HomeMy WebLinkAbout810y 80 DEED PAGE 61 1 EASEMENrl'I`OG' AND FLOWAGE OF WATER., STORM SEWER AND EARTHEN DAMS. THIS INSTRUMENT Made this 4G� � day of 1961, by and between CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF GRADE IN EDINA, M14OTA., a Minnesota corporation, party of the first part, and the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, party of the second part, WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, party of the first part is the fee owner of the following described property, situate in the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota; to -wit: That part of Government Lot 8, Section 28, Township 117, North, Range 21, West, of the Fifth Principal Meridian, according to the United States Government Survey thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit: Commencing on the South line of said Government Lot 8, 26 2/3 rods East of the Southwest corner of said Government Lot 8; thence Northerly to the Easterly line of Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway right of way; thence Northerly along said right of way line, to a point distant 703.7 feet Southerly along said right of way line from the Southerly line of Eden Prairie Road, also known as Eden Avenue; thence East 193.2 febt; thence North to the center line of said Road; thence Northeasterly along the center line of said Road to the North line of said Government Lot 8; thence Easterly to the Northeast corner of said Government Lot 8; thence Southerly to the Southeast corner of said Government Lot 8; thence Westerly to beginning, except that part thereof conveyed to the County of Hennepin, by Document No. 1696186 and Document No. 1696187, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, party of the second part desires an easement over said property for storage of water, flowage of water, storm sewer and earthen dam purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of $1.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Lhe party of the first part does hereby Irant, bargain, sell, convey and warrant to the party of the second part an easement for a period of five (5) years from and after the date hereof, for all of the above purposes together with the right to enter for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, altering, repairing and reconstructing water flowage and storage areas, storm sewers and earthen dams, in, on, over., under and across that part of the above described property described as follows, to -wit: I 1p ,MSFER E TEREU SEi! 20 1961 COUNTY, kOft w f ..r a r t r I 1p ,MSFER E TEREU SEi! 20 1961 COUNTY, kOft w f ..r a 'B'O'D'K2315 PAGE618 Commencing at the intersection of the Southerly right of way line of said Eden Prairie Road, also known as Eden Avenue, with the West boundary line of the property above described; thence Southerly along said West boundary line for a distance of 535 feet; thence due East for a distance of 450 feet; thence due South for a distance of 30 feet; thence due East for a distance of 85 feet; thence due South for a distance of 225 feet; thence due East to a on the Westerly right of way line of State Highway No. 100; thence Northerly along said Westerly right of way line for a distance of 360 feet; thence due West a distance of 210 feet; thence Northerly parallel with the Westerly right of way line of said State Highway No. 100 a distance of 310 feet; thence Northeasterly parallel with the Southerly right of way line of said Eden Prairie Road to the Westerly right of way line of said State Highway No. 100; thence Northerly along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 180 feet; thence due West to the Southerly right of way line of said Eden Prairie Road; thence Southwesterly along the said Southerly right of way line of Eden Prairie Road to the point of commence- ment. Party of the second part hereby agrees that the party of the second part shall, in the exercise of any of the rights hereby conveyed, replace any shrubs, trees or sod removed thereby in as. nearly as possible the same con- dition as before the exercise of such right:or rights. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The said party of the first part has caused this instrument to be duly executed the day and year first above written. n Presence Of: r , STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss. COUNTY Or IlENNEPIN ) CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF GRACE IN EDINA, M14N 3SOTA t-► By Its And On this 3 day of 1961, before me, a Notary Public within and for said County,' persolhally appeared 4 • W . and '• A iLy L! K A 0 a to me personally known, who, being efach by me duly sworn did say that they are respectively the U r C 1-- and S - c- -Ta- of the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf o "91ild,,, corporation by authority of its Board of T1;,� � � ,� and said L • - Vo r -y and -I— A v 71' h & ✓ a v acknowledgecL' s a�i� oiY went to be the free act and deed of said corporation. � a THOMAS S. £AICI{ -Cll •,�' ' t`, Notarial Seal) Notary P3h2ic Hennepin County, Minn. , •H L My Commission Expiros July S, 1986. Filed for reoord on the 29 day of Sep AD 1961 at 2s30 o1olook P *X* 2 - t r SiP29 -tl OFFICE (�F REG►&IFR Of DFiEM STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OP aRwN[VIM 1 hereby certify that the tolthh� f►��trr�maeQ was filed for record in this n +tiff@ 10#1 too 29 y of SEP A./. 