HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-06-20_COUNCIL MEETING• ,_f Memo To: Mayor and City Council From: Gordon Hughes Date: 6/15/2006 , Re: 2007 Budget Forecast On June 20th, the City Council will conduct a 5:30 PM work session to preview forecasts with respect to the 2007 City of Edina budget. The purpose of this work session is to discuss the assumptions and issues that will be used to craft the formal budget document this summer. This memo provides background information to aid in Tuesday's discussions. Using our "budget assumptions" modeling, we have prepared budget "scenarios" for your consideration. As in past years, we will be able to work with these scenarios during our workshop session on June 20t". Three scenarios are attached to this memo. Scenario 1 is a compilation of all of the requests and recommendations submitted by our department heads. Scenarios 2 & 3 illustrate alternatives to scenario 1. RECAP OF LEGISLATIVE CHANGES The 2006 legislature did not enact any significant changes to property tax laws. Therefore, the City s 2007 budget planning will not be affected by levy limits, property tax freezes, or any other provisions that would further restrict the Council's budget considerations. On the other hand, no corrections were made to the law concerning Market Value Homestead Credit (MVHC) and, therefore, the City must continue to include in its tax levy amounts necessary to offset this lost aid. The 2005 legislature approved significant increases in employer and employee contributions to PERA (the State's pension program for public employees.) In 2006, the employer contribution for police and fire employees increased by almost 13% and the employer contribution for other employees increased by 8.5 %. In 2007, we estimate the City's PERA contribution will increase by $90,000 over and above normal increases. The 2005 legislation included subsequent rate increases for 2008, 2009 and 2010. EXPENDITURES FOR 2007 The following expenditure forecasts are included in the scenarios: Wage and Employee Benefits. 2007 is the second year of the two year contracts negotiated with four of the five bargaining units which represent a portion of our employees. (The public works and park maintenance union bargained only a one year contract.) The budget forecast includes the three percent wage increase negotiated in these two year contracts. An additional Y2% has been included to account for employees who will go through salary steps in 2007. Insurance Increases. Employee health insurance is expected to increase 16% for 2006. Our forecast includes a $60 per month per employee increase in the City's contribution toward employee insurance coverage. This amount approximates the premium increase in single coverage and covers one half or more of the premium increase for employees selecting dependent coverage. • Contractual Services, Commodities, etc. A three percent across the board increase in contractual services, commodities and central service expenses are projected for next year. • Budget Adjustments. Our department heads have submitted proposed new programs /expenditures for 2007. Memorandums outlining their recommendations are attached and have been included with the budget scenarios. • Capital Plan Appropriation. The general fund appropriation to the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) remains at $50,000. However, we again would like to discuss the possibility of transferring a portion of the general fund balance resulting from the 2005 surplus to the CIP. REVENUES FOR 2007 The following revenue forecasts are included in the scenarios: Non Tax revenues. In past years, we have followed a conservative approach in forecasting revenues from "non -tax" sources. Based upon our experience in recent years (especially the 2005 budget year), we are comfortable in projecting additional revenues from building permits, ambulance fees and investment earnings due to higher short term interest rates. These added revenues reduce dependence on property tax revenues to support the 2007 budget. • Budget Reserves. The Council previously discussed the possibility of applying some of the 2005 surplus to the 2007 budget. As a result of that discussion, the bulk of this surplus was retained in the General Fund pending • Page 2 W final decisions concerning the 2007 budget. The Council should be cautious in utilizing General Fund surpluses to fund ongoing costs in the City's operating budget. Although this would serve to reduce the 2007 tax levy, it would result in a higher than normal tax levy increase in 2008 when `one time" revenues might not be available to augment the budget. Generally speaking, the agencies that assign our bond ratings question the use of reserves for this purpose. If the Council wishes to apply General Fund surplus to the 2007 budget, we recommend that they should be applied to non - recurring expenses. For example, we have recommended in the budget scenarios that it would be appropriate to fund the costs of preparing the comprehensive plan update in that this expense is not a recurring cost. We will be prepared to discuss other options for these funds at the work session. CALENDAR June 20, 2006 Budget Assumption work session July 28, 2006 Budget submitted to Council August 1, 2006 Budget hearing September 5, 2006 Council resolution setting maximum tax levy December Truth in Taxation hearings and final budget adoption. • Page 3 , r SCENARIO USED TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES % INCREASE IN EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND PROPERTY TAX % INCREASE PROPERTY TAX ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED 2004 2005 2006 200 2005 2006 INCREASE 2007 22,524,128 25,487,680 25,380,248 27,484,353 22,281,367 24,285,722 25,380,248 27484353 _ 4.34% 9.00% 5.70% 3,487,894 15,635,440 17,191,143 18,560,151 20 014 509 0.03% 9.95% 4.43% _ 2,479,957 G:Oudge0007 BudgetWIODEL 2007As 61132006 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED ASSUMP % PROPOSED 2004 2005 2006 INCREASE 2007 SALARIES /BENEFITS & STEP 15,045,791 15,797,191 16,943,761 3.50% 17,536,793 CONTRACTUAL SVCS. 2,937,131 3,028,761 3,386,305 3.00% 3,487,894 COMMODITIES 1,067,557 1,160,818 1,216,209 3.00% 1,252,695 CENTRAL SERVICES _ 2,479,957 2,563,534 2,592,768 3.00% 2,670,551 EQUIPMENT 700,931 1,685,418 1,191,205 3.00% 1,226,941 CAPITAL PLAN APPROPRIATION 50,000 50,000 50,000 0.00 °!0 50,000 EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS 589,901 749,887 1,190,230 i - 1,259479 Vi REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS 22,281,367 24,285,722 25,380,248 27,484,353 22,524,128 25,487,680 % INCREASE IN EXPENDITURES 8.29% 27,484,353 $ INCREASE IN EXPENDITURES 2,104,105 G:Oudge0007 BudgetWIODEL 2007As 61132006 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED ASSUMP % PROPOSED 2004 2005 2006 INCREASE 2007 PROPERTY TAXES 15,635,440 17,191,143 18,560,151 20,014,509 MARKET VALUEIABATEMENTS - - (457,664) (400,000) LICENSES & PERMITS 2,247,759 3,240,622 2,256,550 3.00% 2,324,247 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 960,000 1,147,345 720,608 3.00% 742,226 FEES AND CHARGES 2,227,955 2,415,766 2,235,373 F 3.00% 2,302,434 FINES & FORFEITURES 863,073 742,917 875,000 0.00% 875,000 OTHER REVENUES & TRANSFERS 589,901 749,887 1,190,230 3.00% 1,225,937 REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS TOTAL REVENUES 22,524,128 25,487,680 25,380,248 27,484,353 % INCREASE IN REVENUES 8.29% $ INCREASE IN REVENUES 2,104,105 G:Oudge0007 BudgetWIODEL 2007As 61132006 GlBudgefl2007 BudgetWODEL 2007.)ds 61732006 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED 2004 2004 2005 2006 2007 15,635,440 SCENARIO USED 18,560,151 19,207,170 MARKET VALUE/ABATEMENTS - TOTAL REVENUES, 22,524,128 25,487,680 25,380,248 26,747,014 2,247,759 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 22,281,367 24,285,722 25,380,248 26_ 747 014 960,000 % INCREASE IN EXPENDITURES 4.34% 9.00% 5.70% FEES AND CHARGES 2,227,955 GENERAL FUND PROPERTY TAX 15,635,440 17,191,143 18,560,151 19 207170 863,073 % INCREASE PROPERTY TAX 0.03% 9.95% 4.43% OTHER REVENUES & TRANSFERS 589,901 2007 GENERAL FUND BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS 1,225,937 REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS PROPOSED 470.000 TOTAL REVENUES 22,524,128 25,487,680 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED ASSUMP% PROPOSED % INCREASE 2004 2005 2006 INCREASE 2007 SALARIES/BENEFITS & STEP 15,045,791 15,797,191 16,943,761 3.50% 17,536,793 CONTRACTUAL SVCS. 2,937,131 3,028,761 3,386,305 3.00% 3,487,894 COMMODITIES 1,067,557 1,160,818 1,216,209 3.00% 1,252,695 CENTRAL SERVICES 2,479,957 2,563,534 2,592,768 3.00% 2,670,551 EQUIPMENT 700,931 1,685,418 1,191,205 3.00% 1,226,941 CAPITAL PLAN APPROPRIATION 50,000 50,000 50,000 0.00% 50,000 EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS 522140 22,281,367 24,285,722 25,380,248 26,747,014 % INCREASE IN EXPENDITURES 5.39% $ INCREASE IN EXPENDITURES 1,366,766 GlBudgefl2007 BudgetWODEL 2007.)ds 61732006 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED ASSUMP % PROPOSED 2004 2005 2006 INCREASE 2007 PROPERTY TAXES 15,635,440 17,191,143 18,560,151 19,207,170 MARKET VALUE/ABATEMENTS - - (457,664) (400,000) LICENSES & PERMITS 2,247,759 3,240,622 2,256,550 3.00% 2,324,247 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 960,000 1,147,345 720,608 3.00% 742,226 FEES AND CHARGES 2,227,955 2,415,766 2,235,373 3.00% 2,302,434 FINES & FORFEITURES 863,073 742,917 875,000 0.00% 875,000 OTHER REVENUES & TRANSFERS 589,901 749,887 1,190,230 3.00% 1,225,937 REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS 470.000 TOTAL REVENUES 22,524,128 25,487,680 25,380,248 26,747,014 % INCREASE IN REVENUES 5.39% $ INCREASE IN REVENUES 1,366,766 GlBudgefl2007 BudgetWODEL 2007.)ds 61732006 TOTAL REVENUES 22,524,128 25,487,680 25,380,248 27,039,414 % INCREASE IN REVENUES 6.54% $ INCREASE IN REVENUES 1,659,166 GASudgelt2007 Budget\MODEL 2007.)ds 6/13/1006 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED 2004 2 2004 2005 2006 -1007 15,635,440 1 SCENARIO USED 18,560,151 1 19,427,890 MARKET VALUEIABATEMENTS - - - _ ) TOTAL REVENUES 22,524,128 25,487,680 25,380,248 27,039,414 2,256,550 3.00% 2 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 22,281,367 24,285,722 25,380,248 27039414 _ , 742,226 % INCREASE IN EXPENDITURES 4.34% 9.00% 5.70% 2,302,434 FINES & FORFEITURES 8 GENERAL FUND PROPERTY TAX 15,635,440 17,191,143 18,560,151 19 589,901 7 % INCREASE PROPERTY TAX 0.03% 9.95% 4.43% 2007 GENERAL FUND : . ASSUMPTIONS PROPOSED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED ASSUMP % PROPOSED 2004 2005 2006 INCREASE 2007 SALARIES /BENEFITS & STEP 15,045,791 15,797,191 16,943,761 3.50% 17,536,793 CONTRACTUAL SVCS. 2,937,131 3,028,761 3,386,305 3.00% 3,487,894 COMMODITIES 1,067,557 1,160,818 1,216,209 3.00% 1,252,695 CENTRAL SERVICES 2,479,957 2,563,534 2,592,768 3.00% 2,670,551 EQUIPMENT 700,931 1,685,418 1,191,205 3.00% 1,226,941 CAPITAL PLAN APPROPRIATION 50,000 50,000 50,000 0.00% 50,000 EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS 814.540 J 22,281,367 24,285,722 25,380,248 27,039,414 % INCREASE IN EXPENDITURES 6.54% $ INCREASE IN EXPENDITURES 1,659,166 TOTAL REVENUES 22,524,128 25,487,680 25,380,248 27,039,414 % INCREASE IN REVENUES 6.54% $ INCREASE IN REVENUES 1,659,166 GASudgelt2007 Budget\MODEL 2007.)ds 6/13/1006 ACTUAL A ACTUAL B BUDGETED ASSUMP % P PROPOSED 2004 2 2005 2 2006 INCREASE 2 2007 PROPERTY TAXES 1 15,635,440 1 17,191,143 1 18,560,151 1 19,427,890 MARKET VALUEIABATEMENTS - - - - ( (457,664) ( (400,000) LICENSES & PERMITS 2 2,247,759 3 3,240,622 2 2,256,550 3.00% 2 2,324,247 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 9 960,000 1 1,147,345 7 720,608 3.00% 7 742,226 FEES AND CHARGES 2 2,227,955 2 2,415,766 2 2,235,373 3.00% 2 2,302,434 FINES & FORFEITURES 8 863,073 7 742,917 8 875,000 0.00% 8 875,000 OTHER REVENUES & TRANSFERS 5 589,901 7 749,887 1 1,190,230 3.00% 1 1,225,937 REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS GASudgelt2007 Budget\MODEL 2007.)ds 6/13/1006 TOTAL REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS 400,000 470,000 541,680 G:%Budgett2007 BudgetVAODEL 2007.xis 6/13/2006 SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 REVENUE ADJUSTMENT ITEMS: Licenses and permits 200,000 200,000 200,000 Ambulance revenues 125,000 125,000 125,000 Investment earnings 45,000 45,000 45,000 2005 reserves 30,000 100,000 100,000 Utility reimbursement - Engineering Dept. 71,680 TOTAL REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS 400,000 470,000 541,680 G:%Budgett2007 BudgetVAODEL 2007.xis 6/13/2006 2007 GENERAL FUND : ASSUMPTIONS (85,000) (85,000) -PROPOSED (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) WORKS PUBLIC Engineering staff ($56,000 + 28% benefits) SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 MAYOR • Professional services 5,000 15,000 5,000 Continuing education 2,000 10,000 10,000 Meeting expense 2,000 35,000 2,000 ADMINISTRATION 40,000 40,000 40,000 Professional services 3,000 'Continuing education 2,000 2,000 Mileage (10% increase) 1,700 1,700 1,700 2007 Comprehensive plan 30,000 100,000 100,000 ELECTIONS 54,000 54,000 54,000 Professional services - equipment maintenance 7,000 7,000 7,000 Conferences 2,000 2,000 General supplies for voting stations /signs /flags /ink/etc. 6,280 3,000 3,000 ASSESSING GIS digital Imaging 5,200 LEGAL • COURT Prosecuting (85,000) (85,000) (85,000) Prisoner room & board (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) WORKS PUBLIC Engineering staff ($56,000 + 28% benefits) 71,680 1,200 71,680 Street maintenance staff ($40,000 + 28% benefits) 51,200 15,000 Complaint management software - no estimate Heat & fuel 10,000 10,000 10,000 Salt 35,000 35,000 35,000 Asphalt 40,000 40,000 40,000 Emergency arrow board 35,000 Traffic trailer ($10K) & 2 permanent speed signs ($41K) 18,000 Traffic signal upgrades 9,000 Equipment replacement 169,759 Oil, fuel, lubricants ($60,000 A 90 %) 54,000 54,000 54,000 .• Detective ($63,000 + 28% benefits) 80,640 80,640 . Commercial officer ($59,000 + 28% benefits) 75,520 ME Inspector /educatorlfirefighter ($61 ,000 + 28% benefits) 78,080 Paramedic/fireflghter ($60,000 + 28% benefits) 76,800 76,800 - OT reduction from above new position (20,000) (20,000) INSPECTIONS Support staff - no estimate Inspection staff - 2 PT positions 91,000 91,000 91,000 Continuing education & telephone 1,200 1,200 1,200 Vehicle for new Inspector added in 2006 15,000 15,000 Complaint management software - no estimate - 2006 Needs assessment survey (one -time request) (19,000) (19,000) (19,000) Paths and hard surfaces 19,000 19,000 GABudgett2007 Budget\MODEL 2007.xis 6/13/2006 2007 GENERAL FUND BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS - PROPOSED EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS- SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO) NON-DEPARTMENTAL Wellness program Clothing allowance RECORDS Electronic imaging 101:401111 FAW44 Vital • New IT staff ($40,000 + 28% benefits) Training - security awareness ($2,000) Software for newly installed desktops ($9,600) Network backup system ($30,000) Service contracts -bldg security /help desk/fiber ($9,000) Network Infrastructure ($25,000) CENTRAL SERVICES - GENERAL PERA increase Insurance - employee health Ob $60 /month per emp Liability and other insurance 'CENTRAL SERVICES - CITY HALL Light & power Heat TOTAL EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS 5,000 5,000 2,000 20,000 - 33,280 33,280 1,300 6,240 6,240 6,240 19,500 - 5,850 16,250 - 90,000 90,000 90,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 814.540 522.140 1.259.479 G:Sudgefl2007 BudgetVAODEL 2007.xis 6/13/2006 Memo Ta Gordon Hughes, City Manager From: Marty Scheerer, Fire Chief CC: John Wallin, Finance Director Date: June 1, 2006 Re: 2007 Fire Department Budget Assumptions Forecast The following is a forecast for the 2007 Edina Fire Department budget: • Ambulance fees should increase by 5% and revenue should increase by 3% ($37,700) to $1,275,000. All other fire department revenues should increase by 3% if fees are increased 3% • Personal Services will increase by 3% as per negotiated contract • Contracted Services and Commodities budget should increase by 4% due to increased cost • Central Services will be forecast by administration and public works. • Equipment replacement should increase from $189,695 to $200,000 ($10,305) with a 2 -3% yearly increase thereafter. • The total fire department budget would increase by 4 %, with revenues increasing by 3% Additional budget items I would like to recommend for your consideration are: • Re- evaluate the fire station #1 remodel project. The $700,000 project is very costly ($450 sq /ft), inefficient and not the best use of the funding. I would recommend a more comprehensive and cost effective ($250 sq/ft) remodeling project. It would essentially remodel the entire office/work and living areas of fire station #1 and cost approximately 2.5 million and extend the useful life of the structure by 30 years. • Add an additional full -time inspector /public educator /ff position ($61,000) to the fire department staff for inspections and public education. • Add an additional full -time paramedic -ff position to the fire department staff ($60,000), this position would fill in for injured FF's on 24 -hour shift and be assigned to 40 hour week doing inspections when there are no injuries and would reduce the overtime budget by a significant amount (estimated $30,000) and help reduce the number of EMS calls transferred to other services. �7I P-1 MEMORANDUM CITY OF EDINA DATE: June 2, 2006 TO: John Wallin Gordon Hughes FROM: Wayne'Houle SUBJECT: 2007 Public Works Budget Assumptions (revised) Public Works is proposing the following additions to help maintain our level of service within the next year: Equipment Replacement: +$169,759 The equipment replacement fund continues to be under funded according to the equipment replacement schedule. The 2006 budget provided $489,635; the equipment replacement schedule requires $659,394 to be fully funded. Without the required funding some equipment will not be replaced as fast as they should. Heat and Fuel: +$10,000 Market conditions for fuel and heat continue to increase beyond the normal 3% increase. We expect this increase to continue this coming winter. Equipment Operation: +$60,000 Our mechanics are seeing a drastic increase in lubricants (hydraulics and engine oil) for the fleet along with increases for gas and diesel. Salt: +$35,000 We anticipate the cost of salt for ice control to increase due to increase in fuel costs to transport the salt to the State. We are also using more treated salt to help reduce the amount of sand that we place. We should know in July what the cost will be for 2007. Asphalt Material: +$40,000 Our current asphalt allotment includes milling and patching roadways in Edina. Asphalt costs continue to increase due to fuel costs increases. The 2006 commodities bid reflected an increase of over 20% for asphalt. Maintenance People (Street Department) +$40,000 Currently a position is frozen in the Street Department. Staff is requesting that this position be filled in 2007. Page 2 of 2 2007 Budget Assumptions June 2, 2006 Emergency Warning — Arrow Board +$35,000 Emergency arrow board for Public Works Street and utility maintenance. This solar powered reader board would be used for a prewarning to the traveling public for work being performed within the right -of -way. This request could be partnered with the Utility Department. Traffic Trailer / Permanent signage +$18,000 The current traffic trailer, which was placed into service approximately 8 years ago, is past its useful life due to the drastic increase in maintenance of the trailer. Costs for traffic trailers and permanent traffic signs (that indicate speed) have substantially come down in price in the past few years. We would anticipate a new traffic trailer to cost about $10,000 and each sign about $3,000 to $4,000 (installed). This request could be partnered with the Police Department. Traffic Signal Upgrades +$9,000 Approximately 10 out of the 52 traffic signal systems in Edina have Emergency Vehicle Pre- emptions (EVP) installed. EVP's allow Fire and Police Department vehicles priority when entering the intersection while under emergency response mode. The anticipated cost per intersection is $3,000. We are proposing to upgrade. three intersections per year until all of the intersections have EVP capability. This request could be partnered with the Fire Department. Engineering Staff +$56,000 The Engineering Department continues to be overwhelmed by the amount of projects requested and expected. The long -term requirements placed by the state and federal agencies, such as the Department of Health, Pollution Control Agency, and watershed districts are and will continue to require additional projects within the department. The department also struggles with inspecting the increase number of utility connections within the right -of -ways due to home additions, tear down & rebuilds, and other utilities such as gas, electric, and communications. Staff is requesting to hire a lower level engineer to coordinate and inspect some of the construction projects that is currently being coordinated by the Assistant City Engineer. The department has also looked at a redistribution of the workload to help produce the projects in a timely manner. City of Edina MEMORANDUM TO: Gordon Hughes, City Manager John Wallin, Finance Director FROM: Steve A. Kirchman, Chief Building Official v CA- k DATE: June 2, 2006 SUBJECT: 2007 Budget, preliminary assumptions Revenue. Revenue through the end on May 2006 is $815,089 compared to $978,000 at the same time last year. Predicted 2006 revenue, based on past percentage of annual revenue through May and projects currently under review, is $2,145,971. This is $285,971 greater than the adopted 2006 revenue of $1,860,000. Major construction projects for 2007 will include continuing significant hospital remodeling, construction of the Westin Edina Galleria, demolition of the existing Target with construction of a Super Target. The District, which includes a high rise condominium building, restaurants and a strip center has been approved -by council and may start construction in summer 2006. Permitting and construction of the District would continue through 2007. At this early stage, I predict 2007 revenue at $1,850,000. 2006 Expenditures. Temporary employee salaries (1495 -6013) and Social Security expenditures (1495- 6034) will exceed 2006 budgeted expenses by about $50,000 as a result of part-time inspectors' salaries. General Supplies (1495 -6406) will also exceed 2006 budgeted expense due to cost of equipping part-time inspectors. 2007 Expenditures. ❖ 1495 -6103, Professional Services. The 2006 Professional Services budget is $41,000. Professional Services includes inspections and plan review services from Inspectron and OCE printer maintenance costs. The high level of construction activity has necessitated and will continue to necessitate utilization of Inspectron services to maintain acceptable inspection lead times and permit review time. The OCE printer is used by the Inspections Department, the Engineering Department and the Planning Department. Annual OCE maintenance and supply costs of $4,000 should be shifted from account 1495 -6103 to City Hall Central Services account with the costs distributed to all users. This will reduce 1495 -6103 to $37,000. ❖ 1495 -6160, Data Processing. A need continues to exist for a more efficient effective method of complaint management. There are currently no standardized forms or procedures among departments. I've discussed development of complaint management with the Planning and Health Departments who both agree with the need for and effective system to manage complaints. Development and/or implementation of complaint management software has not been pursued in 2006 because a system may be developed by LOGIS and City staff time hasn't been available to pursue solutions. Use of programs developed by LOGIS will impact the 2007 Data Processing budget. Although I have no idea of costs at this point, we should be able to provide cost estimates later in the 2007 budget process. City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com 952 - 927 -8861 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 TTY 952 - 826 -0379 .. r 2007 Preliminary Budget Assumptions June 2, 2006 Page 2 of 2 ❖ 1495 -6010 to 6045. Personnel Services. Support Staff. Inadequate staffing in our reception area continues to be a problem. Inspections, which are schedule by support staff, have increased over 37% since 2000. Permits, which are issued by support staff, have increased by Over 10 %. Increased activity in the Inspection Department precludes inspections staff from assisting support staff during breaks, vacations or sickness. Tasks such as retrieving the mail, delivering daily revenue reports, postage stamping mailed permits and even bathroom breaks result in the reception area being left unattended. Telephone calls and customer visits continue to increase — with three lines coming. into the department, calls regularly roll back to the operator and customers face 15 -20 minute waits in line. Lack of adequate support staffing also deprives the department of the ability to deal with aged and expired permits. 43% of all permits issued. in 2004 were not closed out; 45% did not receive final inspections in 2005. Each open permit requires one to three letters to resolve — 2692 to 8076 letters for open 2005 permits! It cannot be done with existing staff. ➢ Inspection Staff. I'm hopeful the recent addition of two part-time inspector /plan reviewer positions will decrease our inspection and plan review time backlog. I hope to reduce overtime and initiate issuance of siding permits. The two part-time positions are not budgeted. $91,000 should be added to the Personnel Services budget to cover cost for two part-time employees — one at $29.00 per hour for 24 hours per week and one at $30.00 per hour for 32 hours per week. ❖ 1495 -6103 to 6188, Contractual Services. Increased staffing both full -time and part-time have increased continuing education and telephone costs. $1,200 should be added to the Contractual Services budget to cover increased costs due to additional staff. ❖ 1495 -6405 to 6575, Commodities. Additional staffing will also increase general supply and uniform needs. $750 should be added to the Commodities budget to cover increased costs due to additional staff. ❖ 1495 -6710, Equipment. A full -time inspector was added in 2006, but the budget did not include a vehicle. We've been using a series of used vehicles, but their reliability and future availability is questionable. $15,000 should be added to the Equipment budget to provide a vehicle for the permanent, full -time inspector added in 2006. ❖ Inflationary Increases. I assume all budget category may be increased by 3% to 5% due to inflation. H:\m mos& rpts\admin\ Annua]Budpt\2007`07BdgtAsurrq)l A;. a Memo To: John Wallin, Finance Director From: Mike Siitari, Police Chief -11kP Date: June 1, 2006 Re: 2007 Budget Forecast A review of crime trends, caseloads and calls for service leads to my request to replace one detective position and add an additional police officer for 2007. Although crime rates remained stable in 2005 the demands placed upon the Police . Department have increased substantially over the last several years. Edina and metro area crime trends in 2006 indicate that we had reached a low point and the crime rate is now rising. If we continue with the status quo in staffing levels we will not be able to provide adequate service levels and run the risk of a double digit crime rate increase. The two positions I am requesting are as follows: Detective The rapid rise in financial and Internet crimes has resulted in a corresponding rise in the number of cases assigned to our detectives. The complexity of investigations has increased the amount of time necessary to properly investigate each case. Internet provider search warrants, cell phone tracking, eBay searches and vulnerable adult investigations are now common procedures that were unheard of a few years ago. Improvements in evidence analysis (DNA, handwriting analysis) and computer forensics have also increased the number of cases assigned to the detectives. 434 cases were assigned for investigation in 2003. 725 cases were assigned in 2005, a 67% increase in two years. This increase has resulted in a reduction in our ability to properly investigate cases and provide quality service to crime victims. We have taken steps to reduce the caseload, such as using a "bad check" diversion program and a more restrictive use of solvability factors when assigning cases, but the. existing staff cannot meet the demands being placed upon them. We have assigned a full -time detective to the Minnesota Financial Crimes Task Force ( MFCTF) since 2003. We receive $93,000 per year for reimbursement of salary, benefits and a vehicle. Instead of replacing that position we have used the reimbursement to balance the budget. If we are not allowed to replace the position in 2007 we need to withdraw from the MFCTF and assign the detective an Edina • Page 1 caseload. This does not appear to be a desirable option since we lose the expertise and assistance of the Task Force, in addition to the reimbursement funds. Identity theft and financial crimes are wide scale problems that need to be addressed on a statewide basis. The MFCTF allows us to participate in a statewide effort at a minimal cost. Our top budget priority is to replace this detective position. New officer salary/benefits (30 %) /detective pay = $63,187 (offset by $93,000 grant) Commercial Area Officer When we assigned a detective to the MFCTF, we backfilled that slot in the Investigative Division by reassigning an officer from the flex team who had been working the plainclothes detail assigned to the Southdale area. Since we, have joined the MFCTF we have had one officer assigned to Southdale Center. The southeast quadrant accounts for 40 %. of our calls for service. The bustling retail area is a magnet for a significant portion of our criminal activity, e.g. shoplifting, thefts from auto and credit card fraud. We have seen an increase in gang related activity this year along with thefts and fraud. The lone plainclothes officer cannot handle the expanding caseload. A second officer allow a more proactive approach that will help address and deter crime in the area. The Southdale area is going through major changes with the addition of the two high- rise complexes. We need to stay on top of crime and safety issues in order to preserve the area's reputation as a premier place to live and work. We have looked at shifting existing resources but this would create problems elsewhere due to the rising call load and style of policing we have transitioned to in the last five years. We have asked our officers to take ownership of problem locations and to look for long- term solutions instead of the quick fix mentality used in the past. This has resulted in more time spent on calls per officer and less nondemand time available for proactive patrol activity. Our citation totals have dropped over the last five years, due in large part to the time officers now devote to initial investigation and follow up on calls for service. Special needs populations, such as those who speak English as a second language (or not at all) and emotionally disturbed people, have increased significantly and placed greater demands on the officers' time. An additional commercial area officer would allow us to allocate an additional resource in our busiest sector. New officer/benefits = $58,987 Contractual Services /Commodities A cost of living increase should cover projected needs for Contractual Services and Commodities. We have been able to balance the large increases in some areas — interpreter services, ammunition, and training — with increased efficiencies in other areas. A large wild card is the annual costs for the service contract for the new computer system we will purchase later this year. The cost figures submitted by all three vendors range from $26,000 to $41,000 greater than our present annual costs. • Page 2 • w I' Depending on the final award of contract and the installation schedule, the higher costs could start in 2007 or 2008. We feel we have sufficient funds to cover 2007. Equipment Replacement The Equipment Replacement account will be spent down rapidly in 2006 —2007 with the acquisition of a new Computer Aided Dispatch and Records Management System (CAD /RMS) and other scheduled replacement purchases. The initial outlay for the CAD /RMS hardware /software will be approximately $500,000. Adding GPS and AVL modules would increase that total by approximately $50,000. We have reached the negotiation stage with the final vendors and hope to award a contract by the end of July. The largest replacement purchase in 2007 will be vehicles. We have projected a replacement cost of $170,772 next year. A second significant replacement cost area is computer equipment. This is separate from the CAD /RMS system that is the servers and software to run the department network and interfaces. We are scheduled to replace desktop computers and printers throughout the office and in the Communications Center. Projected replacement costs in 2007 are $131,616. We are researching how much of the Communication Center equipment can be covered by 911 fund reserves. State statute mandates what the 911 funds can be used for. A summary sheet of our equipment replacement schedule on a long -term basis is attached. Animal Control and Civil Defense No major changes in either category. Cost of living increases are the only projected changes. CIP A Computerized Emergency Medical Dispatch system has $30,000 allocated in 2006. This will be part of the CAD /RMS purchase. This replaces the card and Rolodex system currently used with a computer program interfaced with the dispatch software. Speed and accuracy will be improved on medical emergency instructions. We have $50,000 allocated in 2007 for an In -squad video system. These systems are becoming the standard for many departments throughout the state. They do provide invaluable documentation for court purposes or complaint investigations. We had targeted 2007 as the year for purchase on the forecast that digital technology would be the standard, replacing the cumbersome VHS equipment most departments initially installed. Digital technology has become readily available but the costs may decease if we wait one year to make the purchase. A potential drawback to waiting is that a high -risk event would not be recorded due to the delay for cost purposes. • Page 3 Updated 4/7106 EQUIPMENT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT FIREARMS OFFICER PROTECTION EQUIPMENT SQUAD EQUIPMENT PUBLIC SAFETY COMUNICATIONS ERT TACTICAL EQUIPMENT AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT TELEVISION EQUIPMENT CIVIL DEFENSE (Did not update) FACILITY EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT VEHICLE INVENTORY TOTALS 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 FUTURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET TOTALS 277,249 131,616 0 10,654 0 0 0 419,518 23,760 6,050 8,038 0 11,428 4,550 28,280 82,106 0 0 1,704 4,260 9,372 1,704 7,290 24,330 29,560 0 12,010 0 6,680 8,000 19,134 75,384 38,600 0 1,050 200 0 588,385 1,256,142 1,884,377 1,300 300 0 3,400 0 0 35,895 40,895 13,564 0 0 0 6,810 0 10,528 30,902 350 0 0 0 150 0 3,491 3,991 4,014 0 0 0 0 43,000 1,000 48,014 5,800 0 0 0 0 2,700 23,699 32,199 33,513 4,352 0 17,100 14,516 0 0 69,481 138,348 151,285 170,772 144,500 119,431 0 98,000 822,336 566,058 293,603 193,574 180,114 168,387 648,339 1,483,459 3,533,533 3,533,533 Items purchased 2006 - Equip Real Firearms: $23,760 Vehicles: K92 $30,231 (4) Crown Vies $99,024 (1) 2005 Tahoe $27,079 Squad Equip: (2) Pro Laser III $6313 Computer: IBM Server $1132 Autio Visual: 20 Digital Recorders DS -3300 $5000 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: GORDON HU , JOHN WALLIN, AND ERIC ROGGEMAN. FROM: JOHN KEPRI S CC:. VINCE COC , ED MACHOLDA, DONNA TILSNER, AND SUSIE MILLER. SUBJECT: 2007 BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS. DATE: MAY 26, 2006 For the 2007 budget assumptions process, I am recommending a no net gain from the 2006 Park and Recreation Department Budget other than the standard percentage increases in commodities, contractual services, personal services, and equipment replacement. To accomplish that goal, I am recommending that the Park and Recreation Administration Contractual Services budget (1600.6103) be reduced by $19,000 and that the Park and Recreation Maintenance Paths and Hard Surfaces budget (1647.6103) be increased by $19,000 for 2007. The City Council approved a $19,000 increase in the Park and Recreation Administration Professional Services budget for 2006 to fund a community -wide Needs Assessment Survey. Those funds will not be needed in 2007 in that particular line item budget. PATHS AND HARD SURFACES BUDGET Last year, I requested a $40,000 increase in the Paths and Hard Surfaces 2006 budget. The City Council approved half of that request, $20,000. This continues to be an under- funded account that is needed to maintain all hard surface paths, courts, and parking lots. If these critical routine hard surface maintenance needs are not addressed in a timely manner, the problem will escalate to a significantly more expensive problem that will require complete removal and rebuild of these hard surface areas. This line item budget is also called upon to pay for purchase and replacement of picnic tables, bleachers, park benches, fencing, field lighting, tables, chairs, signs, drinking fountains, and playground equipment repairs. We continue to fall behind in this area of maintenance and equipment replacement and we continue to hear the complaints from our customers. Over 1,000 lineal feet of pathway repair is being done on the asphalt trails at Bredesen Park in 2006. The repairs are about half of the needed repairs; however, current funding levels do not permit us to complete the job. There are other equally critical hard surface areas in desperate need of repair, such as, tennis courts, basketball courts, parking lots, and hard surface pathways. As of January 1, 2005, all pieces of equipment valued less than $2,500 are no longer funded through the Equipment Replacement Budget. The Park and Recreation Department has a significant amount of light equipment that requires replacement on an annual basis. Equipment includes smaller park -1 JP amenities and working tools, such as, picnic tables, park benches, chain saws, weed whips, and push lawn mowers. This is also the fund that pays for fencing additions and repairs, such as the new fencing for the new off -leash dog area. PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER POSITION As you may recall, last year I requested that we fill the Park Maintenance position vacancy that has not been reinstated since John Crawford's retirement in 2003. The request was denied. This year I am not making the same request; however, I do so under the assumption that we may continue to employ former full -time professional park maintenance workers on a seasonal basis to perform heavy equipment duties during the summer months. They require a higher hourly wage (with no benefits); however, they permit us to get large mowing duties without having to add full -time year around employees. I also am holding off on the request to reinstate this full -time position based on the premise that we will not be directed to increase the, level of forestry maintenance or weed control. A change to the Turf Management Policy in place or a directive to increase the level of buckthorn control would require more personnel. The same concern holds true if the Park Board and City Council direct staff to maintain more outdoor hockey rinks. hi other words, our professional staff workload is at capacity and at times arguably beyond capacity. Any additional maintenance expectations would result in something else being compromised. -2 1� INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: JOHN WALLIN, FINANCE DIRECTOR CC: ERIC ROGGEMAN, ASST. FINANCE DIRECTOR FROM: HEATHER WORTHINGTON, ASST. CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: 2007 BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS BY AREA DATE: 6/5/2006 CC: GORDON HUGHES, CITY MANAGER; CEIL SMITH, ASST. TO THE CITY MANAGER 1100 Mayor and Council: Ceil Smith is coordinating a council salary study at this time, and may bring forward suggestions for this area at a later date. 6104 Continuing Education: Increase $2,000 6106 Meeting Expense: Increase $2,000 Add: 6103 Professional Services: $5,000 1120 Administration: We are not anticipating major changes within the budget this year; however, we do have several areas where we would like to make small increases to specific line items: 6103 Professional Services: Increase $3,000 6104 Continuing Education: Increase $2,000 6107 Mileage: Increase to federal reimbursement amount per mile (IT costs submitted by Patty Latham directly) 1140 Planning: We anticipate that there may be additional changes, but at this point, we want to include a placeholder for the 2007 Comprehensive Plan process: 6103 Professional Services: Add $30,000 1180 Elections: Please see Deb Mangen's memo which is attached. 1195 Legal and Court Services: Please note these changes for 2007: 6103 Professional Services: $185,000 6131 Professional Services — Legal: $103,000 6170 Court Charges: $15,000 6225 Board and Room Prisoner: $35,000 1513 Employee Programs: 6203 Clothing Allowance: Add $10 per employee Add- 6103 Professional Services: $5,000 (Wellness Program) Memorandum To: John Wallin, Finance Director; Gordon Hughes, City Manager From: Bob Wilson, City Assessor Date: 06/02/2006 Re: 2007 Budget Assumptions Contractual Services Hennepin County has contracted with Pictometry International to create an Image Library of all parcels within the County. I have attached a memo describing the images and the accompanying software. Hennepin County has paid for these costs upfront and is willing to share the digital oblique images as well as the costs with each city. Based on the number of parcels in Edina, the cost would be approximately $5,200. They are scheduled to re -fly the county every two years and the fee is based on the flight schedule Hennepin County was flown this spring and we anticipate the images and the first bill to arrive this fall. I believe a number of departments in the city would benefit from this technology, including police, fire, planning, engineering, inspections and assessing. I do not foresee any other changes in my 2007 budget, other than inflationary adjustments., Hennepin County Taxpayer Services Department GIS Division - Suite A -2380 612.596.9484 Phone Hennepin County Government Center 612.348.7423 Fax Minneapolis, Minnesota 55487 www.hennepin.us IMay 17, 2006 To: Municipality Managers /Administrators City Assessors Police Chiefs From: Hennepin County GIS Division As you may already know, last month Hennepin County contracted with Pictometry International Corporation for the Pictometry Electronic Field Study Image Library and Software. Pictometry has created 'a Hennepin county Library of digital, full -color aerial imagery and geospatial information. The imagery includes oblique images, capturing every square foot of the county from as many as 12 directions, with pixel resolutions ranging one -and one -half feet to six inches. The unique oblique images reveal the front, back and sides of objects of interest rather than just the top, as with ortho images. The Image Library will be delivered with Pictometry's software tool — Electronic Field Study (EFS). EFS will permit users to locate images by searching either a specific address or geographic coordinate. Users will be able to measure distance, area, or height; determine an elevation from sea level; and annotate directly upon the images. Our contract allows us to share Pictometry and associated costs with municipalities in Hennepin County. The images and software will be available for distribution to municipalities in late summer /early fall of 2006. • Each municipality can have access to an Image Library that contains their geography as defined by parcel boundaries (plus a one -mile radius around the municipality boundary). • For the municipalities interested in using Pictometry, Hennepin County will provide Image Library setup and EFS training for up to two users. • The municipalities will share in the cost of Pictometry by paying $.25 per parcel or $1,000 - whichever is greater. More information regarding Pictometry can be found at their website: ww'Vv.Pictometry.coin . If you are interested in this opportunity and would like more details please feel free to contact me. Scott Simmer Hennepin County GIS Coordinator scott.simmer@co.hennepin.mn.us Pa cc, (S. n Equal .ycJ2d Paper City of Edina Equipment Inventory Listing Assessing Present Life Purchase Purchase Replacement In Replace Annual Equipment Year Price Unit Price Years Year Need ROLLING STOCK: Unit # Year Description 22.112 2005 Ford Taurus 22.111 1998 Ford Taurus 22.136 1999 Ford Crown Vic c 2005 Ford Taurus Greg (306) 2005 Moreau City of Edina Equipment Inventory Listing Assessing Present Life Purchase Purchase Replacement In Replace Annual Equipment Year Price Unit Price Years Year Need ROLLING STOCK: Unit # Year Description 22.112 2005 Ford Taurus 22.111 1998 Ford Taurus 22.136 1999 Ford Crown Vic 22.113 2005 Ford Taurus Greg (306) 2005 Moreau 1999 Rolling Stock Total OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Bev 2005 $ 11,947 $ 15,000 7 2012 Diane 1998 $ 14,419 $ 15,000 7 2005 Moreau 1999 $ 20,686 $ 15,000 7 •2006 Rick 2005 $ 11,947 $ 15,000 7 2012 Compaq PC Bob W L I Compaq PC Rick N L 1 Compaq PC Diane L1 Compaq PC Beverly L1 Compaq PC Liz L 1 Compaq PC Mitzi L Compaq PC. _ Moreau L1 Compaq PC Intern Ll BP Laser ect 8150 DN Printer BP Lasegect 6MP Printer Public Use PC (1) LI Total Computer Equipment ASSESSING TOTALS Other office Equipment $ 58,999 $ 60,000 2004 $ 1,255.64 $ 1,300 4 2008 2004 $ 1,255.64 $ 1,300 4 2008 2004 $ 1,255.64 $ 1,300 4 2008 2004 $ 1,255.64 $ 1,300 4 2008 2004 $ 1,255.64 $ 1,300 4 2008 2004 $ 1,255.64 $ 1,300 4 2008 2004 $ 1,255.64 $ 1,300 4 2008 - $- 1,300 4 2008 2000 $ 1,569.81 $ 3,000 4 2004 1998 $ 781.71 $ 650 4 2002 2000 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,300 4 2004 $ 13,141.00 $ 15,350 $ 72,140.00 $ 75,350 Palm Pilot 1999 $ 319.62 Epson Digital Camera 1999 $ 570.76 Olympus C7070 Camera 2005 $ 682.56 Olympus C -740 Camera 2004 $ 513.72 Shredder 2004 $ 240.00 $ 2,143 $ 2,143 $ 2,143 $ 2,429 $ 8,858 325.00 325.00 325.00 325.00 325.00 325.00 325.00 325.00 750.00 162.50 325.00 $ 3,838 12,695 2005 Equipment Replacement Carryover $ 41,972.00 2006 Budget $ 12,695.00 2006 Expenses $ 2006 End Balance $ 54,667.00 (Shortage)Excess over Need $ 54,667.00 AGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL JUNE 20, 2006 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Adoption of the Consent Agenda is made by the Commissioners as to HRA items and by the Council Members as to Council items. All agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) in bold print are Consent Agenda items and are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Commissioner, Council Member or citizen so requests it. In such cases the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF HRA - Regular Meeting of June 6, 2006 II. ADTOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting of June 6, 2006 II. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS - Zoning Ordinances: First Reading requires affirmative rollcall votes of three Council members except that a rezoning from residential to non - residential requires four affirmative votes. Second Reading requires affirmative rollcall votes of three of Council to pass except rezoning from residential to non - residential requires four affirmative votes. Waiver of Second Reading: Affirmative rollcall votes of four members of Council to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Properly Zoned Planned District: Affirmative rollcall vote of three Council members required passing. Conditional Use Permit: Affirmative rollcall vote of three Council members required to pass. Variance Appeal: Favorable rollcall of Council Members present to uphold or deny appeal Rollcall A. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF DENIAL OF VARIANCE - Robert Miller, 4622 Drexel Avenue III. CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS IV. AWARD OF BID A. Insurance Renewals: 1. Workers Compensation 2. General Liability 3. Property Agenda /Edina City Council June 20, 2006 Page 2 B. WTP #4 Chemical Room Expansion Roofing System - Utility Department C. Ventilation System for Expansion of Water Treatment Plant No. 4 - Utility Department D. 2006 Alley Projects & Stauder Circle, Contract No. ENG 06 -7, Imp. Nos. A -210, STS -325, A -211, A -223, STS -324 & STS -263 E. Steel Detail/Design 2 Change Orders Camelot Metals, Inc. - Gymnasium Construction F. Approve Annual Microsoft State Enterprise Agreement V. REPORTS/ RECOMMENDATIONS A. PUBLIC HEARING - Edina Youth Sports Task Force B. Resolution Accepting Various Donations C. Community Education Services Board and Community Health Committee Appointments D. Traffic Safety Staff Report for June 8, 2006 VI. FINANCE A. CONFIRMATION OF PAYMENT OF CLAIMS As per Pre -List dated June 7, 2006, TOTAL $394,142.83; June 13, 2006, TOTAL $1,378,244.92. VII. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS VIII. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES IX. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL X. MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEM Tues July 4 Wed July 5 Tues July 18 Tues Aug 1 Tues Aug 15 Tues Aug 29 Mon Sept 4 Tues Sept 5 Tues Sept 12 Tues Sept. 12 Tues Sept 19 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS INDEPENDENCE DAY OBSERVED - City Hall Offices Closed - Edina Parade Begins 10:00 A.M. Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMB' Filing Opens - City Council Offices 8:00 A.M. CM CLERK'S OFF. LABOR DAY OBSERVED - City Hall Offices Closed Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS FILING CLOSES City Council Office 5:00 P.M. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE PRIMARY ELECTION DAY - Polls Open From 7:00 A.M. until 8:00 P.M. Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MINUTES OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HELD AT CITY HALL JUNE 6, 2006, 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Housh, Hulbert, Masica, Swenson and Chair Hovland. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion seconded by Commissioner Masica approving the Housing and Redevelopment Authority as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Housh, Hulbert, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. made by Commissioner Swenson and Consent Agenda for the East Edina *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR MAY 16, 2006, APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Swenson and seconded by Commissioner Masica approving the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority for May 16, 2006, as presented. Motion carried on rollcall vote — five ayes. There being no further business on the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Agenda, Chair Hovland declared the meeting adjourned. Executive Director MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JUNE 6, 2006 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Housh, Hulbert, Masica, Swenson and Mayor Hovland. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Member Swenson and seconded by Member Masica approving the Council Consent Agenda as presented with the exception of Agenda Item I. Regular Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2006, Agenda Item V.I., Ratify School District Appointment to Human Rights & Relations Commission and Agenda Item VII.B., Receive Petition Requesting Sound Wall - West Side of TH 100 between Vernon Avenue and Minnehaha Creek. Rollcall: Ayes: Housh, Hulbert, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. *MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETINGS OF MAY 16, 2006, MAY 24, 2006, AND MAY 30, 2006, APPROVED Motion made by Member Swenson and seconded by Member Masica approving the Special Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2006, May 24, 2006, and May 30, 2006, as presented. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 16, 2006, APPROVED AS AMENDED Member Masica asked removal of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 16, 2006, from the Consent Agenda for an amendment. Member Masica made a motion approving the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Edina City Council for May 16, 2006, as amended. Member Swenson seconded the motion. Ayes: Housh, Hulbert, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 2006 -66 FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMENDATION TO RESIDENTS PRESENTED Mayor Hovland presented Certificates of Commendation to Andrey Nikiforov and Ilia Nikiforov for their quick response and action in saving the life of another Edina resident. Member Masica made a motion approving the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2006-66 OF COMMENDATION WHEREAS, on the evening of April 14, 2006, at 7201 York Avenue, an Edina citizen had been in the pool and accidentally slipped into the deep end of the pool. The victim was not able to swim and was unable to stay above the water. Andrey Page 1 Minutes/Edina City Council/lune 6, 2006 V and Ilia Nikiforov were asked by friends of the victim to help rescue him from the bottom of the pool. Andrey and Ilia Nikiforov immediately and heroically jumped in the pool and rescued the victim from the pool bottom. They began CPR and clearly saved the life of the citizen. When the Edina Police and Paramedic,/Firefighters arrived, the victim was breathing on his own and is now completely recovered from the incident. WHEREAS, without the immediate unselfish action and heroics of Andrey Nikiforov and Ilia Nikiforov, the victim would have drowned. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council, Fire and Police Departments and all Edina residents hereby express thanks and commend Andrey Nikiforov and Ilia Nikiforov for their quick response and action in saving the life of another Edina citizen Dated this 6th day of June, 2006. Member Housh seconded the motion. Ayes: Housh, Hulbert, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. POLICE CANINE OFFICER AND CANINE 'DIESEL' INTRODUCED Mayor Hovland introduced Edina Canine Officer Mike Seeger and his canine companion "Diesel ". Chief Siitari said Diesel was the second canine at the City of Edina and came from Slovakia. Donations received from various sources as well as the Edina Federated Women and the Pohlad Foundation made Diesel's presence possible. Chief Siitari said that Mike Seeger is the dog's trainer and handler and Diesel will be involved with tracking, searching, apprehension and narcotics detection and making Edina a safer place. *RESOLUTION NO 2006 -65 LOT DIVISION APPROVED - 5710/5714 HANSEN ROAD Member Swenson introduced the following resolution, seconded by Member Masica, and moved its approval: RESOLUTION NO, 2006 -65 LOT DIVISION 5710/5714 HANSEN ROAD WHEREAS, the following described tract of land, the north 135 feet of the South 399 feet of Lot 6 in GARDEN PARK, Hennepin County, Minnesota, (described area in 00,000 sq. ft.) PARCEL A: That part of the north 71.08 feet of the South 399 feet of Lot 6 in GARDEN PARK, Hennepin County, Minnesota (described area is 00,000 sq. ft.) PARCEL B: That part of the north 135 feet of the South 399 feet of Lot 6, in GARDEN PARK, Hennepin County, Minnesota (described area is 00,000 sq. ft.) WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Code Sections 810 and 850. Page 2 W Minutes/Edina City Council/Tune 6, 2006 NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of the second above described Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Code Sections 850 and 810 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land, but only to the extent permitted under Code section 810 and Code Section 850 and subject to the limitations set out in Code Section 850 and said ordinances are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provisions thereof, and further subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *RESOLUTION NO 2006 -67 HEARING DATE SET OF TUNE 20, 2006, AND 60 DAY EXTENSION FROM ACTION GRANTED FOR APPEAL OF VARIANCE DENIAL - 4622 DREXEL AVENUE Motion made by Member Swenson and seconded by Member Masica introducing the following resolution and moving it adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2006-67 SETTING HEARING DATE OF JUNE 20, 2006, AND GRANTING 60 DAY EXTENSION FROM ACTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE EDINA CITY COUNCOUNCIL setting June 20, 2006 as the hearing date for the appeal on the variance denial for 4622 Drexel Avenue. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL that an extension from action is hereby granted on the Variance submitted by Robert Miller until August 17, 2006. Adopted this 61h day of June, 2006. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS: Members of the "Friends of the Nature Center" introduced themselves, Jean White, 5290 Villa Way, Tim Cregan, 6704 Point Drive, Jude Olson, 5516 Dundee Road, and Brian Pella, 1430 County Road 92, Independence, MN. Jeanne Hanson, 6708 Cornelia Drive introduced Karen Schrag, Director of the Woodlake Nature Center. Ms. Hanson, Ms. White, Mr. Cregan and Mr. Pella, "Friends of the Nature Center" members informed the Council via a Power Point Presentation about the proposal as follows: Edina Nature Center: • Mission Statement: to provide Edina residents of all ages with a Nature Center in a healthful natural setting where they can learn about and enjoy local natural envirorunent - a gathering place that will enhance the future of the whole community. • Focus: Open a Nature Center with programs, classes, exhibits, and meeting spaces analogous to those at the Edina Art Center and Edina History center. • Location: Bredesen Park, in a "green building ". Audiences to be served: School age children, 18.8% of Edina; School age kids and their families - c. 25% of Edina; Adults, age 20 - 64, 53% of Edina; Seniors (over 65), 22.7% of Edina; Preschool age children, 5.4% of Edina Community Value of a Nature Center: Page 3 Minutes/Edina City Council/Tune 6, 2006 Deepens pride in our shared resources; Enhances understanding of the natural world; Demonstrates interaction of citizens and nature (e.g. flood control); Provides education /exercise /entertainment /service opportunities for all citizens; Helps to maintain high property values; Adds a joyful gathering place to Edina Community Fit: Not Duplicative; Unique Edina Offerings, e.g. organic wine and cattail canap6 event; mystery story - writing night for teens; adult nature poetry workshop; daytime astronomy; anatomy of a creek Other City Nature Centers: Woodlake Nature Center/ Richfield; Westwood Hills Nature Center /St. Louis Park; Springbrook Nature Center /Fridley; Maplewood Nature Center/ Maplewood; Harriet Alexander Nature Center/ Roseville The Nature Center's Exhibits, Examples: Maps of Nine Mile' Creek and Minnehaha Creek from their sources to Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers; Tapes of local bird songs; Winning images from a photography contest; Loans from Bell Museum, such as birds'nests; Microscope images of algae, water beetles The Nature Center's Programs and Classes, Examples: Nightfall bird watching, by wheelchair; Fun challenges for teens: Paddling 10 Edina ponds all next Saturday; Building a rain garden; Snow shoeing; "Celebrating' the carp; Observing the moon with binoculars The Nature Center's Performances /Events /Examples: Nature choreography/ dance; Honey harvest from hives; Seniors sharing about what Edina used to look like; Weddings, birthday parties, small corporate retreats; Service projects by high school students Advantages of Bredesen Park Site: City owned; Parking lot in place; Plumbing in place; Perimeter trail and inner trail systems in place; Natural setting, open water, wetlands, oak savanna look - alike; Part of Nine Mile Creek Watershed District; Several sites are high/ dry to meet Watershed District regulations; Bridge may connect Bredesen and natural areas at EHS and Creek Valley Proposed "Green Building ": Green architecture; Building at 4000 sf adequate for expansion; Two /three small shelters further into park; Landscaping with native plants; Environmental art inside and out Design/ Materials of "Green Buildings': Exteriors could be local wood, recycled glass, natural turf, solar panels, wastewater recycled, clivus toilets, permeable pavers, roofs, salvaged or certified lumber, geothermal, waste wood beams, soybean hull countertops, biodegradable linoleum floors, sun - tracking skylights, etc. Proposed "Green Buildings" Utilities: Estimated 35% reduction in energy costs over same sized buildings after initial investment is made Proposed "Green Buildings" Overall Costs: Flatpak House proposed at $175/$299/sf; Glidehouse proposed at $200 /sf; Architect designed pre -fabs run $200/ $350 / sf Construction Costs: Page 4 I Minutes/Edina Citv Council/iune 6, 2006 Estimated cost: $1 million; $250,000 / two or three small shelters; $40,000 initial green landscaping; $50,000/ scientific equipment and programming; and $30,000 for fixtures/ furniture; TOTAL $1,360.00. Operating Budget/ Expenses: Proposed Annual Operating Budget at $413,000 Operating Budget /Income: $48,000, including memberships, rental of facility, tuition from classes/ programs. Funding: Donations /Gifts accepted via Edina Foundation; Secure financing through schools, adult education and watershed district Ms. Hanson concluded the benefit to Edina of a Nature Center would be a resource for all citizens, a place to gather, learn and experience nature at a full -time center. It would be an excellent use of a section of Bredesen Park as well as an inspiration similar to the Edina Art Center and Edina History Center. She indicated that the proposed project was worthy of the City's support as well as support from private sources. Ms. Hanson shared her e-mail address for contact ikhlitQaol.com. Eric Brofein, 11550 Oberland Road, Minnetonka, said he was an environmental science teacher at Edina High School as well as certified in chemistry, biology and life science. He elaborated about projects that have been completed by students, and said the proposed center would be a huge benefit to the City and to teachers setting up field trips. Following a Co discmsiori,- A4ember - Swenson made -a- motion accepting the report as presented and suggested the proposal be a part of the Park and Recreation Department needs assessment survey scheduled for distribution to random residents in September following the Council's approval of the assessment. Member Masica seconded the motion. Ayes: Housh, Hulbert, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Mark Simmons, 5517 Bedford Avenue, did not appear to speak. Manager Hughes informed the Council that Sanitarian Engelman will continue to follow the progress of Mr. Simmons concerns. *AWARD OF BID FOR MILL AND OVERLAY IMPROVEMENT PROTECT - CONTRACT NO. ENG 06 -04 Motion made by Member Swenson and seconded by Member Masica for award of bid for mill and overlay improvement project, Contract No. Eng. 06 -04 to recommended low bidder, Bituminous Roadways, Inc., at $584,767.00. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *AWARD OF BID FOR VIDEO STREAMING Motion made by Member Swenson and seconded by Member Masica for award of bid for Video Streaming to recommended low bidder, Granicus at $13,447.50. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. RESOLUTION NO. 2006 -61 ACCEPTING VARIOUS DONATIONS Mayor Hovland explained in order to comply with State Statutes; all donations to the City must be adopted by Resolution and approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donations. Page 5 Minutes/Edina City Council/lune 6, 2006 1 Member Swenson made a motion approving the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 2006-61 ACCEPTING DONATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF EDINA WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 465.03 allows cities to accept grants and donations of real or personal property for the benefit of its citizens; WHEREAS, said donations must be accepted via a resolution of the Council adopted by a two thirds majority of its members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council accepts with sincere appreciation the following listed donations on behalf of its citizens. Donations to the Edina Senior Center as follows: Edina Community Foundation $827.65 Senior Center Volunteer Recognition Edina Community Foundation $158.90 Painting Supplies for Fireside Room Mural Mary Hertogs $300.00 Water Color Painting in memory of Maureen Malinosky Donations to the Edina Art Center as follows: Janet Palmer $ 50 Art books Barbara Bindgen $500 Susan Sheets $ 30 Cassandra and Mark Litman $ 20 Colleagues of Calligraphy $100 --Dolores Dege $10 Ken Rosland $10 Judy Babcock $ 75 Decorative tiles William Rickman $ 50 Art supplies Dated: June 6, 2006 Member Masica seconded the motion. Ayes: Housh, Hulbert, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. RATIFY SCHOOL DISTRICT APPOINTMENT TO HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION Member Masica asked that the Appointment to the Human Rights & Relations Commission by the Edina School District be removed from the Consent Agenda for further information. Upon reading that six appointments to the Commission were from the School District and six were appointed by the Council she asked for background. Mr. Hughes said when the Commission was formed the focus was more on human relations. Member. Masica questioned whether the School District contributes to the Commissions budget. Mr. Hughes responded the School District makes no contribution to the commissioner's budget. Motion made by Member Masica and seconded by Member Swenson ratifying the Edina School Board Appointment of Emery Erickson to serve on the Human Rights & Relations Commission filling an unexpired term ending January 31, 2007. Member Swenson seconded the motion. Ayes: Housh, Hulbert, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Page 6 1 Minutes/Edina City Council/iune 6, 2006 *RESOLUTION NO. 2006 -62 APPROVING RECONVEYANCE OF TAX FORFEIT PROPERTY TO THE STATE OF MINNESOTA - POINT DRIVE Member Swenson introduced Resolution No. 2006 -62, seconded by Member Masica and moved adoption as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 2006-62 REQUESTING THE RECONVEYENCE OF TAX FORFEIT PROPERTY TO THE STATE OF MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the Village of Edina on June 11, 1971, received from the State of Minnesota a tax forfeited property described as: Commencing at the northeasterly corner of Lot 16, thence southwesterly along easterly line of said lot to a point 149 feet northeasterly from southeasterly corner thereof; thence at an angle to the right of 139 degrees, 42 minutes to the northerly line of said Lot 16, thence easterly along said north line to beginning, all in Lot 16, Block 1, SOUTHDALE THIRD ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, (PID No. 30- 02824420025); and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Edina City Council that there are no existing or pending special assessments on said parcel; and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Edina City Council that there is no public purpose for the aforementioned parcel. BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Edina, that the City Clerk be authorized and directed to file, "Reconveyance of Forfeited Lands to the State of Minnesota by A Governmental Subdivision," for the property described above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the sale of the aforementioned property be restricted to the adjacent property owners. Adopted this 6th day of June, 2006. