HomeMy WebLinkAbout1074STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN No. 1587 rr� OA.100 , O?Jax 7 tJ3X i 0 7 4 sFse- SEC tiom 1x- DISTRICT COURT FOURTH JUDICM DISTRICT In the Matter of i. Coffman Realty Co., a Minnesota corporation, Applicant, STIPt3LATION BETWEEN APPLIC MT AND DEFENDANT, VILLAGE OF =�'A vs. William D. Coffman, et al and Village of Edina, Defendants. 4 I is It is hereby stipulated by and bct•reen Coffman Realty Co., a Minnesota corporation, Applicant in the above entitled proceeding, and Villa ;e of Edina, a Municipal corporation, Defendant therein, as follows: i. The Defendant., Independent School District No. 273, Hennepin� Count r, fi.Iinnesota, a Municipal Public corporation, is the owner of the land describes j in Certificate of Title No. 258213, which Certificate of Title contains the memorials of two sanitary sewer easements in favor of the Defendant, Village of .Edina. The memorial of Document No. 671357 gives to the Defendant, Village of Edina,a sewer easement over the Southerly 30 feet of the land described in Certificate of Title No. 258213, and the memorial of Document No. 675649 giv =s . to the Defendant, Village of Edina, a sewer easement over the Southerly 164 i feet of the Easterly 20 feet of the land described in Certificate of Title No. 258213. II. The Defendant, Village of Edina, assents to the reformation of the description shown in Certificate of Title No. 258213, wherein the descriptioi is to read as follows: ..�.� Lc�0113X OiJ7% } Quarter; thence South along the East Line thereof 744.6 feet to a point 634.6 feet North from the Southeast corner of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter; thence West 1327.2 feet to a point 619 feet North of a point on the South line of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter distant 1327.52 feet West frcm the Southeast corner of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter•, thence continuing West along the extension of the last described line to the center line.of Gleason Road; thence Northwesterly along said center line to the North line of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter; thence East along said North line to the point of beginning. III. That the Decree of Registration to be entered in the above entitles proceeding may reform the description in said Certificate of Title No. 258213 and in Documents No. 671357 and 675649 memorialized on the Certificate of Title No. 258213, to the description set out in paragraph II above, and that the order reforming the description in said Certificate of Title and said two sewer easements shall also direct the registrar to receive and reG,ster said order as a memorial upon said Certificate of Title No. 258213, and to carry.forward said revised descriptions to the next certificate, and ,to show upon the next and future certificates the said memorial of Documents No. 671357 and 675649 with, however, the said. reformed description, but with all other incidental rights relating to said.easements as now contained in said documents. 1v. 1074 That the Decree of Registration to be entered in the above entitles registration may reform the description of the snnitary sewer easement gra.nt.d to the Village of Edina vs contained in Book 2317 of Deeds, Page 138, to a description as follows: To a sanitary sewer easement and other incidental rights, in favor of the Village of Edina as eon- tained in the instrument recorded in Book 2317 of Deeds, page 138, Docimuent No. 3312.765, over the following portion of ,the above described land:.' That part of the Southeast (luarter of the North- � east Quarter, Section 6, Township 116, R.nnge 21, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Southeast Ounrter of the Northeast quarter distant 634.6 feet North from the Southeast corner t'1z::'nn °i t' e.-.ee "oath along STATE Or i 11 dES TA - i CMIM Cdr HE : PIN In the Matter of Coffman Realty Co., a Minnesota corporation, Applicant, VS. William D. Coffman, et al and Village of Edina, Defendants. DIUTRICT CUrxz FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT STIPULATION BETWEEN APPLICANT AND DEFENDANT, VILLAGE OF EDINA It is hereby stipulated by and bet:heen Coffman Realty Co., a Minnesota corporation, lgppl.' cant in the above entitled proceeding, and Village of Edina, a Municipal corporrntion, Defendant therein, as follows: The Defendant, Independent School District No. 273, Hennepin County, Minnesota, a Municipal Public corporation, is the owner of the land described in Certificate of Title No. 258213, which Certificate of Title contains the memorials of two sanitary se,,!er easements in favor of the Defendant, Village of Edina. The memorial of Document No. 671357 gives to the Defendant, Village j of Edina,a sewer easement over the Southerly 30 feet of the land described in Certificate of Title No. 258' -�13, and the memorial of Document No. 6756+9 gives to the Defendant, Village of Edina, a sewer easement over the Southerly 164 feet of the Easterly 20 feet of the land described in Certificate of Title No. 258213. II. The Defendant, Village of Edina, assents to the reformation of the description shown in Certificate of Title No. 2582130 wherein the description is to read as follows:. That part of the South 'Half of the Northeast Quarter, Section 6, Township 116, 21, de.