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Village of Edna
WURUS, Alf L. Bargerud is the owner of a certain parcel of land in the
Villa of Edina described as follows:
"The north 63.3 feet of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No. Three
Hundred Twenty-fivet Hennepin County* Mi4U6#0t*,, as measured
along the East sA4 West lines thereof, and that part of 1" 3,
kudttor0s, Subdivision No. Three Hundred Twenty-five, Hennepin
County'. Kinassotat lying South of the north 100 feet thereof,
as measured along the East and West lines thereof;" and
WWMZASt said owner has requested approval of the VL11860 of Edina of the
conveyance end ownership of the above described land " a separate parcel.-
WgSRUS, it has been determined that coWliance with the Subdivision and
zoning Regulations of the Village of Edina will create on unuacessary
hardship and said tract of land as a separate parcel 4000 got interfOrO
with the purpose of the Subdivision and Zoving Regulations as contained
in, the Village of Edina Ordinance Numbers 261 and 263-A-,
NOW, THARBRORSO It is hereby resolved by the Village tOuncil of the Vil-
lage of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of the above described
tract of load as a separate parcel is hereby approved and the require
mnts and provisions of Ordinance No*. 261 and 263-A are hereby waived
as to said division and conveyance, subject, however, to the, Pr*viBiOn
that no further subdivision be made of the above described tract of land
unless oode in ccapliance with the pertinent ordinances of the Village of
Woe, or with the prior approval of t an-se""
by these ordinanaes. Mayo,.-
(signed) FwR=CZ B. HALLBEW
Village Clerk
$TAT& OF, Mx S(mh )
COUP OF n9manx s
1, the undersigned duly appointed and Meeting Village Clark for the
Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota* do hereby certify that
I have coupared the attached and foregoing resolution and that the same
is a tree and correct copy of a rasolution duly adopted by the Village
of Edina Council at its Regular Meeting held Monday, January 8, 1968,
and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting.
Village Clerk.
Village of Edina
Tillage of
927 -8861
WHP,RW,, Alf L* BarSarW to the owner of certain parcels of land t a the
VillaSe of Edina de scribod as follows:
u.t7 The North 63.3 foot of lot Sao aAtia4ita rte SUbdivissf9on FDA. Three
Hundred Twenty-five, Hennepin County0i sinnesota, as waasured
along the Bast and West lines thereof, and that part of Lot *
Audif or °s Subdivision ion No. Threes Hundred Twentyflflve, Hennepin
County, Minnesota, as measured along the Bast and West lines
thereof; *ad
The North 100 toot of Lot 3* Auditor's Subdivision Nos Tree
fiimdr *d Twenty-five, 'Pt±mn+epf n County, Minnesota,, to measured
.. _ along the East and Vast lines thereof; ; and
WHAPAAS, said owner has requested approval of the Village of Edina
of the convoyanct ,sang ownership of the above descries lasd as
separate parcels; and
WHERHASO it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision
and Zontag Ptasulations of the Village of Edina will create an unnec-
essary hardship and said tract* of lased as separate parcels does not
intaerfaiares with than purpose of the Subdivision and ;honing Regulations
as contained in the Village of Edina Ordinance Numbera 261 and 263•:A;
KW* TU FORds it to heraby resolvod %y the Village Council of the
Village of 94inaat that the conveyance and ownership of the above
described tracts of land as separate parcels are hereby approved and
the reguiarea ntsa and provisions of Ordinance Nos. 261 aftd 2634-A are
hereby waa ivod as to paid division and convoyatxes, subject, however*
to the plovfis ion that no further subdivision be d* of the above
d*scrLbed tracts of land unla made In compliance with the pertinent
ordinances of the Village of Wine or with the prior .approval 09 this
Council as say be provided for by these ordiamwos.
Village Clark
'Ax Of A
Comm yls
I,, tba Undersigned d duty appointed wW a4ting Village Clark for the
Village of * Mimsoota t dry hereby 0*rtlf'y thait I Via¢ r-+ pa r"
e&e atta c d ad toregotag vesolution and that tike 8 d 8 tnm
Coaa lato copy of.* resolution duly ad d by the Villa 84 Of JWAA
Coot lel l at it# ftulsr "eatiuS hold Maday, Movoober 20. 1961* and as
oor4ed in the sxjuutes of said Regular Most .
WI US my hand *Ad seal of Bald Village this 24th day of November,
r� p
Vlllog* Clan"
Village of W44.
Village of Edina
927 -8861
WUREASO.Alf l,* gargerrud is the owner of certain parcels of land in the
Village of Edina described as follows;
The North 63.3 feet of Lot A, Auditor0 a Subdivision No. Three
Hundred Twernty -fiva, Hennepin County, Ninnesots, ats asured
along the Bast and West linens thereof, and that part of Lot 3,.
Auditor's Subdivision idea. Three 11undrerd Twenty-five, Hennepin
County, Minnesota, as measured along the East and Wert limes
thereof; and
The Borth 100 feet of lot 30 Auditor° s Subdivision No. Three
Hundred Twenty-five, Hennepin County, Minnesota, an measured
alarm the East and West, lines thereof; and
WHEREAS said owner has requested approval of the Village of Edina
of the conveyance and ownership of the above described land as
separate parcels; and
WUREEA81, it has been deteadned that compliance with the Subdivision
and Zoning Regulations of the Village of Edina will create an unnec-
essary hardship and said tracts of land as separate parcels does not
interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations
as contained in the Village of Edinaf. Ordinance Numbers 261 and 263 -A;
NOW& `1HEREFO , it is hereby resolved .by the Village Council of than
Village of retina that the conveyance and ownership of the above
described tracts of land as separate parcels are hereby approved and
the requirements and provisions of Ordina noe Nos. 261 and 263-A are
hereby waived as to said division ,and conveyance, subject, however*
to the provision that no further subdivision be made of the above
described tracts of land unless made in compliame, with the pertinent
ordinances of the Village of Edina or with the prior approval of this
Council as may be provided for by these +ordi,nancesr.
(sinned) A 'TBU . C. 111MALL IL
(signed) EMA.E.RcE L HUMAN
Village Clerk
UAU or
1, the under -s a ned duly ePpOIAted and SOtIUS VMW Clark for the
Village of SA3.ue, Mionesotal, do hereby certify that 1 hmve cow4rad
the attached sad foregoing resolution and that tbo amme is a true and
Qamplate Oopay of I resolutiol, 4,t ly adopted by W� �il�e$� ez� ffidi
6aunail at it* ga ular twatiag ald P4%1dATs 'N-acrd ber 20, 3167, 4Ud AS
recorded in the w4aut,es of said 'Regular eti -
t iT�X S and stand and seal of said Village this 24th dad* of lea a xr,
v llaso Clark
Village of Ediw f