added in 1986. Total gross square footage is approximately 16,000 SF. The building is approximately 26' in height. The building is slab -on -grade with no basement. Existing Site and Circulation: A single story retail building is located to the east of 3930. A shared access drive is located between this building and 3930. This access drive is the only rear yard access for the neighboring building. AT- U: \EBE\EBE0702\ Present \DD\2008_09_26_Final_ Development_ Plan \FINAL_document\A01_PROJECT NARRATIVE.doc Existinq Allowed Proposed Front Yard Setback: +/- 4' Avg. +/- 6' Side Yard Setback: W +/- 9', E +/- 7' 0' W +/- 10.5', E +/ -7' Rear Yard Setback +/- 49.5' 25' or ht. min. +/- 47.5' Parking Setback: +/- 14' 10' min. 7' Variance Requested Existinq Allowed Proposed Maximum Height 2 stories, +/- 26' 4 stories, 50' 2 stories, 30.75' Existing parking on site and within the North Ramp parking structure, as noted in Section of the Zoning Code, allows construction of a building of equal use and square footage on the site without requiring additional parking stalls. Proposed Building and Site Summary: The proposed building measures 80' x 100' for a total footprint of 8,000 gross square feet. With two stories above grade, the total area of the building is 16,000 gross square feet. A basement is proposed for mechanical and storage purposes. The project proposes to add 2 parking stalls to the existing rear parking area, allowing approximately 400 additional gross square feet above existing in the new building. (per 850.08, Subd 2, A & B) Planning Review and Variance Request: o Final Development Plan Review o Variances 1. Rear Yard Parking Setback reduction from 10' -0" to 7' -0 ". "Additional information regarding variance requests follows in this document under separate heading Existing Building: The existing building on the site was originally constructed as a single- story, wood- framed building in 1955. The second story was added in 1986. Total gross square footage is approximately 16,000 SF. The building is approximately 26' in height. The building is slab -on -grade with no basement. Existing Site and Circulation: A single story retail building is located to the east of 3930. A shared access drive is located between this building and 3930. This access drive is the only rear yard access for the neighboring building. AT- U: \EBE\EBE0702\ Present \DD\2008_09_26_Final_ Development_ Plan \FINAL_document\A01_PROJECT NARRATIVE.doc MDA(Project #EBE0702) 3930 Edina Office Building September 25, 2008 Page 3 The City of Edina North Ramp Parking Facility is located immediately to the west of the site. Originally a parking lot, the first level deck was constructed in 1991 and an additional two (2) levels were added in 2000. Access to the parking structure is located off 49 1/2 Street, along the property boundary with 3930. An access between the north parking area of 3930 and the ground level of the North Ramp currently exists, allowing entry and egress from the 3930 site. An easement between the North Ramp and the 3930 Building exists for 2nd level access by pedestrians directly between the buildings. See additional information in Proposed Building Design. Existing Parking and Service: Parking for the 3930 building is located at grade to the north of the building and within the North Ramp. There are approximately 9 stalls existing behind the building. Access to this parking is provided via the parking structure to the west and the access drive to the east. Trash service is located in an enclosure at the north -east corner of the site. Proposed Building Design: The proposed 3930 building design uses a modern commercial language of brick, stone and glass to re- invigorate a key parcel within the north side of the 50th and France Commercial District. Piers and openings reflect traditional multi -story commercial architecture, with large "storefront' windows on the ground level street fagade and smaller, articulated openings on the upper level. Natural stone adjacent to entries and pedestrian areas reflects the high - quality finishes found throughout the District. Ceramic brick is a natural choice for the exterior and provides distinct identity for the structure within the surrounding commercial context. South and West entries are indentified with streamlined canopies that accent the clean lines and simplicity of the structure. Additional access to the - building is proposed at the second level via a small cantilevered walkway, extending from the building to the North Ramp parking facility. Proposed Building Sustainability: The owner /developer is committed to following sustainable design principles for the 3930 building. Building energy modeling was performed to analyze alternative mechanical systems and envelope construction. Life cycle cost assessments were also performed on alternative mechanical systems, including geothermal. The current design proposes a high efficiency VAV mechanical system that as modeled could reduce energy costs by at least 30% as compared to the ASHRAE 90.1 baseline. Recycling of materials during demolition and construction will be mandatory. The project team is investigating re -use options for existing interior fixtures and finishes. The proposed building frame and wall system is steel instead of concrete in order to reduce embodied energy and increase recycled material content. Exterior cladding materials were chosen for their appearance, durability, low maintenance requirements and recyclability. A white, high albedo (reflective) roof is proposed to reduce solar gain and the urban heat - island effect. High efficiency windows on the north, east and south facades, coupled with an open floor plate design , exterior sun shades and light shelves allow extensive day lighting opportunities. All plumbing fixtures will be water- saving or low -flow. The building electrical systems will be designed to accommodate future roof mounted photovoltaic systems should the economic climate become more auspicious to their installation. Stormwater rate and quality control will be improved through the use of permeable pavements on the south and west sides of the building, in conjunction with an environmental manhole for pre- treatment in the parking area. See Proposed Site Stormwater for more details. A6 U .-\EBE\EBE0702\ Present \DD\2008_09_26_Final_ Development_ Plan \FINAL_document\A01_PROJECT NARRATIVE.doc MDA(Project #EBE0702) 3930 Edina Office Building Proposed Building Materials: September 25, 2008 Page 4 Exterior materials compliant with the Zoning Code and in keeping with the 501h and France Commercial District have been selected. All walls of the building will be clad with brick, stone and cast stone with metal panel accents. Entry canopies will be metal clad. See Materials Matrix page A.09 for additional information and images.. Proposed Site Circulation: The site plan addresses several challenges commonplace with urban redevelopment projects. In an effort to balance parking and traffic flow, the circulation pattern was changed from 2 -way to a 1 -way system with angular stalls. This reduces congestion and increases pedestrian safety in an already condensed area. Access to parking is via the east drive, with exiting occurring through the North -Ramp and a controlled intersection. Only service vehicles will be allowed to exit at the east drive. Proposed Site Landscape Design: The two primary objectives of the landscape plan were to refurbish existing the "501h and France" streetscape on 491/2 Street and provide a comfortable, semi - private west side plaza between the new building and the existing North Ramp. In addition to the use of native and adapted vegetation, screening plantings are proposed to buffer views from the adjacent residential to the north. Trellis structures, pavers and furnishings will accessorize the new plaza space for building occupants and pedestrians to enjoy. A failing, mixed type existing retaining wall on the north side of the property would be replaced with a steel gabion system which utilizes native stone as the wall ballast - providing a modern, functional wall system with reduced site disturbance. Proposed Site Stormwater: An Ecostorm manhole would be installed as a sediment and floatable pollutant treatment structure for storm water quality improvement. The use of pavers on top of pervious concrete at the west and south side of the building will incorporate infiltration, reducing runoff volume of the developed site. Additionally, open space was increased around the building perimeter by modifying the parking and drive configuration. The project has made application for review by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. Proposed Site Utilities: Existing sanitary sewer and water services will be used to serve the redeveloped site. Utility integrity will need to be inspected by the City prior to connection and improvements may need to be made based on the results of those inspections. Proposed Site Lighting: Site and building lighting will be provided primarily for security and safety. Entries and circulation pathways will be lighted as required. Existing pedestrian lighting on 49 1/2 street will be relocated on site, within the existing streetscape parameters. The existing street -light will remain at its present location. Full cut -off, dark sky compliant fixtures will be used wherever feasible. Low energy — LED fixtures will be used wherever feasible. A-? U. \EBE\EBE0702\ Present \DD\2008_09_26_Final_ Development _Plan \FINAL_documentW01_PROJECT NARRATIVE.doc MDA(Project #EBE0702) September 25, 2008 3930 Edina Office Building Page 5 Project Narrative 3930 Edina Office Building Variance Request: The variance is to reduce the rear -yard parking setback requirement from 10' -0" to 7' -0 ". The proposed variance will: Relieve an undue hardship which was not self - imposed or a mere inconvenience: The owner seeks to replace an existing building with a new building of the same use, footprint and general configuration and correct an existing, non - conforming drive aisle configuration without decreasing the number of parking stalls on site. The 10' -0" rear -yard parking setback would create undue hardship to replace the building and correct the existing, non - conforming parking configuration. In addition to correcting the non - conforming drive aisle configuration, the proposed site plans seeks to enhance parking and vehicle circulation, pedestrian safety and stormwater rate and quality. Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other property in the vicinity or zoning district. Extraordinary circumstances unique to this property are as follows: existing building size and placement on the site; lot depth when coupled with a shared access easement located on the east property boundary and limited vehicle circulation options associated with the North Ramp Parking facility located on the west property boundary; average front yard building setback associated with buildings located immediately west and east of the subject property. The proposed site plan seeks to maintain and improve vehicle circulation into and out of the site by working with the existing circumstances and resolving the existing, non - conforming parking configuration. Preserve a substantial property right possessed by other property in the vicinity and zoning district. Adjacent properties on the North side of 49 1/2 Street have preexisting parking setbacks that may or may not be in violation of the code. The proposed 3930 rear -yard parking setback equals but does not exceed any other of the pre- existing rear -yard parking setbacks at properties along the north side of 49'/2 Street. Not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity or zoning district. The proposed variance will be beneficial to public welfare by allowing a wider pedestrian sidewalk adjacent to 49'/2 Street, potentially encouraging greater use of that facility and discouraging pedestrian movement on the South side of 49'/2 Street along the Middle Ramp maintenance strip. All excavation and grading associated with the proposed parking area will occur within the owners property boundary and would not be injurious to other property in the vicinity. A� U: \EBE\EBE0702 \Present \DD\2008_09_26_Final_ Development_ Plan \FINAL_document\A01_PROJECT NARRATIVE.doc MDA(Project #EBE0702) 3930 Edina Office Building Project Narrative 3930 Edina Office Building Transportation and Traffic: September 25, 2008 Page 6 Project Occupancy: There are currently 97 total Edina Realty employees (sales agents and staff) associated with the 49 1/2 street office. 10 -15 are there all day. The rest come and go. TIA is not required: As outlined in the TIA Policy "Transportation impact studies should accompany developments which have the potential to impact the transportation network. These studies can be used to help evaluate whether the development is appropriate for a site and what type of transportation improvements may be necessary." As this project replaces an existing building that is already impacting the transportation network with virtually the same building, it would follow that it is clearly appropriate for the site and will require no transportation improvements. Trips will not change because square footage and use do not change. See attached memorandum by JoNette Kuhnau, Kimley Horn Associates regarding trip generation and the TIA. Traffic Discussion: As noted below, the four effects to be considered and reviewed by a standard traffic study can be summarized with only a few sentences. The ETC shall consider the following four effects in the evaluation of traffic studies that are warranted by certain zoning, land -use, conditional use permits and final development plan applications prior to the application being submitted to the Planning Commission and Council for consideration: Does the development significantly affect the operation and congestion of the adjacent roadways or intersections and/or result in a traffic hazard? No Change, as the tenant/use has not changed, size of building has not significantly increased. ii. Does the development significantly affect pedestrian safety? The project will actually improve pedestrian safety if the rear setback variance is granted by allowing the building to be sited further north, increasing the sidewalk width by 2 feet and allowing more room for snow storage and circulation in winter months. iii. Does the development provide opportunities for enhanced transit usage, van pooling or car pooling? The developer proposes that one of the new parking spaces be designated as hybrid vehicle preferred parking. Enhanced access to the building from the 2nd level of .the parking, ramp is also proposed. This would hopefully encourage more complete use of the upper level parking stalls. The site is well served by Metro Transit, with bus routes on both France Avenue and 501h Street. iv. Does the development provide feasible opportunities to address an existing traffic issue or safety problem? Based on conversations with City Staff and review of previously published Transportation studies, the project as it currently exists does not contribute to any existing traffic issues or safety problems. With no change in square footage or use, no issues or problems would be anticipated. End of Narrative A-1 U: \EBE\EBE0702\ Present \DD \2008_09_26_Final_ Development _Plan \FINAL_document\AOt_PROJECT NARRATIVE.doc K'10-411 vF 4. . v� !y ir a c 4 ,4tt, tv 1 gip. 1• �; PROJECT ADDRESS: 3930 49 112 STREET EDINA, MN 55424 PROJECT TEAM OWNER 3930 LLC 3930 49 112 Street Edina, MN 55424 Contact: James Nelson 612.333.0006 DEVELOPER Eberhardt Properties 2888Joppa Avenue St Louis Park. MN 55416 Contact Thomas Nelson 952.926.2572 ARCHITECT Miller Dunwiddie Architecture 123 N 3rd Street, Suite 104 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Contact: Dan Green 612.278.7698 CIVIL ENGINEER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT James R. Hill INC. 2500 West County Rd 42, Suite 120 Burnsville, MN 55337 Contact: Ben Hartberg 952.890.6044 MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Karges- Faulconbridge INC. 670 West County Rd B St Paul, MN 55113 Contact Larry Nemar STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Anderson Urlacher 901 Third Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55401 Contact: Mel Urlacher SHEETINDEX A.01 'I 1 r b A.02 INDEX - PROJECT TEAM A.03 EXISTING CONDITIONS A.04 VARIANCE REQUEST EXHIBITS A.05 ILLUSTRATED SITE PLAN A -06 ELEVATIONS - SOUTH, EAST A.07 ELEVATIONS - NORTH, WEST A,08 SECTIONS A.09 PROJECT TEAM OWNER 3930 LLC 3930 49 112 Street Edina, MN 55424 Contact: James Nelson 612.333.0006 DEVELOPER Eberhardt Properties 2888Joppa Avenue St Louis Park. MN 55416 Contact Thomas Nelson 952.926.2572 ARCHITECT Miller Dunwiddie Architecture 123 N 3rd Street, Suite 104 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Contact: Dan Green 612.278.7698 CIVIL ENGINEER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT James R. Hill INC. 2500 West County Rd 42, Suite 120 Burnsville, MN 55337 Contact: Ben Hartberg 952.890.6044 MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Karges- Faulconbridge INC. 670 West County Rd B St Paul, MN 55113 Contact Larry Nemar STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Anderson Urlacher 901 Third Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55401 Contact: Mel Urlacher SHEETINDEX A.01 PROJECT NARRATIVE A.02 INDEX - PROJECT TEAM A.03 EXISTING CONDITIONS A.04 VARIANCE REQUEST EXHIBITS A.05 ILLUSTRATED SITE PLAN A -06 ELEVATIONS - SOUTH, EAST A.07 ELEVATIONS - NORTH, WEST A,08 SECTIONS A.09 MATERIALS MATRIX A.10 PLAN - BASEMENT A.11 PLAN - 1ST FLOOR A.12 PLAN - 2ND FLOOR A.13 3D VIEW #1 A.14 3D VIEW #2 CIVIL I LANDSCAPE 1.1 TITLE SHEET 2.1 EXISTING CONDITIONS 3.1 FINAL GRADING. DRAINAGE, EROSION CONTROL, & UTILITY PLAN 3.2 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAI LS 4.1 FINAL PAVING & DIMENSIONING PLAN 5 1 FINAL LANDSCAPE PLAN 6.1 DETAILS Sheet 1 of 1 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY & TOPOGRAPHIC MAP miller dunwiddie AYI[IIIY � IIIIACNFI n CUCf 1 IclfU L Properties I FX'.STVG 'ARK '',C - -_..-� ._,'.'.1" EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION - LOOKING NORTH•WLS- -l' X'STING FAST A=c;S CIRIVF - 100KING NORT' Yip-- •- - i ; EXISTING WEST PROPERTY BOUNDARY FROM NORTH RAMP EXISTING WEST GARDEN - LOOKING NORTH SOUTH ELEVATION (49 112 Street) FROM MIDDLE RAMP - LOOKING SOUTH i r � 1 miller dunwiddie �nw.wiw v.+sr �a r ii =.ma i xtmam IMILIIIN ■ MILILILI u Eberhardt Properties Inc. ;u s t r. J EXISTING PARKING CONFIGURATION 30' FROM BUILDING (STALL , AISLE) 42' REQUIRED BY CODE FOR 90 DEGREE STALLS VIEW FROM PROPERTY NORTH OF 3930 SITE a ,w p acr mwn - PROPERTY BOUNDARY EXISTING BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND PARKING SETBACK PROPOSED BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND PARKING SETBACK C� i , AL EXISTING REAR YARD PARKING EXISTING SIDEWALK EXISTING BUILDING SETBACK ON 49112 STREET SIDEWALK NARROWS SIGNIFICANTLY WITH LIGHTS, PLANTERS AND SNOW M_ -d" miller dunwiddie AMO(A411 � NILACN(1 �, Eberhardt Properties Inc. wM a ,w p acr mwn - PROPERTY BOUNDARY EXISTING BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND PARKING SETBACK PROPOSED BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND PARKING SETBACK C� i , AL EXISTING REAR YARD PARKING EXISTING SIDEWALK EXISTING BUILDING SETBACK ON 49112 STREET SIDEWALK NARROWS SIGNIFICANTLY WITH LIGHTS, PLANTERS AND SNOW M_ -d" miller dunwiddie AMO(A411 � NILACN(1 �, Eberhardt Properties Inc. KEY NOTES ® Pavers with pervious concrete ®Existing pedestrian light (relocated) ® Relocated street tree © Existing street light © Trellis with vines along ramp 0 Ornamental tree OOutdoor seating © Foundation plantings O Entry/Exit © New specimen tree 0 Asphalt parking surface ® Trash /Recycling enclosure mClimbing vines O Retaining wall OEvergreen screen plantings ©Rooftop mechanical equipment QPedestrian access at Second Level of ramp Note See Landscape Plan 5 1 for adddlonal intonnahon EXISTING MUNICIPAL PARKING STRUCTURE (NORTH -RAMP) a s" ILLUSTRATED SITWLAN .. / 1/16" = V -0° 1 2 5 6 7 8 yi O PARKING AREA q3 a 100 - 0 7. 920.. 9 10 11 —'•r„ - -- -- —� -.,,. .. - - - ter: .. —' � .� ■ miller dunwiddie n�a•..ow. �a a�o�.iesi Pr ( .L , j,� 11111311 a 11U9 Fill Eberhardt Properties —Inc. nc. I_j I� B I� W U L Io I- PROPOSED 3930 2 -STORY nrctrt= 921411 nlur - r EXISTING 1 -STORY COMMERCIAL BUILDING 4 ® N 49 1/2' Street qgt,\ 10'•3', aC I VV I i Rooftop Medmucal 30 49 1? SUM tar - (r IMM SOUTH ELEVATION 116" = 1' -U" 3919 49 12' Street hT 0' I 1 �-- RTU Sdeline 1 I ,I HEUER/ a e ,e 1116" = 1' -0" T.O. Masonry 30' - 8" Level 2 16' -0" Level 1 0' -0" \-n miller dunwiddie T.O. RTU OL n"mnnins". sw.ia -iur "M"s.u.T,r 39' -0" T.nw� T.O. Masonry 09L 30' - 8" (Q]� Level 2 AN 111111 11LACNE1 .. 16' 0" Levell o' o" r Eberhardt Properties Inc. a e ,e 1116" = 1' -0" T.O. Masonry 30' - 8" Level 2 16' -0" Level 1 0' -0" \-n 3919 491/2' Street 2 a. RTU Sillelline co 4r lo" IL 6 2 1WEST ELEV Rooftop Mechanical 3930 49 1'2° Street miller dunwiddie F 27 i @ 0 ir 16 3930 491/2' Street Rooftop Mechanical Street R.O.W. 21/2' — T.O. Masonry a. 30' -8" RTU Sitelim Level 16' -0" Level 1 O01, \,F, 0. a- le 3936 491/2• Street T.O. RTU OL 10, - 3" 39'-0' eo, m "C) T.O. Masonry s 30-8., Level 2 AND.FRSDN URLACHER I. 6 16'-0' Level 1 Am�\ O.-Ol. Eberhardt Properties F 27 i @ 0 ir 16 3930 491/2' Street Rooftop Mechanical Street R.O.W. 21/2' — T.O. Masonry a. 30' -8" RTU Sitelim Level 16' -0" Level 1 O01, \,F, 0. a- le � I f", 3930 49 1/2" Street 4T - 10" 81'-G" 50,41 41— Existing Parking Setback 6* Proposed Parking Setback Existing Site Profile j7r= Parallel Parking–, Angle Parking L 9 Rooftop Mechanical J Street R.O.W. 6'- 2 117— Cm T.O. Masonry 4-" 30' -8" 1/16 " =1' -0" 3919 491/2' Street 10"r - 0- a. A7� =1 005 MECH/ST L 3930 49 117 Street ,00i-0. Rooftop Mechanical IKITIA] Existing Building Outline L Level 2 16' -0" Level .1, n-- 0 6 IF 39W,4.91,r2,SIree1 > 10'-3- N p 2 T.O. Masonry 30' -8" 203 MEN Level 2 16' -0" Level 1 At,\ 0' -0" MECH miller dunwiddie duk Tw AN 0 Eberhardt Properties Inc. , =WONT' 3930 OFFICE BUILDING FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 3930 49 112 St EDINA, MN MATERIALS MATRIX A.09 0 v W-_ LIMESTONE VENEER CAST STONE VENEER BRICK VENEER SYSTEM SOLAR SHADING METAL PANEL E3 U 0 13 Q Alight grey Indiana Fine grain cast concrete Smooth modular or roman Aluminum framed Low -E Extruded aluminum, linear Deep bronze or charcoal Limestone with color similar and stone panels with a brick with manganese insulated glass, with solar sun - shades mounted to anodized aluminum accent to Fond Du Lac Limestone color similar to the "flash" unifrom color in control and very low tint. window system on south panels and canopies. used throughout Edina in limestone used on the brown -red range Deep bronze or charcoal facade, light color. rustic form. northwest and east at complimentary mortar color anodized frames. grade 3930 OFFICE BUILDING FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 3930 49 112 St EDINA, MN MATERIALS MATRIX A.09 PLAN MM� 1001-01 0 - 01 006 MECH STAIR 2 STAIR 1 • 003 ELEV —0-0-u X 7 1 MECHZMRAGE N 004 ELEV MECH tN 0 • IV miller clunwiddie AIRE1311 - UILACHER Eberhardt Properties � u I JAN 110 111 1w MECH SHAFT STAIR s MEN -1 Q4- VESTIBULE t05 . STAIR 1 109 OFFICE y � • 107 BN MECH SHAFT tog NET SQUARE FOOTAGE = 6,550 sf VESTIBULE F• 0 kI \'1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN N 1/16" = 1' -0" ® / a e ie miller dunwiddie AIIE1111 IILACIEI .. uuuuu uunu.. Eberhardt Properties Inc. Co � 1 204 STAIR 3 • --L 201 WOMEN 202 210- 211 JAN MECH SHAFT STAIR 2 1-20-3 MEN STAIR 1 209 OFFICE ELEV wmq%FT NET SQUARE FOOTAGE = 6.580 Sf ;OND FLOOR PLAN 3" = V-0" r& -4z miller dunwiddie Eberhardt Properties miller dunwiddie m WM i1H 1wr u.,a Iw�rrp, W. f ■~ AMIIISIM ■ YIIASHfi �� Of.w em Eberhardt Properties Inc. fi F- M e 6 .. miller dunwiddie AMR[ASRM � NRUCNER . Eberhardt Properties Inc. PYM '. � s • � J LACATION MAP NB suuE LEG= S1WG •svNUr wRf•cE ^O I 1 EnS,..L CONCRER wRE,tt fLSTNG PL•N1ER Ensnlc cOBBLESTaxI wREA¢ p Eps— G•NITARY SFWFR -.-- MVNG STORM III EZ- NO wATERUNN ...u.au.s.es...__— EKISRRG CURB 4 Lu TR:R EIOSRNG CONTOURS - - MSTWG CHAIN LINK —CE ELSTWG 1,00 fFRCE r ' '- — •�. —e— EASIWG ONERNfAO POMER lM E91STw11 UNOER(NWND LAS LINE MS— Rl Tl —G —S ■ EIOSMG 11-1 VOLE O EL 0 CAS .—I E 1-0 --ONE RMESTAI 1AL POSTS B EM-0 uE WARD EIIINC CURB STOP O E-MG TREE PRWOSfO CONGIETE SURFACE — <—� —<— PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PROP05ED STORM SEWER �I— —1 PROPOSED W1EI1Y4N 900 PROPOSED Lb+TWRS PRWOSFO LURE k GUr1FR NP ® ®� RROP09F0 OUT CURB LOCA-N PROPOSED SPOT ELE9Anm m®Dmmmm�D OPROPOSED PRavOSfn sLT FENCE ROLN ENTRANCE PROPOSED W-0 (OR EQUAL) 3930 BUILDING EDINA, MINNESOTA FINAL SITE PLAN EXHIBITS FOR MILLER DUNWIDDIE ARCHITECTS 123 NORTH THIRD STREET, SUITE 104, MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 PHONE: (612) 337 -0000 FAX: (612) 337 -0031 PROJECT CONTACTS Dees REVOS. P.c - J.JIa R. N•i. Ixc ps:)- s90 -aw. (o) OANEL GFEN. ALA- YLLER IaW00( AR0ehC3 (et4) -110 -0000 (0) aI aErTan: rtDOI sEeemwrTROErx - YPn ps1 >-4B Om (0) DEHlOPER /OM1CA: JY 1W35p1iBEA1MTI0r Pe0aPE1 sr. Louis R— - I.E. 11]iGi'I TITLE SHEET fl EXLSTING CONDITIONS FINAL GRADING, DRAINAGE, EROSION CONTROL k UTILITY PLAN EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAIIS FINAL PAVING k DIMENSIONING PLAN FINAL LANDSCAPE PLAN DETAILS CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY k TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 9CAIE w ME 0 10 A ]0 1 E.PN . 10 M1 1.1 2.1 3.1 3.2 4.1 5.1 6.1 SHEET 1 OF I SITE AREA a AU aROSS AREA - 15.828 IUARE EEEr M 0.363 ACRES. BENCHMARK TN 90E OE .9 1/2 STREET I" OPPOSITE 5930. CLEV 899.]6 >c ca W a) N E� 7a � F sZe�s;1 g °eeJ[- U w aim �a C�7 A� aA � MEC S O. 1.1 49J STREET WEST �- -.-- 111IIIIIIIIIIIIII, PROJECT CONTACTS Dees REVOS. P.c - J.JIa R. N•i. Ixc ps:)- s90 -aw. (o) OANEL GFEN. ALA- YLLER IaW00( AR0ehC3 (et4) -110 -0000 (0) aI aErTan: rtDOI sEeemwrTROErx - YPn ps1 >-4B Om (0) DEHlOPER /OM1CA: JY 1W35p1iBEA1MTI0r Pe0aPE1 sr. Louis R— - I.E. 11]iGi'I TITLE SHEET fl EXLSTING CONDITIONS FINAL GRADING, DRAINAGE, EROSION CONTROL k UTILITY PLAN EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAIIS FINAL PAVING k DIMENSIONING PLAN FINAL LANDSCAPE PLAN DETAILS CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY k TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 9CAIE w ME 0 10 A ]0 1 E.PN . 10 M1 1.1 2.1 3.1 3.2 4.1 5.1 6.1 SHEET 1 OF I SITE AREA a AU aROSS AREA - 15.828 IUARE EEEr M 0.363 ACRES. BENCHMARK TN 90E OE .9 1/2 STREET I" OPPOSITE 5930. CLEV 899.]6 >c ca W a) N E� 7a � F sZe�s;1 g °eeJ[- U w aim �a C�7 A� aA � MEC S O. 1.1 AI L I A—A A —I r N K I ;25 N89*27'2CrW Ind "n d) A I E 35 34 i I 32 rz T it .......... VWM 2 51on'I BMOC MAMM La Ilk, 31 ''llig DRAWN BY .17.25 588'2Y -"El Lq DATE 09/26/08 REMSIONS . .......... 491 STREET; WEST it :B I A I - .T BENCHMARK SK V 1/1 I—ET -0 CAD RLE NEST (WP05SE ]9J0. EI1 - 899.36 22495–IOEXC PROJECT NO. 2 % A l l A T A> ^ F) - I L 7^ T A A �. 1 HIV VI I I�JIVQi I 35 q� I� tr r �.wt tm r�� J 34 .7 --- - - --�- MT - - -- ��m� -- J wv mt.62 J FFE 885.21 1°99r m m alm rr dmw wo 2■m A 9r�9lQ9�■i 1p N1�'f 19■ 0■dl> � _— .. -.... ..._.. —. — ._- .........._..a ............ ........_ ...... ..... ..----------- 491 STREET WEST �T A I n I n I n I 1 � I ■ I v_W N �t z a � a uuau I �...uJ Q li flat 5 RABION WALL DETAIL ( DESIGN BY OTHERS) 0 1 1 !Nr �z 6 �ul: -c2c ___ ■ Imp■_ L..- Ittl STORM SEWER STRUCTURE SCHEDULE STRUCTURE NO. 1 BLD. I INSIDE DIM. INEENAH CASING SIW1 100 SEE OEiNE a ■p.F cerH toi ..a' b- 9w 9 -25ot $TYN X02 1.90' m- OLL P -�N2 CB 102 150' 22' 00. R -2501 mjgw a€ R 0 i0 ....• 20 ]8 4,., BENCHMARK PT.N.I. 9 N S" OF .9 t/2 S10EET ST Ovv05 TE — E.EV 899.26 A I I ATA 1^ f -I [) ^T A I •- S " /WTRR PER DnNL O TAVA10 •ALL PER DETAL N \ cn ° I c a I 35 SC RAD ° Rte' I 1 Iaa' RAp I a- NIOf W�2 I sRAPwG (IYPOAI I 1 I I 1 eV O TpdQ SEE SHEET a1 e.0' Rw ! a €F= s V RAU. 4�ga! °i{ t• ifi+i s AM `• i I ! SCALE w FEET PEIt tET St S • e m b r"b � J� J i 1Yn -IO N.I � U�Uy ws B NFL .NC..NARK V I r.N.N I swE of av FRE I/1 sTRE Er 7 N T P1/SA AREA OP RESr . J9J0. EV. IE 2V ^61 q I = ICJ a � j NOTES �Q � l t YEN50N5 SNOW ARC Tp THE FADE OF CUAB UNlE55 OMEN1YSf NOTED. � �• A 3 1. SEE —ET 11 FOR YORE RIFORYARON ABOUT —11 AREA AND CONCRETE PATHS a; RE iER ttl ARMTECrS vLANS Fpi AprynONAL iNfCAiYADON AM= Pot 9lEE 8 I I a. SEE SNfEi 5 FOR YORE NDTES AND DETNLS. I I IIJI DRAWN BY CJ( DATE (19/46/06 T v4vA� m PEDS1 ­T FIYRIIE REVISIONS RO—TED/eALV TREE QRAFE/FRAA E IilO4Sim, ­A= ovf]bY:AO -- —T 492 STREET WEST OMir m OEM- A CAD FILE 22495 -IOPAV - PROJECT NO. 4.1 - ���'*�"e�mtu7L1O'*.J .■ r�,i�� ,fit a WI. I C .. � � . •. isVOePPC .�:uwPO4...uns00�•�....nOVV.�. •.0 4. �G. ' D' OIIOAO. A0A. A6dOAO: t10_OO:A_t100a►A:O'OORf.A.O:d,1 •�i MIR ���� •SCI -..- �. aw ����� n .•�� . ►��i• i C 11 •. ■II� ., i -No ,� ., ' PROPOSED 16,OOOSF BUILDING - - m M ! L7 �,wiC1 ff, - we I \ \\ ... !.. .. ..,._ ._■ .. __.... ._ � - III 1 II � �� - - Nam 3 3 e �o MEMORANDUM — Plan Review �o ay ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT .,,�. CITY OF EDINA DATE: October 24, 2008 TO: Cary Teague - Planning Director FROM: Wayne Houle - City Engineer SUBJECT: 3930 Building 3930 491/2 Street Engineering has reviewed the above stated project offer the following comment: • The Edina Transportation Commission (ETC) did not require a Traffic Impact Study, see attached letter from Jack Sullivan. • This project will require a Minnehaha Creek Watershed Permit. Sheet - 3.1 Final Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control, & Utility Plan: • The storm sewer plan shall include 1" abstraction from the site. • Plans indicate two sanitary services to the building, indicate what sanitary sewer service will be used; this service should be lined if acceptable to Building Department. Close -off the other sanitary sewer service by lining sanitary sewer main from inside of pipe. No excavations on 491/2 Street will be allowed. • Place 2" diameter conduit along 49 1/2 Street, below sidewalk section for future irrigation to tree wells. Sheet - 4.1 Final Paving & Dimensioning Plan: • Provide a new shoebox style street light in leau of salvaging the existing light Sheet - 4.1 Final Paving & Dimensioning Plan: • All of the paver sidewalk shall be replaced with new pavers. -The concrete pavement below the pavers should also be replaced with a porous concrete. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this first review. Thanks I lo-qA GAEngineering \General \40 - 49 Streets \3930 49.5 Street\20081024 3930 Bldg memo to Cary Teague .doc City of Edina October 6, 2008 Daniel J. Green Miller Dunwiddie Architecture 123 North Third Street Suite 104 Minneapolis, MN 55401 RE: 3930 W. 491/2 Edina Reality Dear Mr. Green: The City of Edina engineering staff has reviewed the Final Development Plan application as it pertains to transportation issues for the Edina Transportation Commission. The information provided states the proposed building size, use and number of employees is to remain identical to the preconstruction building. The information regarding trip generation and peak hours of traffic are sufficient for staff to recommend that the Edina Transportation Commission is not required to review or take action on this development. Please be advised that the City Planner and City Engineer will review and comment on all other aspects of the project to comply with City codes and regulations. Please call me at (952) 826 70445 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Assistant City Engineer c: Wayne Houle, City Engineer cCarey Teague T City -] Planner Jim Nelson, Eberhardt Real Estate 00 G:\Engineering \General \40 - 49 Streets\3930 49.5 Street\ 20081006_ MillerDunwiddle_ DanGreen _3930_Transporation_Lettendoc City Hall 952 - 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX 952- 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com TTY 952- 826 -0379 Kimley -Horn ❑ and Associates, Inc. Memorandum ■ Suite 345N 2550 University Avenue West St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 To: Wayne Houle, PE, Public Works Director /City Engineer, City of Edina Jack Sullivan, PE, Assistant City Engineer, City of Edina From: JoNette Kuhnau, PE, PTOE Date: September 23, 2008 RE: Trip Generation Analysis Edina Realty Office, 3930 W 491/2 Street The purpose of this memorandum is to document the analysis and assumptions used to determine whether a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) or a traffic study is needed for the reconstruction of the Edina Realty Office at 3930 W 4912 Street in Edina. The existing site contains a single tenant office building of approximately 16,000 square feet (sf) with 97 employees. The redevelopment is proposed to consist of the same single tenant office space of 16,000 sf, with no significant change in the number of employees. The purpose of the redevelopment is to provide an improved office space for the existing tenant, Edina Realty. The City of Edina Transportation Impact Analysis Initiation and Review Policy states that a TIA is required for any development meeting any or all of the following criteria: • generating approximately 1,000 or more vehicle trips per day • generating approximately 100 or more vehicle trips in any one hour period • if associated roadway traffic is increased by 50% or more The Policy also states that when a TIA is not required, a traffic study is required in lieu of a TIA. A cursory trip generation analysis has been conducted to determine the impact that the existing and proposed land use has on the local transportation network. Traffic generated by the office use was estimated using trip generation rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual'. The TTE.Trip Generation Manual also provides directional trip distributions that give the percentages of vehicles entering and exiting the site based on the proposed land use and the peak hour of interest. No reductions in trip generation were assumed. As a realty office, there are a number of employees that are not in the office throughout the day. As a result, the number of employees of this site per square foot of office space 1 Trip Generation Manual, Seventh Edition, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington, D. C., 2003 e A31 TEL 651 645 4197 FAX 651 645 5116 November 8, 2007 Page 2 of 2 is higher than average. To be conservative (i.e., the greatest number of trips), the trip generation was calculated based on the number of employees rather than on the square footage of office space. Also, the trip generation rates for the Single Tenant Office Building (Land Use 715) were higher than for the General Office Building (Land Use 710), so Single Tenant Office Building rates were assumed. Table 1 below summarizes the existing and proposed trip generation for the proposed office. Table 1. Existing and Proposed Trip Generation. As shown, the daily and peak hour trip generation totals do not exceed the triggers set for a TIA. Further, because of the nature of a real estate office, it is likely that the actual peak hour trips are lower than those calculated because real estate agents do not work standard office hours (e.g., S AM to 4 PM), and therefore are less likely to travel to and from the office during the AM or PM peak hour. There are no new trips proposed to be generated because the proposed project includes the same land use, tenant, and number of employees as the existing office. Therefore, a full traffic study has not been completed as the intersection levels of service, safety, and other measures of performance are not proposed to be impacted. End. X43 � ITE Land Time of Tri o Generation In Out Land Use Size Units Occupancy Trip Rate Use Day Total Trips Trips Daily 3.62 351 176 176 Edina Realty 715 97 Employees •100.0% AM Peak 0.53 51 46 6 Office PM Peak 0.50 49 7 41 As shown, the daily and peak hour trip generation totals do not exceed the triggers set for a TIA. Further, because of the nature of a real estate office, it is likely that the actual peak hour trips are lower than those calculated because real estate agents do not work standard office hours (e.g., S AM to 4 PM), and therefore are less likely to travel to and from the office during the AM or PM peak hour. There are no new trips proposed to be generated because the proposed project includes the same land use, tenant, and number of employees as the existing office. Therefore, a full traffic study has not been completed as the intersection levels of service, safety, and other measures of performance are not proposed to be impacted. End. X43 � r- q TWC P aM I:•• I' H ' EIN EP )IO x w N. T`1` ^J 11 C7 (//g4/ j5il�.m a � e• °� Ig�llll�" m III��II 1� a� °I •� I l l j I�� 1 e. ( IIIIIIII ��� l _ IIIIIII � �' al I III N \ \ MIA r III IIIo Ep aqe °O•P °up►>X• cSmH nSoSolpq n n a e nvno nxnnR nCvc n —� cw-��ams����� °cYi� 4 aor"a6P B�'° � �a FS L� 8 € � NO �$ it e a eN �s¢ Q A P/0 IATS 32 & �,�Avn. SUB. N0. 172 James R. Hill, Inc. TA > CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY & TOPOGRAPHIC MAP P AWM / ENGNEERS / SURVEYORS b c u + o m Eon zsoo IL rn an .x 9L1 iza D. awE un sys7 o H < EBERHARDT PROPERTIES PNO[: Sw� EAk casz�o-sz++ 2899 JOPPA MUM W. LOWS PARK. " 55.18 I��o- Larsen concluded that staff /recommends approval of the Cond!Uional Use Permit. John Ska berg inquired �9�n what would be located on the lower level o he Club � use. Mr. Larsen responded that the lower level uId contain a men's and women's lounge, an all purpose 1 ge and locker rooms. John Skagerberg further quest' one if fees would be charged for use of the meeting roo .. Mr. sen answered that the new meeting room would beevenue producing. John Skagerberg moved for approval of e conditional use permit. He en McClelland seconded the motion. All were in favor. Th motion carried. P -85 -5 Final Development Plan James W. Nelson, 3922 -3930 W. 49 1/2 St. Mr. Larsen informed the Commission that the subject property measures approximately 118 feet by 125 feet and is 14,750 square feet in area. The property is developed with a building containing a gross floor area of 8,000 square feet. The building has 10 private parking spaces on the north side with the remainder of required parking provided by the municipal lot and ramp. Mr. Larsen added that the proponents have submitted a request to add a second floor to the building which would approximately double the floor area of the building. The property is located within the 50th and France Tax Increment District. The original plan for the district limited expansion potential to certain designated properties in the district. This property was not designated as having expansion potential. However, in 1978 the HRA adopted a policy.which spread development potential more evenly through out the district. The policy stated that expansion up to a floor area ratio (FAR) of 1.0 should be permitted using existing public parking to satisfy parking requirements. Expansion between 1.0 and 1.5 FAR (the maximum permitted in the PC -2 District) would be permitted only-if additional private parking were provided. Using the Zoning Ordinance definition of gross floor area the FAR following the proposed addition would be 0.97. Mr. Larsen explained that properties within the 433 9 district were originally assessed for parking on the basis of existing floor area plus any expansion potential. The policy adopted by the.HRA in 1978 required that properties, not originally shown with expansion potential, which expand in the future should. be assessed for parking on a square foot basis. Th proposed expansion would be subject to $2.15 1/2 per square foot assessment for public parking. Mr. Larsen pointed out that the Zoning Ordinance requires that building expansions within areas using public parking to satisfy their parking requirement provide new private parking to meet the demand generated by the expansion. The proposed addition creates an additional parking demand of 35 spaces. Thus, a 35 space parking variance is requested. Mr. Larsen continued that the proposal calls 'for continuing the wood facsade of the existing building on the 49 1/2 Street side and stucco on all other walls. Areas which are currently unfinished cement block would be covered with stucco. Mr. Larsen concluded that this property was one of several in the district identified by the HRA with expansion potential. To date none of these properties has undergone an expansion. Conditions in the district have changed little since the HRA adopted its present policy towards expansion. The request conforms to the HRA's policy and staff would recommend approval of the Final Development Plan. We also recommend approval of the requested parking variance. Mr. Nelson was present. Helen McClelland expressed concern over granting such a large variance but stated she understood the developers meet the parking requirements by using the public ramp. Helen McClelland moved to approve the final development plan subject to staff conditions with the mention of granting the variance as a technically due to the parking spaces across the street in the public ramp. John Palmer seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried. P"- 5 -6 Mail Handling, Inc. 7225 Washington venue Mr. Larsen briefed the-Commission that the subject property w s`�originally develop6d" as,,,a_Roller Skating Rink. Some time�go the present owner acquired.,,,Ve property and 4 3t� 9/16/85 271 PRELIMINARY PLAT DENIED FOR INTERLACHEN HEIGHTS: Affidavits of Notice were pre- sented by Acting City Clerk, approved and ordered placed on file. Planner Larsen explained that the proposed plat is located west of Ridge Road and north and south of Interlachen Boulevard.. The applicant's subdivision plan proposes 20 R -1 lots i"Y' the property, and Lot 7 of the proposed plat would be retained for.the existing hol�e:, The proposed lots are very large, ranging from 17,500 square feet to 34,5PO.,square feet with an average of 23,000 square feet. Mr. Larsen explained that the, request had been continued to allow the proponent time to resolve the issue o the extension of Green Farms Road north to intersect with Interlachen Boulevard,. The proponent has submitted no new plans or information relative to the revised plat proposal. Staff's position relative to the road is thrat'it should be extended, \abut Staff recommends denial of the revised preliminary plat. Mr. C. W. Loufek of 6600 Interlachen Boulevard was present and indicated he was disappointed that they had not moved ahead.with this as originally proposed to the Planning Commission. There being no further discussion, Member Bredesen moved denial of this preliminary plat,, proposal for Interlachen Heights; the motion was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly \ Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. 0 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVEDvFOR THE CITY OF EDINA, /BRAEMAR CLUBHOUSE AT 6364 00 DEWEY HILL ROAD. Planner Larsen \explained that the/City of Edina has submitted an V -application for a Conditional Use\Permit to allow,t'he construction of a major m addition to the clubhouse at Braemar Golf Course ,Clubhouses are considered a Q Conditional use in the R -1 District.. Larsen indicated that construction would begin in the fall and be completed prior\to spring opening. The proposed addition will enlarge most existing areas and add, ,meeting room with a seating capacity of approximately 200. The lower level will contain enlarged and remodeled locker rooms and new lounges. On the upper floor, the,existing clubhouse area, grill and kitchen will remain unchanged. A new main entrance will be provided at the northeast corner of the building. 'The .pro shop will be expanded" t6 house offices for the course manager and pro. The new meeting room %fill be situated to the south of the existing building. Mr. Larsen added that exterior modifications will include additional parking and regrading of the first and tenth tees immediately west of the clubhouse. Following this regrading, the tees /will be visible from the clubhouse. The design and materials of the addition'wili.match the existing - clubhouse. Mr. Larsen, pointed out that clubhouses are equired -to provide parking spaces equal in number to one -third the maximum seat* plus one space'fdr each employee on the major shift. Following the e �pansion, there will be seating for approximately 275 with 15 employees on th major shift. Current parking of, 275 spaces is well in excess of the required 07 spaces. Further, an additional'` expansion of the parking lot is planned wh�Cc��h will provide 100 more spaces. Mr. \Larsen concluded that staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit. 'Ne further comments I' ng heard, Member Ri hards offered the following resolution and moved its ption: RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WHEREAS, the pro dural requirements of .Ordinance No. 825 (The Zoning�Ordinance) have been met; �o WHEREAS, it had Veen determined that the Findings -as required by Ordinance No. 825 have been satisfied. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council hereby grants a'Condi- tional Use Permit to the City of Edina; Braemar Clubhouse, 6364 Dewey Hill Road, for the- hepose of constructing a major addition to the existing clubhouse at Braemar I.Frf Course and expanding the parking lot. Motion adop tion. of the resolution was seconded by'Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR JAMES'W. NELSON AT 3922 -30 WEST 4911 STREET APPROVED. Planner Larsen informed the Council that the subject property measures approxi- mately 118 feet by 125 feet. and is 14,750 square feet in area. The property is developed with a building containing a gross floor area of 8,000 square feet. The building has ten private parking spaces on the north side with the remainder of required parking provided by the municipal lot and ramp. Mr. Larsen added that the proponents have submitted a request to add a second floor to the-building which would approximately double the floor area of the building. The property is located within the 50th and France Tax Increment District. The original plan for the District limited expansion potential to certain designated properties in the District. This property was not designated as having expansion potential. Hokever, in 1978 +3�. 9/16/85 272 the HRA adopted a policy which spread development potential more evenly throughout the District. The policy stated that expansion up to a floor area ratio (FAR) of 1.0 should be permitted using existing public parking to satisfy parking requirements. Expansion between 1.0 and 1.5 FAR (the maximum permitted in the PC -2 District) would be permitted only if additional private parking was provided. Using the Zoning Ordinance definition of gross floor area, the FAR, following the proposed addition, would be 0.97. Mr. Larsen explained that properties within the District were originally assessed for parking on the basis of existing floor area plus any expansion potential. The policy adopted by the HRA in 1978 required that properties not originally shown with expansion potential which expand in the future'should be assessed.for parking on a square foot basis.: The proposed expansion would be subject to $2.155 per square foot assessment for public parking. Mr. Larsen continued that_the proposal calls for continuing the wood facade of the existing building on the 493g Street side and stucco on all other walls. Areas which are currently unfinished cement block.would be covered with stucco. Mr. Larsen concluded that this property was one of several in the District identified by the HRA with expan- ,sion potential. To date, none of these• properties has undergone an expansion. Conditions in the District have changed little since the HRA adopted its present policy towards expansion. The request conforms to the HRA's policy, and staff recommends approval of the Final Development Plan. There being no further dis- cussion, Member Bredesen moved adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that the Final Development Plan for James W. Nelson at 3922 -30 West 4911 Street, presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of September 16, 1985, be and is hereby approved. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Richards. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Courtney Abstained: Turner Resolution adopted. PLAN FOR MAIL HANDLING, INC., AT 7225 WASH�MGTON AVENUE SOUTH APPROVED. Planner Larsen explai ed that the subject property was originally developed as a roller skating rink. When the present ow`ner'acquired the property;. he converted it to its present mai \processing and en�%�ope- making operation. This conversion included an up- grade'.of the exterior finish. Mr. Larsen continued that the owner has submitted a request to construct,an addition to the east side of the building which would contain 8,2 5'1,square feet.! Since the site is less that three acres (2.12), the maximum allow�b than le lot coverage is 30 percent. The proposed addition would increase.the lot coverap, to 31:Vpercent; thus, a 1.5 percent lot coverage variance is requested. Mr. Larsen p4nted out that in the Planned Industrial District required parking is determined by totaling the requirements for individual uses or one space for each 400 square feet.of gross floor area, whichever is greater. Applying the requirement for individualtuses, a parking requirement of 59 spaces. resu. .9. However,.at one space for each' 400 square feet of gross floor area, a requ..;.e.nent of 73 spaces.results. The proposed plan proposes a total of 68 spaces; thus,•a five -space parking quantity'varia�nce.is requested. Mr. Larsen added that in addition to a site plan, a landscaping,plan and exterior elevations have been sub- mitted. The proposed exterior materials?would' have to match the existing building, which is split -face concrete block; the materials conform to the requirements of the Ordinance. The plan does not indicate the size of existing and relocated plant materials, and the new stock appears to be below Ordinance minimums. Mr. Larsen concluded that the owner's attorpey, Peter Beck,.described the proposal in a letter which provided justification for the request. In staff's.opinion, the impact of the additional lot coverage.is/not significant on this particular property, and staff supports the requested lot coverage variance.. Staff recommends approval of the Final Development Plan "and the lot coverage and.parking variances with the following conditions: 1) The addition bg limited to warehouse - storage use; and 2) The landscape plan be subject to staff approval. The owner of Mail Handling, Inc., Mr. Tom Silver, was prepeut and had no comments. There being no further discussion, Member Bredesen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, subject to the two aforementioned conditions: / RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that the Final Development Plan for Mail Handling, Inc., at 7225 Washington Avenue South, presented at the regular *eeting of the City Council of September 16, 1985, be and is hereby approved, subject to the conditions that the addition be limited to warehouse - storage use and that the landscape plan be approved by staff. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney i Resolution adopted. 0 1 I i 'I I- P FlI Ll • ruu-�� SECOND RX)OR L II-irluH UTZ FIRST FLOOR N .11111. IAIMT--r "'14 , T9 zu� w FT W �I'TI�Y P4Gr+1 IP`�.ULf411-Y.r FRONT .l 1DQ'Et rte-, F_xrr cu.4-e- V-t'— I,O' Y• r +fir f-n�rrr _ ■� - �a I6D '71kr i QOM ZUt NIMMONS ii■ so MOMS NONNI .M_. ,,I I ■ ■ ■■ finalumd, MOM 1800 ■� ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■I, ■ //■ ■ ■■ ■ ■/w ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■f ■■ mom Imo'' I' ■ ■ ■ ■rr / ■'�. ■ ■ / ■ ■ /� ■ / ■■ ■ ■ ■r■ ■ Mo ■ ■ ■rr; on 0:1 ■■ 0 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■/ ■ ■� ■ / ■/■ ■ ■. ■ ■ ■/� ii■r ■ ■� ■ ■ r /r■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■■■ ■ ■■ •in• Realty ■■ ■■■ r■■ ;;/ A now ■■■ ■■/ ■r■ � ■�� ii �� BORROW V ■■■ i ■i ■r ■ ■ ■■ i ■ii, ■■ ■■I "i■ii' __ _ ■u ■l .,i i Nice ■■ /r� ■' ■■ ■■I ii■■ iiii Mon �.� ■�'h / ;iiiii,,�■■EW ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■IINKIMMI: ■ ■ ■■ Y■/ ,' �■ ■■ IN ua ■i �I'TI�Y P4Gr+1 IP`�.ULf411-Y.r FRONT Lf'P :1DIrYw t'�W '7fL1' -CO NI M ,pL� Tl 63#V? k.4 rJTIr dLr '7 nj"o .l 1DQ'Et rte-, F_xrr cu.4-e- V-t'— I,O' WEST SIDE Lf'P :1DIrYw t'�W '7fL1' -CO NI M ,pL� Tl 63#V? k.4 rJTIr dLr '7 nj"o 0 .l 1DQ'Et r +fir f-n�rrr _ �a I6D '71kr i ZUt 0 9 ri Us I • i t i t W. 49 th STREET I L'..J awMi71a'I : &.4 u, t u MARKET i STREET (W 49 I12 T � _ If I t I W. 50 th STREET ?.AT CF SGi9EY ."Ch FOY- :iZhFrhTH REAL UST..TE, INC. In :rte 32 and 34, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172 car tapir. Count„ F'lrrescta CartifieLte of Zurveyr I nereby certi"y that t.is is a trut and corraet representation of a survey of te.a bean :cries of t:c pert of the hartt cre -half (1% 112) of '-% Thirty- Four (34), Auditor's 3ubeivislor. Cne lia;red Sevent Two (172), nerrepin County, Y.innesc.La, lyinr South- erly of the wctt..rl: ext. :nsior. of too North lire of the South 177.; feet of Lot : :.irty -i'x t''2), said au :itor'F Subcivinior. One ntred Seventy- Tse'(17 :) acaorcini" to t:r r=eordod or or put :hereof cr. .°i ir the office of t .' Counv-* iecor�er ;.ora.eriy t:-.a F er of :eedei for i:arrspin Lunt }, F:innesota, suljact to esserent over t ^e So:tn :warty rive fact (S 25 ft.) to the Vi.1aCe of ccira; A:.D t::e South One Sunured Seventy -Sever point ai --fact (177.: ft.; of :nt Tnirt- -'he (32), ;.ueftor'■ Subdivisior. CY.a huncred Savcrty -rho (17;*), he: nepin County, F:icnesota, accore:nl• to the recorcco cap or plat thereof or file in tt- office of th3 County Recorder (forerl; the ReCister of :reds) for Herne County, F:irnes.nU, sut-jaet to anc toCether vltt an easement erbstad t.i inatrc:enL of recerc in Book ly of Leeds, ;.re 124, over the South Fbrty -two point feet (S 42.5 feet) for Yariet Strast; EAC "VDING' the weal 1-1.75 feet of that part of th North 112 of Lot 34, Auditor's Subdivision l;uaber 1 Hatnepin County, Minnesota, lying Southerly of the Lesterly extension of the North line of the South 1 feet of Lot 329 said Auditcr'c Subdivision lumber 1 according to the plat thereof on file and of record the office of the County.Recorcer (formerly the ReC of Deeds), Hennepin County, Minnesota, And o: Lha location of all buildinCs thIreon, an visible ereroachmerts, if any, from or on slid lard This survey is .mide Orly in connection with a art& loan cow being placed on the pr:perty; and na liabi is assum -d exec at to tae hc:aar of suc mort&eie or ottor intarast acquIrad b+ reapen of such mortgage. is urcerstood and agreed no .oru:.ents nave been ply for the purpose of establlshine lot lines or bourca corners. ;;oraor s. L'cMn ..1vir. n, iwl:asr -. hoc. :.c.. tt" I • i t i t W. 49 th STREET I L'..J awMi71a'I : &.4 u, t u MARKET i STREET (W 49 I12 T � _ If I t I W. 50 th STREET ?.AT CF SGi9EY ."Ch FOY- :iZhFrhTH REAL UST..TE, INC. In :rte 32 and 34, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172 car tapir. Count„ F'lrrescta CartifieLte of Zurveyr I nereby certi"y that t.is is a trut and corraet representation of a survey of te.a bean :cries of t:c pert of the hartt cre -half (1% 112) of '-% Thirty- Four (34), Auditor's 3ubeivislor. Cne lia;red Sevent Two (172), nerrepin County, Y.innesc.La, lyinr South- erly of the wctt..rl: ext. :nsior. of too North lire of the South 177.; feet of Lot : :.irty -i'x t''2), said au :itor'F Subcivinior. One ntred Seventy- Tse'(17 :) acaorcini" to t:r r=eordod or or put :hereof cr. .