1X61 � oblo M„ and was duly recorded -jn b ®ak� Of Pap $TER OF / �DEP GISTER OF DUAL t T FIAISIMMAU FOR S.WRAG�' Me FLOWAGE % WAMR, 01 ", 8542 AAD EAUVILEM AMS. 3311-227 THIS INSMIUMM—NT, X-lae. this d Of by sak between 9HURCH C& OUR LADY OF GRAOE Z EDINA, PILIMESOITA, a Mj_wneoytfrj 0or1cration, party of the first Par, and the Village of Bdinag a municipal 38ps of the Stnte, 31- Party W tn' second part, WITNESIETH: WEBREAS, party of the firot part tine 2Qs o-weer of the dezi�';�ibed 1property� situnt.a �'L�a the ac)zLrlt�;( of to-wit; That Dart of To�jjeh_jp !I-(, r RAASe 21., 02 My AM Winni,al Varldian, eqQording to the United sWev Covernment 8arvey i4 it Qnsepin Maly, Mirsnezotap deo=Xbed A tc_dit: Cowmanairg an th 110 SOW-11 lin-- of nakl Gaveru3ent Lz)t 8 26 2/3 x-ods East cd the Southwest Urnser of said Government Lot 6; thence VorWarly to the Easterly lian u f MInneepolin, Volthfiel a kl_ southern TallwV7 right o 'uay� Nort_k'lorly "aorlz said, 1j]. rk"t Of gay" line, to a }:Dint disWat 70-7 feet 66utharly Along said right Of *way line from the Southerly line of .era Prairie ROW, also AM= as Eden Avenue; thenne East 193-2 feet; thence North to the canCer line of said Road; thaaae ToTtheesterly the center of 2aid Road to tha Borbi,�. line o.- sairl Lot 8; thence Eorterly to the Nortboast Qqyner of said Governmon-,'� Lot 6; thenqa Southerly to the Sozx-theaet a—orner oi' said LOt 8; thence %Ztezly to begirmirkga except that- pw.,t therec,' , 2 conveyed to the Coon y of 'by DoctVnent Ho. !69618G w D043-tIMCInt, 16961818 recoMed in the Office Of the Register of CC,myty, Minneao,,; ayl MY" the second Pert dMires en Mgement over Wd proDerty for otorage of water, fluv's-ge of wetten', S'tO."�M U,d carthen dva puxqjznzo Btu, TAIREPOSE, Wr Md in consideration oZ Q1.0,0 In other Sood aaf� valudble Qonsideratiou, the retalk of 'Whicut, is hereby aQknatTledg6dji tjx3 p0r17,y of the first port does hereby grant, b&xga;,jn" r>•:Ll' P2.'Vft wlrr�'_nt to tile DOX&Y of the ZVQ0W part Vy easement for aroviod We (5) y0ars Won and after the Me 01000 for a'A cxv t'he '-�bk7vo (.)Jrposes together wit'11 the riglA' to foo the pa Nose of 00--f4tr'actil3g, Melatainin, n4terkr6, repairing an "rac 118 ranonotountin water flowngs and storase areas, Vorm sewero ---:A c-er-t"�11en d_­'bj' in' ukz�'r and- Across that Of the Wbove de_r�=Ibed aL� follcytivjD; to-wit: Oommencing at the Intersection of -the Southerly right of way lizw of said Dien flairie Road, also known as Eden Avenue, with the West boundpry line of the property o1oove deacribed; thence Southerly along said Vent boundary line far a distanne of 535 feet; thence due East for a distance of 450 feet; thence duo Muth for a distance of 30 feet; tliprxoe due East for a distance of 85 fee44 thence due South fox a distance of 225 feet; thence due. East to a.., paint on the Mesterly right of vazr line of State Hlyway No. 1001 thence Northerly along said Westerly right of way line for a distance of 360 feet; thence due West a, distamae of 210 feet, -'thence Nortilarly, pzxallel with the Westerly rigixto of eras line of said State Higlhway No. 100 a distance of 310 feet; thence Northeasterly parallel with the Zoutherly r.io-xt of way line of sedf, Eden Prairie Road t0 the Westerly right of vay line of sold State Righway No. 100; thence fiojthe�.ely alovj,, r3odd Westerly KZT, a i,,ay line A distomce Of SO feet; thence due West to the soutLerly r glxt of way lire of said tdea Prakrie Road; thence eouthwestei-ly along the said right of way line of Eden Prairie Ykoaa ibo tlxc- point of P- rer4e- rent. Pn--ty of th�',, pnot hereby tgres8 that the party of the seconi part shr�.1;; in- tb--v caerniae of any of thn USA Ks huxeby conveyed: roplaQe =zky zbx-0)p — '.' or sod removed, thereby in az neanky an possible the s= won dition eg before the nXernins of 8twh rightqw, rights. IN TESTIMONY 'VfflTR"E0F; The said pswtj of the Mot part has asseed this astrument to lb---� do1y exef;Utef-, t.118 CftSy ��ald -� "fro:_ r. '.ftrSt 8baVC MrITtor-, In Prose= Of: &A- C STZTE OF MUMMA) 011URC11 OF OUP J-PODY OF GRACEP IN R-DIM, PaNNEUCTLA COURTZ OF IRMUNNERIN? Ot this day of 1961P b;F re me, a Notaxy AUK within and for s �'d County, per nally appeared XT 61, sa2d any' to me yxr,•vonally hnown,, wbo, beln'g eaql: 3y = Way nwars M nay that ANY txe rezPaKirely the aA 00 xhfv�&AU-nz of the acTyrovetion nod in the foregoing instrument, end thensdaltoffind to said instrument .is the corporate seal of said <vrporati= and that S inKrument was 01-1 ed end scaled in behalf of said corlypti I to by atzt1urity ofiA Board of aLF and said _ n' A6Z �zv anknonleQ& eala inUre- meat to be t a Tywc aNt 4 . deed of said co: *rat M . — Now- (Notarial seal) 1,17 Comm Count Church of Our Lady of Orme in Edina Edina, Minnesota Re: Eden Avenue Storm $ewer District Gentlemen: 1961 You have recently conveyed an easement to the Village of Edina for the storage and flowage of voter and for storm sewer, and earthen dams on certain of your property South of Eden Avenue and West of Mate Highway no. 100. The easement is for a period of five years from and after the date thereof. In consideration of the giving of said easement, you have asked the Village of Edina !.o agree to establish a storm sewer system in the Eden Avenge District that will afford permanent relief to your property from the flooding and drainage problems which now exist thereon; the system to be established under said easement is to provide tenporsury relief only. Therefore, this L `ter is to set forth the agreement of the Village of Edina to the follIowing: 1. In the event State highway NO. 100 is improvedi during the five year period of said easement above referred +.o, the Village will negotiate with the State Highway Department to construct with the State Highway Department a storm sewer system providing permanent relief from the existing flooding and drainage problems on your property. 