HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-04-28_STUDY SESSIONa�" aced CITY OF EDINA MINNESOTA rl General Fund - Revenues Year -End Financial Update December 2008 General Fund revenues total $28,236,278 for 2008. This amount represents 101 % of total budgeted revenues for all of 2008. Property taxes were under budget due to the Governor's action to unallot the second half Market Value Homestead Credit payment and an increase in delinquencies. License and permit revenue increased $8,723 from 2007 and finished ahead of budget thanks to a very active fall. September 2008 permit revenue was particularly strong due to a couple of large permits issued. Other revenue was also under budget due to decreases in rental revenue and investment returns. General Fund — Expenditures General Fund expenditures total 99% of budget for 2008. With a large percentage of our General Fund budget tied to salaries and benefits, it is common for our expenditures to be very consistent. A breakdown of expenditures by department follows. General government expenditures total 94% of budget for 2008. Increased spending in the Elections department for the 2008 general election was more than offset by decreases in spending related to the Comprehensive Plan and very few severance payments associated with employee retirements. Public safety expenditures total 101 % of budget for 2008. Police department expenditures were over budget due to the women's US Open and the RNC. We received reimbursement from St. Paul for the RNC that covered our costs for that event. The Inspections department expenditures were also over budget for the year due to a heavy workload. Public works expenditures total 101 % of budget for 2008. The Engineering department exceeded their expenditure budget due to additional studies and mid -year salary market adjustments. Parks expenditures total 95% of budget for 2008. The parks department can have a spending pattern that is somewhat seasonal and in 2008, January through March weather was not very good, causing many park maintenance projects to be delayed. GAP &L's\Investment Advisory Committee \2008 \Quarterly Update December 31, 2008.doc CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA Year -End Financial Update December 2008 General Fund Statement of Revenue, Expenditures and Changes In Fund Balance - Budget and Actual For the twelve months ended December 31, 2008 (unaudited) 2008 2007 Over/ Increase/ Budget Actual (Under) Actual (Decrease) Revenues: (742,800) (117,479) 625,321 336,449 (453,928) Taxes (1) $ 20,241,404 $ 19,983,295 $ (258,109) $ 19,379,711 $ 603,584 Licenses and permits (2) 2,715,050 2,885,781 170,731 2,877,058 8,723 Intergovernmental (3) 745,000 825,049 80,049 930,840 (105,791) Charges for service (4) 2,637,388 3,039,841 402,453 2,685,552 354,289 Fines and forfeitures 925,000 968,893 43,893 971,486 (2,593) Other revenues 598,000 533,419 (64,581) 872,441 (339,022) Total revenues 27,861,842 28,236,278 374,436 27,717,088 519,190 Expenditures: 272,146 $ 672,146 $ 272,819 $ (673) General government 4,254,566 4,008,170 (246,396) 4,223,064 (214,894) Public safety 14,097,930 14,214,025 116,095 13,474,727 739,298 Public works 6,400,246 6,470,700 70,454 6,182,326 288,374 Parks 3,851,900 3,660,862 (191,038) 3,500,522 160,340 Total expenditures 28,604,642 28,353,757 (250,885) 27,380,639 973,118 Revenues over (under) expenditures (742,800) (117,479) 625,321 336,449 (453,928) Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in (out) Liquor fund (5) 742,800 742,800 - 721,200 21,600 Construction fund (6) (450,000) (450,000) - (851,675) 401,675 Sale of capital assets 50,000 96,825 46,825 66,845 29,980 Total other financing sources 342,800 389,625 46,825 (63,630) 453,255 Net increase (decrease) In fund balance $ (400,000) $ 272,146 $ 672,146 $ 272,819 $ (673) 1 The City receives the first property tax payment from the County in June and the second payment in December. 2 The licenses and permits category includes building permits. 3 The intergovernmental category includes grants from Federal, state and county sources. Generally, most of the grants the City receives are reimbursement grants, which means that if grant revenue increases, expenditures must also increase by an equal or greater amount. 4 Charges for services includes ambulance revenue. 5 The annual liquor fund transfer is always made in December. 