HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-03-15_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL MARCH 15, 2005 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Adoption of the Consent Agenda is made by the Commissioners as to HRA items and by the Council Members as to Council items. All agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) in bold print are Consent Agenda items and are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Commissioner, Council Member or citizen so requests it. In such cases the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF HRA - Regular Meeting of March 1, 2005 II. ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting of February 15, 2005 II. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS - Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Engineer. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. If Council wishes to proceed, action by resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of the Council required to pass if improvement is petitioned for; 4/5 favorable rollcall if no petitions. Rollcall A. PUBLIC HEARING -- ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION (Continued from Feb. 15, 2005) - Sunnyslope Neighborhood Roadway Improvement No. BA -326 III. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS - Zoning Ordinances: First Reading requires affirmative rollcall votes of three Council members except that a rezoning from residential to non - residential requires four affirmative votes. Second Reading requires affirmative rollcall votes of three of Council to pass except rezoning from residential to non- residential requires four affirmative votes. Waiver of Second Reading: Affirmative rollcall votes of four members of Council to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: Affirmative rollcall vote of three Council members required passing. Conditional Use Permit: Affirmative rollcall vote of three Council members required to pass. Variance Appeal: Favorable rollcall of Council Members present to uphold or deny appeal. Rollcall A. PUBLIC HEARING -- AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - Haugland Companies, 3901 -3907 50th Street West and 5000 -5020 France Avenue South IV. AWARD OF BID A. Air Monitoring Equipment - Fire Department B. Self- Contained Breathing Apparatus & Equipment - Fire Department Agenda /Edina City Council March 15, 2005 Page 2 C. Storm Sewer Repair - Parklawn Avenue and West 76th Street - Improvement No. STS -303 D. Braemar Park Athletic Field Renovation No. 05 -01PR E. Golf Course Spray Vehicle - Braemar Golf Course F. Police Uniform Contract G. Two Half -Ton 4x2 Pickup Trucks - Engineering Department V. REPORTS/ RECOMMENDATIONS A. Select Date for Joint Meeting of Council, Planning Commission and Transportation Commission - Greater Southdale Area Study B. Assessment Policy Consultant C. Intersection Reconfiguration - Valley View Road /Oaklawn Avenue/ West 62nd Street D. Board and Commission Term Limits E. Indian Hills Subdivision Lawsuit F. Set Public Hearing Date (April 19, 2005) Resolution No. 2005 -20 - Roadway Improvement Projects: A -216, Schaefer Road, No. A -217, Schaefer Circle; No. BA -328, West 58th Street G. Traffic Safety Staff Review of March 8, 2005 H. Gymnasium Update VI. FINANCE A. CONFIRMATION OF PAYMENT OF CLAIMS As per Pre -List Dated March 3, 2005, TOTAL $517,973.76 and March 10, 2005, TOTAL $763,537.45 B. RESOLUTION NO. 2005 -19 - Calling a Public Hearing on an Issue of Revenue Bonds by City of Minneapolis on Behalf of Fairview Health Services (4/5/05) VII. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS VIII. CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS IX. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES X. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL XI. MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEM Tues Mar 29 Tues Apr 5 Mon Apr 11 Thur Apr 14 Tues Apr 19 Mon Apr 25 Tues May 3 Tues May 17 Mon May 30 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Annual Meeting - Boards & Commissions 5:00 P.M. CENTENNIAL LAKES CENTRUM Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Board of Appeals & Equalization 5:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Volunteer Recognition Reception 5:00 P.M. EDINBOROUGH PARK Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Continuation Date Board of Appeals 5:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVED - City Hall Closed MINUTES OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HELD AT CITY HALL MARCH 1, 2005 7:00 P.M. APPOINTMENT MADE TO EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Chair Hovland introduced Wilma Alice Hulbert, the person appointed by the Council to fill the term of Commissioner with the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Clerk Mangen administered the oath of office to Ms. Hulbert. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Housh, Hulbert, Masica, Swenson and Chair Hovland. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Masica and seconded by Commissioner Hulbert approving the Consent Agenda for the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Housh, Hulbert, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR FEBRUARY 15, 2005, APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Masica and seconded by Commissioner Hulbert approving the Minutes of the regular meeting of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority for February 15, 2005. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. There being no further business on the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Agenda, Chair Hovland declared the meeting adjourned. Executive Director MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL FEBRUARY 15, 2005 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Housh, Masica, Swenson and Mayor Hovland. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Member Housh and seconded by Member Masica approving the Council Consent Agenda as presented with the exception of Agenda Item V.B. Municipal Recycling Grant Agreement 2005 - 2007 with Hennepin County. Rollcall: Ayes: Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. MINNESOTA SAFE AND SOBER PRESENTATION Bob O'Brien, the Safe & Sober Liaison for Minnesota Safe and Sober, indicated that statistics prove that when a good traffic program was in place, criminal activity was reduced. He added that 39% of criminals were apprehended as the result of a traffic stop. Mr. O'Brien commended and thanked the Edina Police Department with the example they have set that began with leadership from the Mayor and Council through staff and the community in saving lives. *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 1, 2005, AND SPECIAL MEETINGS OF TANUARY 29, 2005, AND FEBRUARY 1, 2005, AND CLOSED MEETING OF FEBRUARY 1, 2005, APPROVED Motion made by Member Housh and seconded by Member Masica, approving the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Edina City Council for February 1, 2005, and Special Meetings of January 29, 2005, and February 1, 2005, and Closed Meeting of February 1, 2005. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION - SOUTH HARRIET PARK WEST ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT NO. A -204 ORDERED Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Engineer Presentation Engineer Houle reviewed briefly the Minnesota Statutes 429 process by which special assessments may be levied for improvement projects to the Council. He then went on to inform them that the South Harriet Park neighborhood roadway improvements had been partially (14 %) petitioned with a request for storm sewer, curb and gutter along West 53rd Street. Mr. Houle stated City staff had expanded the scope of the project and the project area when they began the process. The roadway and utilities in the area were originally constructed in the late 1930's and 1940's. Mr. Houle stated that the typical life of a roadway was approximately thirty years. Therefore, staff had proposed to reconstruct the existing roadway including the installation of new concrete curb and gutters, rehabilitating the watermain and sanitary sewer and extending the storm sewer system. Page 1 r Minutes/Edina City Council/February 15, 2005 Mr. Houle showed a graphic representing all of the breaks to the water main and service line breaks in the neighborhood demonstrating the need for the proposed water and sanitary sewer work. He explained the area has experienced surface water drainage issues because of the level roadways and lack of storm sewer system in the area. In addition many area homes use sump pumps. Mr. Houle explained the existing streets in the area were 22 feet to 30 feet wide with no curb or gutter. Frequently boulders and landscaping have been placed in the . boulevard to keep motorists from driving on lawns. He added that some on -street parking bays existed on the roadway along Arden Park. Mr. Houle stated the roadway was very deteriorated and had experienced band -aid patchwork. He noted that as the roadways existed, vehicles drove onto lawns and there were drainage problems along the edge of the roadway. For those reasons, Mr. Houle stated staff was recommending the installation of curbs and gutters, which in his opinion would add to the life of the roadway and decrease City maintenance costs. Mr. Houle said staff had expanded the initial resident petition so the proposed project area included Brookview Avenue, Oaklawn Avenue and Kellogg Avenue from West 54th Street to West 52nd Street including West 52nd Street. The proposed project would reconstruct the existing roadway including installing new curbs and gutters, rehabilitating the watermain and sanitary sewer, and extending the storm sewer system. He explained the estimated roadway construction cost was $808,000, which did not include the City Utility Fund costs for rehabilitating the water and sewer service and extending the storm sewer. Mr. Houle said funding for the roadway construction portion of the proposed project would be from a special assessment of approximately $8,700 per residential equivalent unit. Mr. Houle stated the neighborhood had been surveyed and most do not want new concrete curb and gutter, do not prefer relocating overhead utilities to underground and do not prefer installing decorative street lighting. He added that staff recommended the installation of curb and gutter with the project, but would recommend not pursuing relocating the overhead utilities to underground or installing decorative. street lighting. Mr. Houle added -that intersection geometrics were proposed to be revised at the intersection of Oaklawn Avenue and Brookview Avenue to reduce the pavement area and create a more standard T- intersection. He said throughout the project, trees will be protected and impacts to the trees would be minimized. Mr. Houle said that staff believed the barrier style curb was more desirable as it would work well with existing topography within the neighborhood and provide the best control of water runoff and a better defined roadway while providing protection to the sod and pavement edges from snowplow damage during the winter months. Mr. Houle stated that if the Council ordered the project at this time, the bid could be awarded this spring and the project constructed over the summer. The final assessment hearing could then be held in the fall in order to meet the County's November deadline. Member Housh asked if installing curb and gutter, 1) would increase roadway life, 2) would address the sump pumps in the area, and 3) what would be the comparable cost and performance Page .2 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 15, 2005 of bulkhead vs. surmountable curbs. Mr. Houle replied that in his opinion installation of curb and gutter would substantially increase the life of the roadway. He stated that staff intended to install drain tiles and service stubs to handle area sump pumps. Mr. Houle said the cost of the two styles of curb were comparable, but bulkhead curbing handled storm water and drainage better. Member Swenson asked if colored concrete could be used to lessen the aesthetic impact of the curbing and if there was a discernable difference in the depth of the curbing. Mr. Houle said that colored concrete could be used to blend the curb into the landscaping. He added the two styles of curbs were essentially the same depth. Member Masica asked if it would be possible. to install curb only in the petitioned areas, and if staff could compare the proposed project to the Maple Road area. Mr. Houle said that curb could be installed in the petitioned area only, but he stated it would not be his recommendation to do so. He explained Maple Road's project comprised about eight to twelve homes versus the proposed project area with approximately seventy homes. He added that typically project cost estimates were higher than the actual construction costs. Mayor Hovland asked if proposing the roadway at 27 feet would provide any traffic calming; whether or not the final special assessment decision could be done in the future and how the City would handle problems with in ground fencing and sprinklers. He also asked staff to comment on' the utility work proposed to be constructed along with the roadway improvements. Mr. Houle said the narrower road would most likely aid in calming the traffic; adding that anything disturbed by the project such as in ground fencing or sprinklers would be restored to their pre - project condition. Mr. Houle stated that the utility improvements would be paid for out of the Utility Fund and not assessed to the property owners. Attorney Gilligan explained that the project could be ordered at this time and a final determination of the special assessments could be decided upon at a later date. Public Comment Bob Shutes, 5212 Kellogg Avenue, said he was the designated spokesperson for the neighborhood, and expressed concern that a decision had already been made. He said the neighbors were not willing to accept curbs and gutters because of aesthetics, potential damage to trees and the expense. Mr. Shutes said according to his survey, which he presented to the City Council, 82% of the neighbors surveyed did not want curb and gutter. He also voiced his concern over the 100% assessment policy favoring instead adding improvement costs to the General Fund levy for all citizens to pay. Louis Mitera, 5216 Kellogg Avenue, said he did not want curb and gutters installed. He expressed his extreme concern for the trees and suggested hiring an arborist to review the situation. Tom Jones, 5225 Brookview Avenue, stated his agreement with previous speakers, and added he also did not want curb and gutter. Mr. Jones said that Arden Park should have more units attributed to it than the eleven in the projection used by Mr. Houle. He felt in his professional opinion it should be something like twenty units. Page 3 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 15, 2005 Jill Hallbrooks, 5300 Brookview, stated she also did not want curb and gutter. She commented that in her opinion the petition was not valid because. it had not been explained properly. Ms. Hallbrooks said she was a signer on the original petition, but would like to rescind that signature. Patricia Ziler, 5320 Brookview Avenue, expressed concern over water quality in Minnehaha Creek and stated she did not want curb and gutter and that the 6.5% interest rate was too high. Ms. Ziler asked that the neighborhood be left with its country look. Barbara Jondahl, 5200 Oaklawn Avenue, stated she did not favor curb and gutter and that if the expense of living in her home continued to increase she would have to think about moving. Ms. Jondahl urged that the improvement be constructed so as to maintain the neighborhood with its current rural feel. John Christ, 5324 Halifax Avenue, expressed his dissatisfaction with maintenance programs in place and the potential of 100% special assessments to cover the cost of street reconstruction. He was informed the hearing did not cover Halifax, which would be heard at a later time. Jay Carlson, 5304 Oaklawn Avenue, urged that the City be very mindful of the valuable trees in the area when the project was constructed. Mr. Carlson did not favor curb and gutter. Elspeth Nairn, 5320 Brookview Avenue, did not favor curb and gutter. Ms. Nairn chose her home because of the rural look of the area. She also expressed environmental concern for Minnehaha Creek. Council Discussion/ Action Mayor Hovland thanked the property owners for their input. , He asked staff what would be different about the drainage and storm water management regardless of curb and gutter. Mr. Houle explained that there would be catch basins installed on Kellogg Avenue and every intersection on West 53rd Street. Mayor Hovland polled the Council for their opinions about the proposed project. Member Masica stated that if the City could realize forty to fifty years of street life with an appropriate design, she would not support installation of curb and gutter, therefore preserving the rural appeal of the neighborhood. Member Swenson cautioned that forgoing curb and gutter could easily be opening Pandora's box. She urged her fellow Council members to go look at Skyview Drive where bituminous curbing had been installed after the original .project was built. Member Housh thanked the public and staff for their work. He stated it was a necessity to keep the City's infrastructure sound. He said the Council would continue gathering information on the special assessments for the projects, adding he would not support installing curb and gutter in this area. Mayor Hovland added he also believed this was a special area with unique appeal. He said that typically the Council gathers all the information, listens to both staff and the public and then Page 4 Minutes/Edina Ci!y Council/February 15, 2005 weighs their decisions carefully. Mayor Hovland added he also did not support curb and gutter in the area. Member Masica made a motion to close the public hearing. Member Housh seconded the motion. Ayes: Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Member Swenson acknowledged the need for a four vote favorable decision in order for the project to proceed reiterating her concern that bituminous curbs would be needed in the future and were not visually appealing. Member Housh introduced Resolution No. 2005 -14 ordering the South Harriet Park Roadway Reconstruction Improvement No. A -204 as per the feasibility report without the installation of curb and gutter as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 2005-14 ORDERING ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENT NO. A -204 SOUTH HARRIET PARK NEIGHBORHOOD WHEREAS, the Edina City Council on the 18th day of January, 2005, fixed a date for a Council hearing on the proposed street reconstruction, Improvement No A -204; and WHEREAS, ten days' mailed notice and two weeks' published notice of the hearing was given, and the hearing was held thereon on the 15th day of February 2005, for South Harriet Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Improvement No. A -204 reconstructing the existing bituminous pavement, replacing the existing watermain to the curb boxes, repairing the sanitary sewer where needed, extending the storm sewer and installing drain tile where needed at which time all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts, does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement, including all proceedings which may be necessary in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Improvement Project No. A -204 South Harriet Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Improvement Project No. A -204 South Harriet Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction is hereby ordered as proposed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Engineer is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. The engineer shall cause plans and specifications to be prepared for the making of such improvement. Adopted this 15th day of February 2005. Member Masica seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED TO MARCH 15, 2005, ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION - SUNNYSLOPE NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -326 Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Page 5 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 15, 2005 Engineer Presentation Mr. Houle noted the Sunnyslope Neighborhood Roadway Improvement had been partially initiated, also by a resident petition, requesting several neighborhood issues be addressed. Mr. Houle said that staff again looked at the neighborhood and the expanded the proposed project including reconstructing the existing roadway including new concrete curbs and gutters, rehabilitating the watermain, sanitary sewer and storm sewer and installing decorative street lighting. Mr. Houle stated the estimated cost of the roadway and decorative light. construction would be . approximately $1,226,000. He commented that cost did not include any utility rehabilitation costs, which would be paid out of the utility funds. Mr. Houle said the proposed Sunnyslope Neighborhood Roadway Improvement was proposed as a neighborhood assessment of approximately $16,800 per residential, equivalent unit (REI). He added that if the Council ordered the project, the bid could be awarded in the spring with a summer construction in time for the November deadline for the Special Assessment Hearing. Member Masica asked whether decorative streetlights meant only replacing existing light poles or if additional poles would be installed. Mr. Houle said that there would be a few additional light poles installed mid block. Member Swenson asked if existing curbs on Hilltop needed to be replaced, and whether the additional lighting had been requested. Mr. Houle replied the curb on Hilltop would be replaced and that the additional lighting had been requested. He cautioned that the decorative lighting would not increase safety. Member Housh commented that he had been trapped attempting to exit the neighborhood and suggested a stoplight was needed at Sunnyslope and West 5061. Mr. Houle reminded that warrants must be met before lights could be installed. Mayor Hovland asked about the roadway widths and whether staff had recommendations relative to curbs, and about storm water plans. Mr. Houle replied that roadway widths vary from approximately 27 feet up to 32 feet in width. He added that in his opinion the grades demand curb installation or the roadway edges will erode and public works will end up installing bituminous curbs in the future. He stated that the installation of curbs handle storm water, but also aid in performing on -going maintenance such as snow plowing and street sweeping. Mr. Houle said a significant amount of labor would be consumed placing snow stakes and repairing lawns without curbs due to snowplow damage. He said that a bulkhead style curb was his recommendation. Member Swenson asked if the bituminous curbs on Skyline Drive were installed when the street was done or .later. Mr. Houle said after construction. He added that using Public Works to install bituminous curbs also comes from the general maintenance funds for streets. Public Comment James Widtfeldt 4905 Ridge Place, stated he was against adding curb and gutter in his neighborhood. He felt it was up to them to preserve the rural natural state of their neighborhood. Page 6 Minutes/Edina City CouncilfFebruary 15, 2005 David Lundstrom, 4912 Ridge Place, read a letter he had sent to the Assistant City Engineer Lillehaug on December 4, 2004, stating his objections to the project. John Reimann, 4909 Sunnyslope East, stated he grew up in Edina and liked the country look of the roadway. Mr. Reimann stated he did not want curb and gutter and did not think it was necessary. Dave Shirley, 4804 Woodhill Way, said he was a third generation Edina resident. Mr. Shirley said his heritage was important and that he had paid for his home because of the look and feel of the neighborhood. He said he did not want either the decorative streetlights or curb and gutter. Mr. Shirley added he did not feel narrowing the intersections were necessary. Randy Moskalik, 4908 East Sunnyslope Road, stated he did not support curb and gutter and urged the Council to continue looking at financing options to find the most equitable way to fund improvements. Tom Pederson, 4913 Dale Drive asked what was the expected life span of bituminous curbs. If there were significant erosion would installing bituminous curbs resolve the issue. Mr. Houle explained that bituminous curbs last approximately two years, but that in his opinion it was more efficient to consider installation of curbs when building the project. Peggy Jo Danielson, 4920 West Sunnyslope Road, said she loved the neighborhood and would like to see it remain in the same condition. She told the Council they must consider the neighbors desires. If the road has lasted this long then why add curbs. Mr. Houle explained that with the new construction the boulevard soils will become much less compacted and subject to erosion more readily. Steve Makredes, 4916 West Sunnyslope Road said his biggest concern with the project was the financing issues. Manager Hughes explained the Council could order the improvement this evening and then make a decision later on the special assessments. Debra Plum, 7019 McCauley, stated she did not live in the neighborhood affected, but she wondered why the entire City should pay for repeated installation of bituminous curbs. She advised that the most efficient plan be adopted at the beginning of the project. While Ms. Plum said she respected the neighborhoods concern over aesthetics, it just seemed to not be fiscally sound. Council Discussion/ Action Member Masica asked why it had been recommended to narrow the intersections and added she thought the neighborhood should be resurveyed to find out about the decorative streetlights. Mr. Houle replied that narrowing pavement at intersections was a method of reducing hard surface, which would aid in storm water run off and possibly calm traffic. Member Swenson urged her fellow Council members to go look at Skyline Drive. She said she felt if curbs were needed they should be installed when the street was reconstructed. Member Swenson stated she would not support any areas that currently have some curbing being redone Page 7 Minutes/Edina Cif Council/Februga 15, 2005 without any curbs, because the expense of installing bituminous curbing and yearly replacement would be born by all residents out'of the general repair budget. Member Swenson advocated taking more time before ordering the project to gather further data. Member Housh stated there was a need to keep neighborhood concerns in mind. He suggested moving forward on the project without the curb and gutter and deferring the decision on the decorative streetlights until the neighborhood can be re- surveyed. Mayor Hovland agreed with Member Housh that the road and utility improvements could be ordered while retaining the rural feel of the neighborhood without curbs and gutters. Mr. Houle suggested the project could be ordered with curb and gutter remaining where it exists today. He suggested continuing action on the project until March 15, 2005, to allow a further survey of the neighborhood regarding the location of decorative street lights and more information on drainage. After a .brief discussion, Member Housh made a motion, seconded by Member Masica to close the public hearing. Ayes: Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Member Swenson made a motion continuing action on Improvement Project No. BA -326 Roadway Reconstruction - Sunnyslope Neighborhood until March 15, 2005. Member Masica seconded the motion. Ayes: Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 2005 -12 APPROVING PROPOSED USE OF 2005 SUBURBAN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM FUNDS AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Mr. Larsen explained that Edina's 2005 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) entitlement was $172,355, a $1,202 increase over the 2004 allocation. He noted that while the increase was not large, Edina was one of only two communities to experience an entitlement increase, while the remaining nine communities were experiencing decreases of between three to seventeen percent. Requests for funding for the public services portion of the budget had been received from the same organizations Edina has funded in the past. He said that Edina's Human Rights and Relations Commission reviewed the proposed budget and agreed with staff's recommendation. Mr. Larsen outlined the budget, noting that public services may not exceed 15% of the total budget. Therefore, Edina's 2005 public services allotment may not exceed $25,853. He said the same agencies funded in year 2004 applied for 2005 funds: ■ Greater Minneapolis Daycare Association (GMDCA), providing daycare subsidies to income eligible parents. Page 8 Minutes/Edina Citv Council/February 15, 2005 • Senior Community Services (H.O.M.E.), Housing and Outdoor Maintenance for the Elderly, providing housekeeping and chore services to Edina seniors who pay for services on a sliding fee scale. • Community Action for Suburban Hennepin (CASH) provides housing programs for low and moderate - income homeowners and homebuyers. • HOME Line provides tenant advocacy services for Edina renters. Mr. Larsen said that $146,502 would remain to be directed toward community development projects. He said that staff recommendations included funding the Rehabilitation of Private Property and the Scattered Site Affordable Housing programs. Mr. Larsen added these two housing programs have successfully contributed to maintaining Edina's housing stock and also aided in providing affordable housing opportunities. He outlined the following distribution of funds for community development purposes: 2005 2004 Proposed Activi!y Budget 2005 Public Services 2004 2005 Proposed Agency Budget Requests Budget GMDCA Daycare Subsidy $14,633 $ 8,000 $ 8,191 H.O.M.E. Sr. Comm. Services $ 9,089 $ 9,089 $ 9,280 CASH $ 975 $ 5,000 $ 4,191 HOME Line 975 4,000 4,191 TOTAL $26,293 $26,089 $25,853 Mr. Larsen said that $146,502 would remain to be directed toward community development projects. He said that staff recommendations included funding the Rehabilitation of Private Property and the Scattered Site Affordable Housing programs. Mr. Larsen added these two housing programs have successfully contributed to maintaining Edina's housing stock and also aided in providing affordable housing opportunities. He outlined the following distribution of funds for community development purposes: 2005 2004 Proposed Activi!y Budget Budget _ Rehab of Private Property $ 60,000 $ 66,502 Scattered Site Afford. Housing 85,481 80,000 TOTAL $145,481 $146,502 Member Hovland asked if the fifteen percent allowed for public service was controlled locally or by whom. Mr. Larsen replied that HUD set the fifteen percent, but he believed it was also mandated by federal statute. The Council discussed the data available on the number of families served by the CDBG funds allocated to Greater Minneapolis Day Care Association. It was agreed that staff would gather additional information and report back to the Council at a later date. Beth Kodluboy, Executive Director of HOME Line, thanked the Council for their past support. She noted that HOME Line helps approximately 90 -100 Edina residents annually resolve conflicts with their landlords. Some issues include: • Court advocacy project providing free legal representation to renter families with children facing eviction; • Renter Education for High School Students -A one - session program on the "basics of renting" for young people who will be entering the rental market for the first time on their own; • Policy Advocacy including substandard housing, demand for property, guest rights, neighbor violation, privacy issues, and return of security deposit. Page 9 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 15, 2005 Ms. Kodluboy urged the Council to continue funding her organization in 2005. Mr. Hughes noted for the record that he served on the. Board of Directors of the Senior Community Services. He added that this organization receives funding from Edina's CDBG funds and provides services as Household and Outside Maintenance for Elderly (HOME), in Edina. Mr. Hughes stated he had not entered into any conversations or deliberations with either staff or the Human Rights and Relations Commission during their review process of the 2005 CDBG funds. He added that he does not receive any financial remuneration for his service on the Board. Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Housh to close the public hearing. Ayes: Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Member Swenson introduced the following resolution and moved it adoption, requesting further information regarding families served in Edina -be sent to the City Council as soon as possible: RESOLUTION NO. 2005-12 RESOLUTION APPROVING PROPOSED USE OF 2005 SUBURBAN, COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM FUNDS AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY AND ANY THIRD PARTY AGREEMENTS WHEREAS, the City of Edina, through execution of a Joint Cooperation Agreement with Hennepin County, is cooperating in the Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina has developed a proposal for the use of 2005 Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant funds made available to it, and WHEREAS, the City held a public hearing on February 15, 2005, to obtain the views of citizens on housing and community development needs and priorities and the City's proposed use of $172,355 from the 2005 Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant. BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Edina approves the following projects for funding from the 2005 Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program and authorizes. submittal of the proposed budget to Hennepin County. ActiyiV Budget Rehabilitation of Private Property $66,502 Scattered Site Affordable Housing $80,000 Greater Minneapolis Daycare Association_ , $ 8,191 Senior Community Services (HOME) $ 9,280 Community Action for Suburban Hennepin (CASH) $ 4,191 HOME Line $ 4,191 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and the City Manager to execute the Subrecipient Agreement and any required Third Party Agreement on behalf of the City to implement the 2005 Community Development Block Grant Program. ADOPTED: the 151h day of February 2005. Member Housh seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Page 10 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 15, 2005 Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 2005 -15 APPROVING THE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - FRAUENSHUH COMPANIES (7700 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH) - GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF I-494 AND WEST OF FRANCE AVENUE Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Presentation by Planner Mr. Larsen explained the request before the Council was to construct a freestanding building in the southerly portion of the site at 7700 France Avenue South that had originally been developed as headquarters for National Car Rental. He said in 2000, the building had been purchased by the current owner and was presently a multi-tenant office building. Frauenshuh Companies have proposed a new freestanding 7,000 square foot building near the intersection of Minnesota Drive and France Avenue. The proposed building would occupy space now used for surface parking. He added the plans also suggested a second building pad in the northeast portion of the site. The pad in the northeasterly portion of the site was not a part of the current proposal and would require separate action by the Council at a future date. Mr. Larsen noted the City had granted a parking variance in connection with the original development of the site. The Proof of Parking agreement associated with that variance was released in 1983. In 1994 Minnesota Drive, which borders the south side of the site, was built as a joint venture with the City of Bloomington. The City of Bloomington handled the construction and Edina shared in the cost. Mr. Larsen said that his review of the records showed no easement had been provided for the "free right" turn lane at the northwest corner of Minnesota Drive and France Avenue. He reported that the proponent had agreed to now dedicate the necessary right of way. Dedicating this right of way required the new building be moved to the north to meet setback requirements. Mr. Larsen said the proposed development complied with all Edina Zoning regulations except for the previously mentioned setback. He said the proposed new building would bring the site's. total floor area to 268,800 square feet, well under the maximum 372,000 square feet allowed. Mr. Larsen said the plan provided 100 more parking spaces than required by Edina for an office development of this size. Proposed building materials and landscaping complied with all requirements. He concluded saying the Planning Commission had reviewed the proposed plan and recommended the Council grant a Final Development Plan conditioned upon dedication of the right -of -way for the existing turn lane and Watershed District Permits. . Member Swenson asked what the proposed addition would house, if a restaurant were proposed in the new building and if sign questions had been addressed. Mr. Larsen said the new building would house a branch office of Fidelity Investment. He added that the proposed location could not be a restaurant and that he was comfortable that staff could handle the sign package. Member Housh expressed concern that employees parking will crowd the France Avenue side of the site. John Donnelly, representing the proponent explained employees must park on the Page 11 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 15, 2005 north, west or northwest of the site. Visitors will park in front. He added the building was card access so employees can get in from their parking areas. Mr. Donnelly pointed out the twenty - five parking places that Fidelity would be using. Public Comment No one appeared to comment. Member Housh made a motion, seconded by Member Swenson to close the public hearing. Ayes: Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Member Masica introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption contingent upon the developer granting the easement for a turn lane from France Avenue to Minnesota Drive and the granting of the necessary Watershed District permits: RESOLUTION NO. 2005-15 GRANTING FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 7700 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .EDINA that the Final Development Plan dated January 25, 2005, and presented by Frauenshuh Companies is hereby approved conditioned upon granting the necessary easement for a turn lane from France Avenue to Minnesota Drive and the Watershed District permits. Adopted this 151h day of February, 2005. Member Swenson seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. SUBDIVISION MORATORIUM DISCUSSED Attorney Gilligan explained that Judge Schellhas modified the order in the lawsuit regarding the subdivision of a lot in Indian Hills. He reported the orders now state that the subdivision moratorium was not valid only for Indian Hills subdivision request. Since the modification was granted, Mr. Gilligan said there would be no reason to re- impose a moratorium, as the one enacted in 2004 was still valid. No Council action was taken. *AWARD OF BID - FRONT END LOADER - PUBLIC WORKS Motion made by Member Housh and seconded by Member Masica approving the award of bid for one articulated front end loader for Public Works to recommended bidder, St. Joseph Equipment at $175,559.93, under State Contract #432520. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *AWARD OF BID - UTILITY VEHICLE - BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE Motion made by Member Housh and seconded by Member Masica approving the award of bid for a workman utility vehicle for Braemar Golf Course to recommended sole bidder, MTI Distributing Company at $16,117.71. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *RESOLUTION NO. 2005 -13 SUPPORTING I494 IMPROVEMENT Member Housh introduced the following resolution, seconded by Member Masica and moved its adoption: Page 12 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 15, 2005 RESOLUTION 2005 -13 RESOLUTION ENCOURAGING LEGISLATION TO INCREASE FUNDING FOR I494 CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the cities of Bloomington, Edina, Eden Prairie, Minnetonka, Plymouth and Richfield have joined together to promote improvement of 1-494 from the Minnesota River to 1 -94 in order to increase road capacity and to improve the productivity and convenience of residents and businesses throughout the region, and WHEREAS, funding for improvements to the I-494 corridor, the Twin Cities metropolitan region and greater Minnesota has not kept pace with growth and demand; and WHEREAS, accelerating the scheduled expansion of I-494 is a common and high priority objective of the I-494 Corridor Coalition communities; and WHEREAS, the 1-494 corridor is at overcapacity in many locations, the cost of traffic congestion along the corridor is $100 million per year, and congestion is expected to double in the next 20 years; and, WHEREAS, these costs and the ramifications of congestion are an impediment to business development, economic growth, and reduce the overall quality of life in the metropolitan area; and WHEREAS, transportation funding, in inflation adjusted dollars, has declined by more that 25 percent over the past decade, transit is funded at 65 percent of that in similarly sized regions, and planners and government officials estimate that $700 million to $1 billion in improvements per year is needed over the next decade to simply keep up with anticipated congestion. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA that this Council supports legislation to decrease congestion and increase the state revenues available for improvements to the I-494 corridor and other metropolitan transportation systems including an increase in the state gas tax, dedication of 100 percent of the Motor Vehicle Sales Tax for transportation purposes, an increase in the license tab fee, a regional sales tax option, increased trunk highway and general fund bonding and increased use of voluntary toll lanes. ADOPTED: the 151h day of February 2005. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *RESOLUTION NO. 2005 -11 APPROVING THE HENNEPIN COUNTY MUNICIPAL RECYCLING GRANT AGREEMENT FOR 2005 - 2007 Member Housh introduced the following resolution, seconded by Member Masica, and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2005-11 AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ENTER INTO A 2005 -2007 MUNICIPAL RECYCLING GRANT AGREEMENT WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY WHEREAS, the City of Edina operates a recycling program consistent with Minnesota Statutes 115A.02 and 115A.03, as amended by the Laws of Minnesota 1992, Chapter, 685, and Minnesota Statutes, 473.8011; and WHEREAS, the Edina Recycling Program is consistent with the Office of Environmental Assistance Solid Waste Management Development Guide/Policy Plan, the Hennepin County Solid Waste Master Plan, and the Hennepin County's Residential Recycling Funding Policy, and WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Board has adopted a Resolution authorizing funding for Municipal Recycling Programs. Page 13 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 15, 2005 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Edina City Council that the Mayor and the City Manager enter into an Agreement with Hennepin County to accept funding for the Edina Recycling Program. Adopted this 15th day of February 2005. Motion carried on rollcall vote four ayes. BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS SURVEY PRESENTED Mr. Hughes indicated upon the Council's request, he surveyed neighboring communities with respect . to their policies/ ordinances concerning appointments to city boards and commissions. Survey questions were: • Has your city established term limits for. service on boards and commissions and, if so, what was the limit; and • Does your city have an attendance policy or ordinance with respect to board and commission members and, if so, what was the requirement. Edina does not limit years of service but does have an attendance ordinance. Section 180 of the City Code provides that the Mayor, with consent of the Council, may remove a member who fails to attend three consecutive meetings, whether regular or special, or who fails to attend four meetings in a calendar year. Prior to this provision, City ordinances required automatic removal for failure to attend meetings. In 1980, the Council eased the requirement to allow discretion based on the individual circumstances of the member. Mr. Hughes noted that responses were received' from Bloomington, St. Louis Park, Minnetonka, and Eden. Prairie explaining the method in which they handle their policies/ ordinances concerning appointments and attendance to city boards and commissions. He noted that three of the four cities have a form of term limitation. Each city has their own type of attendance requirements. Member Masica suggested continuing the issue to a future meeting for more information. Member Swenson indicated she would like to survey sitting members on the boards and commissions for their views on how beneficial their time spent was during their terms. Member Housh concurred with the previous comments and suggested tabling the issue until March 15, 2005, to gain more information. Member Masica made a motion to continue the issue of policies /ordinances concerning appointments and attendance records for the City boards and commissions until March 15, 2005. Member Housh seconded the motion. Ayes: Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW OF FEBRUARY 3, 2005, APPROVED Assistant Engineer Lillehaug explained that staff recommended referral of the request to remove the STOP signs on West 561h Street at Woodland Circle (west) that were installed at the direction of the Council on August 17, 2004, for a period of six months to the Transportation Commission for further consideration and implementation of possible traffic calming measures. Additionally, staff recommended installing sidewalks along West 561h Street. Page 14 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 15, 2005 ' Mr. Lillehaug stated a request was received in June 1997 to install STOP signs on West 56th Street at Park Place and in March 2001, to install STOP signs on West 56th Street at Woodland Circle. He explained that in April 2001, following a traffic survey, the requests were denied by the Council for lack of warrants. In June 2004 several requests were received to install STOP signs on West 56th Street at Park Place and /or Woodland. Circle (west). In August 2004 staff recommended to the Council that STOP signs be maintained at their existing locations and to deny the request for all-way STOPS at additional locations on West 56th Street for lack of warrants. The Council reversed the Traffic Safety Committee's recommendation and approved installation of STOP signs on West 561h Street at Woodland Circle (west) for a period of six months. Subsequently, a request was received to remove the STOP signs. Mr. Lillehaug explained a letter was sent to the West 56th Street area residents informing them of the request for removal of the STOP Sign. He said residents were informed the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee would review the request and issue their recommendation at the February 15, 2005, Council meeting. Mr. Lillehaug said he had received five a -mails and six phone calls requesting that the STOP signs remain, based on volume, speed and safety of pedestrians., Mr. Lillehaug said Staff recommended referral of this issue to the Transportation Commission for further consideration and implementation of possible traffic calming measures as well as installation of sidewalks. Member Housh inquired whether the Transportation Commission could shed light on this issue. He said the policy seems clear. Mr. Lillehaug said the Commission would search for other traffic calming measures. Engineer Houle reiterated if the Traffic Plan was adopted at the next Council meeting, part of the plan was a traffic management plan that would be ideal for this specific issue. Perry Mead, 80 Woodland Circle, said he contacted Mr. Lillehaug about the STOP sign because the moment it was installed the noise level escalated with no appreciable decrease in speed or traffic. Mr. Mead stated he agreed with staff that STOP signs create a false perception of safety and he advocated removal of the STOP sign. He said referring this to the Transportation Commission was a good idea. Mike Sullivan, 81 Woodland Circle, said he believed there should be further study on the area but he did not agree that the STOP signs should be removed. Member Masica made a motion to adopt Section A and B of the February 3, 2005, Traffic Safety Staff Review and to refer the Section C, request to remove the STOP signs on West 56th Street at Woodland Circle to the Transportation Commission for further consideration. Member Housh seconded the motion. Ayes: Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. BIG BOWL RESTAURANT ON -SALE INTOXICATING AND SUNDAY SALE LIQUOR LICENSES APPROVED Mr. Hughes explained that Big Bowl Restaurant has had a change in corporate ownership however, the Big Bowl Restaurant's operation would remain the same. He reported they have filed the necessary paperwork and paid the applicable fees for a license. Mr. Hughes explained that because the change in ownership occurred near the licenses' renewal date, staff recommended the license be issued for a thirteen -month period to avoid the burden of re- Page 15 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 15, 2005 filing paperwork. The Planning, Health, and Police Departments have completed their investigations with no negative findings. Member Housh made a motion approving the On -Sale Intoxicating and Special Sunday Sale Liquor Licenses to Big Bowl Asian LLC d.b.aAig Bowl Restaurant at 3669 Galleria, for the period beginning February 28, 2005, and ending March 31, 2006. Member Masica seconded the motion. Ayes: Housh, Masica; Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. *CONFIRMATION OF CLAIMS PAID Member Housh made a motion and Member Masica seconded the motion approving payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated February 2, 2005, and consisting of 29 pages: General Fund $223,369.55; Communications Fund $5,386.00, Working Capital Fund $1,056.98, Construction Fund $25,951.84; Art Center Fund $16,312.92; Golf Dome Fund $434.00; Golf Course Fund $7,892.12, Edinborough/Centennial Lakes Fund $3,511.75; Liquor Fund $90,862.13; Utility Fund $56,333.59; Storm Sewer Fund $9,203.91; Recycling Fund $33,874.00; PSTF Fund $467.82; TOTAL $474,656.61; and for approval of payment of -claims dated February 9, 2005, and consisting of 30 pages: General Fund $166,607.08; Communications Fund , $2,583.77; Working Capital Fund $17,755.50; Construction Fund $3,376.81Art Center Fund $2,556.04; Golf Dome Fund $3,185.11; Aquatic Center Fund $542.32; Golf Course Fund $56,630.43; Ice Arena Fund $15,295.45; Edinborough/Centennial Lakes Fund $14,256.23; Liquor Fund $158,052.52; Utility Fund $56,817.04; Storm Sewer Fund $4,034.99; PSTF Fund $18,930.11; TOTAL $520,623.40. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. City Clerk Page 16 t� REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Wayne Houle, PE City Engineer Date: March 15, 2005 Subject: Contiunuation of Public Hearing for Sunnyslope Neighborhood Roadway Improvement BA -326 Recommendation: Agenda Item # II. A. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action ® Motion ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance Discussion If the Council determines the project to be warranted and necessary, Council shall adopt a resolution approving Sunnyslope Neighborhood Roadway Improvements, City Improvement No. BA- 326, authorize preparation of plans and specifications and authorize a public bid and letting for this project. Info /Background: The public hearing for this project was held on February 15, 2005. The Council tabled its discussion and approval of the project until the March 15, 2005 meeting. The Council instructed staff to further evaluate adding curb and gutter only where necessary due to the grade of the roadway and to re- survey the neighborhood regarding lighting preference taking into account a more detailed layout of the proposed decorative lighting. Staff also evaluated a third option that only replaces the curb and gutter in its current locations. The estimated project costs for the three options are included in the attached Addendum. These estimates do not include costs for City utility improvements; staff is analyzing the utility improvements and will include them with the final plans. Funding for the utility improvements will be through the respective utility funds. Funding for the roadway and decorative street lights will be from a special assessment. Attached is the March 11, 2005 Addendum to the January 26, 2005 Feasibility Study, the original January 26, 2005 Feasibility Study, a copy' of Resident Letter No. 3 that included notification to the neighborhood of this public meeting, and all correspondence received to date. Staff analyzed the project and considers the project to be feasible from an engineering standpoint. GAImprovements \BA326 Sunnyslope Area \C0RRESP0NDENCE \Misc \13A326 3-15-05—RR—Order Project.doc MEMORANDUM CITY OF EDINA DATE: March 11, 2005 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Steven Lillehaug, PE, PTOE, Assistant Engineer SUBJECT: Sunnyslope Neighborhood Improvement No. BA -326 Addendum to the January 26, 2005 Feasibility Study The City Council held the public hearing for the referenced project on February 15, 2005. The Council tabled its discussion and consideration for approval of the project until March 15, 2005. The Council instructed staff to further evaluate adding curb and gutter only where necessary due to the grade of the roadway and to re- survey the neighborhood regarding lighting preference taking into account a more detailed layout of the proposed decorative lighting. Concrete Curb and Gutter: Staff originally recommended installing curb and gutter throughout the entire neighborhood (Option A) as indicated in the Feasibility Study. However, the majority of residents indicated that they did not prefer new concrete curb and gutter due to the cost and the change in character that curb and gutter would bring to the neighborhood. Staff continues to recommend constructing new concrete curb and gutter throughout this neighborhood (Option A). The project cost for Option A is $1, 226,000. Staff evaluated an option to add curb and gutter only to areas along the roadway where the grades make it necessary for curb and gutter to control edge erosion and to address the poor drainage issue areas (Option B). Staff considered and established limiting criteria to address edge erosion control for roadway grades steeper than 5% and to address flat/drainage issue areas for grades less than 1% (see Appendix A for curb and gutter locations). Although this option addresses the certain issue areas, staff does not recommend implementing this option for the following reasons: Does not fully address all drainage issues, may not be aesthetically pleasing for some where the curb and gutter starts /stops, rutting and erosion issues will still occur where the curb and gutter is not constructed, concrete curb and gutter is more cost effective over the life of the street if used in all locations and constructing intermittent curb and gutter in lieu of continuous curb and gutter will be more costly to construct. The project cost for Option B is $1,031,000. Staff also evaluated a third option that only replaces the curb and gutter in its current locations and reconstructs the remainder of the roadway without curb and gutter (Option C). Basically, this option only improves the roadway surface and does not improve any issues that concrete curb and gutter fully addresses. The project cost for Option C is $703,000. Sidewalk (along West 50th Street): Since the Public Hearing, staff further evaluated the feasibility of reconstructing the sidewalk along West 50th Street on the north side of the roadway between Dale Drive and Browndale March 4, 2005 Memorandum Addendum to the January 26, 2005 Feasibility Study Avenue in response to the original petition received, from the Sunnyslope neighborhood. Currently, this portion of sidewalk directly abuts the curb and gutter without a boulevard. The goal of the reconstruction of the sidewalk is to create a 5 -ft boulevard between the sidewalk and the curb and gutter, which adds a buffer space from the vehicles on the roadway and increases the safety of the pedestrians. However, reconstructing the sidewalk as requested requires the City to obtain an easement from the adjacent property owners due to the proposed sidewalk and necessary retaining wall encroaching onto their properties. It would also be necessary to transplant/replace several of the trees and shrubs that currently exist along the existing sidewalk that are on their property. The cost of this project would be funded by Municipal State Aid funds and would be at no direct cost to the Sunnyslope Neighborhood. Staff contacted the affected property owners and indicated that the City intends to move forward with this sidewalk improvement only if the affected property owners are willing to grant the easements to the City at no expense. However, one of the adjacent landowners is currently in the process of selling his property and is not willing to grant an easement at this time. Staff is not recommending pursuing this request at this time. This request may be addressed with the (potential) new property owners at a later date and may be included in a future project. Decorative Street Lighting: Although the original survey indicated that a majority of the residents wanted new lighting (see attached Feasibility Study), some residents testified at the public hearing and indicated that they disagreed with the results of the survey that they may be skewed as not all factors were known when completing the survey. Since the Public Hearing, the neighborhood was re- surveyed to learn the favorability of the decorative lighting option being considered with this project taking into consideration a more detailed lighting plan layout that was not included with the first survey. The survey letter, survey, decorative lighting layout and the detailed results /comments are included in Appendix B. A summary of the results of the survey is shown in Table 1. Total Surveys Returned Prefer Decorative Street Li hts Street Light S le* Sent Survey YES NO Traditional Acorn Colonial 74 38 26 12 1.62 1.90 2.00 of Returned Surveys 51% 68% 32% Table 1. Decorative Lighting Survey No. 2 *Note: Based on a 1 to 3 ranking system. (Traditional was most favored with the lowest average ranking of 1.62.) Assessments: The approximate proposed special assessments per residential equivalent unit or assessable lot including the decorative lighting for the three options are as follows: Option A = $16,800 Option B = $14,200 Option C = $ 9,700 Page 2 of 2 March 11, 2005 Memorandum Intersection Reconfiguration — Valley View Rd. /Oaklawn Ave./West 62 "d St. APPENDIX A Sunnyslope Neighborhood Improvement No. BA -326 - Option B Layout. (Additional curb and gutter only where necessary due to the grade of the roadway.) 60 z 4912 4801 60 601 4502 4908 807 80 ` - - - -_ — _ ° 4917 901 4506 8 4912 4509 3 08 4916 4903 ■��r�� °0 4920 490 \ 4800 480 ID 4801 4804 4805 920 — - 4907 4920 4513 4514 4929 4920 4808 4517 4601 4909 4911 4515 4516 ___ W 460 4904 y 4907 4801 4601 4600 460 4617 4616 4518 452 4800 4933 4705 4812 4614 4609 4600 4805 460 z _ 4804 4620 4618 4621 4820 4904 4607 4606 4809 - 46 4624 4824 4808 0 4828 4813 Project 4628 4 4817 4804 4800 ----------- 4909 4832 4913 Boundary 4625 4632 4627 4821 4808 0, 60 z 4912 4503 5 60 601 4502 4504 4638 64 4505 4507 4917 4504 4506 4613 4612 4509 3 4506 4507 4508 4921 4511 4509 4510 4 4513 — _ 4801 4511 4512 4805 920 4515 4925 4920 4513 4514 4929 4920 a _ 4517 �—`- 4515 4516 ___ W ILL WAY 4904 y 4907 4601 4600 460 4617 4616 4518 452 460 4933 4705 4603 4602 4614 4928 4600 460 z _ 4605 4604 4620 4618 4621 4602 46 4904 4607 4606 4908 w 4909 46 4624 4623 462 604 4609 4608 4904 4611 4610 46 - z 4912 4901 4917 4638 64 N 4917 4610 4613 4612 4836 3 4816 4812 4916 4921 4 4921 — _ 4801 �° 4905 920 4615 4614 4925 4920 4913 4810 4929 4920 a _ 4612 4900 W ILL WAY 4904 y 4907 4616 4617 4616 4924 4933 4705 >- 4614 4928 4619 4901 4813 z _ 4618 4620 4618 4621 4904 4905 — 4908 w 4909 4624 4623 462 4904 Project 4628 4 c w ----------- 4909 4700 4913 Boundary 4625 4632 4627 X4908 0, -- 4908 4905 4630 ' vi } 4913 - 4634 4629 4912 z 4912 4917 4638 64 N 4917 4916 - 3 4916 4921 4916 4921 — _ '-- - -- 4925 920 4925 4920 4913 4810 4929 4920 4924 t 4929 4924 4933 4928 4929 4809 4805 4801 4928 Project Area Sunnyslope Neighborhood BA -326 ■■■■■■i Existing Curb & Gutter ■■■■■m Additional Proposed Curb & Gutter (Slopes < 1 % and > 5 %) N W E S Engineering Dept March, 2005 March 4, 2005 Memorandum Intersection Reconfiguration — Valley View Rd. /Oaklawn Ave./West 62nd St. APPENDIX B Sunnyslope Neighborhood Improvement No. BA -326 - Proposed Decorative Street Lighting 491 \r'U o e to �O February 25, 2005 Clty Of Edina Sunnyslope Area Residents Edina, Minnesota RE: Resident Letter No. 3 Resident Survey No. 2 — Decorative Llahtina East & West Sunnyslope Rd, Woodhill Way, Ridge PI, Dale Dr & Hilltop Ln City of Edina, Improvement No. BA -326 Dear Resident: The City of Edina is currently considering improvements to your neighborhood that have been previously presented and discussed with you by City staff. The City Council held the Public Hearing for this project on February 15, 2005 but continued the public hearing until the March 15, 2005 Council meeting directing staff to further evaluate the following issues: • Evaluate which parts of the neighborhood require curb and gutter versus installing curb and gutter throughout the entire neighborhood. Staff is continuing to evaluate this issue and will present its recommendation at the March 15, 2005 Council meeting. Further evaluate decorative lighting. Staff has included a survey to reassess the neighborhood's opinion regarding decorative lighting. A lighting layout has been included to further clarify the existing and proposed lighting locations. Also, the existing lighting style within your neighbor tends to have a higher illumination compared to the proposed lighting. The proposed lighting style is not intended to fully light the streets but rather provide security and decorative lighting. Additionally, the proposed lighting style would be equipped with optical cut -off and refractor systems that would help minimize up- lighting and help direct the lighting towards the street. As indicated, a survey is attached that addresses decorative lighting. Please complete the survey /comment sheet and return it in the enclosed stamped envelope by Friday, March 4. 