HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-02-19_WORK SESSIONAGENDA JOINT WORK SESSION Edina CITY COUNCIL AND ART CENTER BOARD CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA COMMUNITY ROOM — EDINA CITY HALL FEBRUARY 19, 2013 5:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL Ill. ART CENTER BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS TO SUTTON ANALYSIS IV. ART CENTER MISSION STATEMENT V. ARTS & CULTURE COMMISSION VI. 3RD ANNUAL EDINA FILM & MUSIC FESTIVAL VII. ARTS & CULTURE WORKING GROUP VIII. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927- 886172 hours in advance of the meeting. SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /DATES /EVENTS Mon Feb 18 PRESIDENTS DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed Tues Feb 19 Work Session —Jnt Mtng. With Art Center Board & Art/Cult. Wk Gr 5:30 P.M. Tues Feb 19 Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. Tues Mar 5 Work Session —Jnt Mtng With Planning Commission 5:30 P.M. Tues Mar 5 Regular Meeting p 7:00 p.m. Tues Mar 20 Work Session —Jnt Mtng With Health Committee- do.town 5:30 P.M. —'.es Mar 20 Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. s Apr 2 Work Session — Neighborhood Policy /Business Meeting 5:30 P.M. ,,es Apr 2 Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. Tues Apr 16 Work Session —TBD 5:30 P.M. Tues Apr 16 Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. COMMUNITY ROOM COUNCIL CHAMBERS COMMUNITY ROOM COUNCIL CHAMBERS COMMUNITY ROOM COUNCIL CHAMBERS COMMUNITY ROOM COUNCIL CHAMBERS COMMUNITY ROOM COUNCIL CHAMBERS Joint Work Session Edina City Council -and Edina Art Center Board City of Edina, Minnesota Community Room Edina City Hall February 19, 2013 5:30 P.M. Agenda I. Art Center Board Recommendations to Sutton Analysis II. Art Center Mission Statement III. Arts & Culture Commission IV. 3`d Annual Edina Film & Music Festival V. Arts & Culture Working Group I. Art Center Board Recommendations to Council in addition to Sutton Analysis Edina Art Center Board Meeting October 25, 2012 Recommendations to the City Council from the Edina Art Center Board regarding the Edina Art Center Analysis dated October 2012 prepared by George Sutton of Sutton & Associates. The Edina Art Center Board fully endorses the report prepared by Sutton & Associates as presented and recommends that the City Council instruct staff to proceed with the recommendations laid out in the report. Specifically, we recommend — • Appointment of a full time Executive Director by December 1, 2012 • Tasking the Executive Director, in addition to day to day operational responsibilities, and with awareness to budget, to — o Develop a plan for restructuring of staff by March 31, 2013 o Develop a plan to broaden the reach of the EAC in the community and have a Plan of Action by March 31, 2013 o Finalize a new mission statement for the EAC for approval by City Council by January 31, 2013 To begin to respond to the questions raised and suggestions made in the Sutton Analysis, the Art Center Board recommends a professional Needs & Use Assessment for arts and cultural programming in the City of Edina. This will provide more detailed information about the community's aspirations for the arts in Edina as we plan the future of the Art Center and arts and cultural programming. Deadline for the plan is June 30, 2013. The Art Center Board also recommend a professional Facility Assessment to help determine current & future space needs, requirements and options based on the capacity and access issues with the current facility identified in the report. Deadline for the plan is June 30, 2013. II. Art Center Mission Statement To build a vibrant community, foster common bonds, nurture talent, and create venues for expressing and appreciating the arts in Edina. III. Arts & Culture Commission Attachment A — City of Edina Code - Section 1508 —Art Center Board Attachment B — Current Board Member Short Resumes The Board passed a motion on October 25, 2012 recommending that the City Council "change the EAC Board to the Edina Arts and Culture Commission to reflect its broader scope and ambition, namely to support and be a more central resource and voice for all artistic and cultural activities in the City." This new initiative was described in the 2013 Art Center Work Plan.— to propose new language relating to the mission of the Art Center Board (City Code Section 1508), To create an Arts & Culture Commission with a broader focus on building the arts within the community with a more advisory role in Art Center operations. The Arts & Culture Commission would broadly focus on art and culture within Edina and be modeled on other commissions within the city, e.g. Energy & Environment Commission. The commission would be established as a separate body apart from entity the Parks and Recreation Department, and initially retain current members of the Art Center Board and Staff Liaison. The 2013 Art Center Work Plan begins the discussion of the Commission. An inclusive work process will identify community interests, needs and resources. A plan will be created and presented in 2014. IV. 3`d Annual Edina Film & Music Festival Attachment C— Film Festival Budget and Schematic In alignment with the new Art Center mission statement to build a vibrant community, the Edina Film Festival modifies itself slightly to create a community outdoor event that makes an artistic statement while contributing to the City and raising awareness of the arts and the Edina Art Center. The