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March 30, 1949 Mrs. L. J. Waidt 4046 France Avenue South Minne0oiis 100 Minn, Dear Ctrs. Weid:tl We have Your recent Letter, requesting deed from village to you and Mr. WaId#. returning property you formerly deeded to the Village. Deed* recorded in Dead Book 1791, Page 179, as of December 28, 1910.1s enclosed herewith. thank you very much for your cooperation and patience in this matter. Yours very. truly,, VILLAEIR OF EDISA Bi Deputy Village Clerk Cs NOTE: THE DEEDS ATTACHED HERETO REPRESENT DEDICATIONS OF PROPERTY FOR LAGOON TO BE LOCAL BETWEEN W.48TH AND W.49TH STREETS AND BETWEEN FRANCE AND xaLS ROAD. LAGOON WAS.' ABANDOI&D BY COUNCIL BECAUSE OF OBJECTIONS BY PROPERTY- OWNERS IN THIS DISTRICT, AND PROPERTY - f EDI CATED FOR tA000H ' WAS - SUBSEQUENTLY ME BACK TO OWNERS, BY VILLAGE. G. Schussler Deputy Village Clerk 4/6/49 March 30, 3949 Dr. dame* P. Sorenson 4830 Franco Ave. So. Xlnneapolis 10, Minn. Deer Dr. Sorensons We are returning to yon, herewith, deed from the ?tillage of &din& to you and Ctrs. Sorenson, for the property you former: r deeded to the Pillage for the lagoon, which was subsequently abandoned. Deed was recorded in Dyed Book 1791, Page 178, on December 28. 2948. Thank you for your consideratim and patience is this matter. we hope the delay in returning deed to you has caused you no inconvenience. 0 Yours very 'truly, VILLAGZ OY EDINA St` Deputy 'Pillage CIe* March 30, 1949 Mr. J. B. L velett . 4824 Brant* Aveme South Minneapolls 10, Minn. Dear Mr. Loveletts r We are r+sturnin, to you, herewith, deed from the Village of Edina to yon.and Mrs. Lovelett, for the property yon formerly deeded to the Village for the lagooa, which was subsequently aboAdoned, Deed was recordid in Deed Book 1791. Page 1$U. on December 28. 1946. Thank you for your consideration and patience in thin matter. We hove the delay in returning dead to you han caused you no inconvenience, Yours ver7 truly, VILLAGE Of BDINA BY Deputy Village Clerk go MRS. L. J. WEIDT 4846 FRANCE AVE. SO. MINNEAPOLIS 10, MINN. 4a-f,� "-2, /, /6/, / 'Zi Ala April l6, 1948 Mr.. Jahn W. Windhorst Dorsey, Colman, Barker, Scott b Barber First National -Sao Line Bldg* Minneapolis* Minnesota Bear Mr. Windhorst: At their meeting of the 12th, the Council directed you to prepare ' the necessary proceedings for the - return► *f prop* dedicated to the TIII ge 'for proposed park Improvement betre W. 48th and W. 49th Streets .neap' Framer Avenue. This action was taken as result of a petition filed bg Mrs. L. S. Weidt, and an oraal. petition by Mr. Russell. Arlon According to Mrs. Vaidt *a latter, "the .County Au.ditore s records *bow that this real I estate transfer was ua►de on February 25* .1947,, althW their office hms not yet received a ,record of the division.* Our office records show that sarSgira&l.s of these deeds given to Attorney Windhorst MondW , yebraaI7 17, 1947,,-for recording. Mr, Windhorst called February 18, stating that d could not be rot rded until ta=s hro "paid in full.. The des will remain In lair. Wi:ndhorsti s office until ouch tbw as the can be racor'dad.s We are wondering if the deeds %" still In your office, or if they have been "corded. Deeds are for parts of loots 14, 16, 17 and 180 Auditor's Subdivision No. 172, and owners are.Arl tt, Lovelett, Sorenson and Weldt hre"*%IVe►ly,. Tours very truly, FILLAGI OF ZDINA go _ Deputy Village MRS. L. J. WEIDT 4846 FRANCE AVE. SO. MINNEAPOLIS 10, MINN. A.e_ril E, 1948 Philip W. Smith Engineer & Ylanager .Edina, Minnesota. Dear 14'r. Smith: Vie ^re the owners of Lot 18 in AU.ditor's Subdiv 172, end_ ire one of the group of people who tur over to the Village of EdinR -?art of our land. b France Avenue and lraple Lake Road wlith the unde ing t_h_at the Village was to repay us by making imerovez?ents. _Sion led_ twre en. °stand - -1 ertain l t is our understanding th ^t the Village will not be able to ,,;rant us these is::orovements, due to -orotests of residents in the Whit,e Oaks area. According to ,the 'County lud:itor, their records show th ^t this real estate transfer was wade on Feb..uary 25, 1947, eltho their office has not yet recei ed a. record of the division. Inasmuch as you ^re unable to fulfill your'Dert of our agreement, end wre are being assessed 1947 tpxes on the entire lot, we demand that this proaert. ba transferredd back to us immediately . Itre feel that thirty days should be sufficient ime for .you to clear title and show us as sole owners f this lot. Yours very truly �yy, O�A //l z C� Si• 0 Quit Claim Dad. Form No. SO.M. Maur-DAVU Co.. MR, wag" lam Corporati" to Individual. Mianweta Uniform CAMvay&XqWg 2" .Made this ........ I .............................................................. day of.. ....... ......... .. 19 ............ between, ....... ......................... .......... .............................................. rAMN.A.. .................................. ................................... ........................ a romirpn"OrtT�under the laws of the State of ............ A*U j 10 . ... ............. party of the ftr8t part, and . . ........ 11 ......... ..................................... .. . .................. i ....... .............. ................ .................................................... ........................................................... wv�.. .. w ........................ ........ ............... oftit ounty of ............................. .............................. and State of................... .................. ......... ............ P part ..:...............o f the second part, 1"t 001 ThaA pert, in consideration of tho sum of on AU000) AIM VAX" ................................... ; .................................................................................. ............... ............. .............................. .......................................... )OLL.4RS, to it in hand paid by the said party ........of the second 'part, the receipt4whereof 18 hereby ack wz� I does hereby Grant, Barfain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said partAl . ......of the second pa i t,... heirs a% assigns, Forev r, all the tract ............ or parcel ............ of land lying and being in the C!oun ty of a . i e low A.4 �f ............... described as follows, -wit: ................................ ............. ......::....................and State Minnesota, degc? P to OOMOM a< 1i sail lloa~ Of ZO NM%O 172# Oft* *=4MA WJV (330) toot *Wt st 06 Sftthftot 0" Ad ift.—AAd"OW Zot poor%o" (14) 1 tkft$o WO#% 01404C VO SMth IS". of $44 3A %W" feet to UN Oftsbo"t cft%W WN AU00,06 w I Ot thou" north ,"or$ kot VOW*" 404* x4raw"It 4401or sbaro"s, O"WO X"k *4 tz lbw of ftM lot YaWrt"M (14) a "atsoo of fto *44"d IMM 4200101 ap— In a sftth"Otorly 41"4004 a 41#4000 of a" vomit" fttw4w*k OWNPAN Ow" (10-1) too son ov low 0 to the pout ot %owiftbw J, 4 To 3babe anbA* joalb,#bt bamt, Together with, all the 4ered1tqmcnfs"4nd dp purMMzn6ea there- unto belonfing or in anywise appertaininf, to the said part .'*k..'..:�Of the' second,part,....-VIIA.......................... heirs and ass!-6na. Forever. 3U TUMMOUp Mbtrtd, The said first party aused these presents to be executed in ita corporate name by its.... . IL1.1.0 ........... President and its-UP... MAO . . ............... and its corp rate 8eal to be hereunto afflxed the day and year flrst above writte Tv"On or sn" .......... ! .......................... I .............................. I ............................. ........................... OF I n, P r emw e f Its . ........ T1-Uw.. .. . ....... id t wo . .... 40.1...j ....... /./. . ....... P .... .............. . .. .......................... ........ ... ... ... ... .. . ..................... . ... .............. ............................ ........... . ..... ............... ............... I ................. ................. ...... ........... '40 ..... 1-.7 ......... ...... �. ....... ........ its ... ....... ..... ........ ..... h i Mate of Anne0ta, Countyof ............. ........ ............................... ats o 1�' , before me, On thta.. Y f ...... .... a .. ....................M�.� . ... ..........*........................ ............................... d for said CmtJ/, personally appeared .and to ice . onall known, who, bsinj each b67 sworn ............................did say that they are raapeotively tiu......:p��....Prcaidant and the............... ..........of the corporation named in the fore ,joinif instrument, and that the seal af)txsd to :imimment is the oorporatb seat of said oorporation•, and that said instrument wa8 aimed and waled & behalf of said corporation by authgraty of its B ..�U• ..............and: aaui ....,...... ................... ......................1........ ........ and .............. ...................aeknowlydded said instrument to be the free act and deed of said oorp©ration. ..... ................,.:,...:.:..,.....:r•..............,............ ............................... Notary Public............ . .. ......................... ..County, Minn. My oommiaaion &Vpir. ............. J ►W ............................... • rA Quit Claim Deed Xi11qr-Davjs Cqj,1Mi1me4VQiis Individual to Individual Form No. 27-M Minnesota Uniform conveyandus lanky Made this ....... 