HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-07-17 WORK SESSIONr Tues Tues Mon Mon Tues Tues Tues Mon Tues Tues Wed �d as Tues Tues Tues AGENDA CITY COUNCIL EDINA COMMUNITY HEALTH COMMITTEE WORK SESSION CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA COMMUNITY ROOM JUNE 19, 2012 5:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. FINANCIAL REIVEW IV. WORK PLAN UPDATE AND PRIORITIZATION V. OTHER DISCUSSION ITEMS A. City Council Meeting Minutes B. Acceptance Of Board & Commission Minutes C. Board & Commission Member Performance Concerns VI. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927- 886172 hours in advance of the meeting. SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /DATES /EVENTS Jul 17 Work Session — Business Meeting /Work Plan 5:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Jul 17 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Aug 6 Joint Work Session — Heritage Pres. Brd /Rental Housing Inspct. 5:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Aug 6 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Aug 14 PRIMARY ELECTION DAY — POLLS OPEN 7:00 A.M. UNTIL 8:00 P.M. Aug 21 Work Session — Budget Process /Joint Meeting w Sch Board 4:00 P.M. or 4:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Aug 21 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sept 3 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed Sept 4 Work Session —TBD 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Sept 4 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sept 19 Work Session — Board & Commissions Work Plan Proposals 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Sept 19 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Oct 2 Work Session — CIP Workshop 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Oct 2 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Oct 16 Work Session — Business Meeting /Work Plan 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Oct 16 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS atte � 88B REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item WS Item No. III From: Eric Roggeman, Assistant Action Finance Director ® Discussion ® Information Date: July 17, 2012 Subject: Financial Review Deadline None for a City Decision: ACTION REQUESTED: This item is for review only. INFORMATIOWBACKGROUND: The attached materials will be discussed at the worksession. At the worksession we will also have a Powerpoint presentation that includes second quarter results for all of the enterprise funds. ATTACHMENTS: Quarterly Financial Update June 2012 Financial Update Powerpoint slides CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA Quarterly Financial Update June 2012 General Fund - Revenues General Fund revenues total $14,291,322 through June 30, 2012. Thi s amount represents 47.5% of total budgeted revenues for all of 2012, which is slightly lower compared to 48% a year ago at the same time. Please note that some of the numbers reported here for 2011 have been restated from what was reported last year because this year we have retroactively included the Communications Department for better comparability. The Communications Department was a separate fund in 2011. License and permit revenue increased $204,380 from last year due to increased permit activity during the first quarter. Permit revenue for the second quarter of 2012 was very similar to the second quarter of 2011. Through 6 months we are on pace to col lect more permit revenue than we budgeted for 2012. We will continue to monitor this revenue category closely. General Fund — Expenditures Total General Fund expenditures ar a 47% of budget so far this year, which is higher than the 44% rate from a year ago. With a large percentage of our General Fund budget tied to salaries and benefits, it is common for our expenditures to be very consistent throughout the year, meaning that most years we use about 25% of our budget every quarter. A breakdown of expenditures by functional category follows. General government expenditures are 44% of budget so far this year, which is higher than 41% through June 2011. The major difference in this category was an open position last year, which was filled during the fourth quarter of 2011. Public safety expenditures are 49% of budget for 2012, which is right where we expect them to be and a slight increase f rom the 2011 rate of 48 %. Public works expenditures total 41.5% of budget for 2012, which is similar to the 2011 rate, and