2. In the event State Highway No. 100 is not improved within the five year period of said easement above referred tc, the Village will, within, or as soon as practicable after, the rive year period of said ease - ment,, establish some adequate drainage system to provide permanent relief from the existing flooding azA drainage problems on your property, whether by pamping station and force man prograwa, as outlined in the report of fir. 2gil Wefaki, dated July 10, 1961, entitled "Report or. Eden Avenue Storm Sewer District ", or by acme other means. Certain additional easements nay be needed from you by the Village in oonneetion with any of the above systems that may be constructed to give such permanent relief to your said property, and you agree to give such ease - ments as mad► be reasonably necessary for any such system, the exact location of such easements over your said property to be subject, of course, to your approval. The expense of any such storm sever drainade system b.erein agreed to be hereafter established by tone Village of Edina, shah. Le borne by all of the properties benefited tlereoy, but you shall riot ;,e assessed for the temporary drainage system being established plrsuant to sa.id easement given by you to the Village for a period of fire years, ac,.,ve referrer: to. Very truly E 0}�NA By its__ And Its Tre undersigned urx±erstar s and agreeu co the provisions of the above letter. w 4 / Dated: 4-e A"a.31- 4 1961. By Arm CHURCH OUR LADY O .;RACE i:M, MiNNES01`A DORSEY, OWEN, BARBER, MARQUART $ WINDHORST JAMES E.DORSEY (1889 -1959) DAVID E.SRONSON PETER DORSEY KENNETH M.OWEN GEORGE RFLANNERY HUGH H.BARBER CURTIS L.ROY DONALD WEST ARTHUR E.WEISSERG WALDO R MAROUART DUANE E.JOSEPH JOHN W. WINDHORST JOHN W.JONES HENRY HALLADAY JAMES BNESSEY JULE M.HANNAFORD CHARLES O.HOWARD ARTHUR B.WHITNEY WILLIAM A.WHITLOCK JOHN G.DORSEY THOMAS M.BROWN RUSSELL W.LINDOUIST CORNELIUS D. MAHONEY DAVID R.BRINK THOMAS S.ERICKSON HORACE E.HITCH EDWARD J.SCHWARTZBAUER VIRGIL H.HILL MICHAEL E. BRESS ROBERT V.TARBOX PAUL G. ZERBY DEFOREST SPENCER RAYMOND A. REISTER ROBERT J. JOHNSON JOHN J. TAYLOR MAYNARD B.HASSELOUIST DONALD R. HERBERT LAW OFFICES 2400 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS 2, MINNESOTA FEDERAL 2 -3351 October 30, 1961 Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina 24, Minnesota RE: Our Lady of Grace Storm Sewer Easement ATTENTION: Mrs. Gretchen Alden Gentlemen: We are in -receipt of the Amendment to Minutes in regard to the above matter. They are now in satisfactory form. I do not intend to pass these Minutes on at this time. If I do, the certificate should have added to it at the end thereof "as amended by the Village Council at a regu- lar meeting thereof held Monday, October 9, 1961." If it becomes necessary to deliver these to other parties, I will advise you so that the addition can be made to the certificate. TSE:kg Very truly yours, DORSEY, OWEN, BARBER, MARQUART & WINDHORST By Thomas S. Erickson OF COUNSEL LEAVITT R.BARKER LELAND W. SCOTT October 26, 1961 Mr. Trios. Erickson Dorsey, Owen, Barber, Marquart 6 Windhorst First National Bank Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. Dear Mr. Erickson: RE: Amendment to Minutes of Edina Village Council dated August 14, 1961, concerning Our Lady of Grace storm sewer easement. We are enclosing herewith three copies of the amended Minutes. You will note that the Certificate treats this action as though it had been taken August 14- -which I hope is satisfactory to you. The Minutes of October 9 read, "Clerk reported that Village At�orney's office finds the wording of the Minutes of the Meeting of August 14, 1961, relative to the "Our Lady of Grace" Storm :ewer Easements ambiguous, and suggests that said Minutes be amended to rdad as follows= (then the attached)- - and VanValkenburg's motion that Minutes of Meeting of August 14, 1961 be amended to real as hereinbefore set forth was seconded by Beim and unanimously carried." If the certificate must be changed, please let me know, and we can start over again. Yours very truly, Village Clerk gsa 7 EXTRACT FROM 14INUTES OF THE REGULAR MELTING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD 140NDAY, AUGUST 14, 1961, AT 7:00 P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members answering Rolicall were Beim, Dickson, aupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen. t'Mr. Zikan presented for Council action proposed easements for five years, tendered by Our Lady of Grace Church for Eden Avenue storm Sewer with stipulation that Village will be obligated to make ogler provision for storm sewer not later than five years from this time; said easements being over the property of Our Lady of Grace church described as follows: "That part of Government Lot 8, Section 28, Township 117N, Range 21W of the Fifth Principle Meridian, according to the United States Government Survey thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows, to wit: 'Commencing, on the South line of said Government Lot 8, Twenty -six and Two- thirds (26 2/3) rods East of the Southwest comer of said Government Lot 8; thence Northerly to the Easterly line of Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway right -of -way; thence Northerly along said right -of -way line to a point distant Seven Hundred and Three and Seven Tenths (703.7) feet Southerly along said right -of -way line from the southerly line of Eden Prairie Road, also known as Eden Avenue; thence East One Hundred Ninety -three and Two Tenths (193.2) feet; thence North to the center line of said road; thence North- easterly along the centerline of said road to the North line of said Government Lot 8; thence Southerly to the Southeast corner of said Government Lot 8; thence Westerly to point of beginning, except that part thereof conveyed to the County of Hennepin by Document No. 1696186 and Document No. 1696187, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota", and said easements being over that part of the above described property of said church described as follows: 'Comanencing at the intersection of the Southerly right-of-way line of said Eden Prairie Road, also known as Eden Avenue, with the West Boundary line of the property above described; thence Southerly along said boundary line for a distance of Five Hundred Thirty -five (535) feet; thence due East for a distance of Four Hundred Fifty (450) feet; thence due South for a distance of Thirty (30) feet; thence due East for a distance of Eighty -five (85) feet; thence due South for a distance of Two hundred Twenty -five (225) feet; thence due East to a point on the Westerly right -of -way line of State Highway No. 100; thence Northerly along said Westerly right -of -way line for a distance of One Hundred Eighty (180) feet; thence due West to the Southerly right -of -way line of said Eden Prairie Road; thence Southwesterly along the said Southerly right -of- way line of Eden Prairie Road to point of commencement'." i6Tupa's motion that Council accept easement and stipulation subject to Village Attorney's approval was seconded by Beim and carried." STATE OF 14IWNESOTA j COUNTY OF R £.0NEPIN ) SS VILLAGE OF EDINA ) 1, the undersigned, duly appointed and acting Village Clerk for the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that 1 have, this date, examined the fore- going "Extract from Minutes of Regular meeting of Edina Village Oouncil, held Monday, August 14, 1961," and that the same is a full and true transcript of the Minutes of said Meeting on file in my office, insofar as said Minutes are relative to EA_SM4EJJTS FOR STORM SEWER BY OUR LADY OF GRACE CHURCH. WITNESS MY HAND and the Official Seal of the village of Edina this 25th day of October, 1961. Village Clerk Village of Edina EXTRACT FROM xJNUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1961, AT 7:00 P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE MALL Members answering Rollcall were Beim, Dickson, Tupa, Van Valkenburg and Bredesen. s'e ?r at :1c :r :3t :� 3r :Tt s. :& •� � �t :i �e :Y atr se ie ': � ie :r ':k :; � s� "Mr. Zikan presented for Council action proposed easements for five years, tendered by Our Lady of Grace Church for Eden Avenue Storm Sewer with stipulation that Village will be obligated to make otaer provision for storm sewer not later than five years from this time; said easements being over the property of Our Lady of Grace church described as follows: "That part of Governmant Lot 8, Section 28, Township 117N, Range 21W of the Fifth Principle Meridian, according to the United States Government Survey thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows, to wit: 'Commencing on the South line of said Government Lot 8, Twenty -six and Two- thirds (26 2/3) rods Fast of the Southwest corner of said Government Lot 8; thence Northerly to the Easterly line of Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway right -of -way; thence Northerly along said right -of -way line to a point distant Seven Hundred and Three and Seven Tenths (703.7) feet Southerly along said right -of -way line from the southerly line of Eden Prairie Road, also known as Eden Avenue; thence East One hundred Ninety -three and Two Tenths (193.2) feet; thence North to the center line of said road; thence North- easterly along the centerline of said road to the North line of said Government Lot 8; thence Southerly to the Southeast corner of said Government Lot 8; thence Westerly to point of beginning, except that part thereof conveyed to the County of Hennepin by Document No. 1696186 and Document Igo. 1696187, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota ", and said easements being over that part of the above described property of said church described as follows: 'Commencing at the intersection of the Southerly right -of -way line of said Eden Prairie Road, also known as Eden Avenue, with the West Boundary line of the property above described; thence Southerly along said boundary line for a distance of Five Hundred Thirty -five (535) feet; thence due East for a distance of Four Hundred Fifty (450) feet; thence due South for a distance of Thirty (30) feet; thence due East for a distance of Eighty -five (85) feet; thence due South for a distance of Two Hundred Twenty -five (225) feet; thence due East to a point on the Westerly right -o€ -way line of State Highti7ay No. 100; thence Northerly along said Westerly right -of -way line for a distance of One hundred Eighty (180) feet; thence due West to the Southerly right -of -way line of said Eden Prairie goad; thence Soutimesterly along the said Southerly right -of- way line of Eden Prairie FDad to point of commencement'." "Tupa's motion that Council accept easement and stipulation subject to Village Attorney's approval was seconded by Beim and carried." STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN > SS VILLAGE OF EDINA } 1, the undersigned, duly appointed and acting Village Clerk for the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have, this date, examined the fore- going "Extract from Minutes of Regular Meeting of Edina Village Council, held Monday, August 14, 1961,11 and that the same is a full and true transcript of the Minutes of said Meeting on file in my office, insofar as said minutes are relative to EASEMENTS FOR STOM4 SEWER BY OUR LADY OF GRACE CHURCH. WITNESS KY HAND and the Official Seal of the Village of Edina this 25th day of October, 1961. Village Clerk Village of Edina EXTRACT FR(A -1 MIIiUTES OF THE REGULAR RESTING OF THE EDINA VIII AGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, A EUST 14, 1961, AT 7:00 P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members answering Rollcall were Beim, Dickson, Pupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen. 3e:� :Y:��r:: k:h..eb:Y:'r:"rr' a h9r:'��r:r:��•.?xo:sk,';:hx "Mr. Zikan presented for Council action proposed easements for five years, tendered by Our Lady of Grace Church for Eden Avenue Storm Sewer with stipulation that Village Will be obligated to make otaer provision for storm setter not later than five years from this time; said easements being over the property of oar Lady of Grace church described as follows: "That part of Government Lot 8, Section 28, Township 117N, Range 21W of the Fifth Principle Meridian, according to the