6 The Council amended the 2008 budget in December when it decided to transfer $400,000 of General fund surplus to the Construction Fund according to the Fund Balance Policy. G:\P &L's \Investment Advisory Committee \2008 \Quarterly Update December 31, 2008.doc 2 CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA General Fund - Revenues Quarterly Financial Update March 2009 General Fund revenues total $1,669,700 through March 31, 2009. This amount represents 5.8% of total budgeted revenues for all of 2009, which is down compared to 6.0% at the same time last year. The City expects to receive our first property tax payment of the year from Hennepin County in June. We know property tax revenue will be less than we budgeted due to the loss of about $230,000 Market Value Homestead Credit, but do not know how large of an impact delinquencies will have. License and permit revenue decreased by $111,911 from last year, but still amounts to 24% of our annual budget for 2009. General Fund — Expenditures Total General Fund expenditures are 23% of budget so far this year. With a large percentage of our General Fund budget tied to salaries and benefits, it is common for our expenditures to be very consistent throughout the year, meaning that most years we use about 25% of our budget every quarter. A breakdown of expenditures by department follows. General government expenditures are 22% of budget so far this year, which is a slight decrease from the 2008 rate of 23% through the first quarter. Public safety expenditures are 24% of budget so far this year, which is right where we expect them to be, and identical to last year's rate. Public works expenditures are 21 % of budget so far this year, which is a decrease from the 2008 rate of 23% through the first quarter. The difference is mostly because there were no significant PW equipment purchases in the first quarter of 2009. Parks expenditures are 22% of budget so far this year, which is right where we expect them to be with no significant variances. The parks department can have a spending pattern that is somewhat seasonal, and it may pick up in the second quarter. Nondepartmental and other expenditures decreased from the prior year due to timing differences in large insurance payments and a decrease in overall insurance costs. We distribute these insurance expenditures to other departments through our Central Services function at the end of the year as part of the annual audit process, so large variances during the year can be common. WP &L'Affivestment Advisory Committee \2009 \Quarterly Update September 30, 2008.doc CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA Quarterly Financial Update March 2009 General Fund Statement of Revenue, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual For the three months ended March 31, 2009 2009 2008 Over/ Increase/ Budget Actual (Under) Actual (Decrease) Revenues: 4,498,511 989,924 (3,508,587) 968,248 21,676 Taxes (1) $ 21,052,691 $ - $ (21,052,691) $ - $ 128,016 Licenses and permits (2) 2,797,715 680,909 (2,116,806) 792,820 (111,911) Intergovernmental (3) 757,000 218,041 (538,959) 202,261 15,780 Charges for service (4) 2,701,480 431,081 (2,270,399) 412,003 19,078 Fines and forfeitures 900,000 174,261 (725,739) 148,520 25,741 Other revenues 653,972 165,408 (488,564) 110,606 54,802 Total revenues 28,862,858 1,669,700 (27,193,158) 1,666,210 3,490 Expenditures: General government 4,498,511 989,924 (3,508,587) 968,248 21,676 Public safety 14,648,719 3,486,578 (11,162,141) 3,358,562 128,016 Public works 6,524,694 1,340,070 (5,184,624) 1,481,211 (141,141) Parks 3,961,034 853,571 (3,107,463) 744,283 109,288 Other 15,750 15,750 432,766 (417,016) Total expenditures 29,632,958 6,685,893 (22,947,065) 6,985,070 (299,177) Revenues over (under) expenditures (770,100) (5,016,193) (4,246,093) (5,318,860) 302,667 Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in (out) Liquor fund (5) 765,100 (765,100) Construction fund (6) (50,000) 50,000 Sale of capital assets 55,000 (55,000) Total other financing sources 770,100 (770,100) Net increase (decrease) In fund balance $ - $ (5,016,193) $ (5,016,193) $ (5,318,860) $ 302,667 1 The City receives the first property tax payment from the County in June and the second payment in December. 2 The licenses and permits category includes building permits. 3 The intergovern mental category includes grants from Federal, state and county sources. Generally, most of the grants the City receives are reimbursement grants, which means that if grant revenue increases, expenditures must also increase by an equal or greater amount. 4 Charges for services includes ambulance revenue. 5 The annual liquor fund transfer is always made in December. 