HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-01-13 Community Health Commission AgendaAgenda Community Health Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota Edina City Hall - Community Room Monday, January 13, 2020 6:30 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: Community Health Commission, December 9,2019 V.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Reports/Recommendations VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Sta) Comments A.Tri-City Meeting - May 11, 2020. IX.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli/cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. DRAFT MINUTES Community Health Commission December 9, 2019 at 6:30 PM City Hall, Community Room I.Call To Order II.Roll Call Present: Christy Zilka, Amanda Herr, Dena Soukup, Robert Loesch, Alison Pence, Greg Wright, Madeline Olson, Jeff Brown Absent: Britta Orr, Julia Selleys, Amy Wang III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion by Greg Wright to approve meeting agenda. Seconded by Rob Loesch. Motion Carried. IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion by Greg Wright to approve November 4, 2019 Community Health Commission minutes. Seconded by Dena Soukup. Motion Carried. A.November 4, 2019 Draft Minutes V.Community Comment VI.Reports/Recommendations A.Tri-City Meeting Tri-City meeting with Richfield and Bloomington Advisory Boards of Health will be moved to May 11th, 2020. We will host in Edina at the Public Works building this year. We are looking for agenda topics that the three boards/commission are interested in. Staff will send out minutes from 2019 meeting for review. B.2020 Work Plan Discussion Reviewed draft 2020 work plan and members volunteered to lead individual work plan items: Smoking Item: Greg Wright, Dena Soukup Social Connectedness: Rob Loesch, Christy Zilka VII.Chair And Member Comments A.Stop the Bleeding Program Interest Member Wright shared information and asked about interest in the Stop the Bleeding program. Will prepare more in depth information for future meeting. VIII.Staff Comments IX.Adjournment Date: January 13, 2020 Agenda Item #: VIII.A. To:Community Health Commission Item Type: From:Jeff Brown, Community Health Administrator Item Activity: Subject:Tri-City Meeting - May 11, 2020. Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description 2019 Tri-City Meeting Minutes Public Health Alliance of Bloomington Edina Richfield Monday, March 11, 2019, 6:00 – 8:00 PM (light meal 5:30 – 6:00 p.m.) Richfield Municipal Center – Bartholomew Room 6700 Portland Avenue South, Richfield, Minnesota Notes 1. Welcome / Introductions (5 min) Everyone introduced themselves as part of the welcome. 2. Richfield HEDA (10 min) Joan Bulfer, Health Specialist, City of Bloomington o Described the Health Equity Data Analysis (HEDA) which was a deep dive into the connection between health and housing in Richfield. o Quantitative data for Richfield which was largely county based o Qualitative data from focus groups and individual interviews o There are lots of tradeoffs for housing issues o Dental health is a common problem for renters nationally and we saw that in Richfield. It’s a common trade off, forgoing dental care to pay rent. o Parents had a lot of concern about keeping their kids in the same school. - Recommendations o Use a health in all policy framework for housing 3. Housing Panel (80 min) Moderator: Maria Regan Gonzalez, Mayor, City of Richfield Julie Urban, Housing Manager, City of Richfield Eric Johnson, Community Development Director, City of Bloomington Stephanie Hawkinson, Affordable Housing Manager, City of Edina - Stephanie o Between 2008-2015, no new affordable housing built in Edina. o Edina developed a policy for a fee in lieu of development for affordable housing, which is $100,000. It now includes the fair house language and expanded the affordable housing language to 20 years for projects. o It is not an affordable housing policy, it affect new multifamily construction. o Focus is on preserving what we have and protecting tenants. o Mortgage assistance program (second mortgages) o 4D program for supporting energy efficiency and struggling to get any interest. o Just did their first NOAH rehab, with AEON.  1,400 market rate, 109 are affordable. o Two new entirely affordable housing projects in the works. - Eric o Bloomington is at ground zero on this issue. o NOAH workgroup since 2016  Three short term ordinances • 90-day tenant protection • Fair housing • Opportunity housing ordinance o Did analysis and outreach  Nexus study  Review best practices  Focused conversation o Focus is on ensuing we have development and ensuring it is affordable for 60% of AMI. o This is a ground breaking ordinance that will transform Bloomington. • Walked through an example of how development tools can be used to add value to the project. • Ordinance will be effective Sep 1, 2019. - Julie o HRA was formed in 1974  They locally controlled and administered the affordable housing  Created chart on what we do on housing • Four themes o Health housing conditions o Health neighborhoods o Stable housing o Affordable housing  Blue is resources the city has  Red are challenges  Green are opportunities • Looking at process for energy efficiency • Have limited funding for rehabilitation. • Mention of the hoarding issue in the community • Money is always a gap • Shortage of larger family rental units (most are 1 br) • Very low vacancy rate and the lack of affordable housing elsewhere is putting additional pressure on market. • Gap between costs and affordable units keeps increasing. • Working on rephrasing how we work on this to not use stigmatized language. What does it mean to call Richfield home. o Questions:  Its it legal to charge for remediation of rental housing based on HEDA • A – call homeline and they can answer it.  Can we change the name for affordable housing • What about healthy housing • Huge challenge for individuals who cant work and need housing • Huge challenge for individuals working multiple jobs and still struggle with affordability. • We struggle to talk about housing in economic sense – if you think about the massive cost of housing, when your cost burdened your not contributing to the economy. In one example the low income housing had more impact than the developer.  IT was unusual to see the board of health in the opportunity housing ordinance conversation. • It was a logical jump. They were already focused on it and knowing they could have input on it and improve health was a good thing to do.  Would it be valuable to approach this regionally. • There would be value in combining resources. • The suburbs have not be building affordable housing. • We need to change the way to do this, since we haven’t change the way we build affordable housing. • We need to keep local control but find a balance. • The met council has made goals for each communities for affordable housing. So we each have some responsibility. • We do share a lot on how to do things.  Eric described the new funding opportunity, with below market returns to address affordable. 4. 2018 Accomplishments and 2019 Work Plan 4.1 Bloomington (5 min)  Josh highlighted the work that Bloomington has been doing. See annual report for more details.  2019 will look at climate change and continue work on tobacco. 4.2 Edina (5 min)  Spend most of the time on comprehensive plan for the city.  Reviewed concerns on smoking and multiunit housing  2019 – looking at more work on smoking issues in city and looking at vaping issues and looking at being an AARP City 4.3 Richfield (5 min)  T-21 and in supportive of smoke free housing resolution, more work to come.  Richfield has been working on dementia friends work • Two projects being done on this work o Resource guide o Training for caregivers  Rose Jost received an award for her dedication to public health  2019 – we will focus on radon, climate change, drinking water, and school collaboration. 4.4 Collaboration Opportunities (5 min)  Looking at issues with hoarding and the support on mental health support. • MN hording taskforce is a possible resources for this.  How do we do education to make sure kids know they can call about poor housing conditions?  Continue to share support on tobacco work, especially vaping. • Pay attention to the stressors that impact vaping and socials/stressors that make students choose to vape.  Looking at impact of climate on health and housing connections and it impacts a lot of communities.  Sharing contact names with other boards.  Rose shared a story about community organizing and working with Homeline to ensure facility was fixed. 5. Closing Remarks (5 min)