below the expected expenditure ra te. The low expenditure rate is due to salary savings from a few supervisor and manager level position openings. During 2011 there were also a couple of unfilled front -line staff positions. Parks expenditures are 46.5% of budget so far this year, which is higher than the 2011 rate of 42 %, but very close to the expected patte rn. The parks department can have a spending pattern that is somewhat seasonal, and it can vary from year to year and quarter to quarter. Nondepartmental and other expenditures decreased from the prior year due to timing differences in overall insurance pay ments. We distribute these insurance expenditures to other departments through our Central Services function at the end of the year as part of the annual audit process, so large variances during the year can be common. QT &L'sUnvestment Advisory Committee\2012 \Quarterly Update.docx 1 CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA Quarterly Financial Update June 2012 Expenditures: General govemment 5,513,041 General Fund (3,069,681) 2,173,566 269,794 Statement of Revenue, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual , (7,637,902) For the six months ended June 30, 2012 581,139 Public works 6,490,886 2,695,705 2012 2,563,253 2011 (7) Parks 3,867,268 1,799,657 (2,067,611) Over/ 193,894 Increase/ - Budget Actual (Under) Actual (Decrease) Revenues: 14,627,820 (16,220,346) 13,042,849 1,584,971 Taxes (1) $ 21,494,402 $ 10,102,112 $ (11,392,290) $ 9,882,800 $ 219,312 Franchise fees 700,000 189,689 (510,311) 174,223 15,466 Licenses and permits (2) 2,501,600 1,559,080 (942,520) 1,354,700 204,380 Intergovemmental (3) 760,000 230,258 (529,742) 336,643 (106,385) Charges for service (4) 3,096,264 1,416,777 (1,679,487) 1,185,816 230,961 Fines and forfeitures 1,014,000 481,851 (532,149) 445,065 36,786 Other revenues 516,800 311,555 (205,245) 358,807 (47,252) Total revenues 30,083,066 14,291,322 (15,791,744) 13,738,054 553,268 Expenditures: General govemment 5,513,041 2,443,360 (3,069,681) 2,173,566 269,794 Public safety 14,976,971 7,339,069 , (7,637,902) 6,757,930 581,139 Public works 6,490,886 2,695,705 (3,795,181) 2,563,253 132,452 Parks 3,867,268 1,799,657 (2,067,611) 1,605,763 193,894 Other - 350,029 350,029 (57,663) 407,692 Total expenditures 30,848,166 14,627,820 (16,220,346) 13,042,849 1,584,971 Revenues over (under) expenditures (765,100) (336,498) 428,602 695,205 (1,031,703) Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in (out) Liquor fund (5) 765,100 - (765,100) - - Construction fund (6) - - - - - Sale of capital assets - 507 507 1,016 (509) Total other financing source 765,100 507 (764,593) 1,016 (509) Net increase (decrease) in fund balance $ - $ (335,991) $ (335,991) $ 696,221 $ (1,032,212) 1 The City receives the first property tax payment from the County in June and the second payment in December. 2 The licenses and permits category includes building permits. 3 The intergovemmental category includes grants from Federal, state and county sources. Generally, most of the grants the City receives are reimbursement grants, which means that if grant revenue increases, expenditures must also increase by an equal or greater amount. 4 Charges for services includes ambulance revenue. 5 The annual liquor fund transfer is always made in December. 6 The annual construction fund transfer is always made in December. 7 The Communications fund revenues and expenditures are shown as though they were part of the General fund in 2011 even though this transition did not happen until 12/31/11, to aid financial comparisons between the two years shown here. QT &L'sUnvestment Advisory Committee\2012 \Quarterly Update.docx 2 7/12/2012 General Fund City of Edina General Fund Cash Flow July 17, 2012 16,OODA00 - City Council Worksession Quarterly Council Business Meeting Financial Update 13,000=0 — nvnv EE.nWN g. General Fund City of Edina General Fund Cash Flow 16,OODA00 - 24,00op00 — 13,000=0 — 10,000,000 SAW'Wo 6.000.000 IAMOoo 3•ao = �- I i - i 11 X11 11 11 +11 CE�e.dit,. — Revenue —Ca68tlan. Etl:naMN.gw 7/12/2012 Utilities Fund d Utilities Fund Operating Revenue Utilities Fund Operating Expense Actual revenues 2012 Budget Actual expenses —2012 Budget 50% 45% 40% 45% 35% 40% 30% 25% 20% 30% 15% 10% 25% 5% 20% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 15% _ wrm Ed.na!AN g- e�oyn.n Al ?. Utilities Fund:% Utilities Fund Operating Expense Actual expenses —2012 Budget 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Ed:nnMN.g. 