6 The annual construction fund transfer is always made in December. G:\P &L's\lnvestment Advisory Committee\2009 \Quarterly Update September 30, 2008.doc 2 CITY OF EDINA ENTERPRISE FINANCIAL SUMMARY As of March 31, 2009 Art Center The Art Center finished 2008 with an operating loss of $212,497, which is slightly higher than the operating loss we budgeted for the year of $189,673. Class registration revenues decreased from the prior year, likely due to the economy. We transferred in a subsidy of $135,000 from the Liquor fund, but it was not enough to keep the unrestricted net assets of the Art Center from turning negative. This is similar to the situation the golf course has been in for several years, although the Art Center's deficit is currently much smaller at $20,262. Through March of 2009, Art Center revenues have increased compared to the same period last year. However, this number can fluctuate with the timing of classes and programs that are held at the Art Center. Aquatic Center The Aquatic Center had a very good 2008 from a financial perspective, finishing with operating income of $179,870 compared to the $99,008 we budgeted for. Revenues increased 7% from 2007 even though headcount was fairly steady. The Aquatic Center is the most financially healthy of our recreational enterprises. The Aquatic Center hasn't opened for business in 2009 yet, but preliminary figures on season ticket sales indicate that we are off to another good start. Golf Course The Golf Course finished 2008 with operating income of $143,204, which is less than the budgeted operating income of $418,883. This operating income plus a subsidy transfer of $170,000 from the Liquor fund were enough to offset debt payments, so the cash situation is roughly the same as it was last year. The Golf Course fund now has negative unrestricted net assets of $1,530,402. The Golf Course made the final payment on some of their debt on January 1, 2009, and is scheduled to refinance the rest on April 29, 2009. This should help the Golf Course to earn back some of the accumulated deficit starting in FY 2010, but it could take several years after that until the deficit is eliminated. New for 2009 at the Golf Course is the non - resident patron card, which is now available to any non - resident at a slightly higher price than the resident patron card. While it is still early in the 2009 season, total sales of patron cards have been good in April. However, through March of 2009 the Golf Course had an operating loss of $427,631, which is much larger than the operating loss of $332,771 for the first three months of 2008. Much of the increase in expenses is due to timing since weather in March was nicer in 2009 than it was in 2008, causing the golf course staff to start preparations earlier this year. G: \Budget \Enterprise budgets\2010 Enterprise Budgets \Enterprise analysis.doc Ice Arena The Ice Arena had an operating loss of $290,061 in 2008, which was higher than the budgeted operating loss of $192,383, due mostly to revenues that were under budget. Revenues for the year decreased 1 % from 2007. We transferred in a subsidy of $105,000 from the Liquor fund and Construction fund, but it was not enough to keep the unrestricted net assets of the Ice Arena from turning negative. This is similar to the situation the golf course has been in for several years, although the Ice Arena's deficit is currently much smaller at $82,799. Through March 2009, the Ice Arena's revenues are pretty much identical to the same period in 2008, but expenses have increased slightly. Edinborouah /Centennial Lakes The Edinborough /Centennial fund (EPCL) had an operating loss of $472,473 in 2008, which was right on budget, although revenues and expenses were both slightly above budget. We did not subsidize the EPCL in 2008 with a transfer, so the loss was funded fully from reserves. Unrestricted net assets of the EPCL at year -end were $3,480,555. Although the reserve amount sounds large, it will be gone in only a few years at the current pace due to the number of CIP projects planned and the "snowball effect" of declining future interest earnings when investments are spent down. Through March 2009, both revenues and expenses have increased slightly from the 2008 levels. Liquor The Liquor fund ended 2008 with operating income of $1,073,376, which was under budget due to a smaller increase in sales combined with higher product costs. We transferred subsidies of $1,277,800 out of the Liquor fund, which was greater than the income, meaning we depleted some of