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. RESOLUTION NO. 2006-63 APPROVED AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK - JOINT ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS Member Masica asked that the Agreement with the City of St. Louis Park for joint Roadway Improvements be removed from the Consent Agenda for further information. She inquired whether the watermain work was a shared expense. Mr. Houle said on this particular project there was no watermain work involved. This project involves mill and overlay and curb and gutter. Member Masica asked which City is responsible for snowplowing in the area. Mr. Houle said it was a shared responsibility. Member Masica questioned where the funds were from to pay for this roadway improvement. Mr. Houle said funds were from reserve appropriations. Member Masica introduced the following resolution, seconded by Member Housh, as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 2006-63 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK JOINT ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT CITY PROJECT NO. 2005-10 Page 7 Minutes/Edina City Council/Tune 6, 2006 WHEREAS, the City of St. Louis Park has proposed to resurface the border streets + that include West 40th Street, Natchez Avenue, Morningside Road and Browndale Avenue as part of their yearly pavement management program; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost to the City of Edina to accomplish this resurfacing is $50,126.63; and WHEREAS, staff has reviewed the plans and estimated costs and recommends approval of the agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Edina enter into an agreement with the City of St. Louis Park for their offer of resurfacing the border streets before mentioned. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that James B. Hovland, Mayor and Gordon Hughes, Edina City Manager, are hereby authorized to execute such agreements and amendments as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the City of Edina. Dated: June 6, 2006. Ayes: Housh, Hulbert, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 2006 -64 APPROVING THE TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION LOWERING THE STATEWIDE RESIDENTIAL ROADWAY SPEED LIMIT TO 25 MPH; AND APPROVING STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION REGARDING THE 25 MPH RESIDENTIAL SPEED LIMIT Assistant Engineer Lillehaug said the Transportation Commission at their March 16, 2006, meeting, asked staff to review the City's Speed Limit Policy and prepare a report for consideration of a 25 MPH Speed Limit Policy for residential areas. On April 20, 2006, staff recommended that the current Speed Limit Policy of 30 MPH be maintained unless documented safety issues exist and a speed study had been conducted by Mn/ DOT or the statewide limit was lowered to 25 MPH. On May 18, 2006, the Transportation Commissioners voted to recommend to the Council adoption of a resolution recommending a 25 MPH speed limit policy in residential areas. Staff evaluated the current policy, including safety, cost, implementation strategy and enforcement. Mr. Lillehaug stated that safety was the most important factor. He said the more consistent something was the safer it was. Mr. Lillehaug added changing the approximately 1100 speed limit signs on residential streets would be expensive and no funds have been designated for this purpose. Mr. Lillehaug noted that a number of requests have been received to lower the speed limit. Streets classified as collector or arterial could not be posted lower than 30 MPH. Some roads were state aid roads where the City receives funding for maintenance of the roads. Reclassifying the roads could affect the City's budget. Staff recommended rather than adopting a 25 MPH Speed Limit Policy, they recommended a City resolution calling for a statewide lowering of the urban, residential speed limit on local roadways from 30 MPH to 25 MPH. He said if the state to lowered the speed limit statewide, more cities would implement the 25 MPH speeds making more consistent speeds statewide. Jean White, a member of the Transportation Commission summarized the discussion on this issue at the May Transportation Commission meeting. Page 8 Minutes/Edina City Council /tune 6, 2006 Member Hulbert questioned whether this issue could be used by the Transportation Commission as an addition to their tool box to aid traffic calming. She further suggested not making a decision until information was received from other cities about their speed policies. Mr. Hughes said in summary, a motion could be adopted that would refer the issue back to the Transportation Commission because they did not have a full complement of members when the vote was taken and recommend their focus being on other cities who have implemented a 25 MPH residential speed limit and what criteria they used for their decision. He indicated another scenario would be to keep the issue at the Council level and direct staff to find information from other cities and bring that information directly back to the Council. Following a Council discussion, Member Swenson made a motion approving the following resolution as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 2006-64 RESOLUTION. OF SUPPORT FOR STATEWIDE LOCAL, RESIDENTIAL ROADWAY 25 MPH SPEED LIMIT WHEREAS, drivers traveling at high speeds are less aware of their surroundings and have less time to notice and react to pedestrians and bicyclists; and WHEREAS, relatively small increases in vehicle speed can greatly increase the chances that a pedestrian will die in a vehicle -to- pedestrian crash; and . WHEREAS, experts on street design say that 20 to 25 miles per hour is the maximum -safe speed for residential streets; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina supports ensuring speed limits maximize safety for all roadway users including drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists; and WHERAS, the City of Edina supports goals that do not unfairly raise the expectations of our citizens with regard to the relative safety of the streets; and WHEREAS, passage would result in a uniform statewide speed limit that would create consistency with regard to the way similar streets are posted and speeds are enforced in our communities. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS THEREBY RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Edina does hereby strongly support a statewide lowering of the speed limit from 30 miles per hour to 25 miles per hour on local, residential roadways. Passed and adopted this 6th day of June, 2006. Member Housh seconded the motion. Ayes: Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Nays: Hulbert Motion carried. Member Masica made a motion approving staff's recommendation regarding the 25 MPH residential speed limit as follows: "The City of Edina's current City Speed Limits Traffic policy shall be maintained with the basic minimum speed limit of 30 MPH. The City of Edina shall not consider lowering the speed limit of a residential street unless documented safety issues exist and a traffic speed study has been conducted by MrVDOT indicating the speed should be lowered; or the statewide urban, local, residential speed limit is lowered from 30 MPH to 25 MPH. The updated policy shall be the basis for the City's speed limits traffic policy." Page 9 Minutes/Edina City Council/Tune 6, 2006 Member Swenson seconded the motion. Ayes: Housh, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Nays: Hulbert Motion carried. DATE SET FOR 2006 BRAEMAR INSPECTION TOUR Motion made by Member Swenson and seconded by Member Masica setting July 11. 2006, as the 41st Annual Braemar Inspection Tour. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *CONFIRMATION OF CLAIMS PAID Member Swenson made a motion and Member Masica seconded the motion approving payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated May 17, 2006, and consisting of 37 pages: General Fund $172,479.65; Communications Fund $2,251.99; Working Capital Fund $40,649.05; Art Center Fund $2,626.71; Golf Dome Fund $16,119.43; Aquatic Center Fund $10,437.39; Golf Course Fund $38,647.81; Ice Arena Fund $32,324.68; Edinborough/Centennial Lakes Fund $21,782.91; Liquor Fund $181,228.16; Utility Fund $613,269.64; Storm Sewer Fund $2,567.03; Recycling Fund $33,992.60, PSTF Agency Fund $13,670.36; TOTAL $1,182,047.41; and for approval of payment of claims dated May 24, 2006; and consisting of 29 pages: General Fund $106,010.19; Communications Fund $6,307.83; Working Capital Fund $32,502.26; Construction Fund $23.11; Art Center Fund $8,875.08; Golf Dome Fund $41.52, Aquatic Center Fund $575.79; Golf Course Fund $40,355.04, Ice Arena Fund $239.29; Edinborough/Centennial Lakes Fund $11,011.87, Liquor Fund $153,074.61; Utility Fund $27,097.38; Storm Sewer Fund $1,759.16; PSTF Agency Fund $1,425.44; TOTAL $389,298.57; and for approval of payment of claims dated May 31, 2006, and consisting of 33 pages: General Fund $386,963.00, Communications Fund $3,578.14; Working Capital Fund $11,721.93; Art Center Fund $8,118.20; Golf Dome Fund $1,114.63; Aquatic Center Fund $1,993.01; Golf Course Fund $58,686.06; Ice Arena Fund $5,305.98; Edinborough/Centennial Lakes Fund $19,031.75; Liquor Fund $154,759.07; Utility Fund $36,445.61; Storm Sewer Fund $128.57; PSTF Agency Fund $675.16; TOTAL $688,521.11. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. *PETITION RECEIVED REQUESTING SIDEWALK ON PARK TERRACE NEAR MALIBU DRIVE Member Swenson made a motion accepting a petition requesting sidewalk on Park Terrace near Malibu Drive and to refer the petition to the Engineering Department for processing as to feasibility. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. PETITION RECEIVED REQUESTING SOUND WALL - WEST SIDE OF TH 100 BETWEEN VERNON AVENUE AND MINNEHAHA CREEK Mr. Hughes explained the City received a petition circulated by Dennis L. Knuer, 4821 Westbrook Lane and signed by thirty -one property owners on Edinbrook Lane, Westbrook Lane, West 48th Street, West 49th Street and Millpond Place requesting a sound wall on the west side of Trunk Highway 100 between Vernon Avenue and Minnehaha Creek. He said the City's normal procedure was to refer the petition to the Engineering Department for processing as to feasibility. Page 10 Minutes/Edina City Council/iune 6, 2006 Mr. Hughes informed the Council the issue of the sound wall had been before the Council in the past and normally would be referred to the Engineering Department for processing. After the Engineering Department declared if the project was feasible, the issue would be back before the Council. Mayor Hovland asked for the number of affected properties. Mr. Houle noted that there were 45 - 50 potentially affected properties. Member Housh recollected there were residents on both sides of the issue at the last public hearing held on the sound wall. Member Swenson, Member Hulbert and Mayor Hovland intimated. the normal process should be followed and the petition submitted to the Engineering Department for processing as to feasibility and cost. Member Swenson made a motion accepting receipt of a petition circulated by Dennis Knuer, 4821 Westbrook Lane, and signed by thirty-one property owners on Edinbrook Lane, Westbrook Lane, West 48th Street, West 49th Street and Millpond Place requesting a sound wall on the west side of TH 100 between Vernon and Minnehaha Creek and to refer the petition to the Engineering Department for processing as to feasibility. Member Masica seconded the motion. Ayes: Housh, Hulbert, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES Following a discussion of whether a Public Hearing should be held on the Edina Youth Sports Task Force, Member Housh made a motion stating that a Public Hearing on the Edina Youth Sports Task Force be held on June 20, 2006, at the regular Council Meeting. Member Hulbert seconded the motion. Ayes: Housh, Hulbert, Masica, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Page 11 City Clerk ii too /le rQJ REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: , Mayor & City Council Agenda Item: II. A. From: Planning Department Consent ❑ Kris Aaker, Assistant Planner Information Only ❑ Date: June 20, 2006 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Action: ® Motion Appeal of Denial of Variance ❑ Resolution Robert Miller, 4622 Drexel Ave ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Info /Background: Robert Miller, owner of the property located at 4622 Drexel Ave., is appealing the May 4, 2006, Zoning Board of Appeals denial of his driveway width variance application to allow the removal and relocation of his existing driveway south of the home to access a detached garage to be constructed in the rear yard. The Zoning Board of Appeals heard driveway width variance requests for the property on April 6, 2006 and on May 4, 2006. Each was a separate application to the board. The first request was to allow an 11 1/2 ft driveway width and the second request was to allow a 10 1/2 ft driveway width along the south side of the home. The ordinance requires a minimum width of 12 ft for newly constructed driveways. The property owner is hoping to in -fill the existing front loading garage with living space, add onto the back of the home and construct a new detached garage in the rear yard. All aspects of the plan conform to the ordinance requirements with the exception of the driveway width. The first variance application was to allow a driveway width of approximately 11 1/2 ft. The driveway would have extended up to the south lot line and would have abutted the neighbor's driveway to the south. There were three members present at the April 6, 2006, Zoning Board meeting. Two of the members voted to deny and one of the members voted in favor of the request. Michael Fischer, one of the Zoning Board members who voted against the proposal stated his "no" vote was supportive of a driveway width variance. Mr. Fischer stated that he could support a greater variance and a narrower driveway that would be more in- keeping with other driveways in the neighborhood. The Zoning Board cannot act to allow a variance that is greater than notified for so a re- application for a narrower driveway than proposed was ti required. The property owner re- applied for a driveway width variance to allow a driveway width of 10'/2 % The Zoning Board of Appeals heard the homeowners request for a 1 '/2 ft driveway width variance that would allow for a 10 1/2 ft wide driveway with an 18 inch planting strip along the south side of the new driveway on May 4, 2006. There were four members present at the hearing. Two members voted in favor of the motion to approve the, request and two members voted against the requested variance. The motion was denied due to lack of majority. The property owner is appealing the May 4, 2006, denial of the Zoning Board of Appeal denial of a 1 '/2 ft driveway width variance to allow a driveway width of 10'/2 ft. W June 7, 2006 City of Edina Camelot Construction 15472 Filmore Street Elk River, MN 55330 Re: 4622 Drexel Ave., Edina, MN case file B- 06 -24. Dear Mr. Miller, The Edina City Council at their meeting of June 6, 2006, granted a 60 -day extension of your variance application B- 06 -24, 4622 Drexel Ave. for a driveway width variance. The action was necessary to extend the 60 -day time limit for taking action on your variance application. The City Council extended the application for an additional 60 days in order for the Council to hear and consider your appeal of the variance denial. The appeal will be heard on Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at 7:00 in the Edina Council Chambers, Edina City Hall, 4801 West 50th St. If you should have any questions please contact me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Kris Aaker Assistant Planner 952 - 826 -0461 City Hall 952 - 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX 952 - 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com TTY 952 - 826 -0379 Robert Miller 4622 Drexel Avenue Edina, Minnesota 55424 City of Edina Mayor and City Council Members Care of: City Clerk Re: Appeal to City Council 4622 Drexel Avenue South Hardship Variance Steep Drive in front of garage 5 -15 -06 I am requesting a hearing to appeal the decision of the Zoning board regarding the request for hardship on the steep slope in front of our garage. I would like to relocate my driveway to the South side of my property, and build a detached garage in the back yard, with a safely sloped area in front of it, to avoid slips, falls, and vehicles sliding across the public sidewalk and into the street. The votes on the first variance meeting would approve the request with the driveway width change from 12 to 10 feet, and the second meeting was a 2/2 vote with the revision as requested by Michael Fischer of the Zoning Board. Thank you for your time on this matter, Robert Miller, Owner �okNA C� � X006 CFO a MEMORANDUM ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA DATE: March 29, 2006 (revised June 16, 2006) TO: Kris Aaker — Assistant Planner FROM: Wayne Houle — City Engineer 0 C: Joyce Repya — Associate Planner Roger Glanzer — Utility Superintendent Engineering Curb Cut Permit File SUBJECT: Curb cut request for 4622 Drexel Avenue Engineering has reviewed the above request to move the existing curb cut located along the northerly property line to the southerly property line. After reviewing City Code Section 1205, 1 do not object to this curb cut relocation. I understand that Associate Planner - Joyce Repya, staff liaison with the Heritage Preservation Board, also does not object to this curb cut relocation. Engineering requires that the applicant re- establish the existing curb cut with the proper concrete curb and gutter, boulevard area, and new sidewalk as part of the curb cut permit. The applicant shall also contact Roger Glanzer — Edna Utility Superintendent to perform an inspection of the catch basin that is located in the proposed curb cut location. The new catch basin casting along with any other upgrades to the catch basin will also be at the applicant's expense. Engineering also requires that the applicant add a concrete curb (4-6" curb) along the southerly edge of the proposed driveway. This curb will retain the surface drainage from and to 4622 Drexel Avenue. Staff would also suggest that the drive be sloped to the north from the house to the sidewalk to prevent water from draining onto the adjoining property. Please contact me if you need additional information. Thanks BOARD MEETING MINUTES MAY 4, 2006 B -06 -23 Camelot Construction 4622 Drexel Avenue Request: Driveway Width Variance Ms. Aaker informed the Board the property owners of 4622 Drexel Ave. So. have applied for a 1 Y2 ft driveway width variance to allow access into the rear yard of their, property for the construction of a detached two car garage. The proposed driveway will be 10 Y2 ft in width. The Zoning Ordinance requires new driveways to be 12 ft in width. Ms. Aaker explained to the Board on April 6, 2006, the property owners requested a similar variance for the driveway width from the Zoning Board of Appeals. The request was for a 6 inch variance to allow for a driveway width of 11 Y2% There were three members present at the hearing. The 11 Y2 ft driveway width variance was denied by a 2 -1 vote. Two of the members felt a driveway width variance would be appropriate however; one of the members supporting a driveway width variance voted to deny because in his opinion the driveway should be constructed less than 11 1/2 ft in width as requested. The Board member believed the driveway width should be similar in width to others in the neighborhood, (8 -10 ft in width) and to allow spacing between the subject driveway and the driveway to the south. One Board member supported the request as submitted and the third felt there was no undue hardship present in support of a variance approval. Ms. Aaker concluded the homeowner has re- applied for a driveway width variance narrower than originally requested at the suggestion of one of the Zoning Board members. The new driveway will have a "stepped" retaining wall along the north side and will be at the same grade as the neighbor's driveway to the south. There will be an 18 ft planting strip between the subject driveway and the driveway to the south. The proposed 10 Y2 ft wide driveway will still be wider than many of the driveways that currently exist on the block and within the Country Club District. Mr. Samuelson representative for the proponents, Mr. Hoffman and Mr. Miller was present to respond to questions from the Board. Interested neighbors were also present. Mrs. Utne asked Ms. Aaker to clarify the request. Ms. Aaker told the Board the proponent is requesting a variance from the City's driveway width requirement of 12 feet. Ms. Aaker explained this request was previously heard by another Board and the request was denied with a 2 -1 vote. The request failed .because one of the Zoning Board members felt that the requested driveway width of 11.6" was too wide for the neighborhood and suggested that the proponents return to a Board with a proposal for a driveway less wide. The. Board Member indicated he would have supported the variance request if the width of the driveway was reduced. Mrs. Scherer said as she reviewed packet materials she observed another issue that was mentioned is the slope of the proposed new driveway is reduced, creating a safer driveway. Ms. Aaker responded that is correct. The new driveway will be relocated to the south side of the lot and constructed at a lesser grade. Mr: Samuelson addressed the Board and informed them he is representing Matt Hoffman the proponent. With graphics he pointed out the existing driveway pitch and the pitch of the proposed new driveway. Mr. Samuelson noted the proposed driveway pitch has almost a 50% reduction. He added the proponent has two young children and it is very important to him that the driveway is constructed at a grade less steep. Mr. Samuelson said a concern mentioned at the previous meeting was the height of the proposed retaining wall. Mr. Samuelson said after careful review the retaining wall was redesigned and now will be terraced reducing the height of the wall in increments. Continuing, Mr. Samuelson said the plan before the Board this evening is at the suggestion of Mike Fischer, Zoning Board Member who at the last meeting suggested reducing the width of the driveway. Mr. Samuelson said Mr. Fischer felt a driveway width of over 11 feet was out of character in the Country Club neighborhood since most of the driveway widths in the district are considerably less. Mr. Samuelson asked the Board to note the reduction in driveway width and the proposed "strip of land" between the subject driveway and the abutting driveway. Concluding, Mr. Samuelson said in his opinion the reduction in driveway slope and retaining wall height is an important improvement to the lot. He also added the renovation of the home and the construction and placement of the garage in the rear yard vs. the existing "tuck under" situation is of benefit to the District and more in keeping with the look and feel of the Country Club neighborhood. Mr. Delcinedes, 4624 Drexel Avenue, told the Board his driveway is at least as steep as the subject driveway, adding he spoke with the previous owner, Mr. Fulton and Mr. Fulton indicated to him his vehicles never "slid down" the driveway. Mr. Delcinedes said the Country Club neighborhood consists of 554 homes, adding in his opinion no one would want to share a driveway if they didn't have too. Continuing, Mr. Delcinedes said he spoke with a realtor, Mr. McDonnell who informed him if the driveway was moved from north to south the new driveway location would have a negative impact on his property values. Mr. Delcinedes told the Board Mr. McDonnell indicated his willingness to testify to that fact. With photos Mr. Delcinedes pointed out to the Board there are a number of homes (over 40) in the District with "tuck under" garages, adding at the previous meeting there was a statement indicating garages in the rear yard are more in keeping with the district, and these photo's show that statement was unfounded. Concluding, Mr. Delicinedes informed the Board in his neighborhood there are 22 young children and the proposed driveway change would endanger not only his children but the neighborhood children that go in and out of his yard. Mrs. Vasaly asked Mr. Delcinedes the width of his driveway. Mr. Delcinedes responded he believes his driveway is 8 feet in width. Mr. Delcinedes reiterated he has a concern with safety, reiterating side -by -side driveways pose a safety concern for children and a financial concern for his property. He added he had a great relationship with the former neighbor and is worried that a variance will be approved for a contractor (not a resident) coming in to "flip" this house. Mrs. Delcinedes, 4624 Drexel Avenue asked the Board to deny this request. She stated the proponent hasn't been neighborly and with photos shared with the Board pictures of neighborhood children sliding and snowboarding down the proponent's driveway and yard. She pointed out the proponent was remiss in shoveling their sidewalk and driveway, adding if the driveway was shoveled a vehicle wouldn't slip. Ms. Neale, 4623 Drexel told the Board a majority of neighbors object to this request, adding there is no hardship to support the change in driveway location, adding the proposed location is detrimental to the safety of the neighborhood children. Ms. Neale pointed out a tree will be removed to accommodate the new driveway and garage, and a catch basin will have to be relocated. Continuing, Ms. Neale submitted to the Board a petition from neighbors indicating their objection to the change in driveway location. Ms. Neale asked the Board to reject this request pointing out the neighbors strongly object to relocating the driveway and have unanimously rejected this request. Ms. Jackson, 4604 Drexel Avenue stated the proposed change in driveway places an undue hardship on the Delcinedes property. The Delcinedes should not have a driveway next to theirs which would create an unsafe situation. Ms. Herman, 4602 Drexel told the Board she lives in a house with a shared driveway, adding in her opinion it isn't desirable. Ms. Herman said the proposed "strip" of grass between drives, in her opinion, looks awful. Mrs. Scherer asked Ms. Aaker if all the driveways along Drexel have their driveways on the north side. Ms. Aaker responded at least in the immediate area it appears the majority of the homes have the driveway on the north, however, there are homes on the block that share a drive, with some driveways located on the south side. Mrs. Vasaly asked for clarification on the reduction in the slope of the driveway. She said her main concern is with the slope of the driveway, adding she wants some assurance the slope of the proposed driveway will be reduced if this request is approved and the driveway relocated. Mr. Samuelson said the grade of the existing driveway ranges from 887 at the street to 893.22 at the top of the drive or a pitch of 8.43. The new driveway pitch is proposed at around 4.82 or roughly almost a 50% reduction. Mrs. Vasaly said she wanted to make sure the new driveway doesn't have such a steep slope, adding she believes the slope of the existing driveway presents a hardship and is unsafe. Mrs. Vasaly moved to approve the request for a driveway width variance noting the reduction in driveway slope is positive. Mrs. Scherer seconded the motion for the purpose of discussion. Mr. Schwartzbauer stated in his opinion there isn't enough room for two driveways in that location. Mr. Schwartzbauer acknowledged the attractiveness of the proposed remodel; however, he believes an attractive home could be constructed leaving the driveway exactly where it is. Mr. Schwartzbauer said he also feels a shared driveway situation is unsafe. Mrs. Scherer said she believes the house redesign is good, but cannot be persuaded to approve this variance. She added in her opinion keeping the driveway on the north side of the property is consistent with driveway placement in this immediate neighborhood. Mrs. Vasaly stated she supports the variance. She added she believes the steep grade of the driveway poses a safety issue; she also observed the relocation of the driveway was reviewed by both the City Engineer and Staff Liaison to the Heritage Preservation Board. Mrs. Vasaly also noted the majority of driveways in the District are not 12 feet in width, they are less. Concluding, Mrs. Vasaly said the photo's the Board viewed this evening with children using the subject property and subject driveway to sled and snowboard confirms in her mind reducing the slope of the driveway is an improvement which addresses the safety issue. Chair Utne told the Board she supports the request. She said what the Board is considering at this time is a variance for driveway width, reiterating she supports the variance as presented, adding it is important to note the majority of the driveways in the Country Club District are not 12 feet wide, and "holding" this property to the Code would be a hardship. Chair Utne called the vote; Ayes; Vasaly, Utne. Nays; Schwartzbauer, Scherer. Motion failed. Chair Utne informed Mr. Samuelson the Board's decision can be appealed to the City Council. f� �Alg _,.- %T am .r r a ; LOCATION MAP DRIVEWAY s ODUhrRY CLUB RD EDWA CC PID:1802824130010 4622 Drexel Ave Edina, MN 55424 r-k O� Legend Highlighted Feahae Sheet Naas Labels NluniWal Boundary ,�/ Creeks pLakes pParks pPawels MEMORANDUM DATE: May 4, 2006 TO: Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Kris Aaker, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: 4622 Drexel Ave. So., Driveway width variance The property owners of 4622 Drexel Ave. So. have applied for a 1 Y2 ft driveway width variance to allow access into the rear yard of their property for the construction of a detached two car garage. The proposed driveway will be 10 Y2 ft in width. The Zoning Ordinance requires new driveways to be 12 ft in width. On April 6, 2006, the property owners requested a similar variance for the driveway width from the Zoning Board of Appeals. The request was for a 6 inch variance to allow for a driveway width of 11 Y2 ft. There were three members present at the hearing. The 11 Y2 ft driveway width variance was denied by a 2 -1 vote. Two of the members felt a driveway width variance would be appropriate however; one of the members supporting a driveway change voted for denial because it was the Board member's opinion the driveway should be less than 11 1/2 ft as requested. The Board member believed the driveway width should be similar in width to others in the neighborhood, (8 -10 ft in width), to allow spacing between the subject driveway and the driveway to the south. One Board member supported the request as submitted and the third felt there is no undue hardship present in support of a variance approval. The homeowner has re- applied for a driveway width variance narrower than originally requested at the suggestion of one of the Zoning Board members. The new driveway will have a "stepped" retaining wall along the north side and will be at the same grade as the neighbor's driveway to the south. There will be an 18 ft planting strip between the subject driveway and the driveway to the south. The proposed 10 Y2 ft wide driveway will still be wider than many of the driveways that currently exist on the block and within the Country Club District. Attached for reference are the following materials: Original site plans. Staff report Minutes of the April 6, 2006 meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals. F ^ 01 o Re CASE NUMBER DATE 2 FEE PAID 2W 00 Planning Department 4801 West Fiftieth Street * Edina, MN 55424 * (952) 826 -0369 FAX (952) 826 -0389 APPLICATION FOR: VARIANCE /FEE RES. $200 /NON -RES. $400 APPLICANT: NAME: ADDRESS /ZIP: IM jf.gw we Ck- CLK -2tuoYL nor' 5-5336 PHONE:(D,0417 -4"7 PROPERTY OWNER: NAME: 4)'6 F 1 r1�11e2 ADDRESS /ZIP: -( (DD�a lzeF 6 �s'YZ� -( PHONE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: L-4 -12. �- MAruoou -A 74k3° G t Vr SIM(c r p7r r/L w,4y S 0cr PROPERTY ADDRESS:�CO,Z 172e'XEL i)va, PRESENT ZONING: P.I.D.# I EXPLANATION. OF REQUEST: DP,(uG1044 -1`01W 110021+221,6 (Use reverse side or additional pages if necessary) ARCHITECT: NAME:1�Ay,i:> CG5o0 PHONE: U �,'�' —CNH --778 SURVEYOR: NAME ? s-%w--P H0NE: Property ner's Signatur (Date) pplica t Signatu a (Date) R Zoning Board Application .............Page 2 Minnesota Statutes and Edina ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: Relieve an undue hardship which was not self imposed or a mere inconvenience. Yes - The existing slope of the driveway is extremely dangerous. Cars, parked in the driveway during slippery conditions, slide down the driveway, across the sidewalk, and into the street. Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property, but not applicable to other property, in the vicinity or zoning district. Yes — See same answer above Preserve a substantial property right possessed by other property in the vicinity and zoning district. Yes - To bring property into alignment with original Country Club Historical preservation, which stated no garages facing the street in front of house. Not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity or zoning district. Yes - Extensive remodel and addition improves the property value in the neighborhood, and brings it in alignment with the surrounding homes and neighborhood. City of Edina May 4, 2006 Camelot Construction 15472 Filmore Street Elk River, MN 55330 Re: 4622 Drexel Avenue, Edina, MN - B -06 -24 — a driveway width variance for 4622 Drexel Avenue, Edina, MN Dear Mr. Miller: In connection with your recent request for a driveway width variance, which was heard by the Edina Zoning Board on Thursday, May 4, 2006, may we advise you that same has been denied. If you wish to appeal the decision of the Zoning Board to the Edina City Council, a letter of intent must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than May 14, 2006. If you have further questions on this matter, please feel free to contact me at 952 - 826 -0465. Sincerely, Jackie Hoogenakker Zoning Board of Appeals h City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com 952 - 927 -8861 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 TTY 952 - 826 -0379 Edina City Council 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 To Whom It May Concern: This is a letter of support for Robert Miller, owner of the home at 4622 Drexel Avenue South. Plans for a much - needed, extensive renovation of the home designated above are in place pending approval and we wish to state our approval of these plans. Our home is located-just next door to the home in question, on the lot to the north, at • 0/_V L CAcl Avet]ue South, and we recently uiidl stook a inasslve addiiiolrii and exterior renovation on it. We,,purchased the home in 1985 -86 and have worked to bring it up to the neighborhood standard ever since, so we thoroughly understand Mr. Miller's desire to do the same. Both houses were /are candidates for this type of improvement. We are particularly pleased to note that Mr. Miller is planning on relocating the driveway. The current one is on an uphill slope which makes it very treacherous during the winter. Cars cannot be parked at that time safely and have, in the past, slid back down into the street. Walking on it during the winter is dangerous as well. Under the winter conditions Minnesota provides, it's almost impossible to keep it clear, ice -free, and consequently safe for all who use it. The plans for the driveway change appear to solve those problems. In addition, we are delighted with the architectural ideas and changes that Mr. Miller proposes for the home's exterior. The home has needed work for many years and these architectural plans will improve and enhance the home greatly, producing an eye pleasing result which will be much more in keeping with the existing homes in the Country Club neighborhood. It has to be wonderful for all of the surrounding neighbors that both of these homes, side by side, will not only improve the value of the homes on Drexel, but be pleasant to look at as well. iu closing, we extend our thanks to the City Council fur considering all of the requests put forth by Mr. Miller, and offer our approval and support for what he wishes to accomplish. We voice no objections to Mr. Miller's intentions for the home and are looking forward to having him and his family as our neighbors. Thank you for your time and consideration. Yours very truly, Wayne and Anne Whitman Jackie Hoogenakker From: Kelly Jackson oackson4626 @mac.com] Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 2:04 PM To: Jackie Hoogenakker Cc: Christina Delianidis Subject: 4622 Drexel Avenue variance appeal Ms. Hoogenakker, The purpose of this message is to restate our opposition to the lot width variance request for the property located at 4622 Drexel Avenue in Edina. The original letter containing our concerns, dated March 29, 2006 is included below. Please forward this message to City Council members Scot Housh, Alice Hulbert, Linda Masica and Ann Swenson. We regret we will be unable to attend the June 20 meeting; we hope you will consider our concerns when making your decision. Thank you, again, for your consideration, Kelly and Jamie Jackson 4626 Drexel Avenue, Edina Begin forwarded message: From: Kelly Jackson <1ackso14626 mac_com> Date: March 29, 2006 3:12:03 PM CST To: ib.QQ9enaklcer- &i. edina.,mn.us Cc: Christina Delianidis <Cisco,a_ndClint@aol.com> Subject: 4622 Drexel Avenue To Whom it May Concern, This letter is in regard to the proposed Driveway Width Variance requested for the above captioned property. As Property Owners Within 200 Feet, we have the following concerns about the proposed change: 1.) The variance suggests a change in the appearance of the property. Although we realize homes in the neighborhood can, and should, be maintained and improved, it should be done in a manner that maintains the historical and aesthetic integrity of the neighborhood. Inasmuch as there have been recent projects that have not met that criteria, we are concerned about any proposed changes. 2.) There are many young children on our block, including our three, who spend much of their outside time playing in the front yards of the neighborhood; they often run between each others' yards. We are concerned that any proposed changes to the driveway may impede driver visibility and compromise the safety of our children. 3.) As a general comment, we know from past personal experience that it is not desirable to have adjacent/abutting driveways. A "shared" driveway makes it difficult to take full advantage of one's property in terms of parking, playing, etc. We regret we will be unable to attend the Zoning Board hearing on April 6; we hope this letter clearly communicates our concerns. Thank you for your consideration, Kelly and Jamie Jackson /_ /1 C /,)A AK DREXEL AVENUE PETITION OPPOSING CASE FILE B -06 -23 VARIANCE APPLICATION FOR 4622 DREXEL AVENUE 1.5' DRIVEWAY WIDTH VARIANCE AND ADJACENT PROPERTY /NEW CURB CUT /DRIVEWAY RELOCATED NAME SIGNATURE PROPERTY OWNER DATE Ka (A 00CA - - -%_,I -1 ( 3 O Pvcx- - i 110e ?4. 25. WwGE ST 7 "04t%p LOCATION MAP I 8 S COUNTRY CLUB RD EDINA (T 4622 DREXEL AVENUE All PID: 1802824130010 k4 tie 1' Edina, MN 55424 E"�► �N' Legend ® Kgblipbled Feature Sacral Narne Labals �o/ lAuncgal Boundary 'Al creaks 0 Lakes 0 Parts Parcels S EDINA ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS STAFF REPORT APRIL 6, 2006 B -06 -18 Camelot Construction /Robert J Miller 4622 Drexel Ave. So. Lot 12, Block 7, Country Club Zoning: R -1 Request: Driveway width variance Background The subject property is located on the west side of Drexel Ave. consisting of a two story home with a front loading, two car garage. The property owner is planning to remodel and add onto the house. The plan will include removing the existing driveway and curb cut, converting the existing garage into living space, adding to the back of the home on both the first and second floors and constructing a new detached garage in the rear yard. The new detached garage would be accessed by a new driveway installed along the south side of the property. All aspects of the project conform to the ordinance requirements with the exception of the proposed driveway width along the south wall of the home. The minimum width required for newly constructed driveway is 12 ft. The property owner is proposing a new driveway width of approximately 11 1/2 ft. Issues /Analysis The property is located in the historic Country Club District. All new structures, including the proposed garage, require a Certificate of Appropriateness through the Heritage Preservation Board. The new garage structure will be reviewed by the Heritage Preservation Board if a detached garage in the rear yard is allowed access by approval of the proposed driveway. The change in curb -cut and driveway has been reviewed and deemed acceptable by both the City Engineer and the Staff liaison to the Heritage Preservation Board, (see attached memorandums). No Engineering or Heritage Preservation basis for denial was identified for the curb cut location or driveway change. The proposed driveway will be installed at the same grade as the adjacent driveway to the south. A retaining wall will be installed along the north side of the driveway on the subject property. A fire place chimney will be removed along the south wall of the home to accommodate the new driveway. The south - facing basement windows will have glass block installed with driveway asphalt to abut the windows. No window wells are proposed along the south wall of the home. The proposed driveway will not be a shared or common driveway with the existing driveway to the south located on the 4224 Drexel property. There are no cross easements proposed between properties. There are many driveways in the Country Club District that are less than 12 ft in width. The adjacent property to the south has a driveway width of 8 ft for most of its length. Shared and abutting driveways and driveways widths less than 10 ft in the Country Club are not uncommon. Conclusion /Recommendation The proposed request is minimal and will preserve a substantial property right enjoyed by others in the Country Club District. Staff supports the request subject to the plans presented. oite CASE NUMBE I S DATE FEE PAID • Planning Department www.cihofedine.com 4801 West Fiftieth Street * Edina, MN 55424 * (952) 826 -0369 FAX (952) 826 -0389 APPLICATION FOR: VARIANCEIFEE RES. $200 1NON -RES. $400 APPLICANT: �► �f� NAME: � uNe.tc>•'� ,rtS�.G�0-n (v-tG ADDRESS1ZIP:L5-q7a Flvoc. C 530 PHONE: PROPERTY OWNER: NAME: ADDRESS/ZIP: i� �� �RG11 EC.. PHONE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: L+ IZ aLK- 3 %K MU PROPERTY ADDRESS: �I� �� l7iLE11C r- -t- PRESENT ZONING: P.I.D.# D4 — Y `13 EXPLANATION OF REQUEST:il (Use reverse side or additional pages if necessary) G ARCHITECT: NAME: _ auU jl SQ mkjSy✓N PHONE: SURVEYOR: NAME:Su (Zue cirJfc6C-jL6,Nccrtifj(c r'kFr55, "isPHONE: Property O er's Signature ( ate) Applican 's Vgnature (Date) Zoning Board Application .............Page 2 Minnesota Statutes and Edina ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: Relieve an undue hardship which was not self imposed or a mere inconvenience. Yes - The existing slope of the driveway is extremely dangerous. Cars, parked in the driveway during slippery conditions, slide down the driveway, across the sidewalk, and into the street. Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property, but not applicable to other property, in the vicinity or zoning district. Yes — See same answer above Preserve a substantial property right possessed by other property in the vicinity and zoning district. Yes - To bring property into alignment with original Country Club Historical preservation, which stated no garages facing the street in front of house. Not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity or zoning district. Yes - Extensive remodel and addition improves the property value in the neighborhood, and brings it in alignment with the surrounding homes and neighborhood. City of Edina April 7, 2006 Camelot Construction /Robert Miller 4622 Drexel Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Re: B -06 -18 — a driveway width variance for 4622 Drexel Avenue, Edina, MN Dear Mr. Miller: In connection with your recent request for a driveway width variance, which was heard by the Edina Zoning Board on Thursday, April 6, 2006, may we advise you that same has been denied. If you wish to appeal the decision of the Zoning Board to the Edina City Council, a letter of intent must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than April 16, 2006. If you have further questions on this matter, please feel free to contact me at 952 - 826 -0465. Jackie Hoogenakker Zoning Board of Appeals I City Hall 952 - 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX 952 - 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com TTY 952 - 826 -0379 Zoning Board April 6, 2006 meeting minutes. B -06 -18 Camelot Construction /Robert J Miller 4622 Drexel Ave. So. Lot 12, Block 7, Country Club Request: Driveway width variance Ms. Aaker informed the Board the subject property is located on the west side of Drexel Ave. consisting of a two story home with a front loading, two car garage. The property owner is planning to remodel and add onto the house. The plan will include removing the existing driveway and curb cut, converting the existing garage into living space, adding to the back of the home on both the first and second floors and constructing a new detached garage in the rear yard. The new detached garage would be accessed by a new driveway installed along the south side of the property. All aspects of the project conform to the ordinance requirements with the exception of the proposed driveway width along the south wall of the home. The minimum width required for newly constructed driveway is 12 ft. The property owner is proposing a new driveway width of approximately 11 1/2 ft. Ms. Aaker explained the property is located in the historic Country Club District. All new structures, including the proposed garage, require a Certificate of Appropriateness through the Heritage Preservation Board. The new garage structure will be reviewed by the Heritage Preservation Board if a detached garage in the rear yard is allowed access by approval of the proposed driveway. The change in curb -cut and driveway has been reviewed and deemed acceptable by both the City Engineer and the Staff liaison to the Heritage Preservation Board, (see attached memorandums). No Engineering or Heritage Preservation basis for denial was identified for the curb cut location or driveway change. Ms. Aaker explained the proposed driveway will be installed at the same grade as the adjacent driveway to the south. A retaining wall will be installed along the north side of the driveway on the subject property. A fire place chimney will be removed along the south wall of the home to accommodate the new driveway. The south - facing basement windows will have glass block installed with driveway asphalt to abut the windows. No window wells are proposed along the south wall of the home. The proposed driveway will not be a shared or common driveway with the existing driveway to the south located on the 4224 Drexel property. There are no cross easements proposed between properties. Ms. Aaker asked the Board to note there are many driveways in the Country Club District that are less than 12 ft in width. The adjacent property to the south has a driveway width of 8 ft for most of its length. Shared and abutting driveways and driveways widths less than 10 ft in the Country Club are not uncommon. Ms. Aaker concluded the proposed request is minimal and will preserve a substantial property right enjoyed by others in the Country Club District. Staff supports the request subject to the plans presented. The proponents, Mr. Miller and Mr. Hoffman were present to respond to questions. Interested neighbors were also present. Chair Schwartzbauer noted the packet contained a letter from a neighbor suggesting that the driveway continue to be located along the north property line to access the new garage. Chair Schwartzbauer asked if that was ever considered. Ms. Aaker responded if one looks at the spacing on that side of the house it would be very difficult to place a driveway in that location. Mrs. Vasaly said the proponent indicated the slope of the driveway presents a danger during winter months because of the potential for vehicles to "slip down" the driveway unto the sidewalk or street. Ms. Aaker acknowledged the driveway does slope, adding the City doesn't have a mechanism in place that addresses driveway slope. Mrs. Vasaly commented if she read the plan correctly the proposed driveway slope will be lessened as a result of this proposal. Ms. Aaker responded that is correct the new driveway will improve the slope. Mr. Fischer asked the applicant if the proposed driveway would be concrete or asphalt. Mr. Fischer also observed it appears the adjacent neighbor's driveway (to the south) is constructed right up to the common property line. Ms. Aaker confirmed that statement. With regard to asphalt driveways Ms. Aaker pointed out the majority of driveways in the Country Club area are concrete, not asphalt. Continuing, Ms. Aaker told the Board if approved they can stipulate the type of material used for the driveway. Mr. Fischer commented the variance is for six inches, adding as he viewed the Country Club neighborhood a driveway width of 12 feet appears larger than most. Ms. Aaker responded that is correct a majority of driveways in the District are between eight and ten feet. Mr. Hoffman addressed the Board and told them he parked his vehicle in the driveway this past winter and the vehicle slid down the driveway onto the sidewalk. Continuing, Mr. Hoffman said he was surprised at the interest this request generated especially with regard to the safety of children. Mr. Hoffman said the safety of children, his and the neighboring children are of the utmost importance. Mr. Delcinedes, 4624 Drexel Avenue (neighbor to the south) told the Board he doesn't support the variance request. Mr. Delcinedes said the reason the vehicle slid down the driveway was because the driveway wasn't shoveled. Continuing, Mr. Delcinedes informed the Board in the immediate area there are 22 children and the proposed driveway endangers them. He added in his opinion it is detrimental to have a driveway to driveway situation with a grade change. Mr. Delcinedes questioned Mr. Hoffman if he ever constructed a home in the Country Club District, adding when he heard the proposed driveway may be constructed with asphalt he cringed. Mrs. Vasaly said as she views the plans it appears the Delcinedes driveway is only 8 feet in width. Mr. Delcinedes responded that is correct. Mrs. Delcinedes told the Board during the past winter months there were many times the driveway and sidewalk of the home at 4622 Drexel was not shoveled. Continuing, Mrs. Delcinedes said she is very fearful for the safety of her children, especially in light of the possibility of a shared driveway. Mrs. Delcinedes said the neighborhood is very friendly and people spend a lot of time visiting especially in their front yard areas. Mrs. Delcinedes said the change in driveway location will not only negatively impact her family but will negatively impact other properties in the immediate area. Concluding, Mrs. Delcinedes said she has a fear one of her children could be injured exiting their car if the neighbors are exiting their new driveway at the same time. Ms. Herman, 4602 Drexel Avenue told the Board she has a shared driveway and would rather not have one. She stated a shared driveway is not desirable and the mass this will create will be unappealing. Ms. Shannon Neale, 4623 Drexel Avenue, acknowledged there are shared driveways in the area, but that doesn't mean they work well. Ms. Neale pointed out many side by side driveways have space between them like a strip of greenery. Continuing, Ms. Neale pointed out there is also a drain located at the end of the subject driveway which is proposed to change. She said she is worried that a change in the drain system could create the potential to flood. Mrs. Vasaly questioned the drain system that will be changed. Mr. Hoffman responded the City Engineer has reviewed their proposal and found no problem with it, and supports it. Continuing, Mr. Hoffman said with regard to asphalt vs. concrete it was never his intent to construct an asphalt driveway - it will be concrete. Continuing, Mr. Hoffman said when he purchased his home it needed a lot of work. He told the Board he met with City staff and was informed of the Code with regard to driveway width, and applied for a variance. Mr. Hoffman said he believes relocating the garage in the rear yard is more in keeping with the area. Concluding, Mr. Hoffman acknowledged he never constructed a home in the Country Club area of Edina, but does build a quality home. Mr. Fischer acknowledged the Code requires a driveway width of 12 feet, but pointed out the Code is City wide and in certain areas of smaller lots a 12 foot wide driveway doesn't make sense and in many cases a 12 foot driveway is detrimental to the "look" of the neighborhood. Continuing, Mr. Fischer said he believes this issue can be resolved, adding sometimes the best solution would be to grant a greater variance. Mr. Fischer stated in his opinion a driveway width in this area would be more aesthetically pleasing between 9 and 10 feet. Ms. Aaker said she understands Mr. Fischer's point of view. She said variances have been granted in the City's more "urban" areas for driveways under 12 feet in width. Mr. Fischer said the logic used to approach a variance should be to achieve a better end result, adding in all honestly he doesn't feel a 12 foot driveway is best for this lot and this neighborhood. Mr. Fischer said he is encouraged by the fact there would be a turn - around area in the rear yard enabling vehicles to enter the street front first, adding he believes the width of the drive should be less and if approved the driveway should be concrete or pavers, not asphalt. Mrs. Vasaly said she would have a hard time denying this request. She said she agrees the driveway would better serve the subject site and area if it were constructed less than 12 feet, adding the Board can't force the proponent to reduce the driveway width. Continuing, Mrs. Vasaly said if she read the site plan correctly the current driveway is less than 12 feet in width. Mr. Hoffman said he would have no problem reducing the width of the driveway. Ms. Aaker said if the driveway width is reduced Mr. Hoffman would have to re -apply for a variance because the plans presented this evening are what the Board must act on. Chair Schwartzbauer stated he can't support the variance as presented, adding in his opinion there is no hardship. He added he just doesn't like the proposed location of the new driveway. Mrs. Vasaly moved variance approval noting a hardship exists on this lot, the lot is non - conforming at 60 feet wide, adding a lot with this width cannot accommodate a 12 foot driveway to meet code requirements. Mr. Fischer seconded the motion. Chair Schwartzbauer stated he is opposed to the motion and cannot support the variance. He said in his opinion if this variance is granted it will alter the surrounding area, reiterating in his opinion, there is no hardship. Ayes, Vasaly. Nays, Schwartzbauer, Fischer. Motion denied. Mr. Fischer explained his "No" vote is because he could support a driveway width variance, but not this one. Mr. Fischer reiterated he could support a greater variance. Mr. Fischer stated in his opinion there is a hardship present to support the granting of a greater variance., A 12 foot or 11'6" driveway is too wide for this neighborhood, and out of character. Mrs. Vasaly also pointed out there is nothing in the Code prohibiting driveways from abutting each other, or being relocated, adding in this neighborhood there appears to be a number of side by side driveways with the majority of the driveways less than 12 feet in width. Mr. Fischer asked Ms. Aaker if the proponents can re -apply for a greater variance. Ms. Aaker responded in the affirmative. Continuing, Mr. Fischer told the proponents they can appeal the Board's decision to the City Council. Mr. Fischer reiterated he believes a hardship exists on these smaller lots, adding he could support a greater variance. He added a driveway width between 9 and 10 feet would make sense to him, and is more in keeping with the streetscape of the Country Club neighborhood. DATE: March 29,2006 MEMORANDUM ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA TO: Kris Aaker — Assistant Planner FROM: Wayne Houle — City Engineer C: Joyce Repya — Associate Planner Roger Glanzer — Utility Superintendent Engineering Curb Cut Permit File SUBJECT: Curb cut request for 4622 Drexel Avenue Engineering has reviewed the above request to move the existing curb cut located along the northerly property line to the southerly property line. After reviewing City Code Section 1205, 1 do not object to this curb cut relocation. I understand that Associate Planner - Joyce Repya, staff liaison with the Heritage Preservation Board, also does not object to this curb cut relocation. Engineering requires that the applicant re- establish the existing curb cut with the proper concrete curb and gutter, boulevard area, and new sidewalk as part of the curb cut permit. The applicant shall also contact Roger Glanzer — Edna Utility Superintendent to perform an inspection of the catch basin that is located in the proposed curb cut location. The new catch basin casting along with any other upgrades to the catch basin will also be at the applicant's expense. Please contact me if you need additional information. Thanks MEMORANDUM TO: Kris Aaker, Assistant Planner FROM: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner Heritage Preservation Board Staff SUBJECT: New Curb Cut Applications in the Country Club District DATE: I March 31, 2006 Because the Country Club District is designated an Edina Heritage Landmark District, I review applications for new curb cuts in the District in addition to the Engineering Department. The following elements are considered in the review: • When a new curb cut is created, the old curb cut must be removed. • New curb and gutter shall replace the old curb cut. • No boulevard trees shall be compromised by the new curb cut. MEMORANDUM TO: Zoning Board of Appeals and Adjustments FROM: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner SUBJECT: Detached Garages in the Country Club District DATE: April 6, 2006 When addressing new detached garages in the Country Club District, Heritage Preservation Consultant Robert Vogel has advised the Heritage Preservation Board that the Secretary of the Interior's standards for the treatment of historic properties recognizes new construction as an appropriate undertaking providing the new construction is compatible in size, scale, materials, color and texture with other buildings in the neighborhood. Furthermore, detached garages are consistent with the historic pattern of residential development in the Country Club District. When reviewing plans for new detached garages in the Country Club District, in addition to determining that the architectural style is compatible with the style of the home, the Heritage Preservation Board also observes the following design guidelines: • No detached garage should be taller, longer, or wider than the house. • No detached garage should have a roofline taller than that of adjacent homes. Undecorated side walls longer than 16 feet should be avoided whenever possible. New garages should be differentiated from historic homes and clearly identifiable as contemporary works. The Heritage Preservation Board would consider a new detached garage in the rear yard to be a positive for a property with a front loading garage because the vehicle parking and storage would be moved from the front of the home into the rear yard. Page 1 of l Kris Aaker From: CiscoandClint @aol.com Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 10:33 PM To: Kris Aaker; Steve Kirchman; Steve Lillehaug; Joyce Repya Subject: Lot 12, Block7 Country Club To Whom It May Concern, I am forwarding a letter sent by my husband, Daniel Delianedis, on March 26, to Ms. Jackie Hoogenakker. All of your names have been mentioned through other a -mails sent to us regarding a hearing for a driveway width variance. The hearing is scheduled for Thursday, April 6, 2006. The letter was sent to Jackie Hoogenakker because her name was listed on the notice as the contact person to submit letters expressing our views. We do know a few neighbors have already sent her letters opposing the variance. Another neighbor has spoken with Jim Hovland and corresponded with him through e-mail. We anticipate more letters to follow. I do know the few neighbors that will be in town (due to Edina's spring break) will be at the hearing. I also want you to know that I am against this driveway width variance. My reasons are strictly from my heart as a concerned mother. It may be a few inches to the board, but it is a life that I am worried about! 1 have totaled the number of children that live within the 200 feet of this driveway - there are 221 The only way these children are able to get out of the street when on a wagon, bike, skate board, stroller or roller skates, is through all of our driveways. If you drive on Drexel in the morning before school, during the day and after school you will notice all of the kids playing in our front yards. You must be aware that the traffic situation has increased too. All of the 22 children are of elementary school age. In the winter months our children use the drives to slide down. The street and driveways are a hazard to us all. This will only add to the congestion. I hope and pray you will consider our concerns. I am not against the home being updated. I am against the driveway width variance because of the use of our driveway. It will absolutely become a shared driveway because of the closeness already. It will be a hazard to our children. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Christina Delianedis 3/31/2006 Daniel J. Delianedis 4624 Drexel Avenue Edina, MN 55424 952 - 922 -8121 March 26, 2006 Ms. Jackie Hoogenakker Edina City Hall Planning Commission 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, MN 55424 Dear Ms. Hoogenaker, My name is Daniel Delianedis. My family and I live at 4624 Drexel Avenue. We moved into our home in July of 2001. 1 have a wife and two daughters ages ten and four. I believe that we are the fourth family to own this property since 1934 when it was built. We love Edina, MN and love the Country Club District. As you might know, the property to the north of us at 4622 Drexel was purchased by a construction company, Camelot Construction Inc., located at 19393 Upland St NW, Elk River, MN in December 2005. 1 received your announcement March 25, that Camelot Construction and Robert J Miller is requesting a driveway width variance. The following reasons are why I oppose granting a driveway width variance to Camelot Construction. 1.) It is my understanding that the Edina City Planning Commission requires that any variance must be agreed to by homeowners within 200' of the dwelling requesting the variance. I do not wish to permit the variance. We would never have purchased our home in 2001 if there were a shared or common driveway between us and 4622 Drexel. 2.) It is furthermore my understanding that the Edina City Planning Commission requires that all driveways have at least 12' of clearance from a single family dwelling to any neighboring property. The south facing wall structure at 4622 Drexel is about 26' long . It has only 9' 6" of clearance from its' chimney to my property. There are also three south facing basement window wells along the foundation. The distance from each window well to my property line is 10' 3 ". There is 11'4" of clearance from the foundation to my property. This is just not enough clearance according to the City of Edina's ordinance so again, l oppose granting a driveway width variance. 