HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-10-06_COUNCIL MEETINGAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 6, 2009 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Adoption of the Consent Agenda is made by the Commissioners as to HRA items and by the Council Members as to Council items. All agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) in bold print are Consent Agenda items and are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Commissioner or Council Member so requests it. In such cases the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. EDINA HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF HRA - Regular Meeting of September 1, 2009 II. CALL FOR BOND SALE - $2,595,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A, $6,125,000 Public Project revenue Bonds, Series 2009B, Resolution No. 2009 -01 III. ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL PRESENTATION OF EMMY AWARD FROM NATIONAL ACADEMY OF TELEVISION ARTS & SCIENCES -- UPPER MIDWEST CHAPTER FIRE PREVENTION WEEK PROCLAIMED HELEN I. PONTIUS AWARD - DONNA TILSNER I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting of September 15, 2009, Work Session of September 15, 2009, Town Hall Meeting September 22, 2009, and Special Meeting of September 29, 2009 II. PUBLIC HEARINGS During "Public Hearings," the Mayor will ask for public testimony after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to testify on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your testimony is relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: • Individuals must limit their testimony to three minutes. The Mayor may modify times, as deemed necessary. • Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit testimony to the matter under consideration. Agenda/Edina City Council October 6, 2009 Page 2 • In order to maintain a respectful environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. * A. CONTINUE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT PUBLIC HEARINGS TO OCTOBER 20, 2009 1. Highlands Neighborhood Reconstruction — Imp. No. BA -342 & L -50 2. Doncaster Sidewalk — Imp. No. S -092 3. Halifax Avenue Sidewalk — Imp. No. 100 & S -100A 4. Woodland Circle & Lane Reconstruction — Imp. No. BA -345 & L -52 5. Woodend Drive Street — Imp. No. BA -352 6. Garbage & Debris Removal — Imp. REM -09 * B. CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING TO NOVEMBER 2, 2009, AMENDMENT TO OVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND FINAL SITE PLAN - Little Szechuan Restaurant, 4820 West 77 Street III. AWARD OF BID * A. 2010 Ice Control Purchase Public Works * B. Engineering Software Renewal * C. Chaise Lounge Purchase Aquatic Center IV. REPORTS /RECOMMENDATIONS (Favorable vote of majority Council Members present to approve except where noted) A. Resolution No. 2009 -85 Accepting Various Donations (Favorable rollcall vote of four Council Members to approve) * B. Burgundy Place - Landscape Plan C. Pamela Park Master Plan * D. Engineering Service - Neighborhood Roadway Project * E. Set Hearing Date (11 -2 -09) -Ord. No. 2009 -13 Amendment to Section 850, Car Repair in Industrial District V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment," the City Council will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Council or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Mayor may limit the number of speaks on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Agenda/Edina City Council October 6, 2009 Page 3 Comment. Individuals should not expect the Mayor or Council to respond to their comments tonight. Instead the Council might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VI. FINANCE (Favorable rollcall vote of majority Council Members present to approve) A. CONFIRMATION OF PAYMENT OF CLAIMS As per Pre -List dated September 17 2009, TOTAL $878,464.85; Pre -List dated September 24, 2009 TOTAL $2,434,520.14; and Pre -List dated October 1, 2009 TOTAL $556,316.06 B. CALL FOR BOND SALE - $2,270,000 G.O. Recreational Facility Bonds, Series 2009C, Resolution No. 2009 -86 VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS A. Correspondence VIII. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS IX. MANAGER'S COMMENTS X. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952 - 927 -8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /DATES /EVENTS Tues Oct 6 Work Session - 2010 Budget 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Oct 6 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Oct 20 Work Session - 2010 Budget 5:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Oct 20 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Oct 27 Study Session - To be determined 11:30 A.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Mon Nov 2 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Nov 3 ELECTION DAY - POLLS OPEN 7:00 A.M. UNTIL 8:00 P.M. Wed Nov 11 VETERANS' DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED - City Hall Closed Tues Nov 17 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Nov 25 Study Session - To be determined 7:00 A.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Thur Nov 26 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY OBSERVED - City Hall Closed Fri Nov 27 DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY OBSERVED - City Hall Closed Tues Dec 1 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Dec 15 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Dec 22 Study Session - To be determined 11:00 A.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Thur Dec 25 CHRISTMAS EVE HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closes at noon Fri Dec 25 CHRISTMAS DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed Thur Dec 31 NEW YEAR'S DAY EVE HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closes at noon MINUTES OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HELD AT CITY HALL SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Bennett, Brindle, Housh, Swenson and Chair Hovland. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Brindle and seconded by Commissioner Swenson for approval of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Consent Agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Brindle, Housh, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2009, APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Brindle and seconded by Commissioner Swenson approving the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority for September 1, 2009. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. There being no further business on the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Agenda, Chair Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 7:06 p.m. Executive Director • NA. To: Chair & Commissioners From: John Wallin Finance Director Date: October 6, 2009 Subject: Resolution Calling for Bond Sale for Series 2009A and 2009B REPORT /RECOMMENDATION Agenda Item # HRA.II Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ® To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Approve Resolution 2009 -01 providing for the sale of $2,595,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A and $6,125,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2009B. Info /Background: Attached is the Bond Issue Pre -Sale Report and Resolution providing for the sale of $2,595,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A and $6,125,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2009B as drafted by the City's bond consultant Ehlers and Associates, Inc. These bonds are to help finalize funding of the public works facility. Debt Issuance Services October 6, 2009 Pre -Sale Report for $2,595,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A �' $6;125,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 20098 Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Edina, Minnesota EHLERS LEADE18 1N PUBLIC FINANCE wwwehlers- inc. corn Minnesota phone 651- 697 -8500 3060 Centre Pointe Dive Offices also In Wisconsin and Illinois #ax 651 697 -6555 Roseville; MN 55113 1122 Debt Issuance Services Details of Proposed Debt Proposed Issues: $2,595,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A (Series A Bonds). The Series A Bonds are proposed to be issued by the HRA but purchased directly by the City as an investment. The Series A Bonds will be structured and rated like a typical bond issue, but will not be sold to the public market. The advantage to the City is flexibility in the prepayment of this debt and will result in a reasonable return on the City's investment. $6,125,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2009B (Series B Bonds). The proposed project is eligible for tax- exempt bonds, which in today's market would result in interest rates at or below 4.5 %. The recent federal stimulus package offers a new type of bonding option known as Build America Bonds (`BABs) that could benefit Edina. BABs are issued as taxable bonds, with rebates from the federal government to the issuer equal to 35% of the interest payments. The interest rate to the investors would be slightly less than 5.9 %, but the 35% rebate to the City would reduce interest rates to approximately 3.35 %. Because the spread between taxable and tax- exempt interest rates varies on a daily basis, we are recommending that the City maintain flexibility on the choice of taxable BABs or tax - exempt bonds. The lower interest rate with BABs would result in approximately $25,000 to $30,000 per year less interest costs. However, there are additional risks with BABs including increased IRS scrutiny and risk of future appropriations from Congress. These risks also have a cost. Purpose: Proceeds from the Bonds will help finalize funding of the public works facility. Authority: The Bonds are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 465.71. Funding Source: The Bonds are expected to be annually appropriated payments pursuant to a lease from the City to the HRA, in an amount sufficient to support the debt service. The debt service has been structured to increase payments as additional tax base is available from the City's expiring tax increment financing districts. Risk Factors: Tax- exempt bonds place any tax law risk on the investor. Build America Bonds would transfer some of that risk to the City because the federal government could withhold the rebate payments. There is also a concern that BABs could result in more direct audits of local government issuers by the IRS regarding use of bond proceeds and other post- issuance compliance considerations. 0 Presale Report October 6, 2009 Page 2 Debt Issuance Services Arbitrage Monitoring: IRS rules regarding the amount of interest that the City may earn on bond proceeds must be taken into consideration. If the City spends the bond proceeds within, 24 months according to specific percentages each six months, interest earned on the proceeds above the bond interest rate does not need to berebated or repaid. The excess:.interest earnings are known as arbitrage. The City will also need to keep its debt service funds within IRS parameters to avoid penalties for carrying too high of a balance during the life of the issue. C . Rating: For this security, it is anticipated that Moody's Investors Service and Standard & Poor's will -rate the Bonds, "Aal / AA + ", one notch below the "Aaa % AAA ,ratings from Moody'.`s Investors Service and Standard & Poo?s on the City's general obligation debt. This reduction in rating is typical for annual appropriation debt. Bank Qualification: Because the HRA is issuing less than $30,000,000 in the calendar year; the HRA will be able to designate the any tax- exempt portion of the Bonds as "bank qualified" obligations. Today the spread between bank qualified and non -bank qualified rates is less significant than it has been in past years. Term /Call Feature: The Bonds are being issued for a 20 -year period. Interest is payable each six months. Principal on the 2009A Bonds will be due on February 1 in the years.2013 through 2030. Principal on the 2009B Bonds will be due on February 1 in the years 2012 through 2030. The Series 2009A Bonds will be pre - payable at any time. The 2009B Bonds maturing February 1, 2020, and thereafter will be subject to prepayment at the discretion of the City on February 1, 2019. Other A trustee is required by rating agencies and bond buyers to offer security Considerations: to the bond holders in case the City does not appropriate for .the facility. The trustee will hold construction funds and will receive debt service payments. Because the Bonds are backed by an annual appropriation revenue pledge, they are perceived to be less secure than a general obligation issue backed by the full faith and credit of the City: The structure of these bonds has been changed from the usual' method to provide more - security for the bondholders. In a typical revenue bond, a debt service reserve fund is established which will cover 100% of the highest annual principal and interest payment. Because of Edina's AAA /Aaa status, we expect to be able to eliminate the requirement for a debt service reserve. For this issue, the bond principal and interest payments will likely need to be made three months prior to the payment date. We will continue to monitor the market and the call dates for the City and will alert you to any future refunding opportunities. 40. Presale Report October 6,2009 Page 3 Debt Issuance Services Proposed Debt Issuance Schedule Pre -Sale Review by Council and HRA: October 6, 2009 Distribute Official Statement: October 19 Conference with Rating Agencies: Week of October 19 HRA Meeting to Award Sale of the Bonds November 2 City Council Meeting to Approve Lease with HRA: November 2 Estimated Closing Date: On or about November 23 Attachments Sources and Uses of Funds Proposed Debt Service Schedules Resolution Authorizing Ehlers to Proceed With Bond Sale Ehlers Contacts: Financial Advisors: Mark Ruff Jon North Bond Analysts: Diana Lockard Debbie Holmes Bond Sale Coordinator: Alicia Aulwes (651) 697 -8505 (651) 697 -8545 (651) 697 -8534 (651) 697 -8536 (651) 697 -8523 The Official Statement for this financing will be mailed to the Council Members at their home address for review prior to the sale date. 0 Presale Report October 6, 2009 Page 4 n n n Debt Issuance Services Resolution No. Commissioner introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution Providing for the Sale of $2,595,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A $6,125,000 Public,Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2009B A. WHEREAS, the Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority ( "Authority ") of the City of Edina, Minnesota, have heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient'to..issue the Authority's $2;595,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A and $6,125,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2009B (the "Bonds "), to finance a portion of the City's public works facility; and B. WHEREAS, the City has retained Ehlers & Associates, Inc., in Roseville, Minnesota ( "Ehlers "), as its independent financial advisor for the Bonds and is therefore authorized to solicit proposals in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of the Housing and. Redevelopment Authority of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Authorization: Findings. The Authority hereby authorizes Ehlers to solicit proposals for the sale of the Bonds. 2. Meeting, Proposal Opening. The Authority shall meet at 7:00 pm on November 2, 2009, for the purpose of considering sealed proposals for and awarding the sale of the Bonds. 3. Official Statement. In connection with said sale, the officers or employees of the Commission are hereby authorized to cooperate with Ehlers and participate in the preparation of an official statement for the Bonds and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the Commission upon its completion. The motion for the adoption of the. foregoing . resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner and, after full discussion thereof and upon a vote being taken thereon,) the following Commissioners voted in favor thereof- and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated this day of , Edina HRA Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A and 20098 Public Works Facility Project Bond Information Dated Date 11/15/2009 1st Interest Pyrr 8/1/2010 1st Principal Pyi 2/1/2011 Levy Collect Payment Year Year Date 2008 2009 211/2010 2009 2010 2/1/2011 2010 2011 2/1/2012 2011 2012 2/1/2013 2012 2013 2/1/2014 2013 2014 2/112015 2014 2015 2/1/2016 2015 2016 211/2017 2016 2017 2/1/2018 2017 2018 2/112019 2018 2019 211/2020 2019 2020 2/1/2021 2020 2021 2/1/2022 2021 2022 2/1/2023 2022 2023 2/1/2024 2023 2024 2/1/2025 2024 2025 211/2026 2025 2026 2/1/2027 2026 2027 2/1/2028 2027 2028 7/1/2029 2028 2029 211/2030 Preliminary - For Discussion Only Proposed Public Project Revenue Bonds Series 00 Par Amount of Bonds 2,595,000 Total Sources 2,595,000 Total Underwriter's Discount 31,800 - Costs of Issuance 25,000 Deposit to Capitalized Interest (CIF) Fund %) 67,000 Deposit to Project Construction Fund Costs of Issuance 2,500,000 Rounding Amount 3,000 Total Uses (CIF) Fund 2,595,000 Deposit to Project Construction Fund Cap Net P & I Principal Rate Interest Interest P & I +5.00% Total Uses 143,468 (67,000) 76,468 76,468 6,156,800 118,733 118,733 124,669 100,000 2.00% 118,733 218,733 229,669 105,000 2.50% 116,733 221,733 232,819 105,000 2.95% 114,108 219,108 230,063 110,000 3.35% 111,010 221,010 232,061 115,000 3.75% 107,325 222.325 233,441 120,000 4.00% 103,013 223,013 234,163 125,000 4.50% 98,213 223,213 234,373 130,000 4.50% 92,588 222,588 233,717 135,000 4.50% 86,738 221,738 232,824 140,000 4.75% 80,663 220,663 231,696 145,000 4.75% 74,013 219,013 229,963 155,000 5.00% 67,125 222,125 233,231 160,000 5.00% 59,375 219,375 230,344 170,000 5.25% 51,375 221.375 232,444 180,000 5.25% 42,450 222.450 233,573 190,000 5.50% 33,000 223,000 234,150 200,000 5.50% 22,550 222,550 233,678 210,000 5.50% 11,550 221,550 232,628 2,595,000 (84.628) 1,652,758 67,000 4,180,758 4,385,973 5.90% 3.84% 223,840 (78,344) 475,496 Proposed 00 Par Amount of Bonds 6,125,000 Required Equity Contribution on Financing Cost above 2% of Par Amt 31,800 Total Sources 6,156,800 Total Underwriter's Discount (1.50 %) 93,300 Costs of Issuance 61,000 Deposit to Capitalized Interest (CIF) Fund - Deposit to Project Construction Fund 6,000,000 Rounding Amount 2,500 Total Uses 6,156,800 35.00% Effective Cap Federal Net P & 1 Principal Rate Yield Interest Interest Rebate P & I +5.00% 414,914 - (145,220) 269,694 283,179 125,000 2.65% 1.72% 343,378 (120,182) 348,195 365,605 255,000 3.00% 1.95% 340,065 119,023 476,042 499,844 255,000 3.50% 2.28% 332,415 (116,345) 471,070 494,623 265,000 3.65% 2.50% 323,490 (113,222) 475,269 499,032 270,000 4.25% 2.76% 313,288 109,651 473,637 497,319 275,000 4.70% 3.06% 301,813 (105,634) 471,178 494,737 285,000 5.10% 3.32% 288,888 (101,111) 472,777 496,416 295,000 5.35% 3.48% 274,353 96,023 473,329 496,996 305,000 5.50% 3.58 0,0 258,570 (90,500) 473,071 496,724 315,000 5.70% 3.71% 241,795 (84.628) 472,167 495,775 330,000 5.90% 3.84% 223,840 (78,344) 475,496 499,271 340,000 6.10% 3.97% 204,370 (71,530) 472,841 496,483 350,000 6.25% 4.06% 183,630 (64,271) 469,360 492,827 370,000 6.35% 4.13% 161,755 56,614 475,141 496,898 385,000 6.45% 4.19% 138,260 (48,391) 474,869 498,612 400,000 6.55% 426% 113,428 (39,700) 473,728 497,414 415,000 6.65% 4.32% 87,228 30,530 471,698 495,283 435,000 6.70% 4.36% 59,630 (20,871) 473,760 497,447 455,000 6.70% 4.36% 30,485 (10,670) 474,815 498,556 6,125,000 4,635,592 (1,622,457 ) 9,138,135 9,595,042 8,720,000 31,800 8,751,800 93,300 86,000 8,500,000 5,500 8,751,800 Prr -1 by Ehlers & Associates. Inc. 9/ ? ""09 0 EHr FRS city 359,648 490,274 729,513 727,442 729,095 730,579 731,369 730,441 728,599 730,966 726,446 726,059 730,987 729,433 731,125 731,184 900,000 -- - 800,000 -- - 700,000 600,000 m N 500,000 - - -- m 400,000 -- - cv Q300,000 200,000 100,000 - 0 City of Edina, MN Series 2010 Combined Tax Exempt Lease & Taxable Build America Lease N M T O N CD O N •D O !E�! Payment Date -- -- N N N Collect Yr 2010 2011 2012 Levy Yr 2009 2010 2011 City of Edina, MN Series 2010 Combined Tax Exempt Lease & Taxable Build America Lease Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. 9/30/2009 EHLERS '. Il [x.115 tNf -.... .. - - -._. -- -- -- - - - -- �.- — — — et LO O ti M O O N r N N N M N � N O N CO N ti N W N T N O M O N O ` O N O N O N O C O N O N O ! O N O N O O N O N O N O N O N N N 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 - 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 ■ Tax Exempt City Portion ■ BAB City Portion ❑ BAB Federal Gov't Portion Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. 9/30/2009 EHLERS '. Il [x.115 tNf 2, o \v � \-,•CO�800 A��v� PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the City of Edina is committed to ensuring the safety and security of all those living in and visiting our City; and WHEREAS, fire is a serious public safety concern both locally and nationally, and homes are the locations where people are at greatest risk from fire; and WHEREAS, roughly 3,000 people die as a result of home fires and burns, more than 200,000 individuals are seen in the nation's emergency rooms for burn injuries; and WHEREAS, Thermal burns outnumber scalds nearly two -to -one, but for children ages five and under, scalds outnumber burns roughly two -to -one. WHEREAS, cooking is the leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries, while heating equipment and smoking are the leading causes of home fire deaths; and WHEREAS, City of Edina firefighters are dedicated to reducing the occurrence of home fires and home fire injuries through prevention and protection education; and WHEREAS, Edina's residents are responsive to public education measures and are able to take personal steps to increase their safety from fire, especially in their homes; and WHEREAS, residents who have planned and practiced a home fire escape plan are more prepared and will therefore be more likely to survive a fire; and WHEREAS, the 2009 Fire Prevention Week theme, "Stay Fire Smart! Don't Get Burned" effectively serves to remind us all of the simple actions we can take to stay safer from fire during Fire Prevention Week and year- round. THEREFORE, I Mayor James Hovland of the City of Edina do hereby proclaim October 4 -10, 2009 as Fire Prevention Week throughout this City, and I urge all the people of Edina to protect their homes and families by heeding the important safety messages of Fire Prevention Week 2009, and to support the many public safety activities and efforts of Edina's fire and emergency services. Dated: October 6, 2009 James B. Hovland, Mayor MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 7:06 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Bennett, Brindle, Housh, Swenson and Mayor Hovland. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson approving the Council Consent Agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Brindle, Housh, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. *MINUTES APPROVED — REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 1. 2009, AND WORK SESSION OF SEPTEMBER 1. 2009 Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson approving the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 1, 2009, and Work Session of September 1, 2009. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. *PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 6. 2009 Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson continuing the public hearing for amendment to overall development plan and final site plan for Little Szechuan Restaurant, 4820 West 77th Street, to October 6, 2009. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. RESOLUTION NO. 2009 -80 ADOPTED FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND APPEAL OF VARIANCES APPROVED Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. Planninq Director Presentation Planning Director Teague presented the request of the proponent to build a five -story, 35,000 square - foot office building with three stories of parking below two stories of office on the vacant site at 8050 West 78th Street. Mr. Teague advised the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals unanimously recommended approval of the final development plan and variances based on seven findings, and subject to ten conditions and Nine Mile Creek Watershed District approval. The Council discussed pedestrian and traffic circulation and asked questions of Mr. Teague and Transportation Commission Liaison /Assistant City Engineer Sullivan. Proponent Presentation Dean Dovolis, DJR Architects, addressed traffic turning movements and described the frontage road redesign that would provide stacking, bus stops, and full movement. Mr. Dovolis then presented the site plan for the Hellmuth & Johnson headquarters, displayed an exterior building materials board, and confirmed the materials as shown would be used. The Council asked questions of Mr. Dovolis and Chris Starwood of Westwood Services. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 7:28 p.m. Public Testimony No one appeared to comment. Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Housh, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Bennett, Brindle, Housh, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Page 1 Minutes /Edina City Council /September 15, 2009 The Council continued its discussion of the project and indicated support for the green design of this building that maximized use of a difficult site. Mr. Dovolis confirmed that the sidewalk would be extended to the west once the 78th Street extension was constructed. The Council addressed questions to David Hellmuth, proponent, about use of 494 Commuter Services by Hellmuth's employees and cautioned against the use of neighborhood streets as traffic routes. Member Swenson introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2009 -80, approving final development plan with variances for Hellmuth & Johnson at 8050 West 78th Street, with the following findings: 1. There is a unique hardship to the property caused by the shape of the lot, and the significant wetlands located over the north half of the site. 2. The variance would meet the intent of the ordinance because the building is reasonably sized given that the allowed FAR in the POD -1 District is .50. The proposed FAR is .33. 3. The increase in height of the building is due to minimizing the impact of the wetland by building a surface parking lot. The office portion of the building is two stories and the parking ramp three stories. 4. The building height is generally consistent with buildings and ramps in the area. There is an approved plan for an eight -story building and five -story parking ramp for the property to the west, and there are four -story existing office buildings to the east. 5. The site's location is adjacent to Interstate -494. 6. The high water table prevents the parking from being constructed under ground. 7. The increase in density could be supported by existing roadways, as determined in the traffic study done by Westwood. Approval of the final development plan was subject to the following conditions: 1. The site must be developed and maintained in conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: • Site plan date stamped August 6, 2009 • Grading plan date stamped August 6, 2009 • Landscaping plan date stamped August 6, 2009 • Building elevations date stamped August 6, 2009 • Wetland impact plan date stamped August 6, 2009 2. The property owner is responsible for replacing any required landscaping that dies. 3. Plans are subject to review and approval of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. If approved by the District, the City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet District requirements. 4. Plans are subject to review and approval of any permits required by MnDOT. If approved, the City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet MnDOT requirements. 5. All storm water from this site must be treated on -site. 6. Compliance with the conditions required by the City Engineer in his memo. 7. Compliance with the conditions required by the Transportation Commission. 8. All buildings must be built with sprinkler systems, subject to review and approval of the Fire Marshal. 9. Per Section 850.10, Subd. 3.6 of the City's Zoning Ordinance, a letter of credit, performance bond, or cash deposit must be submitted in the amount equal to 150% of the proposed landscaping. 10. Off-street provision of nine bicycle parking spaces must be provided on site, subject to approval of the City Engineer. 11. Building must be built per the building materials board presented to the City Council on September 15, 2009. 12. The property owner must install a sidewalk along 78th Street with the reconstruction of 78th Street and /or the 1- 494/169 interchange. Member Housh seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Brindle, Housh, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Page 2 Minutes /Edina City Council /September 15, 2009 The Council continued its discussion of the project and indicated support for the green design of this building that maximized use of a difficult site. Mr. Dovolis confirmed that the sidewalk would be extended to the west once the 78th Street extension was constructed. The Council addressed questions to David Hellmuth, proponent, about use of 494 Commuter Services by Hellmuth's employees and cautioned against the use of neighborhood streets as traffic routes. Member Swenson introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 1009 -80, approving final development plan with variances for Hellmuth & Johnson at 8050 West 78th Street, with the following findings: 1. There is a unique hardship to the property caused by the shape of the lot, and the significant wetlands located over the north half of the site. 2. The variance would meet the intent of the ordinance because the building is reasonably sized given that the allowed FAR in the POD -1 District is .50. The proposed FAR is .33. 3. The increase in height of the building is due to minimizing the impact on# the wetland by building structured parking rather than a surface parking lot. The office portion of the building is two stories and the parking ramp three stories. 4. The building height is generally consistent with buildings and ramps in the area. There is an approved plan for an eight -story building and five -story parking ramp for the property to the west, and there are four -story existing office buildings to the east. 5. The site's location is adjacent to Interstate -494. 6. The high water table prevents the parking from being constructed under ground. 7. The increase in density could be supported by existing roadways, as determined in the traffic study done by Westwood. Approval of the final development plan was subject to the following conditions: 1. The site must be developed and maintained in conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: • Site plan date stamped August 6, 2009 • Grading plan date stamped August 6, 2009 • Landscaping plan date stamped August 6, 2009 • Building elevations date stamped August 6, 2009 • Wetland impact plan date stamped August 6, 2009 2. The property owner is responsible for replacing any required landscaping that dies. 3. Plans are subject to review and approval of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. If approved by the District, the City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet District requirements. 4. Plans are subject to review and approval of any permits required by MnDOT. If approved, the City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet MnDOT requirements. 5. All storm water from this site must be treated on -site. 6. Compliance with the conditions required by the City Engineer in his memo. 7. Compliance with the conditions required by the Transportation Commission. 8. All buildings must be built with sprinkler systems, subject to review and approval of the Fire Marshal. 9. Per Section 850.10, Subd. 3.13 of the City's Zoning Ordinance, a letter of credit, performance bond, or cash deposit must be submitted in the amount equal to 150% of the proposed landscaping. 10. Off-street provision of nine bicycle parking spaces must be provided on site, subject to approval of the City Engineer. 11. Building must be built per the building materials board presented to the City Council on September 15, 2009. 12. The property owner must install a sidewalk along 78th Street with the reconstruction of 78th Street and /or the 1- 4941169 interchange. Member Housh seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Brindle, Housh, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Page 2 Minutes /Edina City Council /September 15, 2009 Mayor Hovland advised that Agenda Item IV.A. Public Works Energy Analysis would be presented before any of the bid awards were considered. EDINA PUBLIC WORKS ENERGY ANALYSIS PRESENTED Kris Leaf, The Weidt Group and Xcel Energy's consultant, presented the collaborative analysis prepared on the Edina Public Works Building to maximize energy performance and long -term functionality of the building. The Council asked questions of Mr. Leaf about the analysis and recommended Bundle 2. *AWARD OF BID — FORKLIFT — PUBLIC WORKS Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for forklift to the recommended low bidder, Forklifts of Minnesota at $28,737.31. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. *AWARD OF BID — CONTRACT NO. 513 CONCRETE WORK FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building concrete work, Contract No. 513, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, Gresser Companies, Inc. at $717,000.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. *AWARD OF BID — CONTRACT NO. 5C UNIT MASONRY FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building unit masonry, Contract No. 5C, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, Gresser Companies, Inc. at $261,900.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. *AWARD OF BID — CONTRACT NO. 5D MISCELLANEOUS METALS (MATERIALS ONLY) FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building miscellaneous metals (material only), Contract No. 5D, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, Sierra Metals, Inc. at $117,395.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. *AWARD OF BID — CONTRACT NO. 5E MISCELLANEOUS METALS (LABOR ONLY) FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building miscellaneous metals (labor only), Contract No. 5E, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, A.M.E. Construction Corporation at $42,600.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. *AWARD OF BID — CONTRACT NO. 5F CARPENTRY AND MISCELLANEOUS FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building carpentry and miscellaneous, Contract No. 5F, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, Greystone Construction Company at $150,696.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. *AWARD OF BID — CONTRACT NO. 5G MILLWORK/CASEWORK (MATERIAL ONLY) FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building millwork/casework (material only), Contract No. 5G, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, Northern Woodwork, Inc. at $34,187.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. Page 3 Minutes /Edina Citv Council /September 15. 2009 *AWARD OF BID - CONTRACT NO. 5H METAL WALL PANELS FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building metal wall panels, Contract No. 5H, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, Progressive Building Systems at $306,249.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *AWARD OF BID - CONTRACT NO. 51 ROOFING FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building roofing, Contract No. 51, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, Bernard L. Dalsin Company at $975,000.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *AWARD OF BID - CONTRACT NO. 5J JOINT SEALANTS FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building joint sealants, Contract No. 5J, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, Excalibur Caulking, Inc. at $34,300.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *AWARD OF BID - CONTRACT NO. 5K DOORS, FRAMES AND HARDWARE (MATERIALS ONLY) FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building doors, frames, and hardware (material only), Contract No. 5K, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, Twin City Hardware Co. at $108,000.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *AWARD OF BID - CONTRACT NO. 5L OVERHEAD DOORS FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building overhead doors, Contract No. 5L, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, API Garage Door Store at $111,570.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *AWARD OF BID - CONTRACT NO. 5N ALUMINUM ENTRANCES & FRAMING /GLASS & GLAZINGITRANSLUCENT PANEL SKYLIGHT SYSTEM FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building aluminum entrances and framing /glass and glazing/ translucent panel skylight system, Contract No. 5N, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, W.L. Hall Co. at $163,119.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *AWARD OF BID - CONTRACT NO. 50 GYPSUM DRYWALL SYSTEMS /STUCCO FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building gypsum drywall systems, Contract No. O, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, RTL Construction, Inc. at $172,696.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *AWARD OF BID - CONTRACT NO. 5P TILE FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building tile, Contract No. 5P, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, Dale Tile Company at $59,700.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *AWARD OF BID - CONTRACT NO. 5Q ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the Page 4 Minutes /Edina City Council /September 15. 2009 bid for Edina Public Works Building acoustical ceilings, Contract No. 5Q, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, Prestige Builders of MN at $41,000.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. *AWARD OF BID — CONTRACT NO. 511 CARPET AND VINYL BASE FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building carpet and vinyl base, Contract No. 5R, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, Floors by Beckers at $26,520.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. AWARD OF BID — CONTRACT NO. 5S RESINOUS COATINGS FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Manager Hughes advised the low bidder had withdrawn. Jim Bystrzycki, JE Dunn Construction, the City's construction manager, explained the report contains an error and the staff estimate for this contract was $53,987. Mr. Bystrzycki recommended award to Quality Cleaning, Inc. Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Housh, to awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building resinous coatings, Contract No. 5S, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, Quality Cleaning, Inc., dba QC Companies at $97,060.00. Ayes: Bennett, Brindle, Housh, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. *AWARD OF BID — CONTRACT NO. 5T PAINTING FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building painting, Contract No. 5T, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, Wasche Commercial Finishes, Inc. at $179,900.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. *AWARD OF BID — CONTRACT NO. 5V VEHICLE WASH SYSTEM FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building vehicle wash system, Contract No. 5V, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, InterClean Equipment, Inc. at $203,500.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. *AWARD OF BID — CONTRACT NO. 5W VEHICLE LIFTS FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building vehicle lifts, Contract No. 5W, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, Westwide Equipment Company at $234,490.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. *AWARD OF BID — CONTRACT NO. 5X OVERHEAD CRANES. HOISTS & MONORAIL FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building overhead cranes, hoists and monorail, Contract No. 5X, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, Superior Crane Corporation at $177,000.00 Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. *AWARD OF BID — CONTRACT NO. 5Y FIRE PROTECTION FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building fire protection, Contract No. 5Y, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, Summit Fire Protection Company at $133,800.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. AWARD OF BID — CONTRACT NO. 5Z MECHANICAL FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Cal Van't Land, JE Dunn Construction, stated he prepared this estimate over a year ago, based on documentation available at that time. He described the additional mechanicals contained in this bid that were not part of the estimate of record. Ron Betcher, Oertel Architects, agreed some Page 5 Minutes /Edina City Council /September 15. 2009 mechanicals were missed in the original estimate that should have been included. As the design progressed, mechanicals were also added for the geothermal system and to improve safety. The Council discussed the contract. Mr. Hughes advised that the project, as a whole, remained under budget. Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Housh, awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building mechanical, Contract No. 5Z, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, General Sheet Metal Company, LLC at $3,340,200.00. Ayes: Bennett, Brindle, Housh, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. *AWARD OF BID — CONTRACT NO. 5AA ELECTRICAL FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for Edina Public Works Building electrical, Contract No. 5AA, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, C & S Electric, LLC at $988,900.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. AWARD OF BID — CONTRACT NO. 6 GEO THERMAL FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Mr. Hughes referred to the 14 bids received. Rob Lowe, Parson . and Clark Engineering, described the efficiency, construction, and operation of a geothermal system. He advised the payback term for this system was very good because of the soil conditions and ranged from eight to nine years. Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Bennett, approving the bid for Edina Public Works Building geothermal wells and piping, Contract No. 6, Improvement No. PW -1, to the recommended low bidder, Bergerson - Caswell, Inc. at $299,500.00. The Council discussed the opportunity to make grant application. Ayes: Bennett, Brindle, Housh, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. *AWARD OF BID — GENERAL CONSTRUCTION FOR YORK LIQUOR LOADING DOCK Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for York Liquor loading dock general construction, to the recommended low bidder, Outland Builders Inc. at $29,350.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. *AWARD OF BID — STEEL SUPPLY AND ERECTION FOR YORK LIQUOR LOADING DOCK Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for York Liquor loading dock steel supply and erection, to the recommended low bidder, Patriot Erectors at $19,450.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. *AWARD OF BID — MASONRY WORK FOR YORK LIQUOR LOADING DOCK Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson awarding the bid for York Liquor loading dock masonry work, to the recommended low bidder, Wachholz Masonry Inc. at $27,632.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. EDINA PUBLIC WORKS ENERGY ANALYSIS PRESENTED The report was presented prior to Award of Bid. RESOLUTION NO. 2009 -81 ADOPTED ACCEPTING VARIOUS DONATIONS Mayor Hovland explained that in order to comply with State Statutes; all donations to the City must be adopted by Resolution and approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donations. Member Bennett introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2009 -81 accepting various donations. Member Housh seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Brindle, Housh, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Page 6 Minutes /Edina City Council /September 15, 2009 ORDINANCE NO. 2009 -11 ADOPTED — AMENDING SECTION 850 ALLOWING DRIVE - THROUGHS IN THE PCD -1 DISTRICT Mr. Teague advised of revisions.made since First Reading and recommended adoption. Member Bennett stated her vote would be predicated on this amendment affecting all commercial districts without provision for notice and discussion of the ordinance change. Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Swenson, to grant First and waive Second Reading adopting Ordinance No. 2009 -11, amending the City code concerning regulation of drive - through facilities. Ayes: Brindle, Housh, Swenson, Hovland Nays: Bennett Motion carried. *RESOLUTION NO. 2009 -82 ADOPTED — APPROVING LOT DIVISION, 4306 GRIMES AVENUE AND 4209 MORNINGSIDE ROAD Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson to adopt Resolution No. 2009 -82, approving a lot division of 4209 Morningside Road and 4306 Grimes Avenue. Motion carried on rollcall vote —five ayes. *RESOLUTION NO. 2009 -83 ADOPTED — APPROVING FINAL PLAT 5920 OAKLAWN AVENUE Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson to adopt Resolution No. 2009 -83 approving a final plat at 5920 Oaklawn Avenue. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. *HEARING DATE SET (OCTOBER 20, 2009) — ORDINANCE NO. 2009 -12 — AMENDING SECTION 850 TO REQUIRE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR ACCESSORY BUILDINGS OVER 1.000 SQUARE FEET Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson setting public hearing date on October 20, 2009, for consideration of Ordinance No. 2009 -12, amending Section 850 to require a conditional use permit for accessory buildings over 1,000 square feet. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. TRAFFIC SAFETY REPORT OF SEPTEMBER 8. 2009, RECEIVED Mr. Sullivan presented the September 8, 2009, traffic safety report, noting the resident's concern about speeding vehicles on Blake Road, and staff's recommendation against the installation of a three -way stop at Blake Road and Pine Grove Road. Proponent Presentation Allison James, 5308 Evanswood Lane, presented safety concerns of the neighborhood attempting to cross the street to access parks. The Council discussed use of the speed trailer at this location and options of petitioning for a sidewalk and painted crosswalk. Mr. Hughes stated the Traffic Safety Board would draft a recommendation focusing on a crosswalk and process for sidewalk on the west side of Blake Road. Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Swenson, to receive the September 8, 2009 Traffic Safety Report. Ayes: Bennett, Brindle, Housh, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. COMMUNITY COMMENT Paul Thompson, 4244 Crocker Avenue, addressed the Council regarding the October 24, 2009, Climate Action event in Copenhagen. He asked the Council to approve the World Mayors and Local Government Climate Protection Agreement, requested Mayor Hovland attend the Mayor's Copenhagen Summit, and asked the City to cover his expenses to attend as Edina's delegate. It was noted the Energy and Environmental Commission would be making a recommendation on the Agreement after their meeting September 16, 2009. Page 7 Minutes /Edina Citv Council /September 15. 2009 Brian Enrollmen, 13626 Heathersville Drive, Burnsville, asked to address an award of bid. Mayor Hovland asked Mr. Enrollmen to submit his statement in writing to City Engineer Houle. Thomas Clifford, 6500 Creek Drive, addressed the Council to request new signage and relief from high -speed bicycles on the 6 -foot walkway easement that provided connection to Heights Park. The Council referred this request to staff. Arthur Cobb, 5117 Wooddale Glen, objected to the turbine blower noise at the Edina Country Club as early as 5:15 a.m. Scott Thiss, 4518 Drexel, Edina Country Club Board of Directors, explained the blowers were used to clear the golf course for 7:00 a.m. tee times. He stated the Country Club wished to be a good neighbor and offered to meet with Mr. Cobb. The Council suggested that timing be addressed or the equipment modified. *CONFIRMATION OF CLAIMS PAID Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson approving payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated September 3, 2009, and consisting of 29 pages; General Fund $68,308,41; CDBG Fund $15,900.00; Communications Fund $1,161.14; Working Capital Fund $49,234.52; Art Center Fund $25,070.69; Golf Dome Fund $1,482.41; Aquatic Center Fund $1,547.93; Golf Course Fund $9,313.10; Ice Arena Fund $22,125.07; Edinborough /Centennial Lakes Fund $24,753.32; Liquor Fund $119,570.48; Utility Fund $38,638.39; Storm Sewer Fund $8,818.96; PSTF Agency Fund $1,886.90; TOTAL $387,811.32 and for approval of payment of claims dated September 10, 2009, and consisting of 30 pages; General Fund $226,112.15; Communications Fund $300.00; Police Special Revenue $2,463.75; City Hall Debt Service $1,000.00; Working Capital Fund $99,181.93; Art Center Fund $6,622.46; Golf Dome Fund $1,265.19; Aquatic Center Fund $5,299.62; Golf Course Fund $20,482.89; Ice Arena Fund $24,523.63; Edinborough /Centennial Lakes Fund $13,283.18; Liquor Fund $281,386.60; Utility Fund $391,252.65; Storm Sewer Fund $7,015.91; PSTF Agency Fund $4,868.62; TOTAL $1,085,058.58; and, Credit Card Transactions dated July 28 — August 25, 2009; TOTAL $5,843.94. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. *PETITION REQUESTING SIDEWALKS RECEIVED Motion made by Member Brindle and seconded by Member Swenson to receive petition requesting extension of sidewalk along the south side of Interlachen Boulevard between Bedford Avenue and Williams Avenue and refer the petition to the Engineering Department for processing as to feasibility. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, October 6, 2009. James B. Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the September 15, 2009, meeting available. Page 8 MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 5:35 P.M. Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. in the Community Room of City Hall. Answering rollcall were: Members Bennett, Brindle, Housh, Swenson and Mayor Hovland. Staff present included: Gordon Hughes, City Manager; Heather Worthington, Assistant City Manager; John Wallin, Finance Director; Eric Roggeman, Assistant Finance Director; Ceil Smith, Assistant to the City Manager; Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications and Marketing Director; and Debra Mangen, City Clerk. Mayor Hovland stated the purpose of the meeting was to continue the Council's review of the proposed 2010 Operating Budget. City Manager Hughes briefly outlined the proposed measures to reduce costs for the 2010 Operating Budget which included: • Wage freeze for full time employees in 2010 • $25.00 per month increase in full time benefits • Car allowances removed • Mandatory furlough days • Dial -A -Ride Removed - service level will be reduced as County takes over function • Drop Metro Cities membership - reducing expenses $11,000 • Reduce Human Services by $10,000 • Reduce Historical Society by $5,000 • Reduce Energy & Environment Commission by $25,000 • Police, one detection position will be left open • Fire Department removed $75,000 from OT budget, will reduce training, inspections and public education programs, rely more on volunteer paid -on -call fire fighters • Park & Recreation Department - full time open position will remain open, 4 part-time positions will be removed (weed, trees, greenhouse /flower & Courtney Fields), reduce $14,000 by closing Countryside & Strauchauer Parks skating rinks and closing all rinks by mid February, no filming of July 4th parade The Council and staff discussed the proposed 2010 budget. It was agreed that on October 6, 2009, at 5:30 p.m. there would be further review of the smaller departments with a review of the Boards and Commissions at the October 20, 2009 work session at 5:00 p.m. There being no further business, Mayor Hovland adjourned the meeting at 6:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Minutes approved by Edina City Council, October 6, 2009. Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor MINUTES OF THE TOWN HALL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL SEPTEMBER 22, 2009 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Bennett, Brindle, Housh, Swenson and Mayor Hovland. Mayor Hovland thanked persons for attending. He explained this was the second Edina Town Hall Meeting hosted by the Edina City Council. He noted that residents had been asked to complete a card stating their name, address and topic and he would be calling residents to speak by name. Each speaker would be allowed to have three minutes to speak on any issue or concern they wished to express. Dick Whitbeck, 6128 Brookview Avenue, stated he had been disappointed by the failure of the City government to support residents of Brookview Avenue. Tom Bonneville, 4378 Browndale Avenue, asked the Council to carefully study and adopt the best Planned Unit Development (PUD) ordinance that could be found. Janey Westin, 6136 Brookview Avenue, expressed disappointment in the operation of the Planning Department. Bob Sandilla, 6715 Cahill Road, stated he did not support development of a regional bike trail along Nine Mile Creek by his home. Michael Wolff, 5300 West 70th Street, stated he did not support development of a regional bike trail along Nine Mile Creek by his home and asked that there be a hearing on the matter. Jim Peterson, 6520 Creek Drive, expressed concern about possible taking of property if there was to be a fifty -foot setback with a regional trail because of the nearness of the creek to his property. Jerry Clifford, 5516 Gleason Court, asked why Three Rivers Park District was considering such an expenditure in the current economic times. Dan Peterson, 6520 Creek Drive, stated concerns about potential habitat destruction along the creek if a regional trail gets built. Steve Howe, 5169 Abercrombie Drive, stated he did not support the construction of the trail because of concerns about the environment, safety and security. Jackie Whitbeck, 6128 Brookview Avenue, expressed her dismay over the potential JMS subdivision. Ms. Whitbeck said she felt the City does not follow its codes and did a poor job representing residents with the development next to her residence. Robert Lubar, 6619 Londonderry Drive, asked who was reviewing the cost estimates and would be responsible for maintenance and security of a trail if it were built. Doug Lysen, 6813 Langford Drive, called upon but did not speak. Richard Johnson, 5700 Tucker Lane, expressed concern about the negative impact on trees and habitat if the trail along Nine Mile Creek were approved. Page 1 Minutes /Edina Citv Council /Sez)tember 22. 2009 Ruth Rinker, 7100 Metro Boulevard, #203, said she was neutral and perhaps pro trail development, and urged the Council to consider the entire Edina community when making a decision on the trail. Charles Madden, 6524 Creek Drive, said he was concerned about the impact on the adjacent marsh land if a trail were built. Charlie Danielson, 6508 Creek Drive, noted the trail will cost money and asked if the facts were being reviewed by a neutral party before any decision was made. Ruth Englund, 7100 Metro Boulevard, #123, stated she was concerned about security if a trail were constructed. Pamela Johnson, 5505 Valley Lane, stated that she was concerned about mitigation of loss of wetland and asked how an EAW could be done if an alignment had not been defined. Walter Meadley, 6420 Nordic Circle, asked if the City were legally obligated to install the trail. He expressed concern over potential flooding and impact on wildlife. David, Rudick, 5908 Killarney Lane, expressed his concern over parking of trail users. Pete McCarthy, 6801 Brook Drive, expressed his concern over the potential bike path development. Mary Landberg, 5408 Creek View Lane, expressed her concern over the potential regional trail along Nine Mile Creek and recommended it be located along W. 70th Street. Bill Joas, 6409 Biscayne Boulevard, expressed his concern that if the trail were installed the Nine Mile Creek would never be the same and the marshland would be negatively impacted. David Russell, 6623 Londonderry Drive, expressed concern about the Nine Mile Creek and its impact on property owners from flooding if the trail were developed. Mr. Russell said he felt the City would be liable for property damage from any flooding. Alan Gallagher, 5744 Duncan Lane, asked about who would be required to pay for replacement of any trail necessary to be repaired due to flooding and how much the city would set aside for liability for crimes committed by individual coming back on the trail at night. Andrea Johnson, 5173 Abercrombie Drive, expressed her concern about environmental impact, flooding, security and suggested the trail be built on 70th Street, not along the Creek. Lorenzo Tunesi, 4413 Ellsworth Drive, offered his support of the trail along the Creek. He said it would encourage a "greener" community and stated he had concerns about an on -road trail. Tim Crain, 4952 Poppy Lane, stated he felt that putting the trail along the creek was not appropriate. Tom Moser, 6969 Langford Court, called upon but did not speak. Alan Hoist, 4120 Parklawn Avenue #335, stated there was a need for a bike path in southern Edina. They were a diverse friendly neighborhood with many bikers and he felt there was a need to be connected to Richfield east of Highway 100. Page 2 Minutes /Edina City Council /September 22, 2009 Dave Thompson, 5517 Valley Lane, suggested that a better route be found for the trail. He stated that in other areas adjacent property owners have built privacy and security fences along bike paths. Glen Lacher, 5700 Duncan Lane, stated he was pro - bicycle and wanted to see a path going through Edina to connect Edina to the rest of the area.. He urged the Council to be sensible. Tom Clifford, 6500 Creek Drive, expressed his concern about flooding and the negative impact of the proposed Segments 9 and 11. Shelly Golden, 6987 Langford Court, stated her opposition to the proposed bike trail and asked the Council to opt out of the project. Laurie Chapman, 6420 Aspen Road, stated her photos of wetlands and asked they be protected. safety and parking. opposition to the proposed trail. She displayed Ms. Chapman said she was also concerned with Bill Westerdahl, 5912 Walnut Drive, expressed concern about the cost to construct the proposed trail, wetland mitigation, and whether there was a need for a trail that would be unlighted and operated for eight month per year. Jim Hildebrand, 6808 Brook Drive, stated he was concerned about the proposed trail. He stated the Bike Edina Task Force Bike Plan has recommended ha°„Lt.Tstated the trail would be lit and plowed, and that was a financial concern. Gary Evans, 5208 Duggan Plaza, said the trail would be adding hard surface that would be detrimental to water quality by increasing run -off and flooding. He expressed concern about security and access to Creek Valley School, Valley View School and Edina High School. Dianne Smith, 6717 Cahill Road, expressed concern about environmental impact, safety and potential for diminished property values. Jim Landberg, 5408 Creek View Lane, asked the Council to keep the trail off the creek. Nancy Crain, 4952 Poppy Lane, expressed concern over safety and asked if there was a formalized plan for addressing police calls on the trail. She also asked about the cost of trail construction along the roadway. Mary Ross, 312 Harrison Avenue, expressed concern about environmental impact. She asked the Council to look at the long term. Carolyn Peterson, 6960 Langford Court, expressed concern about the impact of a roadside trail on wildlife, landscaping buffers, and numerous crossings of driveways and roadways. She suggested it would be better to build additional bus stops and asked about the committee structure. Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Minutes approved by Edina City Council, October 6, 2009. Page 3 Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor MINUTES OF THE JOINT WORK SESSION OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL AND EDINA SCHOOL BOARD HELD AT EDINA COMMUNITY CENTER 5701 NORMANDALE ROAD SEPTEMBER 29, 2009 6:00 P.M. Edina School Board Vice Chair Almog welcomed attendees and asked everyone to introduce themselves. Attending for the Edina City Council were Members Bennett, Brindle, Housh,hlasisa Swenson and Mayor Hovland. Edina School Board Members in attendance were Members Almog, Cella, Hedberg, Ledder, Robb and Chair Meyer. Edina School District Staff included: Ric Dressen, Superintendent; Doug Johnson, Director of Community Education Services & Community Relations; Jay Willemssen, Director of Business Services; and Jenni Norlin- Weaver, Director of Teaching and Learning. Edina City Staff present: Gordon Hughes, City Manager; Heather Worthington, Assistant City Manager; John Keprios, Park & Recreation Director; John Wallin, Finance Director; Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications & Marketing Director; Mike Siitari, Police Chief; and Debra Mangen, City Clerk. Superintendent Dressen presented a framed Family Circle Best Towns for Families magazine cover to Mayor Hovland and expressed the pride that the Edina community had received this distinction. Dr. Dressen briefly reviewed the School District as it related to finances, projects and the new school year. He noted the District had reduced its $72 million dollar budget by $1.6 million, the District was close to capacity with an enrollment of 7,884 students and a wait list of students, had enacted a more individualized educational approach for each student, and had done a goal alignment for classrooms and staff. City Manager Hughes noted the City of Edina had previously received about % of one percent of its annual budget in aid which had all been lost. Mr. Hughes stated that revenues were down with lower than anticipated building of commercial properties and greater than normal tax delinquencies. He reviewed the proposed costs savings that will be utilized in 2010 such as mandatory furloughs, wage freeze, and the end of Dial -A -Ride. Mr. Hughes noted that single family construction remained strong and concluded the City had receiving an Emmy for its Peddlers and Solicitors public safety announcement. He asked Chief Siitari to briefly review crime statistics. Chief Siitari noted that while violent crime was down, they had seen an increase underage consumption, burglaries and thefts from autos. Discussion topics included: Edina High School's conference status, the 2010 levies for both ISD 273 and the City, Social Host Policy, H1N1 influenza, outdoor facilities, sprinkling of athletic fields, Pamela Park master plan, Safe Routes to School, work on a .potential Bike Safe Routes to School, potential re -use of existing Public Works site, and location of the School District's bus garage. The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Minutes approved by Edina City Council, October 6, 2009. Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor ) i 495 ,r� t�1 k AGENDA, ITEMR-- H.A. (1-6) SPECIAL ASSESSMENT PUBLIC HEARINGS No packet .data Continued to October 20, 2009. 1r�� oe V AA To: Mayor & City Council From: Cary Teague Planning Director Date: October 6, 2009 Subject: Continue Hearing Date for an amendment to an Overall Development Plan and Final Site Plan for Little Szechuan Restaurant at 4820 West 77th Street. KEPUKT%KECUMMEN VA'1'1UN Agenda Item II.B. Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action ® Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Recommended Action: Continue the public hearing to Monday November 2, 2009 REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Wayne D. Houle, PE, Director of Public Works / City Engineer VIA: Gordon Hughes, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 DATE: October 6, 2009 AGENDA ITEM III. A. ITEM DESCRIPTION: 2010 Ice Control Purchase DATE BID OPENED OR QUOTE RECEIVED II BID OR QUOTE EXPIRATION DATE NA: State Contract Company 1. Cargill Inc.: Regular Road Salt (State Contract #441105) 1. Cargill Inc: Treated Road Salt (State Contract #441101) RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Cargill Inc June 8, 2009 to June 7, 2010 Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $56.36 per ton delivered 1. $71.90 per ton delivered $ 56.36 per ton delivered $ 71.90 per ton delivered $ GENERAL INFORMATION: This is the annual purchase for road salt used for snow and ice control. The City purchases Salt from the State of Minnesota Contract and will purchase approximately 3500 tons of regular salt and 800 tons of treated salt for the winter season, depending on winter conditions. The treated salt is used during the very cold events. These costs are about 7 to 9% higher than the 2009' salt costs. This purchase is funded through the Public Works snow and ice control M--lignature The Recommended Bid is within budget not within Public Works — Street Department G:\ Engineering \Administration \CORRPW\RFP - Supplies\20080715 rfpform 2008 salt purchase.doc , Finance Director Manager • REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Wayne D. Houle, PE, Director of Public Works / City Engineer VIA: Gordon Hughes, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 DATE: August 3, 2009 AGENDA ITEM III. B. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Engineering Software Renewal DATE BID OPENED OR QUOTE RECEIVED 11 BID OR QUOTE EXPIRATION DATE June 15, 2009 Company 1. DLT Solutions Inc. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: DLT Solutions Inc. October 15, 2009 Amount of Quote or Bid $ _ 15,929.30 $ 15,929.30 GENERAL INFORMATION: This purchase is for a three -year renewal of the AutoCAD software that is utilized by the Engineering Department for designing and i drafting infrastructure projects in the City.. The three -year renewal nets a savings of $8,186 versus renewing yearly. DLT Solutions Inc. is the only AutoCAD,reseller for this product; therefore this is a sale source purchase. This, purchase will be funded through the Engineering Equipment Replacement budget. Sign ture The Recommended Bid is within budget not within Public Works — Engineering ,c=�J ' li ,,Finance Director HughelsXi)f Manager G:\ Engineering \Administration \CORRENG \Computers Ordering Correspondance\2009\20091006 RFP Engineering Software Renewal AutoCAD rfp.doc o e �o TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: DATE: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE Mayor Hovland and Members of the City Council John Keprios, Director of Parks and Recreation Gordon Hughes, City Manager REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 October 6, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: III. C ITEM DESCRIPTION: Chaise Lounge Chairs — Edina Aquatic Center Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Taylor & Associates, Inc. 1. $18,863.98 2. Webber Recreational Design 2. $19,283.70 3. Recreation Supply Company 3. $22,461.25 RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: ACCOUNT #: 5311.6406 Taylor & Associates, Inc. $18,863.98 (includes freight charges and sales tax) GENERAL INFORMATION: This is for purchase and delivery of 100 full base chaise lounge chairs for the Edina Aquatic Center. The replacement chairs are the same style and color (navy and white) that have 1 Yz" vinyl straps on special powder coated painted aluminum frames. This purchase is funded by the Edina Aquatic Center, operating budget. Edina Park and Recreation John Kep ' s, irector Department This Recommended bid is X within budget not within budget J W, Director Gordon Hughes, r�tV Manager o e REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item W.A. ° From: Debra Mangen Consent ❑ City Clerk Information Only ❑ Date: October 6, 2009 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Resolution Receiving Donations Action ® Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Adopt Resolution. Info /Background: In order to comply with State Statutes, all donations to the City must be adopted by a resolution approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donation. I have prepared the attached resolution detailing the various donors, their gifts and the recipient departments for your consideration. RESOLUTION NO. 2009-85 ACCEPTING DONATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF EDINA City of, Edina WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 465.03 allows cities to accept grants and donations of real or personal property for the benefit of its citizens; WHEREAS, said donations must be accepted via a resolution of the Council adopted by a two thirds majority of its members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council accepts with sincere appreciation the following listed donations on behalf of its citizens. Donations to Edina Art Center: Heather Goodman $126.00 Sarah Jakobsen Mosaics Liz Genovese Gift Wrap Materials John E Bohan $50.00 Lillian H. Indeck $30.00 Donation to Edina Communications Department: Edina Community Foundation $541.76 Donation to Edina Police Department: Minnesota Police Reserve Officers $1650.00 Association Donation to Edina Park and Recreation Department: Grove Nursery Ten Trees Donation to Braemar Golf Course: Linda Malik $200.00 Dated: October 6, 2009 Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk Michael Whitt $75.00 Richard & Eddi Fesler $100.00 Heather Randall King $200.00 Ruth Valgemae $200.00 John Swon $75.00 To Be Planted In City Open Space Hillside Lane, Brook Drive and Limerick Drive north of 70th Street James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of October 6, 2009, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 20_. City ball 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com City Clerk 952 - 927 -8861 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 TTY 952 - 826 -0379 O1 l+lW � V A •'^ BS Information/Background Wayzata Properties, LLC, is requesting consideration of an amendment to their approved Landscape Plan for Burgundy Place at 4930 West 77th Street. (See previously approved plan, the revised plan and letter explaining the changes on pages Al -A4.) This project was approved back in 2006, which was prior to the City's current policy that requires revisions to approved plans be brought back before the City Council. By Ordinance this would be characterized as a minor change to the approved landscape plan, and could be approved by staff. In general, the revised plans provide more Evergreen plantings in the rear of the building to provide year round screening to the adjacent duplexes to the north. Under -story shrubs have been eliminated inside the fence, with some moving the east and west sides of the building, which would be in a more visible area. (See pages A3 -A4.) Under -story shrubs would not be visible to residents to the north in either plan. The revised landscape plan has been reviewed with the adjacent neighbors, and they have found the plans acceptable. Based on the City's current policy, the City Council is asked to determine if these changes are significant enough to require an additional public hearing. If so, staff would recommend that the Council set a public hearing for November 2, 2008. No action is necessary if the revised plan is found to be acceptable. Staff finds the changes the be minor and recommends that the Council take no action. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item 1V.B. Consent From: Cary Teague Planning Director Information Only Date: October 6, 2009 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Revised landscape plan for Burgundy Place at 4930 West Action ® Motion 77th Street for Wayzata Properties LLC F Resolution Ordinance ❑ Discussion Information/Background Wayzata Properties, LLC, is requesting consideration of an amendment to their approved Landscape Plan for Burgundy Place at 4930 West 77th Street. (See previously approved plan, the revised plan and letter explaining the changes on pages Al -A4.) This project was approved back in 2006, which was prior to the City's current policy that requires revisions to approved plans be brought back before the City Council. By Ordinance this would be characterized as a minor change to the approved landscape plan, and could be approved by staff. In general, the revised plans provide more Evergreen plantings in the rear of the building to provide year round screening to the adjacent duplexes to the north. Under -story shrubs have been eliminated inside the fence, with some moving the east and west sides of the building, which would be in a more visible area. (See pages A3 -A4.) Under -story shrubs would not be visible to residents to the north in either plan. The revised landscape plan has been reviewed with the adjacent neighbors, and they have found the plans acceptable. Based on the City's current policy, the City Council is asked to determine if these changes are significant enough to require an additional public hearing. If so, staff would recommend that the Council set a public hearing for November 2, 2008. No action is necessary if the revised plan is found to be acceptable. Staff finds the changes the be minor and recommends that the Council take no action. MEMORANDUM miller d u nwi d d i e 123 North Third Street Suite 104 Minneapolis MN 55401 -1657 www.rrdHerdunwidcrie.com p 612- 337 4EM f 612 - 337 4)031 ARCHITECTURE October 1, 2009 Mr. Cary Teague, AICP Planning Director City of Edina 4801 West 501h Street Edina, MN 55424 RE: Burgundy Place — Landscape Changes Dear Cary, This letter is intended to identify the major areas of difference between the original landscape plan presented to the City and the current proposal. Minor changes in the curb line and ornamental plantings have been made to coordinate better with the architecture as it developed. These minor changes will not be detailed here. South side: The only change here was the elimination of one round raised planting bed at the southwest corner of the building in order to improve circulation in the area and provide more area for patio seating. I believe this is an improvement to the design. West side: MnDot would not approve the planting of any trees in the area along the fence line as originally proposed. We replaced the trees with a dense grouping of sumac rather than leave the area unplanted. The sumac will also help screen headlight glare. North side: Most of the changes occurred here. Due to conflicts with buried utilities, the entire fence and tree line had to move south approximately 5 feet. This compressed the plan in this area. As a result, the line of ornamental shrubs and perennials was omitted. The resulting slope is to be planted with native prairie grasses that are far more likely to maintain their intended appearance in this context than the more elaborate plantings. Also, to improve 4- season screening along the fence line, deciduous Hawthorn were replaced with Black Hills Spruce. In terms of tree counts in this area, the changes are as follows: Approved Plan 18 Black Hills Spruce 9 Hawthorn 1 Maple 16 River Birch 44 as Revised Plan X Black Hills Spruce 1 Maple 14 River Birch L-3 41 Page 2 The changes to the low level ornamental plantings are not visible from any neighboring properties. The 10' high fence effectively screens the entire rear fire lane area. East side: The margin along the golf course had no work in the original proposal. This area has been cleaned out, with weeds and scrub trees and bushes removed. The new trees intended for the MnDot property on the west side have been planted here instead, along with sod and native prairie grasses. The entrance to the rear fire lane has also been enhanced with more ornamental shrubs and perennials. Regards, John Leeke, AIA Miller Dunwiddie Architecture P� U: \KAM\KAM0505 \K1_Punch Lists \Landscape narrative.doc APPENDIX A TECHNICAL LANDSCAPE PLANS: PLANTING PLAN THE GATEWAY Mixed Use Development Edina, MN miller dunwiddie ARCHITECTURE EDINA GATEWAY, LLC 07JUNE2006 KAM0505 �'�.,. i .� - - - -- -- -- - -- - -- - -- _ —. -. miWr dunwid�dis _ 1` . E '� d ♦"� "'a, I ''',... 4:f i w" 3.✓"''.'w: '''....,Rr�= �s'r?��mrr� -- - - - " -= -.'— -'- OF .1 C 3 �'�PYL°3lTtl' y': ATE W MOTEL ��1 • �L��. TM G U. MI°d m•Nt !LM7 .arn•,.nn F -_._- �� ASS �� =rte-- WEST PLANTING PLAN s— PLANTING PALETTE PLAN NOTES PLANTING NOTES _� APPENDIX A TECHNICAL LANDSCAPE PLANS: PLANTING PLAN THE GATEWAY Mixed Use Development Edina, MN miller dunwiddie ARCHITECTURE EDINA GATEWAY, LLC 07JUNE2006 KAM0505 miUar dwnviddm fm*, 21-14 REFER TO SHEET L105 FOR EXTENT OF 2ND FLOOR GREEN ROOF wr.= -1 93 tTi 4z& Tho Gate" ON-RAMP tB Mlwd U. HWY. 100 NORTH prl _j 6 mmew J WEST 7n� RIM t PLANTING PLAN P12.11.9 nx xr; _29119 WIN PLANTING PALETTE PLAN NOTES: PLANTING NOTES �LJ02 I r y rM o EL ROOK MILCN 9E IY RETAMMG WALL AND BACK OF MRB. SEE N=' AND DUAL MIM u 7 � M M PRF!/ wPLA■TER WOE ANNUAL FLOWIIm. T .VL BLEEVEvmN URMATIM 1 . I , r- Ewffl�� ME e4: '. ■pp ��.,: SEE NOTEC it na °raaa va a.A.o ... °..m..mr:r.,.r..arr..� •am-1 i..o.n.a.A vaa■.r: .t.�^ -- -•r °` Planting Plan Sim r. L102 PLANTING NOTES f� 1 1. � I SEE NOTEa 1 1 1 w I I A I ; i i 1, asrr er ..er.voa �� v � °.u°Oa o •. aa°".raa ipO'0i. � amts a ¢e s u�m ri° �. mCP a ago a�va� s°a°mm. �v .i�awi m v sm v ' m�r w..aA�vv me �:eb• ��rr�� co�ati� .1�iw eiv °_ _ ru r: �•.a AFm air asm is me°Q.°s.: r ®.°°aavw®a�emo pa�0vw+a�•_ � ioia n wm ®'� u¢wfre .i wiaa��1i •ar.r as aa.s o germ . am� ��� °'°.®: rte• lln rr&w dUmdd @ Alfa mraaffs.rs+rwf Ie.F�+w site -Iffs P An mwm f flfi�f S.. F�Y.A...Y. u�as.o.w AYr•YY Yaa..y�1 ,i..azu:.ns b vxmsrm� N� f The Gateway Mixed Use Development E MA GAMWAY.LLO Final Development Plan Not For ConstructWn • OV e ° Oy• �,�'i•i.: .: CnJ s8Wart mss P' lurrab °';r: APPENDIX A TECHNICAL LANDSCAPE PLANS: PLANTING PLAN THE GATEWAY Mixed Use Development Edina, MN miller dunwiddie ARCHITECTURE k 1� EDINA GATEWAY, LLC € 07 JUNE 2006 KAM0505 na °raaa va a.A.o ... °..m..mr:r.,.r..arr..� •am-1 i..o.n.a.A vaa■.r: .t.�^ -- -•r °` Planting Plan L102 PLANTING NOTES • OV e ° Oy• �,�'i•i.: .: CnJ s8Wart mss P' lurrab °';r: APPENDIX A TECHNICAL LANDSCAPE PLANS: PLANTING PLAN THE GATEWAY Mixed Use Development Edina, MN miller dunwiddie ARCHITECTURE k 1� EDINA GATEWAY, LLC € 07 JUNE 2006 KAM0505 r L \ 0018 F NAIL BILLi. J'T- _ _ 00 Q O SEE NOTE Y1 (BELOWI T L / L..K MULCH BETWEEN DRIVE. •� AND STRUCTURE AS SHDMM. SEE NOTES AND DETAIL 51106. SEE NOTE 66 (BELM. ROCK MULCH BETWEEN RETAINING O ❑ O O D O WALL AND BACK OF CURB. SEE NOTES AND DETAIL 5L1D6. MADOT FIE OETO REMAIN REFER TO SHEET L105 FOR REED EXTENT OF DISTURBED AREAS EXTENT OF 2ND FLOOR GREEN ROOF ON -RAMP HWY. 100 NORTH i SEE PLANTING ON MDDOT PROPERTY PENDING SPECIAL PERMIT APPROVAL •� R SOD EXTENT OF DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN THE RIGHT -OF -WAY ALONG WEST 77TH_ D ❑ TES' RAISED CONCRETE PLANTER CURB. TYP. t - up '--B' RAISED CONCRETE PLANTER CURB. TYP. 0 5' RAISED PLANTER CURB. SEE PLAN SHEET L101 FOR - PIAZA LAYOUT INFORMATION 0 8' I� R�IREYB.•n It1 J, L% PROT6LTY m.,oAIPM61iReeJ •J 1 'JAL OR 6' T. I O � PLANTING PLAN D D D NE ENAH 60'ROUND TREE GRATE SET IN A 12' WIDE COLORED CONCRETE BAND, PER DETAIL 81106. TYP. S. WEST 1 ° i 0;e°eeea o IOOOOOi 1\ t SEE NOTE 93 S' RAISED CONCRETE PLANTER CURB, TYP. (5) SEE DETAIL 61103. Ord - PROPERFYLINr.-P,' oil • ueHmn caxmACTeR ro caPRPPare yre Lnlmxe tM SuEYTWO NAe£ 'gym K6T_ / pV-I. / �� �, fQ4>7x �� MTALLm InT. / ROPY wPT 9YL I CMIIITD 6WT 11 f¢ 69w -ESN[ IWL/1IWIW LAl JK =tEP LOXT. 511 LAL S.GPIED COMP 19TH. MZL TILL q6F Y�ml A /.' sAVm pp35a Tw 6 PIZ.OAR r= 6®R T4 B�A�A,TRn � ro �/R�M°YPW +e¢ TA- s -sLVO m u1E+rs a 1¢'TUMls6 vc�s stmm6 MMra w11s YIAT N 9A[AM fi+li s® 1x9 vmn IumS ®A�imA s sYU ro sus m 0¢nr®m Inm. AWa E.Wm ¢¢ �� �` x 90 RNn 6(i RAN 5N@T ❑G RCN= FLANTIN6 pETAILS. PLANTING PALETTE PLAN NOTES: - CONTRACTOR SWILL MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, INCLUDING THE REMOVAL OF ACCUMULATED SILT N FRONT OF SILT FENCES AND EXCESS SEDIMENT W PROPOSED CATCH BASINS, FOR THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. THE !LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT SEF SHALL CONTAIN THE LI01 -L105 PLAN SHEETS AS WELL AS THE SPECIFICATION MANUAL SECTIONS PERTAINING TO WORK NOTED ON THE PLAN SHEETS, LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR AL TH SHL INSPECT E SITE AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH EXISTING CONDITIONS RELATING TO THE MATURE AND SCOPE OF WORK. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY PLAN LAYOUT AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN AND BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DISCREPANCIES WHICH MAY COMPROMISE THE DESIGN OR INTENT OF ME LAYOUT. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING ROADS. CURBS /GUTTERS, TRAILS. TREES, LAWNS AND SITE ELEMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. DAMAGE TO SAME SHALL BE REPAIRED AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO ME OWNER. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALIGNMENT AND LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND AND ABOVE GRADE VTIUTIE3 AND PROMDE THE NECESSARY PROTECTION FOR SAME BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE PFMSES DF CONSTRUCTION AND PLANTING NSTALATDN WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS WORKING ON SITE. UNDERGROUND UTILRIES SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THAT TRENCHES DO NOT CUT THROUGH ROOT SYSTEMS OF EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN. EXISTING CONTOURS. TRAILS. VEGETATION, CURB /GUTTER AND OTHER ELEMENTS ARE BASED UPON INFORMATION SUPPLIED TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BY OMFRS. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NDTR' LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF SAME, ALIGNMENT AND GRADES OF ME PROPOSED WALKS. TRAILS OR ROADWAYS ARE SUBJECT TO FIELD ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED TO CONFORM TO LOCAUZED TOPOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS AHD TO MINIMIZE TREE REMOVAL AND GRADING. CHANGES IN THE AUGNMENT A GRADES MUST BE APPROVED BY ME LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. NO PLANTS WILL BE INSTALLED UNTIL MAL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA SOD AR EAS DISTURBED DUE TO GRADING UNLESS NOTED OTHERMSE. WHERE SOD ABUTS PAVED SURFACES. FNSHED GRADE OF SOD /SEED SHALL BE HELD I' BE IDW SURFACE EJNATON OF TRA1, SUB, CURB, ETC. SOD SEAL BE WD PARALLEL TO ME CONTOURS AND SMALL HAVE STAGGERED JOINTS. ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 11 OR IN DRANAGE SWALES, SOD SNALL SE STALED SECURELY. PUW GRAPHIC TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER PLANT SCHEDULE F DISCREPANCIES IN OUANTITES EXIST. SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER NOTES. PROPOSED PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE LOCATED AND STAKED AS SHOWN ON PUN. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST APPROVE STAKING OF PLANT MATERAL PRIOR TO DIGGING, NO PUNT MATERIAL SUBSTTFJP NS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ARPRDVA IS GRANTED BY ME LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO ME LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO THE SUBMISSION DF BID IN WRITING. ADJUSTMENTS IN LDCATION OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIALS MAY BE NEEDED IN FIELD. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO ADJUSTMENT OF PLANTS. STEPPERS, FURNITURE. ETC. PLAT MATERIAL SHALL BE FERTILIZED UPON INSTALLATION WITH DRIED BONE YEA., OTHER APPROVED FERTIUZER MIXED IN WITH ME PUUTTIN. SOIL PER ME MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS OR MAY BE TREATED FOR SUMMER AND FALL INSTALLATION WITH AN ARPUCATION OF GRANULAR 10-0 -5 OF 12 OZ. PER 2.5' CALIPER TREE AND 6 OZ. PER SHRUB WITH AND AIIOTRONAL APPLCATON OF 10-0-10 THF FOLLOWING SPRING IN TI2 TRE£ SAUCER. PLANT MATERIALS TO BE INSTALLED PER PUNTING TAI GELS. PLANING AREAS RECEMNO PERENNIALS SHALL RECEIVE A MINIMUM OF 12' DEPTH OF PLANTING SOIL CONSISTING OF 45 PARTS TOPSOIL, 45 PARTS SCREENED COMPOST AND 10 PARTS SAND, WRAPPING MAYORAL SNAl BE CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPING I' GREATER IN CALIPER THAN ME TREE BEND PROTECTED OR OUALTY. HEAVY. WATERPROOF CREPE PAPER NAWJFACTURED FOR THIS PURPOSE. WRAP DECIDUOUS TREES PLANTED IN ME FALL PRIOR TO DECEMBER 1 AND REMOVE WRAPPING AFTER MAY 1. PERENNIAL PLAITING BEDS TO RECEIVE 3' SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCK WITH NO WEED BARRIER. 3/16• STEEL EDGER TO BE USED TO CONTAIN SHRUBS. PERENNIALS WHERE PLANTING BED MEETS SOD UNLESS OTHERWISE NO7E0. SHRUB BED MASCINGS TO RECEIVE a- DEEP SHREDDED HARDWOOD MUILK WITH FIBER NAT WEED BARRIER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON ME RAN SHECT, CONIFEROUS TREES ARE TO RECEIVE A' DEEP SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH AND SHALL HAVE NO MULCH IN DIRECT CONTACT WTRV ME TREE TRUNK. MANTENNI E STRIPS, WHERE ILLUSTRATED, TO HAVE EDGER AND STONE NULDH AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS OR IN SPECIFICATIONS. UNDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ME OWNER WM AN IRRIGATION SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE TO ME PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS AND TO PLANTED MATERIAL GROWTH REOUIREMENTS. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSURE MAT SOIL CONDITIONS AND COMPACTION ARE ADEQUATE TO ALLGW FOR PROPER DRAINAGE AROUND ME CONSTRUCTION SITE. UNDESIRABLE CONDITIONS SNALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF ME LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF WORK. R SIAL BE ME LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSSILIIY TO INSURE PROPER SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE IN PLANTING AREAS. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW ME SITE FOR DEFI❑ENCTES IN SITE CONDITIONS WINCH MIGHT NEGATIVELY AFFECT PLANT ESTABUSHMENT, SURVIVAL DR WARRANTY. UNDESIRABLE SITE CONDTONS SMALL BE BROUGHT TO ME ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCKTECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF WORK. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AND SUBMIT A WRITTEN REQUEST FOR ME SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION INSPECTION OF !LANDSCAPE AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING FINAL PAY REQUEST. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AND SUBMIT REPRODUCIBLE AS -BUILT DRAWING(S) OF LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION, IRRIGATION AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS UPON COMPLETION OF CDNSTRUCTI ON INSTALLATION AND PRIOR TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ONGOING MAINTENANCE OF NEWLY INSTALLED MATERIALS UNTIL TIME OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. REPAIR ACTS OF VANDAJSM DR DAMAGE WHICH MAY OCCUR PRIOR TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION SHALL BE ME RESPONSIBILITY OF ME LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, ME APPROPRIATE DATES FOR SPRING PLANT MATERIAL INSTALLATION AND SEED /SOD PLACEMENT 5 FROM THE TIME GROUND HAS TWINED TD JUNE 15. FALL SODDING IS ACCEPTABLE FROM AUGUST 15 TO NOVEMBER 1. FALL SEEDING R GENERALLY ACCEPTABLE MGM AUGUST 15 M SEPTEMBER 15 ADJUSTMENTS . A TO SOD / SEED PLANTING DATES MST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. CONIFEROUS PLATTING IS ACCEPTABLE PHOY AUGUST 15 TO OCTOBER 1. FALL DECIDUOUS PUNTING 5 ACCEPTABLE FROM ME FIRST MOST UNTIL NOVEMBER 15. THE ESCROW REQUIRED BY ME COY DF EDINA SHALL BE PAID BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO FILE k PAY FEES ASSOCIATED WITH WORK SHOWN IN THESE DOCUMENTS. THE LANDSCAPE CDNTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPGN5IBI_E FOR COORDINATION WIM THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE ME SITE CONDITION AT ME TIME OF LANDSCAPE WORK ACTIVITIES. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRA CTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL FINE GRADING, TOPSOIL TESTING, SITE PREPARATION, ETC. AS NOTED IN ME SPECIFICATIONS MANUAL.. EXISTING TREES OR SIGNIFICANT SHRUB MASSINCS FOUND ON SITE SHALL BE PROTECTED AND SAVED UNLESS NOTED TO BE REMOVED OR ARE LOCATED IN AN AREA TO BE GRADED. DUESYDNS REGARDING EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE BROUGHT TO ME ATTENTION OF ME LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO REMOVAL ROUGH GRADING AND FINISHED GRADING TO BE DONE BY OTHERS EXCEPT WHERE NOTED, FILL/CUT AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE A IX MINIMUM GRADE AWAY MGM BUILDINGS WITHN UNITS OF CONSTRUCTION. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AFTER VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED. REFER TO ME CARL ENGINEER'S PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRADING, LTIILITY, RETANNG WALL, POND AND PAVING INFORMATION. SUCH ITEMS ARE SHOWN ON THESE PLANS FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY. REFER TO ME ARCHITECT'S PLANS FOR BUILDING - RELATED ITEMS, NCLUDING STOOPS, DOOR SWINGS. ETC. ADD EROSION CONTROL MEASURES IF GRADES GREATER TVA 4:1 OR IF CONDITIONS WARRANT. REFER TO MADOT SPECIFICATIONS FOR EROSION CONTROL. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT PUBLIC UTILITIES FOR LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND WIRES CABLES. CONDUITS, PIPES. MANHOLES. VALVES DR OMER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE IF DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO ME OWNER. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PROPER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS REQUIRED TO INSURE TART EROSION 15 KEPT TO AN ABSOLUTE MINIMUM, PROVIDE TEMPORARY COVERING FOR CATCH WINS AND MAN HOLES UNTIL FINISHED GRADING IS COMPLETE PERIMETER SILT FENCE AND ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE INSTATED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. REFER TO MNDOT SPECIFICATIONS FOR AGGREGATE WE AND SILT FENCE WITHIN TWO WEEKS OF FINISHED SITE GRADING, DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE STABRUZED OATH SEED. SOD OR ROCK BASE. 'DO NOT TRESPASS OR ENCROACH ON ADMCENT PRIVATE PROPERTY WIMOUT PRIOR CONSENT OF TIMT PROPERTY OWNER OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. O)• PLANTING NOTES miller dunwiddie Ib NIMth Third S1nMSub 1D6 ANN 5MI -1657 ....d Wd..wIda mm p 612-MI-M If 612.1 -Ml LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: Re 913 MxdlAA&6Pp IfAAph -61 .3327 35I67 fA 66E3.32.MdI 612.131.09)6 nrdmmaJmbcaxn uTN® v+Prr[��MS+llrzc��T uml m I,vs _j'�}ffi7�AA2_ 6TNAlu _ w ue.m /19]6 The Gateway Mixed Use Development EIRnA MlnnmaS EDBNA GATEWAY, LLD �Ipen 1mF� R vn cPAd¢ Construction Document Set fF �iL1I6 Y4- I°n�pT¢ MNkclua. be Planting Plan 0000rorooramm 0 .Y3KA .,t SOD TO EXTENT OF DISTURBED AREAS WITMN ME RIGHT-OF-WAY ALONG WEST 77TH ti 1\ t SEE NOTE 93 S' RAISED CONCRETE PLANTER CURB, TYP. (5) SEE DETAIL 61103. Ord - PROPERFYLINr.-P,' oil • ueHmn caxmACTeR ro caPRPPare yre Lnlmxe tM SuEYTWO NAe£ 'gym K6T_ / pV-I. / �� �, fQ4>7x �� MTALLm InT. / ROPY wPT 9YL I CMIIITD 6WT 11 f¢ 69w -ESN[ IWL/1IWIW LAl JK =tEP LOXT. 511 LAL S.GPIED COMP 19TH. MZL TILL q6F Y�ml A /.' sAVm pp35a Tw 6 PIZ.OAR r= 6®R T4 B�A�A,TRn � ro �/R�M°YPW +e¢ TA- s -sLVO m u1E+rs a 1¢'TUMls6 vc�s stmm6 MMra w11s YIAT N 9A[AM fi+li s® 1x9 vmn IumS ®A�imA s sYU ro sus m 0¢nr®m Inm. AWa E.Wm ¢¢ �� �` x 90 RNn 6(i RAN 5N@T ❑G RCN= FLANTIN6 pETAILS. PLANTING PALETTE PLAN NOTES: - CONTRACTOR SWILL MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, INCLUDING THE REMOVAL OF ACCUMULATED SILT N FRONT OF SILT FENCES AND EXCESS SEDIMENT W PROPOSED CATCH BASINS, FOR THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. THE !LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT SEF SHALL CONTAIN THE LI01 -L105 PLAN SHEETS AS WELL AS THE SPECIFICATION MANUAL SECTIONS PERTAINING TO WORK NOTED ON THE PLAN SHEETS, LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR AL TH SHL INSPECT E SITE AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH EXISTING CONDITIONS RELATING TO THE MATURE AND SCOPE OF WORK. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY PLAN LAYOUT AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN AND BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DISCREPANCIES WHICH MAY COMPROMISE THE DESIGN OR INTENT OF ME LAYOUT. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING ROADS. CURBS /GUTTERS, TRAILS. TREES, LAWNS AND SITE ELEMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. DAMAGE TO SAME SHALL BE REPAIRED AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO ME OWNER. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALIGNMENT AND LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND AND ABOVE GRADE VTIUTIE3 AND PROMDE THE NECESSARY PROTECTION FOR SAME BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE PFMSES DF CONSTRUCTION AND PLANTING NSTALATDN WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS WORKING ON SITE. UNDERGROUND UTILRIES SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THAT TRENCHES DO NOT CUT THROUGH ROOT SYSTEMS OF EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN. EXISTING CONTOURS. TRAILS. VEGETATION, CURB /GUTTER AND OTHER ELEMENTS ARE BASED UPON INFORMATION SUPPLIED TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BY OMFRS. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NDTR' LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF SAME, ALIGNMENT AND GRADES OF ME PROPOSED WALKS. TRAILS OR ROADWAYS ARE SUBJECT TO FIELD ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED TO CONFORM TO LOCAUZED TOPOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS AHD TO MINIMIZE TREE REMOVAL AND GRADING. CHANGES IN THE AUGNMENT A GRADES MUST BE APPROVED BY ME LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. NO PLANTS WILL BE INSTALLED UNTIL MAL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA SOD AR EAS DISTURBED DUE TO GRADING UNLESS NOTED OTHERMSE. WHERE SOD ABUTS PAVED SURFACES. FNSHED GRADE OF SOD /SEED SHALL BE HELD I' BE IDW SURFACE EJNATON OF TRA1, SUB, CURB, ETC. SOD SEAL BE WD PARALLEL TO ME CONTOURS AND SMALL HAVE STAGGERED JOINTS. ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 11 OR IN DRANAGE SWALES, SOD SNALL SE STALED SECURELY. PUW GRAPHIC TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER PLANT SCHEDULE F DISCREPANCIES IN OUANTITES EXIST. SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER NOTES. PROPOSED PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE LOCATED AND STAKED AS SHOWN ON PUN. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST APPROVE STAKING OF PLANT MATERAL PRIOR TO DIGGING, NO PUNT MATERIAL SUBSTTFJP NS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ARPRDVA IS GRANTED BY ME LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO ME LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO THE SUBMISSION DF BID IN WRITING. ADJUSTMENTS IN LDCATION OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIALS MAY BE NEEDED IN FIELD. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO ADJUSTMENT OF PLANTS. STEPPERS, FURNITURE. ETC. PLAT MATERIAL SHALL BE FERTILIZED UPON INSTALLATION WITH DRIED BONE YEA., OTHER APPROVED FERTIUZER MIXED IN WITH ME PUUTTIN. SOIL PER ME MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS OR MAY BE TREATED FOR SUMMER AND FALL INSTALLATION WITH AN ARPUCATION OF GRANULAR 10-0 -5 OF 12 OZ. PER 2.5' CALIPER TREE AND 6 OZ. PER SHRUB WITH AND AIIOTRONAL APPLCATON OF 10-0-10 THF FOLLOWING SPRING IN TI2 TRE£ SAUCER. PLANT MATERIALS TO BE INSTALLED PER PUNTING TAI GELS. PLANING AREAS RECEMNO PERENNIALS SHALL RECEIVE A MINIMUM OF 12' DEPTH OF PLANTING SOIL CONSISTING OF 45 PARTS TOPSOIL, 45 PARTS SCREENED COMPOST AND 10 PARTS SAND, WRAPPING MAYORAL SNAl BE CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPING I' GREATER IN CALIPER THAN ME TREE BEND PROTECTED OR OUALTY. HEAVY. WATERPROOF CREPE PAPER NAWJFACTURED FOR THIS PURPOSE. WRAP DECIDUOUS TREES PLANTED IN ME FALL PRIOR TO DECEMBER 1 AND REMOVE WRAPPING AFTER MAY 1. PERENNIAL PLAITING BEDS TO RECEIVE 3' SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCK WITH NO WEED BARRIER. 3/16• STEEL EDGER TO BE USED TO CONTAIN SHRUBS. PERENNIALS WHERE PLANTING BED MEETS SOD UNLESS OTHERWISE NO7E0. SHRUB BED MASCINGS TO RECEIVE a- DEEP SHREDDED HARDWOOD MUILK WITH FIBER NAT WEED BARRIER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON ME RAN SHECT, CONIFEROUS TREES ARE TO RECEIVE A' DEEP SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH AND SHALL HAVE NO MULCH IN DIRECT CONTACT WTRV ME TREE TRUNK. MANTENNI E STRIPS, WHERE ILLUSTRATED, TO HAVE EDGER AND STONE NULDH AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS OR IN SPECIFICATIONS. UNDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ME OWNER WM AN IRRIGATION SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE TO ME PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS AND TO PLANTED MATERIAL GROWTH REOUIREMENTS. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSURE MAT SOIL CONDITIONS AND COMPACTION ARE ADEQUATE TO ALLGW FOR PROPER DRAINAGE AROUND ME CONSTRUCTION SITE. UNDESIRABLE CONDITIONS SNALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF ME LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF WORK. R SIAL BE ME LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSSILIIY TO INSURE PROPER SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE IN PLANTING AREAS. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW ME SITE FOR DEFI❑ENCTES IN SITE CONDITIONS WINCH MIGHT NEGATIVELY AFFECT PLANT ESTABUSHMENT, SURVIVAL DR WARRANTY. UNDESIRABLE SITE CONDTONS SMALL BE BROUGHT TO ME ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCKTECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF WORK. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AND SUBMIT A WRITTEN REQUEST FOR ME SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION INSPECTION OF !LANDSCAPE AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING FINAL PAY REQUEST. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AND SUBMIT REPRODUCIBLE AS -BUILT DRAWING(S) OF LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION, IRRIGATION AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS UPON COMPLETION OF CDNSTRUCTI ON INSTALLATION AND PRIOR TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ONGOING MAINTENANCE OF NEWLY INSTALLED MATERIALS UNTIL TIME OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. REPAIR ACTS OF VANDAJSM DR DAMAGE WHICH MAY OCCUR PRIOR TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION SHALL BE ME RESPONSIBILITY OF ME LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, ME APPROPRIATE DATES FOR SPRING PLANT MATERIAL INSTALLATION AND SEED /SOD PLACEMENT 5 FROM THE TIME GROUND HAS TWINED TD JUNE 15. FALL SODDING IS ACCEPTABLE FROM AUGUST 15 TO NOVEMBER 1. FALL SEEDING R GENERALLY ACCEPTABLE MGM AUGUST 15 M SEPTEMBER 15 ADJUSTMENTS . A TO SOD / SEED PLANTING DATES MST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. CONIFEROUS PLATTING IS ACCEPTABLE PHOY AUGUST 15 TO OCTOBER 1. FALL DECIDUOUS PUNTING 5 ACCEPTABLE FROM ME FIRST MOST UNTIL NOVEMBER 15. THE ESCROW REQUIRED BY ME COY DF EDINA SHALL BE PAID BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO FILE k PAY FEES ASSOCIATED WITH WORK SHOWN IN THESE DOCUMENTS. THE LANDSCAPE CDNTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPGN5IBI_E FOR COORDINATION WIM THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE ME SITE CONDITION AT ME TIME OF LANDSCAPE WORK ACTIVITIES. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRA CTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL FINE GRADING, TOPSOIL TESTING, SITE PREPARATION, ETC. AS NOTED IN ME SPECIFICATIONS MANUAL.. EXISTING TREES OR SIGNIFICANT SHRUB MASSINCS FOUND ON SITE SHALL BE PROTECTED AND SAVED UNLESS NOTED TO BE REMOVED OR ARE LOCATED IN AN AREA TO BE GRADED. DUESYDNS REGARDING EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE BROUGHT TO ME ATTENTION OF ME LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO REMOVAL ROUGH GRADING AND FINISHED GRADING TO BE DONE BY OTHERS EXCEPT WHERE NOTED, FILL/CUT AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE A IX MINIMUM GRADE AWAY MGM BUILDINGS WITHN UNITS OF CONSTRUCTION. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AFTER VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED. REFER TO ME CARL ENGINEER'S PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRADING, LTIILITY, RETANNG WALL, POND AND PAVING INFORMATION. SUCH ITEMS ARE SHOWN ON THESE PLANS FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY. REFER TO ME ARCHITECT'S PLANS FOR BUILDING - RELATED ITEMS, NCLUDING STOOPS, DOOR SWINGS. ETC. ADD EROSION CONTROL MEASURES IF GRADES GREATER TVA 4:1 OR IF CONDITIONS WARRANT. REFER TO MADOT SPECIFICATIONS FOR EROSION CONTROL. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT PUBLIC UTILITIES FOR LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND WIRES CABLES. CONDUITS, PIPES. MANHOLES. VALVES DR OMER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE IF DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO ME OWNER. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PROPER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS REQUIRED TO INSURE TART EROSION 15 KEPT TO AN ABSOLUTE MINIMUM, PROVIDE TEMPORARY COVERING FOR CATCH WINS AND MAN HOLES UNTIL FINISHED GRADING IS COMPLETE PERIMETER SILT FENCE AND ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE INSTATED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. REFER TO MNDOT SPECIFICATIONS FOR AGGREGATE WE AND SILT FENCE WITHIN TWO WEEKS OF FINISHED SITE GRADING, DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE STABRUZED OATH SEED. SOD OR ROCK BASE. 'DO NOT TRESPASS OR ENCROACH ON ADMCENT PRIVATE PROPERTY WIMOUT PRIOR CONSENT OF TIMT PROPERTY OWNER OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. O)• PLANTING NOTES miller dunwiddie Ib NIMth Third S1nMSub 1D6 ANN 5MI -1657 ....d Wd..wIda mm p 612-MI-M If 612.1 -Ml LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: Re 913 MxdlAA&6Pp IfAAph -61 .3327 35I67 fA 66E3.32.MdI 612.131.09)6 nrdmmaJmbcaxn uTN® v+Prr[��MS+llrzc��T uml m I,vs _j'�}ffi7�AA2_ 6TNAlu _ w ue.m /19]6 The Gateway Mixed Use Development EIRnA MlnnmaS EDBNA GATEWAY, LLD �Ipen 1mF� R vn cPAd¢ Construction Document Set fF �iL1I6 Y4- I°n�pT¢ MNkclua. be Planting Plan 0000rorooramm A, ,SN ok e C:- •'�CORPORI'�� �aBe REPORURECOMMENDATION To: Mayor Hovland and members of Agenda Item IV. C. the Edina City Counci From: John Keprios, Direct r Consent ❑ Park & Recreation De ment Information Only ❑ Date: October 6, 2009 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Subject: Pamela Park Master Plan ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion RECOMMENDATION: The Park Board recommends that the City Council accept the master plan for Pamela Park as proposed by staff which includes the original plan to relocate the hockey rink approximately 30 feet south and 30 feet west. The master plan includes the following projects: 1. Replace Hockey Rink Boards And Lights 2. Paved Trail Access To Playground 3. Renovate Senior Athletic Field 4. Develop New Athletic Field 5. Expand and Renovate the North, South and West Parking Lots 6. Park Shelter Building Improvements INFO /BACKGROUND: Process: For the past three years, Park and Recreation Department staff has been working on establishing an updated master plan for Pamela Park mainly due to ongoing requests from athletic associations and residents for a variety of park improvements. Special requests included additional batting cages, new athletic field space, community gardens, off -leash dog area, new park shelter building, storage space and more. Two of the larger proposed projects included converting the senior athletic field to artificial turf and upgrading the existing practice field area (west of the senior athletic field) to an improved rectangular athletic field that is safe for youth. In 2008, the landscape architecture and civil engineering consulting firm of Anderson — Johnson Associates, Inc. was hired to study the feasibility of upgrading the existing natural grass area that is west of the senior athletic field. This area has long been used by youth athletic associations as a practice area for soccer, football and lacrosse as well as an open grass area for residents to use as open play space. This open space area has an uneven surface which is not suitable for scheduled youth athletic events. Anderson- Johnson Associates, Inc. conducted a feasibility study and determined that a smaller field would be feasible (160' by 300') which would keep it out of the determined 100 year floodplain. In 2008, I assembled a 16 member Pamela Park Task Force made up of representatives of youth athletic associations, neighbors of Pamela Park, staff and professional consultants from Anderson- Johnson Associates, Inc. and a consultant from ATS &R architect firm. Neighbors who served on the playground equipment selection committee were asked to serve on the Pamela Park Task Force and invite other neighbors interested and willing to serve to also attend. The Task Force only had to meet two times (January and April of 2009) and they were very helpful in providing valuable input into the master plan process. I took the recommendations of the Task Force to the Park Board at their May 2009 meeting. The Park Board directed staff to mail 997 letters on June 30, 2009 to property owners whose properties are within 1,000 feet of Pamela Park. The letter requested their input on the nine different proposed park improvements and also invited them to attend a neighborhood input meeting which took place on Thursday, July 30, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The same was mailed to all Edina's youth athletic association presidents. A press release was submitted to the Sun Newspaper and notices were placed throughout the park. This process was used in an attempt to efficiently reach the neighboring properties and user groups to ask for their input on a variety of long -range proposed park improvement plans for Pamela Park. Rather than notify over 1,000 residents each time a park improvement is to be considered, it seemed to make sense to establish a long -range plan for residents to consider and provide feedback on and have the opportunity to attend one meeting. Approximately 25 residents attended the neighborhood input meeting on July 30`h. The meeting began with a presentation by staff explaining all of the proposed park improvement projects and accepting questions during the presentation. After the presentation, there were a number of residents who chose to speak and provide their input into the proposed park improvements. Four Park Board members attended the meeting; Todd Fronek, Benjamin Fox Pobuda, Ray O'Connell and Daniel Peterson. As shown in the minutes, there were representatives from the Edina Soccer Association, Edina Soccer Club and Edina LaCrosse Association that provided input. There were several residents who gave their input regarding the plans and most were very supportive and asked excellent questions. Edina resident Bill Leskee gave the audience a detailed presentation on his desire for the master plan to include a community garden at Pamela Park. A representative of the Edina Energy and Environment Commission (EEEC) also spoke at the meeting and. read and presented a Resolution of the EEEC (attached) that opposes the . majority of the proposed projects including the proposed parking lot expansions, athletic field renovation, development of a view natural grass athletic field and the concept of converting the senior athletic field into an artificial turf field. There were 16 written responses (copies included in this Report) to my June 301h letter . requesting community input. ' The most common concern about the proposed nine projects centers around the difficult- economic times we are experiencing and residents suggest that we should either delay or eliminate as many projects as possible. There was feedback regarding the need for curbing while others feel that curbing is not necessary and. residents should park on the grass during the few peak parking events. Residents wrote and testified that the hockey rink should not be re- located because they disagree that the nature trail is improperly aligned and there was a concern about consuming more open skating area. There was a request for better bicycle parking facilities. A resident expressed a desire for hard surface walking paths like at Bredesen Park. One resident wrote that an artificial turf field is too expensive and not fitting for a community park. More than one resident has expressed a need for an improved park shelter building in the future.. There is also an expressed need for additional storage for playground program equipment and athletic association and Edina High School Fast Pitch Softball program equipment. Sustainability and concern for the environment was also expressed as an important issue to incorporate into the master,plan. One resident requested that there should be a long -range plan to remove and manage buckthorn in the park. Water quality, using green building materials, permeable hard surfaces, energy efficient lights and other sustainable practices were expressed as a priority for the master plan. Over the past few years, there have been several requests to convert the senior athletic field into an artificial turf field. This concept was discussed, debated and studied throughout the process. In the end, I recommended to the Park Board that artificial turf not be considered as part of the master plan .for a number of reasons: • The School District is considering development of several additional artificial turf fields on their properties at the High School Campus and Edina Community Center Campus. Athletic associations could.benefit from those fields and in my view should be encouraged to help fund raise to make those become a reality. • Pamela Park already experiences a regular problem with unauthorized non- resident use. The addition of an artificial turf field will likely escalate that problem and put a:sigmficant.taxpayer investment -at risk...- 4 • Some residents have expressed a concern over the barriers needed to protect an artificial turf field and the opposition to the change of character to the park. • Some residents have expressed the concern of losing more of the open grass play area of the park that is currently not bordered by fencing or barriers. • There is concern about future replacement costs of artificial turf. • Current technology has still not resolved the issue of the artificial turf becoming extremely hot during sunny hot mid - summer days. The Park Board agreed with staff recommendation to remove the artificial turf field project from the master plan indefinitely. I believe that the process to date has been thorough, transparent, comprehensive, public and positive. We have utilized professional architects and engineers to craft a master plan with feedback from staff and a focus group consisting of athletic association representatives, professional staff and neighborhood residents. Residents were well informed of the public input process and were encouraged to participate, ask questions, submit input in writing and attend the scheduled public input meeting. PROPOSED PARK IMPROVEMENTS The following is a description of each of the proposed park improvement projects that make up the master plan as recommended by the Park Board. 1. Replace Hockey Rink Boards and Lights: The Park Board voted to approve staff's original recommendation to replace the hockey rink boards-and lights and move the hockey rink approximately thirty feet to the west and thirty feet to the south of its existing location. The existing hockey rink light fixtures and standards are worn and need to be replaced. The current location of the hockey rink is too close to existing trees that have a shallow root system that is detrimental to the hockey rink surface. The current location of the.hockey rink also hinders the proper alignment for the nature trail that was added long after the hockey rink was established. The purchase and installation of the light standards, bases and energy efficient light fixtures is expected to cost approximately $40,000. The replacement and installation of new hockey rink posts and boards is expected to cost approximately $20,000. Total project costs are expected to be approximately $60,000 which is currently scheduled as a 2010 Capital Improvement Plan project. 2. Paved Trail Access to Playground: The Park Board voted to approve staff's recommendation to create a hard surface path from the south and west parking lots to the playground equipment. If fiscally reasonable, a permeable surface will be considered. Staff estimates total paved trail project costs to be approximately $30,000. There is a need for hard surface accessibility for park users to access the playground equipment area from the west and south parking lots. People with mobility issues and those with strollers are just two examples of the need to provide a safe hard surface access to the playground equipment from the south and west parking lots. There did not seem to be any significant objections to this proposed project. The main concern was that the hard surface paths be made of permeable materials so that water would run thrqugh the surface. On August 31, 2009, I'signed a Purchase Order request for $6,500 to construct a hard surface accessible path (135 square yards total) connection from the west parking to the playground equipment. I also received a quote for a permeable surface material that was approximately 3 times that amount. That connection is funded by'-the 2009 Paths and Hard Surfaces operating budget. A connecting`path to the south parking lot will remain' on hold until funding is approved and available. 3. Renovate Senior Athletic Field The Park Board voted to approve staff's recommendation to renovate the existing senior athletic field grass turf (the rectangular athletic field with lights) to a more sustainable natural grass field. The exact same renovation has been done to three athletic fields at Lewis Park and one athletic field at Braemar Park with great success. These renovated sand/peat athletic fields allow for desirable grasses to develop a deeper root growth and as a result they can withstand more play and reduces our dependence on pesticides. The down side is that these fields do require more fertilizers and more irrigation to maintain a healthy stand of grass. Sand/peat engineered grass fields have superior drainage which allows for play soon after a rainfall and maintains a safer athletic field surface for the public. The growth of youth and adult athletics and the birth of new field athletic sports (rugby, lacrosse, ultimate Frisbee, etc.) has placed`a greater demand on the rectangular shaped athletic fields. To withstand the greater demand, these athletic fields need to be better engineered to withstand heavier use loads. These new sand/peat athletic fields have proven to be more sustainable and tolerant to increased play. Renovation is anticipated to cost approximately $330,000 and is currently scheduled as a 2013 project within the Capital Improvement Plan. 4. Develop New Athletic Field The Park Board voted to approve the proposal to add another rectangular shaped athletic field (300' by 160') to serve primarily (but not exclusively)`the sports of football, soccer, lacrosse and rugby. As shown on the Master Plan drawn by Anderson/Johnson Associates, this natural grass field is proposed to be positioned northwest of the existing rectangular athletic field. This is a smaller grass athletic field (smaller than a regulation football field) that will be used as primarily a practice field (which is how the area is currently used); however, this smaller field could also be scheduled for -younger athletic game events. - - - Before this project could be considered; a feasibility study was conducted in 2007. A number of constraints were identified within that area, the least of which were. the delineation of wetlands and the elevation of the storm water flood plain. A topographic and wetland 6 delineation survey was ordered. It was determined that the field could be constructed, although the field size would need to be smaller in size (300' x 160') than the existing field to the east (380' x 225'). The number one identified need for youth athletic programs is the need for additional scheduled field time for the multiple sports (football, soccer, rugby, lacrosse and ultimate Frisbee) that all compete for the same rectangular athletic field. The demand for these fields has grown significantly over the past decade or more for a variety of reasons. Youth are exposed to organized athletic opportunities at a much earlier age than ever before and opportunities for girls in athletics have also grown significantly. The existing open space is currently used as a practice field; however, the area is uneven and unsafe. At the July 30`h Neighborhood Input Meeting, youth athletic association representatives stated that children have experienced serious injuries on this uneven grass area due to its existing uneven condition. The Park Board voted to include the development of this new rectangular athletic field as part of Pamela Park's long -range master plan. The total project cost is estimated to be approximately $400,000 which is currently scheduled as a 2014 Capital Improvement Plan project. 5. Expand and Renovate the North, South and West Parking Lots The Park Board voted to approve the recommendation for the Pamela Park master plan to include expansion and renovation of the north, south and west parking lots if the new rectangular athletic field becomes a reality. Additional parking is needed to keep visitors from parking on the grass during peak use periods. Parking on the grass is in violation of City Code. Unauthorized vehicles that are driven through parks are a violation of City Code and that is also inherently dangerous to the driver and the public and can be damaging to park property. The north parking lot project proposes to improve the flow of traffic into the north parking lot (near the park shelter building), create more parking capacity where possible and stripe the lot to make parking safer and more efficient. The existing north parking lot does not have well defined parking stalls, which leads to an inefficient and unsafe parking lot. As a result, park users park unlawfully on the grass. During high peak scheduled activities, there are not enough parking stalls to accommodate the demand. Additional parking stalls will make the lot safer, more efficient and keep park patrons from parking on neighborhood streets. Renovation of the north parking lot is expected to cost approximately $45,000. The poor design of the north parking lot needs to be addressed whether the new athletic field is built or not. The parking lot on the south end of Pamela Park is proposed to be expanded and redesigned to accommodate the parking demand. The redesign will include striping of the parking lot to make more efficient use of existing parking. 20 -23 additional parking stalls are proposed to be added to the south parking lot. Renovation of the south parking lot is expected to cost approximately $40,000 which is currently scheduled as a 2013 Capital Improvement Plan project. The west parking;lot.,renovation includes removal of existing asphalt surface, developing a new sub - base,. installing a new wear- course of asphalt followed by a finish coat of asphalt and adding concrete curbing around the perimeter. The plan calls for an expansion- opportunity to ad&37� more parking stalls to the west lot. Total project costs are expected to be approximately $60,000 which is currently scheduled as a 2013 Capital Improvement Plan Project.-. The project includes concrete curbing to deter people from parking "on the' grass or driving through, the park and helps direct oils and heavy metals to the proper catch basin. Some residents who testified at the July 301h meeting agreed that curbing should be included in the master plan for the west parking lot as proposed,. Those same residents al "so suggested that split rail fencing should be added to the plan`to deter violators,, from parking'on;thi grass and/or driving through the park. Residents testified that they support`the;parking lot expansions to help reduce on street parking as well. Total project costs for all three parking lot renovations and expansions is anticipated to be approximately $145,000 and all three are currently scheduled as 2013 Capital Improvement Plan projects. 6. Park Shelter Building Improvements: The Park Board voted to recommend park shelter building improvements as part of Pamela Park's master plan. This is a long -term project that proposes to expand the existing park shelter building to meet current park shelter needs and desires of the community. With the assistance from the professional architect /engineering consulting firm of ATS &R, it was determined that an expansion of the existing park shelter building is more cost effective than demolition and new construction. Four different concept drawings were proposed for consideration, all of which include much needed additional storage, plus a larger and more user friendly room for community gatherings, meetings and skate changing, plus a kitchen/concessions area, drinking fountain and outdoor picnic patio space. Funding for this project is not anticipated to be available within the next five years. When funding is available, the expansion will require more study and community input before a final plan is selected. With the assistance from ATS& -R, the Pamela Park Task Force and' staff concluded that it is in the City's best interest to expand the existing park shelter building to meet the identified park shelter facility and, storage needs and desires of the community. It was determined that there is a need for an additional 500 square feet of storage for recreation program equipment and athletic user groups' equipment. There was also an expressed need/desire for more user friendly community room space with a kitchen/concessions area to serve community group meetings, and gatherings as well as athletic user groups. A shaded concrete patio was also - expressed as a need/desire as part of the facility expansion. Project costs range from $340,200 to $410,200 depending on which of the four options is selected. It is_staff recommendation that this park improvement project be part of the long- range master plan for Pamela Park; however, the Park Board recommends that it should be delayed until funding becomes available. SUMMARY The Park Board recommends that the City Council accept the master plan for Pamela Park as proposed by staff which includes the original plan to relocate the hockey rink approximately 30 feet south and 30 feet west. PROPOSED PARK IMPROVEMENTS FOR PAMELA PARK 1. 2010 RELOCATE HOCKEY RINK AND LIGHTS Description: The Edina Park and Recreation Department is planning to relocate the hockey rink approximately thirty feet to the west and thirty feet to the south of its existing location. This relocation of the rink and. lights will cost approkimately $60,000. This project is being proposed as a 2010 Capital Improvement Plan project. Need/Justification: The existing hockey rink is worn and in need.of new boards and light fixtures and standards. The current location of the hockey rink is too close'to existing trees that have a shallow root system that is detrimental to the hockey rink surface. The current location of the hockey rink also hinders the proper alignment for the nature trail that was added long after the hockey rink was established. 2. 2013 WEST PARKING LOT RENOVATION AND EXPANSION Description: The west parking lot renovation includes removal of existing asphalt surface, developing a new sub -base, installing a new wear- course of asphalt followed by a finish coat of asphalt and adding concrete curbing around the perimeter. The plan calls for an expansion opportunity to add 37 more parking stalls to the west lot. Total project costs are expected to be approximately $60,000 which is currently part of the 2013 Capital Improvement Plan. Need/Justification: The west parking lot will be in need of total renovation in 2013. Concrete curbing is needed to deter people from parking on the grass or driving through the park. Additional parking is needed to keep visitors from parking on the grass during peak use periods. 3. 2014 NEW ATHLETIC FIELD Description` This is a proposal, to add another rectangular shaped athletic field (300' by 160') to serve primarily (but not exclusively) the sports of football and soccer, lacrosse and rugby. As shown on the Master Plan map drawn by Anderson/Johnson Associates, this natural grass field is proposed to be positioned northwest of the existing rectangular athletic field. This is a smaller grass athletic field (smaller than a regulation football field) that will be used as primarily a practice field (which is how the area is currently used); however, this smaller field can also be scheduled for younger athletic game events. There are no plans to include athletic field lighting for this new smaller rectangular athletic field. Before this project could be considered, a feasibility study was conducted in 2007. A number of constraints were identified within that area, the least of which were the delineation of wetlands and the elevation of the storm water flood plain. A topographic and wetland delineation survey was ordered. It was determined that the field could be constructed, although the field size would need to be smaller in size (300' x 160') than the existing field to the east (380' x 225'). The total project cost is estimated to be approximately $400,000; however, finding will likely not be available until at least 2014. Need /Justification: The number one identified need for youth athletic programs is the need for additional scheduled field time for the multiple sports (football, soccer, rugby, lacrosse and ultimate Frisbee) that all compete for the same rectangular athletic field. The demand for these fields has grown significantly over the past decade or more for a variety of reasons. Youth are exposed to organized athletic opportunities at a much earlier age than ever before and opportunities for girls in athletics have also grown significantly. The existing open space is currently used as a practice field; however, the area is uneven and unsafe. 4. 2013 SOUTH PARKING LOT EXPANSION Description: The parking lot on the south end of Pamela Park is proposed to be expanded and redesigned to accommodate the parking demand. The redesign will include striping of the parking lot to make more efficient use of existing parking. 20 -23 additional parking stalls are proposed to be added to the south parking lot. Option #1 would add 23 additional spaces; whereas, option #2 could add 20 additional spaces. Option #2 appears to be preferred over option #1; however, young trees would have to be relocated. This expansion is currently part of the 2013 Capital Improvement Plan. Total project costs are estimated at approximately $40,000. Need /Justification: On occasional evenings, there is not enough parking capacity to serve scheduled programs and as a result, park users are parking on the grass. The new additional small rectangular athletic field is also expected to require some additional parking capacity. 5. 2013 NORTH PARKING LOT EXPANSION Description: This project proposes to improve the flow of traffic into the north parking lot (near the park shelter building), create more parking capacity where possible and stripe the lot to make parking safer and more efficient. Total project costs are estimated at approximately $45,000. Need/Justification: The existing north parking lot does not have well defined parking stalls, which leads to an inefficient and unsafe parking lot. As a result, park users park unlawfully on the grass. During high peak scheduled activities, there are not enough parking stalls to accommodate the demand. Additional parking stalls will make the lot safer, more efficient and keep park patrons from parking on neighborhood streets. This expansion is currently part of the 2013 Capital Improvement Plan. 6. ARTIFICIAL TURF ON SOUTH ATHLETIC FIELD .(date TBD Description: This project proposes to install artificial turf on the existing (380' x 225') natural grass rectangular athletic field with lights (the South Field). If approved, this project would require some form of protection from vandals from driving on the artificial turf field. The preferred protection barrier would be either a stone bench system (similar to that at the Edina High School artificial turf field) or bollard system `(similar to bollards with chains at Arden Park and'Creek Valley Park. This would protect the field from. vandals' and eliminate the need for perimeter fencing. The total project cost is estimated to be approximately $1,200,000; however, public funds will likely not be available within at least the next- five years unless funds are donated. Need /Justification•: The demand-for youth athletic. programs on rectangular athletic fields has grown to a point where there simply are not enough fields available to accommodate the demand. Natural grass fields need to be rested in order to maintain safe and healthy turf.. Artificial turf fields can withstand the over - scheduling demand. If artificial turf is installed on this field, it is vitally important to protect the investment by making the field more vandal resistant. Measures must be taken to deter vandals from driving their vehicles on the artificial turf to protect the investment. 7. 2013 SENIOR ATHLETIC FIELD RENOVATION Description: If user groups decide not to fund raise for converting the senior athletic field (the large soccer /football field with lights) to artificial turf, then the plan is to renovate the existing turf to a more sustainable natural grass field. The exact same renovation has been done to three athletic fields at Lewis Park and one athletic field at Braemar Park with great success. Renovation consists of re- grading the existing field to ensure proper drainage; import new specially mixed sand /peat soils over proper spaced drain tiles and irrigation and seed with a strong athletic field grass blend that will establish deep roots to deter weed growth, which reduces our dependence on pesticides. Renovation is anticipated to cost approximately $330,000 and is currently part of the 2013 Capital Improvement Plan. If user groups decide to fund raise to convert this senior athletic field to artificial turf, then this renovation will not be necessary. Need/Justification: The growth of youth and adult athletics and the birth of new field athletic sports (rugby, lacrosse, ultimate Frisbee, etc:) has�placed a greater demand on the rectangular shaped athletic fields. To withstand Ahe greater demand, these athletic fields need to be better engineered to withstand heavier use loads. These new sand/peat athletic fields have proven to be more sustainable and tolerant to increased play and longer seasons. The fields require more irrigation and fertilizer;-however, less pesticides. 8. 2013 PAVED TRAIL ACCESS TO PLAYGROUND Description: This is a project that proposes to create a hard surface path from the south and west parking lots to the playground equipment. Staff estimates total paved trail project costs to be approximately $30,000. Funding for this project is not anticipated to be available until 2013 or later. Ideally the project should be done in conjunction with the parking lot expansion projects currently scheduled for 2013. Need /Justification: There is a need for hard surface accessibility for park users to access the playground equipment area from the west and south parking lots. People with mobility issues and those with strollers are just two examples of the need to provide a safe hard surface access to the playground equipment from the south and west parking lots. Staff proposes to fund this project out of the 2013 operating budget. 9. PARK SHELTER BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS (date TBD) Description: This is a long -term project that proposes to expand the existing park shelter building to meet current park shelter needs and desires of the community. With the assistance from the professional architect /engineering consulting firm of ATS &R, it was determined that an expansion of the existing park shelter building is more cost effective than demolition and new construction. Four different concept drawings were proposed for consideration, all of which include much needed additional storage, plus a larger and more user friendly room for community gatherings, meetings and skate changing, plus a kitchen/concessions area, drinking fountain and outdoor picnic patio space. Project costs range from $340,200 to $410,200 depending on which of the four options. Funding for this project is not anticipated to be available within the next five years. When funding is available, the expansion will require more study and community input before a final plan is selected. Need /Justification: With the assistance from the professional architect /engineeri ng consulting firm of ATS &R the Pamela Park Task Force and staff concluded that it is in the City's best interest to expand the existing park shelter building to meet the identified park shelter facility and storage needs and desires of the community. It was determined that there is a need for an additional 500 square feet of storage for recreation program equipment and athletic user groups' equipment. There was also an expressed need/desire for a more user friendly community room space with a kitchen/concessions area to serve community group meetings and gatherings as well as athletic user groups. A shaded concrete patio was also expressed as a need /desire as part of the facility expansion. Minutes of the Pamela Park Task Force 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on January 29, 2009 Edina City Hall, Community Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Bruce Johnson (Fast Pitch Association), Steve Fox (Edina Lacrosse Association), Luanne Kuna (Resident), David Nelson (Resident), Scott Lambert (Resident), Steve Barrett (Edina Youth Slow Pitch Association and Edina Girls Athletic Association), Bill Swoap (Edina Soccer Association and Resident), Jack Mertes (Edina Football Association), Laura Davis (Edina Football Association and Resident), Collin Brinkman (Edina Soccer Club) STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Donna Tilsner CONSULTANTS PRESENT: Roy Anderson (Anderson - Johnson Associates), Jared Lee (Anderson - Johnson Associates), Tammy Maguey (ASTR Architects) I. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS John Keprios, Park and Recreation Director welcomed and thanked the group for coming this evening and began the meeting with introductions. II. TASK FORCE MISSION, GOAL AND OBJECTIVES Mr. Keprios passed out Pamela Park Task Force member list, Agenda, Proposed Projects, Mission Statement and CIP. Mr. Keprios then walked through the Task Force mission, goal and objectives (no questions or comments came up). III. PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR PAMELA PARK A. 2009 Batting Cage and Pitching Tunnel —Mr. Keprios explained the CEP that was distributed and pointed out that everything highlighted in yellow were projects planned for Pamela Park. The group then began to walk through the proposed projects. Mr. Keprios asked if Bruce Johnson (Fast Pitch) would like to comment on the proposed batting cage and pitching tunnel projects. Mr. Johnson explained that the Edina Girls Fast Pitch Softball Association have a need for an additional batting cage and pitching tunnel. Mr. Johnson stated that the Edina High School Varsity and Jr. Varsity Girls Fast Pitch program also has a need for those amenities because that is their home site. The plan is to place a second batting cage next to the existing batting cage to economize a common fence barrier in the center. A smaller pitching tunnel would then be added adjacent to the new batting cage. Mr. Johnson has a color photo of the preferred design that he sent via email to Mr. Keprios and John will be sure to bring that photo to the next Task Force meeting. AJA will draft a plan showing the best suited location for the additional batting cage and pitching tunnel. B. 2009 Electronic Scoreboards — The next project discussed was the need /desire for electronic scoreboards. This request is also coming from the Girls Fast Pitch Softball Association and the Edina High School Girls Fast Pitch Softball program. Questions about the size and location for installation were discussed, and it was decided that catalogs could be obtained and distributed at the next Task Force meeting. Mr. Johnson stated that they are flexible on the desired locations where the scoreboards would be installed. Dave Nelson (Resident) asked the question who decides where the High School plays. Mr. Nelson asked about Van Valkenburg as a High School game venue. Mr. Johnson responded that probably the High School coach and Athletic Director decide what venue is best for their program. Mr. Johnson went on to say that the fence height and distance at Van Valkenburg Park are not compatible for the High School program. Laura Davis (Edina Football Association and Resident) asked about other groups having a need or interest in scoreboards. Ed MacHolda responded that if the fields have permanent fencing the fields really become just Slow Pitch/Fast Pitch fields and other programs would no longer have a need for the scoreboards. The pros and cons of temporary vs. permanent scoreboards were discussed as well as placement location of permanent scoreboards in a manner that has the least impact on immediate households. One alternative suggested was to place permanent scoreboards on fields #1 and #3 (Varsity and Jr. Varsity Fields) and use a temporary scoreboard on field #2. C. 2009 Relocate Hockey Rink and Lights — The next project discussed was the relocation of the hockey rink and lights. Mr. Keprios explained to the group about the poor soils, tree roots and the trail. Mr. Keprios had Jared Lee (Anderson — Johnson) show the group on the map of the park where the hockey rink is being proposed to move to. Luanne Kuna (Resident) asked if that would move onto the existing parking lot. Mr. Keprios stated that actually it would be moved only 30 feet to the west of its current location which would place it onto what is now being used as part of the general skating rink. This would also allow for more room for the nature trail to be aligned to the east of the hockey rink. There were questions about the type of lighting and poles planned to be installed. Mr. Keprios will gather more detailed information on those plans to share with the Task Force for their input. D. 2011 New Athletic Field — The next project discussed was the new proposed athletic field. Mr. Keprios asked Mr. MacHolda to respond to what user groups and programs would use and benefit from the proposed field. Mr. MacHolda stated that as he understands it the proposed field will be 53 yards wide by 100 yards long. Mr. MacHolda went on to state it would be a wonderful practice field for Youth Football, Lacrosse and Soccer. However, as a game venue it would only work for 3rd —5 Ih grade Lacrosse and U -13 Traveling Soccer but could also be a very nice home for either the U -6 or U -8 Edina Soccer Association. Mr. MacHolda also stated the ESA prefers sites that have playground equipment near the scheduled field and Pamela Park is budgeted to have new replacement playground equipment this summer. A lot of questions arose regarding the viability and feasibility of making this moist /swampy area playable. Mr. Lee and Roy Anderson (Anderson — Johnson) explained the wetlands mitigation process and the results of their feasibility study. They stated that it is feasible; however, the size of the field would have to be somewhat smaller than a regulation size football field in order to maintain proper drainage and fit the site. Mr. Johnson asked about raising the pathway through the flood plain area and there was concern expressed about the path being under water at times. Roy Anderson (AJA) explained that a pathway could be placed just outside of the proposed permanent fencing for the outfield of field number two and would not be under water other than right after a 100 year flood event. Mr. Keprios explained that the Edina park system was developed many years ago under the philosophy that scheduled athletic programs and facilities should be spread out throughout Edina's neighborhood and community playfield parks, as opposed to building one or two large .athletic complexes. This is why our youth and adult athletic programs must rely on neighborhood parks and community playfield parks for their program venues. Bill Swoap-(Edina Soccer Association and Resident) asked about permanent fencing on the third (middle) field? Mr. Johnson responded that the Edina Girls Fast Pitch Softball`Association could live without permanent fencing. Mr. Keprios asked about lights on the proposed athletic field. Steve Fox (Edina: Lacrosse Association) stated he would love lights. Mr. Nelson would prefer no lights but preferred portable fencing over permanent fencing. Mr. Nelson stated that lots of kids in the neighborhood like to fly rockets and so forth in the open green space. Mr. Swoap's only concern.was length of field and the wetness. Collin Brinkman (Edina Soccer Club) mentioned that they would love as much practice time as possible so he would prefer lights. Mr. Nelson asked about putting lights on the backside of existing light poles? Mr. Anderson explained the drawbacks of the distance from the pole to the field. Mr. Keprios stated that he does not feel that a good argument has been made yet to validate the need to have lights on the new proposed rectangular field. Therefore he asked the associations to come back to the next Task Force meeting with cause and effect data that validates the need for lights. In other words, "what would be the benefits statistically with lights vs. what would be the realistic hardships if the field did not have field lighting ?" E. 2013 Artificial Turf on South Athletic Field — The next project discussed was converting the south athletic field to artificial. Ms. Davis asked why one and not the other? Mr. MacHolda stated that at Pamela Park we currently have a full size multi- purpose athletic field with lights that is natural grass. Mr. Fox asked about size? Mr. MacHolda stated that the artificial turf field would be 70 yards wide by 120 yards long and,would give us much more,;flexibility in scheduling the different programs than the new smaller in dimension proposed athletic field.. Mr. Keprios stated some of the negatives of artificial turf such as hot in the summer time and,'the need for perimeter protection. Ms. Kuna asked about injuries? Mr. Brinkman and Mr. Anderson both responded that today's artificial turfs are actually quite safe and they are significantly improved from when artificial turf fields were first developed. The newer artificial turf fields are built on a sand' base with a thicker resilient cushion pad whereas- the older versions were simply,carpet placed over asphalt. Mr. Fox stated he thouught we should aim for artificial turf. Mr.,Keprios stated that he is convinced of the benefits.and validated need; however, his main concerns are the aesthetic look of the park and the security of the field because a fence or permanent barrier of some sort is needed to secure and protect the field from vandalism. Boulders or bollards were suggested as a means to protect the field. Comments were made that the cube -style stone boulders that the Edina High School uses around the High School artificial turf field is preferred because they also serve a place for spectators to sit. It was noted that artificial turf was not shown on the Capital Improvement Plan. Mr. Keprios,pxplained that currently this particular park improvement is. relying on fund raising dollars. Park Board member George Klus has been actively trying to organize support for a fund raising effort through what is called The'Edina Athletic Facilities Foundation:` If the fund raising campaign is not successful, the plan is to renovate the existing grass field and convert it to a sand -peat field similar to several other recently renovated athletic grass fields in the Edina park system. This sand -peat field renovation is currently a Capital Improvement Plan project budgeted at $330,000 for the year 2012. Mr. Keprios asked the Task Force members to share this discussion with others and give it more thought before the next Task Force meeting. F. 2011 South Parking Lot Expansion --The next project discussed was the south parking lot. Mr. Lee stated that engineering has a plan to restripe to better utilize the parking lot. Mr. Lee went on to state they plan to add 25 stalls along the east side of the entrance road that leads to the parking lot. Mr. Lee then began discussing the west parking lot and communicated they could add 37 stalls to that parking lot. Lastly, Mr. Lee discussed the north parking lot leading to the hockey rink. Mr. Swoap communicated that the north parking lot is currently an accident waiting to happen. Mr. Keprios communicated that he doesn't necessarily believe we will have more traffic, but he knows we need to make it safer. Mr. Nelson communicated that he would not be in favor of new stalls in the south entry and suggested expanding the current large lot further to the north or west. Curbing was suggested as a means to keep cars from parking on the grass; however, that would create a drainage issue. G. 2010 New Storage Building & Park Shelter Building Improvements — The next project discussed was the shelter building and the need for more storage. Tammy Magney (AST &R) showed a diagram of the existing building and asked Donna Tilsner as well as softball about storage. Ms. Tilsner stated that she uses the facility for the playground program and does need storage. It was also noted that the Edina High School and Edina Girls Fast Pitch Softball Association programs also need storage space for softball equipment, pitching machines and temporary fencing. Mr. Keprios asked the group if they would like to have a separate stand alone storage building or simply add on to the existing park shelter building. It also forces the issue of whether the existing park shelter building should be renovated and/or expanded or should it be demolished and make room for a new building. Ms. Kuna stated that she would like to see a new park shelter building. Mr. Nelson agreed. Ms. Kuna would love to see a shelter with picnic capabilities and picnic tables. It was noted that there is a small picnic area with two picnic tables shaded by a Funbrella (similar to those at the Edina Aquatic Center) that is part of the playground equipment replacement project. Mr. Nelson would love to see a drinking fountain. The location of the batting cage was discussed. Most felt it should be moved next to the softball fields. The group would also love some sort of picnic shelter over by the building. Mr. Keprios stated that the building should be either renovated or newly designed to meet the program needs and neighborhood expectations and desires. Comments were made that the Pamela Park shelter building should be similar to the new shelter buildings at Cornelia, Weber, Walnut and Todd Park. Mr. Keprios stated that to build a new shelter like Cornelia could be as much as $750,000.00. Mr. Nelson asked are there other buildings that we could lump together to get a more competitive price. Mr. Keprios responded yes, but we are in a tough economic time. Mr. Keprios stated that he will direct AST &R to draw up some concept drawings to renovate and improve the existing building. Ms. Davis asked can we approach it in two phases and is very concerned even having this discussion in this tough economic time. Mr. Brinkman asked about the cost involved he thought it seems awfully high. Mr. Keprios responded that the problem is that expensive commercial grade components, demolition and utilities are what drives cost up; however, $750,000 in total project costs are simply a guess at this point and is probably on the high side. Even so, the cost of a new building is far greater than our Capital Improvement Plan can afford. In addition Mr. Keprios stated that given o'ur extraordinary economic times, it seems unlikely to assume a park referendum would be an opti.on-either until the economy turns around. Fund raising was discussed as a potential option; however, it seems more.prudent to consider a building renovation and expansion. vs. demolish and rebuild. Mr. Brinkman also asked:about a small building at the other end of the park and stated that ESC would be willing to help. IV. ADDITIONAL PARK IMPROVEMENTS IDEAS /SUGGESTIONS Mr. Nelson asked about cross country skiing trails. Mr. Nelson stated that a number of residents use the.park to cross country ski and currently cut their'own trails. Mr. Nelson also stated that it would be nice to have a sign indicating cross country trail and walking trail to better separate the two. V. FUTURE MEETING DATES VI. ADJOURN Mr. Keprios adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Minutes of the Pamela-Park Task Force ,. 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on April 21, 2009 Edina City Hall, Mayors Conference Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Sid Sampson (Edina Fast Pitch Association, Ross Tomoson (Edina Football Association), David'Nelson (Edina Resident), Scott Lambert,(Edina Resident) STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Ed MacHolda CONSULTANTS PRESENT: 'Roy Anderson ( Anderson- Johnson Associates), Jared Lee (Anderson- Johnson Associates), - Tammy Magney (ASTR Architects) WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS John Keprios, Park and Recreation Director welcomed and thanked the group for coming and once again began the meeting with introductions. PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR PAMELA PARK Shelter Building Improvements — Tammy Magney passed out a hard copy of her power point presentation before going through the power point. Mr. Keprios asked Sid Sampson the importance of storage for his program. Mr. Sampson stated he didn't really know about importance, but did state it would certainly be a nice convenience. When Ms. Magney was done with the presentation Mr. Sampson mentioned that he liked Plan B with the covered patio. There was some discussion regarding the transformer, the storage room and restrooms. In the end Mr. Keprios stated that Ms. Maguey's study did exactly what he was looking for. It gives us four good options to bring back to the Edina Park Board and Edina City Council. . Protective Barrier around Artificial Turf — Mr. Keprios showed some photo's of Creek Valley and Rosland Park where the City of Edina has bollards and chain as well as the Edina High School large decorative stones. He stated that at the High School the, large decorative stones serve two purposes one to keep automobiles from driving across the field and the other to act as spectator seating. David Nelson stated.that he prefers the large stone. Scott Lambert's preference was to secure the parking lots with the bollards and chain. Batting Cage and Pitching Tunnel— Mr. Keprios next showed a pitching tunnel acid asked Mr. Sampson to talk briefly about it and how it functions. Jared Lee stated that he visited this site in Shoreview, but stated the fencing was very beat up. Mr. Sampson stated that it serves two fields. Mr. Lee and Mr. Sampson discussed the number of batting cages and pitching tunnels desired and what would be the most cost effective. Mr. Lee thought you could do one double wide.. Mr. Lee next pointed out the. new .batting cage location. Mr. Keprios asked about the location and putting pitchers at risk. Mr. Sampson agreed, he stated ideally you don't want it down a baseline. North Parking Lot Expansion — Mr. Lee put a large map of Pamela Park up with all the proposed changes and additions for the group to see. He then began to discuss them one by one starting with the north parking lot. Mr. Lee recommends curb and gutter to give residents a defined edge and keep participants from parking on private property. Fencing for Field #2 Mr. Keprios asked the question regarding permanent fencing on field #2. Mr. Keprios and Mr. Lee discussed the proposed grading. Mr. Sampson thought it would be nice to have the separation. Mr. Keprios asked Mr. Nelson and Mr. Lambert what the neighborhood thought. Mr. Nelson stated that he felt the neighborhood would prefer a temporary fence and would want to know how large the scoreboards were. Mr. Sampson talked about the difficulties of temporary fencing and the logistics. Mr. Keprios stated it sounds unresolved. South and West Parking Lots Mr. Lee next pointed out the parking lot off of Oaklawn Avenue and that lie is proposing to make it double wide. Mr. Sampson asked about bollards and chain because lie see's cars drive right down the hill. Mr. Keprios asked the question if we were to build the proposed new athletic field where did Mr. Lee think they would park. Mr. Lee thought participants would park in the south parking lot. Mr. Lee went on to say that it might be very difficult to expand the south lot because of the laws and the wetlands. Mr. Nelson talked briefly about the proposed parking along the driveway entering the park. He stated that the residents would not be favor of those proposed parking stalls. Storage Building on South End Mr. Keprios asked the question regarding a proposed storage building at the south end of the park. There was some discussion, but it was decided that it wasn't needed. Scoreboards Mr. Keprios then asked Ed MacHolda to discuss the scoreboards briefly. Mr. MacHolda passed out Daktronics catalogs and proposal sheets from Gerry Gordon. Mr. MacHolda pointed out that the scoreboards being proposed were tabbed and highlighted in the catalog. There was also some discussion on location which was approved by the group. Mr. Lee stated that Minnetonka likes to see the time on the scoreboard so they like model #718. Mr. Sampson thanked Mr. Lee for that piece of information. Mr. Keprios then talked about the next steps, but felt this group was probably done and thanked everyone for their participation. June 30, 2009 Dear Resident Neighbor and/or User of Pamela Park: City or Edina The Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department invite your input regarding a variety of park improvements proposed for Pamela Park. You may provide your input into this process in a number of ways: • Attend the Pamela Park Neighborhood Input Meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 30, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Edina City Hall. • Send me your input in writing by email at Ike rigs �i,.ci.edina.mn.us. • Send me your input in writing via postal mail to: John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department 4801 West 50`x' Street Edina, MN 55424 • Or send me your input in writing via fax to 952 -826 -0385. I ask that you please submit your comments in writing to me by no later than Wednesday, August 5, 2009. As shown on the enclosed list and map, there are a number of park improvements proposed for Pamela Park that are being considered by the Park Board to better meet the expressed needs of the neighborhood and the community at large. Anticipated project costs are staff s rough estimates and the proposed construction schedule is staff's recommendation. Once the community input process is complete, the Park Board will decide on a final master plan for park improvements. The next step will then be for the Park Board to prioritize the proposed projects, evaluate funding alternatives and make recommendations to the City Council. This matter will be placed on the Tuesday, September 8, 2009, Park Board agenda for consideration. As always, the public is welcome to attend all Park Board meetings. Your input on this matter is greatly appreciated. Many thanks. Si Rrely, ohepri s, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department (952) 826 -0430 JKeprios(r(c i.Cdina.11111. LIS City Hall Park and Recreation Department 952- 826 -0367 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX 952 - 826 -0385 EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com TTY 952 -826 -0379 MEETING NOTICE The Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department invite your input regarding a variety of park improvements proposed for Pamela Park. To learn more about these proposed long-range plan park improvements and to express your views, you are invited to attend the Pamela Park Neighborhood Input Meeting scheduled for: Thursday, July 30, 2009 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers Edina City Hall You can learn details about these long- range plans by contacting Park and Recreation Director John Keprios at 952- 826 -0430. Your input on this matter is greatly appreciated. Many thanks. Sincerely, John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department (952) 826 -0430 .I Kcprios(4i.ci.edina.mn.us Pamela Park Improvement Meeting Minutes July 30, 2009 Edina City Hall Council Chambers Staff Present John Keprios, Donna Tilsner, Janet Canton Park Board Present Todd Fronek, Dan Peterson, Ben Pobuda, Ray O'Connell Meeting began at 7:00 p.m Mr. Keprios informed the residents that the purpose of this meeting is so that the residents can give their input and=views on the proposed Pamela Park Improvements. He noted that they are looking to gather community input to establish a long -range master plan for Pamela.Park. Mr. Keprios gave a power point presentation and went over the following proposed improvements for the five year plan: 1. Relocate the hockey rink and lights (2010). 