the fund's unrestricted net assets during the year. This practice is not sustainable for future years. Through March 2009 liquor sales have increased about 4% from the year before. Utilities The Utility fund had operating income of $3,468,306 in 2008. This amount is consistent with the required levels according to the rate study and will be used to build new infrastructure and pay debt service. Water consumption is down 7% through the first 3 months of 2009, but revenue is keeping pace with the prior year due to rate increases. Financial performance in the Utility fund depends heavily on the summer months when we charge higher rates for lawn irrigation. G: \Budget \Enterprise budgets\2010 Enterprise Budgets \Enterprise analysis.doc Enterprise Facility Recreational Enterprises Art Center Aquatic Center Golf Course Ice Arena Edinborough /Centennial Recreational Subtotal CITY OF EDINA ENTERPRISE FUND PROFIT AND LOSS SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2008 2008 Unaudited Results Operating Operating Operating Income Revenues Expenses (Loss) $ 451,697 $ 664,194 $ (212,497) 925,388 745,518 179,870 3,680,584 3,537,380 143,204 1,399,599 1,689,660 (290,061) 1,665,922 2,138,395 (472,473) 8,123,190 8,775,147 (651,957) 2008 Budget Operating Operating Operating Income Revenues Expenses (Loss) $ 500,500 $ 690,173 $ (189,673) 818,800 719,792 99,008 4,107,800 3,688,917 418,883 1,457,800 1,650,183 (192,383) 1,572,000 2,040,108 (468,108) 8,456,900 8,789,173 (332,273) Increase (Decrease) Operating Operating Operating Income Revenues Expenses (Loss) $ (48,803) $ (25,979) $ (22,824) 106,588 25,726 80,862 (427,216) (151,537) (275,679) (58,201) 39,477 (97,678) 93,922 98,287 (4,365) (333,710) (14,026) (319,684) Other Enterprises Liquor 12,121,791 11,046,509 1,075,282 12,358,740 11,125,721 1,233,019 (236,949) (79,212) (157,737) Utilities 13,544,728 10,076,422 3,468,306 13,280,000 10,115,037 3,164,963 264,728 (38,615) 303,343 Other Subtotal 25,666,519 21,122,931 4,543,588 25,638,740 21,240,758 4,397,982 27,779 (117,827) 145,606 GRAND TOTAL $ 33,789,709 $ 29,898,078 $ 3,891,631 $ 34,095,640 $ 30,029,931 $ 4,065,709 $ (305,931) $ (131,853) $ (174,078) G: \Budget \Enterprise budgets\2010 Enterprise Budgets\Budget worksession.xls 4/24/2009 CITY OF EDINA ENTERPRISE FUND PROFIT AND LOSS SUMMARY FIRST QUARTER 2009 YTD Through March 2009 Operating Operating Operating Income Enterprise Facility Revenues Expenses (Loss) Recreational Enterprises Art Center Aquatic Center Golf Course Ice Arena Edinborough /Centennial Recreational Subtotal Other Enterprises Liquor Utilities Other Subtotal GRAND TOTAL $ 131,107 $ 156,290 $ (25,183) 23,298 75,700 (52,402) 293,369 721,000 (427,631) 369,294 447,504 (78,210) 493,105 536,704 (43,599) 1,310,173 1,937,198 (627, 025) 2,634,698 2,537,588 97,110 2,964,676 2,702,922 261,754 5,599,374 5,240,510 358,864 YTD Through March 2008 Operating Operating Operating Income Revenues Expenses (Loss) $ 118,402 $ 151,464 $ (33,062) 23,033 81,195 (58,162) 298,932 631,703 (332,771) 367,268 424,517 (57,249) 468,256 490,243 (21,987) 1,275,891 1,779,122 (503,231) 2,539,066 2,405,429 133,637 2,851,429 2,447,969 403,460 5,390,495 4,853,398 537,097 Increase (Decrease) Operating Operating Operating Income Revenues Expenses (Loss) $ 12,705 $ 4,826 $ 7,879 265 (5,495) 5,760 (5,563) 89,297 (94,860) 2,026 22,987 (20,961) 24,849 46,461 (21,612) 34,282 158,076 (123,794) 95,632 132,159 (36,527) 113,247 254,953 (141,706) 208,879 387,112 (178,233) $ 6,909,547 $ 7,177,708 $ (268,161) $ 6,666,386 $ 6,632,520 $ 33,866 $ 243,161 $ 545,188 $ (302,027) G: \Budget \Enterprise budgets\2010 Enterprise Budgets \Budget worksession.xls 4/24/2009 SHORT TERM — 2009 • Freeze on filling vacant police officer position • Freeze on filling vacant street department position • Reduced hours /laid off part time building inspectors • Freeze wages on returning PT and temporary employees • Reduce fuel budget by $100,000 • Defer $250,000 in equipment replacement purchases • Defer FlowRider • Add Justice Department Grant - $30,000 • Move equipment purchases from General Fund to Revolving Fund • Reduce records management budget • Reduce General Fund contribution to CIP - $50,000 • Scrutinize any contingency budget spending • Restrict out of town travel LONGER TERM — e o-as �- h'-- °�'" ' CL4 1 070 • Increase useful life of equipment • 2010 pay freeze /step freeze • City Manager group ideas • Restrict take home vehicles • Other revenue sources, e.g. street light utility, franchise fees • Selected service level reductions �- `Y !