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xq :.:` XERO . _.----- --- �...,...::.- ,-,-.. � -1k iArOD' ,;.cS I tL 6t Otl3% - Nttl,r -Dad, ca. xymeaaatla. silns. Cain D" rrar•tlaar Form No. 31 -M. ItLmaMa Uniform cvr varangfas isWaRm ties 1). ow"ratka to Utz inbenture Made that .. . 2��h_ ..day of..:. ...March.... 19��6... between 1 MP— PndPPI Schoo�., ... A .r� �IG.�t. �1T.A..a.... 73s....Hexu ep� .a.- C.,aunty..,..:.MIzaeo.o.ta, a public corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota Xx ]elitstae sac �C� ....................... _ .. .......... pasty of the first part, and vliIla e.... L Edina .. ..................�....�....... � .... 1c�orporatton under the law• of the State of..........KEnnesota w_ .......... .. ., party of the second part,, Witntomb, Than the said party of the first part, in consideration of the mm of y...00.....and....o •r••...V VA 1.6... c ©�s�dera�� Qn... .................. X�9�,i�d117r r ,Y. "'* `.to It in hand paid by the said party of the woo" part, the reoeipt whieof i• hereby acknowledied, ,, hereby Grant, Barjain, Ouitolairn, and Convey unto the said party of the •soond part, it• •uommrt ads yand aatpw, Forever, all the traot. ........... or parod ........ of land lytnj and bdnj do the Ctrunty _of .ww.1........1:..... , ,,,,,Hennepin,,,,•,,,• „and State o f Minnesota, described as follows, to-wits � is South 113,75 feet of Stuart Avenue, vacated,.lying West of Lot 1, Block 3, Lyle Is 2nd Additions, - tbe,, foregoing land -to be used solely for - public street purposes. Certificate of Title No'. 35666$. *s L f 'Federal documentary stamps - None t State deed tax due hereon is - None 1 t �,:j•VI .1 t y go ]babe sub to Nolb the Game, Tojethor with all the h vdik noentt and appurtsnanoa there - unto bslonjinj or to anyw ” appertaininj, to the said party of the moo" part, its n"wo art and'atttins, Dbrever. .: ,,• fn fregtiMng Iftereot, The tatd first party has caused thus #: presents to be executed in Us corporate name by it•....Cha rma l_ 1 3V+$e�s * and t 9 s st C le rk ... ........... ..and ttt eorporate taut to rbs hs�sunto mixed the day and year first abovs u*riiten: INDEPENEENT SCHOOL "DISTRICT NO. 273, I3ENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 1... .IN.IM.. ..... .....NI/K.ff f' ••(rf ../ . 1 •.1/IN//11 /nNNIM /// /•111 //1111 /rI/ /•//Mr/111H1•• " zp rw r o/' , yw0 rM�i�uru rBiU ur r &rNNie1 1. Its.... 03S. rm J,