2. West parking lot renovation and expansion (2013) 3. New athletic field (2014) 4. South Parking Lot Expansion (2013) 5. North Parking Lot Expansion (2013) 6. Artificial Turf on South Athletic Field (date TBD) 7. Senior Athletic Field Renovation (2013) 8. Paved Trail Access to Playground (2013) 9. Park Shelter Building Improvements (date TBD) A resident commented that a lot of the times there are multiple sports going on at one time (softball, fast pitch, soccer, ultimate Frisbee; etc.) and asked if Pamela Park is the only park that has that many activities. Mr. Keprios replied he would say Braemar Park outdoes Pamela Park but that Pamela Park is probably the second busiest park in the system. He explained that when the city first developed the park system it was their philosophy that they wanted kids to have easy access to their local park and that's why they are built the way they are and that's why they are programmed the way-they area He pointed out that there is no other place for them to go and develop a complex of athletic fields. Unfortunately'Edina is a fully developed first ring suburb and they don't have any more park land to develop into athletic field complexes. The demand keeps growing but we simply don't have the supply. A resident asked if some things could be put at the existing Public Works site to which Mr. Keprios replied it is something that could be considered however, he does not think it would be politically acceptable. Mr. Keprios pointed out -that back when the Needs Assessment Survey.was done the number one most requested amenity was trails and the second most requested amenity was to have more indoor recreation space or a community center. He commented that some residents have expressed a desire to look at converting the current Public Works site into a community center. Mr. Fronek asked about hockey rink being on the 2010 schedule to which Mr. Keprios replied that they could look at possibly just patching it and delaying it one more year. However, pretty soon they are going to get to a point where the light standards are going to fall over and added that they really can't make ice on an uneven surface. Mr. Fronek informed the residents that the current Park Board recommendation has been to include the hockey rink relocation in the 2010 Capital Improvement Plan budget. He noted that it has not yet been approved by the City Council. Mr. Fronek explained that the Park Board is trying to establish a long -term guide that will be done in phases. He added that with this guide there is always going to be an opportunity whether the economy changes or the dollars just aren't there that things are most likely to happen on a year by year basis. A resident pointed out that it's obviously going to take more man hours to get the Pamela Park hockey rink started and maintained because of the current gaps and problems. He asked if the city would actually end up spending more money than if they were to just move it, fix it and get it done. Mr. Keprios.replied that it really doesn't make sense to pour more money into something that's not going to last. The resident stated that the rink can be patched, he just doesn't want to see spending good money after bad so maybe it should be funded now and get it done right so more money is not being spent down the road. Bill Leskee, 5900 Wooddale, gave a power point presentation and introduced the topic of community gardening and stated that he thinks Pamela Park would be a great location for a community garden. Collin Brinkman, 4510 Casco Avenue, (President of the Edina Soccer Club) informed the residents that the Edina Soccer Club (ESC) is the traveling soccer program in Edina and stated that depending on the year they have anywhere from 600 to 750 kids that play soccer. He indicated that their participants range in age from 7 -18 and that they have two seasons, summer and fall. Mr. Brinkman indicated that they are a huge user of the big rectangular fields and with the expansion of more team sports and more usage patterns it's very difficult to get field space. He commented that their teams are on the fields anywhere from three to five days a week during the summer so it's a significant amount of usage. Mr. Brinkman pointed out that the city has done a great job with the fields at Braemar and Lewis Park. However, the. problem with those sand peat fields is they need rest and if they don't get rest they turn into crummy fields. He added that the fields take a tremendous pounding and if you walk on the fields you'll see that there are huge pot holes to which there have been a number of kids who have broken their ankle, clavicles, etc. from hitting a pothole and falling down. Mr. Brinkman stated that he is an advocate of artificial turf and that because of the usage it gets it's not going to decline, usage is only increasing. In addition, he feels they are a lot safer and commented that Pamela Park is one of the only options that can hold a field of this size. 2 Lane Kent, 5733 Zenith Avenue So, (President of the Edina Soccer Association) informed the residents that the Edina Soccer Association (ESA) is the in -house soccer program in Edina and added that there are approximately 3,000 kids in the program. Therefore, when you include the ESC there are approximately 3,700 kids in the community that play soccer. Mr. Kent explained that they are basically fighting for scraps to get a playing field for all of the kids. He noted that the really young kids played in a pretty low area next to the senior field. He stated that it was not very desirable but fortunately there were no injuries. Mr. Kent indicated that he is an advocate for the plan that the task force put together. He commented that they are out of space and that he would estimate that the ESA spends over 1,000 hours in the spring/summer season. He added that they have really young kids who don't start their games until 8:30 at night just because there is nowhere to put them. Mr. Kent stated that they have never had to put a cap on their enrollment but it is something they are strongly considering because they are just out of space. He explained that with the proposed renovation it would provide some much needed additional space so that the program could continue to grow. He noted that the ESA is strongly advocating for these proposals even though they will be phased in over a number of years. Mr. Fronek asked Mr. Kent assuming that the south field was artificial turf how would that change the ESA as far as scheduling, what contribution would it have? Mr. Kent replied that a space like that could be divided into a few fields for the younger kids to play on which could possibly free up one of their locations for another activity. A resident who lives across the street from Pamela Park indicated that he has noticed that especially on Sunday nights during the summer months there seems to be a lot of organized soccer being played especially on the senior field. Mr. Brinkman stated that an ESC Board member who lives across the street from Pamela Park has informed him that frequently groups from outside of the city who are unauthorized are using the soccer fields. He has called the police a number of times to ask them to leave the fields. Mr. Brinkman commented that he knows it's a pretty tough thing to control and added that the same thing also happens at Lewis Park. Mr. Keprios responded that if anyone witnesses this again they need to call the police because if a group does not have a permit in hand they will get booted. He stated that short of putting up a fence that's really the only way it can be enforced and we don't want to do that. Mr. Keprios pointed out that there is a written policy that states no non - resident groups can rent these athletic fields. Gene Persha, 6917 Cornelia Drive, indicated that he thinks of Pamela Park as a mini - regional park for Edina because it affects more than just the neighborhood because of its size. He noted that he likes the master plan and is strongly in favor of the curbs for the parking area. He commented that one of his concerns is that the foliage needs work it needs more flowers, natural foliage and possibly some type of rain water gardens. He noted that he would encourage experimenting with things like that. Mr. Persha commented that one thing he has always thought Pamela Park lacked was paved walking paths. Steve Fox, 5101 Indianola, indicated that Mr. Keprios asked him to be on the task force committee because he represents the Edina Lacrosse Association and works with staff coordinating their fields. He commented that they are small compared to soccer, but they do have some very similar situations. He noted they do not have a fall season other than clinics; however, they do have a very short spring season that starts at spring break. He stressed that they would love to see another turf field in addition to Kuhlman. He noted that the turf fields are not only safer with regards to injuries but would also be free of snow a lot more rapidly so they would be able to start practicing a lot earlier. In addition, games would not need to be canceled because of rain they would only need to be delayed and/or canceled if there's lightning. Mr. Fox indicated that he thinks staff did a great job with this and they would love to see this go forward once the money is available. Jackie Whitbeck, 6128 Brookview Avenue, indicated that as far as the parking lots go she thinks they are maxed out and that all three parking lots do need to be expanded; however, she's not sure about the curb issue, she would still need to be convinced about that. She stated that regarding the warming house she does think expanding that would be a wonderful addition. Regarding the hockey rink she would need to be convinced why moving it 20 feet in one direction would make it out of the wetlands area or why that would be any better than it is now. Ms. Whitbeck stated that what she thinks needs to be done is to maintain the trees that are around the hockey rink and cut them all down and just go in there. She added that they are all just young growth willows and cottonwoods that have sprung up since the rink was put in. She commented that the lighting is pathetic and that it definitely needs replacing. Therefore if it doesn't affect the wetland you could keep the rink where it's at and reconfigure the trail behind it. She pointed out that she only saw one broken board but otherwise it seemed pretty well intact. Regarding the community gardens she doesn't think there is any room for one at Pamela Park and is not sure how feasible that would be. She indicated that the jury is still out on the artificial turf because she worries about the health issues with blood, sweat, goose droppings, etc. as well as it isn't a natural siphoning area so she would need to be convinced how that would work and doesn't see it being a real positive thing. Janie Westin, 6136 Brookview, indicated that she doesn't think moving the hockey rink will solve the problem with tree roots because they will still have the same issues. She commented that she is for leaving it where it is and perhaps put in a rubber skirt around the perimeter inside so ice can form easier. As far as the hockey rink goes she would like to see the boards replaced as needed because it would be less expensive. Ms. Westin commented that she does think new lights need to be put in and suggested putting them on pylons so that the same thing won't happen again in five years. She also suggested taking out all of the trees that have grown up and perhaps put in some natural shrubs to help encourage the wildlife and birds. Regarding the parking lots she thinks that every one of them needs a curb and it would also be good to put in some type of split rail fence or some sort of perimeter to keep the joyriding teenagers out of the park because a lot of times they are in there zooming through the park. Regarding artificial turf she does not think that's a good idea economically and she questions the sanitary nature of it as far as it being a bacteria sponge. She pointed out that she is a big fan of clover and would like to see clover seed put into the mix of whatever is reseeded in the park. She likes the idea of a permeable' hard surface trails to the playgrounds. She agrees that the park shelter building does need to be redone. Ms. Westin pointed out that she likes the natural area of the park which accountslor approximately half of the physical acreage and wou"I&like to see that continue to be -an integral part of the park; however, buckthorn and mulberry (both invasive species) are starting to take over the park and asked if something could be done about- that. that's not just occasional volunteer efforts that have beeri'done in other Edina parks. She noted she would - really like to see some:sort of policy for this. Lastly, she does love the garden idea. Julie Risser, 6112 Ashcroft Avenue, indicated that she is at this meeting as a member of the Edina Energy and. Environment Commission. She noted that she would really like to commend the city for what they have done at Pamela'Park. She stated that she is very happy with the idea of enhancing the park building' and only using'green remodeling or green new construction, however, remodeling would be much better. Ms. Risser pointed out that the Edina Energy and Environment Commission passed the following resolution at their July 27`h meeting: "As commissioners of Edina's Energy and Environment Commission, we recommend that the City Council, in their consideration of the Proposed Park Improvements for Pamela Park (Park and Recreation Department), take the following actions: 1. Approve the relocation of the hockey rink (using environmentally - positive lighting such as solar lighting); the enhancement of the park building (using green remodeling or green new construction); the construction of hard surface paths to the playground equipment (using permeable pavement). 2. Not approve the expansion of any of the three parking lots; the construction of new athletic field; the field remodeling using artificial turf or the.(offered) alternative renovation of the field." Ms. Risser stated that she is excited to hear about the garden and' commented that it would be wonderful to think about rain barrels. She indicted that she is very excited to hear that a committee will be formed to start planning the new park building and noted' that she hopes someone from the Energy and Environment Commission could serve on that committee. Mr. Keprios.asked how many members are on the commission to which Ms. Risser replied they now have 11 members.. Mr. Keprios asked how many holders voted against this to which Ms. Risser replied that it was complete in favor of it; however, only a quorum (six people) were in attendance when it was voted on. She added that Mr. O'Connell did sign it even though he was not at that meeting. 5 Lawrence Anderson, 6012 Oaklawn, indicated that he is here on behalf of the neighbors who live across the street from Pamela Park. He noted that they really support Edina athletics and as he stated in a previous meeting, asked if it would be possible to have some type of balance in how the park is used. He stated that from what he has seen and heard the park is going to be converted, probably out of necessity because of the demand, into what he would call a sports complex and it would become less of a neighborhood park. He pointed out that because there are so many sport activities that are using the park he is seeing a more frequent high density usage of the park and therefore agrees they really need to expand those parking lots. He commented that one thing he has noticed that, even when there is plenty of parking available, people don't use the lots, they tend to park on the street because it's the path of least resistance. He asked if they could try to figure out a way to encourage people to use the parking lots as much as possible. He explained that as a resident when people are parking on both sides of the street it's difficult to drive up and down and sometimes even difficult to get into your own driveway. Therefore, he would like to work with the city and try to figure out a way to try to get folks to use those parking lots as much as possible. Mr. Keprios thanked everyone for attending the meeting and stated that he heard some great comments. He pointed out that they are not likely going to be building anything new anytime soon due to economic conditions but it's great to get comments because it will help them better plan for the future. Mr. Keprios indicated that this will be discussed at the August 11`h Park Board meeting to which everyone is welcome to attend. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm n •. T�Rn:IN�l June 30, 2009 .bear Resident Neighbor and /or User of Pamela Park: The Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department invite your input regarding a variety of park improvements proposed for Pamela Park. You may provide your input into this process in a number of ways: • Attend the Pamela Park Neighborhood Input Meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 30, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Edina City );Tall. • Send me your input in writing by email at .1keprios[ ci.edinamin.Lis. • Send me your input in writing via postal mail to: John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department 4801 West 50`I' Street Edina, NI N 55424 • Or send me your input in writing via fax to 952 -826 -0385. I ask that you please submit your comments in writing to me by no later than Wednesday, August 5, 2009. As shown on the enclosed list and map, there are a number of park improvements proposed for Pamela Park that are being considered by the Park Board to better meet the expressed needs of the neighborhood and the comm.w ** ­ -t larae Anticinated project costs are staff's rough estimates and the proposed cc 11dation. Once the community input process is comf Patricia Meyers Mal 6312 Halifax Ave S master plan for park improvements. The n. i Edina, MN 55424 .1 to prioritize the proposed projects, evaluate fi: SPAY AND NEUTER ro SAVE UVES :ndat.ions to the City Council. This matter will be pi, )9, nark Board agenda for consideration. As always, the public is welcome to attend all Park Board meetings. Your input on this matter is greatly appreciated. Many thanks- ►a-IV / 3 ely, /. �p�� j rvto ,✓C.��v2 A ter. -� -�-�� � //,.�. ;.t'} � �20J L✓ �.7 –_.S �._S John Keprios/Dfrector ti �j h P') ►' ` -_ Edina Park and Recreation Department V V R (952) 826 -0430 Ihcpri_IsO ci.ciiilri.i�ui.u, City Hall 1801 VVI -S1 :1011 -1 SIKEFi MINNESOTA, 55.124-1394 Park and Recreation Department wv"w.cilyo fed ill a.con) r%%)52- 1326 -oA7 r+x )5.'_- 826 385 i I '1.524l20 0377 r From: tom.lyons @mchsi.com [mailto:tom.lyons @ mchsi.com] Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 3:23 PM To: John Keprios Subject: Thoughts on Pamela Park Proposal John, I appreciate your recent letter regarding the proposed improvements to Pamela Park. I'd like you to understand that I do support the maintenance and upgrade of our community parks to ensure we meet the increasing needs of youth athletics and community activities. I live a block from the park and welcome the chance to discuss my thoughts directly if you are interested or want additional input on changes to the proposal. After reviewing the plans enclosed with your letter, I have a few thoughts: 1. What is the proposed source of funding for this proposal? The city's budget went up 6% in 2009 with no tangible increase in service levels. The total cost of these proposals is between $1.375M and 2.245M, or 4 -7% of the city's 2009 operating budget ($32.4M.) I appreciate the transparency with which you have shared these proposed expenditures, I also intend to be very frank about the proposed funding. I do recognize this is a discussion for the city council, but I encourage your involvement in that discussion as we evaluate how to pay for this. 2. The additional athletic field to be used as a practice field seems smaller than required for many sports, yet the proposal still costs $400K. I don't understand the approach. I trust current demand for an additional field is a reality, but I am not one for going half- way on arguably minor improvements which leave my original need unsatisfied. The proposal to renovate the full -size field at the park is $330K, yet this smaller practice field costs 21 % more? The space is already a grass field and the proposal does not. include new lighting, so what is the $400K for? I'm not sure why practices can't take place on the current grass field. Let's paint some stripes on it and save some money. If there is truly a need for another athletic field, then build another athletic field. Please do not spend 120% more to get 80% of another field. 3. Artificial turf is nice, so is a Cadillac. I drive a 7 year -old truck, not a Cadillac, and so do most of my neighbors. Like many these days, I am watching my budget, making sound investments that only pay solid returns, and challenging every expenditure for its' necessity. The kids need a field, not the Taj Mahal. If non - profit groups are doing fundraising for this field, great, they can raise the whole $1.2M for the field and related security improvements. If they don't raise the whole $1.2M, the proceeds they do get can offset the $330K for grass renovation since the public is already paying for all the other upgrades to the park. Please use some common sense here. Many residents of Edina will not use Pamela Park or this field regardless of whether it is grass or turf. Would you really spend four times as much on the turf in your own backyard if you had to write the check? I'm not opposed to community investments, but now your asking me to spend four times as much and then put it in my neighbor's back yard since I don't even use it? I don't think I can be any more clear on this point, I do not want to pay for this. 4. Paved access trails are needed throughout the park. Access to the facilities and play areas is a good investment and $30K seems like a reasonable amount. Get this done in 2010 though, not 2013. 5. I grew up playing hockey on a rink just like the one in the park. I have to wonder if it "needs" to be moved right now. I also wonder if the boards and lights "need" to be replaced right now, or if moving the rink is a reason to replace some aging equipment. If this were my money (which it is, actually) I'd wait until it absolutely had to be replaced. It's (only) $60K, but I'd want to be sure it "needs" to be replaced before I'd spend a penny relocating it. Put another way, will it last another year? If the answer is yes, then don't relocate it yet. If it wasn't put in the right location to begin with, perhaps that is a lesson to be reconsidered as we discuss all these other improvement projects in the park. My inclination on this one would be to remove the root problem now and leave the rink where it is until it must be replaced and then relocate it at that time. 6. Adequate parking is a necessity, but in my opinion, using the grass for overflow parking on the rare occasion when the park has several large events is not such a bad thing. It provides additional green space the other 360 days a year. Additional parking is probably warranted in the park, I just don't want to spend a lot of money to ensure no one ever has to park on the grass again. Sometimes those demand spikes may occur and the grass is there for the occasion if we need it. 7. $41 OK for improvements to the park shelter creates lots of questions for me. First, what's wrong with the old park shelter? It may be more cost effective to add -on than to demolish the existing building, but you are leaving out an obvious third option — keep the existing structure, add a storage shed and some picnic tables. Second, what is the payback on this investment? I don't believe this is a building that will be used for youth athletics, is it? My sense is that it is for meetings and public gatherings, etc. So, how do the projected increases in user fee revenues compare with the proposed cost estimates? I imagine there is little tangible public benefit to this expenditure. A shiny and new public park shelter is much more exciting than adding a storage shed behind the existing building, but it is not warranted. I don't see any reason for a concession stand, which will then require staffing and ultimately result in more tax dollars to cover this new line on the operating budget. If you need to sell concessions during tournaments and such, a trailer designed specifically for that purpose can be rented fro the weekend and costs a lot less than $400K. Third, what is "desire of the community "? Who in the community wants to spend nearly a half - million dollars on a picnic shelter? I am challenging my personal expenditures every month in an effort to absorb increases in my health insurance and taxes while my employer not only skips the annual raise but is now considering wage reductions. Why in the world would I want a better picnic facility, so I can enjoy my peanut butter and jelly sandwich at a shiny new picnic table? Remember my 7 -year old truck? It's paid for a few years ago, but I'm really not sure where I'll find the money for a car payment if I need to upgrade to a 5 year old truck when I reach 200,000 miles on it next year. Let's put some common sense on what is a desire and what is a need. I desire to eat my dinner at a nice new picnic table, but I need to reduce my expenses so I don't have to move to a less expensive community. Fourth, do you expect the consulting firm would recommend anything other than the city moving ahead with this project? Obviously, they will make some money on developing the plans and managing the project. They are not impartial and should be no part of the decision making process. Get a proposal and leave it at that, I wouldn't even want the appearance of a consulting firm helping you to justify this proposal, even if it was a sound investment. Overall John, you may be sensing that I don't favor these improvements. That's actually not true. I firmly believe in making sound investments in the community. Putting some money into this aging park is not a bad idea. All too often though, a proposal such as this, can become a wish -list of projects that seek to appease many small factions of people in the community. It is politically unpopular to hold the reigns in on this type of expenditure, because a few vocal constituents will seek to be heard as though they represent the whole community. In this economic climate especially, I think prudent and necessary investments in our community, youth athletics, and park infrastructure can make sense. Ultimately, I cannot get behind every item in this proposal as I would not be willing to spend my own money on some of these initiatives. In fact, it is my money, and I only ask that you spend it more carefully than you would your own. With sincere regards, Tom Lyons 6120 France Ave So 612 - 750 -2453 tom.lyons @mchsi.com From: Caron, Peg [mailto: Peg.Caron@CO. RAMSEY. M N. US] Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 11:03 AM To: John Keprios Subject: Pamela Park Hi, I am one of the neighbors of Pamela Park who received your request for input on the park proposals. I've lived in Edina since 1992, and I've always been amazed when I walk with my friend in Bredesen Park how much nicer it is for walking than Pamela. Now I read your plans, and the focus seems to be on people with school -age children and their parking and playing options. I read nothing about how the non - parents, especially the many retired folks in my neighborhood, could personally benefit. Several of my neighbors walk at least once a day, and yet the walking trail at Pamela near the tennis courts is little more than a cow path. So that is my suggestion, rather than ripping up more grass for expanded parking, and focusing only on the fields. People who do not have kids in the Edina schools should have their needs met in other areas. Thanks for considering my views. Thu 7/2/2009 8:23 AM Email from: jimkollross(a msn.com To: John Keprios What is the City of Edina Administration thinking of in looking for ways to spend money on a project that can be delated or cut? When citizens get notices such as your letter dated June 30th, 2009 it makes people feel like there is not integrity whatsoever in people employed with The City of Edina. People are financially stressed in this period of economic downturn that we haven't seen since the great depression. It certainly isn't a time to be looking for needless projects to spend taxpayer dollars on recklessly. All recreational spending should be curtailed. The water /sewer rates in Edina represent costs way over the national average, homes are being maliciously taxed at inflated values to generate more revenue and to allow this reckless spending and excessive salaries to city workers. Why not send a letter to the citizens of Edina showing plans to make 20% cuts in park spending in these economic times rather than being oblivious to what's happening in todays economy. This is what the real world is doing. Jim & Vick Kollross 4220 Valley View Road Edina, MN 55424 Mary and John: Thank you for your email; much appreciated. I will forward your comments to the Park Board and City Council. John Keprios, Director Edina Park & Recreation Department 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, N N 55424 Voice: (952) 826 -0430 Fax: (952) 826-0385 jkeprios @ci.edina.mn.us "We Create Community through People, Parks and Programs" From: Mary Everett [mailto:meverett @earthlink.net] Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 9:06 AM To: John Keprios Subject: Pamela Park Improvements Mr. Keprios I respectfully would like to respond to your letter regarding Pamela Park. My husband and I are 100% against the extensive improvements you are proposing. , One reason is that during this economic time it seems frivilous that the City of Edina can continue to spend and spend and spend when many of it's residents are out of work (we are not one of them but we are well aware of the struggles of many friends)! Edina. has beautiful parks . and we have many wonderful choices but I am . beginning to believe that unless everything is state of the art for the city of Edina, it is not good enough. I agree that we need to keep up with our parks and maintain them in good order and keep them safe for our residents however with the enormous referendum that was passed for the schools and fields, etc. I just do not agree with spending more on something like this right now, especially to the extent you are intending. My own church, Our Lady. of Grace, was in the middle of a large capital campaign when the economic conditions changed. That church has set aside what they had raised for needed maintenance but in aight of the economic conditions has suspended their campaign and the remodel and additions they were proposing and this community is largely made: -up of Edina residents as well who have said no to this frivilous spending during this time. Our property values are dropping, taxes are going up, there are basic needs of our residents that are not being met so at this time we would ask that the -city reconsider this proposal and either put it aside for now until t. e economic situation improves, maybe a year or two from now and then readress it, or at the least, improve on only the rniniinum requirements to keep the park safe. Thank you. Respectfully, Mary and John Everett 5600 Park Place Edina, MN 55424 Mary From: Luanne Kuna [ mailto :luanne.kuna @virtualrad.com] Sent: Friday, July 03, 2009 8:40 PM To: John Keprios Subject: Proposed Park Improvements for Pamela Park Hi John, Before commenting on the proposed improvements, I would like to reiterate a comment that I have made twice before but have no reply from the Park District. The new playground construction is in progress and I have to say that the new colors (brown and green) are a nice improvement over the previous playground. On the playground drawings that I have seen there are two "funbrellas" in the plan. I am hoping that these were eliminated from the playground plan, per the resident input. I feel that they will be an eyesore and very unnatural choice for a sheltered area in our park. Please let me know what the status of the funbrellas is. Thanks, Luanne Kuna 6008 Oaklawn Ave. Edina, MN My feedback regarding the proposals is as follows: 1. 2010 Relocate Hockey Rink and Lights Comment: no objection 2. 2013 West Parking Lot Renovation and Expansion Comment: No objection, however, would NOT want to see existing trees removed to accommodate expansion. 3. 2014 New Athletic Field Comment: This area is already being used for younger game events this spring /summer which has resulted in the majority of the younger participant parents parking on Oaklawn Ave., even though there are plenty of available spots in the parking lot. As they are parking on both sides of the street, a traffic problem is presented as two cars cannot pass from opposite directions. Some deterrent for these lazy parents needs to be put in place. 4. 2015. South Parking lot expansion. Comment: No objection. Perhaps the young trees could be relocated near the playground to offer some screening /aesthetic improvement. I would add that evergreens planted around the playground equipment would also improve help offset all of the equipment. 5. 2013. North Parking Lot Expansion. Comment: No objection as long as parking isn't expanded along the road. When cars are parked along the road it is dangerous for walkers entering the park. 6. Artificial Turf on South Athletic Field Comment: Object. Artificial turf and any additional fencing are not fitting for a community park. This type of arena is appropriate for school properties, not parks. People come to parks to be in natural settings. Many residents of Edina work in jobs five days a week, 40 -60 hours a week and need to have a place to retreat to beyond the walls of office buildings. The parks and recreation department of our community needs to serve all residents, not just the athletic associations. The parks are what we do well in Edina and in Minnesota. To destroy their natural beauty would take away a major component in the quality of life in this part of the country. 7. 2014 Senior Athletic Field Renovation. Comment: No objection. 8. 2013 Paved Trail Access to Playground Comment: Perhaps if the new playground had been positioned close to the south parking lot, both the street parking and handicap access would not be an issue. If the path would be drawn closer to the edge of the woods, it would not stick out so much, nor interfere with the open field. Many park users run through the open field in pickup games and kite flying. I think that a paved path could present chance for kids to trip and fall, unless it is along the edges of the park. 9. Park Shelter Building Improvements Comment: Support this project and would like to see it moved up in priority with the other proposals. The shaded picnic table area would e a nice addition to the park. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company. Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email. - - - -- Original message---- - From: Kitchen, Karen (mailto:Karen.Kitchen ParkNico].let.com] Sent: Friday, July 03, 2009 6:35 AM To: John Keprios Subject: Pamela Park Improvements I am opposed to spending money at this financially instable time for park improvements that are not safety - related. Edina has been moving ahead with construction on upgrading the sewer and water run -off systems which encompassed a hefty amount being footed by the its citizens. That expense I understand, but in an economy where even Edina residents are concerned about losing their jobs, I cannot support these park improvements. Perhaps there can be some sort of a user fee, but to pave a road to a playground? Artificial turf? Really? Edina needs to be sensitive to what it asks of its residents in more financial assessments. Infrastructure improvements are one thing, but park improvements that are not related to safety concerns are another. my work place, a hospital and clinic system, just let go hundreds of people, and many salaried workers, including Edina residents, have had their salary cut through "furloughs." It is really not the time for moving ahead with this project at Pamela Park for what I see as "wants" rather than needs. Karen Kitchen PRIVACY NOTICE: This e -mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain business confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If this e -mail was not intended for you, please notify the sender by reply e -mail that you received this in error. Destroy all copies of the original message and attachments. - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Douglas Rose [ mailto :douglas.rose @earthlink.net] Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 2:45 PM To: John Keprios Subject: Proposed Pamela Park renovations Dear Mr. Keprios, I am writing to comment on the proposed changes to Pamela Park. I am a 6.5 year resident of the Pamela Park neighborhood residing at 5800 Halifax Avenue South. Below are my comments on the specific proposals. 1) Relocation of hock rink /lights I oppose this proposal. The move would eliminate existing "supplemental skating area currently directly west of the rink. During many winter afternoons, the rink is already overcroweded with skaters. The cost is excessive relative to a simple re- surfacing of the exisiting rink. I use the nature trail regular and have never found it improperly aligned. 2) West partking lot renovation - no issues 3) 2014 New athletic field I object to this proposal. In the past new years, usage of the park has increased dramatically with the enhancements to the softball fields and with the Edina Soccer Association's usage of the open spaces. This additional usage has resulted in substantially more traffic, noise, and litter. I object to formalizing the expansion of the usage through development especially given the fact that the existing fields are frequently not utilized. 4) South partking lot renovation - no issues 5) North partking lot renovation - no issues 6/7) For the same reasons as #3, I object to the artificial field. I moved to the Pamela Park neighborhood because of access to a neighborhood park. An artificial field would make the park capable of hosting tournaments further raising traffic. I support any proposal to allow existing fields to be more tolerant to increased play (e.g. #7) although I have concerns about the additional fertilizer's effects on the surrounding wetlands. 8) Paved access to playground I've raised two children from birth to age 6, commuting from the Northeast corner across the grass fields. So I speak from experience in saying stroller access need not be an excuse to allow paved access. Access for users with mobility issues are a different issue; however, one paved access route, from the west, should be more than enough to serve the demand. We should strive to preserve green space and not pave a path from the south. In addition, many sledders use the hill from Brookview into the park. I have safety concerns about having a paved path bi -sect the route of the sledders. 9) Park Shelter building improvements As noted previously, we should avoid expansion of the shelter to facilitate concessions as this would add to traffic and litter. There are plenty of other locations in the city where 'tournament ready' facilities exist. The shelter is however in need of upgrades. Thanks for the opportunity to input. Please contact me with questions. Doug Rose 952 - 920 -9513 From: Allison, Greg [mailto:gallison @carlson.com] Sent: Sunday, July 19, "2009 8:12"AM To: John Keprios Subject: Proposed Improvements for Pamela Park Mr. Keprios, I received a letter which describes the proposed improvements to Pamela Park. I suggest that bicycle parking facilities be included adjacent to each automobile parking lot. With better; bicycle parking facilities, more people will be comfortable riding to the park and fewer automobile parking spots will be used. My daughter and I live several blocks from the park and often ride-our bikes to soccer games and practices. I believe that the bike edina task force report includes suggestions regarding the most appropriate type of bicycle parking for Edina. Greg Allison 5829 Fairfax Ave Edina MN 55424 Backgrounder As commissioners of Edina's Energy and Environment Commission, we have read with interest the Proposed Park Improvements for Pamela Park sent out for comment to Pamela Park neighborhood homeowners earlier this month by the Park and Recreation Department. Since significant environmental improvements to Pamela Park have been made in the recent past (a cooperative project between the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and the City of Edina) that have resulted in water quality improvement to the lake,* and, since the park includes some 75 trees planted to reduce Edina's carbon footprint,` we want to be sure that these efforts and results will not be subverted or diminished. Our advisory opinions are the following, with numbers referring to those in the Park and Rec proposal: 1. Re- location and lighting of the hockey rink (cost c. $60,000). We recommend this relocation, with the proviso that environmentally - acceptable lighting (such as solar) be installed. 2, 4, 5. Expansion of three parking lots (total cost c. $145,000). We do not recommend any of these expansions. The overflow parking, held in the proposal to be a problem "on occasional evenings" should continue to be on the grass or even on neighborhood streets during this brief time out of the year. Parking lots and the rain and run -off from these impermeable surfaces are now recognized as one of the most important sources of water pollution. (Removing the natural filtration function of grassy areas creates the problem.) In this case, removal of trees is also contemplated by the Park and Rec proposal, though the number of these "young trees" is not specified. These trees, planted as part of Edina's "carbon footprints woods" by citizens along with members of Friends of Edina Nature Center, are already too old to be transplanted with assurance of success. Construction of additional parking lot surface would almost certainly kill even more trees as construction equipment rolls over their roots (root systems extend much farther from the trunks than the branches do). As the now - configured parking lots require repairs, we recommend that the city replace them entirely with permeable pavement, allowing rain and run -off to filter through the soils before flowing into the waterways. We do not recommend curbing since that virtually prevents the necessary parking on the grass during the infrequent overflow periods. Further, we do not recommend paint striping of the lots since, as the paint wears off, particles of it enter the waterways. 3. Development of an additional athletic field (cost c. $400,000). We do not recommend this project. As measured by the volunteers of the Conservation League of Edina, who have conducted water quality testing of two -four of Edina lakes regularly over the summers of the past seven years. This "carbon footprint woods" was created by the volunteers of Friends of the Edina Nature Center; each tree will, on average, remove one ton of carbon from the atmosphere over its lifespan. This development is unnecessary since the specific area is already being used by kids as a natural practice field; and it is unnecessarily costly at a time when the city has environmental goals through ICLEI (and when Edina's population of families with school age children is already less than 25 %). 6. Installation of artificial turf, along with structures to prevent vandalism of it (cost: $1,200,000). We do not recommend this installation. In addition to creating a less - permeable surface (please see above for our comments), artificial turf wears out and cannot successfully be recycled. Neither is raising funds for replacing it regularly a realistic plan. Further, in hot weather, some of its chemical elements volatize and outgas. Any source contemplated for funding at this level should instead be approached with more environmentally - positive proposals. 7. Re- grading, re- soiling, and re- seeding the existing space (offered as an alternative to above in the Park and Rec Proposal) (cost c. $330,000). We do not recommend this alternative. The "more irrigation and fertilizer" required, as per the Park and Rec proposal, will damage the waterway more even than the use of "fewer pesticides" that are held to result. Again, this expenditure does not reflect our city's best environmental priorities. 8. Construction of two paved paths to the playground equipment (cost c. $30,000). We recommend this, provided that permeable pavement be used. 9. Expansion of the park shelter building (cost: $340,200 - $410,200). We recommend this, with the stipulations below. Several architectural firms known for their expertise in green remodeling and green new construction should be approached for bids along with the firm mentioned in the Park and Rec proposal and the question of remodeling vs. new construction should be re- addressed. A green building such as this can be a showcase for citizens and used for a range of activities such as skate - changing, community meetings and events, display space for information on the Pamela Park city /watershed improvements and on the water testing and carbon woods projects, etc. Trees for summer shade and winter wind -break should be planted around the structure (see below). Once its budget is final, two percent of the amount should be allocated to public art and two percent to the purchase and planting of 6 -8 foot native trees and the maintenance of them. Resolution/Vote on July 27, 5 -6 pm As commissioners of Edina's Energy and Environment Commission, we recommend that the City Council, in their consideration of the Proposed Park Improvements for Pamela Park (Park and Recreation Department), take the following actions: 1) Approve the relocation of the hockey rink' (using environmentally - positive lighting); the enhancement of the park building (using green remodeling or green new construction); the construction of hard surface paths to the playground equipment (using permeable pavement). 2) Not approve the expansion of any of the three parking lots; the construction of the new athletic: field; the field remodeling using artificial turf or the (offered) alternative renovation of the field. Signed, Date: From: Sue Nissen [mailto:sgnissen @comcast.net] Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 11:22 AM To: John Keprios Subject: Pamela Park Comment John, From what I've seen of the updates to Pamela Park they look fine. My concern is as a homeowner on 58th Street. I know there will park traffic and probably more with the updates. My comment is bigger than just your park traffic, but your updates beg the question: What will or can be done to keep traffic on 58th Street flowing within the speed limits? The. nights that Pamela is in heavy use it's like a freeway around here so I can tell you that part of the speed problem is park goers. Part is just regular traffice. Has this been considered? If not, with whom should it be considered? There are probably other streets and residents that feel the same way. I would believe that everyone loves a park but would like the respect of those people in vehicles going to and from the park. Sincerely, Sue Nissen 4408 West 58th Street From: JOAN SCHAUER [mailto:schauer123 @msn.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 1:36 PM To: John Keprios Subject: Re: Pamela Park John, noticed today on our walk thru pamela park that it didn't take long for vandals to deface the new playgroung equipment. I hope this is a lesson for edina parks and any decision to spend a million plus dollars on any soccer field at pamela park ... Tom Scahuer Securities offered through LPL Financial (LPL), Member FINRA/SIPC From: John Keprios [ mailto:JKeprios @ci.edina.mn.us] Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 1:42 PM To: Christopher Gerber Subject: RE: Park "improvements" proposed for Pamela Park Mr. Gerber: Thank you for your email. I will forward your comments to the Park Board and City Council. Regarding your question about "the expressed needs of the neighborhood and the community at large" referred to in my letter, there are no petitions that have been circulated around Pamela requesting any of the proposed park projects. A 10 member Task Force was formed consisting of a resident neighbors and representatives from youth athletic associations to use as one vehicle in the process to validate need and share ideas. The Edina Park and Recreation Department receives requests for park improvements on a regular basis via email, phone calls, office visits, letters, etc. My experience has been that most petitions more often than not are circulated to oppose a project or program rather than to request something positive to enhance a park. John Keprios, Director Edina Park & Recreation Department 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 Voice: (952) 826 -0430 Fax: (952) 826 -0385 jkeprios @ci.edina.mn.us "We Create Community through People, Parks and Programs" From: Christopher Gerber [mailto :christopherw.gerber @lpl.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 4:17 PM To: John Keprios Subject: Park "improvements" proposed for Pamela Park John, I am in receipt of and have reviewed your request dated June 30, 2009. It appears that your suggestion to relocate the hockey rink and lights and to renovate the 2013 W. parking lot has some merit due to proximity to natural boundaries (hockey rink) and, in the parking lot's case, due to wear. The suggestion in your letter that concrete curbing is necessary and will successfully deter parking on the grass or driving through the park is superfluous. There will remain several thousand feet of non - curbed surface easily allowing anyone to accomplish what this curb project is established to deter. Additionally, we have laws that deter exactly what you're suggesting. Therefore, you should eliminate the curb project thereby saving several thousand dollars. However, if there is evidence from police records showing that this is a frequent activity, perhaps there is merit to enforcing the laws before spending more money on curbing which would only provide marginal deterrence based on pro rata square footage of the park footprint. In your letter you said that there are "expressed needs of the neighborhood". This, I assume, is in the form of a petition signed by the vast majority of neighbors bounding the park. I would like to see this petition to confirm that your letter states the truth. How can I obtain a copy? Additionally, I would like to know what percentage of the bounding neighbors this petition represents. The reason that I request this is before authorizing spending literally millions of dollars it is smart to be certain that you are stating the truth in your letter (A trusting but verifying attitude only makes sense when spending this kind of money, nothing personal). You can attach a copy of the petition to this e-mail and reply, or fax it to me at 866 -734 -4311• I look forward to receiving it. Thank you for your attention to this matter as well as your diligent work for the Park and Recreation Department. Christopher Gerber, CFA Private Wealth Partners, LLC Phone: (952)230 -1340 Fax: (866) 734-4311 Private Wealth Partners, LLC 400 South Highway 169 Suite 170 St. Louis Park, MN 55426 Esse Quam Videri Private Wealth Partners, LLC does not accept buy, sell or cancel order by e-mail, or any instructions by e-mail that would require your signature. Information contained in this communication is not considered an official record of your account and does not supersede normal trade confirmations or statements. Any information provided has been prepared from sources believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed, does not represent all available data necessary for making investment decisions, and is for informational purposes only. This e-mail may be privileged and /or confidential, and the sender does not waive any related rights. Any distribution, use or copying of this e-mail or the information it contains by other than an intended recipient is unauthorized. If you receive this e-mail in error, please advise me (by return e-mail or otherwise) immediately. Christopher Gerber, LPL Financial, Private Wealth Partners, LLC, and Private Wealth Advisors, LLC do not offer tax or legal advice. We recommend that you seek qualified tax and legal counsel before making tax and legal decisions. Securities offered through LPL Financial (LPL), Member FINRA/SIPC John, I am unable to attend tonight's meeting. However, I believe it is material that "requests "from the immediate proximity of the park for these projects have been handled in an ad hoc manner with insufficient records to justify millions of dollars in expenditures. I believe this reflects upon those who have been charged with overseeing this process. I suggest that they stop the process, backup, start over acquiring adequate justification against the claims that they made in your letter. Otherwise, we will continue to be disorganized and forcing hard - working taxpayers to cough up yet more money than they already are for projects that appear to be the whims of a few. John, I know that you are simply the messenger in this and what I wrote above is not reflection upon you. You have been very efficient and responded very quickly to my questions regarding your letter. Please pass this letter to the project decision- makers. They need to know that when they claim that so many want these projects they must come to the table ready to explain exactly who and how many want them. If the vast majority wants them then the projects should proceed. If they cannot prove the vast majority wants them the projects should not get past the paper upon which they were proposed. Christopher Gerber, CFA (Edina Resident) Private Wealth Partners, LLC Phone: (952)230 -1340 Fax: (866) 734 -4311 Private Wealth Partners, LLC 400 South Highway 169 Suite 170 St. Louis Park, MN 55426 Esse Quam Videri Private Wealth Partners, LLC does not accept buy, sell or cancel order by e-mail, or any instructions by e-mail that would require your signature. Information contained in this communication is not considered an official record of your account and does not supersede normal trade confirmations or statements. Any information provided has been prepared from sources believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed, does not represent all available data necessary for making investment decisions, and is for informational purposes only. This e-mail may be privileged and /or confidential, and the sender does not waive any related rights. Any distribution, use or copying of this e-mail or the information it contains by other than an intended recipient is unauthorized. If you receive this e-mail in error, please advise me (by return e-mail or otherwise) immediately. Christopher Gerber, LPL Financial, Private Wealth Partners, LLC, and Private Wealth Advisors, LLC do not offer tax or legal advice. We recommend that you seek qualified tax and legal counsel before making tax and legal decisions. Securities offered through LPL Financial (LPL), Member FINRA/SIPC From: John Keprios [ mailto:]Keprios @ci.edina.mn.us] Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 12:24 PM To: Christopher Gerber Subject: RE: Park "improvements" proposed for Pamela Park Christopher: I do not have have copies of specific written requests for each proposed park improvement. These proposed improvements are the results of mostly verbal requests from special interest groups and the results of the Task Force recommendations. I encourage you to attend tonight's meeting to learn more about each project and voice your opinions for the record. John Keprios, Director Edina Park & Recreation Department 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 Voice: (952) 826 -0430 Fax: (952) 826 -0385 jkeprios @ci.edina.mn.us "We Create Community through People, Parks and Programs" From: Christopher Gerber [ mailto :christopherw.gerber @lpl.com] Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 12:14 PM To: John Keprios Subject: RE: Park "improvements" proposed for Pamela Park John, thanks for your quick reply! I assume that they have a copy of the specific requests for these projects and how many people requested each one. Can I get that information? Christopher Gerber, CFA Private Wealth Partners, LLC Phone: (952)230 -1340 Fax: (866) 734 -4311 Private Wealth Partners, LLC 400 South Highway 169 Suite 170 St. Louis Park, MN 55426 Esse Quam Videri Private Wealth Partners, LLC does not accept buy, sell or cancel order by e-mail, or any instructions by e-mail that would require your signature. Information contained in this communication is not considered an official record of your account and does not supersede normal trade confirmations or statements. Any information provided has been prepared from sources believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed, does not represent all available data necessary for making investment decisions, and is for informational purposes only. This e-mail may be privileged and /or confidential, and the sender does not waive any related rights. Any distribution, use or copying of this e-mail or the information it contains by other than an intended recipient is unauthorized. If you receive this e-mail in error, please advise me (by return e-mail or otherwise) immediately. Christopher Gerber, LPL Financial, Private Wealth Partners, LLC, and Private Wealth Advisors, LLC do not offer tax or legal advice. We recommend that you seek qualified tax and legal counsel before making tax and legal decisions. From: Amundson, Karen [mailto:Karen.Amundson @idq.com] Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 10:36 AM To: John Keprios Subject: Pamela Park Hi John. We so wanted to be at the Park Board meeting on Thursday, but had another commitment. Our only concern as far as the upgrades to the park besides the scoreboards is the parking lot on Oaklawn. We are in favor of it, but only if the trees remain. From the drawing it appears that they would not be removed. Without trees it really would have an impact on the character of the neighborhood. It helps create somewhat of a buffer. As you begin putting together the master plan for Pamela, we greatly appreciate you taking this request into consideration. Thank you! Karen & Dorvin Amundson 5905 Oaklawn Avenue Edina, MN 55424 952/830 -0303 952/920 -7748 Try a freshly -made DQ Waffle Treat today! UQ C „_.nparnes C,ISCLAIMER his Im-..smiss!on is intended only for the person named above and may contain ow'iO ge-ii xmfrdent3,t1 or proprietary business lnlom, oon Please notify me immediately by phone or e -mail, if you have received Ih s trararngsslc)n in error if you have received is n error, copying, distributing, or any disclosuie of this transmission and its conterns is 1p,chib,ted and may be unlawful. Thank you for sur aassi lance and I apologize for any inconvenience. � r • �..� •�•1 � ��I'• r..'1•f t. •��, ��`�- ((/ 'rJ,r" � (J � �.'� //f! J � /'rI, _T L :_.r... ..�� �` � ` `� �', :I r. � { (�f/ f • •'I � r �• ���f • (•.• %'1.• � i'I f •� ; ••� i'rf / 1f.. �J � r C.J �� IVIP 'she. ' .Pwt Oa /Ouv�w k-7 ICI-, 72t4 A6 12AV ZG ydL Y il-102, 12ave .elezt�i ac"w"o, -Age 6 L �ken,,dz�)-�q 1-it, .,e1)2,Zeva.e,7&n) ca, d...- "'Ca-6t, L , .l.E "" /ilI7CE'f "el) L. 12tl2lc,�, U-111, Cli, L21 e42 R, Ac. ct, Y. 2 � .z 41- 11,0 kayd_ /I WL eA:(a_) vv From: Sue Aura [mailto:sueaura @hotmail.com] Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 8:01 AM To: John Keprios Subject: Pamela Park Dear Mr. Keprios, Many changes have been proposed for Pamela Park in Edina, but one change in particular is concerning to me. I believe artificial turf on the south athletic field is harmful and unnecessary. The total project cost is $1,200,000. 1 don't believe this is the total cost of installing an oil based product in a wetland. Will it mold? Will it harbor dangerous transmissible bodily fluids? Will the ducks and geese that flock and gather at that site each fall continue to do so? Will bird droppings contaminate athletes using the artificial turf? What about bird flu transmission? What will prevent vandels from driving on it ... a new fence ?! I'm sure there will be many unintended consequences. I realize that I am late in questioning these proposals. I hope that you share my concerns and forgo this plan. The 2013 field proposed renovation is much better suited to our beautiful park amidst the Minnehaha watershed district. Also, I am also disappointed that all three parking lots will be expanded (more cement — less green space). I oppose making Pamela Park a Super -sports complex. It is, after all, a protected wetland. I've watched our park shrink and become less community friendly in the past few years, all in the guise of creating a better park. We have no trespassing signs posted directly across the street from my home, on a path leading into the park, that had previously been used by everyone in the community for 50 some years. Now, suddenly, it is closed because it is not wheelchair accessible, or whatever the excuse is this week. Instead of walking down to skate each winter night, I have to drive, now, because the park across the street is inaccessible! I can't even look Bill Learn in the eye... and my husband has been his lifelong friend. All the parents on Brookview are angry as heck that their families are cut off from using their 'safer' route to Oaklawn. Please change this back! Susan Aura 5900 Oaklawn Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Windows Live T" : Keep your life in sync. Check it out. Minutes of the Edina Park Board August 11, 2009 Edina City Hall; Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Jennifer Kenney, Ben Po'buda, Todd Fronek, Ray O'Connell, Dan Peterson, Joseph Hulbert, Jeff Sorem, Bill Lough, Keeya Steel, Rob Presthus MEMBERS ABSENT.. Randy Meyer STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Janet Canton, Ed MacHolda' I. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 17, 2009 PARK BOARD MINUTES Dan Peterson MOVED TO APPROVE THE JUNE 17, 2009 PARK BOARD MINUTES. Bill Lough SECONDED. MINUTES APPROVED. II. NEW BUSINESS A. Pamela Park Master Plan — Mr. Keprios gave a presentation on the Pamela Park Master Plan and informed the Park Board of what took place at the Pamela Park information meeting on July 30, 2009. He explained the history of the process of how they got to where they currently are. Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that it seemed pretty clear from both written and verbal responses that the number one concern is spending tax dollars on these projects during these challenging economic times. Mr. Keprios then summarized his recommendations from his staff report. • RELOCATE HOCKEY RINK AND LIGHTS • WEST PARKING LOT RENOVATION AND EXPANSION • NEW ATHLETIC FIELD • SOUTH PARKING LOT EXPANSION • NORTH PARKING LOT EXPANSION • NO ARTIFICIAL TURF ON SOUTH ATHLETIC FIELD • SENIOR ATHLETIC FIELD RENOVATION • PAVED TRAIL ACCESS TO PLAYGROUND PARK SHELTER BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS Ms. Steel asked Mr. Keprios what kind.of natural grass he has in mind for the new athletic field. Mr. Keprios replied that they would have to rely on their engineers to tell them what would be most economically feasible. He noted that his first choice would be to go with another sand peat field with irrigation and proper drainage. He noted that it will need to be engineered in a Way to be tolerant of a lot of play therefore it will probably need to be a mix between sand peat and natural soils. Mr. Fronek- informed the Park Board-that he thought it was a very good process that they went through. He added that Mr. Pobuda, Mr. Peterson, Mr. O'Connell and he attended the Pamela Park neighborhood meeting. Mr. Fronek commented that he thought it was very productive and felt that they sorted through a lot of the issues. 1 Mr. O'Connell noted that he thought it was very positive. He commented that he would like to see the city and the school system develop a collaborative situation and share the costs. Mr. Pobuda stated that it opened his eyes to more opinions than those of just the Park Board and now he has a good idea of what they want and what they expect from them. Mr. Peterson indicated that he was amazed that the number one issue he heard is that the economy stinks, don't spend the money. Mr. Fronek asked Mr. Keprios to speak a little bit about the hockey rink because he initially thought it had to be moved because it is in a watershed plain. In addition, there were also issues with getting good ice on the hockey rink as well as they would be losing a lot of the open skating area. Mr. Keprios replied that originally his staff recommended moving the hockey rink 30 feet in order to have a better surface to work with. However, there is a debate on whether the water table is really any different 30 feet to the west. He noted that there is a fairly steep grade east of the hockey boards which would make it fairly tight to walk through for the nature trail. He explained that most times of the year it isn't an issue until they start flooding the rink where it then becomes a dangerous situation of having to walk to the west side of the hockey rink. Mr. Keprios commented that. one concern of a resident was that it would consume too much of the open skating area but noted that the reality is they have enough real estate where they could easily expand the open skating area. Mr. Keprios explained that it is not critical for them to move the hockey rink; however, it is just staff's recommendation that by moving it, it would be better for maintenance and it would make for a better nature trail. He pointed out that as long as they need to replace the light standards and bases it just makes sense to move it slightly and make room for the trail. Mr. O'Connell asked if they do move the hockey rink will it increase the cost figure. Mr. Keprios replied yes, it would cost approximately $60,000 because they would have to replace quite a few of the boards. He added that to leave the hockey rink in its current location and just replace the broken boards it would cost approximately $45,000 to fix which $40,000 of that would be for new light standards. Mr. O'Connell indicated that he thinks the $15,000 would be a good investment. Mr. Keprios responded that he doesn't disagree with the recommendation but that the reason he came to this conclusion is because so many residents felt strongly that the rink should stay in its current location. However, he does still feel that if they are going to replace the light system then now is the time to move the rink and that is why they made the original recommendation that they did. Mr. Hulbert asked how old are the boards and what is the life expectancy of the hockey boards? Mr. Keprios replied that hockey boards last approximately 15 years, before they have to be rebuilt. He noted that he thinks the Pamela Park hockey rink was built 15 or 16 years ago. Mr. Keprios stated that he doesn't disagree with moving the hockey rink he was just trying to be sympathetic and responsive to the residents. Mr. Lough asked what is the incremental cost of moving the hockey rink versus not moving it? Mr. Keprios replied it would cost $60,000 to move it and $45,000 not to move it. Therefore, it would be a $15,000 savings. Mr. Presthus asked if the rink is moved would all of the boards be new or would you use some of the existing boards. Mr. Keprios responded they would try to use what boards would still be salvageable. 2 Ms. Steel commented that she knows people want to save dollars especially in this economy and asked if project costs are down in the current market could money be saved that way. Mr. Keprios replied a lot of their bids today on contracted work are lower than what they typically would be because of the economy. Mr. Lough asked Mr. Keprios in terms of the overall timing of the priority items how long would you guess it would take to get through all nine items or at least the top five. Mr. Keprios replied that his guess is they are going to be going through some very tough economic times as an organization for a minimum of the next 2 % to 3 years. And feels in his view it will be at least three years before they start to come out of this. Mr. Keprios indicated that in his opinion it could be four to five years before they start building new amenities in the parks. He commented that they are going to be in maintenance mode for at least the next few years. Mr. Keprios noted that maybe they will be able to find enough cuts in other areas and commented that thankfully most of the capital improvement plan funding source does not come from the annual operating budget. He pointed out that it's a pool of money that has been secured over the years which is earmarked specifically for capital improvements. Mr. Keprios explained that thankfully only $50,000 from the general operating fund goes to fund the capital improvement plan's Revolving Fund which has a balance in the millions; however, the $50,000 is now being removed from 2010 operating budget. Therefore, there are still Revolving Fund dollars available for capital improvements but he is not sure how much of those funds the Council will approve for use over the next four years and so he cannot fully answer Mr. Lough's questions. Mr. Lough commented that the senior athletic field is not likely to occur in the next four years to which Mr. Keprios replied that is correct. Mr. Lough asked if the paved access trail is likely to occur in the next four years. Mr. Keprios responded that is one he would still like to try to fund out of his Paths and Hard Surfaces operating budget and that is why it doesn't show up in the capital improvement plan. That is one he really feels should be a priority because they need to have accessible path from a parking lot to the playground and he didn't want to have to rely on the capital improvement plan to fund this project. Mr. Lough asked if it would be possible for one of the parking lot expansions to be an overall priority in the next four years. Mr. Keprios replied that it's possible but again it would have to be funded through the capital improvement plan and not through the operating budget since that's going to get cut severely next year. Mr. Lough asked Mr. Keprios what the payback period would be for the investment in the lights to which Mr. Keprios replied that he wasn't sure but thought it might be approximately 13 or 14 years. He also asked Mr. Keprios if it was likely to be approved by the financial staff or the City Council with that kind of a payback. Mr. Keprios replied that because the investment was green and the city had established a priority to make green expenditures or green investments that he thought it would be fine. Mr. O'Connell commented that he would like to see the building at Pamela Park be renovated as soon as possible because that is something that would be used a lot. Mr. Fronek entered a motion regarding Mr. Keprios recommendation with regards to the five -year Pamela Park Improvement Plan. Mr. Peterson MOVED TO APPROVE. 3 Ray O'Connell SECONDED THE MOTION. Mr. Keprios asked if the recommendation would include moving the hockey rink as he proposed the first go around or leave it where it's at. Mr. Fronek MOVED TO AMEND MR. KEPRIOS RECOMMENDATION TO RELOCATE THE HOCKEY RINK AS PREVIOUSLY STATED. MOVE IT 30 FEET SOUTH AND 30 FEET WEST. HE NOTED THAT HE WOULD ALSO LIKE MR. KEPRIOS TO AT LEAST EXPLORE ADDING SOME SPACE TO THE OPEN SKATING AREA. Mr. O'Connell accepted the amendment. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. III. OLD BUSINESS A. Community Gardens — Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that he is still of the opinion that the silent majority would be okay with a policy that suggests we keep our open space as open space. He noted that for those who want to have a vegetable or fruit garden they should do it on their private property. He stated that what they have learned from the past is that open space is just too precious in a town that's a first ring suburb where we are fully developed. Mr. Keprios stated that in addition it would be very difficult to find an ideal space that will please everyone. Therefore, that is what he would ask the Park Board to recommend to the City Council. Mr. Lough stated that while he is somewhat sympathetic to staff's recommendation on this issue he wants to make sure that as a Park Board they clearly understand that it is their responsibility to try and come up with recommendations which will serve all members of the community. He commented that gardens of this nature typically serve an educational, hobby and social purpose as well as there may be other purposes to add to this list with the exception of any commercial purpose. He noted that the nature of the community in Edina is changing somewhat in that it is an older community which more and more people will reside in multi - family housing. He indicated that green space is meant for all of the citizens and not just for youth sports or people who like to walk and that sort of nature but perhaps for other purposes as well. Mr. Lough asked Mr. Keprios if they were to adopt a policy that does not approve the community gardens and it goes to the City Council and they do approve the recommendation what does it take to change it in the future. Mr. Keprios explained that a policy is not an ordinance and that a policy can change at any given City Council meeting. Mr. Keprios encouraged the Park Board to not make a recommendation at this point and perhaps direct staff to kick around some other means of feedback from the community and perhaps put an article in the Sun newspaper and ask for more input if they need more time to deliberate. He noted that this isn't something that needs to be rushed into. Mr. Peterson asked Mr. Keprios about his thought on having a community garden along York Avenue. Mr. Keprios replied that he doubts that the YMCA would be all that disappointed in not having a community garden at that site because the YMCA is currently primarily user of that open space for their own programs. Mr. Peterson stated that he agrees with Mr. Lough and would be glad to table this for awhile to think about it. 4 Mr. Lough asked if perhaps staff could come up with, some type of policy for the Park Board to discuss. Mr. Keprios replied he would be happy to do that and will further -Study the issue and have something ready by the September Park Board meeting. Ms. Steel stated that. she definitely agrees they should encourage people to use their own homes for growing organic gardens. However, as Mr. Lough pointed out we are expanding our senior housing and inviting more young families,to move into the community. She iin`dicated that something they look at as far as policy is perhaps allowing a certain age group to have priority of these gardens so `that the elderly population can continue to have some.of the gardens they enjoyed in their own homes. . Mr. • Fronek indicated that personally. he doesn't think that adopting a policy`that can be changed at the September Park Board meeting makes too much sense. He noted that so far none'of the locations (Pamela Park and York Park) have passed the test" for us to say okay, let's invest the dollars and resources to make it happen to the extent we need a policy. He stated that they haven't seen a situation where a community garden is going to be implemented at this point. Mr. Fronek pointed out that's not to say in the future he would not say yes to a community garden project. IV. UPDATES FROM STAFF A. Pamela Park Equipment —.Mr. MacHolda informed the Park Board that the new playground equipment was installed at Pamela Park and it looks nice. Unfortunately, however, on the eve of the completion of the installation it was - vandalized. Mr. Sorem commented that he has been to the park a few times and noted that he thinks it's one of the nicest playgrounds in the city. He commented that Ashley Swanda and Dawn Lambert, who were neighborhood committee, members, were very helpful and did a wonderful job. V. PARK BOARD COMMENTS A. Recycling and Solid Waste - Mr. O'Connell handed out an e -mail to the Park Board from Michelle Horan who is a member of the Recycling Solid Waste Work Group which is a subcommittee' of the Energy & Environment Commission. The e -mail. talks about approaching the athletic associations and presenting to them a new way of handling recycling. e. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm 5 lo WT il L IMPROVED EXISTING TRAIL E CLS'.n N ftGRASS FIELD GRADE LIE a G.oAbb IMPROVED EXIS TING TRAIL.A ...... --- --------------- - ------------- OPEN PLAY AREA 5TOAMWATER RELOCATED HOCKEY ITE=R"AFER =RINK" POND OPEN MATING. WINTER ' OYE UOW PARK&G - SUMMER i SHELTER BUILDING ........ . ..... EXPANSI ON & IMPROVEMENTS CURB AND GUTTER L07 A DRIVE EXISTING DEPRESSED ALONG WEST EDGE IMPROVE OF DRIVE PARIING L )T ....•. EXlANSr)N-----_­" (15 STALL 5) 1 YEAR EXISTING rE.ISTI. SOFTBALL 3 SOFTBALL 2 1L.ODPIAIN EXISTING E L OFF L3 S T TEMPORARY OUTFIELD UT UTFIEL0­,_ FENCE L NON-SURFA C FIELDS A­ ill owwwwo LOW RETAINING WALL PARKING LIT EXPANSIgi STALLS) ----------- 0 JUNE 29, 2009 • Al.................... POND RESTRICTED ACCESS BARRIERS . ..... . - ... - ........... - -- --- - -- -- I EXISTING TRAIL E.7. D .. . .M.P..ER..O�..V5 . . EXISTING GRASS! PROPOSED Sy NT ETIC TURF FIELD (ABOVE FL OOD PLAINT ,. Z Rp . , G 1 PROPOSED GRASS FIELD W) ­11 AREA TRAIL TRAFFIC Cq ROL AROUND PACING LOT A ;,I J6ftLjiil._ltt- MASTER PLAN STUDY PAMELA PARK, EDINA MINNESOTA mlr_� .,LV,D,kRS0J% -.1011ASOA ca 4*v lVc. Sm l l I ­. -AIX, A vn SLE DOING HILL TRAIL TRAFFIC Cq ROL AROUND PACING LOT A ;,I J6ftLjiil._ltt- MASTER PLAN STUDY PAMELA PARK, EDINA MINNESOTA mlr_� .,LV,D,kRS0J% -.1011ASOA ca 4*v lVc. Sm l l I ­. -AIX, A vn o e 1888 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # IV. D. From: Wayne D. Houle, PE Consent City Engineer Information Only ❑ Date: October 6, 2009 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Approve Engineering Action ® Motion proposal for Feasibility ❑ Resolution Study for the Pamela Park El Ordinance Neighborhood Roadway Improvement Project ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Authorize City Manager to approve attached proposal for the Feasibility Study for the 2010 Pamela Park Neighborhood Roadway Improvement Project. Info /Background: This proposal is for the feasibility report for the Pamela Park Neighborhood Roadway Improvement Project. City staff has been consulting out approximately one neighborhood per year to help with the task of reconstructing the roadways. SEH has successfully completed many projects with the City such as the Country Club, Southdale and Cornelia Neighborhoods, and Nine Mile Village Watermain Project. This proposal also includes the bidding documents if the Council orders the project at the project hearing in December or January. The estimated fee for this report along with the bidding documents is $114,676.72. G: \Engineering \Improvements \BA360 Pamela Park N'hood Imp\ADMIN \MISC \20091006 rr authorize SEH Engineering Proposal.doc r SUPPLEMENTAL LETTER AGREEMENT September 29, 2009 Mr. Wayne. Houle, PE Director of Public Works and City Engineer City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Dear Wayne: RE: City of-Edina Pamela Park Neighborhood Improvement SEH No. EDINA 110032 10.00 SEH sincerely appreciates the opportunity to offer its assistance to the City of Edina (City) with the Pamela Park Neighborhood Improvement Project (Project). Please find our work plan described by our task hour budget (THB) enclosed with this Supplemental Letter Agreement to our Agreement for Professional Engineering Services dated July 25, 1988, herein called the Agreement. Based on bid tabs for similar projects adjusted to 2010 dollars, we estimate that the Project could cost $1.8 million to reconstruct. If it does, our proposed not to exceed fee reported by our THB of $114,676.72 is only 6.2% of the estimated reconstruction cost. Industry standards say our effort for this project could cost between 10% and 13% to complete. Our not -to- exceed fee includes reimbursable expenses. If the City accepts this Supplemental Letter Agreement, we will bill the City monthly on an hourly basis for services, expenses, and equipment to complete our work in the project area described by the enclosed map labeled Figure 1. Our anticipated project production schedule is given in the table below. Work Item Work Work Item Description Work Item Key Item No. Milestone Date 1 Begin work on the Feasibility Study October 7, 2009 2 Contact CenterPoint Energy about Reconstructing their October 7, 2009 Gas Main Trunk and Service Pipes in the Project Area 3 Neighborhood Meeting November 16, 2009 4 Public Improvement Hearing December 15, 2009 5 Open Bids March 8, 2010 6 CenterPoint Energy begins Field work to Reconstruct Gas Aril 5 2010 p ' Main Trunk and Service Pipes in the Project Area 7 Begin Construction May 2010 Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc., 10901 Red Circle Drive, Suite 200, Minnetonka, MN 55343 -9301 SEH is an equal opportunity employer www.sehinc.com 1 952.912.2600 1 800.734.6757 1 . 