HomeMy WebLinkAbout1050RELZU10V AN") GO WHWEAS, Edina PL%3a Corporation, a Minnesota bomin- aftor called "Edina Plaza," "um r000atly *xoeuted at -plat of Iead situated in the Village Qf Mina, Hennepin County, Mnnanotg, dat d June � 6, 14)64, *u4 fAlmd 'Tuly I, lfw',t , in V_.* offlce of V-4 Register of Peo4s in mid for Semwpin Comt y, fKanese-U, in Plo-,-*, 16 ,6, of rInts, Page 21, Tan() " as U'im Interchange Otater, and Is tl,,* -,".rwnar i-f P-11 of thA lagvu aoutaip*4 ju oaj? plat except Lot V), Block 6.,,, t1horeof, 1� wllc h Its 0=04, by Phillips petv"'Ieum '_fm4=y, a Delaware WMUq, U*re am d0livated in sutd plat cortain oase-qWnts for utility and drainage -purpo*as, nom of wbich exe in, 14a at tj,4s time; aU4 WORM, the VIII Wp of Mina, a Minnesota atiniclpal eorporatloa, 'tmroinaftar called .1mm an Interest in 0,Lseadlits; =4 WUMEAS, Mina Plam fteires certain of th* ut1lity sv4 drainage etmmeuts shi,,: va ou and dadicatod by said, plat of Wiria I-Atemhaage Center to to terminated and rejeawd of 1,sr.-pr4j amA Ft ?W, Villap Is WillinF to so releaso inert is said easoetmentp In eimhangq for x*W emselauts t* ba conveys(l and dodiouted tl".,4 Village by Wine F14%a) tl* as"weats to be roiaased &W tb* easements to Im ct>uveyod and dedi- cated L*Ing specificelty 40"�riktd 1*lWJ f.- NOWO THMEneS, for and in oonsideratioa cir the e�,,jvqvantg *n4 agree- %onto barela Vostainth-A, it P1 47-A awl Village do bero'by ag.ree as follaw 1, T.1,* utility wad Arainap oaswonts ahjma on and, dedicated by WA plat of Wtas Intercharole enter wit existing over, under mn4 ay.raos the OmV,, five (5) ftot of 14,,,ts 711hree (3), Fmr M, Five 05), Six (60 and de ( t) 4 and c"r, under amd aemas the Nortb tive (5) fea*t ot' Lots Ton (1-3), Maven (11), 11%*l" (U?), Thirteen (1') and Aourteen (14), BlaaX Seven (7), said plat of Wina. Taterch" Oenter, a3re hers ra)4emed, cancelled awd terminated, w1d Suid lots am Veleased froa the mervitude tboroof. P. In exchange for the release of the easements described at paragraph 1 bereof, mina Plaza does hereby give, vrviey and dedicate to tkv Village utility and drainage easements fow the purpose of installation and tuvluter=ae of severs, watermains, gas L-ains, poles, its, wires aiul p,wer lines, ovorbead or underground, over, tun der and across tba East five (5) feet of lots Two (P) and Nine (9), and vver, v,,n,.4.ar and across the West five (5) feet of Lots Three and Ton (10), Bl*�,-k P.,evon (T), said plat of Edina Interchange Center. New S*tate deed tax is due hereon. XX WI' HMS AWWP, -t!,A per-ties hereto have cm.aead this Instrument to be duly e�--ecuted this -)7 day of _AjLgus_t__, 1,,")614. STATL ()F MOM= MINA PWA C01WORATION BY— (,D L: Z/ 7- Aind ) as. COW-ly OF ZNXWAUt ) Ramsey On tale 27th dm,, of August, a*, a notary pif)llc In exid for t1v said ctlunty and state, did qFpear ar and ------ to W k0own to be the sad of FAAna PLaza Q)rparation, a tion, tbat the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is t!* corporate seal of said vorporation and that said instrument was e�,4v-uted In behalf of Its -2- a of Dimetc5ro, anea vuqt aww A 'A -k" aLr w*nowleased SaId"inatniment , e tl* ft, a* aet *04 dved, Sa"Id, ku-'aVoratUmi. 1q,-lary Public Ra %!eYounty, Mini. 'M, ov, tmvwvwnov� ) ) as. Ramsey Qa Augunt iv, a nc.,tary U." t thS an dltl,. 4W4�,% A'4't'h"-'" C, 'gredeson, Jr. ud, to as kaava U be the In 4of thV VIUoUp of Edina, the foreping ant), wim acknowledged tl-mt 1,1,1 *y, mcecutad the am av, s( and dood of 341d Vill-A$0 JAI'MeAt tID a0thwrlty gIven thela by' tr,*N, 'U'DUago Cuuacil of *41d villarp of m4na'. MARY C. WM Noiarl P Iblir, Ramsey County, Minn.