15th ........:...............day of. ....................................... ..................... . between............................... ................................................................................................ ...................................................................... ............... Russell L. Arlett and Vivian D. Arlett Hennepin Minnesota of the, County of ...................................... ..... ............. ............................and State o f .................... ................................................... ...................... part. eP. of the first part, and ............ :71JU.. ..9F .. zpz.4 ... &ArglarAipal ... Corporaticin ... undo ...the ........... laws of the gkatip� s ............................... of the County of ..................... 9!�M!�p ......................................... and State of .................... MilM10.6.0ta ...................... ................. part.7 ...... of the second part, ftne.m1C%ThNt th said art tpp ............ of the, rst part, in consideration of CNEDOLLAR 141.00 (Tiff VALUAIS CONSIDERATION he, sum of ................ .................................. ........................................ I ............. ................ L ................................................. ............................................ I ...... OLLmg' to . _tbom ............................ in hand paid by the said part ... y ..... of the second part, the receipt whereo is hereby acknowledged, do ............ hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said party....... of the second part, .. ...... Uis ................... heirs and assigns, Forever, all the tract...... or parcel...... of land ying and being in the County of ......... Hg=epin .......... ............................and State of ,Minnesota, described as folio vs, to-wit: Commencing at a point on the South line of Lot Fourteen (14)., Auditors Subdivision Number 172, Three Hundred Thirty (330) feet West of the Southeast comer ofsaid Lot Fourteen (14); thence West along the South line of said lot Three HVndled '3W' feet to the Southwest corner thereof; thence North along the West line of Lot Fourteen (14) to the Northwest corner thereof; thence East along the N rth line of said Lot Fourteen (14), a distance of Two Hundred Fifty (250) feet; thence in a Southeasterly direction a distance of One Hundred Fifty Eight and One Tenths (158.1) feet more or less, to the point of beginning. The Village of Edina, Party of the Second Part, agrees to ext Road, south a distance of approximately Three Hundred and Thi (335) feet, and maintain same, without cost to Parties of the Part. TO NabC anb tO J001b tbt *amt, Together with all the hereditamei,�ts and appuri unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said party.......... of the second part, ............ and assigns, Forever. Sn Tt0tfn=T Wbttt0f. The said parti§A.. of the first part ha.V.O ..... hereunto 8et ...... hand..W'. the aay and year first above written. In Presence of .................... ;' ......................... ....................... ..... I................ .1.. .......................... k` Firi noes the ill"_ e $ . ............... '0 .. ............................................................... ff ................... ........ . .......... ........................... Otate of Af intoota, sa. County of ............ 7en.40T A ...... ............................... On this ......................... 15th...... .............................da o Feb imar !.......... .............................., 19..4. ... before, me a T f ............................ f ... ............................... r� O t.a?.7....PVi kq.......................... ......................within and for $aid County, personally appeared Russell L. Arlett end Vivien D. Arlett to me known to be the person§ ....................... ......................described in, and who executed the foregoing. instrument, .................................................. . .......................................................... ................. ........................... and acknowledged that ..t.he.Y. executed (See Note) thesame as......... their ............... free act and deed............................................................................. ............................... (See Note) .......................4 • . ..... ...._.......................... G� Notar y Public, ..... ................H.e.nn.e.an .......................County, Minn. ............ December 9th 19g My commission expires ........................ I.......................... , ..... Note: The blank lines marked "See Note" are for use when the instrument is executed by an attorney in fact. ,. .