United States Government Survey thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows, to wit: 'Commencing on the South line of said Government Lot 8, Twenty -six and Two- thirds. (26 2/3) rods East of the Southwest corner of said Government Lot 8; thence Northerly to the Easterly line of Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway right -of -way; thence Northerly along said right-of-way line to a point distant Seven Hundred and Three and ;even Tenths (703.7) feet Southerly along said right -of -way line from the southerly line of Eden Prairie Road, also known as Eden Avenue; thence East One Hundred Ninety -three and Two Tenths (193.2) feet; thence North to the center line of said road; thence North- easterly along the centerline of said road to the North line of said Government Lot 8; thence Southerly to the Southeast corner of said Government Lot 8; thence Westerly to point of beginning, except that part thereof conveyed to the County of Hennepin by Document No. 1696186 and Document lJo. 1696187, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota", and said easements being over that part of the above described property of said church described as follows: 'Commencing at the intersection of the Southerly right -o£ -way line of said Eden Prairie Road, also known as Eden Avenue, with the West Boundary line of the property above described; thence Southerly along said boundary line for a distance of Five Hundred Thirty -five (535) feet; thence due East for a distance of Four Hundred Fifty (450) feet; thence due South for a distance of Thirty (30) feet; thence due East for a distance of Eighty -five (85) feet; thence due South for a distance of Two hundred Traenty -five (225) feet; thence due East to a point on the Westerly right -of -way line of State Higluo7ay No. 100; thence wortherly along said Westerly right -of -way line for a distance of One Hundred Eighty (180) feet; thence due West to the Southerly right -of -way li-Lie of said Eden Prairie Road; thence Southwesterly along the said Southerly right- -of- way line of Eden Prairie goad to paint of commencement '.,' 0Tupa's motion that Council accept easement and stipulation subject to Village Attorney's approval was seconded by Beim and carried.iQ STATE OF 111UNESOTA j CGLjNTY OF HENNEPIN } SS VILLAGE OF EDINA) 1, the undersigned, duly appointed and acting Village Clerk for the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, pinnesota, do hereby certify that I have, this date, examined the fore- going "Extract from Minutes of T.zogular Meeting of Edina tillage Council, held Monday, August 14, 1961,,, Egad that the same is a full and true transcript of the Minutes of said Meeting on file in my office, insofar as said Minutes are relative to EASEMENTS FOR STORK SUTER BY OUR LADY OF GRACE C- 10RCH. WITNESS NY ,BAND and the official "cal of the Village of Edina this 25th day of October, 1961. Village Clerk Village of Edina EXTRACT F1RMI MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD 1.10NDAY, AUGUST 14, 1961, AT 7:00 P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLIVE HALL Members answering Rollcall were Beim, Dickson, Tupa, Van®alkenburg and Bredesen. "Fir. Zikan presented for Council action proposed easements for five years, tendered by Our Lady of Grace Church for Eden Avenue Storm Sewer with stipulation that Village will be obligated to make otaer provision for storm sewer not later than five years from this tits; said easements being over the property of Our Lady of Grace church described as follows: "That- part of Government Loot 8, Section 28, Township 117N, Range 2114 of the Fifth Principle Meridian, according, to the United States Government Survey thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows, to wit: 'Commencin- on the South line of said Government Lot 8, Twenty -six and Two- thirds (26 2/3) rods East of the Southwest corner of said Government Lot 8; thence Northerly to the Easterly line of Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway right -of -way; thence Northerly along said right -o£ -way line to a point distant Seven Hundred and Three and Seven Tenths (703.7) feet Southerly along said right -of -way line from the southerly line of Eden Prairie Poad, also known as Eden Avenue; thence East One Hundred Ninety -three and Two Tenths (193.2) feet; thence h7orth to the center lire of said road; thence North- easterly along the centerline of said road to the North line of said Government Lot 8; thence Southerly to the southeast corner of said Government Lot 8; thence westerly to point of beginning, except that part thereof conveyed to the County of Hennepin by Document No. 1696186 and Docuutent Wo. 1696187, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota ", and said easements being over that part of the above described property of said church described as follows: 'Commencing at the intersection of the Southerly right -of -way line of said Eden Prairie Road, also known as Eden Avenue, with the West Boundary line of the property above described; thence Southerly along; said boundary line for a distance of Five Hundred Thirty -five (535) feet; thence due East for a distance of Four Hundred Fifty (450) feet; thence due South for a distance of Thirty (30) feet; thence due East for a distance of Eighty -jive (85) feet; thence due South for a distance of Two hundred Twenty -five (225) feet; thence clue East to a point on the Westerly right -of -tray line of State Highway I.o. 100; thence Vortherly along said Westerly right -of -way line for a distance of one Hundred Eighty (180) feet; thence due West to the Southerly right -of -way line of said Eden Prairie Road; thence Southwesterly along the said Southerly right -of- way line of Eden Prairie Road to point of commencement'." "Tuna's motion that Council accept easement and stipulation subject to Village Attorney's approval was seconded by Beim and