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Key 6
NO. ,
v t
Abstract of Title
Part of Government Lot 1.
Section 5, Township 116, Range
This certifies the within statement from
No. I to , inclusive, to be a correct
Abstract of Title to land described in No_ One
therein as appears of record in the office of the
Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, Mixnesota,
including Taxes according to the general tax books
of said County.
Dated May 5 e 19-fi9_, 7 a. m.
0 0
ride In uraace Company of Minneaom
Assistant Secretary
Deliver to
Marquart, eta
FEderal 8.8733
New Lands
Key 6
FORM No, 25
I /
1 12
r --
'- 3G
Minneapolis, Minnesota
/ 1 6 i .S 11 4 1.3
1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
-- -j- - -L - -i - --�- - -�-- - - +-- - -�- -- J
I . —TO—
The West 35 acres of Government Lot I,
Section 5, Township 116, North Range
21, West of the 5th Principal Meridian.
80 Roos
io cyA11IJ
A rod is 16%, feet.
A chain is 66 feet or 4 rods.
Zo AC0E3
qo R005
A mile is 320 rods, 80 chs., or 5,280 ft.
A square rod is 272Y4 square feet.
An acre contains 43,560 square feet.
An acre contains 160 square rods.
&&a Pr.
An acre is about 208Y4 feet square.
40 chains, 160 rods or 2,640 feet.
4o At.'zd s
I 1
20 cwAiIV 3
J20 Fr.
6 i S i 4 .3
7 8 9
17 /G IS I AL 13
--- �--- +--- I--- �-- --} - --
- --I
49 Zo 1 Z/ 22 '1 23 i Z'¢
/Go Acc'6s.
I i 1 I
--- 1.._-- f--- -F- -- +-- --F - --
- - --t
do 29 I ZS it 27 1 26 11 IS
3 o i
3/ 37 i 33 34 .15 i J6
1 1 I
.ao G.yAiNs
/ 1 6 i .S 11 4 1.3
1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
-- -j- - -L - -i - --�- - -�-- - - +-- - -�- -- J
I . —TO—
The West 35 acres of Government Lot I,
Section 5, Township 116, North Range
21, West of the 5th Principal Meridian.
The following certificates appear appended to the plat
shown below, which plat was filed for record in the office f the
Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota, on April 30, 1932
at 8 :30 ofclock A.M., as Document No. 1684386, and was reco dad
in Book of Govt. Survey Plats, page 2.
"The above Map of Township No. 116 North, Range No, 21 West
of the 5th Principal Meridian, Minnesota is strictly confo ble
to the field notes of the survey thereof on file in this Of ice,
which have been examined and approved.
Surveyor Generalrs Office, Warner Lew s
Dubuque, May 16th 1855 Surr.t3e 1."
"I hereby certify that the above map is a correct copy of
the original Government Map of Township No. 116 North, Ran a No.
21 West of the 5th Principal Meridian on file in this Offi a.
(The Great Seal of the Mike Holm, Seely of State.
State of Minnesota) St.Paul,Minn.Sept.3 1931."
_. r _: _ A -,n 1 1X2 a N.° 21 W S th .Meln
3. The. United Statc3
of Aizi -:) r i ca
Dated Jan. 15, 1856
Patrick Darby Cary
Booll: D of Decds, 42
Lot I Cou-hna---. 1/1, of IT.
1/4 and East- 1/2 of Soy th
ZIt, 3.A.-
of Section 31-1
llan;,-r, 21
contxain�ns 1.5 5 .30 acres.
(Shol.-M for referanco) .
R. P. Ruissell, c J. v c r
Re c e i v c r I s TIZ c, c c 11) t N o 3 91
Dated July 28, 1855
Pat rick D .ray 0 r y
Book, A of D-:,cd.F) I pa-�--e 1y0
Amount: :
Lot 1 and So-utheast 1/4 f
easl',- 1/4 and 1/2 of
Sau'Clheaslu- 1/2� of Section 5, -P
Ran-e 2.-",-, con,-G;-:�j-nin-- 2.5�
acrocs an,-,I '.,'Iii rty ll-Alundredth,-, at -5
United stat-cs
5. t to
United of A,-,.orica
6. to
jos'n a Rhc,�%os D"jIM0.
Entry No. 989
Dated Oct. 22.v 1855
I !-, n d 0 1 C P, ' o c o I, d 0
F.3 J
Lot 1, Section 5, TowzisIll 1 116
Rnn-z-, '21 cony -ai-n`-c- 40 acr��,csl.
Pate n't,
A i 1 2 18,7
Filed Au's. ll: lu"62, 1
P oo, 1 -- U of s, p e 3
Lot I , S o c ', on 5,
Ran, co . ---
,,-,-,-- 21 ,ainin,- 1�C acro.s.
Filed July 9,
Record Of' Filos 'i pa-=r.m_
Lot 1, Soctioll 5. To_-ish
21, �;.Dld foi, i/2' of of So.
so d for Y
7 5 � 20 (0",:-- prol Ortj
M o r t r!"
Dated. bct. 20 1857
1 J0
Filed Oct. 24, 1857, 5
Boo'- S of it. ,-.
Renry vlcl"bou.S7
Dook G of I" -s, pla,'o 50"
Rost 1112
c_-C' S t
3. and Lot 1, So neon 5,
To secure pay-r.,ient of
not 1T)
East 1/2 of Horth-:-ast 1/k,
Lot 1, Soc-4 * on 5, To;.mchip
Ran.,:so 21. (0thor proporty
not in
quest ion not
j 0 s1-.,!).a R.
a"i-.,i Daod.
Quit C1L._
Dated -- 1858 Aclz. July
1, 1858
Filed July 3, 18;8, 7 P--,m.
Book K of De'd ' pa `-a 541
Coridolation: .500.00.
Lo- U l., Section 5 and East
1 /2 of
u �s t 1/4 o'L Soction
-e 21. (Othcr
Ship 116P R 'nZ I
erlu-y not in questioll not
c . n
sh w
-Quit Claiml Dood
Dated July 1, 135d S
Ma r!,,u T. of
Pa 7n
Filed July 3, 185F), 7 porf
Book 1, of D_-,zAz;.
Lot I and East i/2 o-C the
vile"r;t 1/4 of Section 5, Tcwnship
21— 0 `t; 17. 1� r pioA>ertf
not in icn not ol' o rc,
Cons' 'er"t
JC's'o'7-'h 'R.
For-,clo:;',.ire Of
BOO'-, C Of
( '9,�B 0 ITC
, I': ) . 7
NCtjC.0 Or S�jj,_ y 4,
Keny" I,.,
C -�_ I
Sh i C t i I 'il-
Filed July 9,
Record Of' Filos 'i pa-=r.m_
Lot 1, Soctioll 5. To_-ish
21, �;.Dld foi, i/2' of of So.
so d for Y
7 5 � 20 (0",:-- prol Ortj
c t in
), Ran 7-- 21.
Cc r c
Dated Jvm:,, 2'; ',
1 J0
Boo'- S of it. ,-.
, 20,
Rost 1112
c_-C' S t
3. and Lot 1, So neon 5,
not 1T)
c t in
), Ran 7-- 21.
r o t
B'DI a
jc�;htl�71. L by
A tto'ar��y in factj
t a
Po,or of Atto_r iey
D it. cd. July 12, 18,_30
Filed Au�r-. 11, 1862, 1 p.
Boo:: 0 of Iloiidks, p_nzn:,,a 16
To soll. and convDy TUit-111. f
of s;.,,bs.tI_tUtiOn a re
Warrant ,�� d
y D,,.,,
Datk,d Aur-,-. 9, 1862
Filed An�,. 13, 9
Book U of D�,c ds, par,c
I.L 34
Considaretion: '341.98
East 1/2 of the a- st
of 11, Section 5, Toii-ash_}
Pan.La 21.