°i ir the office of t .' Counv-* iecor�er ;.ora.eriy t:-.a F er of :eedei for i:arrspin Lunt }, F:innesota, suljact to esserent over t ^e So:tn :warty rive fact (S 25 ft.) to the Vi.1aCe of ccira; A:.D t::e South One Sunured Seventy -Sever point ai --fact (177.: ft.; of :nt Tnirt- -'he (32), ;.ueftor'■ Subdivisior. CY.a huncred Savcrty -rho (17;*), he: nepin County, F:icnesota, accore:nl• to the recorcco cap or plat thereof or file in tt- office of th3 County Recorder (forerl; the ReCister of :reds) for Herne County, F:irnes.nU, sut-jaet to anc toCether vltt an easement erbstad t.i inatrc:enL of recerc in Book ly of Leeds, ;.re 124, over the South Fbrty -two point feet (S 42.5 feet) for Yariet Strast; EAC "VDING' the weal 1-1.75 feet of that part of th North 112 of Lot 34, Auditor's Subdivision l;uaber 1 Hatnepin County, Minnesota, lying Southerly of the Lesterly extension of the North line of the South 1 feet of Lot 329 said Auditcr'c Subdivision lumber 1 according to the plat thereof on file and of record the office of the County.Recorcer (formerly the ReC of Deeds), Hennepin County, Minnesota, And o: Lha location of all buildinCs thIreon, an visible ereroachmerts, if any, from or on slid lard This survey is .mide Orly in connection with a art& loan cow being placed on the pr:perty; and na liabi is assum -d exec at to tae hc:aar of suc mort&eie or ottor intarast acquIrad b+ reapen of such mortgage. is urcerstood and agreed no .oru:.ents nave been ply for the purpose of establlshine lot lines or bourca corners. ;:,nd 5L.vayors and Aar.r.ars :,or.0 I.in.ne:at.a sepia: 1 ir.er. = 5(: foot L4Lo il- i� -'Jb ;;oraor s. L'cMn ..1vir. n, iwl:asr -. hoc. :.c.. ;:,nd 5L.vayors and Aar.r.ars :,or.0 I.in.ne:at.a sepia: 1 ir.er. = 5(: foot L4Lo il- i� -'Jb Plann Teague concluded staff recommends that the city council give prelimi ry approval to the Registered Land Survey, date stamped tember 26, 2008 Approval Atubject to the following conditions: 1. The ci must approve the final plat within one ye of preliminary approval or receiA a written application for a time exten n or the preliminary approval 11 be void. Keith Dahl, URS r1 nt Commissioner Brown ques VnVethe Commission recommends approval of the replat could redevelopment rking problems occur in the future. Planner Teague responded that he d • snIt believe so. He explained setbacks and parking are looked at fro a tire site, not the individual interior lot lines. Public Comments There were no pu c comments. Commission Brown moved to c\recomme earing. Commissioner Scherer se nded the motion. Alion carried. Comm' ion Action Co issioner Staunton moved to eliminary plat approval s ject to staff condi tions. Comm seconded the motion. I voted aye; motion carried. 2008.0016.8a Final Development Plan Eberhardt Properties LLC/Thomas Nelson 3930 49 '/z Street Planner Presentation Planner Teague informed the Commission the applicant is proposing to tear down the existing two -story 14,000 square foot office building, and rebuild a new two -story 13,130 square foot office building. Planner Teague added the request 446 2 requires a Final Development Plan and a 3 -foot parking lot setback variance from 10 to 7 feet. Planner Teague concluded staff recommends approval of the revised Final Development Plan and Variance to tear down and re -build a new office building at 3930 49 -1/2 Street West for Eberhardt Properties LLC based on the following findings: 1) With the exception of the variance, the proposal would meet the required standards and ordinances for a Final Development Plan. 2) The new building would be generally the same size as the existing building. 3) The proposal meets the required standards for a variance, because: a. The proposed use is reasonable. It provides a reasonable on -site parking area for a new building that would be the same size as the existing building. b. The new parking area is a minor encroachment into the rear yard setback. C. The encroachment would be located into a hill that separates the site from the adjacent residential property to the north; therefore, the proposed encroachment would not be visible from the residential property. The parking area sits 12 feet lower than the home to the north. Approval of the Final Development Plan is also subject to the following conditions: 1) The site must be developed and maintained in conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: • Site plan date stamped September 26, 2008. • Building elevations date stamped October 23, 2008. • Grading plan date stamped September 26, 2008. • Landscape plan date October 23, 2008. 2) Submit a copy of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Permit. The city may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the District's requirements. 3) Per Section 850.10. Subd. 3. B of the City',s Zoning Ordinance, a letter of credit, performance bond or cash deposit must be submitted in the amount equal to 150 %.of the proposed landscaping prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the building. 4) The basement area shall not be remodeled into office space. The basement may be used for storage and mechanical space only. 5) Pavers along the front, side and rear of the building must be pervious, and subject to approval of the city engineer. j1 6) The on -site parking stalls must be striped. 7) Compliance with all conditions listed by the city engineer in his memo dated October 24, 2008. 8) The property owner must enter into a Skyway Agreement with the City of Edina to connect the second story walkway to the parking ramp. Cost of the connection would be the responsibility of the property owner of 3930 49 -1/2 Street West. The Skyway Agreement is subject to approval of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Applicant Presentation James Nelson, 7790 Lochmere Terrace, introduced members of his development team; Tom Nelson, Dan Green, and Ben Hartberg. Continuing, Mr. Nelson informed the Commission the 3930 building was constructed 50 years ago with a 2nd floor added in 1985. Mr. Nelson said he acquired the property in 1980. Mr. Nelson noted the uniqueness of the 50th & France neighborhood, adding Edina Realty has been a building tenant since the mid 1980's and the only tenant since 2003. Mr. Nelson stated Edina Realty intends to occupy the new building if the request for Final Development Plan is approved. Continuing, Mr. Nelson told the Board the building as it exists today is in need of renovation and updated utilities. He told the Commission the building is un- sprinkled and not very energy efficient. Mr. Nelson reported the internal layout of the building also doesn't function as efficiently as it could. Concluding, Mr. Nelson said tearing down the building and constructing a new building technically the same size, but with better functionality, is a solution worth exploring. Mr. Green addressed the Commission and pointed out key elements of the project. Mr. Green noted the parking for the building continues to be located in the rear with access provided via a shared access drive to the east. Continuing, Mr. Green.noted the landscaping for the site will be upgraded and additional storm water control will be implemented. Mr. Green said exterior building materials will be brick, stone and cast stone with metal panel accents. Concluding, Mr. Green said the building will also have a roof top mechanical system. Public Comment Chair Lonsbury opened the public hearing. Mr. Hosmar Brown, 7104 West Shore Drive, questioned the reasoning behind tearing down a 50 year old building. Mr. Brown also questioned if the driveway access is shared. Concluding, Mr. Brown pointed out traffic continues to grow in the 501h and France area. Commissioner Brown moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Scherer seconded the motion. All voted aye; public hearing closed. 4 Commission Comments A discussion ensued with Commissioners in general agreement that they could support the project as presented. Commissioners requested that the applicant make sure that the driveway or alley way located on the east side of the building that provides access to the parking stalls at the rear of the building is a legally .recorded cross easement. Commissioners also discussed the rear yard parking setback variance, acknowledging that the angled parking stalls actually enhance parking and vehicle circulation. Concluding the Commission indicated their support for the project and requested variance. Commission Action Commissioner Forrest moved to recommend Final Development Plan approval with variance based on staff findings and subject to staff conditions including the change memo. Commissioner Grabiel seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. III. PUBLIC COMMENT: No additional .public comment. IV. INTERGOVERNMENTAL BUSINESS: Commissioner Brown, representing the Transportation Commission told the Commission the West 70th Street surveys have been received and the response was very good. Commissioner Brown added that he will also be attending the SAC meeting in the next week. Commissioner Grabiel asked Commissioner Brown how many residents filled out and returned the surveys. Commissioner Brown responded the response was excellent -51 %. Commissioner Risser, representing the Energy and Environment Commission told the Commission their outreach continues and at this time the EEC is encouraging everyone to "get a blanket for their hot water heater'. Commissioner Risser said blanketing the hot water heater really helps. V. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Risser moved adjournment at 8:05 pm Submitted by 43 5 DRAFT MINUTES ZONING BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 4, 2008 ZONING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Mike Fischer, Kevin Staunton, Mary Vasaly, and Bernadette Hornig B -08-66 Request: Eberhardt Properties, LLC. 3930 49 '/z Street 'from' 10 7 to 7 feet for the new t the rea��of�the- .Ouilding.�,,/ - -". 3 -foot setback varianc parking lot being built Planner Aaker informed the Board the applicant:i"s pi existing two -story 14,000 square foot office building; 13,130 square foot office building, adding the requeE variance from 10 feet to 7 feet for the n � - 0arking,lo building. _ Planner Aaker concluded that staff r�coi setback variance for the parking lot frorr behind a new office building at 3930 49- LLC based on the following firidings: 1 1) There is unique hardsh p to the p ping to tear down-the rebuild,a new two -story requires a 3400t setback being built at the rear of the irnends approval of the 3 -foot rear yard to feet to 74eet for the new parking lot /2 Street We §t for - Eberhardt Properties ,\_ ._� by: a. The- property elevation\drop of 12 feet from the north lot line. The encroachment would be lob �Ted into a hill that separates the site from the adjac � t residential pkoperty to the north. 2)// The variance would meet�the intent of the ordinance since: / a. The proposed'.use is reasonable. It provides a reasonable on -site `parking area for a new building that would be the same size as the existing building. b.'-\\, The new pdrking -area is a minor encroachment into the rear yard C. Tfie encroaptiment would not be visible from the residential propertytothe north. Approval should also be based on the following conditions: 1) City Council approval of the Final Development Plan for the site. 2) The variance will expire one year from the date of approval, unless an approved a time extension has been granted from the City Council or Zoning Board of Appeals. Auuearina for the Applicant: J Jim Nelson, Eberhardt Properties,LLC, Dan Green-and Ben Harper Comments and Questions from the Board Member Staunton told the Board the Plan nin 9 'om ission heard and approved the Eberhardt request for Final Development' Plan(at th'ei,last meeting;- howdver, one item that needed clarification was if the " shared "�drive�way /alleyway entrance (east) off of 49'2 Street is covered by a dedicaZrit" d croweasement.'Mr. Harper responded in the affirmative; adding the "easer is an underlying condition that is part of Auditor's Subdivision 172, a dedicaticYeesement Chair Fischer asked if the circulation will bd o wa in wit the exit from the site's parking lot into the City ramp. M�!Green respnded in tha affirmative, adding if parking is not available on the su &A-site parking is available in the adjacent City ramp. Chair Fischer opened the hearinTfor'public,tbE Board Action Member Vasaly moved dance approval based on staff findings and subject to staff-conditions. Member Staunton seconded the motion. All voted aye; 'motion_ carried. Chaff �Zsche com ented tha the F rial D. v lopment Plan with variances actu�lly will benefit the nighbors because of the increase in landscaping, also pointing out the variance 'encroachment would not be noticed by them. rll 445 tk 44 miller dunwiddie 12301d1 Third Sbe 4 Sube 104 MaMpubsMAI 0601 -T657 wwwnilte,dunw,ddie c p 612-337-0000 f 412-3V-0M1 to .', Faulconbridge, Inc. ANDERSON ■ UILACNEI ITINCT11191 119I.M!'t FLA11 I wla 61 JAMES Ft MLL INC. Eberhardt Properties COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE Inc. / 13b UPDATN,12 A- miller dunwlddle 123 No lh Th ld Slnel Sulr 104 M+ "apoW MN SSWi -1657 , ALWA.V-d" c p 612- 332 -CM f 612- 137 -0031 ANDERSON ■ RREACNER u 111UCTURIL 1UG111111U1 �GEERS SUPMEVORS JAMES R. MLL INC. Eberhardt Properties Inc. 0. —, ... ...... ... ".. t �9ZrIA ^.11?l Y ow e ' • f�'�Une.,n �� To: Mayor & City Council From: Cary Teague Planning Director REPORT /KECUMMEN VAT1UN Agenda Item II.B. Consent Planning Commission Recommendation: On November 25, 2008, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the request subject to the findings and conditions outlined in the attached staff report. (See attached minutes on pages A71 -A74.) The Planning Commission further recommended that the City Council authorize them to examine and consider a zoning ordinance amendment regarding the maximum square footage requirements in the PSR zoning district. Info/Background See attached Planning Commission staff report, additional/ revised development plans, and a revised sustainable design feature summary. The only change in the summary is ' the elimination of recycled Eco -Star Majestic Slate. Information Only Date: December 16, 2008 Mgr. Recommends To HRA ® To Council Subject: Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Action ® Motion Rezoning - 7500 York Avenue ® Resolution Ordinance Discussion Planning Commission Recommendation: On November 25, 2008, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the request subject to the findings and conditions outlined in the attached staff report. (See attached minutes on pages A71 -A74.) The Planning Commission further recommended that the City Council authorize them to examine and consider a zoning ordinance amendment regarding the maximum square footage requirements in the PSR zoning district. Info/Background See attached Planning Commission staff report, additional/ revised development plans, and a revised sustainable design feature summary. The only change in the summary is ' the elimination of recycled Eco -Star Majestic Slate. RESOLUTION NO. 2008-127 APPROVING A PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PRELIMINARY REZONING FOR 7500 YORK AVENUE COOPERATIVE City of Edina BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: Section 1. BACKGROUND. 1.01 Ebenezer Society on behalf of the 7500 York Avenue Cooperative is requesting a Preliminary Development Plan review and Rezoning at 7500 York Avenue. 1.02 The applicant is proposing to build a 76 -unit, 4 -story addition to the northwest side of the existing 337 -unit, 9 -story senior housing development at 7500 York Avenue. 1.03 The applicant has submitted a Certification of Action by the 7500 Board of Directors authorizing Ebenezer to pursue the request. Section 2. FINDINGS 2.01 Ultimately, this request requires the following: Final Rezoning from PRD -4, Planned Residential District to PSR -4, to Planned Senior Development District. 2. Final Development Plan. 3. Variances. (To be reviewed by the Zoning Board of Appeals, if the Council approves the Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Rezoning.): a. A maximum square footage variance for 14 dwelling units. b. A 3 -foot setback variance from Edinborough Way. 4. Lot Division/ Final Plat. The site exists as two lots today. The lot lines would be shifted to accommodate the new building. 2.02 In order to obtain the above approvals, the applicant must go through a two step process. That process is as follows: 1. Preliminary Development Plan and Rezoning. Preliminary development plan and rezoning is a review by the Planning Commission and City Council, in which approval simply allows the applicant to prepare a Final Development Plan. Approval of the preliminary development plan requires a three- fifths vote of the City Council, but does not guarantee approval of the rezoning, or final development plan. Upon approval of the Preliminary Development Plan and Rezoning, the variances would be sezgs a by the zees 80a;d e# Appeals, City Hall 952 - 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX 952 - 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com TTY 952 -826 -0379 RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -127 Page Two 2. Final Development Plan with Variances and Rezoning. The final development plan process is generally the same as the preliminary development plan. A three- fifths favorable vote of the City Council is again required. 2.03 The proposed addition is consistent with the multiple family housing developments to the north, south, east and west. 2.04 The proposed density is compatible with densities in the area. 2.05 Given the City of Edina's aging population, senior housing is a need in the City. 2.06 The existing roadways would support the proposed project. 2.07 On November 25, 2008, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Preliminary Development Plan, Variances and Rezoning. (Vote: 8 Ayes, 0 Nays & 1 Abstention.) Section 3. APPROVAL NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina, approves the Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Rezoning for the proposed Crosstown Medical building. Approval authorizes the applicant to proceed with a Final Development Plan, Variances and Final Rezoning. Approval is subject to the following Conditions: The Final Development Plan must be generally consistent with approved Preliminary Development Plans dated June 30, 2008, and December 11, 2008. 2. Sustainable design. Final Development Plans must include toe Sustainable Initiatives as outlined in the applicant's narrative. 3. Compliance with the conditions outlined in the city engineer's memo dated September 24, 2008. Adopted by the city council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, on , 2008. ATTEST: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -127 Page Two STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of , 2008, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of 2008. City Clerk w9tN�1r�. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Originator Meeting Date Agenda # Cary Teague November 25, 2008 2008 - 017.08 Director of Planning INFORMATION & BACKGROUND Project Description The Ebenezer Society, on behalf of the 7500 York Cooperative are proposing to build a 76 -unit, 4 -story addition to the northwest side of the existing 337 -unit, 9- story senior housing development at 7500 York Avenue. (See project location on pages Al —A3; and see the Certification of Action by the 7500 Board of Directors authorizing Ebenezer to pursue the request on pages A6 —A7.) Of the 76 units, 47 units would be for assisted living; 16 would be of memory care and 13 elder care suites. Access to the site would be off Edinborough Way and Parklawn Avenue. Parking would be provided underground, and within a small surface lot off Parklawn Avenue. (See the applicant narrative and plans on pages A5 —A36, and within the attached development books.) The proposal before the Planning Commission is Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Rezoning. Ultimately, the proposal would require all of the following: Final Rezoning from PRD -4, Planned Residential District to PSR -4, to Planned Senior Development District. 2. Final Development Plan. 3. Variances. (To be reviewed by the Zoning Board of Appeals, if the Council approves the Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Rezoning.): a. A maximum square footage variance for 14 dwelling units. b. A 3 -foot setback variance from Edinborough Way. 4. Lot Division /Final Plat. The site exists as two lots today. The lot lines would be shifted to accommodate the new building. The site is currently zoned PRD -4, but exists with senior housing. As such, the site is non - conforming in regard to parking requirements. Senior housing does not require the same number of parking stalls as would an all -age residential development. The rezoning would bring the parking requirements into conformance with the city code. In order to obtain the above - mentioned approvals, the applicant must go through a two -step process. That process is as follows: 1. Preliminary Development Plan and Rezoning. Preliminary Development Plan and Rezoning is a review by the Planning Commission and City Council, in which approval simply allows the applicant to prepare a Final Development Plan. Approval of the Preliminary Development Plan requires a three -fifths vote of the City Council, but does not guarantee approval of the Rezoning, or Final Development Plan. 2. Final Development Plan and Rezoning. The Final Development Plan process is generally the same as the Preliminary Development Plan. A three -fifths favorable vote of the City Council is again required. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: CommonBond Multi- family residential; zoned and guided for high density residential. Easterly: Yorkdale Townhomes; zoned and guided medium density housing. Southerly: Edinborough Condos; zoned and guided high density housing. Westerly: Multi- family residential; zoned and guided mixed use Existing Site Features The subject property is 11.6 acres in size and contains a nine -story senior housing building. (See page A3.) The existing facility is a housing cooperative, and was the first senior housing cooperative in the United States. Planning Guide Plan designation: High Density Residential Zoning: PRD-4, Planned Residential District Site Access The site currently has two access points off West 76th Street, and one off Edinborough Way. The proposal would add one access off Edinborough Way and one off Parklawn Avenue. (See page A14.) The access off of Parklawn 2 would be to the surface lot, and the new access of Edinborough would be to the underground parking. Traffic Wenck Associates conducted a traffic impact study based on the proposed development, and WSB & Associates reviewed the document to determine if it was accurate. Both Wenck and WSB concluded that the existing roadway system could support the proposed project. (See traffic studies on pages A42 —A70.) The Edina Transportation Commission met on November 20, 2008, and recommended that the project does not adversely affect the adjacent transportation systems. (See the minutes on pages A38 —A40.) Parking Including the existing building, a total of 317 parking stalls are required for senior housing, 103 of which must be enclosed. The applicant is proposing 465 parking stalls, 252 of which are enclosed. Access and parking easements would be established between the two parcels. Building The proposed building would be four stories, and made of stone, EFS, metal siding. (See building elevations and renderings on pages A8 —A10, and color pictures of the building materials on pages A27 —A31.) Colors would generally match the existing building (See pages A35 —A36.) Landscaping There are over 200 existing mature trees scattered around the subject property that will remain. Existing mature trees around the proposed new building would have to be removed. (See page A17.) However, 42 new overstory trees would be planted. Based on the perimeter of the site, 73 mature trees are required. With the existing and proposed trees the applicant will have over three times the number of trees that is required by City Code. (See landscape plan on pages A15 —A16.) Density The maximum density allowed for the project is 44 units per acre. The proposed density of 36 units per acre would meet the city's code requirement for density in the Planned Senior Housing District. As demonstrated in the table on the following page, the density would be generally consistent with densities of existing multiple - family housing in the area. (See attached map locating multi -unit developments in the area on page A36a.) 3 Development Address Units Units Per Acre Yorktown Continental 7151 York 264 45 The Durham 7201 York 264 46 York Plaza Condos 7200 -20 York 260 34 York Plaza Apartments 7240 -60 York 260 29 Edina Place Apartments 7300 -50 York 139 15 Walker Elder Suites 7400 York 72 40 Yorkdale Townhomes 7429 York 90 9. 7500 York Cooperative 7500 York 416 36 Edinborough Condos 76xx York 392 36 South Haven 3400 Parklawn, 100 42 Proposed New Apts. at the YMCA 7355 York 130 22 Grading /Drainage /Utilities The city engineer has reviewed the proposed plans and found them to be acceptable subject to the comments and conditions outlined on the attached page A37. A more detailed review would be done as part of the Final Development Plan review. A Nine Mile Creek Watershed District review and approval is also required. Preliminary Plat The applicant is also requesting a re -plat of the lot by shifting the existing lot lines on the subject property. As demonstrated on pages Al —A3, the site exists as two lots today. The lot lines would simply be shifted to accommodate the new building and parking area. The result would be that the site would remain two lots. Platting would take place as part of the second phase of the review process, with the Final Development Plan. (See proposed Preliminary Plat on page Al 1.) 4 Compliance Table * Requires a Variance PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issues Is the proposed use and rezoning reasonable for this site? Yes. The proposed use is reasonable for six reasons: 1. The proposed additional multiple - family senior housing would be compatible within the area as there are multiple family residential facilities to the north, south, east and west. (See page A3 and A36a.) 2. The proposed density of 36 units per acre meets the city's code requirement for density in the planned senior housing district; and is generally consistent with densities of existing apartment buildings in the area. (See attached map locating multi -unit developments in the area on page A36a, and in the above table.) City Standard (PSR -4) Proposed Setbacks York Avenue 56 feet (based on height) 300 feet Edinborough Way 48 feet (based on height) 45 feet* Parklawn 45 feet (based on height) 45 feet Setback to R -1, Residential 340 feet 664 feet Building Height No maximum requirement 45 -66 feet Parking lot and drive aisle 20 feet (street) 35 feet setback 10 feet (interior) 10+ feet Building Coverage 35% 16% Maximum Floor area per 700 s.f. - 1 Bedroom (br) 5 —1 br units over 700 s.f. room 850 s.f. — 2 Bedroom (br) & 9— 2 br units would exceed 850 s. f.* Density Allowed 44 units per acre 36 units per acre Parking Stalls — PSR -4 317 total stalls required; 103 must be 465 stalls proposed, 252 District enclosed (based on 416 units; 27 are enclosed employees and 2 company vehicles) Over -story Trees 73 Trees 200+ Trees (42 new trees on new lot) * Requires a Variance PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issues Is the proposed use and rezoning reasonable for this site? Yes. The proposed use is reasonable for six reasons: 1. The proposed additional multiple - family senior housing would be compatible within the area as there are multiple family residential facilities to the north, south, east and west. (See page A3 and A36a.) 2. The proposed density of 36 units per acre meets the city's code requirement for density in the planned senior housing district; and is generally consistent with densities of existing apartment buildings in the area. (See attached map locating multi -unit developments in the area on page A36a, and in the above table.) 3. The sites close proximity to amenities that seniors would take advantage of, such as the YMCA, Centennial Lakes Park, and the Promenade. 4. Sustainable Design. The applicant is proposing sustainable design principles. (See pages A5a —A5c.) These would be required as part of the Final Development Plan. 5. As mentioned above, the existing roadways would support the project. Wenck Associates conducted a traffic impact study based on the proposed development, and WSB & Associates reviewed the document to determine if it was accurate. Both Wenck and WSB concluded that the existing roadway system could support the proposed project. (See traffic studies on pages A42 —A70.) The Edina Transportation Commission met on November 20, 2008, and recommended that the traffic generated would not adversely affect the adjacent transportation systems. (See the minutes on page A38.) 6. The project would provide an additional opportunity for senior housing within the City of Edina. Based on the demographic data from the Comprehensive Plan, and the fact that there is a lengthy waiting list to get into the existing facility, the proposed new senior housing would fill a need in the City. It may also allow existing residents in single- family homes within the city who want to remain in Edina, and opportunity to stay. The result may provide opportunity for a new family with kids to move to the city into the single - family home that was made available by a new resident to this facility. • Is the Planned Senior District appropriate for the site? Yes. Staff believes that the PSR-4 district is appropriate for the site. The rezoning would bring the existing site more into compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. The site exists today with senior housing, however, is zoned for "all -age" multiple - family residential. The site is parked for seniors; however, the current zoning requires parking for "all -age" multiple - family residential. If the addition were proposed under the existing zoning designation, additional variances would be required. A density variance and a parking stall variance would be required. The density requirement under the current zoning would allow only 27*additional units on the site. The parking stalls required under the current zoning would be 832 total spaces; and 395 are proposed. By rezoning the site to match the existing and proposed use of the site, the density and parking would be code compliant. • Are the proposed variances justified? Yes. Per Section 850.04.Subd.1.F., of the Zoning Ordinance, a variance should not be granted unless it is found that the strict enforcement of the ordinance would cause undue hardship. The following demonstrates that the proposal meets the variance standards when applying the three hardship tests. Should the 2 preliminary plan be approved, the variances would be considered in more detailed with the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. 1) Are there practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements? Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. "Practical difficulties" may include functional and aesthetic concerns. Staff believes the proposed variances are reasonable for this site. Existing units within the 7500 development do not conform to the maximum standard of 850 square feet for two- bedroom units and 700 square feet for one - bedroom units. It would be reasonable to allow housing units within the addition to be consistent with the existing units. The maximum standards were developed to ensure affordable housing for the Planned Senior Residential districts. The existing and proposed units within the 7500 development were and are not intended to be entirely for affordable housing. Of the total 76 units, 62 proposed units conform to the maximum requirement (82 %). However, five -one bedroom units, and nine two- bedroom units exceed the maximum requirement. In regard to the setback variance, the hardship is caused by the existing location of the underground parking garage. This structure was not built to support the weight of a four -story addition above it. Therefore, the applicant developed a site plan working around this structure. They also do not wish to disturb the open space and garden area along York Avenue. The proposed four -story addition is reasonably sized given the height of the existing building, and the height of buildings in the area. 2) Are there circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self - created? Yes. The unique circumstance is that this site exists with senior housing, and does not conform to the maximum standards for senior housing, and an underground parking deck that cannot support an addition above it. 3) Would the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? No. The proposed four -story addition would not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. There are several buildings in the 7 immediate area that are taller and have greater densities than the proposed development. Recommendation Recommend that the City Council approve the Preliminary Rezoning from PRD -4 to PSR-4 and Preliminary Development Plan, which would authorize the applicant to apply for a Final Development Plan, Final Rezoning and Variances. Approval is subject to the following findings: 1. The proposed addition is consistent with the multiple family housing developments to the north, south, east and west. 2. The proposed density is compatible with densities in the area. 3. Given the City of Edina's aging population, senior housing is a need in the City. 4. The existing roadways would support the proposed project. Approval is subject to the following Conditions: 1. The Final Development Plan must be generally consistent with approved Preliminary Development Plans dated June 30, 2008. 2. Sustainable design. Final Development Plans must include the Sustainable Initiatives as outlined in the applicant's narrative on pages A5a —A5c of the staff report. 3. Compliance with the conditions outlined in the city engineer's memo dated September 24, 2008. Deadline for a city decision: No deadline 12171201 7126 12571 /7971 iJ —7202 7205 7200 7209 7250 7302 0 7335 7360 7]91 , M 7100 7650 J955 ,500 � }Op 550 1000 :175 7600 �11EWAI 7301 7 f e00 1 _0 7603 7651 t� u 1701 ...,wws c�.y.rc,.ocsos2ms v e e City of Edina 7101 2! 7151 7201 24 7355 1101 7 Ia0 7 7105 7 0 0 3209 3601 � 0 0 not W" Le o y 0 7650 0 �~ "so e�kJ l JJ00 260/ Jf00 3330 N 24 �!1 PID:3202824310367 3401 Parklawn Ave Edina, MN 55435 r lr'��r� h Legend House Number Labels Street Name Labels . / City Limits Creeks ❑ Lake Names Lakes LParks ❑ Parcels "IF! 7.1,4 1125 712 7203 7205 200 0 7209 24 ft 101624 1177 24 15 1014- Ills 604 o 1821 - ad 7002 7L W02 703 2A7335 1000.915 14 Boa 90 906 519 7355 W'402 513'� k 01 380 800 901 S24 507 24 4 501 '217213203 - -41,74 Tr 00 475 - :4077 00, 4 309 3400 ;7. -.4*17404 7408J 303 24 /4197412 74257430 74297434 0 "1743) 7438 7407 24 • X'o 2 4100 k 7576 "1' 3205 - u p 7 209 1604 47,15 FCS Y-, 7612 OVJ 7616 < 7701 7620 Pr 0 • 4n pt 7624 7651 0 ...,1' 7700 5'T 704 Emm— M(C .n W 7700 .3400 \ aP .. 9-. -'. tqe-t T'. o7- n �+ ti. • ' v � ° W ° ° r y V r RNr ,w s i a lw t. Itt - x - YORK A VE 3 YORK AVE 5 - - R' 'C= ' i_ i i_ .. it O a O T N - 0°p � S - O A N S i.. 1. A � �, ••+ °R 1� 6 Exil"rING A� Zoe ftj G City of Edina 7tt/71p If2e 7171- 7653 —N 7775 - - - -- Legend 7/24 7715 7,28 House Number Labels 7rT9 � 0 0 Street Name Labels 7207 - 7705 N '200 0 0 ./ /- City Limits I70i 0 7701 Creeks E] Lake Names 7290 ,. 7773 Lakcc 7707 I 11 Parks 10,6 N 111 7 S 1014 1115 �66/0 1 0 L4 „r}y6p4 vbrm.n Pew O Lonin0 AGO tAete me bW Peking Dmnt1 7671 YDO.etNiml De.aePT..entDne�V 7273' 7, IOOD�915�j,s _ 106 600 !06 �1 . 7733 Moo StM—oea :: D..bR 7JSe n. ���di02 31 .44 ?'sof ® ED M006tMw DerePnan, D-61 Psk ,yo 7777 21•7'7,7 )�f3 Qf06 71017100 Pcot tPMnnee ecn.��D>av�u 1000 '100 7tA " Joi 71037101 !00 a 74002406 PC 071 PMnne. Celr.m OStran ._ 24 741=7412 B PCO StiWnnm can:mmarc onan_� 11 AVE TI ® PCD'IPUnno]CP+nmmasOmro a� 7420781 Mjlw.. 0-1 7101 0 140174777 __ Poo IPt.tnae ONneDu�la t1 7955 75W 71 r 1� LJ PpnaiP:.nnetl oNs omrn21 74 0 7001 ■ PRO- tlPa,nnrlRw.aent D:slnntl � PRO QfPunnee RaAent 0nnrin -71 4 r00 1550 =001 SI 31: PRO )IPMnnoe geeGent O+dnn N <� 6 ❑ PRD<IPunnW ReeDent 01an7 a1 74 ® PRO 51P.— R­ 0mr.. 51 0 PSq- LtP­Sen.0 Reeeonm41 �. 0 0 l!M 7604 EJ R.Ijs gbO_Qu..O_; <!1S 7600 7303 - .'611 ® A31Deekb Dwtlnq UnaDWral '616 � RMDIRpuna MmrsDie+ctl 7701 .'320 1624 parCBls 7631 rdennisl 7630 7700 n5� 7706 7740 y 100 701 P. 7300 MINI 400 7770 N 74 1 - m/rgalC �.Y.d43 ]103 ?cn �1 ,. PID: 3202824310367 10 , wr, 3401 Parklawn Ave O �c Edina, MN 55435 CySfIFOtU1 11 i1 i1� Exil"rING A� Zoe ftj G AOLI AN RCiVE g�ehm�n� BACKGROUND 7500 York Cooperative, developed in 1978, was the first senior housing cooperative model in the United States. There are 337 units at 7500 York. The structure is member - owned and is governed through vast committees. Its mission statement is to provide a safe, healthy and pleasant home for its members to enjoy an active, independent lifestyle in a senior cooperative environment. The Cooperative has been guided and managed by Ebenezer since its inception in 1978. Ebenezer has been a provider of compassionate, community- centered care for older adults and others in.need for over 90 years. They offer a full range of coordinated programs and services including senior housing, assisted living, memory care, transitional and long -term care, adult and intergenerational programs and a variety of community -based services throughout the state of Minnesota and one facility in Iowa. EXPLANATION OF REQUEST- PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN The shareholders at 7500 York Cooperative approached Ebenezer with a request for help in their aging in place needs at the cooperative. Over the years, shareholders have developed close friendships with their neighbors by their active participation in resident run activities. As the members age, some have had to move to assisted living and some into more skilled care facilities. The figures show that over the last few years there has been between 25 — 40 members leaving per year to move into assisted living, long term care and other housing because of health related care issues. The trend will continue to see 35 to 40 move outs per year for these reasons. It is hard for the existing shareholders to keep in touch and to visit their family members and friends who have had to move. There also are shareholders who are still living at 7500 York that could benefit from a facility with more care, but are reluctant to leave their friends and family. An answer to some of these aging in place issues is to build on to 7500 York Cooperative and add an Assisted Living, memory and elder care suite model. The model plan would have 76 units which would include 47 units of assisted living, 16 units of Memory care and 13 elder care suites. This is the first cooperative in the state of Minnesota that is requesting this vision to create a continuum of care for seniors in cooperative housing. All areas of life could benefit by this need. Currently, there are 500 people on the waiting list to move into 7500 York Cooperative, many of which are aging in their single family homes within the community. By establishing the assisted living building there will be options available for the current shareholders to move into. This would free up cooperative shares for those on the waiting list and thereby increase availability of existing single family housing within the city of Edina. The cooperative shareholders as well as Ebenezer are both committed to building an eco- friendly and sustainable addition to help create this continuum of care for older adults as they age at 7500 York. They want to work to include advance technological and green solutions to keep up with future building and senior care needs, while being respectful to the environment. A�_ Ebenezer Has Four E's! Ebenezer Edina Assisted Living An Ego- Friendly Environment Listed below are potential sustainable design features for Ebenezer Edina Assisted Living. Location and Neighborhood Fabric: A Project is located on a site with access to existing roads, water, sewers and other infrastructure within or contiguous to existing development. A Project is located within walking distance of community facilities, retail establishments, and civic amenities. Include sidewalks or other suitable pathways within a multi - family property or single - family subdivision are included to encourage walking within and off the site and connectivity to the surrounding environment. Orient the building to make use of passive solar heating and cooling. Provide three separate connections to sidewalks or pathways in surrounding neighborhoods. Bike Racks for employees, residents and grandchildren. Site: Building position to take best advantage of day lighting, summer shading, winter solar benefit and protection from prevailing winter weather patterns. Best Practices in Storm Water Management — reduce impervious surface, rain - gardens, and aquifer- recharge. Mark all storm drains or storm inlets. Rainwater — Capture the first inch of rainfall that falls in a twenty -four hour period. No Ponds Implement EPA Best Management Practices for erosion and sedimentation control during construction. Green -Space and Mature tree preservation- Some of the Mature trees will remain intact. bA, Underground Storage Tanks @ Exterior light design for light - pollution control Water Efficiency: Landscape design will incorporate as many plants as possible that require little irrigation. Select trees and plants appropriate to the climate, including drought - tolerant species in regions with low levels of rainfall during the summer or throughout the year. Use appliances and plumbing fixtures that reduce water use and sewage outflow. ks, nof�Cb'C��dC�� IN '�� Energy and Atmosphere: Include high - efficiency Mechanical and Electrical Systems to reduce fuel and electrical consumption. Take advantage of local utility programs offering incentives Include commissioning of building systems to ensure proper system operation Daylight sensors that dim artificial lighting in presence of high natural light levels. Use Energy Star labeled appliances. Install Energy Star labeled lighting fixtures that use LED Bulbs. NA ExceTd Energy Star standards, or exceed ASHRAE 90. Materials and Resources: Use locally sourced materials to reduce carbon impact from transportation Used recycled or salvaged materials wherever possible and cost effective ■ Recycled Rubber Terrace Product ■ Recycled Eco -Star Majestic Slate JamesHardie cement -based Siding: meets LEED Certification. (For more information, visit http: / /www.jameshardie.com) Provide 5 percent (by cost or value) of recycled content materials overall. Recycle construction waste materials. Windows — Low E coatings and good thermal performance qualities. Healthy Living Environmental Quality: Commit to a smoke -free building (www.mnsmokefreehousing.org) Provide fresh air in accordance with energy codes (or exceed). Enhance occupant control of lighting and HVAC controls (individual space control) Use operable windows to bring fresh air into the building @A Design spaces to take advantage of day lighting and views Use low- emitting materials • Specify low volatile organic compound (VOC) sealants and adhesives • Specify low VOC paint and primers Use composite wood only if free of added urea formaldehyde or if sealed with a low VOC sealant or laminate for cabinetry/countertops and millwork. Use Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label certified carpet in carpeted areas. Do not install carpets in basements, entryways, laundry rooms, bathrooms, or kitchens. To ensure .effective removal of moisture, install Energy Star- labeled bathroom fans that exhaust to the outdoors and are equipped with a humidistat sensor, or timer. Adequately ventilate all living areas by providing fresh air per occupant either via the HVAC system or through natural ventilation. Appropriately size HVAC system to prevent short- cycling of heating or air conditioning and ensure adequate dehumidification. To avoid moisture problems, use tank -less hot water heaters or install conventional hot water heaters so that overflow or leaks are captured by drains. Insulate cold water pipes in climates and building conditions susceptible to moisture condensation. Do not install mold - propagating materials, such as vinyl wallpaper and unsealed grout, in wet areas. Use highly durable moisture resistant materials in tub /shower. Provide surface drainage of water away from windows, walls and foundations. Clothes dryers must be exhausted directly to the outdoors. Seal all wall, floor and joint penetrations with low VOC caulk. 4s5 b Page 2 of 3 Continued Operations and Maintenance: Provide a plan for educating employees and residents regarding the intent of integrated sustainable building and landscaping features as well as their proper use and maintenance. Use of Organic Fertilizer Basic Recycling practices of Glass/Plastic and Paper will be incorporated. Also, different recycle bins will be located outside the lower level - Lucite Bins that will encourage the collection for recycling of: ■ Eyeglasses • Batteries • Cell Phone • Soup Labels/Box Tops for Education • Wire Hangers • Plastic Bags /' 5l Page 3 of 3 Bassford, Hanvik & Pyles, P.A. Attorneys at Law 19000 - 27`h Avenue North Plymouth, Minnesota 55447 CHARLES A. BASSFORD, JR. Office: (763) 208 -1456 Fax: (763) 205 -3600 email: acbassfordracomcast.net Home: (763) 475 -1730 November 4, 2008 Ms. Susan Farr Vice President of Business Development Ebenezer Management Services 2722 Park Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 Re: Seventy Five Hundred Cooperative /Change of Zoning Dear Susan: Enclosed is the Secretary's Certification of Action Taken by the Board of Directors of Seventy Five Hundred York Cooperative at its Board of Directors' Meeting duly held on October 29, 2008, approving the change in zoning of the Cooperative's property located in the City of Edina. . We assume that the Resolution will satisfy the requirements of the City. However, please don't hesitate to contact me should you or the City have any questions or require additional assistance from 7500 York in this matter. CAB /cmr Enclosure ZACAB17500YORKTARR 1104081TR Yours very truly, BASSFORD, NVIK & PYLES, P.A. 1 By Charles A. Bassford, Jr. SEVENTY FIVE HUNDRED YORK COOPERATIVE SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATION OF ACTION BOARD OF DIRECTORS I, Hulda Gieschen, Corporate Secretary of Seventy Five Hundred York Cooperative, a Minnesota cooperative corporation, do hereby certify, on behalf of the corporation, that, after the Cooperative's attorney, Charles A. Bassford, Jr. of the law firm of Bassford, Hanvik & Pyles, P.A., informed the Board that the legal description of the Cooperative's property is as follows: Ebenezer First Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, and Outlot C, South Edina Development Addition, County of Hennepin, State of R'Iinnesota, the following Resolution was duly made, seconded and unanimously approved by the Board of Directors of the Cooperative at a duly called meeting of the Board on October 29, 2008: That Seventy Five Hundred York Cooperative hereby consents to the rezoning of the two (2) parcels which comprise its real estate in the City of Edina to comply with the requirements of the Edina City Code for Planned Senior Residence zoned property, subject to the City granting a variance for unit sizes in Seventy Five Hundred York that exceed the square footage limitations set forth in the City's PSR ordinance. Ebenezer Society is hereby authorized to undertake on behalf of Seventy Five Hundred York preliminary rezoning proceedings with the City of Edina and preliminary site plan review for the proposed construction of up to seventy -six (76) senior assisted living and health care units on the above described property of Seventy Five Hundred York Cooperative. SEV1yNTY FIVE HUNDRED YORK COOPERATIVE Dated: November. _, 2008 By Hulda Gieschen, Corporate Secretary SubscribeLand sworn to before me this = day of NoXmber 20 V,CAD17500YORK' SGCRrrARY CxRTI nCAnON OF AC nO \.2003 kI aCHARLES A. BASSFORD, JR. NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA My Commission Expires Jan. 31.20t0 n PROJECT 7500 York Edina, MN 06.27 -08 1 COMMISSION 1121252.7142 PROJECT 7500 York Edina, MN 06 -27 -08 1 COMMISSION #21252 -7142 `n d q a EAST ELEVATION N _ _.f11EiIp wni�urLifu� - Z-' : . e IM win, as it 1 HE i 'f f 00 njiION �. Ia II� � o gali•hI b 1�.11�;11( el!.C� 4 i Yu nl4 ;Igl�p Yii��IG•�' N �� _1 , 1 11; a NORTH ELEVATION 3r�ra t. WEST ELEVATION 7500 YOF ASSISTED LNIN EON& MINNESO pREIIMINARY DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION wm - EXTERIC ELEVATION All PRELIMINARY PLAT OF: EBENEZER SOCIETY 2ND ADDITION NOTES CORRESPONDING TO EASEMENTS TO BE PLATTED AS: PROPOSED AREA: EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: sin: 20 0 10 eo Ixo li.�wn o_ea., 5 rd 1: 91NN DA. pfl49F,0,i wo,loL wonw .off. ID.>•5 eie. M L7a7 ram 4i�rr. II ,4n ° o....c- w.n�i�. „ — ]CALF 91 FEET MptsZ O..,y e'^^°t° 91r.a Id L ebd. 1. [CI,I®I 9%II7T aO n lw . e '�ii`a 'awaT SUBDIVISION SUMMARY: im „+Ilxpr OantA Ymsm r WLeyO 4e• ,r • ,l.lm ma STATEMENT OF POSSIBLE ENCROACHMENTS -H,` n, roll Ir �.nl IT 622.x2 5 amns, W I V Rf A V LI v V L -_ -- S V V 1 1!0.]] 500T19^N .. _. --\ 5 ]56'09' W 90.41 •� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ — tit 0 L�l6.x IlGH`t AL 1i1/ I rWi+r W. Y.��'w..�� Or.r.rr..rr -.1 r• r +mrr rw 4s �� • ra.�i�. r r l° votr v [rah r — a- - -r_ -- t _�Iui r 7 = [ E05., W-0, 0, Zip 55435 C T I OWNER CONTACT 27 Fw (G A 979 -1,00 I S I I j I Y24 gpryw% MermW 5 407 L.vvl. I LIJ ^' LUJ ) s B lUavRYnrE9Y ,Om9R LJ Hy s ,n. a .YY,n cnao. l o 1— - " � (52) 655 741 9 120 ` J - I S DW'19- E 169.99 ___. Jj, i:•, , \ . \ `. -. -, 1 S 9959'25 E �. ® ru I I 3 f` I II >70.66 Io_ LEGEND If N 0W'21' E 206!9 1 ILL 1}� 299.50 N 013 '02''m F J LIJ � I I e � VV e r •• ii o I L. I L o ' r I I 10. 9 f - -- — — °— r — -- — — L ° - - -- — — — °° — — —.— — — — g vICiNITY MAP _ D,9• ]• W 37 .54 ? -- -- - +;r _ — - umr "619.04 : I 299.5 908.58' _ - -- 2 nIA I ^l, -4/11 , /�I ,.l n \/ 9 e �IlvCvhvva7rl r1A o� g e 2 e a (o^ .n 0 z PloAr*r SCALE. I INCH - 49 FEET IarveoNe u: su,. m w..e'rirer In. Orc PRELIMINARY PLAT OF EBENEZER SOCIETY 2ND ADDITION Fore EB04FZER Ir: srrEA VONKASSBFEO UNNO evoA, rnx9ewTA HENNEPIN COUNTY HARRY S. JOHNSON CO.. INC. LAND SURVEYORS 900 Ly, Amer 9ba IL RN'"'" TNa LV294621, F09522Mbx44 PRELIMINARY PLAT OF: EBENEZER SOCIETY 2ND ADDITION ° ~'�— • - - - ^ -- $ �' ra NOTES C�RE9 DPgTTMEASEAAFMB TO BE PLATTED AS: PROPOSED AREA: e..,..�+ "" �.ye EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1w , .,� a. •°w ,, 1s8ffm mtaTr a1• nmmax. sn. f.f •ra t>� s,esrr y .•�,y w� a irr : mo, // m.e Yarl 1: Ma,•h fanf% eLL•aole /�pp1 .W W 2RM9 4se M . 2iN ens yrer 4 ,•L IvY�� 4o Bo o •+-.. 0o Oelbl C ,an0m y,R os� ^"4i1•AI� i Ir. •off . —A = -.r— l.�F Y 10. Owe - 01. �' , SCALE IN PEST SUBDIVISION SUMMARY: � y •° wc, Pin°lfyi, ®.a ,. BfEllEm1 Sa�IT m /m80K me fed elole• a bU r .wd m a. ,M b,a /v�110N wee BlmJLwo "ewe•- `t,' -�fY. v.a rr ,1 ei1. a � N.n ^Y: Uw1% Ybiaol¢ rs Y 9WAw1 wv. ,r .11.'!01 ma STATEADiNT OF pOSS®LE ENCIU1404 �B --- - -- - -- $ - - -'' - -- - _i---- - - - - -- -- ems. r' A '•.`d • °?-- - '%. r'�.d ti _ ',�• t•�f' I :R4.,,: >'`. ;~a' =N` ~->, xuo,o! w - v��r.ra •..•r :��:�+:.:�r.: ,�"`.- �....�� H•10 FEET ' �j°'' +I +.w' a", a .Ir'ws`3°..sr•..i�'.I. °..�'.'. .�`.�- ~ — I�, °` +'• - -�'-.— A° "°a""¢— ;—` �` ; �' 'e'_. °--- • —_..°o a ' I I I � I Orr:°'° d' tia ra iS 7 vL I`I° '°,may -kJt° 'P4.9, -£: 2 ar., z`• .� �� x., s-`.. s°ooyyar w *al h n yr,Yl r a•, ,_ 4 ,,I s �3e'os• w .o Bast 1 I I r -].T _ - - -- --- -ssrorls'w ssae' {� I C T - - aan- 0 eel ' I F -I I • X1,8 T{... I F axr' �, ,,�tb ,t °� s* Iya ,f_. gym'" ' 1 LIJI tl z' L S I a'�` r. 'i• 't' p' ' ,r�, d e+ `-vim ` — I QI I I -� `��. , III ... �°: F « `� A' � n r I � --- - - -- ne. - -- -�-�• 1 1 iI=yyam °.0 •s .o�.,,•cx S'LrJ 1. sl ' e' E etsasp .�, °v�Jd7 2 +r \ \. I I •\ �I I \ I I I�emeY� Ilr � oV. •ver. ol•. ar er �.• o rne< .r F amn �..a -I b + + + ^� •.}� =�'� \ rem`i. \ rl I HNC 1 I f 3 -_ 1P r _ " rr �: - - " "�• \:.•� ` •. •� 4 • \\ ; . I I sS71_ I PRELIMINARY PLAT OF LEGEND EBENEZER DAADDDITION Y I I: a. �� _ 4"" - -_ `'��'- x-sbx�Ya - •.t ` �� m I I � • I I 0 �-•� 14 * "_gBD6. - F• s s d, i �u�'.. n 116 11 I a Pon .1 __ _ }- -� 12�j`- - --' o e .ter' -a r e�1''•. " (:)p I _ IB �/(�,J) I�.I �. ♦'._'4rJ>�ur_�' �, '�. ec. �_ \ �F mom¢ -: - - -__ I ° L,JI I III - - - - -- o"....s'°'° :sr.•orw EBENEZER / ' I !� _• Irl .r'* ::�.1 \ .AID_ 1'. Cd t��\ �I` \ .`y � �P�'1 �F ¢Y O 111 � �—h 1 111 —__ 1 II ' :. +�%, �,M`�y -A,y .\ . `. � Y e�`„ • �� }I r,'I \ °oo ,..e -.. f1 I � IM— � �a.,.�l,a 'E c� �V�,3�r' , °,`.� �. � Iv.;4 .. I. -S� �. mx _• � �,- \ 1 11 I I II a �, ...� SIT6s a_ A �a�1 if; rT ' ' %° � off\ I A . Z \, ��. I • j tr_� •I,)3 M�� flrB $oa I f 1.�:. \ t _� Ir >asoromraysormuvara "p .. A `��J � 11 's i I i'"F As s -_yPa �I i�t°`I"- days `i � w+t ♦ �. t �, \\ ipl� "- �•I .._. L -�s.r- B 4 I • III s.�ll... n..lm ..yowl EDNX KNNZ orA 't,- l'111I�1 'I 'f'll ,i,Zu.,�f- L,. i. t• '' lsrr esl! 14�`" ( /Y'. ...J, -� �m+a+wal — 11j _ I e 1 II1•f ,� ^•'�" F _ � 9ii9O'°' _ � � o „�I,,,, ,I.r. HENNEPIN COUNTY I,�d)_y , I a�� 74��'�,����, 1�\ .'} u'�'� -► f rti°°i�s�+ �, y .r . I -- R ` ., j I 1 I v :±r:.v.. I y%`. r' t',x,3'dr•r¢ A�3I'z c���i L 7,ir dry - i �I `4' ?iy,� !FA, -a- -r- 1 _ Y}I J I' - :. ' 1 L • _t,kw,. 13 ,s 1 .. ,'r, -4'-y d 1N _ 1 a'r� t'.,ti• '_ .r i* ^ t 1 i " �- ° Z° .o-aIs.--lam;. =-4i VICINITY MAP LwAwmD s .SloUl+Rr+sVEORS 1 4 ! El r t ,p\ a` - - ?G`t ;1 . �-; �a t -,+r ,rt,, ••_ _- rT- ��'-- .•��_. - �="- -� _ �� ` _ a q • 1 � I ,I mfu�rlmf.A,l.l..smnn r _ "�: �°U°! 1_� - s,v.oa . .n 1 1 I Ii avn0 pea4 WL ••O, ±� _�.s� *, � � __d'_. p, „ • _ •.•' nnvm[n I I T•4 B9a1.6]H FV tliJ••dTAx 'Nf8'18•x3•W .,mil LL ^�f r .---- aem`�`_• -_ L�• r, a�� Y •. a••�dP •___ -_ ._- .- 4v— .�..�•— 'LI•'ll \ ll llf l - -•Y I .- i- -•• —mi -- Y F 4 11 _ I;---PC✓- s a r s ar, --s� ;r;a' -- 9'; - _ `, .'— r - = - -- -- -- - — s �• I s. 2 _n �� o\ d r'`. I a+ ' ° °a - -a rs •. 't a P r" _ I E° L I -1 . « 1Jd716PPA •III \_ __ __ -- ------ - - - - -- — /"�� -- I p 20 40.02 `°-1 \ w ��V `� a' r. un..- a, t x. - - - - - .v.na.r �3 j• ` L • - f OP 7 AA 1: NAV fIL Al tiN I ij i GENERAL Nr01EEB c AL DESCRIPTIONS NOTES CORRESPONDING = O�AB`NENTB — r^ +,•rr. o.. 1 LEGAL DEBCRIPTIONB "• �r7 r� 03ili,. rdtn,r5_we.. �,..•..,,,.. vr,r -. ,�... .,,o.r.,�r.. •...,, STATEMENT OF P0881B4E ENCROACXMENT� `+r'."L w"'.T" ••".r. v,.i.,,v,r,Z,. '•,� �i',�:.s-., A•e'di�4e' - .°.. �.� - +.ww - - - -- SCALE. I OWN. 40 FEET II Jr Jr r Jr '.4 J� � 1 \. +r � ' 9 S r � �•4'%' _ - ✓� _ _�,�' lti 3 i V '< •, i Yov�,e' ' Y- +, A IV I :so.za• s zac•w. n sovr�e'« ' I I I _ Y .r y r t ;.,.&. f L tl' — 1 '+ � OT 1 � '�+ I J ;• J - I I T/J� 1/ �1l iii (+ �I_P.patAi�trI+ r r J J+ J -�LOVK tl i bs' E"•�' u I ,a... o..,...,. .I + i i i J r —lo I BOUNDARY& �,� r y • +r " ' \ \\�� - ! M1 rl i LEGEND ibeOG ICAL RVEY 41e, xr rr J s I Pon Ln - _, ! I Y_i Z. \: •esr w +r J \ O ' - ®., .....� B LJI I I EBENUM arm Lc! I I � i \ \ \\\ \ � � I I {{` • .^ �,... , .. , i zsm rauAeanzmuvwo ,!. HENNEPIN COUNTY VEYOR� p !/' f °d' P + I ...vW..d •J —� — — �_ ='-N', I i I r i-v J VICINITY MAP LAND `'O .� y' ' �.. c,c'u• a '>_ .a.�, �' .. • I le I I 1 v I ..,.. „„°,°r,� 'iZ.4716T :;;. •f3_,n „- ••fi5.,.,u-+ � '•i�. F«v.. :Y °�i' 1 _. +•. 007440 sit rsri�tG CoNQiTioNS L YORKDALETOWNHOMES YORK AVENUE SITE PLAN tt 4P -0' x of W W H rn UJI r N 3 I n r SITE DATA mucuoiacm °'0M°m ✓py41,7 3 0119 .-e • �W 7500 YOR ASSISTED LIVIN EDINA, MINNESO' PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT APPLICATON 5127108 I� SITE PLA �LA ALL f,0 #6596 Nff%j PARKLAWN AVENUE rl = I 7 I O I I P7 7 I a 0 I pm jLyl�I ° °dU, 1.1 L CITY TREE CODE REQUIREMENTS: THE PL"OER OF WE NEW LOT IS I— V DIVIDED BY b 16]1UVERETI0.V TREES RGQOI0.ED. TE 0.EQOIRPD _'.. DRFAROOWN IS AS FOLLOWS: REQUIRED SNOWN ON PLAY 131 IHINAMFMAL 161 ,9)AMAVLMLMARY UT 1W AfLT.NA H1 ILL PRIMARY 101 - HL) GULL (0) ]TTOTAL 4I70TAL PLANT REQUIIIEMLNT NOTES. IT v; USUALLY NO' 9LL9MMENOLD T HAVES IAHIGH QU.v1Tt1TY OF NL W OR REI1RiATFD TREES TI IAT.UO: GRFATGA THAN 1' DIA(AIMA DUE. TO TIEIWI I A10RT&L1 RATE AND LACKOFSTABILITYT. TOiHL nldUliNtMTHE ROUT SYSTEMTHWH LOS T. SMALLER TILLS WRLROOF LN MOLTA EASTER ILHN:H WILL RESULT IN A MOLT MORE STABLER TUT — 91ORTANIOLLAROFRPIANtFD TlEFSWA RFJA11VF1T SIIORTAMOLM OF TMF_ BA= ON WIS. IT D REQIALNENDED THAT THE CM TAKE THIS INN IlPb1UERA LION WHEN REVWWINOINE PLANS AS SHOWN. Plant Schedule LANG StAt F PLAIN Pv�AC,Pw O� a�1.PwLMN,Ns Fu�w W 7500 YOR ASSISTED LIVIN EOINA. MINNESO- IWw1&mii- latm IL "Overall Sit . Plan b R Yr1I _ L1 6>m.6a. a.an�1+A FI°+RG� re.s.w_ Jsl... �IIP� ua.�..�..ar.I°• a�Iae®a.m. or l.w t®+ orLwl� s�I.m 1N6Y1.Yv n.ru.rTwP H I.p r_d sa If1A1 na_..bsve6w Iylnaa v °b.AVis_ M.l,.onu Ia• -' gyp_ -. sW 1s.sam� �drra Asmlq _ I,w� .ewlAl A_ss.rs I�Far Iu.s elm Jwm �°nY +�°� Id Pmm saw...�FVe. esaW� lyvlrel LANG StAt F PLAIN Pv�AC,Pw O� a�1.PwLMN,Ns Fu�w W 7500 YOR ASSISTED LIVIN EOINA. MINNESO- IWw1&mii- latm IL "Overall Sit . Plan b R Yr1I _ L1 L 1 IAIIDYWB PI.LY ENIARClMPNI'• OV[9ALL D[YICN IIITFHI' Snlc l ° -2D' po fj Landscape Plan - Oven Design Inter ��o x7 P LL le, T\ P iiIA ca W, J-Brr, gtr V 0 20' 417 r :4-- Ail, X XdI rt FPLD -00 679.87 XA x U—I 4X ---------- y. -7---Z7:j L A c e, J Tim= ED cLVSHEU FOOF w ej rj al .