2005. The Council will continue its discussion of these street improvement issues at its March 15, 2005 meeting. It is anticipated that the Council will take action on this project at this meeting. Sincerely, Steven L. Lillehaug, P.E., P.T.O.E. Edina Traffic Engineer / Assistant Engineer City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com 952 - 927 -8861 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 TTY 952 - 826 -0379 w9tr,J o e k �� 4 )o Survey and Comment Sheet I SO o a Sunnyslope Area Improvement No. BA -326, CITY OF EDINA Please complete the following survey and comment sheet and return it in the enclosed stamped envelope by Friday, March 4, 2005. Please contact Steve Lillehaug at 952 - 826 -0445 or slillehaug(cD-ci.edina.mn.us if you have any questions. 1. Do you prefer new decorative streetlights installed in your neighborhood? Replaces the existing intersection lights and several mid -block lights would be added (see attached figure for preliminary lighting layout). Would add approximately $1,900 per assessable lot. ❑ Yes ❑ No From the following options of street lighting styles, please indicate which style you prefer. Please rank the style option regardless of your answer to the previous question in order from 1 to 3 in the spaces provided below (1 being the most desirable). Can be seen in northwest Edina along Park Terrace Traditional Option A COMMENTS: Acorn Option B Can be seen along Maple Road just west of 50th Street and France Avenue Can be seen in _ northwest Edina along Kelsey Terrace Colonial Option C Address: C) iC3 4912 8 4916 4 4920 490 601 4911 �w" 4800 4801 4804 4808 A 4801 ♦ 4812 4800 4805 4820 4804 4809 4824 4808 4828 4813 • 4817 4832 4804 480 4821 4808 • 4836 4816 4812 4801 4900 WOODHILL WAY 0 4705 4904 4901 4813 —� 4904 4905 4904 4908 � J 1 p • 4909 4700 4908 4908 p 4905 rz I— — 4913 } Z 4912 � 4912 y 4917 Pv�o 491E 3 4916 4916 4921 492 5 4920 4913 4811 920 4924 4929 4928 4506 4504 4505 4509 4506 4507 4508 4511 ►��. 4509 4510 4511 451 4512 W5 4513 4514 451 4516 45 4515 _ 4600 4 4518 452 4601 4602 4 4600 4603 4 4605 4604 4602 4607 4606 4 604 4609 4608 4901 4611 4610 le 4610 4613 4612 4905 4612 4615 4614 4617 4616 907 4614 4616 4619 4618 4620 4621 4618 1909 4624 46 -- 4623 Project 4628 4625 4913 Boundary 4632 � 4627 4630 4917 \ 4634 4638 464 \462 4921 4925 4929 4920 LTOP L • 4924 4929 4809 4805 4801 4928 Proposed Decorative Lighting Sunnyslope Neighborhood o e 7 t� Improvement No. BA -326 • f'v�• + Proposed Light (Existing Location) Proposed Light (New Location) 4933 N W E S Engineering Dept February, 2005 City of Edina Engineering Department Sunnyslope Neighborhood Improvment No. BA -328 3/10/2005 Survey No. 2 Lighting Survey Page 1 of 2 Returned Survey Prefer Decorative Street Lights Street Light S e No. Street YES NO Traditional Acorn Colonial COMMENTS 4700 DALE DR 1 X 1 3 2 I would also bury the lines on e. Sunnyslope. If you do one thing to Improve aesthetics and function, you should do it well and right and do a complete job with lights and buried cables. 4913 DALE DR 4918 DALE DR 1 X 4920 DALE DR 4924 DALE DR 1 X 1 4928 DALE DR 1 X 1 am not in favor of additional lighting. The ambient Iiting from city hall complex is more than enough for my location. I can read a book outside with ease 24 hours a day. 4929 DALE DR 1 X 1 4801 1 HILLTOP LA 1 X 1 3 2 4805 HILLTOP LA 4809 HILLTOP LA 4810 HILLTOP LA 4904 RIDGE PL 4905 RIDGE PL 1 X 4908 RIDGE PL 4912 RIDGE PL 1 X No useful purpose would be served by replacing the I current adequate fighting at street Intersections. 4800 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X 1 2 4801 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X 1 2 3 4804 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X 2 1 3 4805 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 4808 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X 1 4809 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 4901 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 4904 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X 1 It would add a lot of charm and a safety factor to the n'hood. 4905 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X 1 4907 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 4908 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X 1 2 31parficular We are in full support of lighting not only for ambiance but for safety. Its very dard In our area. Thanks. 4909 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X' 2 1 3 'Yes, If the existing lights stay with really good power, otherwise no. I'm still not certain about the wattage of these lights. They should be supplemental to the tall, already existing ones that are there presently - if the vote passes. In my opinion, they are strictly ornamental. I was at the meeting and this point was made about actual wattage. In other words, actual useful lighting. Thuse, we must keep the old, tall ones If the vote passes - right? 4913 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X 1 3 1 2 1 The main matter Is to make the change and select one of these alternates. Its good to see that you will be doubling the number of light fixtures in the n'hood. Any of the three alternates would be acceptable as long as those arc lights are removed. 4918 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 4917 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 4920 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X 1 4921 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 4924 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 4925 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 4928 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 4929 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 4933 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X 1 4800 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X 1 2 Whatever Is needed for curbing at our location is ok. 4801 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 4804 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X• 'Yes, only if any replacement fighting needs to be sate of the art in focusing light downward such as is mandated by the Sun Valley Idaho city code. None of these meet this standard. 4805 1 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X 21 31 1 Page 1 of 2 City of Edina Engineering Department Sunnyslope Neighborhood Improvment No. BA326 3/10/2005 Survey No. 2 Lighting Survey 4808 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X During the townhall meeting it was my understanding that we (the owners) were going to be given an option of replacing only the existing lights rather than adding new ones. I think you should provide the cost of replacing the existing hffi only. 4809 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 4812 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X 1 2 4813 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X 3 1 2 4817 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 4820 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 4821 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 4824 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 4828 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 4832 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 4836 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X 1 2 3 1 4900 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 4901 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X 4904 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X 1 4905 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X No need for lights... 4908 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 4909 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X 2 1 3 Whood needs more lighting; question assessment. 4912 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X 21 3 1 4913 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X 2 3 1 To pay $8159.00 per light for lower levels of fighting does not seem like a good Investment (17 lights x $1900!73 assessable lots) 4916 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 4917 1 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X 1 2 I think option B would complement the variety of house styles In our Whood - both traditional and contemporary. 4920 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X 3 1 2 4921 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 4925 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X 2 3 1 4929 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 4705 WOODHILL WAY 4800 WOODHILL WAY 4801 WOODHILL WAY 1 X 2 1 3 I think the charm of the Whood would changed curb 8 gutter would be Installed; I agree that it Is necessary In certain areas to help drainage and flooding. 4804 WOODHILL WAY 1 X 2 3 1 $1900 / Seems as a poor use of our funds. 4808 WOODHILL WAY 1 X 1 2 3 Our Whood is dark at night and I think additional Ilghting Is a good Idea. P.S. I really think we need a stoplight at Dale Dr or E. Sunnyslope as soon as possible. During rush hour it is impossible to turn left from this Whood. 4812 WOODHILL WAY 4813 1 WOODHILL WAY 4816 WOODHILL WAY Total 38 26 12 42 40 46 1.62 1.90 2.00 Total Surveys Returned Prefer Decorative Street LI Its Street LI ht S le• Sent Survey YES INO Traditional jAcorn JColonlal 74 38 261 12 1.621 1.90 2.00 % of Returned Surveys 51% 68% 32% Page 2 of 2 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Wayne D. Houle, PE GSA City Engineer Date: February 15, 2005 Subject: Public Hearing for Sunnyslope Neighborhood Roadway Improvement BA- 326. Recommendation: Agenda Item # II. B. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action ® Motion ® Resolution Ordinance Discussion If the Council determines the project to be warranted and necessary, Council shall adopt a resolution approving Sunnyslope Neighborhood Roadway Improvements, City Improvement No. BA- 326, authorize plans and specifications to be completed and bids taken. Info /Background: This project was partially initiated by a resident petition to address several issues within the neighborhood. This petition is included in the packet. The proposed project involves reconstructing the existing roadway including new concrete curb and gutters, rehabilitating the watermain, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer, and installing decorative streetlights. The estimated roadway and decorative lighting construction cost is $1,226,000. This cost does not include costs for City utility repairs; staff is analyzing these repairs and will include them with final plans; funding for these repairs will be funded through the respective utility funds. Funding for the roadway and decorative street lights will be from a special assessment of approximately $16,800 per residential equivalent unit (REU). The Feasibility Study is included with this report, along with all correspondence received to date. Staff analyzed the project and feels that the project is feasible from an engineering standpoint. GAImprovements \BA326 Sunnyslope Area \MISC\Feasibility\RRpublic hearing - BA326.doc n 9S11A. FEASIBILITY STUDY — BA326 y ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS SUNNYSLOPE NEIGHBORHOOD JANUARY 26, 2005 LOCATION: The Sunnyslope Neighborhood project includes East & West Sunnyslope Road, Woodhill Way, Ridge Place, Dale Drive and Hilltop Lane (see Figure 1). 480, 4804 4590 49m 4808 4805 4908 4911 4801 4812 4800 4805 4820 4804 4518 4824 4809 80 ..4800 48 4828 4813 4= 4832 4817 4804 4800 4821 4808 4901 4838 4818 4812 461 w000HILL WAY 4801 4804 a° 4905 4907 4812 X14 481! 481 4818 4900 4901 4813 4905 4705 4= ; d 4909 4818 � Q20 402A 4904 4904 °4 4909 4700 4913 Project Boundary 4828 4832 4908 4908 4913 4912 n 4905 a 4 917 4�0 4834 4912 z a 4917 Y 4919 4918 d 4921 4919 4921 4925 4920 4913 4810 4929 920 4925 4920 4924 4929 4924 4933 4928 4929 4809 4805 4801 4928 a 20010 N e Project Area W E rp Sunnyslope Neighborhood S • BA -326 Engineering Dept January, 2005 Figure 1. Project Area Map Feasibility Study Sunnyslope Neighborhood Imp. No. BA -326. January 26, 2005 INITIATION & ISSUES: The Sunnyslope Neighborhood project was initiated partially by a resident petition to address several issues including drainage problems at Dale_ Drive and East Sunnyslope Road, sidewalk along West 50th Street, permanent street surfacing with curb and gutter (in some areas), and ornamental street lighting. The Engineering Department expanded this area and included the neighborhood as outlined in Figure 1 as part of the City's planning process to update the critical infrastructure within this neighborhood. The following are existing features and resident comments that present issues in determining the feasibility of the project and are addressed in this report: • Surface rainwater drainage issues. • Frequent watermain and service breaks. • Poor condition of existing pavement. • Existing landscaping, retaining walls, driveways, etc. • Existing overhead utility lines and poles. • Concerns with pedestrian safety and vehicle speeds. • Requests for a traffic signal light on West 50th Street EXISTING. CONDITIONS: The majority of the roadways and utilities in this neighborhood were originally constructed in the 1940's. The roadway widths vary in this neighborhood ranging from 26 -ft to 32 -ft with a few locations of existing curb and gutter and no sidewalks. The pavement condition varies throughout the neighborhood but is in relatively poor condition overall (see Photos 1 and 2). Photo 1. Existing Pavement Condition Page 2 of 9 Photo 2. Existing_ Pavement Condition Street grades vary .throughout the neighborhood but many locations are relatively flat and level.. There .is existing storm sewer in the area, but overall the surface drainage is .very poor (see Photos 3 and 4). Additionally, the existing storm sewer line located along Dale Drive at East Sunnyslope Road lacks positive drainage due to the elevations of the sewer line relative to the adjacent water level of Minnehaha Creek. -v' r i r _ �+Y'dtt i.+ t°`t3 i� � `.i .::ei1- s.'� •'1�� +�' , �i� s. � ^^-. - j Y6v' a /j1w lrn Ni Photo 3. Existing Drainage and, Pavement Conditions N Page ,3 of _9 Feasibility Study Sunnyslope Neighborhood Imp. No. BA -326 January 26, 2005 Photo 4. Existina Drainaae and Pavement Condition In recent years, watermain and water service breaks are occurring with increased frequency in this neighborhood while minimal sanitary sewer blockages have been reported. Many property owners have placed boulders or other obstructions within the City right -of -way creating barriers along the roadway. These types of barriers and landscaping items are prohibited from being placed in the boulevard in accordance with Edina City Code 1200.02. Other typical items exist adjacent to the roadway such as retaining walls, concrete driveways, landscaping, shrubs, trees and fences. Much of the private utility lines in this neighborhood are overhead (with the exception of the gas lines). Street lighting consists of standard "cobra head" lights mounted on wood poles that are typically located at the intersections with some midblock locations. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: The Sunnyslope Neighborhood project involves the following improvements: • Reconstructing the existing bituminous pavement. • Constructing new concrete curb and gutter. • Replacing the existing watermain and the water services from the new watermain to the curb boxes (valves located at the property lines). • Repairing the sanitary sewer where needed. • Revising the storm sewer to accommodate the new concrete curb and gutter and correct the existing storm sewer problems along Dale Drive. • Installing drain tile where needed to allow the property owners to connect their sump pump discharges directly into the storm sewer system. • Installing new ornamental lighting. Page 4 of 9 Feasibility Study Sunnyslope Neighborhood Imp. No. BA-326 January 26, 2005 A neighborhood informational meeting was held on November 9, 2005 to gather data and answer .questions the homeowners had relating to the project. Over 26 residents attended this meeting. Input from this meeting and comments received throughout the planning of this project have been included in this report as an attachment. A neighborhood survey was sent to learn the favorability of several options being considered with this project. The results of the survey are shown in Table 1. 'Note: Based on a 1 to 3 ranking system. (Traditional was most favored with the lowest average ranking of 1.21.) 1/0 refer Soundwall Perceived Traffic Safety Issue Prefer Prefer Traffic Calming Assess W /Assess Overhead No Yes No Yes Utilities YES No YES Relocated to Prefer Decorative Street Total Surveys Returned Prefer Curb & Gutter Underground, Lights Sent Survey Yes No B-HEADS-MOUNT Yes No Yes No Style* % of Returned Surve s 50% 35% 31 29% 65% 13% 85% 38% Colonial Acom Traditional 74 51 13 29 22 20 22 27 33 20 2.051.88 1.21 /o of Returned Surve s 70%125% 56% 42% 38% 42% 52%63%37% 'Note: Based on a 1 to 3 ranking system. (Traditional was most favored with the lowest average ranking of 1.21.) Table 1. Survey Results The following is a summary regarding the survey results including staffs recommendations: • The majority of residents do not prefer new concrete curb and gutter — Staff recommends constructing concrete curb and gutter in this neighborhood. Concrete curb and gutter tends to be more cost effective over the life of the street, reduces pavement failure, provides safety, controls drainage, provides driveway and traffic control, and aids cleaning and snow plowing. Concrete curb and gutter is specifically needed to properly address the drainage issues throughout the neighborhood. • The majority of residents do not prefer relocating overhead utilities to underground — Staff does not recommend pursuing this issue since a direct benefit to each property for this improvement is difficult to substantiate. However, residents may pursue this option and coordinate directly with the utility companies if desired. (Staff will assist coordinating with the utility companies if requested.) Page 5 of 9 1/0 refer Soundwall Perceived Traffic Safety Issue Prefer New Sidewalks Prefer Traffic Calming Assess W /Assess Yes No Yes No Yes I No YES No YES 26 18 115 #6�2 3 7 4 2 0 2 % of Returned Surve s 50% 35% 31 29% 65% 13% 85% 38% 54% Table 1. Survey Results The following is a summary regarding the survey results including staffs recommendations: • The majority of residents do not prefer new concrete curb and gutter — Staff recommends constructing concrete curb and gutter in this neighborhood. Concrete curb and gutter tends to be more cost effective over the life of the street, reduces pavement failure, provides safety, controls drainage, provides driveway and traffic control, and aids cleaning and snow plowing. Concrete curb and gutter is specifically needed to properly address the drainage issues throughout the neighborhood. • The majority of residents do not prefer relocating overhead utilities to underground — Staff does not recommend pursuing this issue since a direct benefit to each property for this improvement is difficult to substantiate. However, residents may pursue this option and coordinate directly with the utility companies if desired. (Staff will assist coordinating with the utility companies if requested.) Page 5 of 9 Feasibility Study Sunnyslope Neighborhood Imp. No. BA -326 January 26, 2005 • The majority of residents prefer installing decorative street lighting (Traditional Style) — Staff recommends installing decorative street lighting in this neighborhood as part of this project. Street lighting is proposed to be installed at the intersections and several midblock locations. • The majority of residents do not prefer installing a sound wall with a special assessment — Staff does not recommend pursuing this issue beyond what has been previously approved as part of the Mn /DOT sound wall project without the support of those that would be directly assessed for this improvement since a direct benefit to each property for this improvement is difficult to substantiate. • The majority of residents do not perceive a traffic safety issue between vehicles and pedestrians /bicyclists in this neighborhood. • The majority of residents do not prefer constructing sidewalks in this neighborhood. Staff does not recommend constructing sidewalks in this neighborhood. However, the sidewalk along West 50th Street between Dale Drive and Browndale Avenue is recommended to be reconstructed with a boulevard between the curb and the walk if easements are granted by the adjacent property owners. (If easements are granted, the sidewalk reconstruction project would be included as part of a separate project. West 50th Street is designated as a State Aid route and State Aid funds can be obtained and applied to the sidewalk improvement.) • The majority of residents do not prefer implementing a traffic calming device in this neighborhood — Staff does not recommend implementing traffic calming devices in this neighborhood as part of this project since a direct benefit to each property for this improvement is difficult to substantiate. Additionally, traffic surveys were performed on East Sunnyslope Road and Dale Drive in September 2000. The Monday through Friday average daily traffic volumes were 327 and 113 vehicles per day and the 85th - percentile speeds were 31.5 mph and 27.9 mph, respectively. These vehicle volumes and speeds are very typical throughout Edina neighborhoods on local roadways. The survey results indicated that a barrier style curb (13618, B -Head) is more desirable versus the surmountable style curb (drive -over, S- mount). Staff recommends installing a barrier style curb and gutter as it will work well with the existing topography within this neighborhood (see Figure 2). A barrier style curb provides the best control of water runoff and better defines the roadway while providing protection to the sod and pavement edge from snowplow damage in the winter months. B618 C ❑NC CURB & GUTTER _T T6-- R1/2' R 3' AT 3/8' R 3' SLOPE •3/4' PER 7' BASE ' 18. Figure 2. Typical Barrier /Bulkhead Curb and Gutter Page 6 of 9 �� C { � lam• �J Y9. .� �. �,�i. At Pik ;nr Al Feasibility Study Sunnyslope Neighborhood Imp. No. BA -326 January 26, 2005 Staff is continuing to analyze the utility repairs /replacements and will include the needed improvements with the final plans. Other utility activities usually include replacement of gas mains within the neighborhood, which is determined and coordinated by the local gas utility company. At this time, staff is not recommending the installation of a new traffic signal light on West 50th Street at Dale Drive. This improvement is currently in the City's five -year Capital Improvements Program scheduled for 2009. A traffic study must be performed and specific warrants must be met for approval of a signal at this location. Additionally, 50 percent of the cost of this signal (if warranted) could be funded through State Aid funds, as West 50t`' Street is a designated State Aid Route. RIGHT -OF -WAY & EASEMENTS The right -of -way throughout the Sunnyslope neighborhood is typically 60 feet wide (Hilltop Lane is 40 -ft). All proposed improvements stay within this right - of -way and no additional easement requirements are anticipated. FEASIBILITY: This project is feasible from an engineering and City standpoint. PROJECT COSTS: The total estimated project cost is $1,226,000 (including approximately $140,000 for the ornamental lighting). The total cost includes indirect costs of 15% for engineering and clerical costs and 7.5% for first year finance costs. The estimated construction cost does not include storm sewer, watermain or utility improvements. Final utility improvements will be determined during the final design and will be funded through the respective utility fund. Funding for the entire project will be from a combination of special assessment and utility funds. ASSESSMENTS: A special assessment of approximately $16,800 per residential equivalent unit or assessable lot will be levied against residents adjacent to the neighborhood's roadways. The justification for assessments is attributed to properties receiving benefit of the new pavement, the addition of concrete curb and gutter and the addition or ornamental street lighting. The assessable lot is based on a detached single family home. Properties that abut the project and have access with their side or rear yards will be assessed 1/3 of the assessable unit cost (see Figure 4). PROJECT SCHEDULE: The following schedule is feasible from an Engineering standpoint: Council Orders Public Hearing .. .........................January 18, 2005 Receive Feasibility Report ............ ........................February 1, 2005 Public Hearing ............................ ........................February 15, 2005 BidOpening ...... ............................... ..........................April 2005 AwardContract ... ............................... ............................May 2005 Begin Construction ............................. ............................May 2005 Complete Construction ......................... ........................October 2005 Page 8 of 9 Feasibility Study Sunnyslope Neighborhood Imp.• No. BA -326 January 26, 2005 ATTACHMENTS: 4912 4504 4918 4506 4907 4908, 4820' 4804 4 000 4807 4509 4510 ,4907 4511 `4512 4808 4805 4908 4613 4514 4911 . 4M ant 48,18 4518 4 812 4801 4000 4820 4804 4518 4803 4ti02 4809. 4800 4824 4808 4605 48D4' 4828 4413 4842 4808 4817 4804 4800 4808 4808 4832 4821 4808 4611'- 4810 4901 4610 4613 '4612, 4818 4812 4801 4908 4615 4814 46tr WOODMal WAY 4617' 461 4900 4� 4904 490T 4616 4814" 4619 4907 q3 4013 4818 4821 4904 ^4905- 4904 4808 d 4909 4824 4828 Project 4828 4 4700 4913 Boundary 4632 ' 4908 4908 4905 4915 "4834 491Y 4912. 4917 �, •{ .4917 4816 3 4918 4921_ 4916 " 49;t- 4929 4 825 ; 4920 4913 4810 4929. 49� • 4924 . 41l2g. 0 4924 4933 4928 4929 4809 4805 4801 4928 - . Assewnents - WMA Curb a Gut2w and Ornamental Ughtlng $16,800 t N p e Prelimina ry Assessment Map.. •. w E , Sunnyslope Neighborhood S BA -326 Engineering Dept January, 2005 . Fiaure 4. Preliminary Assessment Map • Petition for Improvements in the Sunnyslope Neighborhood • Information Meeting Attendance List and Comments • Survey Results and Comments • Project Comments and Letters Received • Preliminary Assessment Roll. Page 9 of 9 4 C C c r y 49ff4 6 t(�Q -- Gr City of Edina, Minnesota CITY COUNCIL 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota -55424 Kira- (612) 9274861 • (612) 927 -7645 -FAX • (612) 927 - 5461 -TDD PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL SIDEWALK AwN6 u. 30�* ❑ ALLEY PAVING -�i S.I'ORM' SEWER© °-""' "- . Ll SANITARY SEWER Eli CURB AND .GUTTER ONLY .4 PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER tN SOMt^ Ptna -at s DATE: ❑ WATERI%,IAIN om*, � STREET LIGHTING as dvtiar�. L OTHER:.: kpvn+;�,q OUTS ®AV&f- S�. fv ti►&,aP E + To the mayor and City Council: The persons who have signed this petition ask-the City Council to consider the improvements listed above to the locations listed below. 5 O � �$Z D , � ,1 a S LoP between and LOCATION OF 52ROVEAIENT BY SCREBr NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS _ between and LOCATION OF UAPROVEMMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS between and LOCATION OF IMPROVEhffiNT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS bctwoen and LOCATI&i OF [bG'R01VE,%1ElYT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS IMPORTANT NOTE: THE PERSONS WHO HAVE SIGNED THIS PETITION UNDERSTAND THAT THE CITY COUNCEL MAY ASSESS THE COSTS OF THESE IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM THE IMPROVEMENTS IN AMOUNTS DETERMINED.BY THE COUNCIL AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 429, MINNESOTA STATUTES. PROPERTY OWNER'S . 41r NATUliE OWNER'S NAME PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER'S (PRUMD) PHONE 4700 3or< k lag E(. G M A7J 4 g01ISl.T� 5z--� z.� -V,10 y ?� /7 ,�•� -Ski L —6 ,� This petition was circulated by: ��� ;z.c5r�►,� 700 �.� .L�.Z 9� z -�to -773 4 NANtE ADDRESS PHONE There is space for more signatures on the back or you may attach extra pages. SEFrElNBM 191 PROPERTY OWNER'S OVYNER'S NAME PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER'S SIGNATURE (PRINTED) PHONE Pgcg4afE 60015 a• "SWZ4f.K DV ."pow r,.e kA I— c K �_L - i1 ,��,�.., C. �j�►+�...a� �yDs -Z. S:,NNyS«P� 95 Z 28s 9rj y - --- -�^ `lam NI�Z.k -�.-�- �EB� �o.K �c ©`rr . �_ ... LjAnkS W t DTGELb1 � Q � N f R S.2- 920 7176 "t : i '� ' i ''„^.� Il�rt ��,h.a<.l SOS ►�•+� � f�O�I (moo h .11 (J g� z- 9 �,to-1 `f ► � SIGN -IN SHEET SUNNYSLOPE AREA IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-326 INFORMATIONAL MEETING NOVEMBER 9.2004 NAME n ADDRESS � 4- o a SZ C o - .-A S-4-4 i4 A, 45016 -r KI-s. J w.- Amt-is lei t, -,�-e-Z7 --qo s ZNW-C r''C.acs 4N�A S94 7-lq Q r V4 % c k& c � Y2.95 K-t c� L+ F o 1 um K 1 �n CACR -N o <b W cO "va- l 0 S<uol i •� 96 we i �S vt1 S o /AC r rn Lk 4q QUESTION / COMMENT CARD i4 Yf- o A c '► S ` -'-� �a.. -ii cvrb 1!� c„ r d d✓ .r F- f Address b L(% J ✓/I �t t I �� Name �� V PLEASE PRINT n PLEASE PRINT Fhone Cia.l R.DLeigcC Il yloq by Skye L QUESTION / COMMENT CARD vto.. U I iu& 4,.3 L.,r +L -e r dcsc uss nverktad Nam e Lb R u.rSk l ( Address Sul " n slope- - PLEASE PRINT PLEASE PRINT 9 2I - 9030 STION /COMMENT CARD sT 4460.'v K l'G X4.0101 To ;�oa -. Tifisj , Ct ,145 ks u.&. MRICE THS e. AUM -CA" W. aov t It�DS eN 7W.a. 364415 , %WZS APM gWAlXb*A*.bs . No r4.wptc. ► tom. �.�.N -rc— -5a Name V I% Q'D0'WC -(-- ' Address'"OS EiDi G PkACE PLEASE PRINT PLEASE PRINT PLEASE PRINT PLEASE PRINT z zr SAS ,� � QUEJTIOY / COMMENT CA ft- Name L I Address L",fll Wouj PLEASE PRINT PLEASE PRINT QUESTION /COMMENT_ CARD f0 vG6��, od D —� r V 04 P Wy W SA 1pc� c 1110 / , Name_ D N )P �, V P D '5 l 9, Address PLEASE PRINT PLEASE PRINT QUESTION / COMMENT CARD C)/ a�- n '�-, 14>s U f Name RAmb-'-j MD S K A L_ l le, Address 4qO 8 E-- • Su,vN VSLoP�E PLEASE PRINT PLEASE PRINT QUESTION / COMMENT CARD r V� Name Tea , � r � D 5 Address �' /c) PLEASE PRINT PLEASE PRINT 4V / COMMENT CARD 7 L I +-t� �W/p � � Address 7g��' f4dln!�Xm/" Name PLEASE PRINT PLEASE TION / COMMENT CARD V' ur�Sri kb D GruL,P,-V-! '7--H�tJ"(3CD - r =�L ck rz- LSj` (.-)/ f pt � % - CA, s f'J'4 nre� N O S i ..f� i� v c-t �► C-� `/�� -� Z.l s lZ / ti,_ o ',21 vH-1Ct cr I JAI TlQ _ c�►.�7Z,`-F a -ct�1� �{ Pr- s ��,�� � � (, Cr42, . mot— �'r w a � 1.17 � �� & l L l F I r -l$� -� %'a f� GH'l UN. wMw m orb Name PLEASE PRINT Address A 7 00 \�> A,- D lL PLEASE PRINT QUESTION / COMMENT CARD iCi++r %� cam,— DAL � C /�Z ` �' �- /�►�s Nam e Address yIC'6 w•�l�1 46" PLEASE PRINT PLEASE PRINT QUESTION / COMMENT CARD L. AIJ.0 / ,1 � r4- Wt),) Q PRINT PLEASE PRINT ,UESTION / COMMENT CARD ou- - L r l p E,�C(9(44-'tUE Lt 6-1► 0r''Lk-)C1 ba� key Address 4 �0 O f4-S-r S, S - PLEASE PRINT PLEASE PRINT QUESTION / COMMENT CARD aO SidP. W o-,l kS Name �) �Pcr� C-Pc y Address' QO 4 C Sun t � PLEASE PRINT PLEASE PRINT SUNNYSLOPE AREA IMPROVEMENT NO. RA-326 SURVEY RESULTS Returned Preferred Curb S Gutter 1.111114y Relocate DecoraWe Street hie I SOUNDWALL I SAFETY NEW SIDEWALKS TRAFFIC CALMING COMMENTS NO. STREET Survey Yes No I "EAD &MOUNT Yea No Yes No style W/O Nsees W /Neese Yes No Yes No Yea No Cloud A— Tr.e.ew Y. No Yen No 470D DALE DR t x x x 1 x x X X 'W/O the sidewalk and with the hill. Ilea is elgnifram risk when can speed by. Someone will be hl aveMellyll 4913 DALE DR 1 X x x X 1 X x x x X Would prefer traffic circle. 4916 DALE DR 1 x X X X x % x X 4920 DALE DR 4924 DALE DR 1 X X x 2 3 1 X x x• x x" *At tires when cars goes fast -We believe this b needed. Traffic calming measures (sgnege) we needed to decrease carsitrucks enteft Dale Or off 50th who do not reads, here (SuMyslope) or otherwise have business in n'tood. Speedlingi. tuming around and d0ftover lawns are problems. 4926 DALE DR 1 X X x X 3 2 1 x x % X X We gel 10-20 hawarounds In our drkeway per day. The source Is the lack of signage for traffic eastbound on SON ovasudino nunp. Additional siginslis would be a welcome additional to reduce traffic flow Into the n 'hood. 1929 DALE DR I 4601 HILLTOP LA 1 X X X x' X•• x" X"' X•'•• - X""' -Depends on locatnn; -Need to know more speclks; "'No more or less than other n'hoods; ""We Ike sidewalks bid feel to topographyof our nlnod is not oondutdue; ""'We need mostly a semaphore at Dale d W. SON SL Ede Rice has been in bvo new fatal crashes at Dale 8 50th. Also Edina or MNDot should study why so many vahkWs are confused erWh exmrg Hwy 100 to go to wrong way on 50th St or Vernon. At leas 25-50 veNcles per day ban onto Dab and then bun around in a ddveway or put a'U' tom ® Dab 6 Hilltop. Why?? Somehsq about the agnape must b0 tam. Thank 4605 HILLTOP L.A 1 % X x X• X" X" X"• X"'• X•"'• 'Depends on Iocatiom "Need to know crane specs i=;: NO more or less Nan other nloods; ""We lie sidewalks but feel the topography of our nlnod is not conducive: "'••We need mostly a semaphore at Dab & W. 50th SL Ede Rice has been in two near lead crashes is Dab 8 50th. Also Edna or MnlDoI should study why so many vwhhhitles we co duaed enough edit Hwy 100 to go the wrong way on 50th St or Vemon. At bas 25.50 vehicles per day turn biro Dole and then bum around in a drkewsy or pull a'U'turn ® Dale 6 HIItDp. Why/? Something abed to sgnage must be conk them. Thank u. " !1608 HILLTOP LA 1 X ' X % x X x _ Ours s buried. I am not concerned with traffic on 50th St as my backVard comes up to 50th across from Cah Hall). 4810 HILLTOP lid 4904 RIDGE PL 1 X X X 3 1 2 x X X x X 4805 RIDGE PL 1 X X x x X X X x _ Ystualty all the unsafe traffic conditions are caused by speeding residents and school buses and undisciplined children. Residents should abstain from speeding and be more responsible (or their own dNdren. Traffic dmmng devices are not a subWLnEe for consideration and responcblty. To pay for such devices is absurd. The stomp drain at E. Sonn"lope & Dab was addressed lust 2 yeas ago. Why re-do it now/ Does it have to do with flood heurance? 7e,". dCS do we how again cost over -run? These s"ft lased 60 years w/o curb or gutters. Lars go er 80 1808 RIDGE PL 4912 RIDGE PL 1 x x x X 1 2 3 1 1 x I X X X x Letter attached. 41100 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 4801 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X X % )• 1 2 3 1 X X x X 'Yes 1801 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X x X 1 X to otter Weetl' Ins. Dot no to more I' his ut mid-block. •Would 4805 SUNNYSLOPE RD E x x % reed fuller MoMalon. - 1808 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 % % % X' 2 3 1 x x" % X 'Can we see a prim of when, vowed h1s would be added? "Some problems with speeding. We have bean told Ind 4808 SUNNYSLOPE ROE Speed humps are very noisey. 4901 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X % x 1 X X X _ % %' Sunn 4904 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X x X x 2 3 1 x x x x X' was sef u as a country community. Lars riot ruin our look. 1 be a rou would be a trefllo harard and unneccaasary. i s difficult to pull out on 50th so rd lie a sight at 4805 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X x x x 2 3 1 x X X x x the $uM ad. u ad. 1907 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 x x x X 1 x X X X x Of Nap Issues. I am most passionate about the salewel nand the street Ilghtng. We have such a wonderful nitood. but a doesn't look as nice as it should. Sidewalks and lWas would really make it a much more beautiful and pedesraaifffrlendty area. I would also me In the safety of our families as there would be somewhere to walk out of the shee. 1808 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X x X X 1 X X 'Sore 4909 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X x X X x "Unsure; but we support our neighbor who want that - measures b educe speaU of cars. 1 X• X" X % x *For the good of our n'bws; "Sound does not affect us. Phase see detailed map of the n'hood. We have made 3 suggestions that may apply well to the situation. We do riot favor drmte, costly measures to this situation. bid render a 9873 SUNNYSLOPE ROE 1 % x X Ivery straight forward, simple plan. Thanks. 2 2 1 % % X X•• 'Depends on cost "Except for Possibly speed bumps. We are most defn/efy opposed to the traffic etrcie concept. 4816 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 x X X % 4817 SUNNYSLOPE RD E t x X 1 % x x x X X t x' % X" X X The wag near Hwy 100 would benefit some properties However. a tloeariot bowhelit our property at all. The speed bumps or e>geciatly turnabouts would be a hindrance. This would be a rasa of funds. We haven't desired curb & • Butter since movig here 10.5 years ago. However. trucks have harked out about 12.18' of town eauaig an ugly 1820 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X X x X . We now feel s would be beWcW. 4921 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X x x X X 4924 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 x X x• x x x 1 X X % x x •I would rather spend money on this over evayNig ewe. Woud prbtase the burying ovvhead utility sots over all dam- 4925 SUNNYSL E RD E 1 x 1828 SUNNYSLOPE RD E x 1 x x x x X 4929 SUNNYSLOPE ROE 2 1 3 % X x X - Need to fwd a _'o slow traffic on SON ef Sunn hlbisectlon. EE ice s. Very tl 1 -i 1833 SUNNYSLOPE RD E 1 X X x x I8g0 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X X X 4601 SUNNYSLOPE RD W X A X x 'Our are und round. We wll look forward to have make this area look I 4801 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 % x X X X X 'Any new Ights should be dowwade•laci g to reduce light pollution. We behave turf our streets should be re- surfaced and Nat treffc circles should be nsWled. We asp would Ike to ace all Weer tights (current snd any new Ytstallelbrx) shielded and dow neard-diected to reduce Wo pollution. Thank you for the opportunity to respond to this SUNNI AREA IMPROVER J. BA-326 SURVEY RESULTS STREET Returned I sumay Yes Preferred No Curb & "EAD I Gutter S -MOUNT till Yas elocate No Decomt Yes Nol re Suaal lJ hta Amn SOUNDWALL W/OAtsees Y. I No I W/Assess Yr No SAFETY Yes I No I I NEW SIDEWALXS Yee I I No TRAFFIC CALMING Yee No i COMMENTS NO. cae.1 ITI.VA.W X % we arc already being assessed for the soundwail over N them Creek. Would vm be assessed again for a souMwaO 4808 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X % % X % ham Ningbo Crack b 50th. a 86=0 again • no. a nnt yes. 4809 SUNNYSLOPE RD W / X X X X X I am not dear in m answ because I don't corn end the Issues eoisf for an answer. 1812 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X X X X X X X a actual 49d eased engineers estknoe who b responsible for these costs F not autlrw¢ed b ae�Ylhenbi 4813 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X % X X 2 9 1 % X X 4817 SUNNYSLOPE RD W % 1820 S NNYSLOPE RD W 1 X X X X 1 % X X X 4821 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 % X X 1 X X X X X X NNVSL.PE RD W 1 X % X 3 1 2 % X X X 'Waste' " of L Cent think of sarcetlr b waste ono NNYSLOPE RD W 1 X' % X" X X X NNYSLOPE RD W X The big gest safety Issue for our n7cad b adhig on b SM and makg a left turn. s!s very had b see bola dietlMs UNNYSLOPE RD W 1 % % X % 1 X % X' because of bIM . A 1 at ether Suns entrance would at0d810 dds X X X Would be b fug costs for a MNDOT wall for house. UNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X X X X 1 X X UNNYSLOPE RD W NUNNYSLOPE I�UN RD W X X X X Letter attached. UNNYSLOPE RD W 1 % X % X % % % X r 'Could use tradlie t' M at 50th & Dab or E. Sunn . T h to make a left Wm on to 50th St. NN SLOPE RD W 1 X X % X 1 X % X 1 think hales take away from the ambiance of the WON. I abo thbt b ntharge us 2 %own the bondig tamest rate b UNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X X X X 3 1 2 X X a too. Whore does tlhb revenu0 po7 Why b the city makig money on an assessment? I the bumpy malls because t elbws down speeders. I would not want our road sepaved nee speed bumps. They am needed at the fnteoetlbn of Dale 8 WoodhU and along E. Smmysbpe. Unfortunately most d the speeders 9ve in our n7bod. 1913 SUNNYSLOPE RD W X % Why b the assessment charged at an Merest roe that b 2% shove who the dye bonding rste is? The sly should nol 4918 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 1 X X X X 3 1 2 X X X proft from cob 4917 SUNNYSLOPE RO W 1 X X X 1 X X X X X T b down) 4920 S NNYSLOPE RD IN 4921 SUNNYSLOPE RD W 4925 NNY PE RD W 1 X X X 1 X X X X X 1929 SUN PE RD W 1705 WOODHLL WAY 1800 WOODHLL WAY 1 X % % 1 X X X X X X X X X X Them am b41 areas tho could use a dopsipn • one where Date 8 E. Sonnysbpe meet ant ore st that btaraedlon 4801 WOODHLL WAY 1 X % X X 2 3 when bavet' south on E. Surm 4804 WOODHLL WAY 1 X X X X 2 3 1 X X X X X Due b sf�p Inclines coming Into n'tbod. t seems dangerous b add traffic rshnihp measures as; in fn winter. Would I&A aip ftld at E Smmydops for lids crossing b go b Utley park and County Club (w Ibm at Dab far) WAY 1 X X X 1 X X X X X We need (desperately) a stoplight at ether 50th & Dab or 50th 6 E. Sunnycbpa. This Is not a convenience blue, t is 1608 WOODHl1 a sat issue. Please in uds this in the proposal. Husband and I are strunglyopposed to any type of curb b our nTrood. Ona M tho we think makes this n7cod 4813 WOODHLL WAY 1 X % X 3 2 1 % X X X X 4818 WOODHLL WAY 52 2.OIS 1.875 121129 l+erwlved Prefer Utility Ttaflb Safety Prefer New Pretax Traft Total Sumays Returned Prefer Curb L Gutter Releuto Prefer Dscoretve Strsst hta Pmfir Soundwall boas skbwaum Cebntn I COMMENTS Send Survey Yes 1 No 1 B -HEAD S MOUNT Yu 1 No Yes 1 MID Aseass W /Assess Yes No Yes No Yes No r.hswr rrdmvh4 YE. No YES No i 7! 52 17 28 22 20 22 27 33 19 2.05 199 121 28 18 I6 32 15 34 7 U 20 28 %of Retumed S 70% 25% 56% ) 42% 36% 42% 52%163%137%1 1 1 1 50% 35% 31% fit% 29% 65% 13% 65% 38% 54% The way that the approval process has transpired regarding the sound barrier project on highway 100 north of 500 is disturbing. To my knowledge there is one remaining section of sound wall on the east side of highway 100 north of 50" to be completed that has been halted in the court of public opinion. If the final portion of the sound wall project is not completed, the effectiveness of the wall north of the creek will be compromised and the homeowners south of the creek and north of 50m will be left without a sound wall to reduce current sound levels that are well beyond State noise guidelines and on the rise. I was not informed of the public meeting to discuss the sound wall issue but happened to see it on cable television. The council made the decision to table the completion of the final section of the sound wall project due to a few neighbor's opposition to the project based on the basis their out of pocket expense to pay for the wall over a period of time. The sound barrier decision is not a matter of public opinion but of public welfare. The public is not fully apprised of all the issues surrounding this decision but the city engineers and officials do and are charged to act in the public's best interest. One significant issue that will dramatically increase the traffic noise is the increased tragic and the resulting noise in our neighborhood as a result of the upgrades to highway 100 north of 394 soon to be completed. If the entire sound barrier project north of 50`h was presented and handled as one project, this section of the hwy 100 corridor noise reduction would be completed and fully functional for ALL concerned. One council member stated at the meeting that he was voting against approval knowing that approval was the right thing to do. I don't appreciate city officials making decisions based who is making the loudest noise in voicing their personal agenda I will say it again; this decision is an issue of public welfare not acquiescing to a few neighbors who are willing to voice their opinion at a meeting to accomplish their personal agenda 4920 r49116 1 4� � 4904 Hqa W. SMYSIope 4929 4935- 4911 4917 491 � 4909 4903 4901 p � q�g14® 4920 49� 4912 4900 � O� 4929 Hmg�n 4809 4805 4901 Pedmm 47 r49M' fro nil V Fetie gvem ��,� Oobirech 4933 4929 4925 4931 4®17 4H 913 1 4828] 4924oO LD 4 DAVID E. WNDsmom 4912 RIDGE PLACE EDM& MN 55424 TELEPHONE (952) 926 -8810 Saturday, December 4, 2004 Mr. Steven L. Lillehaug Edina City Hall 4801 West 50'h Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Dear Mr. Lillehaug: I attended the public information meeting held on November 9, 2004, and I have been reviewing the Survey and Comment Sheet recently mailed to all Sunnyslope residents. The issues involved are serious enough so that I need more comment space than provided on the back of the survey. I moved into my house on Ridge Place April 1, 1965, so I will soon be a 40 -year resident. I have never felt deprived by the absence of curbs and gutters, sidewalks, or additional street lights in all those years. Sunnyslope is a delightful area in which to live, less urbanized than the Country Club area, with more rolling terrain, larger and irregular shaped lots, many mature trees, and a more casual semi -rural appearance. I like it that way. Necessary repairs to water and sewer lines and resurfacing of the streets are all well and good and should be opposed by no one; we all want sound, pot- hole -free streets. But "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," remains a sound inotto. I recently watched the resurfacing of west 5011 street south of Sunnyslope. It was done in a few days with minimal disruption of traffic. Why could not a similar process be applied to the Sunnyslope streets without making a summer -long mess? I have invited old friends from the east coast to be my house guests this summer, and the last thing I want to show them is a neighborhood tom up by heavy machinery. Burying utility lines is an idea that sounds attractive, but I question whether it is worth the cost and the mess that would result. Trenching machines would excavate' along the back of established lots, tearing up gardens and tree roots and causing at least a short interruption of power. My electric and telephone lines come underground from the power poles, so the change would not be a problem for me, but remember that with no power poles everyone would have to have their power lines, telephone lines and TV cables buried, and would have to have a hole punched in their basement walls below ground level for entry of the lines. If we had suffered a wind storm that knocked down trees and power poles, I would support rebuilding with underground utilities. To change the perfectly acceptable power distribution system that has served the neighborhood since the late 1940's just for aesthetics would not seem good sense. Currently we have street lights at all street intersections. What purpose would be served by adding additional lamp posts between intersections? The one improvement that could be justified by conditions that have changed since the Sunnyslope area was developed is the sound barrier at highway 100. The highway has been widened from two lanes to three in each direction and traffic is much heavier than years ago. A barrier would benefit West Sunnyslope residents especially, but when the wind is from the west the traffic noise is evident to others as well. Thanks to Minnehaha Creek, Sunnyslope has no through traffic Any "traffic calming measures" therefore would be directed at residents coming and going and the occasional d9livery truck. Because the most remote house in Sunnyslope is no more than three blocks from 50 street, a posted speed limit of 25 or even 20 miles per hour would be reasonable. If an Edina li were to give only two or three tickets to speeders, the message would spread throes the neighborhood like gossip, and any traffic problem would be solved. This makes far more sense than penalizing the majority of residents with speed bumps, traffic circles, and such nonsense. I hope these thoughts from a long time resident have been helpful. Very truly yours, D vid E. Lundstrom Steve Lillehaug From: Cathy Mitchell [cmitche116 @mn.rr.com] Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2004 6:51 PM To: Steve Lillehaug; Wayne D. Houle Subject: Sunnyslope Project Dear Mr. Houle, Thank you for leading an informative meeting at the Edina City hall last Tuesday evening. I am pleased that the city of Edina works hard to keep in touch with the residents and seeks input form the residents. As my husband and 1 mentioned last Tuesday, we are most concerned about the difficulty we experience trying to enter onto 50th Street from either East Sunnyslope of Dale Drive. This safety issue is far and away our biggest concern with respect to our neighborhood. Occasionally during our casual conversations with other neighborhood residents we have asked them if this is lack of a street light is a concern to them. Our neighbors have always emphatically responded, "YES.' 1 sincerely hope it will be possible to provide our neighborhood with a stop light at either East Sunnyslope or at Dale Drive within the next year or so. 1 honestly believe this is a pressing safety issue. I think that if you or your colleagues were to attempt to exit our neighborhood onto 50th Street during rush hour ( turning left is nearly impossible) you would experience what we face on a daily basis. My second highest priority for our neighborhood concerns noise abatement. I was surprised to learn that you thought there was little interest in this issue among our residents. My feeling is that the Sunnyslope neighborhood residents are indeed interested in noise abatement. I hope this issue can be further explored at our next meeting. A thins concern of mine is that the economical benefits to residents in our neighborhood match the economical costs to those same residents. If a neighborhood improvement will significantly improve the value of afew homes in our neighborhood, then the residents who reap the benefit from the neighborhood improvement should be the ones to substantially pay the cost of that improvement. From what I heard at the Tuesday evening meeting, I was not certain that this will be true for the Sunnyslope project. Fourthly, I am in favor of more appealing lighting in our neighborhood. I was, however, disappointed that you say there will not be an increase in lighting but simply an upgrading of existing lighting. I think our neighborhood is very dark. I would be in favor of additional lighting for our neighborhood. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Catherine Mitchell 4808 Woodhill Way 11/16/2004 z�- r;- � U 61 - City of Edina October 29, 2004 - Sunnyslope Area Resid nts Edina. Minnesota RE: Resident Letter No. 1 Informational Meeting Announcement" " East & West Sunnyslope Rd, Woodhill Way, Ridge PI, Dale Dr & Hilltop Ln City of Edina. Improvement No. BA-326 Dear Resident: The City of Edina has initiated the process for roadway and utility improvements for your neighborhood. See attached location map: We are hosting an Informational Meeting regarding this project to be held on Tuesday, November 91', from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m., in the Edina City Council Chambers located at 4801 W. 5& Street. (The Council Chambers is immediately to your left as you enter City Hall.) The meeting format will consist of a short presentation followed by an informal question and answer session. The presentation will cover scope of work and average assessment costs. If you are unable to attend, information regarding this project will be available after this meeting. Sincerely, 3V9i1UAf-1 Steve L. Lillehaug Edina Traffic Engineer / Assistant Engineer City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com �. uh-u 952 - 927 -8061 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 TTY 952- 826-0379 6122/03 r n n } t Street Upgrade Update Thank you for your input into the street upgrades, neighborhood directory, and the block party. There were many good suggestions to improve our neighborhood and make it more unique. The results and comments are noted below. Wayne Houle, the Director of Public Works of the City of Edina described the process of upgrading the streets. If you have questions, please contact him at 952- 826 -0443 or whoule@ci.edina.mn.us. The next steps include; 1) June or July: City Council vote to authorize a feasibility study 2) Summer: Feasibility study completed 3) September. Informational meeting for residents 4) October: Public Hearing in about October 5) November: Plan finalized 6) Winter. Bids requested for completion 7) Spring: Begin construction Survey Results 51 of 72 houses resRondinO Are you interested in having the streets upgraded? Yes % 35(70%) No % 9(16%) No Answer % Permanent street surfacing 31(62 %) 6(9%) 7(14%) 14(27%) (to removing current surface and replace) Increase lighting on the streets (to improve safety and visibility at night) 24(48 %) 16(30%) 11(22%) Correct storm sewer drainage problems (to prevent flooding) 29(58 %) 7(12%) 15(30%) Roundabouts. on Dale to reduce traffic speed (to improve safety and beauty)_ 18(36%) 17(32%) 16(32%) Curb and gutter in front of your house (optional to prevent erosion during heavy rains) 13(26 %) 2406%). 14(28%) Improve sidewalk on 50th street . (paid by county to improve safety) 19(38 %) 17(32%) 15(30%) Comments (with # of residents who made similar comments-1 No curbs and gutters. The neighborhood would lose the unique country look and attractiveness. (6) Repair. the " Sunnyssope" stone entries. (6) Remove them. (1) Signals at Dale or Sunnsylope and 50P. Many serious accidents have occurred there. (4) Improvements are needed now to retrain property values. (3) Sidewalk on 50th street is too close to 50'b st traffic and dangerous for pedestrians. County should pay.(3) Neighborhood garage sale would be good. (3) Clean up shoreline on creek. Put a dock in for the neighborhood. (3) The holiday gathering is fun.(2) We need a sound wall on Hwy 100. (2) Efforts to reduce traffic speed should be made (roundabouts, post speed limit) (3) Remove buckthorn. (1) Enforce rules about no boats/trailers /dead cars in driveway.(1) Buddy system for barking dogs. (1) Interest in book club, gourmet club, progressive dinners, or bridge club (2) List babysitters in directory. (1) rage i oz i Steve Lillehaug From: Vogllaw @aol.com Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 4:53 PM To: Steve Lillehaug Subject: Re: Sunnyslope Project Thank you for your response. I live on the Hwy 100 side of Sunnyslope. I wanted to spend money on a sound wall since I thought it would increase the value of all of our homes. Most people didn't want to spend the money so I was ok with that. Now we are going to spend exorbitant amounts on curbs and gutters? I don't see how that improves the value of our homes and I am against it. I like the look of our roads. I think a few bumps here and there act like natural speed bumps for some of my neighbors that drive too fast and frankly at least on my end of the street the road is not well traveled therefore it lasts a lot longer than other areas. As a matter of fact, the only repairs to our end of Sunnyslope in my 13 years here have been due to sewer work, home construction and water pipe damage. As far as other areas, 20% sounds like a low number to me. If you drive arqund Highlands, Rolling Green, Indian Hills you will see lots of roads without curbs. I'll see you at the meeting. W. James Vogl Attorney at Law Vogl Law Firm PO Box 24858 Edina, MN 55424 Phone No. (952)926 -4670 Fax No. (952) 285 -5715 Vogllaw @aol.com This transmission is intended only for the use of the addressee and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately. 2/7/2005 Page 1 of 2 Steve Lillehaug From: Steve Lillehaug Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 4:29 PM To: 'Vogllaw @aol.com' Cc: Steve Lillehaug Subject: RE: Sunnyslope Project Thank you for your e-mail Mr. Vogl. I will pass your comments on to the, City Council for consideration. There has been no decision made. Staff doesn't make the decisions. We make recommendations to your City Council who are the final authority and decision makers. This is the reason for the Public Hearing scheduled for February 15. 1 hope you attend. A recent figure we compiled is that less than 20% of the roadways in Edina still remain without curb and gutter. As I stated in the information letter, curb and gutter does extend the life of the road as well as address certain drainage problems throughout your neighborhood, etc. Installing curb and gutter both from an engineering point of view and fiscally is the prudent recommendation over the life of a roadway. I reported the survey numbers as they are - 25% of the returned surveys favored curb and gutter, 56% were opposed - maybe I could have added that the balance didn't indicate yes or no). One could contend that if l used your method that I would be trying to skew it the other direction. I simply reported the numbers as they stand. Absolutely staff is not proceeding with any project to "make money ". Rather, the opposite - moving forward with the roadway and utility construction projects requires more dollars not only from assessment but also from the City's utility funds and possibly general levy. The City's policy has been 2 points over the rate - not 3. This project originated from requests from you neighbors. Yes, staff expanded on the request as part of the planning to reconstruct the City's infrastructure as a whole and not just segment by segment based on petitions (part of being proactive to address a concerning problem). You are also correct - the need to fill potholes in Edina is increasing - thus, increasing the funding for potholing would also increase (exponentially if we took the "do nothing" approach). This "do- nothing" approach would absolutely not be the responsible approach to take as a professional engineer who is managing a City's infrastructure. I understand the significance of the individual cost of the project. If this were lower, many more would more than likely support the project (including curb and gutter) . This is why your Council is reevaluating the current 100% assessment policy. Please contact me with any further questions or comments. I hope to see you on the 15th. Steve Steven L. Lillehaug, P.E., P.T.O.E. Edina Traffic Engineer /Assistant Engineer Engineering Department 952 - 826 -0445 slillehaug @ci.edina.mn.us City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com (fax) 952 - 826 -0389 - - - -- Original Message_---- From: Vogllaw @aol.com [maiito:Vogilaw @ aol.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 3:44 PM To: Steve. Lillehaug Subject: Sunnyslope Project 2M2005 rage l of l Mr. Lillehaug: Is this a final decision? Can we neighbors stop this project? I have been a resident of this neighborhood for almost 13 years. I am disappointed that you are recommending curbs and gutters for this neighborhood. Many neighborhoods in Edina do not have curbs and gutters such as Indian Hills, Rolling Green, etc. Are you going to force curbs and gutters on them too? I'm also disappointed that you put the percentage against curbs and gutters at 56% when its deceiving since the more telling number is that by a more than 2 -1 margin residents stated they didn't want gutters. Yet your office is going to push this project through, which will cost us $15,000 plus interest over 10 years. Either you are doing this to make money on our assessment (if I remember correctly 3% over the rate that Edina is charged) or you don't want to pay to fill a few potholes each year. As far as curbs and gutters extending the life of the road I believe it is crazy. The life of the road has to do with traffic density. I live on a dead end and the road is just fine and even as one of your engineers stated to me it has some life left. This neighborhood has been here since 1940 without gutters. In my 13 years here they have wanted to repave the road in front of my house a few times. It was voted down and you know what the road is just fine. No one on this part of West Sunnyslope has complained and we don't believe curbs and gutters do anything. W. James Vogl Attorney at Law Vogl Law Firm PO Box 24858 Edina, MN 55424 Phone No. (952)926 -4670 Fax No. (952) 285 -5715 Vogilaw@aol.com This transmission is intended only for the use of the addressee and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately. 2M2005 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL „ Sunnysiope Neighborhood Roadway Improvement No. BA426 CITY OF EDINA STREET PID A LEGAL STREET NO. OWNER ASSESSABLE LOTS LOT BLOCK LOT TrOTAL LOTS ASSESSMENT COST A Dale Or 18-028 - 24-32-0019 10- 02&2432-0016 18-02 &24 - 23-0036 18-028 - 2423-0034 18428-24-32-0017 18-028 - 2423-0027 1802&2423-0016 9 7 8 5 9 2 4 5 5 6 b 4 4 2 4928 4924 '4920 4916 4929 4913 4700 Lebanon, Steven & Kathleen Aadalen Richard & Susan Michael & KeWck Donna Nelson O a Helen SdurO Jr James & Lvnn Pederson Thomas & Barbara Fricton James & Arancio Dale 1 $ 18,794.52 1 S 1B 784.62 t $ 18 794.62 1 $ 16,794.52 1 $ 16 794.62 1 $ 16 794.62 1 $ 18 794.52 Hilltop Ln 18-026 - 24-32-0014 1&028. 2432-0016 18-026 - 2432-0018 to 028 24-32-0026 6 7 B t2 41 4 4 4801. 4806 4809 4810 Rice, Bernard & Edith Rim Bernhard & Edith BerthaRl B Joan FIn Ra d & Mary 1 1 1 $ 16,794.52 $ 18 794.52 $ 18 794.52 18 794.52 Rid a PI 18-02824- 23-0018 18-02 &2423-0033 18-028. 2423-0032 1802 &2423-0031 5 4 3 2 2 b 5 . 6 4906 4912 4908 4904 Wkltfeldt, James & Anne Lundstrom David Ta John & Maraarel Haakenson Peter & Heather 1 1 1 1 $ 18,794.62 3 18 794.52 18, 794 62 18 794.52 Sunnyslope Rd E 18- 028.24224)087 18-028.24 -22 -0086 18-028.2423-0019 18-028. 2423-0061 18028 - 24234)062 18-02 &2423-0020 16-028 - 2423-0021 18-028.242344 18-028. 2423-0023 18-028.2423-0024 18-028. 2423-0026 18-028.24-31-0002 18. 026-24-32-0013 18-028 2432-0012 18028- 2432-0011 18-028- 2423-002e 18-0282423-0014 18-0282423-0013 18-0282423-0002 18-02824- 22-0082 18 -028242-0081 3 2 & t1 2 1 2 4 5 8 7 8 9 5 4 3 t 3 2 3 2 1 6 6 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 41 4 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 4801 4805 4901 4905 4907 4909 4913 4917 4921 4926 4929 4933 4928 4924 4920 4918 4908 4804 4808 4804 4800 Lehmann, Dan & Roxane Johnson Mary nualand. Douglas & Jacquatine Schmoker Wiliam & Cin UUradv. Shawn a Rebecca Reirnann 111 John & Ake Heaman. Mark & Jacqueline Goblksch David & Made Steuer. Loral Kvam John & Doroth Faris And ew & Heidl Hottz, Lawrence & Cynthia Katz, Marie & E En ler David & Linda Mareha0 Robert & Ma n Patrk k s Lfea AAOSkaI Ran & Jean Carlson Dlane ea Willem & Katharine Weston Robed & Linda Aslesen Brien & Sara t $ 18,794.52 16 794.62 1 1&7".62 1 18 794.62 1 18 794.52 1 16 794.52 1 18 794.62 1 $ 18 794.52 1 $ 16 794.62 1 18 79462 1 3 18 784.52 1 3 18 794.62 1 1 794.52 1 $ 18 794.52 1 18 794.52 1$ 16.704. 