V.,T,?.L ra nt- y D,,, e d
Dated Jan, 'I If",61
Fil-d Jn-) 17 18`3, le.3C
B c) c; V U of D,-,,edsx pa-c 4.02
Lot 1 of S U1011 5, Tovmz
21, contairt-Inz- 12'.
I_> -1 C)
Datiad •nn.. 7, 18163
Filed. .1.863, 2
S 01,
To secul", of
Book S of 8
Ala-. 7, 186
Filod AIjI-,,-. 80 18L')S$ 2*'3vn
u:1. 011
/h. an d
1). :t I.
1/4 and
I p 116) ,
2 a c rc�
I_j 0
core�od in
IS a t I S f,- c t i o n c)'
c c 0 cl-l"
t 0 n T3 I-) c, S () f 1 485 ➢
13 e �:,
11,01.mvk. , 3s)
0". Of
1%, o R. YiryL nt DO-00,
to 2-0 1 8
u, 2- 9 -.b.5 a.!n.
's Bryan I�n
Z Of 388
con's' icy,
Ip J-160
E a 2 In 1 /1? of t3b-,, L,;-)kj
-Ich is a balan-e. of ,�2?5-00-
E'--ccpt to David 011
Rob-,) 'i, S. 31334-ya.-It
uncliv- - r!e(I 1/3 0-(C,: 1/2 Oft tho
116, .1
Qlkltit Claili Dood
Dated Anril 80, 18-65
jj 8 1 3.2 1.1
Book 6 of pa-.-c 431t.
Abbir,- 171. 'E.
Dra t c d 11') 3 18 1")
D. Ev�Drsolr,,
I-300h. X 01, 1-t r- 53-1,
T o s 00.
e, -- u -v a y--ii-n 't. f
ol" a c d
(S ca !To. 20)
Datcd 17, 108C.) 7
On c,.f roco2d.
'2 *2
Qvit Claill
D,-at-nd 1; 1`67
d F b. 1 1.5,;; 53 15,
E -Eryanto
Lot 1. anj. '-'-Ist 1/1, ,.,O: thi,:cs- 1/
Of Se c t 1071 5, To--n-shi, I 21.
.5 e- t C
1 t il
ela't, -d �-hi�--,
16s I.l's
-)'ry nt
Date T�7-ly if lc)'�37
J1..).1 1 7 3.0,
B o 2 of i --l- s c
T_ 5 yoa.-s, July 1867
Saicl Ei-,-cn 0.
dc-s-c-cipt'Lon", "-,st 3-12 Of 3r h-
1/1, of Lot 1;
5, Ta-.,Insl--T-p 116, EanriD 2-1.
24 MOM K.
BrY not ,
lwrt ay'
Satisfaction of Dopt�an3
Bryant, wifu,
Dated Hay
27, 137U
in Book 11 of Mt., ., paLe
hobcrt 5.
Filed ray
28, A=
Dated Jan. 5, 107":
P. filbar
To secura
Paynant of
25 . ?,, li-1ilbo1 Power of Attornoy
to Dated Nov. 4, 1671
Filed too. 4, 1012 11:30 a.m
Book A of Xwors, Yve 43'
To sail aw convey any an -1 all
Inniq 1 coy now own or her2after own in State of hinnerota op else-
Mxe. To selb nswijn aK forelloya Mort�nps.
26. A Wilbnry MY
Tilbar, hel,
Mornay in fact
t ."'
Bpyaut nns wife,
aus R. S. Bryan,-
Relgase from Uortyyo rakrdad in
Book 11 of Rtis., paf, 291,
1o. 24 i
Datej Doc. 14, 18 71
Filed Ma. 15, 1071. 10 a m-
Dook 12 of At7s. , pan
M00'.7'.2ratical 01.00.
Undivided 1/3 of Lot 1 an10 of tho
East 1/2 of the Nofunwept 1/4 of
Section 5,
Pa-oziono) P. Wilbar,
Satisfaction of Dopt�an3
1, 0, Wilber, •ar
in Book 11 of Mt., ., paLe
in QK
(No dy. 24)
Dated Jan. 5, 107":
Mart A. priart.,
On m3rjn of ropord.
fulia E. Trynnt,
v if a ,
a n,,1
Robaft S. oryoyf;
H. 1. pryont
QAt Claim Dox".
Dated Sopt. 1971
KIM Mpt. 1271,
Aman priant
Kok 30 of Nods, pn�, 6CO,
Cannidarztlon: �50000.
Undividad V3 of
Lot 1
nnA tho
En qt 1/1 of the hafthwoot W
FoMon §, Tounship
Sallin E, pryant
in My but dews not si,m
war2anty DON
SM110 E. �ryant,
30, 1671
R 71
Filed 001. 20, 1671p 2:3D
os yny'
VVYInt, Inife,
Dock 20,of &;ads, pn7a 511
KqQnrt Mc�cn 7pp,'-,
Lot I and Lan Q of Northwcut
of Sactiit. 5, Tannship
M, H2_1 w
e +-
1,12 {>1
.Ran-- 21e To oC.. czh is I �,•ct ,ELI
3 1 a B.T
1t Lr
G f
°� yy
�•t tvi
?t �v
Dt r., >% cl
^ 4
b. ?l1 f1i. -L. ! �'.� ^, E {J .. ,♦ria ? �!`i i ti1 �j �`J .f
lla,t cd' !'a )...�.). 399
nn to J `
t I
l3rY.tl.y t.l g >�I.i4✓ Ct
Robert S. Bryant,
James Bryant and
Abby E.Bryant, wife
34. To
Sallie E. Bryant
Warranty Deed
Dated Mar, 24, 1873
Filed June 4, 1873
Book 39 of Deeds, Page 4 9
Consideration $500.00
Beginning at Southwest c rner of
Lot I, Section 5, Township 116,.
Range 21; thence East o South line
of said Lot, 71 1/2 rods; thence due North to North line of said lot,
Section and Township; thence West on said line toward lake o called;
thence in Southwesterly direction following meander ingress of said
lake to West line of said lot; thence South to place of beginning.
Containing 35 acres.
Robert R. Bryant, Warranty Deed
Sallie E. Bryant, wife- Dated Mar. 24, 1873
35. James Bryant, Filed Aug. 25, 1873
and Ab y E.Bryant, wife Book 43 of Deeds, page 234
o Consideration: $500.00
Robert S. Bryant Beginning at a point on he South
line of Lot 1, Section 5 Township
116, Range 21, which point is 71 1/2 rods East of the Southwest corner
of said Lot; thence due North to the North line of said Lot, Section and
Township; thence East on said North line to the Northeast cor er of the
Northwest 1/4 of said Section; thence South on the East.line 3f said
Northwest 114 to a point 70 rods North of the Southeast'corne of said
Northwest 114; thence West 80 rods more or less to the West line of the
Southeast 114 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section; thence No th to the
Northwest corner of said quarter section; thence West to the aface of
beginning, 58.19 acres, more or less. Reserving to said Sallia E. Bryant
a right of way over, above described premises to her land lying West
of the above premises.