-QM' U Ugk . OT. go 5;j. e ye am rr, 3 1, x ;9, 70 3x xv. ut- I'L 7' 14 -e Z.. -Ilk ims, R. Ib -see ee - = TRESS. TO �G SAM) 66 IN 7 l X, y xw 0 a A GRAOiN6 Puu w v 0 w 7500 YO El-- ASSISTED LIVII TI E.M. M.Ml Qom„ War- M. PRE ""N'ARY DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION GRADING, DRAINAG. AND EROSION MXTROL PLAN vz= M 7. C2.0 7 l X, y xw 0 a A GRAOiN6 Puu w v 0 w 7500 YO El-- ASSISTED LIVII TI E.M. M.Ml Qom„ War- M. PRE ""N'ARY DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION GRADING, DRAINAG. AND EROSION MXTROL PLAN vz= M 7. C2.0 -Z --- 1 2i - �17 Af om 'i ,C 2(r 0 401 ai I WEEK, jp Af om 'i ,C 2(r 0 401 ai I WEEK, l 4--V II I ' � I 1 I - 55� I 1 1 e 1 1 I 1 ,1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 I- •_I o; �5� T.�y� 1,., •~ \ 1 I1 1 1 ¢ +W' 7 FFE -870.07 EXISTING LFE•B.�B` .02 I i a5 1 . li ir -•- -- ------------ - - - --� T- m' 4 0 'R :s p.ay. v.�s .mr.n a+�sm mmia s.v i`-B oam,i; sw�m.vwmm TABLE O yS ,. T .. n,u s »u u4 mnvm_rtrr.rmvmv. 3 4 1448 _ _ � . e. -a. -. _ - _.- - _ V _ _- -_ �:iri:i `rte ••ITyuu .v • .a 1`' '. . »;- .n•_... .0 ..-.' . /3`%_Plmr INSULAPON orruL I .0 ""OO UT1LrrY fLAW r,lwu• 7500 YO ASSISTED LIVI: EDINA. MINNESI B, fJN APPLICATION UMM PLAN C3.0 •I��s �1 _ _ � . e. -a. -. _ - _.- - _ V _ _- -_ �:iri:i `rte ••ITyuu .v • .a 1`' '. . »;- .n•_... .0 ..-.' . /3`%_Plmr INSULAPON orruL I .0 ""OO UT1LrrY fLAW r,lwu• 7500 YO ASSISTED LIVI: EDINA. MINNESI B, fJN APPLICATION UMM PLAN C3.0 •I��s it L- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PT. 1 1.1 1 1 ; - - - - - - - - - - - - :r --------- . dl- W V D w w - 7500 YOF n2 ASSISTED LIVIt 21 EDINA. MINNESC 31 7-r = 3= R-i 3 -!.V Mm INARY DOPMENT -A ATION ,77 ORNE APRON PA%'NGA.\D GEOMETRIC PLAN C4.0 L --------------------- UNEXCAVATED 13 STAIR PARKING GARAGE EXISTING PAR NG GARAGE LOBBY ELEV. I I MAINT. L STORAGE 1 PARKING CORRIDOR UNEXCAVATED GARAGE ELEC. TRASH 4 SERVICE MECH. SDRY CORRIDOR ----- - - - - -` FIRE TOR STORAGE PROTECTION RECEIVING ELEV \JN STORAGE 5GARAGE PLAN - 18_422 ell* e� v_ L LOUNGE 313 SF STUDIO 423 SF STUDIO 423 SF STAIR STUDIO 423 SF STUDIO 423 SF STUDIO 423 SF ACTIVITY AREA 456 SF DINING 351 SF KITCH 2B5SF STUDIO 423 SF STUDIO 423 SF STAIR STUDIO 423 SF STUDIO 423 SF STUDIO .- -- --- - - - --- 423 SF STUDIO 423 SF j STUDIO i 423 SF i STUDIO i VEST ' 423 SF -- SCREEN PORCH GREEN SUPPORT EL ELEV. RECPT. 2-STORY GUEST 7375E LOBBY LOBBY STAIR M W SODA STAIit FITNESS SUITE LOUNGE TLT. WASH RT' OFFICE OFFlCE WORK SUPPORT CONF. CLUB 433 SF OFFICE ROOM LOUNGE DINING OFFICE SUITE ROOM ROOM OFFICE STUDIO 423 SF PRIVATE DINING STUDIO 423 SF SCREEN PORCH LOUNGE 313 SF FIRST FLOOR PLAN - 29 OBI S.F. _ 302' =1'r 41tii �Ot —� xwnl KITCHEN EMP I FAMILY LOUNGE LOUNGE L SECOND FLOOR PLAN - 23 077 S.F. scv.u�NNws 7500 YOR ASSISTED LIVIN EDINA, MINNES01 e FBLNELEH PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AP U ATION SECOND FLOO PLP .� . l„i x u.. A2.4 L 2BR r 962 SF 2BR x 051 SF STUDIO 423 SF 1BR STAIR 672 SF STUDIO 1 BR 642 SF 454 SF STUDIO 454 SF 1BR 842 SF 1BR 842 SF 10 842 SF ELEV. EL L000Y STUDIO 2BR STAIR 1 BR X/ 1 BR 1 BR 28R $FAIR 1142 SF SUPPORT 423 SF 1,209 SF 042 SF 842 SF 011 SF 362 SF 9, a T71 SF SUPPORT X 325 SF 1 B 1BR 1BR iBR 1BR 1BR. 793 SF °SiZ 728 SF 642 SF 642 SF 642 SF 642 SF m RErdircO `A29922 SF DR JUN 3 0 2000 K STUDIO 423 SF 2BR 991 SF 6 e z ISR 650 SF STAIR THIRD FLOOR PLAN - 23 OT7 S.F. 1 3na =t•o' L FOURTH FLOOR PLAN - 16,963 S.F. (e traiLACL-"l NWM REctmo JUN 3 0 2990 pm 7500 7OR ASSISTED LIVIN 9 2 "Not PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION 6/27108 FOURTH FLOG PLA A2.6 7192' =t' -0' FO tF C:rsy Cebblelicld" CULTURED STONF —A T11VISION OF OWENS CORNING P.0 BOX 270 NAPA CA 94559 1 R00 155 1 2 `:j� � .� a ,�j,,�[ . `�•� : ^�`` &..--tom' .ti x M Fm V,Wlt WUifQJt Flr 11 C T 5f • w a- �ai W i }ac� 4 K + r • '' ,�..• ,- '' • � �"`�"�,i :. r�� ►�='`t �� f Jam' ;�;* ,# Y r ! r ,� � -w•rl: Q � �.Ye f y �r _ '* � "'rs� . •'�� ~' / ��s t,. _ '` �. ' �` �.: �-., is ti jet _•�`, _ � ry #'°"� _ x��,:r':. r 3 �f .{ *� .,�. , •. ��"_ _� _� ��- _ ��' _ �' V� �. 'y'.', ..mil' 1 + � - ,•.++rn1 4� r• -'�r vp .J- rr J. Alf �.;:i"� -� "� .1 rs� � y-rf ,• - -,I. f .y�fj �`TI �c ✓�'� q�! ��./. ir' f el , 1 � ♦ - s i - F '. s� �- J' ! � � _ is I � + � , ,.� -r `fir l �� fr e � •j -- F � ,✓ *lye _ . '# °wl .rrf w • /ka°1 - Ilt "r011111111/ __- ­amllw-AW A j4 N Am I Now EcoStar e= I Pt i Own - ol p A:t F. . N4� El'n I Aa tm mommul;7--, —r- ". 0. m 2), lim IRIS IRIS 1911IN aim ��e ME ME ME ME MN ME .� �� v MR: i C ) =UNITS PER PrCRE �43.6 q w ° e 0 MEMORANDUM — Plan Review •� ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA DATE: November 19, 2008 TO: Cary Teague - City Planner FROM: Wayne Houle - Director of Public Works / City Engineer SUBJECT: 7500 York Assisted Living 7500 York Avenue Engineering has reviewed the plans for the above stated project and offer the following comments: • The Edina Transportation Commission (ETC) has accepted the Traffic Impact Study, see attached Traffic Impact Study and minutes from the July 17, 2008 ETC meeting. • A Ninemile Creek Watershed permit will be required, along with other agency permits such as MNDH, MPCA, and MCES. • All storm water from this site shall be treated on -site; no off -site pond expansions are available within the sub - drainage area. This is the first review of these plans. Staff will require a more detail review of the Civil Plans if this project is approved by the City Council. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this first review. Thanks 43-7 G:\Engineering \General\Y Streets \7500 York\20081120 review of 7500 York Assisted Living.doc gi.I,T��r MINUTES OF THE w Edina Transportation Commission o e �� Thursday, July 17, 2008 H o Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Les Wanninger, Jean White, Paul Mooty, Steve Brown, Geof Workinger, Tom Bonneville MEMBERS ABSENT: Warren Plante, Hilah Almog, Marc Usem, STAFF PRESENT: Jack Sullivan, Sharon Allison I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by chair Workinger. Il. Comments a. Chair Comments Chair Workinger said he would like Commissioner Brown to brief the ETC on the West 70�' Street/Cornelia Area Traffic Study. b. Public Comments None. III. Old Business None. IV. New Business a. 7500 York Avenue — Ebenezer Management Assistant City Engineer Sullivan said the proposal for 7500 York Avenue is to add 75 residential rooms (88 beds) to an already existing senior facility. Mr. Sullivan said the redevelopment proposal was applied for in March but was put on hold by the development team. However, staff and WSB reviewed the traffic study and made comments. The developers have since revised their proposal and incorporated staffs and WSB's comments into the traffic study and is seeking approval. Mr. Sullivan said the revised traffic study does not negatively impact traffic and staff is recommending approval. The developer's traffic engineer, Ed Terhaar of Wenck Associates, Inc., was present to answer questions. Commissioner Wanninger motioned to accept staffs recommendation "that traffic generated from the proposed 7500 York Avenue does not adversely affect the adjacent transportation system." The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bonneville. Motion carried. All voted ave. k3t b 7300 Bush Lake Road — Minnesota Made Assistant 'ty Engineer Sullivan said the original plan was for an inflated hockey dom but it was change to a permanent building with spectator seating. Mr. Sullivan said mo of the trips to and m the site will be off -peak times such as early mornings and wee ends and there are no a .sting operational issues at surrounding intersections. He said a proposal does not advers affect traffic therefore, staff is recommending approval. The Ilowing is the Transportation Im ct Analysis Policy: The Transports 'on Commission shall consider the following four effects i the evaluation of traffic studies t are warranted by certain zoning, land -use, condit nal use permits and final develop \-enan applications prior to the application be i submitted to the Planning Commisouncil for consideration: i) Does the develop ficantly affect the operation and con stion of the adjacent roadways or interseor result in a traffic hazard? AccordinTraffic Impact Study, no adve a impact to surrounding roadways ections shall occur from this evelopment. ii) Does the development signifilqantly affect pedestrian The Traffic Impact Study did not addre industrial area with litttq pedestrian traffic iii) Does the development provide op %dirtunot niti car - pooling? The Traffic Impact Study iv) Does the development provide feasible or safety problem? There are no known traffic op After discussion, the consensus was for patrons and emergency vehiclesy All voted ave. for pedestrian safety. This is an transit usage, vanpooling or the above usages. to address an existing traffic issue issues at this location. circulation of traffic within the site will be challenging V. Approval 3yf Minutes a. Rprgular Meeting of June 19, 2008 W VA ude th .•lip and it VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Brow Commissione Brown reported that 6921 York Place and rosstown Medical, 4010 W. 65th Street, receive preliminary approval last month. He id final approval is expected next month. Commissioner Bro n, chair of the West 70' Study Advisory Co mittee (SAC) meeting Presbyterian Church. He said working with developed to finalize a ecommendation to t their review. After getti Council's feedba ETC and SAC. Commissi ner Brown said final recommendation to Co cil. Stree Cornelia Area Traffic Study, said the next Is sc eduled for July 28, 7 -9:00 p.m., at Christ st and the consultant, a 17 -step process was he ouncil and it was submitted to the Council for , the 17 -step process will be-distributed to the e anticipates two more SAC meetings and then a Assistant City Engineer Sulliva said q# the information for the July 28 meeting will be posted to the website and available for v wi in the Engineering office. VII. Open Discussion Commissioner White said the' cket included information from Transit for Livable Communities regarding a grant at th Engineering Department applied for but did not receive approval. She asked what th applic tic was for. Mr. Sullivan said the grant money would have been used for bike ails an sidewalks. He explained that Transit for Livable Communities provides funds or alternati a modes of transportation. In reference to the Transp rtation Chapte of the Comp Plan, Commissioner Wanninger said they included two potenti I transit options t at will require feasibility studies to determine cost, etc. He asked when will a studies begin a d will the ETC play a leadership role. Mr. Sullivan will prepare a response or the next schedule meeting. Commissioner Bonne ille said the ETC should be concerned with the overall function of the City's traffic and tTsalff are two significant projects that are impacting the City, including the Crosstown, which should be updating the ETC on at regular intervals and therefore, making it public. T ext is the Edina Country Club for which staff can give progress reports when streets will b sed, etc. VIII. Adjournmelt Meeting adjourne at 6:50 p.m. 3 A40 Page 1 of 1 Edina Transportation Commission Item IV. a. REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Transportation Commissioners Agenda Item No.: IV. a. From: Jack Sullivan, Pc-"'Z f�;' ACTION: Assistant City E veer ® Recommendation /Motion Date: July 17, 2008 ® Discussion Subject: Transportation ❑ Information Impact Analysis — 7500 York Avenue— Ebenezer Recommendation: Review the attached transportation impact analysis submitted by Wenck dated June 30, 2008 and review a memo dated April 2 and July 9, 2008 from WSB and Associates. If so desired by the Transportation Commission, adopt a motion recommending that traffic generated from the proposed 7500 York Avenue does not adversely affect the adjacent transportation system. Info /Background: Staff received a draft Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) on March 17, 2008 for the construction of a new 89,700 sq ft assisted living facility immediately north of the assisted senor house building located on 7500 York Avenue. The building would have 76 units and 80 beds. Shortly afterwards the project application was postponed by the developer. However, staff and WSB review the document and comments and question from our review can be seen in the April 2, 2008 memo from WSB. As of June 30, 2008 the applicant resubmitted the TIA with a revised building size of 110,595 square foot and 76 units and 88 beds. All comments from the April 2 "d memo have been addressed in the June 30d' submittal. 4 ( G:\Engineering\lnfrastructure \Streets \Traffic \Transportation Commission\Agendas\2008 R&R\20080717_7500_York.doc WSB � Assocwe-ff.1= Infrastructure ■ Engineering ■ Planning ■ CQnstruction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541 -4800 Fax: 763 541 -1700 Memorandum To: Wayne Houle, PE, Public Works Director /City Engineer Jack Sullivan, PE, Assistant City Engineer City of Edina From: Chuck Rickart, PE, PTOE Transportation Engineer WSB & Associates, Inc. Date: July 9`*, 2008 Re: Assisted Living Facility — 7500 York Traffic Study Review City of Edina WSB Project No. 1686 -02 As requested, we have reviewed the revised Traffic Study prepared by Wenck Associates, Inc. for the proposed Assisted Living Facility located at 7500 York Avenue. The proposed development is located south of Parklawn Avenue between Edinborough Way and York Avenue. The revised development is proposed to include the expansion of the existing senior housing with the Assisted Living facility. The new building will be 110,595 square feet with 76 units and 88 beds. The revised proposed development is slightly larger the original proposal. Comments were made on the original proposal in April 2008. These comments have been addressed as part of the revised study. Based on my review of the revised Assisted Living Facility Traffic Study I concur with the conclusions and agree that there will not be any significant impact from the proposed development on the adjacent street system. Therefore, based on my review I would recommend approval of the proposed development. I%a CTommmu ma scmgsynw�\oatwy\MEMaanooirmosoe.dw WSB & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure ■ Engineering ■ Planning ■ Construction Memorandum To: Wayne Houle, PE, Public Works Director /City Engineer Jack Sullivan, PE, Assistant City Engineer City of Edina From: Chuck Rickart, PE, PTOE Transportation Engineer WSB & Associates, Inc. Date: April 2"d 2008 Re: Assisted Living Facility — 7500 York Traffic Study Review City of Edina WSB Project No. 1686 -02 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541-4800 Fax: 763 541 -1700 As requested, we have reviewed the Traffic Study prepared by Wenck Associates, Inc. for the proposed Assisted Living Facility located at 7500 York Avenue. The proposed development is located south of Parklawn Avenue between Edinborough Way and York Avenue. The development is proposed to include the expansion of the existing senior housing with the Assisted Living facility. The new building will be 89,700 square feet with 76 units and 80 beds. Based on the review of the Assisted Living Facility Traffic Study, the following questions /comments are made: 1. The Existing Conditions section indicates that traffic data was collected at the intersections during the AM and PM peak hours. It appears that these counts were in addition to those conducted as part of the SE area model project. A comparison should be made to assure that these counts are reasonable. There was also no indication if counts were also conducted at the site driveways. 2. It appears that the SE Edina area model files were not used for the analysis. These files would include "other" proposed developments in the area. The one percent per year growth should be added, in addition to the "other" development. 3. In the Trip Generation section there is no indication if the existing facility is full or if additional trips should be assumed for that facility? 4. The Traffic Distribution assumptions should be compared with adjacent proposed developments. A3 G:\En &eermg\Gmael\Y Streets \7500 Ymt\20080410_Oyuck RicEazt_WSB MEMO- wbmic- 040208.dw Mr. Wayne Houle, PE Jack Sullivan, PE City of Edina January 24`x, 2008 Page 2 of 2 5. The analysis of the proposed access points does not indicate if issues arise between the proposed driveway and existing driveway on Edinborough way. 6. The Conclusions and Recommendations should be updated to reflect the comments herein. Based on these comments and my general review of the site configuration and the Traffic Study, additional information and analysis should be provided before any approval recommendation can be made. 441 G: IEngineeri nglGencrahTStreeG sV500YorkL0080410 _Chuck_Richart_WSB MEMO- x- houle- 040108.doe Wenck File #2058 -01 Prepared for: Ebenezer Management Prepared by: WENCK ASSOCIATES, INC. 1800 Pioneer Creek Center P.O. Box 249 Maple Plain, Minnesota 55359 -0249 (763) 479 -4200 A C - Transportation Impact Analysis for Assisted Living Facility 7500 York Avenue Edina, MN June 30, 2008 Wenck Table of Contents 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................. ............................1 -1 2.0 PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND .................................................. ............................... 2 -1 3.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS ................................................................. .................:..........3 -1 4.0 TRAFFIC IMPACTS .......................................................................... ............................4 -1 5.0 PARKING IMPACTS ......................................................................... ............................5 -1 6.0 TRANSIT, BICYCLE, AND PEDESTRIAN IMPACTS ............. ............................... 6 -1 7.0 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................. ............................7 -1 8.0 APPENDIX ...............................'............................................................ ............................8 -1 FIGURES I PROJECT LOCATION 2 SITE PLAN 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS 4 WEEKDAY AM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES 5 WEEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES 6 WEEKDAY AM PEAK HOUR LEVELS OF SERVICE 7 WEEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR LEVELS OF SERVICE v /'I LK 1.0 Executive Summary The purpose of this-Transportation Impact Analysis is to evaluate the impacts of the proposed assisted living facility located on the 7500 York Avenue site in Edina, MN. The project site is located in the southeast quadrant of the Parklawn Avenue intersection with Edinborough Way. This study examined traffic impacts of the proposed development on the following intersections: • York Avenue/Parklawn Avenue • York Avenue /76th Street • _76th Street/Edinborough Way • Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way In addition to traffic related impacts, impacts to on -site parking, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and transit were also examined. The proposed project consists of constructing a new 110,595 square foot assisted living facility immediately adjacent to the existing senior housing building located at 7500 York Avenue. The facility would contain 76 dwelling units and a total of 88 beds for residents. The new assisted living facility would be built next to the existing underground parking ramp located in the northwest quadrant of the property. The project will include rezoning the entire property to the Planned Senior Residence category. The new building will have a full access point on Parklawn Avenue and a full access point on Edinborough Way. The existing access drive for the underground parking ramp would remain in its existing location. The project will add 62 additional parking stalls to the site. The project is expected to be complete in early 2010. The conclusions drawn from the information and analyses presented in this report are as follows: • The proposed development will generate 12 trips during the weekday AM peak hour, 19 trips during the weekday p.m. peak hour, and 234 daily trips. No changes are expected in the trip generation for the existing senior housing facility in conjunction with the proposed project. • The intersections of 76'h Street/Edinborough Way, York Avenue /76`h Street, York Avenue/Parklawn Avenue, and Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way have adequate capacity with existing geometrics and control to accommodate the proposed development while maintaining acceptable levels of service. • The proposed access locations on Parklawn Avenue and Edinborough Way will provide adequate operations for trips to and from the site. On Edinborough Way, we do not anticipate any issues between the existing access and the proposed access. The low 1 -1 volume of traffic that uses each access point, combined with the low volume of traffic on Edinborough Way, will result in adequate operations at each access point. With the inclusion of dedicated visitor and staff parking area, parking impacts for the proposed facility are expected to be minimal. • No significant impacts are expected to the existing transit, bicycle, or pedestrian facilities due to the proposed project. 1 -2 A4 2.0 Purpose and Background The purpose of this Transportation Impact Analysis is to evaluate the impacts of the proposed assisted living facility located on the 7500 York Avenue site in Edina, MN. The project site is located in the southeast quadrant of the Parklawn Avenue intersection with Edinborough Way, as shown in Figure 1. This study examined traffic impacts of the proposed development on the following intersections: ■ York Avenue/Parklawn Avenue ■ York Avenue /761h Street ■ 76`h StreetfEdinborough Way ■ Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way In addition to traffic related impacts, impacts to on -site parking, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and transit were also examined. Proposed Development Characteristics The proposed project consists of constricting a new 110,595 square foot assisted living facility immediately adjacent to the existing senior housing building located at 7500 York Avenue. The facility would contain 76 dwelling units and a total of 88 beds for residents. The new assisted living facility would be built next to the existing underground parking ramp located in the northwest quadrant of the property. The project will include rezoning the entire property to the Planned Senior Residence category. The current site plan is shown in Figure 2. The new building will have a full access point on Parklawn Avenue and a full access point on Edinborough Way. The existing access drive for the underground parking ramp would remain in its existing location. The project will add 62 additional parking stalls to the site. The project is expected to be complete in early 2010. 2 -1 i1,' ST. a � ¢ n Yr. �° < ° 60 th ST, V ° = t�ill W z z cr z sr 5T. m = ¢ x ¢ z a o z ri lV, 61 st ST. :' W e w ° x Cu > o i ° o z f o Vlfv� ) CH 04IEH z 61 st a ST• MpR� Y Rp a CU RVc Q vr• 62 nd ^ ST' C> AN nd S7. % SON w w O er w HERITAGE ' 62 nd ST. 62 ppRRI (+ > u a R m DR. w. 63 rd ST. °� a > 32 m 64 tli ST. l - -q u 62 W C3 < V'r. % 64th I ST. p r J ° � 0 V 05th ST. 31 W. 65th 5T, w Li cc W. STJ \ -� 53 0 sr. m '� 53 66tH ., W. 66 th sr. 22.w =RWICK PL. SOUTH DALE - •..;:r �'•�- --•-�� ..�.•...'........ 23, MELODY LAKE RD. v3 vi y3 -_ � ¢ w > 24. NORArAr:pALE CT. CIR. W. 67 th ST. i ' I a ; 68 rh 25. LANTANA LA. % !4, -0 T Op• V 26. NORr ANDALE R0. :'V v v �, REST f FANZ a ! 'r o � 2.7. JOSEPHINE AVE. i > "' • > ' W. 68 th T. DR. 4 G� 1 k RD. =4) ��• 17 n 28. COLONIAL CT. ° a JUDS 29. VORTH FIELD AVE. i ON (A 4C y`•• = 30. RIDGEVIEW AVE. 1 ¢Q �•� Y. 69th ST. Y7. 69 th ° ST. _V? O a ° > 70th ST. / W. 70 th ST. ° )VER RD. a a: 31. HOLBORN AVE, i W 701/2 th ST. MAVELL E a v° < m DR. 32. ROLF AVE. RE 0 'A �o 33. ROBERTS PL. x W, 71st I�q��g�y,�� ST. LA �' o -' c ( o i HAZELTON RD' w ' % W. 71'/2 2000 POP, 4RE M 0 r J 34.BIRCHCREST OR, } 34•`i39 p� �pf IV. u = m 72 nd i NY44r{70 35. w, 63rd ST. ST. W. 72nd ST. c y� aST. 36, NANCY LA. I f((SiV �A ¢ �Sr 37, MILLER'S LA, !i w J JrDNOELL a 3E Project 31 W. 73 to 0 ST DR. w Da, 5= Location ILFOP.D DR. 0 v a 4iu ry /z 74 th ¢ ST, W Y> J 4 a0 a LO PARK u I CT. o c: 4VE. W O Z m w o N = R > x z 1V1� c3 P�`, \ 0 1Y. '� > > u ST. A ° �rCYb4 P_AZA 0 a = Y w, 'e W. 76th • ; ST, j W. v 76th o J S T, x i2 xl: z n: % n W. 77 th ST. x a ST. a m z ° — c N 2 17 TBt MINNESOTA DR, W. 0 � > ✓� �� � SOUS HTOWN ST. 0 78th 31 APPROXIMATE SCALE O'= C119. S' 79tH = t AMERICAN u BLVD. vr. d yl. 00 0 z c W 'a 0 2500' V W a >a L C BLVD. a W. 81st m ST, > > Yl. 81st ST. Wenck 1v FIGURE 1 PROJECT LOCATION PARKLAWN AVENUE . . ........ C . . ....... .. J. isw 4t! w D z Lu 0 (23 H! t APPROXIMATE SCALE WEST 76TH STREET 0 120' TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FIGURE 2 Cj� ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY SITE PLAN IN EDINA, MN As, 6A w D z Lu 0 (23 H! t APPROXIMATE SCALE WEST 76TH STREET 0 120' TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FIGURE 2 Cj� ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY SITE PLAN IN EDINA, MN As, 3,0 Existing Conditions The proposed site currently consists of an underground parking ramp used by the senior housing building at 7500 York Avenue. The project site is bounded by Parklawn Avenue on the north, Edinborough Way on the west, the adjacent senior housing building on the south, and York Avenue on the east.. York Avenue i -s a four -lane divided roadway with turn lanes at major intersections. Parklawn Avenue is a four -lane undivided roadway east of Edinborough Way. Edinborough Way is a two -lane roadway which provides access to nearby residential properties. Existing conditions are shown in Figure 3. The signalized intersection of 76`h Street and Edinborough Way provides one lane shared by left turn, through, and right turn movements on the southbound approach. The southbound approach consists of one left turn/through lane and one right turn lane. The westbound 76`h Street approach consists of one left turn lane, two through lanes, and one right turn lane. The eastbound approach consists of one left turn lane, one through lane, and one through/right turn lane. Left turns operate on a protected /permissive basis for both 76'h Street approaches and on a permitted basis for both Edinborough Way approaches. The signalized intersection of York Avenue and 76`h Street provides one dedicated left turn lane, one through lane, and one through/right turn lane both the eastbound and westbound approaches. The northbound approach consists of one left turn lane, one through lane, and one through/right turn lane. The southbound approach consists of two left turn lane, two through lanes, and one right turn lane. Left turns operate on a protected basis for all approaches. The intersection of York Avenue and Parklawn Avenue is controlled with stop signs on the Parklawn Avenue approaches. The northbound and southbound approaches consist of one left turn lane; two thrlane and one through/right turn The westbound d p approach consists of one left turn/through lane g lane shared by left turn, through, and right turn movements. The intersection of Parklawn Avenue with Edinborough Way is controlled with stop signs on the Edinborough Way approaches. The northbound ands ut he easab and and westbound consist of one lane shared by left turn, through, and right turn movements. approaches consist of one left turn/through lane and one through/right turn lane. Turn movement data was collected at the Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way intersection during the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak periods in January, 2008. Existing data for the other analysis intersections was obtained from the City's existing conditions Synchro model. 3 -1 A5 a, 4r" PARKLAWN AVENUE Yl I FF PROJIAJIPROXIMATE SCALE T LOCATION Of q Lu P. W 3: uj v\j' e 1, 1 c ll � �l I'. cur ir Ike 9— f� I f 1, V, cm 76TH STREET or. TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN EDINA, MN 10J f I i .. i% yY .AL FIGURE 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS 4.0 Traffic Impacts Traffic Forecast Scenarios To adequately address the impacts of the proposed project, forecasts and analyses were completed for the year 2010. Specifically, weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour traffic forecasts were completed for the following scenarios: • Existing (2008). Existing volumes were determined through traffic counts at the subject intersections. • 2010 No- Build. Existing volumes at the subject intersections were increased by one percent per year to determine 2010 no -build volumes. The one percent per year growth rate was determined based on historic traffic volume information on the surrounding roadway network. • 2010 Build. Trips generated by the proposed development were added to the 2010 no- build volumes to determine 2010 build volumes. Trip Generation of Proposed Uses Weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour trip generation for the proposed development were calculated based on data presented in the seventh edition of Trip Generation, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The resultant trip generation is shown in Table 1. Table 1 't7V..1,An. A 1%4 nand pM peak Hnnr Trin Generation for Proposed Uses ............ Use Size Units Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Dail In Out Total In Out Total Total Assisted living 88 Beds 8 4 12 8 11 19 234 The Trip Generation publication indicates that a study based on national and local data indicated that less than 5 percent of residents at assisted living facilities owned cars, which were rarely driven. The vast majority of trips generated are from visitors, staff, and deliveries. The trip generation shown in Table 1 is for the proposed facility only. No changes are expected in the trip generation for the existing senior housing facility in conjunction with the proposed project. 4 -1 45A Trip Distribution Percentages Trip distribution percentages for the subject development trips were established based on the nearby roadway network, existing and expected future traffic patterns, and location of the subject development in relation to major attractions and population concentrations. The distribution percentages for trips generated by the proposed development are as follows: • 25% to /from the north on York Avenue • 15% to /from the south on York Avenue • 5% to /from the west on Parklawn Avenue • 25% to /from the west on 76`h Street • 25% to /from the east on 76`h Street • 5% to /from the south on Edinborough Way The trip distribution percentages presented were developed based on careful review of the existing peak hour volumes at all of the analysis intersections. This basis results in trip distribution percentages that are similar to the existing surrounding residential uses. Therefore, the trip distribution percentages presented are realistic for the proposed development. Traffic Volumes Development trips were assigned to the surrounding roadway network using the preceding trip distribution percentages. Traffic volumes were established for all the forecasting scenarios described earlier during both the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours. The resultant traffic volumes are presented in Figures 4 and 5. 4 -2 4S�- cn +--2/2/2 °' •' E-- 104/107/107 In N f-- 7/7/9 PARKLAWN AVENUE I T f 73/75/75 -� 57/59/60 o w -/-/2---+ 7/7/7 -3, o o cD - 11/11/11 eM ai to N � M a T� (D N } v Q Lo 2 C7 O It O m Z a w PROJECT LOCATION STAFF ACCESS N ` Nr ch Q M M + 4/4/5 In N F 508/523/523 213/219/219 5/5/7 T r 144/148/148 --l- M r- M 11/11/11 Nom_ ) cf) N (n enck F- 113/116/117 f-- 443 i 0 m =� C O 76TH STREET N NOT TO SCALE EXISTING 2008 2010 NO -BUILD I I 2010 BUILD xx/xx/xxw TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN EDINA, MN A5� co ti v "co ti 4a� v `I� Iv J L> 39/40/41 _A' 2/2/2 -> 29/30/31---+ w Z W Q Y 0! O } N N r r T_ M 0000 Nr 00 T r T T 40/41/41 -A' 168/173/174 -� 25/26/26 �. FIGURE 4 +--3/3/3 +--212/2 ,- 7/7/7 �cD CD ll')�� u O Lo M +-- 161/166/167 <- 562/579/580 ,F- 54/56/56 I f r Do v cD cl) 00 ao �cD M M r.- 00 M 00 r WEEKDAY A.M. PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES cM� "L1 /1 /1 r) F- 72/74/75 T � r rn N + — 18/19/22 PARKLAWN AVENUE 2/2/2--t 1 T f 179/184/185 -� 163/168/169--)- -/-/2--+ 24/25/25 cj = Ma- 41142/42 (h T co It LOZ cn T T� r �N Q M O _ T O It Q m Z 0 LU PROJECT LOCATION STAFF ACCESS WPnck E-- 112/115/116 -/-/3 � v n < mcn -1 76TH STREET N NOT TO SCALE EXISTING 2008 2010 NO -BUILD 2010 BUILD XX/XX/XIX/XXI TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN EDINA, MN 4S1 co T � 23/24/25 T � r rn N + <-- 419/432/432 r- E f-- 78/80/80 32/33/35 -A` I T I'll 829/8541854 rn co co 41142/42 'Q 22 c 0) (o M In m to ti iB 0 O m m rn N WPnck E-- 112/115/116 -/-/3 � v n < mcn -1 76TH STREET N NOT TO SCALE EXISTING 2008 2010 NO -BUILD 2010 BUILD XX/XX/XIX/XXI TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN EDINA, MN 4S1 co T r- T � r rn N + +-6/6/6 r- E E- 0 /0 /0 w z w Q Y 0 o c)e� N 04 N N � N �rnrn rtNON Li 156/161/161 918/946/947 -� 130/134/135 FIGURE 5 '- 261/269/270 E— 330/340/341 f- 55/57/57 ITr Coo 0 0 ~cn m co rn v WEEKDAY P.M. PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES Intersection Analysis Traffic analyses were completed for the subject intersections for all scenarios' described earlier during both the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours using Synchro software. The existing conditions Synchro model was obtained from the City_and used as the starting point for the analysis. The existing model was expanded to include the Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way intersection, which was not included in the City model. Initial analysis was completed using existing geometrics, control, and signal timing. Capacity analysis results are presented in terms of level of service .(LOS), which range from A to F. LOS A represents the best intersection operation, with very little delay for each vehicle using the intersection. LOS F represents the worst intersection operation, with excessive delay for each vehicle using the intersection. Level of service results are shown in Figures 5 and 6. Overall, the analyses show that all intersections have adequate capacity to accommodate the proposed development while maintaining acceptable levels of service. Discussion for each individual intersection is shown below. 76`" Street /Edinborough Way - During the a.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS C or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the a.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. During the p.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS C or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the p.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. York Avenue/7oh Street - During the a.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS D or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the a.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. During the p.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS D or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the p.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. York Avenue /Parklawn Avenue - During the a.m. peak hour under all scenarios,. all movements operate at LOS C or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the a.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. During the p.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS C or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the p.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. Parklawn Avenue /Edinborough Way - During the a.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS A. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the a.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. 4 -5 AS1 During the p.m. peak hour under all scenarios, all movements operate at LOS B or better. No improvements are necessary at this intersection during the p.m. peak hour to accommodate the proposed development. Parklawn Avenue/VisitorAccess - During the a.m. and p.m. peak hours under the 2010 Build scenario, all movements operate at LOS A. Edinborough Way /Staff Access - During the, a.m. and p.m. peak hours under the 2010 Build scenario, all movements operate at LOS A. Adequacy of Access Locations As shown in the site plan, the proposed project includes two access points. One access point will be located on Parklawn Avenue approximately 260 feet west of York Avenue. This access will be used primarily by visitors. The second access is located on Edinborough Way approximately 300 feet south of Parklawn Avenue. This access will be used primarily by staff. As shown in the Level of Service analysis, both access points are expected to operate at acceptable levels of service. In addition to the Level of Service results, maximum queue lengths for the eastbound approach at Parklawn Avenue /York Avenue and the northbound approach at Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way were also reviewed. At Parklawn Avenue/York Avenue, the intersection analysis indicates a 95`h percentile maximum eastbound queue of 11 feet during the a.m. peak hour and 31 feet during the p.m. peak hour. At Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way, the intersection analysis indicates a 95`h percentile maximum eastbound queue of 5 feet during the a.m. peak hour and 8 feet during the p.m. peak hour. Therefore, adequate space exists on both roadways for the proposed access points. On Edinborough Way, we do not anticipate any issues between the existing access and the proposed access. The low volume of traffic that uses each access point, combined with the low volume of traffic on Edinborough Way, will result in adequate operations at each access point. 4 -6 45-A E- A/A/A PARKLAWN AVENUE � - /- /A A/A/A - > `1 A/A/A aaa E-- A/A/A fJ �, A/A/A A/A,A It A/A/A `- A/A/A a a a E- A/A/A PARKLAWN AVENUE � - /- /A A/A/A - > `1 Wenck N NOT TO SCALE. EXISTING 2008 r-- 2010 NO -BUILD I r- 2010 BUILD XX/X)UXX= TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN EDINA, MN 460 FIGURE 6 WEEKDAY A.M. PEAK HOUR LEVELS OF SERVICE BOB aaa F- B/B/B B /B /B C /C /C It C/C/c `- A/B /B aaa Wenck N NOT TO SCALE. EXISTING 2008 r-- 2010 NO -BUILD I r- 2010 BUILD XX/X)UXX= TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN EDINA, MN 460 FIGURE 6 WEEKDAY A.M. PEAK HOUR LEVELS OF SERVICE PROJECT LOCATION aQ 0 `- - / -/A STAFF (n 0 z T ACCESS j Q as Z. 0 o c� 0 a! 0 M z 0 w 41 6 3 A/A/A UU a C/c/C MOO j � L F— A/A/A � AWA 76TH STREET U U E-- C /c/C F- D /D /D C /C /c __+ A/A/A —� A/A/A� U U¢ UUa B /BIB V m Q UUa Umm Wenck N NOT TO SCALE. EXISTING 2008 r-- 2010 NO -BUILD I r- 2010 BUILD XX/X)UXX= TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN EDINA, MN 460 FIGURE 6 WEEKDAY A.M. PEAK HOUR LEVELS OF SERVICE mm� A/A/A 3 a A/A/A L, F- A/A/A L, A/A/A B /B /B -> A/A/A A/A/A m m m m m m 'mmm UUa 3a 1 2- 44A f Li ,`- -!-/A T� QQ Q a� c� 0 0 m z a w E- A/A/A PARKLAWN AVENUE f-- - /- /A A/A/A -� - / -/A Q PROJECT LOCATION Qmm A/A/A C/C/C -j I A/A/A L, A/A/A A/A/A --!I' T f B /B /B -> B/B/B -1, m m a UUa STAFF ACCESS a � 0 N m =i 76TH STREET N NOT TO SCALE EXISTING 2008 2010 NO -BUILD 2010 BUILD XX/XX/Xx/XX TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN EDINA, MN At a a '-- B/B/B aaa <- B/B/B - B/B/B C /C /C __:� <1 T (� C/C/C -j I ❑ O U I B/B/B � a a a w 0 z U.1 Q Y 0 r MOO m -0 o +___ C /C /C mm U o <-- C /C /C ,F- D /D /D D /D /D -- I T r D /D /D ❑ O U I D/D /D p U U DUU FIGURE 7 WEEKDAY P.M. PEAK HOUR LEVELS OF SERVICE 5.0 Parking Impacts The existing senior housing facility includes 133 on -grade parking stalls and 227 enclosed parking stalls. Access for the-enclosed parking stalls is provided on.both 76`h Street and on Edinborough Way. The proposed assisted living facility will include 42 additional on -grade parking stalls and 20 additional enclosed parking stalls. Access locations for the enclosed parking stalls will not be changed. As indicated in the Traffic Impacts section, the vast majority of residents of the proposed assisted living facility are not likely to have vehicles. The majority of trips generated by the proposed facility will be from visitors, staff, and deliveries. The proposed site plan includes 35 on -grade stalls dedicated to visitors, with the remaining 7 stalls dedicated to staff. The parking impact of the proposed facility will be limited to visitor and staff. The proposed project includes dedicated visitor and staff parking areas. The overall parking impacts of this development are expected to be minimal. 5 -1 Aa 6.0 Transit, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Impacts Transit Impacts Existing transit routes are located on York Avenue, 76th Street, and Edinborough Way. Bus stops with benches are located along 76th Street at regular intervals. Routes 538, 539, 540, and 578 provide regular transit service to this area. The proposed development is not expected to significantly impact the need for transit service in this area. Maps of the existing transit routes are shown in the Appendix. Bicycle and Pedestrian Impacts As.shown in Figure 3, sidewalks are provided along all streets surrounding the proposed project. The proposed project will include access, from the building to the existing sidewalk system. No significant impacts to the sidewalk system are expected due to the proposed project. 6 -1 A43 7.0 Conclusions The conclusions drawn from the information and analyses presented in this report are as follows: • The proposed development will generate 12 trips during the weekday AM peak hour, 19 trips during the weekday p.m. peak hour, and 234 daily trips. No changes are expected in the'trip generation for the existing senior housing facility in conjunction with the proposed project. • The intersections of 76`h Street/Edinborough Way, York Avenuen6`h Street, York Avenue/Parklawn Avenue, and Parklawn Avenue/Edinborough Way have adequate capacity with existing geometrics and control to accommodate the proposed development while maintaining acceptable levels of service. • The proposed access locations on Parklawn Avenue and Edinborough Way will provide adequate operations for trips to and from the site: On Edinborough Way, we do not anticipate any issues between the existing access and the proposed access. The low volume of traffic that uses each access point, combined with the low volume of traffic on Edinborough Way, will result in adequate operations at each access point. • With the inclusion of dedicated visitor and staff parking area, parking impacts for the proposed facility are expected to be minimal. • No significant impacts are expected to the existing transit, bicycle, or pedestrian facilities due to the proposed project. 7 -1 r- �t 8.0 Appendix Transit Maps Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Map 8 -I ASS FE 0 c CD 0 w 00 82nd St Center v "' " ' I 62 V SouthdaleTransit < c Fairview -.- m m Metro Transit Routes: BeLine Routes: m m Southdai e m ri F{eritag Hosp y 5V T o m Veterans Memorial Passenger Metro: m z o Park Drop OH y SW X 66th St 66th 5l o Gate C 661h St ub E 1 • 4 76th St and Passenger - 5 L a Pick Up N r Newton Ave S co 691h St a Metro Transit Routes: m ¢ Target 5k'^ 9 'c•_'�t 2:'' :? Metro Transit Routes: 00 °� Cub 1 �' 6 ' BeLine Routes: o Ssl• 73rd St t t� Door13 lv a 4 3400 1 • LL. P rktawz Z BeLine Routes: Old Shakopee Rd. L 0 76th St ti `�" 1 Killebrew Dr Rd ¢� Zi m 2 76th — Best,.._ Bu t 78th St t MVTA Routes: m � 69th St �- i� ,tea 7 ETarget `j Ed nborough. =0' .8 9 494 L 'T9 N Statin N 78th e s argo�F ~ Plaza C 3 I ° 'I 82nd 5t "d `moon American Blvd Southtown ,% °ut ``_ 10 • 11 m m 15 Knox c m Cub Landing o *0 1 _ o m 0 . m i- aEi > c + z. a`o _ o m S 14 Z 86th Sll agl '��'� 0 1 8 ¢ 0 1 x �9g 13 � ` LiOxborE co Mlles LAKE artners ��rx`c} .... i �o U) g - ,- x U2 r CL) Southdale Transit Center W a South Bloomington Metro Transit Routes: 1 76th St and III ge ScHhool I h 9t Newton Ave S L 70th St Metro Transit Routes: BeLine Route: mq? M.- EM .0 . i Routes: 0 1 �Zne SW Metro: 0 a) a) a- Z CEO, 0 DIN x0 'Best C_ '0 HadqBuuy & C: e. v,. 61 S L 76th S 4 Minnesota Drive and France Ave S Minn din- Knox AveTnu- rough Park & Ride.. Me Transit Routes: 6 , gntro .494 'Zouthtbwn BeLine Route: 0- CD x s t PENN 90th St LAKE Passenger Drop Off- (n Gate C W > (n Passenger X15 L > Pick Up Cm CY 73rd St Metro Transit Routes: 77 h 0, COD BeLine Routes: Killebrew Dr Old Shakopee Rd. St 494 MVTA Routes: 0 C11 8 nd 28th Avenue Station 182nd St U 5 Killebrew Co CL 86th St 901h St W T < 4 W E S 0 Miles �0 0 CD LA W IC 6 W a South Bloomington to andale Jefferson x Transit Center III ge ScHhool I h k d Metro Transit Routes L Q, ioe ED mq? r BeLine Route: 0 vlkltex 8 06 th 'if Z 901h St W T < 4 W E S 0 Miles �0 0 CD LA W IC Minnesota Drive and France Ave Metro Transit Routes: 76th Street and Newton Ave 'o '0 >- o Melro, Transit Routes: or '0 Bel-ine Route: C) (L > Z_ Fm I 1Z Bel-ine Routes: zj 73rd St - - EL D -6 Edina Z5 C-) M -0 Industrial Co Dewey Hill 741 n Blvd E 76Ih Edina 0 15 76th St Industrial 771h est 13 6 Area -18M 2 4 3 Buy 00 Sherat n kMjOnesota Hotel ISoutht iq own IV 4�L M94 Picture Dr. otel tn Target 'Ll : SOfitel American RIvcj 82nd SI Amenc n Blvd 10 g Zv 84th r 9 841h S1 -0 72 Co Hyland Like (n mm Ea - Park Reserve Normandale Lake Z-J E Office Park 6 8500 z Office Al 4 10 rnerican Blvo Tower fu '0'0 f 1 — M 841h St mQj 83 9 Josten's 841h St F_-- 0 CD LA 9�1 C) N W E 0 S 0 E 0 M Miles 77th St T A 494 m.rirnn r- Mail of America, 86th S�l 4 E 0 00 S -gouthdale LAKE Transit Center HARRIET 0 Metro Transit Routes: ■ 50th St Miles BeLine Routes: ■ op ■ For additional service, For SW Metro: -i s out j see Route 146 L cp T, 11 L ■ Benton Ave �Wb CD 5 SCSI U2 Colonial Way 13 10 7 U2 0 1 U- erita e ca .4% 65th 66th St _0 A E 9 70th St 0 woo -6 c < 12 70th St LAKE -6 L -0 = 0 z Dewey Hill E 74th o 0 Q cl D _0 v 7th St 76th CL 78th St Q 18 Q) 15 Minnesota Dr ro 13 ca -1 I—H,,v\ Minnesota Drive S 16 and France Ave �ID 83rd o c metro Transit Routes: .7" 19 Tr c cm ighwood Dr 84th St 0 2 L . e Route: Be in Hyland c - -0 i T,1 %;-5- Lake Park ca 0 E - .9 MVTA: Rp-,arve E 0 00 Edong Conorele Sdawak ExWWV Park PWhMY Propoeed StaWAId SideAl3k C, OF ar. =0 Proposed a" 0� �-S Setwol-DuainOw J j2L--JULJLJL-- n fJ Corridors on Hennepin County _ .I I �t,�"IULI `'���� i System' �y J WTEMACHENOLVOL - S '2' Az C W. SM ST I SENTON AVE- 460Tli ST. W, 6,40 ST. 1. TOWN bGNN•AY, CROSS CROSWO ...... ....... . .... . -W GvnTsr 21 8��tAR 8, Al � DEVIE, NRL Rte_ 1 � "'.I � I i _ �C �', / ri i__J 40' If BLV CA TTTK Si EDINA IND. W- ."NE501A . CITY kvX`N WIERSWEM 'jWlERSTATE 494 p 25 .5 1 mile SRF No. 0901117 City of Edina T ;.7 e ,A f tion Plan Figure 10 March 1999 Pedestrian /Bicycle Facilities k70 . I Draft Minute Summary of PC Meeting November 25, 2008 - 2008.0017.08 Rezoning, Final Development Plan, Lot Division /Final Plat and Variances Ebenezer Society /7500 York Cooperative 7500 York Avenue Planner Presentation Planner Teague informed the Commission the Ebenezer Society, on behalf of the 7500 York Cooperative are proposing to build a 76- unit,,4 -story addition to the northwest side of the existing 337 -unit, 9 -story senior housing development at 7500 York Avenue. Of the 76 units, 47 units would be for assisted living, 16 would be of memory care and 13 elder care suites. Access to the site would be off Edinborough Way and Parklawn Avenue. Parking would be provided underground, and within a small surface lot off Parklawn Avenue. Planner Teague explained the proposal before the Planning Commission is a Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Rezoning, and uultimately, the proposal would require all of the following: 1. Final Rezoning from PRD -4, Planned Residential District to PSR -4, to Planned Senior Development District. 2. Final Development Plan. 3. Variances. A maximum square footage variance for 14 dwelling units. A 3 -foot setback variance from Edinborough Way. 4. Lot Division /Final Plat. The site exists as two lots today. The lot lines would be shifted to accommodate the new building. Planner Teague continued and asked, the Commission to note in order to obtain the above - mentioned approvals, the applicant must go through a two -step process. That process is as follows: 1. Preliminary Development Plan and Rezoning. Preliminary Development Plan and Rezoning is a review by the Planning Commission and City Council, in which approval simply allows the applicant to prepare a Final Development Plan. Approval of the Preliminary Development Plan requires a three -fifths vote of the City Council, but does not guarantee approval of the Rezoning,,or Final Development Plan. 2. Final Development Plan and Rezoning. The Final Development Plan process is generally the same as the Preliminary Development Plan. A three -fifths favorable vote of the City Council is again required. Planner Teague concluded staff recommends approval based on the following findings: 1. The proposed addition is consistent with the multiple family housing developments to the north, south, east and west. 47 2. The proposed density is compatible with densities in the area. 3. Given the City of Edina's aging population, senior housing is a need in the City. 4. The existing roadways would support the proposed project. Approval is also subject to the following Conditions: 1. The Final Development Plan must be generally consistent with approved Preliminary Development Plans dated June 30, 2008. 2. Sustainable design. Final Development Plans must include the Sustainable Initiatives as outlined in the applicant's narrative on pages A5a —A5c of the staff report. 3. Compliance with the conditions outlined in the city engineer's memo dated September 24, 2008. Appearing for Applicant Mark Thomas, Ebenezer, Russ Helgeson, 7500 York Avenue resident, Ward Isaacson, Pope Architects, and Charles Bassford, Notary Public. Commission Comments /Questions Commissioner Grabiel questioned the reasoning behind the "cap" for allowed unit square footage in the PSR zoning district. Planner Teague responded the "cap" on square footage is to ensure affordable housing. Applicant Presentation Mr. Thomas addressed the Commission and explained the history of Ebenezer Society and their outreach into the community. Mr. Thomas said Ebenezer currently serves 3,000 seniors and the 7500 York Co -op has a waiting list of up to 10 years. The average age at 7500 York is 84 years. Russ Helgeson told the Commission as a resident of 7500 York he has had to watch many of his friends leave their home at 7500 York when the need arose to transition to an assisted living facility, adding if this request is approved that would no longer be an issue. Mr. Helgeson said in his opinion if approved this proposal would be a benefit, not only for residents of 7500 York, but to the community at large. Continuing, Mr. Helgeson said the new building and additional landscaping will actually enhance the property. Mr. Helgeson asked the Commission to also note that many people who are interested in being placed on the wait list for 7500 York also ask if an assisted living component is offered. Concluding, Mr. Helgeson noted if this request were approved 7500 York would be more competitive. Mr. Isaacson presented to the Commission a slide show highlighting features of the proposed building. He explained that Ebernezer /7500 York Co -Op is proposing to construct 76 new units with a breakdown of 47 assisted living units, 16 memory care units and 13 elder care suites. Mr. Isaacson noted 7500 York is A7 o� 2 the first co -op in the State requesting approval to create a continuum of care for seniors in a cooperative housing setting. Commission Comments Commissioners referred to letters received from residents expressing concern over loosing their green space (if this project were approved) and noted if surface parking were reduced more green space could be retained. Commissioners raised the following issues: • Will the new assisted living facility be part of the 7500 Co -Op • Will residents at 7500 York receive preferential treatment if the need arises for a resident to move into assisted living quarters • Who advanced this request Mr. Helgeson responded that the proposed assisted living building would function independently from the Co -Op. Mr. Helgeson said at this time details are still being worked out on the flow between buildings, land lease, legal description, etc. Mr. Bassford explained Ebenezer Society has requested an overall development plan to construct an assisted living facility at 7500 York. 7500 York residents would have to vote on the request. At this time the land use designation for 7500 York is PRD, and a rezoning of the entire site to PSR is also being requested by the Board at 7500 York. Mr. Bassford stated in discussions with city staff a PSR zoning was found to be more :compatible with the use of this site as a senior building and if approved, assisted living building. The rezoning would also bring the parking requirements into conformance with city code. Concluding, Mr. Bassford pointed out if rezoned a maximum unit square footage variance would be required. Public Comment Bruce Holman, 7240 Edinborough Way pointed out that this proposal also impacts nearby Edina residents that don't reside at 7500 York. Mr. Holman said in his opinion the proposed building is set too close to Edinborough Way. Mr. Holman said he is also concerned about his view being blocked and construction noise. Concluding, Mr. Holman asked the Commission to keep in mind that the YMCA is also interested in constructing residential units on its site, adding the increased density in the immediate area is getting to be too much. Bob Jarvis, 7500 York Avenue #117 told the Commission he is in favor of the proposal as submitted. He told the Commission the average age of residents in the 7500 building is 84 years old, adding if approved,.the proposed assisted living component would keep 7500 viable, and the next step many present 7500 residents could use. Mark Johnson, 7500 York Avenue #438, stated he moved to 7500 York a year ago and disagrees with the proposal presented this evening. Mr. Johnson said A73 3 many 7500 residents will not speak up, but he knows many residents are worried about the noise this will generate, loss of green space and obstructed views. Mr. Johnson said he would like to see the age of residents permitted to "buy" into 7500 York lowered. Gemma Hessian, 7500 York Avenue, told the Commission she recently fell and realized how quickly things could change, adding if the assisted living component was part of the 7500 community she could recuperate and have physical therapy without leaving her community. Miss Hessian stated she supports the proposal as presented. Rob Grauman, Fairview Southdale Hospital told the Commission he supports the project. He added it is important to be able to transition 'from one type of housing into another as easily as possible. Commissioner Grabiel moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. Commission Comments A discussion ensued with Commissioners indicating that on the whole they support the project as presented. Commissioners acknowledged the Zoning Board will act on the variances requested; with Commissioners indicating their support for those variances. Commission Action Commissioner Grabiel moved to recommend Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Development Plan approval with variances based on staff findings and subject to staff conditions. Commissioner Scherer seconded the motion. Aye's; Risser, Scherer, Staunton, Schroeder, Fischer, Brown, Grabiel, Forrest. Abstain: Lonsbury. Motion carried. Further Commission Discussion Commissioners indicated in the future they would consider further discussion, at the Commission level, on discussing amending city code unit square footage requirements in the PSR zoning district. Commissioners also asked the proponent to reconsider adding a green roof, pointing out it may not be as difficult or as expensive as first thought. Commissioners also requested that if approved that the builder be respectful to all neighbors during the construction phase. 