HomeMy WebLinkAbout16654 Village of Edlna 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 927 -8861 MUM, the following described property is at prevent as single tract of imads Lots 120 130 140 1$0 160 17 and 160 Slack it usuena, viataaa, accor4 ug to the plat t eevc6f On files and of rtaoe,A in the. Office of the Registrar of Titlae# in 4ad for fi ennapin County. Minnesota; and 'ARM, the owner has raa:q"eutaad tj a subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein cAllod "Parcels") deccribcd .+ follows.- loth 12, 13a, 140.150 16, 17 and that part of Lot; 18, Rloatlo, x, Iguanas Vista bounded by a line described as fal.lo vs.- Begiaa ang at _a point a n tt>ae NoFs~hea'attsrly line -f 'ors* 10, a digtaarate of 72.0 feet Southeasterly from the Northeast comer of at' 1$,, . thiacu South estarly 160.0 feet at an "Ie of 00 d greas 50 sdrAttes 19 sevAmds with said Northeast line, as at-used from Sauthaast to uthvtaat; shpava Southeasterly to the most Sautlmrly coraer of Lot 18; tbencae Northwesterly along the South staaalrly line of Lot 18 to the most Southwesterly corner of Lot 18; time North- erly along the West liana of Lot 18 to the Northwest coruaer of Lot 181. thence East along the north lixae of lot 18 to the Northeast corner of %t 18, theme Soutboasterly to the point of ginning; and That part of meat 1S, Blook 1, LaaBu rrrasa Vista bounded by a line described as follows: Ugintling a►t A point on the Nort taerl,y l ine of Lot 18, a distance of 72.0 feet Southeasterly from the Wortbeast uorner of Lost I$; >the=e SoUtUv4sterlY 100#0 feet at an 84910 of 80 deg,raaus 50 minutes 14 sac*'Ids with said Naasrthaaaast line, as nassured from Southeast to South- west; thence Southeasterly to the aroat Southerly scorner of Last 18; thence Worthaarastaes:ly along the usthe"taelrly lius of said Lest IS to the most Easterly cornier of caaid Lot 18; thence Northwesterly to the point of beginning; and d WURRUS# it has been d+atara ' u ed that c+ li.s a wi.tb the. Subdivision Arad Zoning ng Regulations of the Villages of Woe till create an unnecessary bAx&,hip and Said Parcels as separate tracts of load des uot intA rfaers with the purpose of the Subdivision and Zoair% Regulations as eontained in the Villas of Edina ordi- nanou Noo. 811 aan4 8011; rr y y _ °' `" , f t hit Village-of NM* TI�lFE38S it is herab rsa3olv+e+d b tl�. Village. Council ca Edina that the acoxavaaryal and oW46r0hi,p of said Parcels as Sepaaaratae tracts of land in hereby approved +glad the requirements and prvvisioas of Ordinaww me. 811 and Ordiftwmae No, $01 thereof as separate tracts of land �Ut are Not woly 4 for a1llly other purpose or as to any othar provision there t, and subject, h+ veer, to the J rovision that no further er;raWvislaea be ns&i of saueFi,>d parcels unless made in 400liaaude with the pertinent ordinsuces of 04 VIL114st of Edina or with the pr of sppveval of this Council ,arc aaasy be providaed fifer by those aardi:�acxsaeas. a AnOD this 3W day of Julyo 1972 X4 the uokvsi ed dUly appointad "d acting it age Clark for the UIUV of vA* do, hereby gettify thot 1, us" aowar*d tho attacbed d foresetus roselutim with tho orWna1 tbAt the is 4 true and corMt. +w" of tha vosolution wbLeb was 4"Y by'tha U lne VLIl CO it at It uw meatisig of July 3,� 1971, X44SC444 44 the winums of 044 ftsular wi my bARA . a "*I of Village this uta Of julyy 1971. l � J 3 3 f cf