HomeMy WebLinkAbout3067MEMORANDUM DATE: December II, 2020 TO: Hennepin County Taxpayer Services Department CenterPoint Energy USPS: West Edina Carrier Annex (55424, 55436, 55439) Edina Office (55410) Normandale Office (55435) Metropolitan Council Xcel Energy - Email City of Edina: Water/Utility Department Police Department Planning Department Engineering Department Voter Registration Assessing Department Health Department Public Works Department Fire Department FROM: David Fisher, Chief Building Official SUBJECT: Address Assignment change for The Hankerson Townhomes Please be advised of the following address assignment: Legal Description: Lot Block Existing PID Number: 2811721320147 & 2811721320148 Old address: 5132 Hankerson Ave and 5148 Hankerson Ave, Edina, MN 55436 New address: 5132, 5134, 5136 & 5138 Hankerson Ave, Edina, MN 55436 5142, 5144, 5146 & 5148 Hankerson Ave, Edina, MN 55436 Multiple addresses: 5132, 5134, 5136 & 5138 Hankerson Ave, Edina, MN 55436 5142, 5144, 5146 & 5148 Hankerson Ave, Edina, MN 55436 Reason for change: Lot split from two lots into townhome development. Additional information: See attached plan. Please adjust your records accordingly. I: \ Building\Addresses\ADDRESS ASSIGNMENTS \2020\Hankerson Townhomes Address Change Memo.docx CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov • 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0390 Date: 12/10/2020 Hennepin County Property Map PARCEL ID: 2811721320147 OWNER NAME: Elizabeth R Macdonagh Sbj/Le PARCEL ADDRESS: 5132 Hankerson Ave, Edina MN 55436 PARCEL AREA: 0.22 acres, 9,797 sq ft A-T-B: To rrens SALE PRICE: $321,000 SALE DATA: 08/2004 SALE CODE: Warranty Deed ASSESSED 2019, PAYABLE 2020 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Homestead MARKET VALUE: $381,500 TAX TOTAL: $4,965.32 ASSESSED 2020, PAYABLE 2021 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Homestead MARKET VALUE: $381,500 This data (i) is furnished 'AS IS' with no representation as to completeness or accuracy; (ii) is furnished with no warranty of any kind; and (iii) is notsui table for legal, engineering or surveying purposes. Hennepin County shall not be liable for any damage, injury or loss resulting from this data. COPYRIGHT ©HENNEPIN COUNTY 2020 Comments: 5148 281172133 281172134 281172131 5125 5116 5203 5250 5120 5124 5121 5125 5129 5133 41.47 28 5141 fi .0 1 inch = 100 feet 5132 7R1177112 5116 281172131 5125 5201 281172134 5293 1 inch = 100 feet Hennepin County Property Map Date: 12/10/2020 5121 5120 5125 5124 5129 5132 5133 781177117 5137 28 5148 5141 281172133 5250 PARCEL ID: 2811721320148 OWNER NAME: Elizabeth Ryan Macdonagh PARCEL ADDRESS: 5148 Hankerson Ave, Edina MN 55436 PARCEL AREA: 0.45 acres, 19,623 sq ft A-T-B: Torrens SALE PRICE: $302,000 SALE DATA: 01/1996 SALE CODE: Warranty Deed ASSESSED 2019, PAYABLE 2020 PROPERTY TYPE: Apartment HOMESTEAD: Non-Homestead MARKET VALUE: $588,000 TAX TOTAL: $9,305.28 ASSESSED 2020, PAYABLE 2021 PROPERTY TYPE: Apartment HOMESTEAD: Non-homestead MARKET VALUE: $611,500 Comments: This data (i) is furnished 'AS IS' with no representation as to completeness or accuracy; (ii) is furnished with no warranty of any kind; and (iii) is notsuitable for legal, engineering or surveying purposes. Hennepin County shall not be liable for any damage, injury or loss resulting from this data. COPYRIGHT @ HENNEPIN COUNTY 2020 LAMP SGAPE SC.