HomeMy WebLinkAboutFairfax- 6136 Oaklawn Ave-Deed of Appurtenant EasementC.V. filed_X_C.V. not req. No delinquent taxes Transfer Entered Doc No A10475302 Certified, filed and/or recorded on Aug 29, 2017 8:54 AM Aug 29, 2017 8:54 AM Hennepin County, Minnesota Office of the County Recorder Mark Chapin Hennepin County, Minnesota County Auditor and Treasurer Martin McCormick, County Recorder Mark Chapin, County Auditor and Treasurer Deputy 33 Pkg ID 1590858E CRV# 710110 Conservation Fee $5.00 Document Recording Fee $46.00 Environmental Response Fund (SDT .0001) $95.50 State Deed Tax (.0033 rate) $3,151.50 Document Total $3,298.00 PID(s) 19-028-24-43-0077, 19-028-24-43-0078 This cover sheet is now a permanent part of the recorded document. WARRANTY DEED Deed Tax Due Hereon: $3,247.00 eCRV No.: 710110 Date: August 25, 2017 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Edina Valley View, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, Grantor, hereby conveys and warrants to New Horizon Real Estate Development, LLP, a Minnesota limited liability partnership, Grantee, real property in Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART THEREOF together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, subject to the following exceptions: See attached Exhibit B. Check here if all or a part of the property being conveyed is Torrens (Registered Property). Check if applicable: X The Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells located on the above described real property. A well disclosure certificate accompanies this document. I am familiar with the property described in this instrument and I certify that the status and number of wells on the described real property have not changed since the last previously filed well disclosure certificate. THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AND THE FOLLOWING PAGE IS THE SIGNATURE AND NOTARY PAGE. SIai*a 1300 EDINA VALLEY VII -W LLC k By: �.... �r Jim Rosman Its: Chief Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me on the ��� day of August, 2017, Jim Rossman, the Chief Manager of Edina Valley View, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. This instrument was drafted by: Commercial Partners Title, LLC 200 South Sixth Street Suite 1300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 File No. 52886/AKG of person taking wledgment Tax statements for the real property described herein should be sent to: New Horizon Real Estate Development, LLP 3405 Annapolis Lane North, Suite 100 Plymouth, MN 55447 �!i This is the signature and notary page to that certain Warranty Deed dated August a 2017. EXHIBIT A Legal Description Lots 13 and 14, Block 22, Fairfax Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof. Hennepin County, Minnesota Abstract Property EXHIBIT B Permitted Encumbrances Building and zoning laws, ordinances, state and federal regulations. 2. Utility and drainage easements relating the Property and which do not interfere with the use of the Property. 3. Restrictions relating to use or improvement of Property without effective forfeiture provisions. 4. Reservation of any mineral rights by the State of Minnesota. 5. Real estate taxes due and payable in the second half of 2017 and thereafter. 6. Easement for public utility equipment, water mains and gas mains, in favor of N.P. Dodge Corporation, a Delaware corporation, its representatives and assigns, as created in document dated September 19, 1944, filed October 26, 1945, in Book 1650 of Deeds, Page 26. 7. Easement for ingress and egress to and from Valley View Road, for the benefit of Lot 10, Block 22, Fairfax, as created in document dated October 9, 1963, filed December 30, 1963, in Book 2426 of Deeds, Page 331, and as shown by Document Nos. 3757858, 3761846, 4012019, 4012020, 4830762 and 5637813. 8. Matters as shown on the survey prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. dated and last rev. July 10, 2017, and identified as File No. 0012275ATOl.dwg: a. area east of most westerly "existing fence" and north of building has indications of occupation by adjancent landowner b. retaining wall encroaches onto the right of way of Kellogg Avenue c. underground power and telephone lines cross the land outside easement area d. building encroaches onto easements for public utilities created in Book 1650 of Deeds, at Page 26. 9. Adverse claims to that part of the Land located East of most westerly "Existing Fence unknown ownership" and North of building, further identified as "Unknown ownership occupation area land owner to north denied access" on survey dated July 10, 2017 by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. C\? AEN 5923). .V.d--, zrd entered irate thiQcrcloAz . . ..... 1W� by and beftPen. ... ....... .. a7,-'7 'r- I a0a.. ar". I xzd hu_sbaad, and, -wite Witneaetb, That wl--eew said �srantor 1_3 0.- owner of th. P frnrt of land in the, Count - of __HQnr1P_P .In State. of Jfinnesota.. ifiz.: Lot thirteen (13). twenty-two (22), "Fairfax, Hennepin County, Minnvotall are and Said gram, the tamer of the Bract o :,znd z,n the Couniy. of 11 e !'- n e p i i-, two (22) , "Fairfax, Hennepin Count}', State of.31inne.5ofa, Lot ten,(�C;), Bio•-. nty-� Minnesota" which adJoinz said land of &aid Irantor an the wp-z L and sa,d drantor and dranfw S, R. hz?,v afreed uPon the eawmenf herein per iflLrberefwe, The jid �ra ntor , in I j,, cac"A )r IGO, S Dollar to her in hand paid by said erantee 3 reccipt of whie# ts Arrety acknowtedged, and other &od and valuahft hemby g-ant S. to said frantee Lheir...... heirs and a-naiffna, the 6amment *For -use- my arress, the, of said... (rmacdbe zsawww) Beat 13. Block 22, "Fairfrx. Plennepin Cuuntv. Miltnesota"'. and that said drive -way or easement Is set forth for the Du of making Ingress and egress to and from V&11&Y View Road for Purposes of access by grantees, their heirs or assigrt-_ to said grantees garage located on said Lot 10, Block 22, "Fairfax, Pennepin County, Minnesota" by for vehicle or otherwise; It is understood that said easemcnt is so to bee given upon the express sass dars"aizn46 fau' ­arvdition that ttm same way be urea by the grantees their heirs and assigns, in conjunction with the "e of the grantor, her heirs, assiVs or tenants,