Sallie E. Bryant Warranty Deed
R. R. Bryant, husband Dated Feb..24, 1874
36. To Filed Feb. 25, 1874
John Kennedy Book 42 of Deeds, Page 370
Consideration $11050.00
Beginning at Southwest corner of
- Lot I, Section 5, Township 116,
Range 21; thence East on South line of said Lot I, 70 I./2 rods; thence
North to North line of said Lot I, thence West on North line oF said
Lot I to Lake known as Mud Lake; thence along shore of said L ke in
Southwesterly direction to West line of said Lot I, thence to place of
beginning. Containing 35 aeres,more or less
Robert S. Bryant Warranty Deed
Louisa C. Bryant, wife Dated Feb. 24, 1874
37. To Filed Feb. 25, 1874
John Kennedy Book 42 of Deeds, Page 371
Consideration $800.00
Beginning at point in So th line of
Lot 1, Section 5, Township 116, Range
21, which point is 71 1/2 rods East of Southwest corner of said Lot; thence
due North to North line of said Lot, Section and Township; th nce East on
said North line to Northeast corner of Northwest 114 of said ection;
.thence South on East line of said Northwest 1/4 to point 70 rods North of
Southeast corner of said Northwest 114; thence West 80 rods more or less
to West I i ne of Southeast 1/4 of Northwest 1/4 of sa i d S ect i o n ; thence
North to Northwest corner of said quarter quarter; thence West to place
of beginning. Containing 58.12 acres, more or less. (Shown -For reference)
John Kennedy
38, To
Sallie E. Bryant
R. R. Bryant
Dated Feb. 24, 1874
F i Ied Feb. 25, 1874
Book 25 of Mtgs., Page 1 2
To secure $1,050.00
R. R. Bryant Power of Attorney
Sallie E. Bryant Dated April 25, 1878
39.. - To Filed May 7, 1878
John D. Eversole Book B of Powers, Page 4 1
To sell and convey etc., and
to execute Warranty Deed therefor.
To execute mortgages, al o to
sell and assinn any mortgages or to satisfy same.
R. R. Bryant and Satisfaction of Mortgage
Sallie E. Bryant recorded in Book 25 of M gs.,
By J. D. Eversole their Page 142 (See No. 38)
Attorney in fact Dated May 2, 1879
40, To Filed May 3, 1879
John Kennedy Book 53 of Mtgs., Page 164
John Code Agreement
41. To Dated Mar. 9, 1875
Whom It Concerns Filed Mar. 10, 1875
Book 5 of Misc., Page 6 1
Consideration $1.00
Agrees to make no claim upon anybody
by reason of any land b ing uncovered
from water by the draining of Mud Lake in Sections 5 and 6, ownship 116,
and Section 32, in Township 117, Range 21.
In the Matter of the
42. Estate of
Albert 0. Meader,
In the Matter of the
43. Estate of
Albert 0. Meader,
W i I I
Dated May 21, 1866
Filed May 20, 1873
Book 4 of Misc., Page 5 0
(For full particulars s e record)
Dated May 20, 1873
Fi led.May 20, 1873
Book 4 of Misc., Page 540
To Sarah B. Meader, Executrix.
James Bryant and wife
By Sheriff
44. To
Sarah S. Meader,
Administratrix of
Albert 0. Meader,
of Northwest 114 of Section 5,
Foresciosure of Mortgage
recorded in Book 17 of P
Page 253 (See No. 33)
Notice of Sale July 10,
Printers Affidavit Aug.
Sheriff's Affidavit Aug,
Sheriff's Certificate At
Filed Aug. 30, 1875
Book 52 of Deeds , Page
Undivided 113 of Lot I
Township 1161 Range -211 Sol(
t gs ."
25, 1875
25, 1875
g. 25, 1875
id East 1/2
for $581.00
John Kennedy Deed
Margret Kennedy, Dated May 25, 1876
wife Filed June 13, , 1876
To Book 57 of Deeds, Page 312
Sallie E. Bryant Consideration $1,050.00
Robert R. Bryant Beginning at Southwest c rner of Lot
1, Section 5, Township 116, Range 21;
thence East on South [in of said lot
70 1/2 rods; thence North to North line of said Lot 1; th nce West on
said North line to margin of Mud Lake (so called); thence i South-
westerly direction a l once margin of said Mud Lake to West I i a of said
Lot 1; thence South to place of beginning. Containing 35 a res more or
less. and also all estate, right, title, interest, property possession,
claim and demand whatsoever as well in law as in equity of aid first
parties in or to above described premises.
Geo. H. Johnson
46. To
James Bryant
Undivided 1/3 part of Lot I
5, Township 116, Range 21.
Certif icate of Redemptior
from Foreclosure sale re(
Book 52 of Deeds , Page 5S
(See No. 44)
Dated Aug. 24, 1876
Filed Aug. 24, 1876
Book 59 of Deeds, Page V
Consideration $621.67
and East 1/2 of Northwest 1/4 of
orded in
David Crim Attachment
Vs. Dated July 24, 1877
Robert R. Bryant Filed July 24, 1877
Book 47 of Mtgs., Page 408
Amount $500.00
Beginning at Southwest co ner of lot
I, Section 5, Township 116, Range 21; thence East on South line of said
Lot 1, 71 1/2 rods, thence due North to North line of said L t I; thence
West on said last named line to Mud Lake so called thence in a South-
westerly direction following the meanderings of said Lake to West line
of said lot, thence South to the place of beginning. Also L is I and 21
Block I, Bassett Moore, Cases Addition to Minneapolis.
Auditor of Hennepin Certificate of State Assi nment
County, Minnesota Dated 'Sept. 28, 1878
48. To Filed July 23, 1885
R. R. Bryant Book 61 of Deeds, Page 43
Consideration $4.69
Undivided 1/2 of North 45 acres
of East 1/2 of Northwest 114 and Lot I in Section 5, Townshi 116,
Range 21.
David Crim Power of Attorney
49, To Dated Nov. 5, 1874
E. S. Jones Filed Nov. 23, 1874
Book B of Powers, Page 1 4
To assign Mortgages, etc.
David Crim
By E. ,S. Jones,
his attorney in
Robert R. Bryant
To release from
for $1,019.15
Quit Claim Deed
Dated Pear. 211 1879
fact Filed May 3, 1879
Book 79 of Deeds, Page
Consideration $400.00
West 35 Acres of Lot (,
Township 116, Range 21,
Judgment of first party vs. second party,
R. R. Bryant
by J. D. Eversole,
his Attorney -in -fact,
Sallie E. Bryant,
by J. D. Eversole,
her Attorney -in -fact
Joseph V. Roberts
Joseph V. Roberts
Robert R. Bryant
and coed i t i tans see record) West
Range 21.
R. R. Bryant
By J. D. Eversole,
his Attorney -in -fact,
SaI I ie E. S rya nt, By J. D. Eversole
her Attorney -in -fact
David Crim
Warranty Deed
Dated Mar. 211 1879
Filed Mar. 25, 1879
Book 76 of Deeds, Page
Consideration $600.00
West 35 acres of Lot 1
5, Township 116, Range
ection 5,
v. 2, 1878
f Section
Dated Mar. 21, 1879
Filed May 5, 1879
Book 50 of Mtgs., Pa e 73
To secure $200.00 ?Fo further terms
35 acres of Lot I, Section 5, Township 115
Assignment of Mortgage
recorded in Book 50 of tgs.,
Page 173 (See No. 52 )
Dated May 2, 1879
Filed May 5, 1879
Book 45 of Mtgs., Page 389
Consideration $200.00
David Crim By
E. S. Jones, his
Attorney -in -fact
54. To
Joseph V. Roberts
Joseph V. Roberts,
Elizabeth A. Roberts,
55. To
Fanny A. Baker
F, -I u
Satisfaction of Morts"150
recorded in Book 30,,-- "'of Mtgs.,
Page 173
Dated Oct. 13, 1881
Filed May 6, 1882
Book 67 of Mtgs., Page
Dated Mar. 28, 1879
Filed May 3, t879
Book 56 of Mtgs., Page 14
To secure $200.00
Fanny A.
Power of Attorney
56. To
Dated Dec. 20, 1877
Austin F.
Filed April 22, 1878
Book B of Powers, Page
To assign Mortgages, et
Fanny A.
Satisfaction of Mortgag
by Austin
F. Kelley
recorded in Book 56 of
her Attorney
-in -fact
Page 114 (See No. 55
57. To
Dated May 26, 1883
Joseph W.