-I-IEr7L11- on SET COTTOM MEE WPM, 1141, 322./POOT MI. S. 1 OF 45655 3 4 I 3 3 5 AM 053. 5511 131-6 RSL S.11" .15. 511 TA 1.14 TY PT CDC A56 45 WC PM IT, FT man= MIN, 5,20 5451.5 5555-53P5a5 LIVED POTN- FED 14AF1.5 MACK hILLS 594.5.5 Par11113=r515 APPLE 4-lehrThE Cf513.EPP35 ni,NESS 154ED 51-44 545T J.5555 51•5141.1-115,5 5525 35IPER MOM' P554515. 14003/4.50 N4130FV1Tbr TARR/31D. 135155CfOlS SEW (020AGT ruacrem CI.T.P.RY 31111011 k5TEP55 4IPP-X 9104ran, SP,. WIGS 19.11T111.5 045 rtiaaar MAE MSS KM LILAC 24040 a IIIICEIVIII.....efrEPS RV D MO. Stall, MLR RUMP, T00aTI-1.100P 05.5-4 41/4440 PCSATA 1-51-1.5 550 59-51151, 2211S PIED SPLIDOCR DM. 5553 â 22:;RIS,,,_ 5155164 501104LATA XDPIESDS C/411765 Mire'r .151EPLS (.55555S IEPTT24, .1.54PEIPDS 54.11E5S HS-4W Thl-U4 OCCOXIITal--5 =,,„,,. 5415 OCC L5 Tl515 X 55.4 ' TalliCilr TAXIS X 55-P51755654454 V1155511 CPLUIS 5.41AGTS 4,58 X 511404 Wfillail WATER, SFIREA IIPP0144 810.15557 Ma,. PLATUS SW-. TIPPOISCA 45421550 13.1455.5111-455 2125 / 040 51/2' / 040 2-1/2. / 040 6' - 0 / 040 ':m!r.-= 20 - 23E20 21. 20 25.20 5 / Par 5 / POT 5 / POT 2' / POT 2' POT 2' POT 2 , POT 24' / POT LT / POT 0 / For IO;IIW 24' / 201. NOTES Contraotor to p.0 120 cre year guararn.ce an . plant miterlas. Tic guarantee begire on the date of the Owner, 410099 Contr..* to proalde one year guarantee on al plant materials. The guarantee begins on the date of the Omer, mitten acceptarce of the 55111 plantIrs. Replan-aunt plant materia shall 1100 hove a ca. year guarantee corrmeneirg upon planting MI plant.. to be specimen grade. Muncaota-gromn and/or hardy 5 t/Xis 1.404 Specimen gr.. Mal adhere Ga but 5 not limited by. the 'Mooring *ad. Al pin. inn be free from 2(0.1.-, pests, wou.s ecru etc Al plates ehal be free from noticeable gaps holes en rich:m.1e. MI planns elms be free from broken or dead /dram/nee Al plane anal have heat., branehlea ar. leafing. Conifer*. trees have an critablined r*In leader and height to 012th ratio cf no lc* than 53. 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Wrap al errynothicarkcal trees - Pastan tap a. loottorn Petal after October 15 Rome ha, April I. Capon top of fluriap on 0 4 0 mated,. Remora Pot on potted plenty split and brc. apart Peat Pots. Pnere planto u n-n- may - per star.arol name, practice and 44 cermet poor 4-arching Plante anal be liTmeatatey placed upon arm*al at site Properly inohin materials if required for tempary ornate ratorage. cilshrboul areas to be uncled triess otherwlse Sod to be eta... Minnesota geenn ad handy In Thls >or. 51.4rassi Mu Al sod areas shall be prepare. withi 4' hope. and raked to reaTCMC debris ad cm*. drainage S5pes 31 or greater Mal be /staked. Por` Inches of Mudded hannocd bar* midi ehal Laud aro.d all trues vettlan turf area. 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