HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019_11_12_MeetingAgenda Heritage Preservation Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota Community Room Tuesday, November 12, 2019 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.HPC Minutes: October 7, 2019 V.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Reports/Recommendations A.Sketch Plan Review-4600 Browndale Avenue B.2019 CLG Report C.Country Club ReSurvey VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Sta2 Comments IX.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli6cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: November 12, 2019 Agenda Item #: IV.A. To:Heritage Preservation Commission Item Type: Minutes From:Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Item Activity: Subject:HPC Minutes: October 7, 2019 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the October 7, 2019 Meeting Minutes. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description HPC Minutes: October 7, 2019 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Heritage Preservation Commission Edina City Hall Monday, October 7, 2019 I. Call To Order Chair Birdman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were members Lonnquist, Schilling, Nymo, Blake, Mondry, Widmoyer, chair Birdman and student members Maheshwari and Bowles. Emily Bodeker, staff liaison, and Robert Vogel, Preservation Consultant, were also in attendance. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Blake seconded by Schilling to approve the meeting agenda as submitted. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes The Commission reviewed minutes from July 9, 2019 and September 17, 2019. The Commission also reviewed meeting notes from August 13, 2019 and September 10, 2019. Motion made by Blake seconded by Nymo to approve the meeting minutes from July 9, 2019 and September 17, 2019 and meeting notes from August 13, 2019 and September 10, 2019. All voted aye. The motion carried. V. Community Comment: None VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Sketch Plan-4600 Browndale Avenue Chuck Levin presented different garage orientations at 4600 Browndale Avenue. The Commission provided initial non-binding comments to the designer and discussed items and questions from the homeowners. The main topic discussed were the side load garage options that were presented and understanding if the angled portion of the home was an addition. The homeowner asked about changing the driveway and/or sidewalk to the home. Staff encouraged them to speak to the engineering department. The Commission authorized consultant Vogel to do some research on the home at 4600 Browndale Ave. to determine if a portion of the home was a non-original addition. Motion by Lonnquist second by Schilling. All in favor. The motion carried. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: B. Morningside Community Church Landmark Eligibility Bodeker explained that the Commission made a motion at the last meeting to direct consultant Vogel to begin the landmark nomination study for Morningside Church. She continued that consultant Vogel wanted the Commission to make a determination of eligibility for the church. Motion by Blake seconded by Nymo to approve a motion making an official determination of eligibility for Morningside Community Church property. The motion carried. VII. Chair and Member Comments: A. Preserve MN Conference 2019 Member Lonnquist presented to the Commission and shared information she learned at the Preserve MN Conference in St. Cloud. VIII. Staff Comments The next HPC meetings are on November 12, 2019 and December 10, 2019. IX. Adjournment The meeting ended at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Emily BodekerEmily BodekerEmily BodekerEmily Bodeker Date: November 12, 2019 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Heritage Preservation Commission Item Type: Other From:Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Item Activity: Subject:Sketch Plan Review-4600 Browndale Avenue Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. Sketch Plan Review: Prior to filling a complete application, an applicant may request to meet with the Heritage Preservation Commission for an informal exchange when the HPC can review the basic concept of a proposed project and offer suggestions to a potential applicant. The purpose of this review is to provide assistance in resolving problems or meeting requirements if the potential applicant decides to proceed with the COA process. The HPC may provide preliminary, non-binding guidance on the suitability of the project. Sketch plan review does not require formal notices to neighboring properties. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Aerial Map Applicant Letter 4600 Browndale Ave-Nov Submittal Edina, Hennepin, MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates 2013, © WSB & Associates2013 4600 Browndale Ave September 23, 2019 Map Powered by DataLink from WSB & Associates 1 in = 35 ft / Charles 2300 Minneapolis T: 612.729.5333 Levin Milwaukee Minnesota F: 612.729.8351 Architects Avenue 55404-3150 E: chuck@clevin.com Anyone receiving this document is obliged to immediately inform Charles Levin Architects of any errors or misunderstandings represented. 1581 Wyrobek Sketch Plan review Page 1 of 2 10/25/19, revised 10/28/19 TRANSMITTAL Project: Wyrobek Residence, 4600 Browndale, Edina, MN Project No. 1581 Date: October 25, 2019 Subject: Certificate of Appropriateness Sketch Plan Review – 2nd meeting After another month exploring design ideas, we now have a better understanding of the house and site conditions. After considering numerous locations and configurations for a new garage, we’ve concluded that our best option is a front facing design. We understand the opposition to such a choice, but we feel strongly that it solves the owner’s requirements while preserving more of the original house than previously submitted ideas for the project. Here are the arguments supporting a scheme as shown in the attached drawings. 1. The driveway is an unfortunate problem that must be addressed. The pinched driveway appears to be evidence that the property has been altered from its original 1925 design, resulting in, at best, awkward, or even worse dangerous, maneuvering conditions. We are puzzled about the driveway and porch: a. Why would driveway be designed that pinches down to 7.5’, the size of today’s compact car parking space? [For perspective, Nico’s Honda and Kris’s Chevy Rav are both 79” wide, leaving only 5” clearance on each side]. b. Why would a driveway be designed to enter an intersection at 45°? c. Why would the driveway be designed in a way that is highly dangerous for backing out? d. Why would the Porch be located at the end of the house, looking directly at the neighboring house with a very limited view of the creek? We know that the two houses to the north (on Bridge St.) were built about 10 years later (in 1936), perhaps as the result of a lot subdivision or sale. We believe that the 4600 property user to be larger, perhaps comprising more than one parcel. Anyone receiving this document is obliged to immediately inform Charles Levin Architects of any errors or misunderstandings represented. 1581 Wyrobek Sketch Plan review Page 2 of 2 10/25/19, revised 10/28/19 2. The proposed design complies with the Zoning Code (i.e. does not require a variance). It complies with the lot coverage, setback and height limitations of the Edina Zoning Code [36-438] 3. The EDINA HISTORIC COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT PLAN OF TREATMENT does not prohibit front facing garages. The document states: “Front facing attached garages are discouraged.” We assume that the authors of the document recognized that there would be particular buildings with special circumstances. Please note that Browndale Avenue is several feet below the yard. Appropriate landscaping will provide year-around screening from the street. 4. The shape and detailing of the proposed addition will be consistent with the character of the revival style as described in A Field Guide to American Houses, Virginia and Lee McAlester (Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York, ©1984, 13th printing 1996). “…façade dominated by one or more dominant cross gables…” is a recognized shape for this revival style. The heights, widths, door/window styles, etc. will all be developed to complement the existing house. The design maintains the prominent massive chimney. Widening the entry steps increases the visual width of the entry. END OF DOCUMENT A1 IMAGE SKETCH FOR HPC DISCUSSION © 2019Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 ISSUED: FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: 10/25/2019 WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN 9.20.19 FOR HPC DISCUSSION 10:42 AM 10/28/19 DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 10.25.19 FOR HPC DISCUSSION 10.28.19 FOR HPC DISCUSSION © 2019Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 ISSUED: FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: 10/25/2019 WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN 9.20.19 FOR HPC DISCUSSION 10:42 AM 10/28/19 DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 10.25.19 FOR HPC DISCUSSION 10.28.19--N42°56'09"E 217.88 MEAS.--S09°49'04"E 134.94 MEAS.--S67°5 8' 0 0 " W 1 7 4. 5 8 M E A S. - -N26°07 '56 "W 59 .34 MEAS . R=16.12 L=24.06 =85Ā30'16" CH.=21.89 20±5± EL E V A T I O N O F W A T E R = 8 8 4 . 0 A P R I L 1 1 , 2 0 1 7 B R O W N D A L E A V E N U EB R I D G E S T R E E T 3325M I L L P O N DM I N N E H A H A C R E E K L O T 3 L O T 4 L O T 2 40 . 9 3 3 . 22.52 0 . 717.5 7.4 24.47.4 11.5 22.4 5.911.136.710.0 5.5#4520 BRIDGE ST. FRONT ENTRY=898.2 #4602 BROWNDALE AVE.FRONT ENTRY=900.9 #4600 BROWND A L E A V E . FRONT ENTRY= 9 0 2 . 5 GARAGE FLOO R = 8 9 2 . 2 CANTILEVER CONC R ET E DRI V E W A Y CON C R E T E D R I V EW A Y CO N C R E T E W A L K 5' SIDEWALK CONCRETE UP U P DW N DECK PATIO PATIO 4.25.8 33.947.3 COMP.17 . 2 11 . 3 13 . 4 7. 5 8. 7 28.917.8 42.4 91.6ā98.6 āT C X X18"MAPLE 30"MAPLE 18"ASH 28"MAPLE 12"DECID. 10"PINE 18"PINE 10"PINE 12"PINE 18"ASH 14" DECID. 10"PINE 10"PINE 12"PINE 10"PINE 10"PINE 14"PINE SHRUB R O W CEDAR R O W 89 9 899 89990089889889889 7 897897 896896 895895 896 897896895895 894 894893 892 892 8 93892 89189 1 8 9 0 890 88 9 8 8 9 88 8 B A S E F L O O D 8 8 8 B AS E F LO O D 88 7 886 88 5 O H W 904 Sq ft NEW GARAGE EXISTING CURB CUT AND SIDEWALK (NO ALTERATIONS) NEW DRIVEWAY NEW WALKWAY AND BOULEVARD STEPS NEW STOOP AND STEPS E X I S T I N G H O U S E A2 SITE PLAN FOR PRO- POSED NEW GARAGE N 0 5'10'20' NEW TREES FLANKING WALKWAY NEW LANDSCAPE SCREEN PROPERTY DESCRIPTION EXISTING CONDITION SURVEY FOR:KUHL DESIGN + BUILD SHEET BOOK/PAGE JOB NO. DRAWN SCALE REFERENCE DATEREMARKS REVISIONS BENCHMARK SITE ADDRESS W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. Woodrow A. Brown, R.L.S. MN REG 15230 04-17-2017Dated: SCALE IN FEET Bloomington, MN 55425 EMAIL: WBLANDSURVEY@AOL.COM Bus: (952) 854-4055 Fax: (952) 854-4268 W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. 8030 Cedar Avenue So., Suite 228.W B N Legend 32.8' 30.2' 35.00'28.90 ' 42.40' 35.1' LOTS 5 & 6 4604 BROWNDALE LOT 4 4602 BROWNDALE LOT 3 4600 BROWNDALE LOT 7 4610 BROWNDALE FRONT SETBACK REQUIREMENT BASED ON AVERAGE OF SETBACKS ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES PER CODE CALCULATION METHOD. INFORMATION USED TO SUPPORT THIS DRAWING COMES FROM SURVEY DRAWINGS OF EACH INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY AS LISTED BELOW. THIS DIAGRAM IS DRAWN TO SCALE AND THE DIMENSIONS SHOWN COME DIRECTLY FROM THE SURVEYOR'S DRAWINGS. LOT 7, 4610 BROWNDALE AVE.: EGAN, FIELD & NOWAK, INC. O1/28/16, REVISED 05/31/16 LOTS 5 & 6, 4604 BROWNDALE AVE.: THE GREGORY GROUP, INC. (D.B.A. LOT SURVEYS COMPANY). O5/19/19 LOTS 4, 4602 BROWNDALE AVE.: THE GREGORY GROUP, INC. (D.B.A. LOT SURVEYS COMPANY). O6/27/17 LOT 3, 4600 BROWNDALE AVE.: W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC., 04/17/17 THE AVERAGE SETBACK DIMENSION WAS CALCULATED ACCORDING TO THE ZONING CODE, CITY OF EDINA, SECTION 36-439 (1), SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS. 10' SIDE SETBACK TO NEW CONSTRUCTION PROPOSED 3-CAR GARAGE 7.5' EXISTING SIDE SETBACK TO HOUSE ENLAGEMENT OF EXISTING SIDE SETBACK CONDITION REFER TO SITE SURVEY ON SHEET A2 FOR INFORMATION ABOUT OTHER SITE FEATURES NOT SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING. DASHED LINES SHOW BUILDABLE AREA. N 0 15'30'60' A3 SITE PLAN FOR FRONT YARD SETBACKBROWNDALE AVENUEMINEHAHA CREEK BRIDGE STREET EDGEBROOK PLACE FOR HPC DISCUSSION © 2019Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 ISSUED: FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: 10/25/2019 WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN 9.20.19 FOR HPC DISCUSSION 10:42 AM 10/28/19 DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 10.25.19 FOR HPC DISCUSSION 10.28.19 FOR HPC DISCUSSION © 2019Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 ISSUED: FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: 10/25/2019 WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN 9.20.19 FOR HPC DISCUSSION 10:42 AM 10/28/19 DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 10.25.19 FOR HPC DISCUSSION 10.28.19 A4 OLD PHOTOS Image #1: from National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form 1982 Image #2: provided by City of Edina from an advertisment - date unknown A5 EXISTING CONDITIONS - FRONT FOR HPC DISCUSSION © 2019Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 ISSUED: FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: 10/25/2019 WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN 9.20.19 FOR HPC DISCUSSION 10:42 AM 10/28/19 DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 10.25.19 FOR HPC DISCUSSION 10.28.19 A6 EXISTING CONDITIONS - BACK FOR HPC DISCUSSION © 2019Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 ISSUED: FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: 10/25/2019 WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN 9.20.19 FOR HPC DISCUSSION 10:42 AM 10/28/19 DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 10.25.19 FOR HPC DISCUSSION 10.28.19 Date: November 12, 2019 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Heritage Preservation Commission Item Type: Other From:Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Item Activity: Subject:2019 CLG Report Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Review the 2019 CLG Annual Report. INTRODUCTION: See Attached. ATTACHMENTS: Description 2019 CLG Report EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION ANNUAL CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT (CLG) REPORT 2019 FISCAL YEAR The following is a summary of the projects, reviews and activities reported to the City Council and Minnesota Preservation Office for the fiscal year 2018, (October I, 2018 to September 30, 2019): A. Local Designation of Preservation Sites: (.See attached list of properties designated Edina Heritage Landmarks & those determined eligible for designations as Exhibit "A". 2.No new properties were determined eligible for Edina Heritage Landmark designation. 3.The city protected approximately 600 historically significant properties in fiscal 2019 and intends to add more in 2020. 4. No significant heritage resources were destroyed or damaged as a result of any activity financed, permitted, or otherwise supported by the City of Edina. B. Review of Requests for a Certificate of Appropriateness in the historic Country Club District: I. 4630 Drexel Avenue Request: Changes to the street facing facade-addition Action: Final Approval 10/8/2019 2. 4900 Arden Avenue Request: Changes to street facing facade-addition Action: Approved 10/8/2019 3. 4604 Browndale Avenue Request: Changes to street facing facade Action: Approved 5/14/19 4. 4531 Bruce Avenue Request: Changes to street facing facade Action: Approved 8/9/19 C. Heritage Preservation Commission Membership: 2019 See attached HPC Roster Exhibit "B" D. National Register Nominations in 2019: None The following properties in Edina are listed on the National Register of Historic Places: I) George Baird House, 4400 West 50th Street 2) Jonathan Taylor Grimes House, 4200 West 44th Street 3) Grange Hall, 4918 Eden Avenue 4) Cahill School, 4924 Eden Avenue 5) Country Club District Edina Heritage Preservation Commission 2018 CLG Report 6) Wooddale Bridge #90646, Wooddale Avenue over Minnehaha Creek E. Local Inventories and Studies: • Local Inventory: "Historic Building Survey of Edina, MN", Prepared by Setter, Leach & Lindstrom, July 1979, Historic Consultant, Jeffrey A. Hess • "Historic Context Study", Prepared by Robert C. Vogel and Associates, July 1999 • Recodified Section 850.20 "Edina Heritage Landmarks" of the Zoning Ordinance, 2003 • Comprehensive Heritage Preservation Plan, June 2006 • Heritage Preservation Element of City's Comprehensive Plan submitted to Metropolitan Council, 2009 • Morningside Bungalow Multiple Property Study, 2010 • Section 801 Heritage Preservation Board of City Code replaced with Section 1500/1504, 2011 • Thematic Study for Heritage Resources Associated with Edina Women, 2011 • Suburban Development in Edina Since 1935: A Historic Context Study, 2013 F. Assurances: The HPC held monthly meetings as needed. The minutes of said meetings are recorded and kept at City Hall, Edina, MN. The meetings were posted and open to the public. The assurance statement is attached for Public Participation and Commission records. G. Activities Accomplished in 2019 and Planned for 2020: 2019 Activities & Accomplishments: The City of Edina contracted with Pathfinder CRM, LLC to provide heritage preservation advice and services. 2. 2019 Heritage Preservation Award - Awarded during Preservation Month (May) 44th and France Small Area Plan and volunteers- The small area plan was completed with the City's Comprehensive Plan update. The nomination applauded the plans effort to highlight the eligible for landmark designated properties. By highlighting the properties the small area plan advanced the community's awareness and appreciation of the buildings and their rich community history. The nomination and award was also given for the volunteer efforts and citizen engagement. 