new format is modeled after SXSW — South by Southwest in Austin, TX that originated as a film festival and has grown significantly in size and recognition with the addition of music. The Arts & Culture Working Group, in speaking with local art producers and users, most residents of the City of Edina — have identified four main issues in its preliminary findings: • A need for community space for the arts • A need for more artist friendly rules and ordinances These findings echo the Sutton Analysis presented in October 2012. That report found the Art Center had reached its maximum revenue earning potential in the currently available space. Refer to additional recommendations shown above in Art Center Board recommendations to City Council. Original Idea & History The Arts & Culture Working Group began as an idea of Art Center Board in October 2011. The Board felt the need to establish a volunteer working group to develop a vision and strategic plan for art and culture in Edina that goes beyond the immediate concerns of the Edina Art Center. The Board noted that art and culture were fragmented in Edina. Isolated hubs of activity existed; the Art Center, the Board's Public Art Committee, the Art Fair (50h & France Bus. Assn.), Fall into the Arts (Centennial Lakes), Edina Schools (music and theater) and other private interests (orchestras, dance groups and musical groups). The general feeling was that art and culture in Edina was under- represented, and it appeared that residents of Edina spend the better part of their cultural dollars outside of the city. In December 2011, Council endorsed the creation of the Arts & Culture Working Group as initiated by the Art Center Board, and encouraged the working group to be as open to resident participation as possible. The idea and approach was to start with "art inventors," i.e. identify organizations, venues and activities where art and culture are produced and consumed in Edina. The next step was to identify opportunities for increasing the Edina art scene and establish a vision for the future. The process envisioned was similar to the public process used for the Grandview Small Area Plan; involvement of the public through a series of community meetings with input from art organizations such as the Walker Art Center, MIA, theater groups, etc. around the metropolitan area. The group's goals include: • Gaining an understanding of arts and cultural related offerings in Edina • Determining constituents of art and culture in Edina • Getting a perspective on the artistic and cultural life /offerings in Edina • Identifying potential unmet needs in the community • Uncovering hidden gems • Establishing a dialog among the constituents • Facilitating the involvement of Edina residents in Art and Culture • Defining a common forum that "unifies" Arts and Culture offerings • Exploring coordination /cooperation potential among the various groups • Formulating a vision and strategy Participants The working group was open to anyone interested in art and culture in Edina. Participants including interested residents, poets, painters, MIA staff, filmmakers, writers and those involved in public art have engaged in sometimes lively and always thoughtful discussion. The group met monthly and initiated an "art and culture inventory" of public and private organizations, venues and activities where art and culture are produced and consumed in Edina. The working group also sketched out components of an initial vision. From 8 to 20 residents have attended each of the meetings. Timeline to Date Jan. — Mar. 2012 — Four members of the steering committee - Members Bouassida, McCabe, Raeuchle and General Manager Frey - meet to strategize and plan a large group meeting. Communications issues a press release February 9. The meetings to be held at the Edina Senior Center. Mar. 8, 2012 —1St large group meeting; Vision & Inventory sub - groups formed. Apr. 12, 2012 — 2nd large group meeting; participants choose from 11 areas of interest to research - music, dance, theater, decorative arts, painting, culinary arts, ceramics, sculpture, literature, media arts, and public art. May 10, 2012 — 3rd large group meeting. Member Naomi Griffith presents a comprehensive inventory of decorative arts that will be the model for council work session. May 15, 2012 —Joint Work Session with Council and Art Center Board. Member Raeuchle presents PowerPoint presentation of current findings of Arts & Culture Working Group with request for an intern and funding. June 18, 2012 — Intern Claire Lukens begins 3 month ACWG internship. Oct. 2, 2012 - present — Intern Brendon Johnson begins 4+ month ACWG internship. Interns under the direction of General Manager Frey have interviewed about 100'artists' and compiled a 31 page ACWG Inventory of the 11 art and culture sub - categories. Individual inventories exist for Book Clubs, Culinary, Dance, Decorative Arts, Events, Individuals, Literature, Main Issues, Media Arts, Music, Painting, Performance Spaces, Pottery & Ceramics, Public Art, Restaurants Displaying Art, Sculpture and Theater. In addition, a survey through SurveyMonkey was created with the help of Kaylin Martin in Communications. Survey and research documents were created, along with questionnaires for long and short surveys with over 50 interviewees. The Arts & Culture Working Group continues to meet twice monthly at the Edina Senor Center through January 2013 with additional meetings planned in the coming months. Four issues identified by Arts & Culture Working Group This section expands on the four issues that have risen to the top in our research and interviews with arts creators and residents of the City of Edina. 