�i� P• Q �„•, yr. { 11 z - � v d i - cQi J Fy j� t— tOJ iQ O O 4 _ rte; .. .,. ..,.. _. �., .. _ ..1 ..._..... _._..... . t`I Q i` O t, t_ .�i� P• Q �„•, yr. { 11 z - � v d i - cQi J Fy j� t— tOJ iQ O O 4 _ rte; .. .,. ..,.. _. �., .. _ ..1 ..._..... _._..... . t`I Q i` O Jk �T Quit Gain Dad. Miller-Davis Co.'-ML"6�� Corporation to individual. Form No. 30-M. Minnesota Uniform qeuvey"Zft Bl#ah (1131). X-ad this.... 2"h .... day of.. ............. ".r .............. between........................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... ......... a Fr-fi -6-r a nder the laws of the State of ........ Von U ..... ....... party ... ..... ..... of the first art, and ........ .................... ............... ....................... .. I ....................................... ..................... ................ ................... . ........................... I .................................................... . ....... ................... ..................... of the County of ...................... MO..N...A .." . ...... I ..... and State of .................. ............ .......... .............. ............ . ...... part .. bW ...... of the second part, NUTIMCif, That the said party of �the ftrst art, in.... consideration of the sum of .... xUAMIAL I ....:9AAM () I ....................... .... I ................ .................................. I OLj;ARS, to it in hand paid by the said part ..... Ift ... of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby ack wlodged, does hereby Grant, Bargain, Oaltolaim, and Convey unto the said part... UW .....o f the second par heirs and assi-fts. Forever, all the tract ............ or parcel ............ of land lying and being in the ounty of r. ..................................... and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to-wit: *MOW 172* VU4h to fhM,WA1ftd Por%V*AV* m1A 9064NOVW t.*5.2) be%., 00 10"* W"tAt rho XO)W"t "fto tbarfotj UP" W"t Idame "0 Rom, I , #r "m zot sov"t"4 (17), a dIOSSWO Ot we ***A Atoolie'rew ma to Sbo japftftat. **rWW of $"A ZO 4 It" of O"'d tot &"ftt*W (17) dt#%O$* at to&t to the SMVW"t OW 4W of #A�d 4t $*Vft*#ft (17) 1 WW"# a" 4* t oft lift of *aU.UA So"aAsom J1.7) a d1j&%OO* of to XWO*4 $t%*r4W*W It AW uAmft (3"*38) 0)" 00" W U"I Vm" 0 * x0ow"Nomir � & "ANOM'Ot ftX*%*8WM #Ad h=4 at; (67.)) foo. *a* 4W 106, to Ot TID i0abCA11b tO JbOlb tt OaMt, Together with all the hereditaments and appur unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said part..... ....of the second part,........... heirs and assigns, Forever. ItT ZOHMOnp Wbertd, The said first party hi -t rate name by its. presents to be execut�Lm i a co coU?orq President and its.... ... . T , A% ...... ..... RIOW. .........and its at be hereunto affixed the day and year fast above wr TRAM W ="A .................... ................. ............... I ........................... By... ....... ........... Vale* In n PrO86400 )Df Its . .. .. . .......... ....... . ... .. ........... ... . ...... ... .......... .... ........... ....... ........ its ....................... -V . ............. 0.5p, . .... ..... "'9 there- ................ . .......... porate seal to 'ten. ................................ 0-&-- ................................ GJC`"-m-% ......................... 1. ............. t take df t�ne�ota, County of ..;...: } On o f .. ... ..................... 19: ...., before ms, ce ....... ..... ..,.» ,. ....... ......... ...... xvithin and for said County, personally appearNl »NM N�..» ...... ......................�..... .. ... ... • • •.. .•. .I............... w ... ... ....... to me.l. knt+wn, who, bein j each �b me sworn did ................................................. . .. t they are r+eapertivcly the ...,greaitlent and the �'..� o the corporation named in the for 044 instrumwnt, Bind that the scat afjGxsd to :indrum i is the oorporaft seal of said corporation, and aazd�inatrument was signed and ssaw $e half of said corporation by authar►,ty of ff;W ......................and. said...... ........�01�i•..... ............. ......... .............. .....and ........ ' .::...........:............. ..................ackxoowledled said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. ... » »r..c ... ............ .......... ............................... ell Notary Ftabtio.. ... 1, .. .........County, Minn. ify commission exspl?.. o 0 s ' f .Fr i a it w � s III tk Co o 0 s ' f .Fr it w III tk o 0 s ' f Quit Claim Deed Individual to Individual Form No. 27 -M Minnesota Uniform eapolis (1431) I jc� rYber�ture, Made this ..........l5.th ...........................day of............. Febx 'ua:7........................., 9.47...., between...... _ ..... ............................... _......................... Tames P. Sorenson arid Clera K. Sorenson Hennepin Minnesota oft��,� County of ........................ ....:.......................... ............................and State of.............................................................. .............................., art .""® .. o the first art and ....VILLAGE OF IDINA, a municipal eorppration under.. th ..I ................ part of the State of Minnesota .. ........... . ....... ................... .... . ............................................. ...................................................... ............. . ........... . .......... ..................................................... .............. ...., of the County of Hennepin ..and State o f Minnesota .................., ....................................... ............................... ........................ ............................... party. ....... of the second part, Mitneozedj, That the said part... 3,!M ............. of the first part, in consideration of t e sum of .. ONE... DOLLAR....( 1. R(} 0)... AN ,D..CiTHER,.VALUABLE...CO..... ATI ti ............. ..................................................... ...D LL,RRS, to .. ..... them ..... .............. hand paid by the said part_y........ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do........... hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said part..y..... of the second part, ..... ..it.s ....................heirs and assigns, Forever, all the tract...... or parcel...... of land - l ing and being in the Count of Hennepin ........ ............................and State of .Minnesota described as folloos, to -wit: Commencing at a point in the North line of Lot,Seventeen (17), Auditors Sa Number 172, which is Three Hundred Forty -Five and Two Tenths (345.2) feet, less, West of the Northeast corner thereof; thence West along the North li Lot Seventeen (17) a distance of Two Hundred Eighty -Four and Eight - Tenths feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of said Lot Seventeen (17); th South along the West line of said Lot Seventeen (17) a distance of Sixty -F feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot Seventeen (17); thence East on th line of said Lot Seventeen (17) a distance of Two Hundred Sixty -Seven and Eight Hundredths (267.38) feet, more or less; thence in a Northwesterly di a distance of Sixty -Seven and Three Tenths (67.3) feet, more or less, to t of beginning. Tine VillaEe of Edina, Party of the Second Part, aErees to exte Road, south a distance of approximately Three r3undred and Thir (335) feet, and :maintain sane, without cost to Parties of the Part. NCO jbabe anb tO JbOta tbC *Mr, Together with all the hereditaments and appurte unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said part..y....... of the second part, ........ it;v. , and assigns, Forever. N Tegtinwp Ubtred. The said part, i..eA of the first part ha ... YC... hereunto set ........ t hand, 3- the day and year first above written. .ivision .ore or of said 84.8) ce ` e (65) South irty- ction point. f ?:?e ad ow -Five rst ;noes there - ...............heirs r. tate of AinneoOtaip Hennepin County.. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . . . . . ......... ............................... On this ....... 15th Februery day of ......... ....................... .............................................. 1917.... before vW a .......... ...... ........ ................................. ............. 4 ry ... .Pollp ................................................... within and for said County, personally appeared Tones P. Sorenson and Clara Y. Sorenson to me known to be the person.9 ...................... ......................described in, and who executed the foregoing •tmnwnt, ...... I ........................... I .......................... ......... ........... I ....................... ... ...... I ....... and acknowledged thatl.heY.. executed (See Note) thesame as ............ theIr ............ free act and deed .................................................................................................. (See Note) ..................... . ........... ..... .... .............................. Notary Public, . ................... H.en..nek.i.n ............ I ............ county, Minn. ... ..... ... ...... . ReRera.b q 9th My oommlmion expires ........... .. ... ...... ... ... ... ..... .. -..... ........... 19 47 ... Note: The blank lines marked "See Note' are for use when the instrument is executed by an attorney in fact. o Jai o 4): ID tz Z. ^fir- C $4 p, S a, Z 0 P4 4., II P" o Jai o 4): ID tz Z. ^fir- C $4 p, S a, Z 0 P4 4., II Quit Claim Deed. Corporation to Individual. Form No. 30-M. Miller -Davie CO.' M Innespolise Minn. Minnesota Uniform GInvoyancing Illaults (MI). .....day of.. ......... fdr ............ ..... .......... I .................................................... ............................ Al"alwunder the laws of the State of...... ... . ................................., party of the ..— .................................................. ...................................... ............. v .. ............................................... of this County of ...................... 01-046AP; ..................................... and State Of ............ ................ A=" part ..................of the second part, it part, and ...........I ................ .... I That the said arty of the first part, in condderaWn- of the sum of .. T44? ... AP .. PM ..... ...... .... .90 ..................................................................... DOLURS, ............... - to it in hand paid by the said part .... 4.4.0 ..... of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby 'Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said parASO .......... of the second p4zrt,...%h"*... heirs an asst Forever, all the tract ............. or parcel ............ of land lying and being in th County of ............... j ta d as follows, to-wit: .................... . ....................................... and State of 311nn1e8o , describe 000". 0 P"At 14 NOfth U" Of Z" W*toa (29) S, AW41sm, SW W*T"4AW SNOW 1?20 VU*h ts %%V" 0400" SAX10*1" SM $LVU%*W* SWA"Oft, I AWO or loss, W"t of UO urkhfttik 6Ox*W tho"Ort tbs*w ftojj� 1040 X"ft Use of ft1d lot SUMA" 04), 6,418*066 at No Smadma 1j1jftq*V4ft Stoll 20""Alow (26748) t"llo man 4W Utot to tho NW40"t 013,PW of I Ulf Statso" (lot thaw sou" slow the Weill 1140 Ot 044 lot U000", tbosoutwoo amw Ott Oia& Z" thowo SeAt an th* 5"th Ito* at zot 3110*00% (16) a *%no Of to distafte st a of 190 fbabe aub to JI)o1b tbC *aMt, Together with all the hereditaments and unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said part ... A . ..... of the second pal heirs and assigns, Forever. N Tatimonp Wbertot, The said first party presents to be exec z*.Pn Its S ate name by i President and its. L.W. ................................. and Its be hereunto affixed the day and year first above i TUAAM (W XKXA B�............ ............................... ....... ................. %nees there- It................... A hese .......... rate seal to In .................... Its ...... .. .. . .. reVent ......... .... ...................... ............... . ........ .... --:Iel� ............... . ................ ......... ....................... Its.... ........... County of ............. .... ............................... i On this. ............. o .................................. 19�%:.. before ms, a . ,.. . W:. .................. . f ..........wit m, and or td County, personally appsarti .. .............. ............................... ............................and ........... ��M ............... ............ ..... to me known, who, bbinf each by did say that they are respedtively the .. ,President and the ....................?�'w!� .................. of the corporation named in the foregoin.d j7Wrunimi, and that the seat of a-sd to said instrument U the oorporaft seal of said oorporattion, and that staid instrumaent was sifned and sealed 66 behalf of said corporatzon by authority of W lot .:. 'IIflpl ..............and. sand............ ............... LM;:.... ............................... .....:......and ....... ................... ....acknowledged said instrument to be the free aot and deed of said corporation Notary Public........ .. ....................................... County, Minn. .tt'y eontmission SMO.. .................................................................. 1 19 ............ C) q6'. _ Ve Ci Cl w - s � I 1 Quit Claim Deed Individual to Individual -f. CLI Form No. 27 -M Minnesota Uniform Co., Minneapolis g Blanks (1931) �+ 15th February r...... 47 �GL t� �J �e turi, Made this ....................... ............................day of. .........- ..........I- —........ ....., 19...... , between............ .................................................................................... ............................................................................................................ ..................I......... / Lawrence J. neidt and Catherine M. Weidt of the Count of Hmipp n .......... ............................and State of Minneev!ta................... part..ie.s. of the First part, and....... V1iUQI.