952.912.2601 fax' r 14r. Wayne Houle, PE September 29, 2009 Page 2 This Supplemental Letter Agreement, Figure No. 1, the THB, and the Agreement represent the entire understanding between the City and SEH in respect to the project and may only be modified in writing if signed by both parties. Thank you for considering using SEH. As always, please contact me with questions or comments at 952.912.2611 or ppasko @sehinc.com. Sincerely, SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. Paul J. asko III, PE Project Manager pj p3 Enclosures c: Dave Halter, SEH (without Enclosures) Ron Farmer, SEH (with Enclosures) p:\aekkdina \I 10032 \Igenh10 pamele perk\prop pamela perk 9 29 09.doc N 300 SCALE a g a F -I FIG PAMELA PARK NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT SEPTEMBER 29, 2009 PROJECT. LIMITS J S E H Task Hour Budget City of Edina Pamela Park Neighborhood Improvements (63) September 29, 2009 Page 1 of 13 ESTIMATED COST PROJECT TASKS DESIGN PHASE PREPARE FEASIBILITY STUDY 1.0 Data Collection 1.1 Collect Data from the City 1.1.1 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Tapes/Disks and Logs 1 1.1.2 Kick -off Questionnaire Results (7) 1.1.3 Utility as- builts from City 1.1.4 Digital parcel mapping from the City 1.1.5 Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan dated 7/03 prepared by BARR Engineering for the project area. 1.1.6 List of property owner information 5 1.1.7 Locations of water main breaks and sanitary sewer blockages from City 1.1.8 Topographic survey completed by the City 55' 3D ba'se drawing file 3D topographic survey point files 1.1.9 Investigate with City staff available sites for a contractor storage yard 6 1.1.10 Aerial mapping Photograph 61 Contours 62 1.1.11 Latest versions of proposal form, instructions to bidders, general conditions, special conditions, City of Edina standard specifications and standard plates for inclusion in the vroiect manual 1.2 Go her State One Call 1.2.1 Obtain Ticket No. Page 1 of 13 Page 2 of 13 ESTIMATED COST PROJECT TASKS 1.2.2 Collect atlases from private utility companies in the project area Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $2,781 2.0 Geotechnical Investigation 2.1 Define Soil Boring and Sampling Program 3 4 2.2 Coordinate Soil Testing Services 19 2.3 Develop soil strati a h / rofile - 2.4 Assess trench excavation and backfill 2.5 Assess road subgrade (including intermixing of trench backfill soils 2.6 Evaluate proposed roadway typical section 2.7 Evaluate the feasibility of utilizing existing pavement section as a reclaimed aggregate base product into the ro osed street section 2.8 Prepare Draft Geotechnical Technical Memorandum 2.9 Prepare Final Geotechnical Technical Memorandum 2.10 Comment on final details during final bidding document re aration 2.11 Comment on final Subgrade soil correction details during bid document preparation Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $8,629 3.0 Field Inspection 69 3.1 Inspect storm sewer manholes and storm sewer catch basins 8 9 3.2 Inspect existing curb and gutter for reincorporation into the proiect 57 3.3 Inspect existing pavement for limits of alligator cracking to indicate presence of subgrade soils needing repair (58) 3.4 Observe storm water runoff during a rain event Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $1,989 4.0 Pavement Design 10 39 64 65 6 84 4.1 Develop street pavement sections (2 )(60) 4.2 Determine the locations and depths of subgrade repairs (2 )(58) 4.3 Prepare 30% complete tabulation of removals and miscellaneous restoration Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $3,606 Page 2 of 13 Page 3 of 13 ESTIMATED COST PROJECT TASKS 5.0 Design Storm Sewer Extensions (45) (50) (51) (52) 5.1 Prepare layout of proposed storm sewer extensions (11) 5.2 Identify tributary areas 12 5.3 Calculate "C" factor 12 5.4 Determine "Tc" for tributary areas 5.5 Size proposed pipes 13 5.6 Submit storm sewer extension design to BARR En ineerin 14 5.7 Effect edits to storm sewer extension design based on BARR Engineering's Review 5.8 Prepare approximate layout for proposed drain tile network 15 59 5.9 Size storm water runoff treatment manhole 51 5.10 Identify existing manholes, trunk pipes, and catch basins needing reconstruction in the project area 33 5.11 Investigate adjustments to the street profile in select locations to improve the flow of storm water runoff to existing and proposed catch basins 5.12 Investigate eliminating as many of the bituminous valley gutters as possible in the project area by extending storm sewer to these intersections or adding a concrete valley gutter to the intersection Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $5,995 6.0 Sanitary Sewer 70 6.1 Study location of reported blockages in the trunk pipe network 36 6.1.1 Based on study, identify location of trunk pipe repairs by o en cut methods 68 ` 6.1.2 Based on study, identify location of trunk pipe repairs by trenchless methods 6.2 Identify existing manholes needing reconstruction in the ro'ect area 37 Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $1,409 7.0 Water Main 6 7.1 Replace and relocate fire hydrants 38 Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $209 Page 3 of 13 Page 4 of 13 ESTIMATED COST PROJECT TASKS 8.0 Street Lighting 1 Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost 9.0 Calculate Quantities 78 9.1 Streets 9.2 Storm Sewer 9.3 Drain tile 9.4 Sanitary sewer 9.5 Water Main Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $3,078 10.0 Prepare Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost (41) 10.1 Prepare Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost 17 18 Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $3,169 11.0 Preliminary Assessment Roll 20 21 22 11.1 Count single family parcels (88) 11.2 In ut parcel information data into XLS spreadsheet 11.3 Prepare preliminary roll 11.4 Account for special corner lots that received 1/2 or 1/3 rate assessments as part of a previous or future reconstruction proiect 11.5 Review preliminary roll with City staff 11.6 Use roll to generate public improvement hearing notices Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $2,573 12.0 Prepare Feasibility Stud 12.1 Write draft study_ (23) . - 2 . _ _. _ 12.2 Prepare project area location map figure 12.3 Prepare preliminary assessment role figure 12.4 Review draft study with City staff 86 12.5 Prepare final stud 12.6 Prepare and submit hard copies of the stud 12.7 Prepare and submit PDF file of the stud Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $9,012 13.0 Meetings 13.1 Kick -off meeting with City staff (56) 13.2 Meeting with CenterPoint Energy and City staff (24) Page 4 of 13 Page 5 of 13 ESTIMATED COST PROJECT TASKS 13.3 Review results of soils borings and draft geotechnical memo with city staff 13.4 Neighborhood Meeting 81 13.4.1 Prepare invitation to Neighborhood Meeting 25 26 13.4.2 Prepare preliminary assessment role graphic 72 13.4.3 Prepare hard copy of 30% complete tabulation of removals and miscellaneous restoration 87 13.4.4 Prepare plots summarizing improvements for use at the meeting 27 13.4.5 Prepare attendance roster sheets and attend Neighborhood Meeting 71 13.5 Public Improvement Hearin 13.5.1 Prepare invitations for Public Improvement Hearing and send via US Mail and place ad in Newspaper 25 26 13.5.2 Prepare for Public Improvement Hearin 29 13.5.3 Attend Public Improvement Hearing (28)(82) Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $11,246 PREPARE BID DOCUMENTS AND PROVIDE BIDDING ASSISTANCE 14.0 Finalize Street / Pavement Design 84 14.1 Subgrade repair locations (58) 14.2 Create Horizontal Alignments 30 39 14.3 Create vertical alignments 31 14.4 Tabulate earthwork for insertion in bid document plan set 75 14.5 Create intersection grading plans 73 14.6 Finalize tabulation of removals and miscellaneous restoration (74) Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $11,912 15.0 Finalize Storm Sewer Extensions 15.1 Storm Sewer Extensions 32 15.2 Storm Sewer Repairs 33 15.3 Structural Storm Water Treatment Manholes (50) (5 1) 52 15.4 Drain the 35 15.5 Tabulate existing manhole or catch basin reconstruction or ad'ustment for inclusion in the bid document plan set Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $2,868 Page 5 of 13 Page 6 of 13 ESTIMATED COST PROJECT TASKS 16.0 Finalize Sanitary Sewer 16.1 Tabulate Trunk Pipe Joint or Spot Repairs for insertion in bid document plan set 16.2 Tabulate Manhole reconstruction or adjustment for inclusion in the bid document plan set Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $728 17.0 Finalize Water Main 17.1 Re lace and relocate fire hydrants 38 Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $106 18.0 Bid Document Preparation 18.1 Plan sheets 18.1.1 Title Sheet 18.1.2 General Layout 18.1.3 Tabulation of earthwork 18.1.4 Tabulation of existing sanitary and storm sewer structure reconstruction or adjustment 18.1.5 Tabulation of existing sanitary sewer trunk pipe joint or spot re airs 18.1.6 Tabulation of removals and miscellaneous restoration 18.1.7 Typical pavement sections & List of Standard Plates 18.1.8 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 46 18.1.9 Plan and Profile sheets 40 76 77 18.1.10 Cross Section sheets 42 18.2 Project Manual 18.2.1 Front End 43 18.2.2 1 Bidding Requirements 79 18.2.3 Conditions of Contract 85 18.2.4 Specifications ' 18.2.5 Special Provisions 18.2.6 Appendix 44 Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $22,370 19.0 Quantities and Opinion of Probable Cost 19.1 Refine Opinion of Probable Cost from Study and Finalize Proposal Form started during Stud 19.1.1 Streets 19.1.2 Storm Sewer 19.1.3 Drain tile 19.1.4 Sanitary sewer 19.1.5 Water Main Page 6 of 13 Page 7 of 13 ESTIMATED COST PROJECT TASKS Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $2,349 20.0 Agency Review / Submittals . 20.1 Barr Engineering 20.1.1 Storm Sewer 47 20.2 City of Edina 48 20.3 Minnehaha Creek Watershed District 89 20.3.1 Grading and Earthmovin Permit 80 20.4 Private Utility Companies 20.5 MPCA 20.5.1 NPDES Permit/SWPPP 34 Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $1,948 21.0 Meetings 21.1 With City Staff 21.1.1 Review 60% Plan set Meeting 21.2 With Barr Engineering 21.2.1 Review Results of Storm Sewer Design Review Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $1,890 22.0 Bidding Assistance 54 22.1 Prepare Ad for Bids 22.2 Prepare Electronic Bid Documents 83 22.2.1 Plans . 22.2.2 Project Manual 22.3 Respond to Bid Inquires 22.4 Prepare necessary Addenda 22.5 Attend Bid Opening 22.6 Prepare Tabulation of Bids 22.7 Print paper copies of plans and project manual 49 Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $7,859 Page 7 of 13 P:\AE\E \Edina \110032 \1Genl \10 Pamela Park \[THB 9 28 09 (no Const Phase) white out.xls]Hours -Costs NOTES 1 For the inspection of the trunk sanitary sewer pipes in the project area 2 Typical sections and subcut locations will be per the geotechnical memorandum prepared for the feasibility study 3 Task includes developing a request for proposal for geotechnical field work and testing and sending the request to American Engineering and Testing and Braun Intertec 4 Task assumes that American Engineering and Testing or Braun Intertec will enter into a contract directly with the City for the geotechnical field work and testing. 5 List will be an .XLS file containing at a minimum property owner name, address, PID number, and separate columns for length and width of parcel and parcel area. 6 Includes investigating sites to stock pile reclaimed aggregate base material produced on -site and awaiting reincorporation back into the proposed project area street sections. Investigation may include the park parking lot east of 60th and Oaklawn. XLS spreadsheet.containing tabulated results of the_questionnaire sent by City to each property owner in the project area. 8 We will inspect only structures within the street rights -of -ways except for the structure in the south parking lot of Pamela Park at 61 st Street extended east. This structure is part of storm sewer system A described in footnote 50. Because the Pamela Park structure is filled with water City staff will assist with this inspection by cleaning out the structure before we inspect it. The City may also need to clean the pipes up and down stream of this structure. 9 Inspection results will be compiled on paper structure survey forms. Whenever possible, City supplied manhole and catch basin numbers will be used for identification purposes 10 Includes design of a 4- or 5 -ft sidewalk along the east boulevard of Oaklawn between 61 st and 59th. Investigate a sidewalk with and without a boulevard. Also includes the design of stairs down the hill east of the intersection of 59th and Oaklawn through the existing easement. Page 8 of 13 ESTIMATED COST PROJECT COST SUMMARY PREPARE FEASIBILITY STUDY Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $53,696.73 Subtotal SEH Expenses 53 $4,250.00 Subtotal $57,946.73 PREPARE BID DOCUMENTS AND PROVIDE BIDDING ASSISTANCE Subtotal Hours Subtotal Labor Cost $52,029.99 Subtotal SEH Expenses 53 $4,700.00 Subtotal $56,729.99 TOTAL COST ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROPOSAL: $114,676.72 P:\AE\E \Edina \110032 \1Genl \10 Pamela Park \[THB 9 28 09 (no Const Phase) white out.xls]Hours -Costs NOTES 1 For the inspection of the trunk sanitary sewer pipes in the project area 2 Typical sections and subcut locations will be per the geotechnical memorandum prepared for the feasibility study 3 Task includes developing a request for proposal for geotechnical field work and testing and sending the request to American Engineering and Testing and Braun Intertec 4 Task assumes that American Engineering and Testing or Braun Intertec will enter into a contract directly with the City for the geotechnical field work and testing. 5 List will be an .XLS file containing at a minimum property owner name, address, PID number, and separate columns for length and width of parcel and parcel area. 6 Includes investigating sites to stock pile reclaimed aggregate base material produced on -site and awaiting reincorporation back into the proposed project area street sections. Investigation may include the park parking lot east of 60th and Oaklawn. XLS spreadsheet.containing tabulated results of the_questionnaire sent by City to each property owner in the project area. 8 We will inspect only structures within the street rights -of -ways except for the structure in the south parking lot of Pamela Park at 61 st Street extended east. This structure is part of storm sewer system A described in footnote 50. Because the Pamela Park structure is filled with water City staff will assist with this inspection by cleaning out the structure before we inspect it. The City may also need to clean the pipes up and down stream of this structure. 9 Inspection results will be compiled on paper structure survey forms. Whenever possible, City supplied manhole and catch basin numbers will be used for identification purposes 10 Includes design of a 4- or 5 -ft sidewalk along the east boulevard of Oaklawn between 61 st and 59th. Investigate a sidewalk with and without a boulevard. Also includes the design of stairs down the hill east of the intersection of 59th and Oaklawn through the existing easement. Page 8 of 13 11 Scope of this task includes the design of up to two storm sewer extensions each in the project area of up to 300 ft in length based on resident questionnaire results. 12 Consult Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan dated 7/03 for the City of Edina prepared by BARR Engineering. Back check against existing air flown contour mapping of the project area. 13 Base pipe sizes on a 10 -year design storm 14 BARR will "back- check" SEH storm sewer extension design against model used for Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan dated 7/03 15 Where there is no existing curb and gutter, the drain tile will be trenched into place behind the proposed curb and gutter. Where there is existing curb and gutter, the drain tile may be horizontal directional drilled (HDD) into place behind the existing curb and gutter. 16 Street lighting reconstruction is not included in the scope of this project. 17 Costs will feature a 10% contingency factor 18 Costs will be computed in 2010 dollars 19 SEH will stake borings in the field, coordinate drilling and testing, perform review of soil samples, and assign laboratory testing. 20 Justification for assessments is attributed to properties receiving benefit from the new roadway and is established in accordance with the City's Special Assessment Policy dated 8/16/05. City staff will review the assessment graphic to ensure accuracy with the City's Special Assessment Policy. 21 Utility reconstruction costs will not be assessed to residents in the project area 22 The assessable lot is based on the a detached single family home or REU 23 Study's scope and format will follow the example set by the Feasibility Study for St. John's Park Neighborhood Street Improvements dated April 16, 2009 24 Identify with CenterPoint Energy gas main and service pipe reconstruction work within the project area that needs to be done prior to beginning street reconstruction activities 25 City staff will insert invitations into envelopes, apply postage and mail the invitations from City Hall. 26 Task includes preparation of an invitation; printing, folding, and delivering invitations to City Hall; and the preparation of mailing labels. 27 SEH will provide three (3) plots at a scale of 1 " =30'. Each plot will have as a base the aerial photo of the project area with 1. existing sanitary and storm sewer trunk pipes line work 2. existing watermain trunk pipe line work 3. topographic survey line work 4. property and right -of -way lines 5. street names and addresses, and 6.30% complete proposed improvements for curb and gutter, storm sewer, drain tile, sanitary sewer repairs, and fire hydrant relocations and replacements. The plots will be taped to the wall during the-meeting. These plots will become the basis for the bidding document plan set. 28 SEH will present a 10- minute long PPT file to the Council describing the project and answer - resident and Council questions. 29 Preparations include creating a 10- minute long PPT file for presentation to the Council and residents. 30 Horizontal alignments and stationing will be assigned to all streets in the project area. 31 Vertical alignments will be assigned to all streets in the project area. Wherever possible, the profile of the existing pavement seam will be held constant. 32 Complete the detailed design of the storm sewer extensions shown in the feasibility study Page 9 of 13 33 Repairs or replacements of existing storm sewer structures and pipes are based on recommendations from City staff and the structure condition surveys completed by SEH staff during its field inspection operations 34 Includes having SEH water resources staff review the SWPP for any recent rule changes prior to submission of the SWPP. 35 Complete the detailed design of the drain tile shown in the feasibility study. Place the drain rile behind the concrete curb and gutter using open cut or. HDD methods. Drain tile may need to jog to a position in front of the curb and gutter at select locations. 36 Study is based on recommendations from City staff, results of the City supplied map showing recent blockage locations, and SEH's review of the CCTV inspection of the trunk pipes in the project area. 37 Sanitary, sewer manhole reconstruction will be based on recommendations from City staff. Staff will base their recommendations from their on -going sanitary sewer manhole inspection, program. 38 All existing firehydrants in the project area will be removed and replaced. Hydrants in front of residences will be relocated within the boulevard to be adjacent to the nearest common side -yard property line. Task includes the investigation of hydrant height adjustments techniques. 39 Includes time for.the design activities along 60th Street from Wooddale Avenue to Oaklawn Avenue. Based on a preliminary inspection of the project area, it appears this section of street may have been reconstructed recently. SEH will review with the City whether or not this street segment should be included in the project area during the feasibility study portion of the project. 40 Task includes adding the private utility line work to the base mapping. Including the 59th Street raw water line. 41 Contains information similar to that shown on the opinion for St. John's Park Neighborhood Improvement Project dated 5/15/09. 42 Cross section plan sheets will be created for streets where curb and gutter is proposed or existing curb and gutter slopes need modification to improve drainage. 43 Contains title sheet, certification sheet, table of contents, contact sheet, instructions to bidders, and advertisement for bids 44 Contains soil boring data, City standard plates, SEH construction details 45 Various levels of storm sewer designs will be completed on three storm sewer systems within the project area as detailed in keyed notes 50, 51 and 52. 46 Contains information similar to that shown on the plan for St. John's Park Neighborhood Improvement Project dated 5/15/09. 47 Task assumes only one iteration of storm sewer review with Barr Engineering to determine final storm sewer design. 48 Includes 1 submittal of draft final bidding documents to the City 49 Print only enough copies for appropriate City and SEH staff Page 10 of 13 50 System A is located at Brookview Avenue and 61st Street flowing east towards Pamela Park and assumed to Pamela Lake. No storm water modeling will be completed on System A. We assume the existing storm water runoff treatment is adequate for improvements that could be proposed by this project. If necessary, the City can produce documentation to submit to reviewing agencies proving this fact. 51 System B is located at Oaklawn Avenue and 60th Street and it is assumed it flows east towards Pamela Park and to Pamela Lake. Storm water modeling of a 10 -year storm event will be completed on System B. Modeling includes the sizing of a V213 1 storm water treatment manhole to be installation at Oaklawn Avenue and 60th Street. 52 System C is located at Brookview Avenue between 58th Street and 59th Street flowing east towards Pamela Park and assumed to Pamela Lake. Storm water modeling of a 10 -year storm event will be completed on System B. This modeling will include reviewing the overland emergency overflow at 5809 Brookview during a large storm event. We assume the existing storm water runoff treatment is adequate for improvements that could be proposed by this project. If necessary, the City can produce documentation to submit to reviewing agencies proving this fact. 53 Reimbursable expenses during study and bid document bidding assistance phase includes mileage and printing costs. 54 Does not include a pre -bid meeting 55 Topographic surveying was completed by City staff. During the course of study and bid document preparation, if any additional surveying is found to be needed, City staff will complete it or arrange for it to be completed by SEH via a supplemental agreement to this task hour budget. 56 Identify local storm water runoff, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and street pavement problems at this meeting. Local drainage issues may include rear and side yard drainage problems. City staff already identified that the water main and street lighting networks are not part of the scope of this project. 57 We will field inspect the condition of the existing curb and gutter to quantity existing curb and gutter removal and reconstruction incorporated into the project. 58 We will field inspect the condition of the existing streets to estimate the amount of subgrade repair needed. 59 Drain tile network will be a combination of HDPE and PVC sump drain pipe that contain service pipe stubs at each home for existing or future sump pump discharge connections. - so Includes evaluating the feasibility of producing reclaim aggregate base and reincorporating it into the proposed street section 61 Latest City owned aerial photograph of the project area. 62 Contours are based on the aerial photography. We understand that the contours are not to be exclusively trusted. Contours will be checked for accuracy against the topographic survey. 63 Tree removal shall only become necessary in extreme circumstances of reconstruction where no other feasible option exists to mitigate damage caused by reconstruction activities. 64 Residential area safety improvements are not included in the scope of this project. 65 Bicycle issues are not included in the scope of this project. Page 11 of 13 66 Reconstruction of traffic control and street name signage is not included in the scope of this project. In SEH's opinion, City staff should review the condition of the street sign poles to determine if in fact replacement of those should be added to this project by supplemental agreement. 67 The City considers the existing watermain trunk and service pipe network is in satisfactory condition. 68 Repair will be a "spot" .repair(s). 69 SEH will not inspect sanitary sewer manholes because the City has already done this work as part of their on -going sanitary sewer manhole inspection program. 70 Reconstruction of private sanitary sewer service pipes beyond the reconstruction of the w,ye where needed is not included in the scope of this project. 71 Preparations include creating a 10- minute -long PPT file for presentation, to the Council. and residents made by SEH staff. Home owner comments will be recorded on the 1 " =30' summary plots. A hard copy of the XLS file summarizing resident responses to the kick -off questionnaire will be brought to this meeting as a reference document. 72 SEH will provide three (3) plots of the assessment role graphic taped to the wall next to one (1) 1 " =30' plot outlining proposed improvements. See footnote 27. The assessment role graphic will be a parcel map with addresses and street names and each parcel shaded in a color explaining the amount of their estimated assessment. 73 These plans will not appear in the bid document plan set. Instead they will be hand carved into the field by the SEH crew staking the reconstruction. 74 Arranged and sorted in order of ascending house number and street name. Subtotaled per street name. Totaled by neighborhood. Tabulation includes sawcutting; boulevard removal and replacement; sanitary sewer wye repairs; tree removal; pet containment, irrigation, and heated driveway system repairs; and hand forming curb and gutter near sensitive boulevard feature quantities. Notes for these items will not appear in the plan and profile sheets. 75 Includes information on a per street basis regarding gross common excavation, reclaim aggregate base production and placement, imported class 5 aggregate base, subgrade repairs, paving, topsoil borrow, and sodding. 76 Include street centerline profiles for all streets whether it is new or existing curb and gutter. Include profiles of existing public utilities only when proposed public utility work can interfere with the existing utilities. This may result in some sheets being plan/plan view rather than plan/profile view. - -, 774,1)1 , v icw base-mapping is based on line -work :fro_m:City_ ; topographic surveying. No aerial photos .will be included on the bidding documents. 78 Quantity calculations will be captured in a XLS file that can be later incorporated into the proposal form in the bidding document project manual and in the XLS file used monthly during reconstruction to track draws against each City funding source funding this project. 79 Includes proposal form, instructions to bidders, and advertisement for bids 80 SEH will prepare one (1) submittal letter transmitting review documents to Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. 81 Tentatively scheduled for I I / 16/09 82 Tentatively scheduled for 12/15/09 83 Bid documents will be available for purchase via Quest CDN on the City's web site. Page 12 of 13 84 Wherever no existing curb and gutter is present, the street width will likely be 27' face of curb to face of curb except where existing street widths are less than 25' or greater than 29'. Where existing curb and gutter is present and can be reincorporated into the project, the street width will not change. 85 Contains a Contractor Questionnaire similar to that shown on the bid documents for St. John's Park Neighborhood Improvement Project dated 5/15/09. 86 SEH will collect City's review comments via conference call after SEH sends the draft study via PDF file attached to an email. 87 Bring 3 copies of this XLS file on 11x17 paper for resident reference while they look at the plot summarizing the improvements to be undertaken. 88 City will provide equivalent number of REU inside Pamela Park for purpose of assessing City Parks Department for their share of the cost of this project. 89 We assume the entire project area is located only in the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. Page 13 of 13 To: Mayor & City Council From: Cary Teague Planning Director REPORT /RECOMME;N UATIUN Agenda Item IV.E Consent Recommended Action. Set the hearing date for November 2, 2009. Information/Back ogr und: See attached Planning Commission report. Information Only Date: October 6, 2009 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Set Hearing Date for an Ordinance Amendment that Action Motion would allow an automobile service center in the PID, Resolution Planned Industrial District. Ordinance FI Discussion Recommended Action. Set the hearing date for November 2, 2009. Information/Back ogr und: See attached Planning Commission report. w91�11� srz PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Originator Meeting Date Agenda # Cary Teague September 30, 2009 2009.0004.09d Director of Planning Information & Background David Werner has requested that the City of Edina amend its Zoning Ordinance to allow automobile service centers in the Planned Industrial District (PID). (See request on pages Al —A2.) Current Zoning Ordinance only allows automobile service centers in the Planned Commercial District -4 (PCD -4). (See maps of all the PCD -4 zones within the City of Edina on pages A10 —A16.) Automobile service centers are not allowed in the PID. (See maps of all the PID zones within the City of Edina on pages A17 —A21.) The applicant would like to locate an automobile service center business at 6875 Washington Avenue, which is a property zoned PID. (See location on pages A2 and A20.) The PCD-4 Zoning District was created as an area specifically to allow automotive service centers. However, when the PID was created it did not include automobile service center as a use that would be allowed. Existing Code An "automobile service center" is defined as follows: `A principal building and its accessory buildings in which batteries, tires, brakes, exhaust systems or other automobile parts are repaired or replaced, including tune -ups, wheel balancing and alignment, but excluding body and chassis repair, painting, engine rebuilding and any repair to vehicles over two ton capacity. Gasoline and oil may be dispensed as an accessory use." The following are the standards that must be met for all Automobile Service Centers: Automobile Service Centers and Gas Station Standards. 1. Minimum lot area: a. for an automobile service center, 20,000 square feet, plus 5,000 square feet for each service bay in excess of three. b. for a gas station, 15,000 square feet. 2. Maximum lot area: 60,000 square feet. 3. Hydraulic hoists, pits, lubrication, washing, repairing and diagnostic equipment shall be used and stored within a building. 4. Interior curbs of not less than six inches in height shall be constructed to separate driving surfaces from sidewalks, landscaped areas and streets. 5. No automobile service station on a lot adjoining a lot in a residential district shall be operated between the hours of 11:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. 6. All driving surfaces shall be constructed and maintained in the same manner as prescribed for parking lots by this Section. 7. No merchandise shall be displayed for sale outside a building except in that area within four feet of the building or within pump islands used for dispensing motor fuels. 8. No motor vehicles except those owned by the operators and employees of the principal use, and vehicles awaiting service, shall be parked on the lot occupied by the principal use. Vehicles being serviced may be parked for a maximum of 48 hours. 9. Body work and painting is prohibited. 10. No buildings, driveway surfaces, parking areas or other improvements shall be located within 110 feet of any portion of a lot in a residential district which is used for residential purposes if separated from the lot by a street, or within 50 feet if not so separated by a street. 11. Pump islands shall maintain a front and side street setback of at least 20 feet and an interior side yard and rear yard setback of at least 25 feet. 12. Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection 850.08, driveways and drive aisles need only provide a setback of not more than five feet from all lot lines, subject to the requirements of subparagraph 10. of paragraph L. of this Subd. 11. 2 The applicant requests that the Ordinance be amended to allow an automobile service center as a permitted use in the PID. The above standards would still have to be met. Survey of Cities To provide additional background, staff conducted a survey of cities to determine what cities allow auto - repair in their industrial zoning districts. City Allow Auto Repair in an Industrial Zoning District Conditional Use Permit Required Edina (existing ordinance) No NA Apple Valley Yes No — Permitted Use Blaine Yes No — Permitted Use Bloomington Yes No — Permitted Use Columbia Heights Yes No — Permitted Use Coon Rapids Yes Yes Ea an Yes Yes Lakeville Yes No — Permitted Use Maple Grove Yes No — Permitted Use Minnetonka Yes Yes New Bri hton Yes Yes Plymouth Yes No — Permitted Use St. Louis Park Yes NO — Permitted Use Richfield Yes Yes Eden Prairie Yes No — Permitted Use Wayzata Yes No — Permitted Use As demonstrated above, all of the city's that were looked at allow automobile repair in their industrial zoning districts, however, there is a split in regard to allowing them as a permitted or conditionally permitted use. Ten of the fifteen cities allow auto repair as a permitted use in their industrial district. Coon Rapids, Eagan, Minnetonka, New Brighton and Richfield require a conditional use permit. Proposed Use /Additional Standards It would seem appropriate to allow an automobile service center in the Industrial Zoning District, as the use would be generally consistent with other permitted uses such as "manufacturing, compounding, processing, packaging, treatment and assembly of products and materials." Additionally, the City's industrial areas are generally further away from low density residential areas than the PCD -4 areas. In fact, there are three locations in the City where the PCD -4 district directly abuts single - family homes. (See pages Al 1, Al2 and Al 5.) There is no 3 industrial property within the City that directly abuts single - family homes. (See pages A17 —A21.) If the Commission deems the use appropriate in the PID, the question to consider is should the use be a permitted or conditionally permitted use. If a Conditional Use Permit is required, in addition to the above standards on page 2 being met, the following standards would have to be determined to be met by the Planning Commission and City Council: 1. Will promote and enhance the general public welfare and will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals and general welfare; 2. Will not cause undue traffic hazards, congestion or parking shortages; 3. Will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment, or decrease the value, of other property in the vicinity, and will not be a nuisance; 4. Will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of other property in the vicinity; 5. Will not create an excessive burden on parks, streets and other public facilities; 6. Conforms to the applicable restrictions and special conditions of the district in which it is located as imposed by this Section; and 7. Is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Commission may also wish to consider additional conditions for these uses to minimize impact on adjacent properties, such as: 1. No vehicles which are unlicensed and inoperable shall be stored outside. 2. All repair, assembly, disassembly and maintenance of vehicles shall occur within closed buildings except minor maintenance, including tire inflation, adding oil and wiper replacement. 3. No public address system shall be audible from any residential parcel. In regard to the current minimum and maximum lot area requirements; those standards were written specifically for the PCD -4 District; which are often located adjacent to low density residential lots. (See pages A11, Al2 and A15.) The idea was to keep out large lot automobile service centers adjacent to low- density 4 residential uses. However, in an industrial district, an automobile service center would often be located within a portion of large existing buildings, on large lots; therefore, staff would not recommend establishing minimum or maximum lot sizes for the industrial districts. Alternatives /Staff Recommendation The Planning Commission has the following four options to consider while proceeding with the proposed Ordinance amendment: 1. Deny the proposal as requested, as auto repair would not be consistent with the uses within the PID, Planned Industrial District. 2. Recommend approval of the attached ordinance that would make auto repair a permitted use within the PID, Planned Industrial District. (Pages A3—A5.) If approved, this alternative would require Planning Commission, Transportation Commission and City Council review if a building on a site is torn down and replaced, or if there would be a 10% expansion to an existing building. If a building is simply remodeled for the use, staff review would be required. An example would be the recent review for Murphy Automotive at 70th and Cahill, where the existing building was torn down and rebuilt, and the project received full Commission and Council review. 3. Recommend approval of the attached ordinance that would make auto repair a conditionally permitted use. (Pages A6 —A9.) Planning Commission, Transportation Commission and City Council review would be required for any introduction of this use on a site. 4. Table the request for additional information. Staff would recommend allowing auto repair in the PID, as a permitted use similar to the PCD -4 District, with the added conditions that would be required for all auto repair uses, and not establishing minimum or maximum lot sizes in the industrial district. (Alternative #2.) Should the Planning Commission recommend that a Conditional Use Permit be required, staff would recommend that a Conditional Use Permit also be required for these uses within the PCD-4 District. (Included in Alternative #3.) 5 August 24, 2009 BEEKAY BUILDING, LLC 6875 WASHINGTON AVE S EDINA, MN 55439 952 - 253 -8000 To Whom It May Concern: Our request of consideration to the City of Edina to amend the zoning ordinance is as follows: BeeKay Building is located at 6875 Washington Ave S. in Edina. It is a 42,000 sq. ft. office and warehouse located on Hwy 169 south of Crosstown and north of Valley View Road. The Edina -Eden Prairie property line runs through our building. It is no secret new tenants are hard to come by. Nick Leviton of Welsh Companies represents our property for leasing office /warehouse. He has presented us with an opportunity to lease office /warehouse to a company in the auto repair business called Check Engine Express. Check Engine Express describes themselves as a "convenient new way to maintain and service your vehicle. We offer full service vehicle repair but we're mobile, so we come to you! We'll pick up your car in the morning at home or work, fix it, and have your car back before the end of your day. The pickup and delivery service is free, our prices are competitive, and you never have to go into a repair shop ever again." The Eden Prairie Industrial District seems to allow auto repair. An Eden Prairie auto repair business is currently adjacent to our property. Given the premise that Check Engine Express will "have your car back before the end of your day," we feel confident that this eliminates any concern of a parking lot full of autos for repair. Please consider amending your zoning ordinance, which will allow this auto repair business to become a tenant in our building in Edina. Thank you, David H. Werner Property Owner lll MV 16�'AL dovN�e�a`f PRAIRIE S PERMITTED USE ORDINANCE NO. 2009— AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE CONCERNING REGULATION OF AUTOMOBILE SERVICE CENTERS The City Of Edina Ordains: Section 1..Sub Section 850.16, Subdivision 12.P. is hereby amended to add the following: P. Automobile Service Centers and Gas Station Standards. 1. Minimum lot area: a. for an automobile service center, 20,000 square feet, plus 5,000 square feet for each service bay in excess of three. b. for a gas station: 15,000 square feet. 2. Maximum lot area: 60,000 square feet. 3. Hydraulic hoists, pits, lubrication, washing, repairing and diagnostic equipment shall be used and stored within a building. 4. Interior curbs of not less than six inches in height shall be constructed to separate driving surfaces from sidewalks, landscaped areas and streets. 5. No automobile service station on a lot adjoining a lot in a residential district shall be operated between the hours of 11:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. 6. All driving surfaces shall be constructed and maintained in the same manner as prescribed for parking lots by this Section. N 7. No merchandise shall be displayed for sale outside a building except in that area within four feet of the building or within pump islands used for dispensing motor fuels. 8. No motor vehicles except those owned by the operators and employees of the principal use, and vehicles awaiting service, shall be parked on the lot occupied by the principal use. Vehicles being serviced may be parked for a maximum of 48 hours. 9. Body work and painting is prohibited. 10. No buildings, driveway surfaces, parking areas or other improvements shall be located within 110 feet of any portion of a lot in a residential district which is used for residential purposes if separated from the lot by a street, or within 50 feet if not so separated by a street. 11. Pump islands shall maintain a front and side street setback of at least 20 feet and an interior side yard and rear yard setback of at least 25 feet. 12. Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection 850.08, driveways and drive aisles need only provide a setback of not more than five feet from all lot lines, subject to the requirements of subparagraph 10. of paragraph L. of this Subd. 11. 13. No vehicles which are unlicensed and inoperable shall be stored outside. 14. All repair, assembly, disassembly and maintenance of vehicles shall occur within closed buildings except minor maintenance, including tire inflation, adding oil and wiper replacement; 15. No public address system shall be audible from any residential parcel; Section 2. Sub Section 850.17, Subdivision 1, Principal Uses in PID, is hereby amended to add the following: K. Automobile Service Centers, subject to provisions in Section 850.16. Subd.12.P, except the minimum and maximum lot size requirements. Al Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and in effect after its adoption. First Reading: Second Reading:, Published: ATTEST: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor Please publishing in the Edina Sun Current on Send two affidavits of publication Bill to Edina City Clerk CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of , 2009, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 2009 City Clerk k 5— I CONDITIONALLY PERMIITED USE ORDINANCE NO. 2009— AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE CONCERNING REGULATION OF AUTOMOBILE SERVICE CENTERS The City Of Edina Ordains: Section 1. Sub Section 850.16, Subdivision 12.P. is hereby amended to add the following: P. Automobile Service Centers and Gas Station Standards. 1. Minimum lot area: a. for an automobile service center, 20,000 square feet, plus 5,000 square feet for each service bay in excess of three. b. for a gas station, 15,000 square feet. 2. Maximum lot area: 60,000 square feet. 3. Hydraulic hoists, pits, lubrication, washing, repairing and diagnostic equipment shall be used and stored within a building. 4. Interior curbs of not less than six inches in height shall be constructed to separate driving surfaces from sidewalks, landscaped areas and streets. 5. No automobile service station on a lot adjoining a lot in a residential district shall be operated between the hours of 11:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. ,1 6. All driving surfaces shall be constructed and maintained in the same manner as prescribed for parking lots by this Section. 7. No merchandise shall be displayed for sale outside a building except in that area within four feet of the building or within pump islands used for dispensing motor fuels. 8. No motor vehicles except those owned by the operators and employees of the principal use, and vehicles awaiting service, shall be parked on the lot occupied by the principal use. Vehicles being serviced may be parked for a maximum of 48 hours. 9. Body work and painting is prohibited. 10. No buildings, driveway surfaces, parking areas or other improvements shall be located within 110 feet of any portion of a lot in a residential district which is used for residential purposes if separated from the lot by a street, or within 50 feet if not so separated by a street. 11. Pump islands shall maintain a front and side street setback of at least 20 feet and an interior side yard and rear yard setback of at least 25 feet. 12.. Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection 850.08, driveways and drive aisles need only provide a setback of not more than five feet from all lot lines, subject to the requirements of subparagraph 10. of paragraph L. of this Subd. 11. i 3. No vehicles which. "are unlicensed and, inoperable shall bi stored. outside 14. Ail ,repair, assembly les shall occur re . No public .address sy 'residential Darrel' issernbly and maintenance. tiro inflation, addinb oil- ;hall be audible from any, Section 2. Sub Section 850.16, Subdivision 5, Principal Uses in PCD -4, is hereby amended to delete the following: A-7 ■ Section 3. Sub Section 850.16, Subdivision 6, Conditional Uses in PCD -4, is hereby amended to add the following: C.- I PCD-4 ,utomobile.Service Centers, subject to provisions in.Secti 850.16. Subd.12.P. Section 4. Sub Section 850.17, Subdivision 2, Conditional Uses in PID, is hereby amended to add the following: B. Automobile.Service Centers, subject to provisions in:.Section 850.16. Subd.12.P,.ex6egt the minimum and maximum lot size Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and in effect after its adoption. First Reading: Second Reading: Published: ATTEST: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor Please publishing in the Edina Sun Current on Send two affidavits of publication Bill to Edina City Clerk IT 0 CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of , 2009, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 2009 City Clerk A T-. . PC Dow 4 ULI City of Edina Ssu _ _ '• fAft 3 c na uin Legend ' � - 5102 House Number La Ws _ -t�l�/ i101 ,fit . • Street Name LJbe1s - �.` City Limits off CAMVJEWLN Crteks 5601 `. Lake Names ATO 5126 tf 5121 Wt Nf1 3170 ss/r 3116 '. Lakes _ —�. +' 1 ` f '., Parks L— Zoning 50A 5371 5573 6571 N ® 1P011u,oaaCm Pxamq Dm..a1 5310 SSOe 5307 W7— rDD =laaaa D..aaama., Dm.+eai ED J •, — ■ MDDSIawu Dawsna..a.t D.ano 51 ® MDDtIMu>e De.mapnwntDm.c61 s 7. ■ xD,IPUn.ae ca.nmavYDwc, tl sA 53.7! !AO 1 ® PcD21P�..aaca,rn,aomD.y.�a, ua ntt5 aap ert7,Se/r 3515 Q xo.1P.a,n.e caa,�w om.,nal / y.�,t 5561 3113 � PID IPimaul al.em Dm.v1 II O POD -, Is.mnae OUaa OS.n.tl yV�g� O POD-71P --O De.c.2i "— �� 15 3311 ■ PMD- 11Pannee A... Dmm 11 7 5571 w ` F7 MD 21PCnnaC Ma�pat, D-21 WIFT 5523 � 5370 5973 1075 T1 D PMD -1 lP — Maveant Odin 31 55_3] 3571 = MD +iPb�naO McWanU —J1 5513 ~�SSy 55,76 3575 PMDS IPm�n.aMaa.i, Davay -51 S5f0 5377 - ® PSMJlafannsa s.,xv Raaaioll SS17 70A 7r7e 7057 � M113mgaDwsnq Uae Drrc11 p7 a _ M'2(D.— Deeanq Unn Damn) SS 5555 SSA 3597 -SW SSH 533r 00 10)9 ® _ 7051 � MMD IMapanN Malay Omr.c11 Parcels fa goer oso 7At70rr 7076 70p 2 drp � 7105 Yaurrwhau!- C+r"gatCl Lratd» e�rM 'T� eT f m 14 (L X, 1 N PC Dow 4 ULI f C 6'. 4 41) City of Edina 53113320 f_ 5230 5221 3720 3721 &1165212 SN0S2� 1 110f7�9E AVE 1 1672 L.::� 7 3 8 4907 1111 �'� —�� 31/65}00 1 c 4901 1 6/1 0 4832 117/MIO AI0 f + Legend House Number La be _ 1 __ It warw k 3` 0 16 }1 ^/ Strtel Name Labels city Limit. SIM 5121 0 2p I 515 Creaks 3 /7�tt"!p}7 SOf7 507 SO1J 5011 T 5077 DS SIOD Sf �b/ bi{ 5123 SIt1 e 50 /)I50f6] rS01T 5016- '3017 - -7 3016 ■ N 502/ ° Lakes 3021 1020 i�5021- 5020- "5021 �r 7 w `� LJ Parks 30211 W75 SON -5023 5022 J �_� 3019 '56261' F50J] 3023 I i Zoning 5014 ,3023 9021 5033 5072 i 5031 1 5033 3077 307] 5076 - �- 7037_-3026- -5040 3011 5040- ._S- OW 0.77 5 / 3100 5001 x° R : APO IAUfo,roaa. Pmwrp0m.c1 MDD_tM®T Oe m�Pn+mn D:arm •ai SP13 5011 3015 504/- 5041 `5224" 5045 SO1J Y 5121 ��rr MDD 5(si_Der ._, D.-51 - 3015 ® M00 <(MwlDawxomentpmrnaal sr7rlrw 101 5f00 i 5101 . 51W . -SIOf (&/00 �1 ' 51013 '3104- 5f03� 5101 57 Ofj" 5075 1 S, . � PCp llPUnaee commnN Omrp -+, 00-w: 1�. "sfOb 5W0 5106- 5109 5706- 3116 51,7, 51 f1 _ 51161 9112 �L -&.116 =117 5116 5146 5101 + \ ® PpD 2(Pm: DvmmvoY� 21, P Ilvminq CenmwmeDmra 31 CD 1215170 bitf�l i 5171- 5120 3116 74 —Tyl ►e ® PDO <IVwuo DammacW pm.E +1 in 5714 SI7c s}N 5125 - 5114 7120 3117 O Pd) IPMnnan aeun.W D.-I 5128 5129 _ _ Sf77- 5.33 " 51}32 ! 5173 3112 6}0} ST00 NN a O POD .11 —sa dire Dmnwtl 5177 3 }J6- 3137- 311E S1W F 4917 E] POD '2(Pe.nm Off— D-21 5140 5141 3SPo " 514/ Sit/ . PgDt iPannM Aeosan Dm.cll 5111 5113 SfN __ 5r00 .. a O PIID- 2SPwnslAmartOm.eb 52NP bT w i T 17I 3 0 MD.]IPu Geoem+Dmnnr M 5202 320.7 ST50 r� �1�15 0 Q _. ❑ DAOalPwnm Aeoeeat prc+al 3101 3703 < 5100 PAD Stf _ ­ Aaan+D_ SI 5230 &210 3211 8706 „ _ - Y m fr+je pSp -e (►wizen lmrorgaaenoal A 1 (Sun6e Dwumq D nn Omrcf l Sias Z < Q1/ A- 2(ou.—D -10.1 DmrcI O0.M0IRn6c�Mm�0mro1 3116 S2H 5702 Q Parcels SII1 3221 Jfw 0 Z S 5153 c l< 5700 � 0 ... 5051 ol iJ61 5aw5 SM 1 Para (' 1 �7 . 1 574551405236:.,_. 5311 5701 5N7 Meerwnnwstmr 9�'L•.��c 37 -� • >4, ,? p ]7� f C 6'. 4 41) City of Edina KK 1tK !N7 K4.1 - - 143 6130 t2N � K13 i �40m, KN e�- d]a3 . LD©Dnd House Number Labels Street Name Labels K40 42Q 1N0 �N10' /N7 _ —' City LJmih /" KK...... 44B 4248 4332 Creeks 61V Lake Names 4700 47011011 QOT'� 361911 3909 310] Lakes Parks 4711 4107 6107 X003400 4709 1103 K04 ,I � � � zoning ® aro Uwsmcaes vat.p De,rni � I 301 MDD +IMma D-1 De-4 /�/ a20/� �-� 3020 1311 3671 MOD -51Mm DPWpman;Dmry 31 ■ 3/70 4711 Kf0 ^� 1076 ® MDD <IMwa DewbPmmf DrMrna41 u11 4213 .. F 40i04008 -' 44a0 Kf3 . PCD- 11Prnnea Cwnnecal 0.— 11 H ¢ � 4006 000/ 4716 3070 NO ® PCD -2l Pk CPnuw a Dwa i 21 ID114016 0,, 3925 1 ® PCD- 31PYnnea tenant t Dwe l 31 ® ICD- atwm.maCwnm.cm D+a.0 al ]Ni 010 74 1910 J91d Q b1PMetl YavMM Oatnel �- - 14 PDp -1 (lrsePe p/o De.er -11 4 O POD 21PYn 01Hv Daub 21 1910 •� 4 ,"�j/00 1 ■ PDD- 11Pym�PORafem bat 1�f1 =" 'e'S �`1 gl', t001 397(1 1 4004. 1Jy60 `J PAD -21Pe Rineal D.—.b l�,f- 4021 pr1:.- .' }l, "' 4700 "40F., ;a. ll� �'�' ® PRDJIWnnaP Raman DmnY] - -- .:4006 390 ® D­ .1401 3905 ® MO-51 PImnm A—, D— 51 40a 3907 4407 - 101 40/C. 3911 1f 4014'0,12 4411 17 014 1001 ■ P6R11Panae sane. Revcm al R.f ldmgY Desunp Una Dm+al L_ 4413 I 14 4003 N.4416_.- ® atlDausr D.aa,np u. a Dm•r.i , 4005 . - 4007 RMD (RapenM Maas Drcf ncnl El 441-1 .- -' NH 4009 N }6- 40524048 40134011 El Parcels 301 4541 4056 4015 -- 1067 4330 4043 14 154( 450 � 405540334051 4543 - ___ 1 4349 511 24 11 4600 4601 4000 46Df � 4600 -- N07 — 1606 TN00 - - _ _ —I} 7 l /`id \f 4001 'I 1605 1 1001 f0� �nMars.tsrlalp� 46xm �i 44 ,_..D yt� • 2'�CY]IIKrR1`'St' • l nnu PcDo-4 ha p(tft'4 I'm City of Edina 6901 690a l Nf7 ' - 0905 6906 6901, 4`ki7} - - blouse )Ilrllksr Labels 6917 6905 6/�5 �.." _ - - St1D/t Mom Labels 6916 36909 CRY L1mrs r .8920 69,3 Creeks 6911 6901 6901 6917 - 6905 — - Lak1 M9TS9 EJ 6901 I C Lakes 6911 - 717 6905 6809 . 6100 .1 ,4 I F` 6975 • Z - Nti• Park$ ZODirO / s90D' ; wo1 • 6917 ,... � !._ wri .,.. ; �., / L` I ! 5970 ' N/7 Np 7•- -` ��� ww7p� wr�`> y' a;- N/7 �./ R`I' !/ sHNl7w nli7aw . APDtA-leme.xe Partm90N i roD.aIMA Dvumel 111004 �iD..Meyw�I Dvl,.e -61 N71 N77 N71 _ •' Nff .fir / w}y ..,y'' :1. _ s� N N rODitr�l0wrs+nc:1 Dmrb;l ONE ' `�• ;'• -_. PCD-1 IPOnn�f Cnn+e�ft Dsne1l /N79 ��:� -;>' 1CDzIPw.nca.rus�Dmrn.)1 NSO w � POD41PUnn+e c_0m 31 6705 570/ wtt 1010 7930 INp 71 ® PODJIP�m.+e co.wcm D._.i l� -: sN7 am `" 17N 1100`` 791 �� $196 Pp17Mwn�ena.n eDSml POD- 11PSnnwl plo Dbratl . POD.11P —D Dorn 11 7Nf )ON :7001 70w 7w7 '7 _ 7005 70N 7005 70N i005 6 @gy 70TH SrW 7901 70}3 PRO -I 1p— R—I D— 11 j ® D.— 2, IP�� Rem�I ® PRD -7 D.— >t 70N ® PRDeIH•va.yy Rspaif DC - +1 ' 7080 70N F 70N !Ow 7011 1}01 1}00 A .-1 Sol ® MD 51w�. R.aeat Daf.m 51 a /s 7001 ■ PSR+If4mnN Smm ReWm:oq )617 ylula caq ,7017 _ - -' 70+7 701} 7017 70m 11 I�I R-I ISnyl� Deny U.. D.-I �I 7101 )070 7017 7016 7019 4000 ® R -7 (Dwee Dw¢.y u.m Davl — 710 RMD IRganA M_ Dars.l 7165 aaYH16pO 7197 T/0f ! 71w 71N 7101 I067 �: 7101 7650 P.—IR t 7117 7iN 7105 71N 7iH 1000 7117 7101 7tN' 7101 24, ►r� P'=— H911a.7t7VA0 7fT2 :7111 7111 7tts ':� 7117 71" 1H 7170 7110 7121 7179 7171 71IO } 7835 7171 N _ 1177 7tii 7/7S 7170 7173 71N 7718 7129 7171 7179 7171 1 � I Y�o�.e.nAcVS fsy.R:C:ar�S�Effi -.... 1 � o 9 tY>nyoµ7,K uum p(tft'4 I'm pcb 1. 4 Ali City of Edina 6617 `SN7 -3N6 -� Sf17 3916 3617_ 6616 3617 3016 J 69,35912~ s9TJ 3917 6617 -- 501? _ 5917 5916-: 1, Legand House Number ) 38 `, 5917 SWS SH7 5916 '.�71 labels 6070 5921 3920 6871 NN ■ 3623 1 1tD t�¢ 5926 -• JI �H37 �'1 50207 5921 30Y0 3071 6020 3925 5924 -J{I 3023- -6071 567E - 3929 392/ 3821 SBY6 �30M 3871 - Street Name Labels City Limns Creeks �N� i Ssp 31 SfJ7 3932-1. 3933 5972 b077 3632 l67i S01f i51 X3810 �591.51SON 5936 5937 5976 5037 5636 ..5941 Lemke Names SWI NN SOf3 5910- 5940- SOH 3910 3146 5w _. .5915 59u �59di - Lakes 4ji- Parks 6000 i 6W/ 1000 6001 6000 N7NS1W 6001 6000 Owl {Q� 600} 6000 0005 6004 'L! 6w05- 6001 ® Zoning APO tAUlnmepW P —1 OW-1 QN6 6005 6001 6666 6009 6966 6012 -, 6013 6017 MDU a 140°a Ds.mo 1Omr2t+1 6 S:"S 6017 sold - 6017 6010 MOD S1Ma� 0e.MPPn�+Dmrn e -� r 6077 17 - -J. 8D/7 ��1 �BOI7''160/6 _ 60U 6012 W21 6020 6011 ;- 6020- - W15 6024 " 6015 6024-11 f �- MOO. Mwa Dsw .—, D.- bi PvS N16 'v -'.. 6017 6616 6019 8021 ';-6029' 6028 . KD.I JP .. Ccmmenl Dm 11 } l rCp7} �, 6016 , 600 1 1 1 NSO -. 1 �Npil - . 6037 6032 1 6033 6032 6021 NN 6037 6076 6077 60]6: 6027 K0-21Ptmn.a Ca.nmmcal 0.- 21 ,1 - -- �^ � IO}f � 1 6073 6021 001} 6010 60791 NN KIO' -�-� I^.. �6p1V -i �_� ' N� 6013 601( 6W1 60N NA;601E -`. -— f 4812 ' -"ti�f 11A37W 6015 ® PCO- ]IPU...e tom+n.�cel0iatr�e�ll PCO.IPUnnea tawun.Pm O.— PN 1PYnnal ln.unMDiMmI POD 11P°""'°°N °D °'°'11 !� /j 60 f/ ��'- r6f0} 6100 1r 11011 6f 00 F6f05 - -. 6077 K23 I 131/ 6100 ' not 71 71 6101 6104� 1310 N 610 x6}09 +0101 6}}I '- 6117 -6,17 6106 61 -fm-t-610182 ■ POD 2JP- -- 0 —Z PRD -1 lPaannr N.NPnf DrnC tl also 105 6161 4100 ..�_ —'4 1 !AO 6116 6117 61t6 1 _ $f17- I Su 611/ ® MD 2tP-.. RePe�l D— 21 - -' 003 --,_ 6101- 6709 mo j 6106 _ MRr66 lR 4101 - 8103 6}06 iHi 6117 h13 6101 N 1 6120 412/ 6170] J I4 0173 6124 6121 6:71 I.SN id 613 -6132 8121_ 6120 i. 6127 6125 - 6129- 6126 6129 6111- 61313, ® ® ® . Pp0- 7(PUn�fNmeen Dr.a)I MD- 11PYnna A—D.-A Pr1D- S1PWanlp Dire -Sl P39-t 1PUn�3.r °p�ya° -al 6118 1117 .6117 j -- _ 6117 ur -H]/ t1b -d,]I� 4131 R113ngY De°n6 UnlDrrr.11 1N 6170 6121 6 } }6 6117 6161 N. 6141- 6111 ..6 }K _ 6fu' 6141 .- ® 02(0 —Da "Un. Ddra^.I _ -- 62162sTW ..••.• 71 -- 6JW 6rW ■ pMD(Awm M —Orwell 6100 46/7 4,17 4609 4,03, 6790 6716 71 40/3 6205 Qy303 kt pet � 0 1217 4 }7y 4125 Parselc 8701 14 6709 6717 -_ 1506 !sa 1500 IIU suo 4252 0718 670/ t-- IIx s7a l del ROt j 6273 `4,11/317 MR NN 4421 6711 ' �l - 1420 `101 11K /279 .iu I .z� 6117 0213 , ' ,627)6713 -. -4r �� -7 ... _ _�,, �,.`a.j 1 ,, Q2f. 8375 --J �Kf3' 170 �I 1':_ 6 1 630 ili ISOB 16705 et61 1377 1170 „j l glpy 77 4566 6151 6:77 X279 6775 11 s301 1 6709 1117 N39 1175 N3i -- u25 T j �p w7 •:as _ '1 �67N ak6NCV1x :i `� j� 211 1471 67N fNf 6719 6700_ 11 6 6717 4171 1305 4501 ' 6 1777 M.�..rwarsrarq.Kl.ura�>ms 6917 ypp_ 6701 1 b\ svz 0. • 1tiChft�75�UT(tS� � ITT pcb 1. 4 Ali PCD 1- 4 AlS City of Edina 5>a 5701 �� Logan d Noose Number Labels 3 Street Name Labels City Limit I Jr,TOg N/ + --yl 0 Lake Names 17 11( 5313 aT1T O likes Parks ' Zoning Sail ® ApD (Ae,erssm p,,,,,s Db,nl ' SJaS OM0D1(Mmrf ■ Daw+opawe, Dmrm<1 MOD S(v—DvMrp —D.I. 51 - - - -- ® MD04(M— D.—, —, D.-61 4 57tf tj� � part � s75I x0- 11v(ma.a cea,a,�,r D.Mr�I b i 1 K02JR— Cemmerc,f0ef.el -21 S7T7 SJSS ® POO 71P — CeinrtwcWDm, 31 111 1 ® PCD�Ip(mwtl cvae.Rm O.n.a+J — O pal lPMnnel eW uerucDa,.nl 5� M!N AA S<01 �� POD- 21PVanea Ot,ce Da,ro [I aw ea aws awl nse nas sna 3T09 Jr01 I : � pRD -1 (Mmeea Raalen, ONnotl pRD -2 (IMn+rtl PaaAOn 0mrs, -21 SIDS � ® pRD -1 1pmntl Pawan, Dnrc -T 5412 ® pRD<(N.nwtl Rm:aal D.—A 1 311) JI 5I21 7701 7700 ® ■ MD Sip —R- 1—Dmra -51 e5R -ale ..sane+ Revaanm al 5117 �l R115.*ryY D+nD�y UneOm.x+l Ri (Oeulb Owaene Unn On. -11 - -- SQT 19a)ElAA RMD IRv�an.nMtl+:al0.crg1 31aS —D _- slJS aTn aTn Ala ane Nos sT01 C sIx sans 1 s1)z $ N'z x70 x/e ! aeu awe aew J7/2 31w 37a 3700 SIZE i 5110 �` SS00 550} - lSOI 3501 ..- 5301 7809 pp I 3317 Y 5301 3/01 .D M�orenAws.Gq- e.G1:4644 aus 551a � V L � • /MC�f7pppp��UTC� • ILIUM PCD 1- 4 AlS PC Do 4 416 City of Edina 1]60 5222 ?301 7300 ` 1 f�J7 ..' . - -- - 1108 Legend 1322 I 17002101 1':l Mouse Number LJDIIs I Street N/me VDels 21 10, 1100 1781 5257 52(70 7370 5708 7108 2179 1118 1704 j1 l.iW Stir 172711 .' ./ /• /- /O- City omits Creeks ux 2 gt32,� Lake Ndmis C Lakes ?100 7171 525, D 7101 21 D Parks Zoning a — 1028 2920 72321228 tut L 1978 ■ APD IA—bM P-1 D —I 1016 1911, .7236 - N00 +INme DaMewr�ntDrtn lal 1590 5150 Sfd2 5187 SIdT 5790 7505 /9f) 1908 7110 - /�0 1909' � 1131 . MD051Muee De.el9sment D-51 1904 7111 1901 •41/ 7"1 1919 ® MDD41Mues De .l Drew 11 . N 101/ 7`011901 1900 . 79" $ '.' 'N� � Pen - 1615 � 1957 _ AM ■ PCD 11Pp — CammevY D.— 6 $ 7'" M5. 7167 71817157 )16S ' ® PCD 2IPYnn. Co+rr�emK D.- 21 7� 7601 615 7� ® PCD IIPUnnm Cenerm:Dmc 71 — 1600 5108 sto9 ` s it l8)0 vcO +IP mnl2 cenn. IDmn +1 >4 O PD lhmna ln9unM Dm.nl 1105 5]00 7771252N W� 2100 ❑ K10- 11PYnwe M. Omntl11 .,� N Not O POD 21PMnnei Onsw Ddm.21 6725 . PRD -, IPw:nep RmCwn Deina -11 E] KD- 2iP— A—D-21 760 • El (MtD 71 w— R— Dal,. It / 5301 577` 5115 5157 •.� / 5730 7750 q01 ^ I I 2In10 El PND +f Panna6Rws9n!Oalre� MDs IPO'nM Rastlen,DCm -sl �J)` � -' P9R- 1IPtt�netl 9enm RRnTw21 A14SnpY Dr�aa9 UntOdz,l ® A -2 (DouYYpwD:np UneDm.cl © RMDIRgonelMeGpfDa,.cl Parcels :.Aws ca,..y.1c;.rsas9m o 1xn �Z^N A ��. >1 • 7�Ch2 /7Vn ♦t4i • lttuU PC Do 4 416 City of Edina 5717 �-,.Li 4617 _!"___r- 4616 4816 '.a1T K}1 I6 2! 11iC101O PL r_ YJ wit N7f 5210521 7t 317/5}11510/ . _ F 1•Tye' �, �.. . L-5�220- 71 WAVE 57725791483963712 sz'°_L 3716 1 48711626 .876 NI0 a •_'T -'� SOMM333721 J 1f1HtlAdwam 5717 11 4900 S30S500052375727522/Stfs Sn' APD,SMOmcft P—q Dnl.al 510 5729 "Ili $012' SOf7J •'' 5013 5017 1 5223: K I ISON'5012j ;7017 - 1'3001 200 SO17 r"2f ® 5107 sft331?1���� 50161 5070 5011 5016 S 5011 SoM Sol? 5021 -i, 70/6 1:`5021 K D , IP.m.al Ccmmucal V.-I, 3011 SON 019 X5013 SON '5025 W241 S09 501 S09 © I 509 5039 50146 502015076', (Pbnn.S dlo Datna.,1 5033 5027 30] r 5076. 500 3071 5077 SM 5011 'S011 10st 503] I50J7 ' W36 !M/ 5100 � � SOTS 5011 i 300 5MS 1501} S00 5015 SO17 1111 -c iPmrwa Aa:U.n, D—A -5M1 ��$224 5049 ■ 7 5101 51001 15}01 sloe 3100 510.5 SOH 30 5101' s 109 5106' 510 5109 5108, 3103 SIM 460/ 21 Y 5713 5112. 5111 511I' 5113 5112 3116' 3146 SH 5116: 5121 5170 5117 5.16 5111 3117 51111 $120 116 2. 5125 SfI1' 311! 5121 N3S SfN 5711 S77f ! } „� 5129 11IF 5119 3/0 5131; 317] 5/52 5131 5173 51.6 51O p 513.; 51401 SIN $137 7116 51.1 5140 SNS 5144 5137 _ St.t 5111 5101 3,00 i 5110 S: $248 5252 52565210 5215 TMt Mot 52” - S' S � r� 8101 ' y1 501 „4625 '4633 Z 4831 4611 1645 5 NOt o° i -NO! p; 1901 r LOOS 4813 W I MM 48031 �487— 2 } art { 4817 SF7 0 49K - IDfi K c '.� 4915 4810 '46174811 a 402. Q 1► b�. �• INO 19291pp1 I 5710 25 3f0/ S1M 'SOIi� SON SDK 5072700/ 5465 34615232 `.. 5101 MAO 3171 5127 5111 1, ST37 : 541 111 3037 r- 1 SO9 SOM��O _ 1101 48M NOt 460 4710 41 Syng31}652T2 :5_ D -.1205,225116. . ,x'5072 50� 2750173011 5231 5171 - 501307-Y� 5025- -5005 �N11 4715 t1 5177�� SC' 5206 5� 31005103 •'S0S 0X507550205012 SDD5 V 170611r r D �A� �N �tiCYUllr5n.1.T� Al� Legend 4811 / Street Name Labels City Limits g F 1•Tye' �, �.. . Lake Names CLakes ❑ Parks a Zoning . APD,SMOmcft P—q Dnl.al �o eDD41l.ae 0. 0-0-4 . aD0.5Ifl..a D.weym..I O -51 ® e ➢9i {Mme Oew•a.m.n,Dmra -01 ❑ Paet ■ K D , IP.m.al Ccmmucal V.-I, PCO -7 iPL...IJ Cn...micot D-21 T t KD-)IPe...4 C.m.mca:Dwl.a31 © DCDa1PS.... Ce...rrc.tl Dm.a4 g -n.p tne.tlb Dmrdl OPOD., (Pbnn.S dlo Datna.,1 OPOD- I . PAD I I�..a A.aear! 0S..^_.11 l OPAD- IfPUnn.I R—I O.- A OPRO -c iPmrwa Aa:U.n, D—A W D 5I `-- Amain, Drrm.p ■ PSAc(Plmv. S.nrw A..C.nucl R,i5 q. D-9U -DmMl O !I I —y R71Dou.eDwu..y Una D.ernl ❑ AMD {Rgc»e.4.at DinrEl 5710 25 3f0/ S1M 'SOIi� SON SDK 5072700/ 5465 34615232 `.. 5101 MAO 3171 5127 5111 1, ST37 : 541 111 3037 r- 1 SO9 SOM��O _ 1101 48M NOt 460 4710 41 Syng31}652T2 :5_ D -.1205,225116. . ,x'5072 50� 2750173011 5231 5171 - 501307-Y� 5025- -5005 �N11 4715 t1 5177�� SC' 5206 5� 31005103 •'S0S 0X507550205012 SDD5 V 170611r r D �A� �N �tiCYUllr5n.1.T� Al� PIS - P�RNNE� wOuSTMAL DISTtICT Legend House Number Labels Street Name Labels City Limits Creeks ❑ Lake Names CLakes ❑ Parks Zoning . APD,SMOmcft P—q Dnl.al ❑ eDD41l.ae 0. 0-0-4 . aD0.5Ifl..a D.weym..I O -51 ® e ➢9i {Mme Oew•a.m.n,Dmra -01 ❑ Paet ■ K D , IP.m.al Ccmmucal V.-I, PCO -7 iPL...IJ Cn...micot D-21 ❑ KD-)IPe...4 C.m.mca:Dwl.a31 © DCDa1PS.... Ce...rrc.tl Dm.a4 OM(V -n.p tne.tlb Dmrdl OPOD., (Pbnn.S dlo Datna.,1 OPOD- 21Pb...e D11m D: 21 . PAD I I�..a A.aear! 0S..^_.11 PAD 1 {PUnne Ren.n, Din- 21 OPAD- IfPUnn.I R—I O.- A OPRO -c iPmrwa Aa:U.n, D—A W D 5I `-- Amain, Drrm.p ■ PSAc(Plmv. S.nrw A..C.nucl R,i5 q. D-9U -DmMl R71Dou.eDwu..y Una D.ernl ❑ AMD {Rgc»e.4.at DinrEl Panels PIS - P�RNNE� wOuSTMAL DISTtICT D� TIJ d r- o e 113Utf City of Edina 1!30 552. _.. _..— _ 5337 _ K20 13121 .. - 6625 5316 SSP01 3501 6626 - �5lOf 71 ss11 1y 6671 21 332D �? ,36609 e624 a - \ 530)s �15H6�\ 21 3517 ,,,, 6620 6612 \J r! ,. ' Ss77 5571_ ,6606 yyn Y3321 3515 '' ,'6677 "'- -- L�° ^6611 :'��6665 OfOt l 1, 6y7; 5678 -336. i 5610 21 3M 6709 6700 6620 86!66612 660/6000 1570', Zoning ® 360/' A056701662166f766f7 1605 S)OS i.. 6606 5720 090,10909 137091 SI70 ,71 __I 67096067009/666126609 �— MoD<Ixam D..�..,nal Dmnn -al 09H 56t709J7 l 7 6613 6609• `— - : - - 8609'. 6601 MOD 51M®e D.w —1 DrMrm -51 • A77' i J} AM 37016629 0 � 3700- 66766611, 660( 6600 j 67005701 -dam �j�AO! 370s 6623 35 7�tf 87rn092Tf 370E =! 6617661]66860/65196515 671632Ns723 �— -- —' 577e 6717 5,20q iYTSr29 �{ 37}1 37176709 "1866146610 6606 660tI 3777// 5711 - —._ 1 1 Pc0- 711m..b caa.��6 Dal.bzr 21 21<s77t SiM� S741 .. X6700 -.1 21 •.ean65000 r vcoall...m D.mmxrul Di.Ira131 6700 6103670/f619"is nil 1607 N 1! 5616 v 6676 6612 0624 6620 6616 6600 a809 "Ov , POI IP nm lnauenY.Dmngl 1. N x2425 6617 667— PDO- 1tp— w-D.—II _ I~ -- 0919 �J N _ 3900 5901 5900 ro0- 211`41 aaf�DalrQ_21 6672662 5905 59W 590/ 3909 5 W f PRDiI�—R..»mIDw -il iJ 5917 58 }] S90B MD 211 m— 9u.wml D­21 3916 59775912 PAD I[V -a R.. —Dr+ 31 ------ 3=20 59215914 N 3921 PR9 <IVM- neaRcq.m D,eraa 21 502# 5929 591e 5937 3973 ,_ PRO 51Pbnnm Ras— Dmne -51 3976 5937 5920 P311 -a lf5snn.0 Sa:wrRngaw c, 5"0 5947 W, 'I 0 3911 3913 5926 © RMO lagenalMmbOevr��l = S9ry 5971 M 6666 6001 6'00 50'06 60d! i 6006 6009 60009 om 9 091$6012 10. :. -. -- 6016 y, O i 09I7 0 w -1 j � 9699 X. fN 702 6/09, .a 610701016709 6100 S 1 6N!1 .:}6 � .n r- o e 113Utf PLO - PIANN��D '=N��S�RiAI Oi stR i tT Logond House Number Labels Street Name Label. City Umlts Creaks Lake Name. Lake. UParks Zoning ® wPD1l.feino.xvar2D•:,r�.11 MoD<Ixam D..�..,nal Dmnn -al ■ MOD 51M®e D.w —1 DrMrm -51 ® MODLIMu Dwma;- -Dmrce 61 o� . MD I IP...6 Oa.m.rt..MDmre -11 ® Pc0- 711m..b caa.��6 Dal.bzr ® vcoall...m D.mmxrul Di.Ira131 ® PODe {PMnnM O.rmnwcoe D.e�al ❑ POI IP nm lnauenY.Dmngl ❑ PDO- 1tp— w-D.—II ro0- 211`41 aaf�DalrQ_21 ■ PRDiI�—R..»mIDw -il MD 211 m— 9u.wml D­21 © PAD I[V -a R.. —Dr+ 31 PR9 <IVM- neaRcq.m D,eraa PRO 51Pbnnm Ras— Dmne -51 ■ P311 -a lf5snn.0 Sa:wrRngaw c, n R- 113.�p�0e.enp Une Owrcll ® R11Deu6f.Dwamp Une Omr,nl © RMO lagenalMmbOevr��l El Parcels PLO - PIANN��D '=N��S�RiAI Oi stR i tT U ,I, ,IN Ii1■�NIN IMM i ■ uu ml fi.rk. -1uuY 11 L 4.N PuY City of Edina An T I' �o l s a 7771r NW o� e >i r _, 4`r ( o Nov �0 e �•tC�l, tAT�'� e 1 rio� � r ?to ftee W IWAOSTOAL SwrRICT Legend Strut Nam& Labels N rAty U.Its creeks Lake Names Lakes pParks ZDDmg ■ APO IAmee.ki P De,>,I DrDD -slrr D«.er..m Dr,r.n . rob -slrr o..eP.�n Dr,.r•n ® rODilrr DO b-, Dr 0 oM . PcD- 11PS.w c...,.d or,.e•u ® PcazlPr.wc.,.,,..rbr,r•zl ® PCD -31Pb C•ndOrm -]I ® PCDJIP1wwc-do -A DPo lPrw.e+e,r 0-1 PDD., IPr.w anePOrd -,I ❑ PDD.t IPrnw Dmaord -zf ■ PaD , lAOw k� Drd 11 ® POD- 21Pkear R. Dr,r.21 ® Paaa V,.w arm, Dr.r -21 ® PaDJIP --ex aDrd; ® M -sIPY R. Drm -sl ■ Psa +IPrwa.rarre.e f 7 k- L 11aNYO1dM U.ODreel ®�� a- 210wkwDdiws ueP Dr,el ■ a10044e9seektrss Drrrl Parcels ?to ftee W IWAOSTOAL SwrRICT PIS- PLAvio6o TMOUTTMA DIITRICT , ao City of Edina - - -- Legend Stntet Name Labels _A I' City limits Creeks lakes Zoning T' c'3; Q ® An !A utwrvseA Pmse DOrlel /a,1��'�^ ^•�`'n^� \ , hh \ `* � O ■ N0D1{N— Dmsosev.I DereA NDD 54N�DaraaPnart DtYrO.51 NDUcfNwaDe.aaP.cn Dtargy Si� ``��, ri� r+,i r O Pan PCD I {Plannq C— 0gntl -11 H,.r3M VA ® PCC 31PSnnq Cawmucut C-2, PCD ")IP- .Com— D.-31 � A�j. ® PCD +iPyntrrct CCrn+rn[Oxt.d 11 1 - �'. a L J ISL 1 LOOiW�i lK' O Pp IPrm d' BuNraf Detral Wb tlPUnmaO Datne.ti 1'DD31P ®nq OHC pa:+rd 21 P0.Gt IPamnq FwWnt Ora.e11 - © P0.D31Pannq 0.s.�ent Dat.a21 " PRO lip— 0.ayant Dsfm -]I 'yam �Y � P0.D"C iPUnnq 0.ecdmtDgrO11 ®. PFD 5 iPennq 0.saaenf Davy-51 Psa<(P�nn.a s.naraeao.ma _ - a -I {sneln Dasue unaDm.,el ® 0.3 (Dever Decay Gne Drdrol 0.MD(aganatNpaDierel P..G. lc k IMHMR 9LYe dNrrur ►are 1CwwY f4Ual e ®.- .,wawa rmra•tcl.xsman 3�*STW � 1l'� ow e_ h� i�� � y 9�ti • .G � • �y�ts�ton T.J. ! r3UM PIS- PLAvio6o TMOUTTMA DIITRICT , ao P10%. PLAIU06b TP&STAIAL OisTvc,T M City of Edina _ Legend R .. r... Street Name Labels ■ i - - -: ... Lake Names • - -:_._ - 111111 = Parks _ sr 111, zwsru - w 76 I 111 ii 1 11 iiiiil p ' - 111` /► _ r � � .:.::.i___I����I��-IIII • OU 111p I � ebD-lJvk—W.D— 11 0 • 1 �� III�III �, MID 51 R2 D—WD�11J-D—j t. P10%. PLAIU06b TP&STAIAL OisTvc,T M S R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 911612009 8:25:11 Council Check Register Page - 1 9/17/2009 - 9117/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier /.Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 326630 911712009 100608 3M CO 352.69 REFLECTIVE SHEETING 00005242 220362 TP75840 1325.6531 SIGNS & POSTS STREET NAME SIGNS - 352.69 326631 9/1712009 101833 A.T.O.M. 350.00 LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING 00003174 220363. 19939673 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL ,.350.00 326632 911712009- 116531 ABLE SPRINKLER- 534.86 REPAIR -4605 DREXEL AVE 00005011 220140 5998 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE.1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 495.37 . REPAIR -4615 CASCO AVE 00005007 220141 5997 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO • 1,030.23 . 326633 9/1712009 100715 ACCLAIM BENEFITS 683.90 FLEX SPENDING ACCOUNT ADMIN 220459 010598 1550.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 152.00 COBRA ADMIN 220460 010409 1550.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 683.90 FLEX SPENDING ACCOUNT ADMIN 220461 010769 1550.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 1,519.80- .326634 9117/2009 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 56.20 220258 0722816 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 33.20 220259 0803802 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 87.25 220260 0803807 - 5842.5515 COST'OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 21.20 220420 0722817 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX, 50TH ST SELLING 197.85 326635 911712009 - 100575 ALL SAFE INC. 425.31 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 220079 95106 1550.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT ; CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 425.31 326636 911712009 122151 ALL TIME FAVORITES INC. 250.00 BARNYARD BOOGIE 220143 090909 1600.4390.49 BARNYARD BOOGIE PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 250.00 - 326637 9/1712009 100058 ALLIED WASTE SERVICES #894 37,077.90 RECYCLING 220080 1885223 5952.6183 RECYCLING CHARGES RECYCLING 37,077.90 326638 9/17/2009 124661 AMATO, FELICE 75.00 FIRST PLACE AWARD 220462 090809 5120.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 75.00 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Council Check Register Page - 2 9/17/2009 — 9/17/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 326639 9/1712009 108533 AMERICAN ACCOUNTS & ADVISERS 240.33 AMBULANCE COLLECTIONS 220463 19388 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 240.33 326640 9/1712009 102470 AON RISK SERVICES INC. OF MN 6,293.00 PREMIUM 220464 6100000113552 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 6,293.00 PREMIUM 220465 6100000113553 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 19,651.00 PREMIUM 220466 6100000113555 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 6,293.00 PREMIUM 220467 6100000113895 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 38,530.00 326641 911712009 102172 APPERTS FOODSERVICE 738.03 FOOD 220468 1214249 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 738.03 326642 9/17/2009 103065 AQUA CITY IRRIGATION INC 377.21 SPRINKLER REPAIR 220081 31136 01358.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -358 S GARDEN ESTATES N'HOOD 181.23 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005003 220082 31146 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 257.46 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00001664 220083 31142 01357.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -357 FAIRFAX N'HOOD 815.90 326643 9117/2009 103680 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SRVCS 84.63 BREW MAKER CLEANING 220469 946437 7411.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSTF OCCUPANCY 84.63 326644 9117/2009 103191 ARBOR DAY FOUNDATION 15.00 MEMBERSHIP -VINCE COCKRIEL 220144 090909 1600.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 15.00 326645 9/17/2009 124634 ASSOCIATED EXTERIORS INC. 1,080.93 PERMIT REFUND 220142 ED096289 1495.4111 BUILDING PERMITS INSPECTIONS 1,080.93 326646 9/17/2009 100256 AT &T MOBILITY 45.46 220211 870517029X9209 5420.6188 TELEPHONE CLUB HOUSE 45.46 326647 9/1712009 104069 B.B. WATSON GRAPHIC DESIGN 84.63 BUSINESS CARDS 220364 462 1400.6575 PRINTING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 84.63 326648 911' 100638 BACHMAN'S R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Council Check Register Page - 3 9/17/2009 - 9/17/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 1,091.46 TREES 00006091 220212 15431 5422.6541 PLANTINGS & TREES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 1,091.46 326649 9/17/2009 117353 BASSFORD REMELE 1,242.50 PREMIUM 220470 132025 1120.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 1,242.50 326650 9/1712009 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 732.41 220261 50252800 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,112.75 220262 50286100 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 159.45 220263 82689700 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 725.45 220264 50266100 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 402.40 220421 50351900 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 448.85 220422 50338800 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 106.47 220423 82718800 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 26.12 220424 82718900 5822.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 3,713.90 326651 9/1712009 124658 BENSON, DERELE 55.00 EMT TEXTBOOK 220471 090909 7410.6218 EDUCATION PROGRAMS PSTF ADMINISTRATION 55.00 326652 9/1712009 100648 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCTS 54.76 BINDERS 220084 WO- 577108 -1 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 126.13 MARKERS 220085 WO- 577009 -1 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 58.71 HOLE PUNCH 220086 WO- 576774 -1 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 13.88 PLANNER REFILL 220087 WO- 576695 -1 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 167.37 FILES, LABELS 220088 OE- 202597 -1 4402.1705.31 MATERIALS /SUPPLIES PW BUILDING 16.51 OFFICE SUPPLIES 220145 WO- 576701 -1 1600.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 437.36 326653 9117/2009 119503 BILLINGS, WILLIAM 74.21 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 134128 041806 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 74.21 326654 9117/2009 100653 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS 178,938.75 ASPHALT 00005446 220213 14612 1314.6518 BLACKTOP STREET RENOVATION 178,938.75 326655 9117/2009 119679 BIXBY PORTABLE TOILET SERVICE 37.28 TOILET SERVICE 220472 17785 5430.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 69.97 TOILET SERVICE 220473 17782 5422.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation 69.97 TOILET SERVICE 177.22 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 9117/2009 —9/17/2009 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 220474 17783 5422.6182 Subledger Account Description RUBBISH REMOVAL 9/1612009 8:25:11 Page - 4 Business Unit MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 326656 9/1712009 124534 BLACKSTONE CONTRACTORS LLC 4,104.00 STONE WALL REPAIR 00005454 220365 158 1344.6577 LUMBER RETAINING WALL MAINTENANCE 4,104.00 326657 9/17/2009 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 123.00 220265 96580 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 123.00 326658 9117/2009 100659 BOYER TRUCK PARTS 484.34 SHOES, SLACK ADJUSTER 00001991 220089 326204 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 464.70 SWITCH, RESISTOR 00005276 220146 329491 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 270.86 A/D KIT 00005278 220147 329492 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 64.13- CREDIT 00001991 220148 326204C 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 128.25- CREDIT 00001619 220149 321751C 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 100.20- CREDIT 00001628 220150 315184C 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 927.32 326659 9/1712009 102534 BRAUER & ASSOCIATES LTD 1,727.76 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 220366 1202694 1600.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 1,727.76 326660 9117/2009 100664 BRAUN INTERTEC 923.75 MATERIALS TESTING 220090 310896 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN 96.25 MATERIALS TESTING 220091 310897 05436.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO WM 867.50 MATERIALS TESTING 220092 310910 01356.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -356 MIRROR LAKES N'HOOD 2,175.25 MATERIALS TESTING 220093 310911 01357.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -357 FAIRFAX N'HOOD 1,955.00 MATERIALS TESTING 220094 311223 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 324.83 MATERIALS TESTING 220095 311228 04353.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN STS -353 S GARDEN ESTATE N'HOOD 324.83 MATERIALS TESTING 220095 311228 05488.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN WM -488 S GARDEN ESTATES N'HOOD 324.84 MATERIALS TESTING 220095 311228 03446.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN SS-446 S GARDEN ESTATES N'HOOD 6,992.25 326661 9117/2009 120439 CADY BUILDING MAINTENANCE 406.12 STRIP & WAX FLOORS 220214 21549A 5861.6162 SERVICES CUSTODIANS VERNON OCCUPANCY 406.12 326662 9117/2009 120935 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 4,316.38 LEGAL 220096 2851G -8/09 1195.6131 PROFESSIONAL SERV - LEGAL LEGAL SERVICES 4,316.38 CITY OF EDINA 9/16/2009 8:25:11 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - . 5 9/17/2009 - 9/1712009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 326663 9117/2009 119455. CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 3,340.50 220266 16654 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS.SOLD'BEER YORK SELLING 292.30 220267 16642 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 3,632.80 326664 9/17/2009 111089 CARLSON, ERIC 139.54 MATERIAL FOR SLINGS FOR RIFLES 220367 091009 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT: GENERAL 139.54 326665 9/1712009 116683 CAT & FIDDLE BEVERAGE 100.00 220266 83421 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 224.18 220425 83420 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 324.18 326666 9/1712009 103079 CEDAR SMALL ENGINE INC. 17.01 DRIVE CABLE 00001990 220151 27006 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 17.01 326667 9/17/2009 100897 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 10.50 220215 090209 5841.6186 HEAT YORK OCCUPANCY 11,08 220215 090209 5821.6186 HEAT 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 19.13 220215 090209 5422.6186 HEAT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 21,00 220215 090209 5861.6186 HEAT VERNON OCCUPANCY 28.01 220215 090209 5430.6186 HEAT RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 38.68 220215 090209 1552.6186 HEAT CENT SVC PW BUILDING 38.78 220215 090209 1481.6186 HEAT YORK FIRE STATION 55.25 220215 090209 5210.6186 HEAT GOLF DOME PROGRAM 64.73 220215 090209 5630.6186 HEAT CENTENNIAL LAKES 73.32 220215 090209 5420.6186 HEAT CLUB HOUSE 148.72 220215 090209 5911.6186 HEAT WELL PUMPS 209,27 220215 090209 5913.6186 HEAT DISTRIBUTION 249.59 220215 090209 1628.6186 HEAT SENIOR CITIZENS 267.35 220215 090209 5111.6186 HEAT ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT ' 580.90 220215 090209 1646.6186 HEAT BUILDING MAINTENANCE 4,774.73 220215 090209 5511.6186 HEAT ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 6,591.04 326668 911712009. 103711 CENTERPOINT ENERGY SERVICES IN 112.51 220475 1657162 1552.6186 HEAT CENT SVC PW BUILDING 375.12 220476 1863462 5620.6186 HEAT EDINBOROUGH PARK 7,101.39 220477 1857172 5311.6186 HEAT POOL OPERATION R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/16/2009 '8:25:11 - Council Check Register Page -. 6 9117/2009 -9117/2009 ' Check #" Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 7,589.02 326669 911712009 119661 CENTRAL ENVELOPE CORPORATION 143.00 EMPLOYEE NEWSLETTER 220097 67370 2210.6575 PRINTING COMMUNICATIONS 143.00 326670 9/17/2009 119725 CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTING CO 90.00 220269 399780 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER `50TH.ST SELLING 90.00 326671 9/17/2009 118560 CITY OF EDINA 25.00 PMT POSTED IN ERROR 220478 091409 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 25.00 326672 9/17/2009 100687 CITY OF RICHFIELD 442.70 LIFT STATION POWER 00005049 220098 4179 5934.6185 -- LIGHT & POWER STORM.LIFT STATION MAINT .442.70 '326673 9/17/2009 103040 CITY PAGES 90.00 -ADVERTISING 220479 D10021769 5631.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION 90.00 326674 9/17/2009 102757 COMPUTERIZED FLEET ANALYSIS 595.00 ANNUAL SUPPORT FEEILICENSE FHM005259 220096- 28635 1280.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS SUPERVISION & OVERHEAD 595.00 326675 9/17/2009 101323 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS 209.25 EARPLUGS, TAPE, GLOVES 00005243 220152 03527229 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC. PW..BUILDING 35.27 LATEX GLOVES 00005243 220368 03527984 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 244.52 326676 9/17/2009 123261 CONSTITUTION STATE SERVICES LL 858.00 PREMIUM .,r. 220480 1412585 1400.6045 WORKERS COMPENSATION POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 858.00 - 326677 9/17/2009 101329 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS INC. 42.96 MEADOW PATCH 00005092 220100 0037396 1N 1314.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET RENOVATION 42.96 326678 9117/2009 100695 CONTINENTAL CLAY CO. 46.09 THERMOCOUPLE GAUGE, TUBE 00009077 220153 ' INV000046678 .5111.6530 REPAIR PARTS, ., ART CENTER BLDG / MAINT 48.09 R55CKREG LOG20000 220270 519832 CITY OF EDINA COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING .06 220271 519833 Council Check Register COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,999.50 220272 519643 9/17/2009 -9/17/2009 50TH ST SELLING Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 326679 9/1712009 519850 100699 CULLIGAN BOTTLED WATER COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 226.00 220426 519831 3.75 114- 09855685 -4 WATER 220481 1181341 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 519723 5862.5514 3.75 VERNON SELLING 7,456.36 326680 9/1712009 124651 CUMMINS, ROBERT 122135 DENFELD, SCOTT 301.44 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 220369 091009 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND ADAPTIVE RECREATION 21.45 301.44 220482 091409 2210.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 326681 9/17/2009 220482 124655 D & T LANDSCAPING & IRRIGATION 2210.6235 POSTAGE COMMUNICATIONS 68.20 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 220482 839.50 REPAIRS -4610 MOORLAND AVE 00005914 220371 15840 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 839.50 326686 9117/2009 100720 DENNYS 5TH AVE. BAKERY 326682 9/17/2009 100706 D.C. ANNIS SEWER INC. 30.11 BAKERY 220483 310634 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 539.00 SUMP PUMPING 220370 70848 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 539.00 BAKERY 220485 310741 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 326683 9117/2009 102791 D2 SERVICES INC. 494.62 SCADA DIALER REPAIR 00005051 220216 9753 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 494.62 326684 9/17/2009 102478 DAY DISTRIBUTING CO. 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Page - 7 Business Unit PSTF OCCUPANCY UTILITY BALANCE SHEET PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN FIRE DEPT. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION 600.00 220270 519832 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING .06 220271 519833 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,999.50 220272 519643 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 1,595.75 220273 519849 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 22.40 220274 519850 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 226.00 220426 519831 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 3,012.65 220427 519723 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 7,456.36 326685 9/17/2009 122135 DENFELD, SCOTT 112.24 DVD COPIES OF THEATER CAMP 220217 COM640 1629.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ADAPTIVE RECREATION 21.45 DVDS 220482 091409 2210.