3. Commissioner Jane Lonnquist attended the 2019 MNSHPO conference in St. Cloud, MN. 4. The City of Edina was awarded a CLG grant for an archeological study. The study and work took place in 2019. Proposed 2019 Work Plan Initiatives: (Attached as Exhibit "C") to be considered by the Edina City Council, December 2019. Prepared by: Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner and Staff Liaison to the Heritage Preservation Commission 2 EXHIBIT "A" EDINA HERITAGE LANDMARKS EDINA HERITAGE LANDMARK DISTRICT (EHLD) PROPERTIES: Address & Year Designated I. Grimes House - 4200 W. 44th Street - 1976 2. Minnehaha Grange Hall - Frank Tupa Park, 4918 Eden Avenue - 1977 3. Cahill School - Frank Tupa Park, 4918 Eden Avenue - 1977 4. Baird House - 4400 W. 50th Street - 1978 5. Peterson House - 5312 Interlachen Boulevard - 1987 6. Country Club District - NE Edina - 2003 7. Edina Theater Sign - 3911 W. 50th Street - 2006 8. Edina Mill Site - Dwight Williams Park, W. 50th Street - 2006 9. Browndale Bridge - Browndale Avenue over Minnehaha Creek - 2008 10. Oskam House - 6901 Dakota Trail - 2015 11. Wooddale Bridge #90646 - Wooddale Avenue over Minnehaha Creek - 2016 The properties listed above have been officially rezoned by the City Council upon nomination by the HPC. Certificates of Appropriateness are required for demolition, moving a building, new construction, and excavation. Determined Eligible for Landmark Designation: (Heritage Award winners = *) Eligibility for landmark designation places no restriction on the property owner, but would put some limits on the government's ability to do projects that impact the property. By ordinance, the HPC has sole responsibility for nominating properties for designation as Edina Heritage Landmarks. The first step in the nomination process is the HPC Determination of Eligibility, which is a policy statement that in the opinion of the Board a given property meets one or the Heritage Landmark eligibility criteria by being associated with an important historic context and by retaining historic integrity of those features necessary to convey its significance. The next step is to prepare a written nomination and a plan of treatment, which is prepared by staff subject to the approval of the HPC. All authority for the designation of Heritage Landmarks is vested in the City Council. I. Erickson House - 4246 Scott Terrace - 1980 2. Odd Fellows Hall - 4388 France Avenue - 1980 3. St. Stephen the Martyr Episcopal Church* -, 4439 W. 50th Street - 1980 4. Simmons House - 4116 W. 44th Street - 1980 5. Leeskov House - 4410 Curve Avenue - 1980 6. Skone House - 4311 Eton Place - 1980 7. Morningside United Church of Christ* - 4201 Morningside Road — 1980 8. Onstad House - 4305 Morningside Road — 1980 9. Sly House* - 6128 Brookview Avenue — 1980 1 Page EXHIBIT "B" 2019 EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION Name Contact Information Term Gabe Aderhold aderh003@umn.edu 3/2021 Michael Birdman michael@birdmanenterprises.com 3/2019 Laurie Blake Lablake10(cD,gmail.com 3/2020 Chris Davis ednow22@gmail.com 3/2021 Rachel Mondry cheliamsgmail.com 3/2020 Sarah Nymo sarah@rehkamplarson.com 3/2020 Annie Schilling annieschilling@msn.com 3/2021 Jane Lonnquist janelonnquist@gmail.com 3/2022 Darrah Widmoyer dcpurtell@hotmail.com 3/2022 Ameila Bowles Student Member Arjun Maheshwari Student Member ****************************************************************************** Staff Liaison: Consultant: Emily Bodeker Assistant City Planner ebodeker(iD,edinamn.2ov Robert Vogel Pathway CRM revouelAnathfindererm.com City of Edina (952-826-0462) 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 319 So. Division Ave. P.O. Box 503 Spring Grove, MN 55974 on Date Heritage Preservation Exhibit C 2020 DRAFT Commission Work Plan Template QC. Initiative Initiative Type Review and Decide Review and decide on Certificates of Appropriateness (COA) applications for changes to heritage landmark designated properties. Lead Commissioners Ongoing All Commission Funds available Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report Staff Liaison Preservation Consultant-Robert Vogel Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date FigtCouncil ARio Review and Recommend Invite owners of determined elibigle properties to designate their properties as Edina Heritage Landmarks and recommend to Planning Commission and City Council. Ongoing Budget Staff Suppo All Commission Funds available Preservation Consultant-Robert Vogel Ongoing Staff Liaison Lead Commissioners Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Ongoing Initiative Review and Recommend Evaluate and recommend potential properties to be added to the Heritage Preservation eligible landmark list Completion Date ouncil Charge Ongoing Budget d 441,. Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison Preservation Consultant-Robert Vogel Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report Initiative Type Ongoing Lead Commissioners All Commission All Commission Review and Decide Ongoing Award the 2020 Edina Heritage Award during National Preservation Month in May. Use different media outlets to help increase awareness during the nomination period to increase interest. Council Char Staff Liaison Funds available Partners: Arts & Culture Commission, Human Rights and Relations Commission (LEAD) and HPC Review and Decide R&E 18E. Serve on a cross-commission committee to ensure City facility artwork and decor reflects diversity of race and culture. Continue Ongoing Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report I= Initiative Completion Date Council Charge May-20 Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison Lead Commissioners ongoing Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report Initiative Type Ongoing Study and Report Archeology in Edina. The HPC worked with Nienow Cultural Consultants in 2019 on a Phase la Archeology report that models areas of different degrees of potential archeological sites in Edina. The HPC proposes in 2020, to apply for a CLG grant (similar to the one in 2019) to test the archeolgocial model. See page 20 of the NCC Final Archeological report. Budget Staff Support Funds not available Staff Liaison All Commission I Commission, Lead: Funds available Review and Decide Ongoing Hold the May Heritage Preservation Commission meeting as a "Community Meeting." Invite the Public on a walking tour around the Edina Country Club golf course area to view Historic Properties and pieces of the Edina Mill. A Initiative Type Lead Commissioners Council Charge Completion Date Review and Decide Create an interactive bike/ped map for a Historical Property tour. Use the map during events, school programs, etc. to help raise awareness. Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report Initiative Type. Ongoing Council Charge Staff Suppo All Commission, Lead: Funds available Jane Lonnquist Other GIS Support Annie Schilling Staff Liaison ongoing Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report May-20 Budget Staff Support Initiative Initiative Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Lead Commissioners Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: The HPC proposes applying for a Preservation Consultant- Robert Grant to fund this project Vogel Review and Recommend Ongoing Review the adminstrative process and Country Club Plan of Treatment to identify any recommendations for improvement. All Commission Funds available Staff Liaison Preservation Consultant-Robert Vogel Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report: Initiative Review and Comment Continue the 2019 resurvey of the Country Club District. Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge • vmmertf Continue Lead Commissioners All Commission Dec-20 Preservation Consultant-Robert Vogel Staff Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Report INO/ Local Governme • !dal Annual HPC Certified Local Government Assurances Name of HPC: Edina Heritage Preservation Commission Fiscal Year: 2019 1. I hereby certify that the Edina Heritage Preservation Commission has adhered to the public participation provisions as stipulated under Section III.D of the "Minnesota Certified Local Government Procedures Manual" issued by the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office. 2. I hereby certify that the Edina Heritage Preservation Commission has adhered to the procedures of the State Archives Department of the Minnesota Historical Society, regarding commission records (see the State Archives publication "Preserving and Disposing of Government Records," pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 138.17, online at www.mnhs.org/preserve/records/recser .) Date (This form may be used to certify compliance with requirement III.E.2.f of the Annual Report required for all CLGs.) February 1985; Revised May 2010 Date: November 12, 2019 Agenda Item #: VI.C. To:Heritage Preservation Commission Item Type: Other From:Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Item Activity: Subject:Country Club ReSurvey Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Discuss memo from Consultant Vogel. INTRODUCTION: See attached memo. ATTACHMENTS: Description Country Club Resurvey Memo 1925 Deed Restrictions National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form Country Club Plan of Treatment 1 MEMORANDUM TO: Heritage Preservation Commission FROM: Robert Vogel, Preservation Planning Consultant DATE: November 6, 2019 SUBJECT: Resurvey of Country Club District – Plan of Treatment Evaluation Background The initial survey of the Country Club District was conducted in 1979 as part of a city-wide survey sponsored by the Edina Heritage Preservation Board or HPB (now the Heritage Preservation Commission). The Country Club neighborhood was identified as a potential historic district and in 1980 the city obtained a grant from the Minnesota Historical Society for the purpose of nominating it to the National Register of Historic Places. The National Register nomination form prepared by Lynne VanBrocklin Spaeth, an independent consultant, is dated October, 1980; however, the district was not officially listed in the National Register until April 26, 1982. The 1980 National Register survey documented 555 properties within the district boundaries, including the old Wooddale School (later demolished). Although the HPB occasionally commented on home remodeling projects in the district, there was no comprehensive design review process until the city revised its heritage preservation ordinance in 2002-03. The Country Club District was designated an Edina Heritage Landmark District on February 18, 2003, at which time the city council approved the original district plan of treatment (POT). The heritage landmark overlay district boundaries were coextensive with those of the National Register historic district, encompassing 555 single-family residences, of which 507 were considered contributing resources. The HPB began reviewing demolition and new construction projects for Certificates of Appropriateness (COAs) in 2003. The district POT was later revised to include additional guidelines for new detached garages (adopted December 9, 2004) and new homes (adopted April 15, 2008). At the time the Country Club District was established, the HPB began to plan for a re-survey of the district. Because of staff time and funding limitations, the survey was not carried out until 2007-08, when the city imposed a year-long, city-wide moratorium on tear-downs, and focused chiefly on documenting the changes in the appearance of the district since 1980. In addition to the revised POT, the 2007-08 survey refined and elaborated a district statement of significance, and identified a number of information gaps to be addressed by future surveys. Current Conditions The Country Club District covers approximately 300 acres and is divided into two sections (Brown and Fairway), which together contain 534 single-family homes constructed between 1924 and 1977, The majority of existing homes were built before 1932 and 490 date from 1924- 1944, the district’s “period of significance” for preservation planning purposes (the developer stopped imposing deed restrictions on lots sold after July 1, 1944). Although over 90% of the homes in Country Club are classified as contributing heritage resources, none of the houses 2 within the district boundaries have been designated or determined eligible for designation as heritage landmarks. While existing heritage resource inventories do not distinguish between “contributing” and “non-contributing” properties, the district continues to represent a historically significant concentration of houses and streetscapes which physically comprise a specific environment with a distinctive identity of time and place. Historic integrity is very good and the physical characteristics that qualified the district for listing in the National Register in 1980 have been preserved intact. Only about 10% of the homes were constructed after 1945 and most of these are over fifty years old. City records show that the adverse effects of tear-downs have been mitigated by the design standards imposed by the POT. Since 2003, a total of 13 COAs have been approved for demolition of existing homes in the district. Of these, less than half represented historic properties (i.e., homes built during the district’s period of significance), all of which were in deteriorated condition or had been substantially altered from their original appearance. The replacement homes are architecturally compatible and complement the historic character of adjacent historic homes. Over 100 COAs have been issued for garages since 2003. The last original detached garage in the district was probably a functionally obsolete, one-stall structure at 4615 Wooddale that was demolished in 2008. Few, if any, of the existing multi-stall detached garages pre-date 1968 and it is unlikely that any of these structures meet the minimum design standards outlined in the POT. Although the COA program has not saved any historic garages, the POT requirement that new garages for historic properties must match the architecture of the houses has undoubtedly enhanced the overall character of the district. COAs for construction of new attached garages have also had a positive effect on the district as a whole by limiting the new garages to secondary elevations and making them architecturally complementary to the houses. COAs have also been issued for partial demolition and exterior alterations that destroy or obscure significant façade features. In general, only projects involving changes to distinctive architectural features on the principal (street-facing) façade are subject to design review. The POT offers only general guidelines for this kind of work, but in practice the façade alterations covered by COAs have been compatible in size, scale, and material with the character of the houses. A windshield inspection of the district carried out earlier this year found that almost every historic home in the district had been altered to some extent, with the great majority of alterations involving new attached garages, porches, and the addition of new living space on rear and side elevations, Very few of the primary facades of homes constructed during 1924-44 have been substantially altered from their as-built appearance. Although there has been a significant increase in building mass throughout the district since the 1970s, nearly all of the homes still meet the basic design standards imposed by the original Thorpe Bros. deed restrictions. Work that does not require a COA has resulted in a slow but steady erosion of historic character as a result of window and door replacement, roofing, HVAC installation, and small-scale home improvement projects and a great deal of historic fabric continues to be lost as a result of interior remodeling. Nevertheless, over 80% of the houses retain integrity of those exterior features necessary to convey their historic architectural values. 3 Conclusions 1. The Country Club District POT, as revised, continues to be effective in controlling tear- downs in the district. Only those historic properties shown to be structurally deteriorated or substantially altered from their as-built appearance have been allowed to be demolished and the replacement homes meet the POT design standards for new construction. The POT has also helped to enhance the historic character of the district by requiring new garages to be visually compatible with the architecture of the historic homes. 2. Based on the 2019 resurvey, 488 houses in Country Club meet the minimum requirements for consideration as heritage preservation resources. A relatively small number of historic homes have been substantially altered from their as-built appearance and no longer qualify for protection—the HPC should consider issuing a list of these properties for public information purposes. 3. The 46 houses constructed after 1945 (including the 13 new homes built since 2002) have been evaluated as non-contributing and should not be treated as heritage preservation resources. 4. The preferred strategy for mitigating the effects of exterior remodeling projects is an increased emphasis on public education to foster voluntary compliance with “best practices” in heritage resource management. No major changes to the district POT are recommended. 5. The Country Club District is in an excellent state of preservation, especially in comparison with other, similarly sized residential historic districts. It clearly possesses the characteristics required for registration as an Edina Heritage Landmark District. Deed Rest轟c岱ons請r The Country Club Distriet of Ed血al Minnesota From Book lO54 Deeds, Page 560 Doc. No. 1324919 Filed Dec.15血1925, at 12:45 oIcIock P.M. This血denture, made this 15th day ofApril in也e year of o町Lord one血ousand nine hundred and twenty丘ve between Thorps Bros. (a corporation under血e laws of血e State ofMimesotdy party of血e first part,狐d P.W. Helwig party of血e second part: W血esseth,也at也e said party of血e first part,血cousideration of血e sun of Twerty One Hundred ($2100.00) Dollars to it in hand paid by血e said party of血e second part,瓜e receipt whereof is heieby acknowledged, does hereby grarit, b狐gain, Se11 and convey unto血e said party of血e second part’his heirs and assigns, forever, all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the Cou皿ty Of Hemep血and State of Mimesota’ described as follows, towit: Lot thirteen (13), BIock five (5), Co皿try Clul) District, Fairway Section, according to the plat也ereof on刷e狐d of record in也e o餓ce of血e Register of Deeds in and for也e county and state. This conveyance is made and accapted subject to such of血e following restrictions, reSerVations and covena血ts as may by血eir tems be applicable to said premi§eS, Which restrictious are for the bene飼t of said premises and of said Section’and of every lot herein, and shall inure to and operate as equitわle restrictions or easements passmg wi心血e corvey狐Ce Of every lot, and shall apply to and bind every successor in interest of血e parties hereto,狐d are imposed upon said premises as a servitude血鰹IVOr of said Section, and every lot也ere血, and are as follows: 1. That fdr血e purpose ofcoustruing狐d applying血ese restrictions a single lot shall mean a lot as now pla請ed, Or an Ouner Or PartS Oftwo adioining lots,血e total width ofwhich at血e frout lot line shall be not less瓜狐血e丘ont width lot line ofei也er ofthe lots compnslng a Part Ofsuch ounersh垂u or all ofone 10t狐d p如or parts ofone or more aqjoining lots. 2. That all lots in said Section, exCePt Lots nos. 1, 2狐d 13, BIock No.1, are hereby designated ・・residence lots'一and shall not be improved’鵬d or occ岬ied for other th狐Private one-family residence purpose;血at there shall not be erected, Placed or maintained on any of said lots any flats, duplexes, apartmentS’though intended for residence puIPOSeS, Pul,lic garages, Oil stations or any o血er buildings whatsoever exc印t a detached dwelling house to be used exclusivdy as a residence for a single family twi血 out-buildings to be used exclusively for domestic purposes) ofnot less than l l/2 stories in height旬ean血g a building with at least two rooms on血e second floor) wi血a ce皿, nor of less cost血an $7,000, if erected on any lot励血g Drexel Avenue: nOr less也an ($6,500) if erected on Casco Avenue or any Lot in BIock one (1) or any of the following lots, Viz.: Nos, 9 to 20 inclusive in BIock 14: nOr less th狐$6,000 iferected on any Lot fac血g Bruce Ave皿e or Arden Ave皿e・ Such oosts to be for labor, material, arChitectIs and eng血eer-s fees. 3. That residences on inside lots shall face也e front lot line and on comer lots shall face也e s狐ne S億eet as血ose on瓜e a匂O血ing inside lot. 4. That血e fro血foundation of every residenee, eXClusive of porch,血all be placed at least 30 feet from血e frout line of each lot: that血e side foundation shall not be nearer也an 3 feet from血e side lot血e, nOr nearer血an 7 feet from any street or avenue a句oining血e side lot血e. That no residenee, With al請ached garages, attached gree血ouses and porches, Shall occxpy to exceed 60% ofthe area ofthe lot nor shall have a width greater血an 80% ofthe width of血e lot measured on lines nomal to the axis ofthe lot passing throuみ血e house at all points- That in case where也e最ontage of gromd used wi血any residenee lS greater血an 血e required frontnge血en’fdr血e puIPOSe Of limi血g血e width ofthe residence and estal)lishing its Iocation wi血respect to血e side血es ofthe loち血e frontage so used sha11 be deemed to be瓜e required frontage and血e provisions of血is section shall be c。