1) Community space for the arts in Edina A need for multi - disciplinary space; performance, studio, gallery & exhibition, meeting and artist living space that would benefit economic development. 2) Review of City Ordinances to make them supportive of artists working in the community. A need to review parking limitations, in -home studio sales, height restrictions for sculptures, signage, advertising and photo and film permits. E.g.: City Code 850.07 Subd.4 Subd. 4 Customary Home Occupations as an Accessory Use. (relevant sections) A. Customary home occupations which are permitted as an accessory use by this Section shall comply with the following conditions: 1. Only the residents of the dwelling unit shall be employed on the lot or within the dwelling unit. 3. No loading, unloading, outdoor storage of equipment or materials, or other outdoor activities, except parking of automobiles shall occur. 4. No signs of any kind shall be used to identify the use. 5. All parking demands generated by the use shall be accommodated within the accessory garage and normal driveway area and shall not at any one time occupy more than two parking spaces in parking areas required for multiple residential buildings. 6. No more than ten automobile trips weekly by individuals other than the residents of the dwelling unit shall be generated to the dwelling unit as a result of the use. 7. No sale of products or merchandise shall occur on the lot or within any structures or buildings on the lot. B. Permitted customary home occupations include the following and similar occupations if, and only during such times as, they comply with all of the conditions of paragraph A. of this Subd. 4: 2. In single dwelling unit and double dwelling unit buildings only, music and dance teachers providing instruction to not more than five individuals at a time. 3. Artists, sculptors and authors. 6. Photographers providing service to one customer at a time. 7. Salespersons, provided that no stock in trade is maintained on the lot or in the building or structure on the lot.. C. The following uses have a tendency to increase in size or intensity beyond the conditions imposed by this Subd. 4 for home occupations and thereby adversely affect residential properties. Therefore, the following shall specifically not be permitted as customary home occupations: 3. Music, dance or exercise instruction which provides instruction to groups of more than five individuals at a time. 3) Art Communication and Awareness -these objectives were identified: • Provide a centralized communication and information distribution resource for artists and consumers about the arts, artists and public events. • Cooperate with the school district and utilize school facilities. • Promote economic development through the arts. • Create the sense of importance of the arts as integral to our community pride. 4) A Strong Connection to the arts and artists from the residents and leaders of the City of Edina through awareness and funding. • Establish 'artist in residence' program • Connect artists with neighborhood groups and small businesses • Publish arts directory • Events specifically associated with Edina Attachment A — City Code Section 1508 City of Edina Boards & Commissions 1508.04 Section 1508 — Art Center Board 1508.01 Establishment. The Council, finding that the encouragement and enhancement of the arts in Edina is vital to the social and culture well -being of the City and its residents, does hereby establish the Art Center Board (the "Board "). 1508.02 Duties. The Board shall: A. Make recommendations regarding the operation of the Edina Art Center B. Plan and recommend to the Council art activities and programs. C. Develop a long term plan directed towards fulfilling the needs and desires of Edina residents with respect to the arts. D. Recommend programs at the Edina Art Center that are responsive to community desires. E. Periodically report to the Council on matters pertaining to the Art Center and public art in Edina. F. Initiate and oversee fundraising activities that benefit the Art Center and public art in Edina. G. Represent the City at community functions pertaining to the visual arts and with similar bodies and organizations involved with the visual arts. H. Oversee the development and implementation of a public visual arts program in Edina. I. Perform other duties from time to time directed by the Council. 1508.03 Membership. The Board shall consist of ten regular and two student members, not more than three of which may be non - residents. 