Filed May 30, 1883
A. Roberts, wife
Book 90 of Mtgs., Page
Joseph V. Roberts,
Elizabeth A. Roberts,
Meral A. Fletcher
Meral A. Fletcher
59. To
Joseph V. Roberts
and wife
Doc. No. 28708
Dated Sept. 22, 1884
Filed Sept. 22, 1884
Book 119 of Mtgs., Page 228
To secure $300.00
Satisfaction of Mortgage
recorded in Book 119, of Mtgs.,
Page 228 (See No. 58 )
Dated Aug. 31, 1887
Filed Oct. 31, 1887
Book 217 of Mtgs., Page 100
Joseph V. Roberts, Warranty Deed
Elisabeth A. Roberts, Dated Mar. 29, 1887
wife Filed April I, 1887
60. To Book 209 of Deeds, Page 455
Thomas K. Gray Consideration $4,000.00
Doc. No. 114 West 35 acres of Lot 1, Section 5,
Township 116, Range 21, also Begin
on East line said Secti n 5, 20
chains South of Northeast corner thereof. Thence South on said East
line 310 4110 feet; thence West parallel to South line land own d by
John Woods (said land being strip off North line said Northeast 1/4 said
Section 5, 20 chains in width 2191 5110 feet more or less to ce ter of
Minneapolis and Shakopee Road; thence northeasterly on center s id road
346.65 feet to South line said John Wood's land; thence East 20 1 feet to
beginning. Subject to mortgage of $300.00, dated Sept. 22, 188 in Book
119 of Mtgs., Page 228. Last described tract subject to Mortga e of $800.00
recorded in Book 136 of Mtgs., Page 302. Second party assumes o pay.
In the Platter of the
L61. Incorporation of the
Vi 1 tape of Edina
Doc. No. 69940
Dated Oct. 27, 1888
Filed Dec. 17, 1888
Book 40 of Misc.,, Page 06
Includes land in No. I, etc.
In the Matter of the Probate Court, Hennepin
62. Estate of County, Minnesota
Thomas Kennedy Gray, Case No. 12385
Deceased Certified Copy Will .
Doc. No. 1404905 Dated Nov. 13, 1907
Admitted to Probate Jan. 31, 1910
Filed Feb. 160 1927
Book 265 of Misc., Page 218
Nominates and appoints wife Julia Allen Gray, son Horace Allen ray and son-
in-law Augustus B. Choute, executors, without bond, and with po er of sale.
(For further particulars see record)
In the Matter of the Probate Court, Hennepin
63. Estate of County, Minnesota
Thomas K.Gray, Case No. 12385
Deceased Certifies; Cony Decree of Distribution
Doc. No. 627438 Dated Feb. 23, 1912
Filed Feb. 26, 1912
Book 707 of Deeds, Page
Debts paid
Died Testate Dec. 24, 19
Personal property: 00, Reel Estate: West 35 acres of Lot 1, Sec
Township 116, Range 21, (Other property not in question not show
Real Estate Assigned: To Julia Allen Gray, widow, an undivided
above real estate, To each of Horace A. Gray, Grace Elizabeth Gr
ion 5,
/3 of
y Choate
(Entry No. 63 continued)
and Julia Marguerite Cray an undivided 2/9
as per will.
of above descr ibed Irea 1 estate
Julia Allen Gray, widow
Quit Claim Deed
Horace Allen Gray and
Dated Jan. 25, 1912
Julia Man Cray, wife
Filed May 22, 1912
Julia Marguerite Gray,
Book 707 of Deeds, Page
Consideration $1.00 etc.
Chace Elizabeth Gray.
West 35 acres of Lot If
5, Township 1161 Range 211
following described Ian
: Commencing
Doc. No. 636589
at a point on East line
said Section
5, Township 116, Range 21,
20 chains
thence South on said East
South of Northeast corner
line 310.4 feet; thence West parallel
to South
line of land owned by John
Woods (same land being a strip off the
North side
of said Northeast 1/4 said
Section 5, 20 chains in width; 2191 5/10
more or less to center of
Minneapolis and Shakopee Road thence Northeasterly
along center of said road
346.65 feet to South line said John Wood's
thence East 2021 feet to point
of beginning. (other property not
in question
not shown hereon)
Grace Elizabeth Gray
_ Special Warranty Deed
and Augustus S.
Dated Jan. 29, 1915
Choate, husband
Filed Feb. 10, 1915
Book 856 Deeds,
Philip R. Hamilton
of page
Consideration $1.00 etc.
Doc.No. 744907
West 35 acres of Lot I,
ection 5,
Township 116, Range 21.
Philip R. Hamilton and
Warranty Deed
Elizabeth Ni. Hamilton, wife Dated Dec. 22, 1931
:66 .
Filed Dec . 28, 1931
Donald F. Hamilton
Book 1244 of Deeds, Page
Doc. No. 1672118
Consideration $1.00 etc.
The West 35 acres of Government
Lot 1, Section 5, Townsh
p 116,
question not shown hereon)
Range 21. (Other property
Special Assessments.
not in
ec s
p smen LS.
Donald F.
Philip R.
as joint
Doc. No.
Hamilton unmarried
M.Hami lton, wife
In the Matter of the
68. Death of
Elizabeth Mary Hamilton
Doc. No. 2021351
Warranty Deed
Dated Dec. 24, 1931
Filed Dec. 28, 1931
Book 1244 of Deeds, Peg
Consideration $1.00 etc
The West 35 acres of Go ernment
Lot If Section 5, Towns ip 116,
Range 21. (Other prope ty not in
question not shown here n)
Spe "eial Assessments
Department of Health, C
of Minneapolis
Certified Copy Cert i f i c
Dated Nov. 22, 1939
Filed Feb. 17, 1940
Book 387 of Misc., Page
Shows that she died Nov
to of Death
21, 1939
William J. Meyer Affidavit
To Dated Feb. 14, 1940
Whom It Concerns Filed Feb. 17, 1940
Doc.No. 2021351 Book 387 of Misc., Page
William J. Meyer of Minn,
Minnesota being first duly sworn
deposes and says; that f r more
than 10 years preceding her death, he was acquainted with Elizabeth
Mary Hamilton, who died at Minneapolis, Minnesota, Nov. 21, 1939, and
who is named and referred to in the certificate of Death he eto attained
That said Elizabeth Mary Hamilton named and described in the attained
Certificate of Death is the same identical person as Eliz_ab th M.
Ham i i_ton, g y ____i � .._. __. ,
.._one of the grantees of that certain Warrant Deed dated Dec.
24, 1531, executed by Donald F. Hamilton, unmarried, as gra for to
Phillip R. Hamilton and Elizabeth M. Hamilton, as grantees filed for
record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin C unty,
Minnesota on Dec. 28, 1931, in 1244 of Deeds, Page 550, etc of records
of said Register of Deeds. Affiant further says that the a ove named
Elizabeth Mary,Hamilton named in said Certificate is the sa a identical
person as Elizabeth M. Hamilton named as one of the grantee in that
certain IlIarranty Deed dated Dec. 24, 1931, executed by Dona d F. Hamilton,
unmarried to Phillip R. Hamilton and Elizabeth M. Hamilton, as grantees
for the conveyance of the following described land and prem ses situated
in the County of Hennepin State of Minnesota, described as follows to -wit
Lot 1, Block 6 and Lots I�and 2, Block 8 in Nokomis Knoll,
Addition to Minneapolis according to the map or plat thereof
and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within
County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota.
on f i le
and for the
Comaissioncr of Taxation
of Stat, of Minnesota,
by Inheritance and Gift
Tax Division (Seal)
Whom It Concerns
Doc. No. 2021352
Certificate of Payment o
Dated Feb. 7, 1940
Filed Feb. 17, 1940
Book 390 of Misc, Page 3
Upon the within affidavi
the facts disclosed in t
and records of the Depar
Taxation, I find that an
tax was due the State of
upon the transfers described herein and that such tax has b
and paid, The lien for inheritance taxes fo the State of M i
the property described in the within affidavit is hereby sa
Philip R. Hamilton,
Michael A. Davitt
Doc.No. 2529552
Warranty Deed
Dated Oct. 14, 1948
F i I ed Oct. 15, 1948
Book 1769 of Deeds, Page
Consideration $1.00 etc.