nStrued accordingly, and if狐y residence of也e maxim`m Width is hiIt or maintained on any such lot, then血ereafter也e frontage so used皿ay nOt be reduced on any such lot as Iong as said residence is maintained thereon’and the same provisions shall apply as to the location of any residence wi瓜respect to血e side lines of血e lot. 珊e from porches, balconies, POrte COcheres and terraces shall not prQject beyond the main building more血an 12 feet, and on comer lots beyond血e side of血e main building more than lO feet, nOr Shall bay, Oriel, bow, domer or o血er prqiec血g windows 狐d stairway血dings’COmices, SPOu血g§, Chimeys’Pilasters, trellises狐d similar prQjections, PrQject more血an 18 inches from血e front and side血es ofthe main building. 5. That all out-buildings shall correspond in style and architecture to血e residenee to which such buildings are appurten狐t and on comer lots shall血addition be located wholly w細血30 feet of血at side of血e lot fa]血est from也e a4joining side s億eet, and sha11 not co血bined, OCCuPy mOre血an 60% of血e wid血of血e lot measured along such rear lot line. 6. That the following prohibitious shall be observed; (り No tank for血e storage offuel shall be maintained above血e surface of血e 夢O皿d・ @) No sign greater th狐480 sq雌e inches shall be place on any lot, eXCePt 血ose of血e ve皿dor. (C) No shedding poplars, box-elders or o也er o匝Ctionわle trees or血rubbery shall be planted. (d) No garage or o血er out=building s肋I be erected on any lotbefore the residenee thereon is cons億ucted. (e) No drives血all be constructed from a street to血e lotwi血out a concrcte ramp or ribbon drive from the street to血e sidewa此Ievel. (f) No fence or wall shall be bui加o a greater height血an 4 feet 6 inches from 血e grade a軽ent to血e wa11 or fence at a11 points, nor Shall狐y Wa11 greater than 3 feet in height be built wi血in血e frout lot lines, nOr血all any fence o血er than apen apindle, picket, metal or slat be built. (g) No residence at its frout foundation shall have a finish gIede ofmore血an 3 feet 6 inches above血e curb, at血e丘ont lot l血e, uteSS血e natunal grede of血e lot is greater, in w血血case血e nat耽l grade may be血e fi血sh grade. a) No wa11, St印S, Or O也er con§truetion, eXCePt Sidewa叱Sha11 be placed or mainta血ed forward of血e front lot血e, nOr enCrOaCh on血e boulevard. (i) No garfage, a血es, refuse or refuse recaptacles血all be placed or left on any lot so as to be exposed to view, or become a即isance. G) No horses, COWS, gOatS・ Sheep or any domestic animals, POultry or fowIs of any kind, eXCePt dogs and cats, Will be pemritted to be k印t on any of血e lots, eXCePt a riding horse horses wi血the written consent of the vendor. (k) No coal, eXCePt SmOkeless coal, nOr fuel ofany血d giving offblack smoke, Or Strong Or Obnoxious odors, Shall be used. (l) No surface water from血e roofofnay building, Or from ny lot shall be comected wi血or drained in to the sanitany sewers. 7. That no residence, Or O血er s億ucture, Shall, Prior to July l’1944, be erected or maintained on any lot until也e plans? SPeC詭cahous, elevation’location and grade血ereo亀wi血coIor scheme for said residence of structure, Shal岨st have been presented to血e vendor and by it approved血wri血g’but such approval shall not be a血itrarily wi血held or delayed, it being血e intention hereof that血e vendor is to exercise said gran血g or wi血holding such approval for血e puIPOSe Ofmaintaining a血かClass’ r。S血cted, reSidential district, free from b切ectiohable or vrhe destroying features in血e section ofthe Co皿try C山b district in w血ch血e premises are located to the end that each lot owner in such Section shall be protected agaiust improvement§ Of an inferior style, character or appearance, Which will interfere wi吐血e beauty and hamony of a high class restricted, reSidential district, or tend to reduce血e value也ereof No change or alteration shall during said period’be made止血e exterior design of any building, after血e original construction thereof; until written approval血ereof has been given by血e vendor, nOr Shall any fenees or walls be erected on said peperty wi血out血e written consent of血e vendor. when eighty pereent (80%) ofthe lots血said section have been sold’血e Vendor, at its option, may Organize an IInProVemeut Association composed entirely of lot oⅧerS in said section, and shall appoi血a committee of four (4) oⅧerS in said section ○○ One for a term ofone (1) year, One for a tem oftwo (2) years and one for a tem ofthree (3) years, Who sha11 be knoⅧ aS aCtive meIhoers; and a four血me劃foer’who shall be knoun as an inactive member, Who will automatically be∞me an active member whenever a vac狐Cy, from any cause whatsoever’Shall occur amcng its血ree active members. When su。h fou.th m。mber becomes狐aCtive member, then the mgivrity of也e owners who are members of said血provemeut Association may appoint a lot oⅧer aS the血active member to航11血e vac狐Cy Of such fo町血member; but in血e event of血e failure of such m。mbers ofthe血proveme鵬Association to mcke such an appoin血ent wi址n血irty (30) dys after such vac狐Cy OCCurs,血en血e re勘i血g three me劃心ers of such comm鵬e shall have血e power to appoint an ouner ofa lot in said section to糾such vacancy. Aul appoin血ents shall be made血wri血g and a reeord k印t wi血said Association. The Majority of said committee sha11 have血e salne POWer aS if they had been named by血e vendor herein. This committee §hall have也e right ofapproval or disapproval as in this paragraph provided, and when so ong狐ized and operative, the Vendor herein血a11 be relieved or released from any and a11 1ialbility in ∞meCtion wi血such duties. 8. No Iot shall ever be sold’COnVeyed, leased or rented to any person o血er than of血e white or Cancasian race, nOr Shall any lot ever been used or occupied by any person o血er血an one of也e white or Caucasi狐raCe, exC印t SuCh as may be servmg as domestics for血e owner or ten狐t Of said lot, While sald owner or tenant is residing 血ereon. provided,也at血e vendor shall have and does herchy reserve血e right in也e sale 狐d conveyance of any of said lots, tO Ch狐ge, alter狐d狐肌I any o弛e provisions in血e foregoing paragraphs or in any restrictions added hercto’eXCePt those in paragraphs numbered 2 and 8, and it may at any time血ereafter’Wi血瓜e consent in wri血g ofthe then re∞rd ouner of any lot or lots, change, alter or狐nul any such provisious as to such lot or lots, Or whch way, m SuCh sale狐d conveyance, be estわlished by it, Such change to be e能c同al without the consent of血e owners of arry ot血er lot or lots’but no change shall be made at any time in the provisions ofparagraphs 2 and 8’nOr in血e o血er para邸xphs w血ch will permit the erection of maintenance of any resideme nearer仕組30 feet to血e front lof l血e as al)OVe Provided, nOr nearer血狐3 feet to ei血er site line, nOr shall the required frontage of land to be used and maintained w池any residence be redrced more血狐5 feet below也e mini皿皿number of feet required for each residence wi血out也e written consent of也e vendor, Or its successors, and也e consent of 50% of血e owners of血e o也er lots in血e same block fro血g血e same s億eet, and of50% ofthe owners of血e o血er lots心血e opposite block fronting血e same s億eet. Provided, fu血er,也at all restrictions herein, eXCePt血ose血paragraph 8・ Shall term血ate on January l, A.D. 1964. 9. The purchaser coven狐tS and agrees血at ur血血e血st day ofJuly, A.D. 1934, he will, On血e lO血day ofJanuary ofeach year’Pay to血e vender狐aSSeSSment Of one mill per square foot of血e net area of said premises’to be used in comection wi血 similar pay皿eutS to be made by血e ou脚s ofo血er lots in this District as a mai血enanee charge ftI唖e general upkeep and appearance of血e Country Club District, but this assessmeut shall not be a change on血e premises. The vendor may pay or direct such assessme血to be paid to any assooiation or CoⅢPany也at may be ong狐ized’to Whose membership血e ouners of lots in也is Section may be eligible, Whose d匝Ct Shall be血e enforceme加of restrictions and也e doing of血e maintenance wo血aforesaid・ 10.皿。 Said vendor hereby expressly reserves for itsel珂SuCCeSSOrS Or assigus,血e full and free use ofthe s億eets, avenueS and roads shoun on血e pIot aforesaid fdr也e puIPOSe Of laying, COnStruC血g, and maintaining over’under and along said s億eets, COnduits fdr狐y and all purposes’Water, SeWer and gas mains, POles’Wires and o瓜er general utilities, Serving or to serve said Section’and for也e purpose ofrepairing or replacing血e same from血e to血e; also也e ri卵to enter upon said premises餌the purpose of construc血g, ereCting and maintai血g on and along血e regu皿d side boundary血es of said lots, POles with necessary cross ams, Wires and underground or surface conduits, gaS狐d water pipes, and o血er general utilities necessary to transmit or fumi血to said lots, Or狐ry O也er lots heretofore, now Or hereafter owned by said vendor, electric current, tel印hone service, gaS and water and also ftI唖e purpose of :血stalling・ inspec血g, alte血g, rePamng・ or remOVing said conduits, Pipes・ POles or wire, tOge血er wi血血e right to億ausfer or lease血e whole or any portion of such easements and画vs of way; also reserving a right ofway for construc血g and mai血ining stom sewers, nOW Or hereafter cons億ucted for血e purpose of draining也e land embraced in said Section and a4joining億acts. This conveyance is made in pursu狐Ce Of a contract or sale of said premises made between血e parties henato皿der date ofApri1 15, 1925 as ofw址ch dat'綱田血e covenaIits here血shall take e飾ect. To Have And To Hold The Same, toge血er with all the hereditaments and appurtenances血ereunto belonging or血anywise appertaining, untO血e said party of血e second part, his heirs and assigns, forever, S巾ect to the covenants’reStrictions’ reservatious and conditious herein set forth and imposed on瓜e grantee亘is heirs and executors, administrators and assigns. And血e said Thorpe Bros", Party Of瓜e紐st part, for itself and its successors’does covenant wi心血e said party ofthe second part, bis heirs and assigns’血at it is well seized in fee of血e l狐d and premises aforesaid,狐d has good right to sell and convey血e same in mamer and fom aforesaid,狐d也at血e same are free from all encumbrances and血e かve appraised and granted lands and premises in血e quiet狐d peaceable possession of 血e said party ofthe second part, his heirs and assigns, against all persons lawf叫y claiming or to claim也e whole or any pat thereo亀也e said party of血e龍st part will walT狐t and defend, eXCePt aS above stated. 血Testimony Whereof;血e said first party has caused血ese presents to be executed in its co呼orate nane by its Vice President and its As§一t Secretary and its coxporate seal to be hereunto a飾ked血e day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed狐d delivered 詩誌f  簿謹告 He11aineNelson  (I血Rev. Doc. ) (Stamps Canceled ) Tho申e Bros. By A岨ed J. Dean Vice President By Rosa W. Tuckson Ass’t. Secretary (Co呼o劇e Se狐) CountyofHemep血 ) SS: State of Mimesota ) On血is l lth day ofMay A.D. 1925, before me, a Notary Put)lic wi血in and for said County personally appeared A愉ed J. Dean and Rosa W. Tuckson’tO me PerSOnally known, Who, being each by me duly swom they did say that瓜ey are respectiv(dy血e vice President and the Ass・t Secretary of ThoIPe Bros.’血e co町oration named in the foregoing instrunent, andぬat the seal a鉦Ⅹed to said instrune血is血e corporate seal of said coIPOration, and that said instrunent was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by al血ority of its Board ofDirectors and said A愉ed J. Dean and Rosa W. Tuckson acknowledged said instrument to be血e free act and deed of said corporation. Harry A. Panlsen HarryA. Panlsen Notary P巾lic, Hemapin Co皿ty, Mim. My Com血ssion expires Feb. 7th, 1929. αotahal Seal) I FHR-8-300 (11-78) United States Department of the Interior Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service National Register of Historic Places Inventory—Nomination Form See instructions in How to Complete National Register Forms Type all entries—complete applicable sections_______________ 1. Name historic Country Club District and/or common Edina Country Club District • ^^—i,;^—,• Location street & number See accompanying map and verbal description N/A not for publication city, town Edina N/A vicinity of congressional district Fifth state Minnesota code 22 county Hennepin code 053 3. Classification Category Ownership _ X district X public building(s) X private structure both site Public Acquisition object in process being considered N/A Status X occupied unoccupied work in progress Accessible .. yes: restricted yes: unrestricted no Present Use agriculture commercial educational entertainment government industrial military museum parkXr private residence religious scientific transportation other; 4. Owner off Property name Multiple: see accompanying ownership list street & number N/A city, town N/A vicinity of state N/A 5. Location of Legal Description courthouse, registry of deeds, etc. Register of Titles, Hennepin County Government Center street & number 300 South Sixth Street city, town Minneapolis state Minnesota 6. Representation in Existing Surveys Historic Building title __ Survey______has this property been determined elegible?yes no date July 1980 . federal state . county X . local depository for survey records Edina City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street__________________ city, town Edina state Minnesota 7. Description Condition X excellent good fair deteriorated ruins unexposed Check one ^ unaltered altered Check one •*• original s moved ite date _1922 - present Describe the present and original (iff known) physical appearance The Country Club District, located in the heart of suburban Edina and six miles southwest of downtown Minneapolis, is a residential suburban development containing 553 residences and one school building. The district, which was first developed in 1922 into the Brown (west of Wooddale Avenue) and Fairway (east to Arden Avenue) sections, is bounded on the north by the Old Minneapolis and St. Paul Suburban Railway Company right-of-way (now the rear lot line of blocks 1-3, Brown Section); on the south roughly by West Fiftieth Street; on the east by the rear lot line of blocks 2 and 11, Fairway Section; and on the west by Minnehaha Creek and Normandale Road. The district contains thirteen contoured streets -- four run east-west, eight run north-south, and one, one-block semicircular street runs north-south. Four well-landscaped and maintained islands are located at intersections on Sunnyside and Country Club roads. A large park is located on Minnehaha Creek at the intersection of Browndale Avenue and Bridge Street. In 1922 Thorpe Brothers Realty Company divided the 300 acre district into 585 homesites. The homesites range in size and configuration from small (typically 50 by 100 foot) rectangular shaped homesites on Arden Avenue, the eastern edge of the district, to large (typically 70-100 by 150 foot) contoured homesites along Browndale Avenue and Sunnyside Road, the western boundary of the district (located on Minnehaha Creek). Prior to selling homesites, Thorpe installed water, sewer, electricity (underground), gas, streets and sidewalks, and planted trees throughout the district; All building and planting in the district was restricted and supervised by a home builder's committee and later by a committee of the Country Club Association. Specific restrictions included minimum building valuations -- $7,500 in the Brown Section and $6,000 in the Fairway Section; all lots were reserved for single family homes; all building plans, including specifications, elevation, location, grade and color scheme were reviewed by the committees; all out-buildings were required to correspond in style to the adjoining residence; fuel storage tanks and garbage receptacles could not be visible; no sign greater than 480 square inches could be placed on a lot; and no shedding poplars, ^ box-elders or other "objectionable" trees or shrubbery could be planted. (See continuation sheet) pages 1-16 8. Significance Period __ prehistoric __1400-1499 __1500-1599 __1600-1699 __1700-1799 __1800-1899 __1900- 1922 - Areas of Significance—Check and justify below archeology-prehistoric A archeology-historic __ agriculture _X_ architecture __art __ commerce __ communications present community planning conservation economics education engineering exploration/settlement industry invention X landscape architecture. law literature military music philosophy politics/government religion science sculpture social/ humanitarian theater transportation other (specify) Specific dates 1922 - present Builder/Architect Multiple Statement of Significance (in one paragraph) The Country Club District, a well-planned suburban residential developmentdating from 1922, is significant as one of Minnesota's first restricted,comprehensive residential planning efforts, which became the prototypefor Edina's subsequent residential developments; as a large homogeneous neighborhood of "Ms tor ic revival architecture; and as the home of alarge number of the Twin Cities' leaders in business, industry, communications,and civic affairs. Planning for the Country Club District into a comprehensively developed residential community was begun by Samuel S. Thorpe and Thorpe Brothers Realty Company in 1922. In that year, the Brown and Browndale farms, as well as part of the Baird homestead, were purchased for the development. Between 1922 and 1924, Thorpe spent over one million dollars in platting the 300 acre^s into 585 homesites; planting and landscaping; installing and paving sidewalks and streets; installing water, gas, underground electrical wiring and sewers; and developing an eighteen-hole golf course and club house. Many of the principles of "modern town planning," applied to post- World War I developments such as the Olmstead Brothers' Palso Verdes Project near Los Angeles, Mariemont near Cincinnati, Roland Park near Baltimore, and the Country Club Districts near Charlottesville, Birmingham and Kansas City, were incorporated into the design of Thorpe's development. In many respects, Thorpe's development was modeled after J.C. Nichols' Country Club District in Kansas City --a landscaped development with curved streets, large contoured homesites, parks, and an eighteen-hole golf course. Thorpe borrowed the central theme represented in Nichols' development --a planned residential area, with streets paved and utilities installed before lots were sold; with detailed deed restrictions; control over the value and architecture of houses; and a neighborhood association under the developer's sponsorship to build community activities and work closely with the local government. (See continuation sheet) pages 17 & 18 9. Major Bibliographical References See accompanying bibliography pages 19-22 10. Geographical Data AQHfiE 1! \ B Acreage of nominated property approximately 300 acres QiiadranglP nama Minneapolis South, Mittj UMT References ( A I li 5| I 4| 7i 3| 61 4 t Q| I 4[9|7|3|8i7|p| Zone Easting Northing C|li5l l4l7i3|0|QtQl I 4 |9 | 7 |3|o 18 |p| E Ili5l Ul7i2l4iliOl Ui9l7i3l6l6iO| Gl , | | | . | . . | 1 , | . | |. . -I Quadrangle scale l:24iuO.OQ, ll 5 l4l7i3T6i4lOZone Easting I4i9l7i3|0l8l0 Northing Ul7i2Ulltol I4l9l7l3l.5l0l0 F Ill5l U I 7 n 12 11 I 0 I UlQl7n|ftl7.0 H| r I II ..