3.) The most important reason for opposing the variance is the safety of my children and many neighbors' children who often come to play at our house. The kids use our driveway to come and go or when they take their bicycles and toys in and out. We have a fence that runs along the back northern border of our property and across the driveway facing east. This fence has been part of the property for more than 30 years. It allows us to keep our two dogs penned up and keep a swing set for the kids. If a variance were granted to build a driveway abutting ours, I worry about safety because the new homeowners at 4622 Drexel will never be able see children at our fence gate (or adults for that matter) as they drive out of their dwelling. The clearance from the rear window well to my fence is 10' 3 ". If the property owner drove a Ford Explorer SUV (72" wide, 80" with rear view mirrors extended) or a Ford Expedition (78" wide - -86" when you include mirrors) for example, the driver will have only 37" of clearance. This means that they have 18 %" on either side of the vehicle. There is therefore, no room for driver error. If a child, adult, or dog simply took one step out beyond the gate when a driver is backing or driving out, they will be easily hit or much worse killed. I also worry that our fence and cars that I park in my driveway will be at risk with such little clearance. We have discussed this with friends that live on Wooddale Ave and Drexel who have a shared or common driveway with their neighbors. All of them voice concerns about safety and inconvenience. 4.) After a recent visit to city hall, I was informed that the Edina City Engineer requires that any owner who intends to "cut" into the city sidewalk and or sewer and drain lines needs to obtain approval from the City. As you know, the entire Country Club District is undergoing major reconstruction to it's storm sewer drain and water systems. The street in front of 4622 Drexel is one of the most dramatic problem areas in the neighborhood. The drain in front of 4622 Drexel is the only source for storm and rain water drainage on the south end of the block. If a driveway variance is granted, this could mean more problems for the homes on Drexel near the south end of the block because a new south facing driveway at 4622 Drexel must "cut" into the drain area. In other words, the main drain for the south end of the block will be in the dead center of this new driveway located at the street entrance. 5.) The Edina Country Club Historical Preservation Board should know that the changes that need to be made to create a south facing driveway could affect the integrity of the historical homes around it. If the builder decides to take down his chimney as one Camelot worker recently explained to me, it will change the look of the house and potentially the integrity of the neighborhood as most homes in Country Club maintain chimneys. For a driveway to look aesthetically correct at 4622 Drexel, the front hill will need to be dramatically landscaped. The hill currently is 30" to 40" inches higher than my existing driveway. In order for the builder to make a south facing driveway, he would have to landscape his hill by that much to create a driveway level to mine. There do not appear to be too many options in the front of the property. A few that come to the mind of one local landscape designer are: A.) The builder needs to construct a high retaining wall on the northern edge of the new driveway. It will need to span roughly 30' from the house down to the street. This is a safety concern because it exposes many children in the neighborhood -- especially mine, to a potential 3' to 4' drop straight down onto a cement driveway for a span of 30'. B.) The entire front yard would need to be landscaped in such a way that the properties' foundation would be either completely exposed down 3' below grade or another large east (street ) facing retaining wall will be need to be created in the front yard. The elevation of this wall would be another safety concern for kids. My letter may seem like I wish to stand in the way of someone's development. It's not that at all. I simply do not want to be part of a driveway project that jeopardizes my children's safety and diminishes my property value. The City of Edina's application for a variance states that the variance should "not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity or zoning district". I believe this variance request diminishes my property value because most people don't want to share a driveway with their neighbor. I also believe the variance request puts my children at risk as a new driveway will provide virtually no clearance for the driver to maneuver around my fence or parked cars. According to the website that Camelot Construction subscribes to www. contractors.com, they build single family homes but specialize in "mobile home repairs and moving." This group clearly has no experience building Country Club homes in Edina, MN. I do not think that the City of Edina can necessarily dictate who gets a building permit but it seems like experience should matter somewhat on this request. hope to attend the hearing on April 6, 2006 at 5:30 p.m.. I can certainly answer any questions that you have in advance of the meeting. Please indicate that you have received my letter and understand my request. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, Daniel J. Delianedis cc: C. Larsen, W. Houle Hard copy will follow in mail. Christopher & Annie O'Brien 4627 Drexel Avenue Edina, MN 55424 March 28, 2006 Ms. Jackie Hoogenakker Edina City Hall Dear Ms. Hoogenakker, I have received, the notice of public hearing for the zoning board's case file B -06 -18 regarding the property at 4622 Drexel Avenue. We do not support granting a width variance in this case for the following reasons: • Most all of the homes in our section of the street have single driveways on the same side of each house. I understand this variance would be used to build a driveway adjacent to their neighbor's driveway at 4624 Drexel. Having a double driveway like that would be aesthetically displeasing. • It is not in keeping with the character of the rest of the houses. • 1 do not particularly want to look out at wider stretches of concrete. • It seems unnecessary with the current structure of the home • It seems unfair to their immediate neighbors at 4624 who may not want to have a double driveway and who could not have foreseen something like this happening when they made their decision to purchase. • The ordinance was put in place for a reason. Most likely to protect the feel and character of the neighborhood. Thank you for allowing us this opportunity. Is it also possible to receive any information on the rest of the plans for that property if there are large revisions planned? I am increasingly concerned about recent projects and protecting the historic character of the neighborhood Thanks again, Chris & Annie O'Brien Annie.obrien @earthlink.net .i, T •d I)onald and Sharon bleischmann 4621 Drexel Avenue Edina, Minnesota 55424 952- 920 -7118 We own the: property across the street frorn the property 4622 Drexel Avenue requesting die driveway "width" variance. We received notice from the City of Edina as we am within 200 li e L Much to our surprise, not only is there a width variance, but the driveway will actually be relocate.-d. We strongly oppose the approval of this variance in its entirely. We are currently out of town as the F.dina schools are on spring break or we would attend the meeting April 6th and rurther a:cplain our objections. Edina C outatry Club is .4trUg ling with the whole issue of redevelopment and tear downs. The Mayor and City Council are currently ,studying this issue. We are asking the Board of Appeal~ not to consider the re-quested driveway variance in isolation without looking at the bigger picture. It is not "merely a mutter of inches" as 1 was told by Kris Aaker. Clearly we are not alone in our belierthat "smart development" must be balanced with the needs orthe neighixirhood in which it takes place. As residents our concerns are many. The tiact that the city planning department xtaf thinks this driveway issue "is no big deal" in outrageous. It is a "bid; deal" to us a.Is we live there and will have to live with the outcome or this decision. The Roard of Appeals should not look merely at the width of the driveway in isolation, as l.he pet.it.ioncr its actually - sking rt.)r the driveway to be moved from the north side of the property to the south side; to build a detached gurage in the rear of the property. This goal can he achieved without a variance. I realize after talking with Joyce Repya that the 1-11-113 wunts to sce: the tuck tinder garage removed and this can be achieved by simply building the detached garage on the north side without putting undue hardship on any of the neighbor~. '17x: new curb extension needed would allow parking at the rear of our driveway severely limiting our ability to exit our driveway. It is impossible to get a full sine vehicle out when cars are parked directly behind our drive -way. This creates a hardship for us and to our guests. Our objectimui are fanny. 1.) The: property presents no "undue hardship ". '171e only hardship is economic for C'sunelot Construction. '17se property can be developed with no variance and still achieve the 1 111115 desire to sex; the ruck under garage removed. 2.) No current south elevations are on file with the planning department when 1 reviewer the plaris on file as required by the variance request. 77te chimney will be removed but it is unclear whim the south elevation will look like. 446T T *9 T99 • -+r JanaQ • o Bawer dS T t eo 90 So Jdd Rpr 05 06 O3:15p James C. Dever Jr. 561 641 1944 p.2 ja�i�:►8�xt1101yarl• sl�hddV.lo Iu*euEl :,Cdo:) ��� � 7y^"`� •�ovrU ���s7, uuctuulaslal:l PleUO(1 pun uo .M4S -Iuowwoo n1 �C1urnljoddo atll joJ noA Xun4.1. -p pap 09 isnuj 2jujaJ04i puV pasodtul Jlac to d14spJt:4 slgl ta41 Janv CCU gpads aM ,; "uaguaAuv2kt a low n jo pasodun flax 1ou sl 4014m dt4spjnq atipctn putt anal10W. 11w► aoususn aL1 Teti ajtnb u tmauuulpj() nu1P;1 pun salnlmti t.10%-+uttl W •scaualnudtmdde j0j tuaauc» spoogjog48lau aqi AjspW pue ilns u auit: April 2, 2006 To The City of Edina Zoning Board: We are writing in response to the request for a variance for the property at 4622 Drexel Avenue. Our home is 4623 Drexel Avenue which is directly across the street from this property. We have had construction on all immediately adjacent sides of us for the almost four years we have lived here, most of which have had variances, and we have not opposed any of them. We are very much against the building of a driveway adjacent to 4624 Drexel for several reasons. The most important reason is safety. The grade of the hill the driveway would be on is very steep. In surveying all the driveways in the Country Club neighborhood we found only one adjacent driveway with this steep of grade and that had at least 6 inches of "neutral cement" separating the two driveways. Safety is an issue with any adjacent driveway situation, however when it is on as steep a hill as this the situation is much worse. It's very difficult to see children when backing out down a hill. It is also our understanding that the proposal is to make the driveway a half a foot narrower than code. It is very difficult to get a full size car into most of these driveways without driving onto the grass much of the time and it would be impossible to do so in one smaller than code, especially if there are cars parked in the other driveway. This of course assumes the driveways are on the same level. If they were on different levels with the one at 4622 being narrower it would be very treacherous to use that driveway at all. If they are on the same level then an adjacent driveway quickly becomes a shared driveway out of necessity for the future owners of 4622. The other major concern we have is the storm sewer drain which would need to be moved to the street from the curb. We have the storm drain in the street at the end of our driveway and the street floods all of the time due to that getting blocked with debris. The flooding would be much worse if both the storm drains were in the street. At least now the one in the curb can't get blocked. Finally, on a personal note, we would never buy a home with an adjacent driveway. We have friends who moved from a home in Country Club with an adjacent driveway cited as one of the reasons. We would be very disappointed with the workings of this city if they forced a veteran property owner to decrease the value of their home and compromise the safety of their children and others in the neighborhood for the convenience of a construction company. Thank you for your consideration of this letter. Sincerely, Shannon Neale and William Richards 4623 Drexel Avenue, Edina i -4. -- ___ REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item: II. A. From: Planning Department Consent ❑ Kris Aaker, Assistant Planner Information Only ❑ Date: June 20, 2006 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Action: ® Motion Appeal of Denial of Variance ❑ Resolution Robert Miller, 4622 Drexel Ave ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Info /Background: Robert Miller, owner of the property located at 4622 Drexel Ave., is appealing the May 4, 2006, Zoning Board of Appeals denial of his driveway width variance application to allow the removal and relocation of his existing driveway south of the home to access a detached garage to be constructed in the rear yard. The Zoning Board of Appeals heard driveway width variance requests for the property on April 6, 2006 and on May 4, 2006. Each was a separate application to the board. The first request was to allow an 11 1/2 ft driveway width and the second request was to allow a 10 1/2 ft driveway width along the south side of the home. The ordinance requires a minimum width of 12 ft for newly constructed driveways. The property owner is hoping to in -fill the existing front loading garage with living space, add onto the back of the home and construct a new detached garage in the rear yard. All aspects of the plan conform to the ordinance requirements with the exception of the driveway width. The first variance application was to allow a driveway width of approximately 11 1/2 ft. The driveway would have extended up to the south lot line and would have abutted the neighbor's driveway to the south. There were three members present at the April 6, 2006, Zoning Board meeting. Two of the members voted to deny and one of the members voted in favor of the request. Michael Fischer, one of the Zoning Board members who voted against the proposal stated his "no" vote was supportive of a driveway width variance. Mr. Fischer stated that he could support a greater variance and a narrower driveway that would be more in- keeping with other driveways in the neighborhood. The Zoning Board cannot act to allow a variance that is greater than notified for so a re- application for a narrower driveway than proposed was required. The property owner re- applied for a driveway width variance to allow a driveway width of 10 '/2 ft. The Zoning Board of Appeals heard the homeowners request for a 1 '/2 ft driveway width variance that would allow for a 10 1/2 ft wide driveway with an 18 inch planting strip along the south side of the new driveway on May 4, 2006. There were four members present at the hearing. Two members voted in favor of the motion to approve the. request and two members voted against the requested variance. The motion was denied due to lack of majority. The property owner is appealing the May 4, 2006, denial of the Zoning Board of Appeal denial of a 1 '/2 ft driveway width variance to allow a driveway width of 10'/2 ft. June 7, 2006 City of Edina Camelot Construction 15472 Filmore Street Elk River, MN 55330 Re: 4622 Drexel Ave., Edina, MN case file B- 06 -24. Dear Mr. Miller, The Edina City Council at their meeting of June 6, 2006, granted a 60 -day extension of your variance application B- 06 -24, 4622 Drexel Ave. for a driveway width variance. The action was necessary to extend the 60 -day time limit for taking action on your variance application. The City Council extended the application for an additional 60 days in order for the Council to hear and consider your appeal of the variance denial. The appeal will be heard on Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at 7:00 in the Edina Council Chambers, Edina City Hall, 4801 West 50th St. If you should have any questions please contact me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, wv Kris Aaker Assistant Planner 952 - 826 -0461 City Hall 952- 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX 952 - 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com TTY 952 -826 -0379 Robert Miller 4622 Drexel Avenue Edina, Minnesota 55424 City of Edina Mayor and City Council Members Care of: City Clerk Re: Appeal to City Council 4622 Drexel Avenue South Hardship Variance Steep Drive in front of garage 5 -15 -06 I am requesting a hearing to appeal the decision of the Zoning board regarding the request for hardship on the steep slope in front of our garage. I would like to relocate my driveway to the South side of my property, and build a detached garage in the back yard, with a safely sloped area in front of it, to avoid slips, falls, and vehicles sliding across the public sidewalk and into the street. The votes on the first variance meeting would approve the request with the driveway width change from 12 to 10 feet, and the second meeting was a 2/2 vote with the revision as requested by Michael Fischer of the Zoning Board. Thank you for your time on this matter, Robert Miller, Owner KA S� G\ 2006 O MEMORANDUM ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA DATE: March 29, 2006 (revised June 16, 2006) TO: Kris Aaker - Assistant Planner FROM: Wayne Houle - City Engineer 01- C: Joyce Repya - Associate Planner Roger Glanzer - Utility Superintendent Engineering Curb Cut Permit File SUBJECT: Curb cut request for 4622 Drexel Avenue Engineering has reviewed the above request to move the existing curb cut located along the northerly property line to the southerly property line. After reviewing City Code Section 1205, 1 do not object to this curb cut relocation. I understand that Associate Planner - Joyce Repya, staff liaison with the Heritage Preservation Board, also does not object to this curb cut relocation. Engineering requires that the applicant re- establish the existing curb cut with the proper concrete curb and gutter, boulevard area, and new sidewalk as part of the curb cut permit. The applicant shall also contact Roger Glanzer - Edna Utility Superintendent to perform an inspection of the catch basin that is located in the proposed curb cut location. The new catch basin casting along with any other upgrades to the catch basin will also be at the applicant's expense. Engineering also requires that the applicant add a concrete curb (4 -6" curb) along the southerly edge of the proposed driveway. This curb will retain the surface drainage from and to 4622 Drexel Avenue. Staff would also suggest that the drive be sloped to the north from the house to the sidewalk to prevent water from draining onto the adjoining property. Please contact me if you need additional information. Thanks BOARD MEETING MINUTES MAY 4, 2006 B -06 -23 Camelot Construction 4622 Drexel Avenue Request: Driveway Width Variance Ms. Aaker informed the Board the property owners of 4622 Drexel Ave. So. have applied for a 1 Y2 ft driveway width variance to allow access into the rear yard of their,property for the construction of a detached two car garage. The proposed driveway will be 10 Y2 ft in width. The Zoning Ordinance requires new driveways to be 12 ft in width. Ms. Aaker explained to the Board on April 6, 2006, the property owners requested a similar variance for the driveway width from the Zoning Board of . Appeals. The request was for a 6 inch variance to allow for a driveway width of 11 Y2 ft. There were three members present at the hearing. The 11 Y2 ft driveway width variance was denied by a 2 -1 vote. Two of the members felt a driveway width variance would be appropriate however; one of the members supporting a driveway width variance voted to deny because in his opinion the driveway should be constructed less than 11 1/2 ft in width as requested. The Board member believed the driveway width should be similar in width to others in the neighborhood, (8 -10 ft in width) and to allow spacing between the subject driveway and the driveway to the south. One Board member supported the request as submitted and the third felt there was no undue hardship present in support of a variance approval. Ms. Aaker concluded the homeowner has re- applied for a driveway width variance narrower than originally requested at the suggestion of one of the Zoning Board members. The new driveway will have a "stepped" retaining wall along the north side and will be at the same grade as the neighbor's driveway to the south. There will be an 18 ft planting strip between the subject driveway and the driveway to the south. The proposed 10 Y2 ft wide driveway will still be wider than many of the driveways that currently exist on the block and within the Country Club District. Mr. Samuelson representative for the proponents, Mr. Hoffman and Mr. Miller was present to respond to questions from the Board. Interested neighbors were also present. Mrs. Utne asked Ms. Aaker to clarify the request. Ms. Aaker told the Board the proponent is requesting a variance from the City's driveway width requirement of 12 feet. Ms. Aaker explained this request was previously heard by another Board and the request was denied with a 2 -1 vote. The request failed because one of the Zoning Board members felt that the requested driveway width of 11.6" was too wide for the neighborhood and suggested that the proponents return to a Board with a proposal for a driveway less wide. The Board Member indicated he would have supported the variance request if the width of the driveway was reduced. Mrs. Scherer said as she reviewed packet materials she observed another issue that was mentioned is the slope of the proposed new driveway is reduced, creating a safer driveway. Ms. Aaker responded that is correct. The new driveway will be relocated to the south side of the lot and constructed at a lesser grade. Mr. Samuelson addressed the Board and informed them he is representing Matt Hoffman the proponent. With graphics he pointed out the existing driveway pitch and the pitch of the proposed new driveway. Mr. Samuelson noted the proposed driveway pitch has almost a 50% reduction. He added the proponent has two young children and it is very important to him that the driveway is constructed at a grade less steep. Mr. Samuelson said a concern mentioned at the previous meeting was the height of the proposed retaining wall. Mr. Samuelson said after careful review the retaining wall was redesigned and now will be terraced reducing the height of the wall in increments. Continuing, Mr. Samuelson said the plan before the Board this evening is at the suggestion of Mike Fischer, Zoning Board Member who at the last meeting suggested reducing the width of the driveway. Mr. Samuelson said Mr. Fischer felt a driveway width of over 11 feet was out of character in the Country Club neighborhood since most of the driveway widths in the district are considerably less. Mr. Samuelson asked the Board to note the reduction in driveway width and the proposed "strip of land" between the subject driveway and the abutting driveway. Concluding, Mr. Samuelson said in his opinion the reduction in driveway slope and retaining wall height is an important improvement to the lot. He also added the renovation of the home and the construction and placement of the garage in the rear yard vs. the existing "tuck under" situation is of benefit to the District and more in keeping with the look and feel of the Country Club neighborhood. Mr. Delcinedes, 4624 Drexel Avenue, told the Board his driveway is at least as steep as the subject driveway, adding he spoke with the previous owner, Mr. Fulton and Mr. Fulton indicated to him his vehicles never "slid down" the driveway. Mr. Delcinedes said the Country Club neighborhood consists of 554 homes, adding in his opinion no one would want to share a driveway if they didn't have too. Continuing, Mr. Delcinedes said he spoke with a realtor, Mr. McDonnell who informed him if the driveway was moved from north to south the new driveway location would have a negative impact on his property values. Mr. Delcinedes told the Board Mr. McDonnell indicated his willingness to testify to that fact. With photos Mr. Delcinedes pointed out to the Board there are a number of homes (over 40) in the District with "tuck under" garages, adding at the previous meeting there was a statement indicating garages in the rear yard are more in keeping with the district, and these photo's show that statement was unfounded. Concluding, Mr. Delicinedes informed the Board in his neighborhood there are 22 young children and the proposed driveway change would endanger not only his children but the neighborhood children that go in and out of his yard. Mrs. Vasaly asked Mr. Delcinedes the width of his driveway. Mr. Delcinedes responded he believes his driveway is 8 feet in width. Mr. Delcinedes reiterated he has a concern with safety, reiterating side -by -side driveways pose a safety concern for children and a financial concern for his property. He added he had a great relationship with the former neighbor and is worried that a variance will be approved for a contractor (not a resident) coming in to "flip" this house. Mrs. Delcinedes, 4624 Drexel Avenue asked the Board to deny this request. She stated the proponent hasn't been neighborly and with photos shared with the Board pictures of neighborhood children sliding and snowboarding down the proponent's driveway and yard. She pointed out the proponent was remiss in shoveling their sidewalk and driveway, adding if the driveway was shoveled a vehicle wouldn't slip. Ms. Neale, 4623 Drexel told the Board a majority of neighbors object to this request, adding there is no hardship to support the change in driveway location, adding the proposed location is detrimental to the safety of the neighborhood children. Ms. Neale pointed out a tree will be removed to accommodate the new driveway and garage, and a catch basin will have to be relocated. Continuing, Ms. Neale submitted to the Board a petition from neighbors indicating their objection to the change in driveway location. Ms. Neale asked the Board to reject this request pointing out the neighbors strongly object to relocating the driveway and have unanimously rejected this request. Ms. Jackson, 4604 Drexel Avenue stated the proposed change in driveway places an undue hardship on the Delcinedes property. The Delcinedes should not have a driveway next to theirs which would create an unsafe situation. Ms. Herman, 4602 Drexel told the Board she lives in a house with a shared driveway, adding in her opinion it isn't desirable. Ms. Herman said the proposed "strip" of grass between drives, in her opinion, looks awful. Mrs. Scherer asked Ms. Aaker if all the driveways along Drexel have their driveways on the north side. Ms. Aaker responded at least in the immediate area it appears the majority of the homes have the driveway on the north, however, there are homes on the block that share a drive, with some driveways located on the south side. Mrs. Vasaly asked for clarification on the reduction in the slope of the driveway. She said her main concern is with the slope of the driveway, adding she wants some assurance the slope of the proposed driveway will be reduced if this request is approved and the driveway relocated. Mr. Samuelson said the grade of the existing driveway ranges from 887 at the street to 893.22 at the top of the drive or a pitch of 8.43. The new driveway pitch is proposed at around 4.82 or roughly almost a 50% reduction. Mrs. Vasaly said she wanted to make sure the new driveway doesn't have such a steep slope, adding she believes the slope of the existing driveway presents a hardship and is unsafe. Mrs. Vasaly moved to approve the request for a driveway width variance noting the reduction in driveway slope is positive. Mrs. Scherer seconded the motion for the purpose of discussion. Mr. Schwartzbauer stated in his opinion there isn't enough room for two driveways in that location. Mr. Schwartzbauer acknowledged the attractiveness of the proposed remodel; however, he believes an attractive home could be constructed leaving the driveway exactly where it is. Mr. Schwartzbauer said he also feels a shared driveway situation is unsafe. Mrs. Scherer said she believes the house redesign is good, but cannot be persuaded to approve this variance. She added in her opinion keeping the driveway on the north side of the property is consistent with driveway placement in this immediate neighborhood. Mrs. Vasaly stated she supports the variance. She added she believes the steep grade of the driveway poses a safety issue; she also observed the relocation of the driveway was reviewed by both the City Engineer and Staff Liaison to the Heritage Preservation Board. Mrs. Vasaly also noted the majority of driveways in the District are not 12 feet in width, they are less. Concluding, Mrs. Vasaly said the photo's the Board viewed this evening with children using the subject property and subject driveway to sled and snowboard confirms in her mind reducing the slope of the driveway is an improvement which addresses the safety issue. Chair Utne told the Board she supports the request. She said what the Board is considering at this time is a variance for driveway width, reiterating she supports the variance as presented, adding it is important to note the majority of the driveways in the Country Club District are not 12 feet wide, and "holding" this property to the Code would be a hardship. Chair Utne called the vote; Ayes; Vasaly, Utne. Nays; Schwartzbauer, Scherer. Motion failed. Chair Utne informed Mr. Samuelson the Board's decision can be appealed to the City Council. _ r 1 LOCATION MAP . arrA ST B -06 -23 DRIVEWAY WIDTH 8 DDUNTW CLUB ND ECKMACT PID: 1802824130010 4622 Drexel Ave Edina, MN 55424 e 4, .I E? Legend HObb9hied Faabua Sbaal Nano Labot N %4uncpal Boundary ,A/ Geab OLakes p Peru ❑ Pamok MEMORANDUM DATE: May 4, 2006 TO: Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Kris Aaker, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: 462? Drexel Ave. So., Driveway width variance The property owners of 4622 Drexel Ave. So. have applied for a 1 Y2 ft driveway width variance to allow access into the rear yard of their property for the construction of a detached two car garage. The proposed driveway will be 10'/2 ft in width. The Zoning Ordinance requires new driveways to be 12 ft in width. On April 6, 2006, the property owners requested a similar variance for the driveway width from the Zoning Board of Appeals. The request was for a 6 inch variance to allow for a driveway width of 11 '/2 ft. There were three members present at the hearing. The 11 %2 ft driveway width variance was denied by a 2 -1 vote. Two of the members felt a driveway width variance would be appropriate however; one of the members supporting a driveway change voted for denial because it was the Board member's opinion the driveway should be less than 11 1/2 ft as requested. The Board member believed the driveway width should be similar in width to others in the neighborhood, (8 -10 ft in width), to allow spacing between the subject driveway and the driveway to the south. One Board member supported the request as submitted and the third felt there is no undue hardship present in support of a variance approval. The homeowner has re- applied for a driveway width variance narrower than originally requested at the suggestion of one of the Zoning Board members. The new driveway will have a "stepped" retaining wall along the north side and will be at the same grade as the neighbor's driveway to the south. There will be an 18 ft planting strip between the subject driveway and the driveway to the south. The proposed 10'/2 ft wide driveway will still be wider than many of the driveways that currently exist on the block and within the Country Club District. Attached for reference are the following materials: Original site plans. Staff report Minutes of the April 6, 2006 meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals. �5YA CASE NUMBER *.a DATE 22-5 FEE PAID On W Planning Department 4801 West Fiftieth Street * Edina, MN 55424 * (952) 826 -0369 FAX (952) 826 -0389 APPLICATION FOR: VARIANCE /FEE RES. $200 /NON -RES. $400 APPLICANT: NAME: ADDRESS /ZIP:15V.) ffAywre SA- wo-3 s-s33,0 PHONE10.0 17-(9 7� PROPERTY OWNER: NAME: F&*e 1 Y�n1le2 ADDRESS /ZIP:q�D,z) 172Eti �/ ss�lzK PHONE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: L-i'12. L P Mal PROPERTY ADDRESS: SDanEL i}var PRESENT ZONING: F-3 P.I.D.# 19 —0-P-$ -;�q' /3 °o/ U EXPLANATION OF REQUEST: 17KluG�w4Y (Use reverse side or additional pages if necessary) ARCHITECT: NAMEDALAp PHONE: U —M8 SURVEYOR: NAME6,1(zv jP& t ? s--,&nPHONE: -zv�-O — �2 ,149 g G Cv G (&% pplica t Signatu a (Date) Property ner's Signatur (Date) Zoning Board Application .............Page 2 Minnesota Statutes and Edina ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: Relieve an undue hardship which was not self imposed or a mere inconvenience. Yes - The existing slope of the driveway is extremely dangerous. Cars, parked in the driveway during slippery conditions, slide down the driveway, across the sidewalk, and into the street. Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property, but not applicable to other property, in the vicinity or zoning district. Yes — See same answer above Preserve a substantial property right possessed by other property in the vicinity and zoning district. Yes - To bring property into alignment with original Country Club Historical preservation, which stated no garages facing the street in front of house. Not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity or zoning district. Yes - Extensive remodel and addition improves the property value in the neighborhood, and brings it in alignment with the surrounding homes and neighborhood. City of Edina May 4, 2006 Camelot Construction 15472 Filmore Street Elk River, MN 55330 Re: 4622 Drexel Avenue, Edina, MN - B -06 -24 — a driveway width variance for 4622 Drexel Avenue, Edina, MN Dear Mr. Miller: In connection with your recent request for a driveway width variance, which was heard by the Edina Zoning Board on Thursday, May 4, 2006, may we advise you that same has been denied. If you wish to appeal the decision of the Zoning Board to the Edina City Council, a letter of intent must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than May 14, 2006. If you have further questions on this matter, please feel free to contact me at 952 - 826 -0465. Sincerely, Jackie Hoogenakker Zoning Board of Appeals h City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com 952 - 927 -8861 FAX 952- 826 -0390 TTY 952 - 826 -0379 Edina City Council 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 To Whom It May Concern: This is a letter of support for Robert Miller, owner of the home at 4622 Drexel Avenue South. Plans for a much - needed, extensive renovation of the home designated above are in place pending approval and we wish to state our approval of these plans. Our home is located just next door to the home in question, on the lot to the north, at 20 rte,. n___.t.. t. i:._.._._t. addition d �1)GV iJLGXGI NVCI7UC JuUlll, aj7d we recently uiiUfa IUVn 8 inzlsSlVG Qddi.;v,l uitu exterior renovation on it. We.purchased the home in 1985 -86 and have worked to bring it up to the neighborhood standard ever since, so we thoroughly understand Mr. Miller's desire to do the same. Both houses were /are candidates for this type of improvement. We are particularly pleased to note that Mr. Miller is planning on relocating the driveway. The current one is on an uphill slope which makes it very treacherous during the winter. Cars cannot be parked at that time safely and have, in the past, slid back down into the street. Walking on it during the winter is dangerous as well. Under the winter conditions Minnesota provides, it's almost impossible to keep it clear, ice -free, and consequently safe for all who use it. The plans for the driveway change appear to solve those problems. In addition, we are delighted with the architectural ideas and changes that Mr. Miller proposes for the home's exterior. The home has needed work for many years and these architectural plans will improve and enhance the home greatly, producing an eye pleasing result which will be much more in keeping with the existing homes in the Country Club neighborhood. It has to be wonderful for all of the surrounding neighbors that both of these homes, side by side, will not only improve the value of the homes on Drexel, but be pleasant to look at as well. In ciosing, we extend our thanks to the City Council iur considering all of file requests put forth by Mr. Miller, and offer our approval and support for what he wishes to accomplish. We voice no objections to Mr. Miller's intentions for the home and are looking forward to having him and his family as our neighbors. Thank you for your time and consideration. Yours very truly, Wayne and Anne Whitman Jackie Hoogenakker From: Kelly Jackson Backson4626 @mac.comj Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 2:04 PM To: Jackie Hoogenakker Cc: Christina Delianidis Subject: 4622 Drexel Avenue variance appeal Ms. Hoogenakker, The purpose of this message is to restate our opposition to the lot width variance request for the property located at 4622 Drexel Avenue in Edina. The original letter containing our concerns, dated March 29, 2006 is included below. Please forward this message to City Council members Scot Housh, Alice Hulbert, Linda Masica and Ann Swenson. We regret we will be unable to attend the June 20 meeting; we hope you will consider our concerns when making your decision. Thank you, again, for your consideration, Kelly and Jamie Jackson 4626 Drexel Avenue, Edina Begin forwarded message: From: Kelly Jackson <jackson462_@mac.com> Date: March 29, 2006 3:12:03 PM CST To: jhoo,genakker @ci.e0ina_mn.us Cc: Christina Delianidis <CiscoandClint@aol.com> Subject: 4622 Drexel Avenue To Whom it May Concern, This letter is in regard to the proposed Driveway Width Variance requested for the above captioned property. As Property Owners Within 200 Feet, we have the following concerns about the proposed change: 1.) The variance suggests a change in the appearance of the property. Although we realize homes in the neighborhood can, and should, be maintained and improved, it should be done in a manner that maintains the historical and aesthetic integrity of the neighborhood. Inasmuch as there have been recent projects that have not met that criteria, we are concerned about any proposed changes. 2.) There are many young children on our block, including our three, who spend much of their outside time playing in the front yards of the neighborhood; they often run between each others' yards. We are concerned that any proposed changes to the driveway may impede driver visibility and compromise the safety of our children. 3.) As a general comment, we know from past personal experience that it is not desirable to have adjacent/abutting driveways. A "shared" driveway makes it difficult to take full advantage of one's property in terms of parking, playing, etc. We regret we will be unable to attend the Zoning Board hearing on April 6; we hope this letter clearly communicates our concerns. Thank you for your consideration, Kelly and Jamie Jackson DREXEL AVENUE PETITION OPPOSING CASE FILE B -06 -23 VARIANCE APPLICATION FOR 4622 DREXEL AVENUE 1.5' DRIVEWAY WIDTH VARIANCE AND ADJACENT PROPERTY /NEW CURB CUT /DRIVEWAY RELOCATED NAME SIGNATURE PROPERTY OWNER DATE 16. Q n �) 513ni, s wtsSc«kso� 6 � J'� • � i v� �i_� 18 e,�-, 25. GRoa ST H I= 7. LOCATION MAP GUUN7RV CLUB tm E VINA Cf B -06 -18 4622 DREXEL AVENUE VARIANCE PI13:1802824130010 Edina, MN 55424 g s Legend Ffphtghted Feature Street Warne Label* 64unicgal Boundary �✓ Creeks 0 Lakes pParks Parcel* vu EDINA ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS STAFF REPORT APRIL 6, 2006 B -06 -18 Camelot Construction /Robert J Miller 4622 Drexel Ave. So. Lot 12, Block 7, Country Club Zoning: R -1 Request: Driveway width variance Background The subject property is located on the west side of Drexel Ave. consisting of a two story home with a front loading, two car garage. The property owner is planning to remodel and add onto the house. The plan will include removing the existing driveway and curb cut, converting the existing garage into living space, adding to the back of the home on both the first and second floors and constructing a new detached garage in the rear yard. The new detached garage would be accessed by a new driveway installed along the south side of the property. All aspects of the project conform to the ordinance requirements with the exception of the proposed driveway width along the south wall of the home. The minimum width required for newly constructed driveway is 12 ft. The property owner is proposing a new driveway width of approximately 11 1/2 ft. Issues /Analysis The property is located in the historic Country Club District. All new structures, including the proposed garage, require a Certificate of Appropriateness through the Heritage Preservation Board. The new garage structure will be reviewed by the Heritage Preservation Board if a detached garage in the rear yard is allowed access by approval of the proposed driveway. The change in curb -cut and driveway has been reviewed and deemed acceptable by both the City Engineer and the Staff liaison to the Heritage Preservation Board, (see attached memorandums). No Engineering or Heritage Preservation basis for denial was identified for the curb cut location or driveway change. The proposed driveway will be installed at the same grade as the adjacent driveway to the south. A retaining wall will be installed along the north side of the driveway on the subject property. A fire place chimney will be removed along the south wall of the home to accommodate the new driveway. The south - facing basement windows will have glass block installed with driveway asphalt to abut the windows. No window wells are proposed along the south wall of the home. The proposed driveway will not be a shared or common driveway with the existing driveway to the south located on the 4224 Drexel property. There are no cross easements proposed between properties. There are many driveways in the Country Club District that are less than 12 ft in I idth. The adjacent property to the south has a driveway width of 8 ft for most of its length. Shared and abutting driveways and driveways widths less than 10 ft in the Country Club are not uncommon. Conclusion /Recommendation The proposed request is minimal and will preserve a substantial property right enjoyed by others in the Country Club District. Staff supports the request subject to the plans presented. CASE NUMBE IS DATE FEE PAID Planning Department www ,cityotedir.a.com 4801 West Fiftieth Street * Edina, MN 55424 * (952) 826 -0369 FAX (952) 826 -0389 APPLICATION FOR: VARIANCEIFEE RES. $200 1NON -RES. $400 APPLICANT: NAME: ulcr4 �'�►,r�S�{� 1v�C ADDRESS1ZIP:(S'j7a FI,Mo�-. c7t C-i- r -2uwe2 55-330 PHONE: (01-- Y17-{0375 PROPERTY OWNER: NAME: gzobea-+ p lle2 ADDRESS/ZIP: 46 x� - DaoxE1-- PHONE: Q 1 )-"3" AQS- LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: L-I- Iz uL1C C: Tfel" 7r PROPERTY ADDRESS: y6 >�L- 17(Ley r t- AVC- PRESENT ZONING: Q .-3- P.I.D.# J D D° — Y y3 00/ C) EXPLANATION OF REQUEST: -1 kI 4N CgF" 6r— D 2t u rc w 4y wl �nA (Use reverse side or additional pages if necessary) ARCHITECT: NAME:.NU 1j PHONE: SURVEYOR: NAME:Su(ZueyirJL-(CozlNcei2i &'ic Pis,-,-- 1sPHONE: Property 0 er's Signature ( ate) Applicants Vgna ture (Date) Zoning Board Application .............Page 2 Minnesota Statutes and Edina ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: Relieve an undue hardship which was not self imposed or a mere inconvenience. Yes - The existing slope of the driveway is extremely dangerous. Cars, parked in the driveway during slippery conditions, slide down the driveway, across the sidewalk, and into the street. Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property, but not applicable to other property, in the vicinity or zoning district. Yes — See same answer above Preserve a substantial property right possessed by other property in the vicinity and zoning district. Yes - To bring property into alignment with original Country Club Historical preservation, which stated no garages facing the street in front of house. Not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity or zoning district. Yes - Extensive remodel and addition improves the property value in the neighborhood, and brings it in alignment with the surrounding homes and neighborhood. City of Edina April 7, 2006 Camelot Construction /Robert Miller 4622 Drexel Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Re: B -06 -18 — a driveway width variance for 4622 Drexel Avenue, Edina, MN Dear Mr. Miller: In connection with your recent request for a driveway width variance, which was heard by the Edina Zoning Board on Thursday, April 6, 2006, may we advise you that same has been denied. If you wish to appeal the decision of the Zoning Board to the Edina City Council, a letter of intent must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than April 16, 2006. If you have further questions on this matter, please feel free to contact me at 952 - 826 -0465. Jackie Hoogenakker Zoning Board of Appeals h City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com 952 - 927 -8861 FAX 952 -826 -0390 TTY 952 -826 -0379 Zoning Board April 6, 2006 meeting minutes. B -06 -18 Camelot Construction /Robert J Miller 4622 Drexel Ave. So. Lot 12, Block 7, Country Club Request: Driveway width variance Ms. Aaker informed the Board the subject property is located on the west side of Drexel Ave. consisting of a two story home with a front loading, two car garage. The property owner is planning to remodel and add onto the house. The plan will include removing the existing driveway and curb cut, converting the existing garage into living space, adding to the back of the home on both the first and second floors and constructing a new detached garage in the rear yard. The new detached garage would be accessed by a new driveway installed along the south side of the property. All aspects of the project conform to the ordinance requirements with the exception of the proposed driveway width along the south wall of the home. The minimum width required for newly constructed driveway is 12 ft. The property owner is proposing a new driveway width of approximately 11 1/2 ft. Ms. Aaker explained the property is located in the historic Country Club District. All new structures, including the proposed garage, require a Certificate of Appropriateness through the Heritage Preservation Board. The new garage structure will be reviewed by the Heritage Preservation Board if a detached garage in the rear yard is allowed access by approval of the proposed driveway. The change in curb -cut and driveway has been reviewed and deemed acceptable by both the City Engineer and the Staff liaison to the Heritage Preservation Board, (see attached memorandums). No Engineering or Heritage Preservation basis for denial was identified for the curb cut location or driveway change. Ms. Aaker explained the proposed driveway will be installed at the same grade as the adjacent driveway to the south. A retaining wall will be installed along the north side of the driveway on the subject property. A fire place chimney will be removed along the south wall of the home to accommodate the new driveway. The south - facing basement windows will have glass block installed with driveway asphalt to abut the windows. No window wells are proposed along the south wall of the home. The proposed driveway will not be a shared or common driveway with the existing driveway to the south located on the 4224 Drexel property. There are no cross easements proposed between properties. Ms. Aaker asked the Board to note there are many driveways in the Country Club District that are less than 12 ft in width. The adjacent property to the south has a driveway width of 8 ft for most of its length. Shared and abutting driveways and driveways widths less than 10 ft in the Country Club are not uncommon. Ms. Aaker concluded the proposed request is minimal and will preserve a substantial property right enjoyed by others in the Country Club District. Staff supports the request subject to the plans presented. The proponents, Mr. Miller and Mr. Hoffman were present to respond to questions. Interested neighbors were also present. Chair Schwartzbauer noted the packet contained a letter from a neighbor suggesting that the driveway continue to be located along the north property line to access the new garage. Chair Schwartzbauer asked if that was ever considered. Ms. Aaker responded if one looks at the spacing on that side of the house it would be very difficult to place a driveway in that location. Mrs. Vasaly said the proponent indicated the slope of the driveway presents a danger during winter months because of the potential for vehicles to "slip down" the driveway unto the sidewalk or street. Ms. Aaker acknowledged the driveway does slope, adding the City doesn't have a mechanism in place that addresses driveway slope. Mrs. Vasaly commented if she read the plan correctly the proposed driveway slope will be lessened as a result of this proposal. Ms. Aaker responded that is correct the new driveway will improve the slope. Mr. Fischer asked the applicant if the proposed driveway would be concrete or asphalt. Mr. Fischer also observed it appears the adjacent neighbor's driveway (to the south) is constructed right up to the common property line. Ms. Aaker confirmed that statement. With regard to asphalt driveways Ms. Aaker pointed out the majority of driveways in the Country Club area are concrete, not asphalt. Continuing, Ms. Aaker told the Board if approved they can stipulate the type of material used for the driveway. Mr. Fischer commented the variance is for six inches, adding as he viewed the Country Club neighborhood a driveway width of 12 feet appears larger than most. Ms. Aaker responded that is correct a majority of driveways in the District are between eight and ten feet. Mr. Hoffman addressed the Board and told them he parked his vehicle in the driveway this past winter and the vehicle slid down the driveway onto the sidewalk. Continuing, Mr. Hoffman said he was surprised at the interest this request generated especially with regard to the safety of children. Mr. Hoffman said the safety of children, his and the neighboring children are of the utmost importance. . Mr. Delcinedes, 4624 Drexel Avenue (neighbor to the south) told the Board he doesn't support the variance request. Mr. Delcinedes said the reason the vehicle slid down the driveway was because the driveway wasn't shoveled. Continuing, Mr. Delcinedes informed the Board in the immediate area there are 22 children and the proposed driveway endangers them. He added in his opinion it is detrimental to have a driveway to driveway situation with a grade change. Mr. Delcinedes questioned Mr. Hoffman if he ever constructed a home in the Country Club District, adding when he heard the proposed driveway may be constructed with asphalt he cringed. Mrs. Vasaly said as she views the plans it appears the Delcinedes driveway is only 8 feet in width. Mr. Delcinedes responded that is correct. Mrs. Delcinedes told the Board during the past winter months there were many times the driveway and sidewalk of the home at 4622 Drexel was not shoveled. Continuing, Mrs. Delcinedes said she is very fearful for the safety of her children, especially in light of the possibility of a shared driveway. Mrs. Delcinedes said the neighborhood is very friendly and people spend a lot of time visiting especially in their front yard areas. Mrs. Delcinedes said the change in driveway location will not only negatively impact her family but will negatively impact other properties in the immediate area. Concluding, Mrs. Delcinedes said she has a fear one of her children could be injured exiting their car if the neighbors are exiting their new driveway at the same time. Ms. Herman, 4602 Drexel Avenue told the Board she has a shared driveway and would rather not have one. She stated a shared driveway is not desirable and the mass this will create will be unappealing. Ms. Shannon Neale, 4623 Drexel Avenue, acknowledged there are shared driveways in the area, but that doesn't mean they work well. Ms. Neale pointed out many side by side driveways have space between them like a strip of greenery. Continuing, Ms. Neale pointed out there is also a drain located at the end of the subject driveway which is proposed to change. She said she is worried that a change in the drain system could create the potential to flood. Mrs. Vasaly questioned the drain system that will be changed. Mr. Hoffman responded the City Engineer has reviewed their proposal and found no problem with it, and supports it. Continuing, Mr. Hoffman said with regard to asphalt vs. concrete it was never his intent to construct an asphalt driveway - it will be concrete. Continuing, Mr. Hoffman said when he purchased his home it needed a lot of work. He told the Board he met with City staff and was informed of the Code with regard to driveway width, and applied for a variance. Mr. Hoffman said he believes relocating the garage in the rear yard is more in keeping with the area. Concluding, Mr. Hoffman acknowledged he never constructed a home in the Country Club area of Edina, but does build a quality home. Mr. Fischer acknowledged the Code requires a driveway width of 12 feet, but pointed out the Code is City wide and in certain areas of smaller lots a 12 foot wide driveway doesn't make sense and in many cases a 12 foot driveway is detrimental to the "look" of the neighborhood. Continuing, Mr. Fischer said he believes this issue can be resolved, adding sometimes the best solution would be to grant a greater variance. Mr. Fischer stated in his opinion a driveway width in this area would be more aesthetically pleasing between 9 and 10 feet. Ms. Aaker said she understands Mr. Fischer's point of view. She said variances have been granted in the City's more "urban" areas for driveways under 12 feet in width. Mr. Fischer said the logic used to approach a variance should be to achieve a better end result, adding in all honestly he doesn't feel a 12 foot driveway is best for this lot and this neighborhood. Mr. Fischer said he is encouraged by the fact there would be a turn - around area in the rear yard enabling vehicles to enter the street front first, adding he believes the width of the drive should be less and if approved the driveway should be concrete or pavers, not asphalt. Mrs. Vasaly said she would have a hard time denying this request. She said she agrees the driveway would better serve the subject site and area if it were constructed less than 12 feet, adding the Board can't force the proponent to reduce the driveway width. Continuing, Mrs. Vasaly said if she read the site plan correctly the current driveway is less than 12 feet in width. Mr. Hoffman said he would have no problem reducing the width of the driveway. Ms. Aaker said if the driveway width is reduced Mr. Hoffman would have to re -apply for a variance because the plans presented this evening are what the Board must act on. Chair Schwartzbauer stated he can't support the variance as presented, adding in his opinion there is no hardship. He added he just doesn't like the proposed location of the new driveway. Mrs. Vasaly moved variance approval noting a hardship exists on this lot, the lot is non - conforming at 60 feet wide, adding a lot with this width cannot accommodate a 12 foot driveway to meet code requirements. Mr. Fischer seconded the motion. Chair Schwartzbauer stated he is opposed to the motion and cannot support the variance. He said in his opinion if this variance is granted it will alter the surrounding area, reiterating in his opinion, there is no hardship. Ayes, Vasaly. Nays, Schwartzbauer, Fischer. Motion denied. Mr. Fischer explained his "No" vote is because he could support a driveway width variance, but not this one. Mr. Fischer reiterated he could support a greater variance. Mr. Fischer stated in his opinion there is a hardship present to support the granting of a greater variance: A 12 foot or 11'6" driveway is too wide for this neighborhood, and out of character. Mrs. Vasaly also pointed out there is nothing in the Code prohibiting driveways from abutting each other, or being relocated, adding in this neighborhood there appears to be a number of side by side driveways with the majority of the driveways less than 12 feet in width. Mr. Fischer asked Ms. Aaker if the proponents can re -apply for a greater variance. Ms. Aaker responded in the affirmative. Continuing, Mr. Fischer told the proponents they can appeal the Board's decision to the City Council. Mr. Fischer reiterated he believes a hardship exists on these smaller lots, adding he could support a greater variance. He added a driveway width between 9 and 10 feet would make sense to him, and is more in keeping with the streetscape of the Country Club neighborhood. DATE: March 29,2006 MEMORANDUM ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA TO: Kris Aaker — Assistant Planner FROM: Wayne Houle — City Engineer C: Joyce Repya — Associate Planner Roger Glanzer — Utility Superintendent Engineering Curb Cut Permit File SUBJECT: Curb cut request for 4622 Drexel Avenue Engineering has reviewed the above request to move the existing curb cut located along the northerly property line to the southerly property line. After reviewing City Code Section 1205, 1 do not object to this curb cut relocation. I understand that Associate Planner - Joyce Repya, staff liaison with the Heritage Preservation Board, also does not object to this curb cut relocation. Engineering requires that the applicant re- establish the existing curb cut with the proper concrete curb and gutter, boulevard area, and new sidewalk as part of the curb cut permit. The applicant shall also contact Roger Glanzer — Edna Utility Superintendent to perform an inspection of the catch basin that is located in the proposed curb cut location. The new catch basin casting along with any other upgrades to the catch basin will also be at the applicant's expense. Please contact me if you need additional information. Thanks MEMORANDUM TO: Kris Aaker, Assistant Planner FROM: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner Heritage Preservation Board Staff SUBJECT: New Curb Cut Applications in the Country Club District DATE: March 31, 2006 Because the Country Club District is designated an Edina Heritage Landmark District, I review applications for new curb cuts in the District in addition to the Engineering Department. The following elements are considered in the review: When a new curb cut is created, the old curb cut must be removed. New curb and gutter shall replace the old curb cut. No boulevard trees shall be compromised by the new curb cut. MEMORANDUM TO: Zoning Board of Appeals and Adjustments FROM: Joyce Repya, Associate Planner SUBJECT: Detached Garages in the Country Club District DATE: April 6, 2006 When addressing new detached garages in the Country Club District, Heritage Preservation Consultant Robert Vogel has advised the Heritage Preservation Board that the Secretary of the Interior's standards for the treatment of historic properties recognizes new construction as an appropriate undertaking providing the new construction is compatible in size, scale, materials, color and texture with other buildings in the neighborhood. Furthermore, detached garages are consistent with the historic pattern of residential development in the Country Club District. When reviewing plans for new detached garages in the Country Club District, in addition to determining that the architectural style is compatible with the style of the home, the Heritage Preservation Board also observes the following design guidelines: • No detached garage should be taller, longer, or wider than the house. • No detached garage should have a roofline taller than that of adjacent homes. Undecorated side walls longer than 16 feet should be avoided whenever possible. New garages should be differentiated from historic homes and clearly identifiable as contemporary works. The Heritage Preservation Board would consider a new detached garage in the rear yard to be a positive for a property with a front loading garage because the vehicle parking and storage would be moved from the front of the home into the rear yard. Page 1 of 1 Kris Aaker From: CiscoandClint @aol.com Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 10:33 PM To: Kris Aaker; Steve Kirchman; Steve Lillehaug; Joyce Repya Subject: Lot 12, Block7 Country Club To Whom It May Concern, I am forwarding a letter sent by my husband, Daniel Delianedis, on March 26, to Ms. Jackie Hoogenakker. All of your names have been mentioned through other a -mails sent to us regarding a hearing for a driveway width variance. The hearing is scheduled for Thursday, April 6, 2006. The letter was sent to Jackie Hoogenakker because her name was listed on the notice as the contact person to submit letters expressing oUr views. We do know a few neighbors have already sent her letters opposing the variance. Another neighbor has spoken with Jim Hovland and corresponded with him through e-mail. We anticipate more letters to follow. I do know the few neighbors that will be in town (due to Edina's spring break) will be at the hearing. I also want you to know that I am against this driveway width variance. My reasons are strictly from my heart as a concerned mother. It may be a few inches to the board, but it is a life that I am worried about! 1 have totaled the number of children that live within the 200 feet of this driveway - there are 22! The only way these children are able to get out of the street when on a wagon, bike, skate board, stroller or roller skates, is through all of our driveways. If you drive on Drexel in the morning before school, during the day and after school you will notice all of the kids playing in our front yards. You must be aware that the traffic situation has increased too. All of the 22 children are of elementary school age. In the winter months our children use the drives to slide down. The street and driveways are a hazard to us all. This will only add to the congestion. I hope and pray you will consider our concerns. I am not against the home being updated. I am against the driveway width variance because of the use of our driveway. It will absolutely become a shared driveway because of the closeness already. It will be a hazard to our children. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Christina Delianedis 3/31/2006 Daniel J. Delianedis 4624 Drexel Avenue Edina, MN 55424 952 - 922 -8121 March 26, 2006 .Ms. Jackie Hoogenakker Edina City Hall Planning Commission 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, MN 55424 Dear Ms. Hoogenaker, My name is Daniel Delianedis. My family and 1 live at 4624 Drexel Avenue. We moved into our home in July of 2001. 1 have a wife and two daughters ages ten and four. I believe that we are the fourth family to own this property since 1934 when it was built. We love Edina, MN and love the Country Club District. As you might know, the property to the north of us at 4622 Drexel was purchased by a construction company, Camelot Construction Inc., located at 19393 Upland St NW, Elk River, MN in December 2005. 1 received your announcement March 25, that Camelot Construction and Robert J Miller is requesting a driveway width variance. The following reasons are why I oppose granting a driveway width variance to Camelot Construction. 1.) It is my understanding that the Edina City Planning Commission requires that any variance must be agreed to by homeowners within 200' of the dwelling requesting the variance. I do not wish to permit the variance. We would never have purchased our home in 2001 if there were a shared or common driveway between us and 4622 Drexel. 2.) It is furthermore my understanding that the Edina City Planning Commission requires that all driveways have at least 12' of clearance from a single family dwelling to any neighboring property. The south facing wall structure at 4622 Drexel is about 26' long . It has only 9'60 of clearance from its' chimney to my property. There are also three south facing basement window wells along the foundation. The distance from each window well to my property line is 10' 3 ". There is 11'4" of clearance from the foundation to my property. This is just not enough clearance according to the City of Edina's ordinance so again, I oppose granting a driveway width variance. 3.) The most important reason for opposing the variance is the safety of my children and many neighbors' children who often come to play at our house. The kids use our driveway to come and go or when they take their bicycles and toys in and out. We have a fence that runs along the back northern border of our property and across the driveway facing east. This fence has been part of the property for more than 30 years. It allows us to keep our two dogs penned up and keep a swing set for the kids. If a variance were granted to build a driveway abutting ours, I worry about safety because the new homeowners at 4622 Drexel will never be able see children at our fence gate (or adults for that matter) as they drive out of their dwelling. The clearance from the rear window well to my fence is 10' 3 ". If the property owner drove a Ford Explorer SUV (72" wide, 80" with rear view mirrors extended) or a Ford Expedition (78" wide - -86" when you include mirrors) for example, the driver will have only 37" of clearance. This means that they have 18 %" on either side of the vehicle. There is therefore, no room for driver error. If a child, adult, or dog simply took one step out beyond the gate when a driver is backing or driving out, they will be easily hit or much worse killed. I also worry that our fence and cars that I park in my driveway will be at risk with such little clearance. We have discussed this with friends that live on Wooddale Ave and Drexel who have a shared or common driveway with their neighbors. All of them voice concerns about safety and inconvenience. 4.) After a recent visit to city hall, I was informed that the Edina City Engineer requires that any owner who intends to "cut" into the city sidewalk and or sewer and drain lines needs to obtain I pproval from the City. As you know, the entire Country Club District is undergoing major reconstruction to it's storm sewer drain and water systems. The street in front of 4622 Drexel is one of the most dramatic problem areas in the neighborhood. The drain in front of 4622 Drexel is the only source for storm and rain water drainage on the south end of the block. If a driveway variance is granted, this could mean more problems for the homes on Drexel near the south end of the block because a new south facing driveway at 4622 Drexel must cut" into the drain area. In other words, the main drain for the south end of the block will be in the dead center of this new driveway located at the street entrance. 