The West 35 acres of Lot
5, TowhshiP 116, Range 2
to any encumbrances or liens affecting said premises by or
act of the grantee subsequent to the 16th day of Aug. 1946,
all encumbrances except as above stated and to the lien of
special Assessments and interest thereon.
Revenue Stamps $2.20
Michael A. Davitt, unmarried
72. To
Theodore Asplund and
Mabel A sp i und, h i s wife,
as joint tenants
Doc. No. 2529553
any, now levied or due thereon but
Revenue Stamps $3.30
Warranty Deed
Dated Oct. 14, 1948
Filed Oct. 15, 1948
Book 1769 of Deeds, Page
Consideration $1.00 etc.
The West 35 acres of Lot
5, Township 116, Range 2
to special taxes or asse
payable hereafter.
and upon
e files
ment of
en assessed
nesota upon.
1, Section
, Subject
hrough the
Free from
11 unpaid
I, Section
, subject
sments, if
The Council of the Certified Copy of Amendment of
Village of Edina the Ordinance of the Village of
73. To Edina Henne in
Whom It Concerns Dated April $, 1952nty, Minnesota
Doc. No. 2745385 Filed April 8, 1952, 3:45 p.m.
Book 641 of Misc., page 45
The Council of the Village of
Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota,
do ordain as follows
Section 1. Section III, paragraph (c) of the zoning ordinance of
the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, passed by the
council of said Village on the 25th day of May, 1931, and thereafter
amended, is hereby further amended as follows: Section III (c).
No land shall be platted or subdivided which, at the time of
application for approval of the plat, is provided with public water
and sewer connections or in which public water or sewer connections
are contemplated unless such plat or subdivision meets all of the
following minimum requirements:
1. Each lot shall have a frontage on a public street of not less
than 75 feet.
2. The average minimum depth of all the lots in the proposed plat
or subdivision shall be not less than 120 feet.
3. The area of each lot in the proposed plat or subdivision shall
be not less than 8,250 square feet.
No land shall be platted or subdivided which, at the time of
application for approval of the plat, is not provided with public
water and sewer connections and in which public water or sewer
connections are not contemplated unless such plat or subdivision
meets all of the following minimum requirements:
1. Each lot shall have a frontage on a public street of not less
than 90 feet.
2. The average minimum depth of all the lots in the proposed plat
or subdivision shall be not less than 125 feet.
3. The area of each lot in the proposed plat or subdivision shall
be not less than 11,250 square feet.
All lots contained in land hereafter platted or subdivided shall
have side lines as nearly as practical at right angles to the
street line.
Section II. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from
and after its adoption. Passed by the Village Council this 22 day
of October, 1951.
That the above ordinance was passed pursuant to the authority of
Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.26 et seq. and that with such regula-
tions in force, by virtue of Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.29.
Subdivision 2, no conveyance of land in which the land conveyed is
described by metes and bounds or by reference to a plat made after
such regulations become effective which is not approved as provided
by statute, shall be made or recorded if the parcel described in the
conveyance is less than two and 1/2 acres in area and 150 feet in
width unless such parcel is a separate parcel of record at tie time
of the adoption of the above ordinance or unless an agreemen to
convey such smaller parcel has been entered into prior to su h time
and the instrument showing the agreement to convey is record 3d in
the office of the Register of Deeds within one year thereaft r.
.Any owner or agent of the owner of land in the Village of Edina who
conveys a lot or parcel in violation of this statute shall f rfeit
and pay to the Village of Edina a penalty of not less than $100.00
for each lot or parcel so conveyed and such conveyance may be
The Village Council
Of the Village of Edina
74-Whom It Concerns
Doc. No. 3340755
Certified Copy of Resolution
Adopted Jan. 27, 1958
Filed April 6, 1962
Book of Misc., page
Resolution Declaring Policy as to
Approval of Plats and Co ditional
Upon the Installation of Water
and Sanitary and Storm Sewer Improve-
Resolved by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that the
policy of the Village with reference to the approval of Plats of new
subdivision within the Village limits is hereby declared to be a
1. No plat filed as a preliminary plat with the Planning Coimis-
sion after September I, 1957, and no plat submitted to the Counc I for
the final approval after April 10, 1958, shall be approved unles and
until the person, firm or corporation submitting such plat shall have
fully complied with the requirements set forth in subdivision (a ) or
(b) below.
(a) All lateral water mains, all lateral sanitary sewers, and any
storm sewer and drainage facilities and structures within the platted
area which are necessary to provide adequate water and sewer service
and adequate drainage for such area must have been constructed arid in-
stalled without expense to the Village, and there shall be filed with
the final plat adequate proof that all costs of such constructio and
installation have been paid in full.
(b) In lieu of the above, there may be filed with the plat
bond in the amount and with surety and conditions to be approved by the
Council, securing to the Village the actual construction and ins alla-
tion of said improvements without cost to the Village and within a
period designated by the Council and expressed in the bond, and the
payment of all costs thereof.
2. The requirements of paragraph I as to lateral water or, s wer
mains may be waived by the Council in the case of plats or subdivisions
in locations to which the municipal water or sewer system is not to be
extended within a reasonable time, provided that the requirement
thereof relating to storm sewer and drainage facilities shall ha e been
fully complied with, and the platted lots are of the size requir d to
permit individual water and sewage disposal facilities to be constructed
to established standards.
3. Any or all of the requirements of paragraph I may be waived
by unanimous vote of the members of the Council at a meeting duly held,
in the case of a replat of a previously approved subdivision which
does not provide for a new public street and does not increase the.
original number of platted lots.
4. No plat will be approved after the date of this resolution ex-
cept upon the conditions above set forth, unless the same was filed with
the'Planning Commission as a preliminary plat on or before September I,
1957, and is submitted to the Council for final approval on or prior to
April 10, 1958, and, at the discretion of the Council is accompanied by
a written agreement executed by the person, firm or corporation sub-
mitting the plat, effective upon acceptance by the Council to p y to
the Village a sum fixed by the Council, estimated to be suffici nt to
(Entry No. 74 Continued)
pay the cost of all improvements of the types described in paragraph I
which the Village determines to construct and install within the s b_
division; such payment to be made in cash or in installments exten ing
over a period not exceeding three years from the time of such con-
struction and installation. The Village will reserve the right to levy
special assessments in an amount equal to the cost of said improve
meats, upon the properties especially benefited thereby, but payments
recieved under any such agreement will be credited by the Village
against the special assessments levied therefor. The provisions f this
paragraph shall in no event be construed as applying to any plats ap-
proved by the Council prior to the date of this resolution.
The Village Council Certified Copy Ordinan
of the Village of Edina Adopted June 8, 1959
i5. TO Filed April 6, 1962
Whom It Concerns Book of Misc., p
Doc. No. 3340754 An Ordinance Prescribi
cedure For the Approva
Requiring Payment of a
Imposing Oth9r Require
Including the Making o
Improvements in Lands
Not Platted.
The Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota Ordai
Section 1. Filing Plats: Fee. All- fats presented for
of the Village Council shall be filed with the Village Manag
shall be accompanied by payment of a plat filing fee which s
charged by the Village for services to be rendered by employ
Village in processing the proposed plat. The amount of such
be $25.00, plus $1.00 for each lot in the plat, but not to e.
maximum fee of $100.00. Failure of the Council to approve t
shall not entitle the person who paid the fee to the return
any part thereof; provided, however, that the payment of suc
required only as to plats filed after the date this ordinanc
Section 2. Street and Lot Grades; Park Dedication.