7/12/2012 Liquor Fund Utilities Fund Liquor Fund Operating Revenue Utilities Fund Operating Income Actual operating income -2012 Budget 1,600,000 45% 1,400,000 40% 1,200,000 35% 1,000,000 30% 800,000 25% 600,000 20% 400,000 15% 200,000 10% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 .w Ed -M.N gw Liquor Fund Liquor Fund Operating Revenue Actual revenues -2012 Budget 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 ni Ed:r.': Y 9ov 7/,12/2012 Liquor Fund - Liquor Fund Operating Expense Liquor Fund ` = Actual expenses —2012 Budget 50% Actual operati ng income —2012 Budget 45% 600,000 40% 400,000 35% 300,000 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 ,v Ed.n2. J gcv CITY OF EDINA Liquor Fund ` = Liquor Fund Operating Income Actual operati ng income —2012 Budget 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 Q3 Q2 Q3 Q4 ni.Ednc.Y.N g- 7/12/2012 .% a Aquatic Center Fund Aquatic Center Operating Revenue Aquatic Center Operating Expense Actual revenues 2012 Budget Actual expenses -2012 Budget 60% 50% 40% 50% 30% 40% 20% 10% 20% 0% 10% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 ..... .. .. _ _. waw Ed,.MN g OF EDINA j�� a hit Aquatic Center Fund Aquatic Center Operating Expense Actual expenses -2012 Budget 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 vrvnv_EdinaMN gw CITY OF M, e e Aquatic Center Fund Aquatic Center Center Operating Income (Loss) Actual operating income 2012 Budget 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 (50,000) 20% (100,000) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 5% —Ed—MN gov • I O,[_A 1L e Golf Course Fund Golf Course Fund Operating Revenue Actual revenues 2012 Budget 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 v+nw.Etl:naNN gov 7/,12/2012 C 7/12/2012 7 c V� !l, Golf Course Fund = -J Golf Course Fund Golf Course Fund Operating Income (Loss) Golf Course Fund Operating Expense Actual operating income -2012 Budget Actual expenses —2012 Budget 500,000 50% 400,000 45% 300,000 40% 200,000 35% 100,000 30% 25% (200,000) 20% (300,000) 15% (400,000) 10% (500,000) 5% I Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 0% vw Edm.MN gov Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 ,v+w Ed—MN gov 7/12/2012 7 e Golf Course Fund = -J Golf Course Fund Operating Income (Loss) Actual operating income -2012 Budget 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 (100,000) (200,000) (300,000) (400,000) (500,000) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 vw Edm.MN gov 7/12/2012 7 7/12/2012 I"L.A.,Ii� ° e N °e Arena Fund -' Arena Fund - -- Arena Operating Expense Arena Operating Revenue Actual expenses —2012 Budget Actual revenues 2012 Budget 50% 50% 45% 40% 45% 35% 40% 30% 35% 25% 30% 20% 25% 15% 20% 10% 15% 5% 10% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 0% rci Ed no4 gw I"L.A.,Ii� ° e N Arena Fund -' Arena Operating Expense Actual expenses —2012 Budget 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 wviw Ed'. -MN 9.v A erating Revenue es —2012 Budget 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 nv Ed—MN 90v M P1, P411 VA Arena Fund Arena Operating Income (Loss) Actual operating Income -2012 Budget 50,000 (50,000) (100,000) (150,000) (200,000) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 . _vnni Etl eAN gw A erating Revenue es —2012 Budget 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 nv Ed—MN 90v M P1, P411 VA e, Art Center Fund Art Center Fund _- Art Center Operating Expense Art Center Operating Income (Loss) Actual expenses — 2012 Budget Actual operating income —2012 Budget 50% (10,000) 45% (20,000) 40% 35% 30% (40,000) 25% (50,000) 20% 15% 10% (70,000) 5% (80,000) 0% (90,000) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 (100,000) wmv Ed-MN pav Newell e wl Art Center Fund _- Art Center Operating Income (Loss) Actual operating income —2012 Budget (10,000) (20,000) (30,000) (40,000) (50,000) (60,000) (70,000) (80,000) (90,000) (100,000) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 w.v Ed..WAN g- 7/,12/2012 10 7/12/2012 11 Edinborough Park Fund Edinborough Operating Expense Edinborough Park Fundy Actual expenses —2012 Budget Edinborough Operating Revenue Actual revenues — 2012 Budget 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 0% - ------- 5% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 ow 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 rc+ EdinaMN gov 7/12/2012 11 Edinborough Park Fund Edinborough Operating