1 $ 18 794.62 1 16 794.62 1 $ 18 794.62 1 16,704.& 8 794.6; 1 $ Sun to Rd W 18- 0282422-0088 4 01 4800 Cousins, Daniel & Evelyn 1 $ 18,794.62 18-0282422 4088 5 64804 Canon Reid & Rom Rebecca 1 18 794.52 184282422 -0090 6 9 4608 Gustafson Bruce & Olson Cynthia 1 18 794.52 18-02824-22-0081 7 & pt8 8 4812 Burger, Glorfa 1 $ 18,794.62 16-0282423-0042 pts & 9 6 48211 Stroh Beneft & Kathleen 1 $ 18 794.52 16-02824234)043 10 6 4824 Miller Susan & Leslie 1 19 784.62 18-028.2423-0044 11 8 4828 ChdW, Jack & Bonne 1 18.794.r.2 18-0282423-0046 12 81 4832 Hegmes, Gary& Barbara 1 $ 18 784.62 18-0282423-0048 13 6 4836 H n Ted & Krlsanne 1 16,794.52 18-0282423-0047 14 6 4900 Doster, Henry& Wendy 18 794.62 18-028. 2423-0048 15 8 4904 Huge, Robert & Diane 1 18 794.62 18.028- 2423-0049 18 6 4908 Peterson Mark 1 $ 1e 794.62 18-0282423-0064 17 1 8 b16 8 4912 V Jr Wiliam & Lod 1 S 18 794.62 1 ot 1 17 a plIS, 6 4918 Makredes Stephen & Ann 1 $ 16 794.52 18-0282432-0022 19 & ptle 61 4920 Danielson Currie John lls 18 794.52 184282432-0020 9 61 4929 1 18 794.62 18-02824-32-0021 10 61 4926 Duffey, John & KaI 1 $ 18 784.52 18-0282423-0038 11 51 4921 Dalldort Ma 1 $ 18 794.62 18-0282423-0037 12 61 4917 Erikson Mark & Christina 1 18 794.62 18-0282423.0038 13 51 4913 Zlma John & Marva 1 e 18 79452 18-0282423-0039 14 5 4908 Mertes John 1 $ 10,704.62 18-0282423-0040 16 5 4906 Home, Dcrothv $ 18,784.52 18-02827- 234)041 16 6 4901 Nagy, Stephen 1 16784.52 6 1e- 0282423-0008 9 1 4821 Stanton, James & Makredis, Sue 1 $ 18 ,794.2 18-0282423-0009 10 1 4817 Firth Sr, Robert & Alfa 1 $ 16,794.52 18-02824 - 23-0010 11 1 4813 Gudmundsson, Olafur a Rudrud, SaDy 1 $ 18,794.52 18-0282423-0011 12 1 4808 Schab, Robert &Beth 1 $ 16,794.62 18.02824224M 13 1 4805 Wdftm, Paul & Lana 1 $ 18,794.62 18-02824-22-0084 4 1 4801 Rosman, Jan 1 $ 16,784.52 Woodhlil Way 18-028- 2423-0003 4&OW 1 48W Conner, Thomas 8 Cvnthla 1 $ 19.794.52 18-02824- 23-0004 5 1 4804 Shbley, David & Sheley 18,794.52 18028 - 24234006 8 1 4808 Mitchell, James & Catherine 1 $ 16,794.62 18-0282423-0008 7 1 4812 Jasper. J & 1 $ 18,784.52 18-0282423-0007 6 1 4818 KronfeM Mervin 1 $ 18 794.62 18. 0282423-0030 1 6 4813 Slocum, Stan & Lucile 1 $ 18,794.62 18-0282423-0017 8 2 4706 Braden, Hazel 1 $ 18 794.52 18- 0282423-0012 1 2 4801 Glnkel, Elwood & Dol 1 $ 18,784.62 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Roadway and lighting) $ 1,226,000.00 AVERAGE COST PER LOT $ 16,794.52 SwrWalop A* Page 1 5: 16 PMwrrlooe r,. STACK RICE 4801 HILLTOP LANE EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 erArt-(4=) 927 -8372 February 9, 2005 Mr. Steve Lillehaug c/o Engineering Department 4801 West 50`h Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Steve, I regret that Ede and I will not be able to attend the Public Hearing on February 15`h re the proposal improvements to the Sunnyslope Neighborhood. Please pass on to the Council that we as owners of 4801 and 4805 Hilltop Lane are in favor of the project as recommended by staff. Also you should know that we anticipate new construction on the 4805 lot sometime in the next year. Thank you Ja k Rice V i To: Mayor & City. Council From: Craig Larsen Action: ❑ City Planner Date: March 15, 2005 Subject: Ordinance REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Amendment to Zoning Ordinance and Conditional Use Permit Approval. - Haugland Companies — 3901- 3907 W. 50,n St., & 5000 -5020 France Avenue South Recommendation: Agenda Item: III. A.. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action: ❑ Motion ® Resolution ® Ordinance ❑ Discussion The Planning Commission recommends 0 1. First reading for attached ordinance amendment adding residential dwelling units as a Conditional'Use in the PCD -1,2 and 3 districts. 2. Conditional Use Permit approval for C -05 -1, Haugland Companies Recommended Conditions: 1. Final adoption of Ordinance amendment 2. Conditional Use Permit to allow dwelling units in proposed, redevelopment 3.` Easements for public and private use 4. Watershed District permits Information /Background: The Edina City Council and HRA created the 50th and France Redevelopment Plan in 1974. The plan was adopted after several years of study and cooperation between the City and the 50th and France Business Association. The Plan had several objectives; expand the amount of off - street parking, reduce congestion at the 50th and France intersection by creating the ring road, make 50th Street more pedestrian friendly, and encourage development and redevelopment of certain identified properties within the Plan area. In the 30 years following adoption most of the objectives have been addressed. However, some improvements hoped for on the Minneapolis side have not happened, specifically, completion of the ring road system. The result has been continuing congestion at the 50th and France intersection. Current status of Plan objectives: Parking: The availability of public parking was a top issue leading to the adoption of the original Plan for the area. At the time the Plan was adopted there was a one -level ramp on the south side, and surface parking on 491/2 Street. Existing private parking was unorganized and lacking in quantity. The amount of public parking has greatly increased. Today there are three ramps and three areas with public surface parking. There are presently 993 spaces available. As currently configured and constructed no additional parking is possible. There continues to be some private parking in the area. Past parking surveys have indicated more than adequate parking available, but at times there maybe a lack of convenient parking. Traffic and circulation: Roadway improvements recommended in the Plan have been accomplished. A goal of the Plan was to reduce congestion at the intersection of 50th and France, and to make 50th Street more pedestrian friendly. The ring road was built remove - turning movements from the intersection. The Plan assumed, but did not control, a similar ring road on the Minneapolis side. The ultimate objective was to eliminate all turning movements at the intersection. Also, 50th Street between Halifax and France was narrowed to allow easier pedestrian crossing. All access to parking was redirected to the ring road. Private Development: The Plan sought to encourage private development and redevelopment in the area. The Plan granted additional development rights to certain parcels. These parcels would be allowed to expand and rely on public parking to meet their total demand. All other parcels would be required to provide private parking sufficient to meet demand generated by any expansion. This policy was found be unrealistic and a discouragement to desirable development activities, and was modified by the HRA in 1978. The new Policy left unchanged those parcels identified for additional development, but allowed other parcels in the area to develop to a floor area of 1.0 relying on public parking. Additional floor area, up to a FAR of 1.5 would be allowed only if the additional floor area was supported by private parking. This Policy remains in effect today. The only site designated for additional development that has not redeveloped is the Arby's site. The site was designated for 30,000 square feet of floor area, half retail and half office. The current proposal calls for approximately 8,400 square feet of retail, no office space, but with residential above street level. The balance of the area proposed for redevelopment is covered by the Policy allowing a floor area of up to 1.0. Summary: The 50th and France Redevelopment Plan has served the area and the City well. Public improvements anticipated by the Plan have been implemented. Private development has been consistent with Plan objectives. The City needs to continue working with Hennepin County and Minneapolis to improvement traffic flow. Draft Minutes of the PC Meeting February 23, 2005 A -05 -1 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance & C -05 -1 Conditional Use Permit Haugland Companies 3901 -3907 50th Street West 5000 -5020 France Avenue South Ms. Aaker informed the Commission the City is requesting an amendment to the zoning ordinance and Haugland Companies are requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow redevelopment on the corner of West 50th Street and France Avenue. Ms. Aaker said the proposal includes a mix of residential and retail and would be developed in phases. The proposed residential uses would need to comply with the standards for the district, but would be exempt from the floor area limit. The residential use would also need to provide private parking to support the project. Mr. Aaker concluded staff recommends preliminary approval of an amendment to the zoning ordinance and preliminary approval of a Conditional Use Permit for the proposed project subject to the satisfaction of the following conditions: final adoption of the Zoning Ordinance Amendment, approval of Conditional Use Permit for dwelling units, easements as required for building and public utilities and Watershed District Permits. Mr. Gene Haugland, applicant and Mr. J. Benshoof and Mr. Dan Young - Dixon were present to respond to questions. Commissioner Fischer commented in reviewing the plans it appears "air rights will need to be readdressed. Ms. Aaker responded that is correct. She stated "air and subterranean rights" need to be addressed and resolved. Chair Byron referred to a letter from Mr. Richard Curtin (owner of the adjacent Ampersand building) and asked Ms. Aaker if the proponent had the opportunity to review Mr. Curtin's letter. Ms. Aaker responded Mr. Haugland was provided with a copy of the letter and if she understood correctly Mr. Haugland personally met with Mr. Curtin. Mr. Haugland addressed the Commission and informed them he has owned Arby's since 1984. Continuing, and with the aid of photo's Mr. Haugland explained his goal is to redevelop two parcels at the corner of West 50th Street and France Avenue. Mr. Haugland said he proposes to replace the current 13,400 square feet of retail space (including Arby's) with 22,500 square feet of new retail space. He added the proposed retail space is all at ground level. Continuing, Mr. Haugland said one thing he believes is important to the project is to widen the sidewalk along France Avenue. He added this proposal would widen the France Avenue sidewalk roughly three additional feet. Mr. Haugland reported another feature in the redevelopment of this area includes constructing 23 condominium units on three levels above the new retail space. Mr. Haugland said parking for condominium owners would be accommodated in a below grade parking area. Continuing, Mr. Haugland explained to the Commission the project will be constructed in two phases. The first phase would consist of razing Arby's and construction of retail (street level 8,500 square feet) with condo's above. Mr. Haugland said he believes this "phased approach" would reduce disruption for our retail tenants. The second phase consists of razing the remaining retail and constructing new retail with condo units above. Mr. Haugland told.the Commission some issues regarding air and subterreran rights are still "up in the air" and it is believed some slight adjustments need to be made. Adjustments also may need to be made concerning the alley and egress /ingress. Chair Byron commented in reviewing the plans it appeared to him the condominiums are setback from the first level retail space. Mr. Young Dixon addressed the Commission and told Chair Byron he is exactly correct in his observation. Mr. Dixon said the residential feature of the development is stepped back significantly offering dimension to the architecture. Mr. Dixon said all units will have an outdoor deck area, however the designed. increased setback of the residential units create an outdoor living area that prevents residents from "hanging" over their railing viewing the pedestrians on France Avenue or West 50th Street. Mr. Dixon said this stepped back design feature is especially important on the second level for not only aesthetic reasons but also for safety. Continuing, Mr. Dixon said another feature of the design is to maintain the feel of the France Ave /50th retail stores. Mr. Dixon said careful attention was made to the retail element of the proposal to include a variety of storefronts for an individual city look to the project. Commissioner McClelland asked after Arby's is razed how will the retail elements be incorporated into the new. Mr. Haugland responded as he mentioned previously this proposal will be constructed in phases. He explained the plan is to raze Arby's, begin construction of the new retail /condo's with merchants vacating existing retail and moving into the new spaces before Phase 2 begins. Mr. Benshoof addressed the Commission and explained the traffic study for the redevelopment at 50th Street and France Avenue. Mr. Benshoof said the plan before the Commission this evening removes the existing entrance driveway 2 on France Avenue and retains the existing exit driveway. The development would be served by the existing exit drive and the existing one -way northbound alley connecting to 51St street, and a new connection to the parking ramp opposite the entrance to the underground parking garage for residents of the condos. Mr. Benshoof explained gates would restrict the connection to the paring ramp with access through this connection only available for residents of the condos. Mr. Benshoof said it is believed the current redevelopment plan would generate fewer trips compared to existing uses and would also generate fewer trips if the alternative development scenario were implemented (50th and France Avenue plan). Commissioner Grabiel asked Mr. Benshoof what would prevent the condo residents from using the alley. Mr. Benshoof said he believes the turning radius may prevent that. Mr. Dick Curtin, 6310 McIntyre, and property owner of the Ampersand building told the Commission he is not opposed to the project but wants the City to carefully examine the proposed development. Mr. Curtin said he has a concern with regard to providing adequate parking, the turn radius and traffic. Mr. Curtin added he is not sure he believes access to the residential element of the proposal is best. Continuing, Mr. Curtin pointed out the layout of the development also appears to convert his sidewalk (north side) to a thoroughfare. He added that sidewalk is maintained by him, and if in the future it is used by residents of the proposed condos who will maintain that sidewalk and what about liability. Chairman Byron asked Mr. Curtin if he believes there is a better alternative to the plans submitted. Mr. Curtin said his first thought was to enter from France Avenue. Commissioner McClelland questioned if that would create a curb cut/sight distance problem. Chair Byron asked Mr. Haugland if he has any response to Mr. Curtin. Mr. Haugland said they could look into the suggestion by Mr. Curtin with regard to France Avenue access, but his first impression is that that would be more dangerous. Mr. Haugland in response to the question regarding the north walkway that they intend to add "Arby's" land to widen it. Mr. Haugland said he has met with Mr. Curtin and is aware of his concerns and will try to address them. Commissioner Losnbury questioned Mr. Benshoof on what he believes is the best access scenario. Mr. Benshoof stated in his opinion the plan presented is best. Commissioner Losnbury asked Mr. Benshoof if another study could be done to determine which approach is best. Mr. Curtin pointed out this proposal is still in preliminary stages with nothing "cast in stone" and told the Commission he still is persuaded parking will K not be adequate especially as it relates to guest parking and Mr. Haugland can look at different access points. Commissioner Brown asked how often a parking study has been conducted on the ramps. Ms. Aaker told the Commission Planning Staff has conducted a number of parking studies over the years. She added she believes the last study was conducted when renovations were made to the Edina theatre and other retail areas. Mr. Martin Labelle, addressed the Commission and informed them he is a barber in Edina at the northwest intersection of France Avenue and 50th Street. Mr. Labelle said he has a real concern with regard to parking and told the Commission his clients already struggle to find adequate parking spaces. Mr. Labelle questioned if approved as presented where would the retail tenants park? He pointed out street parking on France Avenue is already limited. He stated in his experience the north ramp is heavily used and it isn't uncommon for clients to have to park on the Minneapolis side of the street. Mr. Hosmar Brown, property owner in the area told the Commission he believes the proposal is good and the building is beautiful, but there are bigger issues at work here. He pointed out the 50th and France Avenue retail area used to be a quaint area that now has become an intersection. He said in his experience traffic in this area is already terrible and won't get any better. Mr. Brown said the proposed increase in density can only add to an already difficult traffic situation. Mr. Brown pointed out at 3PM traffic already begins piling up. Mr. Brown acknowledged the ramps are not always full but if the proposed plan eliminates any spaces that presents a problem. Mr. Brown said in his opinion more retail space isn't needed if parking spaces will be decreased, even by a few. Commissioner McClelland commented in her opinion the traffic situation isn't a new problem, and it is possible with better intersection control traffic could be calmed. Mr. Haugland told the Commission he is willing to look into some of the issues pointed out this evening, but informed the Commission there are not a lot of choices available to them. Mr. Haugland said one element that hasn't been mentioned is that Minneapolis doesn't have the ability to provide adequate parking to accommodate their retail and much of their parking needs are met in the City's municipal ramps. Mr. Haugland acknowledged there are a lot of cross over clients between the two cities, but it is a challenge for our side of the.street. Mr. Haugland stated he continues to believe pedestrian flow should be encouraged between cities in a safe fashion, noting the parking is what it is. Commissioner Schroeder said if he assumes correctly that the parking plan contained in the 50th and France Avenue plan was based on total build -out, 4 which includes redevelopment of this corner. Ms. Aaker responded that is correct. Continuing, Mr. Schroeder said if he understands correctly this plan proposes a reduction of 3 or 4 parking spaces. Ms. Aaker answered that is correct, but pointed out the City's ramps have increased in parking capacity since that plan was drafted. Commissioner Schroeder commented as he views it any parking shortage should not be attributed to this project. He pointed out parking demand and in and outs could be greatly increased if, lets say a Culver's fast - food restaurant would replace Arby's. Ms. Aaker agreed, the 50th and France Avenue plan did include an increase in retail space. Commissioner Fischer asked Ms. Aaker if the City of Minneapolis and Edina communicate. Ms. Aaker responded the City of Minneapolis sends the City of Edina notice of upcoming developments and we do the same. Commissioner Fischer said in his opinion since the 50th and France Avenue plan was designed to include retail build -out the residential aspect of this proposal could be considered an improvement with regard to parking. Commissioner McClelland said agrees with that observation. Commissioner Lonsbury commented it is true a residential element could be considered an improvement, but in his opinion there have been a lot of assumptions made with regard to the City's parking ramps and their capacity. Commissioner Brown asked Ms. Aaker if she knows the total parking capacity for the City's ramps. Ms. Aaker responded she believes there were 889 parking spaces located in the ramps prior to the expansion of the north ramp. She pointed out this of course does not include on street parking spaces. Commissioner Brown said that while he has great respect for the developer and believes he will do an excellent job he is concerned the City is working from a plan developed in the 1970's. Chair Byron asked Ms. Aaker if the cost was shared between the City and the retail property owners when the ramps were constructed and added on -to. Ms. Aaker responded that is correct. It was a joint venture. Commissioner Grabiel added that at least from his experience, he has always found parking availability in the ramps. Ms. Aaker reiterated Planning Staff took ramp counts a number of times, adding the counts were not prefect but staff findings indicated that usually vacant parking spaces were found on the tops of the ramps. The overall capacity averages during "peak" times were between 65 and 75 percent with 92% percent occupancy during the holidays. Commissioner Schroeder commented while reviewing the plans if it would be possible to move the trash storage area. Mr. Haugland responded in his 5 opinion he doesn't believe that is possible because of the existing City easements.. He pointed out that trash area is used by a number of tenants. A discussion ensued between Commission Members with regard to issues on residential parking needs and if it would be possible to allow an area in the ramp for overnight guest or owner parking. It was suggested that some form of sticker be used to identify those vehicles. The discussion continued with Commission Members questioning how the voting should proceed. Should the requested ordinance amendment be handled. separately or handled along with the requested Conditional Use Permit. Chair Byron said in his opinion there is no reason to "do one without the other ". He pointed out this is a project driven amendment to the zoning ordinance, we all know that, adding he has no problem handling them separately, but both should be acted on. Chair Byron said if handled separately the next question could be do we or do we not proceed on the specific proposal by Mr. Haugland. Commissioner Losnbury moved to recommend an amendment to the zoning ordinance adding residential dwelling units as a conditional use in the PCD 1,2, and 3 Districts. Commissioner McClelland seconded the motion. Commissioner Lonsbury stated he believes this is an appropriate action to take and directed attention to #3 of the proposed ordinance amendment. Commissioner Lonsbury said he would like to amend the proposed standards for residential dwelling units to read: "Dwelling units with a floor area of 1,500 feet or less shall provide a minimum of 1.75 fully enclosed parking spaces per unit. Dwelling units exceeding 1,500 square feet shall provide a minimum of 2.5 fully enclosed parking spaces per unit. Commissioner Lonsbury explained his reason for the increase is to ensure adequate parking spaces, especially as it relates to guest parking. Commissioner McClelland said she has to withdraw her second, adding she is uncomfortable with those figures. Commissioner Brown seconded Commissioners Lonsbury's motion for purpose of discussion. Commissioner McClelland stated that while she can agree guest parking is a concern she has difficulty requiring multi - residential facilities to exceed the parking standards required for R -1 properties in the City of Edina. Commissioner Lonsbury stated the Commission is recommending a change to the zoning ordinance, pointing out most R -1 properties in Edina have garages, driveways and access to street parking, which in total is more than 2 parking spaces per dwelling. Commissioner Lonsbury pointed out, at least in this situation, street parking is mostly unheard of. Commissioner Schroeder questioned Commissioner Lonsbury's language statement of fully enclosed parking spaces and inquired if part of the ratio could include unenclosed parking spaces. Commissioner Lonsbury said he has no problem with that suggestion, adding he amends his motion to read - for units over 1,500 square feet 2 fully enclosed spaces and ' /Z unenclosed C. parking spaces are required. For units under 1,500 square feet 1.5 fully enclosed spaces and' /4- unenclosed spaces are required. Commissioner McClelland stated she still has a problem with that ratio, pointing out the public ramp can be used to accommodate guest parking, etc. Commissioner Grabiel pointed out the proposed changes to the motion would at least at this point scratch this proposal. Commissioner Lonsbury stressed that is not his intent. He stated an amendment to the ordinance is requested and he is addressing by his motion only the proposed changes to the ordinance not the project. Commissioner Lonsbury stated in his opinion the redevelopment proposal before the Commission this evening is a good proposal and if approved the proposed changes to the ordinance amendment would allow the proponents the opportunity to redevelop with variances Chairman Byron said for clarification unless the first motion is amended what is on the table is a motion and a second to amend the ordinance to read — for units over 1,500 square feet 2.5 fully enclosed spaces and for units under 1.500 square foot 1.75 fully enclosed spaces. Commissioner Lonsbury withdrew that motion.. Commissioner Brown moved to recommend adding residential dwelling units as a conditional use in the PCD -1, 2, and 3 Districts and standards for residential dwelling units # 3 to read. Dwelling units with a floor area of 1,500 square feet or less shall provide a minimum of 1.5 fully enclosed parking spaces per unit and' /4 unenclosed parking spaces per unit. Dwelling units exceeding 1,500 square feet shall provide a minimum of 2.0 fully enclosed parking spaces per unit and % unenclosed parking spaces per unit. Commissioner Lonsbury seconded the motion. Commissioner Brown added his intent is to amend the amended ordinance, and in no way is it directed at this project. Commissioner Grabiel reiterated if the motion before us is adopted what does that do to this proposal. Chair Bryon responded he is not sure and directed that question to Mr. Haugland. Mr. Haugland stated he doesn't believe it is fair to respond to that question. He said in all good faith they can't supply the parking. He pointed out the fully enclosed parking could possibly be met but the unenclosed parking would be impossible to meet. Commissioner Lonsbury said the proposed motion to amend the ordinance doesn't take into consideration the proposal before the Commission this evening�or for that matter any future proposals. He added as a city looking at redevelopment he believes it is important that adequate parking is provided, and his intent by this motion is limited to the ordinance amendment. Mr. Haugland said he has no response to the proposed changes to the amendment to the ordinance as stipulated by Commissioners Brown and Lonsbury. 7 Commissioner Byron said if he understands correctly, if .adopted, absent the ability of this proposal to obtain variances to comply with the proposed amendment, what is dictated would be required. Mr. Haugland responded the development team would have to go back and re -visit the proposal and look into the possibility of eliminating one floor. Mr. Haugland said he believes in all confidence that won't occur and he would construct all commercial as dictated by the adopted 50th & France commercial area plan. Commissioner Fischer said being new to the Commission he was somewhat surprised Edina had an ordinance prohibiting the mix of commercial with residential. Commissioner Fischer said in his opinion the parking requirements are and should be different in zones of the city. He said the beauty of mixed use is that guests may arrive at hours businesses are not operating thereby avoiding congestion. Commissioner Fischer added he has a fear with the parking numbers suggested that no development or redevelopment for that matter could achieve those standards. He pointed out Edina is no longer green fields. Commissioner Fischer concluded he may be wrong, but his intuition tells him those numbers are too high, acknowledging he can't tell you that factually. Commissioner Schroeder echoed Commissioner Fischer's comments and stated -in his experience the figures Commissioners Lonsbury and Brown are proposing are significantly higher then what most cities are looking at in terms of redevelopment. Commissioner Schroeder pointed out if parking ratios change as recommended this is not the only area in' Edina that would have to follow those guidelines. He pointed out Edina is continually looking for opportunities to provide affordable. housing He pointed out if burdened with unnecessarily high parking ratios that may limit the ability of the city to redevelop other commercial areas where the square footage of the housing units and price are less then what is proposed this evening. Commissioner Schroeder said it is entirely possible Edinborough would not have been able to be developed. under the requirements proposed by Commissioners Brown and Lonsbury. Mr. Haugland told the Commission Mr. Benshoof has been working with developers on two projects in downtown Minneapolis and asked the Commission if they would like to hear how the parking was handled in those instances. Mr. Benshoof addressed the Commission and explained at present he is working with developers on two high rise towers in downtown Minneapolis. Mr. Benshoof explained one project is complete "Grand Park ", and the "Carlyle" proposed along the river near the Post Office is not complete. At Grand Park parking requirements are 1.35 spaces per unit regardless of unit size. Mr. Benshoof said the reason the parking requirement of 1.35 is due to the proximity of the development to downtown. It is believed for both projects that residents are people that won't require two vehicles. Many are move down buyers who N consolidate to one car and address most of their needs locally on foot. Mr. Benshoof added at the Grand extra parking stalls are available. Mr. Benshoof said the Carlyle requires a larger parking ratio of 1.45 stalls per unit with the same concept - parking is based on unit numbers not size. Concluding, Mr. Benshoof reported he is finishing a project in Maple Grove with a parking requirement of 2 spaces per unit. It is felt in Maple Grove extra parking could be accommodated on the street. Maple Grove also has an ordinance that prohibits on street parking after midnight. Mr. Benshoof stated in his opinion the recommended parking ratio is high, especially for urban infill projects. Commissioner Fisher cautioned against using this project to solve an existing parking problem. He said in his opinion the recommended 2.5 parking stalls (no matter the scale of the project) is the largest he has ever seen in terms of redevelopment. Commissioner Fischer added, and he may be wrong, that many of the perspective buyers will probably be "move down" from within the community that will embrace the near amenities. Chair Byron called for a vote on the amendment to the zoning ordinance. Nays, Schroeder, Fischer, McClelland, Grabiel, Byron. Ayes; Lonsbury, Brown. Motion failed. Commissioner Grabiel moved to recommend an amendment to the ordinance adding residential dwelling units as a conditional use in the PCD -1, 2, and 3 districts as indicated by staff. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. Ayes; Schroeder, Fischer, McClelland, Grabiel and Byron. Nays, Brown, Lonsbury. Motion carried. Chair Byron said Haugland Companies is before the Commission requesting a Conditional Use Permit and if no further discussion called for a motion. Commissioner Grabiel moved to recommend Conditional Use Permit approval subject to final adoption of an Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, easements as required for building and public utilities and Watershed District Permit(s). Commissioner Fischer seconded the motion. Commissioner McClelland said that while she is in support of the proposal she is hesitant to vote on this motion. She added, at least in her opinion, there are still some unanswered questions especially concerning the air and subterranean rights, exit on /off France Avenue and garbage /recycling placement. Commissioner McClelland stated she believes this is a great redevelopment of the corner reiterating she is still hesitant and suggested continuing the hearing until some of issues are better addressed. Commissioner Fischer questioned if this is the only time the Commission as a body will hear this proposal. �7 Chair Byron responded if he understands correctly staff recommends preliminary approval of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and preliminary approval of the Conditional Use Permit, which indicates this will return to the Commission when everything is in its final form. Commissioner Lonsbury added he agrees with that interpretation. Commissioner Fisher said in his opinion a continuance at this time probably wouldn't change things in the preliminary stages. He added he agrees there are "loose ends" remaining but believes the proponent will have those issues resolved at final. Continuing, Commissioner Fischer pointed out there is always the possibility that tomorrow a similar project could be proposed on the Minneapolis side of France Avenue without any input from the City. He added it is in our favor at this time that the review and approval process is in the hands of the City of Edina. Continuing, Commission Fischer said with all do respect to the business owners regarding parking, that he has never met a business owner that believed they have enough parking and he would be disappointed if business owners said they have enough parking. Commissioner Fischer pointed out in viewing the two aerial photos the top decks of the ramps appear empty. He added he believes there is enough parking to support this project acknowledging not all spaces could be considered convenient. Concluding, Commissioner Fischer said at this time he believes the submitted proposal is well done and designed with careful consideration. He stated he does not believe there are any reasons to delay this project. Mr. Haugland said, as he understood from planning staff a final plan would need to be presented to the Commission and Council. Mr. Haugland apologized to the Commission for bringing up a number of issues in the preliminary stages that probably shouldn't have been brought up until they were resolved. He added he believes the air and subterranean easements will soon be resolved. Chair Byron told the Commission he has been. relatively slow in his own mind in appreciating the mixed -use concept. He added he now better understands the point often made that mixed use is away to reduce density by mixing uses resulting in a positive impact on traffic and parking while at the same time allowing a property owner the ability to improve their property. Continuing, Chair Byron commented from the discussion this evening and in-viewing projects in other communities that a proposal such as this appears to be very attractive to many people. Chair Byron commented when he received his packet containing the request for an amendment change and conditional use permit the first thing he did was drive France Avenue focusing on the southwest corner. Chair Byron added he was struck by the impression that this corner is crying out for redevelopment. He pointed out the age of the structures create the need for change. Chair Byron said the renovation on the Minneapolis (Pinehurst) side of the street appears to be generating redevelopment, which may continue along both sides of France in the future. Chair Byron agreed with observations on traffic congestion and wouldn't consider minimizing the present traffic situation 10 LOCATION MAP tFl I I Edina Overview A -05 -1 & C -05 -1 Haugland Company 3901 -3907 50th Street West 5000 -5020 France Avenue South .w91��r'1► o e Regular Meeting of The Edina Planning Commission Wednesday, February 23, 2005, 7:00 PM Edina City Hall Council Chambers 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, MN Case Number: A -05 -1 & C -05 -1 Location: 3901 -3907 50th Street West 5000 -5020 France Avenue South Property Owner: Mohamoko Associates LLP /JSG Company LLP 5850 Opus Parkway Applicant: Haugland Company 5850 Opus Parkway, Suite #108 Zoning: PCD -2, Planned Commercial District Existing Conditions: The properties include a number of retail stores fronting on 50th Street and France Avenue, as well as the Arby's site. The total area of the combined sites is 30,648 square feet. The city owns a driveway easement on the west and north sides of the Arby's site. The drive provides access to store loading areas and a central garbage and recycling area. Total floor area of existing stores is approximately 16,148 square feet. 50th and France Redevelopment Plan: The subject properties lie within the 50th and France Avenue Redevelopment Plan area. The Plan identified certain sites for redevelopment at higher intensities. The Arby's site is one of those sites. The site is identified for 30,000 square feet of office and retail floor area. Parking is to be provided in the public ramps. Sites not specifically identified for redevelopment are allowed to redevelop at a floor area of 1.0 relying on existing public parking. Thus, under current plans and ordinances, the subject property could redevelop with a total floor area of 44,000-square feet of combined retail and office uses. Project Description: As stated previously the subject property is located within the southwest quadrant of the intersection of 50th and France, consisting of two parcels: Parcel "1 ", owned by MOHAKOKO Associates LLP consists of 3901 -3907 West 501h St. and 5000 -5018 France Ave. South and is the property located between the Edina Theatre and the Arby's site. Parcel 1 consists of approximately 16,371 sq ft, (.3658 acres) with 13,393 gross square feet of retail occupying the buildings. Parcel "2 ", owned by JSG Company, LL is located at 5020 France Ave. So. and is known as the Arby's site. Parcel 2 consists of approximately 14,277 sq ft, (.3278 acres) with 2,755 gross square feet of restaurant/retail area, (Arby's). The properties are Zoned PCD -2, Planned Commercial District Two and lie within the 50th and France Redevelopment Plan. The properties do not border other Zoning Districts so no setbacks are required for buildings. The developer of the property is the Haugland Company who is proposing to demolish all 16,148 gross sq ft of existing building area on the two parcels and replace them with 22,490 gross square feet of retail at ground level. Parcel °1" will increase slightly from 13,393 gross sq ft of retail to 13, 990 gross sq ft of retail. Parcel "2" removes the small 2,755 gross sq ft Arby's building and replaces it with 8,500 gross sq ft of retail. In addition to new retail, the proposal includes 23 condominium units on 3 levels to be located above the ground floor retail spaces. The condominiums will consist of a combined 66,896 gross square feet including the circulation areas. The residential units will be recessed away from the retail spaces located below the condos with terrace area and balconies in- between the front facade of the retail building and the facade of the condo, units. The second level above the retail spaces will consist of 22,519 gross square feet of floor area including circulation areas with a total of .8 units, (19,089 gross square feet). The third level will consist of 22,519 gross square feet including circulation area with a total of 8 units, (19,089. gross square feet). The fourth level will consist of 21,858 gross square feet including circulation areas with a total of 7 units, (21,858 gross square feet). A below grade parking garage will provide 45 parking stalls that may only be accessed and used by the condominium owners. The below grade parking would encompass area below both parcels and the alley area. The proposal uses the city parking ramp as path for ingress /egress to the parking garage across the alley. This allows only residents of the condos to cross the alley through the ramp at 90 degrees to avoid congestion with delivery trucks. In addition to the parking garage there will be two on grade parking stalls provided on the site with the opportunity for more on street parking along France Ave. after the elimination of a curb cut on the Arby's site. The project will consist of two phases. The first phase involves Parcel "2" and includes demolition of the Arby's restaurant and the build -out of 8,500 sq ft of retail and condos on the upper levels. This allows for 2 or 3 of the existing tenants in Parcel "1" to relocate to their new tenant space without disruption, keeping their business in continuous operation. The second phase will consist of demolishing the retail on Parcel "1" and the build -out of the remaining retail and condos. The existing one -way alley from west 51st St. to France Ave. will remain in place with a slight adjustment in location to correct maneuverability. The trash area located along the alley will remain which serves most of the block with the area also serving as a delivery location for the liquor store and a service route used by retailers on the block. The new project is designed to work with the existing route patterns. A loading area is planned on site to reduce congestion and provide for customer pick -up, The 3 existing onsite stalls currently function in that capacity. The 50th St. walkway will remain the same, however, the plan will widen the walk along France Ave. by 3 ft. from 50th St. to the alley, providing a wider pathway. The walkway south of the alley will remain the same width or will be wider. An outside eating area is proposed near the "Ampersand" property for summer use and the walkway between "Ampersand" and the subject property will also be widened. It is proposed that a walkway be formalized crossing the alley behind the theatre and near the parking ramp to enhance pedestrian movement connecting to France Ave. Zoning Compliance: The proposed 22,490 square feet of street level retail spaces complies with the 50th and France Avenue Redevelopment Plan, and with all zoning ordinance standards for the PCD -2 zoning district. There are no required building setbacks for this site. The parking is provided by the existing public parking, and total building height of 50 feet complies with PCD -2 height requirements. The PCD -2 district does not currently allow housing as a permitted use. However, housing has historically been a part of retail nodes like this. The building at the northwest corner of the intersection was developed with housing on the second floor. There still is housing above stores on the Minneapolis side of France Avenue, as well as other retail nodes in southwest Minneapolis, and at 44th and France. Attached to this report is an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance that would add residential use as a Conditional Use in Planned. Commercial District. Residential uses would need to comply with the standards for the District, but would be exempt from the floor area limit. The residential use would need to provide private parking to support the project. Conclusion /Recommendation: Staff recommends preliminary approval of amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and preliminary approval of Conditional Use permit for the proposed project subject to satisfaction of the following conditions: 1. Final adoption of Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2. Approval of Conditional Use Permit for dwelling units 3. Easements as required for building and public utilities 4. Watershed District Permits ORDINANCE NO. 2005-?? AN ORDINANCE ADDING RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS AS A CONDIONAL USE IN THE PCD -1,2 AND 3 DISTRICTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1 Subsection 850.16 of Section 850 of the Edina City Code is amended by adding the following thereto: "Conditional Uses in PCD -1, 2 and 3." Residential dwelling units above principal uses. Section 2. Subd. 11, of Subsection 850.16 is further amended by adding thereto: "O. Standards for residential dwelling units. No part of any dwelling unit shall be located at street grade. 2. The floor area of the building used for residential purposes shall be exempt from the Floor Area requirements of the underlying district. 3. Dwelling units with a floor area of 1,500 square feet or less shall provide a minimum of 1.25 fully enclosed parking spaces per unit. Dwelling units exceeding 1,500 square feet shall provide a minimum of 1.5 fully enclosed spaces per unit. Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its adoption and publication according to law. First Reading: Second Reading: Published: ATTEST: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor Zoning Request February 9, 2005 Subject Propert y: Parcel 1: 3901 — 3907 West 50'h Street and 5000 — 5018 France Avenue South, owned by MOHAMOKO Associates LLP (the property between Edina Theatre and Arby's) Parcel 2: 5020 France Avenue South, owned by JSG Company, LLP (Arby's) Developer: Haugland Company General Plan: Developer proposes to demolish all existing buildings on the 2 parcels. The subject buildings have reached a level of functional and physical obsolescence which is no longer competitive in the modern marketplace. The proposed redevelopment project will replace the current 13,400 s.f. of retail and Arby's with approximately 22,500 s.f. of new retail space at ground level. In addition, Developer proposes to build 23 condominium units on 3 levels above the retail space. Below grade, one level of parking will be built for the private use of the residents of the condo units. The project is planned to be built in 2 phases. The first phase will consist of the demolition of Arby's and the build -out of new retail space at that location (including a small number of condo units on the upper levels). This will allow 2 or 3 existing tenants to relocate to the new space while the remainder is rebuilt. This gives those tenants the opportunity to keep their business in continuous operation. The second phase will consist of the demolition of the remaining retail and the build -out of new retail with condo units above. Delivery and Trash Services: Currently, the trash facility behind Edina Theatre serves the entire block with the exception of Excel Bank and Lunds. This facility also serves as the delivery location for the Edina Liquor Store. The one -way alley from 51" to the Theatre and out to France serves as the truck/delivery route for all retail business on the block except Lunds. It is clear that the service route provided by the alley is essential to the retailers on the block, and after considering alternatives, it has been decided that the trash facility remain in its current place. As such, the new project is being designed to work with those existing conditions. Parking: The underground parking will provide the necessary parking (45 stalls) for the residential units. Currently, there are 3 parking places off the alley by Designer Home Fabrics. These will be replaced by 2 stalls behind the southern most portion of the new development. In addition, a loading area is being provided to reduce congestion and provide a location for customer pick -up. To a large extent, the existing surface stalls are being used for pick -up and delivery today. Deliveries: The existing one -way alley will remain in place with a slight shift in alignment to enhance maneuverability. Residential Parking Access: After reviewing various alternatives for ways to provide ingress /egress for the underground residential parking, a proposed alternative was selected. The major issue is that delivery vehicles often block the one -way alley resulting in a less than acceptable path for ingress /egress. Using France Avenue as a path to ingress /egress was deemed a safety hazard and a detriment to traffic on France Avenue. The result is a proposed solution which uses the city parking ramp as a path for ingress /egress. This will allow residents only to cross the alley at 90 degrees and avoid congestion with delivery vehicles. ' A remote controlled gate and garage door system will eliminate use of this path by non - residents and provide security to the residential underground parking. Architecture: The design of the project has been developed with the intent of preserving the 50`h and France community feel and scale. While the height of the residential units will be at the height of the Edina Theatre, the scale at the pedestrian level is intended to preserve the character of the neighborhood. Each individual retail establishment will be allowed to express their own image through the unique design and materials of the storefront. It should be noted that the 3 -story residential component is setback from the face of the retail. These units have a wide variety of setbacks and opportunities for exterior treatment of windows, terraces and balconies. In order to develop the residential component as a single faciliy, the plan proposes to bridge the alley that exists on the north side of Arby's at the 2" , 3 d and 4` levels. This allows egress for service vehicles at the ground level. The plan also proposes that the underground parking is continuous under the same area of the alley. This is necessary to provide adequate parking for the residential units by having a single point of ingress /egress. Pedestrian Walkways: The 50`h Street sidewalk is proposed to remain at its current size; however, the proposed plan will widen the France Avenue sidewalk by 3 feet from 50`' Street to the alley. South of the alley, the sidewalk will remain at the same width or be wider. At the southerly end of the development, adjacent to Ampersand, an outside eating area is proposed for summer use by a restaurant. The walkway between the proposed redevelopment and the "Ampersand" property will be slightly wider than it is currently. It is proposed that the walkway behind the Theatre be formalized to cross over the alley and proceed to France Avenue on the south side of the alley. The two walkways will enhance the pedestrian experience when leaving the parking ramp and walking to France Avenue. Requests to the City of Edina: • Proper zoning to accomplish the development plan. • Air and subterranean rights under and over the alley. • Slight adjustment in the alley easement for realignment. • Ingress /Egress easement through the parking ramp for resident parking access. • City participation in covering the sidewalk between—the proposed project and "Ampersand" using a design similar to the walkway by Chico's. • Such other necessary easements for access and utilities as may be required. Respectfully submitted by: Gene Haugland / President Haugland Company 1WBENSHOOF & ASSOCIATES, INC. TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 10417 EXCELSIOR BOULEVARD, SUITE TWO / HOPKINS, MN 55343 / (952) 238 -1667 / FAX (952) 238 -1671 February 16, 2005 Refer to File: 05 -08 MEMORANDUM TO: Gene Haugland, Haaugland Company A FROM: James A. Bensho and Aravind GottemukkAla RE: Traffic Study for Proposed Redevelopment at 50th Street and France Avenue Intersection in City of Edina PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND This memorandum is to present the results of our traffic study for the proposed redevelopment of property located in the southwest quadrant of the 501h Street/France Avenue intersection in the City of Edina. Based on discussions with City staff and yourself, the following traffic questions were addressed in this study: a) What is an alternative development scenario that could be constructed on the subject property in a manner consistent with existing zoning? b) For the proposed redevelopment plan for the alternative scenario from question a), what are the total numbers of trips that would be generated on a weekday during the p.m. peak hour for adjacent street traffic and on a daily basis? Considering the number of trips generated by existing uses of the property that would be eliminated, what is the incremental change in trip generation for the proposed plan and for the alternative scenario? c) Applying the incremental change in trip generation with the proposed development, what would be the change in p.m. peak hour traffic volumes along the property frontage of France Avenue and through the intersection of France Avenue and 50'h Street? d) Considering the volume changes from point c), to what extent would traffic operations be impacted along the subject portion of France Avenue and at the France Avenue /50th Street intersection? Would any negative impacts be experienced? e) How will parking needs for the proposed development be accommodated? Will any negative parking impacts occur? f) Will adequate traffic operations be provided within the site and in relationship to the adjacent parking ramp'? The subject property presently consists of approximately 13,393 SF (square feet) of specialty retail (including Edina Grill restaurant) and a 2,755 SF Arby's restaurant. The proposed redevelopment plan will increase the specialty retail from 13,393 SF to 22,500 SF, will eliminate the existing Arby's restaurant, and will add 23 condominium units. Full completion of the proposed redevelopment is expected in 2006. ' The p.m. peak hour for adjacent street traffic is one hour between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. on a typical weekday. The p.m. peak hour for site trip generation is not the same as the peak hour for adjacent street traffic. The p.m. peak hour for adjacent street traffic was examined in this study as it is the busiest hour for 501h Street and France Avenue. P.M. peak hour in this document means p.m. peak hour of adjacent street traffic. Mr. Gene Haugland -2- February 16, 2005 The redeveloped property will be served by one existing exit driveway on France Avenue, the existing one -way northbound alley connecting to 51' Street, and a new connection to the parking ramp opposite the entrance to the underground parking garage for residents. We understand that the parking ramp connection will be restricted by gates. Access through this connection will only. be available for residents of the proposed development. RESPONSES TO TRAFFIC QUESTIONS uestion a). Alternative Develoyment Scenario To address this question, we reviewed the existing City zoning map and City Code to postulate an alternative development scenario. The property is currently zoned as PCD -2 (Planned Commercial District). The City Code allows a wide variety of commercial uses under PCD -2, most of which are characterized as specialty retail by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for trip generation purposes. The Code allows a maximum floor area ratio of 1.5 for PCD -2. Considering the above information, we determined that 45,000 SF of specialty retail uses could be developed on the site in full conformance with the City Code. Question b). Incremental Change in Trip Generation As presented earlier, the proposed redevelopment will expand the existing 13,393 SF specialty retail to approximately 22,500 SF, an increase of approximately 9,100 SF in gross floor area for this use. The current redevelopment plan will also add 23 condominium units above the specialty retail uses. In conjunction with the redevelopment, the existing Arby's restaurant will be removed. For the alternative development scenario, the existing 13,393 SF of specialty retail would be expanded by 31,607 SF to a total of 45,000 SF, and the existing Arby's restaurant would be removed. To estimate the change in trip generation that would be caused by the proposed redevelopment or the alternative development scenario, we completed entering and exiting p.m. peak hour trip counts at the existing Arby's restaurant, and we used the trip generation rates presented in the Institute of Transportation Engineers' Trip Generation, Seventh Edition for specialty retail, fast - food restaurant, and condominium uses. The incremental changes in trip generation due to the proposed redevelopment and the alternative development scenario are presented in Table 1. As presented in Table 1, the current redevelopment plan actually causes a reduction in trip generation for the subject site both during the p.m. peak hour and on a daily basis. On the other hand, the alternative development scenario consisting of 45,000 SF specialty. retail that could occur on this site would generate significantly greater number of trips compared to the existing trip generation for the site. Thus, the current redevelopment plan would generate fewer trips compared to the existing uses and would generate substantially fewer trips compared to the alternative development scenario that is consistent with the current zoning designation for the property. Mr. Gene Haugland -3- February 16. 2005 Table 1 Change in Weekday Trip Generation for Proposed Redevelopment and Alternative Development Scenario Ouestion c). Change in P.M. Peak Hour Volumes The current redevelopment plan will remove the existing entrance driveway on France Avenue and will retain the existing exit driveway. The reduced trip generation and the reduced access on France Avenue will result in reduced traffic volumes on France Avenue. Based on current traffic counts at France Avenue /501h Street intersection, the adjacent roadway network, and location of major attractions relative to the subject site, we expect that the trips generated by the site are distributed as per the following percentages: • 30 percent to and from the west on 50'h Street • 25 percent to and from the east on 501h Street • 25 percent to and from the south on France Avenue • 20 percent to and from the north on France Avenue The net change in p.m. peak hour trip generation presented in Table l was assigned to the 50`h Street/France Avenue intersection according to the above trip distribution percentages. During the p.m. peak hour, a total of 2,122 vehicles presently enter the France Avenue /50'h Street intersection. Following completion of the proposed development, the total volume entering this intersection will be reduced by about 10 vehicles. Change in Trip Generation Source of Trip Use P.M. Peak Hour of Daily Generation Ad'acent Street Traffic Proposed Redevelopment Remove 2,275 SF Arby's -45 -644 P.M. Peak Hour Count and restaurant ITE data Add 9,100 SF Specialty 25 403 ITE Trip Generation, Retail 7 Ih Edition Add 23 condominiums 12 135 ITE Tr;ie Generation, 7 Edition Net Change — -g -106 - Pro osed Redevelopment Alternative Development Scenario Remove 2,275 SF Arby's -45 -644 P.M. Peak Hour Count and restaurant ITE data Add 31,60TSF Specialty 86 1,400 ITE Trip Generation, Retail 7'h Edition Net Change — 41 756 Alternative Development Ouestion c). Change in P.M. Peak Hour Volumes The current redevelopment plan will remove the existing entrance driveway on France Avenue and will retain the existing exit driveway. The reduced trip generation and the reduced access on France Avenue will result in reduced traffic volumes on France Avenue. Based on current traffic counts at France Avenue /501h Street intersection, the adjacent roadway network, and location of major attractions relative to the subject site, we expect that the trips generated by the site are distributed as per the following percentages: • 30 percent to and from the west on 50'h Street • 25 percent to and from the east on 501h Street • 25 percent to and from the south on France Avenue • 20 percent to and from the north on France Avenue The net change in p.m. peak hour trip generation presented in Table l was assigned to the 50`h Street/France Avenue intersection according to the above trip distribution percentages. During the p.m. peak hour, a total of 2,122 vehicles presently enter the France Avenue /50'h Street intersection. Following completion of the proposed development, the total volume entering this intersection will be reduced by about 10 vehicles. Mr. Gene Haugland -4- February 16, 2005 Question d). Impacts on France Avenue and France Avenue /50'!' Street Intersection As presented in response to question c), the proposed redevelopment will benefit France Avenue by actually causing a slight reduction in the volume using this roadway. In addition to the volume reduction, the proposed redevelopment will result in one less driveway on France Avenue, which will improve safety on this roadway by reducing the number of conflict points. The reduced volumes through the France Avenue /50'h Street intersection will cause a slight improvement in operations through this intersection. Ouestion e). Parking Needs The current redevelopment plan shows a total of 47 parking spaces (45 underground and two surface parking spaces) that will be available only for residents. The 47 parking 'spaces translate to approximately two spaces per dwelling unit. To check the adequacy of parking for residents, we reviewed the data and standards presented in the following two documents: • City Code • ITE Parking Generation, Third Edition Based on a review of the City Code parking requirements and discussions with City staff, we understand that the minimum parking requirement for condominiums is 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit, of which at least 1.25 spaces must be fully enclosed. City staff indicated that the remaining 0.75 spaces can either be exposed or enclosed. All of the required two spaces per dwelling unit must be provided on the site. The proposed development meets the City Code requirements through the provision of 45 underground and two surface parking spaces for the 23 dwelling units. Based on data collected at other similar developments, the ITE Parking Generation document presents an average peak parking demand of 1.46 parking spaces per dwelling unit for condominiums. Thus, the current redevelopment plan exceeds the average peak parking demand for condominiums by 0.54 spaces per dwelling unit. In addition to residents, parking demand is generated by residential guests and users of the specialty retail uses. The City has provided ramp and on- street parking to adequately fulfill parking needs for the residential guests and retail users. Question fl. Traffic Operations within Site The current redevelopment plan was reviewed to determine if adequate operations would be provided within the site. As presented earlier, the following access arrangements will be provided for the proposed redevelopment: One -way northbound alley between the parking ramp and the site that will allow entry into the site from 5151 Street. Driveway on France Avenue that will allow exiting out of the site. Connection to the parking ramp opposite the entrance to the underground parking garage that will allow residents to use the ramp to enter and exit the site. The connection to the ramp will be controlled by access gates that will restrict use of this connection to residents only. With the above access provisions, the current redevelopment plan will provide adequate operations within the site. Mr. Gene Haugland -5- February 16, 2005 CONCLUSIONS Based on information presented in this memorandum, we have established the following three principal findings: a) The proposed redevelopment will not cause any negative impacts on France Avenue and at the France Avenue /50'h Street intersection. b) Adequate parking will be provided to effectively meet the expected demand. c) Satisfactory operations will be provided within the site. DATE: February 17, 2005 MEMORANDUM CITY OF EDINA TO: Craig Larsen — City Planner FROM: Wayne Houle — Director of Public Works / City Engineer SUBJECT: 50th and France Redevelopment Engineering has reviewed the above stated project and offers the following comments: 1. Access to below grade parking from the municipal ramp: Engineering has consulted with our parking ramp consultants, Walker Parking Consultants, regarding modifications to the ramp to accommodate access to the below grade parking. Minimal modifications will be required for this access. Approximately three parking stalls will need to be removed for this access. Engineering does not object to these modifications. 