1508.04 Committees. The Board shall establish and appoint members to a public Art Committee which shall be charged with establishing and implementing a public arts program in the City. The Public Art Committee shall be chaired by a person who shall be appointed by the Board chair with the consent of the Board. The Board may establish other committees for the purpose of carrying out other Board duties. History: Ord 2005 -08 codified; amended Ord 2007 -11, 06- 05 -07; Ord 2011 -02 deleted Section 1221; replaced by Section 1508 Cross Reference: Section 1500 Attachment B — Art Center Board Member Short Resumes Hafed Bouassida - Chair • Continuing Education Faculty, Cinema Production, Minneapolis Community and Technical College • Edina Art Center Board member since February 2008 Barbara La Valleur Qualifications: • International photojournalist for over 45 years including six years with German daily newspapers. Affiliations: • Evansville, MN Art Collision • One Woman Photo Shows in Minnesota and Germany • Westminster Gallery Shows, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis, MN • Former Communication Coordinator, University of MN School of Nursing • Former Editor, Carib Magazine, US Virgin Islands • Chief Photographer, Daily News, Wahpeton, ND and Breckenridge, MN • Former Fargo Forum Staff Writer and Columnist • Owner, La Valleur Communicates • Edina Art Center Board member since February 2011 Dana Lappin Qualifications: • Long -time resident of Edina, lifelong art enthusiast, fundraising experience (political), excellent people skills and ability to adapt well in a wide variety of environments. • Employment: Pinstripes Bistro, Edina, MN — Marketing & Outside Sales Affiliations: • Affirmative Action Officer, Senate District 41 DFL, Alternate State Central Committee • Edina Art Center board member since 2011 • Committee member of the Juried Art Show for two years. Co -chair with Bill McCabe in 2012. Chair for 2013. • Membership Chair for two years. • Member, Consultant Working Group Bill McCabe — Term ended January 2013 Qualifications: • Independent Real Estate and Business Consultant, William J. McCabe CPA • Real Estate Investment Accounting, Opus Properties and Founders Properties • Head of Education Administration, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York • VP Administration, Minneapolis College of Art and Design • Project Manager, Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts Affiliations: • Edina Art Center Board since 2007, Chair since 2010 • Edina Public Art Committee, 2010 to present • Edina Family Center Board, 1999 -2001. • Edina Soccer Association and Edina Baseball Association • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) • Minnesota Society of CPA's Colin Nelson • Public Defender for Hennepin County • Edina Resident and amateur author • Edina Art Center Board member since February 2011 • Member - The Loft, Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, and the Twin Cities Mystery Writers • Fallout was nominated for the Minnesota Book Awards for 2012 • Musician and leader of a jazz group called Blue Mood playing saxophone and flute. • Host, The Author's Studio at the Edina Art Center beginning January 2012 Kitty O'Dea Qualifications: • Retired marketing and advertising executive for Pillsbury, Ralston- Purina, Foote, Cone & Belding Advertising Thomas Raeuchle Qualifications: • President, Santerra — Business and Technology Consulting Affiliations: • Board, Non - Profit Economic Development Corp. • Active in civic projects • Edina Art Center board since February 2011 John Swon Qualifications: • President /CFO Reel Cinema Entertainment, LLC • Fundraiser, American Red Cross • Fundraiser, Susan G. Komen Foundation • Financial Consultant, RBC Capital Markets & New York Life Securities • Financial Consultant, Focus Financial Affiliations: • Edina 4th of July Parade Committee (Chair) • Beta Kappa Alumni Corporation (Volunteer- Treasurer) • Senior Council of Retired Executives (SCORE) • Daybreakers (Networking Association - President) • Edina Rotary (Volunteer) • Education: BA History, Hamline University • New York Life Securities • Beta Kappa Alumni Organization (Volunteer- Treasurer) • Senior Council of Retired Executives (SCORE) • Daybreakers (Networking Association— President) • Edina Rotary (Volunteer) Ray Meifert Some Recent Locations Where Paintings Have Been /Are Exhibited Taylor P.O. Gallery, Taylor, MS The Ravine, Oxford, MS J. Clayton's, Water Valley, MS S & J Gallery, Oxford, MS University of Mississippi Museum Elmhurst Art Museum, Elmhurst, IL Exiner Art Studio. Chicago, IL Edina Art Center University of Illinois at Chicago The Health in the Arts Gallery Art Organizations Memberships Elmhurst Art Guild Edina Art Center Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters Oxford (MS) Artist's Guild Yoknapatawpha Arts Council Website www.rameifert.com Attachment C — Edina Film Festival 2013 Edina Music & Film Festival Proposed Budget & Schematic • 30x50 Tent - $1585.12 o This includes all set -up and related expenses • 16x20 Stage - $600 • Sound & Lighting Equipment - $900 • Musical Acts - $800 • Projection System - $850 • 5000 watt Generator - $250 o Phil Johnson will provide free back -up generator • Printing - $1,600 o Includes 1,500 program guides and 300 posters minimum • Edina Police - $1,760 [16 hours] o 2 officers required if alcohol is being served; $55 per hour, per officer • Insurance - [city donation] o City previously provided coverage last two years • City Permits - $690 • Loudspeaker - $25 • Special Events Application - $65 • Food License - $25 • Intoxicating Beverage License - $200 • City -Use Permit - $315 • Construction Permit - ? (varies) • Operational Permit (Fire Dept) - $60 • Trash Cans (4) - $300 o Volunteers would need to remove trash • Barricades for Traffic Control - ? [potential city donation] Maximum Total: $9,335.12 (if City waives permits): $8,645.12 For Comparison Purposes: • 2011 EFF Budget - $8,075 • 2012 EFF Approved Budget - $9,950 2012 EFF Actual Budget (est) - $8,00 49 '/z Street ENTRY TO RAMP VENDOR SODA & WATER BEER 20 x 30 ft tent VENDOR Hamburgers Hot Dogs Cheese Curds 30 x 50 tent MUSIC & FILM TENT Big Sign on the back Halifax Avenue VENDOR KI OSK KI OSK C R A Z Y D A Y S 50th Street C R A Z Y D A Y S TICKET i•• i