Expense Actual expenses —2012 Budget 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% U 5% 0% - ------- Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 ow nv Ed:n.MN gov 7/12/2012 11 7/,12/2012 12 Edinborough Park Fund e ,1 Edinborough Operating Income (Loss) Actual operating Income -2012 Budget 100,000 50,000 Actual revenues 2012 Budget (50,000) 50% (100,000) (150,000) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 40% _ rs.Etl.nalAN gov 7/,12/2012 12 e ,1 C akes Fund Centennial Lakes Operating Revenue Actual revenues 2012 Budget 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 . ... .Ed.naMN pov 7/,12/2012 12 7/12/2012 13 Centennial Lakes Fund Centennial Lakes Operating Expense Actual expenses —2012 Budget SO% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Ed—M gm 7/12/2012 13 Centennial Lakes Fund Centennial Lakes Operating income (Loss) Actual operating Income —2012 Budget (10ADD) (20,000) (30,000) (40,000) (50,000) (60,000) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 7/12/2012 13 Otte REPORURECO111 MEN®ATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item Work Session IV. From: Karen Kurt Assistant City Manager F-1 Action ® Discussion Information Date: July 17, 2012 Subject: WORK PLAN UPDATE AND PRIORITIZATION ACTION REQUESTED: Review and discuss the Council's 2012 -2013 Work Plan Priorities, City Leadership Priorities and the Progress Reports to date. INFORMATION /BACKGROUND: The City Council identified six themes (priorities) for the 2012 -13 biennial budget' to guide staff in identifying projects and prioritizing work in support of our mission and vision. Additionally, City leadership identified six themes (priorities) for the biennial budget related to internal City operations. ATTACHMENTS: 0 2012 City of Edina Work Plan and Progress Report ., �r o (n 2012 City of Edina Work Plan and Progress Report •'ronmo nwc•F/ The City of Edina's mission is to provide effective and valued services, maintain a sound public infrastructure, offer premier public facilities and guide the development and redevelopment of lands, all in a manner that sustains and improves the uncommonly high quality of life enjoyed by our residents and businesses. Our vision is to be the preeminent place for living, learning, raising families and doing business distinguished by: • A livable environment • Effective and valued city services • A sound public infrastructure • A balance of land uses, and • Innovation The City of Edina is known for excellent city services and sound fiscal management. Our ongoing work will contribute this to tradition. In addition to our core services, the Council has identified six themes for the 2012 -13 biennial budget in support of our mission and vision. These themes will guide our organization as we identify projects and prioritize our work. 2012-13 Council Priorities Progress -.. 2012 Targets: 2012 Targets: a) Create living streets policy. Wayne H - The ETC Living Streets Working Group met on June 14 and the consultants shared a report that mirrored Los Angeles's Living Streets Policy. The working group is reviewing this report and will be giving feedback prior to the July 191h ETC Meeting. At the July 19th ETC meeting the consultants will be presenting their findings and draft plan. b) Evaluate and resolve current street reconstruction special Scott N — Consultant presented options to the Council on June 5. Based assessment policy. on Council feedback, staff is working on a proposal that would modify financing options and potentially shift sidewalks, lighting and sewer connection costs to alternative funding sources. Proposal is tentatively scheduled for Council review on August 6. c) Evaluate a utility franchise fee as a method of funding living Scott N — Discussed at work session on June 5. Based on Council street policy goals. feedback, staff will advance a proposal at the August 6 council meeting. d) Resolve future of France Ave pedestrian bridge grant funding. Wayne H —The Transportation Advisory Board of the Metropolitan Council has approved a rescoping and sunset date extension for the project. The rescoping request was to improve three at -grade crossings along France Avenue to include West 66th Street, West 701h Street, and West 76th Street. The rescoping also includes the addition of sidewalks along the easterly side of France Avenue to provide a continuous sidewalk along France Avenue. The project has had two stakeholder meetings and one special meeting of the ETC. The project will be re- presented to the ETC at the July 21 meeting and brought to the City Council at the August 6th meeting. The project team will then be able to start final design and easement acquisitions along with all of the other federal required documentation that needs to be accomplished by March 31, 2013. e) Complete Transit for Livable Communities grant process and Wayne H — Grant process and plans are complete. The project is begin bicyclist improvements when approved. scheduled to be opened for bid on July 24 with construction beginning in mid - August. 