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 24.55 SHIPPING CHARGES 220482 091409 2210.6235 POSTAGE COMMUNICATIONS 68.20 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 220482 091409 2210.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS 226.44 326686 9117/2009 100720 DENNYS 5TH AVE. BAKERY 30.11 BAKERY 220483 310634 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 173.82 BAKERY 220484 310742 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 95.67 BAKERY 220485 310741 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 9/17/2009 — 9117/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 34.76 BAKERY 220486 310897 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 44.06 BAKERY 220487 310982 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 1.67- 220488 307241 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 376.75 326687 9/17/2009 100899 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY 3,536.96 SURCHARGE AUG 2009 220154 7119053060 1495.4380 SURCHARGE 3,536.96 326688 9/1712009 102831 DEX EAST 539.50 220489 110311893 -8/27/ 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 09 539.50 326689 9117/20119 100571 DIAMOND VOGEL PAINTS 524.54 PAINT 00001836 220101 802114093 1335.6532 PAINT 2,169.03 PAINT 00001892 220102 802114364 1335.6532 PAINT 2,693.57 326690 9/17/2009 123162 DISH NETWORK 38.47 8255 70 708 1422839 220490 090409 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 38.47 326691 9/17/2009 122199 DOLL, MARTY 10.58 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 220491 091409 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 121.55 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 220491 091409 2210.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 132.13 326692 9117/2009 106340 EDINA CAR WASH 200.22 AUG WASHES 220372 3941 1553.6238 CAR WASH 200.22 326693 9117/2009 101630 EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS 51.95 MAILING LABELS 220103 8325 1624.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,553.00 CITY GYM MAINTENANCE 220104 8318 1621.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,604.95 326694 9/1712009 100049 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 2,000.00 ARBITRAGE MONITORING 220373 60041 5910.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,000.00 326695 9/1" 104733 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Page- 8 Business Unit GRILL INSPECTIONS GOLF ADMINISTRATION PAVEMENT MARKINGS PAVEMENT MARKINGS PSTF OCCUPANCY FIRE DEPT. GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN PLAYGROUND & THEATER ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES GENERAL (BILLING) R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Council Check Register Page- 9 9/17/2009 - 911712009 Check # :.: Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO #. Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description" Business Unit _ .253.82 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003819 220374 1204054 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 253.82 326696 9/17/2009 116401 ENVIRONMENTAL LANDFORMS - 295.00 4521 BELVIDERE- SPRINKLER ° " `' 00REPAIR 220105 9805 01358.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -358 S GARDEN ESTATES N'HOOD 295.00 326697 9117/2009, 102379 EPA AUDIOVISUAL INC. 74:00 GBNIDEO REPAIRS 00009082 220155 804975 5125.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS MEDIA STUDIO 74.00 _ . 326698' 9117/2009 100018 EXPERT T BILLING 4,974.25 AUGUST TRANSPORTS 220156 090809 1470.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIRE DEPT, GENERAL 4, 974'.25 326699 9/1712009 103965 FIRE ENGINEERING 94.95 3 YR'RENEWAL 220157 090809 1470.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 94.95 326700. 9/1712009 120329 FIRE EQUIPMENT SPECIALTIES INC 1,768.45 TURN -OUT GEAR 00003590 220375 6301 1470.6552 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,768.45 326701 9/1712009 119211 FIRSTLAB 39.00 DRUG TEST 220492 00132626 1550.6121 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 234.00 DRUG TESTS 220493 00137725 1550.6121 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL - CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 273.00 326702 911712009: 102273 FRED PRYOR SEMINARS 79.00 TRAINING 220532 11182761 5910.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS GENERAL (BILLING) 79.00 TRAINING 220533 11182762 5910.6104 CONFERENCES &SCHOOLS GENERAL (BILLING) . - 158.00 326703 9/17/2009 100764 G & K SERVICES 75.38 220218 083109 5511.6201 LAUNDRY ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 281.20 220218 083109 5913.6201 LAUNDRY DISTRIBUTION 535.83 220218 083109 1646.6201 LAUNDRY BUILDING MAINTENANCE 604.85 220218 083109 1552.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING - 729.05 220218 083109 1301.6201 LAUNDRY GENERAL MAINTENANCE 751.22 220218 083109 1553.6201 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 2,977.53 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Council Check Register Page - 10 9117/2009 - 9/17/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 326704 9117/2009 120534 GALLAGHER STANTON 111,728.00 PREMIUM 220529 445638 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 83,803.00 PREMIUM 220530 445637 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 2,415.00 PREMIUM 220531 444347 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 197, 946.00 326705 911712009 100920 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY - MINNEA 169.31 FILTERS 220158 083109 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 695.21 AUTO PARTS 220158 083109 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 864.52 326706 9/17/2009 124653 GOLDMAN, AMY 185.63 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 220376 091109 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 185.63 326707 9/1712009 101103 GRAINGER 6.95 LAMP HOLDER 00005140 220159 9068211334 5840.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 6.95 LAMP HOLDER 00005140 220160 9068211326 5840.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 77.79 SUNCREEN 00006364 220219 9065120181 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE 8 GROUNDS 18.30 POWER BOLT 220494 9029022085 7413.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF FIRE TOWER 18.73 CLEANER/DEGREASER 220495 9029022093 7413.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF FIRE TOWER 21.10 ABSORBENT 220496 9029022101 7413,6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF FIRE TOWER 149.82 326708 9/17/2009 102217 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 170.25 220275 112363 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 517.00 220428 112364 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 687.25 326709 9/17/2009 100783 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. INC. 185.25 BASE, COVER 00005146 220161 943298646 1322.6530 REPAIR PARTS STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 185.25 326710 9117/2009 118195 GREEN HORIZONS 238.17 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00001754 220106 151633 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 238.17 326711 911712009 101863 GREENKEEPER INC. 240.80 SPRINKLER REPAIR 220107 00006862 01358.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -358 S GARDEN ESTATES N'HOOD 240.80 326712 9/1 100785 GREUPNER, JOE CONTRACTED REPAIRS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS GASOLINE GASOLINE BARNYARD BOOGIE REPAIR PARTS COST OF GOODS SOLD i EQUIPMENT RENTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Page - 11 Business Unit GOLF REVENUES CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION FIRE DEPT. GENERAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN PARK ADMIN. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION GRILL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP CITY OF EDINA R55CKREG LOG20000 326714 9/17/2009 Council Check Register 9/17/2009 — 9/17/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 6,449.00 GOLF LESSONS 220220 091009 5401.4602 LESSONS 6,449.00 326713 9/17/2009 100786 GROTH MUSIC 100788 H &L MESABI 11515 CABLE 00002316 220497 1574165 5631.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CONTRACTED REPAIRS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS GASOLINE GASOLINE BARNYARD BOOGIE REPAIR PARTS COST OF GOODS SOLD i EQUIPMENT RENTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Page - 11 Business Unit GOLF REVENUES CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION FIRE DEPT. GENERAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN PARK ADMIN. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION GRILL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 115.15 326714 9/17/2009 101964 GUSTAVE A. LARSON CO. 66.16 AC RECLAIM 00001964 220377 BLM0123672 1470.6180 66.16 326715 9/17/2009 100788 H &L MESABI 1,862.08 CARBIDE BLADES 00001155 220108 78255 1553.6530 2,353.71 CARBIDE BLADES, NOSE BLADES 00005160 220109 78268 1553.6530 4,215.79 326716 9117/2009 102301 HARTLAND FUEL PRODUCTS LLC 6,357.65 GAS 00001437 220221 SO10035904 1553.6581 8,616.72 GAS 00001437 220222 SO10035903 1553.6581 14,974.37 326717 9/1712009 123145 HAUTH ENTERPRISES 550.00 BARNYARD BOOGIE PETTING ZOO 220162 090909 1600.4390.49 550.00 326718 9/17/2009 100012 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD 160.38 MEGALUGS, GASKETS 00005250 220202 9492751 5913.6530 160.38 326719 9117/2009 101209 HEIMARK FOODS 205.44 MEAT PATTIES 220223 021986 5421.5510 205.44 326720 9/17/2009 105436 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATION 1,664.00 RADIO ADMIN FEE 220378 29088433 1400.6151 1,664.00 326721 9/1712009 124660 HIVELEY, BRYAN 50.00 SECOND PLACE AWARD 220498 090809 5120.6103 50.00 326722 9117/2009 104881 HJERMSTAD, AARON CONTRACTED REPAIRS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS GASOLINE GASOLINE BARNYARD BOOGIE REPAIR PARTS COST OF GOODS SOLD i EQUIPMENT RENTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Page - 11 Business Unit GOLF REVENUES CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION FIRE DEPT. GENERAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN PARK ADMIN. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION GRILL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/1612009 8:25:11 Council Check Register Page - 12 9117/2009 -9/17/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 99.55 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 220379 091109 1623.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE TENNIS INSTRUCTION 99.55 326723 9/17/2009 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC. 1,727.76 220276 497140 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 405.50 220277 497772 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 441.85 220429 497142 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 12.60 220430 497770 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 340.00 220430 497770 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 2.927.71 326724 9/1712009 123401 HOPKINS HOCKEY BOOSTER CLUB 65.00 BRAEMAR GOLF DOME AD 220499 090109 5210.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF DOME PROGRAM 65.00 326725 9/17/2009 121231 INTERLOCK CONCRETE PRODUCTS IN 635.67 BLOCKS 00005079 220224 50531 -1 4090.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 635.67 326726 9117/2009 104572 INVISIBLE FENCE CO. OF MN 95.21 REPAIRS - 4602 CASCO AVE 00005009 220380 122859 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 117.63 REPAIRS - 4625 DREXEL AVE 00001778 220381 122719 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 238.85 REPAIRS - 4500 CLAREMORE CT 220382 122613 01358.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN BA -358 S GARDEN ESTATES N'HOOD 95.19 REPAIRS - 4612 EDINA BLVD 220383 120922 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN 94.12 REPAIRS - 4613 BROWNDALE AVE 220384 121051BAL 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN 125.14 REPAIRS - 4610 CASCO AVE 220385 122470 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 766.14 326727 9/17/2009 100741 JJ TAYLOR DIST. OF MINN 235.00 220225 1308159 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 60.55 220278 1314428 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 3,776.05 220279 1314417 5862.5514 ^ COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 44.60 220431 1314419 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 85.50 220432 1300309 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 9,839.18 220433 1314427 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 2,574.25 220434 1314418 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 16,615.13 326729 9/1712009 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 432.47 220280 1695905 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 394.45 220281 1695904 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 651.65 220282 1695908 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Council Check Register Page - 13 9/17/2009 - 9/17/2009 _ Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit- 36.11 220283 1695907 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 911.90 220284 1695906 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS•SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 530.60 220285 1695903 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1.12 220286 1695895 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 3,133.48 220287 1695909 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING - 351.00 220288 1692973 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 173.24 220289 1693525 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR` - VERNON SELLING 934.31 220290 1693524 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR - VERNON SELLING 408.80 220291 1688918 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR` - VERNON SELLING ` 292.48 220292 1692673 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 'YORK SELLING .698.07 220293 1692674 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING- - 2,297.77 220294 1692677 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 50.77- 220295 430600 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 308.82 - 220296 ' .428161 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS.SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 546.26 220435 1695888. 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE' 50TH ST SELLING 784.24 220436 1695887 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 804.17 220437 1695886 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 181.07 220438 :1695894 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 4,687.57 220439.; '1695902 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD.LI000R 'YORK SELLING ' 1,704.92- 220440 1695896. 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING . _ 1.12 220441 1695893, 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX' YORK SELLING 31.37 220442 1695891 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 1,536.77 220443 1695889 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 633.22 220444 1695885 5822.5512 COST. OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 21,798.57 326730 911712009 118796 JOHNSON, CYNTHIA 1,182.00 DRIVEWAY REPAIRS 220386 090109 05488.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN WM-488 S GARDEN ESTATES N'HOOD 1,182.00 326731 9/17/2009 102719 JOHNSON, PHILLIP 71.11 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 220387 090309 5125.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MEDIA STUDIO 25.78 TEXTBOOKS 220388 082109 5125.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES MEDIA STUDIO 33.78 DVD DISCS 220388 082109 5125.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD MEDIA STUDIO 117.90 CAMERA MOUNTING 220388 082109 5125.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT MEDIA STUDIO 248.95 DIGITAL CAMERA 220388 082109 5125.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT MEDIA STUDIO 497.52 326732 9/1712009 101918 JUNGWIRTH, MARK 84.97 UNIFORM PURCHASE 220389 091109 5923.6201 LAUNDRY COLLECTION SYSTEMS 84.97 R55CKREG LOG20000 184.80 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT CITY OF EDINA 091009 5410.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE GOLF ADMINISTRATION Council Check Register 9/17/2009 - 9/17/2009 9/17/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 326733 9/17/2009 68.25 105990 KELLY GREEN IRRIGATION INC. 220390 090809 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 469.77 SPRINKLER REPAIR 220110 58771 01358.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 281.62 SPRINKLER REPAIR 220163 58936 01358.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 103271 LAKE RESTORATION INC. 751.39 326734 9117/2009 POND TREATMENTS 122074 KNOLLMAIER, LAURA 70369 5933.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PONDS & LAKES 59.42 PETTY CASH 220164 090209 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 92.79 PETTY CASH 220164 090209 5631.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES 152.21 326735 9117/2009 00005136 220111 104979 KOCON, ED 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Page - 14 Business Unit BA -358 S GARDEN ESTATES N'HOOD BA -358 S GARDEN ESTATES N'HOOD CENTENNIAL LAKES CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION 184.80 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 220226 091009 5410.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE GOLF ADMINISTRATION 184.80 326736 9/17/2009 114344 KRAEMER, KARIN 68.25 ART WORK SOLD 220390 090809 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 68.25 326737 9117/2009 103271 LAKE RESTORATION INC. 4,943.00 POND TREATMENTS 00005534 220227 70369 5933.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PONDS & LAKES 4,943.00 326738 911712009 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 27.83 COTTER CLIPS, LUGS 00005136 220111 8417854 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 414.48 PLOW BOLTS, HOSE CLAMPS 00005136 220112 8417853 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 401.98 NUTS, BOLTS 220228 8417848 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 844.29 326739 9/17/2009 101652 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20.00 DUES 220113 D090109 1100.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY COUNCIL 20.00 326740 9117/2009 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 30.00 OSHA TRAINING 220500 132768 1120.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATION 30.00 326741 9/17/2009 100854 LEITNER COMPANY 3,322.68 TOPDRESSING SAND 220229 090109 5422.6543 SOD & BLACK DIRT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 3,322.68 326742 9/1712009 124662 LEMKEMEIER, NICOLE 100.00 JUROR'S AWARD 220501 090809 5120.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART SUPPLY GIFT G' 'Y SHOP R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9116/2009 8:25:11 Council Check Register Page - 15 9/17/2009 — 9/1712009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 100.00 326743 911712009 105782 LETTA 625.00 SNIPER COURSE 00003203 220391 090109 1400.6104 CONFERENCES 8 SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 625.00 326744 911712009 105726 LINDMAN, DAVID 236.43 ERT UNIFORM PURCHASE 220392 091009 1401.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM 278.94 UNIFORM PURCHASE 220393 091109 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 515.37 326745 9/17/2009 101165 M.A.A.O. 50.00 ETHICS FOR MN ASSESSORS 220394 091109 1190.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ASSESSING 50.00 326746 9/1712009 101165 M.A.A.O. - 200.00 FALL CONFERENCE 220395 090909 1190.6104 CONFERENCES 8 SCHOOLS ASSESSING 200.00 326747 9/17/2009 100865 MAGNUSON SOD 145.76 SOD, DIRT 220119 083109 5913.6543 SOD 8 BLACK DIRT DISTRIBUTION 220.14 SOD, DIRT 220119 083109 1314.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET RENOVATION 837.85 SOD, DIRT 220119 083109 1642.6543 SOD & BLACK DIRT FIELD MAINTENANCE 1,203.75 326748 9117/2009 124659 MAISER, JUSTIN AND BROCK 1,000.00 LOSS IJUE TO WATERMAIN BREAK 220502 090109 5910.8280 SPECIAL ITEMS GENERAL (BILLING) 1,000.00 326749 9117/2009 122878 MARTTI, DOROTHEA 150.00 HOSTING FEE 220120 136 2210.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 150.00 326750 9117/2009 110795 MASON - CUTTERS 745.00 CONCRETE CUTTING 220121 M -27274 05496.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN WM -496 XERXES CEMENT LINING 745.00 326751 911712009 118819 MASTER SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 574.48 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00001760 220122 17301 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 574.48 326752 9117/2009 124648 MCCONNELL, MICHAEL R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9116/2009 8:25:11 Council Check Register Page - 16 9/17/2009 — 9/17/2009 Check # Date Amount. Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 632.59 DRIVEWAY REPAIRS 220396 090109 05488.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN WM -488 S GARDEN ESTATES N'HOOD 632.59 326753 9/1712009 101891 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY 172.98 FIELD MARKING PAINT 00001914 220124 118294 1642.6544 LINE MARKING POWDER FIELD MAINTENANCE 172.98 326754 9/1712009 100886 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 1,980.00 SAC CHARGES AUG 2009 220503 091409 1495.4307 SAC CHARGES INSPECTIONS 1,980.00 326755 9/1712009 102729 METROPOLITAN FORD OF EDEN PRAT 130.30 VEHICLE REPAIRS 00005351 220230 161573 1553,6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN. 130.30 326756 9117/2009 104650 MICRO CENTER 202.92 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 00009068 220165 2347126 5125.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MEDIA STUDIO 202.92 326767 9/1712009 119986 MIDLAND NURSERY 670.00 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005928 220166 9647 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN 670.00 326758 9/1712009 103186 MIDWEST FUELS 466.06 GAS 00006204 220231 46940 5422.6581 GASOLINE MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 493.50 DIESEL 00006205 220232 46941 5422.6581 GASOLINE MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 513.85 DIESEL 00006205 220233 47229 5422.6581 GASOLINE MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 286.80 GAS 00006204 220234 46939 5423.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GOLF CARS 520.31 GAS 00D06204 220235 47227 5424.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES RANGE 447.71 GAS 00006204 220236 47228 5422.6581 GASOLINE MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 2,728.23 326759 911712009 100913 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN SEWER & 1,540.00 WATER SERVICE REPAIR 00005051 220397 33479 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 3,080.00 WATER SERVICE REPAIR 00005052 220398 33478 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 4,620.00 326760 911712009 103216 MINNEAPOLIS FINANCE DEPARTMENT 7,551.50 WATER PURCHASED 220399 090209 5913.6601 WATER PURCHASED DISTRIBUTION 7,551.50 326761 9/1' 118609 MINNESOTA CLE R55CKREG 'LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Council Check Register Page - 17 9/17/2009 - 9/17/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanatiori PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 215:00 HANDLING PROPERTY TAX APPEALS 220400 090909 1190.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ASSESSING 215.00 326762 9/17/2009 120301 MINNESOTA MULCH &SOIL 1,340.00 MULCH 00006310 220237 D09279 5422.6517 SAND GRAVEL & ROCK MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 1,340.00 - 326763 9117/2009 103240 MINNESOTA SAFETY COUNCIL 990.00 SAFETY CONFERENCE 220505 6057,5864 1120.6104 CONFERENCES' &SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATION 990.00 326764 9/1712009. 123410 MINNESOTA VETERANS RESOURCE GU 95.00 BRAEMAR GOLF-DOME AD 220506 090109 5210.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF DOME PROGRAM ` 95.00 326765 9117/2009 114506 MN GISILIS 235.00 CONFERENCE - REBECCA FOSTER 220167 090209 1260.6104 CONFERENCES &'SCHOOLS ENGINEERING GENERAL 235.00 326766 911712009 120996 .MOBILE MINI INC. 93.87 STORAGE UNIT 220507 151024440 7412.6153 STORAGE PSTF RANGE 93.87 . 326767 911712009 102421 MPGMA 100.00 FALL MEETING' 00006340 220504 090109 5410.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS GOLF ADMINISTRATION 100.00 326768 - 911712009 100906 MTf DISTRIBUTING INC. - 1,047.32 DRIVE SHAFTS '' 00006098 220238 695032 -00 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 95.42 SWITCH,. SOLENOID 00006101 220239 696629 -00 5431.6530 REPAIR PARTS RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE 130.23 6X4 00006100 220240 695522 -01 5422.6611 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 3,094.88" IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS 60006105 220241 696741 -00 5422.6611 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 1,064.09 COUPLERS 00006100 220242 695522 -00 5422.6611 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 5,431.94- 326769 9/1712009 124654 NELSON, RAYMOND 40.00 AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 220401 091109 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 40.00 326770 9117/2009 124649 NELSON, RUSS & KATHY 591.00 DRIVEWAY REPAIRS 220402 090109 05488.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN WM -488 S GARDEN ESTATES N'HOOD 591.00 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Council Check Register Page - 18 9/1712009 - 9/17/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier I Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 326771 9/1712009 122449 NEW LIFE ENTERPRISES INC. 232.56 SHIPPING OF TEXTBOOKS 220508 1676 7410.6575 PRINTING PSTF ADMINISTRATION 232.56 326772 9/17/2009 108678 NEWMECH COMPANIES INC. 468.00 COMPRESSOR REPAIR 220509 779421 7411.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSTF OCCUPANCY 468.00 326773 9/1712009 104232 NORTHERN SAFETY TECHNOLOGY INC 688.11 LIGHTS, LENSES 00005267 220168 21776 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 78.36 ANGLE BRACKETS 00005166 220243 21947 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 766.47 326774 9/17/2009 100712 NORTHERN WATER WORKS SUPPLY 437.80 WATER LIDS 00005047 220169 S01218073.001 5913.6530 REPAIR PARTS DISTRIBUTION 526.38 LOCATOR REPAIR 00005050 220170 S01218093.001 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 964.18 326775 9/1712009 100933 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY 136.61 CANVAS PANELS 00009037 220172 37759300 5120.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 136.61 326776 9117/2009 123565 NORTHWEST LANDSCAPE INC. 800.00 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005008 220171 503175 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 800.00 326777 9117/2009 103578 OFFICE DEPOT 35.12 PAPER 00006034 220510 1123780940 5410.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 12.36 TAPE 00006034 220511 1125039671 5410.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 47.48 326778 9/17/2009 101439 OLSEN FIRE INSPECTION 195.00 INSPECTION 00006338 220512 2904234 5210.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT GOLF DOME PROGRAM 195.00 326779 9/17/2009 100939 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC. 127.32 COOKIES 220513. 1834393 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 127.32 326780 9/17/2009 118187 PARETO - HOLLROCKISGD GOLF 348.18 GOLF BALL CLEANER 00006334 220514 425613 5424.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES RANGE R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation 33.05 MINI GOLF BALLS 381.23 326781 9/1712009 100347 PAUSTIS & SONS 3.388.70 326782 9/17/2009 100945 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY 443.82 1,108.73 326783 9/17/2009 100950 PETTY CASH 2.01 5.68 6.43 7.00 10.57 10.77 11.99 13.95 15.30 16.03 19.29 20.00 23.63 24.75 28.60 30.00 30.87 36.00 41.31 50.60 61.20 100.75 107.80 674.53 326784 9/17/2009 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 2,630.16 2,832.90 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 9/17/2009 - 9/17/2009 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 00002317 220515 425617 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 220297 8233750 -IN 5862.5513 220298 8233744 -IN 5822.5513 220244 58801058 5430.5510 220245 54914752 5421.5510 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220257 091009 220299 2805379 220300 2805376 1120.6406 1640.6406 1495.6107 1140.6104 1140.6106 1100.6106 1600.6406 1513.6218 1190.6106 5511.6406 1190.6406 1160.6106 2210.6406 1140.6107 1120.6107 1495.6104 1624.6406 5840.6107 1643.6546 1260.6107 5860.6107 2210.6107 1190.6107 5862.5513 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS MEETING EXPENSE MEETING EXPENSE GENERAL SUPPLIES EDUCATION PROGRAMS MEETING EXPENSE GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES MEETING EXPENSE GENERAL SUPPLIES MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS GENERAL SUPPLIES MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE WEED SPRAY MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Page - 19 Business Unit CENTENNIAL LAKES VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING RICHARDS GOLF COURSE GRILL ADMINISTRATION PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL INSPECTIONS PLANNING PLANNING CITY COUNCIL PARK ADMIN. GENERAL EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS ASSESSING ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS ASSESSING FINANCE COMMUNICATIONS PLANNING ADMINISTRATION INSPECTIONS PLAYGROUND & THEATER LIQUOR YORK GENERAL GENERAL TURF CARE ENGINEERING GENERAL VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS ASSESSING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Council Check Register Page - 20 9117/2009 - 9/1712009 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 98.24 220301 2805377 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 49.12 220302 2802827 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 18.21 220303 2805378 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 49.12- 220304 3417415 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 752.77 220445 2805374 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,633.97 220446 2805370 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 90.14 220447 2805371 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 510.57 220448 2805369 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 8,566.96 326785 9117/2009 100953 PHYSIO - CONTROL INC. 3,872.00 LIFEPAK MAINTENANCE 00003644 220403 PH639983 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 513.60 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003564 220404 PH641202 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 4,385.60 326766 911712009 119620 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC. 691.11 TIRES, CASINGS 00005143 220173 42350 1553.6583 TIRES 6 TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 691.11 326787 9/17/2009 100819 POPP.COM 245.00 TECHNICAL REPAIRS 00006337 220516 96771 5410.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT GOLF ADMINISTRATION 245.00 326788 9/17/2009 100971 QUALITY WINE 3,091.66 220305 203468 -00 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 5,036.40 220306 203632 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,146.98 220307 203469 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,505.70 220308 203193 -00 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 979.58 220309 203467 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,719.20 220310 203631 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,130.86 220311 203470 -00 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 835.36 220312 203471 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 560.80 220313 203633 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 408.00 220314 201206 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 108.60 - 220315 198933 -00 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 18,305.94 326789 9/1712009 123898 QWEST 517.51 612 E24 -8657 220174 8657 -9/09 5420.6188 TELEPHONE CLUB HOUSE 290.66 E24 -8656 220175 8656 -9/09 1628.6188 TELEPHONE SENIOR CITIZENS 606.52 612 E12 -6797 220176 6797 -9/09 1550.6188 TELEPHONE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 773.03 612 E01 -0426 220177 0426 -9/09 1550.6188 TELEPHONE CENTRAL SERVICEF 'RAL R55CKREG . LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Council Check Register Pager 21 9117/2009 -9/17/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 516.97 612 E01 -8392 220178 8392 -9/09 1550.6188 TELEPHONE - CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 87.00 952 926 -0419 220179 0419 -9109. 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 18.48 651-281 -1355 8001311 .220180 1311 -9/09 1400.6188 TELEPHONE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 52.13 , 952 926 -0092 220181 0092 -9109 5913.6188 TELEPHONE DISTRIBUTION 76.24 952 835 -1474 220517 1474 -9/09 1552.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SVC PW BUILDING 2,938.54 326790 9/1712009 124656 RAINDANCE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS IN 491.70 REPAIRS - 4611 EDINA BLVD 00005001 220405 09361 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN 491.70 326791 911712009 124663 RAYMAN, REBECCA 25.00 HONORABLE MENTION AWARD 220518 090809 5120.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP. 25.00 326792 911712009 100974 RAYMOND HAEG PLUMBING 659.40 PLUMBING REPAIRS- 00009083 220182 11397 5111.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT 659.40 326793 9/1712009 101111= REED BUSINESS INFORMATION 147.60 AD FOR BID 220183 4234476 1120.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL ADMINISTRATION 147.60 326794 9117/2009 100985.- RUFFRIDGE JOHNSON EQ CO INC - 123.31 WASHDOWN PUMP 00005165 220406 C53746 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 123.31 326795 9/1712009 101963 S & S SPECIALISTS 2,192.50 OAK WILT_ CONTROL PROGRAM 00001932 220184 33813 1642.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIELD MAINTENANCE 2,192.50 326796 911712009 104087',SAFE ASSURE CONSULTANTS INC. 4,750.00 SAFETY•TRAINING FEE 220519 201 1550.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 4,750.00 326797 911712009 121566 SAFETY DEPOT 33.10 SAFETY VESTS 00004171 220125 15184 1260.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ENGINEERING GENERAL 33.10 326798 9/1712009 100988' SAFETY KLEEN 313.29 PARTS WASHER SERVICE 220246 0039682784 5422.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 313.29 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 9/1712009 - 9/17/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 326799 911712009 101822 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 94.81 MEMBER 101= •'•'••9350 220247 SODA 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 94.81 326800 911712009 124636 SAMPSON, GEORGE 634.87 SCREWS 00001855 220185 81077 1325.6531 SIGNS & POSTS 634.87 326801 911712009 101431 SCAN AIR FILTER INC. 145.25 FILTERS 00005090 220248 111046 5420.6530 REPAIR PARTS 145.25 326802 9117/2009 105442 SCHERER BROS. LUMBER CO. 113.84 LUMBER, EDGER 00005138 220126 40779574 1314.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 113.84 326803 9117/2009 100995 SEH 183.21 HYDRANT & GATE VALVE INVENTORY 220127 220645 5913.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 105.00 CITYWORKS SUPPORT 220128 220789 5913.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 288.21 326804 911712009 124650 SIDHWANI, SONAL 275.00 RENTAL REFUND 220407 090809 5601.4555 CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK 275.00 326805 911712009 103689 SNAP -ON TOOLS 34.21 TIMER 00001233 220129 214111208 -17794 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 7 34.21 - 326806 9/1712009 103082 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS INC. 225.94 REPAIRS - 4622 CASCO AVE 00001761 220408 11851 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 225.94 326807 911712009 124667 ST. CLOUD TECHNICAL COLLEGE 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Page - 22 Business Unit GRILL STREET NAME SIGNS CLUB HOUSE STREET RENOVATION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION EB /CL REVENUES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN PHASE 1 ARDEN. BRUCE, CASCO 55.00 FIRE BEHAVIOR TRAINING 220409 00086121 1470.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 55.00 326808 9/1712009 105136 STANDARD WATER CONTROL SYSTEMS 75.25 PERMIT REFUND 220186 620OXERXES 1495.4112 PLUMBING PERMITS INSPECTIONS 75.25 R55CKREG LOG20000 60.78 PUBLISH AD FOR BID CITY OF EDINA 1201750 1120.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL ADMINISTRATION Council Check Register PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 220187 1203365 1120.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL ADMINISTRATION 9/17/2009 — 9/17/2009 96.53 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 326809 9117/2009 117685 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 640.98 LIQUID FERTILIZER 437.00 CARTRIDGES 220130 97307475 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 640.98 437.00 326810 9/1712009 101015 STREICHERS 10.68 MAG POUCH 220410 1661631 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE CHEMICALS RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE 10.68 780.19 326811 9/17/2009 101017 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 9117/2009 120998 SURLY BREWING CO. 368.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS 00001154 220249 560596 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 220449 20310 1,580.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS 00001153 220250 561279 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 220450 107.45 HARNESS, SENSOR KIT 00005280 220411 194431 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 1,583.00 2,075.45 326817 326812 911712009 111616 T.D. ANDERSON INC. 124664 SUMMIT ADJUSTING SERVICE 7,155.30 ADJUSTERS FEE 220520 S20314 5910.8280 SPECIAL ITEMS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES GRILL 7,155.30 38.00 326813 9117/2009 100900 SUN NEWSPAPERS 9/17/2009 101326 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Page- 23 Business Unit CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN GENERAL (BILLING) 60.78 PUBLISH AD FOR BID 220131 1201750 1120.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL ADMINISTRATION 35.75 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 220187 1203365 1120.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL ADMINISTRATION 96.53 326814 911712009 102925 SUPERIOR TECH PRODUCTS 640.98 LIQUID FERTILIZER 220251 1896 -RGR 5422.6540 FERTILIZER MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 640.98 326815 9/1712009 121492 SUPERIOR TURF SERVICES INC. 780.19 WEED CONTROL 00006093 220252 5486 5431.6545 CHEMICALS RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE 780.19 326816 9117/2009 120998 SURLY BREWING CO. 836.00 220449 20310 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 747.00 220450 20311 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 1,583.00 326817 911712009 111616 T.D. ANDERSON INC. 38.00 BEER LINE CLEANING 220253 412708 5421.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES GRILL 38.00 326818 9/17/2009 101326 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO R55CKREG LOG20000 220316 558548 5662.5515 CITY OF EDINA VERNON SELLING 1,962.90 220317 558547 5862.5514 Council Check Register VERNON SELLING 183.15 220521 558191 5421.5514 9117/2009 - 9/1712009 270.00 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 40.80 442.18 CIRCUIT BREAKERS 00001655 220132 93446 -00 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 748.92 LAMPS 00001655 220188 94186 -00 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS CHANGE FUND 1,191.10 124635 TRADEWIND PROPERTIES 326819 9/1712009 123753 TERRA VISTA LANDSCAPE & DESIGN 4615 BROWNDALE 00005002 220193 SPRINKLER 01214.1705.20 605.00 4626 DREXEL 00001756 220189 09 -2-618 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN REPAIR 515.00 4624 DREXEL 00001757 220190 09 -2-617 01213.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 1,195.00 4600 MOORLAND 00001106 220191 09 -2-616 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 104064 TRANS UNION LLC 2,315.00 326820 9/17/2009 BACKGROUND CHECKS 101035 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 08925290 1400.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9116/2009 8:25:11 Page- 24 Business Unit EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN PHASE I ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO PHASE I ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN 116.85 220316 558548 5662.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 1,962.90 220317 558547 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 183.15 220521 558191 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 270.00 220522 73348 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 2,532.90 40.80 WELDING TANKS 220523 486713 326821 911712009 103331 TILSNER, DONNA GENERAL SUPPLIES 112.20 100.00 BARNYARD BOOGIE CASH 220192 090809 4000.1040 CHANGE FUND WORK CAP BALANCE SHEET EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CENTENNIAL LAKES PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN POLICE DEPT. GENERAL TRAINING PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL TRAINING 100.00 326822 9/17/2009 101038 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPLY 71.40 WELDING GAS 00005260 220133 486712 1553.6580 WELDING SUPPLIES 40.80 WELDING TANKS 220523 486713 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 112.20 326823 9/17/2009 124635 TRADEWIND PROPERTIES 446.66 4615 BROWNDALE 00005002 220193 SPRINKLER 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN REPAIR 446.66 326824 9/17/2009 104064 TRANS UNION LLC 12.30 BACKGROUND CHECKS 220412 08925290 1400.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 12.30 326825 9/1712009 124637 TRAVEL LODGE 76.92 LODGING FOR TRAINING 220194 090409 1281.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 76.92 326826 9/17/2009 124637 TRAVEL LODGE 76.92 LODGING FOR TRAINING 00005255 220195 090509 1640.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 153.84 LODGING FOR TRAINING 00005255 220195 090509 5919.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CENTENNIAL LAKES PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN POLICE DEPT. GENERAL TRAINING PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL TRAINING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA - Council Check Register 9/17/2009 - 9/17/2009 Check # Date Amount . Supplier/ Explanation . PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 230.76 326827 9117/2009 118190 TURFWERKS LLC 419.56 REEL MOTOR 220254 0119064 5431.6530 REPAIR PARTS 419.56 326828 9117/2009 123969 .TWIN CITIES OCCUPATIONAL HEALT - 224.40 FITNESS FOR DUTY : 220134 101585660 1470.6175 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS 443.50 PRE - EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL 220134 101585660 1550.6121 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL 543.50 .PRE= EMPLOYMENT EXAM 220524 101587205 1470.6175 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS 80.00: HEP B VACCINE 220525 101580704 1301.6103 PROFESSIONAL. SERVICES 1,410.50 PRE - EMPLOYMENT EXAMS 220525 101580704 1470.6175 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS 2,701.90 326829 9/1712009 102150 TWIN, CITY SEED CO. 304.59 SEED MIXTURE 00006333 220255 21889 5424.6543 SOD & BLACK DIRT 304.59 326830 911712009 123566 TWIN TOWN IRRIGATION INC. 134.68 SPRINKLER REPAIR 00005010 220196 90315 01214.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 395.20 4615 MOORLAND 220197 90235 01214:1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 529.88 326831 911712009 115379: U:S. BANK 16.90 NET ZERO 220198 090209 - 1500.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 78.20 INTERNET 220198 090209 1550.6155 BANK SERVICES CHARGES 122.63 MEETINGS 220199 SEP0209 1120.6106 MEETING EXPENSE 18.98 THERMOMETER 220413 SEP02/2009. 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 58.49 PIZZA 220413 SEP02/2009 1314.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 362.49 TOOL SETS 220413 SEP0212009 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 836.25 DUMP TRUCK SAFETY LOCK 220413 SEP02/2009 1553.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT ,. 1,493.94 326832 9/1712009 101051 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED 334.45 UNIFORMS 220414 083109 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 334.45 326833 9/17/2009 101053 UNITED ELECTRIC COMPANY 258.01 FUSEHOLDERS 00005237 220200 404546 1322.6530 REPAIR PARTS, 258.01 326834 9/17/2009 102692 UNITED HEALTH CARE INS CO 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Page- 25 Business Unit RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL, FIRE DEPT. GENERAL GENERAL MAINTENANCE - FIRE DEPT. GENERAL RANGE,., PHASE,2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN CONTINGENCIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL ADMINISTRATION EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN STREET RENOVATION ' DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN POLICE DEPT. GENERAL STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/1612009 8:25:11 Council Check Register Page - 26 9/17/2009 —911712009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 733.64 AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 220415 MARION RUSTVOLD 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 733.64 326835 9/1712009 101908 US FOODSERVICE INC 190.60 CUST 114300 220526 083109 5421.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES GRILL 675.58 CUST 114300 220526 083109 5421.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GRILL 3,382.52 CUST 114300 220526 083109 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 4,248.70 326836 9/1712009 114236 USA BLUE BOOK 431.90 MARKING POSTS, MANHOLE DECAIGO05239 220201 889078 5923.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COLLECTION SYSTEMS 431.90 326837 9/17/2009 100410 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC. 12.15 PAGER 220135 560960831 1550.6188 TELEPHONE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 12.15 326838 9/1712009 122554 VALLEY NATIONAL GASES LLC 158.71 OXYGEN 00003649 220417 161720 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 69.01 OXYGEN 00003649 220418 824735 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 227.72 326839 9/17/2009 119479 VALLEY VIEW GLASS & SCREEN 1,553.00 MAP GLASS 00003875 220419 082809 45008.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FIRE STATION #1 RENOVATION 1,553.00 326840 9117/2009 103590 VALLEY -RICH CO. INC. 3,739.70 GATE VALVE REPAIR 00005046 220136 14753 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 3,739.70 326841 9117/2009 101058 VAN PAPER CO. 269.28 PLATES, BOWLS, UTENSILS 00005235 220137 133754 -00 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 269.28 326842 9/17/2009 101063 VERSATILE VEHICLES INC. 69.71 PLUGS 00006104 220256 45082 5423.6530 REPAIR PARTS GOLF CARS 69.71 326843 911712009 119454 VINOCOPIA 195.00 220451 0018313 -IN 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 195.00 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 9117/2009 -9/1712009 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 326844 9/1712009 101069 VOSS LIGHTING 158.39 LIGHTING 00005236 220138 15136999 -00 1322.6530 REPAIR PARTS 1513.6218 EDUCATION PROGRAMS 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Page - 27 Business Unit STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 158.39 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 326845 9117/2009 VERNON SELLING 124652 WARD, JOEL COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 140.00 MASSAGE STATION 220416 091009 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 140.00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 326846 9/1712009 YORK SELLING 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 919.55 5822.5513 220318 225502 -00 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 236.20 5862.5513 220319 225496 -00 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 77.00 220452 225504 -00 1,232.75 326847 911712009 101312 WINE MERCHANTS 487.84 220320 287840 526.72 220453 287837 1,014.56 326848 911712009 102492 WIRTGEN AMERICA 519.39 WASHERS, HOLDERS 00005158 220203 286361 519.39 326849 9117/2009 124291 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 214.71 220321 285269 239.59 220322 283761 3,216.65 220323 284361 2,391.55 220324 284358 1,46610 220325 284366 6,006.09 220326 280978 5,516.98 220327 284368 2,142.45 220328 284370 1,086.28 220329 284367 592.24 220330 284365 41.05 220331 284363 479.40 220332 284362 105.45 220333 280659 285.75- 220334 783057 2,867.85 220454 284359 26,080.64 326850 9/17/2009 124529 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 1513.6218 EDUCATION PROGRAMS 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Page - 27 Business Unit STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 9117/2009 - 9/17/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 3,530.90 220335 511957 5842.5514 1,449.50 220336 511341 5862.5514 2,858.10 220337 510675 5862.5514 930.43 220455 513253 5842.5514 1,189.40 220456 512999 5822.5514 601.00 220527 512386 5421.5514 10,559.33 326851 9/17/2009 101082 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY 58.44 MINI GOLF BALLS 00002315 220528 228854 5630.6406 58.44 326852 9/17/2009 101086 WORLD CLASS WINES INC 1,517.15 220338 234732 5862.5513 1,517.15 326853 9117/2009 101726 XCEL ENERGY 31.79 51- 7567037 -0 220204 208880553 1321.6185 28.62 51- 4151897 -6 220205 208824933 1646.6185 1,201.07 51- 6979948 -4 220206 208873603 5821.6185 1,633.99 51- 6979948-4 220206 208873603 5861.6185 1,903.81 51- 6979948-4 220206 208873603 5841.6185 725.11 51- 6137136 -8 220207 208860688 5430.6185 2,430.12 51- 6621207 -1 220208 208867110 5913.6185 3,238.11 51- 9013604 -6 220209 208908302 5913.6185 8,083.48 51- 6824328 -7 220210 209558842 5420.6185 33,567.24 51- 5605640 -1 220457 209903240 5911.6185 3,312.70 51- 6121102 -5 220458 209730260 5911.6185 5,866.56 51- 6121102 -5 220458 209730260 1646.6185 62,022.62 326864 911712009 100568 XEROX CORPORATION 480.00 ANNUAL FAX MAINTENANCE 220139 042036840 1550.6230 480.00 926855 9117/2009 124665 FARM OF MINNESOTA, THE 80.00 VEGETABLES / WELLNESS KICK OFF 220595 091509 1513.6218 80.00 326856 9/17/2009 102600 MATRIX COMMUNICATIONS INC 7,123.65 NEW PHONE SYSTEM 220596 64039 - 64045 44006.6710 17,360.46 NEW PHONE SYSTEM 220596 64039 - 64045 1554.6710 Subledger Account Description COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GENERAL SUPPLIES 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Page - 28 Business Unit YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLING GRILL CENTENNIAL LAKES COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR BUILDING MAINTENANCE 50TH ST OCCUPANCY VERNON OCCUPANCY YORK OCCUPANCY RICHARDS GOLF COURSE DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION CLUB HOUSE WELL PUMPS WELL PUMPS BUILDING MAINTENANCE SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS NEW PHONE SYSTEM CENT SERV GEN - M' CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 9/17/2009 —9/17/2009 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 878.464.85 Total Payments 878,464.85 9/16/2009 8:25:11 Page - 29 Business Unit R55CKSUM LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9116/2009 8:26:15 Council Check Summary 9117/2009 - 9/1712009 Company Amount 01000 GENERAL FUND 534,341.12 02200 COMMUNICATIONS FUND 653.13 04000 WORKING CAPITAL FUND 26,531.98 05100 ART CENTER FUND 2,204.14 05200 GOLF DOME FUND 410.25 05300 AQUATIC CENTER FUND 7,101.39 05400 GOLF COURSE FUND 43,047.09 05500 ICE ARENA FUND 4,866.14 05600 EDINBOROUGH /CENT LAKES FUND 1,204.50 05800 LIQUOR FUND 137,323.35 05900 UTILITY FUND 76,958.92 05930 STORM SEWER FUND 5,710.53 05950 RECYCLING FUND 37,077.90 07400 PSTF AGENCY FUND 1,034.41 Report Totals 878,464.85 We confirm to the best of our knowledge and belief, that these claims comply in all material respects with the requirements of the City of Edina purchasing polities Ind procedure�,Ote Page- 9/23/2009 7:48:17 .Page- 1 Business Unit STREET NAME SIGNS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN STREET RENOVATION STREET RENOVATION STREET RENOVATION FIRE DEPT. GENERAL CENT SERV GEN - MIS CENT SERV GEN - MIS 83.60 220597 0722818 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 58.65 R55CKREG LOG20000 220598 0803803 5862.5515 CITY OF EDINA VERNON SELLING 84.20 220599 0803867. 5862.5515 Council Check Register VERNON SELLING 48.00 220600 0803882 5842.5515 9/24/2009 -9/24/2009 49.60 " Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 326857 9/2412009 5842.5515 100608 3M CO YORK SELLING 26.00 220724 0722857 5862.5515 871.42 SIGN LETTERING 00005132 220534 TP74538 1325.6531 SIGNS & POSTS 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 871.42 22.80 220919 0722856 5822.5515 326858 912412009 - 100613 AAA 326863 912412009 1,500.04 PLATES FOR 47.220 220847 091809 1553.6260 LICENSES & PERMITS 1,116.84 RAMP STAIRWELL CLEANING -- 00005434 220668 1,500:04 _ 1375.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARKING RAMP 1,116.84 326859 ' 9/24/2009 102403 AAA LAMBERTS LANDSCAPE PRODUCT 326864 912412009 123309 ACTION FLEET INC. 53.58 BLACK DIRT 00001417 220665 - 32739 1314.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 6890 1400.6215 53.57 BLACK DIRT 00001417 220666 32550 1314.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 75.01 BLACK DIRT 00001417 220667 ?9103/09 1314.6406. GENERAL SUPPLIES 182.16 326860 9/2412009 116908 ACCENT 85.79 AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 220991 GEORGE LEE 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES 65,79 ,. 326861 9124/2009 119577 ACCESS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 78.02 FIBER PLAN REVIEW 220535 13809 1554.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 450.60 TECHINICAL CONSULTING 220536 13651 1554.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 528.62 326862 912412009 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 9/23/2009 7:48:17 .Page- 1 Business Unit STREET NAME SIGNS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN STREET RENOVATION STREET RENOVATION STREET RENOVATION FIRE DEPT. GENERAL CENT SERV GEN - MIS CENT SERV GEN - MIS 83.60 220597 0722818 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 58.65 220598 0803803 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 84.20 220599 0803867. 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 48.00 220600 0803882 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 49.60 220601 0803866 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING - 23.40 220723 0722855.- 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS'SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 26.00 220724 0722857 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 66.80 220725- 0803878 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 22.80 220919 0722856 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 463:05 326863 912412009 100616 ACME WINDOW CLEANING INC 1,116.84 RAMP STAIRWELL CLEANING -- 00005434 220668 72047 1375.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARKING RAMP 1,116.84 326864 912412009 123309 ACTION FLEET INC. 250.69 VEHICLE REPAIRS 220848 6890 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE. POLICE DEPT.; GENERAL 250.69 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 9/2412009 - 9/24/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 326865 912412009 105162 ADT SECURITY SERVICES 855.71 ALARM MONITORING 220781 00034439 5420.6250 ALARM SERVICE 40.66- CREDIT 220782 96054508 5420.6250 ALARM SERVICE 32.92 ALARM SERVICE 220849 00034754 5111.6250 ALARM SERVICE 847.97 326866 912412009 100575 ALL SAFE INC. 56.59 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 220783 95488 5310.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 415.26 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 220850 95512 7411.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 471.85 326867 9124/2009 120168 ALLIANCE ELECTRIC INC. 2,250.26 LIGHT POLE INSTALLATION 220851 6358 5620.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,250.26 326868 912412009 124682 ALLIANCE FOR SUSTAINABILITY 1,500.00 PREPARATION WORK- EEC 221005 091809 1122.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,500.00 326869 912412009 103357 ALPHA VIDEO & AUDIO INC. 98.10 REPAIR SERVICE FEE 220669 SVCINV10588 2210.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 98.10 326870 912412009 100665 AMSAN 52.43 TOWELS 00005199 220537 208689216 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 542.11 WET /DRY VAC 00001913 220538 208594499 1646.6556 TOOLS 79.14 MOPS, FLOOR FINISH 00009079 220852 208409243 5111.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES 673.68 326871 9/24/2009 124676 AMUNDSON, ASHTON 50.00 TEXTBOOK RETURN REFUND 220982 091709 7410.6218 EDUCATION PROGRAMS 50.00 326872 9/2412009 100630 ANCHOR PAPER CO. INC. 389.01 COPIER PAPER 220539 10215479 -00 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 389.01 326873 912412009 119976 AP LAWN 493.47 SPRAY FOR WEEDS 00002319 220853 CTYED -0809 5650.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 493.47 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Page- 2 Business Unit CLUB HOUSE CLUB HOUSE ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT POOL ADMINISTRATION PSTF OCCUPANCY EDINBOROUGH PARK ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMM COMMUNICATIONS BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINTENANCE ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT PSTF ADMINISTRATION CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL PROMENADE LI - R55CKREG- LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 9/2412009 -9/24/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation •. PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 326874 9/2412009 102172 APPERrS FOODSERVICE 799.31 FOOD 220784 1217902 5421.5510 799.31 326875 9124/2009 103880 'ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SRVCS 227.76 COFFEE 220670 413790 1550.6406 227.76 326876'= 912412009 120995 AVR INC. ' 1,607.93 READY MIX 00005448 220540 25305 5932.6520 977.37 READY MIX 00005448 220541 25465 5932.6520 2,585.30 326877 9124/2009 102503 BAGS & BOWS 219.25 GIFTBOXES, TISSUE 00009080 220854 05952390 5120.6406 219.25 326878 812412009 100643 BARR ENGINEERING CO. 647.50 LIFT STATION #9 CHANGES 220671 23271071.00 -1 5923.6136 647.50 .. 326879 9124/2009 120228 BARTZ, GENE 71.85 PICNIC SUPPLIES 220672 091409 1628.6406.03 71.85 326880 9/24/2009 102195 BATTERIES PLUS 60.02 BATTERIES 00003178 220855 18- 250890 1400.6406 60.02 326881 9/2412009 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 18.95 220602 50339000 5862:5515 1,522.23 220603 50252900 5842.5513 449.30 220604 50286800 5842.5513 1,073.31 220605 50352000 5842.5512 1,615.98 220606 50339200 5842.5513 445.65 220607 50352100 5862.5512 52.78 220608 82719300 5842.5515 ' - 322.02 220609 5862000 5862.5515 28.12 220610 82719200 5862.6512 97.96 220611 82719100 5862.5515 114.21 220612 82689600 5862.5515 50.55 220726 50338900 5862.5513 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Page- 3 Subledger Account Description Business Unit COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL CONCRETE GENERAL STORM SEWER CONCRETE GENERAL STORM SEWER GENERAL SUPPLIES ART SUPPLY. -GIFT GALLERY SHOP PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER COLLECTION SYSTEMS SOFTBALL SUPPLIES. SENIOR CITIZENS GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX - PAPER SUPPLIES COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE_ VERNON SELLING i YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 9/24/2009 -9/24/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 1600.6406 1140.6406 1550.6406 1400.6513 5110.6513 2127.6103 01363.1705.30 Subledger Account Description GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Page- 4 Business Unit PARK ADMIN. GENERAL PLANNING CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION COMM DEV BLK GRANT CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS BA -363 BLAKE RD M &O 5400.1715 5,791.06 GOLF BALANCE SHEET 5600.1715 LAND IMPROVEMENTS 326882 9/2412009 1647.6103 100648 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCTS PATHS & HARD SURFACE 47068.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 9.61 OFFICE SUPPLIES 220542 WO- 577415 -1 1470.6406 22.92 CORRECTION TAPE 220543 OE- 204855 -1 FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 31.42 BUSINESS CARD HOLDER 220673 WO- 578247 -1 99.54 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00003173 220674 WO- 578100 -1 69.51 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00009088 220856 OE- 203646 -1 233.00 326883 9124/2009 117013 BILL'S HOME REPAIR & REMODELIN 9,600.00 FINAL PMT - HILLSIDE LANE 220857 091809 9,600.00 326884 9/2412009 100653 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS 269,127.87 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 220997 092509 269,127.87 326885 912412009 100653 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS 285.00 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 221006 092209 403.75 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 221006 092209 2,512.94 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 221006 092209 5,957.12 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 221006 092209 9,158.81 326886 9124/2009 122688 BMK SOLUTIONS 123.95 CALENDARS, PENS 00005325 220675 53510 296.80 CLIPBOARDS, COPY PAPER 00003594 220858 53500 25.02 LETTERING TAPE 00003594 220859 53500.1 445.77 326887 9/2412009 119631 BONNER & BORHART LLP 14,512.50 PROSECUTING 220651 42174 14,512.50 326888 912412009 124677 BORCHERT, SUE 9.00 ARCHERY SUPER SUNDAY REFUND 220983 091509 9.00 326889 9/24/2009 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 44.10 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003584 220860 87089457 1,012.52 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003584 220861 87089014 1600.6406 1140.6406 1550.6406 1400.6513 5110.6513 2127.6103 01363.1705.30 Subledger Account Description GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Page- 4 Business Unit PARK ADMIN. GENERAL PLANNING CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION COMM DEV BLK GRANT CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS BA -363 BLAKE RD M &O 5400.1715 LAND IMPROVEMENTS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 5600.1715 LAND IMPROVEMENTS EB /CL BALANCE SHEET 1647.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 47068.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT BREDESON PARK PATHWAY 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1195.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES 1600.4390.15 GEN ADAPTIVE REC PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERA R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Council Check Register Page - 5 9/24/2009 —9/24/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 76.77 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003576 220862 _ 80306899 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 661.79 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003591 220863 87090748 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1;795.18 326890 9/24/2009 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 259.00 220727 96274 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 259.00 326891 9/24/2009 103239 BRIN NORTHWESTERN GLASS CO. - 380.77 FRONT DOOR`.REPAIR 220785 511570S 5821.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 380.77 326892 9124/2009 102663 C.S. MCCROSSAN CONSTRUCTION IN 1,082.77 ASPHALT 00005447 220544 7485MB 1314.6518 BLACKTOP STREET RENOVATION 6,097.18 ASPHALT 00005447 220545. 7496MB 1314.6518 BLACKTOP STREET RENOVATION 2,830.63 ASPHALT 00005447 220546 7501MB 1314.6518 BLACKTOP . STREET.. RENOVATION 2,619.22 ASPHALT 00005447 220547 7508MB 1314.6518 BLACKTOP STREET RENOVATION 12,629.80 326893 9124/2009 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 2,890.45 220613 16747 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING ' 36.15 220614 16748 5642.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 1,241.10 220728 16742 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 67.25 220729 16741 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST. SELLING 4,234.95 326894 912412009 112811 CASTREJON INC. 40,000.00 FIBER OPTIC INSTALLATION 220548 10909 46001.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FIBER OPTIC;CABLING 40,000.00 326895 9/2412009 116683 CAT & FIDDLE BEVERAGE 230.00 220615 83419 .5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 230.00 326896 9/24/2009 102372 CDW GOVERNMENT INC. 516.17 FUSER, TRANSFER KIT 00004345 220786 QFM7256 1260.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT ENGINEERING GENERAL 516.17 326897 912412009 105038 CENTRAL MN TREE SERVICE LLC 1,928.12 ELM TREE REMOVAL - 00005200 220549 090809 4088.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TREE REMOVAL 1,928.12 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Council Check Register Page - 6 9/24/2009 - 9/24/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 326898' 9/24/2009 119725 - CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTING CO 232.50 220616 400484 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 232.50 326899 9124/2009 122317 CITY OF EDINA - COMMUNICATIONS 106.90 EEC - DVDS 220992 COM680 1122.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMM 106.90 326900 912412009 122084 CITY OF EDINA - UTILITIES - 42.72 00110793- 0173001000 220787 0173001000 -9/09 5420.6189 - SEWER & WATER CLUBHOUSE 87.17 00110793 - 0155250018 220788 0155250018 -9/09 .. 5420.6189 SEWER.& WATER CLUB HOUSE 42.72 00110793- 0173001001 220789 0173001001 -9/09 :5210.6189 SEWER' &WATER GOLF DOME PROGRAM 42.72 00110793 - 0155250009 220790 , X0155250009 -9/09 :5420.6189 : SEWER&,WATER CLUB HOUSE 1,676.79 00110793- 0155200000- 220791 0155200000 -9/09 - 5,420.6189 SEWER B WATER CLUB HOUSE . 68.02 00102561= 01;12920000; ": 220792 0112920000 -9/9 5841.6189 SEWER & WATER YORK OCCUPANCY 2,859.55 00077479 - 0113317143 220864 0113317143 -9/09 5620.6189 SEWER & WATER EDINBOROUGH PARK 264.72 00113667- 0120835016 220865 '0120835016-9/09 5111.6189 SEWER &WATER FART CENTER BLDG /MAINT 1;661.91 _00103650- 0155251008 '220866 0155251008 -9/09 7411.6189 SEWER & WATER PSTF OCCUPANCY-` 2,301.50 00103650- 0155251026 220867_, 0155251026 -9/09 7411.6189 SEWER & WATER PSTF OCCUPANCY 3,235.07 00103650- 0155252016 220868 0155252016 -9/09 7411.6189 SEWER & WATER PSTF OCCUPANCY, 12,282.89 326901 9124/2009 100688 CITYWIDE WINDOW SERVICES INC 14.71, WINDOW CLEANING 220869 448964 5861.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS VERNON OCCUPANCY 16.49 WINDOW CLEANING 226869 448964 5821.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 25.99 WINDOW CLEANING 220869 448964 5841.6180 - CONTRACTED REPAIRS YORK OCCUPANCY 57.19 326902 9/2412009 100689 CLAREYS SAFETY EQUIP. 106.40 -LIGHT SOCKETS, MUD FLAPS 00001982 226550 128631 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT-OPERATION GEN 4,379.68 SCBA PARTS 00003596 220988 128346 1470.6530 REPAIR PARTS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 4,486.08 326903 9124/2009 100692 COCA -COLA BOTTLING CO. 801.60 - 220617 0198159916 5862.5515 COSTOF'GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 183.20 220730 0108235524 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 984.80 326904 .-9124/2009 124668 COLOWELL BANKER BURNET 200.00 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 220676 .091509 - 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 200.00 R55CKREG LOG20000 . CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 9/24/2009 - 9/24/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 326905 9/24/2009 120433 COMCAST 22.68 8772 10614 0220686 220870 090209 5620.6230 5862.6122 5822.6122 5842.6122 9/2312009 .7:48:17 Page- 7 Subledger Account Description 22.68 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT EDINBOROUGH PARK 326906 9/24/2009 VERNON SELLING 120826 COMCAST SPOTLIGHT 50TH ST SELLING ADVERTISING OTHER 931.66 CABLE TV ADVERSTISING 220793 MONTH08 /09 1552.6406 931.67 CABLE TV ADVERSTISING 220793 MONTH08 109 931.67 CABLE TV ADVERSTISING 220793 MONTH08 /09 2,795.00 326907 9/24/2009 104928 CONCRETE CUTTING & CORING INC. 654.45 FILTERS, PLUGS, BARS 00003583 220871 73329 1,045.44 CHAINS 00003583 220872 73355 1,699.89 326908 9/2412009 101323 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS 85.36 GLOVES, SAFETY GLASSES 00005264 220551 03529227 85.35 GLOVES, SAFETY GLASSES 00005264 220551. 03529227 85.37 GLOVES, SAFETY GLASSES 00005264 220551 03529227 33.00' SAFETY GLASSES, RESPIRATORS 00005315 220794 03531918 68.58 SAFETY GLASSES, RESPIRATORS 00005315 220794 03531918 357.65 326909 9/2412009 114323 CORONA INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES 383.00 ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER 220873 8871 383.00 326910 9/2412009 101616 CRUCIAL TECHNOLOGY 47.01 MEMORY FOR LAPTOP 00004347 220874 244755246 47.01 326911 9124/2009 100701 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. 208.41 HITCH FRAME 00005273 220552 147731 208.41 326912 9/24/2009 104020 DALCO 210.40 GRILL CLEANER, BLEACH 00006344 220795 2132362 104.10 SKIN CLEANSER 00009075 220875 2130037 94.04 LOTION 00009075 220876 2130046 408.54 " 326913 912412009 124422 DANIMAL DISTRIBUTING INC. 5862.6122 5822.6122 5842.6122 9/2312009 .7:48:17 Page- 7 Subledger Account Description Business Unit SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT EDINBOROUGH PARK ADVERTISING OTHER VERNON SELLING ADVERTISING OTHER 50TH ST SELLING ADVERTISING OTHER YORK SELLING 1470.6530 REPAIR PARTS" FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1470.6530 REPAIR PARTS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1646.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1301.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT GENERAL MAINTENANCE 5923.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT, COLLECTION SYSTEMS 1646.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT., ,. BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES" = CENT SVC PW BUILDING 7413.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF FIRE TOWER 1260.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT ENGINEERINGGGENERAL 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS. EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 5421.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES GRILL 5111.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT 5111.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Council Check Register Page - 8 9/24/2009 - 9/2412009 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 360.00 220920 911279 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 360.00 326914 912412009 102478 DAY DISTRIBUTING CO. 4,781.39 220618 520725 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 77.60 220619 520726 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 199.50 220731 520979 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 2,529.95 220732 520723 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 22.40 220733 520724 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 3,238.40 220921 520722 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 10,849.24 326916 9124/2009 100720 DENNYS 5TH AVE. BAKERY 30.11 BAKERY 220796 311072 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 75.01 BAKERY 220797 311278 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 80.34 BAKERY 220798 311279 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 35.13 BAKERY 220799 311434 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 83.54 BAKERY 220800 311533 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 304.13 326916 9/24/2009 119222 DESIGNWRITE STUDIOS 25.93 PARK & REC INSIDER DESIGN 220801 5439 5210.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GOLF DOME PROGRAM 25.93 PARK & REC INSIDER DESIGN 220801 5439 5410.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 25.93 PARK & REC INSIDER DESIGN 220801 5439 5621.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 25.93 PARK & REC INSIDER DESIGN 220801 5439 1629.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ADAPTIVE RECREATION 51.87 PARK & REC INSIDER DESIGN 220801 5439 7410.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSTF ADMINISTRATION 51.87 PARK & REC INSIDER DESIGN 220801 5439 5510.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENA ADMINISTRATION 51.87 PARK & REC INSIDER DESIGN 220801 5439 1628.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 155.67 PARK & REC INSIDER DESIGN 220801 5439 1600.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 625.00 PARK & REC INSIDER DESIGN 220801 5439 2210.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 1,040.00 326917 9124/2009 102831 DEX EAST 340.00 110311867 220877 AUG2709 5621.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 139.00 650487671 220993 091109 5511.6188 TELEPHONE ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 479.00 326918 9124/2009 102155 DMJ CORPORATION 24,925.30 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 2 220998 092509 07048A.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS SO48A SIDEWALK 10oW FRONTAGE R 24,925.30 326919 91: 119687 DRAGOTIS, CHERYL CITY OF EDINA 9/23/2009 7:48:17 - R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 9 9/24/2009 -9/24/2009 • Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 100.00 GOLF BANQUET DEPOSIT 220677 091609 1628.6103.02 GOLF PROF SERVICES, SENIOR CITIZENS • 100.00 326920 9/2412009 123189 EDINA LIQUOR 356.40 WINE 00006338 220802 108 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 356.40 326921 9/24/2009 102955 EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS 183.88 BUS TO TWINS GAME 8/13109 220994 09 -074 1600.4390 REGISTRATION FEES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 183.88 326922 9/2412009 102340 EDMUNDS, LIZ 53.95 220620 940 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 53.95 326923 9/24/2009 100049 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 3,500.00 ARBITRAGE REPORT 220803 60060 3301.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PIR DS REVENUES 3,500.00 326924 9/24/2009 101956 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINTENANC 908.79 T -90 REPAIRS 220878 44407 1470.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE DEPT..GENERAL 908.79 326925 912412009 100851 ENCOMM MIDWEST INC. 16,738.11 FINAL PAYMENT 220999 092509 05483.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS WM- 48 3.WELLHOUSE 5233 HALIFAX 16,738.13 326926 9124/2009 124259 ENERGIZE ELECTRIC SERVICE LLC 968.06 ELECTRICAL WORK 00005195 220553 1056 1646.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 100.00 TRUCK PARTS 00005201 220554 1056 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,068.06 326927 912412009 100752 ESS BROTHERS & SONS INC. 1,044.17 STORM SEWER CASTINGS 00005453 220678 MM4014 5932.6536 CASTINGS GENERAL STORM SEWER 1,044.17 326928 9/24/2009 100146. FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 280.60- CREDIT 220555 6- 1165207 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 179.18 RADIATOR, SENSOR 00001999 220556 6- 1166606 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 36.50 MOTOR 00005274 220557 6- 1167554 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 17.78 BULBS 00005275 220558 6-1167682 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 760.81 ROTORS, CALIPERS 00005316 220559 6- 1168332 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA' -. 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Council Check Register Page - 10 9/24/2009 - 9/24/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 227.09 BRAKE PADS, OIL SEALS 00005316 220560 6- 1168704 _ .1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT-OPERATION GEN 77.25 PITMAN ARM 00005167 220561 6- 1169082 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,018.01 326929 9124/2009 122649.- FARNER - BOCKEN COMPANY 445.33 FOOD 220804 , 6643912 5430.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 445.33 326930 912412009 102003 FASTSIGNS BLOOMINGTON 320.09 SIGNS 00002320 220879 190 -36884 5630.6406 GENERAL.SUPPLIES. CENTENNIAL LAKES 320.09 326931 9/24/2009 100756 FEDERAL EXPRESS 8.89 SHIPPING CHARGES 220880 9- 329 -54128 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE'DEPT. GENERAL 8.89 326932 912412009 103985 FLOR, JON 100.00 AD LAYOUT 220679 2168 2210.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 1,100.00 AD LAYOUT 220680 2167 2210.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 1,200.00 326933 912412009 103185 GERTENS 301.39 PLANTINGS 00001933 220562 183786 1644.6541 PLANTINGS & TREES TREES & MAINTENANCE 301.39 326934 9124/2009 124681 GIPS, TERRY 4,500.00 FRAMEWORK - EEC 221007 SEPT1809 1122.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMM 4,500.00 326935 9/2412009 119936 GLOBAL OAK 12.50 UNCORKED 220563 010631 5840.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 12.50 UNCORKED 220563 010631 5860.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL ' 12.50 UNCORKED 220563 010631 5820.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH STREET GENERAL 18.75 DUCK CHASE E- COMMERCE 220563 010631 5630.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENTENNIAL LAKES 300.00 AQUATIC CENTER E- COMMERCE 220563 010631 5310.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POOL ADMINISTRATION 468.75 PARK & REC E- COMMERCE 220563 010631 1627.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 525.00 WATER START /STOP FORMS 220563 ' 010631 5913.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DISTRIBUTION 1,781.25 ART CENTER E- COMMERCE 220563 010631 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 1,968.75 WEBSITE MAINTENANCE 220563 010631 2210.6123 MAGAZINE/NEWSLETTER EXPENSE COMMUNICATIONS 5.100.00 326936 915:, . 101156 GOPHER SIGN CO. R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/23/2009 7:48:17 - Council Check Register Page - 11 9/24/2009 —9/2412009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit ' 1,087.57 MANHOLE PROTECTION RINGS 00005129 220564 79869 1314.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET RENOVATION 1,087.57 326937 9124/2009 101103 GRAINGER 46.72 GAUGES 00005257 220565 9071554936 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 161.01 EARPLUGS, LAMPS 220881 9071530944 7412.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF RANGE 207.73 ' 326938 9/24/2009 102217 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 1,457.00 220621 112361 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 902.75 220922 112501 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,359.75 326939 9/2412009 101350 GREEN ACRES SPRINKLER CO. 148.83 IRRIGATION SERVICE 00005153 220681 093209 4091.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GRANDVIEW MAINTENANCE 148.83 326940 9/2412009 100787 GRUBER'S POWER EQUIPMENT 102.65 GLASSES 00001808 220566 72398 1641.6530 REPAIR PARTS MOWING 102.65 326941 9124/2009 101964 GUSTAVE A. LARSON CO. 673.01 MOTOR 00005133 220567 HD00068670 5840.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 1,455.64 HEAT EXCHANGER 220805 BLM0123765 5841.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE YORK OCCUPANCY 2,128.65 326942 9/2412009 .123248 HARMONIC RELIEF 150.00 PERFORMANCE 9/29/09 220980 091709 5621.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC.- OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 150.00 326943 9124/2009 120227 HARTSHORN, BOB 257.63 PICNIC SUPPLIES 220682 091409 1628.6406.03 SOFTBALL SUPPLIES' . SENIOR CITIZENS -525.00 SOFTBALL BATS 220682 091409 1628.6406.03 SOFTBALL SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS 782.63 326944 9/2412009 100797 HAWKINS INC. 2,501.25 TONKAZORB 00005451 220683 3055118 5915.6586 WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT 4,154.15 CHEMICALS 00005451 220806 3056374 5915.6586 WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES- WATER TREATMENT - 6,655.40 326945 9/2412009 122093 HEALTH PARTNERS 180,928.25 PREMIUM 220916 32988678 1550.6040 HOSPITALIZATION "CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Council Check Register Page - 12 9/24/2009 — 9/24/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 18,004.84 PREMIUM 220917 32987237 1550.6043 COBRA INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 198,933.09 326946 9/2412009 101576 HEGGIES PIZZA 31.00 PIZZA 220807 1701440 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 31.00 326947 9/24/2009 101209 HEIMARK FOODS 205.44 MEAT PATTIES 220808 022013 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 205.44 326948 912412009 105436 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATION 560.00 RADIO ADMIN FEE 00005333 220809 29088495 1553.6237 RADIO SERVICE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,560.02 RADIO ADMIN FEE 220882 29088432 1470.