HomeMy WebLinkAbout1500April 25, 1972 Rx. Tt lea was S, Hrlokson 2400 Mrst Natl.oiial Bank, S14r,- 14.nneapolla. MI 55402 Dear Tom: Rnolozad4 as requasted, is a copy of "Decla'rAtion of Protectilft Covenants " and the resolution adopted by the Edina Village touncil April 17, 1972, rnlativ-a t,,) the Tama Investment Company pvoperty- Plea4e tall me If you have any questions in this matter. Yours vary trul-,, Village Clerk anclosur-as 4` Y 3S6S1'72 DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS THIS DECLARATION, Made this 31st day of July, 1970, by JOHN ON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, a partnership consisting of John R. Johnson, A e H. Johnson, Ray A. Johnson, and Robert R. Johnson, a partnership under he laws of the State of Minnesota (hereinafter called "Declarant "); WIINE£SETH. THAT: WHEREAS Declarant is the fee owner of record of all the pro erty described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (herei after called "Property "); and WHEREAS it is the desire of the Declarant to secure the val e of the Property and its usefulness for development; NOW THEREFORE, In order to effect the foregoing, the said Declarant does hereby impose, promulgate, adopt and subject the Property to the follow- ing conditions, provisions, convenants, and restrictions which shall run with the land and shall be binding on all present and future owners, occ piers and encumbrancers of all or any part of the Property. 1. That no more than eighty -four (84) residence units sha 1 be constructed on the Property. 2. That no building constructed on the Property shall exc ed two (2) stories in height above finished grade level at the West end of the building and three (3) stories in height above finished grade level at the E st end of the building. 3. These restrictive covenants are for the benefit of the Village of Edina, its successors and assigns, and may be enforced by the Vi lage of Edina by proceedings at law or in equity against any party violatin or at- tempting to violate them, or any of them, either to prevent such vi lation or recover damages therefor. 4. These restrictions, or either of them, may be amended fied, released, or revoked at any time and from time to time by tr owner of the Property, upon the consent of the Village of Edina it of a resolution of the Village Council of the Village of Edina, ar modi- then the form shall be r deemed so amended, modified, released, or revoked only when a certif copy of such resolution consenting to the amendment, modification, r lease or revocation of these covenants, or any of them, as the may be, is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in for Hennepin County, Minnesota. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The said Declarant has caused this instrument to be executed in its partnership name: by one of its pa the day and year first'above written. IN PRESENCE OF STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS COUNTY OF ) JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION By /YJ� A Par e ANY On this day of L_ �'7 _, 1970, before me, Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared d li fop , to me personally known, who, be ng by me duly sworn, did say that he is a partner of JOHNSON CONSTRUCT ON COMPANY, the partnership named in the foregoing instrument and that he had authority to'and did execute the foregoing instrument on behalf of said partnership and said /� Atr-' n acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said pa tnership. (NOTARIAL SEAL) This hwhument was drafted by Dormy, Marquart, Windhorst, West & Halladay 2400 Ist National Bank Bldg. Mm"Polis, Minnesota 55402 "' STATE of pA- �BEPT. OF 4Y `` TAXATION= L� DE cv TA OEC31 70 .. k'02.20 -- 0 TAX */0�5 STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON` -2- ELfL• 'ryLK2 NOWY Public, Mee er County, Minn. MV00mission Ex lires April 9. 1971 _.•�Sy�1441tffe;;:. i J itT1 rY. ♦ww 1 =kTrt +r�� � v M n I r EX111BIT A That• part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest- Quarter (NE ,I 4 of NW 1/4) and the Northwest: Quarter .of the Northeast Quarter (PIJ 1./4 of IJE 1/4) of Section Six (6), Township One Hundred Sixteen (116). Range Twenty -one (21), described as follows: Beginning on a point in t ie West line of said Northeast Quarter of 'the Northwest Quarter (NE 1/4 o- NW 1/4) distant 81.4.5 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Northeas Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE 1/4 of r'wJ 1/4) ; thence running East nd a deflection angle to the right of 92 °20' a distance of 676.3 feet; thence Nortai parallel with the West line of said Northeast Quarter of th Northwest Quarter (NE 1/4 of NW 1/4) a distance of 366 feet to a oint which is 283.9 feet South of the North li_ ne of said Section Six ( ) ; the actual point of. beginning of the tract