2. Traffic Study, Benshoof & Associates, Inc. Engineering has reviewed the Traffic Study as prepared by Benshoof & Associates, Inc., February 16, 2005, and does not object to the conclusions stated in this report. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this review. Thanks DATE: March 10, 2005 MEMORANDUM CITY OF EDINA TO: Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: 56even Lillehaug, P.E., P.T.O.E., Edina Traffic Engineer SUBJECT: Redevelopment at West 50th St. and France Ave. — Haugland Company The Transportation Commission reviewed the zoning request to redevelop 3901 -3907 West 50th Street and 5000 -5020 France Avenue located in the southwest quadrant of West 50th Street France Avenue on February 24, 2005. The Transportation Commission recommended approval of the proposal as follows: Ayes -4 (White, Dovolis, Plante and Richards) and Nays - 3 (Bennett, Wanninger and Thorpe). Attached are the DRAFT summary minutes for the referenced meeting. A, MINUTES OF THE w91��1� Edina Transportation Commission 0w e �� Thursday, February 24, 2005 0 Edina City Hall v 4801 West 50th Street 0f "0 Community Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Richards, Marie Thorpe, Jean White, Warren Plante, Joni Kelly Bennett, Les Wanninger, Dean Dovolis MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Steve Lillehaug, Sharon Allison L New Business c. Traffic Study for Proposed Redevelopment at West 50th Street & France Avenue, Haugland Company In reference to the 50th and France redevelopment, Richards suggested three questions that he believes the Commissioners should answer when they are evaluating site redevelopment. He stated the questions are necessary to prevent them from duplicating the responsibilities of the Planning Commission. The questions are: i. Does the development significantly affect the operation and congestion of the adjacent roadways or intersections? ii. Does the development significantly affect pedestrian safety? iii. Does the development provide opportunities for enhanced transit usage, van - pooling or car - pooling? Richards recommended that the ETC advise the Council on site redevelopment based on the "Purpose and Duties" set forth in the ETC ordinance. He stated that he met with the Mayor and staff regarding redevelopment and traffic issues and he suggested setting a minimum threshold requirement of when the ETC will address traffic issues as they relate to redevelopment. He also stated that he would stop Commissioners from discussing issues such as aesthetic, height, etc. since these are not within the parameters of the ETC. He said the ETC's meeting schedule is a concern because the Planning Commission approved the redevelopment of 50th & France on February 23rd and is sending it on to Council for approval. He said meeting after the Planning Commission would not work well if the ETC is to provide feedback and suggested changing their meeting day to the fourth Tuesday of each month. Some Commission members felt that the redevelopment at 50th and France is a good opportunity to address the congestion in this area and try to find solutions to alleviate the problem. Bennett suggested another question: Can they significantly take advantage of the opportunity to address an existing problem? Richards said this might not work very well because the Planning Commission is a reactive body whereas the ETC is proactive. Dovolis said in his experience, he's been asked to push a building further back from the street to make room for a turn lane. Wanninger suggested adopting a policy that would allow the ETC to create plans for areas with traffic congestion in anticipation of redevelopment. Richards said the developers are not anticipating an increase in traffic based on a traffic study that they conducted. Traffic should decrease because the Arby's Restaurant and two curb cuts are being eliminated and 45 off - street parking are being added. Plante noted that when the Planning Commission reviewed the plans for the 70th Street redevelopment they did not consider the effects of traffic caused by the new development, so he is pleased to see that the developers at 50th & France had a traffic study done. Bennett asked if they were to do nothing now, when would they have another opportunity? Staff does not know because there are no plans to make changes and it would not be fair to hold up the developers. Dovolis suggested .becoming proactive by staying ahead of redevelopment trends and create plans for areas where traffic is a concern. Bennett asked staff why wasn't there a plan in place considering the many years of traffic problems. Richards said this is a question for the ETC to answer and they just did not have time to get to this area because they spent a lot of time on other issues. Thorpe said Council has not adopted the proposal so there is still time to have a traffic study done. Wanninger concurred and stated that if nothing is done now it may as well be removed from the list of problem areas. White stated that she is in favor of the plan as presented. Dovolis said he couldn't, in good conscience hold up the plan, because the developer did everything necessary.. Dovolis moved to approve the proposal. Seconded by White. Wanninger said he's in favor of this motion with restrictions such as eventually eliminating parking on France and adding turn lanes. Dovolis said he would not want these restrictions tied to his motion. Thorpe said the reduction in trip generation is insignificant. Bennett stated that three months ago the ETC asked staff to look at this area because of rumored redevelopment plans and she is very disappointed that nothing was done. Ayes: 4.(White, Dovolis, Plante, Richards) Nays: 3 (Bennett, Wanninger, Thorpe) [It should be noted that these Commissioners are in favor of the proposed redevelopment, however, they believe that the City is missing an opportune time to make changes to address the traffic issues in the area.] Motion carried. Plante asked how long ago has Planning known about the redevelopment plans. Dovolis said he's known about it for at least one year. Wanninger said in order for the ETC to give input to the Planning Commission, the ETC will need to meet before them and the questions suggested by Richards should be posed to potential redevelopers. Richards said they should set a threshold as to what significant is and communicate this to the Planning Commission to get their feedback to avoid duplication. White asked if it would be appropriate to meet with the Planning Commission to understand how a proposal comes to fruition. Dovolis said it would be good to meet and discuss what each Commission is doing. 2 Richard T. Curtin 6310 McIntyre Pointe Edina, MN 55439 Edina City Council C/O Mr. Craig Larsen Director of Planning City of Edina City Hall Edina, MN 55424 Re: City Council March 15 hearing Haugland Development Plans Dear City Council: March 4, 2005 I own the Ampersand Building, located at 5034 France Avenue South, immediately south of the proposed development. I would like to clarify whether the proposed condominiums will change the permitted use of the Ampersand Building. At the present time, the City of Edina will permit seasonal use of rooftops, without requiring additional parking. Of course, such use requires that zoning, licensing, building codes and other City requirements be met. Prior to the release of the details of the Haugland Plan, several prospective restaurant tenants expressed interest in using the roof of the Ampersand Building, on a seasonal basis, as part of a new restaurant. The proposed development has caused them to re -think their willingness to proceed. They are concerned that the new condominiums might create a climate where noise from outdoor use of a roof is perceived to be a problem for the condominium owners and as a result, roof top use will be limited or prohibited by the City of Edina. I know it is unreasonable for anyone to ask for a prediction about the future; especially where the rooftop use does not exist yet. However, is it reasonable to ask that the City of Edina state that condominium owners will have to take the 501' France neighborhood as a commercial neighborhood and that they should be prepared to live with the possibility of roof top dining? Very Truly Yours- , Richard T Curtin Page 1 of 1 Richard T. Curtin 6310 McIntyre Pointe Edina, WIN 55439 Planning Commission February 22, 2005 City of Edina City Hall Edina, MN 55424 Re: February 23, 2005 Hearing Haugland Development Plans Dear Planning Commission: This letter is to express some comments about the proposed development at 50th & France. I am a long time Edina resident who has raised four children in Edina, all of whom returned to Edina as adults. We all shop at 50th and France and consider it a vital part of our lives. I am also a property owner in the 50th and France community, with buildings at 5034 France Avenue, 3801 West 50th Street, 5016 Ewing Avenue and 5020 Ewing Avenue. Gene Haugland has proposed a quality development that could provide substantial benefits to Edina and the 50th & France community. I have great respect for Gene Haugland and I understand how difficult it is to design a workable redevelopment plan. He has been generous with his time in meeting with me, explaining his concept and listening to my concerns. Despite these conversations and my consultations with others at City Hall, there are some problems with the proposal. My concerns are: • The proposed access to the condominium parking will disrupt the parking ramp and make it more dangerous, • The increased density will cause parking shortages, • The design of the residential condominiums may affect the use of adjacent property, and • The design of the development converts my sidewalk to a thoroughfare, maintained by me, but used to access the new development. Page 1 of 4 Parking Rama: The proposal has every condominium resident entering the condominium parking garage by driving into the parking ramp and making a right turn into the garage. To leave the condominium parking garage, each driver must retrace this path, except only now the driver makes a dangerous left turn across oncoming parking ramp traffic. There will be 46 parking places. Some condominium owners may not need their parking space, but despite assertions that it will not happen, there is no realistic way to prevent them from letting others use the parking space. Some owners will have children who visit; some will have grandchildren who visit; some will have acquaintances who desire to rent an unused parking space; all may have visitors with automobiles who stay for days or weeks. It is possible that there will be 46 cars coming and going, some making several trips a day. This additional traffic will be generated in the parking ramp's most vulnerable area. The distance between the proposed entrance to the condominium parking and the entrance to the City's parking ramp is the most congested and dangerous portion of the ramp. Pedestrians, frequently mothers with young children, are attempting to get to and from their cars. Drivers leaving the ramp are backing out of parking spaces or coming around a blind turn only a few feet from where cars exiting the condominium garage are making a left turn into their traffic lane. Drivers entering the ramp often find a backing up car or pedestrian suddenly appearing in front of them: often they encounter cars approaching them head on as impatient oncoming drivers swerve to avoid pedestrians or other drivers backing out of parking spaces. The condominiums will generate additional parking pressure in the ramp. There will be guests, service vehicles, house cleaners, babysitters, and maintenance workers who service the condominium common areas. Street access to the condominium garage would take the traffic out of the parking ramp and put it where it belongs, on a public street. The traffic generated by the condominium, while it is significant in the parking ramp, is not significant if moved to France Avenue. Arby's must generate several hundred cars a day on France Avenue, all pulling in or out of traffic. The street traffic generated by the condominiums will be far less than the traffic from Arby's. We are told there will just be a "few cars" coming and going to the condominiums. If that is true, there will be no impact on street traffic. If that is not true, the cars do not belong in the parking ramp. Either way, there should be street, not ramp, access. Street access also permits a discussion of guest parking for the condominiums. The present plan provides for two parking places per unit, and this meets City requirements. However, it seems unreasonable to me to permit new condominiums in "downtown Edina" with no provision for guest parking. Street access to the parking garage would permit such a discussion to take place. Page 2 of 4 Increased Density: 5,000 square feet of additional commercial space is being added without any additional parking. Other property owners would not be permitted to do this. The adjacent property at 5034 France is an example. There used to be a bowling alley and restaurant in the lower level of the building. The building was built to be expanded by adding additional stories to the top. I asked the City of Edina if the lower level could be used for a teen center or if an additional floor could be added for office, housing or any other purpose. The City told me that they thought I could use do both, BUT, to do so I would have to provide additional parking. I have been searching for a theory why what is prohibited for me is permitted for someone else. I have been told various things by various people and I have been left somewhat confused. I was told that this additional commercial space was taken into account when the parking ramp was built, that the Arby's space was always intended to be developed, and this was incorporated into the parking ramp design. The special assessments made to support the parking ramp do not support this assertion. When I went back, I was told a different story. It is true, I was told, that development of the Arby's site was not taken into account when the parking ramp was built, but development is in the comprehensive plan. I cannot find where the comprehensive plan says the rules on parking are waived. I asked again. I was told the parking cannot be waived for me because of F.A.R ratios, but these rules do not apply to the new development because it is going to have a conditional use permit. I went to the Edina City Code Section 850.04 and found that for there to be a conditional use there must be a specific finding that the proposal, "Will not cause undue traffic hazards, congestion or parking shortages." There also must be a finding that the use, "Will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment or decrease the value, of other property in the vicinity." The absence of condominium guest parking, the congestion caused in the ramp by accessing the condominium parking through the ramp, the removal of the Arby's parking, and the addition of 5,000 square feet of commercial space will certainly cause congestion, parking shortages and will depreciate all other property values in the area. I am having trouble understanding how a conditional use permit can be issued without solving some of these problems. As I continue to ask questions, I have heard that this project can be justified using the variance procedure. I had to look up what this means. Edina City Code Section 850.04 says that a variance cannot be granted without "undue hardship," defined as meaning the property cannot be put to a reasonable use without a variance. The Section also says, "Economic considerations alone shall not constitute undue hardship." I see no undue hardship. I see only economic considerations. The proposal wants to remove 17,000 square feet of commercial space, and replace it with 22,500 square feet of commercial space. The proposal does not want to add any Page 3 of 4 additional parking for the commercial space and it does not add any parking for visitors to the residential space. In fact, the parking supplied by Arby's is being removed. I read Edina City Code 850.08, as saying public parking can be used to meet off -street parking requirements, provided the "principal use was in existence on the date the ..." public parking was approved. The Code goes on to say. if there is "any increase in the size, or changes in the uses .... then additional off-street parking spaces. shall be provided." That seems reasonable to me. The economics of development always push the developer into wanting to maximize the density of his property. It is the City's role to impose limits on the permitted density. It is not the City's role to maximize the profit to a developer. The City of Edina should be proud of the City Code it has adopted and it should follow its own guidelines. Edina does not need to bend its rules to attract development. Adiacent Property: I have no objection to condominiums at 50'' and France. I am concerned that they might changes the permitted property uses and I would like some public discussion about this issue. Presently, the City permits seasonal uses without an increase in the parking requirement. This means the developer is proposing patio seating in the proposed restaurant and this patio seating is not included in his square footage for computing parking requirements. That makes sense — parking is less of an issue in the summer and outside uses add excitement to the area. I have prospective tenants who would like to put outside dining on the roof on. my building. I have been told that is permitted, that the City of Edina supports such use and encourages it. I have concerns about what happens when a condominium owner complains about the. noise. How does this development affect the uses that would otherwise be permitted on my property? 'I have been told that this development will have no impact, but prospective tenants are concerned. Can I get any discussion of this point on the public record? Is there anything the City can say on this point to a business that proposes investing several hundred thousands of dollars in the area? Adiacent Sidewalk: The development proposes a wall along the north property line of 5034 France Avenue. This wall would be from three (3) feet from the property line separating the properties. The building at 5034 France has a six (6) foot sidewalk now running along the property line. I have concerns about providing 2/3 (two thirds) of the access to the new development — how does this affect my ability to use my sidewalk, how fair is it, and how are liability and maintenance costs to be shared? 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I O I 1 WEST 50TH _ STREET -_ ■ as � a a 'aC-I I 1 �MORnI lDE OF 71E SE 1/4 OF SEC. 14 ` I -- -_ TIW. 24 RANGE 24 31STMY PARING RAMP 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I I Man Pat Ott �ele.avoW1 uca" 0Q o Pvp� EXISTING BUILDING 3911 50TH STREET WEST BUILDING FOOTPRINT 13,970 SO. FT.Piq 9% LOT 45 0 9 �I ll, S, 3 0 Isar n• Aiaplr ■mm p uo�i o Im w9O1inMe r uuslan v oti I■a■sxs o M am 16 42a Z ftwm i I I - 1 - -■ a a a_ _e -- tw outs ■ I I MIS 97.00 M It UA ■ --TIE SUM 7 Fr. a 1NE NQ I]N 40 FT. OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEIL 14 TIN'. 24 RANGE 24 EXISTING BUILDING BLDG. FOOTPRINT 13,393 SQ. FT. '�' y - --_- __-_ -- 970 -- �yp9J9 � PARCEL 1 4 16,371 sq. ft. 0.3756 acres LOT O� t Oa \ r, I j a 47 , I ',rOMor 49.00 ? Dg, r � 1 139.50 4tif19 -11� IT 1 ee a -MCI nil IrE of LOT WEST 21'43 +' w loots o y0.04 Npetsowr C. LOT 45 EXISTING BUILDING 5020 FRANCE: AVE. SOUTH 2755 sa tT. 13 I PARLEL 2 - 16,371 sq ft. • • 0.3758 acres ° ° a ° M%Mrr I- - - - - -- r I , A n --- 190.0 - Slav 7L -/fl DUSTING BUILDING �I 1 ( SOUM IJNE of suU LOT 4E -•, ;1 1 ® I a a III _d I 1 Ina 1 I 3 37- I e31 t � I 't I j4 Q W l I • � ^II i I - -I� I n ■ts'n ■ I I I I e 1 II + h� I I 9 ^I� 1 III. o I I I le=a pI a II� I ^ I I ^II I II I m _ I II� _I a II li :1 .K- •_,.- e..�„wtoR. a,ss 1GNY�t1 ".as' a17W rranw ...e,......... .....,,, ,...ems..... iRCf. � L` { u PARCEL 2.; That pot ai lhs Lot 4% Audltds Subdivision Na 17$ Ho . • . faltmW Coifunaneing at a print on the East line of sold L r r _ the e4 ttbnee YNesl dung a Ilea parallel to sold South Oft NO it Wang a one partial to said East line a distance of par n--- to sold South late a Instance of 36.1 feet then - _ the a dWonal, of 1.1 test; thence East fang a line p6m1, feet to a point an said East the 123.0 feet North of the I sold East Me a distance of 123.0 fast to the Point of ben EYcspC however, those parts of Lot 45 described as fdfoa EXCEPTION 1. The South 7 feet of the North 10 feat of t of the East 150 feet of sold Lot 45; and 1 EXCEPTION 2. Commencing at a point an the East line of South The thereof. thence West along a line parallel to oat 1 �t if dh fine �ai� porallel sold South line % ot0 feet s a p 1 point of beginning; thence South clang said East Me d dh beginning and EXCEPTION 3. The north 3.0 feet of the South 193.0 feet 113.90 feet; also the North 1.90 feet of the South 191.90 150.00 feet all In Lot 45, Auditors Subdivision No. 17Z, H - - - - 1 EXCEPTION 4. That purl of the North 113.00 feet of the fast of said Lot 48. Auditors Subdivision No. 17$ HennapL following described line: Beginning at the Northeast comer of the South 183.00 tee degrees 20 "'Imtes 20 seconds East, assumed boats for b old lot 45; thence on a bowing of Was . 48.18 feet than curve, canrnva to the South radlua 101.29 feel. control an 7 thence South 62 degrees 16 minutes 17 seconds West 32. along a tangential curve, concave to the Southeast, radio 1 minutes 24 secands, to the West line of the East 150.00 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds Weal. 64.78 feet along sal south 183.00 feet of said Lot 45; thence an a bew1rq of ppooint of beginning. Except however, that part of parcel 4 above an elevation - - _ - adjustment. AM aaadIng to the recorded plat thereof. Hennepin Count: 1 i I 6 t t 5 t I 1 I I. NOTES survey relies an information found In the commitment by Old Republic Title Insurance Company, fie no. HEN -OR 1 and commitment for title Insurance prepared by Old Republic Til HEN-OR 1024928, dated August 2. 2004. 2. The locations of underground utilities are Lased upon ava0, locations. The locations may not be exact 3. All distances are in feet. 4. The bads of bearings is assumed. 56 The area of the property described above Is: PARCEL 1 16,371 square feet or 0.3758 acres PARCEL 2 14.277 square foot or 0.3278 acres 7. The property does not Ile In a flood hazard zone according Mang= May 1. Insurance Rate Map Community Panel B. ddAeeordingg to lithe CRy of Edina websfte the current zoning Cortnmarcicl Diatrat 2. Since the property doss not bards are given. 9. Building encroaches along West 50th Street and along Fran 10. Parcel designations are for cenvenlenee of reference only part of the legal description. 1 hereby certify the was pr-a ed by rr mparvldon and the registered land air Minnesota Statutes to 326.16 Rep. No D TOPOC SUF GUARDRAIL GASMAW - t WATERMAIN - t SANITARY SEWER -» STORM SEWER -GUv - OVERHEAD UTILITIES (D j TREE Meg r 7'm.... I O I 1 WEST 50TH _ STREET -_ ■ as � a a 'aC-I I 1 �MORnI lDE OF 71E SE 1/4 OF SEC. 14 ` I -- -_ TIW. 24 RANGE 24 31STMY PARING RAMP 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I I Man Pat Ott �ele.avoW1 uca" 0Q o Pvp� EXISTING BUILDING 3911 50TH STREET WEST BUILDING FOOTPRINT 13,970 SO. FT.Piq 9% LOT 45 0 9 �I ll, S, 3 0 Isar n• Aiaplr ■mm p uo�i o Im w9O1inMe r uuslan v oti I■a■sxs o M am 16 42a Z ftwm i I I - 1 - -■ a a a_ _e -- tw outs ■ I I MIS 97.00 M It UA ■ --TIE SUM 7 Fr. a 1NE NQ I]N 40 FT. OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEIL 14 TIN'. 24 RANGE 24 EXISTING BUILDING BLDG. FOOTPRINT 13,393 SQ. FT. '�' y - --_- __-_ -- 970 -- �yp9J9 � PARCEL 1 4 16,371 sq. ft. 0.3756 acres LOT O� t Oa \ r, I j a 47 , I ',rOMor 49.00 ? Dg, r � 1 139.50 4tif19 -11� IT 1 ee a -MCI nil IrE of LOT WEST 21'43 +' w loots o y0.04 Npetsowr C. LOT 45 EXISTING BUILDING 5020 FRANCE: AVE. SOUTH 2755 sa tT. 13 I PARLEL 2 - 16,371 sq ft. • • 0.3758 acres ° ° a ° M%Mrr I- - - - - -- r I , A n --- 190.0 - Slav 7L -/fl DUSTING BUILDING �I 1 ( SOUM IJNE of suU LOT 4E -•, ;1 1 ® I a a III _d I 1 Ina 1 I 3 37- I e31 t � I 't I j4 Q W l I • � ^II i I - -I� I n ■ts'n ■ I I I I e 1 II + h� I I 9 ^I� 1 III. o I I I le=a pI a II� I ^ I I ^II I II I m _ I II� _I a II li :1 .K- •_,.- e..�„wtoR. a,ss 1GNY�t1 ".as' a17W rranw ...e,......... .....,,, ,...ems..... iRCf. � L` { u PARCEL 2.; That pot ai lhs Lot 4% Audltds Subdivision Na 17$ Ho . • . faltmW Coifunaneing at a print on the East line of sold L r r _ the e4 ttbnee YNesl dung a Ilea parallel to sold South Oft NO it Wang a one partial to said East line a distance of par n--- to sold South late a Instance of 36.1 feet then - _ the a dWonal, of 1.1 test; thence East fang a line p6m1, feet to a point an said East the 123.0 feet North of the I sold East Me a distance of 123.0 fast to the Point of ben EYcspC however, those parts of Lot 45 described as fdfoa EXCEPTION 1. The South 7 feet of the North 10 feat of t of the East 150 feet of sold Lot 45; and 1 EXCEPTION 2. Commencing at a point an the East line of South The thereof. thence West along a line parallel to oat 1 �t if dh fine �ai� porallel sold South line % ot0 feet s a p 1 point of beginning; thence South clang said East Me d dh beginning and EXCEPTION 3. The north 3.0 feet of the South 193.0 feet 113.90 feet; also the North 1.90 feet of the South 191.90 150.00 feet all In Lot 45, Auditors Subdivision No. 17Z, H - - - - 1 EXCEPTION 4. That purl of the North 113.00 feet of the fast of said Lot 48. Auditors Subdivision No. 17$ HennapL following described line: Beginning at the Northeast comer of the South 183.00 tee degrees 20 "'Imtes 20 seconds East, assumed boats for b old lot 45; thence on a bowing of Was . 48.18 feet than curve, canrnva to the South radlua 101.29 feel. control an 7 thence South 62 degrees 16 minutes 17 seconds West 32. along a tangential curve, concave to the Southeast, radio 1 minutes 24 secands, to the West line of the East 150.00 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds Weal. 64.78 feet along sal south 183.00 feet of said Lot 45; thence an a bew1rq of ppooint of beginning. Except however, that part of parcel 4 above an elevation - - _ - adjustment. AM aaadIng to the recorded plat thereof. Hennepin Count: 1 i I 6 t t 5 t I 1 I I. NOTES survey relies an information found In the commitment by Old Republic Title Insurance Company, fie no. HEN -OR 1 and commitment for title Insurance prepared by Old Republic Til HEN-OR 1024928, dated August 2. 2004. 2. The locations of underground utilities are Lased upon ava0, locations. The locations may not be exact 3. All distances are in feet. 4. The bads of bearings is assumed. 56 The area of the property described above Is: PARCEL 1 16,371 square feet or 0.3758 acres PARCEL 2 14.277 square foot or 0.3278 acres 7. The property does not Ile In a flood hazard zone according Mang= May 1. Insurance Rate Map Community Panel B. ddAeeordingg to lithe CRy of Edina websfte the current zoning Cortnmarcicl Diatrat 2. Since the property doss not bards are given. 9. Building encroaches along West 50th Street and along Fran 10. Parcel designations are for cenvenlenee of reference only part of the legal description. 1 hereby certify the was pr-a ed by rr mparvldon and the registered land air Minnesota Statutes to 326.16 Rep. No D TOPOC SUF � EA3T ELEVATION - FRANCE AVENUE Y NORTH ELEVATION - W. 50TH STREET -1 OPUS. M34 -5790 FR= NAM az >O4ftlxx n w mo aw.r S Dolma, am= a 0. Yang mm •Gia. pra�Y..b�d AMN Bs m �u am�add w ed em u v1l�� a� d00iAUIMW m. d m. idood� aWAdnd A dbcbwh fam • aw a" mrldt aeedras lib an Ie�adYmriau and dl� rafa�sd .7w .i=pled eaeaCm mum to�n1. o dt dob na.r.d F.O.d F. /\ OPUS. New 50TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENT unm Edam. Ylnnmta am and EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3.1 I t. i i I 0 j o 1 i G —I- G G— LOCATION MAP _�- �- ��-� -- - 1 I -NORTH LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 18, ` I I 1 TWP. 28, RANGE 24 !� F: \Land Projects 2004 \04 - 089 \dwg\MAP.gif 0 N Seale in feet 20 40 . 60 BENCHMAPo(: TOP NUT OF HYDRANT AT THE HE CORNER OF WEST 50TH STREET AND FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH. ELEVATION - 885.71 LEGBO BOLLARD O CATCH BASIN O ELECTRIC BOX �Q GAS VALVE • HANDHOLE ur HYDRANT o SET IRON MONUMENT �E LIGHT POLE s MB gpESOELEC. GAS, PARK METER T .SIGN +T DBL POST SIGN 0 SANITARY MANHOLE 0 STORM MANHOLE M TELEPHONE BOX ■ ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER ® WATER MANHOLE eb WATER VALVE GUARDRAIL a GASMA IN n WATERMAIN > SANITARY SEWER » STORM SEWER a— OVERHEAD UTILITIES 0 TREE r�T—i�CC LANE > > INV 878.78 —» I PAWERS I t PAN IMS SW5 ��� � ,� ' 97.00 7T7 01 FFE +1 L. FFE FFE / L a"28 ° I 01°''� 11 FFE d dj cL f — a8TL7r — 88E7• ` -PERYT FOR STREET ENCROAaBENT - -" stun y BOUT m I DESIGNER I rile 1 BBS PER DOG N0. 5412138 0 3900 '50TH SL //5907 00111 ST I 1 HOME I Y I RF NOELLER .EYELER 1 -STORY BRKK i-STd1Y STUCCO 11 FABRICS 1 1 0 5000 FRANCE ME I I/ 5005 30�1., �Sij I 1 -510RY STUCOO. I n1 -STORY snlooa� 1 `- -THE SOUTH 7 FT. OF THE NORTH 40 FT. OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 18. TWP. 28, � � O RANGE 24 I O O\ 1 O ____ ________ ______________ _ _ __ 130.0 ------------- r __ `C \ EXISTING BUILDING I BLDG. FOOTPRINT 13,393 SQ. FT. I V ` ---- -- ----- -- - - - - -- -97.0 ---------------------- 41 1. /pE ------------ EXISTING BUILDING Sri PARCEL 1 05004 A%E. .. zd 1-SIORY 570000 3911 50TH STREET WEST ac 16,371 sq. ft. UILDING FOOTPRINT 13,970 SO. FT.�g g 0.3758 acres 1 t� LOT 47`',10 -EIS - -- r d , -S,DRY SIUDDD f/i \O VVV NECESSARY FR PIECES A v LOT 45 S1,� V o / =0 FRANCE Is S , -9IORY 3,0U 000 O I �------- -- - - -- I N J � O I g N I + ED81A 1N[ATRE OORPgtA11p1 NO N I A HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT O 4.4 AUTHORITY OF WINA MIESOTA j PER DOG NO. 4240821 Z N 1 M 87572 PUBLIC WALKWAY EASBENT PER • I I I , M - s ` 1� 1 b SAY I EA51]ERT PER OOC. NM l 5414216 --lop ' 1 N 49.00 89'59'50 1 �C I 89.59'50 "E 4& —J -113.9-f' — LW — NV 87sz4 `n I I small X C E 9 T 1 0 -T E S(XJVUNE OF LOT _47 0.21., 33° R� \0 p92 INV 873.75 � I BI71ASfQAS R TV -- Sao-_ - - - - -- EST 48-191 ® 1 w i Landscape Architects u ail n � 1 W 1 I W Z W 7 Ou I � SS gg Q INV V5.72 W + �o 15 J g � II LEGAL Lot 47, except the South 2.45 feet of the East 51 feet thereof, Auditors Subdivision Number 172 — Hennepin County, Minnesota. The Nest 97 feet of the East 130 feet of the South 7 feet of the North 40 fast of the Southeas Quarter of Section 18, Township 28. Range 24, according to the United States Government SLrmy thereof and situate N Hennepin County, Minnesota. /Abstract Property Known as 5000 France Avenue South. Edina. Minnesota. CEIM9CATM To Mohamoko Associates, a Minnesota general partnership. Hauglond Company, JSG Company. LLP and Old Republic National Title Insurance Company: This Is to certify that this map or plat and the survey an which R Is based were mods In auxxlydaNCe with the 'Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA /ACSM Land Title Surveys' jointly established and adopted by ALTA. ACSM and NSPS In 1999 thereof Pursuant to the — yy Standards as adopted by ALTA. NSPS and ACSM and effect an the date of this —1-91^ tl h 1 -91on, rsldsrslWled further coMfles that proper field procedures, Instrumanta16=6 and adequate survey personnel were employed In order to audnleve results awnparable to those outlier In the '11Ynkmwn Angle. Dletonasv and Bosun Raqubemente far Survey Measurements Which Contn Land Baandarin for ALTA/ACSM Land Title swv%%- D. Daniel Tharp. Licensed Surveyor Mkirwoota er Registration 16321 NOTES 1. This survey relles an Information found In the commitment for title Insurance prepared by Old Republic Title Insurance Company, fie no. OR1027336 -q dated Nov 24. 2004. 2. The locations of underground utilities are based upon available maps. records and add locations. The locations may not be exact 3. AN distances are in feeL 4. The basis of bearings Is assumed. S The area of the property described above Is 16.371 square fast or 0.3758 owes. 7. The property doss not He In a food hazard zone according to the Federal Emergency Mo n=m!4geneyr Insurance Rate Map Community Pond No. 270160 0002 B, 1. & ddaattssdd to the City of Edina wsbste the anent rAnho for the site Is PCD-2 Plumed DlsbIci 2. Sines the property doss not border another zoning district no s, I' are gfvwL 9. Building encroaches along West 50th Street and along France Ave. South. ALTA /AGSM LAND TITLE SURVEY FRANCE AVE. SOUTH EDINA, MINNESOTA �� Engineers . Surveyors i Landscape Architects Hansen Tharp n Olean Ire r r r Kano Na Ran art Iw. Prah u w 5e344 -3ew (952) 820-070o rex (a* an -7eos bide w.sen N. 04 -0800 0� w DOC mad d br ORO b o&,in 138A4 a.i He�aland Cs FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH srrE PLAN t 1' . 1tY ~ �II! PROJECT INFORMATION — SITE AREA: 14,277 SF SOUTH PARCEL 16,371 SF NORTH PARCEL TOTAL SITE AREA 30.648 SF RETAIL AREA 22.490 GSF REStDENTIAL AREA 66.896 GSF (UNITS AND CIRCULATION) 23 UNITS PARKING SPACES: 45 SPACES SHOWN IN GARAGE, 2 SPACES AT GRADE 01114 OPUS. � mme 2/9/05 CITY StI MRAL (ZONING) oem r U34 -5790 nner wm® omt v4ulkx new umimt ot� w S Jofimon tmnme w 0. Young Mm • fnvs mg omv M tm 6smiew d iebmfe Ra Do opm 0.9w� m rA '�ePea�w far e7 dd.% danuyu w a1 ttr id nnCOAe ad ik w dh w m shm • � m-h� m�i�na Y the 1= �s mid ou w rA*W • Thu documwd mey not W iwd w sapid .ffmd prior ne . earrsd. O d dob �wnd hM.W a i� OPUS. m. 50TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENT umm Edm, Mnnaoto Am m[ ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN tw oAm A1.1 I I it I FLOOR PLAN - LOWER LEVEL y OPUS. IW -5790 pmw� o f S jolmsm w M Young Won • fuss sar Y IM 6su�eia d nsps�iY �doYa�d®a� a a/.s Ms�iiW� m�iE�lW Y�dsisip_ • *A fbd arYN m dnillss E Y the lese�rh��� � aid amor �deNe •o"bd Wgwd wftm st*ss M OPUS, 50TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENT umm Edbw Yinnaoto 9m mf FLOOR PLAN LOWER LEVEL II" nz.oA I ii I %1 FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL Two 03 opus. ON amp ■.a IO4 -5790 r� as wem rwa w w & Jdroon now w 0.Ya"Mm • hey eq aav Y � baaY.is d dm� `a b �w twlml� m d Y �g4�m�Y b � deYR eases. � ■isakml*m a NNW r' the lbd = =9"b. b an • d Ads nand ewr a. OPUS. now 50TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENT d. Edk% WnwWo MR in FLOOR PLAN LEVEL TWO 11-` A2.2 11 I ii I FLOOR ww -LEVEL THREE 0 OPUS. M34-SM s w S Jduum a® � a Tong Dome • 6�0. amr Y Ib Y� d A�4uelaYfy ��d •�AVeq^� a +i� Y4aedls dmfa�-a Y�mY� • dab 'Wd d m s-a�R milraa f Y Oar FM be MW Y�dY� aid emr ialeEod • YYYYtmm�m.a► X � c i m.,w P,.+a OPUS. pmm SOTH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENT Elm, MIMmob sm a[ FLOOR PLAN LEVEL THREE IWm A2.3 J FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL FOUR � OPUS. m Rm mm� 734 -5780 w or w S Johnson Gs or 0. Yong fto • Fns. sv Y tl. 6mwita d sq+imm fw� � �ea�daay s d u_. Msed6. «.kbw 1•�iWsle� am • UKbWe s• sd R" Yd.K.ft s old = nMt.d • m91.d dmtamt X wum cwsst, w d, dOb awl ho" a OPUS. now SOTH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENT umm Eno, Mhmaofo FLOOR PLAN LEVEL FOUR .m wwa A2.4 I F w RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL 4 *; RESIDENTIA6 R ETAI L i PARKING OrrPica. secnoN 3/� a FRANCE AVENUE OPUS. L- i ME � ALU -5790 pram mme Flaw 0 R & idwom e w 0. Young D'omn • Enos near Y dr bamYeda d n4m� cling �w v TWo.mmod 'tl�d &.*w ,- ' ', ' � . wan or 0 d Apo mrAd �a OPUS. 50TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENT mm TYPICAL SECTION @ FRANCE AVE. s�.eoo t. ifl I o e Cn 0 REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Marty Scheerer, Fire' Chief VIA: Gordon Hughes, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 DATE: March 15, 2005 AGENDA ITEM IVA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Air Monitors and Sensors Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Compliance Training Services 1. $17,569.00 2. Elvin Safety 2. $18,479.00 3. SKC 3. $19,583.00 RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Compliance Training Services _ $17,569.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This request is to purchase 8 air monitors and sensors for the fire department. The air monitors would be used for the state sponsored Structural Collapse Team. The purchase would be part of the grant equipment cache approved in 2004. The State of Minnesota will reimburse the City of Edina 100% of the purchase cost. The recommended source for the purchase is the lowest bidder, Compliance Training Services. *The fire department mistakenly purchased this equipment prior to City Council approval. We errantly thought that the City Council approved purchases above $20,000. We can return the equipment if you wish. Our sincerest apologies. Fire gnature - - - - Departme-n The Recommended Bid is /� within budget not within budget J r� Wallin, finance Director . ordon Hughb(, 1�ity Manager 0 \ry�oRee TO: FROM: tW, REQUEST FOR PURCHASE Mayor & City Council Marty Scheerer, Fire Chief Gordon Hughes, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 DATE: March 15, 2005 AGENDA ITEM 'IVB ITEM DESCRIPTION: Self- Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and support equipment Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Clarey's Safety Equipment 1. $40,798.00 (Minnesota Fire Agencies Purchasing Consortium #NZ- 2004 -4) RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR °BID: Clarey's Safety Equipment $40,798.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This request is to purchase Self- Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and support equipment for the fire department. Th&SCBA's would be used for the state sponsored Structural Collapse Team and firefighting. The purchase would be part of the grant equipment cache approved in 2004. The State of Minnesota will reimburse the City of Edina 100% of the purchase cost. The recommended source for the purchase would be Clarey's Safety and Equipment; they were awarded the MN Fire Agencies Purchasing Consortium bid for the SCBA's. nature The Recommended Bid is J� within budget not within bu Tire Depa allin, Finance Director n Hughes,,Qity Manager TO: Mayor & City Council REQUEST FOR PURCHASE FROM: Wayne Houle, PE, City Engineer VIA: Gordon Hughes, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 DATE: March 15, 2005 AGENDA ITEM IV. C. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Contract No. ENG 05 -3, Parklawn Avenue & Fred Richards Golf Course Pond Storm Sewer Improvement, Improvement No. STS -305. Company . Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Valley Rich Co., Inc. $ 34,450.00 2. Ro -So Contracting, Inc. $ 41,260.00 RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Valley Rich Co., Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION: $ 34,450.00 This project is for the repair of the existing storm sewer between Parklawn Avenue and the inlet into the Fred Richards Golf Course Pond. This project is part of the Capital Improvement Plan under the general Storm Sewer Pipe & Grading Improvements (UT -00 -034). The Engineer's estimated project cost is $36,250.00. The costs for this project will come out of the Storm Water Utility Fund. Staff recommends awarding this project to Valley Rich Co., Inc. 1 WmA, -1/12L 9, AR W The Recommended Bid is within budget not within budget John V*Iin, Finance Director Gordon Hughes, o e rA U) •.,,�• REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: DATE: Mayor Hovland and Members of the City Council John Keprios, Director of Parks and Recreation Gordon Hughes, City Manager REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 March 15, 2005 AGENDA ITEM: IV. D. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Braemar Park Athletic Field Renovation No. 05 -OIPR Company 1. Veit Companies 2. F.M. Frattalone Excavating & Grading, Inc. 3. Glenn Rehbein Companies 4. Max Steininger, Inc. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Veit Companies $277,700.00 Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $277,700.00 2. $311,700.00 3. $321,500.00 4. $348,124.00 Account #: 47036.6710 GENERAL INFORMATION: On February 24, 2005, bids were opened for renovation of the Braemar Park athletic field renovation project. Specifications are almost identical to those used to renovate Lewis Park east, central, and west athletic fields. Specifications call for introducing 9" of engineered sand/peat topsoil, provide and install a new underground irrigation system, and corrugated polyethylene pipe drain tile, and grade to seed -ready conditions. Engineering and architect fees are anticipated to total approximately $18,050. The only other remaining project cost will be turf development (seeding, fertilizing, irrigation & turf management), which will be $9,000. The capital improvement plan has $365,000 budgeted for renovation of the west athletic field, including field lighting. The total expected renovation project costs are: Excavating, grading, topsoil, irrigation, drain tile $277;700 Turf development (seeding, fertilizing, irrigation & turf management) $9,000 Topographic survey $2,466 Soil. Borings /Soil Testing $2,000 Landscape architect/engineering fees $18,050 TOTAL PROJECT COST $309,216 The total project cost is anticipated to be $2,784 under our capital improvement plan budget of $312,000. -2- Our project consultant, Roy Anderson of Anderson Johnson Associates, Inc., recommends that Veit Companies be awarded the bid because he has found them to be a firm of long and good standing and have provided quality construction services on many projects. Mr. Anderson has also reviewed Veit Companies' team of subcontractors and found them to be acceptable. If approved by Council, Veit Companies will begin work on June 1, 2005, and have the project substantially completed in accordance with specifications by August 1, 2005. John Korlos, Director This Recommended bid is within budget not witl Edina Park and Recreation Department 4,9Z�1r� o e •N %,�• REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor Hovland and Members of the City Council FROM: John Keprios, Director of Parks and Recreation VIA: Gordon Hughes, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 DATE: March 15, 2005 AGENDA ITEM: IV. E. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Golf Course Spray Vehicle — Braemar Golf Course Compan y Amount of Quote or Bid 1. MTI Distributing Company 1. $43,763.00 2. Davis Sun Turf 2.$47,264.00 RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Account #5400.1740 MTI Distributing Company $43,763 (plus sales tax) GENERAL INFORMATION: On Tuesday, March 1, 2005, sealed bids were opened for a 2005 Golf Course Spray Vehicle. The bids were sought for purchase of a 2005 golf course spray vehicle that is designed to safely apply fertilizer and pesticides over large turf areas. This new 2005 golf course spray vehicle has a Kubota 35.5 horsepower water - cooled diesel engine with foot pedal control of forward and reverse ground speed. The vehicle comes equipped with a 300 - gallon high- density polyethylene solution tank and dual diaphragm spray pump with 30 gpm output. The electronic control sprayer system automatically calibrates and maintains an even rate of spray over varied terrain or while changing speeds. Boom sections shut off when the vehicle stops. The 18.5' width boom has and enclosed boom assembly to eliminate drift and allow applications on windy days. The vehicle is also equipped with a sealed operator enclosure, seat belt, and rollover protection bar. This purchase replaces a 1992 Chempro Sprayer unit that is mounted on a 1985 Cushman Truckster, which will be sold at public auction. The Golf Course spray vehicle comes with a 2 -year standard warranty. This purchase is funded under the Maintenance Equipment Replacement budget within the Capital Improvement Plan, which is budReted for $125,000 in 2005. Edina Park and Recreation John Kepyioi, Director Departipent This Recommended bid is within budget not within budget hn Wal) n, rinance Director Hughes, cry Manager oe \�roRPORp`�� Bess AGENDA ITEM: Iv. F. DATE:. March 10, 2005 REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: CHIEF MICHAEL SIITARI --VIA: GORDON L. HUGHES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 ITEM DESCRIPTION: 2005 Police Uniform Contract COMPANY BID AMOUNT 1. Uniforms Unlimited 1. $8,852.75 2. Keepers /Cys Uniforms 2. $9,390.00 3. 3. 4. 4. RECOMMENDED BID: Uniforms Unlimited GENERAL INFORMATION: The bid for uniform purchasing is awarded on an annual basis based upon a list of the most commonly puchased uniform items. The total annual expense allowed for the bid award to the primary uniform provider is $30,000. ,n. Signature The Reim Gord(Yn L. H ded B' is (within budget) Wes, Manager POLICE Department �. 6f of 'thin budget) 'John allin, finance Director TO: Mayor & City Council REQUEST FOR PURCHASE FROM: Wayne D. Houle, PE, Director of Public Works VIA: Gordon Hughes, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 DATE: March 15, 2005 ITEM DESCRIPTION: Two -1/2 Ton Pickup Trucks AGENDA ITEM: IV. G. Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1.Thane Hawkins Polar Chevrolet (State Contract No. #433478) 1. $30,349.16 RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Thane Hawkins Polar Chevrolet $30,349.16 GENERAL INFORMATION: This is a purchase of two new 1/2 Ton Chevrolet pickup trucks. These pickups will replace a 1996 Dodge %: ton pickup - Unit 24.226 and a 1995 Chevrolet S10 pickup — Unit No. 24.225; both pickups will go to auction this year. This purchase is through the State of Minnesota Purchasing Program and is funded through the Engineering Department's Equipment Replacement Budget. L �v��'L The Recommended Bid is Public Works — Engineering Department n within budget not within budg John Hughes, City Manager G:Wdministratlon\CorrPW ublities\RFP - Truckslrfp 031505 halfton pickups.engineering.doc Director At 0 e �V4 v � ,696 REPORURECOMMENDATION To: Mayor and Council Members Agenda Item V.B From: Eric Anderson, Asst. City Manager Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Date: March 15, 2005 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council, ® Subject: Assessment Policy Consultant Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to engage consultant to review proposed assessment policy INFOBACKGROUND: Staff has had preliminary discussions with a consultant to review the proposed assessment policy that Council heard discussions on in their January and February work sessions. The consultant will study the benefit various priced residences experience from replacement of public improvements such as curb and gutter and road replacement. The estimated cost for the study is approximately $15,000 to $20,000 and will take about 60 days to complete. While the study is being conducted, staff will have more detailed discussions with neighboring City officials to gain a better, understanding of their assessment funding policies. Results and a policy proposal will come back to the Council ,after all of the research is completed. The funds for this will come from the Contingency budget within the General Fund. Brian E. Jensen 5825 Wooddale Ave. Edina, Minnesota 55424 -1823 Phone: (952) 926 -2141 E -mail brianejensen @prodigy.net March 9, 2005 City of Edina Steven Lillehaug, Assistant Engineer 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Subject: Valley View Intersection Dear Mr. Lillehaug, I have a strong opinion. I would like the intersection left the way it is. I can see why the residents of 62 "d St would like their street block off. This would change their house from being on a busy street to being on a quiet street. But Edina would have one less street to drive on. Now to get on the cross town going east from Valley View, cars can veer off of Valley view at a 30- degree angle and get to 62 east with only the traffic lights at the cross -town. If 62nd the Cross town The present intersection arrangement is the easiest to navigate. A car can be coming west on Valley View and make a 60- degree turn and be on Oakdale. Or a car can be coming east on Valley view and make a 30- degree turn and be on 62nd Street. From your picture of Option E, A person coming south on Oakdale going to Valley View will need to make a 45 degree turn to the left with the road and then a 90 degree turn to the right and then a 90 degree turn to the left. If someone coming west on 62 "d was frightened by the intersection, they could turn left a block early on Brookview and then turn on Valley View. I hate when they make things difficult like getting out of the Target parking lot or out of the Southdale library parking lot or where Vernon Ave. bends and the road goes straight or where if someone was going from Valley View east to 70th Street west there used to be a merge and they made it into a right angle. But I would say to use your own judgment. Democracy is an awful way to make a decision. I would always offer the best solution first, and someone would find something wrong. Then I would offer the second best choice and someone would find something wrong. Then I would offer the third best solution and everyone would agree because they were tired. Very truly yours, file: page I/1 3/9/2005 H o [e 0 RE PORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: 54 Steven L. Lillehaug, PE, PTOE Traffic Engineer Date: March 15, 2005 Subject: Intersection Reconfiguration — Valley View Rd. /Oaklawn ,o Ave./West 62nd St: Recommendation: Agenda Item # V. C. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action ® Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Approve and authorize the reconfiguration of the intersection at Valley View Road with Oaklawn Avenue and West 62nd Street to be incorporated in the current Valley View Road Reconstruction Improvement No. BA -321. Info /Background: The City Council awarded the Valley View Road and Wooddale Avenue Reconstruction project on July 6, 2004 and construction commenced later in July 2004. As part of this project, staff recommended safety improvements to the intersection of Valley View Road with Oaklawn Avenue and West 62nd Street. Staff evaluated the intersection and initially considered four options. A traffic study was performed and a survey was sent to area residents to obtain their feedback on four different intersection reconfiguration options. As a result of the traffic study and survey, staff further evaluated the intersection and created an alternate design that minimizes any diversion or change of the existing traffic pattern and helps define drivers right -of- way. Although, other options are more acceptable from a safety standpoint, the recommended option provides an intersection that more closely reflects a T- intersection and does not require any additional roadway easements. The attached memorandum discusses staffs recommendation in detail. GAContract Numbers\2004 \ENG 0404 Valley View _Wooddale to 65th; Wooddale_Valley View to 56th \Oakdale - Brookview -W 62nd \Correspondence\rr to CC 3- 15- 05_vv- 62nd.doc MEMORANDUM CITY OF EDINA DATE: March 4, 2005 TO: City Council FROM: Steven Lillehaug, Assistant Engineer SUBJECT: Valley View Road Reconstruction Improvement No. BA -321 Intersection Reconfiguration — Valley View Rd. /Oaklawn Ave./West 62nd St. The City Council awarded the referenced project on July 6, 2004 and construction commenced later in July 2004. As part of this project, staff recommended safet improvements to the intersection of Valley View Road with Oaklawn Avenue and West 62" Street. Currently, the intersection layout and signing is non - typical and driver's right -of -way is not always clear. This creates driver confusion and increases the potential for accidents. Staff evaluated the intersection and considered four options (see Appendix A for Options A, B, C and D). Prior to recommending a specific design for approval, a traffic study was performed and a survey was sent to area residents to obtain their feedback on several different intersection reconfiguration options as follows: Option A — Construct a cul-de -sac on West 62nd Street. This option provides the greatest increase in intersection safety by creating a typical T- intersection. The connection between Valley View Road and West 62nd Street would be via Brookview Avenue. By eliminating the connection of West 62nd Street to Oaklawn Avenue, it is anticipated that much of the traffic currently using this route may shift to Brookview Avenue north of West 62nd Street. However, based on current traffic volumes, it is anticipated that the volume on Brookview Avenue would increase but would remain well below the maximum standard of 1,000 vehicles per day for local streets. Option B — Create a new T- intersection with median 100 -ft to the east. This option provides a more standard T- intersection. Although available vehicle stacking length within the new portion of the intersection remains less than ideal, driver's right of way would more clearly be defined, thus improving safety. It is anticipated that traffic patterns and volumes on adjacent streets would remain unaffected by these improvements. Additional roadway easements are required for this option. Option C — Close Oaklawn Avenue and West 62nd Street access to Valley View Road. This option eliminates the substandard intersection, which improves intersection safety. However, it provides a large increase in the inconvenience to Oaklawn Avenue traffic accessing Valley View Road to the west. Additionally, the commercial driveway entrance on Oaklawn Avenue (100 -ft north of West. 62nd Street) would require closure to prevent cut - though traffic. • Option D — Maintain existing configuration (no change). March 4, 2005 Memorandum Intersection Reconfiguration — Valley View Rd. /Oaklawn Ave./West 62nd St. The following is a summary of the results of the survey (see Appendix B for a complete list of survey results and comments): Total Comments Sheets Sent Out = 100 Total Comments Sheets Received = 55 Table 1. Survey Results In summary, by combining the totals of the most desirable rankings (1 plus 2), options A and B were the most desirable (A= 25,13=26, C =20, D =20). Combining the totals for the least desirable rankings (3 plus 4) shows Option D being the least desirable (A =16, 13=14, C =17 and 13=23). Dependent on the location of the residence and intersection option, different impacts would be experienced. The results of the survey attest this fact showing that there is no clear, conclusive favorite. As a result of the traffic study and survey, staff further evaluated the intersection and is proposing an alternate design that will minimize any diversion or change of the existing traffic pattern and help define drivers right -of -way (see Figure 1 — Option E on page 3). Although, other options are more acceptable from a safety standpoint, this option provides an intersection that more closely reflects a T- intersection and does not require any additional roadway easements. Reconstructing the intersection as shown in Option E does not increase the project cost and is feasible from an engineering standpoint. Staff recommends Option E for approval and authorization to incorporate this design in the current Valley View Road Reconstruction Improvement No. BA -321. Page 2 of 3 RANKING From 1 to 4 (1 being most desirable). OPTION 1 2 3 4 - Construct a cul-de -sac on W. 62nd St. 18 7 7 9 B - Create a new T- intersection 100 -ft to 18 8 10 4 he east. - Close Oaklawn Ave. and W. 62nd St. 6 14 9 8 access to Valley View Rd. D - Maintain existing configuration (no 13 7 8 15 change). Table 1. Survey Results In summary, by combining the totals of the most desirable rankings (1 plus 2), options A and B were the most desirable (A= 25,13=26, C =20, D =20). Combining the totals for the least desirable rankings (3 plus 4) shows Option D being the least desirable (A =16, 13=14, C =17 and 13=23). Dependent on the location of the residence and intersection option, different impacts would be experienced. The results of the survey attest this fact showing that there is no clear, conclusive favorite. As a result of the traffic study and survey, staff further evaluated the intersection and is proposing an alternate design that will minimize any diversion or change of the existing traffic pattern and help define drivers right -of -way (see Figure 1 — Option E on page 3). Although, other options are more acceptable from a safety standpoint, this option provides an intersection that more closely reflects a T- intersection and does not require any additional roadway easements. Reconstructing the intersection as shown in Option E does not increase the project cost and is feasible from an engineering standpoint. Staff recommends Option E for approval and authorization to incorporate this design in the current Valley View Road Reconstruction Improvement No. BA -321. Page 2 of 3 March 4, 2005 Memorandum Intersection Reconfiguration — Valley View Rd. /Oaklawn Ave./West 62�d St. \ V\ Figure 1. Option E — Valley View Rd. /Oaklawn Ave./West 62nd St. Intersection Revision Page 3 of 3 March 4, 2005 Memorandum Intersection Reconfiguration - Valley View Rd. /Oaklawn Ave.Mest 62 "d St. APPENDIX A Valley View Rd. /Oaklawn Ave.Mest 62nd St. Intersection — Options A, B, C and D March 4, 2005 Memorandum Intersection Reconfiguration — Valley View Rd. /Oaklawn Ave.Mest 62nd St. APPENDIX B Valley View Rd. /Oaklawn Ave.Mest 62nd St. Intersection — Survey Results and Comments Public Con t Summary City o' 1 Valley View Roar, section with Oaklawn Avenue and West 62nd Street Date: ' 105 Page 1 of 4 ADDRESS OPTION 1T 2 A I 3 4 1 OPTON 11 21 B 31 41 OPTION 11 2F 3 C I 41 OPTION 11 21 3 D 4 COMMENTS 4005 62ND ST W 1 1 1 31 1 2 4 4009 4013 62ND ST W 62ND ST W 1 1 As a tong -time resident of 62nd, the deterioration of our street is appalling. It's a as though we're the poor cousins from across the RR tracks. Please do something. Its entirely embarrassing and not in keeping with Edina's image (nor is all the crappy housing on France). 4100 62ND ST W 1 3 2 4 We 've lived on 62nd for 2 yrs. It is used as a cut -thru to avoid traffic on France. Our concern is not only volume but speed. Even at the posted 30 mph it seems very fast for a residential with higher traffic levels. We think Option A &C are best for safety and recommend a posted 25mph and children present signs. We have a 2 yr old boy and new neighbors across the street do also. Thank you for asking for our input. 4101 62ND ST W 4104 62ND ST W 1 4108 62ND ST W 1 3 2 4 1 have lived on this stretch of 62nd, W. of France for a # of yrs. Over the past 5 yrs there has been a great increase in the # of speeding vehicles on this stretch. I am hopeful that whatever change you make we will see fewer speeding vehicles and better safety for the local children. 4111 62ND ST W 4112 162ND ST W 4116 62ND ST W 4119 62ND ST W 4 3 2 1 No change necessary! 4120 62ND ST W 1 4124 62ND ST W 1 And put a sign at the east end of 62nd saying "dead end' so that people coming from France to use 62nd as a thru street during rush hour might stop doing so. 4125 62ND ST W 4128 62ND ST W 4129 62ND ST W 1 4 2 1 3 Option A would be safest for neighbors and park usage. 4132 62ND ST W 4 1 3 2 On options A &C traffic is already heavy & dangerous. A &C would appear to make it more dangerous. 4132 62ND ST W 4213 62ND ST W 1 1 21 4 3 4213 62ND ST W 1 21 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 4301 62ND ST W 1 2 Option B & C not acceptable; see letter to Wayne. 4305 62ND ST W VACANT 4200 64TH ST W 6100 BROOKVIEW AVE 6100 BROOKVIEW AVE 4 1 3 2 Option A is simply trading one problem for another. Increased NB Brookview traffic creates a hazard for the blind intersection at Brookviedw and 61st. A note regarding traffic volume testing - timing was such that it was taken down just before the summer park activities traffic started to pick up! 6104 BROOKVIEW AVE 1 6108 BROOKVIEW AVE 2 1 4 3 6112 BROOKVIEW AVE 4 1 2 6117 BROOKVIEW AVE I I --t l Page 1 of 4 Public Comment Summary City of Edina Date: 3/4/2005 Valley View Road Intersection with Oaklawn Avenue and West 62nd Street Page — ,f 4 ADDRESS OPTION A I OPTON B OPTION C I OPTION D 1 2 3 1 4. 11 21 31 41 11 21 31 41 11 2 3 4 COMMENTS 1 have lived at this address over 40 yrs and have not had a problem with things at this 6120 BROOKVIEW AVE 4 1 2 3 intersection. How many accidents have occurred there? I have not seen or been involved in any. Maybe some signs or explaining who has the right of way. 6121 BROOKVIEW AVE 6128 BROOKVIEW AVE 4 2 3 1 1 have lived here for 20 yrs. I am at the intersection of 62nd & Valley View perhaps 6 times per day. I have never witnessed an accident there. If one observes the signs, there is no problem. I have never found this to be a problem and never thought of it until this came up. The new traffic patterns brought about by all of the proposed changes could adversely affect the residents closes to the change. Please leave it as it is! 6129 BROOKVIEW AVE 1 Looks ok. 6136 BROOKVIEW AVE 1 I live on Brookview. The simplest solution to avoid accidents in the future (7 in the last 2 years) is Option A. I don't believe traffic on Brookview will be much affected. 6137 BROOKVIEW AVE 1 I feel this option creates the most safety and at the same time results in the least disruption of Whood traffic patterns, thus resulting in better Whood morale around this project. It seems the other options present more difficulties just for different streets depending on the option. 6141 BROOKVIEW AVE 6143 BROOKVIEW AVE 6144 BROOKVIEW AVE 1 3 2 4 6201 BROOKVIEW AVE 1 We live on Brookview and our small children and pets play in the yard. All this traffic would endanger their lives. 6220 BROOKVIEW AVE 6221 BROOKVIEW AVE 2 3 4 1 Please do whatever is possible to slow down traffic on Valley View Rd.! Children live in almost every house and duplex on this street. Consider possibly a crosswalk at Brookview Ave. ?? Children and their parents have a terrible time trying to cross Valley View to get to the Cornelia walking path, ice cream shoppe, Pamela Park, etc. Please don't turn Valley View into a highway and endanger our children and lower our property values. 