2013: Prioritize work on guiding documents in Engineering or other departments needed to support the living street goals; institute new reconstruction financing policy (if applicable), establish France Avenue collaborative group 2. Support Redevelopment of Major Commercial Areas 2. Support Redevelopment of Major Commercial Areas 2012 Targets: 2012 Targets: a) Approve and begin parking ramp improvements at 501h and Wayne H — Reduced project scope to focus on parking management France. and ramp restoration. There is still the possibility of adding an additional level to the middle ramp. The tentative schedule is to select a construction manager in September and approve the project in October for construction to start in January of 2013. b) Complete and approve Grandview development framework Cary T —The Grandview development framework was approved on and begin zoning implementation. April 17. Additional discussion with the Council on possible zoning changes is scheduled for a joint work session with the Planning Commission on Sept 4. c) Redefine Centennial Lakes TIF project area. Scott N — Completed on February 21. d) Finalize agreement with Southdale Center regarding loan for Scott N — Completed on June 19. center improvements. e) Work to build support for a Minneapolis special taxing district Scott N — Little progress in 2012. Recommend initiating a second push to help fund 501h and France improvements. I in 2013. 2013: Complete ramp improvements; promote "Open for Business" initiative; evaluate potential development plans for Pentagon Park Funds 3. Evaluate Public Recreation Facilities/Enterprise Funds 2012 Targets: 2012 Targets: a) Evaluate and resolve future use and programming at John K —Staff completed the revised analysis based on additional Edinborough Park. information sought by the City Council. The additional information and staff recommendations were reviewed by the Park Board on June 12. The matter will move forward to the Council on July 17. b) Evaluate and resolve future use and programming at the Art John K —The selected consultant has begun the information - gathering Center. process. The study is expected to be completed in late September. c) Evaluate and resolve future of the proposed Sports Dome. John K — Eliminated co- locating sport and golf domes as an option. Sports dome committee will hold its first meeting to look at other potential sites on July 19. d) Evaluate and resolve future of the proposed Hornet's Nest. John K — Council will review the proposed MOU with the Drive to the Hive at their meeting on July 19. If approved, construction would start immediately. e) Evaluate and resolve the future of the Golf Dome. John K —An architect has been hired for the additional design work. Staff anticipates bidding the project in mid- September. f) Provide direction to staff on operational goals of current Scott N — Recommend that item be moved to 2013. facilities. 2013: Begin work on new facilities (if applicable), update business plans of current facilities based on Council direction, evaluate Senior Center, evaluate potential of a park master plan 14.- - Encourage Neighborhood Associations 4. Encourage Neighborhood Associations 2012 Targets: 2012 Targets: a) Identify neighborhood boundaries and names. Karen K — Neighborhood Identification Steering Committee has been meeting twice a month. The second community meeting was held on July 11. The final community meeting will be on September 12. The group is on target to complete their work by year end. b) Formalize support and communication policies for Karen K —Staff have started to research potential language for the City neighborhood associations. Code to recognize neighborhood associations as well as application procedures. This fall staff will also be working on web resources for neighborhood associations. 