5.) The Edina Country Club Historical Preservation Board should know that the changes that need to be made to create a south facing driveway could affect the integrity of the historical homes around it. If the builder decides to take down his chimney as one Camelot worker recently explained to me, it will change the look of the house and potentially the integrity of the neighborhood as most homes in Country Club maintain chimneys. For a driveway to look aesthetically correct at 4622 Drexel, the front hill will need to be dramatically landscaped. The hill currently is 30" to 40" inches higher than my existing driveway. In order for the builder to make a south facing driveway, he would have to landscape his hill by that much to create a driveway level to mine. There do not appear to be too many options in the front of the property. A few that come to the mind of one local landscape designer are: A.) The builder needs to construct a high retaining wall on the northern edge of the new driveway. It will need to span roughly 30' from the house down to the street. This is a safety concern because it exposes many children in the neighborhood -- especially mine, to a potential 3' to 4' drop straight down onto a cement driveway for a span of 30'. B.) The entire front yard would need to be landscaped in such a way that the properties' foundation would be either completely exposed down 3' below grade or another large east (street ) facing retaining wall will be need to be created in the front yard. The elevation of this wall would be another safety concern for kids. My letter may seem like I wish to stand in the way of someone's development. It's not that at all. I simply do not want to be part of a driveway project that jeopardizes my children's safety and diminishes my property value. The City of Edina's application for a variance states that the variance should "not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity or zoning district". I believe this variance request diminishes my property value because most people don't want to share a driveway with their neighbor. I also believe the variance request puts my children at risk as a new driveway will provide virtually no clearance for the driver to maneuver around my fence or parked cars. According to the website that Camelot Construction subscribes to www. contractors.com, they build single family homes but specialize in "mobile home repairs and moving." This group clearly has no experience building Country Club homes in Edina, MN. I do not think that the City of Edina can necessarily dictate who gets a building permit but it seems like experience should matter somewhat on this request. I hope to attend the hearing on April 6, 2006 at 5:30 p.m.. I can certainly answer any questions that you have in advance of the meeting. Please indicate that you have received my letter and understand my request. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, Daniel J. Delianedis cc: C. Larsen, W. Houle Hard copy will follow in mail. Christopher & Annie O'Brien 4627 Drexel Avenue Edina, MN 55424 March 28, 2006 Ms. Jackie Hoogenakker Edina City Hall Dear Ms. Hoogenakker, I have received, the notice of public hearing for the zoning board's case file B -06 -18 regarding the property at 4622 Drexel Avenue. We do not support granting a width variance in this case for the following reasons: Most all of the homes in our section of the street have single driveways on the some side of each house. I understand this variance would be used to build a driveway adjacent to their neighbor's driveway at 4624 Drexel. Having a double driveway like that would be aesthetically displeasing. It is not in keeping with the character of the rest of the houses. 1 do not particularly want to look out at wider stretches of concrete. It seems unnecessary with the current structure of the home • It seems unfair to their immediate neighbors at 4624 who may not want to have a double driveway and who could not have foreseen something like this happening when they made their decision to purchase. The ordinance was put in place for a reason. Most likely to protect the feel and character of the neighborhood. Thank you for allowing us this opportunity. Is it also possible to receive any information on the rest of the plans for that property if there are large revisions planned? I am increasingly concerned about recent projects and protecting the historic character of the neighborhood Thanks again, Chris & Annie O'Brien Annie.obrien @earthlink.net T •d Donald and Sharon P leischmann 4621 Drexel Avenue Edina, Minnesota 55424 952- 920 -7918 We own the property across the street from the property 4622 Drexel Avenue requesting the driveway "width" variance. We received notice from the City of Edina as we arse within 200 lixst. Much to our surprise, not only is there a width variance, but the driveway will actually be relocated. We strongly oppose the approval of this variance in its entirety. We are currently out of town a,-a the Fdinn schools are on spring break or we would attend the meeting April 6th and rurther explain our objections. 17 irra Country Club is struggling with th tear downs. whole issue of redevelopment and te downs. The Mayor and City Council are currently studying this issue. We are asking the Board of Appeals not to consider the requcsted driveway variance in isolation without looking at the bigger picture. It is not "merely u mutter of inches" as 1 was told by Kris Acker. Clearly we are not alone in our b0icl' that "smart development" must be balanced with the needs ofthe neighlx)rhood in which it takes place. As residents our concerns are maany. The lira than the city planning department staff' thinks this driveway issue "is no big deal- is outrageous. It is a "hig deal" to us as we live there and will have to live with the outcome of this decision. The i3oaard of Appenl; should not look merely at the width of the driveway in isolation. as the rvi.it.ioner is actually asking for the driveway to be moved from the north side of the Property to the south side to build a detached garage; in the rear of the property. This goal can he achieved without u variance:. 1 realize after talking with Joyce Repya that the F1PB wunts tat see the tuck under garage: removed And this can be achieved by simply building the detached garage on the north Hide without putting undue hardship on any of the neighbors. 17x: new curb extension needed would allow parking at the rear of our driveway severely limiting our ability to exit our driveway. It is impossible to bet a full sure vehicle out when cars are parked directly behind our driveway. This creates a hardship for us and to our guests. Our objections are many.. 1.) 'I'he prop;rty presents no "undue hard:dtip ". The only hardship is economic for Camelot Construction. 77ac property can be developed with no variance and still achieve the I iPI Is desire to sax; the tuck under garage removed. 2.) No current south elevations are on file with the planning department when 1 reviewed the plan.: can file as required by the variance request. The chimney will be removed but it is unclear what the south elevation will look like. * *ST Ttr9 T99 'Jr JaAaa •o sewer dgTaeo 90 go Jdd 3.) Who on the 1.113,13 approved that the driveway could be moved? At what meeting was this discummud't'I'he 1 IPB never intended the current community standards to benefit s developer at the expense orthe current neighbors. Who will pick up the cost Of the new curb and sewer redesign? 4.) "ltcatiunuhle Use- is tip ror interpretation. variances should only be 1panted if there is no other altenttttive. ' 5.) '111c "parallel- driveway proposed puts an undue hardship on all current property uwnem . especially the property to the south. This is a problem created by the petitioner. Not all properties in Country Club lend themselves to radevclopment at the lowest cost without exutnining alternatives that achieve the same result and satisfy the neighborhoods concent ror appropriateness. Minnesota Statutes and Edina Ordinances require that the variance will "Relieve and ttncitie hardship which is not self imp ved of a mere inconvenknee." We specifically river that this hardship is selr impo%ed and therefore must be denied. 'Thank you ror the opportunity to comment. Sharon and Donald Ficischtnann Copy: Roard ol'Appxils Jackie I Im%criakker 2 • Cl *461 1 *9 199 • Jr JOAOa • 0 saver dS 1 t eo 90 So idd April 2, 2006 To The City of Edina Zoning Board: We are writing in response to the request for a variance for the property at 4622 Drexel Avenue. Our home is 4623 Drexel Avenue which is directly across the street from this property. We have had construction on all immediately adjacent sides of us for the almost four years we have lived here, most of which have had variances, and we have not opposed any of them. We are very much against the building of a driveway adjacent to 4624 Drexel for several reasons. The most important reason is safety. The grade of the hill the driveway would be on is very steep. In surveying all the driveways in the Country Club neighborhood we found only one adjacent driveway with this steep of grade and that had at least 6 inches of "neutral cement" separating the two driveways. Safety is an issue with any adjacent driveway situation, however when it is on as steep a hill as this the situation is much worse. It's very difficult to see children when backing out down a hill. It is also our understanding that the proposal is to make the driveway a half a foot narrower than code. It is very difficult to get a full size car into most of these driveways without driving onto the grass much of the time and it would be impossible to do so in one smaller than code, especially if there are cars parked in the other driveway. This of course assumes the driveways are on the same level. If they were on different levels with the one at 4622 being narrower it would be very treacherous to use that driveway at all. If they are. on the same level then an adjacent driveway quickly becomes a shared driveway out of necessity for the future owners of 4622. The other major concern we have is the storm sewer drain which would need to be moved to the street from the curb. We have the storm drain in the street at the end of our driveway and the street floods all of the time due to that getting blocked with debris. The flooding would be much worse if both the storm drains were in the street. At least now the one in the curb can't get blocked. Finally, on a personal note, we would never buy a home with an adjacent driveway. We have friends who moved from a home in Country Club with an adjacent driveway cited as one of the reasons. We would be very disappointed with the workings of this city if they forced a veteran property owner to decrease the value of their home and compromise the safety of their children and others in the neighborhood for the convenience of a construction company. Thank you for your consideration of this letter. Sincerely, Shannon Neale and William Richards 4623 Drexel Avenue, Edina Jackie Hoogenakker From: Heather Dexheimer [hdexheimer @visi.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 3:00 PM Jackie Hoogenakker Cc: CiscoandClint @aol.com; 'Karl Dexheimer' Subject: FW: 4622 Drexel Avenue Variance Appeal Ms. J. Hoogennakker, I am writing this email regarding the variance appeal for the 4622 Drexel Avenue, Edina property and am sorry to say that my husband and I will not be able to attend the meeting tonight, Tuesday, June 20, 2006. Since we are not able to attend, I would like to state our opinion on the variance that the 4622 Drexel Avenue property owner is trying to get approved. We understand that he is proposing a shared or common driveway with the neighbor (4624 Drexel Avenue) to the south of his property (4622 Drexel Avenue). We live at 4619 Drexel Avenue and have recently completed a major remodel and understand the process of updating these homes in the Country Club neighborhood and keeping with the architecture of the era that these homes were originally built. With this being said, we do not support what the property owner is trying to get approved for the following reasons: Safety of the residents of the surrounding homes would seem to be compromised with what he is trying to get approved. The "new" driveway would limit driver visibility when backing out of the "new" garage which would then compromise any residents whether they are adult or children that would possibly be out working, playing, socializing, etc. 2. A shared or common driveway is not at all desirable. Speaking from experience when growing up in neighboring 10 suburb, Minnetonka, we shared a driveway with our neighbor. Needless to say it created many issues throughout the years that would have never been issues if the driveways were not shared. Currently, we fully enjoy our neighbors and love the fact that we can go outside to socialize, play, etc. without any issues regarding driveways and would like to keep it that way. Thank you so much for your support and interest in this manner. We regret that we will not be able to attend the meeting tonight, but please know that we do NOT support the variance that is being proposed. Thank you, Heather Dexheimer 4619 Drexel Avenue Edina, MN 55424 952- 922 -2583 6/20/2006 CHRISTOPHER & ANNIE OIBRIEN 4627 DREXEL AVENUE EDINAV MN 55424 June 15, 2006 Ms. Jackie Hoogenakker Edina City Hall Dear Ms. Hoogenakker, We have received the notice of public hearing for the zoning board's case file B -06 -23 regarding the property at 4622 Drexel Avenue. We do not support granting a width variance in this case for the following reasons: • Most all of the homes in our section of the street have single driveways on the same side of each house. Wel understand this variance would be used to build a driveway adjacent to their neighbor's driveway at 4624 Drexel. Having a double driveway like that would be aesthetically displeasing. • It is not in keeping with the character of the rest of the houses. • We do not particularly want to look out at wider stretches of concrete. • It seems unnecessary with the current structure of the home. • It seems unfair to their immediate neighbors at 4624 who may not want to have a double driveway and who could not have foreseen something like this happening when they made their decision to purchase. • The ordinance was put in place for a reason. Most likely to protect the feel and character of the neighborhood. Thank you for allowing us this opportunity. Is it also possible to receive any information on the rest of the plans for that property if there are large revisions planned? We are increasingly concerned about recent projects and protecting the historic character of the neighborhood. Thanks again, Chris & Annie O'Brien Annie.obrien @earthlink.net 1;1 T-RIFF-777" An Am LOCATION MAP T1 Lli cc W in CO V"� „ 'S S�Y,'jj� sSZ YES` r° Y "'t �s zit � � /%CGS M :° T1 C1 44 iw %- t,� VA i y 1M S" A 4 R 2 2, r. Ol C1 44 iw %- t,� VA i y 1M S" C1 %- t,� VA i y S" A R 2 v m C1 i S" A C1 C2 r( 7cjiail�� s; C2 r( 7cjiail�� %, .4 vm 0 V ,c+ SA/b �*Pf f� C2 c IN' -1 - I I 9�11 FRONT ELEVATION 50ALE: 1/4" = P-O" 2 RI&HT SIDE ELEVATION Al 5CALE; , /4" = 1'-0" m -q ,fir 12�11 15 S Wo.Xev qq Lliy ra esAaa cm E 1 ION SCALE. !/4" = 1 `— ` 'P, go M � ,w g r, ra lira - a � a .�a f/ v z. 3 i 1Fz s x• 'P, go M � ,w g r, ra lira - i� x � a f/ v z. 3 i 1Fz 'P, go M � ,w g r, ra lira - i� x � a f/ v z. r ref ,w ra lira - i� x � a z. 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J tN w St "o, N u5 +5 'yam/ Y r �� e%. � •S r` �sry� sN { ej iry/� dpi, p MAIN FLOOR, PLAN 4" o V-0" r �, u < a. r r. • � s ,r NMIr maimma ^ � i s i �R s i W, 0 4 t a Y.r x y '�rrgqrf 5 v. <t • /.� {{i ^ci$ r4 45 CPO s MAN 4 Ef� 0 IV frf� Y5 x i s i �R i W, 0 4 t a Y.r x y '�rrgqrf 5 v. <t • /.� {{i ^ci$ r4 45 CPO i s i r W, 0 4 Y.r x y '�rrgqrf 5 tu! /.� {{i ^ci$ r4 45 CPO MAN 4 Ef� 0 IV frf� Y5 u t % 2% >Are' �s Qt �d i s i r Y.r x 1 ' s. }. 0 FIELD VE IF'' L FIELD VERIFY 1 EXIST'G UPPER FLOOR 5 SCALE: 8" = V--" WRIMM g f '. ww';�a x �� f+ F� g f '. ww';�a �� f+ F� s vtJ '�..`s l: g f '. r� O N TO: FROM: VIA: AGENDA ITEM: W.A.1 DATE: JUNE 20, 2006 .REQUEST FOR PURCHASE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CEIL SMITH, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER GORDON L. HUGHES, CITY MANAGER �uts��c 1 HEVUL+NI rUx FURUHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 ITEM DESCRIPTION: WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE COMPANY BID AMOUNT 1. LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 1. $433,315 INSURANCE TRUST ENDED BID: LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES INSURANCE TRUST - $433,315 GENERAL INFORMATION: Staff recommends the quote from the LMCIT. The quote represents an 18% increase in premium. The major reason for the increase is an increase in the City's experience modification which went from .89 to 1.06: Staff, with the help of Bill Homeyer, have reviewed the losses for the past year and have asked the the LMCIT to review the reserves that have been set aside for the losses. The LMCIT has agreed to do this and if some reserves can be reduced, they will adjust the quote. They have also agreed that if they find some of the reserves need to be increased; they will not increase this. quote. Mr. Homeyer will be at the meeting to present the quote. Signature The Recommended Bid is (within budget) ADMINISTRATION Department NA (not within budget) VwJ L. ugh , C' Manager Ohn Wallin, Finance Director City of Edina Worker's Compensation League of Minnesota Cities 2005 $355,230* *Experience Modification of .89 2006 $433,315 ** *Experience Modification of 1.06 plus payroll increase of 3% Both years $10,000 Medical Deductible per claim l�v +r 17 AGENDA ITEM: W.A.2. � e DATE: JUNE 20, 2006 REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: CEIL SMITH, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER VIA: GORDON L. HUGHES, CITY MANAGER SU13JEUl': KEQUES'l' VUK YUKUHASE 1N EXUESS UY $15,000 ITEM DESCRIPTION: GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE COMPANY BID AMOUNT 1. ST. PAUL TRAVELERS 1. $437,854 2. LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INSURANCE 2. NO QUOTE TRUST 3. CHUBB 3. NO QUOTE RECOMMENDED BID: ST. PAUL TRAVELERS - $437,854 GENERAL INFORMATION: This quote is for General Liability, Equipment, Liquor Liability, Pollution, Employee Benefit, Law Enforcement Liability, Employee Practices Liability, Public Entity Management Liability, Auto and Terrorism. On the attachment, the quote is broken down by coverage. The quote this year represents a 7.3% reduction in premium. Mr. Bill Homeyer will be at the meeting to present the quote. ADMINISTRATION Signature Department The Rec mm ded d is � (within budget) (not within budget) Go on L. Hughes, i anager J n Wallin, Finance Director City of Edina Premium Comparison 2006 2005 Equipment $11,391 $13,121 Values of $2,465,569 in 2006 Values of $2,340,097 in 2005 General Liability $145,436 $167,546 Limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence Liquor Liability $34,441 $34,985 Above Ground Pollution Liability $6,290 $6,583 . Employee Benefit Liability $343 $381 Law Enforcement Liability $70,196 $81,166 Employment Practices Liability $25,577 $22,182 Public Entity Management Liability $6,601 $8,994 Auto Liability $122,353 $124,719 168 units & 27 trailers 179 units & 23 trailers $1;000,000 Limit Auto Physical Damage $14,549 $15,177 TOTAL $437,177* $474,854* *Includes terrorism coverage charges of $3,762 in 2006 and $6,094 in 2005 A 1N o e v � �y .f AGENDA ITEM: IV.A.3. DATE: JUNE 20, 2006 REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: CEIL SMITH, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER VIA: GORDON L: HUGHES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE 11N EXCESS Ur' 515,000 ITEM DESCRIPTION: PROPERTY, BOILER & MACHINERY, INLAND MARINE AND CRIME INSURANCE COMPANY BID AMOUNT 1. ST. PAUL /TRAVELERS 1. $79,402 2. HARTFORD $100,000 /excluding dome 3. AFFILIATED FM NO QUOTE I RECOMMENDED BID: ST. PAUL /TRAVELERS - $79,402 GENERAL INFORMATION: Attached is the Marketing Results and Pricing Information provided by Jack Carroll, AON Insurance Company. The increase in premium is due to the 3% increase in the property values. Please note that the actual rate -did not change from 2005. A representative from AON will be available to answer questions. Signature The Recommended Bid is II:�C6 /LZ!IJl % %v /ift��L i i i i N(within budget) ADMINISTRATION Department F-1 (not within budget) -t: ohn Wallin, Finance Director e PROPERTY, BOILER & MACHINERY, INLAND ' MARINE, AND CRU E I. Marketing Results The state of today's property marketplace is in turmoil. Virtually, everyone is getting rate increases because of the significant property losses last year. Aon is pleased to deliver a flat renewal, with no increase in rate, but an adjustment of 3% of the total insured values to keep up with replacement cost standards. A. Property/Boiler & Machinery: Market Results St. Paul/Travelers Quoted — Premium $79,402 (Includes Terrorism) Hartford Indicated premium in excess of $100,000 excluding the Golf Dome Affiliated FM Declined due to percentage of Frame Construction included in the total insurable values h:\2006proposall.doc-- 6/16/06 Risk SerI Am vices III. Pricing PROPERTY, BOILER & MACHINERY, INLAND MARINE, AND CRIlVIE • Payment Plan — 25% down, 9 equal payments — no interest h:\2006proposalI -doc- 6/16/06 Risk Services I A 2004 2005 2006 Carrier St. Paul St. Paul St. Paul Travelers Travelers Travelers Annual Premium: $103,057 $76,736 $79,423 Rating Basis: $83,446,936 $83,478,940 $86,081,352 Rate: $.1235/$100 $.092/$100 $.092/$100 Estimated Annual Property Premium: $103,057 $67,966 $75,118 Boiler & Machinery Premium: $7,160 $4,486 Included Marine Premium $3,800 $3,800 $3,800 Crime Premium 484 484 484 Total Estimated Package Premium $114,501 $76,736 $79,402 • Payment Plan — 25% down, 9 equal payments — no interest h:\2006proposalI -doc- 6/16/06 Risk Services I A TO: Mayor & City Council REQUEST FOR PURCHASE FROM: Wayne D. Houle, PE, Director of Public Works VIA: Gordon Hughes, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 DATE: June 20, 2006 AGENDA ITEM IV. B. ITEM DESCRIPTION: WTP #4 Chemical Room Expansion Roofing System. Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1 Omni Roofs Incorporated 1. $16,507.00 2. Royal Roofing 2. $21,053.00 RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Omni Roofs Incorporated $16,507.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This project is for the roof on the new Chemical Room at Water Treatment Plant No. 4. The expansion of Water Treatment Plant No. 4 was bid twice in 2005, both lettings were over budget. We have completed the structure with our Public works staff and are now furnishing the inside components. This project is .part of the 2006 -2010 Capital Improvement Program under the Backwash Recycling Tank: Treatment Plant No. 4, which was part of the original bid. The Water Utility Fund will fund this improvement. Staff recommends awarding this quote to Omni Roofs Incorporated. ff-��gnature The Recommended Bid is within budget not within budget Public Works — Utilities Department Finance Director TO: Mayor & City Council REQUEST FOR PURCHASE FROM: Wayne D. Houle, PE, Director of Public Works VIA: Gordon Hughes, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 DATE: June 20, 2006 AGENDA ITEM IV. C. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Ventilation System for expansion of Water Treatment Plant No. 4 Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Forte Mechanical, Inc. 1. $14,975.00 2. Erickson PHC 2. $18,380.00 RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Forte Mechanical, Inc. $14,975.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This project is for a ventilation system to ventilate the new Chemical Room at Water Treatment Plant No. 4; a requirement of the Minnesota Department of Health. The expansion of Water Treatment Plant No. 4 was bid twice. in 2005, both lettings were over budget. We have completed the structure with our Public works staff and are now furnishing the inside components. This project is part of the 2006 -2010 Capital Improvement Program under the Backwash Recycling Tank: Treatment Plant No. 4, which was part of the original bid. The Water Utility Fund will fund this improvement. Staff recommends awarding this quote to Forte Mechanical, Inc. The Recommended Bid is within budget not within budget Public Works — Utilities Hughes, City inance Director REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Wayne D. Houle, PE, City Engineer VIA: Gordon Hughes, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 DATE: June 20, 2006 AGENDA ITEM IV. D. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Contract No. ENG 06 -7: 2006 Alley Projects and Stauder Circle Roadway Improvement, Improvement Nos. A -210, STS -325, A -211, A -223, STS -324 & STS -263 Company 1. DMJ Corporation 2. Hardrives, Inc. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: DMJ Corporation Amount of Quote or Bid $ 154,988.50 $ 258,328.60 $ 154,988.50 GENERAL INFORMATION: This project is for alley improvements located at Madison /Jefferson Avenue, William /Hankerson Avenue, Abbott/Beard Avenue and for roadway correction at Stauder Circle. The projects include reconstructing the existing alleys and upgrading the storm sewer in the area. The three alley projects were ordered by the Edina City Council at the May 2, 2006, Public Hearing. Special assessments and Storm Sewer Fund will fund these projects. All three special assessed projects are within the proposed assessment amounts. Staff recommends awarding the project to DMJ Corporation. ignature The Recommended Bid is within budget not within budget Hughes, Public Works - Engineering Department n Wallin. finance Director REPORURE C OMMENDATION To: Mayor Hovland and members of Agenda Item IV. E. the Edina City Council. From: John Keprios, Directo Consent VN Park & Recreation Dep ent Information Only ❑ Date: June 20, 2006 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To ERA ® To Council Subject: Two Steel Design Change Orders ® Motion Camelot Metals, Inc. - ❑ Resolution Gymnasium Construction ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion RECOMMENDATION: JPOC recommends approval of a $29,204.00 change order for Camelot Metals, Inc. to cover the additional shop - drawing detailing, manufacturing, and installation costs associated with unforeseen conditions coupled with design and coordination issues for the added roof structure steel and changes in design for the Edina Community Center gymnasium project. JPOC also recommends approval of a $7,680.00 for Camelot Metals, Inc. to cover the cost of materials, additional shop - drawing, and installation of additional structural steel needed as part of the South View Middle School gymnasium project. INFOBACKGROUND: On June 6, 2006, the Joint Powers Oversight Committee unanimously passed a motion to recommend approval of a $29,204.00 change order needed to cover the costs associated with the redesign of the roof structure steel for the Edina Community Center gymnasium project. The section of roof that required redesign was the lobby and concessions area that connects the new gymnasium to the existing Community Center building. Unforeseen conditions with the existing building played a large role in the need to redesign the structural steel needed in that connection. The total cost associated with this redesign is $39,110.00. The project architect, Rozeboom Miller, is paying for $9,906.00 of those costs, which leaves a balance of $29,204.00. 2 On June 6, 2006, the Joint Powers Oversight Committee also unanimously passed a motion to recommend approval of a $7,680.00 change order needed to cover the costs associated with the redesign of the structure steel redesign needed for the South View Middle School gymnasium project. Both change orders are also recommended by the project Construction Manager, Kraus Anderson. There are seven previous change orders with Camelot Metals, Inc. that total $35,162.00, which is just over 9% of the original contract amount of $389,000.00. These two additional change orders coupled with the seven previous change orders collectively exceed 10% of the original contract amount and therefore require City Council approval. 1trL AGENDA ITEM: N.F. e DATE: JUNE 20, 2006 REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: PATTY LATHAM, IT MANAGER VIA: GORDON L. HUGHES, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 ITEM DESCRIPTION: ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE AGREEMENT COMPANY BID AMOUNT 1. Software House International 1. $42,000 RECOMMENDED BID: Software House International - $42,000 State Contract# 425551 GENERAL INFORMATION: This is year three (3) of our six -year agreement with Microsoft renewing our original (206) Enterprise Software Agreement licenses. The renewal of this contract allows the City the ability to upgrade operating systems, and Office suite systems for these existing desktops, and laptops as many times as necessary over the life of this six year contract. The City benefits by achieving standardization, free software upgrades for the life of the contract, and citywide system compatibility. The Central Services General account will pay for this expenditure. Staff recommends we proceed with this agreement. ADMINISTRATION Signature Department v The Reconmended id is (within budget) F-1 (not within budget) G on L. Hughes, Manager Jo Wallin, Finance Director } REPORURECOMMENDATION To: Mayor Hovland and members of Agenda Item V.A. the Edina City Council. From: John Keprios, Directf) Consent El Park & Recreation Dcp aihnent Information Only ❑ Date: June 20, 2006 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Edina Youth Sports Taskforce - ® Motion Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion RECOMMENDATION: The Park Board recommends approval of the Edina Youth Sports Taskforce recommendations, which include their proposed "Youth Sports Core Values and Community Strategy" document and the "Youth Athletic Association's Relationship With the Edina Park Board and the Park and Recreation Staff' relationship document. INFO/BACKGROUND: At their May 9, 2006, meeting, the Park Board voted unanimously to accept the recommendations of the Edina Youth Sports Taskforce. The recommendations consist of the two attached documents, the "Youth Sports Core Values and Community Strategy" document and the "Youth Athletic Association's Relationship With the Edina Park Board and the Park and Recreation Staff' relationship document. Youth Sports Core Values and Community Strategy 1. The City of Edina believes in the benefits and attraction of youth sports as a means to teach the children of this community values and skills that will be of benefit to them throughout life; and 2. We believe that Edina's youth athletic associations develop fundamental internal and external assets for children by providing opportunities to develop positive character traits and life values where children can learn a multitude of important lessons and valuable fundamentals, such as ethics, abiding by the rules, winning and losing with grace, coping with success and failure, always trying to do your best, respecting authority figures, learning about team work, developing fundamental motor skills and sports specific knowledge; and 3. We believe that the most important underlying mission for every youth athletic association is to develop emotionally, socially, and physically healthy children; and 4. We believe that youth sports programs conducted under the right conditions are enormously beneficial for children; and 5. We recognize the need to ensure that Edina's youth athletic association programs provide athletic programs that are safe, positive, fun, physically and psychologically age- appropriate, educational, teaches values and ethics, strengthens the community, promotes competition without conflict, open to all residents of all abilities and should not be denied an opportunity to participate based on ability, offer a reasonable number of events, and are administered by qualified volunteers; and 6. We believe that youth sports association league organizers and administrators must be educated on how to provide a safe, positive, and fun youth sports environment before being granted access to public facilities; and 7. We believe volunteer coaches and parents must receive orientation and education as to the individual roles and responsibilities in our community's effort to raise the standards of youth sports programs and that volunteer coaches and parents be held accountable for their behaviors; and 8. We believe it is necessary and desirable to establish guidelines, requirements and standards for youth sports associations utilizing public facilities; and 9. We recognize the need to ensure that Edina's youth athletic associations form and advertise a formal grievance process by which residents are assured of an appropriate venue and process to hear their grievances in a manner that is open, fair, and just; and The City of Edina in a meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, recognize and encourage official implementation of this Community Strategy to improve the culture of youth sports for all participants. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS day of 2006. Signed: Mayor of Edina YOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION'S RELATIONSHIP WITH THE EDINA PARK BOARD AND THE PARK AND RECREATION STAFF (RELATIONSHIP DOCUMENT) The mission of the Edina Park and Recreation Department is to do our part in further developing, preserving, and maintaining the City of Edina's parks, recreation programs, and resources as a premier and comprehensive park and recreation department in the Twin Cities area. This relationship document between the Edina Park and Recreation Department, Park Board, and with each association, establishes a common set of guidelines that are to be adopted by all athletic associations. The intent of these guidelines is to ensure that associations are mindful of the public's desire for positive and healthy athletic experiences for children and families in our community. The "Youth Sports Core Values and Community Strategy," established by the Edina Park Board m cooperation with the Edina Park and Recreation Department, is to be adopted by all associations. This document formally defines the City's core values and philosophy in the delivery of the community's youth sports programs. 1. Edina Park and Recreation Department will provide facilities and fields for boys and girls at each age group within the association. 2. It is the City of Edina's view that the public is best served when there is only one independently incorporated youth athletic association per sport. The City of Edina also understands and supports that in some cases the public and volunteers are best served by having the traveling component of a particular sport administered by its own independent youth athletic association. 3. The Edina Park and Recreation Department in cooperation with the Park Board will help each association plan, and provide safe and well maintained public athletic facilities to meet the youth sports programs, and give professional staff liaison services regarding the operation of their association, and offer appropriate clerical and administrative support services. 4. The Edina Park and Recreation Department shall act as a liaison between the associations and the Edina Park Board to assist associations in providing a well rounded and equitable program for all participants. The Edina Park Board expects that all associations follow these minimal guidelines in the operation of their association: 1. All boys and girls have a fun, positive, safe, age - appropriate, educational experience that is open to all residents of all abilities, and receive equal opportunity to participate at whatever ability level they may play. 2. Boys and girls build good sportsmanship and character, learn to be a team member, learn to accept discipline; incorporate psychological and physical health 3. Boys and girls, at each level of play, will receive basic fundamental and skill training in the sport in which they participate. 4. Associations manage team schedules and provide equitable playing time for each level of competition within the age group. 5. Associations shall have a common code of conduct for players, coaches and parents. 6. Qualified citizen volunteers should serve in positions as Board of Directors. Board of Directors must have knowledge of the program / sport. Associations are encouraged to have open member elections to elect Board of Directors. 7. Edina Park and Recreation Department personnel shall attend at least semi - annually association board meetings. Department personnel shall be available and provide resource help to associations in training of coaches, operations, and other functions with which the association needs assistance. • Page 2 8. The Park and Recreation Department mandates background checks on all individuals 18 & older who serve as a coach, referee, and each person serving on the Board of Directors in any association. It is our intent to protect our children, families and the associations. 9. To ensure that the public has an open, fair and just process to handle grievances that are not resolved at the association board or staff level, the City of Edina will facilitate a grievance process. (See Appendix 1.1) This grievance process is not intended to deal with team assignment, coach assignment or tryout process grievances. 10. The Edina Park and Recreation Department shall establish minimum insurance requirements of each and every association that uses Edina's public athletic facilities. This insurance shall provide for the protection of volunteers, associations, and the City of Edina. (referred to insurance consultant) 11. The Edina Park Board and Park and Recreation Department shall provide and review annually guidelines to be followed by all associations and users of facilities and gymnasiums in our community as to the priority use of the Edina School District's gymnasiums and facilities, and the Edina community practice and game facilities. This is to assure a fair allocation of gymnasiums and facilities use for all participants, at all levels. It is imperative that all associations, coaches, board members, volunteers and parents understand and appreciate the positive experience that is desired for all participants in Edina youth sports. Therefore, the Edina Park and Recreation Department and Park Board mandate that all new parents, volunteers, coaches, board members, etc., who participate in associations must read, understand and sign a copy of the relationship agreement and Youth Sports Core Values and Community Strategy. Signed copies of these documents will be kept on file with the association. • Page 3 Appendix 1.1 The City of Edina demands that each youth athletic association must have in place a well- documented and publicized grievance process by which residents are assured of an appropriate venue and process to hear their grievances in a manner that is open, fair, and just. If the youth athletic association board grievance process does not resolve the issue, then the matter will be referred to Park and Recreation Department staff. If staff is unable to resolve the issue,. the matter should then be referred to the Ad- Hoc Grievance Committee. The Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee will be made up of three association presidents who are not president of the association in question, plus two Park Board members. Those five individuals will hear the complaint and make recommendations to solve the grievance matter. If the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee's recommendations do not satisfy the parties involved then the grievance will be referred to the Park Board for a final decision. The Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee will be formed only on an as needed basis to deal with issues on a case by case basis. The following escalation shall be followed: Step #1: Follow the written grievance procedure as established and publicized for each youth athletic association. Step #2: If, in the complainant's view, the issue was not resolved in Step #1, then the complainant should contact Park and Recreation Department staff, who will do the following: A. Evaluate the complaint. • Page 4 B. Determine and judge whether or not the issue can or should be resolved through diplomacy. If so, staff will facilitate a problem - solving process at the staff level with the appropriate community members and volunteers involved. Step #3: If the issue is unresolved at the staff level, then staff will assemble the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee to hear the complaint. With staff assistance and input from the parties involved, the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee will hear the complaint and make recommendations. It will be the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee's duty to determine whether or not the association has acted in a manner that is contrary to the City's philosophy and core values; and if so, make recommendations to correct the situation. It will not be the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee's duty to micro- manage program decisions of Edina's youth athletic associations. Step #4: If the parties involved are still not satisfied with the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee's recommendations, the final step is to refer the matter to the Park Board for a final decision. Both parties must abide by the Park Board's decision or they could face sanctions. • Page 5 iy PLEASE NOTE: THE ATTACHED CORRESPONDENCE HAS BEEN DUPLEXED Darlene Wallin From: Jennifer Bennerotte Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 10:07 AM To: Alice Hulbert; Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Linda Masica; scot.housh @willis.com Cc: Darlene Wallin Subject: FW: Attachments: How Town Leaders Can Help Youth Sports.doc Jennifer Bennerotte Communications & Marketing Director City of Edina 952 - 833 -9520 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 jennerotte@ci.edina.mn.us From: Richard Collins [mailto:richardcollins @comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, June f1, 2006 3:33 PM- - To: Jennifer Bennerotte Subject: 6/12/2006 Page 1 of 1 How Town Leaders Can Help Youth Sports It has been a long and wonderful spring. I've taken some time off from writing to coach my high school girls track and field team. However, young kids continue to be on my mind. How can we as a community help all of them have the best possible experience in youth sports? One way this might be achieved is if our town leaders find the courage to stand together and create a set of core values under which youth boards agree to operate. It could be the next best step toward remaking our youth sports culture into a culture where kid needs come first. The Connecticut Youth Sports Initiative has drafted a set of core values that might be considered. The first core value is that we need to treat kids as kids. I spoke with a high school student recently. She said the world was a competitive place and the sooner kids understood this, the better. She said it was critically important to separate the "good" athletes from the "bad" ones as soon as possible so the good ones could receive the better instruction and get better opportunities against other "good" athletes at the earliest possible time. She said the "bad" athletes and their parents should just "get over it" and by doing so, they would be happier when they accepted the fact that they needed to get out of the way so the good athletes wouldn't be held back. Well. Where do I begin to respond to this attitude? My first thought was this sounded to me like premature professionalism. Didn't our country adopt child labor laws back in the early 20`h century? No wonder so many kids don't enjoy youth sports, and so many parents feel compelled to get their kids in the "system" as soon as possible. Kids are not miniature adults. Somehow, we've come to accept this as a norm, in both the classroom and the athletic fields. It's wrong. The kids who make elite teams and the kids who don't are all suffering from issues that they are not prepared for. Some might disagree, but.I know that kids do not have the psychological maturity to deal with being told they're good, or bad, when they are eight or nine years old. I see how it affects them. It impacts my ability to teach them. Now, when kids get to junior high, that should be the time when they can begin to be culled from the pack. Puberty has begun to kick in (the only true indicator of athletic potential). The kids are at a better place in terms of accepting being placed on teams of better kids. And the reality of differing developmental timelines can be taken into account instead of placing early bloomers in a caste system while late bloomers get washed out. A second core value our group advocates is that the needs of kids are not the needs of adults. Adults, and in particular, adults who run youth sports tend to be successful, competitive professionals. Naturally, they bring their competitive nature to the world of youth sports. It is their need to see how their program stacks up against other programs, or other teams. For adults, that's fine. They have the psychological maturity to handle competing, winning, and losing. High school kids, and junior high school kids to a lesser extent, have developed the psychological tools necessary for a competitive situation. I took a survey of high school kids and asked them what their reasons for participating in youth sports were. About 90% of the surveys showed that they started playing youth sports because they wanted to have fun, play, and be with their friends. About 90% of the surveys listed as their last four reasons for playing youth sports were to make elite teams, travel, win, and to be separated because they were better. I then gave the same survey to fourth and fifth graders. The results were almost identical. Adults need to take M a long, hard look at these results. Youth sports programs need to be overhauled to meet the actual needs of kids and not their perceived needs, filtered through the eyes of adults. A third core value our group advocates for is the elimination of specialization of sports for young kids.. Specialization leads to burn out. It's a fact. Too much of anything isn't good. Believe it or not, but kids who play a particular sport less tend to love it more. I have watched a particular high school team play not to lose rather than playing to win. They are lethargic, they don't seem to be having any fun, and their play is dispirited. Have them play less and they won't be able to wait until their sport season starts. Right now, the system is set up so that parents feel their kids will fall behind if they do not participate in one particular sport for multiple seasons. Some sports in town now have three seasons, or one season that lasts almost nine months, and that isn't counting the pressure placed on families to have their kids participate in off - season camps. As a professionally trained educator and coach, I witness first hand the increase in injuries associated with over use, specific to doing the same sport over extended periods of time. I know a college athlete who devoted all of his time in youth and high school to become the best player on his team for his sport. He received financial aid to play his sport in college, (not a scholarship... there's a big difference) and he has been plagued by injuries throughout. He had his first major knee surgery as a sophomore in high school and has had three subsequent knee surgeries since. His days of playing college sports are over, and he is only a junior. How many stories do parents and youth boards need to hear to suggest emphatically that specialization is detrimental to proper body development? Drive a car hard and hit the breaks on it hard enough and the breaks will wear out. I heard a story from a friend recently about an eleven -year old kid who pitches for his major league team who could hardly lift his shoulder from all the pitching he was doing. The kid was in tears before his coach finally pulled him out. Overuse injuries in youth and high school sports are rampant, and parents who put their kids in these situations are risking the health of their kid. And a coach who sees a kid struggling with soreness and does nothing about it so her or his team can win is negligent and should be run out of the league and never be allowed to coach anyone, ever again. Period. Finally, specialization for the dream of winning that scholarship is a myth. A myth. Facts don't lie. Let your kid try many sports. How else will she or he find out what he might really love and be good at? And youth boards, storm your state sport organization. Demand that they eliminate the pressure town boards are under to compete with other towns. State championships, state cups, or any high stakes tournament for kids under 12 should be eliminated. It is these state boards and governing bodies that push youth boards to compete. And they make plenty of money along the way. These state organizations serve no one but themselves, and they put their sport above the needs of kids. Finally, to the youth boards that worry that kids will leave their program in droves and join even more elite, "premiere" teams if their board makes some of these changes, so be it. If that is the price your program pays for doing what is right for the kids who trust you, then you will sleep very well at night in deed. If you can't stand the idea that some parents will bolt with their kids to join premiere teams, then you must consider that winning is more important to you than the kids you claim to serve. The Connecticut Youth Sports Initiative calls on all Recreation leaders, high school athletic directors, boards of selectmen, and boards of education to come together within the next six months and form your own set of core values under which each youth board agrees to operate. We call for action now for the benefit of all of our kids. 5 Page 1 of 2 Darlene Wallin From: Jennifer Bennerotte Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 10:18 AM To: Alice Hulbert; Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Linda Masica; scot.housh @willis.com Cc: Darlene Wallin Subject: FW: Meeting on youth sports with City Council June 20th Jennifer Bennerotte Communications & Marketing Director City of Edina 952 - 833 -9520 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 jennerotte@ci.edina.mn.us From: keap'em all playing [mailto:mikburger44 @yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 11:59 PM To: keapem @yahoo.com Subject: Meeting on youth sports with City Council June 20th Hello The Edina City Council has courageously asked for a public hearing June 20th - Tuesday in Council Chambers on the issue of Youth Sports in Edina. The meeting will start at 7:00 pm. 50th and HW 100 If how youth sports are done in Edina is important to your family please attend. Sincerely Paul Bearmon More information at www.keap.net Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http: / /mail.yahoo.com 6/12/2006 Page 1, of 1 Darlene Wallin From: Jennifer Bennerotte Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 9:20 AM To: Alice Hulbert; Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Linda Masica; scot.housh @willis.com Cc: Darlene Wallin Subject: FW: Edina sports From: Robbie Harnois [mai Ito: rharnois@gsrgroupinc.com] Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 3:27 PM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Subject: Edina sports After being involved with sports in Edina with three boys for 11 years and seeing the sports fervor at an all time high, I would comment: -If dads are going to coach, there should be some guideline and pre- sign -on understanding of what their role is. An example would be to define over - involvement, the stacking of teams, son /daughter favoritism, living through their child...These are all extremely common but unspoken tendencies that have downplayed and downgraded youth sports in general. It has only worsened in the last decade, accelerating the already out of control emphasis placed on the simplicity to playing a sport. The question should be addressed head on: Why do parents role model the hyper- concerned attitude to sports to our children? How can we stop it from spinning out further than it already has (i.e. the cultural norm)? It is becoming a generational problem and needs serious attention. Bottom line: sports are supposed to be a recreational activity. Defined, the child should come away feeling refreshed and more ready to do OTHER things in his /her life with more zeal having been renewed by a positive physical activity that is enjoyable to them. 'Recreation' is in the dictionary—Latin and other definitions. The word is also defined in the Bible (and I am sure other religious texts). Let's get back to the basics and put some boundaries around the parent politics to tame the cultural fervor around sports today. There is a way to do that —it's only a choice away. Contrarily, I have seen many parents involved who observe the over zealous parent and /or parent coach component. They are the ones on the sidelines calmly enjoying the game talking about whether the TEAM is having fun. 6/9/2006 Page 1 of 1 Darlene Wallin From: Jennifer Bennerotte Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 9:24 AM To: Alice Hulbert; Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Linda Masica; scot.housh @willis.com Cc: Darlene Wallin Subject: FW: youth sports task force From: Johnson, Doug [ mailto :DouJohnson @edina.kl2.mn.us] Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 3:15 PM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Subject: youth sports task force 6 -7 -06 Members of the Council: The report of the Youth Sports Task Force is very well done. While some may disagree with the conclusions of the report, I support them. The Task Force carefully analyzed the pros and cons and the related data. Their process was thorough and thoughtful. I commend them for their efforts. As a father of four children that participated in all levels of sports and also as person who coached many sports, I think we have excellent youth sports programs. Edina is truly blessed to have great volunteer leadership as well as tremendous support from a caring and competent Park & Recreation staff. I believe that youth sports are a wonderful way of promoting developmental assets. Edina gets an "A" for its quality, diversity, and affordability of youth programs. In my opinion, the Council has an excellent report before it. I suggest that you recognize the Task Force and their report and accept their conclusions. Then it is time for the Council to move on to other critical issues facing you. Enough time and effort have gone into this topic. Thank you for your continued good work on our behalf. Doug Johnson 5119 Valley View Road Edina, MN. 55436 -2644 6/9/2006 Page 1 of 1 Darlene Wallin From: Jennifer Bennerotte Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 8:52 AM To: Alice Hulbert; Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Linda Masica; scot.housh @willis.com Cc: Darlene Wallin Subject: FW: youth sports Jennifer Bennerotte Communications & Marketing Director City of Edina 952 - 833 -9520 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 jbennerotte @ci.edina.mn.us From: Vilipski, Cathy [ mailto :CatVilipski @edina.kl2.mn.us] Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 3:19 PM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Subject: youth sports I feel that there are too many late practices and games for the elementary grade levels. Especially, my third graders who fall asleep in the class and don't have homework done. It would help if the coaches would support that family and school should come first. Cathy Vilipski Cornelia Ele. Confidentiality Notice If the information in this electronic communication relates to an individual pupil, it is a confidential pupil record under Minnesota Law and may not be reviewed, distributed, or copied by any person other than the individual(s) to whom it is addressed. This electronic communication is intended solely for the use of the individual(s) to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, any further review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this electronic communication or any attachment thereto is strictly prohibited. If you have received an electronic communication in error, you should immediately return it to the sender and delete it from your system. 6/8/2006 Page 1 of 1 Darlene Wallin From: Jennifer Bennerotte Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 8:31 AM To: Alice Hulbert; Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Linda Masica; scot.housh @willis.com Cc: Darlene Wallin; John Keprios Subject: FW: For Youth Sports Task Force Members - George Klus, Tom Asp, Mary Brindle, Steve Dove, Russ Fortner, Molly Friedemann, Keith Harmon, Lynne Morishita, Karla Sitek and Michael Weiss Jennifer Bennerotte Communications & Marketing Director City of Edina 952 - 833 -9520 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 jennerotte@ci.edina.mn.us From: Kathy Iverson [mailto:menze002 @umn.edu) Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 6:19 AM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Subject: For Youth Sports Task Force Members - George Klus, Tom Asp, Mary Brindle, Steve Dove, Russ Fortner, Molly Friedemann, Keith Harmon, Lynne Morishita, Karla Sitek and Michael Weiss Dear Youth Task Force Members, I am addressing you via email, as I will be out of town on June 20th, the scheduled public hearing. There is an opportunity through the task force to address healthy youth development- in terms of increasing physical activity, building connections to caring adults in the community, creating a place for youth to belong, giving kids something to do, learning the value of teamwork and supporting youth to reach their potential. As I learned at the first Youth Sports Task Force public meeting, there were lots of parents of younger children there, who did not speak at the meeting in public, but approached me afterwards to discuss their concerns regarding their 3 and 4 year olds in Edina athletic programs. This clarified for me the day -to -day reality that children experience (either themselves or as observers) in current athletic programs. Let's promote a NEW WAY of addressing kids' athletics programs. I cannot tell you how to do this, but your expertise and passion for this area, can generate some creative approaches to make youth programs Fun, Sustainable (for the kids), & with Physical Activity for All. Just one idea - - -the physical education teachers at Burroughs Elementary school in Minneapolis, have designed a new program for youth and physical activity. Their website describes the program —it may not look real professional, but there's some really great info there, and it promotes their fun idea. Check out their website at: www.homepage .mac.com /activesolutions or you can call them: Pete Hill or Lowell Peterson at 952 - 212 -7290. Kathy Iverson Chemical Health Coordinator City of Edina 5701 Normandale Road Edina, MN 55424 952 - 929 -7627 6/16/2006 Page 1 of 1 Darlene Wallin From: Jennifer Bennerotte Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 2:53 PM To: Alice Hulbert; Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Linda Masica; scot.housh @willis.com Cc: Darlene Wallin Subject: FW: Please forward to city council Jennifer Bennerotte Communications & Marketing Director City of Edina 952 - 833 -9520 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 jennerotte @ci.edina.mn.us From: Rosemary Manion [mailto:rmanion @mn.rr.