--I . .:-! I.I.I.. Verbal boundary description and justificationThe boundary of the Country Club District is shown as the r&cliW' line oil 'the accompanying map entitled "Country Club District, Edina, Minnesota." See also continuation sheet' page 23. List all states and counties for properties overlapping state or county boundaries state N/A code N/A county N/A code N/A state N/A code N/A county N/A code N/A 11. Form Prepared By name/title Lynne VanBrocklin Spaeth, President organization Heritage Preservation Associates, Incdate October, 1980 telephone (612) 291-7431 or 7430 city or town St. Paul state Minnesota 12. State Historic Preservation Officer Certification The evaluated significance of this property within the state is: __ national __ state X local As the designated State Historic Preservation Officer for the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89- 665), I hereby nominate this property for inclusion in the National Register and certihMhat it has been evaluated according to the criteria and procedures set forth by theXeritjtae Conservation an^Hecreation Service. State Historic Preservation Officer signature title Russell W. FridleyState Historic Preservation Officer date date Keeper of the National Register GPO 938 B35 MAR 18 id82Physical Description - Continued page 1 As a result of the strict adherence to these restrictions, Thorpe's idealized community of "the exclusive and select"—a community where you can be proud to live, proud of your home . . . and of your neighbor's home as well"—became a reality. The well-planned residential development envisioned by Thorpe, designed to be in close proximity to shopping, schools (in 1925 Thorpe donated part of Lot 16, Brown Section for con­ struction of the Wooddale School), churches and a country club (an 18-hole golf course and club house were developed by Thorpe south of the district), is a district of well-designed and constructed homes, all but a few in an excellent state of preservation; well landscaped and maintained yards; no above ground electrical wiring; no obtrusive signage; contoured streets; and parks and intersection islands. The majority of buildings in the district are two stories in height, set back twenty feet from sidewalks, built in pro­ portion to adjacent buildings (the houses east of Wooddale Avenue are smaller in scale than those built to the west), and exhibit a minimum of alterations (additions and alterations have generally been limited to the rear facades of buildings). The 554 buildings in the district, the majority constructed between 1924 and 1931, represent a significant concentration of historic revival architectural styles. In 1925, Thorpe Brothers Realty Company commissioned the Minneapolis architec­ tural firm of Liebenberg and Kaplan to design model homes on Edina Boulevard and Moorland Avenue. The houses were designed in a variety of historic revival styles, including English Tudor, French Provincial and American Colonial. To a consider­ able degree, these houses set an architectural standard for later construction in the district.2 Historic revival styles, including American Colonial (158), American Georgian (6), Cape Cod Colonial (6), Dutch Colonial (4), English Cottage (180), English Georgian (3), English Tudor (20), French Provincial (11), Italian Renaissance (17), Mediterranean (67), New England Colonial (38), Norman (25), and Southern Colonial (1) inspired the design of 97% of the buildings in the district. The most popular designs are English Cottage (32%), American Colonial (29%), and Mediterranean (12%). The majority of buildings were designed and constructed by contractors. Following are descriptions of the most popular styles represented in the district. The American Colonial Revival style, popular throughout the district from 1924 through the 1950s, is typified by a height of two stories; a second story overhang, usually with drops or pendants; strictly symmetrical facades; gabled roofs; a chimney at one or both ends; narrow clapboard siding; double hung windows, usually with shutters; and doors with classical trim. Physical Description - Continued The English Cottage style, popular throughout the district from 1924 to 1931, is characterized by a height of two stories; use of stone, brick or stucco as the principal construction material; steep triangular gables projecting above a gable or hip roof, and usually not continuous with the plane of the wall; extensive use of decorative brick or stone around semicircular door and garden gate openings, on the foundation and front steps; impressive chimneys, usually decorated with brick or stone, frequently the chimney is placed on the front facade; and use of "mock" half timbering. The Mediterranean (Spanish Colonial Revival) style was popular in the design of houses throughout the district from 1924 to 1930. The Wooddale School on West 50th Street exhibits Mediterranean style features. Mediterranean style residences in the district are characteristically two stories in height; have white or cream colored smooth stucco walls; low hip roofs, usually with red or green barrel tile; contain wrought iron grilles as decoration, such as window boxes, mock balconets and railings; and contain semicircular openings, mock arcades and recessed panels. Twenty houses on Casco, Drexel, Wooddale and Moorland Avenues and on Edina Boulevard were designed in the English Tudor style from 1925 to 1936. The style, closely related to the English Cottage style, is characterized by a height of two stories; extensive use of half timbering with stucco or brick; multiple triangular gables projecting above the roof; impressive chimneys, usually decorated with brick and stone, and containing projecting chimney pots; doorways with the "Tudor arch", a distinctive, very wide, almost flat, but pointed arch; oriel windows, often with tracery or diamond shaped panes; sharply pitched roofs; and projecting bays. The New England Colonial Revival style? used in the design of thirty-eight buildings throughout the district from 1924 to 1950, is characterized by a height of two to two-and-one- half stories; gable roofs, usually with dormers; strictly symmetrical facades; double hung windows with shutters; side sing or wings; cornice with dentils; chimney at each gable end; centrally located door with classical trim; and use of brick as the principal construction material. Seventeen houses in the district were constructed from 1924 to 1927 in the Italian Renaissance Revival style on Arden, Bruce, Casco, Drexel, Wooddale, and Browndale Avenues. Italian Renaissance Revival style features used in the design of these houses include a height of two stories; rectangular or square plans; vertically symmetrical door and window openings; smooth stucco walls; low hip roofs, often composed of barrel tile; use of semicircular arches, lintels and recessed panels; projecting cornices; placement of second story windows close to the cornice; and centered doorways with classical trim. *Also referred to as Georgian. MAR 18 1982Physical Description - Continued page 3 The French Provincial style was used in the design of eleven houses from 1926 to 1941 on Bruce, Drexel, Moorland and Wooddale Avenues, Edina Boulevard and Sunnyside Road. These houses contain the following French Provincial design characteristics: a height of two stories; deep hip roofs; segmentally arched windows, dormers and doors; vertically symmetrical placement of windows, dormers and doors, often decorated with shutters; brick or stucco as the principal construction materials; and corner quoins. The Norman Revival style was used in the design of twenty-five houses on Browndale, Moorland, Casco, Drexel and Wooddale Avenues, Edina Boulevard, Edgebrook Place and Sunnyside Road. Characteristics of this style include a height of two stories; combination of hip and gable roofs; multiple triangular gables projecting above the roof; impressive chimneys with decorative brick or stone, and capped with chimney pots; exten­ sive use of half timbering; main entrance located in a round tower capped with a conical roof; extensive use of decorative patterned brick or decorative stone. The district contains 199 buildings (36%) that are categorized as pivotal—buildings of historical and/or architectural importance that define the significance of the district. 351 buildings (63%) are considered complementary to the district. Four buildings, all built in contemporary styles in the 1970s, are categorized as intrusive to the signi­ ficance of the district. Following is a breakdown of categories within the district with corresponding dates of construction and architectural style designations. Arden Avenue ••*' Pivotal 4510: 1925; English Cottage.4514: 1926; English Cottage.4520: 1926; English Cottage.4600: 1926; English Cottage.4612: 1933; American Colonial Revival.4616: 1928; English Cottage.4620: 1929; English Cottage.4622: 1927; English Cottage.4626: 1927; Mediterranean. 4628: 1927; English Cottage.4632: 1938; English Cottage.4900: 1926; Italian Renaissance Revival with Mediterraneaninfluence.4517: 1929; English Cottage. 4531: 1935; Mediterranean. 4601: 1927; American Colonial Revival with English Georgian Revival influence. 4617: 1930; English Cottage. 4629: 1935; Mediterranean. 4909: 1927; American Colonial Revival. 4911: 1938; English Georgian Revival with French Provincialinfluence.17 Physical Description - Continued MAR 1 3 1982 page 4 Complementary 4500: 1936; English Cottage.4502: 1925; Mediterranean.4504: 1926; English Cottage.4506: 1926; Italian Renaissance Revival.4508: 1927; American Colonial Revival with Italian RenaissanceRevival influence.4512: 1925; Italian Renaissance Revival. '. 4518: 1925; American Colonial Revival with American GeorgianRevival influence. 4522: 1930; English Cottage. 4524: 1966; American Colonial Revival. 4526: 1950; American Colonial Revival. 4528: 1936; American Colonial Revival with American GeorgianRevival influence.4530: 1941; American Colonial Revival. 4602: 1929; Mediterranean. 4604: 1925; Italian Renaissance Revival. 4606: 1928; English Cottage with English Tudor influence. 4608: 1928; American Colonial Revival with American GeorgianRevival influence.4610: 1940; American Colonial Revival. 4614: 1935; American Colonial Revival with American Georgian Revival influence. 4616: 1925; English Cottage. 4618: 1930; American Colonial Revival with American GeorgianRevival influence. 4624: 1928; English Cottage. 4630: 1937; Italian Renaissance Revival. 4904: 1945; Rambler.4906: 1948; American Colonial Revival. 4908: 1927; Italian Renaissance Revival. 4910: 1925; English Cottage. 4912: 1938; English Cottage. 4914: 1938; American Colonial Revival. 4916: 1926; English Cottage. 4920: 1940; American Colonial Revival with Cape Cod ColonialRevival influence.4501: 1927; English Cottage with Norman influence. 4503: 1926; Mediterranean. 4505: 1926; English Cottage. 4507: 1926; Mediterranean. 4509: 1926; Mediterranean. 4511: 1938; English Cottage. 4513: 1925; American Colonial Revival. 4515: 1931; English Cottage. 4519: 1942; American Colonial Revival. 4521: 1926; English Cottage. 4523: 1924; English Cottage. 4525: 1931; English Tudor. 4527: 1936; American Colonial Revival. 4529: 1957; American Colonial Revival. 4603: 1936; English Cottage. 4605: 1927; English Cottage. 4607: 1940; American Colonial Revival. Physical Description - Continued page 5 460946114615 1940; 1938; 1935; 4619: 1945; 4621: 1927; 4623: 1925; 4625: 1925; 4627: 1930; 4631: 1928; 4633: 1938; 4637: 1927; 4901: 1925; 4903: 1926; 4905: 1929; 4907: 1925; 4915: 1938; 4917: 1938; 4919: 1940; Bruce Avenue Pivotal American Colonial Revival.American Colonial Revival.New England Colonial Revival with American GeorgianRevival influence. American Colonial Revival with American Georgian Revival influence.Cubiform.American Colonial Revival with Italian RenaissanceRevival influence.Dutch Colonial Revival.Mediterranean.English Cottage with Norman influence.American Colonial Cottage.American Colonial Revival. English Cottage with Mediterranean influence. Prairie. English Cottage.Mediterranean. American Colonial Revival.American Colonial Revival with American GeorgianRevival influence.Cape Cod Colonial Revival. 4512: 4522: 4526: 4620: 4902:4521: 4529:4617:4623: 4627: 1938; 1927; 1927; 1927; 1936; 1936; 1935;1926;1927; 1927; American Colonial Revival.English Cottage with English Tudor influence French Provincial with Norman influence. English Cottage with Norman influence. American Colonial Revival.American Colonial Revival. American Colonial Revival.English Cottage with Norman influence.English Cottage.English Cottage. Complementary 4506: 4508: 4510:4514: 4516:4518:4520: 4530:4600:4604: 1938; 1938; 1925;1940; 1925; 1932;1925;1928;1929;1927; 46064610 1940; English Cottage. 1926; English Cottage. 1950; American Colonial Revival with American GeorgianRevival influence. New England Colonial Revival. English Cottage.English Cottage.Cape Cod Colonial Revival, Italian Renaissance Revival, American Colonial Revival.English Cottage.English Cottage.English Cottage.Mediterranean with Italian Renaissance Revival influence. 1925; English Cottage.1941; American Colonial Revival. Physical Description - Continued 4612: 1925; Italian Renaissance Revival.4614: 1930; English Cottage with American Colonial Revivalinfluence.4616: 1926; American Colonial Revival with Mediterranean influence 4618: 1927; English Cottage. 4622: 1929; English Cottage. 4624: 1937; American Colonial Revival. 4626: 1937; American Colonial Revival. 4628: 1928; English Cottage with Norman influence. 4630: 1926; American Colonial Revival with Italian RenaissanceRevival influence. 4632: 1928; Mediterranean. 4634: 1934; New England Colonial Revival. 4900: 1938; New England Colonial Revival with Federal Revivalinfluence.4904: 1933; English Cottage with Norman influence. 4906: 1928; English Cottage. 4908: 1928; English Cottage with Mediterranean influence. 4910: 1937; American Colonial Revival. 4914: 1928; Mediterranean with Italian Renaissance Revivalinfluence.English Cottage with Norman influence.Mediterranean with English Tudor influence.Mediterranean.Mediterranean.American Colonial Revival.Italian Renaissance Revival.Dutch Colonial Revival.Italian Renaissance Revival with Prairie influence.American Colonial Revival with Federal Revivalinfluence.4519: 1927; Italian Renaissance Revival. 4523: 1924; American Colonial Revival. 4525: 1926; English Cottage. 4527: 1930; Mediterranean.4629: 1935; English Cottage with Norman influence. 4531: 1934; American Colonial Revival with American GeorgianRevival influence. 4601: 1927; English Cottage. 4603: 1928; English Cottage. 4605: 1926; American Colonial Revival. 4607: 1929; American Colonial Revival. 4609: 1932; American Colonial Revival. 4611: 1941; American Colonial Revival. 4613: 1924; Bungalow.4615: 1930; American Colonial Revival. 4619: 1930; English Cottage. 4621: 1927; Mediterranean. 4625: 1926; Dutch Colonial Revival. 4631: 1925; English Cottage. 4633: 1936; Cape Cod Colonial Revival. 4901: 1934; American Colonial Revival. 4903: 1935; English Cottage. 4907: 1937; American Colonial Revival. 4909: 1927; Mediterranean. 4911: 1937; American Colonial Revival. 4501: 4503: 4505: 4507: 4509: 4511: 4513: 4515: 4517: 1927; 1929; 1930; 1930; 1927; 1924; 1925; 1924; 1941; page 7 MAR 1 9 Physical Description - Continued 4913: 1937; English Cottage. 4919: 1940; American Colonial Revival Intrusive 4524: 1973; Contemporary.4602: 1972; Contemporary.4608: 1974; Contemporary. Casco Avenue Pivotal English Cottage. English Cottage with Norman influence.Mediterranean.English Cottage.American Colonial Revival.English Cottage.English Cottage with Norman influence.English Cottage with Norman influence.American Colonial Revival. English Cottage. Mediterranean.American Georgian Revival. English Tudor. English Cottage with English Tudor and Normaninfluence.English Cottage with English Tudor influence.American Georgian Revival with Federal Revivalinfluence.Norman. English Georgian Revival with American Colonial Revival influence.American Colonial Revival with American GeorgianRevival influence.English Cottage.English Cottage.American Colonial Revival.American Colonial Revival with American GeorgianRevival influence.Mediterranean.English Cottage with Norman influence.Italian Renaissance Revival.Mediterranean.Mediterranean.Norman with American Georgian influence.English Tudor. American Colonial Revival.New England Colonial with American Georgian Revivalinfluence.American Colonial. American Colonial Revival. 4510: 4602:4612: 4616:4618: 4622:4624:4626: 4636: 4501: 4503: 4601: 4605: 4613: 4617:4627: 1930; 1925;1934; 1932;1935; 1927; 1927;1929; 1936; 1926; 1926; 1935; 1936; 19 30 ; 1926;1936; 4635: 1936; 4500: 1925; 4504: 1941; 4506 450845124514 45164518 4520 4522 4524 4526 4528 45304532 1925; 1927; 1938; 1929; 1928; 1928; 1925; 1925; 1934; 1936; 1926; 1938; 1926; 1942; 1941; Physical Description - Continued page 8 1928; 1925; 1951; 1925; 1928; 1929; 1928; 1929; 1927; 1925; 1929; 1935; 1936; 19 34 ; 4515: 1950; 4517: 4519: 4521: 4523: 4525: 4527: 4529: 4531: 4603: 1929; 1928; 1926; 1927; 1936; 1935; 1925; 1941; 1941; 4607 4609 4611 4615 4619 4621 4623 4625 4629 4631 46334637 1932; 1934; 1950; 1936; 1930; 1927; 1928; 1927; 1928; 1936; 1931; 1928; Intrusive MAR 18 1982Mediterranean.Dutch Colonial Revival. American Colonial Revival.Mediterranean.English Cottage.Mediterranean.English Cottage.English Cottage.English Cottage. Mediterranean.English Cottage. American Colonial Revival. American Colonial Revival.New England Colonial Revival with American ColonialRevival and American Georgian Colonial Revivalinfluence.American Colonial Revival with Federal Revivalinfluence.Mediterranean.English Cottage,Italian Renaissance Revival.English Cottage.American Colonial Revival.English Cottage.American Colonial Revival.American Colonial Revival.American Colonial Revival with Federal Revivalinfluence. American Colonial Revival.English Cottage.American Colonial Revival with Federal Revival influence.American Colonial Revival. Mediterranean. American Colonial Revival. English Cottage.English Cottage. English Cottage.New England Colonial Revival with American Colonial Revival influence.American Colonial Revival.English Tudor. 4608: 1977; Contemporary. Drexel Avenue Pivotal 4508: 19254510: 19274518: 1924 4522: 1925 English Cottage with Norman influence.Mediterranean,Mediterranean. English Cottage with Norman influence. 4608: 1931; Norman with English Cottage influence. Physical Description - Continued page 9 MAR 18 1982 4610: 1936; English Cottage with Norman influence.4612: 1934; New England Colonial Revival with Georgian Revival influence.4618: 1930; English Cottage. 4624: 1933; American Colonial Revival.4505: 1930; English Tudor with Norman influence. 