6200 FRANCE AVE 1 3 2 4 Anything that reduces thru traffic on 62nd would be preferable to the current situation. 6124 FRANCE AVE S 1 2 4 3 6200 HALIFAX AVE 4 2 3 1 Options C&A would be horrible on snow /bad weather days. 6201 HALIFAX AVE 2 1 3 4 6100 OAKLAWN AVE 3 2 1 4 Thank you for working to fix this intersection! No one knows who has the right of way. And it is hard to concentrate on coming traffic on Valley View & traffic coming from 62nd St. 6100 OAKLAWN AVE 6101 OAKLAWN AVE 2 4 1 3 See attached 3 -page letter. 6104 OAKLAWN AVE Page — ,f 4 Public Cor it Summary City c >I Date: 105 Valley View Roams section with Oaklawn Avenue and West 62nd Street Page 3 of 4 ADDRESS OPTION A I OPTON B I OPTION C I OPTION D 11 21 1 41 11 21 31 41 11 21 31 41 11 21 3 4 COMMENTS 6108 OAKLAWN AVE 1 3 2 4 We live on Oaklawn and know how frustrating and unsafe the current situation is in light of the increased traffic in the area. We've lived then: 12 years and now at times we can barely get out of our own street wto a near "accident" or "cut -ofr from a car on Valley View. No mention of traffic lights was indicated - would this be an option? It would definitely assist the safety issue. Thank you for addressing this situation!!! 6109 OAKLAWN AVE 6112 OAKLAWN AVE 1 6113 OAKLAWN AVE 6116 OAKLAWN AVE 1 Option B is less disruptive to the way things are and still improve the traffic flow. Did you consider making a traffic circle there? 6117 OAKLAWN AVE 3 2 1 4 6120 OAKLAWN AVE 6121 OAKLAWN AVE 6124 OAKLAWN AVE 1 6125 OAKLAWN AVE 2 3 1 4 The intersection at Oaklawn and Valley View is dangerous and needs to be changed. I have almost hit a child on a bike and have almost hit several cars. 6129 OAKLAWN AVE 4 1 2 4 With option B you may want to consider closing the one driveway to the beauty shop that now exists on Oaklawn to prevent cut -thru traffic. 6132 OAKLAWN AVE 6133 OAKLAWN AVE 6136 OAKLAWN AVE 6137 OAKLAWN AVE 3 1 2 4 Option D is a disaster waiting to happen; Option A will do nothing to lessen traffic volume or speed onto Oaklawn; Option C is a good solution on many accounts though traffic entering Valley View from Brookview may have trouble on icy conditions due to a rise in grade; Option B seems to be the best compromise -the intersection will be more clearly defined, access will remain to all roads, safety will be increased, speeds will be reduced, right of way will be more clearly defined. 6141 OAKLAWN AVE 6145 OAKLAWN AVE 1 4 3 2 Option A is best solution for safety. I observe daily what the traffic problems are. Option B won't allow me to safely use my driveway under any circumstance. I think Option C would increase accidents of vehicles on 62nd or Oaklawn going too fast, missing the turn (especially in bad weather) and shooting out onto Valley View traffic. 4200 VALLEY VIEW RD 1 4204 VALLEY VIEW RD 1 Great idea! This is currently a dangerous intersection. 4208 VALLEY VIEW RD 4209 VALLEY VIEW RD VACANT 4212 VALLEY VIEW RD 2 1 3 4 4213 VALLEY VIEW RD 4216 1 VALLEY VIEW RD VACANT 4217 VALLEY VIEW RD 4220 VALLEY VIEW RD 4221 VALLEY VIEW RD 1 4224 VALLEY VIEW RD Page 3 of 4 Public Comment Summary City of Edina Date: 3/4/2005 Valley View Road Intersection with Oaklawn Avenue and West 62nd Street Pag.. if 4 ADDRESS OPTION A I OPTON B I OPTION C I OPTION D 1 2 3 1 41 11 21 31 41 11 21 31 41 11 21 31 4 COMMENTS 4225 VALLEY VIEW RD 4226 VALLEY VIEW RD 1 4228 VALLEY VIEW RD 4232 VALLEY VIEW RD 3 1 2 : 4 1 am concerned about the cost. This new access road will cost a lot and for those of us along Valley View that this charge has minimal impact should not be the only ones to bear that cost. This charge which is major should be on the street budget. Partly I voted for C because of the cost but I think B would be the better choice. Kara Kelly 4233 VALLEY VIEW RD 4234 VALLEY VIEW RD 1 4 3 2 4235 VALLEY VIEW RD 4236 VALLEY VIEW RD 4237 VALLEY VIEW RD 3 4 2 1 4240 VALLEY VIEW RD 4242 VALLEY VIEW RD 1 I'm suggesting putting in a stop sign at intersection of Oaklawn and Valley View to replace the "yield". sign. I think options A, B and C would not improve the situation - it would only shift more traffic to Brookview. Proposed changes _ cause tax burdens to residents w/o improving situation. 4244 VALLEY VIEW RD 1 There is a great problem on 62nd & France during rush hours exiting at France going north due to the cross traffic turning west on to 62nd. There is a lot of traffic on 62nd east and west during rush hours. How can we encourage another parttern of travel? Each option has its own problems. 4246 _ VALLEY VIEW RD 4250 VALLEY VIEW RD 4301 VALLEY VIEW RD 4401 VALLEY VIEW RD 1 21 1 3 4 Thanks for involving us. 4404 VALLEY VIEW RD 1 3 4 2 The problem is 62nd, not Oaklawn. Oaklawn should have the same relationship to Valley View as do Brookview/Kellogg/Wooddale; St. Johns /AshcrofVConcord/Virginia/Pamell /Ryan. 4412 VALLEY VIEW RD 3 21 4 1 4415 VALLEY VIEW RD 3 1 4 2 4416 VALLEY VIEW RD VACANT 4425 VALLEY VIEW RD 4 1 1 31— 2 4429 VALLEY VIEW RD 6161 WOODDALE AVE OPTION A OPTON B OPTION C OPTION D 1 21 31 41 11 21 31 4 11 21 3 4 TOTAL 18 71 71 91 181 81101 41 61141 91 81 131 71 815 Pag.. if 4 David M. Shank Suzyn Ware 4301 West 62nd Street Edina, MN 55424 June 15, 2004 City of Edina 4801 West 5& Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Attention: Wayne D. Houle Director of Public Works / City Engineer Dear Wayne, We are in receipt of the June 7, 2004 letter concerning "Request for Neighborhood Comment" on the Intersection of Valley View Road with Oaklawn Avenue and West 62nd Street. Since it is our property, 4301 and 4305 West 62nd Street, that is most affected by any changes to the above intersection, we have chosen to write a separate letter from the requested "Public Comment Sheet" to express our concerns. Upon review of the options, the following are our responses: Option A: This would be the most acceptable option, since it would reduce the traffic flow in front of our property. However, we would like to see 4 -way stop signage at the intersection of Brookview and Valley View Road, since it is already very difficult to exit onto Valley View Road to the East/ South from Brookview. Option B: This option is totally unacceptable, since it would not only take too much of our property, but would also reduce the desirability of our 4305 location for purposes of noise from traffic and reduction of our green space for privacy. Option C: This option is also not acceptable, since in our opinion, the traffic in front of our property would increase drastically. This increase would come from the traffic flow that now exits onto Valley View from Oaklawn Ave. needing to go east on West 62 °d Street to Brookview and then onto Valley View. Option D: As a second acceptable option, this would cause the least amount of disruption to the value of our property and cost to the City of Edina. We look forward to discussing this letter with you at your earliest convenience. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. Regards, David A Shank Suzyn Ware June 14, 2004 Steven L. Lillenhaug Edina Traffic Engineer City of Edina. Re: Intersection of Valley View Road with Oaklawn Ave. and West 62nd Street. Mr. Lillenhaug: First let me introduce myself; I am Dan Uhrhammer, owner of the home located at 6101 Oaklawn Ave. here in Edina. For the last 12 years I, (and the neighborhood for much longer) have dealt with the corner in question. It has never been good, but has been made substantially worst with the changes made at the Valley View / Cross -town intersection. Traffic volumes headed west on Valley View have substantially increased causing access to be difficult at best from 62nd Street and Oaklawn Ave. Also be aware that over the course of the last several years, the city has "poured" money into Pamela Park to improve the ball and soccer fields. This has lead to an increase in the evening activities at Pamela Park and once again more traffic through the Oaklawn, and neighboring residential areas as they access the west lot of Pamela Park. As you know, most of this evening traffic to the park does not live in the immediate area. So, it travels at excessive speeds and shows no respect for speed limits, intersection controls, or the area residents and their children. I'm sure you're also aware of the fact that the surrounding neighborhoods have no sidewalks through it. This forces the neighboring residence to utilize the streets for bike riding and walking. Much of this activity is by people headed for the Pamela Park west lot, and specifically the playground. Every evening and weekend adults walk with their children, who are either in strollers, or on small bikes. But generally the children are on their own, and head for the playground with no option but to walk/ride down the edge of the streets. Throw in a bunch of auto traffic driving way to fast to the west lot. Or, using Oaklawn as a cut off to get to 58h street east bound. And sooner or later someone will get hurt and most likely it will be a child. I'm sorry to say that the problem at Valley View Road, Oaklawn, and the 62nd street intersection are only the beginning of the problems you have created here. And it's actually the least of them Generally everyone knows it's a bad intersection and many practice safe driving techniques when traveling through it. After reviewing the options you have brought forth, I'm generally disappointed in the results. Here's why: Option B and D: Do nothing to improve the volume of traffic that Oaklawn and surrounding streets will receive, and if my guess is right, Option B would serve to increase the speed that traffic moves at down Oaklawn and Brookview, thus making it worst. This is due to human nature (the drive is more difficult, go faster to compensate.) Option C: Now you've just forced most of West 62"d street traffic into the residential areas. Very few people will take Brookview Ave. south to get on Valley View road. It's not a signal lighted intersection and traffic will back up when someone wants to cross Valley View, or even to take a right onto Valley View due to oncoming traffic. Driver solution, take Oaklawn to 61 °` street, go left to Wooddale Ave., take left back to controlled intersection of. Wooddale and Valley View. Problem: All residential... Please refer to human nature under Options B and D. Option A: Once again see problems with Option C. But now traffic on West 62nd will take Brookview Ave north to 61 " street. This intersection is a mandatory left turn on to 61 s' and is a blind, tight comer and difficult to make at slow speeds. Then come 3 blind driveways that feed onto 61' street between Brookview and Oaklawn (one of which is mine, so I'm speaking ,from experience here). Then there's the intersection of Oaklawn Ave. and 61" street. My corner, which is blind, has a long history of accidents (6 that I remember in the last 12 years) some of which where bad, and the intersection that took us neighbors almost 5 years to get a yield sign at. The city didn't see the need for a stop sign. Did you also know that the winter sledding hills at Pamela Park are also located on the north side of 61' street between Brookview and Oaklawn Ave. Some days during the winter you can barely get a single car down 61" street in , this area as people enjoy the "free" sledding. This option also does nothing for the problem of increased traffic on Oaklawn Ave. Why not change the intersection of Valley View Road, 62nd Street, and Oaklawn Ave. to as it is laid out in Option C. Then close West 62nd street just west of Brookview, and close Brookview at the intersection of 61" street. Thus diverting all traffic from West 62nd to south bound Brookview and onto Valley View. Then signal light that intersection. This will terminate the-problem at the "main" intersection, allow ready access to Valley View by controlling traffic, stop commuters from speeding through the residential area regardless of their destination, terminate the problems at two blind intersections, 3 driveways, and protect the pedestrians/residents who walls to the park to use it. The traffic light at Brookview and Valley View would also allow the residents on the south side of Valley View to cross it without taking their life in their own hands as they to try to utilize the park or businesses on the north side of Valley View road. f f � d This design will result in three dead ends, Brookview Ave. at 61 4 street, 61 " at Brookview Ave. and Oaklawn/62nd, just east of the residents on west 62nd street. It will also allow parking on 61" for sledding at Pamela Park. If the above listed alternative isn't acceptable for some reason, how about just closing Oaklawn just north of the intersection in question along with the business access. And closing the Brookview / 61" street intersection as stated above. It should cost less and resolve most of the issues. It doesn't control traffic on Valley View or allow access of pedestrians across Valley View. Believe me the residents of the surrounding area won't care about going a few blocks out of their way to get home. They would rather the people and children that use our streets and the park be safe. Speaking from the experience of living in this neighborhood for the last decade. It has improved dramatically with the influx of young couples buying the neighboring homes. But with this, comes the local children. That plus the increase of activity in Pamela Park, and changes at the cross -town intersection have lead to some dangerous problems in this area. In conclusion, I just don't think much thought has been put into this. Other then your looking at just one intersection that has been notorious for years, but that the city has chosen to ignore until now. Also, I am aware of the traffic level testing that you did on west 62nd street and Oaklawn. But this testing was done prior to the start of summer activities in Pamela Park, and in no way represents what we see in traffic at this time of year. Nor does it take into the consideration the pedestrian traffic. I just hope that since this is finally being addressed, you look at the whole picture and the problems that have resulted from these improvements. This is a time when the city can do a lot for this neighborhood and still offer the conveniences to the general public. The good new is that we as group truly appreciates the improvements to the park and the cross -town intersection. It has helped revitalize this area. Thank you for your consideration, and please let me know when this matter will be discussed further at the city counsel meetings. ely, Dan E Uhr er 6101 wn Ave. Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina Intersection Reconfiguration VALLEY VIEW ROAD at OAKLAWN AVENUE & WEST 62ND STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -321 Improvement No. BA -321 ICBM .E����� �11111till III.E��y�� � . _ � Vic; ►::�� � � :� ►'�,' air irEM -133 Ill` SISSIS Y1 Project History • Valley View Road Reconstruction Project (from Wooddale Avenue to West 641h Street): Approved by Council on July 6, 2004. • Safety issues with layout of existing intersection. • 7 accidents at Valley View Road and West 62nd Street since 1998. • Council directed staff to further evaluate intersection for alternate options. Improvement No. BA -321 Current Conditions Improvement No. BA -321 ➢2 Current Conditions Improvement No. BA -321 Intersection Options A, B, C & D Option A • Option A: Diversion of traffic (undesirable by some). Improvement No. BA -321 y3 Intersection Options A, B, C & D A. 1 i Option B \ r \ • Option B: Roadway easement needed (condemnation). Improvement No. BA -321 Intersection Options A, B, C & D 4A* _A. 1A .. r. s. Option C • Option C: Diversion of traffic (undesirable by some). Improvement No. BA -321 >4 Intersection Options A, B, C & D r' -+ Opt on D • Option D: Poor definition of driver's right -of -way. Improvement No. BA -321 Resident Survey Total Comments Sheets Sent Out = 100 Total Comments Sheets Received = 51 OPTION RANKING From 1 to 4 (1 being most 1 2 3 4 A- Construct a cul -de -sac on W. 62nd St. 18 7 7 9 B - Create a new T- intersection 100 -ft to the east. 18 8 10 4 C - Close Oaklawn Ave. and W. 62nd St. access to Valley View Rd. 6 14 9 8 D - Maintain existing configuration (no change). 13 7 8 15 Improvement No. BA -321 ➢5 1 Intersection Option E na ,iw'c7 �1 "&W { A. Improvement No. BA -321 Intersection Option E • Relatively standard T- intersection. • Provides better definition of driver's right -of- way. • Provides safer pedestrian movements. • Minimizes any change in existing traffic pattern or diversion of traffic. • Does not require additional roadway easements. • Does not increase project cost. Improvement No. BA -321 ➢6 Staff Recommendation AUTHORIZE: INTERSECTION RECONFIGURATION - OPTION E (IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BA -321) e. O Improvement No. BA-321 ➢7 u o e NM7N VI less REPORURECOMMENDATION P TO: Mayor & Council Members Agenda Item V. D. 1:1 °, FROM: Gordon Hughes Consent ❑ DATE: March 15, 2005 Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends To HRA SUBJECT: BOARD & COMMISSION TERM LIMITS ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion. ❑ „ Resolution ❑ Ordinance X❑ Discussion Recommendation: Evaluate a term limit policy. Background: On February 15, 2005, the Council received my report on the policies of neighboring cities with respect to term limits for board and commission appointees. After discussing the issue, the Council directed me to solicit the opinions of our current board and commission members. On February 17, I sent a questionnaire to all members of our boards and commissions. To date, I have received 38 responses, which have been. copied and are attached. The majority of respondents would support the establishment of term limits. (Only three respondents were categorically opposed.) Most respondents included very thoughtful comments and suggestions for your consideration. If the Council wishes to establish term limits, some relevant questions include: • Should all boards and commissions be treated the same? "Institutional memory" may be more valuable in some but not all cases. Also, some boards /commissions are more difficult to recruit for than others. • Should the new policy apply to existing members and, if so, how should it be 66 phased in ?" • Should term limits be imposed by way of an amendment to the City Code or by way of a Council policy? Memo To.. City of Edina Board and Commission Membe From: Gordon Hughes, City Manager (� (�/ L �z CC: City council Date: 2/17/2005 Re: Service on Boards and Commissions Recently, several residents appeared before the City Council and suggested that the City establish term limits for service on our boards and commissions. In response to this suggestion, the Council directed me to survey some of our adjoining communities with respect to such limits. I found, and reported to the Council, that three of the four adjoining cities surveyed impose term limits. Two of the cities restrict service to six consecutive ears and one city restricts service to eight years. After discussing the issue at the February 15 meeting, the Council decided to continue further discussion until March 1 e and directed me to solicit your views on the topic. I would appreciate it if you would take a moment to share your thoughts with the Council. Please use the "tear off" on the bottom of this memo and return it to my attention. If you prefer, e-mail me your thoughts at ghughes &CLedina.mn.us and I will pass them on to the Council. You, of course, are welcome to attend the March I r meeting to share your views in person. Thanks for your help. Name of Board /Commission you serve on How many years have you served? J Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? If yes, how many years? How do you think term limits would affect the work of your board or commission? r (- �J_ . Z two CIici v Return to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 50"' Street, Edina, MN 55424 sef v tce. Ski onS� wCAco�-te_�" d� 601ktJ6 ["' vj' O �&uw �Ina� 1?rre S S LA-4- -e_ i t7j- k e1' O N 0 w ►iV �j �- Page 1 of 1 Gordon Hughes From: Edward J. Schwartzbauer [ejsbauer @gbronline.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 3:16 PM To: Gordon Hughes Subject: Survey of Boards Dear Gordon: I've served on the Zoning Board of Appeals for one term, and was recently re- appointed. I handled zoning litigation for Edina as a partner at Dorsey & Whitney during the Warren Hyde era. I don't see any problems with the existing system, and I think we would lose the benefits of experience, institutional memory, and consistency. Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? I vote NO. Ed Schwartzbauer 3/2/2005 Name of Board/Commission you sery e on���l�c� How many years have you served? Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? 0 If yes, how many years? — How do you think term limits would affect the work of your board or commission? 0 Return to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 5e Street, Edina, MN 55424 Name of Board /Commission you serve on AYa Can itr ,U mP_N-� How many years have you served?�w\\ J msyAe6 Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? V t If yes, how many years? 2A How do you think term limits would affect the work of your board or commission? Mill Return to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 501h Street, Edina, MN 55424 Name of Board /Commission you serve on G o- How many years have you served? Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? — If yes, how many years? How do you think term limits would affect the work of your board or commission? - ��� . tt~. �� .,tt,2CJc.or,�. c�,..� oa b u 4C ;kkxo Return to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 50"' Street, Edina, MN 55424 �`�7 Name of Board /Commission you serve on How many years have you served? _ 3- Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? r If yes, how many years? How do you think term limits would affect the w Z of your board or commission? Return to: Go a% -.'jd E. amity o Edina, 4801 West 50"' S60it, Edina, MN 55424 r ��L.:� �� �(-�- .:Z��ZZ'2 • : • Uy L a -•cam -� ��1. 0. r Name of Board /Commission you serve on �G C� ✓'' �, How many years have you served? Should the Council adopt a term -limit p licy? If yes, how many years? How do you think term limits would affect the work of your board or commission? Return to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 501' Street, Edina, MN 55424 ��` "• • a=cv Name of Board /Commission you serve one How many years have you served . 7 L Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy?. If yes, how many years? How do you think term limits would affect the work of your board or commission? F Return to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 5& Street, Edina, MN 55424 7 /� ci, Name of Board /Commission you serve on _ U How many years have you served? Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? - If yes, how many years? C�CJ I'►rl How do you think term lim is would affect the work of your board or commission? nO O1'1e_ 6 _h wu u dwotd -tz Vie.f-��5 Gc soy ,e �Oa etum to: G7don Hugfifies, City of Edina 4801 West 50"' Street, Edina, MN 24 �M CI Ake, ��,� V" � M L)s Sew- o—PP rD iqn 03 e We VLU&_ -�D V-4A re ;,, d sea`-( cj'A-e— tiu 4e_V)'x'U 4 o CV uM"4— � s I (AO . Name of Board /Commission you serve on�`�' v; ^.6b1 fi / ��� GL�ticl r✓�A�1G✓'S S h��� How many years have you served? /`��' 3 "��` r �c ���� be Oat) I Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? ifs If yes, how many years? 61' -' 1 f' How do you think term limits would affect the work of your board or commission? tta.v -t.,�- sErVed lPni ,A,7Lt 1 h :_k jn cw 1Gni j w,.f , ,F:�. S e.d am mj b; e t i� - IYAC9ri t, cer0cc x' TAY, it- se-evns 1%14le a4°e ✓n X74 O UuUy- �Crrllf d !t �t �rnre v-- 4.6k -d� s-�i�� 6ticwe lr� ��rL�r��v e., y,�us� ,�oY �'�� li���ts ;�, yens -d.� us WAI q� 1u.t1jjV- Mff t CtfizP.f?.5 rv► Volu.tl�t'e;y c°ulfwC -Me 'r Ci j ��eCe iir�l� ;wi .rove fite JJf�R1' a- t-G�li r ofk,er -/IIL Return to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 50"' Street, Edina, MN 55424 -f7J rtiazda MU ^e- 115Cde;kS Oh Page 1 of 1 Gordon Hughes From: Hyphenmary@aol.com Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 11:34 PM To: Gordon Hughes Subject: Re: term limits Dear Gordon, 1) Do you wish to have all boards and commissions with the same term limits? Perhaps there are some that you may wish to consider differently? I have no suggestions on the specific ones, however, you may wish to discuss on the relevance of that. 2) Would this type of communication be of interest? " The City Council and administration has appreciated your service on . We have needed your kind of support and the volunteering of your time. In a community of our size we. have people requesting to be a part of our boards and commissions. We do think it is fair to give as many of our residents as possible the same opportunity. While the city council has not yet set mandatory term limits, we do ask you to consider giving others an opportunity after you have served ( ? ) Gordon, I shudder to think of mostly young turks (or turkesses) on your Zoning Board of Appeals. Balance of experience and new people thinking about the application of zoning ordinances seems very important in the future as our city grows older with older homes. On a personal note -- I have just been reappointed to the Zoning Board of Appeals. I am not sure of the number of years I have served, but it surely is close to 25, and if it falls within my term it would be lovely to resign after that with a handshake, smile and some nice bath lotion! I hope you can assure people I am still a capable member. I am, aren't I? Sincerely, Rose -Mary B. Utne Hyphenmary@aol.com 3/9/2005 Page 1 of 1 Gordon Hughes From: Hyphenmary@aol.com Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 11:34 PM To: Gordon Hughes Subject: Re: term limits Dear Gordon, 1) Do you wish to have all boards and commissions with the same term limits? Perhaps there are some that you may wish,to consider differently? I have no suggestions on the specific ones, however, you may wish to discuss on the relevance of that. 2) Would this type of communication be of interest? " The City Council and administration has appreciated your service on . We have needed your kind of support and the volunteering of your time. In a community of our size we have people requesting to be a part of our boards and commissions. We'do think it is fair to give as many of our residents as possible the same opportunity. While the city council has not yet set mandatory term limits, we do ask you to consider giving others an opportunity after you have served ( ? ) Gordon, I shudder to think of mostly young turks (or turkesses) on your Zoning Board of Appeals. Balance of experience and new people thinking about the application of zoning ordinances seems very important in the future as our city grows older with older homes. On a personal note -- I have just been reappointed to the Zoning Board of Appeals. I am not sure of the number of years I have served, but it surely is close to 25, and if it falls within my term it would be lovely to resign after that with a handshake, smile and some nice bath lotion! I hope'you can assure people I am still a capable member. I am, aren't I? Sincerely, Rose -Mary B. Utne Hyphenmary@aol.com 3/9/2005 Page 1 of 1 Gordon Hughes From: MLewis2085 @aol.com Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 9:09 AM To: Gordon Hughes Subject: Boards- 3/8/05 Hi Gordon, I have a few thoughts on the time served for board members. Term limits may have a benefit, but I believe that it takes some time to understand the community and how it functions( very good). Also, finding men and women who are willing to give up of their precious time is sometimes very difficult. Some of us have been around too long (me) and would be happy to step aside if someone thinks they would be better able to serve this great city. My thoughts.:) You do a great job and don't get the thanks that you deserve. Thank you! Mike Lewis 3/8/2005 Page 1 of 1 Gordon Hughes From: Grabiel, Floyd [floyd.grabiel @tsi.com] Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 4:17 PM To: Gordon Hughes Subject: Service on Boards and Commissions Gordon: did get your memo concerning Board service. I am presently on the Planning Commission, and have just completed 7 (1 think) years on the Park Board. (maybe 5 ? ?) On balance, I think term limits are a good thing. In the first place, I don't think citizens should make a career out of being on a Board or Commission. Secondly, I think it's important to get new perspectives from time to time. So, I would support term limits (for City Council as well). As to the length: My experience on the Park Board taught me that it takes some time to get up to speed as far as being a contributing member. So it's important not to have too short a term limit. I think 8 years is better than 6 years. I hope this helps. Best regards, Floyd FLOYD GRABIEL Corporate Counsel 651/490-2774 3/8/2005 Memo To: City of Edina Board and Commission Memberp From: Gordon Hughes, City Manager lerZ4 CC: City Council Date: 2/17/2005 Re: Service on Boards and Commissions Recently, several residents appeared before the City Council and suggested that the City establish term limits for service on our boards and commissions. In response to this suggestion, the Council directed me to survey some of our adjoining communities with respect to such limits. I found, and reported to the Council, that three of the four adjoining cities surveyed impose term limits. Two of the cities restrict service to six consecutive ears and one city restricts service to eight years. After discussing the issue at the February 15 meeting, the Council decided to continue further discussion until March 1 e and directed me to solicit your views on the topic. I would appreciate it if you would take a moment to share your thoughts with the Council. Please use the "tear off' on the bottom of this memo and return it to my attention. If you prefer, e-mail me your thoughts at ahuahesCaDci.edina.mmus and I will pass them on to the Council. You, of course, are welcome to attend the March 15 meeting to share your views in person. Thanks for your help. Name of Board/Commission you serve on Y e S e-Y u eA . u�— ° U-v 4 How many years have you served? t4- 'O " e- Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? If yes, how many years? How do you think term limits would affect the work of your board or commission? a1_ Return to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina Memo To: City of Edina Board and Commission Memberp From: Gordon Hughes, City Manager lefg CC: City Council Date: 2/17/2005 Re: Service on Boards and Commissions Recently, several residents appeared before the City Council and suggested that the City establish term limits for service on our boards and commissions. In response to this suggestion, the Council directed me to survey some of our adjoining communities with respect to such limits. I found, and reported to the Council, that three of the four adjoining cities surveyed impose term limits. Two of the cities restrict service to six consecutive ears and one city restricts service to eight years. After . discussing the issue at the February 15 meeting, the Council decided to continue further discussion until March I e and directed me to solicit your views on the topic. I would appreciate it if you would take a moment to share your thoughts with the Council. Please use the "tear off' on the bottom of this memo and return it to my attention. If you prefer, e-mail me your. thoughts at ahu4hesCa Ledina.mn.us and I will pass them on to the Council. You, of course, are welcome to attend the March 15 meeting to share your views in person. Thanks for your help. Name of Board /Commission you serve on '" k_AJ 11 v 1 V -'1 V t "v How many years have you served? d��1 Should the Council adopt a term -limit Policy? (Yl� If yes, how many years? _ How do you think term limits would affect the work of your board or commission? Return to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 501' Street, Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina Memo To: City of Edina Board and Commission Memberp From: Gordon Hughes, City Manager CC: City Council 4vt Date: 2/17/2005 Re: Service on Boards and Commissions Recently, several residents appeared before the City Council and suggested that the City establish term limits for service on our boards and commissions. In response to this suggestion, the Council directed me to survey some of our adjoining communities with respect to such limits. I found, and reported to the Council, that three of the four adjoining cities surveyed impose term limits. Two of the cities restrict service to six consecutive gears and one city restricts service to eight years. After . discussing the issue at the February 15 meeting, the Council decided to continue further discussion until March 1 e and directed me to solicit your views on the topic. would appreciate it if you would take a moment to share your thoughts with the Council. Please use the "tear off" on the bottom of this memo and return it to my attention. If you prefer, e-mail me your thoughts at ghuQhes(M-ci edina.mn.us and I will pass them on to the Council. You,. of course, are welcome to attend the March 15 meeting to share your views in person. Thanks for your help. �T4 Name of Board /Commission you serve on How many years have you served? V Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? If yes, how many years? _ How do you think term limits would affect the work of your board or commission? Return to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 501' Street, Edina, MN 55424 J Memo To: City of Edina Board and Commission Memberp From: Gordon Hughes, City Manager 4114 CC: City Council Date: 2/17/2005 Re: Service on Boards and Commissions Recently, several residents appeared before the City Council and suggested that the City establish term limits for service on our boards and commissions. In response to this suggestion, the Council directed me to survey some of our adjoining communities with respect to such limits. I found, and reported to the Council, that three of the four adjoining cities surveyed impose term limits. Two of the cities restrict service to six consecutive gears and one city restricts service to eight years. After discussing the issue at the February 15 meeting, the Council decided to continue further discussion until March 15"' and directed me to solicit your views on the topic. I would appreciate it if you would take a moment to share your thoughts with the Council. Please use the "tear off" on the bottom of this memo and return it to my attention. If you prefer, e-mail me your thoughts at ghu4hes(d)-ci.edina.mn.us and I will pass them on to the Council. You, of course, are welcome to attend the March 1 e meeting to share your views in person. Thanks for your help. Name of Board /Commission you serve on f!ll�-� ,e How many years have you served? Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? Z If yes, how many years? How do you think term limits would affect the work of your board or commission? Zr6� 4 -ZU &AA Anid 6,J&7, -1- 440;w,� : <✓Wleh e2�, 141XI Uti'►iut� -c G]n,,- h►/i.� G•�sw,�G' _O.e G>'c4��i /4C/t ✓ '1 T/it: �•yl,( �.G'�! �'�`l'v� +C4 �L°fA1 11^�!/�1 th �`` u/�"°`7 '� -_'^ � C�� -�%!� %•� � •: Return to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 50 Street, Edina, MN 55424 Qw le, �m C, 4,J Z A,1,tU % 17 ai� 6,a4r, 40M L Page 1 of 1 Gordon Hughes From: Jerry Sitek [JSITEK @mn.rr.com] Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 3:56 PM To: Gordon Hughes Subject: Service on Boards and Commissions Gordon, I serve on the park board. I believe that I am beginning my 7th year on the board. I have mixed feelings on term limits. In my 6+ years on the park board it has helped having people on the board who have been there for awhile. They are familiar with the parks, green spaces and issues. This helps when a new related issue come up. The park board has had a base of the same people for quite a few years and it has seemed to run smoothly and efficiently. There have been at least 6 vacancies filled on the board in the last 6 years. My thought with the park board is that is seems to police itself. I don't think that term limits would be bad, as long as there is always a base of people who have been there for a while. It would be hard on the staff if they had a whole new board every 6 or 8 years. Karla Sitek Park Board 2/22/2005 City'-of Edina Memo To: , City of Edina Board and Commission Member From: Gordon Hughes, City Manager CQ City Council Date: 2/17/2005 Re: Service on Boards and Commissions Recently, several residents appeared before the City Council and suggested that the City establish term limits for service on our boards and commissions. In response to this suggestion, the Council directed me to survey some of our adjoining communities with respect to such limits. I found, and reported to the Council, that three of the four adjoining cities surveyed impose term limits. Two of the cities restrict service to six consecutive ears and one city restricts service to eight years. After discussing the issue at the February 15 meeting, the Council decided to continue further discussion until March 1 e and directed me to solicit your views on the topic. I would appreciate it if you would take a moment to share your thoughts with the Council. Please use the "tear off" on the bottom of this memo and return it to my attention. If you prefer, e-mail me your thoughts at ghughes o(-ci edina.mn.us and I will pass them on to the Council. You, of course, are welcome to attend the March 1 r meeting to share your views in person. Thanks for your help. Name of Board/Commission you serve on i 4 R K 13oR R "0 How many years have you served ?_ Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? ? 4f yes, how many years? 3 7 rs. How do you think term limits would affect the work of your board or commission? 3t�1.� e c P ✓� �Jk.Q 1(nJ( c;J 1 ., P 7lU Lp qVP Ent t4 o�x 1�1 'A ✓uC4n� e� 6vn ;J j-Th �. rj /t' ���ii P� TD 14EIV -9.. CcPAGI V UU `�{i4C lvf�� 11� 1"`c� U)��� .l�-i �"lUl ✓Y✓t 4..J C✓ V((4 -('Ni4 //". II �A(CiJ Sir) -o T•'�'�t� IV / CC Y% _ 1T5 O��vr��� 1-aK'.�v ?r'o✓2- dins, MN 55424 �� Y Retum to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 50�j' Street, 1!.i%� 1. i,o� ,l P r '�'%�J� L V Y ✓t ✓t i'YI fr+, `jif/ "A. 1 S I N�P ✓l�i�CX 1 �' S1h•� 1.� � O� . 8bw z v e✓ Olio w, A 42 r Iii c l-i Woo '�- '1;�v Page 1 of 1 Gordon Hughes From: Kathy Frey [kfrey @mn.rr.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 1:12 PM To: Gordon Hughes Subject: e-mail response Dear Gordon, thought I would take you up on the offer to e-mail my response to you concerning term limits on the commissions. I am Kathy Frey and am currently on the Recycling Commission. I think I have been on it since...'93 or so. There are pros and cons to term limits. The pro- new blood, fresh ideas, etc. The con- a loss of historical perspective and experience. The point can be argued well both ways. I would like to mention a couple of situations where it was beneficial to have experience on the board. The first situation was when we finally got the city's policy changed regarding where to pick up the recyclables, the door or the curb. Bob Reid, Inna Hayes and I had been on the board long enough to finally get this changed implemented. We went through 4 Recycling Coordinators, (Janet Chandler through Solvie Wilmot) and about the same number in Mayors- (Fred Richards through Dennis M.) before the change. We believe it was an enormous improvement to have the recyclables picked up at the curb for many reasons: (social pressure to recycle ... look at the Jones'! They don't recycle!) to the huge financial benefit, (so much savings realized with curbside rather than door pick -up). Our experience and persistence contributed to this change. The second and more recent situation where experience was helpful was in addressing the question brought before us concerning the future of recycling in Edina. The idea of canceling city based recycling and going with individual hauler recycling was raised. For many reasons, we disapproved of this idea, supported by our years of experience in dealing with city wide recycling and the many benefits of a program such as ours. I hope I have been helpful with your decision regarding term limits. Kathy Frey 2/23/2005 Page I of I Gordon Hughes From: Mary Vasaly [Mary.Vasaly @maslon.com] Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 8:44 AM To: Gordon Hughes Subject: Term limits I have been a member of the zoning board for approximately 2 years. It is difficult for me to comment on the question of term limits without knowing what the issues are. If the city does not have any difficulty finding new board members who are qualified to serve and there are residents who feel they don't get the opportunity to serve, then term limits might makes sense. Similarly, if there is difficulty with removal of incompetent board members, term limits could serve this purpose. However, why doesn't the appointment process serve both of these needs? If others wish to serve, or if a board member needs to be removed, a new member could simply be appointed and the current board member cycle off. If the city has difficulty filling boards with competent members, then term limits would seriously cripple the ability of the City to fill its boards. 2/24/2005 02/23/24005 WED 11:17 FAX 612 332 1405 SGN ARCHITECTS . e---z City of Edina Memo To: City of Edina Hoard and Commission MembM rmmm Gordon Hughes, City Manager tc; • CRy Council Data 2117/'1005 Rea Service on Hoards and Commissions Recently, several residents appeared before the City Council and suggested that the City establish term limits for service on our boards and commissions. In response to this suggestion, the Council dkecteed me to survey some of our adjoining communitths with respect to such I'mmb. I hound, and reported to the Courxg, that three of the four adjoining cities surveyed impose tern limits. Two of the cities restrict service to sic consecutive gears and one city restricts service to eight years. After discussing the issue at the February 1 5r meeting, the Council decided to continue further discussion until March I e and directed me to solicit your views on the topic. I would appreciate Rif you would take a moment to share your thoughts with the Council. Please use the "tear ofr on the bottom of this memo and retvm k to my attention_ K you prefer, ®-marl me your thoughts at ahugbesiftedina.mmus and I will pass them on to the Council, You, of course, are welcome to attend the March 1 r meeting to share your views In person. Thanks for your help. Name or Board/CommiWon you serve on� How many years have you served?.)% Should the Council adopt a term -tlmit policy? If Yes, how many years? `,� How do you think term limits would sffed the work of your board or commission? � /� /) '' a_ Retum to: Gordon H th l ty of Edina, West �' Stres dina. M 5424 0002/003 Page 1 of 1 Gordon Hughes From: John Glover oglover @northco.com] Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 12:44 PM To: Gordon Hughes Subject: Term Limits Mr. Hughes, I have been serving on the Board of Construction Appeals for two years. I understand why many would want to impose term limits. I would support them if a 'seniority' list on the Board or Commission were maintained. A person could serve up to 8 years, but could continue to serve until another person wanted to serve. At that time, the senior person with over 8 years of service would have to relinquish his /her appointment. John D. Glover, AIA Construction Executive Northco Real Estate Services 4900 Viking Drive Edina, MN 55435 952 - 820 -1669 (Office) 952 - 820 -1620 (Fax) 2/25/2005 Gordon Hughes From: Ian Yue [ian.t.yue @gmail.comj Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 3:42 PM To: Gordon Hughes Subject: Memo - Service on Boards and Commissions Mr. Hughes: First, I would like to thank you for including me in sharing my thoughts in response to the Memo. My name is Ian Yue, and I am the student representative for the Heritage Preservation Board. As for the memo, I trply think that because it is my first year, I cannot give an accurate response to the number of years a person can serve on a city board or commission. I would first like to get used to the board itself and how it works before I can give an opinion on this issue. Again, thank you for including me and I look forward to possibly hearing from you again. Sincerely, Ian Yue 1 Gordon Hughes From: D. Dege [ddege @visi.com] Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 6:01 PM To: Gordon Hughes Subject: Term Limits I serve on the Art Center Board. How many years? -- Mayor VanValkenburg asked me to be on a committee to discuss the need for an art center in Edina I believe in 1973, then we moved from Edina in 1975. When we returned in 1977, the Art Center was a fact instead of just an idea. I joined the Art Center Board in the 80s. So, 20 years? Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? -- Possibly. It depends upon the purpose of the board or commission. If it's a board that does very little work, not an active, viable, working group, then I don't think it matters who is on it or for how long. Perhaps a limit of two terms, with the option of returning to the board after a one -term absence. Thus, people with long -term devotion to the group could be accommodated AND people interested in serving for a short time could also be accommodated. But, I don't think this is a factor worth debating if the board isn't active. How would term limits affect the work of our board? -- The EAC Board has always had long -term members. It's hard to imagine it otherwise. They have always been dedicated, hard - working, and I believe a major factor in the success of the Center. I don't think of the advisors to EAC as being only the Board members; the volunteers are also an important factor in the success of the EAC; I'm not sure of the structure of the other boards and commissions. The flip side of that is that there are many of us who would have nearly the same amount of involvement at the EAC whether we were /are on the board or not; we're committed to the success of the art center. D. A. Dege, Ph.D. -> North Community High School, Minneapolis, MN - >Franklin Family Services, St. Louis Park, MN (952- 221 -3063) - >CC Fulton Co. Illinois <http: / /www.genexchange.org /> 1 Memo To: City of Edina Board and Commission Member; From: Gordon Hughes, City Manager 419 CC: City Council Date: 2/17/2005 Re: Service on Boards and Commissions Recently, several residents appeared before the City Council and suggested that the City establish term limits for service on our boards and commissions. In response to this suggestion, the Council directed me to survey some of our adjoining communities with respect to such limits. I found, and reported to the Council, that three of the four adjoining cities surveyed impose term limits. Two of the cities restrict service to six consecutive gears and one city restricts service to eight years. After discussing the issue at the February 15 meeting, the Council decided to continue further discussion until March 15"' and directed me to solicit your views on the topic. would appreciate it if you would take a moment to share your thoughts with the Council. Please use the "tear oft" on the bottom of this memo and return it to my attention. If you prefer, e-mail me your, thoughts at ghughes(ED-ci.edina.mmus and I will pass them on to the Council. You, of course, are welcome to attend the March 15 meeting to share your views in person. Thanks for your help. Name of Board /Commission you serve on How many years have you served? Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? If yes, how many years? How do you think term limits would affect the work of your board or commission? 1 L/ Return to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 50' Street, Edina, MN 55424 , �_. Memo To: City of Edina Board and Commission Memberp From: Gordon Hughes, City Manager CC: City Council Date: 2/17/2005 Re: Service on Boards and Commissions Recently, several residents appeared before the City Council and suggested that the City establish term limits for service on our boards and commissions. In response to this suggestion, the Council directed me to survey some of our adjoining communities with respect to such limits. I found, and reported to the Council, that three of the four adjoining cities surveyed impose term limits. Two of the cities restrict service to six consecutive ears and one city restricts service to eight years. After discussing the issue at the February 15 meeting, the Council decided to continue further discussion until March 15"' and directed me to solicit your views on the topic. I would appreciate it if you would take a moment to share your thoughts with the Council. Please use the "tear off' on the bottom of this memo and return it to my attention. If you prefer, e-mail me your thoughts at ghughesCa)ci.edina.mn.us and I will pass them on to the Council. You, of course, are welcome to attend the March 15 meeting to share your views in person. Thanks for your help. Name of Board /Commission you serve on 94M 12 &d How many years have you served? Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? "'11S5 If yes, how many years? How do you think term limits would affect the work of your board or commission? Return to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 5e Street, Edina, MN 55424 s7� >, Page 1 of 1 Gordon Hughes From: Amy Frankfurt [amyfran @mn.rr.com] Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2005 3:28 PM To: Gordon Hughes Subject: term limits? Human Rights and Relations Commission Have served 1 year Yes to term limit policy, 7 years, total. Could serve one more term of 2 years after a break of at least two years. How term limits would affect the work of our board? Here are some things that might happen with a term limit: could result in greater sense of urgency for commission members to accomplish something could result in increase in number of new members who might have a greater sense of energy and motivation, by the very fact that they are new to the commission could lighten some of the institutional weight, the "we've always done it this way" attitude may lose some of the institutional memory could force commission members, city, school board to bring new people into community leadership roles, so the same old faces are not doing everything Hope this helps. Good luck! Amy Gordon Hughes From: Amy Frankfurt [amyfran @mn.rr.com] Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 8:51 AM To: Gordon Hughes Subject: commission terms Gordon, I want to amend my earlier suggestion re: commission terms. Since they are 2 yr. terms I would recommend that they be able to serve no more than 6 years in a row, with another two year term allowed after a break of two years. Thanks, amy 2/22/2005 Page 1 of 1 Gordon Hughes From: FOtness @aol.com Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 1:04 PM To: Gordon Hughes Subject: Term Limits for Boards and Commissions Dear Gordon: I received your letter today. Thank you for notification of the March 15th agenda item. I play with a bell choir on Tuesday evenings so I will not be present that evening, but you may share my remarks with the Council. I currently serve on the Human Rights and Relations Commission. My term is for three years and I am in my third year. I believe that the Edina City Council should adopt a term -limit policy of 2 terms /6 years or whichever comes first. I think term limits would re- energize the commissions by forcing them to have strategic and action plans and to be "pro- active ", rather than "reactive ". Some members of the HRRC have served for 4 or 5 terms and this leads to individual members focusing on narrow projects and often prevents new, fresh perspectives. This change may /may not put a burden on the city's liaisons to the Boards and Commissions. You should survey these loyal staff members as well. For a Commission like the HRRC, greater turnover would be an advantage. However, for the Planning Commission (for example), long service and institutional history might be an advantage. Once again, I admire your service to the city and thank you for seeking my opinion. Sincerely, Andy Otness 5433 Kellogg Avenue Edina, 55424 FOtness @aol.com 952 - 922 -5165 2/22/2005 Gordon Hughes From: Iwanning [Iwanning @umn.edu] Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 11:20 AM To: Gordon Hughes Subject: Commission Term Limits Gordon - I support the idea of term limits for Commission Members and Chairs. I think as a general practice having two terms is good. It typically takes a year or two for a new member to get oriented and really understand the people, terminology and issues. After that, their experience helps them really contribute. At the other end, after 6 years they will have heard many of the issues before and getting some new blood on the Commission will bring new perspectives. Regarding Chairs, I suggest a Member should typically become Chair in their second term, and that a Chair is therefore in that position for a max of 3 years. Being a Member for a term is valuable experience for a Chair. Rotating Chairs every 3 years helps keep a Commission fresh - and we have plenty of talented people who are willing and capable to provide the leadership. I don't think that having term limits would affect the work of most Commissions. It would not affect the work of the Transportation Commission. We will be seeing new issues constantly, learning from the ones we deal with, and finding that the situation at the beginning of 6 years has changed sometimes significantly during that period. Therefore, having staggered terms and term limits will assure a constant flow of new perspectives to go with the experiences gained by current members. If there is some particular commission where longer tenure is viewed essential, then I would suggest a maximum of 9 years for that particular commission. However, I suspect that staggered terms with a max of 6 years can address that longevity issue. Les Wanninger 1 Memo To: . City of Edina Board and Commission Memberp From: Gordon Hughes, City Manager CC: City Council Date: 2/17/2005 Re: Service on Boards and Commissions Recently, several residents appeared before the City Council and suggested that the City establish term limits for service on our boards and commissions. In response to this suggestion, the Council directed me to survey some of our adjoining communities with respect to such limits. I found, and reported to the Council, that three of the four adjoining cities surveyed impose term limits. Two of the cities restrict service to six consecutive ears and one city restricts service to eight years.. After discussing the issue at the February 15 meeting, the Council decided to continue further discussion until March 15"' and directed me to solicit your views on the topic. I would appreciate it if you would take a moment to share your thoughts with the Council. Please use the "tear off' on the bottom of this memo and return it to my attention. If you prefer, e-mail me your thoughts at ghughes(r -ci edina.mn.us and I will pass them on to the Council. You, of course, are welcome to attend the March 15m meeting to share your views in person. Thanks for your help. Name of Board /Commission you serve on�M+ ®��U How many years have you served? .9 �fQa _s e��i o �� �^ r �01 �! Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? If yes, how many years? How do you think term limits would affect the work of your board or commission? -= Return to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 5e Street, Edina, MN 55424 ZLP� Memo To: City of Edina Board and Commission Memberp From: Gordon Hughes, City Manager CC: City Council Date: 2/17/2005 Re: Service on Boards and Commissions Recently, several residents appeared before the City Council and suggested that the City establish term limits for service on our boards and commissions. In response to this suggestion, the Council directed me to survey some of our adjoining communities with respect to such limits. I found, and reported to the Council, that three of the four adjoining cities surveyed impose term limits. Two of the cities restrict service to six consecutive gears and one city restricts service to eight years. After discussing the issue at the February 15 meeting, the Council decided to continue further discussion until March I e and directed me to solicit your views on the topic. I would appreciate it if you would take a moment to share your thoughts with the Council. Please use the "tear off' on the bottom of this memo and return it to my attention. If you prefer, e-mail me your, thoughts at ahughes(a Le, ina.mn.us and I will pass them on to the Council. You, of course, are welcome to attend the March 15 meeting to share your views in person. Thanks for your help. Name of Board /Commission you serve on How many years have you served? Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? � If yes, how many years? How do you think term limits would affect the work of your beard or commission? r Return to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 5e Street, Edina, M �� 7�G z -/Z Page 1 of 1 Gordon Hughes From: Eileen Supple [esupple @mn.rr.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 5:19 PM To: Gordon Hughes Subject: Term limits Gordon, In response to your memo, I'm a fan of term limits in the case of city or.school appointments. If folks are elected by the electorate, I believe it's up to the electorate to speak. But in volunteer positions (even in non - for - profit boards), I believe there has to be a mechanism to encourage new thoughts, new perspectives ... and that usually requires new blood. I'll be interested to hear whether the residents who appeared before the Council also serve on a city board or commission. I have brought this up with the Human Relations Commission several times over the years and most recently tried to have a discussion about it when the Commission asked for approval of its new name and bylaws. It's an awkward discussion to have when many of the people around the table have served more years than my eight. The excuse for not having the discussion or not recommending a change is often that this is how the City does it and we can't change that for every board and commission. I began serving on the Commission in 1997 when I was liaison from the Board of Education. I have one year remaining on my current Human Rights and Relations Commission term. In January 20061 will say my thank - yous and leave. I don't know that the Council asked for this information, but it would be enlightening for them to see the number of years each current commissioner has served. The length of service is most obvious, I suppose, when the volunteer recognition dinner takes place. Granted, it will be difficult for the City to make a change, but there are gentle ways to do it. I pushed for this change on a not - for - profit board I served on. To facilitate the transition, we declared that each current board member would be considered to be in his or her first term. That way, if the new bylaw limited them to two three - year terms, they could still serve at least three years. Surprisingly, some of them took the opportunity to retire instead. For what it's worth, I think the other topic to address at the same time would be how many boards or commissioners one may serve on simultaneously. In a city this size, I don't see a need for people to collect appointments. Thanks for the chance to be heard, Gordon. Eileen Supple 2/23/2005 Memo To: City of Edina Board and Commission Memberp From: Gordon Hughes, City Manager lef�4 CC: City Council Date: 2/17/2005 Re: Service on Boards and Commissions Recently, several residents appeared before the City Council and suggested that the City establish term limits for service on our boards and commissions. In response to this suggestion, the Council directed me to survey some of our adjoining communities with respect to such limits. I found, and reported to the Council, that three of the four adjoining cities surveyed impose term limits. Two of the cities restrict service to six consecutive gears and one city restricts service to eight years. After discussing the issue at the February 15 meeting, the Council decided to continue further discussion until March 15"' and directed me to solicit your views on the topic. I would appreciate it if you would take a moment to share your thoughts with the Council. Please use the "tear off" on the bottom of this memo and return it to my attention. If you prefer, e-mail me your thoughts at Qhughes .ci.edina.mmus and I will pass them on to the Council. You, of course, are welcome to attend the March 1 V meeting to share your views in person. Thanks for your help. Name of Board/Commission you serve on h` f- 1-,2 _v& P_ set- t/'7 ei&iv How many years have you served? 3 Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? If yes, how many years? How do you think term limits would affect the work of your board or commission? V Return to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 5e Street, Edina, MN , 55424 i Memo To: City of Edina Board and Commission Memberp From: Gordon Hughes, City Manager CC: City Council Date: 2/17/2005 Re: Service on Boards and Commissions Recently, several residents appeared before the City Council and suggested that the City establish term limits for service on our boards and commissions. In response to this suggestion, the Council directed me to survey some of our adjoining communities with respect to such limits. I found, and reported to the Council, that three of the four adjoining cities surveyed impose term limits. Two of the cities restrict service to six consecutive ears and one city restricts service to eight years. After . discussing the issue at the February 15 meeting, the Council decided to continue further discussion until March 1 e and directed me to solicit your views on the topic. would appreciate it if you would take a moment to share your thoughts with the Council. Please use the "tear offs on the bottom of this memo and return it to my attention. if you prefer, e-mail me your. thoughts at c, hughes(ci)ci.edina.mmus and I will pass them on to the Council. You, of course, are welcome to attend the March 15 meeting to share your views in person. Thanks for your help. Name of Board /Commission you serve on How many years have you served? d Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? If yes, how many years? .' How do you think term limits would affect the work of your board or commission? 