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 2:48 PM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Subject: Please forward to city council received an email from "KEAP" and was asked to send my thoughts to the city council regarding the need for a "Youth Council" to oversee the volunteer sports associations. Our children have played both "House and Travel' programs. While not perfect, overall I feel the associations do a good job and there is not a need for a "Youth Council". Thank you. Rosemary Manion 6/20/2006 Page 1 of 1 Darlene Wallin From: Jennifer Bennerotte Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 2:44 PM To: Alice Hulbert; Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Linda Masica; scot.housh @willis.com Cc: Darlene Wallin Subject: FW: Youth Sports -- Current System a Disservice to All Edina Youth Jennifer Bennerotte Communications & Marketing Director City of Edina 952 - 833 -9520 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 jbennerotte @ci.edina.mn.us From: John Hobday [mailto:jhobday @mn.rr.com] Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 2:43 PM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Subject: Youth Sports -- Current System a Disservice to All Edina Youth Dear Edina Councilmembers, With regards to the recommendations on youth sports, I would applaud any effort that would prohibit recruitment of non -Edina youth on our city or club teams. The current system is a disservice to all Edina Youth. John John V. Hobday 3700 West 57th Street Minneapolis, MN 55410 952 - 928 -7722 (office) 952 - 928 -7058 (fax) 612 - 709 -7777 (cell) ihobday�mn.rr.com This message is intended for the addressee(s) listed above, and may contain information that is confidential and privileged. If you are not the addressee, any use, disclosure, copying or communication of the contents of this transmission may be subject to legal restrictions or sanctions. If this message is received in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and return the original message to us at the above -noted e-mail address. Please remove any and all copies from your system(s). Thank you. 6/19/2006 Page 1 of 1 Darlene Wallin From: Jennifer Bennerotte Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 9:06 AM To; Alice Hulbert; Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Linda Masica; scot.housh @willis.com Cc: Darlene Wallin Subject: FW: Youth Sports Jennifer Bennerotte Communications & Marketing Director City of Edina 952 - 833 -9520 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 jennerotte @ci.edina.mn.us From: KALROACH @aol.com [mailto:KALROACH @ aol.com] Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 9:41 AM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Subject: Youth Sports Hi! I'm unable to attend the city council meeting on the 20th that will address youth sports in Edina and ask that you forward this email to the city council before this meeting. Although I have not voiced my opinion on this matter previously, I thought I would now. I do not understand Mr. Bearmon's issue in his last email. How you can have a Youth Council, or similar entity, and not micro - manage the sports associations sounds like conflicting information to me. I have had three children in sports. They have participated in Soccer, Basketball, Baseball and Hockey as well as on school teams. They played on both "house teams" as well as "travelling teams" and I was a team manager for many years. Our feeling was that if a child wants to give a large commitment of time to a sport, they would try out for a travelling team. One child preferred to play more on house teams as there was less time commitment involved. But you will occasionally see parent coaches on house teams requiring way to much time commitment in their quest for victory. Maybe they are having a hard time securing additional playing time on fields. I believe the house teams needs are secured before traveling teams can request additional space. There have been times when one or another of my children thought they should have made a higher level team and didn't and it was a learning experience in their lives. There were times when 1 thought the process could have been better so I made appearances, and spoke, sometimes with other parents, at association meetings. The input was taken and I actually did see changes being made for the better. Sometimes this takes a couple years but it did happen. I did not see any retribution against us. There will sometimes be individuals on a particular association board who really don't look out for everyone's interest, only their own, but that's why parents should go to the board meetings and voice their opinions. The allocation of resources can be an issue. Too bad we don't have a fourth ice rink at Braemar and baseball has been losing ground in recent years with adequate fields for the older players but I will say though that Ed McHolda and his staff have done a wonderful job when I've had to work with them to secure playing time. My youngest is now in High School so maybe I'm out of the loop but I would worry that creating another entity such as a Youth Council could do more harm than good. Many wonderful parent volunteers, coaches and managers might decide to not get involved because there would be micro - managing and that would be a loss to everyone. Sincerely, Karen Roach Page 1 of 1 Darlene Wallin From: Jennifer Bennerotte Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 8:55 AM To: Alice Hulbert; Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Linda Masica; scot.housh @willis.com Cc: Darlene Wallin Subject: FW: Bredesen Park construction Jennifer Bennerotte Communications & Marketing Director City of Edina 952 - 833 -9520 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 jennerotte@ci.edina.mn.us From: FranzSr @aol.com [mailto:FranzSr @aol.com] Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 9:59 PM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Cc: Mar29got @aol.com; ccncorkyneuman @MSN.com Subject: Bredesen Park construction Attention Council Members, City of Edina Administration; I am aware that a group of residents has requested the Council to consider building a nature center at Bredesen Park. As an Edina resident since 1946, and a resident who has enjoyed first hand the benefits of living here, I am appalled that anyone would propose such a structure. Bredesen Park is a marvelous environment for nature already. It is wonderful to have a place in town that is not developed. The peace and quiet in the Park is truly amazing considering the location in our suburban area. We have plenty of places for school groups, birthday parties, and other group activities. Our Council and City Administration has been elected and hired to maintain our quality of life in Edina. If you are interested in investing 1.4 million dollars in our community, don't waste it on nature centers. Our roads need work. We can always improve our wonderful schools. Speaking for many neighbors, we strongly oppose this nature center proposal, and will deliver our message at any Council meeting where the issur will be discussed. Franz And Joanie Burris 5832 Olinger Blvd. Edina, MN 55436 tel. 952 920 1529 6/19/2006 Darlene Wallin From: Jennifer Bennerotte Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 8:10 AM To: Alice Hulbert; Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Linda Masica; scot.housh @willis.com Cc: Darlene Wallin Subject: FW: Youth Task Force Jennifer Bennerotte Communications & Marketing Director City of Edina 952 - 833 -9520 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 jbennerotte@ci.edina.mn.us - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Jodi Roberts [ mailto :jodi.roberts @hotmail.com] Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 5:51 PM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Subject: Youth Task Force Dear City Council Members - I have two boys, who are both involved in a number of sports within the city. While I cannot say that the oversight on all sports is perfect, I do STRONGLY believe that an additional city oversight committee is not the right approach to take. In our experience, when inequities exist within a sport, the directly responsible boards DO take action to correct them. We have first hand knowledge of this occuring within the football and hockey associations. I am confident that other associations would act in kind. My husband and I actively participated in athletics through the high school, college and post - collegiate ranks. We can assure you, that the level of politics and over scheduling that exists today is nothing new. The alternative today is that if you make local sports too complicated, kids will simply leave to go to other "club" teams. This will only serve to drain the existing sports network for all kids. Our entire family believe that fitness opportunities should be available for everyone, and they are. The house leagues exist to give everyone a chance to play. If there is not enough participation to warrant a house league after a certain age, perhaps the outspoken father needs to recruit others to play some pick up games. We do not believe it is up to a city to provide fitness experiences for our children. We are STRONGLY opposed to more city involvement, particularly in this matter. Thanks for your Jodi Roberts 4536 West 56th Edina, MN 55424 consideration, Street Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE! http: / /messenger.msn. click - url.com /go /onm00200471ave /direct /O1/ June 12, 2006 Edina City Council 4801 West 50'x' Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re: Edina Youth Sports Task Force Dear City Council Members: We serve as Co- Presidents of the Edina Hockey Association. In that capacity, we write to offer our comments on the Edina Youth Sports Task Force recommendation, which we understand will be presented to the Council on June 20, 2006. As a threshold matter, we understand that in Edina, as elsewhere, concerned citizens can, and frequently do, have substantially different views on important issues, including youth sports. Indeed, this diversity of opinion is a strength of the community at large, and operates to the benefit of the children who participate in Edina sports programs. In that spirit, we appreciate the mission of the Edina Youth Sports Task Force, and thank its members for their valuable contribution and substantial investment of time. As you may know, the Edina Hockey Association is one of the largest youth hockey associations in Minnesota. For the upcoming 2006 -07 season, we project having approximately 40 teams comprising roughly 1,200 boys and girls, ranging in age from "termites," who are kindergartners, through girls U 19. Our teams are coached and managed by volunteers and the Association is run by a Board of 17 Edina residents. While the EHA is certainly imperfect, it has been a tremendously successful program over time for both the children of our community and their parents. Thus, when we first learned that a Task Force was being formed, we had some concern that the EHA model which has served the great majority of Edina residents so ably could be replaced with new oversight, regulation and mandates from a small, but well organized, group of individuals. We, therefore, attended several Task Force hearings and read with interest the Task Force recommendations. We were invited to provide comments and the Task Force listened to our input, adopting a limited number of our suggestions, and rejecting others. The bottom line is that we believe the process was fairly handled, and our positions and concerns were reasonably recognized whether accepted or not, and taken into consideration in the final recommendation. While we believe certain revisions may be warranted in the fixture, the recommendation as submitted by the Task Force, and forwarded by the Park Board, represents, in our judgment, a good faith effort to serve the interests of Edina youth and to accommodate the different perspectives on the issues presented. On that basis, we wish to memorialize our support of the Task Force recommendation. Thank you. Very truly yours, Steve Halgren and Dan Hoene 278065A•I Darlene Wallin From: Jennifer Bennerotte ;ent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 2:09 PM To: Alice Hulbert; Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Linda Masica; scot.housh @willis.com Cc: Darlene Wallin Subject: FW: AGAINST Youth Sports Taskforce recommendation Jennifer Bennerotte Communications & Marketing Director City of Edina 952 - 833 -9520 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 jbennerotte@ci.edina.mn.us - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Linda Ostrem [ mailto:lindaostrem@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 2:02 PM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Subject: AGAINST Youth Sports Taskforce recommendation Dear Edina City Council, I am an Edina resident with two children involved in community sports, primarily house and traveling soccer. I do not want our local government to have authority over our local independent sports associations. This would be overstepping on the part of the city government. It would also cost me more money both in team fees and as a taxpayer. The parents and volunteers should be able to run their awn organization. Please do not adopt this recommendation. Thank you, Linda Ostrem 5837 Ewing Ave. S. Edina 1 Page 1 of 1 Darlene Wallin From: Jennifer Bennerotte Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 2:09 PM To: Alice Hulbert; Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Linda Masica; scot.housh @willis.com Cc: Darlene Wallin Subject: FW: Youth Sports Taskforce Importance: High Jennifer Bennerotte Communications & Marketing Director City of Edina 952 - 833 -9520 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 jennerotte @ci.edina.mn.us From: Dean Williamson [mailto:dean.williamson @frauenshuh.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 1:47 PM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Subject: Youth Sports Taskforce Importance: High I wish I had more time to explain but I just received information about the meeting tonight. I feel the recommendations provided by the Youth Sports Taskforce is completely WRONG! No offense, but we do not need another governmental layer involved. Edina has an excellent sports program for kids of all ages and abilities. I do not want my tax dollars spent this way so please do not get in the middle of this situation!!! By the way, I was born (1967) and raised in Edina and currently reside at 5711 Londonderry Road. I have been both a player and coach within the community, and strongly feel all the associations run fairly well. Thanks for your consideration. Dean Williamson Senior Vice President Frauenshuh Companies 6/20/2006 Darlene Wallin From: Jennifer Bennerotte Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 2:26 PM To: Alice Hulbert; Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Linda Masica; scot.housh @willis.com Cc: Darlene Wallin Subject: FW: AGAINST Youth Sports Taskforce recommendation Jennifer Bennerotte Communications & Marketing Director City of Edina 952 - 833 -9520 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 jbennerotte @ci.edina.mn.us - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Linda Ostrem [ mailto:lindaostrem @hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 2:02 PM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Subject: AGAINST Youth Sports Taskforce recommendation Dear Edina City Council, I am an Edina resident with two children involved in community sports, primarily house and traveling soccer. I do not want our local government to have authority over our local independent sports associations. This would be overstepping on the part of the city government. It would also cost me more money both in team fees and as a taxpayer. The parents and volunteers should be able to run their own organization. Please do not adopt this recommendation. Thank you, Linda Ostrem 5837 Ewing Ave. S. Edina 1 oe To: Mayor & City Council From: Debra Mangen City Clerk Date: June 20, 2006 Subject: Resolution Receiving Donations Recommendation: Adopt Resolution. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Info/Background: In order to comply with State Statutes all donations to the City must be adopted by a resolution approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donation. I have prepared the att ached resolution detailing the various donors, their gifts and the recipient departments for your consideration. Agenda Item # V. B. Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends To HRA ® To Council Action ® Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Info/Background: In order to comply with State Statutes all donations to the City must be adopted by a resolution approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donation. I have prepared the att ached resolution detailing the various donors, their gifts and the recipient departments for your consideration. RESOLUTION NO. 2006 -68 ACCEPTING DONATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF EDINA City of Edina WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 465.03 allows cities to accept grants and donations of real or personal property for the benefit of its citizens; WHEREAS, said donations must be accepted via a resolution of the Council adopted by a two thirds majority of its members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council accepts with sincere appreciation the following listed donations on behalf of its citizens. Donations to the Edina Art Center as follows: Georgia Rouman John Telfer Melinda Erickson Kurt and Laura Nisi Doreen Halvorsen Dated: June 20, 2006 Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN)SS CITY OF EDINA ) $200 $ 25 Misc. Pottery tools $ 50 $ 60 $10 James B. Hovland, Mayor CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of June 20, 2006 and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of 20_. City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com City Clerk 952 - 927 -8861 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 TTY 952 -826 -0379 To: City Council From: James B. Hovland Mayor Date: June 20, 2006 Subject: Appointments to Community Education Services Board and Edina Community Health Committee REPORT /REC:OMMLN UA t tuN Agenda Item V. C. Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends F-1 To HRA W 11 To Council Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: Endorse Mayor's appointment of Ann Swenson, Linda Presthus, and Cheryl Gunness to the Community Education Services Board for a one year term ending June 30, 2007; and Janet Johnson to the Edina Community Health Committee for the remaining term of Lynn Moline until February 1, 2008. Info/Background: The Community Education Services Board has three positions from the City of Edina. The Board requires the City to appoint the following representatives: one from the City Council, one from the Park Board and a representative at large. The term for these appointees expires June 30th of each year. It is my intention to reappoint the three people currently serving for the City who are: Ann Swenson, Council representative, Linda Presthus, Park Board representative, and Cheryl Gunness, at large representative. The Edina Community Health Committee has two openings. I intend to appoint Janet L. Johnson and Mary Jo Kingston for two terms ending February 1, 2008. These vacancies were the result of resignations of two members of this committee earlier in the year. 4 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Boyd Tate Traffic Safety Coordinator Date: June 20, 2006 Subject: Traffic Safety Staff Review for June 8, 2006 Recommendation: Agenda Item # V.D. Consent Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action ® Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Review and approve Traffic Safety Staff Review of Thursday June 8, 2006. Info /Background: It is not anticipated that residents will be in attendance at the Council meeting regarding any of the attached issues. G:1 Engineering \Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic \Traffic Advisory Committee \Staff Review Summaries \06 TS AG & Min\06- 08- 06.doc TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW Thursday June 8, 2006 The staff review of traffic safety matters occurred on June 8, 2006. Staff present included the City Engineer, Traffic Engineer, Traffic Safety Coordinator, Sign Coordinator, and Chief of Police. From that review, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They have also been informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can be included on the June 20, 2006 Council Agenda. SECTION A: Requests on which staff recommends approval: On March 21, 2006 the City Council asked the Traffic Safety Committee to look at no parking for Sunday's only on Wilryan Avenue from Normandale Church to West 61St Street. Parking is currently allowed on both sides of Wilryan which causes the street to become too narrow for emergency vehicles to safely pass. This issue was previously addressed in June of 1999. Residents were surveyed about restricting parking to one side only during church services. The issue was resolved when the Church agreed to expand its parking lot. No further action was taken at that time. Wilryan Avenue is a 29 -foot wide City street with curb, gutter and no sidewalks, located just to the west of Normandale Church. Parking is currently allowed on both sides of the street. Wilryan. No vehicle or pedestrian accidents have been reported in the past five years. On April 28, 2006, a survey was sent out to twelve homes on Wilryan Avenue that would be affected by any new parking restrictions. Of the twelve surveys sent, eleven were returned. The residents were overwhelmingly in favor of restricting parking on Wilryan Avenue to one side only parking on Sundays during the a.m. hours. Staff feels that by restricting parking along Wilryan adjacent to the church will provide and maintain adequate street width making it accessible to emergency vehicles. Staff recommends posting "No Parking Sunday A.M." signs on the West side of Wilryan Avenue from the north lot line of 6104 to the south and west around the curve to 6112 Wilryan Avenue. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 1 of 4 June 8, 2006 2. Request from Edina Fire Marshal to restrict parking on the north side of School Road to the west of Concord School and south around the curve to West 60th Street. The Fire Marshal states that it is extremely difficult for emergency vehicles to navigate and operate along this street during school events due to the narrow width with vehicles parked on both sides of the roadway. School Road is a 24 -foot wide City Street with curb, gutter and no sidewalks. There have been no vehicle or pedestrian accidents reported in the past five years. School Road has the following parking restrictions currently in place: "No Parking Anytime" on the north side of School Road from Concord running west to the parking lot of Concord School. "No Parking School Days" on the south side of School Road from Concord Ave running west to 4729 School Road. Parking is allowed on both sides of the street west of the parking lot and south to West 60th Street. The Fire Marshal is requesting that we continue the No Parking Anytime restrictions on School Road, on the north /west side only, from the Concord School parking lot west and south around the curve to West 60th Street to make the street more accessible to emergency vehicles. Staff recommends that "No Parkinq Anytime" signs be alaced on the 3. Request from Edina Park and Recreation Department to further restrict parking on Doncaster Way, adjacent to Highlands Park, during late afternoon and evening hours when park events take place. Parks staff are concerned about the street becoming too narrow for emergency vehicles to pass when vehicles are parked on both sides of the street. Doncaster Way is a 30 -foot wide City street with curb, gutter and no sidewalks. It's located on the east side of Highlands Park and fills up with vehicles during park events. There have been no reported vehicle or pedestrian accidents during the past five years. Doncaster Way currently has restricted parking on the east side of the street starting to the north of Croyden Lane and running north to the dead -end parking lot. This portion of Doncaster Way is posted "No Parking Monday- Friday 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Parking on both sides of Doncaster is permitted from Ayrshire Blvd. to the north (400 -feet) to where the restrictions begin. After study and review, staff feels that Doncaster Way should be restricted on the east side of the street north from Ayrshire Blvd. 400 -feet, to connect with the current restrictions. Staff feels that restricting this portion of Doncaster will help ensure the safety of its residents by ensuring adequate emergency vehicle access. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 2 of 4 June 8, 2006 Staff recommends restricting parking on the east side of Doncaster Way from Ayrshire Blvd. north 400 -feet to where the current restrictions begin to "No Parking 5:00 to 9:00 a.m. Monday through Friday. 4. Request to post a 10 mph speed limit sign at the entrance of the dead -end alley that begins at the rear of 4409 Country Club Road. Requestor states that many vehicles attempting to access Wooddale Park drive into this alley. Requestor is a resident of Country Club Road who is concerned with the safety of pedestrians and vehicles using this alley. Requestor states that many vehicles are unaware that the alley dead -ends because the dead end sign is partially obscured by a tree limb. Requestor states that many people drive into this alley in an attempt to access the park, only to have to turn around and drive back out The alley is 16 -feet wide and runs east and west . It widens to 54 -feet at the dead -end and is directly to the north of Wooddale Park. A pedestrian path begins at the point where the alley dead -ends. The dead -end sign at the entrance is partially obscured and staff has already taken action to correct the problem. A sign with Park & Recreation regulations is also posted at the alley entrance. The only entrance /exit to this alley is directly behind 4409 Country Club Road. No pedestrian or vehicle accidents have been reported in the past five years. Staff feels that by posting a 10 m.p.h. speed limit sign at the entrance of this alley will be a reminder to motorists and help insure the safety of the residents. The legal alley speed limit in accordance with Minnesota Statute is 10 mph. Staff recommends the installation of a 10 M.P.H. speed limit sign at the alley entrance behind 4409 Country Club Road. SECTION B: Requests on which staff recommends denial of request: 1. Request for a painted center line to better help define driving lanes on Creek Valley Road and Nordic Circle West. Requestor is a resident on Creek Valley Road who is concerned for both pedestrian and vehicle safety during the summer months when afternoon and early evening activities at Creek Valley Park draw vehicles into the neighborhood. Requestor states that vehicles traveling east on Creek Valley Road turning north on Nordic Circle West to access the park are cutting the corner and not staying in their proper driving lane. Requestor feels that this "corner clipping" could result in an accident. Creek Valley Road and Nordic Circle West are both 28 -foot wide city streets with curb and gutter. The intersection is uncontrolled and there are no sidewalks on either street. There have been no reported pedestrian or vehicle accidents in the past five years. Staff feels that painting lane markings on Creek Valley Road would not alleviate the incautious driving habits of motorists. This intersection is very typical of Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 3 of 4 June 8, 2006 many intersections throughout Edina. Staff does recommend that an e-mail message to the soccer families that use this facility be sent reminding program participants to use due caution when driving through neighborhoods to access the park. Stall will coordinate this with the Parks Department staff. Staff recommends denial of request for a painted center line on Creek Valley Road and Nordic Circle West for lack of warrants. SECTION C: Requests that are deferred to a later date or referred to others: None for June 8, 2006 meeting. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 4 of 4 June 8, 2006 Wilryan Avenue Parking Restrictions Survey (Adjacent to Nonnandale Lutheran Church) Address Restric$ions,during Sunday services Restrictions only during Nov -Api Restrictions during services � 6.9am-12pm) Restrictions o I one side of street Restrictions to both aides of the,atreet Yes No Yes omment: It is a blind comer and it ns to nk u arou curve - due to Un 6121 Wilryan drive through when churchgoers are arriving or blind comer. Even with only one side of the departing. I also fear someone will be hit by a See comment to the left. Comment: Sometimes the church has events street dear, it is hard to manuver when two car. outside of this timeframe. cars need to pass. No Yes Yes Yes No 6113 Wilryan mment: Signs sho temporary. Removed when not in operation. 5100 W. 62nd St. No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No 6128 Wilryan Comment Only at the curve in the road. General Comment: The parking doesn't really bother us, except when there's lots of snow-it could be dangerous. '1 definitely do not want a'no Yes No Yes Yes No Comment: The only reason needed in summer Comme nt:And only on one side of the street Comment: As stated in #3 only needed 6120 Wilryan is around that curve - because of the incline from the driveway of 6104 around the curve to from the driveway of 6104 Wilryan to the above the curb people tend to park out further the lot line of 6104 and 6112 (diagram drawn on lot line between 6104 and 6112. Just Winter or summer. survey). around that curve) mmend: Please no. enera mment: Plea se on y t curve portion o street. o not want no pa ng s gns re e se on our a@ it Is not needed. YFEW you. No Comment Their new parking lot is supposed to alleviate this. Otherwise, l do not want parking 6112 Wilryan restrictions that would affect my ability to park Comn>ant: If there have to be restrictions, then on the street or m friends abliities . the should be limited. Gerreral Comment: What Is supposed to be the arid result? I do not attend the and the nrrttber of care during services is an annoyance. However, restricting street parking will orgy lead to more people having to walk in the streets to the church - pedestrians could pmusent an even greater danger. How many residents are complaining? This seems small - minded and a waste of taxpayers dollars. Yes Yes Yes Yes No 6116 Wilryan CCmme : Especially around the comer rCA me Parking on one side of the street by the parking lot When cars are parked Is sufficient. 1 have never felt restricted In on both sides of the street, it is dangerous traveling during church services. it is only to drive past them. about an hour each week. 6109 Wilryan No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No 6117 Wilryan rY treat is very o—o—ngested so emergency vehicles could never get through. Yes No No Yes No 6124 Wilryan CComrr nt: Winter months only will be me One side of the curve on Wilryan inwfliderd. Year round restrictions are Comm r!t The church has multiple other events, (suggest Inner part of curare) year-round 24 needed. so this time window would not be enough. Comment: See comment to the right. hr. parking restrictions are needed. General Comment: A recap of what is discussed at the planning meeting would be much app related. Thank you for looking Into our concerns. No I Yes Yes No Cc rd: If you must, but ifs no different Commend: If you must, but that means lanyone than a Mpls city street all hours of the day more garish signs and they will go in 6104 Wilryan and night. Ifs croweded, but I don't believe Corning : If you must. It seems so Edina sort of neighbors yards. Have they thought of Comment: Attendance is lower In summer. has not been able to got through. like the garbage can rule. that? General Comment: Perhaps you should see if they problem is alleviated by the new parking area that will be constructed on the property the church just bought from the Carderelles. We're heading into the low season' anyway for parking. The parking never goes very far down the street anyway. and there's always an easy way in lout the other way. The only house that Is always congested is ours and we don't mind. Wow, I must have some grumpy neighbors. June 12, 2006 School Road Area Residents Edina, MN Re: Restricted Parking on School Road City of Edina Dear resident: City of Edina I am writing this letter to address the parking issues along School Road in response to a recent request by the Fire Marshall to further restrict parking on School Road. As is well known, much of the available parking along School Road is used by participants attending events held at Concord School. The Fire Marshall is concerned about the ability to get emergency vehicles down School Road during events at Concord School due to the narrowing of the street when vehicles are parked on both sides. The Traffic Safety Committee met on Thursday June 8, 2006, to discuss and review this safety issue. The north side of School Road is already posted "No Parking Anytime" from Concord Avenue to the west to the school parking lot. There is no restriction to the west and to the south to W. 60th Street. After study and review, staff will be recommending to the City Council that the north side of School Road be posted "No Parking Anytime" west from the school parking lot and south to W. 60'' Street on the north and west sides respectively. Staff feels that this added restriction is necessary to ensure the safety of the residents on School Road. This recommendation will be presented to the City Council at its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday June 20, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. Please contact me prior to June 20th if you wish to attend the meeting and speak to the Council concerning this issue. I can be reached at 952- 826 -0349 or e-mail at btate(@,ci.edina.mn.us. Sincerely, Boyd Tate Traffic Safety Coordinator City Hall 952- 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX 952 - 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com TTY 952- 826 -0379 June 12, 2006 City of Edina Doncaster Way Area Residents Edina, MN Re: Restricted Parking on Doncaster Way City of Edina Dear Resident: I am writing this letter to address parking issues along Doncaster Way in response to a recent request by the Edina Park & Recreation Board to further restrict parking on Doncaster Way adjacent to Highlands Park. As is well known, much of the available parking along Doncaster is used by participants attending events held at Highlands Park. Park Board officials are concerned about the ability to get emergency vehicles down Doncaster during events at the Park due the narrowing of the street when vehicles are parked on both sides. The Traffic Safety Committee met on Thursday June 8, 2006, to discuss this issue. A portion of Doncaster is already posted "No Parking 5:00 to 9:00 p.m., Monday through Friday." This restriction begins approximately 400 -feet north of the intersection of Ayrshire Blvd., on the east side of the street, and continues north to the parking lot. After study and review, staff will be recommending to the City Council that the 400 - feet of Doncaster Way to the north of Ayrshire Blvd., be posted "No Parking 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday" on the east side of the street. The entire length of Doncaster Way, on the east side of the street, will then be restricted during the 5:00 -9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday period. Staff feels that this added restriction is necessary to ensure the safety of the residents in regards to adequate emergency response access along Doncaster Way. This recommendation will be presented to the City Council at its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday June 20, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. Please contact me prior to June 20, if you wish to attend the meeting and speak to the City Council concerning this issue. I can be reached at 952- 826 -0349 or e-mail at btate(a)ci.edina.mn.us. S' , Boyd T t Traffic Safety Coordinator City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com 952 - 927 -8861 FAX 952- 826 -0390 TTY 952- 826 -0379 6/7i 11:30:07 Page- 1 Business Unit EDINBOROUGH PARK CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING Chemical Rm. Expansion -plant 4 DISTRIBUTION WATER TREATMENT 14.24 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 137102 053006 2210.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS i CITY OI + R55CKREG - .10000 100631 ANDERSON, TODD 87.22 DV CAM TAPES 137103 Council Check Register 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF ADMINISTRATION 87.22 6/8/2006 -- 6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 285055 6/812006 118261 2ND WIND EXERCISE INC. MICROWAVE 137541 060206 5421.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GRILL 158.69 TREADMILL REPAIR 00002148 137393 22- 011755 5620.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 158.69 102172 APPERT'S FOODSERVICE 285056 6/812006 100715 ACCLAIM BENEFITS FOOD 137104 577560 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 405.90 FSA ACCOUNT ADMIN 137314 357407 1550.6040 HOSPITALIZATION 191.50 COBRA ADMIN 137315 357607 1550.6040 HOSPITALIZATION 597.40 285057 618/2006 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 142,92 137239 465156 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 128,92 137240 465155 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 22,12 137241 465153 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 39.40 137242 606257 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 11.00 137243 606261 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 72,12 137244 606272 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 46.12 137245 606263 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 462.60 285058 6/8/2006 102626 AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES 597.47 READY MIX 00005917 137101 4150017 05453.1705.31 MATERIALS /SUPPLIES 349.05 READY MIX 00005917 137316 4150018 5913.6520 CONCRETE 946.52 285059 6/8/2006 111228 ALDEN POOL & MUNICIPAL SUPPLY 7,396.55 CHEMICAL FEED EQUIP PARTS 00005700 137172 600203 5915.6530 REPAIR PARTS 7,396.55 285060 6/8/2006 118989 ANDERSON, CHERYL 6/7i 11:30:07 Page- 1 Business Unit EDINBOROUGH PARK CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING Chemical Rm. Expansion -plant 4 DISTRIBUTION WATER TREATMENT 14.24 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 137102 053006 2210.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS 14.24 285061 6/8/2006 100631 ANDERSON, TODD 87.22 DV CAM TAPES 137103 052606 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF ADMINISTRATION 87.22 285062 618/2006 101548 ANDERSON, TOM 145.24 MICROWAVE 137541 060206 5421.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GRILL 145.24 _ 285063 6/812006 102172 APPERT'S FOODSERVICE 74.50 FOOD 137104 577560 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6/8/2006 -6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 1646.6103 1646.6103 1318.6406 5440.5511 5440.5511 5440.5511 5440.5511 1553.6530 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES 6/7/2006 11:30:07 . Page - 2 Business Unit BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINTENANCE SNOW & ICE REMOVAL COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP 74.50 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP 285064 6/8 12006 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP 114475 ARMOR SECURITY INC. 134.19 MONITORING SERVICE 00001603 137317 102617 88.66 MONITORING SERVICE 00001603 137318 102618 222.85 285065 6/8/2006 119831 ARNEVIK, LENNIE 43.26 IRRIGATION REPAIR 137319 053106 43.26 285066 6/8/2006 102134 ASHWORTH INC. 189.35 MERCHANDISE 00006188 137544 726850 1,712.47 MERCHANDISE 00006188 137545 719049 89.41 MERCHANDISE 00006485 137546 723240 1,639.39 MERCHANDISE 00006485 137547 714903 3,630.62 285067 6/8/2006 100634 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. 46.23 CONNECTOR 00005815 137173 10003261 46.23 285068 _ 6/8 /2006 102573 ASSOCIATION OF RECYCLING MANAG 50.00 WORKSHOP REGISTRATION 137394 060106 50.00 ' 285069 6/8/2006 101954 AUGIE'S INC. 72.43 FOOD 137105 4892 72.43 285070 6/812006 100638 BACHMAN'S 317.20 FLOWERS 137501 052006 1,390.55 PLANTINGS 137501 052006 1,707.75 285071 618 /2006 103241 BALDINGER, WENDY 125.00 PERFORMANCE 6/15/06 137496 060106 125.00 285072 618/2006 102195 BATTERIES PLUS 121.35 BATTERIES 00003584 137502 18- 145574 121.35 ,r 1646.6103 1646.6103 1318.6406 5440.5511 5440.5511 5440.5511 5440.5511 1553.6530 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES 6/7/2006 11:30:07 . Page - 2 Business Unit BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINTENANCE SNOW & ICE REMOVAL COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES REPAIR PARTS 5952.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5430.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 5422.6275 1644.6541 5610.6136 1470.6406 COURSE BEAUTIFICATION PLANTINGS & TREES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN RECYCLING RICHARDS GOLF COURSE MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS TREES & MAINTENANCE PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL r r r CITY OF 6/7/: 1:30:07 R55CKREG . ,10000 3 Council Check Register Page- 6/8/2006 --6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 285073 61812006 102449 BATTERY WHOLESALE INC. 61.83 BATTERY 00001509 137174 28268 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 61.83 285074 6/8/2006 119629 BEAVER'S POND PRESS INC. 612.50 PROOFREADING 00006286 137106 06 -2980 5400.2072 MEN'S CLUB GOLF BALANCE SHEET 612.50 285075 6/812006 100646 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS 591.23 ICE LINE KIT 00008034 137320 00056073 5521.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT 591.23 285076 6/812006 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 115.08 137246 41551600 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 2,664.50 137247 37221800 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 98.10 137248 37251700 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 190.30 137430 41567500 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 3,067.98 285077 6/8/2006 105864 BEN MEADOWS COMPANY 277.20 WADERS, LIGHTSTICKS 00001482 137175 1008003390 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE 277.20 285078 6/8/2006 117379 BENIEK PROPERTY SERVICES INC. 563.56 LAWN CARE 137503 11352 7411.6136 SNOW & LAWN CARE PSTF OCCUPANCY. 563.56 285079 6/812006 100648 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCTS 22.03 OFFICE SUPPLIES 137107 WO- 406538 -1 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 20.83 INDEX TABS 137108 WO- 406429 -1 1504.6218 EDUCATION PROGRAMS HUMAN RELATION COMMISSION 43.37 BINDERS 137109 WO- 406234 -1 1190.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ASSESSING 86.23 285080 6/8/2006 119679 BIXBY PORTABLE TOILET SERVICE 413.75 RENTAL UNITS 137504 4380 1642.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIELD MAINTENANCE 413.75 _ 285081 6/8/2006 101010 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY 519.68 WIRE TERMINALS 00001418 137110 95237339 1321.6530 REPAIR PARTS STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 519.68 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/7/2006 11:30:07 Council Check Register Page - 4 6/8/2006 --6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanatlon PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 285082 6/8/2006 100659 BOYER TRUCK PARTS - 70.35 CAPS, GASKETS 00001219 137111 871843 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 70.35 285083 6/8/2006 100664 BRAUN INTERTEC 1,028.15 CONCRETE TESTING 00001547 137176 261827 05427.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION PLANT #3 BACKWASH RECYCLE SYST 1,028.15 285084 6 /812006 104470 BRIDGESTONE GOLF INC. 136.92 GOLF BALLS 00006104 137112 1001344313 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 136.92 285085 6/812006 119826 BRYANT GRAPHICS INC. 1,165.11 LIQUOR POSTCARDS 137113 8346 2210.6575 PRINTING COMMUNICATIONS 1,165.11 285086 618/2006 103228 BUREAU OF NATIONAL AFFAIRS INC 1,559.58 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS REPORT 137321 10044945 1120.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ADMINISTRATION 896.94 EMPLOYMENT GUIDE 137322 10044944 1120.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ADMINISTRATION 2,456.52 285087 6/8/2006 103244 BURTIS, ROBERT 150.00 PERFORMANCE 6/20/06 137499 060106 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 150.00 285088 6/812006 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 14.05 137249 100747 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 589.50 137250 100746 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 36.65 137431 100750 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 5,002.70 137432 100749 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 5,642.90 285089 6/8/2006 102064 CASH REGISTER SALES & SERVICE 170.00 PROGRAM UPDATE & SUPPLIES 137395 AQUTIC CENTER 5311.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POOL OPERATION 170.00 285090 6/8/2006 116683 CAT & FIDDLE BEVERAGE . 775.00 137251 44475 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 775.00 137252 44474 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 131.81- 137433 42696 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,418.19 R55CKREG _ ,4000 CITY OF Council Check Register 6/8/2006 --6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 285091 61812006 100681 CATCO 36.61 CONNECTORS 00005817 137114 1 -10089 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 30063 DRYER KIT 00001507 137177 3 -04297 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 1551.6186 7413.6582 4088.6103 5842.5514 5822.6122 5842.6122 5862.6122 1120.6103 1140.6103 1180.6235 1554.6230 1646.6610 1552.6406 1552.6406 1553.6610 1552.6406 1375.6530 1375.6530 HEAT FUEL OIL 6/71. A:30:07 Page - 5 Business Unit EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CITY HALL GENERAL PSTF FIRE TOWER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TREE REMOVAL COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING ADVERTISING OTHER 50TH ST SELLING ADVERTISING OTHER YORK SELLING ADVERTISING OTHER VERNON SELLING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PLANNING POSTAGE ELECTION SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS SAFETY EQUIPMENT 337.24 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLIES 285092 6/8/2006 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 112561 CENTERPOINT ENERGY GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 3,205.71 5591458 -4 137115 052306 70.61 5590919 -6 137505 MAY2306 3,276.32 285093 6/8/2006 105038 CENTRAL MN TREE SERVICE LLC 2,343.00 ELM TREE REMOVAL 00001597 137323 052206 2,343.00 285094 618/2006 119725 CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTING CO 848,75 137434 313256 848.75 285095 6/812006 103040 CITY PAGES 80.66 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 137324 100154751 80.66 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 137324 100154751 80.68 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 137324 100154751 242.00 285096 618/2006 105693 CITYSPRINT 9.37 COURIER 137540 1492 18.63 COURIER 137540 1492 55.09 COURIER 137540 1492 183.94 COURIER 137540 1492 267.03 285097 618/2006 101323 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS 165.27 GLOVES 00001413 137178 02820626 153.90 SUNSCREEN, LOTION 00001481 137325 02824090 314.48 GLOVES, SAFETY GLASSES 00001472 137326 02823634 26.12 SAFETY GLASSES 00001500 137327 02826074 503.94 GLOVES, BOOTS, RAINSUITS 00001477 137328 02823743 1,163.71 285098 6/8/2006 116356 CONSTRUCTION MIDWEST INC. _ 342.08 SIKAFLEX, SOLVENT 00001468 137329 360541 248.19 HEADER MATERIAL 00001341 137506 360939 1551.6186 7413.6582 4088.6103 5842.5514 5822.6122 5842.6122 5862.6122 1120.6103 1140.6103 1180.6235 1554.6230 1646.6610 1552.6406 1552.6406 1553.6610 1552.6406 1375.6530 1375.6530 HEAT FUEL OIL 6/71. A:30:07 Page - 5 Business Unit EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CITY HALL GENERAL PSTF FIRE TOWER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TREE REMOVAL COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING ADVERTISING OTHER 50TH ST SELLING ADVERTISING OTHER YORK SELLING ADVERTISING OTHER VERNON SELLING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PLANNING POSTAGE ELECTION SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS SAFETY EQUIPMENT BUILDING MAINTENANCE GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING SAFETY EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS PARKING RAMP REPAIR PARTS PARKING RAMP 20.00 FUEL SURCHARGE 00005311 137556 82700824 -06 5915.6586 WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT 20.00 CITY OF EDINA 6/7/2006 11:30:07 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 6 6/8/2006 - 6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No' Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 590.27 285099 618 /2006 103833 CROW - HASSAN NURSERY L.L.C. - 675.00 TRANSPLANT TREES 00001549 137552 2687 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 675.00 285100 6/8 12006 102478 DAY DISTRIBUTING 2,771.90 137253 363310 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 3,570.55 137254 364036 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 30.16 137255 363311 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 731.29 137256 364039 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 4,978.10 137435 364229 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 138.00 137436 363312 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 108.16 137437 364230 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 1,548.00 137438 363837 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 13,876.16 285101 6/812006 100716 DELEGARD TOOL CO. 16.06 SOCKETS- 00001346 137330 895031 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 7.72 SCREWDRIVER 00005171 137331 881607 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 5.19 SOCKETS 00001646 137332 879145 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 23.76 WRENCH 00001515 137555 896725 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 52.73 285102 6/8/2006 100720 DENNYS 5TH AVE. BAKERY 78.24 BAKERY 137116 216230 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 58.95 BAKERY 137117 216231 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 9.26 BAKERY 137396 216555 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 32.85 BAKERY 137397 216609 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 179.30 285103 6/8/2006 102831 DEX MEDIA EAST 18.00 137118 304362732 5430.6188 TELEPHONE RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 108.80 137118 304362732 5420.6188 TELEPHONE CLUB HOUSE 132.50 137118 304362732 5511.6188 TELEPHONE ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 469.30 137119 304362744 5610.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 728.60 285104 6/8/2006 100731 DPC INDUSTRIES 20.00 FUEL SURCHARGE 00005311 137556 82700824 -06 5915.6586 WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT 20.00 R55CKREG L. .[0000 CITY OF Council Check Register 6/8/2006 --6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account DescrlpUon 285105 6/812006 100735 E-Z SHARP INC 64433 SHARPENING SUPPLIES 00008032 137333 10108 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 617/1 1:30:07 Page - 7 Business Unit ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 644.33 285106 6/8/2006 100739 EAGLE WINE 1,686.85 137257 417194 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 299.98 137258 417204 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 6.14- 137259 694374 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,778,92 137443 417207 5642.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3,759.61 285107 6/6/2006 100741 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE 1,360.80 137260 320376 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 209.75 137261 320335 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 4,890.35 137262 320288 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 499.00 137398 18303 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 5,264.85 137439 320384 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 3,860.00 137440 320400 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 1,293.65 137441 320375 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 428.55 137442 320402 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 17,806.95 285108 6/812006 100746 ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR 301.61 FASCO MOTORS 00001632 137507 338888 5840.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 301.61 285109 6/8/2006 119824 ELIFEGUARD INC. 504.36 RESCUE TUBES, WHISTLES 137120 6131 5310.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT POOL ADMINISTRATION 504.36 285110 6/812006 105339 ENRGI 255.00 WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT 137121 4366 2210.6124 WEB DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS 187.50 WEBSITE GRAPHICS 137122 4370 2210.6124 WEB DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS 682.50 WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT 137399 4365 2210.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 1,125.00 285111 6/8/2006 116303 ETONIC WORLDWIDE LLC 69.28 SHOES 137123 48133 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 2,143.36 SHOES 137124 43912 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 1,216.02- SHOE CREDIT 137125 90005039 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES _ 996.62 6/7/2006 11:30:07 . Page- 8 Business Unit EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL ED ADMINISTRATION GENERAL TURF CARE GENERAL TURF CARE DISTRIBUTION CENT SVC PW BUILDING GENERAL MAINTENANCE 419.50 137263 82214 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 330.14 137444 82267 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,484.00 137445 82217 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,233.64 285119 61812006 101518 GRAUSAM, STEVE 53.24 AIR COMPRESSOR 137551 060506 5841.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 105.91 PLANTS 137551 060506 5841.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 105.91 PLANTS 137551 060506 5861.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 265.06 YORK OCCUPANCY YORK OCCUPANCY VERNON OCCUPANCY CITY OF EDINA R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register 6/8/2006 - 6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier I Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 285112 61812006 100146 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 201.38 PADS, ROTORS 00001217 137126 6- 827982 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 385.42 PADS, ROTORS 00001226 137127 1- 2440845 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 67.52- CREDIT 00005156 137128 1- 2440321 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 67.52- CREDIT 137554 1- 2444748 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 451.76 285113 6/8/2006 119211 FIRSTLAB 36.50 DRUG TEST 137334 140264 1550.6121 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL 328.50 DRUG TESTS 137335 146722 1550.6121 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL 365.00 285114 6/8 12006 102745 FREUND, JEFF 191.35 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 137400 060106 5610.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 191.35 285115 6/8/2006 103185. GERTENS 18.89 MULCH 00001081 137179 095192 1643.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 18.89 285116 6/8/2006 101344 GLENN REHBEIN COMPANIES 1,192.80 FERTILIZER 00001298 137336 9717 1643.6540 FERTILIZER 1,192.80 285117 6/812006 101103 GRAINGER 828.71 COMPRESSOR, OIL _ 00001496 137180 9108741589 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 151.43 BATTERIES, SPOTLIGHTS 00001483 137181 9107743859 1552.6530 REPAIR PARTS 8.33 BLOW GUNS 00001499 137182 9108829111 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 988.47 285118 6/8/2006 102217 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 6/7/2006 11:30:07 . Page- 8 Business Unit EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL ED ADMINISTRATION GENERAL TURF CARE GENERAL TURF CARE DISTRIBUTION CENT SVC PW BUILDING GENERAL MAINTENANCE 419.50 137263 82214 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 330.14 137444 82267 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,484.00 137445 82217 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,233.64 285119 61812006 101518 GRAUSAM, STEVE 53.24 AIR COMPRESSOR 137551 060506 5841.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 105.91 PLANTS 137551 060506 5841.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 105.91 PLANTS 137551 060506 5861.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 265.06 YORK OCCUPANCY YORK OCCUPANCY VERNON OCCUPANCY ' CITY OF 617G 1:30:07 R55CKREG . ,0000 _ Council Check Register Page- 9 6/8/2006 -6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 285120 6/812006 100783 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. INC. 153.24 WIRE, CONNECTORS 00001411 137183 917610315 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 225.17 WIRE 00001473 137337 917734068 1322.6530 REPAIR PARTS STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 845.13 CONDUIT, ELBOWS 00001473 137338 917734069 1322.6530 REPAIR PARTS STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 1,223.54 285121 61812006 105769 GREATER TWIN CITIES TENNIS ASS 165.00 TENNIS WORKSHOP 137508 060206 1623.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES TENNIS INSTRUCTION 165.00 285122 6/8/2006 101350 GREEN ACRES SPRINKLER CO. 232.44 IRRIGATION SERVICES 00001637 137184 061261 4091.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GRANDVIEW REVOLVING 232.44 285123 6/812006 101122 GREENSPRING MEDIA GROUP 41.66 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 137509 MM43029 5822.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 50TH ST SELLING 41.66 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 137509 MM43029 5842.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER YORK SELLING 41.68 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 137509 MM43029 5862.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER VERNON SELLING 125.00 285124 6/8/2006 100782 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. 1,825,27 137264 417193 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 181,17 137265 417199 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 1,212,02 137266 417198 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 70.79 137267 416141 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 508.70 137267 416141 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 235.08 137268 417201 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 2,445.90 137269 417055 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 928,71 137270 417202 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 241,26 137271 694316 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,445.90 137446 417197 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 4,442.35 137447 417200 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 114.00- 137448 674834 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 40.00- 137449 676827 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 67,34 137450 417211 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 9,781.33 137451 417210 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,363.35 - 137452 417213 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 3,918.08 137453 417083 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,445.90 137454 417209 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,726.70 137455 417206 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 9,969.20 137456 414225 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 8,476.72 137457 417212 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING CITY OF EDINA 6/7/2006 11:30:07 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 10 6/8/2006 6/6/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 52,649.25 285125 61812006 102312 HARMON INC. 1,086.00 WINDOW REPAIR 00001595 137185 285024511 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,086.00 285126 6/8/2006 119827 HEDLUND, JENNIFER 45.00 PARTIAL REFUND 137129 053006 5301.4532 SEASON TICKETS AQUATIC CENTER REVENUES 45.00 285127 6/812006 101209 HEIMARK FOODS 205.44 MEAT PATTIES 137401 019229 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 205.44 285128 6/8/2006 101588 HENNEPIN TECHNICAL COLLEGE 390.00 FIRST AID TRAINING 00001088 137339 00112324 1640.6027 TRAINING PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL 390.00 285129 6/8/2006 114507 HERMAN'S LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES 59.90 BRICK PAVERS 00002397 137402 024637 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 59.90 285130 6/8/2006 119763 HIGH SHINE CO INC 468.60 TILE SCRUBBING 137130 612 1551.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CITY HALL GENERAL 468.60 285131 61812006 103753 HILLYARD INC. 146.65 CARPET CLEANER REPAIR 137403 7103592 5620.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EDINBOROUGH PARK 149.93 MICROMATIC REPAIR - 137404 7103591 5620.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EDINBOROUGH PARK 78.65 SCRUBBER REPAIR 137405 7103590 5620.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EDINBOROUGH PARK 73.76 RESTROOM CLEANER 00002174 137406 1762565 5620.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH PARK 448.99 285132 6/8/2006 102484 HIRSHFIELD'S PAINT MANUFACTURI 476.06 FIELD STRIPE PAINT 00005874 137340 71730 1642.6544 LINE MARKING POWDER FIELD MAINTENANCE 476.06 285133 6/812006 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC. 599.15 137272 389304 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 599.15 285134 618/2006 103302 HONEYWELL CONCERT BAND CITY OF 6/7r 1:30:07 R55CKREG L- -10000 Page - 11 Council Check Register 6/8/2006 --6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 40.00 PERFORMANCE 6/18/06 137497 060106 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 40.00 285135 61812006 100267 HOPKINS WESTWIND BAND 100.00 PERFORMANCE 6/19/06 137498 060106 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 100.00 285136 6/8/2006 102114 HUEBSCH 37.90 RUG SERVICE 137407 639428 5620.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT EDINBOROUGH PARK 37.90 285137 61812006 101426 HUGHES, GORDON 321.74 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 137341 060106 1120.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ADMINISTRATION 321.74 285138 618/2006 100812 IAAO 175.00 DUES - RICK NELSON 137408 060206 1190.6105 DUES 6 SUBSCRIPTIONS ASSESSING 175.00 285139 6 /8/2006 112628 ICEE COMPANY, THE 666.40 CONCESSION PRODUCT 137342 721372 5320.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD POOL CONCESSIONS 666.40 285140 6/812006 101714 IDENTISYS INC. 1,822.30 YMCKT COLOR RIBBONS 00007086 137510 110113 5310.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL ADMINISTRATION 1,822.30 285141 61812006 100814 INDELCO PLASTICS CORP. 59.62 PVC PIPE, COUPLINGS 00001625 137343 437519 1642.6530 REPAIR PARTS FIELD MAINTENANCE 59.62 285142 6/8/2006 116191 INSTY - PRINTS - 378.34 POOL POSTCARD 137131 73540 5310.6575 PRINTING POOL ADMINISTRATION 378.34 265143 6/8/2006 100818 INTERSTATE POWER SYSTEMS INC 64.73 SERVICE KIT, SEAL 00001662 137511 00196356 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 64.73 285144 618/2006 101403 J -CRAFT 209.77 SOLENOID VALVE 00001227 137186 39605 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 209.77 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6/8/2006 -6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 265145 6/8/2006 104198 JACK MCCLARD & ASSOCIATES INC. 114.23 TIRE GAUGE, CONE 00001228 137132 39823 1553.6406 114.23 285146 618/2006 2,362.00 2,362.00 285147 6/8/2006 39.41 220.46 259.87 102157 JEFF EWS & ASSOCIATES INC. LIFEGUARD LICENSES 137133 20027921 5310.6103 100830 JERRY'S PRINTING WEED SPRAYING FORMS 00001475 137187 36563 1643.6406 REGISTRATION FORMS 00007085 137535 36521 1600.6575 617/2006 11:30:07 Page - 12 Subledger Account Description Business Unit GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POOL ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL TURF CARE PRINTING PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 285149 6/812006 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 256.51 137273 1082306 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 321.76 137274 1082307 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 622.00 137275 1082305 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 321.76 137276 1082303 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 103.50- 137277 312255 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 317.59 137458 1084540 5862:5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 485.51 137459 1084548 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 743.92 137460 1084545 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE - VERNON SELLING 683.32 137461 1084531 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 93.26 137462 1084528 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1.03 137463 1084529 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,998.22 137464 1084538 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 57.03 137465 1084534 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,024.58 137466 1084533 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3,773.08 137467 1082304 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 4,692.64 137468 1084535 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 34.02 137469 1084539 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 3,281.45 137470 1084536 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 110.02 137471 1081828 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 66.53 137472 1081827 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 252.59 137473 1084532 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 340.01 137474 1084537 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 233.68 137475 1084521 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 3,009.27 137476 1081569 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 23,616.28 285150 6/81' 100839 KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES ' CITY O, A 617, 11:30:07 R55CKREG _ _ ..,20000 - Page - 13 Council Check Register 6/8/2006 -6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 36.86- BALL BEARINGS 00001495 137344 V851899 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 36.86 285151 6/8/2006 116295 KING PAR CORPORATION 478.21 MERCHANDISE 00006111 137543 2347408 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS -PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 478.21 285152 618/2006 103272 KOOLE, DIANE 189.46 CONFERENCE EXPENSE 137512 060106 1190.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ASSESSING 189.46 285153 618/2006 100848 LABOR RELATIONS ASSOCIATES INC 154.00 CONSULTING 137345 050106 1120.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 154.00 285154 6/8/2006 119802 LAVENTURE, ANDREW 119.96 OUTDOOR CLOCKS 137188 053106 5310.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL ADMINISTRATION 119.96 285155 6/812006 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 365.80 NUTS, SCREWS 00001426 137346 4466222 1325.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET NAME SIGNS 112.50 SCREWS, WRENCHES 00001426 137347 4466223 1325.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET NAME SIGNS 260.83 HOSE FITTINGS 00001426 137348 4466221 1325.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET NAME SIGNS 182.47 FITTINGS, HOSE CLAMPS 00001425 137513 4461841 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 921.60 285156 61812006 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 9,887.35 DEDUCTIBLE 137349 040106 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 9,887.35 285157 6/812006 100855 LESCO INC. 1,056.99 WEED SPRAY 00001587 137189 14117706 1643.6546 WEED SPRAY GENERAL TURF CARE 339.09 FLOWERS, MULCH, SEED 00001322 137553 13994715 5932.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL STORM SEWER 1,396.08 285158 618/2006 106301 LOFFLER COMPANIES INC. 62.72 COPIER USAGE 00001512 137350 152638 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 62.72 285159 618/2006 106672 LUGER, JEFF 55.34 DOG FOOD 137409 053106 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 55.34 CITY OF EDINA 617/2006 11:30:07 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 14 6/8/2006 -- 6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 285160 618/2006 119830 M & M TOOL& EQUIPMENT 225.00 REAMERS 00001511 137351 291381 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 225.00 285161 618/2006 100868 MARK VII SALES 2,201.20 137278 937506 5842.5514 COST OF.GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 80.20 137279 937507 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 71,20 137280 .936810 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING .03 137477 936928 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 2,556.10 137478 937358 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 5,745.65 137479 936809 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 1,127,98 137480 939415 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 2,183.32 137481 938504 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 13,965.68 285162 6/8/2006 101555 MARSHALL & SWIFT 12.00 SHIPPING & HANDLING 137410 060206 1190.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ASSESSING 12.00 285163 6/8/2006 101146 MATRIX TELECOM INC. 65.45 137134 005404714 1550.6188 TELEPHONE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 65.45 285164 61812006 105603 MEDICINE LAKE TOURS 2,254.00 TRIP TRANSPORTATION 137352 053006 1628.6103.07 TRIPS PROF SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 2,254.00 285165 6/8/2006 - 101457 MEICHSNER, EARL - 108.14 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 137190 053006 1652.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE WEED MOWING 108.14 285166 61812006 101483 MENARDS 194.66 HAND TOOLS 00001479 137219 27520 1301.6556 TOOLS GENERAL MAINTENANCE 118.11 PAINT & SUPPLIES 00008039 137353 27680 5511.6532 PAINT ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 35.67 PADLOCKS 00008043 137354 29714 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 348.44 285167 6/812006 101987 MENARDS 117.12 PUMPS 00002400 137411 92055 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES _ 38.30 DECK STAIN 00002391 137412 - 91252 _ 5630.6532 PAINT CENTENNIAL LAKES 56.11 HOSE, SPRAY WAND 00002176 137413 ' . 95231 5620.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES . EDINBOROUGH PP' ' CITY O, A 617. 11:30:07 R55CKREG ­.-i20000 Council Check Register Page - 15 6/8/2006 - 6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 211.53 285168 618/2006 100882 MERIT SUPPLY 412.18 CLEANERS, SOAP 00001469 137220 69550 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 502.89 TOWELS, TISSUE 00001478 137355 69575 1552.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 915.07 285169 6/8/2006 101891 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY 161.24 WHISKER PLUGS, PAINT 00001423 137221 91628 1642.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIELD MAINTENANCE 161.24 285170 6/8/2006 100887 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIRONME 700.00 MCES PERMIT FEE 00001548 137356 825228 5915.6260 LICENSES & PERMITS WATER TREATMENT 700.00 285171 61812006 100692 MIDWEST COCA -COLA EAGAN 508.80 137281 48159007 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 508.80 285172 6/812006 101890 MIDWEST VENDING INC 126.88 CANDY 00006338 137414 4543 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 126.88 285173 6/8/2006 100913 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN SEWER & 540.00 INSTALLED CONDUIT 00001634 137222 332834 1322.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 1,260.00 FOUNTAIN REPAIRS 00002002 137415 32835 5630.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CENTENNIAL LAKES 1,800.00 285174 61812006 101638 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 35.00 HOSPITALITY FEE #50279 137135 116898 5110.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 35.00 HOSPITALITY FEE #50265 137136 116904 5310.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POOL ADMINISTRATION 35.00 HOSPITALITY FEE #50245 137137 116892 4075.