12/1/2008 submitted 4a t 4 .yy.. ;: 12/09/2008 12:30 4BOB376134 THE UPS STORE PAGE 01 s Public Hearing Nbtice EDINA CITY COU14CIL TUESDAY DECEMBER 16, 2008 7:00 PM Location: City Hall Council Chambers 4801 West 5081 Street CASE FILE:008.00'17.08a TO: Property Owners Within 1000 Feet APPLICANT: Ebenezer Soclety/7500 York Coop PROPERTY ADDRESS: 7500 York Avenue, Edina, MN LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Co-Op 7500 York REQUEST: Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Development Plan Approval PROPJECT DESCRIPTION': The applicant Is proposing to build a 76 -unit, 4- story, assisted living building addition to the existing 337 -unit, 9 -story, senior housing building HOW TO PARTICIPATE: 7. Submit a letter to the address below expressing your views, and or 2. Fax your views to the attention of the Planning Dept. ® 9521826 -0389 3. E-mail your views to jhoogenakker&I- edina.mmus 4. attend the hearing and give testimony for or against the proposal. FURTHER INFORMATION: City of Edina Planning Department 4601•West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 (952) 826-0369 DATE OF NOTICE: December 5,'2008 12/09/2008 12:30 4808376134 THE UPS STORE PAGE 02 --za 08 4;W ems- 7sod Bca.sQ u/e CIL 12/09/2008 12:30 4808376134 ( 2 J THE UPS STORE PAGE 03 dot i01AA je.Ajft.-1 ree 0,0 or / Lv'� u�� �✓.P,� -�. �.�,.�c �- ems' -�-, u4ti 4k IWA am�t#,f4 Jackie Hoogenakker From: rdronendh @att.net Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 1:19 PM i o: Jackie Hoogenakker Subject: Ebenezer Society/7500York Co -op vu_& C) p`2O I am a resident of 7500 York. I received the notice of the hearing and wish to respond. We are highly in favor of the proposed assisted living facility. Ebenezer has a reputation of providing excellent care and is a responsible organization. The plans for the building blend well with the existing 9 story building and will be a real asset to the Centennial Lakes Community. There is an extreme need for this kind of a facility in Edina and Ebenezer is the best organization to fill this need. We have been residents of Edina for more than thirty years and wish to support this Development Plan. We hope Edin, will grant the necessary support. Sincerely, Richard and Audrey Dronen 7500 York Ave. So #429 Edina, Minn. 55435 (952)938 -9153. rdronendh @att.net 11/20/2008 1 ow e �pp s • j��O 1 Is's // Public Hearing Notice EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, November 25, 1 a 7:0 M Location: City Hall Council Chambers 4801 West 501' Street CASE FILE: 2008 -017 -08 TO: Property Owners Within 1000 Feet APPLICANT: Ebenezer Society/7500 York Co -Op PROPERTY ADDRESS: 7500 York Avenue, Edina LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Co -Op 7500 York REQUEST: Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Development Plan Approval PROPJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is proposing to build a 76 -unit, 4 -stoi• addition to the existing 337 -unit, 9-story senior housing building HOW TO PARTICIPATE: 1. Submit a letter to the address below expressing your views, and c 2. Fax your views to the attention of the Planning Dept. (M 9521828 -t 3. E -mail your views to jhoogenakker@ci.edina.mn.us 4. Attend the hearing and give testimony for or against the proposa FURTHER INFORMATION: DATE OF NOTICE: City of Edina Planning Department 4801 west 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 (952) 828 -0369 November 15, 2008 •�� G�VyYv L'C... 7y r.� Jackie Hoogenakker From: BDMOLTZ @aol.com ,ent: Sunday, November 16, 2008 1:33 PM fo: Jackie Hoogenakker Subject: 2008- 017 -08 Ebenezer Society /7500 York Co -Op This is in regard to the Public Hearing Notice I received in the mail on Saturday, Nov. 15. It is unclear on the diagram as to where this 4 story addition is to be built. However, 'I have heard rumblings from my neighbors that it is to be built on top of the underground garage at the north end of the property. If so, I have a major objection. My condo faces east on Edinborough Way and right now I have a lovely view over the garage roof of the trees and landscaping of 7500 York. A four story addition on the roof would completely block that view. I might as well be living in downtown Mpls. if I am going to be looking at a wall of windows! Right now, it seems like the city of Edina is doing everything it can to negatively impact the livability of this area. The charming development that replaced Centennial Lakes Movie Theatre is a prime example. If the addition is truly going to be built on top of the parking garage, I am definitely against this proposal! Sincerely, Brian D. Moltz Village Homes at Centennial Lakes Condominiums 7420 Edinborough Way #6318 Edina, MN 55435 You Rock! One month of free movies delivered by mail from b.lockbu_ster_.co.m d� 11/17/2008 Jackie Hoogenakker. . From: Harold Westerberg [Harflowest @unique - software.com] Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 2:58 PM To: Jackie Hoogenakker Subject: 7500 York re- zoning 17 November 2008 To: The City of Edina Planning Department From: Harold Westerberg: Re: Re- zoning of property at 7500 York Avenue We have resided at the 7500 York Cooperative since February 2007. We had been on the Inactive Waiting List since December 1991. During the latter part of 2006 when I inquired about our status on the waiting list. I was told that the Board favored taking ,a positive action on moving ahead with the Assisted Living facility. That caused us to change our status from Inactive-to Active. We saw great value in moving into a facility which would enable us to move to an Assisted Living facility, if needed, in the future. We have been delighted with the plans and t know that such a facility would be available for us in the future. We know other resideats who have a spouse in a distant Assisted Living facility and feel sorry for them when knowing how far they must travel each day to see their spouse. We highly recommend your approval of re- zoning the present property, so an Assisted Living facility may be available for the residents of the 7500 York Cooperative. Sincerely yours, Harold and Florence Westerberg 1 A.11?lrL, O e 0 y 0 l,�rc�R�g As1Fi Public Hearing Notice EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, November 25, 2008 7:00 PM Location: City Hall Council Chambers 4801 West 50th Street CASE FILE: 2008 -017 -08 TO: Property Owners Within 1000 Feet APPLICANT: Ebenezer Society/7500 York Co -0p PROPERTY ADDRESS: 7500 York Avenue, Edina LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Co -Op 7500 York REQUEST: Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Development Plan Approval PROPJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is proposing to build a 76 -unit, 4-story addition to the existing 337 -unit, 9-story senior housing building HOW TO PARTICIPATE: 1. Submit a letter to the address below expressing your views, and or 2. Fax your views to the attention of the Planning Dept. 0 9521826 -0385 3. E -mail your views to jhooVenakker@cl.cdlna.mn.us 4. Attend the hearing and give testimony for or against the proposal. FURTHER INFORMATION: DATE OF NOTICE: City of Edina Planning Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 (952) 826 -0369 November 15, 2008 r -r //"- / k- d f Yop,o fv ssy� y 1% IOAY� eol� �.,t�.9s�o Gala THE QUESTION OF CAMPUS EXPANSION AT 7500 YORK \w��t It seems inconceivable to many of us that 7500 York would consider a campus expansion that would alienate so many people and yet assist. so few. Some residents are near tears on this matter and losing some sleep. NOISE - There would be automobiles, ambulances, police cars coming any hour of the day or night. Peace and quiet is gone. LOST VIEWS - Scores of residents in the North Courtyard would be blocked -in, looking at nothing but 4 -9 story buildings. POSSIBLE GARAGE DAMAGE - Parking on the roof could have long -term consequences of damage and leakage. Only time will tell. LOST GREEN SPACE - We would lose much of our treasured rolling hills and mature trees, considered to be a part of our rich heritage. FINANCIAL GAINS - We deserve substantial payments for leasing -out a substantial amount of footage space as we would with any commercial venture. ATTRACTING YOUNGER RESIDENTS — This may turn away the 60s and 70s age groups as they are seeking senior housing, not an "old folks home." TOO EXPENSIVE? - How many residents can afford an extra $5,000 -7000 per month for non - Medicare approved housing? TRAFFIC CONGESTION AND SAFETY? Will the side streets be filled with cars and will we need another stoplight? BEING GOOD NEIGHBORS - Will our Centennial Lakes Village Homes and Coventry neighbors "see red ", not wanting new development that they see as too big, too tall -and too busy? D- R -A -F -T C -0 -P -Y by Mark Johnson 11 -5 -2008 ° 4 V ail a ' -a�e4 Rya 14,e - 7r 7 " , � 1441�� Jackie Hoogenakker From: bradIey.winter @comcast.net 'ent: Sunday, November 16, 2008 3:24 PM o: Jackie Hoogenakker Subject: Ebenezer Society... My opinion is that there needs to be green spaces retained within the city of Edina in order to maintain its charm and beauty. Currently, there are many homes and businesses that are vacant. So, why not utilize an already existing structure for this purpose? Adding another structure to serve the already crammed assisted living within Edina is just another ploy to charge a premium to the residents just because the building lies within the Edina city limits. If these companies were intersted in providing the best care at an affordable and reasonable rate, then they would definately not be putting these residents up in Edina. I'm against cramming another building in this already cramped neighborhood. Just my two cents. 11/17/2008 Jackie Hoogenakker From: LOIS RING [Ilydesigns @msn.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 1:23 PM To: Jackie Hoogenakker Subject: Ebenezer Society/7500 York Co -op I live across the street from this property. I am against rezoning for the above listed development. It would bring in too much density and more traffic just. We are a complex of 250 Village Homes and I do not see the need for construction of 4 more stories across the street to an already very large complex. Lois Ring #4117 7440 Edinborough Way ri 11/18/2008 w � 9 l�COl�a SC+ Public Hearing Notice EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, November 25, 2008 7:00 PNI Location: City Hall Council Chambers 4801 West 50ei Street CASE FILE: 2008 -017 -08 YO: Property Owners Within 1000 Feet APPLICANT: Ebenezer Society/7500 York Co -0p PROPERTY ADDRESS: 7500 York Avenue, Edina LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Co -0p 7500 York REQUEST: Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Development Plan Approval PROPJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is proposing to build a 76 -unit, 4-story addition to the existing 337 -unit, 9-story senior housing building HOW TO PARTICIPATE: 1. Submit a letter to the address below expressing your views, and a 2. Fax•your views to the attention of the Planning Dept. 0 9521828-0 3. E-mail your views to jhoogenakker@ci.edina.mn.us 4. Attend the hearing and give testimony for or against the proposa FURTHER INFORMATION: 4S01of Edi 50 Plannin Street Department Edina, MN 55424 j�8, (952) 826 -0369 DATE OF NOTICE: November 15, 2008 r J l a el �... rhe.Ae ha5 lvev l3ee.v F'ORM�L v�7'P G� 7-L,P 5 l? a R e� o L o eR s So w Doti ' A k kloe -O A AAZ 1el ,k , y. y r7a4poke, The 1->A.&st!ey -. ����' eiVie� /4 L ��c /� eS OtaR 7'R e e S A R r tiricv 30 yca/2.S y de le- 41/11< e ro rciaA /C N Rmw�p 7 hie eN -�r2r ro.�n�ex . /1f4Gf% GUC LUNG L hQ U e The 'el 5-fo 2 y A o a i eo-V u Pr cL • a z- o f- le 7'h,o MANY /Al�r'S, !=a/? e��6A C/ es o 7'ii r F3LOg w�GL !3e „cJ Th-e 1WI o b -C l- c_g p 7'Lr e ea bus 7'GIis ,g el /1,4 Ov We NeeD !'lr��2r �eSsrSTe /� ��U«cs9 <.v 4R�t • efC�i 7QifJ �c/2 ,tlds7` /pesigz,v�S , TNe�-e A Re Nei F'ttaN er�rL Gtc� /Z ati1`e eS� �<<L C<<.v�� vU Wr-1uo efz F(41- 1- e/4 e . �1LTffG- ,g �i' yp E--,O �Pr �Y3 `7.5'c� YvrZ � d ve S Ok) �N�o CASE FILE: TO: APPLICANT: PROPERTY ADDRESS: Public Hearing Notice EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, November 259 2008 7:00 PM Location: City Hall Council Chambers 4801 West 50"' Street 2008 -017 -08 Property Owners Within 1000 Feet Ebenezer Society /7500 York Co -Op 7500 York Avenue, Edina � O1b Z0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Co-Op 7500 York EST: Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Development Plan REQUEST: Approval PROPJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is proposing to build a 76 -unit, 4 -story addition to the existing 337 -unit, 9 -story senior housing building TO P ARTICIPATE: 1. Submit a letter to the address below expressing your views, and or 2. Fax your views to the attention of the Planning Dept. @ 952/826 -0385 HOW 3. E -mail your views to jnooyenakker@cl.sdlna.:rn.us 4. Attend the hearing and give testimony for or against the proposal. FURTHER INFORMATION: DATE OF NOTICE; I I I t City of Edina Planning Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 (952) 826 -0369 November 15, 2008 Cv G) � • �1�-- /V 111k N�: •_ U Cn 'y 9 rNC�RPORp'S� leas APPLICANT: PROPERTY ADDRESS: Public Hearing Notice EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, November 259 2008 7:00 PM Location: City Hall Council Chambers 4801 West 50"' Street 2008 -017 -08 Property Owners Within 1000 Feet Ebenezer Society /7500 York Co -Op 7500 York Avenue, Edina � O1b Z0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Co-Op 7500 York EST: Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Development Plan REQUEST: Approval PROPJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is proposing to build a 76 -unit, 4 -story addition to the existing 337 -unit, 9 -story senior housing building TO P ARTICIPATE: 1. Submit a letter to the address below expressing your views, and or 2. Fax your views to the attention of the Planning Dept. @ 952/826 -0385 HOW 3. E -mail your views to jnooyenakker@cl.sdlna.:rn.us 4. Attend the hearing and give testimony for or against the proposal. FURTHER INFORMATION: DATE OF NOTICE; I I I t City of Edina Planning Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 (952) 826 -0369 November 15, 2008 Cv G) � • �1�-- /V 111k N�: •_ U -ro ED��v'� �S 7 S /�CJ✓o t�t/�/ v r i7'�S 9/-E e/V cl J 1/ 7 dcll o� %'lit -rJ., / � � � C•3 . cztt- '�� crz� { t. ,,;..� ► fn N' 6-5-* �\ co —Aft�� cyy� A s' rte• �^�'G'E CYLWL f�L t'i'�.�- -a�'a! i r -rte , ,,� �a,�,..z c� .- ..- <..�..C� .��.�� r►�- e- .�,.�- &v` rk-j eXIL� ?tc ay6L1 -08 1 `C�� 600 YORK �0 York would -t n / o many people -Q, vcv' � a tears on this C�� �-�• � saw � �.ct - CAW,, ti�s�.ry C- FS, police cars et is gone. rth Courtyard ,� �, 0-U-1 �-'�"�' building S. `� �, on the roof leakage. Only awe o- CLO much of our CLXI -� �'�' _ ' to be a part ���� �� ���� �� �,� ��-�• ial payments space as we J This may ,asking senior an afford an `- )ved housing? Will the side stoplight? BEING GOOD NEIGHBORS - Will our Centennial Lakes Village Domes and Coventry neighbors "see red ", not wanting new development that they see as too big, too tall and too busy? D- R -A -F -T C -O -P -Y by Mark Johnson 11 -5 -2008 Jackie Hoogenakker ' From: irvyn gilbertson [irvyg @yahoo.com] Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 9:29 AM To: Jackie Hoogenakker Subject: development at 7500 York I am concerned about the 2nd addition for 7500 York of 76 units. I read recently in the Edina Sun current that the YMCA is proposing a 130 unit new addition for living to the .facility they want to build very close to 7500 York. That makes 205 new units within a two block area. There are also condos in the new Westin Hotel, a very high profile building. And there are apartments all along York and surrounding areas. It seems Edina is becoming a condo /apartment emporium. We live at 7440 Edinborough Way and there are over 250 units here plus additional townhomes in the next block. In addition I believe Edina is building a new senior citizen facility along highway 100. Anyway, it seems like a bit much with all these condo and apartment buildings. Thanks for listening. Irvy Gilbertson .j Ebenezer Ha's Four E's! Ebenezer Edina. Assisted Living An Ego- Friendly Environment Listed below are potential sustainable design features for Ebenezer Edina Assisted Living. Location and Neighborhood Fabric: A Project is located on a site with access to existing roads, water, sewers and other infrastructure within or contiguous to existing development. @A Project is located within walking distance of community facilities, retail establishments, and civic amenities. @A Include sidewalks or other suitable pathways within a multi - family property or single - family subdivision are included to encourage walking within and off the site and connectivity to the surrounding environment. Orient the building to make use of passive solar heating and cooling. Provide three separate connections to sidewalks or pathways in surrounding neighborhoods. jA Bike Racks for employees, residents and grandchildren. Site: Building position to take best advantage of day lighting, summer shading, winter solar benefit and protection from prevailing winter weather patterns. Best Practices in Storm Water Management — reduce impervious surface and aquifer - recharge. Mark all storm drains or storm inlets. (not currently shown on civil plans.) Rainwater — Capture the first inch of rainfall that falls in a twenty -four hour period. No Ponds Implement EPA Best Management Practices for erosion and sedimentation control during construction. vA Green -Space and Mature tree preservation- Some of the Mature trees will remain intact. Underground Infiltration/Rate Control Tanks NA Exterior light design for light- pollution control Water Efficiency: Landscape design will incorporate as many plants as possible that require little irrigation. Select trees and plants appropriate to the climate, including drought- tolerant species in regions with low levels of rainfall during the summer or throughout the year. Use appliances and plumbing fixtures that reduce water use and sewage outflow. hp=(9201�9 la -ti -01-1 IN Energy and Atmosphere: y Include high - efficiency Mechanical and Electrical Systems to reduce fuel and electrical consumption. Take advantage of local utility programs offering incentives Include commissioning of building systems to ensure proper system operation Daylight sensors that dim artificial lighting in presence of high natural light levels. b Use Energy Star labeled appliances. Install Energy Star labeled lighting fixtures that use LED Bulbs. Exceed Energy Star standards, or exceed ASHRAE 90. Materials and Resources: b Use locally sourced materials to reduce carbon impact from transportation Used recycled or salvaged materials wherever possible and cost effective Recycled Rubber Terrace Product bey JamesHardie cement -based Siding: meets LEED Certification. (For more information, visit http: / /www.jameshardie.com) CertainTeed Shingle Products. b$ Provide 5 percent (by cost or value) of recycled content materials overall. Recycle construction waste materials. Windows — Low E coatings and good thermal performance qualities. Healthy )Living Environmental Quality: Commit to a smoke -free building (www.mnsmokefreehousing.org) Provide fresh air in accordance with energy codes (or exceed). Enhance occupant control of lighting and HVAC controls (individual space control) Use operable . windows to bring fresh air into the building Design spaces to take advantage of day lighting and views Use low- emitting materials • Specify low volatile organic compound (VOC) sealants and adhesives • Specify low VOC paint and primers jA Use composite wood only if free of added urea formaldehyde or if sealed with a low VOC sealant or laminate for cabinetry/countertops and millwork. NA Use Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label certified carpet in carpeted areas. Do not install carpets in basements, entryways, laundry rooms, bathrooms, or kitchens. bA To ensure effective removal of moisture, install Energy Star- labeled bathroom fans that exhaust to the outdoors and are equipped with a humidistat sensor, or timer. [JA Adequately ventilate all living areas by providing fresh air per occupant either via the HVAC system or through natural ventilation. Appropriately size HVAC system to prevent short- cycling of heating or air conditioning and ensure adequate dehumidification. To avoid moisture problems, use tank -less hot water heaters or install conventional hot water heaters so that overflow or leaks are captured by drains. bpi Insulate cold water pipes in climates and building conditions susceptible to moisture condensation. Do not install mold - propagating materials, such as vinyl wallpaper and unsealed grout, in wet areas. Use highly durable moisture resistant materials in tub /shower. b Provide surface drainage of water away from windows, walls and foundations. b' Clothes dryers must be exhausted directly to the outdoors. Seal all wall, floor and joint penetrations with low VOC caulk. Page 2 of 3 Continued Operations and Maintenance: Provide a plan for educating employees and residents regarding the intent of integrated sustainable building and landscaping features as well as their proper use and maintenance. Use of Organic Fertilizer Basic Recycling practices of Glass/Plastic and Paper will be incorporated. Also, different recycle bins will be located outside the lower level - Lucite Bins that will encourage the collection for recycling of ■ Eyeglasses • Batteries • Cell Phone • Soup Labels/Box Tops for Education • Wire Hangers ■ Plastic Bags Page 3 of 3 TO: Mayor & City Council REQUEST FOR PURCHASE FROM: Wayne Houle PE, City Engineer VIA: Gordon Hughes, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 DATE: December 16, 2008 AGENDA ITEM IV. A. ITEM DESCRIPTION: 2009 Pond Dredging Contract No. ENG 09 -1, Improvement No. STS -357 Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Fitzgerald Excavating & Trucking, Inc. $ 25,250.00 2. Nadeau Excavating, Inc. $ 35,800.00 3. Sunram Construction, Inc. $ 46,600.00 4. Designing Earth Contracting, Inc. $ 61,200.00 5. Landwehr Construction, Inc. $ 67,312.50 6. Minger Construction, Inc. $ 80,482.50 7. Frattalone Companies, Inc. $ 84,975.00 8. Veit & Company, Inc. $ 85,250.00 9. Carl Bolander & Sons Co. $ 88,950.00 RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Fitzgerald Excavating & Trucking, Inc. $ 25,250.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This bid is for the dredging of a pond at Fred Richards Golf Course (Hole 9). This project is part of the 2008 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) under storm water pond dredging. The CIP sets aside $60,000 per year for pond dredging projects. This project was part of last years pond- dredging project, however final permit approvals for this pond were not received until after the dredging season and this pond dredging was then deleted from the project. All permits have been received for this project. This project will be funded through the Storm Water Utility Fund. Staff has worked with Fitzgerald Excavating and Trucking and recommends awarding this project to this Contractor. Signature —Wayne Houle The Recommended Bid is +\ within budget not with C Public Works - Engineerinci GAEngineering \Contract Numbers\2009 \ENG 09 -1 2009 Pond Dredging - Fred Richards Golf Course\ADMIN\20081211 ENG 09-1 RFP.doc Ilin, Finance Director nager To: Mayor & City Council From: Debra Mangen City Clerk Date: December 16, 2008 Subject: Resolution Receiving Donations Recommendation: Adopt Resolution. REPORURECOMMENDATION Agenda Item V.A. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action ® Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Info /Background: In order to comply with State Statutes all donations to the City must be adopted by a resolution approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donation. I have prepared the attached resolution detailing the various donors, their gifts and the recipient departments for your consideration. RESOLUTION NO. 2008-129 ACCEPTING DONATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF EDINA City of Edina WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 465.03 allows cities to accept grants and donations of real or personal property for the benefit of its citizens; WHEREAS, said donations must be accepted via a resolution of the Council adopted by a two thirds majority of its members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council accepts with sincere appreciation the following listed donations on behalf of its citizens. Donation to Edina Art Center: Northwest Graphic Supply Co. Misc Art Materials Donation to Edina Park Department: Mike Wood $1,345.00 Garden Park Improvements Edina Community Foundation $5,000.00 Grants -In -Aid To Children And Their Families That Could Not Otherwise Afford To Participate In Park & Recreation Department Facilities And Programs Dated: December 16, 2008 Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK James B. Hovland, Mayor I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 16, 2008 and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 20_. City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com City Clerk 952 - 927 -8861 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 TTY 952 - 826 -0379 s REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Boyd Tate Information Only Traffic Safety Coordinator Date: December 16, 2008 Subject: Traffic Safety Staff Review for Action December 3, 2008 Recommendation: Agenda Item V. B. Consent Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action ® Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Review and approve Traffic Safety Staff Review of Wednesday, December 3, 2008. Info /Background: It is not anticipated that residents will be in attendance at the Council meeting regarding any of the attached issues. G:\ Engineering \Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic \Traffic Advisory Committee \Staff Review Summaries \08 TSAC & Min \09- 03- 08.doc TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW Wednesday, December 3, 2008 The staff review of traffic safety matters occurred on December 3, 2008. Staff present included the City Engineer, Traffic Safety Coordinator, Sign Coordinator and Deputy Chief of Police. From that review, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were also informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can be included on the December 16, 2008, Council Agenda. SECTION A: Requests on which staff recommends approval: 1. Request to restrict parking on the north side of Ayrshire Boulevard between Lochley Drive and Doncaster Way to "No Parking Anytime." Parking on the south side would still be permitted. This request comes from a resident who is concerned about emergency vehicles being able to travel down Ayrshire Boulevard during events at Highlands Park when cars are frequently parked on both side of the street. Ayrshire Boulevard is a 24 -foot wide city street with curb, gutter, and no sidewalks. Parking is currently allowed on both sides of the street. A traffic study was conducted on Ayrshire Boulevard between Lochley Drive and Doncaster Way in October 2007, prior to road reconstruction. The study showed a Monday — Friday average daily traffic count of 302 vehicles with an 85th- percentile speed of 28.1 MPH. There have been no reported accidents for this area in the past five years. Vehicles parked on both sides of Ayrshire Boulevard narrow the driving lane to 12 -feet, which does not allow for two cars to meet. Fire trucks require a minimum of 12 -feet of roadway in order stop and fully open their doors. However, additional room is required to move equipment in and around the truck. Staff feels that a public safety issue may exist when cars are parked on both sides of Ayrshire Boulevard. Traffic Safety Staff Review December 3, 2008 Page 1 of 5 G: \Engineering \Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic \Traffic Advisory Committee\Staff Review Summaries \08 TSAC & Min \Traffic Safety Review 12- 03- 08.doc 4. On November 17, 2008, a survey seeking resident input was sent out to the five homes affected by this proposed restriction. Three surveys were returned, all in favor of restricting the north side of Ayrshire Boulevard to "No Parking Anytime." Staff recommends the installation of "No Parking Anytime" signs on the north side of Ayrshire Boulevard between Lochley Drive and Doncaster Way due to public safety concerns. 2. Request to restrict parking on the north side of Lexington Street between Wooddale Avenue and St. Johns Avenue to "No Parking Sundays 8 AM to 1 PM. This request comes from the facilities manager of the Wooddale Church (formerly Colony Park Baptist Church), located at 5532 Wooddale Avenue. Requestor feels this restriction would help facilitate the flow of traffic in and out of the Church's parking lot on Sunday mornings. The parking lot's entrance is off Lexington Street. Lexington Street is a 22 -foot wide city street adjacent to the Wooddale Church which opened on November 16, 2008. Lexington Street is currently restricted to "No Parking Anytime" on a small portion of the south side from the east end of the church's parking lot, east to Wooddale Avenue. Cars parked on both sides of Lexington Street make it narrow enough so cars cannot meet and pass. The. parking lot is small (68 parking spaces), making it necessary for attendees to use neighborhood streets for parking. There are nine homes on the north side of Lexington Street but none faces the church or have access to their property off Lexington Street. These homes all have Oak Drive addresses. Wooddale Church,. during service hours, provides a traffic control person to help with traffic flow and to put up temporary signs indicating when the parking lot is full. Church staff wants attendees to enter and exit using Wooddale Avenue in order to keep traffic on neighboring residential streets to a minimum. Staff supports the request to restrict parking on Lexington Street on Sundays. Staff recommends that parking be restricted on the north side of Lexington Street between Wooddale Avenue and St. Johns Avenue on Sundays from 8 AM to 1 PM. Traffic Safety Staff Review December 3, 2008 Page 2 of 5 G: \Enginecrina \Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic \Traffic Advisory Committee \Staff Review Summaries \08 TSAC & Min \Traffic Safety Review 12 -03- 08.doc SECTION B: Requests on which staff recommends denial of request. 1. Request for a "Blind Entrance" advanced warning sign for west bound traffic on Parklawn Avenue approaching the private driveway of Coventry Lane. Requestor is a resident of Coventry Lane who is concerned with the safety of motorists pulling out from Coventry Lane onto Parklawn Avenue because of the curve on Parklawn Avenue directly to the east. Parklawn Avenue is a collector street with a posted speed limit of 30 MPH. The average daily traffic count is 4,665 (both directions) with an 85th- percentile speed of 28.1 MPH. The east bound traffic count is 2,238. There have been no reported accidents at this intersection in the past five years. City policy states that ' the use of warning signs should be kept to a minimum. Overuse of warning signs, especially for conditions which are readily apparent, tends to breed disrespect for signs in general, causing them to lose their effectiveness. Policy also states that warning signs should only be used on streets with a speed limit of 35 MPH or greater. Staff has studied and reviewed speed, volumes, accident records, sight distances and other pertinent data in this area. Coventry Lane has no clear view issues when exiting onto Parklawn Avenue. Any motorist, using due caution, should be able to safely enter and exit this driveway. Staff recommends the denial of the request for a "Blind Entrance" warning sign for west bound Parklawn Avenue approaching Coventry Lane for lack of warrants. 2. Request to remove the "No Turn on Red" sign for south bound Parklawn Avenue traffic to west bound West 77th Street. Requestor is an individual who works on Minnesota Drive and frequently travels through the intersection of West 77th Street and Parklawn Avenue. He states that he "needlessly waits" to make a right turn and feels that this sign is not needed. Traffic Safety Staff Review December 3, 2008 Page 3 of 5 G:\ Eng ineerino \Infrastructure\Streets \Traffic \Traffic Advisory Committee\Staff Review Summaries \08 TSAC & Min \Traffic Safety Review 12- 03- 08.doc West 77th Street is a 30 MPH "A" -Minor Arterial Reliever street with an average daily traffic count of more that 16,000 vehicles and an 85th - percentil speed of 34.0 MPH. A pedestrian crosswalk is located on the west side of the intersection. There have been five reported accidents at this intersection in the past five years (four property damage and one injury). This intersection is unusual in the fact that Parklawn "T's" at West 77th Street. Drivers have one left turn lane and two right turn lanes onto West 77th Street. Dual right turn lanes can be confusing because drivers tend to drift or switch .lanes while negotiating their turns. This causes accidents and can confuse pedestrians within the crosswalk. Also, several complaints were received from the various businesses to the west about extremely long waits for their employees and customers trying to exit their property onto West 77th Street. The "No Turn on Red" gives the necessary gap.time to allow for vehicles to exit these facilities. SRF Consulting Group, Inc. was contracted a few years ago to study this intersection. They felt a "No Turn on Red" was warranted because of the dual right turn lanes and pedestrian crosswalk SRF stated that allowing a right turn on red would provide little operational benefits. The traffic signal is set -up to return to the southbound right turn movement and eastbound left turn movement. The only time the southbound right -turn should be red is during the west bound West 77th Street movement. SRF stated that if the signal timing is optimal, there should be few opportunities to turn right on red during the heavier traffic volume times. Drivers may feel they are unnecessarily waiting during off - peak periods, but it should only be for a short amount of time. Staff feels that the "No Turn on Red" should remain in place to facilitate smooth and safe traffic flow along West 77th Street. Staff recommends denial of the request to remove the "No Turn on Red" sign at south bound Parklawn Avenue to west bound West 77th. Street for the above stated reasons. Traffic Safety Staff Review December 3, 2008 Page 4 of 5 G: \Engineering \Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic \Traffic Advisory Committee \Staff Review Summaries \08 TSAC & Min \Traffic Safety Review 12- 03 -08.doe SECTION C: Requests that are deferred to a later date or referred to others. Request to restrict parking to "2 -Hours Mon. -Fri." on Creek Valley Road between Valley View Road and the end of the cul -de -sac to the west in order to discourage high school students from parking all day on Creek Valley Road. Requestor is mainly concerned with cars getting plowed in during snow events. Staff will send a survey to all homeowners affected by this request. Traffic Safety Staff Review December 3, 2008 Page 5 of 5 G: \Enoineerino \Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic \Traffic Advisory Committee\Staff Review Summaries \08 TSAC & Min \Traffic Safety Review 12- 03- 08.doc r.• 6 To: Mayor & City Council From: Gordon Hughes City Manager Date: December 16, 2008 Subject: REAPPOINTMENT OF CITY PROSECUTOR Recommendation: REPORT /RECOMMENDATION Agenda Item V.C. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends F-1 To HRA ® To Council Action ® Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Reappoint Bonner and Borhart LLP as City Prosecutor. Info /Background: Bonner and Borhart LLP was appointed as our Prosecuting Attorney in early 2006. At the time of their appointment, the City Council directed that we revisit their service after three years. Given Bonner and Borhart's performance, we are pleased to recommend their reappointment. Please refer to the attached memo from Chief Siitari for details. Memo To: Gordon Hughes, City Manager From: Mike Siitari, Police Chief Date: November 26, 2008 Re: City of Edina Prosecution Services In November of 2005 the City issued an RFP for prosecution services. Eight law firms submitted proposals. The selection process resulted in an agreement with Bonner & Borhart LLP to provide all necessary legal services for the prosecution of crimes within the City of Edina for three years. The contract started in March of 2006 and will end in March of 2009. Patrick Leach, who has handled the prosecuting duties, has provided outstanding service over the course of the current agreement. He has aggressively pursued all criminal case assigned to him and he has handled our high volume of traffic cases in a cost efficient manner. Patrick has established excellent relations with the police officers and has provided timely training on legal changes and court rulings. He has worked hard with the courts to minimize bottlenecks and scheduling issues. Our prosecution budget in 2005 was $255,000. Bonner & Borhart have provided their services for $180,000 in both 2006 and 2007 and $190,000 in 2008. The proposed prosecution budget for 2009 is $205,000. I do not believe we will find better prosecution services or a lower cost if we issue a new RFP. I recommend that we renew our agreement with Bonner & Borhart for an additional three years. Mr. Leach has indicated he can provide prosecution services for $205,000 for 2009 and 2010 with an increase to $215,000 in 2011. REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # V. D. From: Wayne D. Houle, PE — Consent ❑ City Engineer Information Only ❑ Date: December 16, 2008 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Amendment to Easement Action ❑ Motion Agreement for 6504 / 6508 ® Resolution Stauder Circle: Resolution No. 2008 -130 F-1 ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Approve amendment to easement agreement and authorize Mayor and Manager to sign attached amendment. Info /Background: The properties located at 6504 and 6508 Stauder Circle has an access easement agreement for access to the landlocked 6504 Stauder Circle property. The original agreement was executed in 1994. The original agreement stated that any change to the access agreement requires City Council approval. The current owners of both properties, Larry and Cynthia Holtz, are requesting that this easement be revised to accommodate a buyer of the 6508 Stauder Circle property. Staff and our City Attorney have reviewed the proposed easement change and do not object to the amendment. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the attached resolution. G: \Engineering \General \S Streets \6504 n 6508 Stauder Circle\20081216 easement amendment rrform.doc RESOLUTION NO. 2008-130 c4 Q` AMENDMENT TO EASEMENT AGREEMENT o BETWEEN CITY OF EDINA AND LAWRENCE C. HOLTZ AND CYNTHIA B. HOLTZ (.`ltv of- �!Cfina A RESOLUTION FOR AMENDMENT TO EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LOTS 7 AND 8, BLOCK 5, PARKWOOD KNOLLS WHEREAS, Lot 7 (6508 Stauder Circle) and Lot 8 (6504 Stauder Circle) has an access easement agreement for access to landlocked Lot 8; WHEREAS, the original easement agreement states that any change to the access agreement requires City Council approval; WHEREAS, the owners of both properties, Larry and Cynthia Holtz, are requesting that the easement be revised to accommodate a buyer of Lot 7; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed for and behalf of the City to execute and enter into an Amendment to Easement Agreement with the owners of Lots 7 and 8, Block 5, Parkwood Knolls, prescribing the terms and conditions as set forth and contained in "Amendment To Easement Agreement," a copy of which said agreement was before the City Council and which is made a part hereof by reference. Passed and adopted this 16th day of December, 2008. ATTEST: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) James B. Hovland, Mayor CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 16, 2008, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of 20 City Hall W,01 WFif .;01-11 tiI'I\FEI FDINA, M1\' \ES0 TA, ';_)424-1 '94 www.l -1 tyoi('dl Im.CU111 City Clerk 952- 927 -8861 FAX 95)-3"6-0;Q() ITY 952_82h -0 i79 AMENDMENT TO EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT TO EASEMENT AGREEMENT (this "Amendment ") is made and entered into as of this 4dayof L(e4f r , 2008, by LAWRENCE C. HOLTZ and CYNTHIA B. HOLTZ, husband and wife (collectively, "Owner"). RECITALS: Owner is the owner of the property situated in Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described on Exhibit A and Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof (collectively, the "Property"). The Property is subject to that certain Access Easement Agreement dated November 15, 1994, filed January 13, 1995, as Document No. 6387805 (the "1994 Easement"). As the owner of both the benefited and burdened properties under the 1994 Easement, Owner desires to amend the 1994 Easement, as set forth below in this Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, subject and pursuant to this Amendment, Owner declares the Property is and shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied together with and subject to the easement, agreements, terms and provisions set forth in the 1994 Easement, as amended by this Amendment, which easement, agreements, terms and provisions shall run with the Property and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon Owner and Owner's successors and assigns as the holders of any right, title or interest in or to the Property or any part thereof. 1.) Recitals. The foregoing recitals are correct and are incorporated herein. 2.) Definitions. Unless otherwise expressly defined in this Amendment or unless the context otherwise requires, capitalized words and terms used in this Amendment shall have the same meaning as in the 1994 Easement. In addition, the following words and terms shall have the following designated meanings: (a) "1994 Easement" shall have the meaning given in the Recitals to this Amendment. (b) "Access Easement" shall mean the access easement granted in Section 1 of the 1994 Easement, as modified by this Amendment. (c) "Easements" shall collectively mean the Access Easement and the Utilities Easements. (d) "Parcel k shall mean the real property described on Exhibit A attached hereto. (e) "Parcel B" shall mean the real property described on Exhibit B attached hereto. (f) "Parcel B Driveway" shall mean any driveway now or hereafter constructed in the Access Easement for access to and from Parcel B. (g) "Utilities Easements" shall mean the utilities easements granted and described in Section 4 of this Amendment. 3.) Access Easement. The legal description of the Access Easement, as set forth on Exhibit C attached to the 1994 Easement, is hereby amended, restated and replaced in its entirety with the legal description set forth on Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Access Easement, as hereby amended, is depicted on Exhibit D attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Access Easement shall be an exclusive easement for the benefit of Parcel B and the owners and occupants thereof, except that the southerly fifty (50) feet of the Access Easement shall be non - exclusive and may also be used by the owners and occupants of Parcel A. By way of example, but without limitation, any driveway now or hereafter constructed on Parcel A (for use by the owners and occupants of Parcel A) may connect to the Parcel B Driveway within said southerly fifty (50) feet of the Access Easement and may share in the use of all or any part of the curb cut for the Parcel B Driveway to Stauder Circle. 4.) Utilities Easements. Owner hereby grants and declares, and there shall hereby exist for the benefit of Parcel B, a permanent, non - exclusive easement, on, over, under and across, as applicable, those portions of Parcel A that are currently being used for utilities purposes serving Parcel B, including, but not limited to, water and sanitary sewer purposes (the "Utilities Easements'l. At the request of the owner of Parcel A, the owner of Parcel B shall cause said utilities to be identified and located and shall cause accurate legal descriptions for the same to be prepared (the "Utility Easement Legal Descriptions'), at the expense of the owner of Parcel B. The width of the Utility Easement Legal Descriptions shall be as narrow as reasonably possible and shall in no event exceed five feet for any given utility. The owner of Parcel B shall thereupon release the Utilities Easements except to the extent embraced within the Utility Easement Legal Descriptions, and the owner of Parcel B shall execute and deliver to the owner of Parcel A a recordable instrument to memorialize the same. 5.) Modification of Easement Areas. All or any part of any one or more of the Utilities•Easements may be relocated from time to time by, and at the sole expense of, the owner of Parcel A if all of the following terms and conditions are satisfied: (a) The owner of Parcel A delivers not less than thirty (30) days' written notice to the owner of Parcel B prior to commencing the relocation, which notice must include a description of the proposed relocation and a site sketch depicting the proposed relocation; 2. (b) During the relocation process, the easement rights granted under the 1994 Easement, as amended, shall not be materially interfered with; (c) The owner of Parcel A fully repairs and restores all damage caused by or in connection with such relocation; (d) After the relocation, the newly relocated easement area and improvements thereto are reasonably equivalent to the easement area and improvements thereto prior to the relocation for all practical and functional purposes; (e) The owner of Parcel B is not materially adversely affected as a result of the relocation; and (f) If, prior to the proposed relocation, Utility Easement Legal Descriptions were prepared in accordance with Section 4 of this Amendment, then the owner of Parcel A shall be responsible for preparing new Utility Easement Legal Descriptions for each of the relocated Utilities Easements. In such event, the owner of Parcel A and the owner of Parcel B shall execute a recordable instrument memorializing the changes to each of the Utility Easement Legal Descriptions. 6.) Maintenance and Repair. Maintenance and repair rights and obligations are as follows: (a) The owner of Parcel A shall not cause any obstruction of any of the Easements. (b) At the sole expense of the owner of Parcel B, the owner of Parcel B shall at all times maintain and keep the Parcel B Driveway in good condition and repair. (c) The owner of Parcel A shall have no maintenance or repair obligations in connection with any of the Easements other than the obligation to repair any damage thereto caused by the owner or occupants of Parcel A or said owner's or occupants' agents, contractors or invitees. 7.) No Merger. The 1994 Easement, as amended, and the easements and the covenants established by the 1994 Easement, as amended, shall not merge, terminate or be affected in any manner by reason of any common ownership of Parcel A, Parcel B and/or the Easements. 8.) Ratification. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between this Amendment and the 1994 Easement, this Amendment shall govern and control. As hereby amended, the 1994 Easement is ratified and affirmed. 3. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner has caused this Amendment to be executed as of the day and year first written above. r A� Lawrence C. Holtz CynA B. Holtz STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2008, by LAWRENCE C. HOLTZ and CYNTHIA B. HOLTZ, husband and wife. A J. RASMUSSEN No Public �W M�EJr►71.l010 CONSENT BY CITY Pursuant to Section I of the 1994 Easement, the City of Edina, a Minnesota municipal corporation, hereby consents to this Amendment. CITY OF EDINA By: Its: Mayor 4. Its: City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2008, by and the Mayor and City Manager, respectively, of the CITY OF EDINA, a Minnesota municipal corporation. Notary Public 5. EXHIBIT A Legal Description of Parcel A: That part of Lots 7 and 8, Block 5, PARKWOOD KNOLLS, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota lying westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the northeast comer of said Lot 8; thence South 1 degree 31 minutes 27 seconds West along the east line of said Lot 8 a distance of 289.20 feet to the southeasterly line of said Lot 8; thence South 57 degrees 01 minutes 06 seconds West along said southeasterly line a distance of 108.50 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 22 degrees 53 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of 301.12 feet to a point on the north line of said Lot 7, distant 52.11 feet southwesterly of the northeast corner of said Lot 7 and there terminating. Together with 1/2 of vacated Stauder Circle adjoining said Lot 7. And Outlot One and Outlot Two, Parkwood Knolls 9th Addition, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Legal Description of Parcel B: That part of Lots 7 and 8, Block 5, PARKWOOD KNOLLS, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota lying easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the northeast comer of said Lot 8; thence South 1 degree 31 minutes 27 seconds West along the east line of said Lot 8 a distance of 289.20 feet to the southeasterly line of said Lot 8; thence South 57 degrees 01 minutes 06 seconds West along said southeasterly line a distance of 108.50 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 22 degrees 53 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of 301.12 feet to a point on the north line of said Lot 7, distant 52.11 feet southwesterly of the northeast corner of said Lot 7 and there terminating. EXHIBIT C Description of Access Easement Area: That part of Parcel A (as Parcel A is described on Exhibit A of this Amendment) described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 8; thence South 1 degree 31 minutes 27 seconds West along the east line of said Lot 8 a distance of 289.20 feet to the southeasterly line of said Lot 8; thence South 57 degrees 01 minutes 06 seconds West along said southeasterly line a distance of 108.50 feet; thence North 22 degrees 53 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of 224.41 feet to the point of beginning of the easement to be described; thence continuing North 22 degrees 53 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of 58.82 feet; thence westerly 17.39 feet, along a non - tangential curve, concave to the south, having a central angle of 09 degrees 46 minutes 10 seconds, a radius of 101.97 feet and a chord bearing South 85 degrees 24 minutes 58 seconds West; thence South 80 degrees 31 minutes 53 seconds West, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 37.22 feet; thence southwesterly 30.27 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the southeast, having a central angle of 67 degrees 43 minutes 27 seconds and a radius of 25.61 feet; thence southerly 53.50 feet, along a reverse curve, concave to the west, having a central angle of 12 degrees 28 minutes 38 seconds and a radius of 245.65 feet; thence southerly 10.27 feet, along a reverse curve, concave to the east, having a central angle of 08 degrees 36 minutes 18 seconds and a radius of 68.39 feet; thence South 16 degrees 40 minutes 46 seconds West, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 96.33 feet; thence southwesterly 6.94 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the northwest, having a central angle of 17 degrees 20 minutes 01 seconds and a radius of 22.93 feet to the southwesterly line of vacated Stauder Circle per Doc. No. 2167562; thence southeasterly 20.42 feet, along said southwesterly line of vacated Stauder Circle, being a non - tangential curve, concave to the southwest, having a central angle of 11 degrees 08 minutes 30 seconds, a radius of 105.00 feet and a chord bearing of South 57 degrees 30 minutes 51 seconds East; thence northerly 8.92 feet, along a non - tangential curve, concave to the east, having a central angle of 22 degrees 58 minutes 33 seconds, a radius of 22.24 feet and a chord bearing of North 05 degrees 23 minutes 28 seconds East; thence North 16 degrees 52 minutes 44 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 34.06 feet; thence North 18 degrees 14 minutes 04 seconds East a distance of 124.96 feet; thence northeasterly 16.57 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the southeast, having a central angle of 75 degrees 19 minutes 08 seconds and a radius of 12.60 feet; thence southeasterly 45.95 feet, along a compound curve, concave to the southwest, having a central angle of 41 degrees 35 minutes 01 seconds and a radius of 63.31 feet; thence easterly 31.07 feet, along a reverse curve, concave to the north, having a central angle of 59 degrees 52 minutes 57 seconds and a radius of 29.73 feet to the point of beginning. EXHIBIT D EXHIBIT D Access Easement jL t I A' i , ;; n Itn I I i I ......... _ ...... ._...._.. ------- ...I— - p'll a t rr ie<<t fit4 :t�iE.lil e .S F�Ijy N }zt I o f =1''t�tirl.ijr jJ ;a p t } = �� �•�: t * i �ltF�l [ r - 6504 STAUDE CmCtE James R. Hill, Inc. g yb �' S1CLtPCH ANDD ESCRIPTION PUNt1ERS / E?JQNiRS / 91RYEYORS * 8 m LARRY HOLTZ rm a cn r a s. qq mrt w xu, ws, asn•aoPC .a,e uu, [sw r.tw *. axi• viDC Intla+aaow rye (�Imo-uM y, r "� •, ice, c ` `/�'�1./�!c�., *�, \ -- - \ \ 1 10 , , '`�•lL ` c ',,C'r C� ' c rr ' \ + 9 I , ,��1 • ' ......... _ ...... ._...._.. ------- ...I— - p'll a t rr ie<<t fit4 :t�iE.lil e .S F�Ijy N }zt I o f =1''t�tirl.ijr jJ ;a p t } = �� �•�: t * i �ltF�l [ r - 6504 STAUDE CmCtE James R. Hill, Inc. g yb �' S1CLtPCH ANDD ESCRIPTION PUNt1ERS / E?JQNiRS / 91RYEYORS * 8 m LARRY HOLTZ rm a cn r a s. qq mrt w xu, ws, asn•aoPC .a,e uu, [sw r.tw *. axi• viDC Intla+aaow rye (�Imo-uM �•�: t * i �ltF�l [ r - 6504 STAUDE CmCtE James R. Hill, Inc. g yb �' S1CLtPCH ANDD ESCRIPTION PUNt1ERS / E?JQNiRS / 91RYEYORS * 8 m LARRY HOLTZ rm a cn r a s. qq mrt w xu, ws, asn•aoPC .a,e uu, [sw r.tw *. axi• viDC Intla+aaow rye (�Imo-uM Q� THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 15th day of November, 1994, by and between CITY OF EDINA, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter called "City"), and DONOVAN A. ERICKSON and BETH H. ERICKSON, husband and wife (hereinafter called "Owner," whether one or more). WITNESSETH, THAT: WHEREAS, Owner is the owner of the property situated in Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described on Exhibit A attached hereto (hereinafter called "Parcel A ") and described on Exhibit B attached hereto (hereinafter called "Parcel B "), which has a present address of 6508 Stauder Circle (Parcel A and Parcel B are hereinafter together called "Subject Property"); and WHEREAS, Section 850.07, subdivision 11 of the Edina City Code requires that all platted lots in the City have at least 30 feet of frontage on at least one public street; and WHEREAS, Parcel B does not have frontage on any public street and the Owner has applied to the City for a variance from the requirements of Section 850.07, subdivision 11 of the City Code in order to permit the development of a single family dwelling unit on Parcel B; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals did, on November 18, 1993, in Case No. B -93-51 grant the requested variance because strict enforcement of the City Code would, in this case, cause undue hardship because of circumstances unique to the Subject Property subject to the condition that (i) driveway access to Parcel B be from Stauder Circle and across Parcel A pursuant to a recorded access easement agreement, and (ii) the Owner execute a hold harmless agreement releasing the City from any and all liability for incidents and circumstances arising from the lack of frontage on a public street for Parcel B; and WHEREAS, the decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals in Case No. B -93-51 was appealed by the Owner to the City Council, and on January 3, 1994, the City Council upheld the decision of the Zoning. Board of Appeals in Case No. B- 93 -51; and WHEREAS, the Owner is agreeable to granting of the variance from the requirements of Section 850.07, subdivision 11, subject to the conditions hereinafter set out. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the granting by the City of the above requested variance and the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set out, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: 1. Grant of Access Easement Over Parcel A for the Benefit of Parcel B. The Owner hereby grants a permanent, non - exclusive easement on, over, under and across those portions of Parcel A shown on Exhibit C hereto for use as a driveway to provide access to Parcel B from Stauder Circle, which easement may not be modified, amended or terminated by the Owner without the prior written consent of the City. The easement created and granted by this Section 1 includes the right of the Owner of Parcel B and its contractors, agents, representatives and assigns to enter upon the areas subject to the easement with such laborers and equipment as may be reasonably determined by such Owner to be necessary for the purpose of doing any construction, installation, maintenance or repair to or on the easement area so as to enable the use, enjoyment and benefit of such easement. 