HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-05-15 WORK SESSIONAGENDA JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND ART CENTER BOARD WORK SESSION CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA COMMUNITY ROOM MAY 15, 2012 5:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. EDINA FILM FESTIVAL — OCTOBER 11 -13, 2012 IV. ARTS & CULTURE WORKING GROUP V. FUND RAISING FOR THE ART CENTER — COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION AND EXPECTATIONS VI. CIP VII. WORK PLAN GENERAL OUTLINE — BEGIN PROCESS FOR 2013 VIII. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927- 886172 hours in advance of the meeting. II SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /DATES /EVENTS 11 Tues May 15 Joint Work Session —Art Center Board 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues May 15 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon May 28 MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed Tues Jun 5 Work Session — Infrastructure Finance 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Jun 5 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Jun 19 Joint Work Session — Edina Community Health 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Jun 19 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Jul 3 Work Session —TBD 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Jul 3 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Wed Jul 4 INDEPENDENCE DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed Tues Jul 17 Work Session — Business Meeting /Work Plan 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Jul 17 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Aug 6 Joint Work Session — Heritage Preservation Board 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Mon Aug 6 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Aug 14 PRIMARY ELECTION DAY — POLLS OPEN 7:00 A.M. UNTIL 8:00 P.M. Tues Aug 21 Work Session —TBD 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Aug 21 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Sept 3 LABORR DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed Tues Sept 4 Work Session —TBD 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Sept 4 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Sept 18 Work Session — TBD 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Sept 18 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Deb Mangen From: Michael Frey ant: Monday, May 14, 2012 5:11 PM r. Ann Swenson; James Hovland; Mary Brindle; joshsprague @edinarealty.com'; jonibennettl2 @comcast.net' Cc: Scott Neal; Karen M. Kurt; Deb Mangen; John Keprios; Ann Kattreh; 'hafedb @comcast.net'; 'marbuchok @gmail.com'; 'barbara.lavalleur @gmail.com'; 'danajolapp @gmail.com'; 'wjmccabe4 @gmail.com'; 'rameifert @comcast.net'; 't mohtadi @yahoo.com'; justinrawrr @gmail.com'; 'colinnelson683 @gmail.com'; 'kodea.mn @gmail.com'; 'traeuchle @culturaldilemma.com'; john103179 @gmail.com'; Michael Frey Subject: Edina Public Art Committee Guidelines Attachments: Edina Public Art Committee Guidelines.doc Please find attached a copy of the Edina Public Art Committee Guidelines for your review. These Guidelines were drafted and re- written by members of the Art Center and Public Art Committee. The previous name of the document was the EPAC Policies and Procedures. They were accepted with a name change by the Art Center Board at its March 22, 2012 meeting as detailed below. EPAC Policies and Procedure Document — Action Chair McCabe noted that the Policies and Procedures document was circulated via email, which gives guidelines for the operation of the committee to the board. He added that it talks about the annual selection of works of art for display at various locations. Motion by Member Swon and seconded by Member La Valleur to.accept the Policies and Procedure Document. Member Raeuchle noted that there are bylaws to govern how the committee works but in light of that, what is the purpose of this document and adopting it as a formal document. Chair McCabe replied that the document was drafted in .hopes'of defining their role, more in relation to describing the process to the city for works of art. Member Raeuchle noted a problem with some of the language. Chair McCabe replied that the committee was lacking a document to guide them, as they do not have formal directions. Member Swon noted that they are, in theory, a sub - committee of the Art Center so if this is not passed are they subject to the same-rules this committee is. Chair McCabe replied that the committee is not subject to the rules of the board, but subject to oversight. Member La Valleur stated that the committee would like to have this document as guidance. Member Nelson asked if there was any negativityy to this committee. Chair McCabe noted that the public arts committee is established within city ordinance. Historically, EPAC was separate from ACB six to seven years ago and became part of ACB around four years ago. Member McCabe noted that the committee works well and does what it is intended to do. Member Raeuchle suggested that instead of calling it policy and procedures, call it a set of guidelines for the operation -of EPAC, which is non - binding but still gives them what they asked for. Member Buchok' agreed, noting the language needs to be a little softer and "guidelines" might be better than policy. Member Swon noted he was in favor of the change, commenting that it gives them some level-of guidance. Mr. Frey replied that the most, important statement is that all donations are approved by city council and is listed on top. Member Raeuchle noted approval subject to being approved with guidelines. Modification to,the motion by Member Swon and seconded by Member La Valleur that all references to "policy and procedures" be changed to "guidelines." Ayes: Bill - McCabe, Thomas Raeuchle, Barbara La Valleur, Kitty O'Dea, John Swon, Marsha Buchok, Tara Mohtadi and Colin Nelson. Motion carried. Michael Frey, Interim Art Center Director 952 - 903 -57291 Fax 952 - 903 -5781 mfrevCcDEdinaMN.gov I www.EdinaArtCe6ter.com Please make note of my new email address. We're a do.town ... working to make the healthy choice the easy choice! EDINA PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE GUIDELINES PURPOSE The purpose of the Edina Public Art Committee is to promote and enhance the aesthetic quality of life in Edina through the enjoyment of art in the City's public spaces. All City of Edina sponsored public art projects shall require City Council approval. GOALS AND