2013: Assist with the formation of associations through city- sponsored tools S. Improve Decision-Making Through Formalized •. Policies =a 2012 Targets: a) Adopt policy on Parks and Recreation user fees. John K —The user fee working group shared a proposed policy with the Park Board on June 12. The Park Board requested additional information. The policy is slated for further Board discussion on July 10. b) Adopt policy on naming of public facilities. John K —The naming policy working group shared a proposed policy with the Park Board on May 8. The Park Board approved the policy with changes. The policy is scheduled to be reviewed by the Council on August 21. c) Adopt policy on donations. John K - The donation policy working group shared a proposed policy with the Park Board on May 8. The Park Board approved the policy with changes. The policy is scheduled to be reviewed by the Council on August 21. d) Adopt unified boards and commission bylaws. Karen K — New bylaws for all boards and commissions (with the exception of the Planning Commission) were approved by the Council in April. Planning Commission bylaws will be forwarded to the Council for approval on August 6. e) Complete recodification of City Code. Karen K — All existing City Code Sections have been delivered to Municipal Code Corporation. Muni Code Staff is in process of legal review which expected in be completed in September or October. After the review is complete the City will receive a manuscript with questions and comments for suggested deletions, changes and rearrangement. City staff will review and consult, then a conference will be held with our staff and Muni Code. Following the conference and resolution of issues, the code moves to detailed editing (3 -4 months). After the final proof is issued, the City has 45 days for review and return of proof. Final code will ship 4 -6 weeks after City releases proof. 2013: Identify sections of City Code for "best practices" review; repeal Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan; performance metrics; review policy manual 1 6. Promote Environmental and Personal Health 6. Promote Environmental and Personal Health 2012 Targets: 2012 Targets: a) Complete and promote Edina Emerald Energy Program Karen K — EEEP won a 2012 Environment Initiative Award this spring. To date, only the Grandview Tire and Auto project has been completed. The program could be more successful if it had a financing partner or internal financing mechanism. More work needs to be done to promote this program. b) Facilitate do.Town initiatives Jeff L - do.Town healthy eating project updates in Edina include work toward improved menu choices for healthy foods for City concessions, studying the concept of community gardens and a community garden resolution, reviewing interest by Fairview Southdale Hospital to host a farmers market for employees and visitors, and scheduling healthy cooking demonstrations to increase traffic at Centennial Lakes Farmers Market. Current active living projects involve a review of neighborhood needs in the Parklawn neighborhood, walking audits to identify challenging routes and assess them for potential change, support for a Living Streets policy, and work to identify a process to count bike and pedestrian traffic. Efforts in the area of schools include parent outreach to discuss healthier food environments, coaching Edina schools to develop additional school gardens, partnering with the city and school district to achieve a Safe Routes To School Plan. Finally, do.Town is working with worksite wellness participants, including the City of Edina, to identify workplace wellness goals and steps towards secure support for the goals. c) Continue progress on Green Step cities certification Karen K — In June Edina was recognized as a step 3 city, the highest step in the Green Step Cities program. 2013: Conduct organized hauling study; broaden mission of Community Health Committee In addition to proving core services, City leadership has also identified themes for the biennial budget related to internal city operations. These themes support Edina's mission, vision and Council priorities. Leadership City .• Report Improve 1. . 2012 Targets: 2012 Targets: a) Introduce biennial Council priorities and annual plan. Karen K —Completed in February. b) Begin biannual business meetings. Karen K — Meetings scheduled for work sessions on July 17 and October 16. c) Standardize board and commission work plans and Council Karen K —Work plan process and forms developed and shared with input process. boards and commissions. Draft work plans will be reviewed with the City Council at the September 19 work session. d) Formalize biennial budget process and prioritize capital Karen K —Staff developed a biennial budget structure. For 2013, the improvement budget items. goal will be to prioritize the City's capital projects. Additional information on this topic will be shared at the August 21 work session. 