4513: 1924; English Cottage.4517: 1930; English Cottage.4525: 1925; English Cottage.4601: 1925; English Cottage with Norman influence.4609: 1936; American Colonial Revival.4615: 1938; French Provincial.4619: 1929; English Cottage with Norman influence.4623: 1930; English Cottage with English Tudor influence.4625: 1930; English Cottage with Norman influence.4629: 1934; English Cottage with Norman influence. Complementary 4500:4502: 4504: 4506:4512:4514: 4516:4520:4524:4526:4600:4602:4604:4606:4614: 4616:4620j 4622: 4626:4630: 4501:4503:4507: 4509: 4511: 4515: 4519: 4521: 4523: 4527:4603: 4605: 4607: 4611: 4613: 1937;1927; 1936;1932;1925;1924; 1925;1940;1925;1935;1931; 1935;1927;1926;19.41; 1941;1925; 1941; 1930;1924; 1936;1942; 1925; 1931; 1935; 1925; 1924; 1924; 1934; 1931;1925; 1937; 1925; 1926; 1925; American Colonial Revival.New England Colonial Revival.Mediterranean with Norman influence.English Cottage with Norman influence.Mediterranean.Italian Renaissance Revival. Medi terranean.English Cottage.American Colonial Revival.English Cottage with Norman influence.New England Colonial Revival.English Cottage with Norman influence.American Colonial Revival.Mediterranean,New England Colonial Revival.American Georgian Revival.English Cottage. American Colonial Revival with Georgian Revivalinfluence.Mediterranean.Mediterranean.American Colonial Revival.American Colonial Revival.English Cottage with American Colonial Revivalinfluence.English Cottage.English Cottage.New England Colonial Revival. American Georgian Revival.New England Colonial Revival.English Cottage with Norman influence. New England Colonial Revival. American Colonial Revival.American Colonial Revival.English Tudor. English Cottage. English Cottage. Physical Description - Continued page 10 WAR 18 1982 4717: 1926; American Colonial Revival.4621: 1930; Mediterranean with French Provincial influence.; English Cottage.; English Cottage.4627: 1932 4633: 1931 Wooddale Avenue Pivotal 4500: 1930; Mediterranean.4506: 1934; Norman with English Tudor influence.4508: 1924; English Cottage.4510: 1930; English Cottage. 4514: 1935; English Cottage.4516: 1932; American Colonial Revival with New England Colonial Revival influence. 4602: 1937; Norman. 4612: 1936; New England Colonial Revival.4501: 1936; Norman with English Tudor influence. 4503: 1925: English Cottage.4509: 1930; American Colonial Revival.4513: 1927; Italian Renaissance Revival.4523: 1934; Norman with English Tudor influence.4601: 1927; Mediterranean.4609: 1933; English Cottage with Norman influence.4611: 1925; English Tudor.4619: 1936; Norman with French Provincial influence.4621: 1928; Pueblo.4625: 1925; Mediterranean. Complementary 4502; 1924; 4504: 4512; 4518: 4600: 4604: 4606: 4608: 4610: 4614: 4616: 4624: 4505: 4507: 4511: 4515: 4517: 4519: 4603: 4605: 4607: 1927; 1924; 1925; 1936; 1924; 1941; 1926; 1940; 1972; 1937; 1937; 1925; 1925; 1925; 1925; 1925; 1946; 1930; 1924; 1930; Mediterranean with. American Georgian Revivalinfluence. English Cottage.New England Colonial Revival.English Cottage.American Colonial Revival.Prairie with Craftsman influence.American Colonial Revival.Italian Renaissance Revival.Norman.French Provincial. New England Colonial Revival with Greek Revivalinfluence. American Colonial Revival.English Cottage. New England Colonial Revival. American Colonial Revival.English Cottage. English Cottage. Cape Cod Colonial Revival. English Cottage.American Colonial Revival.American Colonial Revival. Physical Description - Continued page 11 4613: 1935; English Cottage.4615: 1930; American Colonial Revival.4617: 1936; American Colonial Revival.4521: 1937; Norman with French Provincial influence.4623: 1936; American Colonial Revival. MAR 18 1632 Edina Boulevard Pivotal Mediterranean.English Tudor. American Colonial Revival.English Cottage. English Tudor.Mediterranean. New England Colonial Revival with American Georgian Revival influence. New England Colonial Revival with American GeorgianRevival influence.English Cottage with Norman influence.English Cottage with Norman influence.New England Colonial Revival.English Tudor.English Cottage with Norman influence.Norman with English Cottage influence.French Provincial.French Provincial with Norman influence. New England Colonial Revival. Norman.New England Colonial Revival.English Cottage.Norman.English Tudor.English Cottage. Norman with English Cottage influence.Mediterranean.New England Colonial Revival.English Cottage.American Georgian Revival.New England Colonial Revival.French Provincial with Norman influence.Mediterranean. Complementary 4506: 1924; American Colonial Revival with English Cottage influence.1950; American Colonial Revival.1938; English Cottage with Norman influence. 1929; English Cottage.1932; Norman.1939; Cape Cod Colonial Revival. 4621: 1937; American Colonial Revival. 4500:4502:4505:4508: 4510:4512: 4514: 4516: 4600: 4602:4604:4606:4608:4610:4614:4501:4505:4507:4509:4511:4513:4517:4519:4601;4605:4607:4609:4611:4613:4615:4619: 1925;1935;1935;1930;19 30 ;1930;1935; 1924; 1926; 1931;1934; 1935;1926;1936;1926;1935;1935;1935;1935;1936;1934;1931;1931;1931;1926;1931;1931;1930; 1926;1928; 1928; Physical Description - Continued page 12 Moorland Avenue MAR 18 1982 Pivotal English Tudor with Norman influence.English Cottage with Norman influence.English Cottage.English Cottage.English Cottage with Norman influence.New England Colonial Revival.Norman with English Cottage influence.English Cottage.Mediterranean with English Tudor influence.American Colonial Revival with English GeorgianRevival influence.English Cottage with Norman influence.English Tudor with Norman influence.French Provincial.English Tudor with Norman influence.Southern Colonial Revival.French Provincial.English Cottage.Norman.English Cottage with Norman influence.Mediterranean.English Tudor with Norman influence.English Tudor.English Cottage with Norman influence.New England Colonial Revival.English Cottage.English Cottage.Norman with English Tudor influence.Norman with English Cottage influence.English Tudor. Complementary 4508: 1929; English Tudor with Mediterranean influence.4510: 1924; American Colonial Revival with Mediterranean influence4600: 1951; American Colonial Revival.4501: 1929; English Cottage.4503: 1925; Mediterranean.4505: 1927; English Cottage.4517: 1925; English Cottage.4609: 19 30; Mediterranean.4615: 1940; American Colonial Revival.4619; 1936; Mediterranean. Browndale Avenue 4500:4502:4504:4506:4512:4514:4516:4602:4604: 4606: 4608:4610:4612: 4614: 4616: 4618:4620: 4622: 4507: 4509:4511:4513:4515:4601:4603:4605:4607:4611:4617: 1936;1934;1929;1930;1933; 1935;1936;1929;1930;1927; 1931;1930;1926; 1935; 1936; 1936;1934; 1934;1928; 1929;1931;1929;1931;1925;1929;1930;1930;1934;1926; Pivotal 4400: 1935;4402: 1927;4500: 1936; English Cottage.Mediterranean.New England Colonial Revival with American Georgian Revival influence. Physical Description - Continued page 13 MAR id 4502 4504 1930; 1924; 4520: 1936; 4600: 4602: 4604: 4610: 4616:4628: 4632:4503:4507: 4509: 4513:4515:4601: 4603: 4607: 4609: 4611: 4615: 4623: 4625: 1925; 1930; 1925; 1933; 1928;1927;1925;1930;1924; 1930; 19 30 ;1935; 1925; 1935; 1927; 1937; 1937; 1925; 1927; 1939; Mediterranean.American Colonial Revival with American GeorgianRevival influence.American Colonial Revival with American GeorgianRevival influence.English Cottage with Norman influence. English Cottage. Mediterranean.English Tudor with Norman influence. English Cottage.Mediterranean with English Cottage influence.English Cottage with Norman influence.English Cottage with English Tudor influence.Italian Renaissance Revival with Mediterraneaninfluence.Norman.English Cottage with Norman influence.New England Colonial Revival.Mediterranean.New England Colonial Revival. English Cottage.New England Colonial Revival. English Tudor with Norman influence. English Cottage. Mediterranean. English Cottage with Norman influence. Complementary 4506: 1926; Craftsman with English Tudor influence4518: 1936; American Colonial Revival. 4620: 1924; English Cottage.4624: 1925; Craftsman with English Tudor influence4401: 1937; English Cottage.4501: 1929; Mediterranean.4505: 1941; American Colonial Revival.4511; 1924; Prairie with Craftsman influence.4605: 1926; English Cottage.4613; 1950; New England Colonial Revival.4617: 1925; Mediterranean.4619: 1956; American Colonial Revival.4621: 1926; English Cottage.4627: 1934; American Colonial Revival.4629: 1937; American Colonial Revival. 4901: 1942; New England Colonial Revival.4905: 1943; American Colonial Revival.4909: 1938; American Colonial Revival. Edgebrook Place Pivotal 4612: 1931; Norman with English Cottage influence. Complementary 4614: 1925; English Cottage.4618: 1957; American Colonial Revival. Physical Description - Continued page 14 MAR 18 19824622: 1936; American Colonial Revival. 4626: 1949; American Colonial Revival. 4630: 1935; American Colonial Revival. 4634: 1931; American Colonial Revival. 4638: 1936; American Colonial Revival. 4640: ca. 1950; Rambler. Sunnyside Road Pivotal 4108: 1937; French Provincial.4112: 1937; English Cottage. 4114: 1936; American Colonial Revival. 4116: 1936; Norman. 4118: 1941; French Provincial with American Georgian Revivalinfluence. 4120: 1936; American Colonial Revival. 4206: 1927; English Cottage with Norman influence. 4218: 1939; English Cottage with Norman influence. 4302: 1936; English Georgian Revival.4304: 1929; English Cottage with English Tudor influence. 4400: 1930; English Cottage with Norman influence. 4402: 1936; French Provincial with Norman influence. 4404: 1929; English Cottage with English Tudor influence. 4410: 1935; Norman with English Tudor influence. 4600: 1931; English Cottage.4602: 1926; English Cottage with Norman influence. 4704: 1929; English. Cottage. 4802: 1932; Mediterranean.4804: 1938; Norman with French Provincial influence. 4806: 1936; American Colonial Revival. 4912: 1925; Mediterranean. 4601: 1927; English Cottage. 4703: 1927; English Cottage.4801: 1930; English Cottage with Norman influence. 4805: 1926; English Cottage with Norman influence. Complementary 4100: 1926; Mediterranean.4102: 1926; English Cottage.4104: 1926; American Colonial Revival.4106; 1937; American Colonial Revival.4110: 1937; American Colonial Revival. 4200: 1926; English Cottage. 4202: 1936; American Georgian Revival with French Provincialinfluence. 4204: 1938; American Colonial Revival with American GeorgianRevival influence. 4208: 1937; English Cottage with Norman influence. 4210: 1939; New England Colonial Revival with American GeorgianRevival influence. Physical Description - Continued page 15 American Colonial Revival.English Cottage.New England Colonial Revival.American Georgian Revival with French Provincial influence.New England Colonial Revival.English Cottage.Mediterranean.American Colonial Revival with English GeorgianRevival influence.New England Colonial Revival.American Colonial Revival with English GeorgianRevival influence.American Colonial Revival.American Colonial Revival.American Colonial Revival.English Cottage.American Colonial Revival. American Colonial Revival.American Colonical Revival. American Colonial Revival with American GeorgianRevival influence.American Colonial Revival.Rambler.New England Colonial Revival with American ColonialRevival influence.American Colonial Revival.American Colonial Revival with Cape Cod ColonialRevival influence.English Cottage.Mediterranean.American Colonial Revival.Mediterranean.American Colonial Revival with New England ColonialRevival influence.American Colonial Revival.Rambler.American Colonial Revival.English Cottage.American Colonial Revival.Cape Cod Colonial Revival.American Colonial Revival. Country Club Road Pivotal 4215: 1937; American Colonial Revival with Federal Revival influence. Complementary 4408: ca. 1950; Rambler.4203: 1939; American Colonial Revival,4209: 1937; American Colonial Revival. 4221: 1937; American Colonial Revival. 4212:4214:4216:4300: 4306:4406: 4408:4500: 4502: 4504: 4506: 4510: 4606: 4700: 4702: 4706:4800:4900: 4902:4904: 4908: 4916: 4920: 4603: 4605: 4701: 4705: 4707: 4807: 4901: 4903: 4905: 4907:4909:4911: 1949;1927;1941;1940; 1929;1926; 1926;1936; 1935; 1938; 1942; 1941; 1936; 1936; 1948; 1951;1951; 1941; 1928;1947; 1925; 1945; 1945; 1931; 1926; 1937; 1927; 1943; 1936; 19 4 a; 1947;1925; 1946;1940;1940; Physical Description - Continued page 16 4229: 4305: 4303: 4401: 4403: 4405: 4407: 4409: 1942; 1940; 1940; 1939; 1937; 1938; 1939; 1952; 4225: 1943;American Colonial Revival with American Georgian Revival influence.American Colonial Revival.American Colonial Revival.American Colonial Revival.American Colonial Revival.American Colonial Revival with American GeorgianRevival influence. American Colonial Revival. Norman with English Georgian Revival influence. Rambler. Pivotal Wooddale School: 1926 and 1936; Mediterranean. Setter, Leach & Lindstrom and Jeffrey A. Hess, "Survey:Historic Buildings of Edina, Minnesota," unpublished report prepared for the Edina Heritage Preservation Board and the City of Edina, July 6, 1979, page 61. ^Setter, Leach & Lindstrom and Hess, page 62. Significance - continued Pa8e 17 In June, 1924 homesites in the Country Club District were first offered for sale. All building and planting in the district was restricted and supervised by a home builders committee initially and later by a committee of the Country Club Association (1930 - 1941). Thorpe ' s promotional literature and advertisements included among the attributes of the district "... the way it's laid out in homesites rather than chopped up into lots; the 18 hole golf course and clubhouse; the natural scenic beauty of the gently rolling and well-treed property, its spaciousness; its proximity to downtown; its freedom from city taxes and the fact that the purchase of a homesite in the Country Club District carries with it all the modern improvements — paved streets/ curbing/ sidewalks, water, electricity and sewage. There are no improvement assess­ ments to follow. "^ Initially, the Country Club District attracted little attention; twenty-five houses were constructed in 1924. To attract residents to the district, Thorpe commissioned the Minneapolis architectural firm of Liebenberg and Kaplan in 1925- 26 to design model homes on Edina Boulevard and Moorland Avenue. By 1931, 309 houses (56%) had been constructed throughout the district. The transformation of a rural agricultural community into a suburban community was complete. During the 1920s, the district formed a self-conscious, and virtually self-contained community, easily distinguishable from other Edina residential areas by its affluence, architecture and landscaping. During the 1930s, however, the original Brown and Fairway Sections were gradually surrounded by newly platted residential districts of similar econ­ omic status, such as Brucewood, Sunny Slope, Rolling Green/ and White Oaks. ^ Building continued throughout the district during the Great Depression and by 1936, 421 houses (16%) had been con­ structed. By 1940, 494 houses (90%) had been constructed through­ out the district. Future restricted and planned development in the district and throughout Edina was ensured in 1929 when Edina, the first mun­ icipality in Minnesota other than the three first class cities of Minneapolis, St. Paul and Duluth, passed a zoning ordinance. The ordinance was virtually tailor-made to the specifications of the Country Club District. The planning efforts initiated in the district set the standard for subsequent residential developments in Edina and in 1948 a zoning ordinance further adopted many of the restrictions that had been established twenty-four years earlier in the district. It is important to note that Edina was also the first suburb in Minnesota to engage professional planning con­ sultants and to later establish a full-time planning position, largely as a result of the success of the earlier planning efforts in the district. Architecturally, the Country Club District represents a signif­ icant and well-preserved concentration of historic revival styles. The model homes built by Thorpe in 1925-36, designed in a variety •Qpgrp 18Significance - continued F & MAR 1 of historic revival styles, set an architectural standard for later construction in the district. Historic revival styles, including American Colonial (158), American Georgian (6), Cape Cod Colonial (6), Dutch Colonial (4), English Cottage (180), English Tudor (20), French Provincial (11), Italian Renaissance (17), Mediterranean (67), New England Colonial (38), Norman (25), and Southern Colonial (1), inspired the design of 97% of the buildings in the district. The most popular styles are English Cottage (32%), American Colonial Revival (29%), and Mediterranean (12%). For a detailed description of the historic revival architecture rep­ resented in the distirct, see #7, Description. Paul Hestennan, The History of Edina, unpublished report, page 52. 2Thorpe Brothers Realty Company, Brochure, page 3. 3 Setter, Leach & Lindstrom and Jeffrey A. Hess, "Survey: Historic Buildings of Edina, Minnesota," unpublished report prepared for the Edina Heritage Preservation Board and the City of Edina, July 6, 1980, page 63. 4 Setter, Leach & Lindstrom and Hess, page 63. page 19 MAR 181882 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Articles Advertisement: Country Club District. Minneapolis Tribune, June 20, 1926. (MHS) "Building Homes by the Block: Hollywood, the C.H. Nelson Subdivision, Birmingham." National Real Estate Journal, March 18, 1929. (U of M) "Control of Land Subdivision and Building Development." City Planning, July, 1928. (U of M) The Crier. Monthly newsletter published for the residents of the Country Club District. Edina: 1930-1940. (EHS and MHS) "Edina Votes First Village Zoning Law." Minneapolis Journal, May 15, 1929. (MHS) "Fine Houses Rise in Edina, Once 'Seat 1 of Flour Milling Industry." Minneapolis Journal, October 3, 1926. (MHS) Ford, George B. "Architecture and the New City." City Planning, January, 1929. (U of M) Forster, Frank J. "Norman - English Influence in Country Houses." Boston: Architectural Forum, March, 1926. (U of M) Gregory, Julius. "On the Charm and Character of the English Cottage." Boston: Architectural Forum, March, 1926. (U of M) "Homesites in the Country Club District." Minneapolis Tribune, June 20, 1926. (MHS) "Homes Valued at $1,750,000 Erected. "^ Minneapolis Journal, October 3, 1926. (MHS) "House in English Medieval Style." Minneapolis Tribune, June 22, 1924. (MHS) Hubbard, Theodora Kimball. "Survey of City and Regional Planning in the United States, 1925." City Planning, April, 1926. (U of M) Hubbard, Theodora Kimball. "Annual Survey of City andRegional Planning in the United States, 1926." City Planning, 1927. (U of M) MAR 18 1982 page 20 Atlases, Books, Newsletters, Pamphlets - Continued Keefe, Charles S., ed. The American House. New York: U.P.C. Book Company, Inc., 1922. (St. PPL) Lindstrom, J.W. Two Story Homes. Minneapolis: Colwell Press, nd. (St. PPL) McDonald, David. "Successful" Suburbanization in Edina* Unpublished paper, 1974, University of Minnesota.fMHS) Minneapolis City Directory. Minneapolis: Minneapolis Directory Company, 1925, 1927, 1929. (MHS) Modern Homes; Their Design and Construction. Chicago and New York: American Builder Publishing Corporation, 1930. (St. PPL) Power, Ethel B. The Smaller American House. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1927. (St. PPL) Practical Homes. New York: Construction Publishing Co., 1917. (St. PPL) Rogers, Arthur Durand. A House of Brick for Ten Thousand Dollars. Boston: Rogers and Manson Company, 1910.(St. PPL) Setter, Leach & Lindstrom, Inc., and Jeffrey Hess. Survey; Historic Buildings of Edina, Minnesota. Unpublished report for the Edina Heritage Preservation Board, Edina, July 6, 1979. Short, C.W. and R. Stanley Brown. Public Buildings; Architecture Under the Public Works Administration. Washington:Government Printing Office, 1939.