- cribed as follows: Beginning at the Northeast coa: x• of said South Half of the Northeast - 1 - X£ROf 1 XERW XERO, R 71 COPY P _.. COPY; _ _ .,. ...... COPY K,ae j %E O ^Y ,. _.... •::- . Corr 7 SM South s:p _`." Al - That the Decran -10tration t , bs- entered in the ,bove .rww-_,ed.ing artay refoxn,,t th. pwptiun in Wd C,�rtificate of Title No. 2,8PI3 A in Dqlnuma;,'�';Z No. on the Certific�,tc ut lr p�-..rr.&�aph 11 above, 2 J213, to ise do, cripts 01 set ou c;rd.�r rr�fornO_,­_c �'-­Fcrlptlna in a. ate bf 7..tll 19,11- �Ad two scwrr easemonts shoal also Oirect the Registrar to receive and order as v. 7m _,.-orial upon said C'e-rtifirate of Title No. to Cara--i f onqard sp-M rc,vised descriptions to the next Certificate, o&! .)l.q upon the next an.!5. cortificat.. s the said memorial uf Doc_ v. 1.97057 and 675649 vith, the s^.id 2-cfo233ied descr-Ipt-lon, nl - o' , . t'her incidenon! �Qlntin' t,) C- ,sennents as rcC 7;,y n,nr :�r, _7 1074 « at V� Decrc,�' - ntio tc be An r& in the n0v Med lqqiArMon 7may o Acnorl`_i %? C}1 of tin rqnAnry sewer eP6 ov A. onW... To � n norr easement, cthieo rights, in favor t]ae of' A7 the L'. amnt rf:c in '727 17 Df r v. __a -, page �7- No - 3_21r7 ", c : •-- �011oving part" on. if W above d.erexibed land: QV.Frtcr "�f tln'e !"Tort"',- describad VS the Knot Inne a of FlAhl—, �Orw UOM -o_th along ovia 1-It M. 30 GeV! kkeqrevtE 5 .K feet 07.1g 0 zinc Y.IA A: 111ZL7 4� - inz drewr Most fla AMU .,nip: 3' :7q� on of i gAdOOr �Ad0O, _...... ?AdAJ4 OtJ _IX Otl3X ` 0b3X ti #Otl3X I on the South line of said Southeast Quarter of the INortheast. Quarter distant 1327.52 feet West fran the Southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, said above described line j drawn West_frcm the point of beginning is herein- after curveatoet eileftAhavingnaeradius�of 228 02, o(A 33 1 4 , a g� o feet a distance of 132.26 feet, more or less, to the Northeasterly right -of -way line of Gleason Road; thence Northwesterly along said Northeast- erly.right -of -way line to its intersection with I a line drawn parallel with and 60 feet Northwest - erly from the above described curve; thence North- easterly, parallel with said above described Curve to said line "A "; thence East along said line "A" to the point of beginning. (As reformed in Torrens Case No. 15879 as to the description); that the second description contained in said easement in Book 2317 of Deeds, i Page 138, does not affect any portion of the premises being registered I in the above entitled proceeding except that part thereof described above in this paragraph IV. V Subject to the foregoing, Defendant Village of Edina, assents to the registration of the premises described in the Application herein, and i consents that Applicant may proceed with said proceedings without further jnotice to this Defendant. . � G DATED: 1965. DORSEY OWEN MARQUART WIPiDHORST & VI . E OF EDINA _ R y ° Fy Mayor Attor,eys for Defendant, ? Village of Edina. its'Clerl C OFFMAN REALTY By A. H. Michals Attorney for Applicant, Coffman Realty Co. 1D74- No. 1587 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OFT HENNEPIN In the Matter of Coffman. Realty Co., a Minnesota corporation, VS. �;?illiara D. Coffman, et al and Village of Edina, DISTRICT COURT FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Applicant, STIPULATION BETWEEN APPLICANT AND DEFENDANT VILLAGE OF EDINA Defendants. It i.:; hereby s- ,—tipu.lated by and betwcen Coffr.,ian Realty Co., a inr_e!ots con} >oratcn., ..: ;?licant in the a.bovc- entitled proceeding, and Village c?' : clina, p :Municipal cv -c =;action, Defendant thc?rciln, as follows: I. The Defendant, independent School Di.strict No. 273, Hennepin County, Minnesota, a Municipal Public corporation, is the owner of the land described in Certificate of Title Pfo. 2 58213, which Certificate of Title contains the memorials of two sanitary sewer easements in favor of the Defendant, Village of Edina. The memorial of Document No. 671357 gives to the Defendant, Village of Edina,a sewer easement over the Southerly 