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,Is �nterested
1Tza_rc,;3 of personas
:La said parcel and the nature or thei
interest are as follows:
re of interest
Amount of Award
Alfred .A. Kzd-',
113 2 9 _Y
7? 1, A
All that portion k,.' t Z:zzt -Lwen-cy (20) acres of Government
Z;ot Section (0 Ru
Tc��,Pzhip Cue ndxed Sixteen
zzorth9 Ran Z_ c- Tlzanty-one (211) West., lying between the
-? Wes- 7Gt_',ik as t2je North line of the
.Line 0- �a � t
SouVa Tam (10) rod;' oZ said Lot One (1) except roads; vhizh
is the following•d,-ascribed tract. of land-
A s Vy L--, of is id. Twenty (20' poet -'L, sr; dthy the centerline
of �f.:Ach is doscribed az fol I o-,;:,: 'Laginning at the Tbrth-
CIS-% (11L,3) corner of Go-v_-:=-_" Lo-"-. Two' (2) in Section Nine
m_ldn One RZf red Siyt-en (116) Jlorth,, Range Twenty -
on (21) Jlezt; thence Westerly -along the Zbrth (N)
line of said Govezar-,art Lot wo (2) to a point which is Two
a cared Twenty -trxec &ad Th-irty-tix-ee Mindredths (43-333)
East or f the corner of the East Tventy-
- ( 36) ass of said Govern-
and Lind:�,�.,dths 23 are
"ol -
mot theac,_ -thig� "rly at a deflection, ex1gle
_'J -n-' na Degrees rLTdrty Miu:mtcs (290301) right a dis-
ta, _ae of r2bree H=dred (300) feet; thence Northwesterly at a
de-flect-loa =Zle of Thirteea Deg-reesp rifteen Minutes (130
iZ4t,, a distance of r2i-wo Hundred (200) feet.
with a temporary coy s-',,� uction eazememt, for ELU
ingress and e0ress wad the placing of all neces-
z,, y tools and equi.-or-eat thi..-t"Y (30) feet, on each side of
above-described center 1-ine, said temporary construe-
,.-,on easement to automatically cease and terminate upon
the ' ermination. of the sewer project or not later than
eiZrXtee.n (18) =nths from the date hereof.
Nis o:� persons interested in said parcel and the nature of their in-
tereco%; as follows:
Nature of Interest Amount of Award
0,1_-rtrade A. Olson Fee Owner
in gross
t` l that portion of the following- described tract of land:
Cc=encing at a point in the centerline of West 70th Street
k.--stance One Thousand SIxty-eiSht and Seventy-six Hun-
-at at right. angles from th
c, _dtais (1,068-76) feet W_
Buat line of Sectica- Nine (9). Township One Zzndred "On
- ;Iil Tenty
(116) F..)rth, Ranze III -One (21) Vost; th=oe SOUtherly
Pax&1lel with said Section line to the North 1U& Of the
South Ten -0) rods: of Government Lot One (1) said Sec-
tion Hine N5 thc-nce Ba..stuerly along said North line to the
West line of the East T~u e&vy (20) acres of that part of
said Government Lot One of the centerline
lying Sout,
of nest `0th Street and Y=L�i of tho South Tea (10) rods
of said Government Lot Ona (1)3 thence lbrtliaarly along said
West line of said Tirenty (20) acre tract to the centerline
of I-Test 70th Street; thence SowUhifeaterly along said cen-
terline to beginning,, except which is within the
follovina-described tract of land:
A stri-9 of land Twenty (-r_o) feet in wiet*.n., the centerline of
't :1a
which is described nz, ILI'
(.7!E) corner of Gover==i_-- Zot- Tl,.-o (2) S-actlon IL�e
Tow-nship On auidxed Sizite
21.) WeGlk-,; thencc;
� LC ,t said
ZIEZ.- j
Uhiz,�,y-zix o-' 3 aid
at a L--flection angle 02
k-: 301) rizat, a dis-
Hundxad Noy thl-7esterly at
aLzle of 1, S mia:,,atea (130
W Klstaaice of 11;,Z) Hu:_L'"d (200) fc-et; thence
anterly at a "a-flection angl of Seven Degrees Thirty
(7030") left., a distance of Fair Hundred Twenty-five 12
ToGether with a teagoraxy cozzts"wz;tioa eazemeat for all
riecelztzazy in sass and. ej,ra_t,, and placing of all neces-
S&Z7 tools and equip "'z'i; -6 zty feet on each side of
141z,? a,,,:-ova-d_-�5cribed c-:ire line, zaid temporaxy construe-
tq_o,z i ezemeat to autmatically ceaze and termite upon
of the sewar proieact or not later than
ei�'r,L,B) =nthz from tb-; date hereof. �
Names of persons, interested in sad parcel and the nature of their in-
teres-VI. are as follows:
Y" ,a o_" 'Zioterest Amount of Award
Czx.l L. Carlson it
Betty A. Carlson Fee t era
C;2VO 00
VLmne--ct�Z Xr%
Sav-1 a_c-z &xacl Mortgage in gross
z0=1 Ascociaticz.
All that portion. of the folloving-do-scribed tract of lands
C,D=eLcingr at a point in the centerline of West 70th Street,,
L:_,t=t One Thousand Sixty-eight and Seventy-six Hundredths
�1,063-76) feet West at right angles from the East line of
y4na (9), Tovn--,h-,.p One Hundred Sixteen (116) North.,
I 'Rano - T�enty-one ( 21) West thence Southerly, paralle I with
szc." Section line, to the Nbi-th line of the South Tan (10)
rods of Government Lot One (1)., said Section Nine (9); thence
Wczt-erly along said North line to the East lino of the West
2our and Seventy-seven hund-redths (4.77) acres of that part
of said Government Lot On,-- (1) lying South of West 70th
St-rcet, and North of the Saith Ten (10) rods of said Govern-
=t Lot On-- (1); thence North along the said East " line Of
Z�:�d Four _ 4 Seventy-seven Hundredths (4.77) acre tract to
eQnterli-re of West 70th Street; thence Northeasterly
c�L �- centerline to b,,aginning., except road; vhich, is
w- . La followring-described tract of land:
of land Tvyeaty- (2'' ` -Peet. in ifidth, they centerline of
-4; cLascrilbed as fo].L,.j.745: Beginning at, te lbrtheast
corner of Gover=ent,, lwat Two, (2) in Section Nine (9),,.
Tmn-zhip one Hundred airL;ean (n6) North., Range Twenty-ow
Wfamto tlh^rnA We _v
Nlv), alona the fibrth (M) line of
G03rnM,-,; LOt 0 P
to a point vb1ch is Two Hundred
aTj;tn -edths (223-33) feet East
Q f t"Ile '!'VentY-three and
11aadredths (23.36) o s o- paid Government Lot
4,2); thence a defle,ztjoa angle of Twenty_
Degrees Thirty Y,x ztes (25'O3o') zight, a distance of
llun&-ed (300) fact; thence lbrthwcz te rly at a de
Zioa angle of Thirte" D_,,gret:�s Pif teen Minutes (13015'
�_-_ 1
ahtl a dlstaaco, C-A Two Mxnd—d (200) feet; thence 1;orth-
1*1;��t,erly at a deflection angle of Seven Degrees., Thirty