HomeMy WebLinkAbout95834190366 RESOLUTiQI41 VACATING STPWET (TEIMP01%kRY 'URN` ^ - AROUND PORTION OF F.WING AVENUE) WHEREAS, two weeks' published notice omi d posted notice of a hearing to be had on June 24, 1963 at 7:00 P.M., on the proposed Vacation of that portion of Ewing Avenue hereinafter described has been given and made, and a hearing has been had thereon by the Village Council: MOW, THEREFORE, BE'-IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota., that ";*-hat portion of Ewing Avenue, as platted and of record in the office of the Regi tev of Decds of Hennepin County, Minnesota, and described as follows: "Beginning at a point on the South line of the North 165 feet of the South 263 feet of the SoLthwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 28, Range 24, a distance of 270 feet East froTi3 the West line thereof; thence North parallel to the West line thereof a distance of 100 feet; thence last parallel to the South line thereof a distance of: 30 feet; thence South parallel to the West line t;.ereof a distance of 100 feet to the South line of said North shy feet of the South 263 fees.; thence ;Zest along said South lime a dis -ance of 30 feet to the point of beginning," and "Beginning at a point on the South line of the North 165 feet of the South 263 feet of the Sou --.-•t -,pest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 25;, Range -04, a distance of 370 feet East from the West line thereof; thence North parallel to the West lase thereof a distance of 90 feet; t::ence West parallel to the South line thereof a dis teLice of 10 ecc; thence South . parallel to the West line thereof a distance od 90 feet to the South line of said North 165 feet of the South 263 feet; thence East along said South line a'distw.ce of 10 feet to the point of beginning." be and hereby is Vacated.. Adopted this 24th day of June, 1963, ATTEST: (Signed) GRETCHEN S. ALDLN Village Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS VILLAGE OF EDINA ) (S r+ gaed) JAMES VAN VALKE BURG Mayor ProATem This instrument is exempt from state deed tax. I, Gretchen S. Alden, being the duly qualified and acting, Village Clerk of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have examined the attached and foregoing resolution% entitled "RESOLUTION VACATING STREET" with the original thereof on file in my office; and the same is a true, and correct copy of such r--solution as duly passed and adopted by the Edina Village Council at its Regular Meeting held Monday, June 24, 1.963. Y:ITNESS my hand and the seal of this Vill 27th day of Juno, 1963. Va.l age C e�lc Village of Edina 9 s 95-S 9.55 r iwvsiFER ENTIRE �R 1963 ROBERT F. FITZSIMMONS, AU0111.11 HENNEPIN COU TY MINN. iY DEPUTt PABE 58 3419011 r 6 RESULUTION VACATILIG STRIEBT (TEMPORARY TUPN-AIROU14D PORI"1014 OF Ea ING AlluTUP) WHEREAS, two weeks' published notice amd posted notice of a hearing -to be had on June 24, 196^0 at 7:00 P�H., on the proposed Vacation of that portion of Ewing Avenus hereinafter described has been given sand made, and a hearing has been had thereon by the Villa Council: 1110 - 4 THEREEFOPE, BE'._1T RESOLVED b -1,e Villoge., Council of the Vil 'age of 11i U11 - - -1 Edina, Hen-nepin County, Minnesota, that that portion of Ewing, Avenue, as platted and, of in the oface of the of Deods Of Heranzpan Coixity, Minnesota, arld described as follolqs: I'Begirx.ing at a point on the South line of -the, Nlorth 165 feet of tine South 263 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the South-i-jest Quarter of Section 20, Towrnship,, 28, Range 24,, a distance of 270 reet East f-rom the West line thereof; thence lHort-111 par allc.l to the West line thereof a distancc o)." 100 feet.,, thence Flast parallel zo 'the Sou:'Ch 151nz; "hereof a eE�s-' i iiaa ojP 30 keet-, thence. South para'­,Lal 0 the iqeca- line tbl� raof a dis-&Tace of 1.090 feet to the South 3-ine of said North _155 feet of 16-he South 263 feetc; thence West along said South line a dis-tance of 30 feet to the point of beg-11ar,211ig," and "Begianing e9t a point an the South line of the Niorth 165 fact of the SoLrt-h 263, feet of the Southwost Quart-er of the Sautih-fTest Quarter of Section 20, Toepship 28, Range 24, a distance o-,'-- 370 fect Eaalt from the `�Iest line theroof thence r I p �r ' to L cc Florti E alle' the Wers t 13m-e -1:hereof a dizsotazce of 910 feet; t1hence Wcst parallel to the South 1-ino 1-.hsreof a distFirto.a of !0 -f'cca-t, thezlco Sooath parallel 1.'o tkie Nest .12,jae thereof a 77i3tance o'7 90 feet to 1.*he South lins of said ATor-ch 165 feet oZ the South 263 feet; thence 'a p: along said So,'.th I Lie a, dist-,Emcle of .10 fret to t, e. PoInt of h i.n r ,' q be C-mad h.ereby is Vacated, dlaPteet this 2 th day of june:-, !963, ATTEST: S `,'I A JAMES VAN VAUGNBURG G`,,]ETCUD.! S. AL DEN Mayor Pro Tem Village Mfp_yz�k This instrument is exempt from state deed tax. STEIPE OF MINNESOTA COU114TY OF HENNEPIN j SS VILLAGE OF EDIMA I, Gretchen, S. Alden, being the duly qualified and acting, Village Clerk of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have eXamined the attached mid fo-rego"IT-Ig resolution., entitled "RESOLUTION VACATING STREET" with the original thereof on file in my office; and the same is a true, and correct copy of such resolution as duly passed and adopted by . ti , Village Council at its Regular. Meeting held 114onday, June 24, 1963, WITNESS my hand and the seal of thIs Villa his 27th day of J-une 196V", Vil ale Village of Ediqa- Filed fbr r000rd on the 23 day of Jul AD 1963 at 9:20 o1olook A.M. -A 3419036 REC TRACT - -� JUL 23-63 9 0 3 6 001.60 -go A OFFICE OF REGISTER OF Mk— STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENVILM4 I hereby certify that the within instraOW was filed for record in this office OR the 23 d f JW A. D• 1963 at corded book was d re of ��c�pa9s C1-- 8HG187ER OE DbEDB iBe .. RE019TER or DRIDS a `NNI ' Nf10� NId3NN3H 101tNV'SN01VW1V 1 J 183808 £961 99 1PIP 'lgN31N3. 833SNV8 I 4.*-, i