carried." STATE OF 1111RIESOTA ) CGba;�iTY OF, FIr?,P414EFIN SS VILLJftGE OF EDINA ) 1, the undersigned, duly appointed and acting Village Clerk for the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have, this date, examined the fore - going "Entract from Minutes of Regular meeting of Edina Village Council, held Monday, ArLust 14, 1961," and that the same is a full and true transcript of the minutes of said Meeting on fi?a in iq office, insofar as said F.inutes are relative to EASDiEWTS FOR STORK S7,,.WEIS By CiTPa L`?' OF GRACE CIP12-CH. WITNESS MY ILVID and the official Saal of the Village of Edina this 25th day of October, 1961. Village Clerk Village of Edina EXTRACT FROM MINUTES OF THS P.EGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE couNCIL, HELD MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1961, AT 7:00 P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Hemmers answering, Rolicall were Beim, Dickson, Pupa, VanVaikenburg and Bredesen. 1114r. gikan presented for Council action proposed easements for five years, tendered by our Lady of Grace Church for Eden Avenue Storm Seger with stipulation that Village will be obligated to make otaer provision for storm serer not later than five years from this tune; said easements being over the property of Our Lady of Grace church described as follows: "That part of Government Lot 8, Section 28, Township 117N, Range 21W of the Fifth Principle Meridian, according to the United States Government Survey thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows, to wit: 'Cotmencing on the South line of said Government Lot 8, Twenty -six and Two- thirds. (26 2/3) rods Exist of the Southwest corner of said Government Lot 8; thence Northerly to the Easterly line of Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway right -of -way; thence Northerly along said right -of -spay line to a point distant Seven Hundred and Three and Seven Tenths (7113.7) feet Southerly along said right-o€ -way Line from the southerly line of Eden Prairie Road, also known as Eden Avenue; thence East One Hundred Ninety -three and Two Tenths (193.2) feet; thence North to the center line of said road; thence North- easterly along the centerline of said road to the North line of said Government Lot 8; thence Southerly to the Southeast corner of said Government Lot 8; thence Westerly to point of beginning, except that part thereof conveyed to the County of Hennepin by Document No. 1696186 and Document Igo. 1696187, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, County of Iennepin, State of Minnesota ", and said easements being over that part of the above described property of said church described as follows: 'Commencing at the intersection of the Southerly right -of -way line of said Eden Prairie Road, also known as Eden Avenue, with the West Boundary line of the property= above described; thence Southerly along said boundary line for a distance of Five hundred'. '' %irty -f_ve (535) feet; thence due East for a distance of Four Hundred Fig :ty (450) feet; thence due South for a distance of Thirty (30) feet; thence due East for a distance of Eighty-five (85) feel:; thence due South for .a distance of Two hundred Tuenty -five (225) feet; tixence due Last to a point on the Westerly right -of -way line of 5f;. „te i i ghtray No. 100; thence Northerly along said Westerly right-of-way line for a distance of (ma 7:undred Eighty (130) feet; thence due West to the Southerly right -of -way line of said Eden Prairie Road; thence Soutimlesterly along the said Southerly right -of- way line of Eden Prairie Road to point of commencement'." $'rupais motion that Council accept easement and stipulation subject to Village Attorney's approval was seconded by Beira and carried." s 'TE OF -im-r- c, SOTA C01314TY 0131 102142P1111 SS VILLNGE OF EDINA ) I, the under signed, duly appointed and acting Village Clerk for the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, 141n- ciesota, do hereby certify that I have, this date, examined the fore - gcing "Extract from iiiinutes of Regular neeting of Edina grillage Council, held Monday, l_r3ust 14, 1961,11 and that the saae is a full and true transcript of the Minutes of said meeting on file in zly* office, insofar as said Minutes are relative to EASZ •iEVTS FOR STOW, SEWER 3 A. OUR L•LUY CF GRACE C:�R F,`C11- UITIzESS K9 1021-71D and, tI.M C+: >i 3. ,i v1 S ^a1 of whte, i.11a�o or Edina this 25th &:Ly of October, 1361. villa,e Clerk village of Edina EXT1i.CT PRO14 MINU'T'ES OF THE REGULAR P,,ELTIM OF THE EDIeNA VIU AGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1961, AT 7:00 P.M., AT TIM EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members answering Rolicall were Beim, Dickson, Tupa, VanValtcenburg and Bredesen. :r •�• a8 :'-: .. :v :5' :'k :; is Ss t � z: :': � :': :e :k :i ., de .. .� :: :fit :Y "Mr. 2ikan presented for Council action Proposed easements for five years, tendered by Our Lady of Grace Church for Eden Avenue Storm Sewer with stipulation that Village will be obligated to make otaer provision for storm sewer not later than five years from this tine; Said easements being over the property of Our Lady of Grace church described as follows: "That part of Government Lot 8, Section 28, Township 117N, Range 21W of the Fifth Principle Keridian, according to the united States Government Survey thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows, to wit: 'Comencing on the South line of said Government Lot 8, TOenty -six and Two- thirds. (26 2/3) rods East of the Southwest corner of said Government Lot 8; thence Hortherly to the Easterly line of E2inneapolis, ?Northfield and Southern Railway right -of -way; thence (Northerly along said right -of -way line to a point distant Seven Frandred and Three and Seven Tenths (703.7) feet Southerly along said right-of-way line from the southerly line of Eden Prairie Road, also kno -on1 as Eden Avenue; thence East One Hundred Ninety -three and Two Tenths (193.2) feet; thence Hotth to the center line of said road; thence tNorth- eazt:erly along the centerline of said road to the North lira of said Government Lot 8; thence SouL-harly to the Southeast corner of said Government Lot 8; thence Westerly to point of beginning, except that part thereof conveyed to the county of Hennepin by Document Wo. 1696286 and Document: Po. 1696187, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, County of : ennepin, State of Minnesota{', and sr�ac? easem nts being Deem ti2mt part ©f the above described property of said church described as follows: 'rotm-nezeLn g at the intersection of the Southerly right-of-way line of said Eden Prairie Road., also known as Eden Avenue, m-iith the west Boundary line of the property above described; thence Southerly along said boundary line for a distance of Five Hundred Thirty-five (535) feet; thence due East for a distance of Four Hundred Fifty (450) feet; thence clue South for a distance of Thirty (30) feet; thence due East for a. distance of. Eighty -five: (05) -feet; then--e due Sough for a. distance of Trio Hundred T;,eraty-4 i,.'e (225) feet; thence due East to a point on the Westerly right-of-way line of St, to lj..glj °.rj:.ty 11o. 100; thence Worthserly along .,aid Westerly right-of-way line for a distance of One E:3ndred Eighty (180) feet; thence due West to the Southerly right -of -way line of said Eden Prairie goad; thence Southwesterly along the said Southerly right -of- w =jy 1 ;nc o> Edon F"ai.xie Road to point of commencement'." 111._,pa's motion that Council accept casement and stipulation subject to Village Attorney's o ` ; ?rova P'luJ secon-ded by Beim and curried." ..11. >. ; ors` _`, ;.�1i_.v.:.su� <.wr r r; duly -y �� for th4 Vi1lE.ge of ESdina, 5 , tk1 Ia ,3ir -n , ap-� �. cG%tify that ?. l,-v this date, e..:ami.ilc'd the fOre- ^is n� o `ze Ala Re oti � o� :Ltnl 4 11nZe COuncil, held 'onday' from it C? t�i?G L cAi3uC."iD o tl1A Kin3:te9 O said f a e in Q -y offi cc , Yi71ut3% a r a3 a. ai! el a_,,Inut raz are :elati`v'.�. S:O 5:,���'r �.�,4�?`v �0� 5T��1 a�ii the t : »" a�. „2?1 ai the v�i.3.1e "_e o� Ed n,-1 this 25th Day of October, .,5`y0­ 1_:?�`C'. Sri lc:.'k -� T::.._ 1 nrie of Ztlina EXTELV,T FROZI jjrjjUTZs Of TO IXGULAR HEETIVIG OF TO; EU7.14A. R ,LU turl)n &Y, AICIUST 14, 1961, AT 7:00 P.M., VILL&CE COIJOICIL, 1C , -, � D, AT TIM BDIVA WILUrzE RALL Members ans,.,7ering 1y,ollca1l were Beim, Dic'430n, Tupa, VanVajj-,enburg and Bredesen. ITIqr. Zjjca­,j presented for council action proposed easements for five years, tendered by %7a .L -1 ulation that Village will Our Lady of Grace church for Eden Avenue Stor-M, SM r 7 tI I * stip be obligated to mal-,a onar provision for otoxm sealer not later t;•an five years from this tire; said easser4-N-11tS, being over the - KE Ca A: o -A: Lady of Grace church described as follows: .1 ol- the Fifth tio- "That part oZ: Gover1=11-ant LOt 8, See j 28, To�-;nship DUN,, Range 211 f principle 1.1'erildian, accord-111,q to i:he United sC,-tes Governmant Survey thereof, Hennepin Count.y, mianesota, dcscribeet as 20310x73, to 'Com=encin- o-n the SOUtIn. Uns of sale; GovernLment Lot 3, W-d Rio- thirds. Northerly to le (26 2/3) ds En-t of ti-te southxuast corncr of said Govarnmant Lot 8; thence ti-te Easterly line of Ninneapolis, and Southen-L Railway right-of-way; thence - ven Hundred and Three and said rjgjjt_of__ .1e Northerly alon,- �;zy ILne to a poipt distant Q Seven Tentbo (703.7) feet aion- said right-o''-way' line frojTi tit?. southerly line -ie Rundr-d Ninety-three .on oi Eden Prairie road, alco lemyma a . ce. EIst ot lir a e c f- se i road; thence North- an,d. J%zo Tenths (193-2) feet; Lh-Ince to tits 6 road to tk- ortjj line of Gaid novernment Lot 8; e F easterly alonc, the ccntes.-Une of sas. ly to 0 co,-Ijer 0�- said Go erpnaant Lot 8; thence Wester thence Southarly to th-,� SO-Oth2ast point of beginning, except that pf-­--t thereof conveyed to the County oi Flannepin by Doe, �'T a. 160G187, recorded in the offfic- of the Re Sister .ji:aent ro. !696185 and Pocu-,ie-ixt II 09 Deeds, , County of Hemaspirl, St,te O;.� Ilinnes-otatf and said easem-ants beiras Ova-A: that part of the above dacer.1. bed proparty of said church aS fol'J.07,:S' GE tha Sout.hariy right-of-way Bounla line linz, Of no-Id Eder, -Praix-io 2o,�I-,I, a1 so itno-,,ja az Eden Aveaua, With th'z! ry --dary line for a distance d-scr-',I cd; thence -oi,,.therly along said bou�, -, - of- the prope:": A iistance of rour HuntAred t; thence due East for a e of I�ive D,­-jrJ-;fI. e535) fc�z. T' j, Sect; thence due East F-I fty (450) gect- - -0 col - --* r a disUnce. om hirt (30) f distance of 11�#o Hundred eUstnace :-Z.V" %Q jacc� dae South for a t ­y -iglit-of-way line of Tz�cnty-`:7ive (225) to a ppoint on iGc,; t;aid Westerly -ri_�,,t_of--way line for a 'CO. 0 0 t-of-way di3t,7m,ce 02' z,!SLjty Esat; thence due Ulest to tj a Southerly rilah % _Vj - line 0.r, sai­d Road; thr,­nce alon2; the ocaid 301at-herly right-of- r;ancement Ltinr �-ic 'Ro-ad, to %,a'Ait oi Cr' uz. i _11ati.o-41 subject to Villa.;-e Attorney's an _�­rajal was Ccco­­.. ,l •� -7- '21 -0 - 3.1 a C� 1'11,-,-� Villan­ of E,%!J'na, t ou v ile- zn "', T 'r, ­ ­, 1, tile fore- C -c., III:A'd 1:'cniday, ra d 17-4 t '21 -0 F DORSEY, OWEN, BARBER, MARQUART a WINDHORST JAMES E.00RSEY 11889-1959) DAVID E.BRONSON PETER DORSEY KENNETH M.OWEN GEORGE P. FLANNERY HUGH H.BARBER CURTIS L.ROY DONALD WEST ARTHUR F.WEISBERG WALDOF_MAROUART DUANE E.JOSEPH JOHN W.WINDHORST JOHN W.JONES HENRY HALLADAY JAMES S- VESSEY JULE M.HANNAFORD CHARLES O.HOWARD ARTHUR B- WHITNEY WILLIAM A- HITLOCK JOHN G.DORSEY THOMAS M.BROWN RUSSELL W.LINDOUIST CORNELIUS O. MAHONEY DAVID R.BRINK THOMAS S.ERICKSON HORACE E. HITCH EDWARD J. SCHWARTZBAUER VIRGIL H.HILL MICHAEL E.BRESS ROBERT V.TARBOX PAUL G. ZERBY DEFOREST SPENCER