HomeMy WebLinkAbout1571WHEiWy I %r#: IfimuokAiwa au4 Yoa 4 o aat, aumWWd. Sad wit
tho aauvers of aaa certain parcel of Uuad in the yillaa &* of Sdina
described as €ollaae i
Lut Ten (W) and all tbat portion of Lot AUvoa (11) lyij
soutbwwterly of a die* dra m-A from the aost northorly
corner of assi,d Lqt 10 to aaa potut on tim r t Uom of Lot
diastaut 30 feet uorth of the s ath st conwr th axvof,+ %A
natured salami said vast line, Block l j, Nolasd** first,
r^ Addition* RennspIA County, minnese"; and
Wi RMS, s"4 air two rseqttaae,sataed approval of the VAIIW of
of tin comay4ma aaea3aad ovmvaebbip oil the Abme 46sevibed %aaai>dad as ata
O"Alrotsa paraa:el i and
WUU";p it Ww been detexulned that a m plisme wit the Sub-
di,vitsion and Zmi?ng. R agulatioAq of the '+411aaa o of Rdinee will cros
40 U004408sary hardship and saes O tzect of a "p4t4to paaaO
4004 not interfere with the purpose of JW Subdivision eed �onief
i xlaitiom to aonta.i.aawed in the Village of 14LUO OrdimkWe Umber
ya 1 aaand 2633 -A;
OWi TaitF"044, it is hereby resolved by the s'LIU40 Ca i,l +
J? the Vi loo 4f atha the a otsvoyam4m And maersUp of the *be
aata 64tibid traet at as at sep*rat a paretl .4a haveby affvevad a
! am raequi nts proviastons of Ordiaeou* ice. 261 and 263-A s;
baluby voivaud antis to "U division as W coamoy o $, subject $
to the Provision that no iort.har sub"vi*ia>s bo uado of the *bova
deserlbdd tract of land unladaasis m in tompliance vith the paaert is
sesdiaraaaaea es at the Va at ulna or with t o pritear approval of
tbi s Council as ream► be provided for by these or+diiumes.
T 1.1 : %aye
1, the uasaa<i.nnci dz+1r appointed Ville Clams i±s►x th 1 of
3 , eota„ do hereby eartify that 1 aa< �aa`ad � at
*W fore a A% iasolution and that 00 saw is a tea Sad +*mat
of a R000lutten duly meted by tha Village of 1410A Council at i
PaSular Hooting hold Monday. August 1* 19610 and to rewirde4 in t
Minute* of said Resplair )%etivg.
WIXOM zy hand and.00*1 of said V11,1696 this 01ghth 48Y Of
Aug"t a 1967.
Village Clark
V111w of "i"
WOMMS, t`a xt Kkino 4aid. Marilym Kline, husband and wife, are
ma re of a certain pa rice l rat land in tits Village of Udina described
IP lot fslll+ t
"I evou (il) rapt tact. paaakrt 1lytn& aat as tarly of aaa ling
d aiun from the t narcearly itoraeaa►r of, 14t lid to 4 poir#t on
the West Itue of Lot 11 distant 30 fast north of the southwest
cormor thereof, who" mossured aatla»g said west lira, l ock 1,
HOIAud #* first Addition, ff"aapin C*Ua ty, Winao0 ta►" -
(� WW"S' Alai d owner has request*d approval of Cho Village of a
of the 040VO r+a as Aud ownership of tba above +4meri ed land as aa4
simparata parcel; and
t it has Isma deateaood tiswtt sake aar,taaa the 14uiadi
and wing Re#uUtiona of the Vil
f a of Wina, will 1trlasaa:e :taps
hardship +tad said trait of land as a mWora z* paatataal doos not iaaierf
the purpose of tim SubdivisLom and Zoning Rogul,attiaa aaoaa c tolled I
Village of Wine Ordinance, 26 163—A;
f ( NM, T40WM, it !s bereby raals'ol'a ed by cbe V11 l%* * Council a
Villogs of 9dina UAt the +torrvrey"ce and s .p of the above dose
tract of land As a at paatrato partal is hereby approved and the re it
t o and p mvi.sioaaae of O"inowto Has. Zdl and 263 -A avo heraby wa iv,
as to sold division a llJ icionv yaa e, subj t, 4woevejr, is the pm visii
that no rth*r subdivision las wo6o of the above described tit of
laud unless is c li with the pertimont, ordtaasecom of the .
Village sf ZAUA or tb tho prior approval of t loa .cou"il 40 way b
provided for by tbeso urdisa noes
AM 4
a with
xaa Ube U044raivWd duty appointed Villfte Clerk for t Villa of
Udine. Enac: oto, do biaraby certify that I love awompsrta+d the aatta ebs and
foresoing, 100talutisa and that the Sam to aw two and Comet Y of a
Resolution duly adopted by the Villap of fAino Co a rAl at its WW1
Mosting bold Xmday, AuSust 70 1967 salad as recorded in the Minutes f
mid lea &U&Sr ti .
WIT my hand end mask of said V ll s this eighth day of +t,
in& Nebo Cl>a