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 2,120.02 326949 9124/2009 101215 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFI 1,701.60 AUG 2009 BOOKING FEES 220684 2642 1195.6170 COURT CHARGES LEGAL SERVICES 1,701.60 326950 912412009 100801 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 1,012.69 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 220810 090109 1000.1303 DUE FROM HRA GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 10,884.93 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 220810 090109 1503.6915 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 12,705.98 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 220810 090109 4001.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WORK CAP REVENUES 24,603.60 326951 9124/2009 124680 HERSTEIN, DONALD 25.00 AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 220990 091709 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 25.00 326952 9124/2009 124666 HICKEN, SHAUN 87.01 EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT MATERIALS 220685 091509 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 87.01 326953 9/24/2009 103753 HILLYARD INC -MINNEAPOLIS 409.38 MOPS, SOAP, CLEANING PADS 00002117 220883 6019457 5620.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 58.08- CREDIT 00002288 220884 8125469 5620.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 351.30 326954 9/24/2009 104376 HOHENSTEINS INC. 1,242.25 220923 498429 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 655.90 220924 498401 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING R55CKREG < LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/23/2009 7:48:17 € =: Council Check Register Page - 13 9/24/2009 -9124/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier I Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 375.25 220925 498402 5822.5514 COST OF'.GOODS _SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 2,273.40 - 326955 912412009 100417 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL SUPPLY 402.54 CAL HYPO 00002111 220885 9083123 5620.6545 CHEMICALS EDINBOROUGH PARK 402.54 326956 9124/2009 119094 HUMANA DENTAL 454.55 PREMIUM 220918 931739989 1550.6043 COBRA INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 10,611.96 PREMIUM 220918 931739989 1550.6040 HOSPITALIZATION CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 11,066.51 326957 912412009 121161 IDEARC MEDIA CORP 38.16 PHONE LISTING 220811 390015272334 5861.6188 TELEPHONE VERNON OCCUPANCY 38:17: PHONE LISTING 220811 390015272334 5821.6188 TELEPHONE 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 38.17 PHONE LISTING 220811 390015272334 5841.6188 TELEPHONE YORK OCCUPANCY 114.50 326958 9/24/2009 100828 JERRY'S FOODS 10.94 220568 090209 1401.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EMERGENCY' RESPONSE TEAM 40.56 220568 090209 1629.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ADAPTIVE RECREATION 62.88 220568 090209 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 236.28 220568 090209 1628.6406.03 SOFTBALL SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS 350.66 326959- 9/2412009 100829 JERRY'S HARDWARE .79 220886 083109 5420.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE 3.40 220866 063109 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 4.69 220886 083109 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL . 5.96 220886 -. 083109 5422.6406s GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 8.97 220886 083109 1495.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES. INSPECTIONS 11.00 220886- 083109 5860.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL >` 15.34 220886 083109 1322.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 22.76 220886 083109 5311.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION .24.15 220886 083109 1260.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ENGINEERING GENERAL - -- 27.93 220886 083109 5840.6406 GENERAL' SUPPLIES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL = r' 46.94 220886 0831091 1628.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS I: -- 49.08 220886 083109 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 56.81 220886 083109 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW,BUILDING 61.13 220886 083109 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES - CENTENNIAL LAKES- 61.82 61.82 220886 083109 1553.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 144.42 220886, 083109 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date 326960 912412009 Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # 161.64 196.30 210.83 303.26 458.25 1,224.80 2,958.37 6,058.64 102136 JERRY'S TRANSMISSION SERVICE 24.22 HEATER SWITCH 00001651 220812 0013683 1553.6530 24.22 Subledger Account Description GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS 9123/2009 7:48:17 Page - 14 Business Unit WATER TREATMENT EDINBOROUGH PARK FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 50TH &FRANCE MAINTENANCE DISTRIBUTION BUILDING MAINTENANCE GRANDVIEW MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 326961 9/24/2009 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 9/24/2009 -9/24/2009 Doc No Inv No Account No 220886 083109 5915.6406 220886 083109 5620.6406 220886 083109 1470.6406 220886 083109 4090.6406 220886 083109 5913.6406 220886 083109 1646.6406 220886 083109 4091.6406 102136 JERRY'S TRANSMISSION SERVICE 24.22 HEATER SWITCH 00001651 220812 0013683 1553.6530 24.22 Subledger Account Description GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS 9123/2009 7:48:17 Page - 14 Business Unit WATER TREATMENT EDINBOROUGH PARK FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 50TH &FRANCE MAINTENANCE DISTRIBUTION BUILDING MAINTENANCE GRANDVIEW MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 326961 9/24/2009 100741 JJ TAYLOR DIST. OF MINN 2,482.48 220734 1314465 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 77.60 220735 1314474 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 268.00 220813 1314189 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 235.00 220814 1318205 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 96,00- 220815 1204112 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 634.20 220926 1300339 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 9,477.40 220927 1314473 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 3,466.95 220928 1314464 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 16,545.63 326962 912412009 124104 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES I LESCO 135.68 HERBICIDE 00005234 220569 52449820 1643.6546 WEED SPRAY GENERAL TURF CARE 135.68 326963 9/24/2009 103215 JOHN E. REID & ASSOCIATES INC. 3,000.00 STREET CRIMES SEMINAR 220887 108206 7410.6218 EDUCATION PROGRAMS PSTF ADMINISTRATION 3,000.00 326965 9/2412009 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 87.80 220622 1692684 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 72.00 220623 1696497 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 907.64 220624 1695890 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 1,659.74 220625 1695898 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,331.37 220626 1695900 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,651.13 220627 1695897 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 486.93 220628 1695892 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 6.72- 220629 431575 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 286.31- 220630 431576 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 Check #' Date Amount Supplier / Explanation 1,159.75 Council Check 602.00 091609 5,336.28 GENERAL SUPPLIES 59.02 CREDIT TAKEN TWICE 1,846.12 220736 2,408.38 5862.5513 1,669.20 1700079 107.12 220738 35.37 5862.5513 2.24 417359ERR 277.70 220929 2,573.78 5842.5513 1,285.63 1700073 5,659.62 220931 2.24 5842.5512 1,315.64 1700071 214.74 220933 1,174.62 5842.5515 279.91 1700067 616.33 220935 155.29 5842.5514 623.01 1700070 609.25 220937 139.97 5842.5513 35,056.99 1695899 326966 912412009. 114049 JOHNSON, DICK 114.97 FLOWERS FOR BANQUET 114.97 1700081 326967 9124/2009 100979 JOHNSON, NAOMI 3.85 PETTY CASH 9.79. PETTY CASH, 70.28 PETTY CASH 156.08 PETTY CASH 191.75 PETTY CASH 431.75 220945 326966 912412009- 102719 JOHNSON, PHILLIP 45.77 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 127.60 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 173.37 Subledger Account Description COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS.SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX . COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OP GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 912312009 7:48:17 Page - 15 Business Unit VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK`SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING GOLF SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS 220687 CITY OF EDINA . 5125.6406 Council Check Register 091609 9/24/2009 -9/2412009 GENERAL SUPPLIES PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 220736 1700076 5862.5513 220737 1700079 5862.5513 220738 1700080 5862.5513 220739 417359ERR 5842.5513 220929 1700072 5842.5513 220930 1700073 5842.5512 220931 1700069 5842.5512 220932 1700071 5842.5512 220933 1700074 5842.5515 220934 1700067 5842.5514 220935 1700075 5842.5514 220936 1700070 5842.5513 220937 1700068 5842.5513 220938 1695899 5842.5512 220939 1695901 5842.5515 220940 1700081 5862.5512 220941 1700078 5862.5512 220942 1700077 5862.5512 220943 1700065 5822.5512 220944 1700066 5822.5512 220945 1700064 5822.5513 220946 1700063 5822.5513 220947 1700062 5822.5513 220948 1700061 5822.5514 220686 091609 1628.6406.02 Subledger Account Description COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS.SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX . COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OP GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 912312009 7:48:17 Page - 15 Business Unit VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK`SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING GOLF SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS 220687 091609 5125.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 220687 091609 5120.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 220687 091609 5112.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 220687 091609 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES 220687 091609 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD 220888 091509 5125.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 220888 '091509 5125.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD MEDIA STUDIO ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP ART CENTER POTTERY ART-CENTER ADMINISTRATION ART CENTER REVENUES MEDIA STUDIO MEDIA STUDIO R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 326975 9/24/2009 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. Council Check Register 442.59 SCREWS 00005246 220571 9/2412009 -9/24/2009 GENERAL SUPPLIES Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 326969 9124/2009 8439357 111016 KEEPRS INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 327.76 TERMINAL COVERS 00005247 220690 8447763 177.95 UNIFORMS 00003592 220889 125683 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS 8454275 1553.6556 101.97 UNIFORMS 00003592 220890 125683 -01 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 279.92 GRINDING WHEELS, CLAMPS 00005312 220818 8454277 1553.6530 326970 9/2412009 113212 KENDELL DOORS & HARDWARE INC. 326976 9/2412009 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 36.25 DUPLICATE KEYS 220688 90059 1554.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 233.00 REKEY LOCKS 220891 90209 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 269.25 326971 912412009 119919 KEY, CHARLOTTE 9.00 ARCHERY SUPER SUNDAY REFUND 220984 091509 1600.4390.15 GEN ADAPTIVE REC 9.00 326972 9/2412009 106421 KNIGHTS FRATERNAL CORP OF BLOO 931.11 GOLF BANQUET MEAL 220689 1348 1628.6103.02 GOLF PROF SERVICES 931.11 326973 9/24/2009 103271 LAKE RESTORATION INC. 5,581.72 POND TREATMENTS 00005534 220570 70438 5933.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,581.72 326974 9/24/2009 123265 LANDWEHR CONSTRUCTION INC. 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Page - 16 Business Unit FIRE DEPT. GENERAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL CENT SERV GEN - MIS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL PARK ADMIN. GENERAL SENIOR CITIZENS PONDS & LAKES 10,706.96 FINAL PAYMENT 221000 092509 10091.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS BR -3 Browndale Avenue Bridge 10,706.96 326975 9/24/2009 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 442.59 SCREWS 00005246 220571 8439355 1325.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 44.00 TY -RAP 00005246 220572 8439356 1325.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 410.00 HEX NUTS 00005246 220573 8439357 1325.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 327.76 TERMINAL COVERS 00005247 220690 8447763 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 164.13 BAND SAW BLADES 00005248 220816 8454275 1553.6556 TOOLS 404.02 NUTS, BOLTS, SCREWS 00005312 220817 8454276 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 257.24 GRINDING WHEELS, CLAMPS 00005312 220818 8454277 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 2.049.74 326976 9/2412009 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES STREET NAME SIGNS STREET NAME SIGNS STREET NAME SIGNS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 30.00 COURSE FEE 220691 132743 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 30.00 326977 912 106301 LOFFLER COMPANIES INC. R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Council Check Register Page - 17 9/24/2009 - 9/24/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier [Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 102.26 COPIER USAGE 00001512 220892 1049313 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 102.26 326978 -: 9124/2009 106672 LUGER, JEFF 94.64 EXAM/MEDS FOR NAN 196494 093008 5422.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS s - 94.64 326.979 -912412009 120343. M DESIGN INTERACTIVE LLC 1,875.00 ONLINE INVOICE TROUBLESHOOTING 220574 09COE00 2210.6123 MAGAZINE/NEWSLETTER EXPENSE COMMUNICATIONS 1,675.00 326980 9/24/2009 112577 -; M. AMUNDSON LLP 1,037.42 220631 70104 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON,SELLING 1,037.42 326981 . 9/2412009 101165- M.A.A.O:_ 345.00 FALL CONFERENCE 220976 092109 1190.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ASSESSING - 345.00 326982 9/24/2009 100864 MACQUEEN EQUIP INC. 6,830.49. CYCLONE WELDMENT 00001658 220575 2094824 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 313.97 WELDMENT FLANGE 00005329 220692 2095068 1553.6530 - REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 7,144.46 - 326983 912412009 120502 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SOLUTIO 500.55 DVR CAMERA 220819 1621 5821.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 500.55 326984 9/2412009 103176 MCA 145.00 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 220694 091509 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 145.00 326986 9/2412009 101483 MENARDS 244.35 RETAINING WALL LUMBER 00001915 220576 77501. 1647.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 244.35 326986 912412009 104650 MICRO CENTER 27.77 IT SUPPLIES 00004492 220693 2379423 1554.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SERY GEN - MIS' 22.42 SD CARDS 00004346 - 220820 2398989 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 25.62 SUPPLIES FOR IT 00004346 220820 2398989 1554.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT'SERV GEN = MIS - 58.76 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - 00009078 220893 2388112 5125.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MEDIA STUDIO 48.27 220894 2388088 5110.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 9/24/2009 — 9/24/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 48.27- 220895 2388087 5110.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Page - 18 Business Unit ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 1301.6518 BLACKTOP GENERAL MAINTENANCE 1314.6518 BLACKTOP STREET RENOVATION 05487.1705.30 134.57 WM -487 FAIRFAX N'HOOD 03445.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 326987 9/24/2009 04352.1705.30 100891 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORP. STS -352 FAIRFAX N'HOOD 01357.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 977.78 ASPHALT 00005445 220695 101793MB 1,316.02 ASPHALT 00005445 220695 101793MB 2,293.80 326988 9/2412009 100891 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORP. 47,164.08 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 221001 091009 63,050.55 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 221001 091009 168,747.69 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 221001 091009 202,334.28 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 221001 091009 481,296.60 326989 9124/2009 100891 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORP. 19,042.28 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 221002 092509 19,643.15 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 221002 092509 87,392.38 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 221002 092509 126,077.81 326990 912412009 101161 MIDWEST CHEMICAL SUPPLY 822.29 CLEANING / PAPER PRODUCTS 220696 28662 1,514.00 CLEANING / PAPER PRODUCTS 220696 28662 2,336.29 326991 9124/2009 102873 MILLER, SUSAN 71.47 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 220975 091709 71.47 326992 9/24/2009 102174 MINNEAPOLIS OXYGEN COMPANY 53.00 CO2 CYLINDER 220896 959822 53.00 326993 9/24/2009 102386 MINNEAPOLIS POLICE CONCERT BAN 100.00 PERFORMANCE 10/4109 220979 091709 100.00 326994 9124/2009 103260 MINNESOTA NURSERY & LANDSCAPE 79.00 REGISTRATION 220697 090209 79.00 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Page - 18 Business Unit ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 1301.6518 BLACKTOP GENERAL MAINTENANCE 1314.6518 BLACKTOP STREET RENOVATION 05487.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS WM -487 FAIRFAX N'HOOD 03445.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS SS-445 FAIRFAX N'HOOD 04352.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS STS -352 FAIRFAX N'HOOD 01357.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS BA -357 FAIRFAX N'HOOD 04353.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS STS -353 S GARDEN ESTATE N'HOOD 03446.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS SS-446 S GARDEN ESTATES N'HOOD 01358.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS BA -358 S GARDEN ESTATES N'HOOD 1551.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 1551.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 5621.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 7413.6545 CHEMICALS PSTF FIRE TOWER 5621.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 1640.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register ' 9/24/2009 - 9/24/2009 Check # Dale Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 326995 912412009 100231 MINNESOTA POST BOARD ' 90.00 LICENSE FEE 220822 091609 1400.6104 90.00 - 326996 ` 9/24/2009 118144 MINNESOTA PREMIER PUBLICATIONS 197.00 NEWSPAPER INSERTS 220821 104624 5822.6122 197.00 NEWSPAPER INSERTS 220821 104624 5842.6122 197.00 NEWSPAPER INSERTS 220821 104624 5862.6122 591:00. 326997 912412009 112908: MINNESOTA, ROADWAYS CO. 987.85 CRS II EMULSION 00005449 220577 59965 1314.6519 987.85 326998 9/2412009 118129 MINNESOTA SOCIETY OF CPAS 249.00 MCINTIRE - AUDITS OF LOCAL GOVOOANGELA220897 EVENTI0126/09 5910.6104 249.00 326999 9/24/2009 101559 - .MINNESOTA STATE FIRE CHIEFS AS 185.00 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 220898 091809 1470.6104 :185.00 327000 .912412009 103370 MINNESOTA STATEWIDE 9 -1 -1 PROG ' 14.42 LANGUAGE SERVICES , 220698 E27F187 2310.6103 14.42 327001 9/24/2009 100898 MINVALCO 58.40 CAULKING, ADHESIVE 00005272 220699 716293 1551.6406 85.24 ARMAFLEX, MANOMET 00005272 220699 716293 5840.6406 143.64 - . 327002 912412009 117015 MOLITOR &'ASSOCIATES 81.60 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 220700 091509 5900.2015 81.60 327003 912412009 122019 MOORE CREATIVE TALENT 287.50 ACTING FEE FOR PSA 220578 127186 2210.6103 287.50 327004 912412069. 100912 MOTOROLA INC. 2,142.06 SERVICE AGREEMENT` CONTRACT 220701 78123080 1400.6230 2,142.06 Subledger Account Description CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ADVERTISING OTHER ADVERTISING OTHER ADVERTISING OTHER ROAD OIL CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES CUSTOMER REFUND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Page - 19 Business Unit POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING STREET RENOVATION GENERAL (BILLING) FIRE DEPT. GENERAL E911 CITY HALL GENERAL_. LIQUOR YORK GENERAL UTILITY BALANCE SHEET COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL R55CKREG LOG20000 9/2412009 CITY OF EDINA 34.93 Council Check Register 48211 1490.6406 34.93 9/24/2009 - 9/24/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 327005 912412009 100921 NATIONAL CAMERA EXCHANGE MOUNTING RACKS 00001627 220580 21484 1553.6530 104.02 CAMERA ACCESSORIES 00005262 220579 0908907PRYG 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 327010 104.02 100712 NORTHERN WATER WORKS SUPPLY 327006 9/2412009 103007 NELSON, DAVID ROD ASSEMBLIES 00005047 220581 S01218073.002 5913.6530 758.57 UNIFORM EXPENSE 220823 091709 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 327011 758.57 117830 NORTHLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC 327007 912412009 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO. HEADSETS 220702 IN6733 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Page - 20 Business Unit BUILDING MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 554.50 220740 56372 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 367.50 220741 56371 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,229.50 220742 56370 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 327008 9/2412009 100927 NORTHERN AIRE POOLS INC 34.93 SWIMMING POOL TEST TABS 220899 48211 1490.6406 34.93 327009 9/2412009 104232 NORTHERN SAFETY TECHNOLOGY INC 53.78 MOUNTING RACKS 00001627 220580 21484 1553.6530 53.78 327010 9/2412009 100712 NORTHERN WATER WORKS SUPPLY 471.75 ROD ASSEMBLIES 00005047 220581 S01218073.002 5913.6530 471.75 327011 9124/2009 117830 NORTHLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC 267.44 HEADSETS 220702 IN6733 1400.6406 267.44 327012 9/24/2009 100933 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY 46.50 CANSON INGRES 00009067 220900 37709901 5120.5510 46.50 327013 9/24/2009 105007 NU- TELECOM 566.08 MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 220703 090109 1400.6230 566.08 327014 912412009 102712 OFFICE OF ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOG 466.64 220704 W09080625 5420.6188 21.62 220705 W09080619 1646.6188 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC HEALTH REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN REPAIR PARTS DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL TELEPHONE TELEPHONE CLUB HOUSE BUILDING MAINTENP' R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9123/2009 7:48:17 Council Check Register Page - 21 9/24/2009 -9/24/2009 Check #. Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 21.62 220705 W09080619 1550.6188 TELEPHONE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 43.24 220705 W09080619 5111.6188 TELEPHONE ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT 43.24 220705 W09080619 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 86.48 220705 W09080619 1481.6188 TELEPHONE YORK FIRE STATION 86.48 220705: W09080619 5821.6188 TELEPHONE 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 108.10 220705 W09080619 5861.6188 TELEPHONE VERNON OCCUPANCY 108.10 220705 W09080619 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 113.45 220705 W09080619 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 129.72 220705 W09080619 5841.6188 TELEPHONE YORK OCCUPANCY 150.55 220705 W09080619 5210.6188 TELEPHONE GOLF DOME PROGRAM 151.34 220705 W09080619 5311.6188 TELEPHONE POOL OPERATION 302.68 220705 W09080619 1622.6188 TELEPHONE SKATING & HOCKEY 313.77 220705 W09080619 5621.6188 TELEPHONE EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 313.78 220705 W09080619 5631.6188 TELEPHONE CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION 2,460.81 327015 9/2412009 124676 OKEE DOKEE BROTHERS 150.00 PERFORMANCE.9 124/09 220978 091709 5621.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 150.00 327016 9/24/2009 121026 PALDA & SONS INC. - 1,372.75 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 14 221003 091409 01214.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS PHASE 2 DREXEL, WOODDALE, EDIN 17,911.96 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO: 14 221003 091409 08049.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS': L -49 31,253.62 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 14 221003 091409 08043.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS L-43 COUNTRY CLUB - 43,563.61 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 14 221003 091409 03413.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO SS 50,224.97 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 14 221003 091409 04297.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS ` PHASE 1'ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO ST 182,607.58 PARTIAL PAYMENT N0: 14 221003 091409 05436.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO WM 183,872.75 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 14 221003 091409 01213.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO 510,807:24 327017 912412009 100347 PAUSTIS & SONS 1,432.40 220632 8233736 -IN 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,741.25 220743 8234522 -IN 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 987.22 220744 8234516 -IN 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 691.75 220745 8234519 -IN 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE SOTH ST SELLING' " 1,503.25 220949 8234566 -IN 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING . 6,355.87 327018 912412009 100945 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY 1,065.91 220824 54914837 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 307.42 220825 54914839 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 1,373.33 R56CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Council Check Register Page - 22 9/24/2009 -9/24/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description ' Business Unit '- 327019 9/2412009 705806 PERFORMANCE KENNELS INC. 226.15 K9 DOG FOOD 220901 2162 4607.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINA CRIME FUND K9 DONATION 226.15 327020 912412009 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 114.61 220633 2803508 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 58.80 220634 2803034 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 338.96 220635 2806285 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 124.46 220636 2805372 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5,422.94 .220637 2805375 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 593.34 220746 2808677 5862.5513 COST OF.GOODS.SOLDWINE VERNON SELLING -474.72, 220747 2808676 5862.5513 ' COST OF GOODS SOLD•WINE VERNON SELLING 33.61 220950 , 2808674 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 261.83 220951 2808672 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 5,202.79 220952 2808675 5842.5512 " COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 835.04 220953 2808673 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,405.34 220954 2808671 5842:5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3,223.98 220955 2808678 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 80.39 220956 2808669 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 322.44 220957 2808670 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS, SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 860.41 220958 2808668 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING . 20,353.68 327021 912412009 124176 PINNACLE FIREWORKS 280.80 220638 9912 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 280.80 327022 912412009 124031 'PLUS ONE SERVICES - 106.60 LOGO PENS 220826 2687 5862.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER - VERNON SELLING 106.61 LOGO PENS 220826 2687 5822.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 50TH ST- SELLING 213.22 LOGO PENS '220826 2687 5842.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER YORK'SELLING 426.43 327023 9124/2009 119620 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC. 1,846.98 TIRES, CASINGS 00005143 220582 .50851 1553.6583 TIRES 8i TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 181.69 TIRES 00005164 220706 37285 1553.6583 TIRES &'TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 504.71 TIRES 00005143 220827 57854 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 2,533.38 327024 9/2412009 100819 POPP.COM 115.00 PHONE REPAIR 220902 96791 5620.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES' EDINBOROUGH'PAR': R55CKREG -- LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/23/2009 - 7:48:17 Council Check Register Page - 23 9/24/2009 - 9/24/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 115.00 327025 9/24/2009 100961 POSTMASTER - USPS 4,498.34 ABOUT TOWN POSTAGE 220828 091709 2210.6123 MAGAZINEINEWSLETTER EXPENSE COMMUNICATIONS 4,498.34 327026 9/24/2009 100966: PRINTERS SERVICE INC . . 198.00 BLADE SHARPENING 00008057 220583 243218 5521.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE :,ARENA ICE MAINT 198.00 327027 9/24/2009 100969 PROGRESSIVE CONSULTING ENGINEE 840.00 INSPECTION 220903 08016.09 05483.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION -WM483 WELLHOUSE 5233 HALIFAX 840.00 _ 327028 9/2412009 106322 PROSOURCE SUPPLY 523.25 ROLL TOWEL, GLOVES, GOJO 00002110 220904 4593 5620.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 523.25 327029 9/24/2009 114115 PUBLIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT 990.00 RADAR CALIBRATIONS 220707 2462 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 990.00 327030 9/24/2009 100971 QUALITY WINE 725.29 220748 206418 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3,630.00 220749 205629 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING - 69.29 220750 206421 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,107.60 220751 205647 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,007.67 220752 206308 -00 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING - 518.40 220753 189665 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,304.50 220754 206420 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING' 4,015.40 220755 206419 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,873.07 220756 206307 -00 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLDLIQUOR VERNON SELLING 72.00- 220757 202799.00 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 22.00- 220758 195861 -00 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 4,126.83 220959 206389 -00 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,784.00 220960 206306 -00 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 6.83 - 220961 205169 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING ' 21,061.22 _ ' 327031 9124/2009 123898 QWEST - 138.77 952 285 -2951 220584 2951 -9/09 1470.6188 TELEPHONE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL { 138.77 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Council Check Register Page - 24 9/24/2009 —9/24/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 327032 9/24/2009 100972 RSR SPECIALTIES OF WISCONSIN 1 10,030.50 ZAMBONI BATTERY REPLACEMENT00008052 220585 0043309 -IN 5521.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA ICE MAINT 10,030.50 327033 9/24/2009 124578 REAL ESTATE COMMUNICATIONS GRO 99.00 2009 OFFICE SUMMIT 220977 092109 1190.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ASSESSING 99.00 327034 9124/2009 100975 RED WING SHOE STORE 117.95 SAFETY BOOTS 00005189 220708 725000001049 1646.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT BUILDING MAINTENANCE 131.71 SAFETY BOOTS 00005189 220708 725000001049 1301.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT GENERAL MAINTENANCE 249.66 327035 912412009 101111 REED BUSINESS INFORMATION 147.60 PUBLISH AD FOR BID 220829 4240869 1120.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL ADMINISTRATION 290.28 PUBLISH AD FOR BID 220830 4240868 1120.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL ADMINISTRATION 437.88 327036 912412009. 100980 ROBERT B. HILL CO. 116.29 SOFTENER SALT 00003648 220905 00225370 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 116.29 327037 9124/2009 119655 RUPP, GAYLE 9.00 ARCHERY SUPER SUNDAY REFUND 220985 091509 1600.4390.15 GEN ADAPTIVE REC PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 9.00 327038 9124/2009 101634 SAINT AGNES BAKING COMPANY 40.23 BAKERY 220831 260390 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 40.23 327039 912412009 101232 SALUD AMERICA INC. 327040 912412009 107.64 107.64 327041 912412009 54.39 54.39 117807 SAM'S CLUB SNACKS FOR COURSES 101822 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 101 " "' "••9350 220759 EMLS09109 5862.5513 220906 090709 7410.6406 220832 ALMONDS, BARS 1513.6218 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING GENERAL SUPPLIES EDUCATION PROGRAMS PSTF ADMINISTRATION EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9123/2009 7:48:17 Council Check Register Page - 25 9/24/2009 —9/24/2009 Check # Dale Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 327042 9124/2009 118168 SANSIO 755.61 EMS SUBSCRIPTION 220907 INV014469 1470.6160 DATA PROCESSING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 755.61 327043 912412009 105442 SCHERER BROS. LUMBER CO. 167.38 LUMBER 00005322 220908 40782288 1314.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET RENOVATION 167.38 327044 912412009 122471 SEED SOLUTIONS 650.98 GRASS SEED 00001902 220586 6020336 1643.6547 SEED GENERAL TURF CARE 650.98 327045 9/24/2009 120458 SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES COR 99.71 SOLENOID VALVE 00008051 220587 2858048 5521.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT 99.71 327046. 9/24/2009 124667 SMITH, SCOTT 64.34 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 220709 091509 1628.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS 64.34 327047 9124/2009 122368 SOUTH METRO PUBLIC SAFETY 1,925.00 EMT REFRESHER 220833 8256 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,925.00 327048 9/2412009 104672 SPRINT 319.92 CARD READERS 220710 312188813 -020 1470.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 319.92 CARD READERS 220711 31218883 -021 1470.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 639.84 327049 9124/2009 101004 SPS COMPANIES 146.03 FITTINGS, UNIONS 00001926 220588 S2090651.001 1643.6530 REPAIR PARTS GENERAL TURF CARE 133.75 PLUMBING PARTS 00002118 220909 S2092445.001 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 279.78 327050 9/24/2009 116175 ST. CROIX HARLEY - DAVIDSON 4,218.37 VEHICLE REPAIRS 220910 544081 2340.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DWI FORFEITURE 4,218.37 327051 912412009 112668 STONEBROOKE EQUIPMENT INC. 4,408.59 PLOW W /CONTROLLER 00001150 220589 13028 1650.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 4,408.59 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 9/24/2009 — 9/24/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description . 327052 9/24/2009 101015 STREICHERS 19.99 GLOVES 220712 1664904 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Page - 26 Business Unit POLICE DEPT. GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON OCCUPANCY REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN REPAIR PARTS GOLF CARS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PUBLIC PROGRAMS GEN ADAPTIVE REC PARK ADMIN. GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING ADVERTISING OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES YORK SELLING ADMINISTRATION 19.99 327053 912412009 102639 STROHMYER, TOM 150.00 EP ENTERTAINMENT 220981 091709 5621.6136 150.00 327054 912412009 104349 STRUCTURED NETWORK SOLUTIONS 217.00 FAX WIRING 220713 13842 5861.6406 217.00 327055 912412009 101017 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 128.20 BATTERY 00005354 220834 195357 1553.6530 128.20 327056 9/24/2009 102140 SUN MOUNTAIN SPORTS INC. 99.98 TIRE REPAIR 220835 373406 5423.6530 99.98 327057 912412009 100900 SUN NEWSPAPERS 290.25 PUBLISH AD 00319404 220590 1204826 7414.6103 290.25 327058 912412009 124678 TEED, BARBARA 9.00 ARCHERY SUPER SUNDAY REFUND 220986 091509 1600.4390.15 9.00 327059 9/24/2009 101035 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 29725 220836 558970 5421.5514 669.00 220837 73431 5421.5514 5,397.70 220962 559532 5862.5514 6,363.95 327060 912412009 120700 TIGER OAK PUBLICATIONS INC. 100.00 WEBSITE LISTING 220838 2009 -31875 5842.6122 100.00 327061 912412009 123129 TIMESAVER OFF SITE SECRETARIAL 200.00 DRAFT MINUTES 9/1/09 220839 M17243 1120.6103 200.00 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Page - 26 Business Unit POLICE DEPT. GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON OCCUPANCY REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN REPAIR PARTS GOLF CARS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PUBLIC PROGRAMS GEN ADAPTIVE REC PARK ADMIN. GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING ADVERTISING OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES YORK SELLING ADMINISTRATION �S R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 9/24/2009 —9/24/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 327062 9/2412009 - 101693 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEMS 1415 MONTHLY FTP FOLDER 220840 24512 5820.6160 DATA PROCESSING - 14.25 MONTHLY FTP FOLDER 220840 24512 5840.6160 DATA PROCESSING 14.26 MONTHLY FTP FOLDER 220840 24512 5860.6160 DATA PROCESSING 42.76 327063 912412009 118190 TURFWERKS LLC 325.26. BRAKE ASSEMBLY, DRUM HUB 00005263 2207.14 J120688 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 325.26 327064 9124/2009 105243 TUSHIE MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS 9,405.85 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 220841 207176A -8 5841.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9,405.85 327065. 9/24/2009 102071 U.S. IDENTIFICATION MANUAL, ' 82.50 ID MANUAL UPDATES 220715 160877 1400.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 82.50 .327066 9/2412009 120675 ULTRAMAX 2,220.00 AMMO FOR TRAINING 00003169 220842 108218 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 2,220.00 - 327067 9/24/2009 101053 UNITED ELECTRIC COMPANY 545.54 FUSES, HOLDERS 00005268 220716 424752 1322.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 545.54 _ . 327068 9124/2009 103298 UPS STORE #1715, THE 11.03 SHIPPING CHARGES 220717 TRAN 1103 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 11.03 327069 912412009 100410 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS INC. 384.98 PAGERS 220718 503192461 1400.6151. EQUIPMENT RENTAL: 384.98 327070 912412009 100050 USPS- HASLER 4,000.00 ACCT #75983 220719 091609 1550.6235 POSTAGE 4,000.00 327071 9/2412009 103500 VALLEY PAVING INC. 8,515.27 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 221004 092509 05486.1705:30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 22,725.25 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 221004 092509 04351:1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Business Unit 50TH STREET GENERAL LIQUOR YORK GENERAL VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN YORK OCCUPANCY POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL POLICE DEPT: GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL WM486 MIRROR LAKES N'HOOD STS -351 MIRROR LAKES N'HOOD - R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 9/24/2009 -9/24/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 60,750.16 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 221004 092509 03444.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 177,503.44 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 3 221004 092509 01356.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Page - 28 Business Unit SS-444 MIRROR LAKES N'HOOD BA -356 MIRROR LAKES N'HOOD BUILDING MAINTENANCE RICHARDS GOLF COURSE GRILL TELEPHONE RECYCLING 269,494.12 PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL TELEPHONE ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 327072 9/24/2009 FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 101058 VAN PAPER CO. 315.73 CLEANING SUPPLIES 00001921 220591 134060 -00 1646.6406 68.13 LIDS 220843 134536 -00 5430.6406 1,583.74 ROLL TOWEL, CUPS, LINERS 220844 134540 -00 5421.6406 1,967.60 327073 912412009 102970 VERIZON WIRELESS 32.39 220989 2285696824 5952.6188 89.85 220989 2285696824 1640.6188 111.13 220989 2285696824 1120.6188 129.50 220989 2285696824 1600.6188 282.17 220989 2285696824 1470.6188 645.04 327074 9124/2009 102004 VIKING AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER COM 403.00 SPRINKLER INSPECTION 00005327 220720 137689 1552.6103 403.00 327075 9/24/2009 122514 VINO SOURCE, THE 366.00 220639 28116 5842.5513 366.00 327076 912412009 119454 VINOCOPIA 532.00 220640 0018240 -IN 5842.5513 532.00 327077 9/24/2009 102886 WAGNERS 135.02 FALL MUMS 220911 110861 5620.6620 135.02 327078 9/2412009 121042 WALLACE CARLSON PRINTING 356.96 THE NATURE OF TILE 00009089 220912 30730 5120.6575 356.96 327079 9124/2009 123616 WATER CONSERVATION SERVICE INC 226.10 LEAK LOCATING 00005053 220845 1478 5913.6180 226.10 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Page - 28 Business Unit SS-444 MIRROR LAKES N'HOOD BA -356 MIRROR LAKES N'HOOD BUILDING MAINTENANCE RICHARDS GOLF COURSE GRILL TELEPHONE RECYCLING TELEPHONE PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL TELEPHONE ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE PARK ADMIN. GENERAL TELEPHONE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SVC PW BUILDING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUBS PRINTING CONTRACTED REPAIRS EDINBOROUGH PARK ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP DISTRIBUTION Mfr" R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 9/24/2009 -9/24/2009 l Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No - 327080 9/24/2009 124679. WENTINK, TED 9.00 ARCHERY SUPER SUNDAY REFUND 220987 091509 1600.4390.15 9.00 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Page - 29 Subledger Account Description Business Unit GEN ADAPTIVE REC PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 327081 9124/2009 124199 WEST. GOVERNMENT SERVICES i 240.00 AUTO TRACK SERVICES 220721 AB0002020383 1400.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 240.00 327082 9/24/2009 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 1,355.15 220760 223121 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 568.40 220761 225861 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING - 8.00- 220762 200744 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 8.00- 220763 225636.00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 24.00- 220764 225634 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,883.55 327083 912412009 101312 WINE MERCHANTS 3,880.17 220641 287839 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING - 308.92 220642 287838. 5842.5513 COST.OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1.12 220765 288777 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5,524.73 220766 288779 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON.SELLING - 31.36 220963 288375 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS.SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1.12 220964 288776 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,403.30 220965 288778 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 194.24 220966 288775 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 12,344.96 327085 9/2412009 124291 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 105.36 220643 284369 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 127.58 220644 284360 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING - 975.75 220645 283951. 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS:SOLD WINE YORKSELLING 193.05- 220646 784878 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE: 50TH ST SELLING 98.55- 220647 784877 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 38.29 220767 287957 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX, VERNON SELLING 6,533.37 220768 ,, 287956 5862.5512 COST OF,GOODS SOLD.LI000R VERNON SELLING 6,908.80 220769 287955 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,319.25 220770 287954 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS'SOLD.WINE VERNON SELLING 728.24 220771 287960' 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,018.51 220772 287961 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR <50TH ST SELLING 44.93 220773 287959 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 105.30 220774 287958 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 16,731.26 220775 287966 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD.LIQUOR YORK SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Council Check Register Page - 30 9/24/2009 - 9/2412009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 485.90 220776 287962 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 845.20 220777 287963 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 130.20 220778 287964 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 496.00 220846 515224 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 227.15 220967 288508 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 120.49 220968 288462 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 226.95 220969 287965 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 37,876.93 327086 9/24/2009 124529 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 90.80 220648 514131 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 3,322.90 220649 514130 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 1,633.46 220970 516145 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 2,318.38 220971 513275 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 1,408.85 220972 513558 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 38.40 220973 515877 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 2,148.72 220974 515876 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 10,961.51 327087 9/24/2009 118395 WITMER PUBLIC SAFETY GROUP INC 46.99 FACE SHIELD 00003748 220913 E592396 1470.6552 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 114.00 FACE SHIELDS 00003748 220914 E593967.001 1470.6552 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 160.99 327088 912412009 101086 WORLD CLASS WINES INC 2,029.25 220779 235147 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,029.25 327089 9/24/2009 120223 WORTHINGTON, HEATHER 1,371.96 ICMA CONFERENCE EXPENSE 220995 091809 1460.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS CIVILIAN DEFENSE 1,371.96 327090 9/24/2009 101726 XCEL ENERGY 4,244.86 51- 5619094 -8 220592 209715625 1552.6185 LIGHT & POWER CENT SVC PW BUILDING 4,823.12 51- 5888961 -7 220593 209722564 1375.6185 LIGHT & POWER PARKING RAMP 354.90 51- 4197645 -8 220594 209871740 1322.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 3,965.40 51- 6227619 -3 220650 210087544 5630.6185 LIGHT & POWER CENTENNIAL LAKES 13,388.28 327091 912412009 100568 XEROX CORPORATION 111.63 AUGUST USAGE 220915 042655254 5110.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 111.63 ' R55CKREG LO_ G200_ 00 CITY OF EDINA 9/23/2009 7:48:17 Council Check Register Page - 31 9/24/2009 —9/24/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier I Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 327092 9/2412009 101089 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 278.56 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 220996 54065082 5510.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT - ARENA ADMINISTRATION 278.56 327093 9124/2009 101091 23EGLER INC 450.00 GENERATOR MAINTENANCE 220722 E6395906 1551.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ,, CITY HALL GENERAL 450.00 2,434,520.14. Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 2,434,520.14 Total Payments 2,434,520.14 R55CKSUM LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Summary 9/24/2009 - 9/24/2009 Company Amount 01000 GENERAL FUND 342,366.40 02100 CDBG FUND 9,600.00 02200 COMMUNICATIONS FUND 10,552.69 02300 POLICE SPECIAL REVENUE 4,232.79 03300 PIR DEBT SERVICE FUND 3,500.00 04000 WORKING CAPITAL FUND 1,059,922.18 04800 CONSTRUCTION FUND 10,706.96 05100 ART CENTER FUND 3,867.14 05200 GOLF DOME FUND 219.20 05300 AQUATIC CENTER FUND 530.69 05400 GOLF COURSE FUND 11,042.04 05500 ICE ARENA FUND 10,801.04 05600 EDINBOROUGH /CENT LAKES FUND 13,867.19 05800 LIQUOR FUND 218,983.40 05900 UTILITY FUND 452,634.14 05930 STORM SEWER FUND 269,951.38 05950 RECYCLING FUND 32.39 07400 PSTF AGENCY FUND 11,710.51 Report Totals 2,434,520.14 We confirm to the best of ourknowledge and belief, that these claims comply in all material respects with the requirements of the City of Edina purchasing polyeies�andd procedures n 9/23/2009 7:49:31 Page- 1 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 10/1/2009 — 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 327094 101112009 100608 3M CO 2,350.07 SIGN LETTERING 00005242 221008 TP75841 1325.6531 SIGNS & POSTS LICENSES & PERMITS SOD & BLACK DIRT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9/3012009 9:46:49 Page - 1 Business Unit STREET NAME SIGNS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN GENERAL TURF CARE CITY HALL GENERAL CITY HALL GENERAL CITY HALL GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE DWI FORFEITURE COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTED REPAIRS ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 2,350.07 327095 10/1/2009 100613 AAA 166.33 PLATES FOR 47 -510 221009 092109 1553.6260 166.33 327096 10/1/2009 102403 AAA LAMBERTS LANDSCAPE PRODUCT 93.76 SOD 00001919 221106 SKATE PARK 1643.6543 93.76 327097 1011/2009 124613 ABM JANITORIAL - NORTH CENTRAL 115.27 CARPET CLEANING 221077 401849 1551.6103 173.16 FLOOR FINISHING 221078 401848 1551.6103 2,545.10 JANITORIAL SERVICES 221388 421635 1551.6103 2,833.53 327098 101112009 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 33.20 221151 0803967 5822.5515 33.20 327099 101112009 105476 ACE TRAILER SALES 2,105.00 TILT BED TRAILER 00001817 221107 23697 1650.6710 2,105.00 327100 101112009 123309 ACTION FLEET INC. 4,039.33 CHARGER UPGRADE 221343 6307 2340.6215 4,039.33 327101 10/112009 102872 ADAMS GOLF 812.16 MERCHANDISE 221415 91145551 5440.5511 381.00- CREDIT 221416 91214913 5440.5511 262.41 MERCHANDISE 221417 91207914 5440.5511 693.57 327102 10/1/2009 124703 AL MANSOUR, HEND 150.00 JUDGE'S HONORIA 221377 092509. 5120.6103 150.00 327103 1011/2009 100575 ALL SAFE INC. 98.94 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 221010 95354 5422.6180 LICENSES & PERMITS SOD & BLACK DIRT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9/3012009 9:46:49 Page - 1 Business Unit STREET NAME SIGNS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN GENERAL TURF CARE CITY HALL GENERAL CITY HALL GENERAL CITY HALL GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE DWI FORFEITURE COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTED REPAIRS ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 10/112009 -- 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 55.23 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 00005218 221108 95487 1646.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 100.32 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 221109 95486 5111.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 406.13 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 00005328 221256 95629 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 173.67 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 00005317 221257 95607 5911.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 834.29 327104 101112009 100867 ALSTAD, MARIAN 708.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 221196 092409 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 708.00 327105 10/112009 100627 AMERICAN TEST CENTER INC. 1,257.00 LADDER TESTING 221258 2093164 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1,257.00 327106 10/1/2009 100630 ANCHOR PAPER CO. INC. 245.53 COPIER PAPER 00006396 221011 10216279 -00 5410.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES 95.96 PAPER 221110 10216837 -00 5822.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES 95.96 PAPER 221110 10216837 -00 5862.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES 191.92 PAPER 221110 10216837 -00 5842.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES 629.37 327107 1011/2009 122312 ANDERSEN, IMOGENE 360.00 GIFT SHOP HELP 221197 092409 5120.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 360.00 327108 101112009 102172 APPERT'S FOODSERVICE 1,020.62 FOOD 221012 1222350 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 1,020.62 - 327109 10/112009 100632 AQUA ENGINEERING 12.14 SADDLES, FITTINGS 00005339 221259 32744 1314.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 12.14 327110 101112009 103680 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SRVCS 261.34 COFFEE 221013 413973 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 86.96 COFFEE 00006331 221260 413955 5430.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 348.30 327111 101112009 120995 AVR INC. 1,008.90 READY MIX 00005448 221014 25685 5932.6520 CONCRETE 882.79 READY MIX 00005448 221015 25844 5932.6520 CONCRETE 756.68 READY MIX 00005448 221016 25750 5932.6520 CONCRETE 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Page- 2 Business Unit BUILDING MAINTENANCE ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN WELL PUMPS ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION FIRE DEPT. GENERAL GOLF ADMINISTRATION 50TH ST SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP GRILL STREET RENOVATION CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL RICHARDS GOLF COURSE GENERAL STORM SEWER GENERAL STORM SEWER GENERAL STORM SF R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9130/2009 9:46:49 Council Check Register Page - 3 10/1/2009 - 10/1/2009 'Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No.. Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 756.68 READY. MIX, 00005448 - 221017 25608 5932.6520 CONCRETE GENERAL STORM SEWER 3,405.05 327112 101112009 100642 BANNERS -TO GO - 128.25 PARK SIGNS 00005212 221111 28786 1647.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 10.69 PARK SIGNS 00005430 221112 28884 1647.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 138.94 327113 101112009 102195 BATTERIES PLUS 58.73 .CAMERA BATTERIES 00003184 221261 18- 251378 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES _ POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 58.73 '327114 10/1/2009 102449 BATTERY, WHOLESALE INC. 704.81 BATTERIES 00005288 221079 C10617 1553.6530 :- REPAIR;PARTS - EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 40.00- CREDIT. 221080 C10442 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 664.81 327115 10/1/2009 101365 BELLBOY CORPORATION 1,135.50 221152 56373800 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS:SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 93.19 221153 5865700 5862.5515 COST OF GOOOS'SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING. 984.75 221344 50445600 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS.SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING - 2,213.44 _ 327116 10/112009 100648 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCTS 44.88 LABELS 221018 WO- 578912 -1 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL - 43.06 WELLNESS FOLDERS 221081 WO- 579500 -1 1513.6218 EDUCATION PROGRAMS EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS 245.05. OFFICE SUPPLIES 221113 OE- 204793 -1 1628.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS 12.73 SHEET PROTECTORS 00009085 221114 OE- 204774 -1 5110.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 345.72 327117 10/112009 119679 BIXBY, PORTABLE TOILET SERVICE 37.28 TOILET SERVICE 00005214 221115 18076 1642.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIELD MAINTENANCE 69.97 TOILET SERVICE 00005213 221116 18077 1642.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIELD MAINTENANCE ' 107.25 327118 1011/2009 100711 -BLOOD, DAVID 100.00 POLICE SERVICE 221101 100109 1419.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES, RESERVE PROGRAM = 100.00 ' 327119 10/112009 101375 BLOOMINGTON SECURITY SOLUTIONS 29.34 DOOR KEYS CUT 00005216 221117 S65885 1646.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -''BUILDING MAINTENANCE 29.34 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9130/2009 9:46:49 Council Check Register Page - 4 1011/2009 — 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 327120 1011/2009 123329 BLOTZ, MOLLY 452.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 221198 092409 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 452.00 327121 1011/2009 122688 BMK SOLUTIONS 28.13 CALENDAR 00005431 221019 53645 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 28.13 327122 10/112009 122942 BORNOWSKI, CLAY 384.00 MAINTENANCE 221199 092409 5111.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT 384.00 327123 10/1/2009 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 253.26 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003576 221262 80314220 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 253.26 327124 101112009 103239 BRIN NORTHWESTERN GLASS CO. 623.73 SWITCH PLATES 221020 5116455 1551.6530 REPAIR PARTS CITY HALL GENERAL 623.73 327125 10/112009 113936 BUILDING MATERIAL SUPPLY INC. 1,170.29 RESTROOM PARTITIONS 00006347 221118 27027 5410.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 1,170.29 327126 101112009 105315 CALTON, BOB 126.25 CRAFT SUPPLIES 221200 092409 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 126.25 327127 10/1/2009 124692 CALVIN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 41,626.00 REPAY LANDSCAPING ADDITION 221100 092209 1000.2066 ESCROW DEPOSITS GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 41,626.00 327128 10/1/2009 102046 CAMPE, HARRIET 91.82 STAIN 221201 092409 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 96.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 221201 092409 5112.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER POTTERY 187.82 327129 101112009 121583 CANEPA, AIMEE 449.38 UNIFORM PURCHASE 221272 092409 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 449.38 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Council Check Register Page - 5 10/1/2009 - 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 327130 101112009 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 67.25 221154 16872 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 5,247.30 221155 16874 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 37.05 221156 16864 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 1,131.05 221157 16865 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 6,482.65 327131 10/1/2009 116683 CAT & FIDDLE BEVERAGE 267.00 221158 83576 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 408.00 221159 83486 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 675.00 327132 10/112009 100681 CATCO 265.12 FITTINGS, COUPLERS 00005290 221263 3 -79442 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 12.34 REDUCERS 00001615 221264 3 -79421 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 68.82- INVOICE PAID IN ERROR 221265 3- 78095CREDIT 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 208.64 327133 10/1/2009 112561 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 1,567.25 5591458 -4 221266 5591458 -9109 1551.6186 HEAT CITY HALL GENERAL 16.64 8033998 -9 221267 8033998 -9/09 1552.6186 HEAT CENT SVC PW BUILDING 38.82 8034001 -1 221268 8034001 -9/09 1552.6186 HEAT CENT SVC PW BUILDING 14.12 5596524 -8 221269 5596524 -9/09 5430.6186 HEAT RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 272.87 5584304 -9 221270 5584304 -9109 7411.6186 HEAT PSTF OCCUPANCY 10.50 5584310 -6 221271 5584310 -9/09 7413.6186 HEAT PSTF FIRE TOWER 1,920.20 327134 1011/2009 124701 CHAKRABORTY, ROBI 150.00 2009 JURIED SHOW 221378 092509 5120.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 150.00 327135 10/112009 122317 CITY OF EDINA - COMMUNICATIONS 300.00 MAP AD 221273 COM654 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF ADMINISTRATION 300.00 327136 1011/2009 122084 CITY OF EDINA - UTILITIES 42.72 00079303 - 0155300009 221021 0155300009 -9/09 5511.6189 SEWER & WATER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 264.72 00079303 - 0155300018 221022 0155300018 -9109 5511.6189 SEWER & WATER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 44.31 00077443 - 0332300004 221082 0332300004 -8109 1646.6189 SEWER & WATER BUILDING MAINTENANCE 351.75 327137 101112009 1116304 CLAY, DON R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Council Check Register Page - 6 10/1/2009 - 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315.00 MEDIA INSTRUCTION 221202 092409 .5125.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MEDIA STUDIO 315.00 327138 10/1/2009 100692 COCA -COLA BOTTLING CO. 358.40 221345 0108151106 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 358.40 327139 1011/2009 101323 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS 74.29 EARPLUGS, GLOVES, COVERALLS 00005318 221023 03532573 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 74.29 EARPLUGS, GLOVES, COVERALLS 00005318 221023 03532573 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 74.29 EARPLUGS, GLOVES, COVERALLS 00005318 221023 03532573 1553.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 74.29 EARPLUGS, GLOVES, COVERALLS 00005318 221023 03532573 5923.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COLLECTION SYSTEMS 74.31 EARPLUGS, GLOVES, COVERALLS 00005318 221023 03532573 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 60.66 RESPIRATORS 00005318 221024 03533243 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 432.13 327140 101112009 100695 CONTINENTAL CLAY CO. 17.10 TERMINAL STRIP 00009065 221389 INV000045894 5111.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT ART CENTER BLDG / MAINT 93.64 CLAY 00009084 221390 INV000046917 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 292,75 CLAY 00009084 221390 INV000046917 5120.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 403.49 327141 101112009 100697 COOL AIR MECHANICAL INC. 456.00 COMPRESSOR REPAIRS 00008071 221083 68626 5521.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA ICE MAINT 456.00 327142 10/1/2009 101616 CRUCIAL TECHNOLOGY 91.90 MEMORY UPGRADE 00004344 221119 244752773 2210.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 91.90 327143 101112009 124684 CT TECHNOLOGIES 685.00 OFFICE MACHINES CONTRACT 221084 7336 1550.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 685.00 327144 101112009 105428 CUSTOM DOOR SALES INC. 125.00 DOOR REPAIRS 221274 0032393 -IN 1470.6160 CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 125,00 327145 10/112009 104020 DALCO 95.12 CARB & CHOKE CLEANER 00005244 221025 2133735 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,090.42 TISSUE, LINERS, TOWELS 00008054 221085 2134778 5511.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 104.25 WINDEX 221275 2136378 5421.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES GRILL R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation 1,289.79 221346 327146 10/1/2009 100710 DAVE'S DAIRY 192.00 DAIRY 192.00 221348 327147 10/1/2009 102478 DAY DISTRIBUTING CO. 1,637.55 10699 RETURN 1,573.00 4,392.75 TOOL, SCRAPER SET CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 10/1/2009 - 10/1/2009 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 221120 091009 5421.5510 221160 521809 5822.5514 221346 521810 5842.5514 221347 521811 5862.5514 221348 521812 5862.5515 221349 10699 RETURN 5822.5512 327148 10/1/2009 50TH ST SELLING 100718 DELEGARD TOOL CO. YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 11.55 WRENCH 00001621 221026 412789 6.50 DRILL INDEX 00005432 221027 413927 304.57 TOOL, SCRAPER SET 00005285 221028 417898 89.69 HEX DRIVES, FILEHOLDER 00005320 221029 417587 412.31 327149 10/1/2009 100720 DENNYS 5TH AVE. BAKERY 56.07 BAKERY 221030 311811 124.85 BAKERY 221031 311812 100.45 BAKERY 221032 311945 38.26 BAKERY 221276 312215 70.78 BAKERY 221277 312276 43.83 BAKERY 221278 312350 434.24 327150 10/112009 101349 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCE 420.00 FIREARM SAFETY CLASSES 221121 092409 420.00 327151 101112009 122234 DEVRIES, NICHOLAS 225.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 221203 092409 225.00 327152 1011/2009 124691 DOVETAIL RENOVATION INC. 2,145.39 PERMIT REFUND 221099 092209 2,145.39 1553.6556 1553.6556 1553.6556 1301.6556 5421.5510 5421.5510 5421.5510 5421.5510 5421.5510 5421.5510 1600.4390.21 5110.6103 1495.4111 COST OF GOODS SOLD Business Unit GRILL 9130/2009 9:46:49 Page- 7 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN TOOLS GENERAL MAINTENANCE COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL GRILL GRILL GRILL GRILL GRILL FIREARM SAFETY TRAINING PARK ADMIN. GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING PERMITS ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION INSPECTIONS R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Council Check Register Page - 8 10/1/2009 - 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 327163 10/1/2009 120271 EDINA MONTESSORI SCHOOL 145.00 RENTAL REFUND 221122 092209 1600.4722.09 ROSLAND RENTAL PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 145.00 327154 10/112009 101956 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINTENANC 451.44 T -90 REPAIRS 221279 44980 1470.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 451.44 327155 10/1/2009 100146 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 140.97 PIT ARM, BOLTS 00005167 221280 6- 1168969 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 79.64- CREDIT 221281 6- 1170900 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 61.33 327156 10/1/2009 102101 FEDEX OFFICE 454.20 SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL COPIES 221391 062200015783 01239.1705.31 MATERIALS /SUPPLIES A -239 SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL 454.20 327157 10/1/2009 104474 FILTERFRESH 357.03 COFFEE 00005452 221282 46601670 -2010 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 357.03 327158 10/1/2009 120329 FIRE EQUIPMENT SPECIALTIES INC 125.00 FIREFIGHTER BOOTS 00003597 221283 6323 1470.6552 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 125.00 327159 10/1/2009 101476 FOOTJOY 101.36 SHOES 221123 5779156 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 69.24 MERCHANDISE 221284 5710325 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 69.24 MERCHANDISE 221285 5719069 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 429.53 MERCHANDISE 221286 5709284 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 51.44 MERCHANDISE 221287 5725266 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 375.00 MERCHANDISE 221288 5731557 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 1 ,095.81 327160 10/112009 122414 FORKLIFTS OF MINNESOTA INC. 28,744.04 FORKLIFT 00005355 221289 01E1081630 4402.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PW BUILDING 28,744.04 327161 101112009 121371 FRANCE 44 1,045.07 OCT 1 JURIED SHOW RECEPTION 221414 091609 5120.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 1,045.07 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 10/1/2009 - 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 327162 10/1/2009 103039 FREY, MICHAEL 1,296.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 221204 092409 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PLANTINGS & TREES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES CRAFT SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOOLS GENERAL SUPPLIES TOOLS GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9/3012009 9:46:49 Page - 9 Business Unit ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION TREES & MAINTENANCE ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION GENERAL MAINTENANCE ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION MEDIA STUDIO PATHS & HARD SURFACE GENERAL MAINTENANCE CENT SVC PW BUILDING GENERAL MAINTENANCE GOLF ADMINISTRATION MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS CLUB HOUSE COLLECTION SYSTEMS PSTF OCCUPANCY COMMUNICATIONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,296.00 327163 10/1/2009 103185 GERTENS 311.01 TREES 00005205 221124 184175 1644.6541 311.01 327164 10/1/2009 104652 GILLIS, LOUISE 240.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 221205 092409 5110.6103 240.00 327165 10/1/2009 120929 GOVCONNECTION INC. 48.15 CAMERA BATTERIES 00004348 221125 45468188 1301.6406 48.15 327166 10/112009 124696 GRACE, LARRY 10.00 SUPPLIES 221206 092409 5110.6564 250.00 INSTRUCTION 221206 092409 5125.6103 260.00 327167 10/1/2009 102645 GRAFFITI CONTROL SERVICES 169.34 GRAFFITI REMOVAL 00005217 221126 451 1647.6103 169.34 327168 10/1/2009 101103 GRAINGER 324.68 BATTERY CHARGER, BATTERIES 00005338 221033 9079664331 1301.6556 106.89 DEGREASER, BRUSH, TARP STRAPOD005319 221034 9076949941 1552.6406 255.23 DRILLIDRIVER SET 00005341 221035 9079664349 1301.6556 165.09 WATER COOLER 00006335 221036 9072730691 5410.6406 161.60 MAGNIFIER LIGHT 00006103 221037 9068551846 5422.6406 95.23 LIGHTS 00006335 221038 9072799696 5420.6530 41.24 CLAMPS, MEASURING TAPE 00005334 221086 9078903748 5923.6406 32.46 SCREWDRIVER SET 221392 9078371698 7411.6406 1,182.42 327169 101112009 120201 GRANICUS INC. 829.64 WEBSTREAMING - OCT 221127 14339 2210.6103 829.64 327170 10/1/2009 102217 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 380.50 221161 112631 5842.5513 PLANTINGS & TREES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES CRAFT SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOOLS GENERAL SUPPLIES TOOLS GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9/3012009 9:46:49 Page - 9 Business Unit ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION TREES & MAINTENANCE ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION GENERAL MAINTENANCE ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION MEDIA STUDIO PATHS & HARD SURFACE GENERAL MAINTENANCE CENT SVC PW BUILDING GENERAL MAINTENANCE GOLF ADMINISTRATION MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS CLUB HOUSE COLLECTION SYSTEMS PSTF OCCUPANCY COMMUNICATIONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Council Check Register Page - 10 10/1/2009 - 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 1,051.25 221162 112500 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 633.50 221163 112628 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 533.50 221164 112626 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,598.75 327171 101112009 124695 GREEN, KRIS 82.50 FALL LESSON REFUND 221128 092209 5511.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 82.50 327172 1011/2009 100785 GREUPNER, JOE 10,650.00 4TH QTR PAYMENT 221290 092309 5410.6132 PROFESSIONAL SVCS - GOLF GOLF ADMINISTRATION 10,650.00 327173 101112009 121379 GRIMES, JUDITH 792.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 221207 092409 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 792.00 327174 10/1/2009 100787 GRUBER'S POWER EQUIPMENT 34.86 CRANKSHAFT, SEAL 00001998 221291 73607 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 34.86 327176 10/112009 106047 GUSTAFSON, AMY 82.50 FALL LESSON REFUND 221129 092209 5511.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 82.50 327176 1011/2009 105089 HAEFELE, JEAN 363.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 221209 092409 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 363.00 327177 10/1/2009 103359 HANSON 310.66 TOP SLAB 00001955 221292 10284948 5932.6530 REPAIR PARTS GENERAL STORM SEWER 310.66 327178 10/1/2009 106062 HAYNES, STEPHEN 12.50 MATERIALS REIMBURSEMENT 221208 092409 5125.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES MEDIA STUDIO 75.00 INSTRUCTION 221208 092409 5125.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MEDIA STUDIO 87.50 327179 1011/2009 100799 HEDBERG AGGREGATES 83.68 ENGRAVING 00006346 221039 697816 54002072 MEN'S CLUB GOLF BALANCE SHEET 83.68 RSSCKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/30/2609 9:46:49 Council Check Register Page - 11 / 10/1/2009 — 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 327180 10/1/2009 100801 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 5,955.00. AUG ROOM & BOARD 221293 2009 8 -EDINA 1195.6225 BOARD & ROOM PRISONER LEGAL SERVICES - 5,955.00 327181 10/1/2009 120445 HENNEPIN TECHNICAL COLLEGE 185.00 CONFERENCE FEE 221393 092509 1400.6104 CONFERENCES'& SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 185.00" ` 327182 101112009 104332 HILL, PRISCILLA 1,275.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 221222 092409 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 1,275.00 327183 1011/2009 102484 HIRSHFIELD'S'PAINT MANUFACTURI 799.96;;- FIELD,STRIPING PAINT 00005510 221131 84798 1642.6544 LINE MARKING POWDER ` FIELD MAINTENANCE 799.96 327184_ 1011/2009 ° -, 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC. 1,885.45 221165 49944 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 750.90 221350 499143 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 2,636.35 327185 10/112009 103214 HOOTEN CLEANERS ' 20.42 LAUNDRY 221294 79651 1400.6201 LAUNDRY POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 20.42 327186 10/1/2009 102463. HOULE, WAYNE D. _ 1,185.99 AP,WA CONVENTION EXPENSE 221130 . 092309 1240.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN GENERAL 1,185.99 327187 10/112009 124698, HOYE, PAMELA - 62.00 STUDENT SHOW 221210. 092409 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 62.00 327188 10/1/2009 112628 ICEE COMPANY, THE 144.97 BALANCE DUE 221295 STMT# 254027 5320.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD POOL CONCESSIONS 144.97 - 327189 101112009 119808 INTEGRA TELECOM 288.79 PHONES /INTERNET 221394 5867977 7411.6188 TELEPHONE PSTF:000UPANCY 288.79 327190 10/112009 121231 INTERLOCK CONCRETE PRODUCTS IN R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 10/1/2009 - 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 317.83 PAVERS 00005332 221040 50854 -1 4090.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CURB CUT FEE 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Page - 12 Business Unit 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN GENERAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES RESERVE PROGRAM COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 317.83 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 327191 10/1/2009 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 124706 JACKSON, TROY - COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 40.00 CURBCUT PERMIT REFUND 221395 092309 1240.4344 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 40.00 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 327192 10/112009 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 101400 JAMES, WILLIAM F 50TH ST SELLING 100.00 POLICE SERVICE 221105 100109 1419.6102 100.00 327193 10/112009 100741 JJ TAYLOR DIST. OF MINN 268.00 221132 1322463 5421.5514 2,949.95 221166 1314500 5822.5514 3,299.00 221351 1314499 5862.5514 6,516.95 327194 101112009 100836 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 1.12 221167 1703610 5862.5513 1,201.13 221168 1703621 5862.5513 930.68 221169 1703620 5862.5513 2,210.70 221170 1703624 5862.5513 2,485.76 221171 1703626 5862.5512 2,585.40 221172 1703625 5862.5512 1.12 221173 1703609 5862.5515 2,419.92 221174 1703622 5862.5512 1.12 221175 1703623 5862.5515 1,164.80 221352 1703601 5822.5513 66.74 221353 1703606 5822.5515 474.87 221354 1703604 5822.5512 296.32 221355 1703602 5822.5513 206.41 221356 1703603 5822.5513 1,007.39 221357 1703605 5822.5512 112.12 221358 1703600 5822.5512 15,165.60 327195 101/2009 103684 JOHNSON, GREG 398.16 LIGHT BULB RECYCLING 00008072 221087 577559 5511.6406 398.16 327196 101112009 102341 JOHNSON, RICHARD W. 144.00 MEDIA INSTRUCTION 221211 092409 5125.6103 CURB CUT FEE 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Page - 12 Business Unit 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN GENERAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES RESERVE PROGRAM COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MEDIA STUDIO R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Council Check Register Page - 13 10/1/2009 - 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 144.00 327197 1011/2009 103230 JOHNSTONS SALES & SERVICE 106.29 VACUUM BAGS 221296 012079 5420.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE 106.29 327198 101112009 102603 JONAS, LENORE 396.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 221212 092409 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 396.00 327199 101112009 124702 JORGENSON, KATHY 75.00 AWARD OF MERIT 221379 092509 5120.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 75.00 327200 10/1/2009 122239 KANDIKO, GEORGIA 112.50 INSTRUCTOR AC 221213 092409 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 112.50 327201 1011/2009 111018 KEEPRS INC. 99.99 UNIFORMS 00003592 221297 125683 -02 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 172.97 UNIFORMS 00003585 221298 125161 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 52.98 UNIFORMS 00003585 221299 125824 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 325.94 327202 10/1/2009 124707 KNAEBLE, PETER 92.00 FFI COURSE BOOK 221396 092309 1470.6405 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 92.00 327203 10/1/2009 106887 KOESSLER, JOE 168.00 SEPT SERVICE 221133 090109 1628.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 168.00 327204 1011/2009 122515 KOPLOS, GERALD 42.91 REIMBURSE FOR SIGN 221386 091809 7414.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC PROGRAMS 42.91 327205 101112009 118660 LAKES AREA HOME IMPROVEMENT SE 225.00 RESTRICTED WATER ISSUE 00005058 221387 SERV INV 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 225.00 327206 101112009 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 383.90 BOLTS 00005091 221041 8408046 1344.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES RETAINING WALL MAINTENANCE R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Council Check Register Page - 14 10/1/2009 -- 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 383.9D 327207 101112009 102965 LEONE, RON 157.99 UNIFORM PURCHASE 221397 092809 1553.6201 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 157.99 327208 10/112009 112619 LES JONES ROOFING INC. 4,719.00 TEAR OFF AND RE- ROOFING 00009059 221300 518064 5111.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT 4,719.00 327209 101112009 105726 LINDMAN, DAVID 128.61 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 221301 092209 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 128.61 327210 101112009 123573 LOGIN I IACP NET 1,100.00 ANNUAL FEE TO IACP NET 221302 12762 1400.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,100.00 327211 10/112009 122472 M & I BANK 56.51 SUPPLIES 221398 091409 7412.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF RANGE 132.17 SUPPLIES 221398 091409 7413.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF FIRE TOWER 314.15 SUPPLIES 221398 091409 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 414.43 SUPPLIES 221398 091409 7410.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF ADMINISTRATION 917.26 327212 10/1/2009 112577 M. AMUNDSON LLP 1,039.44 221359 70924 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 1,039.44 327213 10/112009 124694 MACHACEK, DIANNE 55.00 CLASS REFUND 221134 092209 1600.4390.15 GEN ADAPTIVE REC PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 55.00 327214 10/1/2009 114699 MANAGED SERVICES INC. 112.48 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 221399 W24307 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 112.48 327215 1011/2009 121452 MATREKS PRINTING 395.00 JULY 4TH PARADE PROGRAM 221088 09 -1650 1600.6575 PRINTING PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 395.00 327216 101' 101267 MBPTA R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Council Check Register Page - 15 10/1/2009 - 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 80.00 2009 FALL SEMINAR 221400 092809 1495.