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Village ofE &L a
WHMAS, J4ri s lk-"Kiep and Dorothy V. DeUep, husband and wife., are the
owners of certain parcels of land in the Village of Edina deserthed An,
feel t
That part of tot 10, Block 71 Mandelasohn lying Worth of the
South 11 feet thereof and that part of lot 1. Block 81
mandelasohn lyi!' Nbrth of the South 11 feet thareof virui
that part of vacated Littel Street lying between the exterv-
slOus 90-ross it aW the North line of tl, South 11 feet of
said Lot 10, Slock 7, and said Lot 1,, Block $, and the, North
line of said lots, and that part of vacated Spryer go-ad lyin:
betwean tho extonsimw across it aud the Est Jim of said, Lot
I and the W"t line of said Lot 100, all al cording to the
record plat thereof, minnepin Comnty, jjjnnes*ta; a-,xd
Lot 9, Block 7, the South 11 feet of Lot 10, Block 7, tot 20
block 8 and the South 11 feet of Lot 1, Block 8 together with
that part of vaeated Littel Street lyine, between the exteasion
across it and the North line of the South 11 feet of $aid Lot
10, Block 7 and said Lot 1, 41ock 8 ind the Routh line of said
Lot 9, Rook 7 and said Lot 2s Uookt, Hendelssohno ac=ardim
to the recorded Plat tl reof. Wunapiri County, ifs naesetal and
WHOW1, sold owners hAve requested approval of the VIM %* of Edina of
the COnVOYMA00 asid owmrship of the abovp described land as a separate
Parcel; and
WURVA81, it has been do-tarmined that omW1j*%wa *41th,the Subdivision and
Zoning Regulaticn-in of the Villago of Rdina will create an onne-cess&ry
hardship and said tracto of land as separate parcels iloek note nterfare
'With ene purpose of the Subdivinioa and Zoning Regulations as contained
in the Villfte of FIdina Ordinance Numbers 261 and Z63-A;
1041 T11.1«7MMRI-;, it in haroby rQ.salvad u), 4tNe 'VY11.1Vn Council 01, tht vjl.
lag* Of Xi'dina thAt the conveyance and 0-miership of the above desc rib
tract of land an a separate parc;dz it. Iiareby approved and tho require-
marts anal: provisions of Ordinance Nos. 261 zmd 263-A ara hereby waived
to to said division and oommyaace# subject howtAmr, to tim provioion
that no further subdivision be made of the above describad tucts of
Load unless node in compliance with the portinent ordiumices of the
Villfto of WA** or wLth the prior approval of this Council ao aay be
provided for by these ordirm"as,
Is the unedersiped duly oNwi:ntod and acting Village Clerk for the
V l lase e9 gdinao iiinatea►ta, de hereby certify that x have ceWave4 the
attached and fareVUS Resolution send that the swu is a true and co"
rOct Copy of a Ttsatuttotw duly *&Vted by the Village of zdj84 X011
At its Regular YAetlng hold Wmday, Octeber 7, 19680 and as recorded
in the IR outes of said Rogul4r Xeetia$
WXTN98S my hand and seal of sdid, V!}IUges this 8th day of October*