(MHS) Stickley, Gustav. Craftsman Homes: Architecture andFurnishings of the American Arts and Crafts Movement. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1979. (Author's collection) Stith, D.J., et.al. Design in Wisconsin Housing; A Guide to Styles. Madison: University of Wisconsin-Extension, 1977. (Author's collection) Whitehead, Russell F. Good Houses; Typical Historic Architectural Styles for Modern Wood-Built Homes. St. Paul: Weyerhaeuser Forest Products, 1922. (St. PPL) Who's Who in Minnesota. Minneapolis: Minnesota Editorian Association, 1941.(St. PPL) Who's Who in Minnesota. Waseca, Minnesota: Brown Printing Company, 1958. (St. PPL) Wrenn, Tony P. and Elizabeth D. Mulloy. America's Forgotten Architecture. Washington, D.C.: National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1976. (Author's collection) MAR 18 1982 page 21 Atlases, Books, Newsletters, Pamphlets - Continued <r Blackburn, Graham. The Parts of a House. New York: Richard Marek Publishers, 1980.(St. PPL) Blunenson, John J.G. Identifying American Architecture; A Pictorial Guide to Styles, 1600-1945. Nashville: American Association for State and Local History, 1977. (Author's collection) Canadian Inventory of Historic Buildings, Survey Form, Ottawa, Canada, 1974. (Author's collection) "Country Club District." Edina: Thorpe Brothers Realty Company, nd. (EHS) Directory of the Country Club District. Hopkins: 1930-1936. (EHS and ECH) Donaldson, Scott. The Suburban Myth. New York: Columbia University Press, 1969. (St. PPL) Edina Directory. Edina: Community Directories, A Division of Information Publishers, Inc., 1980. (ECH) Ferro, Miximilian, Evolution of Masonry Construction in American Architectural Styles. Downers Grove, Illinois: SERMAC Systems, 1976. (Author's collection) Gebhard, David and Tom Martinson. A Guide to the Architecture of Minnesota. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1977. (Author's collection) Giebink, Barbara Scott. A Sociological Survey of Edina, Minnesota. Unpublished report, 1969, Minnesota Historical Society. Gowing, Frederick H. Building Plans for Modern Homes. Boston: Frederick H. Gowing, 1921. (St. PPL) Grow, Lawrence. Old House Plans; Two Centuries of American Domestic Architecture.New York:Universe Books,1978. (St. PPL) Hesterman, Paul. The History of Edina, n.p., n.d. Hesterman, Paul. Suburban Growth in Edina, 1900-1930. Unpublished paper, Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, May 11, 1973. (MHS) Insurance Maps of Minneapolis, Minnesota. New York: Sanborn Map Company, Volume 6, 1912, revised 1932; Volume 6a, 1912, revised 1945. (HCHS) page 22 t**D A 8 \98ZArticles - Continued Hubbard, Henry V. "The Golf Course and the Land Subdivision." Landscape Architecture, April, 1927. (U of M) Jones, Robert T. "The Architects 1 Small House Service Bureau." Architectural Forum. Boston: 1926. (U of M) Kimball, Theodora. "Survey of City and Regional Planning in the United States." Landscape Architecture, XIII, January,1923. (u of M) Kimball, Theodora. "Survey of City and Regional Planning in the United States, 1923." Landscape Architecture, January,1924. (U of M) Lyon, Leland Hubbell. "The English Cottage Type Dwelling." Architectural Forum. January, 1925. (U of M) "Plan Drawn to Allow Secession of District." Minneapolis Journal, January 23, 1929. (MHS) "Sixty Small Homes of Architectural Distinction Designed by Architects of National Prominence." Two Story Homes. Minneapolis: The Architects 1 Small House Service Bureau, Inc., 1935. (U of M) "Sketch of First House Being Built by Firm in Country Club Area." Minneapolis Tribune, June 22, 1924. (MHS) "Small Homes of Architectural Distinction." The Home Builder's Library. Minneapolis: The Architects' Small House Service Bureau of the United States, Inc., 1927. (St. PPL) "2,000 on Hand as Home Complete Is Opened to Public." Minneapolis Journal, June 7, 1925. (MHS) "Your Home-Search Ends Where Town and Country Meet." "Home Sites in the Country Club District Are Ready." Minneapolis Tribune, June 8, 1924. (MHS) Atlases, Books, Newsletters, Pamphlets. Better Built Homes, vol. 16. Clinton, Iowa: Curtis Service Bureau, 1922. (St. PPL) Better Built Homes, vol. 17. Clinton, Iowa: Curtis Service Bureau, 1922. (St. PPL) Form No. 10-300a (Rev. 10-74) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATIONAL PARK SERVICE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES INVENTORY -- NOMINATION FORM Country Club District, Edina CONTINUATION SHEET_________________ITEM NUMBER 10 PAGE 23 Legal Description: Brown Section: Blocks, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,15,16 Fairway Section: Blocks, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,15 City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota. ( FranK Lushine 4600 Browndale Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Gaius Slosser4602 Browndale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 24-0074 Edward Thiele 4638 Edgebrook PI. Edina, MN 55424 . Richard Zona 4640 Edgebrook Place Edina, MN 55424 Leonard Addington 4305 Country Club Rd. Edina, MN 55424 24-0099 H.G. Christianson 4401 Country Club Rd. Edina, MN 55424 24-0100 Beulah Utley4604 Browndale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0075 Frank Jones4616 Browndale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0086 Richard O'Leary 4403 Country Club Rd.Edina, MN 55424 24-0101 Paul Quinn4610 Browndale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 24-0076 A.B. Johnson4612 Edgebrook PI. Edina, MN 55424 24-0077 William Flory 4614 Edgebrook PI. Edina, MN 55424 24-0078 William MacKenzie 4620 Browndale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0087 Thomas Padden4624 Browndale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0088 Joseph Thomason 4628 Browndale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0089 R.J. McNamara 4405 Country Club Rd.Edina, MN 55424 Joseph Price 4407 Country Club Road Edina, MN 55424 - Virgil Kluesner4409 Country Club Rd. Edina, MN 55424 24-0104 Fred Boos4618 Edgebrook PI. Edina, MN 55424 24-0079 Wayne Ruedy4632 Browndale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 24-0090 Jack A. Mertes 4620 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Harold Miller 4622 Edgebrook PI. Edina, MN 55424 24-0080 G.F. Bennett4901 Browndale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 24-0091 James Holker4626 Edgebrook PI.Edina, MN 55424 24-0081 Y.P. Magnuson4909 Browndale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 24-0092 Gerald Flom 4630 Edgebrook PI.Edina, MN 55424 24-0082 Ronald Cornwell 4905 Browndale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0093 William Alvord 4634 Edgebrook PI. Edii&, MN 55424 24-0083 Rheta McDonald 4303 Country Club Rd.Edina, MN ' 55424 24-0098 Robert Schoening 4612 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 John Dill4610 Edina Blvd.Edina, MN 55424 Charles Cauble 4608 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 Alice Scheefe 4606 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 Bruce Bermel 4604 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 Howard Bergerud 4602 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 24-0040 24-0041 24-0042 24-0043 24-0044 David Brown 4613 Browndale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Thomas Kami11 4615 Browndale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 24-0052 Max Hill 4617 Browndale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 24-0053 Robert Palmer4619 Browndale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 24-0054 Terry Johnson 4621 Browndale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Robert Olson4623 Browndale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0056 John Thiel 4625 Browndale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 24-0057 Robert Gibson 4603 Browndale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 24-0046 Norma Kavanaugh ;14605 Browndale Ave. 46 ?7 Browndale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 Edina ' MN 55424 _ AAC 24-0047 24-0058 Joseph Cronin4607 Browndale Ave. 4*?9 Browndale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Edlna ' MN 55424 24-0048 24-0059 George Dorsey G. William Abrell4609 Browndale Ave. 4408 Country Club Rd. Edina, MN 55424 Edina, MN 55424 24-0049 24-0060 Gerald Perke4611 Browndale Ave. Gloria Sims Edina, MN 55424 4622 Moorland Ave. 24-0050 Edina, MN 55424 James Bordewick 4620 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0062 Joseph Teynor 4618 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0063 John Linner 1014 Metropolitan Med. Ctr Minneapolis, MN 55404 24-0064 Robert Meller 4614 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0065 Richard Dunsmore 4612 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0066 Oreste Boscia 4610 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0067 Mary Beach 4608 Moorland Ave.Edina, MN 55424 24-0068 William Wells 4606 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0069 Jon Joseph4604 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0070 Kenneth Davis 4602 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0071 William Johnson 4520 Browndale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0072 24-0006 Louis C. Lick 4613 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Keith West4613 Edina Blvd.Edina, MN 55424 24-0017 Calvin Simmons 4606 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0028 Ms. Sheilagh Ziegeweid 4615 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0007 James Rude4615 Edina Blvd.Edina, MN 55424 24-0018 James Walsh4604 Wooddale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 24-0029 Lawrence Schneider 4617 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0008 Richard Tickle 4619 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0009 C. Paul Jones 4617 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 Richard Schmidt 4619 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 24-0019 24-0020 A.K. McDonald 4603 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0030 Fred Wollenberg 4605 Moorland Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Michael Sitek 4621 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0010 Peter Kuipers 8900 Penn Ave. So. #209Bloomington, MN 55431 24-0021 Charles Colby 4607 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0032 J.P. Sieff4623 Wooddale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 Gary Tu^nwall 4625 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 John McDonald 4605 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 24-0011 H. E. Hoffert 4624 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0022 Michael Ducar 4616 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0023 Hoff Heiberg 4614 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0024 Robert Bossman 4609 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0033 Tom Miller 4611 Moorland Avenue Edina, MN 55424 John Stafford 4615 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0035 Robert Earth 4607 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 24-0014 N.A. Davidson 4612 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0025 Charles Paulus 3705 W. 55th St. Edina, MN 55410 24-0036 D. Wray Schorr 4609 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 Robert McGandy46^.1 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55425 24-0015 24-0016 George Johnston 4610 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0026 James Roberts 4608 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 24-0027 James Ruben 4619 Moorland Ave.Edina, MN 55424 K. David Chase 4614 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 24- 24-0039 -K.A. Prem4806 Sunnyside Rd.Edina, MN 55424 22-0052 Joyce Maul 4601 Sunnyside Edina, MN 55424 Hollis Grubb4903 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 22-0074 H.J. Zahalka4900 Sunnyside Rd.Edina, MN 55424 Michael Rothmeie 4902 Sunnyside Road Edina, MN 55424 Anthony Navarro 4904 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 22-0053 22-0055 Carol Bermel4603 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 22-0064 Thoedore Edin 4605 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 22-0065 L.F. McCabe 4701 Sunnyside Rd.Edina, MN 55424 22-0066 Richard Holetz 4905 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 22-0075 Carl Carrico 4907 Sunnyside Rd.Edina, MN 55424 22-0076 Joseph Salisbury c/o Lucille Sanders 4717 Vallacher St. Louis Park, MN 55416 22-0077 Jack Bucklin4908 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 22-0056 Robert Spear4703 Sunnyside Rd.Edina, MN 55424 22-0067 W.E. Flumerfelt 4911 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 22-0078 Lawrence Seckinger 4912 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 22-0057 C.G. Perkins 4705 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 22-0068 D. William Smith 4518 Browndale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 22-0079 Stan Geyer4916 Sunnyside Rd.Edina, MN 55424 22-0058 Marjorie Lee Hane 4920 Sunnyside Road Edina, MN 55424 Albert Kamps 4504 Browndale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 22-0060 Bruce Gethin 4707 Sunnyside Rd.Edina, MN 55424 22-0069 Peter Pierce4801 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 22-0070 Virgil Lundquist 4805 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 Edina Public Schools 5555 West 70th St. Edina, MN 55435 24-0001 Steven Hurst 4605 Wooddale Ave Edina, MN 55424 George Psihos 4607 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 22-0071 Robert DeBrey4502 Browndale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 22-0061 Michael Thompson 4500 Browndale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Thomas Hayes 4807 Sunnyside Rd.Edina, MN 55424 22-0072 Leonard Nelson 4901 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 Lee Odland 4609 Wooddale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 24-0004 David Goblirsch 4611 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Patricia Brown 4513 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0057 Dennis Bible4515 Moorland Ave.Edina, MN 55424 21-0058 James Liegl 4500 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 L.R. Smith Inc. 5030 France Ave. Edina, MN 55410 21-0068 Lawrence Edelmann 4518 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Robert Cox 4516 Wooddale AVenue Edina, MN 55424 01_ Robert Olsen4517 Moorland Ave.Edina, MN 55424 21-0059 Dr. Dan Francisco 4503 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 Michael Burnett 4514 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0081 William Hooper 4516 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 William Kane 4514 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 21-0060 21-0061 Walter Kunz 4505 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 Robert Ransay 4501 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 21-0071 Gordon Busdicker 4512 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0082 Robert Heiberg 4510 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0083 Chester Krause 4512 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 21-0062 Lawrence Williams 4509 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 21-0073 Irving Knelman 4508 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0084 Evertt MacLennan 4510 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 Richard Antone 4508 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 John Diracles 4506 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 Robert Tenner 4504 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 21-0063 21-0064 21-0065 21-0066 William Schoenwetter 4502 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 Doris Schlampp 2919 Hennepin Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55408 21-0074 William Beim 4513 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 E.S. Hagerty 4515 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 John Deckenbach 4517 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 Duane Franke 4519 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 21-0075 21-0076 21-0077 Charles Schiess 4506 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0085 John MacDonald 4504 Wooddale Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Thomas Strom4502 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-008? Gene DePesa 4500 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Frank Mork 4501 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0067 21-0078 21-0089 Robert Viosca 4503 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0090 John Maney 4505 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0091 Donald Marshall 4601 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0101 John Bigelow4603 Wooddale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 21-0102 George Hagglund 4402 Browndale Ave Edina, MN 55424 Francis Wright 4600 Sunnyside Rd Edina, MN 55424 Richard Warden 4507 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0092 Harry Jensen 4601 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 21-0103 Louis Rupnik 4602 Sunnyside Rd Edina, MN 55424 Ronald Vessey 4509 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0093 George Fulton 4511 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Donald Hjelle 4603 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 21-0104 James Cote4602 Wooddale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 21-0105 Peter McDavitt 4606 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 22-0044 Ronald Leafblad 4700 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 22-0045 Charles Crowell 4513 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0095 Bruce Johnson 4515 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0096 R.E. Evon 4600 Wooddale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 William Van Hercke 4601 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0106 Ardell Burnett 4702 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 22-0046 Ahmad Kouatli 4704 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 22-0047 Sherman Miller 4517 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0097 Charles Chedister 4600 Edina Blvd. Edina, MN 55424 21-0108 Gary Mcllroy 4706 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 22-0048 Henry Leivestad 4519 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 William Hedrich 4521 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Daniel Mulheran 4523 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 91-nnqp *• -1. W V* ^ ./ Richard Reece4601 Browndale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 21-0109 James Murray 4600 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0110 James Haag 4400 Browndale Avenue Edina, MN 55424 T.E. Kenealy4800 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 22-0049 John Cries 4802 Sunnyside Rd.Edina, MN 55424 22-0050 Richard Charleston 4804 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 22-0051 Janice Larson 4408 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 21-0023 Donald Roberts 4503 Browndale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0035 Arnold Schaefer 4508 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 7 21-0046 Fred Ziegel 4406 Sunnyside Road Edina, MN 55424 John Beal4505 Browndale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 