0 C/ fi 12� �. Return to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 501' Street, Edina, MN 55424 Memo To: City of Edina Board and Commission Memberp From: Gordon Hughes, City Manager / 74"1 CC: City Council Date: 2/17/2005 Re: Service on Boards and Commissions Recently, several residents appeared before the City Council and suggested that the City establish term limits for service on our boards and commissions. In response to this suggestion, the Council directed me to survey some of our adjoining communities with respect to such limits. I found, and reported to the Council, that three of the four adjoining cities surveyed impose term limits. Two of the cities restrict service to six consecutive r ars and one city restricts service to eight years. After discussing the issue at the February 15 meeting, the Council decided to continue further discussion until March I e and directed me to solicit your views on the topic. would appreciate it if you would take a moment to share your thoughts with the Council. Please use the "tear off' on the bottom of this memo and return it to my attention. If you prefer, e-mail me your thoughts at ohu4hes(d)ci edina.mn.us and I will pass them on to the Council. You, of course, are welcome to attend the March 150 meeting to share your views in person. Thanks for your help. Name of Board /Commission you serve on How many years have you served? ` % Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? S If yes, how many years? �v How do you think term limits would affect the work of your board or commission? VtA.0,A-10aAL GEC Fly Q Scams -Q • I��wQJe✓ vtafi Retum to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 5(P Street, Edina, MN 55424 b eli e-J e— "t elf w nn d !J O c c2' � �f0, %J Qom- p"-' I Oso � "L C CA �,� � C� Q �� Q...:4 ��p t.•� I� c� F Ct�c��t.. �� I� �..LCc�� Memo To: City of Edina Board and Commission Member From: Gordon Hughes, City Manager CC: City Council Date: 2/17/2005 Re: Service on Boards and Commissions Recently, several residents appeared before the City Council and suggested that the City establish term limits for service on our boards and commissions. In response to this suggestion, the Council directed me to survey some of our adjoining communities with respect to such limits. I found, and reported to the Council, that three of the four adjoining cities surveyed impose term limits. Two of the cities restrict service to six consecutive ears and one city restricts.service to eight years. After discussing the issue at the February 15 meeting, the Council decided to continue further discussion until March 15"' and directed me to solicit your views on the topic. I would appreciate it if you would take a moment to share your thoughts with the Council. Please use the "tear off' on the bottom of this memo and return it to my attention. If you prefer, e-mail me your thoughts at ghughes(aD-ci.edina.mmus and:l will pass them on to the Council. You, of course, are welcome to attend the March 15 meeting to share your views in person. Thanks for your help. Name of Board/Commission you serve on 6 C a SY A U, C Yic -d 13 6 ARCS ©r A APtr A 4 S How many years have you served? Should the Council adopt a term -limit policy? f S If yes, how many years? C 3 — 3YEi A 7 EAµ S) How do you think term limits would affect the work of your board or commission? /4�i�� -lN ► �nfG- �� � �3a�,6A l'��i►cf3,E�S �noRE % �E42uENr�. y. /ir" R�hfG,S IVAE iL) CA1_'i40 S M514 '4Nr> /� j=R�s�l .mod �'iN►� 1- i�_r,v i'a cd �'�aRTLQ ii"Y �v =' �vR� �2Es�UENi"S 70 5EAVE T*e CeVA JELAfr . Return to: Gordon Hughes, City of Edina, 4801 West 5e Street, Edina, MN 55424 75­06) iV 7S . TO: Mayor & Council Members FROM: Gordon Hughes DATE: March 15, 2005 SUBJECT: INDIAN HILLS SUBDIVISION LAWSUIT 0 I= 9 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Recommendation: Discuss Indian Hills subdivision lawsuit. G Background: As you know, the District Court rendered its decision with respect to Pederson vs. Edina last month. Although the court upheld the validity of our subdivision ordinance, it ruled in favor of Pederson as to the merits of his subdivision proposal. In connection with its decision, the court also ruled that the moratorium imposed on subdivisions was not-valid as to the Pederson matter. Unfortunately, the court's ruling as to the moratorium validity was ambiguous and could have been interpreted to apply to any subdivision application. As directed by the Council, our attorneys asked the court to rectify the ambiguity. I'm happy to report that the court agreed and issued language that clarified that the invalidation of the moratorium applied to Pederson only. The City must now decide if wishes to appeal the court's ruling concerning the Pederson subdivision. This decision must be made by about the middle of April. Mr. Gilligan will speak to this issue at the March 15th meeting. The Council may elect to discuss it further in closed session if it wishes. However, the decision as to an appeal must be made in public. session. Agenda Item V.E. " ❑ Consent El Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends To HRA. ❑ To Council Action ❑ Motion Q ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance 0 Discussion Recommendation: Discuss Indian Hills subdivision lawsuit. G Background: As you know, the District Court rendered its decision with respect to Pederson vs. Edina last month. Although the court upheld the validity of our subdivision ordinance, it ruled in favor of Pederson as to the merits of his subdivision proposal. In connection with its decision, the court also ruled that the moratorium imposed on subdivisions was not-valid as to the Pederson matter. Unfortunately, the court's ruling as to the moratorium validity was ambiguous and could have been interpreted to apply to any subdivision application. As directed by the Council, our attorneys asked the court to rectify the ambiguity. I'm happy to report that the court agreed and issued language that clarified that the invalidation of the moratorium applied to Pederson only. The City must now decide if wishes to appeal the court's ruling concerning the Pederson subdivision. This decision must be made by about the middle of April. Mr. Gilligan will speak to this issue at the March 15th meeting. The Council may elect to discuss it further in closed session if it wishes. However, the decision as to an appeal must be made in public. session. M REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: , Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # V.F. From: Wayne Houle, PE Consent Clty Engineer. Information Only ❑ Date: March 15, 2005 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Set Public Hearing Dates Action ® Motion for: Resolution ` • Schaefer Road Roadway ❑ Ordinance Improvement No. A -216 ❑ Discussion • Schaefer Circle Roadway Improvement No. A -217 • West 58th Street Roadway Improvement No. BA -328 IV Recommendation: Approve resolution calling for Public Hearings on April 19, 2005 for roadway improvements n to the following: • Schaefer Road Improvement No. A -216 (from Interlachen Boulevard to Westwood Court) 0 • Schaefer Circle Improvement No. A -217 (east of Schaefer Road) • West 58th Street Improvement No. BA-YZ6 (from Concord Avenue to Wooddale Avenue) Info /Background: City staff, is requesting these street improvements based on the condition of the streets and the necessary utility improvements required throughout these neighborhoods. Staff has reviewed these projects and has determined they are feasible. Feasibility studies will be completed and submitted prior to the Public Hearing. Staff recommends scheduling a Public Hearing on April 19, 2005. GAlmprovements\A216 Schaefer Road \CORRESPONDENCE \Letters\A216 RR—request for public hearing.doc 0 I REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Boyd Tate Traffic Safety Coordinator Date: March 15, 2005 Subject: Traffic Safety Staff Review for March 8, 2005 Agenda Item # V. G. Consent Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action ® Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Review and approve Traffic Safety Staff Review of Tuesday, March 8, 2005. Info /Background: It is not anticipated that residents will be in attendance at the Council meeting regarding the attached issues. G: \Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic \Traffic Advisory Committee \Staff Review Summaries \05 TS AG & Min \rr 3- 15-05.doc TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2005 The staff review of traffic safety matters occurred on March 8, 2005. Staff present included the City Engineer, Traffic Engineer, Traffic Safety Coordinator, City Planner, Sign Coordinator, Traffic Safety Sergeant and Chief of Police. From that review, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They have also been informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can be included on the March 15, 2005 Council Agenda. SECTION A: Requests that staff recommends approval of request: A request for "No Parking" restrictions spanning 115 feet from the intersection curb to the entrance of the school. on the north side of West 42nd Street of Grimes Avenue to the east along the The request comes from the Golden Years Montessori School located at 4100 West 42nd Street. This is an area where parents and school buses drop off their children and the concern is for their safety. Vehicles parked in this area make it difficult and conflict with buses using this area as a drop -off and pick -up area. The Montessori School has been in operation since 1979 and has a current enrollment of 123 children, ages 4 -9, with a full time staff of 13. Buses and parents drop off their children between 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. and pick them up between 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Cars that are parked in this area do not allow buses to use the area for safe, curbside loading and unloading of the students. Both parents and staff have voiced safety concerns. The Montessori School uses Edina school buses. West 42nd Street is a thirty -foot wide local street with curb and gutter and a sidewalk on the North Side. It is bounded on the East by Alden Avenue and on the West by Grimes Avenue. All way stops are located at both intersections. Parking is currently allowed on both sides of West 42nd Street in front of the school. The Montessori School has been using their own portable 'No Parking' signs, which they set out on the sidewalk during school hours. A resident on Grimes Avenue who was concerned about the unauthorized signs brought this to the staffs attention. The school is no longer using the unauthorized signs. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 1 of 2 March 8, 2005 The staff recommends "No Parking' restrictions for the north side of West 42nd street from the intersection of Grimes Avenue to the east spanning 115 feet .to the Schools entrance. 2. A request for "No Parking Anytime" Street from the exit ramp of Highway from the Edina Police Department.' restrictions on the south side of West 7th 169 to Lincoln Drive. This request comes The referenced area is along the property line of Alliant Technology that frequently generates organized demonstrations. The demonstrators gather in the public roadway right -of -way, typically within the right -turn lane median island in the southwest quadrant of the West 7th Street and Lincoln Drive/ intersection. In an effort to maintain safety for traveling vehicles using these roadways and for the pedestrians and people that gather in this area, it is necessary to implement a "no parking anytime" restriction along West 7th Street from Highway 100 to Lincoln Drive. Parking will still be allowed along Lincoln Drive. City code currently restricts parking within five feet of the intersection, which precludes any parking within the free -right turn lane area. In addition, staff is recommending to not allow parking along the south side of West 7th Street from this intersection to Highway 169 to better aid the police department in maintaining safety for the pedestrians, parked vehicles and vehicles traveling on the roadway. reco SECTION B: Lincoln Drive. Requests on which'the staff recommends denial of request. None for the March 8, 2005 meeting. SECTION C: Requests that are deferred to a later date or referred to others: None for the March 8, 2005 meeting. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 2 of 2 March 8, 2005 �1 n 1 0-4 ro 188 AGENDA ITEM: V. H. Gymnasium Update F-] No packet data Oral presentation ❑ Information coming I r CITY OF EDINA 3/2/2005 15:56:27 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 1 3/3/2005 -3/3/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor. / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 269620 3/3/2005 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 32.68 106808 451262 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 47.96 106958 451287 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 80.64 269621 3/3/2005 102336 ADAMS, MICHAEL 49.95 UNIFORM PURCHASE 106783 022205 1301.6201 LAUNDRY GENERAL MAINTENANCE 49.95 269622 3/3/2005 117037 ADI MEDICAL 135.00 NITRILE GLOVES 106845 44187 1400.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 135.00 269623 3/3/2005 105162 ADT SECURITY SERVICES 25.02 ALARM 106918 89497593 5111.6250 ALARM SERVICE ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT 25.02 269624 313/2005 101077 AIRTEC INC. 16.05 WELDING SUPPLIES 106884 291613 1646.6556 TOOLS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 17.87 WELDING SUPPLIES 106884 291613 1325.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET NAME SIGNS 28.70 WELDING SUPPLIES 106884 291613 1322.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 68.96 WELDING SUPPLIES 106884 291613 5913.6556 TOOLS DISTRIBUTION 70.46 WELDING SUPPLIES 106884 291613 1301.6556 TOOLS GENERAL MAINTENANCE 169.99 WELDING SUPPLIES 106884 291613 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 372.03 269626 3/3/2005 111228 ALDEN POOL & MUNICIPAL SUPPLY 534.63 SAND SEPARATOR 106885 500053 5915.6530 REPAIR PARTS WATER TREATMENT 182.43 O -RING CK VALVE SEAT 106886 500086 5915.6530 REPAIR PARTS WATER TREATMENT 717.06 269626 3/3/2005 103357 ALPHA VIDEO & AUDIO 74.55 SVHS TAPES 106754 INV59575 1120.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATION 74.55 269627 313/2006 100624 ALTERNATOR REBUILD CO. 126.74 ALTERNATOR 106887 37159 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 126.74 269628 3/3/2005 100630 ANCHOR PAPER CO. INC. 241.32 COPIER PAPER 106888 157463501 1628.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS 241.32 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 313/2005 -3/3/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 269629 3/312005 100631 ANDERSON, TODD 13845 REIMBURSE FOR SCANNER 106784 022205 5410.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES 312/2005 15:56:27 Page- 2 Business Unit GOLF ADMINISTRATION EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 800 MHZ RADIO EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 800 MHZ RADIO EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 800 MHZ RADIO PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP POLICE DEPT. GENERAL CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 138.45 269630 313/2005 117824 ANDREW CORPORATION 42.60 DELIVERY CHARGES 106846 7424077 44003.6710 154.43 DELIVERY CHARGES 106847 7421282 44003.6710 165.08 DELIVERY CHARGES 106848 7414358 44003.6710 362.11 269631 3/3/2005 104235 APPLIED MEDIA 100.00 PERFORMANCE 2124 /2005 106849 022205 5610.6136 100.00 269632 31312005 103680 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SRVCS 67.95 COFFEE 106755 6013 - 452816 7411.6406 -- 230.93 COFFEE 106756 6013- 452031 1551.6406 298.88 269633 3/312006 100634 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. 27.05 KNOB 106785 1012641 1553.6530 27.05 269634 313/2005 101155 AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR & FIREPL 159.00 REPAIR DOOR 106757 1113781 5511.6180 159.00 269635 3/312005 101428 AWWA 695.00 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 106758 ACE05 5919.6104 695.00 269636 31312005 102503 BAGS & BOWS 356.50 BAGS, BOXES, TISSUE 106919 04613809 5120.6406 356.50 269637 313/2005 106321 BARTLEY SALES COMPANY INC. 420.68 TACKBOARDS 106850 57723 1400.6406 E' f� 420.68 269638 31312005 100607 BAUER, MICHAEL 23.00 RE- CERTIFICATION 106786 022305 81.6104 312/2005 15:56:27 Page- 2 Business Unit GOLF ADMINISTRATION EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 800 MHZ RADIO EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 800 MHZ RADIO EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 800 MHZ RADIO PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP POLICE DEPT. GENERAL CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING r CITY OF EDINA 3/2/2005 15:56:27 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 3 3/3/2005 -3/3/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 23.00 269639 313/2006 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 1,069.00 106809 32415200 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 65.04 106810 39607900 5662.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 106811 32415100 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,289.00 2,423.04 269640 31312005 108670 BERNER, JIM 150.00 PERFORMANCE 3/8/05 106787 021505 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 150.00 269641 31312005 100648 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCTS 96.78 SERVER, PITCHER, DVD 106851 3687420 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 32.74 OFFICE SUPPLIES 106852 3684070 1190.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ASSESSING 44.72 OFFICE SUPPLIES 106852 3684070 1260.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ENGINEERING GENERAL 5.20 OFFICE SUPPLIES 106853 3674170 1190.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ASSESSING 7.23 OFFICE SUPPLIES 106853 3674170 1160.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FINANCE 56.77 OFFICE SUPPLIES 106853 3674170 7410.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF ADMINISTRATION 129.91 OFFICE SUPPLIES 106853 3674170 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 148.41 OFFICE SUPPLIES 106854 3684080 1400.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 9.07- CREDIT 106855 CM3622970 5510.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES ARENA ADMINISTRATION 119.88 BINDERS 106920 3673360 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 632.57 269642 3/312005 100711 BLOOD, DAVID 100.00 POLICE SERVICE 106747 030305 1419.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES RESERVE PROGRAM 100.00 269643 31312005 100671 BUDGET LIGHTING 558.07 REPAIR LIGHTS 106759 00270813 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 558.07 269644 3/3/2005 100776 BUTLER, GEORGE 100.00 POLICE SERVICE 106745 030305 1419.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES RESERVE PROGRAM 100.00 269645 3/3 /2005 101788 CAMPBELL, RICHARD 107.18 UNIFORM PURCHASE 106856 022205 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 107.18 269646 3/312005 100681 CATCO 3/2/2005 15:56:27 Page - 4 Business Unit EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CITY HALL GENERAL EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN BUILDING MAINTENANCE GENERAL MAINTENANCE DISTRIBUTION ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 5164 GOLF BAG COVER 106922 823884 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 51.64 269656 3/3/2005 102478 DAY DISTRIBUTING CITY OF EDINA R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register 3/3/2005 --3/3/2005 .Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 141.60 -# FASTER KITS 106889 3- 68307, 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 173.46 MOTOR 106890 3 -68631 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 315.06 269647 3/3/2005 112561 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 5,976.24 106760 021805 1551.6186 HEAT 5,976.24 269648 3/3/2005 117818 CHIRPICH, JUDY 30.00 1 ST PLACE VOLLEYBALL 106774 022205 4077.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 30.00 269649 3/312005 100689 CLAREYS SAFETY EQUIP. 126.75 AIR SWITCH 106761 44461 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 126.75 269650 3/3/2005 101323 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS 25.99 SAFETY GLASSES 106891 02513606 1646.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 94.95 GLASSES, GLOVES 106892 02512627 1301.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 120.94 269651 3/3/2005 101763 CONSOLIDATED PLASTICS CO. INC. 48.00 CONTAINERS 106893 6143225 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 48.00 269662 3/3/2005 100695 CONTINENTAL CLAY CO. 11.37 CLAY 106921 R200316322 5120.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 11.37 269653 313/2005 103171 CORPORATE ADVERTISING 8 INCENT 1,462.85 CHAMPIONSHIP APPAREL 106762 97745 4077.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,462.85 269664 3/3/2005 117835 COYNE, LEROY 25.00 UNIFORM PURCHASE 107025 022505 5840.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 25.00 269656 3/3/2005 102121 DATREK PROFESSIONAL BAGS INC 3/2/2005 15:56:27 Page - 4 Business Unit EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CITY HALL GENERAL EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN BUILDING MAINTENANCE GENERAL MAINTENANCE DISTRIBUTION ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 5164 GOLF BAG COVER 106922 823884 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 51.64 269656 3/3/2005 102478 DAY DISTRIBUTING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 3/2/2005 15:56:27 Council Check Register Page - 5 3/3/2005 -313/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 613.05 106812 302116 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 99.25 106813 300824 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 1,675.45 106814 302117 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 19.80 106815 302118 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 1,628.50 106959 301153 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 1,767.25 106960 302124 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 39.00 106961 302123 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 5,842.30 269657 3/312005 100720 DENNYS 5TH AVE. BAKERY 47.84 BAKERY 106923 184713 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 47.84 269658 3/3/2006 116926 DONOVAN, EDE 51.00 PAPER SHREDDER 106894 022405 1628.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS 61.69 ROTARY BREAKFAST 106894 022405 1628.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS 112.69 269659 3/3/2005 100735 E -Z SHARP INC 495.44 DIAMOND DRESSERS, WHEELS 106763 9140 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 495.44 269660 313/2005 100739 EAGLE WINE 432.24 106962 194420 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 268,87 106963 195140 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 3,169.05 106964 195220 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3,870.16 269661 3/3/2005 100741 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE 1,549.20 106816 325076 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 720.65 106965 325143 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 4,322.80 106966 325157 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 30.80 106967 325156 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 2,293.65 - 106968 325147 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 8,917.10 269662 31312005 101321 EDINA HARDWARE 45.53 SUPPLIES 106924 61707 5111.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT 45.53 269663 3/312005 101667 EDINA HIGH SCHOOL 620.00 GIRLS % 106925 022305 5511.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS CITY OF EDINA 3/2/2005 15:56:27 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 6 3/3/2005 — 313/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 5,974.20 BOYS % 106925 022305 5511.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 6.594.20 269664 3/3/2005 101630 EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS 275.00 GOLF DOME AD 106926 4287 5210.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF DOME PROGRAM 275.00 269665 3/3/2006 116448 EGAN OIL COMPANY 13,174.45 GAS 106788 95752 1553.6581 GASOLINE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 13,174.45 269666 313/2005 106194 EMA INC. 1,936.25 SCADA SYSTEM SERVICES 106789 560490007979 10026.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN LS -26 LIFT STATION 14 1,936.25 SCADA SYSTEM SERVICES 106789 560490007979 10027.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN LS -27 LIFT STATION 15 1,936.25 SCADA SYSTEM SERVICES 106789 560490007979 10028.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN LIFT STATION #5 1,936.25 SCADA SYSTEM SERVICES 106789 560490007979 10029.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN LIFT STATION #13 1,715.02 SCADA SYSTEM SERVICES 106790 560490007978 04284.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN SCADA STORM SEWER 4,573.40 SCADA SYSTEM SERVICES 106790 560490007978 05414.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN SCADA WATERMAIN 5,145.08 SCADA SYSTEM SERVICES 106790 560490007978 03404.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN SCADA SANITARY SEWER 19,178.50 269667 313/2006 105339 ENRGI 1,868.75 WEBSITE CONSULTING 106895 2464 2210.6124 WEB DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS 1,868.75 269668 313/2006 100146 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 147.13 SUPER DUTY PADS 106896 6- 716261 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 147.13 269669 3/3/2005 105420 FIKES SERVICES 34.08 AIR DEODORIZERS 106791 561756 5841.6162 SERVICES CUSTODIANS YORK OCCUPANCY 34.08 269670 3/312005 112607 FOLEY, DAVE 50.00 UNIFORM PURCHASE 106927 022505 5840.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 50.00 269671 3/312006 102727 FORCE AMERICA 100.24 PRESSURE SWITCH 106764 01221920 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 100.24 269672 3/3/2005 117836 FURLONG, TOM R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 313/2005 --3/3/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 1999 UNIFORM PURCHASE 107024 022505 5820.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - -19.99 1301.6556 TOOLS 1552.6406 269673 31312005 1552.6406 105172 GARLAND'S INC. 1480.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 1480.6710 1,653.00 HAND CARTS 107028 02150501 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1,653.00 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 269674 3/3/2005 111343 GLANZER, ROGER 63.73 SCADA TRAINING SUPPLIES 106897 022405 63.73 269675 3/3/2005 101103 GRAINGER 87.71 FIXTURES 106792 495. 634822 -3 448.58 SAW, DRILL 106793 495- 708247 -4 59.26 BIN BOXES 106794 498 - 582376 -6 235.42 PAINT & SUPPLIES 106795 495- 730218 -7 305.58 POWER SAW & BITS 107029 498- 208096 -4 9,039.74 POWER TOOLS, ACCESSORIES 107030 498 - 680354 -4 10,176.29 269676 3/312005 102217 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 561.25 106817 70302 287.75 106818 70606 199.25 106969 70809 1,048.25 269677 3/3/2005 100782 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. 5.95 106819 188796 3,191.36 106970 195181 28.09 106971 195182 11170.41 106972 195177 61.19 106973 195178 4,457.00 269678 31312005 101216 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFI 1,094.20 BOOKING FEES- JAN 05 106857 459 1,094.20 269679 3/3/2005 100801 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 1,321.92 JAN 2005 106928 000851 1.321.92 1480.6710 03404.1705.31 3/2/2005 15:56:27 Page - 7 Business Unit 50TH STREET GENERAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT SPECIAL OPERATIONS MATERIALS /SUPPLIES 5914.6530 REPAIR PARTS 1301.6556 TOOLS 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1480.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 1480.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5842.5512 5842.5512 5842.5515 5822.5512 5822.5515 1195.6170 1195.6225 SCADA SANITARY SEWER TANKS TOWERS & RESERVOIR GENERAL MAINTENANCE CENT SVC PW BUILDING CENT SVC PW BUILDING SPECIAL OPERATIONS SPECIAL OPERATIONS VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING COURT CHARGES BOARD & ROOM PRISONER LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES 3/2/2005 15:56:27 Page- 8 Business Unit WORK CAP REVENUES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 293.00 106820 352423 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 293.00 269684 3/3/2005 100811 HYDRO METERING TECHNOLOGY 1,175.76 METERS 106765 CITY OF EDINA 5914.5516 R55CKREG LOG20000 TANKS TOWERS & RESERVOIR 2,351.52 METERS 106765 0028923 -1N 5917.6530 REPAIR PARTS METER REPAIR . Council Check Register 571.90 METERS 106766 0028982 -IN 5914.5516 3/3/2005 --3/3/2005 TANKS TOWERS & RESERVOIR Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 269680 31312005 102460 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 9,229.29 25.00 TAX REPORTS 106858 022305 4001.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 111373 INDIA HANDICRAFTS INC. 25.00 269681 3/3/2005 MERCHANDISE 106371 HENNEPIN FACULTY ASSOCIATES 0180335 -IN 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 2,265.17 MEDICAL DIRECTOR SERVICES 106753 030305 1470.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,265.17 269686 3/3/2005 101732 INDUSTRIAL DOOR CO. INC. 269682 3/312005 117827 HODGKINS JR., RICHARD 192.39 DOOR CABLES REPAIRED 190.40 AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 106929 022505 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES 190.40 269683 3/3/2005 269687 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC. 101400 JAMES, WILLIAM F 3/2/2005 15:56:27 Page- 8 Business Unit WORK CAP REVENUES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 293.00 106820 352423 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 293.00 269684 3/3/2005 100811 HYDRO METERING TECHNOLOGY 1,175.76 METERS 106765 0028923 -IN 5914.5516 COST OF GOODS SOLD METERS TANKS TOWERS & RESERVOIR 2,351.52 METERS 106765 0028923 -1N 5917.6530 REPAIR PARTS METER REPAIR . 571.90 METERS 106766 0028982 -IN 5914.5516 COST OF GOODS SOLD METERS TANKS TOWERS & RESERVOIR 5,130.11 METERS 106766 0028982 -IN 5917.6530 REPAIR PARTS METER REPAIR 9,229.29 269686 3/3/2005 111373 INDIA HANDICRAFTS INC. - 145.95 MERCHANDISE 106930 0180335 -IN 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 145.95 269686 3/3/2005 101732 INDUSTRIAL DOOR CO. INC. 192.39 DOOR CABLES REPAIRED 106859 0100306 -IN 1551.6530 REPAIR PARTS CITY HALL GENERAL 192.39 269687 3/3/2005 101400 JAMES, WILLIAM F 100.00 POLICE SERVICE 106751 030305 1419.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES RESERVE PROGRAM 100.00 269688 313/2005 100830 JERRY'S PRINTING 403.64 CRIME FUND -ART FAIR 106860 31943 4001.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WORK CAP REVENUES 403.64 269689 3/3/2005 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 1,980.59 106821 1857602 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING .95 106822 1857596 42.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING CITY OF EDINA 3/2/2005 15:56:27 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 9 3/3/2005 -3/3/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 3,370.58 106823 1857601 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 768.30 106824 1857605 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,611.20 106825 1857608 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING .95 106826 1857597 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 164.20 106974 1857609 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,187,72 106975 1860821 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 101.30 106976 1860822 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 547.38 106977 1860820 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 681.30 106978 1860819 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 5,772.93 106979 1860826 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,291.90 106980 1860823 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 945.70 106981 1860828 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 278.55 106982 1860827 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3,500.61 106983 1860824 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 22,204.16 269690 31312005 117822 KAPUR, SIMRAN 16.00 DOG LICENSE REFUND 106796 022305 1400.4120 DOG LICENSES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 16.00 269691 3/312005 117826 KOECK, LAURA REIKO SHELLUM 75.00 WORKSHOP 106931 022305 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 75.00 269692 3/312005 105887 KOESSLER, JOE 146.00 FEB 2005 SERVICE 106898 020105 1628.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 146.00 269693 3/3/2005 101996 KUDOS INC. 1,185.35 TROPHIES 106932 50245 4077.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 1.185.35 269694 3/312005 100846 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO 1,145.80 106827 427578 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 1,196.50 106984 428107 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 2,838.00 106985 428113 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 5,180.30 269695 3/3/2005 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 86.75 CAPSCREWS 106767 2910481 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 412.54 NUTS, WASHERS, CLIPS 106899 2915465 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 76.82 FITTINGS, CLAMPS, HOOKS 106900 2915466 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation 103189 MEDICA . 576.11 Council Check Register 269696 31312005 LOW OPTION 117829 LAXARETTI, MAGGIE 313/2005 94.00 AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 269701 94.00 Inv No 269697 3/312005 Subledger Account Description 112577 M. AMUNDSON LLP 56,211.21 1,169.32 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES 1,169.32 106986 269698 3/3/2005 3/3/2005 100864 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. 103189 MEDICA 1,825.58 BRAKE SHOE KIT, BRAKE DRUM 77,652.24 -- 2,069.37 CONVEYOR BELT, DIRT SHOES 106902 1,825.58 BRAKE SHOE KIT, BRAKE DRUM 269703 108.80- CREDIT 103189 MEDICA 5,611.73 REPAIR PARTS, 269699 3/3/2005 SELECT OPTION 100868 MARK VII SALES 2,826.98 2.846.15 2,310.20 713.15 269700 3/3/2005 103189 MEDICA . Council Check Register 1,675.18 LOW OPTION 313/2005 1,675,18 269701 3/3/2005 Inv No 103189 MEDICA Subledger Account Description Business Unit 56,211.21 ELECT OPTION 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES 56, 211.21 106986 269702 3/3/2005 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 103189 MEDICA 106901 2051708 77,652.24 -- HIGH OPTION EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 106902 77,652.24 1553.6530 269703 3/312005 106903 103189 MEDICA 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS, 5,069.08 SELECT OPTION 5751 1553.6530 5,069.08 EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CITY OF EDINA 3/2/2005 15:56:27 Council Check Register Page - 10 313/2005 --3/3/2005 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 106933 022505 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 106986 175227 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 106901 2051708 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 106902 2051047 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 106903 2051707 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS, EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 106904 5751 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS, EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 106828 766577 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 106829 766805 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 106987 766592 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 106988 767237 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 106989 768159 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 106990 768158 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 106861 105060122552 1550.6040 HOSPITALIZATION CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 106862 105060125472 1550.6040 HOSPITALIZATION CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 106863 105060102386 1550.6040 HOSPITALIZATION CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 106864 105060134271 1550.6040 HOSPITALIZATION CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL CITY OF EDINA 3/2/2005 15:56:27 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 11 3/3/2005 -3/3/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 269704 3/3/2005 111273 MEDICA CHOICE 56.74 AMBULANCE - VERA HAGGLUND 106934 022505 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 56.74 269705 3/3/2005 101483 MENARDS -- 57.83 HAND TOOLS 106768 2537 1646.6556 TOOLS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 57.83 269706 3/3/2005 101987 MENARDS 140.89 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 106769 66973 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 140.89 269707 3/3/2005 100881 MERFELD, BURT 100.00 POLICE SERVICE 106746 030305 1419.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES RESERVE PROGRAM 100.00 269708 31312005 100882 MERIT SUPPLY 238.99 CLEANING SUPPLIES 106905 66363 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 197.34 TISSUE, LINERS, CUPS 106906 66361 1552.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 434.63 TOWELS, CLEANERS 106907 66346 1552.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 870.96 269709 3/312005 101390 MES INC. 89.85 SLEDGE HAMMERS 107031 267603 1480.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT SPECIAL OPERATIONS 89.85 269710 313/2005 102507 METRO VOLLEYBALL OFFICIALS 98.00 OFFICIATING FEES 106865 2729 4077.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 98.00 269711 313/2005 100692 MIDWEST COCA -COLA EAGAN 344.70 106830 80834100 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 323.00 - - 106831 81274264 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 667.70 269712 31312005 103942 MINN FIRE SERVICE CERTIFICATIO 110.00 TESTING FEE APPLICATION 107032 022405 1470.6104 CONFERENCES 8 SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 110.00 269713 3/312005 102014 MINNESOTA CLAY USA 76.55 CLAY 106935 35735 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 35.70 CLAY 106936 35752 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 3/2/2005 15:56:27 Page- 12 Business Unit TRAINING TRAINING ED ADMINISTRATION POLICE DEPT. GENERAL EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 227.00 CITY OF EDINA 106991 R55CKREG LOG20000 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,054.00 106992 Council Check Register COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,183.00 3/3/2005 -3/312005 106993 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 112.25 29995 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 269714 3/3/2005. 3.031.00 101638 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 32.00 WATER TEST APPLICATION -106770 022205 5919.6260 LICENSES & PERMITS NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS 32.00 269715 313/2005 SIGNS 117837 MINNESOTA RURAL WATER ASSOCIAT 106798 TI- 0136764 1325.6531 SIGNS & POSTS STREET NAME SIGNS 150.00 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 107038 022505 5919.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 150.00 269721 313/2005 269716 3/3/2005 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 101467 MINNESOTA STATE HORTICULTURAL 110.00 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 106866 022405 5610.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 909583317038 1400.6188 110.00 POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 398.86 269717 31312005 102487 MNISCIA 269722 3/3/2005 18.00 MEMBERSHIP -M LUTZ 106937 M05 -84 1400.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 18.00 100.00 POLICE 269718 3/3/2005 030305 102776 MRPA- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES RESERVE PROGRAM ---------- 280.00 STATE TOURNAMENT BERTH 106797 022305 4077.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3/3/2005 117102 NORTH AMERICAN SALT CO. 269719 3/3/2005 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO. 3/2/2005 15:56:27 Page- 12 Business Unit TRAINING TRAINING ED ADMINISTRATION POLICE DEPT. GENERAL EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 227.00 106991 29751 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,054.00 106992 29996 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,183.00 106993 29994 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 567.00 106994 29995 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 3.031.00 269720 313/2005 100922 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS 756.42 -- _- SIGNS 106798 TI- 0136764 1325.6531 SIGNS & POSTS STREET NAME SIGNS 756.42 269721 313/2005 104672 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS - 398.86 106867 909583317038 1400.6188 TELEPHONE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 398.86 269722 3/3/2005 100724 NISSEN, DICK 100.00 POLICE SERVICE 106750 030305 1419.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES RESERVE PROGRAM 100.00 269723 3/3/2005 117102 NORTH AMERICAN SALT CO. CITY OF EDINA 3/2/2005 15:56:27 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 13 3/3/2005 -313/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 1,034.13 ICE CONTROL SALT 106908 11209734 1318.6525 SALT SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 2,025.31 ICE CONTROL SALT 106909 11209106 1318.6525 SALT SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 5,990.74 ICE CONTROL SALT 106910 11208378 1318.6525 SALT SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 9,050.18 269724 3/3/2005 117830 NORTHLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS 988.32 DIGITAL RECORDER/TRANSCRIBER 106938 63331 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 988.32 269725 313/2005 100930 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO. 49.25 SCRAP TIRE DISPOSAL 106911 NW -94435 1280.6271 HAZ. WASTE DISPOSAL SUPERVISION & OVERHEAD 49.25 269726 3/3/2005 116480 NSITE MYSTERY SHOPPING 164.50 MYSTERY SHOPPING 106957 1110 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 165.00 MYSTERY SHOPPING 106957 1110 5822.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 165.00 MYSTERY SHOPPING 106957 1110 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 494.50 269727 31312005 105576 NYSTROM PUBLISHING CO. - - -1, 1,244.99 AQUATIC CENTER BROCHURE 106939 20049 5310.6575 PRINTING POOL ADMINISTRATION 244.99 269728 313/2005 117833 OLG MEN'S CLUB 1,330.50 SOCCER GOALS 107033 022505 1621.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES 1,330.50 269729 313/2005 100936 OLSEN COMPANIES 290.71 SLEEVES, BUCKET 106771 323282 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 290.71 269730 3/3/2005 100347 PAUSTIS & SONS 3,099.62 106995 8062046 -IN 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 412.00 106996 8062047 -IN 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 3,227,73 106997 8062049 -IN 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 453.20 106998 8062050 -IN 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 7,192.55 269731 3/3/2005 100945 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY 146.65 106832 72718656 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 146.65 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 3/3/2005 —3/3/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 269732 313/2005 100946 PERA 79 110 79 PPEND 2/22/05 106956 022505 1000.2023 P.E.R.A. PAYABLE CONTRACTED REPAIRS 312/2005 15:56:27 Page- , 14 Business Unit GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET DISTRIBUTION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MEDIA STUDIO COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 79,110.79 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 269733 313/2005 VERNON SELLING 117817 PETERS EN-PARENTEAU VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 3,860.00 GENERATOR STUCCO WALL 106772 1269 5913.6180 LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD 3,860.00 YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 269734 3/3/2005 117825 PFEIFFER, LISA 540.00 MODEL FEES 106940 021805 5125.6103 540.00 269736 313/2005 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 1,384.79 106833 2167475 5842.5513 1,702.99 106834 2167474 5842.5513 1,039.55 106835 2167480 5862.5513 47.20 106836 2167479 5862.5515 774.05 106999 2167478 5862.5513 287.10 107000 2169700 5822.5512 1,151.65 107001 2169701 5822.5513 81.55 107002 2169702 5822.5513 2,937.15 107003 2169703 5842.5512 1,262.55 107004 2169705 5842.5513 4,761.66 107005 2169704 5842.5513 15,430.24 269736 313/2005 105875 PICKERMAN'S SOUP AND SANDWICHE 169.55 SONIA'S SNACKS 106941 553 5111.5510 169.55 269737 3/312005 102156 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING 179.40 - 106837 50548 5842.5515 179.40 269738 313/2005 100819 POPP TELECOM 2,046.82 REPAIR PHONES 106868 75072 5511.6180 2,046.82 269739 3/3/2005 101032 PRINT SHOP, THE 610.72 NEWSLETTER 106912 100638 1628.6575 610.72 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 312/2005 15:56:27 Page- , 14 Business Unit GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET DISTRIBUTION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MEDIA STUDIO COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING CONTRACTED REPAIRS PRINTING ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS SENIOR CITIZENS 3/2/2005 15:56:27 Page- 15 Business Unit YUKK AtLLINU YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLING ARENA ADMINISTRATION GOLF ADMINISTRATION EDINBOROUGH PARK CENTENNIAL LAKES GRILL 18.50- 107009 519128 -00 5840.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS CITY OF EDINA 1,875.74 R55CKREG LOG20000 519128 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 12.40- 107010 519310 -00 5840.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 1,261,29 Council Check Register 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 55.52- 107011 519297 -00 3/3/2005 -3/3/2005 LIQUOR YORK GENERAL Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 269740 313/2006 VENDOR DISCOUNTS 100968 PRIOR WINE COMPANY 494.55 107012 519169 -00 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 3,038.85 107013 106838 192748 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 749.56 107013 11.05- 5822.5513 106839 660115 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 519101 -00 5820.5518 3,216.98 50TH STREET GENERAL 107006 195290 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 928.21 107015 107007 195292 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 7,272.86 309.54 107008 195291 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 7,482.53 269741 3/3/2005 102354 PRO GUARD 334.04 TAPE 106773 247993 5510.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 334.04 269742 3/312005 105774 PRO QUALITY CARPET CARE 598.71 CARPET CLEANING 106942 17878 5410.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 598.71 269743 3/3/2005 106322 PROSOURCE SUPPLY 621.52 ICE MELT 106869 3505 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 541.70 FLOOR STRIPPER, LINERS 106870 3500 5630.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES 1,163.22 269744 3/3/2005 100970 QUALITY REFRIGERATION INC 264.20 REPAIRS 106943 19777 5421.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 264.20 269745 3/3/2005 100971 QUALITY WINE 3/2/2005 15:56:27 Page- 15 Business Unit YUKK AtLLINU YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING 50TH ST SELLING ARENA ADMINISTRATION GOLF ADMINISTRATION EDINBOROUGH PARK CENTENNIAL LAKES GRILL 18.50- 107009 519128 -00 5840.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 1,875.74 107009 519128 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 12.40- 107010 519310 -00 5840.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 1,261,29 107010 519310 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 55.52- 107011 519297 -00 5840.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 2,795.73 107011 519297 -00 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 9,79- 107012 519169 -00 5820.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS 50TH STREET GENERAL 494.55 107012 519169 -00 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 7.42- 107013 519279 -00 5820.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS 50TH STREET GENERAL 749.56 107013 519279 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2.14- 107014 519101 -00 5820.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS 50TH STREET GENERAL 216.76 107014 519101 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 15.00- 107015 516400 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 7,272.86 269746 3/312005 101965 QWEST CITY OF EDINA 3/2/2005 15:56:27 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 16 3/3/2005 -3/312005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 111.73 952 920 -8166 106944 8166 -2/19 1550.6188 TELEPHONE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 102.97 107034 6058 -2/10 1400.6188 TELEPHONE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 214.70 269747 3/3/2005 100972 R &R SPECIALTIES INC 1,526.04 REPAIR RESURFACER 106775 23050 5521.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA ICE MAINT 3,444.51 REPAIR RESURFACER 106776 23051 5521.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA ICE MAINT 4,970.55 269748 3/312005 100974 RAYMOND HAEG PLUMBING 153.00 WATER PIPE REPAIRS 106945 022105 5111.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ART CENTER BLDG / MAINT 153.00 269749 3/312005 117820 REGION 6AA 2,344.00 SECTION 6AA RECEIPT 106799 022205 5511.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 3,699.00 SECTION 5AA RECEIPT 106799 022205 5511.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 6,043.00 269750 3/3/2005 117073 RINEHART, TOM 185.00 TRAINING SEMINAR 106800 022205 1281.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 185.00 269751 3/3/2005 100988 SAFETY KLEEN - -- 105.44 CHANGE OUT PARTS WASHER 106801 MB01270429 1280.6271 HAZ. WASTE DISPOSAL SUPERVISION & OVERHEAD 105.44 269752 3/3/2005 100349 SCOTT COUNTY 365.00 OUT OF COUNTY WARRANT 105326 012805 1000.2055 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 365.00 269753 3/312005 117823 SHILOG LTD 84.60 ANTIMICROBIAL WIPES 106871 3075 1400.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 84.60 269754 3/3/2005 105664 SIMPLEX GRINNELL LP 160.50 SPRINKLER SYS CHECK 106872 60227053 5861.6250 ALARM SERVICE VERNON OCCUPANCY 160.50 FIRE PANEL REPAIR 106946 60235496 5420.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CLUB HOUSE 321.00 269755 313/2005 101342 SOCCER EXPRESS +153.50 UNIFORMS 107035 0067 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 33.50 CITY OF EDINA 3/2/2005 15:56:27 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 17 3/3/2005 -3/3/2005 Check # 'Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 269756 3/3/2005 117819 SOUTH OF THE RIVER COMMUNITY B 50.00 PERFORMANCE 3/13/05 106803 021505 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 50.00 269767 313/2006 103273 SOUTHSIDE BIG BAND 150.00 PERFORMANCE 3/6/05 106802 021505 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 150.00 269758 31312005 101002 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS INC 2,754.15 106840 160509 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 3,988.85 106841 160866 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 6,743.00 269759 3/312005 116682 SPECIALTY WINE & BEVERAGES 804.00 106842 1886 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 804.00 269760 3/3/2005 101004 SPS COMPANIES 33.99 SCREWS & CLIPS, STRAINER 106913 S1187461.001 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 33.99 269761 313/2005 101007 STAR TRIBUNE 55.90 493121 SUBSCRIPTION 106873 022105 1500.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTINGENCIES 55.90 269762 313/2005 101015 STREICHERS 272.00 SQUAD LABOR 106874 1244398 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,740.16 SQUAD BUILDUP 106875 1244399 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 21.25 RUBBER GRIP 106947 1240135 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 777.16 TRAINING AMMO 106948 1241880 1400.6551 AMMUNITION POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 26.53 REPLACE LIGHTBAR FILTER 106949 1249410 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 2,837.10 269763 313/2005 102639 STROHMYER, TOM 150.00 PERFORMANCE 3/10/05 106804 021505 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 150.00 269764 31312006 105874 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE INC. 174.81 TIRES 106914 10033947 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 338.99 TIRES 106915 10033869 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 513.80 3/2/2005 15:56:27 Page - 18 Business Unit ADMINISTRATION RESERVE PROGRAM ENGINEERING GENERAL 732.00 DOOR MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 106876 CITY OF EDINA 5861.6103 R55CKREG LOG20000 VERNON OCCUPANCY 732.00 Council Check Register 31312005 101326 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO 3/3/2005 -3/3/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description ACCESSORIES 269765 31312005 100900 SUN NEWSPAPERS 75.08 AD FOR BID 107036 756010 1120.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL 75.08 269766 3/3/2005 106950 100794 SWANSON, HAROLD 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 100.00 POLICE SERVICE 106749 030305 1419.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 100.00 3/312005 101034 THOMSEN & NYBECK 269767 3/3/2005 117821 TATE, BOYD 416.56 PROSECUTING - YEAZIZW 106877 59.94 HAMMER, RIP BAR, SPIKES 106805 022305 1260.6577 LUMBER 2,019.60 59.94 106878 8222 1195.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 269768 313 /2005 111002 TEE JAY NORTH INC. PROSECUTING 106879 8223 3/2/2005 15:56:27 Page - 18 Business Unit ADMINISTRATION RESERVE PROGRAM ENGINEERING GENERAL 732.00 DOOR MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 106876 010275 5861.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES VERNON OCCUPANCY 732.00 269769 31312005 101326 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO 136.83 BACK UP ALARM 106916 13001 -00 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 136.83 269770 313/2005 101535 THOMPSON, SCOTT 680.26 UNIFORM PURCHASE 106950 022405 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 680.26 269771 3/312005 101034 THOMSEN & NYBECK 416.56 PROSECUTING - YEAZIZW 106877 8221 1195.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES 2,019.60 PROSECUTING - ATK 106878 8222 1195.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES 18,460.59 PROSECUTING 106879 8223 1195.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES 20,896.75 269772 3/3/2005 101035 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 748.00 106843 363210 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 71.50 107016 363211 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 819.50 269773 313/2005 101693 TOTAL REGISTER 186.38 COMPUTER MONITOR 106880 17939 5840.6160 DATA PROCESSING LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 186.38 269774 3/3/2005 103962 TRAFFIC CONTROL CORPORATION 390.00 SOFTWARE KIT 106806 15085 10.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE TRAFFIC SIGNALS 3/212005 15:56:27 Page- 19 Business Unit TRAFFIC SIGNALS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL K -9 UNIT TREES & MAINTENANCE ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION PLANNING PUBLIC HEALTH ASSESSING CLUB HOUSE INSPECTIONS COMMUNICATIONS ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMIN. GENERAL PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL YORK SELLING O PI E R MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 106883 CNIN021769 1400 6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 19.42 C - 19.42 269782 3/3/2006 101080 WALSH, WILLIAM CITY OF EDINA R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register 3/3/2005 - 3/3/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 2,242.44 CONTROLLER 106917 15119 1330.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 8,632.44 269776 3/3/2005 101619 TRI- COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT ASS 60.00 MEMBERSHIP FEE 106951 022405 1400.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 60.00 269776 3/3/2005 108797 UNITED STATES POLICE CANINE AS 80.00 2005 DUES 106881 022305 1438.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 80.00 269777 3/3/2005 101055 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 410.00 SHADE TREE COURSE 106777 022305 1644.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 410.00 269778 313/2005 101610 VERIZON DIRECTORIES CORP. 90.75 DIRECTORY AD 106952 390009672402 5110.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 90.75 269779 313/2005 102970 VERIZON WIRELESS 8.09 106882 3589913484 1140.6188 TELEPHONE 8.09 106882 3589913484 1490.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 8.74 106882 3589913484 1190.6188 TELEPHONE 13.63 106882 3589913484 5420.6188 TELEPHONE 27.66 106882 3589913484 1495.6188 TELEPHONE 37.07 106882 3589913484 2210.6188 TELEPHONE 49.52 106882 3589913484 1120.6188 TELEPHONE 68.84 106882 3589913484 1600.6188 TELEPHONE 131.95 106882 3589913484 1640.6188 TELEPHONE 134.52 106882 3589913484 1470.6188 TELEPHONE 511.96 106953 3589916599 1400.6188 TELEPHONE 1.000.07 269780 313/2005 102218 VINTAGE ONE WINES 683.00 107017 9359 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 683.00 269781 3/3/2005 101743 WAGERS INC. 3/212005 15:56:27 Page- 19 Business Unit TRAFFIC SIGNALS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL K -9 UNIT TREES & MAINTENANCE ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION PLANNING PUBLIC HEALTH ASSESSING CLUB HOUSE INSPECTIONS COMMUNICATIONS ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMIN. GENERAL PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL YORK SELLING O PI E R MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 106883 CNIN021769 1400 6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 19.42 C - 19.42 269782 3/3/2006 101080 WALSH, WILLIAM CITY OF EDINA 3/2/2005 15:56:27 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 20 313/2005 -3/312005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 100.00 POLICE SERVICE 106748 030305 1419.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES RESERVE PROGRAM 100.00 269783 31312005 103466 WASTE MANAGEMENT - SAVAGE MN 26.64 106778 296393822824 5430.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL RICHARDS GOLF COURSE" 37.80 106778 296393822824 5821.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 40.30 106778 296393822824 1481.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL YORK FIRE STATION 41.52 106778 296393822824 5210.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL GOLF DOME PROGRAM 41.52 106778 296393822824 5111.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL ART CENTER BLDG / MAINT 70.52 106778 296393822824 1470.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL _76.62 106778 296393822824 5861.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL VERNON OCCUPANCY 79.45 106778 296393822824 5422.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 82.64 106778 296393822824 5841.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL YORK OCCUPANCY 97.52 106778 296393822824 1628.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL SENIOR CITIZENS 173.59 106776 296393822824 5420.6182 RUBBISHREMOVAL CLUB HOUSE 179.55 106778 296393822824 1551:6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL CITY HALL GENERAL 293.21 106778 296393822824 5511.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 305.71 106778 296393822824 1301.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL. GENERAL MAINTENANCE 305.71 106778 296393822824 1552.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL CENT SVC PW BUILDING 505.51 106778 296393822824 5620.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL EDINBOROUGH PARK 2,357.81 269784 3/3/2005 103266 WELSH COMPANIES LLC 593.65 MARCH MAINTENANCE 106779 030105 5841.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES YORK OCCUPANCY 593.65 269785 3/3/2005 102100 WERRE, JIM 408.11 PGA SHOW EXPENSES 106954 022405 5440.6106 MEETING EXPENSE PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 408.11 269786 3/3/2006 101078 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT 452.63 OIL TANK 106780 0027564 -IN 1552.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENT SVC PW BUILDING 452.63 269787 3/3/2005 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 2,035.60 107018 110091 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,943.10 107019 110165 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,205.25 107020 110222 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 6.183.95 269788 3/3/2005 101312 WINE MERCHANTS ?12.33 106844 117389 15513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 3/2/2005 15:56:27 Council Check Register Page - 21 3/3/2005 —3/3/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 434.05 107021 117999 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 5820.6406 5862.5513 5822.5513 5840.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH STREET GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING GENERAL SUPPLIES 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES 1419.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 27.55 106781 0610586055045 1330.6185 1,962.42 106807 2191373085049 5914.6185 99.53 107037 17939988 1551.6185 2,089.50 269795 3/312005 100568 XEROX CORPORATION 370.62 TONER 106782 190304127 370.62 517,973.76 Grand Total LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 517,973.76 Total Payments 517,973.76 LIQUOR YORK GENERAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL RESERVE PROGRAM TRAFFIC SIGNALS TANKS TOWERS & RESERVOIR CITY HALL GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 1.646.38 269789 3/312005 101885 WOLD, MIKE 50.00 UNIFORM PURCHASE 107026 022505 50.00 269790 31312005 101086 WORLD CLASS WINES INC 389.00 107022 161569 324.00 107023 161629 713.00 269791 31312005 117834 WOZNICKZA, STEVE 20.00 UNIFORM PURCHASE 107027 022505 20.00 269792 3/3/2006 117828 WPS TRICARE FOR LIFE REFUNDS 188.80 AMBULANCE - EVADNE JOHNSON 106955 022505 188.80 269793 3/3/2005 101087 WROBLESKI, HENRY 100.00 POLICE SERVICE 106752 030305 100.00 269794 3/3/2005 101726 XCEL ENERGY 5820.6406 5862.5513 5822.5513 5840.