�....OF..FU NA.,.. .a... municipal ... corporation. . ..under..the ................. .... laws ... of. ... the ... State ... o£.. Minnesota .......................................................................................... ............................... ..... - ....... ......... ..... .., of the County of ......................... Hennepin ...................................... and State of .................... Xi=O.SQtA ....................... ...................... , part g. ..... . of the second part, Mitneozab, That the said part.�OO ............... of the first part, in consideration o the sum of QNF.r.. DOLW...( l,.AO)....AND.....C1�� B ... V.ALU.A,BU.. CWB.I #'' QN ..................................... ............................... DOLLARS, to_... ... them ._ ..................... in hand paid by the said part.y........ of the second part, the receipt where 9f is hereby acknowledged, do........... hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said parties.. of the second part, .... ........its ...............heirs and assigns, Forever, all the tract...... or parcel....., of land lying and being in the County of .............Hennepin . • • ••• .....................and State of .Minnesota, described as foil ws, to -wit: Commencing at a point in the North line of Lot Eighteen (18),, Auditors Su vision Number 172, which is Three Hundred Sixty -Two and Sixty- -Two Hundredths (36 .62) feet, more or less, Nest of the Northeast corner thereof; thence West along the North line of said -Lot Eighteen (18) a distance of Two Hundred Sixty -Seven and Thirty- Eight Hundredths (267.38) feet, more or lessy`to the Northwest corner of said Lot Eighteen (18); thence South along the West line of said Lot Eighteen 18) s distance of Sixty -Five (65) feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot Eighteen (18); thence East on the South line of Lot Eighteen (18) a distance of Two Hundred and Fifty (250) feet; thence in a Northwesterly direction a distance of Sixty Seven and c6. Three- Tenths (67.3) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. The Village of Edina, Party of the Second Part, agrees to extend Meadow Road south a distance of ap]�roximately Three Tiundred and Thirty—Five (3351 feet, and maintain same, without cost to Parties of the First i i i Part. i I Is ! 4 To jbabe anb to 1601a t#le *aMt, Together with all the hereditaments and appurtena s there- unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said part.y........ of the second part, ..... .....it* ..................heirs and assigns, Forever. 3n TC%!Un=V WbCred. The said part.1ea. of the first part have....... hereunto set ....._.the. r ................... hands... the flay and year first above written. 6tate of Annelotat sa. Countaz/ o . .....Henne.p.in.. ;� 4 .................. ... ° 'may r - Onthis .......................... I5. th ........... ............... . .a o u.............. ............................... 19....7.. before m a ......................... NJt ar y.... Fu bli. o...... .............................. .........................within and for said County, Personally appeared Lawrence J. 'Weidt and Catherine M. 17eidt to me known to be tha ,person.8 ...................... ......................described in, and who executed the foreffoinj,instrument, ........................................................................................................................... ............................... and acknowledffed that .:..hey..:. executed (See Note) the same aa ............ t.he.l.r .............free act and deed... ............................... ........................................... ............................... (See Note) .............................. ................. ♦ ..... ._.._.......................... Xotary Public , ..................i.e.n...n..e . in .........County , Jann. My commission expires........... December..., 9.t31 ..... 19...JO... Note: The blank lines marked "See Note" are for use when the instrument is executed by an attorney in fact. I i p . ` Z -Rid Cn Cm ? uo Cl- d ' r t_- -kb a' ab A Q A Q O 1.`' d H C obi cAq j{ o COQ Sir 'r•* `N N O v � �"� f^^�''i : N^`: �' ♦ �-j O� a+J: �I h�a' ti o o w w w O. Quit Claim Deed x Individual to Individual Q7% «. Form No. 2/ �j -M Minnesota Uniform Co., Minneapolis g Blanks (1931) Unbenture, Made this ..............15th. February 47 ..................day of................................ ..I.........................:., I9............, between......................