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VANVALKENBURG 105.00 285175 6/812006 101645 MINNESOTA DEPT OF NATURAL RESO 424.93 TREE PLANTINGS 00005928 137361 20060461 1644.6541 PLANTINGS & TREES TREES & MAINTENANCE 424.93 - 285176 6/8/2006 101376 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPMENT 5,212.13 1° METERS 00005684 137223 0183295 5914.5516 COST OF GOODS SOLD METERS TANKS TOWERS & RESERVOIR 5,212.13 CITY OF EDINA 6/7/2006 11:30:07 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 16 6/8/2006 -6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 285177 6/8/2006 112908 MINNESOTA ROADWAYS CO. 596.40 ASPHALT EMULSION 00005924 137224 50247 1301.6518 BLACKTOP GENERAL MAINTENANCE 596.40 285178 61812006 103240 MINNESOTA SAFETY COUNCIL 325.00 001477 -06 DUES 137357 040306 1120.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ADMINISTRATION 325.00 285179 6/8/2006 101779 MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATIO 57.51 DESK BOOK 137358 INV221511 1120.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATION 57.51 285180 6/8/2006 - 100908 MINNESOTA WANNER 206.98 VALVE, SWITCH 00001591 137359 0068894 -IN 1643.6530 REPAIR PARTS GENERAL TURF CARE 225.24 HOSES, FITTINGS 00001306 137360 0068828 -IN 1643.6530 REPAIR PARTS GENERAL TURF CARE 432.22 285181 6/8/2006 119547 MOON, JENNI 73.22 CLOCKS, WASTEBASKETS 137514 060206 5310.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL ADMINISTRATION 73.22 285182 6/8/2006 106151 MOOS, BEVERLY 79.46 CONFERENCE EXPENSE 137515 060106 1190.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ASSESSING 79.46 285183 6/8/2006 100906 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC. 201.26 IRRIGATION PARTS 00002399 137416 525200 -00 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 345.76 SOLENOIDS, VALVES 00001660 137516 525795 -00 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 163.18 COUPLINGS 00006482 137539 521162 -00 5422.6611 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 710.20 285184 6/812006 105323 MTM RECOGNITION 616.26 WATCHES 137362 5157299 1513.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS 670.34 EMPLOYEE AWARDS 137363 5170459 1513.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS 2,217.16 EMPLOYEE AWARDS 137364 5172292 1513.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS 3,503.76 285185 6/8/2006 100916 MUZAK- NORTH CENTRAL 198.54 MUSIC SERVICES 137138 A659164 5630.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENTENNIAL LAKES 198.54 285186 61812006 100012 NATIONAL WATERWORKS INC. R55CKREG _- ,320000 Check # Date 285187 618/2006 285188 6/8/2006 285189 618/2006 285190 6/8/2006 285191 6/8/2006 285192 618/2006 100945 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY 1,188.45 197.25 120.00 1,505.70 285193 618/2006 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 172.00 272.65 169.18 659.01 3,605.38 2,442.32 27.68 1,149.91 137140 34774117 137225 27983090 137417 21022175 137285 2331885 137286 2331883 137287 2332252 137483 2333890 137484 2333889 137485 2333886 137486 2333887 137487 2333888 5421.5510 4075.5510 5430.5510 5862.5513 5862.5513 5862.5513 5862.5513 5862.5513 5842.5512 5842.5513 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 6r, 11:30:07 Page - 17 Business Unit COLLECTION SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN GOLF ADMINISTRATION DISTRIBUTION POOL CONCESSIONS VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING GRILL VANVALKENBURG RICHARDS GOLF COURSE VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING CITY C b4 Council Check Register 6/8/2006 --6/8/2006 Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 61.51 PIPE FITTINGS 00001490 137365 3527536 5923.6530 REPAIR PARTS 61.51 100930 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO. 150.05 SCRAP TIRE DISPOSAL 00001238 137366 NW- 101762 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES 112.44 TIRES 00001238 137367 NW- 101690 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES 262.49 103578 OFFICE DEPOT 8.63 SPINDLE 00006280 137139 338074838 - 001 5410.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES 8.63 100936 OLSEN COMPANIES 130.19 CHOPSAW, REPAIRS 00001329 137368 395188 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 130.19 100939 OTIS SPUNKMEYER INC. 209.34 COOKIES 137369 7447862 5320.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 209.34 100347 PAUSTIS & SONS 1,195.92 137282 8110230 -IN 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 876.00 137283 8109928 -IN 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1,048.73 137284 8110235 -IN 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 1 AM 00 137482 8110238 -IN 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 285192 618/2006 100945 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY 1,188.45 197.25 120.00 1,505.70 285193 618/2006 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 172.00 272.65 169.18 659.01 3,605.38 2,442.32 27.68 1,149.91 137140 34774117 137225 27983090 137417 21022175 137285 2331885 137286 2331883 137287 2332252 137483 2333890 137484 2333889 137485 2333886 137486 2333887 137487 2333888 5421.5510 4075.5510 5430.5510 5862.5513 5862.5513 5862.5513 5862.5513 5862.5513 5842.5512 5842.5513 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 6r, 11:30:07 Page - 17 Business Unit COLLECTION SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN GOLF ADMINISTRATION DISTRIBUTION POOL CONCESSIONS VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING GRILL VANVALKENBURG RICHARDS GOLF COURSE VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 617/2006 11:30:07 Council Check Register Page - 18 6/8/2006 - 6/8/2006 I Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description. Business Un t 1,455.40 137488 2333884 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 9,953.53 285194 618/2006 100119 PING 209.02 GOLF CLUBS 00006298 137548 8098643 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 512.21 GOLF CLUBS 00006298 137549 8095037 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 543.08 GOLF CLUBS 00006298 137550 8098077 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 1,264.31 285195 6/812006 101223 PLANET FORD 286.66 WHEEL ASSEMBLIES 00001225 137141 122249WFOW 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 11.96 PULLEY 00001216 137142 122172WFOW 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 79.88- CORE RETURN 137143 CM121657WFOW 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 7.53 LEVER 00001514 137370 122317WFOW 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 226.27 285196 6/8/2006 100160 PLANET SOCCER 3,114.00 LIFEGUARD WARM -UPS 00007080 137418 JY08 5311.6201 _ LAUNDRY POOL OPERATION 3,114.00 285197 6/8/2006 101110 POLLY NORMAN PHOTOGRAPHY 100.00 EMPLOYEE PHOTOS 137419 052306 2210.6408 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 100.00 285198 6/8/2006 116396 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC 824.14 METHANE, CO2 137517 318502 7413.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF FIRE TOWER 824.14 285199 6/8/2006 100968 PRIOR WINE COMPANY 1,195.01 137288 417205 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 72.65 137289 417196 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 2,858.32 137290 417195 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 888.15 137291 416439 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,043.21 137489 417214 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 623.32 137490 418134 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 6,680.66 285200 6/8/2006 102354 PRO GUARD SPORTS INC. 375.75 TAPE, TIP WAX, LACES 00008037 137371 260433 5510.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA ADMINISTRATION 375.75 285201 6/er 112097 PUMP & METER SERVICE INC. • CITY L JA R55CKREG -420000 Council Check Register 6/8/2006 - 6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 38.34 TANK GAUGE 137537 239195 5422.6530 38.34 285202 6/8/2006 104669 PURE BLUE 561.00 MERCHANDISE 137372 65707 5310.5510 76.00 LIFEGUARD SUITS 137518 65824 5311.6201 637.00 285203 6/8/2006 100971 QUALITY WINE 9.77- 137292 713032 -00 5840.5518 998.82 137292 713032.00 5842.5513 18,34- 137293 712802 -00 5840.5518 1,664.20 137293 712802 -00 5842.5513 49.39- 137294 712882 -00 5840.5518 2,488.88 137294 712882 -00 5842.5512 7.51- 137295 711049 -00 5860.5518 377.71 137295 711049 -00 5862.5512 65.73- 137296 712888 -00 5860.5518 3,313.77 137296 712888 -00 5862.5512 ,01 137297 712642 -00 5862.5512 19,71- 137298 712641 -00 5860.5518 992.28 137298 712641 -00 5862.5512 15.09- 137299 712801 -00 5860.5518 1,534.31 137299 712801 -00 5862.5513 7,02- 137300 713033 -00 5860.5518 711.67 137300 713033 -00 5862.5513 3.60- 137301 711721 -00 5860.5518 364.61 137301 711721 -00 5862.5513 5.53- 137302 712807 -00 5820.5518 562.20 137302 712807 -00 5822.5513 20.48- 137303 712883 -00 5820.5518 1,035.64 137303 712883 -00 5822.5512 13,18- 137304 713047 -00 5820.5518 1,335.90 137304 713047 -00 5822.5513 33.00 137305 709304 -00 5842.5514 .76- 137306 710643 -00 5842.5512 15,178.89 285204 618/2006 101295 QUANTUM CLEANING SERVICES 235.03 CARPET CLEANING 00008044 137373 12193 5511.6406 235.03 Subledger Account Description REPAIR PARTS 61 11:30:07 Page - 19 Business Unit MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS COST OF GOODS SOLD POOL ADMINISTRATION LAUNDRY POOL OPERATION VENDOR DISCOUNTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VENDOR DISCOUNTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VENDOR DISCOUNTS COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VENDOR DISCOUNTS COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VENDOR DISCOUNTS COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VENDOR DISCOUNTS COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VENDOR DISCOUNTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VENDOR DISCOUNTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VENDOR DISCOUNTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VENDOR DISCOUNTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VENDOR DISCOUNTS COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VENDOR DISCOUNTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR LIQUOR YORK GENERAL YORK SELLING LIQUOR YORK GENERAL YORK SELLING LIQUOR YORK GENERAL YORK SELLING VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL VERNON SELLING VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL VERNON SELLING VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL VERNON SELLING VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL VERNON SELLING VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL VERNON SELLING 50TH STREET GENERAL 50TH ST SELLING 50TH STREET GENERAL 50TH ST SELLING 50TH STREET GENERAL 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS WEED SPRAY ADVERTISING OTHER ADVERTISING OTHER ADVERTISING OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS SAND GRAVEL & ROCK GENERAL SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES COST OF GOODS SOLD GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES MATERIALS /SUPPLIES 6/7/2006 11:30:07 Page - 20 Business Unit STREET REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL YORK OCCUPANCY GENERAL TURF CARE 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING CENT SVC PW BUILDING EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN DISTRIBUTION MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN PLAYGROUND & THEATER VANVALKENBURG POOL OPERATION STREET RENOVATION Chemical Rm. Expansion -plant 4 243.37 CITY OF EDINA R55CKREG LOG20000 285206 6/8/2006 116375 R.N.D. SIGNS Council Check Register 6/8/2006 -- 6/8/2006 SIGNS, STAKES Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 285205 6/8/2006 101965 OWEST 54.82 952 929 -0297 137519 0297 -5/06 4090.6188 TELEPHONE 96.48 952927 -8861 137520 8861 -5/06 1550.6188 TELEPHONE 92.07 952 929 -9549 137521 9549 -5/06 5841.6188 TELEPHONE WEED SPRAY ADVERTISING OTHER ADVERTISING OTHER ADVERTISING OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS SAND GRAVEL & ROCK GENERAL SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES COST OF GOODS SOLD GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES MATERIALS /SUPPLIES 6/7/2006 11:30:07 Page - 20 Business Unit STREET REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL YORK OCCUPANCY GENERAL TURF CARE 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING CENT SVC PW BUILDING EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN DISTRIBUTION MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN PLAYGROUND & THEATER VANVALKENBURG POOL OPERATION STREET RENOVATION Chemical Rm. Expansion -plant 4 243.37 285206 6/8/2006 116375 R.N.D. SIGNS 145.00 SIGNS, STAKES 00001299 137226 44964 1643.6546 145.00 285207 6/8/2006 113422 RAKE PUBLISHING INC. 200.00 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 137522 8610 5822.6122 200.00 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 137522 8610 5842.6122 200.00 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 137522 8610 5862.6122 600.00 285208 6/8/2006 102408 RIGID HITCH INCORPORATED 447.04 HITCHES, PINTLES 00001476 137227 1166400 -01 1552.6406 51.62- CREDIT 137523 1559788 -01 1553.6530 395.42 285209 618/2006 100987 SA -AG INC 168.37 SAND 00001402 137144 49001 5913.6517 168.37 285210 6/8/2006 111605 SABERTOOTH GOLF 675.56 SAND TRAP RAKES 00006458 137538 .4865 5422.6406 675.56 285211 6/8/2006 100988 SAFETY KLEEN 127.96 CHANGE OUT PARTS WASHER 00001654 137374 0031676419 1553.6103 127.96 285212 6/8/2006 101822 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 5.38 101 - 26373069350 137375 060106 1624.6406 44.26 101- 26373069350 137375 060106 4075.5510 49.64 285213 6/8/2006 105442 SCHERER BROS. LUMBER CO. 101.28 LUMBER 00001291 137376 40304027 5311.6406 _ 109.55 LUMBER 00001484 137524 40308171 1314.6406 - 151.13 LUMBER, INSULATION 00001395 137525 40302683 05453.1705.31 WEED SPRAY ADVERTISING OTHER ADVERTISING OTHER ADVERTISING OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS SAND GRAVEL & ROCK GENERAL SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES COST OF GOODS SOLD GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES MATERIALS /SUPPLIES 6/7/2006 11:30:07 Page - 20 Business Unit STREET REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL YORK OCCUPANCY GENERAL TURF CARE 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING CENT SVC PW BUILDING EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN DISTRIBUTION MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN PLAYGROUND & THEATER VANVALKENBURG POOL OPERATION STREET RENOVATION Chemical Rm. Expansion -plant 4 CITY Ol, 6/71. 11:30:07 R55CKREG L. X20000 Council Check Register Page - 21 6/8/2006 —6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 361.96 285214 6/8/2006 119591 SCIPIONI, CHRISTINA 27.72 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 137146 053006 2210.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS 27.72 285215 6/8/2006 101893 SCS INTERACTIVE INC. 1,870.00 HANDWHEELS 00007066 137145 5916 5311.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION 1,870.00 285216 618/2006 102644 SEABOARD PENCIL COMPANY 544.55 PENCILS 00006278 137420 5875 5430.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 541.80 PENCILS 00006277 137421 5873 5410.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 1,086.35 285217 618/2006 101587 SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICES 1,339.00 DIAL -A -RIDE MARCH 2006 137536 053006 1514.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DIAL -A -RIDE PROGRAM 1,339.00 285218 6/8/2006 116533 SHRM 160.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES 137377 9000659763 1120.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ADMINISTRATION 160.00 285219 6/8/2006 119825 SOULIS, DAVID 650.00 AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 137147 053006 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 650.00 285220 6/8/2006 116682 SPECIALTY WINES & BEVERAGES 795.00 137307 8656 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 10.00- 137308 7543 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 785.00 285221 6/812006 101021 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA LLC 104.89 GAS 00001636 137228 0101459 1553.6581 GASOLINE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 104.89 285222 61812006 103658 ST. LOUIS PARK COMMUNITY BAND 75.00 PERFORMANCE 6/21106 137500 060106 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 75.00 - 285223 6/8/2006 100650 STANLEY SECURITY SOLUTIONS INC 90.29 KEYS 00001381 137229 MN- 408068 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 6/7/2006 11:30:07 Page- 22 Business Unit EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN PARK ADMIN. GENERAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN AQUATIC CENTER REVENUES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 50.63 MERCHANDISE 137542 08546935 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 50.63 285231 6/812006 CITY OF EDINA 95.00 R55CKREG LOG20000 95.00 - 285232 6/8/2006 112362 TEAM LABORATORY CHEMICAL CORP. 175.19 WEED KILLER 00001310 137232 68377 1643.6546 WEED SPRAY GENERAL TURF CARE 175.19 Council Check Register 6/8/2006 - 6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 90.29 285224 6/812006 101708 STATE OF MINNESOTA - CPV PROGR 500.00 MEMBERSHIP 137230 060106 1553.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 500.00 285225 6/8/2006 103418 STEFANIK, ESPERANZA 42.00 PROGRAM REFUND 137526 060206 1600.4390.02 TENNIS PROGRAM 42.00 285226 6/812006 101017 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 127.82 MIRRORS 00001442 137148 441209CVW 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 54.10 CAP ASSEMBLY 00001508 137149 440882 -1CVW 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 57.29- CREDIT 00001486 137150 CM430693CVW 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 14.87 INSERTS 00001513 137378 441418 -1 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 139.50 285227 6/812006 105874 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE INC. 412.67 TIRES 00001223 137151 10053602 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES 429.66 TIRES 00001222 137379 10053581 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES 842.33 285228 6/8/2006 119828 SWEENEY, CHRIS 40.00 REFUND 137231 053106 5301.4532 SEASON TICKETS 40.00 285229 6/8/2006 101027 TARGET 366.03 ACCT 9- 555- 029 -840 00006285 137152 CAMERA, TAPES 5410.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 366.03 285230 618/2006 104932 TAYLOR MADE 6/7/2006 11:30:07 Page- 22 Business Unit EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN PARK ADMIN. GENERAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN AQUATIC CENTER REVENUES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 50.63 MERCHANDISE 137542 08546935 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 50.63 285231 6/812006 118139 TCHRA 95.00 ANNUAL DUES 137380 040306 1120.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ADMINISTRATION 95.00 - 285232 6/8/2006 112362 TEAM LABORATORY CHEMICAL CORP. 175.19 WEED KILLER 00001310 137232 68377 1643.6546 WEED SPRAY GENERAL TURF CARE 175.19 6/71. 11:30:07 Page - 23 Business Unit ED ADMINISTRATION PATHS & HARD SURFACE PATHS & HARD SURFACE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN POOL OPERATION POOL OPERATION POOL OPERATION POOL OPERATION 141.69 137309 411498 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX CITY OF 2,530.45 137310 R55CKREG L—. 20000 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 34.00 137423 22603 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 6,285.20 137491 Council Check Register 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 6200 137492 412318 6/8/2006 —6/8/2006 VERNON SELLING Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 285233 6/8/2006 285241 117686 TECHNA GRAPHICS 100682 TRUGREEN- CHEMLAWN 1,788.14 ENTERTAINMENT CALENDARS 00002003 137422 601230 -01 5610.6575 PRINTING 1,788.14 285234 61812006 113549 TENNIS WEST 3,946.00 BACKSTOP WORK 00001276 137233 06 -205 1647.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3,950.00 BACKSTOP WORK 00001609 137527 06 -220 1647.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 7,896.00 285235 6/8/2006 101326 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO 122.20 FLASHERS, WIRE 00001212 137153 22027 -00 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES 431.17 FUSES, CONNECTORS 00001212 137154 21725 -00 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES 553.37 285236 61812006 105123 THEMESCAPES, INC. 1,134.00 ROOFTOP THATCHING 137381 206108 -1 5311.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 500.00 WATER CANNON INSTALLATION 137382 206115 -1 5311.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 100.00 PIRATE CAPTION 137383 206114 -1 5311.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 1,207.50 MULCH 137384 206113 -1 5311.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 2,941.50 285237 6/8/2006 101035 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 6/71. 11:30:07 Page - 23 Business Unit ED ADMINISTRATION PATHS & HARD SURFACE PATHS & HARD SURFACE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN POOL OPERATION POOL OPERATION POOL OPERATION POOL OPERATION 141.69 137309 411498 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 2,530.45 137310 411497 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 34.00 137423 22603 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 6,285.20 137491 412316 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 6200 137492 412318 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS POOL OPERATION DISTRIBUTION 9,053.34 285238 618/2006 118807 TIME WARNER CABLE 53.17 ACCT 037910101 00008048 137557 052606 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 53.17 285239 618/2006 101037 TOIVONEN PAINTING 6,317.17 PAINTING 00007090 137528 053106 5311.6532 PAINT 6,317.17 285240 6/8/2006 101038 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPLY 211.96 PROPANE 00001713 137385 117199 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 211.96 285241 6/8/2006 100682 TRUGREEN- CHEMLAWN ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS POOL OPERATION DISTRIBUTION R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/7/2006 11:30:07 Council Check Register Page - 24 6/8/2006 - 6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 53.25 WEED CONTROL 00001601 137386 353190 1470.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 533.61 WEED CONTROL 00001602 137387 SEVERAL 1643.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL TURF CARE 586.86 285242 6/812006 118190 TURFWERKS LLC 226.00 SPINDLE ASSEMBLY 00001220 137155 J173508 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 226.00 285243 6/8/2006 101047 TWIN CITY GARAGE DOOR CO 550.39 PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE 00001661 137529 257908 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 550.39 285244 6/8/2006 101360 TWIN CITY HARDWARE 491.71 HINGE INSTALLATION 00001269 137388 175076 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 491.71 285245 6/812006 100371 UNITED RENTALS 795.30 AIR POST DRIVER 00001278 137389 56157353 -001 1647.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 795.30 285246 6/8/2006 114236 USA BLUE BOOK 784.10 HYDRANT METER 00001488 137390 172503 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 784.10 285247 6/8/2006 100050 LISPS - HASLER 4,000.00 ACCT #75983 137424 060106 1550.6235 POSTAGE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 4,000.00 285248 6/8 /2006 101058 VAN PAPER CO. 121.68 CUP LIDS 00006347 137156 635956 5421.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GRILL 269.95 BAGS, PLATES 00007512 137234 - 636804 5842.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 15.09 FORKS, PLATES 00007513 137235 636800 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 275.57 BAGS \ 00007513 137235 636800 5862.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 202.35 BAGS, ROLL TOWEL 137236 636801 5822.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 66.83 CUP LIDS 00006347 137425 636533 5421.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GRILL 569.51 LINERS, TOWELS, CUPS 00006347 137426 636802 5421.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GRILL 60.44 HAND CLEANER 137530 636989 7412.6466 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF RANGE 1,581.42 285249 6/812006 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY 164.93 SPLICE KITS, ELBOWS 00001473 137391 9907789 1322.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 164.93 R55CKREG i-_ .c0000 CITY OF Council Check Register 6/8/2006 - 6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Descnpbon 285250 618/2006 101069 VOSS LIGHTING 101075 WEIGLE, SUE 445.60 LIGHTING 00001471 137157 15046033 -00 1321.6530 REPAIR PARTS 541.48 LIGHTING 00001471 137157 15046033 -00 1322.6530 REPAIR PARTS 41254 LIGHTING 00001360 137237 15045151 -00 5311.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1600.6107 1600.4722.01 5862.5513 5822.5513 5842.5513 5842.5513 5862.5513 5424.6590 5424.6590 5424.6590 5424.6590 1504.6103 5862.5513 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE GENERAL PARK RENTAL 617/1 1:30:07 Page - 25 Business Unit STREET LIGHTING REGULAR STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL POOL OPERATION PARK ADMIN. GENERAL PARK ADMIN. GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING RANGE BALLS RANGE BALLS RANGE BALLS RANGE BALLS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RANGE RANGE RANGE RANGE HUMAN RELATION COMMISSION COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,399.62 285251 6/8/2006 101075 WEIGLE, SUE 399.61 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 137392 060106 399.61 285252 6/8/2006 119832 WEINBECK, MARIA 25.00 RENTAL REFUND 137427 060106 25.00 285253 6/8/2006 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 450.90 137311 142565 -00 982.35 137312 142566 -00 1,642.95 137493 142562 -00 3,076.20 285254 6/8/2006 101312 WINE MERCHANTS 5,825.88 137494 158888 6,591.79 137495 158889 12,417.67 285255 6/812006 101082 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY 724.13 CLUB CLEANERS, PAILS 00006275 137158 148391 111.55 PLASTIC RANGE TRAYS 00006275 137159 148161 51.06 RANGE PAILS 00006092 137428 148728 191.70 MARKERS 00006092 137429 148929 1,078.44 285256 6/8/2006 102314 WOMEN IN TRANSITION 4,660.00 2006 FUNDING .137160 052606 4,660.00 285257 61812006 101086 WORLD CLASS WINES INC 711.50 137313 179495 711.50 285258 6/812006 101726 XCEL ENERGY 1600.6107 1600.4722.01 5862.5513 5822.5513 5842.5513 5842.5513 5862.5513 5424.6590 5424.6590 5424.6590 5424.6590 1504.6103 5862.5513 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE GENERAL PARK RENTAL 617/1 1:30:07 Page - 25 Business Unit STREET LIGHTING REGULAR STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL POOL OPERATION PARK ADMIN. GENERAL PARK ADMIN. GENERAL COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING RANGE BALLS RANGE BALLS RANGE BALLS RANGE BALLS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RANGE RANGE RANGE RANGE HUMAN RELATION COMMISSION COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 285259 61812006 100568 XEROX CORPORATION 26.00 MAY USAGE - BLDG ENG 00004322_137531 017564720 551.99 MAY USAGE - ADMIN 00004060 137532 017564718 125.05 MAY USAGE - PARK & REC 00004322 137533 017564721 703.04 1550.6151 1550.6151 1550.6151 Subledger Account Description 394,142.83 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 394,142.83 Total Payments 394,142.83 LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER - LIGHT & POWER EQUIPMENT RENTAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL 6!7/2006 11:30:07 Page - 26 Business Unit AQUATIC WEEDS YORK FIRE STATION FIRE DEPT. GENERAL GENERAL STORM SEWER MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS PONDS & LAKES BUILDING MAINTENANCE STREET LIGHTING REGULAR RICHARDS GOLF COURSE POOL OPERATION DISTRIBUTION PSTF OCCUPANCY CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL CITY OF EDINA R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check'Register 6/8/2006 -- 6/8/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 140.57 51- 5938955 -6 137161 70430479 4086.6185 116.13 51- 6229265 -9 137163 70436836 1481.6185 648.48 51- 6229265 -9 137163 70436836 1470.6185 214.31 51- 4156445-0 137164 70386395 5932.6185 506.92 51- 6046826 -0 137165 70431124 5422.6185 161.60 51- 5634814 -2, 137166 70422530 5933.6185 42.43 51- 6541084 -2 137167 70129936 1646.6185 28,922.09 51- 4621797 -2 137168 70243958 1321.6185 348.67 51- 6137136 -8 137169 70270870 5430.6185 475.46 51- 4827232 -6 137170 70247853 5311.6185 17,404.71 51- 5605640 -1 137238 70266334 5913.6185 1,876.54 51- 4159265 -8 137534 70009909 7411.6185 50,857.91 285259 61812006 100568 XEROX CORPORATION 26.00 MAY USAGE - BLDG ENG 00004322_137531 017564720 551.99 MAY USAGE - ADMIN 00004060 137532 017564718 125.05 MAY USAGE - PARK & REC 00004322 137533 017564721 703.04 1550.6151 1550.6151 1550.6151 Subledger Account Description 394,142.83 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 394,142.83 Total Payments 394,142.83 LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER - LIGHT & POWER EQUIPMENT RENTAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL 6!7/2006 11:30:07 Page - 26 Business Unit AQUATIC WEEDS YORK FIRE STATION FIRE DEPT. GENERAL GENERAL STORM SEWER MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS PONDS & LAKES BUILDING MAINTENANCE STREET LIGHTING REGULAR RICHARDS GOLF COURSE POOL OPERATION DISTRIBUTION PSTF OCCUPANCY CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL R55CKSUM Lt-,--%)000 CITY OF n 6 /7l. 11:31:34 Council Check Summary Page - 1 6/8/2006 - 6/8/2006 Company 01000 GENERAL FUND 02200 COMMUNICATIONS FUND 04000 WORKING CAPITAL FUND 05100 ART CENTER FUND 05300 AQUATIC CENTER FUND 05400 GOLF COURSE FUND 05500 ICE ARENA FUND 05600 EDINBOROUGH/CENT LAKES FUND 05800 LIQUOR FUND 05900 UTILITY FUND 05930 STORM SEWER FUND 05950 RECYCLING FUND 07400 PSTF AGENCY FUND - Amount 98,731.68 2,432.07 3,047.34 35.00 22,294.87 15,431.75 2,185.79 5,515.60 204,370.08 35,901.50 715.00 50.00 3,432.15 Report Totals 394,142.83 We confirm to the best of our b w~ and belief, that these chime comply in all material respects with the requirements of the M of Edina purchasing ides and procedures dat (® , w_, 6/13/2(, .45:10 CITY OF EDP, ... R55CKREG LOG20000 Page - 1 Council Check Register 6/15/2006 - 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 285260 611512006 100613 AAA 137926 060906 1553.6260 LICENSES &PERMITS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,201.30 PLATES, TITLE FOR 26.190 1,201.30 285261 611512006 102403 AAA LAMBERTS LANDSCAPE PRODUCT 25.97 BLACK DIRT 00001606 137927 25370 1643.6543 SOD & BLACK DIRT GENERAL TURF CARE 25.97 285262 6/15/2006 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 137703 464340 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 131.80 137704 606318 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 49.54 137705 464168 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 81.00 137706 464339 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 24.28 137707 472902 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 146.36 137708 472909 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 16.28 137709 472888 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 21.12 470.38 285263 6115/2006 102191 ADVANCED GRAPHIC SYSTEMS INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,090.55 TONER CARTRIDGES 137928 INV00069066 1400.6406 1,090.55 285264 611512006 102626 AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES CONCRETE DISTRIBUTION 571.11 READY MIX 00005917 137559 4151432 5913.6520 674.94 READY MIX 00005917 137561 4151197 5913.6520 CONCRETE DISTRIBUTION 830.70 READY MIX 00005917 137562 4151196 5913.6520 CONCRETE DISTRIBUTION 311.51 READY MIX 00005917 137563 4151010 5913.6520 CONCRETE DISTRIBUTION 1,246.06 READY MIX 00005917 137762 4152132 1314.6520 CONCRETE STREET RENOVATION 3,634.32 285265 611512006 105262 ALEX AIR APPARATUS INC. CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 4,260.30 HOSE REEL REPAIRS 137648 10689 1470.6180 4,260.30 285266 6/1512006 119862 ALLIANCE MEDICAL 1400.4214 STATE GRANT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 2,035.64 BUFFER ZONE PROTECTION PLAN 00003137 137929 580452 POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,700.00 BUFFER ZONE PROTECTION PLAN 00003137 137930 584020 1400.4214 STATE GRANT 3,735.64 285267 611512006 100058 ALLIED WASTE SERVICES #894 RECYCLING CHARGES RECYCLING 33,958.00 RECYCLING 137763 0894000472878 5952.6183 33,958.00 R55CKREG LOG20000 6/15/2006 CITY OF EDINA 101601 AMUNDSON, ERIK COST OF Council Check Register SOLD 5421.5510 75.00 6/15/2006 -- 6/15/2006 MEMBERSHIP Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanatlon PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 285268 6/15/2006 101829 AMERICAN SANDBLASTING INC. 137937 060606 28,500.00 SANDBLAST & PAINT POOL 00007059 137649 CE06022006 5311.6532 PAINT 28,500.00 137938 052506 285269 6115/2006 101115 AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPAREL SER 579.54 137931 6200 -5/06 1470.6201 LAUNDRY 124.87 137932 35314 -5106 5861.6201 LAUNDRY 46.69 137933 35334 -5/06 5821.6201 LAUNDRY 107.62 137934 35320 -5/06 5841.6201 LAUNDRY 108.02 137935 59056 -5106 1470.6201 LAUNDRY 450.17 137936 46 -5/06 1551.6201 LAUNDRY 285270 6/15/2006 GOODS 101601 AMUNDSON, ERIK COST OF GOODS SOLD 5421.5510 75.00 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP 137937 060606 GOODS SOLD 350.00 CONFERENCE FEE 137937 060606 285.00 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 137938 052506 710.00 285271 6/15/2006 101874 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC. 537.83 PAGER 00003600 137650 43375 537.83 285272 6/15/2006 102109 ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER 886.80 RADIO INSTALLATION 137651 69061 886.80 285273 6115/2006 118989 ANDERSON, CHERYL 15.00 USABILITY TESTING SUPPLIES 138021 061206 15.00 285274 6115/2006 102172 APPERT'S FOODSERVICE 866.33 FOOD 00006333 137564 580571 41.50- CREDIT 137565 574625 39.25- CREDIT 137566 578118 48.54- CREDIT 137567 569064 737.04 285275 6115/2006 103680 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SRVCS 192.27 COFFEE 137652 402029 192.27 1400.6105 1400.6104 1400.6104 1470.6406 1470.6180 2210.6406 6/13/2006 10:45:10 Page - 2 Business Unit POOL OPERATION FIRE DEPT. GENERAL VERNON OCCUPANCY 50TH ST OCCUPANCY YORK OCCUPANCY FIRE DEPT. GENERAL CITY HALL GENERAL DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL GENERAL SUPPLIES CONTRACTED REPAIRS GENERAL SUPPLIES 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS GRILL GRILL GRILL GRILL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL CITY OF EDINA 6/13/20u.. „x45:10 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 3 6/15/2006 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 285276 611512006 101977 ARCH WIRELESS 10.97 PAGER 137764 P6096083F 1550.6188 TELEPHONE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 10.97 285277 6/1512006 102754 ARNT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC 4,379.58 GYMNASIUM CONSTRUCTION 138008 FIVE 4401.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GYMNASIUMS - SVIEW & COMM CTR 4,379.58 285278 6115/2006 100634 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. 1,397.44 BLADE STRUCTURE, MOLDBOARD 1911005620 137620 10003558 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 718.87 SADDLE BOX, BACKRACK 00005623 137621 10003557 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 279.03 LADDER RACK 00005615 137809 10003607 1553.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 279.03 BACKRACK 00005615 137810 10003608 5932.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL STORM SEWER 2,674.37 285279 611512006 102774 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS 154.29 WASTE/RECYCLING 1- 146354 137765 060106 7411.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL PSTF OCCUPANCY 154.29 285280 6/1512006 119867 ATOMIC ARCHITECTURAL SHEET MET 85,975.00 GYMNASIUM CONSTRUCTION 138009 ONE 4401.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GYMNASIUMS - SVIEW & COMM CTR 85,975.00 285281 6/15/2006 100643 BARR ENGINEERING CO. 2,006.53 SANITARY SEWER STUDY 137653 2327G13 -4 5923.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER COLLECTION SYSTEMS 2,143.26 ADDITIONAL FIELD SURVEY 137654 2327354 -139 04323.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN STS -323 WEBER POND STORM WATER 15,904.55 SANITARY SEWER MODELING 137655 2327G13 -5 5923.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER COLLECTION SYSTEMS 20,054.34 285282 6115/2006 102195 BATTERIES PLUS 21.29 REBUILD KIT 00003603 137657 18- 148512 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 21.29 285283 6/1512006 101245 BELL, BRUCE 150.00 PERFORMANCE 6/22/06 137803 060106 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 150.00 285284 611512006 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 1,659.00 137710 37280900 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 137711 37280600 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 208.00 137865 37318900 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 354.03 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/13/2006 10:45:10 Council Check Reglster Page - 4 6/1512006 - 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 160.80 137866 37318800 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,381.83 285285 6/15/2006 119213 BENTLEY, MACHELL 316.03 UNIFORM PURCHASE 137939 060906 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 316.03 285286 6/15/2006 104656 BERGREN, JENNIFER 100.00 PROGRAM STAFF 138029 060906 1629.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ADAPTIVE RECREATION 100.00 285287 6/15/2006 100648 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCTS 30.22 OFFICE SUPPLIES 137568 WO- 407023 -1 1190.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ASSESSING 7.00 MARKERS 137569 WO- 406756 -2 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 63.60 OFFICE SUPPLIES 137570 WO- 406756 -1 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 112.98 OFFICE SUPPLIES 137571 WO- 406089 -1 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 23.58- RETURN 137572 CP- WO- 402349 -1 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 162.63 BINDERS 137658 WO- 406040 -1 1190.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ASSESSING 36.48 STAPLERS 00001681 137811 WO- 407120 -1 1640.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL 66.32 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00003014 137940 WO- 406784 -1 1400.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 150.34 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00003601 138030 OE- 56654 -1 1470.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 48.47 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00007102 138031 W0 -407786 -1 1600.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 654.46 285288 6/15/2006 102392 BLACK, STEVE 255.75 OFFICIATING FEES 138023 060906 4077.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 255.75 285289 6/15/2006 119431 BLINK BONNIE 79.10 BOX LUNCHES 137656 051706 1100.6106 MEETING EXPENSE CITY COUNCIL 79.10 285290 6/15/2006 100659 BOYER TRUCK PARTS 187.75 ROD ASSEMBLY 00001229 137941 875226 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 187.75 285291 6115/2006 101516 BRAEMAR PRINTING 74.41 GOLF COURSE CARDS 00006209 137573 00029110 5430.6575 PRINTING RICHARDS GOLF COURSE 74.41 285292 6/1512006 101366 BRENTS SIGNS 50.59 SIGN 00006210 137574 06 -01 -16 -166 0.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES RICHARDS GOLF COURI- 6/13f- 10:45:10 Page- 5 Business Unit GENERAL MAINTENANCE PARKING RAMP STREET REVOLVING 40,763.00 GYMNASIUM CONSTRUCTION 138010 FIVE CITY OF EDINA EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT R55CKREG LOG20000 40,763.00 285296 6/15/2006 Council Check Register 5,447.25 6/15/2006 - 6/15/2006 137712 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 137713 100789 50.59 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 5,850.50 285293 6115/2006 100667 BROCK WHITE COMPANY 285297 6/15/2006 119860 CAR TRUCK CITY AND GMAC 137.03 TROWELS, EDGERS 00001626 137622 11507175 -00 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 17,981.50 2006 CHEV IMPALA 416.80 TOP COAT 00001626 137623 11507160 -00 1375.6530 REPAIR PARTS 17,981.50 553.83 285294 611512006 119847 BROWN, HEATHER 45.00 COLLECT TRASH AT ART FAIR 137755 060706 4090.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 45.00 9.16 FITTINGS, O -RINGS 00001518 137943 285295 6/15/2006 REPAIR PARTS 119466 CAMELOT METALS 183.03 COUPLERS, FITTINGS 6/13f- 10:45:10 Page- 5 Business Unit GENERAL MAINTENANCE PARKING RAMP STREET REVOLVING 40,763.00 GYMNASIUM CONSTRUCTION 138010 FIVE 4401.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GYMNASIUMS - SVIEW & COMM CTR 40,763.00 285296 6/15/2006 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 5,447.25 137712 100794 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 403.25 137713 100789 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 5,850.50 285297 6/15/2006 119860 CAR TRUCK CITY AND GMAC 17,981.50 2006 CHEV IMPALA 00003087 137942 11030 1400.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 17,981.50 285298 6/15/2006 100681 CATCO 11.29 FITTINGS 00005182 137624 3 -03243 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 9.16 FITTINGS, O -RINGS 00001518 137943 1 -12361 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 183.03 COUPLERS, FITTINGS 00001518 137944 3 -05275 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 28.51 HYDRAULIC FITTINGS 00001518 137945 6 -61118 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 50.41 CONNECTORS 00001518 137946 10 -24347 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 188.08 FITTINGS 00001518 137947 7 -33868 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 8.82 PINS 00001518 137948 3 -05112 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 479.30 285299 6115/2006 102372 CDW GOVERNMENT INC. 1,131.02 COLOR PRINTER SUPPLIES 00003180 137949 ZKO1686 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,131.02 285300 6/15/2006 101515 CEMSTONE PRODUCTS CO. 87.00 EDGER. GROOVER 00001498 137766 1092449 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 87.00 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6/15/2006 -- 6115/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 285301 6/15/2006 112561 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 10.33 137863 060506 5821.6186 HEAT 30.15 137863 060506 5841.6186 HEAT 40.08 137863 060506 5861.6186 HEAT 47.97 137863 060506 5422.6186 HEAT 62.71 137863 060506 1552.6186 HEAT 67.61 137863 060506 5430.6186 HEAT 81.59 137863 060506 1481.6186 HEAT 199.26 137863 060506 5630.6186 HEAT 445.92 137863 060506 5420.6186 HEAT 538.62 137863 060506 5111.6186 HEAT 654.23 137863 060506 1470.6186 HEAT 786.34 137863 060506 1628.6186 HEAT 959.06 137863 060506 5911.6186 HEAT 1,642.17 137863 060506 5913.6186 HEAT 1,801.13 137863 060506 1646.6186 HEAT 1,926.31 137863 060506 5210.6186 HEAT 6,613.02 137863 060506 5511.6186 HEAT 15,906.50 285302 6/15/2006 118854 CENTRAL TRANSPORT 175.00 SHIPPING CHARGES 00008049 137767 611 - 393998 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 175.00 285303 6/15/2006 117187 CHEM SYSTEMS LTD 997.48 WATER TEST KITS 00008006 137768 513403 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 997.48 285304 6/15/2006 116353 CHIPPEWA GRAPHICS INC. 181.85 ENVELOPES 00008047 137575 12076 5510.6575 PRINTING 181.85 285305 6/15/2006 119725 CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTING CO 77.95 137714 313225 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 80.00 137715 313935 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 157.95 285306 611512006 101663 CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF 60.00 DUES - WAYNE HOULE 137950 060906 1240.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 60.00 285307 6/15120 119866 CLINTON, BETH 6/13/2006 10:45:10 Page - 6 Business Unit 50TH ST OCCUPANCY YORK OCCUPANCY VERNON OCCUPANCY MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS CENT SVC PW BUILDING RICHARDS GOLF COURSE YORK FIRE STATION CENTENNIAL LAKES CLUB HOUSE ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT FIRE DEPT. GENERAL SENIOR CITIZENS PUMP & LIFT STATION OPER DISTRIBUTION BUILDING MAINTENANCE GOLF DOME PROGRAM ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS ARENA ADMINISTRATION. 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN GENERAL CITY OF EUINA 6/131— —10:45:10 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 7 6/15/2006 -- 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 12.20 SEASON TICKET REFUND 138032 061206 5300.2039 SALES & USE TAX PAYABLE AQUATIC CENTER BALANCE SHEET 187.80 SEASON TICKET REFUND 138032 061206 5301.4532 SEASON TICKETS AQUATIC CENTER REVENUES 200.00 285308 6115/2006 104928 CONCRETE CUTTING & CORING INC. 656.79 CHAINS, BLADES 00003599 137812 57449 1470.6530 REPAIR PARTS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 144.65 CHAINS 00003599 137813 57450 1470.6530 REPAIR PARTS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 801.44 285309 6/15/2006 116356 CONSTRUCTION MIDWEST INC. 179.19 HAMMERS, KNIVES, BLADES 00001629 137769 360970 1301.6556 TOOLS GENERAL MAINTENANCE 281.85 EPDXY COATING 00001629 137769 360970 1375.6530 REPAIR PARTS PARKING RAMP 461.04 285310 6/1512006 119839 CORNEJO CONSULTING 4,400.00 PLANNING CONSULTANT 137576 060106 1140.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PLANNING 4,400.00 285311 6/15/2006 101590 CORNERSTONE 3,750.00 1ST QUARTER FUNDING 137577 051606 1504.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HUMAN RELATION COMMISSION 3,750.00 285312 6/1512006 100513 COVERALL OF THE TWIN CITIES IN 2,742.38 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 137578 107929 1551.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY HALL GENERAL 2,742.38 285313 6/15/2006 100699 CULLIGAN BOTTLED WATER 48.37 ACCT 114 - 09855685 -4 137770 669418 7413.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF FIRE TOWER 48.37 285314 6/15/2006 100706 D.C. ANNIS SEWER INC. 477.00 PUMP SUMP 137659 50427 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 477.00 285315 6/15/2006 101581 DAKOTA COUNTY TECHNICAL COLLEG 1,500.00 EMERGENCY DRIVER TRAINING 137660 44063 1470.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,500.00 EMERGENCY DRIVER TRAINING 137661 44064 1470.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,650.00 EMERGENCY DRIVER TRAINING 137662 43989 1470.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 4,650.00 285316 6/15/2006 102478 DAY DISTRIBUTING 365121 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 39.60 137716 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/13/2006 10:45:10 Council Check Register Page - 8 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL SURCHARGE INSPECTIONS TELEPHONE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL PAINT PAVEMENT MARKINGS PAINT PAVEMENT MARKINGS GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET REVOLVING GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET REVOLVING GENERAL SUPPLIES PLAYGROUND & THEATER GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GYMNASIUMS - SVIE" ')MM CTR 6/15/2006 — 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 1,795.05 137717 365120 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 3,473.00 137718 365122 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 59.40 137719 365123 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 22.50 137720 365124 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 3,136.80 138043 365119 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL SURCHARGE INSPECTIONS TELEPHONE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL PAINT PAVEMENT MARKINGS PAINT PAVEMENT MARKINGS GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET REVOLVING GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET REVOLVING GENERAL SUPPLIES PLAYGROUND & THEATER GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GYMNASIUMS - SVIE" ')MM CTR 8,526.35 285317 6115 12006 100720 DENNYS 5TH AVE. BAKERY 34.13 BAKERY 137579 216651 5421.5510 34.13 285318 6/15/2006 100899 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY 4,854.78 MAY 2006 138033 060606 1495.4380 4,854.78 285319 6/1512006 101675 DESHLER, BRANDON 127.50 CELL PHONE CHARGES 137951 060906 1400.6188 127.50 285320 611512006 100571 DIAMOND VOGEL PAINTS 356.78 PAINT 00001187 138057 802081691 1335.6532 2,325.43 PAINT 00001259 138058 802082032 1335.6532 2,682.21 285321 6/1512006 119851 DIEKMAN, BETHANY 215.00 COLLECT TRASH AT ART FAIR 137756 060706 4090.6406 215.00 285322 6/15/2006 119850 DIEKMAN, MARLENE 300.00 COLLECT TRASH AT ART FAIR 137757 060706 4090.6406 300.00 285323 6/15/2006 100296 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY 330.30 CRAFT SUPPLIES 137814 D06116190001 1624.6406 330.30 285324 6/15/2006 119865 DISTRICT SUPPLY CENTER 459.85 TONER-PARKS 00004116 138034 3241 1550.6406 459.85 285325 6115/2006 119120 DONLAR CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 23,060.41 GYMNASIUM CONSTRUCTION 138011 SEVEN 101.6710 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL SURCHARGE INSPECTIONS TELEPHONE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL PAINT PAVEMENT MARKINGS PAINT PAVEMENT MARKINGS GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET REVOLVING GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET REVOLVING GENERAL SUPPLIES PLAYGROUND & THEATER GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GYMNASIUMS - SVIE" ')MM CTR 6,990.22 285328 6115/2006 100741 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE 107.50 GYMNASIUM CONSTRUCT CITY OF EDINA 667952 R55CKREG LOG20000 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 8,115,12 138044 320488 Council Check Register COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 8,222.62 MASKS & VENTS 137816 6444 5310.6610 6115/2006 — 6/15/2006 POOL ADMINISTRATION Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 23,060.41 100748 ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY 285326 6115/2006 101747 DRESSER TRAP ROCK INC. 137815 052606 834.33 FA -2 00005919 137580 58853 1314.6517 SAND GRAVEL & ROCK 834.33 105944 EMANUEL, LOU 285327 6115/2006 100739 EAGLE WINE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 552.57 137721 421093 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 2,210.61 137867 421097 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 526.75 137868 410590 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 138.64 137869 418543 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 3 561 65 137870 421088 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 6,990.22 285328 6115/2006 100741 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE 107.50 GYMNASIUM CONSTRUCT 137722 667952 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 8,115,12 138044 320488 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 8,222.62 MASKS & VENTS 137816 6444 5310.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT POOL ADMINISTRATION 67.63 285329 6115/2006 104645 EDINA GARDEN COUNCIL 285333 611512006 100748 ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY 92.80 FLOWERS FOR GRANDVIEW 00001621 137815 052606 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 92.80 285334 611512006 105944 EMANUEL, LOU 285330 6/15/2006 116448 EGAN OIL COMPANY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 325.50 20,290.66 GASOLINE 137771 124055 1553.6581 GASOLINE 20,290.66 285331 6/15/2006 119119 ELECTRONIC RESOURCE CONTRACTOR 6/13/x- 10:45:10 Page- 9 .Business Unit STREET RENOVATION 50TH ST SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING BUILDING MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN ION 138012 SEVEN 4401 6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GYMNASIUMS - SVIEW & COMM CTR 19,947.15 GYMNASIUM CONSTRUCT 19,947.15 285332 6/1512006 119824 ELIFEGUARD INC. 67.63 MASKS & VENTS 137816 6444 5310.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT POOL ADMINISTRATION 67.63 285333 611512006 100748 ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY 127.21 NITRILE GLOVES 00001321 137581 288000 -00 5923.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COLLECTION SYSTEMS 127.21 285334 611512006 105944 EMANUEL, LOU 325.50 OFFICIATING FEES 138024 060906 4077.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 325.50 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/13 /2006 10:45:10 Council Check Register Page - 10 6/15/2006 — 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 285335 6/15/2006 102309 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS INC. 2,079.00 SIREN MAINTENANCE FEE 137952 31410 1460.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CIVILIAN DEFENSE 2,079.00 285336 611512006 106213 EMSAR TWIN CITIES 1,421.56 COT MAINTENANCE 137663 10235 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,111.14 COT MAINTENANCE 137664 10274 1470.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 2,532.70 285337 6/1512006 105339 ENRGI 571.25 WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT 137582 4379 2210.6124 WEB DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS 571.25 285338 6/15/2006 100752 ESS BROTHERS & SONS INC. 1,908.48 CASTINGS 00005926 137772 JJ2450 5932.6536 CASTINGS GENERAL STORM SEWER 1,908.48 285339 6/15/2006 100018 EXPERT T BILLING 5,677.20 MAY TRANSPORTS 137625 060506 1470.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 5,677.20 285340 6/15/2006 102497 EXPLORER POST 925 5,000.00 CONFERENCE 137953 060806 1419.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS RESERVE PROGRAM 5,000.00 285341 6/15/2006 100297 FAST FOTO & DIGITAL 10.66 PHOTO FINISHING 00003532 137665 3532 T2- 225057 1470.6408 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 21.30 PHOTO FINISHING 00003532 137666 3532 T2- 224596 1470.6408 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 31.96 285342 6/15/2006 100756 FEDERAL EXPRESS 32.93 SHIPPING CHARGES 137954 1- 051 -21712 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 32.93 285343 6/1512006 103600 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. 16.32 HAT LIGHT 00001589 137817 0824999 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 484.96 TOILETS 00001589 137818 0825003 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 501.28 285344 6/1512006 119849 FISCHER, BRENDA 235.00 COLLECT TRASH AT ART FAIR 137758 060706 1090.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET REVOLVING 6/13, 0:45:10 Page - 11 Business Unit EDINA CRIME FUND K9 DONATION 92.56 CITY OF L_ ..+ R55CKREG LOG20000 3973118 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES Council Check Register 6/15/2006 -- 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 235.00 285345 611512006 105824 FLYING CLOUD ANIMAL HOSPITAL 142.44 EXAM FOR KODIAK 137955 295851 4607.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 62777100 142.44 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 285346 6/1512006 101475 FOOTJOY 6/13, 0:45:10 Page - 11 Business Unit EDINA CRIME FUND K9 DONATION 92.56 SHOES 00006178 137583 3973118 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 92.56 285347 6/15/2006 100760 FOWLER ELECTRIC 10.42 REBUILD KIT 00001224 137626 62777100 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 10.42 285348 6/1512006 119845 FRANTZ, LUANNE 300.00 TRANSILITERATOR 137667 CUED SPEECH 1629.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ADAPTIVE RECREATION 300.00 285349 6115/2006 100457 FRASIER, SCOTT 125.00 PERFORMANCE 6/28/06 137807 060106 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 125.00 285350 611512006 100764 G & K SERVICES 61 91 138061 053106 5511.6201 LAUNDRY ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 122.04 138061 053106 5913.6201 LAUNDRY DISTRIBUTION 164.55 138061 053106 1646.6201 LAUNDRY BUILDING MAINTENANCE 257.56 138061 053106 1552.6201 LAUNDRY CENT SVC PW BUILDING 138061 053106 1553.6201 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 419.19 138061 053106 1301.6201 LAUNDRY GENERAL MAINTENANCE 467.17 1,492.42 285351 6115/2006 102456 GALLS INC. 137956 5834356900016 1419.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE RESERVE PROGRAM 35.45 BIKE PANT 35.45 285352 6115/2006 102418 GARDENSIDE LTD 2,166.87 CHAIRS 00002394 137957 0023863 -IN 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 2,166.87 285353 6/15/2006 119121 GENERAL SHEET METAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GYMNASIUMS - SVIEW & COMM CTR 178,485.00 GYMNASIUM CONSTRUCTION 138013 SEVEN 4401.6710 178,485.00 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6/15/2006 -- 6115/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 285354 6/15/2006 100920 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY - MINNEA 714.90 AUTO PARTS 138062 053106 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 714.90 285355 6/1512006 114801 GLADSTONE CONSTRUCTION INC. 6113/2006 10:45:10 Page - 12 Business Unit EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 4,354.32 GYMNASIUM CONSTRUCTION 138014 TWO 4401.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GYMNASIUMS - SVIEW & COMM CTR 4,354.32 285356 6/15 /2006 118941 GLOBALSTAR USA 57.17 R -91 PHONE 137668 00030215 1470.6188 TELEPHONE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 57.17 285357 6/15/2006 114697 GOPHER STRIPING CO. 485.00 VAN VALKENBURG PARKING LOT 00001309 137819 060206 1647.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 485.00 285358 6/1512006 102645 GRAFFITI CONTROL SERVICES 525.00 GRAFFITI REMOVAL 00001692 137820 00001408 1375.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARKING RAMP CENT SVC PW BUILDING STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL CENT SVC PW BUILDING GENERAL MAINTENANCE STREET REVOLVING BUILDING MAINTENANCE VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK OCCUPANCY LIQUOR YORK GENERAL STREET LIGHTING O' tENTAL 525.00 285359 6/15/2006 101103 GRAINGER 24.98 BLOW GUN NOZZLES 00001639 137627 9111421435 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 63.26 SHORTING CAPS 00001633 137628 9110933604 1322.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 85.44 TAPE, PAINT BRUSHES 00001651 137629 9112449682 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 39.30 MASKING TAPE 00001651 137630 9113121041 1301.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 70.79 GAS CAN 00001655 137631 9112449690 4090.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 42.10 PUSH BUTTON SLEEVE 00001596 137821 9112395216 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS 325.87 285360 6/15/2006 102670 GRAND PERE WINES INC 1,226.00 137871 00016638 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 3,652.50 137872 00016642 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 4,878.50 285361 6/15/2006 101518 GRAUSAM, STEVE 42.13 TRASH BAGS, DRILL & HOOKS 137773 060706 5841.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 61.50 TRASH BAGS, DRILL & HOOKS 137773 060706 5840.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 103.63 285362 6115/2006 100783 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. INC. 331.21 SEALS 00001503 137632 917802944 322.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL CENT SVC PW BUILDING GENERAL MAINTENANCE STREET REVOLVING BUILDING MAINTENANCE VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING YORK OCCUPANCY LIQUOR YORK GENERAL STREET LIGHTING O' tENTAL R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF t_ Council Check Register 6/15/2006 -- 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 49.25 DRILL 00001649 137774 917939957 1301.6556 121.18 WALL VOLUME CONTROL UNITS 00001649 137774 917939957 5311.6406 501.64 285363 6115/2006 101350 GREEN ACRES SPRINKLER CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 300.94 IRRIGATION SYS REPAIRS 00001677 137775 061365 4091.6103 300.94 YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 285364 6/1512006 101863 GREENKEEPER INC. VERNON SELLING SPRINGS, TRIMMER LINE 00001283 137824 1,270.40 SPRINKLER REPAIR 137669 00004551 01204.1705.30 1,270.40 32050 1335.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 644.37 285365 611512006 100782 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. 5539 1641.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 808.51 137723 421096 5822.5512 33.92 285367 611512006 137724 421095 5822.5515 108.05- EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 137725 694476 5842.5512 84.15- 137726 694477 5842.5513 90 137873 421029 5842.5512 443.65 137874 421100 5642.5515 4.50 00005913 137584 137875 421032 5842.5512 4,609.99 POOL CHEMICALS 137876 417208 5842.5512 3,356.58 3,262.70 137877 421091 5862.5512 41.15- WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES 137878 693518 5862.5513 9,024.70 Subledger Account Description TOOLS GENERAL SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 61131. x45:10 Page - 13 Business Unit GENERAL MAINTENANCE POOL OPERATION GRANDVIEW REVOLVING BROOKVIEW - 52 TO 54 RECLAIM COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 285366 6/15/2006 100787 GRUBER'S POWER EQUIPMENT 37.55 FUEL LINE, GROMMET 00001274 137822 32062 1642.6530 REPAIR PARTS 937.20 MULCH MOWERS 00001092 137823 5232 1650.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 90.74 SPRINGS, TRIMMER LINE 00001283 137824 32455 1641.6530 REPAIR PARTS 329.52 REBUILD KIT, STARTER KIT 00001186 137825 32050 1335.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 644.37 MOWER, FILTERS, LINE 00001598 137826 5539 1641.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 2,039.38 285367 611512006 114129 HALDEMAN HOMME INC. 4401.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 2,627.70 GYMNASIUM CONSTRUCTION 138015 118641 2,627.70 285368 6/1512006 100797 HAWKINS WATER TREATMENT WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES 913.40 CHEMICALS 00005913 137584 811733 5915.6586 2,218.62 POOL CHEMICALS 137670 813722 5311.6545 CHEMICALS 3,262.70 CHEMICALS 00005913 137827 812709 5915.6586 WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES 6,394.72 FIELD MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT MOWING PAVEMENT MARKINGS MOWING GYMNASIUMS - SVIEW & COMM CTR WATER TREATMENT POOL OPERATION WATER TREATMENT R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/13/2006 10:45:10 Council Check Register Page - 14 6115/2006 — 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 285369 6/15/2006 100799 HEDBERG AGGREGATES 170.84 SAND 00008038 137776 425815 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS 170.84 285370 6115/2006 105436 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATION 48.00 TRANSACTION PROCESSING 137828 26057127 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 51.00 TRANSACTION PROCESSING 137828 26057127 1190.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ASSESSING 99.00 285371 6/15/2006 101215 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFI 2,179.90 BOOKING FEES - MAY 2006 137958 11030 1195.6170 COURT CHARGES LEGAL SERVICES 2,179.90 285372 6/15/2006 100801 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 2,387.93 APRIL 2006 137959 001428 1195.6225 BOARD & ROOM PRISONER LEGAL SERVICES 2,387.93 285373 6/15/2006 119763 HIGH SHINE CO INC 3,834.00 CONCRETE FLOOR SEALING 137777 621 1551.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CITY HALL GENERAL 3,834.00 285374 6/15/2006 118948 HINES & SONS INC. 85,500.00 GYMNASIUM CONSTRUCTION 138016 EIGHT 4401.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GYMNASIUMS - SVIEW & COMM CTR 85,500.00 285375 6/15/2006 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC. 903.95 137879 390485 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 492.50 138045 390488 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 25.95 138046 390489 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 1,422.40 285376 6/15/2006 119094 HUMANA DENTAL 189.38 GROUP 4035028 PREMIUM 137633 060106 1550.6043 COBRA INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 7,812.90 GROUP 4035028 PREMIUM 137633 060106 1550.6040 HOSPITALIZATION CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 8,002.28 285377 6115/2006 100814 INDELCO PLASTICS CORP. 50.33 REPAIR COUPLING PVC 00001600 137829 438094 1643.6530 REPAIR PARTS GENERAL TURF CARE 30.54 HOSE, CEMENT, PVC 00001605 137830 438060 1643.6530 REPAIR PARTS GENERAL TURF CARE 80.87 6/131. .0:45:10 Page - 15 Business Unit FIELD MAINTENANCE PLANNING SENIOR CITIZENS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL GENERAL TURF CARE POOL OPERATION EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN ADAPTIVE RECREATION 285388 6115 20 137727 1085693 5842.5513 CITY OF t_ ., 1,219.11 R55CKREG LOG20000 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 72.03 137729 1084542 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING Council Check Register 137730 1084544 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 6/15/2006 -- 6/15/2006 137731 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 285378 611512006 102201 INDEPENDENT BLACK DIRT CO INC 426.00 CLAY 00001301 137831 2768 1642.6543 SOD & BLACK DIRT 426.00 285379 6H512006 116191 INSTY- PRINTS 399.91 POSTCARDS 137832 73362 1140.6575 PRINTING 399.91 285380 611512006 119735 IRLBECK, KEITH 336.00 SOFTBALLS 137833 060506 1628.6406.03 SOFTBALL SUPPLIES 336.00 285381 611512006 118322 ITL PATCH COMPANY INC. 220.99 BADGE EMBLEMS 137960 27800 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 220.99 285382 6/1512006 101861 J.H. LARSON COMPANY 810.56 WIRE 00001653 137634 4042748 -01 1322.6530 REPAIR PARTS 810.56 285383 6/15/2006 100386 J.R. JOHNSON SUPPLY INC. 28.56 GREEN HOUSE SUPPLIES 00001608 137961 98732 1643.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 28.56 285384 611512006 102157 JEFF ELLIS & ASSOCIATES INC. 550.00 AQUATIC SAFETY AUDIT 137587 20028094 5311.