Every plat of previously unsubdivided land, or replat of pla
which requires the dedication of a new street or a change in
ing street, shall not only comply with all applicable provis
state law and the Zoning Ordinance (No. 261) of the Village,
also shop; thereon the grade of all streets and the mean gra
front and rear lines of each lot. In every plat of land not
subdivided and to be developed for residential purposes, a p
such land of sufficient size and character shall be set asid
dedicated to the public for public use as parks and playgrou
Section 3. Report on Plat. The Village Manager and t
Cormission shall examine each plat and report thereon in wri
Council as to the following matters:
(a the accuracy of all measurements and grades shown
(b� the suitability of the plat from the standpoint, of
In the case of the plats mentioned in Section 2, r
also be made as to the following matters:
(c) the adequacy of streets and conformity thereof wit
and planned streets and highways in surrounding areas.
(d) the suitability of street grades in relation to th
of lots and existing or future extensions of the Village's i
storm and sanitary sewer systems.
(e) where dedication of such land is required, the su
of land dedicated for park and playground use, and the recd
of the Park Board regarding such dedication of land.
(f) the estimated cost (including engineering and ins
penses) of grading, gravelling and permanently surfacing st
stalling street signs, and constructing any storm sewers wh
necessary, and
( ) the estimated cost (including engineering and ins
penses�, o.`' constructing sanitary sewers and water rsai.ns ad
sQrve all lots in the plat, provided the connection of such
water.mains to the Village sewer and water systems is feasib'
However, the owner of the lard included in the plat, o
in Lieu of having the foregoing cost-, estimated by the Vill
employ at his expense, a registered professional engineer t
preliminary plans and estimates of cost of the necessary ini .
and submit a written, itemized report thereof to the Villa
Advance notice of the employment of such engineer shell be
Villaso P,Ianager upon filing of the plat.
e No. 2b
g Pro-
of Plats,
Fee and
r and
all be
es of the
fee shall
ceed a
e plat
£ all or
fee be
tad land
an exist
ons of
but shall
e of the
rtion of
e Planning
ing to the
hereon, and
commu ai.ty
ort shall
e grades
ater and
ecti.on ex-
eets, in-
ch may be
ection ;x-
quate to
sewers and
his agent,
ge, may
even to the
(No- 75 continued)
Section 4. Action by Council. Upon com,21ation of the
specified in Section 3 above, the plat and r;;port shall be t
to the Council for approval. The Council may
(a) grant preliminary approval of plats mentioned in S
(b) grant final approval of other plats, or
(c) refer the plat for further report to the appropria
officers or departments, or
(d) reject the plat.
Section 5, Plats Given Preliminary Approval. When pre:
approval has been given to a plat, the person who filed such
cause all street, water and sewer improvements required by t:
thereon to be completed, at his own expense and under the 'su-
of the Village Engineer, or in lieu of making such Lmprovemei
sign a subdivision financing agreement, and file a bond to as;
formance thereof. Such agreement, to be made between the per,
the plat and the Village, shall obligate the person filing ti
repay to the Village all costs thereof, through payment of s;
assessments or otherwise, at least one - third in each of thre(
last pay -meat to be made not later than December 31 of the the
from the year in which special assessments for such i.mprovem(
levied; provided, however, that the Village shall not be obl:
enter into such agreement.if the developer does not file a b<
hereinafter described or if the Village Council determines ti
Village must borrow money to pay its costs of construction ur
agreement and such borrovring will jeopardize the Villagers cz
rating. Such agreement shall also provide that if special a;
.have been levied for the making of such improvements against
in the plat and rez�-aia unpaid upon the transfer of title to
they shall be paid or prepaid in full to the Village TreasurE
County Treasurer of Hennepin_ County.
The bond herein required shall be given by the developer
corporation approved by the Council as surety thereon, in the
amount of all costs of making the improvements specified in t
division financing agreement not paid in cash by the develope
or at the time of entering into such agree, ,aent, and shall be
the securing to the Village the payment of all such costs wi
period specified in such agreement.
Section 6. Final Approval of Plat. When a plat has be
preliminary approval by the Council and the required improver
been completed, subdivision financing agreement executed, or
nished as herein required, the Village Manger shall submit
mentary report thereon with the plat to the Council for fina
Section 7. Street Maintenance. -Until a street in a pl
been completed in accordance with the plans and specification
by the Village, and the Village Engineer has certified as to
pletion, the owner shall keep such street, if used for publi
in a safe condition for such use, at his ow-n expense. The Vi
not be chargeable with the cost of or the responsibility for
maintenance of such street until the completion of such stre
so certified.
Section 8. Application. Except as herein otherwise pr
ordinance shall apply to all plats heretofore filed but not
prel.imina.ry approval by the Village Council, and to all plat
ti.on 2, or
e Village
plat shall
e report
ts, he shall
ure per--
on filing
e plat to
years, the
rd year
nts are
gated to
na as
at the
der such
any lot
uch lot,
r and the
with a
he sub -
r before
given for
hin the
n given
ents have
bond fur-
t has
s approved
such com-
lage shall
t has been
ided, this
t given
Section 9. Effective date. This ordinance shalt be in fu11 force
and effect upon its passage a;td publication as provided by 1 w.
,Village Council Certified Copy Ordinance No. 263A
Village of Edina Dated Jan. 10, 1966
to Filed Jan. 19, 1966
!Thom it Concerns Book of Misc., p ge
Doc. No. 3589147 An Ordinance Constitutin the
Council as the Platting authority
of the Village, Prescrib ng the
Procedure for the Approv 1 of Plats
of Subdivisions, Regulating Plats
and Subdivisions, and Pr viding
for Relief- in Cases of Hardship.
The Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, Ordains
Section I. Platting Authority to ;',p_prove Plats. The Village
Council shall serve as the Platting Authority of the Village in
accordance with Minnesota Laws of 1965, Chapter 670, Section 8 (Minn.
St., Sec. 462.358). No plat, replat or subdivision of land in the
Village shall be filed or accepted for filing by the Hennepin County
Register of Deeds unless it is accompanied by a certified copy of a
resolution adopted by the favorable vote of a majority of the embers of
the Viliage*Council approving such plat, replat or subdivision.
Section 2. Filing Plats; Fee. All plats presented for t e approval
of the Village Council shall be filed with the Planning Depart en and
shall be accompanied.by payment of a plat filing fee which shali be
charged by the Village for services to be rendered by employee of the
Village in processing the proposed plat. The amount of such f e shall
be $25, plus $1 for each lot in the plat, but not to exceed a Maximum
fee of $100. Rejection of the plat by the Council shall not e title the
person who paid the fee to the return of all or any port t'iere f.
Section 3. Plats to Comply with Law and Zonin Ordinance
(a) Every plat, replat or subdivision of land shall comply with all
applicable provisions of state law and the Zoning Ordinance (N . 261)
of the Village.
(b) Every plat of previously unsubdivided land, or replat f platted
land which requires the dedication of a new street or a change in an
existing street, shall also show thereon the grade of all stye is and
the mean grade of the front and rear lines of each lot.