2013: Integrate biennial Council priority- setting with biennial budget process; drive work planning process to the department level 2. Reorganize City Departments .. 2012 Targets: 2012 Targets: a) Evaluate alternatives and announce changes. Scott N — New structure was announced in mid - January and fully transitioned by March 1. b) Reorganize office space as appropriate. Scott N — Police department office changes are under construction. Construction in the Communications& Technology Services Department is scheduled to start August 9. c) Mentor leaders during transition and into new roles. Scott N - Ongoing 3. Hire and Assimilate Key Leadership and Staff Positions 3. Hire and Assimilate Key Leadership and Staff Positions 2012 Targets: 2012 Targets: a) Public Works Director Brian Olson started May 29. b) Assistant City Engineer Chad Milner started June 4. c) Utility Engineer Ross Bintner started May 29. d) Environmental Coordinator Not started. e) Economic Development Manager Final interviews were held on July 9. f) Building Operations Manager Not started. g) Transportation Planner /Engineer Waiting for approval of franchise fee. Improve 4. .. Tools 2012 Targets: 2012 Targets: a) Complete website redesign. Jennifer B — Redesign is complete and launched on June 21. Staff is still working on additional phases of development and features related to email subscription service, electronic forms, ecommerce, online registration and facility scheduling. b) Reformat Channel 16. Jennifer B — "In Edina" program was cancelled. "Agenda: Edina" and "Beyond the Badge" were reformatted to shorter, more frequent segments. Programs are broken into individual segments for posting on websites. c) Implement "Edina Open" WiFi system at City Facilities. Jennifer B - By July 18, the wiring will be completed for the eight buildings scheduled as part of Phase 1(2012). Service is scheduled to go live at the end of July. d) Implement branding committee recommendations. Jennifer B — Branding work related to employees' uniforms, name tags and vehicles is done. Progress on rebranding print communications is under way. New logos that fit with brand standards have been developed for Braemar Arena and Edina Aquatic Center. Other logos have been updated to fit the new brand standards, but work remains to be done on the Senior Center, Edina Liquor and EDINA 16. Staff is proposing to develop formal brand voice guidelines with the assistance of a consultant in 2013. e) Implement applicant tracking and new employee onboarding Lisa S - Applicant tracking software went live on June 4. Job software. applicants can now apply online. Additional onboarding feature for new employees is schedule to be completed this fall. f) Develop intranet for internal communication. Jennifer B — In process for completion by year end. 2013: Further refine web -based resident engagement tools 5. Set Performance Expectations by Defining Organization 5. Set Performance Expectations by Defining Organization Values Values 2012 Targets: 2012 Targets: a) Identify and define key expectations of individual staff Karen K — not started members. b) Integrate key expectations into hiring process. Lisa S — not started 2013: Develop city -wide training, integrate key expectations into performance review process; identify and define key expectations of city leaders 6. Improve Decision-Making Through Formalized •. •. Policies 2012 Targets: 2012 Targets: a) Redesign non -union compensation plans. Lisa S — Staff interviews were completed in the spring. Updated job descriptions will be finalized in August. Consultant will present pay structure options and associated costs in September. b) Develop training new board and commission members. Karen K — New training presentation completed and delivered to current board and commission members this spring. c) Update employee handbook. Lisa S — Staff is working with a consultant to consolidate the former City Code and internal staff policies into an employee handbook for distribution by year end. 2013: Develop city -wide safety committee; develop procedure manual for boards and commissions