HomeMy WebLinkAbout1556I KS0*1MON M182"s-, William J. Rawitser to the owner of a certain parcel 0 ,&Ad in the Village of idins "64r0ftti au foiiows That part of UA 5, Caosin0s Outlots lying to of a line ruroiu& from as point 219.1 f0et, West ft QM the 0049*646Z torktar Lheraof Lo a point in Ute, North Base of L J diSLAnt 221.1 feaL Wost froW t Nort1wast corner which lies South of Ca'-soia's ROPI&L arld Which kieo N011;h of t-he PriU4,860 Coaveyad for ptiblic titreet right of way 'ixy, 4064 reaord04 ill the office Of L-hO ROSISM: Of lace A4 DOCULVUL 110. 2969543 in Oook 2077 of Wiod6 pgge 266, ox-cept that part therrt4f embraced within f-he &-A�th M.2 feria: of West 200 feet of said lit 5. Said PE'efilises being ac ca' diaz to the rocarded plats Lhertaof referred to; and WU"AS, said owner It&& requested approval ' of the Village of Ed of the conveyance and owf trfill'tlp of the above described load as a separate parcel and WHZPA", it h" been deteruined Lhat coxWliaaca with the Subdiv slog axid ;6o n4 kegvla;LLons of the Village of Edina will crests an vanecassary hardship and satin tract, of land as a sopavate parical 4oe not interfere with the purpose of the Subdivision and Zoniog Regula- tions as concaine4 In Lhe Village of P.,ILr.* Urdiaance Numbers 261 &,id 263-A; . NOW, TUMFORZ, it iv, heieloy resolved by tho Village Coowicil of tile Village of Edina that *""M Couveyarice sod ownership of the aLove describeid tract of land alai as Vepj%rete Pareal JS hereby approved and the reh-uirements and jorovLsiosia of OrdLnaaca Nos. 261 and 263o,A are hereby waived as to said division and couveyralco, subject, however, to �h& Provisiou that. W kortivar t;,ubdivisivu be wade of the above deskeribed tract of Icnd woless wade in eoffplianca with the partine, at ordinanats of the Villa$* of SAina or with the prior approval of thi Couucil as may be provid*4 for by these urdinattwos. ATTZST) Village Clark mayor L the a i+trsign*4 duly appotated and aactiaS Villeg* Clerk for V-Il1 O Of Utuai, MLft04S0t#,, do hereby certify that l have towpav#4 tbo ottsehad and foregoitts Roso utioa and twat: the son in a taus a correct copy of a Ph"Oluti on duly a 40ptod by the villafe of ikaa couttei3 at its gega l.atr Meeting hold houday, ;o 7, XV67, and recorded to th# litnutes of *aid AsSular Mooting. WITUSS my hand and sagas), of said Village this of ith y of 1967. LN t, r � Village of E ina 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MI NESOTA 55424 ;.._'� 2°. that iaat.'ztiaat lying West of a line bo iaxn>nL i� �� � poin>r + the Saaa<th line of said Lot ,fir d4stant 219.1 feet West ¢ram thO Southeast comer thc, aof aznd running rtharly to a point an the NOx line of said "Lot , , distant 2U.1 feet vaat irox the rt east corner thereof anxd there `te�s�atl 's a lyi South, of the Sauth ling of Ca ssi.n's Replat i and 927 -8861 .and ` WHE1 , said o��° has requesta -d approval of the. V�i.11a 4a Of Adis* of the conveyance and, ownership of the a"oova dasscri d tend as a saparat parcel; and WHjREA 3, it has been deterxaned that coWliance with the Subd vi: ion and zoning P,e &u aetiona of the Village of Wina will crda" an a es- nary hardship and said tract of land as a sapaarata Parcel dOeP t interfere with the purpose of the Sub4vi4iOn and Z004 ReSulat *08 as coat4 ned in the pillage o , dime ii di.nance iiu rs 261 and 20-A; - f ,4M, HARUfl , it is hereby rasvlved by the i i.l.l as Council of he Vi1- la►gam of di that the conveyance and ownership of the above described tract of land as a separate parcel is Hereby appxoved and tba re Hamra" :nta and provisions of Orlin to Nos. 261 and 263-- are hereby ived as to saint diivis#,ok, and conveyance, su jectx wsVsrx to t% Pr -o isioan than no further subdivi.sionx be made of the above deseribrled tvaot o .land unless made in co liance with then pertinent Ordinances eat he Village of Edina or with the pi-LOV Approval o this COuac" as y be provided for by these ordi names; *ad U IT FURTM RESOLVO th8t the division of said lot as approvasd by the Edina 6►ill#go Council at i.t$ jagular Meeting of August 7, 1907* be and is hereby revoked and that sold Resolution is Of no further roe and affect. ATUSTi a Vi l la1 a Clerk STATE OF MIM00TA ) COUNTY Of asmann j 88 98RTI . C 2a or VIMMAI gum VIUAGE Of PWINA acting Village Clark fOt the 1, the undersigned duly aPPOint" and covp1trad the Village of 94inao Minnesota, do .hereby certify that I have . oin? the same is a true and corr a &ttached and fOreg , Resolution and that copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Edina Village Council at its Regular Meeting beld Monday, November 18, 1968, and as recorded in 0411 j4j,ntjteS of said R(.1gular Meeting, WITNess any hand and seal of said village this Sth day of NOVOMbOr, 19611 Jage (,,le rk c MIN Ws you! era inif Of Wq ATIRRO Me jrp Val I, V-Ann;W T3QqI Wn"bu"It ly, YOPY woo ny Cora qn" y nopoInvino 'of! Apouryn ph Vol gqr"" 1TY101- p4n"Iff EC gcucpcc; Von pmcvAs gwoolurio" lug rpoc Con Aumn ;A 5 AvAj OC j W CGWi- tIjUke 0; woraw' mj qj WoLoph co, cl EA rvut ! as tup, fa 01 NMI; Z7