30 feet of the land described in Certificate of Title Wo. 258213, and the memorial of Document No. 675649 gives to the Defendant, Village of Edina, a sewer easement over the Southerly 164 feet of the Easterly 20 feet of the land described in Certificate of Title No. 258213. II. The Defendant, Village of Edina, assents to the reformation of the description shown in Certificate of Title No. 258213, wherein the description is to read as follows: That part of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter, Section 6, Township 116, Range 21, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter; thence South along the East line thereof 744.6 feet to a point 634.6 feet North from the Southeast corner of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter; thence West 1327.2 feet to a point 619 feet North of a point on the South line of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter distant 1327.52 feet West from the Southeast corner of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter; thence continuing West along the extension of the last described line to the center line of Gleason Road; thence Northwesterly along said center line to the North line of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter; thence East along said North line to the point of beginning. III. That the Decree of Registration to be entered in the above entitled proceeding may reform the description in said Certificate of Title No. 258213 and in Documents No. 671357 and 675649 memorialized on the Certificate of Title No. 258213, to the description set out in paragraph II above, and that the order reforming the description in said Certificate of Title and said two sewer easements shall also direct the 11,e3istrar to receive and register said order a.s P. memorial upon said Certificate of Title No. 258'213, and to carry forward said revised descriptions to the next certificate, and to show upon the next and future certificates the said memorial of Documents No. 671357 and 675649 with, houe'ver, the said. reformed description, but z *ith all other incidental rights relating; to sr:id easements as noJa cont<ined in said documents. TV. 'What the Decree. of Re- an to 1>e entered in the above entitled registration may reform the ,1.ri;cript1-on of the sanitary sever easement granted to the Village of Edina •rr contained in 73ock ^317 of Deeds, Pa ge 138, to a description as follows: To a sanitary sewer easement and other incidental rights, in favor of the Village of Edina as con - tained in the instrument recorded in Book 2317 of Deeds, page 138, Document No. 3312765, rarer the following portion of the above described land: That part of the Southeast Quarter of the North - east Quarter, Section 6, Township 116, Range ?1, described as follm,7s: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 634.6 feet North from the Southeast corner thereof; thence South along said East line 38 feet; thence West 1158 feet along a line which is parallel with a line drawn 'Nest from the point of beginning a distance of 1327.52 feet to a point 619 feet north of e point - 2 - on the South line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 1327.52 feet West from the Southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, said above described line drawn West from the point of beginning is herein- after called line "A "; thence Southwesterly along a curve to the left having a radius of 228.02 feet a distance of 132.26 feet, more or less, to the Northeasterly right-of-way line of Gleason Road; thence Northwesterly along said Northeast- erly right-of-way line to its 'intersection with a line drawn parallel with and 60 feet Northwest- erly fro:n.the above described curve; thence North- easterly, parallel with said above described curve, to said line "A "; thence East along said line "A" to the point of beginning. (As reformed in Torrens Case No. 15279 as to the description); that the second description contained in said easement in Book 2317 of Deeds, Page 138, does not affect any portion of the premises being registered in the ab cac c_atitled _�roceedin` except the -t psrt thereof described above in this par,-graph IV. V. Subject to the. t'orcroing, Defendant Tillage of Edina, assents to the registration of the premises described in the Application herein, and consents that Applicant may proceed with said ;roceedings without further notice to this Defendant. DATED: V >- ,1965. DORSET, OWEN, MARQUART, WIItDHORST & BY r Attorneys for Defendant, Village of Edina. A. H. Michpls Attorney for Applicant, Coffman Realty Co. - 3 - JIL EDINA r 5 TAG OF` ; E fir- L its Mayor C Its , Cler�,9cU� COFFMAN REALTY CO. By By% f /L Ef�T.� ✓tom ���t. U