2. Release of City from Any LiabiliW. The Owner acknowledges and agrees that the City shall have no liability or obligation of any kind for any claim or demand arising out of or claimed to arise out of the lack of Parcel B to have frontage on any public street, all of which liability, if any, of the City is hereby released by the Owner. 3. Access to Parcel B from Stauder Circle. The Owner agrees that driveway access to Parcel B shall be from Stauder Circle only and the Owner shall not utilize a driveway from any other public street to provide access to Parcel B. 4. Enforcement. This Agreement may be enforced by any of the parties hereto and other successors and assigns by legal or equitable action in Hennepin County District Court. In the event an action is commenced, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover costs and expenses incurred in such action, including reasonable attorneys fees, from the nonprevailing party. 5. Severability. If any term, condition, or provision of this Agreement, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall, to any extent, be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder hereof and the application of such term, provision, and condition to persons or circumstances other than those at to whom it shall be held invalid or unenforceable shall not be affected thereby, and this agreement, and all the terms, provisions, and conditions hereof, shall, in all other respects, continue to be effective and to be complied with to the full extent permitted by law. 6. Notices. All notices, reports, or demands required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be given when delivered personally to any officer of the party to which notice is being given, -2- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this %"k- day of _ t >ti ,199 ; by � J' _ 4" .4 and _ ". , k E /" , the Mayor and City Manager, respectively, of the City of Edina, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. -; MARCELIA M. DAEHN NOTAA�YIPU_L'C -R.6 X: OTTA ' r.:-/ Ccm.-nsslc, Er,-.-M Ar.. 21.1M9 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) Notary Public The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this is day of Na dfIvgto-, ,1994, by 62W & F-6.4 so,,✓ and ✓ , -4 husband and wife. JEFFREY LL SCHCaMNETTER NOTARY PUBLIC - M.VIEEOTA HENNEPIN COMITY /lv Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT IS EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX. Drafted by. DORSEY & WHnNEY (JPG) 220 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 -4- or when deposited in the United States mail in a sealed envelope, with registered or certified mail postage prepaid thereon, addressed to the parties at the following addresses: To City: 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Attention: City Manager /.7fsw N ,rvJ A 9*,Mi ere-✓ To Owner: s50• La.Ida✓Dw y la'h) Edina, Minnesota 554 Zr- Such addresses may be changed by either party upon notice to the other party given as herein provided. 7. Agreement Runs With the Land. The terms and provisions hereof shall be binding upon the parties hereto, and their respective successors and assigns, and the rights, easements, benefits and burdens -herein contained shall run with the title to the Subject Property and be binding upon all present and future owners of the Subject Property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be duly executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF EDINA By Its Mayor Its Manager -3- EXHIBIT A That part of Lots 7 and 8, Block 5, PARKWOOD KNOLLS, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota lying westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 8; thence South 1 degree 31 minutes 27 seconds West along the east line of said Lot 8 a distance of 289.20 feet to the southeasterly line of said Lot 8; thence South 57 degrees 01 minutes 06 seconds West along said southeasterly line a distance of 108.50 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 22 degrees 53 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of 301.12 feet to a point on the north line of said Lot 7, distant 52.11 feet southwesterly of the northeast corner of said Lot 7 and there terminating. EXHIBrr B That part of Lots 7 and 8, Block 5, PARKWOOD KNOLLS, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota lying easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 8; thence South 1 degree 31 minutes 27 seconds West along the east line of s.� . .. 3 a distance of 289.20 feet to the southeasterly line of said Lot S, cnence South 57 degrees 01 minutes 06 seconds West along said southeasterly line a distance of 108.50 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 22 degrees 53 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of 301.12 feet to a point on the north line of said Lot 7, distant 52.11 feet southwesterly of the northeast corner of said Lot 7 and there terminating. .x.11: rf An easement 20.00 feet in width over and across part of Lot 7, Block 5, PARKWOOD KNOLLS, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota and part of Stauder Circle as dedicated on the plat of said PA.RKWOOD KNOLLS and now vacated. The center line of said easement is described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of Lot 8 said Block 5, thence South 1 degree 31 minutes 27 seconds West along the east line of said Lot 8 a distance of 289.20 feet to the southeasterly line of said Lot 8; thence South 57 degrees 01 minutes 08 seconds West along said southeasterly line a distance of 108.50 feet;. thence North 22 degrees 53 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of 301.12 feet to a point on the north line of said Lot 7, distance 52.11 feet southwesterly of the northeast comer of said Lot 7; thence South 22 degrees 53 minutes 05 seconds East, along the last described line which is hereinafter referred to as "Line A ", a distance of 61.00 feet to the point of beginning of the center line to be described; thence South 60 degrees 06 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 74.00 feet; thence southwesterly a distance of 77.43 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 125.00 feet and a central angle of 35 degrees 29 minutes 22 seconds; thence South 24 degrees 37 minutes 30 seconds West, tangent to said curve, a distance of 60.51 feet to the southwesterly line of that part of Stauder Circle vacated and there terminating. The sidelines of said easement are to be prolonged or shortened to terminate on said southwesterly line of Stauder Circle vacated and on said "Line A ". WARRANTY DEED Form No. 1 -M Minnesota Uniform Individual(s) to Individeal(s) (Top 3 Inches Reserved for Recording Data) Conveyancing Blanks (6/17/97) DEED TAX DUE: S Date: 07/1512008 1'011 VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Beth H Erickson single - Grantor, hereby conveys and warrants to Lawrence C. Holtz ,Grantee, real property in Hennevin County, Minnesota, described as 1011OWS: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, subject to the following exceptions: Covenants Conditions Restrictions and Easements of record if any Check box if applicable: 0 The Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described real property. ❑ A well disclosure certificate accompanies this document. ❑ I am familiar with the property described in this instrument and 1 certify that the status and number of wells on the described real property have not changed since the last previously filed well disclosure certificate! Beth H. Erickson Affix Deed Tax Stamp Here STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF IIENNEPIN ss This instrument was acknowledged before me on by Beth H Erickson single Xf YI'ARIAL STAMP OR SEAL (OR OTHER TITLE OR RANK) ■ VICKI L. DELLWO ■ - `�'�'.,° �' `- NO'ARY PUBLIGMINNESOTA '�`�:!;' Yt Caarvsuan ErCm JU�11. 1010 . ws� TJ IIS INSTRUNIFNT WAS DRAH113 BY (NAME k ADDRFSS): Custom I tome Builders Title, LLC 10850 Old Cuunty Ruad 15 Plymouth, NIN 55441 (763)489 -3240 tale No: I IB -16094 n' L r/ (Data) SI(;NA'r1JRf_ OF NOTARY 111MLIC OR 171'IIFR Check here Ball or part of the land is Registered t 1 orreas) ❑ lax statements for the real property described in :his n,inunou ;hnutd in scut to (include name and address of Grawtc): Lawrence C. 1 colt . �.(% Exhibit "A" Lots 7 and 8, Block 5, Parkwood Knolls, together with '/a of vacated Stauder Circle adjoining said Lot 7, Hennepin County, Minnesota MINNE " REVENUE Certiri+ti of Real Estate Value PE2o Noses of Duyoa t,aa.; 11,a4.w.f Holtz . Lawrence I --c— , C. ` .S , / /1� a q,�,a �Daytime Nalaes of selkn (left. first. MI) Nici" address phone Erickson Beth . H. Edina, O Box 2404 424 (952)933 -3853 Street address or now route of property purchased City err township County 6504 and 6508 Stauder Circle Edina I Iennepin 1. flat. of deed or cmimel LCO dm,pbon of perry purchased (1 , block , plat) tech 3 curaci of the legal Jcxripr.on t." "f.-ay U Y. U N. tf..4 07/15/08 IIC r _I Ir Adis L Total purchase prtco was personal property included in purchase; price (e.g. furniture, inventory, cyu.pincnt)° 2,650,000.00 ❑ veer ❑ No If yes. list property and f J. Do,vn payutem current Intl replacement) vale a right, and enter f total in Boa 5 below. Use back of form of needed. f 4. Pains tar prepaid interest paid by sells S. Current value of personal property f f 6. Type of acquisition (check all that apply) ❑ 1031 Each -v ❑ Buyer purchased partial interest only ❑ Property received as gift or Inheritance ❑ nuyer old wily an mlatives a related busixases ❑ Contract paid of f or resold ❑ Propeny ,ccc.ved in trade ❑ Buyer w alkr is mhgiom w ehariuMc orpaintim ❑ Name added or removed fran deed ❑ Purchase agreement flgRCd uvcn nvo years abro ❑ Buyer of seller is unit of govermnem ❑ Property condemned or foreclosed upm 7. Type of property transferred. (check all that apply) ❑ Land only ® L rat and building ❑ Construction of stew building after Jan. I of year of sale S. Planned use of property (check one) ® Residential: single family ❑ Agricultural. Number of sou __ (iurach YI•lmddc rl.'ALd). ❑ Residential: duplex, triplex ❑ Apartment (residential, far or mom units). Number of cons: __ / Nwh Crhr. /ale I•IiTOA). ❑ Cabin Of recreational (narcommereiaq ❑ Commercial- indmtrial. Type of business: _ _.. __ __ (,nr.mh $..hnlyde I'F.1o,1). Other. Sa. will this property he the buyers principal residence? Yes ❑ No Method of financing (complete only if seller- financed, including contracts- for -deed and assumed mortgages) Assumed Contract Mongage a contract- forrleed Monthly p rrias Interest rate Nu.nbcr of Dan: of any lump• mortgage fa deed amount at purchase (principal & interest) onw in effect paylneras sum (bal000) payments 9. ❑ ❑ 10. q ❑ Sign here. 1 declare under penalty of law that the information on this form is #rise, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge cold belief. 1'ri name Signatae Uale Daytime phone A �:: a wr6Acc,C 90l�iz a- 9 •3� a► t o l'o ❑ T r 0a SD F Ld 11 F- fa P,.—y N.'" ID . .6. irro•drT "cd ID nu.Mn a d A.r 0 Yr, [3 I:n P.I.d.baW 416 A.. 1.11" 17ER C.P x14 r Yr td Dld< Tar t." "f.-ay U Y. U N. tf..4 x IIC sf Adp Adis )r T.arale EMV Ala FM IiA C 1 MV 3 MV ID f.f PT Ore T M S DEPAR•fMENT Of REVENUE COPY Exhibit "A" Lots 7 and 8, Block 5, Parkwood Knolls, together with '/z of vacated Stauder Circle adjoining said Lot 7, Hennepin County, Minnesota CITY, AA 1k 3 7:42:34 R55CKREG 620000 Council Check Register Page - 1 1214/2008 - 1214/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316922 1214/2008 100715 ACCLAIM BENEFITS 179.00 COBRA ADMIN 200472 007025 1551.6040 HOSPITALIZATION CITY HALL GENERAL 670.70 FLEX SPENDING ACCT ADMIN 200473 006644 1551.6040 HOSPITALIZATION CITY HALL GENERAL 145.00 COBRA ADMIN 200474 007393 1551.6040 HOSPITALIZATION CITY HALL GENERAL 994.70 316923 1214/2008 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 42.64 200516 0311708 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 13.04 200517 0311704 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 72.16 200758 0721633 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 79.20 200759 0311709 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 28.56 200760 0721596 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 41.60 200761 0721630 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 277.20 316924 121412008 123309 ACTION FLEET INC. 266.25 REWIRED MDC MOUNT 200606 6145 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 266.25 316925 121412008 102336 ADAMS, MICHAEL 15.00 UNIFORM PURCHASE 200475 112208 1301.6201 LAUNDRY GENERAL MAINTENANCE 15.00 316926 12/412008 105162 ADT SECURITY SERVICES 31.10 ALARM SERVICE 200670 82231767 5111.6250 ALARM SERVICE ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 31.10 316927 1214/2008 103357 ALPHA VIDEO & AUDIO INC. 195.13 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 200476 ALERTINV11017 2210.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 195.13 316928 121412008 102470 AON RISK SERVICES INC. OF MN 5,954.00 PREMIUM 200477 6100000105874 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 5,954.00 316929 12/4/2008 104069 B.B. WATSON GRAPHIC DESIGN 84.63 BUSINESS CARDS 200671 452 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 84.63 316930 121412008 102449 BATTERY WHOLESALE INC. 184.84 BATTERIES 00001160 200607 C7499 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 27.00 CORE CHARGES 00001160 200608 C7500 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date 316931 121412008 316932 12/4/2008 12/3/2008 7:42:34 Page- 2 Subledger Account Description Business Unit GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR CITY OF EDINA VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING Council Check Register YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 12/4/2008 - 1214/2008 Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 211.84 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING WO- 534825 -1 100646 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 65.53 1,208.37 LEXAN BOARD 00008053 200478 00071471 5521.6406 285.95 BOARD RIVETS 00008064 200479 00071514 5521.6406 1,494.32 OFFICE SUPPLIES FINANCE 21.99 FOOTREST 200610 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES _ CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 327.48 RETURN 200518 81604500 5842.5515 346.90 CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 200519 47015800 5862.5512 170.55 OFFICE SUPPLIES 200520 47004900 5862.5512 931.30 OE- 176385 -1 200521 47015700 5862.5513 387.20 RETURN 200522 47016000 5842.5512 1,336.87 LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 200523 47015900 5822.5513 150.05 200524 81604600 5822.5515 1,590.15 200646 46364400 5842.5513 219.49 210.66 200762 81604400 5862.5515 1,060.10 EDUCATION PROGRAMS 200763 46364200 5822.5513 48.67 200764 81615400 5842.5515 2.358.42 100711 BLOOD, DAVID 200765 47016100 5842.5513 12/3/2008 7:42:34 Page- 2 Subledger Account Description Business Unit GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 8,927.18 316933 12/4 @008 100648 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCTS 15.96 OFFICE SUPPLIES 200480 WO- 534241 -1 1190.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ASSESSING 92.06 BACK SUPPORT, FOOTREST 200481 WO- 534825 -1 1600.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 65.53 OFFICE SUPPLIES 200482 WO- 534805 -1 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 65.16 OFFICE SUPPLIES 200609 WO- 534742 -1 1160.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES FINANCE 21.99 FOOTREST 200610 WO- 532623 -1 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES _ CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 24.90- RETURN 200611 CP -WO- 528532 -1 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 96.75 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00009441 200672 OE- 177834 -1 5110.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 202.08 OFFICE SUPPLIES 200673 OE- 176385 -1 5840.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 32.76- RETURN 200674 CP-OE- 176385 -1 5840.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 501.87 316934 12/4/2008 119431 BLINK BONNIE 210.66 BOX LUNCHES 200483 1416 1504.6218 EDUCATION PROGRAMS HUMAN RELATION COMMISSION 210.66 316935 12/412008 100711 BLOOD, DAVID 100.00 POLICE SERVICE 200467 120408 1419.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES RESERVE PROGRAM 100.00 CITY L AA 11 1 7:42:34 R55CKREG 620000 Council Check Register Page - 3 1214/2008 -- 1214/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Descriptlon Business Unit 316936 12/412008 103250 BLOOMINGTON MEDALIST BAND 75.00 ENTERTAINMENT 12/2/08 200742 112408 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 75.00 316937 12/4/2008 103279 BRETSON, GREG 19.00 LICENSE UPGRADE 200676 112608 1281.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 19.00 316938 1214/2008 123694 BROWNBACK, JIM 321.33 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 200605 112508 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 321.33 316939 12/412008 100776 BUTLER, GEORGE 100.00 POLICE SERVICE 200466 120408 1419.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES RESERVE PROGRAM 100.00 316940 1214/2008 120541 CANNON RIVER WINERY 486.00 200766 1825 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 486.00 316941 12/412008 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 1,680.00 200525 13501 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 1,680.00 316942 12/412008 115857 CARL BOLANDER & SONS CO. 475.00 HYDRANT USAGE REFUND 200675 112608 5901.4626 SALE OF WATER UTILITY REVENUES 475.00 316943 12/412008 116683 CAT & FIDDLE BEVERAGE 84.00 200767 80390 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 204.00 200768 80325 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 288.00 316944 12/4/2008 102372 CDW GOVERNMENT INC. 112.18 UPS USB 00004435 200612 MHJ6063 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 112.18 316945 121412008 112561 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 1,822.41 5546504 -1 200486 111808 1470.6186 HEAT FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 3,533.50 5591458 -4 200487 NOV1808 1551.6186 HEAT CITY HALL GENERAL 5,355.91 R55CKREG LOG20000 747.40 CITY OF EDINA 0128064621 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING Council Check Register 166.70 200769 0118412418 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 1214/2008 - 1214/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 316946 12/4/2008 101345 COLOURS 119661 CENTRAL ENVELOPE CORPORATION 194.00 EMPLOYEE NEWSLETTER 200677 65376 2210.6575 PRINTING COMMUNICATIONS 194.00 234.00 316947 1214/2008 316952 105038 CENTRAL MN TREE SERVICE LLC 122068 COLWELL, R.L. 1,065.00 TREE REMOVAL 00005981 200484 111708 4088.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 112408 5101.4413 1,065.00 ART CENTER REVENUES 66.30 316948 12/412008 116353 CHIPPEWA GRAPHICS INC. 316953 121412008 105289 COMMUNITY HEALTH CHARITIES 272.37 ENVELOPES 200485 21955 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 122.50 344.00 ENGINEERING DEPT ENVELOPES 200678 21853 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 616.37 316949 12/412008 121412008 119725 CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTING CO 105288 COMMUNITY SHARES OF MINNESOTA 12/3/2008 7:42:34 Page - 4 Business Unit COMMUNICATIONS TREE REMOVAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 91.00 200526 378811 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 91.00 316950 121412008 100692 COCA -COLA BOTTLING CO. 747.40 200527 0128064621 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 166.70 200769 0118412418 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 914.10 316951 121412008 101345 COLOURS 234.00 COMP PLAN AD DESIGN 200679 10037 2210.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 234.00 316952 12/4/2008 122068 COLWELL, R.L. 66.30 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 200722 112408 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 66.30 316953 121412008 105289 COMMUNITY HEALTH CHARITIES 122.50 PROCEEDS FROM EVENTS 200750 120108 1550.6121 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 122.50 316954 121412008 105288 COMMUNITY SHARES OF MINNESOTA 122.50 PROCEEDS FROM EVENTS 200751 120108 1550.6121 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 122.50. 316955 1214/2008 101323 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS 58.21 GLOVES 00001135 200613 03371523 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 100.00 GLOVES 00001135 200613 03371523 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 100.00 GLOVES 00001135 200613 03371523 1553.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 12 7:42:34 Page - 5 Business Unit CENT SVC PW BUILDING BUILDING MAINTENANCE DISTRIBUTION GENERAL MAINTENANCE GENERAL MAINTENANCE ART CENTER REVENUES ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINTENANCE ART CENTER REVENUES 2,341.30 200528 482952 5862.5514 CITY L JA 174.00 R55CKREG .620000 482152 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 4,095.75 200530 . 482151 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING Council Check Register 200531 482954 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 12/4/2008 -- 12/4/2008 39.40 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 235.95 100.00 GLOVES 00001135 200613 03371523 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 12/4/2008 100.00 GLOVES 00001135 200613 03371523 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 15.00 LOCKS, LOTION, EYE WASH 00001198 200680 03373582 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 40.00 LOCKS, LOTION, EYE WASH 00001198 200680 03373582 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 45.05 LOCKS, LOTION, EYE WASH 00001198 200680 03373582 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 120.00 LOCKS, LOTION, EYE WASH 00001198 200680 03373582 1301.6556 TOOLS 678.26 316956 121412008 105278 CONNORS, TIM 60.45 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 200723 112408 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD 60.45 316957 12/412008 104020 DALCO 392.36 CORONET ROLLS, ROLL TOWEL 00009429 200681 2040473 5111.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES 95.64 WYPALL, SPIC & SPAN 00001077 200682 2043543 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 80.38 BOOT N BRUSH 00005578 200683 2043461 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 568.38 316958 121412008 103176 DANICIC, JOHN 172.90 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 200724 112408 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD 172.90 316959 12/4/2008 102478 DAY DISTRIBUTING CO. 12 7:42:34 Page - 5 Business Unit CENT SVC PW BUILDING BUILDING MAINTENANCE DISTRIBUTION GENERAL MAINTENANCE GENERAL MAINTENANCE ART CENTER REVENUES ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINTENANCE ART CENTER REVENUES 2,341.30 200528 482952 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 174.00 200529 482152 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 4,095.75 200530 . 482151 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 752.35 200531 482954 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING ART CENTER REVENUES GRILL ART CENTER REVENUES 7,363.40 316960 12/4/2008 118351 DEANOVIC, ELIZABETH 52.00 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 200725 112408 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD 52.00 316961 12/4/2008 100720 DENNYS 5TH AVE. BAKERY 39.40 BAKERY 200684 288241 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 39.40 316962 12/4/2008 108648 DOAN, SIIRI 235.95 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 200726 112408 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD 235.95 316963 12/4/2008 100420 DOGGIE WALK BAGS ART CENTER REVENUES GRILL ART CENTER REVENUES R55CKREG LOG20000 200532 148512 CITY OF EDINA COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,854.08 200533 Council Check Register 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 111.20 12/4/2008 - 12/4/2008 148509 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 148159 1,639.00 DISPENSER BAGS 00005772 200614 200811228 1647.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 200771 1,639.00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 316964 12/412008 123690 ESTATE OF MARCHE HARRIS 100730 DORSEY & WHITNEY LLP 00028585 90.84 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 200601 112508 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND 100.00 LEGAL 200743 1531633 1000.1303 DUE FROM HRA 316969 100.00 838.00 122951 ETICA FAIR TRADE WINE 316965 12/4/2008 100739 EAGLE WINE 316972 12/412008 123691 FOLEY, PAUL 12/3/2008 7:42:34 Page - 6 Business Unit PATHS & HARD SURFACE GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 1,655.28 200532 148512 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,854.08 200533 147629 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 111.20 200534 148509 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 479.50 200770 148159 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 652.30 200771 138156 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 240.00 200772 1287 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 240.00 5,752.36 316966 121412008 316970 12/4/2008 103069 EDINA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 122.50 PROCEEDS FROM EVENTS 200752 120108 1550.6121 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL 39.41 AIR DEODORIZERS 122.50 46263 316967 121412008 39.41 118010 EGAN, BILL 96.75 MUSKRAT REMOVAL 200790 112108 5431.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 316971 1214/2008 119211 FIRSTLAB 96.75 316968 1214/2008 273.00 123690 ESTATE OF MARCHE HARRIS 200488 00028585 90.84 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 200601 112508 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND 565.00 DRUG SCREENING 90.84 00046372 316969 12/412008 838.00 122951 ETICA FAIR TRADE WINE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 240.00 200772 1287 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 240.00 316970 12/4/2008 105420 FIKES SERVICES 39.41 AIR DEODORIZERS 200685 46263 5841.6162 SERVICES CUSTODIANS 39.41 316971 1214/2008 119211 FIRSTLAB 273.00 DRUG SCREENING 200488 00028585 1550.6121 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL 565.00 DRUG SCREENING 200489 00046372 1550.6121 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL 838.00 316972 12/412008 123691 FOLEY, PAUL 10.67 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 200602 112508 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND YORK OCCUPANCY CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL UTILITY BALANCE SHEET SAFETY EQUIPMENT ART WORK SOLD 12 7:42:34 Page - 7 Business Unit ART CENTER REVENUES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE ART CENTER REVENUES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POOL ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION WEB DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES GOLF DOME PROGRAM ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL REPAIR PARTS CENT SVC PW BUILDING TOOLS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 74.09 CITY L JA R55CKREG J20000 316975 12/412008 105508 GEMPLER'S INC. Council Check Register GLOVES 00005776 200617 1012473218 1646.6610 12/4/2008 - 12/4/2008 127.25 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 10.67 316973 1214/2008 89.05 120113 FRANCIS, JOYCE 200728 112408 5101.4413 92.95 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 200727 112408 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD 92.95 121412008 119936 GLOBAL OAK 316974 121412008 102456 GALLS INC. 18.75 WEBSITE MAINTENANCE 200490 229.89 TAC STEALTH BEENIES 200615 5897300801010 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 124.52- 20658020024 200616 ON ACCOUNT 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE WEBSITE MAINTENANCE 31.99- 10000918161 200616 ON ACCOUNT 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 3,881.25 .18 593255130102 200616 ON ACCOUNT 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 1214/2008 53 593102710101 200616 ON ACCOUNT 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE SAFETY EQUIPMENT ART WORK SOLD 12 7:42:34 Page - 7 Business Unit ART CENTER REVENUES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE ART CENTER REVENUES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POOL ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION WEB DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES GOLF DOME PROGRAM ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL REPAIR PARTS CENT SVC PW BUILDING TOOLS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 74.09 316975 12/412008 105508 GEMPLER'S INC. 127.25 GLOVES 00005776 200617 1012473218 1646.6610 127.25 316976 1214/2008 101867 GETSINGER, DONNA 89.05 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 200728 112408 5101.4413 89.05 316977 121412008 119936 GLOBAL OAK 18.75 WEBSITE MAINTENANCE 200490 010547 5310.6103 900.00 WEBSITE MAINTENANCE 200490 010547 5110.6103 2,962.50 WEBSITE MAINTENANCE 200490 010547 2210.6124 3,881.25 316978 1214/2008 100779 GOPHER CASH REGISTER 91.04 REGISTER RIBBON 00006153 200686 201 5210.6513 91.04 316979 12/4/2008 111092 GOTZSCHE, OTTO 52.00 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 200729 112408 5101.4413 52.00 316980 1214/2008 101103 GRAINGER 91.35 FAN 00001142 200618 9782878889 1322.6406 14.40 BATTERIES 00001152 200619 9783917470 1552.6530 95.08 GAS CAN 00001152 200619 9783917470 1646.6556 200.83 SAFETY EQUIPMENT ART WORK SOLD 12 7:42:34 Page - 7 Business Unit ART CENTER REVENUES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE ART CENTER REVENUES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POOL ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION WEB DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES GOLF DOME PROGRAM ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL REPAIR PARTS CENT SVC PW BUILDING TOOLS BUILDING MAINTENANCE R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 12/3/2008 7:42:34 Council Check Register Page - 8 12/4/2008 - 12/4/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 316981 12/4/2008 120201 GRANICUS INC. 829.64 WEB STREAMING 200687 9659 2210.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 829.64 316982 121412008 102217 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 308.50 200535 105541 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 196.50 200536 105539 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 232.50 200773 105573 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 737.50 316983 12/4/2008 100782 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. 2,595.95 200537 148511 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 167.20 200538 147632 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 391.55 200539 148507 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 82.90 200540 148508 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 1,042.50 200541 147631 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 126.75 200542 149083 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 94.48 200543 149050 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 508.33 200544 149082 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 1.15- 200545 762970 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 542.69 200647 145904 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 112.46 200648 149085 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 227.95 200774 148099 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 123.98 200775 150135 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 399.75 200776 149307 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 40.00- 200777 765662 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 6,375.34 316984 12/412008 102320 HAMCO DATA PRODUCTS 119.18 REGISTER PAPER 00007515 200688 262382 5842.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 119.18 316985 12/4/2008 114566 HARTKE, BRENDA 79.95 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 200730 112408 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 79.95 316986 1214/2008 100797 HAWKINS INC. 2,390.85 TONKAZORB 00005755 200620 1252217 5915.6586 WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT 2,390.85 316987 121412008 123695 HENLEY, THE 1,191.56 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 200689 112608 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET R55CKREG .620000 51.90 CITY L JA 470744 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING Council Check Register 641.00 200547 470743 5842.5514 12/4/2008 — 12/4/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 316991 1,191.56 100808 HORWATH, THOMAS 316988 121412008 116680 HEWLETT - PACKARD COMPANY 380.25 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 200691 112608 2,246.96 COMPUTERS 00004438 200491 45198527 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 380.25 2,246.96 316989 1214/2008 119763 HIGH SHINE CO INC 197.03 FLOOR WAXING '200621 1068 1551.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 120108 1000.1303. 197.03 GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 70,000.00 316990 1214/2008 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC. 316993 1i, ; 7:42:34 Page- 9 Business Unit FIRE DEPT. GENERAL CITY HALL GENERAL 51.90 200546 470744 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 641.00 200547 470743 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 692.90 316991 12/412008 100808 HORWATH, THOMAS 380.25 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 200691 112608 1644.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE TREES & MAINTENANCE 380.25 316992 1214/2008 100810 HRA/CITY OF EDINA 70,000.00 TO FUND HRA 200744 120108 1000.1303. DUE FROM HRA GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 70,000.00 316993 1214/2008 100842 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 69.99 DSL MODEM 00004439 200492 002550767 -001 1554.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 69.99 316994 1214/2008 101426 HUGHES, GORDON 303.00 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 200745 120108 1120.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ADMINISTRATION 303.00 316995 1214/2008 119094 HUMANA DENTAL 369.75 PREMIUM 200493 474543526 1550.6043 COBRA INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 9,296.36 PREMIUM 200493 474543526 1550.6040 HOSPITALIZATION CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 9,666.11 316996 12/4/2008 123698 JAMES STEELE CONSTRUCTION 499.65 HYDRANT USAGE REFUND 200756 112608 5901.4626 SALE OF WATER UTILITY REVENUES 499.65 316997 121412008 101400 JAMES, WILLIAM F 100.00 POLICE SERVICE 200471 120408 1419.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES RESERVE PROGRAM R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 1214/2008 - 12/4/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 100.00 316998 12/4/2008 100741 JJ TAYLOR DIST. OF MINN 2,148.55 200548 1221125 5862.5514 37.20 200549 1221126 5862.5515 3,280.32 200778 1221130 5842.5514 5,466.07 12/3/2008 7:42:34 Page- 10 Subledger Account Description Business Unit COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 317000 1214/2008 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 1,021.00 200550 1542529 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 502.36 200551 1542528 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 212.24 200552 1542525 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 473.89 200553 1542526 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 620.70 200554 1542527 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 751.21 200555 1541259 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1,993.37 200556 1541256 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 3,758.07 200557 1539383 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 2,228.53 200558 1541258 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,029.58 200559 1541257 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 550.92 200560 1541260 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 50.82- 200561 399269 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5,317.23 200649 1542532 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1.12 200650 1542530 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,026.31 200651 1542535 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 35.11 200652 1542537 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 1,743.86 200653 1542534 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,918.81 200654 1542536 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,526.56 200655 1542533 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 148.90 200656 1542531 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 84.12- 200657 400475 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5.52- 200658 400792 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 182.18 200779 1539852 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 44.00- 200780 400860 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 24,857.49 317001 12/4/2008 100919 JOHNSON, NAOMI 3.27 PETTY CASH 200741 112608 5125.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MEDIA STUDIO 10.49 PETTY CASH 200741 112608 5111.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 27.00 PETTY CASH 200741 112608 5110.6235 POSTAGE ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 40.32 PETTY CASH 200741 112608 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 40.62 PETTY CASH 200741 112608 5112.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ART CENTER POTTERY 65.00 PETTY CASH 200741 112608 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVr " "FS R55CKREG 020000 CITY i JA Council Check Register 12/4/2008 - 12/4/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 81.23 PETTY CASH 200741 112608 5120.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD 5822.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 267.93 GENERAL SUPPLIES 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 317002 1214/2008 123696 JOHNSTON, TORI 78.65 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 200731 112408 78.65 317003 1214/2008 100605 LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS 271.00 LOGO CLOTHING 200622 07046175 379.40 LOGO CLOTHING 200622 07046175 379.70 LOGO CLOTHING 200622 07046175 144.78- RETURN 200791 07101653 885.32 317004 12/4/2008 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 7,360.31 DEDUCTIBLE 200494 093008 7,360.31 317005 12/412008 116882 LIPPERT, BARBARA 52.65 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 200732 112408 52.65 317006 12/4/2008 100868 MARK VII SALES 55.00- 200562 000856 3,700.45 200563 404849 46.10 200564 404851 135.00 200565 404850 1,829.51 200566 404283 1,441.00 200567 404846 44.00 200568 404847 2,036.05 200569 401619 9,177.11 317007 121412008 122878 MARTTI, DOROTHEA 225.00 HOSTING FEE 200692 127 225.00 317008 121412008 101483 MENARDS 147.57 LUMBER, CASTERS 00001207 200693 93022 44.71 CARRIAGE BOLTS, BITS 00005777 200694 92731 192.28 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD 5822.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1513.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 1550.6200 INSURANCE 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD 5862.5514 5862.5514 5862.5514 5862.5514 5862.5514 5842.5514 5842.5515 5862.5514 2210.6103 1551.6406 1646.6406 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 1: 1 7:42:34 Page - 11 Business Unit ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP ART CENTER REVENUES 50TH ST SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL ART CENTER REVENUES VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 12/3/2008 7:42:34 Council Check Register Page - 12 1214/2008 - 1214/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 317009 12/412008 1 101987 MENARDS 53.04 OIL DRY 00002083 200623 40430 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 155.04 HOLIDAY DECORATIONS 00002083 200624 40575 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 208.08 317010 1214/2008 102281 MENARDS 227.48 RUNNER RUGS 00001208 200695 26674 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,810.50 T -POSTS 00001154 200696 26222 1318.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 2,037.98 317011 12/4/2008 102508 METZGER, MAURE ANN 101.73 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 200733 112408 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 101.73 317012 121412008 104650 MICRO CENTER 181.04 APC BACK -UPS 00004433 200625 1966202 5822.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 181.04 APC BACK -UPS 00004433 200625 1966202 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 362.08 317013 12/4/2008 100913 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN SEWER & 1,980.00 WATER SERVICE REPAIR 00005851 200626 33304 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 1,980.00 317014 12/4/2008 102014 MINNESOTA CLAY USA 76.50 WAX, CONES 00009437 200697 55246 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 76.50 317015 1214/2008 100908 MINNESOTA WANNER CO. 2,289.75 BOOM ASSEMBLY 00005573 200698 0078534 -IN 1648.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS SKATING RINK MAINTENANCE 90.44 BRASS ADAPTERS, TEES 00005778 200699 0078536 -IN 1648.6530 REPAIR PARTS SKATING RINK MAINTENANCE 2,380.19 317016 12/412008 100898 MINVALCO 23.17 MARS CONTACTORS 00001197 200700 677511 5111.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT 23.17 317017 1214/2008 122019 MOORE CREATIVE TALENT 500.00 HOSTING FEE 200495 125336 2210.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 500.00 317018 12/4/2008 102082 MPLS COMMUNITY & TECHNICAL COL 375.00 DATA PRACTICES CLASSES 200627 09 -034 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL R55CKREG .x20000 CITY t. AA Council Check Register 12/4/2008 - 1214/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description ii ! 7:42:34 Page- 13 Business Unit CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL 375.00 GOLF ADMINISTRATION CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ED ADMINISTRATION CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 317019 12/412008 102776 MRPA 159.50 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES 200746 112408 1640.6104 159.50 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES 200746 112408 5410.6104 638.00 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES 200746 112408 5610.6104 638.00 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES 200746 112408 1600.6104 1,595.00 317020 12/412008 102551 NFPA 63.33 SPARKY STICKERS 00003759 200628 4406705Y 1470.6614 63.33 317021 1214/2008 100724 NISSEN, DICK 100.00 POLICE SERVICE 200470 120408 1419.6102 100.00 317022 1214/2008 115616 NORTH IMAGE APPAREL INC. 90.25 UNIFORM PURCHASES 200629 NIA3772 1301.6201 189.50 UNIFORM PURCHASES 200629 NIA3772 1553.6201 279.75 317023 121412008 117830 NORTHLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC 528.25 MOVE SOFTWARE BACKUP FOLDER 200630 82275 1400.6230 528.25 317024 121412008 102652 NORTHLAND CHEMICAL CORP. 195.58 DEGREASER, POLISH 00001148 200631 5018720 1553.6530 195.58 317025 1214/2008 121497 NORTHWEST ASPHALT INC. 11,472.00 PATHWAY RENOVATION 00007067 200747 29215 1647.6103 1,947.00 CHANGE ORDER 00007067 200748 29216 1647.6103 13,419.00 317026 12/412008 100933 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY 51.84 SKETCH DIARIES 00009491 200701 36600901 5120.5510 51.84 317027 12/412008 102712 OFFICE OF ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOG 419.01 200496 W08100614 5420.6188 19.76 ARNESON 200497 W08100607 1646.6188 ii ! 7:42:34 Page- 13 Business Unit CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS GOLF ADMINISTRATION CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ED ADMINISTRATION CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS PARK ADMIN. GENERAL FIRE PREVENTION CONTRACTUAL SERVICES LAUNDRY LAUNDRY FIRE DEPT. GENERAL RESERVE PROGRAM GENERAL MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PATHS & HARD SURFACE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PATHS & HARD SURFACE COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP TELEPHONE CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation 39.52 GREENHOUSE 67.34 Council Check Register 79.04 98.80 CARD ACCESS -PARKS 98.80 PO # Doc No 98.85 Account No 103.93 HISTORICAL 118.56 1646.6188 125.58 200497 127.98 5311.6188 158.65 200497 167.60 5821.6188 317028 CITY OF EDINA 105738 ORIENTAL ART SUPPLY Council Check Register 1214/2008 - 12/4/2008 200702 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 200497 W08100607 1646.6188 TELEPHONE 200497 W08100607 5311.6188 TELEPHONE 200497 W08100607 5821.6188 TELEPHONE 200497 W08100607 1646.6188 TELEPHONE 200497 W08100607 1550.6188 TELEPHONE 200497 W08100607 5861.6188 TELEPHONE 200497 W08100607 1646.6188 TELEPHONE 200497 W08100607 1481.6188 TELEPHONE 200497 W08100607 5210.6188 TELEPHONE 200497 W08100607 5111.6188 TELEPHONE 200497 W08100607 5841.6188 TELEPHONE 200497 W08100607 1622.6188 TELEPHONE 200497 W08100607 5610.6188 TELEPHONE 317028 121412008 105738 ORIENTAL ART SUPPLY 99.65 ART SUPPLIES 00009329 200702 26306 99.65 317029 12/4/2008 102440 PASS, GRACE 74.75 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 200734 112408 74.75 317030 1214/2008 100347 PAUSTIS & SONS 804.00 200570 8205268 -IN 409.38 200571 8205555 -IN 4.00- 200572 8205211 -CM 1,005.95 200659 8205558 -IN 2,215.33 317031 12/4/2008 100948 PERKINS LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS 1,860.00 TOP SOIL, GRADE, SEED 00005992 200703 112208 728.00 INSTALL 2 TREES 00005853 200755 NOV2208 2,588.00 317032 121412008 123697 PEYTON, JOHN 102.07 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 200754 120108 102.07 317033 1214/2008 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 144.94 200573 2685455 1,152.06 200574 2686461 5120.5510 5101.4413 5862.5513 5822.5513 5822.5513 5842.5513 1647.6103 5923.6180 5900.2015 5862.5512 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD ART WORK SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTED REPAIRS CUSTOMER REFUND 12/3/2008 7:42:34 Page- 14 Business Unit BUILDING MAINTENANCE POOL OPERATION 50TH ST OCCUPANCY BUILDING MAINTENANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL VERNON OCCUPANCY BUILDING MAINTENANCE YORK FIRE STATION GOLF DOME PROGRAM ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT YORK OCCUPANCY SKATING & HOCKEY ED ADMINISTRATION ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP ART CENTER REVENUES VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING PATHS & HARD SURFACE COLLECTION SYSTEMS UTILITY BALANCE SHEET COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING R55CKREG ,320000 CITY JA 1�_ , 7:42:34 Council Check Register Page - 15 12/4/2008 -- 12/4/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 269.93 200575 2686463 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 403.83 200576 2686462 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,399.98 200577 2682181 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 629.11 200578 2685454 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 49.12 200579 2685453 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 898.96 200580 2685452 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 47.55- 200581 3398124 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,062.16 200660 2686465 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 771.53 200661 2686466 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 725.54 200662 2686464 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 8,459.61 317034 12/4/2008 119146 PLYMAT, AMY 61.10 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 200735 112408 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 61.10 317035 1214/2008 100961 POSTMASTER - USPS 180.00 PERMIT PI 303 RENEWAL 200749 NOV2408 1550.6235 POSTAGE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 180.00 317036 12/4/2008 100966 PRINTERS SERVICE INC 49.00 KNIFE SHARPENING 00005775 200704 238338 1648.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS SKATING RINK MAINTENANCE 49.00 317037 12/4/2008 100968 PRIOR WINE COMPANY 796.23 200582 147630 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 81.29 200663 148510 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 877.52 317038 12/412008 101275 PX PRODUCTS CO. -CUSTOM/ PSC 571.91 ICE MELT 00005746 200632 4546 1647.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 571.91 317039 121412005 100971 QUALITY WINE 2,880.74 200583 089786 -00 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,777.09 200584 089857 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3,057.45 200585 089931 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,801.54 200586 088514 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,078.33 200587 089922 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 456.40 200588 089809 -00 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 159.20 200589 089841 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,052.40 200590 089369 -00 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 12/3/2008 7:42:34 Council Check Register Page - 16 1214/2008 - 12/4/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 1,531.21 200591 089171 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,296.30 200592 089386 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 200.00- 200593 085716-00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 590.41 200781 089840 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 16,481.07 317040 121412008 101965 OWEST 113.02 952 920 -8166 200705 8166 -11/08 1550.6188 TELEPHONE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 113.02 317041 12/412008 100980 ROBERT B. HILL CO. 138.99 SOFTENER SALT 200633 00212684 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 138.99 317042 1214/2008 _ 106171 ROSE, SARAH 100.75 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 200736 112408 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 100.75 317043 1214/2008 105442 SCHERER BROS. LUMBER CO. 43.42 LUMBER 00001149 200706 40707060 5923.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COLLECTION SYSTEMS 43.42 317044 1214/2008 108694 SCHWALM, ELISABETH 97.50 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 200738 112408 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 97.50 317045 12/412008 101380 SHAUGHNESSY, SANDRA 314.60 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 200737 112408 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 314.60 317046 121412008 116235 SIR SPEEDY 135.53 INVOICE FORMS 200707 20515 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 154.70 LETTERHEAD 200708 20536 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 290.23 317047 12/4/2008 123693 SOUTHDALE MEDICAL ARTS 4,011.20 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 200604 112508 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 4,011.20 317048 12/4/2008 110977 SOW, ADAMA 165.75 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 200739 112408 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART.CENTER REVENUES 165.75 R55CKREG 320000 CITY l JA 11 1 7:42:34 Council Check Register Page - 17. 12/4/2008 - 12/4/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 317049 12/4/2008 104672 SPRINT 40.99 . DATA CARDS 00001212 200634 666109817 -012 5910.6188 TELEPHONE GENERAL (BILLING) 40.99 DATA CARDS 00001212 200634 666109817 -012 1322.6188 TELEPHONE STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 8.10 200635 873184124 -072 7411.6188 TELEPHONE PSTF OCCUPANCY 9.72 200635 873184124 -072 1240.6188 TELEPHONE PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN GENERAL 51.03 200635 873184124 -072 1190.6188 TELEPHONE ASSESSING 51.25 200635 873184124 -072 5841.6188 TELEPHONE YORK OCCUPANCY 51.46 200635 873184124 -072 1140.6188 TELEPHONE PLANNING 57.55 200635 873184124 -072 1120.6188 TELEPHONE ADMINISTRATION 63.72 200635 873184124 -072 1553.6188 TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 72.63 200635 873184124 -072 1490.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC HEALTH 76.68 200635 873184124 -072 4090.6188 TELEPHONE STREET REVOLVING 105.84 200635 873184124 -072 1322.6188 TELEPHONE STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 145.16 200635 873184124 -072 2210.6188 TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS 151.73 200635 873184124 -072 1554.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 225.18 200635 873184124 -072 1495.6188 TELEPHONE INSPECTIONS 225.98 200635 873184124 -072 1470.6188 TELEPHONE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 421.74 200635 873184124 -072 1301.6188 TELEPHONE GENERAL MAINTENANCE 525.50 200635 873184124 -072 5620.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT EDINBOROUGH PARK 599.94 200635 873184124 -072 5910.6188 TELEPHONE GENERAL (BILLING) 639.31 200635 873184124 -072 1260.6188 TELEPHONE ENGINEERING GENERAL .778.10 200635 873184124 -072 1640.6188 TELEPHONE PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL 1,253.77 200635 873184124 -072 1400.6188 TELEPHONE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 5,596.37 317050 12/4/2008 120534 STANTON GROUP 106,726.00 PREMIUM 200498 106895 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 84,240.00 PREMIUM 200499 106896 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 190,966.00 317051 12/4/2008 105842 STAR EQUIPMENT INC. 232.83 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 200636 199768 5861.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE VERNON OCCUPANCY 232.83 317052 12/4/2008 100593 SULLIVAN, JOSEPH F 320.00 ABOUT TOWN COLUMN 200500 307 2210.6123 MAGAZINE/NEWSLETTER EXPENSE COMMUNICATIONS 320.00 317053 12/412008 100900 SUN NEWSPAPERS 504.00 COMP PLAN UPDATE HEARING 200501 1144145 1140.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PLANNING 504.00 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 1213/2008 7:42:34 Council Check Register Page - 18 12/4/2008 — 12/4/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 317054 12/4/2008 120998 SURLY BREWING CO. 655.00 200594 JM6187 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 655.00 317055 12/4/2008 100794 SWANSON, HAROLD 100.00 POLICE SERVICE 200469 120408 1419.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES RESERVE PROGRAM 100.00 317056 121412008 108509 TAFFEE, MARY 342.55 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 200740 112408 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 342.55 317057 1214/2008 101027 TARGET 34.51 ACCT X- XXX -XX9 -840 00006152 200709 111808 5410.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 34.51 317058 1214/2008 113549 TENNIS WEST 2,430.00 RETAINING WALL REPAIRS 00005983 200503 08 -7777 1647.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 13,344.00 WALKING PATH /FENCE/MOVE GATED0005041 200504 087777 1647.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 15,774.00 317059 1214/2008 101326 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO 277.99 LAMPS, TERMINALS, FUSES 00005912 200710 37116 -00 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 277.99 317060 12/4/2008 101035 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 79.80 200595 519548 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON.SELLING 3,449.60 200596 519546 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 390.00 200711 69808 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 3,919.40 317061 12/4/2008 121309 TOBIN CINEMA SYSTEMS INC. 50.65 PROJECTOR REPAIR 00009440 200712 8637 5125.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS MEDIA STUDIO 50.65 317062 12/4/2008 116535 TRAVELERS 528.21 DEDUCTIBLE 200502 000303112 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 528.21 317063 12/412008 101042 TRIARCO 414.00 POTTERS APRONS 00009436 200713 800703 5120.