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS INSPECTIONS 80.00 327217 101112009 124708 MCLEOD, DOUG 92.00 FFI COURSE BOOK 221401 092309 1470.6405 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 92.00 327218 10/112009 100515 MCM ELECTRONICS 139.99 WIRELESS AUDIO VIDEO 00009087 221402 884910 5125.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT MEDIA STUDIO 139.99 327219 10/1/2009 101483 MENARDS 34.84 LIGHTING 00006364 221042 80305 5420.6530 REPAIR PARTS CLUB HOUSE 79.19 VALVES, SWITCHES, GLOVES 00006334 221043 78169 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 41.94 SAW BLADES 00005442 221135 83605 1301.6556 TOOLS GENERAL MAINTENANCE 31.97 SIDING 00005435 221136 83490 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 5.33 CLOCK 00006342 221303 82249 5210.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GOLF DOME PROGRAM 193.27 327220 10/1/2009 101891 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY 544.37 TENNIS NETS 00005200 221137 118869 1647.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 544.37 327221 10/1/2009 124204 METSA, PAUL 300.00 TALENT FEE 221403 092509 5410.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 300.00 327222 10/1/2009 100019 MIDWEST ART FAIRS 89.55 CONSIGNMENT SALES 221404 6234 5120.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 89.55 327223 101112009 100891 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORP. 312.07 ASPHALT 00005445 221044 101962MB 1301.6518 BLACKTOP GENERAL MAINTENANCE 417.58 ASPHALT 00005445 221044 101962MB 5913.6518 BLACKTOP DISTRIBUTION 7,779.48 ASPHALT 00005445 221044 101962MB 1314.6518 BLACKTOP STREET RENOVATION 8,509.13 327224 10/1/2009 103186 MIDWEST FUELS 514.65 DIESEL 00006205 221045 47348 5422.6581 GASOLINE MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 272.46 GAS 00006204 221046 47531 5424.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES RANGE 227.06 GAS 00006204 221047 47532 5431.6581 GASOLINE RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE 394.36 GAS 00006204 221048 47347 5422.6581 GASOLINE MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Council Check Register Page - 16 10/112009 - 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 334.60 DIESEL 00006205 221049 47533 5422.6581 GASOLINE MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 274.86 GAS 00006204 221050 47346 5423.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GOLF CARS 2,017.99 327225 101112009 100895 MILWAUKEE ELECTRIC TOOL CORPOR 74.56 CHUCK SLEEVE 00005284 221304 9132922 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 74.56 327226 1011/2009 103240 MINNESOTA SAFETY COUNCIL 526.89 DEFENSIVE DRIVING CLASS 221138 6961 1628.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 526.89 327227 10/1/2009 101559 MINNESOTA STATE FIRE CHIEFS AS 35.00 PUBLIC EDUCATION SEMINAR 221405 092309 1470.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 35.00 327228 10/1/2009 101316 MMBA 66.66 ALCOHOL AWARENESS TRAINING 221305 2009 -51 5860.6106 MEETING EXPENSE VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 66.67 ALCOHOL AWARENESS TRAINING 221305 2009 -51 5820.6106 MEETING EXPENSE 50TH STREET GENERAL 66.67 ALCOHOL AWARENESS TRAINING 221305 2009 -51 5840.6106 MEETING EXPENSE LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 100.00 ALCOHOL AWARENESS TRAINING 221305 2009 -51 5410.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS GOLF ADMINISTRATION 300.00 327229 10/1/2009 122241 MONAHAN, KIMBERLY 216.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 221214 092409 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 216.00 327230 10/1/2009 121491 MORRIE'S PARTS & SERVICE GROUP 2,311.65 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 00005353 221306 471867F6W 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 641.25- CORE RETURN 00005353 221307 CM471867F6W 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,670.40 327231 10/1/2009 100906 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC. 158.50 SOLENOID REPAIR 221051 695285 -00 5431.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE 437.55 BEDKNIFE 00006107 221052 697720 -00 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 88.65 WIRE HARNESS 00006101 221053 696629 -01 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 684.70 327232 1011/2009 100916 MUZAK 221.81 MUSIC SERVICE 221089 A746812 5631.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION 221.81 R55CKREG LOG20000 100.00 CITY OF EDINA 327237 10/112009 Council Check Register 10/1/2009 - 10/112009 ERT TOURNIQUETS Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 327233 101112009 123954 NEIGHBORHOOD NETWORKS PUBLISHI 327238 1011/2009 121497 NORTHWEST ASPHALT INC. 200.00 ADVERTISING 00006345 221054 57427 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 7,600.00 200.00 221406 092509 06039.1705.30 327234 10/112009 88,113.03 103007 NELSON, DAVID 221406 092509 01313.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 142.48 UNIFORM PURCHASE 221308 092409 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 142.48 327239 10/1/2009 100933 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY 327235 101112009 104350 NIKE USA INC. 666.76 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Page- 17 Business Unit GOLF ADMINISTRATION POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 733.84 MERCHANDISE 00006165 221139 922518371 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 729.48 MERCHANDISE 221309 921779929 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 176.40 MERCHANDISE 221310 921761352 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 1,639.72 327236 10/112009 100724 NISSEN, DICK 100.00 POLICE SERVICE 221104 100109 1419.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES RESERVE PROGRAM EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM TS-39 70TH & METRO BA- 313 70TH & METRO ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS GOLF ADMINISTRATION GOLF ADMINISTRATION GOLF ADMINISTRATION ARENA ADMINISTRATION MEDIA STUDIO 100.00 327237 10/112009 120235 NORTH AMERICAN RESCUE INC. 80.49 ERT TOURNIQUETS 221311 IN48237 1401.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 80.49 327238 1011/2009 121497 NORTHWEST ASPHALT INC. 7,600.00 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 221406 092509 06039.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 88,113.03 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 221406 092509 01313.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 95,713.03 327239 10/1/2009 100933 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY 666.76 PAINTS, PENS, SKETCH PADS 00009086 221140 37889200 5120.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 666.76 327240 10/112009 116114 OCE 181.25 AUG MAINTENANCE 221407 986886358 1495.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 181.25 SEPT MAINTENANCE 221408 986921885 1495.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 362.50 327241 10/112009 103578 OFFICE DEPOT 10.28 THERMAL REGISTER TAPE 221055 1130180761 5410.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES 18.72 OFFICE SUPPLIES 221056 1131018916 5410.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES 35.12 PAPER 221057 1130180759 5410.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES 59.02 NAME TAGS 00008055 221090 488076560001 5510.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES 18.62 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00009093 221409 1131181867 5125.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM TS-39 70TH & METRO BA- 313 70TH & METRO ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS GOLF ADMINISTRATION GOLF ADMINISTRATION GOLF ADMINISTRATION ARENA ADMINISTRATION MEDIA STUDIO R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Council Check Register Page - 18 10/1/2009 - 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 424.00 POTTERY MAINTENANCE 141.76 092409 5112.6103 757.00 327242 1011/2009 100936 OLSEN COMPANIES 10/1/2009 100347 PAUS11S & SONS 223.06 HOOKS, LATCHES 00005283 221058 565569 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 470.50 223.06 221177 8235141 -IN 5862.5513 1,081.50 327243 10/1/2009 82351404N 100939 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC. 7.00- 221179 8232795 -CM 5842.5513 75.83 COOKIES 221312 5853893 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 75.83 327248 10/1/2009 327244 101112009 104895 OVERHEAD DOOR CO. 356.06 221141 28752817 186.35 DOOR REPAIR 00006340 221313 61666 5430.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 5421.5510 186.35 1,253.62 327249 327245 10/1/2009 124709 PETRELLA, ADAM 124697 PARKER, CHELSEA 92.00 FFI COURSE BOOK 221410 40.00 MEDIA INSTRUCTION 221215 092409 5125.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MEDIA STUDIO 40.00 327246 101112009 102440 PASS, GRACE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION ART CENTER POTTERY YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLING POOL CONCESSIONS GRILL BOOKS & PAMPHLETS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 333.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 221216 092409 5110.6103 424.00 POTTERY MAINTENANCE 221216 092409 5112.6103 757.00 327247 10/1/2009 100347 PAUS11S & SONS 2,184.01 221176 8235138 -IN 5842.5513 470.50 221177 8235141 -IN 5862.5513 1,081.50 221178 82351404N 5822.5513 7.00- 221179 8232795 -CM 5842.5513 13.00- 221360 8234910 -CM 5822.5513 3,716.01 327248 10/1/2009 100945 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY 356.06 221141 28752817 5320.5510 897.56 221314 54914910 5421.5510 1,253.62 327249 1011/2009 124709 PETRELLA, ADAM 92.00 FFI COURSE BOOK 221410 092309 1470.6405 92.00 327250 101112009 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 1.172.25 221180 2811489 5862.5513 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION ART CENTER POTTERY YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLING POOL CONCESSIONS GRILL BOOKS & PAMPHLETS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING R55CKREG . LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register -. Business Unit 10/1/2009 - 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 7,327.29 221181 2811486 5862.5513 431.70 221182 2811488 5862.5512 ' 12.00- 221183 3419269 5842.5513 388.67 221361 2811481 5822.5513 978.48 221362 2811478 5822.5513 49.12 221363 2811479 5822.5515 129.49 221364 2811480 5822.5512 4.76- 221365 3419933 5822.5513 32.00- 221366 3419673 5822.5513 31.93- 221367 3420132 5822.5513 -. Business Unit 10,396.31 VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 327251 101112009 50TH ST SELLING . 100119 PING 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 485.54 GOLF CLUBS 00006110 221316 9649101 50TH ST SELLING 485.54 327252 10/1/2009 101138 PLEAA 100.00 TRAINING SESSION (4) 221315 092409 100.00 327253 10/112009 124031 -PLUS ONE SERVICES -749:88 ' TOTE BAGS 00009044 221317 2685 790.00 LONG SLEEVE TEES 00009043 221318 2697 1,539.88 327254 101112009 111340 POLAR CHEVROLET p, 22,539.00 2009 CHEVROLET. PICKUP 00001410 221091 9G226945 22,539.00 327255 101112009 119620 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC. 420.62 TIRES 00005143-221092 67348 420.62 327256 101112009 - 100964 PRECISION TURF & CHEMICAL 2,436.75 FERTILIZERS .00006338 221059 33617 2,436.75 - 327257 101112009 106322 PROSOURCE SUPPLY 697.44 CLEANING SUPPLIES, 00002323 221319 4595 697.44 327258 10/112009 103094 PROTECTION ONE 5440.5511 1400.6104 5110.6122 5110.6122 1650.6710 1553.6583 5431.6540 5630.6406 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Page 19 Subledger Account Description , Business Unit COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING . COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF. GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP CONFERENCES 6 SCHOOLS ADVERTISING OTHER ADVERTISING OTHER EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT TIRES & TUBES FERTILIZER PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL ART,CENTER ADMINISTRATION ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN- RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE GENERAL'SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation 162.23 ALARM MONITORING 162.23 YORK SELLING 327259 1011/2009 100971 QUALITY WINE 2,701.09 952 922 -2444 230.60 2444 -9/09 818.60 VERNON SELLING 110.00 952 920 -8166 1,191.47 8166 -9/09 4,454.23 50TH ST SELLING 5,944.04 50TH ST SELLING 265.60 VERNON SELLING 1,235.20 101112009 1,150.70 100972 R &R SPECIALTIES OF WISCONSIN 1 scm na CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 10/112009 - 10/112009 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 00008070 221093 12743654 -9109 5511.6250 ALARM SERVICE 221184 209409 -00 221185 209397 -00 221186 208501 -00 221187 208502 -00 221188 209154 -00 221189 209411 -00 221190 209451 -00 221191 209519 -00 221192 209155 -00 221193 209356 -00 221194 209162 -00 221195 205205 -00 327260 1011/2009 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 123898 QWEST COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 56.23 952 922 -2444 221411 2444 -9/09 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 113.77 952 920 -8166 221412 8166 -9/09 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 170.00 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 327261 101112009 100972 R &R SPECIALTIES OF WISCONSIN 1 358.61 ZAMBONI PART 00008065 221060 0043391 -IN 358.61 327262 10/1/2009 104450 RAPID GRAPHICS & MAILING 506.00 MAIL UTILITY BILLS 221061 2650 506.00 327263 10/1/2009 105324 READY WATT ELECTRIC 3,684.00 SIREN MAINTENANCE 221320 94581 3,684.00 327264 101112009 100977 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 136.00 CLEARED DRAINS 221062 53286 136.00 327265 1011/2009 123757 RIECHMANN PEDERSON DESIGN INC 1,100.60 GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES 221142 909151 -4 1.100.60 5842.5512 5842.5512 5842.5513 5842.5514 5842.5513 5862.5512 5862.5513 5862.5513 5862.5513 5822.5512 5822.5513 586Z.5513 1550.6188 1550.6188 5521.6406 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Page - 20 Business Unit ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING TELEPHONE TELEPHONE GENERAL SUPPLIES 5910.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1460.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 5424.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 2210.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL ARENA ICE MAINT GENERAL (BILLING) CIVILIAN DEFENSE RANGE COMMUNICATIONS R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Council Check Register Page - 21 10/1/2009 - 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 327266 10/1/2009 102408 RIGID HITCH INCORPORATED 158.85 SLIP HOOKS, BALL MOUNTS 00005344 221321 1083478 -01 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 158.85 327267 101112009 100980 ROBERT B. HILL CO. 106.30 SOFTENER SALT 221413 00224905 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 106.30 327268 1011/2009 103792 ROETTGER, MARY 150.00 JUDGE'S HONORIA 221380 092509 5120.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 150.00 327269 101112009 101311 ROOT- O -MATIC SEWER SERVICE 380.00 SANITARY SEWER CLEANING 00005215 221143 30318 1646.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 380.00 327270 10/112009 124704 RUFF, GWEN 75.00 AWARD OF MERIT 221381 092509 5120.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 75.00 327271 101112009 106448 RUMMELHOFF, TIM 150.00 AWARD OF EXCELLENCE 221382 092509 5120.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 150.00 327272 1011/2009 101232 SALUD AMERICA INC. 417.00 221223 EMLYAS91809D 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 196.00 221224 EMLS092409 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 613.00 327273 10/1/2009 101822 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 16.75 101 "" "'9350 221063 091809 4075.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD VANVALKENBURG 23.73 101 - "" "•9350 221063 091809 1600.4390 REGISTRATION FEES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 40.48 327274 101112009 116644 SANDON, PATRICK 835.00 FDIC COURSE FEE 221322 092309 1470.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 835.00 327275 10/1/2009 101577' SCHMOLL, RUTH 240.08 PETTY CASH 221323 092309 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 240.08 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 10/112009 - 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 327276 101112009 122471 SEED SOLUTIONS 2300.40 SEED 00005198 221144 6043915 1643.6547 SEED CONTRACTED REPAIRS 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Page - 22 Business Unit GENERAL TURF CARE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER POTTERY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE GOLF ADMINISTRATION TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT TELEPHONE GENERAL (BILLING) 2,300.40 STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL TELEPHONE CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 327277 10/1/2009 PSTF OCCUPANCY 106174 SHAFTON INC. 50TH &FRANCE MAINTENANCE TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN TELEPHONE YORK OCCUPANCY 218.95 SPARKY REPAIRS 00003580 221324 5525 1470.6180 218.95 327278 101112009 101380 SHAUGHNESSY, SANDRA 1,592.00 POTTERY MAINTENANCE 221217 092409 5112.6103 1,592.00 327279 10/1/2009 118742 SHEETS, SUSAN 75.00 AWARD OF MERIT 221383 092509 5120.6103 75.00 327280 101112009 100629 SMITH, AMY 303.05 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 221325 092509 5410.6107 303.05 327281 101112009 103689 SNAP -ON TOOLS 162.10 BALL JOINT TOOL, TRIM PAD 00005292 221145 214111208 -17995 1553.6556 0 162.10 327282 101112009 110977 SOW, ADAMA 703.50 INSTRUCTOR AC 221218 092409 5110.6103 991.00 CLEANING 221218 092409 5111.6103 1,694.50 327283 10/1/2009 104672 SPRINT 39.99 DATA CARDS 221064 666109817 -022 5910.6188 39.99 DATA CARDS 221064 666109817 -022 1322.6188 10.36 221094 873184124 -082 5631.6188 16.24 221094 873184124 -082 1240.6188 43.94 221094 873184124 -082 7411.6188 47.04 221094 873184124 -082 4090.6188 48.16 221094 873184124 -082 1553.6188 51.08 221094 873184124 -082 5841.6188 51.08 221094 873184124 -082 1140.6188 51.36 221094 873164124 -082 1490.6188 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Page - 22 Business Unit GENERAL TURF CARE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER POTTERY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE GOLF ADMINISTRATION TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT TELEPHONE GENERAL (BILLING) TELEPHONE STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL TELEPHONE CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN GENERAL TELEPHONE PSTF OCCUPANCY TELEPHONE 50TH &FRANCE MAINTENANCE TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN TELEPHONE YORK OCCUPANCY TELEPHONE PLANNING TELEPHONE PUBLIC HEALTH R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 10/1/2009 101004 SIPS COMPANIES 10/1/2009 - 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 51.40 221094 873184124 -082 1120.6188 TELEPHONE 51.61 221094 873184124 -082 1190.6188 TELEPHONE 112.61 221094 873184124 -082 2210.6188 TELEPHONE 160.16 221094 873184124 -082 1322.6188 TELEPHONE 176.68 221094 873184124 -082 1495.6188 TELEPHONE 234.67 221094 873184124 -082 1554.6188 TELEPHONE 284.05 221094 873184124 -082 1301.6188 TELEPHONE 360.25 221094 873184124 -082 5621.6188 TELEPHONE 408.24 221094 873184124 -082 5910.6188 TELEPHONE 413.84 221094 873184124 -082 1640.6188 TELEPHONE 493.71 221094 873184124 -082 1470.6188 TELEPHONE 781.61 221094 873184124 -082 1260.6188 TELEPHONE 1,538.14 221094 873184124 -082 1400.6188 TELEPHONE GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Page - 23 Business Unit ADMINISTRATION ASSESSING COMMUNICATIONS STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL INSPECTIONS CENT SERV GEN - MIS GENERAL MAINTENANCE EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION GENERAL (BILLING) PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL ENGINEERING GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL CENT SVC PW BUILDING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS RESERVE PROGRAM REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT ADVERTISING LEGAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN FIRE STATION #1 RENOVATION ADMINISTRATION 5,466.21 327284 10/1/2009 101004 SIPS COMPANIES 1,041.23 HEX DRIVERS, CONTROLLERS 00005440 221326 S2098033.001 1470.6406 1,041.23 327285 10/1/2009 100650 STANLEY SECURITY SOLUTIONS INC 22.44 KEYS 00005258 221065 CH- 517031 1552.6406 22.44 327286 101112009 124430 STERNITZKE, RAQUEL 108.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 221219 092409 5110.6103 108.00 327287 101112009 124699 STONE, BROWDER 441.12 RESERVES TRAINING EXPENSE 221327 091809 1419.6104 441.12 327288 101112009 101017 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 112.04 RESISTOR 00005168 221328 195526 1553.6530 112.04 327289 10/112009 106404 SUN CONTROL OF MINNESOTA INC. 800.00 SOLAR GUARD PANELS 00003602 221329 2466 45008.6710 800.00 327290 101112009 100900 SUN NEWSPAPERS 160.88 PUBLISH AD FOR BID 221066 1204723 1120.6120 160.88 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Page - 23 Business Unit ADMINISTRATION ASSESSING COMMUNICATIONS STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL INSPECTIONS CENT SERV GEN - MIS GENERAL MAINTENANCE EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION GENERAL (BILLING) PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL ENGINEERING GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL CENT SVC PW BUILDING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS RESERVE PROGRAM REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT ADVERTISING LEGAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN FIRE STATION #1 RENOVATION ADMINISTRATION R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9130/2009 9:46:49 Council Check Register Page - 24 10/1/2009 — 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 327291 1011/2009 124700 SUN PRODUCTS 51.00 MERCHANDISE 00006234 221330 4487 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 51.00 327292 10/1/2009 124693 SUNRUD, SCOTT 17.33 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 221146 092309 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 17.33 327293 10/1/2009 121492 SUPERIOR TURF SERVICES INC. 1,494.92 DISARMS 221067 5544 5422.6545 CHEMICALS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 1,494.92 327294 10/112009 120998 SURLY BREWING CO. 1,830.00 221368 10353 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 785.00 221369 20404 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 2,615.00 327295 1011/2009 100794 SWANSON, HAROLD 100.00 POLICE SERVICE 221103 100109 1419.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES RESERVE PROGRAM 100.00 327296 101112009 111616 T.D. ANDERSON INC. 38.00 BEER LINE CLEANING 00006325 221068 412742 5421.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES GRILL 38.00 327297 101112009 120325 TCC MATERIALS 292.01 MORTAR 00005324 221069 0000454628 5932.6520 CONCRETE GENERAL STORM SEWER 292.01 327298 10/1/2009 113549 TENNIS WEST 3,470.00 RESURFACE BASKETBALL COURT 00001559 221095 09 -77741 1647.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 24,970.00 OVERLAY TENNIS COURTS 00001560 221096 09- 1647.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 28,440.00 327299 10/1/2009 101326 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO 220.69 LAMPS 00005281 221070 95587 -00 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 274.39 CONNECTORS, FUSES, WIRE 00005282 221147 96167 -00 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 495.08 327300 10/1/2009 101035 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 203.50 221071 560025 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Council Check Register Page - 25 1011/2009 — 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 268.90 221331 561019 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 283.00 221332 73539 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 157.70 221370 560530 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 2,414.80 221371 560529 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 3,327.90 327301 1011/2009 104347 71ERNEY BROTHERS INC. 841.11 PROJECTOR 00003593 221333 564185 -1 45008.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FIRE STATION #1 RENOVATION 841.11 327302 101112009 124705 TIMM, JULIE 100.00 BETSY BRYANT POTTERY AWARD 221384 092509 5120.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 100.00 327303 10/1/2009 101048 TRI COUNTY BEVERAGE & SUPPLY 275.00 221372 224635 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 230.00 221373 16125 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 505.00 327304 1011/2009 116991 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 25.00 RABIES SHOT 221334 1668363 1450.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ANIMAL CONTROL 25.00 327305 10/1/2009 100668 URS CORPORATION 221.70 PROMENADE PHASE II 221418 4031069 14005.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION FO005 PROMENADE FIBER CONDUIT 10,177.37 PROMENADE PHASE II 221418 4031069 01364.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION BA -364 PROMENADE PHASE 2 11,786.25 PROMENADE PHASE II 221418 4031069 07102.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION 5102 PROMENADE IMP PHASE I 34,046.68 PROMENADE PHASE II 221418 4031069 10095.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION BR5 PROMENADE BRIDGE @ YORK 2,254.56 PROMEDANE PHASE II 221419 4031056 04363.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION STS -363 PROMENADE PHASE 2 3,113.44 PROMEDANE PHASE II 221419 4031056 05469.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION WM -469 NORTH PROMENADE 61,600.00 327306 10/1/2009 123319 VACATION SPORTS 352.00 GREAT DUCK RACE T- SHIRTS 221098 1468 5631.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL ADMINISTRATION 352.00 327307 10/112009 120285 VALENTINE, RICHARD 400.00 PAT GREER BEST IN SHOW AWARD 221385 092509 5120.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 400.00 327308 101112009 101058 VAN PAPER CO. 143.28 LIQUOR BAGS 221097 135349 -00 5822.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 50TH STREET GENERAL 1,849.36 CITY OF EDINA GENERAL SUPPLIES PARKING RAMP GENERAL SUPPLIES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL Council Check Register 1011/2009 106308 VEITH, MICHELLE 10/1/2009 - 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 619.00 CAN LINERS 00005197 221148 135129 -00 1645.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 430.34 LIQUOR BAGS 00007512 221335 135347 -00 5842.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES 62.56 TISSUE 00007513 221336 135348 -01 5860.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 99.73 SUPPLIES 221337 135348 -00 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 494.45 SUPPLIES 221337 135348 -00 5862.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES GEN ADAPTIVE REC REPAIR PARTS LEASE LINES LEASE LINES 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Page - 26 Business Unit LITTER REMOVAL YORK SELLING VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING PARK ADMIN. GENERAL GOLF CARS GOLF CARS GOLF CARS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH STREET GENERAL 1,849.36 PSTF OCCUPANCY GENERAL SUPPLIES PARKING RAMP GENERAL SUPPLIES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 327309 1011/2009 106308 VEITH, MICHELLE 10.00 HALLOWEEN SUPER SUNDAY REFUND 221072 092109 1600.4390.15 10.00 327310 101112009 101063 VERSATILE VEHICLES INC. 322.27 HOOD, TIE RODS 00006111 221073 45385 5423.6530 1,450.00 GOLF CAR RENTALS 221338 45510 5423.6216 1,160.00 GOLF CAR RENTALS 221339 45508 5423.6216 2,932.27 327311 1011/2009 119454 VINOCOPIA 106.50 221225 0018525 -IN 5842.5513 106.50 327312 101112009 101069 VOSS LIGHTING 7.50 LIGHTING 00005271 221074 15137582 -00 5820.6406 109.27 LIGHTING 00005271 221074 15137582 -00 7411.6406 118.93 LIGHTING 00005271 221074 15137582 -00 1375.6406 55.76 LIGHTING 00005464 221340 15136874 -00 5840.6406 147.72 LIGHTING BALLASTS 00005271 221341 15137582 -02 5820.6406 439.18 327313 101112009 106699 WALSER CHRYSLER JEEP 338.99 ROTORS, PAD KIT 00005169 221149 1621838CHW 1553.6530 338.99 327314 10/1/2009 101080 WALSH, WILLIAM 100.00 POLICE SERVICE 221102 100109 1419.6102 100.00 327315 1011/2009 104681 WEBB, DONNA 24.00 SUPPLIES 221220 092409 5110.6564 236.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 221220 092409 5110.6103 260.00 GEN ADAPTIVE REC REPAIR PARTS LEASE LINES LEASE LINES 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Page - 26 Business Unit LITTER REMOVAL YORK SELLING VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING PARK ADMIN. GENERAL GOLF CARS GOLF CARS GOLF CARS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH STREET GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY GENERAL SUPPLIES PARKING RAMP GENERAL SUPPLIES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH STREET GENERAL REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES . RESERVE PROGRAM CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION I R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 1011/2009 - 10/112009 Check # Date- Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 327316 10/1/2009 116516 WELDON, KEN 56.00 INSTRUCTOR AC 221221 092409 5110.6103 5841.6103 5822.5513 5862.5513 5842.5513 Subledger Account Description PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Page - 27 Business Unit ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION YORK OCCUPANCY COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF.,GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 56.00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 327317 10/1/2009 YORK SELLING 103266 WELSH COMPANIES LLC COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 576.65 OCT 2009 MAINTENANCE 221150 100109 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 576.65 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 327318 _ 10/1/2009 VERNON SELLING 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 569.90 5862.5513 221226 226468 -00 - COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 3,850.55 5822.5513 221227 226472 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 583.55 5862.5512 221228 226372 -00 5842.5513 COST OF -GOODS SOLD WINE 5,004.00 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 327319 10/1/2009 YORK SELLING 101312 WINE MERCHANTS COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER - 1,444.37 221229 289521 . 81.12 221374 289519 1,525.49 327320 10/1/2009 124291 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 9,291.07 221230 291310 96.16 221231 291311 1,538.90, 221232 291308 1,595.00 221233 291309 2,933.29 221234 291302 5.75 221235 291138 3,066.20 221236 291300 1,968.95 221237 291301 4,523.10 221238 291304 192.00 221239 290025 990.24 221240 291307 805.05 221241 291306 245.70 221242 291305 183.85- 221243 785727 53.10- 221244 785269 . 105.45- 221375 785522 26,909.01 327321 10/1/2009 124529 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 5,007.22 221245 517016 22.00 •221246 517017 750.00 221247 516437 5841.6103 5822.5513 5862.5513 5842.5513 Subledger Account Description PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Page - 27 Business Unit ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION YORK OCCUPANCY COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF.,GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH.ST SELLING 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 5842.5513 COST OF -GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 5842,5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER - VERNON SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 9/30/2009 9:46:49 Council Check Register Page - 28 10/112009 — 10/1/2009 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 1,378.50 221248 516436 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 2,720.15 221249 516167 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 196.00 221342 518051 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 2,065.00 221376 518677 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 12,138.87 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 327322 10/1/2009 5862.5513 101086 WORLD CLASS WINES INC 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 517.50 221250 235146 967.24 221251 235532 657.53 221252 235533 64.00- 221253 235364 88.00- 221254 235366 8.00- 221255 235367 1,982.27 327323 10/112009 101726 XCEL ENERGY 42.59 51- 5276505 -8 221075 210590642 42.59 327324 10/1/2009 101089 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 96.72 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 00006339 221076 54065074 96.72 327325 101112009 122094 XCEL ENERGY 6,200.08 REROUTING CABLE -6755 YORK AVE 221449 092809 6,200.08 556,316.06 Grand Total 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1330.6185 LIGHT & POWER 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 5800.1720 BUILDINGS Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 556,316.06 Total Payments 556,316.06 50TH ST SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING TRAFFIC SIGNALS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET R55CKSUM LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Summary 10/1/2009 - 10/1/2009 Company Amount 01000 GENERAL FUND 153,508.45 02200 COMMUNICATIONS FUND 2,134.75 02300 POLICE SPECIAL REVENUE 4,039.33 04000 WORKING CAPITAL FUND 95,052.97 04800 CONSTRUCTION FUND 88,113.03 05100 ART CENTER FUND 22,569.98 05200 GOLF DOME FUND 5.33 05300 AQUATIC CENTER FUND 501.03 05400 GOLF COURSE FUND 32,192.17 05500 ICE ARENA FUND 2,996.88 05600 EDINBOROUGH /CENT LAKES FUND 1,641.86 05800 LIQUOR FUND 140,418.77 05900 UTILITY FUND 5,048.75 05930 STORM SEWER FUND 6,262.28 07400 PSTF AGENCY FUND 1,830.48 Report Totals 556,316.06 We confirm to the best of our knowledge and belief, that these claims comply in all material respects with the requirements of the City of Edina purchasing pollgie r and /bl � a anager 9/30/2009 9:47:51 Page- 1 J) To: Mayor & City Council From: John Wallin Finance Director Date: October 6, 2009 Subject: Resolution Calling for Bond Sale for Series 2009C REPORT /RECOMMENDATION Agenda Item # VLB Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action ❑ Motion ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Approve Resolution 2009 -86 providing for the sale of $2,270,000 G.O. Recreational Facility Bonds, Series 2009C. Info /Background: Attached is the Bond Issue Pre -Sale Report and Resolution providing for the sale of $2,270,000 G.O. Recreational Facility Bonds, Series 2009C as drafted by the City's bond consultant Ehlers and Associates, Inc. These bonds are to finance the replacement of a sheet of ice and related ice - making equipment at the Braemar Ice Arena. EHLERS LEADERS IN.PURIC FINANCE Debt Issuance Services October 6, 2009 Pre -Sale Report for $2,270,000 General Obligation Recreational Facility Bonds, Series 2009C www.ehlers- inc.com Minnesota phone 651- 697 -8500 3060 centre Pointe Drive Offices also in Wisconsin and,Ifinois fax 651 - 697 -8555 Rosevioe, MN 5511 3 -11 22 Debt Issuance -Services su es Details of Proposed Debt Proposed Issue: $2,270,000 General Obligation Recreational Facility Bonds, Series 2009A (the "Bonds "). The proposed project is eligible for tax- exempt bonds, which in today's market would result in interest rates at or below 3.8 %. The recent federal stimulus package offers a new type of bonding option known as Build America Bonds (`BABs) that could benefit Edina. BABs are issued as taxable bonds, with rebates from the federal government to the issuer equal to 35% of the interest payments. The interest rate to the investors would be slightly less than 5.1 %, but the 35% rebate to the City would reduce interest rates to approximately 3.31 %. Because the spread between taxable and tax- exempt interest rates varies on a daily basis, we are recommending that the City maintain flexibility on the choice of taxable BABs or tax- exempt bonds. The lower interest rate with BABs would result in approximately $5,000 per year less interest costs. However, there are additional risks with BABs including increased IRS scrutiny and risk of future appropriations from Congress. These risks also have a cost. Purpose: Proceeds from the Bonds will fund the replacement of a sheet of ice, and related ice - making equipment for the facility. Authority: The Bonds are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475 and special law Chapter 655 — H.F. No. 1403, which allows Edina to "pledge for the payment of general obligation bonds issued to finance the acquisition or betterment of municipal recreational facilities, and interest thereon, any defined portion or all of the revenues to be derived from the operation of such facilities and of any then existing recreational facilities." The City does need to set aside an internal debt service reserve fund to meet the parameters of the special legislation. Funding Sources: The Bonds are expected to be supported by net revenues of the facility, but ultimately the City is pledging its full faith and credit of its property tax base to support the debt service. Risk Factors: Tax- exempt bonds place any tax law risk on the investor. BABs would transfer some of that risk to the City because the federal government could withhold the rebate payments due to lack of funding or due to a dispute with the City over income tax or arbitrage calculations.. Arbitrage Monitoring: IRS rules regarding the amount of interest that the City may earn on bond proceeds must be taken into consideration. If the City spends the bond proceeds within 24 months according to specific percentages each six 0 Presale Report October 6, 2009 Page 2 Debt Issuance Services n n months, interest earned on the proceeds above the bond, interest rate does not need to be rebated or repaid. The excess interest earnings are known as arbitrage. The City will also need to keep its debt service funds within IRS parameters to avoid penalties for carrying too high of a balance during the life of the issue. Rating: It is anticipated that Moody's.Investors Service and Standard & Poor's will rate the Bonds "Aaa / AAA ". Bank Qualification: Because :the City is issuing less than $30,000,000 in the calendar year, the City will be able to designate the any tax- exempt portion,of the Bonds as . `,`bank qualified obligations. Today the spread between bank qualified and- non-bank qualified rates is less significant than it has been in past years.. Term /Call Feature: The Bonds are being issued for a 20 -year period. Interest is payable each six months. Principal on the Bonds will be due on February 1 in the years 2011 through 2030. The Bonds maturing February 1, 2019, and thereafter will be subject to prepayment at the discretion of the City on February 1, 2018. Other We will continue to monitor the market and the call dates for the City and Considerations: will alert you to any future refunding opportunities. Presale Report October 6, 2009 Page 3 Debt Issuance Services Proposed Debt Issuance Schedule Pre -Sale Review by Council: October 6, 2009 Distribute Official Statement: October 19 Conference with Rating Agency: Week of October 19 City Council Meeting to Award Sale of the Bonds: November 2 Estimated Closing Date: On or about November 23 Attachments Sources and Uses of Funds Proposed Debt Service Schedule Resolution Authorizing Ehlers to Proceed With Bond Sale Ehlers Contacts: Financial Advisors: Mark Ruff Jon North Bond Analysts: Diana Lockard Debbie Holmes Bond Sale Coordinator: Alicia Aulwes (651) 697 -8505 (651) 697 -8545 (651) 697 -8534 (651) 697 -8536 (651) 697 -8523 The Official Statement for this financing will be mailed to the Council Members at their home address for review prior to the sale date. 0 Presale Report October 6, 2009 Page 4 Debt Issuance Services Resolution No. Council Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution Providing for the Sale of $2,270,000 General Obligation Recreational Facility Bonds, Series 2009C A. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, has heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient to issue the City's $2,270,000 General Obligation Recreational Facility Bonds, Series 2009C (the "Bonds "), to finance replacement of an ice sheet and related ice - generating equipment in the City; and B. WHEREAS, the City has retained Ehlers & Associates, Inc., in Roseville, Minnesota ( "Ehlers "), as its independent financial advisor for the Bonds and is therefore authorized to solicit proposals in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Authorization: Findings. The City Council hereby authorizes Ehlers to solicit proposals for the sale of the Bonds as either taxable or tax- exempt bonds. 2. Meeting: Proposal Opening. The City Council shall meet at 7:00 pm on November 2, 2009, for the purpose of considering sealed proposals for and awarding the sale of the Bonds. 3. Official Statement. In connection with said sale, the officers or employees of the City are hereby authorized to cooperate with Ehlers and participate in the preparation of an official statement for the Bonds and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the City upon its completion. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council Member and, after full discussion thereof and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following Council Members voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated this day of , City Clerk City of Edina, MN Build America Bond Comparison G.O. Recreational Facility Bonds, Series 2009C Assumes Current Market Rates Bond Information Tax Exempt Dated Date 11/15/2009 1st Int Pmt 8/1/2010 1st Prin Pmt 211/2011 Taxable Dated Date 11/15/2009 1st Int Pmt 8/1/2010 1st Prin Pmt 2/1/2011 ' Effective Taxable Rate is equal to the taxable rate less 35.00 %. Tax Period Levy Collect Ending Year Year Date 2008 2009 2/1/2010 2009 2010 211/2011 2010 2011 2/1/2012 2011 2012 2/1/2013 2012 2013 2/1/2014 2013 2014 2/112015 2014 2015 2/1/2016 2015 2016 2/1/2017 2016 2017 211/2016 2017 2018 211/2019 2018 2019 2/1/2020 2019 2020 2/112021 2020 2021 2/112022 2021 2022 2/1/2023 2022 2023 2/1/2024 2023 2024 2/1/2025 2024 2025 2/1/2026 2025 2026 2/112027 2026 2027 21112028 2027 2028 2/1/2029 2028 2029 2/1/2030 ' Effective Taxable Rate is equal to the taxable rate less 35.00 %. Tax Savings Proposed Par Amount of Bonds Tax-Exempt Bonds Proposed Par Amount of Bonds . - Build America Bonds 2,245,000 Required Equity Contribution (COI & Discount over 2% of Par) 28,163 Total Sources 40,000 Deposit to Project Fund 0.70% 2,273,163 Total Underwriter's Discount (1.250 %) 1.30% 1,625 28,063 Costs of Issuance _ 1.63% 2,270,000 0.28% 45,000 Deposit to Project Fund 1.75% Average Coupon: 3.5682% 4,262 2,200,000 Rounding Amount Cap Net Principal 100 Total Uses P & 1 75,000 0.70% 85,127 2,273,163 90,000 1.10% Call Date: 21112018 90,000 1.35% 68,935 Average Coupon: 5.0958% 1.75% 67,720 162,720 Effective Rate: 3.3123% 66,058 161,058 95,000 2.20% 64,158 35.00% 100,000 2.55% 62,068 162,068 Total Federal Net Principal Rate Interest PSI Rebate P & I 3.15% 53,723 163,723 110,000 3.40% 50,258 75,000 1.50% 124,220 199,220 (43,477) 155,743 90,000 2.00% 101,678 191,678 (35,587) 156,090 90,000 2.50% 99,878 189,878 34,957 154,920 95,000 3.00% 97,628 192,628 (34,170) 158,458 95,000 3.50% 94,778 189,778 (33,172) 156,605 95,000 4.00% 91,453 186,453 32,008 164,444 100,000 4.20% 87,653 187,653 (30,678)- -. 156,974 100,000 4.40% 83,453 183,453 (29,208) 154,244 105,000 4.60% 79,053 184,053 27,668 166,384 110,000 4.80% 74,223 184,223 (25,978) 158,245 110,000 4.90% 68,943 178,943 (24,130) 154,813 115,000 5.00% 63,553 178,553 22,243 166,309 120,000 5.10% 57,803 177,803 (20,231) 157,572 120,000 5.20% 51,683 171,683 (18,089) 163,594 125,000 5.30% 45,443 170,443 15,905 154,538 130,000 5.40% 38,818 168,818 (13,586) 155,231 135,000 5.45% 31,798 166,798 (11,129) 155,668 140,000 5.55% 24,440 164,440 8,554 165,886 145,000 5.60% 16,670 161,670 (5,835) 155,836 150,000 5.70% 8,550 158,550 (2,993) 155,558 2,245,000 1,341,710 3,586,710 469,598 3,117,111 ' Effective Taxable Rate is equal to the taxable rate less 35.00 %. Annual Effective Tax Savings Proposed Par Amount of Bonds Tax-Exempt Bonds 2,270,000 Total Sources Rate' Rate 2,270,000 Total Underwriters Discount (1.250 %) 28,375 Costs of Issuance 40,000 Deposit to Project Fund 0.70% 2,200,000 Rounding Amount 1.30% 1,625 Total Uses 3,835 _ 1.63% 2,270,000 0.28% Call Date: 21112018 1.95% 1.75% Average Coupon: 3.5682% 4,262 2.28% 2.00% Cap Net Principal Rate Interest Interest P & 1 75,000 0.70% 85,127 160,127 90,000 1.10% 69,925 159,925 90,000 1.35% 68,935 168,935 95,000 1.75% 67,720 162,720 95,000 2.00% 66,058 161,058 95,000 2.20% 64,158 159,168 100,000 2.55% 62,068 162,068 100,000 2.75% 59,518 159,518 105,000 2.90% 56,768 161,768 110,000 3.15% 53,723 163,723 110,000 3.40% 50,258 160,258 115,000 3.50% 46,518 161,518 120,000 3.60% 42,493 162,493 125,000 3.70% 38,173 163,173 125,000 3.75% 33,548 158,548 130,000 3.80% 28,860 158,860 140,000 3.90% 23,920 163,920 145,000 4.00% 18,460 163,460 150,000 4.10% 12,660 162,660 155,000 4.20% 6,510 161,510 2,270,000 955,395 3,225,395 Annual Effective Tax Savings Taxable Exempt Annual Post - Rate' Rate Spread Rebate (28,163) 0.98% 0.70% 0.28% 4,384 1.30% 1.10% 0.20% 3,835 _ 1.63% 1.35% 0.28% 4,015 1.95% 1.75% 0.20% 4,262 2.28% 2.00% 0.28% 4,452 2.60% 2.20% 0.40% 4,713 2.73% 2.55% 0.18% 5,093 2.86% 2.75% 0.11% 5,273 2.99% 2.90% 0.09% 5,383 3.12% 3.15% -0.03% 5,478 3.19% 3.40% -0.22% 5,445 3.25% 3.50% -0.25% 5,208 3.32% 3.60% -0.29% 4,921 3.38% 3.70% - 0.32% 9,579 3.45% 3.75% -0.31% 4,010 3.51% 3.80% -0.29% 3,629 3.540/6 3.90% -0.36% 8,252 3.61% 4.00% -0.39% 7,674 3.64% 4.10% -0.46% 6,825 3.71% 4.20% -0.50% 5,953 80,121 PV Savings = 44,272 1 by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. + 109 49 F IRS To: Mayor & City Council From:. Debra Mangen City Clerk Date: October 6, 2009 Subject: Correspondence REPORT /RECOMMENDATION Agenda Item VII. A. Consent ❑ Information Only Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance Discussion Info /Background: Attached is correspondence received after the packets went out. Susan Howl ubject: FW: Please forward: re Changes to Metro Bus Route 6 and 6E .Attachments: Position Statement - Bus Route 6 and 6E.doc RECEIVED From: Scott Edstrom [mailto:sjedstrom @gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 1:01 PM OCT Q To: Lynette Biunno Cc: Jack Sullivan; Wayne Houle; Mike Bochert Subject: Please forward: re Changes to Metro Bus Route 6 and 6E Please forward the following attachment to : 1. The Edina City Council Members 2. The Edina Transportation Commission We just wanted to provide you with an updated "Position Statement" regarding our perspective on the September 12th changes to Route 6 and 6E. Although we are frustrated by the time it takes to get approval for the parties to just get together ( see below) we an appreciate the fact that processes and procedures are required to get things done . • City Council recommends (.in August 18th meeting) the issue be forwarded to the Transportation Comm for review and recommendation • Transportation Comm. ( In Mid September meeting) reviews and recommends that Metro Transit and Edina residents get together and try to develop a resolution • Transportation Comm. (In Mid October meeting) to review meeting minutes from September meeting and after vote to approve the minutes the recommendation to work together will be forwarded to the City council for their review and hopefully approve • City Council ( In Nov 2.) meeting will receive recommendation " to work together" and will receive a report out and recommendation from City staff. We are looking forward to working together with the City of Edina and Metro Transit to reach a resolution. Please contact Scott Edstrom if you have any questions 612 - 845 -5811 Position Statement Route 6 & 6E Position Statement by residents of: Village Homes of Centennial Lakes — 250 units / 340+ Residents • Coventry Townhomes of Centennial Lakes — 96 Units / 150+ Residents Summary Statement / Position: The intrusion and significant negative impact to the quality of life for residents listed above is not justified or offset by the anticipated benefits to Metro Transit or Edina residents , either through more convenient service or more riders or additional fare income resulting from the changes made to routes 6 and 6E. Current Position: • The changes to Bus Routes 6 and 6E recently implemented on September 12'�' are a significant intrusion and have a major negative impact on the quality of life, health and "green" environment to residents above and the Centennial Lakes neighborhood in general. • The benefits to be realized do not offset the intrusion and negative impact on quality of life impact currently being experienced by the Edina residents in the above neighborhoods. • We also believe that for residents living directly or very near to the route will be negatively impacted when trying to sell our homes in the future from both a price (lower) and amount of time (longer) needed to sell. What is being requested? : • Current Bus Routes (6E and 6) be changed ( or re- routed to previous routes and streets) to not include: 0 1. Edinborough Way north of 76h to Parklawn Ave. 0 2. Parklawn Ave. from Edinborough Way to France Ave. (or) Significant reduction in number or routes currently being run through the neighborhood. Elimination or re- routing of early morning routes ( pre 6:45am) and late evening routes (post 8:30 PM) that are not neighborhood friendly or in line with the activities and hours of the residents and businesses in the area. How are residents and the area being impacted: • Significant noise intrusion. Buses can be heard, even with all doors and windows closed, in all units that reside along the streets mentioned above • Pollution and odor. The smell from non hybrid vehicles is very noticeable from decks, patios and even inside of the homes • Frequency — over 85+ trips per weekday with buses running on average 4 times per hour (6 -8 during rush hour). A Similar number of trips are run on the weekends also. Intrusive early morning and late evening routes — buses start at 5:45 am in the morning and the last run is at 12:45am at night. Stores close in the area at 9 PM and the park closes at 10 PM Now that we have had a chance to experience the actual impact of the routes since their implementation on September 12th we feel that the impact is significantly more negative than anticipated. Noises can be heard from farther away and can be heard even with doors and windows closed. Key Points / Reasons (per the Metro Transit Organization) for the changes (and our Resident Responses in Red) 1. Changes to Route 6 and 6E were made to deliver access to 1200 -1300 additional residents in the Edina area. This should result in increased # of riders on these routes. Resident response: The route changes will only improve access for less than 100 residents in the area. These 100 residents also currently have door to door access every half hour to route 4538 which takes them directly to and from Southdale which is what Route 6E and 6 provides. See the Resident / Rider Analysis for how the Centennial Lakes / Coventry neighborhood would use the modified route 2. The Edina City staff granted concurrence to the changes when presented by the Metro Transit organization. Resident Response: The Edina City staff did not understand the impact and how the residents of Edina felt about the change. Their concurrence may have been different 3. These changes were requested by the City of Edina. Residence Response: The specific changes were not requested by the residents of Edina (for additional or better service) or by the City of Edina. They were a response by the Metro Transit organization to submission of Edina's Long Range Plan. 4. Moving the bus stops off of France avenue onto nearby pedestrian friendly side streets. Residence Response: We believe that there are other routes that can accommodate this need. We would be glad to provide our input. Further, the change moves stops off of France Ave that has some partial sidewalks to Edinbough Way which has no sidewalks on one side of the street and does not even have room to walk on the grass. 5. The changes will provide better access to the Centennial Lakes park for other Edina residents and will possibly improve business for Retail stores in the area. Residence Response: The previous stops on 76th Ave provide better access to the parks than the current stops on Parklawn Ave. We also believe that there are other routes that can accommodate this need. We would be glad to provide our input. Most local residents in the area impacted can walk to the retail stores in the area. Position Points regarding the Changes: 1. The Demand for services would be from less than 100 people and not 1200. There will be no significant increase in demand by the local residents ( that are impacted) or increase or improvement in ridership or service resulting from route changes on Parklawn Lane and Edinborough Way. ( see Attachment A - Analysis of residents) 2. Ouality of Life Impact ( Noise)— The significant noise of the brakes as well as the acceleration and deceleration at the stops ( and by the buses in general) significantly impacts what was relatively a quiet neighborhood. Prior to the changes buses stopped on the corner of Parklawn Ave. and Edinborough Way ( for route 538 up to 4 times per hour. That bus takes residents or 3400 Parklawn directly to Southdale every half hour. That has now changed and there are now over 115 stops per day on that corner and over 85+ one way trips on the streets mentioned. This noise can be heard over 1 block away. 3. Ouality of Life Impact ( Pollution and Gas fumes) — a significant number of residents can smell the fumes and are close enough to the routes to have to close their windows and doors so the smell and fumes do not enter their homes. 4. Route times and Frequency are not neighborhood friendly — The noise in 4 above (up to 6 trips per hour) and the extremely late route times ( until after midnight) have negatively changed the lives of the people living close to the route. The modified route has over 50 additional residences ( in the 2 block route) that live within 50 feet of the new service. That number quadruples for 100 feet. 5. Negative Green impact to the Park and Residents. There are over 85 bus trips that now run through the heart of a residential area and one of the nicest parks in the metropolitan area. The traffic and pollution does not match the need or benefit. 6. Increased risk to residents and Pedestrians. We understand that the Metro are bus drivers are excellent and are thoroughly trained in all aspects of safety. However, introduction of 85+ buses to an area with blind crossings to the park for handicapped residents causes us great concern. 3 traffic accidents were recorded at the crossing this last winter. 7. Fiscal Responsibility — the small number of passenger per trip. 4 to 6 trips per hour with very few passengers per trip does not seem financially responsible. We understand that routes most likely do not pay for themselves but the frequency of route 6 for the passengers serviced should be reviewed. We should consider this regardless of which streets are used. The reduction of half the trips in the area may be able to pay for an additional fireman or officer for the city. Other Points: 8. Additional Risk Factors. - There will be significant construction and parking near Edinborough Way starting this fall and running through the fall of 2010. This introduces even more risk and traffic congestion into the situation. The construction workers will have to park on both sides of Edinborough Way 9. Other Observations — (limited sample) a. Majority of riders observed ( entry and exit ) are from the areas west of France b. Majority of stops in the area of discussion have zero entry and exit c. Many buses on 6E & F (south of Parklawn) often have less than 2 or even no riders d. The number of early morning and late evening passengers is often zero, The few riders on the bus do not enter or exit on the east side of France. 10. Initial June 26`b Letter notifying residents of the change — the letter never stated the number of trips or the hours of operation for the route. We do not think local residents would not have objected to a few buses and normal operating hours. Also, we believe that the residents that were impacted the most (Village Homes) never received the letter. Current Status: • During an early September council meeting Edina City Council recommended the issue be sent to the Edina Transportation Commission for review and discussion at their next meeting • On September 16th the Transportation Commission met and recommended that the all of the parties ( Edina Residents, Metro Transit and Edina City Staff) get together and try and develop a new solution / position for the issue • On October 17t3' the transportation Committee will approve their previous month's meeting minutes ( which includes the recommendation to get together and try and develop a compromise) — the recommendation to get together to resolve the issue will then be forwarded to the Edina City Council for approval. • On November 2nd — the Edina City Council will hear a report from the City staff regarding the recommendation to get together and try and resolve the issue. During this meeting the Council can approve, vote against or modify the recommendation. • We have been told by city staff that no action regarding this issue will be taken prior to the Nov 2"d Edina City Council meeting Attachment A Analysis of residents: Per the 2000 census information: • 1280 people • 908 Households Basic Summary: After meeting with local residents we were able to determine that 1. Over 500 of the units ( out of 908 or 55% ) and over 640 of the residents ( out of 1208 or 53 %) had no interest, no desire or no need for the access provided by the route changes. 2. 225 units ( out of 908) are in the process of developing a Petition against the new changes because they are significantly impacted in a negative manner and would receive no / limited increase in access provided by the changes. 3. Approximately 100 units and 100 residents ( not 908 units and 1208 residents) have the opportunity to significantly benefit or will have need or desire to utilize the new route changes. Based on Metro transit percentages that means that approximate 10% or 10 people will benefit or utilize the services based on the changes 4. We also believe that most additional riders in the targeted area will simply be riders switching changing using these routes instead of the routes that they previously used 538, 578, etc...). This is speculation on our part. More detailed perspective: - 7500 York Cooperative (No demand for changed service) - 337 Units - 420 residents - Currently have their own van that runs regular routes to Southdale, Cub, Byerley's, Target, Fairview medical, etc.. - Residents also make significant use of Metro Mobility - Average age is over 80 years old - Over 100 yards to walk to nearest stop on new route from current exits - General Manager believes that there will be no increased ridership due to route changes 1. Limited number of residents use the MTC buses today 2. Currently have access on both York and to Route 6 and 6E on the corner of 76th and Edinborough Way. Same stop for them on both the old and new routes - Walker Elder Suites - Nursing home on Parklawn and York (No demand for Service) - 72 Units - 70 Residents - Assisted living - Facility currently has its own bus - No residents are capable of physically using public Transportation - Coventry Neighborhood (No demand for service) - 96 Townhomes / units 150+ Residents Petition signed by significant number of residents Will not or do not use or want the bus service) - Village Homes of Centennial Lakes ( no increased demand for service) - 250 units - Residents on Edinborough Way and Parklawn Ave are significantly negatively impacted by noise and pollution of the route changes - Mostly single owner occupied ( per management company) Currently on 6E & 6F route 1 additional stop provided on northbound side of the association complex Petition requesting change to routes similar to Coventry Petition in progress Over half or more of the riders would still use the same stop anyway but all residents are within 1 city block of the current stop 3400 Parklawn Lane 100 Units 100 residents Currently have door step access to Beeline 538 and 539 between Southdale and Mall of America which includes stops at Cub and Target. At least 2 -3 buses per hour. 25 + stops prior to changes Could benefit from the new changes Residents north and east of the new trail - Easier and closer access to bus on Gallager than to Parklawn Ave. and Edinborough Way They also have immediate access to 538 and 578 and other routes to Southdale It is closer to walk to the 6 and 6E stops to the north than to walk to the stops on the corner of Edinborough Way and Parklawn Ave Other Background : ( Prior to September I th 1. On Friday June 24th we received a letter from Metro Transit dated June 26th. The letter was sent to 300+ Edina residents notifying them of route changes for routes 6E and 6F. The letter had no specifics about the number of buses 2. These changes were not directly requested by any residents of Edina or the City of Edina but were a response from a long range plan submitted to Metro Transit 3. We first contacted the City of Edina engineering department in Mid July. The Engineering department asked us to formally submit a petition to the Edina City Manager and Edina City Council. We were informed at that time that the next meeting we could present our petition at was the middle of August. 4. The Petition and supporting materials were submitted to the City in mid August prior to the August City Council meeting. The material is included in your packet. 5. At the August meeting the City Council recommended that the topic be sent to the Transportation Commission for review and that they make a recommendation back to the City Council. 6. The Council also requested the City Engineer to contact the Metro Transit organization and ask them to postpone the route changes until the City could review them further. 7. On September 12th the changes to the routes were implemented as planned. Metro Transit did not have enough lead time to print and distribute the request ( 60 -90 days is required) O e �s lass REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item VII. A. From: Debra Mangen Consent ❑ City Clerk Information Only Date: October 6, 2009 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Correspondence Received Since Last Council Meeting ❑ Action Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Info /Background: Attached are copies of a -mails and letters received since the last Council meeting. RECEIVED 0 C T 0 12009 The Honorable James Hovland Mayor, City of Edina Edina City Offices 4801 West 5e Street Edina, MN 55424 Ms. Joni Bennett Edina City Council Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Ms. Mary Brindle Edina City Council Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mayor Hovland and Council Members: 5700 Tucker Lane Edina, Minnesota 55436 952- 930 -9040 September 25, 2009 Mr. Scot Housh Edina City Council Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Ms. Ann Swenson Edina City Council Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Thank you very much for taking the time to hear the opponents of the proposed Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail. I regret the "acting up" of many who were present, particularly after the gentle reproof of the Mayor. As indicated in my remarks, trees reduce the greenhouse effect by sequestration of CO2 or what I called absorption. As you will note from the enclosure, there are many other benefits of trees. There are countless trees adjacent to Nine Mile Creek, including the area along Lincoln Drive from the point north of the proposed entry into Edina, which will be cut down no matter the alignment of the trail through the watershed. Since "CO2 alley" (Highway 169) is close by, the removal of those trees would be particularly egregious. I, therefore, urge the Council to take a "look -see" at the watershed and hopefully conclude that a trail through the watershed would not be environmentally feasible. Very truly yours, Richard C. Johnson RCJ /tlt Enclosure Trpe Benefits Page Benefits of Trees In Urban Areas Trees are major capital assets in cities across the United States. Just as streets, sidewalks, public buildings and recreational facilities � art o a the mil s infrastructure, so are publicly owned trees. forest -- are important assets that require care and maintenance the same alsl other public property. Trees are on the job 24 hours every day working for a of us to improve our environment and quality of life. Colorado's urban forest provides many environmental benefits to our community. Aside from the obvious aesthetic benefits, trees within our urban forest improve our air, protect our water, save energy, and improve economic sustainability. Unlike urban areas in the eastern U.S., canopy cover in Colorado decreases along an urban to rural gradient. in other words, since most trees have been Planted ds ". Therefore, much of the tree cover is in urban areas as opposed to "natural lan to natural a estimated pollutant uptake rates are higher for residential compared unmanaged lands. Possible management implications of these estimates are that air pollutant uptake benefits from tree planting may be optimized by planting in areas where air pollutant concentrations are elevated and where relatively high planting densities can be achieved thereby enhancing the Health of urban dwellers. Thank you to Kathleen Alexander for composing and compiling this information. Urban Forests Improve Our Air Through: Urban Forests Can Also: Page 1 of 1 u Mapleton Avenue, a wett shaded street in Boutder, Colorado. • Carbon SM estration • Extend the Life of Paved Surfaces • Reduction of other Pollutants • Increase Traffic Safety • More In on Air Quality Enhancement • tmprove Economic Sustainabil� • Affect Consumer Perce lions and Behaviors • Add Aesthetic Value Urban Forests Protect Our Water • increase Real Estate Values • Increase Sociological Benefits • Info on Rainfall Interception Provided Greg McPherson other Articles: Urban Forests Save EneWr • putting a Value On The Urban Forest of the Front Range (for Colorado Green Magazine) • What A Large Tree Can Do For Y_au Urban Forests Improve Our Air Carbon Sequestration: Heat from Earth is trapped in the atmosphere due to high levels of carbon dioxide (COZ) and other heat - trapping gases that prohibit it from releasing heat into space -- creating a phenomenon known as the "greenhouse effect." Trees remove (sequester) CO2 from the atmosphere during photosynthesis to form carbohydrates that are used in plant structure/function and return oxygen back to the atmosphere as a byproduct. About half of the greenhouse effect is caused by CO2. Trees therefore act as a carbon sink by removing the carbon and storing it as cellulose in their trunk, branches, leaves and roots while releasing oxygen back into the air. Trees also reduce the greenhouse effect by shading our homes and office buildings. This reduces air conditioning needs up to 30%, thereby reducing the amount of fossil fuels burned to produce electricity. This combination of CO2 removal from the atmosphere, carbon storage in wood, and the cooling effect makes trees a very efficient tool in fighting the greenhouse effect. �i i� One tree that shades your home in the city will also save fossil fuel, cutting CO2 buildup as much as 15 forest trees. J1 6) Page 2 of 10 Tree Benefits Page • gpproxdmatety 800 million tons of carbon are stored in U.S. urban forests with a $22 billion equivalent in cow costs. W eans of drawing excess CO2 from the • Planting trees remains one of the cheapest, most effective m atmosphere. Ll • A single mature tree can absorb carbon dioxide at a rate of 48 lbs. /year and release enough oxygen back into the atmosphere to support 2 human beings Z3 tons of C each year. A healthy tree stores about 13 • Each person in the U.S. generates apprwc'matety Oz C over one pounds of carbon annually -- or 2.6 tons per acre each year. An acre of trees absorbs enough 02 year to equal the amount produced by driving a car 26,000 miles. An estimate of carbon emitted per vehicle mile is between 0.88 tb. CO2 /mi. -1.06 lb. COZ /mi. (Nowak, 1993). Thus, a car driven 26,0 0 miles wi emit between 22,880 tbs CO2 and 27,647 tbs- CO2. Thus, one acre of tree cover in Brooklyn compensate for automobile fuel use equivalent to driving a car between 7,200 and he 8,700 miles. atmosphere would be reduced by • if every American family planted lust one tree, the amount of CO2 in the one billion tbs annually. This is almost 5% of the amount that human activity pumps into the atmosphere each year. J1,7, eyed a net of • The U.S. Forest Service estimates that all the forests in the United States combined eq er d a of U.S. approximately 309 million tons of carbon per year from 1952 to 1992, offsetting appr human - caused emissions of carbon during that period. 2,000 worth of air pollution • Over a 50 -year lifetime, a tree generates $31,250 worth of oxygen, provides control, recycles $37,500 worth of water, and controls $31,250 worth of soil erosion. (2) Reduction of odner Air Pottutanw Trees also remove other gaseous pollutants by absorbing them with normal air components through the stomates in the teaf surface. ED sources are. Some of the other major air pollutants and their primary for about bfl percent of • Sulfur Dioxide (S02)- Coal burning for electricity/home heating s responsible the sulfur dioxide in the air. Refining and combustion of petroleum products produce 21% of the S02_ • Ozone (03) - is a naturally occurring oxidant, existing in the upper atmosphere. 03 may be brought to earth by turbulence during severe storms, and small amounts are formed by lighting. Most 03 - and another oxidant, peroxyacetytnh rate (PAN) - come from the emissions of automobiles and industries, which mix in the air and undergo photochemical reactions in sunlight. High concentrations Of 03 and PAN often build up where there are marry automobiles. of NOX. Oxides of nitrogen are o Nitrogen oxides - Automotive exhaust is probably the largest producer also formed by combustion at high temperatures in the presence of two natural components of the air, nitrogen and oxygen. o Particulates are small ( <10 microns) particles emitted in smoke from burning fuel, particular diesel, that enters our lungs and cause respiratory problems. (10) • There is up to a 60% reduction in street level particulates with trees. M nitrogen . In one urban park (212 ha.) tree cover was found to remove daily 481bs. particulates,conWl tedmology) and 6 tbs sulfur dioxide, and 2 Lb carbon monoxide ($136 /day value based upon poUuti 100 tbs of carbon. (?) in one growing season 60mg cadmium, 140 mg • One sugar maple (12' DBH) along a roadway removes chromium, 820 mg niccet, and 5200 mg lead from the environment- l7 ) • Planting trees and expanding parktands improves the air quality of Angeles los lifetime. . A total of 300 trees can counter balance the amount of pollution one person Probes in a tM Urban Forests Protect Our Water Trees reduce topsoil erosion, prevent harmful Land pollutants contained in the soil from getting into our waterways, slow down water run -off, and ensure that our groundwater supplies are continually being replenished. For every 5% of tree cover added to a community, stormwater runoff is reduced by approximately 2%. u Research by the USES shows that in a 1 inch rainstorm over 12 hours, the interception of rain by the canopy of the urban forest in Salt lake City reduce surface runoff by about 11.3 million gallons, or 17%. These values would increase as the canopy increases.s131 Along with breaking the fall of rainwater, tree roots remove nutrients harmful to water ecology and quality. 13 Page 3 of 10 Tree Benefits Page • Trees act as natural pollution fitters. p ed �pa�late � °� of °theme and associated toward the storm sewers. elements the the landscape filter polluted Reducing the flow of stormwater reduces the amount of pollution that is washed into a drainage area. Trees use nutrients tike nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium-- byproducts of urban living - -which can pollute streams. (2Q) tWp Urban Forests Save Energy • Homeowners that property place trees in their landscape "• - 7?w;`^ z'T ' can realize savings up to 587b on daytime air conditioning led nationwide and as high as 65% for mobile horses. ff applied to buildings Trot now benefiting from trees, the shade could,y reduce our nation's consumption of oil by 500,000 barrels of oil /day. tl-D • The maximum potential annual savings from energy conserving landscapes around a typical residence ranged from 13% in Madison up to 38% in Miami. Projections _ suggest that 100 million additional mature trees in 115 cities (3 trees for every unshaded s' could family - could save over $2 billion in energy r year- 10 • Trees lower local air temperatures by transpiring water and shading surfaces. Because they lower air temperatures, shade buildings in the summer, and block winter winds, they can reduce building energy use and cooling costs. ll warmer than their surroundings • Help to coot cities by reducing heat sinks. Heat sinks are 6 -19 degr ees warmer trop from a single large tree can (Global Releaf GA). A tree can be a natural air conditioner. The evaporation from day. single produce the cooling effect of 10 room size air conditioners energy in conventional houses at savings • USFS estimates the annual effect of well - positioned area. (USFS meteorologist Gordon Heisler)(13). between 20-25% when compared to a house in a wide -open top Urban Forests Can Extend the Life of Paved Surfaces The asphalt paving on streets contain stone aggregate in an oil binder. Without tree shade, the oil heats up and volatizes, leaving the aggregate unprotected. Vehicles then loosen the aggregate and much like sandpaper, the loose aggregate grinds down the pavement. Streets should be overlaid or scurry sealed every 7 -10 years over a 30-40 year period, after which reconstruction is required. A slurry seat costs approximately $0.27 /sq.ft. or $50,000 /linear mile. Because the oil does not dry out as fast on a shaded street as it does on a street with no shade trees, this street maintenance can be deferred_ The slurry seat can be deferred from every 10 years to every 20 25 years for older streets with extensive tree canopy cover. (19) top Urban Forests Can Increase Traffic Safety September 11, 2009 Mayor Hovland Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mayor Hovland, RECEIVED OCT 0170 As a resident of the neighborhood just north of 70th Street in Edina, I must respectfully disagree with the scheduled placing of new traffic roundabouts on 70th Street at Valley View Road. My neighbors and I believe that a much better place to put roundabouts would be on 70th Street between Route 100 and France Avenue, specifically one roundabout at the Christ Presbyterian church and one roundabout by the Cornelia Elementary School. From my own experience, the 70'h Street area is typically heavily congested, full of speeding cars, unpleasant for those who walk, and difficult to make a left turn. By placing two roundabouts on 70'h Street, the City could smooth the flow of traffic, slow the cars down but keep them moving, and most likely make it safer for the kids walking home from school. Many drivers traveling on 70th don't really seem to pay attention to anyone who might be crossing the street, given their rate of speed. I will attend the next Advisory Committee meeting on this issue and make my opinion known. Thank you for reading this, and keep up the good work. Sincerely, Ross Dwyer 9/24/09 Edina City Offices RECEIVED 4801 W. 50th St. SEP 15 zM9 Edina MN 55424 PLEASE DISTRIBUTE TO THE FOLLOWING: Edina Park & Recreation Department, John Keprios and Park Board members Three Rivers Park District, Kelly Grissman Senior Manager of Planning with Three Rivers Park District, Jonathan Vlaming City Council: Mayor James Hovland, Joni Bennett, Mary Brindle, Scot Housh, Ann Swenson I oppose building a bike trail on 9 Mile Creek because: If I wanted 500,000 people a year going through my backyard I would have bought a house that faces Hwy 100. I, however, picked a house at the end of a cul de sac next to the creek so I didn't have any through traffic and had the opportunity to see and enjoy the wildlife. I can't imagine sitting on my deck or my neighbor's deck on a nice summer night and having strangers passing by as we are trying to have a conversation. My family came to Edina in 1854 and farmed the land. As recently as my father's generation, they were able to hunt in Edina. As time has rolled on we have lost most of our natural resources in Edina. It would be very disappointing to lose a resource as valuable as 9 mile creek to a 16' wide bike path. Sincerely, Sean Duggan 6631 Limerick Drive Edina, MN 55439 Page 1 of 1 Susan Howl From: Lynette Biunno Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 8:13 AM RECEIVED Cc: Susan Howl SEP 25 N Subject: FW: John Phillip Sousa Memorial Band From: mebenda @comcast.net [mailto:mebenda @comcast.net] Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:37 PM To: Lynette Biunnd Subject: John Phillip Sousa Memorial Band To the Mayor and City Council, Thank you for sponsoring the talented, crazy, fun and highly enjoyable group of musicians and showmen /women, the John Phillip Sousa Memorial Band. For the past many years we have marked our calendar for the first Sunday in August when the band plays at the Como Pavillion in our neighborhood. And for the past two years we have traveled to Red Wing for their performance in that beautiful setting. There is only one way to describe the concert. It is totally fun. The music is always unique and full of surprises, the band members are incredibly talented, and Scott has so much energy. My husband and I were watching the faces of the people as they left the theater last Saturday. It was smiles all around. Everybody wanted to say to someone else -- wasn't that the greatest. I just want you to know how much joy we all experience thanks to your sponsorship of this incredible organization. Thank you so much, Liz Anderson St. Paul 9/25/2009 Page 1 of 1 Susan Howl From: Lynette Biunno Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 8:03 AM RECEIVED Cc: Susan Howl Subject: FW: NINE MILE CREEK BIKE TRAIL SEP..