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 550.00 285385 6/15/2006 102136 JERRY'S TRANSMISSION SERVICE 308.24 LIGHT BAR 00001394 137635 0007121 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS 308.24 285386 611512006 102146 JESSEN PRESS 726.33 AR & LE BROCHURES 137671 54144 1629.6575 PRINTING 726.33 / O6 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 6/131. .0:45:10 Page - 15 Business Unit FIELD MAINTENANCE PLANNING SENIOR CITIZENS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL GENERAL TURF CARE POOL OPERATION EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN ADAPTIVE RECREATION 285388 6115 20 137727 1085693 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,219.11 137728 1085692 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 72.03 137729 1084542 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 312.80 137730 1084544 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 68.04 137731 1084527 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 154.22 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/13/2006 10:45:10 Council Check Register Page - 1 16 6/15/2006 -- 6/1512006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 499.60 137732 1084522 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,997.07 137733 1084523 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 98.03 137734 1084526 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 166.41 137735 1084525 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 156.40 137736 1084524 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 1,252.96 137880 1084543 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 211.06 137881 1084547 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 104.16 137882 1088445 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 553.43 137883 1088444 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,769.18 137884 1088449 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1.03 137885 1084530 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5,140.03 137886 1088446 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 208.06 137887 1088443 5662.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 3,692.94 137888 1088447 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 3,711.97 137889 1084541 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 2,907.35 138047 1088436 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 113.76 138048 1088434 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 26,409.64 285389 6115/2006 103230 JOHNSTONS SALES & SERVICE 120.90 CARPET CLEANER REPAIR 00003604 137672 C734224 1470.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 120.90 285390 6/15/2006 118336 JONES AND BARTLETT PUBLISHERS 500.56 LIFEGUARD MANUALS 137834 1313688 5310.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL ADMINISTRATION 500.56 285391 6115/2006 101846 JUST FRIENDS BIG BAND 100.00 PERFORMANCE 6/25/06 137804 060106 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 100.00 285392 6/15/2006 106186 KAEDING & ASSOCIATES INC. 945.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 137778 050615D 05457.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN WM-457 WELL #17 945.00 285393 6/15/2006 119848 KARLON, TATE 100.00 COLLECT TRASH AT ART FAIR 137759 060706 4090.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET REVOLVING 100.00 285394 6/15/2006 100553 KEEHR, GREGORY 124.60 MMBA CONFERENCE EXPENSES 138055 060806 5860.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 369.00 MMBA CONFERENCE EXPENSES 138055 060806 '860.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS VERNON LIQUOR GF 1. 6/13/ ` J'45'10 CITY OF E-.n R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 17 6/15/2006 — 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 493.60 285395 6/1512006 111018 KEEPRS INC. 259.90 UNIFORMS 00003532 137673 53463 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 262.64 UNIFORMS 00003542 137674 51053 -03 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 522.54 285396 6/1512006 105606 KELLINGTON CONSTRUCTION INC. 750.50 GYMNASIUM CONSTRUCTION 138017 ONE 4401.6710 EOUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GYMNASIUMS - SVIEW & COMM CTR 750.50 285397 6115/2006 114558 KESTREL DESIGN GROUP INC., THE 65.00 LANDSCAPE INSPECTION 137675 2640 5923.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER COLLECTION SYSTEMS 65.00 285398 6/15/2006 100002 KLM ENGINEERING INC. 16,175.00 TOWER INSPECTION 137676 2930 05435.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION VANVALK WATER TOWER REHAB 16,175.00 285399 6/15/2006 119838 KUBICEK, KRIS 77.76 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 137588 060506 1140.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PLANNING 77.76 285400 6/15/2006 116776 KUSTOM KARRIERS 4601.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POLICE FORFEITURE 400.81 DWI TOWING 137779 060706 400.81 285401 6115/2006 116776 KUSTOM KARRIERS 1552.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CENT SVC PW BUILDING 232.00 TOWING SERVICES 00001679 137780 52002 232.00 285402 6/15/2006 100354 LAGUNA CLAY CO. 5120.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 837.61 CLAY 00009160 137781 99076 837.61 285403 6/1512006 100605 LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS 1,003.49 LOGO CLOTHING 00004102 137835 04797082 1513.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS 1,003.49 285404 6115/2006 119844 LEAF, CINDY 1600.4390.04 NATURE CAMP PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 57.00 PROGRAM REFUND 137677 060606 57.00 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6/15/2006 -- 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 285405 6/15/2006 100853 LEEF SERVICES 33.21 SHOP TOWELS 137589 1142204 5422.6201 LAUNDRY CHEMICALS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6/13/2006 10:45:10 Page - 18 Business Unit MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GYMNASIUMS - SVIEW & COMM CTR COST OF GOODS SOLD POOL CONCESSIONS MEETING EXPENSE COMMUNICATIONS MATERIALS /SUPPLIES FERTILIZER GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES TOOLS SOD & BLACK DIRT SOD & BLACK DIRT Chemical Rm. Expansion -plant 4 EDINBOROUGH PARK GENERAL STORM SEWER CENTENNIAL LAKES GENERAL MAINTENANCE GENERAL TURF CARE DISTRIBUTION RUBBISH REMOVAL PSTF OCCUPANCY COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 33.21 285406 6/15/2006 100855 LESCO INC. 320.00 HERBICIDE 00006432 137590 14118183 5422.6545 320.00 285407 6/15/2006 117407 LEXISNEXIS 110.00 BACKGROUND CHECKS 137962 0605266789 1400.6103 110.00 285408 611512006 102616 LUND MARTIN CONSTRUCTION INC. 10,640.00 GYMNASIUM CONSTRUCTION 138018 ONE 4401.6710 10,640.00 285409 6/15/2006 112577 M. AMUNDSON LLP 1,066.50 CANDY 138035 201696 5320.5510 1,066.50 285410 6/15/2006 105677 MAGC 40.00 BANQUET REGISTRATION 137836 NL606ED 2210.6106 40.00 285411 6/15/2006 100865 MAGNUSON SOD 93.94 137963 053106 05453.1705.31 98.91 137963 053106 5620.6540 149.10 137963 053106 5932.6406 411.68 137963 053106 5630.6406 538.35 137963 053106 1301.6556 709.72 137963 053106 1643.6543 2,649.99 137963 053106 5913.6543 4,651.69 285412 6115/2006 114699 MANAGED SERVICES INC. 452.63 JANITORIAL SERVICE - JUNE 137782 608489 7411.6182 452.63 285413 6/15/2006 100868 MARK VII SALES 4,369.85 137737 939795 5842.5514 139.65 137738 939796 942.5514 CHEMICALS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6/13/2006 10:45:10 Page - 18 Business Unit MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GYMNASIUMS - SVIEW & COMM CTR COST OF GOODS SOLD POOL CONCESSIONS MEETING EXPENSE COMMUNICATIONS MATERIALS /SUPPLIES FERTILIZER GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES TOOLS SOD & BLACK DIRT SOD & BLACK DIRT Chemical Rm. Expansion -plant 4 EDINBOROUGH PARK GENERAL STORM SEWER CENTENNIAL LAKES GENERAL MAINTENANCE GENERAL TURF CARE DISTRIBUTION RUBBISH REMOVAL PSTF OCCUPANCY COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING CITY OF . , 6/131. 0:45:10 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 19 6/15/2006 -- 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 3,662.48 138049 957117 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 291.00 138050 957118 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 8,462.98 285414 6/1512006 102600 MATRIX COMMUNICATIONS INC 232.50 PHONE REPAIRS 138036 31302 1470.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 232.50 285415 6/15/2006 101308 MCCARTHY, LOWELL 90.00 ART HISTORY PRESENTATION 137837 060506 1628.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS 90.00 285416 6/15/2006 101483 MENARDS 26.45 GLOVES, PLUG 00006430 137591 27707 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 244.18 DRAIN TILE 00006498 137592 27378 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 270.63 285417 6/1512006 100882 MERIT SUPPLY 699.01 CAR WASH & WAX 00006487 137593 69537 5423.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GOLF CARS 699.01 285418 6/15/2006 101891 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY 31.62 PLAYGROUND BALLS 137838 91939 4077.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 355.61 TENNIS BALLS 137838 91939 1623.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES TENNIS INSTRUCTION 387.23 285419 6115/2006 103192 METRO LEGAL SERVICES 37.00 TITLE/TAX SEARCH 137678 1078252 2127.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMM DEV BLK GRANT 37.00 285420 6/15/2006 100887 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIRONME 286,849.15 SEWER SERVICE 137783 825688 5922.6302 SEWER SERVICE METRO SEWER TREATMENT 286,849.15 285421 611512006 104650 MICRO CENTER 5125.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD MEDIA STUDIO 23.98 00009166 137784 1145494 Y8.70 00009166 137784 1145494 5125.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MEDIA STUDIO 89,99 00009166 137784 1145494 5125.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT MEDIA STUDIO 42.59 00009170 137785 1145647 5125.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD MEDIA STUDIO 185.26 285422 611512006 100891 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORP. R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6/15/2006 - 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 903.09 ASPHALT 00005909 137594 79796MB 1301.6518 BLACKTOP GASOLINE GASOLINE GASOLINE GENERAL SUPPLIES WATER PURCHASED GENERAL SUPPLIES 6/13/2006 10:45:10 Page- 20 Business Unit GENERAL MAINTENANCE MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE GOLF CARS DISTRIBUTION EOUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ED ADMINISTRATION CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ADVERTISING OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS STREET NAME SIGNS 903.09 285423 6/1512006 103186 MIDWEST FUELS 897.30 GASOLINE 00006070 137595 36192 5422.6581 521.02 DIESEL FUEL 00006071 137596 36194 5422.6581 516.59 DIESEL FUEL 00006071 137597 36118 5431.6581 594.26 GASOLINE 00006070 137598 36116 5423.6406 2,529.17 285424 6/15/2006 103216 MINNEAPOLIS FINANCE DEPARTMENT 17,506.60 WATER PURCHASE 137786 060206 5913.6601 17,506.60 285425 6/15/2006 102174 MINNEAPOLIS OXYGEN COMPANY 5.94 CYLINDER CHARGE 00001236 137787 R105061362 1553.6406 5.94 285426 6/15/2006 101746 MINNESOTA COUNTY ATTORNEYS ASS 153.89 CODE BOOKS 137964 16604 1400.6104 153.89 285427 6/15/2006 101638 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 35.00 HOSPITALITY FEE #50026 00002015 137965 116821 5610.6105 35.00 285428 6115/2006 106193 MINNESOTA HIGHWAY SAFETY AND 942.00 LAW ENFORCEMENT COURSE 137966 060906 1400.6104 942.00 285429 6/15/2006 103260 MINNESOTA NURSERY & LANDSCAPE 89.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES 00001612 137839 060106 1640.6105 89.00 285430 6/15/2006 118144 MINNESOTA PREMIER PUBLICATIONS 2,400.00 MN PARENT AD 137599 13641 2210.6122 2,400.00 285431 6/15/2006 105430 MINNESOTA SUPPLY COMPANY 103.61 SHIPPING CHARGE 00005977 137967 M55681 1325.6406 103.61 GASOLINE GASOLINE GASOLINE GENERAL SUPPLIES WATER PURCHASED GENERAL SUPPLIES 6/13/2006 10:45:10 Page- 20 Business Unit GENERAL MAINTENANCE MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE GOLF CARS DISTRIBUTION EOUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ED ADMINISTRATION CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ADVERTISING OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS STREET NAME SIGNS CITY OF E". 6113/,,. .:45:10 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 21 6/15/2006 - 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 285432 611512006 112769 MINUTI -OGLE CO. INC. 30,190.05 GYMNASIUM CONSTRUCTION 138020 ONE 4401.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GYMNASIUMS - SVIEW 8 COMM CTR 30,190.05 285433 611512006 119547 MOON, JENNI 48.93 SWIM DIAPERS 138037 061206 5310.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD POOL ADMINISTRATION 48.93 285434 6115/2006 102395 MOSE, WILLIAM 488.25 OFFICIATING FEES 138025 060906 4077.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 488.25 285435 6/1512006 117246 MT GLOBAL 92.95 137890 1701 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 92.95 285436 6/1512006 100906 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC. 92.92 FUEL FILTERS 00006496 137600 524251 -01 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE 8 GROUNDS 68.53 ELEMENTS 00006496 137601 524251 -00 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE 8 GROUNDS 83.83 COUPLERS, BUSHINGS 00006492 137602 523284 -00 5422.6611 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT MAINT OF COURSE 8 GROUNDS 1,087.71 BODY ASSEMBLIES, PARTS 00006499 137603 524652 -00 5422.6611 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT MAINT OF COURSE 8 GROUNDS 27.16 STAPLES, CLAMPS 00002000 137968 526426 -00 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 191.97 VALVES, HEADS 00002000 137969 526262 -00 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 17.02 IRRIGATION PARTS 00002000 137970 526111 -00 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 158.53 HEADS 00002000 137971 525893 -00 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 8.57 COUPLINGS, WRENCH 00002399 137972 525299 -00 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 16.37- CREDIT 137973 510309 -00 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 1,719.87 285437 611512006 118620 MULTISCAPES INCORPORATED 250.00 PAVER DRIVE - 5040 MALIBU DR OOREPAIR 137788 1366 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 250.00 285438 6/15/2006 102358 NATIONAL PEN CORPORATION GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 166.77 PENS 137604 103530219 1550.6406 166.77 285439 6115/2006 100012 NATIONAL WATERWORKS INC. 448.54 WATERMAIN REPAIR CLAMPS 00001630 137789 3539880 5913.6530 REPAIR PARTS DISTRIBUTION 336.16 WATERMAIN REPAIR CLAMPS 00001630 137790 3540307 5913.6530 REPAIR PARTS DISTRIBUTION 784.70 R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/13/2006 10:45:10 Council Check Register Page - 22 6115/2006 -- 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 285440 6/15/2006 104672 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 627.95 137679 757391129 -042 1470.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 38.50 138059 873184124 -042 1553.6188 TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 38.50 138059 873184124 -042 4090.6188 TELEPHONE STREET REVOLVING 173.25 138059 873184124 -042 1640.6188 TELEPHONE PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL 250.25 138059 873184124 -042 1260.6188 TELEPHONE ENGINEERING GENERAL 269.50 138059 873184124 -042 1322.6188 TELEPHONE STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 365.76 138059 873184124 -042 1301.6188 TELEPHONE GENERAL MAINTENANCE 835.25 138059 873184124 -042 5910.6188 TELEPHONE GENERAL (BILLING) 2,598.96 285441 6/1512006 119853 NORTH CENTRAL TRUCK EQUIPMENT 849.10 MIRROR, RESTOCKING CHARGE 00001678 137791 111925X1 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 636.84- MIRROR, RESTOCKING CHARGE 00001678 137792 CM111925XA 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 212.26 285442 6/15/2006 103072 NORTHERN AIR CORPORATION 1,662.50 GYMNASIUM CONSTRUCTION 138019 THREE 4401.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GYMNASIUMS - SVIEW & COMM CTR 1,662.50 285443 6/15/2006 117830 NORTHLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS 255.00 TRANSCRIBER 137974 69342 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 255.00 285444 6/15/2006 102652 NORTHLAND CHEMICAL CORP. 227.14 MOLECULES 00001593 137840 101447 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 227.14 285445 6115/2006 117089 NORTHLAND IRRIGATION & LANDSCA 430.00 SPRINKLER REPAIR 137680 052506 01326.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS SUNNYSLOPE ST RECLAIM 430.00 285446 6/15/2006 100933 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY 29.27 LTX TUBES, T SQUARE 00009176 137793 32963300 5120.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 29.27 285447 6/15/2006 118639 NORTHWEST LASERS INC. 51.12 QUICK CLAMP ASSEMBLIES 00004108 137681 S100030118 1260.6577 LUMBER ENGINEERING GENERAL 51.12 285448 6/15/2006 100936 OLSEN COMPANIES 569.84 SADDLE BOX 00001211 137841 393463 132.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL STORM SE` R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF ED1NA Council Check Register 6/15/2006 - 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 1400.6203 1400.6203 1642.6103 1400.6175 1553.6530 5822.5513 5862.5513 5862.5513 5842.5513 5842.5513 5630.5510 5320.5510 5320.5510 5100.1720 5842.5513 5842.5513 5842.5512 5842.5515 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS REPAIR PARTS 6/13/k,-- 10:45:10 Page - 23 Business Unit POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL FIELD MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 569.84 VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 285449 6/15/2006 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 118891 OLSON, LYNN 143.94 UNIFORM PURCHASE 137975 060906 143.94 285450 6/15/2006 102265 OLSON, TIM 110.83 UNIFORM PURCHASE 137976 060906 110.83 285451 6/15/2006 100941 PARK NICOLLET CLINIC 24.00 HEARING TEST 138038 060206 236.69 FITNESS FOR DUTY 138038 060206 260.69 285452 6/15/2006 101718 PARTS PLUS 5,761.72 AUTO PARTS 137794 053106 5,761.72 285453 6/15/2006 100347 PAUSTIS & SONS 791.00 137739 8110928 -IN 147.33 137891 8108127 -IN 1,600.59 137892 8110920 -IN 1,322.00 137893 8110929 -IN 1,908.00 137894 8110446 -IN 5,768.92 285454 6/15/2006 100945 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY 642.90 137977 21022274 151.00 138039 21022350 199.50 138040 21022309 993.40 285455 6115/2006 100948 PERKINS LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS 1,800.00 INSTALL DRAIN TILE -ART CENTER 00001592 137842 060206 1,800.00 285456 6115/2006 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 36.98 137740 2334647 388,12 137741 2334646 1.03 137742 2334649 38.23 137743 2334648 1400.6203 1400.6203 1642.6103 1400.6175 1553.6530 5822.5513 5862.5513 5862.5513 5842.5513 5842.5513 5630.5510 5320.5510 5320.5510 5100.1720 5842.5513 5842.5513 5842.5512 5842.5515 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS REPAIR PARTS 6/13/k,-- 10:45:10 Page - 23 Business Unit POLICE DEPT. GENERAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL FIELD MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD BUILDINGS CENTENNIAL LAKES POOL CONCESSIONS POOL CONCESSIONS ART CENTER BALANCE SHEET COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/13/2006 10:45:10 Council Check Register Page - 24 6/15/2006 - 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 80.53 137744 2333883 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 733.56 137745 2333882 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,377.55 137746 2333881 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 640.09 137895 2333891 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1,743.33 137896 2336759 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 995.85 137897 2336758 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,325.71 138051 2336755 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 928.13 138052 2336757 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 9,289.11 285457 6/1512006 116619 PIPELINE SUPPLY INC. 146.58 TOILET 00001308 137843 S2236575.001 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 146.58 285458 6/15/2006 100160 PLANET SOCCER 3,225.00 SOCCER GOALS & NETS 00007097 137682 JY09 1621.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES 3,225.00 285459 6/1512006 101110 POLLY NORMAN PHOTOGRAPHY 50.00 ABOUT TOWN PHOTOS 137605 053106 2210.6123 MAGAZINE/NEWSLETTER EXPENSE COMMUNICATIONS 50.00 285460 6/1512006 100961 POSTMASTER 375.00 NEWSLETTER POSTAGE 137978 060906 1628.6235 POSTAGE SENIOR CITIZENS 375.00 285461 6/15/2006 100968 PRIOR WINE COMPANY 319.96 137747 421094 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 145.30 137898 421090 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 1,550.85 137899 421089 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLO WINE VERNON SELLING 1,051.90 137900 418544 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 228.90 137901 410591 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 46.65 137902 421099 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 2,351.19 137903 421098 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5,694.75 285462 6/15/2006 102354 PRO GUARD SPORTS INC. 90.08 TAPE 00008045 137844 260589 5510.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA ADMINISTRATION 90.08 285463 6115/2006 100969 PROGRESSIVE CONSULTING ENGINEE 971.10 WELL INSPECTION 137683 05023.09 5450.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION WM-450 CITY OF EDINA 6113/2%. J:45:10 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page- 25 6/15/2006 -- 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount 2,800.00 2,800.00 2,894.25 Supplier / Explanation RECYCLE BASIN RECYCLE BASIN RECYCLE BASIN PO # Doc No 137684 137684 137684 Inv No 03034.31 03034.31 03034.31 Account No 05425.1705.20 05426.1705.20 05427.1705.20 Subledger Account Description CONSULTING DESIGN CONSULTING DESIGN CONSULTING DESIGN Business Unit PLANT #2 BACKWASH RECYCLE SYST PLANT #4 BACKWASH RECYCLE SYST PLANT #3 BACKWASH RECYCLE SYST 9,465.35 285464 6/15/2006 117721 PROSOURCE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 300.00 ACCESS CONSULTING 137979 6051424 1400.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 300.00 285465 611512006 153.15 100971 QUALITY WINE 137748 715912 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,391.80 137749 715023 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,259.86 137750 716112 -00 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 10.00- 137751 711130 -00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 858.66 137904 715828 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,21 137905 716006 -00 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 3.05 137906 713882 -00 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 94.58- 137907 713880 -00 5840.5518 VENDOR DISCOUNTS LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 4,757.98 1,849.00 620.50 137907 137908 137909 713880 -00 715997 -00 716005 -00 5842.5512 5842.5512 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING 2,715.14 1,080.65 1,252.62 1,714.19 365.75 1,009.45 1,391.80 1,462.61 1,634.61 137910 137911 137912 137913 137914 137915 137916 137917 137918 716111 -00 715282 -00 715022 -00 716157 -00 716192 -00 715432 -00 714838 -00 715829.00 716155 -00 5842.5512 5842.5513 5842.5513 5862.5513 5822.5513 5822.5513 5862.5513 5862.5513 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING YORK SELLING YORK SELLING VERNON SELLING 50TH ST SELLING 50TH ST SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING VERNON SELLING 23,417.45 285466 611512006 55.07 57.69 86.12 98.37 100.93 163.47 167.47 192.45 231.76 101965 QWEST 137864 137864 137864 137864 137864 137864 137864 137864 137864 052806 052806 052806 052806 052806 052806 052806 052806 052806 5911.6188 1628.6188 5861.6188 5821.6188 5841.6188 1622.6188 5610.6188 1470.6188 1646.6188 TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE PUMP 8 LIFT STATION OPER SENIOR CITIZENS VERNON OCCUPANCY 50TH ST OCCUPANCY YORK OCCUPANCY SKATING & HOCKEY ED ADMINISTRATION FIRE DEPT. GENERAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE R55CKREG LOG20000 6,755.13 CITY OF EDINA 285467 6/15/2006 Council Check Register 6/15/2006 - 6115/2006 138026 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 253.86 285468 137864 052806 5511.6188 TELEPHONE 263.73 137864 052806 5932.6188 TELEPHONE 2,428.22 137864 052806 1550.6188 TELEPHONE 876.00 612 E01-0426 137980 0426 -6/06 1550.6188 TELEPHONE 283.46 612 E24 -8656 137981 8656 -6/06 1628.6188 TELEPHONE 505.50 612 E24 -8657 137982 8657 -0 /06 5420.6188 TELEPHONE 566.92 612 E24 -8659 137983 8659 -6/06 1470.6188 TELEPHONE 283.46 612 E24 -8661 137984 8661 -6106 5111.6188 TELEPHONE 89.26 952 926 -0419 137985 0419 -6/06 1646.6188 TELEPHONE 51.39 952 926 -0092 137986 0092 -6106 5913.6188 TELEPHONE 4077.6103 5913.6406 4077.6103 5630.6180 5913.6406 1470.6406 5610.6136 401.6710 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTED REPAIRS GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 6/13/2006 10:45:10 Page - 26 Business Unit ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS GENERAL STORM SEWER CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB HOUSE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT BUILDING MAINTENANCE DISTRIBUTION EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION DISTRIBUTION EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION CENTENNIAL LAKES DISTRIBUTION FIRE DEPT. GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION EOUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GYMNASIUMS - SVIE' ')MM CTR 6,755.13 285467 6/15/2006 102631 REAMER, MARK 953.25 OFFICIATING FEES 138026 060906 953.25 285468 6/15/2006 119854 RHINO 300.87 WARNING MARKERS 00001546 137845 23685 300.87 285469 6/15/2006 119755 RICCI, PATRICE 209.25 OFFICIATING FEES 138027 060906 209.25 285470 6/15/2006 100977 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 1,586.30 PLUMBING REPAIRS 00002004 137987 42949 1,586.30 285471 6/15/2006 102408 RIGID HITCH INCORPORATED 51.62 BED MAT 00001209 137846 1161649 -01 51.62 285472 6/15/2006 100980 ROBERT B. HILL CO. 63.74 SOFTENER SALT 00003648 137847 00178115 63.74 285473 6115/2006 116393 ROGERS, RUSS 150.00 PERFORMANCE 6/27/06 137806 060106 150.00 285474 6/15/2006 118001 ROZEBOOM MILLER ARCHITECTS INC 6,247.80 ARCHITECT /ENGINEERING FEES 137685 14 4077.6103 5913.6406 4077.6103 5630.6180 5913.6406 1470.6406 5610.6136 401.6710 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTED REPAIRS GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 6/13/2006 10:45:10 Page - 26 Business Unit ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS GENERAL STORM SEWER CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB HOUSE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT BUILDING MAINTENANCE DISTRIBUTION EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION DISTRIBUTION EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION CENTENNIAL LAKES DISTRIBUTION FIRE DEPT. GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION EOUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GYMNASIUMS - SVIE' ')MM CTR R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EU.,.., 6/130,,._ .0:45:10 Council Check Register Page - 27 6/15/2006 - 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 6,247.80 285475 6/1512006 105324 RT ELECTRIC 1,475.00 INSTALL FOUNTAINS 00002014 137988 05 -996 5630.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENTENNIAL LAKES 1,475.00 285476 6115/2006 101822 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 27.52 101 - 26373069350 FOOD & CANDY 137848 37396318005 1623.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES TENNIS INSTRUCTION 74.17 101- 26373069350 FOOD & CANDY 137848 37396318005 4075.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD VANVALKENBURG 101.69 285477 6/1512006 119859 SANDELIN, CARRIE 79.56 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 138060 060906 1624.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE PLAYGROUND & THEATER 79.56 285478 6/15/2006 101431 SCAN AIR FILTER 373.45 FILTERS 00001665 137849 97216 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 373.45 285479 6115/2006 100990 SCHARBER & SONS 39.67- CREDIT 137850 356398 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 370.09 CLUTCH 00001438 137851 356909 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 42.87 OIL LINE 00005816 137852 356780 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 223.53 WATER PUMP, GASKETS 00001441 137853 357288 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 596.82 285480 6/15/2006 105442 SCHERER BROS. LUMBER CO. 212.37 LUMBER, WOOD FILLER 00001640 137636 40311434 05453.1705.31 MATERIALS /SUPPLIES Chemical Rm. Expansion -plant 4 212.37 285481 6/1512006 119799 SCHIMETZ, SCOTT 279.00 OFFICIATING FEES 138028 060906 4077.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EDINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 279.00 285482 6115/2006 101577 SCHMOLL, RUTH 241.04 PETTY CASH 137854 060606 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 241.04 285483 6/15/2006 100995 SEH 81.92 ANTENNA REVIEW 137686 0145709 5914.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TANKS TOWERS &RESERVOIR 622.19 BID DOCUMENT PREP 137687 0145903 05459.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION WM-459 59TH ST RAW WATER LINE 2,000.00 PIPE REHAB 137688 0145902 04316.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION STS -316 SUNNYSLOPE AREA CIPP R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/1312006 10:45:10 Council Check Register Page - 28 6/15/2006 -- 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2,500.00 PIPE REHAB 137688 0145902 03420.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION SS SHANNON DEWWEY TO KEMRICH 3,288.83 PIPE REHAB 137688 0145902 03413.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION PHASE 1 ARDEN, BRUCE, CASCO SS 5,348.04 STREET & BLVD 137689 0145901 05451.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION WM-451 Nine Mile Village 3,824.82 WATER MAIN REHAB 137690 0145900 05451.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION WM-451 Nine Mile Village 17,665.80 285484 6/15/2006 101862 SEVEN CORNERS ACE HARDWARE INC 46.80 DARBY, EDGER 00001250 137606 92250 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 46.80 285485 6/1512006 102995 SHAPCO PRINTING INC. 660.30 APRIL NEWSLETTER 137607 142331 -01 2210.6575 PRINTING COMMUNICATIONS 660.30 285486 6/15/2006 100999 SIGNAL SYSTEMS INC. 42.50 TIMECLOCK REPAIR 137608 72938 5422.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 42.50 285487 6/1512006 101000 SIR SPEEDY 95.85 BUSINESS CARDS 137855 50877 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 95.85 285488 6/15/2006 105903 SKATRUD, TODD 159.90 UNIFORM PURCHASE 137989 060906 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 159.90 285489 6/15/2006 119846 SNYDER, NICHOLAS 300.00 COLLECT TRASH AT ART FAIR 137760 060706 4090.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET REVOLVING 300.00 285490 6/15/2006 103273 SOUTHSIDE BIG BAND 150.00 PERFORMANCE 6/26106 137805 060106 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 150.00 285491 6/15/2006 119861 SPANISH ON PATROL.COM 66.00 SPANISH FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT 137990 2344 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 66.00 285492 6/15/2006 116682 SPECIALTY WINES & BEVERAGES 209.00 137919 8892 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 204.00 137920 8898 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 413.00 6/13/.. 10:45:10 Page - 29 Business Unit PUMP & LIFT STATION OPER COLLECTION SYSTEMS SIDEWALK INTERLACHEN /BLAKE BA- 313 70TH & METRO CONTINGENCIES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 1,158.48 WANT ADS 137609 CITY OF L_ _.A 1550.6121 R55CKREG LOG20000 CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 1,158.48 Council Check Register 6/1512006 119671 STERLING SUPPLY INC. 6/15/2006 — 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 285493 611512006 57.80 101004 SPS COMPANIES 285498 237.32 COPPER TUBING, ADAPTERS 00001647 137795 S1456170.001 5911.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 2.03 COUPLING 00001658 137856 S1456574.001 5923.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1400.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 239.35 784.50 SQUAD TEARDOWN 137993 285494 611512006 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 101016 SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC 489.79 SQUAD REPAIRS 137994 8,726.00 PRELIM DESIGN 137691 5211 -16 07091.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 2,519.99 16,646.06 PRELIM DESIGN 137692 5656 -2 01313.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN 6/15/2006 8,690.07 NE EDINA TRANS STUDY 137693 5523 -7 1500.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 19.93 34,062.13 137995 1174767 1400.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 285495 6/1512006 19.93 103283 ST. CROIX RECREATION CO INC 19.20 END CAP 00001693 137991 14867 1647.6530 REPAIR PARTS 19.20 150.00 PERFORMANCE 6/29/06 137808 285496 6/15/2006 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER 101007 STAR TRIBUNE 150.00 6/13/.. 10:45:10 Page - 29 Business Unit PUMP & LIFT STATION OPER COLLECTION SYSTEMS SIDEWALK INTERLACHEN /BLAKE BA- 313 70TH & METRO CONTINGENCIES PATHS & HARD SURFACE 1,158.48 WANT ADS 137609 053106 1550.6121 ADVERTISING PERSONNEL CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 1,158.48 285497 6/1512006 119671 STERLING SUPPLY INC. 57.80 SAND, CONTAINERS 00001627 137637 52996 1375.6530 REPAIR PARTS PARKING RAMP 57.80 285498 6/1512006 101015 STREICHERS 1,245.70 SQUAD BUILDUP 137992 1356366 1400.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 784.50 SQUAD TEARDOWN 137993 1356361 1400.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 489.79 SQUAD REPAIRS 137994 1354137 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 2,519.99 285499 6/15/2006 117992 STRINGER BUSINESS SYSTEMS 19.93 COPIER USAGE 137995 1174767 1400.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 19.93 285500 6115/2006 102639 STROHMYER, TOM 150.00 PERFORMANCE 6/29/06 137808 060106 5610.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER ED ADMINISTRATION 150.00 285501 6/15/2006 101017 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 31.67 HARNESS 00001516 137638 441794CVW 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 2.02 CAP 00005818 137639 440685CVW 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 104.61 CONTROL 00001438 137857 390148 -1CVW 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA 6/13/2006 10:45:10 Council Check Register Page - 30 6/15/2006 - 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 71.69 MIRRORS 00001445 137996 442874 -1CVW 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 84.19 MIRROR 00001782 137997 442547 -1CVW 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 85.49 HOIST ASSEMBLY, CAP 00001788 138056 437332CVW 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 379.67 285502 6/15/2006 101019 SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY 2,000.00 MEMBERSHIP 137998 060106 1506.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY 2,000.00 285503 6115/2006 100900 SUN NEWSPAPERS 495.00 NE OPEN HOUSE AD 00016102 137694 614316 1265.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 140.00 ADVERTISING 137796 614422 5822.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 50TH ST SELLING 140.00 ADVERTISING 137796 614422 5842.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER YORK SELLING 140.00 ADVERTISING 137796 614422 5862.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER VERNON SELLING 915.00 285504 6/1512006 119864 SYSCO MINNESOTA 26.35 GLASS CLEANER 138041 606011793 5320.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES POOL CONCESSIONS 1,139.04 CONCESSION PRODUCT 138041 606011793 5320.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD POOL CONCESSIONS 33.98 FLOOR CLEANER 138042 606069011 5311.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION 1,199.37 285505 611512006 117686 TECHNA GRAPHICS 153.53 OFF LEASH FORMS 137999 601220 -01 1450.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ANIMAL CONTROL 153.53 285506 6/15/2006 105123 THEMESCAPES, INC. 105.00 MULCH 137858 206113 -1R 5311.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOL OPERATION 105.00 285507 6/15/2006 101035 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 359.00 137610 412470 5421.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER GRILL 128.70 138053 413141 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 3,323.37 138054 413109 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 3,811.07 285508 6115/2006 102742 TKDA ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLAN 970.30 LIFT STATION INSPECTION 137695 000200601904 10026.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION LS -26 LIFT STATION 14 1,724.43 FEASIBILITY STUDY 137696 000200601919 04322.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN STS -322 STORMWATER DREDGING 2,694.73 285509 6115120r 101038 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPLY CITY OF t.-...A 6/11- 10:45:10 R55CKREG LOG20000 Council Check Register Page - 31 6/15/2006 -- 6/15/2006 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description - Business Unit 27.28 WELDING GAS 00001668 137640 402987 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 61.38 CYLINDER/DEMURRAGE 00001551 137797 402989 5913.6580 WELDING SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 27.28 WELDING EQUIPMENT 138000 402988 5630.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES 115.94 285510 6115/2006 101411 TOP NOTCH TREECARE 319.50 OAK TREE SPRAY 137611 X026878 -01 5431.6541 PLANTINGS 8 TREES RICHARDS GC MAINTENANCE 319.50 285511 6/15/2006 118704 TOWNSHEND, SCHUYLER 40.05 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 138022 061206 2210.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS 40.05 285512 6/15/2006 118190 TURFWERKS LLC 20.67 THROTTLE CABLE 00001676 137798 S106379 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 20.67 285513 6/1512006 102469 TWIN CITY CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO 261.21 MORTAR 00001624 137859 289351 5932.6520 CONCRETE GENERAL STORM SEWER 261.21 285514 6/15/2006 102255 TWIN CITY OXYGEN CO 56.70 OXYGEN 00003649 137697 857776 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 23.77 OXYGEN 00003649 137698 857780 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 47.54 OXYGEN 137699 814414 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 128.01 285515 6/15/2006 102150 TWIN CITY SEED CO. 304.59 EROSION BLANKET 00006444 137612 14365 5424.6543 SOD & BLACK DIRT RANGE 304.59 285516 6/15/2006 101051 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED 91.50 138001 053106 1419.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE RESERVE PROGRAM 1,344.48 138001 053106 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,435.98 285517 6/15/2006 101053 UNITED ELECTRIC COMPANY 28.70 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 00001650 137799 517091 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 28.70 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 00001650 137799 517091 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 28.70 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 00001650 137799 517091 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 28.70 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 00001650 137799 517091 5912.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDINGS 196.91 CABLE 00001650 137860 517118 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE R55CKREG LOG20000 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6/15/2006 - 6/15/2006 6/13/2006 10:45:10 Page - 32 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 311.71 285518 6/15/2006 101058 VAN PAPER CO. 281.96 TOWELS, TISSUE 00001604 137861 637975 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 71.89 TISSUE 00001604 138002 638362 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 9.59 BOX CUTTERS 00007513 138003 638361 5860.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON LIOUOR GENERAL 363.44 285519 6/1512006 101063 VERSATILE VEHICLES INC. 175.17 WATERING GUN 00006489 137613 23809 5423.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES GOLF CARS 175.17 285520 6/15/2006 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY 175.55 WIRE 00001505 137641 9916971 1322.6530 REPAIR PARTS STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 175.55 285521 6/15/2006 100023 VOGEL, ROBERT C. 1,500.00 HISTORIC REVIEW 137700 26022 07091.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN SIDEWALK INTERLACHEN/BLAKE 1,500.00 285522 6/15/2006 101069 VOSS LIGHTING 190.74 LIGHTING 00001493 137642 15046266 -01 1321.6530 REPAIR PARTS STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 21.98 LIGHTING 00001493 137643 15046266 -00 1321.6530 REPAIR PARTS STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 8.63 LIGHTING 00001234 137644 15044191 -00 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 221.35 285523 6/15/2006 116558 WALKER, NATALIE 90.00 COLLECT TRASH AT ART FAIR 137761 060706 4090.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES STREET REVOLVING 90.00 285524 6/15/2006 103466 WASTE MANAGEMENT - SAVAGE MN 3,601.21 REFUSE 137614 3592421 4095.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH STREET RUBBISH 3,107.11 REFUSE 137800 3603747 4095.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH STREET RUBBISH 6,708.32 285525 6/15/2006 101944 WATERSTREET, JOAN M 59.44 UNIFORM PURCHASE 138004 060506 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 59.44 285526 6/1512006 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 1,001.90 137752 140659 -00 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 203.20 137753 142940 -00 '22.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date 285527 611512006 285528 6/15/2006 285529 611512006 285530 6/15/2006 285531 6/15/2006 285532 6/1512006 285533 6115/2006 CITY OF El.... 6113/', J:45:10 C it Ch ck Re later Page - 33 ounc e g 6/15/2006 - 6/15/2006 b d A i D ri lion Business Unit Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Su le ger ccoun esc p 614.90 137921 143022 -00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 53840 137922 142939 -00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,358.40 5862.5513 5862.5513 1644.6107 5842.5513 5862.5513 1301.6610 1321.6185 1646.6185 5821.6185 5861.6185 5841.6185 1330.6185 5913.6185 5914.6185 5511.6185 5913.6185 5110.6151 1400.6230 1400.6230 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE TREES & MAINTENANCE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING SAFETY EQUIPMENT GENERAL MAINTENANCE LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR BUILDING MAINTENANCE 50TH ST OCCUPANCY VERNON OCCUPANCY YORK OCCUPANCY TRAFFIC SIGNALS DISTRIBUTION TANKS TOWERS & RESERVOIR ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT RENTAL ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 101312 WINE MERCHANTS 260.34 137923 159622 85.03- 137924 28982 175.31 118368 WOLFF, SARA 280.80 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 137862 060606 280.80 101086 WORLD CLASS WINES INC 650.00 137754 179737 294.00 137925 179809 944.00 118371 WORLD GOLF COLLECTION 72.00 LIP BALM 00005935 138005 INV01627 72.00 101726 XCEL ENERGY 21.73 51- 7567037 -0 137615 70772582 20.05 514151897 -6 137616 70753240 822.05 51- 6979948 -4 137617 70759359 1,010.86 51- 6979948 -4 137617 70759359 1,163.91 51- 6979948 -4 137617 70759359 3,324.64 51- 4966303 -1 137618 70558504 1,960.72 51- 6621207 -1 137645 70923841 890.05 51- 5847121 -5 137646 70937171 14,479.69 514888627 -1 137647 70874771 12,889.88 51- 5605640 -1 138063 71752076 36,583.58 100568 XEROX CORPORATION 104.00 MAY USAGE 137801 017800181 355.70 MAY 2006 USAGE 138006 017564719 389.79 TONER 138007 195059351 849.49 101089 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 5862.5513 5862.5513 1644.6107 5842.5513 5862.5513 1301.6610 1321.6185 1646.6185 5821.6185 5861.6185 5841.6185 1330.6185 5913.6185 5914.6185 5511.6185 5913.6185 5110.6151 1400.6230 1400.6230 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE TREES & MAINTENANCE COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING SAFETY EQUIPMENT GENERAL MAINTENANCE LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR BUILDING MAINTENANCE 50TH ST OCCUPANCY VERNON OCCUPANCY YORK OCCUPANCY TRAFFIC SIGNALS DISTRIBUTION TANKS TOWERS & RESERVOIR ARENA BLDG /GROUNDS DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT RENTAL ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL R55CKREG LOG20000 Check # Date 285534 6115/2006 Amount Supplier/ Explanation 17.85 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 159.81 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 19.01 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 196.67 101091 ZIEGLER INC 345.00 GENERATOR CONTRACT -JUNE 345.00 1,378,244.92 Grand Total CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register 6/15/2006 -- 6/15/2006 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 00006431 137619 54060191 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 137701 54161875 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 137802 54060187 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 137702 E3809727 1551.6180 Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 1,378,244.92 Total Payments 1,378,244.92 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 6113/2006 10:45:10 Page - 34 Business Unit MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS CITY HALL GENERAL PSTF OCCUPANCY CITY HALL GENERAL R55CKSUM LOG20000 CITY OF EL Council Check Summary 6/15/2006 - 6/15/2006 6/13/2 .46:59 Page - 1 Company Amount 01000 GENERAL FUND 179,393.53 02100 CDBG FUND 37.00 02200 COMMUNICATIONS FUND 3,776.60 04000 WORKING CAPITAL FUND 507,847.00 04800 CONSTRUCTION FUND 26,872.06 05100 ART CENTER FUND 3,778.22 05200 GOLF DOME FUND 1,926.31 05300 AQUATIC CENTER FUND 34,928.29 05400 GOLF COURSE FUND 8,459.35 05500 ICE ARENA FUND - 23,023.73 05600 EDINBOROUGH /CENT LAKES FUND 8,022.55 05800 LIQUOR FUND 139,072.83 05900 UTILITY FUND 397,176.07 05930 STORM SEWER FUND 9,299.08 05950 RECYCLING FUND 33,958.00 07400 PSTF AGENCY FUND 674.30 Report Totals 1,378,244.92 We confirm to the best of our bw*io* and belief, that these chime comply in all material respects with the requirements of the City cf Edina purchasing ides and procedures Fins City ante REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Wayne Houle, PE �� City Engineer Date: June 20, 2006 Subject: State Superfund Priority List Info /Background: Agenda Item Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends Action ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council ❑Motion ❑Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Attached is a letter from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) regarding the addition of Edina Well No. 7 to the State Superfund Priority List. As you might recall, in the spring of 2004, City staff and Council met to discuss the contamination of Well No. 7. This seasonal well has not been online since the fall of 2003. The MPCA has been working with City staff, the City's Consultant, and a MPCA Consultant to locate the contamination plume. The listing of this site on the State Superfund Priority List will enable additional funds to help solve the contamination issue. The MPCA, City Staff, and our Consultants are committed to resolving this issue and we will continue to update the Council as more information becomes available. r � � Minnesota Pollution Control Agency v� May 30, 2006 RE: Public Comment Period for Permanent List of Priorities To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to the Minnesota Environment Response and Liability Act, Minn. Stat. § 115B.17 (2005), and Minn. R. ch. 7044 (2004), the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is publishing for public comment the proposed update of the State Superfund Priority List of releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants. Prior to updating the Superfund List, the MPCA and MDA must solicit public comment on the proposed update for thirty (30) days. The public comment period ends on June 30, 2006. According to MPCAJMDA records, you may have an interest in one or more of the sites proposed for addition to and deletion from the Superfund List. Therefore, please find enclosed a copy of the May 30, 2006, State Register notice on this matter. If you have any comments, please submit them as directed in the enclosed Public Notice. Should you know of additional interested parties concerning this update, please advise them of the Public Notice and public comment period. Sincerely, Michael Kanner Section Manager Superfiind and Emergency Response Section Remediation Division MK:csa Enclosure 520 Lafayette Rd. N.; Saint Paul, MN 55155 -4194; (651) 296 -6300 (Voice); (651) 282 -5332 (TTY); www.pca.state.mn.us St. Paul r Brainerd r Detroit Lakes r Duluth • Mankato a Marshall • Rochester • Willmar Equal Opportunity Employer • Printed on recycled paper containing at least 20 percent fibers from paper recycled by consumers. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Remediation Division Minnesota Department of Agriculture Pesticide & Fertilizer Management Division Notice of Proposed Update of the State Superfund Priority List ( Superfund List) (also known as the Permanent List of Priorities or (PLP)) Among Releases or Threatened Releases of Hazardous Substances or Pollutants or Contaminants NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), and Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is publishing for public comment proposed additions to and deletions from the State Superfund List which lists releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants for which the MPCA or MDA may take removal or remedial actions under the Minnesota Environmental Response and Liability Act (MERLA), Minn. Stat. § 115B. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 115B.17 (2005) and Minn. R. 7044.0950 (2004), the MPCA and MDA is proposing the following changes to the Superfimd List. The MPCA is proposing to add the following five sites to the PLP (Hazard Ranking Score assigned pursuant to Minn. R. 7044.0350 follows the site): Edina Well Field Site, Hennepin County (50); Rochester Ground Water Plume, Olmsted County (50); Minnesota Valley Landfill, Scott County (14); Hibbing Gas Manufacturing Site, St. Louis County (11); and Esko Ground Water Plume, Carlton County (8). Each site has been assigned to Response Action Classes C and D (see Minn. R. 7044.0450). The four response action classes are defined as follows: Class A - Declared Emergency; Class B - Response Actions Completed and Operation and Maintenance/Long -Term Monitoring Ongoing; Class C - Response Actions Necessary or in Progress or First Year Operation and Maintenance at a Site; and Class D - Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies (RI/FS) Necessary or in Progress. In addition, the MDA is proposing to delete the following site from the PLP: Castle Rock Ground Water Contamination Site, Dakota County. The MDA has determined that either all MERLA Response Actions have been completed at this site or that the site does not pose a threat to public health or welfare or the environment. The MPCA and MDA invite members of the public to submit written comments on the proposed additions to and deletion from the State Superfund List. All written comments with regard to these proposed changes to the Superfund List must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on June 30, 2006. Written comments regarding the proposed MDA deletion should be submitted to: Robert Anderson, Incident Response Unit, Pesticide & Fertilizer Management Division, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, 625 Robert Street North, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 -2538. Written comments regarding the proposed MPCA additions to the Superfund List should be submitted to: Gary L. Krueger, Superfund & Emergency Response Section, Remediation Division, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 520 Lafayette Road North, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 -4194. Any interested person may submit a petition to the Commissioner of the MPCA requesting that the UTCA Citizens' Board make the decision on whether to adopt these changes. to the Superfund List that have been proposed by the MPCA and MDA. To be considered timely, the petition must be received by the MPCA contact person, Gary L. Krueger, by 4:30 p.m. on June 30, 2006. The decision whether to adopt these proposed changes to the Superfund List will be made by the MPCA Citizens' Board if (1) the MPCA Commissioner grants the petition requesting the matter to be presented to the MPCA Citizens' Board; or (2) a MPCA Citizens' Board member requests to hear the matter prior to'the time the MPCA Commissioner makes a final decision on the proposed changes to the Superfund List. All written comments received by the above deadline will be considered by the MPCA and MDA in establishing the updated State Superfund List. Sheryl A. Corrigan, Commissioner Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Gene Hugoson, Commissioner Minnesota Department of Agriculture 5 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Wayne Houle, PE� City Engineer Date: June 20, 2006 Subject: SAFETEA -LU Transit for Livable Communities — Bike/Walk Program Info /Background: Agenda Item Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends Action ❑ To HRA ❑ To Council ❑Motion ❑Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion At the June 6, City Council meeting Council directed staff to research possible grants for bikeways within Edina. Staff has researched what is currently available and what is in process. As of this time there are no current grants available, however Edina may qualify for future funding through the SAFETEA -LU Transit for Livable Communities Bike/Walk Program. As of this time, neither one of the possible programs (see attached memo and handouts from Steve Lillehaug) have established a process for qualifying for these grants. Staff will continue to monitor the programs and alert the Council when these programs become available for application. DATE: June 15, 2006 MEMORANDUM CITY OF EDINA TO: Wayne Houle, City Engineer FROM: Sj- Steve Lillehaug, Assistant City Engineer SUBJECT: SAFETEA -LU Transit for Livable Communities - Bike/Walk Program Under the SAFETEA -LU (Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users) transportation bill, the federal government designated $25 million in funding to Minneapolis (one of four communities nationwide) for a pilot bike /walk program. The federal guidelines for this program stipulate that the money will go to Minneapolis with consideration for connections to adjoining communities - Edina may qualify to compete for this funding. Transit for Livable Communities (TLC) will be the entity that carries out the program locally. TLC staff has indicated that they are currently pursuing measures to formulate a Request for Proposals for this program and will be assembling an advisory committee in the coming months. City of Edina staff has requested to be included on the contact/notification list for this program. Progress updates will be presented to the City Council in the upcoming months. Please see the attached update provided by TLC and printout of the TLC web page for this program. G:\ Engineering \Infrastructure\ Stn: ets\ MNDOT \SAFETEA_LU\TLC-2006 \6- 15-08_Memo to Council- 2006TMdoc TLC Launches Walking and Bicycling Program Transit for Livable Communities has been given the green light to proceed with a $25 million 4 -year federal pilot program intended to help people reduce their dependency on automobiles by improving conditions for walking and bicycling. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) announced on June 1, 2006 that TLC's Work Plan for this innovative program was formally approved. 'We are pleased to be able to make these funds available to TLC," said Tim Mitchell, FHWA transportation specialist. 'TLC has put together a very comprehensive plan and we're encouraged by its commitment to strong public involvement and making this a truly collaborative effort." The Non - motorized Transportation Pilot Project (NTP) was authorized by the Federal Government last August as part of the SAFETEA -LU transportation bill. The Minneapolis area is one of four communities designated to serve as a pilot in determining 'the extent to which bicycling and walking can cant' a significant part of the transportation load, and represent a major portion of the transportation solution." The other three pilot communities are Sheboygan, WI; Marin County, CA; and Columbia, MO. Only in Minnesota was an independent non- profit (TLC) designated to cant' out the program. Eligible Projects under the NTP • Network and project planning, assessments of current conditions • Construction plans, cost- estimates, permits • Safety projects to decrease bicycle and pedestrian crashes • Improved bicycle or pedestrian access to transit hubs • Infrastructure projects including bike lanes, pathways, sidewalks, bridges and tunnels • Striping, signing, signalization, bike racks, kiosks, showers and lockers. • Data collection to assess mode shift, environmental and health benefits associated with program • Education, promotion, communication, and outreach related to non - motorized transnortatinn. One component of TLC's work plan is Program Evaluation. TLC has been working closely with the FHWA and other pilot project communities to develop a methodology to evaluate and measure the success of this program. In September 2006 baseline travel survey data will be collected to establish how many trips are currently being made by bike or walking. This data will be compared to a "post - survey' to be conducted in September 2010 after program implementation. The law specifies that the communities document health benefits, energy conservation, pollution reduction and any modal shift away from driving to walking and bicycling. Using the language of the law, and subsequent interpretations by the FHWA the Work Plan also clarifies the kinds of projects that will be eligible for the federal funding, including the question of location. Funds can be used for education and promotion as well as for the building of facilities. The focus is on Minneapolis with consideration for connections from adjoining communities. The funds are available until expended, require no match and cannot be used for other purposes. Project Advisory Committee and first round of funding A Project Research and Advisory Committee will advise the TLC Board of Directors on which projects to fund, rating proposals on the basis of their ability to induce a shift from driving to walking and bicycling. It is anticipated that a project solicitation process will be announced later this summer with projects selected for funding in early 2007. Much of the focus in 2006 will be on assessing the existing conditions and determining where the greatest needs are. Some low -cost improvements will be advocated and funded before larger sums are released. Steve Clark to lead TLC's bicycling and walking program. In March, Transit for Livable Communities hired Steve Clark to be the Program Manager for the new bike -walk program. Steve's primary responsibility includes implementation of the Non - Motorized Transportation Pilot Project. Steve has a strong background in bicycling and walking. Steve was the first manager of the bicycling and walking program in Boulder Colorado, he is a past president of the League of American Bicyclists, and he oversaw development of the northern portion of the Ice Age trail in Wisconsin. Steve has also written bike /pedestrian plans for a number of US cities. If you have questions about the Non - motorized Transportation Program please contact Steve (stevec@ticminnesota.org) or 651 - 767 -0298. Transit for Livable Communities JL r.Z HOME Non- Motorized Transportation Pilot Program Update ABOUT TLC (April 2006) CALENDAR TLC hires Steve Clark TRANSPORTATION CHOICES NETWORK Transit for Livable Communities has hired Steve Clark to be the Program Manager for our new bike -walk program. Steve's primary responsibility includes ALTERNATIVES implementation of the Non - Motorized Transportation Pilot Project. Steve has a TO DRIVING; strong background in bicycling and walking. Steve was the first manager of the Bus bicycling and walking program in Boulder Colorado, he is a past president of the Rail League of American Bicyclists, and he oversaw development of the northern Walking g portion of the Ice Age trail in Wisconsin. Steve has also written bike /pedestrian plans for a number of US cities. Biking BENEFITS q1 Program Status OF TRANSIT Health TLC is working on several key administrative tasks including development of a Funding g project work plan and budget for submittal to the Federal Highway Administration Ecanomic Devleu me and MnDOT, information gathering in conjunction with the other three pilot Safe Y communities on measurement and evaluation, exploration of a fiscal agency relationship with a local government entity, and continued evaluation of best Land Use practices in bicycling and walking. Due to federal funding cuts and obligation Congestion limits, TLC and the other pilot communities have been informed that the first TRANSIT LINKS year funding for the pilot communities will be $5.3 million for 2006 rather than the $6.25 that had been authorized in SAFETEA -LU. Contact Us: 626 Selby Avenue National Bike Summit Saint Paul, MN 55104 (651) 767 -0298 Fax: (651) 221 -9831 TLC staff members Barb Thoman and Steve Clark joined a number of other tic @ticminnesota.org Minnesotans at the National Bike Summit in Washington DC last week. TLC, Marin County, and the City of Columbia Missouri all participated in a conference session about the pilot program. Thoman and Clark also met with members of the Minnesota Congressional delegation including Congressman Oberstar, staff from Congressman Sabo's and Congresswoman McCollum's offices, and key staff at the Federal Highway Administration charged with oversight of the pilot program. The League of American Bicyclists, the hosts of the National Bike Summit, held its annual awards reception for "bicycle- friendly communities" as part of the event. Forty -seven communities in the US have received special designation as a bicycle - friendly community with Davis, California being the only city with the highest designation - Platinum. Boulder, CO, Corvallis, OR, Palo Alto, CA, and Portland, OR all have a gold designation -- the second highest rating. Ten cities including Chicago have a silver designation and 31 cities are in the bronze category. No city in Minnesota has yet participated in the program which began in September 2002. For information on the awards program go to www.bikeleague.org Briefing with MnDOT Staff In late February, Lea Schuster and Barb Thoman, along with Tom Sorrel Minnesota Division Director at Federal Highway, and Connie Kozlak from the Metropolitan Council gave a short update on the status of the Non - Motorized Pilot Program to Commissioner Carol Molnau and her staff. Commissioner Molnau said the Page 1 of Transit for Livable Communities department is excited about the program and is looking forward to working with all the partners. MnDOT has assigned Bob Works to be the department's contact for the program. Oberstar Forum The annual Oberstar Forum (sponsored by the Center for Transportation Studies) held on April 10th focused on bicycle and pedestrian travel. The keynote speaker is Berthold Tillmann, the Mayor of Munster Germany, described how his city has achieved a bicycle mode share approaching 40 percent. TLC Executive Director, Lea Schuster participated in a panel discussion at the forum with the three other communities that have been awarded Non - Motorized Transportation Pilot Program grants. For more information see www.cts.umn.edu /oberstarforum Project Advisory Committee A project advisory committee (PAC) will be established to help guide the program and advise the TLC Board. The PAC will draft program guidelines and selection criteria, score project applications and help with program promotion and evaluation. A kick -off meeting of the PAC, with a special presentation on best practices and innovative projects, will held in May. TLC intends to keep the PAC to an efficient and manageable size. We will provide many opportunities for public participation in the development and implementation of the program. Contact Steve Clark if you are interested in learning more about the PAC. If you have questions about the Non - motorized Transportation Program please contact TLC Walking and Bicycling Program manager Steve Clark (stevec@ticminnesota.org). Page 2 of Page 1 of 1 Darlene Wallin From: Jennifer Bennerotte Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 4:41 PM To: Alice Hulbert; Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Linda Masica; scot.housh @willis.com Cc: Darlene Wallin; John Keprios Subject: FW: Bredesen Jennifer Bennerotte Communications & Marketing Director City of Edina 952 - 833 -9520 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 jennerotte@ci.edina.mn.us From: MatrixUSA @aol.com [ma i Ito: MatrixUSA @aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 2:54 PM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Subject: Bredesen Please forward this to the City Council members, the consultant hired by the Park Board for a needs assessment, and the Park Board Members I am strongly opposed to changing the use of Bredesen Park. I am aware a group of residents proposed building a nature building for educational purposes and other activities that, to me, are not compatible with a natural area. I have been using the trails 3 -4 times a week for over many years and like it just the way it is. There are many of us that like the quiet and serenity afforded by an undeveloped area within a few miles of our homes. I would be very sad if buildings and groups of students or party goers invaded Bredesen. I use the word invade because that is what it would feel like. Further, the cost of the proposal is too great, there is a nature education center in Richfield, and there are many places in town for gatherings. Please keep me informed if this proposal gets past the proposal stage so I can come to the Council meeting or Park Board meeting to speak against this. Sandy Fox 6/14/2006 Darlene Wallin crom: Jennifer Bennerotte ,ent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 8:36 AM ro: Alice Hulbert; Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Linda Masica; scot.housh @willis.com Cc: Darlene Wallin Subject: FW: Bredesen Park Jennifer Bennerotte Communications & Marketing Director City of Edina 952 - 833 -9520 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 jbennerotte @ci.edina.mn.us - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Catherine Mulholland [mailto:mulho002Qtc.umn.edu] Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 9:08 PM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Subject: Bredesen Park I believe it would be a big mistake to make a Nature Center in Bredesen Park. There are very little spaces of comparative wildness in the metropolitan area. We need those spaces