DUTIES OF THE EDINA PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE • Serve in an advisory capacity to the City of Edina in all public art- related matters. e Oversee installation of City of Edina - approved projects. • Build awareness and pride in community heritage and neighborhood identity. • Promote public education in the visual arts. • Encourage cooperation among public and private sectors, city government and the arts community. • Make recommendations for creative fund - raising mechanisms to fund public art displays. • Promote economic development through the arts. • As a subcommittee of the Edina Art Center board, coordinate with the Art Center on all programs and initiatives.. DEFINITIONS OFTERMS Art - A visual, two or three dimensional creation including but not limited to sculpture, painting, murals, mosaics, glass works, photography, and crafts in clay, fiber, textiles, Wood, metal, or a combination of forms considered mixed media. Public Places - All privately or publicly owned spaces (indoors or outdoors) which are accessible to the public. Public Art - Art in public places. Public art may possess functional as well as aesthetic qualities and may include both permanent and temporary works. 1 The Edina Public Art Committee is a committee of the Edina Art Center. Board EDINA PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE GUIDELINES 12012 COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE OF THE EDINA PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE The Edina Public Art Committee (EPAC) shall be a standing committee of the Edina Art Center Board. The Edina Art Center Board shall appoint the members of EPAC which will consist of a minimum of seven persons ideally including: • One professional artist representative. • One Edina Community Foundation representative. • One member of the Edina Art Center Board. • One community member with an interest in the arts. • One staff liaison from the Edina Art Center (staff will not have voting privileges). • One person may fulfill more that one of these requirements. When at all possible, the Chair of EPAC shall be a board member of the Edina Art Center and act as liaison to the Art Center. EPAC members shall receive no compensation for their services. EPAC members shall be members of the Edina Art Center. FUNDING PROCEDURES The Edina Public Art Committee may receive private and corporate donations on behalf of the City. The Edina City Council must approve all donations made to the City of Edina. Donations may be given directly to the City of Edina or the Edina Community Foundation specifically for the Public Art Committee (EPAC). Donations to the City of Edina become part of the public record. Donors may remain anonymous when a donation is made to the Edina Community Foundation. The City may periodically allocate funds as requested by EPAC and authorized by the City Council. The City receives Edina resident donations through an insert in the quarterly utility bill which includes a provision for adding one, five, or ten or more (as determined by the individual) dollars to the actual dollar amount of the bill. The Edina Art Center shall initiate and oversee one fund - raising activity per year which benefits both the Art Center and the Edina Public Art Committee. Other fund - raising methods may be considered and approved at any time. 2 1 The Edina Public Art Committee is a committee of the Edina Art Center Board JI I t ,tLLL 1 IUN rUK MOUL wUKKJ OF AK The site may be.public or private property and should be situated in such a way that it is visible and accessible.to the greatest possible number of members of the community. The following items shall be considerations in site selection: • Artwork should not unnecessarily disrupt the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic • Potential obstruction of growing,trees /shrubs orfuture construction shall betaken into account See separate item of relocation of artwork under Gifts, Loans, Commissions and Purchases. CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF ARTWORK The Edina Public Art Committee shall consider, but not be bound by any one of, the following guidelines in choosing works to recommend to the Edina City,Council for approval: • Does the artwork represent excellence in design of public art? • Does the artwork represent workmanship of the highest quality.? • Does it raise awareness of community heritage or have historical value? • Does the piece appeal to a broad range. of people? • Does the piece relate to the unique identity of the City? • Is the artwork true to the original goals of the project? • Is it appropriate for public display? • Is it original, compelling and creative work ?. e Is the piece safe for public interaction? • 'Is the piece durable under year-round weather conditions, if an outdoor piece? • What.is the likely maintenance requirement? CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES FOR ARTIST SELECTION Artists chosen by EPAC shall be active artists who are,recognized in their field either locally, regionally, nationally or internationally. The body of work, exhibits and shows, awards and sales history of artist candidates shall be considered. Artists may be contacted by the.following methods: • Open Competition - 3 The Edina Public Art Committee is a committee of the Edina Art Center Board EDINA PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE GUIDELINES 12012 An open competition for public art projects will be advertised in the local media, arts media, or local, regional and national arts organizations. • Limited Competition - Selected artists may be invited by EPAC to submit an RFO, Request for Qualifications, for the creation of public art pieces. EPAC shall act as a jury and review and evaluate all submissions. Additional members of the jury panel may be appointed from the community at the discretion of the committee. When appropriate, a limited number of finalists from the pool of submissions shall be chosen to interview. EPAC's final selection will be submitted to the City Council for approval. CONTRACTING WITH ARTISTS Upon completion of the art/artist selection process for a purchase, loan, or gift, the Edina Public Art Committee shall enter into a contractual agreement with the artist. The contract shall be signed by the artist before the work is installed. The contract may contain the following stipulations: • The art is original and does not infringe on any copyright. • The execution and fabrication of the art will be performed in a professional and