HomeMy WebLinkAbout89042- DZITIMg STAll OP MUNSPOTA GaM M, 4MMOD1.1 M TIM AMMER OF C 0 M-MiAZ I'M EY TAR QUAGE OF MNA cp CEIRTAZ LAIMS AND 122M.E42Z TMAN IN BASWEPIN COURY PUR aaw, amhw A= 1-IffaR navly(4117 Ae. STGRAr� REPOSES DVARTT COUKT, STMA JUDIMAL DUTRIGT W OUtboritY at Qnnesota Btatutes 1945, 117.20, Dorsey, Owen, harquzrt, Windbarsit, & Wo t, atttovaeys for the VJ-1l age of Vdins hereby wertify that the lands berein 6escribed have been taken by We Village of Was in emineAt domain proceedings for storm sexier and sat ex flowoge alad otorage purposes in conKrnity with requireumnts of Chapter 117 Q said MUM as amended; that Commissioners were dnQ appolKed. by the Court to szeertain a4d report the Zwoust at damages sustained by the several owmeria an account e such taking; that said Commissicaere qAtlified, and made and 4 t� 1led f . Incir report of such damageal that obn time fez appeal from tba awards in gaid report has expired; that to apposla varo tahen from the awards; that all damsges as dateralned by evard bave been p0a by the Villoge of Wine; tint the prooredings for the taking W sad lends are now camplate; and that at-ad Village of Edina Lou dawns said lav6s for storm sever and vater flowage e storage purposes. Sid attorneys eor the V111 of SdAms, further eartiflY at said laWs are situate in 4enimplL 0ounty, Asnueoots, end are legally desarivai as follows, to-Wit'. 0at port of L& 5, Block 1, "Millex's Addition% onvordizu- to the rpeordal ploxt tbereof oa file zr of reiaord in the Office of the Realpter of D'�eds in Emd�for "enepin County# WhAesSa, lyi=6 Anxthexly uf the following described line: commazaing at a Poittare the Fasterly lim4 vs said l't 5 distant 36 fait Soux h rK from the Northeasterly corner thereof; theace Southwesterly to a poi"a ;a the Weaterl line of said Lot 5 distant 65 fe t 84"th 14 frva the Northwesterly termer tbereof end tvre ' Ing. Ant part of Lot 60 Block 10 0111 WO Adaition", azaardiag, to the recarled plot Wreot on AM or of record in the Office of tho RegWor 09 KOS S a0h for Arropla couatya NUmozotag lyIng Vortberly ot UO fallcoNixg Aseribed line: Commencinglat a polpt oa Us Vaoterly line of W4 Lot 6 dionat 6j root &Wtberly'from tha Nortbeestorly carneer thertof) tkw= Anthweaterly to a poist an the Nestor! line of aald Lat 6 diatow; 100 toot Soutberly from the Vortbwootorly cormar tb6reof and thare tormizating. That part of Lot 80 Block 2, "Miller's ARSTWi Areordints to the reourded plat v eot oa 91lo, or of r000rd ia the Offlad of the Rogistor of AM In and for hannopin Oduvlyp AlAnnoota, 1 Southerly of the fallowing dwearibed liral Capnoncing at a pplat on tbe Enstorly,11me ct eald Lot 8 distapt 15 feet Axtborly tram the Southeaoterly corner thereof; tbence Ooutbweoterly to & point on the Uhaterly line Wsold 1K 8 dlotawb 50 foe l Virtterly from the SauthwasterIj Oorne,31g thereof oad Mtn WmIzatingt That part of lot 9p Blook 2, Wall % AVOW% accar4ing to the recorded plat thereaf on file or of record In the AS= of the Reel ter of AM A arwa fvx Heawpim comatyg AlmAesoto, lylng 6outherly of the following dozarlbed Mae; commawing at P, pf�lut -,,a the Sqstt-r4 linne of anid. " 9 distent 50 rest SASSY from the NutbeeSexly c*rtor thereof; thwaas Snutbwasterly to a point on the Weaterl line of 0aid Lot 9 distant 15 Ott Artbarly from the SQUbwestarly corner tbersof and there terolngtin, Topt part A Lot 10, Block 21 OATIlergs WA S& aqcordin to the recorded Plat tbareot oa file ar cf rward in the Mile af the Aellater of Weds, W ana for Annepiu Countyo XWetote, IyQ4 Soutterly of to Volloqlmg descrAhed line; Commenaina at i poiat oa tbo Easterly line of aoid Lot 10 distaut 25 fa et Northerly from the Soutbeasterly coMaler thereof; thanee Soutbwesterly to tba Soutbunaterly aorwr of said Lot 10 W there terminatingt At& St mWeapollo, Kinana'atAr, this oZ ]Feb-rTzary, 1962i. DaRasq OW, MARQuARX, WIADI W & WFEW Att,orao,ys for t.he Village of E d Ilia-, a 200 First Nation& Back 011408 Alaneepalls 2p Uiamosota The above fWal Certificate is ber*by approved thia J 74SY of Fabramr, 1962. of Spid District Court