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP R55CKREG ,.;20000 CITY G JA Council Check Register 12/4/2008 - 12/4/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description GENERAL SUPPLIES 12 7:42:34 Page- 19 Business Unit STREET REVOLVING ADVERTISING PERSONNEL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLIES COLLECTION SYSTEMS TELEPHONE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL PAPER SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 414.00 VERNON SELLING GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 317064 12/4/2008 101280 UAP DISTRIBUTION INC. 1.119.63 ICE MELT 00001074 200714 S009224392.D01 4090.6406 1,119.63 317065 12/4/2008 103929 UNITED WAY 122.50 PROCEEDS FROM EVENTS 200753 120108 1550.6121 122.50 317066 1214/2008 114236 USA BLUE BOOK 504.66 MANHOLE LIFTERS 00001144 200505 711940 5923.6406 504.66 317067 12/4/2008 100410 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC. 12.10 PAGER 200637 R6096083K 1550.6188 12.10 317068 12/4/2008 101058 VAN PAPER CO. 198.63 LIQUOR BAGS 200506 102214 -01 5822.6512 141.06 LIQUOR BAGS 200638 102242 -02 5862.6512 51.33 WINDEX 200639 102226 -00 5862.6406 184.73 CLEANING SUPPLIES 00005976 200715 103454 -00 1646.6406 575.75 317069 12/4/2008 122514 VINO SOURCE, THE 191.00 200782 25432 5842.5513 191.00 317070 1214/2008 102218 VINTAGE ONE WINES 594.50 200783 12274 5862.5513 594.50 317071 12/4/2008 101069 VOSS LIGHTING 102.47 LIGHTING 00001195 200640 15116933 -00 1646.6406 126.53 LIGHTING 00001150 200641 15116837 -00 1552.6530 229.00 317072 12/412008 121042 WALLACE CARLSON PRINTING 72.42 GIFT POSTER 00009435 200716 21683 5110.6575 72.42 GENERAL SUPPLIES 12 7:42:34 Page- 19 Business Unit STREET REVOLVING ADVERTISING PERSONNEL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLIES COLLECTION SYSTEMS TELEPHONE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL PAPER SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING PAPER SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS CENT SVC PW BUILDING PRINTING ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 12/3/2008 7:42:34 Council Check Register Page - 20 12/4/2008 - 12/4/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 317073 12/412008 101080 WALSH, WILLIAM 100.00 POLICE SERVICE 200468 120408 1419.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES RESERVE PROGRAM 100.00 317074 12/4/2008 101313 WILSON'S NURSERY 2,709.76 TREES 00005008 200507 038739' 05480.1705.31 MATERIALS /SUPPLIES WM-480 NEW WELL #20 PHASE 2 2,709.76 317075 12/4/2008 123692 WILSON, ROBERT 100.00 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 200603 112508 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 100.00 317076 12/4/2008 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 1,866.40 200597 206655 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 995.95 200664 206787 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 829.55 200784 206775 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 6.55- 200785 205604 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 3,685.35 317077 12/4/2008 101312 WINE MERCHANTS 1,535.22 200598 253630 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 73.12 200665 253941 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 564.74 200666 253942 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE - YORK SELLING 543.05 200667 253940 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 20.69- 200668 41071 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 93.24 200786 253425 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,788.68 317078 12/4/2008 112954 WISCONSIN TURF EQUIPMENT CORP. 337.17 CONVEYOR BELT, COLLAR, BOOT 00006359 200792 553182 -000 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 220.43 OIL, AIR & FUEL FILTERS 00006364 200793 553209 -000 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 557.60 317079 12/412008 101086 WORLD CLASS WINES INC 623.00 200599 220690 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 413.80 200669 220706 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 269.85 200787 220930 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,115.70 200788 220869 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,422.35 317080 1214/2008 101726 XCEL ENERGY 90.45 51- 8526048 -8 200508 175977169 1322.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OI A 213.00 200600 2027 Council Check Register 200789 2040 510.50 12/4/2008 — 12/4/2008 101572 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subiedger Account Description 220.57 51- 5005454 -3 200509 175908023 5913.6185 LIGHT & POWER 8.52 51- 65410842 200510 175940942 1646.6185 LIGHT & POWER 31.11 51- 68922245 200511 175947100 1330.6185 LIGHT & POWER 424.97 51- 8324712 -5 200512 175969632 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER 991.94 51- 5107681 -4 200513 175910009 5111.6185 LIGHT & POWER 1,360.60 51- 6223269 -1 200514 175934002 5210.6185 LIGHT & POWER 8.52 51- 6050184 -2 200515 175929588 4086.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 58.53 51- 4420190 -3 200642 176066614 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER 6,584.23 51- 6955679 -8 200643 176109061 1551.6185 LIGHT & POWER 30 995.24 51- 4621797 -2 200757 176413929 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER 40,774.68 317081 121412008 100568 XEROX CORPORATION 16123 TONER CARTRIDGES 200644 104617456 1550.6406 161.23 317082 121412008 120099 Z WINES USA LLC 213.00 200600 2027 297.50 200789 2040 510.50 317083 12/412008 101572 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 2,028.83 GUTTER BROOMS 00005279 200717 120080 2,028.83 317084 12/412008 101091 ZIEGLER INC 345.00 GENERATOR MAINTENANCE 200545 E3809756 345.00 541,684.02 Grand Total 5862.5513 5842.5513 1310.6523 1551.6180 Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 541,684.02 Total Payments 541,684.02 GENERAL SUPPLIES COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE BROOMS CONTRACTED REPAIRS 12f, 7:42:34 Page - 21 Business Unit DISTRIBUTION BUILDING MAINTENANCE TRAFFIC SIGNALS STREET LIGHTING REGULAR ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT GOLF DOME PROGRAM AQUATIC WEEDS STREET LIGHTING REGULAR CITY HALL GENERAL STREET LIGHTING REGULAR CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING STREET CLEANING CITY HALL GENERAL R55CKSUM LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Summary 1214/2008 - 1214/2008 Company Amount 01000 GENERAL FUND 386,328.35 02200 COMMUNICATIONS FUND 5,605.43 04000 WORKING CAPITAL FUND 2,269.83 05100 ART CENTER FUND 5,887.87 05200 GOLF DOME FUND 1,577.22 05300 AQUATIC CENTER FUND 86.09 05400 GOLF COURSE FUND 1,696.77 05500 ICE ARENA FUND 1,494.32 05600 EDINBOROUGH/CENT LAKES FUND 1,989.66 05800 LIQUOR FUND 118,579.87 05900 UTILITY FUND 16,160.51 07400 PSTF AGENCY FUND 8.10 Report Totals 541,684.02 We confirm to the best of our knowledge and belief, that these claims comply in all material respects with the requirements of the City of Edina purchasing poll ie and procedures e 12!3!2008 7:43:48 Page - 1 1 j08 7:59:40 Page- 1 Business Unit GOLF DOME PROGRAM SNOW & ICE REMOVAL PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 138.45 SWITCH DOCKING STATION 200795 6197 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 138.45 317090 12/11/2008 100616 ACTION MAILING SERVICES INC. 460.10 MAIL PROCESSING 200964 211968 5910.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL (BILLING) 460.10 CITY INA R55CKRE(, JG20000 142.00 DWI FORFEITURE 201186 120808 4601.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 142.00 Council Check Register 12/11/2008 123708 ADVANCED IRRIGATION INC. 12/11/2008 -- 12/1112008 CONSULTING DESIGN Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subiedger Account Description 317085 12/11/2008 100611 A TO Z RENTAL CENTER 231.85 READY MIX 00005752 201187 4238215 1646.6517 SAND GRAVEL & ROCK 231.85 308.25 LIFT RENTAL 00006129 201184 11427/11428 5210.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 308.25 317086 12111/2008 102403 AAA LAMBERTS LANDSCAPE PRODUCT 74.55 DIRT 00001417 200963 32989 1318.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 74.55 317087 12/1112008 116531 ABLE SPRINKLER 220.18 SPRINKLER REPAIR4620BROWNDAIM01081 201185 5207 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 220.18 317088 12/11/2008 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 34.56 200916 0311783 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 17.04 200917 0721632 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 27.87 201059 0311782 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 15.04 201060 0721654 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 94.51 317089 12/1112008 123309 ACTION FLEET INC. 1 j08 7:59:40 Page- 1 Business Unit GOLF DOME PROGRAM SNOW & ICE REMOVAL PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 138.45 SWITCH DOCKING STATION 200795 6197 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 138.45 317090 12/11/2008 100616 ACTION MAILING SERVICES INC. 460.10 MAIL PROCESSING 200964 211968 5910.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL (BILLING) POLICE FORFEITURE PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN BUILDING MAINTENANCE 356.14 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 201121 91062 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 356.14 460.10 317091 12/1112008 123743 ADESA MINNEAPOLIS 142.00 DWI FORFEITURE 201186 120808 4601.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 142.00 317092 12/11/2008 123708 ADVANCED IRRIGATION INC. 1,850.00 SPRINKLER REPAIR - BROWNDALE ,00001808 200965 40618 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 1,850.00 317093 12/1112008 102626 AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES 231.85 READY MIX 00005752 201187 4238215 1646.6517 SAND GRAVEL & ROCK 231.85 317094 12/1112008 100575 ALL SAFE INC. POLICE FORFEITURE PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN BUILDING MAINTENANCE 356.14 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 201121 91062 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 356.14 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 12111/2008 — 12/11/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 317095 12/11/2008 120168 ALLIANCE ELECTRIC INC. 2,439.20 LIGHTING REPAIRS 201122 5725 5620.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 552.00 LAMP POST REPAIR 201123 5727 5620.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 2,991.20 317096 12/11/2008 100058 ALLIED WASTE SERVICES #894 35,380.00 RECYCLING 201188 001589672 5952.6183 RECYCLING CHARGES 35,380.00 317097 12/11/2008 122042 AMERICAN ATHLETIC SHOE CO. INC 1,103.88 SKATES AND LACES 00002075 200796 25332 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,103.88 317098 12/11/2008 101506 AMERICAN HOTEL REGISTER CO. 214.57 HAIR DRYERS 201124 8396561 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 214.57 317099 12/11/2008 100665 AMSAN 172.00 PUSH SPREADER 00005985 200966 191665249 1647.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 172.00 317100 12/11/2008 100630 ANCHOR PAPER CO. INC. 920.18 COPIER PAPER 200967 10183601 -00 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 920.18 317101 12/11/2008 101874 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC. 1,242.00 BATTERIES 00003768 201125 6507 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,242.00 317102 12/11/2008 123702 ANDERSON, PAULA 80.57 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 200848 120108 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND 80.57 317103 12/11/2008 100595 ANOKA COUNTY 12110/2008 7:59:40 Page- 2 Business Unit EDINBOROUGH PARK EDINBOROUGH PARK RECYCLING CENTENNIAL LAKES EDINBOROUGH PARK PATHS & HARD SURFACE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 232.00 OUT OF COUNTY WARRANT 201041 120308 1000.2055 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 232.00 317104 12/11/2008 101772 APCO INTERNATIONAL INC 69.00 MEMBERSHIP 201042' 120308 1400.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 69.00 CITY NA 1, 08 7:59:40 R55CKREG _JG20000 Council Check Register Page - 3 1211112008 - 12/11/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 317105 12/1112008 102566 APPLIED CONCEPTS INC 230.30 RADAR 201043 165541 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 230.30 317106 12/11/2008 103680 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SRVCS 161.91 COFFEE 200849 410850 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 144.00 COFFEE 201189 929182 5210.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GOLF DOME PROGRAM 252.31 COFFEE 201190 410924 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 558.22 317107 12/11/2008 114475 ARMOR SECURITY INC. 143.78 FIRE ALARM MONITORING 00005997 200850 129485 1646.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 95.85 FIRE ALARM MONITORING 00005997 200851 129486 1646.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 239.63 317108 12111/2008 102774 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS 427.00 GARBAGE ROLLOFF 00001214 200797 1032752 1343.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BRIDGES GUARD RAILS 427.00 317109 12/11/2008 100644 BARRETT MOVING AND STORAGE 2,175.00 MOVE ELECTION EQUIPMENT 200852 B283- 2732 -8 1180.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ELECTION 2,175.00 317110 12/1112008 101343 BEHR, JASON 234.77 UNIFORM PURCHASE 201044 120208 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 234.77 317111 12/11/2008 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 52.00 201003 47070200 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,026.60 201004 46364600 5662.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 108.00- 201005 47035500 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 100.00- 201006 47016100CR 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 96.80 201061 47175300 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 967.40 317112 12111/2008 101191 BENNEROTTE, JENNIFER 27.92 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 200859 120308 2210.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 27.92 317113 12111/2008 100648 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCTS 16.09 PORTFOLIO, STAMP 200853 OE- 172446 -1 1140.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PLANNING 97.00 PORTFOLIOS 200854 OE- 172508 -1 1140.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PLANNING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 12/10/2008 7:59:40 Council Check Register Page - 4 12/11/2008 = 12/11/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 4.06 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00003034 200855 WO- 535570 -1 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 4.12 REFILL INK 200856 WO- 535641 -1 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 56.03- RETURN 200857 CP- WO- 534825 -1- 1600.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 2 23.65 OFFICE SUPPLIES 200858 WO- 536012 -1 1600.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 6.73 STAMP PADS 200968 WO- 531096 -1 1495.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES INSPECTIONS 116.69 OFFICE SUPPLIES 201045 OE- 178248 -1 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 24.53 MARKERS 201046 OE- 178390 -1 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 236.84 317114 12/11/2008 117013 BILL'S HOME REPAIR & REMODELIN 17,800.00 HOME IMPROVEMENTS 200860 112508 2127.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMM DEV BLK GRANT 17,800.00 317115 12/11/2008 117013 BILL'S HOME REPAIR & REMODELIN 10,100.00 HOME IMPROVEMENTS 201047 120308 2127.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMM DEV BLK GRANT 10,100.00 317116 12/11/2008 122942 BORNOWSKI, CLAY 320.30 MAINTENANCE 201192 120508 51- 11.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 320.30 317117 12111/2008 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 487.50 201062 94116 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 487.50 317118 12/11/2008 123745 BOWERS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 99.61 PLAN REVIEW CHARGE REFUND 201191 ED092327 1495.4111 BUILDING PERMITS INSPECTIONS 99.61 317119 12/1112008 100659 BOYER TRUCK PARTS 153.53 SLACK ADJUSTERS 00005922 200969 252586 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 153.53 317120 12/1112008 100663 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE 20.29 PETTY CASH 201193 120508 5420.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE 25.00 PETTY CASH 201193 120508 5400.2072 MEN'S CLUB GOLF BALANCE SHEET 55.83 PETTY CASH 201193 120508 5430.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 59.88 PETTY CASH 201193 120508 5410.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS GOLF ADMINISTRATION 62.15 PETTY CASH 201193 120508 5410.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 113.42 PETTY CASH 201193 120508 5410.6235 POSTAGE GOLF ADMINISTRATION 336.57 1. 08 7:59:40 Page - 5 Business Unit BA -342 HIGHLANDS AREA BR -3 Browndale Avenue Bridge SENIOR CITIZENS 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 1,274.25 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER CITY NA 12/11/2008 R55CKREG _JG20000 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 5,526.00 1400.6406 200918 13576 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE Council Check Register 5842.5513 200919 13575 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 15.10 12/11/2008 — 12/11/2008 13574 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 317121 12/1112008 201063 123746 BRAHMS, GARY 6,345.45 23.29 EXTERIOR LIGHT REPAIR 201194 120508 01342.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 23.29 USB DRIVE 201048 120408 317122 1211112008 100664 BRAUN INTERTEC 317126 12/11/2008 116683 CAT & FIDDLE BEVERAGE 3,396.00 OBSERVATIONS & TESTING 201195 301270 10091.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 3,396.00 201007 80448 317123 1211112008 201008 119826 BRYANT GRAPHICS INC. 840.00 1 27425 NEWSLETTER 00008220 200798 16150 1628.6575 PRINTING 1. 08 7:59:40 Page - 5 Business Unit BA -342 HIGHLANDS AREA BR -3 Browndale Avenue Bridge SENIOR CITIZENS 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 1,274.25 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 317124 12/11/2008 50TH ST SELLING 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 5,526.00 1400.6406 200918 13576 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 429.00 5842.5513 200919 13575 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 15.10 200920 13574 308.35 200921 13500 67.00 201063 13600 6,345.45 317125 12/1112008 103268 CARLSON. DAVID 53.44 USB DRIVE 201048 120408 53.44 317126 12/11/2008 116683 CAT & FIDDLE BEVERAGE 227.00 200922 80419 404.00 201007 80448 209.00 201008 80456 840.00 317127 12/11/2008 100681 CATCO 530.98 MULTIFASTERS 00005517 200799 3 -63659 530.98 317128 1211112008 112561 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 98.83 5590919 -6 200861 11 -18-08 98.83 317129 1211112008 119725 CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTING CO 1,062.40 200923 379475 1,062.40 1. 08 7:59:40 Page - 5 Business Unit BA -342 HIGHLANDS AREA BR -3 Browndale Avenue Bridge SENIOR CITIZENS 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 7413.6582 5842.5514 FUEL OIL PSTF FIRE TOWER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 12110/2008 7:59:40 Council Check Register Page - 6 12/11/2008 — 12/11/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 317130 12/11/2008 110669 CHOICE MARKETING INC. 1,489.40 TRADING CARDS 00003758 201126 281190 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,489.40 317131 1211112008 113151 CHURCH OFFSET PRINTING INC. 836.03 PARK BROCHURE 00002090 201127 047658 5610.6575 PRINTING ED ADMINISTRATION 836.03 317132 1211112008 100684 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON 7,441.06 LABORATORY SERVICES 200970 090308 5915.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WATER TREATMENT 7,441.06 317133 12/1112008 100684 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON 11,747.46 SPECIAL ASSESS - MN DRIVE 200971 43104 3066.1234 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BLOOMINGTONBR #2 BALANCE SHEET 11,747.46 317134 1211112008 122317 CITY OF EDINA - COMMUNICATIONS - 225.00 WINTER PARK & REC AD 200862 COM481 7410.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSTF ADMINISTRATION 225.00 317135 12111/2008 122084 CITY OF EDINA - UTILITIES 60.24 00078162- 0332300004 200800 0332300004 -11/0 1646.6189 SEWER & WATER BUILDING MAINTENANCE 8 43.49 00086467- 0306900191 200801 0306900191 -11/0 1646.6189 SEWER & WATER BUILDING MAINTENANCE 8 195.59 00086676- 0330288022 200802 0330288022 -11/0 5310.6189 SEWER & WATER POOL ADMINISTRATION 8 2,175.49 00077443 - 0350025535 200803 0350025535 -1110 1470.6189 SEWER & WATER FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 8 458.91 00077443 - 0342163045 200804 0342163045 -11/0 1470.6189 SEWER & WATER FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 8 1,148.22 00105263- 0335037016 200805 0335037016 - 11/0 5430.6189 SEWER & WATER RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 8 4,081.94 317136 12/11/2008 105693 CITYSPRINT 71.33 COURIER SERVICE 200863 12926 1180.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ELECTION 158.74 COURIER SERVICE 200863 12926 1554.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 21.25 COURIER SERVICE 200864 13268 1180.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ELECTION 154.44 COURIER SERVICE 200864 13268 1554.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 405.76 1. 08 7:59:40 Page - 7 Business Unit FIRE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL RANGE MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS RICHARDS GOLF COURSE CLUB HOUSE STREET RENOVATION EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 2,950.00 COMP PLAN CONSULTING CITY NA 1140.6103 R55CKREG _JG20000 PLANNING 2,950.00 Council Check Register 317143 12111/2008 100513 COVERALL OF THE TWIN CITIES IN 12/11/2008 -- 12/11/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 317137 12/11/2008 CITY HALL GENERAL 100689 CLAREYS SAFETY EQUIP. 2,742.38 191.55 SCOTT PARTS 00003755 201128 122118 1470.6530 REPAIR PARTS 104020 DALCO 191.55 317138 12111/2008 333.13 122385 COAST TO COAST SOLUTIONS 00001204 200866 2045292 1552.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 791.27 SKIN WIPES 200806 IV60015868 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 2045758 5511.6511 791.27 ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 1,578.88 317139 12/1112008 120433 COMCAST 317145 1211112008 74.95 8772 10 614 0165667 201196 112308 5424.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 59.00 8772 10 614 0199138 201197 112408 5422.6188 TELEPHONE 1180.6010 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 61.93 8772 10 614 0164959 201198 112508 5430.6188 TELEPHONE 61.93 8772 10 614 0177449 201199 11/25/08 5420.6188 TELEPHONE 102478 DAY DISTRIBUTING CO. 257.81 317140 12111/2008 121066 COMMERCIAL ASPHALT CO. 3,900.72 ASPHALT 00005749 201129 XF1314 1314.6518 BLACKTOP 3,900.72 317141 12/11/2008 101323 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS 41.77 WELDERS, BANDAIDS 00001206 200865 03374303 1553.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 41.77 317142 1211112008 119839 CORNEJO CONSULTING 1. 08 7:59:40 Page - 7 Business Unit FIRE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL RANGE MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS RICHARDS GOLF COURSE CLUB HOUSE STREET RENOVATION EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 2,950.00 COMP PLAN CONSULTING 201200 120108 1140.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PLANNING 2,950.00 317143 12111/2008 100513 COVERALL OF THE TWIN CITIES IN 2,742.38 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 200972 7070137414 1551.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY HALL GENERAL 2,742.38 317144 12111/2008 104020 DALCO 333.13 HANDSOAP, WYPALL 00001204 200866 2045292 1552.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 1,245.75 CLEANING SUPPLIES 00008063 200867 2045758 5511.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 1,578.88 317145 1211112008 105069 DAWSON, PAT 200.34 ELECTION - RECEPTION 201201 120808 1180.6010 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES ELECTION 200.34 317146 12/11/2008 102478 DAY DISTRIBUTING CO. R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 12/10/2008 7:59:40 Council Check Register Page - 8 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES TOOLS TOOLS BANK SERVICES CHARGES SURCHARGE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE ADVERTISING OTHER ADVERTISING OTHER ADVERTISING OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION POOL OPERATION GENERAL MAINTENANCE GENERAL MAINTENANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL INSPECTIONS RICHARDS GOLF COURSE ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS CLUB HOUSE GOLF DOME PROGRAM ED ADMINISTRATION GOLF DOME PROGRAM 12/11/2008 - 12/11/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 4,799.02 200924 483738 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 77.60 200925 483794 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 70.00 200926 482475 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 851.20 200927 482953 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 1,761.67 200928 483737 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 1,915.10 201064 483792 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 44.80 201065 483793 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES TOOLS TOOLS BANK SERVICES CHARGES SURCHARGE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE ADVERTISING OTHER ADVERTISING OTHER ADVERTISING OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION POOL OPERATION GENERAL MAINTENANCE GENERAL MAINTENANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL INSPECTIONS RICHARDS GOLF COURSE ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS CLUB HOUSE GOLF DOME PROGRAM ED ADMINISTRATION GOLF DOME PROGRAM 9,519.39 317147 12/11/2008 100713 DAY - TIMERS INC. 24.68 DESK CALENDAR REFILL 00002092 201130 58530097 5610.6406 24.68 317148 12/1112008 118490 DEEP ROCK WATER COMPANY 4.79 609425 WATER 200973 6622720 5311.6406 4.79 317149 12/11/2008 100718 DELEGARD TOOL CO. 147.69 TOOLS 00001213 200807 340831 1301.6556 306.22 TOOLS 00005661 200808 337139 1301.6556 453.91 317150 12/11/2008 120327 DELUXE BUSINESS CHECKS AND SOL 42.09 BANK DEPOSIT SLIPS 200809 35130853 1550.6155 42.09 317151 12/11/2008 100899 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY 5,575.42 NOV 2008 SURCHARGE 200974 5370053060 1495.4380 5,575.42 317152 12/11/2008 102831 DEX EAST 55.00 201131 110311893 -11/08 5430.6188 137.00 201131 110311893 -11/08 5511.6188 162.00 201131 110311893 - 11/08 5420.6188 250.00 201131 110311893 -11/08 5210.6122 389.00 201132 110311867 -11/08 5610.6122 993.00 317153 12/11/2008 112663 DOLLARS & SENSE 500.00 HOLIDAY AD 201202 23757 5210.6122 500.00 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES TOOLS TOOLS BANK SERVICES CHARGES SURCHARGE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE ADVERTISING OTHER ADVERTISING OTHER ADVERTISING OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION POOL OPERATION GENERAL MAINTENANCE GENERAL MAINTENANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL INSPECTIONS RICHARDS GOLF COURSE ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS CLUB HOUSE GOLF DOME PROGRAM ED ADMINISTRATION GOLF DOME PROGRAM CITY . NA 1. )8 7:59:40 R55CKREG _ -)020000 Council Check Register Page- 9 12/11/2008 — 12/1112008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 317154 12/1112008 118832 DONALD'S UNIFORM & APPAREL 215.40 UNIFORM PURCHASE 201049 1102 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 215.40 317155 12/11/2008 116357 DUNHAM ASSOCIATES INC. 2,942.99 ENGINEERING SERVICES 201133 200902790 5600.1740 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT EB /CL BALANCE SHEET 2,942.99 317156 12/1112008 100739 EAGLE WINE 10,268.60 200929 150381 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 6,800.35 201009 151700 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,119.35 201066 151690 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 19,188.30 317157 1211112008 116448 EGAN OIL COMPANY 10,716.08 GASOLINE 00005413 200810 155228 1553.6581 GASOLINE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 10,716.08 317158 1211112008 118010 EGAN, BILL 507.63 BEAVER REMOVED FROM POND 200868 120108 5933.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS PONDS & LAKES 507.63 317159 12111/2008 102865 ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE IN 165.68 TRANSFER CASES 200869 702416 1180.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ELECTION 165.68 317160 12111/2008 100549 ELECTRIC PUMP INC. 202.35 CABLE 00001131 200811 0037701 -IN 5921.6530 REPAIR PARTS SANITARY LIFT STATION MAINT 202.35 317161 12/11/2008 102657 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION & MAIN 440.00 RELOCATE LUMINAIRE EXPANSION00001286 201134 0010234 -IN 1330.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS TRAFFIC SIGNALS 440.00 317162 1211112008 102309 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS INC. 2,277.00 SIREN MAINTENANCE FEE 200812 32055 1460.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CIVILIAN DEFENSE 2,277.00 317163 12/11/2008 101956 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINTENANC 405.54 E -83 REPAIRS 201135 39500 1470.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 405.54 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 1211012008 7:59:40 Council Check Register Page - 10 12/11/2008 -- 12/11/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 317164 12/11/2008 104733 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC 588.96 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003649 201136 INV1120931 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 588.96 317165 12/11/2008 101476 EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES 170.00 ROW ACQUISITION 200870 00 -8542 05484.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION WM-484 WOODEND DRIVE 75.00 ROW ACQUISITION 200871 00 -8567 05484.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION WM-484 WOODEND DRIVE 245.00 317166 12/11/2008 100018 EXPERT T BILLING 4,999.50 NOVEMBER TRANSPORTS 200872 120208 1470.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 4,999.50 317167 12/11/2008 122077 FIELDS, DEBRA 46.00 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 200873 120208 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 46.00 317168 12/11/2008 104474 FILTERFRESH 362.32 COFFEE 00001283 201137 79471609 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 362.32 317169 12/11/2008 120831 FIRST SCRIBE INC. 425.00 ROWAY 201203 16551 1260.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENGINEERING GENERAL 425.00 317170 12/11/2008 100758 FLANAGAN SALES INC. 1,778.79 PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 200975 13194 47058.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT MCGUIRE PARK PLAYGROUND 1,778.79 317171 12/11/20118 123706 FORD, DONATA 375.00 RENTAL REFUND 200976 120408 5601.4555 CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK EB /CL REVENUES 375.00 317172 12/11/2008 118456 FULTON, LAURA 241.02 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 200977 120108 5610.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ED ADMINISTRATION 241.02 317173 12/11/2008 100764 G & K SERVICES 39.06 SHOP TOWELS 200813 1006275147 5422.6201 LAUNDRY MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 39.06 317174 12/11/2008 123719 G.J. THERKELSEN & ASSOCIATES I R55CKREG jG20000 CITY NA Council Check Register 12111/2008 - 12/11/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 2 360 00 FEASIBILITY STUDY 201138 2008 -12 4608.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUBS 1. 08 7:59:40 Page - 11 Business Unit POLICE COMPUTER SYSTEM EDINBOROUGH PARK COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 2,360.00 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 317175 12/11/2008 VERNON SELLING 117085 GARDENWORLD INC. VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 360.82 SPRING BULBS 201139 SI -55243 5620.6620 360.82 317176 12/11/2008 102385 GOLF MINNESOTA 180.00 MAGAZINES 00006162 201204 0814 5440.5511 180.00 317177 12111/2008 100780 GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC. 617.70 NOVEMBER SERVICE 00005856 200874 8110458 5913.6103 617.70 317178 12/1112008 101103 GRAINGER 63.77 GASKET PUNCH SET 200875 9785510521 7411.6406 63.77 317179 12/11/2008 102217 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 942.25 201067 105939 5822.5513 220.50 201068 105942 5842.5513 1,162.75 317180 12/1112008 101350 GREEN ACRES SPRINKLER CO. 863.03 SPRINKLER REPAIR -4526 DREXEL 00005375 201205 084218 01213.1705.20 803.19 SPRINKLER REPAIR -4500 CASCO 00001083 201206 084222 01213.1705.20 1,666.22 317181 12111/2008 100785 GREUPNER, JOE 1,309.00 GOLF LESSONS 201207 120408 5201.4543 2,182.00 GOLF LESSONS 201207 120408 5401.4602 3,491.00 317182 12111/2008 100782 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. 9,335.28 200930 149084 5842.5512 2,524.65 200931 151705 5842.5512 190.46 200932 151704 5842.5515 133.52 200933 151695 5862.5515 1,962.66 200934 151694 5862.5512 619.90 200935 150134 5862.5512 2,187.50 200936 150382 5862.5512 TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUBS 1. 08 7:59:40 Page - 11 Business Unit POLICE COMPUTER SYSTEM EDINBOROUGH PARK COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING CONSULTING DESIGN CONSULTING DESIGN GOLF DOME RECEIPTS LESSONS PHASE I ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO GOLF DOME REVENUES GOLF REVENUES COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 12/10/2008 7:59:40 Council Check Register Page - 12 CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION I ADVERTISING OTHER ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT AMBULANCE FEES AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL BOARD & ROOM PRISONER LEGAL SERVICES 12/11/2008 -- 12111/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 846.58 200937 151699 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 1,818.70 200938 151697 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 14,473.63 201010 150357 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 6,846.40 201011 151703 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,449.90 201012 151511 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,949.05 201013 150383 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,024.15 201069 151691 5862.5513 COST. OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 3,164.80 201070 150380 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 31.55 201071 151692 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 1.15- 201072 765559 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION I ADVERTISING OTHER ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT AMBULANCE FEES AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL BOARD & ROOM PRISONER LEGAL SERVICES 49,557.58 317183 12/1112008 114129 HALDEMAN HOMME INC. 106.50 GYM FLOOR CLEANER 201140 129988 5620.6511 106.50 317184 12111/2008 106431 HALL, MARY 150.00 ENTERTAINMENT 12123/08 201120 120508 5610.6136 150.00 317185 12/11/2008 105636 HANDMADE TILE ASSOCIATION 848.30 1/2 PAGE FULL COLOR AD 00009443 200978 1181 5110.6122 848.30 317186 12/11/2008 102778 HARRIS COMPANIES 312.00 REPAIR SWITCH 00008057 200878 023183 5521.6406 312.00 317187 12/11/2008 100797 HAWKINS INC. 1,365.90 CHEMICALS 00005755 200814 1253347 5915.6586 1,365.90 317188 12/11/2008 102209 HEALTH PARTNERS 1,253.05 AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 200876 PHILIP LOWRY 1470.4329 1,253.05 317189 12/11/2008 123072 HEALTH PARTNERS 21.37 AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 200877 GLADYS HARA 1470.4329 21.37 317190 12/1112008 100801 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 2,759.00 OCT 2008 200815 2008 10 -EDINA 1195.6225 CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION I ADVERTISING OTHER ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT AMBULANCE FEES AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL BOARD & ROOM PRISONER LEGAL SERVICES CITY NA 1 08 7:59:40 R55CKREG jG20000 Council Check Register Page - 13 12/11/2008 - 12111/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2,759.00 317191 12/11/2008, 106371 HENNEPIN FACULTY ASSOCIATES 2,403.00 MEDICAL DIRECTOR SERVICES 200879 OB7870 1470.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 2,403.00 317192 12/11/2008 115377 HENRICKSEN PSG 13,515.64 FURNITURE 00003728 201141 420940 45008.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FIRE STATION #1 RENOVATION 506.09 TRAINING ROOM FIXTURES 00003752 201142 420938 45008.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FIRE STATION #1 RENOVATION 14,021.73 317193 1211112008 116680 HEWLETT - PACKARD COMPANY 223.43 LCD MONITOR - EDINA FOUNDATIOBD004434 200880 45193144 1554.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 562.54 PC FOR INTERN 00004434 200880 45193144 2210.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT COMMUNICATIONS 785.97 317194 12111/2008 119763 HIGH SHINE CO INC 1,491.00 CARPET EXTRACTION 200979 1079 1551.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CITY HALL GENERAL 1,491.00 317195 12111/2008 103753 HILLYARD INC -MINNEAPOLIS 207.19 SOAP, TOWELS 00002104 201143 2691986 5620.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 210.87 PURELL FOAM, SOAP 00002106 201144 2691987 5620.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 418.06 317196 12/1112008 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC. 1,215.90 200939 471459 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE YORK SELLING 270.00 200940 471460 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 60.00 201073 471500 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 407.18 201074 471492 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 578.40 201075 470895 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 25.95 201076 470896 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 2,557.43 317197 1211112008 100267 HOPKINS WESTWIND BAND 100.00 ENTERTAINMENT 12/21/08 201119 120508 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 100.00 317198 12/1112008 100417 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL SUPPLY 228.80 POOL ACID 00002297 201145 8111408 5620.6545 CHEMICALS EDINBOROUGH PARK 228.80 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 12/11/2008 - 12/11/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 317199 12/11/2008 112092 HUB HOBBY CENTER INC. 132.04 TRAIN PARTS 201146 81529 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 132.04 317200 1211112008 105007 HUTCHINSON TELEPHONE COMPANY 12/10/2008 7:59:40 Page - 14 Business Unit EDINBOROUGH PARK 557.72 DISPATCH MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 201050 320 111 -2697 1400.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 557.72 317201 12/11/2008 100001 ICEMAN INDUSTRIES INC 3,502.50 DE -ICING SPRAY 00001290 201147 4103 1318.6525 SALT 3,502.50 317202 12/1112008 123703 IMPRIMUS FORENSIC SERVICES LLC 2,100.00 INSTUCTORS FEE 200881 561 7410.6218 EDUCATION PROGRAMS 2,100.00 317203 12/1112008 101183 INSPECTRON INC. SNOW & ICE REMOVAL PSTF ADMINISTRATION 3,382.50 AUG- SEPT -OCT SERVICES 200980 110408 1495.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INSPECTIONS PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO GENERAL MAINTENANCE STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL TRAFFIC SIGNALS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL GRILL SENIOR CITIZENS ELECTION FIRE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL TRAINING EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 3,382.50 317204 12/1112008 104572 INVISIBLE FENCE CO. OF MN 93.05 FENCE REPAIR - MICHIELUTTI 00001082 201208 114072 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 93.05 317205 12111/2008 101861 J.H. LARSON COMPANY 17.88 PVC CONDUIT, COUPLINGS 00001216 200816 4202573 -01 1301.6556 TOOLS 155.37 PVC CONDUIT, COUPLINGS 00001216 200816 4202573 -01 1322.6530 REPAIR PARTS 61.30- CREDIT 200817 4594561 - 0001 -04 1330.6530 REPAIR PARTS 111.95 317206 12/1112008 100828 JERRY'S FOODS 2.90 201051 120108 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 9.31 201051 120108 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 33.67 201051 120108 1628.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 34.83 201051 120108 1180.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 36.70 201051 120108 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 84.69 201051 120108 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 103.41 201051 120108 1281.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 305.51 317207 12/11121108 102136 JERRY'S TRANSMISSION SERVICE 72.95 OXYGEN GAUGE, STRAPS 00005919 200981 0012219 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO GENERAL MAINTENANCE STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL TRAFFIC SIGNALS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL GRILL SENIOR CITIZENS ELECTION FIRE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL TRAINING EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN R55CKREG _,JG20000 CITY NA 1. 08 7:59:40 Council Check Register Page - 15 12/11/2008 -- 12111/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 72.95 317208 12/11/2008 100741 JJ TAYLOR DIST. OF MINN 3,843.40 200941 1221160 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 44.00 200942 1221159 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 43.00 200943 1048012 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 1,458.35 200944 1221114 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 78.10 200945 1221115 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 6,621.97 201077 1221161 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 44.00 201078 1221162 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 17.55 201079 1221169 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 7,949.10 201080 1221168 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 20,099.47 317210 12111/2008 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 195,12 201014 1542906 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,615.70 201015 1542538 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 212,24 201016 1546642 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 658.73 201017 1546645 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING ,28 201018 1546633 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 112 201019 1546634 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 3,782.77 201020 1546647 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 462.24 201021 1546635 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 3,443.51 201022 1546646 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 963.23 201023 1546643 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 864.32 201024 1546644 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 688.05 201081 1546638 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,12 201082 1546629 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3,624.75 201083 1546637 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,864.06 201084 1546640 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5,481.19 201085 1546641 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,483.51 201086 1546639 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 466.76 201087 1546636 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 143.36 201088 1546632 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 191.62 201089 1546631 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 456.97 201090 1546625 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 370.60 201091 1546624 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 634.17 201092 1546623 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1 -.12 201093 1546630 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING .28 201094 1546628 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 99.12 201095 1546622 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 355.87 201096 1546626 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 12/10/2008 7:59:40 Council Check Register Page - 16 1470.6558 2210.6406 1628.4392.07 1628.6103 07092.1705.20 7412.6406 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS SENIOR TRIPS SENIOR CITIZENS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS CONSULTING DESIGN GENERAL SUPPLIES SIDEWALK- DONCASTER - VERNON A PSTF RANGE 124.47 12/11/2008 - 12111/2008 12/1112008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 605.81 201097 1546627 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 119705 KLEIN, AARON 30,667.62 118.73 TELEPROMPTER MATERIALS 200882 120308 317211 12/1112008 118.73 102719 JOHNSON, PHILLIP 317216 12111/2008 123701 KNIGHT, SHIRLEY 55.51 ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 201210 120408 5125.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT MEDIA STUDIO 60.51 EMC SOFTWARE 201210 120408 5125.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT MEDIA STUDIO 105887 KOESSLER, JOE 116.02 158.00 NOV 2008 SERVICE 200883 .110108 317212 12/11/2008 158.00 103230 JOHNSTONS SALES & SERVICE 317218 12/1112008 123747 KOLODJI LANDSCAPING 585.75 VACUUM CLEANER 200982 112808 5841.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK OCCUPANCY 100608 126.04 VACUUM HOSE, BAGS 00006158 201211 176708 5420.6530 REPAIR PARTS CLUB HOUSE 122515 KOPLOS, GERALD 711.79 26.49 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 200884 317213 12111/2008 102603 JONAS, LENORE 317220 12/11/2008 100845 KREMER SPRING & ALIGNMENT INC. 124.47 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 201209 120508 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 1470.6558 2210.6406 1628.4392.07 1628.6103 07092.1705.20 7412.6406 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS SENIOR TRIPS SENIOR CITIZENS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS CONSULTING DESIGN GENERAL SUPPLIES SIDEWALK- DONCASTER - VERNON A PSTF RANGE 124.47 317214 12/1112008 111018 KEEPRS INC. 119.99 UNIFORM PANTS 00003718 201148 102137 -03 119.99 317215 12111/2008 119705 KLEIN, AARON 118.73 TELEPROMPTER MATERIALS 200882 120308 118.73 317216 12111/2008 123701 KNIGHT, SHIRLEY 61.00 TRIP REFUND 200885 112508 61.00 317217 12111/2008 105887 KOESSLER, JOE 158.00 NOV 2008 SERVICE 200883 .110108 158.00 317218 12/1112008 123747 KOLODJI LANDSCAPING 600.00 LANDSCAPING - 5501 MERRITT CIR 201212 100608 600.00 317219 12/11/2008 122515 KOPLOS, GERALD 26.49 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 200884 120208 26.49 317220 12/11/2008 100845 KREMER SPRING & ALIGNMENT INC. 1470.6558 2210.6406 1628.4392.07 1628.6103 07092.1705.20 7412.6406 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS SENIOR TRIPS SENIOR CITIZENS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS CONSULTING DESIGN GENERAL SUPPLIES SIDEWALK- DONCASTER - VERNON A PSTF RANGE CITY . NA 1. J8 7:59:40 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 17 12/1112008 - 12111/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 336.00 E -81 REPAIRS 201149 INV0031985 1470.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 336.00 317221 12/11/2008 123712 KRUGER, JORDAN 45.00 TOBACCO DECOY 201052 120208 1413.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOBACCO ENFORCEMENT . 45.00 317222 1211112008 116776 KUSTOM KARRIERS 362.62 DWI TOW 201213 120808 4601.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POLICE FORFEITURE 362.62 317223 12/1112008 118660 LAKES AREA HOME IMPROVEMENT SE 309.00 PLUMBING REPAIR - 96 WOODLAND 201214 4549 01345.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -345 WOODLAND CIR 309.00 317224 12/11/2008 100605 LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS 122.95 UNIFORMS 201150 07090985 5620.6201 LAUNDRY EDINBOROUGH PARK 122.95 317225 12/11/2008 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 406.30 SCREWS, BOLTS, DRILL BITS 00001199 200886 7519598 1325.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET NAME SIGNS 254.29 PLOW BOLTS, CLAMPS 00001201 200887 7519597 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 660.59 317226 12111/2008 121152 LEA, STEVE 150.00 ENTERTAINMENT 12/16108 201117 120508 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 150.00 317227 12/11/2008 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 40.00 MEETING REGISTRATION FEE 201215 1 -000035564 1100.6106 MEETING EXPENSE CITY COUNCIL 40.00 317228 12/1112008 102965 LEONE, RON 48.64 PENS 200983 120308 1180.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ELECTION 124.80 ELECTION NIGHT LODGING 200983 120308 1180.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ELECTION 173.44 317229 12/11/2008 122472 M & I BANK 446.81 SUPPLIES 200888 111408 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 446.81 317230 12/11/2008 100865 MAGNUSON SOD R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 12/1012008 7:59:40 Council Check Register Page - 18 12/11/2008 — 12/11/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 24.44 POLY EXPANSION 200984 113008 1314.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET RENOVATION 1,171.50 BRICK SAW 200984 113008 1301.6556 TOOLS GENERAL MAINTENANCE 1,195.94 317231 1211112008 123748 MARCHUK, NICK 100.20 PERMIT REFUND 201216 ED090675 1495.4111 BUILDING PERMITS INSPECTIONS 100.20 317232 12/1112008 100868 MARK VII SALES 3,309.50 200946 407331 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 2,225.95 200947 406561 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 717.60 200948 406382 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 2,329.15 200949 406816 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 3,647.72 201098 409015 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 80.00 201099 408798 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 1,489.55 201100 408797 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 60.00- 201151 INV CORR 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 13,739.47 317233 12111/2008 101425 MASTER ELECTRIC CO. INC. 9,000.00 RUN ELECTRICAL CONDUIT 201152 74386 5600.1720 BUILDINGS EB /CL BALANCE SHEET 9,000.00 317234 12/11/2008 101146 MATRIX TELECOM INC. 184.52 200985 607068453 1550.6188 TELEPHONE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 184.52 317235 12111/2008 101254 MCCORMICK, CAROL 100.00 ENTERTAINMENT 12/18/08 201118 120506 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 100.00 317236 1211112008 101928 MCKENZIE, THOMAS 73.52 UNIFORM PURCHASE 201053 120308 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 73.52 317237 12/11/2008 101790 MCMAHON, DANIEL 105.96 CONFERENCE EXPENSE 201217 120808 1281.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 105.96 317238 12111/2008 105603 MEDICINE LAKE TOURS 1,828.50 PACPHAIL & EQUINE CENTER TRIP 201218 103008 1628.6103.07 TRIPS PROF SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 1,828.50 CITY NA 1, J8 7:59:40 R55CKREG -jG20000 Council Check Register Page - 19 12111/2008 12111 12008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 317239 1211112008 101483 MENARDS 31.89 CAULK, BIT SET 00001215 200889 94535 1301.6556 TOOLS GENERAL MAINTENANCE 47.96 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS 00002109 201155 94884 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 27.41 SCREWS, CLAMPS 00001233 201156 97063 1301.6556 TOOLS GENERAL MAINTENANCE 107.26 317240 1211112008 101987 MENARDS 264.52 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS 00002109 201157 41324 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 11.82 SCREWS 00002109 201158 41436 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 54.06- RETURN 201159 42724 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 147.82 LIGHTS & TIMERS 00002109 201160 42621 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 20.02 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS 00002109 201161 42729 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 39.53 HOOKS 201162 44799 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 429.65 317241 12/11/2008 103192 METRO LEGAL SERVICES 37.00 TITLE/TAX SEARCH 201219 1554045 , 2127.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMM DEV BLK GRANT 37.00 317242 12/11/2008 100885 METRO SALES INC 314.74 COPIER RENTAL 200890 43787A 1180.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL ELECTION 314.74 317243 1211112008 102507 METRO VOLLEYBALL OFFICIALS 106.00 OFFICIATING FEES 201220 3454 4077.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 106.00 317244 12111/2008 100886 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 350,509.50 SAC CHARGE - NOV 2008 201221 120508 1495.4307 SAC CHARGES INSPECTIONS 350,509.50 317245 12111/2008 100887 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIRONME 344,406.11 SEWER SERVICE 200986 0000887372 5922.6302 SEWER SERVICE METRO SEWER TREATMENT 344,406.11 317246 1211112008 102068 METROPOLITAN MECHANICAL CONTRA 529.88 MCQUAY REPAIR 00002289 201153 205044821 5620.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EDINBOROUGH PARK 529.88 317247 1211112008 104650 MICRO CENTER 10.64 VIDEO SPUTTERS 00004444 200891 1995017 1120.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 12/10/2008 7:59:40 Council Check Register Page - 20 12111/2008 - 12/1112008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 10.64 VIDEO SPUTTERS 00004444 200891 1995017 1554.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 35.12 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 00004440 201222 1979446 2210.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 56.40 317248 12/11/2008 100891 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORP. 719.02 ASPHALT 00005748 200892 97815MB 1314.6518 BLACKTOP STREET RENOVATION 719.02 317249 12/11/2008 100895 MILWAUKEE ELECTRIC TOOL CORPOR • 29.31 STOOL BAG 00003761 201154 8150499 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 29.31 317250 12/11/2008 102582 MINN DEPT. OF LABOR & INDUSTRY 120.00 LICENSE RENEWAL - T. EISERT 200987 060942 -PM 1495.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INSPECTIONS 120.00 317251 12/11/2008 100522 MINNESOTA AIR INC. 214.24 MOTOR 00001290 200893 1147316 -00 1552.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENT SVC PW BUILDING 214.24 317252 12/11/2008 101638 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 70.00 FDA PLAN REVIEW COURSE 201223 120508 1490.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS PUBLIC HEALTH 70.00 317253 12/11/2008 108612 MINNESOTA GREEN EXPO 312.00 EXPO REGISTRATION 200894 120208 5410.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS GOLF ADMINISTRATION 312.00 317254 12/11/2008. 101376 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPMENT 98.41 THREAD ADAPTER 00001218 200818 0234674 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 98.41 317255 12/11/2008 118144 MINNESOTA PREMIER PUBLICATIONS 486.00 NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING 201224 57248 5822.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 50TH ST SELLING 486.00 NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING 201224 57248 5842.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER YORK SELLING 486.00 NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING 201224 57248 - 5862.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER VERNON SELLING 1,458.00 317256 12/11/2008 100908 MINNESOTA WANNER CO. 34.08 GAUGES 00001157 200819 0078535 -IN 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 26.63 STEEL TUBE 00005921 201163 0078559 -IN 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 217.09 MOTOR FOR ELECTRIC VALVE 00001222 201164 0078558 -IN 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1. J8 7:59:40 Page - 21 Business Unit SKATING RINK MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN COLLECTION SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS PSTF RANGE INSPECTIONS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN GOLF ADMINISTRATION PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL GOLF BALANCE SHEET PUBLIC HEALTH CITY NA R55CKREG .G20000 Council Check Register 12/11/2008 - 12/11/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 1,143.81 VALVES FOR TANKER 00005999 201225 0078580 -IN 1648.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 96.78 WELD SHELF UNIT 00005924 201226 0078581 -IN 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 1,518.39 317257 12/1112008 108636 MINNESOTA WASTEWATER OPERATORS 25.00 MWOA DUES - ROGER GLANZER 200988 DUES2008 5923.6260 LICENSES & PERMITS 25.00 317258 12111/2008 102577 MISTER CAR WASH 324.80 CAR WASH TICKETS 00001228 200820 FLEETPREPAID290 1553.6238 CAR WASH 324.80 317259 12/11/2008 102775 MN DNR WATERS 632.00 DNR WATER WELL PERMITS 200895 2003 - 3049 5422.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 632.00 317260 12111/2008 120996 MOBILE MINI INC. 93.54 STORAGE UNIT 200896 151017716 7412.6153 STORAGE 93.54 317261 1211112008 123742 MOELLER, SCOTT 8.50 PERMIT OVERCHARGE REFUND 201227 120508 1495.4111 BUILDING PERMITS 8.50 317262 12/11/2008 121491 MORRIE'S PARTS & SERVICE GROUP 36.73 SOLENOID ASSEMBLY 00005637 200897 460676F6W 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 36.73 317263 1211112008 102421 MPGMA 180.00 MEETING FEE (4) 201228 112508 5410.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 180.00 317264 12111/2008 100092 MPSA 70.00 MEMBERSHIP 00005994 200898 120108 1640.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 70.00 317265 12111/2008 100906 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC. 16,555.86 3200 TORO WORKMAN 00006122 200821 645914 -00 5400.1740 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 16, 555.86 317266 12/1112008 101472 NEHA 95.00 MEMBERSHIP - C. ENGELMAN 200899 NDHAID2245 1490.