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6tate of Ainnoota, Comity o 4 I Onthis ....... 17th ........................ ............................day of.. ............. ........ .... ....Apx'.. ..................... , 19.69......, before mi,e, a ........... 49Par ... POlie.. .................................................. within and for said, County, personalty appeared j Philip C. Smby and Mgxgar *t 1. Saaaby, husband and vift, sad! DWa sin F. Berml and Card C. Bawl.. husband and Trite, to 7ne know7z to be the persong ...... ............ .................... described in, and who executed the f07- CeOino instrument, _ ....................................................................... ...... ..... ....................... ................ and ack7107.Vlcd�ed that .thw..... executed the (See :Vote) .................................................... ............................... sn7 -e as . .free act and deel_. (See '_Vote) ........... /s. /....Gertr.ude ... M. Yl inn ................... ......_........................ ✓ Ota7•y PICNIC _. .....,Hennepin ................. ........................County, Minn. ,Iy commission expires............ May... 27 ..... .............................., 19..7 .... i i Note: The blank lines marked "See Note" are for use when the instrument is executed by an attorney in fact. N b9 u U W4 c w 0 U v a 1 O r� i t T,3 CIS ^ q') rid [O�l rd� N h c i A is G a w O �.° h OJ 4 CO 1' O a. 0 't3 R O O - C ,fA o C3 'Z3 R y , Yq A O Piz d ° i c ~Q 24 EN c 2 ql �� a N b9 u U W4 c w 0 U v a Quit Claim Deed. FOim NO. 28 -Nl. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Individual to Corporation. Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blanks (1431). TbiZ3nbtnture, Made this........... 17th..........I..........day of ............ April ..... ............................... 19...69..., between......... PUUP ..0 «...i !!! 31.. .. 'gaVA ... ,.....+3�! ?Y., ..h ??a .. ai; id,. 1ti, ll1 ........................... ............................... and SeW min F. Amy o l and Carol C. Pawl, husband and wife, of the County of ...........J J�P. ..........I ......... ............................and State of KinneJ *ta part.. . of the first part, and.. ....... Of...U116 a .. .�;W ............................ ................................................. ............................... ieigal ................................................. ........................... . ...................... .................................. .. .... .. .... ..... ....... ...... ... ........................... ......................... ..... , alcorporation under the laws of the State of .................�oU. ........... ........................., party of the second part, WIMCOVI , That the said part............ of the first .part in consideration of the sum of ..and otb er... d...auad ra].uable c crsioeratiom► .. .................................... ............................... to........ 4!. ........... .............................in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do............ hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever, all the tract...... or parcel ...... of land lying and being in the County of... ......Pn ....................... ............................and State of .Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit: Sloeks 1T, 18 and lg, WW%* the bed of ICrmebaba Creek, in Aga Abbott path, acewding to the nap or plat tlerreof, on file and of reeoo rd in they office of the Register of Deode, is and for Deenepin Cowty, Wamesota. 4j= Imo! W JC(JN T I= S9l IR I= I=. To fbabe aub to fooib the Game, Together with all the hcreditainents and appurtenances there- unto belonging or in anywise appertaining', to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever. Xn lrem;timonp Wbereof, The said part. " of the first part ha..Te .... herezento set.....' 1r.......... h- arum_. the day and year first above zcritten. i In presence of i t .... / s/... G.ertrude ........ ......... /s /James Kurvers . /s. /.bili .Phili. C. baby P..C... SmabY P ......................... ............................... p /p./.Margaret H. ................... M�Irgaaret 8. Seaby hnsbinil a rifts /s. /..Benja. n F...Bermel 3*njamie F. iiiiil .......................... ..........................._... s/. Carol C.....Bermel VQJ,VM,F-146-'Z_ " 443 ©22 of Tit L I jV& 443022 DISTRICT COURT W 149_3_0__- i the Village of Edina 6Wner i IMPORTANT In dealing with the land described in this certificate, the names of the parties and descrip- tion of property should be ex- actly the same as written herein. Mix eb ATTENTION DELAY and EXPENSE will be caused by the loss of this certificate. Y CONTINUED DOCUMENT NUMBER KIND OF INSTRUMENT DATEOFWSTRUMENT DATE OF REGISTRATION AMOUNT RUNNING IN FAVOR OF SIGNATURE OF REGISTRAR MONTH DAY YEAR MONTH DAY YEAR HOUR A.M R M RT-13 Transfer from No. Originally registered the 18th day c A. D. 1961 Volume 1122 N 339453 STATE O]OMUMSOTA, RZOISTRATION COUNTY01MENNEPIN. I S.S. the Village of Edina, a Minnesota municipal corporation,, having its principal place of business at 4801 50th Avenue South in the City of Edina,, County of Hennepin and State of FAnnesota, Blocks 17, 18 and 19, except the bed of Minnehahs, Creek in Emma Abbott Park Subject to the effect of an Ordinance of the Village of Edina regulating the platting and subdividing of land, a certified copy of which Ordinance is recorded in Book 641 of Miscellaneous Records, page 45. Also r A1.. ' 0 a ewlwe? 0 ���� "�U . C� l� 110, Ate' sixteenth ��'� Ben K. Allison /its IAJ ,Z) �► c � , y Z -Z 9 -` 40 f0PYfq#ipvmt1flc RotolitCost Copies 1010 WEST 79TH STREET • MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 55420 • Talep6 ..884.7581 Right In Your Own Office