21-0036 Patrick Rile 4506 Moorland Ave.Edina, MN 55424 21-0047 Daniel Evans4404 Sunnyside Rd.Edina, MN 55424 21-0025 John Jacoby4507 Browndale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0037 James Johnson 4504 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0048 Thornton Anderson 4402 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 21-0026 Robert Henson 4509 Browndale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 21-0038 Robert Kennedy 4502 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0049 John Utter4400 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 21-0027 William Horn4511 Browndale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0039 Charles Turner 4500 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0050 Thomas Amsden 4306 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 21-0028 Lawrence Laukka 4513 Browndale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0040 R. Thomas Snyder 4501 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 James Hidding 4304 Sunnyside Road Edina, MN 55424 John Pluhar4515 Browndale Ave.Edina, MN 55424 21-0041 Frederick Shideman 4503 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0052 William Doggett 4302 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 21-0030 Margardt Sundbert 4516 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0042 Edward Forbes 4505 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0053 Wilfred Frank, Jr. 4300 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 21-0031 Rodney Hardy 4506 Browndale Edina, MN 55424 Thomas Co11ins 4514 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0043 Gary Humphries 4512 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0044 Ronald Lien 4507 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0054 Richard Sturgeon 4509 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 21-0055 Michael Wright 4501 Browndale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 E.W. Fierke 4510 Moorland Ave Edina, MN 55424 Cris Stang4511 Moorlar.d Ave.Edina, MN 55424 21-0056 l.S. Strickland 1908 Arden Ave. Sdina, MN 55424 13-0127 Allan Odell 4903 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0138 William Kenny4221 Country Club Rd. Edina, MN 55424 13-0152 lercedes Mackall 1910 Arden Ave. Zdina, MN 55424 ''rank Coo ley 1912 Arden Ave. 2dina, MN 55424 13-0128 13-0129 John Benson 4901 Bruce Avev Edina, MN 55424 Leo Tichawa 4914 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 William List 4225 Country Club Rd. Edina, MN 55424 13-0139 13-0153 Thomas Carlson 4229 Country Club Rd. Edina, MN 55424 13-0140 13-0154 E. Wayne Parchman 4914 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 ?helma Duncan 1916 Arden Ave. Idina, MN 55424 13-0131 Charles McMunn 4906 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Richard Brozic 4906 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0143 13-0144 Robert Westenberg 4910 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0163 Church of St. Stephen 4439 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 21-0016 filliam Orr 1920 Arden Ave. Jdina, MN 55424 13-0132 Michael Kerrison 4904 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0145 Raymond Joschko 4510 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 21-0017 ignes Maurer t919 Bruce Ave. Idina, MN 55424 13-0133 William Egan900 1st National Bank BidMinneapolis, MN 55402 13-0146 Arthur Bredesen III 4506 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 21-0018 rohn Collins S913 Bruce Ave. Idina, MN 55424 truce Aamoth t911 Bruce Ave. Idina, MN 55424 13-0134 13-0135 Frank Me Donald 4900 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0147 M.L. Bergquist4203 Country Club Rd. Edina, MN 55424 13-0148 0149 Joseph Cella4504 Sunnyside Rd.Edina, MN 55424 21-0019 Edward Cussler 4502 Sunnyside Road Edina, MN 55424 •amuel Hughes ;909 Bruce Ave. Jdina, MN 55424 Roheft /Vcrc'/ iay Buckbee >907 Bruce Ave. )dina, MN 55424 13-0136 T. Vennum 4200 IDS Center Minneapolis, MN 55402 13-0150 George Johnson 4215 Country Club Road Edina, MN 55424 John Kelly4500 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 21-0021 Alvin J. Porter The Catholic Aid Assoc. 49 W. 9th St. St. Paul, MN 5510;11-0022 Peter Anderson 4623 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN 55424 P.L. Damon 4617 Arclen Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0105 Jerome Simons, Jr. 4903 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0116 L.J. Brenna 4621 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Ralph Tully 4619 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0092 William Truman 4619 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Ron Iverson 4621 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 13-0106 Hugh Jones 4905 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Joseph Beach 4907 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0117 13-0093 13-0118 Charles Lindberg 4617 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0094 Gary Hauck 4623 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0108 Thomas MedeaIf 4909 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0119 Eva Habermann 4615 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0095 Jean Simard 4625 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0109 Edwin Carpenter 4911 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0120 Robert Schultz 4613 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0096 Ida Lawrence &>b*rt 4627 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0110 Stephen Davis 33 So. 5th St. Minneapolis, MN 55402 13-0121 Michael Casserly 4611 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0097 Bartlett McNamara 4629 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0111 Clinton Schroeder 4917 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0122 Duane Soltau 4609 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0098 James Motzko 4631 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0112 Charles Roberts 4919 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0123 Mrs. Ray Zech 4609 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 William Berg 4633 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0113 Mark Nesbit 4900 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0124 John Mullen 4611 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Alvin Gottschall 4615 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0103 13-0104 Carl Swendseen 4637 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Stuart Johnson 4901 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0114 13-0115 Gerald Sorenson 4904 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Mary L. Buckley 4906 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0125 13-0126 James Blanchard 4637 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Timothy McGlynn 4615 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 James Toepel 4622 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0080 Ted Cronk 4635 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 George VThite 4633 Casco Ave. Edina f MN 55424 13-0060 Mrs. Francis Carter 4613 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0070 Peter Lind 4611 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Cornell Kissell 4624 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Jeffrey Keyes 4626 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0081 13-0082 M.D. Trisko 4631 Casco Ave.. Edina, MN 55424 Roland Schroeder 4629 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 John Henry Jane Rosenow 4609 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 'Gerald Kimmer 4608 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0062 13-0072 13-0073 James Stinson 4628 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Dennis Leese 4630 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0083 13-0084 W.W. Brauer 4627 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0063 Vallea Prear 4610 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0074 David Gillman 4632 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0085 Robert Colbert 4625 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0064 Charles Ingwalson 4612 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0075 Paul Laederach 4633 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0086 Karl Benz4623 Casco Ave.Edina, MN 55424 13-0065 Charles McCabe 4614 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0076 William Hurley 4631 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0087 David Stevens 4621 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Larry Johnson 4616 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0077 Thomas Crosbie 4629 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0088 James Kreiger 4619 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Marjorie Brocker 4618 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0078 James Reuland 4627 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Thomas Awsumb 4617 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0068 D.E. McFarland 4620 Arden Ave. Edina, MINI 55424 13-0079 Ethel Lindberg 4625 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0090 John Swift 4626 Casco Ave. Bdina, MN 55424 Richard Gushing 4628 Casco Ave. Bdina, MN 55424 Robert Johnson 1630 Casco Ave. Sdina, MN 55424 13-0024 13-0025 Kenneth Thurber 4623 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Herbert Thomas 4621 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Robert Howell 4619 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0035 13-0036 Gregory Burns 4612 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0046 Larry Gru 4614 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 James Belligan 4616 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0037 Thomas Sheehan 4623 Casco AVG. Edina, MN 55424 ?rank Vince J634 Casco Ave. Sdina, MN 55424 ?hilip Randall 1636 Casco A.e. Sdina, MN 55424 foster Dunwiddie 1638 Casco Ave. Sdina, MN 55424 r.N. Haymaker 1633 Drexel Ave. Sdina, MN 55424 13-0027 13-0028 13-0029 13-0030 13-0031 Nicholas Rogers 4617 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 I.J. Fertig 4615 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Roger Lemieux 4613 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Robert Kuenzli 4611 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Steven Simon 4609 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0038 13-0039 13-0040 13-0041 William Lord 4618 Bruce Av e Edina, MN 55424 Erling Grinley 4622 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Charles Nasby 4624 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 James Slaughter 4626 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Richard Brozic 4628 Bruce Ave. Edina, Mn 55424 13-0049 13-0051 13-0052 13-0053 13-0042 *.M. Lewis Jr. [629 Drexel Ave. Jdina, "iN 55424 ouglas McPeak 627 Drexel Ave. dina, MN 55424 redric Nelson 625 Drexel Ave. dina, MN 55424 13-00.32 13-0033 Dwight Soucy 4607 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Robert Pride 4608 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 George Adamovich 4610 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0045 James Maciej 4630 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 George Billings 4632 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 David Weaver 4634 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0055 13-0056 i i- Tim J. Scully 4110 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 R.J. Faville 4605 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0174 David C. Lees 4626 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-881; Joseph Buckley 4108 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 12-0164 Donald Geesaman 4606 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0002 Bright Dornblaser 4630 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-001 Marie Anderson 4106 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 12-0165 •Robert Larson 4608 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0003 Richard Passolt 4608 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-OOlf Martin Erickson 4104 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 12-0166 Edward Bennett 4610 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0004 Dolores Jacobs 4610 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-001C Edward Callin 4102 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 12-0167 Thomas Rash 4612 DrexelAve. Edina, MN 55424 William Gamble 4612 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-001'. Victor Lemesis 4100 Sunnyside Road Edina, MN 55424 William Hoch, Jr. 4501 Arden Ave Edina, Mn 55424 Gladys. Hacking 4500 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12-0170 Jerald Martin 4501 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Michael McGlynn 4601 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0172 Jane Venell 4614 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Richard Stromme 4616 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0006 13-0007 Jack Riedel 4618 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Robert Mach 46 2Q Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0009 Philip Fuller 4622 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0010 Peter Pappas 4614 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Richard Radder 4616 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 O.A. Thompson 4618 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Thelka Brand 4620 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 David Kelly 4622 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-0011 13-001S 13-002C 13-0023 13-0022 J.A. Peterson 4603 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0173 Gregory Bradbury 4624 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Hans Sandbo 4624 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 13-OOS>->. Ward Johnson 4518 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0130 Douglas Tate 4606 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0141 Robert Sidenberg 4601 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0152 O.O. Knutson 4520 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0131 Michael Hurley 4605 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0142 Brewster Sanders 4600 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0153 Dan Franjac 4522 Drexel Ave. Edina, Mn 55424 12-0132 John Hamilton 4603 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0143 Richard Rosow 4602 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0154 John Morrison 4524 Drexel Ave. Edina, Mn 55424 12-0133 Michael Lewis 4601 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0144 Richard Miner 4604 Arden Ave. Edina, ;MN 55424 12-0155 Arthur Rouner 4526 Drexel Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12-0134 Philip Roberts 4600 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0145 Edward White 4606 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0156 Michael O'Rourke 4600 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0135 Herbert Penner 4602 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0146 Joyce Thomas 4607 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0157 Anthony Pollock 4602 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Clifford Eckman 4604 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0136 12-0137 James Grant 4604 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 William Kelly 4606 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0147 12-0148 R.J. Christianson 4605 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0158 Gordon Spartz 4603 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0159 Mark Simonsen 4600 Casco Ave. Edina, Mn 55424 12-0138 Joseph Werner 4607 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0149 George Lochrem 4601 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12-160 James Pfutzenreuter 4602 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0139 Florence Hogander 4605 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0150 F.C. Carlson 46J01 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0161 DeWayne Peterson 4604 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0140 David Anderson 4603 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0151 Guy Patzloff4112 Sunnysidc Rd. Edina, MN 55424 12-0162 Stephen Nelson 4514 Casco Ave. Bdina, MN 55424 Michael Black 4516 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0097 12-0098 John Morrison 4524 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0108 Edina Realty 4523 Drexel Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12-0109 William Lamb 4503 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Ralph Franciosi 4501 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0119 12-0120 John Burbridge 4518 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Garold Nyberg 4520 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Paul Clarkson 4522 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0099 12-0100 Jean Perry4521 Drexel Ave.Edina, MN 55424 James Jacobs 4519 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Carl Teisberg 4517 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0110 12-0111 i Christian Schrock 4500 Drexel Avenue Edina, MN 55424 David Murphy 4502 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Julius Bonello 4504 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0122 12-0101 12-0112 12-012 Brian Duoos 4524 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0102 Robert Lee 4515 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0113 Dana Marshall 4506 Drexel Edina, MN 55424 12-012 Robert McGarry 4526 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0103 Harlan Anderson 4513 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0114 Robert Diggs 4508 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-012 Richard Moberg 4528 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Milton Adams 4530 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Glen Happe 4532 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Thomas Packard 4527 Drexel Ave. FrHna. MN 55424 12-0104 12-0105 12-0106 Ford Crouch 4511 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Peter Muldov/ney 4509 Drexel Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12-0115 12-0116 f\ f\ 1 A ••« George Daravingas 4507 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 John Hart4505 Drexel Ave.Edina, MN 55424 12-0117 Gary Hoch4510 Drexel Ave.Edina, MN 55424 Robert N. Jones 4512 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Loren Vorlicky 4514 Drexel Ave. Edina, MN 55424 J.E. McCambridge 4516 Drexcl Avc. Edir.a, MN 55424 12-012 12-0127 12-012 _ AT 1 O 32-012 12-0064 Robert Hill ?ioi Oxford St. Minneapolis, MN 55426 Robert Keller 4531 Casco Ave. Edina, Mn 55424 12-0075 William Wright, Jr. / 4509 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0086 A.E. Ward4510 Bruce Ave.Edina, MN 55424 12-0065 Theodore Stutsman J.S. Williams 4529 Casco Ave. 4507 Casco Ave.Edina, MN 55424 Edina, MN 5542412-0076 12-0087 Lucille Johnson 4512 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0066 Stephen Holland Courtney Thorson 4527 Casco Ave. 4505 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Edina, MN 5542412-0077 12-0088 Donald Duncan 4514 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0067 E.R. Wilbur 4525 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0078 Stephen