to enjoy on our own. I hope you can rethink this project! Catherine Mulholland 6228 Oriole Lane Edina, MN 55436 1 Darlene Wallin 7rom: Jennifer Bennerotte ent: Friday, June 16, 2006 8:31 AM To: Alice Hulbert; Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Linda Masica; scot.housh @willis.com Cc: Darlene Wallin Subject: FW: Bredesen Park Jennifer Bennerotte Communications & Marketing Director City of Edina 952 - 833 -9520 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 jbennerotte @ci.edina.mn.us - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Nancy Wilbur [mailto:nlwilbur @yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 8:01 AM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Subject: Bredesen Park Dear Sirs: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't destroy the natural quiet at Bredesen Park by building there!!! The undeveloped nature of the park is what attracts those who go there. Thanks for taking my opinion into consideration. A Bredesen Walker, Nancy Wilbur .o You Yahoo!? Tired of Spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http: / /mail.yahoo.com 1 k� tL US - �Qat,n�w�- e�cf�sid far hCL � teO YV�edS vUlat g fly zeaIt VVai4,W -t-o ex+uldcd K41 +D ft-vj-t4A. *ealr 9evt�4e aj it"", upy. I �� w b �&t vr� • s Mr. Erik R. Ellingson 1 R _ 14 / vn ' —Lis /r �!7•,III/� /J�1 r, J IjII94 I EDINA PARK BOARD TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2006 7:00 P.M. EDINA COUNCIL CHAMBERS EDINA CITY HALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Andy Finsness, Gordon Roland, Mike Damman, Karla Sitek, Ray O'Connell, Jeff Johnson, George Klus MEMBERS ABSENT: Linda Presthus, Jeff Sorem, Mike Weiss, Todd Fronek, STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton, Ann Kattreh OTHERS PRESENT: Idelle Longman, Russ Fortner, Marcia Friedman, Sally Maenner, Fred Bertron, Julie Duckstad, Steve Halgren I. APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 11, 2006 PARK BOARD MINUTES Ray O'Connell MOVED TO APPROVE THE APRIL 11, 2006 PARK BOARD MINUTES. George Klus SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. H. YOUTH SPORTS TASKFORCE RECOMMENDATIONS Mr. Klus explained to the Park Board that the Edina Youth Sports Task Force has been a very long but good process. He noted there was a lot of healthy discussion and he feels what they have put together is a good representation of what they accomplished as a task force. Mr. Klus stated that he would like to thank the task force members: Tom Asp, Mary Brindle, Steve Dove, Russ Fortner, Molly Friedemann, Keith Harmon, Lynne Morishita, Karla Sitek and Michael Weiss. He noted that these are good people within the community who gave up a lot of their time to spend on this and therefore, we owe them a great sense of gratitude. He noted that he would like to thank all of the community members and associations who also gave of their time to give their input. In addition, he would like to thank the staff who were at every meeting and put a lot of their staff time into this to help direct them when they needed some direction. Mr. Klus indicated that after the power point presentation he would hope that the Park Board would pass a motion to approve the two documents: the Relationship Document and the Core Values and Community Strategy Document, on to the City Council. Mr. Klus gave a power point presentation (see attached). Mr. Klus stated that there was great attendance and feedback from both the public and the athletic associations. He pointed out that the task force had a good mix of people who have been involved with boys and girls different sports. In addition, some of them have served on the boards of the athletic associations and some gave good insight by going back 20 to 30 years in the community. Mr. Klus noted that the community did show a real interest in this and commented that at the end of every task force meeting there was public testimony. Mr. Klus stated that the task force realizes that not everyone is going to agree with this or be happy with it, nor should they expect everyone to agree and be happy with it. He stressed that they are not in the business of running the athletic associations, they don't want to do that. Therefore, they have left enough doors open for them to set their own policies and do their own things. The main idea is they want everyone to understand that this is what the community stands for. Mr. Johnson asked if the task force thought about using the word "fair" instead of "equitable" under the Recommended Guidelines, number one. Mr. Klus explained that the task force did have a lengthy discussion regarding that. He noted that they felt that by using the word "equitable" they want to make sure that the associations are treating the kids fairly. The task force is not necessarily interested in making sure that everyone gets equal playing time, they just ask that they be fair. He commented that they definitely debated it but in the end felt "equitable" better handled what they are trying to do. Mr. Johnson commented that in regards to the Relationship Document, number eight if you read Ms. Presthus letter she states that she would like to see the word "mandate" replaced with "requires ". He noted that he also agrees the word "requires" is more appropriate. Mr. Klus responded that the task force did talk about that but in the end still felt that "mandate" was the better word to use. He explained that they are not telling the athletic associations how often they do mandate checks, they just want to make sure that background checks are done on everyone who has access to Edina's youth. Mr. Finsness asked Mr. Johnson if he thinks there is a big difference between the "mandate" and "requires" or is it that he just feels it's a nicer word. Mr. Johnson replied that he does think "requires" sounds nicer but that there is not a major problem with it. Mr. Johnson stated that he thinks the task force spent a lot of time on this and did a nice job, which he truly appreciates. However, his only other concern is with the ad hoc grievance committee. He explained that he is a hockey coach with the Edina Hockey Association (EHA) and what worries them is someone may read something into this document and say they are going to take their grievance past the association and staff level and go directly to ad hoc grievance committee. He commented that his concern is the ad hoc committee is made up of people who don't know anything about the procedures of EHA, thus they are going to make a decision based on not knowing what EHA has gone through or what they need to do. Mr. Klus explained that if a grievance leaves the association it would then go on to the staff level. He indicated that personally he would hope that most things would be settled at the staff level. However, if they are not, it's up to staff to make sure that when they put together an ad hoc committee that 2 they educate the committee on everything that has happened. Mr. Klus stressed that he has faith that staff will make sure that it's fair if it goes that far. He stated that the task force feels that the best way to do that is with presidents from other associations because they understand what it takes to run an association. Mr. Finsness asked if everyone on the task force was happy with the end result to which Mr. Klus replied that he thinks everyone was satisfied. Mr. Klus commented that everyone compromised somewhat and therefore they were able to come up with the most fair and best document they could. He noted that he thinks the task force was pleased that they were able to have a great starting point that can be evaluated and looked at by the Park Board once a year. He explained that they would like to get it out there and tested and if changes need to be made he thinks the Park Board would do a good job. Russ Fortner, Edina Youth Sports Task Force Member, indicated that as everyone knows their biggest problem isn't the kids, it's the parents. If a parent is upset they'll take their grievance as far as they can and at least now they have something for everyone to look at and be aware of Mr. Fortner thanked everyone on the task force and on behalf of the task force thanked Mr. Klus for all of the time and effort he put into leading this. Mr. O'Connell stated that this it is such a good product and asked how it would be distributed. Mr. Klus replied that once it's passed by the Park Board it's up to staff to get the word out to the associations because that is part of their relationship with the associations. Mr. Finsness asked how many grievances are there typically in one year based on what's happened in the past to which Mr. Keprios replied that they average between one and two a year. However, that depends on what is qualified as a grievance. He explained that Mr. MacHolda fields phone calls almost on a daily basis, which he does a wonderful job facilitating through diplomacy and problem solving as do all of his staff. Mr. Keprios pointed out that most grievances are solved at the staff level. Mr. Keprios also pointed out two locations in the Relationship Document that refers to the Core Values Document as a "resolution." Mr. Keprios stated he will make that correction on the Relationship Document. Mr. Finsness, on behalf of the Park Board, thanked Mr. Klus for his time, passion and leadership in carrying this forward. Ray O'Connell MOVED TO APPROVE THE YOUTH SPORTS TASKFORCE RECOMMENDATIONS TO ADOPT THE YOUTH SPORTS CORE VALUES AND COMMUNITY STRATEGY AND ADOPT THE RELATIONSHIP DOCUMENT WITH THE CORRECTIONS AS POINTED OUT BY MR. KEPRIOS George Klus SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3 III. RECEIVE PETITION — ARDEN PARK HOCKEY RINK OFF -LEASH DOG AREA PROPOSAL Mr. Finsness indicated that, per Sally Maenner's, Edina Resident, request and petition to allow Arden Park Hockey Rink to be used as an off -leash dog area, Mr. Keprios is recommending that the Park Board consider asking questions regarding this in the upcoming needs assessment survey. He noted that this way they would be able to get statistical data that measures the level of community need and support for the concept. Mr. Keprios stated that perhaps Ms. Maenner could be part of a focus group as part of the needs assessment process to come up with some ideas to create more off -leash dog areas in the Edina hockey rinks as opposed to establishing just one hockey rink as an off -leash dog area. He noted that he senses they are going to need a little more community support than just the one petition because it is a much bigger issue than one hockey rink. Mr. Johnson commented that he likes the idea. Ms. Maenner noted that she lives on Woodcrest Drive, which is pretty close to Arden Park, and the one thing that was most enlightening to her is how a lot of people who live adjacent to the park feel that it sort of becomes their backyard. She indicated that she met with two people who were absolutely emphatic that this would never happen to which she was very surprised. She commented that she doesn't believe there is anywhere in Edina where she can throw a ball on a public piece of land and not have the animal control officer chase her down. Ms. Maenner stated that she thinks there's a fear with some of the neighbors who are strongly opposed to this that it would become a huge draw to which she doesn't think that would be the case. She explained that for the last three years people have been using the hockey rink as a dog training area with absolutely no problems. However, during the last six months some neighbors have become quite upset and that's when the crackdown started. She added that she appreciates anything the Park Board can do and added that she would be happy to be part of a task force. Mr. Damman asked Mr. Keprios if he was able to talk to Eden Prairie's Park Director regarding their use of hockey rinks as off -leash dog areas. Mr. Keprios replied that he did meet with Bob Lambert, Eden Prairie's Park Director, and they did visit Eden Prairie's various off -leash dog sites. He noted that he found it very interesting that during the middle of the day, when most people are at work, there were dogs and their owners at every single site. He commented that Eden Prairie Park Director Bob Lambert feels that using four of their outdoor hockey rinks as off -leash dog areas has been very successful. Jeff Johnson MOVED THAT THE CONCEPT OF USING OUR OUTDOOR HOCKEY RINKS AS OFF -LEASH DOG AREAS BE PLACED ON THE UPCOMING NEEDS ASSESSMENT SURVEY. Karla Sitek SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4 i IV. POINT DRIVE PARK PROPERTY Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that in their packet there should be two maps of the property in question. He explained that the question at hand is would the city be willing to relinquish this property back to the State of Minnesota and after a lengthy process it would be given back to the City or County to sell it directly to the person who wants to buy it. He pointed out that it can happen that way if the Park Board makes a recommendation worded in that way to which it would then go on to the City Council. Therefore, the long and the short of it is the city would give the property back to the State of Minnesota with the caveat that it only be sold to the person who's interested in purchasing the property . Mr. Keprios pointed out that in his letter exchange from the other property owner, who lives next to this piece of property, the other party is not interested in acquiring it and would support their neighbor acquiring the property. Mr. Keprios explained that what would happen is the property owner would pay the back taxes that are due as part of the purchase of the property. Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that, from the City's standpoint, it's listed as for park purposes only; however, in his view it doesn't really serve any park purposes. He noted that there is no public access to the small parcel of land other than via the lake. Therefore, his recommendation to the Park Board is to do what has been requested. Mr. Keprios commented that if anything, he views it as a liability for the city. Ray O'Connell MOVED THAT THE PARK BOARD RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE CITY CONVEY THE TAX FORFEITED PROPERTY BACK TO THE STATE OF MINNESOTA WITH THE CAVEAT THAT THE PROPERTY MUST BE SOLD TO THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF 6704 POINT DRIVE WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT ULTIMATELY THE CITY OR COUNTY WILL OFFER THE LAND FOR SALE TO THE ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS WHO WILL THEN PAY ANY TAXES OWED ON THE PROPERTY. Jeff Johnson SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. V. ADVERTISING AGREEMENT — EDINBOROUGH PARK Ann Kattreh, Assistant Manager of Edinborough Park, informed the Park Board that since September of 2003, when they started charging for the lower level in the Great Hall, they have had an inflatable jumper which takes up half of the area. She noted that it has been a phenomenally popular attraction to the Park and gets used daily from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Ms. Kattreh indicated that their jumper has lasted for a couple of years and even though they've made several repairs they have actually been very pleased. She explained that they have gone through a couple of blowers but the original jumper fmally went down about a month ago. Therefore, they have been contracting with a company that rents jumpers for special events, etc. who approached her with the idea of giving them a �1 jumper free of charge in lieu of advertising on the jumper. There would be a small sign on the jumper that would say sponsored by Magic Bounce with their phone number and business cards. She noted that the company has dozens of jumpers that come in all different shapes and sizes to which she can go onto their website and pick out any jumper at any time. She stated that, in addition, he would also be willing to bring over any huge slide jumpers and obstacle jumpers for special events free of charge. Ms. Kattreh pointed out that if they were to purchase a jumper it would cost approximately $2,000 to which they would get about two years use out of it. She added that a blower for the jumper costs approximately $500.00. She stated that in the previous jumper they probably put $500.00 worth of repairs into it during those two years. Mr. Keprios explained that it is City policy that they are to deal with all of these advertising requests and sponsorship requests on a case by case basis, therefore, the Park Board has an opportunity to give their thoughts on the matter. Mr. Damman stated that it certainly sounds like a win, win to him. Mr. Johnson replied yes, they should do it. Jeff Johnson MOVED TO ACCEPT THE AGREEMENT FOR THE JUMPER, MAGIC BOUNCE INCORPORATED FREE JUMPER IN LIEU OF SOME ADVERTISING BANNER. Mike Damman SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. VI. ADVERTISING ON GYMNASIUM AND BRAEMAR ATHLETIC FIELD Mr. Keprios asked the Park Board whether or not they felt it would be appropriate to pursue advertising on the scoreboards for the two new gymnasiums and/or the athletic field at Braemar Park if they were unable to fund it through other means. He explained that he thinks there is a good likelihood that with the gymnasiums they'll be able to cover everything through the bonding, however, he can't say that with 100% certainty. Mr. Keprios asked the Park Board how they would feel if they at least pursued getting some monies through advertising for the scoreboard at Braemar. He commented that he rather doubts they are going to get advertising dollars to pay for the whole thing, but at least it would help to cut off a chunk of it. Mr. O'Connell indicated that for years he's been trying to get Braemar Golf Course to use advertisers like many of the other golf courses do. However, John Valliere, the golf course manager, does not want advertising throughout the course. Mr. O'Connell commented that Edina needs money too and there are a lot of advertisers out there that would want to do this. He indicated that in this instance he would support using advertising for scoreboards as long as it's on city property or for city facilities. 6 Ray O'Connell MOVED THAT MR. KEPRIOS BE AUTHORIZED TO PURSUE THE ADVERTISING PANEL AS A SOURCE OF FUNDING FOR THE SCOREBOARDS. Karla Sitek SECONDED THE MOTION. Mr. Johnson noted that he's assuming there are currently policies in place of who we will and will not take because obviously there are current advertisers they cannot use. Mr. Keprios replied that they have the right to limit who they will allow to advertise, it needs to be appropriate. Mr. Finsness asked if there is a specific length of time that the advertisers would have to which Mr. Keprios replied that they would have a contract just like they currently do at the Courtney Ball Fields. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. VII. SCHOOL DISTRICT STORAGE BUILDING REQUEST FOR CREEK VALLEY PARK Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that he was just informed yesterday afternoon that the architect was not able to get a site plan done by the surveyor in time. Therefore, they do not have a specific site plan to be reviewed. Mr. Keprios asked that this be deferred to the June Park Board meeting. VIII. NEEDS ASSESSMENT SURVEY CONSULTING FIRMS' PROPOSALS Mr. Finsness informed the Park Board that the Needs Assessment Survey Ad Hoc Committee met at 6:00 pm tonight prior to the Park Board meeting. He indicated that they discussed the five requests for proposals. He stated that "Leisure Vision" is the company that everyone liked the most, and the Ad Hoc Committee unanimously recommends Leisure Vision. Mr. Johnson asked if cost wise they were all pretty comparable and Mr. Finsness replied they are. Mr. Finsness stated that quotes are between $13,000 and $20,000 to which Leisure Vision's quote is between $13,000 - $15,000 but that could be stepped up a little bit if they wanted some extra add on. He. commented that their budget is $19,000 so they are definitely in the ballpark. Mr. Keprios stated that what he thinks the Park Board is asking for is to empower Mr. Finsness and staff to come up with a contract package to go ahead with Leisure Vision. By consensus, the Park Board gave their approval to move forward with Leisure Vision and empower Mr. Keprios to negotiate a contract with assistance from the Ad Hoc Committee. 7 IX. PARK BOARD MEMBER PARK ASSIGNMENTS Mr. Finsness asked the Park Board to look over their park assignments and see if everything looks correct. He indicated that if anyone would like to exchange parks with other Park Board members to let Ms. Canton know. Ms. Canton will have the master copy and will see that it is displayed accurately on the website. Mr. Finsness stated that now is probably a good time of year to go into the parks and see what's going on and bring any feedback to future Park Board meetings. Ray O'Connell praised the letter that Mr. Keprios sent to Minnesota Vikings owner, Ziggy Wilf. On Ray's request, Mr. Keprios mailed a letter to Mr. Wilf to let him know that the City of Edina may be interested in acquiring the Minnesota Viking Winter Park property and facilities should the Vikings relocate to Blaine or other community. X. ADJOURNMENT Mike Damman MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:30 PM. Karla Sitek SECONDED THE MOTION. MEETING ADJOURNED. 8 Edina Youth Sports Task Force Final Recommendation Background • The Youth Sports Task force was created in response to residents concerns to address: • Priority access to public facilities • Determine the City's role and relationship as it relates to these programs • Mission of the Taskforce: The mission of the Edina Youth Sports is to define the roles and responsibilities of City staff, Park Board and City Council as it relates to Edina's independently incorporated youth athletic associations. Background cont. ■ Identify Issues and Concerns Cont... • There are too many scheduled programs for kids and not enough scheduled free time. • Access to participation. • There seems to be a need to educate the public on how athletic associations function. • What level of oversight and control should government have of youth athletic associations? • Do traveling team participants get more access to facilities? • What are other communities doing regarding these issues? • Is there an issue/serve the greater good • How and why did the Taskforce get formed and under what criteria were Taskforce members chosen? Introduction • Youth Sports are one Edina's greatest community strengths • Develop positive traits and life values in our youth • Teaches youth to abide by the rules, accept winning an losing, and respect authority figures • Research has shown that youth who participate in sports perform better in school and are less likely to partake in unhealthy activities Background cont. ■ Identify Issues and Concerns ■ On November 10, 2005 the task force invited the public to state issues and concerns they have regarding youth athletics • Public concerns appear to be different than the Taskforce mission statement • Is there a need for a youth sports oversight board? • What is an elite team? • Public money - resource allocation to private teams vs. different participant fees. • What is the government's role in dealing with over scheduled youth which results in a lack of family time? Background Cont. ■ Identified Issues and Concerns Cont... • What oversight venues are currently in place? • The biggest problem that should concern government is the current lack of public facilities. • What should be the role of the Park Board and City Council in providing an appropriate number of facilities? • What is the effect on a child when picking elite teams at a young age? • If the City is going to assume more control and oversight of youth athletic associations, then the City should provide more structure in the area of providing medical personnel at games, practices, and tournaments. Community Input ■ Public Hearing — General Public ■ December 8, 2005 ■ Public Hearing — Athletic Associations ■ January 12, 2006 ■ Public Testimony — Every Meeting Core Values Cont. 3. We believe that the most important underlying mission for every youth athletic association is to develop emotionally, socially, and physically healthy children; and 4. We believe that youth sports programs conducted under the right conditions are enormously beneficial for children; and 5. We recognize the need to ensure that Edina's youth athletic association programs provide athletic programs that are safe, positive, fun, physically and psychologically age - appropriate, educational, teaches values and ethics, strengthens the community, promotes competition without conflict, open to all residents of all abilities and should not be denied an opportunity to participate based on ability, offer a reasonable number of events, and are administered by qualified volunteers; and Core Values Cont. 9. We recognize the need to ensure that Edina's youth athletic associations form and advertise a formal grievance process by which residents are assured of an appropriate venue and process to hear their grievances in a manner that is open, fair, and just; and The City of Edina in a meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, recognize and encourage official implementation of this Community Strategy to improve the culture of youth sports for all participants. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS day of 2006. Signed: Mayor of Edina Recommendation Adoption of "Youth Sports Core Values and Community Strategy" 1. The City of Edina believes in the benefits and attraction of youth sports as a means to teach the children of this community values and skills that will be of benefit to them throughout life; and 2. We believe that Edina's youth athletic associations develop ftadamental internal and external assets for children by prong opportmities to develop positive character traits and life values where children can learn a multitude of important lessons and valuable fimdamentals, such as ethics, abiding by the rules, winning and losing with grace, coping with success and failme, always trying to do your best, respecting authority figures, learning about team work, developing fimdamental motor skills and sports specific knowledge; and Core Values Cont. 6. We believe that youth sports association league organizers and administrators must be educated on how to provide a safe, positive, and fun youth sports environment before being granted access to public facilities; and 7. We believe volunteer coaches and parents must receive orientation and education as to the individual roles and responsibilities in our community's effort to raise the standards of youth sports programs and that volunteer coaches and parents be held accountable for their behaviors; and 8. We believe it is necessary and desirable to establish guidelines, requirements and standards for youth sports associations utilizing public facilities; and Recommendation YOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION'S RELATIONSHIP WITH THE EDINA PARK BOARD AND THE PARK AND RECREATION STAFF (RELATIONSHIP DOCUMENT) The mission of the Edina Park and Recreation Department is to do our part in fiuther developing, preserving, and maintaining the City of Edina's parks, recreation programs, and resources as a premier and comprehensive park and recreation department in the Twin Cities area. This relationship document between the Edna Park and Recreation Department, Park Board, and with each association, establishes a common set of guidelines that are to be adopted by all athletic associations. The intent of these guidelines is to ensure that associations are mindful of the public's desire for positive and healthy athletic experiences for children and families in our community. Relationship Agreement Cont. The "Youth Sports Core Values and Community Strategy," established by the Edina Park Board in cooperation with the Edina Park and Recreation Department, is to be adopted by all associations. The Community Strategy defines the City's core values and philosophy in the delivery of the community's youth sports programs- 1. Edina Park and Recreation Department will provide facilities and fields for boys and girls at each age group within the association. 2. It is the City of Edma's view that the public is best served when there is only one independently incorporated youth athletic association per sport. The City of Edina also understands and supports that in some cases the public and volunteers are best served by having the traveling component of a particular sport administered by its own independent youth athletic association. Recommended Guidelines The Edina Park Board expects that all associations follow these mhdmal guidelines in the operation of their association: 1. All boys and girls have a fit, positive, safe, age - appropriate, educational experience that is open to all residents of all abilities, and receive equal opportunity to participate at whatever ability level they may play. 2. Boys and girls build good sportsmanship and character, learn to be a team member, learn to accept discipline; incorporate psychological and physical health. 3. Boys and girls, at each level of play, will receive basic fundamental and skill training in the sport in which they participate. Guidelines Cont. 8. The Park and Recreation Department mandates background checks on all individuals 18 8c older who serve as a coach, referee, and each person serving on the Board of Directors in any association. It is our intent to protect our children, families and the associations. 9. To ensure that the public has an open, fair and just process to handle grievances that are not resolved at the association board or staff level, the City of Edna will facilitate a grievance process. (See Appendix 1.1) This grievance process is not intended to deal with team assignment, coach assignment or tryout process grievances. 10. The Edna Park and Recreation Department shall establish minimum insurance requirements of each and every association that uses Ed na's public athletic facilities. This insurance shall provide for the protection of volunteers, associations, and the City of Edna. (referred to insurance consultant) Relationship Agreement cons. 3. The Edina Park and Recreation Department in cooperation with the Park Board will help each association plan, and provide safe and well maintained public athletic facilities to meet the youth sports programs, and give professional staff liaison services regarding the openation of their association, and offer appropriate clerical and administrative support services. 4. The Edina Park and Recreation Department shall act as a liaison between the associations and the Edina Park Board to assist associations in providing a well rounded and equitable program for all participants. Guidelines Cont. 4. Associations manage team schedules and provide equitable playing time for each level of competition within the age group. 5. Associations shall have a common code of conduct for players, coaches and parents. 6. Qualified citizen volunteers should serve in positions as Board of Directors. Board of Directors must have knowledge of the program/sport. Associations are encouraged to have open member elections to elect Board of Directors. 7. Edina Park and Recreation Department personnel shall attend at least semi - annually association board meetings. Department personnel shall be available and provide resource help to associations in training of coaches, operations, and other functions with which the association needs assistance. Guidelines Cont. 11. The Edina Park Board and Park and Recreation Department shall provide and review annually guidelines to be followed by all associations and users of facilities and gymnasiums in our community as to the priority use of the Edina School District's gymnasiums and facilities, and the Edina community, practice and game facilities. This is to assure a fair allocation of gymnasiums and facilities use for all participants, at all levels. 3 Guidelines Cont. It is imperative that all associations, coaches, board members, volunteers and parents understand and appreciate the positive experience that is desired for all participants in Edina youth sports. Therefore, the'Edina Park and Recreation Department and Park Board mandate that all new parents, volunteers, coaches, board members, etc., who participate in associations must read, understand and sign a copy of the relationship agreement and Core Values and Community Strategy. Signed copies of these documents will be kept on file with the association. Grievance Process Cont. The Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee will be made up of three association presidents who are not president of the association in question, plus two Park Board members. Those five individuals will hear the complaint and make recommendations to solve the grievance matter. If the Ad- Hoc Grievance Committee's recommendations do not satisfy the parties involved then the grievance will be referred to the Park Board for a final decision. The Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee will be formed only on an as needed basis to deal with issues on a case by case basis. Grievance Process Cont. Step #3: If the issue is unresolved at the staff level, then staff will assemble the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee to hear the complaint With staff assistance and input from the parties involved, the Ad- Hoc Grievance Committee will hear the complaint and make recommendations. It will be the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee's duty to determine whether or not the association has acted in a manner that is contrary to the City's philosophy and core values; and if so, make recommendations to correct the situation. It will not be the Ad- Hoc Grievance Committee's duty to micro - manage program decisions of Edina's youth athletic associations. Grievance Process The City of Edina demands that each youth athletic association must have in place a well-documented and publicized grievance process by which residents are assured of an appropriate venue and process to hear their grievances in a manner that is open, fair, and just. If the youth athletic association board grievance process does not resolve the issue, then the matter will be referred to Park and Recreation Department staff. If staff is unable to resolve the issue, the matter should then be referred to the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee. Grievance Process Cont. The following escalation shall be followed: Step # l: Follow the written grievance procedure as established and publicized for each youth athletic association. Step #2: If. in the complainant's view, the issue was not resolved in Step #1, then the complainant should contact Park and Recreation Department staff, who will do the following: A. Evaluate the complaint B. Determine and judge whether or not the issue can or should be resolved through diplomacy. If so, staff will facilitate a problem - solving process at the staff level with the appropriate community members and volunteers involved. Grievance Process Cont. Step #4: If the parties involved are still not satisfied with the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee's recommendations, the final step is to refer the matter to the Park Board for a final decision. Both parties must abide by the Park Board's decision or they could face sanctions. 4 Page 1 of 2 Darlene Wallin From: Jennifer Bennerotte Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 11:05 AM To: Alice Hulbert; Ann Swenson; Jim Hovland; Linda Masica; scot.housh @willis.com Cc: Darlene Wallin Subject: FW: "Tall buildings in wrong places" Jennifer Bennerotte Communications & Marketing Director City of Edina 952 - 833 -9520 FAX 952 - 826 -0390 jbennerotte @ci.edina.mn.us From: Dkolson613 @aol.com [mailto:Dkolson613 @aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 4:29 PM To: Jennifer Bennerotte Subject: 'Tall buildings in wrong places" To the City Council: Well, the City Council went and did it again. Yet, another "tall building in the wrong place" This time, one to be set down right in the middle of a beautiful park. The "famous majority -of- three" should have looked around a bit. If you start at the Radison Hotel and drive east on the freeway and you're looking for tall buildings you would have found they hug the freeway system. But the "famous- majority -of- three" broke this pattern big -time. Two tall buildings that will over -whelm the two respective neighbor- hoods. Very simply a very bad decision from the "famous- majority -of- three ". The tragedy begins when the developer comes in and removes all those beautiful blue spruce that surround the present building. Can you imagine the noise, the dirt and dust, the pollution, when they come in with their wrecking balls, graters, cranes and trucks that will be part of the park and the lake, probably for at least two years? I applaud Council- members Alice Hulbert and Linda Masica for their steadfast opposition to "tall buildings in the wrong place ". Thank you from me and I'm sure many people in our fair city. The box score reads: Big Business - 3 Good citizens of Edina - 2 Not anything to be proud of. Duaine Olson 7601 Edinborough Way 6/7/2006 v 40 1 ASSO[Iat1011 Of Metropolitan Municipalities DATE: June 9, 2006 TO: AMM Members FROM: Steve Larson, AMM President SUBJECT: 2006 AMM Policy Committees AMM is currently seeking volunteers to serve on our four summer policy committees— Housing & Economic Development, Metropolitan Agencies, Transportation & General Government and Municipal Revenues & Taxation. Enclosed you will find a description of each committee and a sign -up form. This is one time of year when AMM really depends on the active participation of all of our members. We need your involvement in order to develop strong, clear policy positions that will direct our work and represent your interests at the capitol and at the Met Council. To join your colleagues from other metro -area cities in serving on an AMM policy committee, simply return the enclosed form by July 5, 2006: If you have any questions, please call Laurie Jennings at (651) 215 -4000. NOTE: This bulletin was mailed to mayors, managers /administrators, councilmembers and individuals that served on our 2005 summer policy committees. However, all city employees, including fmance directors, community development and planning directors, and city engineers are welcome to participate. Therefore, we would appreciate it if you would route this information to these individuals. 145 University Avenue West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103 -2044 Telephone: (651) 215 -4000 Fax: (651) 281 -1299 E -mail: amm @amm145.org The following committees annually develop policy based on input from member city representatives. The committees submit their policy recommendations to the Board for review, modification and distribution to the general membership. The membership meets in November before each legislative session to debate and adopt the AMMpolicies. Metropolitan Agencies onsiders legislative issues and other policies related to the Met Council and metro agen- cies. It monitors the structure and relationship between the regional and local units of government and reviews amendments to the Metro Develop- ment Guide Policy Chapters. It has previously developed policy on land use planning, solid waste management and the Met Council selection process. It reviews the council's yearly budget and this year will monitor the policies and plans being developed to imple- ment the Growth Management plan. Municipal Revenues onsiders any matter concern ing city revenues, property taxes and city expenditures, including state aid formulas and dollars, levy limits, property tax assessments and fiscal disparities. Housing & Economic Development onsiders all issues related to economic development and housing, including affordable housing and activities of the metro HRA (Housing and Redevelopment Authority). It also reviews all amend- ments to the Met Council's Housing Guide Policy Chapter and develops policy dealing with economic develop- ment issues, HRAs, TIF (Tax Incre- ment Financing) and development authorities. Transportation & General Government onsiders all major issues related to air and surface transportation, including funding sources at all government levels, and issues which have impact on metropolitan area cities outside the scope of other AMM committees. AMM members of the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) and Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) are encour- aged to join, along with other city officials. This committee has developed policy on issues such as municipal consolidation, pensions, PELRA, comparable worth, data privacy, con- tractor licensing and local control/ authority. 1 ASSO(latlon of 'Association of Metropolitan Municipalities etro p olitan Policy Committee Sign -up Form for 2006 Municipalities Transportation & General Government—Chair Dave Osberg, Hastings Admr. Check box to sign up 15` 2° 3` 4 th Monday Monday Monday Monday July 24, 2006 August 14, 2006 August 28, 2006 September 18, 2006 St. Croix Room St. Croix Room St. Croix Room St. Croix Room 11:30 am - 1:30 pm 11:30 am -1:30 pm 11:30 am - 1:30 pm 1:00 — 3:00 p.m. Municipal Revenue &' Taxation —Chair Marcia Glick, Robbinsdale —City Mgr. Check box to sign up I' 2° 3` 4 th Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday July 25, 2006 August 15, 2006 August 29, 2006 September 19, 2006 St. Croix Room St. Croix Room St. Croix Room St. Croix Room 11:30 am — 1:30 pm 11:30 am — 1:30 pm 11:30 am — 1:30 pm 11:30 am — 1:30 prn Metropolitan Agencies —Chair Anne Hurlburt, Plymouth - -Comm. Dev. Dir. Check box to sign up 15` 2° 3` 4 th Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday -July 26, 2006 August 16, 2006 - August 30, 2006 September 20, 2006 St. Croix Room St Croix Room St. Croix Room St. Croix Room 11:30 am — 1:30 pm 11:30 am — 1:30 pm 11:30 am — 1:30 pm 9:30 — 11:30 a.m. Housing and Economic Development —Chair Jan Callison, Minnetonka Mayor Check box to si2 up 15f 2" 3` 4 tb Thursday (Friday) Thursday Thursday July 27, 2006 August 18, `06 August 31, 2006 September 14, 2006 St. Croix Room Blue Mound Room St. Croix Room Blue Mound Room 11:30 am— 1:30 p.m. 10:30 am - 12:30 pm 11:30 am— 1:30 p.m. 12:30 — 2:30 p.m. Name: Title: City: Address: Phone: Email: _ssues which should be studied: Fax: updates and meeting reminders will be emailed Please mail or fax completed form to: Attn: Laurie Jennings, AMM 145 University Ave W, St. Paul, MN 55103. Fax: 651 - 281 -1299 Phone: 651 - 215 -4000 MINUTES APRIL 19, 2006 EDINA RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE COMMISISON COMMUNITY CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Bill Bryan, Inna Hays, Marley Hanson, Kathy Frey, and Diane Plunkett- Latham MEMBERS ABSENT: Tim Brownell STAFF PRESENT: Solvei Wilmot, Recycling Coordinator CALL TO ORDER Bill Bryan, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:05 a.m. MINUTES Ms. Hays, MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE MARCH 15, 2006, MEETING. Ms. Hanson SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. VOLUNTEER AWARD Allied Waste is sponsoring the representatives from Project Earth that are being honored at the Volunteer Award Reception. Commission members thanked Allied Waste for their contribution. COUNCIL WORKSHOP IN MAY Ms. Plunket- Latham MOVED TO WITHDRAW WORKSHOP APPOINTMENT DUE TO THE LIMITED PUBLIC INVOLVMENT WITH WORKSHOP MEETINGS. No Second. Members discussed issues to present to City Council at the workshop. RECYCLING SCHOLARSHIP There are four applications from students seeking one of the two $500 scholarships. Commission members were asked to review the applications, prioritize their preference, and then report the choices to Ms. Wilmot. She will then contact the Edina Education Fund with the selections. Commission members thanked Allied Waste for the $1,000 contribution to the Edina Foundation which is used to fund the scholarship program. OTHER BUSINESS • Ms. Plunkett- Latham expressed concern about the possibility of more haulers seeking a license to work in Edina should garbage be allowed at the curb. Ms. Wilmot commented that other communities which have open hauling do not have an extraordinary amount of licenses. Ms. Plunkett- Latham inquired if a limit on the number of licensed issued could be established. Ms. Wilmot will follow -up. • Members discussed the impact a different set -out location for garbage would have on a small hauler. • Mr. Hirstein from Allied Waste reported that revenue sharing for recycled commodities during the period of July to December, 2005, was $39,695. • Ms. Plunkett- Latham asked about recycling collection in the parks. Ms. Wilmot will follow -up. a1)[01I1s150-MOng Ms. Hays MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Ms. Frey SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. 8:40 a.m. Respectfully Submitted, Solvei Wilmot Smirnof F Ice, Mike's provide f Idvored 'mdlterndtives' for summer drink With summer fast approaching, people are always looking for something cool and refreshing. Beer has always been the old standby, but over the last ' Sri few years "malternative" beverages have taken a bite out of beer sales. The term "malternative" is a reduction of the phrase malt alternative, and it implies that these drinks are meant to be an alternative to that slightly more famous category of malt -based beverages: beer. Malternatives have been a near -fad since the early 2001 release of Smirnoff Ice. Wine coolers are now in the malternative category as they no longer are made with wine. Wine is more expensive to use than a malt -based process. Two of the more popular types of malt beverages are Smirnoff Twisted with eight different flavors and Mike's Hard Lemonade with six different flavors. These products are crisp, clean and very refreshing, and lightly carbonated with no lingering aftertaste like regular beer. Give one a try this summer, you'll be surprised by how good it tastes. i By Steve Grausam, Liquor Operations Director i Tops with Tomko ^ Looking for a great hostess or Voga Pinot Grigio, 750ml, a fast - last- minute birthday gift? Give a growing label in the world of DaveTomko memorable gift from Edina Liquor Italian Pinot Grigio. The brand has Assistant with one of Dave Tomko's picks captured a lot of attention with Store Manager for summer: the signature bottle shaped like Chalone Pinot Noir, 750 ml, a giant shampoo or perfume a solid Pinot at a very nice price, bottle, $9.99 $14.99 Peels Blueberry Pomegranate, Cline Viognier, 750 ml, loaded with 4 pack, blending dark blueberries exotic melon, flower and spicy with pomegranate is "smart and notes, $10.99 sassy with a taste you won't forget," $5.49 Ochoa Garnacha Rose, 750ml, very deep color with firm tannins Dave Tomko is Assistant Manager and ripe, almost candied plum of Edina Liquor - Southdale. and cherry flavors, $10.99 L,ii Blends, table wines are perfect for summer picnics, gatherings Summer is here! As Minnesotans, we can finally get outside and enjoy our decks and patios. There is nothing better than a day on the deck or on the blanket in the grass with a chilled glass of white wine. What white wine should you choose for your picnic or other outdoor gathering? What will please your friends, neighbors and guests? Think crisp, clean and easy to drink: white wines to please the masses. Two general crowd - pleasers are Pinot Grigio and Sauvignon Blanc. However, there are many new blends and table wines that are fun and affordable! Try blends such as Pine Ridge Chenin/ Viognier or Cline Pinot Grigio /Chardonnay. Table white blends include labels such as Whitetruck, Menage a Trois White and Conundrum. All are excellent and some come with a screw cap for easy outdoor access. Whatever your style or need, come in and see us. We will be happy to recommend our favorites and find the right wines to please you and your guests. i By Greg Keehr, Assistant Liquor Operations Director and Manager of Edina Liquor - Grandview f M 0 ✓. EDINAS 'LIQUOR 6755 York Avenue South Edina, MN 55435 www.EdinaLiquor.com 'iepads yluow- ayl- ;o -auim ayl io; pasn aq louue3 uodnoD j vaA!6 aq pim siuno3sip jay11n; ou pue palda»e aq jpm sa!do:)oloyd ON '90-L£-L 01 90-LO-L PIIeA ! i i i i �ue18 uou6 -IAneS jo 0161,19 Iould Io ailloq al6uls a IIo %OZ H0C1 I- It.VNIa3 aY ..--- - -.... --- - -- --- - -- - -- --- - - ---- ------ - - - --- --- - - - --- - - --- - --- --- - --- - - - - - - - -- - - a 'jepads yluow- aye- ;o -auim ay1 io; pasn aq ;ouueD uodno:) j ,uaA!6 aq ipm slunom!p iayljn; ou pue palda»e aq iym sa!do)oloyd ON 90-OE-9 019()- LO-9 PIIeA •(AjaljeA Aue) apeuOwa3 paeH s,al!VY ao ail Iloa!uiS Io a6eped aa6jel ao ped -xis a IIo %0 L 2i0C1ZSI1 ;.VNIa9 "yA i Steve Grausam Liquor Operations Director Red wines are good for barbeques Warm weather and barbeques go hand -in -hand. At this time of year, customers are always asking, "What kind of red wine should I bring to a barbeque ?" In my opinion, the best red wines for a barbeque are Red Zinfandel and Pinot Noir. L SStr-8Z6 -Z L9 VZVSS NW 'eU1p3 ;S gjOS M Et,6E spun j of jxau — awea j I y30S SSSb -8Z6 -Z L9 SE17SS NW'eUlp3 .S •any JJ0,k SSL9 spoo3 qnD 01 lxau - aleP41noS 99Str-8Z6 -Z L9 9EVSS NW 'eUIP3 •S •any uouaaA E LOS spoo3 s Aaaar aeau - mampueaO SNOUV301 £ Manager's Column Pinot Noir is my other choice. It is a very food - friendly wine that goes with red meat, white meat and fish. Try a bottle of Estancia Pinot with grilled salmon or Mark West Pinot with grilled chicken. You will not be disappointed. 4 A couple of Zins that you should try are Steve Grausam is Liquor Operations Director. Ravenswood Vintners Blend and Cline Cali- He can be reached by sending an e -mail to fornia Zinfandel. Both are great with sgrousam @ci.edina.mn.us. ribs and burgers. They have great fruit Flavors and a little pepper spice on the finish and generally sell for under $10. The following story was published on Thomson ONE: - Asoux lls I P EiS RFLEA1141- 1 PurLZCATI4N5. I85uE I L AKA -1 _ EVawr PNarce PRESS RELEASES MEDIA RELEASE For Immediate Release April 28, 2004 "Government Should Not Direct the Practice of Medicine," Say Panel of MN Physicians and Business Owners (St. Paul, Minnesota) - To counter the support of the Minnesota Medical Association and the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce for "best practices" health care legislation, Citizens' Council on Health Care (CCHC) brought together a panel of 4 physicians and 3 business owners today to discuss the issue with the news media: Dr. Paul Bearmon, MD • Mel Brandl, owner, Printmaster • Dr. Steve Brzica, MD • Dr. Dale Hammerschmidt, MD • Dr. Spencer Johnson, MD • Harold Hamilton, owner, Micro Control Company • William Wenmark, owner, Now Care Medical Centers "Government Will Tell Doctors How to Practice Medicine" was the heading of a large display board that listed and described government actions authorized by the House and Senate Health and Human Services Omnibus bills, HF 1681 and SF 1760: • Impose Bias • Collaborate with HMOs • Practice Medicine • Violate Privacy • Coerce Doctors • Control Doctors • Penalize Non - Compliance "If the proposed legislation becomes law, state government will be empowered to direct patient care -quite simply, to, disease by disease, tell your doctors how to practice medicine," said Twila Brase, president of CCHC. "The doctor - patient relationship will be done. The doctor - bureaucrat relationship will begin," said Dr. Steve Brzica, MD, anesthesiologist at Fairview Southdale Hospital. "If we're going to use a cookbook approach, perhaps we should computerize the process and eliminate doctors," said Harold Hamilton, tongue -in- cheek. Hamilton, owner of Micro Control Company, noted that individual doctors do better than bureaucracies in determining what is best for patients. The Health and Human Services omnibus bills which contain the "best practices" proposal have passed both the House and Senate and await conference committee action. The Governor signaled his support for the proposal in his State of the State address, saying his administration will "force health care providers to use best practices." "This is a dangerous proposal, yet there has been virtually no public debate about it. The public must be informed about this proposal before the legislature requires their doctors to work for government first and patients second," For information on Thomson ONE go to www.thomson.com /financial Edina Youth Sports Task Force Final Recommendation Background • The Youth Sports Task force was created in response to residents concerns to address: • Priority access to public facilities • Determine the City's role and relationship as it relates to these programs • Mission of the Taskforce: The mission of the Edina Youth Sports is to define the roles and responsibilities of City staff, Park Board and City Council as it relates to Edina's independently incorporated youth athletic associations. Background cont. ■ Identify Issues and Concerns Cont... • There are too many scheduled programs for kids and not enough scheduled free time. • Access to participation. • There seems to be a need to educate the public on how athletic associations function. • What level of oversight and control should government have of youth athletic associations? • Do traveling team participants get more access to facilities? • What are other communities doing regarding these issues? • Is there an issue/serve the greater good • How and why did the Taskforce get formed and under what criteria were Taskforce members chosen? Introduction • Youth Sports are one Edina's greatest community strengths • Develop positive traits and life values in our youth • Teaches youth to abide by the rules, accept winning an losing, and respect authority figures • Research has shown that youth who participate in sports perform better in school and are less likely to partake in unhealthy activities Background cont. ■ Identify Issues and Concerns ■ On November 10, 2005 the task force invited the public to state issues and concerns they have regarding youth athletics • Public concerns appear to be different than the Taskforce mission statement. • Is there a need for a youth spoor oversight board? • What is an elite team? • Public money - resource allocation to private teams vs. different participant fees. • What is the government's role in dealing with over scheduled youth which results in a lack of family time? Background Cont. ■ Identified Issues and Concerns Cont • What oversight venues are currently in place? • The biggest problem that should concern government is the current lack of public facilities. • What should be the role of the Park Board and City Council in providing an appropriate number of facilities? • What is the effect on a child when picking elite teams at a young age? • If the City is going to assume more control and oversight of youth athletic associations, then the City should provide more structure in the area of providing medical personnel at games, practices, and tournaments. Community Input ■ Public Hearing — General Public ■ December 8, 2005 ■ Public Hearing — Athletic Associations ■ January 12, 2006 ■ Public Testimony — Every Meeting Core Values Cont. 3. We believe that the most important underlying mission for every youth athletic association is to develop emotionally, socially, and physically healthy children; and 4. We believe that youth sports programs conducted under the right conditions are enormously beneficial for children; and 5. We recognize the need to ensure that Edina's youth athletic association programs provide athletic programs that are safe, positive, fun, physically and psychologically age - appropriate, educational, teaches values and ethics, strengthens the community, promotes competition without conflict, open to all residents of all abilities and should not be denied an opportunity to participate based on ability, offer a reasonable number of events, and are administered by qualified volunteers; and Core Values Cont. 9. We recognize the need to ensure that Edina's youth athletic associations form and advertise a formal grievance process by which residents are assured of an appropriate venue and process to hear their grievances in a manner that is open, fair, and just; and The City of Edina in a meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, recognize and encourage official implementation of this Community Strategy to improve the culture of youth sports for all participants. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS day of 2006. Signed: Mayor of Edina Recommendation Adoption of "Youth Sports Core Values and Community Strategy" 1. The City of Edina believes in the benefits and attraction of youth sports as a means to teach the children of this community values and skills that will be of benefit to them throughout life; and 2. We believe that Edina's youth athletic associations develop fundamental internal and external assets for children by providing opportunities to develop positive character traits and life values where children can learn a multitude of important lessons and valuable fundamentals, such as ethics, abiding by the rules, winning and losing with grace, coping with success and failure, always trying to do your best, respecting authority figures, learning about team work, developing fundamental motor skills and sports specific knowledge; and Core Values Cont. 6. We believe that youth sports association league organizers and administrators must be educated on how to provide a safe, positive, and fun youth sports environment before being granted access to public facilities; and 7. We believe volunteer coaches and parents must receive orientation and education as to the individual roles and responsibilities in our community's effort to raise the standards of youth sports programs and that volunteer coaches and parents be held accountable for their behaviors; and 8. We believe it is necessary and desirable to establish guidelines, requirements and standards for youth sports associations utilizing public facilities; and Recommendation YOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION'S RELATIONSHIP WITH THE EDINA PARK BOARD AND THE PARK AND RECREATION STAFF (RELATIONSHIP DOCUMENT) The mission of the Edina Park and Recreation Department is to do our part in further developing, preserving, and maintaining the City of Edina's parks, recreation programs, and resources as a premier and comprehensive park and recreation department in the Twin Cities area. This relationship document between the Edina Park and Recreation Department, Park Board, and with each association, establishes a common set of guidelines that are to be adopted by all athletic associations. The intent of these guidelines is to ensure that associations are mindful of the public's desire for positive and healthy athletic experiences for children and families in our community. Relationship Agreement Cont. The "Youth Sports Core Values and Community Strategy," established by the Edna Park Board in cooperation with the Edina Park and Recreation Department, is to be adopted by all associations. The Community Strategy defines the City's core values and philosophy in the delivery of the community's youth sports programs. 1. Edna Park and Recreation Department will provide facilities and fields for boys and girls at each age group within the association. 2. It is the City of Edina's view that the public is best served when there is only one independently incorporated youth athletic association per sport. The City of Edina also understands and supports that in some cases the public and volunteers are best served by having the traveling component of a particular sport administered by its own independent youth athletic association. Recommended Guidelines The Edina Park Board expects that all associations follow these minimal guidelines in the operation of their association: 1. All boys and girls have a fun, positive, safe, age- appropriate, educational experience that is open to all residents of all abilities, and receive equal opportunity to participate at whatever ability level they may play. 2. Boys and girls build good sportsmanship and character; learn to be a team member; learn to accept discipline; incorporate psychological and physical health. 3. Boys and girls, at each level of play, will receive basic fundamental and skill training in the sport in which they participate. Guidelines Cont. 8. The Park and Recreation Department mandates background checks on all individuals 18 & older who sine as a coach, referee, and each person serving on the Board of Directors in any association. It is our intent to protect our children, families and the associations. 9. To ensure that the public has an open, fair and just process to handle grievances that are not resolved at the association board or staff level, the City of Edina will facilitate a grievance process. (See Appendix 1.1) This grievance process is not intended to deal with team assignment, coach assignment or tryout process grievances. 10. The Edina Park and Recreation Department shall establish minimum insurance requirements of each and every association that uses Edna's public athletic facilities. This insurance shall provide for the protection of volunteers, associations, and the City of Edina. (referred to insurance consultant) Relationship Agreement Cont. 3. The Edina Park and Recreation Department in cooperation with the Park Board will help each association plan, and provide safe and well'maintained public athletic facilities to meet the youth sports programs, and give professional staff liaison services regarding the operation of their association, and offer appropriate clerical and administrative support services. 4. The Edina Park and Recreation Department shall act as a liaison between the associations and the Edina Park Board to assist associations in providing a well rounded and equitable program for all participants. Guidelines Cont. 4. Associations manage team schedules and provide equitable playing time for each level of competition within the age group. 5. Associations shall have a common code of conduct for players, coaches and parents. 6. Qualified citizen volunteers should serve in positions as Board of Directors. Board of Directors must have knowledge of the program /sport Associations are encouraged to have open member elections to elect Board of Directors. 7. Edina Park and Recreation Department personnel shall attend at least semi - annually association board meetings. Department personnel shall be available and provide resource help to associations in training of coaches, operations, and other functions with which the association needs assistance. Guidelines Cont. 11. The Edina Park Board and Park and Recreation Department shall provide and review annually guidelines to be followed by all associations and users of facilities and gymnasiums in our community as to the priority use of the Edina School District's gymnasiums and facilities, and the Edina community practice and game facilities. This is to assure a fair allocation of gymnasiums and facilities use for all participants, at all levels. 3 Guidelines Cont. It is imperative that all associations, coaches, board members, volunteers and parents understand and appreciate the positive experience that is desired for all participants in Edina youth sports. Therefore, the Edina Park and Recreation Department and Park Board mandate that all new parents, volunteers, coaches, board members, etc., who participate in associations must read, understand and sign a copy of the relationship agreement and Core Values and Community Strategy. Signed copies of these documents will be kept on file with the association. Grievance Process cont. The Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee will be made up of three association presidents who are not president of the association in question, plus two Park Board members. Those five individuals will hear the complaint and make recommendations to solve the grievance matter. If the Ad- Hoc Grievance Committee's recommendations do not satisfy the parties involved then the grievance will be referred to the Park Board for a final decision. The Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee will be formed only on an as needed basis to deal with issues on a case by case basis. Grievance Process cont. Step #3: If the issue is unresolved at the staff level, then staff will assemble the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee to hear the complaint With staff assistance and input from the parties involved, the Ad- Hoc Grievance Committee will hear the complaint and make recommendations. It will be the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee's duty to determine whether or not the association has acted in a manner that is contrary to the City's philosophy and core values; and if so, make recommendations to correct the situation. It will not be the Ad- Hoc Grievance Committee's duty to micro-manage program decisions of Edina's youth athletic associations. Grievance Process The City of Edina demands that each youth athletic association must have in place a well-documented and publicized grievance process by which residents are assured of an appropriate venue and process to hear their grievances in a manner that is open, fair, and just. If the youth athletic association board grievance process does not resolve the issue, then the matter will be referred to Park and Recreation Department staff. If staff is unable to resolve the issue, the matter should then be referred to the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee. Grievance Process cont. The following escalation shall be followed: Step # 1: Follow the written grievance procedure as established and publicized for each youth athletic association. Step #2: If, in the complainant's view, the issue was not resolved in Step # 1, then the complainant should contact Park and Recreation Department staff, who will do the following: A. Evaluate the complaint. B. Determine and judge whether or not the issue can or should be resolved through diplomacy. If so, staff will facilitate a problem - solving process at the staff level with the appropriate community members and volunteers involved. Grievance Process cont. Step #4: If the parties involved are still not satisfied with the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee's recommendations, the final step is to refer the matter to the Park Board for a final decision. Both parties must abide by the Park Board's decision or they could face sanctions. 4