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH STREET GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING GENERAL SUPPLIES 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES 1419.6102 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 27.55 106781 0610586055045 1330.6185 1,962.42 106807 2191373085049 5914.6185 99.53 107037 17939988 1551.6185 2,089.50 269795 3/312005 100568 XEROX CORPORATION 370.62 TONER 106782 190304127 370.62 517,973.76 Grand Total LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 517,973.76 Total Payments 517,973.76 LIQUOR YORK GENERAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL RESERVE PROGRAM TRAFFIC SIGNALS TANKS TOWERS & RESERVOIR CITY HALL GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL R55CKSUM LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Summary 3/3/2005 - 3/3/2005 3/2/2005 16:00:24 Page - 1 Company Amount 01000 GENERAL FUND 320,154.28 02200 COMMUNICATIONS FUND 1,905.62 04000 WORKING CAPITAL FUND 3,846.95 05100 ART CENTER FUND 1,620.49 05200 GOLF DOME FUND 316.52 05300 AQUATIC CENTER FUND 1,244.99 05400 GOLF COURSE FUND 2,108.71 05500 ICE ARENA FUND 21,485.26 05600 EDINBOROUGH /CENT LAKES FUND 2,519.62 05800 LIQUOR FUND 126,176.27 05900 UTILITY FUND 34,755.11 05930 STORM SEWER FUND 1,715.02 07400 PSTF AGENCY FUND 124.72 Report Totals 517,973.76 We confirm to the best of our knowledge and belief, that these claims comply in all material respects with the requirements of the City of, Edina purchasing policies and procedure to 3 a City Manager CITY OF EDINA 3/9/2005 10:13:35 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 1 3/10/2005 -3/10/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 269796 3/10/2005 100608 3M CO HGF0878 450.69 SIGN LETTERING MATERIALS 107148 SS35395 1325.6531 SIGNS & POSTS STREET NAME SIGNS 191.70 BLACK FILM 107359 SS35394 1325.6531 SIGNS & POSTS STREET NAME SIGNS 642.39 269797 311012006 101833 A.T.O.M. 375.00 FTO BASIC CERTIFICATION 107150 2215269 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 375.00 269798 3/10/2005 100613 AAA 9.50 TAB RENEWAL FOR 26.182 107149 030105 1553.6260 LICENSES & PERMITS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 13.75 PLATE FOR 26.179 107149 030105 1553.6260 LICENSES & PERMITS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 23.25 269799 3110/2005 101971 ABLE HOSE & RUBBER INC. 185.34 BANDING, TOOL 107360 05 -01582 1646.6556 TOOLS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 185.34 269800 3110/2006 100716 ACCLAIM BENEFITS 1,107.50 FEE FOR SERVICE JAN 05 107330 348422 1550.6040 HOSPITALIZATION CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 1,107.50 269801 3/10/2005 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 32.68 107092 451300 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 31.56 107242 452484 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 22.12 107243 452481 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 101.92 107244 451274 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 188.28 269802 3/10/2006 100616 ACTION MAILING SERVICES INC. 386.58 MAILING SERVICE 107331 102711 5910.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL (BILLING) 386.58 269803 311012006 101077 AIRTEC INC. 34.03 WIRE SPOOL 107208 295157 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 39.23 PIPE CLAMP 107209 295166 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 73.26 269804 311012006 103160 AL'S VACUUM - - - -- 38.18 - -38.18 VACUUM BELTS, WANDS 107432 20604 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK CITY OF EDINA 3/9/2005 10:13:35 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 2 3/10/2005 - 3/10/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 269805 3/10/2005 114821 ALLEGIANCE TELECOM CO WORLDWID 541.91 PHONE/DATA 107039 14505482 7411.6188 TELEPHONE PSTF OCCUPANCY 541.91 269806 3/10/2005 102715 ALLEGRA PRINT & IMAGING 298.20 CALENDARS 107433 55445 5610.6575 PRINTING ED ADMINISTRATION 298.20 269807 311012005 111309 AMERID INC. 411.46 DATACARDS, SLEEVES 107434 SO -5861 5610.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ED ADMINISTRATION 411.46 269808 3/1012005 102470 AON RISK SERVICES INC. OF MN 9,437.00 PREMIUM APR 05 107332 6100000069885 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 9,437.00 PREMIUM MAR 05 107333 6100000069039 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 18,874.00 269809 311012005 102646 AQUA LOGIC INC. 251.54 CALHYPO, ACID, DE 107435 26407 5620.6545 CHEMICALS EDINBOROUGH PARK 251.54 269810 3/10/2006 114475 ARMOR SECURITY INC. 83.07 MONITORING SERVICE 107361 88984 1646.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 127.80 MONITORING SERVICE 107362 88983 1646.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 210.87 269811 3/10/2005 102774 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS 102.16 WASTE REMOVAL 107151 030105 7411.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL PSTF OCCUPANCY 102.16 269812 3/10/2005 100256 AT&T WIRELESS 23.07 107040 021705 5420.6188 TELEPHONE CLUB HOUSE 23.07 269813 3/1012005 102120 ATOL, ROBERT 116.00 UNIFORM PURCHASE 107210 030205 5422.6201 LAUNDRY MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 116.00 269814 3/10/2005 100638 BACHMAN'S - -- _ 268.27 PLANTS 107211 022005 5410.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 268.27 3/9/2005 10:13:35 Page - 3 Business Unit ART CENTER REVENUES CITY HALL GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 270 00 INTOXILYZER RECERTIFICATION 107363 022805 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 270.00 269820 3/1012006 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 595.80 1 107093 3 32495700 5 5822.5512 C COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 5 CITY OF EDINA 57.50 1 R55CKREG LOG20000 32495600 5 5822.5513 C COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5 50TH ST SELLING 1,390.95 1 107095 3 32414700 5 5822.5513 C COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5 50TH ST SELLING Council Check Register 107096 3 39607800 5 5822.5515 C COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 5 50TH ST SELLING 36.00 1 3/10/2005 - 3/10/2005 39637800 5 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 269816 3/10/2005 106.00 1 117848 BACKENSTOSE, LAUREN 32496300 5 5862.5512 C COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR V VERNON SELLING 546.00 1 98.00 CLASS REFUND 107137 022505 5101.4607 CLASS REGISTRATION 1,214.00 1 107101 3 98.00 5842.5512 C COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR Y YORK SELLING 31.80- 1 269816 311012005 5822.5515 C 100642 BANNERS TO GO 50TH ST SELLING 14.00- 1 107103 3 31944000 5 5822.5515 C 127.80 SIGNS 107152 19083 1551.6530 REPAIR PARTS 5822.5515 C COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 5 127.80 3,795.90 1 107245 3 32495900 5 5842.5513 C 269817 3110/2005 134.28 1 102195 BATTERIES PLUS 39637700 5 5842.5515 C COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX Y YORK SELLING 477.84 BATTERIES 107153 18- 114327 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 477.84 269818 3/10/2005 100607 BAUER, MICHAEL 180.00 - FIBER OPTICS COURSE 107154 030105 1553.6260 LICENSES & PERMITS 180.00 269819 311012005 116151 BCA - BTS 3/9/2005 10:13:35 Page - 3 Business Unit ART CENTER REVENUES CITY HALL GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 270 00 INTOXILYZER RECERTIFICATION 107363 022805 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 270.00 269820 3/1012006 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 595.80 1 107093 3 32495700 5 5822.5512 C COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 5 50TH ST SELLING 57.50 1 107094 3 32495600 5 5822.5513 C COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5 50TH ST SELLING 1,390.95 1 107095 3 32414700 5 5822.5513 C COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 5 50TH ST SELLING 48.90 1 107096 3 39607800 5 5822.5515 C COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 5 50TH ST SELLING 36.00 1 107097 3 39637800 5 5862.5515 C COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX V VERNON SELLING 295.00 1 107098 3 32414900 5 5862.5512 C COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR V VERNON SELLING 106.00 1 107099 3 32496300 5 5862.5512 C COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR V VERNON SELLING 546.00 1 107100 3 32496400 5 5862.5513 C COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE V VERNON SELLING 1,214.00 1 107101 3 32495800 5 5842.5512 C COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR Y YORK SELLING 31.80- 1 107102 3 39420700 5 5822.5515 C COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 5 50TH ST SELLING 14.00- 1 107103 3 31944000 5 5822.5515 C COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 5 50TH ST SELLING 36.36- 1 107104 3 39349400 5 5822.5515 C COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 5 50TH ST SELLING 3,795.90 1 107245 3 32495900 5 5842.5513 C COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE Y YORK SELLING 134.28 1 107246 3 39637700 5 5842.5515 C COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX Y YORK SELLING 8,279.17 269821 311012005 117379 BENIEK PROPERTY SERVICES INC. 1,105.00 SNOW PLOWING 107155 8966 7411.6136 SNOW & LAWN CARE PSTF OCCUPANCY -- 1,105.00 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 3/9/2005 10:13:35 Council Check Register Page - 4 3/10/2005 - 3/10/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 269822 311012005 117847 BERRY, MICHAEL 98.00 CLASS REFUND 107138 022505 5101.4607 CLASS REGISTRATION ART CENTER REVENUES 98.00 269823 311012005 100648 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCTS 5.45 HIGHLIGHTERS 107041 3692350 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 93.04 OFFICE SUPPLIES 107212 3710510 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 9.08 ERASERS 107334 3667140 1120.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATION 154.64 OFFICE SUPPLIES 107364 3690690 1628.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS 262.21 269824 3110/2005 100058 BFI 33,874.00 RECYCLING 107042 70000780502 5952.6183 RECYCLING CHARGES RECYCLING 33,874.00 269825 3/10/2006 117849 BIG BOWL ASIAN LLC 1,589:40 - DEPOSIT REFUND 107335 030405 1120.4314 INVESTIGATION FEE ADMINISTRATION 1,589.40 269826 3110/2005 104857 BLAUER, TERI 192.00 -- MODEL 44144 062002 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL_SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 192.00 269827 311012005 106026 BUREAU OF COLLECTION RECOVERY 105.00 ALARM PAYMENT 43077 060602 1400.4332 FALSE ALARMS - POLICE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 105.00 269828 311012006 100897 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 110.96 107436 030205 5430.6186 HEAT RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 167.74 107436 030205 5821.6186 HEAT 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 365.85 107436 030205 5861.6186 HEAT VERNON OCCUPANCY 378.41 107436 030205 5841.6186 HEAT YORK OCCUPANCY 565.40 107436 030205 5422.6186 HEAT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 734.45 107436 030205 1481.6186 HEAT YORK FIRE STATION 1,387.70 107436 030205 5911.6186 HEAT PUMP 8 LIFT STATION OPER 1,439.66 107436 030205 5111.6186 HEAT ART CENTER BLDG / MAINT 1,912.02 107436 030205 5420.6186 HEAT CLUB HOUSE 1,954.44 107436 030205 5630.6186 HEAT CENTENNIAL LAKES 2,093.06 107436 '030205 1470.6186 HEAT FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 2,103.51 107436 030205 1552.6186 HEAT CENT SVC PW BUILDING 2,271.85 107436 030205 1628.6186 HEAT SENIOR CITIZENS '•,646.95 107436 030205 13.6186 HEAT DISTRIBUTION R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 3/9/2005 10:13:35 Council Check Register Page - 5 3/10/2005 - 3/10/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 5,220.75 107436 030205 1646.6186 HEAT BUILDING MAINTENANCE 12,164.02 107436 030205 - 5511.6186 HEAT ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 15,866.08 107436 030205 5210.6186 HEAT GOLF DOME PROGRAM 53,382.85 269829 3/10/2005 112561 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 9.72 107043 022105 7413.6582 FUEL OIL PSTF FIRE TOWER 9.72 269830 311012006 102324 CHIEF 109.89 BATTERIES 107156 358477 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 109.89 269831 3/10/2005 102165 CLEVELAND GOLF 47319 GOLF CLUBS 107213 1817191SO 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 473.19 269832 3/10/2006 101345 COLOURS 322.70 RENTAL BROCHURE 107044 9269 -A 2210.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 5,176.06 WINTER ABOUT BUSINESS 107045 9225 -B 2210.6123 MAGAZINEINEWSLETTER EXPENSE COMMUNICATIONS 3,508.11 PRINTING 107046 9225 -A 2210.6123 MAGAZINE/NEWSLETTER EXPENSE COMMUNICATIONS 1,363.20 COVER DESIGN & PRINT 107047 9270 2210.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 10,370.07 269833 3/10/2006 100693 COMMERCIAL FURNITURE 153.36 OFFICE SUPPLIES 107365 00093659 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 153.36 269834 311012005 101323 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS 16.12 GLOVES, EARPLUGS 107157 02517186 1301.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT GENERAL MAINTENANCE 248.17 GLOVES, EARPLUGS 107157 02517186 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 264.29 269836 311012006 100696 CONTINENTAL CLAY CO. 122.63 CLAY 107158 INV000010697 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 251.66 KILN SHELVES, LID 107158 INV000010697 5110.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 340.92 CLAY 107158 INV000010697 5120.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 715.21 269836 3/10/2005 104948 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORPORATI 195.40 DEGREASER 107159 219499 -CRC -1 1552.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENT SVC PW BUILDING 195.40 CITY OF EDINA 319/2005 10:13:35 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 6 3/10/2005 3/10/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 269837 3/10/2005 101704 COOK, BARBARA 336.61 PROGRAM COORDINATOR 107437 5 -1163 1629.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ADAPTIVE RECREATION 336.61 269838 3110/2006 100613 COVERALL OF THE TWIN CITIES IN 2,742.38 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 107160 94050 1551.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY HALL GENERAL 2,742.38 269839 3/10/2005 100402 CROW WING COUNTY 277.00 - OUT OF COUNTY WARRANT 107161 030105 1000.2055 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 277.00 269840 3/10/2005 101706 CROWN PLASTICS 595.34 CLEAR CAST ACRYLIC 107048 46792 5521.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT 595.34 269841 3/10/2005 100701 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. 102.66 SPRING 107049 129723 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 130.91 CASTERS 107438 129779 5620.6530 REPAIR PARTS EDINBOROUGH PARK 233.57 269842 3/10/2006 102478 DAY DISTRIBUTING 33.20 107248 303108 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 1,456.40 107249 303109 5842.5514- COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER, YORK SELLING 298.70 107250 303107 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 150.00 107251 302546 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,334.00 107396 303105 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 4,272.30 269843 311012005 100718 DELEGARD TOOL CO. 7.43 DRILL INDEX 107366 727713 .1646.6556 TOOLS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 54.92 HAND TOOLS 107367 727596 1646.6556 TOOLS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 62.35 269844 3110/2005 102712 DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION 306.10 107214 W05010584 5420.6188 TELEPHONE CLUB HOUSE 32.24 GREENHOUSE 107215 W05010577 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 48.36 ARNESON 107215 W05010577 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 48.47 HISTORICAL 107215 W05010577 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 64.48 107215 W05010577 5821.6188 TELEPHONE 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 73.87 107215 W05010577 '1.6188 TELEPHONE POOL OPERATION R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation 78.16 80.60 80.60 CARD ACCESS -PARKS 83.73 96.72 110.93 128.96 269845 CITY OF EDINA 101644 DICK BLICK COMPANY 269850 311012005 Council Check Register 3/10/2005 -3/10/2005 PAINT PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 107215 W05010577 5210.6188 TELEPHONE 107215 W05010577 1550.6188 TELEPHONE 107215 W05010577 1646.6188 TELEPHONE 107215 W06010577 5861.6188 TELEPHONE 107215 W05010577 1481.6188 TELEPHONE 107215 W05010577 5111.6188 TELEPHONE 107215 W05010577 5841.6188 TELEPHONE 107215 W05010577 1622.6188 TELEPHONE 107215 W05010577 5610.6188 TELEPHONE 269845 3/1012005 5431.6406 101644 DICK BLICK COMPANY 269850 311012005 100735 E-Z SHARP INC 2,124.14 - 4.57 PAINT 107162 88754 1551.6406 4.57 106039 EAGLE ONE GOLF PRODUCTS 237.88 269846 3110/2006 37841 116926 DONOVAN, EDE CART SIGNS 107440 37903 261.77 - 71.42 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 107368 030305 1628.6406 1,288.38 71.42 107252 197809 269847 311012005 100730 DORSEY & WHITNEY LLP 4,500.05 LEGAL 107050 1219673 1195.6131 4,500.05 269848 311012005 100731 DPC INDUSTRIES 2 364 99 CHEMICALS 107051 82700164 -05 5915.6586 2,364.99 269849 3/10/2005 116085 DYNAMIC IMAGING 2601.00 PICTURELINK SUPPORT 107369 0015331 -IN 1400.6230 2,601.00 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 5431.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 269850 311012005 100735 E-Z SHARP INC 2,124.14 - REPLACE SHARPENER 107052 9143 2,124.14 269851 3110/2006 106039 EAGLE ONE GOLF PRODUCTS 237.88 COURSE SIGNS 107439 37841 23.89 - - CART SIGNS 107440 37903 261.77 269852 311012006 100739 EAGLE WINE 1,288.38 107252 197809 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 3/9/2005 10:13:35 Page- 7 Business Unit GOLF DOME PROGRAM CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE VERNON OCCUPANCY YORK FIRE STATION ART CENTER BLDG / MAINT YORK OCCUPANCY SKATING & HOCKEY ED ADMINISTRATION CITY HALL GENERAL SENIOR CITIZENS PROFESSIONAL SERV - LEGAL LEGAL SERVICES WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 5431.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 5431.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING CITY OF EDINA 3/9/2005 10:13:35 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 8 3/10/2005 -311012005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 1,250.04 107253 197808 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 34.10 107254 198676 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 530.24 107255 198677 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 3,102.76 269853 3/10/2006 100740 EARL F. ANDERSEN INC. 16,068.72 STEEL RECEPTACLES 107053 0064553 -IN 4090.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET REVOLVING 302.46 POWDERCOAT CHARGE 107337 0064554 -IN 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 16,371.18 269854 311012005 100741 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE 2,062.90 107397 325224 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 2.062.90 269855 3/1012005 117846 EBBERT, PATRICIA 48.00 CLASS REFUND 107139 022505 5101.4607 CLASS REGISTRATION ART CENTER REVENUES 48.00 269856 3/1012006 100742 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION DIVISI - 117.15 - -- PEST CONTROL 107441 4335089 5620.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT EDINSOROUGH PARK 117.15 269857 311012005 117845 EISCHER, KATHY 31.00 CLASS REFUND 107140 '022505 5101.4607 CLASS REGISTRATION ART CENTER REVENUES 31.00 269868 3/10/2005 105339 ENRGI 201.50 WEBSITE CONSULTING 107216 2499 2210.6124 WEB DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS 993.75 WEBSITE CONSULTING 107217 2489 2210.6124 WEB DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS 1,195.25 269859 3/10/2005 100756 FEDERAL EXPRESS 18.88 SHIPPING CHARGES 107163 5 -387 -12955 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 18.88 269860 3/10/2005 117789 FESENMAIER, MARIA 100.00 CONTEST WINNER 106137 021105 1627.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 100.00 269861 3/1012005 102727 FORCE AMERICA 540.14 REPAIR SALTER ASSEMBLY 107370 01223007 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 540.14 CITY OF EDINA 3/9/2005 10:13:35 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 9 3/10/2005 - 3/10/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 269862 311012005 105699. FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO. 8,580.42 DENTAL PREMIUMS 107054 021705 1550.6040 HOSPITALIZATION CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 8,580.42 269863 311012005 101848 FRANKLIN COVEY 61.58 DAILY PLANNER 107055 52316042 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 61.58 269864 3/1012005 101270 GANDER MOUNTAIN 195.30 UNIFORM PURCHASE 107056 363 -5937 1646.6201 LAUNDRY BUILDING MAINTENANCE 195.30 269865 3110/2005 104119 GILBERTSON, BRIAN 150.00 PERFORMANCE 3117/2005 107164 030105 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 150.00 269866 311012005 117843 GILL, JENNIFER 74.00 SKATING CLASS REFUND 107144 030105 5511.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 74.00 269867 311012006 102640 GOERGEN, DAVID 277.58 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 107442 030405 1622.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE SKATING & HOCKEY 277.58 269868 311012005 103316 GOETSCH, SAM L. 120.00 INTERPRETER 107443 020805 4078.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INCLUSION PROGRAM 420.00 INTERPRETER 107444 022805 4078.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INCLUSION PROGRAM 540.00 269869 3/1012005 106932 GOPROMOS 166.93 PENCILS 107165 8765570 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 166.93 269870 311012005 102383 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS AS _ 280.00 MEMBERSHIP 107218 0023001 -2005 1160.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS FINANCE 280.00 269871 3110/2005 101103 GRAINGER 45.43 BIN BOXES 107057 498 - 812856 -9 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 684.32 HAND TOOLS 107338 498 -005410 -2 1480.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT SPECIAL OPERATIONS 130.00 TOOL BELTS 107339 498 - 229790 -7 1480.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT SPECIAL OPERATIONS R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date 269872' 311012005 269873 3/1012005 269874 3110/2006 269876 3/10/2006 269876 3110/2006 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 3/10/2005 -- 3/10/2005 Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 32.00 DRILL BITS' 107340 498- 229789 -9 1480.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 56.36 GRAY PRIMER 107371 495. 443657 -4 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 948.11 030304 1400.6104 102670 GRAND PERE WINES INC 295.00 107256 510.00 5842.5513 805.00 YORK SELLING 107257 102202 GRAND VIEW LODGE 254.00 CONFERENCE LODGING 254.00 107167 907254636 102217 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 607.50 CENT SVC PW BUILDING 327.75 907060071 935.25 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 100783 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. INC. 160.31 WIRE, WIRE NUTS 77.53 CABLE, LAMPS, WIRING 189.18 CABLE. LAMPS, WIRING 200.02 CABLE, LAMPS, WIRING 33.74 BULBS 20.70 BULBS 681.48 YORK SELLING 107260 100782 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. 88.10 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 2,682.05 107261 2.55- 5842.5512 135.84- YORK SELLING 42.40- 198682 22.10- COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 6,429.34 107263 64.92 5822.5512 10,612.48 50TH ST SELLING 85 198680 56.65 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 715.96 107265 3,011.15 2.5512 336.90 VERNON SELLING 107105 00015229 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 107398 00015255 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 3/9/2005 10:13:35 Page - 10 Business Unit SPECIAL OPERATIONS CENT SVC PW BUILDING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING 107445 030304 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 107256 70767 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 107257 70986 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 107166 907286927 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES, CITY HALL GENERAL 107167 907254636 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 107167 907254636 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 107167 907254636 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 107219 907060071 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 107220 .907093678 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 107106 195180 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 107107 195179 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 107108. 656144 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR, YORK SELLING 107109 660656 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 107110 660689 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 107111 660443 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 107258 198685 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 107259 198684 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 107260 197548 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 107261 197544 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 107262 198682 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 107263 198683 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 107264 198680 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 107265 197549 2.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING CITY OF EDINA 3/9/2005 10:13:35 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 11 3/10/2005 -3/10/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 111.79 107266 198679 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 34.10 107267 198675 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 33.00- 107268 661119 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 33.00- 107269 661118 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 40.00- 107399 660718 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 26,835.40 269877 3/10/2005 100791 HALLMAN OIL COMPANY 127.01 DELO GREASE 107058 145874 1553.6584 LUBRICANTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 127.01 269878 3/10/2005 102320 HAMCO DATA PRODUCTS 114.91 - REGISTER RIBBON 107446 240290 5840.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 114.91 269879 3110/2005 100796 HARRIS HOMEYER CO. 1,408.00 POLICY RENEWAL 107341 57792 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 121,098.00 INSTALLMENT 107342 58088 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 122,506.00 269880 3110/2005 102301 HARTLAND FUEL PRODUCTS LLC 12,245.48 DIESEL GAS 107168 644697 1553.6581 GASOLINE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 12,245.48 269881 311012006 101717 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 275.00 00008609 05300919 107059 2005HAZ 5422.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL MAINT OF COURSE 8 GROUNDS 185.00 00008609 05304750 107221 040392 1280.6271 HAZ. WASTE DISPOSAL SUPERVISION & OVERHEAD 460.00 269882 3/1012005 103838 HENNEPIN TECHNICAL COLLEGE 300.00 RECERTIFICATION (4) 107222 00092140 1281.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 300.00 269883 3/10/2006 103861 HMONG FOLK ART 32.50 - - - -- -- -32.50 ART WORK SOLD AT EAC 65692 052303 5101.4413 ARTWORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 269884 311012005 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC. 590.35 107270 352982 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 525_.45 107400 352425 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 1,115.80 CITY OF EDINA 3/9/2005 10:13:35 RSSCKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 12 3/10/2005 -3/10/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 269885 311012005 117863 HOLIDAY INN 65.69 TRAINING ACCOMMODATIONS 107447 . 030405 1438.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS K -9 UNIT 65.69 269886 311012006 101426 HUGHES, GORDON 225.59 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 107169 030105 1120.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ADMINISTRATION 225.59 269887 3110120.06 115126 HUMMINGBIRD HELICOPTERS LLC 945.00 AERIAL DEER SURVEY 107372 2471 1509.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DEER CONTROL 945.00 269888 311012006 102688 IAFC 185.00 DUES 107343 022805 1470.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 185.00 269889 3/10 /2006 101861 J.H. LARSON COMPANY 302.09 CORD, PLUGS 107170 4464631 -01 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 302.09 269890 311012005 101612 JACK RICHESON & CO. INC. 186.92 POTTERY KITS, KNIVES 107171 0292545 -IN 5120.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 186.92 269891 311012005 100828 JERRY'S FOODS 22:63- 107373 1983 1622.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SKATING & HOCKEY 9,48 107373 1983 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 14.31 107373 1983 1400.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 22.14 107373 1983 1500.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTINGENCIES 59.95 107373 1983 1281.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 82.19 107373 1983 1400.6106 MEETING EXPENSE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 140.46 107373 1983 1628.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS 256.97 107373 1983 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 562.87 269892 3110/2005 100829 JERRY'S HARDWARE 3.89 107374 022805 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 4.83 107374 022805 5840.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 8.54 107374 022805 1322.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 9.58 107374 022805 5860.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 18.01 107374 022805 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 2220 107374 022805 90.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ENGINEERING GENEF R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 3/9/2005 10:13:35 Council Check Register Page- 13 3/10/2005 - 3/10/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 62.18 107374 022805 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 64.87 107374 022805 5911.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUMP & LIFT STATION OPER 69.34 107374 022805 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 90.57 107374 022805 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 91.59 107374 022805 5210.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GOLF DOME PROGRAM 119.20 107374 022805 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 133.23 107374 022805 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 154.84 107374 022805 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 192.29 107374 022805 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 199.85 107374 022805 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 210.38 107374 022805 1325.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET NAME SIGNS 217.28 107374 022805 5420.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE 779.05 107374 022805 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 2,451.72 269893 311012005 100830 JERRY'S PRINTING 400.00 YEARBOOK 107172 31804 5110.6575 PRINTING ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 377.01 MEMORIAL PROGRAMS 107173 32180 5110.6575 PRINTING ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 777.01 269894 3/1012005 102146 JESSEN PRESS 37.28 FORMS 107060 50759 1490.6575 PRINTING PUBLIC HEALTH 133.13 - PRINT INVITATIONS 107223 50783 1100.6106 MEETING EXPENSE CITY COUNCIL 170.41 269896 3110/2005 100836 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 6,800.65 107112 1857610 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1,505.83 107113 1860831 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 4,382.90 107114 1860832 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 3,594.92 107115 1860830 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 6.66- 107116 273798 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 20.67- 107117 273799 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 6.66- 107118 273801 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 50.68- 107119 271308 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 9,228.37 107271 1860825 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,128.46 107272 1862661 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 952.19 107273 1864074 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 178.90 107274 1864075 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 799,42 107275 1664076 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 93.20 107276 1864073 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 533.26 107277 1864084 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1.211.66 107278 1860829 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING CITY OF EDINA 3/9/2005 10:13:35 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 14 3/10/2005 - 3/10/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2,087.93 107279 1864085 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 3,193.95 107280 1864083 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 6.46- 107281 274498 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 6.81- 107282 274497 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 2,414.57 107401 1864080 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,470.67 107402 1864079 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 157.15 107403 1864077 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,694.27 107404 1864078 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 33.15 107405 1864081 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,953.90 107406 1864082 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 800.00 107407 1835441 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING .90- 107408 269942 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 72.35- 107409 274017 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 564.75- 107410 275083 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 44,479.41 269897 311012005 102603 JONAS, LENORE 110.91 CONCESSIONS REIMBURSEMENT 107174 022205 5111.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT 110.91 269898 3/1012005 104369 KARKHOFF, NANCY 109.28 UNIFORM EXPENSE 107375 030405 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 109.28 269899 311012005 106539 KEENAN, ANN 61.00 SKATING CLASS REFUND 107147 030105 5511.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 61.00 269900 3110/2006 104983 KLUESNER, GINNY 28.00 VOLLEYBALL RUNNER UP 107344 030305 4077.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 28.00 269901 311012006 101602 KONTERS, VIK 75.00 SUMMIT REGISTRATION 107175 022805 1400.6104 CONFERENCES 8 SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 75.00 269902 311012005 100846 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO 5,653.85 107283 428233 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 70.00 107284 428234 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 36.00 107411 428865 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 1,071.50 107412 428866 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING ,831.35 CITY OF EDINA 3/9/2005 10:13:35 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 15 3/10/2005 - 3110/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 269903 3/1012006 100847 KUNDE CO INC 620.07 OAK WILT DISEASE CONTROL 107176 13848 1644.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TREES & MAINTENANCE 620.07 269904 3110/2006 100860 LAKELAND FLORIST 54.50 DISPLAY ITEMS 107224 558555 5440.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 54.50 269905 311012005 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 957.62 WASHERS, NUTS, SCREWS 107061 2937670 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 86.75 CAPSCREWS 107062 2937669 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION - 144.33 -1 HOLESAW, HEX NUTS, TY -RAP 107177 2940564 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN ,188.70 269906 311012005 100853 LEEF SERVICES ------- 31.99 SHOP TOWELS 107063 343025 5422.6201 LAUNDRY MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 31.99 269907 3/10/2006 106301 LOFFLER COMPANIES INC. 56.00 COPIER USAGE 107376 108745 1553.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 56.00 269908 3/10/2005 100858 LOGIS 2,929.06 107064 013105 2210.6160 DATA PROCESSING COMMUNICATIONS 4,148.48 107064 013105 1120.6160 DATA PROCESSING ADMINISTRATION 4,216.82 107064 013105 1554.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 4,754.33 107064 013105 1554.6160 DATA PROCESSING CENT SERV GEN - MIS 5,659.77 107064 013105 1495.6160 DATA PROCESSING INSPECTIONS 9,132.52 107064 013105 1190.6160 DATA PROCESSING ASSESSING 11,236.29 107064 013105 5910.6160 DATA PROCESSING GENERAL (BILLING) 17,606.23 107064 013105 1160.6160 DATA PROCESSING FINANCE 59,683.50 269909 3/10/2006 112577 M. AMUNDSON LLP 625.40 107120 175233 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 625.40 269910 3110/2005 116376 M.A.C.I.A. 25.00 - 2005 DUES 107178 030105 1400.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 25.00 R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation 269911 311012006 117839 MADISON, DAVE 540.00 OFFICIATING FEES 540.00 269912 311012005 100868 MARK VII SALES 3,201.68 57.60 2,515.60 935.00 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 3/10/2005 -3110/2005 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 107179 022705 4077.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 107285 769172 107413 768958 107414 768957 107415 769622 107416 769621 107417 770554 269913 3/10/2006 YORK SELLING 117844 MASUDA, LAURA COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 61.00 SKATING CLASS REFUND 107145 030105 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 61.00 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 269914 3/1012005 100870 MATRX 3,265.35 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 107345 882805 3,265.35 269916 311012005 102560 MAXIMUM SOLUTIONS INC. 860.00 SOFTWARE SUPPORT 6 MAINT 107377 5019 860.00 269916 311012005 100875 MCCAREN DESIGNS INC. 434.52 PLANTS 107448 30332 1,422.84 PLANTS 107449 30344 1,857.36 269917 311012005 102097 MCMASTER -CARR SUPPLY COMPANY 220.22 HAND TOOLS 107180 18513327 220.22 269918 3/10/2006 101483 MENARDS 31.91 OAK MOLDING 107225 4618 62.70 STAIN, TRIM 107226 4393 27.93 STAINING SUPPLIES 107227 4529 17.81- RETURN 107228 4383 54.28 - - TREAD WHEELS 107450 4778 159.01 3/9/2005 10:13:35 Page- 16 Business Unit EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 5511.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1600.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 5620.6620 TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUBS EDINBOROUGH PARK 5620.6620 TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUBS EDINBOROUGH PARK 1325.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET NAME SIGNS 5421.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GRILL 5421.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GRILL 5420.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE 5420.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE 5210.6530 REPAIR PARTS GOLF DOME PROGRAM R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 3/10/2005 -- 3/10/2005 Check # Date Am_ ount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 269919 3/1012006 101987 MENARDS 79.72 SIDEWALK SALT 107451 68720 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 34.91 ELECTRICAL PARTS 107452 67186 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1646.6556 TOOLS 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 114.63 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1470.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 269920 3/1012006 102281 MENARDS 32.42 LEVEL, ANCHORS, BITS 107065 54753 32.42 269921 3110/2005 100882 MERIT SUPPLY 182.75 CARPET CLEANERS 107066 66402 37.01 ACTI -SCRUB 107067 66380 219.76 269922 311012005 101625 METRO FIRE CHIEFS OFFICERS ASS 400.00 DUES (4) 107346 022805 400.00 269923 3/10/2005 102507 METRO VOLLEYBALL OFFICIALS 49.00 OFFICIATING FEES 107181 2736 49.00 269924 3/10/2005 101471 MGCSA 150.00 MARCH 9 SEMINAR 107378 030205 150.00 269926 3/1012005 100692 MIDWEST COCA -COLA EAGAN 60.00 107121 95537013 91.25 107122 82571148 151.25 269926 3/10/2005 101542 MILTONA TURF PRODUCTS 362.56 GREENS TOOLS 107068 189385 362.56 269927 311012006 102568 MINNESOTA CHAPTER IAAI 615.00 CONFERENCE REG (3) 107347 022805 615.00 269928 311012005 101684 MINNESOTA CHIEFS OF POLICE ASS 555.00 CONFERENCE FEES 107454 030105 555.00 1646.6556 TOOLS 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 5841.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1470.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 4077.6103 5410.6104 5862.5515 5822.5515 5431.6406 3/9/2005 10:13:35 Page - 17 Business Unit EDINBOROUGH PARK EDINBOROUGH PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINTENANCE YORK OCCUPANCY FIRE DEPT. GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS GOLF ADMINISTRATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING GENERAL SUPPLIES RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE 1470.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 319/2005 10:13:35 Page - 18 ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION EDINBOROUGH PARK INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS 8500 SKATING CLASS REFUND 107141 030105 5511.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS ___ -- 85.00 269934 3/10/2005 117841 MOSBORG, CARRI 74.00 SKATING CLASS REFUND 107142 030105 5511.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS - -- - ---- 74.00 269935 3/10/2005 101658 MPELRA 150.00 ANNUAL DUES 107348 030105 1120.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS . 150.00 269936 311012005 102308 MSANI 50.00 CONFERENCE FEE 107456 030105 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 50.00 269937 3/1012006 106323 MTM RECOGNITION ADMINISTRATION POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 320.41 WRISTWATCH 107349 5089214 1513.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS 320.41 269938 3/10/2006 100922 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS 957.07 SIGNS 107183 TI- 0137034 1325.6531 SIGNS & POSTS 957.07 269939 3/10/2005 104672 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS STREET NAME SIGNS CITY OF EDINA R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register 3/10/2005 — 3/10/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor /-Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No - Account No Subledger Account Description 269929 3/1012005 102014 MINNESOTA CLAY USA 71.60 UNDERGLAZE 107182 35857 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES - -- 71.60 269930 3/10/2005 100903 MINNESOTA ELEVATOR INC 96.09 MARCH SERVICE 107453 69204 5620.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 96.09 269931 3110/2006 101410 MINNESOTA STATE BOARD OF ELECT 50.00 INSPECTION CERT BOOKS 107069 030105• 1495.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50.00 269932 3/10/2005 100899 MINNESOTA STATE TREASURER 7,088.04 MARCH 2005 107455 030105 1495.4380 SURCHARGE 7,088.04 269933 311012006 117840 MLAZGAR KIM 319/2005 10:13:35 Page - 18 ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION EDINBOROUGH PARK INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS 8500 SKATING CLASS REFUND 107141 030105 5511.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS ___ -- 85.00 269934 3/10/2005 117841 MOSBORG, CARRI 74.00 SKATING CLASS REFUND 107142 030105 5511.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS - -- - ---- 74.00 269935 3/10/2005 101658 MPELRA 150.00 ANNUAL DUES 107348 030105 1120.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS . 150.00 269936 311012005 102308 MSANI 50.00 CONFERENCE FEE 107456 030105 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 50.00 269937 3/1012006 106323 MTM RECOGNITION ADMINISTRATION POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 320.41 WRISTWATCH 107349 5089214 1513.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS 320.41 269938 3/10/2006 100922 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS 957.07 SIGNS 107183 TI- 0137034 1325.6531 SIGNS & POSTS 957.07 269939 3/10/2005 104672 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS STREET NAME SIGNS R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 3/10/2005 - 3/10/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 113.78 107350 737969523-009 1495.6188 TELEPHONE 113.78 269940 311012005 102808 NORTHFIELD FOUNDRY & MACHINE C 855.49 SAW TABLE EXTENSION, PINS 107379 00062726 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 855.49 269941 3/1012006 100933 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY 103.19 CANVAS PANELS 107184 31106600 5120.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 103.19 269942 3/10/2005 100930 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO. 130.10 TIRE SERVICE, PARTS 107185 NW -94510 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES 130.10 269943 3110/2006 101692 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN 12.02 OFFICE SUPPLIES 107380 022205 2210.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 42.69 OFFICE SUPPLIES 107380 022205 5610.6575 PRINTING 47.68 OFFICE SUPPLIES 107380 022205 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES -- 119.52 OFFICE SUPPLIES 107380 022205 5610.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES 221.91 269944 311012005 100936 OLSEN COMPANIES 95.70 WIRE WHEELS 107070 323338 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS 59.50 SHARPEN SAW CHAINS 107071 324369 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS 73.26 CHAIN SAW BARS 107072 324444 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS .30 STARTER ROPE 107073 323143 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS 228.76 269945 3110/2005 100247 ORLANDI STATUARY CO. INC. 76.00 SUPPLIES 107186 02416796 5110.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 76.00 269946 3/1012006 101470 ORVIS, JOAN 3/9/2005 10:13:35 Page - 19 Business Unit INSPECTIONS GENERAL MAINTENANCE ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN COMMUNICATIONS ED ADMINISTRATION EDINBOROUGH PARK ED ADMINISTRATION MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 14 154 00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 107187 030105 5510.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENA ADMINISTRATION 14,154.00 269947 311012005 100939 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC. 197.48 COOKIES 107229 59457251 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 197.48 269948 311012005 100941 PARK NICOLLET CLINIC R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date Amount, Vendor / Explanation 27.00 DRUG TEST 27.00 YORK SELLING 269949 311012006 103391 PARK TAVERN 30.00 VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP 30.00 50TH ST SELLING 269950 3/10/2005 101718 PARTS PLUS 200.00 TRAINING 2,772.37 PARTS 2,972.37 COST OF GOODS SOLD 269961 3/10/2005 100347 PAUSTIS & SONS 1,821.60 2.206.68 59.85 1.390.90 44.00- 103.00 5,538.03 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register, 3/10/2005 -- 3/10/2005 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 107188 22640228 1550.6121 269962 3/10/2005 100945 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY .365.30 80.00 - - - - 285.30 269954 311012005 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 2,139.86 5,052.64 845.45 30.32 - 4.17- 462.05 34.25 359.80 347.44 47.20 1,599.05 8,244.49 32.85 - 9.65- 25.95- 107351 030305 107352 022605 107352 022605 107286 8062689 -IN 107287 8062691 -IN 107288 8062692 -IN 107289 8062690 -IN 107290 8062263 -CM 107418 8062844 -IN 107230 74689860 107231 73869415 107123 2169707 107124 2169709 107125 2169708 107126 3313418 107127 3313417 107291 .2172149 107292 2172150 107293 2172151 107294 2172156 107295 2172159 107296 2172157 107297 2172158 107298 3314060 107299 3314063 107300 3314059 4077.6406 1280.6104 1553.6530 Subledger Account Description ADVERTISING PERSONNEL GENERAL SUPPLIES CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS REPAIR PARTS 3/9/2005 10:13:35 Page - 20 Business Unit CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION SUPERVISION & OVERHEAD EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 5862.5513 • COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5210.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GOLF DOME PROGRAM 5630.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD CENTENNIAL LAKES 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 3/9/2005 10:13:35 Council Check Register Page - 21 3/10/2005 -3/10/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 727.35 107419 2172154 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 803.65 107420 2172153 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 694.80 107421 2169889 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 708.49 107422 2172152 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 40.95- 107423 3314058 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 40.95- 107424 3313570 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 75.45- 107425 3313569 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 9.65- 107426 3313512 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 21,796.58 269955 3/1012005 104717 PHILLIPS, RAYMOND 25.00 SMOKING CESSATION 107353 030305 1550.6121 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 25.00 269956 311012006 103256 POKORNY COMPANY -- 8.25 - - - - -- PLUMBING SUPPLIES 107457 20541 5430.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 8.25 269967 311012005 101110 POLLY NORMAN PHOTOGRAPHY 100.00 ABOUT TOWN PHOTOS 107232 022805 2210.6123 MAGAZINE /NEWSLETTER EXPENSE COMMUNICATIONS 100.00 269958 311012005 117790 POOLPAK INTERNATIONAL - 209.88 - BLOWER MOTOR 107458 022333 5620.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT EDINBOROUGH PARK 209.88 269969 311012006 100819 POPP TELECOM 501.66 REPLACE PHONE 107074 75074 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 116.39 PROGRAMMED EXTENSION 107075 75073 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 618.05 269960 311012006 100961 POSTMASTER 325.00 NEWSLETTER POSTAGE 107381 030405 1628.6235 POSTAGE SENIOR CITIZENS 325.00 269961 311012005 100964 PRECISION TURF & CHEMICAL 600.00 FERTILIZER 107461 24218 5431.6540 FERTILIZER RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE 2,678.33 FERTILIZER 107461 24218 5422.6540 FERTILIZER MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 2,000.00 FERTILIZER 107462 24219 5431.6540 FERTILIZER RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE 8,496.64 FERTILIZER 107462 24219 5422.6540 FERTILIZER MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 13,774.97 CITY OF EDINA 3/912005 10:13:35 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 22 3/10/2005 -3/10/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 269962 311012005 100968 PRIOR WINE COMPANY 1,671.47 107301 198678 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,475.85 107302 198236 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,173.83 107303 198681 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING .85 107304 197545 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3,917.25 107305 198254 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 77.25 107306 198255 5642.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 72.45- 107307 659894 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 8,244.05 269963 311012005 106774 PRO QUALITY CARPET CARE 506.94 CARPET CLEANING 107233 17885 5421.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GRILL 506.94 269964 3/1012005 106322 PROSOURCE SUPPLY 126.52 FLOOR STRIPPER 107234 3507 5630.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 370.45 TISSUE, ROLL TOWEL, CLEANER 107459 3503 5620.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 466.73 PURELL, SOAP, TISSUE 107460 3490 5620.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 963.70 269965 3/1012005 101877 PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY 5.22 COBRA 107382 030105 1550.6040 HOSPITALIZATION CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 5.22 269967 3/10/2005 100971 QUALITY WINE 48.71- 107128 519298 -00 5860.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 2,449.07 107128 519298 -00 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 10,81- 107129 518599 -00 5860.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 1,091.74 107129 518599 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 4,40- 107130 519030 -00 5860.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 445.52 107130 519030 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 6,72- 107131 513212 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 62,11- 107132 514628 -00 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 16.42- 107133 515132 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 39,71- 107308 522144 -00 5840.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 2,000.47 107308 522144-00 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 23.06- 107309 521865 -00 5840.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 2,338.29 107309 521865 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 55.23- 107310 522156 -00 5840.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 5,577.34 107310 522156 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 18.15- 107311 522146 -00 5820.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS 50TH STREET GENERAL 913.11 107311 522146 -00 12.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 3/9/2005 10:13:35 Council Check Register Page - 23 3/10/2005 - 3110/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 4.24- 107312 521867 -00 5820.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS 50TH STREET GENERAL 428.60 107312 521867 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 36.10- 107313 522147 -00 5860.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 1,822.56 107313 522147 -00 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 3.33- 107314 522201 -00 5860.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 167.25 107314 522201 -00 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 36.80- 107315 51104400 5860.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 1,856.28 107315 51104400 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 2.86- 107316 516487 -00 5860.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 146.64 107316 516487 -00 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 11.91- 107317 521866 -00 5860.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 1,206.76 107317 521866 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 34.16- 107318 522120 -00 5860.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 3,448.95 107318 522120 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 14.27- 107427 521626 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1550.6188 TELEPHONE 4090.6188 TELEPHONE 5841.6188 TELEPHONE 4077.6103 5620.6530 1470.6040 5511.6180 5630.6180 CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL STREET REVOLVING YORK OCCUPANCY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION REPAIR PARTS HOSPITALIZATION CONTRACTED REPAIRS CONTRACTED REPAIRS EDINBOROUGH PARK FIRE DEPT. GENERAL ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS CENTENNIAL LAKES 23,463.59 269968 3/10/2006 101966 QWEST 460.93 952 927 -8861 107383 8861 -2/25 54.58 952 929 -0297 107384 0297 -2/25 86.40 952 929 -9549 107385 9549 -2125 601.91 269969 311012006 102327 RECREATION SPORTS OFFICIALS AS 1,620.00 OFFICIATING FEES 107386 030305 1,620.00 269970 311012005 104643 RECREATION SUPPLY COMPANY 162.10 POOLVAC PARTS 107463 106401 162.10 269971 3/10/2006 103719 RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE 5,876.06 LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUM 107354 020105 5,876.06 269972 3110/2006 117838 REYNOLDS WELDING SUPPLY CO. _ 619.03 REPLACE WELDER 107076 12981 619.03 269973 311012006 105324 RT ELECTRIC 622.50 REPAIR BALLASTS 107077 05 -104 622.50 1550.6188 TELEPHONE 4090.6188 TELEPHONE 5841.6188 TELEPHONE 4077.6103 5620.6530 1470.6040 5511.6180 5630.6180 CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL STREET REVOLVING YORK OCCUPANCY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION REPAIR PARTS HOSPITALIZATION CONTRACTED REPAIRS CONTRACTED REPAIRS EDINBOROUGH PARK FIRE DEPT. GENERAL ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS CENTENNIAL LAKES CITY OF EDINA 319/2005 10:13:35 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 24 3/10/2005 - 3/10/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 269974 311012005 117842 RUSTAD, ROSE 74.00 SKATING CLASS REFUND 107143 030105 5511.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 74.00 269975 311012005 100349 SCOTT COUNTY 205.00 OUT OF COUNTY WARRANT 107189 030105 1000.2055 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 205.00 269976 3/1012006 106550 SCRAP METAL PROCESSORS INC. 150.00 MARCH CONTAINER CHARGE 107387 D- COE5 -3 1553.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 150.00 269977 3110/2005 100992 SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE ACCOUNT 53.24 SOCKET WRENCH 107388 T470226 1646.6556 TOOLS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 107.28 HAND TOOLS 107389 T235130 1646.6556 TOOLS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 160.52 269978 3/1012005 101275 SJS CORP - CUSTOM/PSC SUPPLY 254.00 DE -ICER 107390 6059 1647.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 254.00 269979 3/1012005 117861 SMITH HAMILTON SHOP INC. 166.00 SCREW JACK 107355 15102 1480.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT SPECIAL OPERATIONS 166.00 269980 3/10/2005 101002 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS INC 24.90 107319 161261 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 1,933.15 107320 161260 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 309.20 107321 161258 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 13.85 107322 161257 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 557.86 107428 160863 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 2,838.96 269981 3/10/2005 102424 SPEEDY PRINT 1,020.45 SCORECARDS 107235 53077 5430.6575 PRINTING RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 1.020.45 269982 311012005 116856 SPRINT 1,405.21 ACCT 0524159777 -2 107391 021605 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,405.21 R55CKREG LOG20000 100.00 PERFORMANCE 3/15/2005 CITY OF EDINA 030105 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION Council Check Register 3/10/2005 -3/10/2005 311012005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 269983 3/1012005 2,054.71 101004 SPS COMPANIES 107357 022805 1550.6121 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 65.07 STRUTS, CLAMPS 107078 S1189966.001 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 65.07 269988 311012005 269984 311012005 116087 SQUAD - FITTERS 63.58 162.95 BREECHES 107190 0139554 -IN 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE PSTF OCCUPANCY 162.95 14.06 GUN CLEANING SUPPLIES 107080 1248355 269985 311012005 PSTF OCCUPANCY 116535 ST PAUL TRAVELERS 33.55 GUN CLEANING SUPPLIES 107081 1247070 3,166.58 DEDUCTIBLE 107356 000205452 1550.6200 INSURANCE 52.98 - GUN CLEANING SUPPLIES 3,166.58 1247798 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 269986 3/1012005 164.17 102170 STAR OF THE NORTH CONCERT BAND 3/9/2005 10:13:35 Page - 25 Business Unit DISTRIBUTION POLICE DEPT. GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 100.00 PERFORMANCE 3/15/2005 107191 030105 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 100.00 269987 311012005 101007 STAR TRIBUNE 2,054.71 WANT ADS 107357 022805 1550.6121 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 2,054.71 269988 311012005 101015 STREICHERS 63.58 GUN CLEANING SUPPLIES 107079 1248179 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 14.06 GUN CLEANING SUPPLIES 107080 1248355 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 33.55 GUN CLEANING SUPPLIES 107081 1247070 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 52.98 - GUN CLEANING SUPPLIES 107082 1247798 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 164.17 269989 3/10/2005 102140 SUN MOUNTAIN SPORTS INC. 109.35 GOLF BAGS 107236 541402 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 109.35 269990 3/10/2005 100900 SUN NEWSPAPERS 39.33 P.H. NOTICE 107192 757269 1120.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL ADMINISTRATION 96.53 AD FOR BID 107193 757268 1120.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL ADMINISTRATION 135.86 269991 3110/2005 101910 SUNGARD HTE INC. 35,520.86 2005 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 107392 851310 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 35,520.86 269992 3/1012005 101326 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO 108.61 STROBE TUBES 107194 13739 -00 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 3/9/2005 10:13:35 Council Check Register Page - 26 3/1012005 — 3110/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 108.61 269993 311012005 101035 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 99.00 107429 363999 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 99.00 269994 3/10/2005 114354 TILSNER CARTON CO. 717.97 TARGET BACKING 107083 129728 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 717.97 269995 3/10/2005 114701 TIME WARNER CABLE 50.62 CABLE PACKAGE 107084 022305 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 50.62 269996 311012006 101039 TOTAL TOOL 173.06 REPAIRS 107085 7104398 1553.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 173.06 269997 3110/2005 116411 TRINITY MEDICAL SOLUTIONS INC. 166.94 UNIFORMS 107464 4355 5620.6201 LAUNDRY EDINBOROUGH PARK 166.94 269998 311012006 101046 TURF SUPPLY COMPANY 233.29 COURSE SUPPLIES 107465 095866 5431.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE 233.29 269999 3/10/2005 103048 U.S. BANK 402.50 PAYING AGENT 107237 1466109 1000.1303 DUE FROM HRA GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 402.50 PAYING AGENT 107238 1466110 5910.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL (BILLING) 402.50 PAYING AGENT 107239 1466108 4001.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WORK CAP REVENUES 1,000.00 TRUSTEE 107240 1469615 4400.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CITY HALL/POLICE BUILDING 2,207.50 270000 3/10/2005 102513 U.S. FILTER CORPORATION 235.98 TANK FILTERS 107086 1417185 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 235.98 270001 311012006 101061 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED 1,179.49 TRAINING AMMO 107195 261783 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,179.49 270002 3/10/2005 117862 LIPPMAN TECHNICAL SERVICES INC. CITY OF EDINA jiaicwU ...... - R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 27 3/10/2005 — 3/10/2005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 385.00 INSTALLED UPGRADE 107393 961 44003.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 800 MHZ RADIO 385.00 270003 311012005 103590 VALLEY -RICH CO. INC. 2,110.00 WATER MAIN REPAIRS 107087 9212 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 2,110.00 270004 311012005 101338 VALLIERE, JOHN 105.93 CLUBHOUSE PICTURE 107241 022705 5420.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE 105.93 270005 3/10/2006 101058 VAN PAPER CO. 28.76 ROLL TOWEL 107088 568955 5822.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 160.55 BAGS 107089 568954 5822.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 752.29 BAGS 107394 570963 5842.