� Z 1009 From: Lev Mailer [mailto:levmeister @ hotmail.com] Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 4:45 PM To: Lynette Biunno Cc: levmeister @hotmail.com Subject: NINE MILE CREEK BIKE TRAIL To the Mayor and City Council Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, We oppose the NINE MILE CREEK BIKE TRAIL. We are residents of the Manor Homes of Edina. A neighbor lived near Christmas Lake. When that bike path was put in 5 houses were broken into. There are many single women who live along the marsh which the path will cross. The backs of their condos face the marsh. Imagine people buying for privacy and the view of the wetlands. Their privacy and security will be violated. Sincerely, Paula and Lev Mailer 6875 Langford Drive Edina, Minnesota 55436 952 - 930 -0636 Lauren found her dream laptop. Find the PC that's right for you. 9/22/2009 From: Gene Kranz` [mailto: ekranz@comcast. net]: . Sent: Saturday,`September 19,.2009 6:17 AM To:, Lynette Biunno subject: Bike trail along 9 Mile Creek Dear Council Members, We are opposed to the bike trail along 9 Mile Creek. The loss of green space that this would represent is not an environmentally sound direction to take. Nine Mile Creek is a water shed area, which already carries heavy runoff in rain storms. Paving over an area that is currently able to absorb water back into the ground is irresponsible. Also there are two intact wetland areas along the proposed trail that will be destroyed. My husband, Gene, is retired and has a disability (MS) that confines him to the first floor of our house. One of his joys in life is to look out our window at the natural creek environment and watch animals, starting with snapping turtles in the spring and on to the deer that come up and eat the fruit that falls off the trees in the autumn. There also are safety concerns, with an unrestricted "pathway" moving close behind our house. We strongly request that the bike trail coming through Edina be routed along already paved streets, and not through 9 Mile Creek. Thank you. Gene & Penny Kranz 6613 Cahill Road 952 - 944 -6674 RECEIVED SEP 17 2009 Activity on the City of Edina website reflected the following activity during the month of August 2009: Total visits: 78,558 Number of visitors: 40,344 Total number of hits: 2,258,678 Average time of each visit: 12 minutes, 29 seconds Total page views: 194,871 Average page views per day: 6,286 Busiest day of the month: Aug. 17 with 102,369 hits Again this month, the Edina Aquatic Center dominated the top spots, indicating the importance of marketing our website to our customers and keeping it up to date. The page most visited was the Edina Aquatic Center page, with 4,267 visits. Other top pages included the following (with number of visits): Edina Aquatic Center General Information — 2,993 Edina Aquatic Center Hours — 2,013 Edina Aquatic Center Rates —1,879 Job Listings —1,865 Administration & Jobs — 1,468 Park & Recreation Department — 1,418 Edinborough Park —1,378 Edina Aquatic Center Attractions -- 1,310 Telephone Numbers & Contacts -- 1,304 The most frequently accessed PDF among visitors was the Comprehensive Bike Plan, which was downloaded 1,169 times. Other frequently downloaded files included the following (with number of downloads): Family Circle magazine feature on Edina -- 1,095 Edina Aquatic Center virtual tour — 803 Centennial Lakes Park's summer entertainment calendar — 658 Braemar Arena fall skating class schedule — 541 Summer About Town — 499 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report — 485 Community street map — 396 Edina Promenade Urban Design Plan — 384 2008 water report -- 384 Though the website has grown substantially in the past year, interest still needs to be generated among the public. To gain that interest and generate more hits, please attempt to include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), www.CityofEdina.com, on all correspondence. We have been streaming video on our website for almost two years. Streaming was generally down in August. The most requested videos in August were the August episode of "In Edina" (224 views), debut episode of "Beyond the Badge (147), Aug. 3 City Council meeting (32), July Planning Commission meeting (28), Aug. 18 City Council meeting (26), Aug. 6 Rotary Club of Edina meeting (20), August episode of "Agenda: Edina" (19), "The Peddler" PSA (18), Aug. 11 Park Board meeting (14) and flu shot PSA (14). RECEIVED OCT 0 1 200.9 �BTlt��►t'' �rNa 55� September 6, 2009 Mayor Hovland and City Council Members Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50' Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Edina is a wonderful community and we are happy and proud to be Edina citizens. We also understand that the city needs to undertake projects intended to improve the quality of life for its residents. However, the proposed bike trail along 9 Mile Creek is one such project that will actually serve to diminish the quality of life for the people of Edina. We are strongly opposed to building the bike trail along the 9 Mile Creek. We particularly want to voice our displeasure over the potential of Section #2 which is adjacent to our property. We oppose building a bike trail on 9 Mile Creek for the following reasons: HABITAT, ENVIRONMENT- Section #2 of the path includes woods and wetlands which are home to many species of animals. Creating a bike trail will destroy much of the natural habitat and food supply for the wildlife. Regular views of native grasses, deer, fox, wild turkey, birds and much more will be destroyed. This trail will drive the wild life away from the area. This is a huge loss since Edina has so little undeveloped property remaining for both our enjoyment and as a home for these animals. FLOODING- A large, long bridge structure located in the flood plain of 9 Mile Creek will increase the risk of flooding to residents of property located in the flood plain. AESTHETICS- A bridge ' /< mile long, 12 feet high and 16' wide will be much less aesthetic than a wetland in its natural condition. VALUES - "Recreational playing" on a bike path has less value to society than maintaining a rare natural wetland in a metro environment. PUBLIC SPENDING - We should not be spending public funds to provide more places to "play" in this economic climate when we have so much public debt. This isn't the time for a big-ticket (unnecessary) project. The state budget deficit is about $4.6 billion. We should be able to find a better use for these monies including improvement to our local education system, supporting first responders and/or road and bridge improvements. DIVERSION OF RESOURCES- We should not divert resources from bicycle transportation which is a "need" as outlined in the September 19, 2007 City of Edina Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan, to bicycle recreation which is a "want'. FUTURE LIABILITY -We should not create a future unfunded public liability for bicycle trail maintenance and repair when we currently have very large unfunded public liabilities. NEED- We do not "need" an additional recreational bike trail. We already have more miles of bike trails than any other state in the union and more than 150 miles of bike/hike rails administered by Three Rivers Park District. VULNERABILITY — An unlighted, unsecured, public path located on public property with little or no visibility from the street, suitable for concealment, open both night and day, that allows access to an estimated 550,000 people annually, which passes within 100 feet of the backside of residences, some occupied by single females, elderly couples and children, will increase the vulnerability of these residents to predators. SECTION 830.01 CITY CODE- PURPOSE - The council finds and declares that the lands and vegetation of the City are a valuable resource requiring protection from the effects of urbanization. The purpose of this Section is to regulate land disturbing activities to prevent undue loss of the urban forest, reduce erosion and sedimentation and enhance the natural beauty of the City in the interest of the health, safety and welfare of the residents. We are concerned about the risk of fire in the marsh that could quickly spread to other structures (homes) in the area. An example of this is the fire that damaged the bike trail structure on the Luce Line Trail. This proposal is an unnecessary expenditure of taxpayer dollars, jeopardizes the environment of one of the city's most pristine wildlife areas, negatively affects the people and wildlife along its path and threatens the safety and security of our homes and families. September 2, 2009 Mayor Hovland and City Council Members Edina City Hall' 4801 W. 50th St. Edina; MN 55424 Dear Mayor Hovland and City Council Members: RECEIVED 0 � i O 1 1009 Edina is a wonderful community and we are happy and proud to be Edina citizens. We also understand that the city needs to undertake projects intended to improve the quality of life for its residents. However, the proposed bike trail along 9 Mile Creek is one such project that will actually serve to diminish the quality of life for the people of Edina. We are strongly opposed to building the bike trail along the 9 Mile Creek. in particular we want to voice our displeasure over the potential of Section # 2 which is adjacent to our property. We oppose building a bike trail on 9 Mile Creek for the following reasons: Habitat, environment — Section #2 of the path includes woods and wetlands which are home to many species of animals. Creating a bike trail will destroy much of the natural habit and food supply for the wildlife. Regular views of native grasses; deer, fox, wild turkey, birds and much more will be destroyed. My concern is that this trail will drive the wild life away from the area. This is a big loss since Edina has so little undeveloped property remaining for our both enjoyment and as a home for these animals. Flooding — The creek regularly overflows into yards in the spring. A trail would damage or ruin wetlands and floodplains and likely exacerbate flooding woes for homeowners. This is further compounded by the proposed re- routing of the creek within Section #2. It is widely rumored that the re- meandering of the creek near Methodist Hospital was not successful. My concern is that the combined effect of building a trail and modifying the flow of the creek will increase the risk of flood damage to my property. To date there has been no evidence that the city has sufficient hydrogeology and,civil engineering studies to demonstrate the proposed actions will decrease the risk of flood damage to adjacent properties and will not adversely impact plant /animal life in the area. Safety - With the annual number of.bike trail users estimated to be 500,000 persons, we believe that the safety and security of our neighborhood would be threatened. o Our neighbor is home to a diverse group of people which includes vulnerable children and adults. We are very concerned about potential dangers created by granting ;up to 500,000 people access to our property (with little or no visibility from the street). With the addition of - this trail, many residents will face vehicle traffic in front of their house and bike /pedestrian Page 1 Proposed 9 Mile Creek Bike Trail traffic in the backyard. This proposal would allow many strangers access to our property and create unnecessary risks to our citizen's safety and well being. We are concerned about policing of the area. We were informed that policing would be carried out by the 3 Rivers Park and not by the City of Edina. Who would we turn to if we needed help? Who will watch out for those vulnerable children and adults? The proposal would seem to create a needless chain of command to address potential problems in the neighborhood. The number of officers assigned to patrol bike trails is quite limited in other areas. It is unclear to -us who would be charged with cleaning and maintaining the trails. We should not be expected to routinely pick up litter in our yards. As tax payers we are not thrilled with the idea of paying for the on -going maintenance resulting from building a trail in a wetlands and flood plain. We are concerned about the risk of fire in the marsh that could quickly spread to other structures (homes) in the area. The grasses get very dry in the summer and careless use of smoking materials (or some other source such as vandalism) could quickly endanger homes in our neighborhood. Budget and priorities — This isn't the time for a big- ticket (unnecessary) project. The state budget deficit is about $4.6 billion. We should be able to find a better use for these monies including improvement to our local education system, supporting first responders and /or road and bridge improvements. This proposal jeopardizes the environment of one of the city's most pristine wildlife areas and it would negatively affect the people and wildlife along its path. The safety and security of our homes and families would be at risk. Sincerely, i ��M 0 Op Page 2 RECEIVED O C T 0 12009 September 2, 2009 Mayor Hovland and City Council Members Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN..55424 Dear Mayor Hovland and City Council Members: Edina is a wonderful community and we are happy and proud to be Edina citizens. We also understand that the city needs to undertake projects intended to improve the quality of life.for its residents. However, the proposed bike trail along 9 Mile Creek is one such project that will actually serve to diminish the quality of life for the people of Edina. We are strongly opposed to building the bike trail along the 9 Mile Creek. In part icular we want to voice our displeasure over the potential of Section # 2 which is adjacent to our property. We oppose building a bike trail on 9 Mile Creek for the following reasons: Habitat, environment — Section #2 of the path includes woods and wetlands which are home to many species of animals. Creating a bike trail will destroy much of the natural habit and food supply for the wildlife. Regular views of native grasses, deer, fox, wild turkey, birds and much more will be destroyed. My concern is that this trail will drive the wild life away from the area. This is a big loss since Edina has so little undeveloped property remaining for our both enjoyment and as.a home for these animals. Flooding —The creek regularly overflows into yards in the spring. A trail would damage or ruin wetlands and floodplains and likely exacerbate flooding woes for, homeowners. This is further compounded by the proposed re- routing of the creek within Section #2: It is widely rumored that the re- meandering of the creek near Methodist Hospital Was not successful. My concern is that the combined effect of building a trail and modifying the flow of the creek will increase the risk of flood damage to my property. To date there has been no evidence that the city has sufficient hydrogeology and civil engineering studies to demonstrate the proposed actions will decrease the risk of flood damage to adjacent. properties and will not adversely impact plant /animal life in the area. Safety — With the annual number of bike trail users estimated to be 500,000 persons, we believe that the safety and security of our neighborhood would be threatened. 3 Our neighbor is home to a diverse group of people which includes vulnerable children and adults. We are very concerned about potential dangers created by. granting up to 500,000 people access to our property (with little or no visibility from the street). With the addition of this trail, many residents will face vehicle traffic in front of their house and bike /pedestrian Page 1 Proposed 9 Mile Creek Bike Trail traffic in the backyard. This proposal would allow many strangers access to our property and create unnecessary risks to our citizen's safety and well being. We are concerned about policing of the area. We were informed that policing would be carried out by the 3 Rivers Park and not by the City of Edina. Who would we turn to if we needed help? Who will watch out for those vulnerable children and adults? The proposal would seem to create a needless chain of command to address potential problems in the neighborhood. The number of officers assigned to patrol bike trails is quite limited in other areas. It is unclear to us who would be charged with cleaning and maintaining the trails. We should not be expected to routinely pick up litter in our yards. As tax payers we are not thrilled with the idea of paying for the on -going maintenance resulting from building a trail in a wetlands and flood plain. We are concerned about the risk of fire in the marsh that could quickly spread to other structures (homes) in the area. The grasses get very dry in the summer and careless use of smoking materials (or some other source such as vandalism) could quickly endanger homes in our neighborhood. Budget and priorities — This isn't the time for a big- ticket (unnecessary) project. The state budget deficit is about $4.6 billion. We should be able to find a better use for these monies including improvement to our local education system, supporting first responders and /or road and bridge improvements. This proposal jeopardizes the environment of one of the city's most pristine wildlife areas and it would negatively affect the people and wildlife along its path. The safety and security of our homes and families would be at risk. Sincerely, Page 2 of p b R L� RECEIVED S (� SEP 3 P 2009 September 6, 2009 Mayor Hovland and City Council Members Edina City Hall 4801 W. 500' Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Edina is a wonderful community and we are happy and proud to be Edina citizens. We also understand that the city needs to undertake projects intended to improve the quality of life for its residents. However, the proposed bike trail along 9 Mile Greek is one such project that will actually serve to diminish the quality of life for the people of Edina. We are strongly opposed to building the bike trail along the 9 Mile Creek. p particularly want to voice our displeasure over the potential of Section #2 which is adjacent to our property. We oppose building a bike trail on 9 Mile Creek for the following reasons: HABITAT, ENVIRONMENT-Section #2 of the path includes woods and wetlands which are home to many species of animals. Creating a bike trail will destroy much of buds ur m brit more will supply for the wildlife. Regular views of native grasses, deer, fox, wild turkey, destroyed. This trail will drive the wild life away from the area. This is a huge loss since Edina has so little undeveloped property remaining for both our enjoyment and as a home for these animals. FLOODING - A large, long bridge structure located in the flood plain of 9 Mile Creek will increase the risk of flooding to residents of property located in the flood plain. AESTHETICS- A bridge '1< mile long, 12 feet high and 16 wide will be much less aesthetic than a wetland in its natural condition. VALUES - "Recreational playing" on a bike path has less value to society than maintaining a rare natural wetland in a metro environment. PUBLIC SPENDING- We should not be spending public funds to provide more places to "play" in this economic climate when we have so much public debt. This isn't the time for a big - ticket (unnecessary) out $4.6 billion. ese project. The state budget deficit is ab system, should stem, suppp able supporting m fix-A responders and/orr road and monies including improvement to our local education sy bridge improvements. DIVERSION OF RESOURCES- We should not divert resources from bicycle transportation which is a "need" as outlined in the September 19, 2007 City of Edina Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan, to bicycle recreation which is a "want'. FUTURE LIABILITY-We should not create a future unfunded public liability for bicycle trail maintenance and repair when we currently have very large unfunded public liabilities. NEED- We do not "need" an additional recreational bike trail. We already have more miles of bike trails than any other state in the union and more than 150 miles of bike/hike rails administered by Three Rivers Park District. VULNERABILITY — An unlighted, unsecured, public path located on public property with little or no visibility from the street, suitable for concealment, open both night and day, that allows access to an estimated 550,000 people annually, which passes within 100 feet of the backside of residences, some occupied by single females, elderly couples and children, will increase the vulnerability of these residents to predators. SECTION 830.01 CITY CODE- PURPOSE- The council finds and declares that the lands and vegetation of the City are a valuable resource requiring protection from the effects of urbanization. The purpose of this Section is to regulate land disturbing activities to prevent undue loss of the urban forest, reduce erosion and sedimentation and enhance the natural beauty of the City in the interest of the health, safety and welfare of the residents. We are concerned about the risk of fire in the marsh that could quickly spread to other structures (homes) in the area. An example of this is the fire that damaged the bike trail structure on the Luce Line Trail. This proposal is an unnecessary expenditure of taxpayer dollars, jeopardizes the environment of one of the city's most pristine wildlife areas, negatively affects the people and wildlife along its path and threatens the safety and security of our homes and families. METRO CITIES Association of Metropolitan Municipalities 1, October 1, 2009 Mr. Gordon Hughes City Manager City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Gordon: Thank you for giving Dave Osberg and me the opportunity to meet with you to discuss Edina's membership in Metro Cities. We appreciated the chance to visit with you and to hear about the city's challenges and concerns. As you know, Edina is a very valued member of Metro Cities, and we certainly hope to maintain your membership in our organization. Always, our goal is to provide our member cities with a good value for their investment. I would like to stress again the unique role that Metro Cities serves for its members at the regional and state levels of government. While we often work collaboratively with other city groups like the League of MN Cities and the Municipal Legislative Commission, our mission and functions are distinct and separate. Specifically, Metro Cities is the only region -wide organization that advocates for cities at the Metropolitan Council and the only organization that advocates at the Legislature and Governor's Office on statewide issues with regional significance for metropolitan cities. As you know, our services also include statutory appointing authority for the Met Council's TAB and TAC, as well as recommending appointments to other regional and state boards and task forces. To that end, we continue to appreciate Mayor Jim Hovland's participation on the TAB as one of our appointments to that Board. Again, Gordon, with a four- person staff that works on over 60 legislative /regional policies and other member services, we strive to provide good service at an affordable price. As I offered last week, we would be more than happy to speak to your Mayor and Council about the services that Metro Cities provides. Please give me a call if that is something that you would like us to do. Again, thank you for your time last Thursday. I look forward to speaking with you again soon. S' , Patricia A. Nauman Executive Director 145 University Ave W • St. Paul, MN 55103 -2044 • Phone (651) 215 -4000 • Fax (651) 281 -1299 • www.MetroCitiesMN.org 566 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION TO: Mayor & City Council From: Wayne D. Houle, PE City Engineer Date: October 6, 2009 Subject: Grimes Avenue and Inglewood Avenue Traffic Advisory Committee Update Info /Background: Agenda Item # Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends Action ❑ To H RA ® To Council ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion At the August 18 City Council Meeting, the Council requested the Traffic Advisory Committee to re- examine the intersection of Grimes Avenue and Inglewood Avenue for additional safety measures. On September 8, 2009 the Traffic Advisory Committee again re- examined the request and recommended to collect additional traffic data during the fall school term — once during the dry weather conditions and once during snow conditions. The Traffic Safety Committee anticipates bringing a recommendation to the Council this winter. G:\Engineering\Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic \Traffic Advisory Committee \Staff Review Summaries \09 TSAC & Min\20091001_RR Grimes_Inglewood.doc Memo To: Mayor & City Council From: Mike Siitari, Police Chief �vl Date: September 30, 2009 �J Re: Crime Statistics At the September 1 e budget work session I presented an overview of crime trends and my concerns looking ahead to 2010. 1 was asked to provide a more complete picture of crime statistics for planning purposes. A summary of both Part 1 and Part 2 crime statistics for 2003 -2007 and the first eight months of 2008 and 2009 is attached. We used the first eight months of 2008 to provide a comparable time frame for the available 2009 statistics. 2008 was the first full year of using our new automated records management system and it has created some issues with the crime statistics. The most notable is that a variety of lower level crimes, e.g. possession of drug paraphernalia or marijuana and curfew, which were previously not tracked as crimes, are now automatically entered as Part 2 crimes. This record keeping change accounted for the 11 % increase from 2007 to 2008 listed in the Police Department budget summary. My crime concerns looking ahead are the 33% increase in burglaries, a 41 % increase in thefts from auto and the significant increases in alcohol and drug violations. The rather alarming increase in Part 1 Assaults is a result of the record low year we had in 2008 and the new records system which reclassified some lower level assaults as Part 1 crimes. This is more of a statistical anomaly rather than a crime trend. We are reviewing the underlying coding in our records system to verify the overall 5% increase in thefts when a subcategory, thefts from auto, is up 41 %. Our crime analyst has manually tracked the theft from auto reports to verify those numbers and her summary is attached. We are also reviewing the forgery and fraud statistics because the 2009 numbers reported seem low from a seat of the pants perspective. The upward trend in overall crime along with an increase in "quality of life" calls for service, e.g. city code violations, welfare checks and suspicious activity, will be closely tracked and addressed with available resources. • Page 1 Edina Police Department City of Edina Crime Statistics 2003 -2008 Part One 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 08-09 Murder 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 - Rape 5 2 4 9 3 6 3 -50% Robbe ry 16 10 12 20 6 12 6 -50% Assaults 10 12 9 13 15 3 11 +267% Burglary 165 136 172 170 182 80 106 +33% Thefts 870 899 844 828 901 567 595 +5% Auto Thefts 30 36 31 19 37 22 11 -50% Arson. 1 1 2 2 5 1 1 5 3 -400,16 TOTAL 1,097 1 1,097 1,074 1,064 1,146 1 695 1 735 +6% Part Two 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 08 -09 Forgery 41 42 37 24 34 35 18 -49% Fraud 97 64 76 65 79 73 55 -25% Stolen Property 36 24 23 18 29 70 61 -13% Vandalism 220 1 223 228 225 1 218 126 111 1 -12% Weapons 5 8 4 2 5 5 2 -60% Narcotics 40 38 45 44 48 102 180 +76% DWI 198 240 223 243 232 161* 200* +24% Liquor Laws 22 36 19 42 28 28 52 +86% Disorderly Conduct 30 47 20 32 27 24 23 -4% Other Assaults 70 58 60 66 56 37 30 -19% Other 217 106 99 112 108 . 166 154 -7% TOTAL 976 886 834 873 864 827 886 +7% *Numbers from OpsCad Numbers in red are January 1 through August 31, 2008 and 2009, were retrieved from Pistol- "Incident Report by Statute" - and were categorized according to the BCA table at hfa: //www.dos.state.mn. us/bca /CJ IS/ Documents /MOCs/MOC2009/MOCSeot2009.xls Edina Police Department 4801 W. 5d' St. Edina, MN 55424 (952) 826 -1610 www.citvofedina.com As of the 2006 statistics, the category "Other" includes crimes such as embezzlement, vagrancy, prostitution, other sex offenses, gambling, drunkenness, family /children, blackmail, trespassing, perjury, bribery, contempt of court and extortion. "Other" totals from 2001 through 2005 have been adjusted for this change. epd memo to: Chief Siitari from: M Anderson date: 9 -8 -09 re: Theft from Auto Review, January 1 through August 31, 2009 Between January 1 and August 31, 2009, 191 thefts from vehicles were reported in Edina; 84 were residential and 107 non - residential. This is an increase of 41% from the same time frame of 2008, and no change from 2007. 20 15 10 5 Thefts from Vehicles Totals to 8/31 ■2007 02008 02009 Residential The residential tfa make up 44% of the total, and is up 42% from 2008. Zones 2 and 4 were the busiest, partly due to concurrent incidents at multiple dwellings (see attached list by zone). Only 36% of the incidents involved force. Electronics — GPS, in -dash stereos, laptops, cell phones, etc.- were the most frequent loss. 15 10 5 Residential TFA Totals to 8/31 ■2007 ❑2008 02009 Edina Police Department .4801 W. 501h St. Edina, MN 55424 952- 826 -1610 date: September 8, 2009 re: Theft from Auto, Jan. 1 through Aug. 31, 2009 Non - Residential There were 107 non - residential thefts from vehicles reported during the first 8 months of 2009; most notable are the Zone 1 concurrencies, which happened at another site, and the 81 Zone 2 incidents. This is the highest volume Zone 2 has experienced in the last 5 years and is a 72% increase over 2008. Zone 2 thefts are dominated by activity at LA Fitness but include the France Av corridor north to Galleria and Southdale. Concurrencies were not a factor (see attached list by zone). Force was involved in 71 % of the incidents and purse /wallet/briefcase accounted for 41 % of the loss. 15 10 5 Non - Residential TFA Totals to 8/31 100 80 60 40 20 0 M2007 ❑ 2008 ■ 2009 Zone 2 Non - Residential TFA Totals to 8/31 02005 ❑ 2006 ■ 2007 ❑ 2008 ■ 2009 Att: map, incident list by zone Edina Police Department 4601 W. 50'h St. Edina, MN 55424 952 -826 -1610 2 EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION TUESDAY, JULY 7, 2009 6:30 PM - MAYOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM Members Present Members Absent Staff Liaison Arnie Bigbee Shara Mohtadi, Student Susan Howl John Cashmore Emma Weisberg, Student Lisa Finsness Jessi Kingston Bob Mayer Meg Newell Ralph Overholt Russ Stanton Minutes Approved After acknowledgment of the agenda, Member Bigbee seconded the motion of Member Mayer to approve the minutes of May 26, 2009; the motion carried. Domestic Partner Resolution Discussed Member Cashmore presented information from OutFront Minnesota regarding domestic partner benefits. OutFront Minnesota's mission is to make the state a place where GLBT Minnesotans have the freedom, power, and confidence to discern the best choices for their own lives. He reported that the cities of Duluth, Minneapolis and St. Paul have established registries whereby domestic partners are recognized as full, equal and valued participants in their respective communities. Member Cashmore indicated that if the City of Edina were to establish a registry as such and encourage other municipalities to move forward, it might contribute to Minnesota's decision to become the 18th state to offer a domestic partner benefit program for its employees. Member Finsness seconded the motion of Member Cashmore to invite OutFront Minnesota to the September Commission meeting to share legal information regarding Edina becoming the fourth Minnesota city to recognize domestic partners' relationships through a registry. The motion carried. The legal counsel for OutFront Minnesota will be invited to the September 22 "d Commission meeting. A sub - committee consisting of Members Cashmore and Kingston will cover the preparations for this opportunity to learn about the establishment of a domestic partner registry in the City of Edina. Proposals for 2010 Funding biscussed Being assigned to a specific provider(s), each Commissioner presented his /her respective proposal. He /she plans to field back questions from the other Commissioners to the assigned provider, asking that answers be returned to City Hall ASAP. This procedure would reduce if not eliminate questions during the hearing with the providers. The Commissioners handled the following presentations and plan to field questions to the providers: • Member Stanton, VEAP and STAND • Member Mayer, Edina ABC • Member Finsness, Tubman and Edina School Readiness • Member Bigbee, Cornerstone and Normandale Center • Member Cashmore, Senior Community Services and Store to Door • Member Kingston, Women in Transition and. Edina Resource Center • Member Overholt, The Bridge and Free Arts Minnesota • Member Newell, Conflict Resolution Center In the event that providers might have limited availability before the hearing on July 21st, the Commissioners agreed that every effort would be made to contact them with the questions as soon as possible. In preparation for their work at the meeting two days after the hearing, it was shared that there would be no increase applied to the City's 2010 human services budget due to the economy and projected loss of revenue. The Commissioners should go into the budget development session using the 2009 amount as a guideline /highest amount or even look at the possibility of a budget cut by the City. Worksheets will be provided for the Commissioners' use during the sharing and deliberating at the meeting on July 23rd Meeting Adjourned There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, Russell Stanton, Chair Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission RS /sh EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS $ RELATIONS COMMISSION HEARING FOR 2010 FUNDING TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2009 3:00 PM - MAYOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM Members Present Members Absent Staff Arnie Bigbee Emma Weisberg, Student Susan Heiberg John Cashmore Lisa Finsness Jessi Kingston Bob Mayer Shara Mohtadi, Student Meg Newell Ralph Overholt Russell Stanton Chair Stanton opened up the Commission's hearing at 3:00 PM by welcoming the Normandale Center to the table to give a brief presentation and allow time for questions. Normandale Center - Deborah Paone, Executive Director • Requesting $10,000 - 2009 funding is $6,720. The Center seeks to establish and /or maintain elders' sense of connection with the community and alleviate isolation by organizing and supporting community volunteers in Care Teams that support elders and their caregivers. Care Teams —with a network of volunteer support — provide social support, transportation, grocery shopping, errands and other basic services that allow elders to remain in their homes. The services are designed to supplement rather than duplicate existing community services or family support. In 2006 through a State grant, the Center launched a project called "Partners in Care" and along with the Edina Resource Center, Fairview Southdale Hospital and Our Lady of Grace Church, the project helps older people stay in the community and bolsters the capability of family caregivers. The Center has served as the key contact and guide for 101 older persons and their family caregivers since 2006. In 2008, the Center provided care to 295 Edina residents, with 23 care teams utilizing 60 trained volunteers. Cornerstone - Susan Neis, Executive Director • Requesting $16,000 - 2009 funding is $15,635. Cornerstone provides advocacy for victims of domestic abuse. Victims and their children are helped to overcome the barriers they encounter in their struggle to live violence - free lives. Through short -term safe housing, Cornerstone provides shelters and meals for two to three days for persons in imminent danger of domestic assault. Their 24- hour Help Line provides immediate access to emergency services. The program's continuing goals are to provide comprehensive services to victims of domestic violence, increase the resiliency of youth, provide domestic violence education, provide volunteer service opportunities, increase the safety of victims and provide affordable housing with a continuum of supportive services. In 2007, Cornerstone received a federal Violence Against Women Act grant to create the first stalking protocol in the State and has conducted Stalking Protocol Workshops for the law enforcement and criminal justice community. Cornerstone's Intervention Program works within the Criminal Court arena to make sure that people who assault their partners are held accountable by entering a guilty plea to the domestic assault. The Program supports the victim throughout the entire process to help her /him with safety issues, "hear" what type of treatment program would work best in each specific case, and work towards a satisfactory disposition to each case. When the abuser is involved in a treatment program or serving a sentence in the workhouse, the victim is encouraged to come into Cornerstone and attend a support group and access services for the children in the home. Cornerstone's Criminal Justice System utilizes a 24 -hour crisis line and is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for Police referrals and victim support services. In 2008, Cornerstone provided 1,720 hours of direct service to 138 unduplicated Edina residents in Emergency Shelter, Family Court services and /or Criminal Court Intervention services. PAVE — Cornerstone's school -based violence prevention program — reached 1,175 Edina students during the school year. Tubman - Martha Naegeli, Chief of Resource bevelopment • Requesting $8,000 - 2009 funding is $4,225. Formerly Tubman Family Alliance and Chrysalis, Tubman offers emergency shelter, legal intervention, counseling and therapy, parenting education, sustainability services and violence prevention. Its goal is to expand community resource counseling, client case management and family sustainability programs to meet the needs of the increasing number of clients at risk of falling below the poverty line. Because distress in households plays out as domestic violence, mental instability, chemical abuse and trauma, Tubman places family safety as a top priority. Its merger with Chrysalis has added trauma- focused mental and chemical health care expertise. Tubman deals with mental health concerns by providing therapy and counseling programs with the goal to help stop the cycles of abuse and violence. Tubman's services provide a continuum of healing for families in distress, and its sustainability services — comprehensive education, advocacy and support programs —help families overcome barriers to safe, stable and healthy lives. In 2008, 234 Edina residents participated in Chrysalis programs —the Resource Counseling Center, the Education and Support Program, the out - patient program for mental illness, chemical dependency, the Legal Assistance for Women (LAW) Program, and the Mental Health Clinic. Store to Door - Mary Jo Schifsky, Executive Director, & Andy Otness, resident Requesting $8,725 - 2009 funding is $6,160. Store to Door is a 25 year -old nonprofit grocery shopping and prescription delivery service for frail elders and disabled residents. Anyone who is physically unable to shop qualifies for service, and the average client is 82 years old, female and living alone. With volunteers shopping at a Cub Foods store, Store to Door is able to support a homebound person's independence by providing low -cost groceries delivered right to the kitchen. With a dietician's assistance, clients' nutritional needs are met through a single bi- weekly delivery. All clients pay for groceries and prescriptions, and there is a sliding fee scale used to determine a delivery contribution. Clients all have two things in common: they experience a variety of health issues and are trying to remain independent. With the support of eight direct service volunteers who live in Edina, 50 Edina residents were served in 2008. The Bridge for Youth - Ed Murphy, Executive Director, and Kate Eubank, Development Director • Requesting $5,000 - 2009 funding is $5,000. The mission of The Bridge is to provide youth with safe shelter, assist in the resolution of family conflicts and reunite families whenever possible. The four types of youth served are: 1) Those from ages 10 to 17 in family or school conflict; 2) Those who come from abuse and /or drug use; 3) Those who are called throw - sways, unwanted by their families; and 4) Those whose families are homeless, which would involve help to find housing. The Bridge is open 24/7, and the services are free. It is a part of the StreetWorks Collaboration, and a full -time nurse is utilized with the street outreach workers. Activities include the emergency services program, coordinated outreach and intervention, homeless youth programs, life skills development, building healthy interpersonal relationships, and youth empowerment in action. The Bridge served eight Edina residents in 2008 with the following services: crisis intervention, emergency therapeutic shelter, physical health screening, family counseling services, street outreach and case management, and transitional living. VEAP - Karin Meier, Development Director • Requesting $25,000 - 2009 funding is $20,360. VEAP helps individuals who cannot financially, physically or emotionally provide for their own well -being in the following ways: back -to- school supplies, emergency financial assistance, food shelves, vouchers, furniture, holiday meals and transportation. VEAP serves residents who are low- income, disabled or elderly, with a focus on the ongoing effects of poverty, the problems of hunger and isolation. With 900 volunteers participating in the programs, VEAP's mission and goal are supported— neighbors serving neighbors in need in order to improve lives in our community. The highest percentages of Edina clients are found in Transportation Services and the Holiday Meal Delivery Program, and a typical Edinan served is an elderly widowed woman in need of transportation. In 2008, VEAP provided 2738 services to 862 residents of Edina. Women in Transition - Lonna Szczesny, Program Director Requesting $5,150 - 2009 funding is $5,000. The Women in Transition Program provides specialized career development and employment services to low- income women in crisis, enabling them to secure stable employment to support themselves and their families. Their services are provided on a sliding fee based on the participant's current income and ability to pay. Through this program, women establish realistic goals based on skills, aptitudes and interests. As a prevention program, it has evolved into a workshop -based career services provider for those struggling to make ends meet without relying on welfare or other public assistance. In 2008, job development, job search and self- esteem workshop services were provided to nine Edina residents. Services for five of these lowest- income participants were funded by the City of Edina. Senior Community Services - Adele Mehto, Program Administrator • Requesting $29,355 - 2009 funding is $28,500. Senior Community Services identifies, develops, coordinates and provides services that help meet the needs of people 55 and older. The Senior Outreach Program assists vulnerable adults to remain independent in the community and assists them and their families in securing and monitoring needed services, including counseling for issues such as financial concerns, housing changes, medical insurance, grief and depression. Family members and friends receive coaching and counseling so that they can be effective in their role as caregivers. In 2008, 401 Edina residents —frail elders and their family members — received Senior Outreach services -232 of these as intensive, ongoing clients. The average Edina resident receiving ongoing services was a woman in her 80's with a low income and serious health problems. Edina Resource Center - Val Burke, Director • Requesting $38,312 - 2009 funding is $37,200. The mission of the Edina Resource Center is to help families, providers and community organizations get connected quickly and successfully to a continuum of social services and community resources. Specifically, the Center provides a critical link to human services for families and individuals in Edina; assists health and human service professionals in accessing services for their clients; helps families and individuals focus on prevention and early intervention in addressing issues before they become crises; and identifies gaps in services while affecting systemic change. Its goals and partnerships are community- based, strength -based and comprehensive: I . A goal is to promote literacy to youth in Edina; thus, a partnership with Barnes and Nobles was established to distribute new books to needy families. 2. A goal is to provide safe, affordable opportunities for youth during out -of- school time; thus, a partnership with the Southdale YMCA and the Edina Foundation to provide summer camp scholarships. 3. A goal is to help new families in Edina acclimate to language, school and community culture; thus a partnership with Edina School Readiness and Volunteer Connections to provide ELL classes and school readiness activities for young children. 4. A goal is to provide easy access to information for seniors and their caregivers; thus a partnership with Edina Federated Women and the Edina Foundation to put on the 3 d Edina Senior Expo. 5. A goal is to promote neighborhood involvement; thus the Center helped to create Good Neighbor Tools information sheets. The Center is a collaborative effort of the City, the School District, health and human service providers, families, faith communities and businesses. Under the guidance of the Edina Community Council, the Center remains actively engaged in community activities, gathering demographic trend information, and analyzing data to assist how human service needs are being met and how to promote community building efforts. In 2008, 4005 Edina residents were served by the Resource Center and the Welcome Center. Approximately 29% were families and 71% were individuals including seniors. Eight hours per week of in -kind staffing is provided to the Center by the City. Edina ABC - Sherry Nuness, Executive Director Requesting $12,000 - new proposal Edina ABC was established in 1972 and is part of a nationwide program providing disadvantaged, academically- talented youth of color with opportunities to attend high school in an environment that is conducive to learning. The students follow a study schedule that includes nightly tutoring — having to maintain at least a B average —and required participation in extracurricular /community service activities, such as Sober Squad, Tutoring, Symphonic Band, Symphonic Orchestra, Science Club, Comp Cheerleading, Multi - Culture Club, Physics Club, Edina Federated Women, Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Hip Hop Dance, Soccer, Basketball, Lacrosse, Rugby and Softball. Host families provide support for the scholars for years, spending time together on weekends and entering into long - lasting relationships. In 2005, Edina ABC reached a milestone and became the first ABC Chapter to graduate 100 students. The ABC scholars not only help create a more diverse environment at school and in Edina, but a number of them have also contributed to the community's well -being by returning after graduation to live, work and volunteer here. The Edina program has 14 board members, one full -time staff member, more than 50 volunteers, and the capacity for 12 scholars each year —six boys and six girls. Conflict Resolution Center- Karmit Bulman, Executive Director, and volunteer mediators Carol Carmichiel and Jim Campbell • Requesting $5,000 - not funded in 2009; 2008 funding was $4,100. This program strives to promote the use of mediation, conciliation and training throughout the metropolitan area, with services free of charge or for a nominal administrative fee. Edinans have primarily utilized the mediation services for issues such as business, relationship /family, neighborhood and landlord /tenant -with 65 volunteer mediators trained in these areas. The program is focused on providing dispute resolution services and training to all people but is focused especially on those whom traditional methods don't serve well or for whom the methods would be detrimental or costly. Using neutral volunteers, the Program helps people resolve their differences outside of court, preventing the need for intervention and eliminating expensive. services. In 2008, the program served 54 Edinans. Free Arts Minnesota - Andrea Satter, Development Director • Requesting $7,500 - new proposal Free Arts Minnesota is seeking funding to continue their Weekly Mentorship Program offered for 32 weeks from September to May. It consists of 32 teams of trained volunteers providing art programming to over 270 children each week at partnering facilities. The population served is abused, neglected, and at -risk children, and it is the only organization in Minnesota that specifically brings the healing effects of the arts to children living in residential treatment centers, battered women shelters and special circumstance educational environments on an ongoing basis. It is difficult for Free Arts Minnesota to know exactly how many of their constituents are Edina residents. The program does have 337 volunteers who live in Edina and three Edinans who serve on the Board. The volunteers facilitate projects with Free Arts children and their families that incorporate drawing, painting, dance, movement, drama, sculpture and music. Edina School Readiness - Mary Streier, Coordinator, and Laurie Denn, Family Center Coordinator . • Requesting $6,500 - new proposal The goal of Edina School Readiness is to help preschoolers enter school with the skills and behaviors necessary to be successful in future learning. Last year, the program served 68 Edina residents, including parents, children and siblings who qualified as "at risk" under Minnesota School Readiness guidelines. This population basically consists of immigrants, English language learners and low income families. Outreach is the primary tool: being connected with the manager of the Edina Parklawn Apartments which has a high density of Somali residents, making home visits to new families, connecting with the Edina Resource Center, collaborating with physicians and social services, and updating waiting lists to place children in appropriate settings. Overall goals are to identify as many new families as possible and to provide scholarships and transportation to all identified four year -olds. The hope is to have two apartment programs up and running in the near future. STAND (Students Take Action Now Darfur) - Dolan & Hailey Lee, EHS juniors • Requesting $2,500 - new proposal STAND Edina High School is the student -led division of the Genocide Intervention Network and is the only high school STAND chapter in Minnesota. With its 30 active members, over $4000 has been raised for Genocide. Intervention Network's Civilian Protection Program, with a goal to have one implemented for a village in Darfur. The students plan to have two speaker events at the High School in 2009 - 2010 —Host Camp Darfur and Anti - Genocide Week. The Edina community benefits from STAND by learning about genocide, and the estimate is that more than 3000 people have received information -1800 from the High School and 1200 from the community. Level for 2010 Proposed Funding Discussed Member Cashmore seconded the motion of Member Bigbee to work within the amount budgeted for the year 2008; the motion did not carry due to a majority of nays. Member Finsness seconded the motion of Student Member Mohtadi to work within the amount budgeted for the year 2009; the motion carried. Adjournment There being no further business, the hearing /meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Russell Stanton, Chair Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission RS /sh EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION THURSDAY, JULY 23, 2009 6:30 PM - MAYOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM Members Present Members Absent Staff Arnie Bigbee Lisa Finsness Susan Howl John Cashmore Emma Weisberg, Student Jessi Kingston Bob Mayer Shara Mohtadi, Student Meg Newell Ralph Overholt Russell Stanton, Chair The Commissioners disclosed the amounts each one recommended to fund the providers' requests for 2010. As a result of arriving at averages for each proposal and working within the total amount allocated for the funding of 2009 human services, the following action took place: • Student Member Mohtadi seconded Member Mayer's motion that no dollars be allocated to Free Arts Minnesota; the motion carried. • Student Member Mohtadi seconded Member Newell's motion that no dollars be allocated to Women in Transition; the motion carried. • Member Cashmore seconded Member Overholt's motion that $5000 be allocated to The Bridge; the motion carried. • Member Kingston seconded Member Mayer's motion that $7000 be allocated to Store To Door; the motion carried. • Member Cashmore seconded Member Bigbee's motion that $2000 be allocated to Tubman; the motion carried. • Member Newell seconded Chair Stanton's motion that $22,000 be allocated to VEAP; the motion carried. • Member Cashmore seconded Member Bigbee's motion that $1500 be allocated to Edina School Readiness; the motion carried. • Member Kingston seconded Member Newell's motion that $15,365 be allocated for Cornerstone; the motion carried. • Member Cashmore seconded Member Bigbee's motion that $25,000 be allocated for Senior Community Services; the motion carried. • Member Kingston seconded Member Mayer's motion that $3500 be allocated to Normandale Center, $1500 to STAND, and $6000'to ABC; the motion carried. • Member Bigbee seconded Member Newell's motion that $2400 be allocated to Conflict Resolution Center; the motion carried. As a result, the following draft 2010 human services budget was proposed for the City Council's review: Senior Community Services 25,000 Cornerstone 15,635 VEAP 22,000 The Bridge 5,000 Conflict Resolution Center 2,400 Normandale Center 3,500 Store To Door 7,000 Tubman 2,000 STAND 1,500 Edina School Readiness 1,500 ABC 6,000 TOTAL $91,535 The Commissioners had previously agreed to propose keeping the funding for the Edina Resource Center at the 2009 level -- $37,200. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, Russell Stanton, Chair Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission Minnesota Department of Health Fact Sheet August 2009 What you need to know about novel H1N1 flu What is H1N1? Novel H1N1 influenza is a respiratory illness caused by a virus. Last April, this entirely new (novel) strain of flu arrived in the United States and quickly became widespread, making many people sick. It also spread quickly around the world. By early June, the World Health Organization declared the first global influenza pandemic in over 40 years. What is happening with H1 N1 now? What do we know about it? While the disease appears to be waning in Minnesota and in other parts of the U.S., it is still very much with us. It is making lots of people sick in the southern hemisphere now. So far, for most people, the illnesses caused by H1N1 have been relatively mild. Unlike regular, seasonal influenza, this flu seems to affect more young adults and children than the elderly. Others most at risk for severe illness from this flu appear to be pregnant women and people with underlying medical conditions such as asthma or diabetes. What is likely to happen with H1 N1 in the future? Influenza is a very unpredictable virus because it changes relatively rapidly. This new influenza could just go away in the fall. It could stay around, but continue to behave like regular, "seasonal" flu. The virus may also change enough so that it begins to cause more severe illness, like the deadly pandemic strain that swept around the world in 1918. Most scientists now expect that we will see a second wave of H1N1 with more illnesses in the fall. But we don't know whether it will be more severe, like the strain of 1918, or not. If it is, the result could be widespread illness, many M I N N E S O T A Communications Office 625 N. Robert St. P.O. Box 64975 St. Paul. MN 55164 -0975 651- 201 -4989 DEPARTMENToFHEALTH www.health.state.mn.us deaths and extensive social disruption. Even if it does not become more severe, if novel H1N1 influenza causes illness at the same time as seasonal influenza, the health care system could be overwhelmed. If the novel H1N1 influenza becomes more severe, then normal everyday activities could also be severely disrupted. There may be restrictions on travel and public gatherings. People may be asked to stay home from work or school for a period of time, even if they are not ill. To face such challenges, we all need to be prepared — and we need to be preparing now. How can I prepare for it? Make a plan: Plan what you will do if you or others in your family become ill or if schools or workplaces close for an extended time. This includes keeping important medical and emergency information handy and updated. Make an emergency kit: Fill boxes or plastic bins with everything you need to stay home for two weeks. For a list of things to put in such a kit and to learn more about preparing for a pandemic, visit the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Web site and search for "Individual and Family Preparedness." Will there be a vaccine against novel H1N1? National and international health authorities are working urgently with vaccine manufacturers to develop and produce HIN1 vaccine. While they are close to having one or more vaccines ready, they must go through clinical trials to make sure they are safe. The federal government estimates that a vaccine will be ready sometime in October or November. -See page 2- What you need to know about novel f-I NI flu — page 2 Who should get the HIM vaccine? Once a vaccine is ready, there may not be enough of it at first for everyone who wants it. In that case, it will be important for those who are most at risk for severe illness or who would most likely spread influenza to others to receive vaccine. Those would include pregnant women, people who live with or care for children under 6 months of age, children and young adults, health care and emergency services personnel and people who have underlying health conditions. Recommendations may.change as more information becomes available about H1N1 and vaccine. At this point in time, we think it is likely that two doses of the novel H1NI vaccine will be recommended. For more details on novel H1N1 vaccine, visit the MDH or CDC Web sites. Should 1 get the seasonal flu shot? Will the seasonal flu vaccine also protect against novel H1N1? The usual seasonal influenza viruses are still expected to cause illness this fall and winter. We expect the seasonal vaccine to be available earlier than the novel HIM vaccine. Because seasonal influenza can be a serious disease, we encourage individuals to get their seasonal flu vaccine as soon as it is available. The seasonal flu vaccine is not expected to protect against the novel H1N1 flu. How can 1 help prevent the spread of H1 N1? Like other influenza, H1N1 spreads when a person with flu coughs or sneezes or by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth. There are some simple, important things you can do to protect yourself and those around you: • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue every time you cough or sneeze. Throw the used tissue in the waste basket. • If you don't have a tissue, sneeze or cough into your sleeve. • Clean your hands often with soap and water or an alcohol -based hand cleaner. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. • Avoid close contact with people who are sick, if possible. • Stay healthy: eat nutritious foods, get enough sleep, and exercise. How will 1 know if 1 have HIM? The symptoms are similar to seasonal flu: • fever (above 100 °F) • cough • sore throat • stuffy nose • in some cases people have also experienced diarrhea and vomiting, body aches and headaches What should 1 do if 1 get it? If you become ill with influenza -like symptoms, you should: • Call your health care provider to determine if you need to be evaluated. • Stay home and avoid contact with other people as much as possible to keep from spreading your illness to others. Can antivirals be used to treat H1N1? Antiviral drugs are prescription medicines (pills, liquid or an inhaled medicine) that fight against the flu by keeping flu viruses from reproducing in your body. If you get sick, antiviral drugs can make your illness milder and make you feel better faster. They may also prevent serious flu complications. This fall, antivirals may be prioritized for persons with severe illness or those at higher risk for flu complications. For more information: www. health. state. mn.us or www.cdc.gov Bloomington Public Health H1 N1 Response Role September 2009 Focus Area #1 Prevention Public Health's primary role is to focus on prevention. We will accomplish this by providing H 1 N 1 vaccination to the high -risk groups specifically targeting school age children, day cares and colleges, pregnant women, health care and emergency medical services personnel and will fill in the gaps where needed such as with uninsured and individuals that meet the high -risk group criteria. High -risk groups currently include: • pregnant women, • people who live with or care for children younger than 6 months of age, • health care and emergency medical services personnel, • persons between the ages of 6 months through 24 years of age, and • people from ages 25 through 64 years who are at higher risk for novel H1 N1 because of chronic health disorders or compromised immune systems. We met with the Edina School District and are having a joint Bloomington- Edina - Richfield School District meeting later in September to discuss operational details of school located vaccination clinics. We produced and disseminated materials for distribution to Edina parents of school children to help them screen their children for symptoms of H1 N1. We have had several discussions with school personnel to discuss the best way to make vaccine available to school age children. This month we also met with officials from Normandale Community College and Northwestern Health Sciences to discuss potential plans for vaccinating high risks groups at their campuses. We will be coordinating vaccinations of emergency medical services personnel with Mike Nibbe, Edina Emergency Manager. We will schedule vaccine clinics as soon as we know when and how much vaccine we will receive. We expect the vaccine campaign for our priority target groups will start the beginning of November and run approximately 4 -6 weeks, depending on how many shots children will need (this has not yet been decided). In addition, we will be providing education and information about infection control and social distancing in an effort to reduce the spread of the virus. Focus Area #2 Diversion In an effort to reduce surge on hospitals and clinics, Public Health will provide information and education about home care for ill persons, and direct individuals on when it is necessary to go to the clinic and /or hospital when needed. Additionally, there' may be a role for Public Health in the distribution of antivirals. We are currently conducting meetings with Fairview Southdale Hospital and local clinics in an effort to facilitate coordinated planning efforts between the hospital, clinics and local public health. Focus Area #3 Communication Bloomington Public Health will also be ensuring that all partners have the most accurate up -to- date information by distributing Health Alert Network messages, updating websites and coordinating information. We are also attending weekly conference calls with the Minnesota Department of Health to stay abreast of the most current information. Preparing ............ for Flu Season According to the Minnesota Department of Health, the most important points to remem- ber when it comes to the flu are highlighted by four simple phrases: cover your cough, wash your hands, get your shots and stay home if you're sick. The Health Department also recommends to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth and when possible stay away from people who are sick. What if I get the flu? -.1-1 ........ .... .................... City Manager Gordon Hughes encourages all employees to be responsible and use good judgment this flu season. "if you feel ill, we want you to do the responsible thing and stay home to take care of yourself. Remain home at least 24 hours following your fever break. Employees who come into work with flu -like symptoms will be sent home by their supervisor." You are advised to have a plan in place in case you get sick. The plan includes knowing what to do when the flu strikes, knowing who to contact and keeping a list of medical conditions, prescriptions and emergency numbers nearby. Make a flu emergency kit that includes prescription and over - the - counter medications, non - perishables and water. What about H I N I? H1N1 continues to be a "mild flu" for the majority of people, although it may be very severe for some. Typical symptoms include: > fever above 100° F > cough > sore throat > stuffy nose > in some cases, diarrhea and vomiting, body aches and headaches So far, the largest numbers of cases have occurred in people between 5 and 24 years old. During the first wave of H1N1 earlier this year, 70 percent of hospitalized individuals in Minnesota were under 25 years of age with the average age being 12 years old. Of those hospitalized, 35 percent had asthma and 64 percent had underlying health conditions. Because of this, the initial H1N1 vaccine, which may be avail- able mid -late October, will be targeted at those with highest risk, including: > pregnant women > people who live with or care for chil- dren younger than 6 months of age > health care and emergency medical services personnel > people between 6 months through 24 years of age > people ages 25 to 64 with chronic health conditions or compromised immune systems. of CATO OO c Ofluam Employee seasonal flu (not H I N 1) immunizations October 2 7 a.m. — 1:30 p.m. Sign up with Terri Wilson by calling 952 - 826 -0406 4 184 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 273 Regular Meeting, September 29, 2009 Room.349, Edina Community Center AGENDA Determination of Quorum and Call to Order Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of August 17, 2009. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of August 17, 2009 Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of September 8, 2009 HEARINGS OF INDIVIDUALS, DELEGATIONS, AND PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS FROM THE PUBLIC REGARDING ITEMS BEFORE THE BOARD FOR ACTION OR ON ANY OTHER ISSUE ("SEE ATTACHED DETAIL) PRESENTATION ➢ Equity and Excellence: Developing Student Leaders, in the 21st Century-- Dr. Beth Russell, Principal; Patrick Duffy; Assistant Principal; and 7th, 8th and 9 Grade Students, South View Middle School REPORTS ➢ Long -Range Technology Plan — Dr. Michael Burke, Director of District Media & Technology ➢ Annual Report on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Achievement; and Staff Development Process and Goals — Dr. Jenni Norlin- Weaver, Director of Teaching & Learning; and..Dr. Thel Kocher, Director of Research & Evaluation ➢ Edina Alt Comp Site Goals and Plans — Dr. Jenni Norlin- Weaver, Director of Teaching & Learning; and Rob Gardner, Edina Alt Comp Facilitator /"%nK1CCAIT 85 Personnel' Recommendations 86 Community Education Services Personnel Recommendations 87 Expenditures Payable on August 24, 2009, appended 88 Expenditures Payable on September 14, 2009, appended 89 Expenditures Payable on September 23, 2009, appended 90 Bond, Fund .Expenditures Payable on August 19, 2009 185 -192 193 .194 195 196 197 -198 91 Alternative Facilities Bond Expenditures Payable on September 15, 199 -200 104 2009 216 -217 92 Revised 2009 -2010 Early Childhood through Grade 12 School 201 -202 Calendar 93 Transfer of Funds to Curriculum Resources and Programs 203 94 Transfer of Funds to Edina Resource Center 204 95 Commendation of National Merit Finalists 205 96 South View 6th Grade "Team Globetrotters" to Camp St. Croix 206 97 South View 6th Grade "Team Trailblazers" to Camp St. Croix 207 98 South View Middle School Students and Staff to Present at Summit in 208 -209 110 Baltimore, Maryland 227 99 Gift from Emerson Process Management — Rosemount, Inc. 210 100 Gift from Cisco Systems, Inc. 211 101 Gifts from the Edina Education Fund 212 102 Gift from the Edina Athletic Booster Club 213 ACTION 103 Election Judges 214 -215 104 Proposed Tax Levy for 2009 Payable 2010 216 -217 105 Acceptance of Recommendations from District Study Regarding 218 -222 Personalized Learning 106 Annual Report on System Accountability: Curriculum, Instruction and 223 Student Achievement, appended 107 Annual Report on Staff Development Programs, appended 224 108 School Improvement: Alternative Compensation Site Goals, 225 appended 109 Waste Abatement Grant Agreement 226 110 Purchase of Cell Phone Service 227 111 Purchase of Calculators by Middle and High School Edina Families 228 112 Revised Policy 105 — School District; School District Mission, Values, 229 -234 Beliefs Vision and Strategic Direction 113 Revised Policy 410 —Personnel, Family and Medical Leave Policy 235 -242 114 Revised Policy 447 632 — PeSow Education Programs, Chemical 243 -250 Use and Abuse 115 New Policy 619 — Education Programs, Student Assignment to 251 -253 Teachers and Classes 116 New Policy 914 — Community Relations, Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug 254 -256 Free Schools DISCUSSION 117 Revised Policy 522 — Students, Student Sex Nondiscrimination 257 -261 118 New Policy 109 — School District, Decision Making Process, 262 appended 119 New 600 Series Policies — Students, Phase IV, appended 263 INFORMATION 120 2009 -10 District Educational Studies, appended 121 Edina Debate Team to Milwaukee, Wisconsin 122 Service Adventure Leadership Team (SALT) Clearwater Wilderness First Aid Training Retreat 123 Edina Debate Team to Des Moines, Iowa 124 South View 6t' Grade "Team Trek" to Camp Friendship 125 Recognition .of Staff LEADERSHIP UPDATE Leadership News Board Committee Minutes Adjournment 264 265 266 267 268 269 -270 *Persons who wish to address the Board are requested to complete and submit an appropriate form to the Board Secretary prior to the designated hearing time. When recognized, each individual shall identify himself /herself and the group represented, if any. He /She shall then state the reason for addressing the: Board and shall be limited in time at the discretion of the Board Chair. Individual employees of the School District or representatives of employee organizations shall have utilized administrative procedures before making a request to address the Board. October 6, 2009 Ms. Nancy Crain 4952 Poppy Lane Edina, MN 55435 Dear Ms. Crain: City of Edina As a follow up to my letter of last week, I thought I should clarify my information concerning trail funding for routes that follow streets rather than along the creek. I noted in my letter that Three Rivers would fund the trail regardless of the selected route. A possible alternative to the creek corridor trail could be a narrower roadside trail combined with an on -street bike lane. Three Rivers staff has previously stated that if such a route were chosen, the City would be responsible for constructing and maintaining the on -street bike lane. I thought it was important to clarify the distinction between an off -road trail and an on- street trail from the standpoint of funding. Sin c rely, 6 rdon L. Hugh City Manager GH/sh c: Mayor and Council City Hall 952- 927 -8861 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com TTY 952 -826 -0379 September 17, 2009 City of Edina Anne Marie Plante 4801 West 701h Street Edina, MN 55435 Dear Ms. Plante: Thank you for your letter of September 13, 2009 regarding concerns about Arneson Acres Park. And thank you also for the fees and charges data from the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Regarding your concern about "inadequate rental charges for the use of this and other park facilities (especially by non - residents)," as I mentioned in our meeting last week, it is my intent to initiate a non - resident rental fee that is significantly higher that the resident fee. In addition, it is also my intent to raise all of the rental fees of all facilities at Arneson Acres Park. My staff tells me that there has never been a case when a resident was unable to rent a facility at Arneson Acres Park because it was already rented by a non - resident. You also expressed concerns about smoking, liquor consumption and "unsupervised juveniles causing property damage, especially to the fountain." As you know, these will be ongoing and difficult challenges (smoking, alcohol and vandalism) we face in all of Edina's 40 parks. As for Arneson Acres Park, we do submit copies of all permitted reservations to the Edina Police Department so they are aware of all rentals. I have forwarded a copy of your letter and this one to our Chief of Police Mike Siitari for his review. The Edina Police Department and I would greatly appreciate it if when you witness these violations (as you stated in your letter) to please contact the Edina Police Department immediately. Feel free to contact me with any further comments or questions. R tfully, I ohn Kepri tri e ctor Edina Park and Recreation Department Cc: Mike Siitari, Chief of Police Vince Cockriel, Superintendent of Park Maintenance City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 Park and Recreation Department www.cityofedina.com 952 - 826 -0367 FAX 952 - 826 -0385 TTY 952 - 826 -0379 4801 West 70`h Street Edina, MN 55435 September 13, 2009 Mr. John Keprios, Director Parks and Recreation, City of Edina 4801 West 50" Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. Keprios: Living adjacent to Arneson Acres Park, I have a special interest in seeing that the park is kept safe and well maintained. Three issues urgently require your attention: inadequate rental charges for the use of this and other park facilities (especially by non - residents), violation of the rules regarding liquor consumption. and smoking at rental events in the park proper, and unsupervised juveniles causing property damage, especially to the fountain. • The City is not charging enough for the use of the park. I belong to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum (http://www.arboretum-umn.edu/p-ardencerenionv.aspx). I have attached their price list for comparable rentals. Edina cannot possibly be recouping the cost of cleanup and maintenance incurred by most events. In addition, many residents are beginning to resent that people who do not reside in the community can commandeer this and other Edina park sites on a regular basis for their own use to the exclusion of Edina taxpayers. • I regularly hike around the area for exercise and pass through Arneson Acres on the way home. In the past month, I have observed at least three events (the most recent on Friday, September 11), at which there has been open consumption of alcohol and smoking in the park and gazebo, and in the case of one wedding a week ago, a tent was erected that did not conform to rules for such structures. This creates significant legal exposure for the city. There is no supervision of access to alcohol by minors. With the traffic on 70`h Street, and in a school zone no less, fostering driving after alcohol consumption creates additional hazards for area children. • In addition to the damage to the fountain done by unsupervised adolescents in August (which I reported to the police), the park is often a "hangout magnet." Last Sunday, for example, as I was coming home, I noticed some juveniles pitching suds around the fountain. They had put some type of detergent in the fountain as a prank. The police should make a swing through the parks a part of their daily routes, in additional to monitoring speeding all along the street, especially since the parking lots of both Arneson Acres and the swimming pool seem to be favorite break hangouts for patrols. I look forward to your response regarding these matters. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require more information. Sincerely, Anne Marie Plante Attachments: (1) Garden Ceremony Page I of 2 A 'Y OF MINNESOTA ,A%. UNIVERS11 One Stop I Directories I Search U of M r I MtaResola LaAdscapa A Search Home About Us Visit Gardens/collections Research Learn Library Join Give Volunteer Gift Store weddings /Facility Rental Travel HOME: WEDDINGS /FACILITY RENTAL: MEETINGS AND EVENTS: WEDDINGS: GARDEN CEREMONY A Garden Ceremony Eight exquisite garden settings are available for wedding ceremonies from early May to mid - October. Choose from the popular Palma J. Wilson Rose Garden with hundreds of hybrid roses, clematis vines, and a gazebo, to the intimate setting of the Seisui -Tei Japanese Garden, complete with a small, traditional -styled teahouse and waterfall. Or, say "I Do" in the Sarah Stevens MacMillan Terrace Garden beneath a beautiful iron gazebo illuminated by miniature white lights and embraced by the serene winter white landscape. All have magnificent views and breath - taking seasonal displays. Nelson Shrub Rose Garden (250 Guests) Take your ceremonial walk down a path of majestic white firs to the Nelson Shrub Rose Garden featuring hundreds of colorful, continuous -bloom rose bushes. The garden is arranged in a circular pattern around the granite tiles of an exquisite reflecting pool. Up to 200 guests may be seated in the spacious lawn area between the rose beds and pool. The garden is flanked by a native sugar maple woodland. Arrangements can be made to bring in chairs one hour prior to your wedding, and picked up one hour following the wedding. Garden is located off of Three Mile Drive. Rental includes transportation to and from site from main parking lot. Rental rates are $1000 for Friday and Saturday evenings and $900 for Sunday - Thursday evenings. Ciotlide Irvine Sensory Garden (200 Guests) The Sensory Garden is composed of model displays of beautiful container plantings, miniature rock garden and bird and butterfly garden engages the senses and refreshes the spirit. In the center of this garden there is a spacious lawn area where up to 200 chairs can be arranged. Arrangements can be made to bring in chairs one hour prior to your wedding, and picked up one hour following the wedding. Rental rates are $950 for Friday and Saturday evenings and $850 for Sunday- Thursday evenings. Palma J. Wilson Rose Garden (150 Guests) This beautiful garden features hundreds of hybrid garden roses attractively displayed on a hillside in beds connected by stone walkways and steps. The garden, screened by wooden trellises of climbing clematis vines, features a small pool with fountains and gazebo with inside seating. The magnificence of the rose garden makes it a popular site for summer weddings. It has a capacity for 150 standing guests (or 17 guests may be seated on benches). Rental rates are $900 for Friday and Saturday evenings and $800 for Sunday- Thursday evenings. Elizabeth Carr Slade Perennial Garden (150 Guests) This spacious oblong garden is modeled after traditional European formal gardens. Flowerbeds are positioned around the perimeter and set off against a background of brick retaining walls and trees. Ceremonies are conducted near the pool which graces the center of the garden and is surrounded by beds of blue and gray perennials, creating the illusion of a larger pool. Perennials bloom from late March until frost. Standing capacity for 150 guests (or 12 guest may be seated on benches). Rental rates are $900 for Friday and Saturday evenings and $800 for Sunday- Thursday evenings. Sarah Stevens MacMillan Terrace Garden (150 Guests) This wonderful garden represents a model northern perennial and annual garden, featuring a refreshing color palette of pinks, whites and blues throughout the growing season. The garden is partially encircled by a 4 -foot brick wall with lanterns adorning each end. At its center is a circle of lawn -a perfect position for the bride and groom, with guests gathering around the walkways or seated on the spacious Morgan Terrace. A beautiful lighted gazebo graces the garden during the winter http: / /www. arboretum .umn.edu /gardenceremony.aspx Request a Garden Ceremony Indoor Spaces Menu Perennial Garden 14/09/2009 Page 2 of 2 months, for a beautiful evening ceremony. The garden is conveniently located behind the Snyder Building and close to the Oswald Visitor Center. It has standing capacity for 150 guests (up to 9 may be seated on benches). Rental rates are $900 for Friday and Saturday evenings and $800 for Sunday- Thursday evenings. Mary L. Griggs Annual Garden (100 Guests) This extraordinary garden, opened in 2005, encompasses more than 75,000 plants, featuring a changing color palette and plant selection each year. Circular stone walls, walkways, and a large Victorian -style fountain grace this beautiful summer garden. Rental rates are $900 for Friday and Saturday evenings and $800 for Sunday - Thursday evenings. Francis de Vos Home Demonstration Garden (50 Guests) Composed of nine smaller gardens, including an herb knot garden, rock garden, cutting garden, and garden landscaped for outdoor living. All are surrounded by ornamental fences, hedges, decks, walkways, walls, patios, terraces or trellises- offering a private setting for 50 standing guests (up to 5 guests may be seated). Rental rates are $600 for Friday and Saturday evenings and $600 for Sunday - Thursday evenings. Selsul -Tel Japanese Garden (12 Guests) Seisui -Tei means Garden of Pure Water. Designed by nationally renowned landscape architect Koichi Kawana, this traditional Japanese wet garden features a waterfall and pond symbolic of a great river. The rock at the base of the waterfall represents a climbing carp, a symbol of strength; the rock isolated in the water represents a ship, a symbol of the wish for an easy journey to paradise; and the island represents a turtle, symbol of immortality. The garden contains a small outdoor teahouse built of wood, bamboo and stone. Wooden entrance gates look as ageless as the water, rocks and trees. This uniquely designed garden is ideal for a small, intimate wedding with standing room for 12 (up to 6 guests may be seated). Rental rates are $500 for Friday and Saturdays evenings and $500 for Sunday - Thursday evenings. Gardens and indoor spaces may be reserved up to 18 months in advance. For more information or to make reservations click here or call 952 -443 -1411. 3675 Arboretum Drive, Chaska MN 55318 1952.443 1400 © 2009 University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum I Privacy Policy i Site Map The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Last modified on 07/31/2007 Powered by Brandspring Solutions LLC http: / /www. arboretum .umn.edu /gardenceremony.aspx 14/09/2009