timely manner. • The art will be free of defects in material and craftsmanship. • In the case of a loaned piece of art, the artist will be responsible for installing and insuring the work. • In the case of a purchased piece of art, the rights with respect to the work that the City shall acquire (e.g., copyright etc.) shall be specified. • A method and schedule of payment to the artist. • Final payment will be made only after review and acceptance by the City. • Conditions may warrant the removal or relocation of a piece. (See "Deaccessions" Below). • For Open Competition sculpture selections, the artist agrees by signed contract to leave the artwork on the EPAC selected site for the duration of the display period of twelve months, May of said year through May of the following year. • For Open Competition sculpture selections, the artist shall be paid a stipend of $500 if selected by the EPAC jury panel for the sculpture loan. The payment is specified in the Art Work Loan Agreement. • If an offer to purchase artwork is made by an individual during the annual display period, the buyer will approach EPAC, the City of Edina and the artist to make arrangements for purchase. • The City of Edina, the Edina Art Center and the Edina Public Art Committee will make every attempt to accommodate a sale of artwork. However, approval by 4 1 The Edina Public Art Committee is a committee of the Edina Art Center Board EDINA PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE GUIDELINES 12012 the Edina Public Art Committee is needed for early removal of the artwork as the stipend is paid for a display period of one year. Every consideration will be made by all parties in regards to a prompt response in the process of year -end gifting for tax purposes. GIFTS, LOANS, AND COMMISSIONS AND PURCHASES The City of Edina will seek the advice of the Edina Public Art Committee on the appropriateness of all public art gifts and purchases that are intended to be permanently placed on City of Edina -owned public property. Gifts, loans and purchases of public art intended to be placed temporarily on City of Edina -owned public property may be accepted by the City of Edina only if deemed appropriate by the Edina Public Art Committee. DONATIONS AND MEMORIALS The Edina Public Art Committee will work in conjunction with the buyer or donor, Edina Art Center and the City of Edina on plaques and plaque placement. The City of Edina Donations /Memorial Policy of June 20, 2000 will prevail. PUBLICITY AND PRESS The Edina Public Art Committee will publicly acknowledge all gifts of public arts and donations that make public art possible in our community. The Public Art Committee will work with Art Center, Parks & Recreation Department and Communications & Technology Services Department staff to ensure the gifts and donations are recognized in an appropriate manner. Such recognition may be in the form of a formal letter of acknowledgement, press release, website or social media content, plaques on or near the artwork and /or recognition at public meetings or gatherings. Donations may also be given anonymously with no credit given if the donation is made through the Edina Community Foundation. INSTALLATION Installation of public art in the City of Edina will be coordinated by the artist and the City of Edina staff and the Edina Public Art Committee. All installations shall be supervised by City of Edina staff and at least one Public Art Committee member. 5 1 The Edina Public Art Committee is a committee of the Edina Art Center Board EDINA PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE GUIDELINES 12012 DEACCESSION The deaccession of a piece of public art should be a deliberate and seldom -used procedure. Works should not be disposed of simply because they are not currently in fashion or because their worth is called in to question by a few individuals. The following conditions are to be considered before any deaccession: • The City Council determines that the site is needed for another public use • The work has deteriorated beyond a reasonable means of conservation • The authenticity of the piece has been determined to be false or fraudulent • The artwork possesses faults of design or fabrication that challenge its artistic merit In the event of deaccession: • If appropriate, the artist shall be given the first option to purchase • If not purchased by the artist, the work may be sold through auction, gallery resale or direct bid by and individual or donated to another appropriate entity, i.e. museum, school etc. Proceeds from the sale are to be used for future public art projects. • If none of the above options are viable, the work may have to be destroyed. The recommendation to dispose of a work should be made by EPAC after careful review (which may include the services of a professional conservator) and a majority vote of the committee. Final decision for deaccession will be granted by the City Council. MAINTENANCE Permanent public works of art shall be maintained and preserved by the City of Edina in the best possible condition by regular inspection and cleaning. Repair may be necessary when the work needs to be returned to its original condition and integrity in the event of neglect, aging, damage or vandalism. Works of art selected through the annual competition will be maintained by the artist. The artist will be notified by members of EPAC or City staff in the event of any maintenance required, damage or vandalism. PUBLIC EDUCATION AND COMMUNITY OUTREACH Informing the public about a work of art is crucial to the success and public acceptance of the piece. When at all possible, the community should participate in the public art process. 6 The Edina Public Art Committee is a committee of the Edina Art Center Board EDINA PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE GUIDELINES 2012 The following activities may encourage the public's awareness and involvement: • Presentations about the artwork to community groups, government agencies, citizen committees, local businesses and corporate service groups. • Inclusion of community residents on the jury panel in the art/artist selection process. • Site visits by citizen representatives. • Community - initiated neighborhood gateway projects. • Extensive media coverage. • School education programs which will incorporate visual and written materials about public art in general and.the importance of the public artwork in our community. Revised March 2012 err Le 7 The Edina Public Art Committee is a committee of the Edina Art Center Board