Marker 4503 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0089 Paul Mucke 4516 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0068 Paul Lorenz 4523 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Joel Seashore/Greg Reddin 4501 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0079 12-0090 Robert Gustafson 4518 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0069 Sharyl Nestor 4521 Casco Ave. Edina, Mn 55424 Vivian Karalis 4500 Casco Ave. 12-0080 Edina, MN 55424 12-0091 Marie Barrett 4520 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0070 Mark Jaspers B. Halladay/C. Brucato4519 Casco Ave. 4504 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Edina, MN 5542412-0081 12-0092 Susan Lahm 4522 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN 55424 LeRoy Johnson, Jr. Robert Patrin 4517 Casco Ave. 4506 Casco Ave. ' Edina, MN 55424 Edina, MN 55424 12-0082 12-0093 Otto Byhre, Jr. 4524 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0072 Kathleen McGahey Jamies Toren4515 Casco Ave. 4508 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Edina, MN 5542412-0083 12-0094 Thelma McGuiggan 4526 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 R. Bruce Kobs 4530 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0073 P.L. Covell Delmar Mulder4513 Casco Ave. 4510 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0084 Edina, MN 55424 Mr. Menke 4511 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0085 Charles Trudeau 4512 Casco Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0095 12-0096 HOIIJ.S wunder 4508 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12-0033 Stuart Lutz 4530 Arden Ave. Edina, Mn 55424 12-0044 Paul Gens4510 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12-0034 Virgil Leih 4512 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12_OQ35 Duncan Sinclair 4514 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12-0036 Roger Olson4516 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Joseph Loeffler 4518 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 D.X. Juneau 4520 Arden AvenueEdina, MN 55424 Frank Cerra 4522 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Thomas Mattison 4524 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Terry Yarger, Jr. 4526 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Richard Estensen 4528 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12-0037 12-0038 12-0039 12-0040 12-0041 12-0042 Joseph Kenney4531 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12-0045 David Palecek 4529 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN. 55424 18-028-24- Lloyd Kepple 4527 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Douglas Matysi 4511 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Peter Carske 4509 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN 55424 /if 12-0055 12-0047 Barbara Vlaming 4525 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Roger Awsumb 4523 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Stanley Raub 4521 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN 55424 $.C. Smith4519 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12-0048 12-0049 12-0050 12-0051 Glenn Urquhart 4517 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12_0052 Redmond Tyler 4515 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12-0056 12-0053 12-0043 Timothy O'Brien 4513 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Mrs. Eugene Lamothe 4503 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12-0057 Roger Schelper 4505 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12-0058 James Buff 4503 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12-0059 Douglas Gillespie 4115 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 12-0060 Leon DeWit 4502 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Lowell Weber 4504 Bruce Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0061 12-0062 Richard Massopust 4506 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12 _0063 12-0054 Erank Dougherty 4114 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 12-0001 Ronnie Erhardt 4214 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 12-0012 Charles Singer 4519 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12-0023 Guy R. Jones4116 Sunnyside Rd.Edina, MN 55424 12-0002 Joseph Jennings 4216 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 12-0013 Alfred Burt4521 Arden AvenueEdina, MN 55424 12-0024 Robert Lannan, Jr. 4118 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 12-0003 Thomas Reichert 4218 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 12-0014 Duncan Burns 4523 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12-002 Wayne Brock4120 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 12-0004 A. Ronald Behning 4200 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 12-0005 Theodore Adams 4202 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 12-0006 Richard Kirklin 4204 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 12 .0007 Jane Brown4206 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 12-0008 Lei and Henken 4208 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 Albert Heiam 4210 sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 Norman Blemaster 4212 Sunnyside Rd. Edina, MN 55424 12-0009 12-0010 Richard Ohnstad 4503 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 J.P. Engel4505 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Timothy Davis 4507 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Larry Nelson 4509 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Mrs. Thurber Day 4511 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 David Beadie 4513 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Richard Burg 4515 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Thomas May 4517 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0015 12-0016 12-0017 12-0018 12-0019 12-0020 12-0021 Gary Widell 4525 Aaden AvenueEdina, MN 55424 Robert McLane 4527 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Patrick Carroll 4529 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Valdemar Olson 4531 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 William Hoch Jr. 4501 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 12-0026 12-0027 12-002 12-002<J 12-0069 David Williamson 4502 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Ronald Hedger 4504 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Bill Alvizos 4506 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 12-003d 12-0031 12-0011 12-0022 12-003 COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT TO LEGEND A-£0//V/4 SCHOOL B- TRACT OFFICE C- SECOND VOTING PRECINCT D-GOLF CLUB E« GRANGE HALL 1 EDINA’S HISTORIC COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT PLAN OF TREATMENT PLANNING OBJECTIVE The primary objective of the Country Club Heritage Landmark District is preservation of the existing historic house facades and streetscapes. Certificates of Appropriateness from the Heritage Preservation Board will be required for demolition, moving buildings, and new construction within the district. In fulfillment of this responsibility, the City has adopted the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties as the basis for the Board’s design review decisions. The preferred treatment for heritage preservation resources in the Country Club District is rehabilitation, which is defined as the act or process of making possible a compatible use for a property through repair, alterations, and additions while preserving those portions or features which convey its historical, cultural, or architectural values. SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR’S STANDARDS The Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation are neither technical nor prescriptive, but are intended to promote responsible preservation practices. They are regulatory only with respect to Certificates of Appropriateness for demolition and new construction; for work that is not subject to design review, they are advisory. The standards for rehabilitation are: a) A property will be used as it was historically or be given a new use that requires minimal change to its distinctive materials, features, spaces, and spatial relationships. b) The historic character of a property will be retained and preserved. The removal of distinctive materials or alteration of features, spaces, and spatial relationships that characterize a property will be avoided. c) Each property will be recognized as a physical record of its time, place, and use. Changes that create a false sense of historical development, such as adding conjectural features or elements from other historic properties, will not be undertaken. d) Changes to a property that have acquired historic significance in their own right will be retained and preserved. e) Distinctive materials, features, finishes, and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a property will be preserved. f) Deteriorated historic features will be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature will match the old in design, color, texture, and, where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features will be substantiated by documentary and physical evidence. g) Chemical or physical treatments, if appropriate, will be undertaken using the gentlest means possible. Treatments that cause damage to historic materials will not be used. h) Archaeological resources will be protected and preserved in place. If such resources must be disturbed, mitigation measures will be undertaken. i) New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction will not destroy historic materials, features, and spatial relationships that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and will be compatible with the historic materials, features, size, scale and proportion, and massing to protect the integrity of the property and its environment. 2 j) New additions and adjacent new construction will be undertaken in such a manner that, if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment will be unimpaired. CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS A Certificate of Appropriateness will be required before any City permit is issued for the demolition and new construction of any principal dwelling or detached garage within the district boundaries. Definitions: Demolition - For purposes of design review and compliance with City Code §850.20 subd. 10, demolition shall mean the physical alteration of a building that requires a city permit and where: (a) 50% or more of the surface area of all exterior walls, in the aggregate, are removed; or (b) 50% or more of the principal roof structure is removed, changing its shape, pitch, or height; or (c) A front porch, side porch, vestibule, dormer, chimney, attached garage, or porte-cochere is removed or destroyed. This definition does not include removal of existing siding, roofing, trim, fascia, soffit, eave moldings, windows, and doors. Heritage Preservation Resource or Historic Building – Any building, site, structure, or object that has been so designated by the Heritage Preservation Board on the basis of its historic associations or historic architectural qualities which add to the significance of the district as a whole. Heritage preservation resources may lack individual distinction but must possess historic significance and integrity of those features necessary to convey their heritage preservation value. An updated inventory of heritage preservation resources in the Country Club District is maintained by the City Planner. Heritage preservation resources include those homes built from 1924 – 1944, the period when the developer enforced rigid architectural standards on new home construction through restrictive covenants.  No Certificate of Appropriateness will be approved for the demolition, in whole or in part, of any heritage preservation resource in the district unless the applicant can show that the subject property is not a heritage preservation resource, or no longer contributes to the historical significance of the district because its historic integrity has been compromised by deterioration, damage, or by inappropriate additions or alterations.  Except in extraordinary circumstances involving threats to public health or safety, no Certificate of Appropriateness will be issued for the demolition of an existing heritage preservation resource in the district without an approved design plan for new construction. DESIGN REVIEW GUIDELINES New home construction will be limited to existing residential lots and their design will be compatible with the original (1924-1944) Country Club District deed restrictions relating to architecture. The following guidelines generally reflect the principles of the deed restrictions and will be applied by the Heritage Preservation Board to design review of plans for new houses:  Size, Scale & Massing - New homes should be compatible in size, scale, massing, orientation, setback, color, and texture with historic buildings in the district constructed prior to 1945. Facades should be architecturally similar to existing historic homes and visually relate to the historic facades of nearby homes; radically contrasting façade designs will not be allowed. Entrances, porches, and other projections should relate to the pattern of existing adjacent historic homes and respect the rhythm and continuity of similar features along the street. Roof forms should be consistent with typical roof forms 3 of existing historic homes in terms of pitch, orientation, and complexity. New homes should be constructed to a height compatible with existing adjacent historic homes, and the maximum height of new construction should be within 10% of the average height of existing homes on adjacent lots, or the average of the block measured from the original surface grade to the highest part of the roof.  Exterior Finishes - Traditional materials and exterior finishes (horizontal lap siding, stucco, brick, false half-timbering, wood shakes, stone) are recommended for use on facades which are visible from the street. The use of non-traditional materials (such as Hardi-Plank siding and steel roofing) should be considered on a case-by-case basis; imitative wood or masonry finishes should duplicate the size, shape, color, and texture of materials historically used in the District. Aluminum and vinyl siding are not appropriate for street facades.  Accessory Mechanical Equipment - Mechanical equipment, solar panels, air conditioners, satellite dishes, and antennae should be concealed whenever possible or placed in an inconspicuous location so as not to intrude or detract from historic facades and streetscapes.  Decks & Accessory Structures - Contemporary designs are acceptable for decks and accessory structures so long as they are not visible from the street.  Landscaping Elements - Landscaping such as retaining walls, planters, fences, planting beds, and walkways, should be visually compatible with the historic character of the district in size, scale, material, texture, and color. Retaining walls should follow the grade of the lot and blend with the historic streetscape.  Impervious Surfaces - Construction of large areas of impervious surface for driveways, patios, and off-street parking should be discouraged in favor of permeable pavement systems and other “green” alternatives to solid concrete, brick, or bituminous paving.  Building Code Requirements - Building code requirements should be complied with in such a manner that the architectural character of the new home is compatible with the historic character of the neighborhood.  Year Built Identification - New homes should be clearly identified as such by means of a plaque or inscription (to be placed on an exterior surface) bearing the year of construction. GARAGES Modernistic designs for new detached garages will be discouraged. New detached garages should match the architectural style of the house on the same lot as well as the historic character of the neighborhood. The following guidelines will be applied to design review of plans for new garages:  The new garage should be subordinate to the house. The preferred placement is at the rear of the lot or set back from the front of the house to minimize the visual impact on adjacent homes and streetscapes. Front facing attached garages are discouraged. No new detached garage should be taller, longer, or wider than the house on the same lot. The roofline should have a maximum height within 10% of the average height of existing detached garages on adjacent lots, or the average of the block.  Undecorated exterior walls longer than 16 feet should be avoided on elevations visible from the street or adjacent properties.  New garages should be clearly identified as such by means of a plaque or inscription (to be placed on an exterior surface) bearing the year of construction. 4 DRIVEWAYS  Driveways should be compatible in width and material with historic driveways in the district and should be designed in such a manner that they do not radically change, obscure, or destroy the historic character-defining spatial organization and landscape features of residential lots, yards, and streetscapes. New curb-cuts should be avoided whenever possible. CITY RESPONSIBILITIES  The City will develop and implement plans for the preservation, maintenance, and replacement of all public infrastructure within the district, including streets, trees, sidewalks, street lighting, signs, parks, and open space areas that give the neighborhood its distinguishing character.  The distinguishing original qualities and historic character of the district will not be damaged or destroyed as a result of any undertaking funded or assisted by the City. The removal or alteration of any historic building or landscape feature should be avoided whenever possible. VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE  The City will promote voluntary compliance with historic preservation standards for the rehabilitation of individual historic properties by encouraging repairs, additions, or alterations which make possible an efficient contemporary use of older homes in the district while preserving those features that are historically and architecturally significant.  Although not ordinarily subject to Certificates of Appropriateness, small additions or minor alterations should be done in such a manner that they do not destroy historically significant architectural features. New additions should be differentiated from historic architecture and designed to be compatible with the size, scale, color, material, and character of the property. NATURAL DISASTERS  When historic properties are impacted by man-made or natural disasters, every reasonable effort will be made to avoid total loss. If demolition must occur, historic buildings should be recorded so that a body of information about them (photographs, drawings, and written data) will be preserved for the benefit of the public. DISTRICT RE-SURVEY  The City will arrange for a re-survey of the Edina Country Club District every ten years to document changes in the appearance and historic integrity of historic properties; to revise the list of heritage preservation resources and non-heritage preservation resources present within the district boundaries; and to revise the district plan of treatment as needed. The next re-survey will take place circa 2017. Resolution No. 2008-41 Adopted: 4-15-2008