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 941.60 270006 311012005 101063 VERSATILE VEHICLES INC. -- 2,018.18 VEHICLE FOR GREENHOUSE 107395 22405001 1650.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 2,018.18 270007 3/1012006 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY 257.85 ELECTRIC CODE BOOKS 107196 8840089 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 257.85 270008 3/1012005 116167 WEIKLE, TODD 61.00 SKATING CLASS REFUND 107146 030105 5511.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 61.00 270009 311012005 101078 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT 2,197.98 FUEL PUMP REPAIRS 107197 0027666 -IN 1552.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENT SVC PW BUILDING 2,197.98 270010 3/10/2005 103164 WESTURN CEDAR SUPPLY 10,720.00 SIDING, GUTTERS, SHUTTERS 107358 57296 2127.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMM DEV BLK GRANT 10,720.00 270011 311012005 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 461.75 107323 110588 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 589.20 107324 110594 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 306.40 107325 110692 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 25.33- 107326 109535 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 3110/2005 -3/1012005 Check # Date Amount Vendor / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 3/912005 10:13:35 Page- 28 Business Unit 107134 118143 1,332.02 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 270012 311012005 118001 101312 WINE MERCHANTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 56.11 118156 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VANE 1,356.60 107327 118599 5822.5513 1,572.13 50TH ST SELLING 107328 118601 730.85 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 107430 925.26 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 643.03 51 -4197645 -8 1322.6185 LIGHT & POWER 5,283.98 107205 270013 3/10/2005 LIGHT & POWER 101086 WORLD CLASS WINES INC 107206 51- 5005454 -3 614.25 LIGHT & POWER DISTRIBUTION 107207 778.25 1646.6185 LIGHT & POWER BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,392.50 51- 6955679 -8 270014 311012005 CITY HALL GENERAL 101726 XCEL ENERGY 26,816.37 58.65 1,229.25 6,593.54 1,317.80 1,779.47 70.87 23.80 403.33 6.98 4,536.02 42,836.08 270016 311012005 116344 XEROX OMNIFAX 384.00 FAX MAINTENANCE 384.00 270016 3/1012005 101089 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 23.70 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 23.70 270017 311012005 106023 NORTHLAND PAVING 28,760.74 - FINAL ,9.760.74 3/912005 10:13:35 Page- 28 Business Unit 107134 118143 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 107135 118001 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 107136 118156 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VANE YORK SELLING 107327 118599 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 107328 118601 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 107430 118600 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 107329 161852 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 107431 161908 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 107198 51- 4621797 -2 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 107199 51- 6692497 -0 1460.6185 LIGHT & POWER CIVILIAN DEFENSE 107200 51- 5547446 -1 1628.6185 LIGHT & POWER SENIOR CITIZENS 107201 . 51- 6644819 -9 5620.6185 LIGHT & POWER EDINBOROUGH PARK 107202 51- 6223269 -1 5210.6185 LIGHT & POWER GOLF DOME PROGRAM 107203 51- 5107681 -4 5111.6185 LIGHT & POWER ART CENTER BLDG /MAINT 107204 51 -4197645 -8 1322.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 107205 51- 6892224 -5 1330.6185 LIGHT & POWER TRAFFIC SIGNALS 107206 51- 5005454 -3 5913.6185 LIGHT & POWER DISTRIBUTION 107207 51- 6541084 -2 1646.6185 LIGHT & POWER BUILDING MAINTENANCE 107466 51- 6955679 -8 1551.6185 LIGHT & POWER CITY HALL GENERAL 107090 11187463 1550.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 107091 54064208 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 106274 083004 4400.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CITY HALL/POLICE BUILDING R55CKSUM L0G20000 Company Amount. 01000 GENERAL FUND 355,866.53 02100 CDBG FUND 10,720.00 02200 COMMUNICATIONS FUND 14.606.40 04000 WORKING CAPITAL FUND 49,478.54 05100 ART CENTER FUND 5.870.40 05200 GOLF DOME FUND 17,773.21 05300 AQUATIC CENTER FUND 73.87 05400 GOLF COURSE FUND 21,897.09 05500 ICE ARENA FUND 31,055.07 05600 EDINBOROUGH /CENT LAKES FUND 15,149.49 05800 LIQUOR FUND 181,063.96 05900 UTILITY FUND 23,444.26 05950 RECYCLING FUND 33,874.00 07400 PSTF AGENCY FUND 2,664.63 Report Totals 763,537.45 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Summary 3/10/2005 - 3/10/2005 We confirm to the best of our knowledge and belief, that these claims comply in all material respects with the requirements of the City of Edina purch i policies and nrnf�Af,IftAS [�9t -.3 //0 a �00� 3/9/2005 10:19:34 Page - 1 n OORSEY DORSEY & WHITNEY LLP AGENDA ITEM NO. VI.F MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Gordon Hughes, City Manager FROM: Jerome P. Gilligan DATE: March 11, 2005 RE: Proposed Issuance of Revenue Bonds by the City of Minneapolis for Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services The City has received a request from Fairview Health Services ( "Fairview ") that the City consent to the issuance by the City of Minneapolis of tax - exempt revenue bonds under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.152 to 469.165, to finance the remodeling project at Fairview Southdale Hospital and to refund bonds previously issued by the Minnesota Agricultural and Economic Development Board in 1997 and 2000 a portion of proceeds of which financed improvements at Fairview Southdale. The City has previously consented to Minneapolis issuing revenue bonds under this authority on behalf of Fairview to finance improvements to the Hospital. The City has also previously approved other cities issuing revenue bonds to finance facilities of other non - profit corporations in the City. Federal law for tax - exempt bonds requires that the City hold a public hearing on the proposed financing and refunding prior to giving such approval. The bonds would be issued as part of a larger issue by Minneapolis to finance projects at other Fairview hospitals in Burnsville, Princeton and Wyoming and refund the 1997 and 2000 bonds of the Minnesota Agricultural and Economic Board. The 1997 and 2000 bonds financed improvements at other Fairview hospitals in addition to Fairview Southdale Hospital. Approximately $35,000,000 of the principal amount of the bonds would be used to finance the proposed remodeling to be undertaken at Fairview Southdale Hospital. The debt service on the bonds will be payable solely from payments to be made by Fairview, and the City will not have any liability with respect to the bonds and will not be required to enter into any agreements with respect to the bonds. Fairview will pay all City expenses with respect to the bonds. If the City Council wishes to proceed with the issuance of the bonds it should adopt a resolution setting a public hearing on the bonds for the April 5th City Council meeting. DORSEY & WHITNEY LLP ., 4,9Zr�11'1� o e \f N as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 2005-19 CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEAIRNG ON AN ISSUE OF REVENUE BONDS BY CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS ON BEHALF OF FAIRVIEW HEALTH SERVICES City Of Edi fl BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the City), 1. Fairview Health Services, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation ( "Fairview'), has advised this Council of its desire to finance the remodeling of portions of Fairview Southdale Hospital in the City, and the acquisition and installation of items of equipment therein and the refunding of the Health Care System Revenue Bonds, Series 1997 (Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services) and the Health Care System Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A (Fairview Health Services) of the Minnesota Agricultural and Economic Development Board with revenue bonds (the "Revenue Bonds ") issued by the City of Minneapolis under the authority of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 through 469.165. 2. Since the facilities proposed to be financed or refinanced by the Revenue Bonds are located in the City, Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and regulations promulgated thereunder, require that prior to the issuance of the Revenue Bonds, this Council approve the issuance of the Revenue Bonds by the City of Minneapolis, after conducting a public hearing thereon. A public hearing on the proposal that the City of Minneapolis issue the Revenue Bonds to finance the Project is hereby called and shall be held on April 5, 2005, at 7:00 o'clock P.M., at the City Hall. 3. The City Clerk shall cause notice of the public hearing, in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, once not less than 14 days prior to the date fixed for the public hearing. Attest Adopted by the City Council of the City of Edina on this 15th day of March, 2005. . Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA James B. Hovland, Mayor CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of March 15, 2005, and as recorded in the Minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS, my hand and seal of said City this day of 2005. City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk 952 - 927 -8861 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 TTY 952 - 826 -0379 EXHIBIT A CITY OF EDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 469.152 - 469.165 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the City), will meet on April 5, 2005, at 7:00 o'clock P.M., at the City Hall, 705r- SgsQnd Ax,Pn „o Nr,W,— :n Edina, Minnesota, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on a proposal that the City of Minneapolis, Minnesota (Minneapolis) issue revenue bonds (the Revenue Bonds) on behalf of Fairview Health Services (the Corporation), in one or more series, under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 through 469.165, in order to finance the remodeling of Fairview Southdale Hospital, located at 6401 France Avenue South in the City of Edina, and the acquisition and installation of items of equipment therein, and to refund two series of bonds issued by the Minnesota Agricultural and Economic Development Board a portion of the proceeds of which financed improvements to Fairview Southdale Hospital and the acquisition of items of equipment therein. Fairview Southdale Hospital is owned and operated by the Corporation. The maximum aggregate principal amount of the proposed Revenue Bonds to be issued to finance the remodeling to be undertaken. at Fairview Southdale Hospital is $35,000,000. The Revenue Bonds will not be issued by the City. All persons interested may appear and be.heard at the time and place set forth above, or may file written comments with the City Clerk prior to the date of the hearing set forth above. Dated: March 15, 2005. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Debra Mangen, City Clerk rm CITY OF EDINA, 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 �f NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 469.152 - 469.165 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the City), will meet on April 5, 2005, at 7:00 o'clock P.M., at the City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, in Edina, Minnesota, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on a proposal that the City of Minneapolis, Minnesota (Minneapolis) issue revenue bonds (the Revenue Bonds) on behalf of Fairview Health Services (the Corporation), in one or more series, under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 through 469.165, in order to finance the remodeling of Fairview Southdale Hospital, located at 6401 France Avenue South in the City of Edina, and the acquisition and installation of items of equipment therein, and to refund two series of bonds issued by the Minnesota Agricultural and Economic Development Board a portion of the proceeds of which financed improvements to Fairview Southdale Hospital and the acquisition of items of equipment therein. Fairview Southdale Hospital is owned and operated by the Corporation. The maximum aggregate principal amount of the proposed Revenue Bonds to be issued to finance the remodeling to be undertaken at Fairview Southdale Hospital is $35,000,000. The Revenue Bonds will not be issued by the City. All persons interested may appear and be heard at the time and place set forth above, or may file written comments with the City Clerk prior to the date of the hearing set forth above. Dated: March 15, 2005. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Debra Mangen, City Clerk TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE EDINA SUN CURRENT BILL TO EDINA CITY CLERK SEND TWO AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION J 0 REPORURECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council G Agenda Item # From: Wayne D. Houle, PE Consent ❑ Director of Public Works Information Only Date: March 15, 2005 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA . ❑ To Council Subject: Letter from Minnehaha Action ❑ Motion Creek Watershed District ❑ Resolution V ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Info /Background: Attached you will find a letter from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) requesting that the City appoint a resident that lives within the MCWD to an advisory committee for the upcoming revision of the watershed's Comprehensive Plan. Staff will solicit residents, through the Edina Sun, within the next few weeks and will review these with the Mayor prior to the next City Council meeting. Minnehaha Creek - Watershed District Improving Quality of Water, Quality of Life Established in 1967 The Minnehaha Creek MEMORANDUM Watershed District is DATE: February 25, 2005 committed to a leadership role in TO: District Cities /Townships Minneapolis Parks & Recreation Board protecting improving Three Rivers Parks District Hennepin County and managing the Carver County surface waters and FROM: Michael Wyatt, Planner/Program Manager affiliated groundwater . resources within the CC: Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Board of Managers Eric Evenson, District Administrator District, including their Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Metropolitan Council relationships to the Metropolitan Watershed Management Organizations ecosystems of which they Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Citizens Advisory Committee Hennepin Conservation District are an integral part, Carver County Soil & Water Conservation District through regulation, RE: Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan Revisions - capital projects, Watershed Advisory Group education, cooperative endeavors, and other The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) is pleased to announce the upcoming revision of its Comprehensive Water Resources Management.Plan. These. programs based on revisions will constitute the third generation plan for MCWD that will incorporate a sound science, number of recently completed studies and serve to guide the activities of MCWD over the next ten year period. The plan will include revised policies, goals, innovative thinking an regulatory Rules, a ten -year Capital Improvements Program and contain pertinent informed and engaged information regarding the management of water resources within the District. constituency, and the MCWD will incorporate a "subwatershed management approach" in revision of the cost effective use ofpublic Plan. This strategy involves the development of individual subwatershed plans which are designed to complement the overall goals and objectives of the District as a funds. whole. In this sense, the overarching Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan comprises the collective individual subwatershed plans. For your reference, included with this memorandum are two maps: a political boundary map and a subwatershed map. It is the intent of MCWD to develop the subwatershed plans and the subsequent Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan utilizing a high level of stakeholder input. In recent years, MCWD has successfully gathered invaluable citizen input through the completion of a number of studies and planning processes 18202 Minnetonka Boulevard, Deephaven Minnesota 55391 - Phone: 952- 471 -0590 - Fax 952 - 471 -0682 - www.minnehahacreek.org undertaken by the District. In development of the Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan, MCWD is also soliciting volunteers and individuals appointed by municipalities and other local government agencies to serve in an advisory role to the District as it assembles and organizes information gathered through efforts such as the Hydrologic, Hydraulic and Pollutant Loading Study, the MCWD Stream Assessment, the Functional Assessment of Wetlands and others to synthesize strategies and program recommendation components of the Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan. As a local government entity, MCWD invites you to appoint one individual (resident of MCWD) and one alternate to serve on this committee. Five meetings of the committee will be facilitated by a consultant hired by MCWD, held at night and take place over the course of approximately an eight - month period (ending by December 31, 2005). Appointments by District Cities, Townships and local units of government will be accepted until April 4, 2005 with the first meeting expected to begin by the middle of that month. Please provide all necessary contact information to MCWD by that time (name, address, phone, e- mail). Please contact the MCWD offices at (952)471 -0590 with questions or concerns. EDINA PARK BOARD 7:00 P.M. EDINA COMMUNITY ROOM EDINA CITY HALL FEBRUARY 8, 2005 MEMBERS PRESENT: George Klus, Karla Sitek, Alice Hulbert, Jeff Johnson, Mike Weiss, Mike Damman, Andy Finsness, Linda Presthus, Jessica Selleck, Todd Fronek MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeff Sorem STAFF PRESENT: Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton, Vince Cockriel, Tom Horwath OTHERS PRESENT: Floyd Grabiel, Jean White, John Henry, Ruth Saari, Geof Workinger, Betty Workinger, Robert Shaw, Hugh Wooldridge, Dan Latham, Dianne Plunkett Latham, Idelle Longman, Jane Moran, Jim Villas, Kris Wetmore, Sue Simonton, Jeannie Hanson, Richard Griffith, Naomi Griffith, Les Wanninger I. WELCOME NEW PARK BOARD MEMBERS JESSICA SELLECK AND TODD FRONEK Mr. Klus welcomed the two new Park Board members Todd Fronek and Jessica Selleck. Mr. Fronek indicated that he grew up in Edina and while in high school and college he worked during the summers for the Park Department to which Vince Cockriel was the Park Foreman. He noted that he is an attorney and works in downtown Minneapolis. He added that he recently ran for City Council. Mr. Fronek stated that he is very excited to be involved with the Park Board. Ms. Selleck indicated that she is a senior at Edina High School and stated that during the summer she volunteered her time to help out the Communications Department and City Council. She noted that when she heard about the student representative position she decided she wanted to be more involved. Ms. Selleck added that rugby is her main sport. II. BUCKTHORN MASTER PLAN Mr. Klus informed the Park Board that Diane Plunkett Latham is here tonight to give her annual report on buckthorn. Ms. Latham indicated that this year they raised approximately $1,800.00 for buckthorn abatement. She noted that they are now going to expand on that because they've set up a fund through the Edina Community Foundation so that members of the community can donate money and receive a tax deduction. Ms. Latham stated that this year they gave seven presentations and educated a total of 170 and are planning to continue doing this next year. She noted that they also had 14 articles in the Sun Current and various other publications and will continue to publicize it. Ms. Latham commented that 14 volunteers distributed 600 door hangers as well as a group from Garden Park handed out an additional 200 flyers in their neighborhood. Ms. Latham noted that they really appreciate what all of the volunteers have done. Ms. Latham indicated that she would first like to thank Mr. Keprios, Mr. Horwath and Mr. Cockriel for all of the work and support they have given during the past year. She added that even with the terrible problems the city has had with Dutch Elm Disease the City's staff was still able to do a lot of work in the parks which was wonderful and very much appreciated. Ms. Latham commented that she would also like to thank Tim Zimmerman., the City's horticulturist, who does a lot of work at Arneson Acres and is a very valuable resource to everyone. Ms. Latham explained that Mr. Keprios applied for and received a grant from the DNR Conservation Partners for $5,000 to evaluate all of Edina's parks that have buckthorn. She noted that the city hired Prairie Restoration Inc. (PRI) to research and make recommendations that identify buckthorn infestations in our parks and come up with a prioritized list of the parks. Ms. Latham indicated that before PRI did their study she visited the parks and came up with a list of her own and found that her tallies did agree with PRI's, however, there were a couple of surprises. She noted that PRI identified 9 parks as high priority parks. Ms. Latham indicated that Van Valkenburg was listed as the top priority park which took her completely by surprise. She explained that the reason it is listed as the highest priority is because it's Edina's only existent Oak Savanna, which is very rare. She stated that this area is also one that would be fairly easy to maintain using prescribed burns because it is away from residential areas, heavy traffic and could easily be taken care of She noted that Van Valkenburg is 15 acres and hopefully Mr. Horwath will receive some help with this park. Ms. Latham stated that the second park listed was Arden Park which is one that the Tree Trust group worked on. She noted that the Tree Trust group is made up of youth under the age of 18 who have committed non - violent crimes and are required to do community service. She indicated that the Tree Trust people are not licensed to paint the stumps and if the stumps are not painted the buckthorn will regenerate. Therefore, they have the Tree Trust people cut the stumps high so that later in the fall Mr. Horwath can cut them low and paint them. She noted that they would like to continue to use this group. Ms. Latham noted that number three on the list is Normandale Park and at this time there is no work being done. She commented that it would be nice to have an adopt -a -park group at Normandale Park. Ms. Latham stated that Krahl Hill came in fourth which surprised her because she didn't feel it was that high of a priority and noted that currently there is no work being done. Ms. Latham stated that Highlands Park came in at number five and that is a park that Mr. Horwath has been heavily working on. She commented 2 that Mr. Cockriel's crews have already picked up three or four truck loads to which they are still going to need more help at the park. Ms. Latham indicated that Garden Park came in at number six and last fall a group lead by Les Wanninger and John Henry, Edina residents, starting removing the buckthorn. Ms. Latham pointed out that one threat to Garden Park is the garlic mustard because if that seeds into the area it will cover everything. She noted that Mr. Cockriel's crews took out two or three pick -up loads from that park. Ms. Latham indicated that Melody Lake was number seven on the list and noted that at this time there is no work being done. However, Mr. Cockriel has informed her that as the scout troops step forward he is going to deploy them to Melody Lake. Ms. Latham noted that Braemar Park is number eight on the list and pointed out that a lot of people don't understand that Braemar is really two separately managed areas. One is the golf course which John Valliere is responsible for and the other is the park, which is approximately 250 acres, that Mr. Cockriel is responsible for. Ms. Latham pointed out that Jean White, who is on the Braemar Golf Course staff, has been working with the Braemar Men's Club and they have done a wonderful job taking out several acres of buckthorn this past year. She stated that the golf course takes care of the perimeter of the golf course and Mr. Cockriel takes care of the park property which is enormous and would be impossible for volunteers to even put any kind of a dent into. Ms. Latham stated that it's her opinion that PRI should be hired to come up with a detailed report section by section on how Braemar Park could be restored. She noted that this park is also heavily used during the winter months. Ms. Latham indicated that Rosland Park is the last park listed as a high priority park. She noted that she thinks this made the list because of the lake as well as the heavy use it receives. She stated that her Garden Club has been working on this park since the fall of 2002. Ms. Latham explained that PRI listed 12 parks under the middle priority which included: Pamela, Todd, Lewis, York, Creek Valley, Heights, Walnut Ridge, Wooddale, Utley, Williams, Lincoln Drive Floodplain, Bredesen Park and Arneson Acres. She noted that the low priority parks were: Alden, Browndale, St. Johns, Birchcrest, Countryside, Sherwood Pump, Cornelia School, Frank Tupa, Bob Kojetin, Chowen, Weber, Lake Edina, Fred Richards Golf Course, Fox Meadow, Bristol, Yorktown, McGuire, Strachauer, and Tingdale. Ms. Latham informed the Park Board that they have worked out a liability waiver that the residents could sign indicating that they could use their chainsaws in the parks and that the city would not have liability. Ms. Latham pointed out that Bredesen is one of Edina's largest parks and there is a lot of buckthorn at the park. She noted that there are some people from Nine Mile Village here tonight because they live on the border of Bredesen Park and have done an enormous amount of clearing and if Bredesen Park is not going to be cleared they are going to have a hard time retaining theirs. The following Edina residents spoke to the Park Board about the various parks where they have volunteered to help remove buckthorn: Jean White, Hugh Wooldridge, Les 3 Wanninger, Jane Moran, Kris Wetmore, Suzanne Kerwin, Jeannie Hanson, Jim Villas and Robert Shaw. Mr. Wanninger stated that he feels with the exception of the larger parks most of the parks could have their buckthorn removal done by adopt -a -park kinds of groups. He noted that it's a building kind of exercise that is a lot of fun and there is a great sense of pride when it's done. Mr. Wanninger indicated that someone would need to train them on the appropriate way to get rid of buckthorn because if it's not done correctly they are wasting their time. He noted that once this is done then Mr. Cockriel's crews will need to haul it away. He commented that it would be great if Mr. Horwath had the support he needs to help get it done. He stressed that he also thinks it's important that the neighbors who are affected be involved in the project so they can do it how they want it done. Mr. Wanninger pointed out to the Park Board that the original plans for Garden Park had a walking path around it, however, if you try to malk around Garden Park you end up walking in mud because there is no path. He noted that he has talked to Mr. Keprios and he is supportive of the idea of putting in a walking path. He stated that if they are going to put in a lot of time and clear out a lot of buckthorn at some point it would be nice to have a walking path where people don't have to walk in the mud. Mr. Wanninger thanked the Park Board for their help and support. Jeannie Hanson, resident and member of the Conservation League of Edina, indicated that she would like for the Park Board to think about what would come in after the buckthorn is gone. She noted that sometimes you can't plant wild flowers and native buffers in time and therefore asked the Park Board to consider the idea of putting in rain gardens which can be very small to very large. She explained that the Conservation League of Edina has already put in a small one and would like to do more. She described rain gardens as working puddles in areas of storm water drain off and anytime it's downhill or near a storm sewer it can be good to put in a rain garden. Rain gardens take the moisture from run -off and the beautiful plants around it and it acts as a bio filter that can pick up any runoff that's going into it. She noted that rain gardens are a really good idea for cleaning up the water. Mr. Klus informed members of the audience that each of the Park Board members have been assigned to parks within the city and it is their responsibility to keep up with what is happening at the parks and to report back to the Park Board on what needs to be done. Ms. Presthus thanked everyone for all that they have done and their involvement in this project. It is truly remarkable all of the work the volunteers have done. Robert Shaw, Edina resident, indicated that he thinks Bredesen Park, is a mess, the pathways are well maintained but everything else has been horribly neglected. He noted that he lives right next to Bredesen Park and spends a lot of time there. He indicated that he has not seen any volunteers there and asked if someone were to organize volunteers to work on the buckthorn at Bredesen Park under the authority and control of the Park Department would the Park Department carry the brush piles away. Mr. Cockriel replied 4 that there are other issues besides just cutting down pieces of buckthorn and dragging them to the parking lot. He pointed out that it's the five to six year follow -up maintenance that's important. He explained that it would take approximately 10,000 to 15,000 hours to complete a project like this from start to finish, it is no small undertaking and that's why it is quite a ways back on the priority list. Mr. Cockriel commented that it's not that it's not a priority park because everyone agrees it's a beautiful park, however, that's not the point. The point is that it can't get much worse than it already is, it's not going to look 10 rimes worse 10 years from now. Mr. Cockriel indicated that he would be supportive of volunteers working within a specific area of Bredesen and staying with it for five years. Mr. Klus indicated that he commends Ms. Latham and her group as well as the City of Edina who have taken the leadership to go after buckthorn because without it they would be in a lot worse shape. He noted that he realizes it takes considerate effort and a lot of volunteers to which they will continue to look for more volunteers. Mr. Klus indicated that he heard some good suggestions and Ms. Canton will compile a list of those for the next Park Board meeting to be given to the Park Board members. Dr. Hulbert noted that she would just like to thank everyone for all of the work they are doing because it's a tremendously huge problem but you have to start somewhere. Mr. Klus thanked Ms. Latham and everyone else in the audience. Mr. Cockriel stated that coming from the staff's point of view they too were in agreement with the assessment of the parks that was done by PRI. He explained that they will start by working from the top of PRI's list and work their way down. He noted that they are always happy to have volunteer groups who want to work in the parks, however, he asks that everyone goes through the forestry department and do it correctly during the correct times of year. Mr. Cockriel indicated that staff is continuing to work on Van Valkenburg Park as well as they started a little bit of work at Arden Park. He noted that they have not yet touched Normandale Park and commented that the priority of that park came as a surprise to them but he thinks it's because of the oak woods that are there. Mr. Cockriel stated that Braemar Park is an ongoing maintenance issue. Mr. Cockriel commented that Todd Park and Garden Park both had very nice neighborhood groups step forward and the Park Department is very supportive of them and will continue to support them with the haul -a -way and training. However, if it gets to be too big of an issue they will need to slow down a bit because Mr. Horwath cannot put Oak Wilt and Dutch Elm Disease on the back burner and only work on buckthorn. He added that so far there hasn't been an issue. Mr. Horwath indicated that everyone should have a copy of his annual report and pointed out that as most people are aware Dutch Elm Disease has been on the up swing and has already heard this year's projections and can't believe it. He noted that the city crews were very busy last year working on Dutch Elm Disease. Mr. Horwath pointed out that 5 his report also includes different trees that he has planted in the various parks. He stated that the report also includes all city staff and volunteers who have been working on buckthorn removal. He commented that it is a lot of work and it's not going to happen overnight. He explained that controlling buckthorn and other invasive species as well is a huge task and something that they have to learn how to do most efficiently, most easily and most cost effectively. He stated that he was highly encouraged by all of the volunteers and that is what they will continually need to tackle this. Mr. Horwath stated that he would like to thank Ms. Latham and all of the other volunteers for the unbelievable amount of work that was done and is very proud of what Edina is doing. Ms. Hulbert asked if there is any research going on to find other ways to control buckthorn. Mr. Horwath replied that the only thing he has heard is there may be some biological controls but they are still at least ten years away from that. Mr. Cockriel informed the Park Board that he received a letter from the DNR thanking the City of Edina for letting them use Highlands Lake for raising walleyes in 2004. He noted that in May they stocked 70,000 walleyes the size of a crappie minnow and in the fall harvested 1,880 which is a pretty high success rate. Mr. Cockriel indicated that the DNR is hoping the city will allow them to use Highlands Lake again in 2005. He added that Highlands Lake is one of the top walleye rearing ponds /lakes in the State of Minnesota. III. PARK ASSIGNMENTS PRESENTATION — MIKE WEISS Mr. Weiss indicated that his park assignments were Browndale Park, St. John's Park, Normandale Park and Braemar Park. Mr. Weiss noted that the slides he took were taken in October/November. Mr. Weiss stated that the first park he visited was Browndale Park which was named after Browndale Avenue. He indicated that it is a very, very small park that it located on Browndale Avenue and about 45`h Street. He pointed out that the park is right on the creek and has a little boat landing, a couple of benches and a garbage can. He noted that the park was very clean and looks like it gets used. He noted that no one was at the park but that it was a chilly day when he was there. Mr. Weiss indicated that St. John's Park was named after St. John's Avenue and is a very nice, small neighborhood park that is very clean. He noted that it has a little back stop but it didn't appear that it gets a whole lot of use. He stated that he did see one gentleman walking his dog on a leash. Mr. Weiss stated that Normandale Park was named after the Normandale sub - division and was surprised at how big the park actually is to which it is a little over ten acres. He noted that the park has a baseball diamond, a newer tennis court, a basketball court, a new playground, a nice picnic area with barbecue, a warming house and two skating rinks. He indicated that there was one person there with a dog. He also pointed out that there was a lot of buckthorn. 2 Mr. Weiss indicated that Braemar Park was named after Dr. Jackson, a Park Board member who selected a variety of Scottish names which were voted on by the Park Board. He added that it was formerly the Hayes Farm. Mr. Weiss stated that it is a huge, huge facility which includes golf courses, a baseball complex, an all- purpose field, a hockey arena and a golf dome. He noted that the day he was there it was a cold November day and there were four guys teeing off and was told later that the golf course had approximately 80 rounds of golf turned in that day as well as people were still using the driving range. Mr. Weiss pointed out that everything was very well maintained in terms of the end -of -the year clean up. Mr. Klus asked Mr. Weiss if he had any recommendations for improvements. Mr. Weiss commented that at Normandale other than the buckthorn the park itself was in great shape. Mr. Klus asked Mr. Weiss if he feels the parks are being used the way they should to which he replied he thinks some of those parks could see more use. Mr. Weiss indicated that he thinks Normandale Park is probably big enough to support some of the smaller teams. He commented that he thinks one or two areas at Normandale may be a great place for lacrosse. Mr. MacHolda explained that the difficulty with lacrosse is that it's the same season as baseball, softball and soccer but it's a great thought. IV. APPROVAL OF THE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2004 PARK BOARD MINUTES Linda Presthus MOVED TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 9, 2004 PARK BOARD MINUTES. Mike Damman SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. V. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Mr. MacHolda opened up the floor for nominations for Chair of the Park Board. Linda Presthus MOVED TO NOMINATE GEORGE KLUS. Mike Damman SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY TO VOTE FOR GEORGE KLUS AS CHAIR OF THE PARK BOARD Mr. Klus thanked everyone and indicated that he expects each Park Board member to take many responsibilities because the Chair runs the meeting primarily but when it comes to the work it takes everyone. Mr. Klus opened up the floor for nominations for Vice - Chair. Mike Damman MOVED TO NOMINATE ANDY FINSNESS FOR VICE CHAIR. Karla Sitek SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY TO VOTE FOR ANDY FINSNESS FOR VICE - CHAIR. 7 Mr. Klus pointed out to the Park Board that Mr. Grabiel is no longer an official Park Board member but is now an official Planning Commission member. Mr. Klus informed Mr. Grabiel that everyone will miss him and at the end of the meeting he has a gift for him. Mr. Grabiel indicated that he would like to thank John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton and all of the people on the Park and Recreation Department staff because he thinks they do a wonderful job for the city. He noted that Edina has a great park system and a great park system helps contribute to making Edina a really great community to be in so he applauds them. and he applauds their efforts. Mr. Grabiel commented that he has been on the Park Board for seven years and has really enjoyed working with everyone on the board and hopes that he contributed somewhat to a really great park and recreation system for the City of Edina. VI. 2005 PARK BOARD MEETING CALENDAR Mr. Klus asked the Park Board if there is somewhere else they would like to have the Park Board meetings throughout the year. He stated that the Park Board will only meet on the months to which they have an agenda. Mr. MacHolda commented that it would be staff s preference to have the Park Board meetings at City Hall because if someone wants to give a presentation all of the equipment is there as well as it's a central location and is easy to find. Ms. Presthus indicated that she would be fine with the calendar as long as if it turns out they would like to look at a new building, etc. that they could change the meeting place at that time. Karla Sitek MOVED TO APPROVE THE 2005 PARK BOARD MEETING CALENDAR. Andy Finsness SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. VII. UPDATES A. Braemar Athletic Field Development - Mr. MacHolda informed the Park Board that the city has contracted the services of Roy Anderson, landscape architect. He noted this is the same architect that was contracted for the Lewis Park project. He indicated that the bid opening is scheduled for February 20 at 2:00 pm. Mr. MacHolda commented that he believes they would be on the same schedule as Lewis in that they would begin excavation around late May or early June and seeding would be done in August and typically you can see great growth and root structure by October. Ms. Sitek asked when they hope it will be playable to which Mr. MacHolda replied probably in time for the 2006 football season. B. Kojetin Park Playground Equipment - Mr. MacHolda informed the Park Board that he is hoping to have the bid opening during the month of February. He indicated that he 0 is waiting for the manufacturer to come back with a new three dimensional drawing on the playground equipment and get the approval from the neighborhood committee. He stated that the neighborhood group has decided to go with the same manufacturer as what you see at Normandale Park. Mr. MacHolda noted that the cost is estimated at approximately $112,000 to $114,000 which is pretty close to their budgeted amount. C. Gymnasium Proposal — Mr. MacHolda informed the Park Board that so far they have had two meetings with the User Group. He noted that the User Group is basically made up of the athletic association presidents as well as Dan Rectenwald who is the representative from the neighborhood. He explained that Mr. Rectenwald who is an architect by profession has been very valuable in the process and has been able to give some great feedback and insight. Mr. MacHolda passed around a drawing of the ECC/Normandale site. He commented that this is a work in progress so there will be a new drawing the next time they meet. Ms. Presthus asked how are they doing on the cost of it to which Mr. MacHolda replied that at this time they do not have a cost estimate but will have a cost estimate for the next Park Board meeting. He noted that as far as the completion date they are looking at April 2006. D. Grandview Square Park Development - Mr. MacHolda handed out to the Park Board a site drawing and a master plan cost estimate. Mr. Klus asked how much money has been raised for this project to which Mr. MacHolda replied that it's his understanding that currently they are about $15,000 short. To date they have received $14,500 from Ron Clark and $14,500 matching dollars from Opus. They have also received $5,000 from Friends of the Library and $1,000 from the residents. Mr. MacHolda added that the Senior Center is planning to make a contribution but he is not aware at this time how much that contribution will be. Mr. Klus asked if they don't raise the money will this be put on hold to which Mr. MacHolda replied that's a good question and he does not know the answer. He believes they have $35,000 so that could get them into the lower range. Mr. MacHolda passed around some bronze sculptures and noted that he thinks Mr. Keprios has communicated that the Park Department will probably be making that contribution. Mr. Klus commented that it's disappointing to hear that the residents have only provided $1,000 and added that he hopes the residents of Grandview Square will step up and provide some more donations to that park. Mr. Klus pointed out that they should be sure they are hitting the businesses that are in the building that is adjacent because that would be another source of potential donations. He added that all of the donations are being run through the Edina Foundation so they are all tax deductible. VIII. 2005 PARK BOARD AGENDA ITEMS AND ISSUES Mr. Klus indicated that he would like for the Park Board to brainstorm on items they would like to discuss at the Park Board meetings for the coming year. He noted that Mr. Sorem e- mailed him suggesting that one topic he would like to see talked about is the outdoor hockey rinks on Saturday mornings because he is concerned there is no where to skate on Saturday mornings. He commented that the kids are using all of the rinks with the exception of Lewis Park and that park has been taken over by kids from Bloomington. Mr. Sorem had suggested that possibly they look at whether or not they need to rent out ice during the winter to people who are using it outside of Edina although he doesn't know how they would control it. Mr. Sorem also brought up in his e-mail that another item he would like on the agenda is the situation with the hockey rink at Countryside Park because he feels we need more outdoor rinks as opposed to fewer. We cannot afford to lose rinks like Countryside, therefore, he really hopes that the Park Board can spend some time talking about ice rinks as it continues to become more of an issue. Ms. Sitek stated that she would like to talk about a fourth sheet of ice at Braemar. Ms. Presthus commented that she works in St. Paul and they have an outdoor ice rink that uses a mechanical chiller and wondered if this is something that would be feasible for them to look into for one of the rinks. She commented that by doing that the season could be a lot longer. Mr. Damman stated that he is hoping that they can somehow find a way to get some shade at the skate park. He added that he too was going to mention the skating rinks at Countryside Park. Mr. Finsness indicated that he would like to see the off -leash dog park put on the agenda for discussion. Mr. Klus replied that he knows Mr. Keprios will be bringing that issue to the Park Board possibly as early as next month. Mr. Fronek commented that he would like to see more outdoor hockey rinks and look into some sort of outdoor artificial surface like something they have at the Roseville Oval rink. Mr. Klus informed the Park Board that Ms. Presthus has said she would like to stay involved on Community Services Committee as the Park Board's representative. He noted that they are glad she has decided to stay on with the committee and it is very much appreciated. Dr. Hulbert indicated that she would agree with the gentleman who was here earlier in that something needs to be done at Bredesen Park not just from the buckthorn issue but there is broken equipment, a fence has fallen down, etc. She commented that she thinks they need a plan of how to renovate that woodland area as far as the amount of derelict stuff that is there. Mr. Klus indicated that he hopes staff will be able to put which parks each Park Board member is responsible for on the city's website so people can call when they have issues with a particular park. He noted that they will only list names. Mr. Weiss stated that he would like to put on the agenda the possibility of putting in an outdoor basketball court at Lewis Park because he knows the basketball courts on Tracy Avenue and 50`" Street are used all of the time. 10 Mr. Finsness pointed out that he would like to be brought up -to -date on the transportation issue regarding the walking paths and bike paths and how they connect through the parks and the city. He noted he would like to see what they could do that would be appropriate. Mr. Klus replied that maybe they can get an update in the next few months on what's going on with trails through the park system. Mr. Finsness indicated he would also like to see how sidewalk plans work into the park plans. Mr. Weiss commented that everyone on the Park Board gives a lot of time but was wondering if possibly everyone could commit four hours on a Saturday to do something within any of their parks so we are doing something more than just attending the meetings. Mr. Klus noted that will be put on the agenda for next month to talk about and see how we as a Park Board could commit our time. He stated that he thinks it's a great idea. IX. ADJOURNMENT Karla Sitek MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:10 PM. Mike Damman SECONDED THE MOTION. MEETING ADJOURNED. 11 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2005, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL — MAYOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM 4801 WEST 50T" STREET MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Gary Nyberg, Bill Crawford, Bob Kojetin, Peggy Jennings, and Marie Thorpe STAFF PRESENT: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner OTHERS PRESENT: Robert Vogel, Heritage Preservation Consultant I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Member Kojetin moved for approval of the minutes from the December 14, 2004 meeting. Member Crawford seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. II. HISTORIC PRESERVATION PLAN OUTLINE: Vision Planner Repya reminded the Board that they had discussed the "Vision" section of the plan at the December 14th meeting, continuing the item to this meeting to gain clarification from Consultant Vogel on the following identified benchmark points: Benchmark 1. Regarding the requirement to identify and evaluate all buildings more than 40 years old, Mr. Vogel explained that while today, 1980 seems pretty recent, by 2020 the perspective will be much different and the buildings of the 70's and 80's will appear much more interesting. Mr. Vogel pointed out that the inventory would not be that difficult. There will basically be two categories: 1. Buildings owned by people of notoriety, and 2. Significant architectural styles (which will actually fall within categories easily identified). Chairman Nyberg asked if there was potential for identifying Southdale Mall as a landmark property. Mr. Vogel explained that there have been too many Minutes — February 8, 2005 Edina Heritage Preservation Board changes over the years — the original mall is no longer visible. However, there are objects within the mall — statuary, the clock, etc. that might qualify. Benchmark 2. Regarding the wisdom of identifying specific neighborhoods for surveys, Mr. Vogel pointed out that this point was taken from the Historic Context Study. If the Board viewed this as a_ problem, there are other ways to identify areas of the city. Benchmark 5. Addressing why archaeological surveys would be carried out for all undeveloped lands within the city limits, Mr. Vogel explained that the city could only require an archaeological survey for private property if a project was to be undertaken on the site. He added that the areas of most concern would be those near water bodies. Board members discussed the types of archaeology that might be required. Benchmark 6. Mr. Vogel pointed out that the words "voluntary and non - regulatory" are at the core of the new Heritage Landmark Ordinance. He observed that this is a very wise approach to preservation because it not only fosters good will with the residents, but it also lowers the cost of preservation. He added that thus far, the voluntary compliance appears to be working quite well. Benchmark 7. Mr. Vogel explained that this point which provides for fully integrating historic preservation with other city planning for parks, recreation, community development, public safety, public works and education can easily be the first benchmark. Responding, to a question as to whether the Board should vote on approval of the "Vision" section of the plan, Mr. Vogel explained that the Board would not be voting on each section. Probably by next fall, once all sections have been discussed, he will present a final document. At that time, the Board will move for approval of the entire plan, which will then be passed on to the Planning Commission and City Council for their comments. A brief discussion ensued. No formal action was taken. III. PRESERVATION MONTH PLANNING: MAY 2005 Mr. Vogel explained that Preservation Week has been expanded to include the entire month of May. The following events are being considered: HERITAGE AWARD - As in previous years, Edina will be awarding the third annual Heritage Award. Ms. Repya shared the request for nominations that will appear in the spring issue of "About Town" as well as in the Edina Sun Current, Southwest Journal, Edina Chamber publications and Edina's "About Business" magazine. Board members were pleased with the press coverage. Discussion ensued regarding when the Board would review the nominations. Planner Repya pointed out 2 Minutes — February 8, 2005 Edina Heritage Preservation Board that there should be at least a two -week lead -time for the plaques to be engraved. Board members then agreed that a special meeting of the Board should take place on Monday, April 18th to review the applications and vote on a winner. BAIRD HOUSE TOUR — Planner Repya reminded the Board that Brad and Arlene Forrest, owners of the Baird House had originally invited the Board to tour their home in December. Due to scheduling conflicts, the tour has been postponed until the springtime. Board members agreed that because May was Preservation Month, that would be an excellent time to reschedule. Planner Repya agreed to contact the Forrests to discuss a date in May that would work best for the tour. IV. PRESERVE AMERICA PROGRAM: Consultant Vogel explained that the "Preserve America Program" is a White House initiative that encourages and supports community efforts to preserve and enjoy cultural and natural heritage. Communities may apply for special designation as a Preserve America Community in recognition of their efforts to protect and celebrate their heritage; use their historic assets for economic development and community revitalization; and encourage people to experience and appreciate local historic resources through education and heritage tourism programs. Chairman Nyberg asked how Edina would benefit by the designation. Mr. Vogel explained that the benefits of designation would include: White House recognition A certificate of recognition Authorization to use the 'Preserve America" logo on signs, flags, banners and promotional materials • Listing in a Web -based 'Preserve America" Community directory • Inclusion in national and regional press releases Official notification of designation to State tourism offices and visitor bureaus Enhanced community visibility and pride Member Kojetin observed that the program sounded very similar to the "Tree City U.S.X program that the City has participated with in the past. Mr. Vogel agreed, pointing out that it would not really entail any additional work for the Board, however the City would be recognized for the strides made in heritage preservation. Member Kojetin added that in addition to all the Heritage Preservation Board has done to advance heritage preservation, the Cahill School Program, which provides a one -room school house experience for over 5,000 students from around the state would surely qualify for recognition. Following a brief discussion, Board members agreed that in light of the fact that the program would be of no cost to the City, and could indeed serve to enhance the K Minutes — February 8, 2005 Edina Heritage Preservation Board City's heritage preservation efforts, it would be worth pursuing . Member Kojetin then moved that the City commence the application process to become a "Preserve America" Community. Member Jennings seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. Consultant Vogel explained that he would complete the application and keep the Board advised of the progress. IV. OTHER BUSINESS: None VI. NEXT MEETING DATE: March 8, 2005 VII. ADJOURNMENT: 7:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Joyce Repya 4 MINUTES JANUARY 19, 2005 EDINA RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE COMMISSION COMMUNITY CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Kathy Frey, Bill Bryan, Tim Brownell, and Anne Cronin MEMBERS ABSENT: Inna Hays STAFF PRESENT: Solvei Wilmot, Recycling Coordinator ROLL CALL Kathy Frey, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:05 a.m. MINUTES Mr. Bryan MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE DECEMBER 15, 2004. Anne Cronin SECONDED. MOTIN CARRIED. SCHOLARSHIP Ms. Wilmot inquired if the commission members would like to make any changes to the scholarship applications. The applications will be delivered to the High School for distribution to the students. Ms. Wilmot also inquired if the commission would like to continue with two $500 scholarships or change to one $500 award and then use the other $500 within the community in some way. Members wanted to keep the two awards. However, discussion arose regarding the revenue sharing from the recycling commodities. Members discussed besides rebating the money back to the residents, but using some as a grant source. Mr. Bryan MOVED TO USE TEN OF THE RECYCLING REVENUE SHARING MONEY TO BE USED TO PROMOTE RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE REDUCTION ACTIVITES WITHIN THE COMMUNITY. THE FUNDS WOULD BE MANAGED THROUGH THE EDINA FOUNDATION. THE FUNDS WOULD BE DISBURSED THROUGH A GRANT WITH REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE COMMISSION. Kathy Frey SECONDED. Discussion was held regarding the handling of the revenues and whether this use would be permitted. Ms. Wilmot will look into what can be done. MOTION CARRIED. VOLUNTEER AWARDS Ms. Wilmot commented that the Volunteer Awards Reception is April 14. The deadline is March 25`h for the Recycling and Solid Waste Commission volunteer submission. Members were asked to consider nominees. TOURS Ms. Wilmot inquired if members had any tour requests for this year. Anchor Glass, recycled plastic furniture in Shakopee, and Eureka Recycling were suggested. RECOGNITION Ms. Cronin is retiring from the Commission after serving eight years. Commission members thanked her for her service and dedication to the recycling commission. Her concern and participation has brought awareness to recycling within the schools and the community. OTHER BUSINESS The National Recycling conference will be held in Minneapolis this Fall. Mr. Brownell volunteered to look into a scholarship opportunity for commission members that might be interested in attending. Ms. Frey volunteered to research what schools are currently doing about recycling. She will prepare a report for the next meeting. ADJOURN Meeting adjourned. 8:03 a.m. 9731 James Avenue South Bloomington, MN 55431 (952) 888 -9616 Fax(952)881 -8322 IT" www.veapvolunteers.org VOLUNTEEEsi ENLISTED TO M:;LSY PEOPLE Member Churches Neighbors serving neighbors in need Bloomington Improving lives of people in the community Atonement Lutheran Christ the King Lutheran Community of the Cross Lutheran March 3 2005 Grace Lutheran Hillcrest United Methodist Holy Emmanuel Lutheran f� Q City Edina Jesus is Lord of Lutheran Church of the 4801 W 50th St U S' Redemption Edina, MN 55424 MN Palley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship h Mt. Hope Lutheran Dear City of Edina, Nativity of Mary Catholic Normandale Hylands UMC VEAP would like to thank City of Edina for your donation of $16,000.00. We Oak Grove Presbyterian Peace Lutheran appreciate your support of VEAP. Portland Ave. UMethodist auormed VEAP serves the community through four main programs: Food Seasonal Social SRiverside . Bo nventre Catholic St. Edwards Catholic Services and Transportation. The Minnesota Department of Human Services and St. Luke's Lutheran the United States Department of Agriculture's Regional Food Stamp Office St. Mark's UCC recentl y awarded VEAP with a certificate of recognition for our participation in St. Michael's Lutheran St. Stephen Lutheran the food support outreach effort. VEAP is now used as a model for other agencies Southtown Baptist that connect people with a food support program. VEAP's efforts ensured many Transfiguration Lutheran eligible families and seniors received the essential food they need. VEAP's Edina multiple social services and our integrated approach provides vital support at a Calvary Christian Reformed crucial moment in the lives of our neighbors in need. Calvary Lutheran Chapel Hills UCC Christ Presbyterian For tax purposes, this confirms that no goods or services were provided in return Colonial Church of Edina for this gift. Cross View Lutheran Edina Community Lutheran Edina Covenant Church You are a vital component of VEAP's mission, neighbors serving neighbors in Edina Momingside Community need. Once again, thank you very much! Good Samaritan UMC Normandale Lutheran Our Lady of Grace Catholic St. Alban 's Episcopal Sincerely, St. Patrick's Catholic St. Peter's Lutheran St. Stephen's Episcopal G�-- Paul Gubrud, PZsident Richfield VEAP Board of Directors Assumption Catholic Berea Lutheran Bethany Covenant Emerson Cong. UCC Hope Presbyterian House of Prayer Lutheran Mt. Calvary Lutheran Oak Grove Lutheran Richfield Lutheran Richfield United Methodist St. Nicholas Episcopal St. Peter's Catholic St. Richards Catholic UMethodist Church of Peace Woodlake Lutheran Checkout our website at www.veapvolunteers. org for updated information on VEAP's programs & events Edina C,'Ity C--,�,o,,,,ujnc�lj �J N-4eeti i n uJ, 15, 2005 Ag' e,n d Rdm W.,- D�)- D' Bra.emar P At h� l�e ic� e >IJdJR,e�n�ov to n No., 05,-01 PR 0 PROJECT S 'IO , S ❑ Renovate athletic field 368' X 264' ❑ Strip &salvage existing 5" - 6" topsoil. ❑ Import 12" of new top soils. ❑ 3" sand for drainage layer. ❑ 9" engineered sand /peat soils. ❑ Drain tile. ❑ Irrigation system. ❑ Construct 8 new catch basins. ❑ 1 %grade crown with laser guided equipment. ❑ Start June 1; substantial completion August 1, 2005. W H Y'SA N� D/�P"EA,-"',,,,,,TI-F I'l ELD? • Withstands heavy use (durable). • Safe and lasting surface. • IPM approach to turf maintenance. ❑ Playable shortly after rain. ❑ Safe surface preferred by athletes. t) v yv r� Lewis Park east athletic field TOO 1; Y jpf go "I t x x BID OPENING RESULTS., Bids opened February 24, 2005: • Max Steininger, Inc. $348,124.00 • Glenn Rehbein Companies $321,500.00 • F.M. Frattalone Excavating, Inc. $311,700.00 ❑ Veit Companies $277,700.00 lir oll PROJEC-T r T ❑ Veit Company ❑ Turf development (seeding, etc.) • Topographic survey • Soil Borings /Soil Testing $277,700 X9,000 $2,466 $2,000 ❑ Landscape architect /engineering fees $1 8,050 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Capital Improvement Plan Budget $309,216 $312,000 VEIT - ❑ Been in business for over 60 years. ❑ Meets pre -bid qualifications (successfully completed minimum of five sand/peat fields). ❑ 2002 —Eight soccer fields with sand /peat mix for Minneapolis Park Board. ❑ 2002 —Three soccer fields with sand /peat mix for Minnetri sta. ❑ 2004 — One soccer, one baseball & one softball field with sand /peat mix for Lakeville. ❑ 2004 — One football, 3 softball & 2 baseball fields for City of St. Anthony. 2004 — Road construction (66th& Valley View Road) for City of Edina. R,ECO,,M',M:,E'.ND-ATI(�NI ❑ Roy Anderson, Anderson /Johnson Associates, Inc. • Veit Company meets and understands specifications. • Experienced and willing to execute the contract in accordance with specifications. ❑ Approve of Veit's team of subcontractors. ❑ Recommend award of bid to Veit Company for $277,700. �� Que, sz,