Section 4. Dedication of Land_ For'Parks. In every plat f pre-
viously unsubdivided land to be developed for residential use, a reasonable
portion of such land shall be set aside and dedicated to the p blic for
public use as parks and playgrounds, but in lieu thereof the s bdivider
may at his option contribute to the Village an amount of cash quaff to
the value of the land otherwise required to be dedicated for p rks and
pl aygroMncls. ,'tiny money so paid to the Village shall be placed in a
special Fund and used only for the acquisition of land for par s and
Section 5. Report on Plat. The Planning Commission with the
assistance of the Planning Department shall examine each plat nd report
and make a recommendation thereon in writing to the Council as to the
following matters;
(a) the accuracy of all measurements and grades shown ther on, and
- (Continued)
(Entry No. 76 continued)
(b) the suitability of the plat from the standpoint of coma
In the case of the plats mentioned in Section 3 (b), report
also be made as to the following matters:
(c) the adequacy of streets and conformity thereof with exi
planned streets and highways in surrounding areas,
(d) the suitability of street grades in relation to the gr,
lots and existing or future extensions of the Village's water
and sanitary sewer systems,
(e) where dedication of land is required, the sufficiency
dedicated for park and playground use, and the recommendation
Park Board regarding such dedication of land,
(f) the estimated cost (including engineering and inspecti
expenses) of grad:i,nq, greveiiing and permanently surfacing str
installing street signs, and constructing any storm sewers whi
be necessary, ind
(g) the esti mat e cost Unc? ud nn engineering and inspecti
expenses) of constructing sanitary sewers and water mains adeq
serve all lots in the plat, provided that connection of such s-
.water mains to the 'tillage sewer and water systems is feasible.
However, the owner of the land included in the plat, or his ag
lieu of hav inq the foregoing costs estimated by the Village, ma
at his expense, a registerQ professional engineer to prepare F
plans and estimates of cost of the necessary improvements and s
a written, itemized report thereoF to the Planning Department.
notice of the employment of such engineer shall be given to the
Department upon Aling o! the plat.
sting and
des of
nd storm
f laid
f the
h may
ate to
suers and
nt, in
y employ
Section 6. Public Hearing_ At its next regular meeting after
receipt of the report and recommendation of the Planning Comm;ss,on on
any plat, repl._:t or subdivision hereunder, the Village Council shall
set a date For hearing thereon, which shall be not later than 6C days
after the meeting. A notice of the date, time, place and par ose of
the hearing shall be published once in the official newspaper at least
ten days before the date of hearing. ;after hearing the oral r written
views of all interested persons, the Council as the Platting uthority
shall make its decision at the same meeting or at a specified future
meeting thereof. It may by resolution
(a) grant preliminary approval of plats mentioned in Sect on 3 (b),
with or without modification,
(b) grant final approval of other plats, with or without ionlification,
(c) refer the plat to the a7propriate Village officers or departments
for further investigat7on and report to the Council at a spec fied future
meeting thereof, cr
(d) reject the plat.
Section 7. Plats is Given Preliminary Approval. When preliminary
approval has been given to a plat, the person who filed such fat shall
cause all street, water and sewer improvements required by th resolution
granting such approval to be completed, at his own expense and under
(Entry No. 76 continued)
the supervision of the Village Engineer, or in lieu of making s ch
improvements, he shall sign a subdivision financing agreement a d
file a bond to assure performance thereof. Such agreement, to a made
between the person filing the plat and the Village, shall oblig to the
person fyling the plat to repay to the Village all costs, there f, through,
payment of special assessments or otherwise, at least one - third in each
of three years, the last payment to be made not later than Dece ber 31
of the third year from the year in which special assessments fo such F
improvements are levied; provided, however, that the Village sh II not
be obligated to enter into such agreement if the developer does note
file a bond as hereinafter described or if the Village Council etermines
that the Village must borrow money to pay its costs of construc ion under
such agreement and such bcrro%V.ng will jeopardize the Village's credit
rating. Such agreement shall also previde that if special assessments r
have been levied for the making of such improvements against any lot in
the plat located in the Single Family Dwelling District and re ain unpaid
upon the transfer of t=tle to such lot, they shall be paid or repaid
in full to the Village Treasurer and the County Treasurer of H nnepin County.
The bond herein required shall be given by the developer ith a
corporation approved by the Council as surety thereon, in the ull amount
of all costs of malting the improvements specified in the subdi -ision
financing agreement not paid in cash by the developer before o at the
time of entering into such agreement, and shall be given for t e securing
to the Village the payment of al!.such costs within the period specified
in such agreement.
Section S. Final Approval of Nat. 1 hen a plat has been given
preliminary approval by the Council -and -the required improveme is have
been completed, or 5ubd2.2vision financing agreement executed an bond
furnished as herein required, the Village Manager shall submit a sup -
plamentary report thereon with the plat to the Council for fin I approval,
which shall be given by resolution.
Section 9. Filing Reso- lution. A certified copy of every resolution
adopted under this ordinance granting final approval of any plat shall
be filed with the 2Egister of Deeds of Hennepin County. Whenever the plat
so approved is of land within the municipality contiguous to nother
municipality, the resolution shall also be filed with the Cle k of such
contigous municipality. i
Section 10. Street 11aintenance. Until a street in a pl t has been
completed in accordance with the plans and specifications app oved by
the Village, and the Village Engineer has certified as to suc completion,
the owner shall keep.such street, if used For public travel, n a safe
condition for such use, at his own expense. The Village shal not be
chargeable with the cost of or the responsibility for the mai tenance of
such street until the completion of such street has been so c rtified.
Section II. This ordinance may be referred to as the PI tting
Ordinance of the Village.
Section 12. This ordinance shall be in full force and e feet upon
its adoption and publication in accordance with law, including all portions
(Entry No. 76 continued)
of this ordinance referring to hl--Innesota Laws of 1965, Chapter 670,
notwithstanding that said chapter will not go into effect until January
Section 13. Upon being made effective, a certified copy Df this
ordinance shall be filed with the Register of Deeds of Hennepi County.
First Reading: December 20 1965. Second Reading: Waived. dopted:
December 20, 1965. (Signed Arthur C. Bredesen, Jr., Mayor
Attest: (Signed) Florence. B. Hallberg, Village Clerk.
Published in the Edina- Morningside Courier December 23, 1965.
Village Council Certified Copy Ordinance No.
Village of Edina Dated
77. to Filed November 27, 1967
Whom it Concerns Book of Misc., page
Doc. No. 3688232 An Ordinance Amending the PI
Ordinance of the Village by
Requiring Underground Instal
of Electric and Telephone Li
The Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, Ordains:
Section 1. Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II and 12 or Ordi
No. 263A (Platting Ordinance) of the Village are hereby renumber
Sections 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Ii, 12 and 13, respectively.
Section 2. Ordinance No. 263A is hereby amended by addin
thereto a new section 5 reading as follows:
"Section 5, under round Installation of Electric and Tel
All new electric distribution lines excluding main line feeders
high voltage transmission lines), telephone service lines, and s
constructed within the confines of and providing service to cust
newly platted areas shall be installed underground unless the Co
shall find, after study and recommendation by the Planning Commi
(a) the placing of utilities undercround would not be com
with the development planned,
(b) the additional cost of burying such utilities would c
an undue financial hardship, or
(c) unusual topographical, soil or other physical conditi
make underground installation of such lines unreasonable or impr
The platter shall submit to-the Planning Commission a wri
instrument from each of the utilities showing that the necessary
arrangements have been made with the utility for the installatio
said facilities" ,
Section 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and eff,
immediately upon its passage and publication.
Section 4. Upon being made effective, a certified copy o-
ordinance shall be filed with the Register of Deeds of Hennepin
First Readina: October 16, 1967
Second Reading: November 6, 1967
Published in the Edina Courier November g, 1967
(signed) Arthur C. Bredesen, Jr., Mayor
Attest: (signed) Florence B. Hallberg, Village Clerk
,63A - I
e Wires
mers in
sion, that
Theodore Albert Asplund
Warranty Deed
and Mabel 0. Asplund,
Dated July 21, 1960
husband and
Filed Jan. 6, 1969
78. To
Book 69, of Hennepin County
William J.
Olsen and
Page 3757760
Deborah S.
Consideration $1.00 etc.
husband and
The West 35 acres of Lot
as joint tenants
5, Town shi p 116, Range 21,
County, Minnesota.
free from all incumbranc
any and all
taxes heretofore due
and payable which the parties
of the
second part
assume and agree to pay
and the lien of all unp
and interest thereof.