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1. J8 7:59:40 Page - 21 Business Unit SKATING RINK MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN COLLECTION SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS PSTF RANGE INSPECTIONS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN GOLF ADMINISTRATION PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL GOLF BALANCE SHEET PUBLIC HEALTH R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 1211112008 - 12111/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 12/10/2008 7:59:40 Page - 22 Business Unit CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS CENT SERV GEN - MIS SIGNS & POSTS STREET NAME SIGNS SALT SNOW & ICE REMOVAL SALT SNOW & ICE REMOVAL DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL REPAIR PARTS DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS DISTRIBUTION PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INSPECTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES ARENA ADMINISTRATION 95.00 ED ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLIES ED ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 317267 12/11/2008 105061 NEW HORIZONS 2,750.00 TECHNOLOGY CLASS 00004450 201054 224658 1554.6104 2,750.00 317268 12/11/2008 100922 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS 1,471.40 SIGNS, LETTERING 00001284 201166 TI- 0201684 1325.6531 1,471.40 317269 12/1112008 117102 NORTH AMERICAN SALT CO. 2,600.71 ICE MELT SALT 00005404 201167 70281028 1318.6525 7,858.30 ICE MELT SALT 00005404 201168 70280267 1318.6525 10,459.01 317270 12/11/2008 105205 NORTH CENTRAL EMS COOPERATIVE 75.00 DUES 201165 120408 1470.6105 75.00 317271 12/11/2008 100712 NORTHERN WATER WORKS SUPPLY 475.48 12" HYD EXTENSION 00002354 200822 S01179322.001 5913.6530 410.59 6" HYD EXTENSION 00002354 200823 501179322.002 5913.6530 886.07 317272 12/11/2008 102138 NORTHERN WINDS CONCERT BAND 75.00 ENTERTAINMENT 12114/08 201116 120508 5610.6136 75.00 317273 12/11/2008 102652 NORTHLAND CHEMICAL CORP. 410.61 ODOR ELIMINATOR, CLEANERS 00005975 200900 5018755 1646.6406 410.61 317274 12/11/2008 116114 OCE 170.19 NOV 2008 MAINTENANCE 200989 986625052 1495.6103 170.19 317275 12/11/2008 103578 OFFICE DEPOT 14.35 OFFICE CALENDARS 00008065 200990 454253472 -001 5510.6513 17.14 BIRTHDAY PARTY PRINTING 201169 452510174 -001 5610.6575 207.01 TONER 201170 451502417 -001 5610.6406 30.28 LABELS 00006034 201229 454335652 -001 5410.6513 268.78 12/10/2008 7:59:40 Page - 22 Business Unit CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS CENT SERV GEN - MIS SIGNS & POSTS STREET NAME SIGNS SALT SNOW & ICE REMOVAL SALT SNOW & ICE REMOVAL DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL REPAIR PARTS DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS DISTRIBUTION PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INSPECTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES ARENA ADMINISTRATION PRINTING ED ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLIES ED ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 1. 38 7:59:40 Page- 23 Business Unit UTILITY BALANCE SHEET EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN TREES & MAINTENANCE PATHS & HARD SURFACE 160 00 HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 200902 112608 1600.4390.47 SPRING BREAK HS MUSICAL PARTY PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 160.00 CITY NA R55CKREG G20000 12/11/2008, 101718 PARTS PLUS 871.23 AUTO PARTS Council Check Register 113008 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 871.23 12111/2008 — 12111/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 317276 12/11/2008 123744 OLEJNICAK, RICHARD 1,234.14 200950 8206088 -IN 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 146.84 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 201230 120508. 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 146.84 1,423.90 201025 8206080 -IN 317277 12/11/2008 100936 OLSEN COMPANIES 1,836.00 201026 8206098 -IN 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 71.42 CHAIN 00005918 200824 530667 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 85.20 ROPE FOR FORESTRY 00005988 200901 530681 1644.6556 TOOLS 156.62 1,345.00 EXTEND BERM AT GARDEN PK 00005998 200991 112508 317278 1211112008 120860 OLSSON ASSOCIATES 2,778.25 PLANT TREES AND SEED 00005854 201231 11/2212008 05480.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 3,040.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 00007070 200825 120$79 1647.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3,040.00 12/11/2008 119372 PETSMART#463 317279 12/11/2008 122529 ONCE UPON A STAR 84.43 K9 DOG FOOD 00003037 201055 T -6396 1. 38 7:59:40 Page- 23 Business Unit UTILITY BALANCE SHEET EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN TREES & MAINTENANCE PATHS & HARD SURFACE 160 00 HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 200902 112608 1600.4390.47 SPRING BREAK HS MUSICAL PARTY PARK ADMIN. GENERAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING PATHS & HARD SURFACE WM -480 NEW WELL #20 PHASE 2 EDINA CRIME FUND K9 DONATION 1,681.66 201027 2689608 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 2,400.96 201028 2689606 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 808.18 201029 2689607 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 160.00 317280 12/11/2008, 101718 PARTS PLUS 871.23 AUTO PARTS 200903 113008 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 871.23 317281 12/1112008 100347 PAUSTIS & SONS 1,234.14 200950 8206088 -IN 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 31.00 201025 8206080 -IN 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 1,423.90 201025 8206080 -IN 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1,836.00 201026 8206098 -IN 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4,525.04 317282 12/1112008 100948 PERKINS LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS 1,345.00 EXTEND BERM AT GARDEN PK 00005998 200991 112508 1647.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,778.25 PLANT TREES AND SEED 00005854 201231 11/2212008 05480.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 4,123.25 317283 12/11/2008 119372 PETSMART#463 84.43 K9 DOG FOOD 00003037 201055 T -6396 4607.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 84.43 317284 12/11/2008 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING PATHS & HARD SURFACE WM -480 NEW WELL #20 PHASE 2 EDINA CRIME FUND K9 DONATION 1,681.66 201027 2689608 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 2,400.96 201028 2689606 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 808.18 201029 2689607 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 12/10/2008 7:59:40 Council Check Register Page - 24 12/11/2008 - 12111/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 5,402.82 201101 2689602 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,040.87 201102 2689605 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 186.72 201103 2689604 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 1,332.20 201104 2689603 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 83.62 201105 2689600 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 1,316.08 201106 2689601 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 14,253.11 317285 12/11/2008 111779 PIONEER RESEARCH CORPORATION 2,083.52 ICE MELT 00001202 200826 208331 1318.6516 CALCIUM CHLORIDE SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 2,083.52 317286 12/11/2008 100956 PIPE SERVICES CORP 1,799.96 SEWER TELEVISING 00005016 201232 2007215 5923.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS COLLECTION SYSTEMS 1,799.96 317287 12111/2008 123725 PITNEY BOWES INC. 207.87 POSTAGE SUPPLIES 201171 327155 5610.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ED ADMINISTRATION 207.87 317288 12/11/2008 100958 PLUNKETT'S PEST CONTROL 44.36 PEST CONTROL 200904 1223620 7411.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSTF OCCUPANCY 44.36 317289 12111/2008 120988 PLYMOUTH FRAMERY 465.02 PICTURE FRAMING 201056 874668 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 465.02 317290 12/11/2008 119620 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC. 291.83 TIRE SERVICE 00001040 200827 377368 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 94.25 TIRES 00001158 200828 380046 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 120.00 SCRAP TIRE DISPOSAL 00001040 200829 382175 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 506.08 317291 12/11/2008 100961 POSTMASTER - USPS 300.00 NEWSLETTER POSTAGE 200905 120208 1628.6235 POSTAGE SENIOR CITIZENS 300.00 317292 12/11/2008 100968 PRIOR WINE COMPANY 166.15 200951 151698 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 664.50 200952 151693 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,273.60 200953 151702 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING R55CKREG _JG20000 CITY iNA 1. 08 7:59:40 Council Check Register Page - 25 12/11/2008 - 1211112008 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2,104.25 317293 12/11/2008 106322 PROSOURCE SUPPLY 1,110.71 SOAP, LINERS, CLEANERS 00002287 201172 4333 5620.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 512.58 WIPES, LINERS, TOWELS 00002091 201173 4336 5630.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 1,623.29 317294 12/11/2008 119439 QUALITY LAWN SPRINKLER SERVICE 76.39 SPRINKLER REPAIR -5212 DUNCRAIG 201233 6534 01342.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -042 HIGHLANDS AREA 76.39 317295 1211112008 123749 QUALITY SEASONS LAWN CARE SERV 541.34 SPRINKLER REPAIR -4116 SUNNYSID0005461 201234 2490 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 541.34 317296 12/1112008 100971 QUALITY WINE 3,032.11 200954 092589 -00 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,054.34 200955 092330 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,778.20 200956 092686-00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,510.25 200957 092595 -00 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 654.84 200958 092596 -00 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 171.20 200959 092688 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 301.60 200960 092687 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 493.50 200961 091843 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 207.87 201030 092321 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3,383.70 201031 091865 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 4,242.43 201032 092685 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 161.56- 201033 075586 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 75.00 201107 065113 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 17,743.48 317297 1211112008 101965 QWEST 55.24 952 929 -0297 200906 0297 -11/08 4090.6188 TELEPHONE STREET REVOLVING 78.49 952 929 -9549 200907 9549 -11/08 5841.6188 TELEPHONE YORK OCCUPANCY 262.71 952 927 -8861 200908 8861 -11/08 1550.6188 TELEPHONE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 40.02 952 922 -9246 201057 9246 -11/08 1400.6188 TELEPHONE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 51.78 952 926 -0092 201235 0092 -12/08 5913.6188 TELEPHONE DISTRIBUTION 18.18 651 281 -1355 B001311 201236 1311 -12/08 1400.6188 TELEPHONE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 86.62 952 926 -0419 201237 0419 -12/08 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 55.41 201238 112808 5911.6188 TELEPHONE WELL PUMPS 58.10 201238 112808 1628.6188 TELEPHONE SENIOR CITIZENS 83.41 201238 112808 5861.6188 TELEPHONE VERNON OCCUPANCY R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 12111/2008 123668 SA-SO 12/11/2008 - 1211112008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 97.02 201238 112808 5821.6188 TELEPHONE 102.46 201238 112808 5841.6188 TELEPHONE 115.36 201238 112808 1470.6188 TELEPHONE 161.90 201238 112808 5610.6188 TELEPHONE 164.57 201238 112808 1622.6188 TELEPHONE 233.16 201238 112808 1646.6188 TELEPHONE 264.75 201238 112808 5932.6188 TELEPHONE 294.21 201238 112808 5511.6188 TELEPHONE 2,085.25 201238 112808 1550.6188 TELEPHONE GENERAL SUPPLIES LUBRICANTS REPAIR PARTS GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GENERAL SUPPLIES ADVERTISING OTHER TOOLS 12/10/2008 7:59:40 Page - 26 Business Unit 50TH ST OCCUPANCY YORK OCCUPANCY FIRE DEPT. GENERAL ED ADMINISTRATION SKATING 8 HOCKEY BUILDING MAINTENANCE GENERAL STORM SEWER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL PSTF ADMINISTRATION EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN GOLF ADMINISTRATION EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT STREET REVOLVING GOLF DOME PROGRAM GENERAL MAINTENANCE SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT EDINBOROUGH PARK 4,308.64 317298 12111/2008 123668 SA-SO 30.56 SIGNS 200909 5047963 7410.6406 30.56 317299 12111/2008 100988 SAFETY KLEEN 165.44 BRAKE CLEANER 00001280 201174 0037797349 1553.6584 112.26 RECYCLING PARTS WASHER 00001280 201175 MB02497953 1553.6530 277.70 317300 12/11/2008 101822 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 138.00 101 - 25373069350 201239 SIGN 5410.6406 138.00 317301 12111/2008 123750 SCALE -TEC LTD 3,075.00 SALT CALIBRATION SCALE 00005407 201240 8046 •1305.6710 3,075.00 317302 12/11/2008 105442 SCHERER BROS. LUMBER CO. 40.70 LUMBER 00001275 200992 40706182 4090.6406 40.70 317303 12/11/2008 123751 SECTIONAL HOCKEY TOURNAMENTS 110.00 GOLF DOME AD 201241 111808 5210.6122 110.00 317304 12/11/2008 101862 SEVEN CORNERS HARDWARE INC. 74.50 SANDER 00001289 201242 132701 1301.6556 74.50 317305 12/11/2008 105654 SIMPLEX GRINNELL LP 430.81 FIRE ALARM MONITORING 201176 72563353 5620.6230 GENERAL SUPPLIES LUBRICANTS REPAIR PARTS GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GENERAL SUPPLIES ADVERTISING OTHER TOOLS 12/10/2008 7:59:40 Page - 26 Business Unit 50TH ST OCCUPANCY YORK OCCUPANCY FIRE DEPT. GENERAL ED ADMINISTRATION SKATING 8 HOCKEY BUILDING MAINTENANCE GENERAL STORM SEWER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL PSTF ADMINISTRATION EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN GOLF ADMINISTRATION EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT STREET REVOLVING GOLF DOME PROGRAM GENERAL MAINTENANCE SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT EDINBOROUGH PARK CITY INA 1 i08 7:59:40 R55CKREL -)G20000 Council Check Register Page - 27 12/11/2008 -- 12/11/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 430.81 317306 1211112008 101000 SIR SPEEDY 182.69 EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION FORMS 200830 59003 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 182.69 317307 12/1112008 123704 SOUTHERN BELLE BRASS 479.57 BRASS BUGGY 00007411 200910 7766 7412.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF RANGE 479.57 317308 1211112008 101021 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA LLC 884.33 041 9133 038 GAS 200831 112408 1553.6581 GASOLINE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 884.33 317309 12/11/2008 104672 SPRINT 327.92 CONNECTION CARDS 201243 312188813 -012 1470.6188 TELEPHONE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 327.92 317310 1211112008 101016 SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC 6,954.68 70TH ST CORRIDOR STUDY 201244 5863 -22 1500.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTINGENCIES 6,954.68 317311 1211112008 103277 ST. JOSEPH EQUIPMENT CO INC 93.39 BUMPER 00005915 200832 SI68388 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 73.08 GAS STRUT 00005913 200833 SI68265 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 166.47 317312 12/1112008 123705 STANCH, LINDA 343.85 REFUND OF DOUBLE PAYMENT 200993 120308 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 343.85 317313 12/11/2008 101009 STATE TREASURER 20.00 CBO RENEWAL - S. KIRCHMAN 200994 120108 1495.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INSPECTIONS 20.00 317314 12111/2008 105352 STEPHENSON, TED 100.00 UNIFORM PURCHASE 200995 120108 5630.6201 LAUNDRY CENTENNIAL LAKES 100.00 317315 12111/2008 123752 STOFER, GORDON 108.98 DOG FENCE REPAIRS 201245 120808 01345.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -345 WOODLAND CIR 108.98 317319 12/11/2008 123741 SWANHORST, KARIE CITY OF EDINA 12110/2008 7:59:40 R55CKREG LOG20000 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 201247 120408 99.50 317320 12/1112008 Council Check Register 103964 SWANSON, MICHAEL Page - 28 19.00 LICENSE UPGRADE 12/11/2008 -- 12/11/2008 120308 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 317316 12/1112008 112668 STONEBROOKE EQUIPMENT INC. 52.00 BEERLINE CLEANING 201248 755010 2,497.76 1575 SNOWEX SPREADER 00001234 201246 11903 1650.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 317322 12/11/2008 2,497.76 123753 TERRA VISTA LANDSCAPE & DESIGN 1,391.10 317317 1211112008 08- 228441 100900 SUN NEWSPAPERS 1,391.10 317323 42.90 PUBLISH NOTICE 200911 110814798 1120.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL ADMINISTRATION 286.92 39.33 PUBLISH NOTICE 00014798 200912 1141151 1180.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL ELECTION 82.23 317324 1211112008 101035 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 317318 12/11/2008 120998 SURLY BREWING CO. 201109 520430 2,234.15 430.00 201108 6208 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 317319 12/11/2008 123741 SWANHORST, KARIE 99.50 OVERPAYMENT REFUND 201247 120408 99.50 317320 12/1112008 103964 SWANSON, MICHAEL 19.00 LICENSE UPGRADE 200996 120308 19.00 317321 1211112008 111616 T.D. ANDERSON INC. 52.00 BEERLINE CLEANING 201248 755010 52.00 317322 12/11/2008 123753 TERRA VISTA LANDSCAPE & DESIGN 1,391.10 LANDSCAPING4600 MOORLAND 00001793 201249 08- 228441 1,391.10 317323 12/11/2008 101029 TESSMAN SEED CO. 286.92 TOOLS 00005996 200913 S104935 -IN 286.92 317324 1211112008 101035 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 2,234.15 201109 520430 2,234.15 317325 12111/2008 101826 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP. 776.00 YEARLY SERVICE CONTRACT 201250 950880 776.00 5401.4521 1281.6104 5421.6230 01214.1705.20 1646.6556 5862.5514 CONCESSION SALES GOLF REVENUES CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT GRILL CONSULTING DESIGN TOOLS PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN BUILDING MAINTENANCE COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 5420.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CLUB HOUSE CITY NA 1. J8 7:59:40 R55CKREG .G20000 Council Check Register Page - 29 12/11/2008 - 12/11/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 317326 12/1112008 120700 TIGER OAK PUBLICATIONS INC. 500.00 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 200997 2008 -15198 5862.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER VERNON SELLING 500.00 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 200997 2008 -15198 5822.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER BOTH ST SELLING 500.00 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 200997 2008 -15198 5842.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER YORK SELLING 175.00 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 201251 2008 -26756 5822.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 50TH ST SELLING 175.00 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 201251 2008 -26756 5842.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER YORK SELLING 175.00 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 201251 2008 -26756 5862.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER VERNON SELLING 2,025.00 317327 12/11/2008 .121708 TIMBERLAND OUTDOOR SERVICES IN 908.84 OUTDOOR DECORATIONS 201177 6402 5620.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINBOROUGH PARK 908.84 317328 12/1112008 101038 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPLY 61.77 ARGON 00006362 200834 244875 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 61.77 317329 12/11/2008 123754 TOUCHSTONE ACCENT LIGHTING 144.06 WIRE REPAIRS 201252 21972 01345.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -345 WOODLAND CIR 144.06 317330 12111/2008 101360 TWIN CITY HARDWARE 58.50 KICK PLATE 201178 328599 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 58.50 317331 12111/2008 101049 UHL COMPANY 549.24 SENSOR MAINTENANCE 201179 38835 45008.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FIRE STATION #1 RENOVATION 549.24 317332 1211112008 101053 UNITED ELECTRIC COMPANY 696.07 PLUGS 00001151 201180 610331 5921.6530 REPAIR PARTS SANITARY LIFT STATION MAINT 696.07 317333 12/11/2008 101908 US FOODSERVICE INC 142.68 CUST 114300 201253 113008 5421.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES GRILL 1,000.54 CUST 114300 201253 113008 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 1,143.22 317334 12/11/2008 122554 VALLEY NATIONAL GASES LLC 63.90 OXYGEN 00003649 201181 813700 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 63.90 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 12/10/2008 7:59:40 Council Check Register Page - 30 12/11/2008 - 12111/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 317335 12/1112008 101058 VAN PAPER CO. 284.67 CAN LINERS 00005774 200998 102713 -01 1645.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES LITTER REMOVAL 284.67 317336 12/11/2008 101063 VERSATILE VEHICLES INC. 193.49 BELTS, SPARK PLUGS 00006361 200835 40595 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 193.49 317337 12111/2008 101069 VOSS LIGHTING 126.53 BULBS 00001211 200836 15117248 -00 1552.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENT SVC PW BUILDING 126.53 317338 12/11/2008 121042 WALLACE CARLSON PRINTING 421.00 WINTER CLASS SCHEDULE 00009430 200999 21838 5110.6235 POSTAGE ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 2,217.52 WINTER CLASS SCHEDULE 00009430 200999 21838 5110.6575 PRINTING ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 2,638.52 317339 12/11/2008 103466 WASTE MANAGEMENT - SAVAGE MN 3,749.42 REFUSE 201000 4803778 4095.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH STREET RUBBISH ' 4,250.07 REFUSE 201254 4809516 4095.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH STREET RUBBISH 7,999.49 317340 12/11/2008 123616 WATER CONSERVATION SERVICE INC 229.00 LEAK LOCATING 00005857 201182 976 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 229.00 317341 12/11/2008 101944 WATERSTREET, JOAN M 140.61 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 201255 120508 1400.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 140.61 317342 12/1112008 123707 WEER, JOLENE 375.00 RENTAL REFUND 201001 120408 5601.4555 CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK EB /CL REVENUES 375.00 317343 12/11/2008 105613 WICKLUND, MITZI 84.83 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 201256 120808 1190.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ASSESSING 84.83 317344 12/11/2008 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 464.25 201034 207104 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 871.20 201110 207217 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 441.85 201111 207211 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING CITY , NA 1. J8 7:59:40 R55CKREG G20000 Council Check Register Page- 31 1211112008 - 12111/2008 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 1,777.30 317345 12/11/2008 101312 WINE MERCHANTS 755.84 201035 254873 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 689.34 201036 254871 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,291.07 201037 254192 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 586.85 201038 254185 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 184.24 201112 254869 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,546.83 201113 254872 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 192.94 201114 254870 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 6,247.11 317346 12/11/2008 101086 WORLD CLASS WINES INC 626.91 200962 221156 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,120.13 201039 221155 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 3,330.85 201040 221152 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 439.80 201115 221207 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5,517.69 317347 1211112008 101726 XCEL ENERGY 35.91 51- 8102668 -0 200837 176483869 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 1,601.29 51- 5547446 -1 200838 176257076 1628.6185 LIGHT & POWER SENIOR CITIZENS 57.60 51- 6692497 -0 200839 176281609 1460.6185 LIGHT & POWER CIVILIAN DEFENSE 200.59 514827232 -6 200840 176416883 5311.6185 LIGHT & POWER POOL OPERATION 139.15 51- 6229265 -9 200841 176608752 1481.6185 LIGHT & POWER YORK FIRE STATION 2,045.20 51- 6229265 -9 200841 176608752 1470.6185 LIGHT & POWER FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 500.55 51- 6046826 -0 200842 176606170 5422.6185 LIGHT & POWER MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 126.10 514156445 -0 200843 176578499 5932.6185 LIGHT & POWER GENERAL STORM SEWER 296.97 51- 5938955 -6 200844 176604602 4086.6185 LIGHT & POWER AQUATIC WEEDS 86.98 51- 5634814 -2 200845 176599501 5933.6185 LIGHT & POWER PONDS & LAKES 1,992.59 514159265 -8 200914 175892588 7411.6185 LIGHT & POWER PSTF OCCUPANCY 974.40 51- 5847121 -5 201257 176795663 5914.6185 LIGHT & POWER TANKS TOWERS & RESERVOIR 17,056.71 514888627 -1 201258 176774194 5511.6185 LIGHT & POWER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 3,703.83 51- 6121102 -5 201259 177105494 1646.6185 LIGHT & POWER BUILDING MAINTENANCE 29,017.87 317348 12/1112008 100568 XEROX CORPORATION 30.09 NOV USAGE - BLDG/ENG 00004322 200846 037043820 1550.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 144.73 NOV USAGE - PARK & REC 00004322 200847 037043821 1550.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 106.80 NOV USAGE 201002 037043995 5110.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 103.72 STAPLES 201058 104854946 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 385.34 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Check # Date 317349 12/11/2008 317350 12/11/2008 Subledger Account Description REPAIR PARTS 1,254,964.85 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 1,254,964.85 Total Payments . 1,254,964.85 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 12110/2008 7:59:40 Page- 32 Business Unit CENTENNIAL LAKES ARENA ADMINISTRATION Council Check Register 12111/2008 -- 12/11/2008 Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 101572 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 957.28 TUBE BROOM REFILLS 00002093 201183 120081 5630.6530 957.28 101089 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 161.78 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 00008067 200915 54063987 5510.6610 161.78 Subledger Account Description REPAIR PARTS 1,254,964.85 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 1,254,964.85 Total Payments . 1,254,964.85 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 12110/2008 7:59:40 Page- 32 Business Unit CENTENNIAL LAKES ARENA ADMINISTRATION R55CKSUM 10000 Company Amount 01000 GENERAL FUND 477,861.01 02100 CDBG FUND 27,937.00 02200 COMMUNICATIONS FUND 744.31 03066 IBR #2 FUND 11,747.46 04000 WORKING CAPITAL FUND 34,820.82 04800 CONSTRUCTION FUND 3,396.00 05100 ART CENTER FUND 4,154.41 05200 GOLF DOME FUND 2,621.25 05300 AQUATIC CENTER FUND 400.97 05400 GOLF COURSE FUND 25,110.68 05500 ICE ARENA FUND 19,221.80 05600 EDINBOROUGH /CENT LAKES FUND 26,117.67 05800 LIQUOR FUND 215,752.75 05900 UTILITY FUND 362,903.83 05930 STORM SEWER FUND 985.46 05950 RECYCLING FUND 35,380.00 07400 PSTF AGENCY FUND 5,809.43 Report Totals 1,254,964.85 CITY k JA 1: 18 8:01:18 Council Check Summary Page - 1 12/11/2008 - 12/11/2008 We confirm to the best of our Imowiedge and belief, that these claims comply in all material respects with the requirements of the City of Edina purchasing polices and procedures dat � e CITY OF EDINA CITY COUNCIL CREDIT CARD PAYMENT REGISTER 10/28/08-11/25/08 Card Holder Aerchani Account Name Trans Date Amount Purchase Discription Merchant Name Merchant City State Code JOHN KEPRIOS 2008/10/26 $60.00 ADAPTIVE REC PROGRAM RAIN SNOW OR SHINE GOLICHASKA MN JOHN KEPRIOS 2008/10/28 $100.00 POSTAGE PITNEYBOWES POSTAGE 800 -468 -8454 CT JOHN KEPRIOS 2008/11/08 $29.36 EQUIPMENT RENTAL PITNEY BOWES RENTAL 800 - 228 -1071 CT JOHN KEPRIOS 2008/11/12 $177.20 MEGAPHONE RADIOSHACK.COM 800 - THESHACK PA JOHN KEPRIOS 2008/11/20 $31.58 CALENDARS CALENDARS 800 - 365 -9327 NY DEB MANGEN 2008/11/05 $125.30 ELECTION NIGHT ROOM RESIDENCE INNS EDINA EDINA MN DEB MANGEN 2008111/13 $108.42 EATING PLACES AND RESTAUR/ DAVANNI'S #15 EDINA MN DEB MANGEN 2008/11/19 $134.65 ELECTION NIGHT MEALS EDDINGTONS EDINA MINNEAPOLIS MN MIKE SIITARI 2008/10/27 $127.10 IN- SERVICE SUPPLIES DICK'S CLOTH ING &SPORTIP RICHFIELD MN MIKE SIITARI 2008/10/31 $131.98 IN- SERVICE SUPPLIES SPORTS AUTHORITY #709 EDEN PRAIRIE MN MIKE SIITARI 2008/10/31 $374.70 RIFLE MAGAZINES 44MAG DISTRIBUTING LLC 541 - 4127949 OR MIKE SIITARI 2008/11/06 $42.90 POSTER PIONEER PRESS ADVERTIS 651 - 2285077 MN MIKE SIITARI 2008/11/07 $69.65 IN- SERVICE SUPPLIES GANDER MOUNTA100104892 EDEN PRAIRIE MN MIKE SIITARI .2008/11/12 $127.14 AWARD PLAQUE OFFICE DEPOT #0310 BLOOMINGTON MN MIKE SIITARI 2008/11/17 $120.00 AIR PURIFIER FILTERS FILTERA 281 - 933 -1100 TX MIKE SIITARI 2008/11/18 $616.50 NORTHWEST NWA AIR 0122172689231 800 - 2252525 MN MIKE SIITARI 2008/11/18 $20.00 NORTHWEST NWA AIR 0120263329030 800 - 2252525 MN JOHN WALLIN 2008/11/03 $158.71 COMP PLAN MEAL PANERA BREAD #1307 SAINT LOUIS P MN JOHN WALLIN 2008/11/17 $299.31 CAMCORDER BEST BUY MHT 00006114 EDEN PRAIRIE MN JOHN WALLIN 2008/11/18 $136.92 COMP PLAN MEAL PANERA BREAD #1307 SAINT LOUIS P MN $2,991.42 We confirm to the best of our knowledge and belief, that these claims comply in all material respects with the requirements of the City of Edina purchasing polici d Drocaduras data 1 �- 11Ctc>.F 1629.6406 5610.6235 5610.6235 5410.6406 5410.6513 1180.6103 1180.6106 1180.6106 1400.6104 1400.6104 1400.6104 1400.6406 1400.6104 1400.6406 1400.6406 1400.6104 1400.6104 1140.6106 2210.6406 1140.6106 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # VLB From: John Wallin Consent ❑ Finance Director - Information Only ❑ Date: December 16, 2008 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Levy and Budget Adoption Action ❑ Motion Hearing ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Adopt Resolution approving the budget for 2009 expenditures at $32,437,957.00 and set the total Tax Capacity Levy at $23,553,721.00 and the total Market Value based debt budget and Referendum Levy at $600,212.00. Also transfer $203,969 surplus gymnasium construction funds to the Series 2005A debt service fund, $200,000.00 of one time excess increment to the public works facility debt service, and $400,000 of the General Fund's unappropriated surplus to the construction fund. Info /Background: The attached resolution approves the General Fund budget and the tax capacity debt levies. The 20 years of referendum levy were set in 1996 when the GO Park and Recreation Bonds Series 1996B were issued and reset when those bonds were refunded by GO Park and Recreation Bonds Series 2005A. For both issues all levies were set by law at 105% of the corresponding annual debt service payments. The debt service fund is now sufficient to cover any foreseeable tax shortages and I would recommend canceling the portion of the 2009 levy in excess of the annual debt service payment. , Future referendum levies remain at the 105% level and would require canceling a portion of the levy on an annual basis depending on the amount needed to maintain a sufficient debt service fund. The attached memo states the recommendation of staff on alternatives for Council consideration. This proposed budget has, changed from the previous version by 0 decreasing the budgeted amount of Gas and Fuel Oil by $110,000.00 in the Equipment Operation section. Because this line item is part of a central service budget $99,168.00 affects various departments in the General Fund and $10,832.00 affects enterprise funds. The budget amount for contingencies has been increased $99,168.00. The total proposed expenditures and tax levy have not changed from previous budget documents. Memo To: City Council From: Gordon L. Hughes, City Manager Date: December 11, 2008 Re: 2009 Budget At the close of the December 1, 2008, Truth in Taxation hearing, the Council directed that I prepare alternatives for consideration should the Council wish to reduce the 2009 tax levy from that adopted in September. For planning purposes, the Council targeted an expenditure reduction such that the increase in the 2009 general fund levy (exclusive of debt service levies) would be 3.9 %. This would require a levy reduction of approximately 0.5% from the levy proposed at the TiTh hearing. Effect of Lew Reduction Before discussing specific alternatives, the Council should understand the effect of the targeted levy reduction. Were the Council to reduce the levy by 0.5 %, the general fund levy would decrease approximately $100,000. The resultant annual savings for the median valued residential property in Edina would approximate $3 in 2009. In my opinion, this reduction is de minimis and should not be considered by the Council. Alternatives for Reduction If the Council wishes to reduce the levy as described above, the most obvious target would be the fuel /equipment operation /petroleum based budgets. When the 2009 budget was being prepared, the City was faced with extraordinarily high forecasts for our fuel and petroleum budget. Needless to say, this forecast has decreased substantially in the last couple of months. In my opinion, a $100,000 reduction in this budget area is entirely reasonable were the Council to conclude that the aforementioned levy reduction was required. Although petroleum prices could rebound in 2009, the Council should be aware that the City will contract for most of its 2009 fuel needs in the next few weeks. Therefore, the effect of a rebound in prices will be mitigated by this advanced purchasing. Other Considerations Current economic conditions affect all cities including Edina. These conditions could affect 2009 revenues principally in four ways: • Loss of State Aid. Edina is fortunate at times like this to receive little State aid. Although we receive no Local Government Aid (LGA), our budget anticipated receiving approximately $250,000 in Market Value Homestead Credit (MVHC) in 2009. Based upon recent comments from the Governor and legislative leaders, we anticipate that that the 2009 will be cancelled. In fact, it seems likely that our second half 2008 MVHC payment due this month will be "unallotted" and not paid to the City. Tax Delinquencies. Our 2009 budget assumes that approximately $162,000 of property taxes levied won't be collected due to delinquencies. Based upon our December tax collections, it is likely that we will be short of budget in this area. If 2009 mimics 2008, we will be $300,000 short of budget rather than $162,000. • Licenses and Permits. License and permit revenues are directly related to building activity. 2008 revenues continue to be ahead of budget and are also ahead of 2007 actual collections. It is unclear if this will continue in 2009. • Investment Income. The 2009 budget forecasts investment earnings at $322,000. Due to economic conditions, -short term investment rates have fallen and we will likely be short of budget in this area. 2009 Budget Recommendations Based on the above noted issues and concerns, we recommend the, following: 1. Adopt the full general fund levy. As mentioned above, reducing the levy by 0.5% has a negligible effect on a resident's tax bill and reduces a revenue source that will likely be needed to offset revenue shortages in other areas. 2. Reduce fuel /petroleum expenditure budgets but increase the contingency budget. The 2009 proposed budget is clearly strong on forecasted energy /petroleum costs. Given the uncertainties in our revenue budget, we suggest that the reductions in the fuel/petroleum budgets be reallocated to contingencies. The attached resolution provides for such a reallocation. If adopted, staff will prepare a revised budget document based on this reallocation. • Page 2 3. Designate a portion of the 2007 surplus for 2009 contingencies. The Council has yet to allocate $899,312 from 2007. Based on the City's policies, most of this amount would be directed to the construction fund. Given the unsettled nature of the economy, we suggest that $499,312 be held as a contingency for 2009 and $400,000 be transferred to the Construction Fund. 4. Closely monitor 2009 revenues. Revenues, such as licenses and permits, will need to be monitored closely in 2009 to determine if spending decisions need to be delayed or reduced. • Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-128 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF EDINA FOR THE YEAR 2009, AND ESTABLISHING TAX LEVY FOR YEAR 2009, PAYABLE IN 2009 City of Edina THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA MINNESOTA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Budget for the City of Edina for the calendar year 2009 is hereby adopted as after this set forth, and funds are hereby appropriated therefore: GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mayor and Council $ 91,316 Administration 1,151,482 Planning 475,603 Finance 697,634 Election 210,756 Assessing 863,688 Legal and Court Services 371,800 Commissions & Projects 636,232 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT. $ 4,498,511 PUBLIC WORKS Administration $ 222,947 Engineering 1,107,142 Streets 5,194,605 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS ,$ 6,524,694 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police $ 8,147,023 Civilian Defense 66,619 Animal control 99,837 Fire 4,715,409 Public Health 513,631 Inspections 1,106,200 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS/PROPERTY $ 14,648,719 PARK DEPARTMENT Administration $ 762,927 Recreation 432,873 Maintenance 2,765,234 TOTAL PARK DEPARTMENT $ 3,961,034 OTHER FINANCING USES Transfer to CIP $ 50,000 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES $ 50,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 29,682,958 DEBT SERVICE - HRA PUBLIC PROJECT BONDS — $ 1,040,436 SERIES 2002 DEBT SERVICE — EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES $ 84,191 DEBT SERVICE - HRA PUBLIC PROJECT BONDS — $ 383,969 SERIES 2005A DEBT SERVICE — CIP PLAN BONDS — SERIES 2007A $ 457,950 DEBT SERVICE — PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY $ 788,453 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 32,437,957 City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com 952 - 927 -8861 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 TTY 952 - 826 -0379 Section 2. Estimated receipts other than the General Tax Levy are proposed as hereinafter set forth: MVHC /Abatements Licenses and Permits Municipal Court Funds Department Service Charges Other Transfer from Liquor fund Income on Investments Aid -Other Agencies Police Aid GENERAL FUND $ (150,000) 2,797,715 900,000 2,701,480 386,200 765,100 322,772 402,000 355,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS $ 8,480,267 Section 3. That there is proposed to be levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the City of Edina a tax rate sufficient to produce the amounts hereinafter set forth: GENERAL FUND $ 21,202,691 LEVY FOR PAYMENT OF HRA PUBLIC PROJECT BONDS $ 1,040,436 — SERIES 2002 LEVY FOR PAYMENT OF EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES $ 84,191 DEBT LEVY FOR PAYMENT OF HRA PUBLIC PROJECT BONDS $ 180,000 - SERIES 2005A LEVY FOR PAYMENT OF CIP PLAN BONDS - SERIES $ 457,950 2007A LEVY FOR PAYMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY $ 588,453 DEBT TOTAL LEVY $ 23,553,721 Section 4. That this budget proposes to transfer to the Debt Service Fund the following amounts: SURPLUS FUNDS OF THE GYMNASIUM $ 203,969 CONSTRUCTION FUND — SERIES 2005A DEBT SERVICE ONE TIME RECEIPT OF EXCESS INCREMENT - PUBLIC $ 200,000. WORKS FACILITY DEBT SERVICE TOTAL TRANSFERS TO DEBT SERVICE FUNDS $ 403,969 Section 5. That transfers from the General Fund Unappropriated Reserves be made for the following purposes: TO FUND VARIOUS PROJECTS WITHIN THE $ 400,000 CONSTRUCTION FUND TOTAL TRANSFERS TO THE CONSTRUCTION FUND $ 400,000 Section 6. That there is proposed to be levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the City of Edina, a tax rate sufficient to produce the amount below for the debt levy of the market value based referendum levy and canceling the portion of the levy not required to produce the following amount: GO PARK AND RECREATION BONDS SERIES 1996B/2005A $ 600,212 Passed and adopted by the City Council on December 16, 2008. ATTEST: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS. CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 16, 2008, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of 20_. City Clerk LMk--AL To: Mayor & City Council From: Debra Mangen City Clerk Date: December 16, 2008 Subject: Correspondence Received Since Last Council Meeting REPORT /RECOMMENDATION Agenda Item VII. Consent ❑ Information Only VN Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Info /Background: Attached are copies of a -mails and letters received since the last Council meeting. RECOVED Edina City Council 4801 West 50`h Street DEC 1 1 IN8 Edina, MN 55424 December 3, 2008 To Whom It May Concern: Re; Purposed assisted living complex at 7500 York Ave. First and foremost, I believe we have too many retired Lutheran ministers living at 7500 York, and one of them has gotten us into this dilemma because he saw a "vision ". I am opposed to this project for the following reasons; 1. I've lived in Edina before Southdale shopping center was built. 7500 is a beautiful white building with lovely green space - let's not spoil it. Edina needs to keep the little green space we have left. 2. A four story building is huge - would you like that in your backyard? It's going to spoil the view of many owners. 3. No sharing of facilities ? ?? That's not realistic when our owners have spouses with Alzheimer's etc. and want them to join us for dinner, concerts and so on. 4. I have spoken to people in Boston, MA and it's a fact that nationwide these facilities are being overbuilt because of the money they generate. 5. Once Pentagon Park is built, there will be adequate beds for a city of our size. 6. Ebenezer should be looking at properties that don't impact neighborhoods such as ours. Bottom line, when 7500 York was built it was a 55 and older senior coop. When did they add independent living to the name? I am a very active woman who enjoys golf, long walks, shopping etc. as most of the residents do. Those of us who oppose this project have been unable to express our opinions in a real democratic way. Please don't approve this project. Sincerely, Marjorie . Ilivan 7500 York Ave. South Unit 531 Edina, MN 55435 952 - 941 -3476 239 - 530 -1885 P.S. I'm a Lutheran CC Edina Planning Commission Susan Heiberg From: Lynette Biunno Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 8:18 AM To: Gordon Hughes Cc: Susan Heiberg RECEIVED Subject: FW: To Whom It May Concern(City Council) DEC 112008 - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Gary Cheezig (mailto: garycheezigi9earthl ink. net] Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 4:58 PM To: Lynette Biunno Subject: To Whom It May Concern(City Council) I would be interested in talking to someone about some issues regarding the Southdale Shopping Center. I am curious as to the intent of the current Southdale management company and all the vacant stores. Name stores have left Southdale in the past few years and others (Suncoost as of yesterday) will be leaving. Many of the stores that have left and are leaving are not able to secure leases from this mall management. Is there some advantage for the mall owners to have empty space instead of paying renters? I have seen nothing to replace anything except for some temporary stores, kiosks, and a number of stores which are reflective of a third world nation. The Southdale Shopping Center, which was the first indoor shopping mall in the world, is quickly becoming an embarrassment . What is the impact on Edina? anyone else care? Gary Cheezig 952- 925 -0015 Edina Can anything be done about it? Does r DEC i u ZU ,john Kaul 1550042 nd f treet f outh Afton, Minnesota 55001 December 5, 2008 Chief Michael Siitari 4801 West 50a' Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Chief Siitari, I was involved in a minor traffic accident in your city last Wednesday night (case # 200844885). The accident occurred around 8:45 PM at the intersection of 50t' and the entry ramp for HWY 100. I stopped suddenly for a red light and was rear -ended by a woman who was apparently less attentive than I was. The woman was upset with me for stopping and demanded to know why I stopped so suddenly. I pointed out that it was my custom to stop for red lights. This did not calm her down and then she accused me of moving my car to make her look guilty for the accident (I moved it out of the way so as not to block traffic). She then gave my car a cursory examination and declared that there was no damage and that we should be on, our way. Well, there was damage to my car —to the bumper and the hatchback. I decided to call the police because there was a dispute about the facts surrounding the collision. Soon officer 192 (1 don't know her name) came on the scene. She did an outstanding job of calming down the situation. She had both of us get in our respective cars and took our statements independent of one another. After assessing the situation she concluded the accident was not serious enough to merit an accident report. She upheld the idea that I am required to stop for red lights even if I stopped suddenly because I was distracted. She calmed the woman down - helped us exchange insurance information and after things settled down went about her business. By the time she left, the woman that rear -ended me approached and complimented me for keeping my cool. I complimented her for regaining her cool and said that neither one of us wanted or needed this complication and that I felt sorry for both of us. Anyway, it was a very professional woman police officer that brought about this final outcome. My hat is off to the Edina Police Department. I hope you have a bunch of officers like 192 and that you are able to maintain your force in the face of the major budget deficit the State is facing. One of the last things we should cut in these hard times is public safety (throw in Health Care and Education). Please pass on my compliments to officer 192! Sincerely, •FOE i EM DEC 1 u M !M. S: Ingalls 5512 Xerxes Ave. So_. ] Edina Ml�f�a ��3ff"��'O_°=�.:�i e =e g.0 C- 3 I i VI Ge, x _ _ rte. +r m- •a�-� `�Y:� 1'.�.. P' � • �y;t::;; 1. iy,",�,j�''•.. s o� St SIN ssyay alm( t, PC) � � L)2-, U lti S v oe , D�Q-tO-1 EDEN PRAIRIE POLICE DEPARTMENT I December 4, 2008 Chief Mike Siitari RECEIVED Edina Police Department 4801 W. 50t11 Street DEC 1 Z Edina, MN 55424 SUBJECT: Thank you for assistance OFC 9529498300 FAX 952 949 8390 f DD 952 949 8399 Dear Chief Siitari: 8080 Mitchell Rd Eden Prairie, MN On behalf of the Eden Prairie Police Department, I would like to thank you for 55344.4485 Iiroviding ECiina I11ergency Response Tears to assist our deparil -I oil edenpralrie.org Thursday, November 27 when we experienced a potentially volatile domestic situation. We received information via a 911 call that an adult male, who was intoxicated and had a gull, was in his home with two young children and was threatening harm. With assistance from Edina's ERT, we were able to make an entry, secure the children and apprehend the suspect. Edina's willingness to provide mutual aid in is much appreciated. Successful law enforcement in the Twin Cities depends greatly on the strong working relationships we have with each other. We have long enjoyed our relationship as neighbors and partners in mutual aid and hope to assist Edina as your future needs dictate. Thank Rob Reynolds Police Chief CIED CALVIN L. SMITH 5221 LOCHLOY DRIVE EDINA, MINNESOTA 55436 DEC 0 y ay,a00 T cam' I i CALVIN L SMITH 17 -2/910 6983 LUCILLE B SMITH 131524040048 5221 LOCHLOY DR. �y EDINA, MN 55436.2023 DATE _ 60 PAY TO THE • /"'�"� l I R ' o ORDER OF �iK.�. /b po Q DOLLARS LJa. C Fier Stu SmiaLLaruuead usbank.00m MEF.iD - --- - -- �009 10000 2 210 b 3 15 2404004811 98 3 Jeremiah Mostrom 4544 France Ave South Edina, MN 55410 November 18, 2008 To: Mayor Jim I--iovland NOV 19 2008 CC: City Council Members: Ann Swenson, Scott Housch, Linda Masica, Joni Bennett Engineering Dept: Wayne Houle, Jack Sullivan 4801 West 50`h Street Edina, MN 55424 I am a current resident of Edina. I am writing to ask for your support in favor of the France Ave Sidewalk Improvement No: S 101. I firmly believe that this section of France Ave from Sunnyside Road to 48'h Street is in desperate need of a sidewalk. Not having this sidewalk is a very severe safety concern for me, many of my neighbors and my family. I believe there is a huge benefit to the safety and wellbeing of our city by adding this side walk. Consider: The speed of traffic flow on this section of France has become offensively fast and the amount of traffic continues to increase- creating a very dangerous atmosphere. Furthermore, children, elderly, disabled, and those without transportation can hardly leave their homes without facing the dangers of this busy road. It would seem that in addition to increased safety, adding this sidewalk would bring business growth, better property values, increased wellbeing though the ability safely go for a walk and the elimination of greenhouse emissions through better access to public transportation. It has been brought to my attention that there is a petition from people in the White Oaks neighborhood asking a cross walk instead of sidewalk. Their basis for opposition: Lost trees and assessments. From the information that has been provided to me, these do not hold credence. Are these tradeoffs that we really want to make? I am looking forward to your response on this matter. Please support my family and my neighbors in making our lives as Edina residents safe and well. Sincerely, Jeremiah Mostrom Page 1 of 1 Susan Heiberg From: Lynette Biunno Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 1:27 PM To: Wayne Houle Cc: Susan Heiberg Subject: FW: 70th Street Study From: John Ferrell [mailto:jjcferrell @comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 1:16 PM To: Lynette Biunno Subject: 70th Street Study t KHOW171r, Mayor Hovland, council members, Chairman Steve Brown and SAC members, The last SAC meeting on Nov. 6, 2008 presented substantial discussion regarding roundabouts with many questions directed and answered by the 4 Richfield representatives on the SAC. I would like to propose a homework assignment or field study for the SAC and council. a road trip from Edina to Richfield on 6614 Street east bound to the Portland Ave. roundabout; proceed through to the second roundabout at Richfield Parkway. Enter the roundabout and exit at Richfield Parkway heading north bound to the 6500 block of 17th Ave South. Enter the shopping complex in front of Home Depot; notice the increased tax base from the commercial development. Exit the Home Depot parking lot west to 171h Ave. and take note of the single family residential homes that face the parking lot and shopping complex with minimal buffer. Proceed south on 17th Ave and notice the changes as you enter Richfield Parkway again before entering the roundabout to head west bound on 66111 Street. Pass through the Portland roundabout where two businesses were removed from the city's tax base. Follow 66th Street home to Edina. Drive to your suburban residential home, park in front of your home and enjoy the curb appeal and solitude of your neighborhood or pull into your double garage. Take notes to share at the next SAC. This assignment can be accomplished by walking, on bike or on mass transit. Did you see any pedestrians or bicycles on your trip? look forward to a productive last SAC meeting. Thank you, Jan Ferrell 4704 West 70th Street 12/3/2008 DEC 0 8 2008 Susan Heiberg From: Lynette Biunno Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 12:27 PM To: Cary Teague Cc: Susan Heiberg Subject: FW: Subdivision - Please Help! Attn: Members of the Edina Planning Commission and City Council - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Dick Whitbeck (mailto:dwmusic@comcast.net] Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 12:08 PM To: Lynette Biunno Subject: Subdivision - Please Helpl Attn: Members of the Edina Planning Commission and City Council To the members of the Edina Planning Commission and City Council: This summer our neighborhood residents appeared before the planning commission in a rather lengthy meeting to try to prevent a developer from subdividing a 100' foot lot at 6120 Brookview Ave. The reasons for our opposition to this subdivision were many. 1) Subdivision to a 50 foot lot may have been suitable for the 1950s size homes but not for the larger homes built today. Jamming up two large homes on two small lots would not represent progress but simply manifest greed at the expense of the neighbors. 