RAYMOND A. ROSTER ROBERT J.JOHNSON JOHN J.TAYLOR MAYNARD B.HASSELOUIST DONALD R. HERBERT Mrs. Gretchen Alden Village Clerk Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina 24, Minnesota LAW OFFICES FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS 2,MINNESOTA FEDERAL 2 -3351 October 9, 1961 RE: Amendment to Minutes of Edina Village Council dated August 14, 1961, concerning Our Lady of Grace storm sewer easement. Dear Mrs. Alden: OF COUNSEL LEAVITT R.BARKER LELAND W. SCOTT I enclose herewith a certified copy of the minutes of the Edina Village Council on August 14, 1961, relative to Our Lady of Grace Church storm sewer easement. I spoke to you about the matter of amending these minutes over the phone. I would recommend that the minutes be amended in the manner I have indicated on the certified copy enclosed herewith. My suggested amendments are typed'on the certified copy. Where I have inserted merely a number for the amendment to be made, the wording to go with the number is typed on the reverse side of the certified copy. TSE:kg Enclosure If you have any questions, please advise. Very truly yours, DORSEY, OWEN, BARBER, MARQUART & WINDHORST By Thomas S. Erickson 1 XTZ',&CT d~'i 914 MINUT S OF TILE RIEGUT -4kR �i£1; i U OF THE EDINA VILLAGE? COUNCIL, IjI;r U ";.Qd''DAY, AUGUST 1,!, 1961, AT 7:00 P.M. , AT EDItIA VIItUGE Hti L Members answering Ro lL'7ll is;?re Beim, Dickson, Tupa, VanVa?"k- -, .burg and Bredese.?n. for five years "Mr. 2iau presenic d for Council action propose c zsements�s:e ae 'esd by Our Lady of Grace Church for Eden A &,enua Storm Sewer With stipulation t11a.t `Jill ge will be obligated to make outer 1?Y'(Sz *i,Sio 'wox storm ser er not later than five yz;, -,r 21-CM t liS time; said easements beingforte t� -�ro1- hx:�� -c "That part part of Government Lot 8, Section 28, Twornsaip 1171 , Range 2117 of ta-a Fiftii Principle Meridian, according to tae United States cove n: en Survey tilereef, Hennepin Couqty, Minnesota, cde::cr_ bed as follows, to Tait: 4. °l;t.i rauenciill- on t %ie South line of s7.i..tt Governnent Lot 8, `.d`t•7enty -s .: and '1%4o -thirds (26 213) rods last of the uoutt.West corner of -said Covernrla_.t Lot 8; Lhance Northerly to t:iie Easterly line of Minneapolis, rortit£ield and Soutilera itai.l ay right -of -way; thence Northerly along said rig4t-of -way line to a point distant Sev, -_n Hundred and Taree and Seven 'rentals (703.7) feet So-ut herly :Ion; said xiS-r --oi -way line from the sour ierly line of Eden Prairie dead, also knox:a as Eden e'`-ve -i- ^ie; 1 -aence East One Hundred Nines -'tar ' .;� C.'..`.'- _'C•7O `?e'ntils (193.2) islet; tl'.i1C:a 1'.T'Oi:;,:i.A toLl2e L:eilitCY' 1322° of said road; taence Noi:L.ileaste- ., :11% along tiia- cC:nter in or sa d road to L."13 110,—LA line of said Government Lot v; thance Soutaerly to the S(3uttieisL corner of 8taid Gove "F12ai,_nt Trot 8; rtlence Westerly to Tao "_ IL Of 'L+E S�R 1 ,s xce. �a t r:� `s' ,1 f� e rn :i:7..11 ;;...,..,.Fit t:1aC 13 ,i"t e_LiC toy. CC3nvv/i: O t11_. a:+.aianty of Hennepin by Uucu': >eat Na. 1696186 Kiln's r„';JCL!T<t.':3n:4 VoY. 169W6187, rocord ^d in l:he office of Ohe RePgisLer of De:`"'.ds, County of :i'."..a'.2C'Tiin- :S'i'„s::te of i37.2211u'., ota+ 2 "Co=uancing at t:ae i.nte. rsection of C1 f: .l C �iv ta.:'_,�ll°?f °7Ly d L1C of said Eden- Prairie Road, also j__-o4 n a s Eden 1�veriuci', 17i_t11 file West- Boundary line Of e it@ property above described; L!12'i7ce SG "at:.2x1;r alon- sai Ci bo21S>.'.'tc'il"y line ti'(i'I: a dd.LBtc oc+e3 of Five Hundred 'hirty °five (535) feat; dente. E%L ?e Zasc for a distance of Four 14.L'2"dred Fifty (450) feet; ti:a`nce due, SozsLh S:or a dj.sta ce of Thirty (30) feet: thence cite East. for ,a distance of Eigaty -five (85) feet; thence care South for a distance of 'r o Fi"andred 1%- Yanty- fi "ve (225 ) PG'G?t ; t12C:ace due Feast to a point on til' W_-StCr! y7 right- of -way line of State Hi- njay o. 1x0 th...e . Ice ox-Ldta, :"ly Sloaa Said Westerly riUli t of -T,,ay line for a distance i of � aill ->3 UO �- eCL; t iG:CG G .e Uas _ a distance of Ti 70 J tLnCicC `i'Gn (210) ELp¢ Eil`:'.iii _. t.'. 7 , 7 °a-r ��:� :L f_ 7 t1e rit- ,ht- of-way line 04 State dialT^} No. 100 a distcace of dire' Hiumdred `1.'en (310) it; t12i:s1ce tortheasterly parallel with the Southerly ri- at- o:LE °T']Li - line of :ial d ?;x'._:21 Prairie Road to tilt' 41esterly7 ?:i,' bt—o£ °T.9ay 1i.ne of said State .. i`J,.l?'3<?y No. 100; thence, Fo t he'rly alon- said Wcstei?y r].,Sz,,11L-o£ ^1,71,y7 lins3 a .`'istancci of 0-.ae djl ndL -era ; Ji.giity (180) feet; `t -hence duc Wast to ti1C South a_rly right- of-way line of said Prairie road; ttlence SoutlT'r StCrly along LG said JiLal ?Crl, S:i ili QT Toa�T liiv2 o'f Eder, Fran" %_e hoad Lo i7oin2 : of COIT3^v ?'t:t3? ?fi11Wf .tt and stipulation J3Tupa's - .aot:,i.oa t'Aat Cozi ciL accep seconded by vC7127 and ca:x? ec." s/ iJ 'Cm to Villa < StfiOr3ey°S 'JpFOicI was STATS' OF MINNESOTA NT Y i-ENINEPIN SS VILL,*ZE 01? EDINA Jf ? , tae undersigned, duly appoinLed arc', c cf:? ng E'M&I e �' ::. . n '� 1 -ct CI: d .na, Cl :a� tit_ ti 1l f, dennep iu County, Im7nnesotoa, do :Te3eby .?rti_ey t1—,at ,R h t" G, Lids (u • %, r-.l.0 led 77 xtracL from 14inuLco of ra -ujar ds^G'i i., , t n • a Vi � 2 r # llc0d 'A x, 3 � i' � C z C � l.at,� a _i : , Oiitl=1� , f L2�c1S 1061,59 and that t1te nib 4-s , x'� t' f T, T t '•u .s d �r�. � a f1 li d311Ci GI' ,•_. F.. a: �_b ,., �,,.3 ?_lot J Lil..: . ?sLz .0 Ci +: ^. ?.t.. Qit file i17 iil office iI7SCf1% £'15 said F'?.C1i: "Gr'.:s e.i'C'. ,s .:.:Iii "'.:.iVn i "1 "1,3 T,±, BY OUR LlhDY OF GW.GE CHURCH. iii ?'P;,;SS 14Y d yJ and till Gffic.ial seal of Che Of Ldl:1a t1'ii.S ±SL d:ly 02" r Village of Edina 1. Over the property of Our Lady of Grace church described as follows: 2. and said easements being over that part of the above described property of said church described as follows: b I w Y