State deed
tax Stamps $154.00
William J. Olsen and Mortgage
Deborah S. Olsen, Dated Nov. 9, 1965
husband and wife Filed Jan. 261 i966
79. To Book 3590 of Mtgs., Page 301
Josiah E. Brill, Sr. and To secure $11,164.47
Josiah E. Brill, Jr.. Consideration $1.00 etc.
Doc. No. 3589173 (For further terms and c nditions
see record),
The West; 38.2 ,acres of G vernment Lot
I, Section 5, Township 116, Range 21 in the ,Village of Edin , except
that part taken for highway purposes. (other property not i question
not shown hereon)
The County of Hennepin District Court, State of
Petitioner Minnesota, Fourth Judici I District
80. Vs. Condemnation No. 384
Mitz M. Kawaguchi, et al Certified Copy Partial Final Certificate
Respondents Dated Jan. 13, 1967
Doc.No. 3642329 Filed Jan. 11, 1967
Book 2577 Deeds., Page 613
The County of Hennepin now owns
and has acquired the ri ht of access
to the hereinafter described land for highway purposes. The land so
taken is situated in the County of Hennepin, State of Minn rota, and
legally described as follows: Parcel No. A -19 (CSAH No. 6 Project
No. 6221 Amended Description)
That part of Government Lot 1, Section 51 Township 1161 Ra ge 210 lying
west of a line parallel with, measured at right angles to, and 71.5
rac's East of the West 1 'i ne of said Government Lot i and th same extended
North. Which lies 100,0 feet Southwesterly and 150.0 feet Northeasterly
measured at right angles to, the following described line: Beginning
at the North 114 corner of said Section 5, thence South al ng the North
and South 114 line thereof a distance of 1580.25 feet to t e actual
point of beginning, of the 1 i ne' to be described; thence def ect i ng to_
the, right with angle of 101 degrees 11 minutes 27 seconds distance
of 2900.0_feet and there terminating. Also all the right f access,
being the right of ingress to and egress from the Norther( and Southerly
sides of that part of the first above described tract not cquired herein
to the highway to be constructed in the tract herein acqui ed.
(Entry No. 80 continued)
Also the right to construct slopes prior to Dec. 31, 1966, on that
part of the East 200.0 feet of the first above described on
within a distance of 200.0 feet Northerly of the above described line.
(Other property not in question not shown hereon)
The approved date :Jan. 13, 1967.
J. Olsen and
S. Olsen
Dated Jan. 6, 1969
81. To
Filed Jan. 6, 1969
S. Parkinson
Book 69, of Hennepin Co
Records page 3757761
Consideration $1.00 etc.
To secure $301000.00
(For further terms and
and i t i ons.
see record)
The West
35 acres of Lot 1, Section 5, Township 116, Range
21, free
from all
incumbrances, Mortgage
dated N6v. 9, 1965 recorde
on Jan.
261 1966
as Doc. No. 3589173 in
Mortgage Book 3590 page 301.
Josiah E.
Brill, Sr. and
Subordination Agreement
Josiah E.
Brill, Jr.,
Dated Jan. 6, 1969
82. To
Filed Jan. 6, 1969
S. Parkinson
Book 69, of Hennepin Co
Records, page 3757762
Consideration $1.00
(For complete take -off,
Exhibit A hereto attach
In the t0atter of the Probate Court, Hennepin
83. Guardianship of County, Minnesota
W i I 1 i am 01 son, Dated Mar. 20, 1967
Incompetent See Court Files,
Case No. 57721
In the Matter of the Probate Court, Hennepin
84, Guardianship of County, Minnesota
Deborah Sharon Olson, Dated Aug. 14, 1968
mentally ill See Court Files,
Case No. 59016
- - C'
- '� .
_ - �•. _ —
-a- mot_
THIS AGREEMENT, made this 6th day oL January, 1969
JR., parties of the first part
HERBERT S. PARKINSON, party of the second
WHEREAS, the parties of the first part now owe and
hold a mortgage on the following described premises in `Hennepin
_ County, Minnesota, dated November 9, 1965, recorded on January 2
1966, as Document No- 35891T3, in MortgaEe Book 3590, Page 301,
to -wit:
The Nest 35 acres of Lot I, Section 5,
Township 116, Range 21, according to the
duly recorded plat thereof,
WHEREAS,,the present owners of the premises, William J
Olsen and Deborah S. Olsen, his wife, are about to execute and
deliver to party of the second -part a mortgage on said premises
to secure the guarantee by party.of the second part of a Promiss
I v
Note given by said owners to
in the princi ai sue of Thir Thousand Do11� s a,00..00 , ar_,
ilFt�RcAS, t`�e party IoY�he second .L
nag refused to
I .
- adcept said mortgage and has refused t-o guarantee said note unle
the mortgage he id by parties -of the first par, be subordinated i
Q '
the manner hereinafter mentioned.
NOV, THEREFORE, Jr. consideration of the greaises and t
induce party of the second part to guarantee said note and also
in coasideration of one Dollar ($1.00) paid to parties of the
-'-. T = l.'�.4` -. _ ^�'-- r'••+P�: ^T�. -r r.± "�'i:
EXHIBIT A Book 69, Hennepin
Records Page
85. Taxes for 1968 and prior years paid.
Taxes for 1969 amount $3,753.96 not paid
Assessed in the name of Asplund, Edina #24, Plat 73605, Par el 610
86. Certifications by Title Insurance Company of Minnesota cove records
in Register of Deeds' Office of Federal Internal Revenue Li n Notices
and Minnesota Income and Inheritance Tax Lien Notices.
87. For Judgment and Bankruptcy Search See Certificate attached
91$894 Ilk)
Verified by—, - 6 =
THE COMPANY HEREBY CERTIFIES that it has made a search of the Judgment Lien and Bankrup
cy Dockets in
the following named Courts:
District Court, Fourth Judicial District, Hennepin County, Minnesota,
United States District Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division,
and finds no bankruptcy proceedings and no unsatisfied judgments and no undischarged notices of Internal
Revenue Tax
Liens appearing therein against the names hereon between the dates set opposite the respective names, except
as shown
THE COMPANY FURTHER CERTIFIES that it has made a search of the Federal Tax Lien Docket in the
United States District Court, District of Minnesota, Third Division,
and finds no undischarged notices of Internal Revenue Tax Liens against the names hereon, between the dates
set opposite
the respective names, except as shown hereon.
(Note: Where any name appears hereon with a middle initial, no search is made as to any names having middle initials
different from
that shown hereon.)
Theodore Asplund or )
Theodore Albert Asplund )
May 4, 1959
7, 1969
Mrs. Theodore Asplund or )
Mrs. Theodore Albert Asplund )
May 4, 1959
79 1969
Mabel Asplund or )
Mabel 0. Asplund )
May 4, 1959
7, 1969
William J. Olsen
May 4, 1959
May 5t
Mrs. William J. Olsen
May 4, 1959
May 59
Deborah S. Olsen
May 4, 1959
, 196997AM
Except as
District Court,
Fourth Judicial District
State of Minn.
Judgment $1,924.39
Dated Nov. 28, 1966
Wm. Schacker
Docketed Nov. 28,
5401 Brooklyn Drive,
Case No. 633265
Brooklyn Center, Minn.
Robert W. Matts
n, Atty.
W. Olson, doing business as
Decorative Services
1418 - Orkla Drive
Golden Valley, Minn.
Bus: Monticello, Minn.
(Partially satisfied in the sum
of $332.74 on Sept.
12, 1
State of Minnesota
Judgment $1,625.81
Dated Nov. 5, 1568
William Schacker and
Docketed Nov. 59
W. Olson, doing business as
Case No. 653523
Decorative Services
Douglas M. Head,
Schacker - 6501 Bklyn Drive,
Bklyn Center
Olson - 1418 Orkala Drive,
Golden Valle
Dated at Minneapolis, this 5th day of May 19 69
Form No B .
By ����� ° Asst.