HomeMy WebLinkAbout1436WW, T=RMU , In taoasftderat ft of the YillAga' a lavying assessment agaiaest and property for storm Sever Imp t go. 111 as a single buildable site, md for Other good end a00ble cousideratilmg, the receipt: and sufficiency of vbleh are hertz attknowledsod by Braid Decluentr, the fsoelaraaeta do hereby Impose the 90LU w"t wwasrtntsr and rtaetriotioas upon SW pa'opterty s 1. The Doolountat their heirs, xWOOSSOTS, and assigns, v�t13 not use said property other than as the site of tbo single family duslliog lotxatedt thereon and will not stktlt transfer ar dispose of air Pon thanot separate from tba baiautro tbarraof xiCbout the prior written, approval of the 'tillage which approval trWl be granted only upon a showing Of hardship unique to s"14 property,,, if the Village shall grant any awb approval, the D►eclarauto g their boirs, successors assigns Will, pay to the Village the sax of -- -- plus iAiereat th�ereau at the rain e' 3A per sno= from December 31, 1969,11o, the date ni payusl at (the said am of being ogee' to the +edd#tloaal 4010rftt Arch mid have boan assessed if said proper r 'tod been assessed as two sopersto buildable sit**. Upon recalpt of the payment provided for bar"*# tb* VI1IASe -few by the ae+aeptaance, to fo,loase by a v ritl , raeo"sble instrumestv stir# a+awoeants arttd rorstriet ie" hnre" aontained 2. The covenants Bad restrictitorw have o 002"IM" sbAll sres with said property and shall triad beclanstoo thoit 'imif'n. $%s**ssero and assig"S and all present acrd foes owners of all or any part of paid PVOV- orty. for a period of thirty (30) years from the data hereo #. 3. The tents and yrostriettomb berates eostained shall w for the benefit of the Village and in •"tbe event tba .b"U ra e, tt�ats heirs, succea ors or assign, coustract ears ae fpt , c+ lfraet ttion to the residence now located tthsraoaa, my restd"ads t►r baths Ia- cidantai thereto on say hart of sold. 1:� to ' viol o botroof, snob use my be esjoiaod on the motion of the Yfulage WOR dMgb the !suss► "%wed to the Doolarsats, their heirs, suctomOre or swig"', by -2- FYI 3 w the propertty, described in said mortgage located In thee C"Aty. of Hour spin sad State of Minnesota, to wit: coneencing at a point on the southwest e»omw ;o! tat Bight (8), Block One (l) Nickelson's re -aL�r w�eant; torningside, Minnesota; than south on an o tt+strslora of the westerly line of said Lot Bight (9) diatoms of forty -four (44) feet to the northwest corner of Lot Nineteen (19) , Bleak Three (3) , Crocker 6 Crrowoll's first Addition, Village of morni e"o; th6ace east &Ion$ the northerly line of said Lot Nineteen (19)'P, Bleak Three (3), Crocker 6 Cro"340a first Addit Umv Village of Morningside, to a point cohere it Inteersects ' with a southerly extension of the easterly line of Lot light (8) . Black One (1) Mickerlsen's re- orraugemeut, Mox"ngside, .t sota; thence north >a`orty- »locus (44) feet to the southeast convert of said Lot Bight (8) , Block the :(1), Mie kBlslere><'.a ree= arrauseeaeent, ,dorm ide, Ximd"Otta theme vast to the point~ of beginning; it being int'+e6444 hereby` tb describe the part of` Lit of Street se plattedp in Wdoddals Heights' Second Addition sad herettofor+ee> vitae Ieteed by action of the Yillage C+ it of `-the Vi.11ago of ; Mothingside, , Minnesota on August 1+8, 1934, together with the north thirty-six (36) feet of + the vest One hundred and thirty foot (130) of Lot Nineteen (19) , Block Three (3), Crocker and Croweell's First Addition to Norningside, according to the ro- corded plat thereof. IDT Wr=US ' WHWROF, The said mortgages, has hereunto set its hand and real this _ day of 19b9 « In greseme Of The Mutual Life lnsuranee.,Cempoty of x" York izstld A By its STATE OF ax ) sr. COUM of MW Zola On this , day of , 1969, before me, a Notary Public within and for said.. County, personally appeared and to no, orsonally known, who, being each by me duly sworn did say that they are rsap"tively the aced the of The Mutual. Life Insurance Company of Now York, the corporation named to the foregoing Wig,.