to be described; thene running East- on a deflection angle to the right of 92 °20' a distance of 1 17.5 feet more'or less to the center line of the Town Road, also known as Gleason Road as now laid out and travelled; thence Northeasterly along said center Line a distance of 384.7 feet more or less to its intersection with the North line of said Section Six (6); thence !Jest along said North line a distance of 1.426.3 feet more or less to a point which is distant :78.6 feet East of the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE 1/4 of N1.4-1/4); thence South parallel with the West ine of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE 1/4 of NW 1/4) 283.9 feet to the point of beginni.no. . Which lies Northerly of the following, described line: Beginning at the East: Quarter corner. of Section Six (6), Townshi} One Hundred Sixteen (116), Range Twenty -one (21), thence North 00 de tees 09 i ti. t@ Of Sa 1( Section On C j miriL 7 CCn �;2 a distance of 1807.59 feet; thence North 78 degrees 48 minutes 33 .econds V,-+st L dist.Cncc of 1070.37 North G.! de—iL_'i.s 13 mii itul or 33 seconds West a distance of 1031.19 feet; thence North 12 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 490.0 feet; thence South 77 degree 23 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 100.0 feet to the actual point of eginning of the line to be described; thence North 77 degrees 23 r.,inutes 0 seconds West a distance of 180.30 feet; thence along a tangential curve o the left with a radius of 687.96 feet (delta angle 30 degrees 18 minutes 3 seconds, tangent distance 186.31 feet-) a distance of 363.89 feet', thence South 72 degrees 18 minutes 27 seconds West along tangent to last describ d curve a distance of 145.43 feet; thence along a tangential. curve to the fight with a radius of 839.93 feet (delta angle 22 degrees 43 minui:es, tangen distance 168.72 feet) a distance of 333.02 feet; thence North 84 degrees 0 minutes .27 seconds Vest a distance of 600.0 fees: and there terminating. Said last described course is not tangent to last described curve. Excepting therefrom the Westerly 150 feet thereof, as measured a right- angles to the West line thereof. ,lisG5172 DEC 31-70 51 7 S 003-00-Yo B G'� '01pyllm ew lemsTlift OF 0"" ,VATF C, ;,, 1,tvrSOTA COUNTY OF HEN44EPV14 I hereby certify that the within instrument vrae, find for record in this office on the 31, -lay of DEC A. D. in at 47 ),Cloclay. , and was duly recorde; /In book 70 of Hennepin County Records .-age 3865172 w • / 5-eo �,,FS PAM AND TRANSFER ENTERO DEC 311976 GEORGE B. HICKEY, AUK WK N co i;,,, N. P lay UTY YAXCS PAYABLE IN ON 1APTiEN DESCRIBED PROPERTY ARE PAID =Sou Revs, • 391524` DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS It rI THIS DECLARATION, Made this lst day of February, 1971,.by INVESTMENT COMPANY, a partnership under the laws of the State of Mi (hereinafter called "Declarant "); WITNESSETH THAT: TOMA sota WHEREAS Declarant is the fee owner of record of all the property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter called "Property "); and WHEREAS it is the desire of the Declarant to secure the value of the Property and its usefulness for development; NOW THEREFORE, In order to effect the foregoing, the said eclarant does hereby impose, promulgate, adopt and subject the Property to th follow- ing conditions, provisions, covenants, and restrictions which shall un with the land and shall be binding on all present and future owners, occu iers and encumbrancers of all or any part of the Property. 1. That no mo °e than eighty -four (84) residence units sha: constructed on the Property. .1 be 2. That no building constructed on the Property shall exc ed two (2) stories in height above finished grade level at the West end of he building and three (3) stories in height above finished grade level at the Ea t end of the building. 3. These restrictive covenants are for the benefit of the Village of Edina, its successors and assigns, and may be enforced by the Village of Edina by proceedings at law or in equity against any party violating or at- tempting to violate them, or any of them, either to prevent such vio at.ion or recover damages therefor. 4. These restrictions, or either of them, may be amended o modified at any time and from time to time by the then owner of the P erty, upon the consent of the Village of Edina in the form of a resol of the Village Council of the Village of Edina, and shall be deemed s as t e amended or modified only when a certified copy of such resolution consenting to the amendment or modification of these covenants, or either of them, as the case may be, is duly recorded in the office of the Register of De ds in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota. These restrictions, or either of them, may be released or revoked at any time by the Village of Edina by a resolution of its Village Council, and such release or revocation shall be effective upon the recording of a certified copy of such resolution in the office of the Register of De ds in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The said Declarant has caused this instru- ment to be executed in its partnership name by one of its partners thE day and year first above written. In Presence of: TOMA INVESTMENT COMPANY STATE OF MINNESOTA) sy a A Partner DECLARANT ) SS. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) On this day of 1971, before me, a Notar Pub- lic within and for said County, personalXy appeared- to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is a partner of TOMA INVESTMENT COMPANY, the partnership named in the foregoing instrument and that he had authority to and did execute the fo /r-egoing in- strument on behalf of said partnership and said knowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of sai" rye ship. rtaa t -2- IWIS instmment was 7rafted by Dorsey. Marquart, Windhorst, West s "a1!a4y 2400 1st National Bank Bldg. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 MISS CHERYL I Notary Public, I my commimioa v v �J r ra111BIT n ' e , That part of the Nortl east Quarter of the Northwest Quarter. (NE 1. 4 of Nld 1/4) and the Northwest: Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW 1/4 of NE' 1/4) of Section Six (6), Township One Hundred Sixteen (116). Range Twenty -one (21), described as foll.owF� : Beginning on a point in the West line of said Northeast Quarter of the Nor. ti,west Quarter (NE 1/4 of N14 1/4) distant 81.4.5 feat North of the Southwest corner of said Northeas Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE 1/4 of NW 1/4); thence running last nd a deflection angle to the right of 92 °2.0' a distance of 676.3 feet; thence North parallel_ with the Vest line of said Northeast- Quarter of th Northwest Quarter (NE 1/4 of NW 1/4) a distance of 366 feet to a oi.nt which is 283.9 feet South of the North line of said Section Six the actual point of beginning of the tract to be described; thenc• running East on a deflection angle to the right of 92 °20' a distance of 1317.5 feet more or less to the center line of the Town Road, also known as Gleason Road as now Laid out and travelled; thence Northeasterly long said center l.ine' a distance of 3814.7 feet more or less to its int .rsection with the North line of said Section Six (6); thence hest along said North line a distance of 1426.3 feet more or less to a point which is distant 678.6 feet East of the �;orthwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE 1/4 of N?,► 1/4); thence South parallel with the West line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE 1/4 of iNI1a 1/4 283.9 feet to the point of beginning. . MAch lies Northerly of the following described line: Beginning at the East Quarter corner of Section Six (6) , Township One 11undred Sixteen (116) , Range Twenty -one (21) , thence north 00 degrees 09 ,t`n� 77 cn .1 1 ?-, r t •c ' ° said Section Six � ) !P.ir1L ., CCal.;, .C�J4 aJ_viif� Lile East .t.1i)L. of . .. distance of 1807.59 feet; thence North 78 degrees 48 minutes 33 seconds Vest a distance of 1070.37 feet; thence North 81 de -_a-ees 1.3 m-i_nut s 33 seconds West: a distance of feet; thence North 12 degrees 6 minutes 50 seconds Last a distance of 490.0 feet; thence South 77 degrees 23 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 100.0 feet to the actual point of b ;inning of the line to be described; thence North 77 degrees 23 minutes 1 seconds West a distance of 180.30 feet; thence along a tangential curve t the left with a radius of 687.96 feet (delta angle 30 degrees 18 minutes 23 seconds, tangent distance 186.31_ feet) a distance of 363.89 feet; thence South 72 degrees 18 minutes 2.7 seconds West along tangent to last described curve a distance of 145.43 feet; thence aloe; a tangential. curve to the r-'-ht with a radius of 839.93 feet (delta angle 22 degrees 43 minutes, tangent distance 168.72 feet) a distance of 333.02 feet; thence North 84 degrees .1 minutes 27 seconds Vest a distance of 600.0 feet and there terminating. aid last described course is not tangent: to last described curve. Excepting therefrom the Westerly 150 feet thereof, as measured at to the West line thereof-. ght aaigles i 391524' x Nov -5.71 5 2 4 7 $ 00 00QO B d, O,F O RE STER OF DEEDS STATE Or M- NNE80TA COUNTY OF HENNEOIN I hereby c::rtify that the Within it strllment was filed for record in thit office on the �v 5 day of NOV A.D. 1971 211/0 S o'clo$WA -1 and was duly recorded in book 7 1 of Hennepin County ROMrdS page 39524', REGISTE F DE By DEPUTY REGISTER OF DEEDS f 4 Sc> x 3q-8 7-.s6 /1 'ao fl)Vd S_ 6T v1•d ea sou *ww so low 4014+h"'""- -1e0X 3U911n0 04; Jog sexe3 04 930191 3011 saop u014VOMIJ90 *141 fl)Vd S_ 6T