2) Our home (adjacent to the lot in discussion) is possibly the first house built in Edina in the 1860s.It was argued that it would be prudent to preserve one of the last remaining truly historical 'pockets' in the city. Mayor Jim Hovland presented us with the Edina Heritage Award for Historical Preservation. A subdivision adjacent to us would reduce this historic site to an aesthetic joke. 3) Preservation of a majestic oak tree between 200 and 300 years old. A hallmark of the neighborhood 4) Many lots on our street are larger than 50 feet. 5) Protection from an eyesore for there is not one house on our block the size of the proposed new home. 6) Excavating 5 feet from our property line could prove a disaster as the subxoil structure on our lot is sand. Many other considerations were offered forth as well. In short, environmental, aesthetic, functional and preservation of our property values were in consideration. The planning commission debated the proposal and the issue was dismissed. The developer realized the neighborhood was passionate about preserving the integrity of our community and withdrew. Unknown to us, the president of JMS Builders was at this meeting. JMS soon purchased the property. Jeffrey M Shoenwetter, owner of JMS, met with many of the neighbors to propose a subdivision plan once 1 again. All who were approached firmly apposed. Subsequently, JMS submitted a plan for one house on the property. We thought the conflict was over. Not to be. The beautiful oak tree was destroyed. On December 4, I noticed a new survey appearing to stake out the 100 foot lot into two 50 foot lots. I went to city hall to inquire about plans for the property. As expected, plans were for one home to be built on only 50 feet of the lot. Speaking with Kris Aaker about this I was told there was nothing the city could do about where a builder decides to place a home on the property if within legal guidelines. It is fairly transparent as to what is going on here. JMS is creating its own subdivision for future development without applying for a subdivision permit denying all voices to be heard. JM5 is clearly disregarding and disrespecting all the neighbors on our block. This is an abuse of the spirit and intent of the city's building codes. Whether one lopsided home on a 100 foot lot or two homes on each 50 foot lot becomes a reality, the developer will have destroyed the aesthetic continuity of yet another neighborhood in Edina. I am looking for help and guidance to protect our neighborhood. I am just sick that JMS can manipulate the system at all of our expense. I implore you. Is there anything that can be done before our neighborhood is forever ruined? Respectfully yours, Jackie Whitbeck 6128 Brookview Ave Edina, MN 55424 952- 922 -5045 t, To: Mayor & City Council From: Debra Mangen City Clerk Date: December 16, 2008 Subject: Correspondence Info /Background: REPORT /RECOMMENDATION Agenda Item VII. Consent ❑ Information Only Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance Attached is correspondence received after the packets went out. Discussion RECEIVED December 14, 2008 DEC 16 2008 To Whom It May Concern: I live at 7505 Kellogg Avenue South. My wife and I have been here for 33 years, lived in Edina for 40 years, and have raised 2 children here. I recently attended a meeting regarding the 70d' Street issue. The meeting's intent, as I understand it, was to formalize a conclusion on a final recommendation on a solution to the 70m Street traffic concerns. I was told that this was a culmination of a 2 -year, $100,000- study. There was no consensus among this group. In fact, there was total disarray. I suggest, with due respect to the people involved who volunteered their time and services, with the exception of the consultant, that we form a new taskforce with a new coach and team, and start over. We currently have a situation where the result will be a design by committee. My 40 years as a mechanical design engineer manager and designer is not directly applicable but it is of some value in recognizing the downside of a "design by committee" where individual's wants and desires supercede the total solution one is trying to achieve. If you are still with me, I have a few comments/suggestions: • A stop light versus stop sign at West Short Drive: I prefer stop signs in that, by design, traffic must stop rather than potentially encouraging an increase in speed to "make the light." An overhead centered red light would bring emphasis to the signs. • I would not put bicycle lanes in the street. We already have sidewalks with boulevards on both sides of the street. I simply ask a question. Does anyone want their kids to ride their bikes on the street alongside traffic or do you want them on the safer sidewalks? Bike lanes would encourage people to ride on the street within inches of at least 30- mile -an-hour traffic. Bike lanes are appropriate when sidewalks are not present. On this issue I have strong feelings. When dealing with children's safety, it is extremely important to make the most intelligent, informed and well- thought -out decisions. I also am a bike rider. • Roundabouts. The purpose of roundabouts at intersections is to facilitate the flow of traffic in lieu of stopsigns. It does not appear to me that the land area would accommodate effective roundabouts. • Trucks. I have never seen a semi -truck on 7&. I use the road about twice a day at minimum. I believe a degree of exaggeration has been used in the reports on the subject. Frankly, I do not know why. Simply an observation. Lastly, I would like to share a recent experience I had regarding an attempt to control traffic speed that appeared quite effective. A sign in a neighboring suburb said "bump," but actually it was a long, soft rise of not more than a foot in height. Must have been least 20 feet on either side. It worked on me. I am sympathetic about speed on 70'' but it is not a residential street. Instead of spending millions on roundabouts, why not pay for modifications to the driveways on 70th so that cars can enter 70'h face -on, eliminating the need to back up onto 70th? Half of the homes have them already. If you have stuck with me this far, I apologize for being long - winded but appreciate the opportunity to have a voice. Again, perhaps rethinking this issue would be in order. Sincerely, WZ-4/ zo_e_e� Arthur G. Lowell November 18, 2008 RECEIVED City of Edina Planning Department DEC 16 2008 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Planning Commission: My wife and I are residents of 7500 York Senior Cooperative and we strongly oppose the proposal by Ebenezer Society to expand our campus. We would have not purchased our unit ( #438) had we known that a four -story building was being planned which would block -in the north courtyard and eliminate our scenic views to the northwest. A big attraction to us in considering a move to 7500 York was the spacious green space surrounding our building along with the quiet and solitude. If we have a campus expansion by Ebenezer, this will all change. There will be vehicle noise and sirens, numerous parking stalls taking more precious green space, a loss of priceless mature trees (replacement with small trees is not acceptable), additional traffic which may require a semaphore at the intersection of Parklawn and York Avenues, day and night parking on the neighboring streets adding to traffic congestion, and safety and security issues with visitors and strangers arriving all hours of the day. It appears to us that there is little advantage to 7500 York residents in this expansion plan. While we have been unable to even obtain approximate costs to the occupants of the proposed Ebenezer Assisted Living complex, we feel that most of our residents would not be able to afford such a move to this non - Medicare approved facility. It is our understanding that Ebenezer wants free - rental for the first years. Our residents deserve a market -rate lease. We feel there are numerous assisted living facilities in Edina, Richfield, and Bloomington and there is not a mandate for this facility. 7500 York wants to be good neighbors to the nearby Centennial Lakes Village Homes and the Coventry Townhomes. They will not enjoy the added noise, traffic congestion and view infringements which this plan presents. Sincerely, Mark Thelma Johnson 7500 PAS- — +. 4378- Edina, N 55435 952 - 831 -1153 THE QUESTION OF CAMPUS EXPANSION AT 7500 YORK It seems inconceivable to many of us that 7500 York would consider a campus expansion that would alienate so many people and yet assist so few. Some residents are near tears on this matter and losing some sleep. NOISE - There would be automobiles, ambulances, police cars coming any hour of the day or night. Peace and quiet is gone. LOST VIEWS — Scores of residents in the North Courtyard would be blocked -in, looking at nothing but 4 -9 story buildings. POSSIBLE GARAGE DAMAGE — Parking on the roof could have long -term consequences of damage and leakage. Only time will tell. LOST GREEN SPACE — We would lose much of our treasured rolling hills and mature trees, considered to be a part of our rich heritage. FINANCIAL GAINS — We deserve substantial payments for leasing -out a substantial amount of footage space as we would with any commercial venture. ATTRACTING YOUNGER RESIDENTS This may turn away the 60s and 70s age groups as they are seeking senior housing, not an "old folks home.." TOO EXPENSIVE? How many residents can afford an extra $5,000 -7000 per month for non - Medicare approved housing? TRAFFIC CONGESTION AND SAFETY? Will the side streets be filled with cars and will we need another stoplight? BEING GOOD NEIGHBORS — Will our Centennial Lakes Village Homes and Coventry neighbors "see red ", not wanting new development that they see as too big, too tall and too busy? Prepared by Mark Johnson, 7500 York resident on 11 -18 -2008 Edina City Council RECEIVED DEC 16 1000 We the undersigned, as residents of 7500 York Cooperative, are strongly opposed to the proposed expansion which would allow Ebenezer Society to erect an assisted living building on our campus. We do not believe that it would be in our best interest to attach such a building to our present senior retirement facility. Our concerns include the loss of perhaps thousands of square feet of green space with our rolling hills and mature evergreens, loss of views which would block -in the north courtyard, possible future damage to the garage roof caused by parking and turn - around activity, additional noise from automobiles, ambulances, police cars at any hour of the day or night along with lights streaming into the residential units, and traffic congestion on the neighboring streets and in our current parking facilities. The disadvantages of this proposal far exceed the advantages of this proposal in our honest opinion. PT � -;5�Y41 \2a94_, s3 s { ( !f• t3 _aa d Inh 'i� �w ( /_, . 1 �) WWI r *.) I-( 3�q 10-3 1 Sj_ g 3 V 7 w J A_ V I I - S� 7 4 I Of �0Ca� RECEIVED Edina City Council DEC 16 2008 We the undersigned, as residents of 7500 York Cooperative, are strongly opposed to the proposed expansion which would allow Ebenezer Society to erect an assisted living building on our campus. We do not believe that it would be in our best interest to attach such a building to our present senior retirement facility. Our concerns include the loss of perhaps thousands of square feet of green space with our rolling hills and mature evergreens, loss of views which would block -in the north courtyard, possible future damage to the garage roof caused by parking and turn - around activity, additional noise from automobiles, ambulances, police cars at any hour of the day or night along with lights streaming into the residential units, and traffic congestion on the neighboring streets and in our current parking facilities. The disadvantages of this proposal far exceed the advantages of this proposal in our honest opinion. 9ZT-2 70 -7j_ 4 ;`39 s3 `f`f7 - �r3s -- 7Fr( Brandon Wright 7000 Tupa Drive Edina, MN 55439 December 11, 2008 Mayor James Hovland Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mayor Hovland: RECEIVED DEC 16 7008 I am a seventh grade student at Minnehaha Academy in Minneapolis. Although I go to school in Minneapolis, I live in Edina, and have a request of you. There is a frontage road off of Highway 100 near Benton Avenue that is in a pretty bad state of disrepair. Its cracks have been refilled winter after winter. And now there have been so many repairs, -I think that it needs to be newly repaved. Will you please consider repaving this road so that it isn't so bumpy anymore? Thank you for considering this task that I ask of you and please respond to tell me what your decision is. I appreciate your leadership and hope you continue to make Edina a better place. Sincerely, OR& VIA 1 Brandon Wright RECEIVED DEC 16 2008 Dear City Planner, Planning Commission Members, City Council: My name is Mickie Turk. I reside at 6141 Brookview Avenue, Edina, MN, down the street from the construction site of 6120 Brookview Avenue, Edina, MN /Fairfax, Block 23 Lot 5 and 6. I am writing you today because I am concerned about cagey tactics JMS Construction is using in constructing their first house. Originally the owner inquired around the neighborhood, ascertaining the feelings and mood of the homeowners regarding the kind of house they would like to see built on the acquired lot. He found out everyone was deeply opposed to having two large, two -story houses crushed together on the 100 -foot lot. Afterwards, the owner submitted a plan for a single large house to sit in the middle of the lot. Later, he surveyed his lot for two houses to be built side by side. He then resubmitted his building plan to build one house, five feet from the house on the south side, the historic Edina house belonging to Dick and Jackie Whitbeck. The upshot of this new plan is to find a way around the law so the owner can eventually build a second house on the remaining lot. This is something he discussed at length with the neighbors on both sides of his lot. He has stated that he wants to make money, and would like to see two houses on that lot. I believe that as soon as he builds his first house; he will try to get a variance to build a second one on the lot. If he does this, he will have two monster houses on top of each other on an otherwise modest one, and one -half story neighborhood. There is also the possibility that the owner of said property will try to sell his first house to an unsuspecting buyer who might not know of his intention to build a second house of the same size just a few feet away. Or he might try to sell the remaining lot to the new owner who doesn't understand it might not be easty to get this kind of variance. The company before JMS, Bravura Construction, failed to get a variance the first time it sought one, and gave up rights to the property. JMS is unscrupulous and has already imposed a hardship on the Whitbecks, cutting off their view of the park. I am concerned that in time they will do the some to the neighbor on the north and completely destroy the rhythm and feel of the block. There are all kinds of ways to make money, and many different forms of bending the law. Please be aware the owner of JMS Construction is not going to live on his property, has no interest in the needs of the neighborhood, and may be contributing bad designs and untenable living conditions on the block for years to come, Respectfully, Mickie Turk RECEIVED DEC 16 zoo Protecting, maintaining and improving the health of all Minnesotans December 2, 2008 Edina City Council c/o Ms. Debra Mangen, Clerk Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Council Members: According to our records, the city of Edina's public water supply is currently implementing a wellhead protection (WHP) plan, which is in effect until May 25, 2011. The WHP rule states (Minnesota Rules, part 4720.5570, subpart 1, item C) that a public water supplier must begin the process of reviewing and amending a WHP plan eight years after the date of the last approval of a plan by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), which was May 25, 2001. The city of Edina is to begin amending their WHP plan by May 25, 2009, and completing it by May 25, 2011. WHP is a program intended to prevent contaminants from entering wells used by public water supply systems. The emphasis is on preventing problems before they occur, supporting public health protection, and the protection of the resources you have invested in your public water supply system. MDH is committed to providing you with a high level of assistance and technical support in this endeavor. I have been assigned as a primary contact to work with you to amend your WHP plan. There are a couple of initial steps you must take to ensure development of an effective WHP plan. The first step is to identify a WHP manager. The WHP manager will coordinate plan development and implementation and serve as the principal contact for MDH. A public water supplier should also budget for plan development and implementation over the time required to develop and implement the amended plan. We look forward to working with you to amend your WHP plan. If you have any questions, please contact me at (507) 389 -6597. Sincerely, Terry L. Bovee, Planner Source Water Protection Unit Environmental Health Division 410 Jackson Street, Suite 500 Mankato, Minnesota 56001, TLB:TVW cc: Mr. Wayne Houle, Engineer and Director of Public Works, City of Edina Mr. Roger Glanzer, Utility Superintendent, City of Edina Ms. Laurel Reeves, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources General Information: 651 - 201 -5000 • Toll-free: 888-345-0823 • TTY. 651-201-5797 • www.health.state.mn.us An equal opportunity employer Page 1 of 1, Susan Heiberg From: Jackie Hoogenakker Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 10:20 AM RECEIVED To: Susan Heiberg Subject: FW: Ebenezer /7500 co-op DEC 151008 From: betty n [mailto:bniels7500 @yahoo.com] Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 7 :47 AM To: Jackie Hoogenakker Subject: Ebenezer /7500 co -op I am very much against Ebenezer building an assisstant living on our beautiful park area here at the 7500 co -op; taking down 50 trees with the promise of replacing them with 1 foot, 2 foot or 3 foot trees in pots and placing them on the roof of the garage. We will never see trees again. They will also take our walking path and some of our gardens. See page 7 of the Edina Sun; APPLEWOOD POINTE OF BLOOMINGTON is building a co -op overlooking a pond with a fountain, walking paths and a gazabo with a beautiful view of mature trees on the site. And Ebenezer wants to take all our views and beauty away. We haven't even had a chance to vote on the assisted living on OUR land. EBNEZER has made 4 plans now to build, and has this one been approved ?? Ebenezer has never given us a price as to what they will lease our land; they want us to give them the land!! ! ! Thank you Betty M Nielsen #539 7500 York Ave So 12/15/2008 Susan Heiberg From: Jackie Hoogenakker lent: Monday, December 15, 2008 10:21 AM (0: Susan Heiberg Subject: FW: Preliminary Rezoning of 7500 York Co -op RECEIVE5L DEC 15 2008 - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Bruce Silverman [ mailto :brucesilverman@earthlink.net] Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 2:04 PM To: Jackie Hoogenakker Subject: Preliminary Rezoning of 7500 York Co -op TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: In regard to the matter of rezoning the 7500 York Avenue property for purposes of an assisted living facility, I ask the city council members to consider the following: Firstly, I understand from your website that the recommendation of the Edina Planning Commission is largely heeded in the 'city council's decision on such matters. However, having attended the preliminary rezoning hearing held on November 25, I question whether they have applied proper due diligence to issues surrounding such a rezoning. t the time of the hearing, I had no idea what the nature of the rezoning was, as the first notice that went out only described the building as an "addition ", not as an "assisted living building addition'. This lack of insight caught me off guard when I discovered the nature of the rezoning at the hearing, and consequently, I was unprepared to think through the obvious objections that come to mind. However, I did manage to raise some relevant issues which in my opinion were not satisfactorily addressed. Subsequently, the decision for preliminary approval was unanimous, save one commissioner who abstained due to the fact that his mother lives in the 7500 building. I found this rash approval a bit offensive. Despite statements made by planning commissioners to the effect of "it's a no- brainer," there are a plethora of issues to consider. THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A "NO- BRAINER" WHEN A DECISION AFFECTS SURROUNDING RESIDENT5111 If nothing else, if your appointed planning commissioners cannot grasp that simple tenet, then you might want to revisit your appointment criteria. Indeed, the fact that your decisions occasionally result in lawsuits, such as the one over the 17 -story condominium tower that was approved for Centennial Lakes, should serve as a reminder that such cavalier attitudes are not lost on those affected by the decisions. Now, specifically to the issues the rezoning would create. We must remember that there's a good reason properties are zoned for certain usage. Rezoning this property would cause considerable disruption to surrounding residents, simply because AN ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY HAS A NUMBER OF OPERATIONAL ASPECTS SIMILAR TO A COMMERCIAL FACILITY, and would bring with it some degree of disruptions as those associated with a commercial facility. These include, in no particular order: Increased commercial traffic • Increased noise 1 • Increased congestion • Landscape disruptions For example, there will likely be residence staff that will be coming and going at all hours of the day and night. Possible ambulance disruptions. Foodservice operations including delivery trucks and foodservice personnel coming and going during the early hours of the morning or in the middle of the night. And increased guest visits. Furthermore, since the proposed facility is particularly close to the Village Homes of Centennial Lakes, the annoyance factor that would be imposed on those residents must be given particular attention. And when you further take into account that the Village Homes are wood - framed structures as opposed to the concrete structures of 7500 and other surrounding buildings, the noise disruptions caused by the proximity to the Village Homes would be particularly magnified. Even further to the point, when you consider that Edinborough Way, a relatively modest residential street, will bear the brunt of the disruptive, commercial aspects of the operation, you have to consider how it will affect the residents living literally a stone's throw away. At the planning commission hearing, I asked whether anyone had examined the assisted living residence capacity in the surrounding areas to justify the need for another assisted living facility in the area, but there was no satisfactory answer given that I can recall. Aside from referring to the waiting list for the 7500 building- -which is a senior building, not an assisted living building -- and a traffic planner testifying to a probable increase of more than 200 vehicles a day attributable to such a facility, there was very little attention given to the market need for the facility or the effect such a facility would have on surrounding residents. And.frankly, it struck me that the commissioners could not possibly care less. They were very big on posing questions to the architects concerning rudimentary technical concerns, such as "set back deviance" and "green roof alternatives ", but very little attention was given to the impact such a facility would have on the surrounding residents. I strongly recommend they expand their repertoire of topics to present to developers and architects in the future. To these points,. I am sad to say that without the aforementioned issues being satisfactorily addressed, I can only assume that an approved rezoning would be granted for the consideration and convenience of the 7500 residents alone and with total disregard for surrounding residents. Or even worse, that there seems to be a bias on behalf of developers who come forward with any plan that will generate additional taxes and revenue. Of course, if my impression is erroneous, and if a decision is given in favor of rezoning based solely on the principles of what is best for ALL AFFECTED AREA RESIDENTS, I ask that commissioners and council members stand behind their principles and suggest that one step forward and offer to swap homes with this resident. I have a comfortable two - level, two - bedroom, two - bathroom condo and would be happy to perform an even exchange with a commissioner or council member currently residing in West Edina, the Lake Cornelia neighborhood, or any other Edina neighborhood where my quality of life will not be compromised by such a rezoning. Thank you for your time and consideration. Bruce Silverman 7420 Edinborough Way, # 6319 Minneapolis, MN 55435 952.831.9240 brucesilverman@earthiink.net 2 Susan Heiberg From: Jackie Hoogenakker Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 10:20 AM To: Susan Heiberg RECEIVED Subject: FW: EbenezerSociety/7500 York Co -op DEC 15 20 From: LOIS RING [mailto:llydesigns @msn.com] Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 2:21 PM To: Jackie Hoogenakker Subject: EbenezerSociety/7500 York Co -op I have received 3 of the same notices in the mail. Lois Ring 7440 Edinborough Way #4117 I am against the rezoning. Already high density in the area. Lois Ring LR 12/15/2008 Page 1 of 1 N Page 1 of ? Susan Heiberg From: Jackie Hoogenakker Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 10:21 AM RECEIVED To: . Susan Heiberg DEC i i 1pQg Subject: FW: Rezoning of 7500 York, Edina MN From: Molly Smith [mailto:mollysmithster @gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 3:42 PM To: Jackie Hoogenakker Subject: Rezoning of 7500 York, Edina MN Dear City Council & City Officials, I am writing in response to a letter that my husband and I received regarding the proposed rezoning of 7500 York. We are residents of the Edinborough Village Homes near the York property. We are strongly opposed to the re- zoning for the following reasons: • added crowding of an already crowded area • additional traffic • adding to an already unsightly, huge complex would only exacerbate the problem • there is very little green space left in Edina- putting up more buildings will take up some of the last free space While we would love to accommodate more seniors in. safe, convenient housing, we feel that remodel of the existing structures could allow for this without adding to the problems listed above. Perhaps another site can be located, outside of our already over - developed area. Respectfully, Molly and David Rix 7635 Edinborough Way, #5308 Edina, MN 55435 12/15/2008 r Minutes of the Edina Park Board November 12, 2008 Edina City. Hall, Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Joseph Hulbert, Howard Merriam, Randy Meyer, Dan Peterson, Jeff Sorem, Ray O'Connell, Todd Fronek, Mike Damman, Ben Pobuda MEMBERS ABSENT: Rob Presthus, George Klus STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Janet Canton, Ed MacHolda, Larry Thayer, Ann Kattreh, John Valliere, Todd Anderson, Susie Miller, Tom Shirley, Donna Tilsner I. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 10, 2008 PARK BOARD MINUTES Dan Peterson MOVED TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 10, 2008 PARK BOARD MINUTES. Ray O'Connell SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. II. NEW BUSINESS A. Non - Resident Patron Card Proposal — Braemar Golf Course — John Valliere, Manager of Braemar Golf Course, informed the Park Board that he is proposing that Braemar offer a non - resident patron card. He pointed out that in the past they had strong patron sales but over the years there has been a decrease. He indicated they are now down approximately 1,300 patron card holders compared to the year 1988 when they were at 2,750 patron card holders. Mr. Valliere commented that the golf market is quite competitive and that other golf courses in the area are now selling non - resident patron cards in order to fill their tee times. He indicated that he would like to ask for approval from the Park Board to sell non - resident patron cards for $110.00. Mr. Fronek asked Mr. Valliere if he sees a big need to put a cap of 750 non - resident patron cards. He asked if that is the number he would like to see instituted or would he prefer a little leeway on that number. Mr. Valliere replied that they thought long and hard about that and their summation would be to start with a limit of 750 and see how that goes. They want to be sure they won't cause a situation where residents can no longer get on the course. Mr. Sorem asked Mr. Valliere if he has ever looked at selling a punch card where people prepay for a certain number of rounds. Mr. Valliere replied that they have used punch cards for the juniors and executive course but they have not utilized them on the main course. However, it is something that could be done. Ray O'Connell MOVED TO PERMIT THE SALE OF A NON - RESIDENT PATRON CARD AND THAT THE FEE BE SET AT $110.00 FOR 2009. Dan Peterson SECONDED THE MOTION. Mr. Meyer asked if the Park Board will review this a year from now or will this be a permanent change. Mr. Keprios replied that it will stay in place until the Park Board changes it. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B. 2009 PROPOSED FEES AND CHARGES — The facility managers gave an update of their facilities and noted any changes in the fees and charges from the previous year. Mr. Valliere pointed out that at Braemar Golf Course they have been creative and have added the following: College Age Rate ID Card $ 5.00 College Age Rate $25.00 Masters Senior (patrons 75 and older) $24.00 Mr. Hulbert suggested that for students who have a student ID maybe we could waive the $5.00 just to encourage them to come out and play. He noted that it doesn't seem like that much money just to encourage them to come out and play. Mr. Valliere replied that they really aren't after the $5.00 but what they are after is some type of identification because if they don't have a college ID they will get into a situation they would rather avoid. Mr. Valliere stated that he could look away from the $5.00 but that they would have to have some sort of a college ID so that when they repeat they can just show their card which states they have previously shown their ID and that would make it a lot easier for the person working at the counter. Mr. Keprios stated that they try to keep their fees competitively priced but also affordable. Mr. Keprios pointed out that the Edina Community Foundation annually contributes close to $5,000 to the Rosland Grant -In -Aid program which helps Edina families who are financially challenged an opportunity to participate in the basic programs. Mike Damman MOVED TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED 2009 FEES AND CHARGES. Jeff Sorem SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. C. 2009 -2013 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN — Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that he is proposing a few changes to the general parks capital improvement plan to which the Park Board gave a preliminary approval back in June. Mr. Keprios went through those changes. - Mr. Keprios explained the revenue bonds for Braemar Arena will be completely paid off in early 2009. At that time they would like to take out a new 1.9 million dollar revenue bond to make the changes that are proposed. He explained that basically the new revenue bond would fund all of the capital improvement plans for 2009, 2010 and 2011. It will also refurbish the west arena which is basically the entire refrigeration 2 system. Mr. Meyer asked if the refurbishing of the west arena will include fixing the ceiling as well as some aesthetic things inside or is it just the ice. Mr. Thayer replied it is pretty much just the refrigeration system. Mr. Meyer indicated that he has received comments from parents over the years regarding the locker rooms and asked if that will be part of the refurbishing. Mr. Thayer responded that they redid the west locker rooms in 1997 and noted that there have been a lot of comments over the years about adding varsity locker rooms for the high school program to which Mr. Meyer replied yes, that's the issue. Mr. Thayer explained that this has been an ongoing discussion and that the city feels it is more of a school issue at this point in time; however, the school has not come forward with any financial backing for that project. Mr. Meyer replied that maybe there should be some discussion about that with the school. Mr. O'Connell pointed out that the driving range is one of the best profit makers they have and therefore he encourages the upgrading of the driving range and suggested adding 20 stalls as well as upgrading the current stalls. Mr. Keprios commented that they definitely do not have excess capacity at the driving range like they do on the golf course itself, however, when funds become available, the expansion of the driving range will be a priority. Mr. O'Connell suggested an idea that he has been thinking about and that is to replace the greenhouse at Arneson Acres with a conservatory. He noted that it would provide a unique beautiful opportunity and he knows that the garden clubs would love it. Mr. Merriam indicated that he is a little bit troubled by losing the natural resource inventory. He noted that unless there is some existing baseline of natural resource data that the city has then they should really try to hang on to that study in some capacity. He noted that it may include phasing it in over a couple of years but he thinks if they don't assess what resources are in the community then they will lose them and Edina has some things they should think about. Mr. Fronek indicated that he thinks staff did a great job. He asked Mr. Keprios for his comments regarding the Natural Resources Inventory Assessment and noted that he thought they were going to do something one or two years ago with regards to water quality control and wasn't sure if that had to do with the inventory assessment. Mr. Fronek also noted that in regards to Pamela Park he is in support of saving money but asked if it might be better to build a whole new building rather than renovate what is currently there. Mr. Keprios replied there are a lot of potential options with regards to the building at Pamela Park. He noted that he doesn't have the answer right now and thankfully they do not have to approve it for 2009 because right now this is just a concept plan. Mr. Keprios explained that there are as couple of things regarding the water quality. He pointed out that the watershed district is moving forward with a master plan to improve water quality. Also, being that the Legacy Act Sales Tax passed there should be more dollars available in the future to address water quality issues. Therefore, they are looking forward to hopefully securing some grant money to do more work in that 3 area. Mr. Keprios stated that in response to the question about the Natural Resources Inventory he doesn't disagree with Mr. Merriam and Mr. Fronek and that maybe it would be appropriate to ask for $50,000 of it in 2011 and another $50,000 in 2012. If the Park Board would feel comfortable with that and if they could stretch that out and make that a one year process starting mid -year. He stated that he thinks that would be a reasonable recommendation. Howard Merriam MOVED TO PROPOSE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CIP THAT THEY SPLIT THE PROPOSED NATURAL RESOURCES INVENTORY IN TWO PHASES $50,000 IN 2011 AND $50,000 IN 2012. Dan Peterson SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Todd Fronek entertained a motion to approve the CIP as amended. Dan Peterson MOVED. Mike Damman SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. D. PAMELA PARK NEIGHBORHOOD PARK INPUT MEETING — Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that there are quite a few improvements that are currently planned for Pamela Park over the next five years. He noted that it seemed to make sense to him that rather than doing a neighborhood input meeting once a year every year, that instead he could send out notices to everyone within 1,000 feet of the park (which is approximately 800 households) and ask for their input either through e-mail, postal mail or fax and ask for their input on those proposed improvements and invite them to an input meeting to gather their feedback on all of the proposed park improvements for Pamela Park. Mr. Keprios noted there are a couple of different options on how that could be done. First it could be done during a normal Park Board meeting. Another option would be to meet on a separate night and maybe have one or two Park Board members attend with staff and do it a little more informally and off camera. Mr. Keprios pointed out that if it is done during a formal Park Board meeting there would be a televised recording of it. He commented that it does not need to be decided tonight but that it could be debated and discussed at another Park Board meeting. Mr. Fronek stated that he would propose that they hold a neighborhood input meeting on Pamela Park at the December Park Board meeting. Ray O'Connell MOVED. Howard Merriam SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4 III. UPDATES FROM STAFF A. 2008 Park Improvements — Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that they have been extremely busy improving the parks this past year and he gave a Power Point slide show presentation on a large number of park improvement projects. B. Comprehensive Plan — Mr. Keprios explained to the Park Board that the Comprehensive Plan is a project they've been working on for at least two years and they are now in the very final stage of it. He noted that it has been submitted onto the City Council several months ago and has undergone some minor revisions but there have been no real substantive changes to the Parks, Open Space and Natural Resources Chapter. He pointed out that it's been a very lengthy and involved process. Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that late in the process the City Council received a memo /petition from the Todd Park neighborhood requesting that Todd Park be reclassified from a community playfield to a neighborhood park. Mr. Keprios explained that the characterization and classifications that Edina uses for their parks is recommended by the National Recreation Park Association. Mr. Keprios noted this. petition was submitted directly to the City Council for their consideration. The Council has not yet decided whether to bring the matter to the Park Board or simply rule on the request to revise the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Keprios indicated that in his view it really does not change much of anything. He stated that Todd Park is very similar to other neighborhood parks such as Strachauer Park and Countryside Park, which have similar amenities. Like Todd Park, Strachauer Park and Countryside Park also each have a basketball court, playground equipment, athletic fields, an outdoor hockey rink and park shelter building. He noted that he doesn't think it should become.controversial. Mr. Hulbert commented that sometimes definitions have, implications and that the city went through a long process of having open hearings for the Comprehensive Plan. He asked that, if it's just a term, does it need to be included at the last minute when there may be some people who might not like that reclassification who went to some of those open hearings and may not even be aware that this is being put in at the last minute. Mr. Fronek indicated that he agrees with Mr. Hulbert and explained that he did talk to Mr. Keprios and Mr. Hughes about it. He commented that their feeling at that point is that it probably should be handled at the City Council level. Mr. Fronek stated that unfortunately it was an 11`h hour change. He commented that the Park Board could pass a resolution against the recommendation; however, it's currently in the hands of the City Council as to whether or not to reject this memo /petition. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:47 PM 5 4. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — MAYOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM 4801 WEST 50T" STREET MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Chris Rofidal, Bob Kojetin, Lou Blemaster, Arlene Forrest, Jean Rehkamp Larson, and Elizabeth Montgomery MEMBERS ABSENT: Laura Benson, Karen Ferrara, and Connie Fukuda STAFF PRESENT: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner Jackie Hoogenakker, Planning Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Robert Vogel, Heritage Preservation Consultant Scott Busyn, Great Neighborhood Homes, Inc. I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: October 14, 2008 Member Blemaster moved approval of the minutes from the October 14, 2008 meeting. Member Kojetin seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. II. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT A. Certificates of Appropriateness 1. H -08 -14 4615 Wooddale Avenue — Demolition of House & Garage — Continuation from 10/14/08 Planner Repya explained that at the October meeting, the subject request was considered and received preliminary approval. At this point, the applicant, Scott Busyn is researching the history of the property in keeping with the required conditions for approval, and will present the design plans for the replacement home at the December meeting. Prior to presenting those plans, Mr. Busyn asked to share his concepts for the design objectives with the Board. Applicant Presentation Mr. Busyn provided the following design objectives for discussion with the Board: • Size, Scale and Massing — A two story Colonial Revival home, to be compatible in size with the adjacent homes to the north and south. • Design compatibility with other Colonial Revival homes in the Brown Section of the district, Minutes — November 10, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Exterior finishes, emphasizing the traditional materials found in the Brown Section of the district, Landscaping elements, providing the symmetry inherent with the Colonial Revival style, and The new garage complementing the style of the home, and meeting the criteria set out for replacement garages in the district. Mr. Busyn pointed out that the design objectives were preliminary and an approximation of the work to be completed. He added that at this point, the proposal is subject to change as required to be responsive to budget, governmental, site conditions, and construction constraints. Board Comments Member Kojetin questioned if the driveway width could become an issue. Chair Rofidal commented that if he understands code correctly the driveway width . should not be an issue, adding the width of the driveway can remain as is, it's a pre - existing condition. Chair Rofidal asked Mr. Busyn if any trees would be lost to accommodate construction of the new house. Mr. Busyn responded that it is possible the White Pine could be lost. A discussion ensued with Board Members discussing design elements of the proposed house with Members suggesting the following: • Construct three dormers, not four, as depicted on the plans provided by Mr. Busyn. • Eliminate transom over sun porch • Keep shutters • 2nd floor /south elevation. Shorten return above window. Return shouldn't cover entire window • Re -visit rear elevation. Proportions appear unbalanced Member Kojetin noted that it appears to him that there is no chimney on the plans. Mr. Busyn acknowledged that fact, adding chimneys are very expensive to construct. Board Members agreed "no chimney" is better than a "boxed version ". The discussion continued focusing on procedure. Consultant Vogel pointed out this is the Board's first application for demolition and rebuild since the revised Plan of Treatment was adopted, adding in this instance he believes that at least two more meetings are needed before a COA is granted. Consultant Vogel said the past meetings could be viewed as "preliminary". Member Forrest pointed out there isn't anything in the Plan of Treatment that indicates that a preliminary COA is required. Member Forrest suggested reviewing the wording in the Plan to ensure that Board actions are procedurally correct. K 1r Minutes November 10, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Continuing, Members stated they also need to be clear with their conditions in justifying the issuance of a COA. Board Members agreed that there must be legitimate reasons in granting a COA for the demolition of an existing house. Members also indicated they want the immediate neighbors notified of future meetings and provide neighbors the opportunity to review the new house plans. In conclusion Members indicated the following rationale in proceeding with granting the COA: • The house does not meet the criteria for individual designation • There is physical deterioration of the existing house • The lack of historical significance of this house compared with other houses located in the Brown Section of the District. Mr. Busyn told the Board he listened to their discussion and will revise the plans as suggested. Board action No formal action was taken. III. PUBLIC COMMENT: None IV. WOODDALE BRIDGE: Wooddale Avenue at Minnehaha Creek Consultant Vogel explained that in 2006 -07, as part of the HPB's annual work plan, he carried out a survey of Minnehaha Creek to identify and gather data on heritage resources within and along the Edina reach of the creek. The objectives of the survey were to document buildings, structures, sites, and objects of preservation interest and to gather the information needed to plan for the wise use of these heritage resources. One of the heritage resources identified by the survey is the bridge that carries Wooddale Avenue over Minnehaha Creek. Mr. Vogel provided a detailed history and description of the bridge. Identifying how it meets the Edina Heritage Landmark eligibility criteria, focusing in its historic significance and integrity. Following are the highlights of his report: Description The subject property (commonly known as the Wooddale Bridge and designated Bridge No. 90646 in the state bridge inventory) is located on Wooddale Avenue South, a short distance south of 50th Street, upstream from the St. Stephens Episcopal Church, 4439 W. 50th Street. It is a single -span masonry arch bridge, 21 feet in length, and carries two lanes of traffic over Minnehaha Creek. The bridge, headwalls, and abutments are constructed of reinforced concrete, covered with a veneer of locally quarried Platteville limestone laid in random 3 Minutes — November 10, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board courses. The low parapet walls on either side of the roadway are either solid limestone or concrete ornamented with stone veneer -- additional research will be required to fully document the structure's dimensions and construction materials. The arch is formed by a galvanized, corrugated iron pipe similar to that used in culverts and is anchored to the concrete abutments to protect the structure against stream erosion. The concrete deck is covered by bituminous asphalt paving, with concrete curb and gutter. A plaque inscribed "WPA 1937" is found on the downstream parapet wall. The creek bottom at this location is narrow and rocky, and the steeply sloped stream banks are cloaked with a dense growth of small trees and shrubs. Physical History The bridge occupies a part of the original William Marvin and George Baird farms, which were settled in the 1850s, and the Baird estate sold the surrounding area to developers in the 1920s. Village records indicate there may have been some kind of timber and iron bridge at this location prior to the construction of the present bridge in 1937. The plans for the Wooddale Bridge were prepared by W. E. Duckett, a local civil engineer who was employed by Hennepin County as a highway engineer from 1928 until 1938. (Duckett also worked on the design for Highway 100 and drew up the plans for the beltway crossing of Minnehaha Creek as well as the Eden Prairie Road. [modern 50th Street] interchange in Edina.) The project was paid for with Federal funds administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, passed through the State Department of Highways (now the Minnesota Department of Transportation) to Hennepin County's highway agency. The workers who built the bridge were employed by the local unit of the WPA, which also provided administrative support, training, and supervision. Association With the WPA The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was a federal relief program established by presidential executive order in 1935; in 1939 the agency was renamed the Federal Works Agency but continued to be commonly known as the WPA unit the program was terminated in 1942. Headed by Harry L. Hopkins, the WPA was one of the centerpieces of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's "New Deal" designed to alleviate the effects of the Great Depression. The WPA offered work to unemployed adults by funneling federal funds to a wide range of public works projects, including highway construction and roadside beautification. (In addition to transportation projects, the WPA built municipal swimming pools, auditoriums, airports, post offices, playgrounds, park buildings, sewers, paved streets, and low- income housing.) The "pump- priming" effect of the WPA was an important stimulus to the development of public infrastructure along Minnehaha Creek between 1935 and 1941. The Wooddale Bridge was a typical WPA project in that it was labor- intensive, utilized locally available construction materials and craft skills, and produced a structure that. was both technologically and aesthetically impressive. It is unlikely that Hennepin County or the Village of 4 Minutes — November 10, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Edina could have built such a bridge without the massive and unprecedented federal participation. Significance In order to be considered eligible for designation as an Edina Heritage Landmark, a property must meet one of the ordinance criteria for evaluation of historical significance by being associated with an important historic context and by retaining historic integrity of those features necessary to convey its significance. The Wooddale Bridge is significant for its associative and design values (criteria A and C) within the historic context "Minnehaha Creek: From Wilderness Stream to Urban Waterway," as delineated in the 1999 Edina Historic Context Study. Built in 1937 under the auspices of the Works Progress Administration, the bridge is a locally significant transportation structure reflecting the role of the Federal government in work relief and public construction during the Great Depression. It best represents the impact of the New Deal public works programs in Edina. In terms of its design and construction values, the bridge is a notable, well preserved example of early 20th century highway engineering and illustrates the "rustic" aesthetic in public works that is recognized as one of the hallmarks of the WPA. The bridge is particularly noteworthy for its modular, multi -plate arch construction and the visual impact ,of its rusticated masonry. Historic integrity is excellent: the structure has been little altered from its 1937 appearance and continues to serve its originally intended function. More information is needed to document the direct links between the bridge and the federal relief construction program in Hennepin County; to provide insights into the career of designer W. E. Duckett; and to reconstruct the property's physical history with respect to maintenance, safety inspections, roadway reconstruction, and changes in the hydrology of Minnehaha Creek. The Wooddale Bridge is one of seven structures crossing Minnehaha Creek within the Edina city limits. The others are: the West 44th Street Bridge, a 32- foot long reinforced concrete slab type structure (built in 1986); the Highway 100 Bridge (built in 1970, remodeled in 1981); the historic Browndale Bridge, a designated Edina Heritage Landmark (built in 1906); the West 50th Street Bridge (built in 1926, reconstructed in 1976); the West 54th Street Bridge, a 36' concrete slab bridge (built in 1935, rebuilt in 1948); and the 148 -foot long steel culvert that carries the creek under France Avenue (built in 1958). This particular type of historic bridge is known as "multi -plate stone arch" construction and was widely used for small bridges during the 1930s; it is estimated that less than forty such structures have survived to the present day in Minnesota. The Wooddale Bridge has been evaluated as historically significant by the Minnesota Department of Transportation but has not been nominated to the National Register of Historic Places. 5 Minutes — November 10, 2008 Edina Heritage Preservation Board Recommendation Mr. Vogel reminded the Board that by ordinance, the HPB may issue a finding of significance whenever it determines that a particular property appears to be eligible for rezoning as a heritage landmark. If the Board determines that the bridge is potentially eligible, they can direct staff to prepare the necessary landmark nomination documents, or conduct additional survey work to address specific information needs. Mr. Vogel recommended that the HPB find the Wooddale Bridge potentially eligible for designation as an Edina Heritage Landmark and issue a Finding of Significance to that effect. Board comments Board Members told Consultant Vogel the information he presented on the Wooddale Bridge and other area bridges was very interesting. Board action Member Kojetin moved to add, the Wooddale Bridge to the list of significant landmarks eligible for designation as an Edina Heritage Landmark. Member Blemaster seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. V. OTHER BUSINESS: None VII. CORRESPONDENCE: None IX. NEXT MEETING DATE: December 9, 2008 X. ADJOURNMENT 9:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jackie Hoogenakker l� 336 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 273 Regular Meeting, December 9, 2008 Room 349, Edina Community Center TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING Determination of Quorum and Call to Order Tax Levy for 2008 Payable 2009 (Taxes for the 2009 -2010 School Year) DISCUSSION Final Tax Levy for 2008 Payable 2009 (Taxes for 2009 -2010 School Year) AGENDA Determination of Quorum and Call to Order Approval of Minutes of Meeting of November 10, 2008 HEARINGS OF INDIVIDUALS, DELEGATIONS, AND PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS FROM THE PUBLIC REGARDING ITEMS BEFORE THE BOARD FOR ACTION OR ON ANY OTHER ISSUE ( *SEE ATTACHED DETAIL) RECOGNITION ➢ TIES 2008 Technology Leadership Team Award — Waynne Hornicke, Scott Johnson, Molly Schroeder, Michael Walker and Peggy Wickland CONSENT 183 Personnel Recommendations 337 -339 184 Community Education Services Personnel Recommendations 340 185 Expenditures Payable November 24, 2008, appended 341 186 Expenditures Payable December 9, 2008, appended 342 187 Bond Fund Expenditures Payable November 7, 2008 343 -344 188 Bond Fund Expenditures Payable November 21, 2008 345 -346 189 Alternative Facilities Bond Expenditures Payable November 7, 2008 347 -348 190 Alternative Facilities Bond Expenditures Payable November 18, 2008 349 -350 191 Commendation of Waynne Hornicke, Scott Johnson, Molly 351 Schroeder, Michael Walker and Peggy Wickland 192 Gifts from the Concord Elementary School PTO 352 193 Gift from the Creek Valley Elementary School PTA 353 194 Gift from the Edina Football Association 354 195 Gift from the Edina Girls' Soccer Corner Kick Club 355 196' Gift from the Edina High School Boys' Swimming and Diving Team 356 197 Gift from the Edina Soccer Association 357 198 Gifts from the Edina Athletic Booster Club 358 ACTION 199 New Courses at Edina Secondary Schools, 2009 -2010 359 200 Courses to Be Dropped at Edina Secondary Schools, 2009 -20010 360 201 Course Name Changes at Edina Secondary Schools, 2009 -2010 361 202 Course Description Changes at Edina Secondary Schools, 362 2009 -2010 203 Course Name and Description Changes at Edina Secondary Schools, 363 2009 -2010 204 Door and Hardware Bid 364 -366 20.5 Employee Benefits Consultant 367 206 New Policy 3520 — Business and Noninstructional Operations, 368 -371 Emergency School Closing 207. Revised Policy 3518.1 — Business and Noninstructional Operations, 372 Gr's+s Emergency Management, appended 208 Revised Policy 205 — School Board, Open Meetings and Closed 373 Meetings, appended 209 Edina High School Competition Cheerleading Team Trip to Orlando, 374 Florida DISCUSSION 210 2009 -2010 Early Childhood through Grade 12 School Calendar 211 School Start/End Times for 2009 -2010 and 2010 -2011 212 New Policy 6156 — Instruction, Out -of- School Tutoring 213 New Policy 6159 — Instruction, Online Learning Options 214 New 400 Series Policies — Personnel, Phase III, appended 215 Revised Policy 404 — Personnel, Employment Background Checks 216 Revised Policy 444 400 — Personnel, Employment Procedures 217 Revised Policy 418 — Personnel, Alcohol- and Drug -Free Workplace/+ g el 218 Revised Appendix II for Policy 6149 — Instruction, Student Activity Programs INFORMATION 375 -376 377 -378 379 -380 381 -386 387 388 -393 394 -400 401 -407 408 -410 219 Enrollment as of November 21, 2008 411 220 Revised Appendices I, IV and V for Policy 6149 — Instruction, Student 412 -416 LEADERSHIP UPDATE District Finance Update Personalized Learning Study Adjournment *Persons who wish to address the Board are requested to complete and submit an appropriate form to the Board Secretary prior to the designated hearing time. When recognized, each individual shall identify himself /herself and the group represented, if any. He /She shall then state the reason for addressing the Board and shall be limited in time at the discretion of the Board Chair. Individual employees of the School District or representatives of employee organizations shall have utilized administrative procedures before making a request to address the Board. Activity Programs 221 Edina High School DECA Conference 417 222 Edina Debate Team Trip to Ann Arbor, Michigan 418 223 Edina Debate Team to Moorhead, Minnesota 419 224 Girls' Varsity and Junior Varsity Hockey Team Trip to Cloquet, 420 Minnesota 225 Edina High School Gymnastics Team Trip to Brainerd, Minnesota 421 226 Recognition of Staff 422 LEADERSHIP UPDATE District Finance Update Personalized Learning Study Adjournment *Persons who wish to address the Board are requested to complete and submit an appropriate form to the Board Secretary prior to the designated hearing time. When recognized, each individual shall identify himself /herself and the group represented, if any. He /She shall then state the reason for addressing the Board and shall be limited in time at the discretion of the Board Chair. Individual employees of the School District or representatives of employee organizations shall have utilized administrative procedures before making a request to address the Board. City of Edina December 12, 2008 Study Advisory Committee (SAC) Members RE: DATE CHANGE for the Greater Cornelia Area Traffic Study SAC Meeting #8 Dear SAC Member: SAC meeting No. 8 has been changed from December 15 to January 8, 2009. 1 apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. An agenda and a summary of Meeting No. 7 will be sent out around December 19. Your participation is greatly appreciated. If you are unable to attend, please contact me at 952 - 826 -0445 or email iullivan ci.edina.mn.us. Date: Thursday January 8, 2009 Time: 7 -9:30 p.m. Location: Braemar Golf Course Braemar Room 6364 John Harris Drive Edina, MN 55439 Sincerely, Jack D. Sullivan Assistant City Engineer cc: Edina Transportation Commissioners City Council Wayne Houle, City Engineer /PW- Director Marie Cote, SRF Consulting, Inc. uI ' Az r, - RRAF.MARPARK & GOLF COURSI_ SAC Meeting No. 8 Jan. 8, 2009 G: \Engineering\ Infrastructure \Streets\Traffic \STUDIES \Traffic Studies \W 70th Corridor - France to 100\Admin \meetings\SAC Meetings\ SAC8_ December152008 \20081212_SAC_8_Meeting Notification.doc N � $ 4 � a [N Qc a �I