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................... James Everett Lovelett and Katherine 11. Lovelett of the County of ............... .He=e.pj,? .. nd State Minnesota part..ies. of the rst part a ................... ''aE Off' EIS , a pai corporatiori..izridi the laws of the Mate of esota ................................................................................................................................................. ............................... ......... .............. ........................... , o the Count o Hennepin T.Tinnesota f y f ............................ ............................... ............................and State of................................... ............................... party ...... of the second part, fitnvaetb, That the said parties ............... of the first part, in consideration of the sum of ... . ONE- D.OLLAR ... ($1.00) ... AND ... OTHER ... VALUABLE... CQNSIDEWIM .................................... ............................... DOLLARS, to. . them .............. _...._. ...... in hand paid by the said part. ..y..... of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do ............ hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said party........ of the second part, . #.$ .....heirs and assigns, Forever, all the tract...... or parcel...... of land lying and being in the County of ......Hennepin ............ ...........................and State of .Minnesota, described as fo lows, to -wit: Commencing at a point in the North line of Lot Sixteen (16), Auditors Su vision Number 172, which is Three Hundred Thirty (330) feet Nest of the Northea t corner thereof; thence West along the North line of said hot Sixteen (16) a dis anee of Three Hundred (300) feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot Sixteen (16;x; thence South on the West line of said Lot Sixteen (16) a distance of Fifty -Seve Wl feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot Sixteen (16); thence East on the South line of said Lot Sixteen (16) a distance of Two Hundred Eighty -Four and ght- TWnt (284.8) feet, more or less; thence in a Northwesterly direction a distance of Fifty -Nine (59) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, The Vill&Ee of Edina, Party of the Second Part, agrees to extend Meadow Road south a distance of approximately Three 13undred and Thirty-Five (3351 feet, and maintain same, without cost to Parties of the First Part. i NCO J�abe anb to J001b the &EM, Together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances there- unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to. the said part. y....... of the second part, .......its .................heirs and assigns, Forever. 3n TCOUMO? Wijere0f. The said part.14P.A. of the first part haVO...... hereunto set............ their hands... the day and year first above written. In Presen of 70, ........ ...... ...... ................... ,.......................... *tate of Alinneota, aa. County of............ ........ tie nne. Pin ........ ............................... On this ......................15 th.......... ............................day of... .... Februar .Y......................... , 194.7 ..... before me a ..................... .................. T; tOta'... L1b1C.................................................................... ..within and for said County, personally appeared James Everett Lovelett and Fatherine Lovelett to me known to be the person.9 ...................... ......................described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument, ............... ................................................................................................................ ........................... and acknowledged that .t..he `... executed (See Note) the same as ............ the Y :.............free at and deed............................................... ............................... .............................. (See Note) ._. NotarPublic : ie iiti. e j) lri y, ................. ............................... ........................County, Minn. Xy oommiseion expires .............................. ) e c er..b e .. 1�1 , Z 9...50.. Note: The blank lines marked "See Note" are for use when the instrument is executed by an attorney in fact. 00,^ ;aye a U � A A I S � 6 1 � • .._gyp iff- �. ) ,. i, ray l Q1 � ! 7 w C •� Qp ''i Cpl R � I S � m 3 � w C 19�1a i H p U O � � A Q1 � ! 7 w C •� Qp ''i Cpl R � r r �g °o:� I-Q t3 loft CM m 3 � w C 19�1a i H p U O � � A V R � plee-4.�- `7-o 0,E Z)e�j>C-Z> -,,o -7-A,( C- Z e>� "t'14— Slo .� cam' r Ilt L L � <5 6 . • J 7 tz 14 -t4 6 &--Z.4. t4.A- Z4 u- 604, -7C , 147 - a---- - Y ti/7 Z—' _6 4 o cv a.3t" kk - �/L� �l i • . r - ar...� .9 7 f r � ...� .✓lam l � Gtr.- .�..c.,,�.re.�..�> � � � , 7 Z J� C� K./ V ��Q••Pi W 2d '�� �1..�40� -w't/� (Gnu./ r tG0 -.rs !' � 3 tw•.�..c.w - V' -- "'�6/.�V�.:... lY , v ""_!✓yi„Si�LI... �.- _�C.P-q ,.i"o _- .C.�n _ - r l l I